>Rank the 3 from best to worstFG=AD>TCS
I've only seen a handful of The Cleveland Show and it felt so derivative.
>Do you think the shows fell off?American Dad kind of fell off. The very thing it was meant to parody (2000s era conservative) is now very dated. Watching Hayley go from SJW millennial to burnout zoomer was weird.
Family Guy fluctuated so much in quality over the years, it's hard to say. When it hits, it's golden, when it misses, it's painful.
>Should Cleveland Show have lasted longer?No.
>Should Family Guy and/or American Dad end soon?Not sure. AD is becoming a parody of itself and FG passed that years ago, but has wrapped around to being ironically good.
>If you gave up watching why?Kind of gave up watching American Dad. I'm not the biggest fan of the more aimless and abstract episodes.
>Newer or older seasons?Older.
>Are they really all the same or are they different enough that you think they all justify their own existence?Post too long. Click here to view the full text.