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No. 2230161
America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!
>no baiting>be a good american citizenPrevious threads:
>>2159692>>2125090>>2112881>>2099122>>2198863(early thread) No. 2230317
File: 1730250768046.png (92.63 KB, 749x543, ewnedvcvbehjd.png)

I'm not gonna lie the closer and closer we get to the election, the more I think the 2024 actual will look just like 2020. That'd be so fucking funny
No. 2230325
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>>2230317Also samefag. But Pollfags, how do you feel about the herding allegations? They've been going on since the beginning on October and now even Nate Silver is backing those claims. I'm starting to feel like pollsters are scared of looking wrong in the case that Trump actually overperforms.
No. 2230343
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Turn out between 70 to 100k people
No. 2230365
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No. 2230395
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No. 2230397
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The fact that the right doesn’t care at all about Vance’s little drag photoshoot or that he was friends with a tranny is crazy to me but I guess their camp is so chock-full of former neoliberals turned reactionaries that they don’t have to care as long as they have the numbers. I’m gonna kms if our next VP is someone who had the 2020s equivalent of a tv movie released about him and used to be a degree of separation from the I saw the tv glow trannoid
No. 2230400
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Biden calls trump supporters "trash" in a virtual rally and I guess we're supposed to care because the media is going to act like trump supporters aren't trash
No. 2230417
>>2230409drag belittles and insults women
thats why they bimbo-ify themselves in drag and act dumb or sassy in drag
faggot vance just larps as a straight when in reality he's probably a stereotypical moid who watches tranny porn while wearing an amazon lace nightgown
No. 2230418
>>2230410Watch the handmaidens ITT sperg about how conservafuck scrotes are somehow better because they hate troons, ignoring that they hate women in every other possible way. these tards never think about the "why" when conservatard scrotes are anti-tranny. Trump never got rid of troonism, and actually it peaked during the pandemic when HE was president. Woman over a subhuman everyday. Why am I supposed to want sub 90 iq scroid with dementia when there's a female (a human) right there I can vote for? lol
>>2230417Also Thiel fucks him.
No. 2230424
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>>2230421Its unconstitutional and will never hold up to any legal scrutiny. How do you feel about the party that is has put actual trannies in positions of power?
No. 2230428
>>2230404Do you not realize that dems’ “unwavering support of trannies” is not like a thing anymore and they’re not really being brought up at all? Also sue me for saying this but I’d rather have trannies running amok and know women’s reproductive rights aren’t being infringed than pay tariffs, no abortions for anyone, AND trannies (the male ones anyway, who are objectively the worse ones) would still be kicking because conservatives don’t actually hate them they’re just using hicks’ disgust towards them to manipulate them into voting for them. But mainstream libs are sick of tranny rhetoric, it has majorly lost traction outside of trannies themselves caring
>>2230409Thank you for explaining that the guy who used to be friends with trannies and gays was doing drag in a classically traditional way and not in a gay way. Do you genuinely think drag in any capacity is capable of being separated from trannies or gays in 2024 or are you playing devil’s advocate because you plan on voting for the guy you’re defending as doing drag in a totally bugs bunny adjacent non troon influenced way
No. 2230435
>>2230424NTA but candidate over party, Kamala hasn't made any extreme promises for trannies. I don't care if she's a dem or rep, her policies are good + she is a female. Trumpoids need to stop dangling anti troon policy above us when Kamala is arguably less troon friendly than Biden + troon support has been dropping since 2020. Trumps policies are shit and culture war adjacent and I could really care less about some fringe group I don't deal with much (as a lesbian mind you lol) in comparison to his shit tariff policy
>>2230428Yeah, there were no tranny speakers at the DNC this year and there has been tranny speakers since 2012 mind you.
>>2230426Yes, for sure.
No. 2230459
>>2230437Welcome back to reality nona, I’m not exactly in the same camp as you (I’m registered independent and identify as a apolitical but have been accused of being a libertarian before…) but this election has startled me, I was super critical of the histrionics that a lot of my classmates and teachers were engaging in in 2016 (I was in high school) and the gymnastics they were doing to support Hillary but I feel like the right has outdone the left in terms of tackiness, it’s not even really jingoistic anymore it’s just some weird gay version of the skull and bones club but accessible to the poors too now
>>2230441Kamala feels more like a classical R to me, she seems like she leans more conservative personally and just is playing politics & thus speaking for what the people want. I think it’s really interesting how much people are allowing themselves to project liberalism onto her just because she’s multiracial and technically a member of a marginalized class. I don’t think it’s a bad thing necessarily it just feels like an accidentally better version of poor people projecting onto trump
I want the right to become sensible again i’m so tired of being presumed to be a gung-ho leftist just because i’m a lesbian. all of the right wing gay grifters are so off putting and phony, I don’t care about culture wars or “children getting transed” (which isn’t good but also feels weirdly dogwhistley for children being gender nonconforming/gay in general) i just don’t want anymore immigration and for america to prioritize itself and its working class citizens rather than foreigners or the wealthy. I seriously don’t understand how any of the blue collar trump voters are kidding themselves other than they are literally poor uneducated retards with no better judgement
No. 2230466
>>2230459Kamala, who seems to be most likely anti-tranny and more moderate, but plays politics to gain support of the left
dragqueen faggot Vance larping straight pretending he hates trannies and gays, & then on top of rapist Trump, who's been to epstein's island and fucked a pornstar behind his mailorder wife, larping as a christian to get gop votes
what a timeline
No. 2230485
File: 1730260036494.webp (134.27 KB, 1500x1000, queen.webp)

I love Kamala so much I want to go to a rally and see her
No. 2230492
>>2230485I want to see her so bad too. I was thinking if she does become president I'd go to her inauguration
>>2230490This image has
triggered billions of scrotes worldwide
No. 2230551
>>2230466> anti-tranny > plays politicsIf only. Where are all these shills coming from that think an American politician from the uniparty is some crypto
terf political mastermind instead of an empty suit. She’s a mouth piece for elites. The only thing we can hope for is that when she wins her bosses are so rattled by their near miss that they dial back their hedonistic displays and go back to doing that shit behind closed doors.
No. 2230552
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>>2230531Can you tards please not response to this bait. This is the worst bait i ever seen. If this retard starts an inflight i am spamming pig balls
No. 2230562
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No. 2230564
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>>2230495kek that reminded me of this
No. 2230697
>>2230690I'm talking about trump and vance retard.
they're classic hypocritical bi degenerates who think they are allowed to live a hedonistic lifestyle where they rape everything that moves and take it up in the ass but women must stay at home and birth children endlessly.
No. 2232126
File: 1730334861479.mp4 (10.64 MB, 1280x720, kXZp6SEdCN2n1B3i.mp4)

Does anyone else look back at the 2020 election to have a laugh sometimes? I spent the night browsing /pol/ and the copium was fantastic. The milk flowed, and it was plentiful and seethe-flavored. I still have quite a few screenshots from that night, and the following day. I didn't even like Biden, but it was pretty clear that Trump's presidency would be dogshit for women (and this is even more clear now), so I voted dem anyway. I'm excited to vote for a candidate I really like now, like Kamala. She really gives me the "yes we can" feeling in a way I can't explain.
No. 2232154
>>2232126anon, fucking kek, thank you for posting this video; it was one of the funniest ones made during 2020. I'm completely in agreement with you. I'm happy to vote for Kamala– even if Trump weren't a literal fascist/rapist/misogynist (which… he is). The choice has never been clearer.
Also, independent of actual, legitimate political reasons: I literally require Kamala to win so I can laugh my ass off at male cope and seethe. wahhhhh wahhhhh. get fucked, moids.
No. 2232170
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>>2232126Please God let Kamala win, it would be so fucking funny.
No. 2232287
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>>2232170YES it would be. I'm getting involved this year, getting my female friends registered, and going to polls with my family (minus my retard dad). We are all soldiers in the fight for milk
>>2232154I'm glad you liked rewatching it anon. I attached a couple of shit compilations of the feast of male agony from that night.
>>2232184I won't lie, the couple of years there where I could just be unstressed about politics were chill. Then the Dobbs decision came out (remember when those cowardly fuckers put up steel barricades in advance?) and it all went to shit. I can only hope the American people pull through. And I agree with
>>2232232 for the record, a lot of people don't realize that Trump inherited the economy Obama spent nearly a decade fixing after Bush, only to fuck it up and mishandle covid among other things so terribly that he blew it all up within 4 years. Things could've been way, way worse if we hadn't elected Biden.
No. 2232305
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>>2232298I'm lost on who you mean, can you clarify? Also what's with the british slang lol.. jealous eurocucks invading our blessed thread once again?
No. 2232315
>>2232126I FUCKING LOVE THIS VIDEO KEK. I remember seeing it. Moid copium was so beautiful.
>>2232184He dealt with covid pretty well, but I liked how pro-union he was the most.
>>2232287>>2232289Imagine how hard they'd mald over a woman taking office kek. I remember lurking /pol/ after the 2020 election it was so glorious. Trump is already claiming fraud too KEK.
>>2232305NTA but cabbage is basically just means an old person who is out of it.
No. 2232545
File: 1730343344368.mp4 (343.73 KB, 598x336, 4-_GUqZcdVtEHnrn.mp4)

