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No. 287471
This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in generalPrevious threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274>>>/ot/233664>>>/ot/236692>>>/ot/270158>>>/ot/274298>>>/ot/279732Remember that replying to male invaders results in bans.
No. 287520
>>287495It stems from early christianity around 300 ad. Women in ancient civilizations were allowed to do the same as a man could (and more in certain cultures like the germanic and celtic cultures). And no, it doesn't get worse going all the way back. I'd rather be a woman in the middle ages than in the 1950s.
Sage for history sperg.
No. 287536
>>287520>Women in ancient civilizations were allowed to do the same as a man could (and more in certain cultures like the germanic and celtic cultures).Not to derail, but I've been interested in this subject and the conversion from Goddess worship to worshipping a male god. I'm currently reading When God Was a Woman. Do you know some books that talk about the Germanic and Celtic tribes and whatnot?
To keep it related to the thread, Loius CK is back to doing stand up. So much for that whole "allegations can ruin a mans life" thing men like to harp on about.
No. 287570
>>287520They treated women better in general, they probably would've seen the incel/MRA types as homos and shoved them in a bog.
>>287536I wonder if it was really Goddess worship, or just the worship of women in general. They respected them a lot, so I could see it. The only Germanic religion type person I know of is Varg, surprisingly his blog isn't as crazy as I thought it would be.
No. 287575
My mother is part Navajo and said traditionally back then, women were to be respected because they were the givers of life therefore there was a superstition that they could also take it away if you anger them (but really it made sense that if you pissed off your wife, she can kick you out)
So generally the women had control of the house, property and family while for the man, he basically only provided "spiritual support" as in he had to be spiritually grounded because otherwise he wouldn't be a good husband. If someone wanted to borrow something from the house, the man would have to say "let me ask my wife" for permission.
Thankfully in tribal law, they still respect the woman and mother's side and if there's a child custody battle, they give the child to the mother (or her mother) hands down.
No. 287601
>>287572>>287576The OP pic only mentions a different ethnicity as a possibility. Before he even mentions it he said everyone should ignore the attack regardless.
And as if white men don't rape. kek.
>inb4 women wouldn't interfere if a man was being attacked!!1For one, we're generally weaker so that's a bad idea. Perhaps if two women attacked one perpetrator (I was with a friend).
Calling the police wouldn't take any effort, though. That's far better than
joining in. No. 287655
>>287640Yeah that'll motivate men to help you, the knowledge that after they save you you'll go home to complain how all men are scum who should suffer and die.
Like seriously, can you name even one reason any man should put himself at risk to save you when he knows
1, you already hate him solely on the basis of being a man
2, you won't even be grateful
And 3, you would never do the same for him?
No. 287663
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Reposting from last thread, please everyone do not feed the scrots
No. 287716
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Men are fucking gross
No. 287719
I hate how pain and degradation and over the top acting is now expected from women in any kind of sexual encounters, in the last few years all those things have become vanilla :
>Chocking. You can read plenty of testimony from men online saying that even during a casual encounter, they'll put their hand around a girl's neck, if she doesn't push them away, they'll choke her.
>Anal, same, if they go down on you they'll try to put a finger in your ass or lick your ass. They'll beg for anal. When you ask why they like it they'll admit it's because they want you to "give up" something embarrassing dirty (this is were poopoo comes from) and intimate, and for you to push through the pain to please them.
>Deepthroating. They'll push your head on their cock. They've fallen so low that you can catch plenty of men admiting that a girl gagging, choking, crying (so having a BAD time) on their dick is a turn on and sometimes they'll admit they enjoy seeing you puke on it. "She's choosing my cock over air and it's a massive turn on"
>Pounding your pussy like a retard. They all want to have a huge cock so they can destroy your cervix and leave you in pain. Read some big dick focused forums, a lot of them relish in the pain they inflit on women when they penetrate them and fuck them because it makes them feel big! (literally prefer feeling like they have a big dick than seeing you enjoying yourself). Dicklets aren't better because they would trade their small dick for a painful one in a heartbeat.
>The woman screaming like a dying pig when he poke her clit and pretending like she has 10+ orgasms by session. They will be disappointed and feel like their cock isn't big enough if you don't pretend you're having 1 orgam / minute. Maybe they'll even pout because "sex isn't fun when the girl isn't enjoy it" :((((((
>Swallow their rancid cum. Again you will find a bunch of post onlines from men claiming that if a women doesn't swallow his putrid dick snot she doesn't love him and he feel like he's being rejected by mommy when she doesn't gargle on his cum :'(
No. 287722
>>287719agreed anon
why isn't just the act of sex ie mutual pleasure enough for guys? Why isn't just feeling really good erotic enough? Degenerates.
No. 287724
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Warning: will most likely make you heave
No. 287731
>>287724This is I'm afraid more common than at least I would like to think.
Just a few days ago, a person I had to temporary work with constantly talked about his daughter and how hot she was.
Parents will naturally praise their kids but the way he talked about her made my skin crawl.
He said how he likes going with her in pubs, and other public places because every guy wants to fuck her.
There was an after work party on a yacht, so he called his daughter to come along, and tried to persuade her to undress in a bikini and she uncomfortably said no a few times.
I have no idea what their relationship is at home, how their interaction is, but that shit was straight up weird and I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought that. Also, this coworker's daughter is cute and good looking, but not in a jaw dropping way.
No. 287733
>>287724Why do men expect to be trusted as innocent, loving caretakers when they have feelings like this?
Why do so many of them scream about "pedo hysteria" or say things like "Rapists are not normal people [like me], rapists are monsters" when they know in their hearts that this is what they're like?
No. 287735
>>287734His daughter is 19 years old, though something tells me that he probably felt like this since her puberty, but that's just a hunch.
If it were physical abuse I'd go straight away but him apparently enjoying the thought of other men being aroused by his own daughter or himself being sexually attracted by her doesn't make a case. It's despicable and gross nonetheless.
No. 287740
>>287738I might talk to her and offer her my number. It's going to be weird and out of the blue but can't be weirder whatever's going on in that family.
Shit's bizarre.
No. 287744
>>287733Men know what men are like. They just want women to let their guard down around them so it's easier for men to abuse women and kids.
I talked one man who was anti-feminist and he talked about the demonization of men and how women are just as bad as men. I asked him if his child got lost if he'd rather the child go to a man or a woman for help. He got very angry and started calling me a feminazi and bitch.
No. 287756
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>>287743Ted Bundy would use crutches pretending to be disabled and ask women for help.
Even men who are disabled for real will take advantage of women if they can.
No. 287767
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Storytime about a shitty guy i met
>i randomly get added to a kik chat group with some vaguely familiar ppl
>they all talk like they know me, so i try to make friends
>they start bullying me and pointing out small details that they dislike in my face/body and i ignore them
>At this point they keep ‘roasting’ me every time i talk in the chat and they clearly dont like me, so i leave.
>i get added back ???
>i find out some guy happens to live near me after making small talk
>suddenly, this guy who’s my age starts hitting me up and keeps dming me nonstop everyday asking me to meet up with him
>i thought he was into me and i sorta liked him and trusted him enough. I’ve only dated 2 guys before him, so i’m pretty new to this. He asked for live nudes, and i sent them when i was comf enough
>i read in chat about him talking about his on/off hotter gf, i confront him about it, and he says “i’m only with you” (you cant think of a better excuse, srsly?)
>he makes fun of black ppl, then his friend defends him by saying he’s just “jealous” (racist)
>also meets up and has sex with a 17 yr old girl that was in the chat when we were chatting (pedo)
>claims he’s super rich, sends pics of money & huge house which could probably be fake
>we keep chatting for awhile but he constantly asks for nudes and i start to lose interest
>he asks to meet up, wants me to drive five hours on the bus to him even though he’s known to change his mind about meeting up with girls
>i start to realize he’s just a worthless fuckboy >he threatens me when i ignore him, so i block him
>next day, he adds me to a public group with his alt account and posts my nudes, that have my vag and my face in it and everyone makes fun of me
>says he’s super nice irl
>believes nobody can trace him bc his pfp isnt his face but i can easily search his name on google
>at this point i really start to hate him and tell him to fuck off and stop harassing me, then i report and block him (reporting him does nothing sadly)
>a week goes by
>one of his uglier flat chested girlfriends adds me to the chat
>she posted my nudes in the public group, calls me disgusting, says i have the shittiest body, saggy tits, and gross nipples and her rude friends join in to make fun of me
>they all accuse me of posting my nudes in the chat and that i expose myself (lol ok)
>an underage girl posted a pic of a toothbrush in her ass and he claims its my nude and i posted it in the chat
>they even encourage me to suicide
>i block every person harassing me in the chat and leave
>a week goes by
>i’m finally saved from that toxic guy and i love myself
No. 287770
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Why are men so obsessed with their own penises (vom) and just penises in general?
They’re scary looking piss tubes at best
No. 287776
>>287770My theory is they know how disgusting their penises is (I mean it's not even self watching like our superior vaginas) and they're trying to talk up their sad disgusting genitalias.
Seriously only O.O1% of males have a cute pink long dick most penises look rancid, between the weirdly curved ones, the mushroom heads ones, the ones thick at the bottom and tiny at the top (pinhead dicks?) or worst : the pencil dick you have a wide range of fucked up dicks.
No. 287777
>>287767Jesus anon. So sorry that happened to you. Keep your head up. Men and handmaidens are disgusting creatures.
Btw not saying this just to make you feel better but he's absolutely hideous and there's clearly something mentally wrong with him to do this shit. Insecurity over his muppet face and shrimp dick I guess. I'd report it as revenge porn tbh but maybe that isn't you.
No. 287778
>>287776True. They criticize ""roast beef"" vaginas when men have equally uggo genitals. Human genitalia is all ugly, wake up.
And the guy itt knows for a fact normfag women aren't as casually obsessed with vaginas as all men are with dicks. Teenage boys draw them everywhere, adult men are constantly joking about them, they're all fixated on size, etc.
How often do you see women spray painting vaginas on the side of buildings?
No. 287783
>>287776>>287778I feel like there’s also something to do with the fact that the only thing dicks are associated with them is sex, and because they all have neanderthal minds obsessed with sex.
Vaginas on the other hand are associated with periods, giving birth, and there’s so many health issues that can arise from the female reproductive system that yet, for some reason are half ass studied half the time.
No. 287794
>>287630>Are males so incapable of infering anything?Yes. As seen on last thread, 90% of males are literal retards. It's not worth trying to explain anything to them as they will not be able to understand it and when you point out the fact that they are retards, they'll go
>muh feelings>muh women are heartless bitchesDon't bother. Ever.
No. 287804
>>287797Don't engage, anon, as I literally just said: they are incapable of higher cognition and will not get your point no matter how well explained it is. All their intellect can do is protect their feelings with flimsy logic such as
>men invented things>i am a man>therefore i get credit for other men's inventions>feelings successfully validatedIt's pitiful.
And they enjoy talking to us, it's probably the only chance they get to talk to someone other than mommy. Do not engage.
No. 287891
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>>287887This is absolutely despicable. Those men should be fired with great dishonour. They probably inflicted so much pain on aspiring female students and I don't even want to think of the damage that was done.
Kind of related, I frequent /g/ on 4chan because I'm interested in technology and I'm currently studying to be an electrical engineer. While that board seems to have a very low amount of pol/r9k leakage, every now and then, there is someone posting how women are incompetent, how they would never hire a woman, or as soon as they see something was done by a woman they discard it, pic related.
Now, I know that there's a lot of banter but I worry about my professional future. I don't want to have a family or kids at all, but I'm depressed that there's a significant chance that an employer might not take me seriously regardless of my credentials, that they wouldn't look at my cv just because of my gender.
Sage for a blog post but I'm honestly depressed.
No. 287894
>>287724I feel sick anon
>father admits to show sexual attraction to his own daughter>father: ew all you want ladies Im honest>other men: wow so honest! so braveWonder just how many more men think like that, jesus. This is horrorfuel. Why are they like this?? I want kids someday but I cant imagine my disgust if I found out that the father of my children was thinking like that
No. 287898
>>287891I know how you feel anon; I'm trying to get a job as a developer and I can't help but notice how the men in my classes are always hired first … but I am not going to let these pricks stop me, they can close all the doors in my face they want, I'll climb in the window if I have to and I'll help every other woman I know do the same.
Don't give up! We can make it better together
If they don't want to let us into the treehouse, we'll burn it down
No. 287901
>>287719Somewhat OT, but have any of you girls had luck finding non-dom guys? And yes, those things are all dominant as fuck.
I don't trust any men but I would like to keep a smaller, weak one around for sex someday. Is it possible to find a sub-exclusive male these days, or one who at least likes gentle vanilla/wants a woman to take the lead?
It seems they all need to murder us to get off now. What the fuck.
No. 287903
>>287898> I'm trying to get a job as a developer and I can't help but notice how the men in my classes are always hired firstI'm so sorry. I think it's going to be the same with me and I've heard the same story from other women in this field and it's disheartening.
tbh I don't want to burn down their treehouse if they don't want to let us in.
I'd rather create a startup and encourage the hiring of other women. There's a huge women-only talent pool and it shouldn't be wasted.
To add, I don't like the idea of quotas or diversity hire, I don't think we really need it. There are so many talented women in this field that it's not needed.
But just thinking how a lot of us that truly do have passion in this field will be discriminated against despite our skills and achievements makes me sick.
No. 287994
>>287901I'm currently dating one who fits your description to a T. He's shorter, weaker than me, and on the feminine side. He's 100% gfd sub, which is great for me, cuz I'm 100% gfd domme. He's really sweet and cute, and always prefers I take the lead and do what I please with him. We share dreams of him being a house husband. He was a friend first, so I guess I found him by chance, but that said 100% would recommend finding and dating not-annoying gfd submissives if you can, cuz they totally exist.
I'm kind of a pervert, so the porn he uses is vast majority the stuff I send him (so i approve of it and filter it first). We look at porn together occasionally and are both disgusted by the mainstream violence and borderline incestuous shit regular porn has popularized recently.
No. 287995
>>287891I do not find 4/g/ to be a place worth visiting for good discussion anyway.
I have been programming consistently for only a year but I already notice that there, many posts on the matter are just stating factually wrong things even though programming is supposed to be /g/'s forte.
This is assuming the posts are trying to state anything though, the great majority of "discussions" are actually meaningless language wars that revolve around name-calling and extremely inane arguments, it makes me doubt there are many people there who did anything beyond basic book exercises.
It's just very tiring and not worth the effort.
No. 287996
>>287994samefag but while my boyfriend proves they exist, they are definitely a rare breed, and finding one in the wild is pretty goddamn hard. Finding a sweet submissive guy through normal dating apps is probably impossible. My recommendation for finding them would be either the gfd section of tumblr porn blogs, or if you already hate yourself a bit, /d/'s or /soc/' gfd generals. Even then, watch out! I've heard many men will try to treat you like their sub even if you explicitly say you're a domme, and subs get whiny if you don't abuse them in the exact way they want to be abused!
God, so many men suck.
No. 287998
>>287994>>287996That sounds incredibly lucky anon omg. You're living my dream, especially with the househusband thing. Gives me hope.
I'd prefer gfd too, although I'm also more than okay with extreme sado-masochism with a male sub. So long as he's in the sub-osphere and not a switch it's thumbs up from me. I have considered trying to actually contact guys online but have decided to wait a while before giving up irl since ldrs seem like hell.
>>287985I think this rings true for those subs on r9k. I've interacted with them before (without going full one-on-one, admittedly) and about 4/5 only got into it after mainstream porn got too boring for their addiction. Or they were switches.
No. 288032
>>287995Nice! Which tech sites do you frequent if you don't mind saying?
And which programming languages are you using for work?
Sorry for being off topic but the programming threads die quickly and I don't want to necro.
On the subject of /g/, it's quite true what you say but I do find on occasion interesting stuff and technology related sources that make it worthwhile.
No. 288048
>>288032I do not frequent any tech-related communities, I just google what I need.
I started learning with C, now I use Python for scripting and C++ for 'real applications'.
Sadly I haven't had the chance to use C++ for something outside my own small projects yet. I'm still a student.
I got to use Python to make plugins for a company's data platform.
No. 288116
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>tfw men can't even wipe their asses properly
No. 288183
>>288182And? Women get yanked and raped when they walk home from work, doesn't mean women shouldn't walk home, there are all sorts of situations you can easily prevent by "not doing" whatever led you there
We get how the whole "abstinence is 100% effective" thing is just dumb, rather than to teach people safe sex than no sex, the same goes for nudes,people, whether you like or not, will always send nudes, it's not dumb, its just normalized behavior in this society, we need to teach people how to do it safely than to just say dont do it and shaming people that do
No. 288189
>>288186Same with sex… The moment it happens anything can happen..and there can be repercussions..which can be entirely avoided by not doing it at all
Hiding face, disgusing yourself, hiding background, sending it to someone trustworthy. etc are all ways to send it safely
No. 288190
>>288186+1, the comparison makes no sense. Walking home serves an important function, getting home. You can't necessarily avoid it and when weighing up the risk people will probably keep doing it. Convenience and necessity is enough to trump fear.
Sending nudes doesn't do anything but put a picture of your naked body out into the world, which is exactly the thing you're trying to avoid. It doesn't benefit you, it benefits the guy you're sending it to. Even if the guy is totally trustworthy, all it would take is someone getting access to his phone or pc and it can be spread everywhere. If you can completely hide your identity it might not be that big of a deal, as long as you consider the possibility of someone claiming it's you and others believing them, or how you might feel about someone commenting on your body if they see it. It's just a poor choice all round, maximum risk, minimum reward.
No. 288193
>>288191Making wise choices =/= being paranoid
It's not like this is a rare occurrence. It happens all the time.
No. 288199
>>288196Yeah I don't say things like that because I want people who send nudes to feel dumb, it's because hey, maybe some anon will see sense in it and save themselves trouble in the future. I've sent nudes before, maybe like 8 years ago, nothing bad came of it but all I can think now is how lucky I was and how much worse it could've been.
I'm always wary of things that make sex more accessible for men. It's a hard idea to navigate because it's definitely men that insist we remain pure virgins, but it's also men who constantly tries to convince and pressure women to make their bodies available 24/7 to anyone who might want it. However nudes are definitely something that is simply men wanting us to provide free and easy porn while shouldering all risks and disadvantages, while they get everything and risk nothing.
No. 288260
>>287767Those guy and girls from the group were obviously shit from the staet - and that's why I feel like and old grandma when reading this. 'Is this what youngsters these days do? Send potentially life-ruining photos to any shitfuck faggot that asks?'.
I am sorry for the shit experience and glad OP got over it quickly, but what the fuck. Some rando AND his friends start the relationship with insulting you and you send him nudes??? Damn, every fuckboy on tinder asks for nudes, tho at least they have the common sense to be nice about it. Doesn't mean they will get shit.
Those people did not even pretend to be decent…
Anon, be careful, cause judging by the story you exhibit a terrible judgment of people, situations and decisions. You are a danger to yourself.
No. 288284
>>288282That's ridiculous of them.
But it makes sense as to why they feel perfectly safe and non-sexual walking around shirtless lmao.
This is a minor issue in the grand scheme of males, but I am bitter that I'll never have one send me full nudes. That's insane and I hate it. I wish male sexuality was more focused on objectifying themselves since that would solve a few problems. More passive instead of aggressive as it is now. No. 288325
>>287767Not to victim blame or anything but… did you send nudes to a person you had never even met? We all think men are trash here but jesus christ anon what were you thinking? I'm sorry this shit happened to you and all but I really hope you learned your lesson, PSAs about revenge porn are everywhere these days and you should expect men to leak every last bit of nudes they ever get.
>>288180I get that you trust your long-term relationship partner with nudes but come on anon giving them a person you have never even met is the equal of handing out your bank account information or social security number to a stranger. Young girls should seriously be educated more about this and made aware of how they lose the control of those photos the moment they send them to someone.
No. 288362
>>288350girl this sounds like a recipe for another disaster.
You are in a LDR with a men you never met and are not sure if/when you will meet AND you are sending him nudes.
Are you barely 18 y/o or baiting? Cause it sounds like it
No. 288371
>>288368Do they actually send them? Do they always expect something in return/do you have to send something first?
I have a skelly fetish so I'd want to ask future bfs for pics of ribs and collar bones when we're apart, but no matter how long we're together I definitely won't send nudes myself. I can't trust any of them.
No. 288377
>>288373This makes me sad. Becoming a fujo at a young age and drawing sexy men for years has ruined me for society.
I would say this is also why so many women date trashy men, since they've never stopped to think of what's attractive to them.
Anyway, objectify the male form 2k18.
No. 288509
>>288501's another sauce in case some bot comes in to criticize the daily mail.
Incels complain about having a bad name and yet this happens.
No. 288608
Earlier I was trying to find some cute USC outfits for a friend who's going there, stumbled upon one of the pictures from this blog post: those commenters do have gfs then I have so much empathy for them. Cant imagine discovering your bf admitting regret in you because youre not attractive enough
>>288569>men committing acts of violence and murder because they're not getting enough sex>"womem are all whores" No. 288708
>>288608I'm attracted to women and I've never understood this boner men have exclusively for Stacies. They're just very typical and I see no need to put them leagues above other women. Not to say I would reject a Stacy if she asked me out lmao, but males put them on a pedestal with their weird ranking system. In fact, that system itself is strange to me. I can be attracted to people with very different traits, from lanky to short and chubby and many things in between, but none of them are greater than the others.
I mentioned it in the last thread, but males really have no diversity in tastes. And they do have a weird fixation with categorizing things.
No. 288717
>>288708No men have more diverse taste than women for the most part.
The categorization stuff is because all males have a little bit of autism.
No. 288745
>>288708Men love making women feel like shit and will never ever be happy with any woman they're with
Men who do date stacies later regret it and talk about how they actually want x y and z and any girl who isn't what they want is useless and not worthy in their book for love or care
No. 288795
>>288608this is so bizarre, you can see women who look like this walking down the street literally everywhere. i thought they would be some sort of ethereal beauties from the way these guys talk in the comments, not to be rude to those girls, but i don’t see how they’re any more beautiful than the average girl. unless you have a serious fetish for long, blonde hair.
it makes me sad to think that these guys have girlfriends and they’re spending all their time complaining about how much they hate their gfs because they’re too “ugly”! why don’t these men break up with their “ugly” gfs, they’d be doing those girls a huge favour.
No. 289008
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>>288608>The hottest girls you've seen in your life
>actually mostly completely normal looking girls/photos that you can find all over facebook??!
No. 289018
>>289014yes, pretty sure it's par for the course on both ends in 'greek life'. it's like the ultimate MLM so they objectify themselves and let other men do so for the benefit of these weird 'social organization' LLCs, with the voracity and desperation of Facebook Scentsy housewives.
do you guys remember that crazy horrible sorority letter? this shit is so damaging for college girls.
No. 289020
>>288708It seems like mostly young guys have a strong preference for the skinny-blonde-and-tanned Stacey look, and a huge part of it is for the ego boost/validation - they're a status symbol at that age. Most of those girls are extremely attractive though, I don't think this thread is doing womenkind any favours by going 'oh but they aren't that hot'. Yeah, they kinda are for the most part. There's some cheerleader effect going on and some are average but most of them are really attractive and would be even if they didn't look so stereotypical.
But anyway once they grow up they just fixate on different cliches. 50s trad waifus, nerdy girls, instathots etc. ofc they all have perfect features and bodies, they just dress it up differently to appeal to a niche.
No. 289022
>>289008>>289020it's the long blonde hair
i guess for some guys, long blonde hair matters than anything else
No. 289031
>>289020They have good bodies and hair but only a few (like 1/20) are actually beautiful or cute. See cute girls thread on /g. Most aren't even of that standard, which proves it's a self post (see
>>289013) or these guys are really not looking at these girls' faces and just at the bodies and hair. Which are still not sexy Imo, just slim. Maybe they are from a backwater town or something. The girls on /snow are for the most part more attractive than these girls, and probably a lot of us farmers are too. These same girls men will rip into and call them ugly, easy whores elsewhere so I'm not buying it.
No. 289046
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>>289031not to mention the article had a title like "these SEXY girls are WAY hotter than your UGLY FRUMPY HIDEOUS girlfriend" so i was expecting a little more. don't make claims if you can't back them up.
No. 289103
>>289099>My current boyfriend used to be really cute, shave his body and lotion his skin dailyMost men won't even do this to get a woman, let alone keep one.
I can't stand hairy men and if they put half as much effort as women do into hair removal I'd be attracted to so many more of them. But noooo, they're above having to change their natural appearance to appeal to the opposite sex, we're obligated to lower our standards instead of them putting effort in. I also value good skincare, pretty, healthy hair and good fashion sense, all things that women have little choice but to care about unless we want men to think we're disgusting, whereas they probably don't even consider shit like that.
Anyway you should dump his ass, he sounds pathetic. The clinginess sounds even worse than the laziness.
No. 289128
>>289008I feel like even if men all had gfs that look like that they'd eventually grow to hate them and call them ugly and shit and cry about how their gf isn't asian/big boobed/Latina/pale or whatever men are into. Since all women to them are just shiney new toys to drop when it isn't "cool" anymore to like a certain type of girl
I'm kinda grateful I found my husband way back before the features I had were the trend/considered ugly (pear shaped, round face,pale skin, dark hair,big lips,short, etc)
Despite this is makes me sorta paranoid my boyfriend is doing this behind my back as well, why would men be with us if we're all hideous anyway?
I don't think men realize how fucked they'll be if this continues, current women will be paranoid that their bf is doing this, potential girlfriends would have to be even more cautious and picky when choosing men. Eventually when we find out no matter what men will never be happy with what they have then women would realize there's just no point into putting effort into men
No. 289129
>>288708Men date women for social status (hence why they're so paranoid and spazz out if women do the same)
To them a woman can have ugliest face,most horrid personality, and horrible body in the world but if shes blond or whatever men are using as status symbols nowadays they'll chase her
Its also why women fawn over men with attractive faces and who are nice, men will chase literal gremilins if they're just asian/blond/big boobed/butt, whatever men are into
No. 289135
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Talking about this makes me uncomfortable as hell but my father has this annoying habit of slapping my butt sometimes, not in a sexual way but more like he wants to annoy the shit out of me and my mom with his childish manners. As someone who hates being touched and is usually distant I get filled with rage every time he does that, I've already complained about it and even punched him many times. My mom also hates it but doesn't get slapped nearly as much. He never did the same to my brother so I feel like he's being like this because we're women and it's only making me resent him. I hate being touched even by family members so when he does it I always get in a sour mood.
I remember going to a friend's house when we were in junior hs and as we passed by her father who was sitting down slapped her butt. She seemed embarassed while screaming 'Dad!' at him. So I've always wondered, is it a normal thing to happen between fathers and daughters? I really dislike it and I've tried slapping his butt back but it's no use. It's worth mentioning he doesn't like anyone messing with his butt.. yeah no shit me neither dad
random pic
No. 289137
>>289135I feel you anon, my dad never slapped my butt but he would snap my bra straps and it got on my fucking nerves and it made me really uncomfortable. I never really knew if it was normal or not because none of my friends seemed to deal with that or at least i never saw/heard of it happening.
