File: 1687740631721.png (25.2 KB, 890x827, Operation DARVO.png)

No. 1853190
Katherine McMahon, also known online as the Madame Blush, is a 25 year old ex-salt baby masquerading as a professional dominatrix in NYC. Only possessing a single sweat stained, ill-fitting, tacky glue and rhinestone monstrosity of a costume, her favorite accessories are her self-diagnoses; autism, chronic pain, allergies, physical disability, medical burnout, PTSD, narcolepsy, insomnia, traction alopecia, and much, much more! Her hobbies include fetishizing dead black trans women, picking fights on twitter with actual sex workers, hating other women, calling street girls "dykes", pretending to be queer, inventing new lesphobic rhetoric to spew on her Instagram stories, and LARPing as a member of the working class.
Recent milk:
>>1735450 Kathy spends New Year's alone while her boyfriend spends the evening with the other woman.
>>1744922 Replies to a post about rape and pedophilia being amplified because of porn with, "it is all the fault of mothers" (women).
>>1757157 Kathy takes it upon herself to educate the masses on how harmful "stigma" is around certain kinks, telling people how to feel about possibly harmful sex acts.
>>1764055 Kathy will never stop denying the existence of porn addiction, and the harm it causes.
>>1777550 Tired of having a real job, Kathy cries workplace abuse and posts cringe about "slitting throats legally."
>>1778749 Her weird shrine to the dead trans black woman makes a debut! And she's possibly using it to manifest money?
>>1781116 Yet another conversation about men being sexual predators is hijacked by Kathy, bonus points for hijacking a butch's take!
>>1787130 Seriously cannot stop squawking about porn addiction not being real.
>>1787139 In order to yet again minimize the harm done to women and children by the porn industry, Kathy compares the porn industry to the shoe industry.
>>1792978 Lovely photo of Madame at work.
>>1801396 Kathy has beef with someone on twitter, is called out for being narcissistic and psychotic. "People dislike me once they see the real me."
>>1836447 As predicted, she did not have a new apartment lined up like she claimed months ago.
>>1838030 Kathy advises disabled people to lie about and hide their disabilities, which only serves to prevent them from getting accommodations.
>>1841478 Kathy lies about not being straight.
>>1842510 Mini tantrum on how queer leftists don't support disabled people because other "performers" don't wear masks in public, despite her never wearing a mask in public.
>>1843085 "You need to pay me to court or date me."
>>1843999 Candid picture of Kath in the wild.
Active links: (currently private) (currently private)
https://parkavenuepinup.com of Sex lawsuit info:
>>1729166 No. 1853287
File: 1687754020363.jpg (210.64 KB, 1080x1540, Screenshot_2023-06-25-23-35-18…)

Dropping some recent tweets
No. 1853289
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No. 1853290
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No. 1853291
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Don't misread this as sympathy for any of Kathy's tricks, but I find it bizarre that she spends so much time focusing on RACK (as if it matters) when she posts creepy revenge porn fantasies like this.
No. 1853345
File: 1687760926791.jpeg (85.54 KB, 1170x884, IMG_5196.jpeg)

Thread has only been up for 6 hours and she’s already shit stirring. Didn’t she once say that people who don’t publicly state the names of their abusers enable abusive behavior? Girl, don’t be shy now.
No. 1853556
File: 1687793697108.jpg (660.55 KB, 3106x4096, IMG_20230626_103618.jpg)

lol the absolute state of being a Kathy Coomer
No. 1853672
>>1853195Thank you so much! Loving the thread pic
>>1853345How can she be mad people are slobbering over someone when they can't possibly know what she did if beaky doesn't out her? I doubt it was anything more than a fellow whore at a sex party giving her a kiss.
>>1853289I wonder how many times she'll make this tweet trying to get herself a Shayna viral tweet. Also it's so weird to hear someone act brand name about a recipe, especially because this isn't a new innovative desert but instead a variant on shortbread. It's a basic french shortbread recipe inspired by Persian flavour (you can make it easy Just because it was made popular by a guy whose name is known doesn't mean he's special for it compared to every other pastry chef making their own flavour combos because if you're not just buying mall cafeteria pastries they tend to be unique from chef to chef with their artistry coming creating new flavours. Also it's not like the random mall cafeteria she goes to has Sablés made by him, it's brought in frozen by some factory mostly following the recipe or made by line cooks following one. It's like if I made a beef wellington following Gordon Ramsay's recipe and also told my guests they were actually eating a Gordon Ramsay meal. Not here to shit on the chef but there isn't a single pastry chef out there who hasn't added something to shortbread and there's a reason recipes cannot be copywritten and chefs share tips. Recipe creation is people sharing and combining ideas which then spread through the world, you'd think "anarchist" beaky would be all for that
No. 1854919
Kathy has been losing twitter followers and privated her personal instagram within the past couple of days.
>>1853289How does one "lusciously" count kek.
>>1853290>>1853345>>1853291All dirty deleted.
No. 1855072
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Please be the leg lines please be the leg lines
No. 1855113
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>>1855072Already deleted. She had also tried asking on instagram a few days ago before she went private. No one must have answered kek. I have to wonder if instead of just being lazy and entitled, she's really lonely and these basic questions she asks (and expects people to answer for free) is the only outside social interaction she gets. It's probably both though.
No. 1855668
File: 1688084567554.png (36.4 KB, 1172x622, Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 5.19.…)

She completely bypassed a second boyfriend and is now looking for a second husband… as a unmarried 26 year old woman. Come on Kathy be more creative this is really pathetic.
No. 1856945
File: 1688287675865.png (70.37 KB, 1176x294, Screenshot 2023-07-02 at 1.46.…)

She's a decade behind every other cow. She was already rock bottom but somehow she has declined even further this year. Not even an interesting cow anymore.
No. 1858986
File: 1688602571727.png (188.41 KB, 1184x666, Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 5.02.…)

It's easy to say what clients you won't take on when you've never planned on taking any from the get-go.
No. 1859093
File: 1688615501383.jpeg (164.42 KB, 1200x908, sb-129-167.jpeg)

Picrel is Kathy and everyone she's in community with(unsaged shitpost)
No. 1859482
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I'm not a fashion snob by any means and even I know that sex work has been credited. Louboutin is clear on why his soles are red kek
No. 1860081
File: 1688794069411.png (598.88 KB, 1186x1342, Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 10.19…)

She drags on about how much she actually hates the burlesque "community" yet e-begs for Dita tickets every time she goes on tour kek
No. 1860302
>>1853289Late af but didnt see the new thread until now. God, that took such a long time to get through.
I cant think of anything more cringe than her sc «daTe IdeAs».
That one physically hurt
No. 1860693
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Her delusions never fail to make me smile
No. 1860708
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Kathy unnecessarily putting down another person just to be the most educated person in the room
No. 1860709
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No. 1860734
>>1860708>>1860709She's so retarded she doesn't even know what they meant by "discriminate" plus we all know she's bulshitting about boundaries not working with those types because
a)She doesn't get any client so she's not seeing anyone on those levels
b)The user answering
>take their money away even more happilyit's a larp she has repeated a million times, idek why she's moralfagging so hard lately
No. 1861218
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>>1860702>>1860693Can't ruin her Sex and the City dreams!
No. 1862059
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No. 1862060
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No. 1862061
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No. 1862062
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No. 1862509
File: 1689114136000.gif (1.44 MB, 498x276, sure kathy.gif)

>>1862062>>1862061"Human ATM" has sent her $14k yet she can't even swing a trip to Vegas to see Dita Von Teese (whose tickets are under $200 btw)
No. 1862669
File: 1689126928048.png (64.85 KB, 1178x298, Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 6.57.…)

Okay Shayna
No. 1863341
>>1862499I think naming one of Sondheim's most famous works will get a pass, somehow, even on Twitter. Same with people talking about Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Sorry, G
*y Rose Blanchard.
No. 1864715
File: 1689396044612.png (210.46 KB, 1190x1340, Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 9.40.…)

"I love him" sure doesn't sound like a professional dominatrix that has boundaries with her clients. Everything she has ever said goes out the door the moment someone sends her any monetary amount.
No. 1867499
File: 1689706917559.jpg (429.03 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_2023-07-18-14-02-23…)

Ain't no way
No. 1867500
File: 1689706941246.jpg (296.48 KB, 1080x925, Screenshot_2023-07-18-14-03-34…)

The scrote that's supposedly footing the bill
No. 1868138
File: 1689815970731.jpg (310.61 KB, 1174x1444, image.jpg)

It is beyond telling when Kathy attacks people who actually do everything she preaches about. Opened her ignorant beak just to say "military bad" while ignoring everything else.
No. 1868894
>>1868200This truly has me losing it lmao of all the things you could criticize THE US MILITARY for she picks pollution?
Might be obvious but it’s literally not even true, US military emissions make up 2% of total emissions from the US, and the US as a whole is still nowhere close to the emissions from the Chinese factories that are churning out the tacky plastic garbage she buys.
No. 1868921
File: 1689971195070.jpg (456.45 KB, 1174x2403, image.jpg)

>>1868138She loves to be holier-than-thou but when called out on her ignorance, she just dirty deletes. Never owns up to anything. Here's the entire exchange since she wants to be a coward.
No. 1868928
File: 1689971932388.png (238.41 KB, 1180x974, Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 5.40.…)

>Men are hideous because they don't take care of themselves
>Men are hideous because they don't take care of themselves. Except for gay and trans men!! uwu
Not based
Also real bold of her to post this when she's dating a New York man that looks like he crawled out of the sewer
No. 1869517
File: 1690073407951.png (1.12 MB, 1188x790, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 5.52.…)

This delusion is self-harm
No. 1869520
File: 1690073556869.png (585.06 KB, 1186x1546, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 5.52.…)

Not only is she going to fuck up her hair, platinum looks like shit on her
No. 1869596
>>1869520>permanent…as opposed to a temporary bleach?
I pity the hairstylist who'll have to deal with her for hours if she manages to crowdfund her silly platinum dreams. I'm betting she won't know how to care for the hair nor tone it. She'll probably expect to crowdfund a touch-up every month or two if she's thought that far ahead
No. 1869718
>>1869547>>1869596She means not a wig
>>1869694I wouldn’t know for New York but anywhere else it would be $300-$700. Her hair is probably a level 6 or 7, it just looks darker because she’s a greaseball 90% of the time. She could get to an 8 or 9 in a single session, especially if she gets it cut first. Maintenance is a bitch though and that adds up fast.
No. 1869890
File: 1690152180830.png (178.7 KB, 1186x726, Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 3.27.…)

Trump International Hotel is five stars. She should stay there since she's only looking for "four or five star" experiences. Her wealth larp is such a shit show.
No. 1869922
>>1868928Most gay men go incognito as straight-passing in order to not get hatecrimed or harassed (and just generally because life is easier that way) so some of those 3-4s she's judging are in fact gay men kek
She's right in that most men look like shit though, but…we have all seen her boyfriend
No. 1869967
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>>1869520Her stringy hair is going to turn out like picrel if not worse
No. 1870647
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Pick a lane dumbass
No. 1871806
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Sure Kathy
No. 1871808
File: 1690501519068.png (211.86 KB, 1182x816, Screenshot 2023-07-24 at 6.04.…)

No. 1871873
File: 1690509226776.png (135.16 KB, 1182x464, Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 6.55.…)

Giving fashion advice to David Hogg kek
No. 1871913
>>1871873Doing LABOR for a MAN for FREE
you traitor, Kathy.
No. 1872143
>>1869517 looks better to you than her natural hair color? Agree to disagree I suppose. To me it just makes her look pink and pasty
No. 1872178
File: 1690564570510.png (185.16 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20230726-013541~2.p…)

