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No. 381123
Kelly Ronahan is a 34-year-old compulsive liar and malingering attention whore from Kelowna, Canada. She previously claimed to be a medical mystery, as doctors couldn't understand why her blood was magically disappearing, though she has recently revealed the cause was simply heavy menstruation due to uterine fibroids the whole time!
Chompy is a 4-year-old cat. He's Kelly's trusty companion, a talented mouser, and an overall fluffer mckitty witty cutie wootie meow meow~ He enjoys sleeping and nommin' on ankles. What a funny guy. Oh my~~~ Kitty~~~
Kelly's hobbies seem to include ballet, her cat Chompurrs (Chompy), auto-exsanguinating, and inducing allergic reactions.
The Dynamic Duo were originally mentioned in the Over-the-Top Spoonies and Munchausens by Internet threads.
Munchies 1:
>>181656Munchies 2:
>>201162Munchies 3:
>>237479Munchies 4:
>>300611Munchies 5:
>>345089It quickly became obvious that Kelly had been lurking and was revelling in the attention and pretending to be upset about it on her social media. She made several obvious self posts and was banned twice, and has since been communicating with the farm via Facebook and Instagram.
In episode 1,
>>>/snow/359452, we saw Kelly obsessively lurking the thread and learned she was posting as several different personalities (including her twin sister, various friends, her roommate, her pastor, and a nurse, among others). We also had the pleasure of learning she self-posted a number of personal images regarding her medical history, while she claimed (and continues to do so) on social media that she was hacked. You can see proof of her compiled posts here:
>>372845Now, ladies and gentlemen, episode 2!
No. 381191
>>381089What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the best medical school the world has to offer, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on instagram and I have over 3 confirmed followers.
I am trained in FIVE seperate medical procedures and I’m the top catheter emptier within the entire US hospital infrastructure . You are nothing to me but just another nurse. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of haematologists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can take your temperature in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed bed changing, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States iv poles and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it without the use of even a single enema.
You're wrong, kiddo.
Saged for dead meme - sorry farmers couldn't resist.
(Knock it off) No. 381192
>>381173Not unless admin-sama does a
big reveal again, no.
No. 381208
>>381173We can hope. Hopefully admin can confirm she was the one who posted herself here
>>206313 (original first mention of Kelly), because it seems to match her writing style, and also would prove a lot. Mostly that she self posted
8 months ago, and has been on here for that long, as well as likely posting about other people as her name was never mentioned before, nor was the thread about her. Also, it proves her name was dropped in here regardless of whether or not it was her, and everyone moved on, which says a lot.
>>206368>>206391>>206642>>206896>>206921 No. 381218
>>381191Samefagging ughh sorry admins/farmhands and farmers I was pissing around and accidentally posted.. now I can't delete it and pretend it never happened and will instead be forced to carry the weight of my shame around forevermore.
Please help me find salvation from our collective cold unfeeling cowbashing hearts and pretend this never happened or banish me forever .
No. 381235
>>381192Please do update if you can Oh great and Powerful Admin One.
I'm not tech minded at all so I have a few questions about seeing who is posting.
Only admins can see IP addresses and such? It also shows what device was used?
No. 381417
>>381394She posted herself numerous times, dating all the way back to 8-9 months ago before she was ever a topic. She likely posted herself here
>>206313 (I reaaaally wish admin could confirm), the thread wasn't interested, and moved on. But she brought herself up again (proven), determined to have haturz so she could get extruh pity points.
No. 381418
>>381235Oh, I am most definitely not Kelly. She did lead me here from Instagram a few weeks ago though.
I know I cannot prove it to you though so believe what you will.
Wait. If Admin does post an updated selfpost list I guess that would show.
No. 381646
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I really am not posting as other people. And WWJD? Turn the other cheek or walk away. I am a believer, but not even slightly a representation of a Christian. And it really sucks! I wish I had the self control to just leave this alone. I know I keep refueling the fire. I feel regret almost fucking instantly after I respond to this crap. But I am not playing nurse or sister or pastor. My account was hacked. But none of that matters! It's been decided (speculated) that. I am a liar and fraud and nothing I say stands a chance of being believed.
No. 381692
>>381646Come on, Kelly. I know other anons were going on about you taking responsibility and apologizing publicly and all that but honestly, I think you should just quietly admit yourself into psych (no shame in that) for a few weeks, find a therapeutic residential and spend some time away from the internet while focusing on yourself. Are you really happy right now, Kelly? Do you really want to waste the last of your youth dependent on Instagram and anons? Aren't you tired of this shit?
Anyone with half a brain knows you are bleeding yourself. Your carefully constructed lies are falling apart more and more by each passing day, if not the hour.
You keep on going like this and we will NEVER leave you alone. You're like a car accident and we're the onlookers. Oh, and 'Gina' said in the last thread to not mention her name so… GINA GINA GINA. gina? gina. Ok, I'm done.
No. 381712
>>381646Incredible. I've been hacked too, didn't you know? None of what I posted (yes, speculation) was actually written by me. It was written by smokey the bear. He hacked my "account" (you don't make accounts on here though but we'll let that slide). He hacked my phone and my IP address and started posting because he wanted to. Yes it's real even though it's from my IP address and phone model and mobile browser. Just look beyond that. It definitely wasn't me.
It is speculation, it's an anonymous gossip board. At any moment I'd be willing to retract a statement. I'm also not 100% sold on anything because as a theorist, this is all just speculation. There must be room for margin of error. I even tried to give you benefit of the doubt. Also I can believe you're doing X Y and Z and state that I believe that because having a belief or an opinion is legal.
Sage for hackurz took ovur muh account and extremely OT.
No. 381717
>>381653No. Its not. Hack your computer? Sure. Phone? Sure. Cloud? Difficult but within the realms of possibility (lets be real though nobody would go to that much effort for a small town munchie). IP? No, at least not as a civilian.
Weve already been through this with the 'hacker' thing in the previous thread and established time and time again that this 'hacker' is about as real as the fucking tooth fairy. Jesus christ.
Sage for rage at ignorance and the same lie being told time and time again whilst expecting a different result.
No. 381723
>>381720Ugh sorry I meant to say
remotely in front of all of those things but I was raging too hard.
If the hacker is anywhere kelly, its under your own fucking roof.
No. 381750
>>381742I thought she was being relentlessly bullied. Of course, until I actually came to this site and realized that wasn't the case at all.
Sage: years ago I had a big social media account and got into a flame war with someone. The person tried to turn fans and followers against me by posting snippets of conversations out of context to make it seem like I was attacking them. When Kelly started posting screen shots of the forum with no context it raised a red flag for me because I've seen that so many times before.
Some people think that because they have a big social media account they are untouchable. That's simply not the case. During my social media fight I deleted my account and moved on, but the account trying to profit from the attention the drama had created did not fare well in the end. In ways their online personas were destroyed far more thoroughly than mine because everyone saw through that BS eventually.
This is your fate Kelly. You can move on quietly with your dignity intact or you can watch your fans begin to see through you and start the destruction of this personality you have created.
No. 381780
>>381756Hi, Gina. I'm Tenisha. I'm actually at work right now. I have sickle cell anemia, which is what "happened" to make me like this towards people like your sister.
If you really care about your sister, you'd be willing to see her flaws. She's posting herself here. She's hurting herself. She's wasting a rare resource. You should be encouraging her to stop, not defending her on a gossip site.
No. 381809
>>381756Yeah, just go ahead and ignore my entire post up until when I wrote 'gina.' I gave you some legitimate advice on how to handle this situation and have us get off your back. Gina (or Kelly?), you are in for a miserable ride. Save yourself the embarrassment and stop posting here. But then again it's no skin off my ass if you continue, it's entertaining af.
plz pick my posts for your next screenshot.
No. 381901
>>381892I can't even imagine having a serious blood disorder and watching someone like Kelly lie and use so many precious resources while dancing around the unit. My sister is going through chemo and when I showed her some of Kelly's posts she said that it was so disrespectful to others who are there sick with real conditions and actual pain. Much respect to you, Tenisha.
Sage for ot
No. 381961
>>381942Hi, newfriend. Welcome to the farm.
I sure feel bad for whoever is ~inspired~ by Kelly's lies. They must not be very smart. We've been through this so many times here, read the other threads where she is mentioned and stop embarrassing yourself.
(last thread
No. 381966
>>381942Sorry, but we're beyond that. She can't be denied life-saving measures, but she can and will be criticised for them considering she wouldn't need them if she'd stop her bullshit.
>>381646> I really am not posting as other people.It's really, really, really fucking obvious that you are. Stop.
No. 382005
>>381942Would you say somebody who keeps binge drinking after multiple liver transplants wasn't a waste of livers?
Kelly keeps flushing blood down the toilet just so she can get attention. She's a waste of blood, air, and any other resources she consumes.
Sage for crawling in my skin
No. 382014
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>>382005Exactly, Anon. Good comparison. I don't think anyone here is going to deny that Kelly IS sick, but it has nothing to do with her physiology and everything to do with her twisted attention-seeking behaviors.
No. 382016
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>>382005There are also posts that go just beyond the mention of her being disgusting. The ones that use lots of swearing to call Kelly a fake are usually Kelly posting about herself. Funny because here's a screen shot of one of her Facebook albums (they are all set to public, despite that it says otherwise). Kelly says here that she's been posting all the stuff that's whiteknighting her. But she's definitely also responsible for a LARGE portion of the very negative things on here about her.
No. 382046
>>382016To my knowledge, the only person with cancer that got 'picked on' is being prosecuted for lying about it, so…
This is Kelly's last gasping attempt at trying to get the forum debunking her destroyed, by claiming it bullies 'teens' (can't think of anyone who is underage and is being discussed on the Munchies board), 'people with cancer' (who are about to go to jail for faking it…) and so on - knowing that even her followers don't care enough about her. And she's diligently screenshotting it, because G-d forbid people come here and see the evidence amassed against her for themselves, right, Kelly?
Gina, I know you're reading this. You didn't ask for this, but here you are, and you've got to look at the realities. When it's time to face the music, which will eventually happen, and it will probably happen sooner rather than later, she will need you. In fact, she needs you right now. You can keep 'believing' her, or rather, what the sickness is making her say… or you can try your best to stop her from bleeding yourself, get herself into an intensive Inpatient psychiatric programme and work through her traumatic experiences. Because I haven't seen a single Munchie who died old, happy and fulfilled. They live long, miserable and painful lives, however many transfusions and Instagram sycophants they amass, and they die in gruesome ways with incomplete lives. I believe we are answerable for all our fellow humans. You are answerable for your sister whether you want it or not, and I would much rather that you would not have to spend the rest of your life thinking what you could have done…
Kelly, I know you, too, are reading this. And I know you're on the verge of starting to believe your own lies. I used to be your friend, but right now, you're not in a state capable of having a human friendship. You're like a feral animal and everyone is either food for your disease or a sycophant to feed your delusions. You always wanted people to care about you, but you're looking for it in the wrong place. And through that, you have destroyed friendships, endangered careers, and you've hurt people in ways I doubt you can understand, because I doubt that in your current state you can conceive of other people experiencing pain. Only your suffering matters to you. This disease has made you selfish, greedy and treacherous.
You're young, and you're still not lost. You can still admit what you've done, delete your Instagram and seek help. You can still have a life.
Or you can have thousands of Instaflunkies telling you what nasty bullies we are while you are slowly killing yourself, and everyone around you who ever cared for you genuinely.
Your call.
No. 382047
>>381901I hope your sister is ok. I've gone through chemo myself at a young age for a blood disorder and needed a lot of transfusions. I wish you and your sister all the best.
Sage for sympathy.
No. 382059
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>>382046God-tier post, Anon. I don't think Kelly, Gina (if she is indeed posting) or their family actually grasp where this whole charade is going to end. It's going to end in an early grave.
(spoiler for a picture of Kelly's infected port back in march.)
No. 382070
>>382005But she deserves life just as much as the next person, FDS is a very real, very complex and very dangerous illness, it's still a subject that's open to huge amounts of skepticism ironically due to the attention seeking actions of the spoonie community as a whole. Kelly, if there's even a slight chance you may suffer with this, get the help you need, find the life you deserve. You have family and you have friends, the choice is your and yours only to make. Walk away, start afresh and although the Internet never forgets it's also doesn't care about one person out of seven billion enough to remember your name, in 6 months you'll be a name in at the bottom of a catalogue. In 12 months you'll be distant memory. In 2 years you'll have disappeared.
Saged for revealing anons aren't heartless bastards.
No. 382073
>>382070FDS? For being so 'real' I sure can't find a damn thing on it.
sage for my possible stupidity.
No. 382095
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>>382076Oh duh. My bad, sorry anon.
Just so this post isn't 100% pointless… Here's Chompy being blissfully unaware of the insanity that surrounds him.
No. 382104
>>382095Aww shit, now I'm feeling all warm n fuzzy inside and I'm pretty sure that's probably a violation of one of the founding rules on boards..
Saged for feelings.
No. 382108
>>382016If she wants to take this to the police or whatever, she should also remember she publicly slandered the Karis society/support house itself (claimed they made this thread), like 2 physicians (claimed misconduct), her hospital staff (a few nurses), and multiple friends on
her personal fucking instagram (which is completely away from this thread). Her self posts can also be easily proven to the police if she wants to start this shit.
>>382052I agree with this fucking tenfold. Especially the posts from 8 months ago. It would prove she originally posted herself here and the thread moved on, but she continued.
If that IP address is hers (
cough how do you "fake" a hacked IP address
No. 382115
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>>382110The thread is called the Kelly and Chompurrs Show, kek. Shut up, you're just derailing it further.
>>382108The Karis thing was seriously screwed up…
We can hope, but I think that would be a lot of work for admin-sama. I mean, seeing her self-posting in the last thread… I think it's obvious that she's been doing it since she found us. I would LOVE to see them marked like Victoria's though. Her hardcore supporters will probably never accept that she's lying. It seems like she can make any excuse and they'll fall for it… But maybe I'm being pessimistic.
No. 382389
>>382370FII referred primarily to MbP.
Kelly however fits the criteria for FDS subtype c iirc, (factitious disorder imposed on self). There are a number of names for munchausen's, so when kelly claims she does not have munchausen's she technically not wrong, I think she's looking for the specific word and not the FD/subsets dx.
No. 382650
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Confused as to why her teacher proofread this letter but missed so blatant errors.
No. 382670
>>382652Sorry I posted
>>382658 just as you posted, I didn't mean to infer that an absolute dx has been established, this is purely (very broad) speculation on my part. I just hope that she can find the right combination of medical/psychological support she obviously needs sooner rather than later.
No. 382685
>>382650Have you seen kelly's grammar skillz in adulthood?? 7th grade kelly was a genius…
Not entirely sure what the relevance of a kids description of their sister has to do with this thread though. Unless I'm missing something, which is highly probable.
No. 382718
>>382710That's a difficult question and really depends on the method she's using to bleed herself. Self harm is usually not reported unless severe. I can almost completely guarantee you she's not bloodletting through normal cutting, doctors would see that and she'd be fucked. I'm thinking she was/is draining blood through her port which is harder to prove because it's direct access, no wounds, etc. If she told her therapist that I can see Kelly being sectioned but then again some therapists are just… shit.
My money would be on Kelly not telling her therapist about it. I mean, if it's to the point she's needing bi-weekly transfusions that's pretty dangerous and sectioning would be the next logical step.
No. 382974
>>382964Her mother?
How do you know?
No. 382978
>>382977Exactly. The thread went quiet, though, so what better way for her to stir the pot and be able to cry on her social media that "Omg you guise now they are talking about my mom… Neverrrr would I everrr bring her up"?
Sage for this shit is old
No. 382991
>>382978This thread went dead for
10 fucking hours. It's not even ~milk~ at this point. Kelly was mentioned 8 months ago and the thread let her go, and now we're just going around in circles at this point. It's becoming an Ember thread all over again, like how it did when Ember self-posted. I honestly agree with
>>382052 in making her a banned topic at this point. The milk is running dry in my opinion. I know I'm going to be called Kelly but I'm fine with that. This is just a pattern I'm noticing.
No. 382993
>>382991I noticed that too and completely agree, Anon.
Sage for seconding the obvious
No. 383017
>>382964Ohhhkay… yep, this seems legit, the syntax/tenses is in no way questionable and there is clearly zero bait here..
This is pitiful to witness now, maybe the kindest thing is to permaban and lock?
But not without admins painstakingly marking every self-post first obviously..
>>382978>>382991>>382993>>383006couldn't agree more.
Who's "trolling" who at this point? What began as speculation/concern over a public figure's questionable online presence has quickly devolved into a psychotic sad mess.
No. 383069
>>383006Thank you Albert Einstein.
She's a munchie, what else would she feed on but attention? At least a few people in this thread are finally noticing.
The munchies have been working out how to use us (first Nicole but now Kelly) to get what they want. It's just the same as getting into a daily dysfunctional relationship with one of them irl. I tried reporting it but obviously the farmhands thought it was as "funny and cool" as the most naive anons in this thread.
It's just not ~ha ha wow~ when a munchie turns up. They use us for attention. They are sick.
No. 383249
>>383069when it comes to this particular cow i don't disagree…but if you wanted to, you could make that same excuse to close down every single thread here.
i doubt that farmhands think it's funny or cool, just that it sets a bad precedent.
if a cow sees that their thread has been removed or discussion of them leads to a permaban, then that's a good thing. for most, because we keep awareness of their shitty behaviors at the forefront.
in kelly's case, i'm genuinely not sure what the best course of action is.
No. 383368
>>383286>>383291I'm the Anon that posted that. It was back in March like I said. Her port is probably fine now?
>>383270Kelly, girl… Listen, I genuinely mean what I'm about to say. Is there anyway you could admit yourself to psych? You don't even need to tell them everything. You can keep your secrets, but put yourself somewhere where you'll be away from the internet for a few days or even a week. It can be anywhere, just somewhere where you won't have your phone/internet. If you just get away for a bit, stop posting here and all that, I can promise you this thread will have nothing to talk about.
Aren't you tired of this? And what truth do you want to prove? I'm sad for you… And not in a patronizing way. I know we all sound like assholes but I don't think there is anyone here that doesn't want to see you recover and return to some semblance of normality.
No. 383391
>>383277What a dedicated friend you are to check this thread so religiously that you noticed so quickly what Kelly posted.
>Kellyyy take that post off if you posted it! Nope doesn't look like how Kelly posts at all.
>Check your dmThis leads up to the dramatic inevitable post from Kelly on Facebook claiming she never posted and that she is a Christian and would never do any of these things. She will suddenly see she (I mean Anon) posted about her mom and milk that for sympathy posts as well.
Saged for "neverrrr would she everrr post that you guise!" It must have been her roomie again.
No. 383453

>>383441>fucking arrogant>ugly inside and out>fucking monsters>ugly ass>sick chunks of shit>your ugly blond ugly faced self>sick patronizing assesFor such delicate little flowers who get upset that people have an opinion about Kelly that doesn't buy into her bullshit, they sure have mouths on them worse than the "bullies" that they claim are here.
I'm pretty sure if yall actually had the lawyer you claim to have, the first thing he would tell you would be NOT to post here and definitely not to throw out verbal garbage. But hey, the thread isn't dead like it was yesterday now is it?
No. 383492
>>383411With respect to the both of you, quite a few anons have willingly stated that they gave no problem identifying themselves should the need arise, it's been pointed out time and time again that the only thing that will make this thread retire is to stop any interaction here. Chanboards use the term "don't feed the trolls", you perceive users of this forum to be trolls so just stop posting. Have either of you approached admin to request their help in tracing "the hacker"? because I can assure you that requires a level of expertise that farmhands have, they can do that shit in their sleep. Focus your anger against the perpetrator of disingenuous contributor not against random people who happen to use an anonymous board who's primary function is yet again, speculation and gossip. It's human nature to dissect real life. I do it, you do it, we all do it.
Saged for repetition.
No. 383502
>>382991Speak for yourself, Kelly is my favorite cow, and I don't want this thread locked.
And no, I'm not Kelly.
No. 383546
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>>383538Thanks Robyn Marder. How many times have you met Kelly in real life? 0?
No. 383720
File: 1504189679891.png (1.97 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9650.PNG)