Have you tried talking to him or your mom about it and telling him that it makes you uncomfortable?
No. 289141
>>288608>>288795>>289008Remember like one or 2 threads ago when somebody posted that image of some hot Asian guy, and a comment section underneath with a bunch of men saying "he's not even that good looking", and all of you said "Men are so insecure. Women don't do this kind of shit, trying to put down other women."
And yet here you are.
No. 289144
>>289103I pretty much agree with everything you said. Personally, I don't pay that much attention to looks but men should
at the very least put some effort into basic hygiene, skin care, fashion etc. to look presentable. It seems like women should stop lowering their standards, but knowing how entitled men are they'd just whine about how they can't get pussy on tap if they don't shower more than once a week, wear deordant, refrain from dressing like an 8 year old, and wipe their asses properly.
Like I honestly can't believe men when they cry about how hard it is to get laid. Tell me how the bar for acceptable male behavior can be practically nonexistent and yet some men still can't find at least ONE woman who let him stick his dick in her for 30 seconds until he premature ejaculates. Are they even TRYING?
No. 289158
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>>289135whoa what the fuck, my dad does the same! I usually punch his butt back or slap his arms. I even blew up about it to his face and my mom told him that it was weird and he stopped for a while. But he's doing it again so I think I'll have to have my mom talk to him again. Shit is annoying and weird.
>>289137>snapping bra strapsjesus, that sounds awful
No. 289164
>>289135I'm sorry anon, but I'm glad your talking about it because tbh my dad used to do it too and no one took it seriously. It was always passed off as a joke, and when I yelled at him about it he'd act like I'm oversensitive or whatever.
This kind of makes my skin crawl but on a slightly similar note he used to make pretty weird comments about me in my teen years. I'm paranoid about being too specific but he refereed to me one too many times as a 'bad girl' and would sexualize my mom in the same way.
He also has a photo of me he took when I was 11 of me sitting on top of the table. My legs were very much exposed and prominent in the picture and the angle was pretty up-skirty for lack of a better word. I remember the convo before he took it was kind of weird too.
I've been avoiding him like the plague cause that stuff makes me feel uncomfortable. My family thinks I'm really childish for not talking to him but I just cant help but not feel uncomfortable when I visit. Because Its not that bad but still just …creepy…idk… I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, sorry for venting I've been thinking about this for ages aaaaaaa
No. 289178
>>289167>>289158It's not just my dad that would do weird shit like that to me. My mom would "goose" me which was like, pinching my butt but like in a weird way and she would often grab my vulva when doing it. Once she did it IN PUBLIC while I was suffering from a YEAST INFECTION. So not only was it mortifying but it was also really painful physically. She got super pissy when I confronted her about it later and acted like I was being "childish".
I really don't have much of a relationship with either of my parents now that I'm an adult. I live overseas and I only talk to them occasionally through text messages. I hate then tbh
No. 289180
>>289174Yeah, I hate thinking about it but I've honesty been wondering that too. I appreciate getting a second opinion on it though cause I've been driving myself insane thinking about this alone.
A few times I have snooped on his PC and noticed he has a Tor browser and a program that changes your IP among other things.
I don't know much about the deep web, and I don't tend to believe most of the edgy stories about it, but It fueled my worry a lot considering how I've heard CP can be assessed on there.
When I brought it up he said it was to download/torrent new movies. I don't know much about shit like that though so idk, it really rubs me the wrong way regardless. His history is also always clear on his other browsers too.
I understand normal people use programs like these but that in combination with the weird photo really makes me wonder
No. 289193
My dad did something sexually inappropriate to me as a very young kid which caused a domino effect of me misunderstanding norms and developing severe anxiety which has impacted my entire life negatively, but…
No one in my family has EVER slapped my butt (except for legit spankings when I was little, which were a potential punishment for any of my siblings, and almost always given by my mom anyway). I haven't had someone snap my bra either.
The fact parents are doing this publicly and then laughing at you as if it's no big deal is EXTREMELY concerning. It is a big fucking deal especially when they don't respect your boundaries when you have said how uncomfortable it makes you. It's basically gaslighting to make you feel that this is in any way normal family behavior. It's not.
>>289180Your dad sounds like human scum. Why need to clear his normal browser histories too? Most parents don't even know what Tor is. Plus you can just stream movies online; who downloads that shit anymore?
My dad has had an online porn addiction since we got the internet, and your story gives me major alarm bells even WITHOUT the stuff involving you. If I could destroy that photo, I would.
>>289178This is so fucked up. Glad you're away from that.
No. 289198
>>289178This is the weirdest shit, why would anyone's parents touch their asses (or worse?!!)
The Anons who are distant / no contact are doing the right thing
No. 289201
>>289141I agree we shouldn't be putting these girls "down" as it were. They've done nothing to deserve that.
But I also think there shouldn't be some objective scale of beauty in general (in terms of facial features) and I have no sense of aesthetics.
No. 289205
>>289199Oh also technical point; the only person that would get you in trouble for downloading is your ISP. They know what you download regardless of your ip since you're still using their service to do so. They have a record of files downloaded and sites accessed regardless. So torrenting normal cinema movies which can be a violation of isp terms, would be tracked even with IP blockers and browsers since the download files are on a list somewhere.
So he is trying to hide his tracks from someone other than his isp i.e. The cops
No. 289209
>>289199>>289205Thank you for the info anon, I appreciate it greatly
Knowing the implications of what he is doing does make the situation all the more concerning though… I'm not sure where to take the situation from here
No. 289239
Is this is what's considered average nowadays then wtf do you gotta look like to be considered attractive? Or are all women who aren't super models or kpop stars ugly/average nowadays? Hell even then a lot of people think super models and kpop stars are average looking
This may sound ~weird~ but god forbid women ever feel good about themselves
No. 289240
>>289141We get it, everybody is insecure
In terms of gender, despite what, 3 or 4 people here claiming they're average? How many men went out their way to insult the asian guy when none of us here insulted those women at all? Not even comparable tbh
I swear its like we can talk about how harshly men treat women all day but the second some other anon says something that isn't praising, some rando would use it as a "gotcha!" Moment, no, it would be a "gotcha!" If we at LEAST did the equivalent of what they did
No. 289414
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Incels proving yet again why they should be removed from society
No. 289589
>>289542Yes this is exactly it, all the photos are just your standard "night out" Facebook photos but the reactions and comments are nuts. They took something unremarkable and used it as an excuse to shit on women AGAIN. If the article was just "here are some attractive girls" nobody here would care. The article literally says they're the hottest girls he has ever seen and now he thinks all his previous girlfriends are hideous.
It's men shitting on women. Not us shitting on women. Quite simple. We have issue with the "shitting on" aspect, and the fact that these photos are literally normal photos you see all over the internet and social media makes it more clear we are being shat upon. Exactly like the example of
>sees a hot cashier>omg my gf is so ugly compared to her No. 289627
>>289621Men hate women so fucking much they can't even admire another woman without bashing their own girlfriend who loves and cares about them in process, everything they do they have to do it to hurt women
Pls make wgtow a bigger thing. Too bad men get so damn butthurt at single womens existence. They can't fathom a woman not wanting to be with a man who acts miserable and shits on her throughout the relationship anyway
No. 289633
>>289414Imagine defending anything that has literally no reason to exist except to harm women. Fucking horrible.
On that note, ever had the issue that when you try to bring up why FGM is disgusting and needs to be banned (esp from third world countries that still openly do it,) men will chime in with 'B-BUT WHAT ABOUT MALE CIRCUMCISION?? IT'S JUST AS BAD.'
No. 289644
>>289414Horrific shit aside, this fool contradicted himself in one post.
>women masturbate and are promiscuous (adultry)>women only have sex for romance, not pleasureWhat is the truth for him? Just whatever makes him angry at the time?
The answer is yes, of course.
No. 289657
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>>289240>despite what, 3 or 4 people here claiming they're average? How many men went out their way to insult the asian guy when none of us here insulted those women at all? Not even comparable tbhThere's probably only like 30 people in this thread. Facebook or any large news site will have thousands if not millions of people seeing it and commenting. No shit there won't be as many total comments coming from here when this place is just a miniscule fraction of the size of those other sites to begin with. You want an example of women doing the same thing on a large scale? Well here you go then.
Now you're trying to play to the crowd and excuse your behavior by saying "but the men are doing it way worse this is all their fault". But ask yourself this, if those USC women could see the comments those men were making, and the comments you're making, which would hurt their feelings? The men saying how incredibly hot they are, or all of you saying how "they're average at best. Nothing special, if anything guys only like them because they have blonde hair".
No. 289663
>>289660Yeah cause obviously it's reasonable to collect hundreds or thousands of replies in a single image.
Now how about answer the question, who's actually being worse here. The men complimenting them or all of you trying to tear them down.
No. 289665
All we did is say they were average
Imo I'd rather be called average by strangers than to be called ugly by my own boyfriend
No. 289671
>>289665I didn't ask how those men's girlfriends would feel, I asked how the college girls would feel seeing either your comments or the men's.
Calling someone "just average at best" in a clearly dismissive tone and trying to undermine all the work they put into staying in shape, taking care of their skin and hair, and learning to do their makeup well and style their hair is clearly the thing they would be more hurt by. You're a petty, jealous hypocrite.
No. 289673
>>289671I didnt claim they're average
Yes, strangers opinions of looks can hurt feefees
We were talking about whos being worse correct? Again, I think most reasonable people dont care if someone thinks they're average vs having a loved on call them ugly and talk about how the significant others looks makes them miserable
No. 289676
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>>289657This image reminds me that I forgot to post pic related in the thread. But I kind of half agree with you.
No. 289688
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>>289678I wasn't the person who made that reply. My point was to show that as much as men claim that women hate each other and are always criticizing other women's looks because of jealousy, men do the exact same shit and nobody says anything. When boybonds were big, men in my country were always calling them gay, ugly, etc, not to talk about how much they mocked the girls who were into boybands, all because they were jealous as fuck.
No. 289712
>>289688I saw a thread where some guys were strategically ripping into each other's looks on Twitter yesterday. Men regularly attack other men's appearances either because they disagree or because they're jealous.
>>289671And calling your own girlfriends hideous on the internet because you saw some above-average college girls is shitty. Much shittier than any one of us saying they're average or above average. Nobody said they were ugly. We are just pointing out that any average-above average girl will be wheeled out as "evidence" of how worthless we are at any moment. The article was not complimentary. Shitting on one woman to "compliment" another is a net negative.
No. 289713
>>289707Hi male
-STDs are usually not specifically on the clit
-cancer of the clitoris is something I've literally never heard of
-if you don't like clit on a woman and you're a straight man somebody is lying
-Female masturbation is not a known problem
-paternity fraud is not a thing, female adultery is barely a thing, and neither of those things would occur due to sexual pleasure anyway
-sex is a lot more pleasurable when you can actually feel something. Most of the feeling is in the clit. Less pleasure for women, less sex for men. Intimacy+feeling. We're not in it exclusively for "closeness" because we have methods of getting that elsewhere.
Obviously we want more from sex than just dry hugging.
Hope that helps
No. 289736
>>289719If you hate womens clits so much then dont fuck us (not that you had a choice anyway)
Leave it to the men who actually like sex,and women, and enjoying sex mutually rather than just having the woman feel uncomfortable the entire time
No. 289749
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>when you think about all those little girls in Africa and the middle East currently being held down and having their clits sliced off with a jagged metal knife(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 289753
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Remember to ignore the bait anons
No. 289799
File: 1535946513172.jpg (53.74 KB, 627x414, IMG_20180903_134736.jpg)

This thread needs better moderation it's constantly overrun with scrots
Also, what
>>289753 said, pic very related
No. 289821
>>289657Just opened this image up, this girl is basically perfect. Really lovely face and proportions. And I'm one of the anons who said the Stacey's were average-above average. I'm not gonna rate people on a specific scale but the ones in the comments are probably blind or racist to call her mediocre (especially since objectively it puts them into sub zero)
No real point to make but this image doesn't relate to the conversation in this thread. It's completely different context. For one we are a similar age and probably appearance to the stacies (there was a thread here where we kinda came out half femcel and half Stacey) whereas this is older women who have never resembled the athlete and never could
No. 289920
>>289873I wouldn't jump right to cp after discovering Tor. Statistically it's much more likely being used to access drug markets.
However.. Yeah. This
>>289164 is fucking weird and it's probably best to keep some distance. I'm so so sorry anon. I feel for you.
No. 289944
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No. 289956
>>289944The other possible explanation is that all the 14 year old girls are getting pregnant from the same, much smaller group of 14 year old boys who all have 4 kids on average.
Truly Chads are getting to work earlier and earlier every year.
No. 290003
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Yea, men die of suicide because they can't get over themselves and their big fucking egos and get better
No. 290025
>>290003The whole "its okay to be weak men!!!" Only encourages suicide, at least from what I've seen lmao
The male sensitivity movement is toxic, especially when women have to suffer from it and men think all women are just shoulders to cry on, or even better,the murder suicides which take up a whole lot in male suicide stats oh wait that doesn't make men look like poor oppressed babies
No. 290030
>>289861Only if you're sensitive as fuck, chances are most people, even insecure ones don't care what people on the internet think of strangers looks, however, going out your way just to tell the world your girlfriend is ugly and you're miserable just because of how she looks? That's straight emotional abuse, and since people are more likely to have their self esteem severely damaged by loved ones (esp ones that have romantic feelings for) and can effect a woman way more than random girls getting called average, not only that when other girls see that they'll doubt themselves and start feeling paranoid their own lovers feel the same way and feel miserable, this shit literally tears women apart, I've known women who self harmed and had an eating disorder all because their boyfriend said shit like so to her
>>290000What post are you replying to? No one said anything close to that at all, nice strawman anyway, if that's even a strawman rather than straight up lying
No. 290040
>>290037Men are gold diggers (not even saying that ironically) the only way they'll be a sub is if the woman is rich, even then most of the time they get their feefees threatened and start screaming about walls and cheer on rich old men who expect big tittied blondes to show up to their door step
Be mature pretty much, signal that you're independent and make lots
No. 290079
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>>289688This reminded me of a total meltdown an ugly neckbeard who had a crush on me back in highschool had when I told him I was into Harry Styles from 1D he legit told me "B…But he looks like a faggot!!!" it was back in 2012 so he looked like a cute preppy teen, that's what being a fag is to 99% of straight men. I vividly remember the feeling of betrayal in his eyes, like girls weren't supposed to like pretty guys with nice hair and clothes, in his world we were supposed to like ugly smelly dudes who dresses badly because they are nice and kind hearted! Men like to say that women have been ruined by Disney but it seems like they've been ruined by shitty romcom and trashy comedy movies about virgin nerds.
No. 290147
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Think carefully before bearing a man's child.
No. 290157
>>290147>men: women are only good for having kids>also men: but dont because kids ruin your body which is the only reason men tolerate your existenceThey want to force women to be pregnant, then mock and humiliate them for going through pregnancy.
Imagine carrying a child for 9 months, going through all the pain only be treated like shit after from the man thats suppose to be the father. Horrific.
No. 290158
>>290147>women are baby-machines!>complain about childbirth making women ugly>complain about women needing child support when men leave them>complain about women giving more attention to the baby over her husband>>290025The only thing stopping men from venting their emotions is other men. I hope they don't fucking blame that one on us, because most men use their female friends as emotional support.
Maybe start actually bonding with each other and try to stop having the emotional intelligence of a 5-year-old.
You've played yourselves.
No. 290169
>>289861Ah yes, the problem isn't the "you'll HATE YOUR GIRLFRIEND OVER HOW UNATTRACTIVE SHE IS", it's the "hey i don't think these girls are that prettier than average, most girls really are that pretty (implying becky is probably in that group)".
Heaven forbid someone says a mane of blonde hair and tanned skin does not an attractive woman make.
No. 290214
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>>290174Do it, anon. It's what he deserves.
No. 290267
>>2902203 reasons
1: they're entitled little spoilt boys, they think because they were born a man means they deserve to see women naked and expose them as whores
2:they think its their duty to judge womens bodies, men hate womens bodies, they love judging and pulling them apart in their mind because of how much men hate women
3:they know they're disgusting perverts but do it anyway because of their ego
No. 290300
>>290267They also act this way because we live in a society where men do what they want with almost no consequences or punishment. It's horrible.
I don't have caps, but there was a reddit thread last year when the movie Mother (starring Jennifer lawrence) came out. In the beginning, she's walking around in a see through nightgown and you can see her breasts visibly.
And someone replied with 'how do you not understand consent for a role and having your nudes stolen from your phone/pc?'
Men are absolute garbage. No one tells them that enough.
No. 290376
>>290360>>290371It also has a lot to do with status and the whole idea of masculinity in and of itself. Being a "real man" means having power and influence over other people. Men who can't win over others with charm resort to anger or manipulation to get their way. They feel as though being a huge dick to other people, regardless of the potential consequences is better than being "weak" or letting others take advantage of them.
I had a boss once who would absolutely love his shit and go into a rage if he felt we were too comfortable expressing our complaints about anything. I can guarantee that is was because he didn't like the idea of woman who were below him in the corporate structure having any control over his actions and decisions, no matter how minor.
Men also tend to resort to anger because they don't know how to express themselves in a productive way. Anger is a "safe" way for them to express their emotional distress because it doesn't present as much of a risk to their status and power as genuine vulnerability does. This tendency to use anger to cope leads them to lash out at others and blame them for their own issues which in turn leads to treating their scapegoats badly.
No. 290416
File: 1536042235612.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.17 KB, 422x750, tumblr_opzuebnU4l1u3649oo1_500…)

Real tired of black men thinking they are "woke" for doing shit like this, you're just assholes all the same and we can see through your shit.
No. 290424
>>290416Racist black men hate women, racist white men hate women, isn't it funny how racism goes hand in hand?
Theres so many different types to, the men who hate women of their own race, hate other races of women and then point the finger at another race of women and claim they're the good trophy women who are feminine and wife material and every man deserves them
The men who just hate all women in general unless they're pure conservatives of their own race, claim all women need to be x y and z or they're worthless
The racist white boys who tell blacks to stop commiting crimes when it comes to racial prison stats, but when it comes to racial stats by gender, to them it magically means all men are oppressed babies
No. 290432
>>290416>>290420That statement alone tells you everything you need to know about him. It’s obviously just a cop out for him to get away with this shit.
On another note, I’ll never understand why there are women out there who agree to engage in things like this.
No. 290450
>>290444I don’t blame you. He sounds disgusting.
Where do you live, OP? In some places you can get charged with statutory rape.
No. 290490
>>287901It is very possible, although my boyfriend isn't small or weak. I can hardly believe I found someone like him because he is pretty much the ideal guy for me. He's never pressured me into doing anything and is extremely submissive and devoted only towards me. We didn't even have PIV for a year and a half since I was a virgin, with him I found out I didn't like the feeling of being penetrated at all and he has never pressured me into doing it ever. Never made him feel inadequate or angry like most guys would have responded, he just felt sad that he hurt me. He is not predatory at all, is very respectful, and takes care of himself.
I think in general men who are submissive in relationships (not to be confused with men who are "bottoms", ie. want you to "dominate" them in the exact way they specify or they throw tantrums) tend to care about more about making you happy rather than their dick, and also tend to be more loyal.
No. 290505
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love how rational men are and how open for criticism and debate they are uwu
No. 290520
>>290514This, we just straight up hate men amd actually try to avoid them
Mgtow straight begs for womens attention, cry about "EBUL WOMIMINS!!!" When someone dare think its wrong to scream their damn heads off about how evil women are all day and night, next minute claim they want nothing to do with women, then talk about how they're gonna go to thailand or whatever just to claim all asian women are ugly fake gold diggers, make videos directed towards women, like the infamous "deal tall girls video" where he just spent the entire video calling tall women trannies and telling them to lower their standards but there's no point since nobody wants tall girls anyway, cry about "women invading male spaces" when they watch the videos they told them to watch, and just when you think they can't get more mentally unstable they cry oppression when men voluntarily pay for dinner, ignore women who say they don't want men to pay for dinner or claim they're lying, when you point out male crime rates, male infidelity rates, how custody doesnt oppress men nor does alimony or incarnation rates,etc they ignore it and just claim women are lying or twist it to fit their narrative
Not even the worse part, you'd think these big manbabies would at least stay in their own spaces? Nope! They infect documentaries or news channels the second it dare be about women and not about men being oppressed,they can't even stand watching cases about women being murdered without screaming "SEE ALL WOMEN ARE DUMB SLUTS SHE GOT HERSELF MURDERED BECAUSE SHE WANTED CHAD ALL MEN SHOULD MGTOW!!!" Hell even national geographic, when the anonymous female narrator made fun of male spiders of course men made it about themselves and claimed anyone who wasnt against it was a big fat bitter single old lady who hates men and ofc the infamous "IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED" argument,which is easily proven wrong as well
Face it mgtow, you're a cult, and the most annoying one as well, they can't watch simple videos or have everyday communication without having a mental breakdown over a woman existing
No. 290523
>>290520and all of them have hate boners for single women/women who don't want kids/women who like casual sex
You'd think with how much these mgtows scream about how marriage is the devil and women are only useful for sex they'd be happy to see thats what some women want right? Nope, they start screaming about walls, talk about how bitter they are, how they're useless sluts or use those women as an even further reason to mgtow but brag about how they treat women then hate women out of paranoia women will treat them how they treat women
I don't get tbh, I really don't, there's no winning with them, I assume its because it didn't meet their "YOU'LL COME CRAWLING BACK TO ME YOU'LL SEE!!!" Revenge fantasiea or whatever
No. 290534
>>290510I'd like to know how exactly you found him
No. 290592
>>290590>This, we just straight up hate men amd actually try to avoid them
>Mgtow cry about "EBUL WOMIMINS!!!isn't this thread just crying about "EBUL MENS!!!"
whether it's men saying "i hate women" or women saying "i hate men", you're all the same
No. 290596
>>290592we talk and vent, this is literally one of the only places on the internet we can vent about men freely and despite this it's still a stigmatized thread, while it is man hate, at least we don't create insane conspiracy theories about how the government is trying to only make chad reproduce and drain men of their money despite half of women being breadwinners, we don't contaminate every corner of the internet with mgtow mental breakdown screeching, we also don't go crazy over normal interactions with men either
look, I know you didn't read half of what I said and I can sit here and name millions of reasons why this thread is nothing compared to mgtow and you'll still cry about how "YOU'RE ALL THE SAME!!!!"
>>290590well I never been to a mgtow forum, and a lot of them make "Dear___ women" shit so it's kinda obvious they want us there, they want attention , even then, there was what, 1 woman going to a mgtow forum and getting banned vs the hundreds of incels that come here and get banned and have mental breakdowns, barely being able to argue without lying about what we said
No. 290599
>>290596there's nothing wrong with having a woman-only space on the internet and a place to complain about issues that uniquely affect women, but presenting it as all men being inherently bad only shows you probably share
many of the traits of the people you claim to detest.
>at least we don't create insane conspiracy theories about how the government is trying to only make chad reproduce and drain men of their money despite half of women being breadwinners, we don't contaminate every corner of the internet with mgtow mental breakdown screeching, we also don't go crazy over normal interactions with men eitheri've seen numerous conspiracy theories like this in these threads, like about the government "mandating romantic partners or sex for men", and plenty of comments along the lines of "i don't interact with men" (which seems to me like going crazy over normal interactions with men).
yes, the kinds of people who post nonstop on /r9k/ are probably worse than most of the people in this thread and most people in this thread probably don't go on men's forums to post this shit (but if the situation and gender ratios were reversed and the big chans were majority female, i bet many of you would), but it's not a shittiness measuring contest. i'm not saying someone who talks about how women should be raped and enslaved is just as bad as complaining about men, i'm saying the general attitude is nearly identical to most MGTOWs i've seen (and from what i've seen most MGTOWs don't express feelings of violence, although of course their views are extremely shitty).
No. 290605
>>290599>>290599>ut presenting it as all men being inherently bad only shows you probably share many of the traits of the people you claim to detest.where are we doing this though?we've been saying since day 1 "not all men" not that you can be bothered to research something outside of your narrative
>i've seen numerous conspiracy theories like this in these threads, like about the government "mandating romantic partners or sex for men"again, W H E R E, unless you mean by incels contaminating this thread, I've been here since the teenagers thread and the only people who said shit about the government are incels, you realize we can go back and read the threads right?
>and plenty of comments along the lines of "i don't interact with men" (which seems to me like going crazy over normal interactions with men).apparently someone supposedly saying they don't interact with men (which no one said anyway) is equivalent to mgtows going mad and having mental breakdowns because a pregnant woman needed a seat on the subway or a woman asked a man to hold her purse (see you can actually go back in the threads and see where this happened, unlike your claims)
>from what i've seen most MGTOWs don't express feelings of violence, although of course their views are extremely shitty).uhuh, like the last few threads op image of the mgtow who bragged about how times are bad now because you can't force a woman to starve to death if she doesn't have sex with you
No. 290628
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>muh mgtow isn't violent!!
No. 290652
>>290605>again, W H E R E, unless you mean by incels contaminating this thread, I've been here since the teenagers thread and the only people who said shit about the government are incels, you realize we can go back and read the threads right?this is the kind of conspiracy theory fear mongering i was talking about:
>>>/ot/113123some of the posters call out the OP's paranoia in that thread, and yes maybe you could just say "oh the OP must've been an incel troll" but you have no way of knowing that. I've seen many sentiments like this in the man-hating threads and similar threads.
>apparently someone supposedly saying they don't interact with men (which no one said anyway) is equivalent to mgtows going mad and having mental breakdowns because a pregnant woman needed a seat on the subway or a woman asked a man to hold her purse (see you can actually go back in the threads and see where this happened, unlike your claims)i won't deny that on average, there are probably more extremely unhinged and crazy woman haters than there are man haters, but when you have to resort to whataboutism and a few examples to try to defend against an allegation, you're usually not on strong grounds. my point isn't to defend gross MGTOWs or misogynists but just to say that the kind of attitudes and biases in these threads are super unhealthy.
>uhuh, like the last few threads op image of the mgtow who bragged about how times are bad now because you can't force a woman to starve to death if she doesn't have sex with youi did say "most". I think a view like that is probably and hopefully not representative of their "movement". maybe I'm wrong, but I imagine if you asked what % of self-identifying "MGTOWs" agreed with that, it would be 1% or less. if I am wrong about that then I stand corrected, but it still doesn't change my point at all.