Posted a few days ago, all deleted.
No. 1872179
File: 1690564678948.png (113.79 KB, 1080x589, Screenshot_20230727-003006~2.p…)

>>1872178Then the day after, also deleted.
No. 1873422
File: 1690756502729.png (501.69 KB, 1186x1280, Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 3.36.…)

She lowered the price kek
No. 1873423
File: 1690756532159.png (230.95 KB, 1176x746, Screenshot 2023-07-30 at 3.36.…)

E-begging for the scrote's dog
No. 1873678
File: 1690809927461.jpeg (266.27 KB, 1170x661, IMG_5505.jpeg)

Really, Kathy? And where are these pieces of jewelry, unless your “married female jeweler” is just a fancy way of saying “knockoff Swarovski”?
No. 1874549
File: 1690929465811.png (260.88 KB, 1182x1206, Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 3.39.…)

Who's "we"? Speak for yourself Katherine. She refuses to actually call out men for anything.
No. 1874804
>>1853190>>1874549"and still they survive"
Except Anna Nicole literally fucking didn't, you moron.
No. 1876505
File: 1691223803325.png (1.4 MB, 1184x1520, Screenshot 2023-08-05 at 1.25.…)

>panty fetish
She really is just making shit up at this point
No. 1883417
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No. 1891122
File: 1693458491340.png (909.5 KB, 1502x826, update.png)

Not much update except that she's already trying to beg for a birthday gift of ballet tickets next month. Any particular ballet? Any company in mind? It's ballet, beaky isn't one for details about things she totally knows about. 300$ sounds about right to her.
Also she's decided to promote this post along with replying to it herself months later. It's such an unsexy and pretty comedic post I cannot believe this woman thought she could have a career in stripping, sorry, ~burlesque~
No. 1891377
File: 1693512066991.jpg (23.4 KB, 306x528, Screenshot_20230831-160141_Bra…)

>>1891274>>1891365The 20$ Community center adult ballet lessons are still on her wishtender kek. I think she doesn't actually know anything about ballet, just loves the fantasy of being a starring lead in a company since she was a child and never really developed the fantasy further because thinking harder would force her to accept it as just fantasy and not something she could do if she had the time
No. 1893734
File: 1693969156536.png (951.5 KB, 2058x1236, Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 7.52.…)

She's scamming with her supposedly handmade pasties again. She is 100% not using Swarovski; she doesn't even come close to fitting their new 2021 clientele criteria. Plus their Brand Control Agreement for professionals clearly states that you CAN NOT advertise your items with any of their branding. Not only is she lying, she's breaking contract rules her dumbass isn't even aware of.
No. 1894036
File: 1694031561805.jpg (144.97 KB, 1204x514, womp womp.jpg)

I wish someone had access to her Instagram so we could see the absolute dumpster fire of emotions going on right now
No. 1894141
File: 1694043380993.png (197.42 KB, 1184x794, Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 4.37.…)

>>1894036She's crying over literally nothing. He did not cut "all" of her hair off kek guarantee he had to cut a little more than she asked because her ends were too damaged to take on bleach.
No. 1894164
>>1894036>>1894141This is one of my fears and I will not gloat if she went in for a trim and came out with a massacre. That's terrible and it should not happen when you are paying for a service. In some places, having your hair cut without your consent is considered assault. I've also continued to say that her hair is the best quality she has because it's decently healthy looking and really she just has to cut in some bangs of any style.
If she went in to get it bleached like she was thinking of previously though? lol fuck around and find out. That is difficult to accomplish and difficult to maintain, and the side effect of bleaching hair into white is that you might experience hair loss- with her already tragic hairline? oh boy.
No. 1894213
>>1894164well said that's a genuinely upsetting thing to have happen even if it happens to someone you don't like. so i'm not gonna pretend she's overreacting or just being a brat if that's what happened. tho
>>1894192 makes a good point that 3" off feels and looks like a massive cut , more than it sounds, and can be shocking. I think i had 3 or 3 and 1/2 inches off once and it almost felt as if it was 6". kinda hoping she just didn't realize how much hair 3" really is and is shocked by the results and this hairdresser didn't just violate a clients trust and cut double what she asked for without letting her know, that's fucked. id hate to think there's professionals out there pulling that kind of thing on people in general
No. 1894498
>>1894491It happens far too often; go to any long hair discussion forum.
I'm sure that once we see Kathy's hair and get more information, it'll be easier to understand the situation.
No. 1894584
File: 1694116046543.jpeg (101.89 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1847.jpeg)

Okay so she went in having zero clue how asking for inches off and layers would look on thin limp hair like hers. You will
always lose some length when asking for layers. She loves to drone on and on about how much of a great “researcher” she is but has once again proved she can’t even be bothered to do a simple google search.
>>1894443If she was “really into appearances” she wouldn’t be walking around with those black lines on the back of her legs while wearing oversized toddler dresses and baby jane makeup.
No. 1894586
File: 1694116423491.gif (1.65 MB, 498x280, feel-sorry-bitch.gif)

>>1894584Seems like people are forgetting this cow has nothing positive to say about anything ever. She is always the
victim of something tRaUmAtIc. Her hair probably looks a million times better.
No. 1894592
File: 1694117030062.png (1.9 MB, 1088x1220, Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 1.00.…)

>>1894584>>1894036Her natural hair sucks. The hairdresser wasn't working with much to begin with. Layers aren't for every hair type. Can't blame him for giving you what you asked for. Should've just got bangs.
No. 1894594
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No. 1894606
File: 1694117934994.png (496.25 KB, 560x558, Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 1.20.…)

I'm sorry but it's really hard to take her seriously that this is a TRAUMATIC haircut when she thinks picrel looks good.
No. 1894609
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No. 1894651
File: 1694121873188.gif (1001.6 KB, 350x250, IMG_0574.gif)

>>1894141>>1894584>devastating >heartbreaking>TRAUMATICit's a fucking haircut. cope.
No. 1894656
>>1894646Oh you’re a clever nonushka! I am indeed tall kek 5’10 (around 178 cm) so yeah you’re prob right since Kathy is such a shorty.
>>1894651KEK exactly
No. 1894675
File: 1694125478955.png (267.03 KB, 1190x1094, Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 3.02.…)

She just can't let that woman rest in peace, can she?
No. 1894807
>>1894584This whole post (Kathy's post) is like
> tell me you've never experienced actual trauma without telling me you've never experienced actual traumaI'm sure she's upset right now, but I think she's also pouring lots of emotions into the haircut that she's feeling about the actual permanent things she's done to her body - the tattoo stocking lines and those awful heart shaped nipples. Hair grows back, but she's sure as shit not getting laser removed on her fucking nipples.
No. 1894857
>>1894675Mistress Velvet is such a sad case and Katherine’s obsession is so creepy and exploitative.
>>1894683She was not a man. She was a “non-binary”self-hating “they” with obvious body image issues who dressed like a feminine woman and was married to a gross tankie communist guy.
>>1894772I will bet that she literally heard of Mistress Velvet from that stupid Vice piece about “the Dominatrix with a syllabus” where Velvet pretends that making her sub husband read Bell Hooks is a feature of her business that attracts clients and not a desperate attempt to pretend that sex work is empowering.
No. 1894889
File: 1694158660514.jpeg (465.43 KB, 1170x1432, IMG_1854.jpeg)

So with her black line tattoos in mind, I was wondering whatever happened to her wanting to get them touched up. She got them done in late July of last year and within a month was talking about getting them touched up. After that she just straight up stopped posting them. Turns out the tattoo artist committed suicide just two months after she got them done. milk but it’s a sad story and kind of crazy. All the shit talking she does about police (despite constantly threatening to call them) yet she doesn’t make a peep about their incredible fuck up with her tattoo artist’s disappearance.
No. 1894900
>>1894889Wow, to not find him for that long when he was literally so close to where he was last spotted along with the police response to his mother is fucked up.
Kathy lurks though nona so I'm sure we'll see it mentioned soon lol
No. 1894905
>>1894686>>1894857Wait they were a tif? They had crazy bolt ons and I'm 95% sure was a tim
>>1894889Holy shit
>He was found behind his work building>A high-ranking police [official] said to [his mother] on the day it was confirmed that it WAS [her] son’s body: “why are you asking all these questions, you know it won’t bring your son back,” and told [her] not to call them anymoreWonder if Kathy thought at all about what happened to him when he disappeared if she knew. tbf it's possible she didn't ever have the cash to message him again (or decided against it) and never knew he died but I'm curious
inb4 she makes a new tweet announcing her hatred of the police and mentions him out of nowhere claiming she'd been silent or holding it in for too long or some shit No. 1894988
File: 1694180150911.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1532, IMG_0790.jpeg)

>>1894857>>1894905Nope, mistress velvet was a spicy straight woman. Married to her high school sweetheart, a white guy. Got bolt-on tits in like 2019 and then offed herself a couple years later. It’s easier to see that she’s female in candid pics, the ones on Katherine’s altar are all her uncanny valley looking sex worker pics from right after tits, lipo, and fillers.
No. 1895056
File: 1694190560884.jpeg (867.63 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_2273.jpeg)

>>1894994>I’m a communistRest in piss then kekkkk
No. 1895183
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No. 1895191
File: 1694206269977.png (115.31 KB, 1182x592, Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 1.54.…)

Nothing screams luxury more than begging for e-gift cards
No. 1895294
regardless from which hair it comes from, I think she has great hair, it's thick and soft, the best thing that has ever happened to her is this forced cut, if she learned how to set her hair and threw those awful wigs in the trash she'd have fluffy bouncy vintage hair that would disguise that enormous head and forehead of hers. I don't understand how she sees herself as this person who knows so much of vintage fashion and still, the most BASIC and cheap things any vintage loving girl, specially the broke ones learn to do is their own hair. You can dress all in repro, but with a greatly done rita hayworth hair, you look 10000s times better than anyone with those toilet paper "victory rolls" or badly drone drag wigs. Drag hair is often stylized cartoonish versions of vintage hairstyles and look so, it's obvious she got those awful wigs from a bad drag-wig-maker who couldn't achieve what she wanted OR, most likely, some wig already listed and she can't differentiate between the styles. Katherine, what's stopping you from buying some rollers and read some tutorials? don't dream it, be it.
No. 1895496
File: 1694261434010.jpeg (47.84 KB, 736x743, IMG_1860.jpeg)

>>1895294> and softAnd you would know this how?
No. 1895634
>>1894988Thanks for the correction. She looks so normal in these pictures comparatively. What a depressing life, leave Ghana to make a better life for yourself, get into prostitution catering to a specific scroty fetish that mocks female aggression and strength, die.
Can't believe Kathy made a shrine to this
No. 1896195
File: 1694378582850.jpg (145.64 KB, 1080x810, Snapinsta.app_376851821_183849…)

I can guarantee her haircut looks better than her hiding in a hoodie. All this does is make her look like an egg head. (1/2)
No. 1896198
File: 1694378721639.webm (845.12 KB, 720x540, 95147303252934-762588778070875…)
And is she tweaking here? Like what are you doing. (2/2)
No. 1896223
File: 1694380771192.png (454.35 KB, 1057x610, mm.png)

>>1896198When you have a high-ranking, world-famous, and successful celebrity lookalike
(She really should have gotten some bangs)
No. 1896249
File: 1694385785941.jpg (285.76 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot_2023-09-10-16-02-53…)

