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No. 4265
Summarizing tonight's Townhall:
- A new team of moderators and janitors has been hired and is working hard to keep lolcow clean. Staff has an all-new moderation guide with specific ban reasons and times. Bans increase with a factor of 2 for repeat offenses in succession.
- A posting guide for new users will be added in order to integrate them more efficiently rather than filling up threads with attempts to alienate or teach them.
- Users are encouraged to use the reports system to let staff know privately if they agree with moderation decisions (public ones like warnings). This is a way for us to (under consideration of bullshit reports and bias) keep tabs on which moderators reflect the community.
- Posting new threads on /pt/ will be restricted to staff members. For thread continuations, a warning will be posted once a thread has reached 1100 posts (100 posts before bump limit).
From that point, users can submit summaries of recent drama and thread OP pics to a dedicated thread. Staff will then post a continuation thread. Recently, continuations have been missing social media links and summaries, so we'll try this as a solution.
- Posting new threads to /snow/ will be aided by a new post form (pic related). Until the form is installed, a post template will help new users make decent quality threads.
- Race and trans wank will be reduced to one thread each in /ot/ which will be put on autosage.
- Proposed: In times of zero milk, when a thread is mostly speculation, it could be put on autosage until a moderator undoes this when there's fresh drama.
- Nitpicking, armchair psychology, and absolutely baseless speculating must be saged and kept under control. Endless tinfoiling about e.g. Taylor's or Dakota's income or specific shade of hair color must stop and will be punished.
- Hellweek starts tomorrow. This means strict moderation and lots of temporary bans.
- For example, all posts that only consist of "hi [cow]" or "lol" or "underrated post" will be removed and punished with a short ban.
- Taking bait is now a bannable offense unless saged and kept to minimal interaction.
- The Chatango box, although requested as an alternative to Discord, seems unpopular and has been voted to be removed.
- Incel threads will be banned until farmers learn not to lure them to lolcow by attentionwhoring in their communities.
- Zero tolerance for male posters who identify themselves in their posts or otherwise fail to fly under the radar.
- Ember's thread will be put on autosage. You can keep posting in it, but don't make a new one.
- /sty/ and /cream/ will be removed.
Feel free to make further suggestions or post your feedback on any of the above.
No. 4267
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>>4265>- Incel threads will be banned until farmers learn not to lure them to lolcow by attentionwhoring in their communities.but that wasn't even us
No. 4274
>>4265>Race and trans wank will be reduced to one thread each in /ot/ which will be put on autosage.Thank fuck, only two shit threads to ignore at any given time!
>>4267Also this.
There's a long history of r9k/MRA style raids, if incels are now discovering us too I don't see why that's our faults.
No. 4277
>>4275They can be quality posters, but there's no good reason for them to identify themselves as male when posting.
Look more carefully at the wording, it's basically a 'shut up about your dick' rule, and that's good.
No. 4282
>>4273>>4275"muh dick"- posts is what admin refers to.
We had incels and r9k leaking over and posting their fat fetishes about Mariah and a few other cows.
There's really no need for someones sexual fantasies or guys rating a cows fuckability in gossip threads.
No. 4291
>>4287Yes, please report any thread you find /pt/-worthy and if staff agrees, they'll move it.
>>4288This is true but overall post quality has gone down and /snow/ doesn't need posts like
>>4289 bumped on the front page all the time. Autosaging these threads as long as they only go in circles allows users to see other interesting threads more easily. Farmers can make a report when it's time to bump the thread again.
No. 4292
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>>4266>posting /meta/ threads at 4 amSorry, here's the form.
No. 4294
>>4265I agree with most of it, but
>- Nitpicking, armchair psychology, and absolutely baseless speculating must be saged and kept under control. >- Endless tinfoiling about e.g. Taylor's or Dakota's income or specific shade of hair color must stop and will be punished.>- For example, all posts that only consist of "hi [cow]" or "lol" or "underrated post" will be removed and punished with a short ban.>- Taking bait is now a bannable offense unless saged and kept to minimal interaction.please dont become like pull. I love lolcow because it is mostly anarchistic. It takes away a lot of the fun if mods/admin decide what people are allowed to post or not.
I agree although that all of these should be saged.
Can we also be more strict about namefagging and anons that put their real emailadress in?
No. 4297
>>4296I think because newfags kept making threads on PT and they kept having to be moved to snow.
It's annoying and clogs up the catalog.
No. 4298
Most of these new ideas are fine, in my experience lolcow has some of the best mods out there. I'm really glad male posters who proclaim their gender are getting kicked out (in no way do I want this to become female wizardchan but plain attentionwhoring, no matter what gender, needs to go).
However if you're going to keep stuff like armchair psychology and nitpicks "under control" it takes away some of the freedom and under control is also a very subjective term.
I agree these should be saged though.
No. 4305
>>4298Yep, some threads just lend themselves to a bit of armchair (like Onion regarding his general behaviour) and it can add to the fun. Same with a little bit of nitpicking, though that can go too far (ie the distinction between light brown and dark blonde.)
