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No. 1052830
It's good for your soul.
previous thread
>>>/ot/1032207 No. 1052833
>>1052551>>1052560I don’t think I can mentally deal with talking to him again tbh, even as a catfish. He literally ruined my life & I was doing so well for months when I had no evidence he was still existing & doing the same predator bullshit.
Just seeing his fake ass lying posts posturing like an ~experienced daddy dom~ and him posting about his “hard kinks” (aka things he did to me that I didn’t consent to) & hitting on exclusively 18-20 year olds as an ugly man in his 30s with nothing to offer to the world has been putting me on edge and fucking with my PTSD really hard.
I keep checking his accounts and nobody is really responding to his repeated tweets/replies but he’s really desperate & persistent, making over 1k tweets in just over a week, so I’m sure he’s dedicated to the cause of finding a new
victim. He’s also posting on a bunch of subreddits, which is where I found out where he moved because he’s stupid & includes a bunch of personal info with a username I helped him come up with (glad to know he’s halfway across the country from me now though)
If anyone wants to talk to him for me and report back for keks/to waste his time lmk. I don’t think talking to him & catfishing him personally would be good for my mental health even though I really want to.
>>1052618Fingers crossed he ODs, anon.
No. 1053665
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>>1053658Is he sexy
Do he look like this
No. 1053831
>>1053825I'll take being called a nasty faghag by the homophobe-chans but I've literally never had a problem with gay men and they've always been quite sympathetic and respectful towards me as a woman, but bisexual men are everything those people project gay men to be like. Hypersexual, ultramisogynistic coomers with porn brainrot,
abusive polycule relationships, tendency to troon out or become chasers just to coom more, predators grooming underage twinks and girls to take advantage of them, overall abundance of narcissism mixed with generic male entitlement. I have never met a bisexual man who wasn't a sociopath to some degree.
No. 1053897
>>1053891Based, I’m the same,
nonnie. I don’t see how is fucking some random faggot a good thing in any way, when touching a man in a sexual context is basically self-harm, might as well at least fuck a hot guy who hasn’t been touched by the pornsickness and fragile masculinity.
No. 1054351
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I feel like a tf2 character holding a rifle, I hope I never have to use one though.
No. 1054549
>>1054542That legitimately isn’t even true, who’s saying that
nonnie? They aren’t looking enough because there are a lot of maxis match and alpha creators who make exclusively male clothing. I feel like people think only kids and younger people play sims but it’s extremely popular among women besides streamers and let’s players playing it. I don’t even bother with a lot of male sims kek, sometimes I just let my hetero female sims have sex with the man and I never see him again and it’s funny when he keeps popping up at my doorstep trying to talk to me and my sim never comes out.
No. 1054599
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>>1054587It’s what they deserve anyways. Male sims are incredibly ugly
No. 1054802
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I deserve credit for making the stick figures that started the qt gf meme. They don't even credit my comic for starting it on the knowyourmeme page. Does it make me mad a bit? Yes. It's MY OC. It's MY STICK FIGURES. This pic is the OG, just so you all know. A 27 year old female neet made that image. Years ago though, I lived at home and was like 18 or 19
No. 1054837
>>1054834it means that your are probably replying to a scrote that has been trolling her for hours to no end
>>1054802arent you tired, surely even trolls get bored.
No. 1054858
>>1054852You are jealous my stick figures got famous, bitch
>>1054854Nail on the head
>>1054855Bingo bango
No. 1054872
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I wanna post fanart and fanfics without seeing niggas like this and their Aiden counterparts ruining my enjoyment.
No. 1054893
>>1054872How would they ruin your enjoyment in that case exactly?
Also holy shit who drew this (I mean what thread? kek I know about this Vtuber from the hideous art thread on /m/
No. 1054905
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>>1054897I'll let you be the judge of that, picrel is me
No. 1055044
>>1054851pickmes and perpetually bitter femcels who post looking for approval from btards and incels
comic op seems mad people can see that tho
No. 1055107
>>1055089Lecturers won’t learn whole new software and hardware systems to suit me! Then have the audacity to thank us for hearing with them during a pandemic!
Therefore I should be a literal plague rat and infect others as punishment for not doing what I want them to!
Nice one anon. Way to stick it to the man.
No. 1055113
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my only physical presence for men is that they be fit, be clean, be at least 2 inches taller then me and groom themselves
that's it, those are reasonable standards for men but one side I get called a body shamer by libfems and even a pick-me by wanna be FDS-fags cause I really don't have their autistic 666 standards
No. 1055116
>>1055115My country has us learn how to find primary resources and information outside of the set textbook by about sixth grade so that’s less of a problem.
We pay for our educations, it’s why we usually take an active approach and find information for ourselves.
Do You pay to be spoonfed by the guy who wrote the shit book you had to buy?
No. 1055123
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>>1055117An actual walking breathing boomer cartoon child lol.
No. 1055128
>>1055115Anon part of college is the fact that it’s hard. If it were easy, everyone would have PhDs. There’s a reason literal children devote themselves from the time they’re old enough for a report card to matter just to get a scholarship to be able to go to a good school. I promise you those people aren’t complaining about the lack of online resources, because they understand the tremendous cost (and value) of their education. I kind of feel like if you were actually paying for university, you would understand that too.
Just know it’s not going to get any easier.
No. 1055137
>>1055134So you were never taught how to research something? Even in highschool? Nobody ever taught you how to learn independently?
How are you supposed to do anything then? Students aren’t supposed to enter uni still dependent on the lecturer or sources provided by the lecturer. You were supposed to be taught how to do basic independent research like, ten years at least before tertiary education. Around the same time you learn how to structure an essay.
What third world mud hut for a hospital hellscape are you studying in? How far away is the village you were born in?
No. 1055463
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>>1055201She's just someone with a fnaf channel that got big a few years ago at its height and then another where she used to play pokemongo and that one never really took off. I tuned in for good ole tism content. Less nigel, more squirtle.
No. 1055513
>>1055137Nta but you guys are totally missing the point. Obviously she knows how to research it's just the fact that she still has to at this "prestigious" level. Yes you always expect shit tier education from k-12 but once you actually start having to pay (plus all the crazy expectations high school teachers lay in students brains) you start expecting a bit more. No matter what day in age if you are paying someone for a service (in this case teaching) you expect quality work. Just saying read from the textbook and complete these assignments is a huge fuck you to the thousands of dollars people pour into university. Op
nonnie, Seems like you weren't given the full scope of what higher education is like…spoiler: it's all the same, you're on your own outside of a few engaged profs who actually somewhat care.
No. 1055979
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I was that kid who went to sleepovers and either lay awake all night dying for daylight to come and rescue me or who cried and went home early.
When I was a young adult and.. exploring sex, I would hate it when the sex ended and either the last train was gone or something else got in the way and we'd have to actually sleep-sleep together.
Dating people I would hate getting used to sleeping together. Right now I'm single and I dread the thought of ever doing it again. I just hate sleeping next to people. I can't really explain why.
No. 1055997
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>>1055113Are u me? Did i wrote this while i was half asleep and can't remember? I have the same exact opinion/experience lmao
No. 1056004
>>1055979A lot of people dislike it and sleep separate even though married and such. You don't
have to sleep next to your SO.
No. 1056194
I find one of my friends embarrassing. I always thought her doing some shitty cosplay every year for our local cons wasn't really immature in itself, and she looks a lot younger than her age because she's asian and takes some medications that makes her look chubby, like she has baby fat instead of being actually obese. So I never really thought about her as immature until a few years later. She won't stop airing her dirty laundry online with her real face all over her social media in the most embarrassing ways possible. She's going to be 27 and still spends her time on twitter and instagram being like "omg xD I'm going to draw a doujinshi of my favorite pairing uwu" and she'll show that she made no progress at all when it comes to art. Same thing for sewing. She won't stop complaining about her legit insane family but she won't do anything about it because she's a pussy, not even because she's so traumatized she thinks it's normal to be treated like garbage and be stolen hundreds of euros on a regular basis.
Some of the things that kind of made me have some sort of revelation about this were when she outed one of our mutual friends who is bi on a group chat where said friend wasn't included yet, just so she could call her immature for not wanting to see her ex-gf. Imagine being nearly suicidal because you're dirt poor and far away from your family because of your university and on top of that your gf dumps you and avoids you, you trust someone with all this info, and that person shit talks you behind your back for it just because this immature girl wants to invite both of them for her birthday at home, and nobody else. About another friend of hers, who's white for context, that I only talk to a few times: we were chatting about how she married a Japanese guy and got the Japanese nationality thanks to it and her job in Japan, and I asked if she kept her French nationality too because I don't think Japan lets its citizens cumulate several nationalities. The dumb bitch says it doesn't matter because the white girl is adopted so she never had anything to do in our country to begin with. And then she goes "Oh but btw, don't tell anyone she's adopted lol xD, none of us is supposed to know uwu". I'm still looking for the correlation between these two points there.
No. 1056450
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Sometimes when I think about someone I really despise, I imagine myself transforming into a predator animal, typically a big cat of some sort (jaguar or leopard I resonate with) and think about if I could just corner them and terrorize them and bite into the back of their neck and feel my powerful feline jaws crush their neck but not after first playing with my prey, clawing and leaving gashes and doing a bit of chasing, pinning, growling, snarling.
No. 1056458
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>>1056450Kek anon same except I usually imagine my body being covered with millions of microscopic poisonous needles (a la sea urchin) and when a scrote I don't like touches me he pulls his hands away with thousands of poison pins in his skin and writhes in pain as the poison slowly starts shutting down vital organs
No. 1056948
>>1056936I shit when I wake up and then take my morning shower.
The only reason I would want a bidet is because it would be really useful for keeping hygiene during my period.
No. 1057213
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I am internally very terfy and distrust men but because I'm a lesbian I'm in the LGBT scene which is full of both men and troons and everytime I feel like I'm an undercover agent, just waiting for my hidden identity to be exposed
The worst part is I love butch girls but they keep trooning out. I have a gf who is the love of my life but even she was thinking of becoming an aiden and chopping her tits off before she met me
God help us terf lesbian nonnies one and all
No. 1057395
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>>1057213Sounds really stressful, I'm sending you all my moral support.
No. 1057417
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>>1057213I feel this so fucking much. The way we walk on eggshells in a community that was meant to be for us. Dodging trannies left and right. Oh my god please I just want to shake them young lesbians. IT’S FINE TO BE BUTCH REEEE
No. 1057471
>>1057213>>1057417I feel this too. My ex and I didn't work out but I frequently think about how I may never find another butch woman who's preference for androgyny had no effect on her comfort and confidence in her identity as a woman. She didn't care if people ~*~misgendered her~*~ since she presented pretty androgynous, but did not skirt around that she was a woman. She wasn't terfy, but I'm surprised at how she hangs around and approves of troonery without falling for the bullshit herself.
Butch women who say "No?? I'm a woman" when people ask if they're trans or nb are so fucking sexy.
No. 1057580
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I do not believe in Belgium.
No. 1057836
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When I first heard it's black history month I thought (on reflex) "wasn't that in June?" then realized I was thinking of pride month. I don't even remember which is women's. When did we even start doing these?
No. 1057902
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>>1057889I don't know girl. I just don't know
No. 1058068
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i have a crush on a middle-aged man who makes audio porn on reddit. somebody please tell me the fastest way to get over him because i’m going insane
No. 1058126
>>1057836look up the history of of International Women's Day.
>>1058083stealthy way to ask her to share.
