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No. 2564
Whoa. Well, thanks for everything, Admin-kun! Really appreciated how you stepped up one StamRose went down, and provided us with so much delicious milk in our time of need. But I've noticed it, too. There's just not much going on anymore. And the few cows we still have aren't any better than the average snowflake. Hopefully, we'll discover more cows and a golden age will return. We're really gonna miss you, Admin.
>>2563Ahaha, it would be incredible. Fuck Spoony, that crazy bitch. I can't imagine how many threads she's ruined. Same with racist-chan, can you imagine the samefagging?
No. 2568
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>tfw we all realize we are Spoony o_o
No. 2570
Just wanna give a great big fuck you to all the PULLtards, anachans, and selfposting bitches that ran our admin off! Thanks faggots!
>>2567Not that I don't have faith in u or anything (I do), I'm just salty that it's come to this point
No. 2573
>>2569You can tell by post numbers:
~2600 on meta
~2200 on manure
~150,000 on /snow/
~280,000 on /pt/
~99,000 on /b/
~33,000 on /g/
for a total of about 570,000 posts.
This means that 1.7% of posts on lolcow were by spoony. For every 100ish posts you read, 2 were likely posted by spoony. This is of course assuming that she posted in all boards equally. If she posted in, say, /pt/ more often than the other boards, you would be even more likely to run across a spoony post there.
No. 2578
>>2567For the love everything please condense /snow/ and /pt/
/pt/ is pointless now
No. 2579
>>2573That's fucking bananas. You wonder how Spoony hasn't been shot in real life.
I remember when a poster would randomly say "gtfo Spoony" and think how ridiculous it was. Well then I'd read the bloated, circle jerk logic anon was referring to and thought it sounded a lot like Spoony and felt like a retard for thinking so. IT WAS HER. FUCK. Almost eerie how fucking nuts she is.
No. 2580
>>2567Hello, new admin.
I hope you can clarify this:
>There may, however, be a noticed increase in bans or deleted posts and threads.Does this mean the site will become like /cgl/? e.g., posts will be deleted at the whim of the janitors and admin, people will be banned for disagreeing with the admin, and there will be special treatment for the moderation team's "friends"?
I'm also concerned about preserving anonymity. Unless we (henceforth) break any global rules, will our anonymity be compromised for any reason?
No. 2585
>>2567First thankyou to old Admin. I especially enjoyed the town hall chats.
Greetings to the new admin. I would love to see some threads cleaned - OT posting and or self-blogging gets rampant in some of them from time to time and it would be great to see some simple no-drama bans day to day where these are reported. Cheers.
No. 2587
>>2558I agree
Efficient, a good judge of character, unable to be bought with fame or e-begging. A town hall, detailed rules, great programmer, and hated tumblrfags and weebs. He was a great admin. If I could, I would make some art to commemorate him. Ride into the sunset, trailblazer.
I hope the new direction will not ruin what he fought for, or else he would have left in vain. That said, I suggest banning every thing to do with anachans and ana-cows. Anachans are literally mentally deranged and their arguments come down to "ur fat, u lose!" Their minds think 'skinnier/more attractive'=wins at logic, wins argument, wins at life. As we've all seen, they tend to be more emotional, attention whores, and self-made victims. Thus, their posts are trash and they give the site a bad name. They are cancer, and there are many other places on the net for them already.
No. 2588
>>2575>promised land>wandering the desertTo the land of MILK and honey.
>Admin-ni-chanI like that title. It seems we're an all-female board now, except for the moorish invaders of course. Protect the holy land!
No. 2590
Thanks for your hard work, admin.
>>2587Agreed. This site noticeably started going to complete shit shortly after the arrival of the anachans and their instagram attention whore friends.
No. 2592
sad to see you go, admin :-( good luck new admin!
>>2591i'd also like to know. did he genuinely just lose interest or was the site heading in a direction he didn't like? threads have been less lulzy and more blogging/bickering recently than earlier in lolcow's history.