We have a new and unexplainable symptom! She "doesn't know what she's doing with her mouth," but the first half of her video is her staring at her mouth.
No. 383734
Kelly the more you post, the more fuel you provide the users of lolcow. I know it seems impossible but the people here are literally telling you that if you stop posting and get off the site and social media, they will have nothing to talk about. I was bullied so hard for years in school and once I stopped responding, they stopped bothering. That's how it works. When you give them a reaction, they keep wanting more. Just lay off the site, lay off IG, and spend time with your friends to distract you. By continuing to post here, you are begging for the attention, and trust me, you'll continue to get it. I'm a neutral lolcow lurker, I have only posted once or twice, but I don't hate you. I don't necessarily think you're faking anything - here's why. It's the fucking INTERNET. I bet people could assume all kinds of fancy bullshit from my own IG posts (which are really nothing to talk about), and create some persona for me. I don't share details about my life like you do but I also only have like 300 followers that I skim through carefully. It's the internet. I can't assume a damn thing about a person unless I know them personally, in person, and spend time with them. Do I think it's impossible that you're seeking attention? No, but again, that goes hand-in-hand with not knowing you personally. For me, I'm just bored, I've followed Kelly for like 2-3 years now and I'm just keeping up with the drama. I am neutral. But holy fuck Kelly, STOP RESPONDING. I'm only saying that because I've been bullied so hard before, in highschool, and the second you stop responding, it ends. At this point, you are doing it to yourself, by feeding into it. Sage for slight blogging/flapping my gums.
No. 383763
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No. 383838
>>383729Wowzers, you were super quick in replying to me, Kelly!
>>383734Cool story, but Kelly isn't being bullied.
Someone saying something not nice on the internet does not constitute bullying. No one reached out to her. We're all certain she put herself in the original munchie thread, and one no one took the bait, until she continued posting more about herself, and then what do you know? After the conversations were good and hearty, she "randomly" discovered an anonymous image board was talking about her! And quickly told all of her munchie friends! Funny thing is, half of the bullshit written about her was written by her. Done with the white knights.
No. 383866
>>383734All of these came from Kelly's phone: have been more since then, but the admin doesn't have time to update it.
No. 384237
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>>384160They are way more organized there.
No. 384260
>>384237it's called autism
>>384241this site only just returned. you can still view the temp site
No. 384314
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holy crap
This is awesome
No. 384504
>>384314*this is retarded
No. 384569
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Once you have met them, it's easy to tell them apart.>>384535
No. 384571
>>3845211. Who gives a shit who it is? It's not milk. What is this? 3rd grade where we all gasp because someone threw up the finger?
2. Sage your shit
No. 384589
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>>384569I'll just leave this here, Kell Kell.
No. 384774
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No. 384920
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The funny thing is with Kelly is she truly believes she's the only one that's ever been spoken about on LOL cow! No, other people have been discussed but they're not obsessed with it like she is, they are not reviving dead threads or pretending to be other people and self posting, they just ignore it and it eventually dies out, pretty amazing concept! As for posting the pictures of her sister and calling everybody 'dum dum' , the only 'dum dum' here is Kelly because she does not know how to cover her tracks very well, and she was trying to set up that 'somebody hacked my account poor me boo hoo' otherwise like someone else said she would've written "it's easy to tell us apart once you've met us"
No. 384943
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Who here called that she'd eventually claim dissociation?? Way too lazy to scroll back through and find out, but I find this to be incredibly hilarious.
She says dissociation is different for everyone, and for her, her brain "fragments" when life is too hard to bear.
~ToPkEk~, Kelly.
No. 384985
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No. 385091
>>385075Who am I?
(Hint: It starts with an S.)
No. 385354
>>385333Why didn't you advocate for yourself? Not criticising, just genuinely curious. All it would have taken would have been,
>No seriously guys I don't have a rare blood disorder I have an extremely heavy periodBut you let them think it was a rare blood disorder for years and even went on TV to tell everyone about your rare blood disorder when you knew full well that you just had an extremely heavy period?
No. 385392
>>385333>because of forums like this, doctors doubt everythingNo. Because of munchie fucks and malingerers doing ridiculous things to themselves in order to create or exaggerate symptoms, doctors doubt everything.
Unless you have an incredibly rare, hitherto unheard of, chromosomal disorder (that would likely have created problems since birth) medicine has advanced to the extent that there is no such thing as a ~mysterious disorder~.
tl;dr- Forums like this dont make doctors suspicious, suspicious looking patients make doctors suspicious.
No. 385529
>>385443YOU FUCKING TOLD EVERYONE YOU HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU SELFISH BITCH. You could have, six million times over, told everyone it was your period. But you didn't?? You sit on Instagram and told everyone how sooper speshul you were, that none of the doctors could figure you out! YOU DID, you POS. I wonder how many people's lives you put in jeopardy because you're an attention-seeking psychopath.
Fuck this. What a dumb game you're playing. I don't speak for anyone else, but I will never be on your side. You're a massive bullshitter and a pathological liar and I think I'm finally done with this thread.
No. 385540
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No. 385582
>>385577Adding to what this person said, I'm also curious when you first noticed something was wrong with your cycle.
When do you get your hysterectomy?
No. 385714
>>385333Kelly, that's bullshit.
I get it - you've realized that eventually, you'll lose, and you can't maintain the whole mystery any longer. So you're cutting your losses and going 'lol it was my uterus all along'.
But that's not what you said even a few months ago.
Least of all is it what you said to me when I asked you if you've had a work up for possible aplastic anemia.
No, you kept playing the mystery. You kept getting YEARS of blood transfusions, and now you're blaming it on 'forums' and doctors not believing in you? They'd probably have loved to believe you, except you required blood biweekly and to the best of my knowledge, people have periods every 4 weeks or so.
No, Kelly, I think you're still lying. Just as you lied your ass off about everything else, including to friends who supported you. I know, I was one of them. I even white knighted you here… until I realized the evidence was just too compelling. There is literally no way this story played out the way you claim it did… but I hope you sue KGH, it will be interesting to finally find out what happened.
Lol no, you won't.
No. 385715
>>385698Quit acting like this thread is a "safe space" for you and that we are suddenly on your side. I'm of the opinion that even if you have heavy periods that you were still autoexsanguinating and that you are an attention-seeking pathological liar. Until you confess to bleeding yourself and posting all that "bullying-hacker" shit i will still have intense loathing for you. Fess up. Until then, screw you, you disgusting excuse for a human being.
No. 385772
>>385715 If it is Kelly, it's just because she's bored or lonely or feeling guilty and wants more attention from her shitty little game. Anons are way too up her ass acting like she's redeemed herself by kinda-sorta admitting that she's lying, self obsessed, less emotionally developed than a ten year old, and useless as a nuns cunt.
Give her a day or two and she will be right back at her usual crap, sucking up any attention and medical resource she can get her grubby mitts on. Kelly, Go outside, achieve something, learn a skill, just do it quietly and fuck off already you creepy headcase.
No. 385780
>>385714fat fuck. No place is safe on the internet You dip shits. But you don't have to consider me a fucking monster. lol. Lmw. But I'm not going away! so I'll be posting what I want! I am not the kind of person that wants to sue ppl. I'm only getting healthier. You who keeps wk'ing your self for wk me
… you'll get no where being anon. Haha but my YouTube vid is truly hilarious. can't all be perfect like you guys…
No. 385812
>>385780Can a kind anon please translate this angry word-salad for me? Kelly, you vile, useless, lying leech, what is your endgame? I think we're now at the point that it's time to show receipts or GTFO. 3, Very simple questions you must answer to even hope for an opportunity to redeem yourself.
2.) Did you autoexsanguinate at any point in time in order to make yourself sick?
2.) Why did it take so long for your well qualified physicians to discover that something as banal as heavy menstrual bleeding was the cause of your anemia?
3.) Was it you who posted all of the very personal patient notes in order to support an "evil meanie hacker" facade in order to garner sympathy and make us noble farmers look like bully villains?
Answer these questions thoroughly and truthfully or fuck off. Seriously.
No. 385829
File: 1505271383947.jpg (974.6 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170912-225143.jpg)

God. I just can't handle the way she lies. When she needs something to fit her story of the day she simply reinvents it!
Do you think we're that stupid?
Pics related.
First is from her Insta where she is "airing that dirty laundry" to "end the rumors"
No. 385837
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But, her facebook tells a different story.
No. 385838
>>385829Who on earth is stupid enough to make up a third trimester abortion story?
Why is she making up rumours about having rumours made about her?
No. 385840
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Aaannndddd, her comment 3 weeks before the insta post, claiming the pregnancy was real.
Why lie about this?
No. 385845
Kelly, do you think lying to everyone and seeking every kind of attention, including from people who know you're a mendacious, deceptive fuck is going to fill the void in your heart? You've fucked up your own life and frankly, I have no idea how someone can turn around to anything sensible from the trainwreck that you are. No amount of transfusions and acting like a 10-year-old can fix that.
Your medical explanations continue to make no sense at all. Absent some fairly rare and easily diagnosable bleeding disorders, you cannot bleed enough to require biweekly transfusions. 'Fibroids' doesn't come close to explaining how you lost the same amount of blood off and on your period, and how all that tallied up to three pints every two weeks. To people who don't deal with this sort of issue on a regular basis, it might seem like you've explained your issues, but in reality, a lot more questions arose than there were answers. You claim to have lost 50 times the amount for a normal period, every month. Yet you clearly don't have a regular clotting issue, you're not bleeding under your skin or from your asshole. You think that this disingenuous 'fibroids' explanation is going to work… but it really won't. You think this is all a big game, just like posting on message boards, when in reality there are real human beings on the other end of this. Someone whose loved one was suffering in the ER while you pirouetted around with your IV pole, someone who needed the blood you wasted as soon as you got home, someone whose needs went unmet so that your attention seeking could be indulged from the public purse. Kelly, you need a lot of help, and this isn't how you go about getting it.
And since you've basically more or less alleged KGH have been letting you nearly bleed to death out of negligence, I am truly curious as to what they'll say if they read about this. I hope to God they'll sue you for defamation, Kelly.
Long story short: you're still lying. You do have a mystery disease, one called 'I am a lying fuck bleeding herself to get attention'. Even your honest admissions are dripping with lies.
No. 385874
>>385872>>385871>>385873love it when we strike a nerve with you. but really? since you answered the uterine bleeding apparently, can you tell me why then its so hard for you to answer multiple questions at once? love it when you sperg
see? i can talk about a few things in one go. its pretty neat actually.
No. 385880
File: 1505282547535.jpg (1010.5 KB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1505281737877.jpg)

1. Says she was admitted to the FORENSICS unit where the criminally insane are for safety not legal reasons
2. Claims that there were concerns she would be "taken" (Wow if everyone who was a victim of abuse or violence needed a safe place in a FORENSICS UNIT of a psych hospital, it would be overrun. Too bad there aren't shelters or safe places for women)
3. It's for safety reasons that she's in the Forensic Unit to keep her "from being taken because it's the most secure" and yet she says here it was forcible confinement. Hmmmm. Why would they forcibly confine someone in a forensics unit of a psych hospital?
No. 385893
>>385873Yeah, uh… Kelly? From how you talk and write, you're somewhere in the 70-85 IQ range. Simple is probably a kind way of putting it.
As for your standard argument ('you don't know me, you don't know my case, you're not my doctor'): if you knew a tenth of what you think you know about medicine, you would know that there are some simple general principles at play here, meaning that we don't need to know the minutiae of your fascinating case to be able to have a pretty good idea of what's going on. And none of what you claim makes sense, even if the facts as you claim them hold up.
No. 385935
>>385871>>385869Ha! You're funny, kelly. I weigh 125lb and I'm perfectly content with that though, thanks.
I'm not saying anything about your pregnancies. Just that, one way or another, you lied about them. Focus on YOUR heart. You are the one who's got a following and you continue to LIE TO THEIR FACES.
Fucking stop and admit that on your new mental health Insta.
No. 385946
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No. 385968
File: 1505309657653.png (1.85 MB, 1293x917, Screenshot_2017-09-13-06-24-44…)

It's really not your fault that your daughter is a lesbian. You should be proud of her. And having the same job is so cute! #twinning
No. 386042
>>385893Safe to say if one of my patients were to be discussed by as in-depth as Kelly was, I am pretty sure the farmers would have a better understanding of his situation than I do.
It's pathetic, Kelly, that your sole argument boils down to how special you are and how much better your doctors know their stuff. Mind you, you're talking about the same doctors who, you claim, have been ignoring you bleeding to death from your uterus while wasting a gallon of blood a month on your worthless arse. So which one is it, Kelly? Do your doctors know everything while missing out on a fundamental, easy to spot and dangerous pathology?
Or is it much simpler than that, again: you've been caught in yet another lie or inconsistency, and you keep flailing around, insulting people, pretending you're some super smart person (who can barely spell intelligibly in her native language!). Your overdramatised mental health struggles and your factitious physical health issues are how you explain it to yourself why someone as exceptionally awesome as you is, in her mid-thirties, still coasting from one psych ward to another, her greatest achievement being the mini-cult of equally pathetic spoonies on Instagram showering her with uncritical praise for the most trivial of deeds.
And the sad part is, Kelly, you could've been someone.
No. 386063
>>385544You think I'm a spoonie? Hahahaha, glorious. Nope! I have absolutely no health conditions, chronic or otherwise. Well, I wear glasses, but that's about as fucked up as my body gets. I'm just tired of you being a massive fucking liar. Nothing you say ever adds up.
I work in healthcare, though. I work with blood for a living. And I can't fucking stand the fact that you have been receiving blood as often and for as long as you have. Regardless of the end result, YOU PERSONALLY let this shit go on and on and on. You wasted, yes - W A S T E D - a seriously precious resource, and all for attention. That makes you a piece of shit. It's too bad your doctors have a legal obligation to treat your dumb ass. I would have done everything in my power to get you banned from the hospital I worked at if I were in their position.
No. 386078
>>386042This is something I have been trying to point out!
"My doctors missed an easily diagnosable and treatable condition for four years. They're mean and horrible to me."
"My doctors are smarter than you guys! I can't believe you think you know more than my awesome doctors do!"
They're either knowledgeable and have helped you, or they're shit doctors who ignored ducking fibroids, of all things. Can't be both Kelly, christ.
No. 386097 reminder that two years into Kelly's mystery blood disorder, she still had no idea or was pretending to have no idea that it was her uterus.
You can also see a lot of Kelly's posts here: February 2017, she posted
> I need a port so I can receive blood transfusions as I have a rare life threatening anemia!Doesn't sound like she suspects her uterus…
In all fairness, she did mention the fibroids in January, but didn't seem to consider or admit that they were the cause of her "mystery blood disorder". It almost sounds like the doctors discovered the fibroids and she was like, "Oh shit…":
>Although my blood disorder is still a stinking mystery, several things were determined during this hospital admission. #1 I'm not bleeding in my bum system! ✔ #2 I have tonic clonic seizures… ? (Why this is happening now in life I do not know…) #3 I have loads of fibroids (need to learn more about this) #4 There is some long lasting chronic infection somewhere in my body that they can't determine. ? sweet. #5 I won't talk much about because it's a girl thing and needs to be kept in the down low period! So with all of these new little things come many new medications. No. 386128
>>386097Well, that Kelly lie had a remarkably short life span.
Having had a LOT of time to waste this afternoon, I've decided to look around and see how frequent it is for someone to have fibroids severe enough to require three pints of blood every two weeks. I found a grand total of zero cases where someone's fibroids would cause blood loss on this order of magnitude. Something is very much not adding up here, and I've come to learn that when it comes to Kelly, that probably means yet another lie told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I wonder if, in her head, she actually believes she's some super clever manipulator of people, with her barely completed high school diploma. Her doctors know better than we all do (including fellow medfags), and she knows better than even them. It's ridiculous, this Munchie-Kruger effect.
No. 386140
>>386088It is blatantly evident that fibroids aren't the whole story. So she's got them and is losing some blood - there literally are no case reports of anyone losing this much blood in the absence of a bleeding disorder, in which case it's the bleeding disorder that's the problem, not her fibroids.
Bottom line: once again, Kelly thought just because her explanation made sense to someone who finished high school in their 20s, everybody else will lap it up like it's fresh tard cum.
No. 386339
>>386321I have lost blood from cuts like any human. not notable amounts as they were superficial.
It took the doctors do long because of you do have a mental health or an history most doctors won't even look twice. Many of you have proven that time and again. #endthestigma
And I will answer this again. No. I did not post those notes. The notes I post, I post publicly to social media. but by all means don't believe a thing I say. if a person has psych issues it's "impossible" to have "real" issues. I could have told the world I was a teen hoe ages ago…. But I wanted to leave it. forever. never to be exposed. The only I broke. And forensics… What I've said about why I was there is true.
No. 386340
>>386339Ok, but the images you've posted of your arms on kiwi farms are not from superficial wounds. And I don't think the scarring you have would be as prominent if it were as superficial as you say.
Also, you basically just skirted around the first question. "Of course I've lost blood from cuts, like everyone else."
No. 386350
>>386348Like, lying about the third question makes me automatically disbelieve your answers to the first and second questions.
Try honesty.
No. 386372
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Yo Kelly, I got a question.
Why did you edit this document to say you were born in 1989. Don't even deny it. I'm not going to bother with that photorensics shit because I can literally see the distortion around the last 9 if I tilt my monitor back.
This document is from 2001. If you were actually born on September 19, 1989, on May 4th, 2001, you would have been
No. 386373
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>>386339People literally quote you, hahaha. God, you're retarded.
No. 386405
>>386375I think the person who was after her was quite dangerous and very stalker-ish. There was a bunch of photos of her beaten up, one of the photos she had distinct marks on her face from some kind of cord used to gag her and it had cut into her cheeks. Then at one point there was another photo of her tied up to a chair in an empty room, with that cord tied around her face.
She spoke about this guy doing some pretty messed up stuff to her. And him evading police, and her having to stay in all these different safe houses. Her mental health got to the point where she was a danger to herself and that's why she was put in the psych hospital. Only now she was at risk of being found. So they admitted her under a different name and age or something? And put her in the most secure part of the hospital. If she was unable to escape this guy would also be unable to get in.
Remember this happened in a small city in Canada, they probably do things a bit differently there, and they probably don't have a lot of big messed up crime situations going on all the time so they had the resources to help her properly.
No. 386419
For all her blood transfusion activism, I don't think Kelly understands the seriousness of the burden three units of blood biweekly put on the blood supply. People with e.g. anaemia from cancer treatment do not tend to get that much on a routine basis (and it is remarkable how she was always bad enough after two weeks for a transfusion and never got any other treatment, such as epo. Because of transfusion reactions, we tend to avoid transfusions whenever we can, however we can, so if we can get by with epo, that's what we'll do. The sole exception is when there is so much evident blood loss that giving the patient enough epo to win the Tour de France wouldn't make a difference. That's when we get the packed reds out.
For context: three units of blood is what people tend to routinely need to replenish what's lost in major surgery. No doctor would give that to a patient on a biweeekly basis unless it's clear that the patient was losing that much blood, and there are very few natural ways to lose what's about a quarter to a third of your of your blood supply biweekly. Least of all is it possible to Uget that many blood transfusions and not suffer from iron overload. There are two treatments for iron overload: chelation using deferasirox or deferoxamine… or venesection. Aka bleeding.
UKelly, I know your standard response is 'lol anon why you think you smarter than my doctors?' That's a disingenuous response, because we are not talking to your doctors, we are talking to you, who filters what her docs say through five layers of psychosis, personality disorders and being a sheer deceptive fuck. I don't need to be your doctor to know when something doesn't add up. Right now, you've glommed on to the 'fibroids' excuse, making the problem wanting to go away, even if assuaging you will come at a cost of giving you an unnecessary and risky intervention, which you will no doubt dramatize and use to make your health worse (cue the Robyn appendectomy story!).
No. 386441
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>>386416I found the article. I'm curious how this "random" Anon knew about this attack and can associate it wi
th Kelly. Here's the article… please note the part where it says this:
>The victim needed staples in her arm and nine stitches above her eye to repair the wounds.I've attached a picture that Kelly loves to flaunt… There is NO sign of 9 stitches above her eye. Prove me wrong, Kelly. Let's see the stitches before you try to pass yourself off as the poor victim who survived this horrendous attack. It also gives the victim's age of 33 and this article was posted in 2012 about the 2010 attack so the victim would have to be 37 now.
No. 386452
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>>386441The date the incident occurred was stated in the article as
<The attack in June 2010
As seen from the attached photo, Kelly was already in the hospital at this time. I wish Adminsama could trace the IP on the Anon who brought up the woman being attacked insinuating it was Kelly.
No. 386481
>>386451Oh Kelly. Fuck off.
You keep acting like you have some super cereal, safety critical baggage that's 'not ok'. So far, other than prostitution, not much seems to indicate you are in any danger. You act like you have these big, mysterious secrets, when in reality, they're probably as mysterious as your mystery blood disorder that ended up being a big, fat lie.
No. 386668
>>386441Also, the first and second photos are not of "beaten" Kelly, they're of "allergic" Kelly.
She changes everything to fit her own narrative.
No. 386687
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Okay Kelly. Let's pretend you were keylogged and you didn't actually post that document. It was taken from your hacked Cloud.
Why did YOU EDIT your birthday just to upload it onto your private Cloud?
Story's falling apart, Miss Petrovic.
No. 386736
File: 1505425991307.png (Spoiler Image,143.4 KB, 720x1280, Photo Editor_SGgi5l.png)

