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File: 1691615274524.png (2.26 MB, 1042x820, sothere.PNG)

No. 1659188

don't joke about 9/11 edition
previous thread >>>/ot/1573559

No. 1659192

File: 1691615475756.jpg (273.45 KB, 1600x2560, 56765558.jpg)

I was gonna make the threadpic anime George Washington but this is still cute

No. 1659201

i wanted the barbenheimer pic as op. this is a no fun zone, no fun allowed, god forbid some overpaid finance execs die once in a while like they make third world coconut harvesters die every day to bring you toasted coconut deep fried ice cream

No. 1659207

Something about swimming across a river to help your fellow man when he is in need is so beautiful… That is true America! I'm tearing up right now.

No. 1659210

Yeah because a dogshit edgy meme referencing a summer blockbuster that's already been run into the ground would have remained so fresh and hilarious for the next two to three months. I'm glad you're apparently too slow and/or retarded to make threads.

No. 1659232

I know you're just being a shitty edgelord, but thousands of people died. Go watch the news footage sometimes, it's very sobering.

No. 1659246

Twenty 9/11s of Americans die every year from not being able to afford medicine. Somehow it's ok to make fun of them tho

No. 1659256

and 40k americans die a year in car crashes, but if we mention that cars ought to be banned we're called [insert slur/-ism du jour]. people's sensitivities are asinine and arbitrary, so they should stop joke policing. a guy taking a car trip when he could have taken bus is a worse person than someone who makes 9/11 jokes. the latter has zero chance of killing someone. yet which are people offended by?

besides which, americans still make japan-nuke jokes. they can dish it but can't take it. right this moment america is using ukraine as a proxy war site and killing 20 trillion slavs so that gdp go up. the US isn't as bad as, like, pakistan, but we're a pretty shit country on any basis of morality, yet act like the global morality police. no wonder other countries hate us.

if you're offended by 9/11 jokes, have more self awareness. the CIA literally destabilized all of latin america and half of asia for profit. our embargos are killing cubans to this day and our political bullshit turned ukraine into a wasteland.

No. 1659263

I know that the eastern part of the country is much more humid than the western part, but for one off places like Seattle that does have a lot of moisture does the humidity hit the same as it would in say Tampa?

No. 1659266

This is gonna sound absolutely bonkers, but you can think other tragedies (especially ones facilitated by the US government) and jokes about them are wrong AND ALSO not like jokes about 9/11. Mind fucking blown.
No but really, your whole argument is just "the government does bad things so it's funny that a bunch of innocent people died and you're wrong if you disagree" as if anyone here supports war or half of the shit our government does. All this self-flagellating and 13 year old edgelord humor is fucking lame.

No. 1659270

i'm not the one crying about a meme

No. 1659273

No, you're crying about people crying about a meme.

No. 1659282

File: 1691621780806.png (1.26 MB, 1018x675, hellyeahgrits.PNG)

Okay burgernonas, let's get controversial. How do you like your grits? Picrel is how I do mine.

No. 1659289

File: 1691622507156.jpg (115.52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Ooooh, do non-southerners even eat grits? Anyway I eat mine plain as fuck. Water, milk, salt, pepper and sometimes minced onion. Then scrambled eggs, BUTTER! and sausage or bacon mixed in. And it can't be thick, but not runny either. I used to like 'murican or cheddar on top of my grits but I haven't been into that for a long time.

No. 1659290

cheese, a dash of jelly for color and brown sugar for texture

No. 1659291

idk what they taste like they aren't really eaten at all in my state. if its like porridge then i like it wet, a little sweet, and a bit clumpy.

No. 1659292

its like wet delicious sand

No. 1659294

Butter to grits 1:1 ratio

No. 1659295

NTA but those jokes were made by gen-xers first.

No. 1659297

Never had grits as non-southerner. Apparently eating sweet grits is controversial. Is that true?

No. 1659299

File: 1691623380366.webm (3.21 MB, 640x480, Magic Grits.WEBM)

Never had grits before, I should try them, but I always think of this scene when grits get mentioned.

No. 1659329

I'm a southerner and I like mine plain and just thick enough to not be side-eyed. I don't think they're that popular outside of the south. More for the rest of us kek. Hell, sometimes I eat just grits for breakfast or a snack when I'm hungry but don't know what I want to eat. The next time you try it with cheese, try mixing the cheese in while the grits are still hot and topping it with crispy pieces of bacon. Heaven on a fork.

I've never had it with brown sugar – gotta try that out. I generally stick to salt and butter, but I've cooked it in the past with spicy cheeses, seasonal onions, pork or seafood, and southern tomato stew.

No. 1659347

I do my grits with cheese and a bit of butter. Now I'm craving some.

No. 1659348

Mix in an egg just as they're finishing cooking. It makes them so creamy and tasty, and you won't need as much butter. I don't like restaurant grits anymore since I started doing that, it's a critical ingredient.

No. 1659350

I love this. Early vote for next thread pic.

No. 1659513

First sentence had me thinking you were describing your type of love interest

No. 1659515

Why do our labor laws suck so much. Why does the job market suck so much. It's supposed to be one or the other.

No. 1659530

File: 1691639533045.gif (275.33 KB, 220x165, 285CEBD7-BB67-4F61-96FB-03243F…)

best of both worlds!

No. 1659581

I feel terrible for laughing but the whole brawl was so cinematic kek

No. 1659631

Theyre flooding cheap labor into the country, what do you think will happen? That they'll suddenly make things easier on its workers?

No. 1659851

Economic policy fuckery. They are pushing unemployment to fix inflation after digitally printing a massive amount of dollars the last couple years. It's actually really bad lol, they might not be able to fix it and the dollar could collapse. We "printed" way too much money.

No. 1659897

>the pic was made by a Japanese person in response to barbieheimer memes

Source, or is this just internet hearsay to justify posting edgy unfunny memes? To be fair, I think most people making Barbenheimer memes aren't thinking deeply about the tragedies since it's such a far off event to them that hasn't affected their lives in any way and it has more to do with the juxtaposition of the two films rather than thinking the bombings themselves are funny.

No. 1659899

File: 1691677910283.jpg (213.97 KB, 610x410, the-founding-fathers-having-a-…)

What about this one

No. 1659903

Funny how all their solutions fuck over the working class and don't affect the rich. We live in a totalitarian oligarchy. I want more strikes. I want a union.

No. 1659929

I truly believe we need stricter borders and tougher immigration policies but I can’t bring it up anywhere else without being accused of being racist

No. 1659931

they're the ones in charge so of course they're not gonna fuck over themselves, or course it falls on the poors and the shrinking middle class they suck the life out of. they might have gone too far this time but they'll just move their investments to china or start a war in an effort not to lose GRC status. I'm tired.

No. 1659938

maybe you can phrase it in a different way if you're getting heat for having a reasonable opinion. even pro-immigration advocates would like better and more robust infrastructure at the border. right now the system is in shambles and there's a huge bottleneck which drives people to make risky illegal border crossing journeys and increases deaths from crossing dangerous terrain. the policy now is just to avoid/postpone/deter and it's honestly NOT humane or effective.

No. 1659943

It isnt racism, I dont care what race they are, I just want them gone. I get turned down for jobs by people who were not even born here. If they had not come here, I would have their job. immigration artificially increases population, leading to more competition. After the black death in Europe, the average person lived in a golden age of high wages and low costs. We live in the reverse, low wages and high costs. Too many humans on this fucking planet and they all want to move here. People screaming about racism while I'm just struggling to afford to live and wish I could see a doctor.

I google something or see an ad, and its all, "ask your doctor if…" who the fuck are these mythical people who just HAVE a doctor? i might spring to ruin my bank account with one if I was dying. boomers were unfathomably privileged. their lifestyle is an ancient fairytale now. when you could just buy a house at 24 from an entry level job. when you could just go see a doctor whenever you wanted.

No. 1659946

File: 1691680177075.png (470.94 KB, 1309x675, airbathnudity.PNG)

Needs more naked Ben Franklin.

No. 1659953

the mexicans dont even bother me, they arent my competition. it is the "educated" (fake degrees) masses from india and china fucking me out of jobs. they dont have student debt, so they can take a lower wage, and usually their family lives with them or buys them a house, and how can i compete when i have to pay my own rent thus demand a higher wage. why import [x] industry workers from india when we have unemployed domestic [x] contemplating suicide because they cant get a job? they each have over a billion population. even if only 1% of their population comes here, they would outnumber the locals.

No. 1659957

it comes across racist because most people only care about the south of the border while ignoring the reasons for immigration in the first place

No. 1659963

I wonder if this was a theory he had while he grew older and senile. This old man flapping his ballbag in the wind.
Probably what the government wants.

No. 1659965

the CIA destabilizing LATAM economies and catholicism that Spain pushed on them making their population unsustainable? i get they were fucked over, but now theyre fucking me over.

No. 1659976

I thought chinese immigrants were returning to china en mass because of fears over the new cold war?

No. 1659987

I haven't seen them leaving.

No. 1660048

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No. 1660053

i don't have social media accounts but anons who do mentioned seeing that >>1650049

No. 1660067

usually what goes comes back around so eat it up the mistakes of your ancestors

No. 1660068

sis my ancestors were farmers, coal miners, and factory workers.

No. 1660102

I live in a shitty desert town and almost every job in my city requires you to be bilingual in Spanish now because we have so many immigrants who moved here in the last 20 years who never learned English. So now their kids are getting all of the jobs because they speak the language at home. I didn't take Spanish in school so I'm just fucked, I guess

No. 1660104

nonny don't make the european lurkers laugh at us…

No. 1660138

Take a couple Spanish courses at your local community college, nonna. You probably feel like you shouldn't have to, but it also makes you more employable across the board, if you ever move away.
Cringe. Back to twitter with you.

No. 1660139

This does nothing but perpetuate the cycle of hate and misery.

No. 1660222

You're so dumb you chose to not learn the language that's been spoken in your area for longer than your country has even existed, yes you are fucked haha

No. 1660518

nta but euros are going through the same problem, just with a different ethnicity

No. 1660753

Yes, it’s made by Japanese social media users (for whom English is their second language) who misunderstood the barbieheimer meme, got offended, and then rushed to make fun of 9/11 in retaliation.

No. 1660755

She didn’t say what part of the US she is from, and Spanish wasn’t spoken across the whole continent anyway.

No. 1660771

My mom makes the world's best shrimp and grits imo, so that's my favorite. I also like them plain with butter or with tons of cheese. I haven't eaten them with sugar since I was a little kid though. I just can't handle sweet + mushy at the same time.

Nta but she said she was from the desert. Where could that be other than the Southwest (almost all of which used to be Mexico)?

No. 1661277

When will white people learn that you can't go wreck a country to make a quick buck and then expect the people from that country to stay in the mess you made there. European countries are rich BECAUSE of what Europeans did in Africa. Europeans deserve to be crushed under the weight of the refugees fleeing the fires that Europeans started. Same goes for every imperialist colonizer country. It's called natural consequences.

No. 1661332

>we're going to punish Latvia, Ireland, Norway, and Poland because of what Spain and England did
Okay so we can blame Kenya for what Somalia does and Japan for what China does?

No. 1661338

this conversation is a little too intercontinental for the amerifag thread

No. 1661369

You're damn straight. Then America does the same to the global south and pretends that mass migration has nothing to do with corpos pillaging the environment.

No. 1661402

Things will turn out okay, but you have to do the best that you can with what you have. No one will hand you s better life on a silver platter, America was built by people who ruthlessly chased down their dreams,armed with the hope of an idea, and then made them real.

No. 1661418

America was built by religious nuts who nearly exterminated a whole continent of people (that initially helped them survive winter for which they were wildly unprepared) with smallpox and guns, but not before exterminating a whole species of animal to starve said people. They didn't chase their dreams, they were schizophrenic anachans.

No. 1661420

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spread your eagle wings and fly nonny

No. 1661454

What they did allows you to enjoy the luxuries of a first world country, like being able to take care of yourself without the the help of an abusive man, air conditioning, an education that can enable you to make better choices, modern healthcare so you don't die of an easily treatable disease or suffer years through a debilitating illness, and much much more. None of that is a right guaranteed to you. Healthcare is not a right,you arent entitled to the work of others,neither is personal safety, but you can arm yourself or call the police who'll intervene for free. If you think your ability to access those things is wavering, you're partly to blame through your own inaction. Someone would have eventually discovered the new continent, natives would have been wiped out anyway through disease, and it would have happened no matter their color of their skin simply because bacteria and viruses don't discriminate, unlike you. Every achievment the human mind came up with was a result of suffering, the discovery being a means of mending that suffering. You didn't ask to be born, nor has anybody else for that matter. We have to find a way to live with one another somehow and keep things going otherwise we'll slip back to repeating mistakes we've already learned from. Ie tribal warfare, rape, murder,slavery, child exploitation,etc. I'm not your enemy, and I don't want to be. However, I'll defend my life no matter the cost. If you can't live with the responsibilities that society brings, you can always leave.

No. 1661457

Have you ever had a thought that wasn't fed to you through the TV? It doesn't sound like you have.

No. 1661461

Nice petty insult, i see you haven't come up with any counter argument. Childish name calling means nothing, it only reflects poorly on your own character. Save yourself the trouble of responding and just close this tab, and save both of our time.

No. 1661474

Who the fuck has the time to argue with a list of right wing talking points that don't even make sense to anyone who thinks? Like your bit about "you don't have a right to the labor of others" for example. Do you have a right to own a gun? How can that be when owning a gun requires someone's labor to manufacturer it? I'm not getting into a debate with someone as retarded as you, it would be pointless since you're too stupid to learn anything and change your mind accordingly.

No. 1661490

>Childish name calling means nothing, it only reflects poorly on your own character. Save yourself the trouble of responding and just close this tab, and save both of our time.
this should be copypasta lmao

No. 1661496

You purchase the labor of others through your own productivity, or do you not understand that? What is your stupid strawman? Go collect welfare and send this country spiralling into a ditch like hondurus.

No. 1661498

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Nta but when you guys talk like this this is wat I imagine. While we were doing drugs, you were studying the blade.

No. 1661502

You can all ignore reality, but I'm glad you won't ever be able to avoid the consequences of ignoring it.

No. 1661506

Youre literally stupid or a chinese bot. If you cant debate and defend your ideas, your opinions are worth nothing. These smarmy reddit polack responses with img meme replies is exactly why this current culture is braindead.(infighting/derailing)

No. 1661509

Oh wait, i forgot this board is full of know it all 14 year olds. Reply back to me when you're all over 40.(infighting/derailing)

No. 1661512

>40+ year old arguing on lolcow.farm
Is this who I think it may be?

No. 1661515

>air conditioning, an education that can enable you to make better choices, modern healthcare so you don't die of an easily treatable disease or suffer years through a debilitating illness,
some of us are too poor for that anon

No. 1661518

No. 1661563

Is this a freaking scrote? Moid behaviors

No. 1661572

I was thinking about that anon who said she would disown her daughter if she didn't like her lolcow posts like two vent threads ago, but they don't type similar so let me not be one of those anons kek

No. 1661589

KEK oh nonna, that was surely a troll or a tiktok boomer who got lost. I'm sure there are plenty of women who are 40s or up that use lc. I'm definitely not going back to any other socmed sites, so it's this for me or something new in the future.
Personally I think this 40+ year old weirdo is a scrote or newfag.

No. 1661883

File: 1691823933605.png (729.98 KB, 1100x1192, Screen Shot 2023-08-12 at 12.0…)

Ummm?? So an illegal lab was found near Fresno, with documents containing unverified Chinese addresses, containers of human fluids, blood, HIV, coronavirus, chlamydia, malaria, and "certain rooms of the warehouse were found to contain several vessels of liquid and various apparatus," court documents said. "Fresno County Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."

Hundreds of mice also were found at the warehouse, where they were "kept in inadequate conditions in overcrowded cages" with no food or water, according to court documents. An associate with Prestige Biotech told investigators the mice were "genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID virus," the documents added."

But nobody's talking about it and we're not supposed to worry, I guess

No. 1661887

Califags pls

No. 1661908

Sorry for being retarded but what does this indicate? Like is this trying to say the usa started covid or something? Or does it mean they were trying to make some illegal vaccine?

No. 1661912

It was ran by a Chinese company. I think the implications are vague but probably the angle will be biological terrorism.

No. 1661922

The facility closure documents are available online https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Public-Health/Public-Health-Communication/Reedley-Facility

Local journalists were tracking this for a hot minute. I recommend reading their original articles because they go deeper than mainstream media: https://www.yourcentralvalley.com/news/illegal-reedley-lab/mice-hazardous-chemicals-biological-agents-found-in-fresno-lab/amp/

The whole situation raises so many red flags. What really stands out is that the mice were bred to both receive and transmit the Covid virus.

No. 1662414

It's legit and not another conspiracy?

No. 1662418

Yep, literal bioterrorism to accompany the literal ongoing infrastructure sabotague. China is fighting a war against us whether we want to acknowledge it or not. Then again the US also blew up nordstream so lmao, our government are war criminals. Of course it will be innocent people who suffer while the bastards all chill in yachts and bunkers. What can you do?

The chinese intentionally spread fentanyl here as a street drug as revenge for the opiate war, by the way. no one brings that up. Our govt are sackless. They waste all their money on grift and pork, so there is no funding for actually addressing real threats, they're just incompetent thieves running the ship into the iceberg. Bombing goat farmers in Iraq isn't going to compare to a war against China.

Our foreign policy shouldn't have been allowed to be, "just run around destroying everything and being a massive dick." Now the chickens are home to roost. Boomers' bad policies are going to fuck us. China is only a threat because boomers offshored everything to them. They were dirt poor rice farmers a generation ago. But boomers and their walmart junk funded them into a supervillain and boomers are going to dodge all consequences, it will be our generation who will be destroyed for their sins. I hate this country so much. I want to move to France.

No. 1662690

Nobody’s talking about it because it was in the news almost two weeks ago, pokey. Usually if something is being investigated there isn’t going to be much more information revealed until it goes to court and documents are unsealed.

No. 1662704

I'm driving from Atlanta GA to Buffalo NY, where should I stop in between? I'm taking my sweet time and also considering taking a really off-course New England road trip since I have almost two weeks to make the trip, so don't feel too restricted with suggestions.

No. 1662706

I'm not sure what conspiracies are being spun about its purpose but the fucked up lab part is 100% real.

No. 1662737

Ricketts Glen, PA if you're up for hiking. Shenandoah VA. Stay out of Maryland and don't get anywhere near DC or it will be gridlock traffic for 50 miles. There's amish stuff near Lancaster PA that's nice, but it gets in the range of Philly traffic on the wrong day. Just a warning, Buffalo is a crime filled shithole with more potholes than road. Philly has good food but if you don't know where you're going you'll get mugged.

No. 1662763

Europe created industry where there was none and brought advancements that were beyond the wildest dreams or capabilities of the people of Africa or South America or Australia. The idea that Europe got rich off these places is a leftist myth, individual families may have made their fortune but Spain, Portugal, England, Belgium, they all lost money trying to bring their colonies to civilization. Railroads cost money, hospitals and doctors and importing medicine costs money, goverment agencies cost money, roads cost money, telegram/phone lines cost money and it was all paid for by European goverments. On top of that every single thing that was supposedly so horrible that happened during colonizing happened to Europeans first. Funny how Europeans and Asian countries like Korea or even China went through the same stripping of resources, loss of their indigenous religions, went through slavery/serfdom and then the brutal working conditions of industrialization, whatever you can name they also went through but Africa and South America still wallow.
Spanish was only spoken by invasive foreign colonizers. Those same invaders are invading again, it should be legal to shoot them.(dont call for violence )

No. 1662777

Please look up what "sundown towns" are and avoid the fuck out of them.

No. 1662781

Nta, but good suggestion anon. I wouldn't have even thought of that cause I always forget sundown towns exist. GPS' should incorporate a feature to avoid them, but maybe that would cause too much outrage.

No. 1662818

women's safety comes second to political correctness.

No. 1662857

File: 1691888795004.jpg (135.39 KB, 1400x1400, choco-taco-lead-image.jpg)

So am I the only one who didn't know that these are gone?
>Klondike discontinued the Choco Taco in July 2022. According to an Associated Press fact check, Klondike discontinued the product due to a sharp increase in demand across its brands and to ensure the availability of the remainder of its products.

No. 1662883

I've never seen these but I remember when them being discontinued was all over the news a year ago. I find it funny I've never seen these because I live in an area full of mexicans and section 8 homes kek

No. 1662893

nta but didn't those stop being a thing years ago? and OP didn't say what race she was

No. 1662895

The anon who randomly mentioned sundown towns is kind of overdramatic. In my state the ones listed as sundown towns are literally full of minorities and no white people and are dangerous for the opposite reasons. But I don't live in the south.

No. 1662904

No, still a thing, I found myself in one in Arkansas at night with a friend and a man pulled a whole ass shotgun on us when we got out the car to stretch our legs and check the map because our signal died. He threatened to blow our heads off and started chasing us, he even chased the car once we got away. We took a wrong turn somewhere and didn't realize where we'd ended up until later. I'm sure it varies in risk depending on location, but there are absolutely places in the US where it isn't safe to be a racial minority after dark, and I am willing to guess Georgia is a state where they still exist if Arkansas is one. Even if she is white, I doubt it's safe to be a woman alone there either. (Not sure she'll be alone either, just seems like it's probably better to avoid altogether, why risk it you know?)

No. 1662908

WTF why would anyone want any other klondike product besides this one??? it was the only good ice cream sandwich!

No. 1662910

lmao cool story, mr white savior

No. 1662940

Funny how no one ever catches these supposed incidences on camera. You can find literally thousands of videos of minorities inflicting violence on white people for no reason other than racism on youtube, worldstar, Facebook, but no videos of minories having guns drawn on them or being chased through the south like it's 1935.(racebaiting)

No. 1662948

Yeah idk why anon didn't grab her phone, unlock it and open the camera app in the middle of a man threatening to kill her and then post it here to lolcow for us to see

No. 1662954

Good they are disgusting and soggy

No. 1662980

I don't want to respond directly to bait but a google search will lead you to cases where insane redneck home owners have straight up shot people for being near their homes or ringing their door bells, not necessarily race related since a lot of the victims were white, but it's a given they problem have racist views anyways, but the bottom line is that they will dig for an excuse to murder someone and "protect their castle".

No. 1662985

Shoutout to when the troons at the colorado alpaca auschwitz aggro'd some woman who was doing a u-turn in their driveway threating to shoot her, and then called her a TERF and posted online as if they were the victims. this country is full of severely mentally ill people. there are actual murder cults out in the boons who will set up a roadblock just to abduct you when you get out to clear the road to get past. there's also places where you will straight up get carjacked in broad daylight. city or rural, it's all a hellscape of unfathomable violence, paranoia, and retardation.

No. 1663279

Incoming blogpost I guess: There’s a few in the Deep South for sure. But any sundown town I’ve lived near or regularly had to drive past aren’t places you’re likely to stop in unless you REALLY need to stop for gas or a bathroom. There’s just not much going on there given their small populations, no big attractions, and they’re small because, well, they’re keeping a lot of potential residents out, obviously. Some people define sundown towns differently for whatever reasons though, I’ll admit I don’t really get why because I thought it was pretty cut and dry: no black people after sundown. I don’t really care to argue I guess. As for the ones in my state, people will insist “it’s better now” but I hesitate to buy that. Sure, it’s probably a little different in 2023 but there’s places I wouldn’t bring my black friends through ‘cause even if they had to take the signs down, there’s still a bunch of crazy old geezers living there who remember “how it used to be”. Like I was just looking at a list of is/was a sundown towns for this state and was initially surprised to see where my grandma lives listed then remembered a story my dad told me one time about how his friend had given him a ride to see my mom at her parents house while they were in college. He was like “come on, don’t you want to come inside for a while?” And she said no. Nope. He asked her why and she says something along the lines of “I’m black, I’m not getting out of this car here, they’ll shoot me.” Annnnnd, sure enough, it was known to have been a sundown town, signs and all. Super out of the way place though, you don’t just stumble upon it accidentally, and they ain’t got shit there, it’s a weirdass creepy place in the tail end of the Appalachians. really eerie. My old roommate came with me to see grandma once and confirmed it wasn’t just me getting the creeps. strangely enough all my non-white lineage came from over there

No. 1663298

Thank you I’ll check those out! I don’t really want anything to do with cities especially major ones unless I absolutely have to drive through them to get where I’m going, I was more thinking of camping and seeing nature (I should have said.) For example I’d like to see the feral ponies in Grayson Highlands State Park. I would be open to stopping in a small city if it’s pretty though or there’s an interesting public event.

No. 1663314

I live in Texas and this is mostly true here too. I’ve seen random people online from other states warning people about “sundown towns” that I’ve literally been to and they have like 25% black populations kek. Compared to a super liberal city like Denver where the black population is only 8%… most POC tend to feel more comfortable in the south. Of course there’s still gross racism from the white trash meth-head types, but not typically life-threatening.

No. 1663381

Most sundown towns are in the North, because they think they can get away with it because slavery was a "South thing"

No. 1663384


You're right, there are sundown towns in America, but they sure as fuck ain't for minorities. Funny how I can easiy post incidences of feral nogs beating while families including women and children but you lying bitches have to goal-post move and talk about how if you tresspass on someone's land they might come out with a gun to ask wtf you're doing. Snake bitches, I see your lying-ho asses.(racebaiting and infighting)

No. 1663414

Wasn't there some situation recently of a teenage (black) boy who knocked on someone's door for help, got shot, went to the next door neighbors house for help and got shot again? America is just a fucking circus but don't say we have a gun violence problem!

No. 1663449

We don't have a gun problem, we have a scrote problem. 99% of violence is caused by moids. Why punish law abiding women for the trespasses of scrotal apes? Just ban men from owning guns and the problem is solved. While we're at it, ban men from driving, voting, and holding office.

No. 1663465

>wasn't there
I don't know why don't you try googling it? Oh wait you can't cause your lying ass made it up lol.
Your talking to a cult member. Europe and especially Sweden's (150 people shot in Sweden so far this year!) rising gun crime have put the nail in the coffin of >muh gun bans but these people still won't admit the problem is moids and especially melatonin moids.(racebaiting)

No. 1663491

You talk like we're playing cities skylines and not discussing the reality we live in. How do you "just ban men from owning guns" when the government is controlled by men at every level?

No. 1663568

I moved to a rural community surrounded by farmers and everyone is so fucking nice. People just bring you things and help you. I thought the whole country was fucked but there are still nice places. You can find them nonnies.
The Amish are fucking terrible though, avoid them.

No. 1663692

I'll visit Eugene, Oregon, soonish
Any recommendations for food? Ty

No. 1663756

You act like most women aren't pick-mes who will just help their moids evade a hypothetical moid only gun ban and buy a gun on their behalf. Either everyone can get a gun with ease or nobody can have one. We all know women don't really buy guns in the first place too.

No. 1663799

Not sure about Eugene specifically but Asian immigrant food is good in the West half of Oregon. Aside from asian food whenever I ate out it was mediocre/bad and my cats literally refuse to eat Tillamook dairy so I just had a bad experience in general the couple years I was there, the food is overhyped.

No. 1663905

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I liked “The Vintage” when I was there last, it has a really cozy feeling and the food was really good. I’d recommend it.

No. 1664182

All of this. There is nothing but cases upon cases of gun violence by unstable and emotional men. It's always a male shooting up a school or his work place. Women dont do this shit.
If anything, it should be only women owning guns since we're the 'weaker sex' and men love to say that shit. They shouldnt be allowed any weapons. Period.

No. 1665619

recruiter: "Hey are you interested in this position?"
me: "Why, yes, I am."
recruiter: "lmao Imma ghost now bye"
What the fuck is this job market?

No. 1665634

Good point nona, since women are the physically weaker sex and moids love to point that out and use it to denigrate us, why do they even need guns? They're the 'big, strong, muscular, intelligent' sex after all (according to themselves). They don't need something trivial like a gun if they're as strong and powerful as they claim, they can simply use their strength and their… uh, 'smarts', to defeat their enemies. A moid having/wanting a gun is just proving to everyone that he is too weak and pathetic to actually fight without using a woman's defensive weapon.

No. 1665662

This isn't even contesting what I said. Regardless of if it's men doing it, it's still a gun violence problem that we have in America. That's like saying "we don't have a domestic violence problem, we have a men problem" cause men are doing most of the domestic violence-ing. It's still a domestic violence issue, is it not? And like the other anon said, we're talking about real life and I don't think men being banned from buying guns is gonna happen anytime soon. Not in America or any other country

No. 1665675

I always wondered where the fuck the fentanyl crisis came from. It happened so fucking suddenly, like overnight people in my city started dying from fentanyl that they thought was cocaine.

No. 1665686

For fucking real. From recruiters and even hiring managers I've literally heard "Hang tight, we think you're a great fit, so don't go anywhere!" and then….fucking crickets and tumbleweeds. What the hell?

No. 1665804

don't worry it's not true lol

No. 1665843

has anyone here secured a house or those of us who don't have our own place just fucked?

No. 1666042

I'm trying to marry a guy set to inherit property. See you poors later, I'm on my way to being landed gentry.

No. 1666397

Can you tell me more about your experiences with the Amish? I know their communities are rampant with sexual abuse, but how is their temperament to everyone else?

No. 1666406

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Amish are nice to tourists. They have some damned good food, too. All that heavy old fashioned PA dutch cooking, shoo fly pies, hearty pancakes cooked in lard, farm fresh eggs. Ah god damn, I wish we could replace all the mormons with Amish. What the fuck do mormons do for anyone? "coffee is a sin, tea and chocolate are sins, you need magic underwear, sister wives, teenage pregnancy, and polygamy!" Mormonism is the worst thing to come out of america. It's worse than the Calarts bean-mouth. It's worse than capeshit.

Amish just want to bake you a pie and sell you furniture.

No. 1666408

I bought a new build a couple years ago before the interest rates skyrocketed

No. 1666423

they are horrible animal breeders well known for abusing dogs and other animals they breed. Fuck the amish.

No. 1666427

Get it girl. Make sure you look up inheritance laws and how you as the wife would be set should you guys get a divorce. Some states note that what a person inherits in a marriage only belong to that person, while others hold that if it's inherited while married, then it's a marital asset and will be divided in the event of a divorce.

No. 1666432

I bought what I thought was a starter home four years ago, but based on prices, might end up being my house until I retire.

No. 1666682

Yup. Tons of Amish run puppy mills and a huge amount of them treat their horses like absolute shit. I grew up in the horse world and anytime I would go to a horse auction the most neglected and horrible horses that would come through the ring were always being sold by the Amish. They would bring in horses that were severely foundered, 30+ year old skinny horses, horses with wrongly healed fractured legs and horses missing eyes and stuff just really horrible things. The horses would always get bought up by feed lot people.

No. 1666688

Don't the amish molest their kids and marry siblings and cousins together

No. 1666689

I've heard that before about amish and horses

No. 1666692

A majority if not like all Amish kids are molested by their brothers, like all of them. Fucked up. That's why they all look like that.

No. 1666694

>Amish just want to bake you a pie and sell you furniture
Amish people are abusive and deep in the dark ages. They live out the trad misogynistic role play our useless men dream about except they could never do it because it would require manual labor. We are lucky that they are so useless because the prospect of being able to molest their children and sisters would be ultra enticing were it not for the fact they'd have to actually work.

No. 1666700

I will say that none of these issues are unique to the Amish (aside from the animal abuse). There are similar issues in all insular groups like Hasidic Jews, super evangelical fundies and the FLDs. However, the Amish are our favorite “look at these freaks” group to gawk at.

No. 1666703

it's just bizarre they have such a wholesome public image.

No. 1666706

They literally keep their women in shitty gendered roles and dont believe in birth control. Any religion is bad for women. The Amish arent much better than the mormons.

No. 1666719

right, but conservative/old order amish communities in particular are so removed from society that they refuse to go to the doctor or contact emergency services, work 'worldly' jobs or do anything that would have them interact with normal people outside of a few things e.g selling their stuff. environments like that at prime for abuse and the government allows them to live off the grid and be exempt from paying taxes etc.
JWs are extremely culty too – hell mainstream christianity has a rampant abuse problem – but there's something to be said for the fact that old order amish communities are almost completely cut off from the rest of the world, despite living in a country like america. i cant imagine how many people are stuck in abusive situations in these communities with no means of escape

No. 1666730

>look at these freaks
I've never seen anyone treat or talk about the Amish like they are freaks, and people stare out of curiosity not disrespect. They aren't oppressed people.

No. 1666789

…oh. holy fuck my childhood is ruined.

No. 1666792

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If anyone else drinks this new england swill today was the first day for pumpkin swirl! It’s almost time for the best season of the year.

No. 1666796

Bless. I need to get some.

No. 1666803

I get the starbucks PSL once a year. Actually I think that's our only chain coffee here. Everything else is local shops that charge $12 for a 6 oz cappuccino.

No. 1666990


No. 1667009

I'm glad you deleted that btw. You should be ashamed of yourself.

No. 1667282

I grew up in a large city that is no where near any Amish community and the very few times the Amish have ever come up in conversation it was always negative. Also, I think a lot of the TLC Amish related shows did them 0 favors because they were always painted in a “look at these freaks” way like the participants on my 600lb life, my strange addiction, duck dynasty etc. I’m sure they are perceived differently by people who live closer to Amish communities and interact with them more.

No. 1667333

Sounds like the perception isn't far off from the reality.

No. 1667492

What was it?

No. 1667558

I just got woke up by an emergency alert and it turned out to just be that a cop got hurt. WHO FUCKING CARES. This is abuse of the alert system. A cop getting hurt is never an emergency. It's worth celebrating, even, but I don't need to be shocked awake at 6am for that.

No. 1667581

I made a post about Obama's brother and then deleted it cause I didn't think anyone would care, but i guess that nonna did kek.

No. 1667703

Jeez I thought those were only for amber alerts and hazardous weather. The fuck is a rando citizen supposed to do about cop injury?

No. 1667714

I tried to disable all emergency alerts sans weather alerts and I still get those. Mine came blaring last night at midnight and I almost dropped my fucking phone

Blue alerts are pointless. Isn't the police stations job to find the cop killer, not the public? With Amber, Silver and Clear alerts there's a clear cut missing person who's in potential danger… who cares if a cop got hurt [2] those pigs aren't protecting normal peoples interests anyway

No. 1667719

I was under the impression blue alerts were sent when an un-apprehended suspect had killed or seriously injured a cop and the idea is the suspect is on the loose and dangerous. but I've also never received one in my life so it sounds like a you problem if your phone is startling you at midnight with alerts.

No. 1667936

I'm the anon who moved into Amish country. There are many different settlements (that's what they call themselves) of Amish, but none of them are great.
The animal abuse is true; my property was covered in animal corpses. Cows, horses, deer, porcupine, dog - all animals that I'd offered to purchase with the farm. The children will throw and hit cats and dogs. They have no real affection for animals; they are simply tools. The other anons are correct about auctions and puppy mills too.
Women aren't allowed to do fucking anything. The Amish women I know won't even speak except for saying hello. I saw a girl who couldn't have been much older than 20 with 3 kids and already pregnant again. Women are meant to stay home and have children, and the children are meant to run the farm.
Amish education stops at eighth grade, which means the Amish teachers only reach an eighth grade education as well.
Not all Amish are terrible and some of their thoughts are good. They have extremely close and supportive communities that will help one another both locally and across the country in times of need.
But they're still ruined by the moids molesting and abusing every living thing they come across.

No. 1667946

It was midnight AND 6:30am. The real kicker is that the information they sent wasn't even fucking accurate. They said look out for a black man in a blue Ford escape but they already impounded the Ford escape before they sent any alerts. How the fuck is that useful to anyone? I had DND set up on my phone and it went through anyway.

No. 1667998

That's some bullshit. They just sent out an arlert because he was injured? Shouldn't cops already have someone they can call themselves if that happens?

No. 1668005

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>midnight AND 6:30am

No. 1668026

I would recommend Izakaya Meiji Co and The Bier Stein if you're looking for drinks to go with a decent meal. There's KKoki Korean BBQ on River Road too, spendy but worth the price imo

No. 1668034

I think she means she got two alerts,one at midnight and then again at 6

No. 1668039

Not you and me living in the same state anon, why do they always send those alerts in ALLCAPS i do not want to be SHOUTED at

No. 1668380

I feel like anons talking about the American obsession with pap smears and breast exams are making a point about how even in our healthcare we are still reduced to nothing but our tits and vaginas. If women were presented with more health information such as bone issues, vitamin deficiencies (common in young women) then people wouldn't be this paranoid

No. 1668780

Remember when buying groceries and cooking at home was supposed to save money? lol

No. 1668784

Learning about how the Amish really are was just one of the many blackpills that dimmed my positive, wholesome view of the world, kek

No. 1668787

Butter sticks are $5-$7 for a pound over here. Pure nonsense.

No. 1668798

Remember when Walmart was supposed to be the cheap option? Now they're more expensive than most grocery stores, but the quality of their produce and meats doesn't even match the prices. Even the dairy products suck, the milk fridge at my nearest walmart smells gross.

No. 1668818

Omg, this reminded me of a time my family was driving through Amish country and saw a horse that had part of a wire fence embedded into its hoof. It was gruesome and bleeding badly, so my dad ended up driving to the property and telling the owner. Dude acted like he couldn’t give a less of a shit even though the horse was clearly in pain and that kind of injury would have set them back anyway. It was bizarre.

No. 1668831


>thinking one oppressive weirdo religion is better than the other

I will give you this, at least the Amish make good food. All Mormons really do is harass you with their little flyers and superiority complexes.

No. 1669034

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What do we do? Like seriously, what the fuck are we supposed to do?

No. 1669040

I just looked it up and the apartment I lived in during college 15 years ago is over $4,000 a fucking month now

No. 1669057

This! What the fuck happened to butter prices? isn't dairy subsidized in this country? Local grocer trying to tell me $4/lb is a SALE? fuck off.

No. 1669080

Bloody violent riots with public executions of landlords are the only answer at this point.

No. 1669159

There is no middle class anymore and it's insane. My single mother raised both me and my sister on less than 50k a year back in the 90s. I cant even imagine how hard it is now for a single mother. It's so awful how bad it has gotten. You are either super wealthy or struggling to survive. No in between anymore.

No. 1669164

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Bring back Mao. Landlords deserve public lynchings at this point.

No. 1669184

I went to a farm near me and got 2 gallons of milk, a dozen of fresh eggs and me and my daughter got to pick a few lbs of fruit, veggies and herbs with some fresh tea for less than $20, then the meat farm down the road I got a huge rack of pork ribs, steak, fish, and chicken breasts for less than $20. There's U pick farms where you can get tons of fruit and veggies for cheap and the grain farms here you can get bread making ingredients and pasta for cheap as well. I also got a massive thing of honey and pollen for less than 8 that's still full. Definitely take advantage of local farm food if you're struggling to find food

No. 1669201

Damn what state?

No. 1669205

I was in a reduced rent apartment for two years that I barely got, I had to leave it because I lost my job to covid- there were thirty-forty other people waiting at the leasing office to apply. There are families who remain on leases within this programs for YEARS knowing how hard it is for a unit to come available- they just keep the name of one person on the lease who meets income requirements, and have their family live there. This was in a very HCOL area, new building. It is now an airbnb because they make more money renting it like that than they do from the tax breaks they got from having a percentage of their units income based. We’re all fucked.

