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No. 274298
This thread is for:
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women >stories or awful encounters with men>why you, yourself hate or avoid men>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in generalprevious threads:
>>>/ot/225502>>>/ot/217093>>>/ot/213878>>>/ot/220064>>>/ot/229274>>>/ot/233664>>>/ot/236692>>>/ot/270158 No. 274301
>>274256What about when, presented with a situation invoving gay men (in media, on the street), the straight man being tested or observed makes lame ass awkward jokes like a teenager in the 90s? Is he covering for his own gay feelings or is he just an asshole?
I have a straight (?) acquaintance that does his. The “jokes” border on offensive and I always roll my eyes or lecture him on why its cringingly not funny or offensive.
Why are men so cringy?
No. 274312
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>>274304Oh my god yes. I used to be in this discord where 95% of the users were male and they would have extremely specific standards for women. Girls had to be Asian, smol uwu and only wear cutesy clothes. It was actually insane seeing them have regular circle jerks about the ultimate gf and stalk random Korean girls on IG all the time. They would also rate them and trash their looks because they had minor flaws, even though this was against the rules.
This stuff was going on for ages, so some of the girls decided to post pictures of the same male model and hype him up just to see how they reacted. And holy shit, they became so irritated and bitter, it was kinda scary.
I ended up leaving the discord and stopped talking to most of the friends I made through it because the way they spoke about women almost made me have an ED relapse.
No. 274326
>>274312Shit like this is why I laugh when I hear mgtows rant about all women being hypergamous ie just being open about being attracted to men that aren't them
They want their cake and eat it, they want to run around demanding perfect asian sex doll waifus, tear womens flaws apart and just straight up be cruel when women aren't fuckable, but then cry when women even dare show signs shes attracted to a man that isn't them
I just wish they'd one day open their eyes and realize that their entire movement are complete contradictions but they have 0 self awareness and stikl believe they're oppressed
No. 274327
>>274322Yeah, but lolcow shits on men's flaws as well where do you think we are lol. The point of anon's post was the males in the discord who hype up random girls getting big mad when some girls started hyping up some dude.
>>274312Which male model?
No. 274334
>>274330Yeah but anon mgtow is different from incels
Aka mgtows think women are chasing them and that they're hot shit, incels know they're ugly and shitty
No. 274337
>>274312Yeah. I'm
>>274304 and my situation was similar. They became aggressive. It's like they didn't like that I was allowed to be attracted to an actually attractive person instead of worshipping them, or thought that because the attraction wasn't towards features that they had it needed to be culled, very weird reaction.
No. 274352
>>274330so basically people who think the world should revolve around men?
who should we include?
I think sandman definitely, nollagirl504, LFA, cassie jaye, red pill wisdom
these dudes definitely need to pay the consequences for acting like insane paranoid loons about women, sometimes I wonder if these men are even able to be in the same room as a woman without screeching internally about how she's probably a gold digging whore who cries rape
No. 274355
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>>274352>these dudes definitely need to pay the consequencesWhat consequences?
I mean they are already lonely losers?
No. 274363
>>274360He shoved a buttplug in his ass to "own the libs" or something and later flashed his penis and asshole during his show for similar reasons I suppose. time at 1:45 in the twitter vid.
No. 274367
>>274363For what purpose???
>>274364Personally I'm into guy buttstuff, but…No.
No. 274375
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>>274370Fake tan is the closest to orange, if not orange-orange
No. 274399
>>274371None of those guys like each other. The ones who think they're all going to unite under one banner are really dumb.
White supremacists want the "traditional" values of decades ago when they could control their white wives like cattle. PUA's think they can become "alpha males" by reading dating manuals written by autists. MGTOW's think any interaction with women is bad, even the old style marriage white supremacists defend. Incels think the world is doomed and that there's nothing they can do because they're too ugly.
No. 274401
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>>274357>>274361>>274370i hate the act that they cast starfire as a black girl for all the reasons above. it doesn't fit the character's original canon look because she's supposed to be "orange". if they wanted a diversity character they could have cast a latina
>>274375, asian, or even lighter skinned black/mixed girl with a spray tan.
also i think anytime a black woman is cast for a role, whether the character was race-bent or not, it only hardens the hateboners of angry white boys who think the only female characters they have the status to look at are curvy but fit white girls and smol pale asian waifus.
like i hate tokenism in general, but i also feel most white men (and men in general) think they're too good to enjoy anything anymore unless it fits their specific standards. this is the man hating thread so i wouldn't mind discussing this topic further.
No. 274404
>>274403MRA's claim that they most care about divorce laws, child custody, disparity of prison time between men and women and such things, but it's hard to believe them.
Red Pill is PUA on steroids. Their whole ideology is to manipulate, exploit, and subjugate women for their sexual gain. They'll defend any sort of abuse against women.
No. 274412
>>274312Men really have a bizarre and malicious compulsion to police, judge and fucking constantly discuss women's looks. They spend a significant amount of their time just arguing with other men about which woman/race/body type/etc is hottest. Even disregarding how cruel they are, it's such a waste of time and I cannot fathom why they enjoy it so much. Perhaps because male bonding often revolves around hating women together and it makes them feel good to make their all important preferences in a woman known to the world.
We talk about boys occasionally and say we find them qt or ugly but we almost never go into detail or get invested in the discussion. I discuss men's looks even less with irl women. The saddest part is that lolcow does nitpicks women's looks all the time, we've so thoroughly internalized the idea that looks are everything for us.
No. 274419
>>274406this is true, starfire could still be dark but glazed in a sparkly orange sheen. plus the other characters weren't super true to their original designs either.
but i still think that guys have an excessive hate boner for black female characters and are too picky. casting could have avoided creating the hate but hey, they're going to do whatever they want to do.
No. 274431
>>274412speaking of men being too hard on women's looks, does anyone else here think it's unfair that men criticize women for wearing make up? despite the fact that they dedicate entire threads to glorifying images of women and girls who clearly enhance themselves with some form of cosmetics, or even photoshop? and make memes and filters dedicated to highlighting how ugly we supposedly look without make-up?
i've had guy friends and my ex judge me for even wearing the tiniest bit of make up. i literally only wear minimal makeup, mainly to cover dark spots on my face. but one time i had a guy friend, who was over at MY apartment on MY birthday, bust into my bathroom while i was getting ready JUST to tell me that he didn't think i should wear makeup that night. my ex also had the nerve to take his hand and rub my concealer of my face while we were in public, because it
triggered him to much. same ex also told me that i could be his physical ideal had it not been for the fact that i wear make-up. (even though he'd seen me without make-up countless times at home.)
"oh well women look better without makeup!" so if that's the case, then what are we supposed to do? show the world our blemishes and other flaws and take on the bullying? or enhance ourselves to heighten our self esteem, only to be called fake? seriously nothing makes these fuckers happy anymore.
No. 274434
>>274419Boss Logic made her look so good! When I saw the BTS snaps I literally said 'Oh no.' OT, but this make me howl. definitely do, and what even sadder is even guys that are their mirror image are affected. Yet, they hate when it happens to them.
No. 274449
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I really hate when I do this to myself but I somehow ended up on TRP and read through some of the comments…this dude and the things he says legitimately worry me.
>punishing female ambition
No. 274451
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>>274450And in my opinion the worst one…I had to tap out after this.
I know I shouldn't put stock in anything said on reddit but what do you guys think are the chances of something like this happening? I have no doubt that 99% of men in the country would support this and desire it and that is scary. I mean I know that half the workforce can't be axed overnight but what if they start taking steps to do some shit like this…? Normal people would be powerless to stop it. I know I sound crazy rn, I blame it on staring into the abyss for too long.
No. 274453
>>274449In a way it's nice to have them admit to being aware of what's been happening for pretty much forever until recently, and of wanting it too.
It makes it easier to hate them when they don't try to gaslight.
No. 274454
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>>274451One more, less threatening but still shitty. Not like we didn't already know that men view women as incompetent whores.
No. 274455
>>274454 this entire thread is pretty bad save for one comment. Basically blaming certain men's less than ideal career situations on women. Because when men are succeeding it's just nature but when women are succeeding it must be totally artificial and they must not work hard or deserve to be where they are because of that work! It can't possibly be because some women are working harder and are more ambitious than some men, or that these men aren't as talented, intelligent, or hardworking as they believe themselves to be or anything like that…nope, women took their jobs!!1
It's ridiculous. it reminds me of the school argument. When men do better than women in school, they say it's because men are smarter than girls. Period. No room for discussion. But when women are doing better than men, it's because of quotas and preferential treatment and gynocentric conspiracies. They'll never entertain the possibility that MAYBE women can also be intelligent, capable, and hardworking and more than just worthless holes. Like they really cannot even comprehend that or consider it.
No. 274456
>>274449this shit is just pure evil to me. why can't they leave us the fuck alone? you don't see women going after men, abusing, raping, harming them half as much as you see men doing it to women - why exactly do they hate us so much? Does a woman having a job that she enjoys, studying something she's passionate about, does that really fucking hurt them?
how is a woman trying to make her own way in life so that she doesn't have to spend it under the boot of some misogynist and can open up opportunities for herself such a fucking crime to men?
No. 274457
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>>274454One more. Can't resist this one. This was in response to a single father of a daughter asking how to raise her within redpill doctrine. It truly makes me want to eat a bullet.
No. 274460
>>274459Yeah but most of his other ones aren't….
I'll just link this one because it's huge.
>little girls are now for the first time able to legitimately compete and keep up with men. He sees that as a problem.
>Unfortunately until federal laws catch up to the crisis, her agency and self sufficiency can only be cut down by woke men willing to hobble ambition in their female children and partners.This shit is fucking terrifying. Why are men like this? Why can't women just live their lives without their every action being turned into some life-ruining sin that they shouldn't be allowed to pursue?
No. 274461
>>274460Why do you go on TRP? Are you unable to stop emotionally self-harming yourself through reading their posts?
If the answer is yes, then perhaps you should start going on TBP (this is not a good subreddit either, though, as majority of users are male, and while they disagree with the level of misogyny displayed by TRP, they are still sexist and it shows.) to see the more rational responses catered specifically to posts like the ones you've been posting.
The best advice I can give to you or anyone else unable to stop browsing hateful places however is to look for older posts and realize that they've been saying the same thing for years.
I was surprised to see that the screenshots you posted were recent, 7 hours ago recent, because I remember seeing those same words half a year ago, a year ago, and then two years ago. It even goes for as far as 5.
They've been doing the same thing for so long, and they don't plan on stopping. Whether you're reading it or not, nothing will change, so you should probably focus on your own happiness.
When you stop taking this shit at face value, the response to
>>274457 becomes "this makes me want to put a bullet through HIS head" instead of yours.
No. 274464
>>274461>Why do you go on TRP? Are you unable to stop emotionally self-harming yourself through reading their posts? Yeah honestly this exactly why. I try to avoid it but sometimes the one subreddit I do visit links to one of their posts to make fun of them and then it sends me down the rabbithole. And then I always end up depressed. I used to go on TBP, actually. But there isn't much difference imo because they still link to TRP posts and you still have to read them.
>They've been doing the same thing for so long, and they don't plan on stopping. Whether you're reading it or not, nothing will change, so you should probably focus on your own happiness.This is really good advice that I should already be following anon, and I appreciate it. I usually do pretty good avoiding it but sometimes I fall off the wagon and can't help myself.
And sorry if I pissed anyone off by posting these screenshots, it just shocked me so I wanted to share. I know TRP/MGTOW/etc say bad shit but this dude is on a whole other level.
No. 274476
>>274455MRAs call the patriarchy a conspiracy theory but at the same time believe there's a worldwide conspiracy against boys in every school system on the planet. Girls outperform boys in almost every country from Africa to America to Europe. East Asia is the only exception. And men think it's all somehow women's fault.
So go ahead men, pour billions of dollars into programs trying to improve boys performance. At the end of the day girls will still outperform boys.
No. 274499
>>274464I used to have a problem with compulsively visiting sites like Return of Kings, /r9k/, and subreddits where men would defend their porn addictions tooth and nail and shit on women who weren't comfortable with their partners using it.
I noticed I would usually visit these sites when I was in a bad mental state to begin with and of course reading the rhetoric would only make me feel worse and take the things being said to heart. Particularly when men talked about sexually abused women being 'damaged goods' and that they should be avoided because I was raped as a four year old. You have to try not to give any of the vitriol and things they say any weight. Many of them I believe speak in hyperbole and they are just using women as a beating bag for their frustrations because they are failing in their own lives. I realise the irony of saying this on a man hate thread as I couldn't resist reading through what anons had to say myself, but it is important to not fixate on the bowels of the internet and instead try to spend your time doing things that improve your own quality of life and mental state.
No. 274511
>>274460Anything men will do to cut down womens esteem and agency so they can point and scream at other men to say, "see!!! Women can't do anything!! Shes so lowly and inferior!!" …after years of being told how worthless and weak you are for being born female. Then men continue to try and push for the whole barefoot and pregnant chained to a stove agenda.
What makes me sick and cringe at them is how every time incels/mgtows and the like will bring up that women 'love' being told they're weak, they 'love' rape/violence and being a slave a man's dick. How the fuck do they think like that?
No. 274520
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I miss the discussion about gay men in the last thread, I thought it was very interesting. I for one love how they bother shit-tier men, they should get a taste of their own medicine (being treated like a piece of meat just like they treat us). I remember when one of my female friends got asked out by a girl in front of me, all she said was 'sorry, i already have a bf' in a polite manner. I think men would lose their shit if the same thing were to happen to them, given how fragile male ego is. We're not the ones beating and killing lesbians out there.
No. 274555
>>274547I know exactly how you feel but I still think we need to try be less harsh on women with internalized misogyny, and remind ourselves to have empathy for other women instead of blaming them over the real enemy (men).
But yeah it's easier said than done, handmaidens are infuriating because it's being thrown under the bus by fellow women for the sake of men who hate them. Feels a bit more personal and it fuels male bullshit. One thing I've started to really hate is women shilling shit like old men/'daddys', dad bods, and bdsm with sub women. It's one thing if some fat old man thinks women want him to dom them, it's another if a woman tells him so.
No. 274573
>>274555but plenty of women do enjoy old men and dad bods. it's just idiot men who think one woman liking something means we all do. doesn't mean women should keep their preferences a secret out of fear that some man will misinterpret it. that's gonna happen no matter what.
or do you think women who don't have the same taste as you are all just lying and shilling?
No. 274581
>>274532>I always considered the French society pretty sexually open.You wish. You should have seen how people were shitting in each others' mouths when same sex marriage was about to be a thing. Don't forget there are some crazy yet influential Catholics over here too.
>>274536It's definitely not impossible.
No. 274582
>>274431Nope, nothing makes them happy. They expect women to be perfect pornstars with huge boobs but cute babyface completely free of blemishes and all of it 100% natural. They wanna bitch about our appearance all day but if we care enough to take care of our looks, we're vain bitches who should lighten up and stop worrying (while remaining pretty).
When confronted with the fact that their ideals are insane, their response is to call all women ugly because there's no way it's their standards that are too high and warped. Nope. Reality is the wrong one.
No. 274586
>>274449>>274454>>274460Honestly? I sorta love these. I don't give a shit if they hate us and think that we should be kept under their boot, so long as they stop denying the objective fact that we
are capable.
I mean, read these again. See that tone? That's not a dismissive tone. That's not a patronizing tone. That's the threatened, terrified tone of someone who knows he's up against a strong foe.
No. 274598
>>274357The issue is not that they casted a black woman, it's that they casted a black woman for a character that is NOT a black woman.
If they cast a white girl playing a latino/asian character, it's cultural appropriation, if they cast a black girl for a…alien character that has NOTHING to do with black culture, it's being a racist asshat :^)
They can create a black female character, no problem with that, just don't turn already stablished caracters into blacks for no reason.
No. 274611
>>274584this is exactly right. years and years of having the "hot professor, hot boss, hot older guy" meme shoved in our faces obviously affects women, plus, we're told we need to accept lower and lower standards CONSTANTLY. when i was single, i was discerning but was told by EVERY guy i knew that "i need to lower my standards", when my standards were not unreasonable and were totally achievable, they just want women to believe there aren't any men better than them that would go for us, or that we don't deserve better/won't ever be able to find it. it's untrue.
tl;dr most women who have these old guy kinks are conditioned into it the same way men are conditioned into teen shit, even when teens don't look mature enough to reproduce/don't really have notable secondary sex characteristics that would indicate that they are very fertile. it's all conditioning.
>>274547i hate this more than anything tbh. like, i know men will defend porn to their deaths, but to hear crazymaking bullshit from other women? like, really? what the fuck do other women's boundaries wrt porn in relationships matter to you? they will die on that porn hill for men. it pisses me off more than anything tbqh
No. 274634
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>>274611Why are we being conditioned like this and by whom?
I feel like I’ve definitely fallen into this trap. I’ve always throught it was insecurity on my part because of what I’ve seen in movies and tv, all of which I was far too exposed to growing up.
There’s always the man leaving the wife for someone younger eventually. Or the man married to the overweight woman who ogles the hot, thin chick walking by. And, I know it’s all fiction but, he would cheat on his wife given the chance (or by force if he could get away with it).
So here I am, always dating lower than myself. I’m nkt trying to be conceited but it’s true. I work out to stay fit and date overweight men. I seem to always date 9+ years older. I date criminals over men educated like myself. I’m far too insecure from everything that’s been put out there culturally to date a guy my own age. Maybe it’s deeper than that but the bullshit media we’re given doesn’t help.
No. 274671
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>>274327Francisco Lachowski. It went like this:
>girl 1: posts pic>girl 2: he's so handsome!>girl 3: ikr, he has the nicest eyes>girl 4: i've had a crush on him for yearsThere were only a few messages about him before guys started to passive aggressively ree.
And these guys would spend hours trashing women's looks. They would zoom in on pictures and attack literally every body type out there. Either she was too thin or she was too fat, her boobs were either too small or too saggy etc. They literally viewed women as objects. Ironically, discussions like the ones they had were prohibited, yet it was one male mod that would start them most of the time.
Some of the guys acted like I was their gf and owed them something, it was very uncomfortable. One time I sent a heart emoticon to some people, and this guy DM'd me asking why I didn't send him one. Very weird.
No. 274679
>>274401Maybe they cast the best actress for the role. Considering she's not even human it looks like they did an open casting call to actress of other ethnicities. People are just reeeing because she's dark-skinned. It's not her fault her skin colour
triggers racists.
No. 274681
>>274598You're just as stupid as the people that will vehemently proclaim Kory is black just because some artist used Naomi Campell as a reference model. She fictional. From a fictional extrasterial race with no human analogue. It does not matter who plays her.
There should be more anger over the DaRk aNd EdGy~ tone, the cheap costumes and weak CGI, than over Kory's race. I pictured her lighter too, but once again at the end of the day she's fictional and a human race isn't revelent for her.
>The colourism is so obvious. People are flipping the shit out of Anna's casting, and yet Ryan is a Hapa and fucking… Crickets. No. 274683
>>274634Are you kidding me? I know the people in this thread are a bit delusional, but are you seriously blaming men for your preference for dating CRIMINALS?
Take some fucking responsibility for your actions, you're a grown ass woman.
No. 274700
>>274668As a woman who did "date down"some of the WORST experiences I've ever had is with ugly men. And yes they cheat, act entitled, even sexually harassed other women in front of me, the only thing you can get from them is that they feel lucky to have you but don't act on it since they still go behind your back and pull the >tfw gf doesnt have H tits,a 23 inch waist and beanbag ass, type shit.
The best I've experienced is the big bad chads bots claim will break your heart, from my experience they appreciate and feel lucky to have you, even behind your back, most are loyal and respect boundaries, most will support you if you choose to traditional or not and they don't feel intimidated if you make more
No. 274702
>>274698I'm not even the anon who you are talking about who supposedly dates fat criminals (??)
You sound mentally ill, get a grip, or at least know what youre talking about before sperging
No. 274705
>>274702Here you go
>>274634Now you sound delusional as well, but I know what to expect from the people in this thread.
The same incel mentality where you just can't do some introspection and see your own flaws and shortcomings.
No. 274708
>>274698>>274634>>274683fyi, what anon is talking about is called "fidelity insurance" and it's practiced by both males and females, i don't think it's the result of anything patriarchal as higher-value men will often date low-value women in order to facilitate a more stable romantic partnership as well (the assumption being that a higher-value partner has more options and is therefore more liable to leave/cheat on them).
also, i agree with
>>274700 ugly =! better personality, some of the nicest men i've met are turbochads whilst some of the most vile are physically repulsive so don't intentionally date men who are fat, ugly, old or criminals, you are squandering your youth.
No. 274711
>>274705>everyone here is a female incel reeeee>spergs out over some commentYou can simply leave the thread if the content
triggers you.
No. 274712
>>274705I did NOT make that post
Again, YOU are the one that's delusional and start attacking me when I just came here and accusing me of making other posts
Mods pls ban this delusional ass incel
No. 274713
>>274712Yeah I was OP lol.
And I do take some personal responsibility but I also will stand by the fact that the media influences us and our viewpoints.
Too bad that anon had to embarrass itself even worse than my own personal anecdote. Makes me feel a little better through.
No. 274719
>>274716>>274698>>274714Not OP of the post but intentionally dating ugly criminals to secure a stable relationship sounds like a major issue with self-confidence as well as disturbed view of relationships with men. Please love yourself, anon. As other anons pointed out, just cause they have major flaws that are red flags for people looking for quality relationships doesn't mean they will not cheat on you.
Dating shit people so you can keep then in your life and cause media told you to (???) does sound crazy.
Pls seek therapy if you are serious.
No. 274720
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>>274583The fuck you talking about?
>>274634>9+ years older overweight criminal>getting these many repliesWhy are you people this easy to troll
No. 274730
>>274700Completely agree. I’m dating “down” right now and he’s a possessive psychopath that feels entitled to everything, yet can’t even pick up after himself or make the fucking bed in the morning.
My goal is to find a chad bot, at least he’ll be able to swing a hammer. I’m so over dealing with pussyboys that sit on the computer all day and surf /pol.
No. 274731
>>274318I was thinking of this video, and what he said about women being happier when they're at home taking care of kids. The thing about that statistic is that it may not be all wrong, BUT it has been really misinterpreted by all these guys who refer to it the most. They usually say that it means women are happier when they stay at home, cooking and cleaning for their man and popping out babies, when it actually meant that both women AND MEN are happier when they don't have to get up every morning and spend eight hours at work, but instead they can stay home and spend time with their family and friends, do chores and have hobbies. It's not about being an obedient little 50's housewife, it's about having more time with your family and yourself, and men enjoy it more or less equally. But of course it's more convenient to twist it to sound like women want to support the traditional lifestyle where they do nothing but cook, clean, take care of kids, say "yes sir, right away sir" and fetch their head-of-the-house husbands his slippers and pipe when he snaps his fingers.
No. 274739
>>274733These males who want things to go back to the 1950's are so delusional. They would not be able to play their role. Recently I went camping with a large group of people and our tire busted and lo and behold 0 out of 6 of the men knew how to change a tire. I I had to do it. How pathetic.
men just aren't men anymore!
No. 274745
>>274547I don't have a problem with people watching porn, I used to get quite jealous when I was younger but then I changed. What I don't like is how it's normalized for guys to watch it, but I'm made to feel dirty or skanky if I watch it myself.
I have been teased for being caught watching porn. If you walked in and a male partner was jerking off to porn 90 percent of them would get mad if you playfully teased them about it.
Men have the same attitude to drugs. One of my exes used to say only girls that are sluts do drugs even though he smoked weed all the time.
No. 274749
>>274700This. I've dated hot and ugly and the ugly men are super insecure and think you are cheating especially if you are a lot more attractive or younger than they are.
The hot ones can be insecure and possessive too, but they do it in a different way, the uglier guys tend to use a lot of emotional blackmail.
No. 274750
>>274739women can do everything men can
these changing tire and mowing lawn arguments are redundant in 2018
No. 274754
>>274750and the arguments they make about women are redundant too but that doesn't stop them
anyway literally kys if you're a male and don't know the most basic shit like changing a tire. Fucking pussies.