Bro drunk as hell on a wednesday afternoon
No. 2232686
>>2232684Don't feed the trolls
nonnie. But true.
No. 2232755
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holy shit ew lol
No. 2232780
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>>2232755He looks like the annoying orange
No. 2232795
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>>2232755>>2232791looks more more villainous w/o the tan and hairpiece (comb over?)
No. 2232797
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No. 2232811
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scroids are already seething over female turnout. kek
No. 2232812
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>>2232755At first I thought this was a guy wearing a mask
No. 2232814
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>>2232811honestly i was gonna vote trump but this tweet is legitimately making me rethink to kamala
No. 2232816
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>>2232814here's another one! total woman victory kek
No. 2232867
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This is gonna be the last election that gets more than 10% of country showing up to vote.
No. 2233271
>>2232816"This is not constroversial"
Men really think everyone agrees with them secretly kek what narcs.
No. 2233333
That's my attempt
No. 2233451
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Latest betting polls
No. 2233520
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Even azealia is pre-seething. kek
No. 2233686
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>Trump has promised RFK Jr control of all public health agencies in America
>RFK Jr is an antivaxxer
No. 2233689
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>Trump said at his most recent rally that he's "gonna let him go wild on food, wild on public health and wild on medicines"
No. 2233704
>>2233699They tried to codify Roe v Wade when they were in the majority but it required 60 votes in the Senate due to the filibuster which meant some republicans had to vote yes. No republicans voted yes and two democrats also voted no so Roe V Wade wasn't codified.
The job of the vice president is to be on standby Incase the president dies and to be a tie breaker in Senate votes. The united States is not an autocracy. Being president doesn't give you ultimate power, that's why we got money during the pandemic because the democratic house fought against trump to give us those checks. If you want change, you need to learn about the system you live under. We have a 50/50 Senate and a red house. We need a blue house and Senate. We are also up against a republican majority supreme court.
No. 2233715
>>2233709That's honestly a viable third position
I was expecting trump to die over the last 4 years tbh
No. 2233724
>>2233699The president and VP doesn't control everything so it's not necessarily their fault if they can't do everything they say they want to.
>INB4 "So why does it matter who the president is then?"Cause they can put people in positions of power that lead to change. Like Trump selecting the supreme court judges who helped end Roe V. Wade. It really takes like 2-4 years to see the effects of what our president's do, which sucks of course. We may not really feel Biden's presidency until the next president.
No. 2233725
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>>2233698>Doug Emhoff (the ultimate Nigel)You mean the same "nigel" who cheated on his first wife, got their nanny pregnant, had an affair with their child's elementary school teacher, and assaulted his ex-girlfriend?
No. 2233831
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>Obama explains how civics in America works
No. 2233939
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More male pre-seething, kek. TWV
No. 2233983
>>2233972thats why scrotes (especially conservative, tradcon, redpillers, etc) hate childfree women, they feel like that their sperm is the only and last carrot they can dangle in front of women since women are now financially independent. And these socially autistic unwanted undateable online echochamber moids share the revenge fantasy that these women will be or are miserable cat ladies despite there's no "female loneliness epidemic" kek
dragqueen JD Vance and other moids tried to label Kamala as a cat lady because she doesn't have any biological children. But it semi backfired since bullying a childfree woman is a sensitive subject for women who do want a child but are infertile
>>2233967he's into the catboy kink
No. 2234054
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>>2233295>>2233304Guys I'm not retarded or Gen A. I was out and about so I used my phone instead of my laptop or ipad to browse lolcow. My phone is old, small and cracked, so obviously I will have retarded typos. Picrel is evidence.
No. 2234066
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>>2234058People who call themselves "White Supremecists" are mostly just petulant misanthropes who think mass shootings and women being abused is funny and epic.
They don't care about white people struggling, or anyone else for that matter. They are MINDLESSLY hateful.
Nick Fuentes speaks to this attitude perfectly with a ton of duplicity behind faggy appeals to "tradition".
It doesn't matter that his ideas are all retarded and that he doesn't follow them, he's just there to be a memelord for hateful children (and manchildren)
No. 2234070
>>2234038Definitely bi guy vibes more than anything but not gonna lie, I
find him kind of cute sorry nonnies. If Trump ends up winning somehow the one positive to come of it is more of JD
No. 2234075
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I want kamala win just so allan litchman becomes more smug.
No. 2234081
>>2234066I agree with you actually. I mean all the inconsistencies with these retards. No one lacks that much self awareness.
These scrote are just losers who want to be a "super based misunderstood joker sigma contrarian" instead of just a normie man. We could probably meme scrotes into eating their own shit if we told them that alpha wolves eat their shit to stay strong.
No. 2234085
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I voted today and stood in line for about an hour because of it. I’m in a swing state so maybe my vote will actually do something. Wish we had stickers like Michigan though
No. 2234099
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>>2234081>"He(Nick Fauntes) has described himself as the "straightest guy" and attempted to defend himself as an incel by claiming that "the only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel", as "having sex with women is gay … What's gayer than being like, 'I need cuddles. I need kisses … I need to spend time with a woman.'"He kinda seems to be a weird irl troll with no real beliefs unless she is actually that autistic. Even so, it's still retarded to do this to yourself for the meme. It's just like picrel. Reminds me of how Enpathchan actually wanted to be a lolcow and tried to turn herself into one.
No. 2234110
>>2234104yeah but like compared to how large the issue was in 2020? this is like saying troons were as big as an issue in 2011 as they are nowadays.
>>2234106This too! Abortion will probably be the topic of the 2020's as a decade, I'm not going to lie.
No. 2234115
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Glad we're finally getting to the real issues with a few days to go like psychologically analyzing Trump's tanning addiction No. 2234120
>>2234110No it isn't. Abortion was the first political issue my zoomer ass ever even really looked at in a partisan way.
It was always a major point of contention, fuck that, THE point of contention between the partisan divide.
>>2234111My point is that Roe V Wade getting overturned is their FAILURE. If The Republicans are the ones who wanted it to happen, and they got that, then the Democrats failed. And you have failed to make the case that they will correct that failure with Kamala in power.
No. 2234127
>>2234123I am fine with Kamala winning over Trump. I will snicker at the MAGAbabies crying themselves to sleep and fucking up another J6.
I am just saying Democrats (and liberals in general) are useless at opposing reactionary policy and their party doesn't deserve to be the one we rely on to "oppose" them.
No. 2234129
File: 1730435281358.jpg (128.58 KB, 1319x754, boohoo.JPG)

Wives are cheating on their husbands with Kamala kek
>“It is so repulsive. It is so disastrous. It is the embodiment of the downfall of the American family. I think it’s so gross. I think it’s just so nauseating,” Kirk said, set off by a new ad, produced by a liberal Christian organization, that features Julia Roberts reminding women that how one votes need not be shared with any emotionally-stunted man who would throw a fit. (“That’s the same thing as having an affair,” Fox News’ Jesse Watters commented on the ad. “That violates the sanctity of our marriage.”)
No. 2234131
File: 1730435321812.mp4 (1.78 MB, 640x360, 9ADXhTavIjW5odio.mp4)