Not really anything new going on, just dropping off the meltdown she had over the Danny Masterson/Mila kunis/cindey Brixton or whatever the victims name is situation.
Brief summary for Nonna's who don't follow celebricows: Hyde from that 70s show is a predator, one of his victims won a conviction, Ashton kutcher and Mila kunis were found out to have sent letters of support of Masterson's character to the court. They also released some kind of acknowledgement video about it where they defend their defense of a rapist, but I have no interest in watching that. This looks particularly bad for Kutcher because he runs and anti-trafficking org, which, for a misogynist like Parkavenuepinup, is worse than his on-record, active support of an abuser. Sorry about all the text.
No. 1896250
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No. 1896251
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2/3 sorry about all the caps, anons
No. 1896252
File: 1694386046457.jpg (436.5 KB, 1079x1706, Screenshot_2023-09-10-16-03-47…)

3/3 I know we aren't strangers to her inane rants, but her actually tagging Ashton kutcher as if he really could gaf while also blasting him for supporting rape culture made me laugh.
No. 1896263
>>1896252Tagging a guy many now suspect of covering up a murder/being involved somehow (celebricows thread for more) is very brave and stupid of Kathy. He literally got
I know what you did last summer Story post from his ex. like wtf did he say on this phone call on the night this actress died? Like yes his anti trafficking org is also highly suspect but the court case, defending a rapist (the evidence must be damning since they are considering a life sentence, and as we all know most rape cases are dismissed so imagine how bad it is…) and possibly having some serious skeletons in his closet is surely more pressing right now
>>1896251>I don't want to saved by a manway to miss the point, Kathy, the issue is people using these orgs to get lists of sex workers and target them/get access to vulnerable people. And also the above, rape and murder kathy, please keep up.
The good thing is she will never be a spokesperson of any kind because she's terrible at it.
No. 1896285
>>1896218Wouldn't be surprised if she did. She is exactly the type of person to do something extreme when something doesn't elicit the response or attention she wanted. I don't doubt she hated the 3-6" cut but the people around her probably told her it looks fine and the perpetual
victim can't have that.
No. 1896308
File: 1694391706005.jpg (31.22 KB, 449x564, brinton.JPG)

>>1896195she looks like mf sam brinton
No. 1896329
File: 1694394095829.jpg (38.99 KB, 860x484, luggage stealing enby.jpg)

>>1896195I can't fucking unsee it
They both have the same compulsion to wear the worst lipstick shade for their skin tone and both utter egg-heads with terrible fashion choices but the same delusion thinking they actually look good
>>1896251>no woman wants to be saved by a cis-het manand no men want to help women which is why most trafficking orgs are run by women. And of course beaky doesn't have experience knowing the work they do, she's so far removed from real prostitution she might as well be on mars. She doesn't know the work it takes to help even local women escape their
abusive pimps alive. She might as well be the klepto enby with her absolute lack of allyship or empathy towards women
No. 1897183
File: 1694556994857.jpg (109.93 KB, 1182x424, Fucking Stupid.jpg)

Love these blatant lies. Absolutely no therapist would do this, and if this is true, she's completely outing her therapist. What a professional.
No. 1897223
>>1897183welp there it is, her therapist is probably some "sex therapist" which means they could literally be any random whore on twitter who calls herself an "empath" and "sex teacher" and maybe took some course by another grifter on how to "heal" others. I was looking around for a female massage therapist the other day and came across some sex therapist that does some bootleg form of talk therapy followed by "non-sexual touch" where they're trying to help seriously traumatized women with whatever bullshit they've "educated themselves" with off the social media. I'm not that worried for beaky cause a narc like her's not looking for real therapy anyways, but putting money in one of those grifter's pockets means you're getting played bad and I feel for the other clients of this therapist
at least if she's real or the scenario happened anything like this as opposed to beaky going off in conversation assuming the therapist feels the same way she does
No. 1897302
File: 1694573936614.jpg (52.47 KB, 750x1334, 377727565_1053793055786293_775…)

Her covid rants are becoming my favorite. She wants to act holier than thou about it yet hasn't worn a mask in public since like summer 2021. The nerve to preach to people about covid and pets when she was maskless at a dog meetup just this weekend.
No. 1897889
File: 1694665691631.jpg (106.31 KB, 750x1334, 377977006_223635313703696_3123…)

If everyone is disabled, who is left to hate you katherine?
No. 1897993
File: 1694688913270.jpeg (24.02 KB, 612x344, IMG_1986.jpeg)

>>1897183Kathy and her therapist. She sure has a lot of imaginary people in her life: therapist, lawyer, boyfriends, subs… must be exhausting.
No. 1898294
File: 1694731611030.png (86.99 KB, 1186x350, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 3.49.…)

Waiting for the day she realizes that she's actually the one footing the bills in these situations since e-begging is her source of income kek
No. 1898547
File: 1694759745284.jpg (106.57 KB, 750x1334, 378564051_1774177269679819_234…)

Birthday e-begging on instagram while claiming on twitter her birthday is on the 25th. Odd.
No. 1898554
>>1898523a brasserie is basically a less formal restaurant where you can get a quick meal at a reasonable price. they serve traditional cuisine but definitely not fancy.
>>1898547if she is indeed at angelina's then it's not even a brasserie lol. they serve some brasserie-style savoury dishes but their specialty is pastries. it's a tearoom.
the OG angelina's is also a notorious overpriced tourist trap, you wouldn't catch a parisian dead there.
of course kathy is the sort of dork who thinks macarons are the height of chic (what is this, 2004?) so i wouldn't expect her to know better.
No. 1898571
>>1898294in my country "a brasserie" is used for a place with basic meals and european alcohol (mostly beer that is mid-tier fancy) and the food is just… a supplement. food in a brasserie for me is like a fried fish with like 3 spices and a slice of lemon. or croutons.
she tries to sound fancy, but she fails at sounding fancy even to the most sheltered "uncultured ameripigs"
one quick google would give you information thata lot of places use "brasserie" as a term for an establishment that is kept by a certan brewery place.
No. 1898989
File: 1694832114873.webm (1.47 MB, 720x1280, BB4408D1DEB52747D1829C1D5E54EC…)
She's so concerned about her haircut but continues to wear short wigs
No. 1898991
File: 1694832318143.webm (1.24 MB, 720x1280, 8F4F38B138A0791582B526ABFF315B…)
No. 1898992
File: 1694832363362.jpg (89.48 KB, 750x1334, 378435459_216299988097398_2829…)

And she has to let everyone know that she will be masked while begging for friends! Why won't the scrote take her?
No. 1899070
File: 1694855500602.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1438, IMG_2020.jpeg)

No. 1899305
File: 1694897355147.jpeg (248.72 KB, 1151x2048, F6Hz-eVW8AAu-CB.jpeg)

Grandma gone wild
No. 1899605
File: 1694934826066.jpeg (28.36 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2024.jpeg)

Of course she is
No. 1899645
>>1899070I actually thought she looked nice (for her) in this photo, the eye makeup looked softer and less jarring than usual, the pink of her nails are as close to matching the pink of her stole as her colorblind ass is going to get, and the wig looked less… weird? I don't know. The dress looks like Party City trash but other than that I thought this was a better attempt than usual at a 40s Hollywood diva aesthetic or whatever it is she's going for.
But then I saw
>>1899305 and realized it was just all the filters making her look better than usual.
No. 1899726
File: 1694964047153.jpg (54.72 KB, 705x629, 40s hair.jpg)

>>1899518The puffy bottom whoosh to the wig is bothering me. Like, without the puffy bottom part or if it were majorly toned down, it would look much more like a 40s/50s style, but the puff at the bottom makes it more drag-queen. Also, the hairline, like you said, is too far back and the wig is so light that it blends into her skull skin, giving the illusion it's even further back. Her makeup is waaayyy too high contrast for the outfit, but Kathy doesn't seem to own a rosy pink lip product or even a toned-down sheer red, and always overdoes it on the chunky sharpie liner.
No. 1899815
>>1899605what is the point of this?
>hi kathy i have endometriosis, what’s up?>i have a new symptom, do u?>no>okthis retard is one of my favorite cows
>>1899726imagine current-day Kathy time travelling to the ‘40s/‘50s with her sharpie eyeliner, medieval peasant hair and drag queen outfits. hearty kek
No. 1899934
>>1899605Doesn't she talk about not using disabled people for free labor and how
problematic it is to ask disabled folks to do work for you instead of doing your own research?
No. 1900099
File: 1695006090495.png (1.51 MB, 1176x1232, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 8.04.…)

That isn't femdom but uh, okay
No. 1900100
File: 1695006252194.png (199.19 KB, 1186x782, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 8.06.…)

She can stroke her hate boner for landlords all she wants but her take on sex workers becoming landlords is not what she thinks it is. God forbid a woman get the fuck out of sex work.
No. 1900531
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No. 1900684
File: 1695099645123.png (107.04 KB, 1176x442, Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 10.03…)

No. 1901040
>>1899726Oh ok yeah it's totally the bottom curls being so poofed out. If you imagine cutting off the poofy ends it would look more like the picrel and probably look pretty cute too. You're probably onto something with it being a drag queen wig. They have to blow them up to hide their male bodies (especially shoulders) and beaky being a faghag probably bought drag queen "vintage inspired" wigs not realising that imitating an imitation isn't exactly authentic nor breeds good results kek
>>1900100Ah yes, when I think whores being class traitors I think of the .01% making enough money to buy enough property for themselves and to be a landlord and not the madames continuing the wheel of pimp abuse.
Also kek at beaky not understanding that industry whores also want out because the industry isn't actually much better than the streets.
>>1900531Shit didn't she get one of the supposed "cures" too? Holy shit I hate the medical industry and how it treats women. And beaky needs to realise her lack of class solidarity with women is part of the reason our problems stay problems, women aren't supporting each other we've let moids get between us and women like her put all their energy into fixing them instead of uplifting ourselves and demanding better rights
>>1900931Actual Marx writes against prostitution because obviously it's fucked to sell your body for the right to live under capitalism. Pickmes don't read, they regurgitate what the men around them tell them and blindly trust without verifying men have any reading comprehension and didn't cherry pick what they wanted you to hear
No. 1901077
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No. 1901535
File: 1695249904364.jpg (304.91 KB, 1164x1603, image (1).jpg)

>Real kinksters don't practice kinks that are rooted in bigotry and hate.
But it's totally fine to have a man pull you around on a leash in public, participate in dd/lg shit, and beat you during sex because fuck women, right Kathy? No black man gives a shit about someone saying BBC. Always coddling men. ALWAYS.
No. 1901762
>>1901579I guess you’ve never been in the Shayna thread kek
>>1901535lord, I wish a black woman would call her out but Kathy’s squawking into the void is not worth their time
No. 1901780
File: 1695278254120.jpg (44.02 KB, 750x1334, 380302023_1334803993821390_544…)

Professional message for her totes real endless performance requests
No. 1901928
>>1901762does she have any black friends? or even black people she's friendly with? it's so creepy how she's latched onto that dead black woman and acts like they had such a close relationship, but i don't think i've ever seen her interact with a black person in real life. and you know she'd be posting about it if she did. if she lived in some tiny homogeneous town i'd get it but she's in new york. you would have to go out of your way to avoid non-white people there.
>>1901780KEK if these messages were real she'd be responding to them in DMs, this is so funny.
No. 1902002
>>1901584exactly. stalag porn was extremely popular in israel. it's almost like…. the taboo is what makes these "kinks" appealing.
it's psychological. you can't take these depravities and make them politically correct.
what if these black men like being buck-broken and whipped by white dommes in southern belle dresses as a way to cope with multigenerational trauma uwu? is she going to whitesplain it to them? how racist of her
No. 1902006
>>1901910Thats hardly the point though. The point is she loves being all ddlg and basically support pedopandering but calls out raceplay. Im sorry but pedopandering is 100 times worse. Atleast with bbc its just adult males being sexualised.
But the sheer audacity she has to say that BBC is what gives the bdsm community a bad name or makes it cringey is ridiculous. Ddlg is way more cringey. Shes a fucking joke.
No. 1902053
File: 1695338649938.png (1.27 MB, 1066x1474, Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 4.15.…)

