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No. 1573579
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>>1573563 all forgiven nona
For something on thread topic, let's talk about megachurches. Anyone have experience attending one? What was it like? I actually did go to one myself. Didn't think of anything wrong with it as a kid but we brought my catholic grandma to their christmas service once and she hated it, lol.
No. 1573627
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>>1573579My parents went to one for a bit when I was young, I hated it. There's nothing spiritual about being in stadium seating and the sermons sucked. The pastor is a televangelist who got shit on for not volunteering his megachurch as shelter when the city got hit with a natural disaster recently. Meanwhile all the smaller churches were actually helping their community with cleanup, and giving shelter and food. That made me really not trust megachurches tbh.
No. 1573631
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My family in Texas loves Joel Osteens megachurch. It's literally a cult. I think they just like the entertainment and feeling like they are doing something righteous. They are absolutely obsessed, they know everything about Joel Osteen and his family and framed pictures of them together. There is also this hierarchy of lower "spiritual counselors" that my family spends a bunch of money on. You basically pay so they respond to your texts. It's pretty depressing whenever they force me to go and I have to endure it all and hold my tongue about how weird and crazy it is.
No. 1573678
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>>1573647I think small local churches are just as sinister because there are so many! Especially depending on the neighborhood. Living in the city in a predominantly black neighborhood I’ve never seen so many local churches within a 5 mile radius. It’s honestly terrifying. But I hate churches and think they are being used to further subjugate the black community by making us serve and be beholden to a white god that justified our enslavement so move around me please
No. 1573691
>>1573678a lot of those small churches are run like mini cults by predators who establish strange hierarchies like making attendees call his wife "first lady" and create special names for his kids who he ordains himself. too often, these pastors also groom young girls into relationships with him.
this isn't to say that megachurches don't have the same issues, but they have to be more careful because thousands of people are watching. smaller churches get away with a lot of this stuff in the open because the regular attendants are usually a few dozen at most.
No. 1573694
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>>1573579gemstones nailed it
No. 1573832
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>>1573825These soulless cement buildings are probably cheaper in upkeep than real cathedrals and churches tbh.
Kinda wish the US had beautiful old churches and cathedrals tho. I just imagine that your prayers from picrel sound so much better to god than from an ugly stadium.
No. 1573842
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>>1573832Oh, nonna, I'm not trying to correct you, but you might like to know similar churches to the kind you're talking about are commonly attached to the big universities. Probably because those are some of our oldest institutions (and they have the money to maintain them). I know the European ones are more grand tho kek
Picrel Stanford Memorial Church in California
No. 1573860
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>>1573678Of course there are loads of small local churches, one for each village/neighborhood.
>>1573691Never heard about this, ew. My local church that I had to go to as a kid along with the CCD program seemed fine it was whatever.
>>1573857 are also smatterings of old, historical churches too depending on where you are. I don't know about the insides of many of them, but churches always have beautiful interiors even if simple. If you're really interested and you see yourself drive by an old church, maybe go inside of it or something I'm sure it'll be quite beautiful.
No. 1573922
>>1573918Like yeah I wonder why these stinky 18th century Americans are imitating le superior European buildings that have no connection at all in the slightest to what exists in America bc Americans spawned out of nowhere
No. 1574031
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>>1573832>Kinda wish the US had beautiful old churches and cathedrals thoThe US may not have medieval churches like Europe but it makes up for it with the variety of architectural styles.
No. 1574047
>>1574031Nice selection indeed.
I really don't like the triangular ones, the first and second in the middle row. There's something unwelcoming about the shape.
No. 1574181
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Seeing the street food of many different countries makes me wish that we had something like that. Don't get me wrong, I like boiled peanuts and empanadas, but where I live, these street foods are only sold on special occasions, like at fairs. At least in big cities, street food is more common.
No. 1574349
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>>1573631>>1573637LMAOOO nonas, my parents have suddenly become extra religious these past few years (when I was growing up we were always "Christian", but never went to church together) and…out of absolutely nowhere, my mom gave me a fucking Joel Osteen "Inspiration Cube" for Christmas. It's a little bluetooth speaker that plays sermons and "inspirational quotes" from Joel when you push the buttons, I laughed so hard when I opened it because I thought it was a joke, and my mom was genuinely offended. What the hell is happening to our families?
No. 1574518
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>>1574181Do food trucks count?
Is street food common in American cities? I guess all we have are these, but it's not exciting imo
No. 1575587
>>1575199That happens on instagram too, all the time it's retarded as fuck. Someone will say something and someone else will go "oh you fucking Americans!!" and the original person, understandably confused, is like i don't know at what point in my comment i said i was from america but one look at my profile will tell you I'm [insert demonym]
Weird stuff.
No. 1576344
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>>1574482we have the worst paper money in the world, sorry. a lot of foreign currency designs blow our shit out the fucking water. have you ever seen costa rican paper money? the new designs for paper colones are fucking awesome, they've got sharks and sloths on them it's not fair lol - and it doesn't disintegrate if you get it wet and the bills are different sizes so even if you can't see you can still tell the difference
No. 1576347
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was going to suggest this for threadpic but I see I'm a few days too late. maybe next thread.
No. 1576350
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No. 1576351
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No. 1576932
>>1574518I mentioned food trucks because they are the closest thing to having year round street food. I also like the variety.
Hotdog stands like this are only common in very big cities like Miami and special festivals like fairs.
No. 1577666
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I found this in my old childhood stuff today. You guys are gonna be so jealous when they make me rich one day. I'll try to stay humble
No. 1579646
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the rudy guiliani leaks are fucking peak milk, he needs his own thread. i was late for work because i couldn't stop reading the court papers. i don't even know what to screenshot because this is so entirely fucked up No. 1579714
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What's up California, already in the high 90's in my neck of the woods and I'm sweating.
No. 1579735
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>>1579646I've only just started reading, i completely understand getting sucked into this my god
No. 1580938
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Title 42 is finally dead but if I’m reading things correctly it’s harder than ever to seek asylum in the US. The new app sounds awful. Why can’t our government just build the infrastructure to handle the number of people who want to cross legally instead of coming up with stupid legal schemes to not have to do their damn jobs?? We’re gonna wind up paying private detention firms tax dollars to essentially jail people who didn’t do anything wrong, I would rather my tax dollars be spent on actually addressing the situation in a humane way, make some progress instead of pretending our hands are tied, that sort of thing. So frustrating how immigration is always in the news but no one ever has an actually good idea because the politicians don’t know how to actually do anything in the real world except line their pockets with deals with contractors!
No. 1581073
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>>1580985From what I understand, the Remain in Mexico policy is already causing exactly the situation you describe.
I think it’s really interesting that all the immigration stuff that was so Evil when Trump signed the orders is not remarked upon when the Biden administration keeps it going or doubles down and makes it even worse. The expedited removal process which deports people with no due process was suspended by Biden for like one year and then re-implemented exactly as it was written before! (I have to assume because Title 42 was ending.) Not really surprising though.
No. 1581688
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i really want to dress full-american for 4th July but I've never had any place to go to do so. i mean full out drenched in red white blue sparkle and lights, like all the old usa memes of the 2000s
No. 1581691
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My state finally banned these ugly ass trucks thank god
No. 1581965
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>>1579646The circumstances under which he met that woman are horrible too. What a piece of shit. My family loves Giuliani for how he cracked down on crime in NYC. I think New Yorkers are also somewhat trauma bonded to him because of 9/11 (not sure if that’s the right word).
No. 1582228
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>>1579646please, this needs it's own thread
No. 1582831
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I subscribe to a China news newsletter and it’s very factual and uninteresting, sometimes educational, but this headline got me lol
No. 1583190
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now four people have died and more people went blind or lost their eyeballs due to the contaminated eye drops
>Three products have been voluntarily recalled by their manufacturer, Global Pharma (Chennai, India), in association with this outbreak: EzriCare Artificial Tears, Delsam Pharma Artificial Tears, and Delsam Pharma Artificial Ointment. No other products have been linked to this outbreak.
>As of May 15, 2023, CDC, in partnership with state and local health departments, identified 81 patients in 18 states (CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, IL, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, SD, TX, UT, WA, WI) with VIM-GES-CRPA, a rare strain of extensively drug-resistant P. aeruginosa. This represents an increase of 13 patients since the last update. Among these 13 patients, 6 (46%) had specimens collected prior to the February 2, 2023, manufacturer recall of products associated with this outbreak. These cases were confirmed after the recall date due to the time it takes for testing to confirm the outbreak strain and because of retrospective reporting of infections. Of the 7 patients who had specimens collected after the recall, most either resided in long-term care facilities with other known cases or reported use of a recalled brand of artificial tears.
