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No. 80033[Reply]

has lolcow made you a better person in any way? I used to spend way too much time in facebook groups, seeing our tuna in them was just the antidote I needed to cut back.

pic unrelated but let's be real mariah is a lil bovine in her own ways
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No. 91863

lol i feel similarly. i'm a slob at heart and i'll sit around all day and do fuck all if i don't make myself do otherwise, especially when i'm depressed/on drugs but even if not.

luna is a dark mirror of what could happen if i never tried to self improve and a reminder that behaving like that isn't just harmless laziness, it can get you and people you care about in deep shit. back in the day parents would make up monsters and urban legends to get kids to behave and stay safe. we have cryptid luna to remind us what happens when you give up and make lying in bed getting high your #1 hobby

No. 359952

the anachan thread cured my severe anorexia and I'm not even kidding so thanks for that I guess nonnies.

No. 359958

love a successful recovery story, good for you nona

No. 359986

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Thank You Nonna!

No. 360065

Whenever I want to get off my ass, I ponder upon Shaynus, and get off my ass immediately.
On the other hand, this website's husbando threads normalized my unhealthy attachment to a character and this made me lose interest in 3D men. Where will this path lead me? Who knows.

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No. 326451[Reply]

Let's continue the fashion discussion here since the new thread will close soon! Here's to another good thread, nonnas.

Previous Thread:

Newest to Oldest Threads:

Pic: Womenswear designer Louise Clark.
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No. 358931

sort of agree but they are the most comfortable type plus they look really good for alt fits

No. 358945

>they are the most comfortable type
That's a fair point, I never thought about it like that.

No. 358961

These outfits are cute as fuck but they only work if you’re skinny and built like a toothbrush imo. If you’re curvy or heavy in any way adding these layers and thick fabrics and pleated skirts makes you look massive. If you’re older you can also look quite frumpy.

No. 359113

I have a longer version of this skirt, how can I style it? I have it in brown and beige, should I go with a thin knitwear top and boots? I suck at styling skirts so I haven't been able to wear them, if it matters I'm skinny and have an inverted triangle body shape.

No. 359609

new thread


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No. 338016[Reply]

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No. 358215

Thanks for this nonas. I was really worried about creating some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy and that if I was being overly paranoid I might never end up letting anyone in. Sometimes it feels like there’s a pressure to let someone know within the first few weeks of knowing them whether you’d be willing to date them or not and that’s not enough time for me to tell if I can trust someone. I guess I’ll just continue trusting my gut and hopefully it’ll pay off.

No. 358237

Beta male detected

No. 358241

incel detected

No. 358345

My bf (small ldr, see eachother weekly currently but less currently) has too much on professionally to be able to message like we normally would both in terms of frequency and affection, we're both in the shit mentally right now, so I'm trying to give myself as many distractions as possible, or else I ruminate on it until I'm walking around on the verge of tears all day including at work. I just can't sit with myself, and it makes me act crazy toward him too, so I'm trying to give him space. I started a new creative project, am reading, playing vidya etc, it's a little helpful but I'm still struggling, my rejection sensitivity is kicking the fuck off. It's been almost 2 months like this. Any advice on how to cope, or has anyone been in a similar position?

No. 358346

samefag *weekly usually but less currently

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No. 356850[Reply]

I have a baby face and no makeup works on me, sometimes i wish i were a Stacy with light eyes.(use the catalog)

No. 356852

What do you mean "but still"? Neoteny in humans is always ugly.

No. 356853

jealous hag spotted(bait)

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No. 265677[Reply]

I'll start off with one of the most obvious ones (Asian genes ftw)

Despite the reddit-ness surrounding him (no fault of his own) the guy himself is in an LTR with a 50 year old woman, who looks equally elegant.
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No. 356271

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He was 61 here, he has a boyish charm you can see in candid photos, which many men lose early on. I never hear people bring him up when talking about men who aged well.

No. 356276

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Dana Ashbrooks

No. 356278

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samefag but he is one of the most handsome actors ever to me

No. 356331

God he is so beautiful.

No. 357032

this aged like milk

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No. 287864[Reply]

A thread made specifically for the lust nonnas have for nerdy guys, 3D and 2D welcomed. Post your fictional or celebrity nerdy crushes.
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No. 355011

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No. 355172

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I need to kiss him like that….ahhhh

No. 355185

Me too anon. Here is the video. The kiss is 0:12

No. 355186


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 355203

New thread! >>355199

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No. 279731[Reply]

As a contrast to the horrible parents thread, I wanted to make a general-purpose mom thread. Share stories about your mom, ways she inspired you, her quirks, etc. Doesn't necessarily have to be positive, but keep in mind that there are other threads for negative experiences. Posts about grandmas are fine too.
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No. 355053

I had a really bad depressive episode where I literally couldn’t even muster up the energy to lift my hands above my head to turn on my light, it was really bad. I didn’t shower, I stunk, and I went so long without showering that I started to bleed from the scalp and my entire body itched.

I felt like a pathetic child, and I called my mom in tears and told her everything about how I was so depressed and stinky and uncomfortable and I couldn’t take care of myself at all. She asked if she could come over and I said yes. We talked a lot, I broke down and basically said “I wish I could just not have to wash my own hair cause it genuinely is so painful to even do that.” And my mom offered to help me shower.

To be clear, this wasn’t a creepy weird thing, I was so sad and depressed that I had a little stool and sat down on it, with my face away from my mom. She was fully clothed, we’re not a weird type of family. My hair is really thick, and she washed my hair. I honestly felt so relieved, I hadn’t been clean in so long and I could feel the yuckiness washing away. I told her I could wash my body, but she offered to help with my back because she thought I would have a hard time reaching it, since I couldn’t even hold my hands over my head to scrub my hair.

