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No. 384011[Reply]

made after requests in the unconventional male attractions

be free to sperg here!
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No. 411640

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he already deleted it but still concerning

No. 411657

He should go afk for a while until TikTok moves on to the next trend

No. 412013

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I'm afraid he won't do that as he is a terminally online zoomer that grew up online. Picrel his latest spergout about his broadcaster not making a legal case out of his disqualification.

No. 412016

What does he want? Let it go already bro they will not apologize

No. 412282

He wants justice I guess. The reason he was disqualified was bullshit and he was about to be marked as a woman abuser(and many people still believe that).
The EBU is hypocritical when they talk about being sure about the safety of others and that there was an investigation going on, as in 2022, the singer of bulgarian entry had known domestic abuse charges on him and he participated just fine. Despite considering his online outbursts a bad move, I understand him being angry.

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No. 69930[Reply]

Post memories, images, and recollections of things that remind you of growing up.
Early internet culture stuff too
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No. 411506

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I miss these like you cannot believe

No. 411508

No. 411509

No. 411729

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anyone remember how popular stickers were back then? there were even some y2k-era clothing brands that included a sticker with their tags. the trashy ones that came out of grocery store vending machines were really popular with the girls at my school.

No. 411740

Lmao, girls at school would have entire folders filled with stickers, then trade with each other where each one will pick one she likes from the other's collection and gives her the one in return. I was out of the loop because my parents won't let me buy stickers to trade at school kek. Some girls used them to decorate their notebooks or textbooks or to not lose them. Or would add them to cute name tags on their textbooks.

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No. 400606[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
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No. 411567

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Awful, awful answers

No. 411579

Okay? What do you suggest?

No. 411626

she could be his beard tbf

No. 411635

I would just constantly fund anime adaptations of my favorite BL manga.

No. 411975

I’ve only read her unpopular works but it pissed me off so much that I can’t bring myself to read her popular ones. her writing just reeks of tryhard to me which I normally wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for specific parts

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No. 408677[Reply]

Talk about Seth Macfarlene’s animated shows
>Family Guy
>American Dad
>The Cleveland Show

Containment Thread For Husbando Sperging Out About Stan Smith >>>/m/405149

Conversation starters
>Rank the 3 from best to worst
>Do you think the shows fell off?
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
>If you gave up watching why?
>Newer or older seasons?
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?
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No. 409852

American Dad, easily.

The show is pretty consistent in terms of quality. I guess the middle seasons are the best? But it's basically all okay. It's the kind of thing that's easy to have on in the background.

No. 410834

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No. 410844

p-petah senpai…

No. 411298

>Rank the 3 from best to worst
I've only seen a handful of The Cleveland Show and it felt so derivative.
>Do you think the shows fell off?
American Dad kind of fell off. The very thing it was meant to parody (2000s era conservative) is now very dated. Watching Hayley go from SJW millennial to burnout zoomer was weird.
Family Guy fluctuated so much in quality over the years, it's hard to say. When it hits, it's golden, when it misses, it's painful.
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?
Not sure. AD is becoming a parody of itself and FG passed that years ago, but has wrapped around to being ironically good.
>If you gave up watching why?
Kind of gave up watching American Dad. I'm not the biggest fan of the more aimless and abstract episodes.
>Newer or older seasons?
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?
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No. 411299

favourite banger?

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No. 238506[Reply]

talk about you favorite guilty pleasures from tv shows/books/manga and other forms of media that are questionable or disliked by the general masses
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No. 343153

Momo Slimes. At first I didn't understand the whole craze for slimes until I saw these videos. It's so therapeutic to watch imagining how nice they would smell like and kinda makes me want to eat it too.

