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No. 867435
Sweet n' sunny
Previous threads:
>>64888>>681547 No. 868270
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My cat just gave birth! Yay!
No. 868277
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>>868270cute moogle!! congrats to you, your cat mama and your new kitties
nonnie No. 868278
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>>868270omg post pics when you can anon, tiny kittens are truly a masterpiece of gods creation. Cutest things on earth.
No. 868282
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>>868276>>868277>>868278Aw thx anons! They're three in total and about 4 inches long (Crying because of how tiny they are
:'( ) though I might post updates in the cat love thread instead lol.
No. 868297
>>868282Oh my goodness, I love kittens so much. I also love seeing my cats become a mama, though that hasn't happened since I was a kid. I hope they're all heathy and ok. <3 Get your cat spayed,
No. 868378
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>>868297Omg Tyvm! And dw, this is her 5th batch of kittens kek. They grew up to be healthy tho sadly, some were stolen. I really hope you'll own another mother cat someday in the future!
>>868321Here ya go
nonnie, a little edit of her and the kittens born 4 months ago.
No. 869536
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My bunny always looks so comfy it makes me comfy too
No. 870819
>>870800I’m glad you’re here
nonnyBe proud. Let’s both keep at it yeah?
No. 870931
>>868822>>868937>>869569>>870804Thank you nonnies, I know how lucky I am. I was checking FaceBook earlier and saw all the screenshots he'd posted from the game with cute lil captions and it set me off crying all over again. I won the stepfather lottery with this dork.
>>870800I know this sounds cliché and cheesy but that really is an achievement. I've been there myself and learning to celebrate the small victories was actually quite healing for me. Take things at your pace, celebrate those baby steps and never compare yourself to others. Godspeed,
nonny. I hope you climb out of that rut.
No. 873174
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I'd been thinking lately that I have an ugly smile. I thought my eyes looked weird and small, my nostrils huge, and my smile lines just so deep and prominent. But it was recently my birthday and my sister took a picture of me with my cake, and when she sent it to me… I liked what I saw. Turns out what I hated was the smile I did in test selfies or while posing in the mirror, where I thought I was mimicking my genuinely happy smile but really it was too forced. My natural smile… looks damn good on me!
>>872369I'm really happy for you anon, and I can somewhat relate. Growing up my siblings and I were awful to each other; sometimes we physically fought. Now that we're older, we all genuinely talk to and confide in one another, and feel like real friends. It's not necessarily "good" that our relationship was ugly once, but the "good" thing you get from that is that you're able to be honest and vulnerable with each other. I hope it's only uphill from here for you and your mom!
No. 873192
>>873174I posted it in the other positivity thread but I feel the same way anon!!! I hated smiling so much before, and outside of very meticulously curated and filtered selfies, I hated photos being taken of me. This weekend I went out with friends and I looked back on the photos and realized how dang cute my smile is! I'm happy we realized this heh.
>>872369This is so cute anon. I'm glad I grew up, because now I have the clarity to realize just how much my parents sacrificed for me and I'm so grateful to them. They're far from perfect, but they love me and I love them. I hope you'll have many more joyous birthdays and holidays with your mom anon!
No. 874980
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I've been studying for a government position and even if I don't get in (it's a very competitive position), I'm learning a lot about economy and that's always good. I've been watching some online classes about it and the teacher is amazing, his method is great and I also admire some of his accomplishments that I went looking for.
Soon I can move on to financial math, I hope, cause I'm also very bad at math in general.
But it feels really good to study at my own pace, and to be engaged in a seemingly "boring" subject
No. 876023
>>872041Sorry for late reply
nonnieI’m in Australia- we can’t keep bunnies, chinchillas etc as wild/invasive ones have decimated the environment in other states. Kinda silly as I live in a Bordertown and could drive 20mins and legally get one kek
No. 876069
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i just bought some cute coffee/tea art prints to hang up in my kitchen. i moved to a new apartment in june and a lot of my prints/posters from the past couple of years have faded or ripped so im slowly trying to replace things and fill in the white space on my walls
No. 876658
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I AM SO FUCKING PUMPED AND EXCITED RIGHT NOW. Today a new chapter in my life starts. I will work in a bakery for one year and I'll have enough money to buy good food and cool shoes lol. I AM SO EXCITED!!! GOODBYE NEETDOM HELLO NEW ME
No. 876971
>>874980I really hope you get that position anon!! I'm jealous of your diligent self studying, I can't self study to save my life ahaha.
>>875094Love that for you, enjoy your new clothes! I bet you're super cute in them!
>>876069I can't wait until I can do this too… I hope your new home comes together well!
>>876658I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU ANON!!! I hope work treats you well, and don't be discouraged by any bad days!! You've got this!!
No. 877054
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post may be a bit too bitterpositive but I went biking with my bf the other day and we biked for 40km/25 miles, it got so hard at the end that i cried and just felt weak
so i've been adjusting my diet & getting back into fitness & swimming, i want to be strong inside and outside and i will be
No. 877067
>>877007My mother's a narc too and finally admitting it was a big step towards healing for me. Therapy isn't easy (especially if your mother is anything like mine and trained you to be her attack dog) but it is so, so worth it. Good luck, anon! I wish you all the best.
>>877054I feel you, anon. I'm currently getting fit again after an illness and I biked and did weights this morning and I'm still feeling sore now, but the pain is spurring me on. I want to get back to normal. Good luck,
nonny. Remember not to skip your rest days though, I know how tempting that is from personal experience and trust me it's never worth it. Also remember that slow progress is still progress!
No. 877079
>>877067thank you!
i'm taking it slow, stopped snacking, eating a bit less, sports once or twice a week… i'll get there!
i'm looking into going to therapy but i need to find the right person, good luck to you too
No. 877295
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A list of the things that make me happy and forget the bad stuff:
>Stuffed animals
>Nice people
>Every animal
>Autumn evenings
>Big blankets
>Inanimate objects with faces
>RC cars
>Botany illustrations
>Goofy cartoons
>Bake sales
>Groups of people singing together
>Soft tacos
>Wood carvings
>Big flashy earrings
(this is not a complete list)
No. 878146
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I ordered a super limited will never be produced ever again wooden charm from an artist I used to have small talks years ago on a MMO forum, she doesn't know it's me but we're probably going to meet for the hand delivery, I don't dare to tell her. Also the charm is about her super cute OC I fell in love with a year ago when I was looking at her page so I'm glad I bought it. It's just so nice
No. 878229
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I'm finally starting to look and feel like myself. for pretty much all of my life I've felt very disconnected from my physical appearance and I developed a personality that didn't really feel like "me" in order to minimise the bullying I was experiencing when I was a child/in my teens (I was objectively very plain and weird). as I've gotten older I feel like my features have improved but I've struggled to find my own identity and a personal style, and have tied so much of my 'self' to the opinions of others. earlier this year I just had a "fuck it" moment, deleted my whiney, overshare-filled social media, cut my hair short, started dressing the way I've always wanted to, started therapy again so I could work through my shit in private, got my first tattoo. I got a cool part time job and I'm finishing up my masters degree and I've made new friends and picked up new hobbies. I have a boyfriend who ljves me and I have conviction in my own beliefs and opinions and I feel much more like a beautiful and worthwhile person. I'm finally not hating the person I see in the mirror for once.
No. 878550
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I am trying and successfully losing weight not ana, it's fucking needed trust and today I hit the weight range I was in high school aka the weight I felt best in. I feel so weird but I also promised myself either a tattoo or a big chop once I reach another range, so I am kinda excited!
No. 878616
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>>878550 >I also promised myself either a tattoo or a big chopI thought you meant a pork chop when I first read this, then reading it again my brain kicked in
No. 878712
>>878586I don't eat any junk food or drink alcohol or soda, just normal, mostly vegetarian food that is very high in protein. I eat about every 3-4 hours on a good day, small but balanced portions, I also never eat out mostly because I live in bumfucknowhere.
>>878616I reread my post and even I was like "hold up", cute little chop!
No. 879560
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>>879528that's really cute
nonnie! I definitely feel the same way! I have so much silly fun here but also interesting discussion !
>>878542That's great! You should trust yourself and your professor, I'm sure you are better that what you think!
>>878229It's impressive
nonnie ! I'm wishing you the best for the future!
No. 879565
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>>879528I feel the same as I've been ill most of the year and at home a lot. Love ya nonitas.
>intelligent discussionNot sure about that though kek
>>879560Oooo look at that tiny baby!
No. 881757
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I just saw disgusting shit on /ot/ and I want to throw up. Here's a cute axolotl for anyone who had to see that shit
No. 881787
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>>881757Thanks, I sorta did. Here's a cool lady. If you're on a laptop, my tip is to always scroll down slowly and keep eyes to the right, focus on the text. I often miss seeing it altogether as I'll hide new board images as a precaution. The rare time I've been sloppy, I've only seen cp out of the corner of my eye, enough to clock what it is, but no details.
No. 882032
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>>881787Hey, thanks for the tip. I unfortunatelly saw it all and now the picture is burned into the back of my mind. I just don't understand how someone can be so fucking vile to do that kind of stuff, you know?
No. 882058
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>>881757That’s a super cute Axolotl, thanks
No. 882817
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I went to go see my friends yesterday, and I'm so glad that I did. I almost didn't want to go because I've been spending almost every weekend out seeing friends and just wanted a weekend for myself to decompress and conk out, but I haven't seen this group of friends in almost two years, so I decided to go. I took a different train out there than usual, and even just on the platform I had a nice time waiting for my train. It was sunny, with wispy clouds, and a nice cool breeze. Just a few people on the platform, and I enjoyed walking up and down and taking photos for myself. On the actual train ride I almost started crying as I was looking out the window because I felt so grateful for my existence and the beauty of the world that was passing by in front of me. At my friends house, we caught up and had a relaxing time chatting and eating food and having drinks. Her mom gave some friends some vegetables from her garden and let me take some of her basil to propagate.
I am so happy to be alive nonnies. Life is can be so incredibly cruel, but also so incredibly wonderful. I cherish all the good moments that I'm allowed to have, and cherish these friends who still love and care for me as much as I love and care for them even though in the past I just completely fucked off when I went away for college. I hope nonnies have similar friendships, or will find similar friendships, in their lives. Yesterday was really one of those reminders where I thanked myself for not killing myself before, because even just simply connecting with friends after a long time is worth living for. I went through a lot, and sticking it out was worth it. I've exited the tunnel and now I'm basking in the light.
No. 882861
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>>882851I love you too anon
No. 882873
>>882851Cheers sis I'll drink to that.
>>882868Imagine the awkwardness of an irl farmer convention.
No. 883095
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forgot to attach a pic to last post but aint letting that keep me down
No. 883572
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I bought tickets to see Gojira!!!!!!!! I can't wait I love Gojira so much
>>883339That's very cool
No. 884077
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>>883092congratulation! I hope you celebrated it !
>>882851Same! Everyday I pray that the scrote won't ever ruin this website
>>882817This is such a nice post! It's making me really hopeful and you are making me concidering recontacting some old friends. I'm wishing you the best for the futur
No. 884391
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I’m on a new antidepressant and I feel happier than I have in years. Music sounds amazing and colors are brighter. I have a great feeling about this
No. 884398
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>>884391i'm so happy for you nonna. i hope your life only gets better from here
No. 884439
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>>884412Oh my god KEK that's amazing, they are such sweet little creatures but it makes me so sad that people don't know how to care for them, I'm happy she has a good home and can freely bite scrote nipples if she pleases
>>884414The cupcakes are kinda blurry and I'm not a baker by any means but I think there's a resemblance…
No. 884729
>>884439this is so cute
nonnie! I'm also saving this picture kek
No. 884740
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>>884439Bless you anon, how cute.
No. 884803
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Bf lended me his stuffed animal that doubles as a body pillow and I woke up today without feeling in pain! I'm so happy I could cry. Everyday since the beginning of this year I'd slowly sit up in bed and my bones would crack like an 80 year old's.
No. 884815
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No. 884816
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Bumping to hide CP
No. 884832
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I met a snakey on a bike ride and I saved his life, he was right in the middle of the path and I did this sick break and slide shit like I was TJ Detweiler and scooped him up. He was super friendly, he was very curious about my phone and when I would move it to get a look at him, he was turn to face it. Very photogenic guy. I put him on the other side of the path, where he was headed, into some damp leaves. I miss him.
Don't keep snakes as pets, it's not okay. Have a good day.
No. 884940
>>884912When someone replies something mean to one of my posts I try not to get too worked up over it because they really might be the same anon who said something really sweet to me in another thread lol.
>>884920I'll be your friend anon♥
No. 885784
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>>885781Happy birthday, fellow leo!!!!
No. 885794
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>>885784Thankyou Anon! Have an adorable pic of our namesakes
No. 889763
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Today at work I made PIGEON ROLLS, they are cute and goofy and make my life better
No. 890012
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>>889763they're a perfect likeness nonna!
No. 890157
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>>889763>>889773NONNA THESE ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!!!!!!
No. 890192
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>>890157>>890012>>889780Thanks for making my day girls
No. 890957
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just relaxing on my day off, sipping some matcha latte from one of my moomin cups. life is good
No. 890969
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No. 890973
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Someone posted a baby sinclair pic in another thread and fuck.. the fuzzy feeling of nostalgia it gave me. Not just the show itself but memories of all the things I watched with my mom at the time. I'd be laughing at the slapstick jokes, she'd be laughing at the jokes that went over my head.
It was an uptight house when my dad was home but those moments when he was at the pub we'd laugh til we teared up. We'd let loose. It's like I unlocked some lost memories. The good ones.
No. 890974
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>>890959you're invited for matcha in moomin cups nona, pick one you like
No. 890983
>>890974Oh my god, that lower right mug is so beautiful! I want it so bad aaa
>>890973This post made me a little emotional. I hope you and your mom are having a great life now, nonna.
No. 892144
I reconnected with someone I went to college with because we now work in our field of study. We were never close, but I respect him because he’s clearly very passionate about the field and has honestly done SO many cool things in it (arranging talks, doing an internship at a major org, giving a speech at said org) but is still very sweet and supportive to me, a fool who has fumbled into my current job through sheer luck. I’m so grateful for being allowed to be here, and today we were catching up because I posted that I got press clearance at the org he interned at and while talking about work, he offered me the opportunity to cowrite an opinion article with him if I wanted to!! Which is such a cool opportunity!! It’s an opinion piece so it’ll be low stakes it I muck up, and he offered to split the pay for the piece, but it feels like another stroke of sheer dumb luck in my life. I can’t believe he’d be willing to extend the opportunity to me.
I’m just so, so grateful for the people in my life. It’s a “who knows who” game in my field (like every field I guess lol) but to just have the chance and possibility of freelance writing with my classmate solely because we happened to take a few classes together and crack some dumb jokes… it feels too dumb to be true. Maybe nothing will come of it! Maybe we will not cowrite a piece at all! But just the fact that someone who I really respect is willing to take the chance on me, means so much to me. It feels like the universe isn’t throwing me crumbs, it feels like it’s thrown me a fully stocked kitchen and is telling me to make something already! Also, I caught up with a friend I made while studying abroad but ended up ghosting in the throes of my depression. I apologized again, but I’m happy he’s still willing to reach out to me… he’s been so patient and was there for me when I was suffering alone in that foreign country.
I have so many good people in my life and I can’t thank the universe/god enough for it.
No. 892926
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Bump do not scroll down
No. 893403
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Next week is the end of my probation period at work, so I'll finally be eligible for my company's benefits!! Looking forward to that sweet, sweet health insurance the most.
No. 893616
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Finally got the clarity to finish a behemoth of a project after spending two weeks making tweaks and hard procrastinating
No. 893685
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>>893682bunnies r awesome
No. 893833
>>893824Here you go I only used the Ecostyle Olive Oil Gel (in addition to my regular routine, which focuses on moisture only).
No. 894926
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look at my beautiful baby, she got home yesterday and now I need name suggestions!!!
No. 895405
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I loves him
No. 896236
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I found this stuffed cat in the middle of the road (picrel is from ebay or something, but that's him), he was all covered in dirt and you could tell he had it rough. I took him home and unstuffed him and gave him a good wash, and gave him some new polyfill.
I'm thinking of making him into a badass villain. Like his whole back story is that he was abandoned and left for dead, and he was taken in by me and nursed back to health, but his heart still has so much anger. He wants revenge on people who abandon the companions they say they love so much when they stop being fun to them.
So I'm going to make him a sick cape, put some fancy wrist bands on his front paws, maybe a couple earrings and maybe even a crown. But he needs a cool name.
Any suggestions??
No. 896244
>>896236Put an eyepatch on it
nonnie! I'm bad at names but…Rocky?
No. 896253
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No. 896258
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Careful scrolling. CP.
No. 896275
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bumping this shit cuz cp
No. 898676
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Didn't play a podcast last night as I went to bed so that I could fall asleep to the sound of the heavy rain. I woke up and did my morning workout with the bright sun coming into my apartment, then took a nice warm shower because it's a tiny bit chilly out. The trains got super fucked up because of the rain but I've been blessed to be allowed to work from home, so I'm working from home again today. I might take a walk later today to enjoy the nice weather.
No. 898762
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I have been approved for tubal litigation! I’m so excited I cried. My pre-op appointment is in two weeks and I should have the procedure done in October. I can’t wait to fulfill the dream I’ve had since I was a teenager.
No. 898768
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>>898762Here you go,
nonnie, being a dentist is so difficult.
seriously, they have to buy everything themselves wtf and patients are often retarded or kids or bothI’m glad that you’re finally free,
No. 899130
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Me and my fiancè just assembled our new bed today, and it's a queen sized one. It's so spacious and sturdy and the foam mattress doesn't hurt our backs because it doesn't have broken springs!! It's so comfortable, I'm in heaven. It fits me, him and the cat without the need for us to fight over space. I'm so grateful for our new bed
No. 900332
>>899440me neither anon but you'll get through it. it wasn't that bad. the surgery itself will take 15-20min max. I was able to go home the same day, just a few hours later.
the thing though is, online and at the clinic they told me I will be fit again in about 3 days. that was not the case. it took me 2 weeks to recover because I was "in a rush" to get better.
please please rest, listen to your body and be careful when showering. I wish you all the best, you won't regret it as
>>898868 said.
No. 901543
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I went on a picnic with my new gf today and it was so fun and relaxing. She’s so sweet and funny and I just feel so good about things
No. 903919
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I want anons who go out of their way to bump threads with cute pics so others can avoid cp/gore spam to know that you're appreciated and I'm sorry you had to see that shit.
No. 910739
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I was talking to my cousin last night about the vegan char siu my mom once brought home and cooked and he brought some home tonight!! We’re not vegan but I loooove the texture of vegan meat. Not the kind thats kinda like a fishball texture either. I don’t know how to describe it but it’s so damn fucking good. I’m pretty meh on real meat but I eat it because it’s convenient to not hole myself into a single dietary restriction but FUCKKK this fake meat is so god damn good!! I’m so happy I get to eat it tonight hehe
No. 911113
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Nonas my boyfriend and I broke up tonight and I feel so free!!!!! It’s been a long time coming, it was amicable, and I’m just so excited to single again after being in a relationship that felt more like a friendship than anything. Having no obligations to a scrote, no matter how okay, is glorious.
No. 911195
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>>911113Congrats anon! I dare say I know that feeling. Like, finally it's just me and myself again.
No. 912032
I am so happy! I have been making a lot of female friends recently and have been arranging moments for us to meet and spend time together. I have not been rejected yet by the girls whom I am most compatible with. I have also let go of all insecurity in these interactions as I truly just want to connect with other women and build valuable relationships. I am so grateful this has been paying off and manifesting itself so wonderfully. I am also very excited for the activities we have planned. Building a strong network of various friendships with unique and talented women is so important to me, and I am so blessed to be able to pursue this. I hope I can help others build valuable connections as well. In addition, my confidence in general is much stronger now than before, primarily due to the conscious decisions I have been making to let go of insecurity, immaturity and past hurt. Men still act in their usual ways, but I am unbothered by them. Their energy and attitude has no place in my life. Whatever they choose to do and how they choose to treat me has lost its effect. I am very grateful to have this mindset and lifestyle… Finally, I recently ended things with a semi-boyfriend. Our relationship existed to teach me many lessons, including one that I have been struggling with for the majority of my life yet again. Although it required some time, I ultimately made the conscious decision to respect myself and my worth. I ended things respectfully and on a positive note. I hold no resentment towards him nor regret towards what we had, because I understand my value and how to live life right now. I am so grateful to now simply be left with warm memories and a stronger me, as well as no intense male influence in my life. I am truly just overjoyed to be surrounding myself more and more with fantastic women and far less with low value men. Life is very wonderful and I am proud of myself for putting in the effort to create a life like this. I still have a lot of goals to achieve but I am already so glad and thankful for my present situation. I am very proud of myself and confident in my abilities as well as the workings of the universe to bring me towards my dream life and highest self. <3 <3 thank you for reading : )
No. 912131
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>>912090sounds good, anon. i just started a job yesterday where i’m making 40% more than my last position. i want these docs but i already have like 6 pairs of different black styles and they’re sold out in my size everywhere anyway.
No. 912264
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>>912131congrats on the new job anon! i hope it's something you like doing, and better pay is always a good thing
those are super cute btw, picrel are the ones i got
No. 912320
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I feel like my teeth are looking amazing, sure, they’re not exactly perfectly aligned like those from toothpaste commercials, nor shiny white.
But they have a nice color and shape. And I feel like I feel like this because my new dentist is amazing, she explains everything that she does as she does her job and I don’t know, I felt great.
So now that I’m looking at them after brushing them properly, they really look nice.
No. 912346
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>>912264ty and i love those too
No. 913785
>>912177Sorry anon, he bought it from a restaurant in Chinatown and I can't seem to find the an image of the one my mom brought home (and can't remember the name either). I think the taste is a little strong, since it's the sauce carrying most of the flavor with none of the meatiness to balance that out, but it doesn't really bother me. I hope you may find some! I
think the one we had was made out of seitan but I'm not 100% sure.
No. 915289
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Oh my god I love my Planned Parenthood. Even after calling since June to get an appointment, then rescheduling after someone locked themselves in the bathroom, and then panicking after the receptionist told me I'd have to pay like $500 for an implant replacement.. turns out my poor ass didn't have to pay a penny. Bless those nice doctors! Five more years of no babies, woooo
No. 915299
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>>913785No biggie, anon, thanks for the reply! Actually after I posted I went on a google journey and found that there's going to be Chinese restaurant opening soon that has a vegan char siu dish, pic related. So excited!
No. 915351
>>915299I took a look at some recipes and it's also piss easy to make yourself, e.g. - just go easy on the sweeteners if you try one of these recipes out because the sugar content seems like it was meant for meat marinades (i.e. disgustingly high for more absorbent plant products) and don't use pre-minced garlic because that's repulsive. If you don't like seitan then I bet this would taste really good with some extra firm tofu you carefully pressed, or that five-spice tofu that comes pre-pressed.
Those veggies (bok choy and carrot) look steamed or (way too) lightly sauteed, which you can do yourself within a matter of minutes, even better if you saute them with some garlic and ginger in vegetable oil and a dash of soy sauce if you'd like. If you have trouble cooking rice then you can serve it over straight ramen or even soba noodles and it'd probably turn out pretty okay.
No. 915501
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Was watching Deep Space Nine just now and there's a female alien who shows up with her sons. She explains that "men are far too emotional to be leaders. They're constantly fighting among themselves– it's their favorite thing to do." And all the male characters just stand there, annoyed.
No. 917928
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Trimmed my dog's butt and now it's cute and round. It's so fucking cute whenever she walks.
No. 918277
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I was sad I have no friends to go see my favorite band with, so my sister offered to come with me, and it made me so happy. She usually listens to totally different music too.
No. 920618
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I've done like 4 mock tests so far and with each one I get slightly better, even if by a point. This makes me so hopeful! I think I can actually get in when I do the real deal! It feels so good to actually see the results, it motivates me a lot. Here's to getting better every day, in every way
No. 920676
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I feel like my partner is an alien, he's just so unlike any person I've ever met. I can't believe it's been six years and it's only gotten better and better. This is never what I expected for myself, especially not from a man. I don't know how I got so lucky. It's like the world is repaying me for growing up with abusive druggie psychopaths. Life is so stable and peaceful and fun. No mind games, no distrust, just two people spending every moment they possibly can together. Working jobs we love to build a beautiful future together. Taking care of our little kitties. This is worth all the hard shit.
No. 922807
I recently went on my first solo trip and had a fantastic time. I’ve always been kind of a (contented) loner so I don’t know why it took this long, just prioritizing other people I guess. It was great taking everything at my own pace and not feeling guilty for exploring things that were most interesting to me.
>>922738Your dad sounds awesome and I wish there were more men like him.
No. 925263
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Today I engaged in one of my hobbies (fashion dolls) after a long period of not being able to (aside from some minor tweaks) and I'm almost finished with some customizing I wanted to do! It feels so fulfilling as well. I mean, I was studying and when I wanted to unwind I'd just play some vidyas, so it wasn't very satisfying, just relaxing. It's nice to actually craft something and such.
I am so happy, I really like how my little gals are looking so far, and especially how they look together. One of them had been friendless for so long lol
Hopefully I'll be able to sew for them again!
Picrel is not mine but they are also blythes
No. 925723
>>925712Happy for you
nonnie! Enjoy your future weekends off!
No. 927050
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Can't believe I found a chocolate that can fit my keto diet (in moderation) here in my country that is actually cheap and delicious and locally made, I'm so happy
No. 927425
Ever since I met my best friend, I’ve really fallen in love with the holiday season and gift giving. My family doesn’t celebrate the holidays (or any holiday/birthday really), so it was a breath of fresh air to meet my best friend who is really gung ho about the holidays. She hates it when you ruin surprises, of your own gift or hers too, which really adds to the spirit of it hehe. I used to like the holiday, admittedly for selfish reasons for liking getting gifts. I didn’t like giving them, and honestly from the end of each holiday season til the next I am loathing buying gifts and have a backup list of safe gifts to buy, but every year the PERFECT item manifests itself in front of me and I am so, SO excited to give it to my friends and see their reaction. I truly, truly enjoy the act of finding the perfect gift for them, wrapping it, and giving it to them, very much more than I am to receive gifts. I would honestly be happy with just heartfelt and handwritten cards, oh those are 100% the way to my heart, I love them so much and I always try to write one for friends. I am broke for my friends but it’s okay because I get so excited seeing them wear or use something that I got them that so perfectly embodies their personality and spirit. Halloween hasn’t even happened yet but god fucking dammit I am READY for Christmas!!!
No. 931008
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I just got approved for a state funded 10 month course, I'm so so so happy !! Hopefully I'll never have to work a shitty retail job again, all I want is a boring 9 to 5 in a cushy office job.
No. 931989
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Rolling around on one of these at my grangran's house
No. 932580
>>931979That sounds so yummy anon, I'm glad you found a new treat to enjoy! I'm gonna look around and see if I can find a similar one to try.
My favorite dessert of baked peach halves with a bit of coconut oil and cinnamon is sadly coming to an end as peaches go out of season. But luckily apples that bake well are in season now, going to make some tomorrow.
No. 936804
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My neighbor that I thought didn't like me for some reason stopped me just to compliment my dress and joked she wanted to take it off me she liked it so much and we shared a laugh. What a nice thing to say. I think I will compliment somebody too
No. 937439
>>932001Hell yeah anon. I used to feel bad about doing that, like I was babying myself so I just had to suck it up and deal with all the nasty shit like throws at me, but it really wears you down. Nothing wrong with avoiding bad shit and
toxic people that you can avoid. Build yourself up and be comfortable and happy in life, and I think you'll have a good solid foundation to fall back on when it comes time to deal with shitty stuff that you can't avoid.
>>937200Good luck anon!! I'm sure you'll be able to do it! I hope every year from here on out is a great year for you.
No. 937513
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My boss ran into one of our coworkers at the market and she put some candy in his basket and said I'd like it, and he gave me the candy today.
Picrel is the candy. I was telling her last week about how I made soup just so I could eat konnyaku since I haven't had it in so long kek. I'm excited to try it!
No. 938758
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After starting out at my first customer service job a few weeks back, I just now had my first really hateful client on the line. My coworkers really looked out for me and I am grateful to be in such a nice team!
Also my boyfriend has the best dick I've ever had and he also loves my cat and I am very happy about that!!
No. 938768
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>>938563>I finished my degree in atmospheric physicsBITCH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Your sins are forgiven, holy shit girl!!!! I wanted to study astronomy in college but I fucking suck ASS with math and physics. I really applaud you anon, that shit really must not have been easy. I didn't see your nudes but I am sure you are a cutie with a good head on your shoulders, even if you have a retarded slip up every once in a while.
No. 939311
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Got VIP tickets to see my favorite group again.
No. 939885
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MY ROLLERBLADES CAME IN AND THEY FIT!!!! After days of agonizing over the size and fit, I’m so happy everything worked out! They might even be a tad bit loose by experienced skaters standards, but they are comfortably snug on my feet and I can just buy thick socks if I really cared (I don’t). All of my protective gear arrived the same day too! I’m having problems with my lower back but I’m gonna take it slow until I recover and can skate outside finally!!! More time to watch tutorial videos on youtube to prepare myself hehehe
No. 939934
