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No. 225502
previous threads:
>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064obsession with teens thread
>>>/ot/202410This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in general No. 225541
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>>225509I get where you're coming from, but here's the thing; Black men are sexist as fuck and it hardly gets spoken of outside of the black community because people are scared of being rayciss and that isn't okay. BLM essentially translates to: Shield dusty ass Tyrese from any responsibility.^has multiple images, click the arrows
No. 225543
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>>225542That is precisely why intersectional feminism exists. That is why the current wave is called "white feminism". And for reasons such as pic related.
No. 225554
>>225547Yes. White women aspire to be like white men, black women aspire to be like white women.
Black women either don't understand or don't care that even if all of them woke up tomorrow in white women's bodies they would still be second class to men and still need feminism.
I think they don't actually want to be free, they just want to be liked by white men like they imagine white women are.
No. 225560
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>>225554I think it's deeper than just wanting to be white. Throughout history black women never had the option of being dainty and feminine, now that they have that option they want to try it out. This is one of the big reasons most black women have no interest in feminism. Even black women who are pro woman have no interest in weatern feminism.
No. 225564
>>225545When it comes to human rights, Japan is still stuck in roughly the 1950s.
Politicians genuinely believe that women have no sexual desire and that it all comes from males. So, women have stigma against having flings.
Women who are pregnant are told to abort the fetus and continue working as a simple OL or get laid off and work as a mother at home. If a woman is dating a man, then her boss will get ready to lay her off.
If a woman is not dating a man then she's seen as "desperate". It feels like there is no way out!
Many Japanese women do want to have kids, Japan just doesn't allow dual income households.
You can't use daycare unless you can prove that family or friends are unable in any way possible to look after your kids. You don't want to bother your friends and family, so no children.
So many Japanese women have the cut and dry choice of…working incredibly hard to pursue your passion while being lonely (no dating men) or being a housewife with kids at home with your husband. There is no compromise.
It is a situation that's stacked against you.
No. 225567
>>225562Of course white feminists focus on white women's issues, I am a lesbian - I focus on lesbian women's issues.
There are plenty of black second wave feminists for black women to follow. They share the black female experience while at the same time seeing through the shit men claim will liberate women.
No. 225569
>>225562This. Feminism has never had some kind of universal solidarity and I don't know why people keep looking for it. Even in the 1980s and 1990s, feminism was splintering because black women felt that the organizations in charge of campaigns and women's conventions never took black women's issues into consideration, then there were black lesbians who were cast out by other black women for having white girlfriends so that led to yet another splintering, etc.
Shit has always been a mess and there was never a sewing circle of kumbaya.
No. 225570
>>225566No, but I have done a fair amount of reading because it interests me.
The more you read and learn, the more it honestly makes sense that so much youth are being NEETs and just dropping out of society entirely because the expectations are so high.
Even men are not allowed to do anything traditionally feminine including liking sweet stuff, which is why a small social movement called Otomen - which is a group letting men embrace their feminine hobbies while still being men, become very popular.
Because the standard for a feminine woman is so high, any woman who doesn't meet this standard is seen as masculine by default. This is due to western imperialism where in response to this influence of culture, everyone had to double down on the "feminization" of culture.
It's just more proof that traditionalist views are negative for men AND women.
Japan is still stuck in first wave feminism, that is to say that masculinity is not promoted in women and many cannot access certain job fields and the men in charge have the exact same damn opinions they've had for years.
No. 225578
>>225575>The same happens when white women try helping muslim women - muslim women turn on white women and call them islamophobic. This. It even happened over in the tradthot thread
>>>/ot/220860 the very moment that the hijab was discussed along with pre and post revolution Iran. Some anon came in screaming about how western women "are trying to make us feel oppressed when we aren't, this is a choice, stop being
triggered over hijabi".
No. 225580
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>>225575I agree with this as well. Black women are brain washed by black men and are raised to think that black men are perfect kings but to be fair I've never seen a white feminist go after a black celebrity unless he did something to white women. The stuff black male celebrities get away with doing to women pales in comparison to what white men get called out for. Black male celebrities can go around raping and eating women and still have successful careers.
No. 225587
>>225580>The stuff black male celebrities get away with doing to women pales in comparison to what white men get called out for.Because black women don't turn on black men the way white women turn on white men.
Nobody is is stopping black women to create movements against black men like white women have created against Harvey but they simply refuse to.
No. 225590
>>225584Its called polarization.
>>225587Speaking of Hollywood sex allegations, is anybody else upset that Dan Schneider hasn't been called out yet? The dude has had rumors about him for years and then that creepy reddit post by a former actress mentioned him massaging her feet still circulates. Its like only certain ones are getting exposed while others are allowed to hide in the shadows still.
>t. a Victorious fan, please don't shoot me>>225586Same. I held back from doing so in previous threads because I didn't know if some overly sensitive asswad would report it for "racebaiting" or something even though these are real issues and simplifying complex problems down to 'rayciss' doesn't help anybody.
And, to answer your question: Yes. People are too scared to call them out nowadays for fear of being called racist. I do remember feminists going after MC Hammer back in the day and other black male celebrities, but this was the 90s and early 2000s.
No. 225592 the section of the article where it mentions similar attacks outside of the ME:
>The events sparked a debate about sexism, racism and the European migrant crisis.You can't mention the inherent sexism of persians, muslims, or pretty much any middle eastern man without some apologist screaming that you're a bigot.
No. 225593
>>225590> Its like only certain ones are getting exposed while others are allowed to hide in the shadows still.Men are already saying that we ~went too far~ with the half dozen we have successfully put on blast. /eyeroll
We have to time this shit for men to not feel threatened(???) and start a backlash.
I have already noticed Daily Mail has been placing articles about poor men falsely accused of rape who had their lives destroyed by evil feminazis.
No. 225596
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>>225590It's funny how they never stop crying about how the "white man is putting them down" but can't stop being racist towards black women.
No. 225598
>>225587I think it's the fact that people want to segregate the internet and real life communities, if you're white/asian/non-white and speak about problems in the "black community", even if it's just talking about colorism, sexism, etc, (I once saw a black woman blast women for talking about chris brown) you get blasted for whitesplaining, have people say "not your community, not your problem", they have lists of insane specific rules that whites have to follow but it tends to push them away,hell they even think someone saying "I don't see color" is wrong as if the person is literally saying they don't see someones race, the only time they praise whites talking about racism is if whites are telling other whites to silent. I know it's not all WoC who do this but the ones who always want to make a huge deal and go on a witchhunt for whites who dare speak about racism, it pushes whites who have good intent to speaking about sexism in the black community or racism
No. 225600
>>225596Wow, that's scummy as hell. this piece of shit should be thankful for any woman willing to sleep with him. And why is it okay to basically make fun of darker skinned women for something they can't change at all??
We have all this pc society with love yourself (natural hair and skin tone) but then guys get away with posting this trash publically and aren't called out. Fuck outta here with this sexist shit. I really hate men.
No. 225602
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No. 225604
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>>225602Before anybody asks, yes, there are black men who believe this.
No. 225605
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>>225599The sad reality is most pro black men don't care about helping black women. I'm pretty sure in their ideal world they would just make every man on earth black and they'd kill off every black woman and non-black man. Even a well respect black panther went around raping black and whites women. Pic related is a page from a book he wrote.
No. 225610
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Menstration isn't natural girls
No. 225615
>>225610Not sure if im allowed to post blogs and facebooks here but there is one that deals specifically with this type of man-they are called "ankhs" and "hoteps" and they have some really wierd fucked up beliefs about women and people in general. They believe that black women caught menstruation from white women-that its basically a disease. They also believe that the way to cure womens depression is making her give oral and that the egyptian would have been spaceships had the white egyptian kings not ruined this. But also believe those white egyptian kings were black when it suits their narrative.
After seeing the shit they gave black women i have sympathy with black women and am glad they are no longer putting up with their shit.
No. 225619
>>225615There were things posted upthread about them.
No. 225623
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>>225615They're insane
>giving black women jobs is oppressing black men No. 225625
>>225623black men has extreme issues. its too late to blame white men or black women for their failure, there is something called taking responsibility for oneself, which black people (esp black men) never does.
i feel bad for black women
No. 225626
>>225625I feel bad for black women too. They go through a lot of self loathing and hatred. I am friends with a few black women and their men issues are always so different from me (i'm hispanic) and i try to sympathize.
I want all black ladies to love themselves. They deserve better than how most black men treat them.
No. 225629
>>225626I think men are good at turning women against each other. For example, black women are jealous at South American women and European women, because black men always prioritise them over their own women, saying shit like
>>225596, criticising their hair texture, faces etc etc, while using for white hispanics for example as the epitome of beauty.
So I am not shocked that black women feel some type of way against light women to the point where they feel the need to put them down.
So yes, I agree. I think black women deserve better.
No. 225630
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Oh you guys want some really infuriating shit? Check this out:
This post is by a black man, pretending to be a hypothetical black woman, so he can apologise to black men on behalf of black women.
Like, I have no words to describe this I am dumbfounded.
No. 225633
>>225630>I see the king in you… Please forgive my wrongs and see your queen in meare they serious?
>>225631ikr, doesnt seem like kings and queens to me
No. 225640
>>225569It would be nice if the majority of people recognised this, but they are too busy lumping all of Feminism together to bash it, rather than research the nuances and divisions within the movement.
I've lost count at the amount of Rektfeminist types that are surprised that "All feminists aren't the same", despite believing so.
No. 225651
>>225541I'm mixed and in my experience yes a lot of black men are sexist as fuck, but they're often also racist lmao. A lot of them don't tire of shitting on black women and treat light skinned girls slighly less shitty. But I think the main difference is that white/asian dudes' sexism is just less overt, in the end they're all shit.
Not gonna touch the Hotep shit, that's a whole other discussion.
>>225544White women ignoring sexism in the black community is just classic white feminism with white guilt speaking.
No. 225661
>>225659I'm black and it's really sickening how most black women are such hand maidens. Take a look at the blm situation, most of the activists are women and most of the people they're fighting for a men.
When that cop was arrested for raping all those black women I didn't hear anything about it from blm. I hate when they say "I'm black first and a woman second", actually no you're not because black men hate you for being a woman and other races of men will dislike like you for being black but they hate you even more for being black while having a vagina.
I realized most black women were a lost cause when I saw their response to that rapper Kodak black calling them all mean and masculine and they didn't care that he raped women in the past, most of them said they will support him anyway and his music has nothing to do with his personal life.
No. 225666
>>225664Dump him
My ex did the same to his sister and I bolted showed his mom and left.
Don’t validate his behaviour
No. 225668
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Idk why men care so much if women don't want them to bathe their daughters. They have valid reason to be concerned, just respect that and leave the batheing to their mom.
No. 225669
>>225664>He showed me the naked pictures he took of his own sister while she was asleep when he was drunkIt's fucking disgusting that he did that in the first place, but even more so that he still has them. I agree with the other anon, but I'd say take his phone and collect evidence and receipts before you do anything. His mom might not believe you.
Personally, I'd blast him to his entire family, grandparents included.
No. 225676
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>>225668It is disrespectful to your husband, how can you marry someone and not trust them? How can you imply that the father of your children is a pedophile for no reason?
Shit like this is why red-pil land alt-right bullshitters get their way, because of crazy bitches acting crazy. Unless he has shown signs of attraction towards children, let the man interact with his kids wtf.
Picture related, incels being incels.
No. 225696
>>225687It's true that some socialization is learned, but men really are trash by nature. No one's telling them to abuse their wives, to rape, to murder, to hate women and their fellow men. Males do that on their own because they are defective. If they didn't have the amount of free will they do, we'd be living in a beautiful world.
so tl;dr men are inherently shit, we should eat them alive after or during sex like the scorpions do
No. 225701
>>225676it's "disrespectful" to only allow people of the same gender to wash a child? and how exactly did she imply he's a pedophile? it's called being safe, it's not some ~crazy out there~ thing to only allow people of the same gender to bathe a child, especially with the insane amount of pedophiles outthere, I'd understand if people were going to extreme lengths but for fucks sake, it's just not being allowed to bathe a child, if you're seriously that upset about not being about to bathe a child you're probably a pedophile yourself, anyone can be a pedophile nowadays, and it's sad but guess what now people have to take precautions, even with people they love
>Unless he has shown signs of attraction towards children, let the man interact with his kids wtf.umm it's literally just a bath, like I said, if someone gets that upset about not being able to bathe a child theyre probably a pedophile themselves, like I said, anyone can be a pedophile whether they show signs or not, hell ask most people who have been molested as children, most will say it's the least suspecting people that molest them, he CAN interact with his kids, he just can't bathe them, boo fucking hoo give me a break
alt righters have nothing to do with this as well, last time I checked it was alex jones who was exposing all the fucking pedophiles in hollywood and shit, liberals love their pedophiles
No. 225705
>>225683The fuck are you carrying on for?
triggered that people are having an open fucking dialogue?
Lemme guess, it's rayciss to you to talk about anybody but white men?
Fuck off and don't come back to the thread. Men of all ethnicities have issues.
No. 225706
>>225705or maybe because of
No. 225710
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Wtf is wrong with transwomen?if you're a woman why do you see so happy about women's failures….
No. 225715
>>225710>hur dur racial preferences are just racial preferences ugh, I'm asian, almost every single guy I met who "prefers" asian women expect them to look like a JAV star or loli, none of them like the natural look they claim to enjoy a lot but only prefer asians who've had their skin whitened
IE I use to date a yellow fever fag, he would buy me skin whitening pills and soap, when I used it and it didn't magically turn me into a milky white kpop idol he got mad and said it was ungrateful and unappreciative and when I told him the milky white skin women you see often go to plastic surgery clinics and photoshop, he went on a rampage and started comparing me to his ~milky white perfect ex~ and said I should have pale skin like "all the other asians", he also got mad because I wasn't as "tight" as he expected me to be
almost all of them have an idea in their head of what asian women look like and get creepily obsessed with us, they talk about dating asian women as if it's a hobby "don't date japanese, they cheat, don't date chinese they're gold diggers not filipinos they're trashy and annoying, etc etc"
given, there's completely normal men who find beauty in women of all races, but the men who "prefer" asian women are batshit crazy, a lot of the time abusive, and to stay away from
No. 225724
>>225705Lol wat? I was clearly referring to the murder picture. I didn't wanna scroll up after that.
>>225694Thank you, Mods.
No. 225727
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> Russian student gives horrifying account of how he raped and murdered his ex-girlfriend and had sex with her corpse before apologising to her family and taking his own lifetl;dr a guy out of jealousy kills his female flatmate fucks her twice, then goes to eat a sandwich before fucking her cold corpse again. I can't imagine what her parents must be going through, to read that their only child was given a brutal death and her corpse desecrated to that extent.
Pic related is one the comments, thought it was suitable for the thread.
No. 225747
>getting free shit
>shit isn't actually free, they're expecting you to give sex in return
>don't give sex in return
>end up dead in a stinky alley somewhere
>Can exchange sex for a lifetime of free housing, food, money, and support
You speak as if this is a healthy lifestyle everyone pursues. I don't think you understand what you're talking about as much as you think you understand. This is called being a prostitute, it isn't healthy mentally or physically(seriously, most prostitutes end up at least a little fucked up) and anyone can do it, but women are seen as the default prostitutes because women are still considered public sexual objects.
Also men bring misery, suicide and homelenessness to other men. Men rule the world through violence and opression. Not a gendered issue but rather a systematic issue. If redpillers blame this crap on women, they seriously missed the entire point of like, everything.
No. 225758

there's this insane guy who always comments on eugienas videos, spams her twitter and ig feed, makes videos and posts about her a lot, etc etc
basically it started with him going on channels about eugenia cooney and spamming it with shit like "ALL WOMEN ARE FAT, ALL WOMEN OVER 90 LBS ARE FAT, GIRLS UNDER 90 HAVE AMAZING BODIES, TRUE ANOREXIA IS ASHLEY ISSACS EUGIENA IS HEALTHY AND ALL WOMEN SHOULD STRIVE TO BE LIKE HER"
at first I thought it was a troll but I noticed the insane amount of effort he would put in trying to prove his "all women are fat" theory, as well as having other batshit crazy people call eugenia and pedophile and slut and everything
he called eugenia a jewish girl who is being brainwashed by illuminati because she featured POC on her show "but her body is nice" and would make cringeys videos like this just for eugiena cooney
apparently, he's been exposed by another youtuber, charles heinston or something like that, he blackmailed a 14-15 yr old girl into sending nudes that he can post on the deep web, and then when people called him out for it he screamed "oh well shes too ugly and fat and thats why no one wants her", I need to find the video but holy shit it was very fucking disturbing
No. 225762
>>225590>Dan SchneiderThe thing with Schneider is that he has a lot more power, money, and influence backing him. key wrt the name changes:
The Protector- Sumner Redstone
The Corporation- Viacom
The Producer- Dan Schneider
The Network- Nickelodeon
The Other Network in trouble- MTV
Deceased Ex-Executive- Brad Grey
Nemesis- Rupert Murdoch
Victim 1- Amanda Bynes
Victim 2- Jamie Lynn Spears
Victim 3- Jeanette McCurdy
Victim 4- Ariana Grande
Escort- unknown
New Boss- Shari Redstone
Payoff Shows- The Amanda Show (Bynes), What I like about you (Bynes), Sam & Cat (Grande,McCurdy), Eye Candy (Justice), Zoey 101 (Cosgrove, Spears), ICarly (Justice, Grande, Cosgrove), Victorious (Justice)
No. 225769
>>225764Yeah that's still a persistent belief, with this being sourced in discussion in relation to the first link (despite it being published five years ago) I'm personally unfamiliar with crazydaysandnights however. Only appeared on my radar recently, lol.
No. 225781
Why do men assume we all live easy lives and have men paying for us? Do they just watch shit like 90 day fiance and assume that's normal, everyday life for women? Majority of women support themselves now financially, most people split the bill on dates etc. Get with the fucking times moron, and if you are taken in by a gold digger it's 90% of the time entirely men's fault they knew exactly what they were signing up for. Also when men claim the sex industry is an example of female privilege and a way they're discriminated, men keep the sex industry alive, they're the ones paying for porn, prostitutes, strippers, sugar babies etc but still whine about it, you're the reason it exists. Women go into that line of work perhaps become they're facing difficulties financially and it's a quick way of making money, or maybe they just don't want anything more from men but sex/money however they exist and are in constant demand because men keep consuming it. Also male sex workers are in pretty high demand….from other men, it's like they're literally bitching because women don't pay for sex workers lmao.
No. 225785
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>>225784oh wait because it was a dupe lol silly me
No. 225799
>>225781They have a very narrow minded view of what a woman is and those who don't fit into that description get disregarded in their narrative. When they think of women they think of hot, rich Stacies who can afford to be housewives or do
privileged sex work like camwhoring, not the fucked up kind that is basically rape and will lead to years of trauma while the pimps take all of their money. Working class or underprivileged women don't even register on their radar.
No. 225801
>>225798I'm hapa anon and I never said that asian men couldn't be shitty? I'm the one who posted links upthread and the meejmuse video interviewing Korean men. I didn't post some elaborate novel on asian men because I don't have much interaction with them and I never have. I live in Vancouver and they stare at me, but that's about it.
I'm wondering why you felt it necessary to quote myself and the other anon, as if we somehow implied that asian men were superior to white men in any way. Are you white?
No. 225807
>>225592>>225592Note the part where it highlights that polls show a majority of Egyptian women think the women who are groped and raped in these situations, like that female Australian journalist, are to blame.
Muslim women aren't our allies. Wish the constant asspatting of hijabis would stop and we'd listen to ex-muslims a bit more, but white people are so fucking deprecating and self-loathing smh
No. 225812
>>225808I mean, he was predatory as fuck and anyone pulling the "not a mind reader" card is just making up excuses for him. I refuse to believe that a 30 something y/o comedian who has to read people as part of his job is so fucking retarded that he can't read simple social cues that everyone who doesn't have a learning disability can understand. top of that, if you have to hassle someone so much that they mentally break, it's not really consent then, is it? She lacked the experience and confidence to really stand up for herself in that encounter, but that doesn't absolve him for being a scumbag.
No. 225813
>>225812That's my take on it. He's a major creep but he didn't sexually assault her. Even my boyfriend said it's blatantly obvious from non-verbal cues when a girl doesn't want to fuck you.
Dude is just a creepy Indian with a white fetish. Woman doesn't come off as much better herself though, considering she met him while on a date with another guy and exchanged numbers. Both of them encapsulate everything wrong with modern "dating".
No. 225823
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>>225820>any posts addressing non-white men must be /pol/>no woman who posts on lc could possibly be a poc who experiences sexism from her own kindPeople like you are why this dialogue gets shut down. There isn't an "agenda" just because people want to discuss the
problematic nature of men of all ethnicities.
And for the record many farmers also hail from lipstickalley which is a mostly black forum, so maybe some people actually feel as if they can talk about this stuff here without being lynchmobbed.
No. 225831
>>225710You should check out the gender critical thread for your answer, there is a lot of stuff there about this.
No. 225834
>>225823>>225827It's obvious when someone has an agenda when they say shit like
>>225798, trying to excuse the behaviour of creepy men with "YOUR men do the same".
I can see right through it. Deny all you want.
No. 225837
>Why Women Cheat?For women, the reason behind cheating her husband is not sex. Most women cheat for an emotional connection. This fact is quite common amongst women over the age of 30. It has been found that women can have an emotional relationship with some other person without taking it to the physical level.
When ignorance is there from their husband’s end, women choose the path of infidelity. They start a relationship with other person just for the sake of love and nothing else.When women are not satisfied emotionally they initiate an affair with some other person whom she trusts.
Why Men Cheat?
Usually, men cheat for a single primary reason that is sex. After children are born, many men do not see their wives as sex objects, but rather they just find them as maternal figures.
Men find sex in long-term relationships as routine or mechanical. Such feelings make men involved with some other partner just for the sake of physical adventure.
Many men will seek sex outside of a relationship simply to see if they can do it. It is just the male ego that leads to infidelity.
>Surveys show that 22% of married men have committed an adulterous act at least once in their life14 percent of married women have had affairs at least once during their married lives
>Statistics say that nearly 85% of the women are right when they think their partner is cheating on them while for men it is around 50%
>Men are more likely than women to have a sexual affair, regardless of whether or not they are in a married or unmarried relationshipbasically men cheat more and for dumbass reasons but men are still more paranoid then women of their partner cheating despite the fact they cheat more
how will they redeem themselves?
No. 225838
>>225823>>225834Perhaps the issue is that most men, no matter their ethnic background, are shitty. I used to frequent pol and it would make me laugh at the cognitive dissonance, they would complain about non-white men raping women while they had another thread going about how because women had rape fantasies they actually wanted to be raped by their incel asses.
>>225836>All muslimas are hijabis and middle easternAgain, congrats on your autism anon.
No. 225840
>>225834Dude, I am the hapa anon that they quoted and I wrote back right here
>>225801 to them. /pol/ didn't invent the concept of being critical of cultures and sentiments expressed within this thread are ones that many women have held for years, but they aren't capable of saying anything for fear of harassment or worse. /pol/ worships East Asia as some kind of utopia for white men and yet upthread you can see myself and another farmer clearly discussing how far behind they lag in women's rights. meejmuse's video provides insight to how shallow and rude some East Asian men can be when it comes to choosing a partner, because screw personality!
Your post is catching heat because you implied that no one on this board has legitimate experiences. And, honestly? You sound like a white feminist because you're displaying apologist behavior towards genuine issues.
The only reason why I can fathom you responding in such a manner is that your s.o. isn't white. Guess what? Mine isn't either, but he's capable of acknowledging that machismo is an issue. So, can you actually contribute to the thread in a way which doesn't further derail it or just get lost?
OT: No. 225844
>>225840I'll get lost when male raiders get lost as well. Their egos are so big that a woman can't post her experiences without them crying "well but YOUR men are the same!"
Like I said, deny all you want.
No. 225849
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Seems like a coincidence I am browsing this thread and pic related pops up
>>225847The video is blocked in my country, can i get a quick rundown? I never heard about this.
No. 225853
>>225851I dont think its developmetally stunted more as bruised egos and a culture which encourages this. Men are raised very different to women.
>>225850Yeah it is, a lot of vids get blocked here for some reason. Thanks for the link!
No. 225860
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No. 225862
>>225860eh, I believe some people take being materialistic way too far, both men and women, but some people amp it up so much as if even buying your own brand-name purse is materialistic
I also really doubt men who run around screaming about how "women demand expensive gifts" unless they were portraying themselves to the girl as a sugar daddy
like george from 90 day fiance and anifsa, he portrayed himself as a sugar daddy who will take care of her and buy her all she wants then gets upset when she gets frustrated and wants gifts and didn't magically become a perfect little un-materialistic fairy, even when anifsa said she will get a job he refused to let her
No. 225866
>>225863it's projection tbh, I knew a guy, anytime I would post something nice on SC he would message me and make "daddys money" jokes despite the fact I earned it myself, it would be impossible to talk to him about anything without making "daddys moneys" jabs, even if my dad gave me 20 dollars on my birthday, he was poor as shit to and sucked at decision making with no bigger plans which doesnt makes sense because he makes more than me, barely showers, lived off his gfs parents for a while etc etc and he didn't even understand why I was frustrated with the "daddys money" jokes he constantly makes over shit I earned myself
they think in their heads "oh a woman has nice things she must have had someone buy it for her!" but fail to realize most women earn for themselves, probably why they need to resort to calling anything a woman could possibly do gold digging, even having your own job is gold digging
No. 225867
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funny how they spend years crying about how we're too emotional and care too much to do anything but magically turn around and start saying how we have no emotions and only desire for money and attention
No. 225869
LiveLeak is known for morbid jokes from the commenters but this is one of the times I'm baffled by all the unoriginal and stupid "stay in the kitchen" jokes don't want to bother screenshotting these awful comments so I hope mods don't mind, but this is a work safe video, it's just about a woman snapping her achilles tendon during a workout)
It's really not helping with my growing hatred of men if all they can think of when seeing a woman in pain is making sexist jokes
No. 225877
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>>225871we're gonna have robot bfs and vr bfs soon it will be great
No. 225878
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>>225867 stafford is batshit crazy and proven himself to be mentally unstable and delusional unless he's just a troll
I wanna form a group that tracks down MGTOWs and their supporters and contacts their family and employers and shows them what they've been writing on the internet
No. 225882
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This is how pathetic men are. This was top rated on what was supposed to be a JOKE site. Look how fucking bitter the cunt who wrote this is, unless hes saying men killing themselves is a joke.
No. 225883
>>225877Aye, pol posts a lot of threads about robot gfs saying all women will go extinct, they are useless etc.
When someone posted the news article that its likely men will be replaced with robots for real women they went apeshit, it was glorious "women want real men they would never want a robot because all they care about is money etc" like yeah yeah stay bitter boys kek.
No. 225894
>>225881God. what a bunch of idiots
I was on /h/ the other day and some sperg was arguing about rape and how women
enjoy it (not to mention the thread was called "Rape where the girl doesn't enjoy it")
I honestly forget how shitty people's tastes are on that board and I genuinely hope that guy didn't actually believe the bullshit "facts" he was spewing
No. 225911
>>225899Yeah, men don't understand that when women have rape fetishes, it's typically in the form of a hot guy roughly forcing pleasure on them. Not the way rape usually happens in real life.
They're the ones always sperging about the difference between fantasies and IRL when it comes to their sick fetishes, why is it so hard for them to apply the same logic to ours?
No. 225912
>>225882>the idea that women are oppressed is laughable>in reality you're just a vagina with legs that makes sandwichesI can't understand how men can say the most blatantly sexist shit while simultaneously insisting sexism doesn't exist. Like, how do you not realize you're doing the very thing you claim doesn't exist? Men are fucking psycho.
Also, it's pretty easy to make it look like women have nothing to complain about when you conveniently leave out all the issues that disproportionately effect women, like poverty, sexual assault, and domestic violence just to name a few.
Not to mention, most of the issues men face are the direct result of men. You can't say the woman should be in the home raising the kids then complain about women getting unfair custody. Men don't seek psychological help as much as women because they're taught they're the logical sane gender and people who need help are weak. Men are usually the ones murdering people. Men are the ones causing these fucking wars.
No. 225914
>>225890Men are lazy and don’t want to do the hard work of confronting rapists and murderers and changing male attitudes. It's easier for men to put their problems in front of women's feet. This absolves the responsibility of men and also puts the burden of solving the problem on women.
After all, in their mind women only exist to serve men so it's only natural that women should solve all of men's problems for them.
This also goes hand in hand with blaming women for everything bad a man does. If a man rapes a woman the blame is put on the rape victim for her behavior or dress. If a man beats his wife, it's because his wife is a nag or the man's mother was abusive when he was a child.