No. 1669224

Airbnb is EVIL. It should only be for novelty vacation homes and that's it.

No. 1669252

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Not as important but you also see it in pop culture. 10 years ago, it girls on the internet used babylips, shopped at F21 and had Starbucks. Now you gotta spend mad cash for some bland monochrome Lulu outfit and a Stanley cup, or RL with a Coach bag for that old money (lol)/clean girl aesthetic. And your home/room has to be perfectly instagrammable.

I miss following normal human beings online.

No. 1669259

This should be illegal. disgusting. It makes me sick to think families who are waiting lists would lose their chance to an airbnb scam.

No. 1669266

No one has a personality anymore. It's insane. Every room looks the same online now compared to 10-15 years ago. Same amazon and shein garbage

No. 1669279

>Same amazon and shein garbage
This is the part that irritates me the most. My mom and I used to joke about how there's so many people in the world yet you rarely saw someone with the same stuff. Now everything can be traced back to fucking Amazon no matter the style.

No. 1669313

Girls would buy fake coach bags at the mall kiosk 10+ years ago, my sister would drag my mom there whenever we went shopping

No. 1669335

i went to the store and spent $40. all i got was some vegetables, fruit, and cottage cheese. i'm really just screaming at this point.
my rent went from $900 to $1500 in 2 years. my wage stayed the same. even new jobs are all paying the same wage. i think the PPP loans caused the inflation.
they use a software called yieldstar that tells them to always raise the rent. every single DAY the rent goes up for new leases. i've actually gotten a property manager to show it to me on his computer. i just can't afford to live anymore. i dont know what to do when the student loans turn back on, because i cannot afford it and i'm not paying. i just ignore the emails. this government has lost its mind.

No. 1669366

I live with my disable grandma who gets rent assistance and we both get food stamps. I work, as the program requires me to, but my city has become so expensive that I will never make enough to live on my own. I'm on her lease so as long as the landlord keeps taking goverment vouchers I'll have somewhere to live when my grandma eventually dies. Before the pandemic I heard a lot of negative remarks about people like me on welfare but look at the state of this country. There's really no incentive to work multiple jobs when everything keeps doubling in price every 6 months to the point where I'd need to make $80k just to afford a studio with a window facing a brick wall and survive on ramen noodles.

Companies took advantage of the pandemic to price gouge us, raked in billions with PPP loans they didn't deserve, and refuse to lower their prices after the emergency ended because nobody is stopping them. Meanwhile, our idiot president wants to send more money to the losers in ukraine. Fuck all of it.

No. 1669375

i was against the ukraine war from the beginning and people treated me like a neo-nazi who kills puppies for sport. the propaganda about it was disturbingly heavy handed, the kind of shit we laugh at people in the past like, "how did they ever fall for this cartoonish bullshit?" and those same people fell for it all. now they finally see that it really was just raining money for the DoD and their warhawk cult. we should end all foreign intervention and aid (other than disaster assistance) until every american citizen has healthcare and is out of debt.

our government bleeds us like pigs to stuff their own wallets with grift. our infrastructure is crumbling, our youth are killing themselves due to poverty and lack of job opportunities, we have no healthcare or public transit, two generations of people are being sacrificed on the student loan debt altar, and all the government wants to do is send a few hundred billion more to kill people in a foreign country. the government, meanwhile, left american citizens out to dry. we give more in foreign aid to countries like israel than we put towards bettering the lives of our own citizens. that's why people voted trump (i don't like him, just explaining why the left should have thought about why "america first" was appealing to so many people instead of just screaming that they're racist.) europeans might pay (slightly) more tax than us, but they actually get something back for it. americans pay out the nose and get nothing. we're the ones being screwed.

there is no enforcement of laws against the rich. they blatantly collude and break labor laws and never face consequences. we live in an oligarchy that is rapidly devolving to feudalism. it makes me feel insane that we're still just going along with this. we need a new Occupy Wall Street. neither democrats nor republicans serve me–they only serve themselves, the rich. biden is a crook.

No. 1669532


No. 1669535

Nothing I hate more than hearing euros bitch about muh tax but Americans need to take out 4 credit cards for rent from a moldy apartment and groceries that are like 50% cancer causing crap because that's the only thing available to poor people now

No. 1669575

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Are you ready for Hilary, californianons?

No. 1669613

The farmers markets around here hardly even sell food from local farms, and when they do it’s twice as expensive as the grocery store (even though we live in an agricultural area with farms everywhere!) The rest of the booths are people selling tchotchkes and mass-produced stuff like charms for Crocs shoes and shit. So dumb

No. 1669623

If any nonnies are rural they should try growing their own gardens, even though the weather was gross this summer my veggie garden was the best its been in a while

No. 1669628

We’ve never had a topical storm here before, I’m on the edge of its projected path and it’s supposed to storm and flood like crazy here and people are panicking. I’ll let you nonas know how it goes I guess Kek

No. 1669652

our food is really low quality. they put additives in things that don't even need it. i have to check the ingredients of everything i buy, otherwise i end up with added corn syrup, added soybean oil, added artificial color, and other crap.

i'm traumatized by the absurd number of mega-fats. being chubby i get. i don't understand how every other person is 300 lbs. and all of them wear shein body-con onesies so they look like a chicken nugget. at this point i don't understand how they afford that much food.

No. 1669817

Little late bur same here nona I have dnd on from 9:30pm to 6am and all alerts except weather disabled… STILL came thru. I do feel for the injured/dead cop's family esp the family bc of the backlash of the blue alert,not like they themselves sent it and are probably feeling awful seeing all the hate….backlash is well deserved though, it happened literally 4 hours away from me by car…. I want severe weather alerts so am afraid to turn it off but if I get another blue alert I might have to. Ridiculous. I mean we disnt get an alert to stay indoors when that paint factory exploded and killed everything in the creeks around it causing a weird foam to form on the surface… and that was actually near ish where I am and I would have liked to know to stay away (i dont believe for one second the air quality at the site tested safe)

No. 1669835

Same here anon. I hate how every time the ukraine war is brought up, officials call it 'the unprovoked war in ukraine'. I personally do not think it was unprovoked, not that I think russia is doing right (they arent imo and should never have started an offense) but why does any descriptor at all need to be put in front of 'the war in Ukraine' even if it was unprovoked? Subtle way of making sure everyone feels how unjust it is and how we need to help this poor defenseless little angel country, dont look at how we are going to hold their abundant agricultural capabilities hostage when this is over for our own gain, thats just them returning the favor of our 'help'…and dont mind the very likely scenario of a US military base getting put right up close to Russia, that's just for protection… dont get me wrong I hate this war I hate how many are wounded and dead, russian, ukrainian, whoever…putin did wrong no matter what but if the US had not stepped in, more people would be alive, more structures intact, and global tension might not be what it is now (I suspect, but who really knows) even if unfortunately Ukraine succumbed to Russia.

No. 1669882

The American propaganda successfully brainwashed all of us to never hold companies or the government accountable
>Global warming and pollution? It's because Sally down the street used the wrong straws
>Your hormones are out of wack and you can't seem to stop breaking out or lose the extra fat despite eating basically nothing? Your fault get off your ass
>Rent is 8000 and no job around you pays more than 20 an hour? Just worn harder

No. 1669900

I don't know how my mother survived her divorce other than leeching off men and my fathers alimony. She was horrifically lazy, abusive, demanding and physically ill in the aftermath of the divorce up until I turned about 18. She was also too prideful to apply for food stamps. I literally think all of it was leeching off men.

My dad makes decent money and is an ivy alum but he's always been entitled, a bad spender, and up to his eyeballs in debt. I'll take him over my abusive mother but watching the middle class vanish as someone who grew up with loveless crazy parents who tried so hard to cosplay as upper crust is fucking insane, because it's lke the mask is becoming reality. When I was a kid we were desperately trying to prove ourselves rich, but we were firmly middle class. Years later and there really is no middle class and we're only getting lower and lower. How in the fuck am I ever going to pay for my parents retirement if they don't die before then (and do my abusive mom and neglectful dad really deserve that?)

This whole escalation of society into mass consumerism and trying to desperately live beyond their means is so reminiscent of what I hated about my early childhood watching my parents drain their money away until we almost ended up homeless kek it's disgusting

No. 1669926

stay safe! floods are scary. it's probably gonna be fine but, you know, be prepared for a power outage or something. fill your tub with clean water just in case, florida nonas could probably tell you more

No. 1669953

>sure my parents are awful people who destroyed their own lives and abused me, but i'm still going to work myself to death to pay for their retirement while neglecting myself
the words of someone who needs THERAPY please go now
i'm hitting a $25/hr ceiling and it just does not pay for life, while being gaslit that everyone else is making 80k or 100+k. i swear to god i'm going to go insane. wages, if anything, keep falling. they're using remote work as an excuse to cut wages even further, while every cost of living has almost doubled. i can't take much more of this. every day i want to kill myself. $25/hr was dogshit 5 years ago and now I may as well go flip burgers because then at least I could get free food. there is effectively no difference between white collar and burger flipper anymore. but they're going to make me pay the student loan debt. i should never have bothered trying, i should have just been a bartender and shelf-stocker. what the fuck was I even born for. every year everything gets worse. i don't even enjoy living because i can't afford to go anywhere or do anything. i just sit here and cry because the walls are closing in.

basically once i get even one major health issue, that's it. i'm financially done. i'll just throw myself off a fucking bridge.

No. 1670063

I’m not really sure how different it could be in Cali, but in Connecticut we had Irene and Sandy and they caused a ton of issues from wind damage. I can’t remember which but this was the worst that happened:
>24 hour driving ban
>hometown lost power for 2 weeks
>the next town over was inaccessible by road and had no power for a month
>businesses didn’t have generators and had to give away or toss refrigerated/frozen food
>the only local business with a backup was McDonalds, so everyone would go there in the morning for breakfast
>if I needed to shower I would go to where my sister was living or at a nearby community college
>since my mom‘s job had no power for 2+ weeks they transferred her to a town with power, and if I wasn’t at school I’d go with her and wander around while she was at work
>when power was restored it blew out my parents refrigerator, the state emergency funds paid for a replacement

Sandy also affected the coastline pretty badly, entire beach houses in Rhode Island were washed away or destroyed. The beaches themselves were reshaped from flooding and sands getting moved around.

So my advice is
>keep your phone charged
>put some water and drinks aside
>buy food that doesn’t need to be in a fridge
>don’t drive when the weather is shit (there might be a ban anyway)
>if you lose power, try to find out what businesses or nearby towns have electricity
>enjoy being able to see all the stars in the sky at night if all the nearby businesses wind up losing power

No. 1670317

It's so over

No. 1670330

File: 1692502037546.jpeg (62.03 KB, 750x419, ABC943B4-9DA1-45A2-8F90-AEE7FB…)

These types of comment sections always remind me of how fucking dumb everyone really is. If I wasn’t a complete autist I’d be making interview bait videos like these for money too

No. 1670337

Kek, obvious ragebait so boomer moids can be like "WOMEN DUMB!!!111!1!1" so obvious how they only show the women who got it wrong, and end the clip on one scrote who probably only knows that from playing WWII vidya.

No. 1670338


No. 1670339

Low effort prosperity honestly

No. 1670341

Yes. That is why I shared.

No. 1670399

America has successfully made the "us vs them" thing to throw us off completely and ignore issues that are actually affecting us. No one even knows about the Alaska oil plan that will destroy permafrost and make global warming worse but when I open up any social media page the first thing I see is a troon whining about how they cant show their dicks to kids or conservatives crying about not being able to have 50 assault rifles for fun. Both sides are so fucking unstable even if we were to all get together and protest livable wage and price of living ratio, global warming, more food regulations, etc everyone would be at each other's throats because wah libtard propaganda or wah that's going to hurt trans youth or some other shit. State of Americans is killing me and im convinced SJWs and conservatards are all online AI generated bots to distract us

No. 1670413

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Yes, the sandbags are lined up. We’ve been getting small Bursts of rain but no wind. I’m curious to see how this is gonna go. Hoping it doesn’t get too crazy. My siblings who live up north tell me stores in their area are already out of water and ice.

No. 1670421

God this is so relatable seriously I went to college for a very sensible field and the wages are shit and the job market is horrendous but it seems like everyone I see online is saying their income is 6 figures and it’s crazy to me to think while I’m sitting here skipping meals and clipping coupons there’s so many rich people wasting money on bullshit or people who don’t worry about finances. Like wtf I must be fucking retarded for going to college. I was homeless for half the time too and there was zero assistance besides taking out loans and thank god friends let me sleep in their rooms after my night shift. I have no connections and didn’t instantly get a job so it’s impossible to do anything now. Life is so pointless but honestly the less money I have the more freedom I feel because I have nothing to lose. I used to be frugal and smart and it didn’t get me anything because oops covid and oops work study students can’t get benefits and oops no debt relief either! I’ll never own a house, I’m paying like 3x inflationary costs of everything for no reason and it’s bullshit but no one does anything about it. And fuck everyone who votes Republican just because online liberal bullshit is stupid and annoying, they so blatantly want the poor to suffer and for women to lose all progress in freedom.

No. 1670512

No. 1670550

I live in a used to be liveable area, but now is getting super expensive area. I used to make $20 an hour and lost that job due to covid. Now I make $17 an hour and it barely buys me proper groceries. It's insane how $20/h was decent money maybe 10 years ago, now it's a joke with inflation. Jobs dont get this and really think paying you $17/h is enough to live on. I dont want two jobs. I just want one solid job that pays well. Why is that so hard to ask? Gen x siphoned off the last wealth from Boomers and now Millennials and Gen z are suffering. I hate it all.

No. 1670554

Get a degree if you want a good job.

No. 1670589

nta but very funny

No. 1670603

>fuck everyone who votes Republican just because online liberal bullshit is stupid and annoying

No. 1670685

>the only local business with a backup was McDonalds, so everyone would go there in the morning for breakfast
that's kinda funny in a dark way

No. 1670816

This + a lot of small livable towns are getting monetized as soon as people discover them to be pretty

I grew up in a small town in the PNW and now it seems like any small area that is hours away from the nearest city is quadtripling in price. I remember during and before COVID just a couple of years ago I was easily able to find a 2 bedroom apartment for 500 a month, an easy 10-15 dollar an hour job and live from there, sure it wasn't glamorous but I had a roof and was able to afford food. Same apartments got brought out and the price is currently 3k despite still having having the typical stereotypes of cheap apartments

Also there's almost no laws anymore protecting normal folks from leeches who keep buying up properties to rent them out as airbnbs or other forms of rentals. The sad part is half the time they aren't even being rented, I've seen so many places stay up for months on end because landlords want to keep trying to rent out the 2 bedroom lower middle class house from the 70s for 2500$ rather than lower the price

No. 1670848

thank you for calling gen X out. they act like they're innocent angels when they're just the same filth as boomers. i hate them even more than boomers because they have a shitty attitude. employers are delusional about acceptable pay. i've had to turn jobs down because they would literally not even pay me enough to cover the basic cost of living. employers want their cake and to eat it, too. they want super qualified super educated golden unicorn candidates who will work for $18/hr with a smile. I want to kick their faces in.

Inflation should not exist. Inflation should be 0%. It's bullshit that the value of a dollar has decreased 75% in 50 years. People who set this up were greedy and shortsighted, and the american public is mesmerized by celebrities and video games into complacency as everything is stolen from under us. that's probably why our education quality is so terrible–they want us stupid and unable to see how they're fucking us over.
they keep everyone angry and divided over bullshit like trannies. i swear they took abortion away just to get people talking about something other than the economic problems and declining quality of life. I'm pro-choice sure but how often do you need an abortion, maybe once in your life if you're unlucky? and it isn't like you can't just eat the $200 plane ride and go to california or new york to get it done. meanwhile the economy fucks me over every single day in every aspect of my life. so while the govt is fleecing us for tens of thousands of dollars a year, people are up in arms about an unlikely what-if scenario where, at worst, they'll be out $500. i want to scream.

No. 1670858

I'm in one of the supposed biggest red states and was able to order abortion pills online peak of the outcry, there are rare situations where women are being denied healthcare because of this but there are literally millions of women dying in the streets as we speak if not forced to live with abusers who will kill them more than lack of access to abortion will because of inflation + wages not paying enough. I haven't seen a single person in the streets for that but you're right, it likely was some psycop to get us divided as usual

No. 1671235

Protesting an abortion ban is not a ‘psyop’, there a women and girls dying right now due to a lack of access to abortion and they are not rare cases at all. It’s true that inflation and rising cost of living is forcing many women into staying with abusive partners, but abortion bans also leave women trapped in unsafe relationships. You can focus on more than one issue at a time, and indeed there plenty of organizations dedicated to helping women leave abusive relationships. It’s not an either/or scenario. It’s funny how you both can acknowledge that poor women are being fucked over by how expensive everything is getting and thus are unable to leave abusive partners, putting their lives at risk. But you are unable to connect the dots and understand that a lot of poor women simply cannot afford plane rides interstate or to have abortion pills shipped in. And since abortion is illegal they would taking a huge risk by doing so, as if they get caught they could go to jail and have their livelihoods ruined. You both seem incredibly sheltered and I sure hope neither of you consider yourselves feminists.(infighting)

No. 1671244

Sun is red today because Canada is on fire. Fuck Canada. I'm actually really tired of wildfire seasons. We need to adopt forest management or whatever the hell and make smoking illegal. (A ton of wildfires are caused by smokers littering their butts into dry grass like self-absorbed assholes.) The air is yellow and hurts.

No. 1671249

The abortion ban is about increasing the amount of workers so that people stay desperate so that labor stays cheap. Any sudden decrease in population is usually followed by a massive improvement in quality of life for the lower classes. Look at the bubonic plagues in Europe or postwar times in the US. They're trying to prevent that from happening this time.

No. 1671269

Not to mention that the abortion ban also restricts women who have pregnancy complications late in the pregnancy from aborting their deformed fetuses after in some states, the 6 week threshold when many women can't even tell they're actually pregnant. There were several cases in Texas of women who wanted their pregnancies who either had to flee to other states or had to give birth to their deformed baby because the state forbade them from a legal abortion. Though those aren't as common, and usually terminate a once wanted pregnancy, its still as danger to the woman's body and mentally draining to have to birth your child and watch that baby die instead of being able to abort it earlier on.

No. 1671391

anon it's not the abortion ban, its completely fair to oppose it. It's the fact it seems like as soon as we get to discussing something that's affecting and hurting way more women there's a whole new thing now that gets people from beating around the bush

you're literally proving everyones point about the "us vs them" mentality for bringing in feminism over something that we all even agree on, all because a couple of anons said it just seems like distraction over distraction from the main issue

No. 1671394

Quit taking the stuff you read seriously and assuming anons are "feminists". Most anons who cry and seethe about the economy/capitalism but don't see anything wrong with abortion bans or other issues women face are NEETs and since they don't think they'll ever need abortions themselves, they don't care about other women.
Have you seen the amount of anons that admit to being useless NEETs here? They're the ones who cry about not being able to afford stuff(aka their shopping addiction, useless plastic shit and usually merch) because of "capitalism".

No. 1671403

This is identity theft. Our neets hate men and think abortion is based. You are falling for dedicated trolls and glowies.

No. 1671405

Fighting for abortion rights is not a ‘distraction’ from the ‘real issues’. It is a ‘real issue’ all on its own. Not that it matters though, it’s not like any of you are actually going to do anything to protest rising inflation, or help women trapped in abusive relationships. Instead you’ll just whinge about other women who got off their asses and are actually trying make a change, because they are focusing on an issue that is ‘less important’ in your eyes.

No. 1671445

This is an anonymous imageboard, ma'am. Why are you crying about people's activism when you don't even know who the hell they are.

No. 1671645

It literally is though. There has been almost no talking points about what is actively and currently putting all non rich American women in danger. It almost feels insulting that feminists are able to come out of the woodwork and be activists yet every single day I see an American woman complain about how fulfilling food is unaffordable and I haven't seen a single woman say anything about this at all .

Yes, at this point you shouldn't be surprised if others start thinking suddenly activism sparks that end up quickly dying is a form of distraction. There has been a huge need for this discussion for years now but nothing happens

No. 1671665

We need to stand up and start killing the rich. Until we do, things will continue to get worse.

No. 1671679

You first! Go back to hexbear. We're not organizing french revolution 2 american boogaloo on lolcow.farm.

No. 1671705

Glowies trying to fit into lolcow:

No. 1671724

Do you think that all poor people are neets and have shopping addictions? Do you know you can work full time and still be poor? And that you can care about more issues at the same time?

No. 1671747

Kek I thought this too. It's so weird how they try to dismiss women for wanting to talk about issues affecting majority of women by claiming we are just secretly against abortion but then turn around and try to claim poor women just have TEMU addictions and not the fact america has almost zero regulations on housing prices, wage and employee rights other than the min wage that hasn't been changed in over a decade

No. 1671802

this. I personally only knew a handful of women who needed an abortion, meanwhile I can't even go to work without seeing tons of homeless women though or talk to my coworkers without hearing some sort of issue that wouldnt even have occured if the economy was half decent

No. 1672089

>NEETs and since they don't think they'll ever need abortions themselves,
what does being NEET have to do with not getting eggplant
I pay rent every month. I receive a paycheck every week. I eat food every day. Abortion is not my biggest problem right now. And, seriously, just drive to another state, it's an inconvenience not a total national ban. It sucks but it isn't the sky falling. You act like my not ranking abortion as the #1 issue means i'm literally hitler. I have bills to pay. I am fucking poor. I am choking on wildfire smoke. I can't afford to live. It's on my list but it isn't my #1. The more you insensibly rage about this perfectly reasonable stance the more you prove me right. After Occupy Wall Street they started pushing race relations and accusations of racism to distract people from the economic woes. Now they're pushing abortion as a hot button topic to distract people from our economic woes. Not only are you falling for it, you're screeching at me for not following it. Life is not a Marvel movie. stop thinking in black and white. Then you're going off on unfounded whataboutisms trying to make out like because I care about more issues than just abortion, that I am personally out battering a housewife. Please grow up and stop attacking people because you cannot understand nuance.

No. 1672166

This is literally it. It's not fair or logical at all that something that has been affecting women for years is not talked about but people are up and arms about abortion rights (as they should be imo) but at the same time it's like where was this energy when we were starving and struggling? Yes "you can care about the different issues at the same time" obviously but almost nothing at all is done on the crappy living situation now. I don't even think I've seen a single protest for housing price restriction laws

No. 1672263

So basically you only care about things that affect you personally. It doesn't take 3 paragraphs to say that.

No. 1672272

Yeah fuck them underage rape victims, get your abuser to drive you to another state, it's just that easy these days.

No. 1672394

You do realize it's just not that easy for an adult who lives in their own to just pack up and drive to another state for abortion, then drive back down when it's done? Even a woman who's got a family that supports her every step of the way would have a hard enough time trying to navigate going across state lines for abortions. Let alone anyone who's ever needed an abortion, sans the support to go get one. You're not the only person to ever exist, there's no reason abortion should be illegal in any state.

No. 1672567

>hey maybe we should prioritize the fact over 50% of women are starving and forced to live in dangerous situations over something that is a once in a lifetime emergency for women if they ever face the issue at all
>>Ummm so selfish!!

No. 1672568

Why am I not surprised I didn't even have to read the anons comment to see it was a strawman? Glowies get out

No. 1672573

This bait is getting stale(infighting)

No. 1672617

Abortion bans contribute to women living in dangerous situations.

No. 1672687

Again, in a very small percentage of situations but even then that still brings up the fact why do people still never want to protest or anything else for affordable housing and livable wages? Something that's affect all women, every state, at ALL TIMES. The ratio seems very unfair on how many people are ready to speak out about abortion but silence themselves when there's plenty of time and means to speak about our literal livelihood,so it's no wonder why tinfoil anons believe it's a distraction

No. 1672708

Anon I understand it might be hard for you but most people have the capacity to care about more than one thing at a time. Just because one person is talking about abortion, that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing they care about or are willing to fight for.

No. 1672712

This is the real shit anon. Worldwide the poor are being totally fucked by the rich, and I'm America we let them distract us with petty problems. Abortion and birth control should be legal and free, but the root of the problem comes down to the rich fuckers who control everything because they literally have all the money.

No. 1672796

>so it's no wonder why tinfoil anons believe it's a distraction
The day I take an online schizos opinion seriously is the day that hell freezes over.

No. 1672845

The government shouldn’t be able to look through your medical history for a crime. That should concern everyone firstly. Remember once upon a time being gay was a crime and having HIV/aids would have marked someone as gay. Also people can care about multiple things, some people pick one thing to go hard on and others just do the whole thing. You get to decide for yourself, until the government tells you otherwise.

No. 1672877

Abortions are the only way to free women from baby trapping men, retard.

No. 1672905

The govt should also not be able to mandate you get a series of injections of an untested newly developed vaccine for something that for your age-group is less likely to kill you than literal lightning, but here we are.
Seriously I have concerns about the economy. we had huge protests over george floyd but we get nothing at all for rent doubling?

No. 1672919

I 100% agree with you about the vaccine nonna! It’s the same thing, the government shouldn’t be able to make you do things (such as get an abortion/give birth for instance) to alter your physiology! That they have been able to do both (ban abortions and mandate experimental “vaccines”) is a crime against humanity.

No. 1672969

Going to the tinfoil thread to theorize about Epstein and rich people is fun, but the antivax shit is not fun

No. 1673031

>we had huge protests over george floyd but we get nothing at all for rent doubling?
And then everytime you hear about a new protest it's always something that isn't affecting majority. You're more likely to die from not being able to afford medical care or food/proper shelter esp in this heat than you are from being shot by a cop, die from of lack of abortion access or anything else being protested. The only thing I can think of that is remotely comparable to the amount of more lives it would have saved is strict gun control esp in states that have frequent mass shootings like Colorado. It almost feels like I live I'm taking crazy pills that we can't even question why so many other things get so much attention but no one is anywhere to be found when majority of us have to skip meals to not be in the streets and young women are forced into doing sex work to scrap by

No. 1673040

Keep crying glowie. Unfortunately the scizo anons have been right about a huge number of shit, it's almost like a future predictor at this point obviously theres a limit on craziness like flat earthers and lizard people, but shouldn't it have been a wakeup call when the military comes out about aliens and almost word for word the conspiracy theories they made, when pizzagate came to light and fauci himself starting admitting almost everything Twitter sheep were gaslighting everyone over

No. 1673044

Well they sure as hell don't act like it. I haven't seen a single abortion speaker stutter a single word about how unlivable the country is for the non rich

No. 1673070

This is why feminists get labeled as racist. Because instead of shutting the fuck up and taking your rage to the streets to lead and organize you whine on the internet about how black women are marching for black issues which you think are a “distraction” because black women aren’t a majority so they should quit

No. 1673079

Well there are reasons but I don't want to go there and I think that none of us do.

No. 1673087

Also caring about other issues doesn't make you racist, just like it doesn't make you a forced-birther. nonna is right, we need to talk about how life is now unaffordable for the working class.

No. 1673105

So black women shouldn’t advocate for black issues because that means she doesn’t care about anti-capitalism but you’re allowed to say that shit and suddenly people can care about more than one thing?

No. 1673116

Oh shut the fuck up. Go on LSA and ask how black women feel about black men vs. how they feel about not being able to pay rent.

No. 1673117

>bringing race into a discussion where race wasn't mentioned at all
back to twitter with you

No. 1673135

She literally mentioned BLM retard

No. 1673136

Anyone who thinks abortion or minority women's rights aren't important isn't a feminist, lmao. They're just mentally ill anons who think they can say they're feminists and demand disability paychecks because they're too lazy to work, that's not feminism.

No. 1673153

Go take care of your autistic teenage son Jenny Retardo

No. 1673161

I see we're back to
>all poor people are neet
Do you think no one sees what you're trying to do?

No. 1673227

BLM has a lot of people of all races and BLM has defended multiple white children who have died due to police brutality

No. 1673232

>We should be able to work full time and pay for an apartment without starving
>>Ummm you just want to mooch now how dare you say we need to pay more attention to the housing crisis

.50 cents has been deposited to your account. You're literally proving most protests and events are distractions from our crappy economy

No. 1673250

This is why no one takes BLM seriously. Because you retards think protesting bigger issues besides the death of a black man who killed a white woman and her baby isn't important. You can protest against more than one thing but you fucking don't. BLM wasn't about protecting black women anyway, it heavily focused only on black men and all the stories about black women got swept under the rug. All we got as a result is greasy white dudes who shouldn't have any say on the matter wearing covid masks that say "black women are tha most misunderstood in the wurldd!1"

No. 1673263

Your mindset is disturbing. BLM as a movement has little to do with Black liberation as a whole. If you wanted to support the women then you wouldn't say distasteful shit like this.

No. 1673276

>black man who killed a white woman and her baby
nta but this is literally a lie lol. at least google first.
>In the wake of worldwide protests against police brutality following the death of George Floyd, some internet users are spreading misinformation about Floyd’s arrest record.

>Floyd had multiple brushes with the law and was sentenced to serve five years in prison for his involvement in an armed robbery in 2007 while he still lived in Houston.

>But the facts of the incident have gotten muddled on the internet, and some posts claim the woman robbed, Aracely Henriquez, was pregnant and that Floyd beat her and threatened to kill her baby. Social media users are also sharing a photo of a woman with bruises and cuts on her face, claiming it’s Henriquez.

>The photo appears on Instagram. But we won’t repost the image here because the it's not of Henriquez, and several of the details about the robbery are either made up or exaggerated.

>The woman in the photo is Andrea Sicignano, an American student who was assaulted and raped in Madrid in 2018. Sicignano posted the photo on her Facebook page and Spanish news outlet El Pais published a story about the incident.

>On June 12, 2020, Sicignano took to Facebook and said her photo is being misused to spread misinformation about Floyd.

>"There has been a photo of me circulating around on the internet since yesterday. The photo was taken of me in a hospital bed in Spain after being violently beaten and raped by a stranger," Sicignano wrote in the post. "I posted my story over a year ago to use my voice to spread awareness and encourage other women to speak out about the injustices they've faced. Today my photo is being used as political propaganda/click bait to make people believe that George Floyd deserved to die. I am disgusted and humiliated, not for myself, but for my country."

>Meanwhile, some of the assertions made about the details of the robbery are not accurate.

>Floyd was arrested in 2007 for his involvement in an armed home robbery and was sentenced to five years in prison, but court records do not indicate that Henriquez was pregnant at the time of the incident, or that Floyd threatened to kill her baby.

>According to the police’s probable cause report, Henriquez, another woman and a toddler were home at the time of the incident and Floyd was one of multiple men who forced their way into the home, during which he threatened her with a gun.

>She was injured during the home invasion, but the report says her injuries were inflicted by another man, not Floyd.

No. 1673279

>all the stories about black women got swept under the rug

As if Breonna Taylor wasn't a big deal, huh.

No. 1673284

that's exactly what people ignored in favor of black men

No. 1673384

Anon the effort is appreciated but you are responding to bait and they’re not going to stop until people stop taking it.

No. 1673414

>the death of a black man who killed a white woman and her baby isn't important.
>covid masks
Are you one of those people who just found out about BLM in 2020

No. 1673416

Nta but that's kinda disingenuous anon. You're not wrong but we all know that BLM is mostly associated with black people.

No. 1673473

Breanna Taylor did get swept under the rug though. Moids kept conspiring about how she was secretly a huge whore or something insane like that and supposed BLM women were ripping apart her features. I've seen men ~ebul white feminists~ talk about her way more than BLM ever did

No. 1673478

Correct but I've seen BLM support white children who were killed by the police when the all lives matter gang was nowhere to be found. Each group has their ups and downs I suppose

Either way I think we're all proving scizo anons point, we went from discussing how crappy the American economy is to people who aren't rich to a full on race war. No wonder scizos keep trying to tell us they're using it as a distraction

No. 1673713

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No. 1673753

not schizo nonnie, but the only black woman's murder by police in recent history that ever came close to the notoriety of a black man's was the murder of Sandra Bland. Aside from the fact that black men are violent af, their "problems" are always prioritized in black american movements because black men hate black women. bleeding edge white liberals also hate black women too as they prioritize the murder/suicides of black troon prostitutes as the most pressing issue of all time.

No. 1673763

I cannot begin to imagine what kind of a human dumpster-rat would pay for a troon prostitute. At that point you may as well start injecting yourself with whatever used needles you find on the ground.

No. 1673813

BLM is literally a criminal organization that has never given a single donation they collect to an actual cause. Its just black people accepting handouts again, not a charity at all.

No. 1673848

Don't tell that to the retards in this thread who are defending black men and this shitty movement. Black men aren't defending them.

No. 1673850

Pretty much.
Dead troons who don't 41% themselves are killed by their boyfriends and this is somehow everyone else's problem and women are to blame for it all because we don't want them in our bathrooms and shelters.

No. 1673900

I will never ever understand the hate boner towards cis women trannies have. Old white moids are the ones screaming in their face but they're ready to crucify cis women over something like accidental misgendering

No. 1673904

Im convinced these posts are bait trying to make anons paranoid something. What's wrong with pointing out plenty of conspiracy theories that were once mocked by the masses ended up being true ?

No. 1673912

Schizos really do see things others don't. I'm convinced. Technology really is going to destroy us and be used to exploit and abuse women and children everywhere and make us all empathyless voids. Their paranoia is nearly prophetic and their violence is only caused by brain malformation because if they weren't violent people wouldn't dismiss them and fear them. Like I now unironically believe that although there are abhorrent horrible schizos, there is something there that we are incapable of tapping into.

No. 1673920

Ah. You are schizo

No. 1673940

The goal is to completely destroy feminist movements and sadly many handmaidens are helping them do it. Ever notice how quickly #metoo died out and how this tranny shit rapidly took over everything? How men are much bolder with their misogyny now? Sit through any mandatory DEI training and some blue-haired they/them rat will bleat over and over about how nothing in America will ever improve until troons get everything they want.

No. 1673943

You can't read. It says we aren't capable of it, they are. Are you dyslexic

No. 1673950

KEK yes I am. I thought it said "we are capable of tapping into". Leaving my post up for posterity.
Sorry nonna I accused of being a stealth schizo, your post does make me think you are probably lowkey schizo and don't know it yet, though.

No. 1673954

I finding it fucking hilarious when newfags see discussion about serious, real issues–lack of privacy, no real security in technology, dark web fringe stalking, exploitation, fast technology advancement with no protections–and accuse anyone who expresses any vent about it as being schizo. You're on the wrong side of history and that's your prerogative but trying to tell people that they just must be schizophrenic for questioning or daring to criticize tools that are harming us is both ignorant and condescending. I think brain trauma and mutation can activate senses average people cannot, I don't think it makes them 'chosen people-or special, that doesn't make me schizo.

No. 1674077

File: 1692769959730.png (22.66 KB, 1757x122, amerifag general 6.png)

NTA but i think there was a typo

No. 1674085

It gets a little weird when you're telling me that I'm on the wrong side of history in your second rant post ngl. You do be sounding unwell in your posts.
Also you kind of sound like you have main character syndrome, sorry. You're being weird and aggro and saying your unique experiences unlocked a special part of your brain. You do see how you sound, right?
Yeah, thanks, I think the sentence is just phrased a little oddly and it threw me off kek

No. 1674193

I remember for the longest damn time I was called scizo for believing side effects of the vaccine and and such. Months later companies straight up revealed everything conspiracy theorists have been saying (vaccine doesn't prevent COVID, it causes heart problems, it's unnecessary in young healthy people, etc) now the people who kicked me out of their life and isolated me over the damn jab are all crawling back like nothing happened. Anti conspiracy cattle are the true gaslighters are still want us to believe we're all just insane even after our information is proven again multiple times

Glowie anon continues to prove everyone's point, multiple anons pointed out that the "scizos" have been reliable for a while now just for them to blow off everything mentioned as we all can't read or something

No. 1674513

File: 1692802828241.jpeg (51.39 KB, 828x164, IMG_5938.jpeg)

Yesterday I received a call from this number asking for my participation in their survey… it was all about covid and how I took precautions..? Did anyone else receive a call like this? Why is it a “public service”? Maybe this belongs in the tinfoil thread but I am very off-put by it

No. 1674659

One anon mentions they want a better quality of life for the working class because cost of living has become unaffordable, and 60 posts later everyone is calling everyone a schizophrenic and people are posting b&b8.

For today's post: rent is still unaffordable. Thanks.
that's called a consumer poll, nonna. it's randomized, like jury duty.

No. 1674819

apparently student loans have a 1-year grace period where you can just not pay with no detriment at all. so that takes us up to sept 2024. i mean, i'm never going to pay them, but for one year i can legally just not pay and not be bothered. by that point society will probably be ending anyway lol.

No. 1675266

it was 115 degrees here today. its so over nonnas.

No. 1675467

>Months later companies straight up revealed everything conspiracy theorists have been saying (vaccine doesn't prevent COVID, it causes heart problems, it's unnecessary in young healthy people, etc) now the people who kicked me out of their life and isolated me over the damn jab are all crawling back like nothing happened.
for the government to allow pharma companies to inject over 70% of all americans with something that potentially would kill them makes zero sense nonnie. we have no economic safety nets unlike an actual developed nation and most americans are buried in thousands worth of debt with no personal savings whatsoever. this country would completely collapse without the permanent underclass of serfs our fucked up economic system needs to function.

No. 1675490

All of those problems were addressed by the medical field during the pandemic you retard, the heart problems in young men, periods coming in late or early, how the vaccine doesn't prevent infection but will help you from spreading it and lessens the symptoms so that you don't end up with long lasting effects and become a life long burden to the health care system etc. All medication has risks. You can get stomach ulcers or a stroke by taking ibuprofen, a common over the counter pain medication. You can get blood clots from birth control, in fact at an alarming risk nobody wants to talk about. The risk from taking the vaccine is ridiculously small and antivaxxer schizos should get help for their delusions.

No. 1675492

Meanwhile basically all of Europe has a high of 80 and been average in the 70s and amerifags have been dying in 100s. I'm starting to be convinced of the government fucking up our weather is true kek

No. 1675497

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No. 1675508

The other day it was hotter in Minnesota than it was anywhere in Florida (and it was still super hot in Florida at like 90-96 degrees but Minnesota was 100+)

No. 1675538

please no more wojaks

No. 1675648

It is not that serious.

No. 1675666

Fuck the derails. Can we go back to talking about prices, rent, and jobs in America? Has anyone with a degree managed to get hired anywhere in the last 6 months? Did you take a pay cut?

No. 1675716

All the open jobs in my field in my area are third shift. Third shift should be fucking illegal. It literally kills people.

No. 1675720

I want to be called for phone surveys so fucking bad. I also never get called for jury duty. It's not fair, they only call people who don't want it

No. 1675768

I've had a horrible time getting a job this year. The job market is absoulutely fucked and they're lying about the numbers. I got laid off and I've been screwed ever since. I can't live if this is going to be my life. I work for a year, a layoff happens, then I'm in unemployment hell for six months losing my mind and having daily mental breakdowns, interview after interview and HR treats me like trash and looks for reasons to kick me to the curb. I can't do this shit. I wish I was never born. My entire life has been hell, I thought getting away from my abusive parents would save me and allow me to begin living, but I was wrong–the employer is the abusive parent now. And I can't get away. Our labor market is fucked up. Our worker's rights are fucked up. You can get fired for no reason at all, the employer will just make up some bullshit lie… you know in Europe they can't just fire you whenever they want? You know in Europe they have 1 interview and that's it, no fucking 6 rounds plus a personality test plus a take-home skills test? This country is garbage and I want to die. America is just Brazil with wealthy owners. This is a clown country. This is a nation of dogs by dogs for dogs. I live in hell and the demons have won.