Incoming beef with Dita Von Teese. Can't wait to see how she spins this.
No. 1902069
>>1901780>All the private and corporate event requestsI've been following Kathy's threads since before Covid hit. I think I've seen her do two gigs, maybe three maximum in all that time which is laughable even allowing for 12+ months of peak Covid.
Also her website doesn't have any routine pictures, which is odd for someone who performs for a career. It does have Venmo and Cashapp buttons though, so very classy!
No. 1902071
>>1902053She ebegged for the flights, right?
But at the same time
>cannot accommodate indoor events during this surgeOh Kathy, such priorities.
No. 1902165
File: 1695354571842.jpeg (111.18 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2106.jpeg)

She asks this knowing damn well she’s either going to wear that selkie dress, a plain black dress, or some tragic polyester satin and sequin combo.
No. 1902166
File: 1695354618457.jpeg (106.16 KB, 1170x2061, IMG_2105.jpeg)

More pills to add to the rotation
No. 1902399
>>1902053Bad look asking a sexworker to do your emotional labor for you, Katherine.
And why would dita be responsible for Kathy being a grade a retard
No. 1902561
File: 1695421428237.png (1.44 MB, 932x1580, Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 1.06.…)

Kathy: DO NOT expect free labor from me by asking about my costumes. If you have a question, you can pay me X to talk about it.
Also Kathy:
No. 1902593
Also, I love the delusion this one has, which is the most pathetic kind of whoraphobia. She wants to be edgy, and be deemed alternative by doing internet findom, but there's no actual money to be made in that pursuit..All while casting a side eye at actual sex workers. Actual NYC dominatrixes charge anywhere between 350-600 per hour, often times not booking less that 2 hours.. . She has herself convinced she's somehow more high end by having these wacky "pay me" fetish posts, but in all actuality - most the twitter users that do that kind of interactions are making $10-20 tops, from men with no intentions to ever meet them, or buy them anything. I've watched her account pop up and have seen her general dismay at people "wasting her time" or not receiving the findom freebies she wants.. Erm.. She's wasting her own time. No one ever tells this urban legend chasing twitter twat that there really is money to be made in fetish / escort / bdsm work, but it's not going to be sitting around and looking pretty. A majority of the clients seek out pegging sessions, which is very labor intensive, and that's why they are willing to shell out thousands. I'm yet to meet any of these unicorn clients that want nothing actually sexual, but just to be in the presence of a goddess and hand over thousands. I can't imagine what her response would be at the average client asking if they could jerk off in her presence.
No. 1902604
a few tips on how I know she's a fake -
1) most clients have pretty much no fashion requests. the session is not about you, it's about them. I have made thousands of dollars doing mommy domme sessions with no make up on, wearing actual stretch pants. Men don't care, unless it's a rare pantyhose / nylons fetish and more often than not, THEY want to be the ones wearing the item.
2) You never see anyone this dressed up for actual sex work. The make up comes off on the clients. Leave no trace you saw them. You can't wear perfume, and I'd hate to see how that wig would do around a situation with enemas and lube.
3) the fetish she is trying to attract - feminization / crossdressers.. it's not what she thinks it is, lol. She's painting it like it's this cute little have a tea party with a man wearing women's underwear. In reality, in my time seeing these clients, it's usually a humiliation fetish where someone wants to be either disciplined, or verbally degraded while they wear women's undergarments and jerk off.
4) she's been called out a few times by pro dom / sex educators on her asking questions for "ideas" that she's going to have these kinky public meet ups. One, BDSM requires consent of all parties, the public at large cannot consent to being in your scene, so regardless if it's their fetish, if you are a professional, that's out of line. Two, the biggest fantasy all these cheap wad, too scared to ever meet and don't even have the cash to pay you types have is over and over, to have a chat discussing what they are going to do when they meet you for your date. I hope she has caught on to that unless you get a booking by email, with a deposit, and the client is willing to screen, the person you are chatting with is usually just using the interaction for free sexting and is most likely jerking off in your DMS and you'll be lucky if they send $20(powerleveling about whoredom)
No. 1902660
File: 1695432330237.jpeg (544.8 KB, 1500x4002, 100.jpeg)

Covid rant! Buckle up - lots of hypocrisy and buzzwords in this one.
No. 1903031
File: 1695500629688.jpeg (105.03 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2126.jpeg)

She says as she worships men online while playing pretend sex worker
No. 1903104
>>1902604You’re spot on. I know this board looks down on sex workers but i know a few dommes as well and went to dungeons a few times. The male clients want their ass rammed or fisted for hours, which is neither easy nor a pretty job. More power to those who sort of enjoy it (Kathy would never)
Nobody wants to pay a chick $500 to buy her pastries and hear her vent about Marxism and capitalism (while begging for designer handbags and shoes, galaxy brain take)
Idk how to explain it but she has a very female centric view of femdom (pastries, fluffy pillows, pastels) while completely ignoring what actual clients want, it’s such a jarring disconnect. She’d have better luck posting that for $500 she’ll peg someone for 1h, then get her regulars to pay her shopping here and there, but it involves actual effort.
No. 1903318
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No. 1903320
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No. 1903321
File: 1695549736556.mp4 (463.24 KB, 650x1154, ljzriAr-KV0VGXPd.mp4)

No. 1903322
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No. 1903323
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No. 1903375
>>1903321She needs to stop thrusting her tongue holy shit.
I can't believe she wore that out in public. It looks like underclothes, and not like, 1990s slip-dress stuff. Cheap, polyester underclothes.
No. 1903383
File: 1695562618585.jpg (165.65 KB, 1860x1044, Baby-Jane-HERO.jpg)

>>1902604Thank you for your insight anon.
>>1903320This immediately made me think of "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane." Pic related.
No. 1903589
File: 1695588554327.jpeg (22.24 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2140.jpeg)

No. 1903598
>>1903589That is a highly sought-after job that involves getting in at the bottom floor of shitty UNPAID internships in some places, working as a stitcher for years until you're trusted enough to cut fabric for someone else's vision, showing up to grueling hours for hell week, and maybe one day in your 40s you'll be able to design a show.
It's such a cool job, but it's a highly competitive one with bad pay. All that handwork is taxing on the body even for someone who isn't publicly disabled like Kathy. I knew a girl in props who sewed THROUGH her hand, and another in costumes who had developed some kind of hands/joint issue from doing so much hand sewing. Like most art jobs and jobs related to video games, this industry is one that has an endless supply of eager workers who love the craft too much, so the working conditions can be kinda shit. Kathy should try making herself more than one costume before she deals with multiple costumes per dancer for a whole show.
No. 1903637
>>1903589fashion industry is an underpaid hell, she can't even endure a normal job, she would quit after one hour having to actually work somewhere were they make costumes. And does she really think you go in there and your first task will be designing the costumes, kek, if you don't have the right connections your first task will be ironing the fabrics or cleaning the workspace.
>>1903598I once stabbed a seam ripper in the side of my hand, it's not like anyone cared. Many people can sew and to be allowed to design stuff for real shows you have to show a history of knowledge or the right family name.
No. 1903807
>>1903320 It’s funny as fuck that she just blurred the frizzy ends into the background.
>>1903323 Woof, that wig has been rode hard since its last styling. iirc she hired someone else to style it, not having the skills to do so herself. I wonder if she even brushes it. They look like such an embarrassing couple.
No. 1904200
File: 1695675605207.jpg (274.73 KB, 1180x2242, image (1).jpg)

Sounds like she's talking to herself
No. 1904316
>>1904200Its times like this i consider a twitter account. You know, for reconnaissance reasons.
Any nonnies looked this guy up yet? Legit account? Or is it "made in 2023, no posts, only replies to kathy"?
No. 1904721
>>1903323Don't nitpick, it's not like she had the flash on while the lights in the background were off. I'm sure tons of normies have pictures like this.
>Idk how to explain it but she has a very female centric view of femdom (pastries, fluffy pillows, pastels) while completely ignoring what actual clients want, it’s such a jarring disconnect. She’d have better luck posting that for $500 she’ll peg someone for 1h, then get her regulars to pay her shopping here and there, but it involves actual effortShe has the what I like to call, "groomed by Tumblr" view of what sex work is. The part sex workers are willing to post because it inspired awe in other women. None of them talk about what it actually entails because then no one would be jealous of your pretty, expensive items. Since Kathy hasn't had to deal with real clients, she still has the romanticized version of sex work in her head. Lots of girls go into sex work with a naive mentality like Kathy, but they end up learning once they actually have to do sex work.
No. 1905055
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No. 1905985
File: 1695939131400.jpg (32.49 KB, 750x1334, 384069423_1022147805790143_760…)

Guess she caught up with her threads because she's finally confronting
>>1843999 KEK
No. 1906061
File: 1695948592292.png (5.62 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8914.png)

Part 1
No. 1906064
File: 1695948648947.png (2.77 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8931.png)

Part 2. Did Kathy dump the scrote? Or was it goth gf?? In which case it must be so sad that he’s posting about killing himself over the goth when he still has Kathy.
No. 1906070
>>1906061A lot of his complaints about himself, he can take control of and fix if he wants to. He can lose weight. He can thrift a few decent outfits for his next job. He can get a better haircut (or save up for hair surgery if he wants to). He can work on his anger issues. After dealing with all that stuff, maybe he'll be able to surround himself with better people who treat him better.
Intentional helplessness is a theme with Kathy and those she spends time with
No. 1906099
File: 1695953430182.png (914.08 KB, 1866x1198, Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 6.37.…)

>>1906064It's about Kelsey the goff gf breaking up with him. Just checked and they no longer follow each other on Instagram. If it was about Kathy, she'd be having a category 1 meltdown across all platforms. Kathy actually posted a cryptic champagne artwork on her Insta three hours ago and he liked it. Sounds like she celebrating their breakup kek wouldn't jump the gun too quickly there Kathy though: the "your efforts mean nothing" "no one cares about you unless you can doing something for them" in his poor me post were also directed at her. He almost word-for-worded what she has said multiple times when she goes on her "I don't keep anyone in my life unless they are doing something for me" narc rants. He's already done with putting up with that and now he's jobless like her.
No. 1906119
>>1906064It was for sure Kelsey because if Kathy left him she'd have made a woe post about missing the dog, and already retconned the neckbeard into an
abusive ableist misogynist.
No. 1906480
File: 1696010903859.png (1.91 MB, 1606x847, 500$ vintage piece.png)

I'm convinced she routinely overpays for all her "vintage finds". There's no way she trawls through vintage stores looking for that sweet find (despite living in NY freaking city) and instead goes for overpriced instagram shops that do the groundwork then surcharge the price for anyone looking for old clothes and minimal knowledge on what's actually good. I'm no expert but that piece looks to be in bad shape and discoloured like the bargain bin stuff I find at second hand shops. At the very least there's no way that's a 500$ quality vintage piece
No. 1906486
>>1906480It's not surprising that rhinestone bra costs that much because a. Online markup like you said, b. Inflation, c. It has a known history of being associated with something famous rather than being a random sparklebra, and d. Even a regular vintage sparklebra isn't something you'd find many of.
But she's absolutely wasting her opportunity living in New York. She could be picking through boxes of grody old costumes looking for treasures for $5 a whole box. I'm not gonna tell her how or where because she's not paying me, though.
No. 1906521
File: 1696016729430.png (168.65 KB, 1190x670, Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 12.44…)

