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No. 1102836
Previous thread:
>>1083022Remember to ignore and report scrote bait.
No. 1102845
>>1102830this isn't exactly true there have been found Neanderthal genes in asians too.
Only in africans (not all) are free from those genes.
No. 1103688
>>1103032Bad bait scrote. Its so funny how conservatives are
triggered at blue haired women kek
No. 1103696
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My unpopular opinion is that not everything is about the male gaze. Hyper femininity is cute.
I enjoy looking at hot women. I love fashion and makeup. Ive been shamed because as a lesbian apparently wanting to date other feminine women is bad. Someone even told me its males who convinced me of that (as if i cant have my own preferences). Im tired of people pretending lesbian romance is just uwu pure love.
No. 1103773
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>>1103696Hyper feminity makes me extremely uncomfortable, not because of the male gaze or whatever, I can't really explain why, shit like picrel gives me an intense sense of impending doom.
No. 1103784
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>>1103032i just got back from portland and when i tell you the amount of troons i saw on a nearly hourly basis was kind of amazing. all it does is prove the social contagion theory. i also witnessed a picket line for a business that fired a black employee. no context as to why he was fired, could have been for racist reasons, or simply because he was a bad worker , who knows. also got mansplained about why i should call them "unhoused folks" vs homeless people by a friend that lives there now. would love to go back to Oregon, but will definitely be avoiding portland
sage for blogpost
No. 1103795
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>>1103754Only thing that comes to mind
No. 1103835
>>1103696This is not exactly related but I feel you in some way
1. I do love feminine aesthetic, I don't wear make up that much myself tho I'm too lazy. I hate the bimbo / ddlg trends however, I just want those looks without sexualization and pedos…
2. I hate feeling like a freak liking women, very sexually. I like all kinds of women but idk I feel predatory af for yearning for pussy
No. 1103841
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Aloofness is the best suitable personality for good looking males, doesn't matter what type of attractiveness be it a conventionally attractive or a more pretty alt aesthetic, as long as the man is completely obvious to how good looking he is and has a bland personality, he's an Ideal male partner
No. 1103957
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>>1103946Look at this dumbass
No. 1104352
All this talk about oppression and nobody spends even half as much time sticking up for children, or for the elderly, or for the people so disabled that they aren't able to speak for themselves. I hate this fake hypocritical society very deeply sometimes. Celebrities run their mouths about fighting against societal injustice while turning a blind eye to the horrible deeds of those in their circles. A trendy topic comes up and suddenly everyone's an expert advocate for the underdog but in our media kids are constantly sexualized, models are underage and starved, anyone who cares about kids' safety is derided. Kids watch porn and get groomed online so their parents don't have to spend time with them. The LGBT parades even straight people flock to in order to party are full of people exposing themselves to children and we all know about the kids dressed in drag. A few people get infuriated but nothing changes, the media assures us they are just haters and bigots and everything is fine, you don't want to be a bigot do you? We are helping bring progress for the oppressed, forget about the ones who need protecting most. It's obvious I'm chiefly concerned about children but the others apply as well. Nobody wants to grow old, most of my peers are scared of it, some even want to kill themselves before then. Old people are worthless to the workforce, worthless to young people who see ourselves as too enlightened and free to waste our time caring for them, so they die in nursing homes where we don't have to see. That is our fates too unless something changes. As for the disabled, a lot of people give lipservice but often times it's higher functioning who get the preference, it's fairly rare that they get any attention anyways but low functioning or severely disabled are completely ignored. Some people even pretend they have certain disabilities or mental illnesses for their own purposes when there exist people with these things who aren't even capable of knowing that. It upsets me to think how self-righteous society is right now, including my generation, when right under our noses are people we refuse to champion, instead often focusing on ourselves. It's not to say that good strides haven't been made for either but I'm terribly sick of this smugness as well as the shameless ignorance that goes on and denial of especially children's need for safety. I know I've made the same mistakes, we all need to own up and start actually caring before it gets worse, caring about things that matter instead of our precious social image
No. 1104365
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An underrated redflag in women is the "girl that was chubby/fat through high school and then suddenly dropped the weight from 18-20". That's often the story with BPDs, because food is inevitably the first addiction as a young teenager, then by the time they come to graduation they start swapping it out for drugs, male attention and alcohol.
No. 1104372
>>1104365Why is this unpopular??? "Once fat girl" types are always
toxic, whether they're bpds or just have deep seated insecurities and hatred for other women they deem more attractive.
No. 1104377
>>1104371ai devs better pay me if they turn my fake people into real people
>>1104366go adjust your hat babe, no fun allowed
No. 1104416
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I'm mad that the effina thread never got remade, especially since she will begin editing their children's pics soon
No. 1104421
>>1104415>>1104410yeah green screen isn't deepfake
inset is an example of an actual video deepfake, this one uses deepfacelab
an example of a static image deepfake would be a faceapp morph or a site like thispersondoesnotexist.
No. 1104486
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>>1104480Kill all men. Watch out for cp below
No. 1104702
>>1104365I mean usually but she didn't from from fat to anachan, she looks fit and is doing stragnth training
I think she just want to be fit and isn't a bdpchan
No. 1104709
>>1104706Cool mockery of a very reasonable statement
>>1104673 made
No. 1104719
>>1104712OP here, thanks for the clarification.
Upon second read, your take is kind of based except for
>Fast food joints and beachesSometimes people who are alone need to go out and do stuff too. But if they're seen staring at a child or trying to interact with a child - executed.s
No. 1104953
>>1104706This should also include male family members who are creepy too. My uncle is very creepy around kids and touchy and anytime one of the kids brings it up their retarded mom just blows it off like "oh he's just playing, he's made a few off color comments but he's not going to go touch random kids!!". Same woman kept preaching about how being a mother made her stare and be paranoid of everyone in public in case they are creeps
Like seriously? Kids are statistically way more likely to be molested by family members and friends of family more than anyone else. Being family isn't a free pass to continue being a creep around kids, not to mention these same creeps also have families who are probably saying the exact same shit about how "ohh Chris Chan just is weird but he's not a molester"
No. 1105035
>>1105026Fair enough.
>>1105028It's completely possible to be socially invisible and attract zero guy, and saying "men have zero standard" doesn't mean you should fuck those subhuman males. Why is it so hard to believe some women are unlucky in love?
No. 1105319
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>>1105157Ritters, with whole hazelnuts
No. 1105420
>>1104853Based. I never moisturize anything unless my skin is so dry it's uncomfortable, which only happens sometimes in the winter.
My female family members are appalled I don't put any moisturizer on my face. I'm low key thinking/wishing my skin will age amazingly because I don't put any chemicals or other crap that was manufactured in a lab. Water only ftw.
No. 1105655
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>>1105157I agree with you
nonny! I discovered this chocolate recently (ausfag so dunno if it's in the US) but it's so well priced for just how thick the bars are. Picrel particular flavour is dairy free on accident too so I feel like I can eat more than usual without shitting myself.
No. 1105702
>>1105631Pockys are absolutely shit, mikados are waaaaay more superior
>>1103032Same but with schools/unis.
I've been in an art school were everyone was encouraged to use gender neutral pronouns to people you don't know (despite it being in a latin language country ) and you were favored when you did pieces with a left leaning message. And socially, everyone was miserable because every conversation turned political, whatever the subject might be.
On the other hand, i've been to a slightly right leaning art school, and politics were raaaaarely mentioned. And also learned more things art wise cause you were actually criticised by the art you made not the message lol
No. 1106086
>>1106066I hate how they are everywhere now.
I went to a sushi place recently and all our rolls had fucking avocados in them. Mangos seem to start being popular again, shit is also everywhere. I fucking hate both.
No. 1106093
The argument some people make about how blond hair is more feminine than dark hair is kind of silly. Before anyone screeches at me and says I'm a bitter brunette or "racebaiting" or something, I've even seen this point with people talking about how they can't date blond men because they associate it with weakness and femininity - not racebait or woman-related at all, just a general thing about blond hair. It makes no sense bc that means
And these are two men trying their best to look like women, the blond one clearly trying much harder lol
No. 1106096
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>>1106072Tell me you’re white trash without telling me you’re white trash
No. 1106103
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>>1106096Shut the fuck up ugly bitch. What a disgusting ugly comment. You’re slimier and mushier and more corrupt than the disgusting food you enjoy that looks like a gangrenous ballsack. I bet you’re a pasty little vegan pussy. Come on bitch let’s fight. Let’s actually fucking go. I will fuck you up worse than the avocado farmers fuck up the lives of all the locals they come across.
No. 1106143
>>1106132Exactly, it has such a mild flavor. I get people who say they don’t feel strongly about it, but if you say you
hate avocado I’m going to assume your diet is nothing but chicken nuggets because apparently you’re a 5-year-old in an adult’s body.
No. 1106172
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>>1106161Most millennials didn’t grow up with the internet. The ones that did didn’t grow up with
this internet, it was an internet where only a complete drooling moron would ever put identifiable personal info on it.
No. 1106257
>>1106227>>1106172I remember the internet in the 00s, lots of young millennials uploading random shit to YouTube when it was still a fun place, also early DeviantArt which was fun as fuck too, the scene trend, glittery edits, etc. Genz were just kids back then so I don't think they could interact a lot, I was 6 years old just checking the newest smosh video, millennials were the ones building the early internet culture to what it is today, genz has started to be relevant just recently, since some of them are young adults/late teens already.
I remember so many artists, YouTubers, personalities from the early 00s, I don't remember seeing a single kid like me between them, they all were like 18-20, I suppose those were millennials, and I wouldn't say they were exactly private since drama was a given in most of those communities, it was nothing like today's climate but yeah, people back then weren't
that smart and lots got doxxed, groomed and more
No. 1106273
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>>1106115Kek are you implying that eating mango=being vegan(or vegetarian)?
>>1106103>implying that liking avocados means you must be veganYou sound like a fucking retard and I bet you're a fatass
No. 1106287
>>1106265nta but as a millennial it's so mind blowingly ignorant when gen z says millennials didn't grow up on the internet or the internet wasn't really a thing. social media is what really wasn't a thing when we were kids. there was plenty of internet, it just wasn't the hellscape it is today. we chatted on AIM, played with virtual pets, used email, browsed deviantart, taught ourselves html, made pages, read fanfiction, and searched for fan pages for shows or characters we liked. I normally restrain myself from ranting about this but it's so annoying and not true in the least. the funny thing is I know that they've probably been told all this before but still they just say, oh that wasn't REALLY the internet or whatever tf like cancelling people on twitter, worshipping internet personalities and buying garbage is the essence of the "real" internet
No. 1106297
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>>1106273They're likely American. These are people who believe this is an acceptable daily meal for children. Vegans don't have it all right, but they're some of the only people left in that hellhole who still eat fruits and vegetables (and even then, they spray their produce with harmful chemicals and are obsessed with fake meat pumped with bullshit)
Gonna sperg, but I feel like at this point, you'd have to be a fool to listen to any wealthy western country on what counts as "healthy" or "unhealthy". They are in a death cult, their scientists are paid handsomely to be supportive of it and their governments have a vested, collective interest in lying to them about what to consume. Even their food pyramid is based on a lie
Expect posts like "Mangoes are disgusting", "Avocado is disgusting", "Water is disgusting", "Broccoli is disgusting", etc. Already, a segment of their population was raised on nothing but processed food and literally can't enjoy fruits and vegetables. One day, it will be "Normal oxygen is disgusting. I don't feel right without inhaling some toxins daily. People who live in the countryside are so unhygienic and nasty, breathing raw air"
They are purposely set up to have lifelong health problems so they'll be forced to financially support their government (and remain mentally slow/stupid on a mass scale), so anything that aids life and vitalizes the human body goes against what they've been programmed for. It's a dying group of people who have all sorts of physical and mental problems, and if you talk about it, they'll sperg that you're a vegan (even if you aren't), a schizo or say it's just their genetics
No. 1106299
>>1106296No they’re disgusting and taste like nothing
>>1106297>They're likely AmericanI’m from Latin America and i’m not reading all that.
