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No. 2256712
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my otp became true…but at what cost…
No. 2256725
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Russia admitting Trump relied on them to win and now he owes them a debt that must be repaid
No. 2256727
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You wouldn't fuck your country, would you?
No. 2256733
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Trump presidency is temporary…Ivan x Alfred is forever
No. 2256735
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>>2256733Samefag I love this artist
No. 2256777
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>>2256767>they're going to crash the dollarGold and crypto just can't stop winning. Both have hit all time highs this year.
No. 2256787
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No. 2256837
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Medevev threatening Trump that he'll be the next JFK if he tries to stop Russia from taking Ukraine.
No. 2256848
>>2256837Sure, as we all know it was the russians who killed jfk and not some other country who wanted to get their own nukes.
He's not wrong tho.
No. 2256853
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Trump is going to stab all the people he offered positions to straight in the back and it will be the only based decision he will make while in office. The "Trump betrayed me" tweets are coming from Vivek, RFK, and even Musk any day now. I hope they all end up miserable.
No. 2256857
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No. 2256879
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Kamala will always have her terminally oine gen z fanbase
No. 2256883
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>>2256830absolutely. I randomly ended up on this harold bloom essay from 2005 and was surprised to see just how contemporary it felt. time is truly a flat circle.
No. 2256886
>>2256753Vance/Elon would be a
toxic pairing
No. 2256907
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>>2256860He did the same thing when he met Obama, because he's a literal retard with no social skills.
No. 2256908
No. 2256919
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>>2256916Speaking of. Tiktok fags were claiming that there was hidden messaging in AOC's stories. They claimed that she was hinting at something coming. She just doubled down that the "something" is the fact that trump has no guardrails.
>AOC says she plans to talk more with her followersI'm not saying this to be a doomer but there will be no presidential recount. Trump is going to be the president and every retard who chose to vote third party or not to vote is going to have to sit with what they've done.
No. 2256952
No. 2256976
>>2256972I got you nonna.
No. 2256980
>>2256916Here's one of baby tired during her media blitz
No. 2257042
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Im so tired of obama advisors kek
No. 2257084
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>>2256830wanna see something scary
No. 2257117
>>2257114that's why I included the example of a Christian ending a friendship with someone who became atheist or who voted for abortion. I think an example like that is the only way someone like that can
get it. Like they don't understand that other people are serious about their beliefs/positions.
No. 2257160
>>2257156You have to try hot cheetos and report back. Also I recommend making a list of invented-in-America foods you'd like to try, would be fun. You can get a lot of more popular things out of the US but many are harder to source or not well made.
If you've never had Mexican food try it while you're in America kek. Oh and red Solo cups are a fun souvenir to bring back. Dry Idea is the best roll on unscented antiperspirant and I think it's only sold here.
No. 2257230
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>>2257227nvm she said she wasn’t paid for that
No. 2257246
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>>2256883Holy shit 2024 really was 2004. History is always repeating itself.
No. 2257274
>>2256725What you're saying is the opposite of what he's trying to imply.
Patrushev is implying that Trump, during his campaign, said many things critical of Biden administration's foreign and domestic policies, but once Trump becomes president, he will be obligated to diverge from his criticisms of Biden's foreign and domestic policies to serve those who brought him to power (parts of the "elite" in the USA and its allies), more or less continuing Biden administration's policies that Trump criticized.
No. 2257283
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>>2257156Go birdwatching. When I was a kid I went to Florida and saw picrel walking around the ground outside at a restaurant.
No. 2257341
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being open immigration was truly a losing issue for the democrats. nothing kamala could say could change that in 4 months after biden's blunder
No. 2257412
>>2257106Trump sold them the lie that they are
victims of "wokism". They identify as
victims and expect people to valide them.
No. 2257561
>>2257363He probably just means people coming in legally through university or skilled work instead of border hopping with no papers
>>2257401In theory the quality of indians america gets is much higher than canada due to the current immigration laws
No. 2257581
>>2257301It's because they thought they were being kind helping downtrodden people and they assumed that with some peace and welfare they would assimilate and become kind and productive. Now europeans are realizing their asylum seekers actually just suck as people and don't want to change.
I don't know why white people waste their time and resources when they get called "narcissistic" for giving people a chance, and talking about it's failure is a "white victimhood narrative". Whites should just preserve their energy for themselves and those who show their worth it first
No. 2257606
>>2257581"They were just trying to be nice" is not a strong argument for determining whether someone's actions were benevolent.
If you want to be helpful in any way, you should consider the possible consequences of the policies you're thinking of supporting before taking action.
A huge percentage of Europeans accepted all those foreigners without forethought, because they wanted to feel like they were doing something good, not because they had practical solutions planned out to a reasonable extent or cared in any significant way about the processes that led to those foreigners wanting to leave their countries in large numbers. So yes, they were driven by vanity: they accepted all those people to feel transient feelings that they did something good, not because they had any desire or ability to genuinely improve anything for these people in a significant way.
Now Europe is going to shit, and they are blaming everyone but themselves for it. The Jews, the Arabs, the Africans, the Americans. Self-righteous people doing shit to stroke their egos and now that they're facing the consequences of their actions, they blame everyone but themselves.
No. 2257624
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Since he's been getting discussed as a possible Dem nominee for the 2028 presidential election I think nonnies should read this article about Gavin Newsom from The New Yorker, the comparisons to Patrick Bateman are more apt than you'd think:
>“I will outwork you. I will read more, I will think more, I will reflect more. I just will.”>"On our way, he’d joked, preëmptively, about how I was likely to draw a lazy inference from the Tesla in his driveway. Actually, there were three.">"[his father]—occasionally swooped in to take Gavin on vacation with the Getty family: polar-bear watching in Hudson Bay, safaris in Africa.">“The suit was literally a mask,” he said. “I am still that anxious kid with the bowl-cut hair, the dyslexic kid—the rest is a façade. The only thing that saved me was sports.” >ran ads to boost one of his opponents to steal votes away from his bigger rival>“I see that person, too, the tall, slick guy with the suits,” Newsom suddenly announced one afternoon, as his S.U.V. roared down the highway. “The image is self-inflicted. I didn’t set out to create it, and when I worked at the wine store I wore ripped jeans and had my hat backward, but when I became a sommelier at the café I put the suits back on and played that part: ‘Wonderful to see you again, Mr. Smith. We have a delightful Chardonnay tonight.’ And then politics reinforced it.”But also:
>was that kid that wore suits every day to middle school like his favorite tv character>still obsessively watched that same tv show as an adult>has to ask his wife if he has any friendslmao
No. 2257628
>>22576061.) Europe took them in because international contracts made in the time of no gigantic refugee waves obligated them to, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention. Not because they were being naive and oblivious to the destabilizing effects it would have.
2.) Refugees were used as hybrid warfare to destabilize Europe and force them to shoulder the burden. Erdogan was constantly called out for this and he kept gripping EU's balls by threatening to send more refugees unless Turkey gained financial aid and other benefits.
3.) The refugees were originally settled in Turkey, and Erdogan started forcing them out to use them as said negotiation chips against the EU.
Far right parties immediately sold the idea of the refugee crisis being some sort of a "dumb europeans thought they'd make friends" to defeat democratic and left wing parties to gain more power and influence. They give even less of a fuck about the common man's problems which is proven by none of them really making a move to fix this issue at all, it's all bark and no bite. They were just slimy opportunists who used the crisis to strengthen their ranks in a situation where everyone else was left in chaos.
No. 2257636
>>2257631Facts don't care about your feelings or subjective experience,
No. 2257647
>>2257636Subjective experience, like every single news outlet, piece of media, attitudes of hundreds of people directly interacted with, thousands of people that you see and hear daily, and so on? Subjective experience, like Japan and South Korea facing similar pressures about foreigners from their neighboring countries, the Middle East, and Africa? None of the migrant problems Europe is facing would have happened regardless of contracts, if the general population deeply disagreed with the changes happening, and could organize to resist the changes, which it didn't. Typical European behavior, to blame some bullshit to excuse one's inaction.
No. 2257659
>>2257626I honestly find Bernie to be sanctimonious and overrated. People like him because of the 'what if', they project what they want onto him. In the leadup to 2016 all the support I saw for Bernie was online but IRL everyone I knew voting Dem wanted Hillary. I don't think he was maltreated by the party and if he'd ran as their nominee he still would have lost.
"New and more genuine" will likely be another celebrity like Trump. It's the only way to make it onto the ticket, it requires money to run a campaign and you need a pre-established base of fans/constituents. It is quite literally
only celebrities that have that capacity. It worked for Trump and it worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger. So if you want someone new and more genuine just be aware that what that entails in reality is a preexisting celebrity. Tom Hanks maybe?
No. 2257682
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>>2257659>Tom Hanks maybe?yes the democrats should run out-of-touch hollywood elites, that is definitely the direction they should go! more celebrities!
No. 2257694
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>>2257682It worked for Trump, people don't really care about a person being elite so long as they like them otherwise. Also worked for Schwarzenegger and Reagan.
they could run Marshall
No. 2257708
>>2257703ok but democrats are bad liars. not to mention how every single democratic celebrity is now associated with "woke" idpol. you're out of your mind lmao
dems need to run an economic populist, someone young and handsome like obama but with economic policies like FDR.
No. 2257720
>>2257708I don't think I'm out of my mind for thinking the electorate is stupid. Where we differ is you think that the electorate will be swayed by intelligent economic messages while I think the electorate will be swayed by someone who is charismatic and makes them Feel Happy. We saw with this election that people voted for Trump despite the insanity and incongruity and inconsistency of his economic promises. Many of these voters can't even tell you in any detail what Trump's economic policies where or what they mean. They like Trump's image so they confabulate reasons to support why they support him.
Actors are perfect because they are already selected for being charismatic and attractive, the two most important qualities in a candidate.
No. 2257750
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I don’t care about immigrants. I live in an area with alot of them too. i don’t care, it just sounds like an issue that’s being made worse so republicans can run on it lol.
No. 2257784
>>2257776nothing wrong with how she's typing
>>2257778They just don't want them in general. Even if they made it easier for people from 'the right countries' to move in people would start complaining again.
Imagine the US being flooded by French immigrants, ugh.
No. 2257798
>>2257783It wouldn't matter if LLCs didn't exist if there aren't enough homes for all the people that want to buy. And we need options beyond single family homes too especially in cities, zoning only for SFH leads to major sprawl.
>>2257790it was a very walkable small town
No. 2257803
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>Venezuelans became a top group entering the United States for the first time under the Biden administration, a surge that has demonstrated how rapidly migration can change. New enclaves of Venezuelan migrants have formed in places such as Salt Lake City, Denver and Dallas. If Maduro extends his rule during next month’s election, he could trigger another mass exodus.
>Migration from El Salvador has fallen in recent years under President Nayib Bukele, who has generated both accolades and criticism for an iron-fisted anti-gang campaign. El Salvador has gone from one of Latin America’s most dangerous countries to one of its safest, and far fewer Salvadorans are leaving.
No. 2257819
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so, we're gonna have an influx of people who..
>will open resturants that don't look like the insides of a hospital or garage, with actual flavor and not 20 bucks for a damn burger
>will have maid and mechanic services without it being 100s an hour
>will not treat every stranger like they're trying to traffic you if you walk past them
>will help randos in public and not have meltdowns about how the mom who needed help with her stroller should've closed their legs and the person changing their tire should've just not ran over a nail, etc, etc
so whats the problem? I'm convinced the mexican hate was just from americans that own businesses that know no one will want to buy their shit when abelitas will make twice the quality for half the costs
No. 2257826
>>2257816If they could fix the cartel shit it would be a top tier country, lots of things to like about it. The weather is beautiful and the people are really nice.
It's a problem in the big cities but in the smaller ones it was nice to not see homeless people and druggies everywhere (because you can force them into rehab and shit unlike here where that is restricted due to individual liberties protections).
No. 2257830
>>2257810wow, that sounds like paradise. the US would never let this happen, we can't even get women-only shelters.
>>2257813at least in my case the situation i mentioned in
>>2257788 (not to cape for a scrote) he works for my family and is an extremely hard worker. he works 3 different jobs, all manual work in the sun. the people he lives with are all in the same situation, the men work construction/landscaping jobs while the women work multiple hospitality/cleaning jobs. it takes a toll on their bodies and they only have dinner to spend time with their children. it's constant work with no off days because they can't afford to miss a work opportunity. but yea, druggie house.
No. 2257836
>>2257786complaining about immigrants in a country built by them is so funny. your ancestors are not native to the americas either lol
No. 2257838
>>2257830Whenever womens-oriented living situations are created in the US it's always out in rural areas bumfuck nowhere, no wonder it isn't more popular. This place I am talking about was in a nice sized small city where there's jobs and shit to do.
It was a really beautiful little housing block and their garden was so cute. I bet a lot of women would like to live like that but our country hates women and prevents us from finding ways to live together.
No. 2257843
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I did a doubletake when I googled this pillowfaced repugnant and found out she's 28 kek
No. 2257865
>>2257854>gun + gun trainingnot good for women with suicidal tendencies, plus they'll typically get you when you're vulnerable like taking a shower, when you can't reach for a gun
>german shepherd/belgian malinois.dogs can only do so much
>also cheap security cameras that have motion and heat detection are commonplace cams can glitch up + a lot of them will just sneak in through a window
No. 2257872
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Despite obesity being the biggest problem in the US, neither president elect cared so what even is the point
No. 2257876
>>2257867I want self defense law reform. The law is so retarded about it, like when an abused wife is being beat to shit by her husband and she stabs him in self defense the law is that that is illegal because she came at him with a deadly weapon while he was "unarmed". Guns are literally the great equalizer against these rape apes are we just meant to take beatings lying down
>>2257871I know right it feels like she asked ChatGPT how do I rile up my conservatard fanbase today? Like she spun a wheel "AOC" threw a dart "abortion" and of course throw the word election in there lol.
No. 2257884
>>2257873the best case scenario is living with other women. the problem is that many women have men in their life and will bring them home, even if they have roommates.
>>2257875>people don't deserve to be stalked or attacked by scrotes because they're poor and can't afford to live alone, move to another neighborhood, get a gun, etcI didn't say anyone deserved that, I was only offering solutions. If you can't be trusted around a gun, don't get a gun. If you don't like dogs, don't use a guard dog.
Honestly, I feel like renting from a single, old, female landlord that is very paranoid about anyone besides her tenants entering her property would be the best bet. Though she probably wouldn't let you have access to the security cameras, and you also run the risk of falling for a trafficker decoy. There's so many risks in the world, the best you can do is use the precautions that work for you.
No. 2257932
>>2257909I've seen threat assessment classes that teach you to pull the
trigger when necessary. I don’t see the point of discouraging any form of self defense though
No. 2257941
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>Cops arrest NAKED man living in the crawl space of 93-year-old woman
>The disturbing discovery was made in Los Angeles Thursday night, and sent the unidentified 93-year-old's family into a frenzy that lasted into the following day.
>They say the man, 27-year-old Isaac Betancourt, had been holed up there for up to six months, secretly residing underneath the senior's floorboards like something out of a horror movie.
>Cops, as a result, spent hours trying to flush him out, eventually resorting to tear gas. An arrest followed.
what the fuck this is like irl parasite
No. 2257980
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for all the nonnies (me included) making comparisons to 2004, we were right lol, nate silver agrees. Wonder if we'll get our 2008 if that's the case, female obama? lol
(Link to article: )
No. 2257987
>>2257980we need trump to get his hurricane katrina.
bush didn't have an unbalanced conservative supreme court though. trump will get 2 more picks this term when alito and thomas retire.
No. 2257995
>>2257964No point in doing another one.
>>2257971I don’t think he’s hitler either kek. With how things are going though I anticipate before he leaves office he’s going to enforce some sort of standard or term limit via the courts instead of legislature. OR the courts are going to decide something massively stupid that kind of breaks the presidential position. Idk, it’s going to be a wild 4yrs however the cards are sliced, that’s for sure.
>>2257967I get this vibe too but I honestly think if something like that happens it’s going to be someone that scoops up all the dems currently in a downward spiral. They’re ripe for manipulation and radicalization. There are many unscrupulous people out there looking for someone hopeless with nothing left to lose. Scary time to be so openly vulnerable.
No. 2257996
>>2257981I’m sorry we’re cooked there’s no way you didn’t learn that in school. Have you just not gotten to it yet kek. But Jim Jones was an infamous cult leader. Where we got the phrase don’t drink the koolaid from
>>2257987>katrinaHe already did. Something called covid. His fanatics just put their hands over their ears and eyes then yelled na na na I can’t hear you