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A very high-profile work project that I was part of, which not only had a severe risk of falling flat but suffered some stupid mistakes on my end, not only accomplished its goals but blew the organizers' expectations out of the water. The stress of this week probably shaved a year off my life but holy shit I can't believe it actually worked.
No. 939982
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>>867435Submitted the final draft of my thesis today. Tonight I’m gonna be sleeping like this.
No. 940284
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It's a beautiful day and I'm going mineral collecting at one of the best sites in the world. It's going to be fun!
No. 940316
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>>940301Well now I have to!
>>940302Franklin NJ; it has the highest concentration of different types of minerals found anywhere in the world ~2 dozen minerals that are completely unique to the area. A lot of them are florescent which makes it even cooler. New Jersey surprisingly has a ton of great places to go rockhounding and even some extremely accessible fossil hunting sites!
No. 941163
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>>940290It was a great trip, my friend and I hunted up until one of the workers called us in because a storm was coming through. Here's my haul under UV; my friend mogged me wrt the variety of minerals she picked up (I guess I'm just attracted to willemite lol) but it was a ton of fun regardless. I'd definitely recommend visiting Franklin if you're ever in the area!
No. 941164
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>>941163Here they are without UV.
No. 942203
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I've received the plush that I'm going to gift to my brother. I don't play this game but it's so godamn cute!
>>941163this is so cool, I had no idea that it was something that existed!
No. 942230
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>>942209He is a Paissa from Final Fantasy XIV! From my very limited knowledge of the game, I think they have a lot of cute characters like that, I really love the Namzu for exemple. Hope you will have a nice day
No. 942698
I've managed to stop stuffing my face constantly and while I still have some weight to lose my body is starting to look like it did in my "prime" days. Regularly exercising so I'm getting stronger too. Feels good man.
>>942230This little thing is so flippin cute!
No. 946878
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No. 947001
>>946315Thanks nonna, love you ♥
>>946990I hope that things will work out for you. I reconnected with a friend a few years ago after dropping her from my life for a few years over something I barely remember, but after we reconnected, things have gotten much better in our lives. She did not hurt me, but I think we have both grown in many positive ways since we parted ways, and now we grow together and encourage each other to become the best versions of ourselves. I hope that this will be the same for you and your friend!
No. 947027
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It's been two weeks since I've started yoga/barre. I've been pursuing this physical aesthetic for years and my body looks like it's starting to transform into it already. I haven't been restricting my eating as much but I haven't had my usual large binging appetite either.
I was so nervous to start these classes but they're so worth it.
No. 947090
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>>946315Thank you cutie.
believe in yourselves
No. 947091
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No. 947397
>>947383Ily 2 anon! You are very right and ty for the reminder.
I'm watching people build cute miniatures on yt and chainsmoking joints, also on my period and trying to banish these hellacious cramps.
No. 947544
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I became a mom earlier this year and watching my baby grow every day is one of the greatest privileges I have ever known. It’s been more than half a year and I still tear up every morning when I first wake up and see her. I’m so happy that I didn’t go through with suicide in the depths of my depression years ago. Back then I never would have thought that my brain and body could recover this completely. I’m thankful that I was able to get help and wind up in the situation I’m in now. I’ve never been so happy to be this busy and tired every day.
No. 947605
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I posted earlier this month that I ordered my best friend’s birthday gift and paid out the ass for international shipping and it got here so much faster than I expected given covid delays, AND!!! It made it here safe and sound! I got her a ceramic tea set and just double checked that there were no chips, cracks, or anything broken and everything is fine! I’m SO SO SOOO excited to give this to her heh. I don’t know what she’s gonna expect when I give her this giant fucking box hahaha. I’m gonna get her matching tea too just because it pairs so well with the gift! UGHHH I want her birthday to come already so we can celebrate and I can give this to her!! I’M SO EXCITED NONNIES!!!
No. 947868
>>947544This is so fucking sweet. I love reading about the adoration mamas have for their babies, it's so comforting to me. I'm very thankful for my parents (despite their shortcomings) and I often come across more parent appreciation posts, but I also really love reading more about parents just talk about their love for their child. Not just gushing about their accomplishments, but just pure, unconditional love. I love that shit so much and it makes me love the world and existing to know that it exists, and there are good, loving parents like yourself who look at your babies and see the whole world. I don't want children of my own, and at the same time I feel hopeless thinking about what kids will have to grow up with given where humanity and the earth is heading, but I remember seeing a post somewhere when someone was asked why they wanted to have a kid in this climate and they said "it's
because of my kid that I strive to make the world a better place" or something like that. I'm so happy your daughter has you, I'm sure she's going to grow up to be a wonderful person from all the love. Parents, and mothers especially, are such a powerful force of good in this world.
No. 948789
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A (relatively obscure) movie that I love was finally added to a streaming service, so now I get to see it in 1080p as opposed to the old 480p torrent from like 2008. It's amazing seeing it in that quality for the first time.
No. 948978
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Everything is going right for me lately. Ever since covid hit, it's been extremely difficult for me to meet new people, but about a month ago I got a new job and made a friend unlike any I'll ever make again. Like, it really feels like I was destined to meet them, that kind of bond. I also made plans with said friend and some other friends for Halloween that I'm super excited about, and also today at work I had an almost fairytale-esque encounter with a (really cute) fellow lesbian who wanted to exchange numbers with me. There's even more I could say, but these are the big things that have happened to me lately. Like holy shit, I don't even know what I did to deserve these good things, and even typing it now, it feels so fake 'cause it's all perfectly aligned.
No. 950367
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Had a really nice date night with my bf today!!! We visited the local market and made an delicious Fall dinner together, fish and ravioli with chestnut and kabocha, with a salad on the side. I also got him to watch Cowboy Bebop with me and he really liked it (he's not a weeb).
We've known each other for almost a year now and I can't believe that we are still having so much fun together. When we first met I was a hot mess trying to work things out. Now I'm just a regular mess!
No. 950878
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Someone posted gore
No. 951445
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I got a job today. It's retail, specifically at a cosmetics store, so maybe not much to brag about, but it means a lot right now. After years of rotting away in NEETdom and crushing depression I'm finally starting to see that there's a way for me to get my life back. I'm going to work my ass off and I'll pay my debts, I'll pay for therapy, I'll have money for Christmas and I'll finally be able to start my dream business once I'm a bit more stable financially. I feel like I can do it anons, I really do. I'm done being scared of everything.
No. 951456
>>951445I am so proud of you! Keep that energy
nonny, wishing you all the best!
No. 951900
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I went to see Miyavi with friends tonight, my first concert since the pandemic started and boy have I missed them! I’ve never been the biggest fan of Miyavi, but I knew of him and listened to some songs when I was really into visual kei bands. My friends and I went since the tickets weren’t expensive and we saw him at a con a few years ago and enjoyed it. I only know a few of his songs and even then I’m not the biggest fan of his newer songs but I can and will have the time of my life at any concert I go to and let me tell you anons, I definitely had the time of my life tonight! Lots of jumping and dancing, and really enjoying that concert energy with the rest of the crowd. I couldn’t see him at times but even when I could see him it didn’t matter because I was jumping and swinging my head around so much that my vision was kinda blurry anyway. I am tired but I’ve really missed going to concerts and how fun they are. Also, I found out his older music is on Spotify now so I’m just going to listen to him on repeat for a few days now heh. I can’t believe he’s still this attractive at 40 with three kids.
No. 954563
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Someone spontaneously complimented my voice yesterday and it felt so good! I've been working on it and it's so rewarding to know it's improved to the point at least one person thinks I have a great voice.
Also I like when my dumb jokes end up on the Lolcow caps thread kek
No. 954571
>>954563What do you mean you've been working on it?
I have a deep voice and trouble talking clearly so I'm interested
No. 954671
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>>954571I have tried a few self help programs and YouTube videos, picrel is my favorite so far, you can get it on Audible. I like it because it's geared towards improving your speaking voice rather than singing. Your voice can get better nona! Good luck!
i know he looks like a smarmy bastard but I promise he has a lot of good tips! No. 958865
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I've stopped putting on makeup and now I only care about looking clean & healthy
I don't feel bad about anything about me and I'm just so happy to be at peace with my body & looks, I'm not prettier than I was before but I do feel beautiful now
I wish you the same thing nonnitas, hope you can fight your insecurities and embrace your body
No. 958926
>>958865Love you anon.
I haven't been doing any makeup at all for like 4 or 5 years, but I still feel a bit weird when I have to take a picture or record myself.
I hope to be as confident as you one day.
No. 959276
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I love my cat so much and Im so sure I've never loved an animal this much even if he likes chasing my legs when i go up my bed or wakes me up at 3 am because he's fucking hungry. I was put on antidepressants last year and adopting him helped even more because of how I was able to be more responsible. I get up because of him and I lift weights for him.
I love my orange garfield looking baby.
No. 962296
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Have a good day anons! The world is a poopy place to be but we can make the best out if it. I hope today you get everything you want! I hope you get to taste your favorite food, hear your favorite song, and see your favorite people!
No. 962591
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I know I've bonded over this with a nonny before, but ever since I've moved into my own place after living with an evil ex I love not only the freedom but the ability to be a disgusting goblin. My place is clean and organized (no scrote messes to deal with) but in terms of behavior, being able to walk around half naked with a food baby gut, belch/fart freely, go makeup-free when I have a zit forming, wet or unstyled hair, eat tons of snacks, not shaving very often, tossing period waste in my bathroom trash without worrying about covering it up.
I know I know, women in relationships technically can do all these things, but personally I really felt the pressure to be perfect all the time and come across flawlessly composed in my own home. (No doubt because said ex was especially controlling.) Shit's exhausting. I'm no enby but truly, fuck gender as a social construct. Men don't have to do or care about any of this garbage and still get lauded as heroes if they manage to clean their ass cheeks. I fucking love being able to exist without anyone's judgment and I will never give this up again.
No. 962601
>>962591This is why I can't imagine ever living with a guy. I want freedom to be mildly gross when I'm in private, and I don't think I could relax except around immediate family who love me unconditionally. A partner does not love me unconditionally, men can be super judgemental of women and how 'ladylike' we're supposed to be, I'd feel pressure to be attractive all the time.
I mean honestly, is a man even worth it if you have to hold in your farts in the comfort of your own home?
No. 962661
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crunchy leaf season
crunchy leaves season
No. 962959
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Let's make the best of this week nonnies! Make time to do things you enjoy and stay hydrated ♥
No. 963228
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My favorite pho restaurant opened back up?! There was a huge fire like 5 years ago and I expected them to open up after a few months but 5 years had gone by with no news so my family and I gave up… but suddenly yesterday we saw that it was open again!! It's been so long I've stopped bothering to look at it and didn't even notice they had been working on it.
We have three pho restaurants in my neighborhood but they range from mediocre to shitty. I'm happy to see the true king come back to take its throne, and I'm excited and hopeful that it will still be as good, if not better. I used to go here all the time as a kid so it also has a special place in my heart. One of the newest reviews said they saw on old faces back so I'm hoping they were able to bring back whatever of the old staff they could!
No. 963246
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>>962749I love that for you nonna!! I love loving myself, and I just want to spread that joy to other people.
>>962959Let's get this bread
nonnie No. 973606
>>973396enjoy the tea
No. 975247
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I've posted about buying rollerblades before, but I finally put on my rollerblades and skated around my apartment yesterday. I bought them last month but due to back pain I couldn't skate. My back is much better (still doing exercises and stretches daily to make sure it stays that way!) but now my problem is my protective gear doesn't fit so I've avoided skating. I figured it wouldn't hurt to just skate in my small apartment and nonnies… it's everything I was hoping it would be and more!!
There's something so exhilarating about being on skates! I've been watching tons of tutorials and trying to be mindful about proper body positioning, and after a shaky and rough first few minutes, I was gliding up and down pretty easily! Maybe it was muscle memory from 15+ years ago kicking in?! I wanted to go out to the park but I was worried about not having protective gear and also being stared at for fumbling, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up with regards to the latter. I'm so excited to skate more, I don't care if it's getting colder out. It's Thanksgiving weekend here in the US so maybe I'll go out to my local park and skate in the morning despite no proper fitting gear yet. I'll have to install my heel brake too until I learn how to stop without it… aaaaaaaa nonnies I love skating!! Rollerblading is cool again I don't care what anyone says!!
No. 975261
>>975247I have this pair of blades from 2000, they're black with cute yellow, red and green details and they're called
BLADERUNNERS and I love them.
No. 975280
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As luck would have it, Amazon has the protective gear I was looking for in my size and on sale! So I snatched it up heh. Not the color I wanted but at this point I care less about color coordination and more about just not breaking my knee caps as I skate around like an idiot.
>>975255Yes! Go for it anon! I think that they can be quite expensive (~$100 for a decent softboot when I was looking), but is there a place around you where you can rent a pair to try out? It's really fun to zoom around and I can't wait to feel confident enough to skate around in a big park!
>>975261They sound so cute
nonnie hehe. Mine are all black but I'm hoping to paint them one day! I'm sad that there seems to be a hole in the market for cute
and high performance skates. Impala makes some really cute skates but I've read they're not the best performance-wise. I hope to skate for a long time so I invested in a pair of ugly but well regarded skates. I hope with the revival of rollerblading and the whole Y2K nostalgia thing that big companies will realize that they could open up their market to zoomers and women who like cute shit by just making cute shell colors kek. When I was researching skates I saw SO many posts on the subreddit by women asking specifically for cute skates!
No. 976141
>>975760Hell yeah anon!
>>975763This is so great
nonnie. I'm so glad to hear it! I wish you many more happy days with your boyfriend!
No. 977034
>>976513That’s so amazing nonna! How did you improve to such a degree? And what made you want to learn?
I really miss the steep learning curve in reading I got when I was in China and starting to understand my surroundings better, so please share any techniques you have!
No. 978742
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I am feeling hopeful for my future and like I have an actual plan for the first time in a long, long time.
It's a bit frustrating that I am sorting this stuff right now, kinda "wasted my 20s" (but not really), but it's good to feel hopeful.
This 2022 I will try to go back to studying japanese hard, get my JLPT, try for a JET programme that consists of working for an international relations office. If that doesn't work, I'll try the MEXT research program. If that doesn't work, I'll be, meanwhile, enrolled on a webdesign course. If that doesn't work, I'll apply for for another degree in 2023, this time for japanese linguistics, and travel to Japan as my brother did.
If noone of the above works, at least I can get more work here in my country as a webdesigner and/or as a translator. I always see these positions available but my design and japanese levels are not there yet. But they'll be. I can do this!
No. 978830
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>>978742Happy for you and wishing you success
nonnie-chan! Hope truly is a wonderful feeling
No. 978852
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I have a date with someone I really like this weekend and I’m so EXCITED
No. 978932
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Nonnies, life can be good if we just keep it simple. I while back a friend of mine called me after finding out I had a loss in my family, she told me she found a job at a coffee shop but sounded kind of embarrassed (she has a degree in engineering) I was so happy for her. I told her that it was fantastic news and she sounded almost relieved, so that got me thinking.
You shouldn't be embarrassed or feel bad for having a "small" job, all honest work is good work. If you make enough to have a roof over your head consider yourself a winner! Have a small job, go out to the park on weekends with friends, family or just by yourself and just hang out, find enjoyment in watching tv shows on illegal streaming websites.
I'm a poorfag so I don't have much money most of the time but that has never stopped me from enjoying life. Don't worry about what society wants from you, do what you want, do crimes, be gay.
No. 978956
>>978932I've absolutely embraced working mediocre jobs and tbh I'm at the point where I almost feel sorry for people with impressive high flying careers instead. I'm sure they don't feel sorry for themselves, but I'm never jealous of someone's money or status if they have minimal free time and a tonne of stress at work. Chances are they also have a lot more student debt than me too.
That said I'm fortunate enough to have a well off family and a lot of financial security as a result, so I consider my ability to live off lower wages a luxury.
No. 979216
>>978956That's literally my dream
nonny, to work a relaxed mediocre job, have tons of free time and just enough money to buy cute clothes and accessories.
No. 979245
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I was feeling kinda down because none of my old friends invited me to their new year party (nor wanted to plan something with me), and just today I received an invitation from a ex coworker. When I confirmed she answered "OMG I'm so so happy!", it feels AMAZING knowing that someone actively wants to see me.
No. 979781
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>>978830>>978835Thanks so much, nonnas!
I am aiming to get the JLPT N2 certificate, and I know I'll have to work hard because I forgot a lot of things from the time I got my N3 one, so I have to review a lot of the past things I studied - but I am feeling motivated! Hope is indeed amazing. I hope both of all are also happy in the path you've chosen or will choose!
>>978966I am completely there with you, anon. I live on the southern hemisphere so it's currently hot here, but I always think about how lucky I am doing the cold weather. Even during the hot weather, just the fact that I have a bed, a roof, food on the table. I am so grateful to my parents for providing for me still, and that my family have enough money to keep us all afloat and comfortable.
No. 980794
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>>978932>>978956I love this nonnas. Grass is always greener on the other side. I used to feel embarassed when I had to tell people what I did for work, but now I don't really care. I'm not a "live to work" kind of person and I don't like this "you MUST succeed at the top of your field" type of mentality. I've never felt that sort of life calling to a specific job, career, or field. I just go wherever will pay me a semi-decent wage and will let me actually live my life. Am I expected to work until my 60s and then enjoy my life? No, I want to enjoy it now. I'm very fortunate that a lot of people at my company are very strict with their work-life balanace. There are those that will respond to an email off hours within a minute, but plenty of us that say "you need to wait until business hours because I don't get paid to care right now" lol. Some people really like the hustle of top tier well respected careers, but that sort of life isn't for me.
Time is more precious than money, and I know I'm in a very fortunate position to say that despite my shit salary. I like being able to see friends frequently, go out with family, and spend nights at home with my very old dog.
>>979781Good luck nonna!! I stopped studying Japanese after college and I feel a lot of guilty and anxiety when it comes to returning to my studies. I want to study it again but there's so much bad juju around it for me. I work for a Japanese company right now so it feels like it'd be the best place to practice (lots of coworkers are very friendly and try to encourage me to practice) but it's hard for me to overcome that intial anxiety. I hope you'll get N2 and get into JET! I used to want to do the CIR position but I don't really know if I want to work in Japan anymore haha. I mostly just want to get good enough to just read my mangos and other dumb shit now.
>>980465That's so cute!! I hope you two will get to be together soon!
No. 980970
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Sometimes I worry I make myself really obvious when I sperg tf out on other farmers but I just really like seeing others happy! Here's to a good week anons
No. 981867
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I bought pic related today and I love the kitty sooo much, it's super soft and decent sized
No. 982367
>>982177An incredible achievement, you're right on the path to personal success.
>>867435I'm getting married soon and things are looking good. I'm about to graduate, and although I'm anxious about finding a job, I don't have much need for money right now and I'm gonna go at my own pace with it. I'm a communications major which has me worried, but I have some solid internship experience and good grades. I just need to get through the anxiety of applying.
No. 982455
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Recently started drawing again (like 5 days ago) and i feel so happy with it, just like when i was 10 and used to make 4 finished full body drawings.
It's like i finally feel that self fulfillment from drawing after some time
No. 984409
>>982177If you're okay with saying it, what are you studying it? I hope you'll have lots of fun at your university! I miss my university days so much.
>>982367Congrats nonna! I hope your wedding will be beautiful and fun and surrounded with great friends and family. In regards to applying for jobs, whenever I feel underqualified or nevous, I think of an article I read that said men will apply to jobs they are sorely underqualified for meanwhile women will only apply to jobs where they meet all or the majority of the qualifications listed. Apply away! Job hunting is never ever fun or easy, nor are rejections a reflection on you or what you are lacking! Always remember that. I'm sure you'll find where you need to go, best of luck with everything!
No. 984913
>>980794>I like being able to see friends frequently, go out with family, and spend nights at home with my very old dog. This is so sweet
nonny, ily.
No. 985419
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The other day I went for a walk with my dog and I took a different route, it was a quite and pretty nice neighbourhood and there was this house with a little yard that had a rabbit in it! I thought it was a statue at first but then it moved and it even got close to the fence to smell my dog. I was surprised it wasn't scared of dogs at all. So yeah I guess my dog now has a bunny friend and I think it's very cute. Picrel isn't my picture but the bunny looked exactly like that. I will go visit the bunny friend again.
No. 986589
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I’m doing a lot of stuff mental health wise, I recently got a raise that is substantial enough to not make me have a “rice and beans” / “counting change” week, I started reading more manga again, I even started drawing again after what feels like forever, and I love lolcow. Yeah it’s not a monolith so of course I loathe certain parts of it but when I feel the misandry coming on I know I’ll have a place to lurk and /ot/ post so ty anons
No. 986770
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I got a bonus at work! It was only $300, but everyone gets a biannual bonus here and I won't say no to free money. I've never worked a job (much less a salaried job) where bonuses were given.
No. 986903
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I bought some nooddleeeees
No. 987092
>>987028That's good to hear!! I don't think letting yourself have just a very small indulgence here and there is any bad, but I'm still rooting for you
nonnie! Here's to processing and coping with our emotions like normal functioning people.
No. 987705
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I love my husband so much it makes me cry
No. 987893
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I love my best friend. I have a solid group of friends and I would consider a few handful of people to be my best friends, but I have one best friend were it feels like if this was another timeline, we'd probably be lovers. I never thought in my life I would have a friend so close, that would know me as well as I know her. Like if people ask me if she will like XYZ, I can really confidently answer them as if I was her. It's really like we share the same braincell sometimes. There have been moments where she has annoyed the absolute shit out of me and I didn't want to be her friend anymore, but at the end of the day I love having her in my life. We all have our shortcomings, and I'm not perfect either.
We have plans to move out together one day, and it's just a given at this point that we will live together some day. When we go into a Target or something, we'll look at appliances together and talk about which ones we want to get. Or we'll send each other other decorations or furniture we want to get. We met in college and used to be roommates and living with her was like a dream come true. I loved to come back to her. We've grown as people, but rather than grow apart, we push each other to become the best version of ourselves. I remember one time when I glanced over and she was at her desk on her laptop and she looked like she was concentrating hard on something so I thought "oh fuck I better work on my own assignments too", but in reality she was fucking off and looking at something completely unrelated, but when she looked over and saw me doing work she switched into doing work because she had the same thought I had earlier kek. I miss the days of tumblr, if only for those person specific tags people would have. Sometimes I go on her old blog and I browse through her tag for me and think "heh, she knows me so well." I love the holiday season because of her. I never thought that I'd actually enjoy giving gifts more than receiving them. Buying gifts can be difficult and troubling because it can be hard to find something the other person will like, but when it comes to her, it's difficult and troubling for the opposite reason! I'll find way too many things that I know she'll like!
Also, even though I'm quiet about my terf tendencies, we'll privately talk about how bullshit some of today's gender shit is. We'd never say it in front of our friends, but it feels like to quietly know that we both view things in a similar way (although I'm probably more critical about it than she is).
She is the sister I never had.
No. 987937
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>>987896I hope you'll find an amazing gal pal one day nonna! I used to always think that best friends could only be people you knew the longest, and I was jealous of my elementary school friends who are still very close to each other, but now I know that's not the case. I never thought I'd find someone like her when I was in college. May your future be full of fun outings, late night bitchings, and irreplacable companionship!
I feel like I've been put on a watch list just by trying to find these images kek No. 988955
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i passed my drivers test! the instructor said i did perfectly and i aced the one part i was most nervous about!! yay!
No. 989305
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I really do appreciate most of you anons. Is it weird if lolcow makes me feel safe?
I don't want this place to ever go down. It's comforting to me. Thank you to all kind nonnas out there.
No. 989308
>>989305I know how you feel
nonny, I love it here, is the only place on the internet I feel free.
No. 990077
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>Successfully avoid visiting a place that triggered trauma
>Very cute boy at the store line
>He's actually into me and starts a conversation out of sudden
>Even though i'm an absolute autist and a squizo, we have a nice time chatting i managed it surprisingly well considering I've never been approached by a guy
>Got complimented by a very nice lady
>Go to mall to see amazing Christmas decorations
>See a guy that looks almost exactly like my husbando
Wtf this day was great?? thanks God
No. 990710
>>990167Honestly, every woman should be able to do that. I hate how it's expected for us to just push through the discomfort and pain, yet people are okay if someone calls in sick because of any other reason. I'm glad you got to pamper yourself
No. 990720
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>>988955Yay!!! I pray that you will always be safe on the road nonna ♥
>>990698I hope things will only continue to go up from here! Best of luck at your new job! I hope your coworkers are nice and your work is easy.
No. 990807
>>990772I had a close call with a male chiropractor who was literally a predator (turns out one of my current coworkers worked for him before and told me) and the next one I found close to me was unfortunately a moid too but I was in such crippling pain that I sucked it up and went. He was very nice and fun to talk to, and very conservative when it came time to having to touch my body. He was sympathetic to how much pain I was in, went over with me what might be causing my pain and really helped me through it, which was a lot better than my family doctor (who is female) who just prescribed me painkillers.
I'm glad your new family doctor doesn't suck!
No. 992058
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>>992037Yay! Cheers to you and your upwards spiral
No. 994542
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i've hated my birthday/ageing with a passion since i was 16 but fuck it, it's my birthday, it's raining and i'm going to be cozy and take a nice bath listening to the rain and get good takeout and hang out with my gf and pets all day. life's good nonas
No. 994784
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>>994542Hell yeah, you deserve it! I used to think I wasn't good enough to have my birthday remembered or celebrated, but now I'm obnoxious as fuck about it kek. Here's to making it another year nonna, and here's to many more!
No. 996312
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Nonittas, I've been having a rough month, so I decided to throw a LC dinner party. All farmers are welcomed regardless of their post history, we'll have delicious food and mixed drinks or tea/coffee, whatever you want. If you want/need you can bring your meal/drink of choice, just don't leave your tupperware behind. No moids allowed, if you gotta bring your husbando he's gonna have to wait in the assigned "Husbando Room" until the party is over, waifus are permitted. I'll personally send an invitation to komaeda-anon so she can grace us with her presence (or make us ill, whichever happens).
Hope you can come and enjoy yourself!
No. 996323
>>996312I love you. I'm gonna bring
vegan shepherds pie and lots of herbal tea.
No. 997221
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>>996694>>997212Host anon here, yes you can bring drug paraphernalia just keep any bodily fluids under control and don't leave any of your stash behind. xoxo
No. 1001969
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I got my bf the perfect Christmas gift (picrel). My boyfriend is super into computers and Feynman is one of his favorite thinkers of all time. I don't think he even knows that Feynman wrote a textbook on computation and I can't wait to see his face opens it!!!
No. 1002787
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When I was a kid I thought I was ugly as fuck. I kept thinking "I can't wait until I'm an adult and I'm pretty" because my cousin who was 10 years older than me always seemed so pretty to me.
Now I'm an adult and I do think I'm pretty. Actually, I think I've always had good features, but I was trapped by bad young teen styling of the early 2000s and low self esteem kek. I just looked at myself in the mirror today and just kept thinking "wow I look good." There are things that I'm don't entirely like, but I don't hate them enough to consider plastic surgery.
I'm finally the pretty adult I've always wanted to be. I'm no head turner but I think I'm at the perfect balance of "very happy with my appearance" and "painfully average to everyone else so people (i.e. men) leave me alone when I'm out."
No. 1002804
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>>1001976Host anon here, of course she can come along, just keep her away from the curtains because they're my grandma's heirloom.
No. 1003138
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This is the first year as an adult that I feel really excited for Christmas. Not because of getting gifts, but because this year I have put so much effort and thought into all the gifts I am giving and I can't wait for my loved ones to unwrap them and be happy and excited about the things I got them.
No. 1003706
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>>1003138Merry Christmas, anon!
No. 1004003
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I've never had a desire for a romantic relationship. I deal with depression and I have never met someone who was understanding of it long term. I'm one of those odd personalities that only meshes with a specific kind of person romantically, otherwise there's no feelings at all. I have a pretty good idea of what I want. My experiences and views are near identical to Sekhmet She Owl. I resigned I'd be alone for the rest of my life, but I met a man who just left NEETdom, like myself, at our new job. He's very kind, soft-spoken, hard working, very patient with the physical things, and lets me go on radfem tirades and actually reads the literature. He browses 4chan and we have similar niche interests in aerospace and the occult. I can be myself, he has not negged me once in all the time I've known him or tried to change anything about me. He's encouraging me to finish my STEM degree and get back into sports & gym with him. I won the lotto. He's meeting the rest of my family tomorrow.
No. 1004207
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My favorite manhwa updated today!!!! I've been waiting for it for MONTHS now and I'm so happy it's back.
No. 1004267
>>1003138I hope everyone enjoys their gifts and you’ll get some good ones too!! I’m so excited to see my friends and give them their presents!!! My family doesn’t celebrate and my parents will actually be working tomorrow so it’ll just be me, my brother, and the dog, and will probably just feel like another day, but I bought ingredients to make us some delicious mac and cheese so there’s that at least!
May your Christmases be filled with lots of warm, delicious food and good company. Love you nonnies ♥
No. 1004459