No. 274770
>>274760'Look ideal'
Just because someone is short and skinny, doesn't mean they perpetuate this shit behaviour in men. It's the men.
I'm basically a thin extremely tall tree and although I get sometimes envious of shorter little dainty chicks, I wouldn't blame the way they look if a partner cheated. I'd chalk it down to the partner being apiece of shit.
Like I get having a weird complex about redheads for a short time if you were cheated on by a redhead, but ya can't blame all redheads for infidelity.
But I could be wrong. Could you elaborate on what you mean by they are continuing the cycle? Not trying to argue, just wanna understand what you mean.
No. 274773
>>274740Weird, I've always been cheated on with entitled fat girls men gawk over just because they have big saggy boobs or a butt yet no other decent features
>>274671You can always tell how men are from how much they project, I find it funny, as mentioned in the last thread, how they date women of different races and instead of enjoying it they just fetishize them the entire time and insist women of other races are fighting over cheeto neckbeard dick, or when r9k makes nude threads and talk about how they only did it to piss off women and make them jealous, meanwhile its them getting pissy if women dare like a man that aint them, meanwhile they critique women like its their fucking job and insist all women are jealous bitches at each others throats, you can really tell how a man is by how much he projects
No. 274776
>>274773This. I got cheated on once with the ugliest girl with horse teeth just because my ex wanted 'variety'. He purely just wanted to cheat.
The other time I got cheated on was with a girl who had eyes too close together and giant cuts on her wrists.
No. 274778
I saw that my bf watches some videos of korean girls dancing. They aren't nude or anything but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Videos likes this No. 274793
>>274779I'm aware it's harmful, I've just been conditioned to like it.
Like, when I was younger I always found it gross, and like I said before, I used to get quite jealous of it, but I just don't care about it, since I watch it myself and I'd feel like a hypocrite if I told my partner not to watch it.
As long as it's not magazines and films laying aroundor search history coming up with shit or it's overtaking my own sex life or they watch it obsessively, I'm okay with it in a relationship. I'd rather them just keep it private, I'm not really into watching it with partners, i get embarrassed.
Mind you I was groomed with pornographic films by my older brother as a child, and later my first boyfriend who was quite older. I always hated it until I started watching it on my own. So I have a weird like/hate relationship with it.
I feel like I'm quite a sexual person with masturbation ect, but when I'm with someone irl, i get extremely shy and deer in the headlights and feel yucky about sex, even though I'm a somewhat attractive female in my 20's.
So my preference is that if either of us masturbate, it's treated as going to the toilet. You know, done discreetly.
tldr-I know porn is bad but my view is skewed and as long as they aren't a total pig about it, it's whatever to me.
No. 274805
>>274583i am the anon that
>>274583 was replying to, and they didn't bring up the no-makeup filter app, i did (sort of). i'm not butt-hurt about the filter though, cause i know it's just computer generated assumption nonsense. we were just discussing how men have a double standard about women's appearances; make fun of the way we look when we don't fix our flaws, but call us fake over even the most minimal amount of cosmetics.
No. 274808
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>>274730>my goal is to find a chad bot, at least he’ll be able to swing a hammer. i’m so over dealing with pussyboys that sit on the computer all day and surf /pol.damn, if only a chad bot actually existed. that could go over really well or really bad kek.
tbh i just want a guy who is a productive member of society, isn't physically repulsive, & doesn't treat me like shit.
No. 274809
>>274805Women are expected to look perfect and show no proof they put effort into it
Or even better, men who give shit, none working suggestions to women with their flaws
"Butt not big enough? Do squats" as if doing a few squats will magically turn your butt into an ig model butt
"Acne? Just wash your face!" As if women with acne don't take better care of their skin then they do
Not skinny enough? Eat, too skinny? Eat more
Boobs not big enough? Do push ups and massage them
Its like they think that any minor thing you do to your body can adjust it greatly, no wonder a lot of men sell magic skin whitneing or butt and boob enhancing pills, they think minor adjustments are fucking magic wands
No. 274810
>>274805>>274809i mean't that i was replying to
>>274582, my bad.
>"Acne? Just wash your face!"this pisses me the fuck off. i got acne before i even started wearing make up. i wear concealer to cover up my dark spots because my skins scars really easily. otherwise i take wonderful care of my skin (removing makeup, washing, full routine, etc). lol they think everything is so simple.
meanwhile, there are incels with the worst quality skin possible complaining about girls not having flawless, pale korean waifu 12-step routine tier faces.
No. 274855
>>274852Have you asked every single adult man you've ever met if he's had sex, and also been able to prove it?
If not, then how can you claim you've never met one?
>>274855Thats not proof first of all, second it goes both ways, I assume they arent virgins because almost all men I've known have been in long term relationships or are in one currently, hell I even knew an ugly (acne, glasses, chubby, bowl cut) autistic weeb who got laid and the girl who did it with him confirmed it
I'm sorry but if even that dude and men like tj kirk and all that can get pus, it aint womens fault some men can't get laid
No. 275144
>>275138That's terrifying anon.
I have an usual name and have had dudes remember it and try and add me on social media.
I also know of a young underage cashier at my workplace that was offered a grand to come home with one of the customers. She wasn't dumb enough to do it luckily.
I have had multiple job offers. Some seemed legit, 3 seemed dodgy as fuck.
Honestly it's disgusting how women and teenage girls get treated in retail. You wouldn't do it to an office worker, so what makes them think they can pull this shit?
Absolutely disgusting.
No. 275145
>>274971I worked a couple of seasons in a christmas themed holiday resort where all the employees in contact with customers had to be dressed in costumes and in character as christmas elves. We all had to speak with childish, high pitched voices and always be overly perky and happy, which was fun with the children, but horrible with the parents.
Families would take pictures with us, and several times I experienced the fathers placing themselves next to me or one of my colleagues in an attempt to secretly grope us while the picture was taken. A colleague of mine was pulled aside by a father asking if he could record her elf voice on his phone, because he wanted to "use it for himself later, wink wink".
Our costumes were baggy and shapeless. We had big glue-on noses and looked anything but sexy or appealing. Still these creeps would take it as a challenge to see how far they could go before we broke character.
The fact that some of them were blatantly turned on by grownups acting and talking like children was disgusting. Especially considering how many of them had children themselves.
No. 275158
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>>275153You should have known better.
Wearing a dirndl turns off the brain of every man and especially in big cities man are pigs.
On the other hand if you come from the country side and never lived in a big city I can't blame you.
No. 275160
>>274979I would direct this preverted, old lech to the nearest strip club where he can get all his socializing in (at a cost of course).
I hate when lonely ass men force innocent bystanders into becoming characters in their life for their amusement. He sounds like a strip club customer already. He may have been banned by his daughter for spending too much. Had to find a place with lots of women to be social with. Fucking old pervert.
No. 275164
>>275153>grabs her boobI wish a man would. I would probably go blind with rage and black-out attack.
What did the poor girl do?
No. 275197
>>275145Holy shit. We are encouraged to wear purple bras over our uniform on purple bra day (even the men) to raise money for cancer. The comments every year we recieve are disgusting despite being a charity thing with posters everywhere explaining why we wear the purple bras. so every year I just donate and refuse to wear the bra. Same goes for easter. I refuse to wear the bunny ears because of the retarded playboy comments.
>>275179I have noticed a change in the way men customers treat me when I wear makeup and do my hair. It makes me mad because I get told I look tired if i dont. Not only that, I work in a store that sells items for predominantly men anyway, I need to have the advice and knowledge. My job has nothing to do with aesthetics. So when I wear makeup and do my hair, I'm treated like eye candy or a bimbo they don't want to ask for help (even though I have over 7 years experience in the field) OR I get called tired or they ask if I'm sick or they think I'm a dyke.
So I can't win.
No. 275250
It's laughable when men say it's good there are so many gay men so 'there'll be more women for us'. As if that suddenly made them attractive.
>>275233Guys have this weird sense of entitlement, they think because some guy can get it, he can too. No self awareness.
No. 275272
>>275197This reminds me of many men will pretend to support breast cancer research buy only support those 'save the boobies' campaign. Its dehumanizing knowing they support only for tits and not for the women suffering. But then again, just another subtle sign that men all around loathe women even when they're fighting cancer.
>>275143>13 yrs of marriage taught me that women cant be trusted>13 yrsOver a decade. Just. Dont. Marry. If. You. Dont. Like. The. Idea. How hard is that? Why do they insist on acting like they HAVE to marry someone and thr marriage will be dreadful like this is still early 20th century with arranged marriages. I feel bad for his wife if theyre still together. She should gtfo.
No. 275302
on that note, wanting all women to be less like themselves and more like you, in hopes that it'll make men treat us better, is both incredibly controlling and once again blames women for men's shitty actions. it's infuriating and it never works anyway.
No. 275314
>>275273You can't just cut testicles and be done, he'd need a lifelong hormonal treatment and he'd become infertile. Of course it might have been better to cut them immediately than suffer through 7 years of pain, but they didn't expect the scrotum to become that large, and when it did they thought he'd be able to go through surgery earlier than when he finally did. On top of that they might have wanted their own children down the road.
Plus, it's not easy to permanently remove a part of yourself when you know it can be saved.
Imagine if you have a uterus problem that limits your movements, but you are given the choice between removing it immediately or waiting 1 year for an organ-saving surgery that will save your natural hormone production and make it possible to have children. A lot of women would take the second choice.
No. 275317
>>275314If my uterus ballooned to the size of a watermelon with no signs of stopping I would get it removed after the 1 year mark
maybe even sooner depending on the rate it was growing. I wouldn’t wait for a miracle surgery and make myself suffer to the point of not being able to live a normal life anymore. I can’t imagne watching your health and quality of life deteriorate for YEARS and choosing to not stop it because “what if”. I’m not trying to be argumentative I just cannot grasp that idea. I’d rather do it and live with the consequences and hormone treatments after if it meant I could go back to functioning to some kind of normal degree. Plus they could save his sperm before doing it/during surgery so he could still have children.
No. 275325
>>275317>>275323>>275273>>275314>For all of those wondering, he had an operation to remove it and he can finally wear shorts now and he is so happy. God bless his soul and his wifeComment from the video. Seems like he's alright now.
I feel like a bad person tbh, I wouldn't be able to support someone like this.
No. 275467
I used to edit pics of myself for gerard way.
>>275164This store is actually quite nice here's a few years from now on.
No. 275570
>>274781>>275565ily, anon. i support you 100% in this. even on here idk if it's the incel faggots raiding the boards but i've gotten attacked countless times on here for making that one of my non-negotiable dealbreakers and it's unbelievable, let alone irl or other places online. it's a completely reasonable standard/boundary.
it's so funny because you can have literally any like literal padded cell insane preference and people will be like "that's totally your right", but drawing the line at male porn consumption is "soooo crazy and you will be alone forever, you conservative/amish freak! you can't control your boyfriend!!!". anyways, it's totally realistic and doable. i've found a guy like this too, and so have other anons here. for some reason, everyone (women included) want us to believe it's a totally unachievable standard, like we're asking for a winged trillionaire bf that will whisk us up to his cloud castle.
it just kills me that the male entitlement meme is so fucking strong that other women will attack us for even questioning it and for us to have any standards in our relationship that defy disgustingly normalized male sexual entitlement
No. 275592
>>275564This. So many young dudes on those incel forums. Crying about being entitled to sex. I have thoroughly been through the forums and their whole attitude pisses me off.
You are in your 20s. Go to a party or try a dating app, fuck!
They sit around on a woman hating forum all day and complain that it's all about looks and that women won't even look their way.
Maybe if they took a shower and actually put in effort like the so called 'stacys' that they want, or for fucks sake, go for someone on their level!
Maybe if you are the wallflower don't pine for the outgoing cheerleader types if you know it is unrealistic. They want what they can't have. Even then, they are young and with hard work could attempt it, but instead they'd rather hate on women for not liking them. Any average or ugly looking woman is no good to them either because apparently the ugly ones are 'used up'
So then maybe…just maybe…if you would rather date the fitness model, perhaps you should either pick up some weights, or get a personality. It's like they want hotties to fall into their lap without any attempt of trying.
Women put in effort to look cute, or at least try to make conversation with the person they are attempting to date.
So many of them hate their own races for lack of sex. I've seen guys on the forums give up on finding sex or a gf because they are indian or black or asian. They seem to think THAT'S the reason they can't get women. Not the toxic fucking negative attitude they have.
Another thing that annoys me…. So sick of guys wanting extremely attractive or way younger women when they aren't rich or attractive or young themselves. I've seen documentaries trying to make out that 50 year old dudes are preyed on by russian dating sites and scammed due to their 'loneliness'
If you are so lonely, I'm sure there are some nice ladies your own age who would like some company, BUT NOOO you need an 18 year old girl from another country.
They don't want an equal, they want a fucktoy.
I once stupidly dated an older man when I was younger. He was ugly and not rich, but intially I liked his sense of humour. I was way out of his league and way younger but at the time, I didn't think of it like that back then. Was that good enough for him? No. He wanted younger. I was 22.
He would constantly look at porn and chat to random girls on tumblr/whatever social media.
I had more money than him. I was better looking. But it was still not good enough. So hypothetically, even IF these incels found the 'ideal' girl, they'd still cheat and want better because women are partners to those types, they don't want a partner. They want a slave. An attractive slave.
I was so naive and stupid back then. I don't hate all men by any means, but the ones that want girls way out of their league that don't have anything to offer in return but entitlement can go die. I was never a superficial person, but now if a man has something like shit breath or something major that is easily fixable and still tries to hit on a younger or more attractive girl, I get so annoyed and instantly judge.
Maybe my experience has turned me into a bitter asshole but hey if I look after my body, my partner should try to look after themselves too. And I'm not talking like a patrick bateman level routine, but for godssake put some fucking effort in.
No. 275640
>>274865>we must be with men who are older and therefore richer, smarter, more authoritative and experienced because we're dumb little girls who need to be told what to doAlternatinately:
>we must be with men who are older and therefore on our level because men are retarded and need 60 years to get anywhere near the same level of maturity as a 30 yo womanNo but seriously now, I think a lot of ridiculous one-sided shit men pull fly while the same thing doesn't happen for women because they revolve around things we don't much care about. I've seen plenty of older woman/younger boy couples, but there's nobody saying this dynamic is good and desirable because… well, because nobody really cares. Older men do push the yw/om as desirable, because most men do feel particularly attracted to younger women and think that's desirable. But the opposite is not true for women - we don't have a majority of us lusting after young guys. Or we don't care enough to voice our preferences.
It bothers me that there are so many instances where women could take action and improve their situation, and instead of doing that we just point at reality, pout, and say "see? That's like super unfair. We should not be in that situation."
We shouldn't, but we are, and men don't care - quite the opposite, they like it. Feminism is currently shite because it's based on a female perspective and expects others to respond the same way someone with a female perspective would: with concern for others, empathy, and participation to cater to their needs in order to improve general well-being.
But men don't do that, that's not how they respond. And we know that's not how they respond, it's the thing we're complaining about to begin with. The whole thing becomes absurdly schizophrenic as we keep telling them about our subservient position hoping that they will step out of their dominant position in order to… step out of their dominant position.
It's a catch-22.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant, I just really hate men and I've been trying to find an effective strategy to deal with it outside the familiar notions of feminism. No success so far. We need a better strategy.
No. 275710
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Why do black women shit on white women but defend their men?
No. 275719
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I play a lot of Overwatch, was hanging out in custom hangout games chatting on voice. A chill guy friended me from one and later whispered me asking to join in my games, so I said sure. As we play, he asks if I have Snapchat. I immediately expect a dick pic but decide to humor him since I can easily sever ties. He sends me a normal photo of himself. Looks average but forgettable.
He asks me of a pic of me. I send a picture of a screaming possum, then an actual normal photo that I've shared with plenty of people. He says I'm cute. I tell him I'm old and that I'm 30. He says it's not old and he is 24. (I mainly said this in case he was underage or something because I do not sound nor look 30 and tons of kids are on these games.)
Anyway, I get bored of talking and he had disconnected from the game. He asks what I'm doing and I lie and say "about to sleep". Pic related is literally how he IMMEDIATELY RESPONDS.
After what's shown he said "At least", I said "I'm going to sleep" and he said like "awh ok bye" or something. I quickly screenshot and removed him from everything.
It's sad when you think "at LEAST he didn't send me a dick pic.." like that shouldn't be the standard for interacting with men online. Nor should it be the expectation that they will.
I have a lot of other bad experiences with other guys recently (some guy who knows I was in multiple abusive relationships claimed ragequitting a game is similar to leaving an abusive relationship - out of fuckin nowhere), but this is probably the only "amusing" one that comes to mind. Had to share.
No. 275720
>>275719Samefag but I feel like I said "sorry" as a way to really convey the message that I was indeed saying No in case he misread or still had the wrong idea.
I know there is no reason for me to have apologized and I honestly shouldn't have.
No. 275735
>>275570This annoys me too. Every single time I’ve ever brought up that my fiancé and I don’t watch porn I got swarmed by people insisting that yes he does, he just hides it from me. I explain that he “came out” to me as having no interest in porn at all before I ever even expressed my opinion on it. They insist he’s lying to appease me (and could apparently read my mind on the subject). I point out that we spent 3 years living in a tiny one-room apartment with basically no privacy, they insist he must have watched it on the toilet. He never spends more than a few minutes on the toilet. Well then he must have been watching it while I was in the shower, or at his work. It’s apparently easier for people to believe that a 28-year-old man in a stable relationship watches porn
at work than that he doesn’t have an interest in porn at all. That’s just depressing.
Men who don’t care for porn are definitely out there and it’s not an unreasonable standard at all. One problem with finding them might be that, since porn is so normalised, a lack of interest is often interpreted as them being gay or in some other way “dysfunctional”, so they might not be very open about it, especially when there are other men in the room.
No. 275750
>>275719God men on snapchat are neanderthals. Some get extremely mad if you say you aren't into nudes or swapping nudes. Some try the whole 'why not? U might like it' winky face emoji bullshit.
One tried to call me boring because he kept insisting on nudes and I kept refusing. Then when I jokingly said 'nah mate, you're a bit rapey'
he got SOOOO fucking butthurt and started screeching that he's not a rapist ect. I laughed after that and blocked him.
Like I know it's not rape, it's over snap, but I trolled him about it because dudes will be the seediest, most insistent assholes and you call them 'creep' or 'rapey' they get so
Guys HATE being called creeps. Even if they warrant being called one.
No. 275755
>>275750Yeah I hate that stupid monkey emoji he used (he was using it earlier on too which was another red flag - i can't stand guys who try to play innocent like that).
Also I agree and love calling guys creeps or creepy. It legit feels the only "slur" against men (that they actually give two shits about). They get so defensive and act so wounded.
No. 275796
>>275750When did asking for nudes or sending dick pics become so common anyway? I don't remember people talking about that in the mid to late 00s and we already had cameras in phones then.
>>275755They tried to make "creep-shaming" a thing in like 2012 or 2013 but it didn't stick like fat-shaming or slut-shaming
No. 275838
>>275789Even if I was single, swapping nudes is just not my thing. Not that I'm above it or a prude, it just doesn't stimulate me. Even light sexting could happen with the right conversation, but they are so impatient and fucking weird. It's always age and location, then what you do doing? Then just constant begging for pics.
Like getting a penis snap does absolutely nothing for me. I always ask dudes that send unsolicited dick pics after 'does this approach even work for you?'
It's not that I'm trying to chat with them or reason with them, I just legitimately want to know why they even attempt this because every girl I know hates dick pictures.
I remember some guy added me and kept trying to talk to me and straight off the bat wanted photos. The way he typed seemed incredibly stupid and he was irritating so I ignored him. I thought nothing of it and went to work. After my shift opened his conversation which said bitch you will suck it. No joke he sent me a photo of me with his dick pasted on the picture near my mouth. He had used my photo from my snap story. Needless to say, I blocked him.
No. 275972
>>275966Because a quick, 2 word google search "feminist volunteering" could have easily proved you very very wrong, but you dont bother because even if every feminist in America shoveled money to help Muslim women people would still insist all feminists are just dumb roasties who want to fuck in public or whatever
You CHOOSE to stay blinded and brainwashed by the bandwagon, not actually think and research for yourself
No. 275980
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(spoiler nsfw images)
No. 275981
>>275974This is…pretty annoying. I have heard of this happening in other places too. Most annoying because those test scores are then used as "evidence" against our intelligence
No. 275986
>>275974Recently there has been a lot of talk in my country about how girls have surpassed boys in literally every subject in school and people are absolutely panicking over it, blaming everything from the school system being built "in favor of girls" to biological reasons to "feminist ideologies rotting the system". Despite it very clearly being that boys aren't encouraged to perform well in school and the "boys will be boys" mentality is still in great health, while in turn girls will be scolded and reprimanded for getting bad marks.
Nobody was this invested when girls were still behind of boys, and nobody's interested about the fact that a lot of girls lose interest in STEM fields in their teens despite excelling at the subjects before and being interested in them. Nobody gives a fuck about that. It's just being passed off as a "well girl brains just can't comprehend science!" phenomenon DESPITE surveys proving that the main reason girls abandon science is that they don't have any role models and therefore think they won't make it as girls in STEM. They don't trust their own skills enough. Think back to that chess study, women performed just as well as men when they thought they were having an anonymous match against women who were actually men, and then performing worse when they were having a match against what they thought was male. Women are still suffering of a low self-esteem and an inferiority complex but nobody bats an eye at that. But boys being outnumbered by girls in universities and girls being better at math?! Feminism is ruining the society! We must do something!
No. 275992
>>275986The first male philophers and scientists didn't need models to tell them they could or should do it. They simply did it for the sake of thinking and learning.
Many of them faced mockery, threats, imprisonment, exile, or even death for daring to challenge the status quo and conventional knowledge, but they persisted anyways purely out of passion for learning.
But women can't do it because there arent enough female role models? Pfffttt.
No. 275995
>>275977Because they dont, and its almost as if the world doesnt hate men and men actually have privilege and now even more since how many are crying oppression
No. 275996
>>275992There are female philosophers, a lot of them, history just hates to acknowlege womens achievements unless they're absolutely huge but asspat men for saying nonsensical things
And no, male, you're nothing like male philosophers
No. 276001
>>275992You bring up a good point, even if you didin't necessarily intend to, though.
I think the problem is not that there are no role models (this is just a symptom), but rather, the problem is the same that is CAUSING the lack of role models. Throughout my life, it has, at least consciously, affected me much more to be constantly put down and told that women are stupid and incompetent. That I shouldn't dare try because if I do and even dare fail once I'll be destroyed, because if I failed it would not be proof that women are human as well, but rather that women are all retarded and I should not have tried in the first place.
I know you won't understand because this doesn't happen to you (not saying individual men don't deal with these things, just that they won't be told they're wrong or bad FOR being male. They'll be judged for their own personal mistakes) but it really leads to eventually resigning and following the path that will at least ensure that you don't get harassed for the rest of your short life, a path with the least amount of males.
No. 276015
>>275968Dudes don't even want pussy pics straight up. It has to be pussy plus the rest of you/your face/sexy pose etc.
Next time a dude asks for nudes/sends an unsolicited dick pic, try sending him a close up of a vagina (get one off google or sth) and see what he has to say lmao
No. 276020
>>276001..and then once you do make a mistake or fail something, those me couldt wait to point out how useless women are, how retarded they are etc. Its tiring.
Whats the end game in their minds? Have all women admit that men are all grand and better at everything, how women arent good at anything then we all live miserable short lives being reminded of how stupid, worthless and weak we are? Thats just fucking depressing
No. 276061
>>276032It doesn’t matter whether you’re technically attracted to the sex of the person harassing you, it matters whether they have power over you in that situation. Being straight doesn’t mean all male attention is automatically welcome. I’m a straight woman and in my experience, attractive men are even less willing to back off and just as likely to lash out when rejected.