>Dates of specimen collection were from May 2022 to April 2023. Patients were initially identified from cultures of sputum, bronchial wash, or tracheal aspirate (14); sites related to the eye (e.g., cornea, vitreous; 21); urine (13); other nonsterile sources (3); blood (3); and ear (1); and from rectal swabs (26) collected for surveillance. Adverse outcomes that were associated with clinical (non-surveillance) cultures and reported to public health include 14 patients with vision loss, an additional 4 patients with enucleation (surgical removal of eyeball), and 4 deaths within 30 days of VIM-GES-CRPA clinical culture collection. No. 1584725
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>>1584415Sameses, it hit 100f today and I wanted to cry. This will pass fellow calanon
No. 1584747
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the southwest is simultaneously awesome and awful. here’s some awesome!
No. 1584976
>>1584936If you have turkeys on your property in Missouri I guarantee some retarded young hick will be posing by its corpse before sundown, bragging on social media about his huntin' prowess (even if his target was completely indifferent to his presence)
Theres one thing about Missouri, the dating market is garbage no matter your orientation so don't move here unless youre already with your spouse
No. 1585018
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>>1584976One, it's illegal to hunt on private property without the landowners permission. Two, you can only hunt in season with the proper permits. Call the Game Commission and tell them that some young hick is poaching and then a grizzled man in a funny hat will show up, investigate, and then tear that idiot a new asshole so wide that he'll be shitting pancakes for the rest of his life.
No. 1585068
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>>1584910lyme disease fucking sucks and needs to be treated asap if you don't want lifelong repercussions. i got treated a year late and wouldn't recommend it.
>>1584936 guineas are dope ass little birds, neat as hell, they'll hang out on your roof though and potentially annoy the neighbors as they can get loud. i had some as a kid. their feathers and eggs are really nice to collect too. compared to pet ducks they're less personal but not unfriendly. independent, i guess.
No. 1585100
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Does it bother anyone else that some of the left is trying to push the “No, MAGAts are the real child predators here!” Don’t get me wrong, I hate the GOP and the shit that they’re doing in Florida is retarded. But I don’t think going “No U” is gonna help the situation in the long run aside from pointing out their hypocrisy. We need to teach children that predators can come from ANYWHERE.
Pic related. While I do admire the work she does to an extent, she’s clearly pushing an agenda and I find it rather disingenuous. I have overall mixed feelings on it.
No. 1585365
>>1585327It really doesn’t. When was the last time there was a cholera outbreak here? Certain areas being corrupt and refusing to update old infrastructure (corroded pipes) doesn’t mean all water here is
toxic. People who bitch about how bad everything in the US is always lack perspective. Do you realize there’s still countries where men beating their wives to death is a regular occurrence that people turn a blind eye to?
>>1585321You’re right, a child being pregnant is always a life-threatening condition and I firmly believe doctors dealing with that should ignore any stupid legislation and save the child’s life.
No. 1585407
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>>1585397it's not that different and considering USA has way more people, that's way more women being battered.
No. 1585409
>>1585386Unfortunately this varies a lot from state to state so it’s difficult to give advice without knowing where you are. One place you can start is by looking up your state and/or local health department and finding mental health resources through them. In my area it’s called MHMR but from what I’ve seen they mainly do medication management and not really therapy. If you have insurance, they should be able to send you a list of practitioners that take your insurance but call any doctor or therapist before making an appointment because sometimes those lists aren’t accurate. Many therapists don’t accept any insurance and there’s not enough therapists available to cover the increased demand. Best of luck!
>>1585398It wasn’t a random choice; they genuinely have a disturbing problem with violence against women that only got worse with covid shit. They have the audacity to promote something they call the Gross National Happiness Index, I’d suggest reading about them if you’d like to gain some perspective.
No. 1585413
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>>1585395yeah a lot of non-Americans (and probably some Americans) think everything American = California. LA and the roundabout area specifically. i live on the other side of the country though. we got swamps, ghosts, and creepy ass roadside tourist attractions.
No. 1585414
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>>1585405Because I’m arguing that the US isn’t some hell hole and people who constantly whine about how awful life is here sounds extremely uninformed.
>>1585407Did you not consider that a lot of DV isn’t reported there because it is extremely normalized? chose an easily digestible PDF.
No. 1585464
>>1585453eh? i'll see you around,
No. 1585476
>>1585445Ugh, thank you anon. You said what I’m trying to say much more succinctly. Like of course there’s violence against women everywhere but I’m happy I live somewhere it’s not considered normal and there are places
victims of DV can turn to for help.
No. 1585881
>>1585476You’re a misguided shit bag. My father beat my mother and the cops literally told us we could sleep in. McDonald’s parking lot if we didn’t like it so much help. Drinking the cool aid. You’re not any different than the
abusive parents neglecting their children and using there’s children starving in Africa so you should be happy you got at least one meal while your classmates got three.
No. 1585885
>>1585857Left = lose your rights to trannies
Right = lose your reproductive rights
Pick your poison because either way your fucked.
No. 1586243
>>1586215Eh, it's just the usual media bullshit. I suggest never reading any news.
What is actually happening is that Florida produces a shitton of fertilizer and this crap is a waste product that has no use and is just dumped in mounds somewhere. It was already proposed to be used in roads, but it was denied due to health concerns, and now they want to start a new study to see whether it is actually dangerous when used in certain ways. In either case the federal government is the one who decides.
A general life pro tip I learned is to completely ignore anything that is '"maybe", "think about", "plan", "talk about" because 99.9999999% of the time it never happens and you waste your life chasing one retarded headline after another. If you pay attention to only what actually happens you suddenly lose a ton of anxiety and free up a lot of time.
The media are a complete waste of time only fit for copy pasting government statements and filling the rest of the air time with lies and fearmongering.
No. 1586714
>>1585969Both are equally bad. As a woman I should have autonomy over my own body, have women's spaces where I am free from the threat of men and be able to defend myself from someone that wants to hurt me. In a world of common sense this would be the bare minimum.
>>1586321Trash bags are already recycled into building materials. You've probably sat on a park bench that used to be trash. Diapers are made from the same plastic.
No. 1586927
>>1586770I can’t tell you anything about Oklahoma specifically but if they’re like any other state then there is indeed diners with coffees and waffles. Not sure about how long of a table you’re thinking of though so…maybe? There’s usually a long bar with stools to sit at. Diners have a reputation of being open at strange hours of the day (real real early and real late) so truck drivers frequent them. I’m sure you’ve heard of the famous chain “Waffle House”, open 24/7, rain or shine or natural disaster. They’re often next to or sometimes attached to truck stops, or as they are now frequently called “travel stops” which is just a big ass gas station outfitted for big trucks (16 wheelers, 18 wheelers) but also little regular cars. Looks like Love’s is the poplar truck stop chain in Oklahoma. Those have the best bathrooms in my experience. So truckers frequent those places. And yes there are biker gangs, you can probably find those guys at Love’s too, hanging out in the attached Subway. Or Waffle House if there is one. Typically old white dudes with a splattering of faded tattoos. Either them or their brother or father has probably done jail time. pretty stereotypical. I wouldn’t pick a fight in the Waffle House with them but otherwise they’ll leave fandoms alone of course and often are actually very polite people albeit a bit gruff in my experience.
There are also mom&pop diners. They usually won’t have black and white checked floors but some do. Others I’ve been in usually go for red clay tiles, sticky tables, dirty booths, and an overall dark and dusty aesthetic.
No. 1586929
>>1586927*leave randoms alone
Not fandoms my bad
No. 1587030
>>1586770LOL Are you reading The Outsiders, Nona? Your outlook of my homestate is cute.
There ARE dust storms in parts of the state, but its mostly just visible pollen in the air during the spring. And yes we have coffee and waffles, but the super greasy onion burgers are more well known.
No. 1588010
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DeSantis is running and every liberal and leftist on twitter is freaking out, they made fun of Trump but they seem genuinely afraid of DeSantis and want his assassinated.
No. 1588120
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>>1588100An American diner and a UK pub have very different styles. Picrel.
No. 1590108
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>>1588727scrap it and start over, nothing to save here
No. 1590145
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>>1589221fun texas fact: 20 years ago, there were 14 counties in texas with no doctors. now, there are 33!
No. 1590356
>>1589221I love Texas!
>>1590145I’m assuming you’ve never driven around the state if you think this is at all noteworthy lol
No. 1591020
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I just had Jimmy John's for the first time in my life yesterday and it was amazing. My eyes are wide open to the unknown.
No. 1591212
>>1591192Most people seem to go 10mph above the speed limit everywhere. I just go the speed limit until I'm stuck behind a truck. I try to keep as much distance between me and everyone else as possible.
In Georgia it's "free" to go 5mph above the limit. Still technically illegal so if you break the law in some other way or get in an accident it's your fault, and technically you could get stopped by a cop if they wanted to stop you, but the cost of a ticket is $0 for the first 5mph over.
No. 1591551
>>1591295I don’t understand because I’m a white woman with a graduate degree who is living with my parents in the suburbs. I’ve been summoned before and had to defer because of school but I can’t get out of this rn because I’m a NEET/unemployed atm.
Thanks to the anons who responded btw I’m fucking annoyed and pissed that two weeks of my time are possibly being taken up by them possibly calling me in. I guess it’s good I’m not employed because missing potentially two weeks of work is a lot.