Both of these idiots completely missed the mark on what financial literacy is. I couldn't imagine choosing to stay ignorant.
No. 1906531
>>1906521If she had actually been abused, she would know that a feature of financial abuse is the abuser intentionally keeping their
victim financially illiterate in one way or another. This furthers dependence and creates a power dynamic. This is how you know Kathy was cut off from her trust, not anything more sinister than that.
No. 1906547
>>1906519She has put her own costumes in a shadow box for display before. This would be a far more culturally significant thing to display that way.
>>1906521Someone who has been kept intentionally ignorant in order to gain further power over them could prevent being taken advantage of again and possibly turn their life around with the right information. She needs to shut her stupid mouth.
No. 1906800
File: 1696059697187.jpeg (97.03 KB, 1170x891, IMG_2348.jpeg)

>>1906637It’s not Kathy. They’ve both unfollowed Kelsey on instagram and scrotey edited the caption where he had her tagged on a somewhat recent post. Kathy and him still follow each other and he’s interacted with her posts from today and yesterday.
No. 1906802
File: 1696060178451.jpeg (955.83 KB, 3726x2208, IMG_2347.jpeg)

The red flags are never ending. If she was smart, she’d get out now.
No. 1906814
File: 1696064833873.png (1.52 MB, 757x764, male doms.png)

>>1906802I bet kathy felt secure being the one who was "collared" but given scrotey's reaction I take it goth chick was the true love here with Kathy as his backup relationship/rent splitter. Agreed on him being red flags galore, he seems more the murder-suicide type of scrote to take kathy down too considering he choses self-hatred and victimization over reflection of self which leads to hatred and scapegoating of those around you. He's certainly feeling the weight of being a nearly 40 year old with nothing to show for it, not even having the self confidence to chose between owning being a nerdy dude or just buying new shirts (though tbf I only ever see women capable of dressing in "young" styles while old so the scrote may as well give up and dress smart now). I don't really care for beaky but woman to woman I hope she finds a bit of a less scary scrote to mooch off of. Her moid is this meme incarnate and sees women's actions as they relate to himself, not them as fully realized people choosing for themselves. Kathy is his backup sex doll property and she's playing along as if it's some "mutual dedication" to each other and not a reflection of his feelings towards women (and her)
No. 1906917
>>1906535Kathy’s overall attitude toward her fellow women could be described as “crabs in a barrel.” She’s broke, miserable, refuses to get a job, zero financial literacy, blows her money on useless trinkets and then resorts to whoring & e-begging every month when she’s short on rent, stuck with an ugly
abusive moid etc. And she lashes out bitterly every time someone offers women any advice or resources to not end up like her. It’s so transparent.
No. 1907026
File: 1696102605762.png (7.49 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8980.png)

The moid almost needs his own thread at this point
No. 1907052
File: 1696105710970.jpeg (48.65 KB, 1242x2208, abc.jpeg)

>>1907026Dude is a ticking timebomb
No. 1907175
>>1907026jesus christ the cringe. past the age of 15 and still writing that shit? do a flip.
>>1907164kathy is probably still too high on the satisfaction of being picked over the other girlfriend. unfortunately i doubt she'll notice the red flags
No. 1907383
File: 1696184337387.jpg (185.93 KB, 1080x1920, 385628720_634606508826109_7683…)

Someone is coping hard.
No. 1907400
>>1907026This is still unhinged wtf
>you are not an amorous tool Does he think people are using him for his body?
>you deserve people who will sacrifice for youneeds clarification
>you deserve to be treated with respectWe all know what "respect" means when a moid says it, it means be his happy little slave. nah. imagine being this much hard work while being a 2/10, get a personality dude because the one you have sucks
No. 1907410
File: 1696186720044.png (171.42 KB, 500x371, cinderella step sister slipper…)

>>1907383That shoe on the left
No. 1907539
File: 1696208246651.jpg (30.88 KB, 750x1334, 385006219_307492608678405_4510…)

Start with yourself first Katherine
No. 1907748
File: 1696256797892.jpg (74 KB, 1080x1920, 384368358_1984897635220280_448…)

From goff ex-gf's IG
No. 1908903
File: 1696446577258.jpg (143.35 KB, 1242x2208, 386364803_1015925553059414_369…)

Congrats Kathy on getting this balding middle-aged neckbeard man child all to yourself
No. 1909115
File: 1696488038596.jpeg (468.75 KB, 1002x2930, gross.jpeg)

I've been waiting for the neckbeard to have more relevancy itt to post these screenshots from his Facebook page. In between posts of him being a self-righteous jagweed and thirsting over women that look nothing like Katherine, you have fake dAdDy DoM posts. There's also a few "I wish I was a girl" posts but that's for another post kek remember these the next time Kathy wants to praise her dAdDy or rant about frauds in kink.
No. 1909298
File: 1696524147618.jpeg (267.52 KB, 1170x1973, IMG_7406.jpeg)

I know it means nothing but the fact that his status is publicly set to single kills me. They’ve been dating for how long and he won’t claim her even still?
No. 1909303
File: 1696524808903.png (249.38 KB, 500x501, 1667512291659.png)

>>1909115Oh god, why is he this cringe and on Facebook of all places?
No. 1909306
>>1909289Lol big sheybowski has been liking a lot of Madame Beaks tweet lately.
Maybe Christmas will come early
No. 1909361
File: 1696533668456.jpeg (372.78 KB, 1350x1509, I really want to be a pretty g…)

Here's him wishing to be a girl. Once might be a joke, but twice? That's his fantasy.
No. 1909363
File: 1696533843911.jpeg (300.58 KB, 1334x1022, Kahkis are the enemy.jpeg)

Here some maximum copium
No. 1909377
File: 1696534509023.jpeg (Spoiler Image,806.18 KB, 1070x5811, all this on facebook.jpeg)

Last post. His account seriously is 99% this degenerate crap. Very embarrassing behavior, specially at his age on Facebook where he has family added.
No. 1909473
>>1909361what's stopping him from styling his hair this way now? I dont see a law against having this shit and a glitterbeard like the cringe geriatric millennial he is…
oh wait, he's balding kek
No. 1909542
File: 1696557108563.gif (5.16 MB, 500x500, giphy.gif)

>>1909361>>1909377>>1909115'ladies it's okay to have cuck fantasies' kek thanks for the moid milk nonita
No. 1909555
File: 1696559850579.jpg (312.73 KB, 1651x1468, IMG_2606.JPG)

>>1909363>ill fitting black clothes>caked in dog hair>and deodorant stains>chipped nail polish>shitty tattoos>poor hyigene>baldingor
>untucked button shirt>khakis>likes hockeyWhat's that again about giving up and settling?
No. 1909579
>>1907748I'm so hoping his ex comes here to spill the tea I bet she has some epic stories kek.
>>1909306Please please please Sandy Claws this is all I want for Milkmas.
No. 1909602
>>1909298He'll collar her irl and shamelessly post wishes about wanting a shayna on facebook but won't post her kek
>>1909115Beaky should know this is from shayna and since shayna follows her now there's a good chance she'll see the neckbeard posting this. wonder how this will go…
will the narc get jealous? will shay intensify the crossover? will neckbeard try for shayna?
is shay too fat for him? No. 1909606
File: 1696570887202.png (64.87 KB, 1330x236, Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 10.29…)

What a winner
No. 1909835
>>1909606Fucking kek, so Kathy is also his mommywife? She actually washes his nasty sharted up boxers and then copes with her imagination on twitter? Such a "daddy dom" he'll fill the diaper himself and can't do the damn laundry at nearly 40. Moid claims to be a dom and is actually a total man-baby, incapable of taking care of himself without his mommy-wife. Many such cases
Wonder if goth-gf was bestowed shart-cleaning duties and dipped out. When a man claims to be one thing but is actually another it's time to go Beaky. Even Dolly would be naming and shaming this dude if he tried this with her. This guy makes pretend that he's a macho playboy who can totally provide for and support a trophy wife in the bedroom only, at least your local rich trad dude will actually provide this while not waxxing poetic about how "unique" they are. Instead the same conversations about a woman's natural state being ditsy and too pretty to do anything but play through life won't be sugar-coated with fake wokism.
Kathy, style yourself better and go get some idiot trust-fund baby in NYC, your life choices are cringe but at least do the work to make those choices worthwhile so you actually get a decent life/bag. And someone less ugly cause while your tasteless ass enjoys looking at his face 24/7, the rest of us hate the mere minutes we get.
No. 1909996
File: 1696626392850.jpeg (199.6 KB, 1500x2668, disABILITES.jpeg)

Her brand of disability advocacy makes zero sense
No. 1910032
File: 1696630415690.png (114.73 KB, 1348x362, Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 11.08…)

When multiple shelters question you this much the problem isn't the shelters being too picky, it's you. Sounds like he got that poor dog from a puppy mill.
No. 1910302
>>1909361of course he thinks "girls get treated like princesses just for being pretty". a lot of these pornsick moids genuinely believe being gawked at and objectified is "female privilege". they dont realize men dont "shower women with gifts" without expecting something in return… (but apparently madame blush doesnt understand this either).
this mentality is what makes many inferior scrotes troon out btw>>1909555lawd this man looks like a retarded pug dog. imagine this specimen slapping your face and calling you his little cumslut lmfaooo. kathy kisses this kobold on the lips. i would not wish this upon anyone… but she deserves this fate!
came back to this thread after a while to all these laughs! i could not believe my eyes seeing the shaynus cage. i realize its a viral and contextless photo in those circles, but it still made me open my eyes wide like a sojak. shay liking kathy's tweets is funny as well. i hope kathy adopts shaynus as her protege and schools her in the art of e-domming. imagine shaynuce in a drag wig. imagine burlesque shaymu. shame they live so far away. sigh.
No. 1910327
>>1910302> apparently madame blush doesnt understand this eitherI wonder if he pulled her into his delusion about women and since she's a narc, she accepted the idea that she deserves presents just for gracing people with her existence real quick. Either he did or the many men she plays pick-me for nasty 3somes say this sort of thing and she accepts it totally despite being proof it's a made up male fantasy invented out of hate and jealousy.
You're right that this is 100% the type of guy to "transmax" their lives so they can "live on the easy mode". An easy mode given to them as men playing dress-up but not given to any real women cause "pretty privilege" doesn't actually give benefits, it protects from some shit you'd get if you were ugly and otherwise comes with its own demons and nobody is scared to tell women how they feel about them unlike with hulking scrotes.
No. 1910436
>>1910327would not be suprised if that tinfoil was true. she was 100% a sub at the start of her being involved with him and getting collared. she liked to reminisce about being a young pet girlfriend to rich (doubt) old farts, glamorizing it lana del rey style. since her findom arc, she twisted the narrative into her being the epic girlboss sugarbaby and using these men as her plaything instead. i thought it was her coping with the trauma of being used… but your theory about the scrote changing her mindset makes a lot of sense. maybe a bit of both.
plus i dont believe her "mistress velvet inspired me to dom" larp one bit.
No. 1910457
File: 1696715627644.jpeg (95.12 KB, 640x640, 1633496533319.jpeg)

