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No. 2230161

America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!

>no baiting

>be a good american citizen

Previous threads:
>>2198863(early thread)

No. 2230176

>ddlg republicans
Off to a bad start

No. 2230180

Premature thread, but the name is funny. So i'll stay here

No. 2230188

reposted without commentary

No. 2230191

Watching this on her twitter page, her speaking skills have really improved throughout the past few months.

No. 2230272

Title should've been election edition but I'll let it slide

No. 2230317

File: 1730250768046.png (92.63 KB, 749x543, ewnedvcvbehjd.png)

I'm not gonna lie the closer and closer we get to the election, the more I think the 2024 actual will look just like 2020. That'd be so fucking funny

No. 2230325

File: 1730251164136.png (19.52 KB, 579x175, nateeeeee.png)

Also samefag. But Pollfags, how do you feel about the herding allegations? They've been going on since the beginning on October and now even Nate Silver is backing those claims. I'm starting to feel like pollsters are scared of looking wrong in the case that Trump actually overperforms.

No. 2230330

Already off to an insane start with that thread pic.

No. 2230343

File: 1730251782195.jpg (49.4 KB, 680x510, GbGdI3dW8AAsbR-.jpg)

Turn out between 70 to 100k people

No. 2230353

AOC rallies for Harris in WI

No. 2230365

File: 1730252741735.jpg (800.81 KB, 4096x2730, GbGe5DPW4AAFFls.jpg)

No. 2230370

I’m not ready to have JD Vance as president cause no way is trump living past the next 4 years, and honestly I’m just not hopeful Harris will win. Sucks to suck I guess.

No. 2230387

I think Vance is bi. He's been groomed by Peter Thiel, who is gay, and basically Vance's sugar daddy. He did an interview with Jack Thompson (a dl bisexual cuck pornographer) when Thompson was a total nobody who didn't warrant the outreach so how did they know each other?

No. 2230390

Vance being on the ticket changed my mind about skipping my civic duty this round. Voting for Harris just because of him.

No. 2230391

JD Vance fights with Jake Tapper during his interview

No. 2230395

File: 1730253956618.png (197.3 KB, 657x476, donaldtrump.png)

No. 2230397

File: 1730254043289.jpeg (24.02 KB, 201x251, IMG_9493.jpeg)

The fact that the right doesn’t care at all about Vance’s little drag photoshoot or that he was friends with a tranny is crazy to me but I guess their camp is so chock-full of former neoliberals turned reactionaries that they don’t have to care as long as they have the numbers. I’m gonna kms if our next VP is someone who had the 2020s equivalent of a tv movie released about him and used to be a degree of separation from the I saw the tv glow trannoid

No. 2230399

Conservacucks ITT will say they hate trannies before voting for a tranny-lite over a woman.

No. 2230400

File: 1730254179854.jpg (70.51 KB, 680x479, boolkf.jpg)

Biden calls trump supporters "trash" in a virtual rally and I guess we're supposed to care because the media is going to act like trump supporters aren't trash

No. 2230401

This is the initial reason I got off my ass to vote this year. I hate Vance. I voted for Harris and Im in one of the swing states, so I definitely felt like I had to vote. The last (and actual first) time I voted was in 2012 too.

No. 2230404

Well if the choices are a sole tranny-lite candidate vs the full party of unlimited tranny support I'd assume most will choose the lesser of two evils.

No. 2230409

Men used to do drag for comedy for forever. It wasn't always associated with trannies and/or gays.

No. 2230410

File: 1730254726462.png (665.07 KB, 1258x559, Screenshot 2024-10-25 205505.p…)


>I choose the lesser evils

No. 2230411

He probably gets assfucked by thiel too.

No. 2230413

Supporting trannies is supporting rape.

No. 2230414


So you are supporting rape to stand against hypothetical rape when most troons self castrate? You are a tradthot(infighting)

No. 2230416

Why is Trump shaking hands with a Leon Kennedy cosplayer?

No. 2230417

drag belittles and insults women
thats why they bimbo-ify themselves in drag and act dumb or sassy in drag
faggot vance just larps as a straight when in reality he's probably a stereotypical moid who watches tranny porn while wearing an amazon lace nightgown

No. 2230418

Watch the handmaidens ITT sperg about how conservafuck scrotes are somehow better because they hate troons, ignoring that they hate women in every other possible way. these tards never think about the "why" when conservatard scrotes are anti-tranny. Trump never got rid of troonism, and actually it peaked during the pandemic when HE was president. Woman over a subhuman everyday. Why am I supposed to want sub 90 iq scroid with dementia when there's a female (a human) right there I can vote for? lol
Also Thiel fucks him.

No. 2230420

You have to go back

No. 2230421

I'd like to know why you agree with jd vance's idea to track pregnant women and girls and prevent them from crossing state lines to get abortions? I'd also like to know why you agree with JD Vance that women's main purpose is to have children and they should have less of a say in society if they have no kids? I'd like to know how many babies you will pop out for JD Vance since you support him too.

No. 2230423

This dumb vapid whore really said she'd rather have the conditions for women in this country be akin to those of the 50s than vote for the party that doesn't hate troons. That's exactly what I'd expect from a radfem to tradthot idiot bitch.(infighting)

No. 2230424

File: 1730255696388.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.66 KB, 800x600, 0625RachelLevine_SC.jpg)

Its unconstitutional and will never hold up to any legal scrutiny. How do you feel about the party that is has put actual trannies in positions of power?

No. 2230426

No one could ever convince me to vote for a scrote over a woman quite frankly. Women are rational thinkers and should have been leading this country for the past 200 years. As the late great Solanas said, scrotes are walking abominations, aborted at the gene stage. They do not think. They've been in charge all this time and look how the world has ended up. Environment ravaged by oil for profit, child brides, forced birthing, children being massacred. Men as a rule are without principle, without empathy. We need a woman in power. We have for a long time

No. 2230427

Trump ain't lasting a full term, America will be presided over by a bottom

No. 2230428

Do you not realize that dems’ “unwavering support of trannies” is not like a thing anymore and they’re not really being brought up at all? Also sue me for saying this but I’d rather have trannies running amok and know women’s reproductive rights aren’t being infringed than pay tariffs, no abortions for anyone, AND trannies (the male ones anyway, who are objectively the worse ones) would still be kicking because conservatives don’t actually hate them they’re just using hicks’ disgust towards them to manipulate them into voting for them. But mainstream libs are sick of tranny rhetoric, it has majorly lost traction outside of trannies themselves caring

Thank you for explaining that the guy who used to be friends with trannies and gays was doing drag in a classically traditional way and not in a gay way. Do you genuinely think drag in any capacity is capable of being separated from trannies or gays in 2024 or are you playing devil’s advocate because you plan on voting for the guy you’re defending as doing drag in a totally bugs bunny adjacent non troon influenced way

No. 2230429

>Its unconstitutional and will never hold up to any legal scrutiny

What legal scrutiny, you bimbo? The supreme court is the ultimate legal scrutiny and they overturned roe v wade because they were ushered in by trump. I don't care about a fucking tim. It wasn't the tim who took away my rights, its the right wing. You are legit retarded(infighting)

No. 2230432

Yes, they are gonna let the blaire whites in and any troon that turns them on like they do for foreign women.

No. 2230433

Oh my god….

No. 2230434

So you agree that the guy next in line after the lame duck presidential candidate is in favor of unconstitutional policies and you still want him in? People said the same shit about how Roe v Wade would never get struck down and for women to stop being hysterical about it. Look where we are now. I don't give a fuck if some faggots in Vermont or wherever elect a tranny for a local seat, it's a passing fad. I give a fuck that I retain the right of government fags like Vance staying out of my uterus.

No. 2230435

NTA but candidate over party, Kamala hasn't made any extreme promises for trannies. I don't care if she's a dem or rep, her policies are good + she is a female. Trumpoids need to stop dangling anti troon policy above us when Kamala is arguably less troon friendly than Biden + troon support has been dropping since 2020. Trumps policies are shit and culture war adjacent and I could really care less about some fringe group I don't deal with much (as a lesbian mind you lol) in comparison to his shit tariff policy
Yeah, there were no tranny speakers at the DNC this year and there has been tranny speakers since 2012 mind you.
Yes, for sure.

No. 2230436

For all we know, this could be a tim who thinks they're doing reverse psychology on us. If it is, lurking on the tim thread doesn't mean I'm untethered from reality. You're not a threat or a woman.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2230437

Based and true. I've been on the fence because frankly I do hate liberals but the showing of the republicans recently has been disgusting. their rallies feel like weird locker room time, like they forgot an entire country is at stake and it wasn't just a bunch of dudes talking. It's actually insane and brought me back to reality. Still wish it was Tulsi though…

No. 2230438


It's just revealing what I've thought for a while which is that a lot of farmers are just like the red scare girls. Whatever is countercultural is right to them.

No. 2230440


Tulsi is a grifter. It should be Elizabeth Warren

No. 2230441

Think of it this way nonna, if Trump loses now there is NO WAY they are putting his 80 year old dementiated ass up for a 4th run. We will hopefully be back to liberals vs conservatives instead of liberals vs scrotes who want women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

No. 2230444

NTA but yeah, I don't even mind R's that much. I just fucking hate Trump and Kamala seems waaaay more rational than him or Vance. I've read and compared both of the policies they'd bring to the table, and I'm going with Kamala. I especially like her housing policies, she actually wants to add more supply to the demand, Trump just does the immigrant bit again. It's tiring. I hate this guy, put him in a care home

No. 2230445

I think this would have been a better line of attack than the couch fucker thing, Vance is absolutely getting backshots from Thiel and I'm not saying that to be edgy I'm 100% convinced he had to whore himself out to Thiel.

No. 2230451

I need fujoburgers to start pumping out thielvance yaoi propaganda and disseminate it to homophobe trumpers, we need all the warriors we can get.

No. 2230454

Vance is so unfuckable but I will try . . .

No. 2230457

Nta but nonna if you really do it I will print 50 copies and leave them in every establishment I enter

No. 2230459

Welcome back to reality nona, I’m not exactly in the same camp as you (I’m registered independent and identify as a apolitical but have been accused of being a libertarian before…) but this election has startled me, I was super critical of the histrionics that a lot of my classmates and teachers were engaging in in 2016 (I was in high school) and the gymnastics they were doing to support Hillary but I feel like the right has outdone the left in terms of tackiness, it’s not even really jingoistic anymore it’s just some weird gay version of the skull and bones club but accessible to the poors too now

Kamala feels more like a classical R to me, she seems like she leans more conservative personally and just is playing politics & thus speaking for what the people want. I think it’s really interesting how much people are allowing themselves to project liberalism onto her just because she’s multiracial and technically a member of a marginalized class. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessarily it just feels like an accidentally better version of poor people projecting onto trump

I want the right to become sensible again i’m so tired of being presumed to be a gung-ho leftist just because i’m a lesbian. all of the right wing gay grifters are so off putting and phony, I don’t care about culture wars or “children getting transed” (which isn’t good but also feels weirdly dogwhistley for children being gender nonconforming/gay in general) i just don’t want anymore immigration and for america to prioritize itself and its working class citizens rather than foreigners or the wealthy. I seriously don’t understand how any of the blue collar trump voters are kidding themselves other than they are literally poor uneducated retards with no better judgement

No. 2230466

Kamala, who seems to be most likely anti-tranny and more moderate, but plays politics to gain support of the left
dragqueen faggot Vance larping straight pretending he hates trannies and gays, & then on top of rapist Trump, who's been to epstein's island and fucked a pornstar behind his mailorder wife, larping as a christian to get gop votes

what a timeline

No. 2230485

File: 1730260036494.webp (134.27 KB, 1500x1000, queen.webp)

I love Kamala so much I want to go to a rally and see her

No. 2230487

Fight to murder babies(bait)

No. 2230489

me too, wish I saw her in DC. her closing speech was great

No. 2230490

File: 1730260478525.jpeg (60.98 KB, 600x729, IMG_5659.jpeg)

No. 2230492

I want to see her so bad too. I was thinking if she does become president I'd go to her inauguration
This image has triggered billions of scrotes worldwide

No. 2230494


No. 2230495

File: 1730260630698.jpg (65.18 KB, 828x833, Tumblr_l_48666832525716.jpg)

No. 2230496

Thats right! Now go suck your scrotes balls before he leaves you for an e whore.

No. 2230509

Do you realize that no one is eager to or excited about getting an abortion? Do you understand that women that get abortions generally actively want to not be in a situation where they have to get an abortion? Do you think root canals are “murdering teeth” lol

No. 2230510

File: 1730261646043.jpg (80.49 KB, 1024x737, GettyImages-1946039388-1024x73…)


No. 2230521

U guys are all stupid because you're using this thread instead of the old one

No. 2230527

because this thread is better looking

No. 2230531

imagine beating a stupid baby murdering whore to death (in self defence)
obv that would be tragic(bait)

No. 2230533

Nta but anon it doesn't really matter which is better looking because the general rule is that you don't migrate to the next thread until the previous thread has surpassed 1200 posts

No. 2230544

File: 1730263885988.jpeg (231.08 KB, 828x1017, IMG_2449.jpeg)

No. 2230550

why are you using the british english spelling

No. 2230551

> anti-tranny
> plays politics
If only. Where are all these shills coming from that think an American politician from the uniparty is some crypto terf political mastermind instead of an empty suit. She’s a mouth piece for elites. The only thing we can hope for is that when she wins her bosses are so rattled by their near miss that they dial back their hedonistic displays and go back to doing that shit behind closed doors.

No. 2230552

File: 1730264175726.jpeg (24.31 KB, 284x177, IMG_7998.jpeg)

Can you tards please not response to this bait. This is the worst bait i ever seen. If this retard starts an inflight i am spamming pig balls

No. 2230562

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No. 2230563

No. 2230564

File: 1730264951912.png (1.53 MB, 1150x1466, Screenshot 2024-10-29 at 10.08…)

kek that reminded me of this

No. 2230583

No. 2230680

but supporting two bisexual pedophiles who rape girl and boy prostitutes isn't? kek

No. 2230690

Thiel isn't bi, he's gay. Vance is the bi one.

No. 2230697

I'm talking about trump and vance retard.
they're classic hypocritical bi degenerates who think they are allowed to live a hedonistic lifestyle where they rape everything that moves and take it up in the ass but women must stay at home and birth children endlessly.

No. 2231016

>I am spamming pig balls
I know you don’t like Vance but it still isn’t right to threaten to leak his nudes…

No. 2231069

The solidarity in this thread against baiting retards, scroids, and handmaidens is beautiful to see. All this hearty kekking is definitely adding years to my life. Love you based stacies.

No. 2231321

Best amerifags thread by far, the threadpic attracted the real stacys who believe in total woman victory. Based

No. 2231482

"Total woman victory" should've been the thread name. Hopefully we can make it the title for the next one.

No. 2231839

tbh, that name would be best suited for after the election

No. 2232126

File: 1730334861479.mp4 (10.64 MB, 1280x720, kXZp6SEdCN2n1B3i.mp4)

Does anyone else look back at the 2020 election to have a laugh sometimes? I spent the night browsing /pol/ and the copium was fantastic. The milk flowed, and it was plentiful and seethe-flavored. I still have quite a few screenshots from that night, and the following day. I didn't even like Biden, but it was pretty clear that Trump's presidency would be dogshit for women (and this is even more clear now), so I voted dem anyway. I'm excited to vote for a candidate I really like now, like Kamala. She really gives me the "yes we can" feeling in a way I can't explain.

No. 2232154

anon, fucking kek, thank you for posting this video; it was one of the funniest ones made during 2020. I'm completely in agreement with you. I'm happy to vote for Kamala– even if Trump weren't a literal fascist/rapist/misogynist (which… he is). The choice has never been clearer.

Also, independent of actual, legitimate political reasons: I literally require Kamala to win so I can laugh my ass off at male cope and seethe. wahhhhh wahhhhh. get fucked, moids.

No. 2232170

File: 1730336377465.jpg (31.42 KB, 623x397, 9adfa577744eaaf55a436733364609…)

Please God let Kamala win, it would be so fucking funny.

No. 2232184

Unpopular opinion but I liked Biden. I voted for a boring president that would get boring but needed policy shit done and that's what he did.

No. 2232199

i honestly feel terrible for him. it's clear that his mental decline was fast and unpredictable.

No. 2232220

I wish he'd run instead of Hillary. I liked Hillary too but Biden would have beaten Trump easily back then.

No. 2232232

His admin has handled the economy very well, especially considering that he inherited a horrendous situation after COVID + Trump. I think he will go down in history as a great president, and he solidified that by putting the country over his ego and stepping down.

No. 2232287

File: 1730338189088.png (4.93 MB, 2100x3600, mald_and_seethe_comp.png)

YES it would be. I'm getting involved this year, getting my female friends registered, and going to polls with my family (minus my retard dad). We are all soldiers in the fight for milk
I'm glad you liked rewatching it anon. I attached a couple of shit compilations of the feast of male agony from that night.
I won't lie, the couple of years there where I could just be unstressed about politics were chill. Then the Dobbs decision came out (remember when those cowardly fuckers put up steel barricades in advance?) and it all went to shit. I can only hope the American people pull through. And I agree with >>2232232 for the record, a lot of people don't realize that Trump inherited the economy Obama spent nearly a decade fixing after Bush, only to fuck it up and mishandle covid among other things so terribly that he blew it all up within 4 years. Things could've been way, way worse if we hadn't elected Biden.

No. 2232289

File: 1730338218701.png (2.15 MB, 1500x2100, mald_and_seethe_comp2.png)

No. 2232298

Guy was a cabbage in 2019 what are you talking about?

No. 2232305

File: 1730338497983.png (21.9 KB, 685x172, Screenshot 2024-10-30 203332.p…)

I'm lost on who you mean, can you clarify? Also what's with the british slang lol.. jealous eurocucks invading our blessed thread once again?

No. 2232315

I FUCKING LOVE THIS VIDEO KEK. I remember seeing it. Moid copium was so beautiful.
He dealt with covid pretty well, but I liked how pro-union he was the most.
Imagine how hard they'd mald over a woman taking office kek. I remember lurking /pol/ after the 2020 election it was so glorious. Trump is already claiming fraud too KEK.
NTA but cabbage is basically just means an old person who is out of it.

No. 2232319

It's unfortunate cause if Trump wins, everyone's gonna credit the economy to him again like they did during his first trimester

No. 2232347

Been laughing all day about “Trump’s pregnancy” from the last thread, thank you anon

No. 2232545

File: 1730343344368.mp4 (343.73 KB, 598x336, 4-_GUqZcdVtEHnrn.mp4)

Bro drunk as hell on a wednesday afternoon

No. 2232556

No. 2232585

>jew controlled team blue
>jew controlled team red
americunts still care about this shit?(back to /pol/)

No. 2232588

No. 2232590

you’re going to get banned for this but kek unfortunately yes

No. 2232610

We'll solve that problem next time.

No. 2232615

I live in Hungary we're allowed to talk about jews here

No. 2232616

The rage of her being of a woman would be topkek

No. 2232625

Why do euros post in this thread constantly? Literally no one asked

No. 2232665

I desperately need moid tears to supplement my haterade for maximum electrolytes. STACY SUPREMACY RISE UP

No. 2232682

because unlike them they don’t have to suck off a pajeeta racebaiting as black and the human annoying orange just to be able to afford healthcare(back to /pol/)

No. 2232684

even if this is true at least voting blue means moids seethe

No. 2232686

Don't feed the trolls nonnie. But true.

No. 2232755

File: 1730347326888.jpg (84.7 KB, 1070x716, GbLzSjXWwAACmoG.jpg)

holy shit ew lol

No. 2232774

Are you sure this isn’t edited? This is absolutely sending me KEKKKK

No. 2232780

File: 1730348307444.png (377.23 KB, 594x532, image (4).png)

He looks like the annoying orange

No. 2232791

What if i told you that Trump had a phase where he ditched the tan and donned a beard?

No. 2232792

this type of diet is so fucking unhealthy and so many people around the country eat like this. i doubt she's even poor. can this country ever fix the retarded relationship it has with food, and the widespread inability to cook? and i mean actually cook, not throw together crockpot shit or frozen meals. even the "home cooks" pretty much only know how to follow recipes and make your standard american or italian foods. its just depressing how so many people have generationally not come into contact with intuitive cooking.

No. 2232795

File: 1730349001129.jpg (32.61 KB, 730x473, zayrq4ozl0v41.jpg)

looks more more villainous w/o the tan and hairpiece (comb over?)

No. 2232797

File: 1730349060880.webp (14.32 KB, 640x479, zF6USiq_d.webp)


No. 2232798

he looks much better bald

No. 2232808

gyaruo trump

No. 2232811

File: 1730349567173.jpg (81.87 KB, 1170x606, GbLuSaVXIAA31yP.jpg)

scroids are already seething over female turnout. kek

No. 2232812

File: 1730349571112.jpg (53.7 KB, 689x1000, 61ji1JaBQvL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

At first I thought this was a guy wearing a mask

No. 2232814

File: 1730349770084.jpg (98.97 KB, 1024x1024, 1728530685725049m.jpg)

honestly i was gonna vote trump but this tweet is legitimately making me rethink to kamala

No. 2232816

File: 1730349933382.jpg (71.01 KB, 1080x703, GbJU2cBXgAA3a-d.jpg)

here's another one! total woman victory kek

No. 2232819

lmao. to be fair a difference in politics is a pretty big marriage killer. chances are you're voting the same as your husband like he says because you think the same as each other.

No. 2232821

>united as one
>all power still goes to the male
That is some Napoleon 'some animals are more equal than others animals' shit.