No. 1591744
>>1591242Holy shit 80mph, it's only 65 or 60 here and anything above 85mph will get you pulled over.
>>1591263I was on call once which made 0 sense because I couldnt drive, I was doing work and school full time. Called out for the day only to get nothing. Atleast I didn't have to uber there but honestly fuck jury duty. If they want me right now when I'm working like crazy to afford everything I'm giving the most bs excuse.
No. 1595209
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No. 1598694
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I can spend my whole life working my ass off only to wind up homeless but any person illegally crossing the border can be met with housing and job opportunities taken from citizens? How is this fair? I feel for the women fleeing violence and forced prostitution but most (speaking from personal experience) of the illegals in my area are single moids.
No. 1598725
>>1598694Renounce citizenship.
Stay in the country illegally.
Finally be provided for by government.
You can now get free housing, healthcare, food, education, and get out of jail free card.
No. 1598776
>>1598746maybe they should. anyway it's kind of a moot point because
no one is receiving care or opportunities in real life, this is a retarded idea from a shitty mayor trying to get his name in the headlines.
if this imaginary system were to be put in place it would be bad NOT because an immigrant is getting help, it would be bad because men would use it to keep immigrant women in their houses (like what happened with Ukranian immigrants in the UK) and it's a stupid excuse for the government to turn people's homes into some kind of fucked up Uber-for-immigration and not do their fucking job as the government and build the infrastructure to handle a growing global population and migration
No. 1599547
>>1598845Okay, then where is the help for people trying to move out of their
abusive parents or partners home if it's all about offering people places to stay when they're struggling? They neglect their own people then are willing to drop all the money they can to help migrants. Imagine if European or any other country paid tons of money for Americans to escape school shootings and crap. That's our reality right now
No. 1599822
>>1599547the fuck are you talking about? there's loads of shelters and organizations to help women escape
abusive partners. they could do with more funding and people but you're acting like they don't exist.
No. 1600086
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New York looks like hell right now because of CANAFA????
No. 1600202
>>1600086i read there were also fires in jersey that's contributing to it but don't quote me on that
imo i think someone just summoned a deity to punish new york
No. 1600337
>>1600086Welcome to what the west coast has been dealing with the past few years.
I swear the fires were never this bad when I was a kid, or even just a decade ago.
No. 1601744
>>1601425how dare you besmirch Haitians I'm actually mad, fuck lol this retarded conversation got to me
People wouldn't be fleeing Haiti in droves if the US wasn't constantly fucking their shit up, invasions and sanctions in the last few decades, taking advantage of the earthquake, spreading disease, someone assassinated the president recently and it's wasn't the Hatians, etc. Fuck off.
No. 1601888
>>1601822The only way illegals pay taxes is through sales taxes, which tourists also pay but doesn't entitle them to move here, or by haveing a stolen SS number. By the way, illegals, not Chinese or Russians are the driving force of identify theft in the US.
>>1601826I know that there are currently 19 Pueblo tribes but historically, even into the turn of the century, there were almost twice that. Want to take a guess on which side of the border the ones who disappeared were and what happened to them? I know that Geronimo, in his treaty with the US, asked (and was granted) that his people be allowed to carry weapons precisely to protect themselves from Mexicans, who ruthlessly slaughtered them, in part for fun and in part because Mexico has a bounty on native scalps (including for woman and children). I know that Mexico also had Indian schools, like the US and Canada, but that unlike the latter two Mexicos schools were still open until the 70s and 80s and they never formally ended their policy of cultural assimilation. I know that every Southwest tribe has oral history of contact with the Aztec empire and none of it was good. I know that Mexico deports 200,000-500,000 people a year, mostly Guatemalaians and El Salvirorians, that they stick into campus without toilets despite them being decendants from tribes that actually lived in Southern Mexico and that were part of the Aztec empire. The only one thats needs education is you, you entitled decendant of child-torturing, shit-eating, self-mutilating, cannibalisric genocidal colonizing bitch.
>>1601760Yeah that too. I’d want to leave as well.
>>1602035What region do you live in? Or like what’s your job that you only see men? I used to live in Pittsburgh and 90% of the Haitian people I knew were women who worked with me in hotel housekeeping even though it paid shit because they couldn’t speak English very well and that was like one of the only jobs you could get as a non-English-speaking woman. They were slaving away like the rest of us wagies and some of them had family still in Haiti that they just saw all this horrible shit on the news and got worried about constantly, someone’s little daughter was still in Haiti but she couldn’t get her citizenship or something (I don’t even know all the details but it was fucked up). I’m feeling defensive because I had a personal connection. I don’t know what you’re seeing. Haiti isn’t safe and they shouldn’t have to stay there if they’re gonna die especially from an American perspective since we keep fucking their shit up. Sorry you have to deal with whatever attitude is bothering you.
No. 1602224
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>>1602035Americans will be like not my problem until it actually is. If you don’t like refugees ruining your hometown don’t turn a blind eye when american NGOs shit up theirs
No. 1602696
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yo dogs this shit is getting crazy and I’m loving it
No. 1611347
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Saw this in the store today. What will they think of next
No. 1611379
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>>1611372SunnyD is an “orange juice drink” (water, corn syrup, and juice) marketed to children. It’s very American in my mind. Maybe they’re not as popular with kids now since we know you shouldnt feed children corn syrup water and the company had to get into the alcohol game, I don’t know. I was just amused when I saw it
No. 1612136
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not to double post about the same thing but while I'm thinking about it… I had never seen the juneteenth flag until today (picrel). why is there a juneteenth flag? we usually just use the US flag for federal holidays (memorial day, 4th of july, etc). I'm not really a holiday person so maybe I'm being dumb, but is there a story behind it?
No. 1613053
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Would this be a good thread to talk about the current missing OceanGate submersible here? I wasn't sure; there's a thread about news we find horrifying, but that's more for violence on women and innocents. Not sure if putting this over there is appropriate. I'll delete if jannies think it's better somewhere else.
This case fascinates me. NGL I don't feel THAT bad for these rich people that paid out the wazoo to board this experimental expedition to gawk at an underwater gravesite. It's still horrible to thing what's happening to them. My tinfoil is that if/when the submersible is found, it won't be a happy end. I'm pretty sure rescuers will either find it too late, or there was a critical malfunction that lead to loss of communication.
I'm pessimistic because there have already been terrible decisions that may have sealed the fate of the vessel. The whole trip was supposed to take approximately 8 hours. The submersible was released from the ship at 10:30 NDT and the boat was supposed to communicate with the passengers every 15 minutes. They lost communication at 13:17 NDT. The boat operators waited until the resurface time, 19:40 without saying anything to authorities! That's crazy! 5 hours without any communication!? The Coast Guard was notified at 20:00 NDT! Why weren't the boat operators contacting authorities sooner!? That's insane. I'd love to discuss this and see what people's theories are. I'm morbidly invested.
No. 1613062
>>1613053Samefag to say that my tinfoil has to do with that fucking game controller they are using to maneuver the submarine. There are
no back up controls aboard the sub just a single button and they didn't even specify what that button does. If they lost control or their navigation they could have just kept descending til eventually the sub imploded from the pressure.
No. 1613722
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>>1613106>>1613102Even if they manage to surface, they'll still suffocate because they can't open the sub from the inside lol
No. 1614756
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Elko, Nevada is literally being overrun by crickets right now.
>The rural town of Elko, Nevada, has fallen siege to thousands upon thousands of Mormon crickets, a flightless insect that has blanketed roadways, can devastate crops and, when squished, smells similar to that of burning flesh>Jeremiah Moore, who lives in Elko County, described to AP that driving on the blankets of crickets feels "almost like an oil slick.">"As we squish them, they just eat, because they eat everything," Lincoln Graves, a fellow Elko resident, said to AP. "Anything in their path, they'll eat, including each other." No. 1614761
>>1614179Flex culture is a real and excruciating. So many people can get out of struggle by simply cooking more and not going to vacations as much. Tourism knows this too and hikes up the price of everything in any area that's remotely vacationable because Americans will still spend their every last penny to flex about their vacation and locals get kicked out because of pricing
Kek I still remember that one anon who would cry about needing to go on nice expensive vacations even if they're poor
No. 1614865
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>>1614831>I feel bad for them but the submarine looked pathetic and no one in their right mind would have boarded that thing.I feel zero sympathy for anyone on board nor the people waiting on the mothership for their chance to desecrate a grave site where many poor people were forced to die because rich assholes didn't think their lives were worth saving. Furthermore, the company ratfucking CEO was already getting sued because it was known for YEARS that the craft was not fit for purpose. (Anyone who would willingly hop aboard a soup can piloted by some idiot with a playstation controller deserves what they get.
I only hope this teaches the general public that rich people are not geniuses. A lot of them are dumb as fuck but have enough money to cover it up.
No. 1614867
>>1614831Assuming that they didn't implode a few hours ago, what was that banging noise that was heard? Could it have been the titanic itself making noise?
Anyway, stay away from water anons. Once your feet can't touch the bottom, it's time to GTFO.
