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No. 297885
This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in generalPrevious threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274>>>/ot/233664>>>/ot/236692>>>/ot/270158>>>/ot/274298>>>/ot/279732>>>/ot/287471 No. 298033
File: 1537461245253.png (384.21 KB, 1366x736, Capture.PNG) anyone seen the comment section of this video? Its horrendous how people still think its okay for men to sleep around but not women,ill walk away too if i heard that question on a first date and they think its a reasonable question kinda blew my mind.The assumption of how many men has she slept with left a bad taste in my mouth too when its none of your business in the frist place
No. 298045
>>298033Yt commenters are all sorts of fucked up, what scares me is these are actual people, someone's soons, they can be anywhere, our coworkers, our brothers, or even our boyfriends, knowing men god knows what they're hiding, thats why I stay away from men
Men do not deserve women
No. 298067
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>it's no my fault I date abusive men!!
Hamstering intensifies
No. 298090
>>297895he's still here and spewing out "manosphere" buzzwords
ignore him tho
No. 298093
>>297895Yup, they want to BE chad. The abusive, violent brute they claim to hate for fucking all the girls. And in their minds, chad isnt subjective. Its always one type of guy and any other woman who isnt attracted to him is defective. I dont know how much fake media and internet you have to consume to be that deludued. It just.. sounds so autistic.
Also, honestly, would anyone think about dating an asexual man? Their sexual frustration wouldnt be there at least. It sounds really nice
No. 298105
>>298093On the one hand an asexual guy wouldn't rape or cheat, but on the other hand my sex drive is too high and a boyfriend serves no other purpose for me. Just an expensive pet.
Maybe if he just laid there and let me do whatever to him. I've heard some asexuals are okay with that.
No. 298133
>>298131They truly are, once I was riding my bike and this truck started circling around my block like 5 times, I started noticing when they pulled into another driveway just to turn around and circle around me again, when I took my phone out and took a picture of their license plate they left
Im kinda disappointed because I had a gun and knife on me and wanted to stab the shit out of some creep
No. 298162
>>298118Right-wing white American men are especially good at painting themselves as the victim. According to them, if a white man is poor,can't get promoted to a prominent position, has his film/book/etc. outsold by a film/book/etc. made by a women/PoC it's part of a scheme by Jews/liberals/feminists/colleges/blacks/hispanics/whatever to keep him down. They cannot accept that someone other than a white man may be fit for a job. When they see a photograph or list of a group of prominent people and some of them aren't white men they screech until their faces turn blue about how those people are only in there because of affirmative action. How "inferior" groups seized power from the almighty godlike white men remains to be explained.
Their existence has also made dating a pain. I've started making innocuous sounding statements that draw out their real political views about race and gender. I don't want to waste time with a man who only sees me as a breeding machine for the 7979876 pure aryan kids he wants to have that he won't do a damn thing to help raise since "that's the woman's job".
No. 298166
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No. 298167
>>298093i'd be legit so happy to be with an asexual dude. i'm not asexual but i don't need to be to appreciate them being asexual.
i wish they existed
No. 298173
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>>298168Look at all these gay men
No. 298224
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This whole thread. Hilarious how women never left the stone age.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 298248
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There are a ton of red flags to keep in mind in reference to current and future romantic partners. Make sure you’re familiar with the indicators, and that the women in your lives are too. No. 298251
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No. 298253
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No. 298261
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No. 298394
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>women's lives are so easy they can be retarded and nobody even notices
Women, next time you're feeling proud of yourself for anything you've accomplished or done, remember that the bar has been set so low for you it was impossible for you to ever fail to begin with.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 298397
>>298396as well as ignoring the fact that autistic females, instead of being diagnosed and getting support, are usually shunned for being weird and bullied to hell
it's a lot easier being an autistic male because all men aren't expected to have perfect social skills
No. 298421
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Once again…
No. 298423
>>298419You have to be 18 to post here, anon
I’ll be back to debate with you when you’ve developed the necessary critical thinking skills to analyse the articles you choose to reference
No. 298503
>>298495Media has deluded them into thinking men are going to looks attractive once they're 40+ because hollywood actors (who are literally paid to keep in shape) happen to look good at any age.
Meanwhile in the real world old men are gross and fat, yet think they deserve to fuck 20 y/o women. Ew.
No. 298825
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Its funny that in films old men are portrayed as kindly etc when irl i've met more creepy than nice ones. They should be culled.
And yet again-men blame women (in this case, a little girl) for not stopping him. SMH
No. 298857
>>298825Only 12 yrs? If this was a woman molesting little boys and she got the same amount of time men would be screaming and crying about "IF IT WAS A MAN HE WOULD HAVE GOT LIFE IN PRISON!!!" So much for this so-called misandrist courts, if anything if this was a woman she would have gotten life
I kinda wanna see how people would defend the man, take his words and claim those little girls actually liked it and just want to accuse a powr wittle bawby man of rape, and honestly with the amount of hoops men jump through to accuse a woman of lying I wouldn't be surprised
No. 298945
>>298941Need more context, the age of the student matters, almost everytime ive seem this "if the roles were reversed!" Shit it was easily debunked
Yes, scrots, if youre a teacher and fuck a 10 yr old youll get longer than a teacher who fucked someone who was age of consent, it isnt "male oppression!!" Its the law
No. 299077
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>>298964I'm sick and tired of men picking and choosing what's oppressive and what's not
they want to be victims when it benefits them, but then do a 180 and talk about how superior they are and how "MEN DID LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU BITCHES CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT US" but then turn around and cry about the very thing they claim men made, oppressing them
they wanna blame all the worlds problems on single moms but don't acknowledge the dad walking out, or even better they blame the woman for not being a fortune teller, when single moms do work their hardest men harass them for "hitting the wall" and "not being able to make the man stay", all the while they couldn't give less of a shit about good single moms who raised overachieving men like Ben Carson, but when a woman is abused by a man? still the moms fault somehow, meanwhile they wanna take credit for things men hundreds of years ago did, then expect women to take the blame and consequences for what less than 1% of the population did
when women try to discuss actual problems like in
>>298862, they're quickly excused as "Evil sexists" but then claim they're oppressed because their girlfriend borrowed a dollar once and never gave it back therefore she's an evil golddigger who sees men as atms
when you try to discuss shit like pic related they'll claim "oh it doesnt matter just a few assholes stop playing victim you evil woman!" then cry oppression because a woman on twitter says she liked taller men
men are entitled little spoilt cunts, if it was up to me I'd put their asses down
No. 299085
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>"My computer has a password and any loli/cp I may or may not have is veracrypted, so there's no way she knows. I think the only way she could have possibly known was if she looked in the rafters in the ceiling of my room, where I keep my cousin's panties. I really doubt she would have found this. I know this sounds like a troll, so here's a timestamp.>posts photos of child's underwear hidden in the ceiling>"I'm not a pedophile. I will admit I am a bit of a lolicon, but that is fantasy, not reality."Male genocide when?
No. 299094
>>299085Oh hey its the lolifag from the unpopular opinion threads
I wish FBI had a bigger tab, its not even the first time it happened either, I've seen 4chan dads steal their daughters underwear, all around 3-11 yrs old, IMO all lolifags should be watched by the FBI and swatted and shot when they do illegal stuff
No. 299130
>>299094they can be put down long before crossing that threshold, anon.
imo, capital punishment, were it not completely corrupted and costly, should remain only for the reason that males exist.
No. 299208
>>299195>"One of the weakest organisms on Earth claiming they don't need the help of an apex predator">"Women are completely useless in any survival scenario"My fucking sides. Yeah, the overgrown toddler who can't cook anything besides microwave tendies or even wipe his own ass properly without the help of his mom or girlfriend/wife, what an ~apex predator~.
Also the irony of the part where he talks about how women dehumanize everyone, while simultaneously referring to women as "the females" and talking about us like we're some animals in a nature documentary.
No. 299210
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just like my villages in kenya!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 299214
>>299210What is this meant to prove exactly? Can you produce multiple, global incidents like that?
And tbh, I'd take bitchiness over being sexually harassed, condescended to and gaslit by men.
No. 299220
>>299214>And tbh, I'd take bitchiness over being sexually harassed, condescended to and gaslit by men.This. You can fight bitchiness by being bitchy back and have a negative energy with the bitchy person, but if you try to fight someone who is sexually harassing you, you will very likely be beat up, raped and/or killed. The worst thing bitchiness can do is your nemesis bringing you coffee with cow milk instead of plant based milk, or regular soda when you asked for diet soda, which is nothing but slightly irrigating (unless they know you're diabetic or something, that would be kind of fucked up)
I wonder if this incel is one of those sissy guys who gets off of women hating on men and being better than them, and he just wants us to embarrass him. Nasty creatures tbh
No. 299316
>>299195I know that tread is a bit old but men complaining that women are "bitchy" reminded me of this
>women are so mean to each other and to men :(>lol if i was an ugly woman id kill myself women offer nothing but looks>>299094Tbh whats the difference between the fbi and these other men? Just a suit and badge. It wouldnt surprise if there are predators in those fields too.
For how much they despise single mothers and women choosing not to have kids, men make those paths so much more appealing by how honest they are about being attarcted to children, even their own. Not to mention how much theyre eager to humiliate pregnant/post-baby womens bodies, how eager they are to leave them for a younger woman, how eager they are to hate you for not being a walking sexdoll etc etc.
No. 299434
>>297885THIS. i hate how girls are constantly all "omg this old man is soo cute!" and they get mad when i go "wtf old men are not cute what are you talking about…" because old men have always been so goddamned creepy to me.
there was a teacher at my HS who constantly made creepy ass remarks to girls and would talk to them nonstop between classes and smile the creepiest smile i've ever seen. he gave one of my friends his NUMBER and whenever i explained this to girls calling him "CUTE" they were shocked and told me i was lying! like bitch wtf.
No. 299444
>>29943495% of old men were pervs in their youth and still are young pervs at heart.
tbh i hate the way old people are removed from criticism in general, but especially old men. the fuck.
No. 299453
>>298939Not unless she's actually good looking. Even if she is not good looking men would riot and defend the good looking female pedos thinking she'll want their pee pee.
>>298953Literally look up videos on female teachers having sex with male students and check the comments where the teacher is attractive.
They often range from:
>she did wrong, but she fine>the kid got lucky>where were these teachers when I went to school?It's sickening to read these as some of these often applaud both victim & perpetrator… Their creepiness & desperation definitely show.
No. 299511
>>299480It's some impressive double-think to try and insult mens "skill" with women when in the same sentence you say being good looking is all that matters.
Also it's women who create the lie that women don't care about looks. You use that lie as an advantage to manipulate and attack men better. And when some men try to say that women are just as, if not more shallow then men are when it comes to looks who is it that start screeching and trying to stop the men from speaking? It's women. You'll try to brand them sexist and get them publicly censured because you want to protect the lie for your own nefarious desires.
No. 299517
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oh im laffin
men are so fucking dumb. imagine being this enslaved by your sexual desire.
No. 299518
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No. 299519
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No. 299523
>>299511>Also it's women who create the lie that women don't care about looks. NO, it's not. That's literally what I'm saying. You can easily see young girls obsessing over One Direction, Kpop, older women obsessing over the Marvel guys, etc. You just choose to ignore it because you desperately want to live under the delusion that you don't need to be attractive to get a hot chick. If anything taught you that lie it's the media, run by men, telling you that every man is the hero of his own story and his reward is a hot chick no matter what he looks like.
It's true that women are less shallow than men though. We care about looks, it's just not the be all and end all. It doesn't trump literally every other trait, it's not literally the only way men can appeal to us, it's not something we devote our entire lives to the pursuit of, but not being as obsessed as men doesn't mean it's irrelevant.
No. 299535
>>299523It's not that men only care about looks, it's that looks are all women offerd. We'd love to judge you on your personalities or talents or anything interesting about you, but you just don't have those.
And yes actually, your behavior does prove looks are the most important thing in men to you as well. You also all have the exact same taste.
No. 299538
>>299535You're right, there are absolutely no women interested in things aside from maximizing their looks and getting Chad.
No women have hobbies like sports, art, writing, coding, film, animals, music, etc.
There are also no women interested in lanky or chubby men. Definitely don't know any nerdy chubby guys with gfs. None!
Wow, you sure got us. Damn.
No. 299558
>>299552This just shows men are shit at multitasking and visualizing.
I have a crazy sex drive but just multitask fantasizing with my day-to-day life. There's no need to have a visual aid if you aren't a fucking retard. Which, of course, men are.
No. 299559

>>299210topkek, Samantha Brick is at it again. For the unaware, she's a middle-aged British version of shoe0nhead and is convinced other women hate her because of her "beauty". Nothing she says should be taken seriously.
Some of her think-pieces:
Joan Collins is right. Any woman who wants to stay beautiful (like me!) needs to diet every day of her life'There are downsides to looking this pretty': Why women hate me for being beautiful I'm in love with myself? I'm a shrinking violet next to man-stealing French women like new First Lady Valerie Trierweiler No. 299579
>>299538>women only offer their looks and nothing else>why dont women want to date meAnd the cycle continues. Same old. Same old. How boring and trite
>>299559Hilarious how some men will claim that women only offer their looks when this woman is arrogant about hers, and the comments take her down a peg. All because of how she portrays herself.
No. 299728
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Is anyone else disturbed by how much pro-pedophilia sentiment there is in reddit's mainstream subs?
Pic related is a comment chain from an (older) article linked to /r/news. The article was about a Brazilian pedophile ring that was busted by the police, resulting in the arrests of over 100 men (sorry, people). Some of these men were actually producing the porn themselves, which included the abuse of babies and toddlers(!!) still, in the comments there was so much wahh what about the pedophiles, it's a mental illness, they need help, not a witch hunt.
Last I checked, it's not a witch hunt if you're caught committing the crime.
It's just infuriating and baffling that so many people could think this way. Getting help before committing any sort of crime is one thing. You don't get sympathy for ~being unable to control my impulses~ after raping babies. Ugh.
The last two comments made me grin though.
No. 299733
>>299728To them
1 woman made a false rape accusation = all women who get raped are lying, all men should mgtow to avoid false rape accusations from how evil women are and how damaging it is! The poor innocent men!EVIL FEMALE NATURE FEMALE PRIVILEGE!! ENTITLED WESTERN WOMEN!!
Millions of men cheat, rape, create literal rings just to rape children and laugh and fap to it = the poor little mens! They need help
I'm sick and tired of being nice, men want to hate all women for actions of literally less than 1% of women? I'll do the same except with millions of men, not just 2 or 3 women
No. 299787
>>299728I know pedos have existed for a long time, but I have a suspicion that this will be the new "thing" like how troons are now. But leave it to men defend raping children as a ~mental illness~ uwu and that women are evul pedos too! If we start to see 'pedophobic' thrown around, its time to restart civilzation
>>299753Never forget the one guy who went to reddits mgtow subreddit and asked if anyone had any cool hobbies to share other than constantly excessively shitting on women, and he was promptly banned.
No. 299798
>>299535'Women offer nothing but looks and that's why all we care about is looks' is the biggest, most insulting lie men parrot.
They ignore and deride accomplished women constantly. They pretend highly educated or women with great careers are non existent just because they aren't necssarily the majority, or rage about/mock career women for not staying in the kitchen. They don't want smart women, or women who contribute anything to society but kids and sex, or women with money. They say they have reasonablr standards not to expect it, but the fact is it turns them off and emasculates them. They don't want confident women, or women with leadership skills, or opinionated women, anyhing that isn't being quiet and submissive is repulsive to men. They spend the vast majority of history literally BANNING women from participation in any areas of life except child rearing and then have the fucking gall to act like the only reason they value us for our bodies and nothing else is because we're inherently lacking.
This is not a chicken and the egg situation, this is men clearly valuing, expecting and allowing beauty and sexuality in women while discouraging or forbidding everything else. No shit it would result in women who have nothing else to offer, but men STILL don't give a fuck about the women who offer more. Having a personality or being a high achiever is the female version of being a nice guy.
No. 299928
>>299914Nowhere in the definition of hobby does it say you have to be creating something. Anything a person does for fun is a hobby. Only people desperately trying to win online arguments about strangers lives try to insist hobbies must always produce something to count as real.
And out of all 2 genders, women are definitely the least qualified to complain about only consuming and not creating. That's all women have done in society for all of history.
>>299811Oh and mods, I just gotta say it's adorable how you still actually think banning me does anything.