This is why those buzzfeed videos of women catcalling men don’t make the point they intended to make - men can very easily laugh off unwanted attention from women regardless of attraction level because they know they have nothing to fear. Gay men catcalling straight men is a much better equivalent, because men only feel threatened by other men.
No. 276074
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>>274476but girls don’t outperform boys
more studious, more dedicated to the work
honestly sounds more like they’re right in that the current educational system is more situated around feminine needs when girls get higher grades, but boys ultimately have higher scores to show for it when it matters.
how else could female performance be better than males, yet they have lower scores, unless guys literally just are not trying as hard?
No. 276077
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>>276074 read this entire article, very interesting. Even as female students take more honors and AP classes and have higher grades, the gap still persists. One would think it would be smaller, and if male students actually deigned to take these extra classes, or study for the higher grades, then their SAT output would be even greater.
some guy in my debate class last year had actually argued this. Male students also outperform females in the reading portion of the SAT, and are only slightly beaten in the writing portion.
and, seeing as how females study and read more, it would again make sense that we’re at least better at that
No. 276083
>>276000chicken or the egg
are women less intelligent because they are told they are, or are they told they are less intelligent because they are less intelligent?
the correct answer isn’t a part of acceptable modern discourse, contrary to the claims of male oppression rampant here.
(How do you do my fellow womyn) No. 276087
>>276020>Whats the end game in their minds? Have all women admit that men are all grand and better at everything, how women arent good at anything then we all live miserable short lives being reminded of how stupid, worthless and weak we are?That's exactly their goal. They want women to know they're inferior to them. I work in a male-dominated STEM field and every time I make a mistake, it's a "proof" that ALL women are dumb and shouldn't be hired. When I perform well, it's a "proof" that I'm an "exception". It's very tiring to carry the responsibility of my whole gender on my shoulders. I hope girls in the future will get more into STEM and even out the gender imbalance.
>>276021>>276061This is exactly why straight men hate gay men. They're horrified of the thought of being put into the position where women are on a daily basis, being vulnerable to someone who can overpower them physically and treats them as the receiving/submissive part of sexual interaction. They absolutely can't deal with that which is why they freak the fuck out over anything that can be seen as "gay".
No. 276098
>>275710>>275712Because black men gaslight black women into thinking they don't face sexism and that their only true enemy is racism. A black feminist, or even a womanist, is still kind of a taboo.
Black women are actually more successful and educated than black men on average, on top of doing most of the child-raising on their own (in the US), but the concept that blackness is male-centric and that the only way to be anti-racist is to uplift even the shittiest black men because he's "one of us" is extremely pervasive.
Luckily, not all black women are handmaidens like this, but it's a very widespread, backward train of thought.
At least a white woman can relate to the basic subjugation that comes with being a woman. A black man sees only his struggle as a black man. Just like all other races of men (and people as a whole, to varying degrees on an individual level), to them, everyone else's issues are secondary or even non-existent.
No. 276101
>>275710I'll probably be banned for race baiting but I've seen and experienced firsthand racism from woc. And we don't have statistics and what I say is only anecdotal but woc seem to have a strong hard on for bashing white women. I wasn't aware of it until I got into uni. Yet they desperately chase after white guys kek
Hell, even here there are posts with low key white women bashing and they're rarely banned for race baiting.
Plus woc don't consider white women's issues as real which in return made me unsympathetic to any general feminism and also made me associate the spread of misogyny something done by other women, not men.
Sage for off topic.
No. 276114
>>276109Honestly, agreed. I don't ever bash women for being another race, but the amount of times I've seen black women get bashed, completely unprovoked, both online and offline, has made me kind of jaded. Also, whenever anyone has anything nice to say about black girls/women specifically, there's always at least one woman of another race who goes "Umm don't you mean ALL girls?!" even though they're usually quiet whenever we get singled out for negative comments. Wasn't there an entire Twitter hashtag that was like "#RuinABlackGirlsDay" or something? Pretty much no other race of women seems to get specially targeted this way, and no one ever stands up for us, but we're the "bad" ones, I guess.
No. 276122
>>276101From recent experience, the white-bashing came from white poc, as in not just white-passing but actually look Caucasian. Never been attacked by a black woman to date.
I don't speak for my race(s) nor do I try and speak for others, but sometimes people just wanna attack a stranger I guess
No. 276123
>>276114Yeah like I'd look stupid defending someone who is in the back ground giggling and blushing while guys are calling me a nappy headed masculine man lol
I have nothing against white women though but they really should just use common sense when they wonder why most black women aren't feminists.
No. 276128
>>276109> Because at the end of the day most white women enjoy being the standard of beautyYeah, it's totally white women that set these beauty standards and these standards are absolutely easy to achieve, right? Besides, current beauty standards a la Kim Kardashian are in favour of woc, if anything.
But sure, continue to shit on white women on something they had no control of.
At this point, you're no better than incelshit. But it's easier to be a racist, so you do you.
> they only get mad when people are praising Asian women and start screeching about fetishismThis is something that I'd expect an incel to write but ok. Maybe next time you could post a cherry-picked screenshot of a "mad white roastie" when she sees a wmaf couple or something.
No. 276135
>>276128NAYRT, but maybe if you want black women to see things your way, you shouldn't accuse them of "shitting on you" just for pointing out white women don't exactly have a track record of supporting or defending women of other races (like, let's face it, you just don't, and the fact that you didn't even bother to deny that much and essentially just went "Ok but Kim Kardashian" is kind of telling, lmao) and call them incels.
Even in this thread, no one brought up "[x] women" except a (presumably) non-black anon claiming that black women shit on white women using cherrypicked screenshots (the same thing you're accusing anon of being liable to do).
No. 276140
>>276131Who? I've ONLY ever seen woc shit on white women, in fact I've seen the big evil white women stand up when people do shit on woc, the fuck are you talking about, maybe if you live in the 50s but sure as fuck not in 2018
>>276135Laci green, the girl who talked about "I'm not the Caucasian for you" when black men shat on black women, even white women I know in real life stood up for woc being called ugly,
>>276109You think its out of jealous then explain why even other asian women get mad? Praising asian beauty is completely different from "IM GOING TO ENSLAVE ALL THE KPOP WAIFUS THEY ALL CHASE MY WHITE COCK LIKE THE DUMB AIRHEAD THEY ARE IN REVENGE OF WHITE WOMEN!" Most these dudes cant even praise asians without bashing whites along the way,ever think about that and nothing to do with ~le mad white roasties~
No. 276150
>>276140You really want to do this?
The fact that you racked your mind to think of a white woman defending black women, and could only think of Laci Green speaks volumes, too. could fill the thread with this shit, and it's obviously not touching all the white women who stay quiet on anti-BW posts or even laugh at them, but mysteriously pop up on "Black girls are so beautiful <3" posts talking about unity.
No. 276151
>>276150Those women just hated blacks, not that they're mad they're not the beauty standards, in fact what speaks volumes is the amount of women that spoke out against those racist white girls, but you chose to ignore that
So much for all white women being jealous bitches or whatever
No. 276155
>>276151Show me all the white women who spoke out against these things. You also didn't ask for examples about beauty standards (if that was your real point, you worked against yourself by bringing up that you think WoC are favored because of Kim Kardashian - you outed yourself as an example against your own argument of something never happening), you claimed you
never saw white women shit on black women, only the other way around. Now you have, and you've even read a news article on a white woman literally trying to poison her black college roommate and shitting on her for how she does her hair. No need to thank me.
If you're only interested in the "beauty standards" side of things, if you like, you can go ahead and show me examples of white women speaking out against whiteness being a main, fetishized beauty standard and black women being shit on. I'm sure they're numerous /s.
Also, "just hated blacks" - Like white women hating their entire race is totally something black women should just ignore and take in stride like it's nothing. Fucking hell.
>So much for all white women being jealous bitches or whateverLiterally who said this?
No. 276166
>>276155I was the one that made that post, I'm not the one that you're currently arguing with. There may be different anons that share the same experience you know.
I'm not going to post ITT anymore, one reason is that of derailing the thread, the second being that none of us is going to agree to disagree.
But you can freely continue to bash on/hate on white women and justify it due to a few examples that you find on the internet. It's completely healthy to hate an entire group or discard their issues because of what few individuals did.
You'd think that in a man hating thread what MEN consider attractive shouldn't be a dividing tool between women, but alas. Let's hate women for how men think and discard their opinion because some of us are apparently privileged and enjoying these beauty standards.
Any note of sisterhood is such a joke and I'm really bitter about it.
No. 276171
>>276166No one has bashed white women ITT. We actually now have several examples of white women talking negatively about black women (one of them going as far as trying to
poison a black woman for no reason), and still neither me or the other anon have attacked white women or said anything negative about them. Have a good day.
No. 276174
>>276170Tell that to
>>275710>>275712>>276128>>276140and their accusations, they started this mess by randomly attacking all black women and using a cherrypicked Twitter screencap.
The thread does need to move on, though, I'm done.
No. 276178
>>276166>Any note of sisterhood is such a joke and I'm really bitter about it.Race always trumps gender. Always. Especially for black women who often times have a complete opposite experience when it comes to female oppression seen as masculine, strong etc when other women are seen as meek, submissive, dainty.
>>276172You don't hang around many black women, do you? The black community is pretty fractured because of black women dismissing black men as completely worthless and black men and their handmaidens being mad about that.
Black women see themselves as black first and women second, because that's how the world sees them. Many are just trying to be realistic about themselves.
No. 276189
>>276183Big yes.
>objectification and dehumanization of women as baby-making machines and wives, under the guise of "tradition" and "cultural pride">cheesy, shitty aesthetics that could only come from Amerimutts with little to no grasp of actual culture or history (eg Eurocentric "trads" smashing together all European cultures with a special focus on Nordic culture, Hoteps smashing together all African cultures with a special focus on Egyptian culture)>both preoccupied with blaming the respective women of their races for the "fall of the [__] race", because we're slutty/gold-diggers/feminists/not God-fearing/too assertive/date outside their race/etc>both function using insane leaps of logic to justify their racism>both often make "special exceptions" for women outside their race, but would lose their shit if women did the sameTheir objective is to conquer what they view as the "enemy" race(s) to heal their own insecurity and personal shortcomings, and (most importantly) control women.
No. 276202
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What do you guys think about this?
No. 276230
>>276229What other type of men would merit
shame? You expect them to say gandhi or some shit?
No. 276231
>>276230How does feeling shame excuse it?
Ed Kemper murdered his own mother, his grandparents, and 7 other women. He strangled them, cut off their heads and fucked the exposed neck holes.
And several women's responses to this is "oh yeah, I gotta have sex with him. those are the genes I need to get impregnated with"
No. 276241
>>276233Well considering the OP pic of that thread is Jeffery Dahmer, another serial killer, just that.
Considering you treat it as perfectly normal and predictable that women want to have sex with serial killers so much I just don't see why you're disagreeing with that guy from the Reddit screencap.
No. 276263
>>275564Imagine making being single/nobody wanting to touch your junk your whole identity.
I knew of a guy online ten years ago who was like this. When he finally got a girlfriend be tried to escalate the sexual stuff really quickly. The other guys on the board were very sympathetic to him, even though he was famous for writing creepy comments to girls and generally all woe is me stuff.
A pre incel incel, he actually seems not so bad in contrast to the updated version
No. 276266
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>>276261There just aren't enough criminals to go around so only the top women can afford to get them. All the other women can only admire from a far.
No. 276268
>>275570What women really want
>winged trillionaire bf that will whisk us up to his cloud castle.Listen up guys. CLOUD CASTLE. WINGS. TRILLIONS.
Anything less, don't waste your time.
No. 276270
>>276267I think criminals are very manipulative and charming, the two main traits that dictate whether a man is single or not. I can't imagine overlooking crimes because of charm which other women seem able to. I think it's the
>It won't happen to meThing. You're special and exempt. What people miss in the weird crushes thread is that the same anons post in the fetish thread that they want to do some extremely dominant and violent stuff to their criminal crush. The idea is not that you are abused by him, but that he makes an exception for you or that you can control him.
Idk just adding context to this topic
No. 276276
>>276270That still sounds very destructive, don't you agree?
Recently I watched a documentary on women with prison boyfriends and even though the women seemed like good and loving people, they were still were with the biggest scum of society. How can a mother of a young daughter go on national TV and say that her child rapist boyfriend is actually a good person and innocent?
No. 276279
>>276267I'm not saying that they have trouble getting girlfriends, I'm saying that most women don't date criminals, there is always going to be ones who do.
>>276266That guy got viral because he has a nice face (I personally don't find him attractive, especially since he robbed some people) do you see random 42 year old ugly joe who murdered his mother dating a billionaire? It's disgusting but some people are willing to throw out their morals for good looking people.
No. 276287
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>>276276Well, it's a paraphilia. People with normal desires don't generally understand why people with scat fetishes love to eat shit but they still do what they do…
It's a similar case here.
The fact that only women can be hybristopholiac is a meme though. The man Jodia Arias married while she was in prison swore up and down that she was innocent and a good woman too. No. 276292
>>276291Very few men are rapists and murderers
Good one retard
No. 276346
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Is anyone seriously scared by all this woman hate that has increased in the past few years? I feel like it really increased from 2015 onward if not before. I'm so fearful of it, I feel like it's part of my everyday life now. I can't think of it as just being on the internet. A lot of people keep telling me that it's just some assholes on the internet being bitter men and that I don't need to worry IRL but I'm fucking scared. I can't even watch a fucking youtube video without seeing comments like pic related. I don't bat an eye at seeing woman hate on places like 4chan but it's actually everywhere now. Everywhere. There's youtube videos with millions of views talking about how shit women are and how we destroy civilizations. And these videos have massive support. It may just "be on the internet" but these people on the internet have influence. I'm scared for the future generations of girls.
How do we coexist with a male generation that says this stuff freely with no remorse and has such a strong vendetta against us?
No. 276349
>>276339Women don't "shame" virgins. When we avoid them it's not out of malice. Male virgins are usually fucked up.
Many male virgins are mentally ill. Dating one if a big chore and often they will try to bring you down as well. They think they're much better than all the "Chad's" but when they get a chance with a girl they usually fuck it up even worse than a normal guy would.
Sex is more complicated for women. You can't blame women for picking a guy who knows what he's doing over a guy who doesn't. Men can orgasm pretty much every time, for women it's harder.
They're often misogynistic and entitled. Porn messes with their brains and they have impossible standards for women. Now that groups like incels can show their claws online, you see that they aren't just a group of socially awkward guys. They hate women.
No. 276358
>>276354Who does that? It’s not like you’re going on a 6 hour drive where he would be entitled to a lunch. Bring snacks in your fucking car, dude.
I hope you gave hime a shit rating if thats a thing. Inexcusable frankly.
No. 276360
>>276354>work a job where you pick your own hours on demand>decide you should eat when you are working hours you chose with a customer presentMaybe he was making an overture/flirting though. Even worse.
Also, remember not to reply to men ladies. There seem to be some hanging around now.
No. 276377
>>276320This is what I don't get, these men want good, "nice", "moral" behavior to be the #1 standard for reproduction, but they… want an insane, cruel, absolutely immoral system to enforce it?
Do they even listen to themselves? Their objective is clearly not to make things better or enforce a good moral code, their wish is to stay exactly the way they are and get rewarded for it just because they didn't do something they'd never do anyway.
Imagine being so bitter and jealous and so absolutely pathetic you expect all of society to change so that the people who don't deserve the thing you want get deprived of it
No. 276389
>we're so logical and smart. our thought is so complex and elevated. our mental faculties are so deep and sophisticated, women absolutely cannot compete. Also men:
>this one piece of data (that I'm biased towards due to my being emotionally compelled to favor it - since it confirms my previously established beliefs and all) is enough proof that all of my beliefs are true. No other factors need considering. The exact link between correlation and causation needs no examining. The other shit I believe in that isn't directly related to this particular subject are chain-confirmed as well.
>Yup. Us males. Very logical and complex. No. 276393
>>276382Yes, indeed it is. Just the fact that you can even ask that question is enough proof that you see women as objects. The fuck makes you think you should have a say on what people do to themselves and their lives? Let alone force them to live the exact way you think they should?
When women ask men not to support porn because it's
directly harmful for us they flip their shit because
reeee how dare you tell me what to do. But forcing women to do/not do what men want even though it doesn't even directly affect them? A-ok. Women aren't even people, why would it be wrong or cruel to control them?
No. 276400
>>276393Fucking bullies and criminals directly encourages more violent behavior because they learn "wow so not only can I hurt and steal and murder people but women throw themselves at me? Awesome". On top of also spreading their violent genes.
Don't get me wrong, from an evolutionary perspective I can understand why you just want the most violent men you can get your hands on. But we aren't cavemen fighting just to survive everyday so maybe if women's brains could catch up a couple thousand years that'd be nice.
>>276400>all women are the same they all are hybristophiliacs I want the weakest, tiniest, most beta man your gender can offer, but I also can't stop some women from fucking criminals. What's your recommendation? Some ideas I have are banning any communication with the outside world from prison, as well as having a law in place to stop violent criminals from having any relationships if they get probation. This seems fair to me and is not overbearing towards women in a way that infantalizes us.
This is all useless hypothetical, of course. I have as much of a chance of getting this idea to any government as you do. And I also can't order fellow women to stop getting crushes on murderers, just as you can't stop those men from murdering.
No. 276408
>>276400>having sex with immoral men encourages men to be immoral>women are responsible for men's actionsYou do realize that the underlying reasoning here is that the pursuit of sex is more important than being a good person, yes? That if you're committing crimes because it will get your peepee wet you have no room to accuse anyone of being uncivilized?
Because if you want to put the blame for violent crime on women you necessarily need to believe women are the ones in charge of men's actions, and men are nothing but slaves to the their cocks. I mean, if you want the "irrational animal slave to his instincts and unable to act civilized" status, by all means, go ahead. Because that's what you're claiming you are when you say women are to blame for men's actions: we're the rational ones, not you.
No. 276410
>>276408Well I'd say it's the men who don't let their lives be ruled by pussy, the Nikola Teslas of the world, who are mostly responsible for all the innovations that have lead us to our modern society.
But for the others, yeah you're right, all the bad shit in the world is mostly women's fault. Ever read Macbeth? Good example of this.
(bait) No. 276413
>>276410Fuck you're dumb. You can't assign blame to women then in the same breath say we fuck Chads because we're ruled by our instincts and in the exact same breath also say men are ruled by their instincts except we're at fault but they're not.
You're literally saying both men and women pull the same shit but only one of them is to blame. That's either
>1. illogical and retarded, proving that men's "logic" is nothing but an attempt to sooth their feefeesor
>2. based on some belief that women are capable of overcoming their instincts but men are notWhichever you choose, you're making men look bad. I suggest you take that last ban as an opportunity to contemplate how utterly stupid you are.
No. 276414
>>276413The good things in the world are from men who could rise above their instincts.
The bad things in the world come from women, encouraging and breeding the violent men.
Basically it's that at least a chunk of men can overcome their instincts, but basically no women can.
>>276414Are you implying that women who marry/mate with law abiding men are a statistical minority? Sauce, please.
You also haven't offered any solutions yourself or replied to my idea to ban criminals from relationships and children.
No. 276420
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>>276414It’s funny. This’s argument is the closest thing you’ll ever get to sex with a woman.
No. 276424
>>276419he was literally severely mentally ill, but actually a good person, unlike these retards, who he couldn't have less in common with.
>>276418right, and most normie men have relationships, are married w children, etc. so which is it, that male criminals are so uncommon and that males who offend are so rare, or that all of these men in relationships are criminals, because that's all women want and mate with? kek
No. 276429
>>276418Even if we successfully clamjam the entire population of hybristophiliacs, that won't automatically make anon desirable, which is what he really wants.
He specifically believes that the male world is divided between sexy Chad scum and quasimodo tier nice men, and that looks are all that women care about and that's why they make amoral choices in dating. Removing the chads does fuck all for his supposedly hideous looks, especially if women's preferences are actually hardwired into their brains. Women loathe ugly men so much they'd rather fuck criminals and throw the world into ruin, but ruining that same world through ceasing all reproduction instead is too implausible, so they'll magically learn to love uggos for the sake of maintaining the species? Not by his logic.
Which he realises so now he's abandonned his retarded chad/uggo dichotomy and is arguing that it's purely about violence and that if he kills a bunch of people he'll suddenly become attractive and get pussy. I don't think he's gonna answer your question.
No. 276431
>>276422I'm the anon who was arguing with him and tbh I was trying to see if the little vermin was even able to reason at all - notice I didn't disagree with anything he said, I just analyzed it and spelled out what's implicit in what he thinks.
Not surprised to find that your average incel is dumber than a brick and incapable of coming up with arguments. He just kept parroting the same shit over and over kek
No. 276441
>>276422As tedious as arguing with incels is, you just know that they leave the board thinking they've blown our tiny feminine minds with their superior logic and infallible arguments if we don't respond. And when we ban them, they think we've been so btfo we can't even handle their truth bombs. In reality we just find them tiresome and repetitive, and we know perfectly well they will never, ever change their minds or try to see things from a different perspective.
Anyway I try my best not to respond but I'm sure many of us find it hard to resist at times out of pride and being amazed at the retarded shit they spew.
No. 276466
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Look at their faces at 2:50
How self absorbed do you have to be to think ou have "super sperm". No. 276471
>>276466Most men are nutheads full of themselves and think the world revolves around them, just look at mgtow, I assume spoiling as a kid has a lot to do with it
>>276452Don't, almost every time I've seen a woman room with males its always blew into flames
No. 276472
>>276206This tbh, I knew men that specifically found women hot if she was a criminal, isn't it funny how men insist all women like criminals but ignore how many men want "crazy bitches" and fetishize mentally ill women? Or those posts on twitter about how its fun to date crazy girls because "you might wake up dead might wake up with head", the amount of dudes that fetishize lilth for being psychotic
But the best part is. When a woman gets hurt by her SO, everyone goes into a rant about how she "probably" liked bad boys, and had it coming, some even talk about how she "gets herself murdered" but when a man experiences first hand with a crazy girl, he gets all the sympathy and asspats in the world, even if he himself purposely wanted a crazy girl
What boggles my mind is men insisting they're oppressed and screaming "if the roles were reversed!" Any chance they get despite when the roles were reversed, the results were 100% opposite of what they claim
No. 276480
>>276472Men place 100% of the blame and responsibility on women in a relationship. If she is with a shitty guy who cheats, she's a dumb slut who made bad choices and deserves what she gets. If a guy is with a shitty girl who cheats, she's an evil slut and he's a victim.
Really, it's just their mental gymnastics to justify being butthurt that any girl dated any guy but him, the specific indiviual who is complaining. Every man thinks he is the best and should be the only correct choice, and they are extremely resentful and bitter when a woman chooses otherwise.