Men aren't held accountable for their actions as long as they blame women. Blaming the woman is a get out of jail for free card for men.
Men love to call women irresponsible when it is in fact men who will do anything to avoid being held responsible.
No. 225917
"Revenge not justice. We need to clear out judges like her. Everybody happy until you son is standing before her get 20 years for patting a girl on her ass."
"The only thing worse than molesting young girls is for a judge to also abuse her powers and claim "I just signed your death warrant". What an insane world we live in….she and he are the same."
"Larry Nassar is a terrible person but this judge is annoying. And why doesn't she have eyebrows?"
"Were these girls just to dumb to say no . Why wasn't anyone listening when the some of girls reported this monster? Some one else besides this doctor needs to be held responsible."
Sorry for the long post but these are comments on the video of the judge sentencing Larry Nassar, if you don't know who was a doctor who molested 200 girls, she gave him a sentence of 175 years so he'll never be free. This is how men react and these are a few, I'm fucking disgusted by this, even little girls aren't safe from them not giving a shit about rape.
Link to the video if anyone is interested in watching/reading the comments (apologies it's a fb link) No. 225919
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>>225917The sad part is some of these people have daughters of their own kek
No. 225922
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>>225917Because they see it as "just sex". Only boys who have been raped themselves can understand why it's a problem.
No. 225928
>>225905Men love violence, especially violence against women. They’ll be the first to say just how weak and worthless women are while they talk about hitting women as an example of ‘eqaulity’ It’s primitive caveman thinking all the while they boast about being so civilized and advanced
>>225878I noticed those comments were from Sandman’s videos? I remember one video of his where he made an open letter to women and threaten to build a rocket and leave the planet kek. I want to leave this planet because men want slaves and have fantasies of murdering us.
>>225919Pedo apologists, rape apologists.. and men still wonder why women won’t have kids with them. They’ll protect their ego and their porn better. It’s sickening.
No. 225967
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No. 225968
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No. 225969
>>225857>>225858French men are fucking garbage regardless of race. The creepiest, grossest dudes I've met were white.
>>225967>muh male space :((The majority of spaces in this world are either male spaces or infiltrated by men, the level of delusion
No. 225970
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Another man on the subject of Larry Nassar, uh both judges who gave Brock Turner and the Steubenville rapists sentences were male. It's literally ONLY men I've seen defending this and trying to find justifications on why the judge is wrong, they can't even just be happy a fucking child rapist will never see the light of day again.
No. 225972
>>225970They'll never care about women or see women as people, like they are. Because the judge was a woman, the sentence is a joke. If it was a man, he'd be praised (and criticized for such a harsh punishment by apologists)
>>225968Why do so many mgtows have the delusion that they'll be great single fathers and role models? And they're obsessed with wombs they have absolute control of. Artificial womb tech leagues better than whats in hospitals already, yet men are trying to ruin another good thing solely to hurt women and make them feel obsolete. Typical.
No. 225974
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>>225968>>225972And the men who cry "SHUT UP, PATHETIC WOMB-BEARER, YOU'RE LESSER THAN ~MEN~!" are the shittiest and most deadbeat "fathers" of them all.
No. 225975
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"I honestly thought she would bond during the pregnancy and change her mind…"
…about the abortion-turned-child this asshole talked her out of. Christ.
No. 225980
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>>225878 I wanna form a group that tracks down MGTOWs and their supporters and contacts their family and employers and shows them what they've been writing on the internet
I don't think my meager googlefu skills can contribute much, but I'd like to see this happen.
Doxed women are sent death threads and stalked. Doxed men just lose their current job and are unable to be pigs at work too.
What do we need to get this off the ground?
No. 225981
>>225980since a lot are dumbasses and use their real name it shouldn't be impossible, I can download IP tracing devices and track them down, find their shit, etc etc
sometimes I use indeed since a lot of people use it and make their resumes public, I've tracked down classmates with it several times, we need to find a new place to do it if we are, since mods wont like us doing it
No. 225982
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>>225897Because they know they are worthless and undesirable, they need to fantasize that someone desires them. That's why men that have sex with children and animals then talk among themselves about how they can tell that the child/animal wants it.
No. 225983
>>225980I'd really love to see this happen too.
The only thing is that I like it when assholes feel comfortable. I like it when they expose themselves so that we can avoid them. I'd also like it if we could warn more women about the signs of an abusive man because I see far too many women get into abusive relationships with people who I thought were obviously assholes, but some people manage to see past.
No. 225984
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>>225981Yeah, like a database of them, hosted on a website for women to consult.
I want to create a website to warn about signs of abuse.
I've been reading "Why does he do that?" since it was posted on the last thread and it is great. Any other sources?
No. 225990
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>>225502Does anyone else feel shitty about being probably always physically weaker than men?
It just makes me depressed that no matter what i do i cant protect myself on a physical level without something like guns (very much illegal where i live, so not an option) or pepper spray (that i dont put much faith on).
It makes me depressed that i can never feel safe walking alone without a crowd of witnesses.
>tfw never will be as badass as super heroines No. 225991

>>225990>what i do i cant protect myself on a physical level without something like guns (very much illegal where i live, so not an optionillegally get a gun, like a small pistol, or a nice sharp knife or take self defense courses, build some muscle and there you have it
the mistakes some women make is that they have too slow reflexes , they always take the "oh maybe he's not a creep" route, ALWAYS be prepared when walking home, I live in a city with high crime and when I walked home from work from my old job I would have to walk through the hood, the best thing you can do is keep a bitch face, dress and walk intimidatingly, like you're prepared to stab anyone who fucks with you, if you don't have a weapon and you get suspicious of someone, reach in your purse, even if you don't have anything, this will often scare them away, or at least most of them, for the ones that keep trying, if you do not have a weapon go to the nearest store or public area, like if there's a random gas station near run into it until they disappear
No. 225995
On topic of guns, cap&ball revolvers are really underrated. They are legal in most places and they are pretty lethal.
>>225984>>225983>>225982>>225980>>225981Victimizing people that claim to be victimized is very smart idea and will definitely not backfire. My false flag senses are tingling.
No. 225998
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>>225990>85% of homeless are menMaybe because men tend to be unlikable fuckups, to be actually homeless you have to had have all your family/friends abandon you and no job. The vast majority of the homeless are scum, anyone who has lived in a city knows this.
>76% of suicides are menBecause men are fuckups.
>70% of murder victims are menMaybe, because men murder more?
>7% of men get custody after a divorceMen are more likely to abandon their families and be shittier parents in general.
>97% of war deaths are menI'll give them that I guess.
No. 226027
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>>225929Not even pale skinned Korean girls are enough for a lot of men. Many idols who look above average get called fat and ugly by men.
No. 226057
>>225974>>225975> openly stated she didn't want to keep the fetus> was nice enough to let the baby grow inside her and give birth to it and deal with the birth after effects> pays 125% child support> WEHHHHH DEADBEAT MOMI just hope this asshole doesn't try to brainwash his son. Kid's gonna pull a Marc Lepine with a dad like this.
God, this just infuriates me so much. Single mothers are looked down upon but people are so quick to praise single fathers. This thread makes me wish I was a lesbian but not even lesbianism is safe from men dressing up as women trying to infiltrate it.
No. 226059
>>225998I won't give them the war deaths, women weren't even allowed to enlist for the longest time and the sexual assault rates for women in the military are abysmal.
Suicide rates are commonly down to "men aren't allowed to have feelings, that's for GAYS and WOMEN", which is a grave they dug for themselves tbh.
No. 226067
>>226059Men are also a lot weaker mentally, they're more susceptible to mental illness and can't manage their emotions nearly as well as women can and end up killing themselves (and others) over less.
And yeah, men start wars and want other men to fight them (as they should), so of course men die in them. All those statistics prove is that basically all of the problems men go through were caused by other men. What do they want feminists to do about that?
Anyways, MRAs bitching at feminists for not wanting the female draft are so disgusting. Like I said, MEN start wars, women shouldn't have to fight them. Not to mention how much physically weaker women are than men, so it's bad from a strategic standpoint aswell. They literally just want women to die.
No. 226095
>>225975>>225974I'm so conflicted regarding how I feel about this.
I know I definitely consider the guy a piece of shit. How the fuck do you have the nerve to pressure a woman into carrying a child she doesn't want, agree that you'll be the sole caretaker if she doesn't abort, then shit on her and try to find legal recourse to back out of the agreement because this whole time you expected her to change her mind about raising the kid? It's so fucking disgusting. Note how all his complaints regarding this situation are about how "being a single parent is so hard guys!" and not wellbeing of the child. There's no "I'm concerned how not knowing his mother is going to effect my son in the future" or anything like that. It's all him complaining about what he signed up for. This woman hasn't wronged him in any way, if anything she's been incredibly selfless.
However, I do firmly believe that when you choose not to abort you have a responsibility to make sure the child you're bringing into this world is well taken care of, whether by you or a nice competent couple/person worthy of parenthood. This man doesn't sound like he's a good father. Ffs he even said he resents the very son he pressured this woman to give him. She needs to be in this kid's life enough to at least see how he's being cared for even if she's not doing any real parenting. She owes the child that.
Also, why did he feel the need to point out her cosmetic procedures? Was he shading her for fixing her postpartum body?
No. 226097
>>226067I don't understand why men always bring up the draft as if it's some sort of epic "got ya!" moment. The vast majority of feminists want there to be no draft at all, but think if there is one it should be for both genders because then it's even less likely to be used. I remember it being treated like a huge feminist victory when women had to sign up for the draft.
They even still use it as a way to prove men have less rights when that's not even the case anymore.
No. 226099
>>226059the sexual assault rates for women in the military are abysmal
This. They cherry picked their statistics like crazy and left out all the Ines effecting women, including that one. Yeah, men die in the military more… there's way more men in the military and that's literally the risk they signed up for. Sexual assault was not a risk the women who've enlisted sign up for, but it's such a massive problem it may as well be by this point. I would honestly fear for a female friend's sexual safety less if she told me she was gonna become a stripper than if she told me she was gonna join the army or marines.
No. 226100
>>226095In the post he mentions that she is paying 125% of her child support, so she is making sure the child has enough financial support, it's the father than is doing none of the work, she's doing more than him. After that she has no obligation, she owes the child nothing else, considering she's giving more in child support than she's legally required to. She's his mother biologically but socially? She may as well not be related to him.
He's shading her because he's jealous and resentful, he is stuck with a kid he probably also resents and the woman he thought he could control is taking absolute control of her own life and getting rid of any signs of control he had, it's this typa guys worst nightmare.
No. 226105
>>226100>he is stuck with a kid he probably also resentsHe straight up said in one of the posts that he resents the child.
I agree that she owes the father nothing, but she did CHOOSE to have that kid. Even if he pressured her not to, it was still ultimately her choice not to abort and she has some semblance of responsibility to the child. I think it's totally fair for her not to act as a parent, but I do think she owes it to the kid to be around at least enough to make sure the guy she handed him off to is doing a decent job raising him. Even mothers who give their kids up for adoption see them once in a while so they know that they're being decently cared for. She can at least just see him a couple times a year to make sure he's okay. I really don't think it's right for her to totally abandon the kid outside of paying child support.
No. 226114
>>226111Not that anon but I'm sick that just because we are born female that we have to be the caring and nurturing role model. Fuck that. She didn't want the kid and she doesn't owe anyone anything. The society constantly shits on women, particularly single mothers while single fathers are being praised for every slightest thing mothers do daily.
He wanted a kid, he can have it. Don't men claim that they would make better single parents than women? Don't they want sexbots to replace women? Fine, let them have it. Let them have it all. The kid will probably blame all his problems on the mother.
I don't have any maternal instincts so I empathize with her. I want to slash the throat of the next person that says "You will change your mind". Or "when you give birth there's a magical bonding".
Sorry for the vent, but just because of my gender no I don't give a shit about babies, mine or someone elses. And that girl is doing more than he could have hoped for by paying alimony. She's better than a huge % of men that would dash into thin air.
No. 226117
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically(shit baiting)
No. 226122
>>226114It's not a gender thing, I'd feel the same way if she were a man. In fact, men do this kind of shit way more than women and usually to a much worse degree (at least this woman is paying child support and made her intentions clear from the very beginning).
I also have no desire to spawn and want to flip a table any time someone insists I'll change my mind about having kids. Trust me, I do not blame this woman one bit for not wanting to be a mother. If she doesn't want to parent the child, that's okay given the agreement they had. What I find not okay is the fact she chose to bring this person into the world, but won't even meet him. She won't even have a minimal relationship to make sure the guy she handed him off to isn't fucking up his life.
She chose not to abort. She chose to bring that child into the world. So yeah, she has a responsibility to be in his life minimally enough to make sure he's being taken care of. Even mothers who give their kids up for adoption do this. Why is it so hard to just see the kid for a few hours a handful of times a year?
And yeah, if she refuses to do even that, the child has every right to resent her (though, he should definitely resent the dad as well). Just like how children abandoned like that by their fathers have every right to resent them.
No. 226129
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Why do men believe this shit when they are more susceptible to serious mental illness, commit the majority of violent crime (and crime in general), and are just more sensitive and animalistic in general?
No. 226146
>>226122Seeing the child is an instant connection to her (quite obviously) mentally abusive ex boyfriend, she obviously wants nothing to do with that past and she shouldn't have to go back, if she went back just to see the child the amount of grief this guy would give her would be immense, she doesn't deserve that.
He doesn't want her just to see the child, he wants her to take care of him, likely more than just a 50/50 split, she could easily be afraid that he's going to go to court with the info that she visited the child, to make a case that she should be forced to have custody.
It could have easily not been her real decision not to abort, we are getting one extremely biased side of the story here, this guy likely got mentally battered by this guy into not having an abortion, with her only solace being that she doesn't have to take care of the kid, it could be the only thing that helped her move on.
It sucks but that child could easily be one of those things that puts her back into that state of feeling helpless against this man, the child is just an extension of the father to her, a man she was obviously hurt by (not talking physical but who knows)
She pays her child support, some don't even do that, that's enough for me. Dads who abandon their kids physically but pay child support are enough for me, she's treated differently because she brought the child into the world, likely because she was bullied into not having an abortion.
It's up to the father to provide, not for her to protect the child and make sure he's ok while putting herself in danger, CPS is a phone call away, she doesn't need to be anywhere near the kid.
No. 226152
>>226148We're just getting a super biased view is all (obvious with how he thinks 125% paid childsupport = deadbeat)
We'll never get all the details of how shitty this dude truly is.
No. 226154
>>226129It's because men are such pros at gaslighting that they can even make themselves believe the crazy shit they say.
So, this was a thing that happened between me and a guy who prides himself on how logical he is (he literally says it just like that) and would put down women for being too emotional to think rationally when in conflict.
>he brutally breaks up with my best friend at the time after making it clear to me for their entire relationship that he was done with her>she tried hooking up with sleezey guys on tindr, so I tell her she can fuck my boyfriend because I don't want her to have a traumatizing experience (one of my close friends had just told me two weeks prior to this that she was raped on a tindr date)>he finds out, has series of extreme freak outs over it treating me like I'm Satan>me- "dude, you complained about not wanting to be with this girl your entire relationship, made it clear you weren't gonna be with her long, then broke up with her and said you wanted nothing to do with her">him- "YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN I WOULD CHANGE MY MIND! I'M IN LOVE WITH HER BUT I CANT BE WITH HER NOW BECAUSE OF YOU! THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN! MEN HAVE A CODE!"I was so shocked that he actually had the audacity to say something like that, so all I could respond with was "don't fucking bring gender into it, plus guys do this sort of shit all the time" but I really regret not pointing out that it was his male friend (who was way closer to him than me) who fucked her, and the fact this guy's two major love interests were both the very serious exes of two of his best friends. Men are so disgustingly hypocritical and lack self-awareness to an unreal degree.
I also want to point out that any time someone did something objectively terrible to me, he always considered me to be overreacting and would find a way to justify their treatment of me. Including someone saying I should kill myself. But then he would act like he was the most victimized person in the entire world over shit like his roommate wanting to pay less than half since he was getting a way smaller room.
No. 226174
>>226169>>226169Fuck. This strikes home really hard. Men are genuinely trash.
My younger sister got into a serious auto accident a few years ago that almost required her to amputate her arm from the elbow down. She had a boyfriend who, as soon as he heard, gave her the whole bullshit about "it's not you, it's me" and fucking ran off. The doctors managed to save my sister's arm and with the exception of some nerve damage and a few scars, it looks completely normal. Guess who crawled back.
Men are just obsessed with appearances. No matter how unfortunate the circumstances, if you somehow possibly end up disfigured, they'll leave.
No. 226186
>>226178I knew a guy who claimed he didn't care about looks, he would date butt ugly girls and never really complained about them unless they acted bad, but he eventually made comments about how his ex "let herself go" and was kinda uptight, especially about cursing
given, he was quite handsome and wore suits a lot for no reason, he was ex emo as well which is probably why
No. 226187
>>226178>>226186I was friends and had classes with a guy who claimed he like "chubby" girls. He talked about his gf and how she was a bigger girl and that he loved her that way. I thought that was quite unusual but cute at the same time.
One day she came to our campus and our group of friends were expecting him to introduce her and show her our building but he didn't, he slipped away and went to some coffee shop really far away with her. I thought to myself he was probably ashamed of her.
A couple months later a friend of mine tells me he's all over her. Telling her that he wants to leave his girlfriend and be with her. This friend of mine is thin and conventionally attractive.
No. 226189
>>226072"Welcome to womanhood!"
My sides.
No. 226204
>>226195It's impossible to truly know. There are women who are married to serial killers and never realize anything was off until they get caught, because their husbands were so good at conning everyone around them into thinking they were good men. With most serial killers, the people who knew them will express shock because "he was such a great guy". I read this one chilling interview where the wife said the only thing off about the guy was he would "work late" a lot, so she was kind of worried he was cheating on her.
Obviously serial killers are an extreme example, but the point is that men are amazing con artists. When you get married, you're taking a risk no matter how well you think you know the person.
Not trying to sound anti-marriage, I'm married. Just pointing out the dark reality that you never truly know a person at the end of the day.
No. 226207
>>226159You know how it is anon, all those 11-year old sluts seducing innocent males.
>>226169Reminds me of women who get breast tissue remove to prevent breast cancer but their husbands just throw their hands up and cry about the lost tits rather than the fact that their wife/gf might die otherwise.
No. 226220
>>226219Incels wouldn't pass these so ??? It's why incels are like top tier dickheads, they can't deal with these simple things.
There's more but it's really about seeing their true colours before they reveal them, which can be easy or hard, depends on the dude and how incely they are.
No. 226221
>>226220>depends on the dude and how incely they are.I'm an adult male virgin by circumstance, that's about as incel as it gets.
>Incels wouldn't pass these so ??? I would, so you need better criteria. Just trying to help.
>>226225Yeah adult male virgin by circumstance doesn't immediately = incel, it's like a weird culture, incels use it to describe being 'involuntarily in-celibate' but now, due to incel hubs like r/incels bringing to mainstream, it's about a new culture of men who have worst tier views about women.
But being confused about it makes sense since it used to just be men who were virgins by circumstance, it's a lot more now, which is why it's a negative word that links with the woman hating culture, otherwise it would just be a normal word until context was added.
No. 226236
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>>226225>>226221Have you ever spent any time observing the "incel" community?
No. 226240
>>226236Men are disgusting and vile. How much of lowly human feces do you have to be to find joy in someone you don't even know and never hurt you being an acid attack victim.
And there were numerous threads where men said they fantasize about throwing acid on women to take away their only asset, the beauty. I'm glad the internet exists because you can see how the average men thinks.
And there were numerous threads where men said they fantasize about throwing acid on women to take away their only asset, the beauty. I'm glad the internet exists because you can see how the average man thinks.
No. 226241
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>>226229Because they're even worse than white men and no one says anything about to because they're black
No. 226251
>>226225Incels are typically extremely misogynistic partially as a result of their sexual frustration. If you browse the incel dominated hubs of the internet, you will quickly see what we mean and understand our hatred/aversion toward them. When we shit on incels we aren't referring to men who happen to be virgins, but have healthy views of women.
>>226230Not necessarily. Virgin males can actually make really good boyfriends. The ones who don't have a toxic view toward women tend to be very appreciative of their girlfriends when they finally get one.
No. 226254
>>226240>I'm glad the internet exists because you can see how the average men thinks.I don't think the average man in the West is down with acid attacks. I definitely think the average man has an unhealthy view of women to some degree, but not to that extreme. Keep in mind that incels are still outliers.
I seriously can't believe how vile so many men are, though. I wish we could put men like that in camps.
No. 226255
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>post pictures of cute Asian girls but no Indians!
>only posts photos of Koreans
No. 226257
>>226255I never understand guys 4chan, they claim to love asians so much, then find white women to stalk and worship, they never even had a non-white waifu before, the closest they got was crispy who was mexican and katya who they claimed was japanese and russian but it was never confirmed, there was no proof and she posts her clearly white family on her instagram a lot
when they "like" asians, they mean the ones that look white, like whats the point of liking asians if you want only the white passing ones? I also notice that when they do date asians, they use it as more of a status symbol to brag to the chans about their asian girlfriend but never actually enjoy her company, her appearance, being with her, etc, and like most 4chin guys a lot are abusive as fuck and bitch about how their gf doesn't look like the perfect waifu they want in their head
are there any decent men?
No. 226261
>>226236>I deserve love and affection!>hot girls deserve acid attacks for not sleeping with meI cannot comprehend how one can be so lacking in self-awareness.
Also, I want to point out that almost every guy I've known IRL who complains about their inability to find a woman always only go for girls light years out of their league. I've seen kissless NEET 3s consider high earning college educated 7s unworthy. They have to be 9-10 and happy to completely financially provide for the guy. And of course, if the girl in question picks a quality man instead, he will mercilessly shit on both of them.
No. 226267
>>226252Oh my god, that was so fucking horrifying. This goes beyond comfort, some reported it makes sex excruciating. How the fuck is that even legal? They're giving women an extra stitch after childbirth without their consent when she's extremely vulnerable for the sake of their husband's pleasure, leading to complications down the road. This should be considered malpractice. Anyone who does this shouldn't be able to practice medicine, I don't care how "normal" it is.
I'm so disgusted right now. Hospital birth in America is already shitty enough for a first world country and then you throw in this bullshit. I'll make sure to let any pregnant friend I might ever have know about this so they can preemptively tell the doctor not to do that.
The world is so fucking sick.
No. 226268
>>226252why do american love genital mutilation so much?
First circumcision now this shit
No. 226272
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>>226270>most of world does itwrong
No. 226276
>>226261Adding to that, incels are obsessed with ratings. Because tbh, the numbers/scale/ratings don't matter; its part joke and really just about the chemistry between the two but that would require some self reflection on their part. And incels would rather just rely on whether she's a '7' or an '8' in looks. They're ridiculously shallow yet are offended whenever women show those same qualities.
>>226267I've heard other women say that they'd rather get a C-section so they'd stay 'tight' for their partner. Get what you feel is best - but doing that for your bf/husband?? It's disgusting. Men truly believe and have been pushing their beliefs that their sexual needs come before anything and everything else. Before women's health, safety and humanity.
No. 226277
>>226276yep, I had an ex that would randomly rate my body parts for no reason, like if I was wearing something that showed off my butt he would randomly say "7/10" or something like that
why are men so obsessed with rating women? I've seen men go out of their way and publically post shit like "send me ass or tit pics and I'll rate", it just brings back the point in the old thread men aren't obsessed with womens bodies theyre obsessed with the idea of judging them and seeing if its good enough for them
No. 226281
>>226255>only posts photos of koreans whose faces have gone to hell and back under the knife>generalize out of this that koreans are the beacons of asian beautyi hate that this kind of mentality actually rubs off on women such that they actually compete for what the most beautiful asian ethnicity is
fuck men
No. 226284
>>226273Map is only male circumcision.
yellow is below 20%, orange 20-80%, and red is above 80%. america is roughly in mid range of orange.
Red is muslim countries and Israel. Orange countries are large muslim minority or former british colonies. Yellow countries can't be so easily categorized.
Most of world population lives in yellow zone.
"circumcision was a thing before america was even a thing" is technically correct but it was mostly extinct in west before before some puritans brought it back in mid 19th century to "combat" masturbation.
No. 226285
>>226277>>226276The rating thing is something that has always really bothered me, if you spend any amount of time on 4chan you'll become accustomed to every single greentext story about women starting off with rating them. It's like necessary context to a story, because men cannot fathom thinking of a woman without her looks making up 90% of his opinion. The story doesn't have to relate to their looks, it doesn't have to be about romance or sex, and yet they still always feel the need to provide a rating so everyone can use it to judge their actions in the rest of the post.
I never see women rate men. We use our words to express our opinions rather than reducing them to numbers. I see men complain about women rating men's looks lower on OKC than men rate women, but I feel like women are so unused to rating that they just don't have an established idea of what each number looks like.
No. 226288
>>226287They're insane. A rating is an objective comparison of every girl to every other girl. A 6/10 doesn't sound particularly flattering, even if it might be a good number compared to 10/10 models and celebrities. But 'cute' is a compliment that demonstrates some actual attraction and appreciation for his looks from that specific person, even if he might be objectively not that high on the scale of looks.
It's probably just because of the meme that 'cute' is a word girls use for men that are ugly but nice.
No. 226290
>>226287because men are never happy and can't just appreciate a woman's beauty for what it is, they have to put it on a scale like it's the fucking olympics of looks, why do you think most women's insecurity stems from men? Men call it negging but in reality insecurity has been proven to destroy relationships or makes some women avoid men all together, most of them are sociopaths and don't realize the damage it can do to a girl to feel second best or "hur well you're hot but __,__,__ are hotter" it makes them go crazy and twist and turn looking for anything to improve themselves so they can impress the one they love and their shitlord of a dude doesn't run to 4chan and claim how his wifes tits are ruined for him because he saw another nice pair of tits and how he doesn't tell some greentext story of "hur be me, wife is 6/10, see stacy, 9/10"
they're obsessed with rating and judging something that shouldn't even have been put on a fucking scale in the first place then whine about how miserable they are because of all the so-called 8/10s walking around and they're with a 6/10, hell most girls can't even go out their day without people being obsessed with looks, once I was watching this beach video and men in the comments were whining about how a girls ass in the background of the video was "flat" (it was one of those small toned butts, she was also wearing a one piece so it's not like she was wearing some ridiculous outfit) and there was fat men dancing, but NOPE lets focus on some slim athletic girls butt because it's not big enough
men don't get off on womens bodies, men dont ask to see pics of womens bodies because they like them, they just want to judge them, nothing else, men might as well be gay
No. 226294
>>226290Men gaslight women all the time. I think that if women were on their own, there would still insecurities, but not to the extent of how it is when you're a woman and you are judged by a man.
Men judge women by their looks 25/7 and their standards never make sense. Women are always too skinny, too fat, too muscular, boobs too small. etc
I just am so sick of men
No. 226295
>>226294not to mention the ever changing standards, one minute they want thicc plus size goddess chubs, next minute they want petite smol pixies, next they want the extreme corset look with big tits and ass, next the want pear shaped with big perfect ass and small round perky perfect barbie tits, next they want anything that has giant cow tits
I'd understand different men like different things but its the fact that they tend to have unrealistic expectations for these things and bash women who don't meet the expectation, OPs pic is a good example, thats why so many women run around with insecurities, NOTHING is good enough for men and if you dont meet all of thems expectations prepare to get bashed to hell and back
if say, a man who claims to like big boobs and small waists gets a gf who has that, chances are he will even find something wrong with that (hur her tits are too saggy, her nipples are gross, don't go under the knife though I'll just pick at your insecurities and cheat on you until you kill yourself or break up with me)
blog but I dated a man like this, he said that he liked tall slim women, thought it was great since most men nowadays expect perfect pale kawaii slim petite pears, later on in the relationship, if I sent him a nude, a lot of the time he couldn't resist but make really off comments about it
like if I gained a bit of weight he would make a comment about how I should ride my bike more to slim my thighs, he would tell me about how much he loves big tits all the while he knew of my insecurity of my small chest, if it was morning and I didn't eat breakfast yet he would say "you look to skinny", if I was wearing a different type of underwear he would say "your ass looks small but still hot"
like WHY can't you just appreciate my fucking body? why can't you just tell me you like it if you begged for nudes so much? I worked my ass off on it but nope, because apparently pointing out anything that even slightly bothers you on my body, if im so perfect you would actually appreciate the time and effort I spent to please you, not dig and twist and look for anything you don't like that doesnt meet your tip top standard
No. 226297
>>226296Just the url alone makes me know what to expect and i'm afraid to click on that.
men ruin women. They don't accept no for an answer, but they also want women to play coy/innocent, but also be a slut at the same time. But if a girl sleeps around, she's the worst. if a guy fucks 3 women in a night, he's a stud.