No. 2257997
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magatards "won" yet they are still so full of rage, is it because they know they didn't win fairly or what.
No. 2258009
>>2257996they might not be American
>>2258001Mexican haircare is
goated No. 2258035
>>2258015female hands, people doxxed her and ended up finding out that she is a texts nurse who sells crappy patriot ai designs and that she is on the sex offender registry list for raping a animal…..
yeah, alot of right-wing women are just as degenerate as the men. Once people started looking into her she immidiately went into hiding and hid her account just like all maga cowards do.
No. 2258037
Texas not texts, damn autocorrect
No. 2258040
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I can't believe presidential scandals used to be stuff like them eating mustard and the color of their suits. Even the Clinton Lewinsky stuff was more tame than the things Trump has done.
No. 2258052
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>>2257708> someone young and handsome like obama but with economic policies like FDR.Someone like Jon Ossoff is their best shot. He’s not only charismatic but also really well-spoken and intelligent. However it is a shame that we don’t have more candidates like this to choose from, why must so many moid politicians be old and off putting?
No. 2258074
this is what Trump needs to use his power to destroy.
No. 2258084
>>2258070I've said this earlier in the thread but he's more of a narc cult leader than hitler 2.0. I don't even think he cares about his own political goals and just wants to follow whatever the latest culture war topic is (hence why he spent so much on troon ads despite kamala not even giving a fuck about troons). He wants to keep things like troonism alive so he can run on it and get praise for condemning it despite fucking troons like bruce jenner. He's a narcissist like jim jones. The similarities are so clear. It's not that he wants to see people die, he wants to see people die FOR HIM (j6). Major case of NPD. I wouldn't be surprised if he started spiraling within these four years because of it.
>>2258072Honestly I doubt the scrotes in power would actually go after porn unless it is to further their religion. Porn is getting restricted in some states though, including mine, that's a good sign.
No. 2258087
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No. 2258148
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these people voted, they voted for trump, even this Midwestern jabba the hut maggat in this video voted, meanwhile libs were too busy not voting or doing third party.
No. 2258159
>>2257900If you're going to allow immigration you want it to be at a sustainable pace, from countries that are culturally similar and you want them to avoid settling in specific areas forming cultural enclaves and avoid only allowing in disproportionately more of one sex than the other.
The US has issues with immigration but they are very different from what is experienced in Europe and Canada with Indian and Middle Eastern immigrants because Latin Americans are more culturally similar to Americans, have more similar religions, and it helps that Latin Americans are open to out-marrying. When we get Middle Eastern immigrants they are often not representative of the people they left behind.
No. 2258221
>>2258104it's not going to go well. most states will not be able to afford student financial aid for higher education. That's run out of, you guessed it, the Department of Education. MOHELA is also run by the DoE and that collects all the public student loan debt, so people (rightly) aren't going to bother paying it. Public schools all over the country get funding from the DoE for all kinds of things like computers, teachers, school lunch programs, etc. So that means kids in poorer states will get RFK-approved dry cereal and nutraceuticals with water.
If it passes, I will very likely be losing my job. I really think a lot of this shit won't come remotely close to passing, though. If MAGA is retarded enough to urge Trump to pass it as an executive order, I look forward to the fireworks as I prepare to live in my car.
No. 2258231
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why does it look like trump got his picks from facebook and his tv? what the fuck is this???
No. 2258266
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>>2258254>>2258264i just came here to post this. fucking D.O.G.E. it's all so tiring No. 2258346
>>2257750I live in an area full of immigrants, and it's like… yeah it's annoying some of them don't speak english, but it's not my problem. unless they're stealing or killing people I don't see how they're different than the amount of grown adults living on NEETbux.
>>2257773I think the housing crisis would be reduced if how many houses someone can own was reduced. Rich people don't need to own so many, I think people should have 2 houses max and maybe have to sign up for permission for another.
No. 2258380
>>2258310why do i get the feeling that you or someone in you family has someone that looks just like her, kek.
>Rare based libswhat the fuck do you mean, those are not libs unless you mean libertarians.
>>2258333you know words have meaning, right? i know you are a retarded maggot so they don't have meaning to you, but YNBAW is a very specific acronym and shouldn't be throwed around to nonnies just because we are not obese tradthots like you.
This isn't twitter or truth social, you want to call people names that make no sense then you go there. Also you're lost if you think we care about troons or faggots, newfag.
(infighting) No. 2258389
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>>2258366It didn't exactly fail, we don't know if it would've passed or not because Newsom vetoed it. It's kind of hilarious he really just came out and said he didn't give a shit
No. 2258402
>>2258389hate to say it but seeing democrats and leftists now suddenly shill Newsom proves to me that the reason why Kamala lost was because of her race and gender. Kamala is a likeable person to me and i liked her policies and how they were reasonable and moderate.
Newsom on the other hand is just not a good person in general and there is a reason why the people of california don't like him.
No. 2258411
>>2257819This is insanely reductive, I understand where you’re coming from but
> will open resturants that don't look like the insides of a hospital or garage, with actual flavor and not 20 bucks for a damn burgerimmigrants coming over now don’t come with a “vision” or “dream” like that, they come because they are money hungry and willing to live in the worst conditions imaginable because they want to wear brand name clothes and have a fancy car and the moment they become legal they will put themselves in ludicrous amounts of debt to have those things
>will have maid and mechanic services without it being 100s an hoursee above, & those services are generally worth 100s an hour—they’re deliberately undercutting the market for their own gain. this is like the people at artist alleys who are midrate artists and charge $5 a print, it makes everyone else look bad and overpriced when they’re not paying heed to the actual cost of running such a service for short-term gain and it will bite them in the long run. and that’s if you’re able to find someone willing to work independently wrt maids, most undocumented women that work as maids work as contractors under businesses that exploit them and pay them horrifically badly because they can get away with it. as far as automotive services go, they’re cheap because they don’t know what they’re doing and frequently use stolen parts, I don’t really care about the latter but the former might be an issue for pretty much anyone especially someone who is down that bad for cheap automotive services
>will not treat every stranger like they're trying to traffic you if you walk past themyou’re right, instead immigrant women will drag their 2-3 children under the age of 5 (hispanic inmigrants are all catholic, make of that what you will) out in public to yell and cry and hit them if they misbehave. sometimes they will do this while cosplaying a white American bimbo (bleached hair, lip filler, pink athleisure sets, etc) if they’ve achieved “class mobility”, immigrant men regardless of income level will leer at any nonblack woman between the ages of 7-60. all of these demographics will be insanely racist towards black people
>will help randos in public and not have meltdowns about how the mom who needed help with her stroller should've closed their legs and the person changing their tire should've just not ran over a nail, etc, etcno, they will be the mom who needs help with her stroller and the person who ran over a nail, and then have meltdowns about it when randos don’t help them unsolicited/offer help but don’t speak spanish/etc
I feel like people who offer any of this as a rebuttal aren’t actually thinking deeply about any of it/are like white libs in urban areas who are embarrassed they’re white or whatever and it’s so frustrating because it’s always presented as an overall benefit when there are people being exploited but that is eclipsed by, from your vantage point, your potential gain
But even still latino immigrants just do not behave the way white libs/dems anticipate them behaving which is probably why they have been such an elusive demographic to libs. That and they’re weirdly self victimizing. I’m not an immigrant but I am latina (my grandparents on both sides immigrated) and when I was waiting for the bus the other day a homeless hispanic moid approached me to beg to use my phone in spanish, I pretended I didn’t understand him and he kept sulking and when he boarded the bus sat next to some random other hispanic and started complaining about how “everyone is discriminatory towards hispanic people”. Hispanic people in general assume every single one of their opponents are callers from outside of the house and cry racism at any misfortune when the only people willing/able to criticize them at all are other hispanics …. and hispanics as a monolith are insanely racist too. Any time i see a black woman defend hispanic people as a monolith I wince because she has no idea that they don’t even see her as a person less so than they do women in general
No. 2258424
>>2258411nta but the sweeping generalizations you make are too much. I do understand that nobody hates latinos more than other latinos though, allegedly. No one's defending them as a monolith (anymore), black women are fed up with how so many latinos consider themselves white or white passing and could give a flying fuck about
POC solidarity in any form and instead choose a "fuck you, I got mine, i'm not one of
you filthy apes, i'm one of the good ones" since the majority choose to vote against their best interests.
No. 2258460
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Elon Musk's new retarded AI "DOGE" logo. This is so fucking soy lmfao fuck this country
No. 2258462
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This was ABC’s prediction, it feels so much more accurate
No. 2258466
>>2258460Just when you thought clown world couldn't get worse… remember guys, life can
always get worse.
No. 2258474
>>2258415This isn’t really poking a hole in my argument, 99% of grifters are broke and poor but they persist in pursuit of financial gain and because they are convinced that their next move will be “their big break”, immigrants aren’t exempt from this. a lot of immigrants (not most, but a sizable enough portion) aren’t even poor in their own home countries or even living that badly, they just come here to prove something and convince themselves that they were oppressed in their home country because they couldn’t own a lambo or something and want to be the one who “made it out”. just because people are brown and not american mean they’re incapable of trying to act like they have money when they don’t, people of all races and ethnicities can do that and people exploiting American employers’ unwillingness to pay people livable wages for their own gain isn’t right to me regardless of why that is happening. I should clarify though that I was talking about immigrants in suburban/urban areas though I don’t really think anything I said applies to rural immigrants but I also can’t imagine many illegal immigrants aren’t just high tailing it to sanctuary cities now
>>2258424Yeah i did generalize a lot because i didn’t want to make my post longer than it already was & i already felt like it was way too long. I think my generalizations are region specific/ethnicity specific too which I definitely should have said. I don’t think i was as cogent or specific as I could have been at all. I agree with everything you said and think it is gross and stupid how many hispanic people will eschew any possible solidarity to larp as white and then claim they’re being patronized when dems point out they are voting against their own interests, but it’s because they are all convinced they are the “exception to the rule”. Btw just to clarify i don’t think any of this applies to any mexican immigrants but I also think mexican immigration has stalled significantly and mexicans are just culturally very different from like cubans and south americans anyway
>>2258429I meant immigrants coming now specifically, but also yeah this mostly applies to my grandparents too and I didn’t talk to them for years before they died because they were racist and scumbags and pieces of shit who were only out for their own gain and both of my parents were abused by their parents. They all cried about how tough Cuba was and how shitty the conditions were only for them to come to America and become landlords and talk shit about other immigrants when the only difference between them and the people they were shittalking was that they happened to come earlier and land in more favorable conditions. I got written out of one of my grandmas’ will because I reported a cousin of hers she paid a lot of money to have come illegally who started adopting a similar mindset and acting super racist towards black hispanic people as if she literally didn’t come here illegally and almost got away with it because she was Cuban
Nearly every hispanic illegal immigrant is either struggling and being exploited or has found footing and is now trying to prevent anyone else from achieving the same success they did, there is no inbetween except the people in the first category who larp as the second. I have no shame in being latina and in a neutral vacuum i have no problem with immigration but it is very often out of greed and benefits the greed of predatory Americans too and i wish all of my grandparents had died miserable in Cuba even if it meant I didn’t exist. I have known a lot of older immigrants who came by illegal means that none of this applies to (although it applies to plenty of older immigrants) but in general i meet very few recent illegal immigrants who none of this applies to and it’s one thing if people want to build a better life for themselves it’s another if their idea of a “better life” that they feel owed is a thing that not even people born in America are guaranteed
No. 2258484
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No. 2258505
>>2258489Anon please stop replying to the racebaiter. Its very clearly a larper especially with how so many of their statements are false, the things they are saying are republican talking points that ive only seen conservatives and people on the trump administration preach.
Also the rich immigrants are LEGAL college educated immigrants who work in high paying jobs and sectors. Seems like anon doesnt know jack shit and is lumping in both illegal and legal immigrants together because illegal immigrants aint driving with fucking lambos, its the legal ones who do that.
No. 2258570
>>2258489 I don’t understand how I’m supposed to generate proof of anecdotal information based on the things I witness in my surrounding environment. I admitted I’m generalizing, I’m also not denying that the things you’re saying are true but the fact of the matter is I am not personally seeing newer immigrants being exploited for 50 cents an hour to pick fruit, but at worst $4 an order on ubereats. I live in an urban area and am accounting for what I can personally attest to, maybe if I lived somewhere where the only immigrants I dealt with kept to themselves and were being exploited right in front of me I would not feel the way I do but unfortunately the immigrants I deal with where I am are all either nasty scrote grindset guys in maga hats or their misogynistic girlfriends
I never said people don’t immigrate because of dangerous situations, but be real, it is incredibly easy to exaggerate the severity of your circumstance to make people feel bad for you. I 100% understand people fleeing places like Mexico especially women due to the insane femicide rates but i’m not going to let instances like that cloud my perception of bigoted moids and their pickme childbearers who come here because they want the spoils of capitalism and to cry about how hard communism/socialism was to other immigrants. I feel empathy for immigrants who felt they had no other choice but to flee to America for legitimate reasons but to act like that applies to every immigrant is untrue and to act like every immigrant who says it is telling the truth would be insane
>>2258493You’re right, and I tried to clarify that I meant hispanic immigrants but I should have been clearer and specified what kind/where exactly. I feel genuinely really bad for haitians for getting caught in the crosshairs of the immigrant discussion and it feels like they are a convenient scapegoat for conservative hispanic immigrants a lot of the time. Tbh i haven’t really ever encountered any Brazilian immigrants but I think the only two south american ethnic groups I have consistently met normal people from are chileans and peruvians, but they can be a little haughty sometimes. Idk you are right though and I should probably be thinking outside of my bubble of Miami when I think about hispanic immigrants as an entire demographic…
>>2258505I’m not a racebaiter I’m just retarded and forgot the rest of the world is not like Miami, but I never said illegal immigrants are driving lambos, just that they want them. I should also clarify that the largest demographic of immigrants where I am (Cubans) have a very clearly defined and straightforward path to citizenship that makes it a definite eventuality rather than a pipe dream so I think the brazenness with regards to desiring affluence with which the immigrants around me behave is a cultural thing and I just was too retarded to realize without another anon pointing it out. Also i don’t understand how hating racists and people being capitalistic or greedy is a conservative/trump admin talking point, which is what my overarching issue with the immigrants in my surrounding area are. I also don’t think illegal immigrants as a whole are stealing jobs from anyone but I do think their exploitation creates a precedent that undercuts American workers, but that isn’t their fault at all and they are a
victim of it. Also most hispanic immigrants are incredibly wildly conservative and remain that way even if they do assimilate so I think the lengths a lot of dems/libs will go to to defend a group hates their guts even when they are actively benefiting from their policy is genuinely insane to me
Tl;dr I am stupid and was overgeneralizing and not being clear. But I also think all scrotes should die, all pickmes should probably die too, and that all christians are evil, regardless of whatever marginalized demographics either happen to fit into or life experiences they have had and this informs 99% of my beliefs including immigration. I guess I can understand why my statements might be maligned as conservative without that context though
(bait) No. 2258595
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>misogyny in this shithole reddit country getting more intense
>any and all attempts to create a feminist movement gets shutdown or cointelpro'd
>most radical feminists are insanely out of touch so trannies will still have cultural influence on the left
>rightoid scroids also having the most influence as they buy out every single media corporation
>both candidates in 2028 will probably be scrotes unless we actually decide to organize
>women basically doomed in this country unless we stick up for ourselves
A bit of a tinfoily rant but I'm going insane after this election, seeing so many other women just turn their brains off. Everything around me feels like an op because as I've said, every media corp is bought out. I wish other women would just wake the fuck up and be as pissed as I am. I'm so tired of that self-victimizing handmaids tale libfem shit that keeps being pulled, we need to respect ourselves for once and realize we have the capability to fight, campaign, and organize. Algorithms are pushing stuff out to make us feel insane and to make us look insane, no woman is actually shaving their head for the 4b movement. It's insane. We have to claim the internet and we have to build community in real life, AOC was saying shit like this too. Extremist males win because they're autisticly dedicated, we need autisticly dedicated women for once. I can never doom but i wish other american women had the spines to fight instead of just waiting for some legislation to save them.
No. 2258602
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No. 2258621
Weird how this happened in every single swing state. Greg Palast also wrote about the voter suppression that happened in this election and in 2015, but was prevented in 2020 No. 2258629
File: 1731483613457.webp (89.27 KB, 1101x1600, John-Kerry-2005.webp)