If you aren't the one who shared my files or claimed to be a doctor that knows me… You are lucky. I don't need "admin" This is way beyond someone with hacking skills.
No. 386744
>>386736Oh, honey. Just because someone posts a picture of lab values that YOU posted, doesn't mean they can do anything. In the United States, the hospital where I work calls them privacy officers. They can check their own IT systems and make sure nothing has been accessed that was done outside of you. They make sure that their staff followed rules under the privacy act. They are NOT able to do anything about information YOU shared. Let me guess? This is a cute little screenshot for your Instagram buddies to think you are a brave warrior again? Where is the screenshot going to be when they let you know that NOONE has accessed your medical records?
In they end they will tell you that once outside of their system you will have to go to the RCMP for cyber crimes because your personal system was "hacked". This made me giggle. Keep on trudging, little buddy. Dig that hole you are sinking into.
Sage for disdain of the "scary news"
No. 386748
>>386736I don't even know what you're saying.
1. Say the hacker took these files from your Cloud.
Why did you change your birthday before uploading the document to your Cloud?2. Do you like that Stabilo song?
No. 386754
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>>386736Wait, so you're publicly accusing one of your professionals or a professional of hacking your phone and posting your public information on a gossip website?
>This is way beyond someone with hacking skills.Who do you think is "hacking" you? The NSA? Your profile is literally public yet again so anything you post can be accessed from your account.
No. 386778
>>386736Ah, Kelly… you remember when you told all and sundry how you're going to finish off the Farm? The Farm is still standing, while you are headed towards the last vestiges of that carefully constructed house of cards that you call your life collapsing at a rapid pace. Maybe you can tell the privacy officer how YOU breached the privacy of a number of people whom you contacted and whose stories you used to pretend you're sick or the doctors whom you maligned on Instagram. Inbetween pretending you got a warning for prostitution when you were 11. What the hell is even wrong with you, you crazy woman?
You need a lot of mental help before anyone is ever going to believe you.
No. 386840
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What app do you use to get followers?
No. 386873
>>386856How come so many of your 200+ new followers are Turkish and follow a lot of people while not many follow them? Where did they come from?
What did the person say to your pastor?
No. 386875
>>386857> Asking the same question over and over isn't going to change the fact that I didn't do anything to the police papers. in fact I have no idea where that paper is. And not edited.But Kelly. I can see the square around the last 9 by tilting my monitor back. I can actually see where it was edited. It is edited. That's a fact. Anyone with an LCD monitor can see it.
You took the rest of the pictures that were uploaded onto your Cloud, right? Because behind the paper you can see your yellow bedsheet, same as the rest of the photos you uploaded to the Cloud.
The police wouldn't give that sort of document to someone they believed to be 11, nor would they issue a document with a false birthdate on it for "safety reasons". You -or someone else, fine Kelly- edited the document. The document was edited.
The song is really nice, you should look it up on YouTube.
No. 386879
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Kiwifarms is making up some pretty intense rumours/questions about you. You should probably go clear things up with them asap. No. 386898
>>386883Exactly. We're born alone, we'll die alone. The number under the title "followers" on our instagram doesn't mean shit. What does matter is how we treat people. The way we act in response to mistakes or hardship. Kelly, I'm sorry you've had a hard life, I really am. Don't let it turn you bitter. It's no excuse. Grow from this. Find a way to move on, whatever that means to you. There's still so much time to do good in the world, be kind, help people. Humble yourself. You're not better than anyone, you've made a mess of things but you're not the worst person either. You're just you. Be the best you, because that's the best you can do.
Stop digging yourself deeper. You probably needed a wake up call, please take it. There's no saving this situation now, it's time to let it go. If you do, we will. If you stop feeding into it there'll be nothing more to talk about. You want this to go away so bad? Let it. Stop responding. Stop lying. Go and work on yourself instead. Find something else to focus on. The best thing you can do right now is quit cold turkey and let this whole thing die down.
Despite being hurt and confused I honestly wish the best for you Kelly. I want to see you learn from all this and do better.
Remember, it's not about the mistakes we make it's how we choose to go about it after, that's what matters most.
No. 386931
>>386875>>386875yes I took the pictures. but I did it So I could ditch the actual prints.>>386898 I know you are right.
>>386875 If feels like I'm called I liar no matter what. I don't have those papers nor did I edit them. They weren't even given to me. I did an alternative called RAMP Regina Alternative Measures program. I was in trouble even way before 11… As for Turkish followers.. no clue but I don't care about numbers as much as some believe. I find (at least I used to) that ig was very positive. I had people to relate to and I could offer advice. It's a sick feeling when you know one of your "friends" is involved with something like this. I know I'm not going to get nice feedback here.
No. 387052
>>386931"Yes I took those pictures so I could ditch the actual prints." You took each photo RIGHT before they were conveniently hacked and uploaded to this forum? And you took the photos, not all at once, but randomly at different times and on different days.
There's this saying, that the simplest explanation is likely to be the answer, and Kelly, that kind KF user has shown us all that you weren't hacked. You just weren't, Kelly. Stop already. Most accounts - be it email, Facebook, and especially a fucking cloud - notify people when said account has been accessed. I log into my email from a new laptop, I instantly get a message saying "login from unknown device, was this you?" I'm inclined to believe you would have seen a login attempt had you actually been hacked, which you then could have taken the measures to better secure your account.
It's just ridiculous, at this point. No one believes you because you're straight up lying. Doesn't matter how many ways you say it, no one hacked you. No one hacked you. No one hacked you. You wanted attention, and you got it. But you did it to yourself. If someone had actually hacked you, you could have and should have gone to the police already about it. That's a crime. But you haven't and won't because you didn't. So stop. Just stop. You've got cake on your face, so wash it off and move on.
No. 387053
Hey Kelly, can you do us a favour and use a tripcode? I think admin would be okay with it since you're the subject of this thread.
If you use a tripcode, no one can impersonate you. Not that anyone has, but you know.. No. 387141
File: 1505493253153.jpg (114.5 KB, 800x512, _flawed_design__by_kei_ago.jpg)

>>386931>As for Turkish followers.. no clue but I don't care about numbers as much as some believe.Oh Kelly. I used this same app to Get Followers a long time ago. You earn points for following, liking and commenting, and then you spend those points to get follows, likes and comments. It has a lot of Turkish users.
You are so hard to talk to.
No. 387177
>>387176Why not talk on Kiwifarms, then?
You used a damn app, Kelly. Stop lying about stupid shit.
Were you and Gina both raised by the same parent, or did you go with the BPD mother, or handsy grandpa, or what happened there?
No. 387187
>>387184Evidence of her lies.
This thread isn't milky.
No. 387201
>>387196Kelly is lying about using an Instagram followers app such as Get Followers, where you exchange likes, comments and follows on other accounts for points that you can then exchange for likes, comments and follows on your own account. From experience, these apps have an extremery high population of Turkish users. On Thursday night, Kelly was suddenly followed by over 200 users, most of which were from Turkey. She also began following several new accounts, most of which were from Turkey.
I can't believe I'm fucking explaining this to you. It doesn't even matter if someone buys or uses an app to get followers. Most large accounts have done it. What matters is that you are lying about something so small and so stupid because you are out of control.
No. 387240
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Not that it's your business.
No. 387241
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>>387201Again I would suggest a new crystal ball.
No. 387313
>>387261Not to mention, you also can't hack an IP address. The hacker would have to be using
your device in
your home to make those posts.
Kelly, you should be using a tripcode on this site for your own safety. The hacking was coming from YOUR OWN HOUSE! It's Gina! The hacker is Gina! Omg. Lmw.
No. 387350
>>387313>The hacking was coming from YOUR OWN HOUSE! It's Gina! The hacker is Gina! Omg. Lmw.>HOUSE! >Gina!>Gina!>OmgMy favourite is
>Lmw>>385075>>385780You make it so obvious it's you that it's painful. You're the only person who has been using "lmw" on this thread, and you continue to use excessive exclamation points and "Omg". It's so obvious it's you. Just stop.
No. 387417
>>387405So to make everything perfectly clear, you are saying that the person who posted here on your phone was not you.
The person took your phone and used it to pretend to be you on lolcow. The person used your phone to hack you and post your private files.
It's someone you know very well, and what they've done is illegal. They can go to jail. This will be on the news.
Do you know who the hacker was? Do you have any ideas? They were in your house on August 11 or 12. They have a grudge against you. They know you very well. You have enough evidence to go to the police. Ask your roommates who was in your house.
No. 387420
>>387417I don't know why everyone in this thread keeps feeding into this delusion of an alleged intruder. She isn't some massive celeb. Regardless, as Kelly said here
>>387183>I did talk with the police. no minors are involved or death threats.So I don't know why you keep suggesting police, unless you're trying to emphasize that it's not possible for someone to go to such extreme lengths like this.
OT, but inb4 Kelly threatens herself on here.
No. 387455
>>387453*stop dodging
sage for samefagging
No. 387462
>>387420We keep suggesting Kelly go to the police because hacking someone's private account, regardless of whatever account it may be but especially if it's a cloud account, is indeed a crime and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with minors or threats. The fact that she mentioned that shows she never went to the police about it.
Side note - a keylogger on a laptop is one thing, but a keylogger on a phone is another entirely. While not impossible, it's pretty damn improbable. Keep using techie words like you actually understand them, Kelly. We'll believe you for sure! /s
No. 388004
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successfully destroyed. This makes sense now. I won't be back. ?????
No. 388028
File: 1505623880425.png (152.14 KB, 720x302, Trolls-remorse_X-in-my-Y.png)

>>388004That's just a random filename. I just mashed the keyboard and that's what came out. It doesn't mean anything.
No. 388039
>>388029Right?! I thought so too.
Admin has forsaken this godawful thread, but I can assure you that I am neither Kelly nor her mother.
No. 388042
>>388029Wow. Kelly's life is sure full of some strange, silly coincidences and weird, inexplicable happenings.
I'm totally not pulling a Kelly here and lying about something I obviously did, either. That would be dishonest. Nope, it's all just a big ol' coinkydink.
No. 388046
>>3880451.Sage your shit. If you lurk then you know to sage
2.How is it exactly you know her mother's last name?
No. 388049
>>3880461) Who Pissed in your cornflakes (non saging was and accident I'm not able to edit or delete because it's saying wrong password)
2) None of your business…I just know (so I care if you believe it or not? No I do not)
No. 388070
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Happy birthday, Kelly. I hope it's a great one.
No. 388175
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Happy Birthday Kelly
No. 389628
Gardom Lake
No. 390143
>>389928She's 35. That's the age that was on Gina's doctor's report, and Gina isn't an attention whore.
I eventually gathered what you meant by "Ponoka asylum abandoned Z". How do you know this? Do you know what he suffered from? Is that possibly where he met her batshit mother?
No. 390234
>>389928Wait, you know how to properly "sage" but do not know how to upload a photo? Ok "not Kelly"
Simply amazes me how "new " people or family or mysterious "hackers" appear every time this thread starts to die down!
Saged for not believing it's "Not Kelly"
No. 390271
>>389736>"WTAF"Kelly, stop. It's so fucking painfully obvious it's you because every ~nOt KeLLy~ poster uses lingo that literally only you use. Nobody uses WTAF. Just stop. It's so cringey it's unbearable. Stop throwing more dirt out about yourself.
>>389769Ding ding ding, we have an actual Not Kelly poster.
No. 390974
>>390446>>389713She reposted what got deleted yesterday and, in addition posted a bunch of videos of her apparently reading her diary (my insta is stupid and can't play videos, I'm inferring that from comments I read).
The videos were then reported and removed. Not sure who's reporting all her shit.
>>389928If kelly can figure out how to post pictures, you can too. Or you shouldn't be here. It's an image board!!!
No. 391051
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You do not get breast pain from pregnancy the fucking day after intercourse. Does she not understand basic fucking biology?
Since she and the people commenting on her post believe this shit, here's some biology 101. Sperm can swim to an egg in half an hour, to nearly 2 or 3 days (48-72 hours). It takes a full 24 hours for a sperm cell to fertilize an egg. It leaves the fallopian tube after being fertilized and takes about 3 to 4 days to move down and implant to the uterine wall. You develop breast pain 1-2 weeks later at earliest, or have breast pain from PMS before conception, but you do not feel any pregnancy symptoms the day after intercourse for fuck sake.
Stop. Fucking. Lying. Stop making everything so fucking dramatic by exaggerating and lying about basic biology.
No. 391059
File: 1506101274045.png (246.32 KB, 640x1018, IMG_3272.PNG)

>>391051Safe for samefagging but here's her entire dissociative-insinuating-rape-but-not-actually-saying-rape pregnancy post (1/5)
No. 391091
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>>391085If they were both on medications it indeed has consequences. I'm sure we will hear about it though.
No. 391313
>>391235One of the deleted Instagram posts was her reading excerpts from her diary where she describes coming back from a dissociative state with a torn ass.
>>391212I'm not sure, but I think she got pregnant from a seperate incident? It is possible though, if semen leaks from the butt to the vagina, there's potential for the sperm to survive and fertilize an egg.
No. 391320
>>391212> In the highest security psychiatric facility where nobody can get in and nobody can get out, where was the dollar store? Where was the store she stole from?
A fucking men. She has to be in a forensics unit so someone "doesn't take her" as she stated in a previous post and yet she can leave unsupervised to steal from a store and go to a dollar store? They put her in with all these dangerous men for her own safety? Yeahhhhh. She had tons of psych exams and they knew she was suggestable and obedient as she states and they're going to leave her alone with these men? Let her have a phone? Mmhmm. She's in with the criminally insane and she can have a journal with metal loops on it holding the page together? Sure, love.
No. 391340
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Try maybe reading once in a while. it is stayed several times. hospital transfers.
No. 391342
File: 1506144209023.png (1.75 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-09-22-22-19-42…)

if you need to talk shit, at least know your facts.
xoxo Kelly
No. 391371
>>391342Try maybe answering why a nurse would tell you to bathe all that "stuff" off as you put it. Why would you take a picture of condoms and odor remover? Who gets possibly assaulted and then takes a picture of condoms and takes a selfie?
I used to believe you about your blood transfusions. I was rooting for you to share your story and your new mental health platform hoping it would help others and be therapeutic for you. Now I see it for what it is. You come here to troll your own thread looking for attention about something that is heartbreaking if true. It's a slap in the face to real victims of assault. I'm done with this thread. You get off on this way too much and I sincerely think you should become a banned topic.
Sage for how many people has she claimed assaulted her and creeped on her now?
No. 391375
>>391235Why so fucking aggressive? No, I am not autistic. Are you blind and deaf?
I read that her ass was torn and I heard her say the same (her voice on video) - several times.
Saged for having to explain myself to someone who may have a small penis
No. 391383
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>>391371The picture was actually several weeks after. This was the solution to the pregnancy problem. If I could have a chance to finish before things are assumed? I think it's a bit odd that you can switch from a supporter to an anonymous nit picker. Like omg something struck me wrong so now I have to switch teams. You're probably done with this thread the way I am. …. back 5 min later. Just use your name like a normal person and say what you need to say. Ugggg I'm so done here. back in a few hours. minutes. I can't believe you just assaulted me!
No. 391451
We see, we read, we see you change your story. You post,you delete. Do you report your own posts too? Trying to confuse your followers?
You do lie, you impersonate others, you. You've confused yourself?
Your Insta post, the one where you say you're not pregnant, yet your Facebook version says you were in your second trimester. Why?
You explore abandoned asylums? If I'd been in was it 3 psychiatric units, the last place I'd want to go is an abandoned asylum. Did you say it was haunted? Why do that? Was it your home?
Many questions, undoubtedly will bring a mixture of answers.
Many of your previous supporters have now seen and are shocked by what you do with your social media. Many of your supporters are doing their best to live with the shitty illnesses that reduce their quality of life. When realizing that you're not who you claim to be, its fucking heartbreaking. It's sad that you can't see how they're feeling about the whole shit show. Do you have the ability to look at the bigger picture here? It's not all about you. It's affected a lot of other people.
If your recent posts are true, then that's fucking awful and I honestly feel for you. That should never happen in a place where you're supposed to be safe. I'm going to guess that at least 25% of your followers may have been sexually abused ~ it's a statistic for all women in general, not just your followers. It's a very emotionally charged triggering subject, maybe that's why your posts were reported.
Because Admin has shown that you were being dishonest, and because so many have witnessed it themselves, youve got a lot of doubters. You did that. You sent them here. Don't get pissy with them. Own it.
You should be able to tell your story, your version. On a new platform, a Blog like others have suggested?
I don't think you're a bad person, but using social media makes your life public. And the public are not stupid. We notice when things don't add up.
Be true to yourself, it makes life so much easier.
Saged for needing to speak up. Saged for feeling torn.
Saged for wanting her to move forward in an honest way that will help her and others too.
No. 391500
>>391320The psychiatric unit in my hospital has 16 beds, so not very big. It has two sets of locked doors that require a badge to get through. Patients do not come and go freely. Very, very infrequently, staff members will escort the lowest flight-risk patients - basically disabled or elderly patients - outside to smoke their nicotine sticks and get fresh air. And Kelly just left and went to the store, bought a pregnancy test with money they keep for her (?). And then went right back to the psycho facility to piss on it and show her nurse…
Kelly, maybe explain how they let you come and go on your own accord and people won't think you're a massive liar.
Also, sage for partial blogging because it's relevant and the last time I mentioned something about ~*me*~ someone reported it and I got banned for a day, haha.
No. 391528
File: 1506187577602.png (Spoiler Image,3.23 MB, 1440x2560, here's a little thing to brigh…)