This is from the daily beast, so take it with a grain of salt. But like, holy shit.
>Michael Wolff, the explosive chronicler of Donald Trump’s four years in the White House, has released what he says is a recording of Jeffrey Epstein, who died in 2019, discussing Trump’s then White House team in detail.
No. 2234132
>>2234087Hasn’t Putin practically said
> if the goal of the west is to have a world without Russia, what use is the rest of the world to RussiaIt’s called mutually assured destruction for a reason.
No. 2234139
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>>2234129>Wives are cheating on their husbands with Kamala kekHot… Total Woman Victory is imminent
No. 2234197
>>2234129On one hand it's hilarious that they are seething. On the other, saying shit like this leads directly to wife beating. Though I suppose that is their aim. I despise conservative moids
>>2234008Complete shot in the dark but is this goodupstandingcitizen from tumblr? The girl who was obsessed with nick fuentes and called him like her little bean or whatever years ago. I only ask because there's no way two separate people are attracted to this guy right
No. 2234212
>>2234131I'm samefagging as
>>2234197 but that's crazy. I mean we all knew Trump was associated with Epstein but hard evidence is crazy especially right before the election. I wonder what else he has. Maybe this is why Elon said he's fucked if Kamala wins lol
No. 2234398
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>“I wouldn’t be surprised if me and Trump won, just, the normal gay guy vote, because, they just wanted to be left the hell alone,” Vance said
JD Vance asking his kind for help
No. 2234415
>>2234404I live in Colorado and it's pretty amazing to see that half the country thinks that my state is riddled with violent spanish speaking gangs, lol.
The only thing this state is being overrun by is homeless people.
No. 2234513
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>>2234507I didn't buy the tinfoil that LC was being targeted by political campaigners but I do now.
No. 2234532
>>2234518>>2234521Odd that the democrats published a smear article on the 20th claiming that "a vote for Stein is a vote for Trump" appeared on multiple news outlets exactly four days ago and now the same argument is being parroted in this thread. Seems totally organic.
Jill Stein is only going to get 2-3% of the vote, yet the democrats are spending time and money to denigrate both her and her supporters. They must fear that Trump is going to win if the democrats are shitting themselves over Jill Stein.
No. 2234568
>>2234554Europeans have the highest rate of cancer in the world actually, and fetal alcohol syndrome (and you all look like it btw). You scream about American healthcare costs all day every day but your healthcare costs are significantly higher, it just comes out of your taxes. Your medications are also cheaper because we subsidize them for you, if Americans weren’t involved in your shithole inbred FAS countries then you would be paying more for medication than we do.
While our universities should be free, ours are at least prestigious and difficult to get into, your universities only offer worthless toilet paper degrees. Anyone can get into your universities, and anyone can pass through your k-12 education systems because they’re easier, less rigorous and the testing is mostly multiple choice. When European kids transfer into American schools they always get put into remedial classes because they can’t keep up with American students.
The obesity thing is just a cope at this point, compare the average BMI in every country around the world and you’ll see that everyone is getting fat. China is regarded as one of the thinnest countries and their average BMI is 25. The average BMI for American women is 26.5. The average BMI for European countries is always between 25-30, you’re all equally fat.
(infighting/taking the bait) No. 2234638

>>2234415I live here too in Aurora where Venezuelan gangs "Allegedly" took over all of Aurora. I know Trump is being hyperbolic but hes still kind of lying by making it seem like Venezuelans are extorting everyone here lol. This is just of a case of the bad part of town being the bad part of town and this incident only blew up because it is an election year.
Here are some more specific facts about that incident if anyone is interested: That incident was exaggerated by the slumlord and later the media and politican. The slumlord lives out of state and he basically neglected his apartments located in the bad part of town and thus created an environment that allowed crime to flourish. He was getting in a lot of legal trouble and having his apartments shut down. Later on for whatever reason he hired a PR team to paint himself as the
victim of migrants when in reality he was a dumbass who allowed his apartments to be overun with crime. I forgot some details so If anyones interested heres a video on it.
No. 2234646
>>2234616I hope so too, good riddance to them
>>2234632Conservatives like trannies more than gays, because sex changes started out as a way of “correcting inverts”
No. 2234662
>>2234654I went to the Uk thread and I only asked one question (it was about princess Anne) then I left them alone. But I was surprised to see all the migrant right wing fear mongering. I truly believe that a lot of lolcow users get peaked and descent into right wing ideology. There is a false notion that the most advanced and extensive propaganda is left wing but it only takes a scroll through X to see that's not true. Even a majority of democratic voters get their news from Fox. I just think it's ridiculous to fall for distractions that don't get you to your goal.
Like you want roe v Wade to be codified? This is what you need to do.
> Get blue house and senate>Eliminate the filibuster> Vote to codify and it will pass easilyPeople just don't like knowing that they have power because you could phonebank to work towards the first step. You could join anti local filibuster movements to work towards the second plan and write to your representatives. You being their constituent gives you leverage over them. But it's easy to act like migrants who make up like 2 percent of the country are raping the white women and beating the other women. The whole migrant fear seems more like male sexual competition than anything else.
No. 2234672
>>2234643Why would anyone be surprised that there isn't right wing tinfoiling on LC? This isn't 4chan /pol/.
>>2234654>umm, actually it is organic that recently issued democrat talking points are suddenly appearing in this thread even though no one has ever raised these points before. btw if you vote third party you're a bad personBe less obvious
>>2234662>men are raping and murdering women because we allow them over the border without any checks for criminal history and resist any attempt to stop this but who cares because it's mainly white women and abortionMask off moment.
No. 2234691
>>2234684Thanks nonna. I was talking about the obvious racial undertones I saw.
>Their men see us in porn and think we're human toilets and the women are just as bad. >Handmaidens who will do their bidding.I'm sorry but that is literally just the narrative of the savages threatening the sanctity of white manhood. If anything it's strange to have a feminist not know that but like I said, most people aren't actually feminists. They just don't like trannies. That anon doesn't seem to care about the actual statistics regarding rape and sexual assault that says it's usually someone a
victim knows. It's so disingenuous when idiots come in here and act like trump cares about women's rights when hes openly campaigning for male family members to police their wives and daughters' votes in real time.
No. 2234693
File: 1730478737587.png (41.57 KB, 640x430, global-cancer-rates-in-people-…)