>>1057925>The free stuff is nice too.kek based
I also agree with the other anon, I wanna know how you do it too or what it is that moids nowadays are into
No. 1058231
>>1058074>>1058126I generally tailor it to the specific moid and his interests but there are some traits that remain constant. To start with, I’m never too nice or too helpful, in fact playful jokes targeting them or asking them for help works a lot better than being a doormat. You have to resign yourself to the fact that you will be playing therapist on occasion and have to build up his self esteem, but in general you should be trying to throw him off his game. Pretend to only be passionate about things he likes and things he’d find cute or endearing for you to like. Create an illusion that there’s a soft, cuddly gf version of you underneath the fun, teasing exterior, that only he has gotten a glimpse at. Pretend to share his interests if you don’t, at least one or two major hobbies, and if you know nothing about them, pretend to be super interested in hearing about them. If you know more about something he’s interested in than he does, still pretend you enjoy when he explains it. Identify both his insecurities and the things he’s proud of, use them to make yourself the person he thinks of when he needs validation, but never let him get
too confident. You basically want to make yourself attainably unattainable, the girl he knows is out of his league but not actually impossible to capture. You shouldn’t agree with everything he says or wants, you never fuck him, you never date him. When he starts fishing for how you would react to him asking you out, keep it vague, something to make him delay doing so that doesn’t tell him it will never work. Pretend he’s funny, and use humor he finds funny. You’re probably smarter than him and you’ll have to pretend you don’t know that. If he’s the rescuing type, you might want to hint at some inner loneliness or damage, but nothing that he doesn’t think he could fix with his dick. Generally your mood around him should appear pleasantly content, or mirror a more pleasant version of his mood. Men like anxiety, but only the kind of anxiety that goes away when they’re around.
Last one I was a gamer girl tho, which was by far the easiest because we actually did play a lot of the same autistic video games. I’ve also done vegan sjw lib, edgy philosophy nerd, sarcastic goth gf, ironic indie girl, so on. It’s easiest when it aligns with your real interests but not impossible when it doesn’t. Additionally, this is only really gonna work if the guys find you physically attractive. How much more attractive you are in comparison to them will determine how hard you actually have to try. Lastly this guide is not for men you actually want to date, only for stringing along a simp. Any man who will only date you after you coolgirlify yourself into someone else is not worth giving an actual relationship.
I should mention, doing all this is soul crushing after a while, even if you love games and mischief like myself. Was a free Apple Watch really worth pandering to a man with pronouns? I’m still not sure.
No. 1058241
>>1058231Anon, I…
>Lastly this guide is not for men you actually want to date, only for stringing along a simp. Any man who will only date you after you coolgirlify yourself into someone else is not worth giving an actual relationship. I can't tell if it's wise to ask you the reverse question: how to get a man that is actually worth it, who cares about you and you care about him. You seem to know them well but (no offense) not sure why you would be doing this if you knew the secret to catching a winner. Again no offense because I don't know either aside from "bee yourself" (which is hard enough, I accidentally slide into cool girlism and awkwardness, settling for the wrong guys b/c I fall easily). I still want to ask for the sake of a wholesome counterpoint to all that, if possible.
No. 1058262
>>1058247Usually yeah. It’s definitely healthier to just stay away from moids, not do what I do.
>>1058254I prefer long term simps that don’t require me going out of my way to keep in touch. It was easiest in college when I kind of had a pool to choose from, and my general reputation helped draw them in. I started in high school though, and workplaces are also fine as long as you’re careful not to cause problems.
I have had a guy try to strangle me for repeatedly turning him down, but I actually wasn’t trying to bait him, I genuinely thought we were pals and I was really oblivious to the fact that he spent a whole year listening to me rant about politics just to get in my pants. I got lucky there because another woman saw and intervened.
I generally try to just drift away when I’m done or when a man starts to scare me, slowly put distance in, still be the girl he thinks I am over text or when we run into each other to maintain some goodwill but make it less and less frequent. Sometimes a change in circumstances makes it easier, like switching jobs or schools, schedule changes, etc.
No. 1058280
>>1057925>>1058231>>1058262This is so fucking cringe. I know it's not only me thinking this? You'd think you're being a girlboss while being this damn desperate for male attention and a male in your orbit. This simp shit is so cringe. I never entertain men as friends or """simps""", only distant acquaintences. I'm fine with being around other women only.
Except of course, the chimp who tried to hurt the last anon, that's insane. I'm sorry, I'm so glad you're safe and away from him. Hope he is not onto some other poor woman now.
No. 1058310
>>1058301I am using the same tier of lingo they used, like 'simps'. Plus, the first anon was going above and beyond, molding her entire surface-level persona for some (probably less than stellar and smelly) man. Is that not being obsessed with a scrote that he is on your mind like that?
>paying attention to menExactly what I'm talking about, I could never do that. Unless it's my boss or my professor, someone like that.
No. 1058371
>>1058310Hi there, i am first anon, second anon, and third anon, everyone tagged in
>>1058280. I pretty much agree with you on all that, I don’t think I’m a girlboss or anything for it, that’s why I put it in the confessions thread. I even said it wasn’t healthy and we’re all better off just ignoring them entirely, I’m just a hypocrite for the reasons I described in my first post. I also call them simps because I can’t really think of another word for it.
If it makes you feel better, I work from home now and haven’t held a conversation with a man outside my family in four months lol
No. 1058510
>>1058254NTA but I do almost exactly this kind of shit to moids online, mostly over Discord and through games. It helps to be the only girl in their niche group. And right as nonna said - be their therapist, pretend you're interested in what they do, be flirty but stay a little mysterious, keep them on edge when they inevitably admit their feelings to you. This is super easy to do even if you're an autist like me, moids can't tell that your personality is fake. At one point I had ~5 males from the same group crushing on me at the same time. Also helps if you're from a poorfag country like me where this kind of discord egirl scamming isn't as prevalent so they have more incentive to trust you.
You're going to need to send them selfies and shit though, so if you're not comfortable with that or are ugly irl, there's plenty of cute girl selfies online on reddit, just search your preferred age on selfies subreddits, pick a regular poster and you get an endless array of catfish materials from their profile. If you're also willing to go into that territory, you can do pretty much the same thing for nudes, but that's up to your judgment.
Keeping it online makes it easier - you don't have to see them face to face + you can ghost them pretty easily once you reap the rewards. (Though I did end up meeting up with a group of them irl for fun. Stay safe and know your limits though,
nonny.) Only drawback is that you don't get as much expensive shit, it takes a special kind of retard to buy his discord e-gf an Apple Watch (but hey, you might get lucky). Did get some free games and other shit out of it too, pretty sure if I pressed them even further I'd get more but I chickened out after one of them tried suicide baiting me.
Good luck! It's a pretty fun hobby, morals aside.
No. 1058629
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I wish Valentine's day was a month long affair like Christmas and Halloween. I genuinely don't care about getting presents or doing anything special on the actual day I just really like the aesthetics. People hate on it because they're single or whatever but it's supposed to be a celebration of love and affection, so you can just trade Valentine's with your mom or something. I just love hearts and cute shit and always get really bummed out when it's the second week in February and it's almost over. Happy Valentine's Day nonitas I love you
No. 1058739
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I have the biggest crush on board-tan, I want her to ruin me.
No. 1058825
>>1058796I made it
nonny, don't know how to link it tho kek
No. 1058877
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I'm seriously just fantasizing about going back to Japan, living in Ikebukuro again, just spending my free time buying and reading BL manga and doujinshi, buying cute clothes my size for once, and eating at nice restaurants all the time.
No. 1058928
>>1058917I saved a little bit of money thanks to being too poor to live by myself to study in university so I was living with my parents and getting a low scholarship, a little bit of money from a part-time job I had for a bit more than a year, and a low salary from an internship I did. I went there on a working holiday visa so once I arrived in Japan I got myself a part-time job and was very careful with my savings. Being poor most of my life already gave me good habits to begin with, but the euro being stronger than the yen was also very helpful.
I went back home way earlier than planned because I caught the coof and despite being a healthy young woman it took me months to fully recover, because of course… I have a fulltime job that pays above minimum wage and still live with my parents because of the fucked up rents and the fact that I don't have a permanent job contract yet, once the Japanese borders open up and I have enough free time I'll go back and go on a gigantic shopping spree and pig out like I never did before. I don't give a fuck if that makes me a weeb, this is what I deserve.
No. 1059405
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i only shower once or twice a week… i make sure to clean my genitals/ass specifically with soap and water to avoid infections or stink, and every day before leaving i sniff myself to be sure i don't reek. i always put on a mild deodorant. i just hate the process of taking a shower… which is weird because when i'm actually in the shower, i enjoy being in the warm water so much i usually use up all my hot water. i just hate getting in / out of it because it's so cold where i live. and using a heater to heat the whole bathroom is just a pain in the ass.
i would shower more frequently if i was dating someone tho.
No. 1059425
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>>1059405i am the opposite of you anon, sometimes i shower 3 times a day (if i work out and have sex in the same day) i love showering more than most things. it soothes my autism and i listen to music and enjoy all the nice smelling soaps i have and the sound of the water. shower is my favorite place to be.
No. 1059628
>>1059609I think I'll try to make one then, I don't have Hershey's (I don't like Hershey's anyway, not even gonna try it with that) but I do have Lindt.
>>1059619I never got the vomit thing. It doesn't taste like vomit to me, just a weird bitter taste, especially for milk chocolate.
No. 1059637
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I love the smell of mosquito spray.
I love standing by it and huffing the fumes
Maybe that's whats wrong with me but at least I know I'm not a giant mosquito
No. 1059778
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I have some leftover norflex from getting whiplash in a car accident late last year and I’ve started taking it as a sleeping pill.
No. 1059780
nonnie.! I love Bill Paxton
No. 1059872
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I am definitely a covert narc. I've been learning more about narcissism to better understand my abusive ex and all the examples of narc behavior I keep seeing are pretty spot on to shit I do or would do. Pic related I've done before.
No. 1060409
I find armpit hair on women very attractive. I don’t mind armpit hair on men but most men don’t shave there so it doesn’t mean much to me, but armpit hair on women is a whole other level of beauty and freedom
and dare I say sexy…>>1059782Sunscreen has such a wonderful smell to me, but I also enjoy the smell of my musty basement so I might just be dumb
No. 1060840
>>1060816What kind of Asian food? I personally am loving Asian food a lot more after becoming vegetarian, (and I already really liked it before anyway) since at least where I'm from there's so little without meat in it and it's always just… Salad or something. I'm not vegan tho so it's definitely easier for me.
I love Thai and Indian food, and a lot of their stuff are either vegetarian or have a vegan/vegetarian version. It's also so much tastier than western food, I feel like western people don't really know how to use spices and it's all just salty and bland. Thai and Indian food have pretty much everything I like.
No. 1061053
>>1061041tbh just be careful because I did the same thing (messaged girls he followed about how he was predator) and he went to court and tried to get a restraining order against me. The judge tossed it and said gtfo but the entire experience was so jarring.
men are so lame
No. 1061054
>>1061053Luckily I have literal evidence of him admitting to sexually assaulting my friend, so I don’t
think he’d fuck with me legally. I’d love to see him try.
No. 1061199
>>1061198I've traveled to several countries as a burger and they had the separate toilet thing. It is a good idea and I wish it were a thing here. Not only more convenient but you don't have to have the whole room smell like shit when you just wanna go wash yourself.
And I'd kill for a Japanese bathing room with a drain on the floor. Luxury.