>>290628yes that's a violent post to /r/mgtow but if you read the guy's post history, he's an incel who posts insane misogynistic shit all day to dozens or hundreds of subreddits: post was removed from the subreddit so I can't see the upvotes. if it had more than 10 upvotes and took a long time to get removed or something then ok, you have a point, but if it's just some rant that got 0 upvotes and then got removed then you're not really proving much. anyone can post whatever bullshit to a subreddit.
but either way saying "but we're not as bad as MGTOWs!!!" is a very low bar indeed
No. 290664
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>>290652>this is the kind of conspiracy theory fear mongering i was talking about:nothing like this was ever in any of the man hating thread, the fact you go through a 1 yr old thread, in which op was later called out to compare to mgtows is laughable
>when you have to resort to whataboutism and a few examples to try to defend against an allegation, you're usually not on strong grounds.your point was that we are "JUST LIKE!!!" mgtow, I was using points to explain why we aren't
> maybe I'm wrong, but I imagine if you asked what % of self-identifying "MGTOWs" agreed with that, it would be 1% or less. if I am wrong about that then I stand corrected, but it still doesn't change my point at all.oh great, asking for stats that will never exist (or at least legit ones) because legit statisticians focus on real shit, not "how many mgtows wanna beat women" or whatever
>but either way saying "but we're not as bad as MGTOWs!!!" is a very low bar indeedthen show men how many of us are contaminating every corner of the internet, even making real life presentations about how all women are evil and only want chads and demanding all school boys be forced to watch it No. 290702
>>290680i was referring to
>>113123. yes it wasn't in this thread chain, but it was in this sub-board and sure sounds like someone who posts in these threads.
>>290664we're just arguing semantics at this point. anything i point out will just have you respond with "here's an example of a super shitty thing some very misogynistic guys did". all i wanted to say is the response to misogynistic guys is not "men-hating" threads.
you said
>where are we doing this though?we've been saying since day 1 "not all men" not that you can be bothered to research something outside of your narrativeif you went on /r9k/ and saw a thread called "Woman-Hating Thread" and asked what was up and they said "we're not saying this is all women", i don't think you'd go "oh ok np then". generalizing half the world in this way is just fucking dumb even if you hedge it a little.
No. 290711
>>290705Where are they getting the egg for this, anyway?
Regardless (and very OT), I'm pumped for artificial wombs. A big reason I don't want a child is because of my unrelenting tokophobia/the time I'd have to take off work for pregnancy. It would be great to avoid fucking up my body for a baby that's genetically my own.
This is ideal.
No. 290732
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>>290727if that was the case they wouldn't go out of their way to screech the same mgtow copy pastas anytime they see a woman, so much they don't even pay attention and all they see is someone with a vagina and start ranting about walls and shit, typical mgtow mental breakdowns
I've never seen them say "not all men" meanwhile we're pretty much forced to explain not all men anytime someone gets their feelings hurt men get a taste of their own medicine for once
No. 290759
>>290705The funny thing is we've had the technology to reproduce without sperm cells for over a decade already (via a method invented by a female scientist no less). chromosomes on extinction watch.
No. 290779
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Men be like…(seriously read until the end what a fucking ride kek)
No. 290782
>>290732What about the ones who say stuff like "tfw no fembot gf"? You think they're the same people screaming at women to go away?
Just cause they're all named Anonymous doesn't mean they're actually the same person you know.
No. 290792
>>290628The funny thing is they do this in asian countries, and men are crying about that too because now women are even more prized because literally hundreds of thousands of men will never be able to date or marry a woman
Its laughable how society insists men are the smart ones when they do shit like this to themselves
No. 290803
>>290779This whole thing was a mess, but the thing that stuck out the most to me was the very intentional capitalization of "father" but not "mother". You see this shit with black supremacists and white supremacists too, where, depending on which flavor it is, black or white will be capitalized and the vice versa not. Just a little quirk I've noticed for a long time that idiots online have.
Also, that whole thing just makes me so glad I am beyond their "expiration date". I can't imagine being a younger woman and having to deal with this current crop of men online.
No. 290854
>>290779Wow, his standards are almost as high as the average woman's.
What a monster.
No. 290919
>>290892>>290907p sure they think women that don't go husband hunting at rehabs have high standards
even if women did do that they'd still claim womens standards are high
No. 290933
>>290779I'm pretty sure (actually just hoping) that this is not serious. Probably some /r9k/ neckbeard baiting to see if women are going to message to this made-up arrogant douchebag character that also is super rich. Basically trying to catch "gold diggers" and post it on forums and say "see, women care only about money and not character". Now actually thinking, even if this is made-up, it's still pretty sad that someone spent time writing that shit in hopes of baiting "gold diggers".
This also reminds me of this tinder profile that had a male model's pic and profile description was saying he was convicted of child rape or some shit like that. There was screenshots of many women messaging him in flirting manner. Though in that case I believe the profile description was edited after the fact. It probably had some non-serious convictions as obvious jokes and the guy behind the profile changed the description to child rape after receiving messages from women.
No. 290939
>>290907As if every woman's dating profile doesn't have minimum requirements for height, income, physical fitness, family plans, and a general and god knows what else.
Above average requirements of course.
No. 290942
>>290939Thats not an argument.
Citation needed.
No. 290943
>>290939>Above average requirements of, men expect midgets nowadays tbh
I've seen more men be offended by their partners income than I've seen women
I'd honestly think women wanting rich guys was a meme if it wasn't for sugar babies or men like jorge on 90 day who purposely go for those women and cry about what they get themselves into
No. 290988
>>290971>>290972Wow you're stupid. Did you even read any of those articles before linking them?
For one, my point was that few if any men have ever done something like put "ladies, don't even bother messaging me unless you make at least 6 figures", women do stuff like that all the time.
Second, like all of those article are written by women, about women being the ones with the problem.
>I lost all respect for my husband when I started making more than him so I divorcedIt's women who can't stand men making less than them, not the other way around. How can you possibly be this lacking in self awareness.
(man) No. 290989
>>290974You. cant. win. ever. You cant like sex or else youre a roastie whore. Cant refuse it or have a low libido or else your a useless prude. Cant be independent or financial stable since that makes men intimidated and hurts their egos. Cant make less or be dependent since that will make you a gold digging whore. Youre not allowed to age or any other changes physically. Especially after pregnancy. You must be perfect the day after or else you'll be treated like scum.
At thise point, if we all just pitch in and buy them sexdolls, you think they'll leave us alone?
No. 290993
>>290988>women do stuff like that all the time.bitch where
>>>I lost all respect for my husband when I started making more than him so I divorcedbitch w h e r e
No. 290999
>>2909881) we were talking to each other, not you, and knew what we were discussing
2) not being psychic doesnt make us stupid, you didnt specify anything
3) you made the initial assertion and twice have failed to back anything up, so you are in no position to be demanding answers from anyone else. I will be amused to see you prove "As if every woman's dating profile doesn't have minimum requirements for height, income, physical fitness, family plans" given your brain is the size of a pea
No. 291009
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No. 291071
>>290705It's baffling to think that they want this. Men already massively fail at raising their children, and that's WITH women doing nearly all of the child rearing.
What are they going to do when they actually have to raise a child themselves, with no spousal support?
No. 291077
>>291071oh anon. you already know. ;_;
men want to abolish AoC laws for a reason
No. 291086
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>>291077Please God end this earth
No. 291089
>>290592Reasons women are evil
>won't sleep with me>expects me to pay the bill >won't be a sub housewife while simultaneously not being a gold digger who expects me to provide>i.e. why won't women shit money out their asses>won't have my kids>will get ugly once she has my kids>will get ugly with age>something something chadReasons why men are evil:
>will rape and murder women>will make fun of raped and murdered women>will fantasize about raping and killing women No. 291109
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>>290971>>290974>>290983Well since you all seem dead set on refusing to actually read your own fucking sources I guess there's no choice but to plaster them in your face.
Women are overwhelmingly the ones to be more upset when their husband earns less money than them. Many of these men love the role reversal. They love the easy life of a housewife, but women absolutely hate knowing that she's working while he relaxes and enjoys life. Every single story you linked involves the woman being the one who gets angry enough to break off the relationship. The men are slightly insecure about it at most, but it's the women who absolutely hate it enough to divorce and end the relationship.
Why you're trying to paint it like men are causing this problem is beyond me. I guess because you're just unwilling to admit the fault in yourself, so you project your own anger at the issue onto men and try to use that as the justification for the anger to begin with.
No. 291110
>>291089Adding to that
>men will proclaim how much stronger and faster they are than women>wonders why women are uncomfortbleI dont get how women who are protective of themselves are always "paranoid bitches" then on the other hand, men will blame victims of rape and murder for not being careful enough. You cant tell people how much stronger you are, how easily you can overpower someone and not have them be wary of you.
No. 291115
>>291109>Women are overwhelmingly the ones to be more upset when their husband earns less money than themonly when their husband gets insecure and bitches about it, men will stay in relationships just to make both of them miserable then claim it's good just because they're together, hence why they don't break up with women they claim to hate and suffer being with, they'd rather just everyone being miserable just so they don't have to be the ones leaving, it has to be the ebul women
>Many of these men love the role reversal. They love the easy life of a housewifeand yet they scream about hitting walls when an older richer woman wants to support them, cry gold digger when they voluntarily pay for shit, which one is it?
>women absolutely hate knowing that she's working while he relaxes and enjoys life.well I'm a woman and I don't hate it
>Every single story you linked involves the woman being the one who gets angry enough to break off the relationship.refer to what I said earlier, men are the times to beat a dead horse until women decide to bury it then claim women are evil for burying it
also what is this picture trying to prove? a lot of them are just simply discussing and explaining why, like 17, the woman clearly states that he doesn't clean or do shit and lays around mooching all day, 14 was about the partner being lazy, 20 is her talking about how she has to bust her ass to make ends meet, 13 is that she wants to spend time with her baby but she can't, 12 is her husband being a gold digger,11 is wanting them to be equal breadwinners, 7 is wanting her husband to get a job,6 is telling them not to let men take advantage of your money, 5 is talking about how he became like a child and it wasn't attractive, 4 is talking about how the husband wants to mooch despite him doing the opposite for the first woman, 3 is just them breaking up peacefully because it didn't work out
whats your point again?
No. 291117
>>291114Im pretty sure they hang in /meta too with the handmaidens to look for an opportunity to scream 'nuke the thread'.
Sharing unpopular opinions and facts is too scary i guess kek.
No. 291135
>>291114We need to stop engaging with them, period. It might be worth a laugh at first, but it gets tedious fast. Start reporting obvious scrote posts and ignore them instead.
>>291117I love how the scrotes and handmaidens scream about this one thread ruining this whole site. They really have no control at all. Simply ignore the fucking thread if you don't like it. But then again, if scrotes and handmaidens did that, they wouldn't have anything to whine about, would they?
No. 291159
>>291110I’ve been thinking about getting back into jogging, but don’t really have time during the day. Aside from my dad, every man I talk to about this is like:
>You’re afraid of going out jogging alone while it’s dark out? You’re just paranoid, nothing’s going to happen, assuming that men will hurt you is actually really sexist towards us, how dare you?But when only a few months ago a woman in the next town over was raped and murdered while out jogging at 5 AM they said:
>Why was she alone at that time of night? What did she think would happen? She didn’t even bring pepper spray, how stupid!So fearing you’re in danger is paranoid and sexist but assuming you’ll be fine makes you a moron whose rape and murder is only a natural consequence of your stupidity. Damned if we do, dead if we don’t.
No. 291182
>>290510>>290534Fill out your profile completely, don't talk about fetish stuff, put that in the fetish section if you must. Focus on writing about what you want in a relationship. You also have to get very good at vetting people. Most of the people that message you are braindead horndogs so you'll be able to weed them out very quickly. Don't ever send nudes (can't believe people actually do this), don't immediately meet up, be patient. I vetted about 90 people online, 3 people irl, and I was almost ready to give up and delete my profile. He was the one who found me and messaged me first. We clicked almost immediately, talked every day for about 3 months before he moved here (a huge coincidence actually). He never pushed me into talking about anything sexual. Anyone who does is a walking red flag.
It's basically just an endurance test. You have to weed through a bunch of retards, and really it's up to you to decide if it's worth the time. For me it definitely was, as I found the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.
No. 291206
>>291109What an annoying read, these women are retarded. Either that or their husbands still wouldn't pick up the slack and do housework, which was probably the case because men are such babies who can't look after themselves. One of the women even said
>it felt like i had three childrenI bet he wanted to kick back and be looked after lmao. If you're not the breadwinner, make up for it by caring for the house. Women have done it for thousands of years, can't be that hard, right?
No. 291222
>>291209Yeah, the truth is more men will go after women. That's just how it is. But just because they throw themselves at you doesn't mean their decent people. Somehow they believe that there is value in the fact that someone wants to fuck you, no matter how rude or unattractive they are. When I lived in a bad area, I had scary homeless-looking men hit on me constantly, in a very predatory and aggressive way. Is that something to feel good about? I just felt threatened. Most of the men that hit on me were like that. And I am average. The same happens to my friend who is very attractive. You would think the men who hit on her are nice, decent people, right? No, most of the men who hit on her are awful, predatory people who just want to take advantage of her.
At in the few instances where women approach men, it is usually with good intentions.
No. 291230
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>>291109>Well since you all seem dead set on refusing to actually read your own fucking sources I guess there's no choice but to plaster them in your face.>Women are overwhelmingly the ones to be more upset when their husband earns less money than them. Many of these men love the role reversal. Look who's not reading their sources. Most of the women in that screenshot were resentful that their husband didn't know how to spend money, didn't do any housework while staying at home all day, didn't care about finances, kept acting like the head of the house even though they do jack shit. Imagine working your ass off whole day to see your husband laying on the couch watching TV, then you start cooking and have to clean the mess he's made during the day, you have to tell him to start the dishwashing machine that he didn't bother starting while you're at work, you barely make the end of the month but he doesn't care about it and has the audacity to ask money for $100/h tennis lessons, and he doesn't take you serious when you try to communicate about it.
No. 291238
>>291232I created quite a few inside memes myself and I don't need to plaster my gender on them.
After all, memes are made anonymously, how can you tell which one is made by a d*ck-haver or a woman.
No. 291248
>Death by a thousand cuts for the bitch, now.>I've heard tales of horrible shit happening when the first wife goes psycho from jealousy of the second, but this is a whole new fucking level of fucked.>That's fucking horrific. Does India have cruel and unusual punishment? I hope so.>This is what toxic femininity looks like.>Nothing says, "Love me more" than raping, killing, and mutilating your husband's daughter from a different wife…I'm sure he'll totally be running to her, now.>Never forget, if you were born in the first world, how fucking lucky you were to be born in a white country. Especially if you are female.>"Buh womyn are so oppressed in amerika" screeches tumblr.>Now that's a wicked stepmotherWhat makes the woman worse than the guys?
Yes, they did it because she wanted them to do so, but they were the ones who physically did the raping and killing.
No. 291256
Real talk, feminists should stop falling for jewish tricks, internalize that they argue over inane shit and actually focus on women's issues in islamic and african countries.
Can you retards employ your 2 working nerve cells and realize that you have no issues in your sub-urban lives and men are not out to get you? There are thousands of children getting raped daily by pakistani ganks in the UK, sweeden is number 1 in instances of aggravated rape according to eurostat, over 60% of girls are put through female genital mutilation in bantu, kenya, yemen, nigeria, somalia, and other west african countries. It is accepted by law and reinforced to hit your wife in virtually all islamic countries as long as you don't hit her in the face and make sure you don't bruise her.
These are things that are happening right now. Wake the fuck up you oversized infants and open your eyes to the real issues. Feminism has been a thing for 75 years and there's been no change with regards to anything whatsoever. The only changes have been quotas, affirmative action, family court and the happiness index for women reaching a 100 year low.
No. 291272
>>291268I don't browse your imageboard.
How about you make motions at your universities, how about you get a hashtag trending, how about you bring awareness via reddit?
Nah, talking about how white men are catcalling you and how incels are misogynistic clearly takes precedence.
There is absolute radio silence about the issues I mentioned, and it's deliberate. Do not forget that all the feminist leaders and politicians have embraced islam. Norway's PM and sweden's minister of foreign policy met Islamic leaders wearing hijabs.
Canada's PM fell short of giving UAE's leaders a blowjob and offering his wife as a porta-potty.
You are aware of it, but you are risk-averse and don't want to challenge the narrative.
No. 291280
>>291248>"Buh womyn are so oppressed in amerika" screeches tumblr.What the hell does it have to do with America? India is a patriarchy, women are opressed there. Not to mention that the number of cases like this are pretty rare in India if you compare them to cases where men brutally rape a woman without being told to do it, or the cases where a woman rejects a man and he throws acid on her face.
>>291268I doubt that they even know the difference between liberal and radical feminism, a radical feminist (Julie Bindel) wrote one of the first pieces about muslim grooming gangs.
No. 291289
>>291272Most of us here don't like libfems anon. We're shut down pretty fucking quickly if we dare to challenge the narrative in actual, public spaces. Banned for hatespeech, shunned for intolerance, ostracized by other feminist groups. Yeah. Been there, done that. We do have our own reddits, tumblrs, hastags on twitter, but our feminism isn't palatable to people with sensitive feelings who don't like what we have to say.
We get mad about issues like you mentioned because they're present in our day-to-day lives, my friend.
They are problems for us because they're local to us.
I'm definitely not going to argue that I don't have it better than the poor, "enlightened" Muslim women in the ME, but we feel that there's still progress to be made, and we have issues facing us right now in OUR COUNTRY that need attention. We can care about multiple things at once, anon!
No. 291292
>>291289Don't be friendly towards
triggered, racist incels.
No. 291295
>>291289Incidentally, women from very liberal countries tend to posit that they experience misogyny way more often than women from more socially conservative countries. This correlates with a demonstrable difference in the happiness index, instances of rape per capita, instances of childbirth out of wedlock, instances of domestic abuse and instances of single-parent households.
I find that quite fascinating. From personal, anecdotal experience, the women in my country do not express that they encounter misogyny a whole lot. Which is counterintuitive according to the feminist consensus about the patriarchy.
>>291292Is this poster being facetious? I don't get how you got racist or celibate (had to look it up) from my post, but you further prove my point that you ideologues deliberately silence dissent.
No. 291296
>>291289Isn't it funny the same men crying about how we don't help women in other countries cry oppression over shit like not getting laid, since they consider it such as big of a problem you'd think they want to help men in other countries who are being forced to work to the bone? Nope, but you know who is? Evil feminist boogiemen they hate so much
No matter how much money, time or effort we put into helping 3rd world countries, the second you say feminist you're an evil tumblr libfem harpie who doesn't help women in 3rd world countries
I do think western women have issues though, like how fast people are to scream liar or attention whore when a woman comes out about rape or abuse, so much actual rape victims have went insane before because they were doubting themselves, how many people would blame millions of women before ever blaming a man, body image issues placed by society, being harassed when they work typical man work despite men claiming that's what they wanted, mgtows who alienate women and can't coexist amoung them without spazzing out, how people will scream all day about how privileged women are while living in a society where feminists enemy is president
No. 291304
>>291296>About false rape accusationsThat was not such an issue before 3rd wave feminism took a shit all over due process, legislation, title 9, inordinate repercussions for alleged rapists and absence of repercussions of false accusers. Feminists have instilled in women that rape is in male nature instead of promoting cooperation between men and women against actual rapists. You might want to look into how men dealt with rapists before the 20th century. It is women who are working against actual rape victims. When you pass legislation to treat whistling and catcalling as sexual assault, punishable by 6 months to 2 years in prison, then you inadvertently create a reality where the very notion of sexual assault is trivialized. Just a crass example.
>body image issuesThose are instilled by women. Do you even realize what short of imageboard you are posting in? Are you cognizant of the fact that your very pastime is gossiping and pointing out flaws in women?
Men find healthy, fertile women attractive. They are way more simple than you imply.
>harrassed for workMost men care about merit, about results. There are still many that object to women entering occupations that are "male", but that's largely growing pains. These boomers are on their way out.
The average millennial man cares about meritocracy and equality of opportunity and not equality of outcome. People dislike people that get a job thanks to nepotism, affirmative action or politics. I don't see anything wrong with tat.
>mgtows drivelFrom my understanding, mgtows are men that have checked out and decide not to engage with women due to the risk that comes along with it. Namely false rape allegations, family court system, et cetera. So, I don't really get what you are referring to.
No. 291316
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>>291304Women always have been accused of lying before it was even a thing, or the whole "you had sex and regretted it" thing, its not about evil feminist boogie men, even so, if you feel the need to scream liar and whore any time a woman comes out about abuse you have issues and its sad this is normal in society
>only women cause other womens body image issues!!Kek, nice try though, any woman with body issue images i know are because of exes or men in their life, never women, men aren't angels, look in past threads where men threw mental breakdowns because a woman wore shorts and had a small butt
I also said harassed AT work not for work, men demand women enter dangerous professions for equality then harass them the entire time, see anons in previous threads about factory assault stats and how many mgtows screeched when a female trucker talked about being a trucker
>they don't engage with womenI wish, if that was the case they wouldn't have mental breakdowns anytime they see a woman in public, or even better when they make "dear ___ girls" videos where they just insult the woman the entire time for uncontrollable physical features, they then contaminate youtube sections, can barely even watch the news anymore without going out their way to twist and turn it into a mgtow lesson, so much they've literally pointed out women in backgrounds to talk about mgtow copypastas, hell they're even bothered about 30+ yr old women walking about in public, just look through old threads where men talked about how aging is karma for women and they laugh when they see 30+ yr old women, so much for going your own way
No. 291322
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>>291320they already are, hence traps
No. 291326
>>291322is that what they call "chasers"? Or is that just gay men who go for pre-op trannies?
I figured FTT would mesh perfectly with these incel and mgtow types. They're both narcissistic, deluded, and hate women.
No. 291341
>>291316Sex out of wedlock wasn't really a common thing before feminism and the sexual liberation era (that coincided with synthetic estradiol/estrone oral contraception). Whenever a woman claimed rape before the 60s you knew it was most definitely real.
There have always been rapists, there are rapists, and there will likely always be rapists. It's a mental disorder, primarily in the male brain. Men despise rapists just as women do, only in the last 40 years did this notion get distorted. Even in sub-saharan africa it is common for men to kill rapists in gruesome fashion.
In the late 19th century, US rape was punishable by death. Men accused of domestic abuse were tied to a horse and everyone in town would throw rotten vegetables and fruit at them, and they'd brutally beat them up before sending them back home.
>body image issues are because of exesThat's conjecture and anecdotal. Since it's imponderable to ascertain, how about you start by not putting down women about their body&face on this imageboard? You can't be overtly hypocritical like that.
>harassed at workNo man actually demands women enter dangerous professions. Several men have pointed out the female duplicity though. Because feminists demanded affirmative action on specific career paths and disciplines and conveniently left out some occupations.
I digress, about your point on harassment, I will take your word for it. I have not experienced any such incident. Oftentimes women are just not fit for the business environment and get offended too easily about things that are not even directed at them. That's not harassment and I am unapologetic about.
>mgtowsI am not sure what you are referring to. I doubt mgtows are making youtube videos chastising women's appearance. Could you link an example?
>comment sectionsMen, by and large, are sick of getting attacked. The powers that be are pitting the genders against each other. If anything, you should pause and ponder why have men started to express such discontent in every medium? Something is amiss.
> 30-year-old womenWomen have thinner skin tissue and collagen production drops earlier in comparison to men. In contrast, men do not take care of their face, they do not wear sunscreen and do not moisturize. When advantage they have due to endocrinology they squander due to irresponsible practices. So, women aging faster than men should be approached in a case by case basis. In a vacuum, yeah, women show signs of aging faster. But we dont live in a vacuum. I think they infer that women's main value in terms of attracting a partner is their physical beauty and fertility, whilst that's 100% the case with men.
It's quite one-dimensional and not really applicable as a valid insult, but I get the rationale.
I doubt it's mgtows that say those things though since that would go against their very ideology. It's most likely other groups of men.
No. 291344
>>291341I made a bunch of typos but I hope it's not intelligible.
Also, wall of text. Oops.
No. 291346
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>>291341>how about you start by not putting down women about their body&face on this imageboardnever have and never will, unless you can prove I did, you can't prove anything. even then there's no denying that how womens boyfriends treat them can affect their body image more than strangers
>Whenever a woman claimed rape before the 60s you knew it was most definitely real.get a history lesson
>Men accused of domestic abuse were tied to a horse and everyone in town would throw rotten vegetables and fruit at them, and they'd brutally beat them up before sending them back home. sauce? last time I checked domestic abuse was legal and normal back then
>I am not sure what you are referring to. I doubt mgtows are making youtube videos chastising women's appearance. Could you link an example?ok, here's one, as well as many suggestions, literally calling all women ugly, bitching about high maintenance women then bitching about low maintenance ones, etc>No man actually demands women enter dangerous professionskek, look in old threads, men who bitch about women not working dangerous jobs now bitch when they do
>Men, by and large, are sick of getting attackedthey aren't, at all. The women who attack them get labeled as evil feminazis
>. So, women aging faster than men should be approached in a case by case basis. In a vacuum, yeah, women show signs of aging faster. biologically yes, but most women care for themselves, even then they shouldn't be attacked and claimed that something everyone goes through is "karma" for not serving men
>I doubt it's mgtows that say those things though since that would go against their very ideology. It's most likely other groups of men.then you need to go look at mgtows instead of seeing "wow they said they go their own way therefore they do, fuck facts, fuck how bitter and crazy they are, fuck how much they harass women, I don't believe it!"
No. 291347
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>>291341this is what I'm talking about
>>290664 they're
triggered at women existing at a certain age
it was a fucking video about a 35 yr old woman getting a boyfriend
No. 291353
>>291346>>291346 context on the video
when a woman pointed out how sick the comments were she was quickly attacked and labeled as a "
triggered feminist playing victim"
the girl didn't "Cry rape" either, she told her friend she felt forced into it via private message but I guess that's enough for mgtows to claim you "cried rape"
No. 291362
>>291268It's whataboutism taken to it's natural conclusion. Any time a woman from the west makes a justified complaint about our culture, men come in with the "Women elsewhere have it so much worse!" shit. And don't worry, when women in those countries stand up to men and have feminist protests and challenge their shitty patriarchal cultures, western men use whataboutism on them too.
The recent protests in Korea are a good example. Thousands of women protesting disgusting men and their invasions of female privacy. In South Korea, protesting shit like that and being a feminist can cost you your livelihood. And of course, naturally, I saw some dude from the west playing whataboutism on Twitter, saying if those women REALLY cared, they'd be protesting North Korea, because North Korea has it so much worse.
Men are incapable of caring about more than one thing at a time. And they think women need to just shut up and deal with whatever bullshit we have handed to us. At the end of the day, someone somewhere is always gonna have it worse. But it doesn't mean someone who may have it better has to eat shit too.
No. 291363
>>291346I skimmed through the video, it's basically a crude jab at tall women having limited options when it comes to dating. It's akin to how short men have limited success with women and statistically father less children than tall men. I can see that. Men have no height preference, typically, but they do have hang-ups about women taller than them on average. In reality, women tend to prefer partners that are taller than them, ergo taller women have a very limited pool of men to choose from.
Regardless, the youtuber is pretty cringy, I get your point about that. It's your typical case of schadenfreude, you don't need me to tell you why that's unsightly regardless of the circumstances.