>>391500>>391425ya. it's a mess. Its all wishy washy because it seemed like I was always pissing someone off. The pregnacy pic with my friend says she is and I'm not…. So that's confusing. I feel like shit for forgetting to put a
tw. I am incredibly dramatic and overly sensitive. but I'm not a liar. The hospital…? Ponoka? It was a short stay mainly maternity hospital. my dad who is an insanely talented artist grabbed at the opportunity to be a care taker. He had over 30 rooms that he could sharpen his skills with. I am also doing my best to live with my shitty illnesses. And I guess if people don't believe a word I say… not you… but the fact that the incredibly hard things I've endured are being exposed in a way to cause doubt… I feel super compelled to defend my self. It's a free country, so people can unfollow or block or what ever they need to do. But why this site? like I'm sorrry sorry if I caused you stress. Sometimes if someone is overwhelmed by me or my posts they will tell me. and then peace out. Either way, this webpage is full of lies and drama too… And seriously hurtful. As mentioned a few days ago, this isn't where I should feel free or expect support. I get it. this is a gossipy place for ppl to be able to vent or "investigate" scenarios. I know I've lost followers. but it's fine! I unfollow ppl too. I don't report my own posts, and you'll notice I rarely lash out at harsh commenters. I don't even report. Some people do report either my post or a shitty comment left on my post…. Ok different kinds of forums. And I really appreciate the support I do get on ig. And especially am glad if I can offer support. Tbh I have thought my mom was in here posting and sharing private info… I sure do hope it's just a mind fk. Thanks for being an unaveragly mature poster or farmer. what ever. I'm just going to go back to my little dairy farm and Idk get milked? And I am the best possible cat mom. he is one spoiled sir. But thanks for your bit. I'll be around>>391451 It's fine that you don't know the hospital I was in. I guess all my "self post" doctors notes were lies. No one tells the truth in B.C.. I understand that me fabricating entire hospitals is far more entertaining than learning about them.
No. 391643
>>391528>I rarely lash out at harsh commenters.Except you really do. There were a lot of munchausen comments before this thread, and what did you do? You acted like a toddler and posted them to your story or your main account to get attention and to have people pity you and feel sorry for you and for them to go attack that person. Also this isn't your blog. I don't care about all of that garbage you're writing. I just think it's pretty fucked up to say you became "involuntarily pregnant" and that he "took advantage of you" but then not call it rape, and then lying about having your breasts feel weird the day after intercourse. I sincerely hope you weren't raped, because it's an excruciatingly horrible thing to go through. I'd know, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I just also hope you don't continue making public accusations, because that's not okay. If you don't have proof, that's not okay, and it makes other rape victims have trouble telling anyone.
Sage for rage blogpost
No. 391701
>>391684Ah, Ye Olde Sybil Defence rears her ugly head: 'twasn't me but my evil alter.
Basically, she's LARPing tumblr DID.
No. 391902
>>391381Chompurrrs recently turned 4 years old? As a solution to an upsetting time that would make him 7, not 4?
Saged for nitpicking about a feline's identity.
No. 392074
>>391874Most psych units are the exact same, especially forensics, and especially anyone who’s at danger of being harmed, like why Kelly said she was placed inpatient for. Especially then.
>>392064>>392067This is bullshit. Thinly, “Not-Kelly-But-I-Really-Am-Kelly” veiled bullshit. Quit the fucking whiteknighting crap.
No. 392231
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>>391874A bit of information. For sure there are different policies in each country. A link if you want to see more.
No. 392659
you don't have a clue what you're talking about. followers lost?? no. I removed them. I'm sorry you are are left in the dark.
>>392295 meh
No. 392683
>>391528>It's a free country>countryErm, nope. It's the Internet. Ain't no borders around here love.
>>392667What are you talking about? Link/screenshot please.
No. 392725
>>392295 Kelly ~ you posted a pic of your kitty and claimed he was the solution to the "baby problem". You claim to have been pregnant in 2010. You, yourself, your voice reading from your journal reading out the date 2010. If the Chompurrrs was the solution just several weeks later it was still 2010. That was seven years ago. You have now posted your cat's identity details from 2013. Which story is true? Probably neither.
You wonder why people KNOW you're lying? Because you continually contradict everything you say. That's what happens when you tell so many lies ~ you forgot what you already said.
It must cause you much anxiety when trying to remember what you said and who you said it to.Or you just don't give a shit. Webs of lies come undone. It's not looking good.
I know so much more and there is no darkness to be left in. Meh! Trying to picture you scrolling through followers you want to ditch ~ lmfao
No. 392939
That was addressed to you. I input the wrong number ~ ya I made a mistake ~ but I acknowledge that I made a mistake an am owning it.
Ya! Meh!
No. 393199
>>392706If your motivation for doing something is to avoid "community guidelines", I think you should probably rethink your decision.
Oh, and, she's stating that her blog is "fictional"…
No. 393843
>>393373>>393256This is funny.That is actually my post.
No. 395528
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No. 395685
File: 1506830923510.png (307.03 KB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_2017-09-30-22-58-54…)

>If you aren't the one who shared my files or claimed to be a doctor that knows me… You are lucky. I don't need "admin" This is way beyond someone with hacking skills.So then I guess you wasted even more hospital resources and time when you had then look into the "privacy breach" huh?
Sage for and she wonders why the hospital staff isn't all sparkles and rainbows with her
No. 395705
>>395528If you’re bold enough to post that here then you’re bold enough to post that on instagram. Not on here. It’s the same thing as apologizing on anonymous. It doesn’t count. Or are you too embarrassed to let everyone know you’ve been lying to them and posting about yourself to get attention and too scared of the backlash from the storm you created?
>>395685This, to a fucking tee. I feel so bad for all the clinicians who genuinely care about her and try to help her when she comes in there crying and all of that. Can you imagine if they saw her throwing them under the bus, and then she admits to posting this stuff herself, note in hand in photo? God that’s so cruel.
No. 395735
>>395528At this point, Kelly, you may as well come entirely clean. Unburden yourself. Tell the truth about the autoexsanguination. Admit to bleeding yourself to induce anemia and susequently require blood transfusions. Admit what you have done, apologize, then seek help. You will feel better, and I pray that those who truly love you will stand by you through this trial and help you fix whatever it is that is broken inside you that would compel you to engage in this extreme behavior in the first place.
I,as just another anon, really hope you find some peace inside of yourself in time. But I truly believe that healing can only begin once the complete truth is told.
No. 395829
(Attempting to do this correct while seeing red)
Kelly, I have watched this entire shit show go down and have said nothing . I have watched you take on dozens of persona's, lie, manipulate, throw temper tantrums, exaggerate, hurt others, play the victim, cry wolf and most disgustingly potienty fuck up care for other people battling incrediably hard illnesses who are met with skeptical eyes because of people who do what they want, when they want , where they want and everyone else be damned like you. The Canadian health care system is no walk in the park, in fact your usually left to figure out a lot for yourself due to underfunding, understaffing and lack of specialists . You would state how the hospital was " 120% full" yet drain them of their time, their compassion, their fucking education so it suited your damn needs . You would up the ante and like fools we all wanted to help because we understand falling through the cracks , you preyed on the sympathy and kindness of people who are actually fucking sick . Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt you may have some minor health issues but don't we all? You catastrophized everything and I can't figure out if you even posses empathy or understand right from wrong , maybe it doesn't matter to you because any attention is what you seek.
Stepping aside for a minute. Your medical records are yours to do with what you please , make flyers for all I care but you came on here crying how far this was , how anything but this, begging for them to be taken down . People in this forum were horrified and even said this is too much and washed their hands of your charade yet still villiazed as you continued to screen shot and say " look at what they are doing to me!!" But no , you fucking did this to yourself?! The crying on cue? The begging and throwing little hints to try and keep this breathing at who could be out to hurt you like this .. Your roomies, your friends, doctors, nurses, hospitals ,people who should have been left unnamed yet you showed blatent disregard for their privacy to further be the victim . You literally called out a recovery house and a hospital saying they were behind this . People trying to save themselves and those trying to save others ( risking careers) for what? I'm serious what was this for? What was your end goal? Did you achieve it?
You expierenced doubt from doctors and how those with out of the ordinary and chronic illnesses are treated and made a joke out of it. You took others pain and dx for sympathy and every doctor or nurse who has dealt with you won't ever look at someone who's chronically ill again the same. You added to their struggle , you further created stigmatization . You didn't just fuck up the health care systems trust in you but jeopardized future care for thousands of people .
I am so appalled and … no there is no word for the extreme dissapointment and disgust you have created .
People could have liked you for you, they could have supported you regardless of what mental health issues you overcame or were working on, you could have helped others , instead you choose to set off social media bombs to see how far your wreckage could reach.
Seek the appropriate mental health care you need.
Stop , just stop this fucking sick game you e created and seem to love adding fuel to
Apologize publicly , not just on here but on sites where the thousands of us manipulated deserve to know the truth , the whole truth .
Holding a piece of paper without a look of remorse or anything isn't brave by the way, we all see it for what it was , fuel to your fire.
No. 395835
>>395528Kelly, well done. You're doing the right thing. If you now post that on Instagram maybe you can move forward. You will lose the trust of many but your real friends will encourage you to draw a line and go forward. Just do it. What do you have to lose? A few more fans. Some fake friends.
Everybody else here, why not show some encouragement? Posting her confession took guts. Not wk'ing, just trying to find a small positivity in everything that she did wrong.
Saged for being human and knowing that we've all fucked in the past.
No. 396044
>>395916Except posting it on here isn’t an apology, especially if a lot of her followers don’t come on here. Some of them follow her blindly, and they’re being deceived behind their backs, like
>>395829 wrote. It’s not a real apology when you do it on an anonymous image board. This is beyond sickening that some of you are so quick to forgive her when she didn’t actually formally apologize. She admitted what she did on a piece of paper and posted it on an anonymous image board. She didn’t apologize for all of the people she hurt by lying. Posting a random image of you admitting to posting about yourself for attention is not an apology.
No. 396106
>>396075Daily entertainment? I can only assume that you have not read all of the posts on this thread or the purpose of it. There are so many people who deserve apologies. So many were duped. So many were mocked. So many were trashed. So many were accused of awful things. Medical careers were jeopardized. People were impersonated. Medics details were disclosed …the list goes on and on …It obviously didn't bother you or affect you. Holding up a piece of paper is a good start but it does NOT make everything okay.
It is NOT entertainment. There is no enjoyment in discovering that somebody has been dishonest about so many things. Being encouraged to come to this forum in the hope that it's just nonsense but instead witnessing the dishonesty, and seeing it magnified. It's gut wrenching for so many of us who are here, in particular those of us who were once part of the Instagram community.
Fake "Spoonies" can Fork Off.
No. 396485
>>396075>Please stop talking about me, yes, I got the negative attention I wanted but now it’s Too Much. I fake apologized and everything. >Oh and it’s totally not me, Kelly, it’s her neighbour’s sister’s cousin’s brother’s dog who works as a nurseFTFY, again.
>>396434You can’t post links in instagram comments.
No. 396538
>>396075It would be nice if Kelly tried to heal. It would be great if she retreated from public attention and got help. It won't happen. I'm unsure what would be gained by continuing to talk about her here now that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt what she did, but no one here should interpret that confession as Kelly ceasing this sort of behavior or even truly owning what she did. She just got backed against a wall. If she doesn't go radio silent for a while until she gets antsy for more attention, the circumstances of her apology will be different to everyone she speaks of it to - she was on painkillers, she was bullied into it, her blood loss made her thinking fuzzy. She will attempt to explain it away.
People like Kelly seldom stop even after being exposed. If she does go silent for a while, she will pop up again somewhere faking a disease but because of this catastrophe as well as becoming known to the medical community where she lives, she'll likely do it online in anonymous groups until her inconsistencies out her as a liar again.
Kelly's apology means nothing no matter where she posts it. It would be good if everyone who knows her found out about her deception but this confession does not signal the end of this sort of behavior for Kelly nor does it in any way mean she is contrite or willing to change.
No. 396624
>>396064I know the “not-Kelly Kelly” game is fun, but I wrote that post. You can have admin show my data if you want. I live in the US in a little state on the complete opposite side of the country from BC.
Here’s why I don’t believe she can redeem herself: she could have put that photo on both her IG and Facebook and share that revelation with people who actually know her (the people she convinced she was hacked), because it means pure shit here. She “randomly” decided to post it when activity in this thread had ceased for two whole days? Nope, she just doesn’t want us to be done with her because she can’t live without the attention. And look how it worked!
She’s trash, and I’m out.
No. 397766
>>397635This is definitely not the place to try and drum up sympathy for Kelly.
The point is not what those behaviours do or dont mean, the point is that once again she is not even remotely considering the other people that her actions are having an impact on.
No. 397800
File: 1507127882169.jpg (41.76 KB, 770x887, JC.jpg)

>>397793>Spend years abusing the empathy of others>Soak up scarce resources because you get off on the attention>Destroy your life through nearly four decades of self inflicted lunacy>Lies finally catch up with you>Hurr I'm suicidal don't talk about itSympathy is not a function of consequences.
No. 397803
>>397793Not joking, or dismissing, simply stating that this AN ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD is not the place to be bawbawing about the feelings of someone who has done some truly awful things and abused the trust of thousands of people.
Mental illness does not mean that you are suddenly totally absolved of all accountability and responsibility for your actions.
Take your WKing elsewhere.
No. 397826
>>397819WK stands for White Knight, e.g. coming to someone's rescue like a knight on a charger.
Kelly is not a damsel in distress, however.
>I watched her live last night and was weirded out by the way she looked. Like, she was twitchy, and not answering anyone's questions… she'd be like "yeah, well; it's…. it's cause…." and then she'd just stop talking. I felt uncomfortable. Not gonna Lie.Sounds like she is medicated in some way, but it sounds pretty unnerving.
No. 397900
According to kelly's insta story video today,
>>395528 that was not an apology.
I guess she doesn't care about lying and misleading all her 17k followers, friends, and family. Very classy!
No. 397928
>>397900It wasn't an apology. She said in a blog comment reply she was just scared of getting caught.
It's so stupid that Kelly keeps posting pics etc to make people think she's getting blood, when she hasn't in reality had a transfusion in months. But hey, gotta keep up the super special drama.
No. 398195
>>398176Agreed. I recognized it was Kelly too. Who else uses the word "Ya".
A hacker? Bullshit. The truth has surfaced,
Didn't she previously use this forum to attack others on different threads?
No. 398320
>>397906In her newest live
(where she gets REALLY upset because EVERYTHING ends up on here…. Oh wait, that's right because kelly posts it! Ha!)
she says it was because of the legal situation mentioned here
>>395685 No. 398327
>>398320Can someone explain the Legal Situation please? I'm not sure what's going on.
saged for being a dumbanon
No. 398734
>>398494No one here is responsible for Kelly's feefees. I really despise it when people play the "you caused me to attempt to anhero" game. No one can make another person feel a certain way. It's a choice. My father tried to pull the suicide card when he got caught cheating on my mother. When you act like an asshole other people have a right to react how they feel that they need to. Sorry if you don't like it, but it doesn't give you the right to then bawwbaww when you get treated like an asshole inkind, and then manipulate those around you by crying suicide. It's a further manipulation and just makes you more of a dick. Get help Kelly, get off the interwebs and the bad feelings will dissipate. No one is making you come here and get The Sads because we farmers are reacting to your wretched behavior. Furthermore it will give us nothing to talk about, and your pathetic drama will cease to play out here. I'm sorry, but my life experiences have made me callous to people who act abhorrently and then manipulate those around them with the threat of suicide because the victims of their disgusting behavior have a negative reaction to their loathsome actions.
TL;DR: fuck off Kelly, you don't get to cry suicide when victims of your bad behavior have a negative reaction to your bad behavior.
No. 398782
>>398775She has two threads, and 90% of them are from not-her, with the same ip address and everything, right? No one here is saying anything about her that she hasn’t already posted on her
public profile (yes it’s still public). There’s a difference between asking valid questions, someone saying “I don’t like when this person does that”, and someone straight up bullying someone. Get a grip. If the internet is too hurtful, delete the account, or just change up what you’re posting, or limit the information you share. It’s not that difficult. Other people on here have done the exact same thing and have only been vaguely mentioned again. But if you want to keep a public profile with 17.5k followers to share your deepest darkest secrets on it with your real name attached, that’s YOUR choice. Someone even recommended she get a diary, and what did she do? She decided to start sharing her actual diary on her public instagram with her deepest darkest struggles. To each their own I guess but I don’t want the world knowing that kind of stuff about me.
No. 399093
>>398775You may want to check out of the bad stuff was from her. She loves to play victim… Always the victim. When this site was down, she went over to KF to get the victim attention over there. As soon as it was back up, she pretty quickly came back over here and wasn't seen on there again. I hope she gets help but she won't. She's too busy enjoying the attention of people like you.
No. 399387
>>399098Most of the stuff on here has been posted by her publicly, need I remind you of her claims that Karis society, her roommate, her sister, and an actual doctor from KGH or whatever made this thread? No? Okay how about her posting on her public instagram about how a nurse made her feel like she was lying so she left the hospital AMA? How about when she said on her public instagram that her doctor wasn’t taking her seriously with her allergic reactions to blood and thus was essentially being incompetent? Right, because
we wrote that. No, I don’t agree with people talking shit about her appearance because that’s fourth grade childishness, and I don’t agree that people take things that far, but
she posted that other very private medical information publicly under her real name to 17.5 thousand people, and then tried to throw other people under the bus by claiming it was them when admin linked it back to her ip address, aligned with posts that she responded as herself.
No. 399673
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No. 399674
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No. 400005
File: 1507436316424.png (133.46 KB, 1080x629, Screenshot_2017-10-07-21-39-09…)

Whenever people say oh it is okay because she was stressed over being called fake I can't help but look at this post. She posted pics of court documents, abuse pictues etc and says she posted her "medical documents" to prove her illnesses real. What did those other leaked documents prove exactly?
No. 400048
>>399330I said one thing about my own experiences in that statement. ONE. I'm sorry you're on the rag anon but I honestly think it's time to take the tampon out.
Sage for no1curr
No. 400706
>>400005My thought exactly. How did her psych notes, prostitute receipt, pregnancy pics, etc, prove her blood disorder?
The actual truth is she loved/s the attention. That's why she did it
No. 400961
>>400929You missed the point being made by
>>399995. I can't be assed to trawl through all of Kellys posting here but she said something about wanting the attention at hospital like it was her family. If I remember correctly she admitted wasting their time and sucked up the attention. She posted so much shit, she was probably pretending to be one of the doctors, or both.
I feel sure that nobody disses nurses. They are hugely appreciated and crucial in helping patients and often understand more than doctors. There are many people from different walks of life here on this thread ~ Doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, patients ..etc etc. There are qualified people here who could diagnose the condition and there are unqualified everyday guys who could also make a diagnosis. You do not need to be in the same room as someone to know what's wrong with them.
A doctor, any speciality doctor would NOT miss fibroids. It's NOT possible to miss when a patient needs blood. It's so fucking basic. A patient presents with severe anaemia ~ it's obvious that blood is being lost. The first questions are about menstrual cycle. No doctor could or would ignore that.
Btw, hello Kelly.
No. 401115
File: 1507584535748.png (160.05 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_2017-10-09-16-22-32…)

