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No. 233664
previous threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in general No. 233667
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Tried to fit this all in one screenshot but…
Man sees link to article about waitstaff discussing the shit they deal with in the restaurant industry. How they pretty much have to grin and bear it as customers grab at them or make sexually charged comments. He goes on to admit that THE SAME SHIT happened to him, yet then says that these women are lying.
He KNOWS that this thing happens, because it fucking happened to him, but if women say it happened to them all of a sudden it's unbelievable and there's no way they aren't lying for money or attention.
The funniest part is that in the replies he says he's just assblasted that women victims get more attention than male victims, which proves he didn't read the article because it literally includes the story of a male waiter experiencing this shit.
He's literally experienced the same shit and STILL can't find it within himself to experience empathy for these women. Not only that, but he goes out of his way to say that all women are liars and later on in the thread starts with the "well women didn't fight in wars or create anything meaningful so they don't deserve power!1" schtick.
I just can't stand dealing with men anymore. They are so, so horrible to women. And always will be.
No. 233670
>>233664Regarding the abusive ftm:
>>233641>>233642FTM. I thought the thread was meant for all men. Sorry if this is the wrong thread.
No. 233680
Got invited to dances just to find out that the guys was joking and had other dates. My family wasn't made of money either so we'd wasted money on a dress, ticket, and shoes. ever went to dances again after some dude said he'd dance with me if I let him have my sunglasses.
Older guy I liked would always be so nice to me and I would confide my secrets in him. I even made him a bunch of art to have of some of his favorite things. Eventually found out that when I messaged him, he'd make one of his friends chat with me. All his friend's knew my secrets. A lot of his friends tried to date me for this reason, which at the time I didn't know. One day HE actually messaged me and sent me a pic of his "hot cosplay girlfriend" saying something like "You look like trash in comparison. When your body looks this good, let me know, because I don't settle for fat chicks".
I started dating a guy who liked a lot of Feminine shit and after a few years dating, he became M2F. Cheated on me with a guy because I didn't want to be Trans also.
When I moved back home, I rode on a Grey Hound bus and I had to sit next to this guy who was obese. Basically, anytime I stood up, my chest was close to his face or my body was touching him because he was taking up my seat also. He started to dig his fingers in my pants when he thought I fell asleep. I was terrified and no one would switch me seats.
I ended up dating a new guy who side-chick'd me and that shit wrecked me for well over a year, even into my next relationship because I never felt like someone's first choice.
Some guy on Discord that I talked to would constantly try to get me to masturbate with him there even though I made it very clear I had a boyfriend. He ended our friendship because I couldn't give him "something kinda essential".
No. 233690
>>233674tbf romulus and remus were raised by a non-human woman ayy.
Also single parent households in which the mother is the sole parent are statistically cancer of family formats. Single father households aren't too far behind. As far as childrearing is concerned, both parties need to tough it out and deal with one another or not have kids at all really.
No. 233704
>>233680The boys in my class made a list of girls they wouldn't dance with (because too ugly) and surprise, there was more than half of all girls on it…
We were 26 girls and only 9 boys, so even after excluding that many there were still enough left for them
No. 233731
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>>233664This seems to be a depressing common experience for a lot of women;
A guy I knew over the internet (lives in different country to me) and was friends with went really insane after a while. He would vent to me about all of his problems which I didn't mind at first, eventually he found out what I looked like and got a crush on me. He would also pester for nudes which I played off as a joke at the time (which was very autistic of me). I'm sure you already know how this goes.
I said no and that started this tirade of shit like calling me a cunt constantly (to the point where the word doesn't have much of an impact on me any more) telling me he hoped I would die and wishing my worst fear (which I had confessed to him, privately) on me. Like this immense amount of venom and hatred that left me just bewildered, I wasn't even angry, just really confused. After a while I was like I'm done and he didn't understand why I didn't want to speak to him.
Also tried to blame me for him still being a virgin because I 'gave him bad tinder advice' and so obviously it the fault of a girl not even on the same continent as him he couldn't get laid lmao
tldr Men are pathetic by definition :)
No. 233742
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Very disheartening to see women bend over backwards to defend men like this.
No. 233743
>>233732Ty for these!
No. 233756
>>233742The girl is pregnant now and a child is going to make it a hell of a lot harder to study and go to work. She may have been at the age of consent but she'll likely regret this relationship in a few years because 1) our brains haven't stopped maturing at that age 2) if he's going to take advantage of one of his students he doesn't sound like a great guy to be in a relationship with in the first place. I know I made some dumbass decisions when I was 17.
Yep, it's sad that there are women sticking up for him.
No. 233758
>>233731Whats with mens entitlement?
Once I had a bf for 3 yrs, he asked me for nudes and I was with my parents at the moment and i wasn't comfortable with my body enough yet (I was also 16 at the time so yeah)
I told him I couldn't send him nudes and apologized, he went off on a tangent about how "he can easily look at anyone naked and even better can fuck somebody else right now" then told me he loved me, next second said it wasn't about the nudes it was about trust or whatever, then ignored me and the next day called me emotional and hard to deal with for freaking out over that
No. 233761
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>>233731>>233758I'm glad I'm not the only one but I'm sad at the same time.
My ex would constantly yell at me for not sucking his dick or wanting to have sex because I have an issue with dryness down there and I also didn't feel comfortable having sex with someone who called me a bitch a bunch for not wanting to have sex.
Like, even masturbating made me feel anxious because he would make me feel bad about it.
There was one day he blamed me because I never taught him how to use his penis.
In his own words said it was my fault for not wanting sex and for him being bad at it.
Shouldn't a guy know how to use their penis without the assistance of a woman? It's needless blame.
No. 233791
>>233783The funny part is that they do. But men refuse to admit that.
Most people aren't flawless supermodels, and men even less so because half of them don't take care of themselves or invest in their appearance very much. Tons of short guys get laid, get married, have kids, exc. Same with ugly and overweight.
But, they literally expect that they can sit in their dingy room all day playing video games and not bothering to eat healthy, throw a bit of cardio in their routine, or invest in a nicer wardrobe and still have Gal Gadot lookalikes on their knees trying to suck their dick. It doesn't work that way. Ugly men can still get dates, but those dates most likely won't be with a 10/10 super model. But those types of women are all that men see, so they think they shouldn't have to settle for less. But if you don't put in the work, why would you expect someone to settle for you? Most women are "attractive" and "dateable" because we know if we don't make an effort and take care of our appearance, the world will spit in our face.
Ugly girls hate themselves, they blame themselves and not literally all men for not being able to get a date. Ugly men hate women and blame them for all the evil in the world.
>>233787> in the western world women have MORE rights than menYes, rights that men CONSTANTLY complain should be taken away. And they probably will be eventually, because an increasing number of powerful people advocate for things like repealing the 19th, removing women from the workforce, and spread propaganda that all women are intellectually inept and inferior in every possible way, and therefore shouldn't be employed or allowed any influence outside of the home.
Once again, cry me a fucking river. You will never be hated JUST for being a man. Your rights will never be called into question JUST for being a man. Men will always be fine. And you can always fuck over women with little to no consequence like you all enjoy so much.
No. 233792
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Get the fuck out of the thread, dumbass. Women have to hear shit like pic related all the fucking time, come back and talk to us when half the world says the same shit about men. Until then, no one cares about your little incel tirade. You can't despise and belittle people and constantly beat them over the head calling them inferior and then expect them to still care about your problems.
No. 233794
>>233784>>233785Is it not funny how men want to portray how big and strong they are but whines about anti-male hatred and propaganda?
>>233787>- Over 80% of the homeless are men>- Over 80% of suicides are men>- Over 90% of workplace fatalities are menmaybe you should stop killing yourself and stop putting yourself in dangerous work situations where you can lose you money or die?
>- Women don't have to sign up for the draftyou would not want us there either way. besides there are countries in 'the west' as you call it, where women can and HAVE to serve.
>- Millions of young men died in wars they were drafted intoand they were killed by other men. good job there.
>- 100% of incels are mennone of us here feel sympathy for incels
Most of the pain men feel is put on them by other men.
No. 233798
When I was in my early teens a boy I very much trusted and I stayed in a class after school.He started chasing me around the classroom, pinned me down, & started touching me all over my chest. Told me with a very disappointed voice that my chest was flat. He let go of me, I was completely terrified on the verge of tears. As I tried to walk away from class he kept trying to touch me. I lied saying my dad was coming to pick me up very soon. The harassment didn't end there, everyday at school several boys would try to touch me even when I resisted or said no. This went on for years, I was very afraid of speaking out. Eventually, touching became bullying, I was always bullied for being skinny & flat. They'd always try to touch everything, but of course my body wasn't good enough after they got what they wanted. This led me to hate my female body, every night I'd pray to God to make me a man. I lost even more weight, constantly on the underweight scale. I'd always hide in layers of clothing. I'd dress and style myself very boyish, hoping if I made myself as unappealing as possible, the harassment would stop. It didn't, I ended failing the school year, got kicked out from this good school because I missed too many days from trying to avoid boys. Transferred to the worst school of the district, dropped out due to strong suicidal thoughts. I became shut in, crying & self harming myself nearly everyday. All of these boys grew up of course, theyre currently going to the best colleges out there. Me? I'm currently trying to get myself out of an eating disorder & from relapsing. Sometimes I wonder, do they remember the shy girl they'd constantly sexually harassed? Do boys/men realize the harm they do? I resent men now, not only was my childhood stolen from me due to sexual abuse by an older man who I trusted, but so were my teen years. I feel taken advantaged of throughout my entire life because of male entitlement. So if I want to say I don't trust men, I think I have every right to say it. I absolutely hate men.
Sage for semi-blog post
No. 233811
>>233807Don't you understand, anon? He's literally better than us JUST because he has a dick. Never mind the fact that he is so insufferable that no woman wants to let him use it on them. It MUST be because we are retarded and worthless, not because he's a whiny misogynist bitch. Of course.
We should all be grateful this true alpha is here to impart his wisdom on male/female dynamics, despite the fact that he would have to pay a female to be anywhere near him. This dude doesn't fuck.
No. 233817
what I get out of interacting with men like this is that I should stay away from ugly guys even just as friends because they are often the ones that are the most dangerous.
No. 233827
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>>233792Worse is they get pic related
does anyone know if some online generator was made to make this? Would like to make an incel version kek No. 233830
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Here's my credentials for men and feel free to roast me if you're a manlet with woman issues:
>They must be a virgin because I don't want to risk STDs.
>I must find them attractive which, no, I don't find buff macho men attractive.
>They must be nice to me and caring
>They must have a job and/or a goal for the future.
>Must not have any mental illnesses.
>Must be be passionate about a hobby of some sort.
>Must have other healthy relationships i.e. with his mother or friends.
>Physically must be taller than me tho.
No. 233834
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Ok ignore all advice and continue to whine and play the victim then.
>It's in men's best interest to keep females self-esteem low. The lower their self-esteem, the less chance that they will cheat, leave, complain, etc.
They're just openly admitting it now. Hilarious.
No. 233836
>>233831>I didn't know he already had a wife and cheated on her. He should kill himself.Its right fucking there dude
>>233742 congrats for proving you dont read a damn thing your trolling needs work son.
No. 233837
>>233831First of all, last relationship that had me with low self esteem, I left because it was not worth being around some trashy dude.
Secondly, asking that a guy have values, pursue his passions and have healthy relationships does not make me a whore, it makes you WEAK.
>>233832 I've never had sex with someone who's had sex before and I still get STD checks because I would like everyone to be safe.
No. 233843
>>233841Pornhub or camming sites.
Or just be trans and start a go fund me.
No. 233844
>>233837>Secondly, asking that a guy have values, pursue his passions and have healthy relationships does not make me a whore, it makes you WEAK.There's this disease of entitlement with men. The whole world smiles down upon them, tells them how great and strong and intelligent they are (even when they aren't) and how there are entire demographics of people that they are superior to. They internalize this, but the problem is that not all of them are that great and there comes a time when they realize this and can't deal with the truth that maybe they're just average. They aren't special and the world doesn't revolve around them. This dude is a NEET with no intent to change that, he can't "compete" and doesn't want to put in the work to improve his life and thus his chances of dating, so everyone else needs to change to accommodate him.
This dude really needs to self reflect and consider what he likes about himself. And if he can't come up with anything, he needs to understand that most other people can't either. He's hateful, he's angry, he's lazy, he's entitled. It's the absolute worst combination of shit.
The good news is that those things aren't permanent states of being. The bad news is that he absolutely refuses to acknowledge these things about himself and therefore sees no reason to change. So he will continue to make excuses and blame everyone else for his problems, and nothing will ever change for him.
Sort of tragic, but he IS a misogynistic twat so my sympathy has limits.
No. 233846
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Twinks and traps are in more demand so technically you could also make the same if not more.
But you sound to bitter and pathetic to make the effort kek
No. 233849
>>233848Have you ever taken a bad dragon dildo for hours while hearing people talk about raping you?
Thought so.
No. 233859
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>>233855Goddamn dude I've been trying to be nice and give you advice from a former NEET, but you're a lost cause.
Good luck with…whatever it is you plan to do. Just know that nothing will change for you unless you change it. Nobody else cares. You just aren't that important and nobody is coming to magically make things better for you. We all come to that realization eventually, too bad you just flat out refuse to.
>>233857Also, smart people don't need to constantly advertise it. Pic related, RIP.
No. 233862
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If you aren't doing these jobs homeless people do now, you won't survive being homeless. It also makes no fucking sense. You're just an actual loser and you becoming homeless and falling off because you don't know real life skill will be an improvement to society.
No. 233870
>>233868ACTUALLY, from the perspective of my boyfriend, fucking is great.
You feel more happy when you have sex and your relationships grow closer and happier without having to degrade a woman.
I hope he's upset that he can't drain his dick in a woman because he's repulsive from the inside out.
No. 233872
It is true for females. I'm a female and I'm telling you. You seem to think you can continue to stall and do nothing, not even make the tiniest effort to fix your situation, so are you okay with being this miserable and angry? You don't seem to want to change things at all, you just seem to want to whine and get attention. A lot of people, including me, were NEETs at one point. It ruins your self esteem and makes you miserable, but you can fix it. I'll say it again, go to a temp agency. Some of those gigs pay above minimum wage, since you're ~too intelligent~ to do some honest work at McDonald's apparently. Temporary jobs frequently turn into permanent jobs if you impress the employer, which I'm sure will be easy for you since you're sooooo intelligent and superior. Guaranteed to get a permanent job. If you choose not to do these things to improve your situation, at least have the dignity to stop whining. It's pathetic. You're blatantly saying you just want to bitch and do nothing.
>there's a never-ending supply of men who care and will make things better for you
Men like you to constantly tell me how retarded and worthless I am for being a woman? Sure, what a treat. Dying alone is preferable.
No. 233877
they are their own worst enemy.
No. 233881
>>233875Right? Imagine thinking you're more intelligent than 99% of the population and you still can't find anything more captivating than bitching about how women won't touch your measly dick on an image board.
Imagine being so privileged that you can claim you'd rather be homeless than do simple work and try to change your shitty circumstances. I guarantee you this dude has opportunities. Plenty of them. He's never been homeless before or he wouldn't be able to say that shit.
No. 233884
>>233858How would you become any of those things, even in the 1700s? They require intelligence and ambition, neither of which you possess. Or do you honestly believe you’d get them solely by virtue of (barely) having a penis?
>>233866This is how trannies are made.
No. 233894
>>233888This dude honestly probably believes he contributes more to society and is more valuable to the species than a female doctor just based off the fact that he is male. Despite the fact that he just sits on his ass all day.
He is nothing and he knows it. He even admitted in >>233831 that the only way he could have a relationship with a woman is if he wore down her self esteem so much that she thought she was worthless and deserves nothing. You know, like he is. He has to level the playing field because he knows what he is.
No. 233908
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what the fuck happened ITT
No. 233910
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God, it's like they're all reading from the exact same playbook (which I guess they literally are lmao). Has our incel buddy ever had an original thought in his life? Reading this thread I have gained absolutely nothing that I didn't gleam from the Red Pill subreddit. What's the point of you being more intelligent than 99% of people when evidently the only thing you're capable of is copy-pasting
No. 233920
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Why do I think that this person is planted in this thread to further a specific agenda? Like, his actions seem SO typical that they aren't genuine.
No. 233924
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>The only time feeemales give him attention and meaningful interaction is when he provokes them in a literal Man-hating thread which is why he keeps coming back
>A whole year and nothing's changed in his life
It'd almost be cute if it wasn't so sad
No. 233942
>>233938Lets not associate panty wetting with earning capability. I'm sick of guys thinking of us as gold diggers and you're only proving them right.
Of course, having a job and supporting yourself is a necessity for any responsible adult (unless they're a stay at home parent), but that doesn't require ambition.
No. 233954
File: 1521071485909.jpg (84.87 KB, 1060x672, ue9zb8tmwgoz.jpg) is what mgtows think "the wall" is
like lmao, she looks better at 35 than most men look throughout all their life, why do men think this is a female only thing? they're obsessed with "the wall" being revenge for women not catering to them and mommying them
what's next from them, infertility is natures revenge for not having mens babies, they already made periods out to be natures revenge of not getting pregnant
women who get acne? should've have anthony some bucks and sucked his dick
get more hair than usual? should have had sex with that one particular guy that thinks the world revolves around him
must be because you're a gold digger
No. 233969
>>233954Her wrinkles are slightly deeper obviously but it's mostly the godawful makeup and lighting like
>>233963 said. What did people expect after 20 years. Men start to look crusty as fuck at the ripe age of 28 because they dont wash their face or moisturize.
No. 233977
>>233969Dating apps have made it SO obvious how poorly men age, since you can know their age unlike irl. You scroll through hundreds of photos and glance at their age and every time they're younger than expected. They get wrinkles and go bald so fucking young, receeding hairlines are just about the least attractive thing ever. The beard trend makes them look even older again. At least SOME women wear sunscreen, men think it's faggy to take care of your skin and it shows.
The greatest trick men ever pulled was convincing the world they age like fine wine. What a meme.
No. 233978
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>>233954Very hard to find a man who looks this good at 26 let alone mid 30s
No. 234000
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Its always guys who are like pic related who tend to complain about women having too high standards and blame that on feminism and then pretend the reason women don't want to date them is because women only want "teh chad" and not because women see how shitty they are and thats the reason they stay well clear. (Before anyone says it yeah I know hes divorced, glad the woman came to her senses)
No. 234005
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>>234002Speaking of which…
No. 234017
>>233769I'm not surprised at all by that. Men may hate other men of different races for whatever stupid reason, but at the end of the day, they're still men. They can always bond over shitting on women together.
If anything, women need to learn by example, and stop letting dumb shit get in our way. We need to stop shitting on one another, and focus on getting rid of the shitty men in our lives instead.
No. 234023
>>234000Man this actually gives me throwback feels thinking back to the YT era of 2009-2012 when he was somewhat relevant, he still hasn't changed his attitude. Last time I checked he pulls in just fraction of views and attention he once did.
It just makes me think what will be of those ironybros personalities on YT whose whole trick is to make a "femanazis pwned!" video/commentary and the whole PUA types (the former somewhat fading in relevance) years from now once those views fade. Same goes for those lauren southern types who throw around the word "traditionalist"; wonder how their fans would react once she finds a partner.
No. 234045
>>234027Totally agree. I think anon was correct that Angelina made a good 90's Lara when she was basically just videogame eye candy, but all the recent games have showcased a younger Lara with a less buxom figure and the game is more about her character. Even though I liked the old games and the current ones for different reasons, I think the casting was great and I'm actually glad the focus is less on how hot she is. The guy who commented about the actresses chest size is a fucking ape. If you are so concerned about Lara having big tits and don't give a shit about her character development, then go watch some hentai or Lara croft themed porn. I can understand someone kicking up a fuss about a if Jessica Rabbit was played in a live action by an anorexic with no breasts, but her character is that of a vixen and there's a need in the story for her to look a certain way. Lara on the other hand has a very interesting back story and it
triggers me that such a minor detail like breast size (especially when she doesn't even have giant knockers in the later games) is enough for someone to critique the movie without even seeing it.
sorry for my rant…it just really grinds my gears
No. 234049
>>234027She's at least a C cup in the new games. I've played them but yeah I'm not a fan of the series anymore since it has turned into garbage nowhere as good as the originals.
I'm just mad that people like erasing women with big breasts because of men.
No. 234060
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>>234055I should elaborate actually.
They think that a specific body type similar to Lara Croft's, Bayonetta or a Disney character's is "appealing to the male fantasy" thus it's sexist.
Especially with video games, Feminists think a small waist and big boobs are "unrealistic" because most feminists are obese with pancake tits or beta males.
People think it's progressive to minimize boob size and remove sex appeal while also parading around with your tits out.
No. 234066
>>234064The new lara isn't flat chested. She always had bigger than average boobs.
And Lara was an inspiration to me as a teenager ALSO because of her looks. As a teenager who would wear sweaters during summer to hide my boobs I hate seeing Lara's body type erased in the movies.
And again, this shit wouldn't fly if it was the other way around. NO FREAKING WAY it would.
No. 234070
>>234064I mean, people will be like that, they want accuracy.
Irrelevant but a friend of mine bitched that a black guy was gonna play Kristof in the Frozen musical and that it would "ruin the whole show" because "black people wouldn't have been there at that time".
Some people are skin deep when it comes to criticism towards media.
No. 234078
>>234073Because I was growing up while playing the original games and liked seeing a woman with big boobs doing what she did. In real life I was just hiding myself.
>Also, this shit would fly if it was the other way round and it still flies to this day.I don't know about that. Examples?
No. 234080
>>234077I'm not complaining.
Removal of her breasts is kinda gay though. Like, why not just shave her head, too? Throw a Hijab on her.
No. 234083
>>234081Actually didn't say that but you can spin what I say however you want. I said they removed a part of her femininity. Breasts are kinda the staple thing of a woman aside from a vagina.
(Btw, I love women with small tits more than women with big ones)
No. 234086
>>234085If they made a movie about me and for no reason made my tits small, I'd be kinda like… wtf?
It's political.
No. 234088
>>234086But you're not Lara Croft are you? Did you complain when they picked Angelina Jolie who has an apple body shape when Lara is an hourglass?
>>234087No one hate big boobs, they're everywhere.
No. 234089
>>234087Fuck I just remembered they REMOVED MRS. KEEN'S BOOBS in the new PPG.
They removed Mrs. Bellum entirely.
No. 234091
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I'm shook.
But apparently no one hates boobs.
No. 234099
>>234096Women make women feel insecure, though. Most of my insecurities came from other women around me.
Sorry to blog post but my mom once asked me if I wear a hoodie all the time because my arms are fat, which was her projecting onto me.
I had an old girlfriend who said she dated me because she was doing me a "favor".
Lots of shit like that. Woman often blame men for this, too and I don't get it.
No. 234101
>>234100I have huge tits and my mom and sister would comment that they were saggy all the time. Hell, my step mom made me wear a "ass smoother corsetty thing" to my graduation because "your ass looks lumpy.
No dude who's seen me naked with my bra off has complained ONCE about any of this shit.
No. 234104
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Ok would like to bring the thread back on topic if possible
Sort of related and maybe farmers can enlighten me but-I hear boys who do pic related go onto be serial killers. Its just shocking that they just got a slap on the wrist. I removed the pictures of what they did to the rabbit because it was very graphic.