>>291353Okay, basically a girl had consensual sex with a man and he recorded her without her consent. It is not rape, but it's still a crime. So far so good.
The comments are indeed sick, but it's the internet. You need to grow a thicker skin. The vast majority of the demographics that comment on youtube videos are teenagers and reclusive, warped people that view life in extremes.
As for the girl in the video, she was undoubtedly irresponsible, but virtually nothing can excuse rape. I doubt anyone contests that. I didn't find the comment chain you are referring to, but I don't doubt it. Again, it's the internet. You are making posts about castrating men and killing them and what not. Who cares.
No. 291366
>>291362Yeah, that's why women invited and still support the millions of immigrants pouring into europe, who in turn rape thousands of children, and when men try to do something about it, those same women cry racism and have them thrown to jail.
That's why when german people protest about immigrant murderers women have to take it upon themselves to do a counter-protest against racism against immigrants.
Do not insult my intelligence. At least have the decency to ban me if you want the discussion to end.
No. 291367
>>291362Incidentally, you brought up south korea, which was essentially ruled by a shadow feminist cult and their female, openly feminist PM had to resign when it was found out.
Funny how coincidences work out.
No. 291370
>>291347So.. men never age? Its only women who'll be ugly and alone while all the mgtows will be rejoicing in karma against the evil women. They actually believe that they'll end up like george clooney or something, wow. When in reality, they'll just up with ruined, dry skin, heavier and furiously typing away on their keyboard about how women at 16 have hit the wall. They don't change.
>>291362Wonder if those men with yellow fever will feel something, knowing that their perfect waifus actually hate the perverted shit that goes on in SK and actually want some fucking privacy. I wish those women the best. Korea is terrible when it comes to respecting women at all
No. 291383
>>291370No one wins.
It baffles me that neither women nor men get it. About your point though, obviously men age as well, and due to being careless they age just as bad, if not worse, than women who take care of themselves. Here's the rub though, women are biologically-speaking on a timer. You have a finite amount of oocytes. Not all women want to become mothers, but every woman should take some time to think about maternity and make a decision before it's too late. Men can afford to be more carefree and callous about life, in that regard.
>>291370I doubt fetishists care what their objects of desire think about anything. That's not a representative trait of fetishism.
OT: I figured out you are saging, but I am not sure how to sage. I have been bumping the thread, unwittingly.
I am out, it was a fun little talk.
No. 291453
get that through your thick skull and perish
No. 291480
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Ladies, here is something that will have your sides go into orbit
Yeah, that's right. Pakistani MRAs. This is why no feminist needs to give a shit about any whataboutism that comes from their country's males. One of the worst patriarchies on the planet still has men REEEing about feminism and taking about "muh male oppression." Even in ~awesome 1st world societies~ there is still misogyny. Yeah, no shit it is way better than some 3rd world shithole. No shit that the problems of women in the 3rd world are worse. How are scrots so braindead that they think 1st world feminists, even the libfemmiest of the libfems, don't want to solve this shit? You really think trying to push legislation in a completely different country without knowing the culture, the laws, a viable solution for women based off of culture and laws is going to be easy? At most, 1st world feminists could donate to trustworthy charities or however they can support local causes in that country.
No need to justify yourselves to braindead scrots and handmaidens. These problems are complex as hell and a "hashtag" from 1st world feminists won't do shit. Yeah, 1st world feminists will mostly focus on their issues. Their issues are the issues they have a chance at actually solving.
No. 291502
>>291480>Their issues are the issues they have a chance at actually solving.Fucking this. We all know Middle Eastern and African and Asian countries are fucked. But has the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan taught people nothing? People from the first world can't just steamroll in and change shit. Hell, often times, we just make shit worse, and those cultures only become even more backwards. Just look at how the ME has regressed so much from 1970 to now due to Cold War bullshit.
Of course those of us in the first world are concerned for women elsewhere. Of course we want to help. But it's hard to do. Sometimes helping them can only be listening to them, retweeting stories from there, shit like that. It's easier to try and focus on our own shit locally. And even focusing on local shit isn't easy.
Also, Pakistani MRAs. Jesus fuck. They really don't want women to be anything more than a warm hole to breed with and shit out their little genetic failures of sons. What the fuck do these men have to complain about? Are they pissy that honor killings can throw them in jail now, theoretically? I say theoretically, because who knows if that law is even enforced.
No. 291507
>>291480I've seen this happen a lot, even in tiny fucking hicktowns where wife beating is the norm men will reee about oppression and claim they live in a gynocentric society over shit like people holding doors open for women
Like yeah, we have to get beat and be shit on constantly and live in misery but hey at least we get the door held open sometimes
No. 291517
>>291513Not her, where the fuck did she say that? She said she never mentioned refugees to him, ie his excuse was nonsensical
>cisLmao we know all we need to about you, you'll be more welcome on tumblr where rational free thought is frowned upon
No. 291519
>>291502Whats next for ME MRAs? REEEing that women being stoned to death for being a gangrape victim is the gynocentric society working against.. men. When a rape victim is charged and jailed for being raped, its actually oppressing men. This bs all comes down to women existing
triggers them.
Do they look at china right now
>abort female fetus>kill baby girls>value only boys>now have too many lonely men worrying about dying alone and too few women No. 291548
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>>291480I'm actually legit curious on what they think oppresses them, comes to show what MRAism is actually about, even when men are constantly put on top and told they're superior they cry oppression
how will they redeem themselves
No. 291559
>>291480Samefag, but this article is hilarious. Here are some quality quotes from this article
>“You’ve been conditioned to believe that by your media,” he explains. “In reality, it’s not true. Men across the world are at a disadvantage — at work, in education. You won’t realize that until it’s too late.”Right. Women historically and even in the present are barred from education based on their sex and yet this man from Pakistan thinks of "muh male oppression." Women historically and even in the present are treated as nothing but babymakers, where even "modern" men can't bother to help out their wives with raising kids which makes it hard for women who want to go further in their career but "muh male oppression."
>“Feminists are dividing men and women by spreading hatred”Yeah. It's those pesky feminazis that are forcing men to marry off their young daughters to old ass men. It's the feminazis that are promoting honor killings. It's the feminazis that are forcing women to veil themselves to go outside or else face harassment. Right.
Funny thing is, this autistic response from Pakistani dudes is in reaction to a Women's march that Pakistani women and allies did that had some of the most non-offensive slogans kek. The most ~controversial~ one was "“Khud khana garam kar lo!” which translates to "Reheat the food yourselves" which caused Pakistani dudes and handmaidens to shit themselves with "b-but it's the men who are the breadwinners." What these autists fail to realize is that the women protesting were mostly upper-class women who also have careers or at least some kind of job so it definitely isn't unreasonable for Pakistani men to get off of their asses. Even housewives (especially ones with young children) aren't there to be maids to their husbands, but to take care of the home in general. But yeah. When even fucking Pakistan has assblasted scrots, you know that male (and handmaiden) opinions on feminism are fucking useless and not even worth addressing.
No. 291564
>>291089>>291110Yep. And when women rightfully discuss things like that we get painted as femcels.
>discuss and vent about shitty men in our lives/shitty expectations of women>get painted under the same brush as people who shoot up public spaces over not getting laidAs an aside ladies, I need some insight. I broke up with a dude about 2 years ago. Before that I'd frequently run back to him even when he was in the wrong until I finally gained some respect for myself and left him for good. Suddenly out of nowhere, 2 years post breakup he decides to start prancing around telling all of our mutual friends how I was a waste of his time and energy and he never actually liked me in the first place and he liked me for my looks until I let myself go. Literally this was the guy begging me to not break up with him and telling me I was the best thing that's ever happened to him. What gives here? It doesn't actually bother me so much as it's an annoyance because I feel like it's a shallow attempt at getting my attention.
No. 291576
>>291564Men are so fucking weird on breakups, they'll claim to be miserable the entire time and then point the finger at ebul womyn when the woman decides to walk away from the relationship they claim was so miserable to them
Like if you hated your girlfriend so much shouldn't you be happy she left? I don't get it, I really don't, I guess it has to do with entitlement, THEY feel like they need to be the ones to have the last word and have the woman "come crawling back"
No. 291597
>>291591The comments range from
>"Men go MGTOW!">"this is bias against men!"Go mgtow… because rape is a crime.
>"mgtow I dont talk to women and completely avoid them so i dont get falsely accused of rape!">same mgtow: "women avoiding men for fear of getting raped and murdered is paranoia and sexist towards men! Feminist brainwashing!"Fuck this earth.
Soon as rape is criminalized, the men worry about false rape accusaions. Meanwhile, India is still a violent country for women. Violent gang rapes is still very much a thing. Women are killed over dowry disputes. But because women are people (unfortunately for men), they will whine, protest, attack women and never us alone for it. Fuck. this. earth.
No. 291677
>>291671>>291671what invalidates the point is
>Can you retards employ your 2 working nerve cells and realize that you have no issues in your sub-urban lives and men are not out to get you?1, unless they have proof all of us live in the suburbs they can fuck off
2, as shocking as it may sound, suburban people still struggle with issues like domestic abuse, child molestation, sexism, etc. Just because someone isn't poor doesn't mean they're not allowed to have problems
> There are thousands of children getting raped daily by pakistani ganks in the UK, sweeden is number 1 in instances of aggravated rape according to eurostat, over 60% of girls are put through female genital mutilation in bantu, kenya, yemen, nigeria, somalia, and other west african countries. It is accepted by law and reinforced to hit your wife in virtually all islamic countries as long as you don't hit her in the face and make sure you don't bruise her.yes…we know, us dumb little privileged suburban white girls with no issues apparently have been discussing this since day 1, as I said earlier, it's not that we don't help them, it's that we do and it gets ignored and painted over, so much to where we can put every cent we have into helping these women and people like the bot will still excuse us to be evil privileged feminists refusing to help 3rd world women
>Wake the fuck up you oversized infants and open your eyes to the real issues. we're still allowed to discuss alive and well sexism in the west, don't like it? leave
> Feminism has been a thing for 75 years and there's been no change with regards to anything whatsoever. there is, it's literally been shoved in your face and you can do research, but as I mentioned, even if all the proof in the world of feminisms changes hit you, you'd still ignore it and screech the same "you're all privileged white girls who do nothing!" shit
>the happiness index for women reaching a 100 year're gonna need proof, suicide among women was extremely common back in the 50s, and don't you same retards try to claim men are oppressed because of the male suicide rate but when you claim women are unhappy you blame feminism? you make no sense, it's like you only want to twist and turn things to fit your narrative even if they're the same thing
No. 291684
>>291678Volunteered in abroad hospitals that helped domestic abuse survivors as well as offering a home for my very own family to escape their situation
Leave a way I can contact you if you don't believe
Now what have you ever done for men or women in 3rd world countries outside of making up shit about how someone you don't like "probably did nothing but scream at people"? Is that the only arguments you people have now is "OH WELL YOU BITCHES PROBABLY ___"
No. 291724
>>291721The strangest thing about their age obsession is that they think it should motivate women to get married young. I know a lot of women feel that way too out of fear, but really… if men think we turn to shit the moment we hit 25 and are completely worthless past 30 then the absolute dumbest thing to do is get married. We all age, it's unavoidable, and legally binding myself to someone who is destined to find me repulsive while I'm still reasonably young and healthy is the last thing I wanna do. I get that most people aren't into wrinkled old folks, but 30 year olds aren't decrepit unless they don't take care of themselves at all.
Tbh it is the main thing keeping me from wanting a long term relationship. Men have many ridiculous expectations for women but at least some of them are theoretically possible, eternal youth is not and there's absolutely nothing we can do to meet that standard. The idea of sitting there and watching my husband lust over 18 year olds for the rest of his life, enabled into his elderly years by viagra and either cheating or leaving me for one if he ever gets the opportunity is abhorrent.
No. 291728
>>291724That's probably why they're so bitter, they WANT women to be miserable with them and constantly feel like shit, they fear strong,confident women, so in their minds in order to bring them down is to treat them useless for existing past as a certain age
They are, by defintion, betas. Only betas are intimated by women who choose to live a life that doesn't revolve around pleasing men
That being said, I feel kinda lucky, my boyfriend, before we even started dating told me he liked older women, while he's older than me I feel kinda relieved he doesn't have the same cookie cutter mindset of most men, and thus can have a healthy, happy relationship even if I don't somehow die before I turn 25 or whatever, not that men who only see women as walking bombs will ever be happy with them anyway
No. 291729
>>291728Guys who like older women are ideal, lucky you.
But yeah, although I strongly believe men as a whole are unnaturally fixed on youth, there's also a big element of fear mongering online. Men LOVE revenge fantasies of a woman who rejected him for ~Chad~ becoming bitter and alone and regretting her past. They use sex dolls and asian women for the same circle jerking purposes, it really gets them off to imagine us being miserable like they are and are always saying we're going to be replaced, we're going to be useless and unwanted, and we tooootally deserve it for not dedicating our all important youth, beauty and virginity to whichever man feels he has the right to it.
No. 292087
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So, this happened at the Venice Film Festival yesterday. happen to be mutuals with this guy, and the amount of supportive comments he's getting from our mutual friends is flabbergasting. He either deleted his profile or Facebook banned him, either way I'm seeing posts like "I hope he's okay, poor guy! He was getting so much hate! I hate the human race, people are so mean! Now they're gonna ruin his career!". This guy, a film critic apparently, had the audacity to shout like a monkey to call this female director a whore for no reason, he admitted it (he even said "I-I'm not a misogynist tho!"), he got backlash and prolly deleted his profile like the pussy he is and now his friends are there to baby him. Poor little angel!
No. 292097
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No. 292098
>>291721Men obsessed with "The Wall" for women are coping. Their idea of teenage girls comes from watching movies/shows (since they out of touch shut ins) where women in their 20s pretend to be teenagers (some of these women even being past "The Wall!!1") and thus think that every teenager is this bombshell when in reality most teenagers are just average looking. Some even start to look better in their 20s-30s. These losers just believe that by existing and nothing more they will be hunks into their 50s that attract 18 year olds and the Stacy that rejected them in HS will age like a banana.
Reality is, most men won't age like some famous celebrity who has access to the best treatments and will probably look as old as they are. Most 18 year olds won't even look at them considering the only time young women even consider entertaining an ugly old man is if they are sugar babies.
No. 292119
>>292114nah they had different typing styles and arguing styles, one of them was set on just claiming random shit about bras then disappeared after they stopped infighting about infighting and baiting each other, another, possibly 2 or 3 came in and called everyone fat
1 or 2 from the other side were just insisting chestlets were all just anorexics and jealous of them and gloating about how much men like them more
oh and somewhere there was some rando tumblr feminist coming in to preach body positivieh and saggy, odd shaped breasts were completely normal
No. 292136
>>292133not at all, no. It ended, the previous anon didn't even insult anyone at all (not trying to defend her) then another anon, maybe 2 or 3 came in sperging for no reason and calling everyone and everything fat
it definitely wasn't one anon, look at their argument styles, it went from more passive shit to straight aggression and ignoring everyone and claiming they're all fat, it 100% wasn't one anon
No. 292141
>>292138I assume you mean the first, hence why when you mentioned the "nutjob" and then when I asked which one, you claimed they're all the same person
saging or not saging isn't exactly a big giveaway (which ironically is something people use to claim everyone's a samefag with)
they didn't have even remotely close to the same style, anon #1 was passive and tried not to insult but did sperg a lot about bra sizes, anon #2 didn't care and types differently and uses punctuation and doesn't respond to everyone , and was more focused on people being fat or saggy, anon #1 didn't focus on physical appearance at all
No. 292144
>>292139what's even funnier is western men quick to defend those men being picky because men deserve submissive sexdolls for being born men, but will shit their pants simply if a woman has a height preference and tell her she's gonna grow old, hit the wall and die alone
also jfk do mgtows all post the same copypastas? it seems they all use the same wording and sentence structure anytime they see a woman
it will always be shit like
>hitting the wall>cat ladies>feminists, feminists, feminists>you'll come crawling back you'll see>entitled western women>gold digger>I slept with over 200 married women and I'm a rich European prince who makes 5 billion a year, I ghost bitches for fun!>we'll get unlimited supply of 18 yr old pussy when we turn 60>be a submissive baby maker or you're worthless and no man will want you>sexual market value>women only want top 20% of men>we don't hate women!>evil female nature is why all men should mgtow>she'll steal all your money, make you pay for dinner and accuse you of rape that's why all men should mgtowetc etc
I guess echo chambers are the equivalent to kool aid
No. 292255
>>292254Is 4chan really
that popular nowadays? Who posts there besides incels, future incels, and curious 12 y/o boys?
No. 292259
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>>292255I don't know if it's easy to get an accurate view of page hits for 4chan. I found this image, but it stops in 2017. Alexa has it ranked at 381, which is apparently down several spots over the last three months. was only made last year, but it gives stats for 4chan in real time. /pol/, /v/, /vg/ and /b/ are always the top four boards, compared to it historically being /a/, /b/, and /v/. I'd say 4chan still holds quite a bit of influence, it's just that influence has changed, for the worse honestly. What used to be "the internet hate machine" that posted memes and did dumb shit that got them on Bill O'Rielley as a "left wing website" is now a literal hate machine, full of alt-right assholes.
No. 292265
>>292263>>292258>>292263I don't know. It's like they're obsessed with the idea that we're all against them somehow. Women are the enemy.
They cannot fathom that women are human beings just like them, and that we want things like freedom and safety. To them it's all a game, a war. Women just want to destroy society. We're literally not human to them.
No. 292272
>>292270Don't forget withholding rights from us for the good majority of history!
I don't know why dumbass, tone deaf handmaidens can't get this. It's really not that difficult to understand that we hate men because they hate us. They hate us because they think we're inferior, because they want to control us, because they resent us not being exactly what they want. And they express their hatred through violence and abuse of power. Our 'hatred' is incomparable.
No. 292286
Videoes like this infuriate me: the idea that every male friend I've had never liked me as a person but merely as an object horrifies me.
No. 292484
>>292324I think the worst thing I've seen on 4chan and it all occurred on blue boards, was someone spamming cp webms.
Mods deleted it quickly but the thing that I saw are still etched into my mind.
The fact that not just kids but even babies go through some of the indescribable horrors for want of a better word, while I'm just helplessly staring at the video unable to comprehend someone is capable to do those things, to torture an innocent defenseless being, it made me sick.
No. 292638
>>292627There was a thread on /co/ a couple of months back with screencaps of old /co/ threads. And someone posted the screencap of an anon going "Just gonna leave this here" with a pic of a bottle of booze, and someone responded with Iron Man. It was just a goofy thread from like ten years ago, or longer. I actually remember when it was posted. Anyway, some anon goes "Holy shit /co/ used to be this fun?"
Yes anon, yes it was. Gamergate and the election ruined 4chan.
No. 292792
>>291256>b-but what about the kids starving in Africa????The fact that some women I can do nothing for are suffering more than me doesn't mean I have no right to complain about not getting a position I'm more than qualified for because I'm a woman and employers would rather hire a less qualified male.
Also, not everyone here is from a 1st world country lel
No. 292861
>>292505I'm an American as well. and the thought of Roe v.s. Wade being overturned is terrifying. I don't meet any of the common "risk factors" for accidentally getting pregnant. I am currently single, don't drink or use drugs, and have no interest in casual sex. BUT- as long as I am fertile, rape and a resultant pregnancy is always a possibility. I could get kidnapped and raped by a stranger. I could get raped by an abusive boyfriend who had previously concealed that side of himself. You can do everything right, but rape is a threat that never goes away. I live in a city that repeatedly shows up on lists of most violent American cities and I'm too poor to move away. I know women who've been raped. Thankfully, they were able to get abortions and not have their lives derailed. What's going to happen to rape victims here in the future?
I also hate how conservatives prattle on and on about how "we must protect the most vulnerable" when talking about abortion, but they strongly oppose increased welfare, childcare subsidies, and socialized health care that would be needed for an increase in unwanted and unplanned children. They aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth. They don't give a damn about what happens to children after they're born.
No. 292872
>>292505is called marriage
don't open your legs before there is a ring on the finger
also you can see a man's character and intentions better if you tell him he has to wait until marriage to
you can try it for shits and giggles
>>292861the rapist will be hanged but the child is without sin
>increased welfare, childcare subsidiesthis is what the husband is meant for - to provide
and also to protect you from potential rapists
No. 292929
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I'm starting to feel that I've been permanently damaged from letting the "boyfriends" I've had pressure me into disgusting sexual shit I didn't like and managing to brainwash myself into seeing it as normal? I feel like I'll always be put into that situation if I choose to date again. I kind of see myself like they probably did: as a filthy, degraded slut that doesn't deserve to set boundaries.
Will this feeling go away if I work on my own life and ignore dating pornsick millennial douchebags for at least a while?
No. 292932
>>292920that would mean men would have to take responsibility for something
It's kinda funny though, it's like they know men are careless and irresponsible
No. 292940
>>292861>but they strongly oppose increased welfare, childcare subsidies, and socialized health careBecause if mothers were fully supported by society men would be rendered obsolete. Men have nothing to offer women, in fact husbands just bring more stress into a woman's life. Men want to keep women financially dependent on men by forcing women to choose between poverty or marriage. It's all on purpose, it's all by design.
Men want to keep single mothers in poverty as punishment and warning for other women so they know what happens if a woman dares to live without a man.
No. 292943
>>292940>supported by societywho tf do you think supports the society? because women are sure as hell a net negative to economy
this is your brain on estrogen
No. 292948
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>>292945silly me
then let this society and civilization collapse
fuck it
>>293033People with racial or ethnic fetishes are in love with the idea of whatever race they're obsessed with, not the actual people or individual. Incels like the demure, obedient, repressed housewife with the tits and face out of JAV and hate any Asian woman who breaks the illusion that not all Asian women are submissive or gravure models.
Also, a lot of racial fetishists chase certain people because they see them as the antithesis to their native culture/ethnicity. Familiarity breeds contempt. It's why you see many incels and /pol/-minded folks turn their nose up at Western born Asian women because they're "tainted" like Western white/black/etc. women are. So, they're just redirecting their hatred into some bizarre love for people that don't even exist.
No. 293066
>>293033The jerk off to this ideal of an Asian woman, which they dream up because of anime and because they think Asian women aren't "tainted" by feminism like western women are. Basically, they fantasize about this forever thin, forever young, preferably flat chested completely submissive Asian waifu. Note that all the Asian women they usually lust after have cosmetic surgery, or are using makeup and selective angles and styling at least.
This is usually rooted in bitterness the men have towards western, particularly, white women. Because western women have grown up with feminism, the dumb incel types think women are "entitled". But notice whenever they talk about Asian women, they usually contrast it with "tainted" white western women.
Basically what
>>293052 said. It's all rooted in a bitterness that hot white Stacy won't bang them. So they project their shitty anime waifu shit onto Asian women.
No. 293119
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why the fuck do people like bill burr? why are supposed "feminists" supporting him and saying that if you're offended by his micro-aggressive rambling that you don't know what feminism is? am i missing something?
he's apparently racist too but i don't care to watch more of his shit. someone please explain why i should like this guy.
No. 293121
>>293119admittedly, he had two really good bits on plastic surgery and on overpopulation which were super good, but he ALSO tried to justify abusing/hitting women, and he's just generally uneducated. he recently went full retard manosphere/peterson-esque, i believe.
a waste of potential talent because he COULD be kind of funny, but he's pretty reactionary, ignorant, and any 'feminist' telling you you're a bad or retarded feminist for finding him offensive needs to stfu. i used to watch his specials all of the time and he was always pretty obviously misogynistic.
>>293120yep. they'll praise him for how he was "no bullshit" but the minute they realize he wasn't a completely anti-fem, anti-woman hating nutjob, he's a cuck. so much for being able to speak freely.
No. 293183
>>293160not automatically trash, but i wouldn't respect those men as much/nearly as much if he could/would, or wouldn't try to discourage his girlfriend from participating in fantasies that harm her/that are harmful to women.
i used to try to pry 'fantasies' or whatever out of my SO by pretending i have them and trying to pressure him into 'indulging' them to see if he was only hiding these fantasies because they were taboo, but sure enough, he is truly very uncomfortable and can't get aroused when he feels like i'm rejecting him and don't want to have sex with him, even if it's 'for fun', thankfully. would've immediately dumped his ass if he didn't feel/respond that way.
No. 293207
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>men: complain feminism is about trying to subject men/hatred of men
>men: post shit like this
Men are fucking vile and they are learning this shit at a younger age, women will never hate men the way men hate women. ever.
No. 293278
>>293207Nasty shit aside, does he realize femdom porn exists?
He said porn in general so it shouldn't matter!
No. 293302
>>293227>>293228it's either satire or a man who has never had sex in his life
guys like this post enraged fantasies online because nobody can verify their claims, they're just impotently angry and vent like this
No. 293329
>>293207The men who glorify porn in this way are the exact same men who crow and caw about vaginas being "rekt" if a girl sleeps with more than like 2-3 guys in her lifetime. The exact same guys who shit on women with "high n counts" and hate women for being sluts. The same guys who want to ban abortion. The same guys who are literally obsessed with breeding.
They don't even realize how that their views are peak hypocrisy. For a woman to live up to the standards set by these men is impossible, because their standards are contradictory. It's a catch-22. This is what incels truly believe and it's astounding that they can't realize it's an impossible standard.
No. 293518
>>293502I hate the fact because a tiny amount of teens on twitter hate white people or men, righties now think white men are oppressed
they'll literally grasp onto anything possible to make themselves be victims being oppressed by evil women
I lowkey think that some women who come out admitting they lied about raped, in some situations were paid or blackmailed into it by friends of the man who want to make the man look innocent, only because I've seen a situation like that myself where a friend of mine was being sex trafficked and when she came out about it, gang members threatened her until she told the police she lied despite there being 100% evidence of it, ofc the man was released no questions asked, or how many moms took the "just tell them you lied" approach when their daughter was raped by a family member, I don't think people realize how complicated crimes like this can be tbh
ofc not saying this literal situation but it is a thing that happens and barely anyone is aware about it sadly, people will literally do anything to make men seem innocent No. 293541
>>293528>white women are considered infallible Wtf? No they aren’t. A lot of the time when a woman (yes, even a white one) makes a rape claim, there are plenty of men (and women) are quick to call bullshit even if the evidence is really telling. And yes, in the past, there are cases of white women lying about rape that screwed black men over but honestly, even the women in those situations were seen more as objects than white men actually giving a shit that they were violated.
You sound like one of those bitter SJWs who think white women are all out to get her.
No. 293546
>>293541Nah just some random white knight I think, they go through lolcow and bend over backwards in order to paint white women as these horrible jealous, ugly roasties who cry rape, some insecure bullshit, they're in another thread to trying to claim all white women are furious about east asians, like they did with the tsurko and claimed only jealous coping white roasties think tsurko has white features
Dunno if it's some larping incel who got rejected by stacy and is now trying to cope by creating a fantasy in their head or some crazy asian who got pissed her boyfriend left her for a white woman, there's been several theories so who knows, they definitely need professional help though being this obsessed with pinning women of different races against each other
No. 293560
>1 incident of a white woman lying about a black man raping her in 1955 America's South WestREEE ALL WHITE WOMEN ARE LYING SLUTS WHO ARE PROTECTED BY SOCIETY!!!111
>>293546I don't think its a larping incel. Have you read black female forums? Some black women are completely and utterly delusional. Bordering on schizophrenic. They sound exactly like white male incels. It's hilarious.