No. 343179

No. 343649

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i like watching soup gta rp trolling videos, there just such a chaotic element to them…
ah another ted kaczynski acolyte

No. 411008

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Lucy Lucy, Lucy is luv, Lucy is lyfe

No. 411010

holy based

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No. 410398[Reply]

Old thread is about to hit the limit. Let the posting continue! A fresh start.(do not make new threads before the old one reaches the post limit)
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No. 410448

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No. 410452

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No. 410456

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No. 410458

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No. 410463

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No. 409762[Reply]

>Whats this thread for?
This thread is for the posting and discussion of sakuga, as well as it's animators. Feel free to discuss the behind the scenes and production of anime and animation, too.
>What's sakuga?
Sakuga (作画) (lit., "drawing pictures") is a term used in anime to describe moments in a show or movie when the quality of the animation improves drastically, typically for the sake of making a dramatic point or enlivening the action.
>where can i find sakuga cuts?
Sakuga can be found on the sakugabooru( https://sakugabooru.com/ ) or through twitter, either uploaded by fans or the animators themselves
>Does sakuga only apply to Japanese animation?
No, feel free to post instances of western sakuga too.


Some twitter accs that post sakuga:
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No. 410020


No. 410071

Eww was that a pantyshot? In Precure of all places?

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No. 151031[Reply]

Post iconic videos from the early days of Youtube.
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No. 360488

Kek I loved these, I listened to her readings of Onision's books so many times whenever I needed white noise I basically know his books by heart now. It's a shame she made her brand being "anti-woke," she was pretty entertaining otherwise

No. 364523

Omg kek i remember seeing this video ages ago thank you for posting this

No. 371160

I found this so funny as a kid, moids being humiliated

No. 386885

I'm late because I was taking a couple years break from this place but both of you are based. I used to binge watch tf out of retsupurae videos and I was attracted to Diabetus for a while. Their videos are true nerd shit. Historical nerd shit.

Kek I think she's married and I know she does OnlyFans now. Guess she couldn't stop attentionwhoring around online.

No. 387003

>this is 17 years old
fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck You.

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No. 164600[Reply]

Post your husbando and then post what you think his smell is like. Or ask other anons what they think their smell is. Flavors are okay too.
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No. 177918

my aunt back in the early 2000's dated one and she'd often complain how stinky the dude was, especially a day after a drinking party

No. 177921

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Everybody says he'd smell like ketchup, but I feel like he himself doesn't really smell like anything, unless bones have a scent. I guess his clothes would smell kind of stale, or maybe have a bit of a ketchup scent to them if he spilled some on his clothes.

No. 177922

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thank you for your insight, nona, i'm throwing up and crying rn, i can't believe my husbando would smell bad. jk that's kinda hot… sewer rat supremacy

No. 178418

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I'm a little sad he said himself that he doesn't wear any cologne in TSA but I'm sure his natural musk would smell really good to me.

No. 409483

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Not exactly husbando, but I felt compelled to do this.
He has a heightened sense of smell, so something cheap and ordinary is out of question. It's complex and european, but not overpowering.
Some citrus like blood (haha) orange on top of white flowers, but with subtle herbal and cedar smells. For the base, a hint of something gourmand, maybe spicy, inviting but not amicable.
Also a little of leather from his office furniture, and a bit of copper from all of the meat.

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No. 405149[Reply]

Stan Smith is a CIA agent painfully dedicated to homeland security. His home life includes doting wife Francine, a ditzy housewife, liberal daughter Hayley and socially awkward teenaged son Steve. Also living in the family's Langley Falls, Va., home are Klaus, a goldfish with the brain of an East German Olympic ski jumper, and Roger, an escaped alien from Area 51, who Stan houses in defiance of his employer due to owing Roger a `life debt'. Sounds just like the typical American family, right? Maybe not.

Stream: https://www.wcoforever.tv/anime/american-dad-season-1
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No. 407608

My all time favorite episode is the episode where principal lewis gets married kek

No. 408440

Stelio Kontos was such a gigachad, I loved watching him beat up schoolbully Stan kek

No. 408721

Does anyone else not like the Independent Movie episode? It’s legit just depressing and the side plot keeps killing any investment I have in it. Is the joke supposed to be “we’re a comedy show and taking ourselves seriously by not making any jokes but still adding a goofy subplot” or something? Honestly I feel like it was the first part of a two parter but they abandoned part 2. There’s a few episodes that feel that way honestly

No. 408950

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It’s so hard to pick one. Off the top of my head I’d have to say the neighbor hater’s club episode or the one where roger steals his own identity. The tree rape and the way his idiot fiancé pronounces gonorrhea kills me every time

No. 416217

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I loved this getup.
I thought it was a fun change of pace but I never really rewatch it.

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