No. 1106305
>>1106304My post wasn't even about disliking avocados alone (neither is it about mere enjoyment), but the fact that you get so defensive and aggressive about this subject says it all, anon
Avocado isn't overpriced in my country btw (though I don't eat it often), and I don't see how it can be a "waste of food" when it's literally good for you
No. 1106309
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>>1106305> the fact that you get so defensive and aggressivesays the one who was literally wishing the worst on people for not liking avocados and wrote an entire essay about how anyone who doesn’t like them must be fat and unhealthy because we want to actually enjoy the food we eat, lol ok
No. 1106342
>>1106336You sound like a newfag, or an actual schizo thinking anyone who talks bad about unhealthy eating in general must be one person "going nuclear" specifically about your least favorite food and wishing you the worst. Corn syrup addict type shit lol
If you want, let a mod check if I'm the same person. Or keep insisting and seething ig, I'm gonna have some avocado in sushi or something just for you nonna
No. 1106358
>>1106351You're the one who made assumptions about me. I'd say it seems like you're also the one projecting by randomly bringing up pills and throw in a "Take your meds", but they're likely to make shit even worse for you
>shove those avocados up your assYou want to fuck me so bad lol. Too bad junk food causes sexual dysfunction and makes your pussy stink. Disclaimer: If you don't eat junk food but you're still like this, that's even worse
No. 1106361
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>>1106358nta but
>You want to fuck me so bad lol No. 1106464
>>1106358>>1106297Go back to r/fatpeoplehate or whatever schizo hellhole you crawled out of, and let the normal people discuss one single vegetable they don’t like in a world full of them. You people are ruining the site because you’re so desperate to jump on your high horse about anything and screech insults at others. Clearly you’re the one who wakes up everyday terrified of gaining one measley little pound, whereas people here eat a balanced diet and enjoy the occasional junk food or snack
>you’re fat!!!No
>you’re American!!!No again.
No. 1106477
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>>1106473Sorry, I was just asking
No. 1106765
>>1106723Accusing a woman of jealousy is the cope of copes. Women who do it to other women are usually vapid, empty pickmes in shit marriages with no personality and nothing substantial to be proud
of, whereas men who do it are generally incels who think in stereotypes and can see their attention is worthless to whoever it is they're calling jealous. It's a last-ditch effort to bring a woman down a peg, usually when no other neg or insult works.
No. 1106807
>>1106765I really don't get how saying what you just said about other women isn't any different than what
>>1106723 said about women who accuse others of jealousy. Why assume any of those awful things about another woman because you disagree with each other? If it isn't jealousy, it isn't jealousy, but then what is it? Isn't assuming a woman has no personality and is in a shitty marriage willingly also disregarding her opinions and feelings? How is what you the two of you just said
not bitchy and catty? I don't get it anons.
No. 1107106
>>1106583Same, and I love seeing men get
triggered over it
No. 1107157
>>1106583men have ultimately reaped what they sowed by turning a blind eye to the systematic rape, violence and overall oppression against women for centuries - whether that be irl or in media. they were never immune to their own violence - they were just the last in line to get shot, and now they want to cry "Men's mental health matters!" over men getting assaulted in media as if every fucking shit western movie ever doesn't have some sort of weirdly sexualized cinematic rape scene of a woman where it shows her underwear or her breasts (hello game of thrones).
when women get raped in media they say its uhhh ayckhually lore-accurate, history-accurate and realistic. when men get raped in media they start crying about suicide rates and muh mental health. so no, i don't take it seriously either and it's exactly what they deserve for allowing traumatic violence upon women to be viewed, and at worst, fetishized, on screen - as if it wasn't already bad enough for us irl right? sorry for sperg it just pisses me off
No. 1107271
>>1106733Fangirls and fujos who say that might be telling the truth but I also think it's weak to give excuses for their tastes. I have plenty of female characters I enjoy, as well as het ships I read fic of, but like m/m the most because two hot guys are better than one. Most of us focus on male characters because we are straight, that's it. I don't think there's anything wrong about it in itself. Now if you're creating your own story and representation is a concern, then putting some focus on female characters matters, but otherwise I don't feel like our favorite characters list needs to be a moral/feminist statement. Although with the rise of fakebois, it's important for girls to not fall into misogyny due to their male exclusive tastes. So yeah, it can be risky if you are young and not comfortable yet in your identity as a woman. It's like how males tend to obsess over female characters which makes sense for them, but it goes too far if they forget that it's normal and start identifying as one. I'm mature enough now and I like being a woman, I also recognize that many male characters we obsess over behave closer to women than real men inside our fanfics, kek. If fangirls were aware of this and honest there would be less gender issues.
No. 1107285
>>1106807I'm not assuming, I know it for a fact because I'm basing what I say on unhappy women stuck in their lives who have accused other women of being "just jealous" as a cope. I am saying this because it's never genuinely happy and successful women I've seen calling others jealous, they just don't give a shit what people think. It's those who try to appear happy and successful but are actually seething inside that point fingers.
>How is what you the two of you just said not bitchy and catty? I don't get it anons.I said assuming all women are bitchy and catty is misogynistic, not that I personally am not bitchy and catty. I am and I don't mind it.
No. 1107287
>>1106464When did I fat-shame you? Show me in any of my posts where I brought up being fat. Or what, you think only fat people can be unhealthy? Sounds like you're the anachan here, probably eating nothing but a mini tin of Pringles daily and then saying "Ok but I'm not fat so". I promise there's life outside of either eating literal shit or starving. Normal, healthy people aren't addicted to junk food and don't seethe as hard as you do about fruits and vegetables. Seek recovery. If anything that I said
triggered you, it's obviously not about some fucking avocados
No. 1107300
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>>1107289You're right anon, it's just annoying seeing someone lie about shit when we can all read
No. 1107322
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I truly really love the Fashion/beauty/skincare options we have as women (except when they're imposed of course). I like that I can get soothing face-masks for my specific skin type, I deeply enjoy self-expression through clothing, accessories and hair. I can one day wake up and decide to go to a spa, get a facial, manicure/pedicure and my ass hair lasered off cause why the fuck not. I know I come from a privileged place because I can survive in the world without being forced to conform to beauty standards, hence why I feel free to say "teehee girly skincare is so nice uwu", still I like that we have access to things like those.
No. 1107328
>>1103784I live in Portland and I honestly haven't seen that many troons? Maybe I'm just lucky though.
It is funny how easy they are to spot though, one was fat white guy buying condoms at a job I worked at while wearing cat tights and had like green hair and the other was a black guy with sparkly makeup and a shirt that said 'defeat JK rowling with trans girl magic' lets just say I almost burst out laughing both times.
No. 1107338
>>1107300Nobody lied about shit. Some people said they didn’t like avocados and you had a shit fit meltdown about it. Simple as that. Also
>muh small can of Pringles!!!Cringe. Way too specific to not be a psychological projection.
No. 1107366
>>1103946This was TRULY an unpopular opinion dear god.
>>1103841100% agree. I don't like charismatic and funny men because they make me very uncomfortable.
>>1103696Aside from the slut belly ring, I can't understand how anons can't see how a woman could genuinely want to dress like this. I could see a lot of men avoiding a woman who dressed like this like the plague because they probably see her as materialistic or vain and men detest being able to tell when a woman makes an effort in her appearance.
No. 1107535
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"Sexy girlboss" characters are about as dull and sexist as the old damsel in distress stereotype they are trying to invert. There are real assertive, self-driven women out there, but I've never known one like these caricatures. I want to see those real women represented as well as women who might be "weak" but have layers like real people, not empty pandering power fantasies. This shit is cringe and embarrassing.
No. 1107553
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>>1107544I don't care, if that's the case, why are all the other Amazonians still muscular then? Why didn't they just hire more models? Why did we all have to be bombarded with articles about her supposedly gaining muscle, when she just went from extremely underweight, to at least looking like a gust of wind won't blow her over immediately. Why did they have to make her fight in heels? I just can't suspend my disbelief. Superpowered men are also still expected to actually look strong, meanwhile women mainly have to be models and only background characters can look strong.
No. 1107559
>>1107540Exactly. I honestly also hate the idea that women can only be considered strong or tough if they have the same strength as men and are able to defeat men physically. Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy when that's depicted, and there's nothing wrong with portraying that in itself. However I sometimes get the feeling that people believe that's what women need to have as much worth as men, when the reality is that most women aren't as (physically) strong as them by nature and even the strongest woman probably couldn't defeat the strongest man (although it could get interesting if she uses clever strategies to defeat him). But I think it's wrong if people believe that what makes a woman admirable, worthy, and strong is basically being like a man. I don't mind those characters existing but it would be far more interesting to also depict women who are as strong or stronger than men in other ways, and by that I don't mean sexual either kek (the other main route they take). Idk, I still have to ponder this, my thoughts aren't fully formed but bottom line is I'm sick of rolling my eyes at what I watch.
>>1107543This too, I don't mind suspending disbelief but it would be cool to have more buff women if they are going to take the physical strength and fighting route.
>>1107542True, society is pretty divided on what we value and want to see in our media. I guess what they're doing now must sell enough for them even though I hate it and the quality goes down the drain with each release.
No. 1107571
>>1107542Actually I thought about it some more and the only thing that would make me happy is for more content to be treated like making art, in other words with consideration for the quality, creativity, having a human touch— which is just not possible with media produced for the masses by detached teams of people whose main concern is money. Better look deeper at indie content I guess. Although have to say, there used to be mainstream content produced that was closer to my preference. People will call it nostalgia or bitterness but I genuinely believe there's been some decline. I know we were talking about female characters specifically but in general you can't please everyone, media has always been and always will be
problematic to someone, maybe the problem now is that they're trying way too hard not to be. Instead of focusing on the craft and writing meaningful characters, male or female, imperfect or not.
No. 1107573
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>>1107559There's going to be a She-Hulk tv series and I'm going to flip my shit if they still don't dare to make her somewhat buff at least. It's THE HULK.
No. 1107660
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>>1107657You guys are literally fighting over avocados
No. 1107664
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>>1107657More projection. Got something for you
>>1107656>>1107660I think it's fun, I don't know why she's still mad
No. 1107708
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>>1107660They're still fighting over avocados?
No. 1107729
>>1107284>Idk if I'm alone with that but I like pregnant women fashionably showing off their bellies and their bodies?Same! I love seeing fashionably dressed pregnant women showing off their belly, they glow.
There is a lot of primitive cultural shame surrounding pregnancy still, dampening that glow for them, you and me.
Don't mind it, shine on
No. 1107885
>>1103032Oh, i do agree with that! And it's pretty easy to see the difference since people forget easily that being left-wing is not the same as being a twitter leftist (in fact, many of them are not even in the left, they are just hysterical liberals who think they are in the left beacuse they didn't like Trump), and coming from a medium sized industrial city, with an extensive syndicalist culture since the 1940's, where the community priorities and discussion centers not only in our reality, but also in being able to pay your bills, retirement plans, medical and dental plans and so on, and not titles, pronoums and troons, it's easy to understand the disconnection.
No. 1107966
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I find witchcraft and paganism offensive to an extent, especially when they, imo appropriate the deaths of "witches" who most likely believed in Christianity, the fact is every single witch executed by the Church was actually Christian, the most common reason so called "witches" were executed were on changes of heresy cause they were from rural areas had that mended various folk beliefs and practices recontextualized with Christian motifs, for e.g instead of celebrating the Mayfair with tribute to your local harvest goddess you do it in the name of the Virgin Mary or instead of praying to your war god you pray to Saint Michael for blessing
you may not agree with those beliefs but no one should erase that very important aspect of these women lives for the sake of a LARP
No. 1107992
>>1107978If you want to "honor" the so called witches by practicing their faith, then yeah that would be a better option then the witch-craft LARP
syncretic version of northern european folkloric beliefs with christanity
No. 1108017
>>1107966>>1107992In regards to Paganism, (not sure if they are larping as pagans) but paganism is pre-christian beliefs. Pagans are not Christians.
There is also Wicca which is a modern pagan religion. Which origin is here in the uk, I actually live near a famous woodland where years ago practising witches would go at night and dance naked and the police had to get involved. I actually went to the woods the other day to go geocaching and found the area. I took pics of the main area bit
No. 1108019
>>1108003they like to pretend all those women were practicing secret witchcraft praying to the mother goddesses, its really fucking dumb, I remember the craft movie had that cringy line about getting revenge for the actual witches who were killed in the witch trails
>>1108017I guess paganism was the wrong term here
No. 1108042
>>1108017Most pagan myths of Northern Europe weren’t written down until after Christianity and many stories contain Christian elements even if they aren’t outright Christian stories. Example: the death and return of Baldr.
(having deja vu, I talked about this on lolcow the other day.)
No. 1108072
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>>1108035They’re definitely interesting looking but they will always look like shit in anyone’s home because nobody knows how to properly display anything. And if they’re coomer anime figures they should just get melted to create something more useful and visually appealing like bottle caps.
No. 1108185
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>>1108176idk anon i always liked the look of stark roots in platinum hair, reminds me of 2014.
Some people also just don't look good with their natural color.
No. 1108591
>>1108510Nta anon but
>it's too thinYes it's thin but the thing with lip skin is that it's incredibly satisfying (personally speaking as a lip biter) because I find that it's very easy to peel too much off which hurts and doesn't make applying lip balm fun, so the satisfying part comes in when you peel your lips perfectly so that it comes off in a thin layer. Those clean peels where you don't peel too much are huge wins.