No. 2232828

The mental gymnastics. If it's about unity then why does only the man get to make decisions. Evangelicals have brainrot I swear.

No. 2232850

They didn't make his nose big enough

No. 2232854

Pre-seething is crazy. He must be scarred from when he was going through the stages of grief live during the 2020 election

No. 2232867

File: 1730353642115.jpg (14.79 KB, 184x184, 8ce9e4adaa7bc11bf252dd5edec781…)

This is gonna be the last election that gets more than 10% of country showing up to vote.

No. 2233271

"This is not constroversial"
Men really think everyone agrees with them secretly kek what narcs.

No. 2233293

Why do you think their jew controlled? Is there evidence of this?(taking the bait)

No. 2233295

This is how i feeel leaving the bathroom after after dioreya shitting for 5 hours

No. 2233297

I think its insane how many people get angry over who gets elected for president considering how few people actually take the time to vote

No. 2233304

Idc if I get banned, I hate you. This actually infuriated me. Why are you so stupid? Really, answer me. Why are you so damn stupid? Seriously, are you 14 years old? Did you ever go to school? Have you ever read a book? If this was a one-time ESLfag thing, fine. But I can tell you aren't ESL. I can tell you're just a damned fool. Why has LC been infested with brainless automatons like you lately? Where have the REAL nonas gone? Real nonas would never type out "dioreya." Real nonas can read and write at a literacy level that will forever be unachievable to an imbecile like you. What has happened here? Where have the literate anons with IQs above 80 gone? Seeing posts like this makes me want to set myself on fire. I hate knowing that I have to share LC with animals like you.(infighting)

No. 2233319

I've seen weird trannies raiding this place repeat shit like "You agree with me" before, it's bizarre and they sound like cult members. I think they're like that both because they're just narcs, and because of all the time they spend deluding themselves in their echo chambers.

No. 2233321

It's sad because it's how the poor in America eat.

No. 2233332

You're seething over diereha.

No. 2233333


That's my attempt

No. 2233336

This has to be one of the gen-alpha tards that teachers keep warning us about kek the iPad babies have finally infiltrated lolcow

No. 2233342


No. 2233351

Oldfag here. "Yes we can" was how Obama I felt after we all thought Bush II was the antichrist. I'm glad you have optimism.

No. 2233357

You should have been severely ill and temporarily compromised when you wrote this, because god help you if this is your genuine effort at communication. Your literature classes are important because they're trying to help instill a baseline of class and fluency expected of the average citizen, okay? Please start doing your homework.

No. 2233360

ted cruz lite

No. 2233363

I don't think there's much overlap between people who don't vote and people who feel strongly about the president.

No. 2233451

File: 1730402769687.png (68.05 KB, 1088x773, betting_polls.png)

Latest betting polls

No. 2233482

Yeah exactly. It’s spelt “diaoryah”. Fucking ESL cucks.

No. 2233501

Those were my thoughts too. Gen A's literacy rates have gone straight down the skibidi toilet

No. 2233508

No. 2233520

File: 1730405655178.jpeg (512.54 KB, 1170x1217, IMG_7962.jpeg)

Even azealia is pre-seething. kek

No. 2233524

I still kinda buy the letting trump win to enlist more willing cannon fodder theory

No. 2233546

>Trump is rightfully and humanely going to defuse the situations
Look i know that azealia is unserious but he literally said that israel hasn't gone far enough in their war against palestine and that he wants to settle the palestinian land into real estate. like he and netanyahu are definitely fucking

No. 2233547

Haven't heard of this theory too much. Is there more to it or is it exactly what the name is?

No. 2233549

My fucking god i hate our media. I was going to post about some tard who destroyed a halloween display because he saw a Kamala sign, but the only video i can find of it is sandwiched between the unnecessary commentary and cuts. JUST show the FUCKING VIDEO.

No. 2233551

We live in their heads rent-free.

No. 2233553

azealia is a troll but some people genuinely believe trump is for the common, working class people and i don't get why. he's literally a billionaire who has never worked a day in his life and is also only interested in lining his own pockets. why do they think he wouldn't do war for profit too?

No. 2233554

It's not bleak that the males who get their info from RCP, a conservative organization, think trump will win, it's expected. Literally 1 frenchman shifted the polymarket bet towards trump by a huge margin by betting ten of millions, the betting markets are being manipulated to depress the Harris vote and energize the Trump vote. Quite a scummy tactic

No. 2233563

I feel like trump is more power and narc motivated than money.

No. 2233564

I can never find videos anymore without an intro of someone talking about it first telling us what we're about to see, or talking over the video itself, it's so fucking frustrating

No. 2233566

Its even funnier when its pay walled.

No. 2233584

Not even sure it has one, just the idea that recruitment is down and god emperor Trvump is more inspiring to the 18-24 enlistment fodder demo than WOKENESS AVATAR Kamala

No. 2233608

Does she ever get tired of parroting the same shit she has been since 2015?

No. 2233675

All the bussy soap fumes must have finally melted what little brain she had left.

No. 2233686

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>Trump has promised RFK Jr control of all public health agencies in America
>RFK Jr is an antivaxxer

No. 2233689

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>Trump said at his most recent rally that he's "gonna let him go wild on food, wild on public health and wild on medicines"

No. 2233693

RFK wasnts to take the dyes out of food, I voted RFK, Hes against the covid vaxx

No. 2233698

>AOC and Doug Emhoff (the ultimate Nigel) make a video together in Las Vegas

No. 2233699

Honestly, Kameltoe pisses me off, She feels so strongly about abortion, healthcare ETC, But bitch, TF was yall doing the 4 years biden was in office?(integrate)

No. 2233704

They tried to codify Roe v Wade when they were in the majority but it required 60 votes in the Senate due to the filibuster which meant some republicans had to vote yes. No republicans voted yes and two democrats also voted no so Roe V Wade wasn't codified.
The job of the vice president is to be on standby Incase the president dies and to be a tie breaker in Senate votes. The united States is not an autocracy. Being president doesn't give you ultimate power, that's why we got money during the pandemic because the democratic house fought against trump to give us those checks. If you want change, you need to learn about the system you live under. We have a 50/50 Senate and a red house. We need a blue house and Senate. We are also up against a republican majority supreme court.

No. 2233709

In all honesty i want tulsi gabbard as my president

No. 2233715

That's honestly a viable third position

I was expecting trump to die over the last 4 years tbh

No. 2233716

wont be surprised if he lives to see 100

No. 2233724

The president and VP doesn't control everything so it's not necessarily their fault if they can't do everything they say they want to.
>INB4 "So why does it matter who the president is then?"
Cause they can put people in positions of power that lead to change. Like Trump selecting the supreme court judges who helped end Roe V. Wade. It really takes like 2-4 years to see the effects of what our president's do, which sucks of course. We may not really feel Biden's presidency until the next president.

No. 2233725

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>Doug Emhoff (the ultimate Nigel)

You mean the same "nigel" who cheated on his first wife, got their nanny pregnant, had an affair with their child's elementary school teacher, and assaulted his ex-girlfriend?

No. 2233729

kamala bootlickers are bigly misinformed and retarded. what's new?

No. 2233751

Nigel isn't a compliment and the New York post isn't reliable

No. 2233764

I hate seeing you retards over and over. It's embarrassing that most Americans don't know how our government works, not even a little, yet still vote.

No. 2233770

My great grandmother lived to be 103 and she only started declining the way trump is around 95. He'll make it too 85 at best.

No. 2233782

Wym declining nonna?

No. 2233784

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Nigel was a tongue-in-cheek way of describing a "good" scrote, is it not? And ok, you don't have to believe the NY Post but you can look up those other allegations anywhere, it's also on CNN, CBS and the New York Times.

No. 2233785

nta I thought nigel meant husband this whole time KEK

No. 2233786

Then they're always so angry and passionate about it. I don't understand because wouldn't you want to look into the specifics to get to the source of the problem?

No. 2233790

ayrt, that too. I've always seen it used when someone compliments their boyfriend/husband/husbando in a way that frames him as "one of the good ones"

No. 2233793

I think it's just a way of saying your moid significant other

No. 2233794

Yes it's tongue in cheek because there is no man that's an exception to the rule in reality. The allegation of him being a rapist is not on CNN. Trump being a rapist is on CNN though. He had an affair, got divorced then met Kamala after. His ex wife campaigns for Kamala. It's interesting how trumptards suddenly care about these things when their fav had numerous affairs and wants to fuck his own daughter

No. 2233796

why are you bringing up CNN as a measure of good journalism? are you genuinely retarded?

No. 2233799

yall this yall that girl please go back to school

No. 2233800

>And ok, you don't have to believe the NY Post but you can look up those other allegations anywhere, it's also on CNN, CBS and the New York Times.
read better

No. 2233816

I'm running on the platform of Stop Trolling the Amerifags Thread 2024

No. 2233831

File: 1730420445147.mp4 (6.31 MB, 540x540, jtW8Mko3l5nGNx2f.mp4)

>Obama explains how civics in America works

No. 2233860

Any Trumptard bringing it up doesn't actually care, it's a weak "gotcha!", just like how they pretended to care about Monica Lewinsky being assaulted by Bill Clinton, only to turn around and brush off Trump's disgusting remarks about women and his actual rapes (him chimping out and violently raping his ex-wife Ivana in a fit of rage for one, or the 13 year old girl on Epstein's island for funsies) or sneering at the Me Too movement. It's all fine if their guy does it.

No. 2233884

I don't even give a fuck about kamala's nigel, it's not like he's going to be the one in office. trump (epstein's bottom) will be the one in office. Like you said, it really is a cheap gotcha

No. 2233900

Some of y'all in this thread be like

No. 2233939

File: 1730425521056.jpg (110.97 KB, 1176x1184, GbOPSJvWQAAyR4I.jpg)

More male pre-seething, kek. TWV

No. 2233955

I don't get it

No. 2233956

>New York Post
>Daily Mail
>Murdoch publications being objective and reporting facts


No. 2233967

Fuentes is an actual homosexual; he will never impregnate a woman.

No. 2233968

Someone needs to research why homosexuality is so common among right wing men.

No. 2233972

Abortion and sex work is the only "leverage" men think they have over women, despite them not giving a fuck about children or the sanctity of life in any other situation and hating mothers, women in general and children. That and that we supposedly are never responsible for our actions and aren't has logical and smart as they are. Don't take these moids seriously, they need to do this because they have no means of gaining self-worth aside from posting hate on twitter all day.

No. 2233983

thats why scrotes (especially conservative, tradcon, redpillers, etc) hate childfree women, they feel like that their sperm is the only and last carrot they can dangle in front of women since women are now financially independent. And these socially autistic unwanted undateable online echochamber moids share the revenge fantasy that these women will be or are miserable cat ladies despite there's no "female loneliness epidemic" kek
dragqueen JD Vance and other moids tried to label Kamala as a cat lady because she doesn't have any biological children. But it semi backfired since bullying a childfree woman is a sensitive subject for women who do want a child but are infertile

he's into the catboy kink

No. 2233991

No he's not eewww.

No. 2233994

hell simulator

No. 2233995

No he isnt you retard

No. 2233998

Ew wtf Nona KYS

No. 2234001

Is this not a gay porn actor?

No. 2234002

He looks like an anvil fell on him

No. 2234010

Is this ironic?

No. 2234014

This is a joke right? Cause it’s so absurd it’s kinda funny

No. 2234017

So out of curiosity I’m watching JD Vance on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I’m actually surprised by how well-spoken and intelligent he seems

No. 2234027

After listening to Trump and Kamala he comes across as eloquent

No. 2234033

I'm going to threaten the mods into making a rule specifically against you posting ever again nona…

No. 2234038

I disagree. He gives me homosexual autist vibes more than anything

No. 2234045

The bar is in hell.

No. 2234054

File: 1730432370644.jpeg (99.39 KB, 750x744, IMG_4032.jpeg)

Guys I'm not retarded or Gen A. I was out and about so I used my phone instead of my laptop or ipad to browse lolcow. My phone is old, small and cracked, so obviously I will have retarded typos. Picrel is evidence.

No. 2234055

He's not hot, but his rambling can be pretty funny

No. 2234058

>Nick Fauntes
>white supremacist
>Self identified incel(I'm not just saying that)
Why is the supreme race boy identifying as an incel kek. He is so ugly, mixed and obviously has autism. He would be gases by hitler for being autistic and by me for being ugly.

No. 2234059

I am objectively more attractive and intelligent than him.

No. 2234060

I hope he runs for President in 2028 with Tulsi Gabbard as VP so that Tulsi can go for President in 2032

No. 2234063

Also why are they still using nuclear war fear mongering. Ive been hearing this shit since forever and it still has not happened. No one younger than 80 is phased by this.

No. 2234064

If she ran in a primary, I'd vote for her, can't say the same for Jd pee pants. I'm voting for whoever has a vagina

No. 2234066

File: 1730433132084.jpg (79.39 KB, 597x800, Peter_Haven_Lee.jpg)

People who call themselves "White Supremecists" are mostly just petulant misanthropes who think mass shootings and women being abused is funny and epic.
They don't care about white people struggling, or anyone else for that matter. They are MINDLESSLY hateful.
Nick Fuentes speaks to this attitude perfectly with a ton of duplicity behind faggy appeals to "tradition".
It doesn't matter that his ideas are all retarded and that he doesn't follow them, he's just there to be a memelord for hateful children (and manchildren)

No. 2234067

… they had all that and didn’t do it.

No. 2234068

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Kek every time

No. 2234069

No. 2234070

Definitely bi guy vibes more than anything but not gonna lie, I find him kind of cute sorry nonnies. If Trump ends up winning somehow the one positive to come of it is more of JD

No. 2234071

No. 2234075

File: 1730433270090.png (23.69 KB, 576x193, ,jbvbn.png)

I want kamala win just so allan litchman becomes more smug.

No. 2234076

He's also an IVF baby.

No. 2234080

Explain what you mean by this?

No. 2234081

I agree with you actually. I mean all the inconsistencies with these retards. No one lacks that much self awareness.
These scrote are just losers who want to be a "super based misunderstood joker sigma contrarian" instead of just a normie man. We could probably meme scrotes into eating their own shit if we told them that alpha wolves eat their shit to stay strong.

No. 2234082

Because of the Ukraine war. Putin has repeatedly said that if the US crosses too many red lines that he will use nuclear weapons. Russia has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

No. 2234083

I wonder what they fucked up during the process.

No. 2234084

None of this explains why we should believe Kamala will successfully re-nationalize legal abortion.

No. 2234085

File: 1730433698007.jpeg (250.96 KB, 565x575, 27A1A852-A556-4A68-9B78-5F5A0B…)

I voted today and stood in line for about an hour because of it. I’m in a swing state so maybe my vote will actually do something. Wish we had stickers like Michigan though

No. 2234087

Yeah so? Remember how North Korea used the threaten us with that shit all the time but it never happened? Putin knows damn well that if they nuked the US then he might as well nuke Russia.

No. 2234088

The democrats had a super majority in starting 2009, 111th United States Congress, they had 60 seat super majority in the Senate (and even when they lost it they still had majority), Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the house and the Supreme Court was leaned more Democratic than it does now.

No. 2234090

It's not supposed to. It's supposed to explain the barriers in the goal. Sorry that republicans exist?

No. 2234094

Roe V Wade wasn't seen as something that was under threat. No one in 2009 thought to codify roe v Wade because in 2016 Trump would elect a republican majority supreme court that deemed it unconstitutional. We have went back as a country. I don't understand what you don't get about that. That your rights aren't garunteed and permanent. They did get Obamacare which Trump wants to get rid of.

No. 2234095


No. 2234096

Abortion wasn't even that much of a pressing issue in 2009 as it was in like 2020

No. 2234099

File: 1730434087208.jpeg (52.22 KB, 349x642, IMG_4036.jpeg)

>"He(Nick Fauntes) has described himself as the "straightest guy" and attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that "the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel", as "having sex with women is gay … What's gayer than being like, 'I need cuddles. I need kisses … I need to spend time with a woman.'"
He kinda seems to be a weird irl troll with no real beliefs unless she is actually that autistic. Even so, it's still retarded to do this to yourself for the meme. It's just like picrel. Reminds me of how Enpathchan actually wanted to be a lolcow and tried to turn herself into one.

No. 2234100

that is a handsome cat

No. 2234101

angel numbers!

No. 2234104

The Tea Party was literally formed in 2009 and they were adamantly anti-abortion.

No. 2234106


The republican party has also been working to get judges that align with them in the courts not just the supreme court. We have two justices that may die in the next 4 years so whoever is president will be able to easily put two young people in the role. That would mean handmaiden laws for the lifetime of these people since it's a lifetime appointment. Obamacare will be gotten rid of, laws protecting gay marriage will be sent to the states and abortion will be criminalized nationwide.
>But I haven't seen Kamala's policies kek

No. 2234107

>Obamacare will be gotten rid of
I thought obambacare was a good thing

No. 2234110

yeah but like compared to how large the issue was in 2020? this is like saying troons were as big as an issue in 2011 as they are nowadays.
This too! Abortion will probably be the topic of the 2020's as a decade, I'm not going to lie.

No. 2234111

They had no institutional power. What is your point and why are you expecting the democrats to be mind reading psychics? They are literally a loosely associated group of elected people from various states and districts of those states. I worry about your conception of how things work

No. 2234114

Obamacare is a good thing which is why republicans want to get rid of it. Republicans stand to make lots of money from private insurance lobbies.

No. 2234115

File: 1730434603367.jpeg (174.31 KB, 1156x2048, thr.jpeg)

Glad we're finally getting to the real issues with a few days to go like psychologically analyzing Trump's tanning addiction https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17995525463536655/?hl=en

No. 2234116

File: 1730434626386.gif (230.17 KB, 200x197, obama-prism.gif)


No. 2234120

No it isn't. Abortion was the first political issue my zoomer ass ever even really looked at in a partisan way.
It was always a major point of contention, fuck that, THE point of contention between the partisan divide.
My point is that Roe V Wade getting overturned is their FAILURE. If The Republicans are the ones who wanted it to happen, and they got that, then the Democrats failed. And you have failed to make the case that they will correct that failure with Kamala in power.

No. 2234121

Samefag. On top of that, Kamala Harris wasn't even a lawmaker in 2009. I don't think she evenbecame district attorney yet but even then that has little to do with federal law. I think people who are terminally online are more likely to respond to right wing conspiratorial propaganda. Every question you have can be answered with video evidence. CSPAN is boring but to pretend like this is some far out distant thing that we can't possible reasonably conceptualize is very lazy. I

No. 2234123

Ok. So what now? We vote for Trump? Failures happen but I'm still confused as to what your big idea is.

No. 2234125

You would have been 10 years old. Get over yourself. Two people dying during trump's run is why it got overturned

No. 2234126

>And you have failed to make the case that they will correct that failure with Kamala in power.
We literally have two R supreme court members on the verge of death, that is the solution LOL. The R majority in the supreme court is how roe v wade was overturned in the first place.

No. 2234127

I am fine with Kamala winning over Trump. I will snicker at the MAGAbabies crying themselves to sleep and fucking up another J6.
I am just saying Democrats (and liberals in general) are useless at opposing reactionary policy and their party doesn't deserve to be the one we rely on to "oppose" them.

No. 2234129

File: 1730435281358.jpg (128.58 KB, 1319x754, boohoo.JPG)

Wives are cheating on their husbands with Kamala kek
>“It is so repulsive. It is so disastrous. It is the embodiment of the downfall of the American family. I think it’s so gross. I think it’s just so nauseating,” Kirk said, set off by a new ad, produced by a liberal Christian organization, that features Julia Roberts reminding women that how one votes need not be shared with any emotionally-stunted man who would throw a fit. (“That’s the same thing as having an affair,” Fox News’ Jesse Watters commented on the ad. “That violates the sanctity of our marriage.”)

No. 2234131

File: 1730435321812.mp4 (1.78 MB, 640x360, 9ADXhTavIjW5odio.mp4)

This is from the daily beast, so take it with a grain of salt. But like, holy shit.
>Michael Wolff, the explosive chronicler of Donald Trump’s four years in the White House, has released what he says is a recording of Jeffrey Epstein, who died in 2019, discussing Trump’s then White House team in detail.

No. 2234132

Hasn’t Putin practically said
> if the goal of the west is to have a world without Russia, what use is the rest of the world to Russia
It’s called mutually assured destruction for a reason.

No. 2234134

How do you think the Muslim ban got opposed? Are you aware that there is a state government and a federal government? Democrats are the reason why abortion laws were put in place at the state level in states that lost is after Roe v Wade. Just because you are a retarded arrogant person, doesn't mean that Republicans are all powerful. If they were all powerful, you'd be barefoot and pregnant right now. Not being wrong so confidently on lolcow

No. 2234136

File: 1730435535767.webp (31.77 KB, 1024x512, 190717-trump-epstein-mc-1146.w…)

No. 2234137

File: 1730435559591.jpeg (130.38 KB, 1500x1026, IMG_2797.jpeg)

As they should

No. 2234138

Oh, so my rights and the rights of other women weren’t important then (even though they knew then it was tenuous)? Do you hear yourself, they cynically pushed it aside because it wasn’t under threat (never mind the republicans didn’t keep it a secret they were gunning for it). They didn’t care then but now they really twuly do. Or do they care now because my vote matters? Anyway it doesn’t matter now because they flubbed it already.

No. 2234139

File: 1730435935623.jpg (589.79 KB, 1170x1278, mybabygirl.jpg)

>Wives are cheating on their husbands with Kamala kek
Hot… Total Woman Victory is imminent

No. 2234141

RBG was "on the verge of death" according to her opposition since a decade before it finally happened.

No. 2234143

He has spoken apologism for white nationalism explicitly countless times. It was his entire schtick before the incel arch just turned him into a full blown manchild.