Drops the bomb on her followers that she lied about being hacked etc…. Then changes her account to act like it's her fucking cat running it so she doesn't have to deal with the fallout. Priceless
No. 401255
>>400929>you cnt just turn that off because your shift is over. Sorry but what? You
do turn it off when your shift is over because you are ethically bound to do so, it’s what they teach you in medical school nearly immediately, and it also makes you burn out very quickly if you take that mental stuff home with you. As medical staff, you get hundreds of people in the ER, constantly; it’s a revolving door of patients and their stories (a lot of which are very sad). While you may connect with someone, you are a professional. Your job is to find the source of the problem (ie. the source of a bleed, the source of vomiting, the source of a low neutrophil count, etc), not to love them, baby them, or adopt them as lover or family. They are not your family, they are your patients, and there is a major difference. It’s extremely unprofessional and unethical to get attached to patients. Any first year student would know that. Fuck, any sane normal person would know that. It doesn’t take a medfag, or an actual medical staff to realize that. Then again I’m not surprised to see this in this thread, because as
>>400961 pointed out, this response bears similarities to what Kelly has previous written here
>>378703>The hospital felt safe and likei had family.>I just wanted some 1 to care if I live or die.>Its not working because I have to want to live too.>O dont have much in my life so my nurses felt like a family. I made my original point stating that rushing to hospital to seek a ~family~ does nothing, it doesn’t fix the problem. And if you think that nurses and medical staff are there to baby you and make you feel loved and cherished I have news for you. They are being nice because otherwise they can get fired for being nasty and/or speaking their mind, and at the end of the day, they get paid to take care of you and have their own actual family to go home to. If you sincerely think that medical staff are there otherwise, because they care outside of a “I want to save lives” sense, you need to go talk to someone, because it’s against medical law for any medical staff to act outside of the law in a romantic or familial sense when they aren’t family. That goes for anyone who thinks they need to seek out hospital (or any professional) because they’re lonely, or want love/affection, and because they get treated nicely by said professional.
No. 401275
>>401255Thank you for finding the post I was referring to ~ having just read it again I've noticed that she actually admits to faking by saying
"I haven't wasted blood in 3 months".
>>401236The Blog is private now. You have to create a WordPress account and then request an invite to Kelly's blog 'ahem,cough' sorry, Chompurs blog.
No. 401317
>>401313What are you asking exactly?
Kelly's the only one who posted her own patient info.
No. 401370
The only pretentiousness here, is hers. She was playing a game.
Hang on, your best friend is in hospital yet you come here when she needs you?
Bullshit. Hello Kelly.
No. 401782
>whatever she did wrongUhm, lie to her friends and family about being hacked by an anonymous entity that shared her personal psychiatric medical files on the internet. Blaming several different individuals, including physicians, nurses, and members of the psychiatric care facility she lived/lives at.
>isn’t worse than what you guys are doing hereSpeculating about and exchanging information concerning the supposed medical condition of an online personality.
Yeah, we’re SO much worse.
No. 401835
>>401821You eluded to suicide when you wrote
>>401334 by saying that you were “now being treated in hospital”, and “do not pretend that wasn't the goal”, and “you are so very responsible for this”. Stop evading and pretending to be other people. We know it’s you and you admitted it on your profile. What happened to you being “genuinely sorry” and “not bringing it up again” and essentially stopping this behavior? Or did what I say about nurses not being a patient’s family hurt your feelings?
No. 401837
File: 1507694929803.jpg (666.29 KB, 2000x1600, photostudio_1507694538618.jpg)

>>381989>>381989>>381742>>381742>>381731>>381692>>381383>>381191>>401782try using smaller words that you understand. speculation? Not even fucking close. Accusing is what happens here.
sincerely not kelly
No. 401863
>>401837It’s literally speculation. Read the definition over again.
Without concrete evidence. None of us can physically prove that Kelly is doing this stuff to herself. But she did admit to posting her own medical records, pretending to be other people (forgery) like clinical professionals and roommates, and openly posted her accusations that her doctors were being unprofessional and unwilling to help her (mainly her hematologist, a nurse at the hospital, and that it was written in her files or something like that). Those last bits she actually posted publicly on her instagram. But okay.
>sincerely not kellysurejan.jpeg
No. 402230
File: 1507757039492.png (1.38 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-10-11-14-13-53…)

Chompurr'r's rrr isn't a fraudulent sir. There were 3 cats. Being with Munch was very meaningful to me. Chompurrrs is infact 4. Things wouldn't seem so exciting for you if you oh I don't know. READ THE WHOLE POST.
Sincerely Notkelly
No. 402394
>>401241It's public again.
I have a feeling she's writing her 2010 journal entries now in 2017.
No. 403665
>>403660I think if you manually put the url in your search engine you can get in without requesting. I didn't request or start an account.
That should do it. Her "fictional" journals are insane. Are we going to post pictures of it? Might be interesting, but fucked in the head worse than what we've seen.
No. 403982
File: 1508042689385.jpg (706.96 KB, 1494x2656, wp-1507606870376842016639.jpg)

>>403977It's public.
It reads like schizophrenic ranting. She claims she was forced to eat a dead dog… and the texture of mashed potatoes reminds her of dog meat somehow, which is the biggest clue that she didn't eat a dog.
No. 403984
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No. 404432
>>403977>>403980>>404018>>404060>>404109 (Hi Kelly, nice obvious whiteknighting and self promoting “I totes have MS!”)
I guaran-fucking-tee that these are all Kelly self posting. I really wish admin would confirm. This shit is getting so fucking old. We get it, you’re fucking obsessed with yourself. Go tell your therapist about it. What ever happened to quitting throwing yourself under the bus, whiteknighting yourself, all while pretending to be someone else each post? You apologized and continued the exact same behavior.
No. 404591
>>404549Have you read everything in her blog? There's a video that shows all 14/15 journals - with dates. I'm with
>>404109. I'd like to see more. What if someone else has been bleeding her?
No. 404638
File: 1508177581139.png (743.14 KB, 1006x1244, Screenshot_2017-10-16-11-09-38…)

>>404518 I think it's safe to assume these were written on the dates shown in the entries.
No. 404642
>>404638Jesus Christ Kelly.
Which of those is the one that says "ecojot" on the bottom?
No. 404649
>>403982>>403984>>404638The two pages posted say ecojot. Remember she was still journaling when she moved to a drug recovery home.
>>404642 "not even addicted"
No. 404694
>>404591>What if someone else has been bleeding her?Wut.
This is where you're taking all this, all the pages from your "journals," Kelly? You haven't been draining your own blood: you've been the innocent victim of an actual vampire, a latter day Mina Harker? Well, I guess it is the time of year for spooky stories. Do carry on. Did he sparkle?
No. 404739
>>404694Oh my god, you're right!
Kelly's leading up to,
"Paul found me. He's been bleeding me. He forced me to post my medical records on Lolcow."
No. 404765
File: 1508191372719.jpg (4.16 MB, 2985x4162, IMG_20171016_160056.jpg)

I just found Paul's diary in a dumpster behind the YWCA.
No. 404829
>>404426Remember too that there is a history of appropriating the stories of others and making them her own, so take whatever you read with a grain (or boulder) of salt.
It's possible the entries are fabricated and/or not written when they appear to be.
No. 404860
>>404845Screenshots, motherfucker. This is an image board.
>>404834Why not? Was he never caught? Did you never take a photo of him? Did no one else ever see him?
>>404834 No. 404884
>>404870>content://media/external/file/55954…is not a link, Kelly Ronahan.
And I am not typing in the long-ass URL in the image.
Post actual screenshots, or fuck right off.
No. 404939
>>404884You lazy fucker. If you can read the post by
>>404638 and see the image posted by
>>404638 what's the fucking problem? If you want to read the actual comments made on that particular Facebook photo, go and find it yourself. What did your last slave die of? In the time taken for you to post your angry message, you could've researched it for yourself. Don't be a such a lazy fucker.
An image board, a gossip site, a meeting place for trolls. Whatever it is, I march to the beat of my own drum, not yours. Keep on stomping those feet and get over your tantrum.
(read the rules) No. 405318
File: 1508289953193.png (165.32 KB, 365x287, kelly.png)

>Why do people call me Kelly-Jo. That isn't my name. Paul calls me that. It is only on my health card. And that all changed when I was 13 anyway.
No. 405353
>>40532615 journals written in 1 year means you'd run out of ink many times. Sometimes you have black pens, other times you may have blue pens. Does the ink color really matter?
Saged for pointing out the obvious
No. 405378
Kelly, why don't you just tell your story on your blog instead of doing this meandering bullshit? It's incredibly hard to follow. Invest in a scanner or something so your journal pages are readable. have that one and it works great. If you can't afford it, start a GoFundMe. I'm sure your loyal followers will help you pay for it.
No. 405427
File: 1508319928993.png (171.19 KB, 1074x959, 2017-10-18 04.38.44.png)

When asked why she's phobic of going to the hospital she normally goes to she replied this.
It's not because she slandered them and the doctors and nurses there…or because she was a no call/no show to appointments… Or because she involved one of their privacy officers to look here for posting information about her. Nope it's because someone there "talked about her here". Mmhmm. Did you forget it was one of your impersonations, Kelly?
No. 406201
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>>405615Hey totallynotKelly, I think you missed one.
No. 406219
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>>405768She looks like Andre Rieu.
Has she had a stroke?
No. 406648
Sorry I addressed the forum as "ladies". I didn't mean to hurt your feefees. I certainly wouldn't want to give you a reason to add a "tiger stripe" to your "difficult journey", anon.
Sage for painful eye rolling.
No. 406698
>>406648An advanced troll? Lol, yes you are. Haha. No feefees here to hurt but thanks anyway, it's not like you to apologize. Get your own tiger stripes, jealous much?
Saged for eye-rolling at the troll who can't type properly
No. 408933
File: 1508877623054.png (Spoiler Image,771.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-24-13-33-15…)

>>408265>>408384No this is absolutely fake. Kelly get in to a psych ward. This is normal. I reported almost every blog entry. Get help.
No. 409095
>>409065Was Paul a partner?
I get so confused by this non linear timescale
No. 409487
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This is really confusing. How many dogs did you two kill?
No. 409488
File: 1508993642770.png (85.64 KB, 689x539, paullo.png)

I'm Paul. Kelly, bring me Chompy.
No. 409510
>>409362It’s like any person on this goddamn website and it drives me insane. 3/4 of this so-called inspirational spoonie community is wallowing in one’s own shit for the attention. There’s no other discernable reason why someone would continuously bring up traumatic information like this, at all. It’s the same with crying and uploading a photo of it.
>>409488Oh yeah, me too. I’m also Mrs. Doubtfire. Good lord, making flippant sarcastic comments like this will lead to a full scale irrational meltdown. Also, what the fuck? She answered yes when that person asked if she had anything to do with Paul still.. What is going on? I am curious as to why she’s elluding to being held prisoner by what she has described as a masochistic sociopathic abuser and serial dog killer. This is very reminiscient of goldenphoenixgirl on tumblr.
No. 409646
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This is Actual Kelly. I just wanted to ask… What book is only a few paragraphs long. And paulfags are funny to me. Believe it, don't. I am doing this under no duress. It's for me, so it's going to be dramatic and mysterious.
No. 409814"I'm dying, and I don't have my phone, this isn't going to be public at all."
What the fuck, Kelly?
No. 409984
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>>409961Said the cockeyed fraud with the striped arms she uses to waste blood with.
No. 409989
>>409961Kelly, I used to think your munchie antics were kind of crazy funny-haha. Not anymore. You are sick and cruel in your manipulations of the kindness and emotions of those who care about you. We all know your health problems and need for blood is a sham. Be a woman and fess up, and please, get some major help.
No. 410021
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Waiting patiently for another angry video response
No. 410539
>>410338Oh my god, rest assured I’ve said this as well, but I’m not Kelly. But I do find it ironic that Kelly’s accusing me of being disgusting after what I said here
>>409875 (manipulating friends) is true. No Kelly, that’s not just to you, but to anyone who thinks it’s cool to play mindgames and tell stories for the dramatic aspects and the hell of it. That includes any “spoonie” who lies (about anything, and yes, you fucking lied about posting on here) in this community. Get a fucking grip.
No. 410658
>>410631It was short, only two points really,
1. Chompurs has 3 r's, spell it correctly.
2. Why are you all on lolcow, what's your individual reasoning/excuse?
No. 410691
>>410658I am not spelling her stupid cat's name with three Rs.
That makes no sense.
No. 410738
>>410733For the record, I don't think the cat is stupid, but I 100% feel the way you chose to spell his name is.
The irony is that you don't seem to understand that you don't have to read this. YOU made yourself a public figure. YOU sought out more and more attention through the media (social and otherwise). YOU opened yourself and your life up to speculation. YOU egg on the board when conversation peters out. Why would any of us consider ourselves bullies? No one is forcing you to be here, Kelly. You created this shit show yourself, if you don't like it that's just too fucking bad.
Sage for repeating things that have been said too many times to no avail.
No. 410777
>>410733Penticton. Prince S. Mental health.
Silk milk. Mean.
Chompurrrrs. Now.
No. 410941
File: 1509212335980.gif (809.28 KB, 498x280, tenor.gif)

for like um 50th so ya
No. 411233
>>411175Kelly posted on her blog about eating a dog (no poetfaggery intended), noticed the thread hadn’t moved so she made quite a few haggard attempts at getting the thread moving (see:
>>407411 &
>>408163, honestly it’s hard to tell which ones are her at this point because I’m pretty sure there were a string of posts by her made to look like there were multiple people here, also see the paulfags and momfags, similar to the nursefag and roommatefag) and then she posted some really fucked up stuff related to eating dogs and being allegedly forced to eat (a) dog(s?), which lead to her flipping her lid at us again, rapid/fire posting in here sperging out as well as a few spergy videos, then claiming she was leaving the thread and never returning, and now it seems like she’s saying all of that dog/paul stuff was just a fabricated story she came up with because she said here
>>409646>I am doing this under no duress. It's for me, so it's going to be dramatic and mysterious.So we’re back to Kelly’s previous antics of making pretend people talk in the thread for the hell of it.
No. 411245
File: 1509247366342.gif (602.45 KB, 498x290, tenor.gif)

>>410879Mom? Are you really her mom? I'm sure you're not, but let's roll with it for a second. If I were making up sick tales of abuse and posting them online for all the world to see, in addition to wasting precious blood in a sooper-Munchie bid for attention, I could DEFFO see my mother reacting in the same way. She would call me out for all the damage I was inflicting upon myself and others. Please, I want to hear more from "Mom". And Kelly, I promise you that if you admit to the blood-letting (autoexsanguination), and tell us why and how, with full disclosure of your medical charade, that I will never post in this thread again. Only then would I ever have even a modicum of respect for you. Do it. Tell the tale. The jig is up. Grow some ovaries and tell the truth for once.
No. 411271
>>411244Nice deflecting and derailing. I’m sure you can answer that one yourself.
>>411245Hi Kelly. Your mom isn’t here. Stop pretending to be her, and stop pretending she’s actually here. She’s not, just like paul, your roommate, staff from that hospital, your roommate, etc. aren’t here.
No. 411278
>>411271Did you actually READ my post? I'm not Kelly you nitwit. I want her to admit to the blood-letting. Your paranoia is showing anon.
No. 411751
File: 1509331829551.png (112.99 KB, 241x275, 1505377562479.png)

Does anyone have the full size version of the bottom two photos?
I noticed something interesting that could help to prove her case, but I need the full photos to circle it before I say anything else.
No. 411795
File: 1509338424413.png (391.03 KB, 1080x1806, Calmdown1.png)

Kelly is getting weirdly aggressive, and with someone who seems to believe her.
No. 411807
Halloween is nearing…The vampires are knocking at your door…Oh No…It's Kelly wanting more blood and attention.
>>411571Kelly originally posted them whilst accusing "the hacker". Ask her. Or are you Kelly? When she pretended she was hacked I screencappt everything from that "meandthemr" IG account. If I can find them I'll share them.
No. 411828
File: 1509345218736.png (1.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-10-29-23-29-59…)

ohmyfuq. I'm am truly dense. Fibistral…
No. 411829
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>>411795>>411751>>411751wrong. none of those are allergies. in fact the pictures from before I even knew what a blood transfusion was. And the blog commenter wrote here earlier today
No. 411884
>>411834The point is that you don’t have to be like this. We’ve pointed that out to you so many times. Make use of your life. Do things that are meaningful to you and provide you with happiness. But it’s like every single time that the thread goes quite there comes posts like these
>>407411 which are so fucking clearly you. Stop posting. Stop coming to this thread and stop posting your medical and mental health business online for attention; get an actual journal for that. Stay on your track with your health. I don’t believe you posted this thread, but you definitely contributed to the thread by continuously seeking it out, pretending to be other people posting here, and using it for more attention online by amping up the “people are hacking me” stuff. We only have one life and that’s it, then it’s over; use your life for good.
No. 411936
>>411829"the blog commenter wrote here earlier today"
How could you possibly know if the blog poster posted here? You're getting paranoid.
No. 412007
>>411834You’ll never prove shit because you have nothing to prove. It’s like you’ve been going through the stages of grief and starting over when you get to #4. You’ve denied exposing yourself for the fraud that you are, you became angry when you were called out on your bullshit, you told so many lies you couldn’t keep up with them so you attempted to bargain with us - our sympathy in exchange for your admission of guilt in bullying yourself, and now you’re depressed because you didn’t get the asspats you thought you’d receive for being such a brave little spoonie and coming clean. And this is the cycle - deny, freak out, plead, cry. Surely each one of these will catch a few of us here, a few of us there. I can’t speak for the others, but I can tell you that your attempts at “being understood” don’t work with me. I think you are a deceitful, manipulative child, that your lying is pathological and you won’t be satisfied until you’ve convinced everyone of the extravagant stories you’ve told. Is that too harsh?
No. 412017
File: 1509389540370.png (2.02 MB, 1277x1417, hidden2.png)