i looked it up and the cancer shit is so wrong. americans have way more cancer than europeans. since you've chosen to lie about the first fact, all of the things below it are dismissed too.(report and ignore baiters)
No. 2234702
>>2234684>fully retarded>braindead bastardWow I'm voting democrat now
>To be quite honest you're probably driving up the Harris vote after samefagging and shitting up multiple threads for weeks on end, if you are making any difference at allYou're the one who think that insulting third party and undecided voters is a winning tactic.
>>2234691>That anon doesn't seem to care about the actual statistics regarding rape and sexual assault that says it's usually someone a victim knowsRape is equally bad regardless of who is doing it. It doesn't matter if it's an illegal immigrant or family member. Even one rape committed by an immigrant is one rape too many.
>act like trump cares about women's rightsBut no one has said this.
No. 2234749
>>2234700>Stein being a grifter has been common knowledge well before 10/20All politicians are gifters. This is not new information and should be expected from all parties. Any election is simply a choice for the less shit option. For me I support her stance on the environment and her foreign policy. She is closer to Trump and RFK than she is to the democrats in policy without the threat of banning abortion and the other weird trad and christian nationalist shit that's supported by the republicans.
>>2234706Dismissing any form of rape is wrong. Immigrants do commit rape, responding to that by saying other men also rape as some sort of win in an internet argument is minimizing one form of rape over another.
>What Donald Trump's plan to end sexual assault and rape?I'm not a Trump supporter so why you keep asking me to justify Trump's policies makes no sense. I'm already not voting for Trump.
>>2234724>The things you are saying are braindead and retarded is it an insult to point out fact?More reasons for me to vote democrat.
>You are gunning for an anti-environmentalist legislation in RepublicansI'm literally voting for Jill Stein because of her environmental policies. I don't think most people realize how destructive fracking is and how it contaminates ground water with carcingenic chemicals such as benzene which then ends up in tap water.
No. 2234793
>>2234753>She has zero chance to get elected, though, so she can't enact any of what you're hoping for.Neither will the democrats or the republicans so I might as well add to the number of people that support her policies. If there are enough people that do this then it will gain more traction and become a more visible political issue. The last democrat that did anything significant for environmental protection was Carter when the CERCLA legislation was enacted. This was mostly neutered by the Reagan administration.
>>2234758>there's no universe where you aren't voting for Trump nor do you give a shit about the environmentI have repeatedly stated that I'm not voting for Trump but I'm still voting for Trump because you think I am? This is unhinged and you're entire post is schizo ramblings based off false assumption that I'm a republican.
No. 2234814
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>>2234749>You're the one who think that insulting third party and undecided voters is a winning tactic.It's so funny how fragile undecided/third party voters are. Like you guys come in here and spew all sorts of bs and then get upset when people tell you that the bs you're spewing is wrong and retarded. It is.
>All politicians are gifters.A grfter is someone who clings onto anything that will make them the most money. You may not like the democratic or the republican party but most of those politicians have a certain set of firm beliefs and don't switch based on whats popular at the moment. That's why they are so frustrating to us but from their perspective if they've been working to pass tax cuts for autoworkers for the last 2 years, why would they suddenly abandon that goal because the general public no longer cares about it.
>Rape is equally bad regardless of who is doing it. It doesn't matter if it's an illegal immigrant or family member. Even one rape committed by an immigrant is one rape too many.Once again, I'm not talking about rape being less bad and you haven't answered any of my questions. You just want to believe that I'm a libfem or whatever to feel better about being retarded.
>>2234793NTA We just told you how democrats AND republicans can enact their goals and who it all depends on this election. You are a fucking dumbass who wants to be spoon fed information just so you can ask more dumb questions. It's like talking to a toddler who asks "why" after everything. Please read a book
>I have repeatedly stated that I'm not voting for Trump but I'm still voting for Trump because you think I am? This is unhinged and you're entire post is schizo ramblings based off false assumption that I'm a republican.You keep getting called a republican because we don't live in a fantasy world where it's democrats vs green party. It's literally just republicans vs democrats in reality. You may not like it but all this bitching isn't gonna change that. Any scenario where democrats are disempowered is because republicans, which is 50% of the country are in power, and vice versa.
And again. The democrats aren't any "softer" on the border like where did you get that from?
No. 2234835
>>2234060I think I'd be OK with Tulsi but I just don't like JD. I don't believe he makes his own decisions he does whatever Thiel makes him do.
>>2234070horrible taste
No. 2234852
>>2234845Your alternative under Trump is watching America turn into Gilead
No. 2234904
>>2234807The Paris Climate Accord and the Keystone pipeline are irrelevant in comparison to the impact of the CERCLA legislation which is why specified "significant". At least read the wikipedia article.
>>2234814>It's so funny how fragile undecided/third party voters areProjection of you're own behavior on to others. This entire argument started because someone said they were voting for Jill Stein 12 hours ago.
>A grfter is someone who clings onto anything that will make them the most money. Just like all politicians. Both parties contain members that needed to retire decades ago but don't because $174,000 a year is more important. Kamala's age is at least something in her favor.
>You just want to believe that I'm a libfem or whatever to feel better about being retarded.And you just want to believe that I'm a republican. I've never mentioned libfems so I have no idea where that came from.
>NTA We just told you how democrats AND republicans can enact their goals and who it all depends on this electionYou've insulted me and parroted democrat talking points.
No. 2235182
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Tbh, I don't even get why people try to run if they're not with the Republican or Democratic party. It's like an indie singer trying to get more sales than an artist backed by Universal. Most people probably don't even know this guy is running.
No. 2235421
>>2235380Third parties won't work.
The 2 party system needs to collapse through disengagement from the public.
We won't see a third option until the democrats and republicans have maybe 1,000,000 voters each nationwide. And even then, that "third option" will probably just be the military intervening.
No. 2235461
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>Trump looking over Melania's shoulder as she votes
No. 2235463
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Is he pretending to throat a microphone??? Maybe he really is a faggot…
No. 2235693
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No. 2235700
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No. 2235925
>>2235921Yep, the good times of before women could have our own credit cards and bank accounts, before no-fault divorce or divorce at all, before domestic violence was outlawed, before the 19th amendment. And yes, the "exceptions" for abortion is such a farce, they have to "prove" it was rape or incest which the justice system is notoriously shady about. Especially with
victims being shamed and not wanting to speak out. Or the doctors having to wait until the woman is entering sepsis and on the very brink of death to START treatment. I despise the whole "life begins at conception" bullshit, it's so clearly excusing males of any responsibility. Fuck that, if I was prez I'd say life begins at spermatogenesis, any man who jerks off is a mass murderer and shall be hanged.
No. 2235930
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No man should ever be in charge of women's health. Also I fucking love her lmao
No. 2235935
>>2235930>Also I fucking love her lmaoYou really think Kamala Harris/Joe Biden run their own Twitter accounts and she wrote the "No. ♥" meme as a reply to someone?
God help us
No. 2235937
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No. 2235948
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>>2235930This is so funny, her campaign is great. God RFK shouldn’t even have a seat near politics, let alone politics relating to women’s health. He’s extremely schizophrenic
>>2235648This is terrible, deaths in these manners always sound so brutal. I’m so tired of women’s health being sidelined
No. 2236178
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Kamala goes to Atlanta
No. 2236212
>>2235930What the fuck is happening to this country.
RFK is a fucking schizo and should not be in charge of anything let alone womens health. He is not a doctor. He is an anti vaxxer(hes not just a covid anti vaxxer but an anti vaxxer period.
Why have politicans been getting less and less normal? Have they always been like this but im just too young?
No. 2236459
>>2236161the wording was awful when it was on the ballot in Ohio but it still passed.
>>2236414they'd have to get through the primaries and debates pretty quick for that to happen
No. 2236473
File: 1730589190511.jpeg (154.79 KB, 900x891, IMG_8006.jpeg)

>joe biden claims only god can tell him to step down
>he steps down
>kamala takes his place
>TWV is imminent
yet i’m told pussyallah isn’t real?
No. 2236475
>>2235648I really wanted to be a mom but this makes me never want to have kids ever because most of these murders are happening to women who were actually planning for kids—many of whom already had a baby before. It’s fucking terrifying how you get married, try to conceive, and do everything right only to be refused care for septic shock or forced to carry parts of your dead baby inside of you. I hope everyone keeps circulating these stories along with these women’s backstories because they need to continue to be broadcasted everywhere. They are killing wives and mothers—the women the Republican Party claims that they want to protect. I assume if this was to happen to their own daughters they would probably slut shame them before having them airlifted to a hospital out of state so “their women” could at least survive. And if they really care about the birth rate then this is also not only killing women but causing them to become infertile as well. There was one story where a woman planned for a baby, had some complications, and was left infertile in the aftermath because she couldn’t get appropriate medical care (I think it was in Tennessee). So they dgaf if you’re dead but also if you can’t produce any more babies? Why the fuck are they doing this to us except to make us suffer, whether that be infertility, death, or miscarriage?
So yeah, as someone who previously wanted a child I think I might never have one… because why even try to get pregnant if this is becoming more and more of a possibility? Infant mortality rates have also gone up as well post-Roe so the survival of your baby is now riskier than before.
No. 2236544
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Cardi B and Elon Musk are fighting about Cardi B's appearance
No. 2236548
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Kamala will be on SNL the day after the Election
No. 2236557
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>>2236544The comments, it's mind boggling how retarded trumptards are. Are they forgetting their lord and savior frequently partied with Jeffery Epstein? The guy who was heavily involved with pedophile networks? Who abused children?????
No. 2236599
> Kamala has no policies> Kamala has made religious people angry, it could cost the election> The democratic party wants to keep abortion criminalized to keep running on it>Kamala has no plan for immigration>Trump is good for womenYou can whine and bitch but you are still on lolcow which doesn't allow moids and sperging because you're getting pushback about supporting someone who raped thirteen year old little girls with Epstein and wants to have sex with his own daughter. You would have been banned if you defended a moid like that in any other thread.
No. 2236602
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>>2236583I wanna just talk about the US and not the fucking election for two seconds, and all the past threads have been a deluge of Harrisfags trying too hard to convince… Idk who, but someone. I'm so fucking sick of scrolling through these threads and seeing this shit. Please can we just fucking talk about, Idk, hometowns, or American history, or American food, or literally anything
but the election. I don't fucking care. I'm not voting for her, holy shit.
No. 2236614
File: 1730598114076.jpg (671.89 KB, 900x1203, Marianne_Stokes_Madonna_and_Ch…)

>>2236607Don't you even begin to assume a single thing about me. You reek of the shilling I used to see on /pol/, and even they tried a bit harder to get their (You)s. If I want any more shit out of you, I'll grab you by the neck and squeeze hard.
(alogging) No. 2236648
File: 1730598772700.png (558.5 KB, 2140x688, at least try .png)

>>2236634No, actually. I don't see any of that at all. Could you maybe help me find it?
No. 2236653
>>2236636It works well with chicken, pork and seafood. Sometimes I use it as an alternative to cajun seasoning.
>>2236649Other anons have different opinions to you. You need to get over it and not start a infight every time.
No. 2236657
>>2236649Thank you so much
nonnie. I was not about to do that.
No. 2236659
File: 1730598980419.jpeg (741.86 KB, 1170x1360, IMG_8027.jpeg)

>>2236648It’s the thread with the biden threadpic
Also people ITT acting like a male isn’t subhuman compared to a female kek
No. 2236676
File: 1730599420302.png (198.08 KB, 1033x387, iowajjjj.png)

Kamala Harris might win Iowa which was a secure red state in all previous elections.
No. 2236679
File: 1730599605987.jpg (43.96 KB, 500x628, pearlbaileywhitedress.jpg)

