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No. 270158
MOD DISCLAIMER: There has been demand for the man hating outlet to be revived since the last thread was killed 3 months ago. Lately the subject is spilling all over the other threads (secret sharing is the most recent, vent is also plagued by this theme). This is needed. IT is NOT the same as the gendercritical thread, this encompasses all males, gender non conforming or not.
This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in generalprevious threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274>>>/ot/233664>>>/ot/236692 No. 270159
>>270158To start off:
Do you believe the stats in the OP pic come from a difference in socialization or an innate thing?
I believe it is the latter, though I am hopeful that with time the majority of men will be able to overcome their urges and evolve from their ape status.
No. 270160
>>270159I think it's a bit of both.
One thing that baffles me with men is when they pretend like they act upon logic and not their feeling, getting angry and violent is absolutely acting upon your feeling dude! Anger is a feeling!
I think they just convinced themselves that every thing that goes through their head is logical and every thing that goes through a woman's head is a worthless dumb girl feeling.
No. 270176
>>270160This. "Women are emotional and men are logical therefore superior!!1" is the biggest and longest lasting grift in human history. You can see evidence to the contrary every single day. And yet somehow the entire world believes that, so men getting angry and losing their shit over literally nothing is somehow seen as logical and justified because men are so ~logical~ so he must have a valid reason to act like an animal.
>I think they just convinced themselves that every thing that goes through their head is logical and every thing that goes through a woman's head is a worthless dumb girl feeling.You are spot on here. It's also why they automatically devalue and write off all literature/art made by women, or any ideas coming from women. Because nothing a woman says or thinks can be considered good to them, since they see women as inferior by default so we are not even given a chance to prove those things wrong. It doesn't matter what we do, they will never see us as capable humans.
No. 270190
>>270180Don’t forget cold, ice queen, bitch, even arrogant. I saw this a lot with a female professor of mine whenever she would calmly and rationally explain why certain answers on a test were considered incorrect. People actually expected her to give them extra points because they were like, sooo sad about getting a lower grade than expected, and then called her an arrogant bitch (behind her back) when she refused to bend the rules for them. Nobody
ever tried to pull that shit with the male professors.
No. 270199
A piece of shit male raped a 16 month old baby girl and then hung himself right in front of her while she was bleeding out.
Why couldn't he just kill himself before hurting her? I wish every single pedo on earth decided to take a bullet to their head right now. No. 270200
>>270158On a lighter note, what really helps me when I feel down due to an overdose of reality as shaped by men is thinking about the men that are ruining their chances at personal achievments because they believe they've already won due to being born male. (While this does hold to some degree even here, for men still make it considerably more difficult for a woman to make it in the professional world than for their bros, it is mostly in countries governed by religion and our own past where this rang true).
What makes me happy is the cases I have seen so far of men being satisfied by this reality, but not taking any advantage of it. Think lazy NEET men losing all ambition after mandatory high school, while women actually try to make something of themselves. It makes me incredibly giddy to see them waste their privileged lives and become depressed just because we have a bit more of a chance now.
And, while of course, they might just get so angry that their peepees aren't worshipped anymore to try to forcefully get us back into the kitchen, I personally do not waste any energy thinking about this, as it won't happen while I am still alive, if it does.
No. 270211
>>270199I also notice men LOVE using the male suicide stat to prove all mens are oppressed and they're all killing themselves because evil women force them to, but fail to acknowledge how many of those men kill themselves after killing others or molesting children and whatnot look up "man kills himself after being caught" and it's sick shit, they'll never acknowledge their own faults and want to take asspats for advancements of other men, but expect anyone who isn't them to take the fault for women/blacks/etc
No. 270212
>>270199I also notice men LOVE using the male suicide stat to prove all mens are oppressed and they're all killing themselves because evil women force them to, but fail to acknowledge how many of those men kill themselves after killing others or molesting children and whatnot look up "man kills himself after being caught" and it's sick shit, they'll never acknowledge their own faults and want to take asspats for advancements of other men, but expect anyone who isn't them to take the fault for women/blacks/etc
No. 270214
>>270200>I personally do not waste any energy thinking about this, as it won't happen while I am still alive, if it does.I wish I could feel this way too, but it still makes me angry to think about the women born after me who may have to face this reality. It may not happen two generations from now, or ten, but what if it happens eventually? The injustice makes me so sad. But I know it's useless to be sad about things you have no power in changing and you can't prevent. You're right, it's a waste of energy and life. But I still can't stop feeling this way.
I hate the way that women are seen in society and how we are treated just because we are women. Of course things are better than they used to be. But not in the long run. And the backlash will be extreme. A backlash against women just wanting to live their lives and have choices and not be considered worthless breeding factories. That's all most of us want. I don't know why that makes men so angry to try to sabotage it.
No. 270219
>>270218But even if you tell them how you REALLY want them to act and what you wished they would do, they don't listen to you because women can't POSSIBLY know what they really want. They must be lying! Men know better than women about what women want! Those whores!
It's fucking pathetic. I NEVER hated men or avoided them unitl I discovered how much they hate women. It's insane. And there is no changing it.
No. 270224
>>270221Here we go, this is why we can't have a man hating thread on here.
Can we agree to not engage with robots / incels / males? I think we're going to be autosaged again if we do.
No. 270225
>>270221So you're saying men are weak and will simply do what women want them to do, even if it means renouncing morals and decency? Hilarious.
And then they go on to hate us and blame us for all the worlds problems after they willingly CHOSE to act that way. Nobody is forcing you to act that way. If you can't control yourself and will treat others like trash just to get some pussy, which men will tell you is worth nothing and isn't even that great and can easily be replaced by a sex doll, then that's your problem dude. Take some personal responsibility.
No. 270229
>>270225Please read
>>270226. If you want to address males' points in this thread, do not directly engage with them, rather create a different post discussing it from your perspective.
We are now aware that the mods making an expection with this thread, and will fuck it up at the slightest offense, so refrain yourselves.
Also, reply and validation of his sociopathy is what this scrotoid desires, pay him no mind and let him lurk and hate himself.
No. 270233
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>>270228If the world went from being misogynistic to misandrist tomorrow they would probably kill themselves on the spot. They literally can't take the slightest criticism.
No. 270234
>>270216>>270204I've noticed this too, or they'll mock womens achievements, mock women who speak about doing typically male things or having dangerous jobs, then turn around and expect men to be worshipped for the thing they were mocking women for
Sage for ot and blog but I'm a woman and have one of the most dangerous jobs, I don't get asspats for it, if I do speak about it men come in reeing about "hur you want equality here it is you dumb bitch men do this shit all the time", a lot of women are chased out the field, men replace them with out men then cry about oppression, if it really mattered to them they'd encourage women to go in the field more, not alienate them
Comments in this video explain perfectly
Basically to them
Man works a dangerous job = poor little angel!he deserves the world!
Woman works a dangerous job = STFU and suck it up buttercup its equality!
No. 270235
>>270228This, and god forbid you ever discuss their misogyny or theyll scream
triggered feminist
No. 270237
>>270234Damn the comments on that video. I'm just so fucking tired of men like that. Don't even know what to say at this point. is another article dealing with that issue. I think about this a lot.
> "Women don't want to work hard jobs in factories!!11 Useless whores!!1"> Woman works hard job in factory> Woman gets harassed and treated like shit. > Men scream suck it up, this is equality, even though I guarantee you the men in these factories don't treat each other anywhere near this and treat them like worthless sex dolls. And then they wonder why women don't want to work male dominated jobs. Because even if we do, like you said, we're treated like complete trash. Treated worse than women who constantly get mocked for working 'easy' jobs or office jobs.
The lesson to be learned here is that no matter what women do, men will hate us. There is no 'right' choice if you are trying not to be hated because you're a woman, you are wasting your time. Everything we do is evil, wrong, inferior in this world.
No. 270242
>>270234the comments on this video are funny because a lot of them say things like "men have been dealing with this for years and you don't hear them complaining! shut the fuck up and stop whining!"
Meanwhile there have been articles in the past week or so about how men are worried that paternity leave will affect their futures when they go back to work, and they expect everyone to shed a tear for them and have sympathy when that is something that women have been dealing with since we entered the workforce.
So basically, all of men's problems and complaints are valid and we should all drop everything and coddle them, but all of women's problems and complaints are just women being overemotional and whining like entitled little princesses and they should be mocked and ridiculed. As usual.
No. 270247
>>270244And the same dudes scream about actual abortion. They want men to have all the choices and benefits in the world, and women to have nothing. No choices, no opportunities, no life that can't be controlled by them.
If they hate us so much, why not leave us the fuck alone? For real. Like actually do it.
No. 270265
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I get a kick out of reading all the sperging out of mediocre young dude online who thought their life was going to be amazing just for being born with a penis.
>Tfw nobody will ever love them like mommy did cause only a mother could love such mediocrity and nothing will ever live up to their fairytale expectation so they'll never know what happiness and satisfaction is
No. 270279
>>270267I really don't think that's true. Why would they want to be something that they deem so inferior and worthless? Why would they want to be a woman when they see how they feel about us and treat us? Then they would be on the receiving end of it. And why would they "want us" when we are apparently so useless, only good for sex. Why don't they just buy sex dolls and leave us alone?
Men fucking hate women and think we're all useless whores, there's no way they want to be that when they are seen as superior, capable, and worthy by default. They would be stupid to give that up. And if all women are the same like they say, and we're all just a hole for them, why would they care if they don't get the one they want the most? They would just find another.
I've never bought into the "men hate women because they're afraid of them" thing. They hate us because they hate everything we are and think we are worthless. Not because they want us or want to be us.
No. 270285
>>270283 I don't know, how can you honestly think they don't see us as inferior? Almost all of history and the treatment of women stems from them thinking we are inferior and below them and should be treated as such. I want to believe what you are saying but I can't.
Men have entire movements and spaces where they talk about how inferior they think women are. Even philosophers have talked about how inferior they think women are. Every man I know has outright said they view women as lesser and inferior and incapable. And that's why tehy hate us.
No. 270291
>>270285How can you honestly believe what males say? You're on lolcow, surely you understand the concept of being vocally and obsessively salty about someone who's better than you.
If anything, their persistence further demonstrates that they're asshurt and coping.
No. 270298
>>270296If you believe "i want to get laid" is an appropriate excuse for sociopathic behavior, you need to be locked the fuck up until you can demonstrate a modicum of self control and baseline human decency.
And we know that by "society in general" you mean women. Because men can't possibly be held responsible for their actions and they always try to pin it on women in some way or another. Men choose how they act, and they choose how they treat other people. If I was told that the man I was in love with only dated women who abused animals, I would not start abusing animals in order to gain his admiration and love. Because I'm not a sociopath to begin with. And if I did do that, it is my fault because that is the choice I made to get what I want. I can't blame him for it. That's how it works. Stop blaming women for men's lack of self control or empathy.
No. 270299
>>270289I mean, that's been acknowledged by males many times. They see gender disparity in sexual motivation as leverage on your part. Everything a male says or does to you us an attempt to "get even" over your ability to "control" him. He loathes you because you're not at the mercy of your genitals.
They hate you because you have something they don't, and because you want sex less than they do, all by design because of the male role in sexual reproduction. Hence the pitiful projection about women being the more animalistic/sexual gender that's only good for reproduction (and why incels constantly talk to themselves about how they've "transcended" human desire).
If you start seeing everything scrots do as poor coping, you'll understand them better.
No. 270300
>>270297Yup. Men cannot allow women to do the things they do and excel at them, because that would mean women are objectively superior. They can't accept that we can give birth to
both flesh and thought, whereas they have nothing but thought.
No. 270314
>>270298Bullies do what they do because it feels good for them. They enjoy higher levels of self-esteem, peer approval, and sex frequency. I disagree with the first anon who said men are sociopathic solely because of women, but I still say women take a role in validating those toxic men.
Also it's not a matter of men turning sociopathic to get laid. They were sociopaths to begin with and saw that they got more benefits than backlash from their behavior.
No. 270317
>>270301>>270300I mean, even Freud basically stated that everything a man creates is an attempt to compensate over inability to give birth. That, and rebelling against the mother figure for "rejecting" him by birthing him. Make of that what you will.
Deep down a male understands that there's nothing indispensable about him, and most of his actions are driven by anxiety over his obsolescence. Strict labor division has allowed men to pretend that creating objects is a male only niche, one that finally allowed men to say that there's something they can do that women can't. Once again, it's their attempt at "getting even" with you.
No. 270321
>>270311Did you even really read Schopenhauer? His entire being is consumed with hatred for his sexual urges.
They deem us as inferior because they associate their own immoral, lower, animalistic thoughts, actions and desires to the object that causes such thoughts, actions, and desires - us. If we cause them to be evil, then surely we must be evil too.
They do hate us, but that's because of the effect we have on them and how powerless they are over themselves when it comes to sex. Everything ever said by men about women is projection, projection, projection.
No. 270323
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>>270311>current year>still not seeing through scrotal coping fantasiesYou do realize that neetche was a scorned incel and his entire "career" basically revolved around coping over his unrequited crush and lack of acknowledgement during his prime years, right? If he existed today he'd be a nofap mgtow flapping his cheesy chode about how he totally ubermensched himself into no longer requiring the roasties.
I don't know what to tell you fam, how do you explain most of men's statements about women being pure and objectively proven projection?
No. 270329
>>270319It absolutely is why. You're gaining economic independence, which in turn diminishes male sexual access, so the means of harassing you into submission have changed. It's something they acknowledge pretty bluntly among each other.
Males know that no one would put up with them if they hadn't forcibly created a parasitic niche for themselves. It's partially why they're so butthurt, they know that no woman would love them like mommy did and economic blackmail is their only way to secure female companionship.
No. 270330
>>270328Which is something they created to cope with being mindless sexually dirty beasts in the first place, something they all start realizing at puberty.
Again, adds to the theme of "getting even" with women.
>Y-you're a whore just like me! No. 270338
>>270334It actually makes sense if you consider that in an evolutionary sense males only exist as a tool to maintain genetic diversity. In every species they're mere female adjacent units.
Scientifically speaking, they truly have no purpose outside of nutting and dying.
No. 270356
>>270334I was 14 when I found out men chopped their dicks off for a fetish and I thought to myself "these are the people who are considered to be above you in the world." Kek. I have never respected them. They are the lolcow of gender.
Misogyny is literally jealously. Men made religion and themselves god, to cope. They are so mad we are the judge jury and executioner. Women decide who stays and who goes. Their obsession with trying to control abortion shows that exact insecurity, they wanna play god so bad and are asssmad they never will.
>>270349>when did the whole "female as the inferior sex" idea start?I believe it started as a means of of coping through projection. I'm amazed just how easily they've been able to spin degeneracy in their favour. When you actually look at males, they are completely controlled by their hormones. Testosterone makes you un-stable, impulsive and irrational. Totally the type you want to run a country. Fucking kek.
No. 270358
>>270349It most likely started when plant agriculture started offsetting hunting, thus "devaluing" males. Women contributed more to the tribe's sustenance. It's more probable that women were the first ones to observe that planting seeds let's you grow more plants. Maybe it affected women's willingness to put up with males, hence the backlash.
When men see the slightest indication that women might abandon them, they proceed with frantic attempts at trapping them through material means. You can attribute this to them needing a mother figure, being "incomplete" humans or trying to secure reproductive access, that much is uncertain. But it happens every time.
No. 270361
>>270356Men will turn anything into a fetish because of how their brains are built. Forget castration, women could actually meme them into wanting to die under the pretense of it being a hot sexy fetish (and some already do). I can guarantee that there's a male with a male inferiority fetish jerking off to this thread at this very moment.;dr males are more sexually malleable and prone to paraphilias as a side effect of being built to recognize the slightest reproductive opportunity. They basically sexualize every form of human affection and any objects/circumstances surrounding it because sex is their primary purpose by design. I kind of see why they're born butthurt about being this way.
No. 270371
>>270356Hilarious talking about god and religion, because the only reason for why satan is pictured as a snake, was because snakes were associated with female and healing. They literally changed satan to a snake because they were buttmad female priestesses/healers who worshipped a snake goddess were getting more power and respect than them(rabbis).
Literally everything women do and are successful at, men mock and destroy.
No. 270372
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>>270367Step one: make them nut to the idea of dying by exposing them to sexualized anti-male violence;
Step two: watch these cumbrains actually harm themselves because they've been Pavlov-cucked into nutting to it. Not even memeing bro.
Kind of shows why males are shilling this idea that women become more "tainted" by being exposed to eroticism. Men literally can't help becoming progressively more degenerate as they're exposed to more stuff, hence why their "project on mommy" reflex kicks in.
No. 270377
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>>270372>cumbrains>Pavlov-cuckedThanks for the laughs anon.
No. 270381
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>>270377Youre welcome anon. Look no further than based PoisonIvyLUL to see this cucking technique un action.
No. 270411
>>270387A personal anegdote, but a guy I know was thinking between majoring mechanical engineering (something he had interest in) and accounting (no interest at all). He chose the latter because supposedly accounting major was filled with hot girls while only uglies majored in STEM in his opinion.
Now he is 24 and still hasn't completed his undergraduate study because he hates his major…
No. 270412
>>270349>ancient women invented agricultureour mistake… agriculture enabled humans to accumulate and hoard, and to go from hand-to-mouth subsistence to a more reliable survival strategy, something that was never possible before. It also freed up time for both men and women and probably meant they were around each other more often. Childbirth became more frequent, and consequently children themselves became less valuable.
The concept of wealth accumulation and land possession expanded to other people, children became possessions as well, and women became the means of production. Men had to control "their" women, so they would only "produce" for them.
No. 270426
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I was looking for a case I heard of in the uk of a man killing his daughter-but just putting that in the search bar brings back many results including pic related
men truly are a disease
No. 270435
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OK samefag but WHAT. THE. FUCK
No. 270451
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>>270435He also murdered her adoptive father and their incest baby.
>>270437It wasn't a legally binding ceremony. The weird thing is that her adoptive parents and her bio father's mom attended.
No. 270458
>>270448This may be to do with media reporting than actual truth. They report this as depression but most women I know who are depressed dont plan on killing their kids.
There was one story I remember from years back because I think it inspired a coronation street storyline-this one guy took his 3 kids in a car, filled it with gas and phoned his ex wife-he wanted her to hear them die and said this was her fault.
When men do this-kill their kids before killing/trying to kill themselves, they do it to get back at their ex partners, they are fucking spiteful.
No. 270463
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What angers me about this shit is how the media goes the extra mile to make out these murdering men are really "nice" and try to excuse their actions. I mean look at this shit-the TL;DR version
>man takes kids, all under 8yrs old
>calls wife, soon to be ex- threatening to kill them because hes bitter shes moved on with her life
How hes referred to in the article
>"Keith idolised those children - he used to take them around the fields on his tractor while he was at work," said Tom Challoner, a family friend. "He was a kind and loving father. But he took the break-up of his marriage really hard and it changed him.
>"He sank into a fog of depression. He loved his kids so much and couldn't cope not seeing them every day.
No. 270471
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>>270361men literally fucktoys confirmed by science
Everyone, don't feel bad about using and abusing boys, it's the natural order!
PS. I am so glad this thread is back I missed it
No. 270473
>>270228Every fucking time
We can't have ONE thread on the OFF TOPIC section of a Mongolian women's knitting board without scrots coming in to bitch and whine, meanwhile there's literally hundreds of websites and forums dedicated solely to misogyny that we're just supposed to put up with.
No. 270487
>>270484I've noticed this too. I think most men have an obsession with ranking things "objectively" in their heads and have trouble processing anything existing outside of that.
They do it with everything: success, looks, ideologies, race. Something always has to be the best.
Things being different but equal? Unheard of! And here's the Science™ to prove it.
To be fair I have witnessed women doing the same, but most of us aren't like that. About a 30/70 split and reversed for the sexes. No. 270488
>>270484Because all men tend to be extremistic. So they like for example only one type of music, one type of clothing style etcetera. They often see either black or white and there is no nuancing. Giving in or changing their minds just a little bit, even if they are wrong, is a sign of weakness to them.
Here is an interesting article but it is more about violence and politics in relation to extremistic behaviour: No. 270492
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In response to the Trader Joe's hostage situation in LA. Another poor logical baby who can't be held responsible for his actions because the mean old women drove him to it :(
No. 270494
>>270159It's both.
>>270160Men love to babble on about how they're more logical than women and not guided by emotions, yet they're the ones all over the chans and social media getting
triggered every time some new dumb fucking movie or tv show casts a woman.
No. 270495
>>270492>>270493I know they're being serious, but my brain won't believe it.
That's fucking insane.
They can't
possibly believe a world without women would be less violent despite men being the overwhelmingly violent sex (and male-on-male homicide being the most prevalent). They can't. They must know the truth deep down.
And funny how men are more human and have supposedly superior cognitive abilities, yet they are never responsible for crimes. They are suddenly malleable blobs when it comes to that.
No. 270496
>>270495Men are completely superior and logical yet at the same time at the whim of whatever women (the inferior sex) want them to do. They make everything convenient for them, so they always come out on top and women are always seen as evil and subhuman. Always.
They constantly go on about how a world without women would be preferable because women are so emotional and mentally unstable and worthless. Yet THEY seek US out, to abuse us and remind us how much the hate us, and they refuse to leave us alone. They love pouring salt in the wound. They get off on it.
Men hate women. This is a fact. There is no evidence to the contrary, and mountains of evidence to support this.