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I wanna wish all lonely nonitas a very merry and happy Christmas! I am spending the holidays alone and I don't want my fellow nonnies to feel alone or sad so I send you all warm hugs and good wishes. Love u all xoxo.
No. 1004987
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Had a nice Christmas, although not a lot people were there is was very pleasant and chill. The weather was warm enough to wear a skirt and sweater. I received two similar looking mushroom mugs from family and some handmade items. Going to go home and spend the rest of the night taking a nice bath and having some wine with a movie.
Even if you were alone this Christmas, please take care and treat yourself, take a bath, roll a j, get yourself something nice. Take care nonas <3
No. 1005522
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I love you. Yes you!
No. 1005647
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>>1004003. Boyfriend told me it was one of the happiest days of his life. He hasn't celebrated Christmas since his dad died, and he was able to escape work for a while; he used a sick day to escape.
>>1005536Are you referring to Honey? (Pic Rel)
>>1005556Awwww, congrats. I remember getting my art featured in a YouYube video, one of my happiest days.
No. 1006029
>>1005916Cute post anon, I also have saggy tits (am 25, learned to accept them) and that was the last thing I expected to read right now, what a nice feeling to share.
Hope you have a good year!
No. 1006293
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I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND SO MUCH! I miss him and can't wait to lay down beside him and rest against him and feel him play with my hair and protect me whilst we can both relax and bask in each other's love… I love him so much, I'm so happy with him, I don't want anyone else. Side note: today he showed me pictures of him when he was little and oh dear he was such a cute little boy. Definitely mischievous though, I'm happy to have met him as an adult, hahaha
No. 1008035
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The ducklings have already hatched
No. 1009252
>>1005916The books thread really helped me get back into reading for the first time in years, there are so many good recommendations in there! Going to my library and picking up a
nonnie's suggestion is one of my favorite things now.
No. 1010538
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I bought a Pikachu passcase in Japan many years ago when I was a student. I used the hell out of that thing since it was a passcase, then it eventually just became a cute giant plush keychain on my bag when I came back to the states. The pulling thread got thinned down so much after so much usage that it snapped one day, but thankfully it was while I was leaving work and I forgot something in the office so I found it when on the floor when I turned back to get something I forgot. It sucks because I can’t even fix it, so it sits on my bookshelf. My best friend gave me a fluffy Pikachu head passcase for Christmas! She tried to find the exact one I had and found the specific series/line it’s from but she couldn’t find the passcase anywhere, but still! I’m so happy that she even got me another one. I love Pikachu so much and I love my best friend.
No. 1010555
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It’s snowing pretty hard right now and all the tree branches are white. Very cozy looking through a window and silent outside. I have nothing I need to do tomorrow so I think I’m gonna go for a hike in the snow when I wake up.
No. 1019499
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>>931941Update, I've lost 10 pounds since I posted this!! Went from 136 to 126. I'm 5'2" so it makes a huge difference, even my family commented on it when I went home for Christmas. Still not at my goal weight (115) but I feel sooo much better. I might actually raise my goal weight a bit since I've begun strength training and want to focus on building muscle. It feels so nice to be making progress!
No. 1019809
>>1019499nonna this is SO great!!!! I’m rooting for you!!!!
>>1019579aw thats so cute!!! ♥
No. 1020170
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Just started making a habit of journaling and I am loving it. Scrapbooking in stuff I find and decorating the page with shitty little doodles after a long ramble session is the highlight of my day. Why didn't I start doing this sooner.
No. 1020546
>>1020170I would do this if my mum didn't wander into my room and look through my stuff for my own safety kek
You won't regret it, it's like self therapy, great for introspecting, and you can look back on your diaries in about 5 years and be like "haha i was such a crazy bitch then" or "that was a good day". Good luck with the journals McNonna
No. 1022405
>>1020170Happy for you nona! I started journalling a few years ago in college and it's still one of my favorite hobbies. When I write down my bad thoughts it makes me feel like they're leaving my body and I'm physically trapping them on the page, so I feel a lot better after venting in my journal as opposed to, idk making a vent post on here where I could go on in circles forever.
It's a nice way to save ticket stubs or other things to remind you of what happened today, or to finally have a place to put in cute stickers and stuff. I started writing with the intent of reading back on my journals when I'm old and bedridden, my favorite entries (that I tend to skip because they're boring to write lol) are about the days where nothing happens at all. I like slice of life media so I know I'd like to read back on even my most mundane days lol.
No. 1023797
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I feel so pumped right now I was picking which photo of my paintings to post on facebook and looking at them I got the will to paint right now so I started painting, and before I did that I was studying for school even though I just got back from college (usually when I return I lie down exhausted and do nothing) and now while my layer of paint is drying I'm studying again, also my roommate returned from home so I'm not all alone in my room and I talked to her a bit and I feel good and I feel like doing so many things and I hope that continues because for the last year I have had no will to do anything, I started doing worse in school, I've been crying for no reason at all and couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I know just because I'm feeling good right now doesn't mean it will continue to be like that, and I don't know what exactly I did that made me feel better or if my brain just decided to feel better on its own, and thank you to the anon who posted this swan photo, I'm painting it and my other roommate is at work right now and she loves swans and I can't wait until she comes back and sees it I just know she is going to hug me. And sorry for the long sentences I don't really care about language I just say what I mean without care for syntax or interpunction and I hope you anons have a nice day.
No. 1023808
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No. 1023810
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>>1023797I love Swans too. But this kind
No. 1023811
>>1023808Keep posting swans
nonny never stop I'm going to save all your pictures
No. 1024031
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>>1023808When I was in elementary school, I was chosen to participate in this "Duck Stamp" contest, where you would draw a picture of a duck, and the best ones would be made into stamps. I participated for three years, so for three years I submitted swans. Fuck ducks. Swan life.
No. 1024187
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Two years ago my girlfriend gifted me a charm bracelet, and every birthday and christmas she gets me a charm for it. So far I have a ship that opens up to reveal a galley, a bird holding a letter, a kitten playing with a yarn ball, and a set of lucky symbols (a four leaf clover, a wishbone, and a die). I love it so much nonnies, it's such a thoughtful and cute gift and I love the charms she gets me.
No. 1028056
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My new leather boots I ordered came in today. They’re suuuper comfortable right out of the box, although a tiny bit snug but since they’re leather I’m hoping it’ll loosen up after a few wears. They’re so cute and I can’t wait to wear them out!
No. 1028763
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I made pancakes and ate them with my homemade blueberry jam ♥
No. 1031702
>>1031290Nona, if you are a burgerfag, here's the link to them!'re even cheaper now! I bought them for $99 but thankfully they allowed a price adjustment kek.
>>1028808They look even more awesome when I'm wearing them. They felt more cutesy to me in the stock photos but I feel like a badass when I wear them out kek. I love them so much. I think they would even wear really nice with long skirts in the fall!
No. 1031707
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I can't believe I woke up half an hour earlier than I usually do just to play a full hour of ring fit adventure because I wasn't happy with the 30 minutes I normally manage to squeeze in in the morning.
I love this stupid game so much. It's so cheesy and dumb, but I enjoy my mornings because of it and despite waking up earlier, I still feel refreshed and awake at work. Hoping I can keep this up!
No. 1032128
>>1031707Thank you
nonnie you inspired me to finally order this game and give it a shot. Wish me luck
No. 1032250
>>1032128Yay! I hope you'll enjoy it! I had been sitting on whether or not to buy it for a while now, and a nona in the mail thread posted about it and that's what prompted me to buy my copy! I might not get absolutely shredded with it, but it makes working out feel very approachable and takes my mind off of being so obsessed with working out with the ultimate goal of having a nice body (leading to burn out which has happened before) and shifts it towards "yeah I want to level up/get more coins/beat this boss." Not everyone likes the gamification, but I sure do.
I also can't believe in the cumulative ~14 days I've been playing that I've done like, what, 500 squats? It doesn't even feel like it! An hour passes by like nothing when I'm playing it too. Have lots of fun nona!!
No. 1034928
Today an elderly man (he was walking with a cane too) dropped his groceries as he was walking out of the store so I helped him pick it up and he looked so so grateful he thanked me like three times, how sweet is that it warmed my heart
>>1033970That's awesome nonna good for you! Such a cute piercing, there's so many options for jewelry too! I'm sure you look lovely
No. 1035179
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This is literally one of my favorite images of all time
I died laughing the very first time I saw it , so cute.
No. 1035250
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I get to bird-sit soon I can't waaaait
No. 1035292
>>1035250I love African Gray's! So smart. They totally know the meaning of words they're saying, it's not just mimicry. And they live long, I had one while I was in Africa, I was its second owner (first one died).
You're so lucky to get to hang out with one
No. 1037434
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So excited for going on my trip tomorrow!!
It's going to be my first time on a plane in years and my first long haul flight but I'm excited. I'm excited for even the airport.
No. 1037750
>>1037434Enjoy your trip!!! I know people hate flights and the airport but I like them since I feel like it’s all apart of the experience!! It feels very special and fun hehe
>>1037578Journalling is so great, it’s so great to hear that it’s helping you!!
>>1037451>>1037694I love the both of you very much
kisses you on the head>>1037705Good luck with college! I’m proud of you nona! I hope you and your friends will have many cute lunch and dinner dates together ♥
No. 1037780
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I love that even when moids try to destroy our site due to their mental illness, we're still going strong!
No. 1037803
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>>1037705How did you make friends
No. 1039446
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I found an excellent app i accidentally deleted yesterday! I'm happy about it because it was pretty much impossible to find because
>It had the most generic icon possible
>Generic ass name
>Unknown Korean creator
>Almost no reviews
>Last update was 1 year ago
>lost in a sea of ads and shitty, plagiarized apps
I also found an APK! So if this app gets deleted or something i still have it's archive WOOO
No. 1040168
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I found another man hating straight woman, and we are moving in together. I am over the moon. Ditch living with men, support other women!!
No. 1040380
>>1040168Oh my god you're living the dream. Happy for you
No. 1040722
>>1031707I got that rhythm game where you drum on discount last week (think 10 bucks) and I have been playing it a LOT. It is silly and stupid and the controls on my Switch are not even super precise.
I can only play it on easy but I am having so much fun with it. I love it.
No. 1042417
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I came across this restaurant yesterday and I immediately thought of you my nonnies, I wish we could all meet up there.
No. 1042424
>>1042417that would be nice
nonnie, I really wish the nona from the wicked witch of the west skirt story could come on a bike
No. 1043001
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>>1042976youre doing great
No. 1043061
>>1043006Good for you nonna! Imo retail can be pretty fun but it wears off quickly, what made you quit yours? I hope you can start doing something you actually like soon ♥
No. 1044917
>>1043061(I actually want to be my own boss, but not sure enough in the direction I want)
I worked at a giant American grocery chain, and I was too tall to work the solitary position for 8 hours in a cooler by myself. The team had plenty of people capable of doing it, but they chose someone with a hip injury for that job.
I also got reprimanded for being really sick with Covid, and that was it for me. They don’t care about employee OR customer safety by pressuring me to return during an infectious period.
Fuck a job, really. Fuck a job indeed. There are so many places that actually lookout for the “essential workers” and it was not happening there.
No. 1046384
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Hey nonnies….there’s something I’d really like to happen in the next two weeks. It’s not impossible at all but I really need it. Pray for me if you can. Or keep me in your thoughts. Or I don’t know. I just need this one thing. I’ll behave afterwards. I promise. I’ll get my shit together.
No. 1046398
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>>1046384good luck, anon!!
No. 1046526
I'm so in love. He's a sweetheart, today I was feeling a bit shit about my art and he told me I have no reason to be insecure and I have plenty of talent. He says sweet things like that all the time ♥ We'll be able to see each other more in the future and I can't wait! I didn't really like him at first (he came off a bit crass) but he's really grown on me, and in my experience those are the best people! It's not often I feel comfortable around someone so to have someone I can actually chill and be myself with feels like a god's send. I truly hope our relationship goes somewhere
>>1044911She told you that? That's so stupid, I'm sorry nonna. The pain goes away eventually ♥
No. 1048306
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nonnies, im ending my two years of neetdom in less than a week
im starting a school for a diploma in 3d stuff soon, after two failed previous attempts at school. im a little nervous but i finally feel mentally stable and passionate about art, please wish me luck
(sorry if im spacing is all fucked up i lurk mostly)
pic for every farmer you are all the best
No. 1048315
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I passed all my uni exams and I've never been more relieved in my life. There's this one class that I've already failed twice and if you fail it three times you get exmatriculated but thank god I still managed to pass it because of my participation. Sending lots of luck to nonnies who're dealing with similar things!
No. 1048700
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>>1048315Congratulations! You are amazing!
No. 1048929
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>>1048700>>1048322>>1048768Thank you nonnas, all the best to you too!
No. 1051966
>>1051447I'm really happy to hear that anon! It's nice to have a hobby that's both productive and fun.
Do you have anything in particular you like making?
No. 1054784
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It really doesn't matter if things are imperfect. If you have a very cluttered house you have to thoroughly clean due to depression, and piles of missing assignments, unanswered messages, unmet personal goals, jobs waiting to be applied to, a fridge waiting to be filled, etc etc… It still doesn't matter! You don't have to have everything together, you can still be a good and successful human. You can be everything at once! I don't know properly how to express myself, I just know what I mean and especially that it's right. I'm going to class tomorrow and I have a horrible week of depressive habits behind me. In those few days I've amassed an intimidating backlog of important responsibilities as well as self-neglect. And yet! It doesn't matter. I'm going to go to school tomorrow, and everything will be fine. No matter what happens, nothing can break my spirit. Life is not about those puny problems. They can be solved easily, unless you're so overwhelmed with worry over them that it paralyses you. But once you stop caring about them and instead care about what is true: that you're alive, that you only have the present, that it's only you who you have, that the sun shines, that you breathe air, and that you can do anything and it really doesn't matter– then you can really have a lovely fulfilling life! I'm proud of myself for managing to let go so much. To be grateful for what is certain and to see everything around me as something passing by, as an illusion, really. Knowing that I am the entire universe expressing itself through one of the many little human beings and other vessels on earth, is such a relief. It's okay that I was becoming overwhelmed or that traumatic events were triggered, and that I wasn't so good to myself. It's okay because it can only harm me as much as I fear it. And there's good around me as well as within me, so truly why do I even fear?? Just take it one step at a time, enjoy every part of it, and know that no matter what, things are good and fine. Unironically be like this little animal in the picture… chill!!! and allow yourself too. also I've written a letter to myself, a script if you will, to help me remember and stay on track. I wrote it from my perspective and in it I promise to accept that today is a wonderful day, and that I am fulfilled, and that I have what I need. And it helps me to push away the distractions that blind me from the perfect dream life I truly do lead. Even if you don't believe me, it really doesn't matter. just wanted to share
No. 1054815
>>1054640Did you go alone? I’m glad you had such a fun time. Concerts are so fun.
>>1054784Nonny, that was lovely to read. Came at the right time too.
No. 1054845
nonny! I hope yours will turn out alright too!
No. 1054866
>>1054847Sounds cool
No. 1054930
>>1054880sending every last good vibe in my arsenal
>>1051991this kind of relief is the best feeling, happy for you
nonny No. 1055861
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I have been reading in bed recently and it is my favorite thing to do. On the weekends, I spend as much time as I want reading in bed and enjoying the light coming in from my window. My room is small but I have a south facing window so weather it's cloudy or sunny, my whole room gets lit up and I love basking in natural light. On weekdays, I'll maybe only have like 15-30 min before my bedtime but I will still try to squeeze in a bit of reading.
I'll tuck myself in like picrel, with my favorite teddy bear resting on me while tucked into the covers. Whenever I'm reading in bed, I always think that I feel like one of those really well put together adults like "look at me, I come home from my comfy 9-5 job, made a delicious dinner, and now I'm reading before bed to relax" sort of things kek. I enjoy it though, and I've been enjoying the books I've been reading too! An anon posted in another thread about how if an adult read for just one hour everyday they could get through like 52 books a year and it made me think "wow I should finally get off my ass and start reading again" so here I am.
Recommend me books nonnies! Any kind is okay, preferably if I can get it on libgen since I read on my kindle.
No. 1055948
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I live in a reality where this thread moves faster than any other thread and it's nice, it's really nice.
No. 1056963
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Yuzuru Hanyu makes me so happy. I found him when he blew up on tumblr a long time ago and then I closely followed him between 2014 and 2018, between the olympics and other competitions. More than just thinking he's cute and enjoying watching his skating and learning about how figure skating works, I went to study abroad in Japan and my host mom found out that I was a big fan of him. On Christmas, about a week before my exchange program was over, she gave me a present. I opened up one end and saw that it was a book and I thought it was a bible because my host mom is a Christian and I thought "not my thing, but I love my host mom so I will still cherish this." It was Yuzuru's autobiography. I didn't mean to cry but I did. I was speaking to someone about how I was trying to find his book but couldn't, and she must've overheard and got it for me.
When I think of Yuzuru, I also think of that moment and my host mom. I can't think of him and not also think of my time with my host mom. I think his SP was beautiful last night, and it made me miss my host mom a lot.
But I do still think he's very cute and very handsome and I will not apologize for my fangirling!!! A little sad he most likely will not take home gold but I still love watching him skate
No. 1057100
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No. 1057979
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I'm finally back in touch with my favourite Grandma and it makes me so happy. We both love art, fashion, history, medicine and she made a huge impact on my future by calling CPS and I'm just so happy to have a family member talking to me.
I have a serious fear of aging but all the badass older women I know in my life make it so much easier. I just love them all!
No. 1058021
>>1057100This is so dumb but
I’ve always fantasised about having an online best friend so I could send her parcels and surprise gifts. There would be useful gifts, like stuff she wants for hobbies or for practicality, or dumb little references to things she likes. Anyway I’m glad you got this. I hope you stay good friends.
No. 1058029
>>1058021Nta, be my pen pal! I have another
nonnie pen pal but I think she might be a little busy
No. 1058256
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I'm proud of myself for a few things these days, most recently my poops.
No. 1058636
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>>867435nonnies, after a very hard 2 years of being one step away from in debt and unable to afford rent/bills…i've finally got enough work to last me until around april which means i can finally get the chance to save up some money!
i am a self employed bookkeeper, i hope i can do more training or keep up this momentum of work further into the year so i don't have to stress out thinking about buying shampoo or sanitary products for myself without being broke…
have a good day everyone!
No. 1058642
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>>1058636I'm so happy for you!!! I hope more and more work will continue to come your way, and I hope you'll get to live comfortably from here on out with plenty of money in the bank for emergencies and indulgences!
No. 1058700
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PINTEREST REACTIVATED MY ACCOUNT!!! they flagged me accidentally and i was mortified, they replied to me very fast too
No. 1058840
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Two years ago I got fired from my job after attempting to unionize. I got the department of labor involved and have been in a legal battle ever since. Finally got the verdict today and the judge decided in my favor so they owe me two years of back pay(I've been living off my savings) and they have to give me my job back and tell all the employees how they broke the law (they did more then just fire me illegally to prevent unionizing) I'm so happy that things actually worked out, and glad I didn't give up when everyone told me I was stupid for going against them and I was going to lose! Can't wait to go back and try to unionize again!
No. 1058890
My manager told me that I was doing a great job and that she will renew my job contract for 6 more months. Given how cursed I was as soon as I started looking for my very first job it feels like a miracle.
>>1058840That must have been so stressful, I'm glad for you that things worked out.
No. 1059198
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Had the shittiest day, came back home to unwind playing a game and got invited by complete strangers to do a raid activity; normally I'd refuse but decided to give it a shot and I got to spend a few hours trying to get through the encounters with the nicest, most patient people, effectively distracting me from all the bad thoughts. "Gaming community" can be trash but moments like this make the hobby worth the time
No. 1059243
>>1059198Cute. I'm jealous
nonnie. I miss cute random co-op moments. What game was it?
No. 1059666
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About to go to bed, reflecting on how grateful I am for my dad. We are similar personalities, he passed onto me many of his interests, I could go on forever but basically I can tell how much he loves his kids and wants us to be happy. He is a sweetie who does everything he does for us. I am so thankful for him in my life
No. 1060903
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I can't wait for school to start again. I took a gap year but I feel so shitty about it, I had a job as a cashier for half a year but it's just so demotivating when doing it 35 hours a week. I actually love learning when it's something I'm interested in and I'm going to the college of my dreams in half a year, I can't wait! I feel so happy I finally have a path in life, or something resembling it ♥ It's weird, sometimes I want to die and sometimes I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I feel like some very good and very bad things will happen this year, but I can't wait to see where the future takes me. I've never been to college, it's not full time so I'm sure I can handle it alright, I feel really really good about it
No. 1061022
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I love watching the women's Olympic events. They are so cool and strong. I love when the medal-winners cry with pride for all their hard work.
No. 1061032
>>1060903That's so exciting, anon. I hope you enjoy university! I think your genuine interest in attending will help you so much, it will be so motivating.
What do you want to learn about?
No. 1061483
>>1060903Have fun nonna!! I was very depressed and in hindsight, surrounded by many shitty people in college, but it was 4 years of crazy fun shit that I would never go back and change. I met bad people, but also met people that I am still good friends with today, and many people who continuously lent me a helping hand despite how god awful I was because of my mental illness. I still email one of my most beloved professors to this day.
I hope you'll meet lots of cool people and make amazing friendships! Befriend your professors and visit them during their office hours! Many of them really want you to succeed. Join clubs too if you have the time/your school is allowing it, I met many of my friends this way. Good luck! I wish you the absolute best!
No. 1061536
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Yes!! YES!!!!
No. 1061802
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I have no more eczema! Actually, I don't even really know when my eczema went away… it just did one day! I wasn't born with it but I starting having eczema patches appear on my hands (particularly around my fingers) in high school. I remember waking up to scratching myself. It was so painful, and even at its best I still had one or two persisent small patches that seemed to migrate between finger to finger.
I don't know what finally solved it but I haven't had any eczema patches come back in over a year.
No. 1061876
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>>1056981>>1057050Thank you nonnies, please indulge me in posting another picture of him. As expected he didn't win gold, but his free skate program was beautiful and I can't get over his gorgeous his costume is.
No. 1065467
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I posted it in the bunker thread, but I got to see Billie Eilish this past weekend! I also made friends with a random girl I was on line with kek.
It was my first time seeing a major pop artist and I had fun screaming out the lyrics and dancing around!! I'm not really that fond of her new album and where her music is going, but if she releases more music in the future that I like, I'd really like to see her live again. The vibe of her concert was so fun, I really enjoyed myself.
No. 1065519
>>1065476Ohhh, I'm so jealous of you
nonnie! I saw videos of her 2019 concerts and they looked sooo fun! The one I went to was fun too but I bet I would've liked her older setlist more!
No. 1065842
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Being a NEET with my also NEET best friend and living together is honestly the most fun I've had in years. We do almost everything together and I love it. It won't be like this forever obviously, but damn if you can financially secure it and have a best friend I recommend being a temporary NEET like this. There's always time for fun.
No. 1066143
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Just broke off one of the most toxic friendships of my life and I feel fucking incredible. She ofc used my friends number to blew up my phone and tried to say that I was the shitty one all along (even though she treated me like garbage for YEARS), and I left her on read, just like she did to me whenever she was giving me the silent treatment.
A message like that would usually send me spiralling but this time I felt absolutely nothing. She was lashing out and trying her hardest to take back control of the situation and make it seem like SHE was the one who wanted to end it. Tbh anons it did give me a bit of a rush to see the person who held so much power over me having a full-blown tantrum. I just feel totally at peace, like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally breathe again!!!
No. 1066339
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My hacked switch came woo!! I'm so excited. I'm going to download and emulate so many good games. I love handhelds. Feels like Christmas Day as a kid again
No. 1066549
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nonnie, I hope you and your spouse will have a very happy and blessed life together
No. 1066572
nonny!!!!! ♥
No. 1069448
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i think i'm finally making a tiny bit of progress on my quest to learn how to hula hoop. it's not much but it doesn't drop after 5 spins around my waist. i think it stays up for like 10 spins now? also my hoop is so pretty (picrel) and i love how it looks.
No. 1069838
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>>1069640ayrt, yeah it's crazy hard for me! i started with one of those massage hoops that are like 1.5 kgs and it was wayyy too heavy for me, my hipbones weren't bruised but the fat? muscle? was super sore and it just kept getting worse. so i returned that one and bought the blue one in the pic i posted. i just made wicked progress though while watching some youtube videos! i ended up hooping for 30-40 minutes and of course i kept dropping the hoop but i managed to keep it going for almost 30 seconds and maybe more at a time! i feel so good about myself now, i never had that "practicing until you get good at it" learning curve because my parents never encouraged me to try anything, so this feels amazing.
>>1069603i think for me the secret is putting the feet apart and bending the knees so your hips are more flexible and can move more freely? there are tons of beginner youtube videos though and maybe a different strategy works better for you. also you need to buy a proper hoop for adults since your hoop, when placed in front of you, should reach approximately up to your belly button. i'm 160 cm and mine is 95 cm in diameter.
for reference, i started practicing a week ago and have been using the lighter hoop for four days now.
No. 1069874
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Based Texas. I'm certain this will save some children's lives. This is how it should be in every country.
No. 1069909
>>1069900conservative evangelical politicians hating trannies is a distraction for them trying to take womens rights away, it's surface level fluff to try and skirt peoples support who wouldn't usually be on their side. they have been doing this for ages and i don't know why you people always fall for it. they hate biological women or pretty much any group that isn't an old rich white male so how can you call these turds based? greg abbott is not a
terf ally he's a monster whos caused suffering to millions of people, especially biological women
No. 1069914
>>1069909Politicians can have several views at once without being completely good or completely bad.
>greg abbott is not a terf ally he's a monster whos caused suffering to millions of people, especially biological womenWhat is he doing exactly?
No. 1069932
>>1069909Why do you assume I'm calling the politician based and not the act of making it illegal for children to be trannies
Why do you assume I think he's a
terf ally
I honestly don't give a fuck about Gregg and I'm not even American
No. 1069935
>>1069919basically what
>>1069916 said any southern republican politician is likely to be regressive when it comes to abortion rights and healthcare for women, so if you're an amerifag they're not your friend. they also hate workers rights, livable wages, and environmental protections, so if you have any progressive worldviews at all outside of your views on trannies then you probably shouldn't be calling them based, they hoard millions of dollars for themselves every year from their shoddy practices and only care about themselves.
abbott in particular is also really repugnant for the reason that he limited how much people could sue if an accident disabled them. despite receiving a stipend every year for the accident that caused him to be paralyzed, he won't allow people the same provisions. him and ted cruz are sociopathic wastes of space
No. 1069954
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saw some donkeys with blankets on a field earlier. i like seeing people take care of their animals
No. 1069972
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I’ve officially saved up $10,000 and I’m so proud nonnies. My friends are all very rich and get that much from their parents if they just ask for it but I’m proud that I saved that all up by myself. Might not seem like much but I did it while studying at university and working part time. So for me it feels like a huge amount of money and I’m proud of myself.
No. 1070012
>>1069972Proud of you,
nonnie! I've been in a similar situation when I used to study, so I totally understand this! Def a reason to celebrate yourself!
No. 1070024
>>1069972$10k is no small amount at all!! I'm so so so proud of you
nonnie! Keep that momentum going!
No. 1070030
>>1070012>>1069972Studying and working at the same time must not have been easy at all, be proud of yourselves, nonnas! Also, rich-nonna, just a gentle reminder: don't tell just anyone about your savings.
No. 1074048
>>1074027Love you
nonnie, wishing you and your husband all the best. I hope I find someone this sweet and devoted someday.
No. 1075143
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I'm chilling with a cup of tea in the garden in the first warm sunlight of the year! I'm wearing my wintercoat but still it's great here. I love finally going outside again. Also I just sowed a couple of herbs, so feeling good.
No. 1075644
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>>1074027did you really have to come in here and humble brag about your husband doing the bare minimum? the standards are in hell kek
(adhere to thread topic) No. 1080582
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My mom is finally making six figures and i’m so proud of her because she’s worked so hard to get where she is and it all finally paid off. She’s the best mom ever and I love her so much and i’m happy she doesn’t have to worry about finances anymore like when I was little, I remember budgeting for food and not being able to buy a lot of non essential things because she was making minimum wage due to us being immigrants and her not speaking the language and other circumstances. I’m just so over the moon about the fact that she can finally treat herself to anything she wants and not worry about if she can afford it. She really inspires me to do better in life in general.
No. 1080585
>>1080582That's so amazing
nonny, congrats to your mom!!
No. 1080878
>>1080716Thank you
nonnie! it’s nice to see people actually doing good in life for a change
No. 1082552
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I started a diet and I am slowly losing weight without losing my sanity. I am happy to see the number on the scale dropping, but even happier knowing that I still feel like my good, happy self. I did not have to deprive myself of a yummy snack or pastry to achieve this. I did not have to force myself to eat pathetically small portions and leave myself hungry and obsessed with when my next meal was to achieve this. I am not the person I was years ago, and I hope to continue and do right by myself, both mentally and physically.
No. 1082665
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I'm trying to lose 35-40 pounds and go back to my pre-sedentary weight by August through excerise and yoga. (It's 6 months so I know it's very doable and won't give me health risks). I can't do push ups or situps, but I CAN DO LEG LIFTS!!! And to think that freshman year I couldn't hold them in place for 1 minute. I WANT TO BE FIT, I WILL BE FIT AND BE ABLE TO HIKE AGAIN.
>>1082552Share your secrets oh wise anon
No. 1083037