No. 2234145

AYRT and I totally blame her too, it was an act of narcissism that she never decided to retire during the Obama admin.

No. 2234147

Yes, our rights weren't under threat then. Why do you act as if there aren't many issues that become central at certain times? Sorry the Democratic party is not hugging and kissing you and telling you it's gonna be ok. That's not how it works, if you really care you should get involved.

No. 2234148

US desperately needs age limits. RBG should've retired 15 years before she died.

No. 2234152

The worst part is she refused to retire because she didn't trust Obama to put in someone as progressive as her. She fucked over all women in America with her ego and is definitely in hell.

No. 2234155

He asked her not to retire because they were so assured of their continued hold

No. 2234157

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No. 2234159

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No. 2234170


No. 2234189

This is such a lie lol

No. 2234197

On one hand it's hilarious that they are seething. On the other, saying shit like this leads directly to wife beating. Though I suppose that is their aim. I despise conservative moids
Complete shot in the dark but is this goodupstandingcitizen from tumblr? The girl who was obsessed with nick fuentes and called him like her little bean or whatever years ago. I only ask because there's no way two separate people are attracted to this guy right

No. 2234212

I'm samefagging as >>2234197 but that's crazy. I mean we all knew Trump was associated with Epstein but hard evidence is crazy especially right before the election. I wonder what else he has. Maybe this is why Elon said he's fucked if Kamala wins lol

No. 2234255

This is why Jill Stein is the only moral choice. Both the Republican and Democrat parties are stuffed full of pedos.

No. 2234398

File: 1730457724002.jpg (115.54 KB, 1176x748, gaywarcry.JPG)

>“I wouldn’t be surprised if me and Trump won, just, the normal gay guy vote, because, they just wanted to be left the hell alone,” Vance said

JD Vance asking his kind for help

No. 2234404

why does the media seethe and cry when he says things like this as if he's said anything wrong? this is a good idea. don't attempt to come if you have evil intentions. if you do its your life on the line. simple.

No. 2234412

The trump and stein (trump by association) last ditch attempt at astroturfing itt is so funny.

No. 2234415

I live in Colorado and it's pretty amazing to see that half the country thinks that my state is riddled with violent spanish speaking gangs, lol.
The only thing this state is being overrun by is homeless people.

No. 2234421

kamala is going to lose bigly and i'm going to laugh when you cry in this thread

No. 2234426

Okay, will you keep sucking trump cock even if he doesn't win? Will you cope by saying they stole the election? Kek

No. 2234429

i think it'll be funnier to see dems crying than republicans so i hope he wins. seethe.

No. 2234434

Bait used to be believable

No. 2234435

You sound exactly like you did in 2020.

No. 2234438

No literally, it's hilarious and when anyone points the schizo out they start stomping their feet and crying

No. 2234463

Jealousy and bitterness. The UK has a lower gdp per capita than Idaho. Actually they’re poorer than every single US state. Imagine once controlling a huge amount of the world and now being poorer than Arkansas kek. Now think of the truly poor European countries that are basically like third world countries, you’ll see why they’re so obsessed with us.

No. 2234502

Is this your first election? Hillary Clinton's campaign was derailed by the Podesta emails and pizzagate. Both political parties are linked to Epstein through Trump and Bill Clinton.

No. 2234503

Right, because Hillary Clinton is running.. let's get you back to bed, grandpa

No. 2234505

Hillary Clinton is campaigning for Kamala.

No. 2234507

Who cares? Jill Stein is campaigning for Trump lol

No. 2234509

Yeah I ended up listening to the whole thing and was surprised that he comes across a lot more likable compared to the first impressions after his VP announcement. He mentioned children on hormones, the chemical spill in Ohio,the crisis at the border and the flaws in our immigration system, and how big pharma manipulated Native American reservations to work around the feds. Really kind of refreshing to see a politician bring up a lot of things that they usually aren’t allowed to talk about unless it’s approved by their corporate masters.

No. 2234513

File: 1730469238658.png (124.2 KB, 644x669, shilling.png)

I didn't buy the tinfoil that LC was being targeted by political campaigners but I do now.

No. 2234521

Just because a few anons point out that Stein is a grifter, which should be common knowledge by now, doesn't mean "muh glowies" are wasting time in this thread.

No. 2234532

Odd that the democrats published a smear article on the 20th
Articles claiming that "a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump" appeared on multiple news outlets exactly four days ago and now the same argument is being parroted in this thread. Seems totally organic.

Jill Stein is only going to get 2-3% of the vote, yet the democrats are spending time and money to denigrate both her and her supporters. They must fear that Trump is going to win if the democrats are shitting themselves over Jill Stein.

No. 2234539

The green party siphoning dem votes is widely known why else does Stein only talk shit about Kamala and not the party actually passing anti-green legislation? You're here astroturfing for Trump in a basketweaving imageboard and you're accusing me of being on Kamala's campaign. Girl I wish I was. That old faggot won't fuck you. He can't, his dick is limp

No. 2234554

what's the point of all your gdp and money per capita and calling other countries 3rd world like a typical uneducated amerilard if your whole country is obese, dying of obesity related health complications, diabetes, cancer, heart problems, bone density problems, i could go on and on. what's the point of trying to peacock like this when most of your country gets indebted for their whole lives if they want to go to university or have to go to the hospital for literally any reason? how can you call others 3rd world when the current young generation of americans will never afford a house? your presidential candidate is a TV personality and he is able to convince hundreds of millions of your people that the main thing wrong with your country are border hoppers and unchristian values? you are so delusional and your country is a joke.(euros stay out of the US thread if you're just going to bait)

No. 2234568

Europeans have the highest rate of cancer in the world actually, and fetal alcohol syndrome (and you all look like it btw). You scream about American healthcare costs all day every day but your healthcare costs are significantly higher, it just comes out of your taxes. Your medications are also cheaper because we subsidize them for you, if Americans weren’t involved in your shithole inbred FAS countries then you would be paying more for medication than we do.

While our universities should be free, ours are at least prestigious and difficult to get into, your universities only offer worthless toilet paper degrees. Anyone can get into your universities, and anyone can pass through your k-12 education systems because they’re easier, less rigorous and the testing is mostly multiple choice. When European kids transfer into American schools they always get put into remedial classes because they can’t keep up with American students.

The obesity thing is just a cope at this point, compare the average BMI in every country around the world and you’ll see that everyone is getting fat. China is regarded as one of the thinnest countries and their average BMI is 25. The average BMI for American women is 26.5. The average BMI for European countries is always between 25-30, you’re all equally fat.(infighting/taking the bait)

No. 2234603

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy cope literally none of this is true and it took 2 seconds of research to confirm it. the education part especially is so wrong i'm starting to understand about why your country is so retarded, you're taught at birth to just make things up and believe your own lies because if you believe hard enough then its all okay KEK. go die of cancer.(ban evasion/a-log/bait)

No. 2234616

I hope we withdraw from Ukraine and let Russia take over Europe.

No. 2234632

Have you guys noticed that even when Trump was in office the tranny love increased especially the pride events where it’s mainly a bunch of degenerate gay men going out voguing in front of children and normal people and wearing strap-one? Most conservatives are not anti-tranny and agree with a lot of things that liberals would with the exception of retarded pro-life that contradicts with their freedom-loving principles. Both camps don’t give a shit about women at all and I hate being forced to choose one when I reasonably hate both candidates and Joe Biden. God I hate living in this country

No. 2234635


No. 2234636

This has to be the best bait I’ve ever seen in this thread. Holy shit, good job

No. 2234638

I live here too in Aurora where Venezuelan gangs "Allegedly" took over all of Aurora. I know Trump is being hyperbolic but hes still kind of lying by making it seem like Venezuelans are extorting everyone here lol. This is just of a case of the bad part of town being the bad part of town and this incident only blew up because it is an election year.

Here are some more specific facts about that incident if anyone is interested: That incident was exaggerated by the slumlord and later the media and politican. The slumlord lives out of state and he basically neglected his apartments located in the bad part of town and thus created an environment that allowed crime to flourish. He was getting in a lot of legal trouble and having his apartments shut down. Later on for whatever reason he hired a PR team to paint himself as the victim of migrants when in reality he was a dumbass who allowed his apartments to be overun with crime. I forgot some details so If anyones interested heres a video on it.

No. 2234641

every time i read this tweet it makes me think of the YWNBAW copypasta kek

No. 2234642

All of it is true anon, literally all of it

No. 2234643

No, you are just surprised right wing tinfoiling isn't dominant in the thread

No. 2234644

No nonna don’t watch him, a few years ago he was accused of sexually assault and trying to coerce a woman into sex (rape).

No. 2234646

I hope so too, good riddance to them
Conservatives like trannies more than gays, because sex changes started out as a way of “correcting inverts”

No. 2234654

it does seem organic actually because your fellow nonnas itt are also reading the news and likely read that article or one like it. third party voting is for assholes who think they're better than everyone else.

No. 2234655

It's because it doesn't make sense. The death penalty is already highly controversial. How is he even gonna implement something like that as president?

No. 2234661

lollll stop baiting

No. 2234662

I went to the Uk thread and I only asked one question (it was about princess Anne) then I left them alone. But I was surprised to see all the migrant right wing fear mongering. I truly believe that a lot of lolcow users get peaked and descent into right wing ideology. There is a false notion that the most advanced and extensive propaganda is left wing but it only takes a scroll through X to see that's not true. Even a majority of democratic voters get their news from Fox. I just think it's ridiculous to fall for distractions that don't get you to your goal.
Like you want roe v Wade to be codified? This is what you need to do.
> Get blue house and senate
>Eliminate the filibuster
> Vote to codify and it will pass easily
People just don't like knowing that they have power because you could phonebank to work towards the first step. You could join anti local filibuster movements to work towards the second plan and write to your representatives. You being their constituent gives you leverage over them. But it's easy to act like migrants who make up like 2 percent of the country are raping the white women and beating the other women. The whole migrant fear seems more like male sexual competition than anything else.

No. 2234666

No one is baiting, which part do you think is incorrect?

No. 2234669

all of it is incorrect. did you even try to look any of that slop up or are you continuing to seethe now because of how decrepit your country has become but under sage so you don't get banned so quick?

No. 2234670

It got overturned because of a republican majority in the supreme court. There's little democrats can do if republicans outnumber them because that's how democracy works - people vote for representatives, and those representatives present them. If more people vote republican, then republicans get more representatives. That's why republican campaigns focus on fearmongering and pandering even if they have to just make shit up, because people will vote for them more. And if your solution is for democrats to do the same i.e. abandon all morality and lie and cheat, it's still not going to work because republicans have traditionally always relied on the vote of the evangelist christians who will NEVER vote for democrats, EVER. They're a major voting force in the US and the reason why republicans hold on to christian-conservative values so tightly.

No. 2234672

Why would anyone be surprised that there isn't right wing tinfoiling on LC? This isn't 4chan /pol/.

>umm, actually it is organic that recently issued democrat talking points are suddenly appearing in this thread even though no one has ever raised these points before. btw if you vote third party you're a bad person
Be less obvious

>men are raping and murdering women because we allow them over the border without any checks for criminal history and resist any attempt to stop this but who cares because it's mainly white women and abortion
Mask off moment.

No. 2234675

Cope and seethe

No. 2234677


No. 2234679

Yeah this is the weird racial stuff right wingers like to focus on. Who cares?

No. 2234684

Nta but you are so fully retarded, twisting anons' words and tinfoiling. Nonnas are talking about each party's platforms because it's the two weeks before the election you braindead bastard. No one said white women should be raped and it is so fucked up and stupid as shit to act like people would think this on a female website. You me and everyone else knows women lean progressive–NOT every woman, but on average. To pretend otherwise is so stupid. To be quite honest you're probably driving up the Harris vote after samefagging and shitting up multiple threads for weeks on end, if you are making any difference at all

No. 2234691

Thanks nonna. I was talking about the obvious racial undertones I saw.
>Their men see us in porn and think we're human toilets and the women are just as bad. >Handmaidens who will do their bidding.

I'm sorry but that is literally just the narrative of the savages threatening the sanctity of white manhood. If anything it's strange to have a feminist not know that but like I said, most people aren't actually feminists. They just don't like trannies. That anon doesn't seem to care about the actual statistics regarding rape and sexual assault that says it's usually someone a victim knows. It's so disingenuous when idiots come in here and act like trump cares about women's rights when hes openly campaigning for male family members to police their wives and daughters' votes in real time.

No. 2234693

File: 1730478737587.png (41.57 KB, 640x430, global-cancer-rates-in-people-…)

i looked it up and the cancer shit is so wrong. americans have way more cancer than europeans. since you've chosen to lie about the first fact, all of the things below it are dismissed too.(report and ignore baiters)

No. 2234697

Lmao Australia.

No. 2234698

I just don't understand why Europe is so obsessed with us. Even other foreigners don't care about Americans this much.

No. 2234700

Stein being a grifter has been common knowledge well before 10/20. What do you hope to accomplish by voting Green, when they have no seats in senate and only care to pop up once every 4 years during election time yet are oddly quiet anytime in between? At this point people shilling Stein are either straight up disingenuous or woefully undereducated about her as a candidate.

No. 2234702

>fully retarded
>braindead bastard
Wow I'm voting democrat now

>To be quite honest you're probably driving up the Harris vote after samefagging and shitting up multiple threads for weeks on end, if you are making any difference at all

You're the one who think that insulting third party and undecided voters is a winning tactic.

>That anon doesn't seem to care about the actual statistics regarding rape and sexual assault that says it's usually someone a victim knows
Rape is equally bad regardless of who is doing it. It doesn't matter if it's an illegal immigrant or family member. Even one rape committed by an immigrant is one rape too many.

>act like trump cares about women's rights

But no one has said this.

No. 2234703


No. 2234705

Ozone hole

No. 2234706

Who said it wasn't bad? Are we wanting to do something about rape and sexual assault or are we just chimping out? What Donald Trump's plan to end sexual assault and rape? Knowing he is also a rapist and why are you acting like democrats are for open borders or less border security? And if Donald really cared then why did he tell republicans to vote no on the border bill so that he could run on it? Please answer these questions.

No. 2234709

I think she might win this thing!

No. 2234724

Yeah I'm definitely insulting an "undecided" "third party" voter lol. The things you are saying are braindead and retarded is it an insult to point out fact? You are gunning for an anti-environmentalist legislation in Republicans, and you think green party nonnies here will listen to you? Back to /pol/, at once

No. 2234749

>Stein being a grifter has been common knowledge well before 10/20
All politicians are gifters. This is not new information and should be expected from all parties. Any election is simply a choice for the less shit option. For me I support her stance on the environment and her foreign policy. She is closer to Trump and RFK than she is to the democrats in policy without the threat of banning abortion and the other weird trad and christian nationalist shit that's supported by the republicans.

Dismissing any form of rape is wrong. Immigrants do commit rape, responding to that by saying other men also rape as some sort of win in an internet argument is minimizing one form of rape over another.

>What Donald Trump's plan to end sexual assault and rape?

I'm not a Trump supporter so why you keep asking me to justify Trump's policies makes no sense. I'm already not voting for Trump.

>The things you are saying are braindead and retarded is it an insult to point out fact?
More reasons for me to vote democrat.

>You are gunning for an anti-environmentalist legislation in Republicans

I'm literally voting for Jill Stein because of her environmental policies. I don't think most people realize how destructive fracking is and how it contaminates ground water with carcingenic chemicals such as benzene which then ends up in tap water.

No. 2234753

She has zero chance to get elected, though, so she can't enact any of what you're hoping for.

No. 2234756

Report and ignore the ban evading infighters. All of their posts are being deleted.

No. 2234758

You are not a practical person anon, there's no universe where you aren't voting for Trump nor do you give a shit about the environment. I'm not campaigning for you to swap your vote I just wish you would stop shitting up the thread and acting like you are an environmentalist meanwhile you are physically incapable of saying anything bad about the Number One anti-environment, anti-green party, Republicans. You also can't say anything bad about Trump-sama lol, is he good for the environment too now? Oh well best get back to fearmongering about immigrants because you think that will convince the womenfolk to vote against our rights to our own bodies.

No. 2234783

Exactly god they are so fucking annoying. I don't go into the Britbong thread and bully them for only having Greggs left to shop at.

No. 2234786

Thank you jannies. Hopefully deleting their post will make them stop attention whoring.

No. 2234792

I already reported it. They might of accidentally posted here lol.

No. 2234793

>She has zero chance to get elected, though, so she can't enact any of what you're hoping for.
Neither will the democrats or the republicans so I might as well add to the number of people that support her policies. If there are enough people that do this then it will gain more traction and become a more visible political issue. The last democrat that did anything significant for environmental protection was Carter when the CERCLA legislation was enacted. This was mostly neutered by the Reagan administration.

>there's no universe where you aren't voting for Trump nor do you give a shit about the environment
I have repeatedly stated that I'm not voting for Trump but I'm still voting for Trump because you think I am? This is unhinged and you're entire post is schizo ramblings based off false assumption that I'm a republican.

No. 2234795

Nona, this is the burger thread. Not the middle east thread

No. 2234797

Polymarket is a SCAM you should not take seriously. You realize that Peter Thiel is a major investor in polymarket right? And Americans can't participate in it iirc.

No. 2234806

Nick Fuentes is a self identified incel because that is better than coming out of the closet and admitting he's gay. Look up his catboy date.

No. 2234807

Huh? Biden put us back on the Paris Climate Accord, Obama very famously rejected the Keystone oil pipeline among many other environmentalist policies. Your memory is very selective lol. And anons are asking you what you think about the Republicans' policies because you are talking shit about the Democrats' policies, and anyone with even one braincell knows that those are the two parties with a chance to get in the White House.

No. 2234810

Why do they only have 1 store?

No. 2234811

You sound like a moid when they try to do mental gymnastics to justify having opinions they would have already had. “Yeah you’re definitely going to sway me by insulting me” and you definitely aren’t just moving goalposts as you go along

No. 2234814

File: 1730483173284.jpg (70.58 KB, 1179x684, GbGxXzjW4AAzZJv.jpg)

>You're the one who think that insulting third party and undecided voters is a winning tactic.
It's so funny how fragile undecided/third party voters are. Like you guys come in here and spew all sorts of bs and then get upset when people tell you that the bs you're spewing is wrong and retarded. It is.
>All politicians are gifters.
A grfter is someone who clings onto anything that will make them the most money. You may not like the democratic or the republican party but most of those politicians have a certain set of firm beliefs and don't switch based on whats popular at the moment. That's why they are so frustrating to us but from their perspective if they've been working to pass tax cuts for autoworkers for the last 2 years, why would they suddenly abandon that goal because the general public no longer cares about it.
>Rape is equally bad regardless of who is doing it. It doesn't matter if it's an illegal immigrant or family member. Even one rape committed by an immigrant is one rape too many.
Once again, I'm not talking about rape being less bad and you haven't answered any of my questions. You just want to believe that I'm a libfem or whatever to feel better about being retarded.

NTA We just told you how democrats AND republicans can enact their goals and who it all depends on this election. You are a fucking dumbass who wants to be spoon fed information just so you can ask more dumb questions. It's like talking to a toddler who asks "why" after everything. Please read a book
>I have repeatedly stated that I'm not voting for Trump but I'm still voting for Trump because you think I am? This is unhinged and you're entire post is schizo ramblings based off false assumption that I'm a republican.

You keep getting called a republican because we don't live in a fantasy world where it's democrats vs green party. It's literally just republicans vs democrats in reality. You may not like it but all this bitching isn't gonna change that. Any scenario where democrats are disempowered is because republicans, which is 50% of the country are in power, and vice versa.
And again. The democrats aren't any "softer" on the border like where did you get that from?

No. 2234821

Kek you know she doesn't know what Biden did during his 4 years. She probably doesn't know how many people are in congress just like her favorite grifter, Jill Stein.

No. 2234825

i don’t even care that much if people vote third party as long as they aren’t annoying and smug about it. Which they usually are

No. 2234834

>this bait again

No. 2234835

I think I'd be OK with Tulsi but I just don't like JD. I don't believe he makes his own decisions he does whatever Thiel makes him do.
horrible taste

No. 2234844

This bait in specific is so funny because I was on tumblr in 2020 when the "radical leftists" were saying not to vote Harris in the primary for the exact opposite reason, because she wouldn't give the moids their free sex changes. Either way I truly don't care if some tranny cuts his dick off as long as old government scrotes fuck off far away from my uterus. In fact we should fund mass sex offender castration, it's kind of genius when you think about it

No. 2234845

mods actively deleting videos of kamala supporting trannies? totally not biased in any way. here it is again.(your posts are being deleted because you are a ban evading retard)

No. 2234852

Your alternative under Trump is watching America turn into Gilead

No. 2234859

So the mods are banning you for spamming the thread and you're openly spamming anyway?

No. 2234865

Not a single issue voter so idgaf if some troons get castrated. There are bigger issues at stake for women that would make our lives miserable on a whole. I hardly have to deal with troons in my day to day life because i'm not terminally online and I have actual problems in my life to rage about that take precedence. Troon shit still doesn't have full support so we can repeal these dumb little care affirming laws if we want to as more people wake up and stop drinking the TRA kool-aid.

No. 2234869

trannies got onto her for being moderate during a recent interview too where she simply said “i will follow the law, i will not play the role of the doctor or patient” or something like that. And it’s like, of course these trannies get ultra nitpicky with this woman so i wouldn’t be surprised if she had enough herself considering no trannies spoke at the DNC this year. I’m not a retarded single issue voter so i’m not voting for her solely off of her stance on trannies kek. i don’t think she has even made any big policy proposals for them. You just can’t make me put trannies above every other issue women have, that’s basically giving them want they want atp

No. 2234870

Yes, rent is getting higher even in the cheaper areas and my industry isn't paying enough at all. We're supposed to be essential workers too.