No. 270498
>>270189I've noticed that too. I see them bitching about how feminism has made women "ashamed of femininity" and how feminism makes women "want to be men". And they try to spin this "women should embrace their bodies (but only hot bodies with big boobs and nice asses, no fatties allowed) and should embrace femininity/motherhood" now.
They're doing it with that new She-Ra cartoon that is coming out. The new show has her as a 15 year old, with smaller boobs and some muscle definition, so the men are pulling the whole "this is what feminism has done, women aren't allowed to be women anymore" horseshit. When, in reality, it's just loser men who are mad they can't jack off to a cartoon. Not to mention male writers are the ones who often force women into "men with tits" roles because anything feminine is either hypersexualized for them or is considered too weak for them in general.
No. 270499
>>270495Also, to men, women 'nagging' men or making fun of men is somehow worse than men murdering women. It's a worse offense to them, period. Like a while ago when a woman was murdered by her husband on a cruise ship because she laughed at him. And men made excuses for that all over the place. As if murder is an equivalent response to someone laughing at you. A perfectly logical and justified response.
Men laugh at women and mock us and how inferior and worthless they believe us to be all the time. Constantly. You think if a woman murdered a man because he laughed at her or called her a worthless whore people would be defending her and saying it's justified? No. They wouldn't. It would rightfully be her fault. But when it's a man….excuses must be made for him. She MUST have been asking for it. Because he's a man and he can't do anything wrong.
Why do they find laughing worse than murder? Because they hate women, so anything women do is worse than anything men do. The man was a poor victim of laughter. The bitch deserved it because how DARE you make a man feel bad about himself for even a second. He's a MAN.
No. 270500
>>270498>feminism has made women "ashamed of femininity" and how feminism makes women "want to be men".And even if this were true, they will never ask themselves why that is. Almost like they have been glorifying men and masculinity since the beginning of time and shitting on anything women do, anything feminine, any accomplishments women have are somehow 'lesser.' Is it really that big of a mystery why women would want to break free of that and try to be more 'masculine' (which really just means try to get out from under the male boot and make their own way in life.)
Women internalize from a young age that anything feminine and anything they love is wrong and inferior. So then, some grow to want to separate themselves from those things so that they aren't despised. And because of that, they become even more despised.
Almost like women can't do anything right and we will be hated regardless. Once again, very convenient. Men just want a clean cut excuse for why they hate women, when the truth is they hated us when we were popping out their babies and slaving away in the kitchen, they hated us when we were secretaries, they hated us when we were side by side with them in the workplace, they hated us when we were single and getting an education, they hated us when we were married and staying at home.
They hate us. Period. Nothing you can do. Don't waste your time trying to fit into the mold of what men say they want, because once you do they will find a new excuse to try to justify why they hate you. Every single fucking time.
No. 270503
>>270500>And even if this were true, they will never ask themselves why that is. Almost like they have been glorifying men and masculinity since the beginning of time and shitting on anything women do, anything feminine, any accomplishments women have are somehow 'lesser.' Is it really that big of a mystery why women would want to break free of that and try to be more 'masculine' (which really just means try to get out from under the male boot and make their own way in life.)Exactly. It's why things almost always default to the male when they become "gender neutral". You even see it in sci-fi tv shows and shit, written by "enlightened liberal" men in enlgihtened liberal egalitarian futures. Women will be called sir, not ma'am, because ma'am is gross and for old women.
They just can never grasp that the penis, "male" qualities and such will always be valued over the vagina or "female" qualities. Made all the sadder by the fact that they're the ones who force the bullshit "masculine/feminine" roles in the first fucking place.
No. 270505
>>270503Right? I'm honestly surprised there seem to be more MTF transgender people as opposed to FTM (correct me if I'm wrong.) Men are automatically seen as superior, capable, and better than women in every single way. Why the fuck would they want to regress to something that society hates? Meanwhile it would make sense for me for women to want to transition in to men just to escape the pure hate, vicious misogyny, and constant scapegoating of women. Of course then they have to deal with a different breed of hatred for being trans but that's a whole other infuriating issue.
I mean come the fuck on. If I could have been born male and not once had to deal with someone tell me I'm inferior and will never amount to anything because of muh vagina and girlbrain, I would have done it in a fucking heartbeat. Fuck being a woman and having to deal with this shit in a daily basis. Surprised the female suicide rate isn't higher because we are taught we should hate ourselves for all these sins we didn't even commit.
No. 270507
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No. 270510
>>270505This stuff gets talked about in the gender critical thread a lot. A number of FtMs have internalized misogyny and a number of MtFs are AGP who like being a woman because of their sissification kink.
>>270508Yep. A lot of them are also fujos who self-insert into fics/art of gay men written and drawn by women. So they start to think "Maybe I'm a gay man".
No. 270524
>People now assume I have logic, advice and seniority. They look at me and assume I know the answer, even when I don’t. I’ve been in meetings where everyone else in the room was a woman and more senior, yet I still got asked, “Alex, what do you think? We thought you would know.”
Wow dude, tough fucking life. You mean people DON'T think you're a dumb worthless bimbo? Must be nice.
>What continues to strike me is the significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now extended to me in public spaces. It now feels as though I am on my own: No one, outside of family and close friends, is paying any attention to my well-being.
And who gives a single fuck about women's well being? Nobody. And it goes beyond that. If something bad happens to a woman when she is outside of her home, it's her fault. So yeah maybe people do care, but only so they can attack her and tell her how stupid and slutty she was for daring to walk around outside. They really think people value women AT ALL? And care about our well being? That everyone is sweet to us and treats us nice because they just care SO MUCH? No. Not even close. But you'll never see them ask women about this. Because they don't want to hear the reality of it, they just want to shit on women and make it seem like everything is peachy for us so they don't have to address their behavior and admit that hey, maybe society has a misogyny problem. Because they don't want that problem to go away. Society thrives off it. Men thrive off it.
> because it violates a foundational belief I carry, which is that women are fully capable human beings who do not need men to acquiesce or concede to them.
Love that they slip this in here to subtly suggest that women aren't fully capable human beings.
>I felt like as a guy, I was not taken seriously. I had experienced harassment as a female person at another university and they had reacted immediately, sending a police escort with me to and from campus. I felt like if I had still been in my old body I would have gotten a lot more support.
Lmao does this motherfucker really think women are taken seriously? They really people give a fuck if women are assaulted and raped? Wow dude you got a secuity escort so that your school could avoid lawsuits? Real impresive. How did your peers treat you? How did your family treat you? Did they laugh and call you a stupid slut? Sounds real familiar to me. They really think people don't just write women off as lying whores who probably deserved it anyway? Fuck off.
This is another article to whine about how men have it so hard while demonizing women and talking about how women are all evil and the real cause of every issue in society. They even admit they are seen as more capable and superior in society and the workplace and they're STILL bitching about how women have it better, when we are mocked and called worthless whores and stupid holes and told we don't matter and everything men do to us we deserve. This shit is so exhausting.
No. 270533
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>Bunch of white middle class american girls acting like they're jews in nazi germany
No. 270535
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>>270534>denying this place is full of white middle class american girlsThis isn't my first day here.
No. 270536
>>270533Refute the things that have been talked about in this thread or shut the fuck up.
And nobody here has compared their situation to Jews in nazi Germany or anything even close to that.
No. 270537
>>270535Well, I don't know any "middle class white girls" who even knew what lolcow was, most girls here are working class, not to mention a large amount of poc here
And say, if it was true, and magically.everyone including myself morphed into a middle class white girl, how the hell are they "acting like jews in nazi Germany" are people not allowed to talk about problems now? Or only men can but god forbid women do anything remotely close to it
No. 270539
>>270536>>270538>bunch of young white middle class american girls>OMG THE WORLD HATES US >>270537Please, like I've said before. This isn't my first day here. I've been around since /cgl/ for about a DECADE. I know very well the userbase of this place. And it's not like /g/ isn't full of threads where the users mention they're a bunch of middle class white girls.
You're free to complain about your problems. I just find it a bit ridiculous the level of persecution complex yo see here.
No. 270544
>>270540In places like africa or the middle east women are treated like cattle, but not where most people here live. You must be schizophrenic to believe the world hates you, a young white girl in a rich country.
Either way, I'll leave you guys to it. Have fun.
No. 270547
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After reading all of the misogyny online I've really become wary of men and just don't want to have any relationships with them, platonic or romantic. The sheer amount of it everywhere online just makes me wonder what the average man I meet on a daily basis really thinks about me and other women. Anyone else have similar thoughts?
No. 270549
>>270547Not really, because I don't consider most of them to have any fully fledged meaningful thoughts at all. Most of them run on pure base instincts. In ye olden times an expectation of chivalry might have reigned some of them in, but that's completely out of the window now.
Mostly I just low-key assess which one of them might actually become violent.
No. 270550
>>270547Most of the people here feel this way, I'm sure. Internet men have definitely caused a lot of us to be jaded about them as a whole.
>>270548I follow a chick who Tweets political stuff, and recently a bunch of men jumped on her because she brought up the very real statistics of men committing rape and murder at much higher rates than women. It was all the old classics, "not all men", "there's female criminals too", "women are no saints", etc.
No. 270552
>>270550Remember we do things much worse than rape, pedophilia and murder. We
>reject guys for sex>divorce men and sometimes get our money back plus a pittance maintenance to make up for the fact he lied when he said "death do us part" and we did decades of free work>We get the kids who they didn't want anyway and are famous for horribly neglecting and refusing to take part in childcare when you're together>Sometimes other women stand up for us>We are not sex-slaves attached to chains which SUCKS>We expect basic decorum and cleanliness before we want to be friends with or have sex with a man. Crazy high standards!>We fail to take heed of "the wall" which we only gently bounce off, where they go bald, fat and everything else with great haste past their late twenties>sexual market place value!!! Which is only relevant if we are actual prostitutes which most of us aren'tThanks to mods for bringing back this thread btw
No. 270555
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>>270553The funny thing about that is how many sperg out about women rewarding sociopathic behaviors and being slaves to their sexual urges when some of us meme about a sexy convict, but…
When some hot blonde bimbo rape a child men unironically post shit like
>I wish she were my teacher lol!>Good for him! He won't become an incel>she's too hot to go to prisonFucking beasts.
No. 270561
>>270544>>270559>I'll leave you guys to it. Have funNailed it. Wow I guess I have those great powers of deduction that you also share, and all from reading only one post by you. Drive-by comment from someone trying to police a thread they are not even reading, amazing stuff.
>>270554I misread the first words as being written by a Mod, but they so far have let us manhate in peace. And it is needed because nothing we post here ever touches the extremes of the mental stuff men write about us online
No. 270566
>>270550>there's female criminals too"I love when misogynists spew this shit and dig up some single corner case of a woman molesting a kid while saying "See, women are JUST AS BAD" while completely forgetting about the fact that men are responsible for 99% of all rapes.
>>270552All of this.
No. 270567
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>>270566This whole thread is shit-bait, don't lie to yourself laboid
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>Go on sexxit
>There is a thread asking for women to share their favorite NSFW subreddits
>Post stuff like /r/massivecocks and /r/thickdick
>Watch men self esteem go on self destruct mode in the comments and baiting for tiny dick love
No. 270574
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>>270573this is so mean, I love it
No. 270586
The BBC put out a documentary about vigilantes burning rapists in Johannesburg, South Africa. The vigilantes seem to all be women (no shock there) or at least mostly women. The filmmaker is a man, and he interviews multiple men who admit to being rapists on camera. This is a real gem:
>Mtika then probes David for clues as to what might’ve caused him to engage in such barbaric behavior. David reveals that as a teen he was sodomized by police, and he’s now acting out the violence he was subjected to as a child.Of course. A boy gets raped by a man, so he decided to rape women.
Anyway, here's an article about it, with links to the documentary on Youtube. I'll embed a five minute clip of the doc. The full length one is linked in the article too. No. 270588
>>270587I'm gonna watch the doc right now, instead of going to sleep like I should, but in that clip, the rapist being interviewed says he "can't go three days without sex" and that he likes to spread HIV so he won't "die alone". It's so fucked up. But yeah, I think it's safe to say it's about men and their sickness for power.
Also, note the comments are disabled on the five minute clip. I bet some asspained men found the video and started disliking it and bitching in the comments.
No. 270592
>>270586You practically always hear this about serial killers, too. “He rapes and kills others because he was abused as a child”. No, he rapes and kills others because he likes how it makes him feel. The overwhelming majority of csa victims don’t grow up to victimise others. Can you imagine if all the girls who were sexually abused as children turned into violent rapists? Instead, women tend to internalise their hurt and exhibit self-destructive behaviour.
>>270587Exactly. He was hurt by a man but he’s not taking revenge on men because this isn’t about revenge, it’s about hurting people weaker than himself to make himself feel better.
No. 270603
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>>270372Source on that comic please
No. 270615
>>270284This is my theory too. We hold the power to literally create life, as well as all the power of being sexy ladies who are "withholding" our bodies from them.
They are like the USB stick of information that you plug into the computer. We are life itself and creation, but adoring us is too painful (for some) so their lust and jealousy turns to hate. If we were worthless they wouldn't bother hating us. The worth is what sets them off. This is exemplified on a low level by fuckbois who get kicks out of hurting women's feelings
>Oh you want me huh?!!! Now you see how it feels!!!? Which obviously is just baffling and unnecessary for the women who are just tryna live their life and not be punished for threatening them with their beauty and biological power.
No. 270617
>>270451>>270435They're quite attractive, it's like someone's shitty fanfic come to life. I'm assuming that's her legal family all smiling happily and proudly around them.
insanity should never congregate
No. 270635
>>270630The right to continue to rape their wives, for one. There’s been an ongoing battle to keep marital rape legal there.
Men are evil. To them, losing another way to abuse us is losing a right. They want the right to treat us like chattel.
No. 270639
>>270624I think it's because media is getting more open to talk about stuff such as sexual life of women, which was a taboo to talk about in the past.
It was always allowed and normalized for men to go through multiple partners but with women it wasn't, women had to be virginal and only have experience with their husband.
Now when they see a woman discussing experiences in her sexuality, scrotoids go angry mad and jealous thinking just because some women enjoys one night stands that must mean women are promiscuous by nature.
Look at yourselves you projecting retards. No amount of retarded excuses will make your hypocrisy disappear.
No. 270647
>>270544Well, im not a rich white girl and none of the women ive met here are rich white girls, via discord anyway
Are we not allowed to talk about issues that affect us or rant about shitty men without you pulling the 'STUPID RICH WHITE BITCHES!!!!!!!" Card? We HATE men, worldwide, nothing about how we're all treated like cattle, and yes we hate men who treat women like cattle to, it sounds like you don't know shit you're talking about, if you wanna rant to people who pretend to be oppressed to to mgtow and mra forums of men who think that the second something isnt about them theyre oppressed
No. 270669
>>270667That explains the screeching and crying about women who work too, or how they're trying to convince themselves that women ruined the workforce
They act oppressed over paying for dinner, even after insisting to pay for it just to turn around and act oppressed for it, if it hurts their feefees paying for dinner by choice just imagine how hurt they'd be over having to pay for a wife and kids, what the hell do they want women to do? They're walking contradictions
No. 270678
>>270675If one day he dates a woman who cheats on him and she used the excuse that he had fucked around on previous girlfriends so it doesn't matter he would be screeching and crying and saying all women are whores and he deserves the best!!11
Men are insane. Imagine thinking this way.
No. 270694
>>270689They want their cake and eat it, they want the privilege but go out of their way to twist things and make themselves seem oppressed, they realize when they are superior they'll have to actually take responsibility for their actions (even then they dont do that 99% of the time)
They want to be entitled spoiled children pretty much
>>270675What an insecure little guy,why be with someone if they're gonna cheat and not treat them right? How the hell is someone having sex with men who arent them in the past equate to cheating? What an entitled piss baby
No. 270699
>>270698They're shitting themselves at the tought you might compare them to your past lovers. Instead of working on their shit tier self esteem they lash out on more experience women.
That's honestly the only reason so many dudes are obsessed with having a pure virgin waifu, they don't want to risk being the most mediocre cock of your life. Also some weird homophobia "if she had a dick up her vag and I put my dick up her vag then I'll be a gay!!!".
No. 270710
>>270699It's because many men are stuck with the idea that women who have casual sex don't respect themselves. They feel insulted if an "easy" woman decides to take things slowly with them.
I've had plenty of casual sex and most of the time I didn't really care about pursuing anything more than sex with the guy. When I want to date for real I take longer to have sex because everything feels more complicated.
No. 270723
Now at age of 23 I have a 6 year old brother, our father (a narc, one of the main reasons I hate men) had kicked the bucket 2 years ago, and I kind of have to step up and be the father figure to my brother. Can't hate him since he's still young and would still listen to me, I respect him he respects me, I've only yelled at him once when he threw a tantrum and swept all of our food off the table, other times he's managable, obedient even, but I'm sure once he starts going to primary school this September he'd have all this misogynistic ideas stuffed into his head, or the male ape instinct to be a total ass to girls would kick in, and I'm not sure if I can wipe them off his brain. Also I've been bullied since young by boys so I would slap myself so hard if I end up raising a bully. How do I not end up raising a bully or an incel? Or should I just give up and let nature takes its course, and I'll start to hate him as well?
No. 270725
>>270723The most respectable men I know who respected women the most were often raised with mostly women, the types with mostly sisters, would often experience bad things with men on first hand
Be a good figure pretty much, because at least then if he does become an incel he wont take the "but but x women in my life were evil so that must mean all women are!" Route, and if he did he would be lying
Teach him to deal with rejection, DO NOT spoil him, most of these entitled little shits are from privileged families who spoilt their sons to hell and back
No. 270727
>>270723Start teaching him empathy early. Teach him to notice and think about the suffering of others, even in simple terms.
Getting an animal can help with this, as well as monitoring his play dates. Encourage him to befriend girls, too. IIRC in one of the last threads someone mentioned that men who were accustomed to being close to women their own age (sisters or friends) saw women as more "human," as grim as that sounds.
Are you raising him with your mom? If so, being raised by two women is a step in the right direction. I believe you can be a great "Dad" anon!
No. 270760
>>270684Exactly, it's a no-win situation. They just want to screech about every little thing. Just like the men we talk about in these threads, really.
>>270689The had a massive protest in South Korea recently about men filming women in bathrooms and in public. And in a country like SK, those women are putting their jobs, and possibly even lives, on the line by protesting publicly.
Naturally, some dude who wasn't from Korea butted in on the topic with his western MRA view, going "Why don't they care like this about North Koreans and how they are oppressed?" Like bruh, first of all, people there could have family in NK, and they could care. People there do want to help NK. And people can care about more than one fucking thing. And, most of all, it wasn't a protest about North Korea.
Stupid fucking MRAs will undermine the slightest bit of womens rights movements in any possible way by playing the whataboutism bullshit. There's always gonna be something worse in the world. It doesn't mean people have to put up with bullshit, just because others have it worse.
No. 270768
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>fellow girls
Don't engage, just report.
No. 270779
>>270773>expects women to be feminine & submissive, below men>considers traditionally feminine hobbies to be inferior and meeklol i will never understand this
>>270776nothing is wrong with a guy still being a virgin. it becomes a problem when he is so insecure about his virginity that he targets his frustration at women, calls women who are even slightly more experienced than him roastie whores, sees sexual violence or pedophilia as a solution to getting laid, etc…
No. 270784
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>>270773>guy I went on like 2 dates with messages my pic related>huh wtf?>"lol jk isn't it funny">…>"but seriously i think some of these are quite nice and i want them for my relationship">droppedThe list is supposedly from a 50s housewife mag but I'm pretty sure it's a hoax.
No. 270787
>>270784it looks shooped af. i've heard this list somewhere else before, but it doesn't look like a genuine vintage article.
i know this doesn't apply to all men's situations, but how the fuck is a woman supposed to do some of what's mentioned in pic related, if a guy isn't employed and sits at home all day playing viya?
a lot of this trad '50s stuff men desire was a reward for men who came home to their wives after a hard day of work. not men who sit inside and can very well make their own food and pick up after themselves.
No. 270789
>>270787It's true, men complain about women not wanting to fulfill the traditional roles they expect of us (traditional as of 70 years ago in Northamerica lel). But neither do they.
First of all, they should be hustling all day to be able to provide for a family of four.
Preferably they should also all be drafted to fight in a big war sometime soon.
No. 270793
>>270435I know this post is off topic now, but I remember when this story happened guys on 4chan were defending the father because the girl was (apparently?) a hapa, and thus less genetically related to him, therefore it technically wasn't incest(???)
Incels will literally defend anything if it appeals to their submissive Asian loli waifu fantasies.
No. 270796
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>>270793This is fucking disgusting and just plain wrong but I can see them giving that excuse. The girl wasn't even a hapa, pic related is her mum.
No. 270805
>>270802This, and in their heads, they deluded themselves to believe asian women will "chase them down the streets and beg for sex for being born white" where as white women will reject their advances for everything because stacy told him not to grab her ass in 10th grade, they try to convince themselves they're too good for evil white women so when they see an attractive one they convince themselves shes mixed, or claim attractive white girls "look asian" even when they dont look remotely asian at all, they even claimed emily Browning looked asian, emily browning lmao
Also notice how when these dudes happen to get an asian girlfriend, they'll never shut up about "asian gf", like even if they tell a story that has nothing to do with race they'll randomly mention asian gf, its like they arent even in love with the girl they're inlove with her race, the brownie points they get from it anyway, the worse types are the ones who have girlfriends and pretend their life is miserable because she isn't asian
No. 270811
>>270805>Also notice how when these dudes happen to get an asian girlfriend, they'll never shut up about "asian gf"This is so goddamn creepy. I think in a past thread, I posted a video of one of these losers where his "Chinese wife tries American Chinese food". And she was comparing it to authentic food in her part of China. When she said something actually tasted very accurate, her loser white husband HAD to step in, eat it, then claim "I don't know what she's talking about. I lived in China for seven years, blah blah…"
Fucking pathetic white dudes and their shitty Asian fetishes. As a white chick, it doesn't make me jealous at all. It just makes me feel bad for the Asian women who have to deal with this gross shit.