>>2578yeah, i don't get the recent thread movings. i understand there being a distinction between wanting to create a distinction between classic lolcows that bring in plentiful milk and minor, special snowflakes but it does become confusing now that threads are being shuffled back and forth.
No. 2594
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Thank you for your time and patience to run this imageboard, Admin-sama
No. 2601
I'd love to see a word filter or special effect for the word "(potato) nose" in /snow/ and /pt/. Seriously, all the "ewww her nose" posts are ridiculous at this point.
And also 100% this
>>2587 No. 2607
>>2567Delete all the robot threads and please support an environment that doesn't tolerate whiny loser males throwing unrelated pity parties for themselves.
What worked well for the site in the past was transparency when making big site changes. And a reasonable logic to back up the changes. Also, the townhall style for deciding changes was a horrible idea and I hope it never comes back.
No. 2608
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i will miss the townhall chats with the former admin, enjoyed those; but things happen. all hail new admin!
No. 2609
>>2567Hi new Admin-neesan! I hope you have a good time as the new Admin to lolcow.
Some changes/fixes Ive though about:
>Fixing the catalog and page number buttons that are at the bottom of each board on mobile (the text is kind of scrunched together)>Making the menu bigger for mobile>Having a small draggable bar to quickly scroll through threads instead of the top and bottom arrows>Making pictures more constrained for desktop screens (so you dont have to scroll around to see the whole picture) No. 2614
Bye old admin! Thank you for all your work, I'll miss your sense of humour in your red text etc.
Hello new admin, I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
I am very worried about
>>2580 too, i support strict and transparent rules but not cgl style gestappo moderation where questioning the authority gets you banned. I'd also hope we can reduce the amount of pity party /r9k/ers, I don't even know why they come here.
No. 2615
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>>2563I will personally sell my firstborn to see all her posts marked. New Admin, pls take me up on this offer. You can mark them with this image in pic related.
No. 2619
>>2613This, and /pol/ too
Also keep anachans, bloggers, weeaboos and pulltards away if possible!
No. 2627
>>2625>I think it's pretty clear that admin was trying to make /pt/ into a place for legendary cows Aside from PT and the Palermos we don't really have any "legendary cows" so in that sense /pt/ would have two threads (then one when PT inevitably ragequits the internet again) so what's the fucking point? The moving I think is largely unnecessary (esp. when there wasn't any consistency with it) but I do agree with keeping the locked threads locked.
It's just shady as heck when Admin made these ambiguous changes then dumps the mess on a new Admin with "d-don't undo my changes!!"
No. 2629
>>2627There's onion, Asha, cwc, that gross bitch who fakes severe autism…. yeah it's not a lot of people but maybe a higher posting standard will attract better threads.
I don't think PTs thread would be moved if she just went silent for a few months. The threads that were moved hadn't had milk for years. Like Dakota doesn't do shit these days besides make bad photoshops, how is that /pt/ material?
No. 2630
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>>2628Its more so an issue of that its clear old Admin was just throwing his weight around, and then unloaded it on someone new and then is asking to keep these, clearly not thought through plans, in affect.
No. 2634
>>2633And then, why would you finally go through all of that nuisance just to hand over the torch? As
>>2630 said.
No. 2637
>>2636I agree, and I don't blame him. The amount of backlash for a non-issue he decided to do (ban cancer and move around boards) on his own site makes me roll my eyes hard.
Who gives a shit why he moved the boards. Who gives five fucks if some slut is now on /snow/ but another bitch is still on /pt/. It doesn't matter! We're here to talk shit these bitches, were still able to so let's do it!
I'm 90% sure the people whining about the boards moving are the tard-sluts who are angry their ana-chan boards got banned and locked. They know their content was cancerous so they can't openly complain about it being banned, so they are trying to make admin look like he did something wrong with moving the boards around.
No. 2645
>>2638I think it would be a good idea to look at the decisions the original Admin made before he quit. I know he requested that you don't change the banned threads, but some of else would like them to come back.