Same with marriage. An older man is a bachelor, but a woman is a spinster?? (and judged as 'used goods' by men?? It's fucked
No. 226300
>>226297>>226297>They don't accept no for an answer, but they also want women to play coy/innocent, but also be a slut at the same time.yep, and they call even the worst of men alpha chads because of how many women they've had sex with but fail to realize so many women just give in because they're afraid to say no to avoid getting stabbed, it shouldn't even fucking count if the woman did it out of fear rather than if she actually likes you and had sex with you out of love and desire
they also fail to realize how many men are just like them, they don't want "high body counts" but demand women to have sex with them on command and cry when it doesn't happen, they don't realize how many men are just like them but worst, they don't even use logic to realize either pic a woman with a low body count or virgin to have sex with and settle down with or grow the fuck up and deal with "high body counts", they want both and live in a fantasy which they think they can have but they will never get
they're entitled enough to think they can fuck sluts for years then turn around and marry a pure qt virgin they'll cheat on but realize the pure qt virgins don't want men who have 5 stds, no job, a past of sexual harassment, hours spent on chans and are super abusive, they want trustworthy, worthwhile men who are genuine
I've also seen these same men mock women "who think they can choose" but fail to realize successful happier relationships happen when the woman actually wants to be with the man, not when the man constantly pushes and pressures the woman in a relationship until she gives in or just says yes to any guy that gives her attention (sh0e)
No. 226311
>>226304Incel, mgtow, bots, subhumans with archaic beliefs about women,fuckboys obsessed with judging womens bodies, every single male who goes to /fit/ regularly, neckbeards, males who whine about soyboys, any male who feels entitled to women
Too bad if we wiped all these men off most males would be wiped off in general, at least "soyboys" can be hot and treat you nice and make women actually desire and want to be with them, not to mention most farmers wouldn't have boyfriends anymore because I know most of yall have shit tier boyfriends
There are some nice, in shape, feminist men who will be faithful and treat you well and make you feel happy about yourself, but that's a gem to find since most males are cheaters and abusive or make you do all the emotional labor until he wants to fuck
No. 226312
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>>226296This is like staring into an abyss. What… is wrong with them?
No. 226313
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>>226303I just finished binge watching 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and i'm just fucking livid right now, because even if this was based on a book. The way those jocks got away with everything is pretty much based irl when men can rape women and just move on with their lives, but women are mentally and physically hurt for life. it's horrible… Rape is the worst thing a man can do to a woman and it just happens too damn often, esp to young teens and women who don't know how to handle it, or worse, get victim blamed.
No. 226326
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>>226204Yeah I've learned through studies of cults, specifically about cult leaders (most of them male) that they're not all weird demented people but actually really charming people. It's a social skill they learned in order to control others and to blend in.
You've gotta watch out for those overly charming types, they can easily slip past your barriers with their charm while you're busy watching out for the creeps.
No. 226327
>>226312Don't want to click it, I'm assuming its fucked up because most–all things men think of regarding treating women is fucked up.
>>226311>Too bad if we wiped all these men off most males would be wiped off in generalIts that baboon scenario. Remove all aggressive alpha males and discourage aggressive behaviors in other males, the group (society) would be much more safer and easier to live in for everyone.
That or encourage all men to date each other since they all hate women and leave us the hell alone
No. 226328
>>226129Lol I never understood the whole "women are so much more emotional than men" when there's shit like this
>>226296And like that video of that guy throwing water on that woman, it shows just how out of control they can get with emotion themselves when rejected.
No. 226335
>>226331Same here, I now don't accept most men as friends because I learned they just use "friendship" as a way of getting their foot in the door to later asking me out.
Felt disgusted and betrayed by that especially when they have the gall to get angry at me because I wanted to just remain as friends. Obviously a lot stopped being my friend immediately after I turned them down (or the dreaded few that stayed around and tried to guilt-trip me by being depressed and then angry when I still wouldn't budge and so I had to drop them instead)
No. 226342
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It’s kind of funny but at the same time he shouldn’t have finger banged THE FUCKING PERSON READING HIS MESSAGES IN COURT.
No. 226354
>>226350she hated women so much she became a dyke
she goes out of her way to baby a group that victimizes itself and pretend they're poor oppressed children who need our help when they've been on top (and always beating us at everything, how they make more than us, etc which they brag about a lot) just because of the 0.000000000000000!% of women who've had rape hysteria
but fuck all the women who have been raped, molested, abused by men, fuck women in abusive relationships, fuck the fact women are victim blamed to hell and back, fuck the fact women are blamed for all of mens problems, fuck the fact men will gloat for days about how superior they are, the second women dare do anything about, MRAs coming pouring in screaming how oppressed men are and how we hurt their little feelings and now they're scared of being accused of rape -despite the fact women are literally more likely victim blamed and/or raped than men are likely to be falsely/loosely accused of rape, but fuck that lets makes entire movements bashing women to hell and back, putting excruciating time, effort and money just to bother and hurt women to prove women aren't oppressed and it's actually us big bad meanie ladies hurting mens poor wittle feefees
No. 226371
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>>226345Pic related from that vid.
Why do men deny problems (there is no sexual objectification affecting women more than men, x is not sexual assault, rapists are few in between and are born that way, extreme porn is okay, it's just a fantasy…) despite apparently being very aware of them? This guy knows sex robots will potentially make objectification more prevalent, he admits to it and laughs at women. He probably got back to roleplaying as the opposite side (sex robots won't affect objectification, not even child ones) articles by women, or feminazis and swjs as they call us, supporting what he truly believes. Why? Because he doesn't see it as a bad thing. It doesn't affect him, that means he is free to lie despite the colateral damage.
I swear to god I thought they were genuine until very recently, after getting fed up with comments like this. I thought that they just didn't know and needed to be educated or whatever, but they just deny it because it benefits them it seems.
So scummy and manipulative. Are men the true hivemind? Is them saying women are all the same just a projection? Are they aware of how twisted they are? Have they no honor?
I'm so done with these hominids. I can't take anything a male says at face value anymore, they all lie and manipulate. I stopped caring about their problems like they do ours. I hope more women, especially liberal feminists, wake up sooner than later. They've been given too much power.
No. 226377
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>always horny but too shy to be a slag
This man is 49, fucking 49 years old and acts like this.
No. 226391
Sure, gossip forum,big deal, whatever
Lets put it this way
When men gossip online they doxx, send death and rape threats, "expose" their nudes, hack, etc and a lot of the time the girls are underage
When we gossip we have specific rules NOT to dox, stalk, etc, hell its even against the rules to cow tip, our gossip is kept to ourselves and meant to discuss people who have milky behavior, their gossip spreads like wildfire and they go out of their way to ruin said persons life for no good reason
No. 226393
>>226390Then let me ask you this who was it that created the ads and campigns promoting open mindedness for male emotions,promoted male body positivity, advocated against male abuse and rape, etc
It sure as hell wasn't men, it was the big bad feminists everyone screams hates men so much, and the chances of finding a feminist who hates men in 2018 is rare where as you can literally just log on and find comments after comments of mgtows screaming how all women are abusive, evil, gold diggers, etc.
How delusuinal must you be? At least put effort into explaining an obvious lie
No. 226394
>>226391On the topic of gossip, this quote is genius.
"While gossip among women is universally ridiculed as low and trivial, gossip among men, especially if it is about women, is called theory, or idea, or fact."
No. 226408
>>226404This is getting off topic, I just wanted to lurk this thread for cringe and betamales, but I'll respond once more.
>Men have massive movements literally dedicated to stripping women of their rightsThe men's rights movement has been primarily concerned with the custody rights of fathers, the rights of male victims of domestic abuse, the rights of male rape victims and the right of the presumption of innocence in men accused of rape. Nothing here is "stripping women" of their rights. Feminism wasn't even a factor until feminists started campaigning against the MRM for doing this.
>The only "right" women want to strip men of is abusing and controlling us.Then why do they oppose the MRM for wanting to get custody for fathers? Why did they kill Erin Pizzey's dog in the 70s when she started a shelter for male victims of domestic abuse?
No. 226414
>>226408Who opposed men getting custody? Who?
This is why MRAs are joke, they scream about male abuse, custody, fair trail, etc, but leave out main points and act as if its a male problem
Look up the innocence gap, which was mentioned in the other threads, men are imprisoned more because they do most of the violent crime (even though most rapists never step foot into jail but men are being oppressed huh) but there are more innocent women in jail then there are innocent men in prison
Courts baby men, especially in America, no one will admit this because theyre obsessed with screaming and crying how they're being oppressed
For custody, the reason why more women get custody is because most men want nothing to do with their children, even if both mom and dad don't want the kids, it by default goes to the mom, this isn't male oppression, this shouldnt even be used by mras to prove men are oppressed, its proof women have to do all of mens dirty work when they give out
Men can easily get custody of their kids if they aren't abusive and are mentally stable, most of them dont want to and that's the thing, men dont want to take care of kids and scream they're being oppressed when women have to
Also have you met children with divorced parents before? Most of them will have systems where they go to one parent one week and other parent the next if the parents are in thr same area, even if one had custody or whatever, using custody is not a good excuse at all for men to scream oppression
The closest thing that actually makes sense is male abuse and rape and even then men are doing most of the abuse and women are getting abused and rape, not to mention the big bad feminists they hate so much did more for male abuse than they ever had just screaming about womens abuse ads
No. 226419
>>226414All of this, not to mention how fucking tiny the amount of false rape accusations is.
MRAs look at the few men who need help, then look over at feminists and say "see? some men have it bad too, but we don't whine or need have rape shelters. you entitled cunts need to shut up!" Most of them don't want to help anyone, they just want us to grin and bear it like they do. If they really wanted to help people, they'd have to accept the fact that men are the problem, which they refuse to do.
>>226408lmao @ a woman having to start a shelter for men because they don't care enough about eachother to do it themselves.
No. 226477
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>>226415>Like, he gets violently angry, not just angry.Please be careful.
No. 226512
>>226419It's hilarious the MRA movement started to catch up with feminism, since all of men's issues are still an issue because of men. Why don't men have shelters? ask your fellow men.
Angry and violent, the lot of them. And how many male rape victims were raped by men vs women?
No. 226545
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>>226544get them to hate you, become their worst nightmare of a woman and scare them off
No. 226556
>>226551As a friend if you can use their address?
Use the address of your local post office?
Ask for a digital copy?
Stop being a wimp and just tell him you're not comfortable giving out your address?
No. 226558
>>226556>Use the address of your local post office? you can do that? thanks!
>>226557i'm definitely not gonna pay a PO box to receive something i don't want
No. 226561
>>226559lmao what's wrong with you? i'm not going to pay for shit.
i don't want to give my address to a random, and i don't want to ruin a business by turning it awkward. stop interpreting that as wimping and cowardice. i just wanted a polite alternative.
No. 226573
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I always find it funny when little white males scream and cry about how Asian women all want them(they rlly don't coming from an asian myself) and scream how bad the big white roasties are gonna be when they date asians when most white women dont give a shit who they date rather than just the creepiness and abuse that goes along with it and how they expect them to look and act a certain way
One second they're parading how they're leaving white women for asians, next second when a white woman dates an asian man they scream and cry about how they're a better bf than him, its insane projection
Also note - the white woman wasnt a feminazi or anything she was quite thin and cute, but because she dated a man of a certain race shes a big bad fat feminist
No. 226574
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No. 226575
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The ~ugly feminist harpie with colored hair~ he was crying about
No. 226577
>>226573I refused to date a white guy so many times. I just want an east asian bf.
>>226575They look happy, good for them. Let the white pigs screech all they want.
No. 226581
>>226573>>226575Three words.
White male privilege.
Their remarks say a lot about themselves, they scream insecurity.
A fine example of when white male privilege is threatened/ challenged.
I hope all of those white males festering such unhealthy views kill themselves soon.
They'd be putting themselves and others out of misery if they did.
No. 226598
>>226589yep, and they scream and cry about feminists and whine about how "YOU DUMB BITCH! WOMEN AREN'T BEING OPPRESSED MEN ARE BY WOMEN!!!"
I bet it's the same guy to whine about gold diggers but have such a loose definition any woman who walks this earth is a gold digger even if she pays her own shit all the time
they want all the benefits of their fairy tale of white women becoming perfect submissive housewives that they can use and abuse and cheat on all the time as minorities get killed in war all the while not dealing with repercussions like having to admit you aren't oppressed so women can't baby you and give you everything you want and women paying for everything all while being a housewife baby maker
they're upset they can't have that anymore because of feminism, they can't run off and cheat on their wives without consequences, they can't abuse the shit out of women and force them to be housewives and pop out babies without women leaving them and taking half and half so they dont go on the streets, they can't throw women on the streets when she gets too old and he doesnt want her anymore, they're upset women aren't their handmaidens and worship their ass no matter how pathetic they are
that's why they cry feminism, this guy was so pathetic he had to pretend some girl wants his greasy ugly ass
now white women and asian women don't want anything to do with him, hell no women do except for maybe rural girls going through their alt right anti fem phase, even then it eventually dies out, even evalion got out of her nazi anti feminist phase
No. 226604
>>226597entitlement, demanding, talks about his exes a lot whether it be good or bad
gets mad easily, goes out of his way to prove you're abusive or cheating or a gold digger or whatever
unappreciative, expects you to do all the emotional labor (expects to be texted first, expects you to hold the conversations, goes hours without texting you for no reason, when he does text back its one or two word shit,etc)
belittles you, especially over your looks even if it's a "joke"
calls you crazy over anything and everything he can, tries to look through your phone (I had a guy who i was talking through look through my texts before we even started dating to see if i was texting my ex… yeah he ended up cheating and being abusive and exposing my nudes then crying inequality when I told his mom what he did)
cries a lot, emotional, overeacts to everything, always plays victim
No. 226605
>>226597>Farmers, what are your personal red flags for spoting terrible men?Well…being a man.
J/k to elaborate on
>>226599 every man who snipes about feminists has been shit tier. While there are women who have legitimate concerns about feminism no man really has a reason, because when they do they say "because feminism wants to kill men etc" which is jut projection.
No. 226620
>>226587this anon again>>226586
I love my bf but east asian guys from what I've seen from him, his friends and family are way more superficial and "women should be at home" than white guys are. Sorry to break it to you. Don't go out of your way to date one unless you're also wildly superficial.
No. 226625
>>226624Fuckin weebs.
East Asian men are worse than white men. I lived in Asia for three years - half of that was traveling and half was living and studying in South Korea.
Asian men are more demanding and more controlling. And Korean men have a reputation among other Asians for beating their women for a REASON. I used to exclusively date fobby East Asians. I will never again.
Western men have more respect for women than other men. But that's not saying much. They're all incredibly controlling. But at least with a white dude I don't have his entire fucking family trying to get me to do shit I don't want to do.
No. 226648
>>226646>The point is that men can't ever let women talk about their negative experiences without turning it into a game show-tier competition of "Who Suffers Most?" to disparage rape victims.Essentially.
And I feel like one part of it is due to whatever weird victim complexes these dudes have and another part is the lack of coverage for male on male rape or sexual assault. I recall the Boston PD doing a workshop on it some years ago, but beyond that I don't remember reading much.
No. 226671
>>226666It amazes me how so many people take rape so likely. The biggest victims to them of course have to be the poor males because a tiny percentage of them get falsely accused. No matter what men are always the victims and no evidence clearly pointing the contrary will ever be enough for these scumbags. Note how anon even posted the same exact few statistics where men have it worse that we made fun of people regurgitating while they conveniently leave out all the female ones. These types of people just don't accept reality and are beyond reach.
I've known people who were falsely accused and it's a massive horror show beyond what words can compute, but acting like rape is nbd compared to it is moronic and just fucking revolting.
No. 226674
>>226637Yeah they keep turning it into a gender attack thing.
I call it a human problem although I will say women are mostly the victims and as soon as they try to say "but women this and men that" I tell them to not turn into a gender war and that it's a problem that needs to be solved not argued about and to not try to bring the other side down because it's serious regardless.
No. 226681
>>226675They're evil and mentally ill.
That's all there is to it at the end of the day.
These people are literally evil.
No. 226687
>>226681I remember a conversation with a male relative where we were talking about men abusing women/sexual violence, etc. and he said to me that women shouldn't complain about getting raped because in romance books there's the fantasy of the big strong man having his way with a woman, tossing her over his shoulder, corset ripping, etc. so women obviously want violent sex against their will.
I tried explaining that the women in that scenario aren't being raped, since it's typically the result of the sexual tension and desire between them, and I've read plenty of trashy romance and never once read a sex scene where the woman was actually being forced against her will, screaming and begging and fighting back, and the sex is violent instead of passionate. He just didn't get it and kept saying that a man forcing themselves on a woman is the ultimate female fantasy otherwise it wouldn't be in so many books, not that he'd even read one so how would he even know? And yet he was telling me, who had read them, what was in them, so typical arrogant know-it-all shit men do.
So I was like okay, if that's the ultimate female fantasy, what about male fantasy? Where the women are submissive sluts like in porn letting men do whatever they want to them, whether it's violent or degrading, as long as it is for the mans pleasure, and she's not a person but some kind mindless animal. I was exaggerating to try to show him how absurd he was being but he just kept saying 'well it's different. Men and women are different. Porn isn't a good example.'
Weird conversation with a relative I know, but it just fucking drove me crazy what he was saying, that women's erotica is just rape fantasies and if they get raped they were asking for it anyway. He's such a dense fucking autist that says misogynist shit all the time and argues that it isn't. About how women who are beautiful are always stupid and shallow because they don't have to try in life and there are no standards for them to follow, I could go on and on about the stupid bullshit he's said.
No. 226690
>>226688Right? I should have. Like 'Or do I deserve it because I like to read romance books?' But he's kind of a bitch so would have just dismissed the whole thing with 'of course not, that would be different' that's his stupid ass argument for everything, and I'm always so exhausted and pissed off by the end I just change topic.
He's not a bad guy, it's like just being a guy inherently makes him say sexist shit and never listening to reason from a woman. He'll try to tell me I'm wrong about something he knows nothing about but I do, makes excuses for shithead men, women shouldn't complain about sexual harassment because men can't help themselves, they can't take compliments, rape will be taken seriously when women stop lying about it, and he's the ultimate 'well girls always ignore nice guys for jerks and anything that happens to them after that they have no right to complain because that's what they signed up for' bitch, like a women can't complain about being abused because she should just
know the man is going to do that to her, are you fucking kidding me?
No. 226691
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All incels, or pretty much any other men visiting this thread too, should just fucking kill themselves. They should just realize already that they're vile people whose very existences are inherently flawed and entirely worthless. No one will ever love them because they're hideous and unlikeable freaks and that no amount of therapy or advice will ever change who they are or who they once were.
They all deserve to be stoned to death for daring to waste other people's oxygen lol
No. 226693
>>226687Men are actual trash who can't separate wanting a bit of rough, but consensual sex vs actual rape, which is mentally and physically damaging to take someone sexually against their will.
Men are idiots. Look how bad porn is now. There's almost no porn left that isn't violent gangbangs. I've (curiously) clicked on a porn ad that took me to a clip where 5 guys fucked this poor asian chick and were literally slapping her face and tits, hard. it was so hard to watch and believe this was supposed to be arousing when i felt sick to my stomach.
Porn and society raises violent, disconnected and emotionless men. Other men only encourage this behavior.
No. 226695
>>226693The whole porn thing, I got really pissed when we were arguing and tried to turn around on him by asking 'what does it say about men when women generally want something emotional and immersive erotic fantasy, and men go on where women are slapped and beaten, called dehumanizing names and are treated so brutally I don't even know if it can be called sex. If romance books make women want to get raped by big brawny men that what does porn say about men? That they're rapists that want to hurt and torture women like objects?' Of course he just denied it by saying not all men like that kind of porn but when I argued that not all women like erotica he fucking fought back saying 'it's in womens movies and tv too.' I still get pissed every time I see him thinking about that fight.
>>226694It's funny because my boyfriend looks so much like a typical chad, is into sports, typical guy stuff, and yet is more respectful towards women than any beta chad-insulting guy I've ever met. He's never said anything misogynist and is so supportive, and insecure guys like my cousin look at him and just assume he's some jock asshole.
No. 226703
>>226702I didn't report the post I just replied. They're still a faggot because my rape story is true
But okay. Glad my factual life is an opinion.
No. 226738
>>226705Is it true the mods are trans?
No. 226789
File: 1517363595787.jpeg (Spoiler Image,45.99 KB, 503x644, BB32EAA6-864B-4D37-98F1-420B6B…)

Not baiting
No. 226790
>>226789This has been posted so many times before, you fucking idiot.
Since men think with their dicks, they have significantly lower standards. The opposite is true for women.
Women are more attractive, hygienic, and educated than men on average, which means the opposite is true for men.
Add all that to the disproportionately large amount of men with horrible personalities, beliefs, etc. (especially men on dating sites like okc) and there's your answer.
No. 226791
>>226789men are uglier on average and put more effort into "rating" women than they do with anything else, seriously, I've seen guys put more effort into rating rando womens bodies than they do with putting effort for a job
not to mention women are more genuine and will tell a man straight up if she is unattracted to him where as men lie to women then talk shit behind her back, see last few threads for proof
also take not despite more women supposedly find men ugly on average, who is it who run around screaming and crying every second a woman dare have one flaw? you can be the most beautiful woman to walk the planet but if you don't have big butt or have a zit men will crash and burn
>>226750same, I have a big ass rifle so I can't really conceal it kek, I just keep it in my apartment or car if I go somewhere, I'm saving up to get a 9mm I can carry in my purse though rn I just carry a taser, knife, and pepper spray
>>226738honestly, as of recently, I wouldn't doubt it, or they had some incels slip into the farmhand applications and are now fucking up lolcow, I've seen mods ban anyone and everyone who even hints at so-called "infighting" or "derailing" but some asshole comes in and cries about how feminism causes women to be sad about rape and not that women are actually sad about rape? it's just taboo, he's a-ok
No. 226795
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Dunno why I bother going over to /pol/ anymore but it helps to remind me how much these losers act like scumbags
They think it's "karma" to have a man beat you if you look attractive and that you're asking for it if you go to a nightclub.
No. 226805
>>226803they don't see it as horrible they just use it to fuel racism then twist and stretch for any reason why the woman could have possibly deserved it or had it coming, sometimes if they don't even get the details of the story if you're an attractive teen woman and got raped? you deserved it, you had it coming, you were probably this this and that and thats why you had it coming
>because they see white women as their property.they also claim to hate white women so much and demand all white women date white men, cry when white women date POC, brag about how they're going to go to thailand or whatever (ironically thailand has the highest cheating rate in the world, twice as much as america has, you know the thing they claim to hate western women for so much despite the fact men cheat much more like what
>>225837 said)
they're flustered up and walking in circles of their own hypocrisy and delusion, one second they hate white women with a raging passion and how they're all hoes and how they should go to asian women, next second theyre screaming how all asians are impure gold digging whores and how white women should be forced to be their virgin housewifes forced to pop out babies and deal with their cheating and abuse
No. 226813
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>>226795God they're retarded
The only thing this tells me is that men are petty as fuck babies that can't control their emotions
No. 226823
>>226675Firstly, I don't think they imagine anything and that's why it's so hard for them to feel sympathy for women. I don't think they see it as a crime, just as a word and that's why they find jokes about rape funny while they make me cringe really hard.
When they say "but what about men?" they're definitely thinking about female on male attacks, at least from what I've seen. When you tell them that the majority of male rape victims were raped by other men, they try to deny it. They want to live this fantasy where they're victims too.
I think part of the reason why they don't see rape the same way as we is due to desensitisation. They can't take it seriously because they've been exposed to so many rape jokes and "lad" culture. Action films are full of rapey scenes that are framed as "romantic".
No. 226824
>>226688>>226690This is a really good response imo. Years ago, I overheard my dad and a male relative saying that women who dress a certain way are "asking for trouble". I asked them if I came back from a night out and I was
raped, would it have been my fault because a magazine told me something was in fashion? Both were fucking speechless because I was still a child, they probably assumed I didn't even know what they were talking about. Never heard any talk of that shite again so I guess it worked lol.
It's disgusting how you have to bring a female relative up just to make men give a shit about what women have to put up with. It's like they see their moms/sisters/daughters as human and every other woman as a mindless sex doll. How unintelligent do you have to be to do that? Even having a female relative doesn't help at times, so many times I see nasty guys posting horrible shit about women on facebook and their profile picture is of them holding a baby girl and smiling, it's all a fucking lie.
No. 226826
>>226687>>226693>>226694>>226695This video is great, I think you should all watch it. Once you've seen this trope, you'll never un-see it, men's films are loaded with scenes that are blatantly sexual assault but we're supposed to see as "romantic". Men having this thrown at them genuinely think it's true, they think by forcing a kiss or groping someone will work out in the end. They think this is what we want from any man, not just one we're attracted to.
This guy has a bunch of other great videos about men in the media and how it's affecting both genders, I'd highly recommend his content. Side note, but his videos remind me a lot of Anita Sarkeesian's old videos and it makes me really angry that this guy's videos are met in the comments with praise and respect by other men while Anita was targeted by online hate groups just for being a woman.
No. 226830
>>226828I don't think the video implies that men are "unable to help themselves" just that shitty media is shitty and we should produce more where women consent to the advances of male protagonists.
I don't think it's 100% the fault of the media that men are shitty but it does play its part and when you want to know about a certain demographic/culture/era, media is the place to go because we encourage it with our wallets. Ngl, growing up watching these films affected me too and how I saw sexual assault. I thought these scenes were exciting and romantic when I first saw them. Why do you think women have rape fantasies?
No. 226853
>>226789this was already "refuted" in original article
While women on OkCupid might have unrealistic view on male attractiveness, their massaging rates formed standard bell curve unlike males which strongly favored top end of scale for females
>implying that people are as shallow dating sites as irl>implying guys on dating sites for bell curve in terms of their attractiveness in first place No. 226854
>>226791>not to mention women are more genuine and will tell a man straight up if she is unattracted to himlet't not create alternative reality here
most women just don't do this, mainly because they are not assertive enough
No. 226866
>>226861most bad rejection are just mean word, nothing pleasant but also nothing life threatening.
The longer you avoid confrontation the worse it will be.
No. 226873
>>226871>I should be used to this sort of behavior from men by nowdon't ever ever accept this behavior from men, you'd think an anonymous forum would be the only place this would happen because men can say the most fucked up and vile shit all while being anonymous, whether they mean it or not
but some men are dumb enough to post their real names and faces and still do this shit especially on mgtow and youtube, I just don't understand how people are willing to doxx, spam death and rape threats, harass their family to a feminist who was having a rage fit and said "feminists dont want you to lose custody of children, the assumption women are naturally better caregivers is part of patriarchy" not to mention isn't that what they want anyway? to have custody of their children since it's one of the only few things men want to use to scream oppression over and claim divorce rape? but men who write insane shit, yell, cry, lie lie and lie, like jeremy stafford and most mgtows in general and the guy who posted the "NASTY LAZY SKANKS!" post over a woman who accidentally bled on her chair at work? they're all exempt or get cheered on and don't get bothered on bit but god forbid women open their mouths, her life deserves to be ruined if she does, but yep men sure are being oppressed and silenced and women get everything apparently!