No. 270818
>>270811>As a white chick, it doesn't make me jealous at all. It just makes me feel bad for the Asian women who have to deal with this gross shit.Same here, but you'll find that yellow fever white dudes are OBSESSED with making white women jealous over asian girls. They circle jerk to the idea that we're going to regret not being their perfect waifus and immediately jumping on their dicks just for existing, and gloat amongst each other about how how butthurt white women must be about asian women. They particularly get off on the idea that white girls are shunned in asia (based off this one article written by a frumpy near middle aged woman who didn't have much luck in Japan). It's like revenge for them, except it's all in their imaginations.
Your typical Stacey doesn't give a shit and wants to look like a Kardashian, asian girls won't even register. And white weeb girls who may actually be jealous of asian girls just want asian bfs. Absolutely nobody except some small minority of poor or status seeking foreign girls want neckbeard incel bfs.
No. 270819
>>270818I think its because its part of their revenge fantasy, that and men who dont have luck with women blame women of their own race, as mentioned in previous threads men will claim women of their race are all entitled, gold digging, feminazi, sluts then cling to another and claim they're all gentle, loving, feminine goddesses, and its always different to, sometimes its white men and asians, sometimes, its arabs or latinos to whites, sometimes its black men to latina women, etc etc
The difference I noticed with yellow fevers is that they're extremely stuck on getting revenge on white women, they will write novels about how all white roasties are jealous fat neckbeards getting stds in thailand and how thats what they get for being feminists, etc etc, the second you ask for an example of even just 1 white girl doing that they're out, its even ironic when they try to compare cultures and all it does it prove they know nothing about the culture "you white western bitches treat men like ATMs unlike japanese waifus who pay for everything uwu" "you white bitches cheat unlike my thai waifus who come from a country with the highest cheating rate in the world uwu"
Its like they want attention from white women, if you love asian women so much then why the fuck everytime you speak of them you just rage about white girls?
No. 270822
>>270819If you really wanna see revenge fantasies you should look up the Red Pill places. They all think when they turn 40 they'll have a legion of 18 year old models lusting for their dicks.
Incels are fucking stupid but at least they know it's over for them and call the Red Pill revenge fantasies "cope".
No. 270823
>>270818>and gloat amongst each other about how how butthurt white women must be about asian women.It's hilarious, because we wind up just feeling bad for Asian women. At the end of the day, racial differences be damned, we're all women, and I don't like seeing any women be the lust-object of disgusting men.
> Absolutely nobody except some small minority of poor or status seeking foreign girls want neckbeard incel bfs.That's the saddest part. Those women deserve so much better.
>>270819>Its like they want attention from white women, if you love asian women so much then why the fuck everytime you speak of them you just rage about white girls?Because it's all about getting attention from white women. That's ultimately the root of everything. They're pissed white women aren't like their shitty animu submissive moeblob loli fantasies. Everything these men do it out of pettiness.
No. 270824
>>270811>>270818And as an Asian girl, I would like to say thank you. Also you hit the nail on the head with the neckbeard bfs.
One guy at my college went to Osaka and came back pretty quickly-very upset he wasn't worshipped by the locals and drowning in pussy. Got very angry when I informed him that being white alone isnt gonna make girls want you. If you are considered attractive over here, aka "chad" as these incels like to quack-its THOSE guys who get chased. If you are a neckbeard incel with no personal hygiene who can't get laid here, why the hell do you think you'll have more chance there? This guy was also a pencil neck skinny nerd-he really thought Osaka had a shortage of them. Also a lot of these guys seem especially ignorant to Japan's attitude towards foreigners. And its not just white guys, also had black guys come back from Japan deluded into thinking they would also be worshipped for being different-were shocked at the blantent racism.
I find it laughable that the guys complain I have been brainwashed by "white feminism" because im not their small submissive waifu and didnt fall for the time they were trying to pit me against my white female friends. We all just laughed at them, they are so pathetic-and I'm glad other girls are not falling for their shitty tricks.
No. 270829
>>270825Because it usually is. Sadly, it's like the other anon mentioned, where a lot of the Asian women married for status to get out of shithole countries or situations. And the white men are yellow fever fetishists. It's also funny how kids from Asian male/white female relationships seem to turn out better than the ones from white male/Asian female ones. Most of those hapa incels you see whining online come from WMAF relationships.
>>270828I love when men try to say women hate other women the most of all. And sure, women fight and some hate one another. Any group does that. But on the grand scale of things, women will never hate women the way men hate women.
No. 270830
>>270505The female suicide rate isn't high despite the shit we endure because women can actually handle difficult emotional situations and just keep going and do the work to get through.
We don't just snap under the slightest pressure or insecurity and start strangling our babies or shoot up schools.
Men are pathetic, they cannot handle their shit and for some reason have to harm innocent people when they snap, and it always ends up getting blamed on women in the end.
No. 270831
Same fag here but
>>270823 is fucking spot on thank you!
The worst thing is they get super pissed at us too when we don't succumb to their backward fantasies. Some naurto fucking weeb told me hes more Japanese than me because "he respects the culture" and said because i'm not buddist and don't want to get married and be a housewife I am disrespecting my culture like fuck off!
>>270826Seriously sis its the greatest feeling-and its even funnier when they used to come to me expecting me to be sympathetic to their shitty asses. Like they dont even make an effort they are all like davido-kun (I'm assuming you guys have seen the youtube video) they are creepy ass stalking nerds who think japanese girls are real life anime, they are so stupid. I also laugh at the ones who complain about white women caring about status-they really have no idea in japan most girls are actually like that-many will not date a man unless hes earning a certain wage-some will not if he does not have his own house. Like its even harder over there and most foreigners there end up marrying other foreigners. Being a basement dweller in japan really does not help your dating prospects-these losers clearly get all their info from anime not realising most of it is made by men for men who have no idea how women really are, its fucking hilarious!
>>270828Yep! And I'm glad women are not buying this shit-how quickly they turned on me and called me racist slurs when I sided with my female friends over them.
No. 270837
>>270835Oh, they absolutely idolize Japan, and South Korea too, for how openly misogynistic those countries are compared to North America and Europe. Those countries are still stuck in a 1950's mindset, culturally, compared to the west, so they get to do a lot of shit to women that won't fly here. Weebs love that, because women in the west have been "corrupted by feminism". You see it with how they bitch about the evil west fucking with how women look in video games and cartoons. They want balloon tit bikini armor broken spine weeaboo shit.
I love that Japanese people openly mock them though. It's what weebs deserve.
No. 270840
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>>270835I bet pic related is you.
No. 270841
>>270840Looks like we pissed off the yellow fever
Its okay greg from 4chan, you can pretend all asian women secretly prefer greasy acne covered chodes, whatever helps you sleep at night
No. 270843
>>270372Damn, I really wish I was a good artist because I would start to work on this
As long as you draw it in a hentai kind of style and make it look aesthetically pleasing, they will brainwash themselves into going 'oh shit! A new fetish I never thought I had!' like that sexy tooth brushing scene in that anime. I think it was supposed to be a joke but I remember guys on 4chan freaking out about it and it was suddenly fetish of the year just because someone would post tfw no qt to brush teeth why even live or some shit.
It's insane how easily you can trick their cocks into reacting to something and these dumb fucks buy into it. Remember when cucking was the new thing guys were pressuring their gfs into getting into because it was the fetish fad? And now it's eating ass. If I had the skill I would make a ton of hentai like fetish comics of guys getting killed, spam it on 4 chan, and sperg about how it's the new fetish and I guarantee those dumbasses will agree with me. They can be tricked with their sexuality so easily, just look at trap and tranny fetishists who fuck their bodies up irreparably. But no, women are the ones who are too irrational and easily manipulated.
No. 270844
>>270840You neckbeard is showing
triggered kun.
No. 270845
Another wild scrote makes an appearance.
>>270839>"waifu who got brainwashed by those white bitches"So unbelievably creepy, and of course it's white womens fault, haha. White women are like the final boss for both incels and SJW racebaiters.
The colossal asshurt these men feel at the knowledge that women can pick and choose who they want in the west, and that those women will never pick nasty sexist neckbeards, is amazing.
No. 270846
>>270843Hilariously enough, it was with traps to
One minute men are disgusted when women don't look like feminine goddesses, then when hentai made traps a thing, the "le dick made it better" meme, how many men are chasing trannies, imagine the amount of 4chin troons that would have never transitioned if they never discovered hentai, amazing, you can really make them do anything with porn to their puny little brains
No. 270847
>>270839I find it especially weird because women I work with, women I encounter for work, and couples I've known as friends throughout the years that are a white guy and asian woman, the woman is completely in charge of everything. Not even second generation, I work with women from Thailand and Cambodia and they completely call the shots in their homes, especially financially.
The whole submissive asian wife is so weird to me based on all of my real life experiences, even just friends the girlfriend was always in charge, where they were hanging out, who they were going to meet, and the boyfriend could come or just stay home. I've never met a submissive asian wife/girlfriend.
No. 270848
>>270773I really dislike 'daddy doms' and dom men in general. They're usually narcissistic idiots.
NOW, sub men, I can appreciate. All sub men I've met were OK.
No. 270849
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>>270846>imagine the amount of 4chin troons that would have never transitioned if they never discovered hentaiHoly shit, I know, that was the first time I realized how easily men can be manipulated with porn. Like out of nowhere there were tons of threads on how superior anime traps were, then real life traps, then trannys, and it was like you could see the responses going from 'yeah thats hot' to some kind of weird jealousy and desire to be that object of obsession and fetishization. Male sex drive + male fragile ego + male insecurity + porn = fucking up their bodies permanently for the satisfaction and pleasure of anonymous strangers on the Internet. It's wild.
Men also come up with the weirdest freak shit you can imagine, like blowing up into blueberries or vore. I hope male humiliation and degradation becomes the new meme fetish.
No. 270854
>>270849>I hope male humiliation and degradation becomes the new meme fetishfemdom does seem to be gaining popularity on /r9k/ from what I've seen.
I hope men meme themselves into second class citizenship. I would like them a lot better if they were obedient to us.
Although maybe I'm just as bed since I have a fetish for male submission. Oof. No. 270857
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>>270854I like male submission and humiliation but I'm not sure if it really turns me on or it's just nice seeing guys be in that role instead of a girl being sexually humiliated and treated like trash.
>>270855Shad is the first person I think of with that. The fact that he is well known and successful is baffling to me, his art is so childish in a way. Like how I think a horny 13 year old boy looks at women. I remember seeing his stuff on /co/ years ago and people being like 'I feel guilty because it's bad art and I know it's bad but but I can't stop jacking off to it' Can't stop. Can't. I don't think you know what that word means.
I think of erotic content from women (I love to read sexy romance books) it's all about the emotion, the story, the intensity, the
mutual pleasure, and a male lover that's considerate and takes pleasure in the woman being satisfied himself. With men it's either ridiculous bimbo rubber skin and insane proportions or fetish shit that borders on frightening.
No. 270859
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>>270843Hentai like that already exists anon
(spoiler nsfw images) No. 270862
>>270859I know weird stuff like this exists, don't get me wrong, but I'd want to do it in a kind of romanticized way and make it so similar to the hentai they jack off to that their brains mix the two and become indiscernible and see what happens.
The pathetic 4chan breed of men are such whiners about porn and sexuality. Like they find weird/disturbing shit and instead of just thinking to themselves 'That turns me on. That shouldn't turn me on. I should stop looking at it' they have to make a post whining about how they don't have some gf to chop their dick off and eat it and it makes them so sad and too detailed descriptions to other men about how hard they are.
No. 270876
Read this today. Thought it was fitting for this thread.
No. 270877
>>270857>erotic content from women is all about the emotion, the story, the intensity, the mutual pleasure, and a male lover that's considerate and takes pleasure in the woman being satisfied himself.Yes. I remember when me and one my male friend wanted to exchange our favorite porn videos, he straight up sent me a video of a girl choking on a dick, tears on her eyes and receiving what looked like very painful anal (no lube). I was so disgusted that I didn't even sent him my favorite video and just completely dropped our sexting.
I think so many men are shitty lovers that they don't even realize that a porn actress screaming "OOOOH YEAH… fffff.. FUCK YEAH FUCK THAT PINK HOLE" while being jackhammered isn't really enjoying what's happening, they think (or wish?) they can make a girl scream like that without any skills, just by pounding away like a retard.
Which is why they don't like porn videos with some skilled males. Every time a guy eat a girl out, is considerate, every time you hear the male porn actor communicating with the girl asking her what she wants, what she likes, you'll see a bunch of extremely butthurt men in the comment, crying that their porn is ruined! Ruined because the guy is trying to pleasure the girl and make it a moment of mutual enjoyment instead of just fucking her like a piece of meat.
Sorry for blogpost I just think mainstream porn really show how fucked male sexuality is.
No. 270880
>>270877>>270877Probably because men believe the world revolves around them, and the one place were women are worshipped and loved men ruined too because they had to make it about them
I honestly can't enjoy sex anymore, I feel like if i enjoy sex im a boring pillow princess who should spend every last second begging for dick and cum, this is why lesbian sex is a million times better, 10/10 would recommend
No. 270882
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>"high quality" male parenting
No. 270887
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Could you imagine the backlash a woman would receive for saying things like this? And yet when it's a male he's just too confident or a true legend. Men aspire to be like this guy so they can fuck women and say shit like that.
Also, as a football lover it's so tiresome dealing with the men in the fanbase.
No. 270892
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>Go to /meta/ to issue a complaint
>see this bullshit staring me in the face
Imagine being this triggered over "femcels".
No. 270902
>>270882If the kid has any sense, he'll reject what his shitty dad is telling him, like most kids do.
>>270892That person could simply hide the thread, but that'd take self-restraint on their part, and we can't have that, now can we?
No. 270914
>>270887that comparison is just stupid tho, "Birthday sex" is loved by all men but how many guys can get away with "dicking her for her birthday"?
If a woman had said that, nothing would have happened.
No. 270915
>>270892>see an entire thread about Man-hating Imagine being this
triggered over "males"
No. 270950
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>>270892lmao, the state of these bootlickers. they want 'offenders' and "the topic" (you better love men!!!) banned from the site (permanently, i guess?) if it's not kept to the thread. i love the "YOU'RE JUST LIKE INCELS" argument that's so completely oblivious of context and reality, as if any of us make these criticisms because we can't get laid, lmfaooooo.
i love that they can't handle being called 'handmaidens' when they're seriously out here getting offended on behalf of men and rabidly responding with 66 page manifestos to 'femcel dyke' posters about how much they love their male dentist and their yuppie dads. there's a pretty simple solution: just don't whine at all women who don't share your similarly rose colored views and who don't have as much faith in men as you do?
shitass posters that can't just hide threads or just scroll over like 8 posts without pissing their pants are so embarrassing.
No. 270956
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>>270950>on behalf of menHow do you know they aren't men?
No. 270960
>>270958>Women can't be lonely! Women can't be incel! Women can get any man they want!>Once you're past 30 no man will want youMale "logic" lol
A Korean woman told me korean men say the exact same things about korean women that white men say about white women. That Korean women are too feminist and don't appreciate korean men enough and that korean men are gonna marry foreign women instead of koreans.
All men think they're so special and have a unique genius even though they sound the same as all other men around the world.
No. 270965
>>270960Incels say women can't be lonely no matter what and that any super ugly girl can get a male model if she just installs Tinder. Red Pillers on other hand say it's over for women past 25 and that it will be their turn to shine and swim in pussy.
Both types are dumb.
No. 270967
>>270950Jesus.. read through that load of shit and all I saw was
>this thread is an eyesore!>femcel this, femcel thatBut they're clearly not men or trannies, yeah right…
No. 270978
>>270950One of those have to be the retards who cried that when we criticize men it's like saying her grandpa and her brother are rapist and it upsets her. Kek.
Autism is no joke.
No. 270980
>women hide on anonymous forums >Men don't care and hate women aggressively on facebook or somethingBUT BUT I THOUGHT MEN GO TO PRISON FOR THOUGHTCRIMES EVERYDAY, ANON, MISOGYNY IS TAKING VERY SERIOUSLY AND THE POOR MENZ SPEACH IS BEING SUPPRESSED.
kek I'll always laugh how men think its so socially acceptable to hate men but you can't say a thing about women.
No. 270986
>>270915>>270956>>270979So, given these posts and the /meta/ thread, it is safe to say that the men on lolcow do not want this thread thread to exist, nor its users to post about this topic outside of it.
Since the last thread was autosaged, the possibility of this one, and man-hating itself, getting banned is out there.
Where should we go if this isn't allowed on /ot/? I personally propose a discord server (you should NOT join with your regular account if this is to happen) that will be strictly moderated and kept on topic.
No. 270994
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>>270986most recent whiny dispatch from /meta/
>>270987honestly, i can. i know there are trannies and shrimpdicked men on here, but some of these really do read like young women deep in the throes of hapless dick defending. whenever you speak to these women, they always say shit like "well, I'VE never had that experience. men have always been fine to ME!", they can't possibly grasp that not everyone has the same experiences as them. the thing is that plenty/most of these 'man-hate' offenders have been ritually abused and are angry and resentful, and rightfully so, so of course women want to talk about it with each other and be frank about how horrible men are with each other.
>inb4 "b-but I'VE BEEN ABUSED AND I DON'T HATE ALL MEN!" as if we all need to roll over and pretend the things we see on a daily basis and the experiences we've had aren't something to still be enraged by No. 271001
>>270950Is the last post a male troon? anons usually only tell someone to go back to c.c. when they're reeing bout anons being gendercrit.
>saying we're as bad as 4chan males when 4chan males come into these threads and bait with gore art like just above. okay
No. 271004
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>>271001on /pol/ on any given day there are at least 4 live threads about how all women are race traitors, complaining about single mothers (no crit for the absent fathers) laughing at girls who get beat up and raped, saying they need their rights removed and posting child porn which the mods need reminding to remove.
Its funny they do all that yet get
triggered at this one thread which is no where near as bad, more reason men are nothing more than stupid whiny cunts.
No. 271014
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>>271007I assumed its because they dont want to attract these assholes here but its clear they are already here so I dont see reason not to personally-the stuff here is really tame compared to the shit they post on the daily.
No. 271017
>>270887Don't these same men scream about reversed roles any possible chance they get? I remember that one video of women drawing penises, men were
triggered to hell and back screaming their heads off about how "IF A MAN DID IT!!!" Turns out, the same channel made a video a men drawing vaginas and women were laughing, the only negative comment was 1 woman naking fun of goofy drawn hips, 99% of the time when they scream about reversed roles its almost never true
Oh not to mention how much shit amy s got for making a rape joke. Meanwhile if you get upset over shadman drawing actual children being molested you're a
triggered feminazi
No. 271038
>>271029Its true, anytime someone posts a picture of an attractive woman they cry that their gf doesnt have big boobs and how their ex did and they need to cheat on her shit, stuff like that, its not always about boobs but you'd think men who cry about how high womens standards are all day wouldn't be such hypocrites, especially as a woman who struggled with extreme body dyspmorphia, I don't know what I'd do if I found out my boyfriend was saying stuff like that behind my back
I wanna find the collage again of men complaining their gfs tits are small, threatening to break up and cheat, one men even said he was going to ghost his wife until she gets implants and how hard his life must be because her boobs arent the size he wants them to be, the dude on 4chan who told a guy who was talking about his small chested girlfriend he should cheat on her with bigger boobed friends and tell her he broke up with her because of her boobs, etc
Honestly, after seeing how cruel men can be towards something like boob size. I laugh anytime men insist its actually women making poor men feel insecure
No. 271047
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>>271038Found it
The worst part is that these aren't even the worse I've seen
I wanna make an imgur album of men pulling this shit, they don't even like womens bodies they like bashing the ever loving shit out of them>>271038
No. 271053
>>271049>>271051Also alot of a cultures beauty standards are heavily influenced by the fashion, cosmetic and media industries, which men heavily controlled since most companies have male CEOs.
Young girls are the majority of the females who judge and belittle each other based off of looks because their entire life they were told women acted catty and bitchy towards one another, on top of having the beauty standards pushed on them.
No. 271062
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Some 15 yrs old have big milkers, it's a clear sign that she's ready to make babies, it isn't pedophilia.
No. 271073
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Misogyny is not a real thing.
No. 271082
>>271073"Hey isnt is kinda misogynist how you screech all day about how awful women are?"
"Yeah Well i want to fuck women you stupid feminazi and your madeup words youre a martian klepto in a skin suit!!!"
Who even takes them seriously other then themselves?