>if you have lip skin falling off then you probably have dry lipsPersonally speaking, I wear lip balm nearly 24/7 and my lips still peel. The lip balm makes the peels kinda juicy and it makes it taste nice so that's a win win (because I do swallow them once they're in my mouth. I mean it's my lip skin, it's fine).
No. 1108596
>>1108591We are so similar
nonnie. I personally have pretty big lips and its like no matter how much quality balm I slap on these things they are just always peeling. I'm like addicted to peeling it off too, bleh.
No. 1108599
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>>1108451I don’t know how you could physically bite your cuticle but I love biting off the skin just to the sides of the top of my nail. So satisfying.
No. 1108600
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>>1108506It's a joke from Austin Powers
nonnie No. 1108657
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>>1108451You're discharge Komaeda anon aren't you
No. 1108913
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>>1108451meh cuticles are to small for me, the hardened skin on your foot is the best. I don't mean crusty crumbly callous skin, that's gross, but the part towards the outside of the ball of your foot (picrel) where the skin gets naturally thick and it doesn't hurt to cut it off
No. 1108915
>>1108906I kind of agree based on the lifetime of effects it can have followed by generational cycles of dysfunction in families afterwards. Might even add in some domestic abusers for that reason. People will cry all day long for an abused child but what happens when they grow up? Many go on to have kids of their own and then discover they're far from healed.
My parents generation are largely affected by unreported or covered up child molestation that happened in schools and churches in my country. The alcoholism, rage issues, wife beaters, bad parenting, emotional disconnect is still felt long afterwards. I don't think people who experienced csa should have to sacrifice parenthood but then I'm painfully surrounded by the fallout not just in my owm family but others I'm close to. There's no end to the damage some pedos 3 second orgasm sets into motion.
No. 1108919
>>1108906On a fundamental level I agree because they leave their
victims scarred for life and their behavior requires a certain kind of fucked up mentality to follow through, but in all honesty saying this is implying that it's better to be dead than raped or abused which ultimately devalues a
victim's humanity. As long as you're alive there's hope and
victims can heal and overcome their trauma with proper care and treatment, but there's nothing that can cure death.
No. 1108922
>>1108906depends on the situation regarding murder, a man murdering another man in some drunken fist fight, a woman murdering her
abusive partner, or getting revenge against a shitty person, shouldn't be given lower sentencings imo
murderers of children or elderly should be treated on par with rapists
No. 1108923
>>1108906My unpopular opinion is that you CAN heal from being abused and we still stigmatise
victims as being forever broken. It doesn't have to be like that.
You won't be the same you were before, and obviously it's much worse and more painful than avoiding the abuse altogether.
But I don't agree with this
>I won't have kids there's too many pedos and freaks out there, I'd have to home school them in the woodsPTSD can be really effectively healed if recognized early and treated properly. Of course all abuse is awful and we need to lock up abusers. But it's not worse than murder. Killing someone literally ends them, but abuse survivors at least have a hope of healing and enjoying life again, they still get to be with their families.
No. 1109029
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Lisa is actually a really nice character, even if her voice is cursed and her design is coomershit, she’s of great help while playing, I can beat up annoying enemies quickly with her.
No. 1109037
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Dog owners are fucking weird and I don’t trust them
No. 1109307
>>1108913Alright now this is fucking vile, anon. Cuticle-eater superiority. Cuticles may be small, but they get the job done.
>>1108906I don't understand the point of comparing them, especially when circumstances are always different.
No. 1109464
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>>1108176I agree, but ngl I just find dark hair more attractive and think it's a shame when women dye their hair blonde. A lot of them look worse after dying their hair blonde and washed out, not to mention more generic.
No. 1109595
>>1109572Earlier today I saw a post on insta about a woman who didn't know she was having a down syndrome baby, who didn't know much about what it is and who wanted to give the baby up for adoption. Her husband wanted to divorce her over her reaction. Now I looked it up and it turns out she freaked out but came around and they're together raising the baby again… but only after the hubby ran to news outlets to call her a bitch so men online could all join in and gasp at the woman who nearly… dun dun dun.. got scared and gave up a baby for adoption.
I'm sick of it being treated as normal for dads to walk off whenever they feel like it but women can't freak out or be overwhelmed no matter how disabled the baby is or what the state of her life is.
No. 1109604
>>1109581>>1109582Yeah she can be really annoying. We've just been friends for so long I kind of just put up with it. She claims to be some kind of disability advocate, but all she ever does is talk about her autism online. And she freaks out and bitches at mothers of autistic children for very minor things because according to her they're basically always doing something wrong. I wish people had more sympathy for caregivers. They shouldn't be automatically regarded as saints because there are plenty of fucked up,
abusive ones out there. But you can't acknowledge how difficult it is without someone like her chiming in like "Oh I'm sorry that autistic people (or insert whatever condition here) are soooo difficult to handle! I bet you'd rather we didn't exist at all!" Like bitch…no one said that. Stop projecting.
No. 1109616
>>1109595>I'm sick of it being treated as normal for dads to walk off whenever they feel like it but women can't freak out or be overwhelmed no matter how disabled the baby is or what the state of her life is.I always see reddit posts of people supporting men who freak out and ghost their partners if there's a pregnancy
"but he's scared!" isn't an excuse, if you're able to walk away then women should too, until we create a law against men who ghost their pregnant partners
No. 1109666
>>1109659No I'm not, so you're right in that my say shouldn't really matter very much. I'm just confused as to what use classifying it as a disability does. Like what accomodations would need to be made for them to prevent violating laws like the ADA in the US? I think they should be protected from discrimination, but maybe I just have a different view of what the word disability means and what it entails.
Like I have ADHD, which I understand is not the same thing but they do have many similarities and I can't imagine viewing myself as disabled for it.
No. 1109674
>>1109614I visit kf often and appreciate the info being saved in a way that's easy to navigate or revisit later on. I will give them that. The amount of doxxing of nobodies on there is weird lately though. I get that cows get that treatment and I would never clutch my pearls over legit assholes but just about anyone is getting doxxed lately in certain threads and for what? They clearly get off on it but make it someone interesting. Not randos. Somebody tweets in support of a cow one time… they're some unfortunate inbred autist looking person anyway.. boom bitch you deserve this! Whole family doxxed just cause we can. They could chill out with that.
I like the tranny threads, I like their reactions to mutant surgery pussy and how it's a poor recreation of the real thing.. but then any thread about an actual woman has men imagining that her pussy is smelly and loose and all that shit too so like.. eh. Whether you're a tranny with a literal shit leaking gash or a woman who looks somewhat plain your pussy stinks the same in their (vagina expert) opinion.
No. 1109685
>>1109666Yeah I get what you mean. I'm a high functioning autist and the reality is that working is actually very difficult for sensory reasons that people don't even think about (overhead lights, normal office noise, whatever). It's a neurological condition that just makes sensory stuff louder, brighter, and way more stressful/fucking annoying unfortunately. Social communication for autists is the same way, I basically feel like I'm ESL for any given thing and it can make it really difficult to navigate shit like job interviews, and basically freezes me out of ever getting a high paying job that would require networking, which is a lot of them. People aren't fair and are pretty shit.
That said, I agree discrimination protection would be a lot nicer (not that I think employers would bother with it kek). I can't imagine not wanting to work. A lot of autists online are obnoxious and want to be NEETs anyways.
No. 1109926
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I didn't like Netflix Death Note as a whole but I really liked Nergo L
No. 1109959
>>1109915>Not to mention all the medical ways they fuck with the mother child bond: unnecessary csection leading to autoimmune disease in kids bc they aren't exposed that first bacterial environment, shooting up mother with drugs (somehow mom's can't drink or smoke yet they can get a huge dose of drugs when the baby's coming out? What?), snipping off the umbilical cord early which has tons of nutrients for the baby, taking the placenta, taking away baby from mother to do testing even though it's very important for them to be together to bond, not to mention the very stressful birthing environment (women are literally risking death and opting for at home births bc the hospital experience is so horrible).THIS. Traditional midwives are treated like shit, ignored, and not taken seriously, especially because their job is usually associated with "traditional medicine", and as we all know anything "traditional" in medicine is (supposedly) bullshit. While yes, in many poor countries traditional midwives do mix their actual knowledge with superstition, they're still essential in helping many poor women have a safe pregnancy and delivery without any meds or C-section. I've read that obstetricians and gynecologists (who give women unnecessary scars and medication, like you said) originally were
males who "split" from midwives partly because of their use of surgical instruments. In Mexico (where midwives are known as "parteras"), there have been studies about this, and there used to be many training schools for midwives until most of them closed down to make way for, you guessed it, greedy OB/GYNs.
No. 1110048
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>>1109959This sounds ridiculous to me, in the Netherlands midwives and home births are part of regular medicine. Midwives do go to (applied science) university. They also of course have their own clinics. There's even a joke that people who were born in the hospital (or church), always leave the door open when they enter or leave a room (because the hospital is always open, a home is private). Even if you go to the hospital, you are still helped by midwives, unless it's a C-section or an emergency etc. In one province and the islands you can't do homebirth anymore, because there's not a hospital near their homes and there are actual campaigns to rectify that. Since so many people consider the option like immaterial heritage, it officially has been made so. Whenever people think of midwives, they immediately think of some crunchy granola mom giving birth in a pool while listening to Enya and everything going horribly wrong and the baby coming out like Luna. With enough education and/or an apprenticeship, midwives are perfectly fine for an uncomplicated birth and should be able to refer well on time in the case of complications. Even in university you have to learn about the different superstitions other cultures have, because that does matter. It's important to mothers to feel heard and taken seriously, it's not the time to fight over superstitions you might consider silly, if it doesn't negatively affect safety.
No. 1110065
>>1109959Also forgot to add a huge impact - formula feeding. It's insanity. The mom's body literally has a whole complex system that detects what the baby needs nutrientwise and makes tailored breast milk.
I'm pretty sure all this shit combined resulted in the spike of autism and autoimmune diseases.
Men need to be banned from anything relating to medicine, food, and childcare.
>>1110048Everytime the Netherlands are mentioned I'm convinced its some advanced fantasy country. Is there even anything bad there?
No. 1110074
>>1109915Maternal anything is not cut and dry. There's a reason maternal deaths have gone down with the advent of modern medicine and there are reasons why certain things need to be done. I'm not defending shitty hospital practices or saying every doctor/gyno/midwife is a Saint and doesn't do anything wrong, but shit going wrong happens way more than you think.
Cutting the cord early for example. It is common for the cord to be around the baby's neck when the head delivers and it can't slip around so the cord has to be cut right then, and if there are certain diseases involved, the mother has a problem that needs sorting or that baby needs to get treatment asap you can't give any time for bonding. Also that theory of c sections causing auto immune disease was disproven by a new study published last year.
And comparing medications in general to alcohol and drugs is just dumb. Even midwives give drugs to mothers, especially in third world countries where they are formally trained. As a matter of fact in many countries midwives (who have degrees) are the ones who deliver babies in hospitals.
And home births require alot of conditions to be met for it to actually go smoothly and even when things appear normal during delivery shit can go wrong fast and the time it takes to get to a hospital can be detrimental.
And many hospitals around the world apply "traditional" practices like delaying clamping, kangaroo care, golden hour, etc. And traditional midwives aren't perfect, they can have really stupid practices like putting manure on the baby's umbilical region.
I'm not saying things can't be improved in hospitals but just because something is traditional doesn't make it superior.
T. Midwife
No. 1110095
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>>1110074>theory of c sections causing auto immune disease was disproven by a new study published last year. …
>Hospitals literally $ and time incentivized to do c-sections and get pregnant women in and out as quick as possible>The swience says so!1! C-sections aren't bad! The science says whatever the $ tells them to, if you don't get that by now idk what to tell you other than you're no different than the "God says so" tards.
No. 1110111
>>1110065AYRT yes, the Netherlands used to maybe be a fantasy country, but really it's become America-lite. The healthcare system is becoming similarly shitty, the welfare is gone, income inequality is sky-high, high homelessness, Kafkaesque bureaucracy, random extremely religious Calvinist enclaves full of pedo rings and basically Christian Taliban, oh and the government randomly introduced American-lite student loans just to screw older Zoomers over. The culture generally sucks, despite so many people being an atheist, you can feel the influence extreme Calvinism has. Suffering, austerity, is seen as good. High greediness and individualism, people would hesitate to help a poor child, because the parents must've done something to deserve their position. People generally act autistic and say whatever is on their mind, no matter how fucked up. Which is funny when done to fat American tourists, not so much when done to people who are ill, have a disability, going through a rough time etc. It's not even that people are necessarily trying to be mean, it just happens. Most Dutch people won't admit the problems, I don't know why, it's absolutely infuriating. People are so busy with themselves, that they don't care that disabled young people have been screwed over heavily or that mothers with children are sleeping in the streets, no shelter willing to take them in. It's like how the politicians say there's no corruption, because it's not measured and their definition of it is very narrow. As long as you don't measure it, or look at it, or don't experience it yourself, it's easy to ignore. Until even media personalities have to move back in with their parents, because the housing problem has gotten that much out of hand. 20 or 30 years ago? Awesome country. Now? Not so much. I can already bet that suddenly an upper-middle class Dutch person will come out of the woodworks to explain how they and their friends personally never had any problems and they never see homeless people in their neighborhood hidden behind the golf park, so CBS statistics must be lying.