No. 1615025
>>1614831Apparently the guy who ran the company would refuse to hire experienced submarine captains "because they were inspiring" then would fire people who suggest safety protocols
I remember seeing a prostitute anons claiming she did it because she would either never get hired or always get fired . It doesn't surprise me most Americans resort to illegal activity to make extra income. There definitely needs to be workers rights and we should do something about the fucktards who run companies having the worst employment duties possible
No. 1615072
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in Georgia and I smelled some kudzu vine flowers (I’m not a southern native so I don’t hate the plant with a passion for being aggressively invasive) and god damn they smell like jolly ranchers! it’s so sweet and nice.
No. 1615291
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Everyone can go ahead and talk about how insensitive people have been, I’m not going to lose sleep over obscenely rich people meeting their demise because they used a mass grave where those who passed away was largely determined by their economic status, as a tourist attraction. Never forget, the rich hate you more than you hate them, and have far less empathy. The one positive of this has been seeing how openly fed up everyone is. Anyone who wants to say criticism stems from jealousy to stifle discussion is a useful idiot.
No. 1615855
>>1615291>yeah see, i'm totally not jealous of these people who have way more money than me, which is why i'm cheering on their senseless death behind my iPhone screen. like i am going to totally ignore the fact that they got conned by le based libertarian, who thought rules and laws was "stifling muh innovation". because see, only rich people do dumb shit like go see famous wrecks and shit, poor people never get taken advantage of! well, er, except that one time. and if you accuse me or anyone else of being envious and hateful, immoral sacks of shit, you're just a stupid bitch who doesn't know what she's talking about. nope, i am definitely not jealous. they deserved it. fuck. them. No. 1619631
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Popping into this thread from Europe just to say: it is fucking wild how an American can film someone vandalizing the Colosseum, call him out for being an asshole, and post the video online… only for everyone in the comments to make retarded remarks about the vandalizer "obviously" being American. No he fucking isn't. He isn't dressed like one (like the style, the brands visible, for men it's clear he isn't), his name is fucking Ivan, and he writes the date My question to Americans is why do some of you go into comments like this and shit on yourselves with the stereotyping fuckers who hate you? Because I saw that too.
Oh yeah, and if I write something about the stereotypes, I get "accused" of being American, as if that would mean a damn thing. Anyway I'm glad one of your people videoed that stupid asshole because he will probably get caught. Literally every comment section on this crime is saying the criminal is American. If I were the guy who called him off and posted it, I'd be pretty annoyed about this, because it seems the only "OK" discrimination in the woke world is anti-Americanism and maybe anti-Israeli sentiment. No one can help where they are born. I seriously don't get it.
No. 1620206
>>1619677where I live, you can get sued or prosecuted for saying an insult against a politician or public figure. I don't think that's true in US. I'm not talking about a slander but just calling someone a name on a social media platform can get you in trouble. There are laws against burqa and niqab. I don't agree with making women wear these things but I also don't agree with making it illegal for women to cover themselves. These laws meant that prior to covid, you needed a medical attestation to wear a surgical mask in public. (Also before those laws, I saw just one single niqabi here. ever)
So I mean, those are just a few things US doesn't have. If you need some comfort on a bad day.
No. 1620401
>>1620206Oh also I pay hundreds of dollars a month to a health insurance company but if I end up injured or sick I will still be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars more. My maximum out of pocket cost per year is 75% of my gross annual income.
It's a billion degrees outside but I can wear a burqa if I want, wonderful.
No. 1620445
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>>1620418too distracted by aspartame drama and thinking about how bad the FDA is lol
No. 1620523
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>>1620508I don't know about cancer but aspartame affects mood very negatively, it's actually kinda fucked up when you read about it No. 1620525
File: 1688068383489.webm (9.44 MB, 960x720, aspartame.webm)

wasn't sure if I still had this video on my computer, now that it's somewhat relevant I'm so glad I didn't delete it
No. 1620529
>>1620418They're not going to let loan forgiveness pass. The thing that spurred this case was Asian Americans filing a law suit against harvard. I predict harvard ironically making their admissions lower. Same with employment…
However I'm surprised people aren't talking about how republicans are trying to kick women out of the workforce. Especially poor ones. They took out Roe v Wade, they are trying to remove no fault divorce and there is nothing stopping sex based affirmative action from ending.
All these things will make it harder for women who aren't upper class elites (most republic political women) to become financially independent and not depend on a spouse.
No. 1620535
>>1620524They took away our reproductive rights, you really think they won't go for our universities and jobs? C'mon
No. 1620539
>>1620537I don't know,
nonny, maybe it's all bullshit I'm not a Doctor Scientist over here. diet soda makes me feel kinda bad but that's anecdotal. I super don't care if they ban aspartame for potentially being a health risk, better safe than sorry.
No. 1620792
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>spend my whole life hearing about how racist and evil america is, and how superior and compassionate europeans are
>especially when it comes to the police
>Europe starts taking in some 3rd world non whites
>police shootings and riots are on the rise within months(global rule #7)
No. 1620989
>>1619631Leftism in America is entirely built on pathetic self-hatred. Self-hatered for being white, for being American, for not being like Europe. It's a knee-jerk reaction that they truely think makes them cool and educated and not like other gir- I mean Americans!!!1!!
>>1620418So fucking glad, can't wait for people to start sueing schools and corporations left and right.
No. 1621407
>>1621054NTA but it seems like certain cultures need to place a higher value on education instead of attempting to drag each other down. I’m not sure how common it is elsewhere, but around here educated Nigerian parents explicitly forbid their kids from associating with American black people and culture because they believe it to be a terrible influence. At first I assumed my Nigerian friend simply had overprotective parents but eventually realized most Nigerian families in my area were like that.
It’s always really fascinating to me to read about how successful and driven many black people were immediately post slavery and the very high importance they placed on education. Idk, this is a lot of words to say I don’t think it’s some underlying biological difference but something to do with modern black culture in the US.
No. 1621612
Why do mass shooters kill innocent working class and not like Supreme Court faggots or something why why (I know why this is rhetorical but still ugh)
>>1621407I have some tinfoils about this being intentionally done over the years through Jim Crow/segregation, refusal to sell houses to black people in certain areas for many years even after segregation ended, drug war = high incarceration rates and breaking families apart, crack, etc. I really believe they could have had a better turnout and match up to Africans if they were treated better early on, but now as a culture they are traumatized and continue the cycle with each generation.
No. 1622317
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I live in a very rural/redneck area and honestly everyone here is going nuts for the 4th. There's so much loud music and even some fireworks even though it's not even close to being dark yet. I love the 4th but all the loud noise upsets my cats, who are used to it being quiet. I wish I could give her noise cancelling headphones.
Picrel is not my cat, it's just a cat I thought was cute.
No. 1622660
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>>1622405I love any excuse to sit in a lawn chair around shirtless rednecks and fratbros while halfassed parade floats with American flags throw the stale chewy bubblegum in the yellow wrappers at me rapid fire
No. 1622700
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2026 is actually going to be banner year for america. we turn 250 years old and also host the world cup. also its after 2024, so the whole trump election chaos will be behind us
No. 1622842
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>>1622700>we hold the world cupcant wait to see what kind of calarts abomination you guys come up for a mascot. I liked striker, even though it's fairly generic. Also cant wait to beat your ass in your own soil
>t.argie No. 1623225
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No. 1623338
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It's my first 4th of July after immigrating to the US and I am so excited! I got my gaudy stars and stripes outfit, I am making patriotic M&M cookies and potato salad and we are having a BBQ! I feel like a weeb in Japan. It is sooo cute to me how patriotic Americans are and I love it!
Don't kill my buzz pls with your sourpuss posts.
No. 1623348
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>>1623346No fireworks cause we have little ones around that are too young and would probably get scared.
No. 1623403
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>>1623380>Very American post>In the Amerifag thread?
No. 1623601
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I know this isn't the movie or TV thread but can anyone recommend me something 4th-of-july related to watch? it could be a war movie or a lifetime movie where someone visits their family on the 4th of july or a holiday episode of a tv show, I don't care.
Independence Day comes to mind obviously but after that I'm drawing a blank.
No. 1623669
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>>1623601kek google recommends these, but from the list i'd go with:
>The Patriot>The Sandlot>National Treasure>Top Gun>Independence Day No. 1623682
>>1623673To add, during that three years I had ALL of my prescriptions covered competely for free, I never paid a single penny, including my antidepressants and acne meds, my dental visits and cavity fillings were competely free, and I went to the eye doctor for free though I did have to pay 50% for new glasses. I know in Canada they don't pay for mental health or psych meds, and most countries don't cover dental or eye care either. Of course when I went to the social security office it was full to bursting with illegals who don't even speak English applying for EBT and WIC and HUD and yes medicaid too.
If you can't get medicine in the USA that isn't the USA's fault, you just suck.