On another topic, I'm working overseas in a few months with a field where women get raped a lot, I honestly don't know whats scarier getting raped or if I do get raped will everyone just scream liar and how I'm trying to tarnish a mans career, how I slept with him and regret it so I lied about raped, accuse me of being dumb for not being hideous and working in a place where a lot of women have gotten raped, being afraid of my boyfriend breaking up with me, the fact I even have to worry about these things because of incels and mgtow is just vile and heart breaking to think about, you'd think in todays world we would move past that and women wouldn't have to be scared of being called a liar, crazy, whore, dumb, saying they had it coming, etc just for coming out about a rape
No. 226896
>>226885-follows countless communities for porn and nudes of barely legal teenagers and borderline anorexic thin women, and comments stuff like "so thin want to cum in your asshole", "so beautiful youll never love a guy like me
yeah, red flags for me is when guys like extreme type looks, either extremely thin, extremely and unnaturally curvy, extremely chubby or fat, etc
chubby chasers and skinny-mini chasers almost always tend to be batshit crazy and will shit on anyone who isn't what they like or men who like the opposite of what they like
extreme curvy chaser dudes tend to be trashy hoodrats and bash women for not looking like IG models and female rappers, often obsess over definitions of thicc and whats curvy and whats not, obsess over if women are curvy enough or not, etc
seriously, I once saw one of these kids scream and cry because people were calling this somewhat chubby chick with a flattish stomach thicc and have them cry about the big bad whitties changing the definition of thicc even though the girl was latina
another time I saw this guy cry about how ashley graham wasn't sexy she was just pretty, and how she doesn't have a big butt because she's big everywhere else, and kept changing his story, like he said her butt was "huge and misshapen" then later said she doesnt have a big butt because shes big then gave example of what a big butt is and of course named celebs that had plastic surgery
one time this girl posted a picture of her butt showing and some guy ranted and ranted about how she didn't have a big butt, how she wasn't thicc (when no one asked and no one was discussing it they were just saying it's nice) then screamed how 14 yr olds have "more curvy bodies" than her supposedly, then said she had no ass, she had a flat ass, then turned around and said "she doesn't have a flat ass no ass and flat ass are two different things"
Once some guy said any boobs that weren't DD+ were small and manly, said "women with big breasts dont need to work out they can get any guy they want and they know it they know all other girls envy them" and said all girls with big boobs have giant egos, bragged about how him and his H cup gf would burst into tears laughing anytime there was a woman with a D cup or smaller in a movie that was wearing a bikini or bra and trying to be sexy, said chestlets are inferior and how they deserved to be bullied, bragged about dumping women for not having big enough breasts, said women with small breasts are starving to death and men who don't want cowtits are soyboys, etc
yeah… stay away from these men, a lot of the time they're batshit crazy, ALWAYS end up being abusive and making you miserable
given, sometimes men who prefer a variety of women can be batshit crazy as well, but the ones who go extreme always are
No. 226897
>>226885While it's cringing to see, I actually find it more favorable if they're a lonely gf-less virgin loser especially with that attitude. They self-sabotage themselves and that's good because as long as they stay in that "all women are sluts or stolen by chads therefore I won't date any bitches" is a problem that's solving itself and he'll most likely die off himself (either by suicide or just dying by himself)
You just gotta be careful if they turn into an Elliot Rodgers case.
No. 226913
>>226909oops sorry, meant to reply to
>>226870 btw the "prude" thing is very "reddit". Both the men and women there tend to be unattractive charmless nerds and so switch to a compensatory sex positiveness, and they compete to signal who is the most sex positive.
No. 226914
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>>226896i forgot to add that this dude tries to claim that jennifer lawrence is now haggard and "hit the wall", and he calls perfectly average sized women "fat".
he doesnt sound far off from some farmers here now that i think about it.
heres a collage of some of his greatest hits
No. 226918
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>>226914He actually matches some of the meanest farmers here, it's kinda scary
I have never seen someone bleed this much insecurity lmao
No. 226934
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That chestlet thing is nothing new. It's the female equivalent of the manlet meme for men.
No. 226940
>>226934these guys know nothing about boobs honestly, some of the nicest looking breasts I've seen were Cs and Ds
they focus more on size than shape, boob/nipple ratio, fullness, perkiness, etc but then cry about sagginess and big nipples
No. 226943
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>>226934>It's the female equivalent of the manlet meme for men.except women actually do get treated horribly if men don't like their boob size, manlets get nothing except for a few mean jokes from anonymous folks
like the picture in the first thread of a collage of men crying about how their girlfriend needs to "go get bigger boobs" brag about ghosting girlfriends who refuse to get breast implants, whining about how they should cheat on their gf because of her breast size, a lot of the time it's B- small D cupped women as well so it's not like a literal plank, standards had just fucked them up so much they can't enjoy normal healthy breasts and of course it has to be kim k tits all while staying slim somehow
most women with small breasts can't even do normal things without being treated subhuman
men who talk about the "height issue" that men often only do to other men, get babied by women
if you're a woman who talks about the non-stop shit women get if she dare not have kim k tits or bigger, everyone comes in and scream "LOL YOU MAD CHESTLET GO MAKE YOUR BOOBS BIGGER SORRY NO ONE WANTS YOU LIKE THEY DO WITH BIG BOOBED WOMEN"
No. 226952
>>226943These women are dating losers who have tits sized proportionally to their bf's dicks.
No sane man will care about his GIRLFRIEND's tits because it's his girlfriend ffs and if he loves her he'll accept her however she comes.
Those mouthbreathers in your pic are just people fucking, they don't feel love.
No. 226987
>>226943As an enthusiastic participant in man hating, I have to say this - you are being ridiculous and projecting your insecurities. Men are so awful in so many ways, but they are pretty fucking happy with any tits and size preference genuinely does vary. You make our legit arguments lose credibility when they're alongside cherrypicked screenshots and exaggerations of something men really aren't that bad about. They are much worse about things like age, weight and race when it comes to looks.
These days men care more about ass anyway, which in a way bothers me more - they get even more demanding and entitled with the idea that we can just do a few squats every day and have an ass like an instagram model. At least most of them are realistic about tits and understand that surgery is an extreme and unlikely option, with asses they feel 100% justified in blaming women for not having a perfect one. I always see random women getting insulted on twitter, instagram etc for their flat asses, never their flat chests.
No. 227003
>>226987I agree with you that boob-anon is exaggerating and cherry picking, but instead of being equally ridiculous and saying that women never get called out on their flat chests, instead can't you just accept that it does happen? Like
>>226990 says, men will shame ALL bodies
I'm a chestlette and I've had some insulting remarks like "did you leave your tits at home", but the big boobs of my friend also draw out some truly horrible behaviour even if most of it is meant to be complimentary somehow. If anything, she gets mean comments from women about her big boobs, and I get joked at by men for having none.
The flavour of body hate that men dole out also kind of depends on the general accepted tastes of where you live or what circles you travel in i.e. boob vs ass
No. 227019
>>226905I've seen celebrity fakes on tumblr a few times. Kinda bad but they weren't like this. Those deepfakes are horrid. It just makes me want to stay away from men more. And to read how so many guys are defending the app and the ai isn't shocking. They're transparent as fuck. They KNOW that thousands of revenge porn content will be uploaded by other angry men and they're all ok with that. Any girl on ig's face + porn will be for their pleasure only anyways. What this anon said
>>226912 their obsession with porn and degenerate sexual fantasies are vile.
No. 227029
>>227021Just curious, has this been getting posted on the boards other than /ot/? I tried reporting all of the links at first but the faggot behind this just keeps going. Makes me wonder if these threads
triggered some degenerate fuck.
No. 227038
>>227029>Makes me wonder if these threads triggered some degenerate fuck.Looks more like a bot or something to me.
Pretty much every small imageboard gets hit by CP bots and phishing links.
Especially ones that don't use captcha.
No. 227039
>>227003I didn't say they
never get called out, to cherry pick there has to be enough of it out there. But anon thinks all men want their gfs to get boob jobs, cheat on them because of it, or treat flat girls as 'subhuman', and it's just not true. I think she is extremely insecure and every negative comment she sees stands out to her and validates her feelings, but even in the most misogynistic, hateful areas of the internet attitudes like that are pretty uncommon overall.
My insecurity about my small tits took a very sharp nose dive out of my teen years, when I started actually interacting with men and reading what they say about us online (which is why I hate them now). Big tits are such a widely accepted standard of beauty but generally they're an ideal and a fantasy, and not high on the priority list unless it's specifically a fetish someone has.
No. 227043
>>227039it doesn't matter if it's ~cherry picked~ or happens not as often the matter of the fact is that it HAPPENS and that's the problem, this thread is to vent about horrible shit men do correct? point settled
>Big tits are such a widely accepted standard of beauty but generally they're an ideal and a fantasy, and not high on the priority list unless it's specifically a fetish someone has.not sure where you live but in certain areas where big tits are a requirement pretty much, women who don't meet the standards will get bashed to hell and back and women will face literal hell from men if she doesn't have giant tits, including men begging her to get implants, cheating and being broken up with
do I think ALL men do this? of course not, but it's become an increasing problem that shouldn't even have happened in the first place
No. 227057
>>227043Maybe move out of your homogenous podunk shithole and get to a bigger city with more types of people that like different body types on women???? Like??
I agree with you though, it seems fucked yo to be harassed for having small tits, but that’s a problem with the people who put down small chested females. It’s insecurity and projection, also intelligent people don’t usually make sweeping generalizations about genetic traits people can’t control, so it’s not like you’d want to date them anyway right?
No. 227059
>>227057>also intelligent people don’t usually make sweeping generalizations about genetic traits people can’t control, so it’s not like you’d want to date them anyway right?I wasn't, again, for the last time, I am not saying "literally all men"
I'm saying it's clearly a problem and should be recognized rather than just ignored and glossed over with the "not all men! cherry picking!" shit
>Maybe move out of your homogenous podunk shithole and get to a bigger city with more types of people that like different body types on womenI've been trying, but it still exists either way, the fact it even exists bothers me
No. 227069
>>227066>men avoid you because you have shit for brains.yes because they apparently know every aspect of my life and the only reason why they scream and cry about my boobs despite not knowing me is because im shitty apparently even though that wasnt the focus when they bitch about me
>OMG WHY AREN'T MEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME">calls other people shit for brains>says thisquote me where I said I don't want men paying attention to me then said I wanted attention from men and I will delete myself from the internet forever
I just don't want to be harassed for my fucking tits does that make me shit for brains, an attention whore, etc? seriously, learn to read and comprehend instead of jumping to conclusions that had 0 to do with anything I said
also reduce my boobs? are you even reading the right posts before responding?
>>227067yes male shitlord redpillfag here how are you a troll?
No. 227074
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>hurr women don't ever get harrased for having small boobs
I have big tits but I've seen this happen to other women who don't. My 14 y/o cousin told me that all the boys in her class like to pick on her for being flat chested (they don't even look that small, she obviously has some cushion there.)
Plus, what about all of those memes circulating these days calling small breasted girls sir or young man or some shit like that? It happens.
No. 227084
>men avoid you because you have shit for brainstbh we all know that men dont care if a woman is stupid or smart
>>227074I second this. men love to make fun of womens bodies no matter what
No. 227086
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Chestlets are pretty qt tbh. As well as cowtits.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 227088
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reminder, fully grown athletic women with at least a C cup who are models for lingerie company are literally toddlers according to this guy
imagine the outrage if women became as brainwashed and conditioned to the point men who aren't john cena are twinks and 6 inches are toddler little boy dicks and gross
No. 227090
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>>227088>toddlers have C cupsWhere does this nigga live that this is a reality, what the fuck..
No. 227092
>>227074oh no! they pick on her? like they pick on a short kid for being short, or a red head kid or how the girls will pick on/bully a girl they just decided not to like. Such harassment
>Plus what about all the memeshave you seen the fuckin' manlet charts etc.? You and your cousin probably aren't going to make it through this world I'm afraid
No. 227094
>>227092"but but muh height"
are you a man? sure, people make fun of different features but flat chests get most of it and most of the time they arent even flat to begin with
>have you seen the fuckin' manlet charts etc.? You and your cousin probably aren't going to make it through this world I'm afraidbecause apparently people aren't allowed to talk about cruel things being said to them because that makes them weak apparently
>have you seen the fuckin' manlet charts etc.? who was the chart made by? men, no one hates men more than men hate men
No. 227098
>>227092Appearance is a delicate thing with insecure young girls because they basically get it drilled into their head that it's what their worth is based on. Males don't have it the same way, they can be seen as useful for other things no matter how fugly they are
>have you seen the fuckin' manlet charts etc.?Boohoohoo what about the men :(((( Those charts were made by asocial nerds on the internet to belittle other men, just like the chestlet chart was made by men. Women don't call each other that irl or think D cups aren't big, but small breasted women still get shit on from time to time by males who throw a hissy fit if every woman they see doesn't have a perfect body.
No. 227103
>>227099>and our disappointing chests don't signal enough fertility. just another thing men use to scream and cry about women and be little shits then scream fertility as an excuse
plenty of extremely fertile women have small breasts, plenty of infertile women have big breasts, boobs have little to nothing to do with fertility
i know there's tons of studies out there that claim big boobed women do this this and that but next second there is evidence that completely makes no sense and will completely debunk the first claim
like all the "BIG TITS AND BIG ASS MEANS YOURE SMARTER AND GIVE BIRTH TO SMARTER HIGH IQ CHILDREN" article is a perfect example, I don't believe a word that came out of it except "sexist men prefer larger breasts"
No. 227121
>>227104I even got told in theology class in my first year at secondary school that men are only attracted to voluptuous women with big breasts. I was 12 and I already got told that I won't find a husband.
People have asked me before whether I have a disease that causes me to be underdeveloped.
People still assume I'm a young teenager because of my chest size.
I remained a virgin for a very long time, because no boyfriend was ever interested in going any further.
I would love to be seen as a sexual being, instead of an eternal child.
No. 227135
>>227121Funny, we've had similar experiences but have taken it completely different.
I hide behind my flat chest because to me, life is easier without the attraction of men or women seeing me as competition. I got to grow up slower than my friends and still fit into smaller clothes. Being mistaken for a teenager means people treat me nicer, because nobody is more ignored than a middle aged woman. Guys that are attracted to me on first looks have an image of me as being innocent etc, so they underestimate me and crumble when I tell them to get lost. Guys who genuinely like me got there by getting to know me first and liking me for who I am, so I don't worry that they're just going to move on to the next biggest pair of tits. I don't have to buy bras for anything except fashion.
People have been horrible to me about my flat chest my whole life but I just don't care and I'm secretly scared of growing breasts because even though I like hour glass shaped women, I'm happy with how life is for me. If I had been born later I probably would have ended up being a fakeboi, because being objectified is just shit
No. 227137
>>227059i'm not an incel, but i don't get this logic. we don't do this with other groups and we defend the cherry picking and distinction when that happens. like we don't make blanket statements about "black people" or "muslims" or "fat people" or "sex workers" or "trannies" even if we'd want to, because we'd get fucking chewed out. in those cases
everyone jumps to say #notallblackpeople or #notallmuslims #notallfatties #notallsexworkers #notalltrannies, and that's perfectly acceptable to most people. i think just using the blanket men, ends up doing the opposite of what you think it does. i have never seen anyone but "feminist men" trying to get in bed with women say anything positive regarding that.
i know giving a fuck about the bulk of men's opinions isn't important, but people really need to understand that pointing out specific types of people, such as incels or "chads" and
their specific behavior will help men who aren't jerks stop associating with them. in fact, if we want to see any progress from men at all, we need to differentiate. men are the ones who need to make a change from within and they won't do that if they feel attacked. plus, men aren't perceptive to begin with, you have to spell shit out for them. and like it or not we have to assist or no one is going to be better because there's no incentive and no one to fight. i have a bf and he's not an asshole or an incel or anything so i don't associate these behaviors with him, and he hates incels and 'chad' types, but he's almost more of a woman stereotypically than i am and has no toxic man traits.
all i'm saying is that i'd rather point out specific types of people and target them so we can get other men on our side.
No. 227138
>>227092but that's something that stupid incels created because they force ridiculous ideals on
themselves to justify to themselves why women don't like them.
>it's cause i'm not 6'1>it's cause i'm not chad>it's cause i don't have a big neckit's self inflicted. and only a small percent of women even care about that shit and it's not our faults they are only interested in those women.
>>227137also adding to this, women get pissed off when men refer to use as blanket "women" so i don't think we should be doing it to men. whenever negative things are said about women tons of people chime in #notallwomen #notme!
No. 227160
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Refute this
No. 227161
>>227160I mean its right, as learned from my experience
I use to fall for the "nice guy catering to you" meme, blew up in my face
He cheated on me several times, took nude photos of me without my consent,kept them and eventually when we broke up he sent them to everyone and bragged about how his friends dont have my nudes like his does, cried inequality when i told his mom and sister what he did, was just straight abusive when the whole "I am trying to be the one for you and make you happy" mask fell off, if you have to pretend to be the right when then you're probably not and your true colors will eventually show
No. 227171
>>227160Because the guy never understands why he ends up on that side of the door to begin with. The girl is talking to him through the door because she knows she’s not interested and the guy probably didn’t want that as an answer, and came at her with “how can I change so that you want me?” Which usually leads to the second panel.
If she doesn’t want you, you can’t make her. BUT some women will say they want a man to “convince them” and “change shitty behavior” and thats because they
are interested, but the man they want is doing things that will make a relationship har and that e needs to work on (and ofc thy goes both ways).
It’s simply not enough to
want to be the right man or woman for someone. You have to TRY to be the person they would want to be with. How do you know what that is? Ask them. What if they don’t know? That’s their problem, and you can either stick around as an orbiter or casual/FWB until they figure it out and
hope they pick you, but a lot of times they meet someone else and it’s what they really wanted all along.
No. 227172
>>227171Adding to this: In my experience while dating as a skinny white blonde with big tits, I get this from guys a lot. Cute, smart, funny guys who say they want to be with me. The problem is, if I don’t feel a genuine connection to them, I’m not gonna waste 3-6 months having sex with him on his time while I grow to resent him, just so he can attempt to get nudes or make me do weird fetish shit or answer weirdly sexual questions over text in the mean time while being weirdly platonic and polite when we aren’t being sexual.
I can tell the difference between a guy who is legit into me and wants to be around me and get to know me and make me feel sexy and good, and those are the guys I will give all the attention and freaky sex to. Not the ones who text me at 7am to “have a good day” for the 50th time in a row and call it communicating every day.
The guys who didn’t understand why I wasn’t into their initial polite detachment always asked me what to do differently, but even when I gave specific tips like “if you’re too busy to text me often, just make sure the ones you do send aren’t generic platitudes like “have a nice day” or “thinking of you”, because waiting all day to hear the same things I can get from my family members is depressing. They were always surprised that I didn’t want to have sex with them for politely interacting with me on a regular basis.
No. 227209
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"But but muh war deaths"
No. 227217
>>227210Men cheat more, men are more likely leave their wives if she has an illness or disease(especially cancer) men murder than partners more, not only do they murder women more but do it so often that the amount of women murdered was more than troops killed in war, men push women into suicide, men abuse women, men molest children and their daughters, men are the entire reason sex trafficking exists, men buy women off of mail order bride sites, brag about abusing them and scream about the supposed madness and jealousy women have when they really don't because western women couldn't meet the insane standards they set for them, men get women pregnant, leave them with the kids, then cry about women getting kids in custody and having to pay child support, men are often the root of most womens problems with body dysmorphia and depression, men bully women mercilessly, men make societies that revolve around hurting, abusing, kidnapping women, throwing them out and finding a little girl to molest when the wife hits 25, men have entitlement and arrogance to the point where a lot of men kill women when rejected
And now men want to go boohoo poor oppressed little men over shit they did to THEMSELVES
Don't want men to be homicide victims? Go to male dominated communties and tell men not to murder other men
No one hates men more than men hate men, and then men want to turn around and scream oppression and point the finger at women for us to fix what men do to themselves
No. 227222
>>227213A large portion of male homicide victims are young men who are involved in organised crime, gang violence etc.
If you keep your nose clean you likely won't have anything to worry about. Women don't have the physical capabilities to protect and defend themselves as well as men can.
No. 227228
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>>227227Who's stopping you lol
You let the perceptions and convictions of others sway you too much. If you want to be a man-hating loner then go ahead, literally no one is stopping you except yourself.
No. 227232
>>227074yeah women get called out for having small boobs. when i was 12 i was literally sexually assaulted by some boys in my class for it.
as an adult i've had men who i didn't even know well encourage me to get implants telling me that it would be a nice thing to do for my bf or whatever.
i was a 32aa until my early 20's. it's never been an insecurity of mine since i liked going braless. but once i hit a c cup i thought the rude comments would stop. but i guess it's never enough for men.
what's kind of lame is i don't even have the energy to get mad or correct them anymore. i just like… have accepted that the vast majority of men are pigs and it's to be expected.
No. 227234
>>227230I just don't like the OP image since it compares two completely unrelated statistics. It would make more sense to just compare domestic homicide statistics between genders.
But I don't get why homicides being committed mostly by men is even relevant. Are you saying that it nullifies it? That it's just men 'digging their own graves'?
No. 227236
>>227234no I'm saying you're getting nowhere if you're taking a discussion in the wrong place
you know damn well this thread is meant to discuss problems that men cause to women, not problems that men cause to men, it's irrelevant
I assume the OP image uses the other stats to compare how large of a portion that is compared to troops and whatnot, and because men love bringing in the war deaths argument
No. 227271
>>227233Those comments lmao, men are so easily
triggered by any comment regarding their manhood but they have no chill when it come to trashing our genitals. (roasties, grand canyon, beef flaps…)
No. 227300
>>227135I still had to grow up very fast due to an abusive household and having to take care of myself from a young age.
Being mistaken for a teenager means no mentally healthy men are attracted to me and getting a boyfriend is almost impossible because no healthy man is attracted to little girls. They won't ever like me because why would they ever like someone they think is a minor? Only times I've been able to get a boyfriend is by meeting them first via the internet.
I don't mind being seen as innocent, I'd just like to be seen, instead of being invisible. I don't need to be objectified.
No. 227305
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>>227161>>227175>>227171>>227198You’re all missing the point
It’s more or less the 2nd panels phrasing that really fucking messed up the message that the comic “the right one doesn’t have to try” is the implication of the right one that women want is perfect
It’s say that the bf / former bdf who knows that he is flawed and trying to improve on himself to meet her standards but just doesn’t live up to them because he’s not perfect because if he was he’d automatically have no issues with the problems in their relationship
I get that it wasn’t trying to covey this but it’s literally there if you just take it at face value
It’s spread the belief that women will only accept perfection and nothing less
There is no way no one can not have to try without being perfect the very idea of not having to try In establishing a relationship that last a life is absurd itself. I mean being a good person is something everyone should stride but issues in relationships don’t just stem from that alone
Most of these responses where just the standard belittling like calling him entitled, assuming he’s cheated or all around terrible person when it’s supposed to be just about the struggle of trying to make a relationship based on the vagueness of the comic
Tl;dr : this comic misses the point very badly says that women only want perfection
and y’all shallow No. 227318
>>227305It just means if she was interested he wouldn't have to try. Stop trying to overread through a stupid fucking comic and get a life or kys.
>It’s spread the belief that women will only accept perfection and nothing lessYeah because it's the poor men that are enforced to wear makeup, do their hair, lose weight, wear fashionable clothes, put silicone implants, look and act like an angel otherwise they are just an ugly thot. Fuck off.
No. 227327
>>227316Again that’s projecting
But that’s true in a way
>>227318The comic implies that they were in a relationship because of an issue of the bf and one he’s trying to fix the girl says that it wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t have it in the first place if she met the right one
You’re trying to imply that men are set by a beauty/fitness standard in society
No. 227333
File: 1517681955450.png (32.57 KB, 642x130, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 12.1…)

This is man's response to women getting harrassed in the workplace. I'm just using this screenshot because it's the one I saw just now, and it's relatively tame compared to others I've seen, but this is a sentiment I've seen expressed over and over since the #metoo thing started.
WHY? Why are men like this!? The response to women being harrassed and assaulted by MEN is "limit their choices and remove them from the workplace and back to domestic slavery"? They don't want to hold men accountable for their behavior, they just want to subjugate women? It's not the man's fault for treating her like a worthless piece of trash, it's her fault for wanting to work outside the home and having the audacity to work alongisde men?
WHY? And why am I even still surprised by this? Why do I continue to expect anything more from men? God damnit, I'm sorry but this just pisses me off so much.
Why is EVERYTHING women's fault? Even men's actions? Why are we always the ones in the wrong, the ones that have to suffer for other people's actions?
I swear to god if I ever meet a man who sees women as actual human beings and doesn't blame them for their own abuse, I'll have a fucking heart attack. Men fucking hate women, they prove it everyday, and I'm fucking done.
No. 227338
>>227324spot the robot
>>227327>>227305spot the tranner
No. 227339
>>227305everyone wants perfection
but who is it thats breaking up with women over her not sending nudes, if she has small tits or a small ass, etc
and who is it thats staying with men despite them being emotionally, physically abusive, who is it that stays with men who are fat pieces of smelly shit but never complain about it one bit who is it that stays with unemployed freeloading men who scream gold digger the second you suggest they should pay bills where they leave?
but yep women sure are shallow and only want perfect huh
No. 227342
>>227339But it's ok when men do it!!11
Because men DESERVE to get everything they want. And women deserve nothing because we're all dumb whores, and how dare we ask for basic respect and a partner who fucking showers.
No. 227343
>>227305>It’s say that the bf / former bdf who knows that he is flawed and trying to improve on himself to meet her standards but just doesn’t live up to them because he’s not perfect because if he was he’d automatically have no issues with the problems in their relationship it's two panels with no background to the story, he could be a rando guy for all we know, how you interpret it really shows the kind of person you are
>It’s spread the belief that women will only accept perfection and nothing lessinteresting, studies show despite women thinking men aren't attractive, women still message all men where as men only message the most attractive women, but yeah please tell me how we all expect perfection
>There is no way no one can not have to try without being perfect the very idea of not having to tryagain, we don't know the background of the story, but jumping to the conclusion "HES NOT PERFECT WOMEN ARE SHALLOW" for all we know he could have cheated or been an asshole the entire time or abused her and thats why she doesn't want him, not because he isn't ~perfect~
>Most of these responses where just the standard belittling like calling him entitled, assuming he’s cheated or all around terrible person when it’s supposed to be just about the struggle of trying to make a relationship based on the vagueness of the comiche is entitled, he clearly can't take no for an answer, if she doesn't want you, she doesn't want you, grow up and move on
>assuming he’s cheated or all around terrible personI'm assuming you're going by what
>>227161 said, which wasn't that they assumed he cheated or is a terrible person, is that they fell for this meme and the "women are shallow the imperfect guys are the ones to actually make you happy" meme, the one you're trying to convey, and had a horrible experience with some autistic who most likely spread the same autist meme as you're doing
> when it’s supposed to be just about the struggle of trying to make a relationship based on the vagueness of the comicwanna make a relationship? here's a hint, don't find some random chick and beg desperately to do this this and that for her to date you, if she doesn't want to date you now she probably won't wanna date you then, relationships are supposed to make both parties happy, not just the man, almost every relationship I've seen where the man had to desperately cater to the woman until she dated him almost always ends up in flames, it's almost as if that if you have to pressure women into a relationship it will turn to shit
No. 227346
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>>226896>said "women with big breasts dont need to work out they can get any guy they want and they know it they know all other girls envy them" and said all girls with big boobs have giant egos, bragged about how him and his H cup gf would burst into tears laughing anytime there was a woman with a D cup or smaller in a movie that was wearing a bikini or bra and trying to be sexy, said chestlets are inferior and how they deserved to be bullied, bragged about dumping women for not having big enough breasts, said women with small breasts are starving to death and men who don't want cowtits are soyboys, etcI never understood why people laugh so hard when other people don't meet their ridiculous standards, like are they legit being humored over women not having a body they want them to have or are they so entitled they think the world revolves around them or?
Also those men are fucking obnoxious, I try to stay away from men who expect only one or two body types from women
No. 227352
File: 1517688339954.jpg (83.99 KB, 1086x646, whewlad.JPG) upon above link.
> is in a relationship with a 14 y/o as a 19 y/o men for months> somehow has no idea she is not even going to high school>apparently there is a place called Miracle Village so pedos have a place to livewhat the fuck have I just read
I feel so sorry for the women but also am dumbfounded and annoyed. She seems like such a handmaiden, cause I don't buy the dude not being aware of his child bride's age.
No. 227369
Has anyone ever experience being close with your father as a kid, but then you grow up and realize he's exactly like all men??
I remember trying to discuss feminism and rape culture with my dad as a late teen and he basically laughed it off, saying it wasn't as bad as most women make it out to be .. or "well, it happens to men too."
Like, I'm so disgusted by how no man is ever empathetic to women and rape. I have yet to meet any guy who really cares about women being sexually harassed or assaulted irl. It's really scary.
I really do hate all men.
>>227352There's no way he didn't know her age. Just another vile pedo pretending he's the victim
No. 227370
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>>227369my dad use to be typical trump supporter republican dad , the type that would flinch if you mention periods around him and refuse to walk in a makeup store, but he kinda was converted when I started bringing around a lot of gay and lesbian and feminist friends and whatnot and he become more accepting and had more feminist ideologies especially when I came out and told him how I wanted to be a doctor, then once when I was in the emergency room he pointed out how I had a male nurse and female doctor as a sort of encouragement for me
when I started getting into guns, cars, boats, typical guy stuff, and my mom pointed out and said those were "man things" my dad turned around and said "they aren't man things they're things anyone can do man or woman" and then got mad at my mom for making gay jokes about a male friend of mine
now he's more lax about everything
No. 227379
>>227369I talked with my dad for about an hour and a half the other day about how I'm a lot more into feminism that I once was (not extreme, just more of the societal stuff western wise, everything else anywhere else) and lo and behold he mentioned men every chance he got but his points where quite easily rebuffed, all in all it was a good discussion that was no where near as horrid as some dads can be but he still doesn't really understand that he'll never have a woman's experience as a man, it doesn't help that most of the people he goes to for his views, are loud men.