No. 234106
>>234095>>234099>>234100>>234101Okay? My mom made me feel shitty about my body too, and so did her ex-boyfriend, boys and girls my age growing up…
Generally a lot of people tend to be overly fixated on appearance. It's no wonder why women would project their insecurities because the standards for female beauty are high.
No. 234109
>>234103The 90s core design games up to and including angel of darkness, compared to… Everything afterwards.
I mean we've played as teenage Lara in the old games (Last Revelation, Chronicles) and she was noticeably younger and more naive but still not as whiny.
No. 234111
>>234106"But but women do it to!!"
God i wish mod would ban people who come in and do this
Yes women do it to but men do it more and more intense, as in going out of their way to insult women just because they dont like their body
No. 234114
>>234111I was talking from personal experience and in my experience, no, men do not "do it more and more intense".
Women have ALWAYS done it because they feel "comfortable" judging other women like that.
Also hop out of your tunnel vision, people everywhere are equally shitty.
No. 234120
>>234114Not that anon. In my experience they do go out of their way to make people they don't find attractive feel like shit. When I was bullied usually the girls would just say something if I pissed them off in some way or they would avoid me, but boys would literally come up to me just to say that they think I'm disgusting.
Agree to disagree and move on. This isn't the thread to start derailing about women, and you know it.
No. 234128
>>234123Because it's kind of unnecessary? Sure you can say that women are insecure and criticize appearances too, but then why did you have to publicize that
in your experience men are perf angels who have never been over-critical or made anyone feel insecure? Your experiences are yours alone.
For some anons it's tiring always seeing women get shit on. What do you think the point of this thread is for?
No. 234130
>>234128I just see more women shit on women and blame it on men.
Men are not angels, no, and I've definitely heard them say terrible shit and do terrible shit but it's a two way street, dude.
This thread was made to degrade your sense of being, give you false ideas of the world around you.
No. 234131
>>234114>I was talking from personal experience and in my experience, no, men do not "do it more and more intense".look through the past few threads, there's more than enough evidence of how extreme men will go just because they don't like a girls body, even taking creepshots
>Women have ALWAYS done it because they feel "comfortable" judging other women like that.I'm not denying women do it, but lets not play pretend here
>Also hop out of your tunnel vision, people everywhere are equally shitty.and men do it mpre
No. 234134
>>234130>I just see more women shit on women and blame it on men.and where is this happening exactly and how?
>This thread was made to degrade your sense of being, give you false ideas of the world around you.again more than enough evidence proves you wrong, and no, your tales from magic fairyland doesn't prove anything
No. 234142
>>234137yawn, is that you june? what handmaiden are you?
"it feminism!!!! that's it!!"
men bash everloving shit out of women and there's a huge problem with men making huge deals if women don't look the way they want, and no being around 3 shitty women doesn't prove anything, it doesn't take a 3rd wave feminist to point this out, even june lapine the fucking handmaiden pointed this out before if thats not enough proof then
No. 234145
>>234141No, the people in the thread generalizing a whole gender are gross.
>>234143Crime statistics also say women get assaulted more but that's not correct for many reasons.
You know that social stigmas play a huge part in statistics and what isn't recorded.
No. 234147
>>234146Feminist logic is saying women in video games are just sex objects and aren't realistic.
So what does that mean for the women who look like those characters? Are THEY just a sex item?
No. 234152
>>234145>Crime statistics also say women get assaulted more but that's not correct for many reasonsand what are those reasons?
>No, the people in the thread generalizing a whole gender are grosswe aren't, just most, for the MILLIONTH fucking time, no we aren't saying "literally all men"
I can't believe I have to say this
>>234147>Feminist logic is saying women in video games are just sex objects and aren't not all of us are anita s
>So what does that mean for the women who look like those characters? Are THEY just a sex item?oh kekaroni, talk about a stretch "u bitches said men drawings female characters to have tig o bitties and ass is sexist and making them sex items therefore you're saying I am a sex item!!!!! sexist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ugh, are you that handmaiden from IG that went on a rampage about how those dumb feminists said sagging is natural and "having perfect tits is a reality for some women so stfu!!"
No. 234170
>>234161>Men often don't hit back because even if a woman started a fight and is the same weight as them, they will get arrested.proven untrue throughout the thread, there are literal men obsessing everything women get hurt, even the video where a man attacks his wife, she lightly hit him and he falcon punches her and men were saying she deserved it
>Men often don't know if they've been raped because "a woman forcing herself on you should be a blessing" and a boner apparently means that you wanted it.haven't seen this in years
>I've seen police laugh at men for calling in an assault by a woman.yeah, no. find me one case where this happened meanwhile police laughed when an ugly woman was raped by an attractive man
No. 234173
>>234170Actually my dad has a police report of domestic violence where my mom rammed him into a call and beat him up and he pushed her to get her off and HE got arrested. Police literally didn't care that she'd bloodied him up while she was fine.
Also if a woman hits a guy, why wouldn't she expect a punch back?
No. 234176
>>234173> mom rammed him into a call and beat him up and he pushed her to get her off and HE got arrested.I seriously doubt that
>Also if a woman hits a guy, why wouldn't she expect a punch back?the man in the video was getting up in her face, overpowering her, screaming, if you are a 200 lb man and feel the need to falcon punch a 90 pound woman for lightly hitting you after YOU are the one that started raising your tone and overpowering her, you have issues and deserve to be in prison
No. 234181
>>234176I watched it happen, dude. He got arrested for literally pushing my mom because she was beating the shit out of him.
It should at least be an even fight, so yeah, that's kinda fucked.
No. 234185
>>234175Why can't people just accept that boobs are part of women's bodies and stop making such a big deal about them? It's not wrong for a kid's show to have fully dressed woman with boobs.
This is one of the reasons so many young girls are ashamed of their boobs.
No. 234186
>>234181>I watched it happen, dude. He got arrested for literally pushing my mom because she was beating the shit out of him.again, I DOUBT this, I can easily say my dad beat up my mom and she got arrested
but when I was in high school I knew a girl who punched a guy who stuck his hand up her shirt and guess what she got in trouble, not him, where's the feminism you claim exists when that happened where was the female privilege
No. 234191
>>234189It happened.
It may also have to do with him being black, but still.
No. 234204
>>234203and where is this "buttfuck nowhere"
I live in a religious white rural town and even they wouldn't do something like that
No. 234214
>>234212I don't consider it a grocery store no. DG is more like a gas station without the gas.
So a general store. I don't live there anymore but I don't really wanna say where it is. I'm in Ohio, tho.
No. 234226
>>234223Men rape, mug and kill more men than women, to be fair.
Men are also more likely to kill men of their own race, however black men will kill white men more often as well.
No. 234232
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>>234230Healthy and rational thoughts in this thread, I see.
No. 234237
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>>234161>Men often don't know if they've been raped because "a woman forcing herself on you should be a blessing" and a boner apparently means that you wanted it.>I've seen police laugh at men for calling in an assault by a woman>What about meeeeen? :(((And who's doing this shit? Other men.
MRA gtfo.
No. 234241
>>234240It's normally that they like women but women don't like them. Like, it's fucked up to rape but why would you fuck someone you don't like?
It's all motive.
No. 234245
>>234241>why would they fuck someone they don't like? Uh because it's not all about attraction and ooh teehee going to rape this girl because I like her!
It's about power and getting what they want. Little old ladies get their homes broken into, bashed and raped. Do you think it's because the rapist LOVES women?
No. 234246
>>234245That does make sense.
You've changed my perspective.
No. 234278
>>234151Yeah I'm also wondering why this thread have gone completely off topic given the incel has gone.
No. 234279
>>234166Can confirm.
I remember when that story about that female teacher who was fucking a 14 yr old student got posted on chan boards. Rather than calling her a pedo most of the posts say he was a lucky fucker and wish their school had some hot teacher to fuck. On the same day there was a thread complaining women make light of male rape. I know its not quite the same as the kid wasnt raped but it showed they dont care about boys being taken advantage of but will try and find any excuse to blame this on feminists.
No. 234281
mens problems are always caused by other men and the only problems they can find women actually do are gold digging and issues with custody, even then men easily get custody and they changed the definition of gold digger so much to fit their victim complex
No. 234282
>>234235>>234222>>234241I see the incel is back.
No. 234285
>>234281And even then its projection with women as they claim all women like this to excuse their attitude towards them, then wonder why women are suspicious of most men.
Like I know its very off what we were talking about but speaking to men on okcupid-it became clear why most of them were single. They wouldnt listen to a woman try to give them constructive feedback oh no-its because women are "impossible creatures to understand" or something.
Certainly a case of sour grapes with these men. Also funny the same men who complain about women being gold diggers are also the guys to complain about women wanting to work-not staying at home to raise kids like how out of touch with reality are they-do they think raising a child is easy? That women live on thin air? Its clear these men are still living in their parents basement.
No. 234317
>>234031It's amazing how you've got legions of 20-30 something men who have never gotten through their heads such basic concepts on how to behave and just plain basic how-to life overall, and who after just see that guy and after hearing his basic ass life-tips even a pre-teen can comprehend treat him as a life-guru and a father figure.
That itself really speaks volume on the low quality of manchilden these days. What next? Some youtube guru making more patreon money telling NEETS the benefits of showering and brushing daily?
No. 234365
>>234349Exactly.Against my better judgement I visited a few days ago after seeing the posts on here saying these incels are coming from 4chan. One guy make a thread saying can you stop with the constant woman hating threads, theres like at least 8 every day. How do anons respond? By posting a video of a woman being beaten by a group of guys and posting mgtow memes about how "all women are holes."
Felt weird going back as I stopped a year ago when someone posted stills from a child porn video, never seen that shit before in my life and was so fucking angry-will never forget the dead eyes on the 6yr old girls, reported to internet child protection. Of course a lot of channers just thought it was funny, and assume the reason a lot of women think they are shit is because they are ~crazy feminazis~
No. 234375
>>234372You hit the nail on the head with creepy apes.
'Not all men are like that'
>proceeds to blame girl who tells men their behaviour is unwarranted politely that she is forcing feminization. No. 234387
>>234386Nitpicking on what you are wearing or the state of your hair or outfit.
I find a lot of them hide behind the- 'I'm a sassy gay guy, therefore I am entitled to tell women they look like shit thing.
Same with a lot of drag queens or trannies 'I'm just one of the girls so let me tell you under the guise of humour or
constructive advice how ugly your outfit is or that your makeup is tragic hunnnny'
No. 234388
>>234382Exactly. I thought the reason this thread was made was because on almost every fucking forum there is some thread bitching about women. Its pretty hard to avoid-yet this one thread which can be avoided is
triggering the incels.
No. 234390
>>234388Funny, because they claim feminists get
triggered about everything but the second there is one thread talking about toxic men, they get butthurt and cry about forced feminization hahaha
No. 234410
>>234409anons have tried saying this already but how deliberately obtuse / self defeating do you have to be to go on literally /r9k/ with the WORST, most heinously bad examples of men you can find, and use that to work yourself into despair (nominally about men). I'm not even defending men it's just
>why not torture myselfyou think you're joking but you aren't. It's the same as if a man went to a women's prison and interviewed the most evil woman there who killed her kids, and walks away like man, I fucking hate WOMEN! …and then cut his arm because he wanted to torture himself because of some guilt or something I dunno but he's yelling "fucking women!!" ha ha
No. 234418
>>234409it's ridiculous.
nothing of value was lost and they know it, they're only using this to cry about women.
for anyone curious: No. 234429
>>234409>I seriously feel like going out right now, buying a gun and fucking killing them.You are actually mentally ill.
>>234410Thank you for breathing some intelligence into this thread. These women act like fucking neanderthals.
No. 234431
>>234429>These women act like fucking neanderthals.can't really blame them at this point, imagine what men would do if they read half the stuff r9k said about women but to men, and no I don't mean men being responsible for their actions
men can barely take free shit not getting handed to them or not getting laid, just imagine going onto every corner of the internet and having everyone scream how everything is mens faults, everything men could ever do is for attention, men are worthless, people going out of their way to blame women for anything bad that happens etc etc
it fucks with peoples sanity, always have and always will, and oddly enough I'd rather her want to kill bots instead of herself
No. 234436
>>234435>you are getting over exposed to men's worst sides because actually the corners of the internet that you frequent happen to be edgy men's safe spaces for their edgiest (cruelest) doesn't even stay within 4chin anymore, youtube, IG, twitter, even tumblr, you can barely even say the word sexist, feminism, misogyny, or stuff like that without it being turned into a joke, and even handmaidens are doing it to, to the point where if there's a woman with a small butt in the background of the video almost everyone will be too focused on whining about the woman with the small butt than the video itself, obviously that's not as bad as 4chan but if men went though that shit they'd kill themselves as well
No. 234439
>>234429>yeah roastie dont get angry at males for treating you like shit thats not ladiee like u w uFucking kill yourself. Go back to tumblr if you can't handle some angry people on an anon internet board. There are thousands of these fuckers spitting all kinds of sick shit about the other fucking half of the population right now and you can't stand some women finally waking up and having a natural reaction towards these vile scum.
To the girls lurking who are not fucking retarded: one big redflag for the most self-hating, misogynistic kind of females you'll encounter in your lives are the ones who just can't grasp their minds around the idea of other women actively getting angry and being outraged towards stuff that's outright intolerable; the worst part is that when they'll try to censor you they will try to guiltrip you, they usually are as lowkey and passive-aggressive as possible about it; remember this.
No. 234442
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This thread in a nutshell:
>"These incel's are SO triggered"
>No one listens to logic
>Everyone makes generalizations and says they don't even though "I seriously feel like going out right now, buying a gun and fucking killing them"
>Majority of these girls are likely financially supported by their boyfriends.
No. 234445
>>234442>Majority of these girls are likely financially supported by their boyfriends.kek you wish, I make 2 times as much as my bf, in fact it's actually really rare for women to be supported by their husbands or bfs these days but whatever shit you have to make up
for the others, you take 3 posts and generalize the entire thread, you are biased and need to twist stretch and turn, we could have been posting cold hard facts for months but the second you see a few posts of some crazies you wanna scream as if the entire thread is like that then make up shit about how we're probably supported by our bfs when if you read through the career thread, we clearly aren't sorry hunny, sorry women are woke and aren't hypocrites
No. 234447
>>234443I'm a woman and your boyfriend's a beta.
>>234445>women are woke and aren't hypocritesSo I was making up you guys generalizing, right?
No. 234449
>>234447>I'm a woman and your boyfriend's a beta."lol u bitches r prob supported by ur bfs and ur all hating men lol""actually I support him""LOL WHAT A BETA"
go back to sucking off greasy neckbeards
>So I was making up you guys generalizing, right?yep, it was said literally more than 20 times "not all men" but nope you have to make it up that that we're generalizing, do you even know what generalizing means? I don't think you do
No. 234450
>>234449Your boyfriend sounds like a loser because you support him when you should be making equal.
And just because other people specify, doesn't mean all people believe that as again, someone just said they want to gun down men.
No. 234454
>>234442I'm not supported by my boyfriend and I don't agree with what anon said about getting a gun (although I'd like to think they were venting, not serious)
Also, what logic? Everything spouted here earlier was stupid.
>Not accepting nudes is forced feminization>women who rape women actually love themI'm not saying there aren't a couple extreme views here but do you really think there has been any real logic behind those arguments against women? Logic? Really?
No. 234455
>>234450>Your boyfriend sounds like a loser because you support him when you should be making equal.and you were just assuming we are supported by our bfs, with no evidence whatsoever but suddenly when we support our bfs they're losers, ok
>someone just said they want to gun down men.hunny you acted like every single person in the thread did when only one did despite the fact others called her out for it but NOPE not good enough for you to twist and make up shit about so you have to cherry pick and act like nothing but that one person said that, also they said they wanted to gun down bots, not men
>And just because other people specify, doesn't mean all people believe that as againthen.dont.generalize.the.fucking.thread when you clearly haven't read through and have been desperately waiting for one crazy to say something like that just so you can scream "LOL THIS IS THE THREAD IN A NUTSHELL"
No. 234460
>>234454handmaidens only wanna defend men and never women, she had to makeup about how we're supported by our bfs as defense, this is how pathetic she is, I wouldn't pay mind
she KNOWS most of us support ourselves and don't actually believe this shit she just needs to lie and twist for her retarded narrative to stroke neckbeards, notice how all handmaidens go silent when men come in and say "huurrr we don't hate women just because we rape them everything is womens faults hurr u should send them nudes or men are being forcefully feminized" then the second only 2 fucking people wanna kill bots handmaidens come in screaming and lying about how we're supported by boyfriends and act as if everyone in the thread is doing that
No. 234461
>>234457you wish, he's 6'3, but hey whatever shit you need to makeup
>>234459yep you're worse than the gun girl
No. 234467
>>234465Oh boy, ya caught me.
I just think this thread is cancer.
No. 234471
>>234467because you desperately waited for one psycho thing to happen to scream "SEE LOL UR ALL CRAZIES AND SUPPORTED BY YOUR BFS"
the fact you come in until now literally debunks your entire point
No. 234481
>claiming a man is beta over moneylol you're mens biggest enemy more than we are
>>234479can't find a real defense, just as I thought
>>234476so what? were you not just crying about the thread over what 3 out of the thousands of people that go here wrote or?
No. 234486
>>234477Noone here has a beta boyfriend though? My boyfriend works and there's a few here that support their boyfriends but you don't even know their circumstances. During fishing season my boyfriend pays for things a lot more, and when the season slows down, I pay a lot more for bills/food. It's about helping each other out whether the other is sick or unemployed (within reason of course, noone likes being actually used) But yeah if my partner was in a financial pickle of course I would pay and help them out.
You sound like you just wanna fight.
No. 234489
>>234483oh no names are scary
>>234485of course you do that's why you scream beta at women who are financially stable enough to support their own bfs unlike you
No. 234490
>>234482Why can't we have a space to vent and complain about shitty men?
Can you say you love women when you're asking them to shut up because the subject bother you?
No. 234493
>>234490because anon obviously we're supposed to deal with misogyny on every corner of the planet and we can't say anything about it
those handmaidens and bots must defend men getting a taste of their own medicine
No. 234501
>>234498I don't justify cheating but I think in a lot cases women cheat because they are unhappy in a relationship (some men as well, god the fact I have to even mention that just so people wont get
triggered annoys me) and most of the time the men just cheat so they can put their dick in something new.
Sorry for the blogpost, but my first boyfriend and the one who took my virginity tried to groom me and tell me this behaviour was normal. He would say things like 'Even if you were the hottest woman on earth, I'd still want to have sex with other women, I like variety'
No. 234510
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And its stuff like this that makes me lose sympathy for men, because no matter how horrid the crime there is always a man making an excuse because according to them no man ever is to blame for his actions, no man has an inflated ego nope-its always the womans fault, even in death. Like this shit makes me so angry ffs.
No. 234517
>>234514Don't some women cut off guys dicks when they cheat and it's super funny to some people even though it's kinda inhumane?
No. 234519
>>234517Oh god. You are back.
I can tell you now, I certainly don't find it funny at all when there is any violent crime committed, when it happens to any gender. I was talking about the link anon posted and mentioned Oscar pistorious white knights. I wasn't talking about people laughing at anything. Quit trying to argue.
No. 234524
>>234517Don't some men throw acid in their wive's face when they cheat and it's super funny to some people even though it's kinda inhumane?
No. 234526
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>>234517People joke about Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rihanna on a daily basis.
No. 234536
>>234528Not sure why that anon said the kid wasn't raped.(I'm not sure about the age of consent in the particular case they were referring to) I agree with you there, but they made a lot of other good points about how men were normalising his rape yet complaining like hypocrites about women not taking male rape seriously.
It seems that you have just been reading furiously through old posts trying to find slip ups or bad posts and using them as ways to generalise all the posters on this thread. Once again, you should make a thread on sexist women if you want to explore those points.
No. 234539
>>234517>some womenYes, not MOST women thought.
But most men will find excuses for rapist, killers and violent men.
No. 234540
>>234534LOL do you live under a rock? There are countless memes and jokes online about Chris Brown and Rihanna's domestic abuse. Some anon posted proof and instead of noting it logically, you squeal 'reee that's only one example'
You don't care if people provide proof or actually have good counters to your retarded arguments. You just hate women.
No. 234543
>>234517to who? other men? people justify mens abuse for fucks sake, and their cheating
even when the johnny depp accusation came out people were saying "oh well she probably wasn't the easiest person to live with"
men cheat and most of the time no one cares, hell when dylan sprouse, or cole, whatever one it was cheating accusation came out people were blaming the girl to hell and back or screaming lying attention whore, others were saying "oh well it's his business"
shandi from antm cheats she gets hell for years despite the fact she apologised and her and her bf agreed to work things out
obviously there's jokes centered around "hur this banana slicer is what my bf gets if he cheats" but come on, if the situation actually happens no ones laughing except for a few crazy misandrists and if they do laugh about it wanna know what happens? men scream for fucking years about it, do anything in their power to play victim over that one woman
No. 234546
>>234540agreed, men LOVE hurting women and will laugh and cheer about it since forever
women make penis cutting off jokes and the world goes nuts, fuck off
No. 234549
>>234546Yeah guys always make jokes about their wives being shit. The old ball and chain gag. They always make jokes about their wives being annoying and wanting strangle them. I know a lot of people who laugh and quote the movie 'we once were warriors' They always say 'woman cook me some fucken eggs' (if noone gets what I'm talking about its a really intense new Zealand movie about an abusive husband, its super violent)
I hear that joke a lot. I don't get why the incel is crying about penis cutting jokes when there are waaay more depictions of women being abused that is supposed to be funny.
No. 234558
>>234549Talking about depictions in media, look at American Psycho. Ask most guys and almost ALL of them will claim that Patrick Bateman is a legend. I enjoyed the movie and book, but I am disgusted at Patrick's character. He's an awful person. Yet you have all these Patrick Bateman/Barney Stinson womanizing wanna bes worshipping Bateman like he's a god.
One of my exe's used to brag he was like Patrick Bateman. It made me cringe because apart from being horribly sexist and occasionally using lotion (like not even a full blown everyday routine like bateman did, he literally used moisturizer like once a month) he was a tradesman and didn't work in a high powered white collar job like Bateman. No you aren't Patrick Bateman, you are just a pig who likes to justify the way you treat women by comparing yourself to an edgy, 'alpha male'.
No. 234572
>>234563>laughingSo…making jokes then?
Why are you so focused on the penis cutting jokes and yet conveniently ignore all the other examples of violence against women normalised or joked about in media?
People have explained that violence of both genders is joked about commonly in the media. The reason we are focusing on the violent men is because that is the purpose of the thread. People are more than welcome to make a woman hating thread if they want, or hey maybe go over to reddit or 4chan and I'm sure there are lots of threads about evil women where you can voice your opinion.
No. 234573
>>234568I remember seeing that about 4% of "fathers" are unknowingly raising another man's child.
>there's more than enough science to prove if the child is his if he is this paranoid about cheatingThese tests have only been around for a few decades and many people still don't have access to them.
No. 234578
>>234564This gives men the rights to be more insecure about cheating in a relationship? As anon said, this isn't the norm and you are using a minority as an example. You know a lot of people wear condoms or are on birth control when they cheat, right? This actually proves how sexist you are because you clearly just think women are baby carriers and nothing else.