No. 1623696
>>1623438>>1623431I’m not the sperg arguing it’s easy to get healthcare in America but when I was super poor I used this site to help me locate Community Health Centers and I was able to get free care with very minimal paperwork on my end.—and it does show locations in Texas and Florida —not that this has anything to do with Medicaid (I’ve never applied for Medicaid and I don’t know anything about it.) Posting just in case some people here have never heard of this resource, it’s very helpful when you’re poor and need some medical services
No. 1623703
>>1623601It’s not patriotic but Twister is very American
>>1623378I used to like fireworks when there was one or two major events to shoot them off at local big businesses (think baseball stadium or casino), with music and food on top of parking lots. When people shoot them off at their houses I find it annoying, and like others say it messes with animals too much
No. 1623752
>>1623719Healthcare is NOT affordable if you aren't either a richfag or a poorfag.
Try making a working or lower middle class income and see what "affordable" options you have for yourself and your dependents. It's a shitshow.
No. 1623779
>>1623338where are you from?
>>1623554kek isnt there always?
No. 1623995
>>1623737Some I can think of
>retail >hospitality >food service >sanitation/custodian>delivery driver w/CDL>vendor for grocery stores>farm / gardening assistant Contrary to what the other anon said most trades require taking classes to receive certification in their field of work. There are very few jobs that don’t require some prior learning, and I would consider someone attending a tech highschool to become a plumber, hairdresser or mason the same as going to school to learn their trade.
College is definitely necessary for some careers, but with how fucked the higher education system is it’s INCREDIBLY hard for the poor to succeed. That’s why some states go hard in promoting community colleges as an alternative.
No. 1624014
>>1623995You forgot one of our great nation’s most common workplace
>call center Some actually pay pretty decent. I live in a med-high COL area, not like NYC or LA or SF or Seattle, but there’s a call center with over 800 employees that starts new hires at $20 an hour plus free Internet. Only requirement is a high school diploma or GED.
No. 1624026
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I made these and two different kinds of potato salad for tomorrow! Also going to cut up some veggies to make kebabs later.
No. 1624067
>>1624055it's not as a joke. I live in the bible belt. I moved away as a teen to liberal environments. and having come back as an adult, I am around adults my own age who never left. I am meeting as a peer, the sort of person I only ever observed from the perspective of a teenager viewing an adult, before I left. I never imagined people my age, would grow into these adults. Christians yes, of course, everyone is here. But I don't know what to think of bible merch people as my adult peers and not jesus camp teens. I can't figure out if it's social posturing, or genuine, or wolf in sheep's clothing, like what is the purpose of this in your 30s. why are you wearing shirts and multiple bible verse bracelets, I am not saying this to be derogatory. Do you think people like this have ulterior motives.
No. 1624209
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Happy 4th of July!!!
No. 1624306
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>>1624209Happy 4th of July!
I hope you went to sleep after you posted.
No. 1624428
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>>1623865>actually pay better money than what some people with a useless college degree earn>cringe art history or english literature degreeThe difference isn't that substantial (especially once you factor in self-employment tax and licenses) and good luck getting a union apprenticeship as it's well known that old-timers gatekeep the fuck out of the industry because they don't want competition. Your odds of succeeding are even worse as a woman and/or being a non-white race.
Most people would rather sit in an air-conditioned office instead of crawling under a musty house, digging tampons and diapers out of septic tanks, breaking up kitchen grease clogs, and inhaling
toxic fumes all day long.
No. 1624443
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>>1624209Happy Fourth of July! Let us mourn that moids will never dress like (or be as cool as) our founding fathers ever again. They will never make Britbongs seethe as hard as they did.
No. 1624460
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>>1624443Happy Independence Day, fellow amerinonna. Modern day American moids are fucking trash. They would shame the founders. None are as beautiful as this man right here. Also I'm going to gloat and share that I'm part of the Daughters of the Revolution. On a couple different branches of my family tree I have direct lineage, including one great grandpappy who was part of the most vicious battles in NJ as a 47 year old man. And a blacksmith. Signed his entire property over to his beloved wife and children as he died of wounds slowly over the course of a few months. Fucking legend.
No. 1624498
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>>1624460> I have direct lineage, including one great grandpappy who was part of the most vicious battles in NJ as a 47 year old man>Signed his entire property over to his beloved wife and children as he died of woundsThat's amazing. Definitely don't hear of men like him today. I'm descended from one of the pilgrims who came over on the second Mayflower, so as a result I'm distantly related to some presidents. I think your lineage kinda trumps mine, though, kek.
No. 1624575
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>>1624480Never mind, I grabbed takeout at a little restaurant that was open and they made amazing chicken katsu tacos. Great alternative instead of trying to grill
No. 1624791
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>>1624697Happy fourth
nonnie! We celebrated yesterday because our city had fireworks a day early, so today I had a big burger and this delicious bastardization of poutine in celebration.
No. 1624799
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Happy Independence Day! I had hotdogs with chips and about to start my 2nd beer. we made apple pie too! The weather is perfect where I am and it’s so nice.
feels good
No. 1624802
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No. 1624872
>>1624862happy fourth! My city has a festival every year with fair food and food trucks and stuff and I got the shittiest gyro ever this year.
the mystery meat was GROUND, not shaven off a slab like it's supposed to be and it was disgusting. All good though, I'll get my fix of fair food when the state fair comes along.
No. 1626071
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I just found out the south has bushes of hydrangea in blue, white, pink, purple and I'm beyond jealous. They're one of my favorite flowers but there's no way they'd grow here. Straight up magic that they exist there. If only there weren't so many tornadoes. If any anon knows a cheap state that is humid with good conditions for flowers and no tornadoes please tell me.
No. 1626080
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>>1626071Don’t you have that backwards? Southern US isn’t the best for hydrangeas, hydrangeas are perennial in US hardiness zones 3-7 (the whole north and middle). In the south it’s a bit hot for them, although there’s a native type in the southeast that’s happy but looks a little different (oakleaf hydrangea)
No. 1627230
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He probably wasn’t real
No. 1627865
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>>1627860I remember Mcdisease being 24 hours as well as Walmart wtf happened
No. 1627946
>>1627230What is this? I don’t do social media or television and am perpetually out of the loop.
>>1627860I appreciate you posting this because I wasn’t sure if I was going insane if if this was just a local thing. Nothing here went back to being open 24 hours after covid bullshit. Circle K is the only place I know of around here still open all night. I’m extremely self-conscious and practically agoraphobic but I feel more comfortable late at night so used to go grocery shopping in the middle of the night. Now I’ve almost exclusively done grocery pickup since covid and feel more hopeless about integrating back into society. I know it’s pathetic but I miss the sorta anonymous feeling I’d have while shopping in the middle of the night lmao
No. 1629202
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The recession is basically here but no is saying it yet
No. 1629706
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Today I ate Taco Bell for the first time in my life. I didn't have any meat, so I hope I will not get diarrhea. Pray for me nonnies. It was pretty good tho, but I do not like the concept of a taco. It is too messy to eat and stuff keeps falling out. Burrito and crunch wrap is better and the ingredients are all the same anyways.
No. 1629969
>>1629960Wow stabbed multiple times even. I'd feel bad for him but I don't at all! Child molesters do very poorly in prison, and his crimes were very publicized so probably everyone in there knows what he did.
That case pisses me off because the FBI did such a shit job, they could have arrested him way sooner. Really makes my tinfoil vibrate.
No. 1630997
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big flooding in Vermont right now
No. 1631937
>>1631925Just realizing this now? If there weren't riots when the decision first came out there won't be any now.
They only codified protections for gay and interracial marriage into law because it affects men.
No. 1632731
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you ever watch the news and you're just like… what the fuck are these guys smoking? I had to watch this like 5 times just to parse the insane things he was saying. Our tinfoil thread is more grounded in reality than this shit. where do they find these guys and why do they air their insane ramblings? news is just completely and totally fake and dead now?
No. 1633011
>>1632664We're not agreeing. They're saying trannies aren't really a problem and women are being fighting them as a distraction and that they aren't a threat/their potential threat is overblown/not real, when I'm saying that they really are a problem that threatens womens rights and contribute to the whole loss of abortion. We agree they distract from real issues, but disagree that they aren't a problem/real threat. They're a real threat that has been introduced to direct womens support to men (as long as they're pretending to be women), or to fighting the loss of rights and protections women face in the law when men are allowed to identify legally as the class they oppress. They're both a real threat, but were created as a distraction/the natural conclusion of men controlling everything and enabling their retard porn addict selves.
>>1632840You said that the fear of trannies isn't a real problem or that their threat isn't a real threat. They absolutely are. They are partially to blame for the whole abortion being lost thing.
No. 1633430
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I need to move out my city by the end of the year. California Tech moving here has doubled the cost of living over the past few years the population has grown +1mil during my time here. My city has a sprawling metro and all of it is affected at this point, thoroughly crowded. I've been looking out of state and think I'll end up moving to Tucson. I hate moving and I don't even know if it will be worth it. Job prospects are questionable. I just don't feel like I have much choice and I don't know where tf to go.
No. 1633837
>>1633827It's not legal at all
>The government fee to renounce U.S. citizenship is $2,350. Additional costs might apply if you have to become tax compliant. You must be tax compliant for five years in order to renounce your US citizenship.
>In order to renounce your U.S. citizenship, you need to have a second passport (citizenship of another country). You will be required to bring this with you to the renunciation appointment. The State Department will deny anyone the right to renounce their U.S. citizenship if they do not have a second passport.
>You will need to prepare a few forms and fill out form DS-4079 before your appointment, which is a questionnaire for determining the possible loss of U.S. citizenship. According to the law, if you want to renounce your citizenship, you will need to do it in person by visiting a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad.A judge can also deny your renunciation if they feel like it. Basically, America doesn't want us to ever leave and to milk us for money until death. If your friend hasn't gone through the process they still owe the IRS money and will be in for a surprise if they ever want to return. I've read stories about people doing shit like that or bailing on their taxes and getting denied entry. The bans are effective for 7 years at a time, I think. I'll have to look it up again.
No. 1633911
>>1633827There are loan forgiveness options for teachers, you can work for 5 years and get up to 17k covered, or if you work for 10 years in low income schools (ofc) they’ll cover all of it. Depends on the states and schools too though.
I know someone whose brother had a fuckton of debt from art school and after graduating they became a teacher in China to avoid paying the loans back
No. 1633961
>>1633932>my only hope is for my parents to die and hopefully leave the property to meyou're probably not serious but even as a hypothetical that is such a bizarre and psychotic thought. Live with them in the house while they are alive holy shit. Boom, roof over your head. You take care of them as they get old or you hire a personal home aide if they have complex needs. If you send them to a home you don't deserve the house, and if they were
abusive and you cut them off you have to actually cut them off not have psycho fantasies about them dying – that boat sailed and you don't have parents. Seriously, get your mind right.
No. 1633980
>>1633940Yes. They are reluctant to admit their mortality and so are shying away from making a will. I have two siblings to compete with and I am not the favorite. I have expressed interest in buying the house so that they can retire, but they don't believe me.
Nursing homes cost $70,000 per year for cheap ones. My father could also have another a heart attack and the resulting hospital bill be literally a million dollars, which if they then died, the property would be sold and the profits given to the hospital before any inheritance was handed out.
>>1633961I am completely serious. Why is it psychotic to think about your inheritance and what will happen to the family farm? Do you not have your finance timeline planned out into your retirement? That's pretty irresponsible unless you're still in your teens and you need to get your shit together. Also, I don't think you understand how debt and estates work. Even if I were to spend the rest of my life taking care of my parents and living in their house, if they were to have a sudden hospital stay at the end of their life, say from a stroke, the hospital bill would quickly reach over $200,000 after insurance and the property would be forcefully sold and the money given to the hospital.
It's just fucked up man. Not having children, getting good grades in school, and putting your nose to the grindstone should have resulted in me being able to buy a shitty little farm that I could spend my life working on. Instead, I would have to make $6000 after taxes to afford the same amount of land in today's market.
No. 1633992
>>1633980Nta but
>Do you not have your finance timeline planned out into your retirement?LOfuckingL
No. 1634033
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>>1634027Most burgers can't afford to rent in the places we grew up, let alone buy a house with property. It's not even about some dream location, it's our own hometowns.
No. 1634038
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>>1634026Please stop romanticizing it.
Farm life isn't easy. My grandparents had a ranch and I spent many summers with them. Even with hired help it was non-stop work from sunrise till sundown. They eventually had to stop due to health issues. My father and his siblings all left that life behind to move to the city as fast as they could, and it was a good thing they did because healthcare is fucking expensive once you develop chronic illness. Burial costs aren't cheap either.
>Well we have the luxury of working onlineNot everyone has a white-collar job and not every white-collar job is remote work.
No. 1634054
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>>1634043kek this is either retardation or bait. Assuming it's just retardation, houses on average are up 132% in the last 50 years. Wages have also been stagnant since the 1970s. Where is anyone supposed to get the money for that down payment and mortgage? No. 1634075
>>1633965>not everyone has a good relationship with their parents.yeah I covered that. if you have a bad relationship with your parents it's weird to pine after your parents house, you should want nothing to do with it and you should know better than to count on it. we've gone over this in threads past but the parent/child family home situation is absolutely wrecked in the US. all the same there's no need to literally have house daydreams about them dying. I'm not the weird one for thinking that's weird.
I didn't even go to my dad's funeral so I'm not trying to say anyone is a bad daughter for not nursing their parents through old age, but actively anticipating their death because houses are so expensive is fucked up.
No. 1634134
>>1634076My first apartment was a shitty 2nd floor walk up without a washer and dryer hookup. Smelled musty, like an old water fountain at a mall. 40 year old building. Had just been redone, though, gutted and repainted with new floors and ll new fixtures and a new kitchen with new appliances so that was nice. The on site laundry was disgusting and overpriced and the other residents all warned me to never step foot in the pool and that it might as well be for show because you’ll get cut up by fiberglass shards if you try to swim in it. It was a 1/1 in an okay area of an okay suburb. $765 a month in 2015.
Same exact place, but now has not been redone since 2015? $1350 in 2023.
No. 1636034
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Man, oh man, can’t I wait for election year 2024 next year. I’m actually impatient. It’s like we all collectively lose a few marbles for a year. I love it!
No. 1638093
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Incoming rant, I'm a registered Dem but I'm so sick of the shitty laws that they keep passing here in California. Stores near me are getting ransacked constantly because of the law that stealing $1,000 or less is now considered 'petty theft', so thieves have banded together and they literally rush the stores in groups of 5 or more, just grab a bunch of shit, and throw it in a van and drive away, and nobody stops them. A security guard at a store in "the nice part of town" was just stabbed and almost died trying to stop a man from stealing, and earlier this year a hardware store employee was gunned down and killed by another group of assholes stealing shit. None of the criminals here are afraid of consequences anymore, and you hear people joke constantly about how "stealing is basically legal!" now. I'm sure you've all heard about how Walgreens and other stores are shutting down in the bay area because they're hemmhoraging money from all of the mass thefts. There have also been a ton of break-ins that have ramped up in the past few years, and apparently the law extends to your personal property, too, so someone can break in and steal a bunch of your shit and 'oh well, too bad'. I've even heard some ultra-lefty I personally know argue, "Well, those people probably just fell on hard times and they might need that stuff more than you." Like. What?! What the actual fuck? I feel like I'm living in Bizarroland or something and we can't even criticize any of these policies without being accused of being a far-right Trumper or something.
No. 1638248
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I'm curious to know what nonnies think about the Alabama roadside kidnapping thing.
No. 1638251
>>1638248The fat proselytizer
femcel is going to be so upset when she finds out
No. 1638328
>>1636294Nobody seems to be running against him. Every time someone tries, at least for these two terms, they get blackballed by the DNC. The DNC blackballed Bernie Sanders and people completely blew out of proportion the "pocahauntus" thing for Liz Warren, nobody likes Pete Butterkeg, Yang dropped out, Kamala cow towed to become Biden's VP. More young voters feel stuck between a rock and a hard place because a lot of them don't want another Biden term, but he'll likely be running unchallenged and nobody will emerge to oppose that.
DNC has to appeal to boomers somehow and there's really not a lot of good democrat candidates who are willing to run against Biden anyway. Unless someone emerges last minute as a new powerhouse it's doubtful
No. 1638390
>>1638379been considering this, as i live in an open carry state. interested to hear from gun havers about what they have and what their upkeep is like, if they go to ranges, etc.
I think the data for gun control in countries that enforce it leading to less murder, less domestic violence and less suicide speaks for itself. I also believe there's no closing the pandoras box in america at this point. theres just too many guns and too little will to turn them over. so, id like to understand them better and i want one.
i recently had an experience that gave me a reality check about the physical strength differential between men and women and im not going to be caught out like that again.
No. 1638888
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We’re burning alive, lord Jesus help. It’s 108 today where I live and it’s going to be 111 this weekend. Help
No. 1639193
>>1638328>>1638093>if I just Democrat harder things will get betterLmaooooo
The current state of the US, Europe, and your third-world states in particular are a direct result of your shitty, entitled, delusional worldview, morals, and politics. You choose to uphold and celebrate criminals, niggers and spics, trannys and homosexuals. You reviled in and spread a hatered of hard work, capitalism, and actual American values. You crafted a sick morality based on worshiping the biggest burdens on society, violent assholes and degenerants, because they cry the hardest and you share with them an unbridled greed that's far uglier than the greed of anyone rich. You activly hate everyone and everything that made this country great, and when when we got 4 years of relief after the hell of King Nigger Obama's regin, 4 years where everything was better than it is now, you shit your pants in rage because OMG DUMPT IS AN EVIL SEXIST RACIST HOMOPHONIC ORANGE BULLY!!! Everything you've bitched about is the direct result of leftist logic and priorities. When will it get better? When people like you are dead. Every single one of you Democrat bitches desrves to suffer and I activly wish rape and death on you.