No. 271087
>>271081they always jump through hoops to claim anything they like or don't like is because of fertility, even when it's complete bullshit, /pol/ users even made bullshit up that the reason why men prefer pale skin is because it adsorbs calcium for making babies and thats why women of color aren't desirable
that one dude who claimed a slightly muscular woman is attractive and unsuitable because "there's a reason not lots of people look like her" which makes absolutely no sense because she worked to get the way and most people don't workout
one minute its fat girls, next minute it's muh fertile 10 yr olds, the minute after its double H tits, 20 inch waists and 50 inch hips, next minute it's slim small women
they even once claimed lauren southern had low estrogen and will have trouble having babies because her voice is deep, these dudes are insane, god forbid they have female family members since anytime they see a woman the first thing they think about is her fertility, I wonder how these dudes would react if their wife had endometriosis or something that caused infertility, how the hell do these dudes even work? what if their boss was a woman? would they go up to her and say "hmmmm you're old you're infertile and gross, wasted eggs"
>>271084the only times I've seen it happen is to genuinely awful girls like june who deserve it after shitting on other women to hell and back, even then I don't see women threatening to break up with men if they don't get bicep surgery
No. 271112
>>271111>50% women who are already married and with kids to one of those RP guys so they feel trapped and like all they can do is at least paint it as their own desires and swallow it upThat's actually really sad, especially if their husband got into red pill shit after they got married and had kids (that seems to be a lot of cases).
Whatever these women do, those scrotes will try their best to cheat on them and treat them like shit.
No. 271126
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>>270372>that image thoI wish there were more artists like Kaneoya Sachiko, who put men in situations that women are usually put into. It's really refreshing to see.
I've thought about doing art like that but I'd be terrified of the backlash and possible death threats lmao
No. 271128
>>270989Man this guy….I don't really remember much but about a year ago he put this video out, and when you searched the title of the video (which was just a basic couple of words, I think it was tick tock or something, nothing outright misogynist), his video was the FIRST to pop up and it only had a few thousand views….it was very creepy to me. Not to get all conspiratorial but it feels like Youtube and other sites put this shit at the top to promote misogyny. I mean it certainly works. Look how many people have been indoctrinated with this shit because it's recommended if you watch any type of political video. And then you go down the rabbit hole of it because it's all that is recommended to you from then on out, even if you clear your recommendations.
I know I sound crazy. But sometimes Youtube freaks me out. They leave up the most vitriolic misogyny and take down videos from harmless youtubers who like to debunk far-right stuff. Not attacking them or anything…but just discussing.
I mean I'm not surprised they let misogyny run wild because the people at Youtube probably support it. But the algorithm works very strangely in regards to this topic. There was no reason for this guy's barely viewed video to be the first result. and I tried it incognito on my phone as well and it still was.
No. 271133
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>>271086A gem I found there.
No. 271136
>>271133In my opinion, Redpillwomen is either
a) full of men larping as women for god knows what purpose
b) full of women who assume every single woman is exactly like them, acts like them, wants the same things as them, has the same fetishes/sexual proclivities as them, has the same interests/goals (or lack thereof) as them. Because to men (and women like these) women are all inhuman robots who are interchangeable and don't have individual thoughts/feelings/personalities.
Women couldn't POSSIBLY be all different from each other. Only men are complex, fully human creatures.
No. 271140
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Has anyone ever heard of Black Dragon/Caleb Jones? He is a self proclaimed relationship expert who writes about how alpha men can never be in long term monogamous relationships and all women are brainwashed harpies who want to suck the joy out of men and are only good for sex. TRP and r/incels LOVE him and support him by buying his books and guides. He doesn't believe in marriage (he has been married and is currently married), he has grown children, and he gives the women in his life nicknames for his blog like "Pink Butterfly".
Here are a few gems from his site
>Why You Should Never Hold Her Purse (Yes, I’m Serious)>>To clarify what I’m saying, you should never hold a woman’s purse. Never. Even if it’s “just for a second.” I am only referring to a woman’s purse here. I am not referring to things like shopping bags or other generic bags, as I’ll explain in a moment. I’m only talking about a woman’s purse.>I have a 94% return rate for women who leave me. 94% come back, and all of these women think I’m a “dick” sometimes by not adhering to their feminine agenda. That’s why they left. If I was never a “dick,” this return rate would be 5%, not 94%. Being a “dick” sometimes is what works.>Wrong. Of course it matters. Men and women both wear jeans, but wearing a dress is something only women do. News flash, holding a purse is something only women do. Hell, even gay men don’t hold purses! If you’re saying that holding a purse for her for just a minute is no different than holding a shopping bag, then you need to explain the difference between wearing jeans and wearing a dress.>Holding a purse for her is not only betaization, but also emasculation, again, even if it’s “just for a second” and even if no one else sees you besides her. Her attraction will drop, at least a little. The context under why you’re holding the purse doesn’t matter. Neither does the duration. What matters is that she asked, and you complied.Imagine thinking you're such a self proclaimed "Alpha male" who is full of strength, confidence, and masculinity,and all that strength and power is threatened by holding a purse for just ONE second. Look at the fucking comments. Men are asking if its okay to get a drink fora woman if she asks, if it is okay to do anything for a woman ever. I cannot even begin to understand this viewpoint. Why get into a relationship if you can't find joy in doing things for the person you're dating? When I like a guy I want to be able to help him and make him happy, as long as he does the same for me.
There is a lot more on his blog but I can't even stomach going through the rest, the purse article made me that angry.
Pic related is what this guy looks like.
No. 271144
>>270986The thing that makes me most depressed about this is that you would NEVER, and I mean NEVER, see a man walk into like a redpill or incel/mgtow space and tell them that they're wrong or try to shut them down. They would never ever defend women or even disagree with what is discussed there. But even women will defend these men at the expense of other women and make it so that the women who are venting about abuse/misogyny/terrible things men do are the bad guys for daring to speak about it.
Women really are on their own in life. People will pile on with the misogyny forever and tell call you stupid and evil for wanting to discuss it with others who have experienced the same things and are depressed about it and want someone to talk to.
No. 271149
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>>271143cool up until the physical abuse
>>271126Most porn artists keep a low profile
No. 271172
Honestly, MGTOW/MRAS/incels are pretty much almost all the same, when you compare their posts its almost always the same shit, same wording, same rants, same reading incomprehension skills, same crying, same mental tantrums, etc
The only difference is that MGTOWs delude themselves to believe even if they're fat, ugly, and mentally insane that means theyre too good for any woman and thats totally why they MGTOWed
Video related of what an average MGTOW looks like, meanwhile the second a woman talks about misogynistic situations where men are coddled to hell and back and shitty men, men cry about it, scream triggered feminist, scream that its equality, etc
No. 271175
>>271172These MGTOW dudes make hating women their entire personality and purpose of being. It's fucking insane.
And then whenever you see people bring this up to them on their subreddit, they come up with some lame ass excuse and try to pretend that the sub contains more than just posts about hating women when…it really doesn't. Once in a blue moon there will be a post that isn't about how all women are worthless whores. And then they say they don't HATE women, they aren't misogynists, they just understand their nature or some fuckery. How can you really lack that much self awareness?
No. 271177
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>>271172Hell yeah dude…that's why women commit the majority of violent crime, murder, rape, etc….oh wait.
No. 271185
>>271182They literally act like women making their own choices, including choosing not to fuck them, is a worse crime than murder. Hell, they even think cheating* is worse than murder, but ONLY when a woman does it. It's unbelievable. I can't even imagine thinking like this.
*Cheating is horrible obviously. But not murder horrible, like these dudes act like it is when a woman cheats.
No. 271189
>>271140They're all so damn ugly and low t
Women talking about rape=stupid
triggered nazi who hates men
Men screaming about how women are ruining them by holding a purse for a second = reasonable
Do they even stop for a second to think about the fact they're contracting themselves? Or i wonder what hoops they jump through to justify it, if they even acknowlege it and just scream about feminists hitting the wall or whatever
No. 271203
>>271182The double standards men have when it comes to statistics and generalizations for men vs men of a certain race is so blatant and hilarious. Of course, it's just being logical and rational to be racist because black men commit crimes but it's evil feminism to claim the same about men overall, even though the data is similarly damning.
/pol/ types feel that women have a moral responsibility to avoid black men because they're statistically likely to beat women, leave them, etc. But any smart woman would apply that same logic to men in general, and realize that our chances of domestic violence, being murdered or left alone with a kid drops to nearly zero if we avoid relationships. It's #notallmen in that case, but you'll never be able to defend being a ~coal burner~ with #notallblackmen.
No. 271206
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>>271205Yeah sure. I hope he goes even more off the deep-end so he doesn't reproduce. When these scrotoids are average or a bit above they attract handmaidens but I love seeing guys that look like literal ape-man subhumans spew out this shit because they're just confirming their lineage dying out. It's natural selection.
Also, you can totally tell his salty tears are caused by being rejected as a teen so now he thinks he needs to be full ~chad~ to cover his damaged ego, kek
No. 271210
>>271205This dude got beer thrown in his face and since people online got a good laugh out of it, it
triggered the shit out of redpillers / MGTOW.
>REEEEE, so violence is okay as long a you donc't like the dude? Reeee women on male violence!It's like those guys who were offended when some men punched a the nazi wearing an armband. I don't believe that you're not a little on his side if you get upset about it.
No. 271225
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>>271206natural selection is none of you ever birthing kids
No. 271233
>>271231Because with the rock, he had a fucked face but he's fit now which signals t so to men it means all the ladies must be on his cock, they think we're as obsessed with fertility as they are and will BS biology and disregard actual attractive men just because another men is "fit" similar to what they do with women
Basically in their minds "because I want to fuck huge tits curvy 16 yr olds that must men women want to fuck steroid filled beefheads" since in their minds, their world revolves around fertility, as mentioned earlier men like so can't have normal social contact with women without thinking about how fertile they are
With women, we like attractive features, nice voices, good hygiene, good personality, decent body and that's it, its a plus if he has some muscle or whatever his gf would consider attractive, but most women arent running around demanding all men to look like t filled hunks and screeching about wall hitting when they lose muscle
No. 271234
>>271231They tell themselves whatever helps them sleep at night, dreaming of a day when they hit 40 and get to fuck all the 18 yr old models who rejected when they were younger and at their most attractive. So they spread memes around about how men age like fine wine, and claim that girls are the ones who pretend they only care about personality no matter how much they spend their lives openly frothing over qt young celebs.
In particular they are incredibly threatened by the appeal of twinks, because it contradicts their world view that being an alpha chad is the only way to get girls. Hence the universal male rage over the popularity of, for example, Bieber when he was younger.
No. 271237
>>271108>>271111Yeah seriously, some of these are just obnoxious in how forced they are. This one sounds like a bad romance novel including the comments.>>271144Yep, even though there's an influx on "male feminists" you still never see them actually doing shit for women except scream in their twitter safe space. They're never gonna go into the belly of the beast and actually tell the misogynists off. And most of them are in it just to get female admiration anyway, they don't actually give two shits about defending them. Yet at the same time we have a massive amount of handmaidens who would throw the whole female population under the bus just to get some good girl points in the eyes of men.
Case in point: EVERY imageboard out there has rampant misogyny in it and women are just told to suck it up because it's "part of the board culture". But here, on the only female-centric imageboard, we have a ton of incels/trannies and a handful of coolgirls crying over one goddamn anti-misogyny thread and a few posts in the vent/shitty boyfriend thread. Jesus christ.
No. 271239
File: 1532418741028.png (401.4 KB, 350x511, Nikolai_Valuev.png)

>>271233Very true. When women complain about men losing physical qualities with aging the one I see the most frequently is about losing their hair, not their muscle. I've looked at incel, red pill, and alt-right forums out of curiosity and very few of the men they insist are irresistible to women look attractive to me. Most of them look like Neanderthal cavemen who were recently defrosted. When they discuss the men women frequently write about as being attractive, they claim they look "effeminate", "gay", or "soyboy".
Pic related. This is Nikolai Valuev, a boxer I've seen touted as undeniably sexy to all women ever because he's fit, a fighter, and has high testosterone facial features.
No. 271240
>>271238Finally, teresa may did something right
Now I wish the rest of these screaming spoiled mankids can face consequences for their actions
No. 271241
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>>271239Lol. It's like women saying Angela White is the perfect woman because she has gigantic breasts. Women aren't into hyper masculine beast, they like pretty dudes with some nice masculine features.
But I'm talking about people who believe young Johnny Depp was soyboy-tier because of his soft "beta" eyes, so I shouldn't be surprised at their retardation kek.
Seriously women have always been into pretty dudes, very few women are really into big gross meathead.
No. 271246
>>271241They really come off as if being male comes with a dose of autism, in a sense that if its not big, exaggerated yet simplified and visually stimulating then they do everything in their power to denounce.
men with a holy trinity look of being soft skinned with sharp jaws and big eyes get shat on and reee'd at as soyboys, yet they will 'call out' misandry in women like aiight.
No. 271266
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>>271265The weirdest thing is the fucking wristcel meme. I never ever heard anyone comment on a man's wrist before browsing incels forums.
>Some incels actually believe having tiny wrist is why no women wants to fuck them No. 271270
>>270158>>271051I have, actually, women can be extremely mean and offensive, just like men.
I mean, just read on any pt thread?
No. 271273
>>271263Men project what they find attractive in men/what they’re jealous of in other men and what they want to be onto women. And then say it’s universal.
The truth is, of course, is that women have a wide range of preferences. Some women prefer the Kpop star look, some of us just like normal semi-fit men with kind faces, some of us like tall fitness model types. But then men would have to admit women are individuals who vary….and they can’t step outside themselves to even consider that.
No. 271277
>>271273I've given that exact argument on /r9k/ before (mistake, I know) and his response was basically "no those all look exactly the same! They are all Chad, just with different accessories! Women's taste has no variation!!! But men's does!"
I guess he thought a skinny soft kpop boy looks just like a chiselled male model, who also looks just like a hairy dadbod guy. Wild.
No. 271281
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>>271266The wristcel, eyebrowcel etc memes crack me up, they get so autistic about it. I would suggest infiltration to give them more things to be insecure about, but they're doing such a good job on their own
No. 271327
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No. 271332
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>>271238It's kind of pathetic they waited until after the flight took off to say something to him. It's also incredibly fucking stupid that a whiny incel on the internet gets banned because hurt feefees, but the government lets migrant rapists go free. I hope the entire UK burns. What an absolute shithole.
No. 271344
>>271343>If men had lower libidos, would things be better or at least easier for women?Yes. The only worthwhile men have low libidos or have, through whatever means, managed to put their rabid animal minds under control. Majority of men are inferior to us, almost mentally challenged even, because they cannot think clearly at all until andropause.
This is only starting to show now, and will continue to do so in the future because we do not need their physical strength anymore, which is kind of what made them "rule" for so long.
No. 271354
>>271344i think this is bullshit and lets them get away with a fuckton. i think it's possible for them, like women, to have a high sex drive, but control themselves and not be gross. i think it's mostly down to habit/conditioning. it's difficult to act like a normal, sane, accountable human being after having been molded by shitty male conditioning. boys and men get hooked on porn and sex and their entire social sphere revolves around it, so of course it's difficult to drop the habit, on top of the fact that men literally don't want to stop being disgusting
my fiance always wants to have sex and generally has a high sex drive, but doesn't want or need to touch himself, he rarely touched himself before dating, isn't gross, his behavior doesn't change if he hasn't cum in literally almost half a year, etc.
i once had a friend who said he'd get irritable and angry if he hadn't cum in 2 weeks. i asked my fiance if that's a thing, and he said "no, he's just disgusting and using it as an excuse to be gross. it doesn't affect your mood like that."
i do think he's right. i think plenty of men will JUMP at the opportunity to say they're sooo victimized by their libidos and can't control it, etc.
No. 271358
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>>270669scrot here
women say they want the same job and salary as men
but then go around and say they want men who make more money than them
there simply is not enough men to go around in this system
unless of course women step up and start paying for the dinner and paying for the children and husbands and go to work while the men stay at home, cook, take care of the kids etc
ball is in your court
>women say they want the same job and salary as menbut then go around and say they want men who make more money than them
Women want a man who's a bit above average imo. If he makes more money, that should mean it's because he earned that money through his effort, not because of other reasons. So yeah, that means more effort for men
No. 271361
>>271358You realize 99% of the time the homemaking type women arent saying this right? In fact I'm around trad women and I never in my life heard women demanding their partners make more than them, but you know who I have heard it from? Insecure little boys, I've even seen men cheat then claim its because his wife makes more than him, its ALWAYS men who are insecure when women make more, never the men
Now lets look at the comments on lolcow and cc, plenty of women would love to be the breadwinners, and they even discuss that in this very thread, so unless you can prove its the same people saying this then gtfo No. 271375
>>271371So say, I go on a business trip, neither me or my boyfriend cheat while I'm away
Are you claiming people who can remain sane without sex have issues but people who lose their minds without 2 weeks of sex are fine? Do you hear yourself?
No. 271376
Its funny they'll take studies that they can use to make men to be victims at face value, but demand 300 pages of research or twist anything they possibly could that makes men look bad
No. 271378
>>271375I meant I don't see why anyone would go 2 weeks without orgasming without good reason, I'm not talking about being super busy.
The first poster praising her boyfriend for not touching himself (what adult even says "touch yourself"?) and going 6 months without orgasming just sounds like one of those religious freaks with major hangups about sex.
No. 271386
>>271378Not everyone has a high libido, and not everyone takes part in sex in the same way. The narrative is men are sex mad, but plenty of men have low libidos or even low fertility, and they are made to feel like weirdos because they're not bros pounding every woman that they have a chance to.
There is no "normal" libido and someone can be otherwise healthy and not masturbating like a caged chimp every few hours. Sexuality is also psychological, so of course those with different characters behave differently around sex.
We are often only exposed to the horny men because they pursue sex most aggressively, doesn't mean there aren't nofap types existing in harmony. Summarily, it's dumb to paint someone who doesn't want to masturbate for two weeks as a freak, and that kinda thinking leads people to declare themselves asexual just for having a non-high libido
No. 271421
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Fucking lol at the anons in this thread acting like submissive men are great. They're far more disgusting than normal men or even dom men. Here's my male friend:
>loves futanari (girls with dicks) art and feminine trannies, wants to get dicked by them
>wanted to be born as a woman but apparently changed his mind since having a dick is great
>has two folders with 3000+ fetish pics (a lot of them are disturbing)
>told me about his "women's society" fantasy where all men become slaves
>said he 'felt' like a woman and wanted to be raped and beat up by another woman
>wants to crossdress and wear makeup
>wants to be controlled by a woman therefore not deciding anything for himself
>is a fan of orgasm control/wear chastity belts
>wants to be forced to wear a vibrator and then go out
>makes his gf do all kinds of things to please him (asked her to choke him and made her cry)
>talks about perverted things all the time, talks about sex related stuff even when I don't ask for it
Idk, I just find it all so disturbing and unnatural. I'd never imagine he was like this before so just imagine what men are capable of hiding from you. I personally think sub men are problematic, full of paraphilias and weird. I got to admit it's fun to hear his degeneracy tho.
No. 271430
>>271421first off
>it's disgusting and full of paraphilias>as if 'dom' men don't have a million fucked fetishes>as if almost all men don't have a million fucked fetishesit's obvious you're a scrot. this 'IT'S UNNATURAL!!' meme wouldn't typically be in this thread and i doubt you'll find much sympathy for this idea.
sub men don't have a fuckton of paraphilias unless they're those creepy fetish guys. wanting to be controlled doesn't necessarily = more weird fetishes. there are guys that want to be controlled without being one of those creepy sub men that trawl fetish sites. there are normal guys that like gentle femdom that aren't obsessed with it, they just prefer to be controlled in a relationship. you act like there are no sub men that are just naturally submissive without making it their entire personality.
No. 271433
File: 1532477502962.jpg (57.51 KB, 1685x145, WeirdAFanon.jpg)

>>271414It's you stop denying it. You even repeated "touch himself". Stop abusing your bf you weirdo.
No. 271446
>>271426Of course. That's why I said they aren't any better than 'normal' men like it's been said here.
>>271430This thread is wild. Everytime someone speaks against the hive mind they get called a scrot/reee male. My point is they're not better than anyone as I've seen anons here saying it over and over how 'sub men are the best', no they're not.
>>271440They're literally the same in the sense they're abnormal. There's no 'better than'. Are you a dom/sub by any chance? Why are you getting so worked up about it?
No. 271449
>>271446>They're literally the same in the sense they're abnormal. There's no 'better than'.lmfao, so casual sub men that just want to be cared for or lovingly controlled by their gfs are the same as the 100% of casual dom guys that eroticize asyphyxiation and physical abuse.
>they're abnormalwhat's normal? porno has turned almost all men into 'doms' that eroticize violence. most men consider themselves dominant, even if they're not in like, a bdsm community or anything. violent/aggressive sex is incredibly normal now. idk how you're trying to demonize casual sub men when almost all men are into porn that is abusive to women now.
you sound dumb, honestly.
No. 271461
>>271456nice strawman. i never said all of them want to choke you to death. choking is the most common, vanilla dom shit right now, along with spanking and rape play. why do you think 'choke me daddy' is a thing? the majority of normie men i met were into choking, rape play, etc, because it's incredibly popular in porn.
submissive male porn isn't nearly as popular or commonplace. men have a serious machismo problem right now, especially.
>>271453>People who are "sub" tend to be dominant in real life (and vice versa)that hasn't been my experience, and that hasn't been the experience of other women in this thread lamenting normie dom men, but okay.