No. 2234877

They actively moved away from identity politics. Even AOC has been speaking in a more normal way. The whole "Trans people will kill themselves if we don't say birthing people" was legitimately insane. I personally am very sceptical of trans stuff when it involves kids but there is a slippery slope of what the government should be allowed to do when it involves parenting. It just seems like the other side is very big into parental rights when they wanna teach Timmy that slavery wasn't that bad or whatever. But yh most people I interact with don't believe that tims are the same as biological women . It's only in the super lefty niche spaces that people act like that.

No. 2234879

When did they say they were just voting for her for that reason?

No. 2234880

>shit tariff policy
>wants to build housing on federal land
>blames housing crisis on muh immigrants
>blames everything on muh immigrants
>spews conspiracy theory shit
>tried to overthrow the government when he lost
>buddies with epstein
>willing to let billionaires change his policy on certain things if they pay him (elon musk)
>proposes literally anybody in his cabinet
>will probably elect more R scotus members
>against funding public education
>very bad policies for wealth inequality

No. 2234883

Honestly now that i think about it i kind of hate him more for his retarded economic policies than anything else KEK

No. 2234884

Yeah but Kamala talks with different accents so they're just as bad KEK

No. 2234896

I don't really get the accents thing. It's either so subtle i'm not paying attention, or it could be part of "code switching" which black folks have done for decades so I don't know why Kamala gets shit for it. The weird focus of "YOU MUST CHOOSE ONE AND DENY THE OTHER" when she's biracial is something else.

No. 2234897

It's subtle, but I find it kind of cute. I think she just does that

No. 2234904

The Paris Climate Accord and the Keystone pipeline are irrelevant in comparison to the impact of the CERCLA legislation which is why specified "significant". At least read the wikipedia article.

>It's so funny how fragile undecided/third party voters are
Projection of you're own behavior on to others. This entire argument started because someone said they were voting for Jill Stein 12 hours ago.

>A grfter is someone who clings onto anything that will make them the most money.

Just like all politicians. Both parties contain members that needed to retire decades ago but don't because $174,000 a year is more important. Kamala's age is at least something in her favor.

>You just want to believe that I'm a libfem or whatever to feel better about being retarded.

And you just want to believe that I'm a republican. I've never mentioned libfems so I have no idea where that came from.

>NTA We just told you how democrats AND republicans can enact their goals and who it all depends on this election

You've insulted me and parroted democrat talking points.

No. 2234906

Nta but I'm biracial (not black) and get the same kind of shit all the time from the two cultures I'm half in half out of. Although tbh the only reason people are talking about it at all is because they're just throwing shit at her to see what sticks, they don't have anything substantial. Earlier I saw a "breaking" news story about her yawning in a weird creepshot of her on a plane lmao type of nitpick that people would only apply to a woman

No. 2234908

>Slashes investments in researching renewable energy sources to put it all on oil and gas
>Wants to return to gold-backed currency
>Wants to expand surveillance of data to enforce police state-esque surveillance
>Cuts funding to lower income area public schools
>Cuts to federal workers and entire administrations so that they can enforce policies without professional consultation (such as getting rid of the FDA to deem birth control pills dangerous and thus illegal)
>Tax cuts to the 1% while the working class foots the bill
>Even the anti-trans bills all also address gay people and aim to reverse their rights as well
>Historically enormous tariffs on imports which would make all prices skyrocket and ruin foreign trade since countries will respond by placing even higher tariffs on American imports (this already happened during his first term)
>Convicted rapist and a senile psychopath who was born into wealth yet even with all his nepo baby money couldn't run one successful business

No. 2234917

>The Paris Climate Accord and the Keystone pipeline are irrelevant
The fuck lol quit trolling. Is Jill Stein posting in this thread

No. 2234920

>Is Jill Stein posting in this thread
KEKKK not to hi cow or anything but I wondered that a few times myself

No. 2234934

>Both parties contain members that needed to retire decades ago but don't because $174,000 a year is more important
Jill Stein is 74 though?

No. 2234980

>Wants to return to gold-backed currency
This is a good policy though.

No. 2235158

Saw a cute old woman wearing a Harris shirt and I said, "love that!" at a festival today. (It was the south so there were SO much trump shit, even a booth for trump even though it was for seafood.) She gave me a thumbs up and called me baby it was so nice

No. 2235182

File: 1730501150850.jpg (3.81 MB, 2304x2936, Chase_Oliver_by_Gage_Skidmore_…)

Tbh, I don't even get why people try to run if they're not with the Republican or Democratic party. It's like an indie singer trying to get more sales than an artist backed by Universal. Most people probably don't even know this guy is running.

No. 2235265

Disturbing thought, but I saw someone on Reddit say that trad/conservative scrotes may force their wives/adult children living at home to fill out their ballot for Trump. Mail-in voting in this case is a curse.

No. 2235277

Ultimately I hope we get to a point where there is a strong third party but my bet is not on the green party achieving that. I honestly think the working families party is doing a good job by starting with very local elections and working their way up

No. 2235281

Kamala Harris speaks to people in a barbershop

No. 2235378

Cardi B is campaigning for Kamala in Milwaukee. Says she wasn't gonna vote until Kamala joined

No. 2235380

I think the strongest third party we've had in the last 10 years was Bernie or lesser known but more based Gary Johnson I actually really think it sucks that even when one does get traction they are merely pulling votes from the dem party strengthening the republican one that is less open minded and more dogmatic

No. 2235421

Third parties won't work.
The 2 party system needs to collapse through disengagement from the public.
We won't see a third option until the democrats and republicans have maybe 1,000,000 voters each nationwide. And even then, that "third option" will probably just be the military intervening.

No. 2235422


No. 2235423

The last 70 years of US history.

No. 2235425

thats not a source. Just a prediction

No. 2235426

The part about military intervention is my prediction sure, but third parties being worthless has decades of precedent.

No. 2235427

NTA what kind of source could you possibly be looking for, a scholarly article? It's all opinion and theory from observation.

No. 2235433

Most moids are pissed about the emergence of early voting in a good chunk of the US because it gives women and other voters more time to register and vote

No. 2235460

Idk actually

No. 2235461

File: 1730519421604.jpeg (82.65 KB, 1080x537, IMG_2807.jpeg)

>Trump looking over Melania's shoulder as she votes

No. 2235463

File: 1730519562348.mp4 (257.29 KB, 640x360, W4KbAyfRRjxHJMlK.mp4)

Is he pretending to throat a microphone??? Maybe he really is a faggot…

No. 2235513

He's a clip farmer. But the theories about him being closeted are plausible imo

No. 2235648

File: 1730534912949.webp (47.97 KB, 1200x800, IMG_4078.webp)

>It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened. Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.” She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s abortion ban. It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened. Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.” She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s abortion ban. It took three ER visits and 20 hours before a hospital admitted Nevaeh Crain, 18, as her condition worsened. Doctors insisted on two ultrasounds to confirm “fetal demise.” She’s one of at least two Texas women who died under the state’s abortion ban. https://www.propublica.org/article/nevaeh-crain-death-texas-abortion-ban-emtala

No. 2235693

File: 1730542194905.jpg (372.14 KB, 1483x2047, 1000001220.jpg)

No. 2235700

File: 1730542959955.gif (164.06 KB, 536x467, third_party_voter.gif)

No. 2235705

I saw a report on a bunch of muslim girls in Michigan gloating about voting for Jill Stein over Kamala bc muh Israel Palestine. They are so fucking retarded, if Trump wins again they'll be among the first he comes for.

No. 2235712

They all look so good

No. 2235717

Kamala mogs her.

No. 2235726

People always forget how conservative Muslims are, if 9/11 never happened they would be proud republicans

No. 2235747

Exactly. It's a religion that glorifies men raping little girls and women. It's so weird to me how liberals defend Muslims not knowing how conservative their religion is. It's also why despite being left leaning I don't give a shit about freeing Palestine. There's daily atrocities going on in Africa, ask the average Palestinian how they feel about Africans. The only upset I have about that conflict is that our tax dollars are going to Israel, an already wealthy country. Fuck off and figure it out yourselves

No. 2235776

Funny how they can act like Islam is so free and pro-women's rights at times, while they're living in the west. In the west, wearing hijab is a choice, elsewhere, you'd get beaten bloody by relatives or strangers for daring to even wear it wrong by showing a sliver of hair. They are very sheltered. Hope they enjoy their Muslim ban when Trump is in office.

No. 2235825

I sometimes wonder if Muslims would be mocked as much as Christians had 9/11 not happened. It's so insane to me how liberals can proclaim to be feminists and defend that religion in the same breath

No. 2235910

This is state sanctioned femicide. Not alogging but I want the scrotes responsible (as well as Amy Coney Barrett) to go through what they are forcing women to go through. A teenager. God

No. 2235921

I'm glad we're talking more about what Republicans consider abortion. Nothing is ever surface level with them. The moment the egg is fertilized, anything that stops that zygote from developing is considered an abortion. You get a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, they believe that the keeping the process of zygote to baby going is more important than the vessel it's in. And yes I did say vessel because that's how they see women the moment an egg is fertilized. They want to punish women because they come from a sick depraved punitive culture. It's why I will never side with them just because they don't like trannies. Project 2025 already has anti gay legislation in it. Their ultimate goal is to take us back to the "good times"

No. 2235924

I wish she would campaign in red parts of the state. Milwaukee county is always blue.

No. 2235925

Yep, the good times of before women could have our own credit cards and bank accounts, before no-fault divorce or divorce at all, before domestic violence was outlawed, before the 19th amendment. And yes, the "exceptions" for abortion is such a farce, they have to "prove" it was rape or incest which the justice system is notoriously shady about. Especially with victims being shamed and not wanting to speak out. Or the doctors having to wait until the woman is entering sepsis and on the very brink of death to START treatment. I despise the whole "life begins at conception" bullshit, it's so clearly excusing males of any responsibility. Fuck that, if I was prez I'd say life begins at spermatogenesis, any man who jerks off is a mass murderer and shall be hanged.

No. 2235930

File: 1730568693819.jpg (568.21 KB, 1080x1601, Screenshot_20241102_120518_X.j…)

No man should ever be in charge of women's health. Also I fucking love her lmao

No. 2235935

>Also I fucking love her lmao
You really think Kamala Harris/Joe Biden run their own Twitter accounts and she wrote the "No. ♥" meme as a reply to someone?
God help us

No. 2235936

I kind of love Kamala's brand.

No. 2235937

File: 1730569118710.jpeg (394.6 KB, 750x748, IMG_2809.jpeg)

No. 2235941

That scrote literally has the child beating phenotype.

No. 2235947

Lol no I just think she's funny. Also you're going to get banned for using an emoji, newfag

No. 2235948

File: 1730569729286.jpeg (1023.58 KB, 2276x895, IMG_7994.jpeg)

This is so funny, her campaign is great. God RFK shouldn’t even have a seat near politics, let alone politics relating to women’s health. He’s extremely schizophrenic
This is terrible, deaths in these manners always sound so brutal. I’m so tired of women’s health being sidelined

No. 2235950

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself…

No. 2235956

But nonna, I love when you snark at me too much to give it up

No. 2236044

>calling someone else a newfag while not knowing about ♥
The democrat activists in this thread are fucking cringe.

No. 2236051

I usually post on my pc where the unicode heart shows up as a black and white character, but on my phone it shows up as the heart emoji. Sue me

No. 2236109

Abortion is on my states ballot this year I hope to God it gets protected bc our governor is such a retarded piece of shit like this state needs abortion. And weed.

No. 2236127

It's on my ballot too, I have a bit of hope we can pass it because we legalized weed before but the pro lifers are out in force spending tens of millions trying to get it banned.

No. 2236161

In Florida the wording for the abortion amendment was so insanely biased, only focused on the "cons" of abortion and never mentioned anything about women's health or right to choose.

No. 2236164

File: 1730577335064.png (155.88 KB, 655x425, votersupression.png)

No. 2236173

File: 1730577669987.png (146.01 KB, 599x397, votsupre.png)

No. 2236178

File: 1730577796612.jpeg (133.32 KB, 785x1228, daddy.jpeg)

Kamala goes to Atlanta

No. 2236180

I want that coat.

No. 2236191

Haven't popped in this thread for a month. I'm assuming it's mostly baiting and shit flinging? Unfortunately this election falls on my birthday, hooray for me.

No. 2236210

happy bday!

No. 2236212

What the fuck is happening to this country.
RFK is a fucking schizo and should not be in charge of anything let alone womens health. He is not a doctor. He is an anti vaxxer(hes not just a covid anti vaxxer but an anti vaxxer period.
Why have politicans been getting less and less normal? Have they always been like this but im just too young?

No. 2236218

Thanks nonnie

No. 2236242

Does anyone feel scared of the fact that all the causal misinformation online is having an influence on peoples political beliefs? I remember when i was like 11 i used to argue with people online about politics on youtube and reddit(idk why lol). I knew literally nothing but id do it anyway. I would straight up lie about who i was and personal experiences that never happened and everyone took my word for it kek.

No. 2236275

I'll lick her boots all day.. holy shit PLEASE be my president

No. 2236391

Yes, but I have faith in people

No. 2236404

To the anons that don't want to vote for president… please at least vote for your state politicians. I say this because the electoral college can't override your vote at the state level. I feel pretty hopeless about the presidential election. The popular vote only counts as an electoral vote in two different states. The rest have people who can essentially vote against the popular vote of their state.

No. 2236411

> OBGYN resident doctor in California
> Works on average 80 hours a week with 24 hour shifts
> Been vlogging since applying to medical school
> Nontraditional medical student

No. 2236413

AOC gives a speech at Detroit Rally

No. 2236414

Cwait for the election to be over, after this I hope future elections are only 3 months. We don't need a full year of campaigning.

No. 2236419

Imagine if Joe Biden never stepped down.

No. 2236439

Exactly god this year was miserable. The political ads are the worst. I set my vpn to fucking china to avoid them kek.

No. 2236458

I just realized I accidentally copy and pasted the quote too many times.

No. 2236459

the wording was awful when it was on the ballot in Ohio but it still passed.
they'd have to get through the primaries and debates pretty quick for that to happen

No. 2236473

File: 1730589190511.jpeg (154.79 KB, 900x891, IMG_8006.jpeg)

>joe biden claims only god can tell him to step down
>he steps down
>kamala takes his place
>TWV is imminent
yet i’m told pussyallah isn’t real?

No. 2236475

I really wanted to be a mom but this makes me never want to have kids ever because most of these murders are happening to women who were actually planning for kids—many of whom already had a baby before. It’s fucking terrifying how you get married, try to conceive, and do everything right only to be refused care for septic shock or forced to carry parts of your dead baby inside of you. I hope everyone keeps circulating these stories along with these women’s backstories because they need to continue to be broadcasted everywhere. They are killing wives and mothers—the women the Republican Party claims that they want to protect. I assume if this was to happen to their own daughters they would probably slut shame them before having them airlifted to a hospital out of state so “their women” could at least survive. And if they really care about the birth rate then this is also not only killing women but causing them to become infertile as well. There was one story where a woman planned for a baby, had some complications, and was left infertile in the aftermath because she couldn’t get appropriate medical care (I think it was in Tennessee). So they dgaf if you’re dead but also if you can’t produce any more babies? Why the fuck are they doing this to us except to make us suffer, whether that be infertility, death, or miscarriage?
So yeah, as someone who previously wanted a child I think I might never have one… because why even try to get pregnant if this is becoming more and more of a possibility? Infant mortality rates have also gone up as well post-Roe so the survival of your baby is now riskier than before.

No. 2236486

I’ve said this before, but males see pregnancy as their own triumph and if you dare to abort their trophy, even if you are on the verge of death, it is harmful to the structure of male supremacy. This is why they care so much about birth rates yet they don’t care about infant mortality. They care about how much they fuck women. And i’m so sorry that you feel as if you’re unable to build a family because of these shit laws, mothers deserve real respect. I wish better for you and your endeavors in the future

No. 2236494

A sex strike is the most immediate way. Republican women are nuts, but I don't believe even the majority of them are happy with this.

No. 2236496

Is that pinkpantheress?

No. 2236497

I feel the same way nona. I want to have at least one child but due to my medical history I know any pregnancy would be incredibly high-risk. I don’t know if I could do it given the high likelihood I would be unable to receive appropriate medical care as a result of these laws.

No. 2236511

Yes hehe

No. 2236544

File: 1730594660083.png (48.88 KB, 663x453, cardivselon.png)

Cardi B and Elon Musk are fighting about Cardi B's appearance

No. 2236546

I need Azalea Banks to throw in. The last time she tore into Elon was hilarious and I’d love a round 2.

No. 2236547

wtf i love cardi now. but seriously its telling that fags like elon musk think everytime a woman endorses kamala they must be a "puppet". like he thinks women are incapable of agency. i hope twitter goes bankrupt soon

No. 2236548

File: 1730595003679.png (142.82 KB, 782x515, kamalasnl.png)

Kamala will be on SNL the day after the Election

No. 2236557

File: 1730595723003.png (544.61 KB, 1080x2175, 1000002195.png)

The comments, it's mind boggling how retarded trumptards are. Are they forgetting their lord and savior frequently partied with Jeffery Epstein? The guy who was heavily involved with pedophile networks? Who abused children?????

No. 2236558

what a horrible idea, why that?

No. 2236578

Wow, these threads got gay as fuck the second the election rolled around. Really not allowed to express an opinion different from the Kamala supporters, huh?

No. 2236583

Who is stopping you from expressing your opinion? Just don't expect others to not call you a retard when they think you're being retarded. Also farmhands literally said they were banning and deleted the Trump supporter's posts because they were ban evading, not because of any political leanings.

No. 2236592

NTAYRT but anons do get really critical when the non ban evading Trump supporters share our feelings

No. 2236595

Well it is like going on xx and complaining when they attack you for speaking well of men. I will make an effort to not infight but if you're gonna spread lies, I should be allowed to say "That's a lie"

No. 2236596

I’m gonna be blasting this shit when Harris wins. Also, why is lolcow infested with redditfags?

No. 2236597

What are you referring to? Nobodys talking about 2X. We're talking about how in the last month or two, being honest about how you feel with this election in the Amerifags threads and using a rhetoric that isn't supportive of Harris has been met with more agressive/angsty responses. What lies are you talking about?

No. 2236599

> Kamala has no policies
> Kamala has made religious people angry, it could cost the election
> The democratic party wants to keep abortion criminalized to keep running on it
>Kamala has no plan for immigration
>Trump is good for women
You can whine and bitch but you are still on lolcow which doesn't allow moids and sperging because you're getting pushback about supporting someone who raped thirteen year old little girls with Epstein and wants to have sex with his own daughter. You would have been banned if you defended a moid like that in any other thread.

No. 2236600

Okay but anons being critical of the shit they say isn't the same as "not being allowed to express an opinion". Non-Kamala supporters can express their opinions freely as long as they don't break the rules of the site. They aren't being banned for simply not being Kamala supporters.

No. 2236602

File: 1730597786785.jpg (173.99 KB, 915x796, tiredman.jpg)

I wanna just talk about the US and not the fucking election for two seconds, and all the past threads have been a deluge of Harrisfags trying too hard to convince… Idk who, but someone. I'm so fucking sick of scrolling through these threads and seeing this shit. Please can we just fucking talk about, Idk, hometowns, or American history, or American food, or literally anything but the election. I don't fucking care. I'm not voting for her, holy shit.

No. 2236603

Republicans believe that freedom of expression means freedom from disagreement. As if there aren't disagreements in every other thread. They are so thin skinned.

No. 2236604

Are you just gonna greentext or are you going to tag the individual posts that you think were made? Because I'm a burger and regularly use every single American thread and don't recall seeing any of these statements be made. Unless they were deleted?

No. 2236607

Then talk about the US. I literally posted a video about a US doctor. Where were you? You just want people to not talk about Harris because you're a retarded fake feminist and it makes you feel bad(baiting)

No. 2236608

I just think its obnoxious and child-like to purposefully start an argument when you disagree with someone instead of just scrolling by, the way that a normal adult does. I understand if this is the first election that you're cognizant for and you don't know how to act, but its time to grow up kek.

No. 2236611

To be honest, Puerto Rico is nicer than most American states.

No. 2236612

What makes you feel that way nonnie

No. 2236613

seethe and cope

No. 2236614

File: 1730598114076.jpg (671.89 KB, 900x1203, Marianne_Stokes_Madonna_and_Ch…)

Don't you even begin to assume a single thing about me. You reek of the shilling I used to see on /pol/, and even they tried a bit harder to get their (You)s. If I want any more shit out of you, I'll grab you by the neck and squeeze hard.(alogging)

No. 2236616

You have to be over the age of 18 to use this website

No. 2236617

Better weather, better nature, better cities, better people

No. 2236618

If you don't like the posts about the election then ignore them.

No. 2236620

This thread and the tinfoil one are infested with libfem redditfags. Yes, Trump and Elon are shady motherfuckers but it’s not like Kamala is any better. Things will stay the same, the economy will continue to suck, we’ll continue the proxy wars with the ruskies and norks, our borders will be open, trannies will get more rights over women who will continue to die when they aren’t receiving medical intervention for emergency abortions. The Biden administration clearly showed that they neither gaf about women’s rights and neither would Harris’ but that’s okay because muh woman prezzy!

No. 2236622

Ntayrt but thats kind of what they're trying to say. If you see a post you disagree with, ignore it.