>>1082664Maybe I should clarify that I've only been at it for 2 weeks before I get anyone's hopes up kek. But I do believe for sure that I've dropped weight (a little under 2lbs) because I have an unfortunate habit of weighing myself pretty frequently and the number on the scale as consistently been dropping.
It's nothing special besides being more conscious of what I eat, planning out what I eat ahead of time (including snacks!, usually a quick rundown in the morning in my head) and estimating the calories based on that. I'm probably doing it in a really janky way where I can easily screw up by not estimating correctly, but its been working so far! I try to overestimate if anything. I don't use an app to track calories because I quickly become very obsessive, especially if I can see the numbers. I've been pivoting towards much more healthy food choices where I can fit them in (I live with family and everyone eats terrible and does not want to change) and just being kinder with myself. Compromising with myself, holding myself responsible, and learning how to have self discipline with myself without letting myself fly off the rails as is what often happens. I'm still learning how to stay in this middle ground but things are going smoothly right now so I hope I'll be able to keep it up in the long term. I am also in a relatively good place in my life right now so that probably helps me mentally a lot too lol.
I've gone from obsessive calorie counting to giving up and doing whatever to intermittent fasting to where I am now. IF just isn't for me because it is really not that hard for me to eat all of my days calories in one sitting if I'm given free reign kek. Also I've found that hunger from fasting prompts me to carelessly overeat because I'm so hungry when I do get to eat.
>>1082665Anon that's awesome!! I also recommend checking out Hybrid Calisthenics videos on progressively working your way up to an exercise! If you can do leg lifts, you're well on your way to sit ups! I want to be able to do them too. I have a terribly weak core that results in a lot of back pain. I was doing bodyweight workouts but now I use ring fit to make things more exciting for my pea brain lol. I love doing yoga on days I'm too tired to work out. Becoming more flexible is great!
In the future I'd love to start lifting. Great way to work out, building up muscle means a higher tdee, etc… but also it's just so fucking cool!
No. 1088248
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My work is usually pretty chill but recently I had a truly ungodly amount of shit to do thanks to a recent project. I managed to get everything done on time despite wanting to rip my hair out. I hate having to deal with the stress, but boy does it feel extra sweet to relax this weekend knowing I don't have more of that waiting for me.
No. 1088896
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It's my dog's 18th birthday!! The big 1-8! She's slowed down considerably and is not much one for toys… or walks… and will maybe only accept cuddles under very certain conditions, but she still eagerly awaits her food everyday. Her favorite treat is only just coming into season but I haven't seen any good ones in the super market (alphonso mango), so instead I'm gonna be buying her some gouda cheese (her favorite of them all) for her to enjoy.
I feel so lucky and blessed to have had her for this long. Through the ups and downs, she is the light of my life. I have many regrets but it's useless to dwell on them. Every passing day is a blessing and I'm so happy to hear her little feet stomping around (even if I know it means she just peed somewhere she wasn't supposed to and now I have to go clean it up kek).
No. 1089015
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I went on a night walk in the park the other day with my boyfriend and we found TOADS. They were so cute and I kept finding so many. I had never picked one up before until then and their bellies are so fucking smooth and nice. I love their strong little arms and they made really cute croaks. We made sure to be really careful not to step on any since we had a flashlight with us. It was such a pleasant surprise.
No. 1089018
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>>1088896Happy birthday to your little lady!!!
No. 1089127
>>1089018Thank you
>>1089072Yess kek she loooves fruit! We bought her one of those cheese sampler plates and let her try all the different cheeses to see which one she liked best, but for fruit she will usually bark when she wants to try whatever we're eating. She won't bark if she's not interested though. I know dogs live beings with preferences but it's still so funny to think about! She doesn't get fed human food otherwise and shows no interest in any when I let her smell my dinner or snacks (sniffs and walks away).
>>1089015Wow that's so cool! Glad you had a nice, interesting walk with your boyfriend!
No. 1090661
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My dad is so sweet. He always wishes my mom and I a happy international women's day super early in the morning even though my mom and I often forget this day even exists kek.
Happy international women's day nonnas!
No. 1091116
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I don't know if manifestation is real, but I feel like I've manifested the person I've wanted to become for a long time. I wanted to be someone who wakes up early and basks in the morning light, someone who works out regularly and takes care of her body and mind, someone who just enjoys life and all that it has to offer, and now I am that person. It feels so weird to remember thinking "I wish I was the type of person to (do/enjoy xyz thing)" and then after a while I am that person. Is this manifestation? I don't know kek. I am happy and content with myself.
>>1090661Happy international women's day
nonnie! My mom asked why I didn't wish it to her but she's an immigrant, so I wasn't sure if she even knew what it was, then I was bantering with her and said "well why didn't you wish it to me!" lol
No. 1092622
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When someone says 'touch grass' I immediately think of my dog going outside to roll in the grass. That dude is sooo happy to touch grass!
No. 1092647
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>>1091116Nonnie, this is honestly inspirational to me. I want to be a better person and thus makes me feel hopeful that it's possible.
No. 1092751
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I only have good wishes for you my sister, my your knife pierce the sky as sharp and swift as it'll pierce the skull of the men who dare oppose you. For you are not only gracious and smart but a force to be reckoned with, I root for you, a happy, healthy and powerful life you may live.
Also manifesting sweets and pets your way.
No. 1092967
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>>1092647You can do anything you put your mind to! I really believe we can bend ourselves to be the person we want to be. It takes time and conscious effort, and we can't change everything about us or our personality, but I think it still helps to be aware of yourself, your thoughts, your decisions, and your actions. Good luck
nonnie, I believe in you! I hope in the future you'll sit down one day and realize that you are everything you want to be, faults and all!
No. 1092969
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>>1092390YAAY!! That's so awesome! Keep it up!
>>1092751I love you
nonnie No. 1093124
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>>1093068Picrel! It's the JBL Flip 5, it's a bit pricey but totally worth it! The noise doesn't go through walls either, my parent's room is next to mine and I asked them if it annoys them, they said they never noticed. So no worries about annoying your neighbors either lol.
No. 1094422
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Nonnies, I got accepted into my uni's mortuary science program after leaving my previous major that my parents forced me to pursue! I've never felt so free and happy in months. I'm also optimistic that I'll beat my ADHD's ass!
No. 1096463
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I love rats so much it's unreal. look at their little hands
No. 1096613
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>>1096463Based, rats are amazing
No. 1096797
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>>1096613based fellow rat enjoyer
>>1096626kek no I love rats because of their rat-like qualities which work on rats, but not men
No. 1096871
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i gave myself a french type bob haircut on impulse because PMS has me going crazy. i usually hate short hair on myself, but i actually ended up really liking it. i feel confident and new, this is what i needed right now.
No. 1097436
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I just checked all my accounts and I have almost $30k to my name. I can't believe it. A huge chunk of it is in retirement funds, some of it in investments, but other than that it's all in separate bank accounts I have. I'm not as frugal as I'd like to be but holy shit it feels fucking surreal to know I have that much money to my name. It feels good to know I have some semblance of a safety net for me and my family.
No. 1098139
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I think It's wonderful younger generations are more encouraged to get into the arts and that there are so many easily accessible resources out there to learn now. When I was a child I loved art and wanted to learn, but felt like I had no natural talent or skill and face discouragement and ridicule for trying from others. So I quickly stopped drawing even for fun or trying to pursue any kinds of artistic endeavors. But it warms my heart to see so many young people getting into art now and using it to express themselves and have fun.
No. 1098863
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Today feels really good and warm even though the ground is still wet from the storm last night. Enjoying it now before it becomes balls hot.
I'm sorry for everyone having a rough time in the world right now I wish I could change it all, but just reading about happy things helps me stay positive and hopefully brings more positivity into the world, even if it changes just one person's day.
No. 1098869
>>1098863Cute sweet
No. 1099135
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I saved this post a long while ago, and I think about it often. I think I saw it around the time I broke up with my ex, and all I could think was “can this be me one day?” I’ve usually always been one always to have a crush or always yearning for a girlfriend, so it felt impossible to just be happy and content on working on myself… but right now, I’m happy! I’m happy being single! I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in life! I think I’ve grown a lot since my last relationship and I’m in no rush for another. There are times when I do wish I had a girlfriend, but I have plenty of friends to do go around town with. I hope I’ll find my lovely girlfriend one day, and that she will be as hopelessly in love with me as I will be with her. I hope that she will think I’m the sunshine, and know that I think she is the earth that I want to keep warm and loved. I hope I’ll find someone to share in my happiness.
I hope the OP of this post is doing well!
No. 1099662
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Thanks to the nonny that played the Umineko VN tracks in the Tunesday room. It's the perfect drawing music for me! The chat really lifted my mood even though I didn't talk much. I love women ♥
No. 1099670
>>1099135>>1099172This makes me think… am I only worthy (or in the right place) to have a healthy relationship if I have (a lot of) friends? No matter how I try, I don't care about most of people. I wish I could find one close friend and one SO to love. It's so hard to find the kind of relationships im looking for.
I'm working on my life and self-esteem issues, but IDK if I will ever have many friends.
No. 1099688
>>1099172Thank you for the sweet reply nona ♥ Love you!
>>1099670Absolutely not! You are worthy of having a healthy relationship with people regardless of how many friends you have or don't have. You don't need to have a lot of friends if it's not for you, I don't! I said "plenty" in my post, but that differs from person to person. My best friend has a crazy number of friends that she gets along with, but for me, I have her and two others lol (and that's enough for me to go around and do fun stuff with).
I get what you mean about the types of relationships you're looking for being hard to find. I met my current friends when I was much younger and outgoing. I'm much quieter and more reserved now, and struggle to make new friends on my own. It also makes me wonder if I'll ever find a girlfriend because I don't like to put myself out there, so I hope she'll somehow find me lol.
I don't think you'll need many friends to feel fulfilled. Even just one person who you click really well with is all that matters! I hope that you'll continue to work on yourself and become a person that you're happy to be, and that you'll find yourself with a small, intimate circle who loves you in the future.
No. 1101410
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Today I had a very productive and uplifting day, but I'm kinda tired rn. I'll take a nap and see u nonnies later. muawh! hope you are having a great day!
No. 1102101
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I'm glad I didn't waste as much time doing things other people want me to do. Life really is too short.
No. 1102473
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One of my favorite creators is doing a Monthly class and gave away a limit number of seats for free on her patreon and I managed to get a seat! I'm very excited. I don't know how much I'll learn or if it'll be worth it, but watching this person's videos always sparks something crazy in me that makes me want to go out and build crazy stupid shit for fun. At the very least, I didn't have pay the steep $250 for the class lol.
No. 1102475
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>>1100438Happy for you nonna! I always feel so nostalgic for my college days- I had so much fun!
>>1101410Muwah, hope you had a good nap
>>1101411More cows for you ♥
>>1102101Live your life to the fullest!
No. 1102702
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>>1102641damn, nice. that's a fucking great deal. what do they look like? estate sales are great, just sometimes a little depressing but you can find some real literal gems there. i have a similar story to tell. i just bought an (originally) $1200 kohler soaking tub, open box, for $430 yesterday. everyone please admire my sexy sleek tub. literally this tub has sex appeal it is so beautiful. i'm so psyched at the savings. i can't wait to soak in in this bitch considering how small BISQUE (should be outlawed) and positively geriatric looking my last tub was
(not my bathroom, just the same tub, it's also taller than it looks here)
No. 1102718
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>>1102502Austrian traditional cow ceremony
No. 1102736
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I got a 100% on my assignment for uni. Feels good. I'm always so insecure that I'll do poorly that half the time I'm afraid to check my marks (even though they're usually fine.) It's kind of neurotic of me
No. 1102873
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The cat thread inspired me to take my cats outside on their leashes and enjoy the spring weather. Make some time for your pets today nonnies, even if its just some play time, or maybe give them some nice food
No. 1103686
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I've made posts in the vent thread about having to shave my head because I was losing hair due to malnutrition. I'm posting in this thread because my hair is growing and it looks way, way healthier than it did just a few months ago! It's still a bit thin but way better looking. My pixie cut is coming back and I'm so excited. It makes me happy, nonnies. I'm feeling much better about myself and the birds outside my window are chirping up a storm. It's a good day and I hope it's the start of something better!
No. 1104351
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I went out and bought some puffy stickers with my adult money for my adult self. I don't care if it's stupid they are adorable and make me happy. I'm going to put them on my laptop
No. 1105201
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I worked my third shift at my new job and it was busy and fun! People have been really nice and encouraging to me. I’ve never felt so welcome at a job, and this is one of the only jobs I’ve had where I don’t even feel like going home at the end of the shift. Feelin’ pretty happy about things for once.
No. 1105227
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>>1105204>nonnichenadorable, love you both
No. 1105316
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doki No. 1107595
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I SAW THEM!! I SAW MY FAVORITE GROUP!!! AND I GOT TO BE AT THE VERY FRONT!!! Nonnies I had the absolute best time of my life tonight. It was worth it sitting outside for 6 hours in chilly, windy weather. It was worth my back pain flaring up. I had so, so, so much fun tonight. I love seeing this group so much, they never disappoint. Their shows are so much fun, and while I usually get pretty close to the stage each time, this is the first time I’ve ever been at the FRONT!!! and I’m SO HAPPY!!! I’m sorry to all the people behind me for getting my hand/arm in their videos kek I don’t know if there’s etiquette about being in the front, I was just too busy having the time of my life to care.
No. 1107673
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Anonnitas, if you ever feel like you want to alter your faces or get plastic surgery remember this.
No. 1108472
>>1107877you come into the positivity thread to shit on someone elses post and be negative?? this thread is to get away from anons like you.
OP I think your image is sweet.
>>1107673 No. 1110877
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>>1110842Nona this is so amazing, congrats!!!
No. 1111456
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I finally told my boyfriend "I think I love you." He was quiet for a second and then said "I definitely love you."
No. 1111458
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>>1111456SO SWEET. I still remember that first time my husband and I said I love you. So happy for you nona!
No. 1115131
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I just started Skyrim for the first time. I’m having fun. One more hour of real work till I can go steal cabbages!
No. 1117383
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Her music saved me from a depressive spiral the other night, turning it around entirely. I don't think I've been able to do that before, thank you Enya-sama
No. 1120754
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I am happy I never looked into MLP ENG community during the days. I grew out of the show quickly when Lauren Faust left it and returned just to read the comics. They are ten times better than the actual (after-lauren) show with a lot of deep and fun storylines, especially the reflection one which is _kind of_ canon, so to speak, which I cannot explain without spoiling it. It's amazing how good the comics are, there are even separate ones about the villains.
No. 1120816
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careful scrolling gore now
No. 1121279
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Keeping it positive
No. 1121880
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>>1120832>I'd buy anything with a babushka on itWhat about anything with a cat on a babushka on it
No. 1121881
I second this
>>1121878Thank you for what you put up with <3
No. 1121884
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>>1120816and when you drink them all you can use them in the forest for target practice. it has use even after drink, so babushka approves!
No. 1121958
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In the past weeks, I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries about Blobs because I find them fascinating, and I’ve finally decided to purchase one so I could cultivate and make experience. Yesterday I started the process and I was so afraid of messing it up but it went fine and look how beautiful and strong she looks now ! It’s been only a day and she is growing so fast it’s amazing to see, it’s so hard to imagine that it’s only one huge cell moving so fast! I could sperg about it for hours so I will stop and I’m sorry for the godawful pictures. Also, I’m looking for names for her, if anyone has funny ideas I will greatly appreciate it !
No. 1122007