>Men are allowed to be paranoid insecure assholes about cheating because women COULD get pregnant! gasp Are you serious?
No. 234582
>>2345804% is actually huge when you're being lied to and raising someone else's child for at least 2 decades. Imagine the financial and emotional investment. Don't you agree?
>And dna tests are actually quite easy to obtain, just expensiveIn poor countries many people can't afford them. In certain rich european countries you aren't allowed to test the child without the mother's approval.
No. 234588
>>234582don't talk like you actually care about the kids and father's situation lol. You just wanna use it to get oppression points for yourself to complain about how horrible you have it.
It's still not worse than domestic violence, and rape.
No. 234589
>>234582In the United States, 83% of single parents are mothers. I'm sure a lot of those were cases where the man left her to raise the child on her own. To quote your stupid logic- 83% sure is a large number when you are being lied to!
You are an absolute bell end.
No. 234592
>>234586uhh no it's not lmao how you conveniently didn't link the article… I wonder why hmm
>Even if the number is just 1%, it's still a big problem.and? tell me how many women get sexually assaulted, raped, abused, cheated on, etc and if you speak out about it or are paranoid about it people like you scream feminazi and mock women for being paranoid but yeah the below 1% of men who are raising a child that isn't theirs is totally a huge problem and something to be paranoid about
No. 234594
>>234590No that's why YOU are paranoid about cheating.
If you're not aware of it there is plenty of well balanced men out there who don't think 24/7 about their gf cheating on them.
No. 234595
>>234586Lol no… 1% is a
minor problem. 4% is also minor as fuck.
It's still a problem and sure it's not a nice thing, the women here aren't condoning that men should raise someone else's kid if they aren't aware of the truth but for the last time men's rights are not the topic of this thread.
No. 234596
>>234590Not even close to the points
>>234589 brought up.
And it's not like men has cheated on women since the dawn of time and still. Men getting a taste of their own medicine is just good. But noo, most men are too weak, so they ''go their own way''.
You just expect women to be quiet little dolls sitting in a corner when you don't use her. While men can abuse, rape, murder, and cheat as much as they wish. But when women do it, one/tenth (or even less that that) the time of men, you get paranoid. what the fuck
No. 234597
>>234104It's really sick how our society treats animal abuse. People who abuse animals are given very short sentences and in some cases do go on to abuse children or murder. But it's like nobody gives a shit until a human is injured and then what they did to animals is treated as ~a sign nobody noticed~. I felt sick reading that article, I wish I hadn't.
I even hate how eating meat is considered "macho" and "cool" by a lot of men. I think the gross "oink oink I love bacon" attitude is really aggressive and has a lot of similarities to how men treat women. They see both as objects there for their satisfaction and can't sympathise with either.
No. 234599
>men are paranoid about women cheating because they could carry someone else's baby
>goes on about this being an issue because it happens to 4% of men
> Constantly defends men's behaviour in a thread despite it not being the thread's topic
>Am I saying it's better or worse? I'm just saying it happens.NOONE is saying it doesn't fucking happen you knob.
No. 234602
I cannot think of ONE woman in my life that has not been either raped, sexually harrassed verbally and/or phycically, touched without consent, intimidated by a man or something.
Also knowing that men have deep wished to violently dominate women makes me scared.
>I even hate how eating meat is considered "macho" and "cool" by a lot of men.I can only speak for Europe/my own culture which is a fisherman/herder/peasant culture. but I think it might have deep historical ties. Because back (even just 30 years ago where I live) in the day when men had to work hard to provide for their family they probably emphasised the fact that they needed to eat lots of meat to be strong or whatever.
HOWEVER, fat disgusting American men that just sit infront of their PC with their bacon, doritos, and paper towels for wanking while hating on women, and saying shit like ''oink oink I love bacon'', is disgusting ffs.
No. 234618
>>234616There's an old creep that uses the same joke everytime. If you ask 'what would you like?' He replies with 'hmmm blonde…brunette..redhead…not sure today!'
He is super old and has tried to use this 3 times on me. The last 2 times I tried to ask him if he needed help but in a way he wouldn't be able to use that joke. The veey last time I gave him the cold shoulder when he tried the flirting and he was visibly hurt and proceeded to turn into a slightly rude passive aggressive customer. He obviously uses this same joke because he didn't remember repeating it to me and I've actually witnessed him do it to other young girls and cringed. I hate the logic of he's just an old guy having a joke and probably thinks he's funny and harmless but as far as I can tell he doesn't have a mental illness or a brain disorder. He's just a pig.
No. 234621
>>234619That sucks anon. I've experienced some younger ones too as well as the old farts. I hate when men try to defend this by saying 'they are just trying to compliment you' or even worse, 'I bet you wouldn't have complained if he was your type'
Sorry, but no. Even if a Brad Pitt lookalike with a 10 inch cock came in and flirted with me, I'd still find it fucking creepy because you really have to question the motives of some loser that tries to pick up a girl at her job. Men think women are bitchy and frigid for not wanting to be harrassed at their jobs but I can tell you now how many fathers would be annoyed if they met their daughter's date and found out that he met her by picking her up at her job.
No. 234623
>>234621That reminds me of another point about how fathers and older brothers try to 'protect' their daughters/sisters from being promiscuous yet it's fine for the sons to fuck around. My own father is horribly sexist in this way as he cares about his sons furthering their careers while he always complains that his daughters need to marry guys that will look after them. I also hate when (because he claims to follow buddhism) that he says shit like 'it's harder for women to achieve enlightment because they are too emotional'
I love my dad but sometimes I'm speechless at his sexism.
No. 234631
>>234624You still did the right thing by not laughing. I know those situations make you feel like a bitch, and salty guys sometimes project because they couldn't get what they wanted. It's purely his ego got hurt.
Those women were assholes for not standing up for you or even protecting you as you were a lot younger.
No. 234658
>>234649>They always bitch that women are too passive aggressive, and that they give the silent treatment instead of telling the man what the problem is but as soon as a woman tells the man what the problem is he complains that she is nagging. really? I've only ever seen men give women the silent treatment, not just from past boyfriends but most women I know have had men do it to them as well
once I even had a male roommate who stole my car on several occasions (ik I posted this before) he got tickets in it, when I tried talking to him about it he made him, his gf and everyone else ignore me just because I was upset he got tickets in my car, then uses rent as an excuse despite the fact he told me I could stay until I found a job and I could get the money the next day, and he makes more than me and claims to be super rich from bitcoin (but I ended up finding out he was a compulsive liar) and would make a "pay rent" jab in any convo I could have with him despite the fact I filled out more than 900 applications according to my indeed and had several interviews when I came back to town, anytime I got mad about something he would get passive aggressive, I've never seen a woman do this before, not to mention he kicked me out because I asked someone else where he was and made up all kinds of shit, when I told him where can I sleep he said "it's not for me to figure out" then when I pointed out how careless they're being, when he even said himself it's dangerous to sleep in cars but it's okay if he makes me do it, he screamed manipulation at anything I said, accused me of lying and being manipulative then when I ask for example of how he completely ignored it and told me to "Stop being a piece of shit"
he would lie about anything and everything for no apparent reason, I should have seen it as a redflag when I found out he lied about stupid shit but he would start lying about me, friends, claim to have done all kinds of shit, if I mentioned a new thing he would claim he done it, like I could mention getting assistance or something with living he would make up a BS story about how he already did it with and it was actually shit and how it's stupid I would even consider that and how I should pay rent, then once when he stole my car, he claimed I let him take it despite the fact I didn't even say a word to him that day in question, he claimed I went to his friends house on several occasions looking for him which makes no sense because I was out of town for the past weeks and I only went over once and called in advance to explain why (I needed internet to fill out job applications and the AC was broke) and I have never done it before
anyway, sage for splerging, but I ONLY ever see men being big babies and storming off and being passive aggressive and giving silent treatments, never women
No. 234669
>>234546I never said they can't make jokes or it "hurts my feelings"
I said men love hurting women and desperately look for any reason to hurt them or watch them get hurt, because well it's true
Idc about jokes as long as people making them know there's a time and place for that and don't evolve into actual sexism and wanting to hurt women like a lot of the chan jokes did, whether people like to admit it or not there's a slipperly slope, remember when nazi jokes were just jokes and then it turned into a lot of people becoming actual fucking nazis? same with pedophilia?
No. 234679
>>234673Ah okay. I disagree with you on the other point only because as a woman myself, I've found I've personally had to be passive aggressive in situations or half-joke/half-lecture male partners in the past to call them out on their shit in a gentler way, because communicating like a straightfoward adult normally hurts their feelings and damages their fragile ego.
Same as how I've had to tell them white lies about hanging with a female friend rather than going out for a walk by myself because they get so paranoid about cheating.
>straight forwardHey, could you please not put the empty milk carton back in the fridge if it's empty?
gets defensive like you are telling them off
>passive aggressive approachfake laugh haha! I totally went to go pour the milk haha and nothing came out
>response Hahaha that's so funny. Yeah I need to get more.
goes back to doing whatever because this conversation seems like a casual joke No. 234683
>>234679I have dated many oversensitive men who hate being told they are wrong in a situation. I feel like because I'm quite a submissive person who doesn't like to cause a fuss or hurt feelings, these types try to date me because they feel they won't be challenged. They often get very mad when I do voice my concerns directly, so I have learnt to walk on eggshells and say things differently so they won't get annoyed with me. I've dated so many of these types that I'm literally psychic in a way that I know what responses to avoid that will hurt their feelings so I often joke or mention it casually. Or if it's something that realllly upsets me,I wait till we have a 'proper fight' and actually say it directly with passion.
I should really grow a spine but my self esteem is shot.
No. 234704
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In which a 50 year old brave conservative patriot reduces a group of protesting high schools to their look and attractiveness to men.
No. 234709
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And can you blame them? Women can't have any fun without some incel crying about it.
No. 234722
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>>234714men are disgusted at vaginas too, pleasurable sex for women doesn't exist anymore except in eroticas written by women
No. 234725
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>>233827someone (kinda) beat you to it
No. 234732
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Hopefully some will get a titter out of this even tho its kinda depressing when you think about it.
No. 234735
>>234732I get there's different types of men everywhere but it's funny how when you complain about a certain problem men do, everyone turns around and claims they would never, like there HAS to be a fuck ton of men contradicting themselves
there's no men on the face of the planet who hasn't done several misogynistic things, and that's sad
No. 234743
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>>234733Aw thank you anon, I hope this one makes you chuckle too if you haven't already seen it.
>>234735Its denial and guilt, which leads to, as you rightly pointed out, them doing at least several misogynistic things they will not admit to.
No. 234747
>>234743Kyle sounds like he's talking about an entirely different species like what the fuck.
>Do women actually orgasm????
Does this bitch think we've never talked or written about our own orgasms before? I just… he's so stupid.
No. 234750
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>>234747Looks like his male friends are just as dumb kek
No. 234796
Hetero sex to me seems really disgusting and animalistic, its not something that I want to participate in. I've been in ''sexual'' situations before, and it really just made me realise how much I hate the thought of having sex with a man. Mostly because ALL of the situations I have been in has been without my consent and worth taken into consideration. Even when I screamed for a guy to stop he didn't. When I asked a guy to stop calling me different slurs he didn't. They just continue to intimidate, physically and mentally abuse women.
I'm just stuck with these memories in my head that gets triggered each time I see anything heterosexual, from couples kissing, music video, films, ESPECIALLY porn. It's every-fucking-where.
I used to be bisexual, but their hatred and violence towards us has made me scared of the thought of being with a man. Most of my male friends that used to be normal has said shit like they'd rape a woman, how we should shut up, not vote, and all the other classic things. Most men say that either as a joke, or don't say it. But we know that they want to do horrible things to us, just by looking at the porn they watch.
I'm just sad that no hot lesbian women exist where I live..
sorry for rant.
No. 234802
>>234796men think going out of their way to make sex painful and unenjoyable for women is sexy and women love it when they don't even enjoy it themselves most of the time, they're just mindlessly bandwagoning from what they see in porn and think "oh well I saw it in porn so it MUST be good"
if you're a girl and don't enjoy having your asshole rammed dry then being forced to deepthroat his shit tasting dick since most men don't know how anal works then you're just a boring prude and should except to get cheated on by a girl who's better at pretending she likes it and doesn't care about feeling good during sex
>Most men say that either as a joke, or don't say it. But we know that they want to do horrible things to us, just by looking at the porn they watch.yep, even the on thing they say women supposedly good for according to them they had to ruin and go out of their way to make women uncomfortable and in pain during it
most men even hate foreplay that isn't catered to them for fucks sake, hell most men get more pleasure out of undressing women and judging their bodies so they can tell their buds later about her stretchmarks and big nipples or whatever than they actually enjoy womens bodies at this point
I'd say we should bandwagon sex until men learn to fucking enjoy it instead of pretending like slapping vaginas and dry anal is sexy and enjoyable for men and women, but there will always be handmaidens pretending to be into this shit to impress men which will only make men want to do worse
>>234792>I've noticed how straight and gay men are united in their disgust of vaginas.exactly and then they make up this fantasy that women are obsessed with cocks and want women to be addicted to dick and make all these weird memes and videos and shit of women begging to see mens dicks and getting off from sucking them and stuff but are hesitant to even finger women
like your dick is ugly, smelly, weird and deformed and most women barely get pleasure out of it, at least some vaginas can be appealing and there's more you can do to it and most women give a shit enough about their partner to wash, shave, take care of the skin, have a diet to where it smells nice, and men will not shower for days and eat microwave ravioli and keep their pubes unshaved and expect women to worship their cock
ot and blog but my bf is into sadomasochism sexually and not the pretentious june and greg type since he was into it before everyone started jumping into the bdsm bandwagon and even he doesn't turn bitchy and play victim or want to cheat if I ask him not to do anal or if I'm just not in the mood to be pushed around or whatever, he just accepts it and is more gentle and soft with me and both of us still enjoy it, people have perpetuated this idea that the only good sex is hard painful sex and softcore, romantic stuff is boring and laughable because how dare people enjoy sex emotionally and without pain!
No. 234804
>>234802>there will always be handmaidens pretending to be into this shit to impress men which will only make men want to do worseStop calling women handmaidens just because they have kinks different than yours. You do BDSM ffs.
>>234714>Facials are an extreme form of degradation, you're basically putting your disgusting slimy sperm all over someone's being / identity.Just because you think an act is degrading it doesn't mean every woman thinks the same.
No. 234806
>>234804>Stop calling women handmaidens just because they have kinks different than yours.I call them handmaidens because it's more than obvious they're bullshitting and pretending to have a kink and jumping on the bdsm bandwagon, no not all women into bdsm are handmaidens but lets not pretend a huge deal of newcomers aren't just pretentious hoes who wanna be ~kinky~ when you can tell most aren't actually into it
>You do BDSM ffs.I have limits, do it safely, sanely, don't feel the need to scream "LOL GUYS I DO BDSM I LIKE BEING SLAPPED XD" everywhere, it's just what I like doing with my partner and nothing more than that
>Just because you think an act is degrading it doesn't mean every woman thinks the same.let me guess, you're not like other girls because you like having smelly jizz on your face because it's totally hot and pleasurable to have smelly fluids on your face for some reason, it is, by definition, degrading, men have this weird thing about women being obsessed with cum, like lolno it smells fucking disgusting, no one wants it on them or near them
No. 234810
>>234809me apparently even though nothing I said even closely related to daddy kinks, choking, or calling people kinks gross
>>234808I don't like choking, daddy kink is gross, and I never called anyone kinks disgusting besides the ones who are more than obvious into it because they have true intentions and bdsm just enables them
I just pointed out there's a huge deal of people mindlessly jumping on the bandwagon and pretending to be into it and trying to make it as worse as possible but you have to enjoy it somehow, I mention my own kinks as an example since there's no denying that most people into it are pretending and don't give a shit about the other person into it
No. 234811
>>234743>no conclusive physiological evidenceUm, yes there is. Is he getting orgasms mixed up with female ejaculation, which I believe is still debated?
>>234802>>234796Men will legit take sex tips from anywhere and anyone but their sex partner. It'd be simple just to ask the person what they're into (especially since everyone is different and a new partner may hate what an old partner liked) but they'd rather just assume everybody likes what they see in porn and not gaf about their partner.
No. 234839
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>>234812Yeah the hypocrisy irritates me. Some guy I knew who used to brag about banging strippers with his ex gf, got very posessive of me when he found out I was a virgin. Said I would be perfect marriage material, his parents would love me etc. When I asked why he didn't feel the same about his ex he said bc she was a whore who banged strippers….WITH HIM.
He then tried to stop me talking to other guys saying they just want to take my virginity and they wouldn't appreciate me etc. And lets be clear here is not people who are like this its mostly men because of double standards, as you said they think they can have a sexuality but women are somehow less for being the same.
No. 234855
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>>234462No one likes trannies lol
No. 234857
>>234597I completely agree with this. The image of a man eating meat making me feel unwell because >objects there for their satisfaction.
There’s no compassion for anything, just a need for their own desire to be sated. Disgusting.
No. 234894
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>>234842er, no. I dont want some used up man whore.
No. 234905
>>234899Men love playing victim and screaming women get away with every thing because of how many men are incarcerated(using the same logic as the wage gap but its okay if it victimizes men right) but never take a look at themselves
Pedophiles get away with everything, most sentence they'll get is 2 years at most, even subway dude got 1 yr for each child, ruin a childs life get one year, but cry about how "women get away with raping little boys if she was a man she would get life in prison!" Because a 24 yr old teacher slept with an 18 yr old high schooler with consent
Men want to get away with everything so they cry and play victim when they can't, I think pedophiles should be excutated yes even lolicon and cp hackers
Especially military men, they're the worse and act horrible and always get away with it
I use to work in a military town and theyre always fucking horrible and want freeshit here and there and the world worships them, they get away with murder and abuse to the point people scream and tell women to expect to be abused if they marry a military man
No. 234913
>>234911And ofc the classic "IF IT WAS A CHICK SHE WOULD HAVE WALKED AWAY!!!"
I never understand why men makeup lies like that are completely and easily untrue. They want to play victim so badly and just want to get away with everything
No. 234915
>>234901Lemme guess you're the incel who wont go away. But seriously I dont, I've never understood the attraction to men who cant keep it in their pants.
No. 234916
>>234915me either not to mention how many men bitch about if their exes body is better than their currents or whatever, I'd never date a guy who has had more than 3 partners and I pity women who do
not to mention higher chance of cheating
No. 234923
>>234920True and 90% of men have HPV
They cheat more, men are degenerates
At least women are happy and fufilled fucking other women and they dont suck and bed and get off by making women uncomfortable, unlike men who go insane when they dont get their precious dick wet all while screaming about how awful women are despite them being worse than women
No. 234927
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>>234804Dumbass, you know the facial cumshot starting being featured in porn primarily because it is degrading? Men like it because it is degrading and "marking their territory." What you think about it doesn't even matter at that point.
No. 234967
>>234927they hate women so much they had to "get revenge" by making sex bad for women
and what's it for? for not having sex with them of course!
men are fucking children, it's all or nothing because obviously the entire world has to be in their dating pool or should get stabbed
No. 234985
>>234927OK but men like that also have said shit like "women squat to pee, that proves they're inferior," they think being a woman is inherently degrading and pathetic, so of course they're going to color any sex act in a degrading way. They have an unhealthy, vitriolic perception of sex and nothing is sacred to them. You're right that those particular men are doing it to be degrading, but that doesn't mean it's going to feel that way for everyone outside of porn. You could color anything in a negative degrading light, and your feelings are valid, but there's not much that's inherent to these acts. It just depends on the intentions and feelings of the people involved, so it's totally possible for people to engage in these acts without there being anything really degrading about it, if there's no malice or shame between them.
I really don't want to come off super sex posi or muh kinkshaming because I realize how gross and manipulative that ideology is, but at the same time I hate to see people put off of inherently meaningless acts just because some porno jerk has interpreted it in a fucked up way with his idiotic sociopathic perception. If I dont like something I want it to be because I really don't like it, not just because some sad creep I don't know thinks of it as narcissistic supply.
No. 234994
>>234987>samefag but couldn't you say the same thing about face sitting? you're smothering someones whole being and identity with your vag!!! most men want women to sit on their face, even dominant guys I knew loved face sitting, it's more of a sex position used for sex than it is for degrading
>it's only as negative as the people involved think it is. and as positive.the entire point of face sitting wasn't to degrade, I wouldn't even compare the two, what's the pleasure out of having someones yeasty nasty smelling jizz on your face?
>you've attached negative qualities to body parts and fluids that are inherently devoid of meaning.we didn't, the entire point of facials was to degrade, the reason why it even became a thing is to degrade, there's no benefits to it for either party though
>>234985>I hate to see people put off of inherently meaningless acts just because some porno jerkmost men get their ideas and fetishes and what they wanna do during sex because of porn, because it was made to degrade and if we're being honest most men wouldn't give two shits about facials if it wasn't for porn, do yes, 99% of the time it's use to degrade
No. 235002
>>235001>Oral sex, anal sex are as old as sex itself. but guess why it gained popularity? you think men went from going from "ew buttholes" to "i wanna stick my tongue nose and dick in there dry" without any help from porn? just because things are invented doesn't invalidate the fact men are easily influenced by porn
>Pornography on video didn't invent degrading sex it fetishes. again, invention =/= popularity
not a good point
>Unless you count literature erotica and paintings or texts like the Kama Sutra as pornography.they do have influence but peoples cultures also influence their sex lifes, and in todays world men are heavily and negatively influenced by porn and there's no denying it
No. 235008
>>235007>My point is men have always been influenced by sexual material and sexual fiction,then why disagree? it's only been getting worse and more violent and uncomfortable and women are supposed to like it because enjoying having your asshole torn is so hot
>Women watch porn, women write most of the fucked up fanfic you see on the internet most women don't like porn either and I don't blame them, there's barely any foreplay
for the fucked up fanfic, I don't see this. and I read tons of ero,a lot of ero written by women tends to be gentle even when it's on the harder side they still care about womens pleasure
but I don't know what you would consider fucked up, and there are edge lords on tumblr who pretend like being stabbed makes them orgasm when it's more than obvious no one would enjoy that
>you don't see women begging their boyfriends to have threesomes, or to be pegged like how men bet their girlfriends into doing anal.because women actually give a shit about their partner and want good sex lifes that aren't soley catered and revolved around them
No. 235025
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>>234399These are amazing.
No. 235027
>>235010Keep that shit to yourself anon, I'm gagging.
You're demented if you think it has nothing to do with degradation. Men describe it as "marking my territory" "being turned on by being with such a filthy whore" "wanting her to accept to do something humiliating" a lot of them even admit to feeling kinda bad and disgusted after the act! Who wouldn't? just google facial cumshot and see how repulsive it looks.
No. 235030
>>235001>Oral sex, anal sex are as old as sex itself. Pornography on video didn't invent degrading sex it fetishesOral sex, hell even anal seems different from kinks and fetishes though. The latter at least makes sense, it doesn't take much thought to put mouth + genitals together because it feels good and makes sex better. Kinks and fetishes though? How do things like scat or extremely dangerous acts make sense? Our far off ancestors probably weren't pissing on each other to obtain sexual gratification from it. That's definitely not how babies are made. BDSM seems counter-intuitive to a successful mating process as well.