No. 2236624

Trump being a rapist and a moid makes him worse

No. 2236625

Maybe lurkmoar

No. 2236626

The same can be said of Kamala fags. Learn2scroll.(infighting)

No. 2236628

Are the raiding douchebags still here or something? Did you even read my post? I articulated to you that not only have I never seen those statements be made, but I still do not, and asked if they had been deleted. Do you, yourself, also not know?

No. 2236629

They got mad about "not being able to express an opinion" then changed it to "I just want to talk about the US" so which is it?

No. 2236633

NTA but wym they? Does it not occur to you that you're talking to a group of people?

No. 2236634

Ntayrt but I just went to the thread from three months ago and the first post I saw was someone calling kamala currykamala and accusing her of being in on Epstein. You didn't see that?

No. 2236635

>so which is it
newfags not realizing that you need to imagine that when you’re posting a comment you’re addressing an audience with varying opinions

No. 2236636

is Bay Seasoning any good? I've never tried it.

No. 2236637

It's the same person.

No. 2236638

You’re confusing him with Bill Clinton.

No. 2236641

It's the same person.

No. 2236642

You could have just started talking about what you wanted to talk about but the fact that you had to act like you were being suppressed by kamalafags and are now posting random conversation starters is cringe.

No. 2236643

You disagree? Aren't you supposed to be scrolling right now?

No. 2236644

I'm a different person I bought bay seasoning but now I've got cold feet

No. 2236645

There's OP and then there's the responding anons

No. 2236647

Everyone acts like it's the best thing ever but its only good on chips and crabs.

No. 2236648

File: 1730598772700.png (558.5 KB, 2140x688, at least try .png)

No, actually. I don't see any of that at all. Could you maybe help me find it?

No. 2236649

I hate when people gaslight as though you can't just fucking scroll up or read the previous thread. So I did half the work for you. Literally just go to the threads and ctrl+F
> Kamala has no policies
> Kamala has made religious people angry, it could cost the election

No. 2236652

I'm not sure what the problem is? Neither of these posts are against the rules.

No. 2236653

It works well with chicken, pork and seafood. Sometimes I use it as an alternative to cajun seasoning.

Other anons have different opinions to you. You need to get over it and not start a infight every time.

No. 2236654

Really? In that case it's a shame I couldn't find a smaller bottle. I was thinking of making crab dip with it.

No. 2236656

ok nta but literally everyone was in on epstein, so it’s not much of a stones throw to say such a thing

No. 2236657

Thank you so much nonnie. I was not about to do that.

No. 2236659

File: 1730598980419.jpeg (741.86 KB, 1170x1360, IMG_8027.jpeg)

It’s the thread with the biden threadpic
Also people ITT acting like a male isn’t subhuman compared to a female kek

No. 2236660

ntyrt but what the fuck? Those are not opinions. Those are facts. And it brings me back to my last point which was that trumptards are upset because they are being pushed back on itt

No. 2236661

The problem is that conservatives can't take criticism when the shit they post is either fake news or completely wrong and then they sperg out and act like they're being bullied.

No. 2236662

Thats an ugly thing to say. But you can still be uninterested in what Harris has to offer without being racist and uncivilized.

No. 2236663

But those posts weren't claiming to be newsletters? Those were anons posting their perspectives and opinions.

No. 2236664

I've never encountered this level of ballsucking in any other thread. Only in this thread does a rapist moid get a pass

No. 2236668

and liberals often behave the exact same way

No. 2236669

>you can still be uninterested in what Harris has to offer without being racist and uncivilized.
Of course, unfortunately a lot of retards in this thread think being a racist retard makes them look cool and edgy like teh epic channers.

No. 2236671

A fact is not the same as a newsletter. If I say the sky is blue, it's a fact.

No. 2236672

nta but i think you know what she means retard

No. 2236674

Nah. Better off just using a blend of spices you make yourself.

No. 2236675

So you think people should just be allowed to post fake shit without anyone criticizing them for the sake of peace and harmony in the thread?

No. 2236676

File: 1730599420302.png (198.08 KB, 1033x387, iowajjjj.png)

Kamala Harris might win Iowa which was a secure red state in all previous elections.

No. 2236679

File: 1730599605987.jpg (43.96 KB, 500x628, pearlbaileywhitedress.jpg)

Post your favorite American actresses, GO

No. 2236681

samefag. Chappell Roan will be on the same episode too. I wonder if she'll pull one of her attention whoring stunts or just cancel

No. 2236683

I don't think that OP was saying she feels like baiting retards who are breaking rules should be allowed to do so, I think what she was sharing with us was that anons feel more comfortable infighting over personal disagreements no matter how harmless and unimportant they are.
I actually don't think that and didn't say or allude to that once. What I'm saying is that no one was claiming to be posting facts, they were posting their personal opinions about information they'd digested themselves. Nobody was "posting fake shit", they were posting personal opinions that you or others disagreed with or found to be distasteful, and instead of learning 2 scroll you choose to start an argument with them in some kind of attempt to achieve stimulation, change their mind, or just receive attention. I do feel like yes, just because you disagree with someone does not mean you should have an argument with them. It's not necessary, and infighting itself is against the rules.

No. 2236688

File: 1730599885103.png (42.99 KB, 637x434, kjdhfejkdo.png)

Kabama secured
>"muh heckin libfems!!"
>thinks male power shouldnt be seized
>doesnt even know what radical IDPOL is
>doesn't even know 6b4t
Males are subhumans, you retarded "radfems" psyop yourselves into turning into GCs. If you don't believe in seizure of male power, you are no radical feminist. Males are inherently separatist in their own nature therefore females should be too. Stop trying to psyop feminists into voting for dementia ridden, fat, rapist, gay cum-guzzling, subhumans just because of "MURRR TRANNIESSS MURR IMMIGRANTS!!!". Kamala (XX) is more human than Trump (XY), seethe.(infighting)

No. 2236690

File: 1730599917056.png (125.73 KB, 323x226, violadavis.png)

Viola Davis
Isn't it against the rules to play the role of the farmhand. Why can't people just stfu and post what they want to post. I like sharing updates about the american election in the amerifag thread. If I break the rules, I would prefer the farmhands to handle it.

No. 2236691

>infighting itself is against the rules
Infighting should be a fucking permaban for how much I've seen in this thread alone.
'Nuff said.

No. 2236692

I don't think not wanting to see infighting is playing the role of a farmhand

No. 2236694

I will be so happy if texas turns blue even though I know it will never happen. I also think Donald Trump has repressed gay thoughts that are coming to the surface due to his old age. He's always talking about big dicked men

No. 2236696

>He's always talking about big dicked men

No. 2236697

>Kamala (XX) is more human than Trump (XY), seethe.
Based. Total woman victory.

No. 2236700

File: 1730600189747.webp (30.77 KB, 624x470, amber_heard-kmZG-U213581234130…)

Amber Heard

No. 2236701

At his rallies, he's always talking about how manly his favorite men are and just recently he was pretending to suck dick on stage

No. 2236702

So you admit y’all are suppressing non-Kamalafags because orange man bad, way to tell on yourself. This site isn’t your hugbox and as much as you love to pretend, us women are not a monolith.

No. 2236703

Who is y'all and also are you an lsafag? Worry about integrating better.

No. 2236704

How do you know that?

No. 2236705

Because I watch his rallies even though I'm a kamalafag. He's running for president after all. That's how I know he's a retard.

No. 2236706

Can you post the video cause I don't wanna google Trump sucking dick

No. 2236710

Lots of women are retards who vote against their own interests, we know.

No. 2236711

nta but it's all over twitter, just look up "trump microphone". on twitter and you'll see the video.
or just look here

No. 2236712

Nobody is suppressing you for disagreeing with you? You are still allowed to post. What is with this victim complex ITT.

No. 2236716

Because they realized TWV is imminent kek

No. 2236717

File: 1730600523724.jpg (66.62 KB, 926x618, 1000002196.jpg)

I love being a Kamalafag

No. 2236718

>who vote against their own interests
nta but sorry i’m tired of bottled water being $4. i wouldn’t call that voting against my own interest. i had profit when Trump was president kek

No. 2236719

Reproductive freedom is closing your legs(baiting)

No. 2236720

All that complaining about kamalafags controlling the conversation but I was only one of two who replied to the actress post. We're never appreciated.

No. 2236721

File: 1730600633149.jpg (50.65 KB, 564x845, 10d66d0a1ce2722ec8898edef22c15…)

mods are asleep. post kamala
Have you seen his fucking tariff policy LOL We literally discussed this upthread

No. 2236724

File: 1730600669575.jpg (100.61 KB, 992x558, 1000002197.jpg)

Like clockwork KEKKK

No. 2236725

Ah, so you're a dumb pickme cunt who supports a moid who actively suppresses your bodily autonomy? That or you're a dumb rich cunt who's probably related to lobbyists who are the reason our country is in the situation it is. Female trump voters are the weakest link and I genuinely hope all of them fucking die, I don't care.(infighting)

No. 2236727

ayrt- i do not know what tariff policy means and i don’t give a shit because it likely will not effect me, just like none of his other policies did from 2016-2020

No. 2236728

Rightoids will post shit like this and then when they get banned or post deleted will cry about how they're being silenced. So predictable

No. 2236729

We're not allowed to respond to them. They must get the final word or it's infighting.

No. 2236730

Most intelligent trump supporter

No. 2236732

It's not against the rules or being rude to anyone to say this, though. If you don't wanna reproduce, then simply don't have sex. We have this discussion like every thread. It's 2025. Buy a vibrator

No. 2236734

>i’m tired of bottled water being $4
>so you're a dumb pickme cunt who supports a moid who actively suppresses your bodily autonomy?
kek oh dear

No. 2236735

Report and ignore moids or baiters.

No. 2236736

The tariff policy will increase the price of anything that's not made in america so unless you're very rich and nationalistic, it will affect you. I apologize for infighting and disputing your opinion in advance.

No. 2236737

Wouldn't wish this on anyone but I genuinely hope pickmes like you get raped and are forced to carry a child you don't want.(alogging)

No. 2236738

not everything that you disagree with is meant to be bait or of hateful nature, anon

No. 2236740

From what we've gathered, farmhands are:
>hate yaoi

No. 2236741

File: 1730600886070.png (176.7 KB, 1080x293, 1000002199.png)

No. 2236742

That’s what we have Melania for, she’ll make orange man restore our reproductive rights when he becomes president again. Donnie’s broke and she has him by the balls.

No. 2236743

File: 1730600924908.jpeg (40.74 KB, 1100x733, sexxy.jpeg)

She's so sexy when she purses her lips like that

No. 2236744

She looks kind of like flavor flave

No. 2236745

If he was a sexy woman with a deep voice. I love women with deep voices.

No. 2236746

>If you don't have sex you are a pickme and I hope you get raped
Isn't avoiding men and not having PIV the opposite of pickmeism? Don't pickme's actively try to seek out sex?

No. 2236749

File: 1730601105565.gif (239.12 KB, 791x683, the-only-choice.gif)

No. 2236750

Shaming other women for simply having sex which is literally just our biological instincts is pickme shit too. You aren't better because you use a sad vibrator and masturbate to shitty fanfics.

No. 2236752

Don't reply retard, go back to the previous threads and see the infighting they've caused

No. 2236753

File: 1730601190160.jpg (63.15 KB, 563x800, 90d7cee92daba30b3673087a805e12…)

>i do not know what tariff policy means
I'd call you retarded but I don't blame people for being disengaged. I'll actually explain it, since his whole economic plan surrounds it. In basic definition, tariffs are taxes imposed on goods imported from another country by one country. Sounds simple and good, right? Well trump wants tariffs higher than 200%!!!! We get much of our groceries from other countries, so the price you pay at the grocery store would actually skyrocker.
I am a hardcore Kamala supporter but don't say this stupid shit lol, you're giving the retarded "CLOSE YOUR LEGS!!!" sperges the upper hand. Tard

No. 2236755

ntart. I think what they're saying is that you think women who get raped are whores who can't close their legs and deserve to carry their pregnancy to term. You also seem to think that women who do choose to have children and suffer complications deserve to die as their bodies rot from the inside. It's not like this is a theoretical thing. We are seeing the ramifications of the post roe v wade America so by saying you don't care that these women have no protecting, you are saying you want these things for them. That does make you a pick me since this thinking only benefits moids.

No. 2236756

Its in our biological instincts to reproduce, anon. That is the reason why sex exists. It's not "pickeme" shit to understand that?

No. 2236758

Where in my post does it say that?

No. 2236759

this picture looks so good. It's insane. I need hot woman presidents for the rest of America's existence.

No. 2236760

guys please stop posting pics of Kamala it’s not going to change anyone’s minds

No. 2236761

File: 1730601337259.jpg (319.37 KB, 1200x800, 1000002202.jpg)

Post kamala

No. 2236762

Is this AI generated?

No. 2236763

can you stop replying to bait? please?

No. 2236766

>Wahhh everything that makes me angry is bait!
Learn to control your emotions, maybe?

No. 2236767

File: 1730601409092.jpg (47.93 KB, 448x560, 594e9d9769cce0e8d65af333a8658e…)

KEKK, c'mon she does not. You're just trying to rile people up

No. 2236769

You're broke right now because of Trump. You had money because of Obama. Do your research anon.

No. 2236771

File: 1730601452772.jpg (64.52 KB, 1140x641, 1000002201.jpg)

No she's so happy and cute here

No. 2236772

Woah. How do all those teeth fit in her mouth?

No. 2236773

They said that trump's abortion bans is hurting women and you said they should close your legs.

The main character syndrome needs to stop. If you haven't voted for her now, you're def not gonna do it in the next 2 days. I don't care what you do because I don't know you. I'm posting her because she's sexy and I'm a lesbian who's procrastinating my various responsibilities. I'm not the only person posting her either but they're also posting her because she's sexy.

No. 2236774

God when was the last time a president looked this alive? She looks like she actually has genuine emotion and isn't just a old fart robot 5 seconds away from death

No. 2236776

No. 2236778

My post only said the words "reproductive freedom is closing your legs"

No. 2236780

File: 1730601591177.png (174.9 KB, 329x324, wkjdhbhejid.png)

This little sign of her in the town her mother is from is so cute to me, i don't know why
>I'm a lesbian who's procrastinating my various responsibilities
Why are you me…

No. 2236781

NTAYRT but what does the second sentence mean…?

No. 2236782

It's so much more fun to like kamala when there's not an upper middle class palestine flag tranny screeching in your ear about how she's literally a cop and ebuuuil

No. 2236783

nta but Trump is only 80?

No. 2236784

she means that she isn't posting kamala to change anyones minds, she's posting kamala because she wants to. not everything is about you etc

No. 2236785

File: 1730601720964.jpg (60.03 KB, 671x541, 1000002203.jpg)

Um like they do in every mouth

No. 2236786

File: 1730601742593.png (105.86 KB, 249x209, kamalalawyer.png)

Look at us! Imagine getting to fuck a young lawyer Kamala. I'd do anything

No. 2236787

>only 80

No. 2236788

Kamala is such a cutie pie I don't care. I remember the women posting old photos of Troomp before biden dropped out. My mind was never changed. I will lust over my federal wife whether they like it or not.
>only 80?
Jimmy carter is just a kid you guys…

No. 2236789

Wym not everything is about you? OP in this post >>2236760 didn't say "its not gonna change my mind"?

No. 2236791

KEKK. He's the oldest running president in history.

No. 2236792

This thread proves that dykes are just as degenerate as straight moids, you people cannot talk about a woman without objectifying her jfc.
Kys scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 2236794

Anyone who thinks that has main character syndrome.

No. 2236796

spamming kamala pics is just as annoying as when Trump stans spam pics of when he was young

No. 2236797

You just sound really gross now.

No. 2236798

>so annoyed by kamala pics that you now have to resort to baiting extra hard to shit up the thread
report and ignore

No. 2236799

They're pre-seething kek. There was literally a raid today

No. 2236800

Nigga i literally voted for her, i'm sick of the degenerate dykes and kiwitards who constantly objectify her in the thread. It's gross.(baiting)

No. 2236801

File: 1730601924216.jpg (216.39 KB, 1600x1067, 1000002205.jpg)

No. 2236802

Ew please stop avatarfagging, Kamala will never fuck you.

No. 2236803

KEK. I love when conservatrads fully drop their radfem larp. I'm immune to lesbophobia. I don't give a shit and will scissor on you. Boo!

No. 2236804

Anyone who thinks what has main character syndrome? Anyone who says "hey, stop spamming kamala pics its not going to make anyone vote differently" has main character syndrome, in your mind?

No. 2236805

Where's that one photo of her putting her hand on the glass for cake

No. 2236806

would be funny if it turned out these threads were so pro-Kamala due to horny lesbians kek.

I know it is shallow but I'd be curious to know if she's getting anything like laser treatments because she's aging really well

No. 2236807

Why would "kiwtards" be here

No. 2236808

File: 1730602094597.jpg (37.81 KB, 341x512, unnamed-4-2.jpg)

Replying to this again, but I would like to take a moment from the infighting to give props to the queen of polling, ann selzer

No. 2236809

I'm not a conservative, it's just gross and uncomfortable hearing how people objectify tf outta her and think they have an excuse for it because they're a dyke and not a straight moid when it's just as gross. Lesbians aren't perfect angels and the way you people talk about women can be just as disgusting as scrotes. You can appreciate a woman without saying degenerate shit about them.

No. 2236810

theyre just saying buzzwords and hoping one sticks. doesn't even make sense since kiwitards hate kamala

No. 2236812

what did this lady do

No. 2236813

He was never very attractive. Magatards swoon over his youngest son but IMO he looks just like his dad and not in a positive way.

No. 2236814

NTA but I find it interesting how voters are only speaking positive words of a female candidate if they consider her to be attractive KEK. I don't remember anyone talking like this about Hillary

No. 2236815

I would still be ten years younger than her there. She's 61 and I'm 22

No. 2236816

She's the most accurate pollster there is in the US, and she conducted the poll I'm replying to!

No. 2236818

I need her

No. 2236819

its because hillary wasn't attractive. if any male president was attractive im sure people would thirst over him too but alas…. ugly male pysop is real

No. 2236821

I don't care because I have learned from my lesbian radfem friends how you straight women operate and how much homophobia you all posses. So get over it. She's hot hot hot

No. 2236822

Did you see the things they would say about obama?

No. 2236823

Also I cannot swoon over Hillary considering she is a muuuuch worse person than Kamala. Kamala has soul that makes her cute. Also I couldn't vote in 2016 KEK. Probably would've voted Hillary though, I liked her then.

No. 2236824

File: 1730602341902.jpg (167.77 KB, 1016x1200, hilldawg.jpg)

Hillary had some really cool outfits when she was younger. I don't think she was ever ugly but I think she just never had 'the right look'. I always liked her and it's a shame she never became president.

No. 2236825

What do you think is hot about her nonna

No. 2236827

nta but fucking ew…

No. 2236829

This thread will be funnier after Trump wins, the coping and seething is gonna be awesome!

No. 2236832

>Kamala has soul that makes her cute

No. 2236833

I will be sad if Trump wins I do not like him and Vance is a creepy puppet for Thiel.

No. 2236834

Maybe we wouldn't be homophobic if you didn't objectify women. Congrats on being no better than a straight scrote, maybe conversion therapists were right, at least you'd objectify men like you do women instead which is much less harmful.(baiting)

No. 2236837

Ntayrt but, I think we'll all be okay. Just like we were after his first term.

No. 2236838

File: 1730602489631.gif (1.91 MB, 500x500, jealous.gif)

No. 2236839

Did you read what that post said?

No. 2236840

File: 1730602545109.png (24.09 KB, 416x402, dmjcbjdkv.png)

Handled that pandemic like a champ!!!!

No. 2236842

I agree, but the true winner is Israel

No. 2236843

I'll be sad at first but then I won't care… Will continue to be entertained by maga retards making a fool of themselves

No. 2236845

Oh no? A million people died? Get over it anon. Like 3 million people die every year in burgerland.

No. 2236846

File: 1730602631452.jpg (264.89 KB, 700x500, StraightBettePorter_beige.jpg)

I like how hard working and intelligent she is. You know how smart you have to be to be the first black female lawyer in your firm and then the first black attorney general. I also like how she has the ability to be vulnerable but can also switch into a more serious guarded mode. I think she's pretty transparent and doesn't give me swarmy vibes so i empathize with her. And she reminds me of Bette Porter from the L word.
I'm just saying it's ridiculous to accuse me of being like a scrote. When's the last time you've seen a young scrote have a crush on a much older woman and follow her career?

No. 2236847

Which ever side loses is going to produce a milk fountain.

No. 2236848

>A million people died? Get over it anon
Insanely psychotic KEK

No. 2236849

That's like the whole reason Reagan won

No. 2236853

>When's the last time you've seen a young scrote have a crush on a much older woman and follow her career
I've seen many moids oversexualize and objectify her, you are no different.
Trump supporters aren't renowned for having any morals, literal psychopaths. Send them to factory farms to use as cattle asap.

No. 2236854

How is that psychotic? Do you expect Americans to cry and scream over every single citizen that dies? That's not reality.
Ohhh ok, so you don't find her physically attractive, is what you're saying? You appreciate her accomplishments and you consider those to be what is attractive about her.

No. 2236856

File: 1730602781800.jpg (136.87 KB, 640x853, trumpp.jpg)

But biden lets one migrant in and it's an invasion. The double standards.

No. 2236857

I don't care kek

No. 2236858

So do you go to the funeral of every citizen who dies in your country, anon? Do you mourn them all day long the same way you would someone you actually love?

No. 2236860

File: 1730602830852.png (777.74 KB, 1142x586, lkjhgvbnklk.png)

>Ntayrt but, I think we'll all be okay. Just like we were after joe GODdin's first term.
I have no idea why trumptards completely memoryholed trump's shit handling of the pandemic kek. How old are they? WHY do they think he lost in 2020?