No. 276503
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>>276499>that's just how nature intended, we can't help it but that doesn't mean we're any less intelligent!mfw they actually believe this
No. 276513
i never got how some men think that women get off on violent, misogynistic, macho assholes. maybe if they're under 18 and trying to be rebellious, otherwise i've never met a single woman who willfully got into a relationship with a dude they previously knew was problematic.
like i have a coworker who is a proper chad, looks-wise. he is 6'4' , very beefy and athletic, blonde hair, huge penis (that dick outline doesn't lie gurlz). very attractive overall. he's quite smart, educated, owns a house, financially stable, is an artist etc… i used to have a huge crush on him and he would constantly flirt with me and become progressively more and more touchy-feely with me as time went on, even though i didn't initiate any of it. once i got to know him more, i completely lost interest in him because i figured out his weird stances on women. the way he talks about them sometimes is disgusting. he always talks about alpha-ness and you can see he tries so hard to be percieved as dominant. he said how he thinks girls shouldn't swear at all while i always hear him raging and using every single swear word in the book literally every day at work. he also insinuated how single mothers are 'meh whatever' but single fathers should be congratulated and put on a pedestal bc BrAvErY~. us coworkers went out one time and got super drunk and i cried for like 30 seconds for whatever reason and he just asked me later 'what kind of female type shit was that' and tried to make out with me afterwards lol. i'm 21 and he always makes comments on how i look 17 and calls me 'kid' and 'typical millennial' which completely creeped me out being that he's 30 and still making sexual advances every day at work. not to mention he's also borderline racist which goes hand in hand with hating women seems like. he never looks a woman in the eye while conversing with one. constant subtle objectification. constantly joking about PMS and periods and how women are 'too emotinal and bipolar'. sometimes ignores me even though i clearly ask 3 times (and stand right next to him) just to show 'dominance'. just complete disrespect always. we are both 3D modelers and texture artists and he feels a bit threatened so he often tries to subtly insult my art while showing off his projects as if they're hot shit. insinuates how he's gonna fuck a bunch of poor prostitutes while traveling but then says 'haha im joking why would i want someone who has had the entirety of europe run through her' and then says he'll fuck virgins in indonesia instead.
if TRP and incel theories about women were correct then i should be head over heels with this guy? as i said i used to have a major crush before i saw this 'macho testosterone chad' side. such a waste of perfectly good penis tbh.
on the other side he isn't really mean spirited, just backwards i guess. i owe a lot of my success in this industry to him because he helped me tremendously while i was interning, although i doubt he would have been so helpful had he not found me attractive. i just don't wanna sound like an ungrateful bitch because he's not evil or even mean. just that incredibly annoying ReDpiLlEd manchild type. its just such a shame that women don't actually like assholes cuz this guy would be a dream come true lemme tell ya.
sage for blog
No. 276517
>>276513Its part of their fantasy that they treat women badly and have them chase them, so they pretty much wanna keep repeating a lie until its true
Reality is most women(yes trps, even your waifus) will run far if a dude was some batshit crazy misogynist, at least the quality ones will run anyway
No. 276520
>>276513Sorry, I'm going to go a bit off topic if you don't mind.
How did you get to become 3d modeller? Which tools or software do you use? Any general advice?
It's my dream to work in that field. I've been taking some courses on Udemy and following tutorials.
No. 276524
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Why do men hate womens bodies so much? I know men have always been awful,but at least back then they didnt have a long list of demands for womens bodies before they can actually appreciate the womans body
Men are dumping women for not having large butts or boobs, and women are creaming over dadbods and averagesque dudes, but its apparently us who have insane standards for men
No. 276530
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>>276524Like women don't pull that shit, get off your fucking high horse.
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>>276523>believe she could change himRight there, that is exactly the reason why some women stick around and I find it so upsetting.
They're never gonna change, EVER. Like, girl you're better than that, just leave.
No. 276554
>>276546Why does your kind even bother coming here?
Hire a prostitute or jerk it off, but fuck off from this site, you winy bitch.
No. 276565
>>276545I would want a robot bf tbh, but he has to have a personality, I don't think that type of technology will be available in my lifetime.
Also, why the fuck do these males keep coming here?
No. 276577
>>276565I wouldnt. If ever youre off the grid bc of emergency or it breaks down, youre fucked and out your life partner. Plus, trying to replace human companionship with that kind of stuff just sounds super icky to me. The issue, of course, is that in general men are about as useful and emotionally dependable as a long dead salamander, but a robot couldnt beat a mostly ideal human partner, imo. Not that it matters to men, but robot movement isnt great yet, and and even in future, im sure the first shitty sexbot companions will have the gracefulness of a Parkinson's afflicted duck. I cant get wet to that shit. The bf bot would have to do more than be able to mamage a few movements with considerable fluidity. Otherwise I'd just be hyper reminded of how pathetic, disgusting, and just generally depressing, it is to be fucking a robot.
No. 276606
>>276547yeah i have openly said he is attractive. i'd 100% be down to fuck if he wasn't such a misogynist weirdo. i don't know about the other woman he's had relations with, as far as i know there haven't been many because of his conservative stance. he is just saying dumb objectifying shit to seem more masculine. and he hasn't fucked anyone at my job because we only have 2 more females, one is married with children, the other one is quite hated in the studio and doesn't hang with us a lot. but it would make more sense for him to hit on them (they're 30+) rather than someone he calls a 'kid'. why are men so masochistic to keep coming back to a man-hating thread lmao
>>276520i was always into 3d art because of gaming. however because i was pressured to go to college for something on the completely opposite side of the spectrum (politics) i wasn't able to do much else except for cry and pull all nighters. so when i dropped out i started training for CGI on my own, and after acquiring enough skill, i started to intern for my dad's VFX studio and collab with other post-production studios. i'm transitioning into the gaming industry by the end of the year. i recommend you pay for the membership at pluralsight (also i heard lynda is good too but havent tried it). there's literally everything you need there, so many in depth tutorials on pretty much every program you'd need in the biz.
i work in 3d Maya and ZBrush, and am independently learning to work with unreal engine (also on pluralsight). just a small tip from me- dont use blender. hope i helped!:)
No. 276611
>>276606> however because i was pressured to go to college for something on the completely opposite side of the spectrum (politics)Exactly the same story. It felt so wrong wasting time there when I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do, even for the sake of just getting a degree.
I'm currently working as a web dev but I've been doing 3d modelling in my spare time.
> dont use blenderkek, kind of too late but I'll follow your advice, I'm getting myself a Pluralsight subscription after this post and thanks for all the tips.
Your story is inspirational, I hope I make it too minus the misogynistic coworker of course.
No. 276789
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>>276780>Go and have a commune in the middle of nowhere lmao, women in the west do have their own spaces and guess what happens?
men dress up as women and demand to be let in
No. 276805
>>276780>the point>>>>>your headAre you retarded?
The point is you attention whores can't leave us the fuck alone. Not there, not here, not even on our own fucking imageboard. We get it, if you leave women alone you don't get to fulfill your desperate biological need, but maybe you could, you know, do what you claim men are so good at - get the fuck over your instincts, you filthy animal.
No. 276806
>>276630>>276694That article was amazing thank you.
I only have Brenda Dickson to add.
No. 276814
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Daily reminder
No. 276977
>>276962well, good job exposing yourself
you're not doing a job if you want to show us how hard men have it by claiming stranger women making fun of short dudes is equal to men treating their girlfriends like trash, demanding them to get surgery, threatening to break up, simply because their body part isn't big enough to their liking
as a woman with body dysphoria, I'd MUCH rather have strangers make fun of small boobs than to have my boyfriend pull this shit and demand me to get surgery and ghost me if I don't
this is literally proof men will blow their brains out if they ever lasted a day as a woman
No. 276980
>>276541>Just a few posts up a female was lamenting how a "huge penis" went to waste because it was on a person with bad personality.good, men and women both need to pay consequences of being horrible people vs things they can't help
but, if you really think a woman being turned off by an attractive man being a shitty guy is objectifying and men breaking up with women for their breast size is okay then…
No. 276982
Well in my experience 23+ virgins are so damn damaged cause they watched so much porn and when they get a gf they expect her to do all kinds of weird shit, claim watching porn everyday is normal and having a collection of all sorts of naked woman is just a boys thing. That's why most avoid that kind of dudes.
Anyway! Today i saw this and had a great laugh, one dude ended up paraplegic because he tried to suck his own dick with one of my friends and he said he tried it and most men have tried sucking their own dick kek, such an advanced gender! Hope we can catch to that level someday!, (mentioned by some incel above)
No. 276984
>>276975I’m bad at summarizing. I suggest reading the whole thing. I just wanted to bury some recent shitty comments with some actually relevant shit.
>The recent crackdown on women's rights activists began just weeks ahead of the much-anticipated lifting of the driving ban on women on June 24, a cause for which many of the detained activists had campaigned. While some have been released, others remain detained without charge. >Dr. al-Fassi, a renowned scholar and associate professor of women’s history at King Saud University, was one of the first women to acquire a Saudi driver’s license. Saudi authorities arrested her just days before lifting the ban. Numerous other women’s rights activists have since been placed under travel bans. has ordered the Canadian ambassador out because of a critical tweet. And are generally butthurt at Canada.
No. 277019
>>276997>Theres no difference in the treatment thougYes.there is.
One is just throwing random shit out there, another is targetting a specific person who loves and cares for them enough to give them their body, which most people are very insecure about. God i pray everyday you never get in a relationship, it took me YEARS to be okay with showing my boyfriend my body completely, if he ever did this shit to me I'd literally kill myself, not even exaggerating, if I can't please one person I thought cared about me I wouldn't have any reason to live
None of these women demanded men get height surgery under the means of ghosting them, none of these women bragged about how they were going to break up with their boyfriend for being short, none of these women said short men need to die like you claim
You have no fucking empathy, I swear to fucking god, its the internet, strangers say rude shit, you should fucking kill yourself or at least never get in a fucking relationship if you think that strangers saying mean things is the equivalent of fucking around with peoples feelings you are supposed to care about and they care and love you… You clearly dont understand the value of it
No. 277026
>>277019Im not trying to diminish anyones feelings no one should treat their partner that way i never implied that it is okay. Im just saying that the two things are comparable between the height and breast size or any other feature like that.
They never said those things but the concept is the same, its insulting people for these innate traits that cause them to feel hurt and insecure, it's not right in either case especially to a partner I didn't say otherwise.
No. 277028
You acknowledge that it feels very different but insisting its comparable, are you gonna tell me random girls who say they dont like short guys is just like guys shitting all over their poor girlfriends self esteem? THIS IS WHY ITS NOT COMPARABLE, can you get that through your stupid fucking brain?
Lets look at the thought process of these two
A girl who calls short men ugly: she knows she doesn't know any short men personally, she doesnt think a short guy will read it and take it to heart
A guy who shits on his girlfriend's breasts: he "cares" about her, she cares about and loves him, most women with small breasts struggle with self esteem issues, makes her undergo dangerous procedures and emotionally abuses her if she doesnt, breaks up with her over her fucking boob size
How the FUCK are they alike?
>its insulting people for these innate traits that cause them to feel hurt and insecure, it's not right in either case especially to a partner I didn't say otherwiseYes, people insult each other all the time, but it takes a god damn monster to do that horrible of shit to their fucking SOs who care about them vs people who just throw shit around on twitter without thinking
Like I said, you don't seem to grasp the concepts of relationships and how insulting short men in twitter vs specifically targeting 1 person who care about and love you
Yes its both insulting, but you have to have no empathy at all and be a really god awful person to do that, i literally rather be cheated on or have my face drowned in acid than have my boyfriend pull this shit to me…
No. 277033
>>277028You're saying im the one with no empathy yet youre also saying that the only way things can be hurtful is if theyre done specifically and personally to you/a person. Thats bullshit. Having people post thousands of things insulting you for something like your height or race or breast size or anything else is hurtful and will cause insecurities and the very body dismorphia that youre talking about in the first place. Even more so when its something that seems to be universally hated that you cant control.
How do you know that a girl who calls short guys ugly doesnt know short guys? are guys that insult tall girls or fat girls dont know any of them? more likely they insult them because they do know them. I see only a difference in the scope of it, the pain and the insecurities that grow are the same.
You seem to think im saying that theyre okay, im saying theyre both bad and you shouldnt do either of them.
No. 277037
>>277033>Having people post thousands of things insulting you for something like your height or race or breast size or anything else is hurtful and will cause insecurities and the very body dismorphia that youre talking about in the first place. No it will not,most people aren't affected by what strangers say, most people KNOW that others wont be bothered by what strangers say, if you knew anything about body dyspmorphia, it almost always sprouts from people who the individual cares about
>even more so when its something that seems to be universally hated that you cant control.You realize most short guys wouldnt even have seen these tweets right? Chances are short men would never be affected by strangers saying things about short guys, and say someone feels that way, they find an SO, in their head they get excitied that they can finally feel attractive just to have it be crushed
>im saying theyre both bad and you shouldnt do either of them.Well no shit, but it takes a monster of a person to do that to their SO than just people making jabs at a group of people without thinking how it will hurt strangers feefees
No. 277041
>>277037I think youre underselling the hurtful effects these things have on people. strangers can and do say hurtful things all the time and when its so common to hear it both from strangers and people in your life its going to cause super insecurities in people and make them feel worthless.
spraying randomly vs targeting a specific target are both going to hurt people, in different ways yes, yes one is targeted and more damaging to one individual person but the other is spread randomly out and hits and hurts many people a smaller amount. It all builds up in a persons life in many ways, both have effects and they shouldnt be done
No. 277046
>>277041If women saying "lol i dont like short guys" caused body dyspmorphia, not only does it prove my point men are weak and cant last a day if they were a woman, but there would also be a wave of body dysmorphia amoung short men, most short men dont have insecurity issues and easily get girlfriends, and my brother is 5'3 so im speaking from experience, where as me, a woman with small breasts get insane amounts of shit for it that is barely comparable to girls on Twitter.
And like I said, it takes two completely different mindsets to make a joke about short men vs completely bashing any self esteem your SO had, which is why its not comparable, you're an adult, I don't need to keep repeating this, or should I take a megaphone and scream it in your ear? Because you're completely missing that part on why it aint comparable.
>>277044Making fun of short men and pointing out most men arent going to be affected by this =/= discussing men who literally want to kill and rape women
No. 277050
>>277046short men are super insecure about their height, your brother too even if he hides it. small boobs aren't nearly as unattractive a feature as short men are, dont pretend like it is. the equivalent would be tall girls who get picked on for it, called giraffes, but even that isn't really the same.
i just dont think theres a difference in anything but he scope of it. Would a short guy who was bashed by a girl in real life be allowed to feel like you do about it? would a girl who only saw hateful tweets about small breasted women have less of a right to feel bad? I dont understand why youre acting like hurtful things arent hurtful. Yes like I already said when its done targeted at you its more hurtful but thats just the scope of it, its not different in its quality.
No. 277065
>>277019>None of these women demanded men get height surgery under the means of ghosting them, none of these women bragged about how they were going to break up with their boyfriend for being short, none of these women said short men need to die like you claimI'm gonna use this to segue into another thing I hate about men. What you said is true, and a big reason is that women don't enter relationships with men they don't find attractive (unless it's a conscious choice with some other compensation, like gold diggers etc). Women reject men they consider too short, ugly, fat, whatever.
Men, on the other hand, constantly date women they find unattractive or who have features they don't like. You always see men on the internet talking about it, they choose to do this because they use unattractive women as 'practice girlfriends' and can have easy access to sex while simultaneously searching for an upgrade. It's so fucking cruel and the fact that you can't even be sure the guy you're dating is attracted to you or likes you as a person is depressing. The irony is that men always complain about women's standards being too high, but at least they can feel confident their gf actually likes them and finds them attractive. If not, she'd just reject them rather than keep them around for convenient sex the way men do with women.
No. 277069
>>277065So you'd rather almost every single man in the world just refused to date you to begin with because you're naturally flat chested? That you spend your entire life alone over something you have no control over, and be mocked by men and other women alike your entire life?
That's the LESS cruel situation to you?
No. 277072
>>277069Uh, yes? I would indeed rather be single forever than be with someone who secretly found me repulsive and was trying to find a hotter woman behind my back. It's literally my life plan, actually.
I have never endorsed anyone mocking people for anything so fuck off with your moronic strawman.
No. 277082
>>277065I'd honestly love if it could actually be changed to be that way.
So I could hear women everywhere cry as they experience what it's like to deal with themselves.
>>277069>Tfw all literal models are flat chested>trying to validate wasting women's time for yearsLike sorry young women don't all have saggy tits like your aunt Jemima*
*All boobs are pretty but imagine being this virginal. Only breasts he's seen are his relatives
No. 277120
>>277050It is, short men make this fantasy that the world hates them, meanwhile I have yet to see this, if you wanna make conspiracy theories about how all short men actually struggles and dismiss what women go through just to victimize short men, it proves my point
I still have yet to see women demanding short men to get height surgery or threatening to break up with their short boyfriends, but yep, short men must have it hard unlike those evil women
>>277063Yaoi? Twinks? Fucking bruno mars has girls chasing them ffs,even then short men arent treated as badly as women with small breasts are, if a man being short was really the hands down, end to it all for men then soooo many celebrity men wouldn't be there today
>>277082Did you not see the picture? It IS changed to that way, men are the ones crying despite nothing even happening to them except strangers saying men things that arent even directed towards them directly
No. 277122
I'd rather not be dated than to have a man make me spend time emotion, love, and trust on him when he didnt feel a thing in the first place.
You probably dont get this, but to most people relationships are very valuable and some people invest a lot into them, They're not to be played and toyed with just because your girlfriend didnt look like kim k
No. 277124
>>277073Nice defense, troll
You ask them a question, they answer and explain how it actually ia cruel, you completely dismiss it and tell them to get surgery,its clear you just want everything to fall in your male victim fantasy
How are we supposed to take a word you say serious when this is the shit you do?
No. 277131
>So you'd rather almost every single man in the world just refused to date you to begin with because you're naturally flat chested? That you spend your entire life alone over something you have no control over, and be mocked by men and other women alike your entire life?
>i didnt ask any question tho!!!If that wasnt your post then what the anon said wasnt for you, dumbass
And no, she didnt say its her life plan, dumbass
She said she'd rather be single than to have men play her while secretly finding her repulsive and find another girl behind her back
You're an adult, you can READ
I don't need to spoonfeed it to you
You want me to scream this in your ear so you can actually understand? I'd be happy to
The situation was hypothetical
Actually no, you're a big boy, you can scroll up and read what she replied to before sperging while knowing fuck-all what you're talking about and just blindly attacking an anon about a post you didnt even bother reading to understand why an anon replied that way
No. 277152
>>277120there is no fantasy though short men are stigmatized and seen as less attractive and less manly. There is no stigma at all against women with small breasts, I have literally never once had anyone tell me by breasts were too small, I have never seen a girl be seen as less attractive because of her breasts, models all have small breasts, what areyou even talking about anymore.
You keep separating hurtful comments as though they're less hurtful just because they're spoken on twitter. That's just not how it works.
No. 277160
>>277152Uninvolved anon here.
I have, on many occasions, heard men say that a woman’s breasts were too small. It’s a common trope even. More so than anything about short men.
No. 277163
>>277160Also an uninvolved anon, I disagree. I'm the furthest thing from a handmaid and love man hating but small boobs are really nowhere near as universally derided as short men. I feel like when people claim otherwise, our man hating as a whole loses credibility because it's such obvious, extreme projection from a few anons with very specific, personal insecurities.
There are so many girls with small boobs widely considered attractive and so many men who openly like them that I just dont buy it. Focusing on the minority who really take issue with it doesn't change that, and neither does the popularity of big boobs.
No. 277165
>>277163Exactly, it's really odd that anyone would claim otherwise to be honest.
Its also weird to me because all the problems with men and the reason they suck would go away if they were small and gentle instead of big and aggressive. Its a catch 22
No. 277172
>>277163I'd have to agree with this. Most women may date short men/men shorter than them, but I don't know many personally who prefer it. However, in my experience, most normie-tier men like all breasts pretty equally. This is probably due to women weighing physical attractiveness as slightly less important (opposed to what incels think) and overlooking ""flaws,"" while men weigh physical attractiveness high but generally have low standards. Exceptions apply, of course. These are generalizations, and neither is particularly better or worse than the other.
>>277165I wish men were small, cute, and gentle every single day. Life would be so much better.
As it is now, the only problem I have with short men is that they act obnoxiously masculine/extroverted to compensate. Makes me sad. Really ruins the future tiny husband fantasy I have.
No. 277173
>>277152>there is no fantasy though short men are stigmatized and seen as less attractive and less manly. There is no stigma at all against women with small breasts, I have literally never once had anyone tell me by breasts were too small, I have never seen a girl be seen as less attractive because of her breasts, models all have small breasts, what areyou even talking about anymore. Nice larp, incel
I'm "on about" the picture, you can't just say "it never happened to me therefore it doesn't happen" when just scrolling up would have proved you wrong, not that youd be asked to find evidence anyway that proves anything over than all women have it easy and men are poor oppressed babies
No. 277176
>>277163Not from my experience, I grew up with short men, the most they'd get is jokes, I was treated as a subhuman, kept getting told to undergo procedures (which is short men have it sooo hard theyd be told to get heightening surgery), i was treated as subhuman, people stripped my femininity from me and any man that showed even slight interest in me was regarded as gay, but women who show interest in short men dont get regarded as lesbians
So please, tell me where all this is happening other than short men being called short and 0.01% of women saying it's unattractive
No. 277181
>>277172>I wish men were small, cute, and gentle every single day. Life would be so much better.Well it certainly would make life less anxious.
>>277173okay well Im just telling you my experience I dont see why my anecdotal evidence is less than yours.
>>277174Not in my experience, there's no difference in the size and aggression all men are equally aggressive and ready to do violence. short men are still men they're still strong as hell and have all those dumb hormones and socialization that makes them pieces of shit. Theres no winning.
>>277176Im sorry for your experience but don't pretend like there really is an equivalence, like anon said it diminishes the man hate.
No. 277184
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>>277181>Im sorry for your experience but don't pretend like there really is an equivalencerefer to
>>276524compare to
>>276530most of these comments are from other men first of all, but the most women say is "I hate short men: and move on, some of them aren't even rude, like "why are short guys everywhere"
with the boob one, men threaten to break up and cheat if a womans breasts aren't enough, force her to undego plastic surgery, completely dismiss any other good features she has and focuses on her boobs not being big enough, and this is their girlfriends, writing paragraphs just because they dont like her boobs of someone they care about vs stranger girls making fun of men of a certain height, not the same
I'm not saying men don't get shit for it, but it ain't nearly as harsh as what women get for having small breasts
No. 277186
>>277181>short men are strong as hell>not having known little 100 lbs men who can't even lift boxes that you can easilyThat is sad for you to have not experienced that.
So as not to derail with my weird fetish, I really hate how most men are unhygienic as fuck. Women can be gross, don't get me wrong, but men are overwhelmingly more likely to smell bad, go without showering, wear the same clothes without washing them, piss on the toilet seat and not wipe it (happens all the time at my job), etc.
It serves them right to suddenly be aware that women care about looks, too. We're raised to be neurotic about how we smell and look, and men should get a taste of that. For the good of everyone.
No. 277191
>>277187I personally consider men 5'6" and under to be short. I work with one 5'3" guy and he stands out.
iirc 5'9" is the US average, and most men I know are around that height (I live in Canada).
No. 277193
>>277187maybe under 5'5 or 5'6, which isn't the majority so it's not like the vast majority of men are being oppressed because of evil wimminz
I've only ever seen women get bashed for their bodies, never men
No. 277200
>>277184There is no stigma against small breasts anon. Not anywhere close to the stigma against short men. That girl has a fine body, men would drool over her hips. stop playing a victim.
>>277186No that's super tiny I dont know any men that tiny. Sounds cute though.
No. 277203
>>277200>There is no stigma against small breasts anon. Not anywhere close to the stigma against short men. t.
triggered beta manlet. kys.
No. 277210
>>277204>the proof is in the puddingYou mean like the evidence I directed you to that proved how harsh people treat women with small breasts
Vs all you showed is strangers saying they hate short men and someone calling you a manlet on an anonymous image board
Oh wait…
No. 277212
>>277207Im a woman. I'm not even defending short men I'm jsut saying that the assertion is clearly ludicrous, small breasted women aren't stigmatized at all in society.
>>277208But there isn't proof, there's just some post of some asshole dudes but that doesnt mean anything.
>>277210No one treats small breasted women poorly you sound insane. A post from people on some forum is equivalent to the post of some random people on twitter. In real life I have never once experienced any stigma against it at all. Comparing these things is crazy like the other anon said.
No. 277218
>>277213Demanding men be a certain height to be in a relationship in the first place is the comparable behavior.
>>277215I dont see it anywhere
>>277216That's my point.
>>277217That's my point.
No. 277221
>>277218>i dont see it anywhereThen you're purposely blinding yourself because several evidence have been posted, do you want me to print it out and scream it into your ear for you to understand? Because that sounds like what you're asking for
>Demanding men be a certain height to be in a relationship in the first place is the comparable behavior.At least women choose who they date and dont waste a poor guys time just to shit on his self esteem throughout the relationship like men do, women can date who they want, men can date who they want, when you emotionally abuse someone and blame their body parts thats the issue and a million times worse than just not dating someone
No. 277222
>>277219The stigma is very small, there are guys who prefer small breasts just find one of them.
>>277220No it's because it's not even close to stigmas against something like large noses or big hands or something.
No. 277226
>>277221I see women with small breasts who are attractive and have men going for them all the time. Almost all models have small breasts, there are many men who prefer it.
A trait that's more comparable is a big nose, I've seen a lot of women get insulted for having big noses.
>>277223When did I say people can't have preferences?
>>277224I live in nyc I see women with small breasts in relationships every minute I'm outside. Almost never do I see a shorter man with taller woman. I've never been insulted for my breast size. This is not comparable and you all know it.
No. 277231
>>277229Its just to point out that I'm not sheltered and the reason I'm saying these things is just because It's not true.
>>277230This is basically what I'm trying to say.
No. 277241
>>277233Anon you just shot yourself in the leg,
you need to cape crusade on an online forum because your BF is a fucking manlet?
First denying the small breasted stigma, then admitting its there but 'small', while also saying you have 'never seen it' which dictates in your world it doesn't exist but because you have personally experienced someone joking or rudely saying you shouldn't date your manlet bf is grounds for him being on the same level as those in relationships with men and faced with a society that continuously produces retarded standards for us that people feel we
should abide to if we
want a good life?
I can list of dozens of manlets who are accomplished actors, modles and other bs directly vanity related medias so by your own logic the stigma isn't there and you're just bringing up moot points then.
No. 277242
>>277222Just like women who prefer short men
Oh wait it only works when you want it to
>>277232Those women get hate for it too anon, i remember people were saying hayley williams deserved to die for having small boobs, just look at how many people were outraged because of angelina jolies mastectomy or when they casted a small breasted woman to play laura croft and guess what theres tons of short male celebrities women fawn over, by your logic theres no stigma against them either
It happens, just because some people like it doesnt mean you should dismiss the millions of instances and just claim it doesn't happen
No. 277245
>>277239No. Im right and if men were small and gentle in the first place there would be no need for man hate anyway.
>>277241I can say the same thing about women with small breasts as models, actresses, other vanity related medias. The difference is they aren't attacked for breast size while people joke about bruno mars or tom cruise or other small men even when they are intelligent and talented and successful.
>>277242It's not as big though.
No. 277260
>>277251yes flat chesty representation in porn is so empowering, its great the two most popular women in porn are flat boards!
Can this thread seriously stop being derailed.
No. 277269
>>277268Idgaf I don't have flat chest, I just think its fucked up to tell girls with small breast that only pedophile find them attractive, but whatever.
Stopping the derailing now.
No. 277291
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This is a small rant, but I've been watching "Amazing interiors" on Netflix and holy shit some of the men in it are insufferable. It showcases some houses with particularly nice/special (and expensive) interiors.
Basically a lot of them made a crazy "man cave" or rooms to show off their hobby (like sci-fi or horror movies). Whenever their wife gets interviewed, she always says something in the lines of "I don't want to know how much it cost" or about how they don't understand it at all. One even says she's "afraid she'll break something when cleaning", why can't your husband fucking take care of dusting off his expensive toys himself?
In one episode a couple buys a church so that the husband can make it a "steampunk capital" and he literally says he tries to avoid telling his wife how much it costs and she tells how upset she is when she finds out some of the associated costs, mentions they won't be able to buy fucking insulation to go through the winter (it's a CHURCH you're going to freeze if you don't)…
In the end it all seems "innocent" because the people in this show are probably pretty rich anyways but it's still baffling to me.
No. 277292
>>277291I hate when women kowtow to their husbands because they are husbands. My mother did this shit with her husband. He would do the dumbest shit but it was totally fine because he’s “the man”.
Wrong is wrong, I don’t care if you are a man.
No. 277303
>>277302Get outta here, kid.
Can we get back to talking about idiot men and their dumbass mancaves?
No. 277333
>>277318I hate when they call my bf a manlet and insult him for being small. This whole thread is complaining about men and their violence and how they rape women but then they attack the small gentle guys who dont do that? It makes no sense and in some ways it makes me less sympathetic to what everyone is saying.
>>277325Yes and in my experience, like even this thread, men get way more shit for being short than any other trait in anyone.
No. 277356
>>277339Tall women also get shit and it's not right.
>>277352You're stupid. I'm a woman I'm not larping.
No. 277364
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Sex robots when? I love when the silly men think we rage or get jealous of an inanimate object.
Imagine the number of rapes per year will plummet when the sexbots become widespread.
No. 277368
>>277339idk if i buy that, i guess it depends on the region. I'm 5'11 and a woman and I've really only gotten compliments about it irl. I didn't even realize other tall women were really insecure about it until pretty recently. I slouch but it's not because uwu gotta take up less space it's because a lot of work surfaces are too low to stand up straight at.
>>277364i dont' care about being replaced or some farfetched shit like that, but looking at them makes me immediately feel sad. combination of literal objectification and the fact that they're so realistic it gives my brain a similar reaction to if i saw a living woman being treated that way.
No. 277375
>>277333> This whole thread is complaining about men and their violence and how they rape women but then they attack the small gentle guys who dont do that?who? you'd have a better point if you didn't make shit up
>>277318>You keep obsessing over this point that women don't ask their short boyfriends to get height extending surgery, and that somehow prove there's no Stigma against short mennever said there was no stigma against short men, but if it was as bad as you claim, there would be a huge demand for height surgeries, hell I don't see any men buying "grow taller pills" and shit
>most women refusing to date short men to begin with is a stigmnever said it wasn't a stigma, again, people are allowed to date who they want, most men at any height get gfs easily, there are even midget porn stars ffs, yes male ones
No. 277382
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>>277380Is this a troll? I hope it is.
No. 277388
>>277386You took that a bit too literal. And you seem to give men a lot of credit.
>>277382Lol that’s hilarious. Sounds like some weird mylie cyrus illuminati shit.
No. 277399
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>>277382I love how you can hear the insecure manlet screeching from his comment
>a cute girl? taller than me? she must be trans and actually a dude!!it's like they think women are aliens from another planet or something, no wonder they lose their shit anytime they're around one, thats why I laugh anytime a mgtow claims to have slept with a bunch of women
MGTOW - Hating women out of paranoia they'll treat you like how you treat women
No. 277401
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>>277382I brought up this conspiracy in another gender critical thread and I still love it
What gender is this person? This photo was shared in a Reddit thread that was linked here
No. 277407
>>277375>who? you'd have a better point if you didn't make shit upIm not making anything up.
>>277380MGTOW guys are retarded. Are you saying you want to be like them?
No. 277408
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>>277382Yup, such manliness, especially her body…. and nowadays young guys are forced to be attracted to this?! Unbelievable!
No. 277426
>>277420His height doesn't matter to me at all
>>277422Why do you keep saying I'm not a woman?
No. 277429
File: 1533676412600.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.66 KB, 480x519, Ddqi_qSVQAAWlex[1].jpg)

>>277422>what are the mods doing?>>277426are you?
No. 277431
>>277382Notice that all the celebrities listed have faces and bodies that especially girls like, slim and fit?
They're just salty that they don't confirm to their retarded incel beauty standards for women, which is either being some tiny underaged waifu or literally having Z cip tits and an ass like a hippo…
No. 277434

>>277408OMG she doesn't have a 0.5 waist-hip ratio and baby-sized shoulders, definitively a man!
>>277401Well, apparently you didn't get the memo that your spergy shit was unwelcome here.
Anyway, here is Alicia Vikander when she isn't beefed up. Obviously she doesn't have a super feminine body but her face is very feminine and some women are just like that.
She has narrow hips and worked her lats/abs/shoulder which made her upper body look even bigger next to her hips and thighs. She doesn't look masculine normally.
No. 277438
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Chestlets, when will they learn?
No. 277439
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>>277434Aren't you supposed to spoiler posts like these?
No. 277440
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>>277434Another pic of her.
>>277431In another vid posted by spergy anon, some of the comments were women saying shit like "now I feel better about my cellulite/flabby thighs because all these 'beautiful women' are actually
men!" kek
No. 277445
File: 1533677056584.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.93 KB, 640x360, alicia.jpg)

>>277439>>277434Woops, sorry. Here is the spoilered pic.
No. 277447
>>277434>this is the woman mgtows/incels think they're too good foryet it's us who have high standards
isn't it also funny how they regard kpop stars to be a million times better than those nasty american roasties because they're more feminine, but call women who have similar bodies to kpop stars masculine…
No. 277453
>>277447They also can't look as pretty as Brad Pitt and Co., because - they are actually women!!
And yes, the irony of always perfect, feminine kpop girls relying heavily on hip paddings and fake tits lol
As a western women you just can't win: womanly body - obese, old, disgusting, "gonna travel to Asia and get myself a tight boddied 18 yo!" And if we're actually thin, we must be men.
No. 277490
>>277453it's 2030
the only women that exist are ugu waifus and mgtows female family members
all other babies are giant conspiracies made in labs by feminists so everyone can worship trannies
any womans vaginas they've ever seen(kek) are neovaginas and porn is all neo vaginas too
the only reason why tampons, birth control, period supplies, vaginal supplies is sold is to make trannies more convincing
people are chosen since birth to look and act feminine, they start pumping chosen male babies with estrogen since 6 years old
pregnancies are all fake
women don't exist in their minds, but they also think the world is ran and catering to women, the fuck kinda mental gymnastics is that
No. 277500
>>277496>I guess when they say women they only mean upper middle class white and Asian teenage girls?im pretty sure I don't even exist to them.yep, I'm asian, you'd think with all the supposed asian worshipping they claim it would be easy, but nope, I'm poor, don't dress well and have acne, I've been rejected, cheated on, etc
I've noticed it's always the men who shouldn't be talking are the ones that are doing all the bashing and rejecting, then turn around and claim how easy women have it
men are disgusted when women don't have perfect skin, you can always tell what a neckbeard is by how much he projects
No. 277614
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So a guy I got bored of (spontaneously but very fortunately - story for another time maybe, suffice to say he got very pathetic and annoying) who plays Overwatch with me and is more experienced and has a higher rank asked if I wanted to do competitive games with him (I've already been doing them a lot a lot with other people as an aside).
I decided sure. He is superficially charming and knowledgeable regarding the game, what could go wrong? I only stood to gain from grouping with him, surely!
I could only stand playing 4 games with him.
From the very beginning, he was bitching and snapping at our team like a gigantic entitled asshole. I don't know if he was already in a bad mood and tbh I don't care.
1st game was kinda all over the place. 2nd game went fine because it was a very easy win.
3rd and 4th were the problems. 3rd game he was snapping at people and then was extremely derisive over voice to our team after we lost and were watching an enemy's play of the game ("oh there's genji killing our entire backline AS USUAL…").
I messaged him asking if he was tilted. He responded with something completely unrelated. I said "That's not what I'm talking about," and he said "ignore me i'm a moron" and I said "what" but that's all he said.
4th game he was an ass from the beginning, first because someone didn't have a microphone, then because they swapped to a hero he didn't like ("Oh, we don't have a Symmetra anymore, now we have a useless." - KNOWING that I love the hero that the person swapped to). At that point I said on voice "oh my god, stop being so toxic." I hate the fact people could see I was grouped with this guy and potentially feel like I was condoning his behavior.
He was playing a healer (Zenyatta) and after we took the first objective on the map, the conversation in pic related occurs in his chat with me (he's red, I'm pink, randoms on our team are the other color). He never said anything after I stated "I'm not stupid" but then a minute later started chiming in with obviously fake sugary optimistic useless bullshit, but thankfully he quickly stopped after no one acknowledged it. I definitely didn't appreciate that sarcasm and potential jab at me being more pleasant than him. Then he was silent the entire rest of the game, and we actually did better, except when he didn't call an enemy who snuck past and I ended up dying after him when he clearly knew where that person was hiding.
Thankfully I made a new competitive player friend in one of these games and this new guy was messaging me asking to join in after my game ended; I explained the situation briefly and gladly agreed. After the game, I told the first guy that one of my duo partners wanted to play together, and he's like "Ok" and then adds "I'd be fine with trio, or is it duo only?" or something and I say "Duo only" and he just goes "Hmmmmmmm" and leaves the group.
I'm never playing with this guy again. And for the record, I could stand to potentially have a lot to gain from grouping with him. His behavior was repulsive and unwarranted and STUCK me in a situation that made me so uncomfortable that I felt uneasy in my stomach. Not just that but that he at least 3 times ignored my asking him to stop being a jerk, as well as the fact he thought I was stupid enough to believe the shitty backpedal in pic related. Aaaand as always with men, he never apologized.
I fucking hate that never apologizing shit.
Sorry for length and gamersperg but I wanted to make the situation a bit understandable for both those who are and are not familiar with the game.
Silver lining: Made a new friend and went 2-0 with him, whereas the know-it-all grand master "friend" showed even more of his true colors and our games went 2-2 kek
I'm going to make a follow up post about this jerk's personal interaction with me because I have some things I'm curious on.
No. 277623
Samefag from
>>277614So originally this guy was very charming and funny. Met him on the game through friends. Idk what sparked it but I had some feelings for him. My reasoning may have been affected by a depressive episode.
Anyway he remained interesting for a while after I told him I liked him. Maybe it was lust for him. It probably was. He started pushing for me to come visit him, which would basically require a plane trip, which I had casually said I'd be willing to do sometime. But he meant soon, which meant over $300 of my own money (he said he'd pay for everything else and I could stay a week).
Oh I almost forgot. He is into really misogynistic sex stuff, like legit rape scenarios, inflicting pain, slapping women in the face, stepping on their heads, calling them "cum dumpsters" etc. I have a taste for the bdsm but a lot of this was eyeroll content for me. I should have seen it much worse and not humor him at all.
Anyway I had a severe feeling of dread and I wasn't certain if it was related or not, but around the same time, I got bored of him - very suddenly. He wasted my time on things, wasn't as clever as I thought he was (this is a BIG one for me), and I was honestly never attracted to him physically (I only saw his face though). I put off buying the ticket and eventually he asked me about it and was acting all pathetic and apologetic about random unrelated shit out of nowhere. Then he went on a rant about how this has happened to him before (things fell apart in the "planning stage" twice prior) and how he went on like 36 first dates without any follow up and so on and said obviously something is wrong with HIM. I was just like wtf don't lump me in with other people, I'm me, whatever. Like I care to hear about his dating history in this manner. It's just an attempt at emotional manipulation but it's such a bad one because it only drives me away.
Since then most interactions are either brief and boring, legit upsetting and argumentative, or pathetic spontaneous pity parties. Oh and his charm is gone, his voice sounds whiny, and he's never funny despite repeatedly trying.
It's harder for me to read a situation when I'm in it, but I'm certain these are many red flags of an abuser (not even factoring in his many pornsick interests). I have my own mental problems I deal with, like BPD which I have improved regarding - but it probably made me a bit impulsive here and willing to disregard red flags for something "new and exciting."
Fortunately all interactions since have only reaffirmed my disinterest in him (and have since, obviously, turned into dislike), and I never did anything with him or gave him anything.
I just have no idea where that feeling of dread came from, which preceded my interest waning to a flatline. But I'm so glad I had it, even though the stress was so severe that I experienced legit physical pains.
Ultimately I just feel like I dodged one hell of a bullet. Idk has anyone been in a sort of situation like this? I'm considering removing him from everything especially after what he did in
>>277614. Seem like a good idea?
No. 277719
File: 1533738946755.jpg (130.59 KB, 1125x1047, 0119149b-7a31-4899-bf2e-4903c3…)

men will fuck and rape anything on free will, dont ever feel bad you arent fuckable to them
No. 277728
>>277719The poor goat and lil goat babies. I don't know how men dare to say
but women do this too when they do all manner of disgusting, inhumane shit that women would never dream of. There should be a law that you can shoot a man dead with no recompense if you see them fucking an animal or a child.
No. 277734
>>277718He probably does have mommy issues. He's a homeschooled religious freak and complained once after I told him to stop being irritating and passive aggressive because he wasn't getting his way and he told me 'i get enough shit at home from my mom' basically 'stop telling me what i don't wanna hear'
His mom probably told him to get off his game early or wash his dish or stop being a little faggot. Boooohoooooo.
No. 277740
>>277382That must be a troll, I've never heard any guy in real life say anything remotely bad about Margot Robbie. I feel like men are obsessed with women by default if they play a character Harley Quinn or Lara Croft. (With the exception of the new Lara, she's not as tits out as Angelina)
Also, that reminds me, I feel alone in this opinion, but did anyone else find the wonder woman movie still sexist as fuck? Like I don't care that she is beautiful, that's fine, but her supposed badass amazonian character was super naive and not in a fish out of water way like Thor, more like a
flutter my lashes Uwu kind of way.
Everyone went on about that movie being a girl power movie and I just felt like she was like Ariel in a way.
No. 277749
>>277728It’s insane the ratio of men to women who for disgusting, weird shit like this. All the raping and philias. Can you imagine, having so little control of your vagina that you commit these crimes, these sins?
ffs just be normal, men. Show some goddamn self control.
No. 277751
>>277748I did not even know what that meant until my mid teens, which is pretty strange considering how many times I'd heard it by then.
It was a weird and disappointing realization. "Oh, so they've always seen me as inferior. Is this forever?" It sadly is.
No. 277768
File: 1533742623828.png (1.22 MB, 1178x1364, Screen Shot 2018-08-08 at 11.2…)

A part of it translated:
>Interviewer: What if you forbid her, and she decides to do it anyway? (work, go outside) Because you have your opinion, but in the end she's free to make her own choice.
>Man: I will shoot her. I would do it.
>Interviewer: What do you mean you would 'shoot' her?
>Man: I mean I would kill her.
>Interviewer: What gives you the right?
>Man: My father, my uncles, and my relatives.
Interviewer: You don't think that's wrong? How can you kill a person?
>Man: No, it's not wrong! It's our honor.
Interviewer: Are you serious? Or are you joking?
>Man: I am very serious.
>Interviewer: But how is that funny? She's a person and she has the right to do what she wants.
>Man: No… she's a girl.
Men are so fucking weak, retarded and a disease on this planet. Holy shit.
No. 277773
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>>277768I hope that sister gets the fuck outta there safely and escapes all those psychos.
No. 277774
>>277500This. It's mostly ugly and stupid men that are the pickiest.
At 16, I had started modelling with an agency, yet my 20 something boyfriend at the time with extremely bad scar tissue in his lip, hairy moles all over his body and horribly gelled hair would comment on my sometimes prominent blackheads (to the point where he would try and squeeze and suck them out of my nose despite me telling me it made me uncomfortable)
He would watch that awful girls next door show and beg me to bleach my hair blonde (I'm a dark brunette) He would show me porn and tell me later that even if I was the most attractive girl in the world he would still want to fuck other women.
He did and said so many horrible things to me and I endured it because I lost my virginity to him and knew nothing about what a healthy relationship was.
I still cringe to this day about him. But yeah, to go back to your point, it's usually ugly motherfuckers that will be the pickiest.
No. 277787
>>277768I work in retail and I have like zero tolerance for some of the muslim and middle eastern men that come in with their wives. I've heard them say to be quiet or shhh on more than a few occasions when the woman is just asking a question about a product.
Also once a middle aged white woman came in asking for help to fix her cupboard. I gave her the tool to fix it and she said the weirdest thing. She said 'It's not a permanent fix but I just need it to make it look neat, my husband is super fussy, he's muslim you see, if he sees it broken, he will flip'
I have nothing against anyone choosing a religion but why would someone say this and still choose to marry someone knowing they are a sexist pig and follow such a sexist religion?
Also, No joke I went to see a doctor about birth control after getting an abortion earlier that year, (he was middle eastern) and he started flipping his lid and saying I was too young for sex. I was 23.
I didn't mean to derail about religion, but I truly believe that any muslim woman claiming to be a feminist, is a fucking liar.
It's such a horrid sexist religion, they just sound brainwashed.
No. 277789
>>277774He hit the jackpot with you. Young, naive, beautiful. He took advantage of all of that. I’d bet you wouldn’t look twice at someone like him now.
It really sucks being a teenager, you just don’t realize the mistakes you could be making and time wasting.
Is he a huge loser now?
No. 277790
>>277787>Also, No joke I went to see a doctor about birth control after getting an abortion earlier that year, (he was middle eastern) and he started flipping his lid and saying I was too young for sex. I was 23. And what country do you live in?
I’m a bit critical of this part of the story.
No. 277797
>>277789He played on all my insecurities. Last time I ever heard of him, he was still living with his mother. He'd be in his 30's now. I think he's a real estate agent now even though he would boast constantly about having completed a carpentery trade. I try not to look him or up or dwell on him because I just think about all the shit things he put me through and it makes me so mad!
Sadly I didn't learn my lesson and dated 2 extremely abusive men for years after, I look back now and think fuck…so many red flags.
I am superrr fucking weary now of any man. I mean he was blatantly horrible and I had my virgin goggles on but there are so many that seem normal and nice until something happens. Another dude I went out with seemed okay until he drank then he would destroy everything and the other one I found pre teen porn searches in his computer.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong because I'm extremely empathetic and try so hard to be a good partner, I put everything I can into the relationship. I just think it's hard to find a man that isn't selfish or a bad person.
I guess if anything, these relationships weren't in vain because I am nowhere near as naive as I was, but at the same time I curse these men for stealing my youth when I should have been making friends and going out.
No. 277823
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majority of offenders claim they rape animals because they cannot get a woman kek
watch as the people who defend these men whine about how women are evil for not giving men sex
yet they go out of their way to traumatize other living beings
No. 277858
>>277787Ngl christianity is just as sexist (even Buddhism is sexist) I find it alittle annoying to label certain religions sexist when mostly ALL of them are.
theres mormon towns in the US (a supposedly 1st world country) where police can't even intervene with sister wiveshood, refusal to see any medical staff and child labour happening at every corner. An anon came to LC who was stuck in one of these situations and I still remember reading how horrible her situation was.
I understand the feelings and I am just as disgusted when I experience these things but i have experienced both sides equally frequently. (In terms of sexism that has ties to religion. Cause personally i feel no amount of spiritual belief can excuse how you treat others ngl)
Wont religion sperg any further, but I do believe that there just isn't a religion that holds both genders to the same standards and even if there was society twists it until you have some sort of buildable hierarchy.
No. 277865
>>277823I absolutely hate how common this is, especially with shit like horses. How can anyone go on about how women don’t have empathy and are emotional whores!!1!! when men go around pulling shit like this.
It’s fucking baffling
No. 277875
>>277781Ngl sometimes I wish we could only admit the women and children. I live in a largely Muslim neighbourhood with 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants and some refugee families, and while the women tend to be quiet and hardworking most men are openly sexist douchebags. The second generations are actually worse than the first because they grew up with extreme entitlement and none of the adversity their parents faced. They are raised to believe they’re princes and kings, that they deserve everything and don’t need to work for anything, that white women are sluts to fuck and discard while Muslim women are property to bully around, cheat on and treat as servants. It’s fine and expected for them to go drinking and partying until the early hours of the morning but when a woman is seen outside after like 9 pm she’s a whore who deserves to have bad things happen to her. They style themselves after African-American rappers yet simultaneously look down on and use derogatory terms for black people, including fellow Muslims. They run around in shorts and flip flops while the women are expected to wear full body hijab or niqab year round.
Women in my building refuse to share an elevator with my fiancé because it’s considered indecent for them to be alone in an enclosed space with a strange man, even for a few seconds. I’ve heard neighbours scream at their wives because said wives dared to talk on the phone to someone the husband didn’t know. We’ve called the police on our upstairs neighbours twice, once because the man was actually threatening to kill the woman and once because he was throwing furniture around and a small child was screaming. In both cases it was brushed off as “domestic” and “cultural differences”. I worry that calling the police only makes things worse, but I’m not sure what else to do. They are very closed off to outsiders.
I can’t say any of this with my name attached because I’d be accused of Islamophobia and racism. Most of these guys don’t even really practice Islam, they just practice the most patriarchal and misogynist aspects and only use the rest when it’s convenient as a shield against criticism. They’ll wax poetic about how much better their country of origin is than our country but (with the exception of those fucks who go off to murder people in Syria and then expect to be welcomed back with open arms) they’d never actually consider going there for anything more than a holiday because deep down they know that our “degenerate” Western culture suits them better than any other.
>>277858I agree with this too. My worst experiences are all with Muslim men because of the neighbourhood I live in and the fact that most people are largely non-religious otherwise, but I don’t doubt that there are Christians living in our version of the bible belt who are equally as shitty. The biggest difference is that nobody will call you a racist/bigot/nazi for calling out Christian misogyny.
No. 277897
>>277875>>277858>they just practice the most patriarchal and misogynist aspects and only use the rest when it’s convenient as a shield against criticismCan be said of all religions really. They brainwash the women or keep them uneducated so they won’t liberate themselves.
Fuck men and their manipulative “religions”.
No. 277901
>>277784Oh wow, I haven't heard about healsluts in like a year. The only place I'd heard of it was in a REALLY bad community of catfishers/blackmailers (I didn't find this out until later and GTFO'd immediately). Some of them thought it was funny or something to go to healsluts - I have no idea because I never looked into it myself.
I'm disgusted it still exists but what is its deal exactly, anyway? Just a lot of attention pandering to men or? That's never been my cup of tea.
Thanks for your response though. The crappy thing is that we have mutual friends and I'm worried I might be invited to group with someone and he'll already be in the group.
Anyway I recorded some of our games together (unfortunately forgot to record the one where he was super derisive during the play of the game) because I try to record all my competitive games. And he should know that I do that, but he probably forgot. I might send the video of the last game to some close people and explain my need to stay away from him going forward.
I really wish more people knew he was such a shitbag, just in the toxicity department alone. He does some semi-professional scrim/tournament casting and has such a charming facade but now I realize it's all a facade and he's a very weak and hateful manchild.
I really needed to vent all this lol
No. 277904
>>277797This sounds a lot like my dating history. I feel the same way about it, too. I've lost a lot of time and mental health to these men. The only consolation is that I have "learned" from experience… but it is extremely common for abused/neglected women to find themselves in similar relationships again. Maybe because the superficial charm and "lovebombing" type behavior seems like such a breath of fresh air, until they show their true colors.
I've ignored so many obvious red flags at points in my life when I really should have known better.
All I can say is don't let these scum destroy you. You are stronger and always have been.
No. 277950
>>277790I'm from Australia. That's the crazy thing. I've never had such a bad doctor. I asked about implanon because my sister had success with it (my accidental pregnancy had occured with condoms) and he started getting mad and screeching 'is your sister a doctor? No!'
Thrn he reluctantly gave me a script for the pill which made me depressed and not want sex anyway.
On top of that, he complained I was too young to be sexually active even though it's perfectly normal.
I swear on my life I am not even exaggerating.
On second thoughts, perhaps the fact he was middle eastern had nothing to do with it, he could have just been really conservative. But why be a doctor if you are likely to get offended over young females asking about contraception?
No. 277955
>>277905Weird because the muslim men I have been in contact with from Singapore are mostly respectful and sweet to their wives and family, but the muslim men that come from the middle east tend to be the horribly sexist ones.
I feel that way about both genders though, chinese/malay or singaporean muslims are fine, but the middle eastern ones always seem to have a horrible quirk I don't like.
I have extended family that are muslim although I am not, just for context.
Like another anon said, majority of all religions are sexist as fuck.
I remember reading about Confucius and although I liked some of his teachings, the man was extremely sexist.
No. 278024
>>277978How many of these awful women raped or abused someone? How many of them are criminals?
Even when women are "awful" the worst thing they do is socially bully others.
No. 278038
>>278030Don't think any of us here in the literal
man hate thread are throwing women under buses to get a man, like wut. Most crimes are done by men.
"What about the meanie woman" is tired
No. 278040
>>278031I agree that men are by far more evil (antisocial personality disorder which is also called psychopathy is more common in men), but yeah. Easily off the top of my head:'s way worse than bestiality (which is still abhorrent of course).
More recently: thing is, it's a lot easier to think of exponentially more horrible men.
People are generally fucked up, just often in different ways. Men do think with their dicks more than we think with our vaginas though, for sure. It's also no argument that most religions are misogynist. But I think this "women do bad things too" conversation is a bit derailing.
In my life, I've met a shitton of abusive and/or pornsick pieces of shit men, but to my knowledge no women that I would regard in any manner like that.
No. 278130
>>277950I believe you. It’s just so weird to me, why be a gyno and then lose so much business by being archaic?
You should leave a review or something so other women won’t waste their time.
No. 278146
>>277371Um, someone tell them it's men would buy the male sex robots too. And the child ones.
Tbh, on the surface it seems like an easy solution to provide them with robots to leave us alone, but in reality that has a pretty profound effect on the psyche and only serves to further dehumanise women (and children and the human body in general) in the eyes of men
No. 278165
Anyone that clueless must be a troll.
No. 278171
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>>278166>Because it’s India anon.Is it for any of the following:
>bollywood>paneer>saris>naan>holi holiday>henna>kashmiri tensions>hinduism>islam>lack of plumbing>caste system>overcrowding>slums>patriarchy >temples>rupees >monsanto>british empire>it>smelly men>pretty ladies>nice hair>princess jasmineThat’s a list of stuff I associate with India. What about any of that makes the men gang rape? I may be missing something.
(I dont mean to offend anyone. India seems wonderful in theory)
No. 278197
>>278171>patriarchyThat one for a start
I don't know if it was this or last thread, but anon posted a link to an article about the woman/girl deficit in India and China. It's a big problem when men don't have the possibility to pair off with women and have offspring. They don't learn social responsibility.
Thank God our saviour Elon Musk is working on a space program to shoot all the incels out of the Stratosphere.
No. 278257
>>278172Let's keep it real, the actual reason behind all this rape frenzy is not patriarchy. Learn more how patriarchy organizes society, instead of listening to bitter universtiry gender professors, to know how irrelevant it is to this problem.
You need to take into account the main contributing factor: development of people. It so happens all this gang raping being done by people from undeveloped or developing countries, where people aren't that much developed themselves, and therefore are very much like feral animals.
Let's take Syria: it's muslim country but people there are quite educated and developed so women are treated there with dignity. Now take Turkey, its people are less developed, and they treat women not as good as Syrians do. Now let's take america: it's developed state but it still has some small undeveloped communities within big cities, where crime rates are sky high including violent rapes. And finaly whole Afrika: it has rape epidemic going, and i don't need to explain how far back in development it falls behind the rest of the world.
No. 278264
>>278257Is education, or rather a lack of, the cause of all problems in the world?
I’m not trying to sound sarcastic, I am srs.
No. 278269
>>278172Super OT, but Arabian Nights (the 1001 stories) has a bunch of origins:
>The work was collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.>The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Greek, Indian, Jewish, Persian and Turkish folklore and literature.Aladdin was added in pretty late by a French guy and the titular character was supposed to Chinese or from "the Orient". And Disney's Aladdin cobbles together South Asian, Persian, and Middle Eastern imagery. Hell, the live action version's Princess Jasmine is being played by an actress of Indian descent.
You were probably making a joke about the anachronism, though, my bad.
>>278257>Syria developed>Turkey not developedAre they really
that different? My familiarity with Syria is heavily affected by the civil war, so maybe that's why I think they're pretty comparable.
No. 278282
>>278061because they low key want as many irreparable psychopaths on the street as possible
>>278197the chinese incels are all over africa running havoc at this moment
No. 278287
I was reading about that case in NM of the kids being neglected and shit. This is a little fucked up on our legal system’s part:
>Ramzi [the mother of a kid] has not been charged in the case. She reported her son missing to Clayton County, Georgia, authorities in December after the younger Wahhaj took their son to the park and never returned, according to a police report.
>Police initially didn't file a child abduction report because Wahhaj and Ramzi were married; she filed for divorce in December, Clayton County court documents show. But a juvenile court judge in January issued an arrest warrant for Wahhaj for failing to let Ramzi know where he'd taken their son.Can a married woman not claim her child missing if he’s suspected to be with her husband? That’s stupid.
And legal anons here? No. 278311
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these men are a waste of oxygen they should just die
No. 278312
Did any of you anons watch American experience: Tesla? It's a documentary about, well, Tesla.
A scrotoid upthread mentioned him and even though I wasn't even paying much attention to the documentary, something stood out: his father was a Greek orthodox priest and wanted Tesla to do the same. If le superior male had gotten it his way, fucking Nikola Tesla would have rotted away in a religious life.
Who was responsible for his path as an inventor? His fucking mom, who was herself an inventor and created devices for farming and housekeeping.
This isn't the only case where something like this happens. Historically, men have always been narcissistic fucks who wanted their sons to take over their business and do the exact same thing they did. The fathers of great men so often disapproved of what their sons pursued, and way too often it was their mothers who wanted them to receive proper education and seek higher achievements.
Men are such ungrateful little fucks. Women literally give them life, raise them, teach them, show them the right path to follow… but because we had no choice or time to do anything but this (sexist laws and customs, lack of birth control, men stealing their ideas) that means we're stupid and useless. Fuck men.
No. 278329
>>278311God this made my blood boil.
Men are fucking trash.
No. 278350
>>278345we can take dozens of your mockeries while one man laughing about a rape victim is
triggering the fuck out of you
>>278350Lol. Incels get
triggered into tantrums by hearing the word "no," and seeing other people happier than them. Your weak bitch ass definitely wouldn't make it as a woman if you think this is just "one man" perpetuating the same negative outlook against owmen.
No. 278360
>>278356Bro why are you so mad at incels? 90% of rape victims are raped by men women bring into their own lives.
If anybody is gonna rape you, it's probably gonna be the abusive boyfriend you picked or the abusive dad your mom picked.
Start focusing on the men who actually hurt women.
>> can men continue to claim that women are 'evil' when they literally go out of their way to harass rape victims for fun? How are they this psychotic? God fucking damn.Then again these are the same types of trash whove mocked the Ariana Grande bombing victims (actual children) because "they were going to grow up to be stacies anyway".
>9 commentsHopefully nine people called this shit out
No. 278367
>>278364>blaming women for 'picking' rapistsI mean, women can see right through incels' terrible personalities so how come they can't see a rapist until he's deep inside her?
Something doesn't add up.
No. 278381
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What is it with men and raping anything with a hole? This (literal) poor cow was put to death because apparently she "seduced" this man into raping her like wtf they say men are animals but they are fucking worse how can men complain about anything when their fucking sex goes around doing shit like this?!
No. 278387
>>278381Sorry but I think thats just something with certain mentally fucked people. And what your referring to isn't modern.
>how can men complain about anything when their fucking sex goes around doing shit like thisI mean seeing as a woman raped her baby once, should that apply as well? I'm all with this thread. But that seems a little yikes.
No. 278389
>>278380Yes, but actually reproducing isn't given. Typically only the male that the female deems worthy of mating with her gets to reproduce. With other animals, no weak male would ever get to have offspring.
Women not fucking incels is just natural selection.
No. 278400
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Sorry some of it is small but hopefully you can make out most of the posts
No. 278411
>>278394lol if women had their way we would go back to stone age. Female sexuality rewards the worst traits in the human race and is incompatible with civilization.
[Women like "jerkish" men, men like nice girls.] (
[Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships.] (
[Manipulative, asympathetic, arrogant bullies have higher numbers of sexual partners and have sex more often.] (
[Same thing as the previous one.] (
[Same thing too.] (
[Bullies have more sex and higher self-esteem.] (
[When child bullies grow up they are sexier, more popular and have more dates than their victims.] (
>>278411>Women like "jerkish" men, men like nice girls.Men are pussies.
Also, when I try to be nice and say "lol men aren't that bad after all", I find something like this and it feels like a slap in the face. Back to the hate…
No. 278421
>>278411First study they state themselves that responsiveness (what you call being nice) is an elusive concept and that it could mean anything to anyone.
Second study state that men like feminine women and women like masculine men, wew, fucking roasties amirite?
>Moreover, because this study did not assess perceptions of mate value, it cannot indicate when and why partner responsiveness will motivate the pursuit of short-term versus long-term mating opportunities Third "study" (it's a shitty article) is about teenagers… Yes bullies get more sex in middle and high school, nothing to see here.
Fourth five and sixth study is again about teenagers, you're probably a neet, so I doubt you're aware of that but people do a lot of growing up once they leave highschool.
Last link is a shit article by the dailymail who claim that Gordon Ramsay is popular with women because he's a bully lmao.
No. 278441
>>278385>non-blackAh yes, the problem is race. A black African American who can't name a single African country would, like, be totally qualified to talk about it!!!
God I hope this is bait
>>278380Nope, it's the other way around - we reproduce just to exist. The goal is to keep the species alive, reproduction is only one of the many ways we secure continued existence. Playing a role in the system that ensures human survival (society) is just as important as reproducing. Your life isn't suddenly biologically meaningless just because you didn't make a direct contribution to the gene pool.
Not even surprised that people can't understand this lmao men are notorious for being greedy narcissists who'll rape, murder, and sacrifice thousands of people just to have a shot at passing on his shitty genes.
No. 278464
>>278461Did you even read those studies?
The only reason women end up with asshole abusive men is because men are so fucking sociopathic they can hide their shittiness almost perfectly, plus most incels would be abusive too if they could get into a relationship.
No. 278472
>>278468>poor life choiceslike what?
>bad personalityno one dates incels because they have bad personality because they're incels because no one dates incels.jpg
No. 278480
>>278466If this is what men imagine we really think, no wonder they think we’re all retarded kek
I cant belive an adult male made this, this is why our planet is dying
No. 278495
>>278493I don't understand why they think some blonde Stacy who would wear a latex dress in public would want an incel kek
Let's try this same comic with a average/below average female autist with acne.
>incels gets with her out of desperation because he really wanted a Stacy>treats the girl like shit and cheats on her with cam girls and porn>verbally abuses her>one day for some odd reason Stacy gives him the time of day and he cheats without hesitation No. 278496
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>>278358Lol pretty underrated
No. 278499
>>278490Weren't you guys the ones complaining about "muh dik" shit. Man you guys are really retarded.
>>278494Oh yeah supporting my partner in bad times, making her go to college instead of rotting in retail and restoring her non-existant self esteem. Got it, I'm a bad person that deserved it.
No. 278505
>>278503And? Ive been cheated on by "nice guys", nerdy, 5/10 dude with skin cancer who played gta all day, cheated on me with 4 girls and left me for some girl he cheated on, spent over 600+ dollars on him and paid his rent several times as well as hooking him up with a job after uni. you see me running around screaming how men are blinded by looks and only want stacy? No, if i did it would make me an evil feminist
Funny how women can be abused by several men (even though you probably think its their fault for inviting men in their life but men are poor babies when they get hurt by women) but men will hold grudges against all women because they met 1 bad one after getting cheated on once, if women even dare beware of men shes a "bitter feminazi whos gonna hit the wall and wonder where all the good men gone"
No. 278507
>>278492Because, men are allowed to be ugly and awful and expect stacies who give them money and its okay, if a woman goes for Chad she deserves anything bad that happens to her despite most chads being respectful and sweet and ugly ones being horrible, sexist and crazy (like the dude in here)
From my experience anyway, even others agree its always ugly men treating good women awfully and wondering why they cant get a girl so just cling to "W-W WOMEN ONLY WANT CHAD!!! UR FAULT IF YOU GET RAPED AND ABUSED YOU SHOULD'VE GONE FOR A NICE GUY LIKE ME YOU DUMB WHORE I HOPE YOU GET RAPED!"
No. 278508
>>278484So if you went to a bar for just sex, you would sleep with the “uglier” girl with a less appealing personality?
Be real
No. 278511
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Can this man please leave? And can the women quit entertaining him. He’s a distraction.
I hate men.
No. 278517
>>278513I wasn't like this before tbqh, more like a recent thing.
>>278508Bars and clubs are icky, I hate them.
No. 278524
>>278464>>278456>>278442>>278421>>278415LMAO I hit a nerve.
If women just liked physically attractive men, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. The problem is that women are attracted to evil. Female sexuality never evolved past the stone age. You’re still lusting over destructive and violent cavemen. This place is full of white women from the most developed and safest places in the world and yet you go on /g/ and see a half of you posting about how you wanna have sex with the most degenerate serial killers. There's no advanced female led society in the history of mankind because we would still be animals under that system.
>it doesn’t count because the study was focused on teenagers>it doesn’t count because the attraction may be only for “short term relationships”>it doesn’t count because we can never see the red flags, men are just so good at hiding their issuesVery few women can leave behind their lust for cavemen. I have a lot of respect for a woman I know, she doesn’t hide the fact that she likes good looking men, but she always says she doesn’t like bad men and she actually dates a good (and good looking) guy. On the other hand I know a bunch of women who love saying they don’t care about looks (they do) and yet they always end up with the worst types of men, one of them was even violently raped by a boyfriend. The other one is about to throw her life away for an old man with a criminal record. Both of them keep picking those men over and over, they just can’t help it.
I wish it was just a matter of women picking the most good looking men.
(bait) No. 278531
>>278528If we're going with his "majority is all" nonsense then male sexuality is based in rape and violence which is equally if not more degenerate. Just look at how much violence and degradation is in "vanilla" porn.
I hate how unevolved some people are too, but it's far from one-sided. Humans are disgusting, but men are more actively aggressive and vile.
No. 278536
>>278533that proves our minds are more creative than yours
>>278534>you have a sad life2nd most common argument after "you're an ugly neckbeard"
No. 278539
>>278536>male sexuality is so violent and rapeyFetishes with strong female interest:
- Female submitting
- Spanking
- Male dominating
- Choking
- Masochism
- Heavy bondage
- Sadism
- Cutting
- Rapeplay
You can post in this thread all day, yet you still want to submit to a caveman who will choke you.
No. 278541
>>278533>bestiality, pedophila, and necrophilia are all strong male interestsWhat are you disproving here?
Most popular porn is not femdom, last time I checked. I wish it was. I really do.
>>278539>the same women who hate doms are subsIt's not an insult if it doesn't apply to me at all.
No. 278542
>>278533Fucking barf the most degenerate kink women are into is cutting while at the same level males are into pedophilia, necrophilia, inanimate objects (????), vore, monters / alien, piss, lactation, futa…
What a bunch of degenerate beasts.
No. 278565
No. 278575
>>278545If you were a worthy guy in the first place, then meeting one bad girl wouldn't change that
Male fragility at its finest, gets cheated on once and now hates women
Meanwhile women are expected to endure misogyny like so
Nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine
No. 278585
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>women's desirability peaked at 18
>men's desirability peaked at 50
No. 278586
>>278577I'll admit that degeneracy is mostly male interest, although extremely uncommon. On the other hand all the rapey shit you blame men for are actually super popular among women.
If you take a random group of normies, chances are the women will be into rape and them men will be into uniforms or threesomes.
No. 278589
>>278571Men can't be bothered to learn basic housekeeping because it's the woman's job, duh! They'll just have their moms, girlfriends or wives to do all the cooking and cleaning, while they relax on the couch after doing their "man chores" (aka mowing the lawn every two weeks or changing one light bulb).
Men also get applauded for doing the bare minimum of the most basic stuff. I was browsing Imgur and there was a post on the front page about a dad who braided his daughter's hair. That's it. Just a picture of a fishtail braid and a description that said something like "hey I'm a dad and this took me 40 minutes". All of the comments were praising him and sucking his dick like he had just saved five orphans from a fire. How often do women get called awesome and best moms ever for doing that?
No. 278593
>>278441Little late and OT but I agree with this. I've always believed that life is what you make of it. It's something that actually requires a good deal of introspection & effort to come out with any kind of "meaning" in all of this.
Saying things like "our purpose is to reproduce" imo is a classic example of a thought-terminating cliche, it's just an attempt to reduce something amazingly large and complex into a bite-sized easy to digest platitude.
No. 278594
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Here's another set of data.
>Only 5% less maledoms than there are femsubs
>More men want to spank than women want to be spanked
>22.6% of men want to molest an unconscious person
Also kek because men almost evenly want to be raped. It's only degen when women like rapeplay, though.
(As a disclaimer I'm not caping for rapeplay, I actually think it's sad.)
No. 278596
>>278586I dont blame men for it, however
Lets take a look at erotica, which is mostly popular among women
Its not ~horrid~, they dont almost kill the woman, its a lot more gentle and loving just with some kinky stuff involved, and lets not forget how hard men push kinks on women, literally cheating on women and claiming its because theyre not kinky enough
Anyway, erotica, vs porn, consumed by men
In porn, no foreplay,just shoving in dry holes, they wrap womens breasts in rope until they turn purple, literally almost killing the woman just for men to cum, which is a HUGE difference
No. 278600
>>278597no one said all men, in fact in several threads we made it clear it wasnt all men, go chew out actual incels who cant even be in the presence of a woman and be mentally stable about it
Also incels? I thought us privileged dumb women can just open our legs and a man will fuck us, which one is it?
No. 278604
>>278589men are attention whores and want applause for doing normal things millions of women do everyday.
Ever notice how low the bar is set for men? Women have to basically invent the cure for cancer to be seen as worthy but men can comb their daughter's hair and people will fall down to their knees and sing songs of praise.
No. 278611
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>>278610Holy mother of mommy issues.
No. 278626
>>278623If it was only that it'd be fine. Women do their best to make sure the most destructive men pass their genes.
Even the worst serial killers out there get dozens of marriage offers from women.
No. 278638
>>278632If only it was just about "attractive men". There's something much more sinister about female sexuality.
No romance with just a "hot man" got anywhere as popular as 50 Shades of Grey. 50 Shades really nailed what women actually want. This is why female sexuality is incompatible with the advancement of human civilization.
>>278629It doesn't even come as close. No violent criminal has a problem getting a woman to support him.
>>278634Even in this place full of sheltered women you see them going crazy for serial killers and wishing they'd choke them.
No. 278640
>>278638Women don't like kinky stuff = boring prude
Women like kinky stuff =proof all women are animals who deserve to be abused
No. 278653
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What's going on here?? Why are y'all talking to the robot?
No. 278668
>>278653They been feeding the trolls all day.
No. 278676
>>278672Wheres the proof its all women? You can't come in and scream all women like douchebags and the only proof you have is women with serial killer fetishes (which is also common amoung men as well) then, women getting wet over serial killers is nothing compared to the amount of shit men do
No. 278691
Maybe this doesn't belong here since it's perhaps more of a personal issue, but I hate what men have turned me into. I used to be able to develop genuine affection for them and enjoyed the idea of things like GFD, but now that I've swallowed the truth (which I knew was there but had naive hopes about finding a unicorn man) I can no longer love or respect them.
Men are all sadistic, impulsive degenerates ranging from just cheating on you to raping animals and children. How can I devote my life, money, and heart to a person like that? How can I settle down and trust him to treat our children well? Knowing this, almost in retaliation, the only sexual fantasies I have involve severe mistreatment of males through violence and extreme control. The only romantic relationship I could put up with now would involve forcing him to quit his job and stay in the house unless accompanied by myself. He would have to be monitored constantly and have every aspect of his life micromanaged for me to be comfortable at all, which saddens me. I have become the monster now, all due to my constant disappointment in men.
Most of the time it's fine. I still get off to the idea mutilating and abusing a guy, so it's not as if I'm forcing myself or anything. It's just awful that I can no longer experience the pure passion I once had for wanting to protect, provide for, and adore a male. I want to love them gently again, but they've made it impossible.
No. 278694
>>278691Anon, have you been at therapist?
I get impression there is something going on with your personality, that needs professional help, if anything you have wrote is sincere.
No. 278702
>>278694I've considered it, but I'm not sure it would actually help and my schedule is too full anyway. Although the reason my schedule is so full is because I'm working towards my goal of making enough money to support the husband I thought I'd have. So he could experience my love for him and live a happy and stress-free life.
But that's not happening.
>>278697What would be the point of that?
No. 278779
>>275219Honestly, men fucking suck. My mom got cancer and my stepdad cheated on her.
Then when she found out he blamed HER for getting cancer!
Men are scum.
No. 278805
>>278684flawed study
first of all
>128 womenthere are what, 3 bil women? yeah 128 aint gonna prove shit dude
>what they define as a dark triad this isn't "women chasing serial killers", just men full of themselves, which is bad yeah, but not bad enough to run around screaming how women deserve to be raped and abused for
>no male groupas repeating my point you should have read the first time, lets not act like this ain't common in men and men are all pure angels who deserve nothing to happen to them,my point was both women and men have shit taste among the same rate, which you have yet to prove so
your point is invalid, sorry.
No. 278810
>>278779It was discussed in the other thread to. Men are more likely to divorce sick women and there were tons of stories of men dumping and walking out on their wives if she had pcos or breast cancer and had her breasts removed
Meanwhile men are having a god damn mental breakdown because their high school gf cheated and they probably think we deserved it "for chasing wrong men" since we didnt look into a magic crystal ball
No. 278812
>>278681Because, women are expected to pay for the actions of other men, even when all it is a few women wanting to fuck serial killers so that means we all fuck serial killers and deserve to be raped, if you dare even hint men may be the issue you get bombared with "NOT ALL MEN!" in your face because all men are pure innocent angels and if they do wrong its because evil women deserved it and pushed them to
I never understood the logic why men always scream about reversed roles, reality is world hates women and loves men, so much they jump through hoops and blame millions of women before ever blaming a man for anything
No. 278813
>>278811I once saw a guy claim women are evil if they get an abortion without the man knowing and you're a raging sexist cunt who hates men if you support abortion, just for the same group of men to turn around and start blaming women for not getting abortions when men had to pay child support
Its a breeder fetish for sure, hence why they jump through hoops to claim everything women stand for should be for fertiltiy, meanwhile despite men shoving baby making down our throats you'd think these men must love kids right? Nope, these men couldnt give two shits about kids, a lot of them even begin hating their kids after begging for them from women, then turn around and claim its actually women who beg for kids to divorce and cheat with tyrone or whatever mgtow fan fiction is claiming what married life is like
No. 278814
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>there are trannies ITT who think they aren't men
No. 278818
>>278812>so much they jump through hoops and blame millions of women before ever blaming a man for anythingSo much that they actually take bigger issue with women fucking bad guys, than THE FUCKING BAD GUYS. God forbid a serial killer ever get laid, because that is far worse than serial killing. The real evil is women who aren't mind readers and can't instinctively tell when a man is bad despite the fact that sociopathy and charm/manipulative behavior go hand in hand. Or the tiny, vanishing minority of women with a fetish for serial killers.
Irony is that we all know without a doubt, that men would flock in droves to a suitably hot woman regardless of what crimes she's committed. Women just aren't as likely to murder anyone so they don't get the chance outside of teachers who molest students (something men are all openly, vocally jealous of).
No. 278820
>>278818This tbh
I'm a shitty girl, I've been involved with gangs, threatened people with a gun before, stole lots, broke into places, and when men I've been with find out, their first instinct isn't to run but to fetishize it, if i tell stories their reaction will be shit like "that's hot". Meanwhile if I ever did anything bad to these men and it ended up on the news everyone would know damn well people would flock to how horrible I am, and of course the "if the roles were reversed" argument that for some reason spoilt brat men keeping bringing up anywhere they possibly can despite it easily being proved wrong
I've even sent videos about female gang members to male friends and they will write paragraphs about how they'd fuck and marry the gang members. Yet its only us chasing the bad ones right?
No. 278830
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No. 278833
>>278593>reduce something amazingly large and complex into a bite-sized easy to digest platitudeYup. It's an extremely stupid thing to do with a species as developed as humans, and is the reason why most evo-psych is bullshit when applied to us. We aren't raised in a survival-oriented "natural state" at all. There are way too many socially established customs and influences at this point for us to be able to point to any one thing and say "this. this here is entirely biological."
That's why males are retarded. If they said we "like rape" because society tells us to and biology makes us susceptible to accepting it, I'd respect them. But they refuse to acknowledge that society has
anything to do with it because that would mean we are people and we are influenced by society, not mindless animals.
Curiously enough, when men act like testosterone-filled neanderthals they aren't acting like animals at all, they're amazingly civilized and their lust is ~creative~, proof of their amazing intellect.
Really, how can anyone even take males seriously at all? That's why they work so hard to keep women down, they know we'll never accept their bullshit, only other men would do that. They know they're doomed the second we get even one single powerful position.
No. 278834
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No. 278841
>>278839Are you retarded? Not all men are serial killers, but almost all serial killers are men.
Here's an idea, keep your instinct to invade female spaces in check and fuck off.
No. 278843
>>278841Yes, most serial killers are men but like I said before, we heavily punish those men. In a female controlled society dark triad psychos would be treated like kings.
>Here's an idea, keep your instinct to invade female spaces in check and fuck off.Please.
No. 278845
>>278836>some men are serial killers>but a few men condemn serial killers>that means all men are saints
>most women despise criminals>but some want to fuck them>that means all women are degeneratesRead
>>278833 and stop thinking you can use a couple bits of evidence as proof of your entire misogynistic worldview.
And stop being a fucking attention whore, you narcissistic little shit.
No. 278849
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>>278845>most women despise criminalsPic related is this whole website. Hatred for the average guy while soaking your underwear when talking about serial killers.
(robot) No. 278853
>>278638>There's something much more sinister about female sexuality.El Oh Fucking El. Who turned trafficking of prostitutes and sex slaves, children included, into a global multi-billion dollar industry? Is it women?
Who spends their hard earned money on traveling across the world to poor countries to take advantage of desperate people? Is it women?
Who views 39 tabs of porn open at once for hours every day until it disrupts their life and they develop sexual impotence in their 20's? Is it women?
Who made it legal for one spouse to beat the other to a pulp and rape them because they were only viewed as property until the 20th century? Was it women?
Who occupies all seats on the hierarchy of the world's largest Christian institution and portrayed themselves as the holiest among us while covering up child sexual abuse for decades? Is it women?
Who is known for having sex with horses, goats, sheep, and other animals while insisting the other sex is filthy because a minority of them say they sometimes like rough sex? Is it women?
Who stalks their exes across, state, province, and country lines and rapes or murders them for "betrayal by ending a relationship? Is it women?
Who advocates for lowering the age of consent to the day the other sex hits puberty? Is it women?
No. 278860
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Bitter moronic incels posting comics drawn by other bitter moronic incels meanwhile articles asking women what they really want prove the opposite of what they are whining about.
No. 278874
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Plowing through this thread makes me want to fucking puke, how delusional can you be? Why do you think you're any better than men? All this talk about fragile man ego when in fact every 21st century human is a little piece of shit which is so easily bend if you know the trigger. You're no different, you're as shit as these men are, just a different flavour of shit.
Men are delusional aggressive fuckwits, territorial animals bound by nature to fuck and fight. Women are delusional sociopathic liars who never can trully see the issue with themselves, what you do here is over-amplify one side of the coin while pretending there's no other. You find comfort in this, fucking tribalistic humans.
I guess you're better off realising how shit men, although you are but overfocusing on it so hard that you're forgetting yourselves. You have to start with yourself to change the world. Good luck to all of you.
No. 278881
>>278876Implying anyone is not mediocre on image boards
>>278877ok thanks I actually regard myself as an complete idiot, the thing is that everyone around me seems to be even less
>>278878I'd rather be none
>>278879That'd be a nice way to go down, although after my last long term relationship I'd rather have no sex. Sex is but a mean of control, it's a game of stupid and stupider.
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Also I'd like to add that it's amazing that you can't see your own tribalism that you are cultivating here. When I was young I read Herman Hesse, I thought that everything is all connected, anyone is his own micro-cosmos. I hoped that Jung was right, and that Freud was just some stuck up fuckwit. Then I aged and learned of men, of their primal aggression towards each others. Of their ever-expanding need for more influence over anything around them. And I thought to myself, well, maybe Freud was right, but it's only half of the world. Right? It's only us, the men being the shit of the world? Right?
It's heart-breaking, the current state of things.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 278887
>>278885This place is no different from a 4kanker circle-jerk of hating women, other than more elaborate language and a fact that you have a vagina instead of a dick.
What makes you think you're so different than men in this regard?
No. 278893
I don't get how men can say we're so evil and horrible, when all we really want is to not be abused, not have our rights and choices taken from us. That's it, I don't want some grand gesture from men.
I see men blaming us for literally everything in their lives, women working are to blame for their wages being low, women not dating them is to blame for their depression, them not getting into the college they wanted is due to quota's set up for women. They have the biggest fucking victim complexes. A regular topic I've seen some up in Jordan Peterson fans, is women working and how if we stopped men's wages would go up.
Ok but where does that leave us? It doesn't seem to occur to them, that being asked to give up your independence and putting your life in a man's hands is a scary thought, as it's such a huge risk. It also doesn't occur to them that not every woman wants to be a house wife, they just don't give a fuck about us. If they cared about higher wages, they'd campaign for it in other ways like everyone else, not just say "women stop working and be housewives or you're selfish" fuck them.
No. 278899
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>>278897Don't try to fool us, scrot.
No. 278900
>>278896>their thrilling perspective to derail the thread and get us all fired up.:( the ammount of assumptions you carry over from your past experiences and project on others is beyond me. The problem with men is the very same tribalism that you are creating here. Is it right to do because only recently we are moving towards some kind of equality? To harm because they have harmed us before? If anyone is a desperate fool trying to engage here, then it'd be me.
Internet is a nasty place, entry-level philosopher out.
Also Carl Gustav Jung and Freud were psychologists.
(bait) No. 278902
>>278896I understand the need to have a place to vent and spew bile in peace without being judged, and ultimately I'm not sure if there's any real harm in that. But you should also realize that this place is a myopic echo chamber up there with the best examples quoted from in this thread. Nothing is learned.
Likely get banned for this as I suspect you're on the moderation team, but there we go.
>>278895Yeah, I almost exclusively hear men complain about women being lazy and not working enough. SAHM’s are considered lazy fat cows who watch tv all day and mothers with part-time work are treated as lesser than their husbands who work full-time, even if the mother is also doing all of the childcare and housework. The husband prepares a barbecue or takes the kid to the park once a month and he’s an amazing father and husband going above and beyond, the wife does the other 95% of the work and she “has it easy” because she only works 32 hours instead of 40. And these are women with children. A stay-at-home housewife without children to look after would get ripped to shreds.
That’s not to say that men don’t fantasise about having a beautiful wife at home who does all the cleaning, laundry and cooking and is available for sex 24/7, but they don’t want to have to share their paycheck in exchange. It all needs to happen for free, just like when mommy did it.
No. 278914
>>278910They want sexy slaves without emotions.
Also what about this weird thing were men claims that they've been socially shunned by women for opening up about their emotions? I see a lot of that online and I doubt they were dropped by a girl for simply saying shit like "I'm sad about this" or opening up about some personal stuff I'm guessing they probably dropped all of their anguish and suffering at once on a poor girl and it scared her away.
No. 278918
>>278910>That’s not to say that men don’t fantasise about having a beautiful wife at home who does all the cleaning, laundry and cooking and is available for sex 24/7, but they don’t want to have to share their paycheck in exchange. It all needs to happen for free, just like when mommy did it.Sure, men might want this. Who wouldn't? But everyone except the most neckbeardy cretins realize this is an utopian pipedream, the 1950's aren't coming back. This is coming from a guy who works full time with regular extra shifts, supports gf who can't get employment, while I do at least half of the domestic chores (virtually all the cooking) all the while she made it very clear she doesn't want kids (which I do, but I respect her decision). I love her very much and I would hate myself for doing anything to hurt her.
Am I a unicorn yet?
No. 278927
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>>2789181950's 'Murrica was also the result of a unique set of circumstances. World War II left the infrastructure of Japan, most of Europe, parts of China, and more destroyed. The closest thing to an attack on American soil was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American entry into WWII necessitated mass production from factories, so the factories started producing mass numbers of building materials and consumer goods to export to the rest of the world after the war's end.
It WAS fairly common for women to work in the early 20th century and before. This chart from the 1851 British census during the industrial revolution shows that women were involved in manufacturing, paper printing and more. Women who lived in rural areas have also done physical labor on farms for thousands of years. They weren't sitting on their asses in the kitchen all day. I wish this 1950's idea that "men should do everything forever in history while women shouldn't do shit" would die.
No. 278948
>>278874>Women are delusional sociopathic liars who never can trully see the issue with themselveExcept men are not only sociopaths more but also lie more on average, this is a known fact
>see issue with themselvesOh? Despite the amount of women who bend over backwards for men, but god forbid a man ever even blame another man for anything, everything is womens fault, never the mans
No. 278949
>>278853>>278853>>278853This, funny how people scream how evil women are but dont give any examples
Meanwhile you can name millions of examples to show how evil men are
No. 278953
>>278638>women watching 50 shades is sinisterWhat a big sheltered baby you are, if your worst problem and what's sinister to you is women watching 50 shades of grey, how much a spoiled little crybaby do you have to be to call that sinister? Out of all things in the world?
There are men running around raping babies they kidnapped and your worst issue with women is if they watch 50 shades of grey so that somehow makes them evil and sinister, do you even know what those words mean?
No. 278956
>>278481>>278481Yes Anon I found a few links by googling, here is the first one I come across men infiltating Rape sites and taking pleasure out of it, including befriend rape victims and send them anon messages saying they deserved to be raped. They are getting so mad about women going to the incel forums, just read some of the comments on that link. I could have provided much more links, but it been to rage inducing.
No. 278957
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>>278887Do you really need to ask?
No. 278959
>>278956>empathy test to find out who the evil wimmins areThey're admitting that men, and incels specifically, lack empathy.
I'm laughing.
No. 278961
>>278957>women not being forced to pop out mens babies it murder and feminism ruined everythingSpoilt man-children, what more can I say? I just wish it was normalized to call men manipulative, selfish, and spoilt but everyone is too busy in ass-patting men and shitting on women they dont think for a second the big stronk men would ever be spoilt or selfish or manipulative because in their minds, men deserve everything and women deserve nothing
They guilt women so much to the point where even just letting a man pay for their food once means they're an entitled manipulative sinister sociopath who deserves to be raped for being a gold digging roastie
But men crying bloody murder (literally) because women aren't having their kids is okay
The fact theres a man ranting for 3 or 4 days now acting like the worst thing to ever happen to the world is women liking 50 shades of grey but completely ignoring the fact men do god awful shit like huge world wide sex trafficking, but nope guess its our fault for liking 50 shades of grey and all men are pure little angels
No. 278966
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Men are a fucking disease and the incels who keep coming to this thread to cry need to have their dicks ripped off. THIS is what your kind does so shut the fuck up.
No. 278972
>>278969lmao my first post in this thread! do you see women creating entire websites and forums for their man hating? do you see women spending money and time making porn of torturing men because they hate them? do you see women making forums for posting pictures of dead men, do you see women writing countless fiction about how they want to mutilate men and abuse them?
no, you know you're wrong. kys microdick.
No. 278974
>>278968What's always puzzled me is how they seek out women to harass or hurt. I don't care at all about sports, but I've never gone onto a forum dedicated to football, rugby, baseball, or whatever and spewed angry walls of text that amount to "WAAAH SPORTS ARE STUPID AND EVIL IT'S A BUNCH OF MILLIONAIRES PLAYING GLORIFIED CHILDREN'S BALL GAMES MEN R SO DUMB FOR LIKING IT!"
The solution is simple. I don't watch sports or go to sports forums. They go to websites with a majority female userbase and seek out posts they object to and throw temper tantrums and this solves… what exactly?
No. 278976
>>278972This, there are online movements purely against women too. MRA's, mgtow, redpillers and probably more I'm missing.
Inb4 some dickposter says feminism, except feminism, is hundreds of years old and is about getting women to the same place as men socially, economically and politically. If feminism didn't exist, none of these men's movements would exist. It's purely reactionary and stamping your feet because you don't get a docile, housewife to be your incubator anymore by default.
No. 278978
>>278972>do you see women creating entire websites and forums for their man hating?and yet you are in this very remote obscure thread.
>do you see women spending money and time making porn of torturing men because they hate them?of crouse not. I'm blaming you lolcows, not womankind.
>do you see women making forums for posting pictures of dead men, do you see women writing countless fiction about how they want to mutilate men and abuse them?hard to tell if they are women, but plenty of fanfics and art.
>>278973>Posting in one thread doesn't make you obsessedneither it makes you a potential rapist or a murderer.
No. 278980
I cant say it enough, nothing men hate more than a taste of their own medicine
They have mental breakdowns if they simply hear the world feminism that isn't being used in a negative context, meanwhile dedicate their life to hating women, why can't we ship men to africa or something?
No. 278981
>>278978>Dumb and dumber-the forum post.You literally proved
>>278972 point, fucking kek.
No. 278983
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>>278979there is one thread you posted in and that is the one I referred to. if you want to argue about the quantity of man-hating sites, I know several.
>>278982 No. 278984
>>278983Well given you're a dumb as dog shit I guess i need to spell it out for you:
>and yet you are in this very remote obscure thread.Yes. its literally the only thread on this site for this, you are proving that anons point.
You also dodged the questions asked by anon about porn to make a clearly bitter remark, and give a handwaving reply to the next question asked.
>neither it makes you a potential rapist or a murdererOH WOE IS ME STOP PICKING ON ME no one has said this, they are pointing out, rightly, that you are a sad sack of shit who is using this site as your personal blog post-you expect sympathy while acting like a cunt to everyone here. The irony is clearly lost on you as would any semi-intelligent reply be. Also you strawman again with your image, a lot of people here are not feminists you are the biggest hypocrite going, but please, keep crying.
No. 278986
>>278983>>278983>>278983>all feminists are 16 yr olds on tumblr in 2014Nice cherry picking
Theres bad people in every group on the face of the planet, however, feminists get most of the shit for their minority of bad ones, its like the world hates women and even if every feminist was a saint people would desperately grasp onto one thats bad to show how evil feminism is
The only thing that enrages me is that
Despite actual feminist efforts, to not only help women in their world countries yes also the poor oppressed men you love to coddle don't pay any mind at all to them, despite claiming its what the world needs just to shit on people who actually did more to help these issues than you ever had or will, I just don't get it
No. 278990
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>>278984>Yes. its literally the only thread on this site for this, you are proving that anons point.not it's not. you are too stupid to find it, it still makes you obsessed because you believe this is the only one.
>You also dodged the questions asked by anon about porn to make a clearly bitter remark, and give a handwaving reply to the next question asked. porn of woman-torture? see the chart. see who likes torture/rape/cutting/bondage/choking more. necrophilia isn't really torture, and neither is bestiality.
>OH WOE IS ME STOP PICKING ON ME no one has said this, they are pointing out, rightly, that you are a sad sack of shit who is using this site as your personal blog post-you expect sympathy while acting like a cunt to everyone here. The irony is clearly lost on you as would any semi-intelligent reply be. Also you strawman again with your image, a lot of people here are not feminists you are the biggest hypocrite going, but please, keep crying.Are you denying all men are rapists and murderers (as every 5th post here claims)?
>>278986>all men are mgtows/incels/insane murdererssame argument.
>>278987having an iota, and not at least an iota, means you are an idiot.
No. 278991
>>278990>all men are mgtows/incels/insane murdererswe don't think all men, if you're only argument is to put words in our mouths, you have no argument
at least show me where, an anon said, word by word, all men are mgtow, incels or murderers
No. 278996
>>278994where's the proof we hate all men then?
refer to
>>278991you refuse to answer questions or just show us where we hate all men at, you have no point
>YOU HATE ALL MEN!!!>where's the proof it's literally all men? we've been saying since the beginning it's not all men>YOU HATE ALL MEN! No. 279001
>>278990>not it's not. you are too stupid to find it, it still makes you obsessed because you believe this is the only one.1) if that were true you would link it but you havent,
triggered-kun, secondly, look up the term obsessed as you dont understand what it means, brainlet.
>Look at the chartThats not what the other anon was asking, you keep proving yourself more stupidier with each post. but also
>bestiality isnt tortureask the poor animals that get raped to death as illustrated above, also notice how pedophilia, vore, power dynamics and in fact most of the taboos on the chart are more male interests? So again, your "evidence" makes the argument that men are sick freaks, not us.
>Are you denying all men are rapists and murderers (as every 5th post here claims)Yes, why dont you link posts that actually say that rather than projection? Oh wait you can't, because you're nothing more than a
triggered pityful idiot.
>having an iota, and not at least an iota, means you are an idiot.Yes, which is why i said even those people would avoid you. Congrats on getting even dumber with each post kek
No. 279002
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>>278990I feel bad for your mother, does she, too, have to put up with your incessant whining? Or did she friendzone you too?
No. 279003
>>278996It is self evident in every thread, the only ones you seem not to hate are the ones you objectify as your "bf's"
Also the fact that you all percieve yourself as a group, and apply the same to others in return is just such a bad logical fallacy. We live in 21st century. Individualism, you know?
Although I have to admit that world was fucking shit for you, especially in the western culture of patriarchy. It was kind of different in slavic countries, still very bad. And I am all in for all the economical and societical equality. The thing is that it's so easy to tell that lolcows would abuse men just as much men abused women if given the power to do so.
World is shit and we need to make it a better place together. Best wishes from an mgtow who's incel ever since hurt by his ex who cheated on him with his two closest friends from middle school times just to hurt him. Also I like Jordan Peterson but the fanbase is such a joke and don't really understand what JP means.
No. 279005
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>>279003Any anons who did not hate men before your posts are going to hate them now if they believe they are all whiny cunts like you kek
No. 279006
>>279003>It is self evident in every thread, the only ones you seem not to hate are the ones you objectify as your "bf's"again
I can claim incels are planning a huge murder plot to murder all women but it won't be valid unless I find a post to post it
>Best wishes from an mgtow who's incel ever since hurt by his ex who cheated on him with his two closest friends from middle school times just to hurt him>disliking women because one woman cheatedweak pussy, thats high school level shit
I always thought it was the bitchy teenage white girl who hated men for a few months after her bf cheated, nope, it's grown ass men now too
No. 279007
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>>278999Men have always hated feminism. If any of these anti-feminist men had been born back then they would have been the guys beating up women at suffragette protests.
And if they had been born in the middle east instead of in the west they would have been the ones who call the cops on women for not wearing the hijab.
Men were beating up first wave feminists and putting them in jail. Men opposed second wave feminists who demanded marital rape to be recognized as a crime. Don't let men rewrite history. Anti-feminist men are the same now as 100 years ago.
No. 279010
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>>279003>ex cheats on you with TWO (2) of your best friends(male)>blame the ex and all women instead of the best friends that were quick to betray you for a quick fuckthe absolute STATE of men my god
No. 279012
>>279006He who strikes terror in others is himself continually in fear.
>>279007such a far fetched argument. Ofcourse I oppose 3rd wave feminism. Equality of outcome is absolutely retarded. I hardly can see myself being disencouraged by the idea that women are equal to men
No. 279019
>>278991only in this thread:
>>275750>God men on snapchat are neanderthals>>276124>Men are definitely less intelligent due to the bloodflow constantly redirected to their loin sausage>>276349>Many male virgins are mentally ill.>>276471>Most men are nutheads full of themselves and think the world revolves around them, just look at mgtow, I assume spoiling as a kid has a lot to do with it>>276499>Isn't it funny how men can justify their fucked up fetishes and behaviors (attraction to young girls, rape, violence, etc.)>>276999>All men deserve to suffer eternally>>277719>men will fuck and rape anything on free will, dont ever feel bad you arent fuckable to them>>277725>Men would fuck children, goats, chickens, cows and horses but refuse to sleep with a tall slim women because muh reputation lmfao>>277728>The poor goat and lil goat babies. I don't know how men dare to say but women do this too when they do all manner of disgusting, inhumane shit that women would never dream of. There should be a law that you can shoot a man dead with no recompense if you see them fucking an animal or a child.>>277749>It’s insane the ratio of men to women who for disgusting, weird shit like this. All the raping and philias. Can you imagine, having so little control of your vagina that you commit these crimes, these sins?