Post your favorite American actresses, GO
No. 2236683
>>2236669I don't think that OP was saying she feels like baiting retards who are breaking rules should be allowed to do so, I think what she was sharing with us was that anons feel more comfortable infighting over personal disagreements no matter how harmless and unimportant they are.
>>2236675I actually don't think that and didn't say or allude to that once. What I'm saying is that no one was
claiming to be posting facts, they were posting their personal opinions about information they'd digested themselves. Nobody was "posting fake shit", they were posting personal opinions that you or others disagreed with or found to be distasteful, and instead of
learning 2 scroll you choose to start an argument with them in some kind of attempt to achieve stimulation, change their mind, or just receive attention. I do feel like yes, just because you disagree with someone does
not mean you should have an argument with them. It's not necessary, and infighting itself is against the rules.
No. 2236688
File: 1730599885103.png (42.99 KB, 637x434, kjdhfejkdo.png)

>>2236676Kabama secured
>>2236620>"muh heckin libfems!!">thinks male power shouldnt be seized>doesnt even know what radical IDPOL is>doesn't even know 6b4tMales are subhumans, you retarded "radfems" psyop yourselves into turning into GCs. If you don't believe in seizure of male power, you are no radical feminist. Males are inherently separatist in their own nature therefore females should be too. Stop trying to psyop feminists into voting for dementia ridden, fat, rapist, gay cum-guzzling, subhumans just because of "MURRR TRANNIESSS MURR IMMIGRANTS!!!". Kamala (XX) is more human than Trump (XY), seethe.
(infighting) No. 2236690
File: 1730599917056.png (125.73 KB, 323x226, violadavis.png)

>>2236679Viola Davis
>>2236683Isn't it against the rules to play the role of the farmhand. Why can't people just stfu and post what they want to post. I like sharing updates about the american election in the amerifag thread. If I break the rules, I would prefer the farmhands to handle it.
No. 2236691
>>2236683>infighting itself is against the rulesInfighting should be a fucking permaban for how much I've seen in this thread alone.
>>2236688'Nuff said.
No. 2236711
>>2236704nta but it's all over twitter, just look up "trump microphone". on twitter and you'll see the video.
or just look here
>>2235463 No. 2236712
>>2236702Nobody is suppressing you for disagreeing with you? You are still allowed to post. What is with this
victim complex ITT.
No. 2236717
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>>2236702I love being a Kamalafag
No. 2236721
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>>2236717mods are asleep. post kamala
>>2236718Have you seen his fucking tariff policy LOL We literally discussed this upthread
No. 2236724
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>>2236719Like clockwork KEKKK
No. 2236743
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She's so sexy when she purses her lips like that
No. 2236749
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No. 2236753
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>>2236727>i do not know what tariff policy meansI'd call you retarded but I don't blame people for being disengaged. I'll actually explain it, since his whole economic plan surrounds it. In basic definition, tariffs are taxes imposed on goods imported from another country by one country. Sounds simple and good, right? Well trump wants tariffs higher than 200%!!!! We get much of our groceries from other countries, so the price you pay at the grocery store would actually skyrocker.
>>2236737I am a hardcore Kamala supporter but don't say this stupid shit lol, you're giving the retarded "CLOSE YOUR LEGS!!!" sperges the upper hand. Tard
No. 2236761
File: 1730601337259.jpg (319.37 KB, 1200x800, 1000002202.jpg)

Post kamala
No. 2236767
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>>2236744KEKK, c'mon she does not. You're just trying to rile people up
No. 2236771
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>>2236762No she's so happy and cute here
No. 2236773
>>2236758They said that trump's abortion bans is hurting women and you said they should close your legs.
>>2236760The main character syndrome needs to stop. If you haven't voted for her now, you're def not gonna do it in the next 2 days. I don't care what you do because I don't know you. I'm posting her because she's sexy and I'm a lesbian who's procrastinating my various responsibilities. I'm not the only person posting her either but they're also posting her because she's sexy.
No. 2236780
File: 1730601591177.png (174.9 KB, 329x324, wkjdhbhejid.png)

This little sign of her in the town her mother is from is so cute to me, i don't know why
>>2236773>I'm a lesbian who's procrastinating my various responsibilitiesWhy are you me…
No. 2236785
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>>2236772Um like they do in every mouth
No. 2236786
File: 1730601742593.png (105.86 KB, 249x209, kamalalawyer.png)

>>2236780Look at us! Imagine getting to fuck a young lawyer Kamala. I'd do anything
No. 2236788
>>2236782Kamala is such a cutie pie I don't care. I remember the women posting old photos of Troomp before biden dropped out. My mind was never changed. I will lust over my federal wife whether they like it or not.
>>2236783>only 80?Jimmy carter is just a kid you guys…
No. 2236789
>>2236784Wym not everything is about you? OP in this post
>>2236760 didn't say "its not gonna change
my mind"?
No. 2236792
This thread proves that dykes are just as degenerate as straight moids, you people cannot talk about a woman without objectifying her jfc.
>>2236786Kys scrote
(scrotefoiling) No. 2236804
>>2236794Anyone who thinks
what has main character syndrome? Anyone who says "hey, stop spamming kamala pics its not going to make anyone vote differently" has main character syndrome, in your mind?
No. 2236805
>>2236786Where's that one photo of her putting her hand on the glass for cake
No. 2236808
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>>2236676Replying to this again, but I would like to take a moment from the infighting to give props to the queen of polling, ann selzer
No. 2236824
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>>2236814Hillary had some really cool outfits when she was younger. I don't think she was ever ugly but I think she just never had 'the right look'. I always liked her and it's a shame she never became president.
No. 2236840
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>>2236837Handled that pandemic like a champ!!!!
No. 2236846
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>>2236825I like how hard working and intelligent she is. You know how smart you have to be to be the first black female lawyer in your firm and then the first black attorney general. I also like how she has the ability to be vulnerable but can also switch into a more serious guarded mode. I think she's pretty transparent and doesn't give me swarmy vibes so i empathize with her. And she reminds me of Bette Porter from the L word.
>>2236827I'm just saying it's ridiculous to accuse me of being like a scrote. When's the last time you've seen a young scrote have a crush on a much older woman and follow her career?
No. 2236853
>>2236846>When's the last time you've seen a young scrote have a crush on a much older woman and follow her careerI've seen many moids oversexualize and objectify her, you are no different.
>>2236848Trump supporters aren't renowned for having any morals, literal psychopaths. Send them to factory farms to use as cattle asap.
No. 2236854
>>2236848How is that psychotic? Do you expect Americans to cry and scream over every single citizen that dies? That's not reality.
>>2236846Ohhh ok, so you don't find her physically attractive, is what you're saying? You appreciate her accomplishments and you consider
those to be what is attractive about her.
No. 2236856
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>>2236848But biden lets one migrant in and it's an invasion. The double standards.
No. 2236860
File: 1730602830852.png (777.74 KB, 1142x586, lkjhgvbnklk.png)

>Ntayrt but, I think we'll all be okay. Just like we were after joe GODdin's first term.>>2236848I have no idea why trumptards completely memoryholed trump's shit handling of the pandemic kek. How old are they? WHY do they think he lost in 2020?
No. 2236863
File: 1730602851207.gif (300.09 KB, 898x601, ban-fracking.gif)

>>2236849Reagan might have been decent when he was younger but by 1981 when he was elected he looked the same as any old scrote.
No. 2236866
File: 1730602928417.gif (534.01 KB, 500x500, loveit.gif)

Love it!
No. 2236868
>>2236863Jillfag >> every retarded trump baiter who suspiciously started sperging after the soy raid
I have more respect for stein voters because stein is a female.
No. 2236870
File: 1730603023704.jpg (33.83 KB, 460x307, supporters-president-trump-lis…)

>>2236865I wonder where that one anon who's such a protector of woman is? Or does she just police lesbians?
No. 2236874
File: 1730603095028.gif (714.11 KB, 500x500, coconut.gif)