Idk. I think if it wasn't for modern porn those things would be much more rare and isolated, but since this shit is so widely available now and it escalates sexual tastes we have to put up with it gaining traction.
No. 235058
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Men are mad again because their perfect qt waifu Irene has been corruputed by the feminist agenda and isn't a subservient woman. Also, what a bunch of fucking retards. Even if you burn her selfies (which, by the way, is a totally sane reaction to someone reading a book) you've already paid for it. Another case of men pushing the fantasy of a subservient asian gf and getting mad when she dare educates herself.
No. 235059
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>>235030In the old days guys got excited seeing a woman show a bit of leg or her skirt being blown up by a gust of wind…Now a days they need to see a woman near death during sex(choking, gagging, slapping).
No. 235062
>>235058Isn't she known for being good at/or liking to do chores?
Not even that is enough for them, they even wnat to dictate what a women does in her free time (or they'd probably prefer she doesn't/couldn't read at all…)
No. 235066
>>235029>>235030Agreed. I feel like men has watched so many fucked up things in the last decades from they were children to adults, that even things like slapping, choking.. bla bla bla.. is not enough anymore. So they have to go for even sicker things, such as loli, scat, knifes and whatever else sick comes to mind just to get their dick hard.
I guess for some guys it will not be enough to watch role play rape porn or even actual rape porn, so they'll go out and rape women in their area.
No. 235067
>>235058men call feminists
triggered then turn around and do this? whatever happened to "good feminists and bad feminists!!! it's not anti woman!!"
I swear the anti fems have been exposing themselves every step of the way and they wonder why everyone is leaving them
>>235059not to mention you have to have a perfect body for men to be able to get off,if a girl today looked like marilyn body wise her bf would be begging her to get ass and boob implants and waist train more, men back then just wanted healthy look women with good proportions
No. 235075
>>234003>I hate how they put a flat chested woman to play hershe's not flat, she has tits, they're just small
>>234049>I'm just mad that people like erasing women with big breasts because of men.they're not, they just choose a small breasted woman to play lara,you act like it's a world wide thing thats happening
>>234051>More like people keep erasing big boobs cause of women.nope
>>234055>Feminists have this theory that big breasts on a woman is sexist.they don't the only time I ever seen this is with anita sarkesian, which feminists disagree with but whatever you need to stretch to play victim
>>234056>It's like women with big breasts must be punished for daring to have a body some men find sexy.oh boo hoo, no one thinks this, big breasts have been in since the dawn of time and now because one fucking movie chose a small breasted woman to play a character whos body has always been changing you wanna play victim and claim "women with big boobs are being punished because im sexy!!!" are you an egotistical 12 yr old?
>>234060>They think that a specific body type similar to Lara Croft's, Bayonetta or a Disney character's is "appealing to the male fantasy" thus it's
>Especially with video games, Feminists think a small waist and big boobs are "unrealistic" because most feminists are obese with pancake tits or beta males."hurr feminists are fat!!! that's why the shit I'm stretching and exaggerating is happening!! even though the one feminist that does stay stuff like this isn't fat or has pancake tits"
>People think it's progressive to minimize boob size and remove sex appeal while also parading around with your tits also what feminist is "parading around with their tits out" being the same one to want to "minimize boobs" sounds like you're talking about two different people but as you proven earlier you love stretching and making shit up
>>234066>Lara was an inspiration to me as a teenager ALSO because of her looks. As a teenager who would wear sweaters during summer to hide my boobs I hate seeing Lara's body type erased in the movies.the only behavior I've ever seen this from is from fat girls with big tits because they're fat, slim women with big breasts love their body, you're butthurt because they casted a girl with a boob size you didn't like to play lara meanwhile big tits are everywhere and women are spending billions a year to get big boobs but oh no youre being oppressed for having cowtits somehow
>>234075>It's not her breast size. It has more to do with the fact that a lady can be sexy and bad ass at the same timeanother lie if this was true you wouldnt by making shit up about evil feminists are reacting to her tits
>>234078> liked seeing a woman with big boobs doing what she did. In real life I was just hiding just said it was about being sexy and badass, fuck off, you're contradicting yourself every step of the way, don't blame other for insecurity issues despite the feature you claim to have is more than desirable to the point where men break up with women for not having big boobs but boo fucking hoo poor you 1 feminist didn't like hentai bodies in video games and they casted a woman with a boob size you didn't like so that means you're being oppressed and punished
>>234080>Removal of her breasts is kinda gay though. Like, why not just shave her head, too? Throw a Hijab on her.that makes no sense, I've seen small breasts look feminine sometimes even more feminine than big boobs, why is it such a big deal
>>234083> I said they removed a part of her femininity. Breasts are kinda the staple thing of a woman aside from a vagina.(Btw, I love women with small tits more than women with big ones)
you love women with small tits but make a huge fucking deal about how you don't like laras tit size, claiming they "might as well shave her head and put a hijab on her" all over her fucking boobs, you need to seek help for your compulsive lying
No. 235086
>>234839I can sympathise. When I was in highschool, my boyfriend was out of school and older. He was the first person to show me porn and would try and get me to do absolutely everything under the sun. He bought me alcohol and when I vomited and passed out, he had anal sex with me. He wanted me to bleach my hair blonde and wear clothes I wasn't comfortable with. He knew i loved to draw and paint and asked me to draw him people having sex. He literally made me think that my only worth was sex and my looks.
Anyway, he was giving up weed kind of when I met him. He was smoking it one night and I really wanted to try it. He wouldn't let me and told me 'only sluts smoke weed and take drugs'
No. 235092
>>235089they suck at sex so they fantasize that the only reason why womens vaginas get that way is from sex so they don't feel insecure
not to mention they love blaming womens "flaws" on them, anything they can twist, turn and pin on women, they will even if it's a lie, they will tell themselves a lie just to give themselves comfort
men blame womens acne on women, if you're a woman and gain weight there must be no other possible reason than because you sit around and eat like shit, boobs/curves get smaller? your fault, dont get surgery though everything is womens fault
No. 235094
>>235093>Tons of games, especially Japanese games, get censored in the west to appease people who think like that.then give me one proof since is apparently happens o so often then right?
people, especially on the big bad tumblr you complain about so much draw extreme proportions all the fucking time, you have to be BEYOND delusional if you think things are being censored because those big fat feminists are upset over being "sexy"
No. 235097
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>>235096holy shit you are ridiculous if you think this has anything to do with "BIG FAT FEMINISTS HARPIES GETTING MAD AND PUNISHING WOMEN FOR BEING SEXY"
you don't even take in mind that it could be the fact she 13 YEARS OLD and people don't think kids should be sexualized ?
No. 235100
>>235098again, is it because they are fucking children running around in lingerie? it is it "THE BAD FEMINIST HARPIES REMOVING FEMININITY AND PUNISHING WOMEN FOR HAVING BOOBS!!!"
if they are censoring children, then any non-pedo would support them 100%
No. 235118
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>Women are women's worst enemies because they criticize their clothe not men who rape and murder them, believe me! titled : what are you tired of explaining to women?
Full on treasures.
No. 235121
>>235091In my experience, sub men tend to not be very open about their kinks due to the stigma attached to them. It doesn't help that a lot of self proclaimed male subs aren't actually submissive and make the rest of them look bad. I've only met one other guy I would say is truly submissive, but guys with sub tendencies are more common than you might think.
You gotta understand that a lot of men fall for the 'you have to be a domineering alpha at all times' shtick. The ones that don't are more likely to be submissive, or at least be okay with submitting to you occasionally.
You could try fetlife, but sub men seem to not be held in high regard there. The people there are mostly middle aged swinger types it seems.
No. 235129
Sounds weird, but although I disagree with the cow tit anon on most of her views, and I also hate the fact breasts are sexualised, I do understand why certain things are censored to some degree for little kids.I know a lot of kids wouldn't notice or care but there's always that kid that knows a little bit too much in that area and will discuss it with classmates anyway. For example, there was a segment where Katy Perry and Elmo sang on sesame street and I saw nothing wrong with it, but some parents were outraged at Katy's cleavage. Now, in my view, I thought Katy's outfit was a lot similar to Tinkerbell. That's because I wasn't focused on her breasts.
After working at a daycare and meeting all types of parents and kids, I noticed there are some that raise their kids correctly. For example let's say that a mother and child are watching Katy Perry and Elmo. Let's just say the child says or asks about Katy's boobs. Let's say said child exclaimed 'she has booobies'
A good parent will say something like 'Yes she does' or 'yes, women have boobies'
Unfortunately because our society is so sexually charged, a lot of parents would be uncomfortable at that question and either change the question or some even scold the child for talking about it. I understand that sexuality, although nothing to be ashamed of, does need to remain in the realm of adults and parents should inform their kids when asked these things BUT in an age appropriate manner. And unfortunately some people just dont want to explain that stuff to kids or are too weird about it and that's why I understand that they censor stuff like cartoons or kid's shows. It's nothing to do with giant tits, but breasts and women's bodies in general and while I don't agree with it, I get the parents view to SOME degree.
No. 235150
>>235145I would ditch him. If he asks why, explain that you were simply confiding in him a fear as to why you didn't feel safe. Instead of listening or trying to understand, he made you feel like you were trying to boast and humblebrag about men harrassing you. Even if it only happened once or hell, even if guys never harrassed you in public, you have a right to have that fear and he shouldn't have shat all over your feelings like that. Not only that but he told his mate.
Sounds like a loser. Ditch him. He's trying to gaslight you.
No. 235209
>>235118this is funny considering men go on huge rants and act
triggered if a girl with a small butt wears yoga pants or shorts
No. 235211
>>235132>little girl are starting to wear bikini to hide their nonexistent breast is so weird to me. (there are SO many pedophiles in america it's insane, not to mention men here take creepshots, men will take creepshots of YOGA PANTS ffs so much its disturbing and disgusting, I wish I lived in an environment like that
obviously I get it'se sexualized because it turns people on -shudder- but I just wish people saw boobs as just boobs, meant to feed children, not meant to be big ol perky perfect breast to hide and perfect get their jimmies russeled if they see a girls nipple poke through her shirt
No. 235213
>>235135> I don't want my child to be ashamed of their body but at the same time, other people would sexualise it, so I probably wouldn't buy one for my kid if I had one. I'd buy my kids one pieces, nothing is wrong with two pieces but the thought of kids being sexualized by pedophiles really urks and disturbs me, I also would only allow them to go swimming in trusted environments where I can keep my eye on them at all times, I don't mean to sound like that person or a crazy mom but I was close to someone who had been molested under pool water by a pedophile
>She didn't really take me proper bra shopping either. Kinda but not's a really weird stigma tbh, girls aren't supposed to have their nipples poke through their shirt but you aren't supposed to wear a bra unless you get big boobs
In middle school, I was told to cover up if my nipples poked through but in the locker room almost everyone would tell me I'm flat and don't need a bra
like which one is it?
No. 235219
>>235213>like which one is it?depends on who is in front of you. that's the problem with trying to "prevent" pedo behavior like leering and creeping pics by avoiding public placeswhere they might lurk- until you start punishing the
pedophile for being a fucking creep then it'll never stop, no matter what. I think playgrounds should have security guards to take notice of things like people without children hanging around playgrounds during the day when most childless adults are at work, or when a parent walks off and leaves their kid.
No. 235223
>>235213Such a weird stigma indeed! I was always told 'you don't need a bra, you have small tits' and once I grew up (still with A cup breasts) I was told by my boyfriend and mother that I should wear bras whilst in public.
I don't understand because I have long hair and often just wear my hair down over the front to cover my nips or hold my wallet and phone up to guard my chest while in public.
My bf tried to explain it nicely 'i know you aren't trying to provoke anyone sexually but be aware that men will stare' because he knows I just throw on a t shirt without a care, but I find it uncomfortable that I just want to be comfy and there are creeps checking out my barely noticable boobs.
I wear bras when I have sheer tops or at work so nips dont poke through my shirt, but somehow everyone gets butthurt about it when I'm only going to the shops.
Bras hurt my breasts no matter what style or size bra I wear for long periods of time. Why should I feel uncomfortable for other people's sake? Because they can't keep their eyes and comments to themselves?
I don't wear underwear either unless i am on my period or I'm wearing a dress/skirt and I hate when people lecture me about that after finding out in a discussion that i dont wear underwear.
I remember going to a guy's house and obviously sex was going to happen, but when he asked me to take off my pants he questioned why I had no underpants on and I just shrugged and said I dont really wear them. He told me 'no, that's a lie, you aren't wearing them because you knew what we were going to do and you are a dirty girl'
I felt really annoyed that he couldn't just accept the fact I don't like wearing undies.
I apologize if anyone thinks I'm some crazy hippie and not wearing undies is gross but I wash my jeans and shorts everyday, don't wear anything twice downstairs unless it's been washed and have a clean vagina with no issues from not wearing underwear. It hates me that everything a woman does is fucking sexualised.
No. 235229
>>235223people act so weird about it, people act like I'm appropriating and mocking women with big boobs by wearing a bra, like go protest the bra industry for making small bras if you hate women with boobs you think aren't big enough offends you, I'm not even flat, I'm a small C/B , for some reason people like acting as if women are completely missing breast tissue if you aren't at least a C, same with butts
I just don't get it, it's literally just something you wear under your clothes and strangers get so offended about it, I could understand if you are in a sport or work in an athletic field and have to change in the locker room but why would you care that much about a stranger not wearing a piece of cloth?
No. 235231
>>235118Uh no that’s a dumb fucking post.
Any girl who has gone out wearing less clothing than usual knows men react more to you and pay more attention to you. The issue is that they see it as hot because they think there might be a chance they can get their dicks wet and not because they actually find you more beautiful.
No. 235235
>>235229>or some reason people like acting as if women are completely missing breast tissue if you aren't at least a C, same with buttsthis, I can't find the video but it was titled "no ass' basically the girl was talking about how people act as if someone(women) is less of a person if their because their butts or boobs aren't a certain size or bigger, it's always changing to which is ridiculous, marilyn monroe is an example, to some people they can go on for days about how thicc she is others will think she's flat all around and is just sad skinny fat with horrible body
also notice how with men no one goes around and says "oh he has no dick""he has no balls""he has no jaw""he has no biceps
sometimes they'll say he has no butt but only on extreme like actual fucking 180 degree flat butt situations where as women with round perky but small buts are considered to have no ass
No. 235237
>>235232And I hate how men combat these complaints with 'well I'm programmed that way, I can't help it if she is wearing a low cut top and I look'
Okay maybe you are, but maybe be more discreet in your fucking perving and have some self control and not continue staring after 3 seconds? Are you not embarrassed that you look like a neanderthal gawking like that for an extended time? It's similar to people who try and touch or stare for ages at people with coloured hair. I get that coloured hair draws the eye but glaring at it for more than a minute is fucking rude. Touching it is even worse!
No. 235238
>>235237this honestly
I work at a dance studio and as I was walking to work (in dancewear) a group of men stop IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD to stare at me, it was so fucking uncomfortable and made me nervous, I'd rather them just catcall and keep driving but holy shit it was creepy
who even thinks to do that
No. 235240
>>235235Same as how tall women are expected to have manly personalities and seen as less feminine or not real women while short women are desired more and seen as ideal mates and called endearing terms like pocket rocket ect.
I hate how people try and classify you as less of a woman or more of a woman depending on what body type or the size of those attributes.
The men that do this are the same ones that bawww that women only care about height yet are unaware they do the same thing.
No. 235241
>>235238That's fucking disgusting. You can't even come back from your hobby wearing the clothes you use to dance in without being stared at. Men will sexualise any outfit any profession.
Dancers/nurses whatever.
When do you see women cat calling firemen and telling them to show them their 'hoses'
They are just pigs with no self control.
No. 235242
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Literally just a video about a giant squid grabbing hold of a paddle board. This comment has 41 fucking thumbs up. I didn't even go looking for this shit, this is underneath one of the top comments.
People HATE women and I can't take it anymore.
No. 235247
>>235241is there any typically female profession that isn't sexualized?
cashiers are sexualized
receptionists/ secretaries
even lunch ladies are
No. 235249
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>>235244Oh here's some more. What the fuck?
No. 235251
>>235249Lol I'd have no problem with these posts if they were saying things like 'wow his gf should of helped him' or 'she sounds mean, why isn't she helping him?' But no, they use this video as an example that ALL WOMEN ARE HEARTLESS BITCHES AND THAT'S WHY SHE'S LAUGHING AT HIM.
Had it been a shark, i doubt she would have laughed.
Had it been a man laughing the worst comment would have been 'haha your brother/friend is an asshole' with NO negative comments about his gender. It's so retarded.
No. 235252
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Holy fuck this is funny. Someone (obviously male) left this comment on a product page for a phone case. Yep, you're wishing rape on random people you don't even know but women are the nazis for buying a phone case. Totally checks out.
No. 235253
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>>235251It's just like that fucking bridge collapse that happened in Florida recently. Before the bodies were even cold men on the internet were screeching that this is why women shouldn't be allowed on construction sites or in engineering!!1! Yet tons of male-built bridges and structures have failed, but we don't use that as an excuse to say that ALL men aren't capable of doing something.
Pic related. Every fucking time.
No. 235254
>>235247Even daycare workers. I remember one dad coming in to pick up his child, he was married. He kept asking my older sister if I was in today and kept telling her 'she is really pretty'. He would say this constantly.This creeped me the fuck out and how did my sister respond? With jealousy, stating he never mentioned SHE was pretty.
Another example of a woman brainwashed to believe her looks is her only redeeming feature.
I blame porn mostly for fetishising women in the workplace.
No. 235256
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>>235249Sorry to spam with this, but here's some more. The thing that bothers me is this is JUST a video about marine life interacting with humans. And even that turns into a woman-hate fest. Why? Why the fuck is everyone like this? It's so depressing.
There seriously isn't a man on Earth who doesn't fucking despise women. Hell, even some women are in the comments like "yeah women are dumb lol." It's just so fucking disheartening. No matter what we do, we're hated. For the most simple fucking shit. If it was a man laughing in the video there would either be no comments pointing that out or just comments about HIM and not women as a whole.
I mean look at the thumbs up on these. This isn't fucking /r/incels. This is normal internet.
No. 235262
>>235257I hate Joe Rogan but he recently had Heather Heying (who speaks a lot on this subject) and her husband Brett Weinstein on his show. The way they put it is that men have 2 ways of reproducing:
1. Finding a woman, investing in her long term
2. Finding a woman, impregnating her, abandoning her
Any time a strange guy makes a sexually explicit gesture, he’s essentially communicating number 2
No. 235264
>>235261Yeah I mean ONE woman laughed and now we're all dumb whores. Maybe she didn't understand how dangerous they were? Not everyone knows everything about squid, doesn't make them worthless or evil.
I just really am fed up with this shit. I don't see the point in continuing on in life if everything I do is going to be seen as bad and wrong just because I have a vagina. Like people, especially men, already have these preconceived ideas and even if you do something right they will find some way to discredit it and default back to you being a stupid whore who can't contribute anything.
I just hate being a woman so much. I wish I could go back to childhood when I didn't understand any of this and didn't realize how widespread this shit is. I feel like I was fed lies growing up about how the world is so much more accepting now, ~racism and sexism are over~, and women are seen as equal. It was fucking bullshit. And having that little veil ripped away from me when I saw the truth has been so unbearably painful and depressing. I've never felt more worthless and deserving of death. And for some shit I have no control over, either. Obviously if I could have chosen I would have been born a man.
No. 235266
>>235260Anons are right. Dump this asshole. He'll only try and make you feel bad about more things in the future when you bring them up to him.
My ex was extremely abusive to me in this way. He would say or do really hurtful things and when I tried to tell him I didn't like it or my feelings were hurt, he would accuse me of being dramatic and claim I was putting on a show.
Assholes like this have nothing but selfish needs in mind and they all they want is a compliant gf with no mental disorders or problems because it means they would then have to be emotionally supportive and they don't want to put up with that, they simply want a fun loving hole that doesn't 'paint herself as a victim' He sounds like a selfish and immature sociopath if you ask me. Like even my current bf tells me that when I go through my mental breakdowns it wears him down emotionally, but he accepts me for who I am mental problems and all. He knows that I have helped him through his depression and we help each other through the shit.
Dump this asshole. The fact he told his friend is horrible. He's probably the type to show nudes or homemade sextapes of his girlfriend or wife to his friend too. Men like that have no respect for private relationships.
No. 235267
>>235262Oh man don't even get me started on Joe Rogan. He's so hypocritical and such a meathead. I used to really like his podcasts but he's so fucking sexist and unaware of it. He claims to like Rose (can't remember her last name but she's a female fighter) because she's 'just so cool and not like the otHer GiRls because she shaved her head and doesn't care what people think' but then I watched his podcast with her and it's obvious how much he's drooling over her and sucking up to her whilst her own boyfriend is there for the interview. No joke, he spends the first 10 minutes of the podcast talking about her clothing choice.
Watch it, it's cringey as fuck. I even pointed it out to my bf who loves Rogan and can be a bit weary of feminazis and even he agreed that Joe was being unintentionally creepy.
Also Joe posted a status about how women who hate children are cunts and how he dislikes those types of women (due to his belief that they programmed to be care givers) yet when heaps of people called him out on twitter, he backtracked and said women don't HAVE to be mothers blah blah blah and had some retarded backtracking save which made no sense.
It's difficult because my bf is such a big Joe Rogan fan,(we used to listen to his podcasts together) and I used to really enjoy his open mind and approach to interviews but now I'm convinced that he is still sexist as fuck. He also comments on how beautiful looking certain ufc female fighters are yet you never hear him go on about the attractiveness of the male fighters. Joe Rogan is a knob.
No. 235269
>>235264It's okay anon, there are plenty of women out there that feel exactly the same, but that's no reason to hate being a woman and not continuing on living. Try and be the best woman you can be and fuck what those asshole men say. You are more than a vagina on legs and and a real person with thoughts and feelings. I know it's a man's world and that shit sucks, but by giving in to the mentality that you'll never be happy for being a woman or that you want to die is the same mentality as those negative incel basement dwellers. 'All women hate me so I might as well die'
Prove the assholes wrong and don't become self pitying like the incels that blame women for all their problems. You can do it anon, I believe in you!!!
No. 235270
>>235269>You are more than a vagina on legs and and a real person with thoughts and feelings.We can believe that all we want, but the issue is most of society does not see women that way. I appreciate the sentiment and advice, I really do, and four years ago maybe I could have laughed this off but now it seems like it's everywhere and it really starts to drag me down. It really seems to be getting worse.
I feel so terrible for younger girls who read this shit and internalize it. If I were 12 or 13 reading this it would have ruined me, I think. Even more than it does now. I probably would have just resigned myself to being some dude's fuck puppet and incubator when I grew up.
No. 235271
>>235250Incels think like that because not even once in their lives anybody thought they were attractive lol
For them it'd be like winning the lottery.
No. 235273
>>235268Oh he definitely is just like any other male, He thinks he's empowering these female fighters and validating them with his comments when really he's sexist as fuck.
Same with Onision, tries to whiteknight feminism the last few years since Lainey became this gender bending freak and to score brownie points with women, yet doesn't realise how retarded he sounds when he constantly contradicts his words with sexist behaviour. Examples include making a video of him singing in a wig about domestic abuse (apparently supposed to help domestic abuse victims or raise awareness apparently) rating women on their looks, telling them they are fine without implants yet shames women that get them. Trying out sanitary women's products and claiming how 'gross' it feels even though his whole point was like 'whoah women endure this pain? Omg they are so strong and independent'
I hate males that try not to be sexist,but are completely sexist in their approach to not being sexist.