No. 1061245
>>1061239Nta, but wow. If I have to poop during a shower
which rarely happens but anyway I would rather hop out really quick, and use the bathroom. It's uncomfortable but I would hate to poop directly after showering. Are you from a country that uses bidets?
No. 1061253
>>1061246Sorry for reposting
>>1061245. I wanted to add the question at the end, because I think that maybe in America pooping after a shower is considered bad because a lot of us only wash our ass with actual water twice a day.
No. 1061427
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I'm going back to college after a seemingly endless academic "break" and I can't help but feel so relieved and hopeful again. Can't have my family finding out that I stopped in the first place because I was getting extremely suicidal from the full time job and 5 class courseload wombo-combo.
No. 1061430
>>1061294Condoms exist, anon.
Don't feel pressure due to shame, though. From one virgin to another, it's never worth buckling under pressure.
No. 1061494
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>>1061449The break was a little over a year, and I chose to work my full-time job during it so I was luckily able to excuse it as a "oh I just need to save some more money for college" scenario. The extra down time also helped a lot w/ my own personal development tbh.
And thank you for the well wishes, anonita. It was a completely awful experience and I will never let another advisor tell me "oh it's just 5 3000 level classes– you want to graduate on time don't you??" again lol. I hope the best of luck for you and a breezy next semester!!
No. 1061511
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I don't even talk to my friends anymore, I just spend hours on LC and CC. Who needs friends when you have nonas, right? R-right??
No. 1061551
>>1061541Ha, me too. I'm sad that "nona/
nonnie" is censored on CC. It's cozy.
No. 1061661
>>1061586Something similar happened to me. The guy broke up with me one day, moved in with his new gf one day later and then acted like there wasnt a whole several month long affair that led up to it. I felt less than human with how he treated me. Weighs heavy on me still, meanwhile he's just been loved up the whole time. Sucks to think about how an affair can work out so well for the cheater.
I was watching a video yesterday about a lolcow, her (lesbian) ex cheated on her with someone else and now 4 years later she finally got a taste of her own medicine and is online crying because she got cheated on and dumped herself. People kept commenting "how you get them is how you lose them" a saying that I wasn't familiar with tbh. I've always imagined my ex will be the one to cheat again but if he somehow got a taste of what it's like to be on this side of things.. then that'd be sweet.
No. 1062234
>>1062231That's not very good
nonnie. You might regret that in the long run
No. 1062284
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Yes I have yellow fever.
I don’t care if i have a fetish I always imagine if it were the olden days in a past life I would stumble onto a qt oriental fella with wire rim glasses who wears suits and he looks big and rugged, and he gets soft for me and he likes me cause I look like nobody he’s ever seen.
No. 1062426
>>1062412was for you
No. 1062606
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Seeing people post pictures of the girl who would call me fat in hs on her fb birthday wall and that she’s ballooned to double her size alongside the pictures being the most unflattering you could find is such a euphoric feeling
No. 1063020
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I’ve been picking at my skin so much that I have lots of scars and marks on my right leg that try so hard to heal and close up but in my mind I want to open them up so bad and let the blood rush. I have a problem kek
No. 1063305
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>>1052830Moving three times during the pandemic (between different states/ cities) really has me feeling like I'm not even a person anymore. I have no local friends. I can't bring myself to call/text back old friends. I have nothing to say. I'm not a person. I have no self. I work remotely and clean my house, and sometimes take a walk. I'm a husk. I kinda wanna die when I really think about it. I won't really do that, but I'm a fucking waste of space.
No. 1063706
>>1063426Holy shit I thought the exact same thing the other day. I literally can't fucking tell what the shit looks like.
>>1063701Nta but idk if you've been clothes shopping recently, they're doing this in the non plus sized sections. xxs-xxl is also a very large range.
No. 1063721
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I'm in a discord server of a girl who has a thread in the snow page. We've become pretty close & at first I was really excited because I've been following her for years but she's online 24/7 & kind of expects us to always be online too. She's weirdly possessive of her server and everyone in it.
I found this site googling her name a week ago and have been reading up on some things I never knew before. It makes me think differently, especially on days when she goes off on us for something small
No. 1063741
I'm very studious by my own volition, as studying brings me tremendous joy. I love solving mathematical problems, learning of new concepts in physics or biology, and am invigorated by writing essays or finishing my arts homework. However, despite this, I sometimes still yearn for love and cuddling. This makes me feel guilty. I love maths, but sometimes when I am studying for it and I am not particularly stimulated, I yearn to be held, kissed, loved and understood. Is that bad? I feel like I'm a fake academic or nerd or whatever by having these feelings. I feel like I have to enjoy my solitude at all times and feel pleasure dedicating myself to my studies. And I do! But sometimes I would prefer to cuddle after studying, or sit on a cute guy's lap during, etc. etc…. I just want both but sometimes worry I am not allowed to.
No. 1063750
>>1063707Yeah like the do's and don'ts of how to act, how to tailor your messages to appeal to them, bring up memories. I found a lot of it to be really manipulative and desperate but it did work out for me when I utilized it correctly. Some of the suggestions they have for starter texts were super cringe.
The basic rule of thumb though is to not beg or blow up their phone, to do 30 days of no contact, and try to improve your life and social media brag to grab their attention. Then slowly text them bit by bit with interesting things, matching their response times and text lengths.
The group had a lot of bpdchans who would blow up phones and act desperate. And also people took pictures of restaurants and other outings for others to use so it would trick their scrotes into thinking they were out having fun with other guys.
No. 1063791
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>>1063742I relate to this a lot. I'm an artist and a big old history nerd (especially art history). My idols hail from the 12th to 18th centuries. Mostly men but a few women. I look at their work and aspire to be as good as they were. Even though I work digitally, I try to stay grounded in traditional methods, to be closer to them than most artists nowadays. I feel like nobody reveres them anymore, so it's up to me to, especially through my work. But as you said, anon, it's hard, considering "the greats" were mostly men, so you feel like you have to push twice as hard, sketch twice as many muscular studies, etc. However, anon, you should remember, as I have from studying old artists: you're human. You're flesh and blood, part of the animal kingdom. The desire for a "mate" is only natural, it's written into all our genetic code. I can tell you from reading up on the old masters, they sure as hell didn't mind succumbing to love and marriage.
No. 1063940
>>1063917Can you please elaborate
nonnie? I was considering one.
No. 1063984
>>1063940What are your specific concerns? For me, it was really fun in the beginning, there were two people I was in poly relationship with, but all of us would occasionally meet with other people outside of that too. I was attracted to both of them, I liked spending time with them and they were both individually really cool people I connected with. So as the time passed and we spent more and more time together, of course I started loving them, and with that things stopped being fun, because naturally even between the three of us it wasn't exactly equal amount of feelings and equally balanced connection and it ended up hurting all of us in a way. I have no way to discuss it with them anymore because we fell apart but with these feelings developing it really started to hurt that despite what we have with each other, somehow it's not enough if they both seek other people and I felt like I had to do so as well which led to some choices made that I regret. Maybe they felt that too, maybe not, I didn't have a chance to ask and at the time bringing it up felt like "ruining the fun" we have, since we all agreed to be open. I don't know if such thing can be solved with enough communication, maybe, I don't think it would for me since a lot of things I've only clearly realized after it was over and I was left alone unable to believe more than ever that I'll ever be enough to a person that loves me, no matter how well we get along. It's all anecdotal evidence of course but I seriously don't know how it could be done without having a damaging effect, maybe if it's purely physical and zero real feelings ever, but you can't guarantee it will stay like that for everyone?
No. 1063998
>>1063909You're definitely doing the right thing anon. Just be conscious that you include your passion for animals as a part of your life always, whether that's studying on your own time, volunteering or keeping your own (as long as it's not hyenas or something lol).
I know a lot of people in the arts, and the ones who do it on the side are so much healthier, happier and more grounded than the ones trying to scrape by a meager living in arts alone. I think it's the same with any niche field where there's more passion than paying work.
Having zoology as a hobby also takes the pressure off because you can pursue exactly what you're interested in, and not compromise having to study something less exciting just because that's where the stable income is.
No. 1064407
>>1064348I feel it deep in my soul,
nonnie. Glad I got out while I did. whew. men are insane. When I broke up with him he left me a love note with his blood on it. It was in french, and for the record he knows zero french, meaning 3 pages of google translate. He left in my car while I was over at a friends house. I'm not sure what response he was hoping for but it made me and my friend laugh quite hard about it, then it hit me how insane he was in the first place.
Fuck I wish I still had it to show you but I've burned all the notes and shit years ago. Since then I heard he was selling bad fake acid in a beach town. Wouldn't be surprised he's more insane now.
No. 1064472
I am falling hard for my close friend, and I have reasons to believe that he is falling for me also. We have known each other for about 7 years, and he is planning to visit Europe next year (which means he will stay over at my place). He had been making jokes about me kidnapping him, tying him up, and that he wants to polish my boots and be my slave. It is driving me crazy. I don't think he realizes that I have this kind of fetish, or that no man I've dated has been into it.
Our other friends sense that we have this strange dynamic, and are teasing us and saying that we should marry, and that it is "inevitable" that we will "have sex". It is all mean-spirited banter of course, but it is putting ideas in my head, and I don't want to think about such things. My friend is precious, and my love for him is beyond sexual or even romantic in the normal sense. I cherish him. I don't want to defile him like that. I want to hold him, care for him. If any romance was to develop, I don't want it to be destroyed and overpowered by lust. But I also crave him, in such an animal-like manner. I'm very confused with my feelings right now.
No. 1064817
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When I was a kid, I didn’t want to watch alice in wonderland because I thought it was too Erotic so I was embarrassed as fuck and would always try to watch absolutely anything else.
No. 1064995
>>1064973I'm afraid that I'm in the same boat,
No. 1065478
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I love seeing someone complain about their life/mental health and then in the same post they slip up and reveal what a maladjusted autist they are. Serves you right, bitch.
No. 1065928
>>1065478This has literally been the highlight of my week.
Dumb bitch always complains about OTHER people bringing her down then goes on another woe is me rant
No. 1066195
>>1066184Spoiler for angst, I'm sorry for dumping all this here but you asked.
#I tried that in my early 20s. Therapy just gave me a fucked up guilt complex because it was basically "here are some coping skills. if you're not fine now it's your fault because the Coping Skills are evidence based and Always Work". Tried meds for like 4 years and they made me fat and emotionally numb and did not improve my quality of life. I'm a poorfag and I can't afford to go back to school, and I don't qualify for any assistance because I'm technically employed with no kids.
I'm sorry for the negativity it's just genuinely not going to get better. My life is already a shitshow and it's going to keep getting worse with everything going on in the world. I figure I die relatively peacefully by choice or eventually die getting gang raped in a tent city when housing becomes completely unaffordable in my area.#
No. 1066197
>>1064887I can finally post again, yay.
I was one of the first members when the FB group was created, and at the time it was free if you got the program. Now it's not free. So I don't think joining it for the sake of cow-spotting is a great idea, unless you need ex advice too. The program is Ex Boyfriend Recovery btw
No. 1066240
>>1066195I see, and honestly, oftentimes I wish euthanasia on demand was a thing; sometimes life just is too hard and doing it by yourself actually puts you in so much more danger, because what if it doesn't work and then you'll end up incapacitated in some way? I don't want you to die anon, but the way you feel and the situation you're in it's definitely something that must weight on you so much; it's understandable you can't imagine 40+ years of more living just like that.