There's still also a lot good about the country. It's amazing for cycling, you can easily buy produce from a farm directly, the public transport is pretty good, there's lots of nature, carnaval, openness, not many obese people etc. It just annoys me that people won't acknowledge how much shit has gone downhill.
No. 1110124
>>1109915Not just slipping in but slipping out, isolating the woman then hitting the bricks when she's pregnant leaving her all alone. Men ruined the economy too so it's practically impossible for women to raise children on the man's dollar. The ones who blame women joining the workforce are the worst because there's a massive shortage of labor right now are companies ran by men are too stupid/lazy/cheap to hire people and pay them a living wage when they could easily afford to, not to mention the fake inflation crisis aka price gouging that's all being manufactured by men too
Also the fact most men are porn addicts always looking at other women right in front of their wives face seem to be extremely popular, this causes moms to have low self esteem and will likely be put on a ton of drugs that men don't care about how it effects our bodies because hey it's easier to put your wife on prozac to numb her up than it is to not sneak off and watch some ridiculous porn every minute you get the chance. Not to mention the fact a lot of these men will accidentally expose their kids to porn via their porn addiction, I assume this is why so many gen z grow up thinking they need to be super kinky hypersexual manics for people to like them. Remember when king princess said she was dreaming of being in playboy since she was a little girl and everyone just forgot and agreed?
No. 1110130
>>1110099My consoomer uncle was meme'd into this and now they're encouraging kids to drink several nutrition shakes a day? When I announced I was pregnant he gave me a long speech about how "kids are so expensive, it's hard dude, trust me" and then the best example he could provide is claiming he spend $400 per box of formula because his wife wasn't producing enough milk (I'm producing way too much, obviously don't have this issue, his wife is also fat and they had their first kid in their late 30s). When I asked why he couldn't just use normal formula he got offended and just said "you're going to buy whatever the fuck the doctor tells you"
His doctor also told him his kids need multiple pediasures a day and that just taking a single multi vitamin won't do kek. I feel bad because there's no way this could be good for their bodies unless they're legitimately skipping meals. Just the fact they mindlessly listen to their doctor regardless of how ridiculous it sounds without questioning it is mind boggling to me. His kids don't have any prior health issues btw. I guess just being extremely submissive to doctors orders made him primary bait to upsell useless consoomerist shit which will lead to long term health issues which keeps the patients rolling in and forking out their money. I swear to god you can literally make these retards do anything if you just throw on a white coat
No. 1110183
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i think bara tiddies suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1110188
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sexism is the male pathological fear of being disposable and useless compared the biological power women inherently wield.
No. 1110204
>>1104014you sound disordered. did you know you can eat normally and come dinnertime if you don't want to finish a 700-1500 calorie dinner in one sitting you can eat however much you like and take the rest home?
"making up" for a single dinner over several days is actual eating disorder behaviour.
No. 1110468
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Get that shit outta here
No. 1110490
>>1110204Nta but as someone who's struggles with ED since 14, this sure is some unhealthy punishment /reward thinking around food. Op nonna, if you want some free resources for therapy lmk the general area youre in and ill compile some links (like country/region).
I promise you, it ok to go over the limit of your magic restriction number. Does not make you a fatty, it makes you a person navigating in the best way possible. -♥
No. 1110567
>>1110188Not unpopular tho
>>1110183I had my bara tiddy phase but now I find them super common and nothing special so I grew tired of them.
>>1110113You do know that private hospitals still exist and make a lot of profit in those other countries, right? And even with public healthcare a lot of women get C-sections and that makes it more dangerous because it's more rushed.
>>1110074NTA but no one said that being "traditional" makes things better, just in this particular case we're talking about how male doctors have caused a lot of pain due to how they handle births. Of course a professionally trained midwife is going to be better than a traditional one in most cases (unless the latter has enormous amounts of experience), and obviously it would be ideal if every birth was taken care of by midwives with the help of hospitals in case of complications, because sometimes there really are health problems that can only be solved with modern medicine (but not all the time)
No. 1110735
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Aspic is delicious and nutritious, I'm tired of pretending that it's not just because people post their grandmaw's funky recipe from the 60s.
No. 1110762
>>1110733No offende anon but kpop now is garbage. Second gen is so much better.
Kpop was good in the 2000s till 2015 then it all went downhill from there kek.
Theres no xenophobia. Kpop groups nowadays make shitty songs and lip sync and their fans hype them up. People always respected boa (who even sung live with britney spears in the 2000s).
I guess i just miss snsd, super junior, big bang, tvxq, secret, 9muses, brown eyed girls, after school, miss a, etc.
No. 1110769
>>1110500It definitely is real. And while yes it is the result of childhood trauma, the characteristics of the disorder lend itself to some pretty
abusive behaviors on the part of ppl who have it. I've had personal experience with someone with it and all the diagnostic stuff lines up. It's hell to deal with for all parties involved. It is massively overdiagnosed in women and underdiagnosed in men tho. I prefer the theories that all the Cluster B's are essentially the same disorder, but to varying degrees of severity. BPD is the mildest form and the most able to be cured. Their capacity for empathy is diminished, but not completely absent. There have actually been cases of people going thru years of DBT and eventually no longer meeting the diagnostic criteria for the disorder. The same can't be said for NPD and ASPD. Which makes it all the more baffling (and honestly misogynistic) that BPD seems to be the most demonized and stigmatized of them - at least the way ppl talk about it online.
No. 1110949
>>1110733kpop industry is shittier than the western pop industry atm with their obsession with training middle schoolers for years only to only debut some of them, the music is mostly shit nowadays they all literally use the same samples, go to youtube and search kpop samples, their aesthetic is very same-y, it’s like fast fashion albums come and go every 2-3 months compared to wests 1-3 years, relies on heavy parasocial relationships to survive and is extremely dependent on selling merch its ridiculous
I love kpop, but i can keep going on and on and on why kpop sucks without making it about race
No. 1111154
>>1111128I wish i was joking.
>>1111134Thank you for the solidarity nonna!
No. 1111167
>>1111158as a Pussy Eater, i can tell you that long labia are awesome because there's more to "play with" so to speak lol plus like the other
nonnie said, porn probably distorted your view on labias
No. 1111191
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>>1111179It’s a sex organ. All sex organs are ugly, it’s not supposed to be a
No. 1111203
>>1111191what's that on the snail
No. 1111208
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>>1111204Nta but she could also end up looking like Moo. Looking at these surgery-obsessed cows makes me feel squeamish about getting plastic surgery done on my face and such, there’s too many doctors that will only do what you want and then fuck up the natural composition of you face.
No. 1111227
>>1111217We don't know what is causing OP's obsesion with her labia, I just suggested that
maybe she could have some other problem besides porn addiction, like some form of OCD, I know it doesn't happen a lot but eh
No. 1111230
Hi im the anon
>>1111179And i just wanted to say when i was younger i accidently cut a bit of a left labia so thats why i find it ugly now. It was always big but idk it just makes me feel retarded.
No. 1111232
Since then i stopped trimming my pubes.
No. 1111304
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New batman movie wasn't that good
Riddler was alright, catwoman was shit and forgettable
No. 1112100
>>1107725So what about his second wife, who he left Sylvia for? Isn’t it such a coincidence that
both of his wives killed himself?
No. 1112588
>>1112561you are so right
nonnie muah
No. 1112718
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>>1112593>old Victoria's secretBack in the day when Adriana Lima and Miranda Kerr made me feel like a goblin
No. 1112861
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I grew up with this movie and I unironically enjoy it. The campiness is fun and it's overly hated mind you, I haven't watched this film in like a decade so yeah
No. 1112916
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>>1112593>Why cant women have ONE thing for themseves? >picrelHuh?
No. 1112920
>>1112593Scrote or pickme moment. Victoria secret always made money off of women's insecurities and sexualities. The founder literally found it so he could dress his wife like one of the hookers he watched. There's also a huge deal of sexual harassment and other bodyshaming of models who used to work for vs in that Era.
This reminds me, I had the most rancid, ugly and fat girl ever in highschool who was absolutely obsessed with Victoria Secret and their angels. She gave no fuck those women got sexually harassed or anything she still supported them and would try to bring them up so guys would talk to her. She also tried to go to strip clubs and stuff with the guys and defended the men she'd get with using sexwork while they dated her.
No. 1113038
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I hate the typical anime style that's super popular nowadays. It's so ugly. Seeing people go CRAZY over characters who look the exact same except they have needlessly complicated (and ugly) hairstyles makes me think they're no different from redditors that hoard funko pops. I'll see husbandofags lose their god damn minds over some fictional guy that looks the exact same as 5000 other fictional anime guys, except this one has a red stripe in his hair so he's different. I don't get it. If anyone recommends an anime to me and I look it up and it's got that generic modern style I lose all interest.
No. 1113133
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>>1113038I agree. Every anime also picked up some overly-ugly shiny colouring style which looks terrible. I can't stand soulless, samefaced anime artstyles that keep thriving. Picrel is the new Higurashi. Even worse is that this artstyle is from other harem anime.
No. 1113164
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>>1113038It honestly baffles me how having different sizes of breasts determines a personality in anime. Somehow every single female character has an identical body with varying degrees of height and boob size. You can have every color in the rainbow as hair, any hairstyle, different eyes, but the exact same base. Its like those people who buy a base and scibble over it a thousand times, but it's just a reskin that gets boring fast.
No. 1113177
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>>1113133Old higurashi had same face syndrome too.
No. 1113179
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>>1113177at least the screenshots dont look as bad as the remake
No. 1113401
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>>1112593>Old Victorias secretI think a lot of the aesthetic of Victorias secret branding in it's heydey was taken from this book published in 97. Pic related. I wonder if she was involved or ever noticed the similarity.
No. 1113445
>>1113429I smell amazing thank you very much, people compliment how I smell all the time. I said I didn't use soap, not that I didn't wash my ass.
>>1113358I have relationships and a sex life. If they use soap, their dick starts getting nasty, same as when women wash with soap.
Men always compliment my smell and taste and eagerly go down on me, even the ones who say they previously didn't like the taste/smell of pussy. Probably because my flora isn't wacked out from using soap like many women sadly still think they should.
No. 1113561
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>>1113327was just in the shower thinking about this i hope ur a troll because there is no way a normal person would admit that they dont use soap on their ass
No. 1113575
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>>1113445>Men always compliment my smell and taste and eagerly go down on me, even the ones who say they previously didn't like the taste/smell of pussy. Probably because my flora isn't wacked out from using soap like many women sadly still think they should.Is this a scrote baiting for his fetish again similar to half of the pubes/shaving sperging in the vent thread?
>>1113566Have you changed your eating habits a bit?
No. 1113619
>>1113575Not at all
>>1113594I use the indian clay mask and it helps for a few days, I'm convinced it's the water because my husband also smells the same way when we moved in here and there's been no changes to lifestyle
No. 1114458
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British colonists have done more for womankind then the vast vast majority of radical feminists, western radfems have done jack shit for womankind and In fact they continue to do jackshit for womankind
like I'm sorry but a schtizo shooting a pretentious artist has never helped a single woman in the world, neither is the unfactual of a fatty whose never worked a day in her life
I'm ESL so its hard for me get these points across but for us in the third world, its like you guys are LARPing really, you talk about revolution and militant feminist against men and we're like WTF are you talking about, you think if a confrontation against men was possible we wouldn't take it, women around the world and throughout history were just too passive to take that option cause we get beaten into submission and the fact is no radical feminist has ever done jack shit for third world women and the way western radfems act so defensive about this fact, colonists have done more for womankind then you pretentious idiots who sniff your own farts
No. 1114475
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>>1114460These are my genuine opinions
>>1114459>>1114461This is the unpopular opinions thread and I am allowed to express opinions that are considered "unpopular" here and I stated a fact, your university educated upper middle class white women who over analyze media and make up facts about history have done nothing for the women in Pakistan or the global south, the first feminist movement in South Asia began with British Christian missionaries who preached modernity and helped end backwards practice
It was the British who ended the practice of Sati in South Asia and for a more modern example in Syria it was the Russians who saved Syrian women from the same subhuman status as women in Afghanistan suffer today, these men have done more for womankind then those pig brained idiots you think of as intellectuals
but If you wish to prove me wrong then gladly show me a single western radical feminist who actually helped women in the global sout
No. 1114479
>>1114475Dont british colonists hate
poc and killed many many
No. 1114490
>>1114478And despite that they did still more womankind
>>1114478>about women in third world countries? The only way for a woman to liberate herself is to take it into her own hands, get the best education she can and escape the hellhole. Did you even read your statement, do you not understand that it isn't an option for 99% of women, we get beaten if we try to escape
I am working on leaving and I can do this, cause im relatively well off then 95% of women in my nation, I mean 60% of people overall in my country are considered illiterate
No. 1114491
>>1114458radfems are just like internet communists. i agree with some of their takes but i'm just a regular misandrist, not a radfem.