But yes it should be saged as it is speculation or plain gossip and not milk.
No. 4306
>Incel threads will be banned until farmers learn not to lure them to lolcow by attentionwhoring in their communitiesNoooo please.
>>4283This. Since a lot of farmers love those threads, what we can do specifically?
No. 4307
>>4269A+ for reference
sad about the incel threads though, they came here of their own accord, no one tipped them
No. 4309
>>4272admin said in townhall it only applies to posts from here on out
"hi cow" and replying to bait falls under low quality posting so dont do that
No. 4314
>>4294I agree. I know its hellweek, but the best part about chan culture is the fact that most of the time its a free for all. I don't expect there to be no rules, but this is insane.
And honestly the amount of what you expect to be saged is also ridic imo. Its a chan board, threads get bumped. I understand stuff like OT comments or "hi momo" posts should be since they really do add to nothing. Or even when farmers are arguing over something dumb as fuck, but saging stuff like an actual reasonable convo about a cow is silly. Thats my fav part about watching the cows, is actually discussing them with people
No. 4318
I agree with everything. /sty/ didn't bother me, I considered it a sort of containment board for "dangerous" threads, but eh. When I first arrived here there were only /pt/ and /b/, so it's not like we'll miss that board.
Sad for incel threads though, they were pretty fun to read.
>Proposed: In times of zero milk, when a thread is mostly speculation, it could be put on autosage until a moderator undoes this when there's fresh drama.
>Nitpicking, armchair psychology, and absolutely baseless speculating must be saged and kept under control. Endless tinfoiling about e.g. Taylor's or Dakota's income or specific shade of hair color must stop and will be punished.
Yes. I would've considered locking the worst no-milk offenders, like Dakota's thread, but autosaging is even better.
Bans for excessive tinfoiling and nitpicking are gonna be good. My report button is ready.
No. 4320
>>4319>>4294Anonymous imageboards are sorta anarchistic by default. But the same anarchy will have totally different manifestation depending on the user group present. It's not an issue of the system, it's an issue of its constituents.
Anarchy among special needs preschoolers from South Carolina is not the same thing as anarchy among post-doctorate scientists at CERN. Anarchy among a group consisting of both of the above is a guaranteed shitfest.
Thus in order for a social network of this kind to survive and thrive, you need to carefully select the user base you're striving to cater to. And I personally think the admins and mods made a good choice.
No. 4329
>>4302/sty/ is still accessible if you go to the URL, but I have no idea if it's going to stick around.
Considering /sty/ just devolves into outright bitter back and forth shit flinging all the time, I would honestly prefer if they just nuked it
No. 4330
I'll just leave this here for the admin, mods, and most dedicated users to read, because I've grown to kind of care for the future of this site: is a web pioneer and visionary (and a legend in my generation), and his insights are even more valuable today then they were back then.
Not all of the article is applicable to lolcow, of course, but this website is at a specific point where it could make good use of his observations. So there.
No. 4339
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>>4335 is true. Once we've dealt with the current more pressing issues of lolcow, we could consider a bigger server and maybe a way for users to help defray the cost. PULL has a Patreon account for this, and a few dollars a month make a difference. Though as I said, I'd leave this for until lolcow is great again.
- sticky thread has been added to /snow/ and /pt/ until I'm done with the new thread form.
- our new automod will post warnings when threads reach 1100 posts and again when they're full. (pic related)
Some people are concerned about the autosaging of threads like Dakota's and the possibility of cows (hi Kiki) sabotaging them. For now I'd like to point out that the placement on the board is not relevant for search engines - threads will still place on Google results like before, we'll just have a cleaner board.
I'd like to listen to more input on this and the incels and anything else you can think of before I do a survey to get a good idea of what users want to see.
No. 4346
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Just wondering, but is it now a bannable offense to post reaction images in response to certain posts? This was in the momokun thread. I just don't really get the logic behind it.
No. 4347
>>4346Note that your screenshot shows that post wasn't saged. That entire thread is full of people who seem to not know what sage is.
It looks like quite a few people posted unsaged reaction images with no text response. aka no contribution. I dunno why some
weren't put out to pasture as well, however, since almost none of them saged.
Also it's hellweek. If people can't be assed to read that header or learn basic posting etiquette, it tends to show.
People should really scroll up in that thread. A farmhand posted and people continued to do what they were told not to, and a lot of people got put out to pasture for that (jnigs discussion, unsaged appearance nitpicking, no-contribution posts that weren't saged, etc).
I feel like the Moomoo thread attracts a lot more new farmers than, say, the Onision thread where people sage heavily. Posts like that build up and turn the thread to shit. People can learn to integrate on their own, or they can learn the hard way if they're too lazy to read the rules or what hellweek entails.
Sorry if I'm wrong on any of this and I definitely don't intend to speak for any staff. Just my observations as a farmer who frequents several cows - the Moomoo thread sticks out with the lack of sage and ignoring posts by farmhands.