No. 2236862

She is both physically and mentally attractive. Also why do you ask?

No. 2236863

File: 1730602851207.gif (300.09 KB, 898x601, ban-fracking.gif)

Reagan might have been decent when he was younger but by 1981 when he was elected he looked the same as any old scrote.

No. 2236864

I think they mean that it's insane to act like Trump didn't fail the pandemic. We can compare to other countries and see that we did worse.

No. 2236865

>I like how hard working and intelligent she is.
She speaks in word-salads and fucked her way to the top but sure.

No. 2236866

File: 1730602928417.gif (534.01 KB, 500x500, loveit.gif)

Love it!

No. 2236867

I'm just curious what specifically you find physically attractive about her?

No. 2236868

Jillfag >> every retarded trump baiter who suspiciously started sperging after the soy raid
I have more respect for stein voters because stein is a female.

No. 2236870

File: 1730603023704.jpg (33.83 KB, 460x307, supporters-president-trump-lis…)

I wonder where that one anon who's such a protector of woman is? Or does she just police lesbians?

No. 2236871

I don't really know what you guys expect the president to do about viral illness, other than recommend that you stay home, which is precisely what happened. Those million people would have died some other way, anyway. You need to understand that it was their fate. That isn't magically the presidents fault because he didn't grasp the bacteria out of thin air with his hands.

No. 2236872

People also get critical towards kamala supporters, it’s just that there happens to be less criticism on here & the criticism that does happen is very often obviously rooted in regressive and anti-woman politics. I have no skin in the game i’m not voting because I live in a red state so it would be pointless and I don’t support either of them but kamala criticism is very often flagrantly not rooted in any kind of reality

No. 2236873

I just want her to be boring president.

No. 2236874

File: 1730603095028.gif (714.11 KB, 500x500, coconut.gif)

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?

No. 2236875

He did not recommend we stay home. He was forced to say that until way later and then he fought against all the recommendations Then he gave vaccines to russia. If it weren't for democrats, we wouldn't have gotten any stimulus checks.

No. 2236876

I don't like Jill very much, it's like she makes a living off of running for president and not much else. To me she's a grifter. There's gotta be better female politicians than her.

No. 2236878

Speeding up vaccine approvals is arguably the best thing he did irt the pandemic. Trump is not an antivaxxer but so many of his base is that he isn't allowed to take credit for that. What a hoot.

No. 2236881

I’d rather have Tusi Goddard than Cameltoe as president tbh.

No. 2236882

I feel this so deeply.

No. 2236883

Maybe in 5-10 years, nonna

No. 2236884

I think I'd be OK with Tulsi but do you think she'll ever run?

No. 2236885

Well, I remember surviving the pandemic. So. I'm not really sure what you want.

No. 2236886

File: 1730603399264.gif (1.88 MB, 500x439, 12152700_587ec.gif)

No. 2236889

>I don't really know what you guys expect the president to do about viral illness
Hmmm maybe not
>disband the White House pandemic response team
>Lie about being under control and blame everything on chiiinuhhh and immagrantsss
>“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
>Children experiencing food insecurity because republicans block expansion of food stamps
>38 million jobless claims
>Kept lying about vaccines, promised 20 million shots, only 11 million
>3100 covid deaths per day
>infamous lysol quote
>limit of mask requirements, whole anti-mask psyop from magats

No. 2236890

No. 2236891

Lolwut? Is this rhetoric along with “the economy was better before Obama left” the new propaganda? At first, I doubted 1984 was real life but idk now.

No. 2236892

You know how many deaths there are a day in America even without covid kek? Do you blame Joe for all of those?

No. 2236893

Exactly. These people are insanely stupid.

No. 2236894

Third parties never get nough votes sadly

No. 2236896

>There's gotta be better female politicians than her.
There isn't. She doesn't have connections to a known pedophile. Kamala Harris is in the same party as Bill Clinton and is endorsed by him. She has never disavowed him or even commented on him. Her husband cheated on his wife with a younger women and abused the women he worked with. She's a pick me.

No. 2236897

Probably after this next term, but I think she’ll run again as VP before the big seat.

No. 2236898

>infamous lysol quote
Thanks for reminding me of this quote KEKKK. God you know, I won't be that mad if he's president because he's such a retard it's like watching a lolcow as president.

No. 2236899

They don't care about people dying as long as they can continue their save evropa larp.

No. 2236900

She's a republican now. They will never let her be vp

No. 2236902

Yes, we are currently living in Biden’s America.

No. 2236905

Who the hell is evora?

No. 2236906

File: 1730603976706.jpg (55.84 KB, 473x612, istockphoto-163857431-612x612.…)

Someone's jealous because kamala is hotter than them

No. 2236907

Buddy. don't even use "kek." Okay. Ever heard, of "if you see something say something" or in this case, "if you see something, do something."

No. 2236908

Nice comeback ya got there. Anything else?

No. 2236909

Its starting to get kind of annoying how the only positive thing you can say about Kamala is how shes "hot"
I don't really know what I'm expected to do in the case of Americans dying daily. I'm not a doctor or medical professional, I'm also not a social worker.

No. 2236911

20 minutes, not a word…(bumping your post/begging for responses)

No. 2236930

File: 1730605221482.gif (5.99 MB, 562x316, 1000002207.gif)

No. 2236956

Why are you defending the spread of misinformation under auspices of “well it might as well have been true”, you sound crazy and conspiratorial

I’ve actually never in my life heard a woman say “women are not a monolith” about something that wasn’t somehow regressive or pickmeish, idk what it is about how that phrase is used that is so weirdly indignant and unflattering. maybe because it’s weirdly defensive and trying to explain away why a woman would “go against the grain” but in a way that isn’t remotely progressive? like yeah obviously we aren’t a monolith but there are objectively things that are in our collective best interest that you look stupid straying from regardless of why. framing trump supporters getting criticized as misogynistic is weird idpol behavior comparable to trannies claiming being anti-porn is transphobic or something. No one is asking you to be ride or die for kamala but why do you want the guy who got rid of roe v wade to be president again

Trannies are so weird. I work with a TIF and I’ve been nervous about politics coming up around her because I would rather not deal with a tranny spergout even if I am getting paid while its happening but she asked me if I’m voting and started talking about how relieved she is that we might have a former cop for president and that she thinks it’s a good thing trannies aren’t being hammered in this year because it alienated normal people and that the people who are left leaning and saying they aren’t going to vote for her because of palestine were never going to vote for her in the first place and just have a convenient excuse that they can be defensive about now. It felt weird to have a conversation with a tranny and not feel like i have to be on guard and worry about saying the wrong thing

My favorite thing about this is who knows how much of the death toll was comprised of his voter base, but I guess we’ll find out in a few days? I feel like the MAGA people are probably going to blame (the democrat engineered?i actually don’t know what they believe anymore) covid deaths if he loses

She’s homophobic and her christianity and specific brand of patriotism creep me out, probably because she isn’t white so she comes off as overly eager to assimilate as a True Wholesome American rather than genuine. Her whole pivoting schtick is tiresome too, she seems desperate and like she wants clout for being yeonmi park but for the democratic party but no one actually cares about why she pivoted, republicans just see her as a success story for their rhetoric

No. 2236969

Kamala Harris on SNL

No. 2236970

I just watched a video on this. It's really impressive if true that Kamala is leading in Iowa. It could mean she's leading in a lot of other places and the other pollsters have been herding polls all this time to make the election seem closer than it is. We won't know for sure until election night, but it's some good copium right now that Kamala may win and it may not even be as close as we think.

No. 2236973

I don't know how I haven't seen this talked about in this thread at all, but ballot boxes in a lot of heavy liberal states like Oregon and Washington have been getting set on fire/bombed/etc. I'm not really sure how this is gonna effect the election.

No. 2236974

We're not gonna get the results until a week or month after the election

No. 2236975

File: 1730608892229.png (275.71 KB, 367x490, guyliner is BACK.png)

I'm so ready for vice president Jaydenne Deku Vance (he/him), first ever trans VP and second ever fujo VP

No. 2236986

Why does he always look like he's wearing eyeliner? Is he really or are his eyelashes just really long?

No. 2236991

it's a look common to some middle eastern guys, but the first time I've seen it on a white guy

No. 2236992

Maybe he is wearing eyeliner? Maybe he'll have a full face on Tuesday

No. 2237000

The full video

No. 2237002

No. 2237003

You are trying way too hard.

No. 2237008

Nta whats poojita mean?

No. 2237010

Responding to yourself this fast doesn't make it look super convincing, anon

No. 2237011

It's supposed to be a slur for Indian women

No. 2237012

you write this exact same post like every couple of days anon

No. 2237014

for real get some new material. calling us all std ridden skanks is getting kinda old. yawn

No. 2237018

I just dont feel close to Kamala, and I've never been able to laugh at any of her jokes. Trump I have good memories associated with and he's just naturally funny without needing to set up a punch line
I think this is a little extreme

No. 2237020

smells like unwashed ballsack in here(scrotefoiling)

No. 2237022

What makes you feel that way

No. 2237024

read the posts above you

No. 2237025

I know you're baiting in an attempt to make non-Kamalafags look aggressive and hateful but I think you probably could've done a better job than this

No. 2237026

Women are capable of baiting too anon, I know this is something that can be difficult to accept

No. 2237031

Looks like Kamala is doing better than everyone thought. Election might actually be called on election night.

No. 2237033

The Trump election speakers aren't saying their stuff on lolcow though

No. 2237042

File: 1730612102981.jpeg (137.23 KB, 637x1078, IMG_4078.jpeg)

Who taught Gen Alpha racial slurs kek.

No. 2237049

No. 2237050

Theres no way it isn't the same retard kek

No. 2237060

Interesting so you are willing to look the other way when they say that but call it bait when its a anon saying the same thing showing that on a subconscious level you know this is wrong yet still chose to support conservacucks.

Like this video for example. I bet if someone wrote the things he said you would have said the same thing but since he is saying this on a podium suddenly it's okay, it's the cognitive dissonance with right-wingers.

Also id like to add that i dont agree with the baiter, i just find it hypocritical.

No. 2237068

This man isnt even funny, he just says whatever he thinks is most offensive. Insufferable twat

No. 2237076

Where am I supposed to get my Jayden fix if Trump loses?

No. 2237078

Don't worry, nonners. I agree that she's hot and wish I were Doug Emhoff. Lots of anons around here simply don't understand same-sex attraction or adult 3DPD attraction (or both).

No. 2237081

Well there is a anon here that agrees with his statement and things as long as people are saying that on a podium while dressed in suits then its okay. The usual trumpie maga supporter iq.

No. 2237082

Cw: hopecore for us kamalafags

No. 2237083

ugh the soy face

No. 2237084

She's a white texan woman. That's not soy face

No. 2237087

This is sweet. I feel like republicans vastly underestimate the political swaying power of simply being nice to people. I'm not a huge leftie but I could never be a republican simply because their campaigns are always so hateful and the people involved in those circles seem really miserable.

No. 2237088

NTAYRT but yeah the big white round face with the comic expression is kind of soy

No. 2237089

Yes, it seems exhausting being bonded by all the things you dislike and are against

No. 2237091

It was a still of her talking though

No. 2237093

Conservacucks using soy as a descriptor in 2024 is sad. Have you taken a look at how the usual maga supporter looks like?
One hand on the burgerking meal and the other hand on the keyboard writing qanon stories and raging over women and black people.

No. 2237097

Alot of conservatives can't even stand each other like the drama between crowder and his fellow right wingers or timpool and his team of rightwinger staff gossiping about him and bot working.

No. 2237101

I'm pretty sure he got eyeliner tattooed on, it never smears or wears or rubs off and is present in every single picture of him even when he's supposed to be casual at home.

No. 2237109

The election is peeking women

No. 2237127

Anybody checking out betting sites?

No. 2237192

1 in 3 for skin anon…

No. 2237309

This is kinda embarrassing to admit but on the topic of conservative moids controlling their women & girls, this was my life growing up in a conservative household where my parents would rant nonstop about democrats ruining this country and how republicans were the ones saving it. I think we were also brainwashed with Fox News since it was playing 24/7 as children kek. Then when we got older, we finally got access to other information, and eventually became left-leaning, my dad had a meltdown and threatened to disown us just for voting for the democrat candidate in our past gubernatorial election. The sad thing is that we’re not even southern Republican, my dad gets his conservative values from his Italian-American family, which ik is not uncommon due to Italian culture, but is hilariously ironic in our case as my Italian family members had to leave the country because they were part of the anarchist/antifascist communist movement.

No. 2237408

They always have a beer belly too kek

No. 2237481

Halloween float at kids parade in Pa makes the news for depicting Kamala Harris in chains

No. 2237518

God i hate people who just have to bring politics into something that's supposed to be fun or kid friendly. Doesn't matter what it is, it makes everyone uncomfortable and is essentially rage bait.

No. 2237523

But why would Harris be in chains? She hasn't commited any crimes unlike the orange bifag who is a convicted child rapist and a traitor to his country.

No. 2237524

Samefag but someone at my neighborhoods 4th of July parade this year had one of those over the top Trump trucks with the flags and shit. The cheering and talking went silent with the exception of the few people booing. It was so uncomfortable and unnecessary. People want to see horses with American flag blankets and those cars with people throwing candy. They dont want to think about politics right now.

No. 2237529

It doesn't matter how clean you are. They've already brainwashed themselves into believing she's a corrupt whore. That girl playing Kamala looks young, I wonder if that's her family with her. I got sad seeing the little girls watching in the background. What does it do to a little girl's psyche to see men parade a powerful woman around in chains.

No. 2237530

He got his eyeliner tattooed so it doesn't get smudged by his tears when he chokes on his boyfriend's balls. that dirty little faggot. probably comes in handy when he puts on his woman costume too.

No. 2237532

Politics went to shit as soon as scrotes unironically started using wojaks to try and "own" other people.

No. 2237547

Never before seen Interview from 2019 is released in full. I think this the interview where she cried talking about her mom's passing.

No. 2237549

>implying there was already a fujo VP
Who was the first? Harris?

No. 2237552

Biden? Ntayrt

No. 2237564

nick fuentes actually told his fans to vote for her

No. 2237606

annoying how the Palestinefags keep trying to guilt trip people into not voting. Like just don't vote at that point or vote third party. I know they've lost family members but I honestly don't think the strategy of punishing Kamala is gonna work and they'd be in a better position with Kamala in office

No. 2237610

Was this in the 80s? She looked so damn cool

No. 2237633

It's so weird how leftist are always caping for one of the most conservative and sexist religions.

No. 2237640

they have incurable brain rot from post-9/11 Islamophobia and Iraq war shenanigans. kek also am I insane or did bush jr popularize the "Islam is a religion of peace!" talking point?

No. 2237643

literally, "kamala doesn't do enough" - ok, so does trump love palestine, lmao? "punishing america" by not voting for her is basically punishing themselves and aiding israel in destroying palestine.

No. 2237662

Palestine is very muslim though

No. 2237674

Most Palestinefags have nothing to do with the I/P situation, just highly opinionated or retarded. For their situation, Kamala is objectively the better candidate—Trump wouldn't just be "pro-Israel" but would do everything he could to help Israel finish the job.
Believing that a state should not deliberately and indiscriminately target citizens ≠ pro-Islam. Just basic human rights. Netanyahu has been one of the worst things to happen for both Israelis and Palestinians.

No. 2237711

Walz gets interviewed by undecided voters

No. 2237725

I wish she would date me

No. 2237740

File: 1730670572295.jpeg (182.1 KB, 1180x1460, barbara-stanwyck-2.jpeg)

Queen Barbara Stanwyck

No. 2237759

File: 1730672121181.png (105.32 KB, 584x553, kjhebjr.png)

Why do conservatards keep trying to push this squirrel thing? Do they think it's doing anything? This reminds me of the AI generated pictures of Haitians eating house pets that they kept spamming, trying to make it some big thing, then it falling flat on it's face because absolutely nobody outside of their circle was passionate about it. Like your average normie voter was laughing at Trump when he brought it up at the debate. This shit is so retarded…

No. 2237766

This feels like some retarded boomer shit, only a retarded boomer would want to replace an elephant with some soy squirrel named "peanut". Are the dems doing anything like this? Their party has the more joke-able animal wrt to ass=donkey.

No. 2237768

"Normies" don't agree with euthanizing people's pets for no reason. No it won't change anyone's vote.

No. 2237776

Why a gay ass squirrel instead of an alligator or something. It's a swamp creature and a predator. Better represents the republican party.

No. 2237778

I just read the news story. Fuck the DEC, and the owner deserves every penny to sue the shit out of them, but I can't say I understand how this is relevant to the right. Is Trump offering up any new policies that would protect people's innocent pets? Do republicans really give a fuck about animals? I've seen too many proud, tiny-dicked right wing game hunters to believe so. They don't even care about human children or their mothers.

No. 2237787

The situation confirms the beliefs of those who value small government. Resources were spent to busybody over a minor problem (instead of fixing real ones) and they immediately took the nuclear option (instead of many other agreeable ones).

No. 2237790

A toothy, predatory dinosaur is just a little too on-the-nose to represent a political party.

No. 2237797

Is this all twitter is? Just viral rage bait? How do twitards live being angry about some random incident all the time.

No. 2237816

>New York officials seized and euthanized a pet squirrel named Peanut, sparking outrage from his owner and a large social media following.
>TL;DR it was taken away because it's illegal to own wild animals without a permit and was euthanized to be tested for rabies.
>This caused a political shitstorm on twitter because it's twitter. Conservatives are complaining about big government.
ironic since they want to control womens rights.

Don't know why India would care about random incident in the U.S, by heres an article: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/why-did-new-york-officials-euthanize-peanut-the-squirrel-heres-what-happened/amp_articleshow/114908967.cms

sorry for posting this five fucking times. Im stuck using an iphone

No. 2237820

They care more about some dumb squirrel than they do for human lives taken by cops unjustly so it's all performative bullshit anyway.

No. 2237821

Should've just made sure he didn't have rabies/was clean and either kept him contained or returned him and placed punitive fines on the owner until they got a permit. Stupid and vile move by that group, but I hate seeing republicans try and "claim" this when they don't really care about any living being.

No. 2237822

>Republicans trying to force a mass shitfit over an unfortunate but politically insignificant random event instead of something that matters
Yeah that sounds right

No. 2237831

Vast generalizations like this are retarded. I don't know any Republican IRL who "hunts for sport" or even any that hunt at all.

No. 2237852

Total woman victory

No. 2237854

I think they think it makes them look wholesome. It just makes me think how wild it is that they can be so insidious to their fellow human beings but do a this over a squirrel

No. 2237857

They don't give a fuck about the squirrel, it's a grift

No. 2237871

Let's not forget the BILLIONS of dollars of loans scammers were able to get under the Paycheck Protection Program that was created by Trump's party

No. 2237887

Ugh this makes me so happy to see. I love the women who have lived through it all. TWV

No. 2238011

Just a random thought. I honestly was one of those people who thought Biden didn't do very much as president, but I realized that he WAS doing his duty, it's just that I got so used to Trump acting like a reality star and being in the headlines for his antics all the time that I forgot what presidents are actually supposed to be like. I watched the Obama v. Romney debate too recently and it reminded me of what things are supposed to be like. Not that presidents have ever been clean or refined people, but it's unfortunate that Trump basically turned it into a little circus show. If Kamala wins, I hope that we can return to presidents being more civilized and professional.

No. 2238012

File: 1730688722601.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1049, IMG_8032.jpeg)

jesus christ chris chan sonichu has made more designer harris-walz signs kek

No. 2238049

The owner should have gotten the proper licensure, he was supposedly “in the process” but he owned him for almost a decade so what excuse is there? Peanut bit someone and they can only check for rabies on squirrels if they’re dead, if his owner had been responsible and gotten him licensed he would have probably been vaccinated and him biting someone wouldn’t have been an issue. Sucks but the owner shouldn’t have been irresponsible regardless of the kind of pet he owned, i wonder what anyone pressed about this’ feelings are about mandated spaying and neutering kek

No. 2238069

I am, honest to God, terrified. Saw a video of a cop shooting at a guy point blank (somehow the bullet missed him) because the guy dared to walk past and say "she's taking me to a hospital". I laughed because it was so absurd and thankfully the dude wasn't hurt but holy fucking Christ, Trump wants to give cops IMMUNITY? Trump's people constantly joke about not wanting female votes? Trump's people are unironic christtards just aching for their own Islamic revolution? I really am going to try to leave the US if that man gets in office, I have about 10k saved up and my mother has more + is willing to get the fuck out of dodge with me. I hope it doesn't come to that but I'm so scared. Especially as a minority.

No. 2238078

is this a joke?

No. 2238130

Same. I don’t like to catastrophize about politics unnecessarily but I think the long term effects of a second Trump term would leave this country looking unrecognizable- even more so than it already is today compared to pre-2016. Considering how polls are looking now, I’m cautiously optimistic about next week. But in the event he wins, I will be turning my loose exit strategy into a formal plan. I’m so dismayed by how as a country we are lurching to the right, we needed a course correction yesterday. I don’t love all of Kamala’s policies, but compared to Trump it’s a no-brainer. I can only hope that a Kamala victory would finally bring the Trump movement to heel, even if it’s ugly at first.

No. 2238139

It's a sympathetic example of government overreach that a lot of people can agree with regardless of their own political inclinations. Peanut's fate feels especially cruel.

No. 2238152

No, he actually supports Kamala and has a biting hatred of Trump.