>>1910436>she liked to reminisce about being a young pet girlfriend to rich (doubt) old farts, glamorizing it lana del rey styleThread reminder that this is the ex that came right before Pancho. There was never any wealthy men in her life; just middle-aged social rejects. These gross scrotes are her type and she fits right in with them with her infected tatted tits and bimbo fuckdoll fantasies. Who she is and wishes to be will never align with what wealthy men chase after. Horny Twitter scrotes don't even want her. The best Kathy can pull is a female mental ward patient and whatever you want to call these scrotes.
No. 1910639
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Sure Jan and once again, other women are the problem - never the men
No. 1910666
File: 1696756625578.jpg (216.25 KB, 1200x1200, 6459d26830f8c4d259239d050c_cmU…)

>>1910640The weird bumps on her forehead never fail to freak me out. Hellboy lookin ass
No. 1911040
File: 1696827046588.jpg (209.52 KB, 1190x1168, image.jpg)

What the actual hell
No. 1911198
>>1911040This seriously reads like something someone at warped tour or a marilyn manson reject would claim to
trigger their grandpa
It's hard to imagine anybody legit being turned on by the language of the bible written in english, let alone a child who hasn't had their first orgasm yet. Also this situation requires a child to be religious enough to be reading the bible alone in private but also irreligious enough to think jerking off to it for your first orgasm is a good idea.
>>1911112this makes it even funnier. For people who throw sex away like it's nothing it's hilarious when it's also the only thing they associate with love
No. 1911328
File: 1696894327980.jpg (234.48 KB, 1242x2208, 386664162_334234952607156_6913…)

No. 1911819
>>1910457I feel like I know what this guy smells like just by looking at him and it isn't good, iirc he lived in a trailer too.
Kathy is off on her own planet and could be pasted into the image for how disconnected they are. She was born to make instagram and pinterest aesthetic accounts. (Her "findom" twitter is barely any different from an aesthetic repost account except she asks to reimburse whatever #inspo she posts about)
No. 1912870
File: 1697171336921.png (3.93 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9334.png)

Fraenk trying to make ex Goff gf jealous with a thinner prettier goff. Wonder how Kathy takes this
No. 1912888
>>1912876agreed, he's somehow managing to climb the gf ladder and probably is trying to find the one with beaky as a good financial safety net. she should be doing the same or at least getting a potential roommate replacement ready or she's incredibly naiive.
it's funnier that the girls he's into are the total opposite end of spectrum aesthetically from her and are seemingly more into his interests as well. Like sure, a guy can have deeper interests than just one, but doubt on this guy having more depth than a puddle. There's a reason that besides the ballet he seems to only show up for dinner and events involving his dog and otherwise him and beaky seem to take part in their favourite interests totally apart. Of course a couple can have different interests and go out alone, but this guy has a definite theme to his current loves kek
No. 1912909
File: 1697180600787.png (316.57 KB, 1196x758, Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 11.56…)

>>1912870And she's an OF whore. If she isn't a potential new girlfriend, he'll find a way to use her just like he did with that Elizabeth woman from late last year; he used her to get people to view his Twitch streams (it didn't work). Kathy is a moron for putting up with this but at the same time, they deserve each other.
No. 1913063
>>1912873>>1912876Most moids have the delusional belief they can upgrade women like a car, despite men getting less appealing every year and their chances of 10/10 stacies rapidly decreasing thusly.
>>1913003Literally would be a huge upgrade from this guy. She should get an insufferable moid with money instead a broke, self loathing, delusional one like this guy.
No. 1913499
>>1913342Yeah, if Frank really did value Kathy, he'd be spending his time doing stuff with her (now that she supposedly has 100% share of the relationship attention) and putting that all over his social media, not some random porn woman.
Where is Kathy, anyways? Is she doing okay?
No. 1914058
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Very anti-capitalist green anarcho-communism of her
No. 1914166
File: 1697416721731.jpeg (39.65 KB, 750x1334, 1.jpeg)

She should delete her websites as well since Wix is also Israeli
No. 1914168
File: 1697416922963.jpg (233.38 KB, 1500x2668, image (2).jpg)

Virtue signaling double whammy
No. 1914171
File: 1697417104015.png (85.94 KB, 1184x332, Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 5.44.…)

>>1914110It's a giant cope by these whores. Kathy can't even keep a man that "collared" her. Forget random men with wives off the street kek
No. 1914569
>>1914316I personally wouldn't be too mad if she said not to support Jewish businesses tbh. They'll be fine either way.
>>1914058This looks like something you'd buy for your teen daughter because she got all A's and B's on her report card. Muh high class luxury dom, Katie.
>>1914171So none of these girls plan to be married or in long term committed relationships, right? Because what goes around comes around. Katie is probably coping hardcore right now watching her scrote mourn the loss of his preferred relationship. I bet if Kathy dumped him he wouldn't even care, he'd just find a goff 20 something to string along.
No. 1914622
File: 1697484906573.jpeg (18.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2893.jpeg)

We get it Kathy, you have a fetish for medical masks
No. 1914752
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The only thing they have in common is being miserable ignorant narcissists
No. 1914960
>>1914166She mentions all of this but not BDS at all so this post isn't even all that informative about any of the actions and why they're taken while stealing some of the actionable ideas that are more flashy and self-important. Also gotta love how she doesn't even give a single alternative kek
Doesn't even suggest going to local independent jewish shops if you wanna avoid an israeli brand of jewish goods (despite living in nyc) nor a single palestinian brand
>>1914058her only true personality trait is being a brand/label whore. No matter what performative activism she does, no matter the personality she claims that day, no matter how much she pretends she cares about the arts and artists, this true "anarchist" will take a brand item over anything artisanal every time
>>1914752kek, she takes his moidy ass to ballet and he can't be bothered to take her to a concert. wonder if he's too cheap to buy tickets so only goes places with her when she buys
>>1914944tbf rightoids would be smart to mask up too for their riots
No. 1914965
>>1914826uh anon did you forget she's literally a disabled chronically ill pstd anxious abuse
victim with chronic pain? ableist society is killing her everyday and asking her to get off her arse means you literally want her dead. uwu
No. 1914973
File: 1697527438377.png (236.74 KB, 420x627, maybe this month someone will …)

>>1914965damn nonna you're right, I'm clearly a fascist who supports genociding the disabled kek
also how many times is she going to reuse this one dinner date? it's the one pinned to her twitter so it gives the impression she literally never goes out and gets client (which true, but she's not supposed to admit that)
No. 1914983
>>1914752Why are they together? Seriously. It’s not sex because she has been open about not partaking in anything but him holding a vibrator on her, so he has to go get it from other women. Definitely not money because they’re both unemployed losers that hardly get by on whatever handouts they get and rely on roommates to make rent. Sure there are a few couples that go on fine without sex and money but they at the very least have things in common. Physically and aesthetically he might be her type but she sure isn’t his. They both separately beg people to hang out with them on social media because they don’t go out together other than to entertain
his dog. Makes more sense why she latched so hard onto that dog now. Do better bitch.
No. 1915085
>>1914980And yet which ones do we find in jail lol? Cover your face and it won't happen so much.
>>1914983Neither one of them can withstand being alone.
No. 1915138
>>1914983yeah, it's so pathetic how she larps as this highly desirable "domme" who's been wined and dined by millionaires but doesn't have the self-respect to dump this basement dweller who prefers other girls and is barely bothered to give her breadcrumbs.
why stay with a broke loser who's not even into you instead of going on dates with one of the lawyers or whatever high status positions who like being submissive in their personal lives?
No. 1915189
>>1914128they're birkins by hermes. designed for everyday use, so theyre simple and neutral in form. in reality their main function is "status symbol collecting dust in rich women's closets", since they have a comical price tag. they come in many colors and variations, for "collectors" to hoard, including extremely tacky ones like these.
oh, and a LOT of knockoffs. theyre highly coveted by "luxury lovers" (like LV monograms) and simple in form, so you can easily get fake shitty ones on amazon. im looking forward to seeing kathy with pastel-colored amazon birkins.
No. 1915345
File: 1697585995106.jpg (303.59 KB, 1440x1800, 271915530_953299111974588_1912…)

This is more hilarious than milky but remember when she was selling signed portraits of herself? Well there was at least one wackjob that bought one. That whole "my level of perfectionism is astronomical" bs kek
>Witk love, Kathezine Hailouedp The Pock avenue pinuP
No. 1915637
File: 1697657761550.jpeg (216.35 KB, 1170x887, IMG_2932.jpeg)

Ain’t she just a ray of sunshine?
No. 1915672
File: 1697664167144.png (127.06 KB, 1634x502, Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 2.22.…)

>>1915638>>1915647The thing is she complains about another spot being "quiet". Nothing is ever good enough for her.
No. 1915674
>>1915672I think that's a polite way of saying the place was empty, which can be a bit awkward for dining.
>>1915637>>1915647I actually read something yesterday about how the staff culture there is cultish and weird, never shopped there for the reason it all looks like candy but is not candy (an outrageous crime imo)
Employees who are trained to harass customers are really annoying in any store, beaky and anons are in the right here.
No. 1915678
>>1915638>>1915647>>1915674Saged for blog posting but I worked for LUSH for 4 years, and yes it’s a cult. Love bombing, shunning people for quitting, the CEO of LUSH North America is notorious for sleeping with most of the store managers and MITS at the big corporate meetings, he’s show up at stores drunk sometimes and his wife would walk out with free product all the time. You are forced, quite literally, to harass customers. When I started working for LUSH this was before they implemented the bad harassing, and it just got worse and worse when they installed all the software that tracked individual shoppers the minute they walked in until they walked out. Your store would be punished if every customer didn’t walk out with at LEAST 3 items. Long hours, horrible pay (different stores in the same city paying different hourly rates, lying about it, etc). So yes, the harassment isn’t just in your imagination, it’s very much part of the business model.
No. 1915689
>>1915678Thank you for the bonus LUSH milk
nonny, that sounds absolutely crazy.
No. 1915701
>>1915637Maybe the only based thing she's said.
>>1915678Not surprised in the least. I feel like the forced harassment from employees onto customers is the only thing keeping that place open. Everything is expensive and either does nothing or irritates my skin. It's like 2 steps away from an mlm scam
No. 1915917
>>1915763The Mario tie in was fucking weird but the Princess Peach shower gel smells heavenly. We have the pushy sales staff here in the UK too but it’s too expensive to make a habit of going often so whatever,
I’m still laughing over her assuming a bookstore will ship your in-store purchase. It’s textbooks not a wardrobe Kathy
No. 1916220
>>1915345That sloppy mix of cursive and print turning "park" into "pork" because she made the "a" into a cursive "o" when connecting to the "r" (which could be mistaken for a c) kek. Wonder if the name is supposed to be "(?)orna" instead of "(?)arna".
You'd think she'd have made an effort to learn or keep up her cursive for the larp
>>1915456Not trying to race bait (she's just such a stereotypical spoilt brat) but holy shit this uptight american chick actually went to a (presumably) chinese woman for the first time in her life and cried like a little baby. Probably the first time in her little spoiled life she'd had an elder smack her down for her behaviour.
Not trying to racebait but the american families who raise their kids better don't tend to be rich american parents in NYCBeing disabled means first-come-first-serve and the laws of physics doesn't apply I guess. Was she expecting a chair to materialize out of the ether?
Unless her classes had any books specific to only her class, if shipping was an issue she could have bought them anywhere online. Hell, I would have expected her supposed "anarcho-commie" ass to be all for second hand books, libgen, or anything over the absolute scam of university textbook editions (does she even know it's a thing?). Why not buy from last year's students and also put extra cash in their pockets too for the next year? That's real actual mutual aid for fellow students
>>1915672if it's a place actual indians and punjabis go to, if she didn't go for a super late dinner (8pm or later), that's why it was quiet and if she'd been there for all the scary brown families god knows she'd be complaining about the noise.
>>1915678fuck me guess beaky had one good complaint. Never had issues in a lush, especially with headphones on grabbing what I need, but broken clocks and all that (also she has shitty little earbuds they probably didn't notice)
>>1916137nyc doesn't seem to have textbook shipping to even your dorm room so she either checked online first then went to the store to ask for shipping as if that would change anything or didn't even double check they had the service before walking in expecting it
No. 1916523
File: 1697840887837.jpg (253.86 KB, 1500x2668, image (2).jpg)