>>1114479they also made homosexuality illegal in british colonized india and only in the 2010's was the law changed for india.
No. 1114508
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nowadays western feminists will get de-platformed and driven from publishing, academia, etc. They're accused of being white supremacists who don't really care about honor killing victims, just bashing on Islam. "What about WESTERN GUYS WHO KILL THEIR WIVES?! Why are you singling out MUSLIMS?!" God forbid there be an specific research paper on Islamic honor killing alone.
Leftists have even made the outrageous claim that the US invaded Afghanistan over women's rights. To be clear- the US invaded over 9/11. Feminist criticism of the Taliban fell on deaf ears
The left is very adept at accusing feminists of being white saviors, colonizers, whitesplaining, westsplaining, etc. Everyone knows they're peeing on your leg and telling you it's raining. But you will be ruined, anyway. This includes feminists of color. They can't say it either. There's simply no room, not even a little bit, to talk about this third rail. If all else fails, leftist intellectuals will explain that "with everything that's going on in the world right now, should we really zero in on this?" similar to the issue of TIMs
No. 1115193
>>1114508>Leftists have even made the outrageous claim that the US invaded Afghanistan over women's rights.I wonder if it's actual leftists saying this or just twitterfags. I've never heard such a stupid claim about that conflict in my life and I've spent a lot of time in leftist spaces. Sounds like a retarded liberal take.
>To be clear- the US invaded over 9/11.kek
No. 1115607
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I kind of feel like megsuperstarprincess should be in Euphoria instead of the porn star chick
No. 1115731
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>>1115698Shes trying so hard to be relevant, and get her own thread. Not milky enough, but it sure is pathetic
No. 1115865
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it also looks like we are being raided by french moids who use a retarded pokemon chat group.
some moid posted this in meta to brag.
No. 1115880
>>1115871he was bragging about it too, i think one of the mods woke up though and they deleted it.
I hope the mods also ban the moid who keeps on infighting with us too (the one who bragged about not being banned and called us bitches and told us to kill ourselves).
No. 1115886
>>1115881>>they're linking pictures in the pokemon site, what are the pictures? i dont want to end up seeing some disturbing shit, so im not going to click.
It also looks like theres more of them there now, now its eleven of them.
No. 1115905
>>1115900did you wake up 5 minutes ago
nonnie, it was waaayy more than just 2 posts kek.
No. 1115913
>>1115865what the actual fuck lmao
>>1115894>People have reported it but nothing has been done about itthat's really weird, i was getting ready to send the link to cybertip. does it need to be reported to the french authorities specifically?
No. 1115925
>>1115913 Someone should write to their hosing provider.
the host of the site is called digital ocean. No. 1115936
>>1115932I dont think that’s unpopular considering its probably the most popular social media right now kek
An unpopular opinion would be hating it. I find it useful for food recipes
No. 1115957
>>1115932I only follow landscape accounts, baking/cooking accounts and models, sometimes I get cats/puppies videos on my FYP and the occasional thirst-trap
i'm not complaining tho kek its pretty comfy I would say and comments sections are hilarious sometimes
No. 1116244
>>1116224I could've saved myself not just time but a hpv infection, a cervical cancer scare and the bills for other medical shit if I just looked in my 'trustworthy' exes phone.
Like I'm big into morals and all that but my god do I resent that. I think back to this guy always being on his phone and how it was just a phone game he was on… the game had a built in chat feature. I could lose my mind thinking of the times we went out for breakfast on the weekends and he sat across from me in a cafe saying he was just planning out battles with his brother. Right under my nose.
No. 1116259
>>1116224I'm honestly I'm glad I did this with my now husband, I didn't find porn and god forbid CP but I did find tons of war related videos and terrorist training manuals on his laptop, turns we were into the same type of war aesthetics and I felt so validated
like a perfect match
No. 1116413
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I firmly believe pet owners, specially dog owners, who treat them as a subset of humans are extremely mentally ill. My next door neighbour in my apartment complex has a dog (and I can hear pretty much everything she does and says against my will) she sings to her, calls her "my love", my "girl/girly", tells her "I love you, I love you, I love you" very fast. Strangely enough the dog doesn't really like her? she has bit her, constantly growls at her. Maybe is because the dogs is constantly inside (the apartments are 2 rooms) and when she walks her is like a 10-15 min walk. I know she doesn't hit the dog, but when she misbehaves she yells at it like if it was a kid. She tells her "don't ever do that again! you are being very rude right now!". Pure, unaltered mental illness, a dog doesn't understand sentences. Dogs can only reach the understanding of a 4 year old child and that only goes for very few and specially trained breeds, which means your mutt is unlikely a special case. And even then dogs just simply don't understand full sentences, they understand physical cues better than sound as a matter of fact. I wonder why this kind of behaviour in people is more accepted than schizophrenia or disorders alike those.
No. 1116633
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The recent interior design trend of painting walls this dingy, desaturated, almost warm blue pisses me off. It can look cool in photos, but irl it just looks weird and tacky. My bile rises even higher when the accent colour in those blue rooms is a similarly dull and desaturated orange/coral. Do people really want to go through life living in a colour scheme that belongs in some suburban New Mexico mom's wardrobe?
No. 1117295
>>1117284Im sharing my cat story too damnit
>Cash, scooby do runs around house >runs upstairs and walks on the edge around the top. Hes 4 ft above me if im on the bottom step looking up. >he taunts me as i plea “plz, sir no sir plz, the ledge too scary plz” by rolling ON THE LEDGE like a manic > plea more, call him my baby. His eyes are huge and i can hear a purr> i pretend to call for helpHe hops down and runs to me so i can pick him up and act overly relieved
We repeat this weekly, it is a favorite game of his
No. 1117480
>>1117410Reading interviews with black women married to non-black men breaks my heart. Jodie Turner-Smith said the only men who’ve ever made her feel beautiful are white men because black men would constantly tell her she’s pretty “for a darkskin girl”. I dated a black guy for a few months and he told me straight up he’d never date a girl darker than himself, and that was the moment I realised that no, they’re not joking, they really will find and excuse to shit on black women.
Tinfoil but I’m worried about what’s going to happen in the future if bm keep refusing to catch up with bw. Hotep shit already has super sexist and racist undertones and there’s real anger and hatred of bw who marry nbmen, so it’s only a matter of time until that evolves into militant inceldom.
No. 1117525
>>1117503Tbh, I honestly think poor people shouldn’t have kids, they’re constantly tired because of their jobs with low payments and shitty schedules, because they’re tired they can’t cook healthy meals, because of the lack of money they can barely buy fresh food.
Their houses are at the cheapest spots near shitty people, with lack of security, which also means loud parties and so on that won’t let anyone sleep normally.
They could just go through the whole getting out of poverty story without dragging some kid that doesn't deserve to go through such struggles.
No. 1117574
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It doesn't make much sense when some people praise Justin Whang's appearance, but say Critikal is unattractive. The two are basically cousins, but one is fatter lol
No. 1117886
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No. 1117893
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No. 1117938
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The strong do what they can.
The weak suffer what they must.
Ukraine got what they deserved.(bait)
No. 1118060
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>>1117574Uhm hello Whang has got big dick daddy energy 4daze look at that big body and
i may be biased because I have yellow fever No. 1118161
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>>1117574What YT channels do you nonnies watch? YouTube's been mostly unwatchable for me lately though, maybe Google pozzed it too much.
No. 1118190
>>1118161Mostly pop-sci channels.
My main gripe is that I can't seem to find small channels at all. Whatever I look up it gives me only the same few large channels on the topic. So the amount of content has shrunk incredibly, even as the number of users skyrocketed.
I do manage to find small art channels I like, but they will inevitably stop posting if their sub count remains small. This frustrates me very much, nobody posts for others to enjoy videos anymore, they all just want clout and bank.
No. 1118213
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I think racial preferences are made up and arbitrary, on a biological level no man has a racial preference and will marry or fuck the closest female group near him, there are hundreds of historical examples of them Hungarian men who were exiled into modern Sudan married the local nubian women, french prisoners were exiled to modern day northern canada to work as laborers, they also married local women and created their ethno-religious group
ultimately our monkey brains just desire someone whose fit and healthy of the opposite sex, that said I am more generally attracted caucasoid men(not just white people) overall then other racial groups
No. 1118442
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Glitter is unfairly demonized!
No. 1118512
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>>1118478Anti glitter propaganda
No. 1118546
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>>1118539>>1118545Sweet, so now I can be
made of glitter too?!
On a more serious note
> The participants could have been exposed to microplastics through air, water and food, but also through personal care products like toothpastetoothpaste?
No. 1118556
>>1118507Cringe, the book is great
>>1118516Based, Jane Eyre sucks. Wuthering Heights is much better though, especially since it's narrated by Nelly who acts as a mediating point. Also the prose is a lot better, the story is more interesting, and it isn't about a 60 year old man marrying a young girl and neglecting to tell her about the abused wife he keeps in his attic and drives to suicide.
No. 1118797
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>>1118796Screenshot of the quote. Spoiler to protect scrolling nonnis.
No. 1118808
>>1118736>I do believe courtney killed him but i support her for itbased tbh
>>1118797even in the name of art this is fucking creepy. i wonder how many women and girls he preyed on while he was still alive who are too afraid to speak out because of his "legend" status
No. 1118810
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>>1118797>>1118796What the fuck… man…
No. 1118820
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>>1118797>Kurt cobain was just another scroteThe cover was made for shock value, there was no praise of the human form.
He did it to sell albums.
Hell, he would call outraged people “closet pedos” as a zinger in interviews.
More buzz = more sales
There’s some tour posters with sperm cells swimming towards egg containing the Nevermind baby; which I assume was the first idea brought to life.
Truthfully, Kurt was an edgelord who thought he was gay and the model never gave a shit till now. Spencer Elden has redone the cover many times throughout the years for fans, but now he’s broke and needs money, so he’s going to try to legally expand the definition of cp.
No. 1118833
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>>1118812Here's the actual journal page. I think he was trying to be edgy/shocking because it was the 90's but damn Kurt what the fuck
No. 1118849
I feel like there is no excuse to write this stuff down. If you think it, quash it fast. Though it does read like edginess since after mentioning infant gore fucking he says he wishes for world peace among youth. Then again the more you read the more meaningless it gets. I find this is a very male thing. Has anyone else noticed males will just write a bunch of meaningless edgy shit and pretend it's deep solely because it's contradictory and uses strong language? Like woah dude your mind is, like, so mysterious and dark…
No. 1118858
>>1117930I came back to read this comment and realized that the very fact that I remember this proves that I'm at least two generations separated from anybody who would be in the demographic to follow modern celebrity drama.
The Justin Timberlake thing was 2004. I was 8 years old. There are multiple anons posting on this board now who weren't even alive when it happened.
No. 1118870
>>1118820>it's for shockwho cares? you're putting naked baby pictures in the hands of pedos. the whole "shock/art" thing is always used to get away with CP
>Spencer Elden has redone the cover many times throughout the years for fans, but now he’s broke and needs money, so he’s going to try to legally expand the definition of you not know how trauma works? of course most people take years to accept that something bad has happened to them, if we went by your logic then there would be no pedos in the world if you think people only come out about their naked childhood photos being sold to strangers would only protest against it if they're broke
No. 1118876
>>1118273NTA but I didn't know that.
>>1118213IMO people just adapt to whatever the fuck is available, especially men who only want a hole to fuck (that's why men of any race will rape animals)
>>1118391>This world is unfair, dont hate the player hate the gameYes, I also hate capitalism
No. 1118882
>>1118833From his shitty elementary-schooler tier handwriting it seems that either he was high or venting, that's probably why he was writing such edgy nonsense. I don't think he was trying to be "deep" or even make any sense like
>>1118849 says.
I mean, in my edgy teen phase I'd draw edgy anime shit like gore after my boyfriend and I had an argument.
That said, however, I agree with
>>1118872 No. 1119162
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Being a teacher is a cursed profession and I have no idea how anyone stays in that shit field
Vid somewhat related
No. 1119219
>>1119217I'm not jealous of pets. Why would I be jealous of a stranger on an anonymous website?
>>1119216I'm not talking about people loving me. I've seen people react more to news about animals than they'd do about people. That's what I meant when I said valuing animals more than people, especially women. Like I said, I knew people who cared more about animals getting hurt than wonen and girls which is why OPs post made me uncomfortable.