>I prefer someone with a choking fetish but who's a nice person in daily life>sub men are degenerates with weird paraphilias, but a fetish for choking females isn't nearly as degenerate and being literally physically abused isn't nearly as weirdgood luck with your abusive boyfriend, anon
No. 271506
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Funny how men make pics like this when they're the ones who think about sex 24/7
No. 271507
>>271475>>271461Holy shit, you're still going on about it? Just let it go already, no1 curr if you like guys with mommy issues.
>acting like controlling someone when in a relationship is any good regardless of genderPlease.
No. 271536
>>271506Was this made in 2007? Might as well put brittney spears and paris hilton on there too
>>271470Depends on the dude, they're not as macho sure, but many men choose to play victim in todays world where they're coddled to hell back, they alwyas flip flop to
One minute
"I dont want marriage all women are stupid annoying cunts show tits and bring me a beer!"
Next minute
"Reee why dont women want marriage and trad life anymore? The west ruined women! Us poor men!"
One minute
"Lol stupid bitches who want kids are crazy, I'd never date a girl who wants kids"
Next minute
"Where have all the good women gone!! Muh fertiltiy and eggs!! Pop out babies now"
Those are just a few example, some include whining about women who don't give out too easily, next minute whining about how all women are skanks, the sad part is its the same men
Men, are the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet and I pray every night they one day have self awareness
No. 271574 some Finnish female athletes were sexually assaulted multiple times by Russian male athletes in the EU championships. The governing organisation EUSA blames it on the girls for drinking and acting "provocative". They also deny anything happened or that the police were involved after an attempted rape. They also refused to investigate the matter, the sexual assaults continued after EUSA was notified and they just told the guys to chill lol. Eventually the girls own organisation paid new hotel's for them to get away from the guys.
The guys got to compete and go home, although a criminal investigation by police was launched.
>"President of EUSA, Adam Roczek, even told us, that they cannot believe all possible stories that are told. No. 271606
>>271574Shit like this is why I always laugh when men think they get blamed for everything
Everything is womens fault, whether she gets murdered, raped, assaulted, gets her nudes exposed her fault
If a guy does anything bad its because a woman pushed him to
In mens minds, nothing is ever their fault and its always womens
No. 271630
>>271621Nah I agree, I don't buy their sob stories about "my mom and her female friends anally raped me and my girlfriend beat me up and anytime I tried to tell the police they laughed and told me i liked it!" Sob stories, just look how everyone, especially women react over male abuse stories, even when all the woman did was slap him, or in cases where men think almost killing a woman is what she gets for slapping him once, people coddle men more than ever and for whatever reason,the more you coddle them the bigger victims they are, or even better, men who scream liar when women didnt go straight to the police but put the "you women laugh at abused men!" Card when men don't go straight to the police, how when men go through this peoples first reactions are to believe and baby them, when women go through it they jump through hoops to explain why shes lying, she deserved it, she had it coming, etc and that the powr wittle mens will never lie about anything for attention and is only evul womininz
No. 271632
why does he do that Lundy Bancroft say that a men claiming he has been abused / raped by a woman is actually a red flag for a possible abuser. So I'm very cautious when some dude claims to have been abused too. It's sad but true.
No. 271634
>>271621Men on the internet are fucking loons, like on reddit when feminists were asked about male rape and a feminist mentioned it was men who made the laws that men can't be raped, men came in screeching and claiming she said its always mens faults when they get raped, or when the 18 yr old girl went missing after being gang raped (and everyone claimed she "cried rape" when all she said is she told ONLY her friend she felt forced into it) and there were comments screaming about how she was a slut, she deserved it, its better for her to be dead because men "dont want a daughter thats been fucked by thousands of men", one of the top comments were people talking about how sick the comments are, the response was "
TRIGGERED FEMINAZI!!" And one dude straight started writing novels about how she was a lying manipulative feminist making stuff up to play victim for a whore because he couldn't be asked to scroll down and see the comments for himself
Men are fucking disgusting, isnt it funny how they want to be seen as victims and women deserve full punishment of the law if they slap a man, but blame women for crimes men committed to them
No. 271635
>>271632Watch me get
triggered over that too
I also find men who cry a lot are abusive, I've noticed a pattern of when women tell stories about abusive men, a lot of it involves crying, when men cry, people see it as "real" crying, when women cry, shes hysterical and manipulative, so not only can men use it to manipulate more,but most of them do
And no 4chan, before you screencap and say "THESE ROASTIES THINK RAPE VICTIMS AND MEN WHO CRY ARE ABUSIVE!!!" We are talking about PATTERNS, not that all men who do this are abusive, Im sick and tired of the fact they need to strawman to create arguments
No. 271638
>>271630Yeah, honestly I couldn't give one shit about male 'domestic violence' majority of the time they fucking deserve it. I'm not even joking either, when women attack men it's statically out of self defence more than anything else.
I was reading this story about this serbian woman who killed her husband and buried him in the back yard cos she said he'd routinely come home drunk trying to bash her. All the comments were calling her a heartless bitch, psycho etc condemning her but it just made me lol
Women have really gotta start mirroring males indifference. Stop caring. They certainly don't.
No. 271642
>>271374Men are
never about studies and empirical proof, they're about confirmation for their beliefs. ~Studies~ are brought up just for the power they hold on their appeal to authority.
No. 271683
>>271681Even if the woman is an authority figure like a teacher or caretaker, a teeanged boy can still overpower most adult women, so can an adult man. It's kind of the reason why women get raped in the first place…
How does this work in MRA heads?
No. 271692
>>271689>men can definitely be rapedYeah. by other men.
Seriously explain how a woman can actually rape a man. As that other anon said even teenage boys can easily overpower a woman. You just can't weaponise a vagina like you can a penis.
No. 271693
>>271683eh teenagers arent that strong
source: i have a 15 year old brother and i can still overpower him. you're right about those older than that though.
No. 271694
>>271692She can force him to penetrate her, she can penetrate him with an object or her fingers, she can forcefully go down on him.
I agree that it's a weird spot but I doesn't sit well with me to pretend like they just CAN'T be raped.
No. 271699
>>271697>>271697Naw diddims for them. Maybe they shouldn't of drank that much and put themselves into that situation. lemme know when a vagina can actually kill you like a penis can. LOl. you can get literally raped to death a penis.
I just don't care enough. Sorry, males. Support your own brethren to these horrific free blowjobs! Oh, wait, no? You don't care? Ok. Neither will I.
No. 271703
>>271506When I first saw this I read it as
these are things that make said genders need a cold showerI just now see it's supposed to be "shower thoughts". Prior reading suggested that war, famine, naked children and astronomy that resembles peni makes men want a cold shower, which made perfect sense. Nice self-own lads
No. 271713
>>271692When it comes to male children and teenagers, I do believe they can be raped though by coercion and manipulation- that way they are forced to have sexual relations.
Example: A recent case of a female teacher raping a male student. She manipulated him and threatened him with bad grades and his parents found out when he suddenly burst out crying while they were having a casual discussion about school. Obviously that kid didn't want to have sex but was forced to not through physical but a psychological manipilation and abuse of power (teacher-student relation).
Now here is something: While women had empathy for that boy and condemned the teacher, men (adult men) called him a little faggot for crying because he got to have sex with a hot babe teacher, no empathy for the victim at all.
When men bring women raping men issue, it's always to mask their own shit, they don't care for that at all and it's actually women who do.
No. 271728
>>271671I've seen women blamed for getting murdered, raped,kidnapped, even a 16 yr old got accused of lying about being raped by her dad and when the rape test came out they started accusing her have willingly having sex with her dad
People get absolutely disgusting and sick with trying to pin things on women, even when its as far as getting murdered, I've seen men rant about how she deserved it for riding the cock carsoule, and how because she liked bad boys "she got herself murdered" by completely avoid shaming the MURDERER, people get absolutely god damn disgusting and sick when it comes to this, but men, even when they purposely talk about how they like "crazy bitches" and "stay because shes hot" they still get asspats and sympathy, any man and claims vice versa needs to be institutionalised for being extremely delusional imo
No. 271737
File: 1532536591078.png (1.72 MB, 3884x2500, 1512493524573.png) is how people react to a girl going missing
Vs how people react to when men have a crime committed to them by a woman, even if the dude openly talks about "liking crazy bitches" and shit
Note: she didn't "cry rape" like comments are insisting, the only thing she did is tell her friend she felt forced into it, I guess to men nowadays that's "crying rape"
No. 271750
>>271746This is the men hate thread…
An adult male can't be raped or "made to penetrate" by an adult female unless he is being pointed at with a gun or drugged. Change my mind.
No. 271751
>>271746Literally nowhere in the thread did anyone say this
There are people that mention they doubt a lot of things men say, or the closest thing to what you're saying is the anon who acknowledged most teenage boys can overpower a woman (which is true, dont know wht it
triggers you)
Comes to show women, if they ever come out with their rape stories, get liar screamed at them, get accused of consentually doing it even when its by their dad, but god forbid someone even vaguely suggest tbat a lot of teen boys can overpower a woman who is trying to rape them
No. 271752
>>271746Also strawman, emphasis on the fact they said "UNLESS", not that 100% men can never be raped ever like you claim
>>271750Acknowledged men can be raped, by in certain situations. Most grown men or even teenage boys can overpower women unless shes a Russian body builder raping a 5'5 twink or something
No. 271757
>>271754How many teenage boys workout? How many lift? How tall are a lot of teenage boys, lets take an average teenage boy, about 5'11, football player, are you really trying to claim he can easily be overpowered by a say 5'3 120 lb woman?
They ARENT children, the same applies for girls who are 16+ and fuck a man in their early 20s, ita definitely not the same as pedophilia, even then a lot of places vary in age of consent from 16-18
No. 271761
>>271754They have more muscle mass than women. Have you never seen shitty online men boast about how they overpowered their 20+ sister/friend that was messing with them at 14-15-16 and since that the sister or friend never teased them anymore?
Who said there is consent or that it is not rape because there is no violence? I am
>>271683 and although in hindsight my post sounds sketchy what I meant is that at least teenage boys still have the option to overpower their female assailant when they're getting raped, women don't.
I am genuinely curious of how you can justify a man not simply overpowering the woman if he's not sedated or threatened with a weapon. (Teenage is a gray area, they CAN overpower, but their mind is not fully developed, so they might not see it as an option. I think this should put a stop to the teenage discussion)
No. 271763
>>271757>How many teenage boys workout? How many lift?wtf? I don't remember any teenage boy working out when I was underage.
>lets take an average teenage boy, about 5'11, football playerAverage 5'11"? The average height for ADULT males is 5'9" in the USA. The actual average teenager boy is short and weak, not a huge football player.
>>271761>what I meant is that at least teenage boys still have the option to overpower their female assailant when they're getting raped, women don't.You're literally blaming the victim. Coercion of a 14yo or 15yo for sex is still rape. Doesn't matter if they could fight back or not.
No. 271764
>>271763>Coercion of a 14yo or 15yo for sex is still rapeI am not denying this.
>at least teenage boys still have the option to overpower their female assailant when they're getting raped, women don't.Are you denying this?
No. 271765
>>271764What does it change that they might have the option if they don't use because they're scared / frozen ?
This is seriously weirding me out, I want rape to be taken very seriously by EVERYONE.
No. 271767
>>271765>What does it change that they might have the option if they don't use because they're scared / frozen ?It doesn't really change anything in the way you think. I just wanted it to be acknowledged, since this isn't really talked about outside of this thread.
Another facet of this is with girls that don't have authority to coerce them, say a teenager's teenage girlfriend. He just has the option of really saying "no" and having it be listened to, because he can back that up with physical force. I just wish we had this option against men.
No. 271768
>>271763>this anon doesn't believe a lot of teenage boys workoutWew
And 5'9 is still a lot bigger than most women, they arent poor little weaklings
No. 271770
>>271767>Another facet of this is with girls that don't have authority to coerce them, say a teenager's teenage girlfriend.This argument started with teenage boys and adult women. Now you're shifting the narrative.
>>271768Maybe I'm too old. I didn't know teenagers were all gym rats these days. Most teenagers I see are pretty frail looking too.
No. 271771
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Recently a young woman was raped and murdered in Melbourne and this semen dispenser defaced her public mural where she died by graffitiing a massive penis on the grass near it.
The reason? To defy feminism and to send message to men that it isn't their fault! He Also said he did it "because I was upset that vaccines caused the killers autism.”
Top fucking Kek.
Just like a scrot to make a womans rape and murder all about how men are actually oppressed. Amazing.
No. 271805
>>271798>a few incel posts instead of all of human historyJust say you're no better than "us" instead of "those men"
>>271800>mythical "can do no wrong" phraseYep, that's a male.
What are you guys doing in this thread?
No. 271806
>>271737>>271771Reading those comments and what happened to that poor girl.. Fuck. Gender segregated society when. Not to mention, how anytime violence against women is brought up and women have legit concerns and fears of men, men are
triggered and offended, calling women paranoid etc. If they want to hold how they're so much physically stronger and faster than women to high esteem, why be so angry when some women want to stay away from them?
No. 271809
>>271798>>271737yeah just a few amiright? it's not like anytime a woman is ever assaulted or abused millions of men come out to scream liar, slut, she deserved it, she lied, it she doesn't deserve care, etc etc
oh wait…
No. 271810
>>271808this, no clue why the anon thinks acknowledging men deserve a taste of their own medicine for once means "women are perfect and can never do no wrong" despite the fact anons here said several times women can do wrong
I wish strawmanning was bannable
No. 271820
Men:you stupid bitches will hit the wall and you'll wonder where all the good man gone!!!the second you gain a pound you hit the wall and no man wants you entitled slut!!!all men deserve 18 yr old pussy for being born men and nothing less!!! wall!! wall!!1! wall1!!1
also men:
rapes old ladies who are well past "the wall" No. 271824
>>271790NTA but are you for real? Did you see
>>271737? Did you see
>>271771? Have you ever looked around you? Because let's be real, with the way men treat women it's nothing short of a miracle that so many of us still care about men at all.
Women are fucking
saints. Males can't even have a little bit of power over women taken away without going apeshit MGTOW/TRP/incels reeing about how they want to rape us and dreaming of a world where we're treated like the objects they think we are. And that's just for having the power they feel entitled to denied.
Meanwhile, women get abused every single day and you still expect us to care about men? Empathize with men? Feel sorry for men?
No. 271852
>>271834Ugh, it's the projection that worries me. Current boyfriend early on in our relationship was always getting paranoid about my whereabouts, or if I was somehow seeing other guys while we were together. Would get anxious when I'd go out of town to visit family. I am not positive, but when I was over there, he reccommended Snapchat to me so we used it a little. Later I realized it apparently shows your location with your snaps? I suspect he had me use it to make sure I was in the city I said I'd be in. He's gotten better about the paranoia since then but it was extreme at the beginning. He told me a lot of his exes cheated on him.
Anyways sorry for going slightly off topic but all the paranoia he's had made me worried it's because he's projecting… Like maybe he's actually the one cheating? I don't want to fear or hate men but I always seem to end up disappointed by the ones I get close to.
No. 271858
>>271852history of exes having cheated on him and him getting better are good signs. After he was cheated on the first time he probably tried to make sure the next ones didn't do the same but in his mind maybe he didn't go far enough. Sad world.
Making you install a tracking thing on your phone is pretty fucked up, I think the default setting is that your snapmap is in ghost mode (it only shows your location to yourself) but check to be sure.
No. 271859
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Cherry picking the thread.
This thread is proof women are retarded. You just throw some random ideas and articles without any statistical or good evidence nor logical thought.
If they weren't, men wouldn't rule over them for all of human history. Who granted you rights? Who protects you? Who builds houses you live in, who manages sewers, streets, electricity, who designs and builds everything you do, including the monitor you're looking at and the keyboard you're about to sperg at me with?
Men do. But of course, you're a woman, so you think it appears magically by magic of oppression from the evil males. I haven't seen that much brainletism in a long time.
pic related, even animals are above women
No. 271868
>>271859A woman made the first computer, retard. Kill yourself.
what do ya'll put as a reason for reporting posts?
No. 271869
>>271863>>271864Truth hurts huh?
Women are parasites and it's an objective fact. Most GDP is made by men and women spend more money than they make. You could be an exception but you cannot deny a statistical truth.
It should really make you think.
No. 271871
>>271870Yes. Ada Lovelace you complete and utter mongoloid.
Kill yourself and stream it or gtfo out, phalloid.
No. 271876
>>271871Keep mashing those keyboard buttons made and designed by a man, on furniture made and designed by a man and getting angry at words displayed at a monitor made and designed by a man through internet made and designed by men. Also your whole computer, its system, its programming, its design etc. One woman 150 years ago made a computational machine. Bravo. Finally at least some contribution to the world.
>>271873I was parodying your retardation.
Quoute the article where it says that.
Men did create a vast majority of humanity's inventions. Men are also needed to create children. It's an objective fact that mothers rising children alone are worse than a pair.
I never said that. Strawman. I said women spend more money than they make (they use male money).
>>271874I am not even a boy, but whatever makes you sleep at night, double-digit IQ bitch.
No. 271882
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>>271877I wonder how much longer the "Men in computing" page would be. About 10000x?
I wonder why "women in X" pages even exist. Probably so you don't have to feel like complete worthless shit that you in fact are, parasite. I never said no woman ever had coontributed to something. Some did, you didn't. It's mostly men who build and create (98%+) and it's an undeniable fact.
>>271878He wasn't doing anything before chasing her you stupid bitch.
Muh white males, you'd kill yourself 1 minute into being an average white man. You don't understand the privilege you bear, just like fish in the water can't see the water.
No. 271884
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I just want to say that calling men out on their shit doesn't mean you hate all men or are out to get them. #notallfarmers thanks
But uh anyway, robot bfs when?
No. 271885
>>271882 >you'd kill yourself 1 minute into being an average white manI know. White men just kill themselves when life gets even just a little too hard. While women soldier on.
much superior gender. kek.
No. 271887
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>>271859A man incapable of handling criticism? Shocking.
No. 271890
>>271887Reba is fucking iconic
how can men even compete
No. 271897
>>271885>have everything handed down to you in life by everybody around you>pretend you're a soldier who marches onI cringed at the idea.
>>271886I am waiting for that quote then.
>>271887What criticism? I just see a bunch of vapid cunts having a spergout at some truth bombs. Quite amusing
>>271883I want a cute girl in pantyhoses to step on me and tell me I am worthless. Any touch from a girl will do at this point.
>>271895It's crazy how 1 woman invents somethign suddenly all women are inferior, but if all other women don't suddenly it doesn't count.
Most male violence is male-on-violence, why do you care? Shouldn't you be happy they suffer by each other's hand?
You also stop piggybacking off some woman's shitty invention. And I build stuff for a living, so there's that.
No. 271901
>>271889Its almosy always the same sperging too
>men invented everything!!!!! So stop complaining that men hate women and rape and kill them all the time!!Its tiring.
>>271771How can men do shit like that? Ah right, they dont think women are human. Everything is about them. Fuck, thats tragic.
No. 271905
>>271899Why would I care? I don't consider it important at all. "Creating life", all you do is get fucked by a man, impregnated by his seed and a baby comes out 9 months later. You didn't create or design shit. You should thank evolution here, rather.
>>271901If men hated women they wouldn't protect them or always treat them like victims in case of, for example, domestic violence. Women are always put first, including when evacuating from ships for example. "Women and children first". You're talking about like 0.1% or less of male population who are just crooks killing and raping also males. Especially in prison. But who'd care about men, right? I am treated like disposable trash if I am not in the top 20% of males.
>women not treated like humansWhat was the last time you gurlz watched some news or went through some articles on the internet? Everyone is protecting you, everyone is treating you like princesses, a typical average woman is hailed as some kind of a fucking deity nowadays.
Meanwhile me, as a male that is not top of the top, is treated like I am not even a human. I don't know which world do you live in but definitely not mine.
No. 271910
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here, a simple google search comparison. It's even a good thing women are entitled.
You're not unique. The whole world wants to portray men as evil. But even when you feminize men, you don't want them either.
No. 271912
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>>271771>her public mural where she died by graffitiing a massive penis on the grass near it.>The reason? To defy feminism and to send message to men that it isn't their fault! He Also said he did it "because I was upset that vaccines caused the killers autismThis has got to be a special strain of retarded, I swear. The only thing he proved was that he's a fucking idiot.
No. 271914
>>271912>>271771It's the only way to make people notice.
To hurt women. That's all society pretty much cares.
No one would listen or care if he claimed things he did peacefully.
She died because of you. That's what happens when you hate men and tell them it's "good they are not treated like humans".
Men have the true power in the world, and the only true power in the world is firepower. Keep pushing males and see what happens.
No. 271920
>>271918I also tip only male drivers/servers/etc.
I double tip if they are ugly.
I usually troll/get angry/fuck with pretty female waiters etc. There's truly balance in the world!
No. 271929
If a homeless woman asks for money sometimes I'll give a little to her. If a homeless man asks? never. They'll just follow you then and I don't really care about them.
>I also tip only male drivers/servers/etc.>I double tip if they are ugly.LMFAO. This male market failure is supplying all the milk. Thank you, anoncel.
No. 271930
>>271912The girl was raped and murdered and apparentlys its womens fault for not being forced as sex slaves to men that this happened. Women dont cater their entire lives to men, and actually can choose not to fuck them that rape and murder is justified in a mans mind.
You cant even live peacefully away from them. That all womens village that is harassed by men outside of it proved that.