No. 1675858

>scizo anons claim race and abortion debates are used as distractions to keep us from criticizing this shit economy
>racebaiters and "you're not actually feminist" anons come in to prove the point

No. 1675862

>You can get fired for no reason at all,
This reminds me of when a prostitute anon made this for one of the biggest reasons for having to sell herself, she just kept getting fired everywhere she went for typically no reason at all. it seems like every fucking day I hear a story about someone stealing food, having to skip meals, etc all because jobs can fire you or reduce your hours to almost nothing for no reason

No. 1675865

>the medical field said so
yes, the most honest people. You know the one who recommended hundreds of fried pork recipes on the AHA site for people with severe heart conditions just because they got sponsored kek

No. 1675927

What do you expect when most of them didn't grow up in a world pre-9/11?
I'm not saying there aren't reasons to distrust big pharma but some of the vaccine delusions are insane and most people are fine.

No. 1675936

This isn't some case of scummy sponsored American organizations getting money under the desk from fast food producers, these are the facts agreed upon by the global science community and were clearly reported internationally, young men for example were told to be extra cautious with physical exercise for a while after taking the vaccine and in some countries one of the vaccines was recalled after it was found out there was a microscopic chance of causing blood clots. The science community has been extremely open about the side effects of the vaccine and it's been almost 3 years since the trial runs and it's been proven time and time again that actually contracting the disease is a way bigger health risk than taking the vaccine.

No. 1675983

I had covid and it was no worse than the regular flu. I disagree with you.

No. 1676004

Is it just me or ever since COVID there's been a huge uprise in doctors that suck at communicating? My doctor's pediatric are practically ghosts. Almost anytime you call you're put on a 3+ hour long wait time for a small town ped mind you, if you can't get in contact you have to leave a voicemail which is just company code for pretending to do something they probably won't. Even when I showed up there physically they are straight up not even there due to outreach, it's been like this for a handful of her specialties and even just scheduling for myself feels like a fight to even be bothered to talk to an actual human on the phone, then when you are lucky enough to get an appointment it's typically a "whats the problem" deal, then you have to fight for a few more months or so then get testing and diagnosis. And if you're lucky enough you get to schedule the actual treatment such as surgery the next year. This whole process can take literal years for something that could have been a same day fix in countries that have a better developed medical system

Oh and if for whatever reason what should've been treated months ago turns into a same day medical emergency you're forced to wait 4-12 hours in the ER absorbing any other disease from people next to you then each process of seeing a doc takes another few hours, getting labs the lab results another few hours or so etc. It's no wonder we have a new breed of ""Karen's"", it's not that people don't want to see a doctor it's that you might as well try to fix things on your own before you die trying to fight with people calling you an attention whore for wanting medical help

No. 1676011

You're not wrong but when Americans DID bring up these studies they were gaslight, told they know more than Doctors, etc. In America it seems like talking to 24 hour scizophernics because you can say one thing and people will completely turn around and scream something else. Just look how trannies are interpreting the "anti trans" laws, Americans trying to comprehend the Depp case, etc

It's even funnier when you can point out something as mild and widely agreed on like the fact the vaccine doesn't prevent COVID and deathfat jab addicts will come in screaming and foaming at the mouth about how "we don't need ignorance in the MIDDLE of the pandemic"(even though almost all restrictions have been lifted for almost a year but whatever). You're completely missing the point that the so called scizos were repeating what doctors were saying since the beginning just to get gaslight and "stop watching fox". Don't believe me? Just go on any public forum during the pandemic, search up a discussion relating to COVID or the vaccine and watch how quickly people will dogpile conspiracy theorists for repeating what doctors have been saying. Hell it even happened here on lolcow in the COVID threads when anons would have a borderline meltdown over repeating, what is now just widely accepted as fact

No. 1676017

From what I've seen there was only a handful of legitimately insane anti vax things, other than that everyone who was declared a crazy anti vax scizo seem to just be repeating what doctors are saying (COVID is a cold for most people, jab doesn't prevent COVID, it can cause heart issues, etc)

No. 1676035

You know, the easiest way to prevent yourself dying of coronavirus is to lose weight. The government response was to (attempt to) mandate jabs, close gyms, fence off sports fields and hiking trails, and tell people not to go outside. Maybe if we weren't all so god damned fucking fat a mild flu wouldn't be lethal. Africa had basically 0 covid deaths. Why? No fatties. Instead I get fat unhealthy slobs screaming in my face that I need to take 20 jabs to prevent a seasonal cold or else I'm a murderer putting (what remains of) their health at risk. It's the first time in their life they ever cared about their health and suddenly it's my problem? They should have put a stop to their McDonalds habit if they wanted to live a long life. McDonalds has a higher risk of giving you a heart attack than covid does of killing you, yet which did people freak out over and wage war on? If we care so much about people's health, why not stop the cars? Cars kill 40,000 people a year in the US and put another 1.5 million in the hospital. Where is the Vision Zero for cars? How many people die of fatness, yet no one calls for a national ban on french fries? In this country more people are killed by brodozers than by guns, but which are people up in arms about?

All I want is consistency.

No. 1676047

It's just the same argument pap smear chans were on about. Pushing x regulation and using propaganda claiming it's for health then doing basically nothing to prevent something that is the most dangerous to you

No. 1676066

Ntayrt but did they ever explain why the fuck Covid and its vaccine induce periods in women? I remember when the companies finally admitted what women had been saying for a year, they said something to the extent of “oops the trials didn’t include women”. Like what the fuck. That is huge and so dangerous. And to think that we all had to get the Covid vax or else you couldn’t get jobs or access certain spaces. And then it’s not until years later that we find out that they didn’t even test it on our fucking anatomy to begin with. Wtf. And if anyone tries to twist my words, I’m not antivax, I’m just anti-Covid vax.

No. 1676071

>The government response was to (attempt to) mandate jabs, close gyms, fence off sports fields and hiking trails, and tell people not to go outside.
Lol where the fuck do you live?
Nobody closed gyms where I lived, they only limited how many people who could enter at a time. The only place I heard getting "forced to close" was some rat's nest in New Jersey and that's because the owner made a big deal about it. I also don't remember anyone being told to stop going outside to parks and stuff, it was the complete opposite. People were told to exercise in parks instead because the air circulation is obviously better than being crammed in a giant room with 200+ people breathing and sweating. Keeping out of a place like the gym when a highly contagious illness is going around is just common sense.

No. 1676082

>where do you live
Not rural alabama or wherever the fuck you represent. I know what I experienced and I won't let you lie to me.

No. 1676091

>Rural Alabama
LMAO nice try, but I won't let you lie to me either

No. 1676102

Anon’s probably from NYC or some other city trap and doesn’t give a shit about anything outside of their bubble. It’s always the same arguments about cars and fatties and jabs

No. 1676117


No. 1676133

I also want to know that. I got the double jab and two boosters so I’m just gonna hope there’s nothing really bad about them, but the first one brought on a tiny period even though I had a hormonal IUD and don’t have periods at all normally. so like wtf?
I kinda miss the full-on mask days though, I didn’t get a cold or flu for two full years it was amazing (same job and people exposure, just we all had masks). I wish people weren’t buttmad about masks, that shit works.

No. 1676134

Yeah cause rural Alabama is the only place that didn’t make people follow mask mandates. You’re a dumbass. Even the big cities full of libs in ultra populated Florida weren’t making anyone wear masks. The only place they actually enforced that shit was at Disney world and that was short lived as fuck.

No. 1676142

If you ever have a real emergency call an ambulance so you’ll get priority and won’t have to wait with other sick people for hours. Also if you can stress yourself out enough to give yourself tachycardia they’ll generally triage you pretty quick kek. I always get seen quickly because I’m never not having a panic attack at the ER so I usually have a frighteningly high bpm and I typically complain of chest pain (complain even if it’s not the main reason you’re there, say it’s probably anxiety but that you also have chest pain in addition to whatever else is happening)

No. 1676173

My doc has been okay, but my dentist has really stopped giving a fuck. I recently had to cancel my appointment due to a work event and her receptionist told me there's nothing available until October. I highly doubt it's due to sudden demand because whenever I go there I'm usually the only patient in her office.

No. 1676211

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90% of our societal problems are caused by greedy and retarded corporate oligarchs who prioritize on making more money rather than looking at long term risks. When actual adults/experts try to step in and fix things, they have legitimate autistic meltdowns because spending some money for safety means CEO will only be able to afford 5 golden yachts this year instead of 7. Louis Rossman has compilations on his experiences with Right to Repair and how they try to fuck people over via lobbying, as well as the recent Ohio train derailment where the train got tumbled over exactly because of cut costing (even the workers in charge of cleaning the chemicals fucked up because they burned the fucking thing rather than scooping the chemicals into containers where the dangerous fumes won't spread across the state). We can add Oceangate too where ironically the idiot who cut costs over basic saftey died, which is pure poetic justice and I hope more of this happens.

Fat people are like whales in gatcha games. They spend most of their income on dumb shit and food. On top of that they make the medical industry cash because they are constantly running into health problems. This can also be applied to troons too mostly the mtfs. It's the reason why they're trying to push troon shit on kids because even if they detransition, they will be on pain management or have some health problem for the rest of their lives.

Of course we are seeing the effects of this retarded greed play out right now with people dropping out of society in forms such as quiet quitting and people not joining the military. Because why the fuck would anyone want to help maintain this retarded system where the leaders don't care about you at best, and want you dying at worst.

No. 1676219

Kind of a weird question but has anyone else been randomly approached in Target or other stores recently? I don’t know if teenagers are trying to film pranks for TikTok but it’s happened to me a couple times, and I just walk or drive off without saying anything because I don’t want them to get a reaction. It makes me feel like an asshole when I’d normally help people out

No. 1676220

I wish biden would just step down. Since trump (probably???) can't run next year there's no way in hell he'll win again. I want abortion to be legal again but I'd also really like it if our president's brain wasn't currently melting. Is that really too much to ask?

No. 1676221

Found out grain rots your teeth, guess what I was forcefed as 90% of my diet as a child/teen, guess who has fucked up teeth and had to spend tens of thousands of dollars at a dentist for a problem that is 100% preventable if society gave one tenth of a fuck?

I want to live in the reality where abortion is legal and lobbying is illegal. This country is rotten to the core. Everyone born in the US ends up traumatized, fat, mentally ill, injured, sick, debt-ridden, miseducated, sedentary, stressed, and sleep-deprived. They focus on GDP when we should make our best measure a happiness index or quality of life. Eat the rich, abolish banks, submarine capitalists, turn parking lots into vegetable farms, turn offices into housing.

No. 1676224

I find it kind of funny you’d reply to an anon that’s raging about fatties with how you were forced to eat food that rotted your teeth. There are a shitton kids in the united states and it’s the fault of the parents who control what they eat or have access to, but everyone acts like it’s just people being stupid and not a systemic issue caused by a lack of food education and resources.

No. 1676285

No HI anons in this thread? Nobody is interested in the wildfires on Maui, one of the biggest new stories in the past two weeks? What do y'all even use this thread for then?

No. 1676290

Sorry I went to the tinfoil thread for that because I was coping with how bad it was by deciding it was a government conspiracy to kill poors and grab land, I didn’t want it to be normal American incompetence because that’s way sadder. I suspect other nonas did the same.

No. 1676295

Why do anons keep coming into threads like "why aren't you guys talking about xy and z". Why haven't you posted about it in the last two weeks? This is a site where everyone has to contribute, post it yourself instead of expecting everyone else to when anons may not have known about it. Not even trying to be rude but like, cmon.

No. 1676297

lolcow really is just 2010s tumblr now kek

No. 1676300

>What do y'all even use this thread for then?
Spillover from the conspiracy theory threads obvs, let’s talk about the impending destruction of humanity and Covid vaccines for the ten billionth time. Really wish some anons here would just go outside without access to the internet for a few hours once in a while, America’s great for that

No. 1676322

>Why haven't you posted about it in the last two weeks?
I spend too much time IRL to be on lolcow regularly.
And even if I did post something about it, which I did >>1676285, who's to say anything would come out of it, besides maybe 1 or 2 anons commenting? I can't force anons to quit infighting over stupid shit and discuss something that is actually worthwhile

No. 1676330

So if you think that, what was the point of saying anything then? And no, you didn't post about it. You complained that people weren't talking about it. Posting about it would have been posting a pic and some information for anons who may not be familiar. Instead of complaining that anons aren't talking about what you want them to, at least try to pivot the convo. Otherwise you're just doing the thing you're complaining about (contributing to derail/arguing instead of discussing something worthwhile). Again, I'm not trying to be rude but learn to post anon.

No. 1676380

>And no, you didn't post about it.
Thus far, I am the first, and only, anon to have posted either the words "Hawaii" (HI, but same difference) or "Maui", so I did in fact post about it, since now you and (hopefully) other anons are aware, but I am not interested in getting pedantic. If you're going to complain about my complaining and fret over potential derailment, then the least you could do is write your opinion on the event. It's not very difficult, and will ensure that the thread does not derail any further. I figured I didn't need to post information/pictures of the fires as it's already international news, but I guess some anons ITT are very uninformed.

No. 1676381

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Did any of you ever watch this shitty movie as a kid kek? If you haven’t, it’s about a group of little boys who gather all their coins to bike into the city for a prostitute who will show them her titties. They find one, she does it, somehow she finds out who one of the kids dad is and makes him her husband. Staunchly American.

No. 1676385

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Here anons, please discuss the tragedy of Lāhainā/Maui. What do you think of the civil service's response to the wildfire? Do you think more lives could have been saved, or were they unavoidable? Could more precautions have been taken to prepare for wildfires on
Maui/Hawaii? Are you interested in donating to charities supporting the victims of the wildfires?

No. 1676386

>didn't think you had to post pics
Man, I tried. Don't attempt to help newfags, nonnas.

No. 1676387

Kek, the 90s were wild

No. 1676394

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>Stop complaining, you're gonna cause an infight!!!!
>Kek let me get in the last word by calling you a newfag
As if you're not a 2020fag anyway. Maui is waiting for your opinion, kahuna. I promise you that your energy will be better spent doing that than keeping up a petty squabble.

No. 1676395

Why would I donate to them? I don't have a house, either, and I never had the privilege of living somewhere as nice as Maui. Sorry but not sorry. I'm bitter af.

I do think the government/wealthy intentionally killed them in a land grab though.

No. 1676408

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what is this expression meant to convey

No. 1676412

>I never had the privilege of living somewhere as nice as Maui
It's not so much a privilege if you can't afford the cost of living, which a large fraction of Maui/Hawaii residents can say is true. Many of the missing/dead were/are immigrants and (for lack of better terms) people of color.
>I'm bitter af
I wouldn't be, tbh. If you live in the northeast/midwest you're in a very good spot with regards to climate sensitivity and change (on the long-term). Hawaii is a very remote part of the world and very susceptible to extreme weather events
>the government/wealthy intentionally killed them
I argue less intent and more incompetence. Something like 90% of the town got incinerated, including multimillion dollar mansions (which, in a touristy place like Lāhainā, there are a lot of). There's more bureaucracy/money in redeveloping the land than in keeping it as is or building upon it.

Jumpscare warning please kek

No. 1676417

Why are there wildfires on a tropical rainforest island surrounded by water?

No. 1676425

Hawaii has a diversity of different ecosystems. Lāhainā/upcountry Maui (and many parts of Hawaii in general) is actually very dry and more like scrubland than rainforest. Factor in a drought, El Niño, unmaintained crops from old sugar plantations, and general warming trends globally and you get unprecedented wildfires like we have seen over the last several weeks.

No. 1676430

Because all of their buildings were made out of wood and over 100 years old, it was windy af and the grass on the island happens to be extremely flammable

No. 1676431

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No. 1676434

Arson, overpopulation, bad wiring, unmaintained infrastructure, overloaded power supply, incompetence, lack of wildland maintenance due to arrogance and unscientific granola opinions presiding over tried and true methods, invasive plant species that are more fire-susceptible, dry land from water diversion to human activities, ubiquitous pollution from oily runoff and microplastics from car use and litter, smokers flicking still-lit butts, bored kids with matches… Take your pick.

I don't understand why there are so many fucking cars on that island. Isolated town, should be 100% walkable, only one road to the next town over which ought to be perfect for a tram line. NOPE. Instead you turn paradise into a car dependent hellhole, and then you get trapped in car traffic in an evacuation and roast in your pollution-box. The gasoline from all those cars probably fueled the fires 100x more than would have occurred if cars did not exist. Why do we have cars on a warm island where there is only one roadway connecting every major settlement that could easily be a train line?

NWO is talking about 15 minute cities and they may be cannibal pedophiles but I agree on that much. Enough with cars. Ban cars. Why is it so hot out? Go stand next to a car that is running, feel how much heat pours off it, and multiply that by 1 billion cars running on this fucking planet every day.

No. 1676439

the hawaii fires are just so fucked up i have trouble even reading news articles or teven talking about it, i wonder if others feel the same. seeing people on the news sobbing about never seeing their cousins/families/friends ever again just breaks my heart. And the way all the victims died is so fucked, they barely had time to escape and there was nobody there to rescue them. It's such a fucked situation and I think it one of the more morbid disasters of the modern age.

(most of) hawaii hasn't been a wet or fetile land for years now due to a myriad of issues with farming and divvying of water supply. plenty of the vegetation in that area was dry as hell

No. 1676446

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No. 1676447

It's regional for the US as well. Really I'm just here to sperg about how much I hate cars and make you all read it, too.

No. 1676448

i'm like a 2a nut but for cars. you can take my keys from my cold dead body nona

No. 1676458

I feel that way. I'm a haole but i grew up in hawaii. it made such a deep impression on me. people who know i grew up there ask me how i "feel" about the fires and i cannot talk abt it, it is so deeply heartbreaking i cant even think about it. when i heard about it all i could think is where are they supposed to go? mainland fire affected people can leave, hawaiians had nowhere to run. ok thats all i can type now.

No. 1676462

I used to think that if life got too expensive in my "affordable" area where I live (it's already getting there) I might move up to Idaho to live near my Aunt in the little town where my mom was born. It's tiny, there's hardly anything around and there's nothing to do but at least I'd be near one of my relatives and the air is nice and I love the mountains. I was just looking at prices there, and some of the homes there are now as expensive as California and some of them have literally doubled and tripled in price in the last few years. It's so fucking disheartening

No. 1676485

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So I went to a new primary care doctor to renew a prescription and get a yearly health check. It seems like the place isn’t run amazingly well based on the online reviews (even my doctor guy complained) but in the end I got what I needed so I’m okay with it all.

Now, what I’m majorly confused about - is that my primary care doctor guy texted me two hours later saying that I can contact him if I ever need anything. I responded just now saying thanks and he texted back and wrote that I’m “so cool and sweet :)” and..!?

Is it even legal for doctors to contact patients like this? He was fun to talk to during the appointment and he seemed appreciative that I was ”normal” (I am a normal and healthy adult) compared to some of the regular clientele (this place has mixed reviews online and I’m not like majorly impressed by when I went there so I can imagine that some of the clientele are hard to work with). The doctor guy gave me a fist bump at the end of the appointment and thanked me for giving this place a chance (lol). It kinda felt like talking with a frustrated friend. We also just chatted about dogs and stuff and it turns out we live super close to each other and he has a friend in the same building I live in.

I didn’t get major creepy vibes from him but I feel like this is overstepping a boundary? I’m completely new to this state (which he knows) so I do need more friends… but… I feel like this is a red flag. Not feeling like dating anyone currently so I guess if he’s just flirting then I’ll have to shoot him down anyway.

Anyone work in healthcare who would like to give an opinion? Or anyone at all? I’m just shocked that a doctor can casually text their patients and I feel lost when it comes to handling relationships lol

No. 1676498

Why do you want to give up your freedom and live entirely dependent on a system maintained by an evil government? If you say the wrong thing about trannies they will just not let you buy a public transport ticket anymore. They are already debanking people for wrong speak. You want to live without the freedom of getting into your own vehicle and getting the fuck out of dodge if things turn bad. You are an idiot. Literally a sheep. You are the kind of NPC they want to live in a pod and own nothing and do nothing but consume more products. Embarrassing.

No. 1676499

Get that doctor D. I had a dentist hit on me before. He was super hot, too. Only reason I didn't go for it was because I was moving out of state soon. Date him Nonna.

No. 1676501

Extremely unprofessional and creepy

No. 1676512

Can't speak for others but we do talk about it and almost anytime someone makes a post about the economy being unlivable it just gets buried, but everyone is able to come out the woodwork to take racebait though. I also feel like in general anons are talking about most Americans hence why they also declared things like abortion protests to be distractions

No. 1676519

Lower class USA fatties don't carry much blame IMO outside of the legitimately obese ones that are way too fat for it to be caused by hormonal fuckups. Our food is basically poisoned with tons of hormonal disruptors, weight gaining agents, unnecessary amounts of sodium and addictive chemicals. We're forced to work sometimes 100+ hours weekly as well as "hustling" with some sort of educational or business goal meaning we have to pick up cheap and quick options for food aka fast food and food deserts are a thing. There's a reason why people who travel out the US notice the weight falling right off despite no major lifestyle or diet change

Combine that with no walkable cities, demented blind seniors having no driving regulations and people calling the cops on you for walking and the hate boner against cyclists, being put on weight gaining ssris to cope with the fact most of us need to go in debt to survive, of course you have a generation of people who can't lose weight

I'm jealous of euroshits who get blackout drunk daily and eat fried fish and gyros yet stay skinny well into their 40s but 16 yr olds are struggling to lose weight kek

No. 1676520

It seems so fucking awkward to have a doctor or dentist flirt with you I’d be creeped out for sure. Medical establishments should be strictly professional and courteous

No. 1676521

So glad I waited tbh. Me and my friends all work in healthcare, I simply just took off the past few years and went back when companies stopped pushing the COVID vaccine. I have to say there was a huge increase in premature births? My 3 closest friends all had preemies whom were all vaccinated. In fact I want to say I was the only one in my friend group outside of another girl (possibly unvaccinated) who didn't have a premature baby or other complications. This is all when I had COVID during pregnancy too

No. 1676549

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You joke but he probably assaulted you while you were under anesthesia anyway.
Google "dentist sexual assault", it happens quite often.

No. 1676596

A few years ago my dad had to do an extremely drawn out jury duty thing for one of these cases

No. 1676749

I'm from nyc and moved to a non walkable city. shit sucks like nothing else. America desperately needs more walkable areas for pedestrians.

>the hate boner against cyclist

As far as cyclists go, most of them are trash. There is a road for bikes and people where there's a stop sign for us and cars have the right of way. I see cyclists all the time blaze right through the stop sign without looking and almost get into an accident with the car. I dunno why so many think they are above the law. I've also almost been hit twice by them just walking casually on the road, way off to the right. They are supposed to go left around you, but these two fuckers went straight to the right and almost knocked me over. They were going fast too. I was simply walking.

No. 1676750

I feel like men should always have a woman in the room to monitor this shit or a live camera. this shit is so disturbing that it keeps happening. I refuse to go to a male dentist, gyno or doctor for these reasons.

No. 1676751

report that shit. it's weird.

No. 1676787

Are you stupid? You think HI is the only place in the country being devastated by wildfire right now? What is there even to talk about? "That's sad and scary" "yup" Fuck off.

No. 1676818

I'm still not fully convinced this isn't AI, but this man is just a character. Like, why does he look like that

No. 1676847

>sheep for taking bus/train/bike (two of which i can fareskip and one of which is free and untraceable)
>meanwhile ford patented tech that can shut your vehicle down remotely if you miss a payment and tesla already does it if you say a naughty word

ok trooker but i'm just going to keep riding a bike, walking, and taking the bus, is all. lmao

No. 1676851

>people calling the cops on you for walking
kek this happened to me before

No. 1676878

Dogwhistle for his minions to be big mad at the libs for making him face a single iota of consequence.

No. 1676938

I agree to an extent as a cyclist and pedestrian, but I spent the summer in a very bike-able city (but not very walkable) and it seemed that most cyclists knew the rules
Just ignore the post and move on. What is wrong with you?

No. 1677032

Wym? The best "biking paths" most places have on the main roads literally put you an inch away from death machines. I've seen them be sandwiched between car lanes as well. Straight up deadly

No. 1677036

Covid is also a “weird” illness to begin with. Not only did the vaccines give me my period early but I caught it after I got the booster somehow and immediately when I started showing symptoms, my period started too. I knew something was up because my period had just ended like days before. I really want to know what that is and if it’s actually causing women to lose eggs but I doubt we’ll ever know until like 100 years later when some scientist finally thinks to research what women have been saying since the first shot.
And like other women, I know my body and. I know my periods. I’ve been sick with a lot of things, taken a lot of vaccines, and neither have ever immediately induced periods like Covid and its vaccines have.

No. 1677042

Ntayrt but did anyone even care here when Camp Fire happened years ago? Like 80+ people died there and most were seniors and the disabled. That’s how casualties usually work in wildfires too. And tbh I lived in California for years and so many people are not fazed by them at all atp. My friends would even casually mention “it’s fire season” when there was a fire like 1 mile away from us. Only me and the other girl from out of state were scared of the fire spreading kek.

No. 1677071

We didn't have an Amerifag thread back then. Like you said, California gets wildfires all the time. Hawaii has never had anything like this before, which is what makes it so incredible. Like, the vast majority of Hawaii's wildfires (the rest of which were much smaller than the 2023 fires) in it's history as a state have only occurred within the past 5-10 years.
This is very true as well. I think it's too easy to obtain a driver's license. Very few people have any respect that they are the sole operator of a 3000+ lb heap of moving metal

No. 1677169

Since you asked: My house burned down but I didn't live in Hawaii so no one cares

No. 1677222

What happens if your house burns down, anyway? Did you have to live in a hotel?
If there is a fire here I already know the evac route will clog with cars within 10 seconds, so I plan to just plop my laptop in a waterproof bag, take a bottle of water, and try to swim for it. Maybe get rescued by a ferry or steal a canoe.

No. 1677254

Shit I’m sorry your house burned down that’s terrible. Did you get any help when it happened or are you on your own?

No. 1677256

You should buy a kayak or an inflatable boat to have on hand kek

No. 1677496

any great lakes nonnas get entirely fucked by the storm last night that caused everything to flood? I have never seen lightning so wild in my life.

No. 1678287

File: 1693087233820.jpg (83.05 KB, 1300x1300, 61RlemrUP9L.jpg)

Is there any electrolyte drink at Walmart that doesn't taste like drain cleaner? Preferably diet/no calories. I tried picrel because I've been nauseous and throwing up but this shit just made me throw up more cause it was so disgusting. Gatorade is gross as hell also. Help.

No. 1678292

>diet electrolytes
>no calories
No, suffer

No. 1678322

Just buy the unflavored bottle and get some hydralyte tabs for the next time you get sick

No. 1678342

drink chicken broth

No. 1678505

Pedialyte is the shit tier electrolytes. Liquid IV is the best IMO and works the best, dollar tree has their own version of it that's essentially salty lemonade

No. 1678506

Yep and we had a power outage for 1.5 days even though there was no flooding in our area and not many tree branches down (compared to the storm last winter at least).

No. 1678528

>Getting priced out and moving to Idaho
Unless you plan to pay 1500 a month for a crappy trailer this isn't going to fix anything. Although the one thing I like about Idaho is employers are more consistent at least compared everywhere else that wants to fire you during training where half your pay is cut

No. 1678567

NAYRT but god fucking damnit I was banking on Idaho as a cheaper state to live in not infested with trannies yet, where the fuck do I go? I don't want to live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere but I refuse to live in a big city as urban living has so far only made my life way fucking worse, I hate how many people there are and I hate the noise. I'm poor as fuck despite working all the time and nearly homeless living on the west coast after moving here (unwillingly) and it makes me want to kill myself. Idk where else to go

No. 1678578

west coast has treated me well. Do you have job skills? btw abortion is illegal in idaho. it's also been known for a while that west coast refugees have pushed living costs up there. i was looking around at houses in idaho for funsies and they're just as expensive as the west coast. it's even worse when you realize their jobs pay less because they still think of themselves as a podunk.

at some point you need to stop running, there is no magic easily affordable place that pays high salary with low cost of living. everything has been bought up. the fucked up thing to realize is that even in nowhere shitholes and flyover states, rent there is nearly as much as medium/large cities, despite their only jobs being min wage. i spent a long time looking at housing costs all across the country and there was nowhere that was magically cheap unless it was a welfare county (absolutely no fucking jobs anywhere) or had really high crime. housing is fucked everywhere.

No. 1678587

AYRT I'm in college right now so not exactly rolling in money in the first place, but I wasn't having this much trouble with money while going to college in the south compared to going to college on the west coast.
I will never stop running from the west coast lmao. I don't want to self-dox but I live in California which might be creating some bias, but I fucking hate it here and I hate all the people here and I hate the weather. Maybe Oregon or Washington are better but I've hated the west coast so far if they're all similar to California.
I get what you're saying though, things are fucked everywhere. But if I'm gonna get fucked over on housing prices anyway, I'd rather do it in a place that isn't California at the very least. Way wayyy too many people in this state.

No. 1678744

File: 1693113910106.jpg (354.79 KB, 780x1170, dsc00120390x585_2x.jpg)

Where is a place in America that is good to live in regards to climate change and pollution and isn't completely bumfuck? Also a plus if I won't get murdered by a homeless man. If I'm gonna buy an expensive house I want it to last atleast.

No. 1679008

If you grew up in California then it's time to accept that you'll never feel the same anywhere else. You realize how many unique privileges you lost once you leave.
So your house burned down and that sucks but it doesn't change that people lost their lives in Hawaii and that the damage and lives lost are the result of government negligence. For someone that lost their property I'd think you would be more empathetic to the people of Hawaii and the conditions they've faced for years.

No. 1679155

Kek Idaho is one of the shittiest states to live in with regards to quality of life. There's a reason only republitards and schizo white nationalists ever move to Idaho. As a woman in that state, trannies would be the least of your concerns.
>Where is a place in America that is good to live in regards to climate change and pollution and isn't completely bumfuck?
New England

No. 1679206

Seconding New England or upstate NY. As long as you stay away from Boston and Worcester you can probably find something that's affordable if you're realistic with your expectations.

No. 1679213

>New England
Enjoy $500/month winter heating bills. Old houses + cold weather = massive $$$$$$$. Seriously, every region has its issues. The nice areas of New England are also old money strongholds with surprisingly high costs.

No. 1679226

I wasn't talking to people in Hawaii, I was talking to some anon who isn't even from Hawaii who was criticizing the thread for not talking about Hawaii. Fucking learn to read.

No. 1679229

>surprisingly high costs
It’s not surprising, New England is currently one of the most difficult areas to move into because of the lack of available housing. Connecticut is ranked last in the entire country for available houses and apartment vacancies.

Vermont was just all over the news for getting obliterated by climate change-related flooding

No. 1679554

the most annoying counterargument against euro economy is muh income tax. My state "technically" only has an income tax of 3% but they take out way fucking more for social security, medicare,etc all of which we can't even benefit from unless we're old. I remember getting like hundreds of dollars removed from each of my paychecks despite busting my ass as a CNA and making like 13$/hour which all went to my apartment at the time. I was making well less than min wage after tax but didn't even qualify for any gov program I was going broke to try to pay for. At least euroshits can benefit from what they pay tax for

No. 1679556

>$500 a month in heating
We're already paying those prices during summer in our shitty little 800 sq feet income apartments

No. 1679579

Americans will dig themselves in dept to try to move to a place for flexing points and literally starve before even lifting a finger to the to fix any of the current issues in their own area

No. 1679598

>Connecticut is ranked last in the entire country for available houses and apartment vacancies.
Because CT is a pretty nice place to live. Low crime, lots of parks, one of few states with a semblance of a safety net for low income residents, trumpers and other crazies are contained to certain areas or ridiculed into silence. The worst you really have to deal with in CT are the entitled rich people.

No. 1679601

There is no part of this country that will be immune to climate change. At best, there will be a few regions that are more resistant to the effects, which is still New England along with the general northeast area and parts of the midwest.
There was no indication that original anon was not from HI, just that nobody was talking about the fires. Take a breather, there's no need to lash out at people in the thread.

No. 1679710

Good let trumptards slander nice areas so they don't try to buy up apartment buildings they can barely maintain to larp as a Businessman

No. 1679724

Only way to fix what's wrong with most areas in the US can't even be discussed here because it's "alogging" lol

No. 1679727

What? What do you think a logging is anon?

No. 1679778

File: 1693180388495.jpg (41.99 KB, 500x544, 1596890379447.jpg)

Can any Connecticut nonnies confirm this? What is like living in CT. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Just looked on zillow and there are some good homes in my price range.

No. 1679796

At this point I dismiss all conservitard rant about "blue cities" as projection and jealousy. I'm not saying cities don't have problems, they obviously do. Still, most people (including them) would rather not live bumfuck nowhere and need to drive 1 hour to see another human being.

I have republican family members who left New Jersey and NYC to buy homes in red areas of Florida and "escape democrat leadership", but now they're seniors and miserable. One of them has chronic health issues and can't drive anymore which basically leaves her at the mercy of uber to get to all her doctor's appointments. She's always whining to my mother about how transportation costs her hundreds every week and now her homeowner's insurance rate has gone through the roof. She's considering selling her house and moving back to Long Island where her children live.

No. 1679806

that's something that pisses me off. because the boomers voted for the destruction of public transit because they were able to drive at that time. until gas gets expensive, until they get old, then suddenly it's waaah wahhhhh why no reliable public transit waaaahhhh like they weren't the ones voting against it all this time. boomers are incapable of empathy. kids, teens, the elderly, the disabled? "haha they're too poor to afford a car, i have a car, no tax money for trains!" all the while blind and stupid to the fact that one day they'll be old and will want an alternative to driving. stupid bastards.

not only that but a lifestyle of driving, cubicles, TV, and fast food mean as they age they get obese and are a wad of fat on undeveloped muscle and weak bones, so they are as good as a beached whale. meanwhile the elderly in walkable nations are perfectly fit and able to walk for miles even into their 90s. bad enough they inflict a terrible lifestyle on themselves, but they want to force the rest of us into it, and if we say we don't want to rely on driving 4 hours a day in a fucking car paying out the nose for gas, that we're "immature" and "need to grow up" as if this horrible fate is some kind of inevitability and not a result of their conscious choices for bad infrastructure development.

ooh i hate them so much, i hate cars

No. 1679820

You couldn't be more wrong. Tons of people have been fleeing the cities, especially Californias shitting up Montana and everywhere else that is nice. Cities stink, are expensive and loud and are full of people with certain socioeconomic factors that nobody wants to live around.

Do you really think people don't want to live in a big house surrounded by nature instead of in a pod-sized apartment?

No. 1679823

My husband's family is extremely red and you're right. They project everything they can't get as blue as a coping mechanism for why their life is better even though almost none of them would ever even benefit from it. Ot but his uncle thinks literally every state that's not the belt from texas to Florida is blue for some reason and kept claiming the other bumfuck cowboy western states we lived in were blue like what

Universities that are top tier that they can't get into is because they're libtards, their city doesn't give a shit if they starve but it's okay because they're red, constant shootings are okay because who knows. Conservatards care more about a fucking label than anything else, they can't even be smart enough to see trump was a Democrat all the way up until he ran for president and just started buying into whatever campaign paid him. They also don't realize how many liberal laws Trump passed such as the animal abuse being a felony which would felonize almost every old white man kek

No. 1679826

Trump is one of the most Democratic presidents to wear the Republican label. His most conservative views were on immigration.

No. 1679827

I live in a log-house in the woods, it's a 40 minute drive to the next town and most of it dirt road. I couldn't be more happy and you could not PAY me to move back to the city. I got a bubbling brook and deer visiting me to peek in my windows, 40 acres of land that is all mine, a garden that I grow my own produce in, chickens and work from home. It's literally like a fairy tale. I went to college in a big city and I hated every second of it. I can't understand why anyone would want to spend their entire life in one.

No. 1679828

How much was your land? This is honestly my dream at this point, I don’t care if I have to live in a tent for 10yrs, I just want something that’s mine.

No. 1679831

Life in a city: Walk to farmer's market, see crowds of happy people and adorable dogs, buy high quality food, read a book on the bus to work, have 200000 options to eat out or go on a date to, can take a train to the airport, no car, no troubles, walk around neighborhood and collect free things neighbors place on the corner, have five libraries in walking distance, can walk to the next neighborhood over and go to their events, world class amenities in my backyard, live in a tourist destination with stunning beauty

Rural: be poor, no jobs, no marriage partners around who aren't on meth, everyone is miserable and stays indoors, everyone is on meth, everyone stuck in a car if they want to go anywhere, only things in town are walmart and mcdonalds, life composed of driving up and down a road and eating walmart food, nothing to do, kids will start popping pills and be miserable until they can escape to college, die because no hospital within a 4 hour drive, haven't read a book since high school, education options for your kids are abstinence-only, if you don't join the local church you will be ostracized, everyone is obese, even the dogs are obese

i have relatives in very rural areas, and they're all poor miserable fat jobless trash.

No. 1679841

kek i mean sure if you're rich and can be in the nice areas and not with the riffraff. i live in a city where a studio to yourself is generally 1800-2000 a month so you have to live with roommates and everyone is either a fucking insufferable woke cretin or a techbro douchebag. i'm gay and my dating options are they/thems and trannies so why would i go on a date? it's way too dangerous to go out at night as a woman anymore, the crime has skyrocketed. the parks are mostly full of homeless scrotes. i will concede the libraries are great though. public transit and libraries are the only things i like about this city.

i think you have an extremely idealized view of urban life. but then, i also have an extremely bitter and angry view of cities seeing mine become such a shithole since i was a child.

No. 1679858

I don't think that much rent is all that much when you consider that you don't have to own a car in a city. Ruralites obsess over rent but turn a blind eye to how much their deathbox is costing them. You also get higher wages in a city. Really if you aren't stupid a city is very affordable.

I live in a nice city though, yes. If I lived in some kind of shithole like Tulsa or Baltimore I'd have a different view. Maybe the real issue is how many of our cities are total garbage and lawless sprawled out evil wastelands.

No. 1679860

What if you don't live in a walkable city? Even NYC's public transportation has dwindled over the years.

No. 1679862

To be fair, to an american a distance of three blocks is "unwalkable." people in this country have a skewed view and are really fucking fat and lazy. it's crazy what distance i've heard people complain about. so "walkable" is subjective depending on your BMI. i've made it work walking and biking in "unwalkable" and "unbikeable" places.

thankfully after decades of destruction by boomers and gen x, the younger generations are finally demanding walkable development and public transit options. our construction of eg light rail is miserably slow but progress is being made all over the country. the car experiment was a costly mistake. we once upon a time had perfectly walkable cities with great train service, including local and interstate lines. they were bulldozed for cars. to make our cities more accessible to cars, we destroyed the cities themselves, leaving nowhere left to go but plenty of highway and parking lots to get there. what senseless destruction and a waste of resources.

No. 1679875

Why are you lying, Europe has actual walkable cities compared to the U.S. Blame big oil.