>>299811art, invertebrate keeping, doll collecting, manga, and lifting.
But they're not porn, cars, or games so they're not cool and man-approved. They basically aren't even hobbies.
:( No. 299939
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No. 299940
>>299823Guess who's feeling extra ugly today
I bet it's either your huge schnoz, your jaw or your receiding hairline that's completely fucked to the point where you can't even leave your room. Well, crying to strangers on the net doesn't make you prettier hun
No. 299957
>>299947Yeah, the men outnumber the women by millions and rape has sharply peaked
Who would’ve thought that female fetuscide/infantcide would cause a disproportionate amount of men to women. Hm.
No. 299960
>>299958BJDs but I only have one at the moment and he's half finished. I've also had the urge to get into customizing blythes lately, which is weird because I originally had no interest in them. Mostly I just keep up with recent company releases and daydream about owning them when I graduate and have a good job haha.
I wish I had doll friends irl. What do you collect?
No. 300006
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>>300000looks like someone got reservation at dubsia
No. 300008
>>300000Also most stereotypical female hobbies are related to creating: gardening, crocheting, making jewelery, decoupage, sewing, drawing/painting, cooking…
Meanwhile menchildren collect toys, cards and play vidya kek. Nothing wrong with those but how can you say that women are not creative when they are most of the customers in arts and crafts shops, kek.
No. 300028
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No. 300043
>>300028Does he know that it was fiction?
Does he?
No. 300056
>>300028>>300043One version of the christian/jewish (don't remember what religion it was, sorry) creation myth is actually pretty funny
>God creates Adam, Adam gets bored because there is nothing to fuck>God creates Lilith>Lilith doesn't want to be bitch boy Adams sex slave and wants to do her own thing>Adam goes to God and bitches about Lilith>God sends Lilith to Hell (where she parties and has sex with the Devil and it's great)>Adam is lonely and horny again>God takes his rib and shows Adam how he creates another woman>Adam doesn't want to fuck the woman because he thinks it's nasty that he saw what's inside her>God sends that woman away, too>Adam is lonely and horny yet again>God creates Eve and sends her to Adam>finally Adam is happy>nobody thought about telling Eve that you shouldn't eat apples from a certain tree, and she does without knowing she shouldn't>everybody bitches at EveMen are the most pathetic creatures I s2g
No. 300062
>>299957Rape and human trafficking have increased. Men there whine about being single and lonely and talk about how women having standards (like being financially stable) makes them feel bad. Meanwhile women dont want to be raped or stolen to be someones wife. Theres not much of a baby boom there after the ban was lifted. Idk if it help anyway. Theres too many men there so of course violence will ensue.
>>299968Life on easy mode means to them what they assume houewives do. Nothing and have sex. Why cant these men marry each other then they get live on easy mode too.
No. 300074
>>300028It'll never stop being baffling to me just how much hypocrisy all of the manosphere (red pill, pua, mgtow, incel, alt-right culture, 4chan culture, you name it, all of them) groups employ.
>Women can't take responsibility. >Women can't employ agency.>Women blame men for EVERYTHING! Nevermind that we only blame them for what they do. We aren't fabricating history or statistics (it was a wake up point for me to realize how many of the graphs on /pol/ and /r9k/ are fully made up and none of them bother to look for the source) about what men do in relation to crime and women.
It's beyond me to comprehend how they appease their minds when they say we are the ones that can't take responsibility, change or that we blame them when our fucking society ran on the belief that women were culpable for everything that is bad because a man wrote that a woman ate the bad apple. Women punished for existing for thousands of years.
I don't get it. It really is just projection with men. They take their worst human traits that they can't fully rid themselves of and project them onto women only, so that they can punch them (the women and traits).
It's fucking disgusting and I wish to disappear.
No. 300081
>>300070WGTOW: Spinsters with lots of cats. Have fulfilling hobbies and jobs and rarely think about men
MGTOW: Live in mom’s basement. Spend every waking moment on the internet. When not screeching about women, jacks off to them
No. 300101
>>300091I'm starting to think that being unable to see other people's point of view is a human, at large, fault, not just men's. (Don't hang me yet, I'm the poster you replied to)
I don't mean to say that men aren't worse at it, beacuse they clearly are, just that it's not natural for us to do this, and might even make other's people feelings rub off on you and cause emotional regulation problems, BUT, women are forced to acquire this skill because every single woman, no exception, will ask herself why certain things happen to her and not her brothers or male friends. She'll put herself in their place and realize that it's because they (the males) weren't born a woman that they don't experience certain obstacles.
The previous sentence reads werid, right? It does for me, when you address the fault as:
>men not being born womeninstead of
>women not being born menor
>why are men physically stronger instead asking
>why are women physically weakerBecause we are the ones that always have to see everything from their view, since they won the struggle (with violence, of course) and now everything is for and by men. But men? They never have to use empathy because their reality is the one that matches with the world that surrounds them.
TLDR: Men don't have to, so they don't, ever use empathy (maybe some do when they have a daughter, oh how the tide changes then, you should read some comments from them lol) so they can never see men from a woman's perspective and understand that 50% of people have to see the other 50% commit almost all sexual crimes, make up most prostitution and porn consumers and still call them the sex obsessed and worish ones. Objectively, which sex is really sex obsessed? The answer is of course women, because we live in a male default world and they can do and say whatever they want without a care.
No. 300241
>>300000Men and women create life together. Just because you were born with the hole instead of the rod doesn't mean you can do it by yourself.
And is a biological function really something to be proud of? You realize all you're doing is having a seed planted inside of you and letting it grow. Dirt can do that. When you create civilization or invent a machine that helps anyone.
No. 300245
>>300241Wrong in the past were useful, but men today are lazy and unmotivated and do nothing but piggyback off of other men and screech "ebul womyn do nothing for society" all the while their mommy pays their bills, probably why more and more young women are becoming doctors and engineer's and men think working in a call center or entry level job will do forever
No. 300246
>>300241Rear Admiral Dr Grace Murray Hopper pioneered the development of accessible computer programming.
Margaret Hamilton was director of software engineering for the project that wrote the code for the Apollo Guide Computer (AGC)
The ENIAC programmers were a group of six young women who developed the first all-electronic, programmable computer as part of the US Army’s World War Two effort.
Huh, kinda seems like modern computing was built off the backs of women.
No. 300251
File: 1537921523972.png (Spoiler Image,331.15 KB, 497x864, men are the disease, cure it..…)

Real tired of men doing shit like this and then for other men to defend it.
It was men who started all this, men who do this to children but cry when women dont trust them.
Seriously the world would be better off without men, especially the incels who cry here about not being wanted but would defend shit like this (I know this place makes fun of TW but im putting a child abuse TW here)
Because people didnt believe that asshole hugh hefner would do this but he was one of the biggest misogynists going.
No. 300252
>>300251Based file name, anon.
I hadn't heard of this and now I want to vomit. Men are all fucking pedophiles and rapists holy shit.
No. 300264
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>>300252Ty anon, here is some more notes on it-men will always try and use the "its art" excuse to defend their abusive actions, and wonder why we dont trust them with children.
Saying that tho her mother is a POSAlso apparently there are men in the comments defending this today, men never fucking change.
No. 300367
>>300322>a womb is more valuable than spermimagine overvaluing yourself so much
what happened to equality?
No. 300369
>>300368>the main problem of metoo are not the old men who rape women, no, according to Sean Penn it's that the movement "divides" men and womenThis one's even worse. So many handmaidens shitting on the journalist and defending him.
And the comments who mention him being an abusive alcoholic get max one like…
No. 300370
>>300369>movement "divides" men and womenPisses me off so much when they say this about feminism as well.
When were men and women "united" without one enslaving the other by force? Yeah…
No. 300511
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>>300368Holy shit that comment section, especially
>If men wanted to, it would be like Sudan with mass rape everywhere, but we are so cucked that I think the west will eventually collapse. No. 300530
>>300368Meanwhile if this happened to a woman who lived off her husband and was jobless they'd say she deserved it for being a leeching roastie who grew past her expiry date.
Both people in that kind of scenario are shitty regardless of gender, I don't know why one should be favored over the other. And why it's always the man lmao.
No. 300599
>>300567This is fucking awesome, I love it. What do you guys do to combat manspreading on public transport?
I usually put my bag on the seat next to me and only move it if I see a woman coming. If a man sits next to me and I see his legs opening, I let my bag rest on his knee (they generally don't comment on it and move their leg in annoyance!). Something I wish would work is manspreading back. I've tried it a few times but they seem to enjoy it and don't move their leg, which is disgusting to me. I think touching a woman's leg to them is sexual but touching them with an object (like my bag or an umbrella) isn't sexual to them so they see it as annoying instead. My grandmother told me that if she was in that situation, she'd just point at their leg until they moved it lmao but she has way more guts than me.
No. 300601
>>300578this would hold weight if men weren't so enslaved to their sexuality to the point of getting obsessed with drawings who resemble the opposite sex
man at least when women say they don't want men, they actually don't want them. men are always obsessed and tied down to their sexuality which innately makes them inferior in this aspect.
No. 300604
What annoys me about men is that they have no awareness of their surroundings. When I'm in public, I try to be polite and considerate of people around me. Men don't. Some things I'm used to seeing:
>businessmen shouting down phones while walking down the street, bumping into everyone and then pretending it's not their fault
>men making annoying sounds while eating in restaurants (burping, chewing with their mouths open, talking while eating, sucking their fingers dramatically) despite me glaring at them and trying to make eye contact so they'll fucking stop eating like a toddler
>men taking seats while there are pregnant women, women carrying children or elderly people standing (to top it off, they usually pretend to be on their phone or like they can't see these people), this is apparently a huge problem in maternity hospitals in my country where men won't give up their seats for heavily pregnant women
>men putting their feet up or kicking the back of chairs on public transport, don't seem to care that there's a person sitting in the seat they're kicking
>men skipping women in queues because they think they're more important (when it happened to me, I called the guy out and he tried to make me look bad by pretending he was in the queue until he realised that he looked fucking stupid and walked away, cunt)
No. 300605
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No. 300629
>>300370Tbh.. good? Its safer. Men hate women overall and its been proven time and time again. They hate women but also whine that men and women are being divided :(( better that way for everyone.
>>300511>men: women should be all raped an killed lmao >women: i hate men thats terrible>men: WTFthey just dont get it do they? And apparently men dont age? Looking at this
>>300369 thumbnail.. Jfc. You just cant fix these levels of delusions. Best to just let them rot alone.
>>300605Heres the twitter thread after he deleted the original. he came after the women replying saying that their words hurt him….. after he proposed the idea to kill women for wearing makeup….
No. 300632
>>300629>They hate women but also whine that men and women are being divided :(( better that way for everyone.Yes, this is what's annoying. They don't want to acknowledge that it's their hate and violence that drives women away.
They keep saying that it's movements like feminism and metoo, and that these don't actually reflect women's wants, but are instead backed by jews. In their minds, if it weren't for the sneaky (male) jews creating feminism, women would be subservient housewifes to them like in the good old times.
It's a nightmare.
No. 300662
>>300629I love how men cry double standards against them then pull shit like this
I can guarantee if a woman made a joke about men packing socks or wearing padded clothes men would be sending her death threats at this very moment and turn it into an "EVIL WOMEN!!!" type argument
>>300568I noticed this too, what pisses me off even more is they'll take normal videos and make it about gender, male oppression, female privilege, "evil women!" and all that shit, I've literally even seen it under cat videos before, it's getting ridiculous
No. 300672
>>300663I hate you for making me watch this, anon jk
But those type of videos never fail to make me feel enraged. One of the things that pisses me off the most is that they always put pics of cute girls in their thumbnails. You know exactly that they actually are attracted to them , no matter how much they deny it…
>We need to protect boys from modern women.And where do those boys come from if you say No to all women?
>What I hate about women is how when I go to watch kickboxing and MMA fights, I notice how some women have a really sick ear to ear grin on their face.Huh?
>Most murders thefts are men , men are evil creatures , the more you respect men the more they disrespect you>its funny how most "murderous" men stole and killed for resources and survival when the large majority of women killing were the killing of loved ones, spouses, children, family.Men only rape/kill children/women for survival!1!1
>As a man, I DO have instincts. I like young, healthy looking girls.
>I think the subtext to this topic you didn't address is that women are absolute slaves to their base animal urges whereas men have the mental/emotional/spiritual faculty pull away from said behaviors and behave like dignified creatures.They really can't decide whether women are cold calculating evil bitches or just dumb and animal-like by biology. But at the same time they are allowed to "need" to fuck young and fertile teens 24/7 because muh primal instincs…
No. 300678
>>300567You can see how angry the incels are because they can't make fun of her beauty so they resort to threatening rape and mass-murdering women.
No. 300688
>>300672The more they spout this, the more I want more division between the two genders. That day cant come sooner. Seperate everything ffs
>I think the subtext to this topic you didn't address is that women are absolute slaves to their base animal urges whereas men have the mental/emotional/spiritual faculty pull away from said behaviors and behave like dignified creatures...Meanwhile theres an active thread investigating a large group of men who are preying on children, raping and torturing animals and their corpses.
No. 300726
>>300604Umm sweetie it's called confidence and it's what makes you attracted to them.
You view the men who quietly keep to themselves and dont bother anyone as disgusting, unassertive beta males and your brain filters their existence out of your perception.
No. 300797
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>>300785where are all the men screaming about reversed roles? and how prisons hate men?
and ofc, as I suspected, men had to pull the "WHAT ABOUT MEN????FALSE ACCUSATIONS !!!" as if there's a fucking false rape accusation downpour currently happening when it's literally less than what 5% at most? given these men probably think every single woman who comes out about their sexual assault or rape must be lying
No. 300808
>>300804No it's not. I'm black and even black men see us as evil and the reason why the black race is shit.
I think it has to do with that fact that men are very sex driven and desire women badly. Their uncontrollably lust for women makes them see women as evil and almost witch like because of the power women hold over them. All logic/common sense goes out the window when it comes to their dick.
No. 300809
>>300804Hm? I agree but no one said anything about race
>>300802Conditioning, because there are higher expectations for women growing up people don't wanna put in that effort
>>300806Uh huh, tell me what gender kills animals the most, who kills their own parents the most, who murders the most who committed the most mass shootings, who commits necrophilia, bestiality or rape the most, but yeah, evil women
No. 300813
>>300808Asian men tend to hate asian women too and claim they're all entitled, fake, gold digging cheaters
Men seem to hate and despise women of their own race, go to another race and put them on a pedestal and claim women of their own race are all evil and x y and z,or even better when you call them out they just claim you're a jealous roastie who's mad about competiton. Some people are literally obsessed with women's ethnicities, I don't get it
No. 300818
>>300809Some men do bad things.
All women lack morality.
The only reason women don't commit as much violent crime is because they're weak and cowardly.
No. 300827
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>Men seem to hate and despise women of their own race, go to another race and put them on a pedestal and claim women of their own race are all evil and x y and zLOL, this is what makes browsing various male-dominated ethnonationalist websites so entertaining for me. Black men talk about how black women are the sole source of evil in the black race, Asian men call Asian women shallow gold diggers, Latino men complain that beating their wife is illegal these days, and white men write things about white women that are far more vile than I've ever seen any PoC who openly desires white genocide write.
But- if you ever bring up women of their race dating interracially, they'll throw a temper tantrum to rival the explosion of Mt. Vesuvius.
No. 300833
>>300802>I wonder why almost every society sees women as inherently evil.Because female sexuality isn't compatible with civilization. Successful societies always realized the importance of controlling female hypergamy.
And before you talk shit about male sexuality,
I know it has its faults but it can be controlled to a certain extent.
No. 300834
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>>300833>And before you talk shit about male sexuality,I know it has its faults but it can be controlled to a certain extent.
>I know it has its faults but it can be controlled to a certain extent.
>it can be controlled to a certain extent.
>can be controlled No. 300841
>>300827Its the typical "if i cant have you, nobody can" mentality with them.
They loathe their own women for but despise the thought of those same women dating other races.
>>300835Adding to that, I unfortunately was reminded that zoosadism is alive and well. Thanks to Kero the wolf and his brotherhood of sick, sick fucks
No. 300848
most men are not rapists
but ALL women exclusively want Chad and would exclusively fuck him if they had their way.
No. 300854
>>300835>>300834I know male sexuality has its dark side. I don't deny that.