Fucking idiots.
No. 235275
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>>235273Yeah it's pretty pathetic. They're just so either willfully or purposefully ignorant. They think "empowering women" is telling them how much they want to fuck them and how much their beauty holds value to men.
An example is a recent review of the film Tomb Raider, in which the reviewer more or less said that the new Lara wasn't "empowering women" because she didn't have a stereotypically bombshell (male approved) body and could easily be mistaken for a man.
What men don't realize, and don't care to listen to, is that what will empower women will probably have little to nothing to do with their bodies. Most women don't just want to see a pair of tits flopping around on screen, they want to see well rounded female characters with actual complex development and personalities because we KNOW that women are like that. Men refuse to believe that women have any kind of meaningful internal monologue.
Joe Rogan telling some MMA fighter how hard his dick gets when he looks at her is not empowering her, and it has nothing to do with her work. He most likely knows that, but men literally refuse to view women in any other way. They get a kick out of belittling us and reducing us to holes. It's literally "well a MAN wants to fuck you, that should empower you because a MAN assigned that value to you. You're good enough for a man, congratulations!"
No. 235276
I've had blue hair for years sometimes purple and the amount of dates or just random guys complimemting me with 'I normally hate chicks with coloured hair but you really pull it off' or 'other girls look so trashy when they dye their hair but you look like a cute anime chick haha' PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Like no! You don't get to insult every other woman with similar features but for me you'll 'make an allowance' They expect you to find this complimentary. I dont have any tattoos but i imagine girls with lots of tatts get the same treatment.
No. 235277
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Faggot gets enough hate mail so I'll just post some quality wisdom.
No. 235279
>>235272Yes. I was at a party, was in a bit of a foul mood because I didn't wanna be there, so I didn't drink or dance. Two guys that liked me came up and sat on each side of me, bent over and loudly -so I could hear it- said to eachother ''she is like a price. She's not a slut like the other girls. If you get to have her you've made it'' and a lot of other stupid shit.
I also once experienced something which was exactly like Belle and Gaston.
No. 235281
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>>235275what the fuck, with how they described her I expected some literal box, is THIS what people are calling flat and no curves nowadays?
why are people making it out to be ~faults of feminism~ characters get changed all the time, hell half the pretty little liars cast don't even have the same hair, eyes and skin color as who they're playing yet I don't see anyone screaming about it and making crazy conclusions that it's totally the evil feminists fault
then again women enjoy their shit without worrying if they can cum to the character or not
No. 235282
>>235277So should women just kill themselves, then? Really, what's your solution? You guys bitch about women so much but what do you actually want done here?
If you hate women that fucking much, consider going back to a board that isn't populated by women so you and other men can circlejerk about how all women are worthless whores. What are you getting out of posting this shit here, aside from making people who already feel like shit feel even more like shit?
No. 235283
>>235272yeah, I'm a bit of a quiet person, once had a guy say to me "I like you, you're nice and quiet, you're not like other women"
I'm a raging dyke but im also shy and then when we (the group) started cracking dick jokes and I made violent threats he backed away and settled for some random loud girl
I don't understand the obsession with quiet shy girls, whatever happened to wanting an interesting person with a colorful personality
No. 235284
>>235272I'm the non underwear wearing anon before. The date I refered to wear he shamed me from not wearing underwear was like this. Because he met me at a gaming nightclub weeb type event he seemed to fetishsise me as not being like the other girls. When I got his number i was in cosplay and after meeting up he suggested we have sex in cosplay another time. He also made the point of telling me that he was actually going to pick up a girl dressed as sailor jupiter but she got too drunk and was throwing up so he chose me.
Because I am shy sexually and have trouble opening up instead of taking the hint, he said 'haha you are so guarded it's cute' I'm 'guarded' because I'm nervous you creep. I started ghosting him after and he was like 'it's because you want me to take you on a proper date and not just fuck…isnt it?'
No. It's because you are a creep.
No. 235285
>>235283Because shy to them equals a girl with no confidence and easy to breakdown or more obtainable.
Or neckbeards think shy=more approachable and or less of a slut.
Loud more outgoing girls=stacies apparently.
No. 235286
Typo. Sorry I'm tired.
No. 235291
>>235290It's a dumbass male just hopping in to remind us how inferior and worthless we are, as if some of his brethren haven't already taken care of that task earlier this week.
I just want to know what their motivation is. Do they think that one day, they will post some shit like that and we will all be like "yeah lol ur totally rite women are worthless and we're all going to start deferring to men<3"
I mean come on. Just shitting up the thread on a weekly basis with their r9k approved script.
No. 235294
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this is what men actually believe
No. 235298
>>235294Fucking lol.
This is such a retarded sexist guy thing to say. This guy is either salty because he's paying child support or alimony in a divorce, or is salty because he never gets laud and thinks women are gets a free pass from the world.
What a loser.
No. 235299
>>235293I used to not believe this but over time I've realized that's exactly right. Just look at how men react to JOKES about men. They freak the fuck out, after years of telling women "it's just a joke you feminazi bitch, don't be so stuck up!11"
They are extremely sensitive and their egos are unbelievably fragile. They can't stand it when anyone, especially women, doesn't bow before them and kiss their ass just because they're a MAN and society has told them that they are superior in everyday and are entitled to everything they want. Men that come in here know that literally everything in this thread is true, and they prove it even more when they come screeching about feeeemales and how we're all worthless whores. They don't care to change though, because they don't care, they just hate that women are finally starting to see through their bullshit and how they aren't as special as the world would have them believe.
I mean, women somehow deal with it when literally every single area of the internet devolves into misogynistic drivel, and they don't shit up every single redpill or mgtow board whining about what is being said. We take our complaints to our one little thread on an obscure board, but men can't handle this one little thread. They come here every few days and whine and bitch about how they can't get laid because everyone is inferior to them and women are all bitches.
No. 235300
>>235290It's from some incel's blog.
If you thought I actually thought it was wisdom you need to fuck off. Do I seriously need to add "/s" on an imageboard?
No. 235304
>>235298men today are just pissed that they cant just pump and dump a bitch with their kids and now theyre forced to take some fucking responsibility, and like all men do when they dont get what they want, they twist it to where it is actually oppressive to them
most people would think "ok I don't/can't get custody of kids, so I have to give a little money every month for child support of my own child sounds fair" to men they have to scream how courts are oppressing them and women are privileged and all other crazy bizarre shit that is easily proven wrong
No. 235307
>>235301it was mgtow
also again with "men and females"
not that youtube comments of a regular video are much different
No. 235312
>>235307>"men and females"Not even human huh. More and more with those terms as commonplace, women are just an inferior species to only hurt in their eyes.
Regarding military guys, why any woman would spend time with them is beyond me. Especially infantry.
No. 235316
>>235314For some reason I went down a rabbit hole reading about Abu Ghraib a few days ago. The things that the military personnel did there, both to prisoners and to their fellow soldiers, is fucking appalling and pure evil. Aside from all the degradation, rape, and abuse of the prisoners, I also read stories about American male soldiers raping American female soldiers and the coverups that happened. Apparently a few women died of dehydration in their sleep because they would stop drinking in the middle of the day so that they wouldn't have to go outside to urinate in the middle of the night and risk being raped. My Lai massacre is another example of the military just losing all concept of humanity and destroying everything and everyone they saw.
Sorry, I know this is only tangentially related but it's just fucking scary what people are capable of. The disregard for human life.
No. 235318
>>235312>Regarding military guys, why any woman would spend time with them is beyond me. Especially infantry.military men are the worse, the world sucks their dick and they do nothing but play victim and have a MASSIVE sense of entitlement, they treat anyone and everyone around them like shit, even fucking cashiers and waiters, god I hate them so much
older ones tend to be more kind and gentle though, my grandpa was in the korean war and saw his friends die but doesn't act even comparable as obnoxious and entitled and as victim complex as younger military men do who most of the time don't even see actual fucking combat
No. 235323
>>235319Fuck that's just so depressing. And honestly why I would never want to live or work in a male dominated environment. No man sees women as equals or gives a fuck about their wellbeing and will actively harm them if given the chance. It's pretty much guaranteed you'll be shit on and treated like subhuman trash. And then it will be covered up if you try to draw attention to it and change things. The story that I mentioned about the women dying of dehydration - one of their higher ups basically said "they wanted to be in the military, they can deal with what comes with the territory." But men don't treat other men like that on a large scale. That's just an excuse.
I feel lucky that my field is about an even split between the sexes.
No. 235325
>>235322What an asshole. That reminds me (because you said thai prostitute) about how against mail order brides I am. Financial arrangements where the rich guy is offering money for services or a companion is not as bad because they both get something out of it. However buying a wife from another country especially a poor one where she can't even speak your language angers me. These fat old white men buy tiny poor thai women half their age because they claim to be lonely. Yeah okay, why not go to a dating website in your own country and talk to the countless lonely women your own age?
No. Because you are a fucking control freak and want a childlike hole to cook and have your children. Who cares if she can't speak your language.
I had an argument about this with my extremely sexist father and his argument was 'These men are often giving these poor women a better life in a new country away from poverty'
A better life how, Dad? By making them suck their old wrinkly cocks and do their laundry? They want a sex slave. Not a wife.
If anyone has watched 90 day fiance,there are a few of these beta types that are ugly and or old and feel so entitled to be with these women. It actually makes my blood boil. Nothing but control freaks in my opinion.
No. 235327
>>235325I also watched a doco where it was talking about mail order brides and it was very biased. Showing the lonely ones that end up getting taken advantage of by young russian women scamming them. It really tried to paint them as lonely old guys just wanting a companion.
Sorry old boy, but I feel no compassion for a 60 year old fuckwit sending money over to russian to meet an 18 year old girl, especially when there are lots of nice older ladies their own age in their own country and they know they could never pull this own shit in their own country because an 18 year old wouldn't look twice at them.
No. 235328
>>235319Military definitely breeds sexism and cultivates it as just means of camaraderie among comrades. Its nothing to them to shit on and hate women.
Those guys intimidate and scare me overall. Not only do they see you as just a lesser human sex toy, but they've been trained to kill people with and without weapons.
No. 235329
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I hope this guy gets kicked in the balls repeatedly
>Inb4 the salty incel return and starts crying about this post
No. 235330
>>235329Men don't take rape seriously because they fucking hate women. Period.
And this motherfucker proves it.
No. 235333
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>>235330As I was reading your post I came across this.
Not exactly the same sentiment but I feel related.
No. 235334
>>235319Oh samefag but another thing he told me was that the navy boys often play a game called Pig Hunters. Basically they all put money in a hat and go out to pubs and clubs drinking. They all pick a realllly ugly or overweight girl and all start to hit on her or shower her in affection. The one that succeeds in fucking her,wins all the money in the hat.
Needless to say, I was horrified.
No. 235335
>>235333Yeah I feel this hard. I wish I had the courage to actually ask my own father these things. He constantly tells me how all women are whores and disparages women in front of me, saying they're only good for sex and cooking. Yet he has always encouraged me to get an education, tells me how smart and capable I am, and how he's so proud of me and all that shit.
WHY? How can you say that all women are worthless and yet somehow I'm different? How the fuck can you compartmentalize women as either fuckholes or actual human beings? So he either also thinks about me that way and is just going through the motions of being a supportive father, or men are literally incapable of feeling empathy for women who have no relation to themselves. Those women don't "belong" to them and they aren't an extension of them so they mean nothing.
It's so infinitely depressing and honestly suicide fuel.
No. 235336
>>235333Oh my god. This is so true.
One of the guys in 90 day fiance trys it with a thai girl even younger than his own daughter yet he gets mad when she plays with the car window or does things a girl her age would do.
I'm sure he wouldn't like it if his precious offspring started hooking up or fucking men his age but he's allowed to do it to other young women. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
No. 235337
>>235335My dad is the same.
Says sexist things, cheated on my mum while pregnant, continues to justify his sexism, but wants 'the best for me'
Got extremely defensive when I became a stripper for a few months at 18 because I'm too delicate and the industry would 'eat me up', yet in the same sentence says he knows a few skimpy barmaids that are more equipped for the job because they are able to get through college and aren't emotionally unstable like me to deal with this type of work short term. Oh yeah? And HOW do you know these barmaids dad? Hmmmm?
No. 235339
>>235337Anon….I'm just really sorry. Sorry that your dad is like that too.
I don't really know what to say, but I just completely understand. It's been so hard coming to terms with…the way he is and trying to reconcile that with the fact that he IS my father and he's a good father, all misogyny aside. And I love him and I looked up to him when I was a kid. And we used to be close….but now I feel like I can't talk to him at all. We'll never be close again because I just can't get the shit he's said to me out of my head and I can't confront him about it and explain the way it's affected me. It hurts so fucking bad because I wish I could go back to a time when I didn't know how he really felt, I didn't know how any man really felt or how much the world hated women, and everything seemed fine and I thought I was going to be fine.
I hope you are okay and it isn't fucking you up too much. If you haven't moved out already, just know that it does get easier once you do and you spend less time around him.
No. 235340
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>>235335Anon I have no words…just really sorry you have to put up with that shit.
No. 235342
>>235337Also there are 5 boys and 3 girls in the family. He still beleives the 2 that are in jail will turn their life around. He favours the second youngest and gets him a job and basically takes his side in everything. The oldest girl in the family, he wishes she'd marry a lawyer or something, the youngest girl although she bought her own home and is the most financially well off in the family, he gives no shits about, only likes me because he claims I'm one of the most intelligent in the family yet constantly knocks anything I do because I'm 'not strong enough' and one minor argument with my bf, claims i need to find another guy that will 'look after me'
He also dislikes the youngest brother for having feminine traits and claims 'even though the first 3 older boys are in trouble with the law, at least they didnt answer back and had respet' by this he's referring to the fact he used to beat us all and we never answered back due to fear,but due to the giant age gaps in our siblings and knowing these days he can't beat the younger onea like he used to beat us or he'll get in trouble, he blames my younger brother for simply asking questions or challenging his points. As an older sister, I loathe the day my youngest brother possibly comes out of the closet because I can totally see my dad saying its nothing but a phase and getting mad at him. I will have a spare bedroom waiting for him at my house where he doesnt have to live with that fucking sexist macho nazi.
Sorry for the giant sperg. Major dad issues due to my father being a chauvanistic pig.
No. 235344
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>>235338Can talk from personal experience, its apparently called the virgin/whore complex. Some men can only see women as either "mother to my child" figure aka virgin, or the whore, a woman whos not human but just there to be used. Its rife in my community where they even take dust from prostitute houses to use in praying to one of the goddesses for apparently good sexual luck but still look down on the prostitutes themselves.
No. 235345
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>>235342No you let it out, I feel we need one of these for shitty dads.
No. 235348
>>235344It's like the virgin whore thing not only applies to their wives but also their daughters.
It's quite narcissistic of men really. ALL Women are subhuman fucktoys…UNLESSS IT'S MY DAUGHTER! WHICH COMES FROM MEEEEE AND MMMYYYY DNA. Then they act like neanderthals who must protect their daughters from having sex or doing anything because it's their property. Same goes for weird older brothers that claim they are being overprotective of their little sisters but it's just them being territorial animals.
Blogpost but my brother had this additude. He would play women and cheat all the time yet if we ever went clubbing he would drag me away from anyone I chatted to or danced with and got angry. Last time I saw him (hadn't seen him in years) he asked if I had a new boyfriend in a mocking tone. I told him I had and he semi slut shamed me by saying 'have i met THIS one or is he a new one?' Implying I'm a slut for having a few boyfriends even though they were long term. Even if I did fuck around…I'm an adult and allowed to make decisions. Notice he never harrassed my younger brother about this shit. Always me.
Reminds of how Tony Montana treated his little sister in scarface. Like his property.
TLDR- Fathers and brothers are sexist pigs just like the men they set out to protect their daughters/sisters from and don't even realise it.
No. 235399
>>235336Men have these ideas since a country is filled with misogyny then the women there must be perfect and right? And they also fetishize asian countries for having lack of feminism so women there must cook and clean and shit right? Then they cry when they're disappointed
Dont they bitch about western women cheating despite the cheating rate in thailand to be the highest in the world and America is one of the lowest? Then they try to "prove"its better but cant since most women there are feminists and not silent subservant waifus like they want them to be, so all they resort to is claiming its better because they get laid easier but forget the fact its because they have lower standards and also actually TRY to get women, where as in America they just expected beautiful women to show up to their doorstep and cried because 1 or 2 relationships didn't work out so give up and scream about "entitled western hoes!!!" Because of this
No. 235417
>>235402agreed, at least men back then understood what child support is for, now men today have this insane amount of victim complex and act like they're being run over just for having to pay for their own fucking child and not just up and leave their family
like what
>>235322 said
it's men crying oppression because they can't get freebies anymore, every single country has this except for ones with sharia law, yes even thailand and japan which they fetishize to hell and back has this
they are literally worse than feminists, the ones that claim who cry because they don't get free stuff except they're more widespread and almost all mgtows do this where as they probably can't even find one feminist that did this
>>235405there's a reason for this, people are being irresponsible with marriage nowadays, like in the 50s where men can just walk off when they see the next cute young girl and throw their wife out, or getting drunk and getting married to whoever you met in a bar, men who find some foreign girl and marry here then when she learns english the marriage falls apart and they divorce, hell I even knew a guy who cried about his marriage falling apart and when people asked why he married her he said "she liked anal and was cute" I think it's good marriage has risks, it should be a lesson to most people that they should be responsible and smart about who they're marrying
also if someone if being mature about divorce they don't have to risk losing "HALF THE THINGS THEY OWN!!!", just agree on what is his is his and what's hers is hers
>>235407>They should have married a woman their own age instead of just marrying someone for being hot.I don't feel bad for them, if they marry someone solely for being hot or a dumb stereotype about them they deserve to be cheated on and divorced, they have it coming to them
No. 235419
>>235418men think they can have whatever they want because they're spoilt little brats
notice how you'll only see this behavior from men and never from women but it's apparently women who have unrealistic expectations from their partners because fat club thots like tall guys and that somehow proves how "IT'S SO HARD TO BE A MAN YOU HAVE TO BE RICH WHITE FIT CHAD TO GET AN UGLY CHICK!!! YOU WESTERN BITCHES ARE ENTITLED!!!"
most women looking for real relationships couldn't give less of a shit if you reach 6 foot or not but men love going out of their way and desperately twisting anything and everything they can to play victim and prove how o so hard the most privileged fucking group to walk the planet have it
No. 235425
>>235400The only straight man I've ever met that was respectful would be my stepfather of the past six years. He's always been loyal to my mother and empathetic and understanding regarding emotional issues she and I experience. He still has that compulsory masculinity thing at times, but not to an alarming degree.
I wouldn't say this makes me any more optimistic about men, though. All others I've met have been shit in some way, ranging from tolerable to horrifying. My own bio dad was a sociopathic rapist and woman batterer. And honestly, were my stepfather of my generation I feel he'd be tempted by redpill bullshit at some point.
I really hope to crack the code of somewhat empathetic men someday. I agree with other girls in these threads that it has to do with female friendships when young, if girls are humanized to them early in life it's more likely to stick.
No. 235441
>>235252The disconnect these people have is insane.
If women were as sensitive as they are, we'd be called whiny bitches or feminazis or sluts. We ask for simple things like "hey don't harrass us on the street" and it's extreme, but they write comments like this and it's fine.
And it's a fucking phone case! I'd rather someone made a jokey phone case at my expensive than someone wished rape on me.
No. 235445
>>235419I've actually seen men accuse guys who shower and get haircuts of being Chads. Clearly, women's standards are unattainable.
But if that's their logic I must be a Hot Stacy just for showering and wearing decent clothes. Where's my army of Chads? Surely their worldview isn't uneralistic, biased or driven by emotions and selfishness like a WOMAN. /s
No. 235447
>>235272YUP. I consider it a red flag at this point because every guy who has ever said it to me was trash. It's on my list right next to "all my exes were crazy".
I just respond, "what's wrong with other girls?" and then mentally make a note of the moment.
Healthy, stable, normal, nice guys realise that women are all different and that "other girls" should not be used as an insult.
No. 235465
>>235407Gold digger relationships always looked to me like a trade between two equally shallow human beings. She gets the money and the ugly rich old guy gets to fuck a young attractive woman. Do the men in these relationships actually expect these women to love them for who they are, when at the same time they just want some young hot chick to stick their dick in? Are they really that oblivious?
>>235445>I've actually seen men accuse guys who shower and get haircuts of being Chads. Yeah, outlandish shit like that is what makes me think that their problem isn't really with women at its core but their mental illness/depression. Well, when it comes to the NEET-ish incel types anyway. They just love to pin everything on other people (mostly women) without taking any responsibility for their current state of being.
Showering and personal hygiene is a standard rule of social decorum that everyone more or less is expected to adhere to. No one is going to want to be around you, much less fuck you if you smell like shit from not showering for weeks.
No. 235482
>>235213>someone who had been molested under pool water by a pedophileI had my pre-puberty chest rubbed under pool water by the swim instructor at a YMCA with a big child population. He did it very casually, when he was teaching me to swim that I didn't really realize what was happening. I still wouldn't call it being "actually molested" because the culture around that stuff here is ridiculous.
America really is casually pedo and idk where it comes from or how to stop/prevent it if the person has no record.
No. 235492
>>235272Yeah, I also got a "you were cool for an 18 year old" by some older guy I dated at that age. We were long past broken up when he said that to me and it just made me cringe lol. I was exactly like other 18 year olds, dumb and naive.
the ex who said "you're not like the other girls" to me was exactly like other geeky nerd boys it was pretty painful to listen to lol. he also projected some image of what he wanted/thought I was onto me, that he actually started insulting that projection when I dumped him. which was fucking hilarious since he was pretty off the mark and therefore not actually insulting me.
No. 235493
>>235283Because in their brain shy=submissive, non threatening and more attainable.
>>235319Can confirm, military men are the worst. A friend of mine lived in a small town, near a military base. There was a curfew for women in the town, because from around 7-8 pm until all night long the military guys were around running wild. They were extremely loud, harrassed every woman and "picked up" drunk girls from bars to fuck (aka rape) them.
During the day the ones who were around formed groups and spent their time catcalling.
There was also an incident in my country where a military guy (under the eyes of his two partners in crime-buddies) raped a girl with a pipe and left her outside, under the snow, in the back of the bar, while she was unconscious and bleeding. The one who did it only got 8 years of jail.
No. 235496
>>235311I agree with
>>235487 it's not new. It's just that now they have a 'excuse' cause now women all over the world are angry, useless, feminist sluts that get abortion everytime we have sex and use men for sex.