No. 1679880

>The good, the bad, and the ugly.
>can live in cities or more rural areas
>people generally keep to themselves
>farmers markets/produce everywhere
>pretty good school and university system
>not excessively far from the big cities in NY, MA, RI
>ER and walk-ins are easy to access even in rural areas
>lots of outdoor parks, trails, beaches that are free for residents
>some of the cities look like shit but CT has loads of Victorian and historically significant buildings, it’s very scenic

>very hard to make friends
>heroin swamp yankees errywhere
>lots of juvenile crime and corrupt police
>spotty public transportation (you need a car)
>everything is 20+ minute drive from where you live
>not a huge amount of diversity in food depending on what part of the state you’re in
>connecticut drivers are VERY aggressive and pedestrian deaths have risen quite a bit
>huge amount of disparity throughout the state, many people are barely scraping by and the cities aren’t doing too hot in contrast to all the wealthy New Yorkers living in southwest CT

No. 1679883

did you read my post?

No. 1679888

I walk everywhere but it’s incredibly dangerous because of the cars. Everyone speeds, everyone’s on their stupid phone, no one signals, no one stops at crosswalks. The parking lots for businesses in my area aren’t designed with pedestrians in mind, you have to literally go back out onto the road to go from business to business. To make matters worse news coverage is always “please drivers be aware, please, we know it’s hard but plllllease, you keep running over children, please stop” then turn around and say “pedestrians look out for cars you fucking idiots, how many times do we have to tell you to use the crosswalk! We don’t care that cars are running red lights, just look both ways!” It’s infuriating. Nothing gets done about it though, they just keep expanding the roads, upping the speed limits and lowering the expectations for a license.

No. 1679894

The problem isn't the distance, it's the fact that American streets are so hostile to anyone that isn't in a car. Compare a 3 blocks walk right next to a busy stroad with cars going 50 miles/hr while you soak up all that noise and air pollution vs a 3 blocks walk lined with trees, benches, cars going at quiet speeds, and bustling businesses like coffee shops, bakeries, etc around you. Agree with you though, but I can't blame Americans for not wanting to walk anywhere when the environment around you is designed only for cars.

No. 1679899

There are areas with sidewalks but they’re somewhat limited to towns with a decent budget or towns that were historically centered on a specific type of work (ie factories and mills employees could live in walking distance to back in the 1800s/1900s)

No. 1679900

So much this, 6 lanes across even in the suburban areas. There isn’t even a gap between the sidewalk and road, so it’s very easy for a car to jump the curb and be on top of pedestrians immediately.

No. 1679905

this is why you gotta move to a city that was built and populated way before 1900. that old school city planning cannot be beat in most east cost and even most midwest cities. They may not look like paris but there's exactly what you are describing with the bustling small business economy

No. 1679909

you honestly have no idea what living in the city is like for the majority of the populace. maybe SOME areas in SOME cities are like this, but this does not represent how most people are living, even the ones who are well off. the most expensive neighborhoods in my city don't even have sidewalks majority of areas

No. 1679913

I agree, I've been in plenty of pedestrian-hostile places where, even though it was a short distance, it was unpleasant to exist there. But things are improving all over as pedestrian demand is increased. we need lower speed limits and traffic calming infrastructure. the wide, straight streets encourage speeding and reckless driving. and even in the worst places, it's still possible even if it's inconvenient.
Many west coast cities are great. SF, portland, and seattle are all walkable. been to all three and never had trouble. san francisco was great, i never waited more than 5 minutes for a bus.
I've lived in several cities and i'm not wealthy by any stretch. I'm probably poorer than most. Stop living in houston or whatever fucking shithole. I've gotten along fine without cars. You can do it most anywhere, but most people are lazy. People make so many excuses for why they are driving to somewhere in walking distance, even trips under a mile in a walkable area, the first impulse for the vast majority of americans is to drive there. they grew up in thick car centric culture and it will take a while to improve but the only thing stopping them is their own laziness.

No. 1679920

lmao i do live in houston and it is a shithole, but i have family here to care for. i suppose my view of cities is a bit skewed because of it but i've been to many other southern cities that are pretty much structurally the same. it is an awful and dangerous experience to get around here without a car, not to mention that walking in 105 degree heat is not preferred by any human. i assume it's a very different experience in northern cities.

No. 1679940

Houston isn't even a real city, it's just a massive conglomeration of suburban sprawl. Southern cities are notoriously awful. However, it's not the heat at fault. There are places in Sicily, Okinawa, Spain, and California that are walkable. Houston had fundamental design issues and a car centric culture. It's probably hotter with all the million fucking cars running than it would be if cars didn't exist. Cars massively drive up local temperatures with how much heat they give off, and then there's the effect of paving so much in asphault to make way for cars that it makes a heat island effect between the heat-absorbing black asphault and the lack of trees and grass. I can tell the difference between standing on the sidewalk or standing in a grassy field that the grass provides a cooling effect, and trees even more so. If not for the cars it might never be that hot to begin with.

No. 1679951

>not to mention that walking in 105 degree heat is not preferred by any human
that's probably because of all the asphalt and concrete from paving roads and parking lots, which are again… meant for cars. The car centric culture in America is a self fulfilling cycle.

No. 1679957

Mom the govs payroll is blaming civilians for all the problems again

No. 1679965

>Life in a city: Walk to farmer's market where you pay money for food you could grow in your own garden, see lots of black and brown people, buy food for 10x the price it used to be worth a year ago, get groped by a melinated man on the bus to work, have 20000 options to eat overpriced food that a minimum wage worker spit in, go on a date with a guy who will never call you back, no backyard, live in tourist destination that gives tourists who imagined it to be beautiful crippling depression

>Life Rural: Own your own home, work local or from home, no Tinder so people actually still know each other, all men around you are buff as fuck cause they are forced to work labour intensive jobs, nobody is on SSRI's cause everyone touches grass regularly, drive your own car that you own wherever you want cause you don't depend on government operated public transport full of homeless people, eat food you grew yourself in your backyard, kids will not be beaten up by niggers in school, die at old age in your own home that your children will inherit, read books every day cause that's not something that is exclusive to people who live in a city, educate children however you want cause they don't go to public school to learn about anal sex and how liking pink makes you a woman, join local church cause they have awesome BBQ, nobody has "depression and anxiety" even the dogs aren't taking SSRI's

No. 1679970

nta, but 40 acres sounds like an inheritance
Also >40 minute drive to the next town and most of it dirt road
lol better hope your cabin doesn't catch on fire, you don't slip and hit your head on a rock, get bit by a wild animal, or have a group of scrotes on a hunting trip find out you live alone in the middle of nowhere. nobody will ever find your body.

No. 1679980

>nta, but 40 acres sounds like an inheritance
It's not. Land is cheap.
>better hope your cabin doesn't catch on fire
I guess in that very unlikely scenario I am fucked
>you don't slip and hit your head on a rock
My husband would probably notice
>get bit by a wild animal
I have a gun and a dog to alert me
>have a group of scrotes on a hunting trip find out you live alone
I don't live alone and I can just kill them cause I have "no trespassing" signs and don't live in a cucked state
>nobody will ever find your body
Projection since none of your neighbors will report the smell to the police when you croak in your 20sqft apartment

No. 1679984

Where did you buy your land?

No. 1679991


No. 1679994

>It's not. Land is cheap.
i'd like to know where too and how much you paid for it.
>I guess in that very unlikely scenario I am fucked
yea because natural disasters are so rare and rural areas haven't been catching on fire recently
>My husband would probably notice
and if he dies or decides he doesn't want you anymore?
>I have a gun and a dog to alert me
>I don't live alone and I can just kill them cause I have "no trespassing" signs and don't live in a cucked state
cool story bro
>Projection since none of your neighbors will report the smell to the police when you croak in your 20sqft apartment
lol you're projecting. you think i live in a major city because i'm calling bullshit on your babbling brook fairytale home. you wanna make it sound like you're living in some thomas kinkade painting, when you're probably living a trailer park at best. i have no doubt >>1679965 is also you.

No. 1680002

nta but why are you so pressed that nonna has a life like that? are you jealous she doesnt have to pay 2k a month for a shitty apt?

it's not like she is telling a fairy tale.. living in the boonies and raising vegetables/animals isn't something out of this world, your greatgrandparents probably lived like that at some point. you seem like a sheltered city girl tbh.(infighting)

No. 1680007

Yeah you’re so right.
So when I lived in the city my apartment caught fire because my drunk upstairs neighbor passed out while cooking and wouldn’t you know it the fire trucks couldn’t get into my narrow street because some dipshit bros had their hummers blocking the entrance (for some reason low income housing seems to attract massive/luxury car owners).
In my current inner city low income housing three people have been shot, people have died and gone unnoticed for weeks, the nearby park is home to all sorts of vagrants (some of them are even dead bodies), people just park in the parking lot to shoot up and oh yeah, I can’t even go outside by myself because I’ll get accosted as a lone woman or run over by all the inattentive zoomers or drunk boomers.
The doctor doesn’t show up for 40mins. Even when they do they don’t have time to talk to me, constantly put erroneous information on my chart and the pharmacy routinely looses my script or fills it without giving me my medication thus requiring I contact my doctor who doesn’t have time for me. Creating an endless loop of me having to harangue them and being labeled a problem patient.
As for wild animals, I grew up rural, they are easy to avoid. As for no one will find my body, what makes you think I’d give a shit? Dead is dead, whether from some rare accident or drug addled moid. Like I’m picking my poison here and I pick owning my own land over living in this mold infested overcrowded powder keg. You said it yourself, being in the boonies means no one finds the bodies. I don’t see a problem with that.

No. 1680008

>nta but why are you so pressed that nonna has a life like that?
girl bye. this is the same person who always goes on racist screeds whenever someone points out the drawbacks to living in rural areas.
>you seem like a sheltered city girl tbh.
>are you jealous she doesnt have to pay 2k a month for a shitty apt?
more projection
>living in the boonies and raising vegetables/animals isn't something out of this world, your greatgrandparents probably lived like that at some point.
never said it was out of this world. where did you read that?(infighting)

No. 1680010

Who lied and told you there’s no tinder in rural areas? Kek. If you know anything about rural towns surely you also know that everyone fucks each other and spreads STDs among the whole town, people constantly cheat out of boredom, alcoholism and meth use are rampant, the local pediatrician gets exposed as a kiddy diddler and the pastor is fucking gas station trannies. Stop coping because you live in a shit hole that nobody else finds impressive.(infighting)

No. 1680017

I dont agree with that racism drivel but as someone who also lives in the boonies it's dismissive to shove it aside as an unrealistic lifestyle because being rural is not something that stopped existing. but I dont agree with that nonna romanticizing rural life, a lot of rural families are fucked up, a lot of people are alcoholics or do other drugs and have domestic issues, domestic violence is not abolished because men touch grass (lmao what a fucking concept), people still have unhealthy lifestyles (honestly where the fuck is she living that rednecks are all buffed lmao? most rural people eat a lot because there is jackshit to do and men let themselves go after their 40s.), sometimes people can be petty and gossip, most people are brainrot by their local churches, it's not all perfect but I still prefer it over city life.

No. 1680019

you're spot on. it doesn't matter if it's city or country, if there are men, that location is doomed and fucked up.

No. 1680032

living off the land isn't necessarily better than living in the hood, nonnie. and not to be intrusive, but if you can only afford to live in the hood right now, how are you going to afford constructing and running a farm in the middle of nowhere? from what i've seen, nice areas that have good and arable land aren't cheap (racist nonnie has yet to update us on her magical place) there's also permitting, tax, utility hookups, and other requirements that vary by state. on top of that you have to pay for animals, their feed, house them, your farming equipment, maintenance, etc. if you get land in a place that has changing seasons, add another layer of expenses and complications and you need steady income to support all this.

No. 1680034

This is funny and true but all I can think about is that Twitter post of someone finding a mansion in Texas for the same price as a crack house on California and the most voted up comment was "I'd rather be caught dead in a cardboard box than to ever be seen in Texas" or something of that nature

Location snoots are funny but sad, sometimes you have to sacrifice to be able to live. I lose any sympathy I have for city folks complaining about pollution, housing, etc as soon as they start whining about how they're better than me for living in a big famous city

No. 1680036

kek I'd like to see the same mansion now and how much it costs, Texas is an expensive state now.

No. 1680037

Holy shit go step foot into a rural town instead of getting all your information from TikTok racists wtf

No. 1680042

Everything is expensive even in rural areas. My parents are living in one of the "cheapest" states and got priced out and are now paying 1700 a month for a crappy shack with literally no doors. They made me a guest room for me to visit and the entire room is literally just bed and a shower curtain. The kitchen is tiny too. If I had to move in because of an emergency situation i don't even think it would be an option unless she gets old enough for me to sleep in the bed with her (my daughter). And for reference my dad has a relatively higher paying job and my mom gets disability. In the 2000s and 2010s we were easily able to afford a 3 bedroom home in a nice suburb, two cars, cell phones, small vacations, etc. And I'm only able to scrape by while in college is because i do sex work

No. 1680047

Who sad anything about a farm? I’m so confused about some of these responses about wanting to own land or live rurally. There is so much projection going on with this shit it’s wild. You all seem to think that everyone thinks like you for the same reasons as you. There’s no point in having a conversation about it because everyone’s so ravenous to twist it into some sort of political statement or naive romanticism. Everything in life has its good and bad, the only choice we get is how we deal with it. I’d like to be able to choose the burden of owning land, not even necessarily a farm, just a piece of dirt will do because it would quell something inside me that longs for something I can point to and say “this is mine, this is my home and it’s mine”.

No. 1680050

>Who sad anything about a farm? I’m so confused about some of these responses about wanting to own land or live rurally. There is so much projection going on with this shit it’s wild.
you're getting worked up over nothing.
>I’d like to be able to choose the burden of owning land, not even necessarily a farm, just a piece of dirt will do because it would quell something inside me that longs for something I can point to and say “this is mine, this is my home and it’s mine”.
this is literally naive romanticism.
it's 2023, not the 1800s. yes, you can buy land to but to make it livable isn't free nor do expenses stop once you own it. if you just want a piece of dirt to die on, buy a cemetery plot and crawl in.

No. 1680057

> you're getting worked up over nothing.
Is that you ot-baitchan?
> this is literally naive romanticism. It’s 2023, not the 1800s. yes, you can buy land to but to make it livable isn't free nor do expenses stop once you own it. if you just want a piece of dirt to die on, buy a cemetery plot and crawl in.
It’s not free? No way? Guess I’ll stop making my “property of me” flag. Hell, guess I’ll repurpose my flag to make a bindle and go move down by the creek, dreams dashed. Thanks nonna for setting me straight and opening my eyes to my naive ways, I’ll never dream again.

No. 1680062

You really think owning your own land will shit? You have the HOA karens even in rural areas, state regulations, game wardens, and if you're near a national park/ common hiking area people will fuck with your shit and complain for no reason

No. 1680065

sorry for questioning your plan hood-nonnie. i should've just gave you asspats and encouraged you to live your dreams of that thomas kinkade cabin in the woods on a sprawling 40-acres that you can obviously afford with on your hood income.

No. 1680067

It’s ok nonna, I’ve given up. All my worldly possessions are in my woefully small bindle, I’m heading to the creekside under the bridge as I type.
You know me so well from my small hyperbolic post, like a true sister. It’s like we came up in the world together, this is truly a deep moment for our bond. But also who is kinkade?

No. 1680068

File: 1693204167214.jpg (90.08 KB, 649x800, meadowood_cottage-837-47241536…)

>You know me so well from my small hyperbolic post, like a true sister. It’s like we came up in the world together, this is truly a deep moment for our bond.
if it's all really hyperbole and you have the money to do it, you wouldn't be dreaming about it.
>But also who is kinkade?

No. 1680071

That is a beautiful picture. I’m not dreaming about it remember? I’m at the creek, under the bridge, dreams dashed. No one dreams about things they’re working towards, they just whole cloth pull it out of their ass and do it! Bootstraps baby! In true American fashion.

No. 1680098

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No. 1680154

AYRT and I literally live in Texas and that’s how I know what rural towns are like kek. I live in a metro area that isn’t fucked like the cities in California tho. Plenty of cities aren’t completely bum-ridden and filthy, with nice suburbs surrounding them (my personal preference due to less crime). But yeah like another nona said, sadly Texas isn’t cheap anymore since 2020 migrations began.

No. 1680155

Kek, are you lonely? You’re projecting again. Is that what’s wrong, you can tell me? We’re practically sisters at this point, blood bonded despite our differences and distance. I didn’t mention a man yet you bring one up, I think you could do better honestly, don’t settle. I know dating can be hard especially in current times but you don’t need an Amish man to meet your desire for a non pornsick scrote. You could try /g for some dating advice.

No. 1680195

I wish I could live like this.

No. 1680197

>Own your own home, work local or from home, no Tinder so people actually still know each other, all men around you are buff as fuck cause they are forced to work labour intensive jobs, nobody is on SSRI's cause everyone touches grass regularly, drive your own car that you own wherever you want
It’s not like I’m in West Virginia but this is so hilariously delusional I can’t believe someone actually spent time typing this

No. 1680229

What's stopping you?

No. 1680239

Conservatives always appeal to emotions over facts ironically enough. Like they love this 'jobs are too hard cause SSRIs dont you want to work on a farm its so cosy and wholesome uwu' or 'don't your feelings get hurt because of Tinder ghosting' as if these things matter more than economic independence or having a choice in who you marry.

No. 1680297

I had a woman in a giant pick up almost run me down at the crosswalk despite me having the right of way. If I didnt look both ways, I would have gotten hit. she just shrugged at me and sped up. I hate how america favors cars so much more over safe places for people to walk. I hate car owners since 90 percent of them cant fucking drive and shouldnt be on the road.

No. 1680386

>"hurr hurr no u!!1!1!"
More hyperbole? You're not actually retarded but just pretending to be, right? ;)

The horseshoe theory is reality, at least in America. Conservatives (and bleeding edge liberals) believe in magical thinking, that if women are forced to bear a child they don't want or making kids pray in school, or whatever condition for their "ideal society" is met then everything and everyone will fall into place.(don’t use emotes)

No. 1680389

Scrote fingers wrote this post(responding to old, banned bait)

No. 1680391

lol you really expect me to dox myself for you? You can type a random state into realtor.com and find land there. Ofc it will be more expensive if you want to live somewhere like Alaska or California (ew), but you can easily buy land for under $100,000 and get a loan from your bank to build a house on it. Well maybe you can't since you probably have a bad credit score from living above your means in the city and never cooking your own food.

No. 1680393

>You have the HOA karens even in rural areas, state regulations, game wardens, and if you're near a national park/ common hiking area people will fuck with your shit and complain for no reason
There's not even a permit office in my area so I can literally do whatever I want. Nobody ever comes by unless they are invited because my house is at the end of a dirt road that leads nowhere else but to my house. No hiking trails. I don't think you've ever been in a truly rural area, it's pretty clear you lived your life in a city and maybe wondered into a suburb once.

No. 1680399

File: 1693234188684.jpg (30.46 KB, 500x375, bF6Cp.jpg)

>lol you really expect me to dox myself for you?
nobody asked you to post your address, you samefagging retard. "I paid 30k for land in the pacific northwest" isn't doxxing yourself.
>Ofc it will be more expensive if you want to live somewhere like Alaska or California (ew), but you can easily buy land for under $100,000 and get a loan from your bank to build a house on it. Well maybe you can't since you probably have a bad credit score from living above your means in the city and never cooking your own food.
yeah, because landlords who rent expensive apartments don't run credit checks or ask for proof of income and security deposits before you move in. if your landlord reports your rent to a credit bureau and you pay on time, you won't have bad credit. then again, you live in the hood so you wouldn't know all that.

No. 1680410

Idk why you keep saying I "live in the hood" is it projection? Is it because you sense I dislike black people so I must live around them? Is it because you have never left your bustling metropolis and don't know that owning your own land and home isn't at all unusual and that millions of people in the US live like that and dont have to smell homeless people's urine every day?

No. 1680412

File: 1693235953887.png (1.44 MB, 675x900, Ferris Wheel _ Jennifer McCHRI…)

What are y'all fighting about in here? If we're talking about whether the city or rural areas are better, I like the city more. Yes there are big downsides, but I love being in a lively hub as opposed to rural areas where you are a million miles away from anything and there's not shit to do. Where I grew up was so far away from everything else so now I can't stand being stranded. I also think people have a tendency to think country life is so easy and if you live rural you can just Snow White LARP everyday, but tbh it's not at all.
But truthfully, which one is "better" just depends on your lifestyle. There's no use in debating about it when we all have such different goals and priorities.

No. 1680416

I'm not American and live in the UK. I own my own home situated in acres of land. I grow my own crops and keep livestock. The problem is that the laws here are so restrictive. Any changes I want to make to my own land and property take years of planning applications and fighting with the local authorities. More than ever I understand why rural Americans that live in red states are like they are. I just want to be left alone to live off grid on my own land.

No. 1680418

isn't there a UK thread? why don't you racebait, samefag, and LARP there, schizo?

No. 1680422

You're replying to multiple posters. I've made two posts in this thread, only one of which you have quoted. I also don't normally post in this thread at all but I was asked a question so I posted an answer.

No. 1680425

>1700 a month for a crappy shack with literally no door
I live in a top floor apartment in a trendy neighborhood of an overpriced city and my rent is $1500. Hah!

Also want to mention the three major causes of death in rural areas are drugs/booze, diabetes from being a fatass, and car crashes, in particular from drunk drivers. Especially mountain roads. Everyone flies down them as fast as they can, drunk day or night, and half of them crash into an oncoming vehicle or fly off the guardrails. I've seen ridiculous crashes on rural roads, you have no fucking clue. The UK btw doesn't have mountains like we do. Mountain roads are not a fucking joke, but some deranged scrote drinking and driving in his lifted mega-XL pickup going 70 in a 30 zone on a twisty steep mountain road will end your life randomly.

We don't have catastrophic crashes in cities because no one here is going more than 40mph as the traffic physically prevents it. The most fucked up accidents are always rural. Cars flipped. Cars down the mountain caught in the trees. Two cars from opposite directions slammed together forming a human-strawberry-jam sandwich. And the deer and moose and other shit. People are terrified of mugging in a city, which I've never experienced because I'm not a retard, but the real danger is a fucking deer leaping in front of you. Last thing you'll see is some tick-ridden horned retard staring dumbly at you after ensuring both it and you will die.

No. 1680439

where the fuck do you live nona. even in the bad neighborhood (and it gets really bad) in my city rent for a studio is 1650 at least. in a nice area it's 1800-2000.

No. 1680446

I can not even imagine giving money to a landlord every month and never owning my own place. Those $1500 could easily be spend on a mortgage every month and you'd end up owning an actual house in 30 years. Renting is so cucked. But I guess you only have to walk 5 minutes to go and spend $20 on a coffee so you think your life is awesome lmfao.

No. 1680450

still with us, racist scrote?

No. 1680452

Instead you have to worry about getting robbed, mugged, assaulted and murdered at more than twice the rate.

No. 1680454

Imagine thinking only scrotes can be racist. I have lived in a city before, that's why I'm racist and moved away. Nothing makes you more racist than living around black and brown people.(racebait)

No. 1680461

And your life is so awesome and fulfilling that you rather spend hours here pretending to be multiple people to own da libs and stupid city folk, instead of feeding your chickens and frolicking in your wilderness or whatever the fuck you claim to own.

No. 1680483

Rural areas in America aren't that unique and what you're describing happens all over the world, the hazards are different depending on the climate and geography.

>Also want to mention the three major causes of death in rural areas are drugs/booze, diabetes from being a fatass

The consequences of rural poverty are seen all over the world. If I go to a market town, the high street is lined with homeless heroin addicts.

>Especially mountain roads.

The UK also has hazardous roads. Where I live is dense peat bog. The roads are narrow, poorly maintained and are frequently water logged. It rains 60% of the time, humidity is always over 85% and in winter this freezes and creates dense fog. Every tourist season people die because they aren't familiar with the roads or weather. Dangerous roads and retards driving on them isn't an American exclusive problem.

>And the deer and moose and other shit.

There's wild animals in the countryside in every country on earth. I already have to deal with deer, wild boar and wild ponies. All you're describing is the same shit in a different location.

It's choice to live in a rural area or a city. Both have their negatives and positives. I don't see why you're replying to obvious bait and getting upset that people choose the live their life differently.

No. 1680485

You still pay "rent" in the form of property tax, maintenance, and depreciation, lmao. Meanwhile I'm close to actually good job opportunities.

Buying is stupid in this market. You'd be a fool to buy.

No. 1680649

File: 1693253785755.png (63.56 KB, 753x503, north carolina.PNG)

Shooting at UNC Chapel Hill only an hour ago. Details are still coming out, but I believe there are two victims so far. The shooter was arrested.

I just don't really understand how many times this has to happen until something actually changes.

No. 1680654

File: 1693253942660.png (147.57 KB, 894x568, news.PNG)

Samefag, and there also was a shooting in Jacksonville two days ago. He also tried to attack an HBCU first, so almost two attacks on schools in these past 2 days.

No. 1680659

I'm just going to personally vent for a bit but I'm so sick of where I live. No nature, rude as fuck people that are cold and not friendly, they all have the same personality and mould themselves into a stereotype, no specific culture besides moids being obsessed with watching boring ass sports (but never playing them of course. they're all fat too lel), ghetto behavior celebrated, world class city that used to be clean but gets more unsafe every year due to the blacks, illegal mexicans everywhere, both of these groups are ALWAYS rude or whining about white people yet get everything they want without working for it, especially scrotes who hide their sexism with racial issues, all the white people and asians left due to these issues or live in wealthy exclusive towns, jealousy, hostility, and anger everywhere, transplants from shitty southern states moving here and taking all our homes and creating more traffic.

The richest, most old money town in the area has the NICEST, most normal people ever. They are always friendly, wave and say hi, smile and have a warm demeanor like people used to. Funny thing is, so many people in my area think this town is full of mean snobs just because they are old money. This is the attitude that turns places into a shithole ghetto. I've lived in bad areas all my life and I'm sick of it. Sick of the attitude, sick of ghetto culture, and upper middle class people feeding into it and praising it because they are oblivious to the damage it can cause since they don't come from that world and never lived it. I'm not the least bit conservative but god damn. Wish I could move states so badly.(global rule #7)

No. 1680673

Buying is the only way to keep your cost of housing from increasing by 10% every single year unfortunately.

No. 1680674

You realize your super nice old money people are the ones who own the ghettos right? Or are you actually retarded?

No. 1680682

If they live in places that don’t charge high property tax then they don’t have to deal with that either. Maybe I’m biased because my city isn’t considered big and the rural areas mesh well together but going to places like San Antonio and Houston really makes you realize how weird and hectic they are. Imagine planning your whole day based on traffic reports and having that be half of your trip to town and thinking that’s normal or time well spent. My town can be driven through in an hour or less and traffic is something we rarely deal with unless someone crashes. I could drive for 10 minutes and have gas stations to my right and someone owning a small ranch to my left while still being in the middle of town.

No. 1680692

You sound like a conspiracy theory retard. Or do you think only governors live in old money areas?

No. 1680694

Exactly. Things are only going to get worse from here, not better. Prices for everything will continue to shoot up outrageously and I highly doubt housing prices will go down.

No. 1680697

back so soon? >>1679965

No. 1680700

that's clearly a different anon. no need to sperg everytime someone mentions a black person

No. 1680704

>pretends to be at least three different people in this thread, going as far as responding to themself.
gee, this thread is sure full of people who apparently live in the same place full of "undesirable races" they want to get away from…

No. 1680707

you're really bad at pointing out samefagging. >>1680659 post was hardly about race but I'm sure you're from lipstick alley and can't help but freak out anytime someone bad mouths the ghetto which yeah is kind of an undesirable place to live…imagine that. nice racebaiting(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1680709

>hardly about race
>world class city that used to be clean but gets more unsafe every year due to the blacks, illegal mexicans everywhere, both of these groups are ALWAYS rude or whining about white people yet get everything they want without working for it
>accuses me of being black because of course you would

No. 1680712

and who commits the most crime in cities? maybe it's a factual statement and not racism like you keep trying to sperg about. low quality bait

No. 1680713

But I thought it wasn't about race?

No. 1680714

>can't comprehend the difference between statistics and blind racism

No. 1680718

lol maybe the mods can change the name of the thread to 'r/coontown' so you and the "other" samefagger can complain about how black and brown people get everything for free, including an apartment in your mind.

No. 1680719

I am not even a third of the posters you accuse me of being, schizo. I was in here once last night, once this morning and now again. I have shit to do outside of arguing with pod-dwellers on the Internet. I'm sure you can't relate.

No. 1680721

and yet here you are, right on time.

No. 1680725

Sorry I didn't know you were a drooling retard who actually thinks living in a place someone else owns is better than owning your own place. There are states with very low and even no property tax and land and a house don't depreciate in value unless you are some sort of horder recking the place. Real estate has been continuously going up in value for the last hundreds of years and soon you rentcucks will be completely priced out with Bill Gates and Blackrock buying everything. If you don't own a home within the next 10-15 years you will probably never be able to. Enjoy paying for an apartment and having neighbors until you die, lol.

No. 1680729

Right on time for what? I'm just reading the thread after cooking tomato sauce with tomatoes from my garden. You should plant some on your apartment balcony, if you have one. They will probably taste like pigeon shit and car exhaust tho.

No. 1680732

right on time whenever i'm here. i like how your other personas stop posting at the same time too. it's quite romantic, really.

No. 1680736

You really can't believe more than one anon would disagree with your hot take that cities are actually paradise and rural areas suck? I think it's an increasingly popular opinion. But you know what, I am not trying to convince you to move to the country, in fact I want you to stay in the city because you are clearly black and the cities are actually perfect for blacks and keeping you all in one place makes it easier for the rest of us to avoid you. I only drive into the city if I really have to and am always afraid a nigger might rob me. Here in the country you can leave your door unlocked btw.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1680737

Imagine trying to convince people you have a great life while spending your free time on lolcow. Ma’am this is the website for mentally fucked women and you aren’t better than anyone just because you grow tomatoes in between obsessively shitting up this thread every chance you can.

No. 1680739

You sound so well adjusted and happy and not at all mentally ill

No. 1680740

File: 1693260552880.jpg (16.92 KB, 480x336, harhar.jpg)

lmao you're the most entertaining thing to ever happen to this thread. truly.
the dedication, the conviction, the passion… i love it!

No. 1680750

If it makes you feel better to think everyone on here is a mentally ill NEET then go ahead I guess. Plenty of us are normal.

No. 1680751

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The "NOOOOO! Only unhinged fuji schizo NEETS are allowed to be on lolcow" is the weirdest gatekeeping. Like why would you self-own like that?

No. 1680754

File: 1693261372553.jpg (20.8 KB, 474x307, th-1139468322.jpg)

you got this! don't stop now!

No. 1680764

File: 1693262394403.jpeg (168.23 KB, 960x1034, 9931.jpeg)

What do all the cities at the tippy top have in common, nonnas? Can you figure it out?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1680775

File: 1693263266189.jpg (92.63 KB, 800x533, whereipostfrom.jpg)

Many threads ago someone asked if there were any other Alaskans here, I responded but immediately stopped browsing lolcow for a few months kek. If you are still here fellow last frontier nonnie I hope you're having a good day

No. 1680795

Literally. Weird to open this thread to read the ramblings of a schizophrenic pickme (if not just a loser scrote malding that no one here is drinking the kool aid)

No. 1680798

Republican state leadership.

No. 1680801

Governors typically live in a mansion owned by the state. Not sure what point you were trying to make. Care to try again?

No. 1680810

it always makes me laugh when racists want to claim it is blacks but fail to acknowledge why black communities in blue states thrive and have no crime kek

No. 1680811

No. 1680815

do you have a house? if not you clearly don't know how hard the process of buying a home is nowadays kek. the irony is you're replying to a post that's a response to how hard rural life truly is and how financially draining it is. Even rural areas corporate greed is taking over. I would bet my entire bank account you practice literally nothing you preach and are basically unnoticably compared to le ebul city folks you cry about

No. 1680820

How is philly not higher

No. 1680832

>do you have a house?
Yes. I guess since it's "difficult" you should just not bother? Getting a degree is also difficult. Working is difficult. I guess just don't work any let the state provide everything for you?

No. 1680862

just chiming in to say the Californians have been coming to the deep south of bumblefuck nowhere to become beekeepers and whatever. y'all have fun, please don't shoot me.

No. 1680883

I'm with the glowies on this. Online incel spaces like 4chan and reddit are radicalizing dumb scrotes into being mass shooters. They should be broken up and all the terminally online scrotes preemptively arrested and sent off to labor camps.

And it's always males. You never see a female (who isn't a tim) doing this. Why is the go-to for feeling shitty about yourself to shoot randos. Go camping for a week. Go take a tour with peace corps. Males cannot be trusted to decide their own lives, they should be chained up and told what to do by an older woman, either their mother or a teacher or advisor. Moids go insane if they have freedom because they inevitably squander it. Take the jobless incel losers and arbeit macht frei them in a coal mine.

No. 1680889

Car centric infastructure is the problem, not cities. Madrid doesn't have that issue. London doesn't have that issue. It's just lazy american pigs unable to walk who need a motorized lounge chair to move their lardy asses around, and all the resulting zillion cars clog the streets up, unlike train or bike or pedestrians.

Cars ruin cities. Name the problem. The problem is cars and car-centric development.

No. 1680899

File: 1693272297394.jpg (48.36 KB, 976x549, _103897772_npc_meme_1.jpg)

Thats right nonnas. Don't have a car so you depend fully on government run public transport. Don't own your own home so you can depend entirely on a landlord for housing. Don't have any guns, just trust the government to protect you. Don't put money into assets like real estate or gold/silver, just trust the banks. Consume more product. Don't own anything. Buy an Alexa to make your life easier. Use your handprint to pay for stuff instead of holding cash in your hand. Have you gotten your 10th booster shot yet? It's Covid season again soon!

Just trust the government, they will protect you. They won't take all of this away from you the second you say something they don't like, like that men can't be women.

No. 1680907

it's so cringe when americans make every lifestyle choice about some rambo fantasy of evading a government bureau trying to hunt and kill them.

No. 1680915

Distrusting the government is the most patriotic American thing you can do. It's because our government is evil and run by pedophilic millionaires who have sex with children on Lolita Island. Non-Americans just don't get it.

No. 1680916

>when breathing in nuclear warfare radiation lowers your iq
Aren't you busy letting muslim men rape and chop your heads off? Maybe you should worry about that, europoor.(bait)

No. 1680965

If you had our government you wouldn't trust it either.

No. 1680991

>Don't have a car so you depend fully on government run public transport.
Yes because paying $5000 every year out of your own pocket to insurance companies and big oil, on top of needing to replace it every 5 years and giving your money to big auto is such a better alternative. Meanwhile the government you hate so much uses your taxpayer money to bail out automobile corporations instead of having a functional public transit system that would actually benefit everyone. It's always the ones who do this NPC meme the biggest NPCs and don't realize they're getting fucked over by both corpos and big brother.

No. 1681009

When shit hits the fan it will be in the cities. The smart people will jump in their cars and drive away. What are you gonna do? lol, lmao.

No. 1681013

>replace it every 5 years
What kind of cars are you driving? I know black women are notoriously bad drivers, but you shouldn't have to replace your car every 5 years. if you get a good car and learn basic upkeep your car can last 20 years or more.(racebait)

No. 1681030

0 IQ rant. We already are being controlled and it's not by anyone who we elected in. Money is what talks here, who do you think buys off the politicians, lmao. This entire country is just 3 corporations in a cowboy hat and they are the ones who decide your every move in life. housing bubbles, medicines approved by FDA, automobile investing. everything exists just to put more money in pockets. as if you had a choice in any of this, kek.

God forbid you step outside this country and realize a better life is possible. Go on a single chinese or japanese train and tell me this shit would be the biggest game changer of all time for the american landscape. have a bit of fucking wonder and curiosity in your life

No. 1681110

Japanese trains? The ones where women have to have a separate cart because the get groped so much? Wow sounds wonderful!

My point is that you should be as independent from the government as possible and owning a car is part of that.

No. 1681134

also worth noting the people who clung to their cars in maui all roasted to death. the cars became death boxes because the road was blocked. cars are trash tier for survival situations. they depend on a govt supported infrastructure grid and constant supply of fuel from gas stations. one oopsie to the infrastructure grid knocks cars out of operation. i watched one survivor video, and he only lived because he ABANDONED his car and went on foot. the roads were gridlock. cars fail at the slightest hiccup. people were better off running into the ocean than trying to take a car out of town.

a bike is the most self-sufficient and reliable transit option. all maintenance can be done by yourself. there is no way for the govt to track the bike or where you go with it. you can ride just about anywhere. you can take the bike inside other transit forms, up staircases, into buildings, onto boats, on trails, on sidewalks, even on grass, and the only fuel it needs is your own body fat. rambo types are delulu to think a car defeats govt control.

No. 1681136

>The smart people will jump in their cars and drive away.
Lmao that worked out great for Lahaina. dumbfuck

No. 1681222

getting a degree is difficult in terms of the amount of work required to put in, buying a home is difficult in terms of the requirements a lot of home buying agencies require never mind the fact a lot of realtors will literally only sell affordable houses to investors if Chinese millionaires aren't already buying homes the next DAY they've been up. Don't be slow. Are you not seeing posts of young folks getting denied for mortgages that are HALF their rent because their bank is refusing to write them permission?

not the worst strawman I've seen but one of them. Someone pointing out the average person can no longer buy a home even if they can afford the mortgage. I unlike you apparently own a home which is why I understand this and you just accuse everyone you disagree with of bizarre things because you took it out of context when I said it's hard

No. 1681259

People who don't have experience and try to use statistics etc to "show us" easy it is don't understand that the American economy is NOTORIOUS for screwing statistics to where it "technically" looks good on paper but the reality is different and then it's easy to accuse people of just being lazy

Ex - unemployment rates technically look good but they're not taking in account to people who get their hours cut or have to get more jobs to scrape by

Hourly wages technically look good until they bring up companies will give people "just enough" hours to make sure they dont qualify for insurance

Low tax rates look great but they still take a handful of extra %s off for gov programs we can't even benefit from

Low mortgage rates look good until the bank constantly denies people for not being investors (no you morons, it's not because we just don't want to work)

Gov programs like EBT, Medicaid, etc look great until you realize majority of people who need it don't qualify for it unless it means to make irresponsible adjustments (take a job that pays $3/hour less, have a baby, etc), nevermind the fact some of these require 3+ worth of paystubs and steady employment which is impossible in right to work states

And next point - right to work. Seems great you don't need to go through a bunch of other laws and regulations to fire someone right? You'd think employers would use this as an advantage to fire employees such as sexual harassers but no they just use it to starve up people just because they don't like that you don't fit in like it's a fucking high school clique and not a job but married moids who flirt with teens stay employed in their crappy fast food jobs. In fact I'd even argue it's easier for a teenage girl to get fired from a fast food restaurant for no apparent reason than it is for a moid to get fired after multiple reports of sexual harassment

No. 1681286

You lack so much self-awareness if you truly don't see how batshit schizo and unhinged your posts sound. You are extremely insufferable and unlikable, toxic, and shitty towards everyone. Like why choose to be that way? It's pathetic

No. 1681370

>fact I'd even argue it's easier for a teenage girl to get fired from a fast food restaurant for no apparent reason than it is for a moid to get fired after multiple reports of sexual harassment
Literally my experience through my teens and 20s. They'll fire young women like nobody's business even if they have the best work ethic, show up on time, never call out unless it's absolutely necessary, etc. Once I worked at a shop that fired a teenage girl who was a good worker for crying in the break room (I think?) But stupid frat boys would constantly be no call no shows when they're hung over and always have a job to come to with appropriate hours and wage

No. 1681461

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Why are Americans so hostile and critical towards diets that aren't shoveling down food? It's so bizarre, I see people get praised for feeding them and their families greasy junk food for dinner because "at least they're eating" but I've seen women make things like salads, salmon, berries, etc on TikTok for the comment section to be spammed with idiots screaming about how it's not seasoned because they didn't deep fry it in hot Cheetos dust or about how "its not enough stuff" when it's like 1500+ cal. My recent favorite is the meltdowns centered around the Paleo diet as if a bunch of people who think milk, berries and steak is the most unhealthy and least of their concerns when shoving down disgusting greasy burgers or microwave food that's mostly cancer shouldn't be discussed and protecting someone's diet from getting criticism is somehow the priority then

No. 1681492

>In fact I'd even argue it's easier for a teenage girl to get fired from a fast food restaurant for no apparent reason than it is for a moid to get fired after multiple reports of sexual harassment
In addition to the creepy sexual moids my last job had so many psycho moids with rage issues. Had a coworker who would have screaming meltdowns and threaten to run people over with the pallet jack IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS but never got written up. Also would smash the pallet jack into things and cause product loss and damage equipment. A lot of managers are just spineless and don't want to risk the crazy guy coming in with a gun after he gets written up so they won't deal with it. Then they nitpick the hell out of female employees because female employees are "safe" to nitpick, women will apologize and promise to work harder even if we've done nothing wrong.