>>1121968Thank you
nonnie, Nonna is now her official name !
>>1121987This is the best question
nonnie, I will try my best to answer! The real name is Physarum polycephalum, it's a slime mold and they are only one huge cell containing several nuclei. They are supposedly a very simple organism but it is absolutely crazy the things that they can do! They can sometimes measure meters and if they are hungry they can move at 4cm per hours! They are known to be super efficient in finding the shortest path towards food and scientists made all sorts of experiments to make them solve labyrinths and combine different sources of food to create the perfect nutrition for them.
Audrey Dussutour who’s an expert on the subject proved that blobs were capable of habituation, which was a huge deal for biology. They can learn to accept something they disliked after enough exposure to it ; when they combine with another blob (yeah, they can do that) they will pass down this knowledge to the newly formed blob.
When they are somewhere without food they will dry out and just wait to be awaken by water ( like the gremlins kek). The crazy thing is that they totally regenerate during this dormance( they telomeres grow back to their initial size) and they can stay 2 years like that!
There is a funny story behind the nickname "blob", it’s because a woman in Texas found one in her garden and started freaking out when she couldn’t make it disappear with pesticide, the thing just kept on growing so she called the police and they started shooting the poor thing lol. It just kept on growing and disappeared one day. It was a rural place and nobody knew about it. A journalist ran with the story and started calling it an alien, so they gave him the surname based on the sci-fi movie “the blob” !
I bought mine on amazon ( I hope it’s also available everywhere !
No. 1122011
>>1122007Nta but what the hell is this scifi alien insanity? I’m both intrigued and a little scared, I have never heard of this thing in my life. Are you a mad scientist or supervillain to know about this
I want to get one too now No. 1122030
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I am going to a mall for the first time in 10 months and I am really excited. I will dress myself up, do my hair and go watch a movie just because I can. We all deserve good relaxing days, nonnie. Don't forget that. Grab a good blanket, make yourself a cupcake and watch a nice movie. The world can wait. I love you. Thank you for being patient in this both online and offline mess.
No. 1122125
>>1122030As lame as this sounds I’ve had a really hard time lately and this actually made me smile lmao Thankyou Taylor/anon, hope you had a killer day,
No. 1122132
>>1122030It's been about 10 months for me too. I was ready to book a train ticket thismorning but train times have changed since I last got one so.. I had a spring cleaning day at home instead. I intended on going out though.. that's a start lol
Hope you have a good one anon.
No. 1122259
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No. 1122263
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Bump for gore
No. 1122265
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>>1122263Bump say hi to gracie love yall
No. 1122271
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>>1122263 good idea!
Bump for gore. This is my laptop lock screen, it makes me smile every time I see it
>>1122265Hi, Gracie!
No. 1122279
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>>1122271Also my bf is taggin in momentarily to help report so i dont keep freaking out not all dudes are the worst
>>1122333Tbh the scariest thing about the pictures was how police and other people don't respect the privacy of dead people and leak the pictures online. They aren't scary at all and the anon was definitely overreacting by bringing in her scrote.
Inb4 she ends up infighting in one of the threads with her scrote as he's trolling us in a few days…
No. 1122347
>>1122344I really dont understand, if there was any way to show time stamps on the report, it would be so quickly he did not read. He just scanned for images.
If a man is gore posting, why shouldnt one help clean the mess? I just didnt want anons to see the images. Hes not posting and hes back to his game.
Im not trying to fight, if anything i was just trying to be proactive so less women saw the terrible images.
No. 1122379
>>1122373Im sorry everyone, hes not even on the site and wont come back. I panicked and asked for help because I was trying to be proactive. I wasnt trying to piss anons off. I just wanted to help because i enjoy sharing this space with the nonnas, and those images are vile.
My apologies.
(ban evasion) No. 1122469
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>>1122007Amazing! That's so fascinating, I'm surprised I hadnt heard of it yet! The one you linked isn't available but there's plenty of other on .fr (but strangely enough nothing on .de!). I'm literally 15 minutes from the french border, so I can order and pick it up, thank you thank you! Or I could steal petri dishes from work, make agar with bouillon and agar powder and take a trip to the forest to find some! Like a springtime project, hmm.
On a amazon related note I got these heart effect sunglasses off the site and they're so cool! Gimmicky and probably not for everyone and they only work at night kek but when I wear them they always make me smile!
No. 1122490
>>1122379Nonny I'm sure you meant well but it was definitely a misstep to bring a scrote on, this is a place for women. Not women and "good men".
Hell, I've got 2 male besties of 15 years, I do think (very few) men can be decent, and despite spending hours here daily for god knows how many years, they don't know this place, and I'll never tell them. Because it's not a place for men to contribute or even lurk in any capacity, and I do my best to upkeep that for all the women here. If the gore really upsets you please do just log off until a later time for you own mental health, I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1124523
>>1122946Ty anon! Omg stuffed animal backpacks are so cute, I bet you look adorable! I wanna gut an old teddy now and make a backpack.
>>1122858Yess mine is black so we can be a cute brown bear and a cute black bear together <3
No. 1128280
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>>1128271Aw I'm happy for you
nonny No. 1128468
>>1128423I'm so excited for you! Congrats nona! That is amazing, I wish you lots of love and good things for your future together!!
>>1128271Ahh I'm happy you got to see old friends nona, what a good feeling. I feel happy just hearing all this good news right now lol!
No. 1130280
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I had a dentist appointment today for a regular cleaning and he told me my gums were healthy and my teeth were well taken care of and that he wished he could use me as an example for his other patients heh. I used to have really bad oral hygiene growing up and cavities so it makes me really happy to hear that. Now I really look forward to brushing my teeth and flossing. I love the feeling of a clean mouth, it’s such an easy boost to my mood and just makes me feel so clean. Proper brushing and flossing is just a part of proper self care and gives me that same pampered self care feeling of setting a bath or something lol
No. 1130665
>>1130658Nta, in the vast majority of countries there’s more cats needing homes than there are cats with homes. Every bred cat that goes into a home means there’s one less home for cats overall. So it might not be
those cats specifically that suffer, but there will be cats that suffer because they could’ve been adopted and now they won’t be. It’s not a good excuse to cause nice, adoptable cats to be gassed.
No. 1131164
>>1130658Even the OG breeder anon said some kittens were stolen. This doesn't mean that they found homes, it could mean anything, even that they were
caught by some cruel scrotes and murdered. At least legitimate breeders actually know exactly what's happening to their cats they sell, anon here just enjoys looking at kittens and whatever happens later, well too bad, kittens stolen, let's have another batch since she made her cat give 5 births already.
No. 1134573
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I've been a firm believer of "put good energy out into the universe and that's what you'll get back" shit for years now. Ever since I got my shit together after my post-breakup depression, that's just what I've been trying to do. I hold my head high and try to be positive, and I know sometimes I come off annoyingly optimistic, but I feel like I've been rewarded time and time again for it. Nothing big, nothing grand, but my life continues to be pushed uphill.
I want to be the type of person who just exudes so much happiness and optimism. I want to be someone who passes on positivity and good energy to the people around me, because I feel like I've been so blessed in life recently and I want to share it! I hope I get to the point where if someone encounters me for the first time, they think "oh my god she's so bright and cheery, it's fucking annoying." Like, yes! I am annoyingly happy about life, and I'm going to dump all this sunshine on your life too so you can experience the same joy for living that I do!
No more romanticizing being sad, no more "uwu im depwessed and can't get out of bed", I'm romanticizing becoming the sunshine in people's lives.
No. 1134619
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>>1134596MWAUH love you too ♥
No. 1134923
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>>1134805Nona this is amazing!! Wishing the absolute best for you!
No. 1135076
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>>1134573I really relate anon, or at least you have the energy I'm looking to channel. I went through a terrible relationship too and I don't know, something in me just flipped and I got so fed up with being depressed, anxious and upset all the time. I know a lot of people don't like to hear "your thoughts become your reality" because they think it minimizes mental illness and that sort of thing, and to an extent I get it, but there are also so many people out there who have been through INSANE scenarios and came out the other side happy and healthy because of their perspective. It's not that it's always an easy or natural thing to do, but it's still a decision you make. (Kind of like Stoicism teaches.) Understanding that feels so empowering, because I know even during difficult times I can pull through and choose to look forward to better things. I don't have time for people who are morbid and angry 24/7 anymore. No matter how much I tried to help them they'd already decided that was the mental space they wanted to exist in. I know how that becomes comfortable and normalized, but I'm choosing to get better now and I hope I can find other optimistic, happy people like you going forward. You're doing a great job.
No. 1135178
>>1135099I don't talk to many people outside of occasional work meetings, casual interactions at grocery stores and that sort of thing. Maybe it's silly but interacting with anons here (regarding neutral or healthy topics, not drama) has been nice in addition to a few online friends. Otherwise I'm happy on my own and am reserving my in-person time for people who really vibe with me. I think it's fine to be more of a loner as long as you're content that way and social interactions in general don't make you miserable.
>My body still remembersAre you exercising regularly, going for walks, doing any sort of "fun" physical activity like yoga, dance, swimming, etc? Exercise protects against depression and gives you more energy. I know it's the old ouroboros in that you may feel too tired to exercise but lack of exercise makes you even more sluggish, but the difference between when I'm active and not is really day and night. If you're not doing it already treat it like taking medicine, not fun but necessary for your health. Start off easy if something more intensive sounds too intimidating/exhausting.
No. 1135578
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>>1135076>it's still a decision you makeYES!!! This is absolutely it! I think that a huge unfortunate thing that is happening today is people's choice to refuse to get better, to change for the better. It is so much easier to stay in your comfort zone and to play
victim and rely on other people. Of course you can't just will away a serious mental illness, but there are plenty of us who have chosen to get better and to take steps to managing ourselves and improving our lifes.
The beauty of our lives is that we have so much power in it! We have so much power in shaping our lives and futures. I know someone will jump in and say something like "well not everyone is in a good situation" but for every person who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, there are thousands born into terrible situations who have chosen to better themselves despite the cards they have dealt.
>I know how that becomes comfortable and normalized, but I'm choosing to get better now and I hope I can find other optimistic, happy people like you going forward.Thank you nona ♥ I hope you'll find wonderful people in your life! Part of me started improving myself because I was being spiteful of the type of people who used to be in my life who always played
victim and had people cater to them kek. I wince when I see people online, especially young people, who indulge in the same ideology- that they are helpless little beans, poor them! Nothing will ever turn out right for them! So they will just complain, complain, complain and stay like that. I'm happy that I'm no longer like that, and I'm happy that you're choosing to better yourself too! I'm wishing the best for you, for all of us ♥
>>1135099I don't really know how to answer you nona, because I can't really remember when I started becoming the way that I am now. At the very least, you have stopped stewing in your own negativity, and that was how I started. Being happy and cheerful wasn't on my mind after I no longer existed in a state of feeling like I was at rock bottom shit. I went from rock bottom to "this place sucks but it isn't rock bottom and everything here I know I can tolerate and willingly tolerate and that is enough" and for a long time, that was enough for me. I didn't care if I was never happy, as long as things didn't have to go back to how they were.
But after you reach the bottom, the only way is up. I just wanted to make my life a little less shit than the day before. I got out of rock bottom, so I can make this place of "not total shit" at least marginally better.
If you don't want to exercise (but I highly suggest you do too), start with basic stretching. There's lots of follow along videos on youtube! At the very least, it's super easy and makes your body feel good. I did it because I felt that it was an easy way to make my body feel good. It feels good to start the day off with a good stretching routine. It feels even better to do it in the morning while the sun rises. It feels the best to know that this is time I set aside solely for myself to enjoy myself and make myself feel good, to have this moment to focus on just me. Rinse and repeat as you work your way up, to walking, to yoga, to other types of workouts that you want to do/will tolerate doing. I found that my body just started to crave it after doing it for a long time, we are creatures of habit after all.
After a long time where my main focus was just making things a little less shitty, it finally hit that, "oh. I'm happy, I'm content with where I am in life" stage that I'm still in. I've been building and building and building my life up, and now I'm at the point where I just feel content by default rather than just neutral about living. My life is still average and boring, but I'm very happy with it and happy to be living the life that I am. If I was my past self, I'd probably be fearful of it all slipping through my fingers, but I have made it here once before so I can make myself do it again. It's a long slow process, but I hope you'll get to the place you want to be one day.
As for talking to people, I think it's fine if you don't want to talk to people! I'm quite introverted (as much as I'd like to believe otherwise lol), but I think there's beauty in learning to enjoy your own company and solitude. I have a handful of longtime close friends that I speak with regularly and I know that I'm incredibly lucky to have had them stick by me and grow with me after all these years. I hope you'll be able to find similar people in your life.
No. 1137501
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I made hummus but fucked it up, but I managed to fix it and now I have yummy hummus. The first time I ever had hummus was years ago and I didn't really like it then, but recently I've just been craving it randomly. I want to be lazy and buy it but I think it's gonna be one of those foods where I have to make it myself and to my preferences otherwise I won't like it (i.e. adding an absurd amount of garlic in kek).
No. 1142555
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Don't scroll, CP
No. 1142703
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I will start writing nice and long comments full of excicement under fanfics I enjoyed reading. As an artfag only recenlty I have realised how much even a small 'I like your work!!' matters to us, small people who create their own content. I hope I will make the authors day a bit brighter, because we all have it tough at least every once in awhile. Every writer-anon thats reading it, i love you and your work matters.
No. 1143197
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I love my family! I have an awesome family! I’m so lucky!
No. 1143202
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>>1142703Aww thats so sweet nona! I try to do this too! I don't really write but once I published a shitty piece of smut on AO3 for my own indulgence and I was soooo surprised at all the sweet comments… even people asking me if I had an account they could follow because they wanted more (since I published it on anon), or if I'd continue the story with my characters!
>>1142731Love you ♥ I like to think of the bad days as rainy days- you really appreciate it when the sun comes out after it rains. Bad days just remind me to appreciate the good days when they come back! I hope your future is filled with many, many more happy days ♥
>>1143197You sound so cute nona.
No. 1143356
i gained 8 pounds which brings me up to a semi normal weight! i graduate in may and my friends and family are throwing me multiple parties, i just released myself from
toxic friends, i feel so good and loved by everyone around me. still anxious about job prospects though and i'm running low on cash
>>1143270that's always such an exciting feeling! i hope you find joy in decorating it
No. 1143547
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I finished writing the draft for my first book and I want to scream and cry with relief and joy. It's been a very difficult labor of love and I'm so proud of myself, even though I just spent the last six months hating myself and questioning if it's even good/worth my time. I'm going to let it rest for two weeks or more then start the second draft, and after that I think it'll actually be readable so I can get feedback from my friend. I am so happy and I want to celebrate but not sure how! I'm just so glad I stuck with it and finished it.
No. 1143972
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Taking off work for the whole next week
No. 1145065
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I switched from smoking to vaping 3 years ago and 3 days ago I decided I would quit. It’s only been like 72 hours and I don’t know how long nicotine withdrawal lasts but I’m feeling pretty good so far even though I really, really, really want it. Send me vibes, affirmations and prayers plz
No. 1145083
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I got new coconut shampoo and my hair is super soft now
No. 1145143
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>>1145065Sending you healthy vibes nona!
No. 1145377
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I got some new isopods! Hopefully these will be enough to start a new colony, since the last ones went 'missing' after I added them to the frog enclosure… not making that mistake again
No. 1145486
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I just love my friends so much
No. 1147238
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I'm kinda proud that I pass as a boomer online, but I don't know why it keeps happening kek
No. 1148417
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TERFs fucking rise up. I was on FB and typically expect plenty of pickme and not-all-men behavior on there, but I scrolled past this post from a very generic, non-feminist page and some dumb scrote mouthed off about how "women's complaints" are the reason for lowered rates of marriage. A bunch of women proceeded to eviscerate him in the comments. I know it gets tiring out there nonies but I love seeing feminists in the wild and I have hope we're moving in the right direction. Women's names blanked for privacy, male's is not because he can suck a beloved bro's dick
No. 1148887
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My family has farmland, and we are now growing veggie seedlings on our windowsills and I love passing by and watching them bathed in the sun and observing the growth. Every sunny window is full of little green leaves and I'm so happy. I started to really enjoy growing plants a while back so this is heaven. It's so satisfying to watch them develop and they're almost like pets to me. Looking at them makes me so giddy sometimes
I really appreciate this new interest, especially since I couldn't see the fun in farming and gardening for the longest time, and I only saw it as lame, embarrassing, tough chores, that's only good for getting fruit from
Now my gardening dream is to buy one of those big industrial shelves, and modify it into a small greenhouse. I also want to make a big version of those wooden fruit crates, paint it pretty, and make it an indoor forget-me-not flower bed. Tiny flower plants are the cutest things! We also got a wildflower mix to scatter in our backyard, and I really hope they grow! That was my third dream kek
No. 1150373
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My instructor had me drive on the highway to get to my road test site and honestly it was kind of terrifying but I'm living to tell the tale so… kek. I only got docked 5 points for my right turn being wide but I already know (and hope to improve) my turns! I thought I got a lot more docked off. When parallel parking I thought I was too far from the curb and said "oh I'll fix that real quick" but the proctor wouldn't let me? Then as I came out of my U turn he said "you need to pay attention to your surroundings." After I stopped at a stop sign I was about to go but then waited for another 2 minutes as people showed up, and the last car to pass was a lady with her turn signal on so I thought I might've been safe but I decided to play it safe and wait for her to turn but thank god I waited because she just kept going straight!!! My proctor scribbled something down afterwards so I thought maybe it wasn't okay that I sat at the stop sign for a long time? The speed limit is 25 here and I was just under 20 since it was super residential and I had to frequently slow down/stop because of stop signs so I thought I got points off for that too lol.
But I have my license now!!!!!! I know this is still just the beginning of me learning to drive, but I'm excited that this hurdle is over with. I'm looking forward to all the trips I'll be able to go on one day. My first goal this year is to become comfortable enough to be able to drive up to my favorite apple farm and take my friends with me! It's a looong 2 hour drive on a highway, but I think I can do it!
also am venting in the vent thread about some stupid shit my boss pulled that is still boiling my blood that almost fucked this up for me but I just wanted to keep this post alone positive because I PASSED AHHHHHHHH ITS BEEN 5?? 6?! YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!!
No. 1150443
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No. 1150669
>>1150523I hope you'll get to live there nona! It's always nice when you find places like that. I feel like owning property is like… a meme? I don't know how to really describe it, but it's something I aspire to too. I hope your future home there will be the coziest space.
>>1150570Congrats!!! I hope your job goes well and you'll get to where you want to be in the future!
No. 1152945
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i had a really good laugh today, it's been a while
No. 1153135
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I'm bonding with my dad over making birdhouses together. It's been a while since we were so friendly! Some of the carpentry tips he gives me are very basic, but I see how happy it makes him to teach me, and I don't even think of saying 'I know that'
Also I think this board makes me have a more positive outlook, and I'm thankful for you nonnas ♥
No. 1153187
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Can I get pats on the back? I'm proud of myself, I have successfully weened off of most social media! I was the type of person to always get triggered and would reply to posts and comments. I would get into e-fights regularly (surprisingly never here) and would actually be upset and angry irl for days at a time. I've let go of facebook, twitter, tiktok, reddit, and discord. I still have instagram but I use it to talk to long distance friends and only comment on friends posts. I was really bad at commenting on youtube videos, my notifications would get spammed with replies. I've gone to only commenting positive things when I really want to give kudos to the creator, and I've managed to stay consistent with it for about 4 months now. It feels like a huge weight off my shoulders because my mental health was getting dragged down by my obsession. I think my next step will be to private my instagram.
No. 1153469
>>1152769I feel like there's a push and pull on owning property. It feels like one of those "olden days" things and I do agree owning property is great and should be aimed for, especially in terms of the feeling of security it gives, but I feel like a lot of people meme on it now like "well why should I aspire to own property? that's such an old way of thinking!" sort of thing. I don't know how to describe it but I've seen people shit talk it, but it probably spawns out of jokes of despair about never being able to afford buying a place of their own.
Myself and my friends all want to own property, and I'm set to inherit my parents apartment which I'm looking forward to one day because I'd never be able to afford to buy a place of my own otherwise.
No. 1154034
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I've been doing a love ritual the past few days and I think it actually might have worked. Today I made a new friend and caught up with an old friend, ate dinner with him, talked, listened to music and everything. He is a bit lonely (has no friends he told me) so he said 'I like being alone, but company can be nice too'. I said 'you talking about me?' and he said 'yeah', how sweet is that! I said he can give me a call anytime if he wants to see me again and he said 'I will!'. I really like him, we seem to have the same values and some hobbies in common as well (bonus points, he has a good relationship with his mom and dad). The other girl I met at a shop, I complimented her shoes and we started talking, she gave me her number and asked if we can do something together sometime ♥ One of the weirdest days of my life but I feel happy, I don't have many friends so this makes it even more of a special feeling!
No. 1155914
>>1154034Its nice if it worked for you anon, rituals don't really work for me because I have a stubborn mind so I have to resort to summoning you-know-what.
>>1155905Rituals are basically manifestation and your subconscious. Even if you do the ritual there is a high chance nothing will happen.
No. 1155954
>>1155787>>1155905>>1155914Walltext and possible autism incoming: Rituals do not work if you do them solely for yourself when you feel like it. You can not expect a higher being (whichever you believe in, I don't believe in specific gods. I do think there is a god and devil in the sense that they are not individuals, but they exist throughout all of us and all of the world. I mostly believe and worship the power of my ancestors, mother earth and father sky.) I light candles for them every night, a white one on the left side of my altar to represent the good, femininity, the sun, 'god'. At the right side of my altar I have either a red or black candle (I prefer red, but black is fine. I just use black usually to absorb negative energy too it so it can be a bit confusing lol). This one is used to represent masculinity, evil (fitting), the night and the 'devil'. For my ancestors I have a candle holder with an ankh on it (I believe in reincarnation, and want to send my ancestors as much luck as possible. I usually use green candles for financial success or yellow for increased creativity, cheeriness ect. You can use these for yourself too, but it is a must to get a different candle holder. You need one specifically for yourself, if you want to work with ancestors (it makes the ritual more effective in my experience, generates more energy and that's always good with rituals! Plus, when you give some thing you get something (there is a saying where I'm from, wish I could say it and you could all understand it lol.) It is important to worship them not just once for show, but every single night (this is very necessary!). Karma is very real, and if you do not worship at least the universe the ritual itself will be useless. Entities are petty and if you don't give them anything and just ask ask ask you get nothing in return.
Now onto the ritual! The ritual itself is best done with the new moon, but full moon works well too. On other days I have noticed it now being quite as effective. You take any type of candles, so long as they're pink (for love, not just romantic but for friendship and self love too), light blue (for stability, this is something I personally find very important in a relationship but you can do some research on candle magick and switch it out for something you desire) and a black one (to absorb negative energy! First, light your white and red/black candles, ancestor candle if you work with those and some incense (I usually use palo santo as it has a bit of connection to my ancestors, but you can use the infamous sage too), wait a bit before you start the ritual and feel the energy, be present. A candleholder with a pentagram to make your wishes comes to earth is best for this but if you do not have one, make sure you have some kind of pentagram somewhere. You can carve them into the candles too, if they're wide enough. Cleanse your other candles with sage first obviously, then light the black one. Then use it to light the pink one, and then the black one. This will absorb negative energy from your pink and blue/whatever other color. Wait until the candles are burnt up and you're pretty much done! I usually get quite long dinner candles and do this over multiple days (from when the new/full moon starts to when they are burnt up). You can light rose incense while burning your candles too if you want to, i rarely do because I don't notice the effect very well but you can if you have it!
and umm, for you lonely nona's, if we were't nona's I'd be your friend ♥ Do not rely on magic fully, go out there, meet up with old friends whatever the case may be!Also the candleholder can be found at the thrift store and sage (incense) and candles at any old store, so it is quite cost effective (unless candles are expensive when you're from, I don't know). And my alter is straight up a piece of wood I got out of the trash container at my old work stacked onto a bunch of old magazines duct taped together lol. You don't need 5 billion fancy things, your intentions is all that counts! Good luck to you nonna's, I'll light up a candle for you two too haha!
sorry for the redditspacing btw, I've never written such a walltext and thought it would be hard to follow No. 1155966
>>1155954Wtf You don't need entities for rituals, sure you can incorporate them into a ritual but that is optional.
Rituals are intention and a tool/program for manifestation and same goes for crystals.
No. 1155979
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to my girls on cytube yesterday, if you see this when you all wake up or are around: sorry i left early and out of nowhere, i got busy but i had more fun than i've had in years with you all today and YOU GUYS HELPED ME SO MUCH. i couldn't be more grateful for your support!!! i got the refund from that asshole guy and he gave me no lip! i was shitting and pissing my pants simultangeously in fear of him bitching me out or giving me a negative reading and being $75 poorer for no reason, but it was easy! i can't express to you guys how grateful i am for your support. i wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys backing me up and giving me validation. i love you guys already sm! we had so much fun!
i'm actually legitimately tearing up (lame, i know) while typing because the level of genuine sweetness and support, was incredible. for me, i felt an actual feeling of legitimate sisterhood amongst a whole group of girls who were all literal strangers to me. it's a feeling i've never felt in my life in a group of strangers, and certainly something most people wouldn't think was even possible on an imageboard. it was so fun, and just so special to me. you guys have no idea how much it means to me. you all were so wonderful and so witty. i'm so grateful to have spent the day (and night) with so many supportive, sweet, and clever women. i have my friends irl, but who would think it's possible for us to have all gotten along so well and for all of us to have had such wholesome fun? i wouldn't in my life have EVER expected it.
No. 1155986
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I got my McDonalds paid for today by a very kind old lady in the car in front of me at the drive-thru. I didn't even ask or know the woman but she paid for it anyway, I hope she receives amazing things in life because it was such a kind selfless act to do. We said thank you to her as we drove past and she just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Thank you based and charitable lady.
No. 1155990
>>1155966The other nonna's asked me for the ritual I did so I told them. I did not mean to say anything about individual entities, with that I meant moreso is worshipping nature comes before doing rituals for youself, and your ritual will likely not work out if (ime) you don't make an effort to honor the earth. It was a bit confusing I admit, I'm not that good at English so I might have used some words wrongly. Spirituality is obviously very personal and there are no 'rules', I just tried to explain what ritual I did and that for me personally I find it much more effective when you do make worshipping the earth a daily thing. To the nonna's who asked for the ritualL You can omit the white, red/black and ancestor candles but I can not say how effective it will be. The way I explained in
>>1155954 works best in my experience but if you don't have the money/time/patience and just want to do it as a one time thing you can go straight to the pink/light blue/black candles (sage can't be omitted though)!
No. 1156239
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I got straight A's for my first semester back in school. I was really nervous about going back but I'm glad all my studying payed off
No. 1156428
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Don't scroll, look at this cat instead
No. 1156454
File: 1651346424574.gif (5.84 MB, 640x640, cute-cat.gif)