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>>1639193>unironically going full mask off racist>worshiping capitalist scumfucks>in the amerifag threadelon musk and his cronies won't save you
No. 1641463
>>1641056It's not just America, this shit is repeating in every country. South Africa is a perfect example of where Democrat nigger-worship and greed is going to take America- a country that was one the the most successful country on its continent, one that fed all of its people and provided for their basic needs and had nukes, to a barren shithole that genocides white people and is hurtling back to the stone age. Sweden is seeing shooting on par with places like Chicago, something that supposedly was impossible because they banned guns and had such a wonderful, superior social welfare system. France just had 3 weeks of border-line civil warfare driven by 2nd-4th generation shitskins, because a police officer dared to shoot a little punk theif who tried to run him and another police officer over. Then you have these stupid, disgusting cult members whine because OMG the spics and niggers and trannies and pedo homosexuals are making their cities horrible!!! They can't just admit what the problem is though, that would make them racist and it would mean they're wrong and their dads and Donald Trump and evangelical Christians were right!!! Other bitch Democrat white women might accuse them of not having proper nigger-worshiping credentials!!!! So instead of facing reality, that the solutions that your side purposes have been tried over and over and always fail across time and space, just bury your head in the sand and pretend like things would be better under Bernie Sanders and wonder who will run against Biden in 2024. Delusional idiots who will sacrifice anything and everything just to prove they're morally superior because they love shitskins and junkies and sexual deviants the mostest <3
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Do you think Biden will be president next term?
No. 1642274
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anyone else's small town have small businesses that consist of candles, car "freshies", t-shirts and Tumblers (which all have designs that mention "mama" or it says something that sounds like its from the 2010's in the worst font possible from Etsy), beaded keychains and lanyards, Paparazzi jewelry, etc. etc.
I usually see these people end up selling their equipment a few months after they start their business, but somehow new ones keep showing up.
No. 1642742
>>1642274I live in a major city and see this shit here too. I think worthless people with no job skills take out a huge loan to start a business because they're tired of employers paying them $17/hr, but they still have no skills, so they fill their shop with useless overpriced junk, the kind of shit they themselves impulse buy to fill the void, a decision made on their own likes instead of reasonable market research into consumer needs, and then cry when they inevitably go under because they entered a saturated market because every other skillless loser is trying to do the same thing and one neighborhood only needs so many junk shops. yesterday I walked into a witchtok store and they were selling stones I know you can buy for 15 cents each wholesale for $18 each. Then they are in denial that their wares are overpriced worthless garbage only destined to become someone's clutter problem, and they compensate by being aggressive salesmen whenever someone walks in the door, pouncing on them and talking their ear off to coerce them into buying something out of guilt.
Most small businesses deserve to be burned to the ground. They don't even make anything themselves, they buy crap online and scalp it to nitwits who dont' know any better.
A lot of plumbers make six figures. everyone wants to sell crystals and fluttery clothing and crap from ali express. No one wants to wrench shitpipes.
No. 1643813
>>1643346At least 50% of Coca Cola's sales are from food stamps. Coca cola has every reason to press the government and economy in to keeping people on food stamps, Plus the people on food stamps are fuckin dumb to waste their money on expensive soda pop that rots the teeth out of their heads and fills them with high fructose corn syrup.
I have little sympathy for poor people who waste resources.
That's the kind of stuff that bothers me.
No. 1643851
>>1643813>50% of Coca Cola's sales are from food stampsYou've fallen for a trap. The math whoever used to calculate that was off, they conflated retail sales with manufacturer revenue completely ignoring the fact that SNAP participants buy the soda from a grocery store not Coke. But the soda companies do lobby to keep sugary drink included in SNAP benefits, of course they wouldn't want to lose the revenue whatever the real percentage is.
I looked it up and 10% of SNAP purchases go to sugary drinks (technically SSBs = sugar-sweetened beverages, such as flavored milk, sweetened coffee drinks, sports drinks, and carbonated nondiet drinks.) It's not all soda. Some of it is bottled water and some people have to buy bottled water (anyone in Flint, for a famous example). Orange juice (I know it's not real orange juice but that's an FDA problem not a SNAP problem). Electrolyte drinks are questionable health-wise because of the additives but they are very helpful in preventing heatstroke for a lot of warehouse workers, mailmen, any outdoor job…again that's an FDA issue if they're unhealthy and need their ingredients regulated.
I think you need to think about where your anger should be directed and why problems of this scale (such as the actual food value of beverages allowed to be sold and corporations lobbying the government to influence policy) are not solvable by using bottom-up methods that restrict the lowest class of citizen/consumer.
No. 1643871
>>1643346I used to work in a really poor town and the lack of resources for people who are disabled and/or unemployed is the worst. There used to be two grocery stores and one was closed down and replaced with a dollar store, and that’s not even going into THREE Dollar Generals opening less than 5 miles apart from each other (and this company intentionally targets low income areas). Unless anyone has a car or makes a garden at home they have almost no access to fresh food.
My hometown (same town, but it’s split in 3) also had a terribly underfunded library that closed like 10+ years ago. The town didn’t want to repair the building because its materials were made with lead and asbestos, so they decided to just not have a library instead of moving it to another spot.
No. 1643876
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>>1643346Samefag, but also I've seen the opposite of this happen where people complain that people on EBT bought food that's
too good. Obviously picrel was probably ragebait or something, but it's like poor people are supposed to only buy canned food and MREs. No junk food and no top of the line good food either.
I think people being so concerned about what people on food stamps buy has a lot to do with the individualistic mindset we have where we are so resistant to helping others, especially when we think those people aren't working to "earn" it and contribute to this country. I personally just don't care because I don't see food as a privilege you have to earn.
No. 1643884
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Just got a federal court jury duty summons, nonnies it's over for me.
No. 1644019
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Why is most the U.S. so fucking ugly? I thought only my state was ugly but after driving through 6 states I noticed they all have the same industrial boring Walmart look with the exception of nature, farms, and downtowns.
No. 1644026
>>1644019>nature>farms>downtownsYep. Pretty much the only nice places here
nonnie. A lot of cute downtown areas and small town mainstreets are surrounded by very cute walkable established neighborhoods, which is really nice, probably the best place to settle. I feel like my Nigel and I struck gold with our shitty little starter home. No HOA bullshit, we can walk to our historical downtown and live across the street from a 100+ year old university with gorgeous grounds that I love roaming late at night bc it’s beautiful and there’s security ppl on golf carts that always nod/smile/wave at me. Most of the country sucks ass and is butt ugly but I love my gorgeous little area of my cute little town with the historical lamp posts and rolling hills and 100 year old oaks.
No. 1644028
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>>1643876She made it all up. She used the straw man argument to argue why we should let poor people starve to death No. 1644137
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My dream of buying a log cabin house in the woods will probably happen this year. Have fun in the cities, suckers!
No. 1644282
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>>1644241Yes ma’am
>picrel is Florida No. 1644310
nonny! this is my dream too, i've been working towards it for a few years. tell us how it is when you're in your cabin!
No. 1646263
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>>1646100I mean, they literally referenced the Magna Carta in the US Constitution and talked about their rights as Englishmen. The patriots didn't see themselves as distinct from the British, they saw themselves as "more British than the British", who they viewed as being led by a war-crazed half-mad German married to another German with an ugly face. Patriot propaganda emphasized the "foreignness" of the British royals from English society. Interestingly enough, centuries later black nationalists would take these writings and willfully misread them and try to claim that British royals were actually black, mind you not one of Charlotte's contemporaries thought she was black. They just empathized that they thought she was ugly.
No. 1646375
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Amerifag here, a fight broke out at the Barbie movie because someone was letting their kid watch videos on their phone DURING the movie, in the theater. What the fuck? Idk if it’s just me but I feel like in the 30+ years I’ve been alive, public spaces have become more and more trashy and ghetto no matter what city I live in
No. 1646383
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>>1646375Your issue is living in a city.
No. 1646540
I don't feel like paying student loans. They kept selling the debt to this and that company. I don't even know where it is or how much it's supposed to be now, or if the amount is accurate, and they have my name wrong. before the pandemic pause I had them on deferment because I was making shit money and unemployed half the time. I mean, why should I pay these things? How do i know this random company even has the legal right to collect this debt? They want me forking over $x00 a month because… some retarded database says so? I just don't get how this debt is supposed to be real and legitimate, or why i should repay it when they forgave the PPP loans to millionaires. Is anyone actually going to just, start sending money to these random companies, because they got a strongly worded email about it?
>>1643884When i get jury duty notices, I throw them in the trash. Nothing has happened so far.
No. 1646589
>>1643884I think nonnies are missing that anon in question got served federal jury duty, not state/local/whatever kek. It's a lot harder to get out of and you definitely can't throw that type in the trash, they'll come for you with legal action. Regular jury duty is whatever and easy to get out of, federal sucks ass. Good luck
No. 1646710
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I have to say, the most interesting thing about the US to me as someone who only recently moved here is how many commercials there are for medicine, especially poop-related stuff. Is the average American's diet really that bad that you need to pump yourselves full of fiber-supplements, vegetables in pill-form, laxatives, anti-acids and all that other shit? I went to Walmart today and saw they have a whole fucking shelf of pepto-bismol, laxatives and other stuff like that. It's actually appalling.