No. 1681602

>omg yikes sweaty do you even know how problematic and toxic you sound? clapping hand emojis DO clapping hand emojis BETTER clapping hand emojis

I love when twitterfags go outside their hugbox and are just utterly blown away that people don't agree with the narrative they were taught and blindly accept. A worldview different from yours? However will you live?!

No. 1681607

Steak and milk is shit food. The "paleo" diet is just cope from fatties looking for a magical recipe to cure them instantly. If you had even a half-functioning brain you'd swap the red meat with fish and the milk with yoghurt.

No. 1681646

This is my type.

No. 1681668

Idk but I’m tired of people visibly changing their whole demeanor and way of speaking to me because they think I’m anachan just because I don’t want to eat breakfast within 30 min of opening my eyes or eat snacks constantly in the day

No. 1681671

Begone, britbong

No. 1681679

I am tired of being so broke, living in America. I dont mean to say being broke elsewhere is better, just that my experience here is that brokeness makes predators in the finance industry salivate. Did you know I am approved for an emergency loan of 10k, but an interest rate of 99%? Not doing that obviously. But fuck, how is that even legal?

No. 1681700

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Personally im gonna buy a gun and shoot in the air the next time i see another gaggle of rich white transplants in my neighborhood and another vegan kosher cafe being opened in a place that is supposed to have Caribbean influence. I want you devils to go back to your boring ass everything looks, acts, and is the same towns. Stop coming to our hoods to gain a semblance of personality you never had to begin with and then crying when the people born and raised there dont cater to your ugly dumbass.

Stay in your boring ass suburbs where you all buy the same box blonde revlon hairdye and blue colored contacts and pretend you aren't living off credit and your cheating husband's child support.(race sperging)

No. 1681709

New Orleans?

No. 1681718

I feel like the only reason gentrification is really bad is because of how expensive everything gets. Sure, Caribbean food fucks, but who actually wants crime and piece of shit ghetto scrotes surrounding them?

No. 1681722

The solution is to kill moids, plain and simple.

No. 1681731

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>Caribbean food sucks

No. 1681732

Oh haha, I misread that. Samefag.

No. 1681738

I’m not going to tell anyone else how to feel by my personal experience going from low, low, barely middle class maybe rural to living homeless in the city was that the latter was infinitely better. Looking back now, I realize of course that a lot still sucked, like it was hard to get around because of less public transport but I could still walk plenty of places and paying for the odd Uber was way better than spending a gazillion dollars on gas just to go to the grocery store which btw because it’s so expensive and time consuming is a 2week to monthly occurrence in the country kek, so anything you don’t grow yourself assuming you can afford the mulch, dirt enrichments, and pesticides to grow anything other than 50 tons of squash needs to be shelf stable, frozen, or eaten in the first week. And I was couch surfing sewing with predator scrotes or renting a room for $300 a month with a broken window and no AC in the 100+ heat but at least there was clean water and public services available. There are so many resources in the city it’s unreal, especially the libraries are a gold mine that will literally change your life and allow you upward mobility. In the country you are lucky to have a library and it will be like 3 small bookshelves of Steven king and Tom Clancy, nothing else and certainly no computers, no rentable items. I noticed hardly anyone uses the resources, though, a lot of city slickers seem quite lazy. There is also a plethora of under the table work opportunities. I went outside more because it was fun to have places to go and people to see and just walk. In the country going outside gets boring fast unless you have the money for fun hobby stuff. I actually had felt that my quality of living there was the highest it had ever been.

I imagine living an urban area with no clean water and lots of gang violence would be way worse, but that’s only a few city areas.

No. 1681751

samefag but I forgot to mention internet access alone is a massive catapult. Only internet available in the country was $50/m 5GB near dial up speed and it was out half the time. I will say though that farmers markets aren’t real in the cities I’ve been in. They have all been taken over by ali express resellers

No. 1681895

Fatties? Weirdly enough Paleo folks are typically the only fad dieters I know who are actually skinny or fit.

No. 1681897

Not just the terrible job security for women but most women who work low paying jobs are typically trying to escape an abuse situation or trying to support themselves and their kids. Women need way more job security than men since from what I've seen moids typically have better job security and find jobs either as well as being more likely to negotiate better. I knew a moid who got like 5 more dollars an hour just because he told them he had a baby but there's single mothers of multiple children who make half what he does in the same place. The "wage gap being debunked" has just been a way to shut up women and keep us from speaking about how unfair employers are

No. 1681898

+Moids who are single dads or even just on their own get way way more support from friends and families

No. 1682098

bullet trains where you sit =/= overcrowded metro subways, please read. either way, all societies should adopt female only public transport cars, as moids ruin everything.

No. 1682111

It's this fat positivity bullshit. Just what we need, to encourage lardos to get even fucking fatter. Being 250 lbs isn't enough for them, no, they have to keep putting away Cheesecake Factory until they top 350 and you have to applaud their bravery or be branded as a bigot. But an attractive person eats a salad and gets attacked by 500 jealous fat-lards and is made out to be mentally ill.

I am so tired of seeing fatties everywhere. Have some fucking shame and go purge into the toilet or get 50 rounds of liposuction, waddle-ass.

No. 1682118

Keto is doing me well. I'm eating a diet that is 30% cheese and I'm losing weight on it. You can hate if you want to. Milk and yogurt are the same thing anyway from a nutritional stance. There is no difference.

No. 1682137

Actually might not be legal kek I’d honestly take it and not pay it back

No. 1682138

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Hope all the nonnies potentially affected by hurricane Idalia stay safe. RIP cedar key

No. 1682184

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American distrust in doctors is one of the only things I can side with the general population on. We have one of the worst healthcare results in the first world and people will stand around screaming how it's because we're fat or something when almost every single person can count at least a handful of times when doctors deliberately ignored or underplayed their symptoms until they evolved into even worse conditions or the patient straight up died kek. In fact one of the biggest "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO WHAT DOCTORS SAY" people I know actually had like millions flying out the door trying to get pregnant via IVF because her doctors were blowing off her PCOS blowing up or trying to underplay it just to sell her the most expensive solution. It's like we can't do things to prevent us from being manipulated or medically neglected but if we just blindly put our trust in the worst healthcare outcome in the first world we get fucked up

>In B4 dunning kruger effect

The guy who invented this phrase actually went on to say not only does he HATE when people use this in internet arguments but this phrase was meant to be a self reflection to people to understand that they aren't always perfect and can always make room for improvements. People using this defense to silence people for questioning healthcare is actually the opposite of what they inventor would have wanted since he mainly encouraged doctors to look at what they did wrong and understand they aren't perfect and can improve

No. 1682199

Kek the best examples outside of doctors is always "are you going to ignore a lawyer giving you advice" or "are you going to ignore a mechanic telling you about your car" likely obviously you're not completely blowing them off but acting like majority of Americans professions don't have a habit of upselling you constantly, even mechanics, is naive. The mindset Americans are trying to instill in everyone about how we can't question anything at all of people trying to demand our massive paychecks is ridiculous. Only Americans would suggest something as silly as everyone who works in x profession is a literal god that shall not be questioned. I've seen soooo many circumstances where people could have minor fixed fuck ups from professionals fast if they had called it out instead of drinking the "bow down to the professionals" Kool aid

No. 1682200

>single mothers of multiple children who make half what he does in the same place
That's cause companies will fire you for even asking for more pay or hell even just more hours can leave a bad taste in the companies mouth unless you're willing to work them for free

No. 1682206

Dangerously based.

No. 1682216

>Pointing in the issues with the fact our society is built on cars is the same exact thing as rich people demanding poor that we can't own anything

No. 1682217

Slightly ot but is it possible to do paleo or keto diets if you can't digest dairy?

No. 1682220

You need to rely more on oils but I don't recommend keto to anyone. Please don't do it. Even established dieticians don't support it.

No. 1682223

Keto is terrible for you unless you're diabetic and can't afford insulin and it's short term. Paleo is completely different as you can still consume healthy sugars and carbs

No. 1682266

Same, when I worked in an office at a college I knew of multiple gross moids (state employees if not students) who got reported for sexual harassment/being creeps or yelling at others for no reason to the point the affected women, usually students had to quit. Those creepy or aggressive moids never faced consequences and it was impossible to fire them for some reason. One even had professors complain and all that happened was he moved to another building that wasn’t occupied. The male management always took the sides of the shitty guys because of how men identify with other men as some sort of hivemind. Really helped me see the whole “boys club” concept blatantly play out in front of me.

No. 1682436

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Thanks nonnie!

No. 1682466

fun fact there's a big USPS distribution center in Tallahasse so if you live within like 150 miles of there (I'm guessing but it's a large range) you're not getting your mail for a while sorry

No. 1682539

Yes. A salad with olive oil and a vinegar dressing is keto, baked salmon with asparagus is keto, roast lamb with steamed cauliflower is keto. There's even vegan and vegetarian keto diets. A paleo diet excludes dairy entirely.

No. 1682670

Can a big city nonnie explain something to me? If someone breaks into your house/ does a smash and grab on your car/ steals your car is the appropriate response to really call 911? Rather than go fill out a police report online or at a station? Or call a non-emergency police number? If you don’t know who the perp is or where they are what exactly is the emergency that you would be calling 911 for? I see a lot of people in my city complain that someone stole something from their car and when they called the police the police either never showed up or took 5+ hours to get to them but idk if I’m just extra retarded but that makes sense to me.

No. 1682680

Nobody cares about you or your problems, either say something with some actual substance or get the fuck out of here.(edgy)

No. 1682693

There's really no need to be so rude…whatever is happening in your life that is stressing you out I hope it gets better soon.

I am not in a huge city but when I lived in a big-ish city my car got the windows busted out and stuff stolen. I called the non emergency police bc I didnt know what to do and it technically wasnt an emergency. They actually semt a cop out and he took fingerprints kek he was super nice,but I think maybe it was only because I was maybe 18 and terrified sounding on the phone. Nothing came of it, and I rarely hear that anyone actually tries to call police for a vehicle break in any more they just make a report online and on insurance, but idk if that is because there was an actual shift in policy that even non emergency police wont take the call or if everyone just assumes that because they dont even come out for car wrecks anymore unless there is an injury bad enough to need treatment on the spot (if it isnt raining, if its raining the wreck has to be bad bad for police to come).

No. 1682701

Sorry nonna, not quite from a big city like NY myself. But having lived in a what wikipedia calls a metropolitan area (vague, I know), we definitely call the cops if someone has broken in or fucks with our shit. Now, if they show up, that can depend on if you live in the ghetto, or are a few blocks from the police department. There have been a few times where they just don't show up for hours, though. Maybe an LA or NY nonna can chime in, kek.
Just report and don't respond, nonna. They're in multiple threads right now.
But yeah, non-emergency lines are useful, like when there's a small wreck blocking a side street, or for noise complaints.

No. 1682704

In my city you can't call 911 for that and you can't even call the non emergency line. The only option is an online form system that doesn't work. It's hard out here in the South.

No. 1682783

I do vegan or plant based keto inspired and I think it’s the healthiest out there. I don’t think dairy is great but I’ll sometimes use Greek yogurt to help me reach protein goals. Eating like this makes me feel amazing.

No. 1682814

What do you think this thread is for exactly??

No. 1682855

here i was worried that i'm the cuntiest anon here, thanks for taking the title, anon

No. 1682868

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My friend has a theory that the government is purposefully letting our economy go to shit so that people join the US military. I kinda believe it because the propaganda commercials aren't gonna work no matter how much they try to make the army seem like Call of Duty or FPS games.

What do we think anons?

No. 1682893

…duh? is that not obvious to everyone?

No. 1682896

When I graduate I wanna drop everything and move to the southwest. I'm so sick of snow. Good idea? bad idea? can any desertfags weigh in?

No. 1682897

Ew nta but get your head out of your ass you socially untrained wildebeest

No. 1682916

no one enlists if they have other options. getting maimed so the rich can make a quick buck is a hard sell, that's why it's the only way to get free healthcare, free higher education, free child care, affordable housing, the possibility of retirement, etc.

No. 1682918

oh, and (samefag) i'm not watching your tik tok video, it looks asinine

No. 1682937

You're literally vidrel

No. 1682944

His vids are good tho kek. It triggers my fight or flight

No. 1682952

Even that's a scam kek. Tri care sucks ass and doesn't cover anything, the GI bill is completely bullshit and you'd have to take like 1 class a semester if you only take what they cover the cost for, the "housing" is straight up poisoning people and needs like 5 days of deep cleaning with chemical only available to clean up companies and most veterans end up homeless

They like to advertise the idea it's basically the American dream when that couldn't be further from the truth, it's only an option if you're literally homeless even then the process itself can take months or a year or so if you don't starve to death after basics. And if you got any form of physical problems don't even think about it kek my husband got denied in the military because of one asthma attack when he was 12.

I also have a theory they're this desperate due to the COVID vaccine requirements and the fact they're now having to send home a bunch of people who have got heart problems from it

No. 1682961

Yeah, now realize that all of those things are even worse for the rest of us.

No. 1682963

There's no such thing as a good tik tok, that shit is all mind cancer

No. 1682966

Nah it’s so at the final moment corporations can swoop in and save us.
> Need housing, food and a conveniently located job? Look no further, introducing Amazon campus! Work from your lavish Amazon apartment, with free prime and internet what more could you want?
At first they’ll even throw in a wage but eventually that’ll get lowered as they offer more amenities and then when they’re paying everyone nothing those amenities will go to shit and there we go. You’ll own nothing and be happy.

No. 1682991

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Will it ever get any better? As a working class paycheck-to-paycheck poorfag, I'm scared

No. 1683013

I live in Houston and I hate it so much. It's hot as fuck all year, and it stopped being cheap years ago when tons of people started moving here yet our minimum wage is still fucking $7. I know "walkable cities" is kind of a meme here but Houston is actually unlivable without a car, all the poorest people I know are wasting hundreds a month on Uber and Doordash because they can't afford a car and don't have a grocery store or anything within walking distance. Every corner has beggars, they even bring their kids out to wash your windows without asking and then beg for money or run in front of your car. There's a couple of things I'd miss, like my family and the amazing food, but I really want to move. idk if there's any "good" cities without my mentioned problems anywhere in the US though tbh

No. 1683015

Why is walkable cities a meme? Why do we let peter thiel dictate what is or isn't a "meme"? You have to realize that the based/cringe dialectic is formed by someone who literally wants to drink the blood of young men.

No. 1683016

>millions of dollars on IVF
>instead of like, 10 straight years of vacationing
no child is worth that much. agree with the rest though. healthcare providers are scum. they will tell you the stupidest takes and expect you to mindlessly follow their retarded advice at your own expense. if you go to 10 different doctors you get 10 different diagnoses. and double fuck the CDC, they're a bureaucracy of midwit karens.

No. 1683017

no I meant it's a meme in the sense that when it got brought up earlier in the thread it started lots of infighting. I'd love to live somewhere where I didn't need a car for my daily commute and grocery shopping but I think ultimately it's a personal preference, some people really love driving. I don't know who Peter Thiel is

No. 1683024

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>I don't know who Peter Thiel is

No. 1683025

lmao I will never join the army because I'm an anti-vaxxer. i'd sooner be under a bridge than in a barracks jabbed up full of mystery juice. it's not even a secret that the military uses its boot-pigs to test new pharmaceuticals on, they used to test things like LSD on soldiers because their asses are property of the govt and they have no human rights anymore. the military btw is full of creepy 4moids with waifu dakis and entire terrabytes of porn downloaded. i've talked to military guys. everyone just watches hentai all day and fucks local prostitutes. they all get STDs like crazy and leave bastard children behind. if you see a military scrote, run in the other direction, because there is an 80% chance he is a rapist. the other 20% are homosexuals.

No. 1683066

Even people who say they live driving get road rage when they have to drive 20 minutes to walmart for milk. There's just too much deadly stupidity on the road to enjoy the ride. And then you get there and have to walk 100 yards across insanely hot pavement and then your ice cream melts before you get it home. No one enjoys this.

No. 1683077

…what? It's literally just short videos. I'm not a fan of the platform either but even I'm not stupid enough to seethe and cry just because of a single TikTok you didn't even bother watching. Even university classes are starting to include TikToks kek

No. 1683080

imo it's acceptable for women or families with children making a 5 minute drive for food or something because it's so dangerous with shitty drivers who have hate boners for walkers or the amount of traffickers, rapists, etc that will easily swoop them up if given a chance

Moids though? I instantly lose respect for any moid who can't be bothered to walk for less than an hour or so to get anywhere

No. 1683084

But wouldn't your ice cream also melt on you if you were walking home? I do agree there are more and more stupid drivers. I think it's Gen Z having their licenses and pandemic brainrot. So many people texting on their phones going 40-80mph. And then they're not even sorry when they get other people killed.

No. 1683085

spicy take but women are just as shitty drivers as men. I saw a woman driving a car today applying her makeup at a stoplight. and god knows if there are kids in that vehicle they are going insane tearing it apart and she is constantly distracted to scream at them to stop shitting on the seats or throwing ice cream at the dashboard or shoving gundam figures in their sibling's nostril. no one in this country is a qualified driver. everyone is stupid and retarded.

men though are 100% of road ragers. women drivers might scream and honk but only moids pull out a gun because you stopped for a yellow and caused them to "miss the light" that they were intending to run. men were a mistake.

No. 1683088

I wish i lived somewhere where it was hot as fuck all year!!! I hate it here!! the other shit sounds bad though

No. 1683090

what the hell? You make it sound like women are constantly getting killed on the streets by getting run over. also i wouldn't wanna walk to get my groceries, they're heavy and why would I be bothered to? Walking is fine but i hate hauling shit.

No. 1683103

it's good exercise, and if you have a comfy backpack it isn't any more heavy than a school backpack. personally i can't be pissed to drive and combust 3 gallons of gasoline just to buy some lettuce but you do you, personal choice freedumb fuck yeah.

No. 1683106

NTA but some people have several bags worth of groceries, that's not going to fit into a backpack. Especially for things like large milk, juice, turkey, ham, etc. and when you have many family members to feed.

No. 1683107

Your only chance is advancing and acquiring better skills or experience. Even then, you’re just cancelling out inflation that’s spiked over the past few years. I feel so fucked as a new graduate because I feel like it’s impossible for me to even get a foot in. Even then I’m making as much as my siblings were making out of school a decade ago. Just my luck! Shitty jobs and housing prospects even though I did everything right.

No. 1683113

>by getting run over

No. 1683114

have their asses carry groceries too. people have survived for thousands of years before the invention of cars. I assure you that you won't fall over dead from carrying home a ham.
my god they are seriously so god damned fucking fat. i want to puke every time i see a fatty. it's unfathomable how lazy people are when our ancestors evolved literally running down gazelle to the point of exhaustion. now they complain to carry a bag of groceries a quarter mile.

No. 1683115

All major areas should have access to female only metro and buses. Watch how much money they'd make. I only ever felt unsafe on public trains and buses because of moids.

No. 1683116

we can't have that in america because they'll count troons as female.

No. 1683164

Walking to the store is easy, walking all the blocks back with 40lbs of cat litter, no thanks. And buying a smaller size of that isn't cost efficient.

No. 1683232

Not American but in the previous thread I said a Popeyes will open in my city and it'll be the third one in my country. It's going to open next week. I'll be there, what would you recommend I order? I need to hear it from experts.

No. 1683243

People usually rave about the chicken sandwich, I think anything spicy is a go-to. I haven't eaten there in ages but I had spicy recipe chicken and mash and it was pretty good. It's got a kind of seafood-ish savory feel in comparison to other chicken chains if you like that

No. 1683252

Spicy chicken sandwich is a meme, but still pretty good. I like the Cajun seasoning in their mashed potatoes gravy. The red beans and rice are so inauthentic but I still find it tasty. It's like a more seasoned KFC.

No. 1683255

How spicy is it? Will it taste like fire or will it just taste good and seasoned? It's not diarrhea inducing isn't it?

No. 1683269

not those anons but just a normal amount. despite that Popeyes still always messes with my stomach even with their super mild menu items, idk why.

No. 1683271

Not at all, it's subtle.

No. 1683273

Maybe it's just a reaction you have to a specific ingredient? Sometimes when I eat spicy food it messes up my stomach even if it tastes good, so I have to be careful. But if it's a chicken sandwich it should be fine. I'm looking forward to it and will report back. I'm sure the menu will be a bit different compared to the American one though.

No. 1683481

This thread puts me in a bad mood every time I come here but damn it, I can't stop. It's the stubborn American way

No. 1683490

kek and I don't know what the anon is on about either, I haven't met a single european or asian who can walk home for hours with shit tons of groceries either. Just another sheep who takes the kool aid about how average americans are at fault for everything

No. 1683498

Millennialfag here, I remember when the "hands free" law passed in 2008 after iphones came out, and people were generally starting to get better at putting their phones down in the mid 2010s. Now, after 2020 I see people staring at their phones on the road all of the time, it's crazy. It's like we went back in time or something

No. 1683593

I feel so insane being in a car with other people sometimes. I swear to god 80% of retards waiting at stop lights just take that as the go ahead to check their phones. is it really that difficult and boring that you have to wait for a minute or two for the light to change that you HAVE to check what could possibly be new on twitter? It makes me internally chimp out when I see people just on their phones at stops it makes my primitive angry brain fire on all cylinders.

No. 1683643

They don't buy shit tons of groceries at a time to begin with. They have tiny fridge freezers over there and there's no need to buy 36 eggs since it's a 10 min walk to get more when you run out.

No. 1683654

nta but some people absolutely have to buy shit tons of groceries all at once if you live with multiple people
t. raised in a family of 7

No. 1683682

Family of 7 has 7 people to carry groceries.

No. 1683696

Nta but you really underestimate the amount of food a large family will need kek. Buying small amounts of food every few days is ideal when you're alone, but it's better to just buy in bulk if you have a lot of people. Also, it's just unrealistic to expect an entire family to go on one shopping trip together and carry all the groceries back idk about other people but speaking from my experience growing up with a lot of people under one roof, it was pretty much just two people stocking up the kitchen. Unless you're saying they spread what would be one trip across multiple days (still unrealistic and nonsensical).

No. 1683698

i guess it depends on each one's dynamic, because in mine my parents hated bringing the entire family along for anything that isn't a special occasion or for any place that isn't a couple of blocks away

No. 1683707

I was being kind of facetious. In Europe I have generally seen carless people use a covered wagon trailer on their bicycle to get a lot of groceries at once. I used to take the train with a back pack and two messenger bags to a country where groceries were cheaper and bring back like 6 1-liter cartons of milk plus everything else I needed for a month at a time. That only involved about 5 minutes of walking from home to the train station then 5 minutes walking back (destination grocery store was at the train station itself so maybe 30 seconds of walking from the train to the store). I really miss it.

No. 1683741

Fun in theory but if you live alone you likely have to work multiple jobs to scrape by, meaning you have zero time and the little time you do get to yourself to go grocery shopping is a once every few weeks type deal, will probably stretch even longer if they had to walk to get groceries (thanks Walmart for refusing to be 24 hours again). Stocking up is the best option for a lot of people you really shouldn't foam at the mouth at Americans for using a car to get groceries when it's the best option for most people

No. 1683744

Because I'm sure 2 toddlers and a new born are going to be great at carrying groceries and walking to the store carrying the babies

No. 1683746

Every fast food place fucks my stomach up idk why

No. 1683747

>even university includes tiktoks
This is why America is failing. Our universities are a joke.

No. 1683770

Can we please get rid of the root of this issue?? Men! It's always men

No. 1683779

Spicy chicken sandwich and potato wedges.

No. 1683781

A family of 7 sounds like a nightmare. Why are people even still reproducing in this time line?

No. 1683901

> who can walk home for hours with shit tons of groceries either.
No one said anything like that. I carry a backpack and 2 bags a distance of half a mile. If you don't live in the fucking bill'hills of arkanbama this is a reasonable expectation. you're drumming it up to make excuses of why you are too lazy to walk 15 minutes with a bag of salad, some bananas, and a loaf of bread with deli meat.

No. 1683990

Congrats but most Americans don't live "just half a mile" from a grocery store. I live in a fairly walkable suburbs and even to the nearest grocery store is over an hour walk, I'm even lucky enough to have sidewalks for most of the trip which isn't reality for most. It's even harder in extreme temps like all last week if not straight up dangerous

No. 1684004

that's because we're telling you the retarded infrastructure design is the problem, 'nons

No. 1684013

I think a lot of the anons in this thread claiming Americans are dogshit lazy retards don't understand what a privilege it is to have the time, energy, and living situation that allows you to walk for groceries. With the rent crisis, living in an area close to amenities like grocery stores where it is safe to walk is even less likely than before.
A woman who cannot afford a car certainly cannot afford time to take a multi-hour trip to the grocery store to feed herself, and so she will go to the neighborhood stores and gas stations closest to her. I would never buy crappy expensive milk at a gas station, but the overworked woman with no car doesn't have a choice.

No. 1684021

my broke carless ass can do it, it isn't privilege, it's making intelligent choices, like choosing NOT to live in the middle of suburban nowhere where you rely on a car for every single facet of your daily life and would perish within 3 days if it stopped running. a car that, if you have it, hint, meanwhile, costs you at average more than $500 a month. Yeah it's the people who don't own a vehicle who are privileged. It's the people who don't live in suburbia who are privileged.

You wanted the mercedes and mcmansion. i chose a sustainable lifestyle that i can live on while borderline broke. don't you dare call me privileged. do you have any idea how much a car actually costs? you don't, because it isn't an unconquerable expense for you.

half of my generation cannot even AFFORD a car and you're talking about how privileged we are

and the tiem and energy? a 15 min walk is easier and less stressful than driving in heavy traffic my dudette. you go to a gym. my life is my gym.

No. 1684025

Nta but you're really sheltered if you think it's the people living in mcmansions with mercedes who can't walk to get groceries kek. I say that from personal experience. My family was broke as a joke, and even corner stores weren't in walking distance. I don't think people who live in food deserts are very rich either.

No. 1684026

be mad at your local government for shitty land use policy then. i have the right to get around this country without needing to suck off big oil.
and "food desert" is defined as a quarter-mile. 1/4 of a mile. Which is a 3 minute walk.

No. 1684030

I am. I never said it's your fault that walkability sucks in America or that you aren't allowed to walk to get groceries.
>"food desert" is defined as a quarter-mile. 1/4 of a mile
Pretty sure this isn't true.

No. 1684040

first result on google:
>In the US, a food desert is a low-income census tract residing at least 0.5 miles (0.80 km) in urban areas…from a large grocery store.

The US official standards presume that being 2/3 of a mile from a major grocer is an unrecoverable obstacle. That's a 15 minute walk. And that says "large" grocery store, like a kroger or publix, not even counting smaller joints like greengrocers.

God forbid walking 2/3 of a mile! …No wonder everyone in this country is morbidly obese.

No. 1684050

File: 1693539884502.png (60.36 KB, 996x369, food desert.PNG)

It's different standards. Regardless of the standard though, food deserts do exist and it's not rich people living in them.

No. 1684053

none of what i ever speak of refers to rural people. i do not care about rural areas. i care about why our CITIES are car-clogged hellscapes. i don't give a fuck if billy bob yokel drives a tacoma to walshart. i do care about inner urban stroads and parking craters destroying walkability. fuck cars, ban them from cities, let bob dylan fans drive as much as they want somewhere the fuck else but not here. every discussion of walkability concepts gets derailed by assblasted ruralites thinking we're coming for their '84 rusted out dodge ram. no one thinks about you and you're insufferably paranoid to think we care what you do in arkansas.

ban cars from cities.(infighting)

No. 1684056

Lol ok anon. It was just bizarre to insist that only rich people are the ones who aren't/can't walk to get things. That's all.

No. 1684057

I can't imagine being an anon who bends over backwards find an excuse to shit all over poorfags so she can feel better about walking to a grocery store kek. The lying, too. "First result on google", I used multiple search engines including googl to try finding her "0.5 miles" definition, and out of five different sites, only wikipedia mentions it as part of a third grading scale.
Why are you so aggressive and who are you talking to.

No. 1684058

She was replying to this >>1684050 I just deleted to add the second sentence.

No. 1684059

strawman if you feel the need, nonna-bunches. meanwhile actually poor people don't even own a car. if you own a car, you are privileged, and, moreover, oppressing the actual poor people. i wonder how much less stressful their lives would be if instead of needing to spend $500+ a month on a car, they could just buy a transit pass for $100. If only we had functional infrastructure like any other civilized country. Instead families are torn apart by paying out the nose for a car for car-centric land use designs that exploit people into poverty, forced to pay 10x more for their transit needs as is sane.

No. 1684060

What country has a functioning public transport system in rural areas?

No. 1684076

I've been falling into the anti-car urbanist niche lately. Did anyone notice a lot of the "big names" (e.x not just bikes) tend to be kind of aggressive assholes? Like even though I support the same things as them like walkable cities with good public transport for the US it always comes with so much smugness, defensiveness and weird Europe worship, and a lack of sympathy for those who don't live in an area like that. If you really think the only reason most Americans don't walk everywhere is because we're obese lazy retards you're being obtuse on purpose, our entire infrastructure was designed to be inhospitable to walking unless you live in one of like 5 major cities. Anyways I swear there's a ton of terminally online leftists in that niche who go on constant seething rants (as demonstrated ITT) but I don't think many people have noticed them yet

No. 1684079

It was already discussed in a previous post you got mad at why people who can't afford cars can afford to walk for food even less. You accused me of having a McMansion, said that people "choose where to live", then got mad and derailed about how food deserts aren't real problems and everyone who complains about them is an obese pig. I'm not even sure you understand what you're mad about. You're coming off schizo. Are the $500 monthly car payments in the room with us right now? You wouldn't even know, you don't own a car.
Yes. I have noticed. KEK(infighting)

No. 1684083

thats the point, lots of americans don't have options but lots of people are obsessed with placing blame on Americans for things we need to hold the economy/companies accountable for

No. 1684085

I use to think like this until I stopped shopping at delulu lemon. Most affordable apartments now are in the suburbs, also $500 a month? maybe if you don't have the title, it's like 80$ monthly insurance for me. Inner city apartments that are walking distance in almost every city are like 1500-3000 monthly, nevermind finding the time to grocery shop in small amounts every few days

No. 1684089

>If you really think the only reason most Americans don't walk everywhere is because we're obese lazy retards you're being obtuse on purpose, our entire infrastructure was designed to be inhospitable to walking unless you live in one of like 5 major cities.
Did you actually watch NJB? The whole point of his videos, and a lot of the anti-car urban channels I've seen, are how infrastructure incentivizes car use which agrees with your point. I can see how NJB gets aggressive in his tone, especially in one of his rant videos, but it's something I can completely understand. When you used to be poor and have to spend half of your day commutting just to get anywhere when it didn't have to be this way, then it's hard not to feel angry and frustrated. The Europe worship can be pretty annoying though. Not everyone is privileged enough to just up and leave their friends, families, and job just to live in Europe or any walkable city, which often are very expensive. Like I don't need to hear how Netherlands is the best country in the world to live in, when I don't ever plan to ever live there, lol. I'd rather improve things here in my home town but change is slow and can take many years.

No. 1684113

Nonny reminds me of 18 yr old Republicans who live on their own and cope by demanding everyone else simply isn't trying hard enough

No. 1684295

I can personally vouch for rural public transit in Switzerland and Germany. You can take a train or bus pretty much anywhere.

No. 1687540

why did the reporting on Idalia only last like 2 days? was it not that bad

No. 1687556

kek seriously, the only people I've known IRL who had that mindset were kids fresh out of high school or college whose parents were paying their rent

No. 1687613

Forest fires aren't our fault only you faggot American(infighting Canadian)

No. 1687824

Okay so the republicans want to ban women from traveling out of state to get an abortion. the thing is I cannot see how that could be enforced, and besides which it's a blatant violation of the constitution, but that's toilet paper i guess. how would the state know you're pregnant unless you do something stupid like go to a doctor, use a tracking app, or text someone about it? in theory sure it's deplorable, but in reality i don't see how it could be enforced. maybe I'm stupid for not being impressed but honestly the government is all bark no bite. They make a lot of laws they can't enforce that people trod all over without consequence.

Literally just keep your mouth shut and no one will know?
I just had to google what that was, so I'd say it was minor. Hurricanes are actually really common and most are mostly harmless.

No. 1688367

I hope you nonnas had a good Labor day yesterday. I was just lazy the whole day.

No. 1688722

File: 1693951256569.png (Spoiler Image,2.68 MB, 1296x6852, Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 17-57…)

Floridanon here, it wasn't that bad. Georgia and the Carolinas got a bit of a shock as it went more North than the most common model predicted, but overall it was not a huge deal in terms of lives lost even in the Gulf Coast areas where it hit first. There was a lot of property damage and there's gonna be long-term cleanup efforts unfortunately. Ron DeSantis is also very good at disaster relief, believe it or not.
Same, I got my chores done on Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday as a comfy shut-in. Love a long weekend.

No. 1689188

I went there on vacation and it was so crazy to see as an American I started laughing. I went to Gruyere to see the Geiger museum and even though I had to take two trains and a bus I was carried right to my destination and it was the tiniest little country town. Everything exactly on time too. Switzerland is tiny but still. I’ve heard South Korea is the same.

No. 1689426

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hi nonnies, I'm wondering how weird/scammy this sounds. my mom has been needing a new roof anyway, and got a visit from the electric company who offered to provide solar panels + a roofing job in a bundle. apparently we were cited as some of the biggest energy-users in the area, hence is why the solar panels were offered. he also used a drone to survey the roof.

is stuff like this generally a good deal? Apparently it might be a tax write off or something if the roof is deemed necessary to install the solar panels but I'm not really sure. I want to help my mom.

No. 1689435

Make sure to read the fine print and double check the offer against tax breaks, but imo it is probably legit and a decent thing to do. A couple people in my neighborhood went that route. The panels are hideous, but they help keep the house cooler just by being there (texas) and help with $$ so much. Some people on my local subreddit even say that when the panels create more electricity than the house itself uses(thanks awful TX cloudless summer),the electric company buys back the extra kwh, making them a small passive income sometimes. If it were me I would heavily consider it but definitely read all the fine print. Its nice of you to help you mom, I hope yall do well!

No. 1689622

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Cornell approved milk lol

No. 1689788

The car hate and "BAN ALL CARS" shit is so weird to me. I understand it for city dwellers but I live in the country and we have a big truck because we actually need to haul stuff around in the bed and sometimes you need to pull someone out of the mud or a ditch cause we got a lot of dirt roads. It just shows what an isolated worldview people from the city have.

No. 1690235

You just don't know how good life can be when driving literally everywhere is an option and not a necessity. Yes, even in the countryside.

No. 1690802

we need better rural infrastructure. Almost every rural downtown I have been to is like 80% closed and whatever is open is just a dead bar and other random shit. back in the day you can get almost all errands done within biking/horse distance of your town

No. 1690808

It shouldn't be. Cars are so expensive that most people cannot even afford to buy a used car that isn't a literal scrap of delipidated sheet metal. Mechanics charge heavily inflated and nearly predatory prices. The average cost of a car worth less than 20k pre-pandemic is now being sold used for no less than 30k. The average car note in America is $750 a month now. Climate change is obviously real and they just keep manufacturing these huge worthless mountains of steel instead of even trying to make public transport a decent option in the country. I understand why people hate the "walkable infrastructure" meme but its being touted for a reason.

No. 1690813

why even bother getting a 20k car?? you can easily find a decent car for less than 10k

No. 1690821

You can if you happen to have friends or family that can come with you to inspect secondhand purchases, even then cars are being upselled far beyond their worth and you have to pay cash. Getting a decent car that will last more than 5 years from a dealership for under 10k is nearly impossible

No. 1690825

Nta and I like my car but car buying prices have skyrocketed recently. My parents had trouble find a used car for only 12000. There just aren't a lot of them out there, at least not where I live.

No. 1690827

You're right about needing friends or family to come help and look at the lot with you, but I didn't have much trouble getting my car five years ago. It was like 15 years old at this point but I haven't had a major issue with it (though I will admit the mileage is like 5 miles lower than it should be on a good tank)

No. 1690831

fuck sorry i forgot to say it was 5500. Paid cash.

No. 1690844

>five years ago
That was five years ago. The used car market used to account for almost 50% of affordable compact cars and now its down to 12.4%. All 'affordable' economy cars are no longer being manufactured, minus that one mistubishi compact icr the name and its rumored of being discontinued soon. There has been a major uptick in "luxury" vehicles and the majority of residents in areas like Wyoming, California, etc are buying the gigantic 100k trucks and paying 1000+ monthly for their vehicles which has caused the price of regular cars to skyrocket. Its so difficult to not be scammed.

No. 1691247

Nta but i got my vehicle in 2021. Paid cash. They tried to sell it to me for around 9k. It was 22 years old at the time with 200k miles. I am so lucky a family member works at a car dealership elsewhere and got me a more 'intense' carfax type report on it, though I didnt have anyone to actually look at the vehicle with me. I told them I only have 3500 and cant go higher. They took it kek it was at a dealership and I was gathering my stuff to walk out they flagged me down and said a manager approved the 3500 cuz he was tired of seeing it every day haha. I go so fucking lucky. I know a bit more than average about cars due to being poor and having to repair them myself, it checked out alright for me as far as I could tell. Same vehicle goes for around 12k now. Idk how easy it would be to negotiate with a dealer now though. I found same year make model with only 24k miles on it somehow, less than 1k miles a year, for almost 30k kek. Tbh if I had the money I would buy it, I love my vehicle. Most things that went wrong with it I could fix myself or wasnt too horribly expensive at a mechanic due to the way the engine is laid out. Had I bought the same vehicle 5 years ago or more I think I could have paid maybe less than 2k. I unfortunately took some money from my retirement to pay for it…that was almost all my money….I was desperate. There was no possible way for me to get a job or make money without a vehicle and my ex had totaled the one I had. Big mess, it was not actually his fault though a kid pulled out in front of him. So, so happy my current vehicle has held up so well despite its beater status. Its brutal out there. I cant imagine if I had to figure out how to get another car how the hell I could possibly make it work.