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
No. 2236906
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>>2236902Someone's jealous because kamala is hotter than them
No. 2236909
>>2236906Its starting to get kind of annoying how the only positive thing you can say about Kamala is how shes "hot"
>>2236907I don't really know what I'm expected to do in the case of Americans dying daily. I'm not a doctor or medical professional, I'm also not a social worker.
No. 2236930
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No. 2236956
>>2236634Why are you defending the spread of misinformation under auspices of “well it might as well have been true”, you sound crazy and conspiratorial
>>2236702I’ve actually never in my life heard a woman say “women are not a monolith” about something that wasn’t somehow regressive or pickmeish, idk what it is about how that phrase is used that is so weirdly indignant and unflattering. maybe because it’s weirdly defensive and trying to explain away why a woman would “go against the grain” but in a way that isn’t remotely progressive? like yeah obviously we aren’t a monolith but there are objectively things that are in our collective best interest that you look stupid straying from regardless of why. framing trump supporters getting criticized as misogynistic is weird idpol behavior comparable to trannies claiming being anti-porn is transphobic or something. No one is asking you to be ride or die for kamala but why do you want the guy who got rid of roe v wade to be president again
>>2236782Trannies are so weird. I work with a TIF and I’ve been nervous about politics coming up around her because I would rather not deal with a tranny spergout even if I am getting paid while its happening but she asked me if I’m voting and started talking about how relieved she is that we might have a former cop for president and that she thinks it’s a good thing trannies aren’t being hammered in this year because it alienated normal people and that the people who are left leaning and saying they aren’t going to vote for her because of palestine were never going to vote for her in the first place and just have a convenient excuse that they can be defensive about now. It felt weird to have a conversation with a tranny and not feel like i have to be on guard and worry about saying the wrong thing
>>2236840My favorite thing about this is who knows how much of the death toll was comprised of his voter base, but I guess we’ll find out in a few days? I feel like the MAGA people are probably going to blame (the democrat engineered?i actually don’t know what they believe anymore) covid deaths if he loses
>>2236872She’s homophobic and her christianity and specific brand of patriotism creep me out, probably because she isn’t white so she comes off as overly eager to assimilate as a True Wholesome American rather than genuine. Her whole pivoting schtick is tiresome too, she seems desperate and like she wants clout for being yeonmi park but for the democratic party but no one actually cares about why she pivoted, republicans just see her as a success story for their rhetoric
No. 2236969
Kamala Harris on SNL
No. 2236975
File: 1730608892229.png (275.71 KB, 367x490, guyliner is BACK.png)

I'm so ready for vice president Jaydenne Deku Vance (he/him), first ever trans VP and second ever fujo VP
No. 2237042
File: 1730612102981.jpeg (137.23 KB, 637x1078, IMG_4078.jpeg)