It makes me angry money really means everything in these cases. From what you're saying, it sounds like your therapist was shit, but then I know that finding an actual good therapist when you don't have money is almost like asking for a miracle. But I wish you'd find it in you to give it at least one more shot before you do anything more irreversible. Maybe other medication would be better. You don't deserve painful life and painful death like that, I don't know how things will be for you going forward but I really really hope you'll encounter something that will make you change your plans.
No. 1066562
>>1066240>euthanasia on demand was a thingI 100% agree. If we didn't get to choose to be here, at least give us a choice on how we leave. Money is the biggest reason for all my stress. I wish I could just live without worrying about my next meal or rent without having to work a job that i hate. People always say to find a job you love but idk if its depression but i find it hard to love something i am forced to do in order to survive a life i never wanted…
ive been looking at co op houses or whatever and like community living, but its hard to trust people as a woman cause you never know who's gonna just up and kidnap/rape you. idk its just tiring… ive thought this since ive been a kid but my 3 options in life are basically marry rich, go to jail(life), or die young, cause other than that, like why even, ya know.
but i also know im fortunate to be where i am rn, cause there will always be someone who is going through something worse than i am. but at the same time does it invalidate what im feeling?
>>1066180same here,
been on the one forum doing all the research. but theres no easy way out and ive already tried 2 of the methods. dying hurts but death is peaceful, at least thats how i feel. not to mention that i'm not a good person, like period. i was diagnosed with bpd but i honestly think i also have narcissistic personality disorder too, which makes sense cause ive never been able to really love another person and they say that those with npd cant love people like most people do. will i ever be able to actually care about anyone other than myself? why was i wired this way? what made me this way? even if i knew it wouldnt matter cause im fucked either way… im tired of hurting people and yet i feel no guilt sorry for the dump but i guess thats what this thread is for.
No. 1066699
>>1066690I get you, I’m living in a 3rd world shithole, but living abroad isn’t easy for those from 3rd world shitholes. That’s why it’s so funny when people go
>Geez if you won’t like living in the 3rd world just move to another country Like, okay then, give me your 1st world passport.
No. 1066705
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I’m supposed to be working but I’m laying in bed with my cat instead
No. 1067710
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I've been posted in /snow/ before. I'm pretty sure the thread had like 3 replies and has been deleted, but somebody posted me there with my full name a while ago… when I was 10-15 I was a huge, bored, insecure loser(and also a child) and talked to a bunch of people I met on omegle. Most of them were fine but there were definitely a few (and specifically one) who I can now say were disgusting coomers… I did end up having internet 'boyfriends' and sent them lewd pics (not usually nude but underwear and stuff). Little did I know one guy who I wasn't even sending these to was collecting every single picture of me he could possibly find in a folder… not even just the lewd pics he got from my 'boyfriend', but pics of me with my irl friends, screenshots of me on tinychat, etc. I stopped talking to him because he started to get creepy and tell me about how he had strong desires to rape women when he saw them alone in public. He would tell me that he knew my address and would drive to me if I stopped talking to him. He told me he had nothing to live for anyways so it was no big deal if he went to jail or died. I stopped talking to him and he sent a wellness check to my house which freaked my parents out a lot. Then he sent me a package with xanax in it. Then when I stopped talking to him, even though he messaged me nonstop, he spread an album of me (which was like 10% lewd pics, 90% pics of me just being a person) to my parents, their friends, and my school. When you're 15 this feels like the end of the world. The police came to my house and told me if my parents wanted to do anything they would have to charge ME first with CP. My mom screamed at me and called me a whore even though I was a virgin. This resulted in a lot of sexual harassment from my schoolmates who saw the pics and my parents being really disgusted by me. I stopped doing that shit immediately, it seriously was a wake-up call. I don't blame myself anymore as much as I used to because I understand that I was lonely and insecure, I had no other way of making connections than talking to disgusting older men online. It does make me sad though to remember the girl I used to be. I have improved myself a lot and no longer feel so inadequate to have to pander to moids online. I have a lot of genuine friendships and I feel like I have emotionally matured a lot. I have a boyfriend who I have explained this to (vaguely) and he has been nothing but loving and accepting. It does feel like a dirty secret that I will always carry with me, though. I do wonder who posted me on snow, although it doesnt really matter.
No. 1067740
>>1067710i hope you got revenge on that dude
No. 1067753
>>1067710Your story is so similar to many girls who struggled with irl friendships and ended up falling into traps of disgusting men. You're not a whore and the people that blamed you or mocked you were projecting, especially your parents since it's literally their fault their underage daughter was endangering herself because of their lack of attention. The person who posted you was probably one of those men or someone from 4chan,a man. Only failed incel men do stuff like this and actually try to blame underage girls for falling
victim to disgusting predators. You shouldn't even think about that person, he's miserable and will die so while you have a bright life ahead.
No. 1067755
first confession, i have never taken a photo of myself. the only photos of me are taken by others during my childhood and long before social media was a thing. there are no highschool, adult, selfie, group, etc. pics, the closest you'll get is probably an ID card. if i ever saw any of the already existing pics online (or if any future ones happened, especially without permission) i would get surgery, change my name, and ask to take it down or kms.
second confession, nobody in my family (including myself) has friends or invites anyone over. I think we all have some kind of autist gene tbh.
No. 1067877
>>1067852I'm sorry anon but I laughed so hard at this. Your mother is such a petty mean girl, she needs help.
>>1067755You're not alone in the picture situation. I hate taking pictures myself but am fine when people take them without telling me since I just hate posing and some of my closest friends share the same sentiment. Not having friends ever is a bit weird though.
No. 1068402
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if there ends up being a threat of wwiii and the u.s joins i am officially giving up on life, i am going to find jim and he is gonna fuck me
i have had an awful life LET ME HAVE SOMETHING BEFORE WE ALL DIE HORRIBLY. this is my last and final want in these trying dying times. if everything goes to shit I JUST WANT ONE THING! ONE THING! now I sound like the anon who shan't be named with the allcaps, please forgive me
No. 1068472
>>1068413It's okay, he has to learn that he cannot bite you that hard. He will soon forgive and forget. Give him lots of kisses, and good luck with him!
I have been mean to my dog out of frustration before and I feel guilty after and still feel guilty to this day about the things I've done, but other anons have assured me too, dogs live in the moment and don't hold grudges. My dog doesn't even remember when she's already been fed dinner for the night kek. We try our best but we are only human and it was only instinctive that you shoved him after he bit hard. If he was playing with an older adult dog, they might've done something similar to get him to knock it off and teach him he can't bite that hard.
No. 1068713
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>>1068490damn anon, good for you! i hope you're still feeling better. don't be too ashamed of it or anything, there's a reason why so many people turn to it to relax. for me, i can't listen to whispering ones but i love clay cracking videos with no commentary. melamine/sponge slime asmr too, i'm not sure why but it just really relaxes me. my confession is that i've spent way too much time watching/listening to slime asmr kek. the neatly produced makeup destruction ones are weirdly satisfying too
No. 1068966
This will be gross, but I have to take this off my chest I haven’t been feeling good, so I decided to shave after basically a few months of not shaving at all, I was also sick during those days and nobody lets me take a shower when I get the flu because I develop pneumonias quite easily so After almost a week of not showering I decided to badly shave everything, because I used to be addicted to shaving my legs, armpits and vulva to the point of fucking up my skin, I ended up doing this thing of shaving badly, I feel like I’m shaving, but I don’t shave everything obsessively So before taking a shower, I started shaving my vulva, and around the labia there was like this weird white discharge for a brief moment I thought “haha, this is kind of hot” But I ended up shaving a lot of my pubes anyways and showering so I could finish removing most of the hair.
No. 1069121
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OKAY so i'm a fairly gnc woman (short hair, grunge fashion style, i have never worn makeup, i get mistaken for a man all the time until i open my mouth, i'm 5'9" on top of that) and i honestly have a thing for feminine men. like really feminine men. femboys, y'know.
i hate that i do though because 99% of them are crazy. it's like they either hate women and are wanting to "become the gf" without transitioning, or they're of the "striped thigh-highs cat ears uwu all i know of being feminine comes from porn and weebshit astolfo memes" variety. the 1% are homosexual.
it's a common case of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes but i can't help it.
i feel like it's ruining parts of my life though because i got an odd look at my d&d table the other night. the dm basically had an npc know my character was a guy on sight and i kind of mentioned that that wasn't possible since he was so feminine and he looked at me with a lifted brow.
i didn't get how it could possibly be confusing (or bad roleplaying as i was told later?) when he himself thought i was a man when we first met, in real life. anyway it feels good to get all this stupid shit off my chest.
No. 1069636
>>1069378Not saying this in a mean way but the near-transition, the desire for plastic surgery and now the plan to use dysphoria to scam free surgery all screams of bpd or something simialr that'd cause identity disturbance and impulsiveness. You could get that surgery and then go on to regret it anyway.
Probably depends on country but where I am I know someone with an underlying PD who had a hard time accessing gendery shit because she presented herself with gender dysphoria and then flip flopped for years. They noticed the large time gap between her originally seeking treatment for it and then going missing again. This set off alarms so they wanted her to jump through alot of hoops in terms of therapy first. She gave up as soon as they made it hard to access. I think she's at a point now where she's grateful for the barriers they had in place to catch cases like hers.
No. 1069831
>>1052830One of my favorite youtubers name dropped bread tube in her latest video and i’m basically preparing myself for disappointment.
Good things can’t last forever
No. 1072181
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No. 1072346
>>1072334it does, i remember this anon and she said she found flyers and that he went on stormfront, iirc. i think she also mentioned he wasn't even completely white (puerto rican or something?)
am i dreaming this shit or am i right, anon?
>>1072331 No. 1072353
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>>1072331Sorry anon that reminds me of this
Kind of a similar thing with my grandma, though not deceased, has a lot of questionable racial items in her house. I don't know if she views them as such but I def don't want to be the one to inherit it kek
No. 1072824
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I can’t wait until I’m 21. I’m going to cause myself to get liver disease by the amount of alcohol I’m gonna be drinking because this world is a steaming pile of boring drivel and no one is gonna stop me because no one cares me. Get ready to legalize drinking and driving for me bitches
No. 1072938
>>1072824Raised by alcoholics and can speak from experience, you're gonna hate yourself, get a beer gut, and repel anyone worth befriending. The only people that dates an alcoholic are people with on par or worse addictions. Bloated bodies and decayed minds.
If you just wanna destroy your body, why dont you choose a route that only affects you? One day you could hit a family or a dog, or some innocent person minding their own business.
No. 1072963
>>1072938>some innocent person minding their own businessI would never hit animals only people because they likely deserve it
>>1072942based mom, that is what a true woman should be striving for
>>1072944why anon lol
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I bullied a grown man off a forum accidentally, he's still online often but never posts anymore and it's so funny to me
>>1072824Nonna please do not do this. Addiction isn't as cool or fun as it looks. Even if it's something that's (somewhat) socially acceptable like alcoholism. You'll spiral and your life will become worse and worse, you'll have cravings for a long time if you do decide to quit. Try to change your life for the better before you change it for the worse, you might end up killing an innocent person because you were drunk driving (and since you're only concerned with yourself, you'll spend the rest of your life in a gross prison cell for it)
No. 1073247
>>1073239similar experience, my ex used to take my jokes and post it in his group chats, like several times a week, they loved it
yet they all thought "women arent funny"
No. 1073868
I recently realised that I, a woman, am a mild misogynist.