No. 1692677

I have lived in a European city with public transit and I honestly prefer living in the country and driving everywhere. Public transit is fucking garbage. It's expensive, there is constantly issues with the tracks or the carts which means you always have to wake up an hour early just to make sure that if the subway isn't coming you can take the next one or take a bus instead, but still I arrived late for University so many times because of the subway or bus being late without warning. In summer and during rush hour it is absolute hell on earth to be cramped into a bus or train with people, you are literally pressed body against body with random moids, everyone is stinky and sweaty. There are often homeless people harassing you, often times people smell like poop or piss or bring some really vile smelling food on, listen to loud music and teenage boys are extremely obnoxious. People are blocking seats with their bags while you have to stand for an hour cause all other seats are taken, it takes forever because of all the stops etc. The ONLY upside is that you don't have to find a parking space.

I will take car over public transport any day. I feel like the people who think public transport is some sort of utopic paradise have never relied on actually using it.

No. 1693637

File: 1694371517175.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1952, IMG_4401.jpeg)

What the hell does this mean are people not allowed to open their windows in england

No. 1693645

How would we know lol 90% of us have never been more than 500 miles from where we were born. Go ask the britbong thread.

No. 1693651

not british but i think that's a safety measure to prevent accidents.

No. 1693656

He should be glad he even has a window, many houses in England have bricklayed windows due to increased taxes depending on how many windows a house has.

No. 1693658

The kid has spikes near his window and a "chain" that looks like a burgler deterrent. His parents most likely set it up as there is no chance that England would br able to enfore this on everyone, he should be able to insert a key near the chain to release it from the window.

No. 1693695

"safety measure"

No. 1694085

>using fahrenheit

No. 1696240

File: 1694570735621.jpg (302.93 KB, 640x1293, greedflation.jpg)

Why are you talking about a window in England when cost of living inflation is killing people? If they turn the student loans back on now people are going to be jumping out of fucking windows.

No. 1696546

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Since it’s in the news lately here’s a 2019 write up about Hunter’s dealings
It’s kind to the Bidens in general but does also describe some of the things that have raised eyebrows. My favorite kind of article.

No. 1696558

>people are going to be jumping out of fucking windows

The ones that actually have a functioning window probably will anyway

No. 1696561

I love you all. Im glad there are other nonnies around the states. I feel better knowing you all have some sort of understanding of the stress to be living in this country right now. I hope things get better. I hope you all succeed. I hope we all own homes that we pay off early due to our good paying jobs and never have to worry about paying for car repairs. Until then, knowing this thread exists helps me a lot with the existential stress of trying to be okay. Call me pathetic, its alright I already know it. But damn do I appreciate yall.

No. 1696596

Love you too

No. 1696700

File: 1694624402461.jpg (114.25 KB, 552x728, uncle scrooge.jpg)

I think this is great. Things are finally starting to become normal again. People today are too spoiled, no one wants to be a servant anymore, despite there being a serious shortage of butlers, maids and whipping boys. People need to humble themselves once again and realize their position. Don't want to starve? Go shine shoes on a street corner or something and be polite while you're at it.

No. 1696725

thats not whats going to happen glowie, the people who can afford those things don't care

No. 1696740

If I could make a modest proposal… I do therefore humbly offer it to public consideration that of the hundred and twenty thousand children already computed, twenty thousand may be reserved for breed, whereof only one-fourth part to be males; which is more than we allow to sheep, black cattle or swine; and my reason is, that these children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages, therefore one male will be sufficient to serve four females. That the remaining hundred thousand may, at a year old, be offered in the sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom; always advising the mother to let them suck plentifully in the last month, so as to render them plump and fat for a good table. A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends; and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter.

I have reckoned upon a medium that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds, and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, increaseth to 28 pounds.

I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children.(shitposting from “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift)

No. 1696886

>avatarfagging as Scrooge McDuck
Stop stop right now.

No. 1696922

File: 1694633405626.jpg (28.39 KB, 220x385, A_Modest_Proposal_1729_Cover.j…)

Wow your retard level is off the charts today.

No. 1696945

I think she was just playing along. Now I feel bad for playing with the scrooge poster because it's souring the thread… Please don't fight, nonies.

No. 1696971

File: 1694634633397.jpg (89.65 KB, 640x427, bbqyesplease.jpg)

Ah damn you're probably right at the playing along. Sorry nonnas!

Hopefully to start a more fun fight: How do y'all like your barbecue? I love sweet molasses bbq sauce on anything, but they don't have a lot of that in my state.

No. 1696981

As spicy as possible!!! The elderly father of a coworker of mine sends mason jars of his secret special recipe to work with her for me because I complimented it so much. It’s smoky and very tangy with a lot of kick.

No. 1696994

Ooh spicy barbecue is so good! Love that your coworker's dad shares with you, homemade secret sauces are tops. What spices do you like in yours?

No. 1697052

Cayenne, cinnamon, love that sweetness in with the spice. Def like sweet molasses bbq as well…my brother makes a homemade bbq sauce and uses Guinness and let me tell you it is DANDY. I like bourbon based sauces on occasion as well. This is such a good topic kek

No. 1697294

I was referring to the rich people who can afford maids, they won't be affected by inflation. Unless you truly believe the average income apartment or trailer park resident is having maids, personal chefs, etc

No. 1697296

You're seriously arguing but I'm certain anon is joking. Hence the Scrooge Mcduck pics.

No. 1697319

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No. 1697362

Why are spics so dumb(racebait)

No. 1697503

Not the American education successfully tricking people into not even believing in basic math anymore or the getting Americans to believe even just watering plants outside, in their own backyard, 500+ feet away from anyone else could give them the coof kek

No. 1697634

Why are racebaiters so retarded? Go back to /pol/

No. 1697641

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even realize how many of those cities on that list are “blue”? This is such a retarded statement. Violent black moids in predominantly black areas are violent, it’s nothing new, as all men of all races are pieces of shit. Regardless of Democratic or republican run cities

No. 1697647

From what I've seen small black majority towns can thrive in blue states, especially in the northeast when given proper resources

No. 1697657

Replying to this month old post but fuck it, this is such retarded thinking. The average white american has absolutely no power or status and has 0 real control over what it's government and military does. you are forced to pay taxes that pay for this shit or you go to prison. and even if taxes didn't exist, the american government would still go fuck over other countries despite what its citizens want. The average american should not be blamed for the destabilization of latin america or southeast asia or what have you, and that means the average american should not have to deal with the influx of thousands of thousands of immigrants who refuse to speak english, integrate, respect women's rights, and educate themselves with concepts they weren't aware of in their home countries. just as the immigrants should not be blamed wholly for seeking asylum and safety because of what the west did to them for generations now. anyone who says "why didn't/don't americans protest their government to stop them from imperializing/colonizing?" should be met with this question in response: "why don't people from latin america protest against their corrupt governments and demand better?" the answer is self preservation, obviously. its beyond fucked up what american military and intelligence did to places like vietnam and venezuela, but it's just stupid to think amerifags who had nothing to do with that shit deserve to be swarmed by people whose cultures we have nothing in common with

No. 1697864

Let's take away white conservative towns resources and see how well they do then

No. 1697868

If you take away resources from white conservative areas they would just rebuild their resources cause white people built society to begin with and made and invented everything you use in your day to day life. If you take away black people's gibs they just kill each other and shit in the street.(racebait)

No. 1697872

race-bait-chan, google who made the modern day toilet pls

No. 1697877

File: 1694700539472.jpg (148.42 KB, 1170x615, tumblr_074a270a071bcce5cf5bc16…)

Cops joke about female hit-and-run victim over her dead body: "she was 26 already"

No. 1697880

This reminds me of when cops parked their car on train tracks, put a lady in there, and then left her, handcuffed in the car when they realized a train was coming.

No. 1697889

File: 1694700989646.jpg (406.81 KB, 1080x1631, reuterswomanhandcuffedtraintra…)

No. 1697892

Yeah, that sounds like it. There was a video of the bodycam footage (nothing graphic) going around on social media when this came out. Thank god she survived, idk how someone could be so negligent to park on train tracks. That's like the first thing you learn about operating a vehicle.

No. 1697899

No fucking way. There's no way this wasn't on purpose. It's like you said, there is no reason to be parking on train tracks.

No. 1697911

Aren't white conservative town resources already being taken away to support the welfare state and isn't it mostly black demography who need it most? I don't like to generalize, may hard working black people forgive me, but it also doesn't seem just that one demographic group is permitted to produce a net negative to the economy while the other is forced to provide a standard of living for people that are unable/unwilling to maintain it themselves.(racebait)

No. 1697924

and it's poor white people who're the highest welfare recipents - seriously, why are you guys so obsessed with black people?

No. 1697938

That's only because America is still predominantly white, if we take proportionality into account its the other way around and majorly so.

No. 1697948

it's almost like that one demographic literally slaved away for hundreds of years to build this country while another demographic sat on their ass kek you reap what you sow.

No. 1697949

Read the rules of the website please. This topic of conversation is banned.

No. 1697953

That's just a convenient myth, it doesn't even make sense.
Tell that to baiters.(continual baiting)

No. 1697955

but black people are still only around 11% of the american pop., so even if 100% of american black people did not have jobs, that still wouldn't be enough of them to actually produce any strong affects on the american economy! what is the obsessionnnnnn

No. 1697957

>just a convenient myth
slavery wasn't real??

No. 1697961

>slavery was a myth

No. 1698010

Update: I went to popeyes last week for the first time. It's pretty good, I almost get why I kept reading headlines about their chicken sandwiches being out of stock a few months or years ago in the US. I wasn't hungry enough for it, but I am starving right now so I'll try the spicy one today after work. Next I'm waiting for Krispy Kreme to come here, iirc it should be available next year in my country but I already know I like their donuts because I ate them.in London and Tokyo. And I liked Dunkin Donuts a lot when I visited Berlin a decade ago but nobody plans to introduce the brand here so if some anon can kidnap and threaten their CEO for me so I can have their donuts in my country I'd be very grateful.

No. 1698022

Congrats on trying Popeyes nona! Manifesting delicious donut shops and every burgerfag restaurant of your dreams nearby asap.

No. 1698028

Oh yes. Also manifesting a greasy American dinner that doesn't close between 2pm and 7pm and that isn't Hard Rock Cafe because fuck them.

No. 1698064

File: 1694710864854.webm (18.33 MB, 576x1024, bottle_war.webm)

Come on nonnies, black people need government support because of their socio-economic circumstances making them poor and also because of slavery and shiet.

Btw have you heard of this new trend called "Bottle Wars" where socio-economically-challenged people buy thousands of dollars worth of booze just to pour it onto the floor as a flex?(global rule #7)

No. 1698065

I remember one time I saw a video of Cardi B or someone at a bar getting champagne poured on her head and I was so confused.

No. 1698078

don't you race baiters ever get tired? although i will admit i wish 'slavery was myth' anon came back to explain that tbh

No. 1698080

Don't you guys ever get tired of taking the bait? Anons keep replying and then wonder why they come back.

No. 1698084

but i really want slavery was a myth-chan back, nona, you don't understanddd

No. 1698124

File: 1694716626142.png (131.08 KB, 1848x646, Screen Shot 2023-09-14 at 11.3…)

iT's iMpOrTaNt tO hIp HoP cUlTuRe

No. 1698146

werent rednecks and hillbillies shoot up beers until they explode just for the hell of it? what is the difference. Also the DJ is a retard because people only pour liquor on the floor OUTSIDE for their fallen homies who died either through gun violence or went to jail etc. That is the way it was always been described to me growing up and in movies etc. No one does it as a sign of wealth or to flex its wasteful. But this generation is losing recipes so it makes sense they would bastardize it and turn it into capitalistic nonsense. thats america for you. Also america has been ghetto idk why you guys like to pretend but like 85% of america is GHETTO. GET OVER IT.

No. 1698211

I just made bbq sauce. It's really easy. Take ketchup, worchestershire sauce, mustard, apple cider vinegar, and whatever else you like and simmer it together in a pan until it reaches consistency. It's quite foolproof. I added bourbon (actually cheap canadian whiskey) and blackstrap molasses. Somehow canadian whiskey is cheaper than vodka.
yawn. fakest shit ever.

No. 1698261

You're supposed to pour one out at the grave site of your fallen bro. It came from African traditions but since black people don't gatekeep enough of their culture, it gets watered down and bastardized to bullshit like this.

No. 1698272

File: 1694725927451.jpg (68.4 KB, 680x1020, Carolina Gold Mustard BBQ Sauc…)

I'm a Carolina girl so I'm partial to tangy and sweet sauces myself, although Carolina Gold can be kinda strong, so I use it lightly. I prefer no spice but every bbq sauce has a little spice so I just deal.

No. 1698312

They shoot empty cans for target practice, nonna. They drink the beer.

No. 1698324

File: 1694731778609.webm (13.75 MB, 480x1040, cashapp (2).webm)

socio-economic circumstances are at it again(ban evasion)

No. 1698328

I saw these videos and there no words for the anger I felt. They treated her subhuman. How can anyone trust cops after seeing this

No. 1698335

File: 1694732965176.jpg (24.35 KB, 563x548, 062535882745e7e29ea6e15351cd72…)

THANK YOU ANON, so well said

No. 1698374

I can't trust doctors anymore, either. The amount of doctors from 'diploma mill' medical schools overseas who don't actually know shit, and the sheer amount of malpractice suits I've seen while I worked at my state's medical board was horrifying. One of the things I hate the most about being an adult is learning that we can't just automatically trust the other adults in society that we were taught would protect us. I remember being a kid and learning about cities, and how we can trust the nice policemen, and our doctors keep us safe and want us to be healthy, etc. It breaks my heart and makes me cry sometimes. It's a cold fucking world.

No. 1698461

people who defend doctors like they're actually gods is astounding to me, especially after learning the scary amount of doctors who will prescribe patients an antibiotic they're allergic too with an EpiPen because they didn't know other antibiotics exist

No. 1698517

Cops are so much more likely to be antisocial, that’s why so many of them are pedophiles, rapists, domestic abusers, and incels like this one

No. 1698531

American rapeapes are so mask off with their spread of anti-woman seething, femicide and pedofilia I actually appreciate that they are honest about it. Hopefully it will peak women on male biology, that's being very optimistic though.

No. 1698536

You do realize that each antibiotic works for certain groups of microorganisms, right? If there isn't any other type of antibiotic for that patients specific infection in the hospital, what is the doc supposed to do? Create some in the lab?

No. 1698537

You posted this in two threads already and everyone kept correcting you that he talked about how much he'd pay and how low it'd be yet you kept making it about "the wall". You're mentally ill and keep doing the same thing until someone will agree.
Didn't you also say women are worth the most before 18 and blame a homeless woman who got kidnapped because you thought her two old psycho kidnappers were "men she dated"? You're really disturbing and as dangerous as those men.

No. 1698638

I’m one of the anons you’re referring to, I never said anything about a kidnapping victim and I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve also never said that girls have more value than women, however multiple anons have tried to teach you that incels hold that belief. I’m also not the one who posted >>1697877
The majority of people I’ve spoken to or seen comment about this situation online, believe that the cop is an incel whose joke was incel rhetoric. You’re the odd one out.

No. 1698640

Also, everyone is fully aware that he was joking about the payout, you can stop repeating that. He literally made a joke about her being too old to have value, and everyone sees that except for you! You must be a rape ape yourself

No. 1698641

Yeah almost all the comments I’ve seen about this are people talking about what a disgusting incel he is, I think it’s peaking a lot of women

No. 1698643

>The majority of people I’ve spoken to or seen comment about this situation online, believe that the cop is an incel whose joke was incel rhetoric. You’re the odd one out.
It's not incel rhetoric though it's male rhetoric, the two are interchangeable. Please don't cape for rape apes. The cop himself looks fat and aged hence the projection kek.

No. 1699223

Anon you can't seriously believe the average man thinks a 26 yr old is too old

No. 1699255

leonardo depooprio does

No. 1699256

Why are we arguing about how what the guy/cop said was bad? Can’t we just say he should die and rot in hell and not fight amongst ourselves? Why do we have to have this weird discord over it?

No. 1699282

Leonardo DiCaprio isn't the average moid though, it's typically moids who have shortcomings therefore need immature and insecure women who can't spot signs of manipulation. It's not about appearance either

No. 1699343

Because it's an offended male samefag

No. 1699512

Because there was some male defending him and pretending he wasn’t making a misogynistic statement, then said that every woman who’s offended that he made a misogynistic joke about a dead young woman is equally as bad as him lol. He’s insane and wouldn’t stop defending the cop across multiple threads.

No. 1699523

Did mods ever end up banning his annoying ass? I checked out around the 5th fucking time I saw it brought up.

No. 1699564

Atop derailing. People of both sides already derailed 3 threads, just exchange discords and fight there.

No. 1699605

File: 1694870985984.png (100.28 KB, 237x238, IMG_1719.png)

Nonnies it’s finally cool outside. I can’t wait to go out walking after work and hear marching bands rehearsing in the distance. Soup is defrosting in the fridge next to a bottle of apple cider.

No. 1699873

does anyone live in/have lived in Arizona? I'm thinking of moving there once I finish school in a yearish from now. Mostly for climate reasons; I hate snow and I hate cold weather. Other than the heat though what's it like?

No. 1699881

I miss being in marching band.

No. 1699894

Desertfag over here. Please don't move here, we're full. The summer heat is worse every year (we're now up to 50+ days over 110F each year), and it's getting worse because developers pave over the desert to fit more Phoenix sprawl and it's a giant concrete heat trap. New housing projects technically need to source 100 years worth of water before they build, but most of their numbers come from shared groundwater which is depleting faster than we can refill it. Places like Queen Creek are purchasing water from small river towns 200+ miles away just so they can fuel their own expansion. Maricopa is the quickest growing county in the country and our infrastructure can't handle all of the people moving here. Small mountain towns like Dewey and Prescott up in Yavapai are filling up fast too, but they get snow for 3-5 months out of the year and can still reach the mid 90s in the middle of summer. Just stay out of the Phoenix-Tucson sun corridor area if you can, living conditions are about to get worse over there.

No. 1699898

You know, it is amazing that every corner of this country is filled to the brim overflowing with people. The planet is overpopulated, humans have bred to the extent we are literally killing off every other species on this planet (except for maybe like, rats and roaches, lol). And they're still screaming at us to keep breeding more more more. The population 100 years ago was 2 billion. Now it's 8 billion. I think we have enough fucking people for five lifetimes. We managed to turn this entire continent into a paving lot hellscape in a couple hundred years. America wasn't even smart with its land use, they had all this land so they were like, "why bother being responsible, let's just develop the shit out of it in the least efficient way possible, there's always more, hyuk hyuk hyuk." now we can't afford housing because the stupid sprawling wasteful development befouled all the land, can't grow food because all the arable land was paved over, and all the water is sucked out for golf courses and oodles of idiots who want a lawn in a desert.

America is the world's greatest tragedy. What did we do with this land? fill it with parking lots and stripmalls and other places no one wants to be because they're absolutely miserable to exist in. and i'm sure 300,000,000 cars running all day every day aren't doing anything to reduce the heat. did you ever look at a given road and ask yourself, who the fuck are all these people and where the fuck are they going that's so important? it's all useless shit and premanently destroying the environment and our futures for some temporary profit for wealthy sociopaths.

No. 1699900

Sorry doublepost, but the new houses and apartments being built are terrible quality and have a lot of cut corners because there's so much demand to build fast. If you can, don't buy or rent anything that was built after the mid 2000s. Apparently a lot of the new houses aren't very flood resistant when I looked into this last? Extra bad because one of the few weather events that happens in Phoenix is intense flash floods.

No. 1699913

ayrt and I can absolutely empathize with feeling like the place is getting too full. They're constantly building more and more and more upscale apartments and the traffic feels like it gets worse by the day. I'm so tired of there being construction allllll the time, and I don't feel like it was like this when I was younger. Unfortunately I'm going into a pretty niche job field, so other than the general region I don't think I'll get a whole lot of meaningful choice in where exactly I end up moving. I'd say something like "oh, I'll just look into New Mexico then" but the amount of jobs there is going to reflect the population.

No. 1699916

where in the us should i aim for if i like
>cold water
>water (rivers, lakes, etc.)
i aim to get out of my shitty southern state by next year if i'm lucky enough

No. 1699917

sounds like PNW

No. 1699918

samefagging but forgot to say i'm from the midwest

No. 1699920

PNW is very nice in terms of woodsy outdoor natural areas. It’s very beautiful and I grew up in Oregon going on day long trips to different waterfalls and mountains. I would definitely love to move back long term or retire there.

No. 1699946

Do you ever post anything in these threads besides long-winded doom and gloom spiels?

No. 1699948

My mistake, is my name field somehow filled out? Surely everyone you hate is one person.

No. 1699975

Omfg no1curr that you think the nonny you got into with once is now posting again literally just shut up

No. 1699979

How big you wanting the mountains

No. 1699980

you have schizophrenia and are ruining this imageboard mam

No. 1699986

File: 1694908369259.jpeg (291.42 KB, 1213x776, IMG_3906.jpeg)

Lauren Boebert getting her tits squeezed before fondling her date’s dick over his pants. in public during Beetlejuice the Musical. Normal day for the rightoids


No. 1700043

Wow, this really pisses me off people doing this sit in what looks like a full theater

No. 1700059

Look in the fucking mirror

No. 1700184

File: 1694936094090.jpg (174.94 KB, 674x255, democrat_mayor.jpg)

No. 1700202

I don’t care for drag and I generally hate both sides but isn’t a good comparison. There were literally children and tons of elderly people around that she forced to watch her public foreplay before vaping in a pregnant woman’s face. California guy is just doing gay kink shit in a space where that activity is expected

No. 1700303

No1curr scizo

No. 1700329

Biden sniffs and kisses and touches other people's children in public.

No. 1700364

i've never seen a mountain before irl so any size works i guess

No. 1700382

Ok schizo

No. 1700403

ew, drag queens are fucking gross. they look like a pile of walking STDs. i wish people kept their fetishes to themselves. now scrotes are walking around with furry buttplugs shoved up their ass in public and ahegao phone backgrounds.
nonna are you okay? have you seen the ocean? please take a vacation.

No. 1700444

Asheville NC (getting kind of expensive but not too bad just outside the city)
Anywhere along the cascades in Oregon or Washington state. If you pick Oregon between the mountain ranges that run up and down the state you will have very mild winters which is nice. East of the cascades it’s kinda rough and desert-y with very cold winters and hot summers. Avoid the big cities and the vacation spots and it’s not too crazy expensive, there are even some cheap towns.
Vermont or New Hampshire (anywhere in either would have those things but also a lot of snow and long winters so you have to like that too)… I’m a little out of touch with where is cheap and where is expensive in New England, it’s a mix. I know I grew up poor there but now everything seems expensive so idk, I think you have to live in the sticks to get cheap land

No. 1700449

The sticks are expensive as fuck though. An acre with a 30 year old rotting trailer on it costs 300k now and you don't even have options besides satellite for internet out here.

No. 1700464

File: 1694970197231.jpeg (135.63 KB, 818x1024, IMG_4613.jpeg)

This was hard to watch. I’m so fucking sick of these ghetto pieces of shit, I don’t want to live in this country anymore


No. 1700567

America is a battle royale hellscape full of fat murderous psychopaths. Half this country should be locked up in a mental institution.

No. 1700572

Saw this yesterday and got really upset. Idc that they’re 17 just put them down like dogs. They’re irredeemable ghetto goblins with low brain function

No. 1700579

Keep deflecting because Sarah Palin Jr is a trailer trash whore who gets her nipples rubbed at family friendly events. Also her creepy coomer date owns a bar that hosts drag events so she doesn’t seem to have any values at all

No. 1700590

At least it was a pig this time instead of a person that matters.

No. 1700603

Can't we just agree that all politicians are morally deficient perverts regardless of affiliation?
Holy shit moidlets shouldn't be given driver's licenses.

No. 1700654

It was a stolen car, too and they were driving away from another crash.

No. 1700901

File: 1695013077610.jpeg (456.14 KB, 1170x913, IMG_4620.jpeg)

Lmao so apparently there’s a MISSING F-35 jet that a pilot ejected from and it might just still be flying around somewhere and nobody knows where it is.
>If you have any information that may help our recovery teams locate the F-35, please call the Base Defense Operations Center

Fucking Kek

No. 1700913

How the duck would we know where it is

No. 1701007

Kek this reminds me of those random objects the Pentagon shot down

No. 1701493

So true about the satellite internet

No. 1701501

File: 1695082536740.jpeg (318.36 KB, 1179x742, IMG_3494.jpeg)

I was waiting for this! I mean I hope it doesn’t do any damage but the name is funny. If Nigel fucks up our shit at least there’s that silver lining —surely a Nigel would never hurt us though

No. 1701547

I need to find this F35 so I can make love to it

No. 1701617

hurricane nigel hold me in your stronk arms

No. 1701632

He will swirl around you with his hot tropical winds

No. 1701690

Oh Nigel-kun…

No. 1703588

Does America not care about it's obesity issue anymore? It was a hot topic when I was in school (2010's). Nowadays I rarely see the media or average person worried about it. I have read about recent obesity drugs to which I think we've given up. Personally, my diet has gone to shit over the years with laziness after work. I have been working on it yet nobody around me gives a fuck about their own diet and health. My workplace only offers junk food. The quality of fresh foods in my local stores is more expensive despite poorer quality every year. It's depressing.

No. 1703596

The body positivity movement happened and now criticizing fatties is illegal.

No. 1704037

No they don't. Doctors won't even stutter a word about obesity unless you're getting to deathfat territory, which is stressful and embarrassing for people who technically aren't obese enough to be recognized but have bellies and fat faces and such

No. 1704038

This is kinda dramatic but it's not that it's illegal per say, it just no one seems to care about fat people until they're at death door or they do Ed twt sperging about how every woman that doesn't have visible ribs and pelvis is an unhealthy lard ass that needs to spend 10+ hours a day working out

No. 1704066

I always assumed we were on rebound after the early 2000s ate female celebs alive and gave middle school girls EDs

No. 1704071

Is that a new development? Because I can think of plenty of doctors that side eye any sort of weight gain

No. 1704391

People figured out the best solution is to just ignore the fats and let them eat themselves to death. I don't know what kind of mental illness it takes to reach 300 lbs and be unable to climb stairs at age 25, and think that's fine and dandy. They don't consume real food anyway, so they aren't harming us. They live on a diet of corn syrup and vegetable oil.

You know Lilo and Stitch, where Lilo takes all those photos of obese tourists? We figured out she was onto something. It is hilarious to watch these beasts. Now, don't get me wrong–they should be charged double fare on bus and airplanes and triple at a buffet, but otherwise they're free entertainment in this bleak world.

No. 1704520

So the student loans are starting back up and it's already a shitshow. The servicers cannot be contacted, accounts cannot be accessed, payments are being processed improperly, balances are wrong, auto-pay was turned on with no way to access the site or customer service to shut it off, monthly payment amount is wrong, etc. for millions of people. Student loans should be forgiven because the servicers are crooked, sleezy, incompetent, and criminal. This is an absolute disaster. The one just shut down all their calls and nuked their own app so people can't get into their accounts.

No. 1704527

Applying for food stamps is slow and shitty and there is so much hoops to jump through, no wonder I gave up last time. I think they do this on purpose

No. 1704528

Samefag how come they don’t do interviews at the DES office anymore? Shit sucks!

No. 1704550

When I tried to apply for assistance during Covid, it was absolutely infuriating. I ended up raging at them about how awful the service was and they hung up on me. The below-room-temperature IQ state employees were so unhelpful and irritating and the process was Kafka-esque. It's incredible to me that people managed to have the time and energy to scam the system, but the fact that the morons working for the gov't allowed all those scammers to get millions doesn't shock me at all. Everyone who works for the state are morons that I wouldn't trust to run a taco stand, much less a government program.

No. 1704575

funny that corporations don't have such problems when it comes time for them to lobby and reap tax incentives and subsidies. america is a slave farm and you're the cattle. you work so a rich man doesn't have to. all our social safety nets and justice systems are an illusion designed to pacify people who don't know any better.

No. 1704655

ebt or wic? I have WIC and all they needed was a copy of my Medicaid and I got approved and sent a card. The only downside is sometimes it won't go through on self checkouts which is embarrassing

Medicaid is also one of the easiest ones to get IMO, they don't check your income (just report you have no income), background check or anything else.
>inb4 wahh Medicaid fraud
Medicaid should be available to anyone except millionaires who can easily afford thousands of dollars in medical bills. even private insurances can sometimes make your bills more expensive or co pays are insane

No. 1704656

I work in medical offices and they literally do not, maybe talk about it once the patient leaves but they'd rather prescribe a bunch of crap for the effects of obesity than tell the patient to lose weight or refer them to actual weight loss help

No. 1704665

Since they said food stamps they’re probably not talking about WIC. WIC is only for mothers.

No. 1704668

Losing weight is free. Prescribing insulin and pills to an eatbeast is a trillion dollar business. "health"care has interests in keeping people sick and dependent to patch up their rotting diseased meatsuits and extract more wealth from them. They want people as unhealthy as possible and just barely alive, so fatty-chans are the ideal demographic. "Healthy at every size!" What dumb suckers. If we had universal healthcare instead of a for-profit medical industry you'd see these oinkers thrown into fatcamps before you could say "austerity."

No. 1704749

Correct but if someone is struggling to lose the correct amount of weight they don't want to look at food quality, lifestyle, or they can't even be bothered to check for thyroid or hormone issues (makes it almost impossible to lose weight), they give harder options such as absolutely no sugar, intense workouts after a long exhausting workday no one wants to do, etc. Of course a lot of people give up when they're struggling to feel full or struggling to find the energy to do intensive workouts at 5 am. I remember growing up easy weight loss advice was something like 30 minutes of biking or something and replacing sweets with fruit and no soda. Now it's way over complicated and people are literally trying to convince us that it's no longer enough to do that amount of cardio and that we need to fast no if ands or buts or keto diets. Even if I try to buy a diet drink I have fatties coming out the wood work with "um akshully the zero calorie sweetener actually makes you fatter" zero self awareness

No. 1705128

Yesterday I was up all night reading about the Donner Party. Kind of crazy that it only happened in the mid 1800s and so much of the country was still undeveloped, blizzards lasted days and dumped 8-15 feet of snow. Like one of the survivors, who had already escaped from an abusive marriage was remarried to a (much nicer) man that was able to name an entire city after her. As much as I don’t watch shows I’d be all over a miniseries or documentary about it.

No. 1705770

Wait anon, I was doing something like this kind of by accident. Except I'm in a medicaid gap state, reported my income as at least the amount to get it, and then I failed to get another job fast enough to make my income what I reported. So I cancelled it for the rest of the year last month. I'm worried about not having insurance for the time being. Do they really not check income? Once the enrollment opens should I just do the same thing again? I am just using goodrx for my prescriptions right now. Obviously I'm still looking for a job so maybe my income will actually be that next year.
I also heard that even if you do get medical debt, you can basically ignore it. So I think about that in worse case scenario. I don't know.

No. 1705821

Claim you have no income and no they don't.

No. 1706454

I was surprised the Art Institute scam colleges still exist but apparently the ones that are still open in Texas and Georgia are being closed.

No. 1706455

I knew a woman in Pittsburgh who had an insane amount of debt from that shit, it's attrocious.

No. 1708756

Lately, I've noticed a lot of suburbanites blaming "everything being too far to walk to" as their excuse for being overweight as if active people dont jog in suburbs all the time. If anything, living somewhere safe makes it far easier to walk outside. Also, many of these people who want to live where everythings walking distance can't even make it down the stairs without losing their breath and have garbage diets anyways

No. 1708767

holy fucking kek anon you just called out a moid i know. he moved to a more "walkable" town in hopes of walking or biking everywhere. bike got stolen, too lazy to walk, became car obsessed instead.

No. 1708773

I don't think it's lazyness because as you said, suburbanites jog anyway. I think it's the fact that if you try walking in the burbs (without an obvious motive to jog) as soon as you leave the neighborhood to go to the store you're immediately assumed to have some sort of deviant act. People can and will call the cops on you as other anons have stated, people pull over and ask if you're okay especially if youre a woman because they assume you're being sex trafficked. I live in one of the safest burbs in America and shit still happens here not to mention if you leave your house to go to the store people on nextdoor or something will blow up, take pictures of you, etc. It almost feels like some sort of weird public shaming for not using a car to go down the street less than a mile

No. 1708779

>if you leave your house to go to the store people on nextdoor or something will blow up, take pictures of you
What? Why would that happen.

No. 1708784

Karens and boomers don't get the idea of not getting in their caddy escalade to go down the street to Starbucks. This has been happening on my nextdoor, especially if someone has a routine like walking home from work everyday at 5, they'll take pictures of them and start posting about it and conspiring about their own theories.

Definitely gets my tinfoiling side rolling though, they want people to use a car so that way they can be traced as much as possible, Karen's flipping out is a public shaming tactic to try to get people to resort back to the cars

No. 1708818

Middle schoolers with EDs are back in fashion, plenty of them on Tiktok. The Venn diagram of coquettes/balletcore girlies, Koreaboos and anas is a circle.
Now we just have obesity too.

No. 1708822

That's so stupid. Granted, I lived in the burbs of a smallish place, but I remember going everywhere by bike when I was a kid. Why do these people think sidewalks exist?

No. 1709021

Carbrains are mentally ill. Every time they sit their flabby ass in the carseat they rot a little bit more. Eventually their rotten brains will just spill out of their ears.
They have a point. People in Japan aren't obese because they walk everywhere and it keeps them passively in shape without gym time. However, the suburbanites deserve being obese because they bought a suburban house and propped up this country's horrific land use policies. This country is shit and the people in it are shit.

No. 1709040


Wtf thank God here in the deep south everyone minds their own business cause ive literally never heard of this happening.
But on the topic of obesity, most fat people have bad eating habits like passive snacking, eating large portions, having sugary drinks throughout the day, etc. A brisk walk doesnt burn that much calories at all. Japanese people eat small portions and healthier food. If they ate like the average fat American theyd be fat too, but ofc fat people will blame everything but their five fried meals a day kek

No. 1709070

What kind of fat are we talking about now? Are we talking like deathfat? Because that's like 90% of them, if you're talking about chubby people who are in the overweight or healthy but high end BMI then I only place a little blame on them, at the same time majority of them are just doing what they're told. Not to mention the fact majority of us have out of wack hormones which makes losing the last 10-20 lbs almost impossible

No. 1709241

People always get up in arms about soft drinks/sugary drink taxation but soda is like the de fucking facto source of American health problems. It’s consumed like water in the south and I guarantee you anytime someone talks about losing 25lbs the first thing they’ll mention is cutting out drinking a 2 liter of pepsi a day.

And although I agree with your anecdote about Japanese portions being smaller, cigarette smoking is still huge in Asia while in America it’s uncommon because of the cost. So most Americans turn their addictive vices to overeating cheap snacks and dewing the dew instead of smoking three packs of marlboro gold 100s a day

No. 1709266

Maybe It "doesn't happen" where you live because you'd get smeared on the pavement by a driver going 70mph. It's a hellscape not able to walk or depend adequate public transportation anywhere in this country. I don't want to make it a North vs South thing, it's a shitty thing that happens in our country.

No. 1709336

This. When I lived down south and walked places I'd get shamed mainly by retarded flabby moids because "we don't walk no where down here, only poor people walk". Granted, it is hot as balls but no wonder you're all round and out of shape. At least in ~walkable cities~ you're forced to move around a lot to maintain some form of shape. Even the old people out here gotta hustle around.

No. 1709339


Did you forget NYC or cities in general exists? I don't live in NY but I've gotten by with only the bus just fine. I feel like most people who complain about this are just too retarded and lazy to learn their local bus schedules

No. 1709347

People are fat in the south because they literally eat deep-fried everything. This new generations mindset that a bit of walking with no intense work out will fix anything feels the same as people ten years ago thinking that drinking diet coke meant you could eat whatever you want. Even if you don't eat the best or have sidewalks there's plenty of home workouts to do instead of just scrolling on tiktok while eating hot chips.

No. 1709350

Well and also the temperature/humidity and general lack of walkable suburban/rural infrastructure places people indoors and in cars for the majority of the year.

No. 1709362

My problem in the south was finding a jogging route where I wouldn’t get chased by a dog, and even though I found one I’m still on alert because random dogs will get loose. dog and cat population is out of control down here

No. 1709365

I love that this thread thinks there are no fatties above the mason dixon line… plenty of obese people everywhere; calm down. Its not a matter of city vs country; its a matter of wealth vs poor. Gotta have the means to meal prep/ take time to work out on-top of paying all the bills. Fast fried/processed food is literally everywhere in the states. Food deserts are real in cities and in the sticks.

No. 1709378

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Fresh from the CDC; only Colorado and DC are ok.

No. 1709452

Whats the map tracking? I assume obesity but the labels got cut off. What are the side maps? I think a lot of suburban people are fat in part because there straight up isnt a lot to actually go do that is close by and not a lot of effort to plan. There are only restaraunts for miles and miles it feels like. When my fam gets together all we really do is sit at home and bake pies and sweets and go out to eat. I really hate it, honestly. I wish there were arcades, museums, paintball, indoor rock climbing, streets full of shops to visit on foot, outdoor movies/picnic areas, anything that isnt a 'sit and eat' type of entertainment that was close enough by we could do that instead. Its self fulfilling too. Restaraunt food is seen as a treat and a family event, it is now a tradition they dont want to deviate from even if we could do so easily. Now a lot of my family has trouble walking and moving anyway, even the younger (30s) ones. Makes me sad. I am out of shape now too but I try pretty hard to walk regularly,bike,stretch, occasional calisthenics, and eat decently. I really need to go back to the gym regularly so I lose the ability to move too…

No. 1709546

Sorry nonna, I didnt mean to cut off the top; heres the link.

No. 1709964

>>1709546 no worries, ty nonna for the link! I looked at all those maps and info. Those little maps on the side of that pic are obesity rates by race. Asian Americans are much less obese than any other race. By a lot, across the nation. I wonder why. Also I noted that these rates are via 'self reported height and weight' which makes me feel like the true obesity rate is much higher kek I mean I know its hella common among people to fudge those numbers

No. 1710073

Asians also don't fetishize being thicc as much as white and black moids do. A lot of people care more about sexual attraction than health, so when white and black girls get chubby they're surrounded by moids calling them thick and stuff and saying they like it. I grew up in one of the most obese states and this is my conclusion

No. 1710532

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No. 1710543

Thinking about how Rasputin is basically just a song describing Trump minus the poisoning part

No. 1710595

People in the south are fat because they eat like shit and they get winded after walking for like 3 minutes straight. Walking around won't cancel out a shit diet, but it will help you not be completely out of breath when walking up a flight of stairs.

No. 1710616

This is partially true but also lifestyle and environment. There's a lot of pollution that cause medical problem in long term, blue collar jobs are prominent which people work long hours for, causes more health problems and most of the time the closest food option are gas stations and fast food. Southern people aren't exactly just downing fried plates every day as anons have stated earlier. Not to mention the amount of health problems people are getting from the water and air, likely fucking with their hormones and appetite.