No. 1916563
>>1916523the way she expects everyone else to bend over backwards for her and her DiSaBiLiTy (endo is so common yet millions of other women with it manage to have their shit together) and meet her basic needs when she won’t even TRY to meet her own needs or
truly advocate for herself beyond asking for handouts. I hate this lumpy-headed beak-nosed idiot so much!
No. 1916571
File: 1697844183048.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1852x3916, scrote dreams.jpeg)

>>1916529He's too busy trying to live out his twitch streamer, content creator, animator, unemployed basement dweller dream
No. 1916579
>>1916563It's made worse by that fact that she crowd funded her laparoscopy yet she hardly ever mentions that she had the procedure done, let alone thank the people that donated to her to make it possible. Can't forget she also expected her
roommate to drop her entire life in order to take care of her after having the procedure done. Also has shamed SSDI and refused to get on it in the past (I personally think she's getting some type of government aid now, though). Narcissistic entitlement to a T.
No. 1916650
>>1916523So she expects people to take out LOANS and get second jobs just to support her lazy do nothing ass?! Its like when her roommate was taking care of her but had to take a break because she had to study for an exam "it's abuse she didn't clean my apartment for me!!" How about it's abuse to demand someone fail a test and ruin their life over her immediate comfort. I think she did that straight up because she got jealous and threw a tantrum when her roommate was getting ahead of her in life.
>>1916583She mentioned back a while that business casual is oppressive to femmes because they can't dress how they want (like a nutcase), hence she can't get a job because shes a "femme" presenting person
No. 1916743
>>1916523wait is this bitch seriously saying she went no contact cause mommy didn't tackle the medical industry for her? And what's this about needing second jobs and loans and shit for her? domestic violence is them not taking out loans for you??? at first I gave her the tiniest doubt that maybe her parents were also shit but the things she's expecting… lol. Endo is shit but she's acting like she was a half-dying child ignored by her family.
Like on one hand if it's true her parents (actually) ignored her endo symptoms and when she'd found the lapro cure didn't pay cause they didn't care (ie you're 18+ now) or didn't believe then that truly is shit. but the girl is so warped in her view of people and the world I have to wonder if they actually wouldn't pay up for her or if she's now "punishing them" because they didn't help back then. Her views are so warped that her parents probably created the monster by not being good examples of great parents, but I'm curious what the actual situation is because i doubt they wouldn't have paid. maybe rich people are more stingy with cash than I think but something isn't right here.
>>1916571my man should just make adult colouring books, that's what this style looks like
>>1916620she'd only think of a suitcase if it was some tacky fashion brand that just came out. meanwhile vintage luggage on wheels exists and could be a good accessory to the larp
No. 1917240
File: 1697915205912.png (1.33 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9624.png)

The scrote has only been half single for a week and he’s already giving up on dating apps. Kathy is simply not enough
No. 1917275
>>1917240Dating apps are absolutely a meat market and I've heard rumor that they actually give you mediocre matches to keep you coming back to their product.
What is this guy even offering? He has no job, no sense of style or hygiene (goth can be hot if you do it right), a flabby carb body, he's balding, he's whiny, he has a dog (which means that if you have pets, not only do you have to be compatible, but everyone has to be compatible with the pets, too). All this on top of the fact that he WILL stray and you WILL have to share him with a burlesque and macaron obsessed narc hag.
No thanks.
Sure, he can't do much for the balding other than medications and I'm not saying he has to get rid of the dog, but he can get a job, he can take a shower and fix up his nail polish. He can get fit without buying a single piece of equipment (same as I say about Kathy) and then get clothes that fit him and flatter his body. He could have his own little glow-up arc if he wanted to.
He must have some kind of magic D for Kathy to stay with this mess. She could easily get herself a monogamous, employed nigel who is in all other respects just like this dude for the sole fact that she is female and breathing.
No. 1917336
File: 1697925877697.png (655.86 KB, 1000x830, goff self improvement.png)

>>1917275I'm stuck here waiting for a bit, so here's a goff mood board for frank.
No. 1917341
File: 1697926714733.jpeg (214.79 KB, 1024x1024, 0x0.jpeg)

>>1917240>how annoying and unlikable most people are>most people are useless, boring, and unoriginalSays the balding and fat past-the-prime-they-never-had failed "artist", podcaster, youtuber, and streamer. Need some naloxone for that copium overdose, Francisco?
No. 1917346
File: 1697927647114.jpeg (21.4 KB, 750x1334, 7.jpeg)

No. 1917347
File: 1697927726832.jpeg (165.83 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpeg)

No. 1917349
File: 1697927915392.png (147.25 KB, 1188x666, Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 2.46.…)

Great except she has lost her shit on women that dare to say any of that to her.
No. 1917396
File: 1697931767421.jpeg (625.84 KB, 3000x2668, IMG_3037.jpeg)

She posted and dirty deleted this late last night. It’s a lot.
No. 1917417
>>1917396She started out strong but then reposted the most pathetic, irrelevant, and zero useful information take I've seen so far. actually it isn't about either of those women who are safely attending a meeting at work or whatever while people are getting obliterated with the backing of government and media.
but it's very on brand for Kathy to reduce something like this to a petty squabble between two women as if it is comparable.
The last part is perfection, she does understand that gives her a high chance of also being a narcissist right? It's one thing to have one narc parent since it may have missed you, but the odds are getting bad when you have two. Also narcissism has nothing to do with state sanctioned genocide. This is not a petty ploy for attention, can she conceptualise
other people existing because it sounds like she can't.
No. 1917431
File: 1697936700424.jpg (299.58 KB, 1242x2208, 393725834_3020076834796384_725…)

>>1917240Says all that yet still baiting for someone to go with him to "emo night" kek
No. 1917509
>>1917489I've always figured
doth protest too much on that front
No. 1917624
>>1917240>I know I'm getting better because people are getting annoying againwhat a good default state
>I'd rather eat an aids burger than get to know a woman as another human being with her own life. People and their pesky lives making it difficult to be friends with. They might have a schedule other than me, have friends, a diet! and worst of all, thoughts and opinions he'd have to pretend to care about.what a catch, can't believe beaky didn't reverse collar this nigel!
>>1917431maybe this is why he's
triggered by schedules, he needs some "emo girl" to be arm candy to every silly event his old neet ass goes to but there's always some pesky sudden "yoga class" that gets in the way of their second dates
No. 1917698
>>1916523Late but… Bitch that can't even keep down ONE job is urging others to have at least three whilst refinancing their mortgage.
Like wtf
No. 1917703
File: 1697988412717.jpg (495.07 KB, 1080x1740, SmartSelect_20231022_172322_Ch…)

I can tell he has a career as a illustrator.
Now draw Kathy!
No. 1918006
File: 1698030058481.jpeg (273.28 KB, 1500x1334, IMG_3054.jpeg)

No. 1918074
>>1917240I would be amazed if he ever pulled anyone again. He’s hideous, a loser, doesn’t make much money, and outwardly states that he’s a piece of shit who doesn’t respect other people’s schedules and lives. Him and beaky deserve each other.
>boohooooo everyone’s so unlikeable I’m the most original man ever Look in the mirror you fat balding cliche
No. 1918548
>>1918538>>1918199>>1918488and cut bangs. I honestly can't see her getting a somewhat decent moid with this huge hellboy head of hers.
She has no domme vibe at all, she has to sell herself as a spoiled little rich girl who just left daddy's home and is in need of the next man of her life to love her and soil her and show sher around like a trophy or some shit. She actually says she's a sub in her "personal life", she should just accept that the dominant persona did not work and rebrand, but I guess that'd be too difficult now in her mind, even if no one besides us is watching her. Just change it already Katherine. As always this thread is always giving her the best free advice possible for her to improve her life, it's unbelievable the amount of free work we are doing here, geez
No. 1918952
>>1917396Ahhh raised by narcissist parents because they didn’t do literally everything she wanted as soon as she wanted it. Kathy would have a great time exchanging
abusive parent stories with Dave “Danielle” Muscato. If you ever want to read the funniest thread on the other farms, it’s his.
No. 1918954
>>1918202Kathy is a firm believer in the whore hierarchy, and wants to remain at the top tier where she doesn’t have to so much as touch a client with her bare hands, let alone do anything icky with them. Anon, you are right, it is SO easy to make fast cash like that especially somewhere like NYC, but for Kathy it’s high glamor domme or nothing, she doesn’t believe in the idea of starting out to establish yourself. Same with her burlesque “career”.
TLDR: bitch is lazy
No. 1919261
File: 1698264723325.jpeg (21.32 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3086.jpeg)

Not a single person is going to ask her why she is wearing a mask but okay. She is going to bitch and moan the entire trip.
No. 1919367
File: 1698281063014.png (640.1 KB, 1186x1074, Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 5.44.…)

Sure Jan
No. 1919420
>>1919411Problem is those men target women that’ll do it for free which is exactly the situation that Kathy is in now. Kathy also has absolutely nothing going for her and she’s getting older; simps are going to go after 20 year olds that offer them
something. Not a 26 year old that posts an extremely edited fully covered selfie a few times a year.
No. 1919502
>>1906521Very late but this really pisses me off. I'm an anarchist and an ex-addict who's been to rehab a million times during active addiction. They taught budgeting, financial literacy, how to make a good resume, and how to do well at job interviews. Because those people typically don't hold normal jobs or know how to spend responsibly or save money at all. A lot of those women were dv
victims. If someone has been controlling your finances for a decade or several decades, you're going to need to learn to spend responsibly and budget and know how to get a job, because it's something you haven't done in a long time (if ever).
Just because you hate capitalism doesn't mean you should be a useless ewhore who spends all her money on cheap trash. We live under capitalism and domestic abuse survivors deserve to live comfortably with their newly found financial freedom. Kathy is such a fucking retard. Pick up a fucking book.
No. 1919566
>>1919295Solo probably, he's been too fixated on finding a new girl for Cathy to feel comfortable letting him near Dita von Teese. His manly charms and endless income might prove too much for Dita to resist.
>>1919367I think Cathy sees Monopoly money and emojis as cash.
No. 1919701
>>1919566Beyond that I doubt she would let him near women in Vegas. Women there aren't all stunners, but enough make money off of looks that the average is high. Plus they are used to ugly men lurking around so his chances wouldn't be terrible, especially since prostitution is legal there. She may be little miss sex work, but I know Katherine would hate her man paying someone for it.
Though the idea that she'd be bring him on a trip, bankrolled by her (because no "submissive" paid for this shit they don't even pay her rent) just for him to flirt and hook up with other women is so pathetic it could actually happen.
On a vaguely related note, anyone here remember GimpGirl?
No. 1919839
File: 1698351141578.jpg (260.77 KB, 1242x2208, 395019064_1525676411583778_413…)

Looks like she did leave Ricky Retardo at home. Odd that she hasn't posted any mask virtue signaling from the airport/plane yet…
No. 1920678
File: 1698486445678.jpeg (202.45 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3170.jpeg)

No. 1920680
File: 1698486509072.jpeg (135.09 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3173.jpeg)