No. 1119230
I really don't see how Polly and Rape Me are romanticising violence against women. As sus as I find men writing on the topic, I see what Cobain has been going for with them (and his explanation is consistent with the songs). I am repulsed by the journal quote (and some other things he's sperged about or done) like everyone else is and should be, though.
>baby dickOkay, so now all nude photos of children are cp…? The "traumatised" dude is a clout chaser that remade the photo every few years like he was horrified that the world will forget that he is the Nirvana baby, than tried his best to get money from the band because why not? Also see: the kid from Placebo's self-titled.
The whole post has a zoomer 21 years old minor energy despite Cobain being fucked up in many regards. He stood up for women and minorities at a time when it wasn't popular or cool, and in my opinion it counts for something. Some things about him were awful, others were good.
No. 1119231
>>1119226Posters like this are way creepier to me than people who own pets or love animals. Like I wouldn't leave a baby
or an animal with someone who goes on about how animals are a "waste of space" or repeatedly posts about pet owners. Shit has weird implications. It reminds of that insane Reddit scrote who would post long rants here about wanting to murder dogs (and he was calling women bitches), and the anons who posted in the "dog hate" thread were cheering him on and defending him
No. 1119249
>>1119243No its weird to react more to news about animals than women. I've seen dead animals on the streets and stuff and had pets that died so did everyone else, you can't pass it off as being more used to it.
>>1118797 where he wrote about wanting to fuck infants in their wounds until they die.
No. 1119250
>>1119249I just explained why it's not weird, anon. We don't see animals die every single day, and idk where you live but I don't see dead animals on the street often.
>>1119245 is right honestly, you sound kind of immature
No. 1119252
>>1119244key words, male version
I remember seeing girls write fucked up shit to be edgy though, usually about themselves because women usually internalize. like getting raped or other acts of extreme violence, described in gory detail. or girls with gore blogs, "trauma core." there's no doubt that what cobain and men in general have written is worse though, but I'm guessing it comes from the same edgy place
I'm basing this on the context, if he had written just that part about the infant in an entry or surrounded it with other stuff I would take him seriously as wanting to do that. In the context it's a similar style to an edgy tumblr traumacore vent poem, kek. I still obviously dislike him for it but I don't think he actually meant he would do that
No. 1119256
>>1119253God calm down, why are you getting so personally upset someone disagrees with your views? You're only helping the thread get derailed by replying.
>You’re the type of person that makes people want to run away and live in the woods and talk to squirrels.You're free to do so.
No. 1119269
>>1119262They are telling you what they would do if there were no consequences anon, they are telling you who they really are.
>>1119263Maybe, I can't pretend to like Courtney either, se was a hot mess too.
No. 1119273
>>1119256You’re extremely insufferable. This post
>>1119085Did not need some autist bringing up pictures of mutilated women on 4chan or whatever the fuck. That’s mentally ill behaviour and it pisses people off. Just because you have had bad experiences doesn’t mean you can project them on to everyone else and accuse them of not caring about women’s deaths or some bullshit like that. Also accusing them of “not being able to form relationships with people” seems like another projection kek.
Personally I prefer the company of animals because they don’t talk to me when I’m trying to read a book or talk throughout a documentary I’m trying to watch.
No. 1119280
>>1119273>Personally I prefer the company of animals because they don’t talk to me when I’m trying to read a book or talk throughout a documentary I’m trying to watch.You're not normal. Stop getting so mad when it gets pointed out.
>>1119278>caping this hard for a man who fantasizes about raping babies.Get help.
No. 1119284
>>1119280Aren’t you this anon
>>1119256?? No wonder people would rather spend time with their animals than you. You are literally impossible to vibe with.
No. 1119285
>>1119282The difference is that edgy women internalize it and present themselves as the
victim. Men do the opposite and present themselves as the one who commits the damage. You can't just excuse these gross fucks as "just being edgy", they are literally just vicariously living what they know they can't do because there are consequences for these actions.
No. 1119286
>>1119280>>caping this hard for a man who fantasizes about raping babies.Get help.
i do think a lot of men are pedophilic but saying one edgy thing one time in a book peppered with other weird and stupid shit coming from a background and time where subculture and artistic differentiation meant a lot to neglected or disaffected youths is not surprising to me. you're not really understanding the difference in time and how the internet also changes things. not to say men haven't always been commmonly preoccupied with sex but the history of the music scene at the time and his particular issues i think were a little unique
(infighting) No. 1119302
>>1119285>The difference is that edgy women internalize it and present themselves as the victim. Men do the opposite and present themselves as the one who commits the damage.I agree with this but it doesn't follow that he actually wanted to
rape a baby that's all I disagree on. And I don't care about him or his music at all, it just seems obvious to me. Agree to disagree because we aren't getting anywhere I think.
No. 1119305
>>1119290Anon the original comment that set you off was literally cats > women > other animals > men. You decided to bring up a load of unrelated crap about news stories, 4chan and porn because you’re mentally ill and annoying and the average house cat is probably more intelligent than you without any of the aggressive dogma that they’ll spew at you every time you say something that makes them remotely uncomfortable. Just look at how aggressive you get because anons are talking about a very famous musician.
>>1119280 >>1119288The first anon who brought up that she didn’t like Kurt Cobain wasn’t like this. You’re just trying to shut people up because they’re going against your beliefs.
Honestly your behaviour is so
toxic here.
I’ve really started to enjoy this site less and less because there are a lot of people like you on /ot/ and you all just have the most stifling, dogmatic and oppressive attitude and it’s impossible to have a discussion with you around.
Next you’ll say something like “only a pedo moid would support kurt cobain!!!” Without a hint of irony.
No. 1119311
>>1119305she's a legitimate autist or something or intent on having a
toxic, annoying personality and must blame it on everyone else.
>>1119307no, you've proven over the course of this thread to be exceptionally retarded and obnoxious. no shit you keep coming across people who mention they prefer animals over people - you are their very reminder. you honestly make romaniachan seem personable, warm, and levelheaded.
No. 1119313
>>1119307It’s so obvious that you have no life aside from infighting on here. I don’t want to be one of those muh typing styles autists but it really seems like you’re here
a lot and lurk every single thread in /ot/.
No. 1119314
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>>1119312Are you that anon ban evading? Kek.
No. 1119322
>>1119286 this one is banned
No. 1119343
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Why is there so much infighting and derailling nowadays please stop it nonnies
No. 1119482
>>1119403I wish i was joking. Anons defended it and im the only one who even said its fucked up.
>>1119455I wouldnt be surprised
No. 1119823
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>pulled a hitman on her shitty creep scrote husband before he can walk out on his daughter, staged a suicide and got away with it
>put madonna in her place for sexualizing blondes
>called out gwen stefani for being fake
>is honest about her trashiness
>admitted to being a junkie but stopped cold turkey as soon as she found out she was pregnant
>called out trent reznor for being a creep towards 12 yr old girls
love was the absolute stacy of her time
No. 1119949
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Heavy Snapchat filters only flatter average and ugly people, if you have an attractive face Snapchat filters just make you look overly done/cartoonish and unnatural
I also feel like Snapchat filters became a way for more people to take pictures and share memories without ugly ultra HD cameras sharpening up every pore and changing the width/height of your face. Even beautiful people have a hard time being photogenic now because of how badly modern cameras distort your face and bring attention to flaws. I also feel like this is why so many people get insecure and freak out over having pictures taken of them
No. 1120246
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This shade of purple is just so ugly to me.
No. 1120249
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>>1120246Excuse me? That's my fucking
skin color you're talking about sweetie. You can't just say someone's
skin color is an ugly shade, you racist fuck
No. 1120252
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>>1120246That's the color of my labia how dare you
No. 1120312
>>1120305and you think that's… all madonna's fault? i don't even know how the "blonde" thing is so deeply associated to you with madonna, when most think of madonna they don't think of exclusively blonde hair. they think about her work and her continually creating sex posi "art" and crap. which, at the time, could be construed to be groundbreaking. her sexuality was pretty unapologetically about her enjoyment too, even if that does play into male hands, obviously.
where even did courtney call out madonna for "sexualizing blondes"? madonna sexualized everything she touched, where is the emphasis on blonde-ness? if anything, courtney did and does that. a specific type of blonde being especially fetishized existed long before madonna and it's not like madonna has a huge body of work saying "i'm a hot blonde that's a hot hot hottie for being blonde" specifically
No. 1120341
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No. 1120361
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No. 1120366
>>1119823Yes that’s why her daughter got a restraining order and went to live with her dead fathers family rather than live with this crazy narc bitch.
I love Courtney for calling out Weinstein and her music and her style but come on anon. Also there’s no proof that she had kurt killed by a hitman and only schizos think that.
No. 1120378
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>>1120366girl, you don't even know. this thread has been derailed by ahistorical schizos that for some reason have 0 grasp of the situation at the time and are just girlbossing courtney for everything and are actually ignoring who she is, the context of the time and place, her fame and drug addiction, neglect. like she's fine, fabulous, at times, absolutely, but she's also still human. still not seeing the kurt pedo substantiation and she certainly wouldn't have had him killed for that alone based on her quality of character, but i digress. anyways also bumping.
No. 1120379
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>>1120378These kids are cute
Yeah he made some edgy comment about
stabbing babies and then fucking the wound until they die in an interview about his album cover. Really a grotesque thing to say.
I don’t think he’s a pedo but honestly scrotes should face consequences for saying disgusting things as a “joke” or a “political statement” and be ostracised. I don’t care if people want to sully his name and call him a pedo but calling anons pedos just for not thinking he’s a pedo is retarded.
Also bumping.
No. 1120393
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>>1120379right, that's my issue. i don't think it was in relation to the album cover, just an off-handed statement that didn't gel with really much else from his personal life or career. but yes, we're pedos for not seeing the exact connection because there is nothing else? is it hugely retarded? yes. is it heinous but likely moronic some artsy fartsy extreme high shit? probably. courtney has done awful shit while high (though thankfully nothing i can recall that's as viscerally offputting about babies or anything, just neglect and attention-whoring and general shittiness), but i don't think that's necessarily always her. i think when she's on her shit she's great, so the worst of her shouldn't always define her. same goes for most addicts saying stupid shit. these people are "artistic" druggies. marina abramovic and her shitty installations or the Sensation young british artist installations from the 90s don't make those artists n*cros, just edgy dumbasses without further substantiation. the 90s especially was so ripe for this.
No. 1120431
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>>1120413im not joking. The ONLY thing i know is that court has a manga about her and thats it kek
i didnt know both made music. Dont judge me nonnas
No. 1120432
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My unpopular opinion is spidery lashes are normal. Real lashes arent as full unless youre blessed. People are brainwashed into thinking fake lashes are the norm. When you apply mascara your lashes will look spidery and thats just normal.
No. 1120435
>>1120432I remember a time when mascara was it, fake lashes were a fancy dress thing or part of stage costumes and nobody used them as part of their routine.
I don't even do make up so maybe I've no place caring about this but I hate seeing the bar increase every few years. New standards added on. New steps, extra products. Seems like a time and money pit to try and keep up.
No. 1120450
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>>1120432Isn't picrel what they mean by spider lashes tho
No. 1120455
>>1120433thank you. there's a good reason why she has a very, very poor history with many up and coming portland or seattle based feminist musicians (many of whom used to be her former friends until she screwed them over, talked shit about them, jacked their intellectual property, assaulted them). i like her a lot and think she has a fabulous voice, very good writer, has tremendous drive, but she is a highly collaborative person that used a mishmash of others to get initially noticed, but the way she stabs people in the back after jacking aspects of their personality, ideas, or style is uncool. she absolutely will tear other women down to get where she needs to go, but when she reaches her goal, she does tend to chill out on that, which is good, but she is a famehungry person in comparison with the female musicians she grew up with and relied upon. she got kurt's attn by combatively telling him his girlfriend is "fat", like, trying to start shit with him and insult his gf, and suggesting to him he shouldn't be with a fat girl. very supportive, very feminist of her. not that i'm surprised, this is partially a product of the time, but she has continued this behavior whenever it suited her and it directly contradicted the beliefs of her former friends, who she later openly resented, because they disagreed with her, or explicitly wouldn't utilize misogynistic tactics as often to garner fame or attention and their scene was built on feminism, where hers wasn't, exactly.
she is no doubt a very strong person with a strong body of former work when focused and around the right people (notably corgan and erlandson for writing and production partners, which is fine, no one can always do 100% alone - it doesn't devalue or make her any less talented), but she is also flawed, at times a shitty person (sometimes because of drugs) and she definitely didn't kill her ex or have any interest in killing him for "being a pedo scrote". her music is also a lot more accessible and melodic than her former friends', so naturally it'd be fitting she'd enter the mainstream easier, but she wouldn't have reached where she did without the help of women she stabbed in the back. she's not a flawless feminist queen by any means, just a strong and talented person that happens to be a woman. her values come and go when they suit her, like many famous people.