As someone that grew up in the south, I noticed that when me and others moved out the state we lost weight tons easier, despite our diet being the same or sometimes even worse (thanks super one 25 cent ice cream). I can't really come up with a perfect conclusion or anything but just throwing that out there

No. 1710628

>By a lot, across the nation. I wonder why.
Fatshaming is a staple of China and Japan, so there are probably a good number of Asian Americans raised with parents who are critical of overeating habits.

No. 1710653

Just moved to the south, I am starting to get it. There is literally nothing to do other than eat and all the available food is shit. Just spent the whole day looking for groups and activities and there is nothing unless you like stuffing your face and watching football. "Take a walk" is a hard sell when there's nothing but parking lots and pollution. The nearest park is a 30 minute drive away lol

No. 1710737

Same. Do I have to join a church? I'm at a loss.

No. 1710741

Joining a church can be very beneficial to you socially as long as you are careful about which one. Im not saying socially as in friendships, but if you ever fall upon hard times or need help with something or some random resources, you will get them from dedicating that two hours on sundays.

No. 1710753

Lmao no you won't, they'll just shun you. Christians believe if bad things happen to you, it's because you're being punished for sin.

No. 1710810

The Calvinists do not control the Christians. Most Christians will help their "neighbor."

No. 1710812

You're crazy and have no idea what you're talking about. You don't have to like them but if you aren't a total psycho yeah, they will.

No. 1710963

I don’t know a lot about the different flavors of Christian but they’re mostly Methodists here which I think is like the opposite of Calvanists? They seem friendly and social I’m just not a church person (personal reasons) I don’t think I could fake an interest in the actual church part just to socialize but I’m considering trying because I’m starting to feel crazy alone here.

No. 1710968

Think of it less as socializing to make friends and more as a chore to have a small semblance of community or safety

No. 1710976

yeah and they will also gossip a lot about you and try to police your choices. if your scrote fucks up (hits you, cheats on you, etc) they will blame you and tell you to serve him because he was born with testicles. fuck that noise. churches fucking suck and I'd rather not rely on help that is entirely conditional on how much of a good christian woman you are.

No. 1710984

That's if you really get involved. If you join a large enough congregation and only go like you're clocking in and out, you're fine.

No. 1710988

you wont get any kind of help if you're a literal who.

No. 1710992

Simply not true. It's literally just something to keep in your back pocket in case you have to crowdfund.

No. 1710996

I would only do that if I was literally desperate living on hand to mouth condition. the kind of community that nona is looking for is not going to be found in a church if you're suggesting to just clock in and out and make yourself invisible.

No. 1711084

>You're crazy and have no idea what you're talking about.
Chill out. That anon is right, the help you get is entirely conditional and they will often turn a blind eye to abuse. It’s great that you’ve only had positive experiences with churches but that is not true for everyone.

No. 1711110

soooo NYC is flooding with rain, fats, and inbred immigrants. lol ok get fucked?

No. 1711154

I grew up in the south and moved up north. You are completely right, I lost like 15 lbs without even trying within the first few months I moved and nothing in my diet changed, if anything it probably got worse because I wanted to try local restaurants and stuff

There's also a lot of shame and zero encouragement. If you gain 10 lbs everyone starts praising you if you got bigger boobs or something, the obsession with big boobs is so toxic most people will seriously say a complete deathfat has a nicer body than someone like Adrienne Lima because the fatty has bigger tits. Gyms are terrible and barely anywhere, if you try to go to them and you're not actually fat (or you're chubby but not fat) you'll get some weird love yourself speech as if you just went 2013 Tumblr ana. The more near the Gulf you are the less fresh produce there is and if there is then it's expensive unless it's in season, which even then food deserts are a huge thing. For most of my life I was like a few lbs overweight and got considered the little skinny girl just because of how fat everyone is. And walking? Kek, unless you're in the city center of one of our only handful of cities good luck trying that without being honked at, someone trying to run you over, or rednecks trying to pick you up

No. 1711260

I have first hand experience. Have either of you actually tried asking for help at church or is this just a theoretical exercise for you?

No. 1711268

I have to pick someone up at the Atlanta airport next weekend and then drive like 2+ hours south, is there anything I should show them while we're in atlanta or is there a more scenic route south out of the city? That 10 lane trucker-ass section of I-75 is brutal, I hate driving it. We have to get where we're going but we can make a small stop somewhere. Was looking at Doll's Head Trail

No. 1711286

Are there any gyms around?

No. 1711298

My city has become such a shithole (well more of a shithole) since the lockdowns. Nobody goes downtown anymore because of work from home so it's just… abandoned and the only people there are the hordes of drug addicted homeless. Everyone is closing their stores because of the rampant crime and theft and such. The Whole Foods downtown closed because employees were dealing with violent homeless moids. And even still the rent is fucking ridiculous and impossible to afford. And the people are insufferable. (I'm sure most nonnas can get what city this is kek) I want to get the fuck out of here, is it better in other places? Where the hell do I go? It feels like there are no good options in the US. Where is a relatively cheap place that is walkable/has public transit? I don't think it even exists, although ANYWHERE would be better than here.

No. 1711406

please tell me this is portland because if there's a carbon copy of portland elsewhere ill lose it

No. 1711424

ayrt, it’s san francisco kek. heard terrible stuff about portland too.

No. 1711458

Maybe in town but why would I pay a monthly fee and drive 20 minutes each way just to do exercise? I'm bored and lonely, not fat and retarded.

No. 1711523

Because it’s like $10 a month with planet fatness to give you something healthy and sociable to do every day for 1-2 hours. A 20 minute drive isn’t that big of a deal.

No. 1711533

>planet fatness
nta but don't they serve pizza and other junk there and have some 'no judgment zone' bullshit

No. 1711842

What do you think just stepping in you'll gain 20 lbs? I never once ate pizza at planet fitness nor do I know anyone who did. If they have the correct equipment idk why you would gain weight even if you did participate in the pizza nights

No. 1712069

I think they stopped pizza day during covid.
>no judgment zone' bullshit
That’s not something a lot of places really enforce, it’s just to bring awareness that some people are intimidated by gymbro culture and they don’t want guys screeching and leaving their shit everywhere. Like some people will go to PF because they need to do physical therapy and it’s the cheapest place to go.

No. 1712522

I've never heard of anyone socializing at the gym other than moids who go to harass women.

No. 1713348

I’m guessing you’ve never been to a gym then? Socializing is a big part of it for most people as it keeps them motivated

No. 1713451

So I'm supposed to pay a subscription just to motivate fatties retarded enough to pay money to exercise when fitness is literally free? That sounds worse than loneliness tbh, no thank you.

No. 1714045

This is your conclusion over gym memberships? Kek take your meds

No. 1714064

Eh I work out at home 90% but there’s a reason everyone who is serious about fitness has memberships. Unless you have a home gym there are certain results you can only achieve from adding weights and resistance to your workout. But if you’re not interested just say that, you sound weird for shitting on gyms as if it’s a bad place to spend time kek

No. 1714477

File: 1696336496638.png (51.15 KB, 939x507, cbs.PNG)

I'm just gonna put my phone in a drawer or something when this alarm plays because I don't wanna hear this shit.


No. 1714482

Move somewhere colder and smaller, like somewhere in Maine. Harder to be homeless in a cold climate, people can't do it unless it's like NYC or a huge city. I used to like Pittsburgh although it had its downsides it's very walkable and has a bus system people actually use and like 5 homeless people from what I could tell because it's too fucking cold (there's someone in Oakland called "the watchdog" and a guy who rides around with a car bumper on his bike and a guy who gives you a sob story about being a reverend with cancer, and there are still crustpunks there who live under a bridge sometimes but there just aren't that many homeless, there's still affordable shitty housing for people). Wherever you choose can't be more expensive than San Fran.

No. 1714774

Did you guys have to move more without the assistance of an automobile?

No. 1714779

Join a social club or join bumble bff then

No. 1714818

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nonnies… i am trying so hard not to become a carfag but i am so unbelievably sick of taking the busses where i live. they so often are grimy and stink like ass and have schizos yelling at the air and homeless who make everyone else uncomfortable. i've seen so much weird shit and smelled so many horrible smells that i didnt even know existed. just earlier i saw a homeless woman with dried blood all over her face who kept swaying around and bumped into the poor woman who she sat next to. not to mention being hit on by 50+ year old men at bus stops. also the fact that it takes 6x longer to get somewhere than if you could just drive there

No. 1714828

i'm in maine and there's a lot of homeless people here even in the dead of winter, you'd have to move out to the boonies to avoid them. along with random needles and narcan boxes in the street ofc, lovely! but yeah it's still not as bad as SF or NYC in that regard, so not the worst option

No. 1714831

I would definitely rather have a car than depend on shitty public transit with sketchy people everywhere. It’s so nice to be able to go anywhere you want anytime without spending hours waiting and switching stops.

No. 1714842

Cats are expensive but so so worth it

No. 1714855

i am all for better public transport and reducing car dependency, but i don't get mad at people for choosing cars because it is the more logical, safe, and comfortable option for many people especially women because no one will do anything about scrotes harassing women.

No. 1714975

just get a car if you can afford to. only moids are carfags, women have legitimate reasons to avoid public transpo when we can

No. 1715097

just turn it off

No. 1715108

Only women and manual laborers who need to haul things should drive IMO

No. 1715110

No I feel like if anything the physical activity decreased. Rural south is "walkable" in the way there's gas stations and dollar generals everywhere so you can walk less than a mile to get there. Rural areas up north have way less gas stations and stores so unless you're lucky enough to live close to one you'll have to walk

No. 1715122

It'll just play when the phone is back on

No. 1715269

I could fill a book with the crazy things I've seen on buses here but I still refuse to get a car. Then you just replace watching a fent zombie tweak out with watching a tiny-dicked brodozer road rage and try to kill everyone. At least if I'm on the bus there's cameras and a driver who will intervene.

I have seen some heinous shit. Just heinous. Hobos covered in blood sores and body fluids, violent freakouts, smoking meth, needles hanging out of arms, screaming rage-hobos having a schizo breakdown and shouting that they're going to kill everyone, guys kicking passengers and waving around knives, psycho junkies punching the bus windows and tearing things apart, driver getting in a fight with a hobo who won't leave and won't stop being violently mental, hobos taking a shit on the bus stop bench, hobos fucking, naked hobos of all varieties, extremely obese hobos mostly naked or in such poor fitting clothing they're essentially naked, naked crackwhores covered in scabies sores displaying their coochie in full view and doing a dance, hobos getting in death fights, daylight drug dealing dens in full operation, women being mugged, hobos tearing property apart and smashing everything and hurling chunks of pavement at people, cars on fire, underpasses on fire, random arsons, junkies doing the lean in groups of dozens, moids pissing or shitting all over in full view or jacking off, tent sites covered in rats, floods of rats crawling through the filth and scabbering along the sidewalk.

I've smelled things no human should ever smell.

It's almost like they want to put the final nail in the coffin of public transit and force everyone to buy electric cars for corporate profits.

No. 1715349

Where on earth do you live where the only two public transport options are "dealing with homicidal fent zombies" or "kyles road raging"???

No. 1715372

My money is on Los Angeles. Abysmal public transport, too many junkie hobos, and shitty white Teslas everywhere.

No. 1715472

Now you’re just making stuff up lol, this must just be what you specifically ran into there’s not less gas stations in the north

No. 1715585

idk I've been driving daily for 20 years and have had very long commutes throughout, so I drive quite a bit. Never once seen anything beyond a road rage incident once or the occasional car accident you pass. None of the nonsense you describe on busses. I love being able to have a car. Sometimes I feel like people pretend to hate cars because they are afraid to drive. I had three friends alone like that and only one was able to overcome her fear and get her license and a car.

No. 1715689

I never EVER seriously leave my house and ofc the one time I have to is for a dentist appointment that is dire, not looking forward to having a drill in my mouth while inevitable alarms go off all around me

No. 1715740

What? There literally is. Majority of small towns in the south there's gas stations every mile. In the north there's like 2-3 per town

No. 1715744

This. If public transport in her area is seriously as dangerous as the anon is making it seem having a car is a better option. You're not sticking it to the man by becoming mugging targets for hobos

No. 1715759

Who's ready for the emergency alert in less than ten minutes?

No. 1715765

They hyped that shit up so damn much and it just sounds like a normal amber alert

No. 1715766

this is like the new years ball drop for my devices

No. 1715771

nevermind it's fucking nothing

No. 1715774

That emergency alert just scared the shit out of me

No. 1715778

Everyone else knew about this already??? That shit made me drop my phone kek

No. 1715779

I got the notification on my phone but no alarm even played. Not even on my TV. I swear I saw conspiracyfags hyping it up and making it seem like it was gonna turn all the vaxxed people into zombies or something.

No. 1715795

Kek, same

No. 1715849

>cars are safe
besides the car jackings and cat converter thefts, you can't really own a car here. the window will get smashed out weekly, and parking costs $50/day. yes, car jackings, at gunpoint. of course that isn't counting the road rage shootings and lethal crashes. the bus is more consistently horrifying but it's actually statistically safer, somehow, than cars.

No. 1715968

Where the fuck do you live Nona

No. 1715969

It's only statistically safer because most people don't take the bus therefore are less likely to encounter dangerous things. If you're truly scared of your car getting jacked via gunpoint you should move your city or something

No. 1715980

Did people actually say this? I haven't seen anything related to it other than people warning to turn off their phones if they're in an abusive relationship

No. 1716001

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nayrt but yes lmfao, i've also seen screenshots of boomer conspiracyfags telling people to put their phones in the microwave

No. 1716013

Sounds like a SFO area anon.
Crime is so bad in Cuckiefornia.
Had dev engineer friends who moved to Colorado from there because crime was basically unpenalized and they became afraid of their commutes to and from work. And that was a few years ago, and to my understanding it's gotten worse. Lootings of stores are regular there now too.

Car commuting is safer in literally any other place in Murrica. The Bay is not representative.

No. 1716042


No. 1716045

Do you live in Albuquerque or San Fran?

No. 1717984

I got robbed twice within a week of moving to Texas. All Americans are criminal scum.

No. 1717997

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How much are you spending on Halloween, nonas?

No. 1718000

Nothing except buying some candy on November 1. Might crochet some cute pumpkin decorations myself but I already have plenty of orange yarn.

No. 1718004

I have never experienced that but I've only lived in the northeast and northwest. Maybe if by north you mean Montana, the Dakotas Minnesota, Nebraska etc. but to be fair there's less of everything there not just gas stations.

No. 1718021

Nothing. Millennials all take their kids to the mall or to a parking lot to "trick or treat" so there's no point in me buying candy or dressing up. Halloween used to be my favorite holiday but it's pretty much pointless now.

No. 1718155

I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in a long time. Usually I would just throw an outfit together from stuff I already own or wear a headband with a witch hat on it

No. 1718758

Nothing. I wear the same outfit every year (an animal hoodie) and hate children. commodification of holidays has ruined them, turning it into an awkward and repugnant obligation. i might make homemade marshmallows for myself because i have a hankering or buy the gourmet ones, but like hell i'm sharing. and i'll watch the same pirated copy of harry potter again.

No. 1719402

I don’t understand the middle east thing. If it’s israel and palestine then that’s just the jews attacking other jews? What is the fucking point even kekk

No. 1719406

kek, I live in one of the "lowest crime areas of the US" and figured out quickly low crime just meant unreported crime. Any American should know by now America will skew shit up so it looks great on paper but is awful IRL. "low tax rates" but they take out hundreds out of your paycheck of social security and medicare. low unemployment rates means you could be getting paid 60$/weekly and still are technically employed. I'm surprised Americans rely on statistics so much when anyone living here should know damn well how much it's BS

No. 1719484

Palestinians are not ethnically nor spiritually Jewish. I'll excuse you though because no one teaches world history in this country.

No. 1719485

does it fucking matter? would you bomb boston because they're ethnically irish and you're german or something? they just want that fucking land because of oil deposits and are making this to be a "holy land war". it's fucking not.

No. 1719612

Oh so it’s a reverse holocaust. It’s the jews raping the muslims. Kek that’s not gonna look very good for them in the history books…

No. 1719613

When was the last time one state government in the US mowed down and raped another nearby state, though…or Canada?

No. 1719617

I apologize for being retarded kek I just saw tan skins and big noses in all these videos and immediately assumed it was jew on jew violence but it’s halal store employee on gap year yid violence kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1719626

>sorry, kids, yeah you can't afford medicine food or housing and will soon be crushed to death by poverty, but we can't possibly afford to forgive your student loans, the banker's profits might suffer; i'm afraid you'll just have to work yourselves to death and keep paying your taxes
>a new war? yeah bro we can fund that
Tired of it

No. 1719708

The problem with America is that it never runs out of poor people to use as cannon fodder

No. 1719721

Its maddening.

No. 1719750

It is though, the military is having a crisis because zoomies are too fat or too mentally ill or too indifferent to fight for anything (who would have thought that taking away hope for a fulfilling life and escaping meager wage slavery and actually having a chance at retirement and homeownership causes youth to not give a fuck)

No. 1719753

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Can't wait to see how the elections go

No. 1719754

My tinfoil is that the withholding of resources is specifically designed to make the military seem more enticing. Student loans paid, housing secured, healthcare covered, make enough to buy a lifted truck or whatever other small-town dreams 19 year old flyover-state moids have. What’s four measly years against a lifetime of poverty? But these days I think the average American probably has at least one health condition (or thinks they have health conditions) that would disqualify them from serving, so there’s a gap there.

No. 1719762

They're lifting some previous health restrictions. And yeah the military advertises like crazy even as young as middle schoolers. They put up posters in "trendy" places like my local burrito place and bubble tea place showing a 4 year breakdown of how much money youll save vs going to college or whatever.

and they even invest in subtle psyops such as funding pro-military media (this includes everything from certain games to avengers and Top Gun). It doesn't have to be implicitly "GO TO WAR NOW" to have the messaging they want, it just has to introduce the dichotomy of us good guys vs the evil in the world and people intake that and keep it in their psyche forever.

That's how lots of moids came back from Afghanistan with nothing but appendage stumps and melted skin to show for it and then get suicidal when they realize they were used and there was no fraternity, honor, etc. They were larping as was every soldier that ever lived and took their last breath realizing it was a scam and they're about to be worm food. (Whether that was on the battlefield or in a homeless shelter). This is why they need ego appeasement the whole time they're amongst "civilians" THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE

The military does its best to not break this illusion until you have been used up, when you are fresh to them they will brainwash you to think you are the good guy and will be fine. Hence why the military does NOT practice with paintball or realistic simulated fighting: it caused massive disillusionment to realize how easily you could be hit

No. 1719803

My Nigel got super mad at me last night because I said we shouldn’t be sending so much aid to Ukraine, or any other country, when we are struggling and can’t take care of the citizens basic needs, and excuse it away due to budgetary constraints. And that if no one wants us playing world police, and Americans don’t want to be world police, that also means less financial involvement so we’re not protecting what are essentially assets. He was saying I want Ukrainians to die and I’m an isolationist because of my thoughts and I never said I want anything pulled or that I want less humanitarian aid for them at all. Am I brain dead? because I don’t see how that’s unreasonable and I don’t feel it’s an uncommon sentiment

No. 1719808

sorry your moid is brain damaged. mine agrees it's a waste of money and none of our business. it shouldn't be a crime to be neutral. after all, switzerland is a great country because it always takes a neutral stance to wars, and that's why all their citizens have healthcare and housing and they have the best public transit in the world. your moid probably jacks off to bloodthirst porn about dead russian soldiers and joining the ukies as a merc. i don't know why men cry when they actually get sent to war to die, when they spend their entire life fantasizing about it and playing video games about it.

women's tax rate should be halved and men's should be doubled. let them pay for their war fantasies themselves. hopefully zoomer scrotes all get drafted to go die so their andrew tate cult dies with them.

No. 1719893

What? Zoomers want to join the military but conditions and requirements are stricter than ever. Almost every zoomer I know who joins the military gets rejected over some shit like mild eczema or if they make it past meps or whatever they end up getting sent home before basics ends because the workouts/conditions are way harsher than they ever were before. If it's not that then almost every "military benefit" turned out to be bullshit. The GI bill, affordable housing, etc

No. 1719943

Aid to Ukraine is massively embezzled anyway.

No. 1719959

>who would have thought that taking away hope for a fulfilling life and escaping meager wage slavery and actually having a chance at retirement and homeownership causes youth to not give a fuck
Anon have you ever met guys in the military? In branches like the army and (ch)air force the young guys spend all their time on base playing videogames, drinking, or going to strip clubs. It’s not just a meme that they blow their money on stupidly expensive car leases and marry for free housing

No. 1720153

You’re absolutely correct

No. 1720164

I fucking hate the idea of “trunk or treat”. It’s perfect for if you have toddlers maybe but god damn, at least walk with your kids through the neighborhood. I used to walk with my friends while our parents accompanied us from afar so they could keep an eye on us while we felt “independent” lol

No. 1720170

great, what fucking retard greasy smug fuck French chlaymdia timoteetroon and the pick me’s brought back a plethora of bed bugs?

No. 1720175

Um, are they here now? I'm scared to check Google.

No. 1720177

google just says they're in Paris and on the way to London

No. 1720178

I’m so fucking sick of living in California, anons. The Bay Area is the absolute worst for this, of course, but even now that I live in a suburb in a formerly safe kinda-nowhere city, this place ALSO constantly has catalytic converter thefts, carjacking and attempted murders on a daily basis.

No. 1720182

Thank you, anon. But that does make me wonder what tf their plan is when airplanes and airports get infested?!

No. 1720221

I know someone who’s gotten her catalytic converter jacked from her Prius 3 times. Ladybird didn’t warn us about this part of Sacramento

No. 1720419

I live in a quiet suburb in California and am already starting to see bums more frequently. A lot of them are definitely mentally unwell and I feel uncomfortable around them at times. I also nearly ran into a junkie out of his mind and stumbling suddenly and erratically across the road a while back. I could have never imagined that junkies would start showing up here even a few years ago. It also doesn't help that they plan on converting a motel to a homeless shelter here. Crime is already starting to go up of course. Really dreading when it starts to hit even closer to my neighborhood.

No. 1720430

It’s so fucked up, I rather deal with 8793933939391 strains of whatever the bitch ass dollarita Applebee’s paint thinner with a side of Covid before bed bugs. Thank you Paris, thank you New York, thank you LA. Get fucked ???

No. 1720676

I got very overwhelmed watching videos about it and learning that they can hide in the spine of hardcover books did not help at all.

No. 1720922

literally shooting out the back window or whatever he just did seems like so much trouble for a bag. does he even know what was in the bag or was this random??

No. 1720933

No you're right, the war would be over if we weren't funding ukraine. the US is using ukraian bodies as fodder in an american proxy war with russia. multiple US politicians and strategists have bragged about what a good investment this is because it doesn't cost any american lives but we get to wage a long war with russia and sell weapons and launder aid money.

No. 1720942

ask anyone who lives near Russia esp. people who lived in the Soviet Union and they will tell you they wouldn't stop there and just move the goalpost to another non NATO country and send former ukranian then russian citizens to war. just like how they did with chechnyans, they took a decade trying to control that area, now they sent those people to die in the ukranian-russian war. honestly cant blame russians for hating the west so much, americans are so fucking selfish and ignorant.

No. 1720945

instead of blaming people who are dying at pointless wars because you can't afford subscriptions or whatever petty bullshit you waste your money on, why dont you blame you retarded government and corporations for fucking workers in the ass and paying jackshit while they spend their summers on pedophile islands on their billion dollar yachts?

No. 1720952

>why dont you blame you retarded government
Nta but that's literally what anon is doing

No. 1720954

we all know america has the money to make life better for everyone it's just being hoarded by a few people. our billionaires don't even build libraries anymore they just do NFT scams – i know it's a meme but they need to be guillotined

No. 1720959

you don't really get it that corpos/government profit from war, right? it's not like US is giving them supplies out of kindness in their heart. ukraine is going to get out of this war with massive debt to US and US is gonna ride on that debt for a long, long time.
I dont get how americans have a ton of guns yet they don't fucking shoot their CEOs. I think it's a good thing I don't live in the US kek

No. 1720975

>you don't really get it that corpos/government profit from war, right? it's not like US is giving them supplies out of kindness in their heart. ukraine is going to get out of this war with massive debt to US and US is gonna ride on that debt for a long, long time.
This response doesn't even make sense to what I said kek. I think you just want to argue, go somewhere else.

No. 1720978

Idk why you think you’re the only one that has figured out we’re a corporatocracy, everyone here agrees with you

No. 1720981

I honestly feel so bad for kids that they don't get to experience this. If my parents had taken me to the mall or, worse, a parking lot I would have hated Halloween. What a miserable cheap boring experience.

No. 1720999

Tbh nona I thought this was a common opinion, my nigel rants frequently with the exact same arguments as you and I only know one person who's 100% supportive of it without any apprehension. And that person is sort of exceptional since he has a vendetta against Russia because he grew up in a communist country and nearly got killed for protesting, so he says he is desperate to see them get fucked before he dies.

No. 1721005

The plan is for Blackrock, Vanguard and other American companies to rebuild Ukraine which will be paid for a huge loan that Ukraine will never be able to pay off.

If Russia wins, Ukraine gets left as small bankrupt country with it's territories divided between Russia and Poland. If the US wins, Ukraine will forever be a poor country paying off debts to American corporations. Either way the country is fucked. Never trust neocons.

No. 1721083

Nobody in Poland wants even an inch of Ukraine's territory because we have our own shithole regions to take care of already, idk why this is such a conspiratard talking point lately

No. 1721093

Don't forget that if Ukraine wins it will be taken into the EU, meaning endless money to fuel corruption. They're already forcing an EU membership process for Ukraine as if we don't have a dozen corrupted shitholes on the Union bankroll already.

No. 1721129

I wish conservatives would stop pandering to religious ppl so I could stop being on the left. Liberal Americans honestly disgust me. I used to think it was the side of morality and kindness but over the years they’ve proven to be giant pieces of shit. They only want tons of immigrants here so they can be exploited and paid $2/hr to work on farms. They try to eradicate homosexuality with queer culture and trannies. They have been shamelessly cheering on literal Muslim raping terrorists for the past 2 days. Weirdly obsessed with porn and sexualizing kids whenever they can. Exploit and use POC whenever they possibly can. It’s all so clear and I don’t understand how any good person can participate in this movement? I just can’t vote republican bc I’m strongly against religion in politics and pro-choice so I think I’m just going to stop voting.

No. 1721142

>Muslim raping
Should clarify I meant Muslim rapists, they aren’t raping Muslims. Well Hamas do rape their own women too because it’s pretty normalized in their culture but anyway

No. 1721151

I grew up in Sacramento and the whole place is fucked now. Downtown was always sketchy but in the last 10 years everything has gone downhill. There's a new stadium and shops in the area while there are more crazy, screaming, violent homeless men than before and gang shootings going on constantly now. Last year there was a "mass shooting" when 3 ghetto zoomers (from out of town) cruised through downtown with a machine gun firing randomly and killed 3 people. I don't live there anymore, but I heard it hasn't gotten any better and it's becoming ghetto as hell.

No. 1721160

Fucking SAAAAAAME. Honestly I think if republicans just dropped the abortion issue as their hill to die on, it would help a LOT. I'm so sick of being a liberal because I don't even agree with any of their platforms anymore, but I don't want to be lumped in with the misogynistic religious bullshit on the right.

No. 1721244

Robert Kennedy is now running as an independent.

No. 1721337

No way in hell I’m voting for a Kennedy.

No. 1721427

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I just read up on him and he seems certifiably insane but we’ll see how things go. Its funny that Trump isn’t religious at all and it’s an open secret that he has paid for abortions for women in the past, but still panders to evangelical losers. Men are so shit.

No. 1721446

Must be a eurofag/phile thing, I haven’t heard anything about it until now in America

No. 1721473

>immigrants paid $2 an hour to work
this point is what really got me. they're taking advantage of these people who are making a pretty hefty penny, but only because when they're done working, they go back to their home countries. exploitative farmers should be going out of business. a lot of these farmers also act like they're doing the immigrants a service because they give them "free housing and food", but it's literally 40 mexican dudes all cooped up in some shed.

No. 1722160

File: 1696950714135.png (290.03 KB, 1000x1250, barn in the usa.png)

saw this on ebay and thought of the thread
hope you all had a nice columbus day yesterday

No. 1722306

We had that crap last year since there have been more families with kids moving in. It's right across the street from my apartment and looks miserable. 5-6 parked in a single spot. I used to live in nyc and we'd go to two apartment complexes, knocking on all the door. I can't imagine doing trunk or treat.

No. 1722536

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Completely random. You'd be surprised the lengths these people go to to steal. Every single friend I've ever had who lived in San Francisco (or worse, Oakland/the east bay) has been burglarized or robbed. A friend of mine just last month had someone CRAWL UP THREE STORIES to steal a bike that her roommate had sitting on their third-floor balcony, chained to the railing. Yep, they chained their damn bike 3 stories up just in case, and someone still jumped/crawled up 3 floors to pull themselves over the railing, and cut through the bike lock so they could steal it. Everything that isn't chained down (or is, I guess), you can expect someone will steal it and won't hesitate to kill you if you try to intervene. People even tell you to clear out your car every time you park, and to leave the doors unlocked to prevent broken windows. Even if you have nothing visible in your car, they'll break your window anyway. The bay (and this whole state) is so fucked with theft and violent crime, we're becoming more like Brazil and South Africa with every passing year.

No. 1722552

Same exact shit happening in Philly, including being told to leave your car unlocked and to have nothing valuable in there. Doesn't prevent car parts from being stolen, though. Not to mention the multi-people raid parties that just rush into stores and steal shit. Lots of women doing it, too.

No. 1722554

big cities are containment zones for this shit and SF is the peak of the turd pile. Crime is part of the reason I'm moving to a small mountain town.

especially with internet, I don't have a single reason to go back .

No. 1722560

I live in a more rural area but parents used to drop kids off in neighborhoods with a lot of houses (or other relatives to visit with) to get a lot of candy. Sometimes if these areas were really popular cops or firefighters would hang around and people would even have snack tables. I remember one person would go over the top and have an outdoor projector and chairs set up so parents could just sit and watch movies while their kids were walking around the neighborhood

No. 1722582

Someone in New England please tell me how the fall foliage is this year I’m incredibly nostalgic for Vermont but I live in fucking Georgia now and seasons don’t exist here (it finally cooled off a little though thank god!) A picture would be amazing.

No. 1722586

I literally spent $7 on making 20 goodie bags, because I don't expect them all to be taken. My friend lives in a pretty nice neighborhood and owns a house and she was expecting tons of children to come by, so she spent like $20 on candy and who knows for decorations. She only got 3 kids to walk by the entire night. Society is nearly dead.

No. 1722595

what i don't understand is where all the druggies are coming from or how there are this many. seattle alone has 40,000 hobos (so this isn't counting the functional drug addicts or the ones in jail or trailer parks, just the homeless bridge-troll ones). that's the population of an entire large town/small city, just as hobos. and this issue is in every city now. philly and denver are inundated with them, it's not a west coast thing. how are tens of millions of people now fent zombies living in cardboard boxes? there has to be a factory somewhere mass producing fent gronks, this isn't natural. the math doesn't math on where all these fucked up losers are coming from or how they got to this point. even most incel NEETs don't fent out.

No. 1722601

i'll be the one to say it. this is why they wanted trump out. what did trump do? first president to NOT start any new war, and ended the last dumb one we were for some reason involved in. people said if biden won, he'd start a new war. what happened? biden in, suddenly war is on. trump was right. biden is a swamp creature with blue paint. "muh based heckin democrats" well what happened? student loans NOT forgiven. abortion GONE. NO healthcare. NO transit. trillions of dollars for new wars. meanwhile poverty rate is climbing and average families can't afford to eat. say what you want about trump but the economy was great with him and we didn't have new globalist wars being started. people voted for biden for student loans and roe v wade, and it was all a rugpull, he gave you nothing. you've been bamboozled.

voting will not fix what's wrong with this country. audits and guillotines might. funny we don't hear anything about those panama papers. out for a decade and no one went to jail, nothing happened, they whacked every journalist and lawyer who tried to tackle it and the average person doesn't even know what the panama papers were. they won and the american people slept like fat dumb housecats through it. the mafia is running the country but this time they ain't italian, just pedophiles and kleptocrats. americans have exactly the country they deserve.

No. 1722608

No idea what part of Georgia you’re in but do some research and drive up into the north GA mountains in the fall and you’ll see the “fall foliage” that you’re seeking. You can take a weekend trip up to Asheville, NC or Chattanooga, TN and see the trees as you drive.

No. 1722609

They need professional help but we got rid of those social nets so instead they multiply and fester in the streets. No matter what solution is proposed it’s treated like a pipe dream or if it sounds too reasonable like work programs that’s suddenly inhumane and exploitative

No. 1722613

the problem is the drug addiction. it's mighty clear. even ex-gronks will tell you it's the drugs. in my city they're paying to house these things with human beings in apartment buildings or buying up entire hotels or other housing buildings to turn over to them. when they get into an apartment they destroy it inside and out within months and turn it into a drug den. meth fumes circulating through the building ventillation poisoning every other resident, copper pipes torn out of walls, floors rotted through, sinks and tubs overflowing for days without pause, meth labs exploding.

it's just for grifting that they pretend they don't know the solution. they don't care if women get raped and murdered by gronks so long as they can keep getting $500k salaries to be the head lead department commissioner on unhoused neighbors of substances outreach program for fingerpainting therapy safe spaces for gronks of color and queerness. and the citizens quietly take it all up the ass.

No. 1722619

I kind of agree with this anon although I dislike Trump. Am I the only one who is feeling that Biden is going to lose reelection? News keeps talking about how Bidenomics are working with macroeconomic statistics of the entire US economy and yet it’s so obvious to anyone who is low/middle class that everything is substantially worse and on the verge of collapse. I feel like all these articles about how great the economy currently is just shows how far distanced politicians and political commentators are from normal Americans. They just don’t care to even try to understand our plight and unless they literally rig the election I can’t help but see how being so ignorant of our struggles will eventually bite them in the ass. Yes Republican evangelicals are batshit insane, but the quality of life has declined substantially in the last 4 years that I can’t see this administration being re-elected.

No. 1722634

They need to get on methadone and go cut trails or something

No. 1722636

My bank guy who I still have a yearly call with from when I had a good job and IRAs set up (5 years ago lol ) told me the economy has been so much better lately and I was like… bitch wtf are you talking about lol? In what universe?

No. 1722641

Studies show in addition to pre-existing mental health conditions, addicts are created by feelings of isolation and lack of support. In Vietnam pretty much all soldiers did heroin but the ones who continued to do it after the war and became homeless were mostly men with weak support systems or poor relationships with their families. It’s a coping mechanism and I guess many people are feeling isolated and hopeless these days for various reasons. I’m a recovering addict so I get it somewhat, but even I have a hard time understanding those who do it to the point of homelessness because I still cared about my life to an extent. I have some tinfoils about fent being the new crack as far as government involvement… it’s just wild how heroin is almost completely replaced by this stuff in much of the US.

No. 1722655

Same. Just look at twitter–that is the modern establishment left. I saw this on the news last week, and knew the guy was a festering piece of twitter shit immediately. The same with the guy who got knifed in New York. 100% knew the twitter accounts of these "kind" and "great" guys would be full of smugness and hatred towards ordinary people.

No. 1722665

the problem is the metrics that they use to say the economy is good are metrics that benefit them only, eg GDP and stonk margut. there are no metrics used which represent the interests and welfare of working class people. why? because working class people are doomscrolling or consooming or cooming instead of organizing, learning about the issues, and putting together a coherent and logically sound declaration of their demands to be represented in policy decisions. in other words, they're very stupid.

they are too stupid to even understand that they are stupid, let alone to comprehend the issues at hand and formulate discourse on them like the founding fathers or any other successful reform movement did. there's an anti-intellectualism in the working class where they take pride in their own stupidity and refusal to read books and learn argument and rhetoric. the people who can accomplish the above are smart enough to succeed even if the system is mostly rigged, so they have no motive to paddle upriver trying to drag the lower classes to salvation. there actually is a point to reading books, and it isn't about the plot–it's to gain better mastery of language and how to form complex thoughts and arguments in a coherent manner. which you don't get from television. therefore, the working class are willfully retarding themselves loudly and proudly and the end result is they can't advocate for their own interests in any effective way. sometimes they take a weekend to give a token screech or put on a dumb hat, but these are not a threat to the established system–they are they confused braying of imbeciles who are all bark no bite. to bite, you have to know what to target. the average person cannot tell you why they are poor or why the system is setting them up to be and stay poor. they can only bellow in flaccid, inarticulate rage.

intellectualism is dead and we live caught between two flavors of idiots being pick-pocketed by the wealthy, blind to it and all the while screaming at each other over inconsequential distractions. nothing ever happens and this situation will continue for decades as did the fall of rome, a slow descent to mediocrity and permanent destitution.

No. 1722666

I really do feel like if WW333 were to magically break out the Americas would just form a pact to drastically nuke the entirety of the East. Probably even including China and North Korea. World population gonna go down so good

No. 1722705

I would rather them nuke half of the indian population, i. e males, than chinese, those are useful at least

No. 1722730

Man, this just reminded me of how I used to daydream about the "country life" as being a cute, wholesome alternative to the city, where everyone knows each other and life is just a little slower. I hate that the reality is that every rural agricultural or small mountain town in my state is just full of meth, domestic abuse, drunk drivers, tweakers and more meth.

No. 1722740

I remember Target just announced it's permanently closing stores in urban centers because the amount of theft just isn't worth it anymore. Philly wasn't on the list, but this one will probably be closed too. Ugh.

No. 1723036

Yup I used to live in a small town. The schools are shit and the meth problems in the smaller surrounding towns were awful. Dating is a nightmare because everyone who isn’t on meth is retarded or religious (any normal people who grow up in small towns know to leave as soon as they can). I’d only live in a place like that again if I were a NEET hermit who doesn’t care about anything.

No. 1723082

Enjoy your meth lab neighbors.

No. 1723172

why is everyone in this country on drugs

No. 1723176

Fake news.

No. 1723230

God, I have so many friends who voted Biden because “He’s gonna forgive student loans! He promised!!” I’d been saying for years that I’ll believe it when I see it, and sure enough, it never happened and everyone is surprised pikachu face. That’s the best part of being a pessimist I guess, you’re either constantly proven right or you’re pleasantly surprised

No. 1723245

in the first place biden is the one responsible for making student loans not dischargable in bankruptcy. it was stupid how everyone thought he would save them when they could google search and see what a slimeball he is. i liked ron paul and even bernie would have been okay (although he's incompetent and a doormat, if not a grifter), but we can never have that, we only get crony picks. red crony blue crony, the american people get fucked over regardless. at least with trump we would have steady employment so we could pay the loans without trouble, now we have so much inflation our wages were effectively halved. the only good part about inflation is it erodes the loan balances in terms of real current value.

people get weird ideas in their head and no amount of facts can dissuade them. i know people irl who think kyle rittenhouse killed 3 black men. (they were all white.) you can't even say anything to them or they get angry and lash out.

there are a lot of people about to get wiped out when the loan repayments start. it's actually one of the driving factors pushing us towards recession.

No. 1723434

>I know people irl who think kyle rittenhouse killed 3 black men.

Same! What the fuck? All they have to do is google it. Also lol, lmao at the fact that one of the guys he killed, Rosenbaum, turned out to be a convicted sex offender and pedophile who molested at least a dozen kids and the other guy, Huber, was arrested for domestic violence and had threatened to murder his brother and burn down their house with their family inside because he didn't clean his room. Good riddance!