>>1156428I made the mistake of clicking on the catalogue right away without scrolling, at least I wasn't wearing my glasses so everything was blurry
No. 1156465
>>1156454It's still up? Fuck you mods
No. 1156468
File: 1651346929213.jpeg (127.91 KB, 720x814, DEDDE45C-C6E2-446F-A2CF-624E7D…)

This cat is yelling at you to have a nice day and be positive, for his sake.
He knows things we do not and he foresees the future.
He says the future is bright.
also bump for cp.
No. 1156487
>>1156454Someone tell me if it's still up, sometimes I wanna use the catalogue and I fucking see that shit and feel like crap the rest of the time.
One thing that has helped me though is using the built in search function (it's right besides the catalogue on the bottom, it SHOULD be at the top too though, because sometimes you scroll and you see this shit).
Anyways here's a direct link to the search option: No. 1156623
File: 1651353114315.jpg (8.57 KB, 183x275, brrwh.jpg)

I love the current baggy clothes trend so much. Everywhere I'm seeing super pretty fit girls with no reason to cover up wear clothes like pic related. Also it makes me happy seeing young teens wear baggy jeans and cargo pants because it's appropriate. As a teen in the early 10s I remember feeling uncomfortable because the only acceptable pants were skinny jeans and I'd always keep pulling my shirt down over my butt because I felt exposed. I really hope this keeps going for a good while.
No. 1157978
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adorable nonnies I really hope all of you are having a good day! I feel very happy today and I hope all the anons get some of the positive energy too!
Lolcor is inspiring me to better myself very often, and I'm so grateful for every kind nonna on lc
No. 1158618
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I was at work and was suddenly violently compelled to draw this. I’m not much of an artist but I got it done in 5-10 minutes. I have no idea where it came from, but I’m going to take it as a good sign. All that burdens me shall soon pass, and soon I will be as happy and carefree as her.
No. 1159099
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My bestie deserves to get paid for dealing with my impulsive ass, but instead she keeps offering me money and I keep saying no. We both had to get surgery recently and I'm glad I got to give her tips, since she went second. We keep each other sane when one of us can't sleep and always make sure to share all the cat pics we take. We give each other care packages and I hope we can see each other soon and go hiking once we're both recovered. I'm really avoidant and have trouble trusting people, but I feel like I can tell her anything. I love her sperginess and how honest she is! She calls me out when I'm being stupid or when I have a retarded idea and I try to do the same for her, but she's more logical than me usually. She's a genius in her expertise and I love listening to her infodump.
No. 1159439
>>1158618i wish i could make art like that in the moment, very cool
>>1159099i hope i have a friendship like this one day. sisters by blood or by heart stick around a long time, they're very important. i'm glad you have each other.
No. 1160100
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there are so many people in the world who care about other people and that's nice
No. 1161160
File: 1651587870081.jpeg (Spoiler Image,98.25 KB, 700x700, 4BF65722-C7E4-48C5-8D0F-6E9ED7…)