No. 4349
>>4348NTAYT but consider that this user may be a repeat offender who happened to post unsaged noncontribution many times. This post might have been the final straw, only mods known.
And lolcow isn't a typical image board. It has so many rules that go against chan culture because otherwise the subject manner would make it unusable.
No. 4350
>>4349Exactly my thoughts in writing
>>4347 sorry it wasn't clear, and yeah, I tried to disclaimer that I'm not staff and can't speak for them, only what I've seen/read from them and the rules.
No. 4352
>>4346>>4347>>4348>>4349>>4350The Momo thread is full of unsaged reaction images. It's the equivalent of bumping a thread just to say "LOL". Just sage and you're fine.
>>4351It depends on post history of the involved users, among other things. If we can tell that a user is trying to contribute, especially if it's unknown information, they get a warning before we alienate them with a ban.
No. 4363
>>4362admin, I am
>>4361 . I appreciate your response and understand.
No. 4368
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Can you please ban the robot that has been shitting up /ot/ and /g/ the past day?
No. 4372
I've been working on rewriting the rules page with help from staff and many long-time farmers. Some rules were added or changed. Please read them here and let me know what you think so I can adjust them before they are made official. changes:
> Minors can be posted about as long as they're 16+ and their full legal name isn't mentioned. First names are okay.> Doxxing is no longer allowed. I know some people will disagree with this, but please consider that we never allowed or encouraged cowtipping anyway, so the information gives cows and unintegrated users ammo and invite vendettachans without being of much value to threads. Most of it can be found online anyway.
> Absolutely no more posting of family members.I also added a newfriend guide to help integrate users: you in advance for any feedback.
>>4369I will check now.
>>4368He's gone.
No. 4373
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>>4372>>4369Yes, this thread is a goldmine of quality content.
I've tempbanned a bunch of users who use the thread like a chatroom. If the nitpicking and spamming eases up now, I will unsage.
No. 4374
>>4372Generally, I agree with these changes. These are good changes.
I have a few questions, for clarification purposes:
> Minors can be posted about as long as they're 16+ and their full legal name isn't mentioned. First names are okay.> Absolutely no more posting of family members.Does this mean "Cows who are under 16 are off limits"? Or does it mean, for example, that the 14 year old sibling of the cow is off limits?
If the latter, does mentioning the cow's "sister and baby niece" violate the rule?
What about pictures of sub-16-year olds? (ie, the cow and their young sibling?)
> Doxxing is no longer allowed. Thank you. I've seen some threads where people take this to mean "No one is allowed any privacy. I will violate the cow's sister's boyfriend's sister as a result!"
>I also added a newfriend guide to help integrate users:Nice! Useful!
May I suggest some terminology or a glossary or whatever of some 'important' slang? like what cowtipping is (and that it's against the rules) or what samefagging is, etc.
Also! I notice that it reads, under point 3:
> If you upload anything nsfw or gory, while the rules say:
> Do not post images of human or animal gore. No. 4375
>>4374>Also! I notice that it reads, under point 3:>If you upload anything nsfw or gory, > while the rules say:>Do not post images of human or animal gore.I think you're looking at the "old" rules page (the one currently active). The new rules are here: any case, I will add spoilers to the rules, thank you.
No. 4376
>>4372This looks good. refreshing to see the over all consensus being added to the official rules of the board.
>>4373the autosaging of the filthy thread has cleaned out a lot of trash posters, bumping it is counterproductive, so thanks for not doing that.
No. 4380
>>4348honestly, lolcow gets way too wanky about saging. i see posts who don't get saged banned but the 3+ posts calling said person to sage not to be banned which is just triple shit posting (even if they're saged)
I don't understand the hard on for saging tbh. Sometimes its warranted, like if it goes Offtopic/ blogging, but its ridiculous to get banned because you don't sage a reaction image… which is the whole point of image boards
No. 4383
>>4277There is never a good reason to identify yourself on an anonymous board. Anyone who does so is clearly far from their home.
It's great to see mods taking their job seriously. Good luck.
No. 4394
>>4391Okay, you can make a new incel thread.
>>4393>Can we make a new one that focuses solely on her?No.
No. 4466
>>4280"So lesbian here I don't know why you ladies are so bitter, I'd lick her"
is okay?
No. 4467
Just wanted to say thanks for your efforts, farmhands. I started checking in on lolcow less in recent months but I'm glad to see things are improving. <3 saged because not a specific question or contribution
>>4466Unless you can provide proof that these posts actually happen (and if they do now it's probably just you) I'm just gonna assume you're a butthurt male.
If somehow, you're not, then I'll explain; the problem is that we had a significant number of male posters male-posting (aka "why u so salty I'd fuck her xd") and thus it became a problem.
No. 4468
>>4467Admittedly a male but I don't want to ruin your lulz.
Mostly just curious on the reason for the rules.
I'll respectfully lurk.
>>4495This thread:
>>>/ot/40826Prove that it's not even remotely comparable to wizardchan.