No. 235509
>>235507I lied to my boyfriend about how much I make to protect his ego tbh, I make 40/hr and he makes a few dollars above min wag, I know he's a bit insecure about it but doesn't wanna admit it, I kinda pick it up off of him anytime I try to talk to him about advancing my career, like when I try to talk about college and uni he always tells me how worried he is about me, then almost any job I've ever gotten he complained about and bombarded me with questions
I try to help him out in advancing his career but he always makes excuses however he is considering going to uni, I hope he does because we both want kids and whatnot and I don't really trust throwing my kids over at a nanny or something and want to raise them, he doesn't understand that in todays economy it's impossible for one person to support a family without a degree
I think women today are more motivated and realistic, men tend to just expect good things to happen to them without even lifting a finger, then later cry about it because while they were in their boxers playing xbox and eating pizza, women were studying and going to college and getting internships, hell men even cry about women scholarships but don't realize there's scholarships for fucking EVERYTHING, I got a scholarship for my italian heritage but no one cried oppression and racism for it, there's even scholarships for people who have blue eyes
>But I never see those men getting called golddiggers or lazy parasites, and quite a few of them literally sit on their ass all day and don't apply themselves.because as I said before men love going out of their way to play victim, and women are actually smart and don't assume the worst if one partner is supporting the other, maybe he's sick and can't work? maybe he has a learning or social issue? maybe he's trying but just need extra time? where as men will just see men buy or support a woman and they'll screech gold digger, they probably think if women are supporting men then it's needed because they have it in their minds women have stole millions from men throughout the centuries, next thing you know men will be demanding women to give them money for "PAYBACK FOR ALL THE MONEY YOU BITCHES STOLE FROM US!!!"
they're spoilt, lazy and only want freebies
No. 235511
>>235459I have used dating sites with blonde and dyed hair and get basically the same reaction with either.
Going on a date though and the guy tends to tell his friends he's meeting a girl with unusual_color_hair and might talk about it>>235276
I got the same kinda messages
Additional note: Guys on dating sites with dyed hair are all polygamous or reformed escorts?? I want a dyed hair lad that is not either
Slight ot but yeah they are not humblebrags, just general messages/reactions you might get
No. 235517
>>235509>I make 40/hr and he makes a few dollars above min wag,You earn more than 4x his wage…
>>235507This really seems the case even for older folk. Someone (mid thirties) I follow online split with her boyfriend after 6 years. For the past 2 years she was paying for everything, cooking, cleaning and full rent of 3-5k a month. Do guys just think we're suckers? Should anyone pay 100,000+ for 2 years of "love"?
No. 235541
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Just more proof the MRM is not about helping men but just hating women.
No. 235549
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>>235545This thread on MGTOW titled "what shocked you most about women" is full of people attributing literally every shitty things about men to women.
Pic related is top comment.
No. 235559
>>235541whats with mgtows ideas that women always lie about rape? I swear there's not even one rape or abuse case that women can have without men screaming liar yet people will jump and baby men who claim to be raped and abused without even a hint of evidence
the only time men will believe a female who speaks about getting is if she's a literal child, then again men have accused 12 yr old girls of lying before so who knows
No. 235561
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>>235550The irony is strong with this one.
No. 235563
>>235561men are the biggest projectors on the planet lmao, I always hated living with men for this reason
once knew a guy who lied about everything and anything, he will makeup bullshit stories that come to mind for no reason either, like I could mention a technology or something and he will make some bullshit story about how "oh me and so and so made it before" then ill later find out it wasnt true, he will make bs stories and eventually when everyone caught onto his shit and stopped falling for the "everyone is a liar except for him" shit he was called out
this kid could barely even hold convos without accusing people of lying, I could literally just talk about a street in a city and then he'll start accusing me of lying that the street even exists and makes snarky comments for 10 minutes straight about how he will "Fact check" me on that, even when talking about an autistic kid he asked me how I knew the kid was autistic and I said the kid told me, then he started accusing the kid of lying to me, biggest projector ever
then men who cheat are batshit paranoid about women cheating, it's insane, I once dated a guy who accused me of cheating on him because I fell asleep for 30 minutes…like yeah that makes sense, men are crazy and you can ALWAYS tell a lot about a guy about how much he projects
No. 235569
>>235566Men hold women to standards that they themselves refuse to meet. But everything is okay when a man does it. When a woman does it, she's a useless whore who deserves nothing but suffering.
The funniest part is that when a woman DARES to have standards for men, the men who don't meet those standards scream and cry about how unfair and entitled she is and how dare a roastie whore be choosy when it comes to men. Even men who have nothing to offer still expect to get everything that they want because they 'deserve' it.
No. 235570
>>235566This is why men dont deserve us
Whats with men thinking we disrespect ourself if we "give ourselves away" to men? Does it ever occur to them women enjoy sex and desire it to just like they do but magically when women do it they disrespect thenselves? Or is this just another arbitrary rule they made up to shit on women fo
No. 235573
>>235570Oh its annoying I saw a post but can't find it now, written by a brony saying that women don't like sex because its "in their nature" and that rape isnt such a bad thing because, as women dont like sex, its the only way to keep the population going.
I know bronies are dumb but the way he put it like hes so smug that hes apparently knows female sexuality but not things like mlp isnt real it just blows my mind.
No. 235578
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I know this is old but I wanted to lighten the mood a bit although it still shows how fucking thin skinned men are.
No. 235617
>>235610People dont even consider bondage kinky
Oh you like having the shit beat out of you? Well youre boring because everyone wants it you must like getting stabbed
Soon sex will just be men beating the shit out of women and nothing else and if you don't enjoy it youre a boring prude and will get cheated because he cant get off without almost killing women
No. 235639
>>235264The best thing you can do is know that just living your life happily proves these assholes wrong every second of the day. Remember that they are all just speaking shit, they say whatever they need to to make themselves feel better. Nothing they say about women is true, nothing. It's all lies because they feel so shitty about themselves, being happy and ignoring them is what makes them crazy and want to kill themselves in the first place because they hate themselves and women don't give a shit about what they think. They're only bitter because of what they're missing out on with a good, healthy, happy relationship with a woman. Don't give them what they want. Being a woman is great because we have so much more than men, so much more love, emotional depth, beauty, the ability to give life, so many things.
Don't let their butthurt pussyboy lashing out make you feel bad about yourself. If they even genuinely believe what they say it's because they've brainwashed themselves and fuck them anyway. Let them die alone and miserable while you have a great life. Never forget that there are men out there that aren't complete garbage and if you have a son don't let him become one of these shits.
No. 235645
>>235559I was talking with an older male relative who is such an annoying fucking liberal, I mean, just liberal to the extreme, too much I can't stand to talk to him sometimes because everything ends up political and he just blindly believes everything liberal media tells him on everything, and keep in mind I'm not even conservative or anything, he's just over the top and it's obnoxious.
Even this hippie faggot thinks rape cases are bullshit and women are lying. We were talking about the Harvey Weinstein thing when it was going on, and I was saying how it was crazy and sad the sheer number of women that were coming forward was so sad, but hopefully it will get some scum out of power and change things. This bastard
has to have a counter argument and says, with the most smug look on his face "Yeah, well, it can definitely be a problem because who knows how many are lying just to get their names out there." Like he was a fucking genius or something for thinking such a thing. I respond "So you think it shouldn't be taken seriously because some women
could be lying?" He says "I'm just saying that there could be men who didn't really exploit them, or they agreed at the time and now want to say they were."
All I could really say was something along the lines of "I really wish women could come forward about rape and sexual abuse without men immediately assuming they're lying. Men can rape and abuse women all they want as long as other men back them up instead of giving a shit about the victim." He didn't really respond just "Well, you know, yeah."
Seriously, men are so fucking self-centered they can't sympathize with a rape victim without thinking about themselves first. They are so holier-than-thou that they couldn't have done anything bad, they have to be the victims in the situation at all times. It's fucking insane.
No. 235651
>>235650even fucking babies, I remember when the rape case of the infant popped up men blamed the mom for leaving the baby with the uncle
it's always the womens fault never mens
No. 235653
>>235639>Never forget that there are men out there that aren't complete garbageBut where? Even the men who seem nice at first will end up spewing some misogynistic bullshit eventually and usually hiding behind it being ~ironic.~
I recently become more involved in leftist circles, and at the first the men in them seemed so good and refreshing and seemed to see women as equals. But then overtime you start to notice based on the way they react to certain issues and talk about women, that they aren't any different than any other dickwad man, they are just cunning enough to put up a front because it is good for their politics. It was extremely depressing to realize.
I know some men who I would consider 'good men.' But even they hate women.
No. 235655
>>235653I'm sorry but I can't tell you where. I can just say I know guys as friends, relatives, and co-workers that aren't complete scum and treat their girlfriend or wives well and genuinely love them. At least as much as a man can.
Hate is also a strong word, there are guys who aren't misogynists, they just have sexist shit programmed into their stupid fucking brains and you have to put your foot down and tell them you won't take any of that bullshit and that you run shit, and if they have a problem with that you go. Let them know that you don't need them and if they have a problem with that, they're not worth your time anyway. If he's afraid of a strong woman, he's never worth it. I think you have to break a mans mindset that he's the boss before you can have a good relationship. Some of the marriages I've seen actually work are those where the man obeys his wife and lets her be in charge, and does what he's told.
No. 235663
>>235661again with the "you're all just incels in reverse!"
I agree that misandry is bad but keep in mind most women have reasons to hate men as in being abused and raped, men will get cheated on in 6th grade and run huge hate blogs and run around screaming how they wanna rape all women for it
No. 235668
>>235661They 'vent' on like, a hundred different websites, have tons of youtube channels dedicated to talking shit about women, threads on reddit on female stupidity, how to manipulate women, how to gaslight them, youtube videos on nothing to do with feminisim or women have men casually throwing out 'dumb cunts', use language towards women like 'worthless holes' 'whores/sluts/cunts/etc.', love to look at picutres of girls and tear down their self-esteem, like are you fucking kidding me right now, scroll up at look at the stuff posted that men write about women, most of the time saying these things and have never even been with a woman where women who hate men use real life terrible experiences they've had with them like abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, manipulation, rape. And this is the only website I've seen women talking about it compared to the dozens if not hundreds of places men do it, where they are 100% more vile, violent, hateful, and repulsive than anything being said here. Don't even try to compare 'wow I've had such shitty experiences with men and I'm starting to think they're all just as bad' to 'they are nothing but entitled bitches who don't work for anything and use their pussy to get through life for free, I want to rape and murder a roastie whore they all deserve it.'
This fucking double standard, jfc.
No. 235676
>>235661No, men do hate women. You can call me a misandrist if you want, but I treat all men with respect. I don't belittle them, I don't physically abuse them, I listen to what they have to say, value their opinions, and treat them as my equals. I have no interest in harming them or treating them like subhuman trash, and I don't even view them as subhuman trash to begin with. Like I said, I know some good men. You must have skipped over that part. But the fact of the matter is they still hate women.
I don't know how much more proof you need than some of the shit in this thread. It isn't just men venting about some relationship troubles they had. It's men talking about how all women are worthless whores, fantasizing or trivializing about rape, advocating for taking women's rights away, comparing us to animals. In addition to men who actually DO rape, murder, and abuse and treat us like disposable objects. Men do not see us as human, and they actively dehumanize us any chance they get. I would never do any of those things to a man.
No. 235677
>>235676Yeah literally all we do is draw attention to the things men do to women. That's what man hating is, when women hate men we avoid them and talk about our experiences with what they inflict on us. When men hate women they rape them, abuse them and kill them. It is not in any way comparable.
Also, the fact that this is one of the only places a thread like this could exist- and it still gets frequently raided by robots. As opposed to the millions of forums, YouTube channels, boards, ENTIRE WEBSITES dedicated to nothing but discussion of why women are dumb holes who should die because they won't fuck me blublublu.
No. 235685
>>235677I agree. The fact that people get upset by the extremely tame ideas in this thread is interesting….I wish those people could be a woman (or if they are themselves, listen to the ones in this thread) for one day, and see all the shit that is said about them and really FEEL it. When that much vitriol and abject hatred is directed at you, for something that you have no control over, I'm sure they'll start to get it. When you know what it feels like to be seen as worthless and inferior I think they would understand a bit better. Or, they could just listen to women who have experienced these things. But they would never want to do that.
My exasperation and disappointment with men is not the result of like, one misogynistic joke. Or one bad date. It's been years and years of having it beat into my head by my father, male friends and coworkers I've had, society in general, that I'm a worthless walking hole that has absolutely no potential and should keep my mouth shut. That I have no value outside of what I can offer men and their sexual pleasure. That, despite being a virgin, I'm a whore. I'm a slut. I'm stupid. I'm incompetent. If I step out of line or make a mistake, I deserve to be raped. I'm weak, useless, the list goes on. There is only so much of that I could take before I just became too tired. I can't do it anymore. I can't expect anything of men, because in my experience, they all view women this way. Some are better than others at suppressing it, but it always comes out eventually.
I don't consider myself a misandrist. Despite the fact that I'm posting in a thread with this title, I don't hate men. And I highly doubt most posters in here do either. I'm just sick of their hate directed at me, and at other women. I'm sick of seeing that hate manifested in violence, rape, abuse, exc. I do tend to avoid them, but I would never go out of my way to physically/mentally harm one, or tell him how worthless I think he is and how he's nothing but a sperm donor/workhorse/walking dildo or whatever the demeaning fucking evil equivalent of all the shit they say about women is. I don't view men as inferior, or useless. I just can't believe anything other than they hate women. Because I've never seen anything that indicates otherwise. It's the only thing that makes sense and explains their behavior toward women. If being upset about misogyny and desperately wanting it to end for a while makes me a misandrist, then yeah I guess so. Sorry.
No. 235688
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Some men will bend he'll to blame women for everything. Let's punish the women who have to raise kids on their instead of blaming the dads who abandon their kids.
No. 235693
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>>235688>"abloobloo don't have sex before marriage!">tfw you realize these are the same chucklefucks who complain about "gold diggers", "baby traps", and women not sleeping with themThere's no way to win with these kind of fuckers, they just want an excuse to blame women for their idiocy.
No. 235696
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No. 235700
>>235696no wonder their company has gone to shit, hope he gets fired
what's with men ignoring clits anyway, even in the rare case in porn they do pay attention to it they don't even rub it right and just dry rub it
No. 235710
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>>235696>deliberately exclude women, even from their own spaces>b-but I'm gay HOMOPHOPIA, YOU'RE HOMOPHOBIC, only gay men can have pleasure uwu>wonder why so many teenage girls project onto gay men and fetishize themShit like this boils my blood for another reason too; there seems to be a trend where people can just scream RACIST or HOMOPHOPIC and shut down dialogue they don't agree with regardless of whether race or orientation has anything to do with the topic of discussion. Our current Mayor did that shit when he was asked about his platform, just reeeed about how anyone who disagreed with him was racist.
Sage for rambling.
No. 235717
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Not sure if this belongs her or in the Kpop thread: there's this one cook, who's probably the only gay korean celebrity and lately i watched a show with him and the way he treated women was so disgusting.
Of course the international fans like him for being sassy/savage, but just because you're not attracted to women doesn't mean you have to treat them like dirt.
It's as if he thinks that everbody's constantly hitting on him, because he always said, i don't like this, i'm not interested in you etc, even though she was just talking and standing next to him…?
He also had sort of an online clothing line, there the women's section was named a deragatory name and he didn't get why the other's didn't find this 'cute'…
No. 235725
>>235688>it's inexcusable for a woman to get pregnant by accidentThe only form of female birth control that works 100% is a complete hysterectomy. And in case you don't want to risk making her pregnant, use a goddamn condom. Seriously, the guys who complain about baby traps are always the fuckboys who whine about not wanting to use a condom.
>>235696Teen vogue is the fucking worst. Their articles are literally Buzzfeed meets Tumblr.
No. 235726
>>235509>I think women today are more motivated and realistic, men tend to just expect good things to happen to them without even lifting a finger, then later cry about it because while they were in their boxers playing xbox and eating pizza, women were studying and going to college and getting internshipsIn my country there's a hot topic about how, according to recent studies, boys are underperforming in school and girls have surpassed them academically at every subject even at elementary school level and outnumbering men at universities. You know how people are approaching the issue? Buckling down and trying to make boys more motivated to work towards their future? Nah. They're blaming the school system for being more lenient towards girls and the school program being designed to give girls an advantage over boys because of m-muh brain structure and shieet.
Literally nobody's talking about how boys aren't expected to put effort into their school work and bizarrely enough insisting that girls who do well in school aren't really intelligent, just dumb enough to actually devote themselves to studying. People come up with numerous bullshit types of reasoning like "boys often excel at certain subjects while girls are just average, never reaching top scores". It's infuriating and demeaning towards girls who are often expected to get good grades and behave well unlike boys, and nobody seems to bring this up when discussing the subject. Men NEVER have to be accountable for their own flaws, it's always the society's fault. Or their mothers' for not raising them right because hey we can't expect dads to lift a fucking finger unless it's to play soccer with them or something.
No. 235747
>>235732Men usually take tests faster, but get worse grades and women usually take them slower, but they are more concerned about accuracy and get better grades when given an adequate amount of time because of it.
Aren't you talking about Brittyland? That article about Oxford or w/e?
No. 235754
>>235747I am talking about Oxford. I’m not sure how your explanation fitted my example. They found men more often were getting Firsts than women when given the same amount of time… but then found the extra time just meant more women achieving Upper rather than Lower Seconds or Thirds, rather than more women achieving Firsts.
It annoyed me because it made women look dumb. I’m sure that’s why it got in the news.
No. 235765
>>235761They do this on youtube, ig and Twitter to, I just wish feminism wasn't such a fucking laughing stock to where when you point out that what they're doing is fucked up they scream
triggered fat feminist, why is it people admit that there's good and bad to every group but act as if feminism is bad as a whole when with how men been acting we sure as hell need it now
But yet this thread on a small site gets more hate than any man being blantantly misogynist
"They're both bad!!!"
Then go to the bigger fucking problem instead of a small amount of women venting about the absolute fucking shit men have been doing to us
No. 235766
>>235761Right? Honestly it's painful and just makes you want to give up.
Even random dumb videos on youtube get a slew of women-hating comments. Young girls on instagram end up ith vile coments for posting innocent teenage girl stuff. You tweet about something, some man throws his two cents in and offers a threat if you don't agree.
Tbh it's gotten to the point where the ones that do it openly are the least of the problems. You can avoid a man that is open about it.
What's scary is the anonymous accounts and the picture-less profiles that say it. How can you be sure that a guy doesn't have one of those? Imagine dating someone and then finding out they hate women through their anonymous accounts.
No. 235774
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>>235738Hello, fellow Italianon…
No. 235780
>made the news because women got extra time and still looked dumb >misandrist OT but some anons need to learn to read.
No. 235795
>>235726I've seen the same type of sentiment in my country (US.) That boys are falling behind because the school system caters to the way girls learn and that's the only reason why they're doing better. That and ~affirmative action.~
If it were girls falling behind in school, they would just say "well girls just aren't as intelligent, don't blame society or the school system for their inability to succeed!!" But when it's boys, they have to come with excuses and reach for the fucking stars to find a way where it isn't their fault or their capabilities.
It's like they can't just admit that maybe they are wrong about women. Maybe we aren't dumb. Maybe we aren't worthless. Maybe we aren't adult children or whatever the fuck. Maybe, just maybe, plenty of women are intelligent, capable, talented, dedicated, and ready to excel in their studies and in the workplace.
But no, surely it can't be that because all women are dumb whores only capable of popping out babies and offering their holes to men. It's so fucking depressing.
No. 235797
>>235795like what
>>235509 said
>I think women today are more motivated and realistic, men tend to just expect good things to happen to them without even lifting a finger, then later cry about it because while they were in their boxers playing xbox and eating pizza, women were studying and going to college and getting internships, hell men even cry about women scholarships but don't realize there's scholarships for fucking EVERYTHING, I got a scholarship for my italian heritage but no one cried oppression and racism for it, there's even scholarships for people who have blue eyesmen bitching how education is catered towards girls is their way of wanting the education system to give them free shit and not work for it
No. 235818
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>>235795The same happened in my country when they made the switch from a conscription-based army (men have to go to army training for a year) to a professional, for-pay army. First they whined because "women can keep studying whilst we have to go to the army, if we didn't have to we'd be much better than them", then when they made the switch it became "the army is catering to feminists, women don't belong in the army, they are too weak, waah" after they announced that nearly 50% of the new army was female cadets and generals since many young men thought being a soldier was too dirty and too much work for too little pay, preferring instead to sit in their mother's basement, play vidya and bet on dog races whilst women went ahead and applied because unemployment is rife here and someone needs to feed the family.
Ironically we don't really have a culture of rampant sexism and gendered work thanks to muh Tito and socialism, but men in the Balkans are still entitled manchildren and the butthurt feels good.
No. 235833
Not to mention if boys get in trouble its "boys will be boys"
If girls get in trouble you bring shame amoung your family, hell sometimes even making less than average grades girls get their butts kicked til they get straight As
No. 235842
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>>235836Anyway, it's funny to me that men will take any study proving women are deficient in some way at face value, but when an article or study discusses shortcomings within men, they freak out and say it's wrong.
You will never see men doubt a study that says some shit like "women are biologically worse at math." They don't need any other opinions, any other sources, any other sample groups. A study that indicates that men have less empathy? Heresy! Must be wrong! Doesn't prove men are better in every single fucking way so it must be propaganda!
I swear to god man. These people are just the fucking worst.
No. 235844
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>>235836And another funny thing.
Whenever the conversation surrounding the lack of women in STEM fields or high powered positions in the workplace comes up, men say it's not a problem because it's a choice they're making and there are absolutely NO other factors at play. But then they go on to complain that men work all the dangerous jobs and make up almost all workplace deaths. Why don't they use the argument that men CHOOSE to work those jobs? Technically nobody is forcing men to work those dangerous jobs, and most of the time the risks are clear, so why do they suddenly stop excusing these things by saying it's a choice and there's no problem here because men and women make different choices?
Once again, everything is women's fault. We are either so stupid and incompetent that we are powerless and have had no impact on society or contributed throughout history, or we're so cunning and evil and powerful that we are responsible for all of the evil and violence in the world. These motherfuckers need to pick one misogynistic talking point and stick with it.
No. 235847
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What the fuck is wrong with men? Ridiculing a woman on Twitter who is doing an honest day's work?
How does it affect them if a woman works outside the home? How does he know the circumstances of her life? Why do these people INSIST on women living exactly the way THEY want them to and if they don't, they deserve to be mocked and ridiculed and constantly told their choices and desires aren't valid?
Again, what the fuck is their problem?
No. 235856
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>>235852Probably. Since it would be a man, and all. So men can't do anything wrong. And literally all of them are more capable than women.
I've never seen this dude interact with a woman and say anything but "you'd be happier at home!!1" He's a little chinless bitch. Notice the amount of likes. Men totally don't think women are inferior <3 They love us.
No. 235857
>>235847This post really just looks like bait to me. It's a person in a too-big uniform. Also fails to take into account many women in the workforce
1) can't have children
2) don't want children
3) want to work for a living?
No. 235858
>>235857>want to work for a livingBut he literally believes no woman wants to work for a living. And he also believes in a perfect world they shouldn't be "allowed" to. He thinks any woman who says she would rather be working than stay at home is brainwashed by feminism.
>can't have children>don't want childrenHe doesn't acknowledge the existence of this types of women. Ever. He thinks every single woman on Earth wants children and if they don't they are lying to themselves or once again, brainwashed.
No. 235859
>>235697>>235700>>235703>>235708>>235710Ty for the replies im glad I'm not the only one pissed at this. I think this boils down to people seeing girls, especially teenage girls, being just the same as gay men. I used to have a gay friend, he and his bf would say they were girls yet they were 10x bitchier, but he would also go on how things were worse for him than anyone else. After I was diagnoised with bi-polar and told him, he went on this long rant telling me how he probably has it and a worse version too and how hes suffered etc. Felt bad but I had to let him go.