No. 271936
>>271930Women wouldn't survive even a month if they were left alone in any place on Earth to themselves. You all deserve rape and everything that's coming to you. Maybe it will make some women think twice when they decide to fuck handsome chads while bullying lonely nerds at school and then complaining were all da good man gon!! once they hit 30 and the nerd spits in their faces. All women want is just a handsome man with a square jaw who acts like a monkey to plow their holes. You're primitives who want Jungle in society, and jungle you get.
anyway I got better shit to do than to talk to walking meatholes, see ya (cock)suckers
No. 271944
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>>271936>I got better shit to do than to talk to walking meatholesYou were posting here for two hours straight. We all know you don't
No. 271953
>>271948This, I've known men who had bad experiences with women but still respect them and think men are worse
>>271949Same, I've been homeless before, I didn't get no man to welcome me into his apartment and pay for everything, I didn't get coddled or picked up on the streets and brought warm meals or any of the shit MRAs claim homeless women get. i noticed however most of the homeless women vs men I know actually try to make it out of homelessness, men tend to be shit at money, I remember this one guy, the second he got 40 dollars, he could have saved it, brought food, brought a tend or blankets, a light or heater, but NOPE he brought overpriced sunglasses and a cigar, but most women I've known spent their days job hunting, interviewing and just trying to survive, from what I've seen men are terrible at money management, no wonder so many are homeless
No. 271954
>>271944He got
triggered when mentioning that women want to be left alone kek. Dont know how men can both despise women living among them while simultaneously despise women for wanting to be on their own
No. 271972
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>>271907The truth is that men and women will never be in harmony. The richest, safest, and most advanced societies were created with the traditional family as foundation. Unfortunately women don’t value the traditional family because it goes against their sexuality. They aren’t happy with societies where most men get to pass their genes, they’d rather share the most attractive men or just live alone as a single mother with the support of the government. You can’t even blame them. Forcing them to accept a below average beta male as the father of their children is like trying to beat a wild animal into submission.
I believe in the far future men and women will split and go their own way. With the advance of medicine, robotics, and artificial intelligence men will finally be able to give life to their own children through artificial wombs and create female robots for companionship and sex. The desire for such things is the main reason women hold so much power over men, but men will be free of those chains in the future. When that happens men will stop killing themselves in droves and will be able to do the most amazing things, maybe even colonize other planets.
Women will run their own societies. Probably primitive socialist paradises where their sexual hypergamy can go unchecked. Both men and women will be happier in the end.
No. 271975
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No. 271981
>>271972>Women will run their own societieskek. Look at male prisons. Your primitive chimp brains can't help but immediately start to rape and kill each other.
y chromosome is degenerate.
No. 271984
>>271981We already have societies with very little crime. I hope in a futuristic male society we will have even lower rates of crime.
>>271980That's great, I know some women like "sweet submissive men" but I'd say that number is very low.
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>How do you even plan on killing men? By using other men?
As if that hasn't been the MO for millennia. Who were the men sending out to war, not the women and children…
Male solidarity is a meme only the lowliest of men that could never entertain the hope of spreading their seed through other means than rape desperately cling to.
No. 272028
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>>270158Oh my fucking God guys seriously have some restraint and stop replying to the scrots
Pic related
No. 272033
>>272027>>272029>>272030>>272031There's girls who like doing all this stuff.
There's guys who want to be submissive to a woman, but there's almost no such thing as a woman who wants to be sexually dominant to a man, like making him lick her pussy/ass, and spitting on him.
Tons of guys want that but you just call that gross.
>>272032I like to suffocate myself in her cunt till the squirming get's too intensive.
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>>272027>You must deepthroat>Moan loudly even thought you get no pleasure out of having a dick in your mouth (actually it hurts)????
what why on earth would you fake shit like that, this is so ridiculous
>also ass eating is on the list but sucking his tiddies ins't fucking weak
>You NEED to swallowSwallowing that battery acid is not worth it ladies
>>272030>the worst thing are women enabling their ridiculousnessthis needs to end, also the women who do this specifically for the attention and to be the ~cool girl~ are especially pathetic
Enabling stuff like that is not only damaging to women but it also sets men up into thinking all women are into it/and other misconceptions about sex.
No. 272046
>>272040what do you guys think of the girls that stroll into conversations about how things like this largely hurt women and girls, or how anal is painful and, especially, dangerous, just to claim "I LOVE ALL OF THIS STUFF!! soooo many women love being choked!"? i honestly don't buy most if it. i see them all of the fucking time, even when i try to very, very, VERY subtly critique these actions, they go rabid, and their psychotic defense of these things really leads me to believe they don't enjoy any of it. they try to liken it to a "you're calling me a gamer girl!!" situation, but there's really no actual parallel there.
i just fail to see how any of this stuff can be pleasurable, especially things like anal sex, and those that do 'genuinely enjoy' any of these things need to re-evaluate themselves and try to separate themselves from male desires and the potential deleterious effects these actions could have on them, psychologically and especially physiologically.
the female anal defenders make me so sad for the world, esp. they ALWAYS get irrationally defensive and borderline belligerent about anyone criticizing it or bringing up the possibility that male pressure is responsible for it. i've seen a lot of bonified cool girls claim anal is the only thing that makes them cum, and while we all are different, i just feel like 95% of the time it's male pandering
No. 272048
>>272046So many women are acting like they can cum from being choked by their bf, like wtf? So the new hot thing is to pretend that you're such a huge cerebral slut that just having a dude put his hand around your throat can send you over the edge? Lol I don't believe it for a second, women are known for need quite a bit of clitoral stimulation to be able to come. I think they just fake it to please their partner.
Also genuine anal sex hurts a lot! Just having your anus licked, played with or putting a small plug in it to feel fuller can be nice but I don't believe anyone truly enjoys having a dick come in and out of their butt it HURTS.
Also I hate that porn has normalized licking a butthole and going straight for licking the vagina, it's a good recipe for getting a UTI.
No. 272049
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>>272046>"I LOVE ALL OF THIS STUFF!! soooo many women love being choked!"?I mean, women are the biggest fans of BDSM crap. How is that surprising?
No. 272056
>>272053The biggest fantasy of 50 shades of grey is having a super rich man who could chose any super hot accomplished woman pick a good ol plain jane and go crazy for her. Plenty of people have disclaimed the book for being full of shitty sexist trope and being a good example of how to practice BDSM in a very abusive way.
And fantasy =/= reality.
No. 272057
>>272053as society is, there's very, very, very, very little chance most girls will come out unaffected by the impositions placed on girls/women by porn culture and men. i don't believe these women, and especially normie women, have developed these interests without the influence of male culture
if the norm and expectation was that women are dominant, then yes, i'd concede that women probably do truly enjoy these things, but until then, no dice
No. 272058
>>272055you're not understanding. i'm not saying men are LITERALLY FORCING WOMEN TO GO OUT AND BUY 50 SHADES OF GRAY, i'm saying the impositions placed on women shape their sexual tastes and they
might begin to find it hot, but even so, the reason why women bought 50 shades wasn't for all the sexy bdsm sex sex. it was for the same reasons girls loved twilight.
No. 272071
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What we do here is nothing compared to what men do to us IRL.
No. 272072
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>Falling for (((their))) propaganda
Yes goyim hate each other
No. 272090
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I worry about some of you. Honestly some of you desperately need to take some time away from browsing certain parts of the internet, especially misogynistic, manospherean spaces. Like it's one thing to stay informed about these issues, and then it's another to subject yourself to a constant stream of information that deteriorates your outlook on life and mental health.
There comes a point when stewing in anger and fear isn't going to do anything positive for your life, and re-focusing some of that energy on building up your self-esteem and livelihood will be more beneficial in the long run. Don't know why you put so much stock into what these men say in the first place. Assaulting and harrassing women is a more serious matter but listening to them bitch and moan on the internet just gets old after awhile.
Pic unrelated.
No. 272093
>>271383Because, they think everything is owned to them as a white man, and a black woman by being successful has scammed the system. Somehow.
They'll make up any excuse for how she did it, including minimising her accomplishments.
No. 272095
>>272090I'm the one who posted this
>>272089When I first found the video, I didn't even watch it because ai knew it would be cringe worthy, I don't go purposely dig into incel and mgtow forums to find this shit, it was on the first page of youtube, you're really underestimating how wide spread this is becoming, just watch any news channel ever and when they do a story about either a woman doing a crime or a woman having a crime done to her people make sick, disgusting, misogynistic comments, play victim to hell and back,to them, there's no such thing as a man ever being at fault, only womens fault, I just want to be able to enjoy things I like without men and handmaidens turning it into a goddamn gender war about how all women are evil and all the worlds fault is because of them and a man can never do no wrong ever
No. 272096
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>see post in meta about nutjob being in here
>unhide thread
No. 272110
>>272105I didn't say you couldn't vent about it either. I just said that some anons are obviously letting it affect their mental health and should take a fucking break from focusing on misogyny stuff. If you want to keep letting it break you down, you're completely free to make that choice too.
No. 272111
>>272109Weird, yes, but both misogynist and misandrist do it
I "hate" men and I've never had any trouble getting with them nor am i a "bitter cat lady" like mgtows like to say
No. 272121
>>272120Why is it disgusting when they do it, but not when you do it?
Also, are you 12?
No. 272128
>>272121The same reason when someone punches you, you want to punch back and if the teacher comes up and says "uwu dont bully anon he can punch you and you come to me dont punch back" its dumb as shit and popping in and pulling the reverse sexism shit is dumb as hell
We're observing their behavior, plain and simple
No. 272138
Something to piss off bot lurkers
Has anyone else noticed a difference between wmaf couples and amwf couples? I find that amwf couples are more lovey dovey and whatnot, as in they seem to really appreciate and love each other, but are also with each other out of their own endearment and coming from a good place, what I've noticed in wmaf couples is that it tends to be very race and insecurity motivated, most of the time neither of them seem to appreciate or be happy with each other, it just seems very miserable, similar to what
>>270819 said.
The reason bots get so angry when they see couples like in the video is out of bitterness and jealousy, they're upset they've been brainwashed and can never see relationships anything outside of what 4channers think
Not saying all, of course, its just what I've noticed
No. 272141
>>272138This was so wholesome and relaxing, and the cats were so adorable!
Completely out of place in the man-hate thread lol
No. 272143
>>272138i'm in a amwf relationship right now and there is a huge difference with me and my bf and one of my other friends and his asian girlfriend. They both run purely on fetishism, she has to be submissive and "loli" for him. Luckily i'm not associated with that scrot anymore.
I've known other amwf couples that have been more or less the same. Asian men seem to put mountains of effort into their partners compared wmaf.
No. 272148
>>272138They have more realistic expectations and respect each other more as people, obviously if a man doesn't see a woman as anything more than an uwu waifu sub loli to parade around, all he is going to expect of her is to look like a kpop idol with an anime body ""naturally"" and to serve and worship him,and since thats an impossible expectation, neither of them will fall in love, this applies to any couple whos relationship revolves around fetishism. I know people mock women when they talk about objectification and don't take it seriously but it's definitely coming into effect
It's also why men in amwf relationships seem a lot happier and satisfied, where as in wmaf the men and women both seem miserable, angry and bitter all the time, and hence why you see a lot of wmaf cheat on each other a lot as well
No. 272149
>>272139amwf = Asian Male/White Female
wmaf = White Male/Asian Female
No. 272159
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The reason why wfam relationships seem normal is quite simple: they usually don't consist of a rich old creep and a younger prettier golddigger.
No. 272175
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No. 272202
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So I made the argument today that I wouldn't be interested in dating a gamer because:
1) an adult playing a kids game is fucking childish and inconceivable to me
2) its just an excuse not to help with housework, most women do it all themselves. bitch wash your own damn clothes
3) im not your fucking mom im not trying to raise you
And he responds with the incredible retort and by using greentext on Facebook and therefore outing himself as an autist
No. 272206
>>272203I once wrote an entire ED dissertation on this one asshole because what he said was particularly horrendous and his work refused to fire him and his manager gave the information of those who complained to the perverted employee so he could harass them.
Anyway, any time you google 'Dan Rabot' his disgustingness comes up for all to see. There was actually a lolcow thread on him, but I guess he begged the mods to take it down.
No. 272246
>>272206I remember that
>but I guess he begged the mods to take it downMods would comply, after what he did? For shame.
No. 272268
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>>272203>>272201>Whenever I see a public comment publicly endorsing/excusing/defending rape or abuse against women, I go to their profile and show their employer and or family.These posts are great
>>272266>saving your children while starring the reaper in the faceThis shit is so metal
No. 272270
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>>271998>Male solidarity is a meme only the lowliest of men that could never entertain the hope of spreading their seed through other means than rape desperately cling to.wth this makes so much sense
No. 272377
>>272201When I had facebook I noticed how comfortable alot of men were in saying that shit where they list their employers and names right out in public. Theyll say how women are only useful for sex, cooking and cleaning (the whole 'keep women barefoot and pregnan) then wonder why theyre single and alone despite having a house, a 'good job' and a car.
Do men seriously think theyre doing women a favor by treating us like shit? Whats appealing about being treated like a sex slave and being noted as weak and worthless all the time?
No. 272404
>>272377One minute they cry women only like douche bags and use it as an excuse, they think all women should be on their cock, and that's why they cant get women to like them
Men are so use to taking the "blame women" approach, they don't even think for a second that anything could ever be their fault and that they're all little victims
No. 272436
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Men will fetishize and get off to anything. But they seem to especially like women's pain.
No. 272438
>>272435that's fine, anon. i completely understand and those feelings are totally understandable.
>>272436so fucking sick. what'd the comments say? /r/relationships is a disgusting pit of women and men both demonizing women and excusing men's bullshit
No. 272441
>>272436Jesus fucking christ.
Just. Leave. His. Ass
No. 272442
>>272438It's on /r/sex and the majority of the comment are telling her to GTFO and that she's been raped by her bf.
A few comments are telling her to have a conversation with him and learn about safewords smh.
No. 272464
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Don't engage ladies.
No. 272466
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I hope all incels realize they're actually gay and leave women alone.
No. 272467
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one day…
No. 272469
>>272442For normal men, tears are enough of a safeword.
>>272467Oh my, can't imagine what we'd do.
No. 272472
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This guy prob unironically think he's an ubermensch kek.
No. 272474
>>272472Is he basically saying that women are trying to get equal rights/recognition because we're
jealous? Hell yes I am jealous of men who will never have to carry maze to protect themselves from other men when going home late, who never get catcalled, and who will never be underestimated because they are fathers.
But these retards seriously thinking that all we ever think about is mundane shit should maybe look at what they spend their time with. Because vidya and being on image boards are such a worthy use of your time lol
No. 272495
>>272472Yeah, gotta love it when they talk about women's behavior on social media or imageboards as if men are any better.
>where are your threads about deep important subjects with calm reasonable discussion being carried out by educated people???Shit man i don't know, where's yours?
No. 272498
>>272494black women on lipstick alley just tell the male sperg outs to date men if women are so horrible. Major kek.
These MGTOWS/incels/misogynists are but a degree way from being gay. JUST LIVE YOUR TRUTH!
No. 272508
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Found this on tumblr. The reactions of handmaidens are nearly worse than men:
>boys are always told to 'man up'
>my father/uncle/whatever died because he never went to the doctor
>there are women who only pretend to be in pain to get opiates
>can we please bring back female hysteria as diagnosis?
No. 272536
>>272435lol I bet both of your "rapists" were dudes you messed around with. When I was a kid I thought rape was only done by random men who grabbed poor women in the streets, but then I realized women invite those rapists into their own beds.
>>272499lol men only get into BDSM because women love it so much. See
>>272547Stop responding to retarded incels who come here parroting the same shit we've heard a million times. It's pointless, they're incapable of thinking for themselves letalone employing logic or empathy.
And dildo is too high praise for them, we may actually see the appeal in and enjoy dildos.
No. 272555
>>272499Not just porn, but its progressively getting farther away from sensuality and into just violence. Even if you like vanilla, soft stuff, thats becoming more rough.
>>272498They can be gay and still not hate women to the caliber they do though?
No. 272616
>>272603That's because when incels come in here they cant use arguments that are based on the truth or make sense
Notice how each one of their posts are very unlikely, almost impossible, speculations, then just plain woman-hate
No. 272742
>>272731>They must always make it clear how disgusting vaginas are (as if fucking penises were any better), how bitches are disgusting, and god forbid if you ever mention certain woman is pretty because they seem to be incapable of appreciating female beauty.most "Straight" men do that to, or the only time they're capable of appreciating womens beauty is if she's an ig thot with gallons of fat sucked from her stomach and injected into her ass and tits, or if she's a stick thin kpop stars whose face was completely beaten by plastic surgeons
the internet fucked up mens minds, a lot of men nowadays will be ugly as shit and think they're too good for timeless sex icons like marilyn monroe and dita von teese
it's funny to me, how men always talk about how high womens standards because of dating apps, yet you see some of the ugliest fattest men running around with girlfriends, meanwhile women struggle with getting a date if they don't have D tits and the ass the size of a mattress, women will sperg about how handsome an average guy is but men will flip if anyone even dare think a woman that isn't an ig thot or whatever is pretty, it's gotten to a point where men can't even watch normal videos of women without making comments about their looks and if the woman is ugly or not, when have you ever seen women do that even though it's supposedly us hypergamous sluts only going for top 10% of chads?
I'm convinced men in todays world like judging womens bodies tons more than they actually like womens bodies
No. 272745
>>272742None of that is really new, though, men have always been hypercritical of women’s appearances. Early female scientists and even earlier female writers would constantly get shit on as “haha she’s only doing this because she’s ugly and no man wants her” (regardless of her actual marital status). When searching for brides in political marriages the “scouts” would send back letters nitpicking the appearance of the potential bride if they weren’t entirely in favour of the match. I don’t have any of my sources on hand atm but I’ve one across some
>4/10 elbows too pointytype of shit.
The biggest difference is that nowadays, every asshole has access to the internet and therefore the ability to make his opinions heard.
No. 272753
>>272748Ah yes anon, clearly the world only consists of white girls and extreme unnatural ig thots or kpop hoes
I love how thats your first assumption when people call out how much men enjoy fake shit
Ps, if you really want this so called white worship to stop, you aren't really doing good when you defend the idea the only woc that can be beautiful are ones that gone under the knife
No. 272762
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No. 272916
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>>272762the original daddy dom gif that i believe started this wasn't even that great, and this is such a huge spiral downward from even that. as well as some of the other copycat gifs that came after.
No. 272920
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>>272762>>272916but wait, there's more!
god these guys are pathetic No. 272955
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>>272920no gusta
I'd rather these gifs be gone!
I miss the girl society thread, that was fucking comfy. It hurts that I will never live in a comfy, safe community of women.
No. 272989
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>in the meanwhile /g/ is full of threads where women talk about how they wanna fuck serial killers and violent men
No. 272995
>>270784>boring 9-5 job>I DESERVE TO HAVE THE WORLD SUCK MY DICK AND BE ABLE TO DO WHATEVER I WANT AND YOU HAVE TO WIPE MY ASS WIFE WHILE I CHEAT ON YOU AND DONT DARE QUESTION ME NOR EVEN SPEAK A WORD THAT ISNT PRAISING ME!!! THIS IS WHAT I DESERVE FOR HAVING A JOB!!"Isnt it funny how women are expected to have jobs, not bitch, the second you act like it aint all puppies and rainbows men scream "SUCK IT UP FEMINIST MEN DONT COMPLAIN" but think they deserve the world for having a normal job? No wonder men have these entitlement complexes
Men are weak minded, shit like this proves my point, acting like they just got home from war for working a 9-5, amazing
No. 273010
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>>272996>go on /g/>one of the first posts I see is of an anon saying they want Sam Hyde the goblin to strangle them to deathYeah, you totally convinced me that being a "man-hating bull dyke" is the worse option of the two.
No. 273035
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I see this image used a lot but men do the exact same thing, insult you instead of your argument. Disagree with them and they call you fat, a dyke, a cat lady, a roastie, a cunt, or whatever. Also I think they RP as women more than women RP as men.
No. 273049
>>273035Whoever wrote that is in strong denial. You can
feel how hideous they are just through their writing. When women insult him it's because they pick up on how revolting his body and mind are.
No. 273050
Woman- only settlements actually thrive.
Example: are getting attacked by jealous scotroids.
Why do men pretend they are these big rational thinkers when they are violent and ruin everything out of insecurity and jealousy?
No. 273053
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We have come to the point in civilization where having men in leadership and deciding positions has become very dangerous not only for humanity, but for planet earth itself.
So much money is going into the development of destructive weapons, nuclear bombs are 100x more destructive than the ones that were used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It gets used once- and all is over.
Look around yourself - your belongings, your pet, your beloved family members and friends…all of that could disappear because some impotent egomaniac decided to push a button.
Retarded men would praise this idiot as some kind of a hero, because he was entitled enough to destroy everyone else's lives.
Human men are literally the virus of this planet.
No. 273077
>>273050Men did not get to rule society by being rational thinkers. They got there by being violent and bloodthirsty.
Men's whole identity revolves around feeling superior to women.
Men constantly bash women and bring them down, calling women unintelligent, incompetent etc in order to keep control over them. Kinda like what an abusive husband does.
If women figure out they can live on their own without men it's over for men. Men would have to find a sense of worth on their own without constantly comparing themselves to women and viewing them as lesser. Men know women can survive without men and they fucking hate it.
Men love to claim women can't survive without men when it's actually the opposite. That's why unmarried men die earlier.
There are also studies showing that girls do better in all girls schools and boys do worse in all boys schools. Look it up.