No. 293573
>>293160probably gonna get jumped for this but i'm a woman with a very specific type of rape fantasy. if a man was willing to indulge me in it, i'd be pretty happy. the one guy i told about it was freaked out when i told him. he said he wasn't comfortable playing that out. i respect that and all, but damn if i don't wish for a guy who'd be willing to do it for me.
i don't see how consensual rape-play is harmful when initiated by the woman.
No. 293574
>>293560I think it's more to do with all the white women who have been randomly calling the police on black people for "offenses" like sleeping in a college common room or having a barbecue in a park.
The rape thing didn't stop with Emmett Till, either. It's pretty easy to pull up countless reports on white women filing false rape accusations on black men, sometimes to cover up their own crimes, then getting the whole "She's mentally, dindu nuffin" defense and going scott free essentially.
Let's not forget that feminism has made a habit of excluding black women since history, and even now, there are feminists who balk at the idea of intersectionality. I don't agree with the whole "White women use their privilege to uphold racism" thing, but I certainly understand it, and it does happen. Shitty white women are doing a pretty good job of ruining relations and exacerbating tension between white women and other races of women.
No. 293576
>>293498you don't. i am a white woman. i never, ever speak up against my poc friends who feel ostracized by white feminism. i cannot and will not try to change their minds because it's like saying racism is solved. there IS racism in modern feminism and it must be acknowledged. we can't just conveniently ignore white feminism's problems when we also claim to stand up for all women and fight for their rights, because poc women feeling excluded from feminism is absolutely a thing
No. 293579
>>293572I keep it diplomatic, but I'm honestly starting to agree. Some of them even use the same arguments misogynistic men use on women who speak up about oppression, that they're "delusional" (aka the "hysterical woman" argument). The fact is, some forms of discrimination they will never experience because of the way they were born, and rather than listen to those affected, they'd rather insist it doesn't happen and try to gaslight. So much like men.
The fact that they'd unironically compare other women to male incels shows me where a lot of them stand. They'd rather defend themselves racially than ally themselves based on womanhood and shared oppression, even if they claim otherwise. It's fucked up.
No. 293580
>>293541>even the women in those situations were seen more as objects than white men actually giving a shit that they were violated. Even the biggest MRA, most redpilled misogynist gets mad when a white woman is raped by a non white man. Never mind that 99% of the time they're screeching about how women make false accusations, that they just regret drunk sex, etc, they're the first to jump up and down over 'their' women being taken by other men.
Of course, false accusations are god awful, obviously for the men involved but also for the damage it does to women/feminism's credibility and reputation. But they are particularly effective against non white men because white men see white women as their property and are so racist they are willing to assume other men are wild rapey animals but pretend they aren't just as bad. It's not benevolent care of precious white women, it's just another facet of misogyny and entitlement to women's bodies. Women can be racist as hell, no doubt and not trying to deny any disparity in treatment between diff races, but there's something so insane and toxic about the way men see race as yet another way to decide which men can 'own' which women.
No. 293582
>>293117That bit is a laughably naive and stupid interpretation of the history of fundamental building blocks of society like government, leadership and hierchey.
If you seriously believe that society can be explained as "one guy just stood up and decided he was the leader from then on and everyone else went along with him cuz they're dumb" and that that's somehow a big gotcha moment against men, well then you're also laughably naive and stupid.
And remind me again which sex it mostly is that takes shit like horoscopes seriously? Cause I'm pretty sure it's women always prattling on about spiritual mumbo jumbo, not men.
No. 293589
>>293586The stunning intellectual power of women.
I just can't see how you haven't conquered the World by now.
No. 293593
>>293591>realize that the video was a fucking joke>"Based carlin speaking the truth about men's only problem being with other men"At this point you're being so stupid I'm almost wondering if YOU'RE the ones making a joke now.
But I know women aren't capable of making jokes, just being them.
No. 293601
>>293579>The fact that they'd unironically compare other women to male incels shows me where a lot of them stand.But some of these black women do sounds exactly like male incels lmao. They say white women are protected in society, they exaggerate, they're liars, they're privileged. Go onto Lipstick Alley. Some of them are completely delusional. On some the grass is greener on the other side shit when it really isn't.
Black women would rather fight with white women while black men rob them blind. I support black women but if you try to help them you're reeed at "this don't concern you whitey!". And at the end of the day you can't blame white women for focusing on their issues and their men. Its not our fault black women for the most part have no interest in feminism. They need to get serious about it and stop looking to white women to do it for them.
>the rape thing didn't stop with Emmett Till, either. It's pretty easy to pull up countless reports on white women filing false rape accusations on black men, sometimes to cover up their own crimes, then getting the whole "She's mentally, dindu nuffin" defense and going scott free essentially.>countless>she dindu nuffinUm where does anyone defend white woman or any woman at that who falsely accuses a black man of rape? Holy shit. They salivate at it. Its something SJW's and alt-right types bond over.
>I think it's more to do with all the white women who have been randomly calling the police on black people for "offenses" like sleeping in a college common room or having a barbecue in a park.Thats annoying and petty but what are white women doing on an institutional level to oppress black people? Who makes these rules? who runs society?
Whenever black woman talks about "white women privilege" its always something petty like "they're considered more pretty" or "they ask me aggressively what type of coffee I'd like when they don't do that to others!".
Why do black women want to be the best sex object?
Anyway, this is exactly what men would love on the man hate thread, women fighting amongst ourselves.
No. 293606
>>293601>>293604I don't understand why so many black women are so quick to rush to the defense of black men, when black men so often will gleefully throw black women under the bus, just like every race of man will do with women. I guess it's ultimately rooted in a jealousy thing, not wanting white women to take "their" men, but a lot of black women will defend outright shitty black men. I see people say whites have no loyalty to one another, because whites are more willing to call out other whites that are garbage. How is that a bad thing?
At the end of the day, if a man is fucking garbage, I'm gonna call him that. I don't give a fuck if he is the same race or ethnicity as me.
No. 293609

>>293579I think it says a lot about where their loyalty truly is. Instead of trying to inform themselves and understand other women's perspective on how they specifically experience racism and sexism in their community, some of these white women would rather call them delusional like you said. I'm mestizo but when black women make points about the racism in the latino community I don't get upset and all in my feefees, I just try to understand where they're coming from better so I can bridge the gap in communication when it comes to women's issues. Same with other races of women.
>The fact that they'd unironically compare other women to male incels shows me where a lot of them stand.I agree. Also ironic coming from a forum of women who have proven time and time again to be almost pathologically insecure about looks. Usually "feminists" don't have an issue understanding how beauty standards lead to low self-esteem and how ugly women are treated like shit, but suddenly when black women don't want to be doubly shit on and dehumanized for their appearance by men of even their own race it's incel-tier. Then they treat black women like a hivemind without any discourse or dissenting opinions amongst individuals, vid related. The excessive amount of arrogance and authority they lend themselves on topics they don't understand is too fucking much to deal with.
No. 293612
>>293604>>293601Exactly. These same black women who preach
feminism and
body positivity are the same to say:
>haha white women have no lips!>haha white women have no ass!>haha white women age like milk!Bitterness.
No. 293615
>>293609>Instead of trying to inform themselves and understand other women's perspective on how they specifically experience racism and sexism in their community.Yes in THEIR community. What are white women meant to do? It is up to black women to make changes in THEIR community. Just like white women make changes in theirs.
>Usually "feminists" don't have an issue understanding how beauty standards lead to low self-esteem and how ugly women are treated like shit, but suddenly when black women don't want to be doubly shit on and dehumanized for their appearance by men of even their own race it's incel-tier.I understand that but the problem is black women BLAME white women instead of the men who make the beauty standards. Seriously, calling white women privileged because men objectify them the most is just retarded.
p.s I LOVE Deborah. lol. Her videos on transgenderism are really good and her analysis on popular mind games men like to play are very informative.
No. 293616
>>293612Don't forget the fact that they love to silence any white feminists who try to ask them questions or engage with them on any level at all.
>Stay in yo lane cracker>It's not my job to educate yo mayo assad nauseum
No. 293617
>>293609If I find myself thinking that a non white woman's perspective doesn't seem legit, I remind myself that men ALWAYS think that about my perspective as a woman. Discrimination often manifests in minor ways, a lot of stuff builds up over time, it can be hard to pinpoint as one specific problem when a lot of the time your experience is going to be many small things that make up a big picture.
I argued with my dad about feminism one day and his main feeling was just that our issues don't exist. It's not that he thinks discrimination against women is justified, he just thinks we don't get discriminated against anymore. How could I possibly explain that my feelings are based on thousands of posts I've read from men online? Countless anecdotes from random women? Or from hundreds of tv series, movies, and books that come together to give me certain overall impressions (eg that ugly or older women are a waste of space)? It's really difficult to articulate complex issues so perfectly that people who aren't personally affected by it can immediately understand and recognize it from their own experiences.
No. 293636
>>293615>What are white women meant to do? It is up to black women to make changes in THEIR community. What? The point was about white women claiming solidarity and yet questioning the validity of what black and other races of women experience. You being of the opinion that women don't have any responsibility to each other doesn't have any relevancy.
>black women BLAME white women instead of the men who make the beauty standards. Seriously, calling white women privileged because men objectify them the most is just retarded. How do they blame white women by calling out beauty standards? I agree that white women get objectified by white men, but you're making it out to be like objectification is the opposite to dehumanization. That by not wanting to be shit on because of their skin color and race, naturally the other option is to want to be objectified. Do you get it?
No. 293637
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Another man murders his entire family. 3 generations of the same family. Mother, grandmother and 3 girls. I'm sure he was a "good guy".
This is like the 3rd time in a span of few months a man has chimped out and murdered his family in Australia.
Y chromosome was a mistake.
No. 293642
>>293637Made the mistake of visiting the aussie subreddit and searching 'murder' to check out the other recent occurrences you mentioned. There was an article with statistics like
>The report shows that men commit more than 80 per cent of murders between couples who have a history of domestic violence. The overwhelming majority of those men had a history of abusing the women they ultimately killed.>In the 20 per cent of murders committed by women, over two-thirds were women killing men who had been abusing them. Of the 152 murders examined by the report only two cases were found where a woman killed a man she had a history of abusing.And of COURSE the responses are
>men get murdered even more!!>murder is committed by PEOPLE not GENDERS>how do we stop women from being attracted to violent men?>it's not as widespread as heart disease, car accidents etcKind of fucking difficult to prevent women from being attracted to violent men when that makes up a huge percentage of their population. And frankly I'm kind of sick of the argument that more men are murdered. We know it's at the hands of other men, but it's usually due to gang related violence, random bashings etc. The victims are not intimately close friends or family members, not people they have significant power over, not people they are meant to love and care for as a partner. Even if there are less murders due to domestic violence, to me they carry a lot more significance because it's the polar opposite of their intended role in a relationship.
No. 293649
>>293642Also, basically the same thing just happened in the US a couple weeks ago. A dude STRANGLED his wife and daughters and then put them in barrels of oil.
>>287811>>293646Oh boohoo. Sorry your gender is full of fuck ups. Let's see, how many women kill their entire families… Oh yeah, literally only Andrea Yates, and honestly that's actually the husband's fault (fucker should be in jail for life) because multiple doctors EXPLICITLY TOLD HIM to not get her pregnant again, and to NEVER leave her alone with the children, because she had such severe postpartum psychosis. And what did he do? Got her pregnant again and left her with the kids.
No. 293651
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>>293649>literally only Andrea Yates>also women dindu nuffin it wuz mens fault anywaysIt's only been like one thread since the last time, I really don't feel like posting these all again. But what can I say, you women have a legendary ability to deny things. If I only post two examples you will honest-to-god try to claim those are the only two examples in the entire world. If I post a third you'll say those are the only three examples and literally no others. Until I post the 4th and then you'll claim those are literally the only four ever in the entire world history, and so on and so forth.
No. 293654
>>293651Oh wow. Another case of a mentally ill women who got left with children she should not have been left with. Pretty damn similar to Yates, only the blame goes to DCF rather than the dad.
>"Mora wasn't right, she hasn't been right and what happened three months ago, that the kids' father left her, I told him something tragic is going to happen. She's going to do something to those kids, she's going to do something to herself," said Brenda Williams.
>"I reported her to DFACS (Division of Family and Children Services)at one point in time once her father died and I did tell DFACS everything because I either wanted them to give me the kids or get the kids out of her possession because at one time I thought she was just going nuts not feeding them," said the toddler's grandmother.Tell me again how women are just as violent and evil as men while my eyes roll continuously.
No. 293659
>>293654Funny how despite it apparently being so obvious that these women were going to murder their kids nothing was done about them. You know since we live in this society that just opresses women so hard and takes away all their rights all the time you think they wouldn't be allowed to do whatever they want with no consequences or supervision, especially with constant warning signs.
It's also funny how men apparently can't be mentally ill, and whenever they do something bad he's obviously at fault but if a woman does something bad it was actually everyone else's fault but hers.
No. 293663
>>293651Jesus christ, don't you have anything better than to do except hang out in the man hate thread and occasionally nitpick random shit? Just go back to /pol/, or talk to women irl so you won't be this desperate to interact with women.
We KNOW women kill their kids. Post partum depression is a serious problem and the fact that women end up spending far more time with their kids heightens the risk. But don't use it as a gotcha without doing some research first, maternal filicide is usually due to mental illness alone, not jealousy based revenge.
>Maternal filicide perpetrators have five major motives: a) in an altruistic filicide, a mother kills her child out of love; she believes death to be in the child's best interest (for example, a suicidal mother may not wish to leave her motherless child to face an intolerable world; or a psychotic mother may believe that she is saving her child from a fate worse than death); b) in an acutely psychotic filicide, a psychotic or delirious mother kills her child without any comprehensible motive (for example, a mother may follow command hallucinations to kill); c) when fatal maltreatment filicide occurs, death is usually not the anticipated outcome; it results from cumulative child abuse, neglect, or Munchausen syndrome by proxy; d) in an unwanted child filicide, a mother thinks of her child as a hindrance; e) the most rare, spouse revenge filicide occurs when a mother kills her child specifically to emotionally harm that child's father. men
>filicides that occur after the first week of life are often committed by the father or stepfather, with fathers being the most frequent perpetrators of filicide in later childhood.>Fathers are often perpetratos of fatal‐abuse filicide, which is usually the result of battered‐child syndrome and rarely involves a psychotic disorder or suicide attempt.>The presence of significant life stressors has been reported by filicidal fathers, including financial difficulties, impending marital breakup, and fear of separation.27,66,99 Some paternal filicides reportedly have occurred in the aftermath of arguments concerning marital infidelity,66,96 and being separated at the time of the offense has been noted to be an important precipitating factor.>Motivational factors noted for paternal filicide include attempts to control the child's behavior, and misinterpretation of the child's behavior.5,66,93 In an investigation of five paternal filicides, Palermo100 pointed out that all of the men felt a sense of personal inadequacy and had a lack of parenting skills and coping mechanisms. Several studies show a high incidence of related substance abuse/dependence.9,27,38,66,93>In 16 filicides (10%), the perpetrator also killed his/her (estranged) spouse. With one exception, these familicides were committed by men. All were biological parents of the child victims. Factors underlying these cases included fear of abandonment by the perpetrator’s spouse, marital conflicts or financial problems.>Some of the men experienced stress factors related to their victims: one man (D) was not sure that he was the biological father of his child, and another (B)was disturbed by the fact that his girlfriend was paying more attention to their son than to him.>Conjugal stress often seemed to be related to the offences. The pervasive fear of losing their spouses appeared to be a trigger for 5 subjects (A,B,C,D,F). For 2 of these men (B,D), the unfaithfulness of their spouses was also identified as a major precipitating factor>Among offenders, while fathers were about equally likely to kill an infant, they were more likely to be the alleged murderer of children older than a year, especially when the children were adults (fathers were the offenders in 78.3 percent of those cases). Overall, fathers were the accused murderer 57.4 percent of the time.>The data allowed the researchers to determine the most common filicide scenarios. A father killing a son was the most likely (29.5 percent of cases), a mother killing a son (22.1 percent) follows. No. 293666
>>293663>We KNOW women kill their kids. Uhh, no. Actually, LITERALLY ONLY Andrea Yates ever did that. Weren't you listening?
But it's fine though cause women are incapable of doing any wrong ever.
No. 293667
>>293666Familicide and filicide are NOT the same thing. Note that anon specified killing entire families
>Let's see, how many women kill their entire families… Oh yeah, literally only Andrea YatesObviously, it's not literally just her. I'll assume anon was being hyberbolic, but she's not that wrong.
>Familicides were almost exclusively perpetrated by men, unlike other spouse‐killings and other filicides.>Sixty-five percent of the fathers attempted to kill their wives as well as their children, whereas no mothers attempted to kill their husbands. In all, 55 percent of the fathers, but none of the mothers, attempted familicide, that is, annihilation of the entire family.>Dietz described familicide perpetrators as: Family annihilators, usually the senior man of the house, who is depressed, paranoid, intoxicated or a combination of these. >Perpetrators of familicide have been classified as accusatory killers or despondent killers.21 Accusatory killers had a grievance against their wives and often a history of violence. No. 293670
>>293667Oh and here's a nice quote from that article backing up everything we think about men and their motivations
>With regard to the motives underlying such killings, previous studies have shown that perpetrators are motivated by a sense of loss of control over their spouse as well as over family life (Wilson et al., 1995; Ewing, 1997). From a psycho-evolutionary perspective, a woman’s threat of withdrawal or estrangement constitutes a loss of control over her reproductive capacity (Daly and Wilson, 1988; Wil son et al., 1995). In an attempt to regain control, their (estranged) intimate partners may respond with (lethal) violence. In this case, children may be perceived as ‘her’ children and, accordingly, equally responsible for her betrayal. Anger and revenge can motivate someone to ‘get even’ with his wife by killing her and all of ‘her’ children (Levin and Fox, 1985; Dietz, 1986). So to sum up - women kill their kids, most likely during the first year of their life, because they're depressed or psychotic, unprepared for parenthood and stuck alone with the kid for the majority of the time. Men kill their kids later in life, along with their wives, because their masculinity is threatened and they get jealous, and the ultimate show of ownership over someone is taking their life. Fucking PATHETIC.
No. 293687
>>293586Do you ever think, that given our history and how black women are constantly shitted on, that they would just be happy and full of sunshine? Do you seriously blame them? And you call them incel-tier.
Yup. Back to square one white feminist, keep talking about HAES we know you don't really want feminism you just want more gibs. This is why they say white women socially enforce white supremacy. You will never be held off the hook as long as non-whites exist.
No. 293689
>>293601And white women sound like angry cat ladies.
See how we can play this game?
No. 293690
>>293682This. I'd like those anons to find a proof of a white anon shitting on black women. I kind of gave up. There are constant race baiting posts shitting on white women, so I stopped caring. White is evil apparently.
>>293689Implying there's anything wrong with being a cat lady.
No. 293691
>>293601Its not our fault black women for the most part have no interest in feminism. They need to get serious about it and stop looking to white women to do it for them.
The sign of a true ignorant white feminist. If you knew, the black feminist movement as been around since the end of the post-slavery era, but you wouldn't care.
No. 293692
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>>293610>>293611>>293612>>293606>>293604Tell us more about how you hate us. Like we don't already know.
No. 293693
>>293690>There are constant race baiting posts shitting on white women, so I stopped caring. White is evil apparently.Like where? The only time I see white-bashing is in response to racism towards non-whites (99% of the time without any provocation).
>>293691>They need to get serious about it and stop looking to white women to do it for themWhen have white women done anything to help black women, lol?
No. 293694
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No. 293702
>>293601>They say white women are protected in society,They absolutely are, because they're considered objects and possessions of white men. Even other white anons ITT have acknowledged this, so why can't you?
Yes, privilege exists, even with sexism.
>Black women would rather fight with white women while black men rob them blind. I support black women but if you try to help them you're reeed at "this don't concern you whitey!".Where does this happen, and when does the attempted help happen? Online forums again?
>Its not our fault black women for the most part have no interest in feminism. They need to get serious about it and stop looking to white women to do it for them.It kind of is white women's fault, considering they made it a point to exclude black women for decades and uphold themselves within feminism. That's why womanism was made, but it's largely a smaller group because of how much worse and more abusive black patriarchy is.
>Um where does anyone defend white woman or any woman at that who falsely accuses a black man of rape? Holy shit. They salivate at it. Its something SJW's and alt-right types bond over.Court and real life, where things really count. Eg not the internet.
>Thats annoying and pettyNope. In the US, black people face the real risk of being tased, beaten arrested or shot because a white woman claims to feel "threatened". The women who call the police are aware of this. It's not just "petty", they're hoping to get a black person either "put in their place" or even assaulted or killed.
>but what are white women doing on an institutional level to oppress black people? Who makes these rules? who runs society?More like, what are white women doing to stand against institutional oppression against other women? Because the records are showing they often ignore and even uphold it.
>Whenever black woman talks about "white women privilege" its always something petty like "they're considered more pretty" or "they ask me aggressively what type of coffee I'd like when they don't do that to others!".This isn't the case outside maybe Twitter, but if it was, you see how much this pales in comparison to the white women who do anti-black things in real life? Honestly, call me when black women are fraudulently calling the police on white women, falsely accusing them, trying to poison them for no reason other than existing as a college roommate (, etc etc.
>Why do black women want to be the best sex object?Like it or not, being considered the prime beauty standard gives you a certain amount of privilege in society as a woman. Also, black women are already seen as sex objects. This has been established in history with Sara Baartman, the "Jezebel" stereotype, and reprised today with black women constantly being objectified as "big booty bitches". The difference is that it's not the kind of sexualization that leads men to want to protect or be kind to them (even for selfish reasons).
>Anyway, this is exactly what men would love on the man hate thread, women fighting amongst ourselves.Then why bring up black women and start bashing them? You really did start this whole mess.
No. 293714
>>293706>White women are only at the top because white men are at the top, and they obviously nominate their female counterpart as being superior.How do white men consider white women superior. Holy shit. Look around you. What this all really boils down to who is more attractive and its fucking pathetic.
Black women need to understand that their problems are caused by their men. SORT YOUR MEN OUT AND YOU MIGHT GET SOMEWHERE.
>>293712Peak black feminism waahhh I wanna be considered the most fuckable!
No. 293715
>>293604>black males AND females have higher levels of testosteroneBlack women actually produce higher levels of estrogen
and testosterone, but "certain types" make sure to ignore this and leave it out when using the "testosterone" point. People call it racist because it's pushing a narrative., estrogen actually produces more melanin: thing about black women looking masculine is just erroneous, misogynistic and used to justify treating black women
as men.
No. 293716
>>293714>Black women need to understand that their problems are caused by their men. SORT YOUR MEN OUT AND YOU MIGHT GET SOMEWHERE. How come the white incel problem as gotten worse and white men have all gone on a shooting spree and formed white supremacist groups?
SoRt YOUR men OUt and YOu mIGht GeT SOmewHERe
Also we've been doing a fine job. See the MeToo Movement
No. 293718
>>293708>go back to Tumblr.Holy shit, you're either divisive and idiotic, or just in denial. Nothing about a single thing I said is Tumblr, it just hurts your feelings.
Do you not see this and understand why black women are skeptical toward you claiming to be on the side of all women? You still see them as your enemies and competition, and it's so obvious.
No. 293720
>>293714they consider white women superior to other races of women, becky. how smooth is your brain that you don't understand that there is a racial hierarchy as well as a gender hierarchy? white women were traditionally given more rights than people of color, by the way (yes, including men).
>Black women need to understand that their problems are caused by their men. SORT YOUR MEN OUT AND YOU MIGHT GET SOMEWHERE. i'm not black and ffs, what is it about white women that they literally cannot understand that they are also complicit in the oppression of black women, as a white person? not a single black woman itt has denied how damaging black patriarchy is to them.
No. 293724
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>>293714>call black women ugly and masculine out of nowhere then cry like a bitch when you're called ugly in returnAnd yet you still wonder why women of other races don't like you.
No. 293726
>>293716THANK YOU. The #metoo Movement is a perfect example.
Who started it?- A black woman
When did it actually became viral and everyone started to care?- When a white woman 'started' it and became the face.
>>293719Where did the original black women sterotypes of Mammy, Jezebel and etc. came from and continues to be perpetuated by? WHITE MEN. White women are just happy to tag along because they thought they were secure.
Most black men don't think that, and those that do are racial self-hating/ brainwashed. When this happens it is more obvious that they not only don't like black women THEY ALSO DON'T LIKE OTHER BLACK MEN.
No. 293727
>>293719And I can pull up more comments here and other places from white women perpetuating the same thing than standing against it. A white woman is literally the first person in these threads to claim black women are masculine, not one of the many incels (which includes self-proclaimed "blackcels") who invade.
In my personal experience, even the most abusive, misogynistic black men don't try to use misrepresented scientific data to justify attacking black women. That's something that non-black racists of both genders commonly do.
It's a hard truth.
No. 293730
>>293706You're disgustingly petty and these sort of posts are really common among black women.
You can have the title of the most attractive race, if you like.
I'd rather be superior with actual accomplishments like the academic ones.
No. 293731
>>293692Oh yeah, me saying you guys aren't as attractive to MEN (the real enemy here) means I hate you. No, that's not how it works. Tell me more how I'm a snake though, when you feel the need to further infight. You're literally proving the whole "black feminists are infighters who fail to realize the goal of feminism" right.
And saying that white handmaidens voted for Trump is ridiculous. There are black handmaidens who did the same thing.
No. 293735
>>293730white women itt literally have said that black women naturally have more testosterone and are naturally less attractive than white and asian women
love how you get butthurt at my post but ignore ones by white women which target black women
No. 293736
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No. 293737
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>>293729>>293730Why do they always minimize our concerns to just beauty. It's the idea that we aren't seen as human.
Also they don't want to talk about other ways black women are disenfranchised(along w/ black men) in affirmative action. Blacks get shitted on but white women are the majority given in affirmative action cases b/c woman is a "protected class". Thus, they use this as a loop hole to bring in white women. That way supremacy is still insured.
>>293731>There are black handmaidens who did the same thing.The majority of black women voted for Trump? The delusion.
No. 293739
>>293729>>293730>be petty white woman>randomly start attacking black women in a man hating thread>black and other non-white women respond>"WTF you're so petty!! sTOP STARTING FIGHTS WITH US JUST B/C U WANNA BE PRETTY!!!1 So what if I called you masculine and shitted on you to begin with? So what if women like me actively exclude you in reality, and even use racism to fuck you over? Doesn't matter! We did nothing wrong, you need to focus on black men!!"This is horrible, you sound exactly like men deflecting after throwing attacks at women. You're just ruining things even more with this bullshit.