Do you have any more photos of these injuries from other angles? I think this is what you need to prove the abuse was happening.
No. 412020
>>411834>I don't know why I'm so desperate to be understood because you have a compulsive need for attention. you're not getting enough attention from your self-bleeding, so you come here and shitpost your heart out to get the attention you can't live without. If you were 'so desperate to stay out of here' … you would. close the fucking page, how hard is that.
I personally don't give a shit about any of this (other than the abuse of blood that should be used for actual medical problems, not to satisfy a factitious disorder), I just check in every once in a while to see if you've been sectioned yet.
No. 412067
>>412017You’ve done this before
>>395528. Stop posting it and pretending it’s someone else. Stop self posting. You wonder why people don’t give you the pity you so desperately cling to? You yourself admitted not once, not twice, but many times that you posted in here about yourself, and in negative light. Talk about a massive social media addiction.
>>412020This! Thank you for mostly saying what I couldn’t quite articulate. To add, I check on here to see how long the thread dies before Kelly continues to throw more onto the thread or post shit like this
>>407411 or this
>>410021, which sadly happens quite frequently.
No. 412167
>>406329I'm guessing she's angling for a psychosis or DID defense to justify her behavior. The face thing she's been doing is in preparation for an upcoming instagram post she'll make about tardive dyskinesia (as a side effect of her AP – in her case it's crippling, I'm sure), I guarantee. It was pretty recently that she posted a video of herself spazzing out on the couch so her idiot followers could dx her with dystonia, iirc. The journal entries are part of the package.
I get the sense from the psych discharge papers she posted in the previous thread that she's also a psych munchie. Whoever was managing her case indicated that sometimes she'd go into a dissociative state during her therapy sessions, thereby prolonging the session and demanding extra attention and care from the psych nurses. There was something else about her becoming
triggered and acting hypervigilant under observation or directly in their care (i.e. during therapy), though it wasn't written from an accusatory perspective. Pretty easy subjective experiences to fake, nevertheless.
Nothing about being put into the snowflake protection program they apparently host in the fucking forensics unit. Nothing about having ever been assaulted
while in psychiatric care. Just a girl who diagnosed herself with PTSD (and C-PTSD) in lieu of BPD, which her psychiatrist was receptive to because of the absurd history of abuse she fabricated. Makes me wonder if psych professionals aren't generously giving C-PTSD diagnoses to clearly borderline patients.
Anyway, frankly, this bitch is such a supreme cow that I wouldn't be surprised if she got pregnant for the sole purpose of having a "traumatic" abortion. It seems pointless to even suggest something like that in this thread since it sounds like an accusation not-Kelly would sling, but I'll take the risk. The magnitude of her lies even has me doubting the validity of her "twin", who is demonstrably real but must be just as loony as Kelly to not have cut contact with her years ago.
>>381123Use of excessive commas (and lack of commas where appropriate), free-floating tildes, non-greentext replies that are nonetheless formatted like poetry, a distinctively retarded use of exclamation points, ellipses with more than three dots, starting multiple sentences with "And", phony newfagging, a poor grasp of semi-colons, random double spaces – all point to Kelly self-posting, IMO. Just my field notes. Mentioning these patterns really doesn't matter since she genuinely can't emulate average intelligence.
I know all the cows graze their threads in delight but I almost would like to see this one die, if only for the satisfaction of removing a vital source of her attention.
Kelly, you're a histrionic loser who will only be remembered for being a manipulative, lying cunt. Fuck off already.
No. 412206
>>412007Legit. ????
Can we stop giving this borderline cow attention? We’re just feeding into her need for attention and there’s no real milk here.
No. 412245
It's going to get milkier. I feel it in my blood. Is her cat safe? She wrote about killing and eating a dog, and she mentioned a dead cat. Did she eat that aswell?
>>412167Is the snowflake protection program for the patient's own safety from harming themselves rather than safety from a pretend abuser? She's already claimed dyskinesia, it's not a new thing. She always twitched a bit in her blood service videos. You doubted twins ~ haha, imagine them being triplets..
Anyone know where the mom fits into this batshit craziness?
No. 412271
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>>412261>not made upyes. because yet again its kelly lashing out. angry that bawing didnt have the effect she wanted. big surprise
No. 412279
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No. 412280
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The black eye might have been real, but where did the cuts on her forehead go?
I do believe she was abused, but not to the extent she claims.
No. 412301
File: 1509432014727.png (120.62 KB, 447x195, fake2.png)

Christ all fucking mighty.
No. 412302
Actually, I’ll add
>>412271 to the list too. OT as fuck, and maybe I’m the retarded one, but what in the hell is bawing? I’ve seen it numerous times in this thread, usually with Kelly-type speech as referenced/explained by
>>412167 but what the hell is bawing? And why is that same not-Kelly person always saying that and feefees? We get it, you have the intellectual capacity of a grain of sand, and can only talk in toddler language, but find some new vocabulary.
Sage for off topic literary rage
No. 412466
File: 1509466926779.jpeg (201.61 KB, 1188x1184, B238D81B-2884-4A17-A382-03A4DF…)

>>412280So, I decided to recreate this photo a little. Kelly above, me below.
Notice the dimpling in my chin - this is from my extending my jaw outward. You can see dimpling in hers as well.
And the swelling on one side with an absence of swelling in the lips? I thought that was strange, as one would assume that being hit in the face in that area would surely result in a swollen lip. Put my tongue to one side and voilà!
No. 412778
So funny though, but the accent
No. 412884
File: 1509538143099.png (1.21 MB, 1242x2208, CB9E4CC8-855E-48D0-9D85-CE1C80…)

>>412778You’re not funny, Kelly. You’re pathetic. Also, look what YouTube recommended for me! Right below your videos. Ahahaha.
No. 413048
>>412778Kelly, just get some help. Stay away from the internet. You need intensive, long term mental health care or you will be living this miserably for the rest of your life. Any medical problems you genuinely have, get actual help for those too
without interfering with the treatment. You're making your life a living hell just for brief moments of affection from strangers. Whatever lolcow has gotten wrong about your life – it doesn't matter, there's no point in coming back to this thread every few hours just to work yourself into a meltdown. I think people in your life will have more respect and admiration for you if you overcome your BS and make amends with the people you've manipulated and lied to. You're 30-something for christ's sake.
I'm not going to post in this thread anymore because you've definitely gone of the deep end and I don't want to contribute to you spiral. I wish you well.
Sorry farmers for the extremely faggy white knighting.
No. 413074
>>412928It took me maybe two minutes to take that photo, crop it, and write that post. You spent time gathering materials, making a video, and uploading it to YouTube.
I’ve got a full-time job. How about you?
No. 413282
File: 1509588570196.png (855.6 KB, 1200x1739, Screenshot_2017-11-01-22-02-36…)

This may not be relevant currently but I was creeping through her sisters ig and found this with her birthday on it.
No. 413424
>>413366We all know that there was no hacker and she has admitted it. It is indeed the Kelly show hence the thread name and content. Admin/Farmhands don't have to prove who is posting what. Admin helped to prove what was happening ~ they even warned her prior to revealing her posts. It's not only Kelly posting here ~ though it's easy to recognize which are her posts. There is always some milk here, you just need to look for the smaller details. If you don't want to read everything you can opt to "hide saged posts" ~ simples. Or if you're wanting really fresh milk maybe try a different thread.
I'm actually liking Kelly right now. She's sharing what may be very personal traumatic history and I think we're being shown something rather special. For psychefags this has rarely been seen ~ as I have said before, I'm interested in learning more about her and possibly trying to gain a better understanding. I'm open-minded right now and watching the behavioral cycles are fascinating.
Right or wrong, truth or not, she's got balls. Massive balls. She's no quitter. Most people would've crumbled from watching their own thread going down but here she is, still fighting and defending. And she's continuing to share her blog. She's been in Psyche for years and it's obvious that they've let her down and not succeeded in fully treating/helping her. I'm bored of others constantly telling her to get herself back into intensive long term Psyche treatment ~ she's already endured that and they failed her.
I've had another look at the Psyche notes that she posted way back on this thread ~ Maybe have another read of them if you've got spare time. They make more sense now that she's shared more information. I'm interested in the dissociation ~ I'm wondering if "dissociation" could have been the reason for the whole "hacking" incident.
Saged for expressing mixed thoughts and psychefagging
No. 413586
>>413546Considering “psyche” - pronounced sy-kee - is an actual, defined term, it should not be used interchangeably with “psych” or “psycho.”
>>413424 - you’re not a “psych” fag if you can’t even spell it correctly. Love the fact that you’re talking Kelly up, though. “She’s got massive balls.” Yeah, storytellers are the new martyrs, huh?
No. 413657
>>413490I'm willing to entertain the idea that you aren't Kelly.
I enjoy watching it unfold as well. Bit by bit.
No. 413789
File: 1509662534155.png (313.38 KB, 764x960, htc_10159660575785193.png)

"I'm not wasting blood I swearrr" Because those cuts didn't bleed. What a better time than now to claim insanity.
No. 413999
>>413793Dissociation usually occurs with a
trigger. Wondering how singing a Christmas carol, surrounded by friends, caused a dissociative episode.
No. 414003
>>413586As psychology is the study of the psyche {which is actually pronounced as "sike-ee"} I choose to use the term psyche. As the Grammar Police/Spelling Bee Adjudicator you will find thousands of posts to correct on these threads. Go on, enjoy yourself.
>>413657Let us enjoy the unfolding bit by bit together.
>>413989Some of my posts are being pinned on her also. It happens because of her prior posting whilst claiming to be other people. Easy to work out which are her posts even though people are playing the "Kelly not Kelly game". Or are you Kelly?
>>413789Old cuts, old scars. Old news. Read the whole threads.
>>413999Ask her. A camera flash maybe? A bad Christmas memory? Try asking her, she appears to open to questions.
No. 414014
File: 1509689941349.jpg (55.76 KB, 613x600, 7ad.jpg)

>>413989If psyche anon wasn't Kelly, you definitely are.
Pic related, it's dinner.
No. 414270
>>414003“Sy-kee” didn’t read as well as “sike-ee” for you? Though, if we’re to get really technical about this, the emphasis would be on the first syllable (si), so it doesn’t make sense your way. But regardless of how you want to use the word, it sounds a little ridiculous in the context you tend to use it in. “I’ve just read her psyche notes again.” This is why it can’t be used interchangeably despite your fagginess towards to field of psychology/psychiatry.
Sage for needing to get the last word it. :)
No. 414289
>>414270Did you mean "fagginess towards THE field of psychology/psychiatry" rather than "TO" and "sage for needing to get the last word IN" rather than "IT"? Thanks for the chuckle though, seriously X.
Saged for possibly having the final last word ;-)
(;-)) No. 414672
>>414289>>414270>>414003STOP with the psyche versus psych bullshit. No one gives a flying fuck on rollerskates you pretentious assholes. I'm inclined to think none of y'all know what the fuck you're on about. Fuck, and fuck again.
Sage for fuckin' feduppedness
No. 414739
File: 1509761665841.png (1.35 MB, 1242x2208, 3E41FA34-ED33-4DD8-ABAA-6DBCEB…)

>>414289Hahaha. Shit, yes. Was busy and typing too fast and didn’t proofread. Hats off to you!
In other news, anyone else see this post?
No. 414814
File: 1509772364146.jpg (25.86 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

And coincidentally, Kelly's latest journal entry is about the dog. She killed it, fucked it, cooked it herself. I wonder if she looked up YouTube tutorials to help her skin it. No. 414828
>>414814Well, this thread has gotten weirder since I've last checked in on our Kelly.
Seriously? Her big narrative is some made up story about fucking and eating a dog? I am starting to wonder if she's actually psychotic and believes all this crap.
No. 415089
File: 1509817391316.jpg (329.75 KB, 941x1564, IMG_20171104_114147.jpg)

Fuck off Kelly, I already taught you how to use trip codes so no one can impostor you and you refuse. You are loving this.
No. 415484
File: 1509840544940.png (74.85 KB, 750x529, IMG_2323.PNG)

Random question, but are her eyebrows tattooed?
Sage for total randomness
No. 415629
>>4154843.5b Don't engage in overly repetitive nitpicking of a subject's appearance.
Stick to the topic. Picking at Kelly’s appearance has absolutely nothing to do with what she’s been doing.
No. 416300
>>416286Screenshots of the dad post? Probably blur out their faces.
>>416284You'll want to block out names and also delete this post because it has the name of the M sister.
No. 416321
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No. 416322
File: 1509999252593.jpg (495.58 KB, 861x1455, IMG_20171106_131314.jpg)

No. 416323
File: 1509999337563.jpg (383.72 KB, 1079x1138, IMG_20171106_131433.jpg)

This doesn't read like a farmer to be honest. It sounds like someone she knows IRL.
No. 416326
>>416322lol so its not embarrassing when kelly makes up some weird shit about eating dogs but when someone relays the information its upsetting and damaging and shit. like she totally didnt blast that around in the first place.
the person they contacted sounds like an asshole
No. 416337
>>416326She's Kelly's older sister, and I don't honestly blame her for her reaction. If my little sister were as histrionic as Kelly, I'd probably get sick of people running to tell me every time she's done something weird.
That person should have minded their own business.
No. 416343
>>416337I wonder if it was Kelly also. If my sister was making posts about fucking dogs and eating them, I would absolutely want to know so I could at least try get her help.
On the other hand, maybe you are right, and she's just sick of dealing with Kelly's shit. But the Anon's story about her brother struck a chord with me, and maybe it will with Kelly's sister also. I can't imagine not trying to help my sister. But it does sound like she already knows about Kelly's shitty freakshow blog.
No. 416867
>>416846She was online yesterday to delete her blog.
I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just visiting friends or doing something else offline.
No. 417963
>>417406Way to stereotype your fellow human being. OHHhhh, but I forgot, it's okay to harbor prejudice (and make racist, sizest, bigoted, and misogynist comments) against white, overweight, Christian women, but not thin, non-Christan, minorities. Please,please help me get up to speed on the new racism and and bigotry, because I'm not following. I'm really trying my damnedest to understand who I'm allowed to hate on anymore. Thanks.
P.S., I am not a Tumbler acolyte either, on the contrary, I am usually the first to come down on PC bullshit, and the feefee sensitive newspeak. I just feel the need to point out the fucking hypocrisy that is so pervasive in society anymore.
Sage for rambling sarcasim.
No. 418208
>>418205Contacting her dad is going way too far. I really doubt it was anyone from Lolcow. Has her blog been posted anywhere else?
Anyway, Kelly, instead of using a Wordpress, use a LiveJournal. It's way simpler.
No. 418446
>>418058My bad, sorry for missing that and overreacting, anon. Also, I am deffo not Kelly. Sheesh, the paranoia is real.
No. 418587
File: 1510153301849.jpg (332.96 KB, 1750x2100, KstYnhe.jpg)

>>418205>Apparently that person contacted her dad.>Contacting her dad is going way too far.Welp, when you put actually, literally insane shit publicly on the internet, you run the risk of people calling it to the attention of someone who may be able to do something about it. Not seeing the problem here. I hope he gets her the help she desperately needs.
No. 418629
File: 1510157238934.jpg (290.18 KB, 1076x1149, IMG_20171101_221503.jpg)

>>418587She's lucky it was someone concerned for her mental health vs. a militant vegan or something.
I hope she'll stop doing this. Yes, it's funny to see her self-post and hack her own accounts and backtrack and lie, but compulsive lying for attention is a mental illness and it's clearly interfering with her day-to-day.
No. 418673
>>418646I believe some of what she's written as well, but I'm mostly interested in Kelly's story because I recognize certain attention-seeking patterns and techniques in her behavior that I also have. I have a diagnosed cluster-b personality disorder, I -may- suffer from Munchausen and I -may- be a bit more consistent in my lies than her because I'm a touch smarter. I'm pretty fascinated with the similarities between her and me. She's gone to some pretty great lengths and she's amazingly transparent, but some of her story is definitely true. I want to hear it.
I hope she'll come back. Don't let some random lady silence you, Kelly.
No. 418834
>>418664It shows the video was made yesterday and only made public today. My gut feeling is that her crying post is genuine and not about lies and being a munchie. I too see attention seeking behaviours, be it deliberate or just how it comes across. I think (maybe I'm dumb) that she was talking about her psych/abuse to somehow validate her anemia. I also wanted to see more, and also find out why she constantly wishes for a mom, or a real/new mom. Everyone knows she is dramatic, however I can't imagine her writing all those journals for fun. It's probably the most truthful part of her we've seen. She wasn't editing it to seem like a victim, many times she is in fact feeling like the bad guy. As for the video, it is sad. One of the attention seeking behaviours is posting things like that. That doesn't mean it's fake. I have read several articles on brain washing, and it actually talks about the outcome of therapy or as Kelly says "deprogramming" to be as she describes it. I think she has all these empty parts now and is desperately trying to fill them. I feel this could explain calling her nurses her family, and obsessing over her Instagram account. I don't think she knows who she is, or where to look. I might be far off about this because I'm not a doctor or even a friend, but like many just very interested in how this unfolds. Falling apart is not what I see happening because if you think about it we really actually can't discredit her with 100% certainty. I am understanding the self posting more and more it unravels. wrong place to seek validation, but I think that's what she is doing. She might be confused about how and definately where to get validated. People tend to re-victimize them selves while trying to find them selves. If she is indeed blood letting, it would be classified as Munchausen Syndrome but at a different weird level and maybe not for the typical reasons. I'm not sure what I believe at this point about the the anemia. She seemed very stable and friendly up until around the time she was alerted about our forum. she's been told over and over to stay away from here. I think we can post here what ever we want, and our speculations are just fine. She hurts herself by reading and posting in this thread. I would be very interested to know what she has posted, as she has been responding as herself lately. Shit I'm so undecided.
No. 419038
File: 1510184800187.jpg (135.74 KB, 956x824, the son costanza.jpg)

>>418834-t. Kelly Petrovitch
No. 419646
File: 1510253795475.png (16.01 KB, 273x629, oaky.png)