>we need to run muh moderate white guy
sometimes i wish there wasnt the shit going on in 2020 and it was just moved over to 2024 so biden would've just lost and we wouldn't have had to deal with this retarded misogynistic rhetoric for another 4 years
No. 2258666
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>>2257624Something about this guy is hilarious to me
No. 2258671
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the answer to trump tier right wing populism was always left wing bernie tier populism, but bernie is old so i guess he passes the torch to someone like AOC, dont know if she is willing to run though.
i think gavin newsome is only popular on paper, outside of california he is nothing, in claifornia he is hated, all a republican has to do is point to what a shithole california is, newsome would not win in the south.
the 2028 democrat primaries will be a war between the old guard who want a bill clinton tier neoliberal centerist, and the new guard who know left populism is the answer to trumps right wing populism
No. 2258737
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No. 2258800
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Wasn’t Project 2025 renamed “Save America” or something? Is this an agency established solely to fulfill its purpose?
Also did anyone else get a really eerie feeling when it says its “work” will conclude in mid-2026. They must feel very confident since they have all 3 branches of government in their favor. But to think that they’ll be implementing the entirety of Project 2025 in a year and a half…
No. 2258856
>>2258800Using "efficiency" as an excuse, they're going to butcher government structures and replace them with shitty "AI" and related technological systems that poorly satisfy their alleged purposes with the main desired result being further concentration of power in corporations and finance.
None of the breeds of people with real power give a flying shit about "Christian values" or porn or whatever else. Project 2025 is in part designed to spook Democrats and other left-leaning people to hysterically chase ghosts of Christian fascism for four years while the people that Trump owes his election to continue undermining citizens' agency through further implementation of invasive technologies, nonstop psychological manipulation through social media, and economic deprivation.
Tech companies are focusing heavily on getting right-leaning people on their side because right-wingers' response to the technology tied to Covid measures revealed how heavily opposed the right was to modern means of surveillance and overt behavior modification. They will pander to rightoids using every buzzword and imagery right wingers eat up (like Project 2025, right-wing influencers, rage bait bullshit about "owning libtards" endless streams of similar rightoid content on X, the algorithms that trap you in these spaces, etc.) to get them on board for technological authoritarianism so long as the pandering focuses on politically inconsequential topics and does not address the essential sources of sociopolitical power.
With how popular the public faces of this program like Elon Musk are to rightoids they're going to have a fairly easy time implementing these authoritarian systems while non-right-wingers melt down over some dumb shit Trump will inevitably blurt out or sensationalist actions that don't change much in effect.
No. 2258962
>>2258957ayrt, I also just learned that Tesla's car lineup is named model S, 3, X, and Y because it spells out S3XY. And his space company is called SpaceX because he thinks it's funny that it sounds like "space sex".
Am I dead? Are we in hell?
No. 2258990
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>>2258800Doge… Will dogecoin reach a dollar with this coming?
No. 2259010
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I can't believe this faggot is getting his own agency??? He isn't even a real american citizen. How the FUCK is he allowed to be this involved. I need the democrats to fucking put an end to this clown show.
No. 2259023
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>>2259010I hate this corny fucking autismo so much it's unreal.
No. 2259033
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Is there any chance that the military and DoD go apeshit if this happens?
No. 2259068
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I can’t stop laughing at this for some reason kekk
No. 2259177
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>>2256708Been avoiding this thread for days because of election cancer but holy fuck RUSAME CANON kek
>>2259010It’s so over
No. 2259196
>>2259007Did you even read that post? Benevolence requires far more than merely some fuzzy feelings of those involved at the time. "Finding fault no matter what" is a huge leap from criticizing a huge collective lack of judgment and basic intellectual responsibility that led to an existential crisis on the entire western Europe.
Do you consider giving thousands of dollars to random homeless drug addicts a benevolent act if that made you feel "nice" inside? Would you invinte those people to your home to live with your family if that made you feel like a "nice" person? If those people caused serious problems with your family after they were invited to your home, should you be excused of responsibility because you were "trying to be nice"?
No. 2259209
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Tulsi's grifting worked
No. 2259224
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Political streamer Hasan Piker skin cancer arc coming soon
No. 2259227
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>>2259209She’s so beautiful, she really puts Kamala to shame. Based grifting and branch swinging
No. 2259228
nonnie spoiler this shit
No. 2259240
>>2259224He's been tanning too much like a fucking moron, he's let his echo chamber trick him into thinking he's a
poc and not just a white turkish man that still needs sunscreen
No. 2259241
>>2259232>prostitutesMaybe but I think he’s dating an Asian streamer
>>2259240He will age like leather kek
No. 2259247
>>2259241Do you seriously think that huge ugly roach is being faithful to her, I would bet both of them “cheat” on each other
No. 2259267
>>2259247Hasan looks like a chimp, I have a devious amount of screenshots of him looking ugly idk why
>>2259262Kamala ran and she had ”slave ancestry”
No. 2259270
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Atheismstacies I bring good news
No. 2259289
>>2259270Excited for religion to fade away in the coming decades and for women to lead the charge
>Share who are Nones by GenderI read this as "Share who are Nonnies" kek
No. 2259296
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>>2259283honestly after AOC's speech at the DNC, she gives me the most "Obama 2.0" vibe considering she herself is a rising star. Her speech stood out the most. If jayden vance is elected I'm doing matcha oat latte j6
No. 2259308
>>2259301Me too, the similarities to 2004 are sort of insane. They're almost exactly the same actually. There's that same rise in evangelicalism that was occurring in 2004 (that also pissed people off). Kerry and Harris had pretty similar demographics voting for them, but I want their messages to be compared. Kamala was pretty moderate.
>>2259302not until i get my 300000 fake ballots in during 2026 hold on!!!
>>2259305He's literally hiring people who worked on it in his admin wtf are you talking about lol. All of the grifters who worked closely with him are admitting that it's real. + off topic but he hired gaetz for his AG who has sex trafficking charges cooking up lmfao
No. 2259311
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BREAKING: Oli London Is Trump’s Pick for Attorney General
No. 2259329
>>2259326I mean you can stop the gaslighting he won lmfao he literally hired fucking stephen miller. these are not insignificant people
>>2259328everything is nostalgia nowadays, so of course his slogan is "make america great again". He also stole it from reagan!
No. 2259335
>>2259308Are you talking about Matt Walsh and those morons? Who in particular are you referencing?
As to the Gaetz thing, I’m not surprised. Power is corrupting and we know how shit men are when they have it. Hopefully the courts are allowed to handle it.
>>2259322But he’s such an easy win, talks well, memeable, white and male. He’s the perfect smoke screen and 10yrs vs 8 for a Tulsi presidency.
No. 2259343
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>>2259335We need to stop with the white male = win thing and force women in both parties to win the primaries so no male wins no matter what
No. 2259381
>>2259351That sounds more like you’re misunderstanding the intention. Why would you put someone who hates something in charge of the thing they hate? Is it that the intention is to destroy that agency? Have someone who’s going to only view it critically?
Republicans don’t like big government, they want the states to be in charge of more things than the federal government. Which given how bloated the federal government is (constantly losing money; constantly not doing what they say they’re going to do) isn’t surprising. Take your hate blinders off and start asking questions instead of just taking the word of other corrupt dipshits.
I’ll never understand how people can look at trump, see he’s a moron and power hungry narc but can’t do the same with their own fucking side. They’re all megalomaniac narcissists, it’s why they want the most powerful positions in the world for themselves. You should always be suspicious of people who seek power, support power and appeal to power.
No. 2259390
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>>2259381Nah I agree, I think it’s very suspicious that he always appoints people to indirectly destroy these agencies. RFK to the FDA is another example. But I also don’t know if he’s that smart to come up with this himself. I lean more towards Putin and his cronies laughing their asses off trying to find the worst people possible for each position and then faxing the list over to Trump.
Who the fuck even is picrel and what exactly makes him qualified to be a Secretary of Defense? IMO this appointment has blackmail written all over it.
No. 2259392
>>2259351I thought that was the exact point. People would rather vote for a piece of shit incompetent rapist man who will make stupid
problematic meme content than for someone who will make good things happen for the American public. That's where we're at. I'm not really a doomer but it's more depressing that this happened at all and we can't ignore how the Supreme Court has fucked us in multiple ways and now will continue to do so for god knows how long.
No. 2259427
>>2259390Do you think Putin was unhappy Biden was in charge? He’s literally in the process of annexing Ukraine during the Biden admin? I don’t understand this Russian angle, all Putin has to do is sit back and let the country eat itself because weirdly everyone here hates their nation. It’s kind of extraordinary to witness. China and Russia have always seemed to take a wait and see approach, idk why they’d make any active efforts to sabotage things now (unless for brics).
Would have been curious to see how things would have happened had Harris won, how do you think she’d have handled the Russia situation or Israel? I guess we’ll never know but it’s fun to think about.
No. 2259467
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>>2259227>>2259319>>2259451I salute you, Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi. Lead us to greatness, future Madame President.
No. 2259468
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This country is scrote hell
No. 2259492
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>>2259426He looks like Adriana limas ex husband lol
No. 2259496
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>>2259492A literal monkey. They cloned Fousey Tube and managed to make him a successful streamer. Also picrel made me burst out laughing holy shitttttt thanks
nonny KEK
No. 2259501
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>>2259496Ugh the thumbnail of this looks like he has no sclera like a fucking cartoon character, it's unnerving.
No. 2259511
>>2259496KEK this isn't edited??? I saw this on the front page and I was absolutely certain he had gotten the woll smoth treatment!
>>2259492He looks like Simple Jack.
No. 2259534
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>>2259501this post is actually fucking killing me because it's all i can see now
No. 2259536
>>2259527I’ll never forget watching cnn live time when a guest doctor they had on said that the George Floyd protests were necessary despite quarantine because “racism is a more dangerous disease than covid”, all while unmasked/unvaxxed people were treated like walking pieces of shit lmao
The covid/blm cursed timeline made me pretty conservative desperate being a lifelong lib
No. 2259538
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>>2259507>>2259496the resemblance is uncanny
No. 2259567
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>>2259530>>2259550>>2259538Ladies I want that sexy champagne socialist so much!!!!!!! Awoogaaa look at Hasan Piker here
(ban evasion) No. 2259569
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Far right schizos are so funny, genuinely how the fuck do you get to this point
No. 2259572
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>>2259564Trump is a proven rapist. She joined the party that doesn't believe women have the right to contraception and we know that because they voted against it. Am I supposed to like her because she's pretty and evil and that makes loser NEETs attracted to her? While she coasts by as normie women get fucked by her party?
No. 2259573
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>>2259542That’s all you got from this? Democrats as a whole are the ultimate hypocrites. They supported and rarely criticized the blm protests when small businesses were attacked or white people harassed/killed, but they had all the smoke for unmasked boomers.
Why did almost every mainstream news outlet cover the story of a random cvs employee accused of racism when telling a black woman that she couldn’t use a coupon? I’m surprised this guy didn’t kill himself after getting his name and face dragged though the mud. You guys are genuinely demons and I’m happy that people are finally realizing that.
No. 2259596
>>2259578>>2259585I was a retail wagie during that time and it literally encouraged people to pull the race card at a moments notice when anything didn’t go there way. There’s no way they would’ve done that had news/social media not platformed the people that did initially.
>>2259579That happened when trump was president you moron lmao
No. 2259598
>>2259586Tbh the thing that pissed me off about blm was seeing racist bitches using it to try to atone for their previous actions, i wish they would all get exposed tbh. Tbh, i think all it did was make the police have a huge
victim complex when they don't deserve it and constantly drop the ball when it comes to making people feel safe.
No. 2259607
>>2259598Honestly the movement was a result of alt-right scrote culture building up to a breaking point since 2013 and that's why I think it was virtue signaling. Alot of retards who were radicalized back in 2018 were realizing the tides were swiftly changing so thats why they switched up like that. The movement itself went away swiftly too as it was one of the first products of the internet during the period of the pandemic.
>>2259601Exactly, I remember the preachiness of that era, i witnessed it. It was cringe to look back on but i remember it as a product of it's time more than anything. You know what was much worse? charlottesville
No. 2259647