I feel bad for white women who aren't like this, because you lot are honestly the loudest and most toxic. You're messing up their reputation.
No. 293740
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>hurr I don't care about being fuckable to men !!11!!
>queue another 30-80 posts of anons sperging about white mgtow guys fetishizing Asian women over them
No. 293744
>>293739lel, who started attacking black women?
Please, point to it because I only saw anons claiming it by attacking white women.
No. 293745
>>293733White women will continue to ignore poc women as invalid while they continue to push false feminism in order to control EVERYONE.
If white women keep being like this don't be surprised all poc women drop you, there's more of us then there are of you and your economic power is slipping away. That's why white women are
triggered China and Asia's success b/c these Asian women are now getting the limelight.
No. 293746
>>293741>>293740It started from
>>293560 saying black women who bring up the cocktail of racism
and sexism they face are just "delusional". Don't try and gaslight.
No. 293747
>>293738vitiligo = wanted to be white
your ego will be your downfall
No. 293748
whatever makes you sleep at night
No. 293752
>>293744Look at
>>293604>>293611>>293601>>293604Just read the thread instead of jacking yourself off. Black women didn't start this shit by complaining, white anons did.
No. 293757
>>293752Look at this post way before
>>293572now fuck off
No. 293758
>>293733Where exactly did WoC invalidate white women's suffering? What's actually happening here, in this thread, is white women showing that they'll never consider WoC's suffering and troubles as real. You're calling them delusional, masculine, minimizing the dehumanization you face as just about being considered "sex objects", and generally turning this into a petty fight.
I don't understand why you scream and plug your ears when you hear the word "privilege". You can be oppressed and still benefit from certain privileges and biases born from fucked up circumstances.
If you keep gaslighting and ignoring/attacking other women, don't be surprised when none of them want to ally with you. Yours is not the only struggle.
No. 293762
>>293757Way before? That's from 10 minutes ago, and was in response to the attacks made by white anons.
Nice try, but you fuck off. Thanks.
No. 293767
>>293764ad hominem attacks
No. 293769
>>293765keep minimizing our struggle to it just being about looks.
You're the one deepening the divide. The me too movement would've never existed without black women but you don't care.
No. 293770
>>293760>>293765Way to jump right over all the more comprehensive posts to react to the most bait-y one and pretend all black women are attacking you. If you think anyone who's halfway literate is going to be fooled by that, you're wrong.
Why are you using anti-white slurs? No one has ever called you that. Is it to justify the slurs you probably use on non-white women? Lmao.
No. 293774
>>293765Yeah, suuuure it's
just black women calling you out on your bullshit.
No. 293775
>>293773I'm white and I know that to be true. Doesn't
trigger me at all.
No. 293776
>>293765>Instead of calmly saying that the evo-psych assertion is bullshit You really ignored this post
>>293715 and then the person attempted deflection in
>>293719 with "It's black men, even though a white woman is the person who made this nonsense claim ITT", huh?
No. 293778
>>293773Why would I care about guys that fetishize a race? You can have all of them.
I'm not going to engage in a petty fight over dicks unlike you.
No. 293781
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Feels like half of posts are roleplaying robots to keep the shitstorm up at this point.
The level of some posts is so low.
I fucking hope.
>>293725also this
No. 293782
>>293781If you've read some of the forum posts or youtube posts by black women, you'd be surprised how many of them think like some posts here. of just being happy they age slower, they have to shit on other women, white women of course. Pathetic.
No. 293783
>>293778NTA, but you made this all about dicks yourself when you conflated being given main priority as beautiful objects (and thus a fraction of humane treatment and respect) with only being seen as a sex object.
You're either willfully ignorant, or just intellectually dishonest because the truth makes you uncomfortable.
No. 293784
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>>293782That video just cites scientific data. I took it upon myself to read the comments and try to understand you, and all I found was a
man shitting on white people, and men in general objectifying black women. No black women to be found shitting on white women (especially not in the most upvoted comments).
All you've really done is show that you may be the ones obsessing over being seen as sex objects, otherwise you might've been able to find an actual example.
No. 293786
>>293760>This is absolutely pathetic. Okay, black women are the most desired by men. There you go. There's your pick me trophy. Can you stop spamming the thread now?That wouldn't stop them. Some WOC like shitting on white women no matter what.
I know a mixed race white/asian girl who's a literal model with a legion of men worshiping her ass and she still takes every opportunity she has to talk shit about white women. She even defends incels but will put down white women constantly.
No. 293799
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>>293793>a 70 year old woman who's most definitely faced actual racism and much worse shit from white people as a whole making a snide comment is now the face of all black female millenialsYou had to have scrolled past this and similar comments, too.
No. 293804
>>293799I'm not going to go into a psych profiling, the comment's there.
Being a racist and a shitty person has no excuse but thanks for showing your true pathetic racist face.
No. 293805
>>293797>Asian womanHow is this related to black women?
>>293796>icon left outProbably male.
>>293795Obvious male.
You really tried.
No. 293807
>>293804Yeah, no. You're intellectually dishonest and attempted to cherrypick, then got BTFO. If that woman is a shitty person, go collect your sister here
>>293604 for randomly calling black women masculine.
No. 293811
>>293805Yeah sure, you can really tell all of that by looking at their profile icons.
You're a joke.
No. 293812
>>293802>>293809You started this by bringing up black women, and it's not even just black women calling out the shit-flinging in here.
There was nothing "innocuous" about the things said, and you know it. Don't throw rocks and hide your hands.
No. 293814
>>293811The first one clearly isn't black, the second and third ones don't talk about their own experiences and literally just objectify black women.
It's not my fault you lack critical thinking skills. You're the only joke here.
No. 293819
>>293816>We should just agree that we'll never get along.NO.
This is why feminism will continue to be on the ground and never flourish. We are too blind to see our own privilege and choose to ignore other women. How can we succeed if we continue to push women away. It hurts our cause and makes more of the world against us.
No. 293821
>>293820Who is invalidating your experience? This entire thread went left because of white anons invalidating women of other race's experiences and calling them hysterical, saying they're the same as incels, and claiming they're masculine.
Who, ITT, has said white women don't face oppression or sexism?
No. 293822
We just say, "What about us? How can we trust you due to history? How do we know you aren't just using us?" and you all gaslight us and say we're crazy.
No. 293824
>>293822Was that post directed at
>>293820? Seems
>>293819 is actually agreeing with us.
No. 293828
>>293826Stop baiting.
No one even mentioned white men up til this point besides you. Cringe.
No. 293861
>>293736this isnt entertaining at all
No. 293862
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In hope that thread will come back to normal, should I also post and translate similar yt comments/screens or fb posts or this stuff overall from my country as well?
We got shit-load of this tbh.
No. 293874
>>293869Like in one thread I did post a case where in Poznań a man beheaded his ex-wife, then caused an explosion killing few other people when they were trying to open the doors.
We also try to stop the abortion law that comes back once a while, that forces a women to give a birth in every case - be it underage rape victim, defective fetus that will die soon after birth or when pregnancy is a threat to women's life and health.
No. 293885
>>293874Oh man, your comment reminded me of something…
If you want to have your mood ruined, browsw
Most of the cases described are from last year. Seems like there is no day in Russia where some sick motherfucker doesn't chop off his gf's/wives head off, doesn't kill his offspring or knife students at his school or a random stranger.
As a Polish anon, I was shocked at how much brutal crime is in Russia and wonderd if I just don't hear about similar cases in Poland or if there is less of them for some reason.
No. 293887
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>>293885just to prove my point, two newest posts on the blog
No. 293888
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>>293887if any kind Russian anon is willing to weight in why there is so much crazy brutal crime there (caused by men), I would appreciate it
No. 293949
>>293885diff anon, i'm from eastern europe too and used to watch quite a lot of russian media. it gave me an impression that there has been a murder in literally every patch of forest, at least one person has jumped from every 13+ story blockhouses, 2 children have drowned in any pond with a radius bigger that 2m and so on.
i still get a bit unnerved when going to woods just in case there is a maniac/rapist-maniac/general murderer hiding behind a pine although that's a very irrational thought. tbf, if i was born in russia, i'd be joining the 13+ story blockhouse aviators too kek
No. 293951
>>292945> beyond that being demonstrably falseIt's not false. Here's a study of taxation in New Zealand. tldr is that women are $150k tax negative over their lifetime. Click "open pdf in browser" to read. all the complaints in this thread, claiming that women (in first world countries other than US) aren't being subsidized, is the one that is most easily demonstrated to be false. A big part of this is that women live longer and in my country they collect about 2.5 times as much pension as men over their lifetime.
At the same time, as meds get more expensive and nursing homes and shit, old women are more and more at risk for poverty (and dependent on good-will of their children). On the other hand that's still better than being dead.
No. 293955 MRAs:
>if a woman ever lays her hand on me I'll deck that bitch equal rights equal lefts amirite it's self defensewoman: kills her rapist
>omg this is going to far how is this violence helping anyone???? No. 293957
>>293955Those comments make me sick.
The mental gymnastics they do just to hate women.
You can never appease men 100% so why even bother being on their side?
No. 293972
>>293119Can't only stand him, when he's with his wife, because she calls him out on his shit.
Will say it again, there could /never/ be a female Bill Burr. Men are extremely sensitive to any criticism women have of them. Even if it's just mediating on the things men do to women, while women are just expected to swallow theirs. With the amount of shit Bill says about women on the regular a female him would have been 'gamergated' by now.
>>293133This fanbase are a bunch of racist, misogynist scrots. Have you seen Reddit? Holy shit.
No. 293978
>>293972No there could never be a female Bill Burr because women can't be funny.
Shitting on men and praising women is standard practice in all mainstream entertainment. Bill Burr is a controversial figure precisely because he goes against this status quo.
No. 293983
>>293979She doesn't have a bust like they want and they think her shoulders are too broad. Instead of going on about it in their typical braindead sexist way, they're trying to reframe it as feminism has become sexist, by forbidding women from embracing their femininity.
The whole deal with women rejecting everything feminine is an argument with some actual merit. But funnily enough, I often see men pull that shit when they're trying to be "feminist" with their female characters. Men can only think in two ways: either remove the feminine traits entirely, because they're "weak" or play those traits up for fap bait and "muh sexual empowerment".
But yes, this is ultimately about men being angry they can't jerk off to the cartoon.
No. 294052
>>294047she did nothing wrong. laws need to be changed. that wendy maldonado and her son served any time at fucking all pisses me off. thank god she's finally out now, but that was some bullshit if i've ever seen it. and in 'progressive' oregon, no less.
wonder if they've gotten around to changing their archaic bullshit in oregon, or if such stupidass rules are still in place because everyone is focusing on tranny shit instead of helping abused women and children
No. 294053
If you ever want to get pissed off, look no further than this Wiki article>all those Latin American countries What the fuck is wrong with Latin America?
No. 294065
>>293137Well you see, there's a simple explanation for that.
The kind of guy you're looking for, 6'4, CEO of his own multimillion-dollar company, who also works part time as a model, he's obviously not going to be lonely, since every woman in the world is just like you and also wants him.
Lonely guys are going to be just a tiny bit less then the guy you dream of, thus you pay no attention to them and dont notice they exist.
No. 294070
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>>294065>wanting men addicted to their careers that are likely, statistically, to be sociopathsno
can you faggots obsessed with height and male bone structure and being the most manly and accomplished stop whining and just fuck each other already? it's pathetic seeing you guys just try to pretend this manospheric bullshit isn't just you disgruntled queerbaits cumming over whatever flavor of the week male model or silicon valley fag you guys assume all women love just bc you're edging while looking at their photos
No. 294099
>>294065I feel similarly for her and I want a tiny 5'3" househusband lmao. But I have gotten nothing but disappointment so far.
The truth is that you're all awful regardless of occupation and "attractiveness" (subjective although there is a general standard, sad for me to say since I disagree with it). I don't understand why some women are attracted to men with shitty traits, or "good" traits that translate badly in a relationship context for women (i.e. a man who is obsessed with career will not be affectionate. But a woman who is invested in her career and lacks affection will not affect her husband since men don't care about romance in any way). But I would encourage them to stop for their own sake. They've become addicted to the male abuse and need to rethink their actions/tastes and grow as people.
Women must use some self-awareness. I would say the same for men, but I know you're a bunch of murder-and-rape machines who cannot change.
No. 294102
>>294099If you want to think men are violent sociopaths, it's only because women have bred them that way. Female animals in general really, this kind of behavior goes back much farther than just humans. They've rewarded the violent males with sex and let those violent genes spread.
And despite your supposed complaining, women continue to want those traits to this day.
No. 294110
>>294107God forbid we blame men for the crimes they commit.
Maybe you should blame your mother for the pathetic piece of shit you became and she might throw your loser freeloader ass out of her home. Indeed she probably ruined you by excessive coddling and making you think you are entitled to women's respect when you can't respect women's basic rights of not being abused, raped or murdered. Kill yourself, you disgusting incel. I honestly hope you die.
No. 294122
>>294107Your reading comprehension is lacking. It was about women who were diagnosed as batshit and the men/authorities around them didn't manage to make sure the kids were safe. While men get sex reassignment surgery because they can't get it up otherwise and threaten suicide, post-natal depression is not recognised in many many cases, because "uwu it's just women doing their emotional woman thing" and men not giving a shit.
I really hope for someone like you to wake up as a woman some day, so you can see how much fun it is. Don't forget to smile more, you're going to scare away the boys.
No. 294126
Today I came across this headline : to : A teacher arrested for sex with 5 highschoolers.
Cue the comments about how women can be as predatory as men ect.
The kicker? If you read the article, at the end, it says a picture was taken of her at a hotel in a 'comprising position' with one highschooler and that the other highschoolers then used the picture to threaten her into sex and giving them 7.000 euros.
…Yeah, predatory for sure.
No. 294127
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>>294122Get everything I want and need in life handed to me on a silver platter just for smiling? Sounds great. Likewise I hope you can wake up as a man some day and realize what it's like to be viewed as completely disposable and never be given anything by anyone. Well that's not entirely true, you'll be given blame and guilt for everything in the world regardless of what you as an individual have done. Expected to bare the weight of society on your back at all times and never be allowed to ask for help or complain or god forbid ever falter in your role as emotionless machine cog lest you be viciously shamed and censured by all of society.
Sadly wishes don't come true, but if you're in the mood to hear how wrong you are from your own kind you can look up the book self-made man by Norah Vincent. It's about a woman who completely disguises herself as a man to try and see what it's like to be one for 18 months. Spoiler alert, she stops after less than halfway through because she becomes suicidally depressed.
No. 294134
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>>294129>written by an incelJesus Christ you women are completely incapable of thinking at all. You just spew buzzwords at anything that makes you upset with no idea what the word even means. Do you scream incel at the sky when it rains? Scream incel at the coffee table when you stub your toe?
No. 294149
>>294146You mean that illegal thing that most people view as worse than murder and that Society tries to stop more than anything? We're sorry we arent God who can completely control everything to stop rape altogether.
Also I love the way women always have to tack on a bunch of extra shit whenever and make it sound worse when they try to tell a man hell be raped, like saying I'll get aids or insisting it'll be anal rape. Because if you tried to threaten me with the actual equivalent of your typical man on woman rape and all that happened was a woman forcibly slid her vagina up and down my dick, I think I could continue on with my life mostly ok. Yet women can't handle the same.
No. 294150
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FFS, can you retards stop replying to scrotes?? this isn't a thread for debating them, just report them and continue.
anyway, remember to always go female, ladies.
No. 294151
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worldwide barriers to reporting rape for women, really puts things into perspective how even most first world nations are on yellow…
No. 294153
>>294150Yeah everyone, just ignore me when I say things that upset you because you can't argue against them. That's what this coddling Society has taught you. Just spend your whole life in Imaginationland where nobody challenges you and you're always right.
Oh and those reports totally do so much to me. Like it's so obvious I can't just ban evade with the press of a button or something. Just ask the mods to save you from me and my uncomfortable truths.
No. 294155
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>>294153Seems completely correct, anon, you are so right, nobody should ever doubt of anything men say because they always know better than females, after all, we are so affected by hormones and girly stuff our brains shrink and implode. Thank you, random man, for giving us your input on how we should live our lives and on what we should think and feel, after all nobody knows better than a random man on the internet.
No. 294156
>>294149There are also cases of men who have been assaulted in the way you described, by women. Do you denounce the struggles of your fellow men? That just proves that the issues for men are other men, just as they are when a young boy is assaulted by his teacher. It is women who have compassion for their case.
Neither sex has it easier and the grass is always greener. I have a close ftm friend (since we're speaking of this) who agrees with me on this. When presenting female he experienced creeps and the constant fear of assault that comes with being a woman, and when presenting as male he experiences lack of compassion and patience. Neither of these are good, at least in my opinion.
Of course you'll get mixed messages from different trans people, but I think that comes down to how certain personalities deal with the struggles presented for each gender. Making it personal, I do not like the expectations of submission and having my opinions seen as lesser because of my womanhood. It doesn't mesh well with my personality and goals. Meanwhile, I'm sure there are passive and simple women who thrive under these expectations and enjoy having a man provide for them and dominate them in the bedroom.
A male equivalent could be a small emotional man who doesn't enjoy the expectations of strength and stoicism. Meanwhile a "Chad" loves it.
No. 294163
>>294158I didn't mean he shows those traits, but experiences them from others. Sorry to mislead. And I don't doubt being surrounded by larger and stronger creatures who are prone to violence against you is awful. I'm strong for a woman and I experience it. But I just think males have their own nonsense to deal with.
My point with man hate is that men cause our problems and theirs. The few decent men are hurt by other men. And I also have a distaste for awful women, as I'm sure we all do. I'm not sure why this invader seems to think we vouch for abusive and shitty women. We do not.
No. 294165
>>294163The nonsense males deal are their fault. They are ridden with toxic behaviors, they reward violent behavior and call it being "strong", obviously it's gonna end with people getting murdered.
>>294161How many % of those are caused by women on men?
No. 294169
>>294165>>294167Why do women constantly try to bring that up? What does the perpetrator being a man matter to the victim?
Are you saying that if you're bullied or attacked or even murdered by another woman you'll be okay with it? "Ah she's got the same kind of genitals as me, so I'll just have to accept my death quietly and without complaint".
No. 294171
>>294169The idea is that the problem for both men and women is men. The gender specific problems we both face is because of men.
Crimes? Lack of compassion? It's statistically more often men, baby.
No. 294181
>>294171>>294173And what exactly is any one individual man who hasn't ever attacked anyone supposed to do? Why are the problems he faces invalidated and don't count compared to women just because some other men are causing them?
It's honestly pretty funny. A tiny group of super-rich elite men at the top of society cause most inequality and cultural problems. Small subsets of violent men cause most crime. And yet, here's the hilarious part, what kinds of men do women throw themselves at and desperately want to fuck? Why the rich men, and the violent ones. And who do women get angry at and blame for the problems? Why the huge portion of men who aren't those things and don't cause the problems! It's really quite funny.
No. 294184
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>>294181Show us ur hairy nipps, manlet
No. 294195
Most men should get treated like dogs & be put on a leash. They are subhumans and unable to feel only the slightest bit of empathy - even for their own gender.
>>294053 is a prime example why they are dangerous and should never be allowed to be alone around kids. If they commit any crimes the only solution is to get them euthanized since they are only good for providing sperm.
I also only ever got bullied by guys throughout my school years. The girls weren't that nice either and ignored me most of the time but at least I wasn't getting harrassed or threatend by them. Only the guys were stealing things from me, manhandled me infront of the class or called me names. Our male teacher didn't do a thing when I asked for help. I hope those disgusting subhumans all burn in hell.
No. 294196
>>294122I'm honestly pretty curious to hear a detailed story of what you actually expect would happen to me if that did happen and I just woke up a woman tomorrow morning.
Or what you think would happen to you if you woke up as a man.
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No. 294204
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Reminder that only reason you are free is because men allows it and protect the law that allow you to be free.
No. 294207
>>294204>men allows it lul
Also you are proving our point by saying that, we have to basically keep our eyes peeled otherwise you strip our rights away from us.
No. 294210
>>294181>the same women who oppose male violence and sociopathy are the ones who chase awful menThis again. How many times must we repeat that most for us are dommes and lesbians? If you are indeed decent (doubt) then congrats, you are excluded. Just as we here are not included in the women who "reward" dark triad men.
>>294204>men rule society and have absolute power over women>men are disposable and women are preciousWhat is the truth? Are you leaders or oppressed? If it's both, how can you not say the same for women?
No. 294213
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>be me
>wake up
>"let's check out the man-hate thread"
>see some robot shitting up the thread
>everyone's replying to him
I know it's really tempting to argue but men can't be reasoned with.
No. 294215
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>Mfw the scrot is probably furiously masturbating at the thought of interacting with real women.
No. 294223
>>294195Opposite for me. Girls constantly told me I was an ugly and disgusting and gross. It wasn't until I was like "wow fuck girls" and started making friends with dudes that I ever had real friends.
It's hard for me to take threads like this seriously, when my entire life, it's women who have been the ones victimizing me. And when my mom chose to stay with her abusive husband, take his side, and gaslight me my entire life. I just have always gotten the feeling that women will shit all over each other, even their own daughters, if they think they can get some male attention for doing so. It always seems to me that women just choose the shittiest men possible, the men who will pit them against each other. This thread has me on the path to finally seeking female solidarity, but I'm extremely wary. All my guy friends have ALWAYS been there for me, and every female friend I've made has ended up stabbing me in the back.
No. 294234
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>being this much of a pick-me
No. 294249
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Childfree people are absolutely batshit, I'm not surprised you hate other women, I bet you feel super speshul and not like other girls too, because you just hate drama.
No. 294264
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>>294256Jesus childree-chan, FUCK OFF.
Women around you probably hate you because you're such an attention seeker No. 294265
>>294053>Leyla Mafi, from Arak, Iran, had been prostituted by her mother starting from the age of 8. Leyla M. had a developmental delay (at the age of 19 she was assessed to have a mental age of 8 years old). Among the men who paid to rape the disabled child were several male relatives. She had three children, the first at the age of 9 and then twins at age 14. At age 19, she was condemned and faced the death penalty for the "moral offenses" of debauchery, incest, and illegitimate motherhood. Lawyer Shadi Sadr intervened on her behalf, and her sentence was reduced to public beating and imprisonment. After 2006, Ms. M was sent to a rehabilitation center and eventually came to reside in an apartment with a caretaker."And remember girls, everything is so much better under patriarchy!!! XD"
No. 294268
>>294223Men and women are both evil and I am personally both a misogynist and a misandrist. I hate everyone and believe only myself to be right.
This is the misandry thread, though. Go make a misogyny thread if you must.
No. 294273
>>294268no, we don't need misogynist threads on lolcow. men have multiple boards, subreddits and websites to bitch about women, we don't need to give them space here.
>>294271k, i'm not convinced lol. just so you know, using the word "cunt" is a very very male thing to do.
No. 294310
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>people ITT right now calling each other "scrote"
No. 294320
>>294256You're either hardcore baiting or you're really this stupidly naive. Either way you've picked the wrong website to seek "solidarity" and likely you're just feeding your confirmation bias by choosing a trash gossip website and expecting everyone to hold your hand.
Try reddit or something.
No. 294323
>>294286You expect women to
>get attacked>raped>impregnated from it>go through pregnancy with all the changes and pain that it brings>go through childbirth>kill the childAnd keep going as if nothing happened, maybe go through another ordeal then find a good man, or what? No such thing, man. You're blind and should be thankful for it just get away from this thread, it doesn't interest you or affect your life.
No. 294496
>>294223>This thread has me on the path to finally seeking female solidarityThen pretend to be a girl and try to blend in like most of us have been doing for years on male-dominated misogynistic imageboards.
No, seriously, besides the fact that men are usually violent psychopaths, I think a lot of the hatred here comes from spending time on 4ch and seeing how the people we related to for being social failures hated women. That's why you get a lot of "men only want submissive anime waifus and have yellow fever", "men will nitpick every womans appearance and refuse to sleep with her if she has body hair" etc - we're describing the men we interacted with for a long time.
Sometimes a sane anon comes along and tells us to leave the house more often because not every man is like the raging misogynists we're used to. But it's really hard to undo such a strong negative impression.
No. 294537
>>294530this, or how men crying is known as "real" crying, where as with women any emotion they show is quickly assumed as manipulation
women are expected to be validated as just tits and ass, yet you never hear women say "I'm a dick girl" or "I'm an abs girl"
men will run around talking about how women without butts or boobs are worthless or are men, yet no one tells men they aren't male if his dick isn't big
or like the "women draw their ideal penises" video, that was deleted because of how many men acted like their entire life was threatened because some women like big dicks, or ofc the infamous "IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED!!!" in which they did men drawing their ideal vaginas video, not one woman was offended
nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine
No. 294601
>>294530Isn't it because they are overcompensating?
Women: Naturally selective because we have to birth and raise the results of our intercourse
Men: Want to and do have intercourse with anyone and anything
Women: Ehehhe I am open minded to all kinds of men!!!!
Men: I am extremely fussy about where I insert my penis
No. 294621
>>294530What reality are you living in? Women express their standards all the time and never face any consequence for it. It's men who gets screeched at if they ever criticize a woman's appearance.
The hypocrisy is especially bullshit when you factor in that woman's physical standards are mostly things you can't change, while men mostly just judge you for being fat which is an indication of your own poor decisions and lack of willingness to work on your appearance.
No. 294623
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>>294621>Women express their standards all the time and never face any consequence for itlol look up women drawing their ideal penises and you'll see hoards of men having panic attacks over women having a preference
>It's men who gets screeched at if they ever criticize a woman's appearance.Not as much as they should, having a preference and shitting on women's appearance is different, if men are getting backlash for shitting on women's appearance don't expect anyone to feel sorry for the men
also refer to the first man hating thread, it's like shitting on women's appearance is a second hobby to them, they're obsessed with tearing women apart
>The hypocrisy is especially bullshit when you factor in that woman's physical standards are mostly things you can't changeeasily proven wrong, look through the hoards of evidence throughout the man hating threads, the most we expect is good hygiene and a decent body, men will expect sex dolls, but you're probably too caught up in your victim complex to see anything outside of it even if I were to put the evidence in your face
>while men mostly just judge you for being fat which is an indication of your own poor decisions and lack of willingness to work on your appearance.oh it's the whole "just don't be fat" excuse, do you have any idea how many men have dumped and abused women simply because he didn't like the size of her boobs, but or vagina shape? so much for "lol just don't be fat you ebul privileged womyn!!!"
also don't you people love screaming about "THE WALL!!!!!!" all day so much you can't even watch a normal video with a woman in it without thinking about if she hit the wall or not? miss me with that bull
No. 294628
>>294621Men get screeched at by a tiny minority of feminists who are mocked for being hideous and bitter. Women endure a perpetual societal obsession with their beauty and the expectation that they will always strive to meet standards. Ugly men can be plastered all over the media with no reaction, women are expected to be under 25 and hot and if they aren't they're attacked en masse. On a minor scale, shitting on unattractive women is a fun past time for men in groups irl and online, 4chan has never ending complaints about how women look but we barely discuss it here. Insulting women is LITERALLY male bonding.