Do you shart in the mart, nonnies?
No. 1646829
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Are there any US nonnies that actually like where they live? Can I come? I’ve already been priced out of my home state and I’m starting to be priced out of the place I moved to.
No. 1647805
>>1646910I live in a rural area and my options are Walmart, Kroger and ALDI. We usually go to ALDI but they don't have anything. What's wrong with Walmart?
>>1646951I will take a picture for you next time, but there is unironically a whole aisle of shart and fart medicine at my Walmart. I was looking for evening primrose oil if you must know. They did have that in the vitamin aisle which was one aisle down from shart city.
No. 1648444
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Some senator im on a mailing list for sent me this. FYI I guess, haven’t seen anyone else talking about it and odds are someone here at least knows someone who should do this
From the email
>I'll cut right to the chase: if you're a veteran who was exposed to toxic substances - including burn pits or Agent Orange - during your service, you have until August 9 to file a claim, in order to receive full backdated health care benefits under the PACT Act
The burn pits are what gave Joe Biden’s son brain cancer and killed him
No. 1648480
>>1647805if walmart is the best option where you live, then like I said no judgement it's where you gotta shop. In my experience a lot of the food there is overpriced or just average market prices and it always rubbed me the wrong way it's hyped as some really affordable place to shop. but they're a big store that has things you can't find elsewhere in a rural area sometimes.
It used to be "bad" to shop there because they were a big corp that shut down small stores and they didn't pay their workers well enough, but the federal minimum wage is so bad now that people actually like walmart wages so everything is just upside down, I haven't met anyone who had anything bad to say about walmart wages in like 10 years. I'm sure they could pay more but it's like low on the hierarchy of issues at this point lol
No. 1649224
>>1646100Maybe in the past this was true but the British ancestry is not the case anymore for most people in the US. Especially when you consider how many Hispanic people we have now. I’m white but all of my ancestors came in the 1900s and I don’t have ties to colonial America. America has its roots in British independence but the immigrants post-revolution were not just British.
Also as for the Americans who tie themselves to European heritage, I feel a bit differently. I feel blessed to be an Italian American and not an Italian. Our food here is better in my opinion. No offense to anyone who feels upset by my comment but I’m just saying that some of us are happy to be in America with the remnants and further adaptations of our ancestors culture. Otherwise I wouldn’t exist so lol.
No. 1649599
I hate that our healthcare is tied to a job. We pay more per person than ANY other country, and are put under severe limitations which fuck everyone over constantly (EG tied to employer). I have so many health issues I can't get help for because of this fucking shit. So if I can't convince some grumpy old scrote to hire me I ought to just sit there and die? Between that and the lack of public transit and walkable cities I seethe in fury every single fucking day that I am forced to live in this complete shithole. No transit, no healthcare, student debt, what does this shitty government actually do for me for all the tax I pay to them? Their only interest is bombing random countries.
My shitty parents fed me shitty sugar-laden food as a kid and I got a bunch of dental issues because of them, which, surprise, don't magically heal and go away after age 18, so now I'm just fucked for life, and I can't even pay for it, and I have to sit here in terror and agony. Is it getting worse or is the snakeoil working? Who knows. If parents fuck their kids over, the kids should be able to sue their goddamned neglectful asses for all of the consequences with no time limitation. The one thing this fucking country is supposed to be good for is frivolous lawsuits, yet so many people fuck me over and I have no recourse. And every time I turn around a landlord (it's been all of them, let's be honest) is fucking me over, against the law, and I can't do anything about it.
I don't know how we're supposed to go on, rent gets more expensive constantly and jobs never, ever pay more. All I can afford to do is sit here on a laptop or reading books. Even a coffee out is fucking $10 anymore. Sorry if ranty but this country is failing our generation. Most of these issues wouldn't exist if I lived in Europe. They have their own problems, but the US is particularly godawful.
No. 1650008
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was looking up hurricane season predictions and they weren't very useful. all right then keep your secrets.
No. 1650009
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by the way Nigel is on the name list this year lol
No. 1650504
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Hello nonnies britbong here possibly going to nyc soon and thinking of staying in Brooklyn… anywhere I should avoid/anything I should avoid doing/general tips??
No. 1651147
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Although the history of my people in America very nasty and our government sucks, I love being in America. Everyday I remind myself that this is the land of opportunity, a place where I can do anything I want to. And the cultures and communities we've built with each other are beautiful! I'm still leaving this country eventually but I love you guys and I love Americans. I'm just filled with love today and I have to let you all know.
No. 1651416
>>1650504Do: walk all over manhattan especially the area around central park. Go to Met Cloisters, and the art museum at central park. Ferry to staten island and back to see the statue of liberty. eat at hole in the walls, not tourist traps. walk the brooklyn bridge (but stay out of the way of cyclists). have coffee at a small diner for breakfast. go to chelsea market and walk the highline. little italy actually does have legitimately good food despite being a tourist trap and overpriced, but everyone telling you frank sonatra ate there is full of shit (he ate everywhere).
don't: go to harlem or queens. avoid central park after dark. do not wear headphones while walking or you'll be mugged. don't walk in the bike lane. the pizza is shit, ignore people who say otherwise. do not go swimming anywhere. don't use taxi, just take the train. do not go out after 11pm. do not walk slow or stop in the middle of the sidewalk. do not rent a car for the love of god.
>>1650553brooklyn is nice
No. 1652266
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Where my Califags at
No. 1652309
>>1652292people are definitely fucked since the grand coof. they're weirdly aggressive, can't drive for shit and get in constant crashes like they're playing bumpercars, their attention spans are fried worse than a zoomer, they randomly get in pissy moods and are just angry and shitty all day, and they flip moods harder and more instantaneously than a bpd-chan. road rage shootings are massively up. i've had a scrote harass us because we "stole" his parking spot at a public park, while his kid was in the car with him, he was out acting like a monkey. people have no chill anymore, they're like rage zombies. and the retarded thing is these dumb assholes are the ones who wanted the lockdowns, now their normie psyches are fried from it. i stopped eating out because i had a waiter chase me down the street for not leaving a tip. they didn't even refill my beverage. like, seriously. all of these fucking people are mental.
after the mask requirements stopped i had a fat manchild in a grocery store standing and screaming at me for not wearing a mask while i checked out. no one reacted, so he screamed it again. like every petty squabble is suddenly a galaxy-shifting epic death battle to them. tiktok and marvel movies have turned their brains into pudding.
No. 1652959
>>1649599>In 2023, preliminary estimates suggest the average payment for public health care insurance ranges from $5,373 to $17,039 for six common Canadian family types, depending on the type of family.>The 10 percent of Canadian families with the lowest incomes will pay an average of about $644 for public health care insurance in 2023. The 10 percent of Canadian families who earn an average income of $80,946 will pay an average of $7,715 for public health care insurance, and the families among the top 10 percent of income earners in Canada will pay $44,314.Can you please explain how you can't afford $200-$500 a month for a low-tier Obamacare plan but if only you were born in the blessed land of single player you could somehow afford to pay $500-$1,400 a month? Keep in mind you don't get to pick and choose when you pay this like in the US, you can't cancel your insurance and put the money towards something else during times when you're not having health problems, or delay getting it when you're young, from the time you turn 18 to the time you die you pay that money EVEY. SINGLE. MONTH. If you make any money at all.
No. 1653001
>>1652994you: OMG euros have it so much better than us
euro: maybe like 20 years ago but now I make the same amount as you but have to pay 5x as much per month and also our wait times have ballooned to where cancer patients can't been seen for 8 months
No. 1653034
>>1653021you're not wrong I don't know shit about shit I was homeschooled but this isn't the euro healthcare thread, talk about it in the right thread and link to it if you want to wrangle someone from this thread to discuss it.
>>1653001nice strawmaning. I'm not the one who replied to a 4 day old post that literally said "europe has its own problems too" to argue about it in the wrong thread.
I don't want to act like crabs in a bucket – I'd live to learn about the pitfalls of various healthcare systems and be informed in case we ever get a chance ot change ours – but learn how to use the site ffs it's not reddit it's not twitter don't come here to argue in the wrong thread and get your feeling hurt at imaginary intentions
No. 1653081
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No. 1653140
>>1652971you're the ones always posting about how great your free healthcare is.
>>1652959in most cases doctors are worthless. they can prescribe pills, but aren't good for anything else, and the pills are just moneygrabs that keep you sick and dependent on them. i don't think healthcare is worth the cost. every problem i've ever had, google has done me better than doctors. usually there's some $10 supplement that solves the issue, whereas you can go to 15 different doctors and none of them has a clue what's wrong with you.
i wouldn't even pay $1 for health insurance. i dont' even know why people go to doctors. i cannot fathom how anyone could have $500 of healthcare costs a month to make the insurance even start to be worth it. like, just not being fat eliminates 99% of potential health issues. i hate salad, but if i have to choose between salad or $2000 a month in healthcare expenses, i'll eat that salad like a rabbit.