It's not that I wish women harm. When I see that women are in unsafe conditions, being treated unfairly, I am very unhappy. It's not like m*le level misogyny, the dehumanising kind. It's that I think to myself 'don't act like a silly, soft woman', it's that I sometimes believe are more likely to gossip and start drama, it's that sometimes I think women do dumb stuff like date men and revolve their lives around them, instead of me, and I'm seething into my fedora as I speak
I think this comes from mommy issues (she was a crazy bitch in my earlier years) and being bullied by girls in school because I was a retard, a gay retard at that. I also remember being angry at women for liking men, because, try as I might, I was never found men attractive. It made me feel like they were in some sort of male enjoying club that I couldn't understand, and I was secretly seething. And there are indeed women in my family who blow things out of proportion, who like to make narratives and gossip.
But the thing is, men do shit stuff too. And it would have been a pity to judge girls so soon, as if I am not one. I would have missed out on knowing the girls with bravery, integrity and humour, like my sister, or intelligent, hard working girls like my friend. The fact that sisterhood is one of the most precious bonds there is. So yes, it's embarrassing that I was a misogynist, but I'm happy that I've recognised where it came from, and that, from now on, I will be more understanding and open minded towards my own gender. I've finally become more social too, and love getting to know and understand my fellow woman. We really are each other's strongest allies.
No. 1074502
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>>1073868ily anon, I understand many of these feelings
No. 1075547
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My confession is I hate men with every fibre of my being.
No. 1075639
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>>1075633My car is "dyno blue" (that's what it says on the registration kek) and I call her Ramona Flowers
No. 1075687
>>1075682And I am not using apps
I've waited long enough I'm holding out for some man to make the effort and advance in person. I demand satisfaction.
No. 1076190
>>1076133Sometimes I'll ask a womens health question that I could just as easily google. I'm usually hoping to hear personal experiences though.
Also, psst.. are you talking about plantain anon?
No. 1076213
>>1076190That's understandable, I understand if it's a health question since it's so different for everyone and not always by the book.
>Also, psst.. are you talking about plantain anon?I'm talking about anybody.
No. 1076466
>>1076434I relate but I also kind of flip flop between what you described here and then actually pining for it to become a thing.
I met a guy almost a year ago and I've gone through cycles of just enjoying the ride of being high on those lovey dovey chemicals and then crashing again because a tiny part of me wants him for real. Realistically he's a mess though. A hot hot mess. Look but dont touch lol
No. 1076661
>>1076564In a post lately I mentioned paying for my food and it costing x amount of euros. I quickly got a response asking me why I bought such a crappy lunch when food in europe is amazing… yeah like which country? Nothing about food in my country is worth bragging about. I dont know what country people think all of europe is like
I think enough of us have blindspots in geography in fairness. Worlds too damn big
No. 1076826
>>1076430not to sound like a moid but many mothers regret parenthood, even when it's planned and they believed up until child birth that it's what they wanted. I know the pressure to be a mother vastly outweighs the pressure men have to be a father, but reading what you've written about this ex is something I see pop up when some women talk about regretting their kids.
The feeling is more common than you might think, and tbh it's sad it's such a taboo thing to admit. We're allowed to regret any number of big life changes, marriage included, but when it comes to admitting that you wish you didn't have your kid suddenly other "happy" parents will rush to the conversation with "oh but I looooove my kid!! they're the best thing that ever happened to meee!!!" when that just isn't everyone's experience.
No. 1076850
I’m severely depressed and I dont know whats wrong with me. I am very confused and scared all the time. I am never physically comfortable, and I am constantly in pain. I am angry most of the time, and have almost entirely negative thoughts. I have never created anything original in my life and this deeply disturbs me. Everything i have done, I copied from something else. I have never once had an original idea. Everything ive done has been in imitation. I tried to learn different creative things, but quit shortly after beginning. I have zero self discipline. I quit smoking cigarettes and its the only thing i feel that i have to be proud of. I have nothing to live for except my dog. I hate other people, and have almost entirely negative thoughts about them. I am mean and cruel and stupid. I dont understand how things work and this frustrates and enrages me. I have never learned how to drive a car and it upsets me that I’m still too scared to do it. I believe that I cant learn things, and still dont know how to make anything “perfect” because i fuck it up every time i do it. I have made lemon cake at least a dozen times and it NEVER turns out how it should. Ever. I know I am doing something wrong, but i am too stupid to know what it is. Whatever i am making mistakes on, i am not aware or it. I fucking hate myself and wish i could die, but im too much of a coward to kill myself. I wish i had a perfect life, but i know i will never be happy. Nothing will ever be good enough. I have no idea what to do anymore
No. 1076897
>>1076872I’ve talked about this before on here but I’ll say it again that this goes hand in hand with men’s dehumanisation of their own mothers. Society expects some gushing maternalism in all women whether they have children or not. First, in the hopes/belief that women can’t actually hate or genuinely oppose men and secondly to push the notion that women are inherently submissive rather than having a stronger sense of justice/personal dignity to do the right thing and help people dependent on them (that’s a trait men would like to claim, so women aren’t allowed to be consciously selfless).
In turn it’s also why boys don’t help their mothers as much as girls do (even without misogynistic pressure on girls) and when you look at old men with living mothers, they still expect to be babied, where old ladies are more like friends with their mothers. It reminds me of when this one guy in school talked about how he liked when girls cooed over babies and it was meant to be some wholesome thing but it was also a really clear expression of this kind of disembodied nurturing machine complex, the way he said it — why would a 16 year old look at his peers that way, you know?
Society pressures women to be mothers like it’ll unlock this supernatural happiness and you won’t have a stress/health/violence induced drop in life expectancy, somehow human relationships don’t exist anymore and there’s no way you could just plain dislike your family etc. Unconditional maternal love is supposed to reassure men that they’re always lovable and deserve being somebody’s (especially a woman’s) favourite person no matter what they do. Same for men who use babies to trap and ~soften their partners. Women don’t want to be bad mothers and the standards for good motherhood vs fatherhood depends on how much you express being zonked out for your kids so they also hide behind this and want to believe it when things start going bad like with handmaidens that defend their criminal sons. It’s like an opportunity to forget yourself, give up and live through the more privileged person. I’ll stop now actually, sorry everyone.
No. 1076921
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I actually find Lucinda very endearing. I love this pic of her too, it’s so silly.
No. 1076964
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I keep track of certain people, simply to laugh at how pathetic they've become. karma is a bitch and I love her.
No. 1077091
>>1076826I listed situations where moms will reach that point but tbh I'm talking about a personal experience and not moms. I already know this.
4 days a month. 4 whole days. No bringing him to school, no bringing him to the doctor, no doing homework, no shopping for his clothes or school supplies. No bringing him to the dentist. Refused to help pay for braces. Rarely had to deal with him when either him or the kid were sick. Could decide to just cancel his visits and sometimes did last minute. Would sit around and drink and leave me to hang out with the kid when he already had that little time with him. He's a scrote doing the very least and wanting respect and recognition for not totally abandoning him.
No. 1077250
>>1077134anon, i hope you have started to value yourself more than you used to. i hope you can be a parent to yourself, and cook yourself healthy meals, and take yourself outside, and be proud of how far you've come. i really cannot imagine life taking that much from me, but you're here, and you've gone through it- you're stronger than a lot of people your age. this is the start of a new chapter for you, i promise. i believe you can meet people, i believe you're going to experience love, not necessarily romantic love, but love for life again. in Jesus' name may you be renewed and strengthened, made whole in your hurting. this is just one chapter of your big story, and i believe in you.
No. 1077692
>>1067740thank you -honestly i dont think i have but moving on is the best i can do. some years after that, an investigator at the department of homeland security contacted me to interview me about him (because other girls had similar experiences too). i dont know what came out of that- but i hope that motherfucker is rotting in jail or killed himself by now
>>1067753thank you - i try not to blame myself and i really do understand what i was going through that led me to that. i'm sure that whoever posted me was probably that guy because he would nonstop try to get my attention by doing stuff like that until i got a protection order against him.
>>1068944i'm sorry. i of course would tell you i'm always here to talk- but im sure you want to stay anonymous (as i do too). knowing how many people have spoken out about the person who exposed those pictures of me makes me think there is a chance we even encountered the same person. i hope you feel better knowing that you're not alone in it- i would have felt better if i had known that back then :( and it does make me feel better now <3
>>1069008thank you! yeah, the only reason why i talked to him after the first month i met him was because he scared the shit out of me… after all of this happened i was not allowed to walk around without an adult (i was in high school, not even a child so it was really embarrassing) because even my parents were terrified that he would be stalking me and waiting… he is a loser and although i'm sad it happened, i'm really glad it didn't affect the trajectory of my life as i had expected it to! also it is really nice to read all of these responses. i wish i could share them with 15 year old me<3
No. 1077779
>>1077742not that anon but i actually think having a flat chest allows more variety with tops, (or at least the ones i like tend to look better on flatter bodies) plus it's easier to move around and exercise.
t. flatty
No. 1077801
>>1077796Samefag, i was joking about how many hands my boobs are (you know, like how horses are measured) and i measured how many of my hands it would take to hold my boobs… this botch is a six hander like wtf.
Id donate half of my size to wear cute lil bras again.
No. 1077854
>>1073868nonnie ive been a misogynist all my life. grew up around women, so only women pissed me off. i was allowed to romanticize men, because i didnt spend enough time around them. only women were ever unpleasant to be around, in their very specific "feminine" way. turns out i was just around very passive aggressive and bitchy people. only recently ive grown to hate men even more than i hate women. now i hate both genders in very different ways.
>inb4 i get called a scrotemy misogyny contributed to dysphoria later on in life, and i didnt consider myself female by default as a child. i never found the female gender relatable and seeing myself as part of it felt unnatural. im over it now. im a woman and im proud.
No. 1078279
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>>1076897I hope I never have sons tbh
No. 1078780
>>1078751based, goodluck anon.
I'll add my own confession. I know having a foot fetish is seen as gross, but I actually love that my partner (mildly) has one. It's such an easy kink to satisfy and makes me feel attractive to be complimented on something I find ugly.
No. 1079061
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This girl from the FtM thread reminds me to an ex friend who trooned out, and is making me feel uncomfortable because she got exposed as a groomer. I know they aren't the same person, but that Tik Tok video legit brought back really bad memories I wish I could just forget about.
No. 1079123
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I'm staying with someone I don't see a future with because I don't have the energy or drive to look for someone better and don't want to lose the benefits I get from them in the meantime. I'm not being a cunt to them i'm mostly a great partner and I've expressed I'm not always sure about our relationship so I haven't been totally untruthful. I'm just dragging my feet. I feel like they know how I feel but don't want to end it and lose what we have either, so if we both want to delay the inevitable end maybe it's not such a bad thing.
No. 1079128
>>1076430what a fucking loser this story makes me want to kill myself and also never ever have children because how can you be sure it wont be some fucking loser dad who won't take any initiative and will have to pay minimal child support and will do fuck all for ur kids. u did nothing wrong
nonny and that would weigh on me heavily too, god what a fucking loser tho, the part about rather be spending the 4 days a month doing stuff he enjoys meanwhile not having any hobbies. god
No. 1079400
I'm a 'recovered' agoraphobic. My issues started young and my early teens through early twenties were spent with me having long phases of being fully housebound by it. If family members had visitors over I would hide away in my room. Nobody saw me for years. Currently I live alone, work full time outside the home and have been able to function on all the levels that I need to.. but just the basics. I still don't travel or socialise much. I can do the essentials and that in itself feels like a miracle compared to my past. For a long time I thought my life was going to be me trapped between four walls wasting away.