I’ve been trying for over a year to use this (basically an equivalent to) HSA account my work gives me while meanwhile work has been getting more and more oppressive and demeaning to me and starting to look like a dead end. Last time I called the company in charge of the HSA account they told me I missed the deadline to use the money in the account because I was trying to pay off a 2021 bill and it was now a new year. I cried most of the day because I owe my DBT therapists $7,700 and while they have me on a payment plan I really wanted to use the $3,250 in my HSA to pay down a chunk of the bill. The therapy clinic also had to end my therapy temporarily until I could get the bill lower, and my bpd ass struggles without it. I attempted to submit a payment to the clinic through the HSA despite being told it wouldn’t work, and meanwhile the HSA company then has its website go down for two weeks. I am fuming because this isn’t the first time the company has had website problems and our HR woman takes weeks to reply to emails so I can’t even figure out how to check my HSA account. FINALLY got logged back into the account yesterday and Nonas, I want to cry. The full $3,200 went through to the clinic and I am finally free to quit this fucking job. Also I’m really glad to pay it out to therapists who have helped my bpd more than almost any other treatment in the past. A huge weight is off of me. Feels good.
Pic spoilered in case you don’t like spiders but I do
No. 1161204
>>1161160I'm so glad things worked out for you nona! Health insurance is a fucking pain in the ass, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I hope your next job will be much better and that you'll continue to get better overall.
>>1160100I love your post and pic heh. Beef tartare is my favorite.
No. 1162089
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No. 1162553
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A noni encouraged me to learn to crochet. So I started learning! I'm having a lot of fun and it's surprisingly relaxing. I just finished my first project after learning the basic stitches: a face scrubby. I only bought one skein of yarn to try out crochet and it's pink so it looks like a cat's butthole. I love it and can't believe I made it. Thank you crochet nona!
No. 1165660
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>>1162553This is lovely, nonna! Maybe I should follow in your footsteps too, and start a new art project! I've been meaning to try out a new hobby for a while!
No. 1166934
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It's been 3 months since I've decided to stop using facebook and instagram; I used to scroll and refresh them so much every day and I thought it will be harder but ever since I removed the apps and blocked the access on my PC I've just walked away and not once felt the need to come back. I'm so happy it worked, wish I've done it sooner honestly!
No. 1167199
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After breaking up a few months ago with a man I realised I didn’t want to fuck at all I’ve been trying dating again with a focus on chemistry and attraction and experiences and it has been so fun!!!
The guy I’m seeing right now has a smoky ruggedness to him coupled with fantastic taste in art and music. He belongs anywhere with good whiskey and jazz, walking with a swagger and confidence that effortlessly pulls you along. He’s worldly - full of street and book smarts, carrying such wit and sarcasm that every conversation between us feels like a dance.
We spent so much time together the last week either taking refuge in his tastefully decorated loft apartment or going out in our big city, mingling at bars, taking in endless stories and people and music. Sometimes I’ll be the one leading the charge, sometimes it’s his broad back and warm hands that I’ll cling onto so as we swim through the crowd of trendy affluent city folk…
And for how suave and hedonistic of a man he is, he manages to be quite a gentleman - regularly gifting me small things, always buying me drinks, protecting me when we’re out, making sure all my needs are met when I’m with him. His light caresses and touches throughout the day and as we fall asleep are so warm and reassuring.
Oh and can the man fuck! It’s night and day from my last sexless relationship. He’s so passionate and almost animalistic without me feeling degraded at all. I like feeling like he genuinely can’t seem to get enough of me. I used to say I hated sex that lasted for longer than 30 minutes to an hour, but now I realise I was just having bad / mid sex… With him we can fuck for hours and I’ll be so entertained and satisfied.
Anyway I have no idea if this is going to last, but frankly I am having so much fun just being myself with someone I think is hot and unique, and getting treated to the trendy city lifestyle I was too shy or unable to explore previously! It’s so cheesy but I keep thinking “my life feels like a movie” and I fucking love itttt
No. 1167225
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If you read this I hope you have a good day, nona. You are cute and can do whatever you need to do today!
No. 1167300
File: 1651818353131.gif (191.89 KB, 600x600, Nonas, we’re all stars.GIF)