She brought a sugar scrub to help exfoliate and I felt so clean. I shed a lot of skin, I never really was able to see how filthy I was until then. Afterwards, she left and I scrubbed where I didn’t want my mom to see or touch, and when I got out, she put a treatment on my hair to help the curls. I cried from happiness. My mom and I had it rough when I was a teen, I felt like she was never there for me, and I wish I could tell that teenage me that my mom is there for her. I know it seems weird that I had to be washed like a kid or grandma, but my mom genuinely helped me at least feel less disgusting. Today, we’re gonna clean my apartment, and do laundry. I’m so glad to have a supportive mom

No. 355054

This made me really emotional. I’m glad your mama was there for you, nonna. Being that depressed is so soul crushing, and it really does help in an almost indescribable way when someone can be selfless and help you like that. That’s what a good mama does, and I’m glad you got your hair clean ♥ wishing you better days

No. 355090

my mum is the biggest thing stopping me from killing myself i couldn't live without her and her without me, i could go on about how close we are but sometimes i think about how much pain my SHing caused and the thought of her losing me makes my throat feel tight idk why i am even writing this

No. 355148

My Mom got dealt shit cards with an arranged marriage with someone in the second grade family.
If she had successfully ran away from my grandfather, I wouldn't be here almost 33 years later with CPTSD from 24-25 years of a mental abusive and neglectful, if not self-absorbed father.
Sure I appreciate what she's done for me, even if she was emotionally unavailable most of my teenage years due to my father escalating to real DV onto her, and she almost fell into alcoholism and definitely fell into a form of anorexia shortly after.

She's tried to stay the reliable parent who pushed me to get myself a diploma after graduation to finally stop spinning into depression. She's the bread winner, the one who taught me to read before primary school, the pragmatic and super housewife/mom who spends hours cleaning and getting shit sorted and that cooks yummy food too.

But I wish there had been more love shown, because as much as I know she always will love her children even without saying it, it still emotionally stunted me (plus what my dad's behavior, and my sisters' behavior against me). And I don't ever want to have children because I don't want to inflict the same onto them.

No. 355175

I could've written this. My mother is so lonely…

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No. 197930[Reply]

A thread to outline and share how you plan to glow up and improve yourself.
Common areas of improvement include:


>Appearances (hair, skincare)
>Expression (clothes, home decor)
>Personal achievements (ie. leaving a destructive relationship, picking up a new hobby, getting your drivers licence, etc)

How are you going to be at the end of 2022, anon?
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No. 354505

Honestly I don’t want to be eating random steaks, are milkshakes ok? Like whole milk and peanut butter? And sport will help me with low appetite, right?

No. 354629

>if you’re not disabled and you struggle with weight loss even though you have a healthy diet, then go to a doctor.
this is exactly my case and getting any prescription is a pain. I'm on insulin which does jack really, metformin doesn't help and I have to jump through hoops to get ozempic because thanks Hollywood

I'm not even a hamplanet, Just like 20-30 lbs and I'd be considered skinny

No. 354630

Nta that’s hard to answer. Depends on a lot of things. I wouldn’t recommend milkshakes and peanut butter as your main sources of protein lol but it’s your life. You should research protein rich foods and google how much protein you should be eating per day on a weight-gain diet.

No. 354684

Yeah, exercising will make you feel hungry, at first it particularly doesn’t give me an appetite, but after a while, like a few days or a week, I feel very hungry after working out. It’s because you will spend energy and your muscles will work.
Also, you don’t really need to eat only raw steaks or raw eggs, you can eat any food that has protein, sure, milkshakes with protein powder and peanut butter can be a good starting point, specially if you struggle with feeling any appetite, but at some point you will need to eat chicken, turkey, beans, fish, seafood, and the sorts in order to actually get some protein in your body, because while protein shakes /can/ be useful, they’re still just supplements, and you need to let your body get some protein from natural sources, either animal or plant based, in order to actually gain weight in a healthy way.

No. 354689

Have you tried going to a proper nutritionist? Sure, ozempic helps a lot, but you will still need to follow a diet that will change over time depending on your reaction to the medicines you’re taking.
Because in the end, the ozempic helps a lot with keeping your stomach feeling like it’s full, it also does other hormonal stuff, so it can keep you feeling normal, not like you’re constantly thinking of food and the sorts.
Like, I started a diet with a nutritionist while taking ozempic because I also have hormonal issues, and not eating didn’t help me at all, even just reducing the portions didn’t work, because in the end you kind of have to understand how your body works, which is why not all exercises and diets work in the end, because everyone just has particular needs.
So like, maybe you just need to eat more vegetables, maybe you have to reduce the amount of carbs per meal throughout the day. I particularly was told to basically only eat fruits once a day IF I was hungry after breakfast, because fruits are actually quite a bad thing for our bodies when you have insulin issues.
You need to get some blood tests done and go to a nutritionist to help you out.

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No. 167304[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

In my bisexual opinion Cate Blanchett is not that hot.
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No. 354324

I think she would be pretty if she had big eyes, the small squinty eyes are her only bad feature.

No. 354341

>thinking taytay writes or sings her own songs

No. 355093

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Eminems daughter. Every moid I know hypes her up constantly but I feel like it's more about the novelty of being with eminems daughter than her attractiveness because she looks like a basic southern karen.

No. 355095

100% its more about her being who she is than it is about her looks

No. 356923

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No. 331213[Reply]

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Previous thread: >>>/g/308295
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No. 353799


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 353812


No. 353823

Is anyone gonna make a new one? I’ve never made a thread before but if I do it it’s gonna be JDM edition kekkkk

No. 353834

New thread >>>/g/353833

No. 353862

He’s sexy in a bird way

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