Okay Kelly.
In your video you mentioned. wanting to be able to make it easier for people who jump right into your blog to understand what's going on.
It's really easy to do that on Wordpress.
First, think of a title for the story you're writing. It should be something a little more professional than "noonesforcingyoutobehere", but actually, you could call your story, "No One Forced Her." Or something.
Go to the "My Site" page,
And you see that button that says "Site Pages"?
Click "add".
From here you can create some pages that appear on the top of your page.
Create a page called "About this Site"
IE: This is the story of Kelly, a young woman who spent a year in the psych ward after escaping from an abusive situation.
Create an "About Me" page.
"Hello, my name is Kelly. I'm a ballerina, writer and a proud cat owner. I've created this blog to help me deal with some issues I've had in my past. If you have any questions about the story being told here, please ask! I love questions."
Create a page called, "Is this for real?"
Now this is your chance to be as vague and mysterious as possible. You are now a different person than Kelly in your stories. Refer to the Kelly in your journal in third person.
Tell some story about,
"Every day in Canada and around the world, hundreds of vulnerable women in the sex industry are forced to endure horrific abuse and assault. Although the international image of Canada is blah blah blah, brainwashing and human trafficking does occur.
Kelly's story is a creative writing project meant to bring attention to these issues."
Once you make those three pages, click on "site pages". Don't click "add", just click on the text. You'll notice that there are four pages. "About me", "About this Story", "About" and "Is this real?"
Delete the page that's just called "about" because that's the one that WordPress automatically comes with.
Now, in the menu, beside "Themes", click on "customize". A new menu will pop up. On the right side of the screen, you'll see your blog, and you'll see some pencil icons.
First of all, you can click the pencil beside the social media icons and just remove that.
Then, you can click the pencil beside the names of the pages you just created. The menu will change to a list of all your new pages. If you click "add items", another menu will pop up beside it. At the very top of that menu, there's some text that says "custom links". If you click on that, you can add pure links to your menu.
You should do that, and add some links to sites like: (I know you're not Indigenous, but it's related to Kelly's story.) Make it look real nice and professional.
I know you want to tell this story. Don't let some dumb lady stop you. Tell it.
(learn 2 sage) No. 419704
>>419646You can also make an about page about the dog, since it seems that most people are taking issue with that.
"About the Dog"
"The dog in this story is used to illustrate the depravity and contempt that abusers have for their victims. An abuser usually has multiple victims, whether they be human or animal. It is important to remember that if you've been abused and brainwashed, you are not alone.
Young Kelly did not want to hurt the dog, but her abuser, Paul, had so much power over her that she felt like she was unable blah blah etc."
Obviously put it into your own words but you get the point. You can use these pages to explain the controversial parts of your journals.
No. 419807
>>419646>>419704more creative writing is the last thing she needs, anon. she's done way too much of that already.
better advice:
go to google
input 'psychiatrists near me'
use results to get help.
(alternatively google > blood donations > spend some time thinking about how many people could be benefiting from all the blood she wastes and consider making donations to the blood bank instead of just withdrawals all the time)
No. 420076
>>419959No it's not normal, and I consider myself to be lucky that I have never been exposed to that kind of abuse. However, hundreds maybe even thousands of children and women in Canada have. Currently, Silver Creek, Salmon Arm, in Canada is in the news. Human remains have been found on a farm and there has been a massive police presence since 21 October. Dozens of sex workers have been in the area in the last few weeks and have gone missing. Last week the RCMP named an 18 yr missing old sex worker whose remains had been found at the farm. Some suspect that it could be another Pickton farm horror. A lot of families are waiting for news of their missing family members. I'm not linking it, just Google 'silver creek salmon arm and you can read dozens of stories, news updates and statements from local folk - so many weird goings on.
Went off track there, but I think Kelly should be able to share her story. I can't see why she should keep silent about it for so long. She has said that she was finding it helpful to share the horrific abuse that she has suffered. As she explained that she had been brainwashed and forced to participate in such insane horrific abuse and was diagnosed with Stockholm syndrome. Her blog was for her benefit, not yours.
Whoever contacted her family, fuck you. Kelly clearly stated that the people who needed to know about it knew. Her YouTube video was sad. She doesn't have much in her life, and was trying to establish a relationship with her Father. You have most probably ruined that for her. I thought the rules stated that you DO NOT contact people.
>>419616Those links are sad I know it's happening in a massive way in Canada BC particularly, and not just indigenous women/girls. There are news stories about people in high places being involved too. Corruption is everywhere. I've also read articles about brainwashing and weird experiments,the military have been known to do that.
Saged and hoping I don't disappear overnight
No. 420096
>>420076Anon, I think most of us here in this thread know what's happening in Silver Creek, considering the person we're discussing and the area most of us grew up in.
Just saying. I'm sure there are a few Internet randoms in here still…
No. 420108
I'm sorry if any of the missing ladies and their families are known to you.
>>420104Fuck off. Calm down it was saged.
What if it's all connected? I was providing information for those who don't know about it, so fuck right off. If you don't like it, go find some other shit instead. Gtfoh
No. 420514
>>420454>>420393Without outing myself, I just know that words were exchanged and accusations made and then Kelly deleted her from social media.
I'm trying to pry a bit more now.
No. 420717
>>420703I’ve already posted a few but the one I wanted answered the most was
>>206313 because that is the first mention of Kelly on this site that I found. If that’s her that posted it, it proves she brought herself up here before, and the responses to it were likely her defending herself, months ago.
No. 420719
>>420703Sage for samefagging but I’d like to also include
>>206368>>206391 (if this isn’t Kelly it’s proof that people did like her too and wanted to drop her from the discussion)
>>206642 (likely Kelly in my opinion)
>>206896>>206921 (again, possible repeat of proof of people wanting not to talk about Kelly)
There are also a lot of posts in that thread that read like how Kelly posts, such as
>>207085 but it’d take hours to comb through those. Look for lingo like “AF” and “WTAF” as well as excessive use of “?!?!” and “….” because that tends to be Kelly’s style, as well as misspelling Munchausen and other words.
No. 420735
>>420719I agree with you on a couple of these. A couple of others are not close to her writing style. A couple are discussions in other threads, so it’s not self posting.
I don’t like it if she is self posting, but it’s not as much as some tinfoil wearer here thinks. I’ve been accused of it, and I’ve seen a lot LOT of others accused of it that obviously weren’t. Ms Tinfoil has killed this thread since nobody wants to discuss or add milk since “sure Kelly “not-Kelly” follows a lot of posts.
I think Kelly does post here but she doesn’t hide when it’s her. I also think she has been imitated here too.
No. 420751
>>420703Admin-sama PLEASE don't lock the thread! Kelly is my favorite cow, and I'd like her thread to continue! I'm having major surgery in four days and I'd really like it if I could continue reading about her coo coo misadventures. Please and thank you.
Sage for brief blog posting and unabashed begging.
No. 420877
Please don't lock this thread as it's legit become part of my evening entertainment.
>>420751 She's my favorite cow too. And I feel there may be more milk to come. Her blog mentioned her disliking the taste of blood, did anybody cap that? Was it a beverage?
No. 420981

>>185836First post. If I didn't do it can we find out who did?
Sincereley: The Kelly's
No. 421504
File: 1510466291052.jpeg (550 KB, 1536x1965, B8AF3D92-2909-4B8A-BA4C-072506…)

This was written last year. When she was 34. Seems to be a synopsis of one of her speeches.
No. 421806
File: 1510515024958.jpeg (52.05 KB, 613x310, 740D1E09-7009-4A64-A17D-0095E7…)

She’s been acting like she hasn’t been active on her instagram but she has, especially since she said somewhere on here that she never bought her followers.
No. 422027
>>4219971. Who are you replying to? Lurk moar newfag
2. Not LMW, and also not here to play “Kelly/LMW” guess who game.
3. Relevance: Kelly’s absence on instagram
4. My grammar is more than cohesive.
No. 424070
Devils advocate here. < —- Calm down it's a widely used cliché, not a phrase that Kelly coined. I've been around since the beginning of Kelly on Instagram and here. I neither hate nor care about her, but she follows me, and honestly her posts are amusing. She says all the time that she's a drama queen and over reactor. I had to post this because I was a cyber friend when lmw was actually called @shadowsproovethesunlight My point here is that she is a shit disturber. She will know exactly who I am if she reads this. There was no MS friend or symptom stealing. Damn her spoonie lingo cracks me up though. I went through Kelly's posts, all 4753 000 of them. Here comes the devils advocate part. Many of her posts describe weird symptoms or feelings that she she found confusing. If someone has 10 days to maybe go through her posts and proove me wrong. I didn't see any talk or suggestion about MS however a large portion of her weird symptoms could well be explained by MS. A few have believed she was faking her MRI results, which also makes me chuckle. Go through and see for yourself. She and her doctors I believe associated the symptoms with severe anemia. Sometimes the shoe fits. Anemia end of story, but some of it would not be caused by anemia even slightly. Kelly has a port, and for long term followers, it is know that her port has been a problem and plugs (at times even while getting blood) If she were to draw blood from her port she probably would only get one draw before it clots or plugs. I still believe her anemia and potential MS are not fraudulent, but I also like the "tinfoil" theories here. I'm sticking around to see what's next. The self posts are hugely detrimental in more than one way, yet I also find that amusing. I'm looking way back to check for potential self posts too, but also to count how many times lmw or shadowwhatever says the word spoonie. The connection between them I believe is paramount to the happenings here.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 424164
File: 1510709523255.png (204.91 KB, 870x686, 2017-11-14 19.24.10.png)

>proove me wrongAhhh there's only one person I've ever seen on this forum misspell "proove" instead of "prove".
No. 424216
Who the fuck has the time or inclination to read through every single post? Why do that to yourself? I feel like I've missed something here, why has lmw become a topic here? Was it her dog?
>>424164. Well spotted Anon. Her writing has "improoved".
No. 424470
File: 1510751686291.jpeg (178.22 KB, 1045x704, 0497E2AB-770B-4349-A114-8D18AE…)

>>424305Someone who’s strictly lurked for the better part of at least four months using lingo Kelly uses on a regular basis. Okay.
No. 424471
File: 1510752081633.jpeg (202.88 KB, 1131x675, 3F2A7D2E-9D16-4CD6-A3F9-396F86…)

>>424305And another, for good measure.
No. 424476
File: 1510752480843.jpeg (529.79 KB, 1632x1632, 136B655E-4C7A-42F0-BD05-A0AFAA…)

So I was trawling through this thread and found the two images above that point to Kelly self-posting again (shocker), but also found these.
Is it possible this is the start of the demise of the friendship between our beloved munchie vampire and LMW? Or is their fued more recent than that? Kelly using this board (not just this thread) to shit-talk other people, as previously inferred by other anons, doesn’t seem so far-fetched (well, I never doubted it, but, it’s nice to have evidence to strengthen our speculations).
No. 424789
File: 1510782486856.png (1.03 MB, 1006x921, Downs.png)

>>424722>Get caught samefagging>Sperg rageDo you have brain damage from bleeding yourself or something?
No. 425346
>>425070>>424921>>424216No one gives a shit about Lil' Miss Fuckin' Wheeler except herself. LMW, kindly quit fat-ass tap dancing onto the stage of the "Kelly and Chompurrrrs Show" or you're gonna get the gong, bitch. It's like Lil' Fever in the Luna threads (what's with these "Lil'" bitches, amiright)? I've followed all threads pertaining to Kelly since go, and I have seen little more than jack shit about any shenanigans and goings-on regarding Kelly in conjunction with LMW. Hey, LMW, quit trying to insinuate yourself into this thread you truck-faced, danger-haired, SJW. I say LMW self-posted nearly everything pertaining to this nonexistant broken friendship between herself and Kelly
gasp in pathetic attempt at self-aggrandizement.
Sage for no1curr
No. 425568
>>425346Well, I’m the one who just posted all the photos. I’m not LMW and don’t even really know who she is as I don’t follow her. I thought I’d bring it up when I found those photos since it seemed to be of interest to other(s?) in the thread.
Just wondering, though, your hate for LMW seems to be quite strong. Have you ever commented on Kelly’s appearance in the same manner throughout this thread? What does LMW’s weight or hair have to do with literally anything? I just ask since at some point, we kind of agreed to leave Kelly’s crazy-looking face out of our interactions with her.
No. 425681
File: 1510856680109.jpg (12.42 KB, 236x236, 6c8413fb2dc597730ab5e0a3bbf5ca…)

>>425568Because self-posters get under my skin. And I comment on her appearance because I'm an asshole.
No. 425952
>>425207It gets under my skin because it’s akin to being a fucking retard. You don’t need to talk like you need a babysitter, especially on here. The cringe is palpable.
>>425169Relevant to milk you fucking moron. Many of us don’t care that they had a spat. Lots of attention whores get into fights with each other. What does it have to do with anything? Is LMW actually Paul? Is LMW draining Kelly of blood? What exactly is their tiny, pathetic fight have to do with any of the crazy MS/mystery blood disorder shenanigans Kelly’s been up to? Is LMW her doctor? That’s why I’m asking why it’s relevant. “Fellow anons” kek you mean your 50 self posts to pretend other people agree with your pathetic self posts? Fuck off.
No. 426174
>>425952Most anons don't know the relevance as the Spoonie kids are not sharing details of the spats. I hadn't considered the possibility of LMW being Paul, I don't discount any theories here as they're all batshit fucking crazy. They are ruining this thread and diverting attention away from Kelly. Maybe that's their plan. If this thread is locking down, lil spoonie bitches should share any milk.
Not aiming this at you my fellow grumpy anon but to other anons.
This is Kelly's thread where we discuss Kelly and share Kelly milk. State how this LMW and Kelly spat is milk or shut the fuck up about it and GTFO this thread. WK's GTFO here too. Start a new thread about LMW if you think she's worthy but I don't want to read about her here when there's no fucking relevance.
Some tin hat (Kelly maybe) asked admin on another page if it's time to lock down Kelly's thread. If it gets locked down I'll be pissed off, as will many others. I'm thinking that Kel has set this up. If it gets locked down we no longer can discuss any future milk, as she'll be completely off limits. Forever.
No. 426210
>>426174don't be so melodramatic. lockdown would just mean the thread takes a break. other cows like Alice Casati were banned from being discussed at all, the ban got lifted, and she has had a bunch of threads since. so no, it wouldn't be omg blackout ~forever~!!!1!1
and why the fuck would Kelly want to do that? the only reason this thread or the first one went anywhere was because of her sperging. she would be more upset than anyone if she couldn't shitpost here.
No. 426609
File: 1510950464665.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2208, 6C0A3809-91B8-412C-9F0E-1DACF6…)

So she’s been on and on about how her new blog will be private and you have to message her directly for the link, but then posts this.
No. 426715
File: 1510958589573.png (Spoiler Image,870.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-17-13-53-10…)

This was sent via FB inbox to my self, the rest of her sisters some friends, pastor and parents. Most US already knew Kelly would at times cut herself. I know from what I saw that a non significant amount of blood was lost. Though in this forum when she expressed 2 Years cut free, most just said even more damaging things. She had just began to have a father daughter relationship. While I'm sure he doesn't hate her for this, we all know that it's not understandable to many. So just as she feels lost and gets shit on for physically healing she also got shut for recovery. I can't say how lmw has this picture. I am almost positive that it was taken from cutting recovery forum used to encourage and look back and understand why they did that. The picture is old now and I asked if I could share just to shut the lmw dispute up. It is over, it was one of her many attacks on spoonies she feels are getting more attention than her. And I might add that she posted this picture and several comments to mutual friends. Spoonie is such an annoying word. If I didn't didn't manage to cover with the spoiler settings I will just delete it.
No. 426782
File: 1510964002751.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1543, Screenshot_2017-11-17-18-06-54…)

New blog link that she posted to Instagram even though she said she wasn't (I guess she didn't like Tumblr) : No. 426874
File: 1510975601201.png (131.86 KB, 1080x747, Fake Friends.png)

>>426873Oops. I meant to post this image with the above.
No. 427018
File: 1510995693423.gif (1.62 MB, 500x320, tumblr_nozd4xoCHR1r745vdo1_500…)

>>426968Lobotomy? Seriously? This isn't the 1950s, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,and none of the players in this bad telenovella live in an ex-Soviet Block country.
Better-up your common sense and powers of deduction, silly billy.
Sage for intense eye-rolling l.
No. 427143
File: 1511019204289.png (98.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-17-18-02-32…)

>>427116I was on my phone listening to music when I got the alert she had posted or I would have missed it too. I have post notifications on for her Instagram and she posted a picture with this link in the comments. I barely had time to even screenshot the link before she took the whole post down and put the generic Tumblr one back up.
No. 427233
>>427215Dare I ask why she thinks her brain is "rapidly deteriorating"? You don't have MS, Kelly. You've just got an IQ in the 80s, and that's completely okay! Embrace what God gave you instead of trying to pathologize a varient of normal.
Anon kindly posted a WordPress guide in this thread. Her dumb ass isn't able to follow that?
No. 427263
File: 1511031633252.jpg (1.11 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1511031487200.jpg)

>>427215That's weird. She makes it seem like on that WordPress page which was dated 11/17 that she was keeping it. She even said her old blog was following it. Why make a new page and not use it?
No. 427329
>>427263It's "who, what, when, where, why and how".
There's also "reading, writing and arithmetic" and "reduce, reuse and recycle".
No. 427676
File: 1511098322615.jpeg (284.66 KB, 2048x1462, received_10159739621015193.jpe…)

Wow this hacker in genius. This is messed up. Kelly was set up and framed by this bitch. Not saying Kelly is a victim again, but if a so called friend did that to me. Maybe she needs a rule reminder. Do not have involvment with a cow outside of here. This gets more and more intense every dz
No. 427704
>>427676What fucking hacker?
Gina screenshotted the message LMW sent her and sent it to Kelly. Kelly posted it. There is no hacker. All three of you are stupid as fuck.
No. 427766
File: 1511107767082.jpg (53.33 KB, 748x395, Screenshot_2017-11-19-07-52-10…)

You Idiot, I posted that and am not Kelly or who ever you think I am. I have a special hate for you and your dumb holier than thou BS. I came because I hate Kelly, and I was pleasantly surprised to find you here too. Nice work here as well. Why do spoonie cows have multiple accounts?
No. 427775
>>427766Okay, what the hell is going on? Btw, LMW, if you haven't noticed, this is not your fucking thread. Please explain the significance, for I am lost. If there is no significance directly related to Kelly, then GTFO. I don't mean to be ignorant, this is just getting more convoluted as days go by.
No. 427778
>>427766If you’re “not Kelly,” then why don’t you enlighten us on how you obtained all those screenshotted images? They came from Gina’s phone. You can tell by her messges being to the right, while LMW’s are on the left. That leaves three options: Gina is posting here (which i don’t believe she ever has or ever will), Kelly posted them (99.99% probability), or Kelly sent the photos to someone else who posted them (0.01% probability). The probability of a hacker is 0.00% and therefore not an option.
This thread isn’t about LMW. Stop trying to get us to hate her and/or defend you against her. It isn’t going to happen, Kelly. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I already stated that, aside from recognizing her username amongst our discussions about you (particularly when you had your first blog and someone screenshotted a comment she made on it), I have no idea who she is or what she claims to be wrong with her. Maybe you’re done with the attention (unlikely) and want to deflect and divert it to her? Worth a shot, I suppose, but it you’re wasting your time, Kelly.
No. 427895
File: 1511124722650.jpeg (Spoiler Image,100.58 KB, 1125x1032, received_10159741235750193.jpe…)

>>427778>>427778Stop trying to get them to hate 'me' Sara. When talking about your self you are the author not her are the author. Who the fuck cares about your spat with Gina, I am more interested in how you got the picture of her arm, is it a recent slashing, can you be sure she didn't (or you) get that picture from an emo kid. Kek we don't like you at all don't worry about that. We just don't want to see your ugly face on this topic. Go get attention at church.
No. 428027
File: 1511136856028.jpg (10.14 KB, 266x189, images-19.jpg)

>>427992Speak for your damned self. Again, Kelly is my favorite cow, and 95% of the time her sel-posts are obvious and hilarious.
If you want my opinion 427992 IS a Kelly self-post, OR it is LMW obsessively trying to get this thread shut down because she is jelly that Kelly has her own thread, and SHE doesn't. Ban LMW if anything, like the spice Melange, let the Kelly milk flow. Don't shut down my favorite thread because of one jealous, salty, and obsessed Munchie, PLEASE.
Sage cuz of begging
No. 428038
>>428027This! I find her antics amusing AF. If we were to close every thread where the cow in question comes and spergs out for more dramu and attenshun we'd have a stale board methinks. This thread should stay. LMW aughta be posted in the OTT Spoonies thread if she is suspect for her own munchie shenanigans, but it does appear someone had tea involving her and Kelly so I think her being mentioned is valid.
Admittedly, K is one of my favorite cows too even though she vexes the living shit out of me.
No. 428159
>>428145Hi Sarah. This is so obvious it is pathetic.
No. 428183
>>428167I thought that was suspect AF too. Like this is an anon board; no one is gonna jump on the chance to reveal who they are to you.
>>428170I am pissed about shit Kelly has done. What I don't know is what supposedly happened last night that suddenly LMW is aware. I want her to tell us what's up since she so obviously wants to talk about it (or she wouldn't have posted here).
Just stop with the accusations, it's ridiculous. I am sorry if my questions don't fit your personal narrative.
No. 428200
File: 1511152094450.jpeg (47.21 KB, 385x456, 76F7EC5D-D691-4F14-B83E-792F6D…)

>>427895Close, but not really at all even remotely. My name is actually Kimberly, Kim for short. I legitimately didn’t know LMW’s name was Sarah* until other people just posted about it after me. I want to say Sarah got that photo from Kelly herself, but it’s possible she saved it to her phone? The photo looks familiar but I couldn’t find it posted. It’s obviously not recent, but does fit the scars on Kelly’s arm which can be seen in a photo she posted herself in the previous thread but which I have attached for convenience. Not EVERYONE is Kelly, and now that LMW is here, not everyone is LMW, either. While I don’t think she should be posting as herself, she does have the right to post here. Just let’s keep it on topic - this thread is about Kelly’s lying and faking of various illnesses.
No. 428227
>>428027>>428038>>428056 (this is actually likely LMW, the posting style does not match the others)
>>428057>>428105>>428111>>428118>>428145>>428159>>428164>>428167>>428170>>428176>>428183>>428200Admin, these were all posted by Kelly I guarantee it. This self grandious speech aligned with multiple “people” pretending to hate and love (in a negative light, eg: “my favourite”) Kelly are all just Kelly posting about herself and trying to draw negative light towards anyone else. In other words, she’s derailing and trying to make her thread about LMW. It’s pretty easy to tell it’s Kelly. The grammar indicates it’s her talking to herself. I mean fuck, she’s used:
Grammar indications it’s her:
>Go get attention at church.>Kelly is my favorite cow>cuz>I find her antics amusing AF!>dramu>attenshun>methinks>aughta>tea>….>I use dots all the time when I write on FB, IG, or forums. I’m pretty sure anyone can or does do the same … in other words, it’s not used by one person, and can also be faked!! Right y’all ??? (excessive use of “???” and “…” and “!!!” much?)
>I think a lot of us are flaming pissed(nobody’s pissed here except you Kelly)
>”~*dramu*~”>Noone(also proven to be only a thing Kelly does)
Kelly simultaneously loves and hates herself and it’s pretty fucking weird at this point. Can you please for the love of god mark her self posts and her talking to herself and move on before the cancer in this thread mutates further than it has already?
Sage for being long as fuck, and also sage for if I missed anyone or over-marked, but i/ clear Kelly has been here sperging out when nobody’s talking about her to post here, again.
No. 428498
File: 1511192803627.jpeg (508.78 KB, 2576x1932, 8CED49EF-7472-44DC-BF3A-A089CA…)

>>428227428176 and 428200 are mine - Kim. That’s my scar-free forearm.
No. 429485
File: 1511297539926.jpg (4.21 MB, 5312x2988, 20171121_110746.jpg)

>>428689>>428583lucky penny bracelet. No where near as smart as Admin.
No. 429492
File: 1511297906089.jpg (5.31 MB, 5312x2988, 20171121_125618.jpg)

>>428498K that's a good idea.
File: 1511302628573.jpg (74.74 KB, 800x521, euthanasia_2.jpg)

You know what to do, Admin. Be stronk.
No. 429775
>>429753What's the leg thing?
No. 429784
>>429753I wasn't aware that Kelly needed a caretaker to leave her residence. I was vaguely aware that she was in assisted living, but I didn't know the extent of it. So is she legally incompetent?
I feel a bit ashamed knowing this, actually. I genuinely assumed her IQ to be somewhere in the 85-95 range, meaning she was barely below average and therefore responsible for her actions. Do you think she actually understands what she's doing?
No. 429794
>>429784She’s mentally competent. She’s not in assisted living, but in a house with roommates.
I’m beginning to wish a caretaker would monitor her social media use. Especially if she’s a danger to herself or in danger from others, as she says.
No. 429798
Is the caretaker just a volunteer like Madge was, then? Someone to hold her hand when she roleplays as a "little"?
No. 429910
>>429887I have no idea who you are LMW, but this makes me fucking sick. Sadly I’m not surprised in the least considering Kelly was pretending to be other people in this thread. Other posts were highlighted by some anons including myself indicating they were her given her style of writing and I think they’re true. Hopefully admin highlights them ala-Ember Whann style.
>I get contacted by people who find me on here as a topic of discussion (which I've accepted is going to happen because I choose to share my health related info on social media).At least you’ll admit that when you post your health information online that you’ll receive criticism. I think that’s what bugs me about a lot of these so-called spoonie accounts, because they want to act like when they post their information online that it’s still private information and slander to discuss it. Kudos to you for that.
And I’m sorry to hear you’ve been dragged into this nightmare of a situation. Hopefully Kelly can relax, be normal for once, and let all of this go. And stop posting in here (because I honestly think only a few people are in here now, and the minute the thread dies down for 12+ hours, someone with a grammar style similar to Kelly spergs in here pretending to have a conversation).
No. 430068
>>429887 >This is the last time I'm going to post here -Oh thank you sweetie, maybe you will get a thread made that is especially for you. So you have been posting here.
>Screenshots will be posted of proof of her antics after this post (not that it's really all that surprising)Would that not count as posting here?
No. 430294
File: 1511390616755.png (191.55 KB, 1080x554, 2017-11-22 15.07.17.png)

I think so many people are just done with her drama.
No. 430336
>>430294It’s because it’s confusing. When you’re telling someone you were forced to eat a dog, and essentially tortured and abused, and you don’t specify that you’re literally writing a fictional piece of work, people get confused and tired. She originally shared everything as fact on her instagram, and then the wordpress blog didn’t specify, and people (including myself) thought that there might be an inkling of truth to the stories. I mean it makes one out to be a martyr. It looks like the brilliant survival story of a woman who was horrifically tortured into eating a dog by a sadistic maniac, who then developed a mysterious, unknown, severe blood disorder, MS, and a host of other illnesses. Let’s not forget she was also in forensics because they were allegedly keeping her safe from someone else, it was more secure in forensics, and because there were no regular beds in the other hospital (that is, if you completely abandon the fact that forensics hospitals are literally for those deemed NCR, not just for anyone to be admitted to). Then she also had complex PTSD, and now she has DID? I can believe someone’s lies to a point, but when you make up lists upon lists of this stuff it starts to become unbelievable especially in the face of her talking about how her doctors started to treat her like she was lying.
No. 430402
>Comprehension of others that is lackingFictional means untrue…. Please state clearly what you would like your readers to understand. Finish this sentence "I say my blog is fictional even though all events happened because….".
Also, if this page keeps banning and blocking you how and why do you come back?
No. 430577
>>430359Oh fuck off. I can comprehend a lot, but this is beyond fucked up. Kelly, your initial posts never stated directly that they were fictional. In fact, here
>>409646 you literally fucking insinuated that it was real (“Believe it, don't. I am doing this under no duress.”) and then went on to vague that “It's for me, so it's going to be dramatic and mysterious.” Miss me with that fucking bullshit. If it’s fake, don’t toy with everyone. That’s not even some BPD shit like others have mentioned, that’s borderline NPD shit.
>>430558>use the journal entries as "flavour"What the fuck did I just read? Stop giving such shit fucking advice. You want advice? Tell your followers the full fucking truth. Stop dancing around it.
No. 430838
File: 1511469238767.png (404.57 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-23-12-16-14…)

On the contrary, I was lead to your Instagram account through a link in here. I must say it breaks my heart to picture you glued to the computer reading these things. I believe you, and you have so much support. You don't owe these people anything! I understand the temptation to read all this crap is real. I'm glad you experienced some justice from within your local hospital. You wrote that you feel bad for her. Don't. What she did was illegal, let the officials take it from here. I am writing this here because sadly you don't seem to read my DM's. I can guarantee that this is a 5% vs 95% Way more people believe you and will support you. Don't let this 5% crap get you down. I hope you can keep on with your blog. please check your dm box, you may be very encouraged. Team Kelly all the way!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 431059
>>431056Sure, "Kaylee".
What's your Instagram account?
Why is your phone identical to Kelly's?
Why are you in Kelowna?
No. 431267
>>431213My instagram account is @kellypuncher.
My phone is identical to Kelly's because I stole it from her.
I'm in Kelowna because I'm Kelly's alter, Paul.
Now you.
How did you find a link to Kelly's Instagram on Lolcow if Lolcow makes no sense to you?
(For someone who doesn't seem to understand the site, you sure learned to sage and reply to posts quickly.)
No. 431454
>>431424Totes this. Her posts are so obvious it's hilarious. I say, let her post away. In doing so she is practically digging her own tunnel from the relatively comfortable living conditions of the halfway house in which currently resides to the coo-coo chaos of a psych ward in hospital.
I wanna see where this goes. Super-sensitive anons, please direct yourselves to the happy/silly Yumi thread instead. Merci beaucoup.
Sage for no contribution. Sorry if grammer sucks. Currently in hospital recovering from a spinal fusion. I know, bloggity blog blog blog. Sorry.
No. 431546
>>431525>>431525This one
>>431418 is mine, and I’m not the same poster as the others you included. I saged because that’s how the website works.
>that doesn't exclude someone from the big bad real world, and there are people besides admin that have functional brains and can un cover the impenetrable VPNs. Right. Because you, Kelly, hacked a website and “uncovered our VPNs”. Kek, you realize that’s not the same thing as an IP address, right? Lastly, the only thing scary about all of this is how you continuously normalize this shit, especially now that you’re saying Paul is a real person
>they are not Paul. He is not symbolic nor metaphorical. when your blog literally fucking says your writings are fictional (which means false, made up, etc.). So which is it? Is he a real person or not? This is why people are so fed up Kelly.
No. 431556
File: 1511588311339.png (1.82 KB, 221x170, images.png)

>>431525Psst! Hey, Kelly, over here! Shhhh. We gotta keep this on the real DL, but, I think it's time. Time to unburden yourself from this horrible secret that's been breaking you down. Let me ease your burden and remove this (metaphorical) concrete cloak from you shoulders and set you FREEEEEE!, like a beautiful, beautiful, ballet-dancing butterfly!
Ok now, no more metaphors, or ramblings about burdens, butterflies, and shit. Here's my question, and this between just you and me…..IS PAUL REAL? Like really real, like eats steak, watches football, occasionally has diarrhea real?
Please tell me. Believe me. It will make you feel loads better. I promise :D
No. 431661
>>431290I, Kim, am a real person. Admin can prove that. I live in the US on the complete other side of the country from British Columbia, and I use an iPhone. I give admin permission to pick out some of my posts if need to be to appease you, since the photo of my arm, free of scars, wasn’t enough. I would have shown you my whole arm, but I do have identifying tattoos, and I’d rather attempt to keep as much anonymity as possible. Sorry. Maybe you should post information about yourself? Where do you live? What’s your Instagram? Are you willing to let Kelly know who you are? I’m not.
I find it a little funny, though, because I figured my writing style would be enough evidence to differentiate myself from Kelly’s antics. But yeah, I won’t defend myself again.
No. 432021
File: 1511663283720.png (59.62 KB, 750x531, IMG_2381.PNG)

Kelly seems to be trying to bring her name into the regular spoonie thread again…it didn't work…
No. 432578
Maybe that was the plan, but then when looking at the posts that are assumed to be mine, it was revealed that they belong to someone(s) else.
>>432511Just a thought.
No. 432802
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>>432578I know there are differences between the Canadian and American healthcare systems, but why would a doctor send a septic patient home?
No. 432867
File: 1511809865921.png (1.74 MB, 1440x1726, Screenshot_2017-11-27-11-01-01…)

header for part 3 "it's my party"
No. 432996
>>432808I don’t ever use “lol,” Kelly. I do, however, use commas, and properly at that. Don’t use my name, thanks.
>>432842I just mention this because I see admissions everyday under our sepsis protocol. I’m in the US. Complaint into the ED is usually made by symptoms and diagnosis verified with lactic acid levels >2.0. Blood cultures are drawn. If a repeat after fluids shows the level has come within range, the patient is not considered septic and is discharged, but more often than not, true septic cases are admitted. Placement is dependent on severity. We just had a urosepsis case in the ICU for over a week.
No. 433331
>>433137Saying sepsis sounds soooo much more dramatic than a uti though… gets more attention too.
So her sister is stuck in Bali thanks to the volcano, and you know who just had to be interviewed by the news. Must have ALL the attention, ALL the time.
And waits until the last minute to go to the non urgent clinic, then THROWS A FIT when told to go to the ER. That’s such a juvenile tactic.
No. 433352
File: 1511834141869.png (819.01 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_2017-11-27-18-49-42…)

So they took her to "trauma 1" and she ended up with basic antibiotics and able to go home. Trauma rooms where I live are reserved for truly sick and serious patients.
No. 433379
>>433352Omg. So much constant drama. And for heaven’s sake, who takes pictures of themselves sobbing and sick? So ridiculous and insane.
And that “last blood transfusion” she speaks of was a really long time ago.
No. 433390
>>433379And it pisses you off if someone smiles
Re:transfusion Long ago as in 3 weeks ago?
No. 433412
File: 1511838520528.jpg (1022.3 KB, 1920x1920, 2017-11-27 21.04.49.jpg)

So you are in a normal place but you're constantly watched? Do these other girls know that you're in so much so called danger you're constantly watched? So which is it? Super special constant supervision or you're in a normal place?
No. 433502
>>433393Unless the presentation is severe, like high fever with altered mental status, or if shock is suspected, no.
>>433412Quote from her poem: “I somehow have his problem where I forget my age. I should give myself to science, to be studied in a cage.” She also talks about her dissociative episodes; how she loses hours at a time. Like how one time, during a six hour period, her ass was burned with a lighter, and she has no idea how it happened.
No. 433708
>>433336She posted some video on her Instagram. Speechless. Everyone can see the huge need for attention she has.
Here is a written article: is in the second half, misspelled name. Wow, the drama. Because apparently life isn’t fun enough unless it can be made ALL. ABOUT. HER. I’m actually embarrassed for her.
No. 433820
>>433708Cheers for the link.
"Twintuition" is hilarious as is Miss Rowahan. Her sister doesn't seem bothered by the situation, she's getting on with her holiday and taking it in her stride.
Sage for Twintuition Speculation
No. 433849
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>>433708I have a friend in Bali too, but you don’t see me going to the news about it. It reminds me of when her sister briefly had that scare of going blind for a matter of hours (which yes, is terrifying, especially in a foreign country), and she posted about the situation itself not once, not twice, but 7 times (photos attached), all of them I believe to be extremely OTT (“I can’t lose her” / “I just want my twin sister alive” despite Gina not being anywhere near death). Maybe it’s just me but I’m pretty sure that would make me feel more anxious and worse to have someone blasting my medical information to my 18 thousand followers, especially when I’m nowhere near death.
No. 433955
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No. 434009
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>>433965A little refresher
No. 434016
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No. 434017
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No. 434032
>>433955It’s pretty ironic that you’d try and say you’d go to the police about this website, and then admit on here that you’d physically assault someone. That holds up well in court.
>>434018I’m interested to see who. They’ve probably been vendetta posting in here too, alongside Kelly and “LMW”.
No. 434088
Your casual usage of random VPN services will be your downfall, Kelly. it worth it just to ban evade? You're going to end up in trouble.
No. 434094
>>434032who cares? people have said they want to punch me
Dog fucking poster….. a few posts below is a pleasant reminder that your words can be used how ever they want.
No. 434120
>>434068You know what else isn’t okay? Lying back and forth about being forced to eat a fucking dog and being abused, or at least claiming it’s fictional and then claiming it isn’t. Basically fucking saying here
>>409646 “It's for me, so it's going to be dramatic and mysterious.” because fuck the followers who actually cared in the beginning, amirite?
No. 434132
>>434068Well said. There are people who are trying to support her, whether the story is true of not. She doesn't see or understand how emotionally draining that can be for a supporter. And I'm betting they are also ill, so it's making their own health issues worsen. I feel sorry for those who have tried to stick with this whole true/fictional/true shit. That's unfair when toying with people's inner souls, empathy, emotions, trust, faith and I hope she stops using them. For the love of God, your story Kelly, just tell it or don't. Stop confusing, upsetting and even destroying people. Step back and look outside your "bubble", again, this is NOT all about you. You say you're the only ass not hiding, I say bullshit. You're hiding something really big.
No. 434145
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>>434132The Big Thing, for me at least, is, and always has been, about the blood. C'mon Renfield, give it up. Admit where the blood is going. Rats! Rats! All red blood in them! All these I will give you, if you admit to the autoexsanguination!
Sage for stupid Dracula reference
No. 434147
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I don't know why. But she did ask me to arrange this.>>434119
No. 434148
>>434132 was meant for
>>434120Eternal apologies for mistakingly using the POS's post number.
No. 434165
>>434153I'm an identical twin. Most identical twins abandon this "made up language" nonsense as they transition into adulthood. Ultimately, this isn't even a super-secret made up language. This is just easily decipherable (sp?) piss-poor grammar and spelling. I took one read at it and knew precisely what they were saying. What nitwits.
No. 434278
>>434153>>434165I’ve just come to the conclusion that Gina is a total enabler. I thought she stayed out of Kelly’s bullshit, what with her public comments about wanting to stay out of Kelly’s bullshit and all, but it looks like she completely reinforces Kelly’s shitty behaviour.
It’s no wonder Kelly barely knows how to form a sentence - she gets to talk like a literal child to her closest confidant. I’d sit on a high horse, too, if my twin told me someone I trusted needed help but didn’t tell me I was a fucking erratic lunatic who needs to get her shit together.
No. 434380
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>There are just specific rules and a must to add as many letters as possible at times.
Do you even really understand what twin language is? When you were both little did you say to each other "let's make a rule we have to use as many letters as possible!" Also, I see from your screenshots your phone is different at the top again. Hmmm.
No. 434414
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>>434380Probs because then other phone isn't me. Hang on I'm looking up loser, and I'll highlight anything partainig to you. We are twins and we have a different vocabulary. No need to debunk that.
No. 434488
>>434445>>434451>>434455>>434473Admin, Kelly is ban evading and pretending to be multiple people again.
>I haven't even gotten to the "Best" part yet. Kek, what is the “best” part Kelly? God this is just sad, stringing everyone along for some pseudo-big-reveal.
No. 434633
>>434544Acetone? What the fuck are you talking about? Is that how you induced the "wasp" reaction? That's messed up, Kelly.
You are coming unglued. No one from the hospital is here, I just said it was a dumb idea to add hospital employees to your social media.
No. 434664
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>>434544>rember only 30 min to delete from here. A bit late I'd say.>When notable things happen in the hospital, I keep the band and write in point form about the happenings. Ever aything happens for a reason. >I'll maybe come see this for snoopy reasons (…….sure-jan.jpeg)>but got what I need (finallllly) and am very glad to move on!If you’re threatening to sue someone or have someone fired, I hope that you get repercussions for your lying, self posting about yourself, throwing your doctors under the bus as well as Karis, and for posing as actual doctors. Oh, that and your physical assault threat from earlier. You know, the one attached from here
>>433955 ?
No. 434737
>>434278I've been thinking the same. Enabler. Kelly once posted that her sister was very abusive towards her, but then deleted it. They're two peas from the same pod. Attenshun whoooress.
Sage for usinggg ttwintastic wurds
No. 434775
>>434749I agree.
It seems very likely that it was a family membe who abused Kelly.
It also seems pretty obvious which sister is in control here.
No. 435612
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Fellow anons, these last few months have been a honour.
No. 436460
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So apparently members of her church finance her existence, so she is a drain on society in multiple ways.
No. 634175
>>632418What are some of your other posts? I call BS, I'm sure you'll accidentally reference some of my posts. Quit saying "we" or "us", I can speak for myself tyvm.
You probably can't laugh or make fun of her because:
A) She's sick.
B) Laughing at sick people is considered cruel and unusual.
3) You have a heart.
Also she isn't involved with the church or those people any more.
Maybe go play your guitar or fix your demonic pencil drawn eyebrows.
Sincerely S (and not the previously self proclaimed S.)