>>1167225Thank you, Nona. I hope you’ve had a great day so far and that it rolls over to the weekend.
No. 1167574
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>>1145377So cute, good luck! I'm also planning to retry with isopods this summer, luckily there are plenty in our garden.
No. 1169834
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today was so nice and I am so happy. I recently bought a bra that actually fits for the first time since I was a teenager. and I wore it today and im not trying to over-exaggerate but it genuinely makes me feel so much better about myself and my body. I can’t express how good it feels to not constantly be adjusting my bra, feeling so self conscious and humiliated because my boobs were constantly popping out of place. I know it may sound silly to some people but I haven’t felt this at peace with my body in a long time.
No. 1171131
>>1170093Nta but I'm straight and you're absolutely right, for some reason I am not that way and it's always made me uncomfortable to
be honest, with VS I did the same thing.
No. 1171185
>>1171177Nice numbers
I think it's a hamster, going by the wheel
No. 1171193
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No. 1171199
File: 1651973513144.jpeg (78.13 KB, 650x488, 54BF3209-B931-439F-BB57-1C3E1E…)

Goodnight my nonnas, had a bad day but hoping that sleep does some healing. Not looking forward to tomorrow but I want to be positive about it, I will get through. I have the strength, it's gotten me this far. Keep posting cute animals if you please
No. 1171212
File: 1651974522105.jpg (165.43 KB, 784x1564, 1650173372150.jpg)

>>1171199Hope you feel better, love ya nonita ♥
No. 1171276
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>>1171199I believe in you. You've made it through all your hardest days so far. Take good care of yourself - get good sleep, eat nice food, get some fresh air.
No. 1173060
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No. 1173064
File: 1652084260560.jpeg (37.38 KB, 547x440, 1D7F3680-D876-4816-946A-3978EB…)

No. 1173085
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bump to hide scrote post
No. 1173412
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No. 1173431
File: 1652096908120.jpeg (42.17 KB, 275x274, 1648849225100.jpeg)

had some nachos..
No. 1173434
nonnie, my
No. 1173454
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No. 1173458
File: 1652097808779.jpg (21.88 KB, 375x542, 1643532271862.jpg)

>>1173454Thank you for the cute pepe nona
No. 1175424
>>1175064>egg ricethat sounds so yummy
nonnie I hope you have a nice day
No. 1179296
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The jannies are really on top of shit tonight and I'm very, very grateful
No. 1181313
File: 1652559583854.jpg (11.73 KB, 235x228, ff2d57e8e1e8c0df80372b976aae42…)

I'm so grateful for the people who still reach out to me even though I'm an anxious idiot. Especially this one girl I've made friends with at uni, who I've flaked on twice in a row because my dumb brain keeps pushing people away due to past experiences even though I want friedship so badly. She invited me to get drinks after uni with some of her close friends next week and it makes me feel all fuzzy and nice that she likes me so much (platonically) that she wants to introduce me to her closest friends. I'm just glad she didn't take me being flaky as not wanting to be friends.
No. 1181667
>>1181313People like her are really the best, and I hope you two will get to be good friends for a long time!
When I was studying abroad, I made friends with similar people. I was very mentally ill and self destructive during that time and the years after, but these two friends kept reaching out to me time and time again. I kept flaking, apologizing, flaking, and apologizing, but each time they've always said "it's okay, we understand!" and I'm so, so grateful to them. People like them are the best. I hope you'll have a fun time with them nona!
No. 1182428
>>1181667Yes I am so lucky! Thank you, I'm glad things worked our for you too nonna!
>>1181985I really am. People used to ditch me because of that too in the past and I can't blame them either but it's nice when someone has the patience to put up with it. I hope you'll find friends like that too.
No. 1183219
File: 1652698484968.jpg (213.99 KB, 1080x1043, sweet_cow_betsy_siber.jpg)

I'm so glad I found a gym with good people. I look forward to going, even though I'm not a morning person. Everyone is sweet and encourages each other. The experienced "intimidating" ones are actually the biggest cheerleaders. I look forward to every session, and I feel like a functional human for the first time in a long time.
No. 1184164
File: 1652738109752.jpg (57.49 KB, 563x704, bc855dc23b729dfa0336feb9a12f3d…)

Woke up feeling so happy where my life is headed. Things are finally coming together for me.
No. 1184231
File: 1652751159484.jpg (62.65 KB, 1080x1347,…)

i get so giddy seeing this image
it's just so stupid looking
No. 1186153
File: 1652850415480.png (426.71 KB, 1011x921, heart.png)

>>1186093That was such a thoughtful gesture. He will never forget that.
No. 1186235
File: 1652861640347.jpg (54.65 KB, 1200x843, zuchon-1.jpg)

I love you nonnies
No. 1187317
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I am proud of myself for still exercising today despite being super cold and I was really not in mood for it. It was just a small walk, but I still exercise for more than 40+ min and that is worth something at my weight. Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow