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No. 1100647
The Elsie Edition.
What ails you, my
>>>/ot/1052830 No. 1101130
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even when i was a rabid SJW and TRA on tumblr and identified as demigirl or nonbinary, i never ever ever wanted to transition physically because i thought every troon looked ugly. the acne, the danger hair, the obligatory piercings, the way how weird a chest looks with a binder on - ew. ew, ew, ew. i never said it out loud but i find the trans look deeply repulsive and unattractive. whenever i see people reee about enbies not owing anyone androgyny, i just know that deep down they find the way troons look disgusting too.
No. 1101165
>>1101130KEK ME TOO
NONNIE. I was always lowkey a female supremacist even in my TRA phase. It's good to see the light now.
No. 1101179
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No. 1101290
>>1101285Its a porn addiction nonna, it can be cured but with more fucked up stuff you gotta learn to reprogram your mind
Here's how I did it
Id go from periods of not watching porn at all(3 days) then mastrubate to my pre-downloaded vanilla porn once a day for 5 days total, then I'd stop watching for 9 days and repeated the same schedule with 5 days, even when I'd fail, I would still always use the vanilla porn
eventually 9 goes to 12, then to 15, to 20, then to 30, then 40 and finally after 45 I was finally recovered
No. 1101291
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I want an early 20th century boyfriend so bad it fucking hurts
No. 1101299
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>>1101291Here's the closest you can get nowadays
I love how he always dodges questions about him time traveling kek No. 1101302
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This video was mocked in the consoomerism thread but I find it very relaxing. It just puts me in the mindset of coming back of a long day at work and unwinding while doing my skincare routine. It also reminds me of when I was in Japan (even though I know she's chinese)
I really like it.
No. 1101328
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>>1101307anon I hate you for making me think of this, he's too pure for that
No. 1101383
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this is actually bad okay so today my sister and i went to the gas station because the golf cart’s tires needed air. i had her do the work, but i shouldn’t have because she lost two of the valve stem caps. i’ve been kinda reckless the last few days so i stole the tire caps from someone’s car. and she found the damn caps later, they were in her pocket the entire time…i’m going to hell. do you still love me?
No. 1101405
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>>1101383I hate you. Genuinely and from the bottom of my heart. I have absolutely no empathy for this kind of behaviour. You can still drive without valve stem caps but no, you had to stole someone else that will probably notice the loss much later ( ruining their tires by exposing them to debris and possibly causing malfunction by the way ! ) just because you and you retarded sister didn't have any sens of basic moral. I know it's not a crime or anything really important but it does show your character . You are exactly like those people who never put back their shopping cart. You are the reason why society is failing.
No. 1101416
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>>1101383>stealing caps from the tires of an actual vehicle that someone drives>to put on a golf cart which presumably belongs to your parentsgo to jail
No. 1101489
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Just found out that Dano guy wasn't in Spy Kids
No. 1101507
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One time I read a fanfiction about fucking Ed Sheeran in an elevator. I've always found him unattractive so I'm not sure what possessed me that day No I'm not from the UK
No. 1101559
>>1101544Y/N and Ed were having sex in a elevator.
>>1101551>do you really think anon has an elevator at her houseWho said I don't?
No. 1101562
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I used to date this guy who showed me music he liked, and I must've had a brain made of cheese because I rarely cared for it. Normally it's based to disregard moids' suggestions of course, but he actually had good taste. Here I am years later enjoying some of the same music realizing that it's what he showed me. Feels like I was mentally a fetus, because now I love some of these bands after running into their stuff again. With some music I have to hear it a few times before it clicks, so maybe that's it. Still it unsettles me to wonder what current things I overlook only to later come around and wonder wtf I'm thinking. I am ashamed to have been such a troglodyte compared to a scrote no less, embarrassing.
No. 1101566
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>>1101559Get in fam, we need to talk
No. 1101616
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>>1101601Maybe this universe wants you to stick around, it seems like something deep in you does, this probably doesn't help any but I'm just so sorry you are in this miserable place right now
No. 1101618
Thank you for the kind words and hope,You nonnies are so nice.
Life is really fucking me lately. I got my bank account hacked and they took most of my school money and idk how I'm going to recover.
No. 1101621
>>1101618I've had my bank info leak and lost my money, banks usually give 0 fucks about fighting stuff like that and are insured. It may not be very easy but there's a chance you can get yours back,
No. 1101679
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I fantasize about somewhat traumatizing events happening that would bring me closer to people around me. A reoccurring thought is the idea of being stranded at my school and being forced to stay the night with everyone in the classroom as a makeshift shelter, huddling up to acquaintances for warmth, instantly turning us into friends. I wouldn't want anything actually bad to happen, just something kind of weird and exciting that would make people bonded to each other. I think what's weirdest about this fantasy is just the fact that the people I'm in class with are barely acquaintances to me and yet I want to be literally cuddling with them in a survival situation. I feel like I'm weird for often looking at my (female) classmates and just wanting to cuddle and hold them so badly, even though I don't know them at all.
I think this stems from me having made my most meaningful friendships in mental hospitals and in rehab, places where I feel the friendship-making process is hyper accelerated by the proximity, vulnerability, and the circumstances. Still not entirely sure because my "fantasy" often includes cuddling or sharing warmth with people which obviously I didn't do in those settings.
No. 1102035
>>1102031don't. he won't care. if he mistreated you, he won't care. most
abusive men lack guilt or a conscience. it's also just a terrible idea, but just pointing out how fruitless it'd be if the more rational obvious part isn't helping.
No. 1102107
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I could never get behind the #freethenipple movement, is a very dumb reason but my nipples and general breast area is very sensitive, and I don't want scrotes (or anyone) to see them or touch them/ squeeze them, even accidentally. I understand the logic behind it, but it would be very embarrassing for me to expose them
No. 1102171
>>1102170There’s some YouTuber who shouts a lot
as if YouTubers never did so who did a review of a visual novel about school girls getting locked up in some rape dungeon, and the catch of the game? You can disable or enable the
Scat fetish scenes. At least Genshin impact only has shitty character designs.
No. 1103047
>>1103031You sound really young.. She sounds annoying and like a shitty friend, find better. She’s gonna have
your “dirt” locked and loaded though so be careful.
No. 1103459
I used to get obsessed with certain girls back when I was a young teenager. I was really unsure of who I was, was struggling to form my own identity and would instead soft skinwalk these girls. I'd latch onto someone online for months and months at a time, would follow all their social media without them knowing and become utterly obsessed. one girl was from xanga and when I say I wanted to BE her, I really wanted to be her. she was everything I wanted to be. her style, her opinion, the clothes she wore, the music she liked, even the way she typed. I remember printing off a picture of her to take to the hairdresser because I had to have the same haircut as her. I used to recreate her social media pictures and feel so happy when I resembled her. I would obsessively read her xanga posts and imagine what it would be like to live her life, thousands of miles away. I never made any contact with her, never tried to make friends so she never had an inkling this was going on. my family probably thought I was growing into who I was, the clothes I liked, the hairstyles, the music etc but it was all just someone else's identity I was mimicking.
she wasn't the only one, I followed 3 girls in total until I grew out of it when I was arounf 17. mckenzie, summer and katheryn. while I never made contact beyond a quick comment on a picture or a liked post, I really did feel close to them in a weird way, all three of them shared so much of their lives on their xanagas or livejournals. I sometimes wonder how they're all doing in their lives thousands of miles away in another country. I hope they're doing well.
No. 1103518
>>1103459Anon, don’t be ashamed of this. A lot of teenage girls do this, my personal theory is that girls are broken down at a very vulnerable young age that we tend to think we must be one certain way rather than a multi faceted human being. We think of other girls as archetypes and ideas
>popular girl, sporty, smart, nerd, alternative, etc etc…Its only natural you’ll be confused and latch on to what someone else is doing
No. 1103790
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i thought for years that i was a lesbian but i actually find men hot. they just have to be tall and above average fit (nice pecs that aren't hairy are a must). obviously the average man i see does not meet these criteria so i never felt any attraction to them and just thought 'ew' to myself whenever i saw a man. it's even more embarrassing that those are my criteria for men because i'm a short fatty. what the fuck, man.
No. 1104002
>>1103518Anon you described a really big struggle from my teenage years and even my early adult years in this post that I didn't really know how to put words to before, thank you. Putting yourself and other women into these archetypes makes it so hard to feel a sense of belonging in your own identity. I'm glad
>>1103512 is also doing better now
No. 1104010
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>>1103981No, you were right though. Also kek at her moid.
No. 1104167
>>1103982She looks the same, but her hair was tied up and she had no makeup on, so I was unsure at first.
>>1104010Ah yeah, but he seemed nice.
No. 1104343
>>1101601This is really gory so I'm going to spoiler text but
This girl I was friends with in highschool, not super close but we both skipped class to smoke cigarettes in the park across the road accidentally hung herself and died after 8 failed suicide attempts, she was only 15. By accidentally, I mean she knew her mom was coming home in a half hour so she slit her wrists and put her head in a noose but not from any height, her feet could touch the ground. Only, she passed out from the blood loss because her mom was late and snapped her neck and died. She was severely mentally ill and had been abused/raped etc so this felt like her only way outI'm telling you this because I look back on her and how dire her situation was but when I think about who I was at that age, along with everyone around me we all had so much ahead of us. Some of the people in those circles were also pretty bad but looking at them now they're living happy, fulfilling lives. She tried so many times, but deep down she didn't want to die, and I don't think many of us really do either.
No. 1104424
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I became unreasonably upset & sad a few years ago when an old husbando got a shitty love interest last minute. Literally listening to sad break up songs upset
No. 1104455
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>>1104427kill yourself then, embarrassing as fuck
No. 1104460
>>1104427It can be cured
nonnie, you actually love them but this world trolls you into thinking it is hatred
No. 1104464
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>>1104427are you going to work on that internalized misogyny or?
>>1104376twinsies, but I do whine about it
No. 1104504
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>>1104489AYRT, I agree, but aren't all men to a certain degree pedos anyway? So it works out all the same.
No. 1104562
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>>1104540Theotokos has a whole ass portal to another dimension called "chora" in her womb. Haters will say she was privileged, but she's perfect all on her own strength, she's out of this world. Men could never.
No. 1104568
>>1104562Amazing I love her
Confession: I'm rude to men irl whether they're nice or not and don't smile at them just so they know they're pathetic and not worth my time. I hate to admit but I am an attractive woman imo and it just adds the cherry on top. I used to smile at everyone, men and woman alike but now I'll purposefully drop my smile and look the other way.
No. 1104571
>>1104568Samefag but I also have stopped using men for anything and I kind of love it. In my libfem phase i would have called myself sexist and rude but now I dont care. I dont need to be nice to men. I owe them nothing.
Sometimes when I'm at the gym too I think about moids and troons chasing me so I don't stop running and it works. I also use their hate to fuel my workouts as I get hotter and they stay mad. I don't want to go out with men and feel asexual.
I also laugh at them and make fun of them blantly when they act retarded and it's hilarious to watch them attempt to justify their sperg.
I honestly went from loving men to hating them all and it's thing that could happen to me. I wish I could post pics of my libfem phase vs now
No. 1104577
Nonnas, I know I'm supposed to feel bad for other women and stuff like that, but theres this scrote worshipper that got mad after I called her middle aged divorced boyfriend and loser and started harassing me after that, then later I found out she is been constantly cheated on, beat, apparently got aids from him, and also knocked up. She then turned into a camwhore to maintain him. All I can think is that it serves her right for defending a stupid scrote, and that this should be a cautionary tale for every girl that decides to do the same. I know that girl is still out somewhere saying I "did it cause I was jealous", and I hope she copes harder at her awful decisions. I have 0 sympathy for her, I know I should feel bad about it, but I honestly don't care.
No. 1104607
>>1104577 Unfortunately it sounds like she was brainwashed by a scrote and you got the shit stick of it. I feel bad for her but I understand where you're coming from because it was probably frightening for you too
nonnie. Maybe you could ring into a domestic violence helpline for her? It's sad but these situations are common in DV. When I was a teen, some older male 'friends' (early 20s) tried to convince me to get into sex work for the money, I used to defend them that they had my best interests in mind and wanted me to make money/rich(this was when twitch was getting big on clevage, belle, and onlyfans) until I realized they were grooming me. I think my defensiveness came from fear that they could possibly do that and I was in denial.
>>1104584>>1104568Men are trash, making eye contact with a man for a second too long gives them the wrong message, let alone smiling.
No. 1104620
>>1104590Did you miss the part where the woman harassed her? I get what she's saying, even if the woman in question is an abuse
victim once she starts hurting other women I lose all sympathy. It just makes me upset because they'd rather get angry at other women rather than their scrote.
No. 1104636
>>1104584I used to be an ugly, awkward weeaboo who fell over herself to please people. I'm lucky that I wasn't interested in guys or dating as a teen because I would've gotten my heart crushed for sure.
I got a nose job in my mid twenties and my confidence skyrocketed, I started going to parties and then had a heartbreaking realization that men are so much nicer to me now than before. They'll do anything for a crumb of pussy from me and I hate them for it, because the same kinds of guys who give me attention now used to bully me then.
I'm not rude to men because I grew up trying to be extra sweet to everyone to "make up" for the fact that I was an uggo, so many of them see me as easy to talk to and approachable I suppose. This, however, attracts the worst of the worst and I really wish I could just nun it up but there aren't any women's monasteries in my country.
No. 1104779
>>1104770It doesnt justify her reaction either. Sorry but so many anons will scream “poor women uwu” at abuse
victims while ignoring the fact these women will raise daughters and will blame THEM for their rape. These same “innocent”
victims raise sons and teach them its ok to rape girls cuz girls are “worthless” to them.
No. 1104829
>>1104825Finally kek, thanks.
>>1104826I think they're cute…
No. 1104847
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>>1104845okay, i hope he picks you and you enjoy your orgasm free relationship
No. 1104855
>>1104833Not just the vulva, everything. I think it's a little cute. Like, I want to put my fingers inside and feel or kiss it. Or just cup it to feel the heat.
>>1104834There is no use convincing you.
No. 1104877
>>1104862You are so dense. I am saying I only want to fuck and date men. I only think about men in a sexual light. You are not straight because you are into women sexually. Like, I am not thinking "Man, I want a cute girlfriend" I am thinking "Man, I want a cute boyfriend". Do you get it now? Like while typing out
>>1104855 I got a little turned on only because I was thinking about it, but I never think about it unless provoked. I just think about wanting a cute guy.
No. 1104879
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Me too actually. I don't see myself ever eating out a woman though, but I like vaginas in general. No. 1104902
>>1104887I know, they're a part of a whole package of a fully-fledged woman. I was focusing on vaginas because that is the topic at hand.
>>1104894God, I am not repeating myself. I am turned on by women when I am faced with one. Like if I see a woman in a sexual situation I'm like "wow I want to touch her like this or that" but without this, like in general I am only into men, and wanna fuck men. Jesus. If I don't ever see a naked woman, I won't think about it.
No. 1104908
>>1104900Samefag; my confession is that I think I'm
mostly straight but I will occasionally masturbate to thoughts of women. In fact it's all I really feel like masturbating to right now, anything else disinterests me at the moment. No this isn't bait I'm serious and I wish I could talk to other women who feel the same because it's confusing. I have struggled with my sexuality for years and I'm not a lesbian though I thought I was for a time, and every time I think I'm bisexual I tend to stick to one sex (which was men recently which is why I think I' straight), and now that I think I might be straight I'm getting off to women. The fuck is wrong with me.
No. 1104932
>>1104928Samefag omggg I found it. It was called
Better Days brb gonna shoot myself
No. 1104944
>>1104934Ugh I am reading the "wikifur" (kek) of
Better Days and it's killing me. I was very young and didn't know any better
We stand together anon. Idk what Moon Over June is and I don't want to know so I'll take your word for it that it's some degen furry-esque shit
>Unlimited internet access was a mistakeI blame my parents lmao
No. 1104951
>>1104946>>1104947Thanks for looking out! I noticed that too and reposted sans-emote. I was too overwhelmed by disgust lol
And wow… Moon Over June sounds equally debased. At least we didn't get sucked in… r-right, anon?
No. 1104969
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>>1104932>>1104944 I googled this comic because it reminded of some random furry comic I recall reading in my childhood (thankfully it was nothing sexual) and not even 5 pages in it is already unbearable lmao.
No. 1104974
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>>1104969AYRT, smh I know.. I'm looking at it too. Lord.
No. 1104991
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>>1104969What the fuck is this
No. 1104997
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anyone here ever read Sandra and Woo ?
No. 1105001
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>>1104991I hate how genuinely cute the characters are, what a fucking waste. There is a new Redwall cartoon in the works and I'm terrified of what the furries will do to it. I've managed to completely avoid the fandom up until now because it isn't all that popular, but once the Netflix show comes out I just know that's going to be ruined for me.
No. 1105018
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really feel we should have a Furry hate thread at this point, those fuckers deserve it
No. 1105042
>>1105018i need this as another childhood
victim of better days
No. 1105072
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when i got drunk on paddys day, i sent these really embarassasing angry drunk texts to a guy i was dating for four months, who then stopped seeing me to start seeing his ex again, then we hung out again to catch up, and he kissed me and tried to cheat on her with me. i feel kinda cringe about it but also kinda proud of myself for finally standing up for myself. i blocked him again after these. i dont even care how crazy i look
No. 1105081
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My bf hasn’t been attentive in the sex department for a while and it’s effected me so much I seriously considered fucking my roommate, I feel bad because my bf is depressed and busy but fuck me I crave male attention.
No. 1105146
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Whenever I'm watching any kind of a show that takes place in a country other than my own, it always makes me want to move there. Like when I watch an English sitcom, I start looking at flats in London and start fantasizing about moving there but then if I watch an Australian one after that suddenly I have this desire to move there. Same thing with vlogs. I'm ridiculous
No. 1105206
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I want to have sex with him sooooo bad!
No. 1105514
>>1105223I'm feeling the same way
nonny, after my cat passed away suddenly a couple months ago I feel like I'm distancing myself from anyone around me. I'm stressed all the time and acting pretty out of character. Can you pinpoint a certain event that kickstarted this? I think that might be a start to put you on a better track.
No. 1105729
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There's something seriously wrong with my brain, nonnies. I pretend online to be male because it's funny and I also sexually harassed all egirls I encountered in the #general. Now the bit goes too far and they start dming me and I'm not sure what part of the flirting was an ironic larp and what not. Like there's one especially that genuiely seems so kind and interesting but idk what to do because we only started talking because I was talking about how I have higher virility and stronger sperm than the simp that was hitting on her. I genuiely was just laughing because typing the most retarded things I can think of in the moment does that.
I even have a husband that I'm happily with - what the fuck is wrong with me. I can't even properly tell him that because he just calls me quirky and to just stop talking to them, if it makes me feel bad. But I can't.
No. 1105997
>>1105973>Certain ethnicities naturally have 'dead eyes'This seems like a cope. I'm a
WOC and I wanted "dead eyes" as a kid because I thought they were "aesthetic". Never happened, no one ever said I had them (even when insulting me), ended up having to make a pouty face instead lol
No. 1106021
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I would fuck a tranny as long as he's cute, thin, femenine looking, doesn't have fake balloon tits, and isn't misogynistic.(moid)
No. 1106024
>>1106020>>1105997>>1105973>>1105962can any of you send examples? i am so very curious about what you're talking about. i never encountered people talking about ''dead eyes' except in the mtf thread kek
mfw i have dead eyes like op
No. 1106253
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I once defended a cow who got kicked out of the Lolita community it was endemic to - initially taking pity upon it and believing her story
learned a valuable lesson when I personally was subject to this bitch's hollow violent threats, over the top tantrums and slowly began to unpick the truth from the massive web of lies she had created
No. 1106275
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>>1106268> i do think of myself first as a person rather then a woman.This is not the unique experience you think it is
No. 1106411
>>1106268I think you should re-examine what "woman" means to you, and why you feel at odds with it. No shame, society wants us to internalize all sorts of things on what it means and blame ourselves, but really take it apart
Fucking up your hormones and chopping off your tits won't correct the incongruity in your mind, it'll just leave you in an endless chase for the unattainable, and turn you into an oversensitive, unstable wreck always seeking validation and fighting with people over small things (because they'll set you off like nothing else). For the sake of your own emotional state, you'll be forced to surround yourself primarily with other troons, who may or may not lash out at you, groom you and/or make your life miserable for their own gain. You'll also forever be indebted to the medical industry as you try to deal with side effects and other health issues, like a slave. Even if you "pass" socially, it'll be a constant battle to silence the voice in your mind that knows you're "tricking" people for dopamine, and you'll constantly be on edge about it
Committing yourself to a life of delusion and mutilation of what's not actually broken is not only indicative of self-harm tendencies, it directly feeds into them. I don't recommend it at all
No. 1106582
I am honestly disappointed at the little advantage we women, as 50% of the population, take when it comes to male genitalia.
Men, unlike us, have external genital organs that are often within arm's reach. However, for some reason that has not yet come to mind, women are too respectful towards male genitals.
It's so easy to just grab their testicles and press hard whenever one of them disobeys you.
And no, before you accuse me of being a degenerate, I do not have a cock and balls torture fetish. It's just way too damn easy for how little women assert dominance.
He did not do the dishes after you spent hours making dinner? Press on their balls.
He made a joke on how hot you looked when you started dating compared to now, years later? Press on their balls.
You catch him looking at porn? Press on their balls, and sink your nails in HARD.
No. 1107268
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I learned about Munchausen from Hadaka Shitsuji
No. 1107432
>>1107390Because I said trooning out does that to you? Weird that you say that, because I'm just saying what I've observed with FtMs kek. Same way MtFs can't ever be women and will forever screech "It's ma'am" and insist you affirm their identity, FtMs know they can't be men, and they do the same kind of shit
It's why being around trannies in general is exhausting tbh. You can't LARP your whole life, you just drag everyone down, sorry
No. 1107519
>>1107514Cutting off your body parts, giving yourself health problems and insisting everybody call you a man isn't an informed or intelligent decision. In fact, it's the opposite and a fuckton of detransitioners will tell you just that, especially those who were encouraged into it from a young age.
If you're trying to claim it is, you're either an actual scrote (likely an incel/transcel), a wannabe scrote, or a groomer. This isn't /tttt/, we don't entertain delusions. You can't escape sexism via self-mutilation. In much the same way, anorexia isn't an "informed decision" to escape hatred of your body or sexualization from men, it's a mental illness
No. 1107575
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You know… since 2019, with the whole pandemic and what not, things just keep going downhill. Even before that I could see the deterioration of pretty much everything in general, every aspect in our lives, what we consume, what we do, who we are, everything has degraded significantly. Our quality of life is not good and won't get better. So after a lot of years and constant tragedy I just realised, is a dog eat dog world yes but I've decided to not be one of the dogs. I'm opting out of the eat or get eaten mentality, which I kinda love. Is almost as if I'm nonexistent but at the same time ever present. I exist for myself and myself only, suddenly my enemies disappeared, I was standing alone in a supposed "battlefield", I had no one to fight against. At first I was lost sure, but eventually you make a choice and I chose myself, because that's what matters to me. Since then I've focused on my physical, psychological and emotional health. No longer do I feel the need to justify anything I do to my almost imaginary enemy, because he no longer exists. If don't wanna eat something I don't do it, no explanation needed. If I don't wanna watch something I don't watch. If I wanna do anything, I just go and do it, no need to worry at all. Because I only exist with myself, everyone else is sill a dog and surely will be treated as a dog. But I pay them no mind anymore. I believe this is my key to true happiness, things just pass by and I see if they're worth my time and my health, that's it. A free mind in my free world.
No. 1107580
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>>1107575Beautiful anon. Not long ago I came to the same general conclusion. Let's continue to thrive.
No. 1107624
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When I was a kid I use to be a piece of shit and start fights with older boys. I took being tough and anti feminine very seriously. I’m lucky they didn’t hurt me too badly but wow i was a fucking retard for doing that. I do kinda admire my fearless schizo energy tho
No. 1107629
>>1107624Same here,
nonny. I did take some damage but did more!
No. 1107646
>>1107413Every person who has never used a bidet thinks this. I was one of them. Proper bidet toilets shoot the water concentrated enough that the excess just falls back into the toilet, it doesn't dribble into your vag at all.
Portable wands with no water pressure are another story though
No. 1107702
>>1107698does schizophrenia run in your family? doesn't it usually manifest when you are a little older?
>hearing things while sleep deprived isn't this common? what do you hear?
No. 1107713
>>1107702>does schizophrenia run in your family?yeah and i am at the age where it usually starts. i heard it can happen, and i have shit sleep often. i used to smoke weed too, which gave me psychosis and delusions for a while when i did it multiple times a week, ironically, to help me sleep. that was very bad because i "hung out" with my friends multiple times, which turned out to be me hallucinating them, that i only realized after someone told me. back then i also feared that someone i pissed off in a group was coming to get me. while i knew that was unlikely, i still felt scared and paranoid.
>>1107706i don't know, i hear/see/feel things the day after having bad sleep. unsure just how bad, i don't really look at the clock while trying to sleep, but i just remember tossing and turning. what i heard were, a few times my name in a crowd, sometimes a coworker said something mean, or my boyfriend some nonsense. i can recognize it is a hallucination by how i feel and how realistic it is.
thanks for replying, to be honest i would try managing it and staying healthy.
No. 1107747
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I truly wish I could find someone who appreciates male beauty like I do, not in the Fujos or gay men lust after male bodies, I appreciate the aesthetic more then anything
the oh-natural muscles, the straight or curly hair and the clear skin
Young male beauty is truly unique and great in its own way but I have yet to find a friend who appreciates male beauty the way I do
No. 1107761
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>>1107747you have found a friend in me.
their thick, swoopy hair. beautiful shoulders and bushy eyebrows. angular faces and builds. i even like their chest and tummy hair and pet my boyfriend's when we cuddle. i like how interesting and well-sculpted their beard and mustache can be.
that said, they squander most of it unless they consciously care about it. in reality evens stars like pic related would look unkempt and all-over-the-place without stylists, because men just can't be arsed to find the style that fits them. unless they are gay or into fashion anyway.
sometimes i imagine giving a makeover to the cute guys at school, transforming them into their full bishounen potential.
No. 1107777
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>>1107747i feel the same towards male beauty, then i interact with a male i don't already know irl and my fantasies are instantly shattered by how unhygienic and ignorant they are. they also all age terribly, i cannot recall ever finding an older male attractive compared to the many beautiful graceful older women out there
picrel is me when i google any actor who was hot when he was young and find current pictures of him looking like an egg with a beer gut
No. 1107778
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>>1107747>>1107764in terms of masc male builds I'm usually interested in very fit but natural bodies, punk rockers, marital artists and combat soldier, for me that's man in his most natural and
No. 1107783
>>1107778I’m this anon
>>1107764 and damn I used to be so in love with Henry Rollins, he was quite literally perfect I love his body and tattoos
No. 1107793
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>>1107788true kek which is why it’s better to admire from far away
>>1107790i’m a huge misfits fan so glenn danzig and doyle wolfgang (picrel)
No. 1107820
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>>1107800depends on the scene, Thrash metal has buff dudes, fans and bands alike
though imo they are often uglier
No. 1107846
>>1107844felt the same way about grandpa, he was bed ridden, couldn't speak, in horrible pain and suffering in every existence
I could tell he was just waiting for death
No. 1107862
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>>1107556TELL US THE ACTOR why don't nonnas ever spill when it comes to these stories?!
No. 1107907
>>1107519i wasn't talking about trannies you idiot. i was addressing the way you refer to women, but it seems like you are making that distinction anyway? fucking weird lol. you believe detransitioners are women but you still refer to them as a distinct class to distance them from respectable women. as if detrans are just hysterical broads? but they're distinct from women. but they are also infantile wandering wombs with underdeveloped brains who protest misogyny.
Ok retard at least believe what you say
No. 1107910
>>1107907to make it clear: it doesn't look like you believe what you actually say you believe.
you call detransitioned women "women" while basically saying theyre suffering from hysteria, when the real reason they are confused is because they want to escape misogyny and believe they can escape misogyny
but you experience absolutely no cognitive dissonance calling someone who you believe is the same class as you a crazy broad
No. 1107915
>>1107556Holy shit you're Zoe Kazan??
>>1107907>>1107910NTA but she never said any of that shit
No. 1107996
>>1107907>>1107910You're either very unintelligent, or you're carrying an insane amount of baggage. It's almost like you had some argument with someone long ago, and now whenever you see anyone who sounds a bit like them, even if you have to twist their words or (pretend to) misunderstand them, you start imagining that they're that person and now it's your big chance to reply to them.
I never called anyone a "crazy broad", I described how people act when they perform a self-destructive act under the guise of self-help. It ruins lives, and leaves a person worse for wear. "Respectable women"? "Wandering wombs"? "Hysteria"? What is wrong with you?
>the real reason they are confused is because they want to escape misogyny and believe they can escape misogynyIf you had any understanding (or basic compassion), you wouldn't attempt to simplify all women who transition into a hyper-rationalized "They're simply trying to escape misogyny, it's totally an informed decision" and seethe whenever anyone describes the daily toll it takes to actually transition. Yes, there are grown women and young girls who get groomed into stupid, painful things and end up worse off emotionally, physically and mentally. Acknowledging that isn't some kind of 15th century "Them broads are crazy and hysterical" spiel. You're acting like you truly respect these women, but you clearly don't. It's like you're too embarrassed of the "messy" parts of life, but that's no one's problem but your own
And honestly, I don't understand why you'd believe there's a mutual exclusivity between anything I've said and the (wrong) belief that one can escape misogyny by transitioning. It's a bad decision advertised by the worst aspects of society, and there's no "girlbossing" about it
No. 1108430
>>1108396yes never mind the fact that that's the reason detrans often give when they think identification with the patriarchy and dressing like a fat little boy with tits will make them exempt from misogyny. it's simply inflammatory to imply disenfranchised women are all blubbering
victims. i don't understand what you can't understand.
No. 1108492
>>1106445>>1106268This. Everyone feels this way. Twitards love memeing that all women ~feel like women~ all the time because they're braindead.
Sometimes I even feel more comfortable being referred to as a guy or a dude, but I know that at the end of the day, I am 100% female.
No. 1108500
>>1108386This is such a weak, sad response, especially after blowing up at me with your own shit reading comprehension and personal baggage about "wandering wombs"
>>1108430And now you're reducing women to little children while complaining that I'm "calling them blubbering
victims"? Remember that thing about "not believing what you claim to believe"? Please think on it anon
No. 1108613
>>1108492I grew up to realize the only reason I felt unwomanly was because of sexism, lol. I felt insecure sometimes, but I noticed the situations were always like "oh, I'm around women who are somewhat dressed up and I don't even own a lipstick" and realized what this is all about.
I believe that if I had a different personality and was born in the US, I would have "become" a non binary or something like that.
No. 1108677
Sometimes I see anons seethe over chubby/ or even curvy-thin women. And i dont know who needs to hear this, but there are men who fucking love bigger women with personality. Ive had very little issues with dating, despite my size. Currently in a relationship of 5 years, very happy with my nigel bf.
I am currently working with a trainer and we eat healthy, but lets face it, im never going to be a size zero. And im still loved and loving, im still going to have a great life.
Idk, sorry if this rant is weird, but what i want to get to- no matter what, please dont make your self image and worth soley on your bmi
Theres a lover out there for you, i promise.
No. 1108723
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>>1108677I'm literally so jealous of bigger girls/ unconventional attractive girls that just radiate so much positive energy. I knew a girl like this who was bigger but was always bubbly and happy and wore adorable comfy clothes. Her personality was so sweet and she had a long term relationship, she had what I wanted & I secretly really wanted to be like her.
I guess because I equated a lot of my self worth into trying to be attractive to other people (even pandering to moid standards even though I hate them now) that I never truly let myself feel uninhibited and comfortable with my personality. I'm not exactly the skinniest person ever but I do notice how people view me (even my own family) when I am smaller and dress in a more conventual way. Sorry if it sounds condescending I just felt like I never could feel happy about myself unless others liked me No. 1108725
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>>1108712>amazing t&aThat's the thing, all the successful chubby girls have great tits. Men will tolerate quite a lot of fat for big tits. Or even prefer it to a thin woman with small ones. If you're chubby in anything but the perfect way you're fucked
No. 1108729
>>1108712I do, but i also have bigger arms and belly. I guess i have fortunate fat distribution, but even as a kid i was over weight.
Im a pretty empathetic and social person most the time, and Im pretty weird. It also a bonus that my bf has been overweight previously. So, he gets it and knows Im going at my own pace.
I work out, and eat pretty healthy, but I am plus size . (My reaction to SA as a teen was to over eat so men wouldnt attack me again and it led to chronic binge eating as a punishment)
Im open about this with my partner, and he is very happy with me. (He also isnt a porn dude or on sm so that could be a factor)
>>1108725I suppose youre right, and i didnt mean to hurt anyone’s feelings. I just think all women are beautiful and i want them to feel it too, regardless of pressures we face all the time.
No. 1108735
>>1108725You're talking about men who are heavily brainwashed by obese culture, usually Americans. I always thought this growing up when I grew up around obese people and even developed binge eating disorder because I was convinced chubby with big tits was in and I had pretty big breasts for my body but it was nowhere near as big as the girls I was compared to, I did gain weight but I simply couldn't ever be THAT big or it would take me decades. When I moved and started modelling, including for men's entertainment, it just opened my eyes on how much breast size truly matters to the vast majority of the planet. Girls with A cups will sell out just as much if not more than the girls with big naturals or bolt ons. All it is truly about is ratio and fitness, men will throw their money at hot fit girls who are almost flat chested than they will give a fatty a second glance just because she has large breasts
You also have to counter in the fact that large breasts doesn't automatically equal nice, or else all women would just get fat and never get breast lifts, do chest exercises, get areola reductions, etc, usually when breasts are developed largely due to obesity they developed very saggy, misshapen with very off areola/breast ratio, which is universally attractive. The only people who think "bigger is always better, no matter what" are usually coping chubby girls and guys with fat fetishes or who have a dating history of hambeasts so they just use it cope. They want to convince themselves that fat Susan is the real Stacy because women who look like Alexis Ren will never look at them twice
No. 1108908
>>1108896Yeah I do know that but sometimes,I say some, it's just a mix of feeling bad for others and there's the aspect of my family never really giving a fuck. My family wasn't accepting per se, my mom kinda was but I mean didn't give a fuck in a way that we were always kind of left ignored? This is very off topic, but a good example was that whenever me or my sibling was hospitalized due to whatever, our parents wouldn't visit, only to drop by our stuff and pick up, even when I was a preteen. I don't know how to explain it well, I am grateful I didn't get thrown out or bullied for being gay but at the same time, it still feels odd and makes me feel bad for others/like a pissbaby. Sorry for the wall of text,
No. 1108941
>>1108938I'm confused, does he not have your number? Why is coming over randomly the expectation?
Anyway sorry sis but just forget him. Mixed signals are a no, if you're confused it's a no, if a man likes you he will actively try to make it happen no matter what.
No. 1108953
>>1108856This is interesting to read because I feel a similar way but about my teen years lol. I went through a few
abusive relationships right up until my early 20s. It's a piece of time I'll never get back. I'm so sorry all that happened to you it sounds painful. Especially a person disappearing on you like that, it's enough to give you major trust issues.
Do you go to a therapist? I'm currently working on opening myself up again after all the distrust built from previous partners. It's a long process but it helps to speak through it with a professional.
No. 1109916
>>1109890Just want to let you know I'm thinking about and rooting for you anon. I was in a similar situation a few years ago where I was dangerously close to being hikiko and thought about suicide daily. I eventually got a job so I have some obligation now and go outside and enjoy it if it feels nice. Just don't put pressure to do everything you want in a certain amount of time, work on it a little every day. Even if I only get one thing I wanted to do that day done I consider it a successful day.
You can be in a different state of mind, every state of mind is temporary.
No. 1110300
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>>1109360Are you from Florida
No. 1110348
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I don't have any social life and it doesn't bug me except on principle. I know I should and I am planning ways to do it but also scared and full of dread. Aside from having logical awareness it will be good for me, I don't want to. At the same time I'm incredibly sad how I've missed out, so my brain rebels in denial, "no!! don't think about that I'm happy like this!!!" the idea of facing the truth is soul crushing, maybe that is the root of it. I spend all my time distracted to escape the pain. Admitting I've wasted and lost so much time makes me want to die. So many other things I'm behind on too I don't know where to begin ever getting on track.