No. 273090
>>273049Its always 100% of the time old bitter uggos, or the type to blame womens standards that they aren't getting women to worship them
They're bitter and think they deserve the world for being born a man, they cry bloody murder when women like attractive men, but then demand sex and wonder why they can't get women to have volunteer sex with them
Theyll blame billions of women for their issues before ever sitting down and taking a look at themselves
No. 273100
>>273096And how many men own rip off sweatshops that produce cheap knock offs od whatever's in fashion, the fact thought it would be good to put millions of hormones and shit in foods thus making everyone fat and prone to medical issues, then turn around and mocking women who take care of themselves by watching their diet, next minute demanding all women to religiously care for themselves
Even better, in their minds they believe women should all silent and never speak bad of men ever no matter what horrid sbit they do because of what a few men did centuries ago, but wanna foam at the mouth about "NOT ALL MEN!!!!" when you show him stats like the op picture, or even better when they use it to prove men are oppressed then turn around and claim racial incarnation stats mean those dumb niggers should stop committing crime
They mock women for making achievements or jump through hoops to discredit it, but then demamd women to take blame for cheating,hypergamy, and everything else despite the stats they love so much saying otherwise, or how every single statistic said men abuse more but one claimed women do it more so they disregard millions of studies and just cling to that one, and the fact men are statistically more manipulative, lie more, cheat more and are more hypergamous, but then they'll make huge ass deals that women are merely doing the exact same as them
Tl;dr - men just hate their own medicine
No. 273113
>>273100Men's biggest fear is to be treated (by women, or anyone) the same way they treat, or want to treat women.
That's why porn gets more and more violent, porn of a submissive man isn't what they want to see. Sex is a good avenue for even the weakest man to exert power over another.
No. 273116
>>273100Also this comment reminds me - some seemingly very intelligent man who would write literal books in response to my messages - like 2000 word responses, thought that the manufacture of product does not "count" as part of the creative process, meaning he minimized the role the people who physically make the items play, and the business only becomes valid when it's in his hands.
Even very intelligent men will happily minimize the work of mostly young female workers in foreign countries.
The male brain seems to think all things that he doesn't do or can't do have no worth. They refuse to humanize or appreciate what occurs outside of their physical sphere. That's why I think trying to impress them is pointless, we should only try to please other woman. We could be a multi-millionaire actress and director and the man would just say we got there because of who we slept with, or for our looks. Their modus operandi is to be in power, or convince themselves they are by any means necessary. Power never means responsibility, only control over others.
No. 273140
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>>273035>try to convince others they argue on the same level as men by insisting they are meanKEK I've never seen a woman do this, only men do this when they rp as women.
Also most guys on image boards can't tell the difference between a man or woman posting, it's painful
The guy who wrote this definitely has some deep insecurity issues
No. 273147
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>>273142you're welcome, surf's up anon
No. 273214
>>273179I rejected a male friend in my school years and for some reason he mentions his gf all the time even when it's ot.
Also shares their sexual life with me. I'm starting to think he's doing it out of spite and bitterness, I doubt he's being just unself aware.
No. 273218
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>>273214Kek, he's "demonstrating value". Dontcha see what you're missing out on, anon?
No. 273223
>>273208 No. 273225
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>>273045>would starve to death if women didn't cook or clean.Also pic related, rural men would die from the lack of water
No. 273268
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Here's an interesting article I just read;'s about the fucked up male to female ratio in China/India from years of aborting female babies and the consequences of that, like sex crimes/harassment/sex trafficking.
(Sorry if it's been posted before.)
>>273266There are plenty of women who have dealt with those issues that you can relate to as well. You don't have to identify with a group of men who don't like you. They'd likely say that your struggle isn't even the same anyway, because female privilege.
No. 273270
>>273268>There are plenty of women who have dealt with those issues that you can relate to as well. You don't have to identify with a group of men who don't like you.I just meant that those men came in my life I ended up liking them. I've been friends with some of them for years and they've treated me well and supported me when I needed.
>>273267I can say that the men in my life definitely care about me.
No. 273273
>>273268>in India males outnumber femals by 36 millionHoly shit, that's more than the population of Canada.
It's wild that these societies are so backward despite technology, it's almost sad. Imagine hating women so much that you unintentionally start wiping out your race.
No. 273276
>>273270well i believe that your older male relatives genuinely do care about you, and that's wonderful. but you're also basking in the attention of a group of men that are famous for misogyny & you should be careful of them.
when i was younger i used to be a very shy, insecure girl and attracted a lot of beta orbiters and incel type male friends. i thought they genuinely wanted to be my friend, until i realized they were sticking around in case i put out for their desperate asses.
don't assume that because these guys are "nice" to you that it's solely for friendship and that they actually care about their feelings. they could very well be using you because they're desperate for female attention and want to get in your pants, and figure that if you are also lonely and everything else that you'll be easy to manipulate. the moment you disagree with something they say or reject them they could get very verbally and emotionally ugly with you, force themselves on you, etc.. i can speak from personal experience.
but hey if the robot friends you made are genuine and respect you boundaries and beliefs then good for you i guess.
No. 273277
>>273274I know. I'm deeply ashamed of what I've done and nowadays I don't do it anymore.
>>273276Well I'm in a long term relationship and my male friends supported and helped me when I started dating. They've done the same for other girls we know too.
I understand where you're coming from though. I know I'm luckier than most.
No. 273278
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I was browsing Ask Reddit when I saw this post, the OP is a 'tiny little lady', in her words.
It's not fair something like this had to happen to her. Still, I'm happy she managed to save herself and kill the bastard. I wish all women could defend themselves in the same manner.
No. 273279
>>273278Wow, I guess she got the good end of the fight-flight-freeze reaction.
Glad he's gone.
No. 273281
>>273277>my male friends supported and helped me when I started dating>they've done the same for other girls we know toodang, what alternate reality are these robots from? with every incel guy friend i've had, the moment i started pursuing a guy or going out with him, they would get really jealous and try to cockblock or sabotage the situation. and if they failed to win me over, i wouldn't hear the end of how ashamed they were that i was now ruined because i was longer (or never was) their property.
i've been in a serious relationship for 3 years and had to cut out one of my /r9k/ tier guy friends because he threatened to hurt my boyfriend when we started dating, then started harassing me.
it's nice that you didn't have to deal with that.
No. 273282
>>273276This is literally my experience with any male friend I had. Once they realize you won't put out they'd stop being friends with me.
For the longest time I thought that maybe there was something wrong with me since clearly I wasn't worth more than my sex appeal. Clearly I was wrong and men are just incapable of seeing women and people
No. 273303
>>273295I didn't make the posts talking about
"bland personalities". It's a different anon, I didn't come here to insult anybody.
These are my posts:
>>273255 >>273293
>>273277 >>273274
>>273270 >>273266
No. 273377
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>>273255>Most of my male friends have been amazing to me, even my 4chan "robot" friends support are you this lucky?
No. 273391

>I was so brainwashed by feminism in junior high. So much that I believed women could be as strong as men. Now I’m graduating from high school and could not be more disgusted by it. It has ruined family structure, is openly sexist towards men, ignores basic biology and is actually very demeaning to women.
Just as sad as the handmaidens on lc, whose first instinct upon hearing that something bad happened to a woman because of a man is: "But all my male relatives are super nice! Maybe it's your own fault."
>I worked at geotechnics practics, we used hand-held drill bits. Normal girls patiently stood by and admired our work also noting the results.
Yeah right, as if.
>I got kicked out of the library for putting all of the feminism books in the fiction section.
>Women DO NOT deserve to be payed the same for doing less, less well……
>I think golf best example of how terrible women are at sport. Golf doesn’t require huge strength. It requires timing and concentration. Yet, they are just terrible golf players compared to men. They can’t play at the same level as a man.
>What a brilliant video to expose the delusion of feminism! Women are the destroyer of nations.. Just look at Sweden, Denmark and Norway. All the result of feminist dogma. Look at what Merkel has done to Deutschland. Wonderful Werk..
>In a different context to Tennis - Inspite of the feminazi's thrusting forced equality into corporate world, it is glaringly visible how Men just out do most of women at their work through hard hours, innovation, focus and leadership. Women tend to lose focus at offices in the quest to be doing the same men do, instead of bringing their unique best qualities to the table. I have seen Women go bob cut the day they are promoted as Managers and start wearing shirts/trousers for the first time just to look manly.
>In chess only men have been world champions. So in a game that involves no muscular strength advantage men are still better than women.
THEY never invented anything (besides imaginary "misandry"), THEY never fought in wars, THEY never worked in coal mines, THEY don't commit suicide more often and
aren't more likely to get murded. They are just some keyboard warriors contributing absolutely nothing to society.
Why is it that men alwas think in collectives? One men invented cars - all of us must be geniuses. One women lied about getting raped - all of us are stupid roastie whores. But at the same time they claim that women are naturally prone to be more social, always in groups, because of their sensitive and nurturing nature.
No. 273396
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>>273377she probably isn't. these women that cape hopelessly for men often don't realize how often their boundaries are disrespected or crossed, or how disrespectful the men around them really are, because they're always so flushed and flattered by losers telling them they're some kind of unicorn and that every other woman sucks but her, etc. she's caping for robots, for fuck's sake.
No. 273400
>>273396Yeah me, I never caped for men online but I had the
>they're all nice to meExperience. Seeing how other women were treated opened my eyes AND helped me to see all the boundary-crossing, disrespect and demeaning I missed. If all men are nice it's because you are taking the role of a subjugate
No. 273410
>>272765Fuck I lol'd hard.
Some of you anons have the wittiest kind of humor I've ever seen.
No. 273429
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>>273417all (wo)men are ebil and will (mentally and monetarily) rape you if only they can. where did I hear that before?
No. 273445
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>>273429>Posting on incels>Using r*ddit at all>Not being actually successful in finances, business, relationships>145 IQPoe's law is real
No. 273473
>>273391">In chess only men have been world champions. So in a game that involves no muscular strength advantage men are still better than women."
Holy Shit, this makes me so fucking angry>Forty‐two male–female pairs, matched for ability, played two chess games via Internet. When players were unaware of the sex of opponent, females played approximately as well as males. >When the gender stereotype was activated, women showed a drastic performance drop, but only when they were aware that they were playing against a male opponent. When they (falsely) believed to be playing against a woman, they performed as well as their male opponents. >In addition, our findings suggest that women show lower chess‐specific self‐esteem and a weaker promotion focus, which are predictive of poorer chess performance. No. 273474
>>273473>this makes me so fucking angryI knew about the study you posted too. Their opinions and videos don't make me angry anymore, it's the fact that we've gotten to this point, just, this reality where women perform worse if they know the opponent is male.
The breaking down of our self esteem since we are born because of male insecurity. This reality makes me suicidal.
No. 273480
>>273475Well, think of the suffragettes asking the same question. I don't think they did, or that we should, expect an immediate solution, or even one within our lifetimes. I do believe that things will eventually get better for women, even if it takes a couple more hundred years, I guess that should give us some hope.
As for the
now I just get my happiness from mostly not getting my head bashed by the animals that men are if I try to do what I love, so I just do it.
No. 273481
>>273480When things get even slightly better for women men act like the world just took their power away and jump through hoops to prove how oppressed they are and say gross shit like how if their wife doesn't have sex with him "the cunt should starve to death"
Men are big fucking babies, can't stand one second not being on top of the world, pathetic
No. 273482
>>273475To add to my previous reply
>I used to be a handmaiden to copeI used to do this too, and other women here as well. It seems there are various phases one must go through upon finding about men's malice. I think during the last one you lose your sense of self preservation, an example being, you know there's a big chance a man will blow up and hurt you if you as much as talk back, but you end up doing it anyway because you know this is the way that needs to be taken to improve this society for women. It doesn't matter if you get killed in the process, because it is still miles better than being a handmaiden and living in anxiety forever.
No. 273512
>>273493Nobody is wishing bad, it's just a statistical likelihood that something bad will happen at some point. Or that bad has already happened, and you forgot it or blamed yourself. For example I was raped twice, technically speaking and didn't realize it even happened until years later. It takes empathy to put yourself in their shoes and ask; would I do that? Is that how you treat people?
You may be lucky and I hope that is the case. But it's better to be prepared than to be devastated that a man you trusted hurt you and ask yourself "How could he do this? I thought he cared about me?". Don't make important life choices on the basis of
he cares about me, don't put yourself in a corner, don't be financially reliant on a man. Things change very quickly when a man thinks you need him.
No. 273665
>>273664actually yes,
>There's already plenty to shame and mock virgin men forwaaaaahhhhhh, I wish there was more.
No. 273678
>>273676>>273677But you just said it's actually other men shaming virgin men. But you're responding to a post by a woman who is mocking virgin men. This whole discussion was based on women listing being a virgin as a redflag for avoiding a man.
So what is it exactly?
No. 273684
>>273682I meant "you've" in a collective sense. There's probably like 3 or 4 people involved in this conversation, which isn't enough to account for all the crazy flipflopping doublethink going on.
The particular incident of these posts
>>273667>>273671>woman calls virgin men "poor babies", clearly hates them based on that post>another woman responds to that post saying "It's only men who hate virgin men!"It makes absolutely no sense how someone can respond to a post they believe to be by a woman who is saying how much she hates virgin men, and then say how only other men mock virgin men.
No. 273685
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>>273662they're all at least misogynists. the stoneman douglas shooter was incredibly abusive towards his gfs, stalked them, hit them he was a peeping tom. he idolized elliot rodger.
the recent santa fe shooter shot up the school because he was rejected
No. 273687
>>273684>woman calls virgin men "poor babies", clearly hates them based on that postkek, that self-victimization. your cloak is torn. obviously a robot/some other sadsack. saying "the poor babies. are we supposed to feel sorry for them?" doesn't = "CLEARLY HATES THEM!!!", lmao.
i think what that anon meant is that it's not a real problem to feel sorry for them about. they act like they have a fucking prion disease. they sit all day moping around because they're still virgins and curse, threaten, and hate on women who have real problems, who've been abused, who face actual hardships, etc, all because they're upset they haven't lost their virginities yet. it's a self-designed problem that isn't even really a problem. no one cares about whether or not men have lost their virginities except for other men. women aren't setting up male hierarchies based on whether or not men have lost their virginities like men are.
any issues men face for being virgins are because of other men, but as far as the COUNTLESS incels that are obsessed and suicidal for no other reason than their weird obsession – no, no one feels sorry for that shit because it's nothing to cry over and the obsession is insane.
No. 273695
>>273687>women aren't setting up male hierarchies based on whether or not men have lost their virginities like men are.>Men think being a virgin is a problem because they don't know how much harder women have itThis whole argument started because women were listing being a virgin as a red flag for why they'd reject a man. How is that not judging? How is that not setting up a hierarchy?
Hell, just listing it as a redflag was the tame stuff too. Some other women started going as far as saying virgin men are all mass-murderers (or want to be), and talking about how they wish they could mock and shame virgin men even more than they already do.
No. 273706
>>273695Get over yourself, scrotoid. That's nothing compared to what women go through.
You're a woman with low sex drive? Men will call you frigid or say that the "right man" can "fix" you. They'll see you as a fetish to abuse. They'll see you as a potential 1950s housewife they can control like a slave.
You're promiscuous? Men will shame and abuse you, even rationalize that you deserve VIOLENCE because of the amount of sex you have.
Male virgins can fuck off.
No. 273708
>>273695You are dense, friendo.
Some women might red-flag virgins, because of the recently highly publicized phenomenon of incels, who fit the psychological profile of mass killers to a T (see
>>273670) and in many cases made no secret of their incel motivations as the driver of their killing sprees.
A red flag is just that, and not a call to round all virgin men up for extermination.
No. 273716
>>271899>My body can create and sustain lifeSo you've got the same level of ability as dirt? And that's what you're proud of in life?
Also in case you didn't know, you still need a man to get pregnant to begin with. You don't create the life by yourself.
No. 273725
>>273719kek, and soon: to mention that it's pretty cool that lots of (only female) animals can reproduce parthenogenetically. idk of any male animals that can reproduce alone.
No. 273726
>>273719Literally every facet of modern society would immediately stop working actually. Water, gas, phone lines, internet, electricity and everything it runs, would all stop as the almost exclusively male work force that maintains all of them disappeared.
All of the nuclear plants melting down and exploding would be particularly devastating I think.
Even other women agree with me. No. 273733
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No. 273735
>>273726>look guys, even women who defend dick for a living (peep that paypal!) agree with me!!her bio:
" Her children have never seen the inside of a daycare center and her husband has never made his own sandwich, and that makes her very happy. She lives in a small town, has one car, doesn’t own a big screen TV and has never been to an all inclusive resort on vacation."
kek, imagine being as pathetic and accepting of a trash life as this woman, lool
No. 273737
>>273733This is proof of male intellectual inferiority. They truly believe a shitty TV program = valid scientific experiment and that you can drive serious conclusion out of it.
Male extermination when?
No. 273758
>>273753No there were two islands each with only either men or women.
The man Island built shelters, became self-sufficient and could have probably survived on that island for years.
The women built nothing, ran out of food immediately and had to be saved by men.
Sorry but it's simply the other way around. If all women disappeared from the world, men would simply be sad but scientists could build fake wombs quickly enough if that's what they all focused on together. Men have invented almost literally everything else in history after all. But if all men disappeared women would flounder and die. They are incapable of creating anything besides babies, and could not survive without men providing things for them. They have never accomplished anything throughout history and would be even more helpless if men suddenly disappeared.
No. 273761
>>273760The sex bot industry would simply explode even faster than it currently is.
Hell I wouldn't be shocked if even after men successfully created artificial wombs, they opted to not start giving birth to any more natural females and all just stuck with their sex bot while only new men get created.
No. 273769
>>273765Of course, women were pretty busy feeding and raising their kids, it's biology after all. No one is denying that.
Even in hunter-gatherer societies women still provided the most calories gathering, and cooking.
They relied on men to do the shelter part of survival which seems fair to me disregarding everything else. But society has evolved since then, don't you think? They are subtle differences between male and female brains, but nothing indicates women cannot be just as capable as men in providing other than physiology.
No. 273770
>>273767Then how do you believe things got this way? How do you explain how nearly all important inventions, innovations and progressions in history were by men?
You'll probably say "because women were oppressed and not allowed to even try" now. But if you think women are completely equal to men, how did they ever become so "oppressed" in every part of the world through every stage of History to begin with? How did they only get equal rights in certain parts of the world just a hundred years ago or so, and only after men decided to give it to them? Why even with equal rights are the majority of leaders, innovators and inventors still men, even with a massive push to encourage women to get into stem?
No. 273773
>>273770Women are and were oppressed because of our biology and mainly because of our capacity to bear children. Men wanted control over our reproductive system as a mean to expand their power / money, they wanted heirs (males of course) and had to keep us in control because we're the only ones who can provide them with sons (obviously men decided that girls would be used to create bonds between families and get richer / more powerful through arranged marriage).
This is the fault of men, not women, they wanted control over us and they got it because they were much physically stronger and more sociopathic than us and because they create a whole society designed to uphold them and keep us out of the important sphere of society.
No. 273779
>>273770It's still a societal thing. Equal rights or not, women are still largely afraid of expressing differing opinions or ideas in fear of being mocked or not taken seriously. Women are routinely driven out of mostly male classes due to this all the time.
It's certainly possible men have more of an aptitude in general for innovation. But until we have true equality we will never know, and no this is not the case right now - you can't legislate societal expectations and gender roles.
No. 273787
>>273780Well for starters I'm not the same anon who mentioned sperm banks. And I didn't mean that we should legislate society, that would be madness.
Honestly though if men could make artificial wombs, they would have done so. But that's besides the point.
You're still bringing up your dumb reality show as evidence that women couldn't sustain themselves. You're ignoring essentially all of history where women were slaves to men, whether their fathers or husbands or even worse, slaves to all society if they had the misfortune of being forced/born into prostitution or slavery.
Like I said it is possible men are more innovative in general, but we are extremely far from knowing that for sure yet. We may have the same rights but societal pressure is far from over.
No. 273790
>>273783You claim to be from the superior gender but your logic is extremely retarded.
>Duur some women did that so every women are like that urrrdurrrSo it's fair to say that all men are rapist and killer and should be gased? Try to use your brain.
Sorry for engaging with the male I'm stopping now cause we're shitting up the thread engaging with a very obviously retarded robot No. 273794
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>>272466I hope this happens to all of the 4chan/reddit shits honestly. They hate women anyway, why not just get together and form AssFuck City. Won't get rid of all of the shitty guys but will at least remove a chunk of them.
Men and porn though, it's amazing what that shit does to their minds, it's more fucked up than any drug.
No. 273815
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How much you wanna bet most of the ~tradguys~ who make and spread pics like this aren't actually 6'2, fit, handsome aryan gods with 140 IQ and a high-paying jobs?
"Just cook, clean, pop out babies and I'll take care of the rest", you mean sitting in an office for 8 hours tapping at a keyboard, then coming home and doing nothing but playing video games and drinking beer because you're ~soooo exhausted~?
No. 273819
>>273800>barred from educationWhat? There's more women in education than men. That doesn't make any fucking sense.
>fired from jobs for having childrenThat might happen sometimes if you are abusing your maternal leaves, but if you already have children you will be vastly preferred to work over someone who has none as a woman. It's simple convince for people who hire you.
i am talking about european countries here, idk how shit looks in your land of the free and home of the brave.