No. 2238155

I think that in the future the internet will have to become more regulated and nationalized. There needs to be a solution to the internet problem, maybe something as severe as China's Great Firewall. It's not 2008 anymore, we need to figure out a way to address the problems that the evolved web presents.

No. 2238161

File: 1730701759398.jpg (80.41 KB, 900x675, lindsay.jpg)

She has the beauty of Marilyn Monroe and Katharine Hepburn with the poise of Ingrid Bergman and the complexity of Elizabeth Taylor. She's America's last true superstar.

No. 2238163

I miss her before Hollywood ruined her. A true star.

No. 2238167

Same. She needed better role models. I wonder if her move to Dubai was good for her or not. I wince thinking about her potentially working as an escort there but she's lived there 8 years now, married and has continually attested she has no intent to leave. Paparazzi are illegal there which is purportedly why she moved there in the first place and I find that believable, the paparazzi were so cruel to her when she was younger.

No. 2238174

File: 1730702608011.jpg (1.88 MB, 2880x2880, 1000000195.jpg)

This smile is proof alone that the death penalty is valid and murderers, offending pedophiles, etc deserve immediate execution if there is solid, irrefutable proof of their crimes. Do not bother wasting resources, tax dollars on keeping them alive. They are irreformable. Let them out, they will kill again. Keeping them alive is a disservice to humanity. They do not value human life and they are lower than scum.

No. 2238238

File: 1730711457765.mp4 (4.48 MB, 1280x720, ssstwitter.com_1730470609229.m…)

here's the video in case anyone is curious…seriously disturbing. do they not train these cops at all?

No. 2238243

>chanting I'm sorry robotically
Is he genuinely retarded?

No. 2238247

Just hearing that poor woman scream in terror while this faggot goes "I'm sorry" over and over is so sad. He probably traumatized those two for life.

No. 2238248

I misread the first time I saw that and thought the man actually died, I'm truly relieved he did not. I guess you see them murder people so often I just naturally assumed the worst, and I avoid reading about it in detail because it upsets me a lot.

No. 2238252

Scrotes will comment under any instance of female cops failing to detain a criminal as their argument for why women should never be cops. Yet, scrote cops go around doing shit like this. See how retarded and robotic and completely fucking illogical this faggot is? Scrote cops are like this all the fucking time, if not, then lazy. Moids think bad cops are limited to women's performance of the job. To be honest, I think the vast majority of people don't have the physical or mental power it takes to be what a cop should be, male or female.

No. 2238253

This guy was allegedly on the force for twelve years before this. I hope IA and the press goes through every one of his calls and cases with a fine toothed comb because there is no way he hasn't done something equally egregious before.

No. 2238257

Yeah I was looking at his photos from the bowie pd site, there are a lot. Him with a woman with cancer, dogs, etc. It's scary because he looks so average and yet he was totally cool with potentially killing a man with his back to him

No. 2238258

that's moids for you.

No. 2238260

I can't believe they only suspended him without pay. It's more than you usually see for killer cops, but still absurd when he's shown on video shooting at an unarmed man who had his back turned. He needs to lose his badge and his pension, no questions asked.

No. 2238266

Why didnt you choose a good picture of her? She looks like a body pillow here

No. 2238298

I already feel that way about the anti abortion laws and the forced bibles in schools

No. 2238299

white moids in this instance

No. 2238300

nah it's all moids

No. 2238304

Wym forced bibles nonna? Jesus' existence is a crucial part of history

No. 2238306

File: 1730718448737.webp (119.86 KB, 1536x990, IMG_4842.webp)

Anjelica Huston

No. 2238311

I have the unfortunate gut feeling that Trump is going to win. On a more selfish level, I'm not ready to watch the social media meltdown of the sphere I'm in when that does happen. It's going to be just endless doomposting just like in 2016.

No. 2238319

nta but that's a white moid in this case, just like indian gang rapists are indian moids kek

No. 2238328

Yes. They have the school shooter rage and psychopathy that is unique to them. I still remember that one white moid who shot Sonya Massey.

No. 2238330

File: 1730721620550.png (154.79 KB, 491x502, iranianstacy.png)

>Brave Iranian Stacy protests restrictive dress laws by walking on campus in just her underwear
> Ugly conservamoid Jackson Hinkle dismisses her as mentally ill
> This is her response

I hate how anything a woman does is immediately discredited by them. It makes me sick

No. 2238331

File: 1730721692799.jpeg (Spoiler Image,75.1 KB, 894x894, GbfBs87aYAE98yd.jpeg)

Her name is Azam Jangravi. She's a mother and woman's rights advocate in Iran.

No. 2238340

According to this video young voters are having a higher turnout than projected in early voting, making polls especially unreliable this election season

No. 2238342

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No. 2238362

>mental health crisis
I could literally go to a public beach or popular city park on a hot day and find a dozen young women dressed in a similar way. Stupid fucking smallcock man.

No. 2238363

I love when conservatards suck off opposing religions and cultures when it comes to subjugating women, literal cucks who shift their values whenever they see fit.

No. 2238460

File: 1730730222377.png (414.13 KB, 748x842, jxUqcKU.png)

she's got the furry vote

No. 2238461

File: 1730730282952.jpeg (46.13 KB, 620x413, IMG_2823.jpeg)

Trump says he's gonna "start having fun with Michelle" after her speech against him. He's gonna start up the mood conspiracy theory again

No. 2238463

Am I the only one who is also fearing what they will do if they lose? I’ve seen a few comments from Trumpies saying that January 6th was nothing and they can’t wait for the next one. This is dumb but astrology indicates a war in 2025 & 2026 and very explosive reactions to the election results which makes me think Kamala will win but the Trumpies will incite some sort of civil war over it. And btw I didn’t truly believe in astrology predicting things until I found a woman on YouTube who predicted both of Trump’s assassination attempts weeks before they happened. Same woman predicted Tim Walz being the VP & said that Biden would step down a few months before that happened and then a week before picked the exact day that Biden would announce stepping down.
Btw make sure that your votes got counted nonnies by checking the status of your ballot since these insane moids are now burning ballot boxes and whatnot.

No. 2238464

I think Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro would have been better picks for the VP position than Walz. Walz is fine but he doesn’t add anything. Unfortunately Shapiro had mishandled allegations of sexual misconduct in his office and the Gaza vote would have made a stink.

No. 2238467

I'm surprised this isn't somehow racist in the eyes of twitter

No. 2238471

Mark Kelly looks like a house elf with a sock, and Tim Walz looks like any random old guy involved in some podunk town politics plus he started the "they're weird" movement so it makes sense. I feel like everything the Harris campaign has done has been more or less picked for optics, I genuinely think part of why they didn't pick Kelly is because of his Nosferatu looks.

No. 2238473

>12 years
It’s fucking over

No. 2238476

File: 1730731349674.png (78.17 KB, 518x552, ragebait.png)

He's a professional ragebaiter kek, seeing how haggard he already looks at 25 I bet the wall is already hitting!

No. 2238477

I doubt this dude has an associate's degree something tells me he jumped from high school straight to the police academy. This country is so fucked up. How can you even explain this type of shit?

No. 2238482

My personal prediction is that the pollsters are really wrong this time and that Kamala will win by more than expected. But because all the pollsters had it looking so close, Trumpsters will use this to say that "look, the election was totally rigged!" and do a 2nd Jan 6th. The reason for the polls being wrong will be an unexpected young voter turnout. Some of the early voting is already showing in Michigan for example 200% of the expected young voter turnout
Also. I don't really believe in Astrology but can you send me the Youtuber anyway, nonna? I'm curious.

No. 2238485

Love being a gen-z sometimes

No. 2238487

File: 1730731872278.gif (38.17 KB, 498x328, XoXMsAQ.gif)

>She has the beauty of Marilyn Monroe and Katharine Hepburn with the poise of Ingrid Bergman and the complexity of Elizabeth Taylor

No. 2238489

Here you go nona.

No. 2238499

That is the most elaborate compliment I've ever seen for someone just pretty yet so plain. I wanna believe you're being sarcastic.

No. 2238501

inb4 banned for racebait but speaking as a white woman it's because white men truly do view themselves as "the default", and they assume the only reason they're not in power doing anything they went is a mass conspiracy against them personally

No. 2238506

Ntayrt but white moids still are overwhelmingly favored if you work in corporate America—nearly all incoming intern classes and entry level hires are white moids, many of whom are dumber than a box of rocks and have blatantly lied about their job experience. This much is interesting to me because women are dominating college and academics yet the hiring selection process continues to be biased towards scrotelets.

No. 2238508

i voted stein just now

No. 2238522

Im sorry nonnas ive avoided this thread like the plague . I woke up crying because im so overwhelmed by voting.
Its so stupid! Im a grown ass woman who handles so much and yet the consequences of my vote feels so daunting. Did i do enough research? Politicians lie, why believe anything? How will my vote affect others?
Im aware this is anxiety but I just dont have any faith in government and its just a choice of how you want to be lied to.
And EVEN then, what ever a president elect may promise or intend to accomplish, it still has to survive congress and the senate. And these representatives have their own lobbied interest and backdoor deals.
I hate all of this and the reality is im going to vote and hope that some of the promises are fulfilled. I wish people were not so violently passionate about politics when in reality the whole system is fucked

No. 2238535

>I wish people were not so violently passionate about politics
They're not, look at the voter turnout

No. 2238544

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No. 2238560

File: 1730734686492.gif (25.14 KB, 198x57, picasion.com_iMWn.gif)

No. 2238568


holy shit i'm starting to really believe in that meme about how men always go after women who are the exact opposite of themselves in every way. including and especially with important things like political, religious, and life viewpoints. they wouldn't be this worried about women voting against their husbands or canceling out his trump vote if they took responsibility of themselves to go for women who are compatible with them in ways that actually matter. but we all know moids suck at picking the right partner and only care about if her tits are big enough or not. they are truly the architects of their own misery.

No. 2238583

Im talking about the threats i see from republicans online and the impending jan 6 revolt

No. 2238587

>they are truly the architects of their own misery.
So true kek, moids only really see women as free convenience and as a check-list for their own desires when pursuing them. They're all too much of a retard to actually put in a decent amount of work and dig far enough in their brain to express emotional intelligence for a happy relationship that doesn't end with resentment

No. 2238592

What's even the point of voting green party when they will never get elected, is it just for SJW cred?

No. 2238596

Im a kamalafag but I'm happy for your making voice heard and participating in elections

No. 2238604

thanks for being supportive nonacita

No. 2238614

War is the one thing trump's MAGA crazies won't support him on. He will collapse his own cult immediately if he were to mass mobilize troops. And once MAGA is dead participation in American politics as a whole falls off a cliff. The military is probably the most anti-Trump government institution anyway.

No. 2238622

File: 1730737038500.png (2.15 MB, 1580x1046, Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 8.08.…)

I'm excited to go vote in person tomorrow, I'm going to wear a red blazer with a blue shirt to the polls. Let's get this shitshow over with!

No. 2238625

>t. ambiguous and fashionable nonna

No. 2238629

based. voting for 3rd party is important because the more do it every year, the more realistic a turn in the tide is. change won't happen over night but if year by year more people vote third party, it will be taken seriously and start being considered

No. 2238632

Haven't third parties been in decline?

No. 2238634

>thinking third party is le based and isn't just another grift like the big two parties
Yawn. Anyway…

No. 2238636

probably because of demotivating tactics in the media like YOU'RE THROWING AWAY YOUR VOTE IF YOU DON'T VOTE THE MAIN TWO. what if i literally hate the main two parties, so my options are to vote for who i actually care about or don't vote at all? it wouldn't matter to anyone anyway

i don't think the third party is based but voting for who you think is correct against all odds is

No. 2238637

Right? Kek. Jill Stein is THE biggest grifter there is.

No. 2238643

Sorry but you're incredibly retarded kek. Your party will never be elected and Stein is making a living off of baiting and leading retards like you on. To think that the clown car that is American politics will ever gleefully give the third party a chance is complete braindead retardation, and to think the third party could even do anything they promise is also retarded. Voting is just harm reduction waifu/husbandofagging at this point.

No. 2238649

i don't like Jill, i'm voting for Kamala, i just think it's the right of everyone to vote who they want. not sure why you're mad at me, i'm not even the original nona who talked about her vote kek

No. 2238651

how are you posting from 1992?

No. 2238653

Maybe if you'd have said "nta" while talking about hating the big two parties so who else will you vote for? Anons wouldn't have confused you… this site is anonymous and nobody can read your mind kek.

No. 2238654

Pretty much. It's a shame but 3rd party candidates will almost never be viable because of the huge amount of money that goes into elections and campaigning. Unless you're backed by a huge party or super pac, running for president is a rich person sport

No. 2238657

or follow the chain of replies before responding to a post foaming at the mouth over nothing?

No. 2238659

Yeah no, followed the chain of replies and you still probably should have said "nta".

No. 2238675

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No. 2238680


moids always malding and seething about the 50% divorce rate and blaming it on feminism but if patriarchy never existed and free fault divorce was always a thing it would still remain high because most men fucking suck at being decent partners. they never look to themselves as having equal fault for why its so high, they never ponder to think if the woman they get in a relationship with is even compatible with them. they only think about when's the next time they get laid and then act surprised when it inevitably blows up in their face, even if it takes years or decades until the woman finally walks out on them. its always women's fault and never their own.

No. 2238682

I have heard multiple morons say "I mean yeah, the abortion stuff is pretty fucked up, but I at least under Trump stuff will be cheap again!"
How delusional do people have to be to think this? Where does this thinking come from?

No. 2238689

File: 1730739666849.jpg (109.21 KB, 735x745, 4237b7dadee34b64c8640d5c10455e…)


they never know what to say when i tell them that we are under trump's tax plan until 2025 and this is why everything is so insufferably expensive. i wasn't making bank during his 2020 presidency and i still had to owe money back to the IRS which was a first in my life and i was so fucking upset about it.

No. 2238692


sorry i meant his 2017-2021 presidency lul

No. 2238696

Abortions are legal and protected in some states, so those women don’t see the offer of abortion access as a carrot.

No. 2238699

Spoilering I personally am not going to pretend to give a shit about the abortion stuff anymore. I care about what interests and serves me directly, the way most humans reasonably do

No. 2238709

Girl Trump is the reason everything is so expensive.

No. 2238712

So that means that under Trump stuff will be cheap again because of daddy Joe!

No. 2238714

It really feels like everything just fell apart around 2017-2018. I feel as if I started to make decent money but now I cant keep up in 2024. I hate it all

No. 2238715

I'm celibate and I still see abortion as a big issue on a personal level. It's just about human rights. If I got raped or something and didn't have the option, that would make me wanna kms

No. 2238716

I apologize if this sounds crass but I choose not to spend every waking day of my life worrying that I’m going to experience sexual abuse/harm again.

No. 2238723

Well the reality is that it could happen again and it does happen to women and girls alike.

No. 2238724

if trump’s tax plan ends in 2025 and kamala takes over what are the chances i can live the rest of my twenties in relative economic peace? i’m 25 very soon and it depresses me that i have to scrape so hard despite making more than 50% of my state (i make like 30 an hour but everything is so god damn expensive)

No. 2238726

It's not really worrying, more about knowing the option is there and that your medical care would be taken seriously in any scenario. Shit happens, not only to me, but also to other women. I guess I just empathize because I've seen other women go through terrible situations like that. It could be me, it could be you, it could be any of us.

No. 2238727

Well there's a shit load of Republicans in every facet of the judicial system because of limpdick rapist Trump, so maybe, but probably not as well as it could be if the dems were leading.

No. 2238728

I hate conservatards so much it's unreal.

In hindsight, they were right to doompost. I know people act like "well he was a president once and nothing happened!" when in fact, things did happen, and the long-term plan was to keep Trump in office over multiple terms so that the powers that be can drive the policies and people they wanted. But then Biden won the last elections which came off as a huge shock to his backers because it wasn't supposed to happen. Now they're prepared and Project 2025 is the proof of it, once they get Trump elected they're not pulling punches anymore. They're planning to make drastic changes to the democratic system to ensure that they can apply swift and radical changes. There are multiple parallels around the world to how fascist leaders have taken over. Shit doesn't happen overnight or even over a span of few years, the heat is gradually turned up so people just end up like frogs being slowly boiled alive. And fascism even harder to take apart once it's established.

Because a.) the couchfucker said so so it must be true b.) they're retards who think Trump's protectionist policies apply in a vacuum and they all conveniently forgot that when the guy put huge import tariffs in place to force people into buying domestic it only put a big dent in foreign trade and caused prices to skyrocket as other countries applied similarly big tariffs to US imports. There's really no convincing trumptards about anything, you could present million studies and headlines proving every single point they make wrong yet they would just ignore it and cry about media and academia being controlled by liberal lies.

No. 2238729

The majority of abortions (at least in Burgerland) are for fetuses who’ve been conceived via consensual sex though, the amount of sexual assault victims who do become pregnant and need to receive an abortion is lower than 10% and I do believe victims of rape/incest or women who are put in harms way by carrying the child should always be granted an abortion/induction, however we do have to remember that that’s also a significantly lower amount of women than the average pool of consumers who are purchasing one out of their own personal interest.

No. 2238732

And they should have all the power to terminate the fetus if they so desire. What is not clicking?

No. 2238733

This isn't one of those "well, I'll just cross that bridge once I get there" kind of personal responsibility situations for the love of god, it's affecting 51% of the population and all the news about pre-teen girls being forced to give birth to their rapist's baby because abortion is banned should be reason enough to decriminalize it.

No. 2238734

Acknowledging that rape happens means you spend every waking moment thinking about, genius logic you got there

No. 2238738

>It could be me, it could be you, it could be any of us.
Does it not become exhausting thinking like this all day, every day, for the years you’re going to live? I don’t know if there’s just a wave of younger users but as an old fuck who did live with this type of anxiety after crimes were committed against myself, constantly thinking like this and allowing your body and mind to be controlled solely by your fears and anxieties is not reasonable or healthy for you. Thinking to yourself “oh my god i8’m gonna get fucking raped again omg omg” every single time you go outside will result in you having a fucking stroke. Believe me, I‘ve been there.

No. 2238740

nta but tbh voting blue isn't going to make anyone take women's medical care seriously. our healthcare is so abysmal because the medical profession (and society at large, thanks misogyny) does not take us seriously, male symptoms are the norm taught in textbooks, and medications are only tested on males last i checked. abortion access is a drop in the bucket of women's healthcare problems

No. 2238742

This is some weird incel logic. It isnt just a human rights thing. it's a WOMENS rights thing. Only women can get pregnant and mostly women are getting raped BY MEN. So at the end of the day, because it doesnt affect men, they dont care, even though they should.

No. 2238743

>it's affecting 51% of the population
source? who the fuck said 51% of women are giving birth to rape babies kek where the fuck did you get that?

No. 2238744

You're projecting like a schizo. It's not about being raped it's about protecting human rights, retard.

No. 2238746

It doesnt matter why a woman has an abortion, you know.

No. 2238747

Well actually, no. If you have irresponsible consensual sex, you’re consenting to pregnancy.

No. 2238748

NTA, but 51% of the population are women, nimrod.

No. 2238749

You do have the human right to not get pregnant though. Nobody has the human right to commit murder (unless it’s rape/incest/life of the mother though)(bait)

No. 2238750

And then I'm consenting to an abortion

No. 2238751

51% of the population can get pregnant and thus abortion issues concern them you genius.

No. 2238752

Did you eat lead chips as a child?(infighting)

No. 2238753

And that consent can be revoked at any time.

No. 2238757

I do know that we’re 51% of the population, but not every single woman is getting raped and giving birth? What are you talking about?

No. 2238760

Exactly, usually you revoke the consent and stop having sex, so you don’t get pregnant at all. Simple.

No. 2238761

Women acting in self preservation means they spending every waking moment in fear, you are so smart

No. 2238763

Abortion issues actually only concern victims of rape/incest/illness that is lethal.

No. 2238769

Go look up the violinist argument and get back to me.

No. 2238770

Could you at least sage your shit?

No. 2238773

>Look guys I know the abortion issue is bad but how about them $6 for egg prices??? THAT'S the real issue my fellow women…. and besides you're murdering babies you stupid whores just don't have sex
every time

No. 2238774

Sadly we're in /ot/ where the retards don't need to sage outside of celebricows.

No. 2238775

Anon…we’re not in /snow/ or /pt/? Newfags trying to be funny never works out kek

No. 2238776

>falling for the astroturfing moid psyop of "women who get abortions are just lazy whores who should have done sex the right way and closed her legs"
Literally every time in this thread, when will you all learn?

No. 2238777

File: 1730741846440.png (223.05 KB, 1017x508, 1000002266.png)

oh great this infight again

No. 2238782

The “abortion issue” is really appalling, when you take into consideration how many women use rape victims as a crutch for their personal interest to not practice family planning or use actual birth control.

No. 2238784

File: 1730741950101.png (854.23 KB, 960x875, 1000052681.png)

I don't think it's murder but it even if it was, I'd say you have the right to "murder" something that's literally growing inside you at your own discretion. Women should have control over their own bodies. Bodily autonomy is important, should we just leave it up to politicians to decide when we should be allowed to have an abortion? Women are already dying because of the red tape involved in abortions that lead to inaction.

No. 2238785

>women who get abortions are just lazy whores who should have done sex the right way and closed her legs
Could you be kind enough to tag the post where anything like this was said?

No. 2238788

File: 1730742040715.jpg (46.55 KB, 624x351, 1000002268.jpg)

ITT is why it's so important to vote for Kamala

No. 2238790

>I'd say you have the right to "murder" something that's literally growing inside you at your own discretion. Women should have control over their own bodies.
This sounds like something a 16 year old who just learned what abortion is would say kek. Women do have control over our own bodies, which is why you can simply not have sex with men in the first place if you don’t want to get pregnant with their children.