Now I tend to get home from work feeling very burnt out from the day. I'm always dying to close the door behind me and enjoy 12 hours of not being in public. The fucking relief of it. I get in, bra comes off, ugly pjs go on and I get to cooking. I don't always know which neighbours are knocking but every now and then I'll be about to serve up dinner and I get a series of knocks at the front door. Nothing could get me to answer the door in that state of mind so I don't answer. My 'I can face people' switch has flipped off for the day. But it puts me so weirdly on edge just when I think I'm finally back in my lil comfort zone. I'm not in an area where strangers call door to door so I know it has to be someone from my street. I've never been approached afterwards and told 'btw I wanted you yesterday' so I never have any clue what it could've been about and both the panic and the mystery of it drives me mad. Every time, knock, panic sets in, an immediate physical stress response that I can't override, more knocks, heart racing, hiding away from the window, silence, takes me ages to get calm again. I shake for like an hour afterwards. I feel so dumb. I'm fully having panic attacks at my age over a knock that I'm in no way obligated to answer if I'm not feeling up to it. I hate being this way.
This is me at my personal best, this is as much progress as I've reached in 2 decades of having this problem. The whole disorder is non sensical freakouts in reaction to imagined threats but wtf am I worried about here, the door being broken down and people flooding in? If you tell people they'll call it dumb. I know it's dumb. Please stop knocking at my door whoever you are. God knows why I can't shake this one last thing that fucks me up but such a small thing is sending me to places I thought I had left behind. I'll be in work tomorrow as normal but right in this moment I want to hide and never face another person again. I want to disappear.
No. 1079425
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As a nun; I hate it when a priest diddles my areola.
No. 1082401
>>1082348I am so sorry mother earth
>>1082383If it works it works! Your phone is clean and happy kek
No. 1082729
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I tried giving a bj to a banana forgive me
No. 1082759
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>>1082753why is everyone scary today?
No. 1082814
>>1082795>walls are filthysure there are genuinely filthy (dirty) walls but even they are beautiful in my eyes just wash them regularly. as for myself, i can't speak because i've never made out with a wall before but i appreciate every single one of them. do you know they shelter us humans and have various other important functions? the first man's friend was the cave wall; from it we learned how to build our own.
i also have a collection of bricks from various walls and wall-like fences (popular in my country).
No. 1082959
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on a regular basis i see attractive men and whilst admiring their style i realise they are homeless. picrel is my type
No. 1083342
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No. 1085235
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>>1052830I have over 500 images of beautiful butts in my phone. I collect them and giggle. It’s childish, I know.
No. 1085281
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My friends all think that I quit drinking and they're happy for me but any time I have to spend more than 24 hours alone I go out and buy a bottle of wine
No. 1085428
I've been going to therapy and the main question lately was why did I marry my husband. It started because I don't really have some sort of romantic attraction for him besides "best friend you can fuck" and I don't really liked men before, I usually just dated other girls. I told my therapist that maybe I'm just autistic and I don't see romance like that, and she answered that why is that not the case when I dated girls. And now I'm afraid that I just married the first person that treated me like a human being. Like, I was in such a bad spot, I had literally no one, and I just cingles to this guy out of fear and loneliness, and alone that I'm able to see all that baggage, all I'm questioning is "why the fuck did I do that". I was okay with being him until I died, but then my therapist started questioning if I don't feel like I'm not getting what I want from this relationship, or if I don't miss dating girls, AND I DO. But what am I supposed to do? Go to him, and say "sorry bro, turns out I was just dating him until I got into a better place, unconsciously. I actually want to date other girls". We've been married for 5 years, no kids. I thought it was great because he didn't ask for kids, maybe I just didn't want something that attached me to him. This sucks, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I once asked him what he would do if we divorced/I died, and he deadass told me he wasn't interested on seeing anyone or marrying again (he's older than me btw) and, lowkey if I divorce him I would end up on the streets, I have no job, I have a dead end career, my parents are dead, and all our friends are mutual. Should I just keep going as if nothing has happened? Maybe convince him to open the relationship so I could find a girl to stop this feeling? Maybe even divorce him after I find someone I actually feel something for besides thirst? What kind of asshole does that make me?
No. 1085435
>>1085428So he said you'll end up on the streets (pretty shitty thing to say btw, he deserves never marrying anyone again), but do you think so? If you're feeling unsatisfied, you should seriously consider divorce, because otherwise you'll wake up one day, much older, regretting all of these wasted years. You don't have to even tell you husband every single detail of what you've discussed with your therapist, surely that would make him react very poorly, instead you can communicate that working on yourself made you realize you are looking for different things in life and even though you're thankful for what he's given you in the past, you dont see the future with him anymore, and that's it, no need to overexplain how much you want to see other women. Though, if he refuses to accept the "light" version, maybe it will be necessary. Either way, good luck nonna!
No. 1085438
>>1082735Everytime I want to do something stupid, I ask myself "would I be embarrased if I ended up at the hospital for this?" Is the answer is yes, I stop doing it.
Don't want to be on one of those TLC medical emergencies shows
No. 1085470
>>1085466I dont mind criticizing makeup but they criticized women who enjoy makeup or fashion and made fun of them and some implied they were dumb
No. 1085478
>>1085455Hyper femininity is made by and for the male gaze
>>1085447>Reee don't criticize something that literally kills women because it inconveniences METhe absolute state of " feminists " LMAO
No. 1085483
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>>1085478shut the fuck up
No. 1085484
>>1085447Those people are just mentally ill. Not doing something just because "but what about the men?" is weak.
"I like wearing skirts!"
"But men-"
"I like this show!"
"But men like that too"
Men men men some of us don't give a fuck about men or what they like. Wear what you want nonna and have fun doing so. I'm sure you look great!
No. 1085724
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I literally ate as much food as I typically consume in about a 4-day span in the course of 1. It's insane because it wasn't even a matter of me being full but wanting to eat more just because it tastes good, it was that my body was still signalling that I was ravenously hungry no matter how much I devoured. Even now I'm still barely full. The sick part is that even though I obviously have a giant food baby atm, if I suck my stomach in I can still make out my lil four pack and v lines. Been cutting and working out regularly so maybe this was just a hunger backlog. Glad my body won't totally explode after a day of crazed binging.
No. 1085741
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>>1085731Nice nona! Here's to us being fit piggies and enjoying many more meals
No. 1086121
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shameful and pathetic but i'm glad my husbando is canonically an unappealing virgin and doesn't have a romantic interest that gets in the way of my fantasies
No. 1086152
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I've been triggering moids on automotive forums for years and in between intentionally obtuse and inflammatory posts I will occasionally sprinkle in genuine advice. When that happens its fun to see them balance seething at me vs agreeing with me.
No. 1086204
>>1085503This, its the expectations and double standards that are annoying
>>1085514and this. heels are painful
No. 1087312
>>1085435No, that part is my perspective. I'm getting a feeling that he doesn't plan to remarry cause he would feel bad, as in: he would have a lot of opportunities to to-do his life (money, job, families, etc) while I don't have that, and he thinks it would be unfair to "abandon me", I guess like, in a "pet" sense or something. It made sense to me at that time, but now I just think that's sad. The other
nonnie also said I should just divorce him, but divorcing him cause I realized i really was a lesbian feels idk, a mix of ironic, shitty, and unfair. Also I'm not getting younger any day, and I'm not sure any girl would want to date a divorcee that's almost 30 and has nothing in life, I know I wouldn't do it. Guess I'm just gonna go back and forth about this with my therapist until one of us dies or gives up
No. 1087337
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Nobody in my life knows this, absolutely no one, not even my brother or my parents, but i was sexually abused by another kid when i was just 4 years old, i got "diddled" daily until two other adults (not my parents) stopped him and punished him, sometimes I wonder if that counted as rape, i never got mental help so i don't know how that event could be affecting me nowadays.
It doesn't stop there, when i was 15, i got sexually harassed by some dude in front of several people and a teacher who didn't do shit about it, he grabbed me from behind and pushed his pelvis towards my butt, i really didn't expect that shit as i was almost invisible, and everyday, i make a conscious effort to forget it happened.
I needed to confess this cause i developed hypersexuality and my behavior can be kinda "weird" sometimes, but most people don't know i suffer actual traumas from sexual abuse, they just think I'm "freaky" and "funny", they don't know there's so much darkness behind my seemingly outgoing persona.
No. 1087983
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I miss drugs. The only time I can truly let it all out and just feel is while high
No. 1088027
>>1087983same here anon. you’re not alone
stay strong
No. 1089180
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I can't stop thinking about the anon who posted her buff and muscular back. There are real stacies among us.
No. 1089194
SHE GOT US, its over kekekekek
No. 1089464
>>1089215I'm not really interested in fitness tbh, I only want to drool over the women who are.
>>1089461She's a hot newfag, and I for one welcome her.
No. 1089466
>>1089344Its your body telling you that you are deficient. Craving is your body telling you to get the nutrients you are missing.
If you get them a lot I would be worried about your health.
No. 1089606
>>1089344>>1089466If you’re not gonna eat meat or dairy you’ve gotta make a point to really hardcore eat foods that have the nutrients people usually get from animal products. This is hard to do because most vegan foods don’t have those nutrients in sufficient quantities. Get your blood tested too.
My only vegan friend quit it a few months ago and has gained like 30lbs since. Went from a verifiable stick to a regular thin dude. It’s a lot harder to have a balanced vegan diet than people think.
No. 1089652
>>1089611>>1089599Vit D is the most important as it regulates all functions in your body and to synthesize it from the sun you need cholesterol, which your body can make but its not optimal to rely on, and animal foods are the only food source. Could you eat hunted meat or pasture raised? Or wild caught fish? It harms way less animals than plants does, so technically more cruelty free than a vegan diet
>>1089632>>1089632Its impossible to eat enough necessary fat, as cholesterol only comes from animals. Seed oils are not fat and your body doesn't process them the same, leaving you deficient no matter how many nuts or avocados you eat. And at that point you might as well eat animals, as nut and avocado crops kills way more animals than eating meat does.
No. 1090232
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>>1089690But you don't have to do it in the same sitting, throughout the day is fine.
>Further, the once-popular recommendation of combining protein sources to achieve a complete essential amino acid profile in each feeding is no longer considered necessary No. 1090431
>>1090232Ha, I knew the ~complete protein~ thing is bollocks.
Why at they like this? X food bad, no actually it's not. Y food necessary, no actually it's not.
Like shut the fuck up completely if you can't stop confuting your own findings.
No. 1091170
>>1090556I hope you find him
nonnie. My bf does those things with me so they are out there. You deserve it.
No. 1091340
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I'm a cow's next door neighbor, but haven't cow-tipped or befriended her out of fear they might hurt or dox me. It sucks because they're really struggling and in dire need of an IRL friend, but I'm a normalfag who they'll probably end up hating lol
No. 1091341
>>1091340Nonny, are you in
No. 1091425
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I want to be loved by a fit, handsome, and kind man at least once in my life. Every single moid I have gone out with has hurt me and I never had passion or true chemistry with any of them. They all used me in one way or another.
I want to feel genuinely loved and appreciated.
No. 1091534
>>1091340slightly related, one time i visited a friend in the us and she lived pretty much next door to
simply kenna/cozykitsune. was pretty weird to see her irl.