No. 1120477
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>>1120450No. People said THIS girl had spidery lashes (its from a youtube short) and im shocked because thats just how lashes naturally look with mascara?
No. 1120479
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>>1120459I cant wear eyeliner my eyes are hooded sadly
No. 1120760
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>>1120697what does that even mean? how does that make it any better? i will defend fujos to the death solely because they piss off men but dick up a man's shithole is just not hot, i am sorry. bumping also
No. 1120768
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retardo is persistent today
No. 1120782
>>1120768I remember a
nonnie bought one of those for her niece and her niece didnt talk to her again. What a sad post
No. 1120982
>>1120697wtf is a "yaoi hole"
>>1120768sage for blog but when i was a kid there was a toy store a few towns away that had calico critters and every time we went by there i wanted to buy one so bad. i went there on my own recently only to find that it had closed.
No. 1121097
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>>1121044NTA but Courtney Love has never been against sexualization, just kind of angry that she never reached Madonna's level of fame kek
No. 1121113
>>1121097Being sexy or presenting yourself as sexual isn't the same as claiming a certain feature is sexual. That's like saying Asian women who do nude photoshoots are sexualizing Asians just because they're Asian and being sexy, sexualizing Asians would be presenting yourself as a sexual object because you are Asian or trying to claim that asianness is sexual by natural, a nude photoshoot with no context isn't comparable
This goes for any feature or attribute that's over sexualized, on top of that over sexualizing features that women can't help leads to a lot of sexual abuse and harassment
No. 1121114
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>>1121097Samefagging to add: She's a natural brunette who dyed her hair, got plastic surgery and lost weight to be more
sexually appealing (in her words: "Guys used to fart in front of me after fucking me. It made sense, I looked like the kind of girl you fart in front of", and she shat on other women for being fat
It's fine to like her, but enough with the revisionism lol
No. 1121126
>>1121113You're arguing with a strawman. I'm saying Courtney Love isn't some feminist strongwoman who fights for women's features to not be sexualized. She is/was a fame-seeking woman utilized feminist talking points to look edgy when it suited her, and then defaulted back to pick me shit when it didn't
Blonde isn't a race, by the way. Terrible comparison, especially for a woman who isn't even naturally blond kek
No. 1121149
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>>1121097Love her. I don’t care if she’s fucked up she’s so based.
No. 1121180
>>1121149I feel like people don't understand that saying that someone is a Stacy isn't saying that they're perfect. Courtney was a Stacy because she was one of the only, if not the first women of her time to call out the insane amount of pedo and creepy men in the industry, and ~if~ she did pull a hit on Cobain it would make her an even bigger Stacy. On top of that she's also a female artist who made it fairly big without needing to fuck producers or anything. She doesn't body shame other women either which is pretty cool.
You forgot we also have anons in other threads praising Jodi arias
No. 1121204
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>>1121180lmao this is not even remotely close to being true. i love her music and i think she's extremely entertaining and a strong person but literally none of what you've said is true. none.
No. 1121206
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>>1121180>She doesn't body shame other women either which is pretty cool.Why are you lying? Do you not know anything about her? Is this part of a rash of Twitterfags who learned she existed after Doja Cat covered "Celebrity Skin", and are still new to everything?
There's way more than pic related too, and she targeted specific women. Can you guys actually learn about your "Stacies"? This is almost as annoying as the time someone was trying to insist Grimes was a "Stacy"
No. 1121227
>>1121202jodi is a piece of trash garbage that serves to harm women with her fake DV accusations only said after the fact to try to escape the death penalty, which she previously said she "wanted" lmao. she's a coward and a tard and ultimately, a massive pickme for a doughy dumbass. you have no idea how her behavior is harmful to women who are actually experiencing DV and end up with lifelong murder sentences for killing actually physically
abusive males. that said, travis was an enormous piece of shit that i do not particularly care about. it's one thing if you're ironically making jodi a tumblr stacy for the ironic memes but she's fucked and retarded and so was travis. she was a fucking massive pickme and still is, are you dense? travis definitely fucked around and found out though
you girls are literally so stupid and completely incapable of holding actually coherent viewpoints
No. 1121281
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>>1121227The real reason you hate her is that she's a sexualized blonde
No. 1121283
>>1121227>an emotionally abused woman is guilty for all women MEN sentence to death!The cope. Next you're going to say "fake" rape
victims are why moids don't care about rape when we both know that's far from the truth.
No. 1121294
>>1121290NTA but
>If the genders were reversed!Not this shit again lol
No. 1121301
>>1121227i dont support jodi but i see why she did what she did. So many men lead women on because they know they can get away with it and waste years of a woman's life. Travis was just a guy that did not get away with it and got a psychotic girl instead of the usual doormat uwu empath chick.
>>1121298i bet theyre the same anons who stay silent when actual unhinged anons worship male serial killers and pedos. If you want to talk unhinged then lets talk about the goreposter.
No. 1121312
>>1121302i feel really sorry for her, society as a whole treated her so bad since she was a child.
Documentary's about her in the early 2000's were also very misogynistic and hypocritical.
I remember watching a documentary where the narrators blamed her for getting raped as a child by a old man and being forced to live on the streets .
No. 1121321
>>1121301>i bet theyre the same anons who stay silent when actual unhinged anons worship male serial killers and pedos. Kek. Bet they're the ones defending kurt pedobain.
>If you want to talk unhinged then lets talk about the goreposter.This. Most men masturbate to rape and torture of women and a big portion of men commit those crimes, up to 1/3 of men. Yet they never get shorter sentences because women's lives and trauma is valued less. Even by some women here, sad.
No. 1121335
>>1121324What do you mean, anon? So she'll know if she's a lesbian or?..
>>1121322Not everyone you disagree with is the same person. I also saw you call a random anon this nickname in other threads, you need to log off.
No. 1121346
>>1121335It’s so obviously you anon come on, you patrol this thread night and day looking to pick fights, among others, and you always sound like a low iq anti intellectual Twitter migrant. You where crying about kurt cobain, you where crying about it people liking cats more than your dumb ass and when people tell you to fuck off you call them moids and go cry to mods on /meta/. Do you even have a job? Do you have a single hobby?
>>1121337>ntaKek of course
No. 1121353
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Any woman that's puts moids in their place is a Stacy to me
No. 1121359
>>1121355You also have 0 reading comprehension. I never called you a Romanian girl, or Romanianon, I was saying you just stand out even more than someone who says literally the same things over and over again verbatim. That’s how retarded you are on a regular basis, bringing up the same infights over and over again across multiple threads literally hours after they have died. and I promise it’s not just me saying this. Multiple people have had conversations about how
toxic /ot/ has become and it’s because of you. You stick your beaky fucking nose into every discussion. No point in saying anything to you because you will either straw man, Cherry pick or just completely misconstrue the argument altogether, or even call me a moid, or a pedo or some shit.
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zendayas looks are unremarkable for someone in hollywood and i feel like the only reason they’re so celebrated is because she’s an actress of colour. i pass girls on the street better looking than her everyday
i feel like i’m being constantly gaslit by bots to try and brainwash me into believing she’s a divine beauty the point where it makes me tinfoil that she’s commissioning fake fan accounts to try and push this narrative that she’s an otherworldly goddess whose looks surpass all of humanity
i’m not saying she’s not pretty, she definitely is, but i dare you to prove that zendaya ain’t the Lillee Jean of Hollywood.
No. 1121373
>>1121359I wasn't the anon you replied to or the one you're accusing of being romaniachan/not romanaiachan. at this point you're a bigger meme than her. I swear to god I see your unhinged ass posts shit up /ot/ poorly attempting to namefag farmers than I've seen anyone else bait
you literally think there's a single anon lurking ot 24/7 with no job, hobbies or life just for the sole purpose of baiting you, so much in fact that it's more realistic to you than the idea we're a bunch of jumbled up etards with different views so of course there's going to be a lot of infighting but no that's stupid it's obvious just a single anon on crack who's life purpose is to piss people off
the anon you replied to accusing of infighting didn't even say anything off for this site kek. Seems like a typical pinkpill user
No. 1121381
>>1121376Oh? so why did the pinkpill user here
>>1121321get accused of being "infight-chan" here
>>1121322that's apparently here "24 fucking 7", or am I her like I was accused of?
No. 1121384
>>1121372Zendaya is average with no make up. Average biracial girl. Cute but not as Stunning as she is when she's made up. I saw a picture of Zendaya with her boyfriend, no make up, in regular clothes and I was like, "Damn she's pretty average".
Not unattractive though.
No. 1121395
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>>1121373>>1121381>pinkpill userAre you lost?
No. 1121404
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>>1121393I mean yeah, but she went from a very naturally stunning girl to…just very average. I don't know how old this picture is, there was also a pap shot with her and her boyfriend, when I first noticed it. Nothing wrong with it, she's still pretty.
No. 1121425
>>1121420i dont like calling scrote but you're probably right.
>>1121395 seemed weirdly out of place to me.
No. 1121511
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>>1121468I hate male perms and they should've never made a comeback.
No. 1121517
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While I'm not a fan of manlets either, 192cm/6'4" and up is too tall too. What are you so tall for? Did you wanna become a giraffe when growing up? You're not supposed to take growing up SO seriously. You look ridiculous. Stop. 178cm/5'10" to 188cm/6'2" hits the spot imo.
No. 1121525
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nonnie, this might sound like some half-hearted "Oh, but you're okay though!" but I swear this is just about men. It's like short or even completely shaven hair; I hate it on men but on women it looks so cool most of the time to the point that I tend to accidentally stare at them
just like I did today while doing groceries oops No. 1121591
>>1121517>178cmEh, I'm shorter than 160 so any man who is 160 or above is fine for me. Not that I even notice how tall men are (unless it's a very noticeable difference)
I imagine super tall men (2m) look like monsters in real life.
No. 1121610
>>1102836>>1103032I think the most amount of racism I have ever experienced has exclusively been in left leaning/liberal bubbles. I consider myself generally a leftist in political world view, but culturally I do not like hanging out with people who make it a consumerist personality trait. I was expecting so many bad things when I had to move to Iowa for school, yet somehow it wasn't nearly as bad as what i experienced in portland or any other tiny lib bubble.
I think they are all so mentally aware that they have nothing unique to offer to the world or society mixed with having NLOG brainwash, that they end up dehumanizing and projecting terrible things on to people they view as potentially more oppressed. Deep down, they get jealous of that perception and it's fucking creepy.
No. 1121616
>>1121610It's a researched phenomenon, the more people believe themselves to be unbiased, the more they end up acting with bias.
Personally, I've found liberal suburbanites (who move to cities) more of that type of ignorant/racist leftist. City liberals seem less delusional about the conditions of lower classes, or are at least less insufferable with the savior complex.
No. 1121763
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No. 1121802
>>1121742Trannies are clearly not the main problem. It's dumb thinking of forming an alliance with males to defeat a smaller enemy.
Troons are males anyway. Instead of doing that, why not attack the source of troonism?
>>1121749NTA but I don't trust lolcow's opinions about these things most of the time. Although yes, there are normie women who reject short men because of their height (simply a preference like any other physical trait), it's not like every woman hates manlets. So yeah, scrotes complain about it, and some are right about the reason they were rejected, but a lot of them are just insecure.
No. 1121918
>>1121914I can guarantee whoever dislikes yaoi probably finds the child porn and gore to be way grosser, just because someone dislikes yaoi doesn’t mean they like child rape, you retard
No. 1121947
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>>1121302I worship both Miss Jodi and Aileen.
And male on male is disgusting, but their romance is kind of cute.
No. 1121959
>>1121760Scrotes can jerk off to real footage of women being raped, having painful bdsm acts done on them thats ruin their health and leave them with infections or diapers or forcing their assholes to prolapse…
But some women watching truecrime because most crimes are centered around women and its a part of our lives is more vile? Most girls have been
victims of an offence, usually sexual harassment or rape before they're even 18 so it's stupid to expect women not to seek out content they can relate to. Also it gives you a sense of control because you can see the types of men that targeted those women and in which environments the crime was committed so you get a better understanding on how to avoid a possible situation in the future.
No. 1122014
>>1121760True crime has some serious trash among it. Years ago I noticed a trashy shift in how TV shows covered tc and now Youtubers are doing the same. Any sane person will burn out and not consistently watch tc because you should be empathising with people involved in cases and not be titilated by it.
Comparing it to men jerking their dicks to abuse that is produced specifically for their titillation every single time … that's just retarded.
No. 1122087
>>1122068Same experience here.