>ffs just be normal, men. Show some goddamn self control.>>277768>Men are so fucking weak, retarded and a disease on this planet. Holy shit.>>278029>There's literally nothing a man can't do when he's horny, they become animals. And the worst cases always happen when they're in groups, notice how men turn retarded when they're with their 'bros'>>278345>Lol these fuckers are such shitheads, men should be cancelled.>>278381>What is it with men and raping anything with a hole?>>278621>all men hate women, might as well pick those who look good.>>278670>Why women hate men: abuse, rape, pedophilia, war, blackmailing, sex trafficking, etc>>278691>en are all sadistic, impulsive degenerates ranging from just cheating on you to raping animals and children.>>278810>Meanwhile men are having a god damn mental breakdown because their high school gf cheated and they probably think we deserved it "for chasing wrong men" since we didnt look into a magic crystal ball>>278892>Men are so severely retarded as a whole that they'll unironically jerk themselves off over the most inane bullshit.>>278947>Especially in todays world, men aren't mentally stable enough for a housewife>>278948>Except men are not only sociopaths more but also lie more on average, this is a known fact>>278966>Men are a fucking disease and the incels who keep coming to this thread to cry need to have their dicks ripped off. THIS is what your kind does so shut the fuck up.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 279023
>>279021No but I didn't sleep and im not a native.
>>279022/pol/ is a cesspool of trollfest and retardation whew nice job being tamer than them
No. 279025
>>279019Only 3 of these suggested literally all men.
Also a lot of these include facts, like men being sociopaths and lying more, or the male/female ratio pertaining to rape, necro, pedophilia, bestiality, etc
Some of the worst things in the world happened because of men
Are you
triggered by facts now? Deal with it
No. 279028
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>>279018wow such tough guy, internet hard man, we are scared, oh no!
No. 279031
>>279026Your point being that what I said does not make sense? Ok I will elaborate
What I meant with
>I oppose 3rd wave feminism. Equality of outcome is absolutely retarded. I hardly can see myself being disencouraged by the idea that women are equal to menis that the 3rd wave feminism implies that we should have an equality of outcome in politics and jobs, it is not a good idea because then we would have to force people to work in given workplaces to meet the gender quota instead of only based on the skill,
Also all the cis-gender bullshit
Also implying that it is the same thing to laugh at modern sjw movement as beating up suffrages is just a statement without any basis than your own opinion
From a perspective of a man who experienced life and decided to go, in my case it'd be cel rather than incel, you just seem to be an echo chamber of the very thing you hate. And this is so bad for the cause you fight for, because
>>279030this is true
No. 279034
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>>279028I know your gender wants to destroy civilization because you hate the idea of anyone but Chad reproducing, but you won't succeed.
No. 279051
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Goddamit ladies.
If he has a fucking penis or a wound where one used to be, ignore him!
No. 279062
>getting this worked up and mgtowing because a woman cheated on youThats some kindergarden level shit, it reminds me of when trisha paytas became a lesbian because her ex cheated
I knew men and women who were cheated on, they grew up and got over it, you hate when people generalize while doing it yourself
Men cheat more anyway oh wait i forgot its womens fault for choosing that guy
>>279010Dont you get it anon? Nothing is ever ever the mans fault, when it is, its because evil women got him to, its never mens fault, only womens kek
No. 279064
>>279057Wow its almost as if values changed and back then men forced the whole "get married have kids get married have kids get married have kids" shit down womens throats
Now, in todays world, we are overpopulated, we dont need to reproduce nor is it being shoved down our throats nor are women being sold and married off
Yet men are so god damn obsessed with fertiltiy and having kids, they can barely even see women without thinking about how fertile they are, just watch videos about leftover women in japan and China and comments are spammed with "waaah wasted eggs infertility"
When have you ever seen women be as obsessed with reproducing as men are? The best part is, youd think these men love kids right? Nope,most of them hate kids and are scared of them, but expect women to have a spledid time wiping babies asses and telling them not to put their fingers in outlets
No. 279065
>>279064You don't get it. It's not just for the past thousand years. For the whole history of humanity 80% of women reproduced, long before the concept of marriage even existed.
Women can reproduce if they want, but nowadays there's a push to make fewer and fewer men reproduce. Feminism wants the end of the average man. They want only Chad and women to reproduce while the rest of men support his children through state welfare.
No. 279066
>>279065Did you even read my post at all? Go back, reread it, think about it, then come back, Because I don't feel like repeating myself for the umpteenth time before you finally get it
Also, it takes two to tango, slavery was also big for most of history too anon, times have changed
No. 279067
>>279062I am not active on mgtow forums, It just as happens that I fit their description of someone who cut any contact with females.
Yeah, I got pretty worked up over her doing that to me. I had an episode of extreme depression and anxiety and now I have some serious trust issues. It changed me as a person. I really loved her and I actually pulled her from the state of anxious scared girl who was afraid of people. I was her first, I showed her that people are not that scary, I basically showed her how to social interactions. I gave her faith in herself that she was lacking, and once she stood on her own and made more and more friends she fucking ripped my heart open, made two of the social circles I got her into, to turn against me. She destroyed me, humiliated me and she did all of that because I met with another girl who was my suicidal ex back from the days when we were 16. She believed this is some cheap gimmick to take me and that I was an idiot for actually believing that. I met with that girl nevertheless. So she retaliated with all that I had taught her about how human interactions work. Basically I created a social monster.
She's now fat and ugly and her boyfriend who was my friend at the time is also fat and ugly.
Such is life of intelligent and empathetic people, I actually envy you and also /pol/ retards for having no empathy to anyone other than yourself
No. 279069
>>279066Yes, I know women consider non-chad men reproducing to be akin of slavery. I know the hatred for the average male runs deep.
Thankfully the male intellect will set us free from your tyranny.
No. 279070
>>279065>They want only Chad and women to reproduce while the rest of men support his children through state welfare.Yeah you sound like an insane mgtow conspiracy theorist, trump is president in case you forgot, should I even need to debunk that theres some insane government feminist conspiracy that only wants chad to reproduce and other men to support their kids? Because anyone with common sense would laugh its as insane as /pol/ thinking jews are forcing tyrone to have kids with white women
I wish that was the case though, too many ugly insecure little men are reproducing with women they don't deserve
No. 279073
>>279065Part of the reason fewer men reproduced than women is… other men. Look at the behavior of other mammals, especially our closest relatives the primates. Male chimpanzees will chase rival male chimpanzees away and attack them. Groups of male chimpanzees are known to go to "war" and fight one another. Male gorillas are fiercely defensive of the area they patrol regularly. They can and WILL kill rival male gorillas.
Perhaps in the past women wanted to breed with a "beta", not Chad, but Chad killed him. Urban gang members have been known to fight each other on their own accord over a woman they're both attracted to.
No. 279075
>>279070This is much bigger than Trump and the USA isn't the only country in the world. All forms of welfare for single mothers should be eliminated. I could make a case for welfare for widowers of non-criminal men.
>>279073Women have always wanted to breed with Chad exclusively. You're delusional.
Men are trying to move past wars and senseless killing. Many countries are very safe nowadays.
No. 279078
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>>279069top fucking kek. if you really aren't taking the piss, this might be the funniest post I've read itt
No. 279079
>>279075>>279075>women have always wanted to breed with Chad exclusivelyIf that was the case most men would be incels, but nope, average men aren't virgins, average men are in relationships, your insane conspiracy theories will never be true. Sorry.
I bring up trump because if le evil feminism was widespread like you claim, trump wouldn't be president and most people would be liberal, its about equal between trump supporters vs liberals
>All forms of welfare for single mothers should be eliminated. I could make a case for welfare for widowers of non-criminal men.Good luck with that
Also whats with mens hate boners for single moms but praise and suck single fathers dicks? What if the dad was abusive so the woman took it upon herself to raise and care for the kids and get then away from the dad? Oh wait its her fault, everything is womens fault never mens
No. 279085
>>279064Nowadays women who want children have children and women who don't want children don't have children. The same isn't true for men which is why they constantly whine about not getting to reproduce.
Men can't have babies on their own and that's why men scream about dried up eggs and post wall and cat ladies to try to pressure women into getting married and giving birth to his children. Unfortunately it doesn't work since women can have children if they want and men are very eager to get married and have kids no matter what bullshit mras and Men Never Going Their Own Way are spewing.
It's all projection from childless men.
No. 279089
>>279082this is men fight the war so you should be grateful tier of argument, I'm sorry for what happened to you and I wish it didnt but world is a very shit place
>>279088There's two of us posting and any male user can spot a difference between me and that other dude who just trolls the shit out of you, this just shows how much delusional y'all are about males
No. 279094
>>279089>There's two of us posting and any male user can spot a difference between me and that other dude who just trolls the shit out of you, this just shows how much delusional y'all are about malesIf it wasnt you, then it wasnt you, stop thinking everything is all about you, and how does it prove we're delusional because when I mentioned another guy in here you twisted and claim I actually meant you? Get over yourself
>this is men fight the war so you should be grateful tier of argumentDid you fight in war?no? Okay then stfu, I wish men would get sent to war, which is made by other men btw because men in 2018 are the weakest little shits ever, I knew women who cry during dog movies who aren't as big of weak little pussies as mgtows are
No. 279098
>>279079>What if the dad was abusive so the woman took it upon herself to raise and care for the kids and get then away from the dad?She should have never had children with him in the first place then. Prison inmates actually father more children than the average man.
>>279085Yes, men want to have children too. Right now we are at the mercy of an increasingly man-hating female population who hates any male who isn't a model or a criminal.
This won't last forever though.
No. 279100
>>279098>This won't last forever though.Is this a threat?
Anyway, if you're not a model that probably means your genes aren't good enough to be passed on to the next generation. xoxo
No. 279109
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No. 279115
>>279114Wait, anon! I've read multiple posts from men wanting to raise daughters into their perfect wives and sex slaves!
Very paternal. /s
No. 279120
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Read all of it lol
No. 279121
>>279113Right? Artifical wombs =! Having eggs. Its just an incubator. I remember an article mentioning that the technology of artificial wombs would be used in hospitals for premature babies. Others have suggested that it can and should help with endangered species. Thats really it. Its not going to be sold on the open market.
>>279116Because they dont give a fuck about the kids. So long as they got to have sex and then force a woman throughout pregnancy and give birth, the rest is on the woman for the rest of her life. I think alot of these men have a breeding or pregnancy fetish
No. 279124
>>279122did you know that playing stupid just means that you're stupid
honestly males are more likely to be mentally retarded and it fucking shows hahahahaha
No. 279127
>>279122Anyone can fuck and pop out kids, can you actually
raise them? Don't tell me it's the mother's job.
No. 279131
>>279124>not jstifying yourselfokay.
>>279125>men in general are the embodiment of sexual perversionsanother generalisation.
No. 279133
>>279127well is the man and woman married?
like married married with a ring on the finger where both know each other well enough and had time to think it through to make a child?
or is it another "we have known each other for 3 days and he knows me so well he is so sensitive" humour
I am sorry but if you don't think at all then that's all on you
No. 279137
>>279102This tbh
Men always go on about muh sex dolls, muh artifical wombs, useless wiminnz, but none of the men who sperg about it are even planning to by one nor can they afford it
The difference is women can actually remain single and be mentally stable about it, unlike men.
No. 279139
>>279121Anything non-chad men do is perversion.
>>279137None of the men alive today will live to see those technologies perfect. We will have to suffer through these dark ages but men in the future won't.
No. 279141
>>279139So are you some kind of hero or?
You don't even contribute personally to the research.
No. 279169
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>tfw get anxious as hell when I interact with women
>start avoiding them
>everyone thinks I hate them now
No. 279172
>>2791681 - proof
2 - it takes two to tango, women dont up and divorce men for no reason, even so, most men still dont want kids, and theres no denying that
>>279169Well Einstein if women hurt your feefees by existing youre not doing a good job by coming to a female dominated forum
No. 279176
>>279170I'm not one tho, intimacy scares me.
>>279172They don't hurt me at all, I just get anxious when I come face to face. I mostly lurk here because some topics are interesting.
No. 279177
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>>279034>Calls women roasties>Thinks any woman is going to want his bitter ass to have kids withThanks for the kek neckbeard-kun, believe it or not women like mature guys, and ones that bathe, both points which rule you out.
No. 279181
>>279176Hi, anon, I have some questions for you.
How often do you shower?
Do you do your own laundry?
How often do you clean your room?
No. 279183
>>279181Everyday, everytime, three times a week.
>>279178I really don't, I don't even talk much to them.
>>279182Maybe one day.
No. 279184
>>279172>most men still dont want kids, and theres no denying thatI deny that, most dads love their kids
unless you have statistics to pull out of your ass to back up your claims
No. 279197
>>279193I don't think it's a phenomenon at all. It just exists in fiction because it's a tension building situation + release that is hot in theory, not when you're actually angry at someone.
Not to say men won't fuck when they're mad, but they don't particularly get off on it. They just want to stick their dick in whatever they can.
No. 279199
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>>279194I'm really not "relationship" material so I think it's better this way, no need to bother other people with my bullshit. Thanks for the advice tho, maybe it'll work out one day.
No. 279201
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>>279200hey man I just like the virgin vs chad memes
No. 279209
>>279184Okay wheres the stats I asked for? Oh wait its only acceptable if you do it
No. 279212
>>279209Anon, that proves nothing… It's about child support payments, and it says that men mostly don't pay if they don't have joint custody. Which is something MRA always use in their favour, the fact that women usually get custody.
Fact is, men don't usually even go after custody (
>In 51 percent of custody cases, both parents agreed — on their own — that mom become the custodial parent.>In 29 percent of custody cases, the decision was made without any third party involvement.>In 11 percent of custody cases, the decision for mom to have custody was made during mediation.>In 5 percent of custody cases, the issue was resolved after a custody evaluation.>Only 4 percent of custody cases went to trial and of that 4 percent, only 1.5 percent completed custody litigation. No. 279213
>>279212Men can easily get custody if they want, most just dont want to and then cry when they cant up and walk away from their own kids with no consequences
Also what are you trying to prove? Men often dont want nothing to do with their kids and this article proved that, did you even read it?
No. 279283
>>279280Eh I prefer tears to going on rampages, and at least this way it's outright illogical to call women the only ones capable of being crybabies kek. But I do find weak men attractive so I may be biased.
I just wish they'd stop whining about women doing barely anything wrong. Start whining about male-on-male murder and rape instead, it's a better cause if they're so concerned with the welfare of men.
No. 279285
>>279283They only care about other men when they can get brownie points or cry about women
Anger and rampages are emotions too. And what I mean as well, men are emotional shitlords
No. 279289
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>>279280If you're talking about male friends, don't let them take advantage of you. Whenever I comforted them it was because I cared about my friends and wanted to make them happier, but when it was the other way around they always had ulterior motives, wanted me to be vulnerable and go cry on their 'manly' shoulders so they could feel superior about it or just didn't put any effort into making me feel better at all. I'm talking about the single men but the taken ones are even worse. As soon as they get a gf you become nothing to them, they won't give you the same 'respect' since you don't have any use anymore. They only truly 'respect' their partners aka girls who have sex with them. But if you choose to remain their friend they'll bitch about them to you or come running every time they have a fight. When will men learn we aren't their therapists just because we have more empathy. There's a reason why men don't want to be comforted by other men.
No. 279291
>>279280At first I thought you were being an ass but then I remembered this incel who'd complain to me about his stupid ass problems.
Guy was a spoiled baby with a millionaire dad but he was depressed that he couldn't find a gf up to his standards. She had to be a virgin white girl with huge boobs and who hated feminism. He was frustrated because his dad's money couldn't buy what he wanted for the first time in his life.
No. 279296
>>279294But exceptions don't make the rule!!1 And their dating site stats (which are filled with Stacies) prove it!!!!
They all have a bad case of confirmation bias. Even if they saw 10 couples of average people or neckbeards and legbeards dating each other, the only relationship they'd notice is the Chad dating a chubby girl. That's the true reality, despite it only standing out in the first place because it's irregular.
No. 279304
>>279295This. I remember seeing a post about nerds who complained they were unliked because of their hobbies and insisted women were shallow yet refused the idea any girl could really be into comics/games/sci-fi etc and that they were "fake geek girls"
The writer pointed out the reason for this was they refused to acknowledge reality, that girls didnt dislike them because they dislike geek stuff, its because they disliked asshole nerds.
No. 279318
>>275219This woman stays with her husband for years and still loves him without her being able to have sex.
You guys have reminded me of a Vaginismus documentary I saw. Because, he couldn't have sex with her they were on the verge of divorce.
No. 279334
>>279308I believe most of the incels are just vocal teenage boys. There’s definitely some grown ass men amongst the children, but not near as many.
That’s because you DO get laid once you become an adult. You do meet people and find partners.
If you’re neet, you probably won’t meet anyone. And if you’re an entitled teenager, you probably have an attitude problem.
No. 279342
>>279340Accepting themselves is pointless if the whole word is going to make fun of it. I mean, there are people who simply decided "I'm not good for relationships, it's ok, I'll move on" but a lot of people demonize this kind of behaviour, because they see not talking as a personal threat to them. Most people think that if you don't speak much = you're arrogant and see yourself above them, which is not true.
(Sage for blogpost)
No. 279345
>>279295>>279296I've seen wayyy too many hideous men with cute girlfriends to, and you'd think these men would be grateful and feel lucky despite being ugly they managed to get a good girlfriend? Nope, almost every ugly guy I've seen with a cute gf treats their girlfriend awfully
I wouldn't even care who dated who if ugly men didn't cry about not getting a girlfriend, they get a beautiful gf just to treat her horribly, what do these men want
No. 279369
>>279347Probably you're still young, but there's a certain stigma against women get past a certain age and aren't married (it goes in two directions - either she's a "cat lady", or she must've been a whore in her "young" days).
Anyway, I was reffering to human relationships in general, not only romantic… It has been said before, but people mostly think that woman=stacy and consider women who are socially awkward a different species.
No. 279432
>>279067>cutting contact with females because 1 cheated.Still proving my point
I have empathy, but empathy doesn't grant the means I'll give you a free pass to hate the wimminz just because one cheated, out of all the things that could happen, you're having a mental breakdown over being cheated on, im just gonna tell you how it is, im not gonna kiss your ass and baby you, if this is your reaction to getting cheated on your 100% weak, sorry but its true
Funny how you have no empathy for women in abusive relationships and instead blame them, but expect empathy when you hate all women after 1 cheated
No. 279571
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I know it's 4chan but
No. 279591
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>reading this thread
>nothing but le MGTOW boogyman
Holy shit, do you women have nothing else to do other than complain about men who want nothing to do with you? Grow up already.(bait)
No. 279594
>>279591uh huh, how many of us have dedicated their life to going around making whole ass real life presentations, entire youtube channels with daily videos dedicated to hating women and making insane conspiracy theories out of paranoia women will treat them how they treat women, insisting all school boys should be forced to go through to learn how evil men are
I WISH they wanted nothing to do with us, but nope, mgtow stopped meaning men going their own way and men never ever going their own way and begging for female attention while pretending to hate it, your arguments would be more useful directed towards mgtow who think vaginas are the devil because their high school girlfriend cheated
nice bait though
No. 279602
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And if you're trying to claim women are landmines because of a practice that was practiced by south asian women centuries ago, then your ass better not cry when we talk about what men are doing to this very day
No. 279606
>>279602I don't cry when criminals are engaging in criminal activity, I get angry.
If you read MGTOW viewpoints then you would already know that marriage is a very bad deal for guys, especially with the divorce rate hovering around 50% and you risk losing everything you own.
No. 279608
>>279606It's an even bigger risk for women. 1 in 5 experience post divorce poverty, men are objectively better off due to their higher earning potential and not getting custody (by their own choice most of the time, see
No. 279609

>>279606Oh no, you wanted to defend men running around screaming how all women are hypergamous whores and compare it to landmines? Dont cry when we warn other women about the amount of shit men do that's a million times worse than women marrying a guy in a higher class system (???)
>If you read MGTOW viewpoints then you would already know that marriage is a very bad deal for guys, Ive seen them, thats why mgtow is a joke, theyll take things like women getting custody more but ignore the fact most of the time men agree with the wife getting custody
>>279212The other things they bitch about almost never happen and those bad things are nothing compared to what happens more to women than the things they claim marriage fucks women over for
Like abuse, seriously injuring women or their kids, deadbeat or abusive dads, dads molesting the kids, but you probably think its the womans fault
No divorce rate isnt 50, and no you dont "LOSE EVERYTHING YOU OWN" go read a book on divorce instead of videos made by severaly mentally ill men and taking it as fact
No. 279661
>>279610This is exactly it. All these perma-single guys complaining about potentially having to give a woman her own money back when you abandon her and the kids.
Not often mentioned is the fact a divorced man will find another (good) women a lot easier than a divorced woman with children will find a good man (who isn't a dead beat or a child molester)
Generally women have children under the basis that he will be around to help and support her, when he dumps you on your ass then you only have close family left. But often the man will take you to a foreign country or a different state where you don't know anyone first
>b-but alimony No. 279679
male /pol/ack and /r9k/ poster dropping in to make a few observations. First there seems to be confusion with you ladies about second wave feminism, the so-called bra burners, were all about. What they meant by patriarchy, and the concept of subjugation of women through marriage that they, and earlier political philosophers like John Stuart Mills were fighting against.
The patriarchy is/was, more or less, an agreement amongst men to enforce monogamy upon women by strictly practicing it themselves. When a man married a woman, he was off the market and no other woman could have him. This had the benefit to men of allowing most men to pair up and have wives and families. It gave men a stake in society, and therefore an incentive to be productive. Some women didn't like this. They had the double bind of having to either marry the best man who would have them, or dying a childless spinster.
The second wave feminists wanted sexual freedom, and in the sixties, the sexual revolution happened. In the eighties, the no-fault divorce made marriage a mere paper tiger. The old guard of patriarchy was largely destroyed at this point. A woman can now leave her husband for any reason, or no reason at all, without the dire consequences of the years past.
Of course, every time a woman takes on a new male sex partner, there is also a man who is getting a new sex partner. It's difficult to draw a distinction between "Women's liberation" and male promiscuity; it's literally the same thing. Also, the now unlimited smorgasbord of available men has made a lot of women become much more picky. Women are trying to draw exclusively from small pool of the most attractive men, and they're getting their raw sexual needs met, but they're just not finding husbands and fathers, they're getting dumped and replaced. These great looking men now have much more sexual power than women, but even they will reject the bottom 20% of women.
Men outside this pool of extremely attractive men are no better. Perhaps a few are, but for the most part they're not. Then again the "body positive" movement has a lot of entitled, overly picky fat girls as well. The problem isn't collectively on the shoulders of either men or women, but on libertine values and the breakdown of monogamy and families. This is what the hard, religous right was talking about when they said women's liberation would destroy civilization. They didn't say this because they hated women. They said this because families are the building block of civilization, promiscuity destroys families, and "women's lib" is nothing more than code for promiscuity.
More than a few of you have complained in this thread about men cheating, or watching pornography. You're not on the same page as those radical feminists. You're on the right wing. You see how the feminist agenda of promoting degeneracy screws over your own interests. Food for thought. Anyway, outta here, you can ban me now.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 279689
>>279679>More than a few of you have complained in this thread about men cheating, or watching pornography. You're not on the same page as those radical feminists. You made a confusion here, those who are "sex positive" are liberal feminists.
Radical feminists are against porn and prostitution.
No. 279692
>>279679I appreciate your post. A lot of the women here are staunch liberal feminists who refuse to see the downside of so-called liberation. At least second wave radical feminists understood that by sleeping around they are fueling male promiscuity and disloyalty too. Millennial feminists often don't realize they are part of the problem.
t. personally right wing but share a lot of values with radical feminists
No. 279842
The fact that robots kept posting after this proves that they're all literal retards