>>273815So you freely admit you only would care about the other guy if he was handsome/tall etc. like incels claim?
"feminism summed up" really is true.
Also you're retarded to think that mental work doesn't tire, are you some sheltered white girl?
>it's just tapping on a keyboard, anybody can do that!heh.
That image is beyond retarded for many reasons, but it has a good point. It pushes you to better yourself instead of sitting on your ass being a keyboard warrior on the internet.
>>273815>Emily YoucisHere is the good trad girl who made this piece of art, running naked in the woods.
And here she is, selling pistachios in a stadium at 26 years old, instead of being home and taking care of children: No. 273826
>>273815Damn, they sure got us. Women can't be fit, listen to classical music, appreciate art, and have a nice family while also having a job and wanting rights. Impossible.
Not even touching the racism here. I'm not sure if I'd rather be the white women targets of weird campaigns like this or be the subhuman brown trash I am to them now.
No. 273834
>>273761>sex bot industry>explodingFuck, I kek every time men bring up sex bots expecting women to get scared. I wonder how they fail to realize that sex you pay for is, you know, the worlds oldest profession. Prostitutes still haven't managed to replace actual relationships,and yet these dumbasses keep gloating about how sex bots will once they're perfected.
Protip for scrotoids: You dont have to wait for science, you can go pay a hooker for sex right this moment! You can keep one on retainer for convenience, you can get a 10/10 high class escort, you can buy all the sex you want at any time. But you won't, because most of the male sex drive is rooted in ego and a girl actually wanting you is the reward, not the orgasm.
No. 273835
What's more likely
>all men throughout all of history conspired to oppress women, bare them from everything, they are hidden true masters of humanity who evil pesky men oppressed for thousands of years throughout all of humanityor…
>women are the way they are because it's simply how they are, they just different, like a fish likes to be in water, like beaver likes to build dams (or probably bears oppressed them to think they like to build dams by forcing them into dam-education kek)lmao what a bunch of lolcows, you're literally on chemtrails level of stupidity, you don't even realize this.
You will always interpret every single in woman's favour no matter the evidence or strength of the argument, you will use some retarded /pol/'s image to "prove" women are always wrong in male's mind, and even if someone recks you so hard you can't respond, you just ignore his answer.
Sure, men are worse in plenty of departments than women, so is true of women as well. But it makes me pretty funny how blame all of humanity's bad on men. How are you even different from incels or other subhumans? No, getting sex doesn't make you any different, they paint women as ultimate evil, and so do you, having a vagina means easier access to sex so it doesn't change anything. You all belong on the tumblr claiming all da man just want sex dem animalz!!!1! they just want to RAPE U!!
Feminism is one of the biggest cancers to ever bestow this world. Not like I'd ever expect a woman to invent something useful and beneficial for humanity. Men had to even invent tampons for you, after all. You can only ever piggyback off other women's achievements, where for one woman inventing something there's like 100 men who do.
>>273834Prostitution carries risks such as STDs, it's illegal in a lot of places, it costs a lot of money. I imagine most men (as well as women) prefer emotional sex where both want to be wanted by the partner and enjoy each other.
I don't know what they tell you on your tumblr sites.
No. 273836
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>>273726You mean that crazy mra women who make up fake quotes agree with you
No. 273845
>>273841I agree to an extent. But men aren't secretly afraid of our potential and our brains and abilities, they genuinely think we're intellectually inferior and incapable of success in anything outside the domestic sphere. It doesn't matter how often we prove them wrong in academia or the workplace, they have blinders on and ignore all the female doctors and scientists etc and continue basking in their delusions of superiority.
Not only do they consider us stupid and useless, they PREFER us that way. Smarts and earning potential don't give them a boner or make them feel like a big strong man, therefore they are worthless traits in a woman. And it's true that they are afraid, mostly of women extracting themselves from their control and pursuing interests that don't benefit men.
No. 273851
>>273837I think it has to do with mother issues.
Most women are forced to deal with them one way or another after puberty and/or maternity, so that we can "destroy" the primal attachment object and then "reconstruct" it.
Men, if they had a dysfunctional relationship with their mother, can't even destroy their attachment object so the "whore or mother" dichotomy is created inside them.
No. 273857
>>273837Tell me, what are those shitty things I've done.
Trying to be kind to every girl I've ever met?
Saying a mean word to them when I get angry, like every human being? You think girls never hurt me emotionally? Perfect princesses, flawless, fucking walking half-gods!
You are trying to blame over 4 billion people on Earth over what some other people have done in the past, that I personally had absolutely no control over? Are you trying to make me responsible over something that happened before my birth?
>>273840You do the same shit, just flipped.
It's predictable af too:
>Do less crime, point it out in man's faces all the time, take credit for that, call all men rapists and killers and evil even though that crime is done by like 0.1% of men>constantly point out about that one woman who invented something hundreds of years ago as proof all women are smart and capable and the best and how you "soldier on">constantly painting yourself as independent and capable and yet feminists only want to work in comfy jobs like IT where men are dominant, but not military, mining, and other jobs that are absolutely vital for function of society and then also complain about pay gap even though you choose to work at less earning jobs>make fun of male suicide to make us look weak like we are pussies who don't know how hard it is but sperg out one we point out that homeless and least earning are like 98%+ and get super angry when males in turn tell you rapes aren't important either You're no different from those MRAs, maybe even worse.
>>273841All men conspire against you! They are afraid!
>that is why women working in "traditionally male" professions are bullied till they quit[citation needed]
Give me an example of a nuclear engineer being bullied. Women don't go to STEM by their own choice. To become a nuclear engineer you need to have a really good grasp of physics and study it.
Women vastly prefer fields such as medicine or chemistry from "stem-like" subjects. Of course, there needs to be a conspiracy by all males to oppress you yet again. How is that different from screaming "It'S DA JEWS!!" by some /pol/tard?
provide evidence. Or I'll start saying women oppress men to push them from female-dominated fields, such as psychology.
>>273845le male conspiracy to oppress women
Just create your shit, prove everyone wrong, become a self-made billionaire. Like Elizabeth Holmes. What is exactly stopping you?
Or are you hoping "some other smarter women than you" will do it?
… and then you come here to tell me how men take credit from other men's inventions to feel superior.
Hypocrisy here is beyond calculation.
No. 273863
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>>273857>hypocrisy beyond calculation >your face reading this threadif you think anyone will read that mass response you sure are as dumb as we say you are
No. 273865
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So males will unironically call themselves the strongest gender and at the same time flew into autistic rage at some degenerate roastie shitting on them. SAD.
You often see them complain about help that women create for other women like domestic shelters or body positivity movements, but you never see them do anything for their fellow males, they really do want to be babied by us until the day they die.
There is a reason why men live longer when they're married while women live shorter… They're a fucking plague.
No. 273866
>>273863>>273858I thought you're the smartest capable gender, not landwhales not capable of focusing for 3 minutes kek
Really makes you think!
>>273866>>273866you're going full OT now so this will be the last response on my part but bless you for thinking anyone will patiently read through the keyboard smashings of someone who thinks 'landwhale' is a true GOTEEM insult because as you probably learned from the internetz, the only way to insult a woman is her looks!
you're just another walking stereotype
No. 273889
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>>273879If we look at reality instead of men's imagination the biggest nuclear disaster was caused by men fucking up a safety test by overriding the safety mechanisms.
>inb4 da menzz sacrificed their lives trying to stop the meltdownIf you douse the house in gasoline and set it on fire and then rescue me I won't think you're a hero, I'll think you're an idiot for setting the house on fire.
No. 273907
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I was watching a video of a police situation on Youtube, and there was a female cop doing crowd control, shouting "please stand back" and just doing her job as a police officer. People were doing what she told them to do, she wasn't failing at anything, most of the time she wasn't even onscreen. I scrolled down to read the comments and the first one I see was someone saying "ugh that woman sounds so shrill and annoying, this is why women have no authority and shouldn't do these kind of jobs".
Some men will just find any excuse to shit on women, no matter how irrelevant their comments may be.
No. 273910
>>273900Already am,and with a chad too, nice try though, maybe you should tell that to incels who blame women that women dont appear at their doorstep
>>273907A lot of men just hate when women are more successful than they can only hope to be, thats why anytime a woman succeeds at something, like yahoo, men jump through hoops to mock her and claim how a multi billion dollar corporation failed despite it still being multi billion, or when the bridge failed men blamed women but dont wanna take the blame for all the buildings men did
Basically no matter what you do men will always have an issue with it
No. 273914
>>273815why does that "100% aryan man" look indian?
I think youcis let her real preference slip lel. also kind of funny since youcis is more like the right panel than even most "lefties"
No. 273923
>>273917I agree, hence why its always bitter ugly males screaming "YOU BITCHES ONLY WANT CHAD!!! HYPERGAMY!!!" Hell look at most MGTOWs, ugly as hell and think they're too good for most women
They try to convince us that their ugly asses are actually the nice guys and chad will pump and dump you, little do they realize the entire reason we hate men so much is from bitter, hateful, sexist attitudes from ugly insecure little men, rarely do you see that in chads
No. 273933
>>273834Holy shit imagine being a male and fantasing about genocide of all women and only artifically creating boys from robotwombs to be born because you hated women that fucking much. We point this shit out and they REEEE at how useless we are except for making babies so we should just accept their hatred? We point out that men hate women and they cant take it.
How is being called a useless baby maker all the time a good thing to them? I miss that all women town thread. It wasnt about killing them off like they want to do to us, just living peacefully and quietly away from men
No. 273952
Or when mgtows claim they have all these beautiful women chasing them and funneling money in their account when they're rich, or the ones that claim married women cheat with them all the time, its easy to tell when they're lying too since 99% of what they claim about themselves dont go together
If half of these dudes were actually like what they claim they wouldn't be so damn bitter towards women, they'd be too busy slaying all the pussy they claim to get rather than just sitting on their ass and posting about how awful women are all day
No. 273959
>>273953Mgtow: all women are gold diggers and anything women possibly do is gold digging
"WhY wOuLd AnYoNe CaRe"
Yeah,fucking women, how dare we get bothered by mgtows foaming at the mouth about womens existence on every corner of the internet
I just wish they'd let women exist without acting so damn bothered about anything women can possibly do, or even better they get bothered by men who choose not to treat women as awfully as they do and have constant paranoia every single woman they walk past on the streets is going to take all their money, cheat, cuck them, and make a false rape accusation and get them in jail for life then hit the wall and wonder where all the good men gone, they're a real echo chamber and can only produce the thoughts of other patients into the mental ward known as mgtow
No. 273961
>>273959Women can have all rights stripped away and be strapped to a fucking stove for life and they'll still foam at the mouth over women being worthless and weak gold diggers.
Its mgtow who are pretty vocal about pushing for all male society and women being replaced with sexbots and articial wombs too. Whats hilarious is they want male solidarity bug even other men in the same sphere call them cucks, betas and pathetic.
No. 273962
>>273961Not to mention they'd still insist all women are these awful hypergamous bitched
They'd commit suicide if they lived in the 50s or whatever, women back then had no choice but to find men who can support them, most women dont even do that nowadays and they cry and insist its all women, they're so deluded by their male oppression fantasies you'd think they live on a different planet because as a woman I have yet to see half the shit they bitch about
No. 273970
>>272246Ikr, never been so disappointed with lolcow mods.
Petition for the mods to resurrect the Dan Rabot thread
No. 273973
>>273964They just want to freely abuse, harm and harass women without consequences. They don't consider women to be human, but inferior and weak so they can't respect us as people. The day when they can openly kill a woman simply for existing will be the day when they will say that feminism is done. (But most of the world DOES that already look at Chinas crisis with its overpopulation of men because they kept killing female babies, or places where women are killed for getting raped, most of the world hates women already) Mens delusions are astronomical. Theyre even
triggered by women attempting to stay away from them out of safety
No. 273979
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>boyfriend browses funnyjunk
>feeling depressed, want to look at funny memes so I go on there
>go to 3rd post
>"Men are being oppressed now. feminism destroyed men"
> go to comments because I'm curious and hate myself
>"Men are committing suicide because of how things are now"
>"Women are depressed and commit suicide for attention"
>"Men blow their heads off instead of women who kill themselves in stupid ways and are unsuccessful"
>"Women can't do anything right, even suicide"
>feel more depressed
I hate this earth. Why do people think women are fucking DEPRESSED just to get attention?
No. 273988
>>273985>>273986Or MAYBE women just don't wanna actually kill themselves. It's a cry for attention most of the time.
You see girls out there with half a dozen "suicide attempts".
No. 273991
>>273989Well, one of the posters above was complaining about how "womens suffering is always trivialized and made fun of". This is the reason, like it or not.
>>273990Men kill themselves at a 10x higher rate even though women attempt more.
No. 273992
>>273991>Well, one of the posters above was complaining about how "womens suffering is always trivialized and made fun of". This is the reason, like it or not.Where is the proof all womens mental issues are from attention? You still havent gave any legit examples, and womens sadness was mocked since the beginning of time, even if you show a drop of emotion you're labeled a crazy bitch
And no, mens suicide rates vs attempted isn't proof, not even close, either prove its for attention or gtfo
And how many male suicides are over shit like "i was sad once""i got dumped""i molested a kid and got caught" the shit men kill themselves over is nothing compared to what an average woman goes through
No. 274001
>>273998Probably because they don't want women to enjoy sex and just want to hurt her
Its funny, so women talk about how big dicks hurt, how they love foreplay and men getting touchy feely, how women can orgasm from having their nipples played with or being eaten out but men hate that, they want it to be as uncomfortable as possible for the woman and insist on going in dry
Think porn vs erotic novels, in porn they focus on oversized and perfected bodies, almost always unnatural,no foreplay, just a few second shot of kissing, maybe ass stuff then dry fucking, erotic novels is more gentle, loving and enjoyable
No. 274009
>>270361>I can guarantee that there's a male with a male inferiority fetish jerking off to this thread at this very moment.Ok that's basically me lol
>Men will turn anything into a fetish because of how their brains are built.I mean this is true to an extent. I have a foot fetish and a shoe fetish since I can remember. When I was a teen I recall I found very sexy the kind of shoes my girl friends wore, mainly thing like sneakers, and didn't really find particularly sexy high heels and boots that are very common in fetish pornography. When girls my age started wearing those as well it's when I got into it.
So I agree that male sexuality is very malleable under that standpoint but I also think that you can't 'implant' fetishes that are totally alien to a person.
Like it's pretty clear that you can't go from being gay to being straight with any sort of 'conditioning', I mean that's sadly been tried in the past and didn't work. Also if it had been easy many gay men and women would have chosen to be straight back then when those parts of society were heavily discriminated against.
Likewise I don't think you can turn a dom into a sub, in a BDSM sense.
>>270372I mean there's already a lot of porn in which women hurt men even pretty harshly. But I doubt it will do anything to a male that's not already into it.
Also I find it kinda funny (and a bit arousing) that you guys are posting pictures related to femdom (like
>>273140) in a demeaning manner, the dude's surely enjoying it. I probably would have.
(also sorry for replaying to older posts and talking about my weird fetishes, I felt it was on topic)
(maleposting) No. 274025
>>274022Sage for blogging, but the only penis I ever had a problem with was one that legit looked like my pinky finger. Guy was a virgin so probably didn't know how ridiculously tiny it was/believed "size doesn't matter" applied to him too, I didn't feel a thing. Seriously, less arousing than fingering. Relationship didn't work out for other reasons as well, but the penis surely didn't help lol
But I believe 6" is actually above average? idk, as long as the proportions are good (I think it's more about girth than length)…
idk why some men seem to believe that women want 25cm dicks though. Shit must hurt badly.
No. 274028
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>>273980I hear you anon.
That site is a shithole. Found this within seconds.
No. 274056
>>274041The pessimist in me thinks men actually
want messed up kids by young girls so that they can breed themselves a group of malleable subservients they csn feel superior over.
No. 274098
>>273981>>273981Well the suicide rates worldwide is 1,7:1
90% of combat deaths are male, if not higher.
>>273979>"Women can't do anything right, even suicide"They're coping.
No. 274120
>>274098Who puts men in war and who causes war? Other men? HA, and 10% of women have to pay consequences for mens actions, you dont shit in each others mouths and expect women to clean it for you
Man commits suicide = brave mgtow warrior, took his life because hes a poor oppressed man
Woman commits suicide = coping dumb bitch
Is there anything you delusional fucks say that arent contradicted either by yourselves or by reality?
No. 274168
>>274120Its so fucking funny seeing men who kill themselves over heartbreak get coddled as if it isn't traumatizing for the other party involved that some dude was so unhinged he ended his life because you didn't feel the same way anymore, yet when the roles are reveresed women are put up as crazy, nobody has a problem talking about her being psychotic and abusive blahblah.
Like really? The man was fragile and his emotions grew 'too much' for him since it was 'obvious he had problems before this' and just so much blind understanding that i never see with roles reveresed when it comes to public reactions.
I still can't understand how we keep being antagonized by shit like our periods but men who are SO convinced their lack of periods makes them "le rational gender" when males have a fucking unprecedented mental health issue and these guys are out here killing themselves (and alotta times others too lmfao) for next to no reason but yes im of the mentally weaker category.
Ya sure got me convinced.
No. 274236
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What a bunch of sad bitter people.
No. 274239
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This is something I've been thinking for a while, I'm glad I can finally vent about it. One of the biggest reasons I hate men is that they sexualize women at every turn literally everywhere: videogames, music videos, inside jokes, just any form of media. And then they complain women do the same when it's not nearly as much because we're not as sex crazed as them. And then comes the biggest hypocrisy: the way they react to gay men and shun them as if they're worse than the plague. They can't stand being subjected to what they subject us with every day, that's why they get all agressive just by them merely existing. What if women just beat up men they're not interested in? Not saying all men would beat up a gay man if he was confessed to, but I think we all know how men react when it concerns their masculinity. Being in the woman's position for once (being chased by someone) is unnaceptable to them thats why they get all mad and shit so much on gays. I remember seeing a video about a boy who shot another boy after he asked him to be his bf and his relatives were saying things like 'B-but he must have felt angry cuz he's not an homossexual and it was in front of his classmatez!' I've never heard of any case where a girl ends up killing a lesbian, to the contrary I believe most women would be gentle when rejecting them. Another example, my male friend has a fujoshit gf that likes shipping him with a guy from the same taiko classes (cringey shit) and when the guy started making jokes about it he vented on me about wanting to punch him, break all his bones and make him bleed. Funny thing is he always act like a defenseless puppy to his gf and me but like all men turns into a troglodyte when his fragile ego is at risk. End of rant.
Whenever I see a guy being respectful to people in general and especially LGBT people I take it as a huge green flag. Secure in himself bf when
No. 274243
>>274239>Whenever I see a guy being respectful to people in general and especially LGBT people I take it as a huge green flagDamn, that's a low fucking bar
>Settling for anything less than a chadfem, tranny intolerant bfpleb
No. 274245
>>274243>chadfem ayyy thankyou for this anon
ladies if you don't introduce radfem ideas to your bf you are getting memed :)
No. 274247
>>274243And that's fucking high, literally never met a guy like that. Where do you get those?
You're right about trannies tho, idgaf about them. I meant LGB people and that's it.
No. 274254
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>the misogyny is coming from inside the house
No. 274258
>>274256I tend to agree, with the being accepting of gay men thing
>>274239 and you mentioned, but also about being comfortable with women having a sexuality outside of pleasing men. Most shit-tier men can't accept porn for women, erotica for women, yaoi (as you mentioned), women finding men attractive irl at all (like when they complain about us liking Chad), movies like Magic Mike, etc. It's surprisingly a trend, probably since they don't want to see us as humans. And if they do accept it, they claim we're as low as animals even if we're just doing what they do lmao.
I kind of have an unintentional filter for it myself. I draw a lot of male pinup sort of art (not outright porn, but suggestive), so any man that gets close to me at all will have to be comfortable with it. So far it's worked, my male friends in high school encouraged it and had a laugh along with me about me drawing sexy pretty boys all the time.
Of course not all women can do this, but I imagine even collecting pictures of male models or just commenting on guys' looks when with male friends could also do the trick.
No. 274263
>>273993>>273992>significant part of the suicide statbullshit, stats please? there's no criminological literature whatsoever to suggest that murder-suicides constitute a significant percentage of male suicides - rather factors such as the death of a spouse, loss of employment/self-esteem and divorce have all been identified as the primary impetus behind male suicide (no, i'm not an MRA or a male).
you both have really clownish views of male suicide, what a joke.
No. 274291
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>>274120>Man commits suicide = brave mgtow warrior, took his life because hes a poor oppressed man>Woman commits suicide = coping dumb bitchFor god's sake stop lurking on 4chan, nobody would call a loser who kill themself a "warrior".
No. 274296
>>274256What about when, presented with a situation invoving gay men (in media, on the street), the straight man being tested or observed makes lame ass awkward jokes like a teenager in the 90s? Is he covering for his own gay feelings or is he just an asshole?
I have a straight (?) acquaintance that does his. The “jokes” border on offensive and I always roll my eyes or lecture him on why its cringingly not funny or offensive.
Why are men so cringy?
No. 275264
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How will men ever recover
No. 275821
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from OP: "I contacted police, they claimed they couldn’t do anything and said “if some woman wants to go get shackled up that’s her call”
Police are fucking trash and don't give a fuck about women's lives
No. 276459
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>incel in the comments gets absolutely furious that someone would dare call the police on this obvious kidnapping attempt>gets racist because OP (black woman) doesnt reply to him