No. 1110398
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Just woke up from a dream where I stalked this random guy and then ambushed him with the intent of kidnapping and holding him captive. Right before I woke up I was holding him by the neck with one hand and and caressing his face with the other. His skin was so soft and he looked so scared. Why was this so hot?
No. 1110402
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>>1110348Anon, I relate to everything you wrote. I feel ambivalent about people in general (fear of intimacy), sometimes I'm happy that I avoided them for years because this way I avoided painful experiences. But at the same time deep down I know that this contributed to me being immature because experiences things like rejections and breakups are essential, normal parts of human existence. There's unfortunately no easy way to get out of this, only if we force ourselves to go out
No. 1110446
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fuck moids. cp bump
No. 1110464
>>1110380Noooo i remember looking at the instagrams of girls from my class in swimsuits and tight dresses and was thinking “HA look at these HARLOTS”, and then l o o k i n g
I did not know how to process ‘special feelings’ kek
No. 1110473
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No. 1110487
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>>1110402not that anon and completely unrelated but i keep seeing this card? ive seen it like 5times this year. 3 times in real life (during my tarot readings) and 2 or 3 times in random places/social media/stores
am i losing it? i know tarot is "in" right now but i never see the same cards posted. but in 2022 i keep seeing this damn card
No. 1110708
I have diabetic gastroparesis and can't keep food down with out it, my doctor just keeps giving me zofran for it and that shit makes me puke and
triggers my migraines
literally wanna kill myself every day because my dad thinks diabetes isn't real and my only options are smoke weed like a loser piece of shit like he says or vomit myself back to 98 pounds
I think people like us have to try to decide to care about ourselves more than other people care about us, doctors included
No. 1110824
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The big fuss about the Anna Sorokin is mistifying to me. And the fact that everyone talks about her with admiration is really fucking bizarre
No. 1110895
>>1110859Anon, I'm really really sorry you went through that. Sometimes you may doubt your own words and perspective because you weren't listened to, but you're not crazy or misremembering. The other women at the psych ward seem to understand that it's a bad place, so you're perspective is realistic. And some people can be weird, really shady- and these people will look for positions of power, where they can have access and power over vulnerable people, because they have problems. Really, screw that woman.
It sounds like you need to be heard so you can work through it. Can you tell your mother, a counsellor, someone at church? I think you need to tell a real person about this.
Also, I have never been sexually assaulted but I've taken a few beatings/batterings before. One good way to reclaim your space, your self, is to workout. Nourish your body, look after yourself, get strong. You don't have to, but it's one of the forms of self care that for me have given me a sense of strength and self ownership back. And you definitely deserve health and a feeling of safety in yourself.
I hope you heal from this, may God replenish your spirit in Jesus' name.
No. 1111218
>>1110859Don't worry nona, I believe you. There are plenty of psychiatrists/therapists out there who are complete pieces of shit that only male things worse for people with trauma. I've never encountered one (except for that religious woman in my childhood who refused to treat me anymore because I said I don't believe in God, if that counts) but I've read plenty of stories from other people online and it doesn't sound like bullshit to me that some therapists or psychiatrists are just going to be shit at their job. It also seems to be more common in certain countries. Sorry that happened to you, sounds like she was projecting onto you or you reminded her of someone in her life.
>>1110865I know it's fucking stupid because it's just a game and fuck whatever scrotes think, but if someone were to recognize me from other places I would feel intense shame for being a "fake fan".
No. 1111251
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I love casually gaslighting people, it’s funny and I like to see how much I can get away with. When people tell me something like “remember when you said this” and I just respond like “No, I never said that?” despite very vividly remembering the fact that yes I did say that, if they keep insisting so do I, I just say stuff like “You’re being crazy right now, maybe you’re confusing me with someone else” and they’ll usually drop it. I get absolutely nothing out of this but it’s just really satisfying. Or when I say something that is clearly a bit insane and they react accordingly but I turn it around and act like they’re the crazy one, it’s just really fun. I do this mostly to men because it’s basically what they do to women all the time. I also make myself out to have a really good memory by remembering really small random details from previous conversations so when I act like I don’t remember a bigger thing I said it makes me seem more credible. It only really got far once when a friend blew up at me because he insisted I was doing it on purpose but the other friend that witnessed ended up siding with me and saying he was the one acting crazy. I don’t even know why I do this i’ve literally done it since I was young like when I was little I would do it to classmates and family members I vividly remember getting other kids in trouble by doing stuff and blaming it on them.
No. 1111271
nonny but this made me a little paranoid that people just humor me
>>1111258This sounds really fun, let’s do it
>>1111265I don’t like to do it to women honestly and only did it once or twice when someone has really pissed me off which is rare with other women and to be honest I felt really bad after, I love all my girl friends and female family members too much and honestly like I said I mostly do it to men because they’re too stupid to notice and they deserve it.
>>1111268>>1111264no u
No. 1111316
>>1111311that just means your competitive
you go cow sis
No. 1111328
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>>1111317Sometimes I like to go to 4chan and encourage them to just do it. Specially after cp gets posted, the higher those numbers the better.
No. 1111349
>>1111317I do this sometimes. I don't start arguments, I just post however the fuck I want and calling people whatever the fuck I want. If they call me redditor, kys fujo, tranny, whatever I just do it even more. Fuck that site and I hope it dies soon, its "culture" died more than a decade ago anyway and it's funny how so many scrotes and unfortunately also pickmes would defend it to the death
>>1111328I like to agree with other when they tell a pedophile/lolifag "kill yourself".
No. 1111464
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>>1111390>/fa/ it seems to be much less degenerate than the rest of the site Sorry to break it to you anon but I decided to check and well…
No. 1111538
>>1111494Okay I have to admit I find him pretty there, too, but I normally wouldn't place too much significance onto which men straight men label as objectively attractive. I feel like they have a few designated choices like the deadpool guy and his 52 lookalikes that are safe to claim as attractive as to not to be seen as the guy that's so insecure in his straightness that he can't stay objective about other men even if he doesn't
really think it. Or they repeat it for the meme. Anyways, it's typically always the same plain dirt-blonde as interesting as a loaf of bread actor.
No. 1111721
>>1111538I agree, it's just like straight women saying the Kardashians are hot.
>>1111546Ofc it is.
No. 1111911
>>1111521Some do. I think they just tolerate them because they know the pedos won't leave no matter how much you insult them and tell them to kill themselves. Well, most 4chanoids also believe the lie that "it's just a drawing" so that makes them tolerate lolifags more.
>>1111367About what, specifically?
For me it's the inverse. I'm afraid of arguing here with someone (a woman) I talked to on 4chan.
>>1111470Kek that's so specific, how can you even tell?
>>1111385>>1111408Yeah, it might not be that healthy, but still a good way to let off some steam and get a bit of revenge on them.
No. 1111913
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>>1111907nonnie…. take my heart
No. 1112064
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Sometimes my cat starts “scooby doo-n” in place before he launches himself into warp speed, running around the house.
He will drift around a corner into the living room and he looks at me with some crazy eyes.
He wants me to react dramatically, with phrases like
and he loves it. Keeps running around and stopping, so i can react.
He will do this on my worst days of crying and it ends up changing my mood.
Idk, i just wish some nonnies could come over for tea and help the peanut gallery fuel his fast and furious moments.
No. 1112164
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i id as "pansexual" only because i've dated a few ftms and i don't want to sell the idea that bisexuality is attraction to two genders rather than to two sexes.
No. 1112257
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>>1112208For now he rest… just out of reach… yes..
No. 1112283
>>1112259Most of that belly is loose skin, (that primordial pouch) but he is big, a 16 pounder! He can also stretch pretty far. He likes to go outside in a backpack too (dont panic Its safe).
Actually, with his measurements he wears a medium dog sized harness, kek. Next time we get some sun I’ll share.
Thank you all for the cat love! Cash, aka Cash Money is the best <3 (C.R.E.A.M)
No. 1112324
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In 4th grade I had a crush on a boy in my class and I cried and cried in my room when I heard that he liked another girl.
Today, ~20 years later, I found out that he was arrested for murdering his wife.
No. 1112339
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>>1112324Nonnie, I feel you, I almost kept pushing my best friend to date some moid in Uni, everyone in our career was shipping them really hard. Then he got sent to jail in Spain for raping a girl at a party.
No. 1112346
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>>1112324>>1112339one time i went to see a doctor and i had the last appointment of the day (friday) and then next monday the local newspapers were filled with stories about how that doctor had tried to murder his wife on friday evening and that he had claimed that his work was just so stressful and that something at work on friday - when i had my appointment - was the last straw.
No. 1112350
>>1112346holy shit
nonny im so sorry, im sure hes just lying and trying to put the blame to outside forces just so people pity him tho
No. 1112375
>>1112357Holy shit nona. Cherish your mom.
I'm curious tho, do you think anything you said that evening could have
triggered the bastard enough to finally decided to do it? Or was it entirely a lie of his?
No. 1112390
>>1112378what is your topic? (be general if you want)
I am writing my dissertation in a similar way, but I'm still tempted to write your thesis because I like doing anyone else's work instead of my own.
No. 1112446
>>1112361my mom said it's to keep up appearances when the man in question is either a cheater or
abusive as fuck, so if there's a divorce or a scandal or anything, people are gonna be like "nooo, but he loved his wife and kids so much, didn't you see the pictures of his family in his office???"
>>1112363you should hear about the shit my stepdad predicts. he makes off handed comments that make no damn sense about people he barely knows and then it turns out to be the truth. one time i talked about a teacher of mine and he said "bet he's an alcoholic" - 2 weeks later we find out said teacher really is an alcoholic. guess my mildly psychic mom attracted a highly psychic man, kek.
>>1112375i assume he was just lying or something, but two reasons come to mind
a) i was a last minute/squeezed in patient and he had to stay a bit longer to treat me which is annoying ofc but not a reason to kill your wife…
b) he was a dentist and he wanted to treat me for something else and i said i wasn't comfortable with that since i was severely scared of dentists at that time and just getting treated for the one thing i was there for made me sweat through the back of my shirt AND pants while sitting in the chair. he sighed, obviously annoyed, then called his assistant to at least scale my teeth. i didn't see him again after that… maybe he had decided to try and kill his wife once he left the room, kek.
No. 1112528
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i'm a coomer artist (which makes me a coomer) and i'm sorry nonnas. there is no cure, not even death
No. 1112538
>>1112528Kek when the fuck did this happen? Is it from one of the gaiden episodes?
Also about your actual confession. Don't worry, at least you're not drawing children or anything bad like that. I hope.
I've drawn a guy being fuck by a talking dog but that was a request that I felt pressured into doing at the time No. 1112541
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As much as i hate maths i wish i was into them, i really do
No. 1112542
>>1112541Me too
nonny. I want to feel like I'm actually as smart as I think (and everyone around me thinks) I am. Also, I think my life would be easier if I knew math. And it would be very helpful for when I try to learn programming.
No. 1112544
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>>1112538>spoilernonnie what, elaborate????
No. 1112547
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>>1112538>"drawing children" in referral to cartoon characters >immediately admits to being a fucking furry typical kek
No. 1112596
>>1112554Agreed! I’m so glad I grew up in the 90s with parents who just let me be a little kid. In elementary school I remember telling my parents I “wanted to be a boy”. I was a hyper little kid, and what I MEANT at the time was that the boys in my school were encouraged to run around and play outside and have make-believe adventures at recess, so they were more fun to play with! Meanwhile some of the girls would usually sit and talk, and were encouraged by teachers to be polite and sweet and not get dirty on the playground.
I’m so glad my parents didn’t just say “Oh yep, that means she’s a boy, time to transition!”. Kids have little to no concept of sexuality and orientation, they just want to play and whether that means playing dress-up or being sporty, they’re just being kids.
No. 1112616
I love being an autist. Straight up, the social awkwardness and lack of ability to handle life sucks but I'd never give up the fun of listening to nice music at night and having a good time with myself. I'm at the point where I don't even care if people think I'm strange, I always try to be nice so when they write me off for being a bit of a weirdo it doesn't bother me that much anymore. I can have the most fun just sitting in my room, doing whatever the fuck I like, I love my special interests, I love being so in my own head all the time. I do try to adapt at work and shit but honestly if you gave me the choice between being 'normal' and autistic I'd pick autistic any time. I don't feel the need to listen to others, can have so much fun just seeing a lovely movie or listening to a great song, don't feel a constant need for human interaction.. I love never getting tired of my interests. I was ashamed of it for years and wished I was 'normal', but I'm happy I'm able to think differently now. I wouldn't be myself without it! I would not say it's a 'gift', but I'm quite happy to be different than the rest. I love hearing others' perspectives, even if I can't wrap my head around them. I like being able to see things differently, I like how much fun I can have with myself. I did not think I could ever be content with being different, but I really am ♥
No. 1112663
>>1112547>>immediately admits to being a fucking furry >typical kekWhat the fuck, I don't even know what you're talking about. Did you read my post? I said I didn't do it of my own volition but because I felt pressured to do it. It actually made me quit drawing for a while and the drawing I was working on that day hasn't even been finished because of it.
>>1112544I was streaming a NSFW drawing I had been working on that I really liked, and then a furry (I had no idea) joined the chat and requested that. At first I didn't know what the request was going to be, but since I had never had anyone in chat or viewers, not to mention no one requested or commissioned anything, I was happy. But after I accepted the request, he sent the refs and he wanted some talking dog fucking a guy. I felt like I couldn't reject the request after accepting on-stream, so I did it even though I really didn't want to draw that. Also another fucking furry joined as I was drawing that shit and he kept saying how "hot" it would be if I turned it into guro shit, and I didn't know how to tell him to fuck off since I was trying to be polite (big dumb mistake, I know).Yes I know it was retarded as fuck to accept a random request without knowing what it was, I know I was pathetic and a coward for not saying no, that was years ago and I'd never do it again. But that's my confession, hence my post.
No. 1112667
>>1112633I blame Anthony Fantano and /mu/
>>1112528As long as you draw absolutely hot men that would make moids seethe of unrealistic body standards.
No. 1112678
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i kept on stealing silverware from my university’s dining halls and then one day i went to eat lunch and they only had the plastic shit. i only stole, like, maybe SIX utensils but i feel like i may have played a part in the school revoking our silverware privileges. how many hail marys should i recite?
No. 1112691
>>1112667>fantanohate that faggot
>>1112685girls who like death grips and dont want to interact with men club
No. 1112786
>>1112685burn thru it burn thru it
we aint takin turns to it turns to it
ay ay
No. 1112803
>>1112538do not fret, i am not that much of a unforgivable degenerate - the worst i draw is monsterfucking and furry shit because capitalism is a death cult
>>1112667big bara tiddies are my passion
No. 1112815
>>1112772white boys see a white boy who looks like them and listens to the popular "cool" stuff so they dont have to actually participate and can just parrot his opinions to look cool to whatever group they are trying to impress
thats my tinfoil
No. 1112949
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I remember how, when I was in high school, I had no idea what kind of career I wanted and a lot of people around me would tell me I'd be a great teacher because I'm good at explaining and doing research on things I like, and since I was good at English by practicing it a lot during my free time with video games and youtube videos I briefly considered studying to be an English teacher before going to university. There are several reasons why I only barely thought about that and very quickly changed my mind, the more socially acceptable ones were that I was a skinny womanlet back then and I look younger than my age so I was worried about not being taken seriously by students based on how classmates were treating my very young maths teacher in our first year of high school, I wasn't confident I'd be good enough, etc.
Actually, the main reason is that I always hated school and kids, even when I was one, and on top of that, I would have lost my shit if I ever had to deal with special need kids. In high school I was in a prestigious public school and in a selective class so things went kind of well, despite me being surrounded by rich spoiled brats while I was dirt poor, but I managed to get financial aid to get in a private catholic middle school before that thanks to my good grades, and during the three years I spent there I was stuck with two autistic classmates (as in, they were diagnosed and all that shit) with granola parents who would disturb classes even more than the rich kids with their incessent screeches and meltdowns. And since I was the quiet, introverted kid with no friends because all their parents told the kids to avoid me because I'm not white, guess what happened? I was more often than not paired up with the autistic kids during classes to "help" all three of us socialize! They were so fucking annoying I wanted to never go to class again, and on top of that I had some long-term endocrine issues that made me perpetually tired and I had some memory issues for years as well, this made it even harder to focus on lessons. It also taught me all sorts of wrong habits: I had an even harder time socializing with the normal kids my age because of these two never leaving my side, and it was drilled in my head that they're "just different" and not burdens and that I should ALWAYS be nice even if it could bring me only problems. But at least the autistic girl didn't beat me up once and targeted other kids during her meltdowns, so I guess there's that.
tldr; I vaguely considered working as a teacher but my own experience with kids when I was at school, especially having to deal with autistic classmates, made me change my mind very fast. And more generally, I hate autists.
No. 1112953
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Turboautism incoming but I learned to like and appreciate other girls and women by watching Precure, I was a very lonely and depressed girl, had next to zero female role models cause my mom died and everyone bullied me for being fat so I grew up with no friends, be male or female. When I was 16, I started watching Precure and then I wished to have girlfriends to live cools moments and share nice memories with, so I literally started to go outside to make friends and nowadays my life feels more colorful than before, I finally have friends to laugh with and be happy together, I can't believe Precure cured me from my autism I pass as a Stacy so this is the only place were I'll admit this
No. 1113065
>>1113060Is it bad that I don't even see 5,10 as tall for a guy. I see that average or normal. I typically see people (both men and women) who are over 5,11 as tall.
>>1113061Its basically mermaid/seductive eyes.
No. 1113073
>>1113069No, I am
>>1113051 and for me siren eyes just mean seductive eyes.
No. 1113075
>>1113073Sorry, I was just making a joke about my immortal, it made me think of that. You should read it, it's a classic we have a thread on /g/ for describing how you imagine your perfect partner
>>>/g/116931 No. 1113100
>>1113051Why do i have the feeling that this post
triggered some ugly manlet and now he is spamming the gross (literal shit) he jacks off too.
This is why xy will always be defect.
No. 1113102
>>1113100i do not apologize if this
triggered a manlet.
No. 1113130
>>1113051>>1113100>>1113102This reminds me of a guy I knew in uni, he was a manlet but otherwise good looking and charismatic, but at some point he stopped being nice to me and avoided me because he found it hilarious to shit talk my friends and other female classmates for their looks and the way they'd talk and behave. He didn't do it with me and straight up avoided me
I'm kinda blunt I would have insulted him, maybe he guessed that I would humiliate him in public. Flashfoward to now, last year I found his twitter account by coincidence where he says he suffers from dysphoria or dysmorphia or whatever and that's why he works out all the time and sees a therapist, to compensate with him being a manlet. This made so much sense because not long before that, former classmates from university told me he sent them pics of his abs or some shit and very awkwardly tried to flirt with them with text messages. I wish manlets could at least try not to project their insecurity on everyone. They could just act normally and not reproduce.
No. 1113302
>>1113283You genuinely need help, I'm fucking sorry that scrotes molested you but yeah.
>your post makes absolutely no sense. how does me not wearing deodorant give a man more power over me kek? The same way centering your entire taste in media around what wouldn't make an imaginary scrote coom does kek
No. 1113324
>>1113315thank you anon, I was lost on that one. lmao
>>1113322that’s a good idea actually, maybe it would do something in their ooga booga brains because this isn’t working either. thanks, anon!
No. 1113341
>>1113315God, I really have to spell it out, don't I?
I find it sad that OP cannot enjoy perfume (that she enjoys herself, she wouldn't be using it for someone else) because she wants to repulse scrotes. Seriously, get help for your issues (and work toward changing workspace) if you are smelling like shit to own the scrotes. Tying your hygiene into what men think… what the fuck, you can't tell me it isn't giving scrotes more power. Clearly it's not a healthy viewpoint of yourself.
>It doesn’t stop the harassment, unfortunately, but it makes me feel better to force them to endure my stench when they come over to bother me. I just got a whiff of myself when I went to the restroom and almost threw up.Anon herself admits that it doesn't even help with the issue.
>stop being such an autist because you're still salty anons called your favorite anime a coomer moid fantasy or whatever the fuck happenedJust laughing at fujo bullshit.
No. 1113405
>>1113341I use it for the others in my home after getting off of a shift. I do not smell myself, and I do not wear perfume normally. It is no bother to me or else I wouldn’t be doing it.
>>1113362this is the biggest lie I’ve ever seen. ignoring men makes them get violent. they cannot cope with stonewalling them whatsoever, and I have had men throw things at my head during a shift. I have never heard of men having a weaker ability to smell, before? sauce on that? they don’t live rent-free in my head, they live rent-free in my space…actively… every day. there is a distinct difference. if you don’t like it, that is awesome, because you don’t have to smell me, they do.
>>1113378you are actually retarded and I do not believe this is not a moid posting. You act like I’m shitting and crying, when I just go to work without deodorant on. I totally believe a woman who got raped would say “sorry you got molested or whatever, haha” and then sperg about how not wearing deodorant gives men power over me. none of what you just said makes sense, and you failed at convincing me, so come over to my office and enjoy the smell or get a new hobby, scrotumnus
also, anon, they do it because they want to have sex with me. you sound like a psychopath imagining this weird psychological warfare scenario. It is not the same people, I see hundreds of different men a day. they are just horny scrotums, the same as you.
No. 1113452
>>1112803First ayrt. Based nona, I know what you mean.
May you draw a lot of bara tiddy in the future.
>>1112953Oh I love Precure. It actually helped me feel better when my depression got really bad a few years ago.
I'm happy for you!
No. 1113476
fyi, not all people that you are replying are the same anons that made past comments.
anyway I see your point better now, your original post sounded (to me) like you were giving up on perfumes and letting scrotes live in your head. I still think that you need any type of help due to what has happened and continues to happen to you and that it would be great if you could gtfo of that office, but I understand that it may not be a possibility if you are working there. NGL your life sounds hellish. I probably wouldn't want to smell like shit if it wasn't deterring scrotes, but you have your reasons
No. 1113481
>>1113378you're literally
victim blaming
No. 1113487
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I worry that my group of rl friends is falling appart and there's nothing I can do about it. I tried to avoid the topic with them but it came up when I went to a restaurant on Friday and I'm not the only one who thinks it's slowly happening but I don't want to speculate with any of them because it'll accelerate everything. I always had a bad feeling over one of the girls because she was weirdly passive aggressive when we went together on holidays once and the two girls I've seen at the restaurant made me realize I wasn't imagining things at all and she's getting worse and worse, AND she's actively ignoring or avoiding most of us to hang out with her cosplayer friends and shit talk all of us behind our backs (and failing since, unlike her, we communicate together like grown women). Given all sorts of circumstances I'm also very worried something terrible will happen to one of us, but I can't really predict what and who will be the first to suffer the most. I have really good instinct but I truly hope I'm wrong.
No. 1113500
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I used to think TiM was short for timothy and TiF was short for tiffany and that somehow we called troons that because they’re traditionally masculine/feminine names and it was a way of making fun of them
No. 1113504
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nonnie ily that is so adorably stupid
No. 1113519
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idk is it because i am no longer a teen with raging hormones but porn just don’t do it for me anymore. I get better orgasms when I just massage down there without even thinking about sex.
No. 1113521
>>1113507NTA but my confession is that I don't know what "peaking" is or why it's called that. I just know that it's related to being "redpilled" about trans shit
>>1113514When I looked that up, I thought it was insane that such descriptive terms are considered "
TERF language". That's literally what they are, men and women who identify as trans. But we're not allowed to call them by their actual biological sex.
>>1113519I wish I were you. I can get off with just my imagination and practically never look at real life porn anymore (and when I happen to look at it for some reason, there's barely any physical reaction). But I have never been able to achieve an orgasm using only my hand.
No. 1113533
>>1113519you are amazing
No. 1113748
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I’m not a low empathy psycho but I simply can’t feel bad for trannies who are attacked by men. Maybe they should teach men to be less violent instead of trying to change what a woman is.
No. 1113879
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>>1113855No, we will not facilitate your drug use. Fucking crackhead
No. 1113954
>>1113855There is a drug general, however you cannot talk about where to purchase, where you're purchasing, selling or whatever.
Just use your common sense.
>>>/ot/46070 No. 1113988
>>1113903>>1113876i didn't see him put lemon or some other agent in there so was it for sure crack? damn that kinda makes sense cause it was also way less awesome than the other times i've banged coke but i thought it was just cause I was so drunk. n also dw
nonnie flualman is a conscious hippie who tests everything
No. 1114126
>>1113988I can't say for sure if what you did was crack or not, but I can't see any reason why you'd need to light pure cocaine. Normally a crack high is more intense but shorter lived, though I've never done it personally so take what I say with a grain of salt.
>>1114034Pure cocaine (at least if it's any good) is expensive and fentanyl is cheap. They cut opioids with it because it's very potent, so you don't need as much of the real stuff to get the same effect. Most people don't want to buy fent on its own because of its reputation, though some still do. And it's easier to smuggle because it's smaller and lighter than things like heroin, and because of the crackdown on opioids in the US.
No. 1114143
>>1113480>>1113481Samefag, not blaming her but telling her the truth. And if you believe getting harassed by people at work is more serious than getting raped as a child, I have nothing to say. Most women go through what she does and getting support is the way to solve your problems, dwelling on and changing the way you live as far as giving up things you love, going as far as not taking care of your hygiene because of trauma means she needs therapy. It's not her fault they target her, but they'll target her more often if she keeps behaving the same way because men target people with weak psyches when they look for
victims to abuse. That's why
victims usually get abused multiple times, by letting her delude herself, youll only lead to those men abusing her further and ruining her psychology so she has to think of every little thing she does and how they affect those men.
No. 1114169
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>>1113660I don't think a 13 year old in '98 would have done that for a sexual reason (unless she had been victimized herself). some people have a razor sharp instinct their whole lives on how to embarrass someone, gain power over them, and make them feel small and like they did wrong. idk what personality disorder that belongs to but watching them 'work' is fascinating and terrifying. I know someone like that as an adult and I thought she hated me, specifically, until I saw others come under her spotlight and realized she would do it to anyone she thought she could. your mention of being made to feel like the black sheep and scapegoat reminds me of a term I learned recently called 'darvo' which stands for deny, attack, reverse
victim and offender. maybe look it up if you think it fits you. it fit this chick I'm thinking of to a T.
No. 1114170
>>1113405>they're throwing stuff at my head>they do it because they want to have sex with me.No dumbass. They're doing it because its a powermove. Just like how catcalling or groping is, men do this stuff to show off power and don't ever think of it as a positive thing they do because they feel attraction towards the woman, they're just vile animals who'd do it to anyone.
This is like saying men who rape just wanted to have sex with that woman so bad they couldn't control themselves when in reality it's an animalistic man taking advantage of a poor woman and not giving a damn about her wellbeing while he hurts her.
No. 1114174
>>1114172I'm not wrong, am I? Your only reply is "waa waa newfag!"
Imagine thinking men who are sexist and want to humiliate women want to fuck you because they throw shit at you.
No. 1114190
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>>1114181>what does her scent have to do with this?You didn’t even read the original discussion omg. Spastic.
No. 1114192
>>1114187You called me spastic cunt and act just as smug though? I'm not a radical feminist, no idea why you brought it up either but anyone who took a look at the clothes women got raped in could tell it's less of a sexual thing and more of a violent torture. I also don't have resources to support a woman through an anonymous imageboard, any idea how I could do that? Do you know what NLOG means? How does me saying she's getting abused anything different than most other anons, aka women, said?
>>1114189Not a virgin but why is that related?
No. 1114197
>>1114192>do you know what NLOG means? Retarded newfag confirmed.
>waaa I have no resources!Not being a dick costs absolutely nothing.
No. 1114201
>>1114197I'm asking you if you know what an nlog means, I'm not saying anything different to what
>>1114153 said, for example. How am I not like other girls if my response wasn't much different, that her being attractive or not isn't going to change the abuse she faces? It's not the woman's fault and that's why her changing herself won't stop the abuse. Got it?
No. 1114204
>>1114200Retards like
>>1114192Trying to derail the discussion.
No. 1114217
>>1114215(and a xanax)
(and therapy)
>>1114231This is true but see
>>1114226 and
>>1114230It's probably a moid considering how obsessed they were about smell and men being attracted to them instead of actual trauma and such.
No. 1114248
>>1114242I think youre right
nonny. She also said she smelled so bad it made her want to throw up but thats not possible imo also describing a sweet scent as a “fresh girl” scent it just gives me the creeps.
No. 1114250
>>1114246Basically. I also wish moids would stop talking about rape every fucking where on this website im just convinced theyre hoping to
trigger rape
victims. That anon brought up child rape or some shit and im just over it.
I just wish theyd go away.
No. 1114255
>>1114246before i used to believe its because the mods arent active but now i realized there may be a mole/spy among the mods.
I confirmed this after the infighting in the vent thread yesterday because right while the infighting was happening the mods redtexted a post (that wasnt even bad, just off-topic for that thread) but they didnt ban any of the infighters in that thread who were derailing.
Same happened in another thread where two anons were infighting and one of the anons were banned but the other anon who kept on racebaiting and started the infight was not banned until much later by a different mod.
idk these new mods are kinda unprofessional. Some of them are okay but there's that one who acts like a mole amd banns anon based on how she (he?) feels instead of rules being broken (remember what she did to the anons who posted a putin meme?).
No. 1114258
>>1113514 for what they mean nonners
No. 1114262
>>1114255I still think mods post and then ban people who disagree with them and/or their views for retarded reasons. I've had a few instances of infighting where I know I've been reported too but didn't get redtexted or vice versa where I got banned for one day or so but the other baiter didn't and continued on. Mods are retarded and I don't understand why they dont ban the obvious male posters or baiters but ban people whose ideas they dislike.
They even banned
>>1114217 after she already shit up the thread screaming that men want to fuck women they harass.
No. 1114301
>>1114298Actually based. And that retarded moid is still not banned but
>>1114217 got banned because they told the moid to chill. I seriously believe mods are either the ones who are infighting themselves or there's a mole that let's moids stay while banning anyone else.
No. 1114394
>>1114346Weird. I think im right though.
>>1114348Youre retarded anon because what I said is true. Moids come in here and larp as women to troll women or
trigger them all the time its fucking pathetic and i have no doubt youre a moid. Lucky for you mods dont give a fuck but next time keep your autism to yourself and go back to whatever hellhole you cane from
No. 1114397
>>1114394stop replying to them, stop giving them attention, if you reply then they wont stop.
Just report them.
They already shit up two other threads on ot.
No. 1114421
>>1114252I eat my breakfast, do the dishes, take a shower, make the bed, play with the cats and come back and you guys are
STILL talking about stank???
No. 1114434
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>>1114430Don't forget the soap!
No. 1114443
>>1114401I just checked it out kek thanks for the tip
nonny. Im glad other nonnies agreed with him. Im surprised anon isnt banned cuz im pretty sure thats against the rules
No. 1114447
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>>1114430>>1114434Come on girlies, time to have a dip in the pond after another day of wearing fineries!
>>1114428You too. No excuses.
No. 1114449
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>>1114447I love you anon but you need to reread my post
>>1114421 I'm trying to tell you I literally just took a shower
nonnie why are you treating me like this
why anon No. 1114456
>>1114449Sorry Nonnelina, I never scroll back to read old posts because I only look towards the future. The past is in the past.
Now come along to the communal duck shower or I'll start chasing you with a powerwasher until all the stink lines à la Sims stop wafting off you!!!
No. 1114470
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I wish I could be a twilight vampire. I want the super strength so badly. I could go out and do what I want because no man could match my strength. I'd also be the hottest version of myself which would be a bonus, and I wouldn't look freaky to the average person so I could still be in society. I'd like the extended lifespan too because I've spent so much of my life depressed so it would make up for lost time.
No. 1114668
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An ex from years ago texted me to tell me he was getting married…. And Congrats?(who gave you my new number?) and then said a cryptic “always thought it was going to be you, then I met (wife to be)”.
Ok… man… well congrats? Happy for you…
>Once he shit his pants on the way to work and had to buy a pair from a thrift store, ended up being ladies jeans.
>he tells me the story and i burst out laughing bc its rediculous; gets mad at me
>he was older but not smarter or wiser
>always broke
>attempted real hard to cheat on me with a friend, she ended up calling him out and putting me on speaker phone to hear it
>he says “thats not what i meant”, when it was.
>when i broke up with him (kindly,) he chased after my car
We dated for 6 months
Its been 7 YEARS MY DUDE PLEASE COLLECT YOURSELF and delete my number
No. 1114713
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>his wife is younger and very boyish
>they moved to San Fran
>he was always a beta bitch trying to be more macho to “show me”
>always making gay jokes, but mad when I would allude to him not being straight
>sex was awful
You know what, maybe he is a fag.
I should have dumped after the second date tbh.
No. 1114721
>>1114668Why would anyone ever be mad that you laughed at a 'shat my pants' story. What else are you meant to do? Console him? Tell him he's gross?
I trusted a fart a few years ago and thankfully was at home att but I threw out my pjs and weirdly felt the need to tell my bf when he got home. Laughter is the best reaction you can hope for in that situation.
No. 1114743
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So basically I thought 'huh it's been six weeks' so out came the scissors and I started snipping, and then it looked a little uneven at the front and I thought 'oh yeah let's get some layers in here' and then I realised that I looked like Karen in the front and Becky at the back (short bob at the front and long wavy hair at the back) and I thought 'ok let' just make it choppier so it's less obvious' and now I just look BIZARRE.
Should I just cut my hair short now? I really loved having long hair. But my curls are so thick and healthy where it's shorter, and I've already dealt some damage.
No. 1114745
>>1114141stop projecting your rape fantasy onto me moid, sexual assault isn’t always rape
not wearing deodorant is a non-action, just like not shaving. cope with a rope
No. 1114793
>>1114686Closer to 19, I’ve noticed that guys age really quick and all the dudes who I went to high school with are becoming really bloated ugly men maybe cause of alcoholism or just not taking care of themselves I’m 21. And yeah even the girls who had kids and drink all the time look way better than all the dudes. Wtf is up with that, I had a 17 year old coworker and he mogged every dude with his physique and cutesy not stubbled and weathered face
>>1114688Yeah I agree, most men are jerking their dicks off to and early grave, so if anyone should go younger, it’s women, I hate when old men hit on me it just makes me want to stay cougarpilled and keep the ages of men 18-26 up until I’m like 35
No. 1114802
>>1114793Diff anon but I'm early thirties right now, a few years ago I dated a man ten years my senior and over time the reality of 'the older man' turned me off so much that I started looking at younger men and appreciating youthful looks. I wouldn't date with any real age gap again but to look at they're the best of a bad bunch.
Sad thing is, when I was young I had either a low sex drive or I just wouldn't prioritise my pleasure in bed. Now I have a higher drive and could likely voice myself and get what I want but still, I'm not going to go there.
No. 1114827
>>1114816NTA but look anon, this is the first time I've gotten involved in this discussion, but if you're being completely honest, seriously stop replying to those people. No one will know it's you when you decide to post about something different, and they will keep replying to each other like schizos, then eventually it'll die down and they might forget about it.
It's not worth it to keep replying.
No. 1114841
sorry to samefag and I’ll shut the fuck up forever about it after this but I just read up and it wasn’t letting me delete my last post to reply to multiple. also I’m glad I didn’t see the fetish posts, and have a wonderful night raped-as-a-baby-larp-chan. please clean your balls.
>>1114181this happened after denial of sexual advances, anon. you need to go outside and interact with more men, they get violent after you turn them down, that’s kind of their thing. it’s not a big le troll, it’s a “I work a high traffic job where new men come in every day and shoot their shot and then sperg out when I say no” thing. and if you are actually a woman who goes outside you would know that happens to every woman who is young or skinny, not just attractive women. I truly do not give it that much brain space to conspiracy theory about it being a psychological game, I just stopped swiping on deodorant after I showered and now if they want to come hit on me they get a nose full of chili powder pits. not that deep
>>1114187absolutely based.
No. 1114853
>>1114841>>1114816How are you still doing this shit, but posting
>>1114217 somehow deserves a 3 day ban? Why are the jannies like this lmao
No. 1114946
>>1114841Men throwing stuff at you isn't sexual harassment. It's simply bullying and harassment alone therefore you neglecting your personal hygiene isn't going to help it. You're a retard for posting about how based it is for you to not wash up and sweat all day so you smell disgusting just to own the moids and cry and scream when people tell you to change your workplace and get support.
It's almost like that one incel rant I read where he deliberately smelled bad to offend women, because only women will be offended by body odor. No man ever smells or complains about anyone's smell, especially if the said person is a woman, who will never smell as bad as a smelly man.
No. 1114970
>>1114946Did you read her original post? She said the men at her job have
sexually harrassed her. Men can sexually harrass you
and throw shit at your head, it's not some either or thing.
No. 1115007
>>1115000>>1115004I don't have a grudge but no one wants to read about smelly scent fetish larping which features a character that all men want to screw. Literally no sexual abuse
victim says or flaunts how men are interested in them, any woman who's been targeted knows it's not something men do because they wanna fuck you. It sounds like a moid because of how he's fixated on the sexual attraction and smell descriptions, going as far as calling women flowery and fresh, and you wont change my mind.
No. 1115076
>>1115068I'm sorry I was too rude, didn't know you didn't see it because it was everywhere. Check out the infighting in, I think, things we hate, meta and other threads. She had a meltdown and told so many anons very very cruel stuff, starting from cunt to telling them to kill themselves in violent ways. I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe someone would get that upset when people tried to help them.
>>1115067The scent-anon, right? I think it's a very obsessed person larping as a feminist. They've also mocked women here accusing them of being radfems and hated on them while larping as a radfem who hated women that shaved in other threads. The way they obsessively threaten anons of killing themselves and use the same insults makes me think it's the same person too.
No. 1115083
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I relate to Cameron but I dislike him and the movie’s portrayal of him because I like actually ‘being a Cameron’ .Am I the only one that feels this way?
No. 1115085
>>1115068if you don't know whats going on then maybe stay out of it. That anon is very deranged and has started infights in many threads.
>>1115076i actually think they are trying to copy romanianon when it comes to their sperging about radfems, they try to use the exact phrases that she uses but they are doing a bad job at it.
No. 1115093
>>1115085What were the threads the suspected moid poster was posting in? I want to check it out so I don't keep defending a moid. Also sorry for being rude to you
nonnie I didn't know what was up.
>>1115076>mention of anon who shall not be namedWell now this makes me think that it could be steven.
also makes me think the gore/scat poster was steven too No. 1115102
>>1115093It's been hours so I couldn't find all but take a look in meta, the discussion in this thread and this post,
>>1114385 where the moidposter blatantly samefags and tells everyone to kill themselves. They've also posted other fetish smell content and a shaving discussion which I don't know how to link. You can maybe search it up? In the end, I believe it's steven because he only got mad after being accused of being a moid and started to type in a fake romani style.
No. 1115110
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If you guys really think another anon is a moid, why are you still replying to/about them and derailing the thread over it?
No. 1115116
>>1115097>he threatens them in a very masculine and seriously angry way The problem is that romanianon does this too, so it's hard to tell if it's her and a moid started to mix into her sperging or if it's all her.
>>899617>>894532>>915586>>1010887 etc.
No. 1115119
>>1115112That was romanianon I think but it could've been true. Anyways, the anons thinking a woman who was sexually assaulted would be telling anons to kill themselves for offering help are retarded and the reason moids continue to troll here.
>>1115116I don't think it was her. This one anon used some insults romanianon never used and never lost his compassion like romani does. I honestly feel bad for her because it seems like Steven the faglord is still obsessed with the poor girl.
No. 1115173
>>1100647dear mother, daughter, and the holy clit.
I still feel guilty for allowing a former coworker to flirt with me while I was engaged (now happily married). I finally looked hot for the first time in my life and a literal model (he's literally walked for NYC fashion week) was giving me attention. I didn't actually entertain it, but I didn't shy away and fantasized a little…
I even had a random sex dream about him last year and I've felt bad ever since. I don't even work with him anymore and he's out of state. But i feel like i did something that would destroy me if my husband did it.
No. 1115371
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>>1113969Anon, thanks for replying, i didnt think anyone would and I'm so sorry i made you remember you went through something similar. If i could hug you i would.
>>1114169I agree that it was for power and manipulation to humiliate me. She did it a lot in other ways through my teens that i got therapy for and worked through it. Thanks for telling me about "darvo", I can relate to it a lot and it's helping me process this a little better. I always felt like my sister is a narcissist and this sounds a lot like how she's treated me. She admitted to me about 6 years ago that she resented me growing up because i was "smart and everything came so easy to me" which is the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard. One of her ex boyfriends raped me because I'm such an easy target. Man fuck my life lol
No. 1115463
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>>1115454My earwax tastes good to me maybe your wax just isn't all that
nonny No. 1115487
>>1115464its 2000s kek sorry
I love the cute sassy graphic shirts that were popular in that era and the shirts with rhinestones on them. Theyre so comfy but also slim fitting (so it doesnt make me look frumpy. I also have cute cardigans and tracksuits because theyre comfy asf. And a couple of clothes from the 90s (and a blazer from the 80s)
No. 1115515
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I got meme'd into wanting a big dicked goth bf, all I can think about these past 2 years is a thin, pale somewhat feminine young man with an alt aesthetic and who has a big dick
I'm not even a size queen but I love the idea of being with a thin alt boy with a monster cock
No. 1115724
>>1115707consider distancing yourself further from this freak. if they're only going to bring up their selfish fetish bullshit when you're trying to vent about something serious, it's not going to get better.
trust me. i was in your shoes a few years ago. don't let it drag for as long as i did.
No. 1116433
>>1115348It’s disrespectful to the
victims and their families and also tacky as hell. I don’t see why these people couldn’t do the exact same thing but discussing creepypastas and urban legends instead, that’d be probably fun to watch
No. 1116437
>>1116427Then they aren't good friends
nonny. You shouldn't have to reveal you're a
terf but maybe start distancing yourself from them and try to find new people to hang out with.
No. 1116467
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This is it. I’d describe today as probably the horniest ever been in my life. Jfc I wish I had a bf though
No. 1116513
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I haven’t eaten anything solid in two days just because I haven’t had the energy to cook and I’ve just been drinking stuff and I thought I was doing pretty good until just now where I pooped my pants but didn’t even feel it come out because it was pure liquid Guess I can cross pooping my pants as an adult off my bucket list
No. 1116543
This is both a confession as well as request for other opinions, I think.
I turned eighteen last year and got my first boyfriend a few months after. I introduced him to my family and such. Obviously I outgrew him quickly and broke up. I also went to another country for a few months and there I found my current boyfriend. He’s actually amazing and I genuinely love him so much. Everything we have is like in romance books. He’s almost perfect, he’s just amazing. I love him so much and I always feel so happy when I am with him. I introduced him to everyone here in this country and told my family back home about him. I truly do love him and care about him. But soon I’m going to travel to another country and there I will stay with a family, including a really hot guy who I had a childhood crush on. Because I don’t want to do LDR and don’t want to put my career on hold for a guy, I’m fine with the prospect of us breaking up. Obviously it will hurt for a bit, but I literally went through everything I did with my past bf and that was true shit, but necessary for personal growth. Besides, if we are meant to be, we will find each other again. Basically, I’m not worried about if I have to break up with my bf or not. I would even like it a little bit so that I can then be single and available to meet cute guys who meet my standards more culturally in the country I’m visiting. However, if this would happen and I would have a cute short romance with the guy I’m visiting, that would mean I’ve had three “boyfriends” (I refuse to have some sort of fling with guy I’m visiting) with less than a month time single in between despite never having a boyfriend before ever in my life. I personally don’t find this a big deal because I know myself and my worth. I think love and sexuality are meant to be experienced. But I worry how this comes across to others. Just wonder if I should maybe not introduce my current boyfriend to my family back home. My boyfriend wants to come to my home country with me where I will be going before continuing on my journey. I would love this but also maybe it’s a bad idea? I’m just very enthusiastic and have a lot of love and want to share it. Just wonder how other anons think about the situation. I’m feeling happy and don’t worry about what will happen, but yes still wanted to confess to this and all (reposted because I wrote something wrong)
No. 1116545
>>1116513Oh lawd I hope you were home at least. Never shit myself but did
shart once after having
Panera Bread when I woke up from a nap
No. 1116799
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I finally learned how to wash my vagina properly. Nobody has taught me growing up and I’d wash the wrong areas. It’s embarrassing I know.
No. 1116873
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>>1116838You’re supposed to wash where there’s pubic hair. Everywhere else is off limits.
No. 1116906
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parents of retards need abortions not unending taxpayer bailouts. government expenditure on people who contribute nothing is a persistent embarrassment
No. 1116923
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>>1116921Your reply made me smile back nonna, thank you, usually I ignore these posts guess it's time to sleep now
No. 1116936
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Bump cp don’t scroll
No. 1117043
>>1116992Weirdly male
victims are treated with more sympathy as if women getting raped is something natural but men should NEVER EVER have to experience such horribly torture. This is even more evident in child abuse where boys getting raped is viewed as more serious than girls.
No. 1117055
>>1117048Retarded male "
victims" also never speak up, unlike how men tell women they would've spoken up if the abuse was real, so moids don't ever think it's possible for them to be raped abd act super cocky. Most men don't know that war rapes are also practiced on men and male children, because that ruins their agenda of scaring women they'll definitely get raped and therefore need the men to protect them meanwhile in reality they themselves can't actually protect themslves.
No. 1117058
>>1117055They’re always like
>if this happened why didn’t she say anything at the time?Yet they ignore the fact that they’re apparently far less likely to say something because of muh ego and muh masculinity. Women at least try to stick their necks out of each other even if they end up being called sluts, whores, liars, cheats or spoiled women.
No. 1117061
>>1117058This. While men get treated like uwu poor uwu
victims, even though most of the male rape
victims would've raped a woman if they had a chance, they think what happened to them was inhumane.
No. 1117064
>>1117058>>1117055i find it funny, that "why didn't you say something at the time?!!" to women, yet they come out with sob stories about how they are specifically and exclusively victimized on the basis of being male, so it prevented them from speaking out. unbelievable, really. they're always looking for a way to drum up some kind of sex war and be the bigger
victim when in reality both are
victims of what: men. rather than admit that this is so, they try to claim it's the fault of women that they feel so ashamed and can't possibly be validated when the only people fighting for their validation are actually women. the majority of men claiming to do (validate them) so are only doing so on the basis of spite and resentment for women and to pretend they are, in fact, the biggest and saddest, most maligned,
victims and that women are deserving of having been abused and assaulted and that we're actually the callous and cold class, when a millenia of basic history shows that it is them that is persistently and continually perpetuating this behavior and refusing to admit that men are predatory.
No. 1117079
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>>1117043>This is even more evident in child abuse where boys getting raped is viewed as more serious than girls.Multiple generations of women/girls in my family were raped by the Catholic Church but society didn't give a shit until all the altar boy scandals broke. Girls are supposed to be abused to it's nbd but a boy being abused is (rightly) treated as a horrific tragedy.
No. 1117082
>>1117079This is tragic, anon. I hope those women found peace afterwards. It's sad that women's abuse is never
valid, women get beated, raped, killed but it never garners as much attention as a male
victim would.
No. 1117263
>>1117160I was also molested by another girl who forced me into a disgusting game of “mums and dads” and now when I think about it I realise how she was so obviously a
victim of abuse. Not just for that incident alone, but many other things regarding her and her family. I was only 9 so all I cared about was never having to go there again. I didn’t tell anyone or think about it beyond “that was yucky”. I’m also not exactly traumatised but I wish I had of known to tell an adult. we wouldn’t of been in trouble, they might of been able to help her.
No. 1117296
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I love my mother but I think of her as an Idiot for being with my father and even having a kid with him, I mean I feel for her cause she suffered all of my father's bullshit but she really should have known better, did she really believe that some Sudanese mama's boy would ever settle down and provide for her? she really should have used common sense
No. 1117324
>>1116920Is it the type of tard that jerks off in public/molests others or beats his mom? Those are the only types I hate.
Somewhat related confession, I wish my autistic brother was aborted. He made my life a living nightmare even when I tried being nice, I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't killed anyone yet.
No. 1117416
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>>1117405I think it's you who's the schizo
No. 1117437
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I'm not religious at all, or even superstitious normally, but ever since I'm like six or seven, I'm talking to and speaking my wishes to the moon, and every thing I asked for often enough got granted some time or later (the big ones later, sometimes even years), so I'm not going to stop. I have no idea why I started.
No. 1117510
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I wish with everything I have that my ex's new girlfriend will brutally dump him so he will either be with me again eventually or suffer extreme emotional torment.
No. 1117638
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No. 1117670
>>1117650Don’t interact with it,
nonnie, just report it and hope it gets a permaban for having a dick.
No. 1117688
nonnie, same, moids need to know that shoving their dicks on people’s faces will bring some really unfavorable repercussions.
No. 1117705
>>1117677That's what he gets for being a pornsick scrote tbh.
Males not turning femininity into a humiliation fetish challenge
No. 1118070
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Sometimes I envy the zoomie "shifters", because they can basically induce lucid dreaming when they want. I am still training to achieve WILD as well, but damn, it's hard. Got close to it only twice. How do they do it?
No. 1118078
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>>1118071I mean, yeah, some are definitely lying. But I wouldn't doubt that some actually achieved this and thought they had some shifting experience, because it's nothing out of the ordinary, it's just your physical body falling sleep while your mind stay awake-ish.
One of the times I almost had it, my body was twitching a bit and my eyes were moving, and the faded "colors" we see when we close our eyes started to take shape and slowly become characters from the last tv show I saw. It felt very life-like since my mind was conscious, so I understand why some people may think this is something more than it is.
Too bad I woke up before anything actually happened.
Anyway, if anyone else is curious about this: No. 1118079
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tumblr stays undefeated. twitter will never reach this level
No. 1118135
>>1118126GERD gets worse when you eat unhealthy or become overweight, he probably got it when he gained weight and started eating more fat.
>>1118130Men are disgusting, I hope they'll can't find women so neither women will get hurt.
No. 1118150
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I'm lowkey glad the wokies go after the porn addicted faggot worshippers, whose AIDs lovers deserve it, imo
No. 1118247
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Can’t sleep. Watched the trailer for the new Netflix doc about Jimmy Savile and I’m literally too scared to go to sleep. There’s one shot of him staring down the camera during a live show and it looks like something out of an actual horror movie. I ended up falling down a rabbit hole and it turns out on top of being a pedo he was a necro and molested and went down on dead bodies at the hospitals he volunteered at, as well as stealing glass eyes from bodies and and incorporating them into his jewelry.
I hope hes burning in the deepest darkest pits of hell right now, alongside all the BBC bosses and aides who protected him and with plenty of room left for the ones still to join them. This man was such a massive degenerate that it’s been argued that abuse victims in the UK are treated more seriously and with more confidence since he was exposed because his offences were so horrific and so completely indefensible. I hope Hinduism is right and spends the next 100 years reincarnating as worms and flies.
No. 1118250
>>1118184I'm a fag/faghag hater who has brought up my opinions in other threads but
>>1118150 isn't my post. I couldn't even under what that anon was trying to say either.
No. 1118291
>>1118264Imagine if Bill Cosby and George Bush Sr. fused into one person, and the Cosby half liked kids instead of women
The roots go so deep and the leaves so high, it's enough to make you doubt your entire country
No. 1118540
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i want to peg idubbbz in front of pear. no shame
No. 1118589
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The Protomen first album makes me want to FUCK
No. 1118657
>>1118513What idiots still trust male Youtubers?
They're insane narcissists with skeletons in their closet no matter how impartial and logical they try to represent as.
No. 1118668
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>>1118577Im in a LDR and stories like this scare me
No. 1118694
>>1118668it's not hard to spot men who are in LDRs for the wrong reason/ have girls irl. But the issue is finding decent men in LDRs who aren't using internet women as their knock-off harem, which is an extreme rarity since these men are master manipulators and know exactly how to mess with your mind
Women in relationships, for the sake of other women and girls getting groomed, PLEASE go through your mans phone regularly, when he's sleeping, shitting, showering, i don't care. This shit is way too fucking normal nowadays. Make sure you don't let him know, memorize his passcode when he turns his phone on. go through pictures first. Don't let him lie and say it's just a porn folder/old pics he forgot to delete. A lot of these pictures are probably from underaged girls too
and you know who he is.. then check every communication app especially ones like LINE, kik, snapchat, and so on. Stop letting men get away with this. and yes the men who groomed us online when we were teenagers all have girlfriends irl, and now we are the girlfriends irl. Watch and learn
No. 1119051
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I keep remembering something I saw during a raid. I know we’re not supposed to talk about it but it’s really fucking with me and I just can’t get it out of my head. And I can’t tell anyone because how the fuck am I going to talk to my friends or family about how I witnessed cp and not have them look at me like a crazy person
No. 1119056
>>1118805The outrage on the internet against snooping is pure male guilt and rage. Even saying he can look through my shit whenever he wants isn't enough and they're like b-b-but his human rights!!!!!
If someone you're considering spending your life with has a room he spends 5 or more hours a day in, how would you feel never being allowed to see it? And to be gaslit as a crazy bitch for wondering what he's doing in there? Now that's his phone.
No. 1119063
>>1119051Im going through something similar
nonny, it’s been bothering me for days and I also don’t feel comfortable talking about it with anyone obviously. I hope you’re able to forget it and move on eventually but I know it’s easier said than done.
No. 1119087
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>>1119058>>1119062>>1119063>>1119072You nonnas are the best. It really does make me feel better knowing that I’m not the only one who’s upset and struggling with it and I hope there comes a time when we don’t have to see any more shit like that on here again.
No. 1119093
nonny I used to be so against going through other people stuff (phones) but I never thought about it like this. My mind has been changed.
No. 1119418
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I need help. I'm 28 and I have a huge problem with being into older men in positions of authority over me. I'm close to sleeping with another one of my professors, and he is number 5 in a list of men whom I definitely should not have fucked.
This has nothing to do with grades; I'm an excellent student and regularly set the curve in my graduate classes. I literally just, after spending time with these moids, become weirdly into them. I guess I'm conventionally attractive and just barely toe the line between appropriate and inappropriate– and because they're scrotes, they take the bait and always make the first move.
Is this a personality disorder? I don't even think I would find these men overly attractive if it weren't for their PhDs and impressive academic achievements. Also I am in STEM, if that matters. Do I just kill myself or what?
No. 1119422
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>>1118805>My "good Christian boy" ex had hidden folders of the most degenerate porn on his phone. And I'm pretty sure the nudes he had were sent to him by women he was messaging on the side (he was at least smart enough to delete his chats regularly)That's why Jodi Arias did nothing wrong
No. 1119667
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Sometimes I wish I could actually murder people who try to speak to me or look at me, unless it's someone I already like. Yes I know I sound like an edgy kid idc, that's how I truly feel.
No. 1119856
>>1119418>>1119507These are my two main types of men. Jfc, thank fuck I don't date real men or go to school anymore.
>>1119418>I don't even think I would find these men overly attractive if it weren't for their PhDs and impressive academic achievements.So you not only like older men but only like them if they're smart? Hah, same.
But seriously, stop fucking your teachers. Come on, even if they were your age that would be wrong because they're your teachers, so the age gap only makes it worse.
>>1119507Believe me, it's hard to find an adult virgin male who isn't a misogynist and/or a troon. It's usually better to fall for men who have had very few but more than 0 partners before.
No. 1119927
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>>1119901Can't relate, 3d pig disgusting
No. 1120044
>>1119901>In high school I liked anyone who liked me first and I had like 10 crushes at school.Oh boy I remember when I had a harem in elementary and middle school lmao but I never ended up with any of them.
And surprisingly I also had female friends.
No. 1120188
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Instead of going to therapy I use plants as my way of staying mentally in check. Whenever I feel down I will go and spend $5-10 on a new plant and read about the care and repot them if needed. I genuinely get a serotonin boost when I add a plant to my plant shelf. But my room is getting full and I am worried I will begin to have too many and some will be neglected (even though they are plants I am sad when they start looking bad) A therapist would probably tell me I have some co-dependacy issues and the need to have control over another living being is unhealthy but I wouldn't know I'm not seeing one
No. 1120219
>>1120215I guess so, but just gathering
stuff doesn't interest me, its that they're alive and I can take care of them and watch them grow. Also gives me a sense of importance like they rely on me
No. 1120225
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>>1120192> I'm an adult now and still can only type with two fingers like a grandma on a keyboard. I have limited knowledge on how to use Microsoft word, PowerPoint, and excel and that's it.Oh, if only you had the means to improve your situation!!
No. 1120547
At some point my trauma made me feel entitled to the best things in the world. I thought that would be fair, because what happened to me was one of the worst things that could happen to a child. By best things in the world, I meant, for everyone I ever meet to respect me and want to be my friend, to have a respectful, loving, loyal, smart, hot husband and 2-4 children, pets, and a big beautiful house with a garden. Then when I became a teenager, I wanted to be famous and admired by everyone. If a celebrity said a joke I would tell, or acted similar to myself, I would have been extremely jealous and disappointed, because it meant that I could be in their place too, but after all the abuse I still did not deserve it.
No. 1120587
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>>1120581aww. love you too, nona
No. 1120589
>>1120569just throwing it out here; one printer paper box makes a perfect 2-story sylvanian families house, and the lid makes it super easy to just hide in a closet when family visits
you can get an x-acto knife to make windows, and use the cardboard you cut out to make the sills an trimming
you can make doors with hinges similarly by leaving one side of a window attached by one ply of the cardboard, and plastering over the exposed ply with masking tape, and beads make good doorknobs
just uh, you know, throwing it out there
No. 1120610
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>>1120608gimme gimme i wanna try!
No. 1120749
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Scat bump
No. 1121048
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I would let 2X dom me
She is so cute
No. 1121205
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I don't believe in astrology or crystals or anything of that sort, but I love wearing jewellery with crystals or signs on them because it drives moids insane that women are into harmless and fun things.
Plus, crystals are pretty.
No. 1121257
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>>1121219me too. did i dream it or where there pictures of her holding her hands up to her throat like aileen wuornos? that was so based of her
No. 1121329
>>1120192Don't worry, nona, I thnink it's perfectly understandable. Some people just can't wrap their heads around computer programs or learn to type fast. It's not your fault.
You might be able to learn how as an adult with a better teacher, though.
No. 1121458
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life went best for me when i decided to be insensitive and selfish. most opportunities. wide circle of friends, feeling of popularity, being approached, spending money carefully, having others buy stuff for me, going the path of least resistance while mindfully getting closer to my goals. i could have done it better since i was not as wise back then, but heck do i want to try having a proper villain era again.
No. 1121462
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>>1121458Gorgeous pic of jodie-chan
No. 1121466
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>>1121458Same. Dropped all the burden of guilt, dropped ALL responsibility for emotional labor for others, dumped my soyboy ex, and dont do a single ounce of work more than I have to and finally got promoted.
No. 1121606
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>>1120569>>1120578>>1120589I wish we could have our own dollhouse village
No. 1121764
>>1121590>tamaleIsn't it "tamal"?
>>1121458Not surprising at all. Capitalism encourages sociopathic behavior and rewards those who are willing to be more selfish and cruel than others.
I'm not shitting on you for being an asshole or immoral or anything, it's actually how you survive in this hell of a world.
No. 1121920
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I have a crush on a old ass man who looks like a glass of milk that has sat out for so long it has gone bad enough to stand up on its own without even being in the cup. This nasty shit has turned into cottage cheese. I have no respect for this dude and I totally objectify his ass because it has become clear to me he has dumb ass standards for what makes a "respectable" woman. I want him to feel like how I felt from the retarded years of trying to be a "good wife" or some stupid shit. He is not as smart as I thought he was, typical scrotoid behavior.
No. 1121961
I am envious of her
>>1121958 because she's immortal
No. 1123116
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Over the years, I've always been laughing, being confident that I will never find Robert Pattinson _actually_ attractive, but I ended up falling for his role in Batman so hard I had to spend the night drawing doodles of him, reading AO3 and Tumblr imagines. It's so weird to me how he looks like an unkept caveman or just "too silly to actually fal l for" on his magazine photoshoots, but he nailed the role so hard (to me) that I ended up never knowing that I would end up loving the "depressed edgelords with no social skills" character trope. I feel like I just played myself.
Also it will sound extremely silly but I feel like Battinson is an upgraded and extremely edgy version of his Edward Cullen role, but maybe it's just me. Heck I don't know, I only watched the first movie. Still he did a good job in Batman. I do praise the production team behind everything the most. God bless them.