File: 1502641391969.jpg (146.32 KB, 467x367, Tt2gfF1.jpg)

No. 4565
>>4563All communication is text only.
>>4564If you are accepted, yes.
No. 6495
File: 1536643782611.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, DC50DC11-EB43-4D68-81B9-F5D91E…)

Smooshing doormatt’s face and talking in her loud ass voice when he has to get up in the morning tru luv u wouldn’t understand
No. 6768
File: 1538418907316.jpeg (65.67 KB, 750x435, CC43E95E-142D-42B4-A113-79CE61…)

Another example of how pnp can’t physically resist the urge to defensively correct strangers who make any sort of inaccurate statement. I swear this bitch has her eyes sucked into her screen at all times to reply to these types of comments.
Sorry that not everybody knows that your cat is a dog Ariana I’m(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)