No. 1092067
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A lot of people just assume that I'm hafu, since I was a kid. When I am in a regular context, I guess they usually just think I am white, but whenever I say I speak japanese or when I am at a "japanese context" (like a japanese company, school, competition, festival, presentation, etc) they just automatically assume that I am hafu and I am always correcting them. I even had a japanese veteran come to me and say that I should be proud of "our" heritage didn't correct him cause he was very old and he seemed so emotional. Even when I was in Japan I had a family asking me if I was hafu.
I am thinking of low key just assuming that identity when going back to live in Japan for non-official interactions. Live the dream Pixyteri couldn't.
No. 1092291
>>1092128You can improve it,
nonnie! I believe in you
>>1092175Yes, I'm white but I'm not anglo. I am from a latam country and I am just a bunch of things mixed, but my skin is super fair so I'm considered white here. I posted that hafu model because it's the closest to my own looks
aside from me being way, way uglier, having shitty skin and darker hairI'm not saying it's bad or good, though, just a thing that I find a little funny, since I've heard it from nikkei, non-nikkei, japanese and hafu alike, mostly in my own country. I feel like a passive great deceiver! (jk)
Also unless you're super anglo, I believe a lot of japanese people in Japan just think you're hafu if you say "ohayou gozaimasu" with no accent. No. 1092307
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>>1092300I'm waiting for you at my engawa where we can both bask in the beauty of our heriteji fuurin, anon.
No. 1092310
>>1092291>spoilerThat would explain why people asked me if I was hafu at first. That doesn't explain why Indians thought I was one of them and why Pakistanis also thought I was one of them though, but that made for funny conversations. I also learned that way that some gaijin hunters have a preference for Indian girls apparently?
By the way, all the white people I knew from university who went to Japan on an exchange program were asked if they were Americans way more often than if they were from any European country even though they were all French.
No. 1092322
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>>1092310A bit OT so sage, but when I was in Japan, our group got literally 日本語上手'd for an "ohayou gozaimasu". The dude was really shocked to see with didn't have that classic American accent, so he said our pronunciation was good. TBF the group was mostly made of nikkeijin, but it goes to show how easy is to get the 日本語上手 status and therefore asked if you are at least half japanese kek
I guess it is a better testament to one's japanese skill to be told you're bad, because at least then they know you have the actual ability to understand their criticisms and corrections, also the nuances of saying this without sounding like a complete asshole.
Only if Pixy actually went to Japan, maybe she would get her honorary hafu status as well and wouldn't have had to troon out…..
No. 1092331
>>1092322I went through that too, there was only one time when the person who said that meant it. She was in the same room as me in a guesthouse and she told me the usual "nihongo jouzu desu ne" and when I told her it's not that good because I forget a lot of words and kanji she told me that I was good enough to hold a conversation with her so she means it. The rest was a bunch of people who thought just telling them konnichiwa meant I could understand their complicated and very fast conversations full of weird slang.
>>1092319Yeah, I'm
berber but I lost my tan by then since I arrived in Winter so I looked like I had jaundice kek. Anyway, I was surprised to see that many of the Indians and Pakistanis I met were even more pale than I was. A coworker of one of my best friend was Indian and my friend thought I was telling her bullshit when I told her all of this so she showed her coworker a picture of me and her coworker legit though I was from India or a neighbor country.
Unrelated but this reminds me of all the other North Africans I know who traveled to American countries as tourists and who are mistaken for latinos for the same reason. No. 1092346
>>1092322>and wouldn't have had to troon out…..huh?
>>1092339>some people will poop when they orgasm huh???
No. 1092379

>>1092346>>1092330She hasn't fully trooned out, she flip flops a lot about her ~gender~, but right know I think she's considering herself to be an enbie and hates when people tells her she's a woman and that she has a female body. A while back though she was full on delusional and even thinking she was growing a penis. Then she backtracked and now she's more lowkey about it. It's all in her threads if you wanna know more.
I unironically think Pixy looks the cutest and happiest using any type of traditional japanese garb, I get sad thinking about the timeline that never was of her living in Japan as a JET ALT or whatever.
>>1092331I think most japanese people actually mean it when they say you're good at japanese because they probably expects 0 japanese from most gaijin all the time, unless they are coming for like academic reasons or such. So yeah, when you expect nothing, even a little bit is surprising. Some use it as a way to encourage further learning. The problem is when delusional gaijin use it as a totes real metric of japanese skill. I've seen an ex-classmate bragging that people in Japan thought her japanese was good when I'm 100% sure that they just 日本語上手'd her.
No. 1092380
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I've been obssessed with JFK jr and Carolyn Bessette for almost a week since some burger anon posted JFK jr on the Eurofag thread. I knew about them before but I never looked at a picture of HIM closely. I'm a schizo and the whole conspiracy theory of Kennedy's assassination is so interesting to me. I've been looking for any video of them on yt and paparazzi photos as well. It's the mix of a tragic but privileged life (his father's death amongst other relatives, and their tragic death too that involved Carolyn's sister Lauren), 90s New York and fashion, and the fact that he was so damn handsome and she was so pretty and stylish. I really wish I was some sort of invisible consciousness that could travel back in time and constantly observe in silence whatever they did. It's like my life is not enough, very uninteresting, and I want to experience a thrilling life full of luxury and jet set drama. I feel sad for doing this because they never had any real privacy and I'm looking at pictures taken by people that were very annoying and bothered them so much. I also feel very stupid because this is just a vapid obssession over deceased people.
No. 1092403
Also I think women do both. Like sometimes yes, it’s piss and other times it’s not. Because I’ve definitely squirted before and I’ve also definitely pissed myself before lol
No. 1092701
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never drew porn before, but just decided to attempt it bc i figured i should try something new, so i used some doujinshi references and replaced charas with my husbando and …myself. got so aroused and flustered i had to stop. also kind of surprised myself that i was able to get the anatomy correct without much issue
but dont think i'll be doing this again. definitely not productive
No. 1092705
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>>1092550I think moids hate feet guys because feet guys really can't humiliate, use and demean a woman even a fraction as much as other fetishes. If you like women's feet you are by default gonna give her pleasure with foot rubs and not trying to push boundaries like analfags.
No. 1092715
>>1092705personally i would feel creeped out if anyone obsessed over my feet
and/or asshole too even if the former is supposed to be "worshiping", it just comes off as weird and unsettling just like other body part obsessions
No. 1093301
When I go to any male-dominated imageboard for a single thread, unfortunately I end up regressing a bit and pick up the habit of avoiding references to my or other female poster's sex (even though I'm on lolcow) again. Just a while ago I unconsciouly hesitated to refer to someone else as "she".
Why can't there be a couple more imageboards for women where the ones remaining on 4chan can migrate? That way I wouldn't have to touch male online spaces ever again and we could all have our own threads in peace without scrotes ruining them every time.>>1093129>>1093041lmao I can't believe people here are actually defending foot fetishist scrotes just because they're "not as bad" as ass/boob fetish coomers or because of "free foot massages". Plus, many people, like me, just find feet disgusting, the thought of fetishizing my feet that obsessively is absolutely gross.
No. 1093370
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I really liked my PE teacher even as a kid. He was an older soft-spoken man, not at all the stereotypical hardass people usually imagine. In some ways that probably made it harder for him. Always having to wrangle a bunch of annoying kids who didn't want to be there and didn't take him seriously. Everyone hated PE, the athletes found it pointless in comparison to their sports drills and the normies were loathe to drag their flabby asses into the gym. I was somewhere in-between, part of a few teams but didn't really take them too seriously. All I knew was that if I was forced to be there I wanted to make the most of my time. We would do fitness tests at the start of the year then measure them again at the end, and I remember improving my flexibility, getting strong enough to climb a rope, reducing my body fat and my time to jog a mile went from like 15 minutes to 10. I made real improvements, was one of the only kids that did, and I remember my teacher looking at my stats and saying nice work, I'm so proud of you for improving so much, it's got to feel great. And it did. I didn't have a dad around growing up and for the most part it didn't matter, my mom was/is awesome, but even if it was minimal it was nice to have a one kind male influence in my life. I find it ironic now that many of the same people who used to gripe about that class are probably shelling out tons of cash for some gymbro trainer to do the same thing they could've gotten for free (or at least on their parents' dime) in school.
No. 1094647
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>>1094635A big Rice Krispie treat, I couldn’t pass that up.
No. 1094781
>>1094688kek I'm like this with some songs too. Sometimes I try to sing a song but when it gets to the most emotional and highest-pitched part I can't contain my tears lol. But this is not the same as that, this is when you can't even stand thinking about the song at all because even that makes you tear up, sometimes those songs have a really melancholic melody too. I understand perfectly. I don't know why I've never been able to get over it but it's been like this since childhood.
I remember one time when I was a kid, my parents found me bawling my eyes out in the garage because I was listening to this song and thinking a lot about the lyrics kek
what the FUCK I'm listening to it and it STILL makes me cry, I didn't even feel like crying at all and I haven't listened to this song in at least 15 years No. 1094784
>>1094688He’s a wanderer,
nonnie. If the Littlest Hobo wanted a family, he could find one. But he loves the road too much to settle down for long.
No. 1094814
>>1094781FUCK I opened the video again and I'M CRYING AGAINHere's another good one that I always skip when I'm listening to my playlist, never fails to make me cry,
especially after I read what really happened to her, which wasn't publicly known when this song was first released. It's about Laika the dog so you can probably already imagine how sad it is. I ain't even gonna listen to it, I'm terrified of its power.
No. 1094897
>>1094781>el gato>stopped reading thereyou are not making me listen to a song about cats being hurt, even emotionally. cats i just cant do
>>1094814it is so sad but the song doesn't really convey to me how sad it really was.
this mecano song nearly brings me to tears when i hear it though
No. 1095016
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>>1054802Based if true. The hoes are laughing (see reaction gif before I get called a scrote kek) but female NEETs will inherit the earth. Don't even care if the content is "bad" because this just serves as more proof that women make shit and men leech off it
No. 1095395
nonnie, this plus Shayna banners
No. 1095581
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I was in a store a few days ago looking at their easter choc/toy section. I spotted this kinder egg plush and I picked it up ready to buy it. Never seen them here before so my lil tard heart fluttered. I realized the bag on his back that's meant to be full of choc was empty. Then I realized there were no others.. because he wasn't actually there for sale. Some kid had probably dropped it and someone just threw it in with the easter stock. I put it back where I found it. I looked in another nearby grocery store to see if they were selling them. They weren't. I wanted one. I looked it up online and it's a flight exclusive duty free item.. fuck.
Today, 3/4 days later I went to the same store to get a few bits and couldn't believe the thing was still there. I mean they had those 3 days minimum to go get it back.. probably longer. I might've rescued him.
No. 1095651
>>1095615Why do you keep dancing around saying that you took stole him anon kek. I'm sure he's a very happy kinder egg now. Did you stuff him in your purse or just walked out with it?
Honestly, a couple years from now the kid that originally owned him is gonna be like "wtf happened to my kinder egg toy".
No. 1095762
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I'm bi, have had a few girlfriends, actually had my first sexual experience with one, gone all the way, dated openly, yadda yadda. But I've had so much more experience with men that at this point, I think I'm more "comfortable" with them because with men, I'm performing. It's easy to "be sexy" to men – all you have to do is exist and stroke their ego while you stroke their dick, and occasionally pretend you're not interested. They're all one-trick ponies.
But women intimidate the fuck out of me, it's dumb because you'd think I'd feel more comfortable being with someone whose body and brain work way more like mine, but whenever a pretty girl breathes in my direction, I become the mouth-breathing idiot who suddenly doesn't know how to construct a sentence, let alone touch a girl.