The male high sex drive allows monogamous societies to thrive. Sure men would love to have sex only with the most attractive women, but their high sex drive allows them to settle down with pretty much any woman and form a family with her. A society where most men get the chance to reproduce is what makes civilization advance.
Female sexuality isn't compatible with what I mentioned above. Most women have lower sex drives and would rather share a very attractive man than settle for a normal one. When female sexuality isn't controlled that's precisely what happens.
You can't even blame women. The most attractive men are fine with this system as long as they can have multiple women.
A society where female sexuality isn't controlled is like Tinder. 80% of women get laid and only 15% of men do.
No. 300857
>>300856I already admitted male sexuality has a dark side. I also said I don't blame women for desiring to have sex only with the most attractive men. Men want the same, but men's high sex drive allows them to settle with pretty much any woman.
This is just the explanation as to why all successful societies have considered women evil and had their sexuality controlled.
No. 300866
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>>300854Sounds like someone's jealous men like this nearly 100% paralyzed physics nerd who had intensive medical needs and could be knocked out cold by a child are able to have a long marriage with children and he isn't.
But no- all women only want Chad and every man who's married is Chad. Warren Buffet is Chad, achondroplasia afflicted actor Peter Dinklage is Chad, Jeb Bush is Chad, my introverted plumber father with a 20+ year marriage is Chad, fashion conscious "pretty boy" Kpop idols like Lee Sungmin are Chad, and mathematics professor Steven Strogatz is Chad. The only common factor in relationships with many different people is YOU. I have very little sympathy for men OR women who insist a vast conspiracy is why no one wants to date their vile personalities.
No. 300868
>>300866Wow you're dumb. The only reason those men were able to find mates is because we live in a modern society created by men where such men can find mates.
If women had been in control of their own sexuality for all of history we never would have progressed past being simple cave-dwelling Apes. Women would all mate with the biggest strongest caveman available and the smaller smarter cavemen would get nothing, never spread their genes, and humanity would never progress.
Like really, the stupidity needed to try and act like you're responsible for the system that benefits these non Chad men, when women are constantly fighting to break that system and the men actually built it for themselves.
No. 300877
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>>300868Plenty of women love kpop boys and Leonardo DiCaprio types. Being small/thin doesn't mean ugly. Cole sprouse is considered a sex symbol despite looking like a barely legal twink.
No. 300882
>>300880>If women only fucked men who are rich/hot then most people would be virgins and the humans race would have died off. Because society still has some control over female sexuality.
>Plus, Chad is hot enough to have standards, unlike most men so even if he could fuck some below average slob he won't because he has plenty of models to fuck. Hot/rich people don't even associate with commoners.This is wrong. Very attractive men will often have casual sex with average and even ugly women just for the variety factor. I know a super attractive man who cheated on his wife with the nastiest street hooker. She was a beautiful woman and yet he cheated on her with several women uglier than her.
No. 300883
>>300880Chad will fuck any passable woman just for the sake of variety and getting to add another mark to his tally counter to brag about how many women he's fucked.
It's adorable that you think every time you hook up with a 9/10 Chad on tinder for a one night stand that that proves you must be a 9/10 woman because you think he'd never fuck a woman below himself though.
No. 300884
>>300866You missed the point entirely. Then again, subtlety is hard for shriveled mind of a misogynist to grasp.
>>300854 you said "Most women have lower sex drives and would rather share a very attractive man than settle for a normal one. When female sexuality isn't controlled that's precisely what happens."
With the exception of mild-mannered Midwesterner Warren Buffett, all the men I listed were married in the 1960's or later, when the sexual revolution had supposedly destroyed the chances for any man who doesn't fit the Chad archetype to get married. Hawking was married when he was 23 in 1965, long before international fame. This marriage took place after his diagnosis of ALS in 1963. What's "Chad" about a geeky 23 year old physics student with an incurable disease? Mathematician Steven Strogatz is highly unlikely to be found on lists of greatest living mathematicians, and American college professors don't make as much salary as most people think. Yet married he is.
I could go on, but the reason I chose famous names (with the exception of my father) in that list is so lolcow users could look them up themselves and verify that they're a wide variety of "types", yet all got married. I could talk about local men in my town like a minimum wage gas station worker who's married with 2 children and a wife who makes more money than he does, but I wouldn't have a way to verify these examples without doxing them.
No. 300890
>rich>famous>handsome>6'1 and 6'0 respectively lol. Women consider 6 feet tall "small and borderline twink" now. Proof your standards only get more and more ridiculous the longer your hypergamy goes unchecked
No. 300891
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>>300879>m-me? want a gf? pfft, you stupid baka! i-i'm mgtow, NOT incel!!!kek, sure incel-chan. the fact that even you admit you're such a shitty, unlikable dude that a girl would only date you for a free meal ticket speaks volumes. at least you're self-aware. work on that personality, bud. and maybe shower a lil bit more often too, practicing basic hygiene is crucial!
No. 300894
>>300891>constantly rage that men are obsessed with sex>say I'm not >"shut up yes you are now go out and be obsessed and do anything to desperately make a woman fuck you like all the other men!"Sorry I'll pass. I know how women work.
Either you have top 10% Chad genetics. If you've got these they'll stay with you even if your criminal who beats.
Or you're bottom 90% (I sadly admit this is me I suppose) and a woman will just pretend to care about you in exchange for free resources but will dump you for someone with more resources II play think they have a chance (or for a 10% Chad)
Why would i want that?
No. 300899
>>300897There is nothing wrong with women choosing this best men. Woman have more to lose when it comes to sex.
>fuck some ugly loser and end up stuck with a useless child who sucks up resources Iq and looks are genetic. If a woman fucks a dumb/ugly man there is a good chance her child will be dumb and ugly too. Men don't lose much from fucking any women because they can't get pregnant. Maybe your mom should have had standards and you could have had a better life.
No. 300900
>>300899If women had their way civilization wouldn't exist in the first place.
>I wonder why almost every society sees women as inherently evil.This is why.
No. 300901
>>300896>it has been statistically proven that attractive people are smarter than ugly peoplenot saying you’re wrong but can i get a source on that
anyway can we agree that men have a weird projection logic on the whole “women only choose the top 10% of men!!!” complex when women that don’t live up to increasingly impossible beauty standards are invisible to society
No. 300906
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>>300902So your grand proof is a study based around a study that asked teacher to rate 7 and 11 year old children as attractive or unattractive eh.
Part of me was hesitant to believe, but then I started looking through some of this guy's other articles and maybe he really does know what he's talking about.
No. 300912
>>300903Chad is forever bestboy and does t deserve this bullying from incels
..But really though, whats the purpose to being told how evil, useless and destructive you are? Women are denounced as evil creatures with evil sexualities that can literally hinder civilzation's progress. So now what? We all just get paired off to incels will stop whining and then get murdered Scott Peterson/Chris Watts-style? Because men will still hate women in general for being weak/aging women and would love to have the power to be as abusive as possible again without consequences because "they are men uwu"
Or maybe we could just be seperated and use sperm banks for reproduction. Then our evil wont interfere with mens ~hard work~
No. 300913
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>>300902What a hero this guy is.
No. 300914
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Sorry ladies, it's confirmed.
No. 300916
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Oh would you look at that, he confirmed this entire man-hate thread is bullshit.
No. 300926
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>>300912According to your hero here, not actually.
Also according to him, women's desire for alpha fucks beta bucks is completely true. Women all want to cheat with Chad and trick some other guy into raising his kid. It's women's "ideal mating strategy". Women are lying whores and 90% od men are right to hate them.
No. 300927
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Your angry communist mods will probably ban me again soon enough, but fear not, the more offended you get the more it means I'm right. Thank you for sharing this inspirational man with me. I'll ban evade as usual and carry on as I please.
No. 300928
>>300823People have been accusing women of lying before it was even "a thing"
People would still scream liar even if no woman ever lied about rape
Now show me how many women lie about rape exactly (spoiler: it sure as fuck isn't enough to scream liar at every woman you see who got raped)
I swear its like people accuse women of lying more than women actually lie, its getting ridiculous at this point and when you cling to "well some women are all women" its pathetic
No. 300934
>>300931Men laugh at animals and children being abused and think they're comical geniuses because of it, they think laughing at something that makes them already look bad will make them better but it does nothing but make them look mentally ill
Hell even in HS men would laugh when they get in trouble or think throwing shit at people or animals is the funniest shit ever
No. 300936
>>300913>>300914>>300916>>300926>>300927I love when men come in here and prove our points about them
Le superior male mind everyone
No. 300937
>>300935Yeah cuz you have a crappy sense of humor and put your political ideologies above being genuinely funny.
99% of all great comedians being men ain't a coincidence. You can't even blame it on "being oppressed" like you do with inventions.
Women are evolved to do one thing and one thing only. Make babies. You're worthless at everything else besides a tiny number of exceptions.
No. 300946
>>300940>>300936>post an article smugly thinking you've "got me">I actually look deeper into the article and the author who wrote it>turns out he agrees with me on most things and has solid evidence to back them up>now trying to switch gears and claim the author YOU POSTED and his articles are strawmen As he says, the truth offends. And also women are stupid.
Oh and hey, your lazy mods finally got off their fat asses to ban me. Oh but wouldn't you know it, I'm immediately back, again! Tough break mods, tough break. Bet it really upsets you to know how powerless you are. Hey why not try banning me again huh? The first 50 times didn't work but surely the 51st will right?
No. 300948
>>300902this is some incel tier thinking anon and it’s evident that the man who posted it is pretty much an incel
psychology based on tiny physical measurements is modern day phrenology. stop using the internet so much before the whole world becomes a distorted nightmare based on that shit.
mgtows and anyone who engages them should be banned just for making other people read this trash
No. 300950
>>300937>pretending like comedians are genuinely funny to begin withComedians are forced, actual funniness comes naturally, if you were actually funny you'd just be naturally funny amoung friends and family, if you have to spend years of your life to prove to yourself you're funny you're not funny
Also if women are so useless explain to me why so many women exceed overwhelmingly in the medical field and go on to save millions of lives
No. 300952
>>300946There was never any valid evidence, in fact some of the evidence literally proved our points lmao
>>300940Nah they'll just believe things that make women look bad at face value but demand 75 years of harvard studies when it comes to men
>>300946Did you even read the truth offends article at all? No evidence, he's just one of the pathetic sad people who's lives revolve around making people mad then claim its the truth, similar to people who only voted for trump not because they think he would make a good president but only to piss people off, even other trump supporters find it pathetic. But in your mind that must people the truth since it made people mad, hell saying 2+9=70 pisses people off therefore in your mind it must be the truth
This is the thought process of le intelligent incels everyone lmao
No. 300955
>>300952If he's "Just one of the pathetic sad people whose lives revolve around making people mad" them why did YOU post him to begin with when you were trying to justify why women should only ever want to fuck chads (which you'd been denying up until then)
And do note, when I say "you" I mean all of you women collectively, since you're a hive-mind and all.
No. 300957
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so is incel-kun going to be a regular from now on?
No. 300958
>>300955>why did YOU post him 1:I didn't post it, nice try though in making yourself look like a paranoid retard
2:this is a man-hating thread, we laugh at men like him whose lives revolve around pissing people off then acting as if they're useful
>why women should only ever want to fuck chads (which you'd been denying up until then)what a strawman, only one person said that and even others disagreed with them and pointed out flaws in the study, but I guess you missed that and only see what can prove your points about "you evil women only want chad!!!"
>when I say "you" I mean all of you women collectively, since you're a hive-mind and all.>openly disagrees with each other>y-you're all a hivemind>meanwhile mgtows/incels talk like copypastasuh huh
No. 300959
>>300955You do know women get with ugly guys all the time, right? Same thing vice versa. You can be dogshit ugly and still have someone go for you if you’re smart enough to date in your league. The 10% argument falls apart if you actually go outside and talk to people and get to know them and their relationships. That also requires not stewing in your own hatred and letting it cloud your worldview.
There’s a big world out there with so much more, why limit yourself to flaming women on one of the places on the internet their obviously going to be at their most extreme? You don’t have to answer, though, we already know why.
Go outside. Stop disappointing your parents and quit thinking the world revolves around you. The majority of both men and women are childish, be the exception.
No. 300961
>>300958You're only denouncing that author because I dug deeper into what else he'd written and found that he agrees and science proves that women are all glorified prostitutes and also stupid, feminism is cancer and chads aren't loyal.
Had I not done this, and all you knew about him was that he said hot guys were also autonatically smart which you could use to try and insult me you'd be be preaching his word like Holy Scripture.
No. 300962
>>300961>science proves that women are all glorified prostitutes and also stupid, feminism is cancer and chads aren't loyal. he didn't prove that using science though, but with your ~le superior male mind~ you probably think paranoia = science
>Had I not done this, and all you knew about him was that he said hot guys were also autonatically smart which you could use to try and insult me you'd be be preaching his word like Holy Scripture.>what is agreeing on some things and disagreeing on othersbig evil liberals will often say ~crazy~ stuff like nigger is a racial slur, that doesn't mean it's wrong just because you disagree with liberals all together
No. 300972
Don't know where to discuss this, but what do you guys think of the Pussy Church of Modern Witchcraft?
I'm not into religion or woo, but this spoke to me: it seems that Cathy Brennan in behind it, and that gives me money laundering vibes.
Saged for possibly irrelevant
No. 301011
>>301008it's a lot worse than dog-fucking, anon, a lot worse. the thread is not just about animal fuckers, but of course not. i'm just saying, because most men and plenty of women feel absolutely no empathy toward abused, murdered, raped, etc, women, i think they can all understand that the people murdering puppies, decapitating them, and cutting out their vaginas to use as a fleshlight are men, i think is something they can all acknowledge in the absence of politics right in their faces. women getting their organs cut out is nbd, but everyone gets pissed about animals.
No. 301045
>>301011>women getting their organs cut out is nbd, but everyone gets pissed about animals.Literally where does it happen in the Western world except from cesspool communities like 4chan?
If this is referring to FGM…yeah, it's no big deal which is why people are disgusted and angry and why there are NGO fighting that, as well as UN. I misunderstood your point, but I really disagree with the 'people care about animals more than women' argument, especially since predators start with animals before moving on to women and most people that are against cruelty towards animals also are outraged about violence toward women. Even on reddit people are universally against FGM; only offenders are the WHAT ABOUT CIRCUMCISION??? shitlords but they are getting shut up quickly.
No. 301052
I dunno how I feel about this, as the quoted sexworker's stance sounds like some libfem bullshit. I genuinely would prefer doll brothels taking the job out of real prostitutes. That way no human is harmed. Seems like a more ethical choice. And what if those brothels soon offer the AI dolls that respond to the customer? Anyway I prefer men getting their rape fantasy on with an object rather than actually rape a woman/sex worker. Not all of them are legal after all and even many of those that work 'willingly' do it under economic coercion and fear of losing everything.
If the quoted sexworker is so empowered and engaging with respectful clients, why can't she just kick out any rapey creeps? Lol
She makes the doll brothels a problem when the real one is women having to sell their sexuality at all.
Wouldn't be surprised if the article is a shill by owners of regular brothels that are angry that dolls are stealing their profit, all under guise of feminism and being pro sex workers.
No. 301059
>>300957Seems so. I still don't get why he is wasting his precious time arguing with us
inferior cunts on the internet, while he could investing said time in becoming Chad.
No. 301068
>>301052>Wouldn't be surprised if the article is a shill by owners of regular brothels that are angry that dolls are stealing their profit, all under guise of feminism and being pro sex workers.Thats most likely it. This whole sexdoll/sextoys vs real people thing have been going on for years and years. Dildos date back decades and havent changed how people date that much. Its been included in the sex rather. The clinetele will just be the same. I did watch a documentary about a man who owned a sex doll and he admitted that sex dolls could and should lower the rates of sex trafficking victims/sex slavery and all that
I guess the only concern I have stem fron the accounts of repair workers at these sex doll factories reporting how many dolls come back with stab marks on their genitals, multilations on their breasts and face…
No. 301072
>>301044I can't help but to find this amusing in a way. Imagine your only job is having sex and you're being 'replaced' by sex dolls. I'd rather have guys take out their nasty ass aggression on sex dolls rather than real women.
>>301052Yeah, the whole sex work is empowering thing is tripe, and these women need to get an education and a real career. Sex work needs to stop being encouraged, esp for women. Most, if not all of those sex workers are on drugs because they after a while that shit breaks you down mentally.
No. 301204
>>301141No, i'm just really sick of women who use their sex like it's something to be proud of– making gross men pay for it. That shit isn't cool and it never ends well.
We need to educate women to go into actual careers. Men look down on women already and women who use their body for work are gross. Sorry i'm not into the whole sex workers positivity movement.
No. 301252
>>301204>We need to educate women to go into actual careers.
>woman gets into actual career>REEEEEEEEEEE ROASTIES STEALING MY JOBS HOW MANY DICKS SHE SUCKED TO GET A HIGHER POSITION THAN MEEEwe've heard that story 100 times already boy. Just admit it, not matter what we do you guys always find a way to reduce us to golddigging whores.
>i'm just really sick of women who use their sex like it's something to be proud ofThat's rich coming from a male
No. 301267
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Its funny that incels ask for sympathy but do shit like this.
You are no different to other men, and especially to the incels who troll this post trying to justify themselves, we know what you're really like. Stay away from women, you're fucking disgusting.
No. 301278
>>301267>>301268>black pillTheyre transparent in what they want and how they see you. No amount of abuse witnessed will make them humanize. The girl coukd have been trafficked and they wouldnt care one bit. Theyre shit, they know theyre shit and they want to treat women and the rest of the world like shit.
Also the post could shut up the debate that sex work is empowering when theyre subjected to the likes of incels like this. Give them all dolls and leave real women alone.
No. 301302
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>>300251What… How did it happen? Nobody protested? Where were her parents? How was this legally allowed?
No. 301324
>>301278There is a famous internet weirdo called Davecat that is a head of a self-made movement for the right of people to fuck dolls (to which he refers to as synthetics). He bought his first real doll in the early 00's after a bad breakup or something (he is an incel terrified of relationship with women). He considered the doll his wife. After 10 years he decided that his 'wife' could use a girlfriend to share.
Imagine if onion chased after silicone instead of underage puss. Men that choose the 'company' of dolls instead of women are like trash that takes itself out. It's a great thing that they choose isolation instead of harming another person. I am all for the android sex revolution for that reason.
No. 301330
>>301302Her parents were the same place as when they agreed her to play a child prostitute in Pretty Baby. I assume that this vile photoshoot was meant to promote the movie.
Maybe that's how it slipped under the radar under the pretense of art?
I've seen the movie years ago and assumed it was a serious drama about the terrible faith of child sex trafficking where your best bet is to marry a pedo that at least is nice sometimes but now I'm not sure if it was not meant to be Lolita but this time told as a love story. Fucking yikes.
No. 301446
>>301440We hate you because you claim shit like this all the while men have abused women long before bdsm became popular, then turn around ane claim you actually love us and we brought this on ourselves because 1% of women want their husbands to handcuff them or whatever
If you loved women so much you'd actually be open minded and not go out your way to pick and choose what represents all women but pick good things to represent men
No. 301460
>>301446I see. Well of the 6 girls I've been with off tinder they all wanted me to slap them and choke them. I'd say 6 for 6 is pretty reasonable to draw the conclusion. I wish that women weren't into it so much because I just want a mommygf but you all think that's pathetic.
>>301448Please do not call me a scrot. I don't like the terms scrot and roastie it dehumanizes us and turns us into genitals.
No. 301469
>>301460All I want to have is a cute sub bf but you don't exist.
You're lying. Males are all rapists.
No. 301475
>>301465This makes a lot of sense, I agree, but I'm not trying to justify abuse. I'm just trying to point out the dissonance many young men feel when women want us to do these things to them but also have to think of you as being strong and equal. I don't know how to go around it.
>>301469Im pretty sure I exist anon
No. 301477
>>301460Men aren't humans, scrote.
>>301473/r9k/ has a woman hate thread daily, go bother them.
No. 301485
>>301477What do you mean men aren't humans what would we be.
>>301479A minority I'd say. Men aren't stupid we see through the ruse. I think it's a holdover from previous gender roles and they will all go away eventually so long as we continue to break it all down. I don't think women are biologically submissive
No. 301486
>>301475You really think mens preferences have absolutely nothing to do with a sudden outpour of women becoming sexual masochists? Men have cried about their gfs "being boring in bed", praised kinky women, talk all kinds of shit about how they want a nasty kinky girl, claim masochism is feminine, etc etc and now you wanna claim men actually hate these things they've pretty much begged for since porn became a thing
I would explain individuality to you and how some women aren't all women but you probably don't care, just keep crying scrot
No. 301499
>>301489Kinky girl does not imply submissive girl
>>301490This seems like the most important place actually. Right through all the bullshit.
Are you one of those SCUM manifesto girls?
>>301493I never said all
>>301495That applies to the modern era too? I disagree.
No. 301500
>>301477Dont even have to head to /rk9/. Go find a silly comic about dating and relationships on ig and in the comments you'll find some. Head over to youtube or other sites nowadays.
Theres so much out there for them yet they. Cant. Leave. Women. Alone.
No. 301503
>>301498If women a group really are submissive to men as a group in their sexual preferences, yes I'm saying it is not possible to then see you as equal.
Tell me, would you see men as equals if we almost universally wanted to be submissive and small and obedient to you? Obviously not, you're already disgusted by such men. Why would it be different for men? They only reason you could justify it one way and not the other is to use like "natural gender roles" or something stupid like that.
No. 301505
>>301503nta but yes, I'd respect a man if he wanted to be weak and submissive in the bedroom but wanted to be my equal partner in day-to-day life (although I'd still largely prefer a female-lead relationship hehehe). I can understand that someone wants something in one situation but not in another. A person may like masturbating in private, but they don't want to masturbate in their university classroom. It's just like that for some people.
If a guy wanted me to beat him bloody and force him to vomit and shit himself…you know, I'd still love and respect him if he was a sweetheart in our relationship. People have a variety of traits. And I have better emotional intelligence than the average male, I guess.
Anyway, you're just victimizing yourself anon. Hope you find your mommy-gf though.
No. 301507
>>300726Ik this is bait but
I just wanted to say that my bf is a really shy guy who is always really considerate of others, gives up his seat for old ladies regularly and doesn't feel the need to take up three seats with his legs even though he's over 6ft. So yeah, it's possible for men to be kind and being a disgusting, inconsiderate asshole isn't just part of their nature. Being a nice person is a choice. The examples of shitty men we post about here are men who CHOOSE to be shitty people and that makes their actions infinitely worse imo. I love how incels always generalise women like "
All women like chads,
all women hate "nice" guys!" but they see men as humans with varied personalities. Somehow
I'm filtering out "beta males" but someone who's entire opinion of the female gender came from one girl he pined after in high school isn't filtering out the infinite personalities, opinions and interests of 50% of the population. K.
No. 301517
>>301505If one man does it I agree then we are all individuals.
But it's not just one woman and you know it. It's almost a defining feature of heterosexual female sexuality.
>>301506How can you say women don't want to feel small and obedient when all women seek tall men who make more money than them to "feel protected"? What you're saying is just not true.
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>>301517>all womenSays the scrote who knows no other women than his mom, sister and an indian man who roleplays and catfishes as a woman on facebook
No. 301526
>>301517I knew you'd ignore my main point.
If all men were tiny (naturally small) and wanted to be submissive, first of all I'd be very excited holy shit, but secondly I'd still respect their boundaries and opinions. They're adult human beings.
Personal morals, but as long as someone is caring in nature and doesn't intentionally harm or cause distress for others I will respect them.
No. 301537
>>301533What conclusion? Your conclusion that we
shouldn't respect people's boundaries?
You're not selling yourself as a sub very well. It seems you want to assault women and have made up strange reasons to excuse yourself from responsibility.
It seems you struggle with:
>Humans having changing wants and needs depending on outside variables (wanting to be dominated in the bedroom, but not in day-to-day life)>The majority not being all (if most women like being dominated, they all do)So your conclusion is:
>All women are submissive all the time so men should hurt them based on my assumptions alone Please think it over some more. The complexity of the human existence may sink in someday.
No. 301545
>>301543The only thing you've proven is that you lot generally lack emotional depth and understanding. Very black-and-white.
Which we already kind of knew.
No. 301547
>>301545You basically haven't said anything but "ignore it"
How can you ignore the behavior of a group?
No. 301567
>>301547What have I told you to ignore?
I agree that many women are submissive. I don't agree that men have an excuse to disrespect every woman all the time because of that. You also say that you disagree with men like that, but simultaneously blame women for it.
Are both parties wrong then? You dislike women for being subs and men for hating women?
>>301550>it's your nature>>301485>I don't think women are biologically submissiveWhat is the truth?
No. 301596
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>>301550You have no idea what I need to be doing with a man to orgasm.
No. 301600
>>301598nta but
>holds door open for short men because I appreciate their cute and non-threatening statureAlso, all short guys I've tried to hit on and date have either rejected me or been in a relationship. Explain.
No. 301606
>>301601One of them is confirmed dating someone, we're kind of friends now so I know this for sure.
Another had girls sending him hearts and shit on his instagram. And had an ex (at 18).
The first guy I ever asked out rejected my advances many times over the course of several years.
Maybe people just don't like you, man. I have the same issue so don't feel too bad.
Or you could give into the hopelessness and wallow in how it seems as if the world doesn't want you to find a partner. Some fucking mystery force is against you.
Or maybe my anecdote has given you some hope. Who knows.
No. 301757
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No. 301799
>>301781Tbh I've said exactly this a couple of threads ago, the difference is this scrot thinks it's a good thing. Truth is this model only works in tandem with expansionism, all well and good during the Neolithic Revolution, Indo-European expansions, the Roman Empire, colonialism, but now we have absolutely nowhere to expand to, we are phasing out wars which historically were an excellent way to cull the male population, and modern medicine has worked against the pathogenic agents that preferentially affect men as well as the injuries they inflict on themselves in their testosterone addled stupidity.
We are left with a surplus of worthless men that historically would never had the opportunity to breed.
No. 301801
>>301793>larping as a eugenicist What are these steps?
>>301799Men never died in large numbers in war, that's a myth, and the men who did die weren't "useless men" they were anyone who was there, "chads" and "robots" alike.
One third of all princes died in warfare while young before they ever even ascended to the throne. Durng WWII where more men died as a percentage than almost any other war,it was still only about 15% of the male population. I don't know where this dumb meme comes from that low tier men were specifically killed off in wars to make more women for the other men. It's just not true.
Also, when we analyse hunter gatherer societies most are monogamous anyway. Humans aren't polygamous we're polygynandrous and monogamous. It's not woman's "nature" to so these things.
No. 301809
>>301801Why the strawman? We don't even disagree that much. Monogamous marriage is overall beneficial to societies because it keeps men's natural animal instincts at bay.
However, mo men mo problems. This isn't even controversial.
No. 301860
>>301856Prove that a majority of men want to be parents. As in they want to be active in their child's life and stay with their partner.
Even if a man wants to reproduce and have a lineage he still just wants the woman to do all the work and then he'll cheat on her, claiming it was because she didn't give him enough attention.
>inb4 only Chad does thisNo, you're all like that. You even admit to not being able to commit to one woman.
I'm anti-birth because it is impossible to find a good partner. Heck, most mothers are also shit but males are always bad parents. We need to die out already.
No. 301899
>>301847For the most part, men want to have all the benefits of making children (unprotected sex) then leave when the kids are here and need to be raised. I think its just a breeding fetish deep down for them. Thats why they always initially feel trapped after a baby is born
Most of men dont want to be fathers or partake in fatherhood, only to be sperm donors because thats "the fun part" then they do everything they possibly can to demonize pregnancy, body changes and motherhood. They feel disgusted at their pregnant gf/wife because she isnt ~as hot~ anymore. It happens alot. Being pregnant makes you more vunerable and theres too many cases of men murdering their pregnant partners that makes the entire process frightening. I mean, men always screech at women that their only role in life is to make children but they make the entire job sound so degrading, dehumanizing and ugly as possible that its actually baffling that they're surprised at how some women wont partake in it.
You cant even be pro adoption because men only want "their genes" not to actually raise a child that needs a home, hence points above.
No. 301997
>>301980Throughout histoty, men literally needed both religion and the strictness of female sexuality in order to keep their dicks in check and hold back their urges. The only reason men "built society" is because they wanted to get their peepees wet but religion and law forced them to be productive before they could do so.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it would be feasible for women to develop such a complex society from scratch simply because nature fucked us over - at least in the presence of men, that is. We're weaker and spend most of our youth pregnant or caring for children. Yes. But now, male, we have birth control and technology, and you can bitch and moan as much as you want but results prove that we're not cognitively inferior to you in any way. And women, who tend to care for others and do well collectively, are much more fit for life in a civilized society.
We'll take it from here. Thanks for everything your kind developed for us, we'll kindly take it off your hands. You fulfilled your biological destiny. Now die off like the pest you now are.
No. 302007
>>301997>religion and law forced them to be productive before they could do so.Both male creations.
>We'll take it from here. Thanks for everything your kind developed for us, we'll kindly take it off your hands. You fulfilled your biological destiny. Now die off like the pest you now are.Do you really think that's how it's gonna be when technology takes away the monopoly women have over procreation? I don't think so.
No. 302014
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>>301942>muh top 20%you are literally in the bottom 3% of men if you cant get laid
No. 302020
I find it really funny how men constantly taunt women about the development of the artificial womb and “replacing” us biologically, when males are LITERALLY going expected to experience mass infertility within a generation or so due to endocrin-blockers in plastic lowering sperm count and testosterone. Nature, as revenge for having abused and controlled female reproductive capabilities, is literally phasing you guys out of reproduction altogether. Fucking nice.
No. 302027
>>302007>male creation[citation needed]
And even if they are, it's still males making sure their instincts are in check because they know living in society is the best course of action but that they can't just be civilized without major constraints because you. are. beasts.
>m-muh artificial wombGood, good, I have no idea why you males think women enjoy the monopoly over procreation. Artificial wombs just means more freedom for us. Do you really think when women are out of the picture men will flock to these wombs and raise kids on their own? Lmao, at best y'all will pay to impregnate as many of those as possible then leave the baby to die in a gutter within a week.
You'll kill yourselves off quickly, men are violent by nature. As I said: we'll take it from here.
No. 302063
>>302020And then include the rising amount of men trying to be women and making themselves infertile too in the process.
>>302027Artificial wombs are just going to stay in hospitals as the better replacement for incubators iirc but whatever helps them sleep better at night I suppose
Its for the best, because those men would have to raise those children for 18 years on his own. And I dont think they know what that entails
No. 302153
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the crime was totally the same, guys!!!!!
No. 302159
>>302146Go back a hundred years ago and say that. We were busy gassing and shelling each other by the millions, with surprisingly few regrets.
>>302145This sums up male misanthropy at least, we merely think the same of women too.
No. 302273
>>302267>>302266Keep crying incel
And yet where were you when men were talking about how women need to be raped and hanged and all the er bullshit who are actually killing women, and yet you magically appear with "dont be mean ladies" when men get whats coming to them? Pathetic
No. 302306
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>>302291This 'biting them on the ass' is, at absolute worst, not getting away with rape 100% of the time and not getting to demand 10/10 virgin teenagers to marry in their middle age. Poor fucking scrotes.
Seriously, every time I see men cry about how feminism is ruining society… fucking where? How? Some women have kids when they're 35 after establishing a career, what cruel and unusual punishment for men. Some tiny, infinitesimal minority of men get falsely accused of rape, so women being vocal about their opposition to rape is ruining men's lives. We might currently have the highest quality of living and the most freedom of all history, but feminism is an evil force that is dooming humanity because we aren't acting like the breeding sows they want us to be.
No. 302340
>>302337Are…tiny brown guys chad now? If so, you got me. Within reason though since I'm very monogamous.
>>302339Any man with a girlfriend or an ex-girlfriend is Chad to them. That's it.
>>302338I want to get rid of everyone, honestly. But that's just me.
No. 302347
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look at all these evil women amiright guys we sure do need men around here to keep us intact with our evil lady instincts
No. 302357
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Why do men hate pretty boys so much?they seem to have this irrational hate for cute/pretty men. We have one at my job and all the other dudes can't stand him and call him gay behind his back. Men have always gotten so butt blasted over Justin Bieber types and boy bandsa and I don't get it.
No. 302362
>>302357One of my coworkers was a very nice 19 year old dude who wasn't all that masculine, personality-wise. He wore earrings and the only reason he wasn't picked on was because he regularly hit the gym. Apparently a lot of his friends would call him a "fuck boy" because of these traits
I don't understand why men are so harsh on softer dudes like him. Are they so fragile in their masculinity and sexuality that they don't want to come off as gay if they don't act as anything other than assholes?
No. 302363
>>302357One of my coworkers was a very nice 19 year old dude who wasn't all that masculine, personality-wise. He wore earrings and the only reason he wasn't picked on was because he regularly hit the gym. Apparently a lot of his friends would call him a "fuck boy" because of these traits
I don't understand why men are so harsh on softer dudes like him. Are they so fragile in their masculinity and sexuality that they don't want to come off as gay if they don't act as anything other than assholes?
No. 302367
>>302357One of my coworkers was a very nice 19 year old dude who wasn't all that masculine, personality-wise. He wore earrings and the only reason he wasn't picked on was because he regularly hit the gym. Apparently a lot of his friends would call him a "fuck boy" because of these traits
I don't understand why men are so harsh on softer dudes like him. Are they so fragile in their masculinity and sexuality that they don't want to come off as gay if they don't act as anything other than assholes?
No. 302371
>>302360Maybe you should get a woman to teach you english too while you're at it.
No. 302374
>>302357I think part of it is homophobia and toxic masculinity while the other part is just men being angry at women for desiring other men. Combine that with the fact that female fantasy doesn’t align with male fantasy and it’s just one of those things.
To the robots potentially reading this thread: grooming yourself and looking presentable is what women want. It doesn’t make you “gay”.
No. 302377
>>302357young leo is fucking good eye candy, but i believe most men are jealous of pretty boys because some women want and will only date a pretty boy and they know they will never get to look that young/cute ever in their entire lives so they take that insecurity on women and pressure us to be bimbos/teenies/plastic/slim thicc and then complain about how ugly these type of women who obsess over looks are. but that's just a theory.
i've also noticed pretty boys are FAR more gentlemanly and have actual manners and know how to to talk to women like humans and not cardboard cutouts of a hole. i guess it has something to do with if he's raised by mostly women or just genetics. either way, find a pretty boy and claim him ladies.
No. 302382
>>302357>>302377Yesss Ive always loved softer looking guys. Young Leo was truly a gem. Some Kpop groups too but I have a love/hate relationship with that genre
Huge buff guys intimidate the hell out of me. I get scared and avoid them lol since they can easily overpower me
No. 302408
I love how you keep touting women wanting a good man to be the greatest evil of humanity, as if men aren't constantly seeking out and competing for the hottest women at all times. The only difference between men and women is that men are garbage enough to pursue as many women as possible at once, while women just want one man. Of course that one man needs to be decent, men don't mind fucking women they hate because they assume they will later get the 18 yr old supermodel they feel they deserve. They build these civilizations you keep going on about in the hope that they get that 10/10 girl, not the 5/10 their 5/10 ass deserves (by your logic, because I know literally all you care about is looks).
Neither men nor women get the perfect partner they aim for in the end, they get someone equal. Nobody is to blame or reward for that. Though, maybe for a change you could blame your fellow men for being so non monogamous that they'd indulge a harem of women to begin with - maybe they could exercise some restraint and only be with one woman? But god fucking forbid a man ever, ever miss an opportunity for sex. God forbid you ever take responsibility for your wildly out of control, indiscriminate, toxic sex drives.
No. 302438
>>302429Yeah.. No. In japan, it isnt the evil boogieman of female sexuality thats dropping thr birth rates, sorry. But rather old, outdated men with old outdated traditional minds enforcing the new generation to continue the overworked salaryman lifestyle. Nobody is dating or having families because nobody has the time. Its work work work. Especially in tokyo where its so fucking expensive that 1 salary households require a fucked up work schedule. Womem are expected to work for a but but drop it completely to be mothers and returning to work is near impossible.
>>302434But remember anon, Chad isnt like other men Hes a different type of man who only controls womens desires, fucks all the time and rules over incels like the world is an american high school movie
No. 302454
>>302443lmao those compounds required the top brass to kick out as many young men as they could get away with. The young wives kept cheating on their decrepit 'alpha' husbands with the cute, lower status,
younger men. Warren Jeffs isn't a Chad, people
like Chad. They don't settle for Chad for lack of options.
No. 302497
>>302441First of all, you've repeatedly said this "woman only want one man" point as if it makes women the obvious morally superior sex. But a woman can only get pregnant off of a single man at once, so no shit they have no evolutionary incentive to have a harem of men. This doesn't make you morally superior, it's the obvious outcome based on biology.
And secondly, it's usually not even true. Alpha fuck Beta bucks, women try to get pregnant off Chad and then trick/coerce some non-chad into raising chads kid for you all the time.
>>302439You're spouting memes as if they constitute a serious assessment of human society. I don't how you can possibly look at any society in human history and not see that yes, it is men who try to enforce monogamy between 1 man and 1 woman. No Society has ever existed that didn't follow these rules, because those rules are the foundation of society to begin with.
>>302434Again, you spew memes. Show me any functional Society in history we're 80% the men were expected to work but never allowed to reproduce. You can't, because the 80% men are who creates Society. Only women and Chads want a system where 1 alpha male gets to mate with nearly all the females. That's the way wild animals live, and maybe you haven't noticed but wild animals are fucking stupid and have nothing close to civilization. And you women yourselves are responsible for making males so competitive by forcing the all or nothing mating dichotomy onto them.
No. 302503
>>302450>he keeps saying the samething over and over.This is why I don't talk to scrots at all anymore. Nothing that they have to say is as intelligent and as revolutionary as they think it is. Everything they say is boring and I've heard it a million times before.
Once you've heard one scrot talk you've heard them all.
No. 302514
>>302510Do you think that's true?
He even did laugh a couple of times.
No. 302517
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>all my life have tried to be good because I was raised that way
>some assholes from my gender have been mean assholes
>now I am an asshole too
ebin xD
No. 302522
>>302515Man-beater here
I'm not white, or a feminist lmao. Great bait anyway
No. 302538
>>302532This. When you give them what they claim to want like RPC, june, etc men do nothing but abuse and cheat, when you beat them into their place that's when they start loving you and talking about you in a good manner.#beatmen2019
No. 302555
>>302554Yeah women dont do murder suicides or kill themselves when they get caught molesting children
But hey, wanna be treated like a woman? Be my guest
No. 302556
>>302555Men kill themselves because they receive no help or sympathy from society despite having all the blame and burden of everything placed on them.
Don't claim you want men's role if you're going to be delusional about what it actually means. You women live such easy lives you can't even conceive of what real problems are.
No. 302559
>>302558Women are the one who enforced that standard on men.
>>302557Women also Force men to compete with each other.
No. 302561
>>302535check out Nasim Aghdam
a literal psycho who shot up youtube and she is being hailed as an hero
but alas her bunny died so it's no wonder
No. 302565
>>302514>Do you think that's true?Of course it's true. Dominatrix porn is a million dollar industry. Punch a guy in the face and he'll enjoy it.
>He even did laugh a couple of times.I bet his dick was tingling just thinking about it.
No. 302568
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>haha look at me I just reverse the situations men talk so much
>Ain't I such an intelligent and funny person
No. 302575
>>302571Where do you see this besides here?
>>302573Yep, I've even seen people accuse a child of having consentual sex with her step father after it was revealed a rape test was done. They'd blame millions of women before ever blaming a man
No. 302585
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>>302578They don't even Care when it happens to males
No. 302588
>>302579Give me a real life example
Since it happens so often it shouldn't be hard right
No. 302624
>>302623We like to submit to strength and authority
Women don't have that tho
At any moment we can choose to flip the script if we want
That guy in the video up thread got fed up one time and gave her a black eye that lasted 3 weeks
Don't play this game
No. 302626
>>302615I kinda have a suspicion that there are incels rping as women here. Never heard of beating up men, just ignoring and avoiding them since they love violence more than sex. Theyre the ones who are waiting for the day to brutally assault a woman under the name of equality.
Anyway, I wonder what monogamy-kun thinks of redpilled women. And that one time when one of them was married to a man, had his child and because of pregnancy, her tits naturally changed (became smaller after breastfeeding) and he tried to force her to undergo a serious, life changing operation just for the sake of bigger ones. Ofc she had concerns but he still left her and his kid, despite being monogomous and having a family with a woman was actually red pilled…. because the sex mattered more. huh. No. 302643
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No. 302794
>>302626God, RPW are something else. Only one of those morons had the balls to say 'you married the wrong man', because that would be admitting their redpill husband picking tactics failed. They just continually offered advice on how to improve her looks and appease her asshole husband.
That poor woman, she really should've seen it coming though. You marry a redpilled man who thinks looks and youth are everything, and you get a man who thinks looks and youth are everything. Too bad neither last forever for any woman.
No. 302884
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No. 302919
>>302900It's important to remember that men did not get to the top of society by being rational or smart, they got there by being violent and killing everyone who stood in their way. Scrots are violent brutes. Nothing more.
Scrots view themselves as gods who have created the world. This is why they're always babbling about muh civilization. Men view themselves as gods and women as devoted servants who should worship god (men) no matter what. It's like the story of Job where god torments Job but Job still worships god. Similarly men torment and kill women but still expect women to look up to them in awe and gratefulness. Any woman who refused to submit would be punished. This is also why men worked hard to keep women out of power or higher position in society so that men could kill women without anyone stopping them.
No. 302959
>>302936I remember an anon once said they've doxed rp women before and they were just homely, empty older women. Not much is going with them as they placed their entire value on a fleeting attribute (youth) so as they get older, as we all do, they get envious of other women who arent RP, men who they see as better and just about any one who isnt miserable like they are.
Take away all tha red pill shit and it could have been a nice subredit for women to talk about cute, feminine fashion tips, skin care etc. But they do it for men. Men who have and will still leave them once theyre not young and beautiful anymore even if they have kids. Sad!
No. 302966
>>302959redpills are a cult essentially
also why so many live in a different reality where they've convinced themselves straight white men are actually oppressed and even people who live in red states like nolagirl504 or whatever the ugly caked up hags name was is convinced "evil feminazis and liberals are taking over!"
No. 302970
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>>302934Look at what's happening with automation and the male dominated industries (trucking, warehouse, heavy labor).
Men are being replaced. Physical strength isn't going to be valued anymore, because a robot will be able to do their work 500x more efficiently and faster.
It's funny how much they cling to "muh strength" when it's literally becoming useless.
They're like fat, spoiled rats that have been backed into a corner. All they have left is their primal instinct to lash out and attack.
No. 302992
>>302981why don't women strike deals, bribe the officials, find capital, market their product, crate sweatshops and hire 6 million nigger slaves to work in them to cut costs and create jobs in poor areas?
oh I forgot it's all me me me
No. 302995
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>>302919maybe you need to design weapons, manufacture them, organize and storm the castle?
No. 302996
>>302966Because anytime a woman speaks out, they will whine that feminism is DESTROYING MEN and go into hypermode to convince the poor hurt men that everything will be ok uwu and that all women are indeed evil spawns of satan (except themselves ofc). It is a cult. I cant imagine hating yourself for being born a woman that much
>>302981Lbr men are upset that women are working. Period. It should be that women remain in the house with a man that loathes her because shes weak, forces her to have his kids and then leaves her when shes older. Anything else will hurt their feelings
No. 303022
>>303015Maybe 30 years ago, but women are expected to work now if we don't have kids. Housewives are shamed nowadays (which is good imo, adults should work).
The general opinion of mom's who work is pretty split, they're either cool single moms yas queen or seen as neglectful and abusive.
Women also put in a hard days work on the farm back in the good ol' days. The whole housewife thing was a bit of a 19th to 20th century phenomenon. Even with hunter gatherers, women were the main gatherers!
No. 303028
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>>303025I am more disturbed half the posts ITT are being made by one dyke forgetting the sage trip on
the other posts are being made by some girl who wants (you)s desperately but I won't give it to her by principle
>>303015Do we live on the same planet?
Because I don't remember when I or any of my girl friends got a "You go girl" party for getting a job or an applause or even a special recognition.
It's expected to work, regardless of gender, and most of us started work during high school summer holidays.
And as another anon pointed out, women did work throughout history, maybe not the most dangerous jobs like men, but they certainly weren't a cushy homemaker lifestyle robots and the manosphere like to believe in.
Incidentally, I've noticed that the men that are most vocal about the good ol' days when women had it easy and didn't have to work, are the ones that are either unemployed or even if they were, probably wouldn't be willing to enforce that lifestyle. You just like to bitch.
No. 303082
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This is very long and pretty nasty but I have posted it because this is actually the truth about MGTOW
They are nothing more than whiny pissbabies who are mad that women see them for the shit stained oxygen theives they are. If only it really was about them going away and not this shit-seriously read this, right to the end (especially that cringy end diary post), this killed off any sympathy I had for incels and mgtow-I not wish they would all off themselves.
No. 303085
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>>303082Here is this waste of good working organs other diary entries if anyone wants a laugh.
No. 303098
>>303082Theres alot to unpack. Wow. Calling what he wants as a "nice, loving kinky home ;)" is just.. No. A few things that stand out..
>wants a woman to "breed" and open to incest between mother/daughter Wanting to have children to sexual abuse.. I know it happens but fuck those people (and him) to the 9th circle of hell
>open to serious medical procedures like implants when I say soWhy do so many men push this while at the same time demonize it and praise "natural" beauty. It just reminds me of that red pill woman a fews posts up being told to have surgery and work out until shes sick and in pain
The last bit towards the end
>we women are just cunts and we must always follow our man in everything…was written by a man who wants someone to like him for breathing, like how his mom did.
His whole profile and postings are just.. a mess lol
No. 303149
>>303085>men are not hardwired to be monogamous men must breed everwhere Somewhere…. That monogamy incel is
triggered kek
>>303134He wants to be a sugar daddy with no sugar. Cant even bring the splenda.
On the serious note, he wants to abuse his daughters. Sick
No. 303488
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I hope this is okay to post here. I recently got off the bus and this entitled piece of shit dude got on, didn't want to pay. Sat/laid his legs across two seats and then proceeded to harass every woman who got on.
This is a really local bus, so it goes only 15-20 mins to and from my area. I use it for work and home only, but it goes to the local mall. It's usually the same quiet and nice people who get on, but i never seen this dude before. He was tall and lanky and just overall gross (think typical soundclout rapper.)
he was talking shit about me and my coworker and the bus driver said nothing. i thought he would throw him off at some point, but nothing happened. I beared with it cuz i dont think i'll see this dude again, but i legit just got off work and it frightened me, even though i carry mace.
Why are men such pieces of actual trash?
No. 303493
>>303443One of the biggest Chads I've ever met in my life was short af, maybe 5'4 or so. He was the exact stereotype, super confident, popular, dated the hottest girls, also extremely smart, creative and talented which was annoying. He was a dick to me and I always hated him, never felt any attraction to him at all.
If I think about it, I'v met plenty of short chads. Confidence is the key, and not in the sappy 'just b urself' self-help for losers kind of way. It's the genuine sort of confidence that comes from being outgoing, funny, a leader, and socially accepted to the point that you can verge on arrogance.
No. 303519
>>303493Yeah, it's been disappointing to learn short guys are usually the most full of themselves.
Actually, all men are. I've yet to know a genuinely insecure one.
No. 303537
>>303529Exactly! They still keep their entitled attitude. I've never witnessed a male shrinking violet who puts the needs of others above his own existence. Meanwhile I was like that when I was insecure.
Males deal with it by acting just as bad as cocky chads.
>>303535The dream was to have a shy tiny bf to defend, but males are usually disappointing.
No. 303603
>>303592my boss lets male child molesters with barely any experience work but refused to hire a woman with 4 yrs of experience because she got caught shoplifting
so much for society being sexist against men
No. 303610
>>303594I get it. But as women, we are hammered with that message all the time others like that linked one have been already published all over. Theres no point to restate an already existing fact. Yes, you get older, it will be more difficult. Nobody will deny that. It was only briefly mentioned that some women are pregnant/ are having/ have had children at 30 and older. Its not really.. bad per say, and certainly people should be financially secure before so, right? Kids are a luxury.
No. 303621
>>303617>I used the word facetious correctly with regards to context and you didn't, the anon was clearly being serious
>DNA methylation does occur in oocytes and can impact gene transcription, the risk obviously grows with time.but it also occurs in male cells as well, this is what you said
>Women have 2 pairs of the X sex determination chromosomes. Imperfect copies, due to mutation and methylationwhat you claimed was all xx cells are muttated or methylationed, not that the risk grows with time
also methylation isn't bad either nor does it grow with age, you clearly down know what it means
>I never claimed the males were the original humans, what the actual fuck? Reductio ad absurdum.but you did
>The female external reproductive system is the male one that is reconfigured via the pressures of perinatal hormones. The whole of the female sexual stimulation system is a genetic Spandrel.
>Y is not an incomplete chromosome, it is a chromosome that has lost a lot of volume due to selection pressures. >i-it's not incomplete!!!it's just incomplete! good to hear
>It is literally hormonal variations after the 6th month of pregnancy. It's the very definition of the term.oh kekaroni. perinatal literally means AFTER BIRTH, you truly do not know what you're talking about
>How exactly did I imply that a female was mutated? Her unfertilized ovum, the oocyte, can have its DNA mutated.did you magically forget what you said?
>The female genitalia is most likely an evolutionary spandrel(at least type it correctly),still not using the word spandrel correctly
>Most evolutionary biologists are proponents of this theory.of what theory exactly? you keep changing your words every step of the way
>you posit that the y chromosome is incompleteboohoo, said the ~le uni degree~ haver who comes to lolcow to sperg about womens ovaries and women not reproducing on command
and yes, it contains less DNA therefore is incomplete, hence why you can still make a human with no Y chromosomes, it will just be female, also explains why you can use bone marrow to make sperm
No. 303637
>>303629They just say the same things over and over and over again. I'm tired. Dont know how many times we have to tell then that we know they hate us for daring to be born with xx and not the ~glorious~ xy. yada yada same old same old.
>>302637Not soon enough
No. 303638
>posts picture that proves my point
>Two X chromosomes will never be identical you autist.
never said that but ok
>Mutations will occur and there will be genes that won't be transcribed. That's the fucking reason we are not limited to 1. Talk about misconstruing.
again by that logic all females would be mutated
> It's a fucking Spandrel, evolution likes to cut corners.
still not using the word spandrel correctly
>Perinatal is the late pregnancy to newborn, see pic related.
yes, but not 6 months, where did you get that from I don't know, and what does it have to do with forcing evil women to have babies before our ovaries turn to raisins at 26 and all men should fuck teens anyway?
>The female genitalia being an evolutionary spandrel theory. Off the top of my head Robert Sapolsky.
again, what does this have to do with your original point you're starting shit over?
>Being able to create spermatozoa artificially is not exactly groundbreaking in 2018.
good to hear you're admitting to your uselessness
>The y chromosome contains less DNA because there were selection pressures for it.
ie incomplete, don't know what you're trying to prove, it's kinda ironic you're here to pwn yourself
>The size of the X is not indicative of the volume of relevant information. You sure love making me repeat the same things.
I'm not trying to make you repeat the same things, GET TO THE POINT, you are not a laffy taffy or snapple label, what does this have to do with your original point at all?
>Not once did I humblebrag about my education
No one said you did, but they mocked you, which you deserve because well you came in here and wrote nonsensical novels over things that barely even related to what you were replying to at all, when an anon mention some women have kids past 35 you got all triggered and wrote novels acting as if womens ovaries are decayed passed 28, when an anon talked about her personal experiences you started ranting about how they didn't have a full on professional debate with you and just put in their personal experiences (which you didn't explain how they happened either since it was you who acted like women 100% cannot reproduce whatsoever past the age of 30)
also how did that ""chick"" humble about her education when she literally had the exact wording as you and how did she "unsuccessfully" attack you? looks successful to me
No. 303651
>This is an exercise in futility.
nigga your entire existence is an exercise is futility, also put away your thesaurus, even doctors with PHDs don't talk like that, you come off as extreme pretentious and try hard, come to my work place and other doctors would laugh at you
>You repeat the same points ad nauseam, aren't you embarrassed
because…I want you to get to the point?
>You are either being a pedant or insist on points that I have repeatedly stated are factual.
then why are you here if I'm "insisting the points you have stated repetitively are
>I am not misusing the word perinatal
but you are, you claimed it's after 6 months, it's before and after birth
>or the fact that the DNA in oocytes does get methylated.
I never denied that, you claim that methylation happens as women get older therefore women should get pregnant asap which makes no sense and you have yet to prove
>Or the fact that gene mutation during environmental pressures or failure at transcription do occur all the time,
never denied that, your original claim was that it was only X that get mutated, you keep changing your words
>Finally, no, having mutated gene sequences or methylated genes does not mean "women are mutated"
that's not what you said at first either, again with changing your points
> It is not exclusive to women and not only women carry an x sex determination chromosome.
1, you claimed the exact opposite earlier, 2 THEN WHY ARE YOU FUCKING HERE if this is what you believe
>Most of the DNA doesn't do anything
again, this is another thing you did a 180 for and completely contradicted yourself
>If there is a faulty sequence in the X chromosome, you literally have 2 other ones waiting to pick up the slack
yawn, another thing you did a 180 and contradicted yourself, another useless statement where you didn't get to the point
> One would think a man-hater would champion that point and readily assert that men are more at risk of mutation(they are)
Oh because I didn't care to uselessly state facts for no reason somehow I don't know anything
>But you are too stupid to even pick up the low-hanging fruit.
see what I mean? because I don't care to come in here talking about how men are more at risk of mutation (which you contradicted yourself earlier but ok)
>I pity your future colleagues
I pity anyone around you, you sound hopelessly manipulative, pretentious, and delusional
and if you don't believe me leave me a way I can contact you and I can show you proof of my transcripts, MCAT scores, ACT and SAT scores, Resume, and bank account(just to flex too)
No. 303677
>>300251fuck, the sexual abuse that girl must have gone thru at that age that was ENCOURAGED and monetized breaks my heart.
and none of the men who contributed got due justice.
i hate men, theyre the biggest danger to children.
No. 303730
>>303726not even good enough though, I've legit seen men go out their way to point out women in the background of videos and pictures just to make fun of them
they don't like women, they like judging them
No. 303734
>>303714You confuse hate with indifference. 99% of people do not care about 99% of other people. People being indifferent to you and not caring about you is the normal state of things.
>>303722The vileness of far too many online male spaces that valorize the housewife ideal has made me super wary. Like,
those are the people I'd be paired up with? Uh, no thanks.
No. 303747
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Is there some sort of pro-social way we could get more men to take care of their skin?
I've built up a reputation among my social circle for giving good feedback on clothes and makeup and stuff (I'm not especially fashionable or beautiful but I give very in dept critiques, no holding back). The girls are overall very happy with the advice I've given and have given me good advice in turn, its a more frustrating experience with my male friends. Some of them take my advice to heart but mainly they cherrypick and quickly get ooged out by the critique on the grounds that what I'm asking of them is unreasonable and too much work. Of course it is still less effort, often significantly so than the girls put in.
This isn't nearly as anger inducing as many of the scenarios described in this thread but hot damn does it steam my hams that men can be so ignorant of how much work women put in to look good while snubbing 'high maintenance' women in favor of 'natural beauty' (as if they know what that means) and not putting in equal effort themselves.
The girls and I have started teasing the guys for having dry skin, maybe this helps.
No. 303767
>>303710They cant leave us the hell alone, saying the same damn things over again. Men are perfect, flawless angels who never age, never hurt anyone and are always sweet that deserve all the love and support. Meanwhile women are literally satan and useless (esp after 30 when we all become ancient ugly goblins who cant have kids) mass genocide when for us harpies
How many times do we have to send the maleposters to womenhate places that are just about everywhere else on the web
No. 303772
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because you are annoying and won't stop shitting up our thread with your boohoos
No. 303779
>>303755>implying pretty boys aren't desirable.All the talk about women being cattier is bs, men are absolutely catty and tear each other down. As mentioned upthread, just look at how they tear into cute boys and pretty boys with delicate features. Taking care of yourself is branded as effeminate. They defend looking ungroomed and unkempt as a masculine virtue.
It sucks.
No. 303787
>>303729My aunt did this after divorcing to prevent her daughter from being preyed upon since that happens so much.
Would you have kids via sperm clinic?
No. 303805
Teenagers are dumb and vulnerable and constantly manipulated by older, more experienced men. See: the grooming thread. Doesn't mean they actually prefer them, just got taken advantage of. And most teenagers I know crushed on, dated and eventually fucked people their own age.
The fact is, women are cornered into thinking their best and only chance for commitment is an older man. Most find men in their teens/20s most physically attractive depending on their age, just like men do, because that's objectively the peak in a person's body and skin. But when women are constantly told that men in their 20s only want to fuck around and won't commit, and always reminded that men are obsessed with younger women, of course they would feel they have no option for a long term relationship except an older man. It's not because she wants an old man, it's because she thinks she can't get better. And maybe she can't, considering men just want the youngest they can legally get (and even sometimes not legally). I, for one, would rather be single than with a balding old loser because they are physically repulsive and I have my own money.
And oh, look, here you are proving us right. The attraction isn't genuine, it's forced because men have the most absurd and impossible standard possible - eternal youth. And they bitch that we don't want manlets, kek.
No. 303812
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>in relationships where the woman was 10 years younger than me
No. 303819
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Why are you even here? Don't you have an underage gf to statuatory rape or something?
Can you do something to stop men from raping and killing women? No? Then get out. The difficulties of the dating market are fucking small fry compared to all the other reasons people here have to hate men.
No. 303820
I don't want kids. i dont ever ever want to please a man who sees me as nothing more than an expire date. Im tired, im sick and tired of this, you literally can't see me as anything more than eggs, I worked so hard and men can see me as nothing more than tits and eggs
And no, I'm 19, I am SICK every single childhood dream I've had is ruined, if its gonna be a harsh reality I do not want the people who are doing this alive im sorry
I just wanted to become a doctor, get married. Have kids and make my husband happy
But that stopped meaning anything, I am nothing more than an expiry date to men, nothing I do is ever good enough, I dont want men around, they dont deserve women. AT LEAST men in the 50s didnt have such an insanely high standard for women, nowadays the second your boobs get smaller you're a worthless evil cunt who is causing your boyfriend toture and you should neck yourself for being useless
No. 303825
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Would it be worth necroing our comfy female society thread? People were interested in finding likeminded women to live with.
No. 303835
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No. 303839
>>303830Most people have no idea what radfems are or what they are like and this is one of the few open havens for it.
>>303835That 15% one is pretty sad, how many perpetrators really
started at 30+? I'd bet they all have a history of escalating behavior.
No. 303842
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>>303840They still need to die. DIE STUPID USELESS SCROTS!
No. 303846
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>>303840I know some Dommes who'd gladly provide them a more visceral experience than murking up here
But mostly I'm tired about discussions over what does and does not please a dude's dick. Can't we just spam cute yaoi so the women get something out of this thread?
No. 303848
>>303842if I knew your venmo, I would give you money
sincerely a male-poster
No. 303857
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We should agree to regularly replenish the thread with gay-ass images to make the reading experience more uncomfortable for men trying to read.
Also 2d > 3d for good measure
No. 303860
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>>303857Would it be appropriate to just post 2d homo along with our regularly scheduled man hating? It unironically helped me distance myself from men because I can get my romance fix without having to self insert.
I miss YOI so fucking much.
No. 303863
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IMO absolutely appropriate
season 2 fucking when???
No. 303866
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>>303857I prefer embarrassed and humiliated 2d men.
No. 303869
>>303864when my grandparents and their families came to the US the women rejoiced and said they were going to be American ladies henceforth. The bullshit traditionalism of home country was left behind by the women in favor of assimilating.
Ask them straight out if they miss the old country or if things were better or if they'd go back to those old dynamics and they'd all say hell no.
No. 303872
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anyway, men who like lolicon are freaks. i don't think i trust any man who claims to like anime, these days. i don't trust men period, but i ESPECIALLY side-eye him if he likes shit like dragon maid.
men like to justify their innate pedophilia, too, by saying "buh hurr durr iss jus som pictuuuures" yea, but they're drawn pictures of bug-eyed people that clearly look like children. soooo, you're a pedophile. full-stop. no debate, no argument, no platform.
No. 303877
Silky pale skin, wavy black hair, big round eyes with long eyelashes, full lips, slim neck, small stature, high voice, wide hips,big butt, small nose, feminine jaw, tiny 24 inch waist, full perky breasts, oh no but I don't like bitchy entitled men like the ones in here right now I guess I'm a big mean masculine woman and no man will ever like me
No. 303879
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Women and males brain aren't wired differently.
No. 303882
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>>303871There was a daki for sale? Ugh. Now I hate that I will never have one since that kind of stuff is never re-released. Anyways, men suck since they don’t look as hot as 2d men.
No. 303884
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Might be OK if it was just the adult characters but the female children are hella fucking sexualized and they aren't even drawn like 'developed' looking little girls. They look straight up prepubescent in figure.
No. 303890
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>>303882Yes there was apparently, you can find it in the merch thread.
No. 303891
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>>303887Expecting them to restrain themselves is a lost cause this is why I support open carry and conceal carry for all women
No. 303908
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Am I the only one here that wouldn't want to raise a son?
No. 303915
>>303908lol, no. first off, i'd rather die than carry any man's child, but any women entertaining the delusion that they will have enough control over their boys when they're being raised in a sociopathic society to "make them a good one", are delulu. i don't want a thing to do with any children, especially males, though.
>>303911you can't, that's why we need to accept that women shouldn't be having male children.
No. 303924
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I love the collective freakout men are having at the realization that women are becoming superior to them in almost every way.
More women are graduating and becoming better educated, more women are working better paid and highly skilled jobs, more women are becoming more successful than their male counterparts (financially, romantically and spiritually) all the while still being superior in empathy, cooperativeness and building meaningful relationships.
It's funny how men only retained their status when they classified some populations as subhuman or second class citizens. The minute they lost some of their ability to lawfully keep women down, women started outdoing men in almost every aspect. Really makes you think.
You wanna know why little boys aren't doing as well as little girls in school? It's not because the school system is catering to girls, it's because boys as a whole are less intelligent. Maybe they should just stick to menial labor work like the vast majority of their fathers do lmao.
Enjoy it while you can scrotes! Society is changing despite your pitiful attempts (well not actually yours since you are all ugly losers that seriously post on a Mongolian women's basket weaving forum instead of bettering your lives and communities).
No. 303933
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I’m somewhat of a regular in the man-hating threads, but honestly a lot of the women ITT are just as responsible for shitting up the quality of these threads as the scrotes are. Stop engaging with incels and PLEASE, for the love of god, stop with this pathetic “i hate men cause when i reach thirty, they’re just gonna leave me for younger woman REEEEE!!” cringe. Yes, the male fixation on youth is creepy as fuck, but some ITT have clearly internalised the idea that female value is contingent on age and the insecurity is really transparent. Please get help and, more importantly, experience.
Mods really need to either police the threads better or just vanish MHG from /ot/ again.
No. 303934
>>303933Yes, people need to stop responding to incels and mods need to monitor the threads better. But you don't have the right to tell people they can't vent their issues with age, are we supposed to be perfectly secure and unemotional when posting? If we can't be a little dramatic about things, we also wouldn't be able to complain about men being violent rapists and criminals, men hating women and wanting us back in the kitchen, etc. Obviously the focus was on age this time because the maleposter kept posting about his preference for younger women. If he posted about how women deserve to get raped that would be the main complaint instead.
I don't believe my age has anything to do with mine or any other woman's worth, but if men do then of course I am going to be upset and angry. This is the only place many of us have to talk about these things.
No. 303935
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Tick tock scrotes your time is up! Time to start slaving away at a job you hate so you can maybe get an approving glance from your female boss or coworkers.
Hahaha, I wonder why you're all so scared for a female power take over? Is it because you know your lives will become effectively useless and you'll be put into the male quarantine zone because you have no value?
No. 303939
>>303938can relate especially since I live in fucking sweden of all places. it's funny because the "hidden" sexism is extremely rampant here and men have their own forum where they incel rant a lot about ree stupid feminists and "cunt creatures"
>>303933this. but I'm also pretty sure some of the "female" bait here is incelposting since the mentality is the exact same but with flipped genders
No. 303947
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Just what the hell is wrong with these men wanting to shit on women’s spaces? You don’t really see women shitting up the women-hating threads on /fag9k/. ALL of these scrots scream of emasculated insecure faggotry whenever they post here and need to just hurry up and DIE.
No. 303970
>>303968Here's betting you're a maleposter.
Only men care this much about muh carrying on the best genes.
No. 303980
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>>303974Stop giving the attention whore scrote replies.
For fuck sake anons.
No. 303993
>>303983seconding this, I'm 5'9 from a tall family and I wouldn't settle for a guy under 6'3, it would be so embarrassing to bring a manlet home.
anyone else into reluctant straight guy goes gay for cash porn? It's so satisfying seeing the discomfort on their faces over doing acts they probably ask their girlfriend for everyday
No. 304013
Scrots can scream on the internet all day long but it won't prevent them from becoming useless.
No. 304020
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calm down little guy
No. 304024
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No. 304028
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Having short limbs and a big ass head like a baby just isn't cute
No. 304033
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No. 304037
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It's not socialized thinking. Big heads and small bodies are just unsettling. That's why Kpop idols look so disturbing next to westerners.
No. 304039
>>304010So you wouldn't date a guy if he was 5'10, attractive, and a millionaire?
TBH short is anything below 5'7 or 5'8.
No. 304076
>>304071Don't worry, this is just another form of bitchy neckbeards gaslighting, it's not about your actual hormones, traits, etc etc, if you're young and nod your head and comply you're feminine! If you have a mind of your own and disagree with him you're a disgusting unfeminine roastie dyke
So when are men start going to argue about which hair colors are the most feminine and fertile? O or how about trying to figure out what type of music women like tells you about their femininity and their fertility
Also, by this dudes logic men who are nice must be low t, oh wait I forgot it only applies to women
No. 304083
>>304082I never went anywhere and I'm not whining. Calling out hypocrisy and prejudice isn't whining.
Men cause most of the problems in the world but women aren't simply victims, you are guilty of much as well.
>>304088And both those behaviors should be ended. One is obviously worse but the other isn't excused
No. 304090
>>304088>>304089Also, the implication that short men are automatically ugly and not socialized to be seen as less desirable.
No, prejudiced beauty standards are still an element of discrimination
No. 304092
>>304091Murder obviously
But attacking prejudiced is still an important thing.
There is literally nothing wrong with a woman being bigger than a man in a relationship
No. 304094
>>304093Men don't give a shit about women's fertility outside of MGTOW incels.
Also, a man's fertility isn't tied to his size, so that makes no sense if you're trying to compare a man's height t woman's age in terms of fertility
No. 304095
>>304093idk, I like the idea of only breeding tiny weak men so that they gradually evolve to be smaller and gentler.
It's long term, but that would solve some problems eventually.
No. 304096
>>304094Mens size are caused by evolution, if he isn't big then he's evolutionarily feminine, evolution favors bigger men
Also wonder how breeder fetish incels feel about wives who have infertile husbands so go to sperm banks to have another successful healthy mans baby because their failure ass couldn't produce good sperm lmao
No. 304098
>>304095So you think the solution is to reverse discrimination against tall men?
No, we need to stop thinking a person is worth more or less just because of race or sex or height
No. 304100
>>304096Tall men only have more children in our modern heightist society. Historically men have gone up and down in height, and there are cultures where women have no height preference. Even in the modern world many women dont.
Bigger men are not more fit.
No. 304105
>>304100Men are bigger for a reason
Its mens jobs to protect women, size and strength often go hand and hand therefore it is valid for women to choose tall men, plus its more masculine and short men are feminine
No. 304109
>>304105Except when we analyze hunter gatherer societies smaller men are better hunters and women show no preference for male size, and are just as likely to marry and have sex with a man shorter than her that taller than her.
Big men are not better at fighting with weapons or defending, this is a modern lie that us not seen when we study hunter gatherer societies.
No. 304114
>>304109>t-taller men arent better!! Women never have height preferences except when the incel was sperging about how women hate him for being shortWhich one is it
Also why are men taller than women if women fuck short guys so often
>>304108Keep crying incel
Anyway you can be tall without abusing men, after all, from my experience good looking tall fit men are respectful and gentle
No. 304118
>>304115 A
re you crusading for the love and acceptance of fucked up facial features too incel-kun? It's cruel to not like somebody because they got a big potatoe nose or some old white lady lips or tiny beady eyes.
No. 304121
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then explain this me one society where women were taller than men, it's almost as if men are taller for a reason and favored by evolution
>mfw short men don't have the sexual dimorphism that makes them a man>mfw even most flat chested women are less androgynous than a small mankeep crying incel
also No. 304123
>>304121I never said men were smaller I said the preference isn't innate your descrimination.
Also, im 5'11 as was already said
No. 304125
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Boohoo I can’t get laid!
No. 304126
>>304123also it said most of the men were still taller then the women so what are you trying to prove? male size is sexual dimorphism, if you like that the more andro you are
and why should we believe you when I can tall you my more impressive features other than height and you won't believe me and will still consider me masculine somehow because I disagree with you
No. 304127
>>304125Me calling out women's heightist prejudice doesn't mean I'm a virgin.
You need to get over it.
No. 304129
>>304126I'm trying to prove tthat women's NEED to be smaller than men in the modern world is not biologically innate but rather, socialized prejudice based on all our media featuring the male taller norm.
I'm trying to say there is literally nothing wrong with dating a man smaller than you
No. 304130
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>go to uni like every day
>from smaller street goes car and want to turn into main street
>guy opens car window with "excuse me mistress"
>"oh he probably wants to ask about street" I think
>guy slowly reaches for his wallet, shows it to you and looks at you
>"you want to make some money?"
No. 304136
>>304134I wasn't talking about you dumbass
and not being short isn't enough, if you have shit for brains and come to lolcow to sperg about evil womens body parts no one will want you, cry about womens high standards all you want
No. 304139
>>304135>I said and posted evidence that it is not innate.the evidence you posted still proved women liked taller men, hence why taller male relationships were more common lmao
superior male mind everyone
No. 304145
>>304140You realize this study was only about the Hadza people?? Literally Africans hunter gatherer.
You can bitch and moan all you want you're not going to make being a manlet hot in the Western world.
No. 304147
>>304145S agree it's social prejudice not innate
Get over it.
No. 304152
>>304150It means the preference isn't innate. There's more evidence I could post.
Why do you care? Just get over it
No. 304154
>>304145what is all this traditionalist bullshit that you retards are spouting? like, i get that you guys dont like short incels because they're whiny faggots, but can you please stop being retarded and trying to validate retarded evo-psych that's still rooted in conservative traditionalism? short guys are fine and this is just another side of the retarded evo-psych stick that's just as retarded as "muh teens are more fertile!!"
please stop trying to shill dumb as fuck evo psych shit
No. 304160
>>304157where the interview? also why would someone who has so much money to travel to remote places in africa give a shit about hazda women caring about height?
maybe the incel sperg should go there
No. 304162
>>304157african tribal people also find shit like lip plates attractive that doesn't mean it has anything to do with evolution lmao
what are you trying to prove exactly?
No. 304163
>>302533yes, ive been told my body is "good except for my stomach," or that my nose was too big. a man once kept going on to me about how "deliciously curvy" i am and when i told him i was a lesbian he called me obese.
i'm not even fat, no rolls or cellulite; i'm just chubby and fat distribution goes to my thighs/ass which gets more attention from men than i'd like.
No. 304169
>>304160Read the study
>>304162I'm proving that it's not evolution or innate for you to prefer men taller than you, it's socialized
No. 304175
>>304170Yes it does, they aren't distinct subspecies or anything stupid like that. Why would you care anyway?
>>304172There is no way a woman would naturally care about height, the evidence does not indicate this and just intuition says it must be socialized. The evidence is against you.
Why do you all care anyway? It's a socialized prejudice that doesn't need to exist, like thinking black women aren't as attractive. Get over it.
No. 304180
>>304176Except even in the modern world not all women care, further evidence that it is socialized. It's not like being born straight, for example.
>>304178All beauty standards are socialized, why should we accept discriminatory ones based on race or height?
No. 304184
>>304180and? there are lots of men that like flat women that doesn't mean squat lmao
>All beauty standards are socialized, why should we accept discriminatory ones based on race or height?oh okay, first you demand 19 yr olds with big hips and tits and tiny waists for muh evolution and fertility, but when it comes to womens standards for men to be masculine?"its socialized reee muh african tribe"
thanks for proving my point anyway
No. 304193
>>304184I agree that women shouldn't be seen as more or less beautiful because of those things
Arguing that not all men want thicc women is just more evidence that it's socialized btw
>>304186It's not a force, you just need to relax and get over it
There is literally nothing wrong with being with a guy smaller than you.
>>304188I make this argument all over the place. But where better than man hate central?
No. 304204
>>304202But why not? That's like my friend who said he didn't like black women I was supremely saddened.
>>304203Because there is nothing wrong with short men. It's not about her having a lack of options but being discriminatory
No. 304205
>>303874yeah well it still has a "running gag" where the big titted lady sexually harasses a little boy, and an entire sequence where two little girls are playing twister and it gets uncomfortably sexual and it even includes a scene where one is pressing her vagina up against the other's face
if you like this shit you're a pedo.
>>303872 is right in not trusting men who like anime.
No. 304220
>>304217Maybe people have other things to do then try to twist and turn their preferences just to not hurt somebody else?
As you said some women do like short men, why do you focus on the one who don't?
No. 304232
>>304222This. I find it funny how men treat women like fucking livestock to throw out when they get old or become worthless if they are not fertile but act as if women are the hands down all over for liking tall men
nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine, imagine if we started treating them like livestock oh wait thats misandry
No. 304247
>>304244Yes, normalize taller woman smaller man, it's the only reason we all think it's weird, because we don't see it. It's like interracial couples in the past. But in cultures where they don't care and it's common, no one cares.
About 1/10 couples the woman should be bigger than the man
No. 304255
>>304247I appreciate your dedication to the cause, definitely-not-5'3"-kun. I'll join you and draw some shitty comics about a short guy with a tall gf someday.
But for now, you have definitely derailed this thread and I think you've more than made your point.
No. 304257
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>>304244the nipponese already have a head start, pic related is one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time. hell theres even shonen featuring short guys, edward elric from FMA is short and that never detracts from his actions except for the occasional punchline. he's written by a woman too lel.
seems like men are the ones refusing to make media featuring short guys, really makes one ponder…
No. 304259
>>304249You're still pushing the male taller norm.
No. 304267
>>304264You can't eliminate a biological norm.
Well I guess you
technically could, not in your lifetime though
No. 304270
>>304267I already showed how it's not a biological thing. You just said small women are cuter than tall ones though so you're a bigot.
>>304268>>304269I'll leave soon but I wanted you to all see my point
No. 304274
>>304271I'm sure that I've convinced some.
>>304272Yes but I'll be off now. Have a good day everyone
No. 304276
>>304274I mean, some of us were already convinced but that's fine.
Have a good day/night/evening.
No. 304296
The Hadza live in an egalitarian society where women and men largely take care of their own respective shit and don't need to rely on each other for subsistence. They can pair off with whoever tickles their fancy, they also have a relatively high "divorce" rate among African tribes because they don't care so much about lifelong monogamy.
In Western culture, women traditionally had to rely on men for subsistence and protection, and there is a lot of intermale competition in which the larger male generally has an advantage. No shit there is pressure for women to pick the taller male as well as an ideology of tall being more manly (pushed mostly by men).
To conclude, abolish patriarchy and women will go for shorties too.
No. 304301
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> abolish patriarchy and women will go for shorties too.fucking lol are you this fucking delusional?
No. 304358
>>304342Thank you anon! I was thinking of doing the same but I'm too lazy to go through the whole application lol. So you're awesome!
If you get the job could you make a rule of just deleting obvious scrot posts (and maybe even replies to them)? If they get no attention and their efforts are for nothing they might disappear.
No. 304395
>>304393>>304393Poor woman
I hate how MRAs act as if getting falsely accused of rape is literal genocide.. But don't care if they falsely accuse a woman of lying, which imo is much worse not to mention it happens more often but no one cares about women who get "liar!" Screamed in their face when they come out about rape and wonder why its hard for women to speak up about getting raped
If you are a man and rape a woman, you can simply pull the "she lied" card and everyone will believe the man no questions asked, all without proof or an alibi of course but still accuse women of lying even if there was a rape test done or a picture of it happening
No. 304397
The more i look at things and learn about history, the angrier I get at males. They always blame women for shit they brought upon themselves, yes, but the anti-feminist mgtow sentiment takes the fucking cake.
>destroy all the pillars of western civilization, just. bring that shit down. all of them>smash the walls with a hammer for good measure>???>oh nooo why is the roof falling over my head, it's all women's fault!!They dug their own fucking grave, they let the god damned genie out, and it's not going back in. It's how
>>302394 said, unga bunga me strong won't get anyone anywhere at this day and age. Choosing to oppress women is shooting themselves in the foot for men, because the kind of society that does have strict hierarchies that include sex will inevitably group weaker men (which is like 95% of all men) with women on the oppressed side while the top 5% men get everything. MGTOWs and incles are actively trying to make the chadtopia come true.
>>302403>Why do you view everything through the lens of sex? He's a male.
>Is it not at all possible for you to consider that women, as people, might want to have choices in life…?No, they're literally incapable of imagining such a thing.
Everything men do in life is done for the sake of pussy. Careers, hobbies, intellectual pursuits,
all of the things they pretend to value higher than sex are
only done for the sake of sex. That's why they project that women don't care about any of those -
they can't imagine why we would. In their minds, since we already have access to sex, we don't have the drive to get access to sex that they believe is necessary to pursue such things. It's a bit tautological, but: they believe the drive is necessary because it's the only thing making them pursue these things.
Men are soulless idiots with no higher aspirations than shooting a load. We should pay more attention to their anti-feminism, because they're god damn right to be scared - women's liberation spells out their doom.
No. 304448
>>304395Yeah, the poor woman slept with an attractive, famous rich man and then threatened to tell everyone it was rape unless he paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars to not do it.
Then she did it anyways to get even more money, plus free fame. Poor woman indeed.
And nobody feels bad for a woman if somebody calls her a liar because literally nothing bad actually happens to her.
>If you are a man and rape a woman, you can simply pull the she lied card and everyone will believe the man no questions asked all without any proof or an alibi of courseWhat.
It's clearly not earth. I assume all of you cunts are angry about Kavanaugh, since that's the biggest rape accusation in recent times.
The woman had no evidence. Her story was inconsistent. Every witness involved said they did not remember anything close to her story. The man had a perfectly clean criminal record with absolutely no prior reason to assume he would have done such a thing.
And still despite all of this, despite all the facts, testimony and logic being on his side, he had to go before the United States government and just barely get by purely against a woman who said he did it.
So I ask again what fantasy Planet are you living on where everyone believes a man and asks no questions.
No. 304473
>>304448Uhh this was your own made up theory first of all, not real life or anything based on actual conclusions and evidence, so far it's he said she said, the fact you side with the man says a lot and only proves my point about how men can just pull the false accusation card and everyone will believe no questions asked
Are you trying to claim men with clean criminal records never do bad things behind closed doors? Poor evidence really, also where are the witnesses who talked about how they didnt see it and how was her story inconsistent?
>>304467Like I said, false rape accusation is real, they care so much about accusing all women of lying but don't care if they falsely accuse the woman of lying and paint the woman to be a big evil liar about something traumatic that happened to her (which can really fuck with actual rape victims head when they have memories but the world is telling them they're lying and they want help but get denied because the world thinks they're lying)
But I forgot, must protect the poor innocent little mens and their rep! People like you would happily run over hundreds of women if it meant saving one man, some man hating society we live in
No. 304476
>>304467What about the womans reputation if she actually did get raped and now has to handle dealing with the mental effects of rape all while her reputation is destroyed and she's branded as a liar, oh wait she's a woman, who cares about them…
Besides, no one believes women most of the time anyway, people are still calling Taylor swift a liar despite there being a literal picture of it happening, you can pull a Harvey and rape tons of women and no woman will believe those women, just the man.
No. 304479
No. 304480
>>304475>sleep with a director for a part in a movieIt's amazing how men have no problem with this to begin with, if it was true.I'm sure it is in many cases. But of course they dont give a fuck about integrity in the workplace, or fair hiring processes, or women getting ahead with sex rather than skill. Usually they'll bitch about affirmative action quotas favouring women, but they sure as fuck dont mind women getting special treatment when a man is benefiting off it.
And that's really the issue here - men will always side with each other. They are incapable of empathizing with women. They will do any mental gymnastics to side with a man in any situation.