I had weight problems a decade ago and I remember docs back then being really harsh to me about it. When I was in high school I was on depo provera for bc. It makes some women gain a fuckton of weight. One time I went for a renewal and I got a male obgyn. He looked at me condescendingly and snarked "Have you thought about running on a treadmill?" Of course I couldn't uhm achtually him that I was on a treadmill that morning without looking defensive af. I was too young to know that was unprofessional and creepy, and of course this dude was poking around in my vagina later. Asshole.
Different male dietician from around the same time once shamed me for sometimes eating bigger portions than the size of my two fingers together or some disordered ass shit. Not because I was gaining weight btw, but because I wasn't losing it quick enough for his liking. My diet and fitness at the time were actually decent in retrospect. Anyway, those docs couldn't relate and treated my weight like some kind of moral failing. It felt like they cared more about addressing my appearance than my health and I find it no coincidence that they were both men treating a young woman in such a way.
Fast forward and I moved to a city. I was able to request female doctors and they were all very understanding about my weight issues. They were willing to listen and gave me whatever help or meds I needed to address it. Whenever I made a denigrating comment about my weight in the office they really discouraged me from thinking that, because medical professionals are finally understanding that shaming at best just leads to disordered behaviors. When people criticize HAES they really don't understand or remember what culture was like towards women in the 2000s, and I'm talking about just moderately overweight or average women feeling really fucking bad and ashamed about their bodies. How every time you asked for help about a medical issue is was dismissed with a recommendation for losing weight first, even if the reason behind gaining weight was the health issue needing address in the first place.
HAES really was/is for women. No one cares that men are fat as shit.
No. 1122095
>>1122060I see alot of men sperging about how it's making women fat and lazy but how about the ongoing ott kindness that is extended towards men when they're fat, bald, smelly, have hair coming out of the noses.. they've had the pleasure of being coddled about how they look and how they're not thaaat fat for as long as I can remember.
A man of less than average height is buying XL shirts… totes not fat. That's just his big manly build. They have a ton of copes built up to pretend fat ain't fat. But as soon as a fat woman calls herself curvy they freak out.
No. 1122187
>>1122164I'm doing none of the above, Where's my prize?
Actually life is pretty peaceful right now. That might be my prize.
No. 1122215
>>1122195I'm terrified of pregnancy, my last ex got a vasectomy seeing as it was affecting our sex life.. I thought I was sorted and it was great. A year later he cheats and I'm back to square one. I only trusted that he'd had that vasectomy because I was with him that day and saw the scars afterwards.
I don't know how much I'd trust someone if they just claimed to be snipped. Knowing scrotes they'd start faking proof of it just to get laid easier.
No. 1122240
>>1122217I looked it up and found a compilation of answers
>Of all the specialties in med school, I was sure gynecology was the one I wouldn’t want. As a straight male, I didn’t want to ruin my love of the vagina. Years into it now, I’m never more professional than I am with a patient. The vagina is so desensitized to me, I hardly notice anything about it. But if a woman is attractive, I do have to fight that part of my brain. I’d be lying if I said otherwise
>It is also a great field where there is a combination of medicine and surgery with favorable outcomes. Finally, I grew up with six sisters, and so I was used to having my life revolve around estrogen, ovulation, and hormones.
>I hated pediatrics, mostly because of the annoying parents of healthy kids! But OB/GYN was unexpectedly fun. The doctors were all very affable, and some were actually funny. The patients were more healthy than not, and delivering babies was just about the coolest thing ever. No. 1122249
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No. 1122297
>>1122014Also it’s well known and accepted that women are more interested in true crime than men because they’re subconsciously trying to learn and prevent themselves from being
No. 1122319
>>1122307I agree. True crime is something men hate because they're weirdly disturbed that a woman could
gasp be interested in anything violent and disgusting! While rape in porn is normalized to males because they don't see women as people, which is why men rage about jodi arias or other female serial killers but support male murderers whose
victims are women.
No. 1122363
>>1122360Samefag but I will also say that the scat raids were the first raids I've actually seen in a
very long time thanks to the anons who bump. The bumps have saved me.
No. 1122368
>>1122353Fuck you, I'm glad I haven't had to see CP because anons bumped. They wouldn't be posting it here if they thought it left everyone unaffected anyway.
>I’m tired of going through five threads of the same shit.Go blame that on the actual problem
No. 1122381
>>1122371Yes, exactly. I've had some classmates in university who were surprised or disgusted I was still living with my parents while studying (because we were dirt poor at the time) and surprised I was relying only on my small scholarship (because no company wanted to hire part-time because of shitty schedules and having classes almost every saturdays that I couldn't skip because of said scholarship, and because everything is closed on sundays where I am). They were telling me that if I was bothered by having to take the subway 2h a day because of commute to go to campus maybe I should just move closer to the campus like it's nothing. They would also complain about being broke students while buying cigarettes non stop (10€ a pack), drinking at bars almost everyday, getting take outs instead of cooking, going abroad on prestigious exchange programs I didn't have access to because I didn't have the money to show to foreign schools to prove I could afford rent and food there, etc. and only some of them admitted to me near graduation that it was all thanks to their upper middle class or multimillionaire parents, and that they skipped classes to get part-time jobs just to treat themselves with expensive brand shit. Sooo independent kek. Now I see them complaining about how rent is eating up their salary all the time on social media while I saved over 20,000€ just by working less than two years after graduating and staying at my parents' place until I find a decent apartment and I fully admit it, unlike them. Weirdly enough, the multimillionaire who got a job in Japan at a Rothchild's company thanks to her rich dad was way more humble and direct than everyone else and didn't judge me for any of it.
No. 1122387
>>1122381People like this are usually just jealous you're unable to swallow your ego when it benefits you as a whole in the future. I had to move out because my parents are poor and couldn't afford a 2 bedroom anymore. I always see my colleagues ebeg for rent, electricity, etc yet next minute posting about how they drank it up at the casino and got a new tattoo the following week
It's not just gen z/ millennials either. I have gen x people in my family who try to preach to me about how I need to drop everything and just sleep on the sofa at my parents house because "it's super hard and everything is expensive" and then give me an example by talking about how they buy their kids $60 a week in sugary snacks and just brought a 3k dog. People need to understand while it is hard out there, not everyone has the same shitty finances as them
No. 1122404
>>1122380yep. I had to push back going to college until 22 because of finances and my parents werent able to co-sign a student loan or apartment for me, I had a full-time job I worked overnight and went to class during the day, meaning most days I only got 3 hours of sleep trying to scrape by
I wouldn't recommend it for anyone to have a life that's literally 90% dedicated to work or school. How would a student even manage to have their own apartment without freaking out about if they get enough hours to pay utilities or rent? they probably wouldn't even be able to afford a proper bed since every single penny has to go to bills
No. 1122406
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>>1122381I got judged hard for living with my mom in our comfy house and going to community college instead of getting in debt to go to school in another city, as well as living at home all my life (late 20s). Until I got to age 26 with no debt and six figure net worth.
Add up the amount you pay in rent and utilities in a 5 year period… It's just not worth it to me. I'll get my own place if I get married but I'm gonna inherit this house anyway one day.
No. 1122407
>>1122406Are you paying for the groceries and/or utilities? If not, that is pretty shameful as you clearly have the means to help out your parents, but if you are helping them out to a degree financially, then go you. If you're not contributing anything, you basically are a low level trust fund baby.
What's even worse to me than people living with their parents and offering them nothing is people who use their parents as free childcare regardless of their parents' circumstances…it's so messy.
No. 1122414
>>1122353Those anons are a godsend because when I saw CP I logged the fuck off and didn’t open anything for the rest of the day. Do you really wanna see that shit ?
>just report it!!They obviously probably do report it retard.
No. 1122442
>>1122406Living with parents to save money is so smart financially. You can save a whole down payment for a house in a matter of 2-3 years.
I moved out on my own after college (my rent was super cheap because I moved to a place family owned - I'd consider it family assistance or family looking out for family) and I saved tens of thousands.
Parents who can afford it should be expected to pay their children's tuition if they expect them to go to university. And in turn the children should automatically save money they would have been putting towards debt.
My parents paid for my education. I'm in a great place financially because I was able to save. They were never poor, but instead of going on fancy vacations or getting the newest electronics we only got what we needed and brought things on sale. They sacrificed a lot so they could support me. So now when they're older I will be able to support them and I'll be able to ensure a good life for my children. And the cycle repeats.
Saving money is underrated.
No. 1122450
>>1122445I think bumping threads to push CP and stuff down is good but if you're too soft you shouldn't be browsing lolcow. A lot of users here are ex femanons from 4chan, we have threads dedicated to spilling tea on
abusive moms, camgirls, crack whores, anorexics, etc. Obviously there's going to be fucked up shit posted whether it be raids, other users, etc
this also goes for anons who think that other anons discussing dark or sexual matters are all just moids. If you expect lolcow, out of all places to act like a literal church mom group or something just stay on pinterest. People seriously can't expect lolcow, out of all places to cater to them right?
No. 1122454
>>1122450Fucking based. They’re all newfags and I’m sick of shit takes like
>swearing makes you sound like a scrote! They should all kill themselves.
No. 1122564
>>1122558Who cares about her
your? point. All anon said was “if you’re sensitive to this you shouldn’t be here” and you are all accusing her of being a “jaded internet femcel”. What she said is absolutely true.
No. 1122565
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>Male posts literal images/gifs/webms of alive, dead, malnourished, obviously abused, sexualized women, children and/or BABIES AND NEWBORNS being raped(sometimes while dead), forced into makeup, adult clothes, smashed to death, run over, tortured, etc.
>Expect members of a female gossip-based imageboard, the sex who have been socialized to care for children since their first "BABY WHO REALLY DRINKS MILK AND POOPS!" doll at 3 years old + a mix of reproductive hormones and biology, to not be traumatized
You are desensitized to the point of acceptance or you are a scrotoid, literally or in spirit.
No. 1122581
This is such a retarded discussion that happens whenever moids posts their porn folders. The more you talk about it, the more gore and child porn will get posted in here. You have to ignore it, if you’re mad at them, just go to Reddit and bait men, who knows? We may even get some Keks from their sperg outs about muh logical sex and muh mens rights.
It’s only logical to feel disgusted and miserable, but seriously, hide the pictures and report them, log off lolcow, maybe check on your favorite cow and get some screencaps for when the moid stops posting so there’s some milk to share, literally go outside.
But crying and shitting over the shit that gets posted here will only make the moids come here more often, because they think that they made some ebic trowlling mooove, those are the screencaps they take to send them to others and then laugh at le foonny women who are logically affected by the shit they fap to.
No. 1122585
>>1122569We get raided extremely often and for the longest time anons have spammed nudes of barely 18 yr old cows (sometimes underaged one but that's a different story)
Again, not supporting it but this site is fucked up
No. 1122595
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I don't have much to add to this discussion aside from, it's really dumb to try and silence women from voicing their distaste at the illegal content that men post on our site. It's also dumb to get mad at people for getting upset at cp/gore.
No. 1122620
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>>1122595You’re being dense, haven’t you seen how they just look for a reaction from us? Men are literal toddlers and the way to deal with them is to just ignore them while they kill themselves in a moid rage.
No. 1122625
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>>1122579>the most mundane goreanon I get your point but you might be a little messed up
No. 1122636
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>>1122625Why the fuck do you think I post here?
No. 1122637
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>>1122595They're probably the same "people" who post about hating animals and type out dog gore fantasies here and shit. Literally ignore them (or at least don't take their comments at face value, because you're not talking to sensible humans). We don't just have actual scrotes here, there are also women with scrote-tier brains. They cannot be reasoned with. Feelings like empathy (or disgust at cruelty) aren't just alien to those types, they're annoyed by it because they can't relate.
I (thankfully) don't see most of the fucked up shit that gets spammed here, and when I do, I don't talk about how it makes me feel, but I understand why other anons would hate it and openly say as much. It's a normal response, "safe space" or not. Even if we don't say shit, since this site actually isn't a hub for pedophiles and sadists (no matter how much some individuals may want it to be), they'll always know we hate it. The scrotes will just go to /meta/, jack off to us saying "CP/gore/scat in /ot/, please delete", and the same scrotebrains making a big deal of anons being disgusted in here will chide anons for openly reporting it in the first place. It's a very long game of desentisization and normalization, all we can do is not let it win
No. 1122638
>>1122611I'm not going to lie, we get posted on kiwifarms and 4chan, we are harassed by some of the craziest groups on the internet and a lot of people are pressed by our mere existence, I wouldn't say this is the safest place rather the opposite, I'd said Pinterest and the likes are safer, I'm always using a VPN while posting for a reason
No. 1122668
>>1122573It never worked on me either and most girls are playing in a "ew shitty baby diaper" way, not tapping into tradwife brainwashing.
>>1122639lolcow if a safe space compared to 4chan's cesspool and you know it. Don't act like we're comparing this place to a lgbtqa+abcdidjshjqueer dragqueen-reading-therapy-service dog-affirmation circle hour.