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>>2259619>I was one tweak out away from being reported as the racist white karen of the month on nbc/cbs/cnn/etc.NTA but this is hilarious.
>Boomers can be rude fucking customers but they can’t ruin my life the way a chronically online black person with a smartphone can.That is scarily true. You don't even have to say something mean to have chronically online people just waiting to whip out their phones, and start recording you to make you look like the bad guy to all their little followers. It feels like if you upset the wrong zoomie or young millenial to any degree, they'll start recording you like you're some kind of zoo animal. That's gotta be one of the only things I'll agree with China about, only giving teenagers like two hours of internet access a week. It wouldn't stop the young millenials from chronically recording whoever they want to be socially executed, but teenagers love to post
every-fucking-thing online so that Chinese law would at least greatly reduce the internet bullshit we get from late zoomies.
No. 2259670
>>2259663>muh russian assetyou are so fucking dumb and there is no way for you to find out how dumb you are because you're too dumb to figure anything out
it's fucking 2024 and you're still crying about muh russian assets, jesus fucking christ
No. 2259671
>>2259663>>2259670Russian assets are a very real thing, but i'd like a little more context as to why Tulsi is one, supposedly. Apparently she's parroted some Russian state media propaganda about bio weapons being developed in Ukraine (which reminds me of Israel making excuses to bomb schools and hospitals by saying Hamas is hiding in there kek) so that it is pretty
sus, but other than that Tulsi seems balanced in her opinions regarding war, immigration, healthcare, etc.
No. 2259696
>>2259681>>2259687>>2259690I've got links and references for days and not just from NPR.
>Vladimir Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev has suggested the U.S. presidential election result would serve Russia's interests in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
>Medvedev served as president between 2008 and 2012 and is now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council. Over the course of the war in Ukraine, he has pushed anti-Western rhetoric, often issuing threats to Kyiv's allies about Moscow's nuclear capability.
>Around the time of Trump's victory speech early Tuesday morning, Medvedev posted on Telegram his response to the election night.Without directly congratulating the Republican candidate, Medvedev referred to how there was a "furious bipartisan anti-Russian consensus on Capitol Hill."
>"But Trump has one quality that is useful for us—as a businessman to the core, he hates spending money on … idiotic allies, stupid charity projects and voracious international organizations," he said, seemingly referring to global support for Ukraine. No. 2259768
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Breaking: Donald Trump announces succeeding government agency National Yearly Assessment Network (NYAN) to replace DOGE in August 2026. NYAN will lead yearly assessments to continuously reduce government jobs that will be replaced with AI technologies.Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead this new agency immediately following DOGE’s completion in July 2026.
NYAN: National Yearly Assessment Network
Motto: “Efficiency through Elimination.”
The National Yearly Assessment Network (NYAN) is a government agency tasked with streamlining American society by continuously assessing and eliminating job positions deemed “inefficient” or “obsolete.” In the pursuit of a “perfectly optimized” workforce, NYAN evaluates the labor market annually and implements measures to reduce human employment across sectors, maximizing automation, AI, and productivity. Through cutting-edge data analytics and algorithm-driven decision-making, NYAN seeks to create a fully automated, highly efficient national economy where human labor is minimized to the barest essentials.
Key Functions:
1. Annual Employment Efficiency Audits:
Every year, NYAN conducts a nationwide audit of all job roles across public and private sectors. Using advanced algorithms, the agency assesses job performance, productivity levels, and technological feasibility to determine which positions can be “eliminated” in the pursuit of economic efficiency.
2. Job Reduction Mandates:
Based on audit findings, NYAN issues reduction mandates to all industries, requiring them to cut certain jobs and replace them with automation or outsourced labor. Job positions are eliminated with minimal notice, and workers are often given “transition assistance” to re-enter an increasingly limited and mechanized job market.
3. AI and Automation Integration:
NYAN leads the nationwide implementation of AI systems, robotics, and automation technologies, replacing human workers in every sector—from retail and manufacturing to healthcare and education. The agency funds large-scale tech companies to develop tools that automate tasks previously performed by people, contributing to the mass elimination of jobs deemed redundant or “inefficient.”
4. Performance Metrics and Control:
NYAN uses sophisticated performance metrics to track individual and collective productivity. Jobs that are not meeting “optimal productivity standards” are flagged for reduction. This creates a constantly shifting labor market where job security is a concept of the past, and the value of human work is increasingly measured by its technological redundancy.
5. Human Employment Re-Training Programs:
For the few remaining human workers, NYAN offers Re-Training Programs that focus on non-traditional, “high-efficiency” roles. These programs emphasize adapting to low-skill, supervisory, or managerial positions overseeing machines and AI systems. However, these roles are limited and often subject to yearly review for potential “automation.”
6. Public Perception & Control:
In order to maintain societal compliance, NYAN runs propaganda campaigns to promote the idea of a “post-human workforce,” where the ideal society is one free from the burdens of employment. These messages are reinforced through media channels, social media, and government-sponsored content designed to praise the benefits of automation and criticize those who resist it as “outdated” or “unproductive.”
7. The National Employment Reduction Act (NERA):
Passed annually, this act grants NYAN the authority to expand its jurisdiction over public and private sectors, legalizing the systematic reduction of human labor force and incentivizing the transition toward a fully automated economy. The law is presented as a necessary step toward “national stability” and “economic growth,” ensuring that NYAN’s decisions remain above reproach.
No. 2259841
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It always embarasses me seeing one of us act like complete retards about race. I thought we all learned in US history class that Americans process race differently because of our history of immigration laws. Non-Americans see ethnicity more than race and Americans see race more than ethnicity because we needed more efficient ways to categorize immigrants since the 1800s or something. It always makes me want to shrivel up and hide when I see a twitterfag sperg about critical race theory when 50% of the userbase here aren’t even from North America.
No. 2259866
>>2259860said "source": nbcnews article interviewing alleged russian "troll"
hope you're not being serious
No. 2259881
The funniest part of this election are the republicans who aren’t MAGAtards balking at Trump’s picks for his league of evil villains.
No. 2259920
File: 1731555338599.jpg (150.77 KB, 720x1158, Screenshot_20241113-202603_Chr…) other Colorado nonas? I absolutely hate the Californiacation of Colorado. Every job I have had in the last 5 years, I have to strategically try to use the women's bathroom when there's no men in there. I got in trouble at my last job for carrying a knife and police grade mace with me, but there's 6'5 300lbs men in the bathroom with me… now it's going to get worse because of the imaginary troon genocide. I have hs and laser hair removal would help reduce flare ups and possibly even prevent new cysts from forming, but my insurance won't pay for it because it's cosmetic. But God forbid troons don't get millions of dollars of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures for free, that's twans genocide!!!
No. 2260137
>>2259775ntayrt but I almost had a panic attack reading that kek
>>2259920Ewww! The last thing this state needs is MORE trannies. There are already so many here, they're like roaches. It annoys me to no end that online TRAs act like trannies are just 0.0000000000001% of the population so it's unlikely people see them in real life, let alone have to deal with affirming their identity or accommodating them. I see plenty of these mofos every day in even the briefest outings. They're just as hulking, attention-seeking, and downright creepy as the AGPs in the MTF thread series.
No. 2260300
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>>2259767>>2259755>>2259701>>2259696>>2259690>>2259687>>2259875Based nona putting retards to shame with sources. I'm tired of seeing twitterfags spew variations of
>r-russia dindu nuffin you stupid demoncrats!! it's a conspiracy theory!!!!thinking they're either sticking it to "the dems" or being le based enlightened centrists (they aren't). Shut the fuck up. See
>>2256725. They've admitted it, and everyone knows it by now. You are an idiot stuck in 2016 and absolutely clueless. Bet you think Johnny Depp is an innocent angel of a man and all the videos about him were forced into people's algorithms "organically", too.
This is a good article on Russia's involvement from one of the earlier threads too: No. 2260327
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>>2259866Lmao don't bother
nonnie, the blueanons ITT have genuinely convinced themselves that Kamala's campaign was flawless and the election was rigged.
>>2260300Wow, with "all this evidence", why do you think they've never been arrested and tried for espionage? The military tends to take this quite seriously.
No. 2260348
>>2260327Besides, you'd think an agency whose purpose is to meddle in US elections would mention US politicians frequently. How many times did it purportedly mention other candidates? Why don't these articles alleging that Jill Stein is a "Russian asset" state how many times this agency allegedly mentioned other candidates, when this is a necessary frame of reference to judge to what extent the agency favored Jill Stein over others? I guess the other candidates would also be "Russian assets" if they were mentioned many times? Weak arguments like every popular "Russian collusion" argument should be easily filtered out based on the weakness of their logical structure alone, but some fucktards are STILL crying about obvious propaganda like this.
All of this is assuming that presidents have a significant influence on foreign policy (which they demonstrably don't, or are remarkably consistent with all of their modern predecessors despite having promised change during their campaigns) that the Russian state would be interested in meddling with US elections.
No. 2260352
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George Santos for Trump’s Cabinet 2024
No. 2260370
>>2259240Many "
POC" still need to use sunscreen, has nothing to do with race.
>>2259920CO is an interesting choice. I know it's technically a "blue" state, but outside of certain cities, isn't it pretty red? My home state (MA) is pretty blue even in rural areas. Of course, the fewer people interested in moving here, the better. We're such a small state for 6 million people, no need for more, especially troids.
No. 2260388
>>2260327Yeah, we know breaking US law always gets powerful, wealthy and politically influential figures arrested and put into jail. That's how it works, the US is a fair and honest country. How gullible are you? Are you that desperate for a rapist president who bragged about how smart he was for refusing to pay his taxes and that has an illegal immigrant wife?
>>2260326What do you think it says, and what do you "think" I'm saying it says? Be honest instead of coping and insulting people like your kind always do, kek.
No. 2260437
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>>2260352Why does he look like the white Kenan Thompson?
No. 2260445
We’re fucked but I will be laughing.
No. 2260466
>>2260450Other anons here and I have been directly refuting your (and others') dogshit arguments for more than a day. All you do is bring up more shit-tier articles that boil down to "just trust me bro." I have directly answered your question about the "certain forces" quote in the TASS article. I'm not going to sit here all day refuting your slop when I have done more than enough. I listed multiple people among many more who have made thorough and robust arguments against the "Russiagate" propaganda, yet all you can say is "y-you can't make your own arguments" which I have, many times in this thread, and resorting to personal attacks on the people I mentioned instead of engaging their arguments.
If you genuinely can't understand what the TASS article is saying, and if you genuinely can't understand how my direct explanation of that article doesn't answer your question, if you think the article somehow vindicates the preposterous Russiagate allegations, there is nothing more I can do to improve your reading comprehension. It's not my responsibility to improve your appalling reading ability, even though it really is shocking.
No. 2260481
>>2260478You're the only one melting down and reminiscing about your Tumblr days. It's also not a personal attack for anyone to point out one of your "sources" (who, like the rest, you still refuse to actually cite agreeing with you) has multiple political takes that make them less than unbiased or fact-oriented just because it might make you feel personally attacked in some way.
>neoconYou're extremely brainwashed, I'm surprised you survived this long on this site.
No. 2260482
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Trump looks so damn uncomfortable and Biden looks like he found out the best news in the world. He has never acted like this around Trump once. Would never shake his hand at debates and straight up ignored him at events. But he is sitting there, grinning like he did when they asked about Trump calling himself a “political prisoner”.
No. 2260483
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We have Henry the 8th and Don Corneo as the most powerful moids of basically the world
No. 2260486
>>2260478>Now you refuse to engage in other articles that further explain positions that dispute Russiagate allegations although we have directly addressed yours.nta, but what articles are you referring to? I don't see any refuting Russian interference.
>the same group of people who heavily armed Ukraine, wrote for think tanks that research methods of overextending and destroying RussiaAh. This right here. So what is your position actually, before I make assumptions, because it sounds vaguely like you're implying anything pointing to Russian interference does so with the sole purpose of painting Russia in a negative light which is rather ironic given the argument.
No. 2260492
>>2260397I always thought Colorado was a bit
more red than the average blue state is what I mean, like almost purple—versus a state like Washington.
No. 2260514
>>2260501NTA but there are posts that you've replied to that directly link to articles doing so. No one's fault if you refuse to read them and just get
triggered. Posts like
>>2260399 are very pathetic, too.
No. 2260518
>>2260515Post them. You know we can scroll through threads, right? It should be easy to link to these articles or the posts "you and others" have supposedly made. This isn't tumblr where you can claim that your posts got magically eaten for hurting the libs or something.