No. 304504
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>>304502tfw porn will never be banned because men think watching women get raped and abused is "free speech"
No. 304506
>>304505I was literally just reading that. I wish I never knew that men get fucking VIAGRA without GST and we've had to wait decades for our 100% essential and 100% gender based hygiene needs.
I think we had a discussion about viagra a few threads ago, and how it's artifically prolonged the male sex drive to the point that post menopausal wives have to put up with their husbands still wanting to fuck them no matter how uncomfortable or unwanted it is. Old men need to have their sex drives shut down judging by how much they harass young women, not be fucking tax exempt.
No. 304518
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No. 304520
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>>304502>>304504speaking of which…
No. 304525
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No. 304558
>>304530if he can make someone pregnant he's not a child uwu
obviously just flipping incel rethoric but at least it makes more sense than "she just got her period so shes the most fertile uwu"
No. 304569
I used to be one of those normies who thought that there were men outside of my imagination who were kind, caring and loving, and I’m glad I learned that wasn’t the case at an early age, through multiple lessons.
First time was when I was four years old, when a fifteen year old family member sexually persued me and was exempt with so much as a slap on the wrist,
while I sat bawling my eyes out, being
called a liar by him. I find it disguisting how my family did not take any further steps to protect me from him, or how whenever we go to visit our family over the summer, they make me talk to him. What really disturbs me most though, is how depraved even 15 year olds can be, I couldn’t fathom seeing a four year old as being “sexually attractive”, let alone touch them in that kind of way at the same age, and still can’t.
All of my other family members absolutely adore him, and it just sickens me to the pit of my stomach. It’s not like they don’t even know, or forgot about it. I remember his wedding being brought up one time, and my two male cousins, who are much older than I am, and have families of their own, made snide remarks about what happened. It’s fucking sinister, not only are they not disturbed at all by the fact that he got married and may have a daughter of his own, that he may potentially harm her, if given the chance, but they laugh about something that is incredibly damaging to a child, something that I haven’t even coped with.
Another time was not too long ago, when I was in high school. I really wished I went to an all girls school so I wouldn’t have to go through what they put me through. Nothing bitchy girls could do to me would ever be worse than what they did, and the lies they kept telling themselves, which I would start believing myself.
Except for that one time where I was sexually abused by my older cousin, I had never done anything sexual, on top of that, I had never “Middle school” dated a guy, or told a guy that I had feelings for him. I had never hugged a guy, nor had ever held hands with one. I mostly kept to my slef and tried to keep away from guys anyway, especially those that made my life harder.
All this, and I was called a slut, a whore, a bitch, a cheater, two faced, a liar, my intelligence and my integrity were constantly insulted, I constantly felt as if I was being watched, because of how obsessive they were.
All of this really damaged me, my shrink even prescribed me antidepressants, but that was promptly stopped by my parents because “teenage hormones are what’s making me moody and irritable”, even though I felt miserable ever since I was self aware lol.
Men are supported by their families even when they do something depraved to innocent children, damaging them forever. Men don’t feel guilty for the damage they cause because they genuinely don’t feel bad about it. They seek out to destroy lives and think it’s funny and entertaining while doing so. While being so deplorable and immoral, they are surrounded by friends and family (that may or may not include girls/women) who urge them on with their behavior, which then establishes their own retarded confirmation bias about a certain group or thing. That’s why I hate men.
No. 304570
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Drake's interactions with Stranger thing's Millie Bobbie Brown is just fucked up, he's 31 years old and he's straight up grooming her.
>we met at a hotel
>we spent every night together
>we text each other all the time
>he always tells me that he misses me
>he gives me advice on dating and boys
>we love each other
Keep in mind she's like 13-14.
I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years she turns into a disgraced child star from shacking up with much older men and getting into drugs. She's just a child and she's always sexualizing herself hard and I doubt the parents care and they are probably encouraging this cuz of Drake's fame. Millie's parents tried really hard to make her famous and now that they've suceedes they're gonna try for more even if it means exposing their daughter to pedophiles. Smfh.
(Url box doesn't work)
No. 304573
>>304569Reading this, especially about the male cousins making snide remarks, makes me realize that men see us the same way we see animals.
Sometimes I say this or that animal or pet is ugly, or point out how it's getting bullied by another animal, but I do it in a playful and very inconsiderate manner. I don't do this with other people because I know they understand me and have feelings.
No. 304574
>>304570First the girl he supposedly dated that was 18 (and they met when she was 16), now this? I feel like Drake's PR is purposely pushing this age gap shit, to the point where they're involving a literal child, but why? What is there to gain from this?
For the record, lots of celebrities are pedophiles, or other assorted creeps, but they somehow avoid much scrutiny and fly under the radar. Drake's exposure on this matter (and the 18 year old before that) is definitely intentional. It's being blown up by more than just fans and Twitter users, but w h y?
No. 304575
>>304570The sad part is that you already know everyone will scream liar if he does rape her and she comes out about because "drake is a sensitive pure man! Evil women just want fame and cry rape if they don't get it to ruin the poor man's life!"
Society will punch women in the stomach then turn around and claim its actually poor men getting punched and they need to be taken care of and people need to stop punching men
>>304569I'm really sorry this happened to you anon, I went through something similar, I went to a therapist about it for a bit until his friends got to my therapist and told her I lied and I was denied help I needed because people would blame men over women no matter what, even despite seeing my own rapist harass me around school and there were messages of him blackmailing me if I told anyone and him admitting to it, I was branded as a liar and it really fucked me up in the head because even I started believing maybe I was lying this entire time and I'm just an evil woman who wants to make a innocent man look bad
People don't care if they falsely brand actual rape victims and liars and paint out rapists to be innocent victims being slandered by the women they raped, but never in my life have I seen people doubt a man who got raped, but every single woman is doubted no matter how old she is
No. 304585
>>304573lol It reads like comedy because men are the ones who habitually behave like animals.
>>304575Thanks for the kind words, anon, that sounds awful. I hope things turned out well for you, and that your rapist sees some dark hard, times for what he did.
No. 304602
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>>304570Drake's 18 year old girlfriend was groomed by him at 16. Bonus points for getting a pornstar pregnant and adbandoning his son
No. 304617
>>304567Isn't it obvious from the rest of the post? Male is the inferior sex in every way once physical strength is out of the picture. They aren't built or fit for peaceful cooperation. Men who say society is becoming more feminine are somewhat correct - the distinctive traits of manliness are violence and recklessness, and these are the traits currently being phased out of society simply because, for a species with such high cognitive function as the human species, these traits are not just counterproductive but also potentially fatal.
In a world where atomic bombs exist, prideful violent males are a source of constant threat. Men will have to be either exterminated or deeply modified. And all of this is made even more likely with the advent of female liberation, because now that we're allowed to be individuals, there finally is a group of people who can keep males in check and keep things going once they're out of the picture.
I personally don't think we should exterminate them, keeping a "them" enslaved should keep women in a superior position without creating ingroup conflict.
No. 304618
>>304617Meant to say that keeping males astound will maintain the group integrity of women
I don't think we have nitpicky anons to point out the incorrect usage of ingroup in my post but it's better to make sure lol
No. 304625
>>304617>tfw ywn in this lifetime be a (moral and just) businesswoman in the peaceful matriarchy with a cute male house slaveAnon, why must you remind me?
On a serious note, I'm ready for a modern female-lead society.
No. 304635
>>304617I'm not inferior just because I'm male. I'm not superior either.
Why can't we just be equals why does it have to be "exterminate the men now that we don't need their strength" don't you realize how evil and hurtful that is? Or slavery, what is wrong with you? What do you even mean by modified? I'm not some lab rat I'm a human being.
No. 304639
>>304636That dudes already a loser.
I care because what she's saying makes too much sense logically but it dehumanizes me and scares me.
I already "yell at" (metaphorically speaking) the incels on r9k and stuff for woman hating.
No. 304640
>>304626>responds to a post saying men are savage beasts incapable of civilized coexistence with "we will rape you and kill you if you don't do as you're told"Why do men love proving us right so much?
>>304635The fact that you responded like that grants you a nice cozy spot in the matriarchy, anon. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you.
No. 304663
>>304661>tfw used to be a porn addict when I was a handmaidenOnce you love the female aspect of yourself, you don't like seeing other women get hurt.
I have no problem with erotica and drawn porn, though. So long as there are no minors or rape involved.
>>304649Based. Get out, though.
But before you go, are you cute? No. 304689
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>>304685It's really annoying how all men act like they like they can't live without porn but go and look at some male models on instagram and they will have a Bitch fit. My bf watches porn everyday and one day he found out I was liking pictures and following some cute models/idols then he birches at me that it's not the same thing because he actually doesn't want to fuck the women in porn…yeah you're jerking off to a naked woman and you don't want to fuck her?ok lol
No. 304713
>>304708nta but I'd be fine dating a guy who only watched femdom tbh.
It's the degradation thing that gets me so bad. Both because it's bad for the women in porn and because it's hugely incompatible with my sexual preferences.
No. 304722
>having easy access to sex means having life on easy modeThe things men do only in order to get sex are things we want to do out of genuine interest. But thanks again for showing us everything you do in life is for the sake of sex, as I said
>>304397 you are soulless beings devoid of any feelings or desires beyond fucking and killing.
No. 304726
>>304721I think the problem is that online we see a lot of guys who really are porn sick, their idea of what good sex is is entirely warped by the shit they watch. Unfortunately most pornography involves violence against women, and watching that a lot does something to the viewer.
So looking at how much and what kind of porn a guy is watching is important, imo. Having the standard of not watching anything at all really limits your dating pool, but I'll take a very vanilla guy over someone who watches a lot of porn every day. My bf when I was a teen always wanted to do anal etc., the guy I'm with right now thinks it's the most disgusting thing ever ("Why should I put it there when you have a vagina?")
First big red flag imo is a guy who talks about watching porn or a guy who has a very particular idea about what sex should be like.
No. 304733
>>304722To oversimplify things
>why men hate womenthey fuck people who aren't me
>why women hate menthey mistreat me
Going anywhere where hating women is common, so much of it is just about sex. Their lives revolve around sex. Cheating, promiscuity, and sexual rejection makes up the majority of what is discussed.
Even the so called "MGTOW" men are still obsessed with sex. It's disgusting how they can't set aside their animalistic urges.
No. 304752
>>304740It does not justify their behavior, but they do sorta have a point bringing it up. If they admit it themselves that they're unable to control their urges, it just means we're completely justified in saying that we need to have less men in society in order to make the world a better place.
No, really, if they want to say "boys will be boys, men will be men", it's time we hold this over their heads. They must either find a way to control themselves or accept that they're uncivilized and need to have their population lowered or even eliminated.
Tbh I think that saying it's socialization is giving males too much credit. I don't think any amount of proper socialization will fix most males, and I'm surprised to discover that anyone here would have that kind of faith in men.
No. 304754
>>304752This anon knows whats up.
Testosterone is a hell of a drug.
No. 304758
>>304752> If they admit it themselves that they're unable to control their urges, it just means we're completely justified in saying that we need to have less men in society in order to make the world a better place.they're not 'admitting' anything. they're just trying to excuse away their behavior and expect women to feel bad for them and allow them to continue their behavior because "uwu it's sad because he just can't control himself! he's a slave to his biology!".
and no amount of trying to appeal to them logically, on behalf of our own safety, will get them to accept that they should be removed from society, even with their own admissions.
>>304754no, it really isn't. testosterone alone doesn't cause aggression or violence.
No. 304770
>>304767Thanks, anon, I'll look for more and re-evaluate my beliefs.
In the mean time: men still suck
No. 304773
>>304765If women don't make up the historical majority of involvement in science etc, men literally just think they don't exist. It's fucking insane.
You don't even have to pay attention to academia to know women are involved in scientific research. Anyone who doesn't consciously refuse to acknowledge them will run into the info by accident. Eg the other day I was on the NASA website and noticed 1/3 of active astronauts are women. But I guess it doesn't count unless they're 2/3! But oh wait, even when women do surpass men in numbers in higher education, men just make excuses and pretend the system is against them.
No. 304907
>>303410This actually enrages me. If you saw a lifeguard rushing towards your child, would you not be concerned? Then even as he notices that she's struggling with the screaming child (knowing that his special needs child probably doesn't like strangers or uncomfortable situations like that) he still doesn't even get any closer, just comfortably watches from a distance. Then all he can manage is a weak "thank you" as they're passing by for SAVING HIS CHILD'S LIFE.
There's a lot of talking at the end, is that the lifeguard shouting at him? I'd love to know what they're saying.
No. 304932
>>304930I was with you up until that part:
>rewarding them for being pedophillicwtf are you talking about?
No. 304933
>>304928has that been established? because that's exactly what I do lol
No. 304942
>>304926Indeed they are.
There are no exceptions.
Some are civil enough to hide their true intentions and desires, but online all masks fall off.
Although, sometimes not even anonymity or the lack thereof is needed for them to preach pedophilia, murder, rape, etc.
They have a crowd of men willing to defend them.
I've seen fathers sexualise their children, I've seen brothers posting indecent photos of their sisters, I've read news articles of sons raping their mothers and sisters.
Almost every day there's a news article about a man/son/brother killing his family or "just" their closest member, typically a woman.
This is so common that it's not even newsworthy to many. Just another day, just another noise.
We're that disposable. We're that worthless to the world.
>>304930> they'd be forced to act like civilised human beings againThat's my problem. The keyword here is forced. They'd be FORCED to act LIKE civilised human beings. However, we know deep down that they're not. It's a giant from the dawn of mankind roleplay where we pretend that they won't harm us anytime soon.
I am glad that we have the internet to read all their true thoughts and true desires. I don't want them to pretend, I want them to expose themselves more and more, and maybe a small number of women will have enough and decide to choose the only sane path of going on your own, away from these wretched foul beasts.
I'm just counting days till I get enough money to have my plot of land and try to have a sustainable lifestyle. I'm so sick of them.
Just a week ago I saw what I thought was a family man cheating on his wife. I used to think, well maybe there is hope. Maybe there are men that are capable of being loyal, trustworthy, and care for their family.
But nope. Once again life proves me wrong.
Of course, the girl looked barely out of high school and he's pushing 50. I don't even know whether I should tell his wife. But yes, that was the moment when I realized no man is capable of loyalty or trust. They're going to pull pseudo-psychology and try to make it sound scientific and place the blame on evolution that men are
naturally going to cheat and murder and rape because of evolution and we should just deal with it.
I hate them.
>>304936No, it's you that needs a reality check. Maybe check homicide statistics, or read the news. It's men spreading murder and violence.
Check femicide and the huge numbers of random women being killed just for being women. No one gives a shit. Wonder why? Because we mean nothing at all.
No. 304946
>>304944I'm considering it but I asked my mother for opinion and she asked me not to.
She said that I'll ruin a family and it's not my place to do that. That his wife should be blissfully ignorant. There are so many things that are wrong with what my mom said, but on the other hand, I really feel sorry for his wife. I fear I will hurt her more than him by doing that.
I don't know.
No. 304949
>>304946no offense, but your mom is a moron and is clearly already male-identified if she thinks women don't need to know what's going on with their sexual health and that their family being together is worth more than her safety.
male sexual entitlement is so expected and normalized that it's okay to sacrifice women's health for 'their families'. women who cheat are far less likely to pass on disease to their husbands than unfaithful males to their wives. women get double, triple, quadruple fucked on every possible plane.
No. 304952
>>304949Well, my mom is quite traditional. She's a workaholic but also believes in a strong family union despite my father being a shithead. I told her a few times if I were her that I would have left everything. Or that I wasn't worth her sacrificing herself to the shitty situation here. She will regardless put family above everything.
I wish she aborted me. I wish women stopped thinking that having a family is important. It's probably the biggest trap for women to fall into.
Also, it's not going to be easy confronting someone and telling them what I saw. I didn't take any photos, but I do have the precise time and date when I saw that cheater and how the girl looked, and I hope that at least the information will be convincing enough. Frankly, I'm a bit terrified.
> male sexual entitlement is so expected and normalized that it's okay to sacrifice women's health for 'their families'.True. Even my mom almost convinced me to forget what I saw. It's easy too. Pretend it's none of your business and go on with your life. But you're correct. What about her health? What about her right to know the truth? What about the cheater getting punished?
If I don't tell her, then he will get away scott-free, or he will continue doing so until someone finds out.