This is why I feel i hated Sex and the city (no shade to anyone who likes it) but it made sense when it was revealed the series was written and produced by gay men.
saged for kinda blog
No. 235862
>>235847Men kept women out of the work force as a way to force women into marriage.
Now men can't do that anymore so they try to shame women for working instead.
No. 235863
>>235842On a similar note visited pol yesterday-someone I suspect trolling posted the thread "Men are the global constant when it comes to violence. Do you agree" Fuck the
triggered response was deafening, some even going so far as to say women give birth to men so its actually womens fault. I know it was bad to laugh but these men are so pathetic.
>Inb4 some salty anon says not every guy is polJust using as an example, lets be honest though these days its hard to tell the difference especially with the stuff we are seeing in the news.
No. 235868
>>235863I find it ironic that the men who complains that SJWs don't want to admit black people, immigrants, muslims, etc, are disproportionally represented in some types of crimes are the same men who start reeeeeeing when you point out that the common denominator in crime is maleness and not so much race or religion.
They're the same men crying on and on about MUH FREE SPEECH, except for feminazis who should just shut up with their "hateful" statistics.
No. 235870
>>235862Lmao for real. And the excuse they use is that women are "happier at home", but you can tell they don't give a single fuck about women's happiness.
I remember a post in a previous thread on /ot/. Not a man-hating thread but everyone was discussing the "trad" men who want to push women back into the kitchen. One anon said "whenever you see a man who hates women and think's they're inferior and worthless talk about what will make women happier and improve their lives, ask yourself if the standards they're advocating for makes it easier for men to control women."
And they were right. You will notice that is always the case.
No. 235873
>>235867He's pretty fucking terrible. And he's married and has daughters, so sucks for them. I know his wife was extremely disgusted by him post-election but I don't think she's left him yet.
He's pretty terrible and definitely ground zero of the "women are only useful as wives and mothers11!" type of whiny bitch male we have these days. Look up the Proud Boys. He literally has a little army of men in polo shirts who think they're responsible for building the modern world even though they were born in 1992. Just because they share genitals and skin color with the people who actually did. And they ALL want women back in the kitchen. It's one of their main talking points. They say they don't want to ~force~ women to be wives and mothers, but then ridicule and harass any woman who isn't one and tell her they know better than her what she wants in life.
No. 235875
>>235856And even if every woman left the workforce completely, Gavin and the rest of men would still shit on women for being weak and worthless. Because raising kids to them isn’t a big deal/shouldn’t be an achievement. Men would rather ridicule pregnant women for being whores and claim that they’re trapping men. Being a SAHM is the worst, as you’re just a parasite to a man’s wallet and resources.
Do they seriously believe that they should just pump n dump any woman and she’ll magically drop everything in her life and have all the money time and energy to raise their kids on her own? meanwhile being judged every day for being a single mother??
..damn it. When’s the next bus to the Moon. I’m ready to leave this planet.
No. 235877
>>235795I'd like to remind everyone here to be a positive influence on their sisters/daughters/cousins. I grew up thinking that science, computers, sports and maths were for boys and no girl should ever feel like she doesn't "belong" in those areas. My school failed me. Even if you think you don't have much of an influence on a little girl you know,
you probably do. Seeing a grown woman in a STEM field and loving life or being told something as simple as "Oh hey, you like dinosaurs too? That's so
cool! You'll make a great archaeologist when you're older!" is something she'll probably remember for the rest of her life.
Instead of putting girls down like the education system is trying to do, we need to encourage them. Being better than others in their class is
not a bad thing and they shouldn't feel that way. If they are working harder than boys and doing better then they
deserve it. Let them surpass the boys in the class, let them aspire to have great jobs and be in high positions, they'll slowly change the culture of workplaces that are toxic towards women.
I'd love to have a younger female relative to bring to museums, to buy her a fuckload of classic books, to show her documentaries about ancient civilisations, to show how to make her own webpage or mobile game…
No. 235891
>>235885Speaking from personal experience, it’s because I thought I didn’t deserve any better. I don’t know if that’s the case for everyone. But I settled for a man who constantly told me how worthless and inferior I was, how I need to shut the fuck up and defer to him because I’m not intelligent or logical enough to handle life on my own.
I hated myself, especially because I was a woman. I still do, but I’m a little better now. I started to believe all of the misogynistic talking points and it defeated me and made me not even want to try in life. I thought I was stupid and worthless and therefore allowed myself to be treated that way.
Now I just hate misogynists more than I hate myself and I’ll never make that mistake again.
No. 235895
>>235893Yes, there’s been a lot of cases of “male allies” ending up being not any less misogynistic than anti-feminists. It’s depressing. I think all men are misogynistic to some extent so it’s in your best interest to watch how they treat and act towards women as opposed to what they say. Usually you will start to notice that they say and do some pretty nasty shit.
It’s depressing but it is what it is. Men have no reason to care about misogyny or sexism against women so we shouldn’t expect them to. It benefits them to not care.
No. 235896
>>235885>the nice(not the meme kind) and polite guys get ignored all the timeWhere are they though??? I don't see any. How do you expect someone to acknowledge your existent when you don't even put the effort in to make yourself known?
I would love a genuinely nice guy, but where the fuck are they?
No. 235897
>>235896They’re at home posting screeds on 4chan about how women only fuck bad boys and because of that, we are worthless and deserve to have our rights restricted.
Unironically. Even men who seem sweet and nice fucking hate women. Some of them are smart enough to keep it inside, but behind our backs? Whew.
No. 235907
>>235885No man is nice and polite with women, it's just a facade. They go for "assholes" because those men are attractive, and because they are attractive they do not have to pretend to be nice.
The "nice and polite" men are just unattractive, all they can do is pretend and see if it works, but they are not nice at all.
The real choice is between pretty assholes and ugly assholes.
No. 235909
>>235905Don't reply to robots, if you give them the attention they want they'll never leave.
It's really hard to resest with how hilariously retarded this one is, but still.
No. 235917
>>235915I'm 912 and even I know what I wrote isn't real. I just need to vent from time to time.
Realistically, for a man to genuinely think that women are indeed human, they have to be raised by a feminist woman instead of a misogynistic self-hating one, and that is rare. The rest of my post remains as is.
No. 235918
>>235915I mean it's not like people are saying all men are worthless whores who deserve to be raped and have their rights taken away. All they're saying is that men hate women, which isn't that farfetched. They certainly act like it, do they not? Entire communities and ideologies dedicated to hating women. Hating women for being housewives, hating women for being in the workplace, hating women for having too much sex, hating women for not putting out, the list goes on. Men take any opportunity to talk about how much they hate women and how inferior we are, and pretty much every other man just laughs at that or agrees.
I'm really not sure how that is comparable to robots, who constantly trivialize violence against women, say that women are worthless aside from sex, women are inferior in every possible way and don't deserve basic human rights because they can't be trusted with them. Nobody here is saying that about men, we're just pointing out that men hate women.
>>235917Did you make a mistake? I'm 912. And I stand by what I wrote.
No. 235920
>>235919I mean, I hope you're right because their hypothetical wife would be pretty much guaranteed to be miserable.
And I'm patiently waiting on that evidence btw, maleposter.
No. 235921
>>235783>what do men want?You can't win no matter what. They hate you for being near them, but demand your attention. They want someone to fulfill their sexual fantasies, but sex makes you a slut. Stand up for yourself, you're a bitch. Submit to them, you're a weak leech. Work and you're ruining the family. Don't work and you're a golddigger.
>>235847This is just so deeply cruel and unnecessary. A poor woman just doing her job is an object of ridicule? And people liked and retweeted this? She's done absolutely nothing wrong! How is an il-fitting uniform any indication of somebody's value or work ethic? I've seen men in poorly fit uniforms, but it's nothing to judge. Most jobs don't bring in a tailor. If you're height, weight or shape is even slightly different, a uniform won't fit perfectly.
>>235873>he's married and has daughtersSomebdy save them.
No. 235937
>>235936That's because misogyny and sexism is going to be the last acceptable form of bigotry.* It's been pointed out on here before, but men of all races can join together and laugh about how inferior women are. It's something they can bond over. As a society, I would like to think that for the most part racism is unacceptable and will be called out when it slips through the cracks. I know there are plenty of outspoken racists and shitty groups all over the world, but for the most part, I think racists are ostracized and criticized appropriately. Or at least the effort to do those things is made by plenty of people. You can't say the same for misogynists.
Look at how even gay men shit on women. Black men shit on women. Hell, even parts of the trans community shit on women. All of these groups have historically been oppressed, denied rights, and singled out for their perceived inferiority and wrongness. You would think that they would be more sympathetic towards another group that has had similar experiences right? But no. Women will always be the world's punching bag. Always.
*To clarify, of course I'm not saying that it's bad that other forms of bigotry are unacceptable. I'm just saying it's depressing that misogyny isn't also seen as unacceptable and treated in a similar manner.
No. 235938
>>235936also, don't you find it funny that the defense of people discussing the difference between men and women is that "neither sex is inferior, they're just different." But you NEVER see people discuss the difference between men and women and paint men in a less than favorable light. It's never about discussing the strong points that women may have and the shortcomings men may have, it's always about pointing out the weaknesses that women have and the strengths that men have. That's all they ever point out. These arguments are never used to explain why men might not be suited for certain jobs or why men aren't good at XYZ. It's always about how women aren't good enough for certain things, or theres some deficiency in a female brain that prevents them from being good at XYZ. For men, though? No they can still do anything despite whatever disadvantages they hold.
You have to ask yourself why. And when you do, it's pretty obvious that these people have an agenda even though they claim over and over that they don't.
No. 235941
>>235937>>235938Great points anon.
>it's always about pointing out the weaknesses that women have and the strengths that men have. This reminds me of the conservative/redpill guys who like to talk about "biotruths" yet at the same time will complain about how women are way more likely to get child custody. By their logic, wouldn't the custody gap be due to men being ~naturally~ less suited to primary caregiving? lmao
No. 235944
>>235943Because men are whiny pissbabies but mainly they think that women being treated equal = women somehow being given more than them.
Guess many men are shit at math kek.
No. 235946
>>235943OMG I love how the comments be bitching about "oh the poor men are expected to give up seats its so unfair etc" like please, if thats the hardest thing I would be expected to give up i'd be happy.
But as you say its not an equality thing-it would be the same for elderly people, people who are stugging/have disabilities, in some cases for very young kids. Also unsurprisingly if 4chan incels whining about this (if you are wondering how I can tell-their avatars and usernames give it away)
No. 235948
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I was just casually browsing videos about traveling abroad. The topic about buying in a market pops up. And browsed the comments. It never fails to amaze me how pathetic males are.
No. 235951
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>>235943Imagine being this pathetic
No. 235952
>>235951Giving up your seat makes your life worse? Jesus fuckin christ, stop whining. I give up my seat all the goddamn time to the elderly or pregnant women and I'm a feeeeemale. It's not about chivalry, it's about doing something kind for others. I'm young and able bodied and therefore it's probably easier and more comfortable for me to stand up during a bus ride than it is for a pregnant woman whose feet hurt, or an elderly man who may have back or hip problems. It's just common fucking decency. If you aren't able bodied, don't worry about giving your seat up if you need it. It has nothing to do with 'chivalry', I would side eye a young woman if she didn't offer her seat up to a pregnant lady either. Men will whine about literally everything.
I mean by this dudes logic, nobody should help anybody who isn't related to them or doing something for them in return.
No. 235956
>>235951apparently unless you service men you're worthless
oh you're pregnant? well unless you're pregnant with MY baby then stfu and risk miscarrying well you're making my life worst if you care about your unborn child!!!
No. 235959
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On a lighter note I love seeing bitch ass men who thought they were being funny by putting down women get owned. An oldie but a goodie.
>After the tweet went viral she ended up getting more followers then him and he kept trying to be funny but people kept calling him out for being "that guy who got owned" and an unfunny douche so he set this twitter to private.
No. 235961
>>235952Agreed, it's a matter of courtesy and decency.
Also, speaking of chivalry. Does anyone else purposely slow down when approaching a door with another man anywhere near its vicinity? I used to take care to always say thank you (would even throw in eye contact and a smile) but it started to feel like an obligation, reading comments online from men who have so much unfounded rage around this common courtesy made me just want to avoid the interaction altogether.
I've always thought "a good deed is its own reward." Though I guess this is just lost on some people.
No. 235964
>>235960I went to her twitter, shes actually pretty funny. Also he was just a long streak of piss and after many people made sure he knew kek.
Most guys who talk like this aint shit themselves so as hard as it may be for you it really is better to laugh at them, as pointed out in this thread numerous times men dont realise how medicore they are on the whole which is why its cathartic to see them owned like this.
No. 235982
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Heres another of a man trying to be witty and shaming girls while getting owned kek.
No. 235987
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Is anyone else deeply paranoid and grossed out by men sharing your personal info? I'm fucking disgusted there's sites like anonib, cumonprintedpics, dickflash etc. They all talk about legit cumming in girl's fucking food, panties (then putting them back), pictures, flashing their dicks in public, etc. Sharing their personal details. I mean even if you don't send nudes to an asshole, they'll take girl's selfies, post them on a forum on topics like "would you sell to a brothel or fuck" , "degrade the pic above you". I can't stop browsing these trainwrecks of sites out of morbid curiosity and its fucking disgusting. like you don't even have to know someone and they could be doing this to your pictures in their spare time. How could I honestly ever trust any guy I meet knowing he's gonna go home and post shit like that? There's creepy threads about how guys set up spy cams and post the nudes of girls changing. I feel like I can't trust any guy ever, and they're all disgusting freaks. There's definitely a pedo ring going on with kik "pic trades", and somehow these posts don't get removed or the site never gets reported and shut down because they don't post on the web but instead private chats. I want to avoid men forever. People weren't kidding when you said that men feel sex is boring if you don't atleast choke a girl to death in bed.
No. 235990
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No. 235993
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Men really know fuck all about female sexuality and seriously think our lives revolve around their dicks its hilarious.
I blame thots like wig0nhead for making these fools believe bisexuality is just a meme.
No. 235997
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Interesting how some men think burning clothes is equivalent to physical assault. "Gf broke my PlayStation? I'll break her face". Actual barbaric retards
No. 236011
>>236006I could only go halfway into the video. It's nothing we never heard before: western women are fat and demanding, they can't cook, all women should have husbands, I'm different and not like other girls, etc.
But does anybody else get strong "mean girl" vibes from this woman? I mean, women who make this sort of videos tend to be mean girls (shoe, Lauren Southern, etc), but this one looks like the meanest alpha bitch. Even watching shoe0nhead or Lauren you can see glimpses of an authentic person hidden inside. But when I look at this woman all I see is disingenuity. Even the face she's putting on the thumbnail irks me.
No. 236012
>>236006She sounds as the typical American traditional wannabe. Also, what's up with english speaking people always saying western when they mean their own anglo culture? I live in a non english speaking European country and I don't consider myself western. I can't speak for America, Canada, England or Australia, but in Europe women are too busy to live their lives normally (raising kids, working, having friends, travel, having bf's/gf's/SO, enjoying family/national holidays etc etc) to even bother to create this whole feminist sheme of destroying men and traditional culture. Sure women want to have the same rights and are heavily involved in women's rights. But its nowhere NEAR what most of the wannabe traditional women try to talk about. And I assume women in anglo countries are the same.
Also wtf, why do women always get shit on so much when it comes to wanting to be alone. If a man do it, it's okay for societys standards, but if ONE woman wants to be alone and work instead of cooking and having kids, all women are horrible and lazy with no talents.
No. 236013
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>>236011holy shit you hit the nail on the head. lol. She's like a spokesperson for retard men. Also must have a lot of bitterness inside her to make posts like this.
No. 236015
>>236006She has crazy eyes.
I don't understand why she couldn't be e sweet little housewife without demeaning other women's choices.
I can already see the kind of bitter old woman she's going to be, guarantee she'll gladly give her daughter and ED.
No. 236020
>>236016>>236018you guys misunderstood, I see it now in the way I wrote. I did not write >English speakers considering themselves Western but I meant that english speakers often consider all of America and Europe to be the same under the term west, when in this case the term west is really just an english speaking thing, and Europe is it's own thing, imo.
Hope that explains what I mean better.
No. 236021
>>236016>>236018I'm not
>>236012 but I assumes she means when Americans say "western", they tend to incorporate European countries, like when right-wing people say "save the Western civilization" it includes Czech Republic, Italy, etc, but they make broad generalizations that are specific to American/Anglo countries.
>>236012 doesn't feel Western in the sense that what applies to Anglo countries might not apply to her country, but she's still irritated by the generalizations because her country is seen as a part of a global Western world.
No. 236022
>>236020I get what you mean; we were talking about the same thing in the Anti kpop thread.
Whenever these fans refer to something non-korean, they call it auomatically western, but there's still a big difference between Eu and US. To us asia is the east and america the west, so most people here would consider themselves rather the "middle"
No. 236023
>>236021correct, thats what I mean! I mean,
>>236006 was addressing western women as a whole, and I don't consider myself western so It's hard for me to know what goes on with women there. But I assume that western women are like women all over the world, that just wants equal right and do what they want, so having women like in the video talk shit is so annoying to me.
>>236022ohh god this opens a totally new discussion haha. I have seen some men on the internet talk about Asian women, for example Korean and Japanese women like they are empty minded, timid robots with no dreams except from serving men that all look like K-pop idols. I also believe this has been talked about earlier in this thread or other threads.
Honestly, from my experience Asian women, African women, European women and women from all of America are at the core strong and not weak and sexualised like some men wanna fetishise us to be.
No. 236024
>>236013Jeez she's even worse than I thought haha. Hasn't this trad chick been told that kindness and graciousness are traditional feminine values?
The woman she's bashing seems so much more pleasant. But she's fat so she can't bring anything of value to anyone!
No. 236085
>>236006It's funny how much time these so called "Traditional" women spend speaking begativity, and gossiping about others. Most trad guides on womanhood, especially ones based in religion will discourage gossip and want women to only spread positivity.
They don't want to be Trad, they're just bullies looking for more reasons to talk shit about other women.
No. 236088
>>235994The guy even liked the most vile comments.
What a bunch of losers. A waste of oxygen and resources.
No. 236091
>>236006LMAO @7:15 she said men "need sex"
No. 236095
>>236006Do people like this think that female doctors, nurses, teachers, exc. don't provide value? Do they honestly think the only way that women can 'provide value' is by being attractive to men and letting men dictate their entire life? At the end of the day, how does it affect you what other women do? Nobody is going to stop you from staying at home if you can afford it…but why shit on other women for not making that choice?
I don't know this woman, but whenever I see a woman advocating for shit like this I always can't help but think maybe she just didn't have that much going for her and therefore she thinks other women don't either. Not to be too harsh but maybe she just didn't have any direction, any talent, or any motivation to get good at something or work her way up in some kind of field. Not that there is anything wrong with being a housewife/mother, but most housewives/mothers are happy and don't feel the need to denigrate others' choices. I'm a ~career oriented feminazi~ who would rather die than get married/have children and I have plenty of friends who are the exact opposite and we respect eachothers' choices just fine.
But something about people like this seems bitter. Maybe they aren't as happy as they claim to be staying at home. Maybe they wanted to do something differently or do something more but they couldn't hack it and now need to shit on other women who accomplish what they didn't.
Or maybe she's just a bitch who likes to have her ass kissed by misogynists, idk. It probably is that simple. I just can't imagine caring that much what other people who you will never even meet do.
No. 236103
>>236095But what makes me curious is that downfall. Like when Lauren S and her friend (can’t remember her name) got a lot shit from their core audiences and said friend spoke out about the “misogyny problem in the alt-right” as if they were shocked that large groups of men who continue to scream out that women are worthless apart from being sex toys for men/making children actually do hate women.
Like these faux-trads MUST KNOW that their audience won’t like them for long. Be it pandering to the alt right, incels and mgtows or the general male viewer, they can’t keep shitting on all other women without getting that same treatment back.
No. 236114
>>236012>but if ONE woman wants to be alone and work instead of cooking and having kids, all women are horrible and lazy with no talents.What's weird to me is this idea that working and being in a relationship are mutually exclusive. Or even working and cooking? I work ft, I cook dinner at least a few times a week, I clean, I crochet, and I have a long-term bf - we live together. I know many couples in their 20s/30s and most all of them BOTH work. It may just be because I'm a working woman and that's who I'm exposed to, but I really only know like 2 SAHMs that do nothing else but kids. Most women I know have tons of shit going on in their lives and it's extremely varied.
sage for blogposty
No. 236217
>>236114they cause war, force women to stay at home then when they can't support us women have to make their own shit, mock and scream gold digger at women who don't work and now mock women simply for not wanting to go broke
men are evil and WANT to cause hell for women and never realize their hypocrisy
No. 236229
>>236223They claim they dont but next second claim women always get free shit
And im like where is this free shit and privilege men always talk about?
No. 236238
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I was browsing taobao and aliexpress related posts on reddit. Found this thread on replica jewelry. Never fails to amaze me that a scummy guy is gonna lie to his gf about fake jewelry because all that matters is he gets laid amirite.
No. 236242
>>236240No, best way to deal with them is to just avoid avoid avoid.
>>236238Oh, she's going to find out and she's going to be pissed. If you expect sex for presents that's some demeaning shit. Your girlfriend is not a prostitute.
No. 236247 need to bring this show back.
Fucking unbelievable especially when they try to weasel their way out even though they're caught red-handed
No. 236249
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No. 236254
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>>236253After reading pic related, I do too.
No. 236296
>>236264>I've never heardYour ignorance doesn't make it any less true. If anyone is deluded, it's the idiot who refuses to believe no men pressure their girlfriends to get cosmetic surgery when it's somewhat common.
And honestly, when they expect women to achieve such looks naturally, it's even worse. At least the guys wanting them to get surgery acknowledge it's not realistic.
No. 236310
>>236284>It's odd when USA alt-righters complain about the so called "Islamification of Europe"(I am the anon that first made this point in this thread) Are you European? Have you not seen how many muslim men violate European women and their own immigrant women (such as raping their own girls in refugee camps, throwing acid in muslim women's faces just to restore their honour)? It's not odd that anyone, no matter where they live in the world, is concerned about the islamification of Europe (or anywhere for that matter) that is an actual thing. So yeah, I find it interesting that you're in a thread where we discuss why we don't like men, and you're basically defending the most sexist and violent religion in the world atm.
>Moors in SpainIn the end they were cast out of Europe and many people that were part Moor were killed off. The historical presence of Moors in Spain does not have much of an influence in Europe anymore
>popularity of Islam in the Russian FederationRussia is a very diverse country with several ethnic and cultural groups. The Islamic ones are The Chechens and Tatars as well as some other Turkic groups. These people should not be confused with refugees or ethnic/cultural Russians (or other ethnic European minorities in Russia). These muslims have lived in peace for the most part for quite some time, but has been radicalised recently (see the terror attack in Russia in February. And how muslims advocate for killing orthodox Russians).
I'd say Islam shows the worst in men. If the whole world was muslim, women would be fucked.
No. 236315
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>>236312Christianity sucks too. But turning a blind eye to the rise in crime caused by muslim rape culture cause of "muh STUNNING architecture" is crazy.
No. 236317
>>236312>ignores rape, acid attacks, sexual assults, and murder of women in ALL of Europe. ok mate
I don't care much for muslim men. First of all because they're men, and secondly because they're muslims. They can fend for themselves and they dont my help, when many of the new comers would probably rape the fuck out of me if they had the chance. So stop with that 'muh discrimination'. I don't give a fuck and neither should you.
I'm not british myself so its sadly not much I can do to help women in the UK facing violence from muslim men or any men. However, I'll say this. Christian laws in Europe are currently outdated and nobody follows them unless they're in Ireland or something.
No. 236318
>>236312Did you know that there was an islamic terror attack in France earlier today where three people died and five where injured and that since 2014 close to 500 people have died in islamic terror attacks?
So I seriously do not have any sympathy for them.
No. 236325
>>236319>>236320I am European and I do not get my news from Breitbart or any english speaking new outlets what so ever. Most of my friends are Chechen and Ozbeks and four of them have been radicalised and traveled to serve for ISIS and died for them, so I have personal experience.
Your country do have an issue with sexual assult and grooming. Especially of lower class white girls and Indian girls.
I never said that its limited. But if you take a look of how many attacks has been islamic you'll see that its the majority.
I will never get why women defend islam. Seriously what the fuck..? Majority of countries with a significant enough muslim population has issues.
No. 236332
>>236330It WILL happen. My point is, whether it's European men or Muslim men, women are fucked. Virulent misogyny gets more widespread by the day, men wanting to revoke women's basic rights, men foaming at the mouth to subjugate women once again. They HATE us, regardless of their religion. If you remove Islamic influence from a country completely (how?), you're still going to be left with European men who want their own little version of Sharia law. Sure, Muslim men wrote the playbook, but white men can't wait to follow it.
I'm not defending Islam, to be clear. I'm just saying that you can't get rid of the common denominator - which is men. Women are fucked and will always be fucked, it was fun having equal rights in the west for a bit, but that time is soon over. The far right is rising in pretty much every western country, I can bet the first order of business is a rollback of women's rights. I guess it just depends on which language the men who rape us and spit on us will speak, but to me personally it makes no difference. We're done for either way.
No. 236335
>>236306People still do it, hell i knew girls that live in trailers and do it, poor people go to college and buy cars, plastic surgery is cheaper than both of those things
>>2363081 year in the uk.. And we are talking about men pressuring their gfs to get it, even other plastic surgeons say its common for boyfriends and husbands to come in and be pushy and whatnot
No. 236338
>>236332I think that as long as women keep their rights, stay educated and strong it won't happen. As long as nobody comes and strips us of our security we'll survive and hopefully thrive above men. I think the biggest issue in Europe is not politically but socially within communities or homes. Like abusive partners, social pressure, muslim men that get away with everything, and everything like that.
The scary part is that if nobody stops the social things, soon when the new generation grows up they can do whatever they want to. Which can be stripping women of our rights
No. 236341
>>236338I get what you mean, but if men want to take away our rights they can do it. Easily. There are more men and misogynistic women than there are women who view other women as human beings. Most governments are controlled by men. There would be nobody to stop it.
My main point is that the "harmless" little quips and ideas that are floating around are not harmless at all. Constantly seeing that (in America) we should revoke women's right to vote, people saying 'women destroy civilizations' and therefore need to be controlled and subjugated, women aren't logical and not capable of making their own decisions, women are basically children and shouldn't be allowed more rights than children, women are stupid and worthless aside from breeding.
Sure, those are just 'harmless' ideas now. But that is some dangerous shit once it spreads, which it is already doing. It's actively setting up a society where women are viewed as lesser, and that it's better for the country as a whole if women are restricted and ruled under an iron fist. It's planting the seed that women are subhuman and don't deserve rights. Everything that comes after that is nothing good. You are completely correct that the social aspects you listed a serious problem that will, if left unchecked (which they are), develop into something more institutionalized and serious.
No. 236346
>>236345Actually it would be quite easy to sympathize with them and listen to their struggles and try to understand that "other world" if they didn't call every woman a roastie whore who deserves rape and shouldn't have rights.
But they almost all do that. Why? And what came first - the rejection or their misogynistic screeds that will inevitably lead to rejection?
No. 236347
>reeeee roasties all wanting to fuck the same menalso men
>I want a harem of multiple women bearing my children and worshipping me No. 236351
>>236347There are more than one views held by people. If someone flipped what you said around, you might feel the same way.
What do you think the best solution would be?
>>23634690% of users in most forums lurk and do not post.
No. 236355
>>236351> 90% of users in most forums lurk and do not post.What does that have to do with what I said in
>>236346 ? I wasn't referring to forums. I was referring to men who scream misogynistic shit at women but then complain that they never get laid and won't be able to reproduce. You said it's hard to put yourself in a guy's shoes. Of course it's difficult to put yourself in anybody else's shoes, but one can at least try right? But why would any woman try to understand and help if when she does, she gets called a worthless whore who deserves rape and death?
So then do these men not want someone to listen to them and possibly help them? Or do they just want to be angry at women? Because incels come here all the time and go on misogynistic rants but then complain that no woman ever wants them so what is the point in living. Well, is it so farfetched that no woman wants a man who sees her as a worthless hole?
And, in your opinion (because I'm assuming you are one of these men), does the misogyny come after the rejection, or before? Genuine question.
That is what my post meant.
No. 236360
>>236339Women do think %80 of men as not attractive tho.
>>236346From what I see it's always the rejection.
No. 236361
>>236357I'm not blaming anyone just saying how it is. Those are our ancestors and we have the same characteristics.
>>236355>does the misogyny come after the rejection, or before? Genuine question. From what I've seen, the view of the opposite sex tends to become bitter after some bad experience. Scroll up to see what I mean. I personally haven't been rejected, but I can see how someone would direct anger at women.
No. 236366
>>236361So should women be forced to have sex and procreate with these men? Or else we face the wrath of their misogyny, and potentially the death of our rights in society if they were to gain any semblance of power? What is your solution?
They aren't just "bitter." They hate ALL women, not just those that rejected them, and they frequently talk about how all women are worthless whores who deserve rape and even death on occasion. All because women won't fuck them. That seems logical to you? Do you think women deserve that?
Rejection hurts. I understand. But I've never once turned into a raging misandrist wishing death and assault on men because one dated my friend instead of me. I don't want men's rights taken away and their choices restricted so that they will have no choice but to do what I, personally, want. I mean come on now.
No. 236369
>>236360If being told "no" turns men into raging misogynists, that's an issue, don't you think? We all deal with rejection and things we deem 'unfair' at some point, whether is be in our personal lives or in our professional lives. Most of us know how to get on with it.
Is it women's fault that men don't know how to deal with rejection in a rational, normal manner? If so, what do you suggest women do to change this?
No. 236370
>>236366>>236365People don't need to be forced to do something to be made to do something. It would be viable to somehow return to a culture of life long monogamy.
>That seems logical to you? Do you think women deserve that? I said that I can see how someone would hate women due to bad experiences, not that it's right for them to do so. I don't think they should hate women, and there are many posters in these threads that I think shouldn't hate men, but I can see how after a series of traumas things can go awry.
>I've never once turned into a raging misandrist wishing death and assault on men because one dated my friend instead of meI wouldn't expect you to, simply because of the economics of the situation. There is a lot more at play here than the simple being told "no" by some girl. Honestly I am not so sure about if you really do understand how some of these guys feel. At the end of the day this is all internet talk and it doesn't really affect anyone directly.
No. 236375
>>236371>>236369I don't know ask them, I don't hate women just kinda avoid them because of I know being the disgusting fuck I am they will never like me so why waste energy? I know looking like shit is the cause of my rejections so why hate them?
>>236370>>236371I mean I wouldn't be sad or angry if it was just a simple no, but getting rejected in a rude way really hurts. Last time I asked someone out after years she literally burst in to laughter and said if I was fucking with her.
>>236370You think all this talk of women being evil children who are only good for breeding and not capable of working outside the home or being trusted with the vote is not affecting anyone directly?
Well, not yet anyway. But it will soon enough. Not that you care, because only women will be affected.
> I am not so sure about if you really do understand how some of these guys feelMaybe not. I do understand being hurt by rejection, feeling worthless and not seeing the point in trying anymore. I understand feeling hopeless and lost and like you have nothing to offer the world. I understand feeling helpless and knowing that someone else has the power to make you feel like shit. I do not understand how getting rejected results in someone dehumanizing, despising, and wanting to harm half of the population, most of who they have never and will never come into contact with. And, more importantly, most of whom has never rejected them. I fear this is yet another result of men not being able to see women as fully formed, individual humans. One or two women reject a man and suddenly all women are worthless whores because what one woman does represents all of us to men.
>>236371This. What I personally don't get, however, is how rejection turns someone into a raging misogynist and how women are responsible for that. And how we can change that without say, forcing women NOT to reject these men.
No. 236381
>>236380If you are depressed/anxious you can and should seek help for it. Of course rejection will make you feel even more worthless if you already have something nagging at the back of your brain constantly making you feel worthless.
There is no cure all but I think a good rule of thumb is that if there is something more you should be doing to make yourself healthier and less miserable, you should try to do that. Stop worrying about women and dating and focus on yourself and your own mental health.
No. 236384
>>236371Thanks for the effort, but just the knowledge that there is little point in trying, due to changes in the dating "market", is enough to send someone over the edge.
>>236376I think that there has been nothing but a constant push in one direction for the entirety of your life and the lives of your parents. In all matters political.
Anyway I've already mentioned my proposal and it fits historical precedent.
> men not being able to see women as fully formed, individual humans.I think some of the stuff about women being conformists/cautious holds some weight, and it has been common knowledge across almost every culture for thousands of years.
>>236379Don't be surprised by violent thoughts, men routinely went to war for this type of issue. My gripe is that this anger is misdirected.
No. 236387
>>236384Hmmm yes because women might be cautious or 'conformist' in order to be accepted into society and not make waves means they aren't fully human and shouldn't be treated as such. Don't even consider the reasons why they might be this way, just jump straight to "women aren't capable of individual thought and shouldn't be treated as individuals."
Thanks for once again confirming that men don't view women as human beings. I know understand why they don't treat us as one.
No. 236388
>>236386yep, and he let it slip right here
>>236384muh evopsych proving women aren't human
No. 236389
>>236381I'm already using meds but thanks for caring, it'll go away one day maybe.
>>236383I can understand how people be like that since it's a form of "deflection" but yeah I ain't raised to be hateful. My whole family consists of mostly women so I grew up with loads of female cousins, a sister and a great mother, and have good girl friends so I just can't bring myself to hate women. You may be wondering why I'm talking about this useless stuff but not all people are shitty please don't let hatred run your life, wish all people could think like this.
No. 236390
>>236384>I think that there has been nothing but a constant push in one direction for the entirety of your life and the lives of your parents. In all matters political. And what direction is that?
And you don't see the pendulum swinging in the other direction? Or you just don't care because you're loving it?
No. 236392
>>236389It never goes away, it just becomes more manageable. If your medication isn't helping you should talk to your doctor about trying a different one until you find the right one for you. And don't shirk talk therapy, either. I know it is easy to shit on it and think it won't help but combined with meds that's probably your best bet. In my experience at least, and most of the people in my group have had similar experiences for what it's worth.
But what do I know, I'm just a dumb subhuman feeeemale.
No. 236393
>>236370>return to a culture of lifelong monogamyDo you think maybe a lot of women don't want that because it previously meant never being allowed to be a human being, with free agency and their own life? I know many anons on here would love to find someone that made them feel respected and cared for, in a true partnership, but they never meet men capable of being like this. Sure, the initial physical attraction is important to draw people together, but once that has passed there needs to be a mutual understanding that keeps people together.
It just comes across like men somehow feel cheated that women are no longer forced by society to be miserable and trapped in long-term relationships, rather than seeing it as an opportunity to step their game up and become better men to be with.
No. 236394
>>236387>Don't even consider the reasons why they might be this wayI imagine the reasons are to do with evolution, going back to the fact that women and men are just different. It doesn't mean I don't think you can't think for yourself, but that you might be more influenced by your surroundings than a typical guy might be. In person to person conversations this doesn't really matter as there is of course a lot of variation within the sexes, more so than across them.
>>236390Some call it left.
I don't subscribe to the pendulum school of thought, as overall it's of little consequence. Maybe 50 years from now it might be cool to say bitch or something but it's not going to undo the main issue which is the centralisation of power to the government/whatever.
No. 236395
>>236391I think you're mistaking me with someone else.
>>236392Yeah, I guess. I tried many but this one seems to be working the best I guess, I get bad episodes but mostly under control.
>I'm just a dumb subhuman feeeemale.Now where did I say that?
No. 236402
>>236398I'm not an incel, and I consider that a reddit term.
Suppose men were more conformist than women, would you feel ok with that? If someone said that you thought that you didn't view men as human beings because you acknowledge the fact that men tend to go with the group think more than women, what would you say?
On a side note, conformism is a very human trait, certain men are called "robots" for a reason.
No. 236406
>>236403Of course.
>>236404How do you gauge how "the world" views men and women? If we were to go by the media, we might get a very different picture.
Anyway that's beside my point, maybe I can change it a little. I know for a fact that men are more aggressive than women, and often fight over things that should not be fought over. I would not imagine that you would deny this, and I would not complain that you view men as less than human for holding that opinion.
No. 236408
>>236360Oh boohoohoo last time I checked it wasn't women going out of their way to make men jealous, screaming how only women with x features are attractive then later raise the standard so high for that feature that even people who do have those features don't by some mens standards, it wasn't women who are so fucking obsessed with making their partners and men feel insecure, it wasn't women who rant and scream for days and act as if you personally offended them if you aren't attractive, it wasn't women associating features women can't help with bad things (hur outtie and dark pussies are hoes who sleep around, this race of women are pure virgin qts who you can beat and make cook and black women are cheating whores, etc) all without hearing a word out their mouth or knowing a single thing about most women they are talking about, women dont leave or harass their bfs if they dont get plastic surgery on demand, women dont go on the internet and cry about the person they supposedly love and care about doesnt look how they want them to look
Honestly, I'd kill to give up What women have to go through for their looks than what men do, even if that means men only finding 80% of women unattractive, you have no fucking clue and wont ever survive one day as a woman if thats what you get hurt over
No. 236414
>>236406Because I would say that men are “less than human” for being aggressive. That doesn’t make someone subhuman. Men are human, period. Acting in a way that I personally find reprehensible and handling things in a way I personally wouldn’t doesn’t make them less than human.
Too bad the same courtesy isn’t extended from men to women, huh? If a woman is upset about something, who cares she’s just a hole? Aka less than human. If a woman gets raped who cares she’s probably a whore who deserved to be treated LESS THAN HUMAN. If a woman rejects a man she’s a fucking worthless cunt who has nothing to offer but a vagina anyway, right? Less than human.
Men don’t view women as human. Society doesn’t either. Men see us as breeding fodder that they have to put up with to get laid and is below them in every single way. And I apologize, it must be a tough life having to deal with inferior subhuman roasties running around everywhere.
No. 236419
>>236416Also since you used aggression as an example I should add something. Every single stereotypical male trait, including aggression, is seen as superior and is worshipped by culture. Every single stereotypically feminine trait is seen as useless, mocked, belittled to death. Even a trait such as aggression, which has resulted in murder and mayhem throughout history is STILL held in higher regard than a trait such as empathy, which is seen as a weakness that needs to be supressed at all costs. Pretty much showing any emotion other than anger is seen as disgusting, and why is that? Because anger is a stereotypically masculine emotion. It’s strong and capable, while other negative emotions that result in tears are deemed hysterical and feminine and aren’t valid. Almost like there’s a reason why everything associated with women is shat on by every society on earth, and even negative male traits are appreciated.
I wonder why? Almost like society holds men up as the ideal and women as some kind of fucked up mistake that needs to be corrected. A stain on society that needs to be scrubbed off.
No. 236420
>>236414My point is that I think that women aren't subhuman, and that me thinking they might be relatively more conformist doesn't change that.
>>236416Talk is cheap, but people lose their jobs over saying things that are negative about women, not men.
No. 236422
I remember at an awards ceremony a woman had several scholarships and people around me were point out how she had "no hips" and literally only 4 or 5 zits
it always makes me scared because if I work my ass off for something, most people disregard it and HAVE to point out my flaws, why are people so obsessed with judging women but ugly men everywhere are A-OK
or if you are pretty mgtows will make their pathetic videos and comments about how you fucked your way to the top without even knowing a single thing about you or blaming it on affirmative action
No. 236427
>>236420>My point is that I think that women aren't subhuman, and that me thinking they might be relatively more conformist doesn't change that.Dude you brought up the point about women being conformist after someone said that women are individual human beings with fully formed, individual personalities and thoughts. So which one is it? Women are either incapable of complex thought and therefore subhuman, or they aren't capable so they are.
Saying "women tend to be conformist" is not what people are taking issue with. It's why you said it in reply to what was said prior.
No. 236428
>>236426Ah yes, the constant march "leftwards" where depending on what country you are in, far right parties are making significant strides (much of Europe) or Republicans have control of both Congress and the House, if you're American. The constant march leftwards where American men are screaming that the 19th amendment needs to be repealed and women should be sent back to the kitchen.
Dude I WISH we were on a constant march leftward. The future is looking bleak if you're a woman. Or anywhere to the left of Macron or fucking Clinton.
No. 236429
>>236427It seems like I miscommunicated, my original point was that I don't believe that women aren't worthy as human, but that some of the stuff that people say that gives people that impression might be true.
>>236428An american republican would be considered a democrat 30 years ago. If you look at the bigger picture, even all but the most fringe of the far right parties say little about race or the jews or stuff like that.
No. 236430
>>236429They dogwhistle a lot about race and about Jews. Are you kidding me?
And they say a metric shit ton about women and how we need to be subjugated and kept in the home. How we shouldn't vote because we don't have the mental capacity. How we're only good for breeding and don't belong in the workplace. Women ruin civilizations and therefore need to be controlled. The list goes on dude. I'm not surprised you don't notice this shit because it probably doesn't bother you all that much, so why would it stick with you? Men are going to be fine, after all. Nobody is ever coming for your rights.
No. 236432
Anyway as usual every time a man comes here and tries to defend misogyny and say it's not that big of a deal, I invite them to look at the image in
>>233792. And then come back and let me know when large swathes of people say shit like this about men. Then I'll get concerned.
Tell me again how the world doesn't hate women and view us as subhuman?
No. 236433
I said all but the most fringe speak little of it. At some point the conservative party in the uk talked about how labour would bring in blacks, now they do not dare to speak against trans.
>>236433I'm an American, so here are some American examples.
Roy Moore, almost elected to Senate. Jones, won Republican congressional primary a few days ago. 20,000+ people voted for him. Here is his website.'s a segment on Fox News (one of the most watched cable news networks in the country) talking about how women shouldn't have the right to vote. Only one person speaking against it.The fact that this is even a debate taking place in mainstream media is scary, but I don't expect you to give a fuck because it only affects the feeeemales. Nehlen, hoping to take Paul Ryan's seat in Wisconsin. Loooooves talking about "the Jews." not a politician or anyone with legislative power, but he does have a large following that grows every single fucking day. Constantly talks about them Jews, women, how he thinks we can "peacefully relocate" non-whites from the country by bribing them. Dude gets his ass kissed in every publication, is seen as "reasonable", and every white man I know under 30 loves this motherfucker. dude all that really seems fringe, huh? So fringe. They don't have to come right out and say "GAS THE JEWS AND HANG THE WHORES" for them to be a problem. Most people are smarted than that. Hence, dog whistling. You can make fun of that term all you want, but it is relevant here.
No. 236456
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>Nelson muntz voice "ha ha!"
Theres a mans best friend joke in there somewhere, this cunt got what he deserved I could only hope the same for all other pedos.
No. 236462
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He said rape didnt exist in turkey because wives have to give you sex and I said non consentual sex will always be by definition rape and this was his response
Peak of mgtow everyone
No. 236468
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>>236456If this is real the piece of shit deserves it.
No. 236469
>>236462the raw mental retardation emitting from that sc is intense
what did you say after that?
No. 236472
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This is old and I assume probably well known but imma post anyways. This, I guess, could be an example of society as a whole, this woman was clear about her intent but the man feels hes justified in being angry. While this is never something I could do if I had a kid, but then the situation was his fault so idk. And unlike most absent deadbeat fathers shes pays over the amount for child support.
No. 236480
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>>236475The responses held no sympathy for him, I got this from a blog but I remember seeing the whole thread on reddit some time ago, they basically told him to stop whining because he was acting like an entited child (the irony) if I can find it again will link or screenshot if possible
>>236479You're welcome! If you guys like these sorts of posts would be happy to post more as I find them. Stuff like this makes we want to open up my own radfem image board but I wouldnt know where to start kek.
No. 236497
>>236495Aha you are not alone on that one! I will certainly post more I find that are on topic.
No. 236609
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I get automatically believing people who say they've been raped is wrong but automatically accusing them of lying is a million times worse
THIS is the point we're at
people accusing a child of willingly having sex with her step dad, who she wrote in her diary about being abusive as well as her siblings confirming the abuse, then claiming he raped her and she's sooooo evil right?
it was one thing when it was girls getting snatched at the bar and raped but a FUCKING CHILD being accused of willingly having sex with her abusive dad then made a false rape accusation
No. 236674
>>236660That's pretty sad. Maybe if there was blood all over the place or something that would be pretty gross, but he's even uncomfortable with even knowing his gf is on her period.
At that point, it's pathological, isn't it.
No. 236676
>>236660imo men who are uncomfortable with human things shouldn't be in relationships with them, it's like getting grossed out at toilet paper
27 yr old man, does he not have a mom or sisters? has he ever had a job in retail before that required him to stock feminine products and sometimes even
gasp ring up menstruating women who are buying pads, tampons, wipes, laundry detergent, ice cream, tea and the entire pll series?
this is everyday shit part of life, how he is so grossed out by it? I will never understand
so glad my bf lived with his mom and sisters growing up
No. 236682
>>236660Something nobody brought up in the thread - they must not have been having sex very often as surely he's find out she was on her period (verbally) at some point without seeing some terrifying… bits of wrapper.
I've known a few women who had their tampons or pads in clear view all month long on a cabinet in their bathroom/bedroom. Personally I hide and smuggle a bit but also am not embarrassed about having periods themselves.
Bit jealous of the "My brother/dad has bought sanitary products for me in an emergency" reddit posters.
No. 236688
>>236682my dad despite living in a woman only household for decades would flinch at the word tampon or pad, even refused to hold a grocery bag when helping load groceries
it's not so much I think they're genuinely being grossed out by it rather than they feel like they need to be, like how people pretend to be grossed out by burps or butts
meanwhile I knew a guy who asked for a tampon for his nosebleed when I was in HS, even a 12 yr old would use a tampon when he had a huge cut, I've noticed it tends to be older men, rarely younger ones
>>236677weird, could be because my bf worked in retail as a teen so stocking pads and tampons as well as ringing them up wasn't weird to him, my bf isn't a manchild either
No. 340659
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>>235795>>235804The first thing is that there is actual grade inflation, the second thing is that boys aren't getting enough exercise, the third thing is that they are putting many children on large amounts of psychoactive drugs, which permanently messes up their brains over time.