No. 2238794

Don't play with me.

No. 2238797

>This sounds like something a 16 year old who just learned what abortion is would say kek
Based 16 year old.

No. 2238800

Anon, you sound confused now. That post says.
>Exactly, usually you revoke the consent and stop having sex, so you don’t get pregnant at all. Simple.
Which makes perfect sense, and isn’t actually “lazy whore” behavior at all. Women choose not to have sex (so they don’t get pregnant) all the time? I’m not getting what the problem you’re having right now is.

No. 2238801

Unfortunately you don’t have the right to murder anything, unless you’re the victim of a horrendous crime or fatal illness.

No. 2238803

You can't think of a single scenario where getting pregnant wouldn't be the fault of the woman? Delusional and bait and I fell for it again. Kek.

No. 2238809

It sounds more like you’re baiting, considering I’ve made several posts acknowledging rape/incest.

No. 2238812

Because we all know that men are so respectful of women's decisions to not fuck them, and countries where women legally can't express any kind of sexuality AT ALL are always so safe with no threat of getting pregnant against your will at all kek

No. 2238814

Which is what most of us were talking about itt. And I would actually have the right to rid myself of a person who is taking up my bodily resources without my consent. It's practically castle doctrine.

No. 2238815

>It's another game of "blackpilled pickme or a baiting incel sperging about abortion and how whores should just keep their legs shut"
Just report it.

No. 2238816

If you acknowledge that a woman having unprotected sex is irresponsible and stupid, then why would you want that woman to become a mother? You’re just punishing the hypothetical child by forcing them to be born to unfit parents.

No. 2238818

nta but this is the burger thread nonna. not the middle east thread KEK

No. 2238819

Nonna…not having sex with men is the opposite of pickmeism.

No. 2238820

True, good thing aborting a cluster of cells isn’t murder!

No. 2238822

Problem is Republicans are retarded and refuse to allow exceptions for rape/incest in many abortion ban laws. Until this is resolved rape will always be relevant.

No. 2238825

You’re still retarded

No. 2238826

i havent been part of this conversation but i really feel like if your body is telling you to have sex and you follow that urge, then that means youre kinda subconsciously following your urge to become a mother. just in my mind

No. 2238827

So you think we should let some police officers or local officials decide whether or not our abortion reasons are valid before we can have one? How would that even work? A scrote police officer confirms your "rape" and then gives the doctor the okay? Retarded. Women should decide for themselves when having an abortion is appropriate otherwise men will just use it to abuse us.

No. 2238829

I live in a state that allows abortion in rape/incest/fatal illness so my opinion is influenced by that

No. 2238836

Personally I don’t want every retarded methhead that shares the roads with me to spit out more retard kids just because they were following their urges.

No. 2238838

>So you think we should let some police officers or local officials decide whether or not our abortion reasons are valid before we can have one? How would that even work
What are you talking about? When you go to an abortion clinic, or if you just choose to go to a doctor/obgyn, you’re able to report the crime to them and they assist you before you move forward with your abortion.

No. 2238839

Sorry but the fetus grows in the mother's body. It's practically a tumor, like a teratoma that cooked a little too long. I don't even hate kids and want them in the future myself kek. The fetus forms in the mother's body, if it's illegal to abort then the right to kill an intruder in your home should be illegal as well, and the cops who have to terminate that intruder, should it come to that, and the person that sold the gun to you should also be fined/thrown in jail, too.

No. 2238840

Regarding the abortion discussion:
Immaculate conceptions aren’t a thing, all pregnancy results from scrotes ejaculating in a women. If men don’t want abortions to be a thing (let’s be real, a reasonable women who doesn’t support abortions would just not get one) they should be mass sterilized. At 18 scrotes go to the doctor, get their sperm put on ice (they’ll select out the very best for him), and then he gets the snip. For the rest of his life he pays a small monthly fee, say $10, for the sperm to remain frozen. If he fails to meet the fee he can take out a loan or pay it back eventually. When he dies his family can claim the sperm otherwise it gets incinerated. If a scrote wants to use his sperm for reproductive reasons he can take his wife to the clinic and they’ll knock her up.
There we go! No more unnecessary abortions.

No. 2238842

>The fetus forms in the mother's body, if it's illegal to abort then the right to kill an intruder in your home should be illegal as well
Anon, becoming pregnant from consensual sex is not the same as someone forcing their way into your locked home in the middle of the night. I hope this makes sense to you.

No. 2238843

Based. The only correct opinion. Babies are essentially unwanted intruders and saying you don't have the right to remove one from your body is retarded.

No. 2238845

when do you guys think a baby becomes a human? after it comes out of the womb?

No. 2238847

When it's born but only if it's a girl

No. 2238849

Sure, but just because someone has the instinct to reproduce doesn't mean that they should. I'm all for discouraging unfit people from having kids they aren't going to take care of.

No. 2238850

I remember when I was a kid my dad and I got into this big argument about how I thought no one became a human until they’re actually born kek. Obviously now that I’ve been pregnant I understand how false that is.

No. 2238851

I could get behind this

No. 2238853

When it’s capable of living without extensive intervention or quality of life compromise. After 27 weeks, but the exact may depend on fetal development.

No. 2238854

you could just not have sex with guys you dont wanna have a baby with too, nonners

No. 2238855

It's a woman's body and the thing grows inside of her. Abortions give her the same amount of power in a sexually reproductive way as men. A man can reproduce and fuck off, no attempts. Women should be able to terminate the spawn, it gives us a more equal ground. Men will boo hoo over the termination of fetuses that would be born to retarded and abusive, at best emotionally neglectful fathers KEK fuck that. Abortions and induced miscarriages will always happen no matter what and we should allow women to get them safely.

No. 2238857

I love this. Please run for president and make mandatory sterilization a requirement for moid immigration too. But,
>At 18 scrotes go to the doctor, get their sperm put on ice
Needs to be younger. Moids go through puberty at around 12-13 these days. Post-pubescent moids can still overpower women even when they're teenagers.

No. 2238858

>Women should be able to terminate the spawn
We are able to terminate the spawn though. If a baby simply isn’t meant to be born, it’ll abort itself/miscarry. This is the case where life of the mother comes into play, because it allows the mother to receive an abortive procedure to have the blood sucked out of her so she doesn’t go septic.

No. 2238861

When you could reasonably expect it to live outside the womb without massive medical intervention.

Pretty much, it's a matter of bodily autonomy. If a fetus is totally dependent on the mother's body to live, the mother and only the mother has the right to do what she wants with it (so ofc that goes both ways, forcing abortion is a violation too). If they literally can't survive physically separated from you, you are the sole determiner of their existence.

No. 2238864

>If a baby simply isn’t meant to be born, it’ll abort itself/miscarry.
Someone doesn't know about hemochorial placentas. Humans and a small number of other mammals don't have regulatory ability over our pregnancies the way most mammals do. We're not like dogs who can just stress ourselves out into reabsorbing our fetuses.

No. 2238865

But you do understand it’s not actually an “intruder” because the baby was conceived via consensual sex, so it was quite literally invited in.

No. 2238866

Nta. Isn't this how conservatards think about migrant crime though.

No. 2238868

In the odd chance that you're not baiting and actually believe this shit, having sex is not the same as consenting to being pregnant, don't be retarded. A lot of women who have sex are not okay with being pregnant, just like how a lot of men who have sex are not okay with having children. A lot of women also use protection and accidentally become pregnant anyway because birth control methods are not 100% effective.

No. 2238869

>don't have regulatory ability over our pregnancies the way most mammals do
nta but what does that mean?

No. 2238871

> If a baby simply isn’t meant to be born, it’ll abort itself/miscarry.
You are deliberately misunderstanding. A woman should be able to terminate AT WILL, like a man can walk away at will whenever he wants. You're sounding like a christfag.

No. 2238872

When do you think you’re allowed to prioritize your own survival over another’s? Am I allowed to cut you up for your bits if I’m in greater need of them? Why? Why not? If you’re passed out and I hook myself up to you are you allowed to complain that I’m siphoning your blood and plasma? What if I’m dying and I need it? What if I just want it? If I don’t agree with surgery for religious reasons am I allowed to stop you from getting it? Why? Why not? When my kid is 18 is he allowed to carve up my body for parts? Why? Why not? If my kid is 24 and I need a kidney can I make her give it to me? Why? Why not? At what point is my child a separate entity from myself? When they leave my womb? Does that mean until they’re out they belong to me and are a part of me? If someone steps on me and kills me to get out of a burning building is that fair? Is that ok? Where is the line? If someone can’t survive without me, do I owe them all of me? What if I want to survive too? How do we determine who has the right to survive and who doesn’t? How do we determine if someone’s morals are more important than that of another? Murder is wrong but is surviving? In a situation where we don’t know who will and won’t survive do we let both die? Just to be fair? Do we try to save them both? What if one person appears dead and the other alive? Should we save both at the detriment of one because maybe? If you see a burning building do you have a moral imperative to run in and save everyone? What if no one’s in there but you don’t know that? What if you don’t run in and 5 people die? Did you do that? Or did you prioritize your survival?
It’s fine not to want an abortion, no one is making you (hopefully) but suggesting you have a superior moral stance or it’s murder or whatever kind of minimizes the true question which is: do women have the right to prioritize themselves, their health, their life, their survival?

No. 2238874

>Don’t be retarded
That’s a cute thing to say, for someone who seems not to understand that sex solely exists for the purpose of reproduction. We feel the urge to have sex, because we feel the urge to reproduce. If you’re consenting to have sex (even if you’re using birth control/condoms) you’re still following the urge to reproduce, just with unnatural intervention. Every human on planet earth understands that no birth control is 100% effective, so if you do. not want to become pregnant, you simply won’t have sex, because sex exists for the purpose of enacting a pregnancy.

No. 2238876

ayrt im not reading all that sorry nonna KEKK

No. 2238880

>do women have the right to prioritize themselves, their health, their life, their survival?
NTAYRT but yes. You do have the right to prioritize yourself, your health, your life, and survival. If for you, that includes not having any children ever, then you don’t need to have sex. This is a really easy concept to understand.

No. 2238881

>consensual sex
There's literally no way to prove that sex is consensual and in the case of abortion rights, it literally doesn't matter. Does a woman have the right to decide what occurs with her body or not?
Most mammals can do one or more of the following: pause their pregnancies, reabsorb fetuses, or abort naturally (usually during times of stress or famine). Humans don't have those abilities which is why we have induced abortion through medication or surgery. The Romans used the abortifacient herb silphium to extinction.

No. 2238885

My bad, I missed the part where we were having this discussion in a hypothetical world where rape never happens, birth defects aren’t a thing and death from birth has been solved for. In that case, yeah no need for abortions in magical utopia land.

No. 2238886

>for someone who seems not to understand that sex solely exists for the purpose of reproduction.
Now I know you are baiting because humans have been having sex for fun since forever and it will never stop KEK

No. 2238888

wym theres no way to prove sex is consensual? usually when you get an abortion they ask you about how it was conceived and that includes telling them if you were raped or if it was consensual

No. 2238889

Anon, I know that humans choose to have sex for fun, but this doesn’t change the scientific reality that sex itself only exists for the purpose of conceiving another human.

No. 2238890

That's not proof. You can say whatever you want on those forms and it has no bearing on reality.

No. 2238892

You seriously need to lurk moar because we’ve gone over rape/incest/life of the mother several times now.

No. 2238893

Conservative women hate other women. They're Ultimate pick mes who want to punish women for thinking we have the right to the same freedoms and pleasures as men.

No. 2238894

why would you lie about having consensual sex? that doesnt make any sense

No. 2238895

>babies are punishment for sex
Here we go, it always circles back to this with religious retards. No concern for the woman or the baby, just wanting to ensure no woman can have sex without suffering consequences. It doesn't matter if it was invited in (it wasn't but going with your logic), abortion is a woman's way to rescind that invitation. They have the right to do that because, again, the fetus cannot live without her.

No. 2238897

Hold the phones everyone! Cancer is natural! Stop looking for a cure. Prion disease? It just happens in nature, let’s dial it back. Throw those antibiotics away! No need for science guys, if it’s natural it stays! Any glasses nonnies, that’s an affront to nature, throw that shit away!!!! Kek, this is fun.

No. 2238898

>the ultimate pickmes
Nona, I’m gonna ask you a question; how can you be a pickme when you don’t desire men’s attention? Have you even read the actual conversation, or are you just emotionally reacting?

No. 2238900

This is a man sealioning.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2238901

And we've been finding loopholes in that scientific reality since the BC years. Humans aren't going to stop anytime soon.

No. 2238902

nta but babies aren't a punishment for consensual sex? all adults know that babies are conceived via sex, so if you choose to have consensual sex, you should expect that it'll result in you becoming pregnant.

No. 2238905

Why would you want someone who does not want to be pregnant to have children? Do you not think that this will negatively impact their parenting?

No. 2238906

Yes, and you should have the right to end that pregnancy if you do not want to become a mother. Simple as.

No. 2238907

Wrong. Third parties need to first drum up actual serious support and actually do something instead of sitting with their thumbs up their asses between elections and that could take up to a decade. Until then, voting third party is an absolute waste because Repugnants will always treat politics like sports teams, and they're the least progressive and intent on dragging us all down with them the most, forcing the rest of us to vote for the lesser evil or for at least whomever will be easiest to overtake and pressure into actual positive change. Republicans who want to take back their party and put their money where their mouth is when it comes to fiscal responsibility or whatever also need to disassemble the MAGAt cultists or maybe create a third Right leaning party of their own so that there's an actual choice.

No. 2238908

so it says the definition of sealioning
>sealioning is a type of harassment or trolling that involves someone pretending to be sincere and civil while asking someone else relentless questions, often about things that have already been discussed.
but we haven't discussed people who "lie about consensual sex" at all? and i'm just asking because i am genuinely curious, why would you lie about having consensual sex?

No. 2238910

But it’s obvious that you do want to become a mother if you’re purposefully having consensual sex with someone. If you didn’t want to have a child, you wouldn’t be following your primal urges that birth control is not above.

No. 2238911

Adults also know that they can get abortion (except in certain american hellholes). So having sex if accepting the consquence that you may have a baby or you may have an abortion. If abortion was impossible, then yes women would have to accept that consequence. But they don't, so…

No. 2238912

Why is it when women's rights are questioned humans are suddenly reverted back to their simplest form? We're advanced enough to achieve globalization and have the ability to change chemical structures but so primal that straight sex should only be in the means of reproduction???

No. 2238913

It's just so people can play smug, holier-than-thou centrist without calling themselves centrist.

No. 2238914

I wonder if anon also argues against leaving the baby to die or killing it if it's unwanted, since it's been observed in so many animals and it's just the natural thing to do for a species who cannot physically terminate at will.

No. 2238916

You’re so right nonna. If you get aids from sex that’s just natural. If you didn’t want aids you wouldn’t have had sex. Duh!!!

No. 2238917

I guess gays don't exist then. All those men fucking each other because they want to give birth kek

No. 2238918

i dont know why people get angry when this is brought up but abortions are extremely dangerous. my mother had a few before she had myself and she ended up needing to get a hysterectomy because of the abuse that her uterus had suffered.

No. 2238919

Pick mes are agents of the patriarchy. How can you not be a pick me when you and fresh and fit are on the same side? You not wanting to have sex with men makes you even better to use as a token.

No. 2238920

Do you ever think about the bug brains of the bugpeople who fall for this argument every time instead of just moving on, repeating the same discourse again and again and again, only lowering the quality of this thread and turning it into political shitflinging because they can't help it. Must. Respond. Must. Respond.

No. 2238921

this too, venereal disease is real and lethal.

No. 2238922

There's only innate desire to fuck, not to get pregnant. Humans don't go into heat lol. Still, fucking males is retarded no matter which way you look at it, but I'm just saying you can't equate the two, doesn't make sense.

No. 2238925

Chemo is also extremely dangerous. So what?

No. 2238928

When I run, I want to fall on my ass and break my knees.
When I eat, I want to get food poisoning.
When I shit, I want my asshole to get ruptured.
If I didn't want to get celiac disease I shouldn't have been born. You are so right.

No. 2238929

>There's only innate desire to fuck, not to get pregnant. Humans don't go into heat lol
1) Nonna, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you feel the desire to fuck is because you feel the desire to reproduce? 2) Yes, actually. We do ovulate and it does effect our libidos.
You have to be at least 18 to use this site. I recommend finishing high schooo before hitting the new reply button again.

No. 2238930


No. 2238931

>has coeliacs disease
woah nta but that sounds like a miserable life

No. 2238932

Kekek. I remember a farmer talking about how the shut down of gc subreddits led to ugly fat conservamoms coming over here. I fully believe it now.

No. 2238933

Okay, let me try this a different way: Do you really think every Tam, Denise, and Harriet should become mothers just because she has the urge to have sex with men? I had the urge to have sex in college, doesn't mean I was in any way suited to have children, it just meant that I was at an age where my hormones were shouty and annoying.

No. 2238934

>Women don’t go into heat!
>Yes we do
How is understanding your own biology in any way masculine?

No. 2238935

Way less dangerous than the alternative

No. 2238937

You get it!
Men can’t help raping, their libidos demand they fuck and reproduce! We silly wimmins with our immature understanding of biology and nature must learn to accept that sometimes he’s just going to murder an infant by raping them, he can’t help it so we shouldn’t complain. Rapes perfectly nature and so is pedophilia dontchakno!? Fucking idiots in here.

No. 2238939

So what is masturbation then? Do lesbians want to reproduce also?

No. 2238941

our ancient ancestors did that too. i'd rather have abortion than an unwanted baby pit.

No. 2238943

actually not having sex at all is way less dangerous than both
i'm incredibly against chemo as well. spending the last months of your life being shoved with needles everyday sounds like hell on earth

No. 2238945

You don't know what a heat is. Go look up how animals who actually have heats function and you'll realize humans are nothing like that.

No. 2238946

Lesbians are still women who still feel the urge to reproduce, even if you choose not to acknowledge it/masturbate instead of following the urge to have conceive.

No. 2238948

>tl;dr fucking for pleasure is immoral and kids are a rightful consequence of that, apparently

No. 2238949

Women do not go into heat kek are you retarded? That's one of the distinct factors of our menstrual cycle.

No. 2238953

This dumb friendless NEET thinks being in heat is the same as being horny

No. 2238955

Or maybe I just find both main parties to be repulsive.

No. 2238956

You still haven't answered the question. If sex exists only for reproduction why do men like jd Vance love being analy fucked by other men so much?

No. 2238958

What about gay moids? Do they have an urge to reproduce too?
I blame furries.

No. 2238961

I never said fucking for pleasure is immoral anon, I said that sex only exists for reproduction which is true. If you choose to have sex for pleasure and ignore the actual function the sex exists for, that’s your prerogative, but it doesn’t change reality.

No. 2238964

Does JD Vance want to impregnate couches (allegedly)? What about dolphins (factually)?

No. 2238965

Even if you are a lesbian can you speak for only yourself thanks. Some women of any sexuality have zero desire to reproduce.

No. 2238966

That's not realistic at all. People can be careful and still get pregnant. No normal well adjusted adult is going to go without sex forever just because they don't want a baby, what a dumb comment.

No. 2238967

Tomorrow's the big fuckin day amerinons. Remember to vote local, and that unless you live in one of the states where your popular vote counts as an electoral vote, the electoral college can overturn whatever America's popular vote is just like in 2016. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and don't argue with right wing retards about abortion. God speed to you all

No. 2238969

>starts writing weird overly sexual bait in response
come on guys we can do better than this

No. 2238971

File: 1730745623284.png (28.1 KB, 905x100, throw.png)

When women throw their babies away it's actually just their le Ancient Roman urges!

No. 2238972

>tradcaths and moids trying to psyop farmers into voting against their rights
Go raise some babies and leave us alone.

No. 2238973

I blame unfettered internet access at an early age. I can't tell you how many young people have insane ideologies due to internet brain rot and lack of human interaction

No. 2238974

If it was the JD Vance post, I was making a joke about his allegations about fucking couches and the very real reveal that he looked up dolphin porn.

No. 2238976

But again, you have to understand, if you’re following the urge to have consensual sex it’s because you’re following the urge to reproduce. People either forget or choose to ignore this, but that’s life. If you don’t want a child, don’t try to create one. That’s actually precisely what a well adjusted adult would do, not reproduce if they don’t want to.

No. 2238978

Then you should find it repulsive that Jill Stein is a Putin apologist, and a spoiler candidate for the right with no intention to make actual change because she knows she'll never get elected. You seem to look at things on only a surface level which explains a lot, I guess.

No. 2238979

Did anyone else get purged from voter registration? I don't think I voted in the last two local elections and I think that might be why. I'm going to register at the polls ugh, wish me luck that it won't take me a billion years.

No. 2238980

not having sex with men doesn't make you a man nona

No. 2238981

Yeah, that’s really sad and in her case I would wonder why she didn’t go the family planning route but does that mean no one else can benefit or should? Women should be made aware of potential complications and outcomes, as with any surgery, but that’s why the saying was: safe, legal, rare.
Bad outcomes arise from bad situations, that’s inevitable, abortion is meant to help those who want it avoid WORSE outcomes… like death.
My mum got a hysterectomy, she was prolapsing out of her vagina, because of traumatic birth complications.

No. 2238982

Nta. Can you please stop shitting up the thread. No matter how much you explain it, you're not gonna convince anyone. There was just a conversation about this. Leave people alone.

No. 2238984

>Sex exists for the purpose of reproduction, it makes perfect sense that an adult wouldn’t have sex if she didn’t want a baby
>Ugh stawp shitting up the thread!!