Saying that he seem confused when I talked about how women, in western culture are still seen (socially) as second class and are constantly being put down by men, and how they're often trying to hurt women politically, (planned parenthood and all that) doesn't help that whenever I hear him watching Youtube, all I can hear are men talking about how all women want to stay at home and those who don't are nasty nasty femenazi's, he doesn't agree with them 100% but it's still worrying that with an 50% male and 50% female household, he's still willing to put that on blast.
Nonetheless he's definitely not as bad as some dads I hear about, mine will buy pads for me in an instant and is comfortable talking about my personal problems such as sexuality and being childfree (more than I can talk to my mother to) so he was a good male role model growing up, thank god.
No. 227384
>>227373that would make sense if he was
my friend once dated a guy who was a massive misogynist, he said clothing stores were okay but he would never walk into a sephora, ulta or any other makeup store, when loading groceries in a car he refused to pick up the bag that had pads in it
like nigga what, people KNOW you're in there with your gf, they know pads aren't for you, it's like being grossed out over holding toilet paper men are weak
No. 227387
>>227369>Like, I'm so disgusted by how no man is ever empathetic to women and rape. I have yet to meet any guy who really cares about women being sexually harassed or assaulted irl. It's really scary.It's because men see women as the gatekeepers of relationships. If a woman is abused they just think "oh she deserved it for picking a shitty partner, she should have picked a better guy like me"
It's like when /pol/ cheers when a black guy murders his white girlfriend. Saying she paid the toll.
No. 227403
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in case you forgot how high mens standards are
>look absolutely perfect and meet my impossibly ridiculous standards
>don't get plastic surgery though
>JAV stars with plastic surgery still aren't good enough for 4channers
remind me to never date a guy from /fit/
No. 227441
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Why are men so obsessed with the idea of women making their food? Are they children or something?
No. 227444
>>227441Men fetishize the idea of having a woman to take care of them the way their mommy did, except unlike mommy the gf/wife can give them food, clean their house
and have sex with them. Men raised by mothers who coddle then and protect them any time they get sad or upset about something are to blame for this.
No. 227445
File: 1517762178717.png (1.16 MB, 949x949, intelligent sexual culture.PNG)

I'm gonna blogpost for a sec because this is legit something I can't talk to anyone about without them throwing some sort of hissy fit about sexism.
Can we talk for a second how fucking selfish it is for men to have kids at like 50 with their 30-something wife. I'm one of these kids (now 22) and am functionally an orphan because I have a nutter psychopathic mom (the only kind of woman who marries men that old at 30, let's be real) and a father that could kick the bucket any day and never had the capacity to be emotionally available in the first place. My dad is a niceish man but only likes antagonistic, unstable women so I never had any role models and my older sister already kicked the bucket due to being mentally unstable. I'm not too bummed about the whole emotional side of it as much as the "holy shit I'm 22 and neither of my parents are capable of supporting me if something goes wrong" part.
Like what do they expect? That after they die the woman will just make sure their kid makes it out okay? My dad said he wanted a second chance at a family after his first one was ruined by him/his first wife, but holy fuck are they really that dense? They make fun of women for their "biological clocks" but then turn around at fucking 55 and say "PERFECT TIME FOR A DO-OVER! Let's go find some gold-digging insecure woman and start a family!" because usually they are afraid of dying alone and having to live with themselves knowing that they wasted their good years being a dick to the people who loved them.
It's so hard to wrap my head around because my dad encouraged me to do all kinds of "non-feminine" things like compsci and science, but he never thought to date a woman who wasn't "traditional" or had her own identity. It's like he sees me as a person but the women he married as "mothers". He also seems really invested in getting me to pull high-value (ie lots of material resources) men before he croaks. It's as if he fundamentally believes men are wallets and that's their only trait to women in a relationship.
It really seems that a lot of men do view women as people until they're in a relationship or have any shred of emotional vulnerability (rejection especially). As soon as a man has to trust a woman or take any sort of risk, he devalues her out of some desperate need to protect his feefees. Then she's a "slut" or a "mother" or a "bitch". I think that's why they have the capacity to actually love their mothers and daughters way more than their wives or girlfriends. Men can only love when their ego is 200% safe, and that can virtually never happen in a real relationship.
Anyway, sorry. Men are truly just the fucking masters of mental gymnastics and defense mechanisms. I really wish there was literature out there about how to sift through their bullshit and figure out what the hell is actually going on upstairs. These threads have been a help, but damn if we don't know that we're not welcome outside of anonymous boards.
No. 227447
>>227445All mysogyny boils down to is men being unable to handle their emotions and unable to accept not being the “man” in any situation because it would make them feel weak. Feelings and emotions destroy men because they’re never properly taught how to express or handle them, so instead they chimp out and starts swinging their dicks talking about how they
need to be the provider and the defender for a woman. If we taught little boys how o stop giving a shit what other men think and be happy and kind, this shit would fix itself. Instead, you have men raised by asshole men and brainwashwd women with bullshit ideas about masculinity and gender roles.
No. 227452
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>>227449I love "why does he do that" and am a huge psych nerd. Unfortunately a lot of psych is poisoned by men. Especially when it comes to relationships or how men view women. For example, remember the "men hate confident women" study where men rated the attractiveness of women based on poses? Taken at face value it is very easy to assume that the researchers were careful, but when you examine the actual study and actual data, it becomes clear that they went into it with an agenda to confirm their previous conclusions. The photos used in that study can be found at but I've also attached an example of the media v. what actually happened.
Philosophy lies less and is less prone to bullshit in my experience, but fuck if I know any female philosophers with a kick-ass attitude.
>>227447I def agree with you there. Men are emotionally retarded, and that's most likely because it serves other men for them to be. Men benefit from it so they have good worker drones/people to bully women into giving up their power to society as a whole. Kinda sad, but expected since most men have the critical thinking skills of a toddler but the self-awareness of a narcissist.
No. 227453
>>227441The kind of men that have this mindset are so fucking dumb, on top of revolting. They project themselves onto other men so hard (which is probably why they think women are a hive mind, they think it of their own gender ffs) yet can't put two and two together that most Western men who maintain serious relationships don't treat their SO like a maid on top of expecting her to work… and they're the ones that are still single.
They also can't for the life of them understand that you either get a housewife or a woman who works. You do not get both. The kind of women happy to be your maid do not want to work and vice versa. You cannot expect your SO to do fucking everything.
But women are the entitled gender magically somehow.
No. 227454
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Since I'm already in my transmet folder, here's another thing: men are completely blind to the effects OTHER MEN have on women. In the panel before or after this is the quote:
>Bill Rose: Everyone's looking for someone to blame. Society. Culture. Hollywood. Predators. Looking everywhere but the right place. Children are very simple, Mr. Jerusalem. Very easy devices to break, or assemble wrong. You want to know who did this to these kids? Only their parents. That's the thing no one wants to hear. Every time you stop thinking about how you're treating your kid, you make one of these. It really is as simple as that. It's got nothing to do with the failure of the society or any of that. It's got everything to do with the responsibility of making a human. Why are your kids selling themselves on the streets? Because you fucked up the job of raising them. That's what no one wants to hear. That we can't blame anything outside our houses.
How can you possibly argue that it is the parents' fault and no one else's when in the same breath he says she is a prostitute because of emotional damage inflicted through rape and ruthless assault. Obviously the parents are partially to blame, but if men weren't sexually abusive and degenerate in transmet, would these children still exist in their current states?
And shame on Warren Ellis for not going there and attacking the main cause of child sexual exploitation and women who dissociate like that when being assaulted or having sex: male sexual entitlement and psychopathy
Maybe it isn't edgy enough for him to state the obvious. Maybe it was too harsh an observation for his male readers. Maybe it sounded too much like the fucking truth.
No. 227456
>>227452>Philosophy lies less and is less prone to bullshit in my experience, but fuck if I know any female philosophers with a kick-ass attitude.Go to the source- read Aurelius, Lao Tsu, basically and old ass books you can find. Greek, Roman, Eastern, Western. Really, philosophy and psychology go hand in hand, so it’s not a great idea to exclude one for the other.
Try not to focus so much on “if a man said it” and think about how you can use it to understand men better so you can predict their moves. I love reading shit written by men to promote their agendas because even then, I can see the patterns in the text that point to a deep need to be in control and have authority over women, who most men consider smaller, weaker animals.
Get into animal psychology too, especially pack animals, predatory animals, and basically any intelligent or strong animal men love to compare themselves to like wolves, bears, horses, etc. and find out what traits they think they share with those animals. Even smart men will hand you the keys to their demise if you can disarm them the right way and pay attention.
It’s good to check sources, but don’t get hung up on “weh, male poisoned propaganda” because even that is still valuable and can tell you things about male psychology. Basically just learn and use the same strategies the FBI uses to hunt people like the zodiac killer or the Unabomber, lol.
Everything is connected, and psychology is such a broad subject that dismissing it as a possible gateway to finally fixing the imbalance of power in society would be careless. It is a lot to take in, but if you’re good at figuring out how things fit together and how people interact with each other and why, it’ll be fun anyway.
No. 227461
>>227454Well, I see your point but at the same time, shitty parenting
is usually to blame in cases of people who ended up shitty and
weren’t raped or addicted to drugs. Sometimes kids that everyone thought were perfectly normal and happy and had good lives grow up to be unstable, fucked up adults without necessarily being bad people. I think in
that case, thenoarents might be more responsible.
>Every time you stop thinking about how you're treating your kid, you make one of these.This is kind of true, it’s like the phrase “if you’re worried about being a bad parent, you’re a good parent” simply because you care enough to ask yourself that question. Blog, but my mom was a codependent narcissist and when our dad left, she became very inappropriately emotionally attached to my brother and started treating me like competition. After 10+ years of therapy and family counseling I realized all the things she did that had an impact on me, but to this day she insists she was a good mother (who once refused to take me to the hospital for a broken arm because she thought I was faking for attention) and that none of her fuckups like being a drunk had any effect on me or my brother because ~we’re our own people, separate from her~.
Shitty parents can ruin their kids without turning them into monsters or criminals. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, multiple suicide attempts, struggled with managing my money, you can forget about dating, shit self esteem, seeking abusive relationships that reminded me of my family, etc. It’s insane to say you can create a human life and then just expect it to develop as a well rounded, happy person on its own while you feed and water it and put a roof over it’s head. People aren’t fucking plants.
No. 227489
>>227452>>227452>Unfortunately a lot of psych is poisoned by men. Especially when it comes to relationships or how men view women.Holy shit this, one second they'll say men think 14 yr olds are the most attractive out of every other age if they're shown rigged pictures to prove their point (ie younger girls with better facial aesthetics and older girls with mor fucked faces), next second they'll say women who signal highest fertility are most attractive aka not 14 yr olds
One second they'll say women with big tits and big butts are smart, high IQs, healthy, etc and all that, next second they'll say the race known for having big butts and boobs have the lowest IQs, then come back and say womens often match their bra size, then they'll say more fertile women who have more kids have lower IQs, these dumbass psych wannabe men rig studies so much to the point they can't even see how much they contradict themselves, like the tinder study of a guy that screamed females have privilege when it comes to dating and his proof was him asking girls how many guys they liked
One second a study will say 22 is the most fertile age, next one will say 25 fertility starts declining like what the fuck does 3 yr difference make unless you spent it shooting meth
One second bigger women are better for evolution and men feel the need to chase them next minute smaller women are better because its more feminine and men feel the need to chase them
One minute they'll do a study on how men prefer paler skin because they believe it makes a woman more pure but leave out the fact so many men are attracted to poc, one study will claim the more hip waist ratio, the more sex partners, next study will say high bmi women have more sex partners and more likely to cheat, and the list goes on and on and on, including studies that portray men as victims being oppressed by scary evil women
Chances are if the entire reason they're doing a study is to find results that allow men to jusitfy shitty actions or pretend to be victims, they will get the results, people like so aren't afraid to rig this shit hell and back
No. 227502
>>227441Men always expect the world from women in order for us to "keep them" but give little to nothing to offer, I can see where the girl on the left is coming from if it was revealed the man never put any effort into the relationship, are they even married? It would be even more pathetic cuckatry if they were short term and the man never even did shit for the relationship, not even emotional labor
They want all women to automatically be free maids but just want to sit on their ass and do nothing, hell most men nowadays don't even do emotional labor and expect women to do it, just look in vent threads about women here venting about their boyfriends or husbands they're working their ass off for will randomly ignore them for no reason, cheat, if texting they would get ignored or vague shit like "I see" after paragraphs of vent
They also are almost always way too paranoid about cheating than they should be, even studies show that despite men cheating so much more than women, they're more paranoid, if a man suspects women of cheating he has a 50% chance of being right if a woman suspects she has an 80% chance of being right despite men cheating almost twice as much as women, I even remember one anon from the vent thread who's boyfriend kept being shady, like if she asked where he was going he would say "don't worry about it" and once anon got a notification saying he was on Skype after telling her he was going to sleep, then when she asked he said "im talking to a friend then sleeping" but would get paranoid of her cheating out of nowhere, once she fell asleep and he accused her of cheating, asked for pics of her friends when she went out, suggested she get a hickey tattoo so she doesn't cheat, and uses his ex as an accuse despite the fact the girls previous bf also cheated but she isnt that paranoid to him
Men don't give two shits, they want women to act like maids and be okay with them being lazy pieces of shit not putting in any labor but at the same time want to portry themselves as victims, they don't realize they can't have both.
No. 227503
thank you. have been trying to put my finger on this succinctly.
i just think the thing is that men aren't scrutinised to the same degree, - it's this pathologising of female behaviour and treating male behaviour as a default that pisses me off. differencing women using pseudoscience as a weapon.
No. 227507
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>>227489Not to mention they're quick to investigate more than the FBI and scream lies on studies that make men look bad but will take crappily done "RESEARCH SHOWS WOMEN ARE BAD AND MEN SHOULD LIKE 12 YR OLDS WITH BIG BUTTS" type research, often with no information behind the study or how it was done, take it in as fact and use to to hold up their shit narrative
Pic related, comments from a study in the old thread that mentions how men are more likely to leave their wives if she has a serious illness
No. 227513
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Reference to previous posts, dont forget you need a man to tell you how to do your feminism ladies! Doesnt matter if you were verbay abused by a pedo transwomen oh no! You're still the one to blame! And before you get uppity remember hes a black sjw so you cant say anything bad! Its not like back men have a history of shitting over women especially black women, no you can totally trust their opinion.
No. 227516
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why do guys always feel the need to mention they don't find a woman, who is generally perceived as attractive to be attractive?
like seriously, if other people enjoy her so-called "man brows no tits and no ass" then let them enjoy it, no need to barge in and try to pass it off as objective that the celebrity is unattractive, they can't comprehend when people find women attractive that they don't find attractive mostly due to their ridiculous standards
I forgot what thread it was but someone literally spent hours of their time collecting unflattering pictures of ariel winter to "prove" she isn't as attractive as everyone says she is… like just let women be fucking attractive for once dammit
No. 227519
>>227489You’re missing the point. Psychology itself doesn’t give a fuck about gender. You
can use psychology to push a sexist agenda, I’m not saying that doesn’t happen. I’m saying you need to stop saying “why bother learning bullshit men use to oppress women” because if you don’t understand how to use that weapon against them to
help women, you’re playing right into the fucking scheme.
No. 227520
>>227519I never said psychology itself was bad, but people use psychology to justify sick points of views
> I’m saying you need to stop saying “why bother learning bullshit men use to oppress women”never said that, I think psychology is a very important thing to learn, it's just easily manipulated in order to justify crappy points of views
>because if you don’t understand how to use that weapon against them to help women, you’re playing right into the fucking scheme.thats what I was saying, men will bullshit psychology to encourage awful views, a lot of the time go as far as using it to justify pedophilia, not just being attracted to teens but actual small children, psychology has always been easily to twist and manipulate
No. 227553, more proof to me that all of men's problems with women are just projection. Men can't control themselves, so women must not be able to either. Let's ignore all of the rape and murder of women by men, because women choosing their own husbands and sexual partners is the real problem in society!
Fucking psychos man.
No. 227556
>>227555Bot much? Just take your screenshot to prove "LOOK AT WHAT LOLCOW ROASTIES SAID THEY'RE ALL EVIL" and go, or at least try to disguise better
Notice how when men talk about being abused, everyone comes up with love and support, when women get abused, unless she was a toddler or baby people go out of their way in order to justify it and emphasize with the abuser
No. 227559
>>227556>Notice how when men talk about being abused, everyone comes up with love and support, when women get abused, unless she was a toddler or baby people go out of their way in order to justify it and emphasize with the abuserThis is completely true…but I just want to know WHY. Why is society, and more specifically men, like this? Why do they hate women so much? I mean if someone is getting abused, they're being abused. They should be helped and supported regardless of gender. But when it's a woman, they get blamed. Men don't. Why does society care about men more, and furthermore, why does everyone hate women SO fucking much that they have to go out of their way to hurt and remind us how worthless we're seen as?
I can always acknowledge it, and accept it, but it will still never make sense to me why I am hated more for having a certain set of chromosomes and certain genitals. The "wrong" chromosomes and genitals, apparently. It makes me feel doomed.
No. 227564
>>227563>They stick together even when one of them is a violent rapist/abuser/asshole/liar who is in the wrong in a certain situation. In my experience men love other men, and hate women more than anything. ANYTHING.true, obviously I don;t mean men hate women more than men have men, but we clearly don't hate them as much as they hate themselves
for example, like the bait male anon in the other thread that came in talking about how his mother tried killing him and now he "can barely go to a female cashier without running off and crying" or some retarded shit like that, most other anons were supportive and tried helping him given there was one who saw through the shit bait, but imagine if a man would post about a similar experience on a male dominated board, they would be flooded with "grow up pussy" or "kill yourself faggot"
men only want to support men when they're racist, lying, cheating or abusers (but ironically act like victims and use it to justify racism or sexism when something like so happens to them), never if they are actual victims then at last second they wanna turn around and cry how no one cares about poor little men when they could't care less about other men unless they wanna play victim, women have done more to help men than men ever had, and they don't want to admit it
No. 227566
>>227564Oh I see what you mean. I guess it's part of the whole "toxic masculinity hurts men too" thing, in that they are expected to, and expect other men to, be tough and resilient and not show any emotion (because emotion is a female thing and female things are bad~~).
I slowly find myself having to actively stop myself from having sympathy for men. They hate women so much that I can't allow myself to care anymore. I want to be able to remove all empathy and sympathy for them. Right now I can't say that I hate men, because they're people and we all go through shit and need help from time to time, but I hate how much men hate women to the point where I want to stop giving a fuck about them completely. Whenever I see a man talking about his problems I want to be able to laugh in his face the way men laugh in the faces of women who have been abused, raped, or hurt by men. But unfortunately that doesn't come naturally to me. If men, society, and even some women hate me for being a woman, why should I put any kind of emotional effort into life? And even if that makes me a terrible person, who cares? The world seems to be just fine with men who are terrible people.
Just fuck it. Completely. Misogyny makes me so tired and miserable and suicidal, but I hope one day I can become completely numb to it. And everything else.
No. 227567
>>227561Of course I know, why else would I post here lol
>>227562>>227564I love all people, except trash.
>racist, lying, cheating or abusersAll trash, just as much as the whining victim who thinks he is special and to be pitied lol
No. 227569
>>227565Men hate women so much, why the fuck would they care what women "love" or think about anything? And how does that justify abuse, rape, and murder to them? How the FUCK can they empathize with an abuser over a victim?
Are you saying that they think women love assholes and badboys and therefore women love to be abused and raped, so why should they care if we don't? Men just fucking hate women, period point blank. The sooner they can all admit it like some of them do, the better off everyone will be.
No. 227573
>>227570Men are fucking worthless then. That's the most disgusting shit I've ever heard.
"hurr durr this bitch fucked a bad boy instead of ME, she deserves to be raped and have society fucking tear her apart again after the fact!11 fucking whores11"
Truly the rational gender.
No. 227583
>>227580We’re clearly talking about this specific instance of over generalizing women that yes, only men do. Because…surprise…they hate women.
But I forgot, men are flawless little angels and no one can call them on their shit.
No. 227589
>>227369I've never talked about this anywhere, but when I was a teenager my dad sat me down and told me the reason why I've never met my aunt/his sister. Basically when they were kids he molested her in some way. I don't know the details, no idea what he did, how long he did it, how old they were, because he didn't say and I didn't really want to ask. But the thing that really creeped me out was more than feeling bad for what he did, he just seemed bothered about how she enstranged him after. "We got along just fine years after, until one day in our 20s she just decided she hated me and wanted nothing to do with me" It was like he thought she'd just selfishly changed her mind about something that shouldn't have been a big deal since they were both kids or something. He seemed to resent and disagree with whatever perspective she has about what happened. Apparently they sort of made peace but she refuses to have any contact with him unless he goes to some sort of therapy for being a pedophile, and thought he shouldn't have/be around kids (me).
While you never truly know somebody, I don't think my dad is a pedo or would/has committed any kind of sexual violence as an adult from everything I know with of him. He definitely never did anything weird to me or made me uncomfortable as a kid. He's SUPER liberal too, I really never would have expected to hear this. It's fucked up and kind of cognitive dissonance, but I just try not to think of it as to not change my relationship with my dad that I love. I don't want to know or find out the details.
No. 227591
>>227578men have trouble seeing women as humans in the way that they are human. and i think it's exactly for this reason.
>men's natural lack of empathy or foresightunless you state very explicitly and emphatically that something bothers you with a detailed explanation of why, they won't fucking get it. they won't anticipate it either. the exceptions i've found for this are far too few.
i've had to explain why date rape is a bad thing to multiple dudes, and they respond with such deep confusion that they require basically a thought experiment of what it's like to be born into the world with a vagina. literally, i have to go to birth and ask them to imagine what it's like to be a child looking up to women, trying to learn what it's like to be one, then learning what it's REALLY like and what to expect with puberty, then developing into an adult, etc.
and even then the best you can hope for in response is, "that sounds bad, i'm glad i'm a guy."
OK. i told you this so that you could maybe appreciate how to better treat women in your life, not to better appreciate the circumstance you were born into.
No. 227592
>>227570That's a very common attitude but it doesn't explain their feelings towards abused women. Throughout history women have had very little freedom of choice when it comes to men, being able to choose any guy letalone a bad boy is a very modern thing.
Men just can't stand anything that could potentially limit their
exclusive access to any women they choose. It's not enough that they demand all women be sexually attractive and sexually available, they have to be inexperienced too. So they get mad at girls they find unattractive because that's fewer women they could fuck, and they get mad at the very concept of consent because that's fewer opportunities they can take for sex, all the while being mad at women who've lost their purity whether it was voluntary or not.
No. 227593
>>227591>unless you state very explicitly and emphatically that something bothers you with a detailed explanation of why, they won't fucking get itYeah, and then if you do that they’ll laugh at you and tell you to stop whining because rape and abuse and misogyny isn’t that bad! They’ll tell you that Men “don’t hate” women, you see, they just belittle dehumanize and harm us any chance they get.
I’m so fucking sick of it. Imagine going through your entire life thinking that half the population is barely human and so far beneath you that you don’t need to treat them with any semblance of respect or dignity. Imagine thinking half the population is a fucking toy to be used for your amusement, and if one dare steps out of line and asks to be treated with basic human decency, SHE is in the wrong.
Imagine going through life thinking you can do whatever you want to women because we don’t have thoughts or feelings and don’t matter. Even though all evidence points to the fact that we are indeed human.
And you would think If they ever really sat down and thought about these things, they might realize how evil they’re being and maybe modify their behavior, but no. They’re just fine continuing on viewing women as less than shit. Why not, the entire rest of the world does.
No. 227595
>>227589>I don't think my dad is a pedo or would/has committed any kind of sexual violence as an adult from everything did he say how old he was? was it actual molestation or playing doctor type stuff? or some duggar family level stuff?
I know both things can have negative effects but if the kid was under 7 or 8 at the time, chances are they had no clue what they were doing and shouldn't be labeled as a pedophile
I hate going off topic but think of the child of rage documentary, while what she did was disgusting and inappropriate it doesn't really reflect the type of person beth is now
No. 227597
>>227589>Basically when they were kids he molested her in some way.any idea how old they were, anon?
that's a bit of an important detail. i could see someone getting upset over that if they didn't have help framing it in a healthy way. but it's actually really common for children to "explore" in this way without them having any way of knowing what they are doing. there's actually a term for it called "sex play."
it's done in innocent curiosity, but it can definitely have unintended consequences.
if your aunt got upset about it later, definitely have some sympathy. but also, without knowing the details of what happened, i wouldn't assume that he intended to violate her. it does speak to what males are curious about from a very early age… my boyfriend used to cut out pictures of women in dresses and bathing sutits from a sears catalog when he was in kindergarten. they were supposed to be making magazine collages in class. he would pull out the cut-outs and stare at them in his bedroom. in retrospect, he has no idea what was going through his mind and he obviously wasn't aware of what compelled him to do it. he just did it because it felt good to look at those women.
No. 227603
>>227600It's possible to make them care, but I don't think it's natural for them to care. Which is fucked, but we probably wouldn't be here today if men didn't have the drive to fuck everyone and everything. Most of our male ancestors were probably rapists.
Doesn't make me feel better, though. I'd be good with not existing.
No. 227606
>>227603It’s possible for them to pretend to care. They will never care.
Agreed on not existing. Personally I wish I were never born, especially as a woman. It’s a fucking curse that I’m going to have to deal with for the rest of my life unless I can end it pretty soon. Every single day there’s just more misogynistic shit to wade through. Being told you’re a worthless piece of shit everyday from all angles starts to take its toll eventually, I’m honestly surprised the suicide rate for girls and women isn’t higher.
No. 227607
>>227606>I’m honestly surprised the suicide rate for girls and women isn’t higher.because women actually care about other women not to mention most of us don't want to make people who care for us miserable
>inb4 "you're so cruel!!!"what I've noticed if men often kill themselves over dumb shit, like the man who leaped to his death because a woman he was in an LDR with wasn't as attractive in real life, men will do murder-suicides a lot of the time to avoid getting arrested, men will kill themselves over relationship issues, men will kill themselves after someone finds out that they molested or raped someone, I even knew a guy who tried killing himself because everyone bitched him out because he exposed his girlfriends nudes after cheating on her
hitler committed suicide, columbine kids committed suicide after shooting up their school because the jocks were meanie butts and hurt their feefees, men will kill themselves if they lasted even just a few days dealing with shit women have been dealing with for the last few centuries, and thats the fucking problem
if we take out all the murder-suicides, someone-found-out-i-molested-a-child- suicides, my-girlfriend-isn't-pretty suicides, just suicides over dumb shit like that and not actual depression stemming from a difficult life, then male suicide rate would be cut in half
No. 227614
>>227611I don't know who is denying that Elliot Rodgers hated women, but it's not MGTOW, incels, MRAs, the right wing, etc.
They praise Elliot Rodgers, they glorify him, they call him "Saint Elliot".
>>227609Women aren't smart enough to form the mindset of a mass killer.
They're also so privileged that they can't form the mindset of a mass killer. There lives are too easy, and they get tons of social validation.
No. 227616
An intelligent woman is equivalent to an average white man.
The smartest females I've ever seen were basically on the same level as typical white men.>>227615
>>227616It's a fact that women have better impulse control,
marginally better emotional control and mental strength, and are less prone to mental illness and general insanity. This means we are more reliable, stable, and all around just make better decisions than men. The insane amount of negative effects testosterone has on the brain deem men inferior in every way outside of physical strength. Fuck off with that pseudo-science bullshit, beta.
No. 227620
>>227609>LAwent there for a few months for a study abroad program, almost all men are raging misogynist, will harass you on the street constantly, never giving up, worse than I've ever seen in the UK, and men around will laugh and joke around, play victim cards and the whole "relax love you're just a cute woman" card if you snap at them, all fucking disgusting, men laugh at other men taking creepshots of womens asses , little boys looking up womens skirts is considered funny, you can't do anything without some shitlord coming onto you, men cheat there like crazy (think kyler lmao), get away with it, get away with domestic abuse, have no manners or concept of respect and make inappropriate comments towards women all the fucking time, especially underage ones, even if she's just a cashier or waitress
girls there talk about domestic abuse or just being physically assaulted by men as if it's something normal, police often do nothing about it, the woman who shot a guy in the pinky got years and years in prison with over 300k bail and the man who swung around a machete because his wife didn't want to have sex with him barely got any time and less than 8k bail, shootings twice a week, it felt like I was on a different planet
I know different countries have problems, different states have problems of their own but fuck they need to get their shit together
No. 227629
>>227614> Women aren't smart enough to form the mindset of a mass’re a straight fuckin dumbass lmao. So eager to see women as inferior that even their lack of tendency toward murder and mayhem makes them inferior to you. Not to mention you don’t need to be “smart” to be a mass murderer, half of them fuck up and never accomplish their task on the scale they originally set out to. Columbine shooters couldn’t even get their fucking bombs to go off.
Go back to braincels and suck off your boy Elliott some more.
No. 227631
>>227614>Women aren’t smart enough Nah. You’ve probably come across Jordan Peterson’s vids by now about how the intelligence bell curve differs between genders. Women in average are smarter, but men’s intelligence is more spread out.
I have trouble believing the people performing mass shootings are on the higher end. There’s definitely exceptions with the unhinged misanthrope who despises existence. Generally speaking they are emotionally retarded men who do this. I mean, Elliott Roger was definitely not that smart. He came across as average intelligence or slightly below average intelligence privileged with a rich kid education that obviously failed him.
Feels like a very mid-IQ thing to go in a suicidal killing rampage. Smarter people generally have too much success in life to have any desire to shorten it.
No. 227645
>>227633>>227634like anon said, depends on the state, there are some nice places in texas, florida, etc, just more liberal states in general but for the main part, the deep south is shit, especially if you're a woman, not to mention a lot of the women that live there are self hating as well and brainwash their daughter into the same shit as well, it's like they never evolved from the 50s, the last thing we need is for mgtow to spread in the south since these men are pretty much living the lives they want. with women getting punished more for similar crimes, women forced to work and go to uni but at the same time maintain housewife duties and raise children, religious almost nun type women who encourage other women to do the same, almost to the point where you'll be disciplined for gossiping because it's not considered "lady like" but men can get no shit at all for going on a rampage about how he thought a girl in the class was ugly
it would blow my mind if mgtow was a big thing in the south, and if anything proves the fact even is men get exactly what they want they're still never happy, given, I once debated with an mgtow who was screaming how all women are whores by nature and I asked him why and he said "the small southern town I live in women sing I love you jesus every morning and fuck me harder every night!", his biggest problem was that women ~dare~ have good sex lives with their own husbands in the privacy of their own home and it's somehow his business and proves women are all disgusting whores, this is the type of men we'e dealing with
No. 227646
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>"WE" had 100k and "YOU" didn't sell
being his gf doesn’t mean you have access to his money wtf
No. 227649
>>227647he seems batshit crazy, leave his ass now
pretending to be humored when something doesn't go his way is a big red flag
also what is this? are you drug dealers or own a business or?
No. 227655
>>227653grow some ovaries and leave his ass, pretending to be a little child "hur I just told everyone how much of a loser you are ha! jk"
he can't have a stable relationship, don't get stuck in a meaningless miserable relationship
No. 227668
>>227641Want to tell
>>227616 and
>>227614 that they’re also wrong for stating that all women are inferior, much like racists do to black people? No, didn’t think so. Probably because you agree and you stupid fucks just come in here to irritate us and tell us how all women are inferior whores. We can’t even have one thread without some dumbass like you “well you sound just like r9k!!11” meanwhile you don’t have a problem with them
No. 227669
>>227667Do I have to reply to every bullshit thing I disagree with and start an argument, especially in a place where it'll be ridiculed regardless?
Here's what I would say
>>227616>>227615Are both wrong. I don't see why I have to bother pointing it out. Especially when I'm not supposed to be posting here anyway lol
Don't put words in anyone's mouth. I fucking hate robots and incels, such breeds of trash should kill themselves. So don't even think I share the same insane delusions as them, it's disgusting to even consider.
No. 227670
>>227631>Smarter people generally have too much success in life to have any desire to shorten it.Typical female, unable to separate intelligence from financial and academic success, they are the same exact thing to you.
At a certain point, extreme intelligence will make you more likely than an average person to be homeless, or a NEET.
It will correlate with an extreme lack of motivation to participate in society.
>>227669Possibly THE biggest white knight I've ever seen on the internet, ever.
No. 227673
>>227670A delusion to sate one's own ego, obviously. This one thinks himself intelligent, and equates his lowly status to that of high intellect. Thus that which spurs forth from this sort of outlook: criminals, murderers, etc. are relatable to him, so he reflects the intellect he believes himself to have onto those people and turns them into idols to emulate and adore, because he wants to feel different and special, because he thinks he is someone special, someone enlightened.
It's how he copes with being at the bottom rung of society. It can't be his own fault! It's everyone else's! They do it because he's different, because he's better than them and they're trying to keep him down!
>white knightIf you think I want to fuck anyone, especially someone from here lol, you're mistaken. Maybe call me a moralfag instead lol
Your kind should hang.
No. 227674
>>227670incels and beta males confirmed for most woke niggas out there
born to die
society is a fuck
鬼神 Kill Em All 1999
I am soy boy
410,757,864,530 DEAD NORMIES
No. 227676
>>227670You know that the only people you will find here are ~females~, right dumbfuck? So leave. If we're so inferior and unintelligent, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT. And go somewhere with people who you believe are on your level.
Typical fucking male, barging in somewhere he isn't wanted to remind women how much they all hate us.
No. 227679
>>227676I go all through the internet.
I go to /pol/,, AND feminist subreddits and tumblr.
A female imageboard is very enticing to me. This is one of the least censored feminist echo chambers, and I still get banned and censored on sight. Feminist echo chambers are extremely censored and moderated, because otherwise it would be too easy for men to come in and pop their delusional bubble, and show them just how stupid their views are.
>>227655>>227649>>227658This is above-average female intelligence, and they're not even smart enough to understand what they're looking at.
Just think of what average female intelligence is like. It's borderline retarded. They get lighter criminal sentences for the same reason that children and retards do, it wouldn't be fair to hold them to the same level of accountability as men.
>>227660This must be a genius female.
(your post history is cute, you spent multiple days larping as female!) No. 227680
>>227679Shut the fuck up dude. We don't want men to come in here because they act like you, WE GET IT. YOU'RE SUPERIOR. Enjoy it. Why are you here instead of going out and enjoying your superiority, honey?
Women are dumb whores, we're inferior, good for nothing, we should all kill ourselves. We get it we get it we get it. Don't need to be reminded. Your presence is unnecessary.
No. 227681
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>>227679bullshit, beta. breeders are unable to manifest their physical forms in the wired.
you are an inferior member of the inferior sex, this is why you are a NEET and no adequate Human Females will reproduce with you.
(responding to a robot) No. 227684
>>227679Not going to reply to me
>>227673 ? lol
/r9k/, /pol/, incels, such communities are just as sheltered. Your delusions blind you from seeing even that obvious fact. Have you ever seen dissenting opinions on, for instance, go unpunished? No, you don't. It's an echo chamber for the bickering of diseases, rotten minds.
No. 227685
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stop responding and just report them, you eggs
No. 227688
>>227680>>227686Thanks I really needed to hear this.
It's so hard to get you to display any kind of humility, or self-awareness. I have never seen this level of humbleness from a female on the internet. I have literally never seen anything like it.
I'm gonna go jack off, thinking of fucking a woman with the same level of self-hatred as you.
No. 227695
>>227694You're missing the fucking point on purpose. It's not assholes on the internet it's EVERYONE. THE FUCKING WORLD. SOCIETY. Every man i KNOW talks like that every FUCKING day and I have to sit and listen and pretend it doesn't bother me. Even the fucking women on this board are cool with misogyny now? I'm glad you're all strong enough to handle it but some of us are fucking SICK of it and can't fucking TAKE it anymore.
Fucking assholes on this board now. Yeah I'll calm down and eat a snickers and then blow my fucking worthless head off. You guys can go on being fine with all these people who FUCKING HATE YOU TOO.
No. 227696
>>227695If you hate being woman so much why not transition :^)
you would probably make cute boy
No. 227698
>>227692I don't understand people who post their intent to commit suicide on the internet. It only shows a persisting attachment to the world they intend to leave.
Stop caring, don't leave a note behind, and kill yourself where nobody will find your body so it'll look like you've merely gone missing.
No. 227699
>>227695Such a perfect woman. I have never seen any like this self-hatred and self-awareness except from men.
I love you. I wish all women were like you.
No. 227702
>>227699I hope you kill self after me you fucking stupid cunt. I hate people like you so fucking much. It’s not enough for you to float through life with everyone kissing your ass and defending you, you have to make sure everyone is reminded that they’re beneath you. Fucking asshole. I hope terrible shit happens to you, because I know you’ll never care about others.
>>227698I’m sorry. I will stop posting and take your advice.
No. 227709
>>227650Personally I have a good relationship with my boyfriend, and we are very good friends who enjoy each other’s company. He browses this site with me sometimes lol. We had serious problems in our first year, so ofc not everything is perfect between us. But we kept growing together and liking each other more and more. Now we like doing nearly everything together.
He is basically a normalcool I guess. Likes fitness. Had a very good education. Large social circle. Huge douche when I met him which made me not interested, but proved to be not a bad guy. Now he’s very sweet and thoughtful, so it may have been a maturity issue.
No. 227716
>>227713and when autists use their autism to justify sexually harassing and assaulting women or just being little shits in general, it's usually aspergers too
the way women with aspergers act vs the way men with aspergers act can tell a lot about each gender, I just wish all asperger ridden males would off themselves already, I never knew one who wasn't a massive piece of shit
especially since aspergers is just mild autism but almost all aspergers ridden male are awful, horrible, pieces of shit where as women with aspergers tend to just be socially awkward and have weird interests and accident prone, think agatha
No. 227717
>>227716>>227715>>227713I have aspergers, I just want to have a girlfriend and have sex, but I've been tortured by society, particularly females. You do not understand the level of social rejection and loneliness I feel. How could I not be bitter? You don't even show me pity, no sympathy, of course I will turn into an angry homicidal psychopath eventually. Females are cruel.
I am extremely intelligent and have high testosterone levels, so a high sex drive, but I've been denied the most important part of the human experience.
Female assburgers never have to be lonely, there's no shortage of guys who want them.
No. 227721
>>227717Is this someone roleplaying as a male wtf?
Thing is, what they don't understand that with such attitude they won't be able to fill the lonely void. Literally, what anons as that one are looking for is sex. It's all about sex for them. When you look for a person to have sex with, most of the time that's all you will find. You won't find companionship this way (or at least one that lasts a long time).
Nobody will help you while you insult the people who you seek help from.
No. 227722
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Seriously, just end men.
Unsurprisingly this "map (aka pedo) ally" is of the tj/amazing atheist variety, who's also prime lolcow material.
No. 227723
>>227717it's completely up to you to learn how to fit in. you have an extra hurdle, but it's not like there aren't any options available to you for learning.
instead you choose to whine about the rest of the world. the rest of the world is not going to change to fit your needs.
No. 227724
>>227720I'm jacked, I've been gymcel for years. Definitely have high T with the amount of muscle mass I've been able to put on while natty.
>>227721I only want one female, I see no logical need for more than one. I don't even care if they're kinda fat and ugly, their holes still work the same.
It's not just about sex either, but it's a big deal to me.
Doesn't matter, I'm not a normalfag so females won't partner with me. Females just know there's something "wrong" with me, they can sense it, and it's nothing I can fix.
>>227723>you have an extra hurdle, but it's not like there aren't any options available to you for learning.It's nothing I can fix.
>instead you choose to whine about the rest of the worldThe world is really bad though, I will continue to point out everything wrong with it.
No. 227726
>>227724> Definitely have high T with the amount of muscle mass I've been able to put on while natty.and yet you act like a pmsing little bitch hmm
>I only want one female, I see no logical need for more than one. I don't even care if they're kinda fat and ugly, their holes still work the same.then you either must be that fucking awful or not even trying because even the most horrid guys I knew pulled girlfriends, I bet you're one of those guys who acts like pieces of shit then just expects women to show up at their doorstep and fuck them
>Doesn't matter, I'm not a normalfag so females won't partner with me. Females just know there's something "wrong" with me, they can sense it, and it's nothing I can fixwomen are fangirling over columbine kids despite them looking inbred, how awful can you be? seriously, get off the echo chamber, women dont care about autism its how you react to it dipshit and if this is how you react dont cry when women dont want you
No. 227730
>>227726>then you either must be that fucking awful or not even trying because even the most horrid guys I knew pulled girlfriends>women are fangirling over columbine kids despite them looking inbred, how awful can you be?I know women like pieces of shit. They choose all kinds of guys, but never me. Yes it makes me bitter/angry.
>women dont care about autismI'm telling you women can sense that something is "wrong" with me. It makes them uncomfortable, I don't even have to say anything weird. There is nothing I can do to fix this, it's just who I am.
>>227727>Do you seriously not mind when women reduce men to their walets?It's just nature, even female chimpanzess refuse to have sex unless they get food, so I'm okay with it.
>How would you like to be reduced to something with no personality for a person to use?I wish a female would use me.
>>227729I care about personality too. For some reason I really don't care about looks, I can think about whatever I want when I'm having sex with her.
I'm less shallow than most men you know.
No. 227734
>>227732Yep. Dude talks about women like they're cars or fucking pokemon cards, and then wonders why women don't want anything to do with him.
If a dude continuously refers to women as 'females' in all seriousness (especially with a bitter tone of voice) or refers to women as holes, run. Ruuuuun.
No. 227737
>>227736They start flipping out only a few posts down from where another male posted about how all women are inferior dumb whores. Which is funny. They don't ACTUALLY care about generalizations or facts, they just get their little feelings hurt because for once nobody is kissing their ass and telling them how special and smart they are because they were born male<3
Maleposters, if you are bothered by what you read here, may I suggest going outside, back to the real world where society kisses your ass and worships you. Thanks.
No. 227739
>>227733>>227734>>227735>>227736>>227737I am so sad and lonely, because of how I was born, but I've never gotten any sympathy from females, they've never even had sex with me out of pity.
They've been nothing but cruel to me.
I'd never cheat, I'd do everything I could to please them, but they just date assholes instead, and then complain about all men, while pretending I don't exist.
(ban evading as usual) No. 227740
>>227739You're exactly the type of man we're complaining about in this thread, you fuckin braindead misogynist. Go cry to some fellow males, we don't care.
Nobody owes you sympathy, and you aren't going to get any from "females" if you dehumanize them right to their face and keep whining about how they won't fuck you despite how perfect you seem to think you are.
No. 227745
>>227744You mean how men talk shit about women and screech about how inferior women are in real life and EVERYWHERE else on the internet aside from here?
How will they ever recover.
No. 227746
>>227739my aspies ex pulled the same bullshit
"id do anything to make you happy babe I'd never cheat I love you all I ever wanted was a girlfriend but all women go for assholes"
guess what the faggot did? cheat on me, abuse it, cry inequality to his friends when I told his mom when he sent everyone my nudes
fuck off, you're probably the exact same, if it's one thing I learned is to NEVER trust anything aspie guys say, one abused me and lied to me to where I ended up sleeping in a ghetto, one tried ruining my life and cheated and cried when it came back at him, the only decent aspie I met ended up being a pedophile and excusing abusive actions of others
No. 227759
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lmao shut the fuck up dude. pathetic.
No. 227805
>>227777It's all the sexual tension anon, both sides claim to hate each other but what they really want to do is get together and fuck kek
There's probably a match for each one here with an incel and vice versa lmao The attraction is so strong incels keep coming back.
It's like in the playground as children scenario; Boys get girls attention by teasing and being mean, it's often the first sign of "love" or fancying someone.
It illustrates that maturity levels have not progressed in these individuals since then.
No. 227813
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>>227805>immatureyou're in a thread designed for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in general No. 227817
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Is anyone else here disgusted by men who talk about how they want to impregnate women? Especially during sex. That shit makes my skin crawl, it's like the fucker is trying to make you his property.
No. 227821
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This is what yellow fever incels actually believe
No. 227829
>>227821Is this an actual thing or just wishful thinking on their part? Like a sour grapes type situation? Because personally I don't know, and have never seen, any white women get upset about white men dating outside their race. They seem to think white women get super bitter about beautiful Asian women dating white men or whatever, but I just haven't seen it. Like
>>227825 mentioned, most of the Asian fetishist guys I've known get super upset about white women dating outside their race, but I just haven't seen the opposite.
Not to mention that the stereotype of Asian women that these guys hold (submissive, quiet, in love with white men) is weird and slightly disturbing. They act like Asian women aren't even people with variance, and they're all just these perfect little sex dolls who will let white men use and abuse them.
No. 227830
>>227821As a hapa, its kinda obvious only very few have "yellow fever" out of preference, a lot of the time they can't just take their asians and go, they always have to scream mad white roastie this, "they're so tight" that, whine when asians aren't tight, theyre submissive and cry when they aren't, only post pale asians that use skin whitening and go under the knife, a perfect little image that they have of us in their head, not to mention a lot of them only date us for status or stereotypes, never if they actually like us
When you call them out on this all they do is scream that youre jealous but fail to realize what kind of bullshit they're on about
No. 227850
>>227842Its projection, they think just because theyre fueled by sex and get horny anytime they do anything that they wanna fuck them, why do you think womens behaviors are fetishize?
Waking up and stretching, fetishized
Brushing teeth, fetishized
Showering or taking a bath is fetishzed
Beauty rituals are fetishized
Cooking is fetishized
Eating, drinking, almost any type of job women have is fetishized
Cleaning is fetishized
Sewing, crafting, baking, gardening, etc is fetishized
Womem doing typical male thinge are fetishized
Women doing anything is pretty much fetishized, even our periods are fetishized
Being nice meane we want to fuck them, being mean means we wanna fuck, if you work in hospitality or customer service not only will you get fetishized but men think just because they wanna fuck you means you want to fuck them as well when it's part of their fucking job
Why do you think men always scream attention whore anytime a woman does just about anything?
If we're modest its for attention, if we aren't its for attention, if you're girly and innocent its for attention, hell agatha is being bombared with men screaming attention whore and for what?
Being "one of the guys" is attention whoring, they don't believe a woman can be genuinely interested in something without attention being the motive, they don't think women can do anything without doing it for attention, wanna know why? Because they're the same, hence why men scream and cry when attention isn't on men
No. 227853
>>227821Its like these guys don't know the first thing about marrying into an Asian culture.
They fetishize Asian women and women from other more conservative cultures but don't know what that actually entails. I mean, do they realize they aren't just marrying her they are marrying her whole family?
No. 227856
>>227850I wish I could find the post now to screenshot it…but I was being masochistic and lurking /r/MGTOW the other day, and one of the comments was like "stop doing anything for this bitches, stop fucking them, we all know they can't live without sex like we (men) can."
I was like…in what world? Men have literally gone on shooting rampages because they weren't getting any. There are entire subreddits and websites dedicated to men whining about how they aren't getting any, and getting irrationally angry/violent about it. But it's women who can't function without sex?
It's so weird, and only further confirms my theory that everything men think women do, and everything they hate about women, is just projection. Because everytime they have a complaint about women, it sounds like something men do ten times worse and more frequently. So bizarre.
No. 227858
>>227857they get off more on "YOU ROASTIES ARE ALL JEALOUS AND ARE GOING TO COME BACK BEGGING FOR ME YOU'LL SEE!!!!" than they actually do with enjoying their relationship
notice the vast difference between asian fetishists vs all other fetishists
yellow fevers are the most delusional about the race they're dating, they're the most abusive as well
No. 227869
>>227868well they're wrong
it's even funnier to me when men run around and preach to fuck sluts then settle down with a virgin and shit and how "men could get anyone they want" but in the same sentence claim all women have high standards, it baffles my mind their arrogance and how entitled they are
remember when the reddit thing came out of the man who recorded all the days his wife said yes or no to him and when she went on a business trip he ghosted her like a child because he couldn't have meaningless daily sex when he demands it
a bunch of men came in saying how she deserved it for not putting out, encouraged him to cheat, ranted about how she "was only doing it to keep up her lazy bitch status" called her a piece of shit, said any woman who doesn't have sex with their partner is a piece of shit then when I told him that's dumb he cried and ranted about some "dumb religious bitch" he dated and how it was torture for him because she wanted to wait til marriage
No. 227871
>>227869/TheRedPill/ is full of men like that. I feel sorry for any woman who ends up with a man like that.
And don't forget that they also say the woman needs to be at least a decade younger and how they need to abuse her constantly to keep her in line.
No. 227875
>>227868They're mixing up correlation and causation. Attractive men have the ability to sleep around, so they do. That doesn't suddenly mean the sleeping around is attractive in itself, they had to be attractive to get girls in the first place.
I don't think male and female virginity should be considered equal though. Virginity is nothing to be held in high esteem, but we all know that most male virgins are not so by choice whereas that's reasonably common for women. It's not impressive to be desperate for sex and then fail at getting it.
No. 227884
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>>227881They are jealous of youthful pretty men with good fashion sense so they try to protect their ego by convincing themselves that old age, baldness and fupa are superior choices.
pic related: jelly incels tell you that you are a lesbian if you are into this.
No. 227886
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>>227884I mean yours is still quite muscular, a lot of men still understand the appeal of ottermode. So many of my male friend where shocked when I told them how hot V is to me. They call me a dyke, because I enjoy prettiness I guess? He looks like a man to me, a delicate beautiful man.
No. 227904
>>227903They know they suck and don't want competition
Women have to deal with this shit daily, to the point where its normal at this point for a woman to be compared to her boyfriends past lovers, body wise and how they act
Not only that but women who don't even ask or in a relationship get compared because men always feel the need to make women feel like shit about themselves
And in typical male fashion, nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine, they're terrified of being ripped apart, compared and have their self esteem shattered out of fear women will do to them what they do to women, to avoid this they claim to prefer virgins and make up bullshit about "hurrr tight and pure" like some victorian age retard who never laid eyes on a science book in their life
No. 227909
>>227904I've never met a guy who said they preferred virgins who were worth dating anyway. I think I just use it as an excuse to not be interested anymore and stop talking to them.
Like they can choose to prefer something other than me but they shouldn't be surprised if I don't want anything to do with them.
No. 227932
>>227550I've also noticed that when it comes to crimes, men will always defend other men. Especially when guilty. For a recent example, the Larry Nassar case. I've seen so many men online say "innocent until proven guilty!" (as if the accounts of over 200 women isn't enough evidence…). But the surprising thing is that even
after he was sentenced to multiple lives, there are still so many men online who dismiss the accusations of
children or talk shit about the victims. Every time a celebrity was accused of sexual assault as part of the "me too" thing, these assholes were defended by hoards of men.
The exact opposite happens with women. Another recent case was of Amanda Knox (jailed for the murder of her roommate with no evidence to support it and the Italian police were too stubborn to admit they made a mistake so they tried to prove she did it using really sleazy tactics). Even though she was released and declared innocent, people (mostly men) to this day still bring up screen names she had
when she was 13 and a diary entry about how many people she slept with
as evidence. They genuinely think that something a 13 year old found funny and the number of guys she slept with is evidence that
she killed her fucking roommate. Her boyfriend was also arrested but you never hear anything about him because he didn't have a
scandalous username.
No. 227941
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Males in a nutshell.
Read the quote. Missed the point of the quote. Proved the point of the quote. Made a post about a woman's murder all about himself and his feelings.
No. 227944
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>>227941And one of many similar responses to this story, blaming the woman for her own murder. Plus countless men chiming in to say "women are just as bad11!!"
When it becomes a fucking common everyday occurrence for women to stab men 75 times for rejected them, let me fucking know.
No. 227991
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So men can't control themselves around lipstick and heels, apparently. Weak.
No. 228048
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>>228046they're upset western standards mean they can't sit in a greasy basement and fart doritos all day and be considered hot, 4chan ingrained in their minds that asian women will worship them for the sole reason that they're white and no other reason then they turn into incels because now white women don't want them, asian women don't want them and no one wants them either
or if they do somehow get asian girls they get cheated on like they deserve, they warn men not to go for "western roasties because they all cheat!" but define western thots so loosely that even if you went to a bar once you're a thot then go for the first asian girl to jump at them and wonder why they get cheated on , it's almost as if starting a relationship out of lust and what 4chin ingrained in your head about their race will end in shit
like what
>>226805 said
No. 228067
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No. 228072
>how to make rape the woman’s fault while making the boyfriend a victim and removing accountability from the rapist You literally can’t “reclaim” a sexual assault. If someone else enters your body without your permission or after you told them not to, it’s rape. There’s no “technically, is not rape because” after that point.
Why do men react to be able to rape women without calling it rape? Seriously question. What do men get out of taking women’s rights and choices away from them that isn’t morally wrong as fuck? And what logic makes them think they can just bully everyone into thinking it’s okay to stick yourself into another person just because
you think you should be able to??? Funny how men never think rape is okay when it’s man on man and the victim gets a hardon/comes from the assault.
No. 228081
>>228067>>228067breaking news: rape fucks with peoples mind and makes people react in different ways
must mean all women are dumb worthless whores now
No. 228086
>>228072>Why do men react to be able to rape women without calling it rape?they think sex is owed to them because they did nothing besides be born a man and do small efforts and expect women to give them their virginity but at the same time call women who aren't virgins unmarriable whores
>What do men get out of taking women’s rights and choices away from them that isn’t morally wrong as fuck?men are the most pretentious people to walk the planet, don't trust a word out their mouths, they pretend to be smart and confident and know if women start thinking for themselves women wouldn't go for their ugly asses, notice how attractive charming men aren't extremely sexist like greasy 4chinners, also inb4 "muh halo and horns effect"
>what logic makes them think they can just bully everyone into thinking it’s okay to stick yourself into another person just because you think you should be able to?same reason why men think negging will get them laid then cry when women run from them and have a bad rep
>Funny how men never think rape is okay when it’s man on man and the victim gets a hardon/comes from the assault.because men only understand other men and refuse to understand women and just assume it goes with their narrative, some men don't even put second thought but just deny any possibility to justify womens assault
like the swedish woman who was assaulted by a black guy, first men screamed "burn the coal pay the toll" then when there was no evidence she "burned the coal" they turned around and said "oh well she had it coming because she was in a nightclub in a certain city" like wtf, for all we know she could have been there for a relatives birthday, but men don't care, they can't think anything possible than their narrative, their the most arrogant things to walk the earth if they think it they don't do research they just take it in as 100% fact
No. 228118

>>228077This is going around right now. Similar idea.
Honestly, call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but I feel like in the next few years there is going to be an active movement to push women out of the workplace and back ~to the kitchen~ and I'm scared to fucking death. The overwhelming response of men and employers to the #metoo movement has been to say that we shouldn't hire women anymore, rather than we should hold sexual harassers accountable for their actions. It's scary that that's their first instinct. And what did they expect women to do? Keep quiet about it forever? Are women just supposed to accept harrassment and never seek better treatment, or else we get kicked out of the workplace because standing up for ourselves and seeking better treatment causes 'problems.' Now we have people like Peterson saying something - where the only logical conclusion is that women are going to be removed and pushed out of more and more places. Because you know men won't be harmed by this, only women.
In regards to this video, I predict that Peterson will send out a tweet or something saying that he was only arguing for personal responsbility. "Women don't make yourselves more attractive - that's your role to play in not being harrassed." But what about the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of men to not harass women? Over some fucking makeup or heels. Men get passes for EVERYTHING, to the detriment of women.
Like, it's scary that the alt-right, the number one haters of Islam, say that the one thing Islam gets right is their treatment of women. They hate the ideology so much, but on this one thing they agree wholeheartedly and in a way, they are jealous of it.
Men (in America at least) really seem to be itching to subjugate women again. And the reason it's scary is because the overwhelming majority of them support it. If it happened, there wouldn't be anything we could do to stop it. I'm so, so tired and terrified at the same time. This isn't the nice, egalitarian world that I was told it was growing up. A growing number of people want to remove rights from women, or get rid of us altogether. Just fuck.
No. 228120
>>228119What do you think caused it? And what do you think we can do about it, if anything? I'm way too pessimistic and scared to look at this objectively.
I mean as someone who never wants to be married or be 'in the home', I fucking NEED to be in the workplace. And I NEED to make a livable wage. And I fear that as women we are really fucked now. Everywhere I look I just see misogynistic shit, nobody gives a fuck whether we continue to have rights in this country or not, and many would prefer that we didn't.
No. 228134
>>228120they run in circles like always
>DON'T GET A JOB ROASTIE GO MARRY A MAN AND POP OUT BABIES AND MAKE HIM DINNER>we wouldn't marry you though unless you're the top 10% of stacies>if you do get married somehow, men scream lazy housewife get a jobI learned to leave men a long time ago, they never know what they want, if he liked girl A then next year decides he hates girl A and goes for girl B then you're fucked, then next year he wants a girl c type girl and the cycle goes on and on, if us women say do become housewives, with how men are these days we're fucked, at least in the 50s men who got a woman stayed with that women unless it was absolutely needed to break up, men nowadays break up with women left and right and use us for sex and status, if men become the breadwinner and women are less likely to find work it makes it easier for if some scum bag sees a younger hotter thing he can just turn around and throw his wife on the streets, and knowing men nowadays the vast majority of women will eventually be on the streets and the "wall" will keep getting lower and lower and lower until we all end up like the anon from the teen thread who said she felt like an oldfart at 18 and "most men start losing interest in women the second they turn 20"
not even with age either, men are constantly changing their standards on womens bodies and aren't afraid to treat them like shit and leave them because of it, so in this case better hope your husband is one of the small amount of men okay with plastic surgery because thats the only way to meet mens standards nowadays, or a complete race changer to since men are always changing their mind about that
if you have big tits and one day husband turns around and decides he likes small tits, unless you wanna end up on the streets better be prepared to get a breast reduction and hope he isn't the type to scream about womens bodies not meeting a standard they can't help but forbid women from getting ps
if you're asian and husband turns around and decides he like white women prepare for the streets
it's not even just for dating either I don't think I ever seen a man have a stable hobby
No. 228151
>>228134Yeah I totally agree with all that, but personally I'm not worried about dating, marriage or anything like that. I don't care to ever be in a relationship with a man and I don't care about them. I do however care about this new push that appears to want to push women out of the workplace, to put us back in the 'home', and they use all kinds of public figures and evopsych to justify that. I've seen an increasing number of men screeching that we need to repeal the 19th, that women ruined everything, and islam was right about women.
It's scary. I don't want anything to do with men, and I don't fucking bother them, but the problem I have with them is the way theyre trying to twist everything to make it seem like women should have their rights taken away and their options restricted because of XYZ bullshit reason.
No. 228160
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Yay being a woman is so fun, reading shit like this all day and knowing the majority of the world agrees. Men don't HATE women at all guys!
No. 228171
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>>228118God I hate Jordan Peterson and his braindead creepy zombie followers so much. They're all sabotaging that video right now, screeching about how it's a "hit piece" and "propaganda". Those same people are sabotaging a video Vice News put up about the #MeToo movement in France as well. Screeching about the Peterson video, whining about how "useless" women are, etc.
They always call us the weak ones, yet they're the ones flocking to a Kermit voiced man who thinks lipstick invites sexual assault. What a bunch of pathetic weasels they all are.
Pic related, the average Peterson loving dumbass.
No. 228178
>>228176Third world women who experience polygamy, sex slavery, their children dying because of lack of medical care while dumb cunt like you can't stand that someone says something you disagree with. "Boo hoo someone says mean things to me boo hoo what a horrible life"
The only piece of shit here is you, sadly
>>228181I'm very happy to say that I'm not from your shitty country.
I've met some WWII veterans and I'm can guarantee all of them would bitchslap you for milking soldier's suffering to support your retarded opinions.
No. 228194
>>228188>alt-rightAre you really scared of bunch of nerds from /pol/ that have zero political influence?
>rise of conservatismPeople protecting traditional concept of family? Is that somehow bad?
Nevermind, looks like you're too busy fighting in the Great Meme War. Actually this is nothing but making yourself feel good, like you made a difference by posting on twitter for your 20 followers. But whatever floats your boat. It's really difficult to do something actually useful for the society like work in charity organisations so internet war looks like a real deal for a human who wants to feel like he's changing World but doesn't wants to actually do something.
>>228151They don’t want women to work but they don’t want them to marry. It’s like their goals are for men to be and have everything while women live in poverty as the useless lower class because that’s how they all see us as until they can replace us. White men especially can hate Islam but they love it for its treatment of women as second class citizens. You can’t have women only businesses without getting bombarded by the screams of men and trans that it’s discrimanation.
>>228160Yup.. They wouldn’t say it out loud but they definitely think that.
No. 228209
>>228175Never said men didn't suffer, but the majority of the world sure as hell doesn't think they're useless pieces of shit who don't even deserve to be here and are too stupid and incompetent to contribute anything to the world. And then people use those excuses to talk about how you don't deserve basic rights and are incapable of being a human being basically.
Certainly isn't great. And society would never say shit like that about men, or advocate for taking men's rights away or saying the world would be better off without them. But sure, make this thread about men again. Women are just worthless whores who have no right to feel shitty about the way the world views them and thus treats them. It's all fine. It feels great knowing the majority of the world doesn't even want you in it.
No. 228215
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>>228211>remember when only one person in a household had to work?This is still true, wages are relatively stagnant but they haven't regressed. Most of what you see (middle class families "needing" 2 incomes to get by and groaning about how tough it is to get by on 6 figures) is just lifestyle inflation.
There's a lot of SAHMs/SAHDs and a rising number of single parents too. SAHPs ended up increasing in the mid-10s too (after this graph was made) though I'm not sure if that's a continuing trend.
Lifestyle inflation is probably caused by elites and the consumerism that goes along with a Capitalist system. But more women entering the workforce didn't halve wages as its often alleged and it didn't stop parents from deciding to stay home if that's what works for them–in fact it's only helped with men being able to stay home more often.
No. 228216
>>228211>The people who are pushing that women are bad at things, can't do things, etc., don't really believe itYes, they do. They'll remind you how inferior and worthless you are any chance they get.
>They say it because they hope people will absorb it and women will get out work.This is true.
No. 228221
>>228220or Muslim or 3rd world etc etc
But idk, there's a reason why the vast majority of the cows on this site are female and why criticisms of them are so gendered.
Perceptions of race (and thus racism), are very culturally-dependent. But sometimes misogyny feels like a near universal, among men, among women, through different cultures and subcultures, across time, etc. It's better in some places and worse in others, but it's almost always there in a way it isn't for any other group I can think of. Maybe the sick/disabled?
No. 228222
>>228221>Perceptions of race (and thus racism), are very culturally-dependent. I mean, if you're black pretty much every other race on the planet hates your guts and considers you inferior and genuinely believes that the world would be better off if most (if not all) black people disappeared overnight. Hell, in some (Muslim) parts of the world it's still totally acceptable to enslave black people.
I'd say black women definitely have the most issues to deal with in that regard.
No. 228223
>>228221Misogyny is the one thing that men of any race, religion, ideology, culture can agree with each other on. Hell if they didn't all hate each other, they could bond over it.
I'm not taking away from or denying how western people look down on and hate Muslims or how whites look down on black people, but even Muslim and black men aren't seen as worthless WITHIN their own communities and cultures. Black men are abused and shit on by white society, but they can always abuse and shit on black women, and still be valued within their own community. Even in the eyes of racist white men, black men are seen as superior to white women, or women of any race. Women are considered inferior, incompetent, and practically worthless in most cultures/religions across the world, regardless of race. Genuinely interested if there is a present day culture that doesn't hate women.
No. 228224
>>228223>Misogyny is the one thing that men of any race, religion, ideology, culture can agree with each other on. And women for that matter. Like this forum is mostly women but its super misogynist. Women are, at best, slightly less misogynist than men are and even then I'm not too sure. Sometimes I think its a just a different type of misogyny.
I think you're underestimating racism tho tbh.
No. 228238
>>228223>Even in the eyes of racist white men, black men are seen as superior to white women, or women of any race.What? Even under a highly misogynistic society, white women have had a lot of privileges that nonwhite men could never dream of. I mean, it comes from a place of misogyny, but they weren't lynching black men over white women's lies because they thought even black men are superior to all women.
No. 228261
>>228203lol so if a man is killed by another man he has no one else to blame but himself lol
But anyway people who complain about war deaths are trash, weak people. Such men lacking in spirit deserve to die, I would rather they be sent as fodder if they wouldn't turn and run and shit their pants at the sight of an enemy lmao
No. 228262
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>>228261By "themselves" that anon probably meant other men. He has no one to blame but other men, so men need to stop pretending they're opressed because most murder victims are male when over 90% of the murderers are male.
No. 228308
>>228303I mean most lynchings happened because a white woman accused a black guy of flirting or raping them, obviously we are past that but some people still have the same mentality.
White women are valued but only if they behave a certain way, which can be nice for those who are comfortable that way but other than that…
No. 228320
>>228310not to mention the extreme high standards needed for white women to be respected
they want you to be traditional, but scream at traditional women and call them lying attention whores for not being married by 20 with 5 kids
if you are married by 20 you're seen as white trash
if you have a job you get mocked for being an independent womyn working her life away and are miserable
if you don't have a job you're a lazy whore waiting for chad to come along and sweep you to his side
be perfect, but with no plastic surgery
if you don't bash other women you're a roastie
even a hint of feminist belief ie "you know I don't think that woman deserved to get stabbed 75 times for saying no" you're a fat feminist harpie cheater slut
even if you're the perfect doormat they want they still scream and complain
then they worship non-western women for doing the exact thing they hate western women for supposedly doing, there is no winning, they can't just admit they're mentally ill and stacy thought it was weird for him to demand sex in the high school bathroom and now they scream and cry about western women and demand other men think the same about western women for dating not to meet their literally impossible and condescending standards for western women, but only western women need to meet those and it doesn't apply for non western women
No. 228326
>>228238>>228308You do know that the black on white rape is exremely high?
So white 'females' surely are a lot more privileged and have loads of power over black men (or should i maybe say your men), right?
Black men are not lynched everyday in the US, but more than one white women gets raped.
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The worst of the worst women haters, Catholics. If you want to meet men who truly hate women to the point that they feel they are morally superior and can look down on women in pity for anything and everything, Catholics.
No. 228348
>>228343I'd say Muslims above everyone else. Religions in general promote misogyny but nothing beats Muslims in the way they treat women. They're not even second class citizens in Muslim countries, more like cattle.
Say what you will about christians but at least I don't have to worry about honor killings and acid attacks on a daily basis.
No. 228352
>>228343>>228343I don't know if I'd date someone who had an abortion either tbh. Maybe.
I "get" why a good chunk of feminists want to put abortion on center stage as the big issue all women should support or else and i "get" why they try to equate not believing in abortion to hating women but like….nah sorry
No. 228355
>>228348>nothing beats Muslims in the way they treat womenI read that as "nothing beats Muslims in the way they beat women" and had a good laugh.
>>228352If you really believe that, you're morally obligated to make organ and blood donation mandatory. If you're ok with that, I'm fine. If you think it's absurd and unfair, you should carefully consider the fact that you're a hypocrite.
No. 228356
>>228348The thing is, that Muslims are like a politicians that SCREAMS at everyone everywhere how women are worth less than a mule and that women are property. You know they are an idiot, because they admit it outright.
A Catholic on the other hand is a politician that tries to brainwash you that they are modern and not bigoted. They talk how this and that should be condemned and how it is not modern, they'll condemn child rapists in public. You almost fall for it, until you see they fund protests against women's rights and rape kids in the alley behind the kebab place and realize they are all talk and funded that child rapists trial.
>>228353He is saying that a woman who has had premarital sex or had an abortion is a spinster in the Catholic community. He is implying a woman's worth in the catholic community is her ability to get married and have children. He also says it's a misplaced obligation to make sure a woman does not become a spinster.
>Spinster>An elderly or aging female who due to a combination of major personality flaws, undesirable personal habits, and unattractive physical appearance has never married. It is not uncommon for a spinster to have had many short term romantic relationships and to have spread her legs for many men. Females begin to enter spinster territory at the age of 35 or the first appearance of gray hair and or crow's feet. No. 228358
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This ugly cunt is back streaming after getting banned several times for misogynistic comments. He believes women should be stripped off all their rights because they have "the agency of a common junkyard dog". to report him again I guess.
No. 228360
>>228355>If you really believe that, you're morally obligated to make organ and blood donation mandatory. If you're ok with that, I'm fine. If you think it's absurd and unfair, you should carefully consider the fact that you're a hypocrite.1) I do think being an organ donor should be compulsory
2) But there's a big difference between not donating your organs and donating your organs to someone and then killing them cuz you want your organs back. I think the former are just stupid, the latter should literally be in prison. Comparing pregnancy to organ donation just makes abortion sound even worse than it already does.
3) All I said was that I don't know if I'd want to date someone who had an abortion, nothing abut its legality.
No. 228365
>>228356You probably should quote the real definition of spinster and not the urban dictionary definition:
"an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage."
And yeah if getting married is a life goal for you, being older and single is rough. I've seen it myself in some of the older single women I know. As you get older and more people in your cohort 'settle down' your pickings get slimmer.
> a woman's worth in the catholic community is her ability to get married and have children.This is wrong I think. Catholic community has an all-male priesthood and that alone might put women on a lower rung of sorts, but of those women who do become noteworthy they are almost all childless and celibate themselves, I think female saints who are childless outnumber female saints with children by far. It's literally a point of doctrine that a married life is inferior to the celibate life, since celibates don't have to worry about their families and can just concentrate on God (for men and for women both).
So like there are sexist and #
problematic elements to Catholicism but not in the way you think at all.
No. 228369
>>228358Eggman never bothered me because he is an obvious case of bitter, rejected uggo who wants to make life difficult for others.
Didn't he fuck a mtf tranny?
No. 228395
>>228393Men do have a history of fetishizing virginity, even when the man is not a virgin himself. This isn't all men obvs, and I realize some (more?) men fetishize female experience instead because they are unable to just let women be themselves.
I had a lot of guys get extra pushy/rapey with me when they learned I wanted to wait until marriage. Like literally "heh you know you want it, you poor repressed thing let me show you the ropes and liberate you from yourself heheheh" tier.
t. Female virgin til her late 20s.
No. 228396
>Why would a man PREFER that another man fuck his girlfriend or wife, in the past, present, or future? The only answer is if they have a literal cuckold fetish.
lmao what? does that mean anyone who has sex with non virgins get cheated on? sex is a human thing, are men who like MILFs all cucks now?
>The more past sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to have an STD (80% of American women will get HPV), the more likely she is to cheat, divorce or break-up, and just be incapable of pair bonding.
>revolving your life around statistics
plenty of virgins cheat, plenty of non virgins are loyal, the "evidence" is from a tiny group of people
if you avoid amazing relationships because of muh stats you deserve to be miserable, I dont avoid interracial couples because of stats, its just dumb at this point
also hpv a lot of the time is non sexually transmitted, and "incapable of pair bonding" wat?
>Literally 99% of men would PREFER a virgin, but in the modern world female virgins basically don't exist, so they cope by pretending like they don't care.
bot confirmed, just because you live on 4chan doesnt mean "virgins dont exist!!" and all men think exactly like you
>Of course they'll never tell you to your face they value female virginity, because you'll get offended (since you're not a virgin), and men who openly admit it are stigmatized by feminists (and people brainwashed by feminism).
then why is milf porn such a big thing now? why are men literally paying to fuck hookers if they hate non virgins so much, I'm a virgin and even other virgins have said in the other threads they refuse to tell men they're virgins because of how men react, some walk away and some are like you and put too much emphasize and will leave you for the next virgin stacy to come along
>It wasn't that long ago that no guy would even marry you if you weren't a virgin, and it's still like that today in the middle east. It was like that all throughout history, do you think the desires of men have changed, or are they just living in a dsytopian feminist society?
>using shit tier 3rd world countries, shit tier economies, when children being sold off into sex slavery was normal as an example
>pretending a fuck ton of the ~pure virgin slaves~ men brought lied about their virginity status and surprise surprise nothing happened that wouldn't have happened if she was actually a virgin, almost as if virginity didn't matter wow
No. 228403
>>228395> I had a lot of guys get extra pushy/rapey with me when they learned I wanted to wait until marriage. Like literally "heh you know you want it, you poor repressed thing let me show you the ropes and liberate you from yourself heheheh" tier.I had the exact same thing happening to me so many times. I'm still a virgin in my late 20s, not sure if I will ever lose it because as someone previously mentioned, all the actual nice guys prefer girls with experience over non-experience.
It's also similar when I mention that I don't drink alcohol/do any drugs/smoke etc. Curiously it's mostly the guys that want me to "loosen up" and "relax". It's a good thing I'm stubborn because they can get really pushy when they want to. I can imagine that an insecure girl could succumb under such pressure.
> For most of the men I know, virginity is actually an active turn off;_; this just sucks.
No. 228405
>>228396Note how he leaves out the HPV statistics among men… Which is 95%.
Also, the kind of HPV that the vast majority of people get is literally nicknamed the common cold of STDs by doctors because it's usually symptomless, goes away fast, most people don't even know they have it, and almost every human that has sex ever even once gets it. He's confirmed for moron for even citing that statistic as if it should actually matter. Not that he wasn't already.
No. 228406
>>228405he also left out men cheat more and have more partners on average, tend to be abusive, causing the break up, break up if the woman is sick, etc
he only wants to use stats that make women look bad
No. 228410
>>228403>>228403>I had the exact same thing happening to me so many times. I'm still a virgin in my late 20s, not sure if I will ever lose it because as someone previously mentioned, all the actual nice guys prefer girls with experience over non-experience.I don't know, I think "actual nice guys" will see you as a human being and equal partner first and a fucktoy (virgin model or slut model) never. If a man is discounting you for being a virgin then he's not someone for you either.
Since I was a virgin waiting til marriage I met a male virgin waiting til marriage and I'm super happy with it. I read all these stories of women being pressured into sex with creeplords and I'm so glad I never got into that.
>It's also similar when I mention that I don't drink alcohol/do any drugs/smoke etc. Curiously it's mostly the guys that want me to "loosen up" and "relax". It's a good thing I'm stubborn because they can get really pushy when they want to. I can imagine that an insecure girl could succumb under such pressure.Ikr…..its like "no, I didn't make this choice because I am just so repressed and I need a man to open me up". Anyone who does this has zero respect for your agency.
>>228402> Also, virgins are actually more likely to cheat or leave someone because they don't really know what they want in an endgame partner since they don't have the experience yet to figure it out.This is just fake bullshit (like lol wtf). Please don't judge women based on sexual history because its fucking gross, doubly so when you literally are making shit up.
No. 228411
>>228407This isn't a thread meant for debate. It's meant for ranting about shit-tier men. Arguing and spewing incel bullshit is considered offtopic. So yeah, incel shit in this thread gets you banned. Just like arguing on wizardchan would get you banned. So go back there if you want to bitch about how all women are sluts and poor men have to just deal with it.
and lol I'm being lied to? That's some true dedication on their part to turn down girls based on their virginity because somehow they think that will appease me. Especially considering I'm pretty open about thinking it's dumb to not want to be with someone solely based on that kind of stuff.
Also, like someone already pointed out- your little incel circles of the web aren't representative of how all men think like you types seem to be under the impression of. Only extreme betas are that insecure.
>Maybe some soyboys who are into "open relationships" but I guess those are not your type?>being with a non-virgin is the same thing as an open relationshipStop being this retarded.
>>228410I wasn't saying that as if it's my own opinion, that's just the reasoning I've been given.
No. 228422
>>228416>People who wait til marriage or til commitment tend to take commitments more seriously. That's why they divorce less. Uhhhh actually they divorce less because people who wait until marriage are typically religious and thus a lot less likely to divorce. I don't think not divorcing means you're necessarily happy in your marriage. Plenty of miserable couples insist on staying together even though their relationship is toxic AF.
I don't think waiting until marriage means you take relationships and commitment more seriously. It just means you take losing your virginity more seriously.
No. 228425
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Wait, so the one who replied to my post telling me that I'm delusional for believing that normal guys don't fetishize virgins and instead would want a more experienced partner, and that only incels and pedos care so much about virginity… was actually an incel? An incel was trying to tell me how normal guys behave? I'm cackling
No. 228427
>>228402>For most of the men I know, virginity is actually an active turn off, for some a straight up deal breaker.Yeah, I've heard that too. When you don't know what you like or what to do, its awkward and a turn off to them.
But no matter how many times incels clamor, they only prefer virgins if they have 100% access to them, only. If that virgin has preferences/standards in her partner, they'll just scream that she's a bitch, useless, prude and tell her that she deserves to be alone. You can never win with them. Ever. So just not give a fuck whether you're an adult virgin or not. Men will hate you for being a woman regardless
No. 228430
>>228416>People who wait til marriage or til commitment tend to take commitments more seriously. That's why they divorce less. I literally don't know a single person who lost their virginity in a committed relationship that is still with that person. Even counting Jesus freaks.
And the one guy I know who waited until marriage cheated on his wife with numerous women.
So yeah, you can fuck off with that load of bullshit.
No. 228435
>>228430>I literally don't know a single person who lost their virginity in a committed relationship that is still with that person.Good for you, the incel was referencing stats which show people with less sexual partners tend to get divorced less and I explained those stats for him. I don't know or care about any bullshit anecdotes about the people in your life.
The reason why statistically relationships with fewer historical sex partners last longer is just due to the fact that the kind of people who are waiting til commitment are going to be (overall) the kind of people who might take that commitment seriously. (Including but not necessarily limited to religious people for whom marriage is a sacrament).
>>228424I thought they were claiming that virgins are more likely to cheat which ofc is horseshit.
I'm sure shit men don't date virgins jut like some shit men don't date women with a history, and I'm sure they use the same vague "baggage" factor but um. Its incredibly gross and objectifying and not the kind of men you want anywhere near you anyway, regardless of your own history or lack thereof.
No. 228436
>>228435and yes like
>>228422notes just because someone doesn't get divorced doesn't mean that person is happy, and since religious people tend to report greater happiness anyway, its hard to really untangle everything there regardless.
No. 228439
>>228437Some (misogynist, garbage) women (who don't belong here) are tired of getting slutshamed by incels so they decide to virgin-shame random women instead and tell women that if they aren't fucking then they are worthless.
No. 228440
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>>228438Lmao buttblasted dyke detected
No. 228444
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>>228442>And the anons pointing out virginity doesn't mean you're gonna be more committed.Haha cope of the highest degree
No. 228446
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>>228445I dont give a shit about your anecdotal delusions. Statistics on millions of women speak for themselves.
Make sure not to fall for the dyke propaganda perpetuated on this board, or you will end up just as miserable and lonely as them and that is exactly what they want.
>>228445Its true that people who are virgins til marriage have longer lasting marriages (at least according to a few studies I've seen).
HOWEVER its not because virginity magically gives them commitment powers (or whatever) but the kind of people who stay virgins til marriage are (on average) going to be the kind of people who take that marriage seriously. Including religious people, for example (though not everyone who waits til marriage is religious either).
Ignore the incel retard trying to make you feel crappy. Marriage isn't the end-all and be-all and never was.
No. 228457
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>>228456Bc they don't care and want to make women feel bad, incels in particular like making women feel bad about sex. You won't see incels pouring over male sex lives the way they do for women.
Same thing with calling SAHMs "leeches" and working moms "unhappy careerists" or what have you.
No. 228505
>>228471what the hell is a-logging? farmhands have been being little shits for the past few weeks, imo they should stop banning anyone and everyone for dumb reasons and perm ban bots and make it to where they can't use proxies
also sage for derail, ot, etc
No. 228525
>>228446Who would have thought that having no sex and being completely unexperienced would make women more emotional dependent of their partners thus making relationships more "stable".
It is like bad marriages don't happen and people only divorce because they are bored or something. Abuse, differences, cheating, none of that ever happens. Women only divorce because they are whores and it is entirely their fault. lol
No. 228526
>>228505they have been shitty lately, maybe bring it up at town hall. a-logging is like obsessively wishing harm on a cow, it's not the same as saying kys to one of those annoying "u sound like female incels!!" cunts we get in here on a daily basis.
meanwhile shit like
>>228446 and
>>228440 doesn't get deleted or anything and a few lucky incels are allowed to shit up the thread with their "taboo" opinions.
>>228522>>228524NTA, but omg fuck off, cocksucker. Why did you feel the need to make the same retarded post twice? Female incels don't real.
No. 228542
>>228538people love talking about spoilt women but why do they do that when 90% of men are spoilt brats themselves, why do you think they always have to twist and turn and play victim just because people see them as strongbois
being a man is life on easy mode and they get too caught up in playing the victim they don't realize it
No. 228546
>>228526>Female incels don't real.>Female incels aren't realFTFY
And clearly they are since that anon proved so. She's shitting on other girls in this thread for managing to find quality men, saying we're all just in some sort of narcissistic denial or something. She's saying she knows our partners better than we do and making these harsh judgments about them solely based on the fact they're men. How the fuck is that different from the kind of shit incels say? It's not at all. Then she's telling someone to kill themselves for pointing out she sounds like an incel. Girl is unhinged and needs to deal with her issues. So does anyone who doesn't see what's wrong with her mentality.
There's having legit qualms with men in general and then there's Salonas-tier. Don't be the latter.
No. 228550
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>Ree fucking menoids
>I hate chad so goddamn much
>I hate stacy so goddamn much
>Daddy won't buy me tendies with my pretty princess points
This might be funnier than incels
No. 228551
>>228542Anecdotal, but most of the men I know who consider themselves poor (and bitch about it all the time and have massive victim complexes over it) come from six figure families, get most of their college paid for by their parents, and get gifts like $1000 computers and/or cars from their parents.
Meanwhile the only girl I know who ever complains about being poor despite her privilege is ftm. Coincidence? Probably not.
No. 228552
>>228546It's meme, you fucking dip. And no, they don't real. Once again, no matter how pathetic, ugly, or cruel a girl is, there will ALWAYS be a man out there who will fuck or even marry her. They're far too pathetic and slutty for female incels to exist.
That's different from what incels say because what we say has truth to it. Males are inherently trash and I highly doubt your bf is really #notliketheotherboys. Kys, retard.
(a-logging) No. 228556
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>watching obnoxious sexually repressed virgin cunty guys fling shit at obnoxiously sexually repressed cunty girls
>beckies and robots duking it out
I didn't know I needed this
No. 228564
>>228561thats why I'm saying, instead of saying "YOU DON'T SEE WHAT I SEE???? DUMBASS"
I made the very first thread as well as the past few, no where on any of the thread did we even remotely complain about stacy or "daddy not buying us chicken tendies"
lets put it this way, our problems are men raping, murdering, abusing, mooching, lying, being hypocrites and bullying
their problems are stacy not sleeping with them, women having sex with men who aren't them, the lie of divorce rape etc
even when they do use actual mens problems to complain the feminists they whine about have done more to fix those problems then they ever had, if you're going to make a claim, support it
No. 228570
>>228566except we have more proof, almost all women have have more god awful stories about men that are much more than "muh 6th grade girlfriend left me for chad", unlike bots we have actual problems
and ik ik, you probably won't even pay no mind or read through the thread and put thought into it outside of screaming "EXACTLY WHAT BOTS SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
No. 228571
>>228569no one hates men more than men hate men, maybe you should ask them that, maybe you should read through the thread instead of repeating the same bs
>muh tumblr feminazis>youre just female bots>i dont get it why do you hate men>daddy issues>etc etclike srs, we have 5 fucking thread, you talk like you haven't even read through one and just saw the name and jumped to conclusions, THINK
No. 228573
>Maybe make sure you have something in common with your boyfriend before hooking up?
no one is going to have every single exact same interest, not to mention it would get boring after a while to date someone who is a carbon copy of you, if you enjoy someones company and want a relationship then do it, no need to go around looking for someone who is exactly the same
>Women are the gatekeepers of sex so you hold more power over men than vice versa you dummy.
bot meme, last time I checked, I never saw any men play copycat to date a woman he likes, men often refuse to change for women, if this was the case then women wouldn't put so much effort to please men and most men won't even raise a finger to please women to get them to have sex with them
>Luls you are the epitome of the 3rd wave feminist. (eg cancer)
if you're trying to make feminists look bad by calling anyone who speaks up about rape, murder, abuse, mooching, etc then you're not doing a very good job. Are women in 3rd world countries cancerous feminists if they don't just close their mouths and submit?
No. 228574
>>228572>majority of malesokay lets look at majority of males
100% of men, if we take away men from shitty countries where misogyny is widespread there it would leave us with about 40-60% of men
now if we take away men who do live in nice countries but are still misogynist, have raped or molested a child or person before, just hates women in general, mgtows, etc, it would leave us with about 10-20% of men, let that sink that that only a very tiny minority of men AREN'T shitlords
>I got diddled by a woman as a kid and you don't see me bitching about all other women.your point? there were people here who got diddled by women as well, there are people here who never got diddled at all, it's almost as if people are tired of mens shit regardless of their past wow
also if you think we are saying "LITERALLY ALL MEN!!!" you should leave now, not to mention men molest other men more than women molest men
No. 228576
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>>228552>being this madOh honey, seek help before it's too late for you.
Also, haven't we already clarified when we use the term incel we mean it more as a world view and not in its literal sense? Whether you've been laid or not, you're the female equivalent of an incel. And everything you're saying is exactly what incels say. You are telling women who aren't being a fraction as hostile to you to kill themselves because you refuse to believe that there's a minority of men who aren't trash. You're infantalizing the women in this thread by saying they can't possibly know their partners as well as you do, despite knowing literally nothing about them other than their gender, because "no good men exist! no exceptions!" You're doing the EXACT same thing incels do.
No. 228582
>>228579Literally this
Also, >implying men don't fall for thots who pretend to like the same shit they do because they'd rather play dumb than give up their non-existent fantasy
There's always going to be some younger girl trying to get male attention. Whether or not your male has a chance with her (hint: he doesn't) is irrelevant. He'll think he does and leave you/ignore you because she's "more interesting"
No. 228588
>>228576What do you think incel means? Involuntary celibacy, the notion that some men are opressed because they can't get pussy. You can tell me I sound like one all day, but that doesn't make what I'm saying any less true.
And I don't care whether or not I'm infantalizing other women, it's highly unlikely your bf is part of that .01% of "good men," especially considering what a cunt you are lol.
No. 228592
>>228589The only reason this doesn't happen as often as it could is because these girls don't give these men attention.
t. former "homewrecker" who's seen too many men leave their good gfs for me while I pretended to be a brain dead MPDG
Men are rotten. I'm glad I'm bi and have an option other than being with a literal and metaphorical dick.
No. 228594
>>228588I'm the cunt when you're the one telling me to kill myself because I have the audacity to be in a healthy marriage and point out I know my husband better than some random anon who knows nothing about him besides his gender? lolkay
>And I don't care whether or not I'm infantalizing other womenOkay, so you're a misogynist too. What a quality human being you are.
>What do you think incel means? Involuntary celibacy, the notion that some men are opressed because they can't get pussy.Have you not read the threads? We've already discussed that we use incel more as a mindset description than it's literal meaning, but okay, you're not a female incel. You're a female equivalent of a robot. There you go.
You don't have to believe me that I managed to be in a healthy relationship with a good guy, it doesn't make it any less true. However, I find your mindset genuinely depressing. Your father must have been terrible. I don't mean that in a "haha you have daddy issues!" way, I actually really find it tragic. I also wonder what else must have happened in your life for you to be this angry. Have you been sexually assaulted or abused?
I'm sincerely not trying to be a dick. I really want to know where this all comes from because I doubt it's just from reading too many misogynistic Reddit threads.
No. 228596
>>228594Not that anon and I'd never be that hostile towards a fellow woman but I'm
>>228592 and most of my bitterness comes from reading too many misogynistic reddit threads coupled with trying those theories out and finding them to be true. I don't doubt that you're in a good relationship, but way too many men are absolute shit and some of us have seen nothing but those shit men, and it's hard to take "optimistic" words seriously when our own experience makes them sound so unlikely.
No. 228597
>>228587>>228592Uh… I think you just hang around too many assholes, anon. I know a lot of married people and while cheating is definitely a problem with a lot of them, I've only known one guy who actually left his wife for another woman… and she was older. She was a lot hotter, though, so I guess it still counts to what you were saying.
>>228589This. I feel like a lot of the people ITT spend too much time either online or hang around too shit-tier people. They really need to reevaluate who they spend their time with. I wonder if it's also a location thing? I live in a very progressive area, so the kind of men discussed in these threads are actually in the minority of people I know IRL.
No. 228603
>>228596That makes a lot of sense. It can certainly be really hard to be optimistic when your personal experience is all negative.
Where do you live, anon? I wonder if there's a cultural element to it. I spent a summer in the southern US once and the attitude toward women I saw there in that short time was absolutely horrifying.
No. 228604
>>228569I'd ask you to please read this thread. And the previous 'man-hating threads', which really should be named the misogyny threads so that butthurt men don't come in here and complain.
Read them. See the way men talk about treat women, the way they want us all obsolete, the way no matter what we do we are dumb worthless whores who have nothing to offer the world and should let them do whatever they want to us and be grateful because we're useless.
The fact that you're getting more upset about people venting instead of the things that this thread is actually about, which I'm sure you didn't bat an eye at, is telling. And yet still there is someone like you once every few days coming in here with your superiority complex and laughing.
No. 228608
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wtf is happening in this thread, what are you guys even arguing about
No. 228611
>>228594I'm not that anon that was being hostile to you, but I feel similarly to her even though I try not to. Not about husband thing, I think everyone should do what makes them happy and the way I or others feel about it shouldn't matter.
But it's hard to hold out hope that there are "good men" out there when you are CONSTANTLY shown otherwise. I really want to believe there are good men out there, but I feel like even when I meet a good man (as in, kindhearted, happy, passionate about something) he still says some misogynistic shit that just ruins it for me. It hurts even more to meet a good man and he reveals himself so to speak…it's like this man is so good and does so much good in the world but he still thinks i'm a worthless piece of shit whore and nothing can change that. I'm just 'lesser' than half of the population. I'm just inferior, and so they can treat me however they want it won't matter. Because men support other men, and stick up for them, and women mean nothing to society.
I guess you could say I have 'daddy issues' in that my father is an amazing man, very talented and hardworking, nice to everyone, he's an AA sponsor and has really helped and made an impact on people. But he's still told me, on numerous occasions, that women are worth nothing. That the perfect woman is one who is simply hot and can't communicate (speak english). Every woman who dares be more than that, who speaks up or values herself for something else, is suddenly a whore or a cunt in his eyes. He says this to me, his daughter, and how else am I supposed to take it? Am I supposed to believe that one day I will meet a nice man and we will get married and he won't also think of me in this way? Am I supposed to believe that men see me as something more than just fuckmeat?
It's hard to be hopeful about men when you start to believe that EVERY man is like that because that's all you've ever seen - they can be good people, but even if they don't say it out loud, they fucking HATE you. Misogynistic reddit threads are one thing, but I know men like in real life. And I have to deal with them. And it makes me tired and it makes me hate myself and want to mutilate myself and most unfortunately, it makes me hate men.
Statistically and rationally, there are good men out there. But where are they when other men are saying things like this? Why aren't they bothered by misogyny? Why do even the ones that don't actively engage in it still laugh at it and downplay it? Maybe because they secretly agree. Or at least that's what it seems like.
No. 228613
>>228602She told me that the thing she was having the hardest time with in regards to the breakup was the lack of sex, so she turned to casual hookups on tindr. She read some of the conversations she was having to me and they were sleezey AF. This scared the shit out of me because the college she attended had a few rapes occur that year and I had another friend who told me she was raped on a tindr date just a few weeks prior. Not to mention the number of people I know who got STDs from sleeping around at that school. My boyfriend and I were in a semi-open relationship phase, so I told her I was cool with it if they wanted to fuck. She was… enthusiastic about it to say the least. A little too much so. She wanted it to go on longer than I was comfortable with and when I called it off, she took it poorly and ended our friendship a couple months later.
0/10 do not recommend. I cannot fathom how anyone keeps an open relationship free of complications. Needless to say, boyfriend and I became monogamous after that.
No. 228617
>>228611Wow, anon. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with all that shit.
I've been very fortunate that in four years, my husband has never said a single misogynistic thing to me. However, he is a huge misandrist and shit on men all the time. To the point where he makes these threads look really tame. And I'm starting to wonder after reading the posts you and that other anon left if that plays a large part in what makes him an exception.
No. 228618
>>228611what a crybaby
your parents are just people you can ignore
>>228618just like you can ignore her words if it bothers you so much that people get disturbed when their parents say disturbing things
what are you a robot or something? is any human who dares feel emotion and react to things like a normal human nothing but a big crybaby now?
seriously, if you aren't trolling, get a damn therapist
No. 228622
>>228618 God fuck off dude. Just fuck off. My parents are my fucking family. And yeah I'm a crybaby for answering anon's inquiry about how people come to be this way. I'm a crybaby because my father, who should be someone I can trust and love, thinks I'm a worthless piece of trash dumbass because he wasn't fortunate to have another son instead.
I'm a real fucking crybaby, this is a perfect situation and I should feel great about it of course.
And you know, you people are fucking assholes most of the time. My post was tame, hardly the most vitriolic in the thread, and I still get mocked. I was trying to explain something but I guess instead of laughing at me and moving on, you have to kick someone when they're down. I guess I should just brush it off when I go visit my parents and my dad says some shit like this. I should just go outside, so that a different man can say some shit like this.
Can I ignore the rest of the world too? Because the majority of it thinks similarly to my father, and most of it even worse. But I guess that's fine.
You're right, I am a huge worthless crybaby and a fucking pussy as well since I can't just blow my fucking head off already and choose instead to post on an anonymous board with a bunch of assholes who think self hatred stemming from constant misogyny since birth is fun and funny.
No. 228627
>>228623Yeah, in retrospect it was a really stupid thing to let happen. At the time, I treated sex a lot more casually and I also wasn't really thinking things through enough because I was still pretty fucked up over finding out about my other friend being raped. Open relationships are fine on paper, but the reality is that sex often makes people lose their minds and throw all rationality out the window. Not worth the risk IMO. I'm just glad it had no negative impact on my relationship, since that's usually how it goes.
>>228622Don't listen to them, anon. They're just a heartless troll. Your feelings about what you've been through are totally legitimate and don't make you a crybaby. They make you a human being having a totally natural reaction to what you've endured.
No. 228646
>>228594>taking suicide threats on the internet seriously>Okay, so you're a misogynist too. What a quality human being you are. kys lol
>We've already discussed that we use incel more as a mindset description than it's literal meaningYes, the mindset of males who think, despite being worthless market failures, they're entitled to sex and lash out at women when they don't get it. Women can't be market failures (the closest thing is shoe0nhead types, I guess) and we don't have problems with sex or love because of how men work. Like, are you just calling me a misandrist?
Anyways, I'm not going to blog about my life experiences just because you're too dense to get this. Men can be
nice, but finding one who isn't a misogynist in some way or another is finding a fucking unicorn. Depravity is in their nature. You are a cunt, so I have no reason to believe your husband isn't a dick. I don't know what's so depressing about that mindset.
>>228547It should have been
deleted, why would they leave it here to clutter up the thread?
(ban evasion) No. 228667
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Damn this was the best thread like a week ago, it felt so good to vent and read posts that I relate to so much, what the hell happened?
Moving on to a slightly lighter subject, but still on the topic of stupid shit men do that they see as completely harmless is telling women to smile. I fucking hate this shit so much. I don't want to go into detail about my work, but I fucking hate condescending men belittling me while I'm trying to work. I've had older men working in a office like ten feet away from me trying to get my attention when I'm working on something saying "What's wrong with you, young lady? Why don't you smile? Why aren't you smiling, you're not happy?" if I completely ignore them, they'll raise their voices with the most insulting fucking shit "Ohhh, she's not having a good day, she won't even look at me, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She needs to smile more." And if I look up at them they get the most smug looks on their faces and say shit like "What's the matter sweetie? You're having a bad day? You look so sad, you're too pretty to look like that, smile for me, come on, smile for me." like I'm a fucking dog. If I even bother to say "I'm fine, I'm just trying to concentrate on my work." they just see it is an invitation to keep going, either continue trying to get me to smile or acting like I bit their heads off.
It's just so humiliating and disrespectful, I know it's a minor thing compared to other shit we deal with but it's just the most degrading fucking thing and even old men act like little boys when I show my irritation and just get encouraged to keep mocking me. I have this report that I have to do every day and I mostly have it committed to memory but I still need to focus and make sure I don't fuck it up, and that's when these fuckers walk into the building and start harassing me, and it is fucking sexist and harassment. They expect me to be grinning my head off doing paperwork? I have never seen this done to a man, never, and it's happened to me countless times. They're such pieces to shit and have to belittle a woman even when she's trying to work.
No. 228669
>>228667Tell them you’ll start smiling when they give you a fucking raise.
I hate that shit too, and I really don’t understand their motives with the whole “smile” bullshit, because I know for a fact they don’t care if were actually happy or not, and it is often said with a condescending tone. Men annoy the shit out of me in general, especially in the workplace. It’s like they really don’t understand that just like them, we are there to do our job and go home. Not to look pretty. Not to smile for them. Not to kiss their ass. Not to be treated like a child.
No. 228692
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So in my feed I found out a discussion about deepfakes, the OP was a guy who was literally encouraging people to make deepfakes with Natalie Dormer and Emilia Clarke, and in the end added "And you girls can do the same with Jason Momoa or whoever you like".
Some people started calling him out, because he sounded like a literal creep, and what did he do? He started acting like a crybaby, writing essays saying "Don't namecall me, you can't judge someone on the internet because you don't know their story blah blah FUCKING FEMINAZIS REEEE". He received support by a couple of women, one of them saying to "loosen up, relax, it's fakes after all, it's just sexual fantasies, do you really think boys don't have them?". It was a retarded mess, because they kept missing the point over and over. It's not a matter of feminism, it's just common sense dammit. You can have "fantasies" without making a realistic porn with the face of a non-consenting person that will be uploaded on the internet where it's going to stay forever. Creeps and their handmaidens are so fucking retarded. I feel for the girls who were trying to explain why it's wrong, in their place I would've lost my shit much sooner. It's frustrating as fuck when you try to make some sense and the other person deliberately misses the point, implies things about you and plays the victim
No. 228733
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>I'm a retard with no rhetoric so I will say they have low libido, that'll do it.
No. 228736
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You can actually have all of you need fulfilled without sex.
No. 228751
>>228750This is so true, I got a little more beautiful and much more confident when I left high school, and went from a literal robot loser to a sport loving chad who has no idea what 4chan or even reddit are.
My life has never been as sweet.
No. 228763
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Does anyone else feel a twinge of horror when men casually comment that prostitution will never end? And when they chuckle at it being the oldest profession in the world?
It's like they are admitting that men will always be such beasts that they need an underclass of women to exploit at all times. That we have been and will always be their sex slaves.
Implying that otherwise, they will rape women to get what they want, and be violent, because that's what happens when prostitution isn't allowed, "regular" women are the ones on the receiving end. Even though this violence and rape already happen when prostitution is available, and they just fire women until they are so poor their last option to survive is prostitution.
When they propose the legalization of prostitution under the guise of it being "progressive", why don't they just propose that we castrate all criminals, who are largely male? If testosterone is the problem, and men are the beasts, why the fuck are women the ones being further domesticated?
No. 228769
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No. 228789
>>228757no one is saying chad is always a nice guy, it's that the type of guys that hate chad have such a warped view of their own masculinity that they end up even worse. they associate typical manly qualities with cruelty, womanizing, and violence, as a way to deflect their insecurities about being """"beta""", but then when the inevitable happens and they do get some testosterone feels, it manifests as horrible misogyny and objectification and unhealthy anger, because again, this is what they've convinced themselves manliness is. it's a dualistic view of nice vs manly behavior and it's a wonder they screech about misandry when they're the ones who have such a negative internalized view of masculinity.
so yeah, plenty of chads are horrible, but a lot of them are actually men who are able to express their aggression and masculinity in moderation, regularly, without malice, as opposed to incels, who smother it until it erupts as a double edged autistic melty.
No. 228803
>>228795Its even worse when guys do it to shit on the womans body
Like seriously, its not just with creep shots, men have blackmailed girls, underaged, before for nudes then bashed her body to hell and back, I've even seen men shit on womens bodies that they have raped before, incase you're forgetting how much scum of the earth men are
Sometimes they don't even care. What the FUCK makes them so entitled to even do this shit number one but because violating the poor girl wasn't enough already they have to shit on her body to hell and back because she didnt look like a perfect hentai character for some creep to be pleased when he violated her
No. 228805
>>228763>If testosterone is the problem, and men are the beasts, why the fuck are women the ones being further domesticated?Despite what people believe, a lot of the shit built in the world today isn't done so using an automated process, even in the west.
Hell, even a lot of the food we consume in the west is grown and cultivated by poor brown/black guys in addition to machines.
Even the criminals that are sent to jail for raping/beating/murdering people often provide free labor.
No. 228809
>>228790yup! how many girls do you know with truly goofy looking boyfriends but with funny and nice personalities? in my circle they outnumber the ones with actual hot boyfriends. the goofy bfs, if they had the Letzter Mensch attitude of incels, would be incels themselves. hell, there are even incels who would be considered pretty attractive if they weren't pathetic. elliot rodger might not be a 10 but look at how many people have shame crushes on him.
also, what about macho men who have pretty unarguably busted faces and their bodies are only good because they work out? isn't that closer to the pinnacle of "manliness" than being born a pretty boy?
they can't move on from having some average/below-average characteristics and just let it ruin their entire self image and life and wallow in their self pity without rest. talk about a fucking victim complex.
i know some incel types are actual social outcasts because they're deformed or mentally ill, but most of them are just average or homely guys who just can't bear it and are stuck in a cycle of self hate and laziness.
No. 228810
>>228809it's because they constantly place girls up against each other and if a girl isn't the most attractive of attractive she's shit on to hell and back, hell even if you are considered attractive if another more attractive woman comes along wait til men come to shit on you to hell and back
they think because they do it to women, women do it to them, when in reality most women would be more than happy with a man who has a nice personality and looks averagely attractive, they're the ones always looking to leave women for the next best thing
No. 228812
>>228810damn never thought of it that way. it's almost satisfying that their attitude towards women has come back and bit them in the ass but the whole situation is so gross and pathetic it's hard for me to derive any satisfaction from anything about it.
they always say things that just blatantly aren't true about women's standards, but are a little more true of men's standards.
"no women date men with ____!" when literally i have so many friends whose bfs are skinny, average height, small neck, weak chin, you name it. i almost sometimes wish that women were MORE picky because i get a little tired of seeing beautiful women with these dopey guys, not my problem though.
maybe because they don't know any real girls or their boyfriends, they think "this is an example of what's considered an attractive man" with "this is the only man women will date" lmao
No. 228826 just have to post the above link because it made me laugh. Look at this perfectly innocent picture of a girl on a subway, and then read the comment wishing her 'bone cancer.' For fucking what? Carrying a sledgehammer that she probably just purchased and is transporting home? MGTOW is so petty. They are seething with so much hatred for women that they have to make up shitty little stories about pictures of strangers. And these are people who apparently don't care about women and want nothing to do with them. Can somebody explain the logic of this to me?
This one did not make laugh though. As if Duterte's comment wasn't disturbing enough, then there are these men that post it and celebrate it. It just really shows how much men despise women. Most of the men in my life have said something similar to me. And yet MGTOW will still claim they aren't misogynists, they just hate """"female nature"""" No. 228841
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>>228812I agee
tired of seeing pieces of shit run around with loving caring girlfriends they don't deserve to have
tired of seeing men brag about how they'll be 50 with endless supply of 18 yr old pussy
tired of seeing men treat their girlfriend like shit and get away with it because he knows they wouldn't leave
tired of seeing men who are raging misogynists brag about all the women they have
what ever happened to punishment as charged? and men think women are hard to get? or do they just scream "oh well I'm not an asshole thats why I don't have a girlfriend" aka someone who's too lazy and/or had one bad experience and gave by asking stacy for a blowjob 4 weeks after talking to her and now all women only want asshole so they just expect women to show up to their door and beg to fuck them and because women don't do that and they see women be loyal to awful men who manipulated them into a relationship with the same "nice guy" bullshit, apparently all men are assholes
how much do you want to be 99% of the self proclaimed nice guys will end up just like the piece of shit men they cried about a few months into the relationship no matter how much they scream "BUT BUT I WOULDN'T DO THAT"
trust me, been there, done that
not even 1 month in, he goes through all my messages before we even started dating officially to see if I was texting my ex, when I try to back out and say I don't think it's a good idea he begs and cries and all kinds of shit until I gave in like a dumbass
he cheated on me several times, behind my back and right in front of me, would think it's funny to flirt with other girls in front of me, sexually assaulted me on several occasions, would be so annoying demanding sex, money, rides, etc from me
at the end of the relationship he would call me on blocked calls and harass me randomly
bragged about sending naked photos of me he took of me nonconsensually to all his friends, when I told him how much trouble he can get into for that he bragged about how easy it would be for him to find a loophole, next day he cried and played victim when I told his mom, said it was "inequal" that I did that, played the "I WAS DRUNK1!!!!" card, said it was "just people seeing a pair of tits and you ruined my life!!!"
basically, don't believe a word out of "nice guys" mouth
No. 228853
>>228841That screenshot pisses me off. That poor girl.
Men go on and on about how heartless and evil women are, but this dude is emotionally terrorizing his own girlfriend and actively trying to make her hate herself. Why? This is supposed to be someone he cares about.
No. 228855
File: 1518573415927.png (61.33 KB, 629x295, Screen Shot 2018-02-13 at 7.50…)

209 likes for my favorite twitter misogynist.
Does anybody else think it's funny how it's mostly white males who seem to somehow find an excuse to dehumanize every other demographic on Earth? Jews, women, black people, gay people, the list goes on. They literally only see other heterosexual white males as fully formed and complex human beings rather than animals or subhumans. And they will admit this directly. It's just so strange to me. How do you delude yourself into thinking that what you are is the ONLY correct thing to be? And everything that isn't like you is wrong, inferior, and worthless? Like it's such a coincidence that the things you happen to be are pure and right and good and everything else is filthy and must be destroyed or subjugated. A lot of people will tell you these types are insecure and just need some other group to look down on so they can feel strong and superior, but it's gets more difficult to believe that when you see how widespread this shit is.
I'll probably get told to ~go back to tumblr~ but honestly, this dehumanization of X group is a fucking disease and I'm tired of seeing it. It appears to be getting worse.
No. 228857
>>228853it was in the same thread that was foaming at the mouth about girls with small boobs, like so angry to the point where even if a guy dare say he doesn't like that big of boobs men will charge at him and scream calling him low t and shit
the OP picture is actually a response to the other pic, I just don't understand, he purposely makes her feel like shit about a part she's very sensitive about just so she can feel miserable when he touches it? like if it's that big of a problem let a man who is actually fucking appreciative of her body take her instead of tearing this poor girl apart until she leaves his ass
No. 228879
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>>228841>using okuyasu for evil and bullyingAbsolutely Disgusting
No. 228919
Why is
>>228238 and
>>228308 fine, but
>>228326 considered 'racebaiting'?
No. 228946
>>228934This honestly
They expect women do to everything from holding conversations to initiating any activity then whine about not having gfs
No. 228974
File: 1518646264979.png (Spoiler Image,99.65 KB, 495x394, men are cunts.png)

>>228972and cue these immature guys making jokes about this poor gir that got murdered
serious i've now run out of sympathy for these boys, they can burn.
No. 228980
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>>228974its so maddening
i know its fucking 4chan, but still
No. 228987
>>228919>>228326 has question marks and
>>228308 don't. Usually tends to invite discourse whether the "questions" are valid or not. Also probably that the banned poster has a history of such questions versus the other two.
No. 228988
>>228934I had a bf like that. He was very over protective of me, but in our most sensitive moment, he revealed that he still had a one-itis for some chick who turned him down.
If you're not interested in sex 24/7, don't compromise with a bf who 100% okay with being like that. Assert yourself everytime he wants to do it and you don't.
No. 228992
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>>228980No I agree, doesnt matter if its 4chan because on that exact same board those fuckers bitch every day about how women wont touch them because: they want chad/they are vain/they have rights which should be taken away/feminism/women expect them to be clean, have basic hygiene (not even making that up) women are too haughty etc yet they are laughing at a girl who got shot and calling her derogatory things for being female.
I dont give a shit how hot or attractive a guy is if he displays this behaviour hes out the fucking door. The thing is most of these guys are betas and neets, the one who come here and disrupt theads crying about "muh lonely, muh dick" yet post worse in those threads. I used to feel bad for those guys but finding out how they really view women or worse-how they manipulate and abuse women because they feel anger towards all women for owing them something because "waahh im human i need to fuck" has killed that feeling once and for all.
No. 229005
>>228972I literally saw a dude on twitter blame it on feminism, because "feminism tears the family unit apart, and broken families result in shit like this" basically. By far the most farfetched excuse I've seen yet. Even when a young man murders 17 people, it's women's fault for wanting equal rights.
>>228974This makes me so sad and angry. I don't want to live among people like this. I really really don't.
No. 229017
the fact that even in this day in age the fact people use the word feminist to invalidate women who dare not want to be treated like shit is proof that women are still seen as unequal, not only that but a lot of men now hate us more than even men in the 50s did, at least men in the 50s had enough respect to refer to us as women or ladies instead of just "females" like a different fucking species but at the same time they project so hard to the point where most women can't even live normal lives without men scream "WELL UR PROBABLY LOOKING TO FUCK ANOTHER MAN AND GOLD DIG EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!!! IM TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING SHIT!!!! YOU ALL HATE MEN AND HATE HOW WE LOOK FEMALES ARE RIDICULOUS !!!" yet literally it's them who is doing that
hell you can't even point out that it's fucked up when a young woman gets raped, murdered, or killed men come in screaming how she deserved it for being a thot, then if you dare think "hey thats a bit fucked up" they come in screaming "REEEEE FAT UGLY FEMINIST WHORES" yet they are the exact reason it exists, I honestly don't know how far stuck someone would have to be in their own delusion to one minute they scream and stretch to justify women getting hurt, next minute cry and mock feminists, call them ugly (even if they didn't see that person nor do they know a lot about them)
I get that every single group on the face of the planet has its bad ones, but people overblow feminists so much to the point people have been using it as an insult even when something is perfectly righteous, valid and justified to say, out of all the feminists I've met I only ever met 1 who was the stereotypical tumblr feminist and even then she was 16 and most likely going through a stage
No. 229026
File: 1518681243707.gif (7.59 MB, 400x193, mancheeta.gif)

>>228750I dated a robot once. He was cute, just shy and a little awkward. I wanted him to feel good about himself instead of being so down all the time, helped him get a new haircut and skin products.
Big mistake.
Once he felt confident he left me for a girl in our friendgroup. As it turned out I've since met other girls who have had the same experience. Robots will just break your heart mang. I should have gone for Chad instead.
No. 229027
>>229026exactly, why do you think they're trying to put delusions of chad in our head so badly? they know it's them who cheat, leave, pump and dump, abuse, etc but when girls talk about it they point the finger at chad little do they realize it is them who is doing it
also dated a guy from 4shit, was abusive and cheated on me but projected so hard, to the point where everytime I went out he would ask for pictures of who I was with meanwhile he cheated on me and got mad if he would leave randomly at 10pm and I asked where he was going
No. 229029
>>229027I guess I'm fortunate he was never abusive but at the end I doubted if he really ever liked me or was attracted to me.
That's the thing about being so desperate, whatever relationship you get has shaky foundations. It was such a bummer.
No. 229090
>>229017Honestly I used to be one of those anti-feminist girls who screeched that feminism was ruining society and we don't need it anymore.
The time I spent with other anti-feminists, especially the men, is what showed me that we do in fact still 'need' feminism. And we probably always will, because as you can see, there's no shortage of people who want to take away the rights that women have already fought for and won. Society can always regress. It's happened before in other areas of the world, and I don't think we can get too comfortable thinking it could never happen here.
I know this sounds overly paranoid, but I live in the US, and in the past three or so years you can clearly see a movement pushing to put women 'back in their place.'
No. 229101
>>229090same, I was for it because I was convinced by the bs they said "WE'RE ACTUALLY THE ONES FOR EQUALITY UNLIKE FEMINISTS"
they amp up bad ones to make it seem like most are bad when most feminists are well-rounded people
>I know this sounds overly paranoid, but I live in the US, and in the past three or so years you can clearly see a movement pushing to put women 'back in their place.'yep, they use the bad ones as justification now
>"I think women should be able to work if she wants">HURRR LAZY FEMINIST DOESN'T COOK FATTIE!!!" No. 229140,000 views in 5 days 700 views in 3 hours
LMAO, this is what men want.
No. 229142
>>229140what was the 66k view one? it got removed
the other one creeped me out, all the grown men fawning over a fucking child
No. 229218
>>229140Someone is going to kidnap this poor child. I can't believe her parents let her post these after reading the comments. The comments from grown men about how beautiful she is and "wear your leotard next time." It makes me sick to my stomach. Men are disgusting; they shouldn't be allowed around children.
What was in the deleted video?
No. 229271
File: 1518796136611.jpg (22.04 KB, 480x792, 27332362_10204110736445531_617…)

>>229142>>229218Apparently the deleted video was a swimsuit haul from the same girl. Now pedos in the comments are asking her to reupload it. I don't know if I'm more disgusted or livid
No. 229327
>>229321So either women have not contributed shit throughout history, and men do all of the work - both creating and destroying, or women HAVE contributed, and continue to, and thus are partially responsible for shit like war and bunk foreign policy.
Pick one, stick with it.