I think it would be a good idea to get some more active mods as well. I wouldn't say it's the threads that deserve to be banned but the shitposters.
No. 2654
>>2652There are so many threads I go into both on lolcow and /r9k/ and /cgl/ where I see spoony, and I don't say anything pretty much 9/10 times… but the one time I do, a bunch of samefags always harass me telling me I'm paranoid, jelly, obsessed.
She isn't even the type of person that is obviously depressed so they enjoy bitching online. No. She isn't constantly crying "wah I'm fat" (even though she is), she's writing novel-length posts about how she has the body of a goddess and the face of a child. NARCISSISM.
She's obsessed with herself and imageboards. Does she have a job? I recommend she get one and gtfo.
No. 2656
>>2654SAME. Also always got told to stop posting about her because it makes it worse. The bitch is fucking insane, she will turn any topic into a discussion about herself. You cannot make it worse. It's already as bad as it can be.
Here's the thread where she denies posting on /cgl/ and lolcow daily. Admin sama's recent announcement makes it even more amazing.
> highlights
>You think this is something enjoyable for me? >That I actively try to promote it? >I am willing to own up to past behaviour>Get a life, lmao, I'm an adult woman that checks an archive in order to protect my personal life>Maybe you should reevaluate your own life and move on like the rest of the user base did years agoMy personal fav
>Maybe you should go find something better to do with your life that doesn't involve gossiping about some old, past-it tripfag.I'm actually compiling a list of topics that I know, 100% were almost always spoony posting. Was considering posting it a while ago but it would have just been annoying. Now I think it has the potential to be very entertaining to a lot of anons.
No. 2657
>>2592I agree with you anon. I dont mind the two /snow/ and /pt/. PT I thought was from people who were really drama filled. And then snow was for just little no-names that people had some small dirt on or w/e. Shuffling back and forth between boards just seems confusing.
Also just for the sake of saying I do not like the recent changes on banned threads from /snow/. The only one that made sense to me was the proan being banned
No. 2659
>>2656Yep. She constantly posts on r9k too and lets her guard down and posts pics of her body.
What kind of person who isn't looking to be an attention whore posts body pictures on a male-dominated board?
No. 2662
>>2659Right? and she has the audacity to claim that anyone who notices is a paranoid vendetta chan obsessed with her. Bitch, if I were obsessed with you I would have been able to actually come to your fucking house and kidnap you or whatever years ago.
If she genuinely believes that she's capable of disguising herself online whatsoever she needs help. Serious help because she's lost touch with reality completely.
No. 2664
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Good night, sweet prince.
No. 2675
>>2656Yep. She's still doing this. She's repeating the same shit on /cgl/ constantly. You can always tell it's spoony because she's the one who blog posts about her personal problems irrelevant to the thread, or plain out posts about herself in third person and how ~misunderstood~ poor spoony is. When someone calls her out for her bullshit, she barely even denies selfposting and straight out goes full defensive mode. This thread especially was amazing, people just told her to get the fuck out and stop posting about herself and she's STILL insisting that she hates to be in the center of the drama. The Kelly Jean thread here was also a great glimpse into her psyche.
Spoony once visited the lolcow chat (rip) under a pseudonym and even there she immediately started talking about herself and her feud with moot, thus revealing her identity. She just can't shut the fuck up. I'm surprised Admin didn't ban her before, but better late than never.
No. 2676
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>>2664Did you draw dis anon
its bretty gud
Is there any rule 34 for admin of yore?
No. 2681
>>2680I'll add
>corsets>dressing classy (almost always posting in /r9k/ threads on the topic)>being stalked by evil 4chan neckbeards>being stalked at all really>being hit on/cat called>I take care of myself so so so well! [laundry list of inconsequential stuff she does from either not moving her face to calisthenics[/spoiler]Also I'm not 100% on this but the girl in the Dakota thread who is eerily obsessed with always insulting her might be spoony as well. I can't imagine anyone hating Kooterchan that much anymore…
No. 2682
>>2680not spoony but FUCK having Chinese mainlanders for roommates. seriously
sage for shitposting
No. 2684
>>2680>>2681I'm kind of disturbed by how many encounters I've had with spoony on here and /cgl/. It's like she's everywhere. I'm almost completely sure she was that one crazy anon in the draw thread who insulted my (in all fairness, not great) drawing and got extremely super disgustingly butthurt when people criticized her own work.