I told you to post quotes from those people that actually back up your claims, and you can't, because you know they don't. Nothing you've said is intelligent, all you've been doing is throwing tantrums and getting upset when people point out that you're brainwashed and trying to derail to Ukraine.
No. 2260520
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>>2260501What will it take for you? I've provided well thought out links with arguments and evidence, did you even read them or did you outright reject it because of some cognitive dissonance? I have more, but it's not going to do anything for someone who even refuses to consider the possibility. What kind of sources do you want? No. 2260524
>>2260520For thought.
What i'm trying to say is that no one is even remotely trying to put two and two together when they deny these connections that are more than just vague coincidental hunches.
No. 2260527
>>2260520Maybe start by not quoting npr articles whose "evidence" links back to other npr articles full of accusations and descriptions official actions taken without clear evidence.
Just one of many articles written by one of the people mentioned earlier in the thread. I'm not going to waste more time looking up things when you can search name + "russian meddling" "russiagate" etc. yourself No. 2260531
No. 2260550
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Who do you think Trump has a crush on: Biden, RFK, Vance, Gaetz? Which one do you think he likely fucked
No. 2260558
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>>2260446thank you, this is the energy we need
No. 2260632
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>>2260618>are you trog-brained Idk what that is but I’m so trogpilled and happy because I ate a decent meal but it’s getting a little hot outside
No. 2260681
Personally I found it devastating. I cried about it when I found out, and I still cry about it when I see videos of them. They were healthy, happy, and well cared for. Fred was still just a baby. It's so rare for squirrels to have rabies it's difficult to even find reports of it ever happening. They were seized and immediately euthanized when standard procedure is to quarantine for ten days. This is the government coming into your home, taking your pet of seven years and a sanctuary animal, and immediately putting them to death. Regardless of partisan politics, this is a massive overstep of the government of New York, so it's a good reason to be outraged in my opinion. Imagine anon, if a government official came to your home, treated you like a criminal, and took your pet away from you because someone in another state claimed it was dangerous and they killed it.
No. 2260693
>>2260690>spinning it as big government is sillyFirst of all, the report was made by a woman. Second, it was specially the government who seized the animals, the New York Department of Enviornmental Conservation. There were multiple parties involved, and at any point someone could have made the right decision to quarantine the animals rather than euthanize them. This happened before there was any political gain, the situation happened and
then it was taken advantage of for political gain.
No. 2261210
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It’s a bad day to be sunflower seed oil!
No. 2261243
>>2260607Fuck that woman. I'll see her in Hell.
>>2260681I can't look at pictures or videos of them either, it's just too sad. I liked watching their little antics and it absolutely broke my heart. Everyone can laugh hurr durr it's just a squirrel and a raccoon but they were beloved little creatures and it breaks my heart thinking about them being happy and playing with their owner and then being absolutely terrified when those people came in to take them away and kill them. Fuck.
No. 2261313
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No. 2261407
This feels like some sort of skit, I am losing my mind.
No. 2261526
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>>2261512Yeah, IDK if he goes fully nude with the animals though and I'm not wasting cash to see. It's just weird either way
No. 2261734
>>2261526This thing has a wife and she looks exactly like you suspect.
Some guys online were hoping to see the two of them in action but he mostly does solo videos.
No. 2261861
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>First BuddyKEKKind of non-news but looks like everyone else in Trump's camp are getting tired of Elon's rampant tism as well.
No. 2261896
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>>2261861everyone is freaking out about trumps picks as if he isn't going to fire them all within the first month (if they even make it that far.) trump's favorite thing is to fire people.
No. 2261915
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>>2261861Picrel is a Trump social post from 2022 kek
No. 2261923
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> Donald Trump is wasting no time making a punch line out of some of his key allies, including Elon Musk.
> During his first meeting with Republican lawmakers on the Hill as president-elect, Trump asserted his power over Musk, mocking the tech billionaire for sticking around for so long.
> “Elon won’t go home. I can’t get rid of him,” Trump said Wednesday. “Until I don’t like him.”
> The world’s richest man has reportedly spent “nearly every single day” of the last week at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to CNN. Musk has been spotted golfing with the president-elect, dining with him and his wife, Melania, and has even been in the room while Trump phones world leaders, hopping on calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
> MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell argued that Trump’s comments about Musk were an assertion of his dominance, played before a room that has to play along.
> “Everyone laughed,” said O’Donnell. “They laughed that uncomfortable laugh. But they laugh when Donald Trump makes a joke about someone on his team, a joke that everyone knows is true, a joke that paints that person as pathetic, as Donald Trump’s personal sense of superiority demands that he do.”
> O’Donnell also suggested that Musk’s new role in the government—co-leading a new agency, the Department of Government Efficiency, otherwise known as “DOGE”—is basically a joke in itself, with Musk’s responsibilities being tantamount to a “fake job” with little more power than that of a lobbyist on K Street.
> Musk will be the likely benefactor of his extended stay with the president-elect, whose opinion is famously swayed by whomever he last interacted with. But, according to tech journalist Kara Swisher, the relationship between the two self-imagined strongmen is destined to flame out.
> “They’re both narcissists, and there can be only one narcissist as head of the country, and that’s Donald Trump who just won the election,” Swisher said on Monday. “You know he owes things to Elon, but at some point, you know if he takes too much of the attention—think about Steve Bannon. You remember he was on the cover of that magazine, and how quickly he got out, even though he was critical to Trump’s first campaign and he was right in the middle of the White House, and then he wasn’t.
> “Trump goes through people like tissues, essentially,” Swisher noted. “And even if it’s Musk, they’re going to clash at some point.”
No. 2262044
Love how Trump is stating in no uncertain terms that Elon is his cucked beta simp, as disposable as any of the others have been.
No. 2262157
>>2259647Unlimited access to phones has fried zoomers brains. I work in a government building that bans phones at the door, so it's kinda nice to not even be able to look at my phone for 8-9 hours a day. I dont even miss it.
>>2259662Exactly. At this point, just a woman existing is now a karen. I'm tired of the sexism
>>2259920I want to visit CO for the mountains and trails. I hate trannies so much. Wouldnt it be easier for them to just kill themselves?
No. 2262162
>>2261509Yeah, he pretty much did it to himself. I dont feel bad either. Everyone freakin out over a squirrel and raccoon are annoying.
>>2261526He's ugly af
No. 2262251
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>>2261794This is the way,
nonnie. The real world died with Harambe (or when CERN was activated, if you prefer) and now we live in Clown World. Laugh to keep from crying, take the clownpill!
No. 2262566
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>>2262024i'm looking at rfk's policies specifically, not trump's. for the record i despise trump and think rfk has schizophrenia but i am trying to be as optimistic as possible.
No. 2262657
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>>2257750Illegals are getting fucked over more than the native citizens.
>Get paid pennies>Don't know what an OSHA is so they work in criminal conditions>Minors are getting kidnapped so degenerates can LARP as some poor innocent family uwu to get in; kid gets slaved at a Tysons meat factory at best, sex trafficked at worstPeople bring up "but they have NEETbux", but the catch is that you can't get out of it. Maybe 2 decades ago a lower class family can get 5 years of foodstamps then with enough work they can rise to middle class, but that shit doesn't exist anymore. And more people are getting poor so that means more people need food stamps. So you end up with a society that only has the poor and the rich.
Also conservatives think that its some blue haired liberals doing this shit but ironically the big power house who's putting these illegals into this country are Christians non-profits and missionaries.
>>2259920I live in some literal no where's ville south and I'm seeing troons here more each year.
Honestly if Kamala went full
TERF, she would of easily bagged the win
No. 2263053
>>2263037I think it's part of their narcissistic power display to make themselves the
victim and normalize being a POS by creating a narrative where those whom are hurt by it seem like the bad ones for not tolerating it anymore. Instead of evaluating themselves and their choices, they put the blame on everyone else as usual so they don't have to face the monster they are and take any sort of responsibility..
No. 2263301
>>2263137I hate this because this is all
assuming he's going to enact all there tariffs with an executive order without talking to these countries first regarding trade deals is crazy. It's going to wind up being an excuse before the law is enacted for companies to upcharge and gouge again.
No. 2264021
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Last nights Beaver super moon complete with shooting stars
No. 2264353
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>>2263037>Vote against female rights and financial equality and instead support billionaire tax cuts and worker abuse>Get upset when your feminist sister cuts you off because "it's just politics!" The video said it best, people don't understand that these kinds of politics aren't JUST politics, but an indication of your morality. It also brings a great point up about how trumptards need their liberal friends to be their emotional support because democrat voters on an average actually have developed a sense of empathy and the sense of duty to help out their fellow man and losing access to their emotional labor means losing your entire safety net. MAGAfags don't WANT to be surrounded by exclusively fellow conservative right wingers because they know they're all unempathetic opportunists you can never rely on for any amount of safety or advice, they literally want to have their cake and eat it too. More people need to cut them off, fuck all this guilttripping about "dividing the country". They wanted us gone, they better enjoy the outcome.
No. 2264357
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>>2264021Why is it that everytime the news or some scientist dorks say to look out for a "super moon", a "strawberry moon", a "blood moon", a "harvest moon", or a "cheese moon", and I go outside, all I see is just a regular ass fucking moon?
No. 2264702
>>2264357It’s cause it’s supposed to correspond with the month/season
nonny lmao, it’s November; right before winter, we’re all preparing for our “hibernation” so to speak so that’s why it’s called the “Beaver moon” because we’re all preparing for our winters right now
No. 2264856
>>2264792i see where you're coming from, but magatards didnt get their fuckton of recounts and investigations by rolling over and keeping quiet in 2020. if anything we need to be throwing even more of a shitfit about this, or the rapid news cycle will drown us out.
obligatory note for any retards: being loud and obnoxious about demanding a recount =/= storming the capitol.
No. 2264929
>>2264886All of the 2020 court cases also allowed Trump's huge team of lawyers access to all kinds of information about the hardware, software, vendors, staff, and officials in charge of voting all over the country. The swing states that were in play in 2020 are the same ones that were in play in 2024. Tina Peters, an election official in Colorado, was just sentenced to nine years in prison for granting access to her district's voting equipment to someone who was not an official - it was probably Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, since they were thick as thieves with each other. I put nothing past these people.
Yesterday, the first lady of Brazil said fuck you to Elon Musk. (Brazil banned X and Musk is asshurt about that.) He responded on X telling her that she will lose the next election. Is that a threat? The G20 is meeting right now in Brazil and all sorts of world leaders are there, including Macron, who is president of the country where the Polymarket investigation is taking place. They have to be concerned. These people are not stupid and many of them have access to the same intelligence that we do.
I believe that Trump's voting numbers in the swing states were forged. There are a number of ways this could have been done, and it's not as difficult or unlikely as the naysayers would have us all believe. The question is, will the Biden administration admit what happened? A disclosure would cause civil unrest, probably do some damage to the stock market (since the moids that run Wall Street are scared of their own shadows), and cause massive distrust of the voting system. They also have to gather enough compelling evidence to prove Trump's camp - including Trump himself - knew that the vote counts would be forged. That's espionage, possibly treason if you consider doing this in league with Putin, Bibi, and the Saudis an act of war. That's a death-penalty-eligible crime. These are very serious charges that have never been brought against this level of powerful people before.
I don't know what the administration will decide. I hope they decide in favor of disclosing this, come what may, because it's in the best interest of America and the rest of the world that we know what happened and so that we can prepare. If they don't, the unholy alliance will continue to steal elections all over the world.
No. 2265315
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Do you guys think RFK Jr is actually gonna get rid of seed oils and bring raw milk into grocery stores?
No. 2265321
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>>2264545He reminds me of aziz ansari kek
Trump’s cabinet picks are so corny, these literally all look like ex-theater kids who are still jilted over not fucking in high school
No. 2265422
Also this video perfectly details my issue with conservatives. Their whole ideology is to stick it to the troons and libs. Like just go outside
No. 2265474
File: 1731912357305.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.81 KB, 574x612, say that to my face, earthling…)

>>2264360Terrestial scum. Planet B'glokan 347 is superior to your primitive hellhole
No. 2265478
File: 1731912876614.png (189.75 KB, 655x597, strikes.png)

Biden has authorized US weapons to be used for long range strikes into Russia. and France have also allowed the use of Storm Shadow and SCALP missiles for the same purpose.
Putin has repeatedly stated that the use of western missiles deep inside Russia would be taken as NATO involvement and Russia's response will be direct, possibly involving nuclear weapons.
The final act of the democrats is to attempt to start WWIII.
No. 2265687
File: 1731933702063.jpg (65.67 KB, 324x242, 1000000866.jpg)

>>2265334Covid flipped the script, so now progressives love Big Pharma and GMOs and conservatives think being anti-vaxx and crunchy is based and trad. Like how Jan 6th turned the far left from "burn it all down and
unalive all politicians" to "noooo the sacred halls of Our Democracy!"
No. 2265740
>>2265544>that entire part of ukraine that is under attack, donbas, doesn't even have ukranians living there.Donetsk region is not the only place in Ukraine that's being attacked. All of the eastern and southern regions, and a couple of central ones are attacked by ballistic missiles and drones daily, those closer to russia or the front are also attacked by guided bombs. The rest of regions except for a couple in the west are attacked by drones almost every night at this point, and now that it's colder the massive air attacks will happen more often.
>doesn't even have ukranians living there. it's all russiansYou're talking out of your ass. Only a small part of Donetsk region was occupied by russia prior to the full-scale war and even then there were Ukrainians living there, and they still are. Those who could, had to leave and basically lose their property. In Mariupol (also part of Donetsk region), everything was destroyed and lots of people are homeless now or have to live in horrible conditions. Thousands have died there.
If you have the stupidest shallowest take, you can hold it in and not fart it out, you know that?
No. 2265778
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>>2265334Because of instagram profiles like this
No. 2265876
>>2265862i agree that most americans think this way but i do think it's bad
but on the other end, I wonder how much "accurate" information I get from America media about other countries, and it worries me to think that we aren't fed a single sliver of truth to base any opinion on. That definitely makes me shy away from geopolitics. but… i think it's important to learn
No. 2265883
>>2265355I remember seeing retards say the same thing here. They think if the gosh darn gubiment stopped using all them ingredients, they could gorge on burgers and milkshakes all day and never get fat. Some people love using the fact that American junk food does contain
toxic ingredients to try to erase their own bad habits/diets. Literally trying to have their cake and eat it too.
No. 2265890
>>2265780Interesting how they pretty much wrote their gameplan here and we're seeing it in real time lol
>Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present-day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social, and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".
>Ukraine (except Western Ukraine) should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible according to Western political standards. As mentioned, Western Ukraine (comprising the regions of Volynia, Galicia, and Transcarpathia), considering its Catholic-majority population, are permitted to form an independent federation of Western Ukraine but should not be under Atlanticist control.[9] No. 2265966
>>2265890Funny how the Russia shills quietly disappeared when this was posted. If only they were the least bit observant so they wouldn't fall for the exact bullshit that was planned and announced years before hand lol.
I'm sure they'll try to distract anyone scrolling by posting about muh woke and the libs.
No. 2266124
File: 1731960865262.jpg (25.03 KB, 474x474, smoking.jpg)