I obviously have before, and it's always been wonderful, but I've always felt so unsure of myself, like I'll come off like some pillow princess who doesn't know what to do/want to do it, when in reality my brain is just short-circuiting the entire time like "OMG she's touching me. OMG. OMG!"
But I've always had that confident "maneater" thing going on, so I think girls are taken aback when they get me in the bedroom and suddenly I am visibly shaking. But not in a bad way? Fuck me, I don't know, but it's like it gets harder the older I get. "Female-only" dating pools are all infested with…beings…that I have no interest in even looking at, and meeting people once you're out of college is so hard. I've literally never used a dating app. IDK, I'm hopeless. Sorry for novel-blog.
No. 1095808
>>1095715>>1095727I’ve thought about giving myself an enema just to see what it feels like
Should I do it?
No. 1095821
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I love the smell of Christmas tinsel. I like to grab them by the handful and take a big deep whiff until I feel my brain cells die a little. I've been doing this every Christmas season since I was a kid. The sound alone makes my mouth water and I get goosebumps all over whenever I see fresh new tinsel at the stores during the holidays.
No. 1095870
>>1095843Don’t weigh yourself,
nonnie, just eat healthy and exercise, then weight yourself after a few months.
No. 1097114
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>>1097106I saw a video once a guy made about how women clutch their boobs when looking for things and fuck, I was so called out. Wish I could find it kek
No. 1097228
>>1097139I went through a radfem phase after I peaked because of how anybody that was transphobic was called a
terf, so I decided to embrace the label, but I honestly never even believed in most of radfem ideology and thoery. I just consider myself a transphobic misandrist now.
No. 1097232
>>1097139I’ve never been a radfem, I’m just aware of how moids can ruin our lives on so many levels and how harmful it was for me to be amongst men since I was in primary school.
I’m not against SW at all, I actually enjoy seeing successful girls milking dudes when so many pick me’s are being doormats for free or even funding the scrote lifestyle. As long as people are not trafficked I’m okay with it.
Also many white radfems are so incredibly out of touch with the reality of
poc women.
No. 1097302
>>1097299samefag I know my writing is retarded but I'm tired plz mercy
You may have seen it on reddit but I deleted it now but she also left my sister and I in the middle of a logging road bc we pissed her off
I would ask myself why she had kids but it's literally for show cuz shes an nmom.
Just last year she called me telling me about how all her friends at work talk shit about me and dont like me because I said I found it creepy how she shows her 70 year old coworker my pics (again she says she hates me so ???)and how I dont find it flattering he wants to bang me
No. 1097308
>>1097299>>1097302samefag again I'm sorry but she also would make me babysit her friends daughter (3) from ages 11-15 because she would smoke weed and get drunk w the parents and one night she confessed to me that HE SAID "anon has big tits for a 12 year old" and she used to make me put on tank tops or V-necks around him, I would also babysit her alone with him in the house while the mom and my mom were out??? Without my sister???
Also idk if I can post THE pic but I have a pic she made me take of me peeling corn and you can just see how suggestive it is and I'm 11 in it.
>>1097301I never reported her and neither did my dad because their whole side is aware my moms side is fuckef (grandma* and all) so theres no point. I am moved and out and so is my sister with my dad luckily
*ok last confession
When I was in the psych ward for my 3rd suicide attempt (but first known to family) I used to work at a daycare with my grandma and she called me at the hospital to give me shit for making her look bad because I had to take a very discreet 'medical leave' and that if she dies without a family pic (because I dont talk to my mom and sister for XYZ reason) it's my fault and I should feel bad
No. 1097313
>>1097308oK LAST SAMEFAG BUT I just realized I had to disclaim I smoke weed too but realized that could come off anti-weed but basically I was trying to say she would just basically party when I would babysit for her friends kids
Oh and she would definitely be way too drunk to drive back home and I was scared to drive back home with her all the time but she would leave at like 2am and it would be school nights too.
Sorry again for shitty typing I've been up for like 2 days and its 6am now hngh
No. 1097336
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as a kid, my grandma on my dad's side always had this tin of cookies around and i always wanted cookies but she never gave me any. she didn't use it for sewing supplies, like most people do, apparently. there were always cookies in it. i would gather up the courage to ask and she'd just say no and eat them herself.
i've been obsessed with cookies in tins since then but i never actually bought any because of how expensive they are and what if i don't like them? but eventually i just said fuck it and today i bought a giant box of cookies in a tin. 9 euros for 1 kilo of cookies. picrel is the one i bought.
No. 1097342
>>1097336>tfw cookie story but no cookie review well anon, were they any good??
mine were always sewing supplies with the occasional stale sugar cookie
No. 1097352
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>>1097336That instantly reminded me of Ms. Trunchbull from Matilda not allowing Ms. Honey to have any of her chocolates when Ms. Honey was a child.
No. 1097353
>>1097342kekkk sorry i haven't tried them all yet, but so far they're pretty good, albeit very sweet/sugary. i think it'll be better when i have a coffee to counterbalance the sweetness.
>>1097345nah, she gave cookies to my aunts/uncles and my dad, but we never got any. my cousin and i once stole a cookie each and we were fine. also my grandma was way too addicted to cigarettes to choose any other drug.
>>1097352kek yes i remember watching this movie several times and always telling my mom that this scene reminded me of my shitty grandma.
No. 1097473
>>1097467where did you find him,
No. 1097476
I'm working from home but my clients and coworkers won't stop fucking up that one specific excel file we collectively use everyday so I decided to slack off this afternoon because I'm tired of this. I'll catch up tomorrow at the office anyway, I'll have a better internet connection there so whatever. And related to my job: my mentally ill, unreliable big sister is unemployed right now and looking for a job so she's often asking me to help her get a job at my company. FUCK NO. We're in a tiny office, the workload is too much for her, she has none of the qualifications and experience required, she doesn't even know how to use word or excel and she'll harass everyone until she can be fire to collect unemployment like last time. I need my own private life far away from this bitch. She thinks I'll let her ruin my career just because she "helped" me get a shitty minimum wage job at a call center by just giving me the company's name once. I told her in high school that if she wants a comfortable job she needs to at least get her high school diploma and maybe another degree after that but she was too busy partying and smoking weed while harassing my teachers and I because I had better grades than her. Fuck this bitch.
>>1097455Same. I feel at home here.
No. 1097498
>>1097289Thank you
nonnie. You're beautiful in your fight against the freak menace
No. 1097759
>>1097473>>1097625I found him in the countryside outside my home city and immediately i crushed on him. We spent all night talking. We were introduced through a mutual friend. (A friend who has known my bf since childhood; practically family)
My secret? I guess….
>no dating apps >i was single for 7 years, didnt settle for little dick energy>lucky timing No. 1097946
>>1097845Thats such odd timing, I was just about to admit something in the same subject.
Since my brother died I have had a hard time looking in the mirror/ or taking selfies. Like
I couldnt connect with my self anymore? Nearing year 3, and last night after I showered I was drying my hair and realized how cute my little beach waves are, and I was smiling at myself? And not immediately looking away?
It felt like i could finally see through the distortion.
It felt really nice. Like maybe I am healing and moving forward.
No. 1097969
>>1097845I like to look at myself in the mirror ironically and wonder if my face will ever look normal. Well, I guess I'm not a man, so my features are by default less harsh. But my god, why was I cursed to look like this
>>1095870Need to improve diet. Probably post period weight but I just succumbed to the urge to check and i'm 131 after eating lunch. Want to get back down to 125, that means I'm going to have to cut my portions more than anything. I have been eating way too much, thank stress and boredom for that
I liked having a fuller ass but I'm going to need to be able to fit into my jeans in three months kek
How do I deal with this constantly fluctuating inferiority complex shit. I don't even feel human anymore. In the worst most decrepit way
No. 1097983
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last year i was checking in to a hotel with my family because we had to visit a funeral home to arrange my mom’s burial. this guy walks in behind us and starts talking to me. i don’t remember what he was talking about. older scrotes feel entitled to come up to me or my sister whenever we go out because they’re retarded and can’t pick up on the social cues that are designed to tell them that we don’t give a fuck. i don’t actually listen closely to what males say ever, unless they’re cute…maybe. so he’s running his mouth and i’m just responding with “yeah” “uh huh” “oh” “wow” “true” until i run out of words and say “cool.” then he says “haha, it’s not really cool.” i say “i’m sorry. i wasn’t really listening, what did you said?” and he tells me he’s in town for his grandma’s funeral! very awkward and i felt bad in the moment, but it’s kinda funny looking back on it now lol.
No. 1098925
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I think I’m getting a retarded horny crush on multiple guys at the place I’m doing my internships at and now when I come back home I keep thinking of them mostly about how I really want them to fuck me
No. 1099204
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Hunter Schafer is such a cute guy
No. 1099602
>>1099553>>1099591My pet peeve is when people call these kinds of relationships with exes "friendship". That's not what friendship is. Call it what it is: a
toxic relationship. It's for keeping tabs, ego-stroking, all sorts of negative stuff.
Much better to cut it clean than stay enmeshed in such a bad relationship. And it is that. It is not by any means "friendship".
No. 1099623
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i miss animated disney movies. i enjoy tangled and frozen and encanto, but i miss the sheer magic of lilo & stitch or the princess and the frog or even not so popular movies like home on the range. inb4 reee disney bad - i know, i don't care.
No. 1099887
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Yesterday I made a moid fix my computer, made him lick my boots, lick the inside of my toilet, the seat and drink the water with video evidence and told him to leave.
No. 1099904
>>1099887Are you some kind of dominatrix or something
nonnie? Gonna need proof or I call bs
No. 1099929
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>>1099920Judging everything about both of you right now.
No. 1099963
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one time i was trying to buy shrooms, so i put my snapchat in my tinder bio and made it clear that i was only looking for people who could sell me shrooms or knew someone who could. that was a mistake, i guess i somehow momentarily forgot that men are stupid so at least ten added me just to chat. until some dude added me with the intention of actually selling me drugs, or so i thought…i realized in the process of trying to buy the shrooms that psilocybin doesn’t interact well with the antidepressant i was taking at the time. so before i even really started talking to this guy i told him that i couldn’t take shrooms, told him why, and asked if he knows where i could buy some edibles instead. he then asks what antidepressant i’m on and i tell him the name bc why not. he says he’s never heard of it but shares with me that he believes he should be on an antidepressant. i ask why and i wish i hadn’t because this man sent me a photo of his post suicide attempt stitched wrist! no warning at all! i tried to shift the conversation back to drugs by telling him that shrooms really helped ease my depression, and it almost worked. i don’t remember what happened after that because the whole thing was so bizarre. men are weird. if anyone watches it’s always sunny in philadelphia, the entire interaction really reminded me of picrel.
No. 1099998
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>>1099982jfc that’s scary, glad you’re still here. i have my medical card in my home state but not the one my college is in. i just found this article after a quick google search, not at all surprised tbh. a girl i was friends with in high school would buy her weed from some guy who was known to grope the women he sold to. they should just legalize it everywhere already.
No. 1103407
>>1103089kek yes
nonny. I hate to admit it but I couldn't resist. I was on the MTF thread where there was 6 comments no one could see, I made an alt and kept asking why he would address lolcow as terfs but not the sexualization of the underage girl on his fb. I was just extremely pressed and I logged out before I knew the comments couldn't be seen and the password was a throwaway.
Inb4 big ban. Plz
nonny noo