Also, I'm pretty sure she's the one obsessed with hating Dakooter and constantly calling anyone else who doesn't despise Dakota (or anyone who doesn't post something negative about her) fat, ugly, jelly ect.
Spoony is always identifiable. It's just the tone of her posts that speaks to her unfounded, grandiose delusions about herself.
And since I know she's reading this, too: Go fuck yourself, Spoony.
No. 2685
>>2658Why would you do this? Please stop posting about us on other websites. We don't need any more invasions.
New admin, whatever you do, please don't listen to the trolling anas in this thread and reinstate the Aly or Proana general threads in /snow/. Thank you.
No. 2686
>>2681Nice one anon, good catches.
>>2684Glad I'm not alone in thinking she was that draw anon. It's actually scary isn't it? I know I'd have trouble justifying my level of internet activity to any kind of mental health professional but how can she honestly believe she doesn't have some kind of serious issue?
OH YEAH and I remembered a couple more things
>obsessed with cara delevingne>Naturally thick eyebrows>living in an area with a lot of muslims>muslim street harassmentShe was also Taradox, Pime and Lesbian-Walrus on PULL, and she used a fake name (Emily White) and a picture to try and scam the users out of money on a gofundme.
I also know which uni she goes to, not that anyone with half a brain hasn't figured it out already, considering posting it just because she was such a bitch to me when I tried to warn her about this shit.
No. 2695
>>2637I think one of the biggest issues was lack of forewarning. This just pretty much came out of nowhere. I never visited the ana-chan boards, so I can't speak for that very well, but it's just kind of strange the original Admin created a huge mess then dumped it on a new Admin. None of the threads I visited were affected, but something just doesn't feel right, y'know?
I'd sort of rather have lolcows stay in /pt/ to archive their crazy, even if they're dormant. /snow/ is for those that are not as over-the-top crazy. Would it be possible to lock threads if they are inactive a certain amount of time (3 months, for example?) and put them in an archive; maybe call it the slaughterhouse? The two boards just feel really imbalanced now.
>>2645>I wouldn't say it's the threads that deserve to be banned but the shitposters.I like this anon's logic.
>>2688I actually really like this idea. Pretty much have a gauge-in-interest petition to see if they should be promoted to cow status.
No. 2697
>>2696>allowing votinglet me refer you to the outcome of Brexit
Admin, former and new, do what you want. its your site. if it gets run into the ground a new dramu forum will pop up again somewhere.
No. 2698
>>2696We have no way of knowing but the Admin can see IPs. So she'll know if it's just a few anons samefagging an idea, or if the majority of the thread's unique IPs agree on a topic. Honestly, the former Admin's old style of considering changes pre-townhalls worked fairly well.
Trying to be overly democratic on an anon imageboard is dumb.
No. 2699
>>2638Hey, Admin. I'm
>>2622, but I'm sure you already know that. From what you've said above and in
>>2688, you're leaving things how they are for a week and then seeing if we want a change? Personally, I don't think some people want the threads they enjoy locked for a week. With the exception of the ananobodies thread, it seems the spur of the moment locking that previous admin did shortly before leaving was not the best course of action.
At the very least, unlock those threads and then discuss with current farmhands/janitors/mods about which threads to lock and which to keep. That seems like the fairest course of action. If you want to keep 70% of /pt/ in /snow/ and leave /pt/ barely active until you figure out what to do, that's fine. But I think unlocking those threads needs to be done. We, as in the users of this site, didn't get any warning about these changes and the people who enjoy those threads shouldn't have to run to PULL or fullchan just to discuss what were previously fairly popular threads here because of a decision they had no knowledge of or say in.