Who taught Gen Alpha racial slurs kek.
No. 2237060
>>2237033Interesting so you are willing to look the other way when they say that but call it bait when its a anon saying the same thing showing that on a subconscious level you know this is wrong yet still chose to support conservacucks.
Like this video for example. I bet if someone wrote the things he said you would have said the same thing but since he is saying this on a podium suddenly it's okay, it's the cognitive dissonance with right-wingers.
Also id like to add that i dont agree with the baiter, i just find it hypocritical.
No. 2237082
Cw: hopecore for us kamalafags
No. 2237093
>>2237083>>2237088Conservacucks using soy as a descriptor in 2024 is sad. Have you taken a look at how the usual maga supporter looks like?
One hand on the burgerking meal and the other hand on the keyboard writing qanon stories and raging over women and black people.
No. 2237109
The election is peeking women
No. 2237481
Halloween float at kids parade in Pa makes the news for depicting Kamala Harris in chains
No. 2237643
>>2237606literally, "kamala doesn't do enough" - ok, so does trump love palestine, lmao? "punishing america" by not voting for her is basically punishing themselves
and aiding israel in destroying palestine.
No. 2237674
>>2237606Most Palestinefags have nothing to do with the I/P situation, just highly opinionated or retarded. For their situation, Kamala is objectively the better candidate—Trump wouldn't just be "pro-Israel" but would do everything he could to help Israel finish the job.
>>2237633Believing that a state should not deliberately and indiscriminately target citizens ≠ pro-Islam. Just basic human rights. Netanyahu has been one of the worst things to happen for both Israelis and Palestinians.
No. 2237740
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>>2236679Queen Barbara Stanwyck
No. 2237759
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Why do conservatards keep trying to push this squirrel thing? Do they think it's doing anything? This reminds me of the AI generated pictures of Haitians eating house pets that they kept spamming, trying to make it some big thing, then it falling flat on it's face because absolutely nobody outside of their circle was passionate about it. Like your average normie voter was laughing at Trump when he brought it up at the debate. This shit is so retarded…
No. 2237816
>New York officials seized and euthanized a pet squirrel named Peanut, sparking outrage from his owner and a large social media following. >TL;DR it was taken away because it's illegal to own wild animals without a permit and was euthanized to be tested for rabies. >This caused a political shitstorm on twitter because it's twitter. Conservatives are complaining about big government.ironic since they want to control womens rights.
Don't know why India would care about random incident in the U.S, by heres an article: for posting this five fucking times. Im stuck using an iphone No. 2238012
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jesus christ chris chan sonichu has made more designer harris-walz signs kek
No. 2238161
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>>2236679She has the beauty of Marilyn Monroe and Katharine Hepburn with the poise of Ingrid Bergman and the complexity of Elizabeth Taylor. She's America's last true superstar.
No. 2238174
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>>2238069This smile is proof alone that the death penalty is
valid and murderers, offending pedophiles, etc deserve immediate execution if there is solid, irrefutable proof of their crimes. Do not bother wasting resources, tax dollars on keeping them alive. They are irreformable. Let them out, they will kill again. Keeping them alive is a disservice to humanity. They do not value human life and they are lower than scum.
No. 2238238
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>>2238174>>2238069here's the video in case anyone is curious…seriously disturbing. do they not train these cops at all?
No. 2238252
>>2238238Scrotes will comment under any instance of female cops failing to detain a criminal as their argument for why women should never be cops. Yet, scrote cops go around doing shit like
this. See how retarded and robotic and completely fucking illogical this faggot is? Scrote cops are like this all the fucking time, if not, then
lazy. Moids think bad cops are limited to women's performance of the job. To be honest, I think the vast majority of people don't have the physical or mental power it takes to be what a cop
should be, male or female.
No. 2238330
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>Brave Iranian Stacy protests restrictive dress laws by walking on campus in just her underwear
> Ugly conservamoid Jackson Hinkle dismisses her as mentally ill
> This is her response
I hate how anything a woman does is immediately discredited by them. It makes me sick
No. 2238331
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Her name is Azam Jangravi. She's a mother and woman's rights advocate in Iran.
No. 2238460
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she's got the furry vote
No. 2238461
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Trump says he's gonna "start having fun with Michelle" after her speech against him. He's gonna start up the mood conspiracy theory again
No. 2238476
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>>2238330He's a professional ragebaiter kek, seeing how haggard he already looks at 25 I bet the wall is already hitting!
No. 2238482
>>2238463My personal prediction is that the pollsters are really wrong this time and that Kamala will win by more than expected. But because all the pollsters had it looking so close, Trumpsters will use this to say that "look, the election was totally rigged!" and do a 2nd Jan 6th. The reason for the polls being wrong will be an unexpected young voter turnout. Some of the early voting is already showing in Michigan for example 200% of the expected young voter turnout
I don't really believe in Astrology but can you send me the Youtuber anyway, nonna? I'm curious. No. 2238622
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I'm excited to go vote in person tomorrow, I'm going to wear a red blazer with a blue shirt to the polls. Let's get this shitshow over with!
No. 2238636
>>2238632probably because of demotivating tactics in the media like YOU'RE THROWING AWAY YOUR VOTE IF YOU DON'T VOTE THE MAIN TWO. what if i literally hate the main two parties, so my options are to vote for who i actually care about or don't vote at all? it wouldn't matter to anyone anyway
>>2238634i don't think the third party is based but voting for who you think is correct against all odds is
No. 2238689
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>>2238682they never know what to say when i tell them that we are under trump's tax plan until 2025 and this is why everything is so insufferably expensive. i wasn't making bank during his 2020 presidency and i still had to owe money back to the IRS which was a first in my life and i was so fucking upset about it.
No. 2238727
>>2238724Well there's a shit load of Republicans in every facet of the judicial system because of limpdick rapist Trump, so
maybe, but probably not as well as it could be if the dems were leading.
No. 2238728
>>2238330I hate conservatards so much it's unreal.
>>2238311In hindsight, they were right to doompost. I know people act like "well he was a president once and nothing happened!" when in fact, things did happen, and the long-term plan was to keep Trump in office over multiple terms so that the powers that be can drive the policies and people they wanted. But then Biden won the last elections which came off as a huge shock to his backers because it wasn't supposed to happen. Now they're prepared and Project 2025 is the proof of it, once they get Trump elected they're not pulling punches anymore. They're planning to make drastic changes to the
democratic system to ensure that they can apply swift and radical changes. There are multiple parallels around the world to how fascist leaders have taken over. Shit doesn't happen overnight or even over a span of few years, the heat is gradually turned up so people just end up like frogs being slowly boiled alive. And fascism even harder to take apart once it's established.
>>2238682Because a.) the couchfucker said so so it must be true b.) they're retards who think Trump's protectionist policies apply in a vacuum and they all conveniently forgot that when the guy put huge import tariffs in place to force people into buying domestic it only put a big dent in foreign trade and caused prices to skyrocket as other countries applied similarly big tariffs to US imports. There's really no convincing trumptards about anything, you could present million studies and headlines proving every single point they make wrong yet they would just ignore it and cry about media and academia being controlled by liberal lies.
No. 2238729
>>2238723The majority of abortions (at least in Burgerland) are for fetuses who’ve been conceived via consensual sex though, the amount of sexual assault
victims who do become pregnant and need to receive an abortion is lower than 10% and I do believe
victims of rape/incest or women who are put in harms way by carrying the child should always be granted an abortion/induction, however we do have to remember that that’s also a significantly lower amount of women than the average pool of consumers who are purchasing one out of their own personal interest.
No. 2238763
>>2238751Abortion issues actually only concern
victims of rape/incest/illness that is lethal.
No. 2238777
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oh great this infight again
No. 2238782
>>2238773The “abortion issue” is really appalling, when you take into consideration how many women use rape
victims as a crutch for their personal interest to not practice family planning or use actual birth control.
No. 2238784
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>>2238749I don't think it's murder but it even if it was, I'd say you have the right to "murder" something that's literally growing inside you at your own discretion. Women should have control over their own bodies. Bodily autonomy is important, should we just leave it up to politicians to decide when we should be allowed to have an abortion? Women are already dying because of the red tape involved in abortions that lead to inaction.
No. 2238788
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ITT is why it's so important to vote for Kamala
No. 2238800
>>2238794Anon, you sound confused now. That post says.
>Exactly, usually you revoke the consent and stop having sex, so you don’t get pregnant at all. Simple.Which makes perfect sense, and isn’t actually “lazy whore” behavior at all. Women choose not to have sex (so they don’t get pregnant) all the time? I’m not getting what the problem you’re having right now is.
No. 2238801
>>2238797Unfortunately you don’t have the right to murder anything, unless you’re the
victim of a horrendous crime or fatal illness.
No. 2238812
>>2238800Because we all know that men are
so respectful of women's decisions to not fuck them, and countries where women legally can't express any kind of sexuality AT ALL are always so safe with no threat of getting pregnant against your will at all kek
No. 2238827
>>2238809So you think we should let some police officers or local officials decide whether or not our abortion reasons are
valid before we can have one? How would that even work? A scrote police officer confirms your "rape" and then gives the doctor the okay? Retarded. Women should decide for themselves when having an abortion is appropriate otherwise men will just use it to abuse us.
No. 2238855
>>2238842It's a woman's body and the thing grows inside of her. Abortions give her the same amount of power in a sexually reproductive way as men. A man can reproduce and fuck off, no attempts. Women should be able to terminate the spawn, it gives us a more equal ground. Men will boo hoo over the termination of fetuses that would be born to retarded and
abusive, at best emotionally neglectful fathers KEK fuck that. Abortions and induced miscarriages will always happen no matter what and we should allow women to get them safely.
No. 2238857
>>2238840I love this. Please run for president and make mandatory sterilization a requirement for moid immigration too. But,
>At 18 scrotes go to the doctor, get their sperm put on iceNeeds to be younger. Moids go through puberty at around 12-13 these days. Post-pubescent moids can still overpower women even when they're teenagers.
No. 2238861
>>2238845When you could reasonably expect it to live outside the womb without massive medical intervention.
>>2238839>>2238843Pretty much, it's a matter of bodily autonomy. If a fetus is totally dependent on the mother's body to live, the mother and only the mother has the right to do what she wants with it (so ofc that goes both ways, forcing abortion is a violation too). If they literally can't survive physically separated from you, you are the sole determiner of their existence.
No. 2238872
>>2238845When do you think you’re allowed to prioritize your own survival over another’s? Am I allowed to cut you up for your bits if I’m in greater need of them? Why? Why not? If you’re passed out and I hook myself up to you are you allowed to complain that I’m siphoning your blood and plasma? What if I’m dying and I need it? What if I just want it? If I don’t agree with surgery for religious reasons am I allowed to stop you from getting it? Why? Why not? When my kid is 18 is he allowed to carve up my body for parts? Why? Why not? If my kid is 24 and I need a kidney can I make her give it to me? Why? Why not? At what point is my child a separate entity from myself? When they leave my womb? Does that mean until they’re out they belong to me and are a part of me? If someone steps on me and kills me to get out of a burning building is that fair? Is that ok? Where is the line? If someone can’t survive without me, do I owe them all of me? What if I want to survive too? How do we determine who has the right to survive and who doesn’t? How do we determine if someone’s morals are more important than that of another? Murder is wrong but is surviving? In a situation where we don’t know who will and won’t survive do we let both die? Just to be fair? Do we try to save them both? What if one person appears dead and the other alive? Should we save both at the detriment of one because maybe? If you see a burning building do you have a moral imperative to run in and save everyone? What if no one’s in there but you don’t know that? What if you don’t run in and 5 people die? Did you do that? Or did you prioritize your survival?
It’s fine not to want an abortion, no one is making you (hopefully) but suggesting you have a superior moral stance or it’s murder or whatever kind of minimizes the true question which is: do women have the right to prioritize themselves, their health, their life, their survival?
No. 2238880