You men really love to feel like victims but you have no perspective. Women exist to be beautiful according to men and you still somehow think people aren't horrible when we aren't.
No. 294629
>>294623Yes I still remember the last time you posted the penis drawing video. Add like last time, I'll point out that I barely saw any anger in those comments. Of the anger there was most of it was about them casually joking about circumcision.
And if men standards are supposedly so ridiculous and women's are so reasonable, why are there virtually no women who can't find a boyfriend but tons of men who can't find girls?
No. 294630
>>294629Oh I get, we are privileged because men will fuck anything with a hole and if we dont fit ridiculous stacy standards they'll treat us like shit, tear our self esteem apart, and humiliate us by talking about how much they hate us because they saw hotter women, and women are evil because they want to be with a guy they know they want and they'll be happy with thus having a successful relationship instead of mentally fucking up their partner, yeah us evil women
Infact, go ahead, become a woman, get into a relationship with a man who doesn't like how you look and tell me how that turns out and how ~privileged~ we are, or even better when we birth the mans kids and he acts like his life is miserable and humiliates us because of what pregnancy does to our bodies, so easy being a woman huh
No. 294631
>>294629Men are idealistic, not discriminatory. Getting a 10/10 is their biggest dream and their ultimate goal, it would be the best thing to ever happen to them and they constantly fantasize about it, constantly engage in discussions with other man about which body type/race/features etc are best, because it is pure, undiluted obsession with female beauty. The only thing stronger than that obsession is their sex drive, which means they lower their standards for sex, and convenience/availability trumps looks in that case. They just spend the whole relationship trying to upgrade.
The thing with men is that they operate under the assumption that they can have as many women as they are able to get. So they'll fuck a fat girl and be ok with that because they plan to keep looking elsewhere. Women are almost always looking for the one right person, they arent thinking about finding someone else afterwards, so they maintain their standards knowing the goal is long term.
No. 294634
>>294632Unless the woman is a lesbian, then no
>>294631This, it blows mens minds and they think we're privileged because we can fuck a man who will later just dump us and tell everyone how repulsive we are
No. 294636
>>294634As if any man could care less how well your makeup is done or how stylish your clothes are. The people tearing women apart for that kind of thing are other.
I'll look at the fucking site you're on right now. An entire community of women centered around mocking (mostly) other women.
>>294631Men are often very selfish even during sex and don't give a fuck if their partner is being pleased or is turned on by them, therefore they assume women think the same despite constantly reminding women their entire worth as women revolves around how they look (hence why they can't watch videos of women without discussing her looks)
To them it's "no big deal" if you repulse a guy with, in societies eyes, your entire worth revolves around
>>294636Clothes and hair =/= severe body dysmorphia
Whether you look it or not, from a psych standpoint, we validate ourselves by attraction to other genders, if someone is constantly bashed by the other gender, they will suffer from emotional consequences such as body dysmorphia, srs, talk to psychologists or women with body dysmorphia, it almost ALWAYS stems from the womans SO, not "women making fun of clothes and makeup on the internet!!!"
Also we are talking about bodys and unchangeable features,dipshit, not something as changeable as clothes and makeup
No. 294643
>>294636Idiot, we arent bothered by that shit and when we are we know it's women. With men, it's our age, because we're always reminded that we should be teenagers forever to keep you cunts happy. It's our race, whether it's being an aryan waifu in a wheat field or a submissive asian waifu or whatever. It's our body types, because you're brainwashed by porn and insta into expecting measurements most of us can't achieve. we aren't dumb handmaids, you can't meme us into believing we are our own worst enemies when I see non stop vitriol from men directed at women who arent perfect, or obsessive praise of those who do. Meanwhile we have a low key cute boys thread, and a guys youre ashamed you want to fuck specifically for low key enjoyment of guys who aren't cute. No obsessing, no raging, men are the worst about our looks while we barely discuss theirs.
No. 294800
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Why would a woman put up with this (literal) shit?
No. 294881
>>294826Men be like
>she must be a 8+/10, no acne, DDD boobs but they can’t sag, pink nipples the size of dimes, always shave and cook for me. anything older than 30, go to the trash can. >looks like shit himselfWomen
>I just want him to be a little taller than me and blue eyes are nice but not a requirement Men
>>294881This, lol.
Men who go on about ''REEE WOMEN WANT CHADS'' aren't upset that they can't get women, they're upset they don't have a chance with a hot girl (or ''Stacy'', I guess) who is
way out of their league. Their problems are self-created. They don't want average or even above average looking women, they want literal imaginary perfect 10/10 models, while looking average or even less than average themselves. It's peak male entitlement.
Women have been held to the most ridiculous beauty standards since the beginning of time, that have
physically harmed them (i.e. corsets, skin bleaching, dangerous procedures, foot binding, surgery etc) and are just meant to accept it the way it is. But if a woman dares to say ''i like tall men'' they go BATSHIT because they're not used to being hold to any kind of standard.
No. 295238
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>>295228Men will fuck anything so thats not saying much,
Just proves how subhuman they are lmao
No. 295240
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>>295218> Not to long ago a dude told me that wanting to ejaculate on a woman's face is natural because men are possessive predators and facials are a way of marking a female…fucking kek, that pretzel logic is so painful to hear, lmaooo. so ejaculating anywhere but inside of a woman's vagina is beneficial for reproduction… how? their 'competitors' would be thanking them for their retarded fetishes eliminating them from the gene pool
all evo-psych is all just really bad hisfic centered around justifying their fetishes, and they can't even make it sound convincing, kek
No. 295249
>>295238You consider your own boyfriends subhuman? Yet still willingly date them?
Earlier in these threads you were saying you don't hate all men just most of them but exceptions for your boyfriends. Guess you actually hate them too.
No. 295253
>>295252Yeah cuz women are the ones with the ridiculously high standards. I don't know how many times were going to have to go through this circle of explanations.
Also saying you think your boyfriend is subhuman but stay with him anyways is making you guilty of the exact thing you're trying to criticize men of, that they'll be with someone just because but secretly resent them.
No. 295287
Just once again proof that crystal cafe is full of males and trannies larping:
"A world without males
Let's pretend men don't exist and we could reproduce on our own!
How would things be like?
Do you think the world would be less violent? Less capitalist? Are any things you think that would be worse? What would be better?"
>I would think the world would be much more peaceful. Much less crime. However we would probably advance more slowly due to being less competitive. With too much peace things become stagnant.
>I dislike men and avoid them for the most part, but at the very least I can appreciate them for the things they've made.
>If all men suddenly disappeared the first thing that would happen would be billions of women following them into death as all the infrastructure of modern society falls apart with no men to maintain it.
>After that I think the few surviving women would form primitive tribes. The centers of these tribes would be women who know how to hunt and forage and otherwise survive on their own. These capable women would basically become the new men, leading and taking care of other women. Only, I'm not sure women would want that role. Men were happy to be a tribe leader and take care of a bunch of women because it meant he'd get to have sex with all of them. But on I don't really see that same motivation working for your average woman.
>If the tribes do manage to survive, assuming they managed to form at all, things would probably then be pretty boring for the rest of time as the women don't really build or create new things, just survive day today. Until some global eco shift or huge scale natural disaster rendered the Earth inhospitable for humans and killed off the last of them.
>I don't understand this hate for men.
>A world without them would have a fast ending for the most of us.
>The survivors would die out because we need men.
>Wanting man entslaved or their numbers forcefully hold down is terrible and makes women who want that not better than the redpill guys.
>I met as many bad men as i met bad women.
>“Less Capitalist”
>Hoo, boy.
>“Less violent”.
>It would be worse. Girls bully girls relentlessly; women sabotage each other in the workplace constantly - if all the social capital and prestige was solely among women it would intensify by at least an order of magnitude. I have many brothers and while they are much, much more physical they fight much less.
Not a single positive answer. Only "men(we) wuz creators and incentors n sheet". Also, comparing being bitchy to rape and murder… Nobody talked about killing or enslaving men, it was just a hypothetical question. And no, I did not make this thread.
No. 295327
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>>295317>why do actual males even come to this site? I originally came here because I was interested in a womans perspective on certain topics, particularly transgenderism. Now I go here for popcorn fuel when I see people talk about how disgusting dicks are, how men are all crypto pedophiles etc. Like I remember skimming the vent thread about women talking about getting back with an ex who cheated on them or whatever and paired with this thread it all starts to paint a picture.
>>295245Uh #notallfarmers thanks
Guess it’s easier to just call everyone crazy than understand that individual farmers can have different perspectives on things.
No. 295494
>>295287>>If all men suddenly disappeared the first thing that would happen would be billions of women following them into death as all the infrastructure of modern society falls apart with no men to maintain it. rofl what is this tripe? Oh yeah, so many women committing the seppuku because their precious men need to lead them. This is some gross shit
>>I met as many bad men as i met bad you haven't
No. 295550
>>295530And? How about in the age brackets you aren't cherrypicking? Do doctors over 35 not do anything?
What's more important, how does your point contradict anything I said? I said many doctors would disappear. Shame all that education hasn't yet taught you that many doesn't mean "all" or "most".
And most importantly, how about everything else I said? What are those female doctors going to do with no food, water, electricity or new supplies?
No. 295558
>>295550The age bracket is significant because women have had better opportunities in recent years, the older they are the less likely they'd have had the chance to become doctors.
In any case yes, obviously if half the world's population spontaneously disappeared we would be fucked. Gender doesn't have much to do with it, we'd just be fucked if we lost half our workforce and especially if it wasn't gradual. This argument is stupid as fuck on both sides and has nothing to do with feminism or mam hating, it's an irrelevant scenario.
No. 295559
>>295550nta but you'd be amazed how humans adapt quickly to the environment.
I'm not saying it would be peachy and perfect but it would probably better than an all male society which isn't a high bar to pass.
Women know how to grow food, there are women engineers, women truck drivers, women that know how to manage machines.
And basic skills for survival are not that difficult to learn.
No. 295566
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>>295561What? Like claiming they'd throw themselves off a bridge is any less on the extreme side of things?
No. 295600
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I dunno whats worse-the guy who did this or the judge handwaving his intentions away.
What other fucking intent is there to stabbing someone?! And its always with male judges this shit slides, more reason men cannot be trusted with anything
>inb4 that retard of an incel talks about how women want this
cool story bro go fuck off and write your mlp snuff fics, we've no time for your ignorant shit
No. 295647
>>295530male doctors, especially obgyn are shitty
ladies, pls, if you ever see a doctor please ask if it's female
>male pediatrician molested me>when I had a female one, ofc it didn't happen>growing older, see doctor about eye infection, get the uwu just drink water shit I can just get from webmd>see obgyn for the first time>find out I have PCOS, get basic birth control despite not being sexually active, tell him I don't want BC because it makes me feel like shit, insists I take it>apparently all my female friends just get BC anytime they have something wrong with their vaginas(???)>see male doctor about hives>accuses me of lying about not being sexually active because "it looks like syphilis" nonetheless, ofc I took medicine and the hives went away>talk to male co-worker who worked in medical field, tell me himself he hates male doctors especially obgyn because of how easily they prescribe bc like candy and not knowing how it can fuck up your body then talk about how many male obgyns claimed women were overreacting when they had bad reactions to their birth control No. 295650
File: 1536896960468.jpg (7.21 KB, 307x307, mra_tears_coffee_mug-r14dc1018…) do men get so fucking assblasted and cry bloody murder over woman scholarships? there's scholarships for having blue eyes ffs, there's scholarships for literally anything (seriously, check out books with lists of scholarships for anything you can imagine) but men are screaming their heads off when there's scholarships for women, or even better when they cry oppression because women work harder than them and thus succeeding more
they should really get over themselves, funny how they love bragging about how superior they are, then when they find out women do better they start crying male oppression, it's like male oppression to them means they're not placed on pedestals and having the world suck their dick
I'd have empathy for men if their "problems" and "oppression" wasn't shit like this
I'm just gonna wait until they keep making complete clowns and psychos of themselves and wonder why anyone isn't helping and coddling them like they want
No. 295719
>>294102>be le male>evolve to become stronger than females>violently rape females who are physically weaker and cannot fight back>impregnate them, spreading violent genes by force>complain about the spread of violent genesNot much we can do, bud. Maybe if you protected the weaker somewhere along the evolutionary line males wouldn't have turned into psychopaths. Thank your great ancestors for whatever DNA was passed on.
Actually – males really
are the human equivalent of viruses. They force their way into a host and make her to produce more of their own. Literal parasites is what y'all are.
No. 295773
>>295733They think mocking single women and creating echo chamber copy pastas about walls and shit will neg women into getting married as soon as possible and act pissed when, shocker, you tell women their husband will grow to hate them when they "hit the wall" and cheat on them with younger will, will infact make women grow and stray away from marriages
They hate single women because men are attention whores and the entire world revolves around women needing them, when they find out women are content with themselves and being alone, they get PISSED, also why they're so butthurt about woman only islands, and why anytime they see a single woman they start screaming about how "ha I bet shes secretly lonely and going to go home and cry about how she hit the walls feminism everyone" but then pride themselves in mgtow and praise men for being single (???) Then mock women for being happier single. They know women are happier single and they cannot stand that shit, so try to convince themselves its the other way around when mgtow is literal proof it's not
No. 295808
Why even bother getting married or getting into any relationship whatsoever?
Sadly, I've seen that happening irl too many times to actually think of it as an exception.
There've been times when I spotted someone that I know cheating and their gf/wife not knowing.
It's really better to go your own way as a woman.
No. 295849
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I will say, people in general treat each other like shit nowadays. Romance has been swept pretty harshly under the rug, there's echo Chambers everywhere to build up negativity towards other people, it's just a big mess. I want to say though that there are awful women just like there are men, but I seriously have a harder time finding guys I can tolerate talking to rather than women. I just really wish politeness and empathy were things people cared about enough, we're just gonna come to hate each other more and more if we don't actually give each other a smile, the time of day, and listen. Sorry I rant, people suck but some people are sweet. I hope the rest of you have a good day.
No. 295897
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>>295733They always assume the collapse of a relationship is always the woman's fault. She dumps him - she was cheating or trying to upgrade to Chad. She gets dumped - she was cheating or not good enough for the guy and he deserves to upgrade. Even if the man is known to be abusive or unfaithful or terrible in some way, it's STILL her fault for making a poor choice in men.
Ultimately men just want women to shoulder all responsibility, all blame, and be punching bags for men who resent not being the #1 choice of all women ever. Never mind that during marriage years men are known to cheat more, and men are always telling us we're worthless past 30. Of course women divorce them more when they stop finding them attractive once they hit a certain age or have kids, and turn to other (younger) women for sex without bothering to divorce their wife for the sake of convenience and someone to look after them.
No. 295925
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Anyone else afraid of having children AT ALL with a man? I recently watched a video by Deborah Cooper where she mentioned that men often will use a woman’s children in ways that are meant to hurt her. Not to mention the countless amount of men that murder or rape their own children. After realizing how violent and primitive men are, I feel like I’ll never trust even one to raise children with.
No. 295931
>>295849>I just really wish politeness and empathy were things people care about enoughThis but I think nowadays, being rude and even mean is considered cool and normal and if you try to act nice, people will look at you like you're a freak. Really sad.
Although I've noticed if you act TOO nice, people will take advantage of it and even with things like customer service, people will abuse that (like boys trying to flirt with me when I'm just trying to work and that's when I wish I could tell them that if they're not going to buy anything to fuck off)
No. 295961
>>295931>It's cool to be meanI think it's just that people think being the dominant person in an argument or conversation makes them right, or can't take the thought that someone disagrees with them and all.
>Taken advantage of for being nicePeople that do that are scummy, and though I try to be as nice as possible, I won't ever stand by somebody being used! Be nice, but be careful folks, there are many that wish to exploit kindness, but nearly just as many that genuinely appreciate it.
No. 296031
>>295925On the subject of children, something I have noticed (which I think anons have made similar points) but how crazy is it that women are so used to men being creeps that instincts make us immediately feel a bit unsafe when a man is near a kid. Obviously there's exceptions though.
For example, I work in retail and a family will come up and I might comment on how the baby looks cute with a little hat or something or if the baby has curly hair, I might say something like 'her curls are beautiful!' and the parent will beam proudly. Dudes don't have the option of complimenting a baby because it automatically seems creepy.
>In b4 there are female pedos too! I know, but not as many as males, because generally most women don't see children as objects. The only time males seem to care about kids is if it's their own, or related to them, even then, there's so many that abuse their own babies.
Look at onion. He hates every kid but his own and if that kid is a female, he automatically sexualises them. (Like he did with those children at camp)
No. 296037
>>296031men will NEVER be able to compliment a woman or a child out in a public space without it being creepy. why? because men are predators!
they have exercised their right of free speech through catcalling women in order to be provocative and try to get SOMETHING back. there is never a moment where a man compliments a woman's appearance and does not expect something back from them, or at least thinks about it.
so when we see a man complimenting a child (another living being that is potentially vulnerable to a man, as a woman is) one can only assume they are doing it to be predatory. of course in this case most men would not be 'trying' to be predatory, but it comes off that way. and that is their own fault. through their history of being creeps in public to women, one can only be wary when a man is making comments about a child.
also not to mention this undeniable issue of men being attracted to underage girls/teen girls. idk about the rest of you but i don't want any weirdo approaching or talking about my kid
No. 296042
>>296037Nothing makes me rage like MRAs etc complaining that they can't talk to kids or be around them without people being suspicious or thinking they might be pedos. To start with, their fucking feelings are NOTHING compared to the importance of protecting children. I don't give a fuck how embarrassed or uncomfortable or maligned men feel when people are suspicious of them around kids, if that caution stops even ONE child from being hurt it's worth it. It's amazing that men can be so self centered and entitled that their fee fees trump the safety of children.
And secondly, maybe they shouldn't be so fucking inclined to molesting children. Yeah, #notallmen, whatever, but there's no way to tell which man is or isn't a pedo and it's common enough that we can't lower our guards.
No. 296045
>>295287I just looked at that thread and saw this new post
>How so? Are you sure? Men are actually more empathetic than women in terms of morals and ideals, for example all great moral undertakings have come from men (ending slavery, rule of law, etc). Women are pretty vicious and don't really care either way. I think a world consisting of men would be highly moral and just. If Man World has the same demographics as now, Europeans would just dominate the Earth and without women to impede them they would never let their empire fall. I don't think it would be as warlike as you claim because one tribe or group would quickly pull ahead of all others and maintain stability, much like in our world (Pax Britannica and then Pax Americana).I think CC should be a little bit harsher with the no men allowed rule. No woman would ever write this shit.
No. 296047
>>296045God, the fucking audacity.
>men begin slavery/segregation/systematic discrimnation of women, gays, non whites etc with zero remorse or consideration of those people as human beings>decades upon decades of protests and campaigns and activism lead by the people they are oppressing slowly puts pressure on the men in charge to let up>finally, reluctantly comply and continue to hate those oppressed people ever since thenMen have to be dragged KICKING AND SCREAMING into any sort of 'moral undertaking' and resent every fucking moment of it. They are responsible for nearly every major atrocity, every violation of human rights, all widespread societal oppression, and they still think of themselves as empathetic. Insane.
No. 296050
>>295925Women kill their kids just as much if not more than men though. Not sure about the sexual abuse.
But it's true that in most cases men who kill their kids were doing it out of revenge towards the mother, while most women do it due to PPD or mental illness.
No. 296052
>>296050>women kill their kids just as much if not more than men though Not according to this article :"More males than females were accused nationwide, a difference that appears to be increasing."
as far as sexual abuse goes, anyone with a functioning brain knows that men sexually abuse their kids more than women ever have, and ever will.
No. 296055
>>296051Men love piggybacking off of actions of other men years and years ago but demand women to take blame because their high school girlfriend cheated or 1 woman lying about rape several years ago
they're entitled and like children who want to pick and choose who takes blame for what, they want women to take all the blame for bad and have men take all the credit for good, they'll never realize their own hypocrisy
No. 296057
>>296052>More men than women were accused when revenge or jealousy was the motive.leave it to men to be jealous of children
>Most accused were biological parents. When stepchildren were killed, nine of 10 accused were stepfathers. While numbers remain small, the proportion of accused who were step-parents, and particularly stepfathers, appears to be increasing.why do so many men hate their step children?
>Fathers are more likely than mothers to commit suicide after killing a child,men always cry oppression when the male suicide rate is high but leave out numbers like this kek
No. 296062
>>296052As an ~europoor anon~, 99% of the local filicide cases that I hear about are some drunk motherfuckers killing the child of their woman cause they did not know how to make the baby stop screaming or wanted to have a revenge on the mother (which they often also beat up or kill). The rare cases in which mother kills a child are HUGE scandals because of how rarely they happen (and the societal expectations of mothers instantly loving their children, being kind and so on - this is considered a norm for women. wonder why). They are also a result of no access to legal abortion, mental illness and poverty.
A simple google search will reveal how often men kill children vs how often women do that.
No. 296066
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>>296063THIS. and i don't think the criteria for 'sociopath' is accurate because they're so fucking numerous in males. like 90% of men are legit sociopaths, sociopathy as a condition is just so watered down because it's so common and it'd be a huge shitfest to recognize most men as being clinically fucked
No. 296073
>>296070Where I live on our local news in just the past 1-2 weeks I can recall 3 separate cases of men murdering their gf or ex gf’s dog.
One smashed a dog against a wall until it died, one buried a dog alive (had to be put down after it was found), and another strangled a puppy. It’s fucked.
No. 296077
>>296073Another reason to wgtow
So if you have a pet your boyfriend won't kill it
No. 296086
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>>296070>Joking about strangling a dogI just.. What?! I hear insane shit like people laughing at car accidents or fatalities, but even saying shit like that to me says "Budding stages of a serial killer".
I've never understood the thought process of some people, but it just seems bizarre to me for someone to not first think of the health of others before you go kek'ing.
No. 296098
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So I just learned /r/Misogynyfetish existed and it seems to populated by a mix of BDSM enthusiasm and genuine woman hating males.
No. 296111
>>296098Why is this not banned
Imagine if it was blacks instead of women in that post
No. 296113
>>296042Exactly, I see men all the time get upset because people would rather put the safety of their child before some dude's hurt feelings. Even men I talk to who are generally repulsed by these type of things think it's unfair that they're pigeonholed because "some men molest children."
First of all, no one has any incentive to trust some random man around their child
especially if it's a stranger or they don't know the person well enough to vouch for his character. It isn't a personal attack because they're cautious around people they are unfamiliar with. This is like basic fucking safety and prevention. This is the first thing people are taught to avoid putting themselves in risky situations. The fact that they are
this self-absorbed is almost unfathomable.
I'm kind of tall and broad so sometimes when I go out walking to the store at night, other women or even men who are much shorter than me will visibly tense up and show that they are wary of my presence. I don't get all asshurt about it because a) they don't even know me b) when I see someone bigger than me when I'm out and about I have the same reaction.
No. 296203
>>296098Those are.. the worst. They were suicide fuel for a while and made me want to stay inside forever. There are so many "misogyny fetish" blogs on tumblr too. Anytime anyone points out at how extreme and violent it is, the person would just respond that its "just a kink! Stop being such a prude!"
Its really just a way for violent males to express how much they want to rape, torture and murder women with praise instead of consequences
>>296113They want to enforce and remind woken how weak, inferior and powerless we are then wonder why women are tense and careful around them.
>you women are so weak we could overpower you and you cant do anything about it>why tf are you so guarded around men? crazy bitch stop being so paranoidHow do they expect us to react being told that all the time?? Its absurd.
>>296134I hope, if they do, the women behind it dont get too many reports and threats
No. 296234
>>296171>>296160never do oral sex
No. 296317
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No. 296318
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No. 296345
>>296317Lmfao how low can you get.
And this guy is a school crossing guard?
No. 296366
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>>296317Took a page from this guy?
No. 296473
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what did men mean by this?
No. 296491
fat guy who's planning on committing a mass shooting probably
No. 296556
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This is how men see women that don't look like their porn stars. Not only will they treat you like shit, they make sure to mock you by posting this stuff online.
And things like this are completely acceptable!
Everyone thinks it's lol so funny xD
No. 296561
>>296473See, this is why I dont mind if women and men lived in sperate societies. Fuck it. Lets build a wall. "Alphas" and "betas" can fight each other while women are left alone to live in peace than to be "equally distributed among men" as their moms, incubators and sex slaves.
>>296556But joke about dick sizes and you'll end up dead.
I hope she leaves him, like yesterday.
No. 296575
I just wish men would actually go their own way instead if claiming mgtow while spending all day obsessing about women. It really just makes it obvious that their bitter they can't fuck the 10/10 Stacy they deserve
No. 296607
>>296590Fair would be if ugly women paired off with equally ugly men.
The way chads and women would rather have it though is top 20% men fuck every remotely decent looking woman, and those women would rather be part of chads harem than be monogamous with a non-chad.
Which as explained by the image it's not a sustainable system for modern society.
No. 296609
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>>296607Again Chad is subjective. To me Alex Wolff is a Chad and the perfect looking man but many other women would think he's ugly. Women don't all like the same type of guy…
No. 296612
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>>296610They obviously don't parade around in public in Harem form.
Rather Chad simply has multiple girlfriends at the same time. He'll spend Monday with one member, Tuesday with a different one, and so on and so forth with however many are members he has.
I even have the numbers backing me up.
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Why the fuck women put up with violent sexual acts like that? And how can they not be disgusted by the fact that their bf / husband who's supposed to love and cherish them enjoy destroying their throat and violently fucking their face?
No. 296677
>See, this is why I don't mind if women and men lived in separate societies.After seeing some of the studies linked to in the man hate threads, reading men's rants about women on male dominated websites, and reading about the reproductive lives of a variety of species I'm gradually moving towards the idea that men and women should live in separate societies and living in close proximity with one another is an unnatural state of affairs.
The great ape species don't form lifelong monogamous bonds or stay near an individual male or female ape for years. Their bonds are temporary, and they spend much time foraging for food in male or female groups. This explains why there's this strange combination of resentment and attraction towards women among men. The extent of their interaction with women was meant to be a period of courtship, sex, and parting words. Not staying with her for years and getting annoyed with every little thing. I point to the high rate of wifebeating and murder among humans compared to truly monogamous species as evidence. I recently spoke to a woman who's been breeding cockatiels (a monogamous parrot species) for over 40 years recently. I asked her if she's ever had one bird in a pair kill or attempt to kill the other. She said no. I asked if she's ever heard of it happening from other breeders. Again, she said no.
I don't hate men for their behavior nearly as much as I used to. They've been forced into an unnatural situation and are confused and acting out as a result. They are what they are. Hypersexual and hyperviolent. The violence and high sex drive wouldn't be a major problem if they weren't living around women 24/7.