No. 2707
>>2680Also blogpost style replies unrelated to the topic and mostly about her tl;dr problems mostly caused by her own negligence and arrogance.
>>2682tbh this, mainland Chinese are the worst roommates.
No. 2734
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>2 years
No. 2739
>>2736This, something really needs to happen to /pt/
I have never seen it move as slow as it has been. Even the Margo thread is dying.
No. 2746
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R.I.P. lolcow
We had a nice time, but I feel like the end is nearing.
Pt is pretty much dead, moderation either doesn't happen or happens very slowly and new admin seems to give even less shits than the old one
No. 2751
>>263811 days later and nothing, not even an update or anything.
did the farmhands fuck off too? new admin, if you're reading this i would suggest perhaps opening up applications for those roles or something. seems like your crew gives 0 shits
No. 2754
>>2752Just saw admin make a post in the Tay thread that was made in /pt/.
Does this mean we can make a new Pixielocks thread now admin?
No. 2758
>>2746Seriously, the site is insanely slow.
This is why we need the smaller cows and snowflakes - they might not be crazy active or produce 100% cream but they bring people to the site who spend time in those and other threads. I'm trying to stay interested enough to visit and keep supporting the site but it's hard to spend more than a couple minutes clicking around because most of my favorites got the ban hammer and the remaining threads are either drama I don't care about (i.e. snoozy, I'm glad people are having fun but I can't be assed to catch up on 15 threads worth of "she's so fat and unfunny") or ancient dead threads that are even less interesting than the closed threads
No. 2761
>>2758>i.e. snoozy, I'm glad people are having fun but I can't be assed to catch up on 15 threads worth of "she's so fat and unfunny"Honestly after the second thread, it just became repetitive and cringy. That's one of the thread that actually should have been locked.
>>2759Exactly. The new Admin isn't doing anything to improve the site and put themselves in a favourable light among the users here. I was hoping they'd actual care enough to fix things but here we are watching this site turn to complete trash.
No. 2837
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mm baby. look at our glorious lolcow admin guys.

No. 2838
he also asked me to come to his state and meet him, but I declinded because he wouldnt tell me who the fuck he was - well now I know, and he looks like a rapist, thanks to the other anon for showing me. he just used lolcow chat rooms to pick up girls.

No. 2840
>>2836>>2837>>2838That guy looks cute in a nerdy way, and if it really is our ex Admin-sama then he is also an awesome person, so I dont know whats the problem here.
Anyway, new Admin, can you please try to be more strict for the time of the upcoming invasion? You sound like a nice person so it might be hard for you, but we'll REALLY need you to protect us from all that cancer.
No. 2884
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what the fuck is going on
No. 2897
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Honestly, wtf is going on here? Whoever the hell this is needs some better shit to do. Go be cancerous somewhere else.
No. 2901
>>2898I was able to live with it when the /pt/ threads were moved to /snow/ and admin was banning anyone who said the wrong thing, but this is ridiculous. I dont want this site to go to crap. I'll be hiding out in 8chan until someone takes care of this.
Also, who the fuck is sane enough to have that gory shit saved in their files?
No. 2922
>>2918Thanks for the cleanup. Too bad the site was inaccessible for the better part of 5 hours.
Question: Does anyone else think that this autistic spammer might be Spoony?
No. 2944
>>2935Dude there were so many of them it wasn't funny. At first it was just some weird pics but then they just busted out all this gore and I was out.
Is this all one person pulling this crap or do we have two or three people?
No. 2948
>>2940I guess I'm lucky that I live in the UTC+3 time zone then lol
>>2944I think it's just one retard, they may be using some script or something.
No. 3005
>>2993What if… she's the new admin?! Dun dun dunnnn.
>>2996It was stickied so people actually knew/saw he was leaving & new admin just hasn't removed it. Really nothing so creepers.