After stressing so much on Nov 5, I genuinely don't care anymore. Seeing the amount of swinger states red and the obvious demographics voting red, just going to see what happens. Only thing out of this that brings me joy is knowing they're going to have to taste their own medicine. Just going to smoke a copious amount of cigarettes and continue on everyday life
No. 2266143
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>>2266141USA USA USA USA!
No. 2266238
This man has to be actually retarded. I have never heard of prayer being said in schools outside of catholic ones.
No. 2266284
File: 1731968801239.png (221.25 KB, 800x400, hhm-v5-blog-occupations.png)

So I'm just curious but assuming the whole mass deportation thing does happen under Trump, does this mean that all the Trumpies will all rush en masse towards the jobs in pic rel since competition will be severely cut? I mean, kudos to those working in hard physical labor, but a part of me feels a bit bad that these jobs are basically all that's left once even for those tards since Trump will also destroy the Department of Education, and now only the wealthy elite can take on the white collar jobs.
No. 2266336
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Alright nonnies, it's nightmare round of fuck, marry, kill. GO.
No. 2266379
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No. 2266419
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>>2266374Thank you for your true and selfless act of based American bravery, patriot nonna.
No. 2266463
>>2266331Well because Isalm isn't really comparable to Christianity
>>2266360Kek stop
No. 2266484
File: 1731979013624.png (1.81 MB, 1554x1006, Donald-Trump-to-Bring-Back-Tal…)

Beef tallow McDonald's actually sounds kinda exciting kek, I wasn't alive back when they were using beef tallow in the 80's
No. 2266497
File: 1731980049399.png (3.45 MB, 1539x2187, ukFpbMl.png)

this guy really did longterm damage to mcdonalds even if it was all faked.
No. 2266500
>>2266484This has to be an AI rendition of his fry cook larp because everyone knows he’s way fatter
>>2266486They just use a beef derived flavoring in the U.S.
No. 2266529
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>>2266497No. This pig-faced muppet faggot fuck did the most damage to Mc Donalds at the expense of the American people. I hope his death was painful, lonely, and slow.
No. 2266739
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Have any of my fellow burgers here had whataburger? How would you describe the food on a scale of McDonald’s to Five Guys? Trying to decide if it’s worth the stop tomorrow since it’s a bit out of the way.
No. 2266998
File: 1732022633719.jpg (116.26 KB, 1080x871, 1000017208.jpg)

Not sure where else to post this
>Not many viral stars are able to translate their five minutes of fame into something tangible. But Haliey Welch, better known as the “Hawk Tuah girl,” has done just that.
>Pookie Tools (named after her boyfriend) is billed by Welch as “your dating sidekick
>The app’s key features include a conversation assistant to step in when conversations dry up, ice-breaking opener suggestions, as well as zodiac compatibility and outfit recommendations for different date scenarios.
>Two of the more controversial tools include a “bald predictor and “height detector”. The bald predictor works by analyzing a photo of a person searching for potential patterns of hair loss, while the height detector uses proportions and surroundings to estimate height.
No. 2267711
File: 1732045633944.jpg (14.37 KB, 400x400, 1000000458.jpg)

>case worker gives me a list of affordable apartments in my county
>Call all of them, probably like 50. At least 70-80% of the entire list was senior apartments, immediately available, affordable, with washer and dryers the others that weren't senior apartments were falling apart, piece of shit buildings with lead water and laundry was like 10 bucks a small load
Why? Just why? Seniors had their entire lives to figure out how they were going to survive through retirement. Why does a senior who's kids and grandkids are moved out and ignoring them need a 3 bedroom for 600? And now it's even worse because they vote against programs that are helping them so they basically get free shit left and right but God forbid someone want an apartment where 90% of their paycheck doesn't go to rent
No. 2267720
File: 1732046788081.webp (129.77 KB, 960x1932, mtg-going-scorched-earth-v0-jz…)

Big if true and rare based MTG. There is no end to the milk in sight this election season, which is the only good thing I can say about it.
No. 2267906
>>2266721>I have dreams of being a homeowner and it's much more realistic of a goal in the US than the UK by a long mile.This is why I laugh at Amerilards who whine about the state of Murrica and think moving to Europe will finally get them a house.
Good fucking luck with that, you'd think a region with so much more density and not much land to spare would have housing available? amerilards don't actually realize how good they have it.
No. 2267949
>>2267942Do you know what the average salary is like for Europoors after tax? It might not seem much for Americans but 40k-150k is a lot of money for them.
>>2267915If you can afford to move to Europe you can afford to not be a useless welfare NEET.
No. 2267977
>>22667041. I have family here
2. Higher pay for the same job
No. 2268019
>>2267838Nta but they are so delusional and self-interested that they always vote for “themselves” while fucking everyone else over. I put themselves in quotes because the majority of Republicans they elect would dismantle social security in a heartbeat. Fox News most likely has some brainwashing effect on senile old people and white rednecks.
Anyways after this last election I am officially done with being overly nice to random old people. Fuck all of them and their Republican voting patterns, I’m so tired of old people generation after generation voting to sabotage us all and then fucking off & dying so they don’t have to face the wrath of their choices. I’d say that I hope Trump fucks them over too but they’ll either die or blame it on Biden anyways.
No. 2268030
File: 1732063008252.png (501.42 KB, 1080x1859, 1000000479.png)

>>2267949Been getting conflicting sources, but most sources say around 4-7k a month. Median American income is about 40k, which is 2-3k a month
No. 2268109
>>2265966>>2265890I love what Pete Buttigieg had to say about Russian misinfo/disinfo.
Also I recommend everyone to look into the research that was done regarding Russia's role in spreading BLM shit on Tumblr and Twitter back in the 2010s.
No. 2268203
File: 1732073378984.gif (1.91 MB, 340x214, 1000000428.gif)

>>2268118Why don't you go film a TikTok about it, and then stay on that website and never shit this one up again?
No. 2268265
>>2268249Nothing affected
specifically the American economy so severely that would cause a recession under Biden/Harris until literally now under the threat of Trump's psychotic "leadership". They absolutely staved off one.
No. 2268276
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>>2268251>>2268251As an example. Like literally they're so fucking brainwashed against the Dems it's insane.
No. 2268300
File: 1732077176798.jpg (136.21 KB, 736x981, 1000000133.jpg)

How early do you guys grab your thanksgiving groceries?
I'm making 3-5 dishes this year, so I wasn't gonna risk it. I got most everything I needed last weekend. I am a little nervous cause I need bananas for banana pudding, but I'm in the south so by time I go to get some they will probably be sold out kek.
No. 2268575
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>>2268310Lol yes, even Vox acknowledges that that was a majorly losing strategy. Every post-mortem has been shocked to realize that telling people that high food prices are a skill issue is not appealing to the working-class voters they pretend to care about. No. 2268640
>>2268590Because women still get fat shamed and are expected to be size small at least unless they have perfect hourglass fat distribution, then they can be size medium.
Meanwhile men are allowed to be fat , bald and fart on couch eating up alm the resources while doing nothing, but it's based dadbod real man wholesome don't be mean he is a good man
No. 2268670
>>2268642leave it
nonnie. if you sell during a recession you’ll be tanking both the bad market and the early withdrawal penalty. it ultimately only took like five years for the economy to recover after 2008 so events in the near future will likely have limited effects come retirement. shoring up your emergency fund is the probably the way to go if you’re worried.
No. 2268709
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lmao, it looks like the mugshot actually helped
No. 2268944
File: 1732125716814.jpeg (987.24 KB, 1179x1522, IMG_4087.jpeg)

>Doc Brown: Tell me, Future Boy, who's President of the United States in 2025?
>Marty: Donald Trump.
>Doc Brown: Donald Trump! The game show host? Then who's the Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Dr. Oz?
No. 2269220
File: 1732136906052.jpg (342.44 KB, 1560x849, tofurky-recipe-chipotle-glaze-…)

>>2268300Grabbed my tofurky yesterday and have everything else I need except vegetables, which I plan to get the bulk of at the farmers market this weekend.
No. 2269233
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No. 2269236
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this is nice to hear tbh
No. 2269279
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>>2268944and now linda mcmahon is the education secretary, this was what project 2025 was about, these fanatics are allowed to make major changes and will be in cahoots with each other
No. 2269367
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>>2269348murica remains on top once again
No. 2269391
>>2269354I like it and get one or two every year. I make mine in the crockpot surrounded by root vegetables and with a simple glaze of olive oil and sage. Nonvegan family members seem to like it. They always want some plus whatever they're eating. Have you ever had any of the tofurky deli slices? It's like that but better. And just like with all of these types of things, you can take it to another level with seasonings, sauces, etc.
I could do without the rice stuffing on the inside though. It's not bad, but we eat dressing round these parts. I make that separately.
No. 2269440
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>>2269236Very based. Troons had a totally normal reaction to this of course. Just kidding, they naturally went straight to death threats. No. 2269496
File: 1732145470476.png (13.6 KB, 510x110, kjhg.png)

>>2269236The fact that a real woman lost the presidency to a rapist and there's a troon in congress now is making me tweak, not going to lie. 2024 feels so hopeless for women. Conservative women are fucking annoying but godspeed nancy, godspeed.
No. 2269505
>>2269440How extremely demure. Violence against women is so ~quirky~
I feel like it’s such a hollow win though. Bathrooms safe hospitals not
No. 2269545
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>>2269440The absolute delusion of saying Nancy Mace has "ratty fucking hair" while he's laying there like this
No. 2269559
>>2269528Idk I feel like Manson would’ve been a Trumptard. Gives off that vibe. Schizos tend to be rw if they’re moids anecdotally. I think the religious aspect compels them, they tend to have angel/demon hallucinations a lot
There’s tons of schizo trannies too kek esp non binary but mostly they seem autist
No. 2269769
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and also this
No. 2269954
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Tag yourself I'm Trump's ear bandage.
No. 2269958
File: 1732161066399.jpg (773.05 KB, 1604x828, 1000000876.jpg)

>>2269499TIM "Sarah" McBride, picrel. I'd like to thank the people of the great state of Delaware for electing a lolcow to Congress just as their previous joke of an elected official is getting wheeled out. Republicans will win this "culture war" in a landslide as trannies in women's bathrooms peaks normies fast.
No. 2269960
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>>2269954I'm the sun spots from years of tanning abuse on his nose
No. 2270067
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>>2268944WTF is going on, his administration really is appointing the most random people.
No. 2270460
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The illegal Venezuelan who raped and murdered Laken Riley was sentenced to life in prison yesterday. So now American taxpayers will be footing the bill for this sick fuck for decades. I don't like giving the government the authority to kill but in this case I'm willing to make an exception. No. 2270630
>>2270460Not every state has a legal death penalty. In some states, juries decide whether or not someone receives the death penalty, and in some states, only a judge decides. Judges can and do overturn death penalty recommendations as well. It looks like, from the article, that the prosecution decided not to seek the death penalty, probably because they wanted to bring this guy to trial quickly - he had an unusual bench trial, which means he was tried by a judge only. These kinds of deals are often brokered by both sides and the family of the
victim. Additionally, deporting this creature might have resulted in him getting a lesser punishment, since many countries often sentence violent felons, even rapists and murderers, to even less time in prison than they would receive in the United States.
If it's any consolation, this guy is not going to have a good time in prison. He's still very young and is now in prison for life for the rape and murder of a pretty white girl. If he's lucky he will spend the next forty years in protective custody. If he's unlucky, someone will shiv his ass in the next year or two. Hopefully it will be the latter.
No. 2270635
>>2270460OT but I will never get the "it's dangerous for governments to have the authority to execute" anti-death penalty stance. The government can already kill any of us with no trace, effortlessly. They've done it before to countless people they wanted gone, in countless of ways. They already have that power and always have. Sure, death penalty might make it easier for them to cover up murders, but it won't be
that much different than the corruption we already deal with and at least we wouldn't be maintaining pedos and rapists with our taxes.
No. 2270767
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>>2270708She's there to enact school choice federally and roll back the tranny Title 9 expansions. Disbanding the DoE would require an act of Congress so the plan is probably that she will warm the seat until the House passes a bill. No. 2270945
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>>2270943Only 19 senators voted to block the latest proposed arms sale to Israel.
No. 2270957
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>>2270943Israel really got their money's worth, too. Don't worry, I'm sure that $20 billion worth of war materiel will be put to good use. No. 2270967
File: 1732214095126.png (289.91 KB, 453x548, 09e5ylm.png)