As for evidence of women living separately in the past, I point towards how quickly women will help care for each other's children. This doesn't make much sense on the surface level. Why would someone waste time and energy on improving the survival odds of someone else's kid? Unless- other women were the original assistant for helping care for needy human infants, not men. It's easy to find examples of fathers admitting they are confused by the wants and needs of their own young children and aren't quite sure what to do.
I'm glad infant formula exists and sexbot and artificial womb technology is moving forward. This will enable separation. I think frozen eggs and sperm altered to x or y chromosome only could easily be transported in trucks and exchanged as a type of peace offering to raise the next generation and leave each other alone. It will be better for the both of us.
No. 296712
>>296667By crazy ones sure. But I'd be intimidated by anyone if they're mental.
I don't hate all men, just those who act like they own the place and everyone owes it to them to live up to their standards. Those people usually aren't even worth arguing with, they're just gross. I pretend they don't exist.
No. 296734
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No. 296767
>>296677Bonobos live in integrated communities. It's just there isn't dimorphism so they can be matriarchal. Birds are also larger female so they can be matriarchal.
It's literally all about dimorphism
No. 296795
>>296556men think we're sooo privileged because many men will go ahead and date women they deem repulsive but then turn around and humiliate her and treat her awfully the entire time just to later cheat on her and leave her
in their minds, having our self esteem torn apart, feeling hideous and unwanted to our significant others, having body dysphoria, being humiliated , just to later be paranoid that our future boyfriends secretly find us repulsive, not putting out, not letting him touch or see our body out of insecurity they caused, is all part of female privilege
and you're right, I can only imagine the screeching if a woman made fun of her boyfriends dick being small, everyone would stop and drop what they're doing and pull the "poor innocent baby, evil women only want chad! stop hurting his self esteem you're the reason why men mgtow! I hope he leaves you!" card, but if you pointed out how this is wrong everyone would scream "lol
triggered feminazi xD"
No. 296799
File: 1537207258689.jpg (128.99 KB, 1100x578, a.jpg) man is a monster. I hope the survivor has peace after all these years.
>In 2014, detectives in Marblehead, Ohio, questioned her uncle, Richard Rose, but he refused to take a lie detector test, thus ending the investigation due to lack of evidence, according to a police report obtained by PEOPLE.How the fuck are suspects allowed to refuse a lie detector test, and not just have more scrutiny piled on as a result? The fact that it took this long is appalling.
I wish there was detail on how she talked to him and the things she said to make him confess.
No. 296832
>>296823That's kind of irrelevant to him outright
refusing to take the test, though. Them being inadmissible should've actually made him more likely to take it because it wouldn't be a huge deal if it gave a false positive, and if it came out clean, he'd look better for it.
No. 296884
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>>296799You may as well ask a ouija board if you're going to trust a lie detector
No. 296895
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women cheat more reeeeeee
No. 296898
>>296832. Reading comprehension.
No. 296906
or they'll turn around and try to claim shit like women liking used car salesmen means women chase evil bad boy chads, or how women are psychopaths because they find men with a more neutral face attractive, or even better the tinder study where the guy made a fake profile and just asked women how many men they like to "prove" how evil women only want top 10% of chads
on another note, why are men so defensive and insecure? a female coworker was talking to me about a man she was dating (in real life, mind you), when she showed me and another female coworker a picture we all agreed he was hot, a male coworker started freaking out and claiming he was a catfish, he was on steroids, women are pigs, etc
No. 296916
>>296912Which sex is nearly the entire fat acceptance movement made of.
Hint: it's not men
No. 296918
>>296916>Which sex is nearly the entire fat acceptance movement made of.1. that makes no sense, fat acceptance is very different from being insecure and defensive anytime someone compliments their own SO
2. fat acceptance is a very very VERY small portion of society, it doesn't even exist in most places and is mocked, therefore you have no point, but go to an average guy and tell him you like fit guys with big dicks he's start a fucking war lmao
No. 296919
>>296918Google "plus sized models" and tell me how long it takes you to find a picture of a fat male model. I'll see you again never.
Google "unrealistic beauty standards" and tell me which sex every single story you find will be about.
You assert men "start a war", well where is it? In your most likely made up anecdotes?
No. 296922
>>296920>because those movements are not by and for men.Gee I wonder why.
Itd almost as if, as I said earlier, that women do this kind of shit way more.
No. 296927
>>296919and? google model and it's almost all women, women just take up the modeling industry more, how you think it's the same as "women being jealous and defensive" is dumb
>Google "unrealistic beauty standards" and tell me which sex every single story you find will be about.still missing the point
>You assert men "start a war", well where is it? In your most likely made up anecdotes?you want proof? go look at the mess men made because women talked about liking big dicks so much that they had to delete the video, men are already screaming their damn head off about dating apps
here's proof, a montage of men being
triggered and screaming their heads off about "REVERSED ROLES REEEE!!!" meanwhile there are videos of men drawing ideal vaginas, no one says anything and if they do they're branded as a
triggered feminazi
No. 296928
>>296922no, I said men are insecure and defensive
you claimed shit like body positivity is the equivalent to a man getting
triggered and making up tall tales about his co workers boyfriend out of jealousy
No. 296931
>>296919>>296919modeling as a job is mostly dominated by women because fashion is mostly targeted at women. so thats unfair. type in "model" and you won't get many results of male models in general because modeling is mostly a profession of women.
but you know what i can name? a million sitcoms and movies where fat men are the main characters while their wives/love interests are played by thin gorgeous women. men don't need body positivity like women do, because fat/unattractive men get narratives where they still get the hot girl, whereas women get narratives where they have to get a makeover before they're considered datable.
No. 296934
>>296931this this and this
women get the whole "ugly men have best personalities date an ugly man!" shoved down their throat by the media, but when have you ever seen a man have a makeover, weight loss, etc in movies before he's considered dateable? oh no, they take the "but his personality" approach, women have everything expected from them, men have nothing and men STILL cry oppression over shit like women finding men who aren't them attractive
No. 296936
>>296927>here's proof>every man in the video is laughing and completely unoffended ?
Also you constantly mention this alleged video of men drawing vaginas but I've never seen it. Just look how angry women get at the term "roastie" and you clearly see women very much do spazz out about this.
There's also posts like this.
>>296556 No. 296945
>>296936Where are the unoffended men you speak of? Half the men in the comments sound like they snuck a phone into a mental institution
On another note: these comments will make you sick to your stomach, even when men are guilty and almost kill someone they're still seen as poor innocent victims being hurt by evil women
No. 296948
>>296947You did not say the word comments a single time in your post.
You also somehow didn't notice the three men actually in the video. Because you're retarded.
No. 296949
>>296936Are you seriously trying to claim that women pointing out its wrong to treat humiliate your girlfriend about her breast size is the exact same as men getting
triggered over women stating their preference (and not insulting anyone in the process)? You pretty much just exposed yourself at this point and told us everything we need to know about how you see things, I hope you can have at least a drop of self awareness to see that but you probably won't but oh well I tried
No. 296950
>>296948Oh sorry, I overestimated your intelligence when I said "a montage of men getting
triggered" I assumed you would have looked down and saw a montage of men getting
triggered, sorry you're too stupid and I have to spoon feed things to you
No. 296953
>>296948This is what I said
>go look at the mess men made because women talked about liking big dicks so much that they had to delete the video, men are already screaming their damn head off about dating appshere's proof, a montage of men being
triggered and screaming their heads off about "REVERSED ROLES REEEE!!!" meanwhile there are videos of men drawing ideal vaginas, no one says anything and if they do they're branded as a
triggered feminazi
You have to have a negative IQ to think I WASNT talking about the comments, anyone with a brain would know I referred to it several times but because I didn't say the word "comments"im nothing but a big bad retard for not spoon feeding you shit aka digging at the bottom of the barrel and getting upset because of your own stupidity
No. 296956
>>296954>>296954Its literally the first few comments of men getting
triggered, you're just pulling shit out your ass now and wanting me to spoonfeed it to you
I have nothing to prove to you, even if I sit here all day and shove evidence after evidence in your face, you'd still keep insisting evil womyn are worse or whatever, what I am trying to prove is my point to actual, intelligent people, who could go and read the comments themselves and see how
triggered men got, if you wanna believe pure innocent men would never and only horrible evil women body shame and get jealous, you'll believe it no matter how much evidence is presented to you because it helps you sleep at night
No. 296957
>>296955Search "men draw their ideal vaginas" and there's millions of videos on it and no one is as
triggered as men is, if you dont wanna do it and cry because I dont spoon feed it to you thats on you
No. 296973
>>296957>and there's millions of videosLets try not to get too stupid here. There's maybe a few dozen.
But anyways, I found the video you're probably talking about. you know what? There IS a difference between how men and women act. The men are saying things like
>I accept the vagina however it is.>I have no preference toward any vaginal disposition Whereas women say
>Uhh, like 6, 7 inches>9 inches, now that's a killer>10 inches, is the ideal penis sizeOh and of course, the women like to express their preference for men having their pensis mutilated against their will. None of the men said they preferred girls to have their labia trimmed. Funny about that.
Gee I sure why women aren't angry at the men when the men say nothing but nice things. Could it possibly be that it's really easy to not be insecure when you're not being judged to begin with? Nahhhh, no way.
So once again, we have proof that despite all their bitching and moaning about mens standards, men are actually the ones who are very reasonable and accepting of womens genitals, whereas women universally said they expect a man to be above average at minimum, and some even expecting a man to be in the top 1% of size of all men in the world. Oh and women condone mens genitals being mutilated while men don't do the same to women.
Oh but lets just ignore all that because it hurts your feelings and keep saying men are evil and mean despite literally all the evidence, evidence which YOU post and point at, says otherwise.
No. 296982
>>296979They rely their arguments on cherry picking and will never accept the fact that they aren't always victims, they'll purposely take points out of context, strawman, and twist the argument around before ever admitting they're wrong
They want to treat women awfully for their looks, treat women awfully when women point out how fucked up it is, but the second women like big dicks ?"ree
triggered women only want chad men have it so hard women are so jealous and defensive"
No. 296993
>>296990She tries to say while continuing to ignore the post I made which fully compiled examples and broke things down.
How Superior does the female brain have to use the tactic of "ignore what I don't like and don't even try to address it but still try to tell myself I'm right"?
(autistic) No. 297005
File: 1537253327453.png (363.85 KB, 1673x684, women tits.png) here we see women spazzing out just as hard as they claim men do.
We just had to find the right body part eh?
No. 297007
File: 1537254069499.png (Spoiler Image,149.31 KB, 522x583, 08NFOIHFR.png)

>>297005Lmao what the fuck are those ginormous gravity defying tits this retard drawed?
No. 297009
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>>297008Eh, I don't think he falls into the universally attractive category at all anon.
No. 297019
>>296905So, you read a response to a similar post, and were unable to formulate a rebuttal (even though you're now claiming it's "stupid"), but thought your worthless opinion was special and needed to be heard anyway?
Sounds very incel. No wonder you have no girlfriend.
No. 297021
It pisses me off that men never do anything at home (my dad literally cooked once for me in my whole life) and they also don't take care of their looks at all. But when they do, they immediately get praised to the heavens for it. Most men never cook, yet all famous cooks are men. Men never wear makeup, yet youtube is full of super famous beauty "gurus" who get their own brands and make millions. Single moms get bashed, by single dads are literal heros.
My dumb little brother even used Jamie Oliver being a thing, as argument that men actually are the better coksk, even though he himself can't cook at all and my mother, the handmaiden, slaves away in the kitchen every single day, yet agrees…
Anybody else also has a handmaiden mom? Mine is so insecure about the way she looks, barely eats anything, she weighs less than half as my father, yet calls herself fat. She always complains that he's not helping in the household for years already, but never does anything against that. When there's heavy work to do in the garden, she's also the one doing it. And in the evening of course she has to watch football, not a single day she's the one who gets to decide what they watch.
Also, my grandmother once said, that women's parking lots exist because women are worse drivers and the spots are bigger/wider, so that its easier for us to park…
Another thing that angered me recently: my dad always scolds me for not smiling. Our relationship is fairly good yet whenever my expression is sour he immediatly acts like I've ruined his day. My brother and him don't get along at all and he can look and say whatever he wants. That's so unfair, girls are always expected to be sweet and cheerful, no matter what.
Sorry for the rant.
No. 297103
>>297101if they start talking over you then keep talking and increase your volume. or stop and say "excuse me i wasn't finished"
you will be branded a bitch but it makes them shut the fuck up/irritates them right back
No. 297104
File: 1537283037381.jpg (32.78 KB, 715x400, Zachary-DAvis-715x400.jpg)

why do men kill their moms so much? this piece of shit killed his mom after his dad died and he said his dad was "telling him to kill his mom." has that ever happened in reverse? why don't men kill their fathers? it's always both parents or just the mother, or the mother is the sole "cause" of their psychopathy
No. 297107
>>297013>Laughing at badly drawn tits>omg you're so insecure???
>>297005Only like 3 of these were actually spazzing out about the video, a lot of them just pointed out jeffs attitude, or how the cup sizes were wrong, but thank you for proving my point, you're grasping as straws now
No. 297118
>11 1100+ posts man hating thread >1 <100 posts dick threadSeems like we hate males more than we enjoy their dick kek.
No. 297129
>>297122Dicks are pretty useless too. Most women can't come from them and they spread cancer.
I want 90% of women in China and India to abort male fetuses, a balance is sorely needed ASAP.
No. 297265
>>297090Yes, definitely. They actually make me lose hope. I hate being around them.
I wish they would go smell bad elsewhere.
No. 297267
>>297250As if women aren't far more stupid and much bigger babies.
You're just born into easy mode life that protects you from your own incompetence.
No. 297274
>>297101Look him directly in the eye and continue speaking despite his attempts at “b-but women—“. Don’t pause, hold up your hand in a stop motion while you do this, if it’s one of the really testerical scrots.
We’re socialized to be polite, which is why men feel they can talk over us in the first place. Don’t give him the satisfaction.
No. 297276
>>297101It's fucking annoying. When it's really bad, will say something. Legit just today ( i was off work for a week with a bad case of food poisoning) and i finally felt okay without vomiting every two hours. My male coworker who goes the evening shift and comes in after i'm about to leave comes up to me and says my hair doesn't look nice and i should fix it.
i told him i'm fucking married (to another woman) and i dont dress up for work anyway. wtf. Meanwhile, he's 200 lbs with droopy ass eyes. Men are pieces of trash. Just gotta call them out sometimes, but it can be fucking exhausting
men are coddled in our society and women are expecting to take it in silence.
No. 297277
>>297104That breaks my heart. Murdering your own mother is the most evil thing you can do as a child imo. Men are the primary people who commit matricide.
It makes me scared to have children
No. 297312
File: 1537322541735.png (881.02 KB, 491x3612, men are not animals, they are …)

tl:dr version: stories of animals knowing/being abused by men and protecting/trying to warn women.
No. 297323
>>297312Hey now I love dogs and I don't appreciate these implications.
If a dog and a woman we're both in danger And I only had time to save one I'd save the dog every time.
>>297312I can buy it, I think animals are more aware of body language than humans can be (since that is the bulk of their own communication). And abusive men are likely to antagonize animals first, they aren't just smaller and weaker they can't talk to their owners to warn them.
I wonder if abusive men have different hormonal profiles that animals can smell.
No. 297354
>>295925Jesus this. I remember being 5 years old hearing my father talk about how he was going to rape my mother because he knew she wouldn't get an abortion and that would make her come back to him because she would be dirt poor in a country where she didnt know the language/have family (she divorced him after he started hitting her, tried make her a maid for him and his brothers and overall misogynistic pig, hispanic machista culture didn't help either) Not to mention, after my mother fought for full custody he started doing everything he could to poison me against her simply to hurt her. Later on, he then tried to fucking kidnap me to take me back to his home country (Which is a dirt poor, hispanic 3world shithole which would have ruined my life, I would have been either stolen, murdered, sold into sexual slavery or kidnapped by someone to become his 'wife'") for the sole fucking fact of hurting my mom. All because she dared to not let him cheat, hit and lie to her but god forbid she smiled at people or wore fucking makeup. When his brother groped me when I was going through puberty and I told him he did fucking nothing and then pretended it never happened. Not to mention, when they first got divorced, he basically told her that if she didnt get back with him he wouldn't help her with me at all.
My mother and I lived in a shit for dick basically a room with a stove, next to a halfway house that was filled with junkies, pedophiles etc but at least we were away from him. You know what his fucking paycheck was? 250$ a month which was nothing when he fucking made 150$ a fucking day, he even went as far to use someones elses identity so the court wouldnt automatically take child support from his earnings
Sorry rant over. There's more, im willing to share but all of this just kinda vomited it up and im just sitting here angry and sad at the malice of someone who was supposed to love and protect me. My mother never remarried because of him, she's stayed single for over 22 years and hasn't been in a single relationship because of this piece of shit
No. 297426
>>297276That's something that keeps on getting me with men: No empathy. And with that, total rudeness even in professional settings.
There is also the total unwillingness to learn anything about women despite wanting to live with one. For example, basic functions such as menstruation. I once overheard about a guy who thought women could just "hold it in" like pee so didn't need to buy pads for his gf. They want to sleep with women but not learn about female bodies and pleasure. "I know everything already thanks to porn! I saw degrading videos on the internet with men using prostitutes who were faking orgasm!"
No. 297458
>>297378Yeah I work with horses and a lot of them don't like men riders. Some just won't accept one, unless he takes time to gain horse's trust. Horses are very sensitive to the "energy" of a rider, they sense anger and become nervous and aggressive. Men must really radiate crudeness and brutality in ways humans can't sense consciously, huh.
My mom told me a story about her dog when she was a kid, the dog would always step up when my mom's father was shouting at her. He never hurt her but would beat up her brother. The dog would always jump in front of my mom and growl at her dad. I find it interesting as my dad for example is like a natural leader for dogs, it's ridiculous how much dogs love him.
No. 297466
File: 1537360833064.png (54.74 KB, 791x186, RGRJEG.png)

>Our (female) counselor actually stressed that men are visual creatures and that we (meaning men) often feel love through how well our SO takes care of their appearance. She said that it should be the 6th Love Language.
Wtf? Is this going to be the new hot thing to torture women? Saying we don't love our partner if we're not constantly looking hot?
No. 297516
>>297346>women disliking dogs and saying they are shit are the exact same as men physically abusing dogs to make them feel more manlyWhy do we even let men run anything when they prove like this moron here they are thick as dog shit?
Whats that quote someone posted about men reacting to womens words as if they are violence? Men are such fucking babies.
No. 297520
>>297466That's disgusting, and I'm furious at the counselor for being such a handmaiden.
Reminds me of a guy on /r9k/ who said that his mom who was terminally ill and in a wheelchair still did her hair and makeup every day because she "loves" his dad so much.
No. 297547
File: 1537373824565.jpg (31.37 KB, 846x270, Capture.JPG)

>>297546>>297546lmao is this you? we all know women are two faced liar whores that likes big dick what's there to argue?
No. 297549
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No. 297562
File: 1537374561073.png (47.03 KB, 896x242, Screen Shot 2018-09-19 at 12.2…)

>>297547Lol, yeah, guilty as charged
Also pic related, I know we have some testerical robot lurkers but idk I try not to think about them
No. 297602>24 men arrested for child sex ring. Included a nurse, firefighter and a police sergeant.
And another..>22 year old golfer in Iowa murdered by a man who had an urge to rape and kill. Gender seperate societies aren't enough. We need seperate planets.
At first I wanted to originally ask if there were any low libido men out there considering I have one too (maybe men with lower libidos are different too) but these stories just keep happening and I'd rather just stay quiet.. its tiring .
No. 297603
>>297581I know, I just hate that men make it into a whole thing and women feel pressured to lie to make men feel better. I like average size, but I would never tell an average sized guy that he was big, cause that's not true. But apparently liking a guy's size isn't enough, you also have to tell him he's huge.
The whole thing is just so ridiculous, when was the last time you heard a guy say that he felt pressured to say his A-cup gf had D-cups?
No. 297636

>>297622>praise women to hell and back if they stay with abusive men>claim women who break up with abusive men are unloyal, entitled, thots>praise women from different cultures for being forcing themselves to stay with men>purposely go for women of those cultures because of that reason>make women financially dependent on him, praise housewives, call women who want to earn for themselves worthless and betrayers, thus having nowhere to go if they need to leave abusive men>when women do break it with them, shame women for not doing it so early they didn't look into their crystal ball>mock women in pointing out the hypocrisy in shaming women for not being fortune tellers and claim "they ACTUALLY knew all along but love abusive chads, despite the fact they didn't show redflags before dating"there's no winning with incels at all, if we get abused it's our fault, if we break up and reject men we're evil bitches, if leave men we're selfish horrible cunts, it's always women's fault, never the men's
No. 297656
>>297636>praise women to hell and back if they stay with abusive men????????? in what world do you live in?
>despite the fact they didn't show redflags before datingIn my group of friends most women date assholes and we all tell them they're assholes but the women ignore all warnings because of tingles. It'd would be comical if it weren't sad. They choose to ignore the redflags.
No. 297661
>>297656>what world you live inlook at the comments under the video, the guy showed all kinds of red flags and she stayed with him and people praised her, when women said they would've left him they got bashed
>In my group of friends most women date assholes and we all tell them they're assholesoh you're one of those guys, I knew women in that situation before, saying "he's an asshole" isn't enough because you just come off as a jealous prick especially when you did try to date the woman, I know guys like you, and it's not because of "dur evil women tingle to abusive men" it's because you just come off as a jealous prick, especially considering the mental breakdown you're having, going out your way to prove women only want abusive men no exceptions, if women truly wanted abusive men they'd be all over you but that ain't happening lmao
>but the women ignore all warnings because of, because if women walked away during the first red flag men would throw a fit about "evil paranoid feminist" and "entitled western roasties need to be loyal to men!", women try to give men a chance, the fact you're trying to justify abuse because women dare try to give men a chance is beyond fucked up, if anything you should be lucky women won't walk away first red flag
No. 297679
>>297661>look at the comments under the video, the guy showed all kinds of red flags and she stayed with him and people praised her, when women said they would've left him they got bashedMost of these comments are just people being amazed by this crazy story and wondering how it happened. They aren't praising her.
>you tell the 23yo woman in your group friends that the 42yo with a criminal record she's dating is an asshole? JEALOUS PRICK>you tell another woman that she shouldn't be dating an unemployed junkie with a child? JEALOUS PRICKIt's amazing seeing how far women will go to avoid admitting how much their sexuality controls them.
The world would be such a better place if women didn't try to act like their sexuality followed any sort of moral compass.
>>297679>how much their sexuality controls them. It's not women jerking off 20 times a day or initiating much with men.
Why are you projecting? Do you wish you could control your sexuality as well as women, little scrote? Does your beastly nature disgust you?
No. 297747
>>297720>>297721Why'd you cut the question in half? Are you the same incel from earlier? It's
>and not just have more scrutiny piled on as a result?If you are so worried that you literally refuse to take a lie detector test, in spite of it being "silly", the investigation should continue and you should be treated with more suspicion.
No. 297759
>>297747Because society is full of retards like you, who won't change their minds if it's negative but scream "See! See! That proves it he's guilty!" if it's positive.
You're basically just flipping a coin with the only possible outcomes being it stays the same or gets worse. Why the fuck would anyone want that?
No. 297773
>>297759When did I say that it being positive is proof of anything? It's inadmissible in court, so he would not have lost everything if the test did come out positive. If he HADN'T done it, he'd have nothing to fear but a false positive. Ending the investigation after he refused the test was an idiotic move.
Regardless, fact of the matter is he did it, and he didn't take it not because he feared his innocent name would be sullied, but because he knew he was a piece of shit and didn't want to be exposed. Go whiteknight child rapists and cry salty tears for them elsewhere, dumbfuck. Better yet, kys.
No. 297779
>>297773The fact that this 1 particular case turned out to be guilty doesn't invalidate the countless times people have been wrongly imprisoned or executed because of false lie detector results.
Just because you hate men and want to use any possible method to treat them all as "guilty until proven more guilty" doesn't mean the legal system has to be changed for you.
No. 297783
>>297779>the countless times people have been wrongly imprisoned or executed because of false lie detector results. Lie detector tests are inadmissible in court, so that doesn't happen. Nice try.
We're not talking about "countless men", we're talking about this confirmed child rapist, and many more who have walked free too long because investigations were nowhere near thorough enough. I'm sorry you're too incompetent to understand something as simple as that.
Blame actual rapists for destroying innocent men's reputations.
No. 297785
>>297783Blame women who make false rape accusations if you're so mad that you actually need evidence to punish men.
Also if you admit lie detectors don't matter why are you so insistent everyone (well not everyone, you'd obviously only want it done to men) be forced to take one or else be considered guilty?
No. 297795
>>297785Less than 5% of rape accusations are false. Men are more likely to be raped than to be falsely accused.
Stop raping women, children and each other. Stop defending confirmed, self-admitted child rapists. Stop attacking the notion of thorough investigation and not "Uh well he denied a polygraph so bye".
>Also if you admit lie detectors don't matter why are you so insistent everyone (well not everyone, you'd obviously only want it done to men) be forced to take one or else be considered guilty?I'm not. Read my post again. I know it's hard for incels to keep up with anything that doesn't involve stroking themselves and demanding government-issued girlfriends, but:
>How the fuck are suspects allowed to refuse a lie detector test, and not just have more scrutiny piled on as a result?Also, your link literally supports lie detector tests:
>This article examines the role of polygraph examinations in 215 exonerations since 1939 and finds that the polygraph was an excellent guide to the truth in those cases. With such a record of success in real cases involving real people who were wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit, the polygraph should be used more often, in the interest of justice, to prevent future wrongful convictions and correct those which have already occurred. (Published Abstract)They
aided in freeing people who were wrongfully convicted. Way to shoot yourself in the foot.
No. 297797
>>297789Yeah ladies, don't you know arguing with me can only possibly make you all look wrong and stupid, so you should just abstain from trying to argue altogether?
Kind of like how taking a lie detector test can only possibly make you look guilty hence why any rational person would just abstain from taking them ;)
No. 297798
>>297797You literally linked an article that supports polygraphs in exonerating the falsely convicted, when you were trying to argue that polygraphs cause people to be falsely convicted. You already disproved your own point that "taking a lie detector test can only possibly make you look guilty".
You shouldn't be calling anyone else "wrong and stupid", kek. You fucked yourself over.
No. 297808
>>297703You really don't seem to understand what either the words "sexuality" or "control" means.
Women's bodies dont require or compel them to masturbate regularly. Mens bodies literally start to hurt if too much semen builds up in their reproductive parts. Nobody is hurt by men masturbating.
Meanwhile women cannot resist chasing and staying with men who beat them just because he's hot and "alpha". They directly hurt themselves, and even other women by getting pregnant off him and breeding more generstations of woman beaters.
And you demonstrate how enslaved you are to your sexuality even more with posts like this
>>297700Where you demonstrate that your brain is incapable of blaming a hot guy for anything, so you give him a free pass and turn your anger on all the average men of the world who have never actually done anything to you or any woman.