>>2238872>do women have the right to prioritize themselves, their health, their life, their survival?NTAYRT but
yes. You do have the right to prioritize yourself, your health, your life, and survival. If for you, that includes not having any children ever, then you don’t need to have sex. This is a really easy concept to understand.
No. 2238881
>>2238842>>2238854>>2238865>consensual sexThere's literally no way to prove that sex is consensual and in the case of abortion rights, it literally doesn't matter. Does a woman have the right to decide what occurs with her body or not?
>>2238869Most mammals can do one or more of the following: pause their pregnancies, reabsorb fetuses, or abort naturally (usually during times of stress or famine). Humans don't have those abilities which is why we have induced abortion through medication or surgery. The Romans used the abortifacient herb silphium to extinction.
No. 2238889
>>2238886Anon, I know that humans
choose to have sex for fun, but this doesn’t change the scientific reality that sex itself only exists for the purpose of conceiving another human.
No. 2238908
>>2238900so it says the definition of sealioning
>sealioning is a type of harassment or trolling that involves someone pretending to be sincere and civil while asking someone else relentless questions, often about things that have already been discussed.but we haven't discussed people who "lie about consensual sex" at all? and i'm just asking because i am genuinely curious, why would you lie about having consensual sex?
No. 2238928
>>2238910When I run, I want to fall on my ass and break my knees.
When I eat, I want to get food poisoning.
When I shit, I want my asshole to get ruptured.
If I didn't want to get celiac disease I shouldn't have been born. You are so right.
No. 2238929
>>2238922>There's only innate desire to fuck, not to get pregnant. Humans don't go into heat lol1) Nonna, has it ever occurred to you that the reason why you feel the desire to fuck is because you feel the desire to reproduce? 2) Yes, actually. We do ovulate and it does effect our libidos.
You have to be at least 18 to use this site. I recommend finishing high schooo before hitting the new reply button again.
No. 2238937
>>2238928You get it!
Men can’t help raping, their libidos demand they fuck and reproduce! We silly wimmins with our immature understanding of biology and nature must learn to accept that sometimes he’s just going to murder an infant by raping them, he can’t help it so we shouldn’t complain. Rapes perfectly nature and so is pedophilia dontchakno!? Fucking idiots in here.
No. 2238943
>>2238935actually not having sex at all is way less dangerous than both
>>2238925i'm incredibly against chemo as well. spending the last months of your life being shoved with needles everyday sounds like hell on earth
No. 2238958
>>2238946What about gay moids? Do they have an urge to reproduce too?
>>2238953I blame furries.
No. 2238971
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>>2238948When women throw their babies away it's actually just their le Ancient Roman urges!
No. 2238981
>>2238918Yeah, that’s really sad and in her case I would wonder why she didn’t go the family planning route but does that mean no one else can benefit or should? Women should be made aware of potential complications and outcomes, as with any surgery, but that’s why the saying was: safe, legal, rare.
Bad outcomes arise from bad situations, that’s inevitable, abortion is meant to help those who want it avoid WORSE outcomes… like death.
My mum got a hysterectomy, she was prolapsing out of her vagina, because of traumatic birth complications. No. 2239006
>>2239005i wasn't even old enough to vote when Trump became president so i don't know what you're shitflinging about
>>2239002anon did you read what the post i was responding to said?
No. 2239037
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>>2238995To the glue-eating janny who thought "Uncle Tom" in this context was alluding to "race," it was alluding to BEING A TRAITOR.
Durr hurr, you were only pretending to be retarded! Stupid fuck, your mommy should have aborted you too but that explains why you let a literal baiter shit up our boards. Disgusting piece of excrement. Fuck you!
(ban evasion) No. 2239056
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>>2238460>Making Kamala a hyenaWhat did the furries mean by this?
No. 2239061
>>2239060 said. and yeen woman = girlboss in furry culture
No. 2239106
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>>2239087Even if this was true, which it isn't, who cares? The purpose of sex is reproduction so everyone who has sex must have babies. Cancer only exists to kill people, so everyone who has cancer should just die. What a worthless appeal to nature take.
No. 2239115
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You guys can make the same retarded “CLOSE YER LEGS” argument in the same manner every time, changing the topic from abortion to if every heterosexual woman is technically a slut asking for it because heterosexual sex is for reproduction. (Opioids are for painkilling yet people get high off them anyways, so who cares if they die of an overdose since they were using it wrong). But the “close yer legs” argument is a very shitty and fragile because the truth is, statistically, whether the baby is on accident or not, it does not affect whether the mother gets an abortion or not. Accidental and purposeful mothers get abortions at the same rate. The “close your legs” argument is really just another way to call the “bad” women whores. You want to know the truth? Maternal death increases in states with abortion bans. And why? Because protecting the life of the fetus is really protecting the scrotes trophy, you cannot kill that triumph. This is why the drool so much over birth rates, it’s their fuck meter. Why do we never see scrotes talking about the multiple cases of willing mothers dying because of retarded restrictions? Because they don’t care, if the moids triumph dies she must die with it. You cannot “restrict” abortion to moral enough, because time after time abortion restrictions have been PROVEN the harm the heterosexual woman directly. Anti-abortion systems are inherently beneficial to males. And before you headcanon me as someone who cannot “close dur legs!!!” I am a lesbian. This reproduction talk is so counterintuitive, heterosexual sex exists for reproduction, but literally you guys never bring it back to abortion you fucking tards just keep arguing the specifics. Discuss amerifag topics or GTFO
No. 2239127
>>2239122Thats not goalpost shifting though. Her post compared consensual sex to being diagnosed with cancer.
>>2239116So, if you’re not attracted to men, then obviously you wouldn’t have sex with them? So getting pregnant isn’t an issue for you at all.
No. 2239144
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I deleted it but Sanic just told me trump will win for all of eternity
No. 2239146
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>>2239138i didn't know what silphium is so i took a second to google it and it looks like an herb that was used as a spice/perfume? how does this relate to abortion
nonny No. 2239168
>>2239163No! Quick
nonnie, there's still time!
No. 2239217
>>2239204It has not helped bit increased my anxiety oh lawd. Im also in a swing state.
Im a fool to ask Sanic, i have done great and terrible damage
No. 2239220
>>2239200May Sanic bringeth blessings upon you and spare us all, a(wo)men
>>2239212With how much you've been camping itt, I doubt it. I bet you're too afraid to tell off moids and that's why you're harassing women all day.
No. 2239223
the reason why conservatives are obssesed with "keep your legs closed stop having sex with hundreds of people then you won't need a abortion" is because conservative women are some of the biggest sluts you will ever met. It's all projection from the conservatives.
If you ever were a part of conervatve small towns, churches communities etc you know how the women get down. I've literally never seen that much number of people they would date in a year like break up and then a week later with someone new. Same goes for the men too.
>>2239194nta but I've seen alot of right wing lesbians on my twitter lately there was even one couple that was showing off that they voted for trump.
But maybe thats just twitter being twitter.
>>2239212Then why don't you, you seem more focused on trying to control or neg women while most men get away with not even paying child support.
No. 2239224
>>2239221>Have sex and PURPOSEFULLY get pregnant JUST to have an abortionHoly shit you
really need to get off 4chan kek
No. 2239228
>>2239214But what separates humans from animals in the wild is our emotional intelligence, and you don’t even need to be emotionally intelligent to show up to health class and learn that sex only exists for the purpose of reproduction.
>>2239220>I bet you're too afraid to tell off moidsWhy would I want to be near men? Yes, I am on a website for women because I prefer to communicate with other women instead of having men spit in my face and try to hit me with their car
No. 2239238
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>>2239233Samefag, thoughts on the thread pic? Total woman victory edition
No. 2239240
>>2239224anon how is 4chan related to this? did you read the post that i tagged? if you didn't, i'll explain for you. the anon said she wanted to get an abortion just for fun, and i reminded her that recovering from an abortion is traumatizing, she stated that recovering from childbirth is traumatizing too; which is true. so i suggested that she simply not get pregnant to begin with, and she said, "nah i think i'll just have an abortion" in response to me saying that she just shouldn't get pregnant at all. i don't see how 4chan relates to that. is there a reference i'm missing?
>>2239226are you referring to lesbian sexual acts?
>>2239229i don't know if you're just trolling and getting angry that i'm not laughing along but i'd like for us to be able to have an actual conversation about this
No. 2239241
>>2239228So you don't actually lecture moids like you claimed here
>>2239212. Gotcha. Really seems like only cowards moralfagnag women.
No. 2239254
>>2239213Cool, now say this to willing mothers who have complications during childbirth. Shouldn't have gotten pregnant if you didn't want to die from childbirth amirite? Concequences of your own actions and all that
>>2239228But I'm not denying thats sex is for reproduction. I'm saying that it's true, and that in turn one of women's purposes is to select which children to raise. Yeah killing like it happens in nature is brutal and that's why we have birth control and abortions which nip the issue in the bud. You shouldn't deny women their purposes just because of a trivial thing like sex.
No. 2239261
>>2239231I don't think that's going to happen, most people don't want a female president and plus most people always want someone to subjugate and oppress so that's not happening. Your average person falls into this category: 1.Tone deaf billionaire or millionaire who wants to pay as less taxes as possible, 2. People whose business relies on slave labor, 3. Conspiracy theorists, 4. Men/Women who hate ethnicities that are different than theirs, 5. Women who don't think women deserve rights, 6.Men who don't think women deserve rights, 7.People who drank the kool aid, 8.Poor people who want to feel better about themselves (I may be poor but a least im not a Mexican)
I think most people in America fall into atleast one of those categories so trump is winning.
No. 2239264
>>2239252this is like indian moid level autism.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2239268
>>2239259i understand that anon, but those maternal deaths are usually related to fetal abnormalities, miscarriages, and other pregnancy complications that result in an excretion/abortion becoming necessary. we're discussing childbirth. as in, the pregnancy has been complete, the mother is giving birth, and for some reason is facing fatalities during her birth process. i'm asking in what way does abortion relate to this.
>>2239262dying from childbirth trauma/complications isn't the same as getting an abortion though.
No. 2239284
>>2239261Here's the thing though
>most people don't want a female presidentTrump has never won the popular vote. If it weren't for the electoral college, Hillary would have won in 2016. Most people are objectively not against a female president.
I also am not sure I entirely agree with the rest of your sentiment. If most people were so prejudiced as to vote against their own interests, then Obama also should not have won in 2008 (and back then, there were more people alive who lived through Jim Crow). You can be misogynist and/or racist and still vote for a woman and/or non-white person.
No. 2239285
>>2239144I did a tarot reading and got: chariot, the devil, death.
So either Kamala is going to win and trumps going to die or satans going to win and we’re all in for a hell of a time.
No. 2239290
>>2239273did you actually read the post i tagged? i'll re-explain it to you, since you're choosing not to lurk, but the post you're responding to is where I am asking "how is abortion going to assist her when dying in childbirth". also, maternal death in anti-abortion states can be caused by
anything, the definition of the term "maternal death" only means; death of a pregnant woman, or death within 42 days of giving birth. dying when you're pregnant or after giving birth doesn't necessarily mean that it was because of the anti-abortion laws. unless you have another table of graphics that prove me wrong.
No. 2239298
>>2239276i actually don't know why, and thats why i'm asking you. do you not have an answer?
>>2239282i don't have any way of knowing what men spend more time doing because i don't spend time around them
No. 2239303
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>>2239290There is literally a direct correlation do research
No. 2239311
>>2239302because humans are only on earth for one reason, to reproduce. so why would you have consensual sex and get pregnant just to abort it? its sociopathic.
No. 2239313
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its one of those days
No. 2239323
>>2239311ntayrt but am i sociopathic if i don’t want children? actually im unable to because of a condition, am i still a sociopath?
there is no definitive reason why me you or anyone exists. we have to make that ourselves
No. 2239333
someone make a good threadpic fast!!!
>>2239318i dont wanna, i'm straight
No. 2239336
>>2239309I think horror romances and horror romcoms are an underrated concept. There’s a lot they can do and I think it would be really popular. It would fit Hallmark perfectly:
>wildlife researcher goes back to her hometown to study wolf population>meets a cute guy>he’s a werewolfOr how about
>romcom about ‘meeting the parents’ and the love interest is a vampireOr here’s another one
>young woman discovers she has magic powers>has to learn to control her new powers while dating some new guyAnd it all takes place around Halloween. It’s the perfect romcom slop! Hollywood hire me!