>>2270945>Ossoff (YEA)oh he's itching for a presidential bid in 2028 and i think he'll be a great candidate too. southern democrat, young, white, handsome. hopefully he stays the course in supporting progressive polices + economic populism.
No. 2271075
File: 1732220067190.jpg (57.06 KB, 600x400, Andrew_Cray_and_Sarah_McBride_…)

>>2269958He's dating a TIF too
No. 2271722
File: 1732254587087.png (813.02 KB, 928x622, Screen Shot 2024-11-21 at 9.48…)

i dont even give a fuck anymore. let it all burn
No. 2272827
File: 1732325216463.webp (5.15 KB, 291x280, 270c4f14ff9c4086f596353f58f598…)

>>2272782>by the way, young and dreamykek
No. 2272844
File: 1732326344872.png (59.31 KB, 574x391, nancyfreak.png)

Nancy Mace is a opportunistic freak. AOC recounts confronting her after Nancy accused her of lying about her fear on Jan 6th even though they were both survivors. I wonder what Dworkin would say about a right wing woman like Nancy. Also the troon said he wasn't gonna use the women's bathrooms anyways.
No. 2273223
File: 1732367972377.jpg (311.45 KB, 1080x2100, 1000000908.jpg)

>>2272844>>2272937Lmao shut up retards. This isn't red versus blue, it's women versus men and AOC and the rest of her gaggle of progressive bozos can go choke on the girl cocks they love so much. Tranny pandering cost the dems so many votes during the election and they will continue to take very public L after L on this, because normal people are transphobic. This is a
TERF site, stop trying to justify letting a pervert in a dress into women's private spaces to "own the conservatives"!
No. 2273228
File: 1732368764576.jpeg (406.12 KB, 1290x1798, IMG_3392.jpeg)

>>2272844she’s just another opportunist trying to make a name for herself by courting the online outrage demographic. there’s no depth to her criticism of trannies, it’s just “libs mad!!” over and over again. her glomming onto this issue will accomplish nothing but make normal women who oppose trannies look bad by association.
No. 2273332
>her glomming onto this issue will accomplish nothing but make normal women who oppose trannies look bad by association
I sadly expected this to happen eventually. The pendulum swong way too far with democrats, to the point they allowed degeneracy and a new flavor of misogyny to become the status quo, so now the pendulum is coming back in full force but libs are too retarded to drop trannies, and even if they did, the brainwashing is done, and I wonder if they would too many supporters because a)Handmaidens will still be a thing and b)A lot of conservatives will vote red no matter what.
If the right-wing movement is now appropiating gender critical arguments, it's because the left allowed itself to be propagated with the tranny virus, and until they drop it, I'm afraid a lot of normies will side with conservatives and this will fuck over women women and the lgb, because the left will see GC as whistle-blowing.
Considering how things started since 2016, I think it will take at least 10 years until a lot of libs quietly stops capping for trannies
No. 2273338
File: 1732376915283.png (139.3 KB, 1080x1148, 1000002611.png)

A Portuguese retard is one of the biggest psyoper on Instagram for American moids
No. 2273850
>>2270902That's true as well. But they also send people out to fight fires. They make people work on the production lines of major American companies. And they still make them pay for ramen noodles and shit. It's bizarre, in my opinion, because it's clear they're being used but at what REAL cost? We say it costs the taxpayer to house people in jail, but what does it cost us vs. paying firefighters, laborers in the J&J factory, etc? And if they killed my loved one, who really gives a fuck? Not to direct that aggression towards you, but just in general - we seem to have very little influence in how we, on the outside, pay for the way people in jail are treated. Sometimes it's straight up inhumane and sometimes it seems too humane, depending on who you ask.
No. 2273983
File: 1732400558898.mp4 (3.11 MB, 480x852, KnmYRx4HkOJ1SvFe.mp4)

>>2273333No retard, how could you possibly jump to that weird argument from what I posted? I want pervert moids like vidrel to be called out before entering women's bathrooms so they can't do sick fuck shit like this. I want teenagers moids to stop creeping on young girls in their school's locker rooms, and I absolutely want to stop these sick weirdos from being anywhere near women and girls when they're vulnerable. Take your brain dead "gotcha" back to Tumblr and try again.
No. 2274038
>>2273983This HSTS fag is an attention seeking POS, but definitely not the norm and especially not a big enough problem to yeet all the rest of women's rights and bodily autonomy just to spite these losers. We're never getting that back and moids are gonna moid whether they wear a dress or not, it's just one less way to do it. Women are still going to die from miscarriages and never see justice when it comes to being assaulted in all other aspects of life. If some troon bastard comes in the lady's bathroom screeching about his dick i'd sooner make it so he doesn't have a dick to screech about after i'm through with it. Get back to me when these Repugnant women actually do something to protect or reinstate our rights. Most of them only hate troons because they think they're gross (which they are) and go against everything trads stand for. They won't defend a woman against any other variety of moid as long as it's part of what they think of as the natural order like teen pregnancies and not leaving an
abusive marriage because "It's bad for family values". They're still going to spit on Gay rights for women any other day of the week.
No. 2274043
File: 1732404351585.png (1.13 MB, 1246x1232, 2021.png)

>>2274038I feel like she is just grifting either way since it's the new thing to hate. She's did the same thing for Jan 6.
No. 2274066
>>2274051I feel like I'm going to get crucified by the autistic nonnies here but
>There is literally no possibility of women having rights if the legal definition of woman is erased from the laws of a country.I'm sorry but this just feels like complete black and white thinking. You are so focused on bathrooms when that is just honestly not the most important thing right now. Obviously we all can walk and chew gum when fighting for sex based rights but this bathroom thing is such an obvious distraction. If you look at Nancy Mace's Twitter she has made hundreds of low effort bait tweets about this (drinking liberal tears, etc) to capture the media cycle. We are truly in a race to the bottom. I am honestly so tired of what seems to be the current radfem strategy of mistaking the forest for the trees on the important issues.
No. 2274069
File: 1732406056760.jpg (193.37 KB, 1245x700, 1000008203.jpg)

>>2273983So what's your solution to an even manlier looking FtM coming into a woman's restroom? You never hear about the reverse. A lot of women have an easier time transitioning because it is inherently easier outwardly. You really believe women are going to feel safe evn if biologically thats a woman (picrel)?
Republicans need to stop trying to make this into an issue.
No. 2274086
>>2274066I think you're missing my point nonna. I am not saying that bathrooms specifically are the single most important women's rights issue of our time, I am saying that the basis for ALL women's rights, including, arguably, reproductive rights, is being able to identify what a woman is (the female sex class) and have legal protections based on that definition. While bathrooms themselves may seem like a small issue to you (they don't to me because I've personally experienced creepy TIMs in women's bathrooms whereas I have never experienced needing an abortion - so by that token should I just stop caring about women who need abortions?) America is in the dire position right now legally of the actual civil rights protections governing women's and girl's rights being legally erased, and anything that re-establishes the definition of woman and pushes back against that change of legal definition is an incredibly good and incredibly important thing. If it's left too long (like for example by waiting for democrats to be back in power in order to deny 'wins' to the red team) it will get increasingly difficult to hang onto the idea that women as a sex class deserve protections at all. Saying 'oh we can lose the legal definition of women and all the rights that affords women for now, because it's not that important' is imo extremely backwards thinking and it's what got us into this position in the first place. It isn't that important who Nancy Mace is as a person, what's important is the fight for women's rights that should continue to be shouldered by regular women regardless of what political party currently holds the reins on power.
As for bathrooms specifically, again, let me mention that the right to female bathrooms was one of the earliest rights feminists fought for due to the urinary leash quite literally keeping women chained to the home and the kitchen. It was fought for in large part to enable women to go out to work and participate in public life. There are stories at this moment of hundreds of girls avoiding going to the bathroom all day and getting UTIs and kidney infections because they don't want to use multi-sex bathrooms at their schools. If you think allowing anyone who identifies as a woman for an hour or a second to enter women's bathrooms won't have severe downstream consequences you're just not thinking realistically or historically. The right to single sex bathrooms and change rooms predates the invention of most modern abortion and birth control methods entirely, and is part of an enduring and fundamental fight for women's participation in the public sphere. I just don't understand why people think denying women the basic right to our own private and public spaces is going to help fight for any other issue affecting women?
>>2274069This was never an issue to begin with until male troons started making it into an issue. No one forced passing transmen to use the female bathroom, this is about biological females having a right to our own spaces. If a woman sees a transman in a female bathroom and accosts the transman, the transman can just tell her I'm actually female/a transman and if she calls security or something she can tell security she's actually female, or she can use the male restroom which no one will care about or mind if the transman passes. The issue here is that men want access to female restrooms and all they have to do now to gain that access is say 'I identify as girly today' and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
No. 2274103
>>2274095Ideally I think that the correct 'walkback' from TRA laws and law changes is to make sure your documents must reflect your sex at birth if you are trans (this is the case in most countries to this day and was the case even in many 'woke' countries until recently). So it would be as simple as showing your ID if someone called the police or security on you for being in the 'wrong' bathroom and they were mistaken. I don't even think this is a particularly salient issue though - before gender self-ID laws existed this was a nonissue and there was no epidemic of women accosting transmen or butch/GNC women to get out of bathrooms. Even if they did in some rare cases, usually hearing a woman's voice and seeing her reaction to your question would solve the issue without any law enforcement or security needing to be involved. The reality is the vast and overwhelming majority of trans people don't pass and the ones who do pass exceptionally well won't bother anyone because no one will know they're there, unless their behavior is weird. Currently the issue is that moids can enter women's bathrooms, engage in all sorts of unhinged and predatory behaviors, and if the woman tries to get them to leave or complains to security/police the law will side with the moid, not the woman. There was never official enforcement of these laws before but there was a cultural norm that meant men couldn't just waltz into women's bathrooms and change rooms, and if they did then other people could be called upon to get involved and make them leave or arrest them if they were doing something shady. It's always been a TRA talking point to say "oh, how will this be enforced?" or "what about all the (essentially nonexistent) cases where women who look masculine are assaulted and thrown out of women's bathrooms?" but I never heard a single story or anecdote about that happening until obvious males started asserting their 'right' to enter female spaces and women became paranoid as a result.
>I'm worried about it affecting women who look different while not being enforceable against TIMs. Again, it never affected women who looked GNC before so I'm not sure why it would now either. But as I said above this could be easily solved by just having birth sex be unchangeable on your driver's license or whatever other ID. And the reality is that 1. almost 100% of women and children can tell the sex of another person fairly easily in person, 2. people freaking out about opposite sex people is a result of creepy men trying to get into women's spaces to do creepy things, not anything to do with policing fashion or hair, 3. actually 'passing' trans people who aren't acting like raging creeps will continue to be pass and use opposite-sex restrooms just fine as long as they aren't doing anything weird. This is about having the option to protect a female space if you feel it is being violated by a weirdo, there's no need for some kind of genital scanner at the door just like there wasn't for the last 100 years when opposite sex bathrooms functioned just fine without genital scanners and ID checks.