No. 1723440

>at least with Trump we'd have steady employment
First of all the president doesn't control employment numbers, second of all your guy is a child rapist.

No. 1723487

No. 1723498

Has anyone else been having issues getting their prescriptions? One of my medications apparently won't be available until December at my pharmacy because of supply issues? God I fucking hate the 2020s so far.

No. 1723499

Yes and it fucking sucks cause I’ll try calling another pharmacy to see if they have it and they’ll get all cagey “I can’t give you that information”

No. 1723501

So true I can live with that. Even if they nuke me I won’t really be affected by it because I’ll be dead

No. 1723502

What the hell is up with so many men being allergic to onions…weak ass nigga

No. 1723520

oh man this makes me really nostalgic. There was a house that would project casper the friendly ghost and halloween town on the side of their house wall. also looooooooots of people with food tables, baked goods, hotdogs, etc. Feel really bad that kids cant experience this anymore or at least to that same level.

No. 1723538

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New England has had a ton of rain in the last two months so the foliage isn’t expected to be very flashy this year

No. 1723547

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Last year around the same time had a ton of color, this year is more green and red/brown.

No. 1723548

I just got a notification about my new prescription not being able to be filled at my pharmacy bc they don’t have it.
Is this a national problem? What’s going on?

No. 1723551

There have been medication shortages for the past year and CVS + Walgreens just had walkouts because of their poor working conditions.

No. 1723617

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excuse me what? biden is building a wall now? what the actual fuck, the two party system is so fake

No. 1723622

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aw my uncle in maine told me it was expected to be a good foliage year because it was rainy in the summer and everything was super green and it had been mild in september so if there's no storms or early frost it should be a nice foliage year… (I'm not asking him for pics because he's old) but thank you so much for the pics you're an angel.

No. 1723624

This and their application is like 5+ hours long and they don't respond to applicants anyway

No. 1723631

He claims the funds were allocated already so his hands are tied but why are we waiving 26 laws for it?

No. 1723637

that's such bullshit. excuse me for having a stupid non-immigration reason to care but the border walls are fucking up animal migration and they're a waste of fucking money. someone hex this old fart and everyone else in washington so frogs pour out of their throats until they choke

No. 1723641

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I just found where he talked about this (picrel.) This bitch is useless!

No. 1723657

Has anyone used a realtor when renting a house? For referencing I’m asking in the context of more “normal” metro areas, not NYC/LA. If you use a realtor, how much of your background do they want to know? I’ve never used a realtor before but also don’t have perfect credit or anything and had one recommended by a friend but I’m so clueless about the situation. Also it’s not a life or death matter so luckily I can be a little lax about the situation.

No. 1723662

>does the wall work
irks me as a question because they want a yes/no on a question that isn't yes/no. what percentage reduction in migrants is necessary to conclude it "works"? if it stops even 1 migrant? if it stops 100% of migrants? what do they mean by that? god i hate journalists that triggers my autism. they dont want understanding, they just want soundbites. they're marketers selling outrage porn.

No. 1723701

I’ve never seen a problem with this—other countries have border walls and incredibly strict immigration policies so who cares. Why are we expected to be so charitable? Is it really that bad if we don’t allow asylum to every illegal that comes in here? I was in favor of making citizenship easier for immigrants prior to the recent invasion of illegals but now I think we need to dial it back for now since it has gotten out of control recently. It sucks for the immigrants who have been here for a while and are getting fucked over by the most recent ones. Homelessness is still rising and yet in some cities they’re giving illegals $7000 with benefits of healthcare, childcare, etc. They’re converting facilities for underprivileged black children into shelters for grown foreign men. The immigrants get a good deal and yet they still want more. It is a public safety issue (primarily for women and children) since most of the recent immigrants are scrotes with no background checks.

No. 1723715

They'll run a background check and maybe look at things like credit scores, past employment history, current paystubs, past addresses, etc.

No. 1723732

Yeah, I don't see why we have to take in 10 trillion poor latinos when they should really be staying in their own damned countries and fixing them. it's sad they're poor but my tax money isn't a global charity fund. i'm also against foreign aid except in temporary circumstances like natural disasters. we shouldn't have 30 different insolvent worthless countries sucking on our teet because they can't figure out how to use a condom or make a functional economy.

like, look at mexico city, a sprawling shitheap of way too many people to the point they're driving the axolotl to extinction. why do they create problems by having no self control at all, and suddenly it's on us to solve their issues and clean up after their messes? just stop having more kids than you can provide a future for, this isn't hard. china did it.

same thing in europe, they dropped the "refugee" bit when everyone figured out these migrants are not coming from active warzones at all, they're just from poor countries looking to suck up welfare somewhere else, eating off someone else's back. why are we not allowed to say no after our charity and hospitality have been so abused for so long to such an extent? they don't even pretend to obey our laws or be grateful for our help. if white people did this to china, would china tolerate us? hell no. they'd kick our sorry asses out and rightfully so. this situation is so retarded.

No. 1723745

If I was going into this with another person, would they see any of this history? Or just the realtor?

No. 1723760

most foreign aid doesn't even reach poor people most of the time

No. 1723765

This. I feel like a lot of the vitriol towards foreign aid and immigrants would be squashed if people knew (or maybe the vitriol would be increased rightfully since it never get to actual needy people lol, you know what I mean).

No. 1723771

Mexico is only the way it is now due to Americans and their involvement in funding war groups with selling cocaine and giving guns to them. All because the US government was so against any form of communism in the 1960s that any small right wing group starting revolutions was funded by Reagan. They sold guns to Iran and sold cocaine in the San Fran area in California just to fund the Contras, a small group in Nicaragua, against communism. Those guns still circulate in the illegal gun trade that cartels use today and its fueled by American gun laws and smugglers. Its so bad where even in the US you can be recruited to join gangs and sell drugs that go directly towards funding cartels. Texas alone had recent scandals where in San Antonio groups of police officers and other high ranking officials were outed as Mexican Mafia members and helped smuggle guns and drugs through city line inspections. Also anytime someone in the US buys MX imports, like farm grown items, they are also funding the cartels. Groups have taken over family owned farms and avocados are seen as lucrative with how trendy they are in the US. If Americans just kept their power to themselves they wouldn’t have caused a massive drug and gun trade to flourish. Also with immigrants what would they take from you? You say you don’t want your taxas to be used for them but how many immigtants have had their visas upcharged to thousands just to APPLY? Would you change that tune when you realize it takes 10+ years to become an actual citizen including paying taxes, visa fees, and paying for the actual citizenship that you have to be tested on. My mom has a visa and she pays taxes despite being in a country that can deport her anytime if regulations change. I understand not wanting to have males cross the bridge and let only women and children in, which they have done in the past in select border towns that I have been to and that worked great but when people pass en mass like this they are always kept an eye on and have social workers to help with citizenship. That’s why the US is even letting so many people in, more immigrants mean more taxpayers and more people in the system to spend thousands on green cards while working up their way to become citizens. America is just a pay to win country acting as if they didn’t have a hand in most world conflicts and economies.

No. 1723775

The avocado cartels are real, that’s big money. I am so far from the border (unless I visit a relative [rarely]) that it doesn’t affect me but it messes with my head every time I’m at the grocery store. Like they’re blood avocados! please make the world make sense I’m losing it. It’s bananas all over again.

No. 1723781

This made me sad, seeing them listing out the money the stores raised for the communities in the area and knowing that all of these people are losing their jobs (and even if they transfer to another target “in the area”, who knows if it’s across town or harder to get to), all because these assholes just can’t stop fucking stealing.

No. 1723791

I completely agree with you, but we’re not allowed to say it out loud or sit down and have an actual discussion about this or what a plausible solution might be, because that would mean we’re horrible, evil racists who hate brown people apparently

No. 1723806

Literally. Better keep bickering instead of solving anything. It’s the American way. (Nta and I don’t want a wall because I’m not convinced it would do anything but keep wild cats out of Texas but but this shit is getting retarded, can we please actually talk about it ffs, I’ll entertain a wall idea if we can entertain actually staffing immigration courts and not putting people in immigrant jail or making Mexican human trafficking hot spots this shit is getting psycho)

No. 1724081

I'll entertain a wall if we give citizenship to every descendent of every US citizen illegally deported during Operation Wetback.

No. 1724653

More people are starting to adopt this sentiment, if Chicago's recent protests let them do it without Antifa soyboys harassing them, then its safe to say that people are done with the lunatic virtue-signaling and want actual solutions. And I saw a speech from the protesters that they don't blame the migrants but rather the goverment for being irresponsible, which is a fair take and I'm thankful that people aren't going to war with each other.

No. 1724971

ADHD medication shortages are the ones dominating the news (fun fact, there is plenty of the name brand adderall but not generic- despite the shortages, insurance companies are refusing to cover the name brand in the interim), but my dad had heart surgery years ago and is having issues getting random medications he’s prescribed as a result. Blood pressure meds can be used to help treat ADHD, but it’s not just those that are out of stock. It feels like something is funky or a bigger story is going to come out later

No. 1725462

>Why are we expected to be so charitable? Is it really that bad if we don’t allow asylum to every illegal that comes in here?

I think a lot of people, especially women, need to confront their toxic empathy and -quiet frankly- extreme arrogance in thinking that they can fix the world's problems by being nice. Having gangs and shitty economies is not, and never should have been, be the grounds for asylum or entitlement to this country. Especially when the gangs they're supposedly fleeing from are already here and growing in power, and these people support the same economic policies that wrecked their home countries, namely socialism.

No. 1725604

I made the statement that Israel is a country and my whole classroom started crying at me for being a “zionist”…I’m not even jewish. Is this the level we’ve stooped to.

No. 1725632

Situations like this are why I'm sitting this one out completely. No comment, no opinion, nothing

No. 1725637

And everyone seems to have immediately forgotten that Hamas attacked the Israeli citizens and essentially declared war with that action? Palestinian supporters are like “Oh no they didn’t mean to kidnap and rape all those women and children” like yeah I’m pretty sure they spent months if not years planning this. Sick of the Palestine is such a smol bean we could never do anything bad they’re the victim because they’re a state and not a country

No. 1725660

Just another reason to be thankful I'm not in college

No. 1725760

zoomers are impossible to talk to really. You can make the most seemingly normal statement and they'd somehow take it out of context as much as possible.

No. 1725840

men being too rapeape to not ruin a strike at the goverment laying claim to their mother's country doesn't make the palestinian families who were displaced any less of a victim. men were the problem, you can bet if female palestinians were in charge of the offense none of this bullshit would have happened. also nobody has forgotten, "fuck palestine" is literally the common sentiment in the west before moids could fuck this shit up even among anti-semites cause they hate brown people and can sometimes put their-jew hate aside to hate muslims more

No. 1726000

>you can bet if female palestinians were in charge of the offense
Are you fucking retarded? Do you know what Hamas is?

No. 1726192

An unelected terrorist organization funded by Israel?

No. 1726230

Palestine has supported china while China was abusing Muslim minorities for no good reason. Palestinians aren't good people and trust me, the ones supporting them would change their minds real quick when Palestinian refugees came to their country and sexually harassed/raped women like they currently do to jews.

No. 1726401

So they actually do intend to come for our birth control next. Banning abortion wasn't enough. they won't stop until we're all mormon child-brides shitting out kids until we fall dead.

No. 1726410

Lurk the news or maybe a book more instead of lolcow…goodness

No. 1726411

The “birth control” pills/implantations are so bad for your hormonal system though. Someone needs to design a better drug because I’ve seen it destroy some damn psyche’s

No. 1726413

this is the excuse they're going to use but won't provide anything better to replace it.

No. 1726414

Maybe this is kind of retarded but damn it’s crazy how like almost the whole east is fighting right now excluding the big Asian powers like China and North Korea kek. I’d hate to be an able-bodied nigel under the age of 75 right now, cause they’re all about to be soo fucked

No. 1726417

I mean why not just not have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant? Or potentially just have sex when you’re not ovulating if you need to coom so bad. You could also buy a vibrator or something. Men barely intend to make women orgasm as it is so having sex with one is just agreeing to be used as a blowup doll.

No. 1726422

sorry about your asexuality.

No. 1726425

Sorry that you enjoy being used as a fleshlight(chronic baiting)

No. 1726430

not every woman is frigid like you, nonny.

No. 1726432

actually no, you've fallen for scrote propaganda. pills are 100% safe. if you have side effects find a different pill that suits you better. that's why they have different formulations.

you know what actually damages your body and hormonal system? pregnancy. please stop spreading this misinformation, you're doing the work of scrotes for them.

No. 1726433

Because women dont feel pleasure right? Sounds scrotey as hell.

No. 1726437

you know, i could masturbate to the thought of andrew tate cult zoomscrotes being rounded up and sent to die for israel. god i hope there's video footage. one day they're posting dank women-bashing memes and the next they're tinned catfood, a nice schmear of fois gross all over the sand. i think war is god's way of reducing the scrote population and giving them divine justice for all the abuse they do to women.

if you think about it, men are only this uppity because they haven't been rounded up for death ca–i mean, bootcamps–in a few generations. war is the natural cure for male audacity.

No. 1726453

>You’ve fallen for scrote propaganda
Did you not read the part where I said I know women personally who are either fatter, stupider, or have some kind of chronic illness after deciding to become addicted to birth control.
I mean, it’s not really frigid to understand that men don’t really make an effort to make women orgasm kek. Y’all must be young.
>Oh men don’t make any kind of effort to pleasure women so you think women are incapable of feeling pleasure? Do you? Do you? Do you?
A lot of you sound really autistic…

No. 1726455

Nobody needs to masturbate to anything. I was gonna ask why has this website become so overly sexual, but I know exactly why. Because it’s not women making these posts anymore, it’s trannies. Go jerk off to your necroporn somewhere else. Jesus.

No. 1726467

>become addicted to birth control.

bIrTh CoNtRoL pIlLs ArE aDdIcTiVe! look at how dumb you sound. "i know people who got dumb and fat over time." yeah that's 90% of people who gain weight as they age and it has nothing to do with the only thing that finally gave women reproductive freedom. go back to your pro life church's forum and stay there, captain tate stan.

No. 1726470

If you genuinely think I meant fully addicted then you must really have some kind of “ASD” if that’s what they’re still calling it. None of you have any ability to read tone.

No. 1726471


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1726474

>captain tate stan
What is captain tate? None of you know how to respond to factual evidence of the harmful side effects of birth control so you start bringing your schizophrenia imaginary friends into it. Very, very sad.

No. 1726475

Nta but weird hornyposts aren't a recent thing here, nor a tranny thing

No. 1726477

I’m pretty sure she meant “addicted” as in continually choosing to use them so that these women can continue to have sex with men who don’t wash under their foreskin.

No. 1726479

I brought up the war in israel and some troon turned it into a necro fantasy. I’m more than sure that big ass paragraph was written by a big heavy pair of tranny hands.

No. 1726481

I see the merits in both of these arguments and I have to say my solution was to simply not have sex with males… but I don't mean it in a trad way. I still receive oral if I so deign

No. 1726482

>Palestinians aren't good people and trust me, the ones supporting them would change their minds real quick when Palestinian refugees came to their country and sexually harassed/raped women like they currently do to jews.

Good news anon, all 2 million of them will soon be brought to the US and Europe because they're poor widdle refugees uwu and Isreal, the upper class and dumb liberals want them here.

No. 1726486

>pills are 100% safe
No drug is 100% safe. All medications including contraception, have side effects.

>what actually damages your body and hormonal system? pregnancy.

The contraceptive pill works by providing hormones that make the body think it's pregnant. So if pregnancy damages a woman's body, then so does the contraceptive pill.

>The birth control pill functions primarily by preventing ovulation. The pill elevates the body’s levels of progesterone, which mimics pregnancy. The body behaves as though it is pregnant, disrupting the normal menstrual cycle and the release of additional hormones that cause a woman to ovulate. Progestin also thickens cervical mucus, which helps prevent sperm from entering the uterus. It may also prevent fertilized eggs from implanting properly in the lining of the uterus

I don't think contraceptives should be banned but women need to be made fully aware of the risks and benefits so they can make an informed choice.

No. 1726490

Stopping yourself from ovulating isn’t very healthy and even if it is safe per se it still doesn’t sound wise lol. I’m not pro-life or anything but that’s just the reality of utilizing pharmaceuticals to prevent pregnancy.

No. 1726508

the main risk is pulmonary embolism for me. scary stuff

No. 1726522

>stopping ovulating isn’t very healthy
why? why do you believe that? actually, stopping ovulation LOWERS risk of ovarian cancer, so i'd say it's pretty damned healthy to stop it! you just repeat things you don't even understand the meaning of.
>but muh nature
gangrene and ecoli are also natural. but i do believe you prefer to stop those?
only relevant to people with high blood pressure and can be alleviated with improved diet and exercise. you can't diet and exercise your way out of pregnancy. birth destroys your body. therefore birth control pills are always an improvement to health compared to pregnancy and birth. additionally, the cessation of periods reduces anemia and lowers risk of ovarian cancer. bc pills are the single best thing you can do for your health pharmaceutical-wise.

No. 1726536

>I won’t accept ovarian cancer but pulmonary embolism, stroke, liver tumors, and cervical cancer are fine by me!
You really can’t beat natural selection.

No. 1726541

Stopping ovulation/consuming artificial hormones to stop yourself from ovulating isn’t healthy because it causes hormonal imbalances. If you’re not actually participating in the conversation to fully read and comprehend what others are saying to you, then you don’t need to participate at all. If you want to keep choking back birth control pills that is your own prerogative, however that doesn’t make other women wrong for pointing out the widely recognized fact that they are unhealthy for our bodies and that these medications are scientifically designed to make us unhealthier. Cope and seethe, basically.

No. 1726544

lowering a risk that is relevant to me, verus a bunch of risks i don't have the preexisting condition to warrant considering… hmmm…
Why are you so against women having control of their own reproductive system? pickmeisha. when you have the same arguments that andrew tate followers do, maybe you should rethink yourself. absolutely gross. my last post, i don't care what you do with your body, but i am taking my magic total life improvement pills and you can stay angry and terrified. go eat a twinkie while you're at it. eat five.

No. 1726551

Just heard an ad for a Michelle Obama conversational discussions type podcast called The Light and the ad finished with presented by Starbucks

No. 1726559

Wouldn’t avoiding having sex with men be the opposite of pick-me-ism? Like other nonnies said, if you’re not engaging in the conversation to actually read the content before responding or even have coherent communication with others, you don’t need to respond.

No. 1726564

>lowering a risk that is relevant to me, verus a bunch of risks i don't have the preexisting condition to warrant considering… hmmm…
This may be what you’re not understanding; you don’t need to have any pre-existing heart/blood/neurological conditions to suffer from any lethal side effects from birth control, because these risks are still imposed on your system simply by continually consuming the drug, especially over a long period of time. I really do apologize and feel sorry for you if you’re having a hard time comprehending that, for some reason.

No. 1726573

It’s obvious that this is the same tranny who said he’s jerking off to the idea of little boys being rounded up and killed, because that was who brought him up to begin with. The all lower case typing style also makes it very clear. Stop engaging, you are giving him the attention he wants.

No. 1726577

Total life improvement pills? Popping pills just so you can have sex with your literal natural predator is improving your life that greatly? This verbatim sounds much more pickmeisha than any of the facts surrounding birth controls safety.

No. 1726583

I want her to shake my mango dragonfruit. Not the gay guy with a lipring

No. 1726587

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Fucking Kek.

No. 1726590

>natural predator
Nta but you have to be crazy to think men are a natural predator and not just a product of a society that worships them

No. 1726598

Don't reply to anons obviously looking to infight.

No. 1726607

You're probably right but honestly I was just scrolling by and thought that was kind of wild.

No. 1726680

Different anon but I disagree with the society part considering men act the same everywhere even if a society tries to be less worshipy

No. 1726774

What propaganda? Fucking with a woman's hormones has effects. I was on bc for only 6 months and it made me depressed and over ate. I hated every moment of my life. Oh yeah, I only got my period 2 days a month, but the side effects were awful. Women have different health issues than men, usual hormone related. It's been said over and over that bc for men is much safer and doable, but men wont do it.

No. 1726779

>birth destroys your body
Now I believe this is a scrote and will report. Shut up

No. 1726888

The only women with wrecked bodies from childbirth are women who had unhealthy lifestyles or habits before getting pregnant that they then continued, or medical issues during the birth. Calling women damaged goods is scrote propaganda to trick women into settling because they like it when women think no one will want them, and it’s sad when women fall for it to justify their insecurities over being childfree. It’s fine to decide medical risks aren’t worth it to you, don’t have a kid if you don’t want one, no one here is screeching we need your genes to remain in circulation so you need to take the stretch marks, I promise

No. 1727131

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No. 1727845

>have to go to Boston for 1 day for work
>also have the opportunity to go back the next day on a bus trip
>supposed to be rainy the second day
>indecisive because I can’t find a lot of things to do and I’d going alone, which I’m a little scared of
Nonnies…if there anything fun to do in rain besides the MFA

No. 1727854

Women literally die from giving birth, "it's not that bad" is scrote propaganda.

No. 1727891

The science museum is great.

No. 1727923

Women also die from driving, eating sushi, and tons of other stuff. There's a difference between acknowledging the risks of child birth and telling women they're ruined by literally bringing life into this world.

No. 1727960

??? google "the list tiktok" you're delulu.
>insecurities over being childfree
you're the ones who can't leave us tf alone and are trying to ban abortion now. if i wanted a kid i would have had one, even the dumbest bitch in the trailer park can manage to get knocked up. yeah sure we're just jealous that we don't have toddler poop smeared all over our walls and carpets lmao? rent free

funny how men never get bingoed about having kids or "regretting it". only women. really funny, that. almost like you're a misogynist. you came here to attack people who don't even think about you.

No. 1728071

Postpartum depression does ruin the lives of women though. Even if they don’t suffer from depression, the process of going into labor, giving birth, having to push out the child, the isolation of being stuck at home with a child, having your nipples sucked at like you’re a cow, being sleep deprived, just to subsequently have all of that hard work result in some bratty annoying kid who just drains your wallet would still be a massive downer on any womans existence.(childfree bait)

No. 1728078

I think the dive bars in Boston are great and the seafood restaurants at the docks were top notch when I went

No. 1728103

I’m pro abortion, and pro you shutting the fuck up because I’m only anti insecure freaks like you

No. 1728114

The deaths are largely attributed to American healthcare being a business that is anti woman. This also applies to postpartum depression- if you only view children as as an inconvenient waste of resources that could be used for you instead, then I applaud you for not having them!

No. 1728279

>stuck at home
what? unless your partner for some reason takes any means of leaving your house you're not stuck at home, if anything you're more likely to leave your home because its more socially acceptable to do things like zoo, pizza and arcade, going to the park, etc
>having your nipples sucked at like you’re a cow, being sleep deprived, just to subsequently have all of that hard work result in some bratty annoying kid who just drains your wallet would still be a massive downer on any womans existence.
I don't understand, do you not want moms to be happy or something? there's a difference between not wanting kids and demanding women believe they're ruined cows by having children

No. 1728282

File: 1697438821791.jpg (90.26 KB, 613x500, 3l9dzc.jpg)

why the fuck did the military go so downhill
>inb4 stupid zoomers can't take the heat!
lolno. I come from a military family and it's been 200x more cutthroat than it has for decades. workouts are way too harsh and intense, conditions are so much worse, way less sleep, way worse meals, way worse medical care, etc. Almost everyone I know who enrolled got sent home before basics were even over because of some sort of injury, that was unheard of in the old days not to mention people can easily serve for years with no health effects

No. 1728292

Counterpoint to your picrel: the draft shouldn't exist for anyone. It's like saying, "if girls want equality, I should be allowed to hit them!" Like… you shouldn't hit anyone, because that's assault.

>The only women with wrecked bodies from childbirth are women who had unhealthy lifestyles
Nice victim blaming. Also, I'd argue that having kids is also scrote propaganda, because scrotes are experts at contradicting themselves. They simultaneously believe that mothers are damaged goods while also shaming women for choosing not to be mothers. It's just a bunch of nonsense they engineered to both pass on their decrepit genes while also continuing to prey on young childless women.
It also seems to me like both sides of this debate project onto the other. Childless women perceive mothers as regretting the choice to have kids and using sunk-cost to bully other women into it, while women with kids think that childfree women are jealous, bitter spinsters who wished they had kids. Neither of those accusations are 100% true, so why don't we just respect each other's life choices and not browbeat people over whether they have kids?

No. 1728294

oh i dont agree with the picrel, it was just military related

No. 1728295

I gotta be real my gen's hate for children is kind of weird. It's as present as lolcow as it is everywhere. I was a kid once and no one looked at me with disgust or made weird comments to my parents, but now it seems anytime a kid dares to enter my friends' vision they make disgusted faces and comments even if the kid is just chilling. Saw it at the airport too. Having kids is not obligatory anymore, I don't get the hate

No. 1728297

>It's just a bunch of nonsense they engineered to both pass on their decrepit genes while also continuing to prey on young childless women.
moids also don't understand that majority of birth complications come from their shit genetics. The obsession with muh genetics seems to only apply when it comes to pushing women down and making women jump through hoops to have a safe pregnancy but moids cant be bothered reproducing with age appropriate women or put down a vape for a minute

No. 1728299

bitterness and media brainwashing them into thinking child-hate is fun and quirky. Once I was playing board games with my friends and one of the friends has a beautiful baby girl who was just laughing and smiling, wasn't touching people, being loud or anything weird. The baby says Hi to some dyed hair zoomer just to get a stink face back and "I hate kids" like okay? I don't want children myself but it's just weird to me to be so bitter in a cute moment

No. 1728337

Theyre just bitter and mad because they're trying to cope with their own loneliness and maladaptive behavior

No. 1728392

Coping 100%. I can only imagine people being genuinely like this if they were often the oldest kid and had to help raise their siblings, but that's not the case for most of these people. Idk if it's just social media hype/brain rot or them trying to cope with the fact no one will want to reproduce with them or they're too stupid to figure out how to raise a child

No. 1728407

That’s so shitty and weird. I feel like there is a huge gap between people who are by choice child free who don’t begrudge babies for existing and then the weirdos like in your story who have to be all attention seeking and hateful about it. Like I have child free friends who aren’t crazy about children but they love my babies and don’t treat them like a pile of shit on the floor kek like how broken do you have to be to glare at a happy baby

No. 1728451

no one:
literally no one:
you: "people who dont' have kids are just so insecure that's why they're always talkign about how my boobs are saggy now and how many stretchmarks i have and why my feet are now 2 sizes bigger, i bet they bookmark all my facebook photos, they're stalking me because they're jealous of me, i'm going to go post about it online so they can know how insecure they are."

you is the damn face of insecurity go contain yourself

No. 1728454

"childfree women will die alone with 30 cats!" that is what you sound like. IE saying the same things as andrew tate followers. what is wrong with you. you're attacking people who were minding their own business and throwing shade at them. if your kid is so great go play red rover with it or whatever the fuck you do with a kid. get your ass off lolcow and go enjoy your life. coming on here to hate on people who never did shit to you?

No. 1728463

Nta but where did this come from

No. 1728465

>b-but childfree women are just bitter and lonely!
yet somehow childfree women are the happiest amongst their peers who are married and have children kek

No. 1728468

TIL women only die from pregnancy or childbirth in America

No. 1728472

if they're so happy with kids, why do they always go to childfree spaces to hunt people down and harass them, calling them "bitter" "insecure" and "lonely"? it's projection. i think this is the same anon who has a history of doing this on lolcow and apparently her kid still hasnt' made her any happier. childfree women live rent free in her head. she's the one acting insecure.

No. 1728476

It’s the infighting likely moid anon. Report and move on. They’ve tried to derail like 5 threads the last three days.

No. 1728522

This. It's %100 the same baiter that's also been posting racebait yesterday for hours. That baiter literally has no fucking life and comes here to get attention because they never get it irl.

No. 1728645

What the fuck are you talking about? No one cares if you're childfree as long as if you don't act insane about it. Childfree people have the worse fucking victim complexes on earth

No. 1728649

File: 1697475430755.mp4 (701.15 KB, 480x852, joebiden.mp4)

not beating the lizard in a skinsuit allegations, he looks weirder every time I see him

No. 1728651

Damn I wish someone would tell that to my family, my bfs family, and the random Middle Aged strangers that tell me I’m selfish after asking about my kids

No. 1728715

Sounds like you have one of those mom bodies you’re trying to avoid

No. 1728826

File: 1697485097191.jpeg (390.85 KB, 1179x871, IMG_4667.jpeg)

We’re getting roasted in the China newsletter I subscribe to (again lol)

No. 1728832

Hes movements look AI generated.

No. 1728866

Why is he so shiny and smooth but also wrinkled?

No. 1728883

No. 1728888

The way his eyebrows only move on the outer edges supports your theory. His t-zone is frozen solid.

No. 1729159

I live in one of the most Mormon parts of the country and this never ever happened to me kek idk who the hell you're trying to fool

No. 1729164

yes and yes. Wake-up times went from 7-8 am to 4-5am, basic training went from 4-8 weeks to 3+ months. Basic training went from learning to operate equipment during a temperate time of the year along with healthy workouts to non stop intensity from 5 am -8 pm during the midst of record breaking summers, meals went from healthy meats and veggies to literal slop unless you're air force. Benefits went from pensions for life, free college, housing, and healthcare to the majority of it being a total scam.

No. 1729170

Damn that sounds fucked.

No. 1729197

You’re lucky if your family doesn’t shame and constantly harass you for kids. Also might depend if you are early 20s or younger it might not have started yet. But yes I have randos doing small talk at work and some people are really offended by a woman not existing to have kids. What’s actually regarded is pretending this misogyny doesn’t exist

No. 1729217

Saying that it's unlikely you're being shunned in mass for not having kids by strangers isn't saying misogyny doesn't exist, you're just further proving the point this is just your victim complex

No. 1729222

This is like how when I’d go on Omegle I would never see a penis, idk how but not once did I ever roll a dick but everyone else it was immediately erection! Just because you don’t experience it or witness it doesn’t mean it isn’t a common event.
And if you’re in Mormon capital how haven’t you heard the snippy comments mothers make about their daughters not having kids yet and the annoyed grin and bear it of a young women when relatives grill her about babies? I’m not even from a Mormon family and I was getting dumb comments and invasive comments from strangers, it’s weird and rude but it does happen.

No. 1729225

dicks on omegle are vastly different from insisting the world shuns women and totally complete strangers somehow know your life choices and insult you for it

No. 1729227

This thread is a nightmare right now but there’s a new non-hormonal birth control ring called Ovaprene that’s in clinical trials. Same as a Nuvaring: keep it in for three weeks, take it out for a week, but it’s got some sort of mesh barrier and it’s made of iron and vitamin C IIRC? My paragard got dislodged when I was taking out a tampon and my gyno signed me up for the trial as an alternative, but I just ended up getting another coil.

No. 1729239

does any anon have experience with the copper IUD? I wanted to get it but my obgyn said it causes cramping and endo. Is this true or is it just to try to enforce hormonal BC?

No. 1729405

I only know one lady who had one. Hers degraded and she got copper poisoning. It’s why I avoid them tbh. You do what’s best for you though anon.

No. 1729444

the housing market isnt as hot as theyre trying to make it out to be. I see so many realtors keeping up home for literal years on Zillow and shit over lowering the price

No. 1729451

That really happens? I thought it was made up for House, MD

No. 1729454

This is my experience. We get so much pressure to birth kids and if we don't it's nonstop hysterics and shitstorms. Women get it way worse than men, too. My family has been trying to pressure me into having kids since I was 19 and it's so disgusting and such a feeling of betrayal. But males are free to just exist and do what they want, no one tries to boss them around and make demands that they change their lifestyle to give their mom grandbabies. And I can't even exist online in some completely unrelated thread without some deranged lunatic barging into the thread and posting no context unreasoned dripping poisonous hatred seething about childfree women having the audacity to quietly exist. I did nothing and someone came out to attack me, totally unrelated thread. That's just the tip of the iceburg on what we experience. And if we don't want kids, people can never just accept that and leave us alone, no, they think it's their personal god given mission in life to hunt us down and bully and harass us until we give in and do what they want us to do and end our careers and lives to have children. Men don't get this treatment. Therefore it's pure misogyny.

No one respects me enough to let me make decisions about my own life. No. They have to barge in and foist their bitter, angry demands onto me and bash me when I won't obey them. I guess the only saving grace is that they cannot literally hold me down and rape me until I get knocked up like they want. And in America this is worse than anywhere else, the people here are over the top foam-mouthed insane about it, they treat childfree women like modern witches and want to hunt us all down and burn us at the stake. Meanwhile I just want to be left alone to work, pay rent, and cook silly fancy things for dinner in peace.

No. 1729457

Maybe people instantly read you as irresponsible or having terrible genes or something. I wouldn't call it shaming exactly (more like annoying) but I have had the "do you have kids"/"no"/"do you want kids"/"no"/"aw, why not?" conversation many times with coworkers, family members, doctors/nurses, total strangers. When I was younger it stressed me out sometimes because I felt like I had to have a good reason to keep them from arguing with me about it, but now I'm just like "I prefer being the cool aunt" and that satisfies most people.

No. 1729459

Saging because I don't even know if I should ask this or what kind of shit storm may follow. Any older Americans on this board completely tapped out when it comes to world events? Maybe it's just getting older, but I can't find one good reason to speak out on any world event or "take a side" knowing that American funds Israel and that's that on that. My thought process is, what is saying anything going to do? We've turned the Israel and Palestinian conflict into a talking point as far as the regular American goes, and no matter what we say about our support of any one group, America is still going to fund Israel, period. If anyone wants that to stop, voicing our opinions on twitter or Instagram or whatever isn't actually going to do anything. Maybe I'm being cynical. Idk.

No. 1729484

Im trying to stay out of it, the amount of fake news is overwhelming and it’s not good for our mental health to be so wrapped up in tragic news 24/7. I feel like the US should not get involved with global conflicts, esp in the Middle East because nothing good comes out of intervening there.
However, the amount of “progressives” who are spouting the same level of hatred for Jews as neo Nazis is deeply concerning. I’ve also noticed a few proto neo Nazis LARPing as Palestine supporters to circulate antisemitic talking points. Between that and the recent 23andMe dna hack, it doesn’t feel like a safe time to have Ashkenazi heritage.

No. 1729527

I feel like it's probably their reaction and then taking out of context the reaction of their reactions. People are probably just asking the anon if she had kids and then immediately getting fired and saying some weird cringe shit instead of a simple "no I don't want kids" then thinking its some weird breeder propaganda people rightfully react to her BS
Doubt that considering Americans continue seeing young adults as teenagers until they're in their late 20s

No. 1729535

Ah yes nonnie misogyny doesn’t exist and people are never rude or entitled. Now here take your meds

No. 1729537

Anti-semitism is the socialism of the poor. America would rather have a fascist takeover than ever address the needs of the working class or fix any of our problems, we still have lead in the water, food deserts, inaccessibility to medical/dental care, and a collapsing education system. Better that the poors direct their anger towards somebody or anybody else than their government that's abandoned them for war hawking and corporate interests.

No. 1729695

>it doesn’t feel like a safe time to have Ashkenazi heritage
And in the end, it was 6 year old Palestinian boy who was stabbed to death wasn't it?

No. 1729726

>it doesn’t feel like a safe time to have Ashkenazi heritage.
I'm sorry but I have to get this off my chest. I cannot take Jewish people in like, fucking New York saying that they're scared. There are hundreds of people actually being killed in Palestine and Israel right now. And most Jewish people aren't that distinguishable from everyone else, I doubt anyone is going to target you on your way to Starbucks.

No. 1729738

Saying it's unlikely "tons of people have been demanding me be a broodmare in the first world since I was a teen" isn't saying misogyny doesn't exist kek.

No. 1729739

Hating Israel isn't the same thing as hating Jews.

No. 1729740

I'm aware of Palestinian genocide. But my opinion is based on Neo Nazi movements growing online before this official Palestinian genocide came about and the actions of Israel are making antisemitic sentiments worse. There are unironically people all over the world who support genocide of the Jewish race and pin all of today's problems on Jews. If you can't see the contempt for Israel being linked to Jewish people then idk what to tell you.
Yes, but the problem is when you have Neo Nazis sneaking in under the guise of being pro-Palestine.

No. 1729741

Yeah. Have met several Jewish-Americans in my life. Had no idea they were Jewish until they told me themselves. American Jews look like any other white person

No. 1729744

I know Jews =/= Israel. The issue is that Israel itself is pushing the idea that these groups are equivalent and purposefully muddying the waters

No. 1729746

Go off. They're drawing swastikas in NYC but there's people actively killing Palestinians in the name of Israel. Like some d landlord scrotes stabbed up a fucking 6 year old yet New York brand Jews are crying because someone glared at them in Starbucks. I'm so tired of their victim shit when they're also usually racist assholes themselves.

No. 1729748

I grew up very religious, most of the girls in my church are already married and are trying to have kids. I've only had to deal with one aunt trying to pressure me, and she pissed off fairly easily because I said, "yes, I am selfish. I'm not having kids because I like my life the way it is now". Idk I feel like most modern adults don't really give that much of a shit, my mom will mention it but she's never really pressured me.

No. 1729848

Not made up. It really happened to her. She had hers for a really long time. Started having issues with brain fog and emotional regularity and memory, but no one could figure it out. Got misdiagnosed with a mood disorder before someone caught the toxic level of copper. Got it out and she was okay.

No. 1729858

Any other amerifags have parents who are suddenly super Christian and “churchy” out of nowhere as they get older and use it as an excuse for everything?

No. 1731151

Church is one of the only ways to have a community that isn’t social media based for a lot of normies. It also probably makes them feel better to believe something bigger than them is taking care of them with the chaos and instability in the world and that a nice afterlife is coming with them getting older. That’s what I’ve seen on my end anyway

No. 1731159

Nta but I agree, humans need community. I unironically think the lack of religion among younger gens is why so many of them identify with fandoms, genders, and political groups.

No. 1732729

File: 1697847636913.png (39.15 KB, 1155x317, orionidmeteorshower.PNG)

Any nonnas planning to watch the Orionids meteor shower tonight or tomorrow?

No. 1732744

Religion is one of the very few acceptable excuses women are socially acceptable to use to put up standards for their relationship. If you don't want a man who watches porn and flirts with other women you get bombarded with comments about how you're insecure and controlling unless you claim religion of course

No. 1732772

Maybe online.

No. 1732773


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No. 1732801

How do you know where you can see it? Or is this one visible from the whole continental US?

No. 1732844

File: 1697854408700.png (77.91 KB, 396x475, orionsbelt.png)

Apparently it's visible in both northern and southern hemispheres (sorry kek thought it was just us burgerfags). If you can locate Orion's belt and aren't in too bright a location, you should be able to see some of them. I found this article that goes into better detail: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/orionid-meteor-showers-where-when-see-them/
>For the best view, locate the constellation Orion, the namesake of the meteor shower, and find the star Betelgeuse. Just to the north of this star is the shower's radiant, or point in the sky from which they seem to be coming, NASA said. Don't fix your gaze on Orion, though. Instead, look about 45 to 90 degrees away. This will cause the meteors to "appear longer and more spectacular." Looking at Orion directly will make the meteors look "short," according to NASA.
Happy viewing nonnies!

No. 1733302

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