No. 1920788
>>1920777I think you're right, hair is long and her face looks 20 or something.
>>1920678What event is this too? I think she saw someone tinfoiling she didn't go to Vegas and is trying to prove she did
No. 1920866
>>1920678So I found an event called Extravanganza in Las Vegas… the last show was at the start of this year…
>“Extravaganza” is set to close at Horseshoe (formerly Bally’s) on Jan. 7, 2023. horseshoe venue is the same venue dita played last night way a venue will give you a stamp for a different show which is no longer running. Sounds like she didn't go and is doing a weird larp instead.
No. 1920890
File: 1698523642330.jpeg (164 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3180.jpeg)

She has the program from Dita’s show so she did go…
No. 1920891
File: 1698523693862.jpeg (61.22 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3179.jpeg)

… but she’s already e-begging for money because muh disability
No. 1921050
>>1920891"get home comfortably"
Is she seriously begging people to pay for her to return first class? Like I get it, if you don't ask you will not retrieve. But not very "to each according to their need" of your Katie.
No. 1921131
File: 1698562412233.jpeg (62.98 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3194.jpeg)

Ah yes, Gaza’s internet was cut because of white 20-something Americans posting instagram stories telling shopkeepers to replace Israeli products with Palestinian ones. Not because of life saving communications.
No. 1921801
File: 1698701687277.png (63.26 KB, 1190x304, Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 2.34.…)

She's back to wanting breast implants despite saying she'll never get them after leaving a consultation years ago.
No. 1921815
File: 1698703008352.png (206.04 KB, 1190x740, Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 2.56.…)

>>1921801She's retarded. If she was so concerned she wouldn't be entertaining the thought of getting them.
No. 1921833
File: 1698705065199.png (140.73 KB, 1336x560, Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 3.29.…)

>>1921801She thinks she has an eye for aesthetics yet everything she's done and has contemplated doing makes her look worse. She's covered in tattoos that she regrets because she didn't do her research (picrel) and had infected nipple piercings. She knows nothing about color theory as shown by her clothing, costume, and horrendous wigs. The plastic/cosmetic surgeries she wants to get throw facial and body harmony out the door. What makes her such a frustrating cow to me is the fact she refuses to take any of the very good free advice farmers give her that would be way simpler than getting unnecessary surgeries done. Like it's really not that hard to get a flattering haircut and bras that properly fit.
No. 1921852
>>1921735I don’t know
nonny, I wouldn’t want any loved one of mine, male or female, traveling to Vegas specifically alone. Especially if they’re going to be on the strip.
No. 1921923
>>1921131americans posting to the internet wasn't the part israel was worried about? they obviously didn't want footage and most importantly are trying to suppress information spread on the ground and create pressure/fear. they literally do not care that much about american shits getting their virtue signal on cause the social media accounts being taken down aren't american ones, they're palestinian or at least middle eastern ones.
not to shit on the burgernonas here but this is literally the mentality that the middle east and the farther east make fun of americans for. thinking they're the center of the universe and that all conflicts across the world must involve them and their opinions (and that their involvement is obviously the most important part)
>>1921801ah yes, xitter, the best place to get good, unbiased medical info. I must say, I would have expected her to be an expert of hashimoto's disease being linked to implants with the women suddenly feeling ill after surgery being gaslight about their issues. but as usual, beaky only campaigns and knows about women's medical mistreatment in regards to her medical issues alone. I'm a little surprised she doesn't act the expert here though cause I thought she was a faghag and ultimate faghag michelle visage made a doc a while back about her experience with it and her getting her implants removed (haven't watched though so maybe it didn't talk about much). also cause we have confirmation she reads the other boards and kelly eden made hashimoto claims but it's possible she isn't a fan of /w and we are post kelly's hayday after all
>>1921815she probably wants them again because her ass wouldn't be downplaying her medical mistreatment virtue signaling kink or "autoimmune" worries here despite her mask raging if she wasn't looking for some confirmation implants aren't that bad. tinfoil but I think she wants them because shayna just got hers, she follows the thread and they're mutuals on twitter now. it's also weird for a supposed pinup to want implants imo as vintage isn't made with porn boobs in mind at all. wonder if the scrote got her insecure about her size cause she doesn't seem the type to care about boob size normally (especially as high fashion is made for twink bodies, famously shit for boobs). if she wanted to put thousands down on something it should be towards joining a women's workout group to get her body toned up a bit. ffs it would also help with her mysterious aches and pains if they're even real
No. 1921937
>>1921786Don’t worry, I get what you’re saying.
>>1921917We know she didn’t do any of that because if she had, she would’ve made sure to virtue signal kek
No. 1922050
>>1921833i love how she makes these scalding reviews for things she seems to know so little about. makes me chuckle. like "the restaurant was too quiet".
>when i was youngerdoes she not know that tattoos settle into the skin? small tattoos and detail turn into illegible blobs over time. this is natural. so will the "crisp clean" ones she is seeing now. there is a reason thick black outlines are so popular among tattoo enthusiasts. "bold will hold" and all that. good tattoo artists really consider size, contrast and negative space with this in mind.
unless they bled as soon as she got them, shes whinging about nothing. he enjoyed them for a few years, and they expired, as dainty little tattoos always do.
No. 1922806
File: 1698874222562.png (4.49 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0049.png)

Jesus Christ scrote put some sleeves on those hams
No. 1922873
>>1922806>I’m hoping this winter brings new joy, energy, people and new love into my lifeHe's beyond desperate for another woman. Kathy just keeps talking Ls. Also real bold of him to pull this peace and love shit after
>>1917240 . He's a miserable POS and not amount of ~pagan magick~ is going to change that.
No. 1922974
File: 1698902861763.png (3.84 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3276.png)

>>1922806Damn, that is a bona fide neckbeard. We already knew that but it’s been hilarious to see more about him over the last few weeks. Her taste in men is atrocious. I wish she had a thread going whenever picrel was posted. A farmer dropped it in the first thread but didn’t provide/know any information. Her use of the baby emoji is disgusting.
No. 1923272
>>1922293i kek'd and laughed and hollered.
>>1922806wicca is so gay, and somehow thrice as much when men do it. id love to see his crystal collection. he baked rotisserie chicken as a spiritual experience. he has enough blubber to survive the winter months.
>>1922974this photo could work in some disgusting gangbang way, but the mario shirt pulls me right out of the insex-hardtied-shaynus fantasy.
No. 1923340
File: 1698982041255.jpeg (66.97 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20200527-003745_Ins…)

>>1922974Reminds me of this photo from a while ago. The rubber bracelets immediately made me lose all respect for her kek
No. 1923419
File: 1699000611188.jpeg (83.04 KB, 500x477, IMG_3285.jpeg)

>>1923408She definitely thought she was giving this kek
No. 1923439
File: 1699004283046.jpg (99.72 KB, 850x809, daddy day.JPG)

>>1923419im sorry, Lana.
unbelievable, how i've managed to capture her likeness by simply editing brow shape and eye makeup. and hairline, that too.
No. 1923688
>>1923418She could scrounge a few paying creeps by posting this cringe on her findom account instead of her normie insta, yes, but due to her crippling disabilities her sex work account is reserved solely for pastry photos and complaining.
>>1923439The little Yoda fucking sent me.
No. 1923814
File: 1699085891222.jpeg (110.72 KB, 1500x1334, american whore.jpeg)

>>1922974>>1923340Kek these
triggered her
No. 1923978
File: 1699127375944.png (2.34 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0184.png)

A 4 hour stream with 39 views? This is pathetic. Imagine being a 40 year old streamer and only getting 39 views in 4 hours
No. 1924266
File: 1699182795649.png (63.76 KB, 1194x292, Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 3.12.…)

She has no problem posting
>>1923340 however long ago yet censors herself on her sex work twitter. Make it make sense.
No. 1924401
File: 1699216639374.jpg (283.91 KB, 948x1835, image (1).jpg)

She's been on about her "dollification" fetish since before the threads started yet all she's done is make herself look worse. Really should've sorted out the Baby Jane Hudson makeup, shit hairstyling, and unflattering clothing before getting uneven black lines down the back of her legs because on what planet does that equal doll?
No. 1924539
File: 1699239652520.jpg (66.4 KB, 1242x2208, 399302127_1015801769634637_224…)

Neckbeardo saying the sag/aftra strike has affected him as if he isn't just a random dude that got fired from a prop house in Brooklyn that is still in business.
No. 1924681
File: 1699281926226.jpg (49.4 KB, 507x540, media_F-GsEkZXEAAYpGA.jpg)

>>1924679Here is is, making a difference one hummus at a time at 17.5k likes and 739 comments
No. 1924936
>>1924681>English and French best before labelOh! Canada
>best before 2016 AUG 22????
No. 1925001
File: 1699337254000.png (1.25 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1455.png)

>>1924936>>1924681>>1924969the pic is from 2016 and if the first google image result. there's news article from back then too.
can we go back to kathy now?
No. 1925618
File: 1699459377915.jpg (55.98 KB, 1192x390, Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 8.02.…)

I love how she admits she has no personality outside of whatever online larp she's currently doing
No. 1925760
File: 1699482066497.jpeg (347.96 KB, 1188x2128, creep.jpeg)

The scrote has been mass link spamming his twitch for days with zero interaction. Almost as if no one cares about his riveting content of… poly dating advice kek Kathy and him truly are made for each other with their ignorance and self-importance.
No. 1925784
>>1925760KEK wasn't he just pity partying recently about not being able to meet anyone interesting enough for his special snowflake ass??
Poly = jerks off w both his left and right hand
No. 1925823
File: 1699493544734.png (5.61 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0304.png)

Did he dress up as the tumblr slapping belt daddy dom for a barback interview?
No. 1925824
File: 1699493580299.png (3.21 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0303.png)

Also a baby Jane jumpscare
No. 1925846
>>1925830KEK I'm fucking wheezing at whatever is going on with that dudes scalp holy shit. Such a big sexy dom oh I'm trembling in awe of his porcine, malding visage.
>>1925824She looks like a poorly made and melting pinup animatronic.
No. 1925888
File: 1699513309152.jpg (67.06 KB, 1242x2208, 399806188_865539505173380_5563…)

>>1925823Him being a SAG/AFTRA member makes everything 10x more hilarious, like you're never going to be famous for anything you're trying to do loser.
No. 1926121
File: 1699564067718.jpg (206.06 KB, 1242x2208, 399896274_1090521092110046_291…)

No. 1926364
>>1926153oh nonita, don't be naive. Ugly, undesirable moids will dog you out just as bad, if not worse, as a chad. They have no sense of gratitude or loyalty just because you're out of their league, if anything they just respect you less for stooping down to their level
You're probably right about her living with him for free though, since she clearly has no way to make rent
No. 1926597
>>1925855>>1925857nonitas I'm manifesting this as we speak we need the milk flowing this milkmas
>>1926121Fucking ew. At least he's living up to the "emo" persona as it looks like he's been ugly crying for sixteen hours straight. Emphasis on ugly.
No. 1926716
>>1925824if she's gonna wear a wig, why doesn't she hide an inch of forehead?
>>1926153I don't think she sees anything in him, at least not anymore. I feel like they're more partners in life like sharing bills, depending on each other for money and pulling men/woman for the other to fuck than a couple in love, specially because both of them seem so desperate for attention and in his case he straight up is looking for a girlfriend in a way that makes it seem like he's dying to have a little romance.
I have been tinfoiling for a while, we always ask ourselves where does kat get money if she's so clueless about the domme job she pretends to make on twitter. We always say she larps as a sex worker because of this complete failure as a dominatrix BUT she could've been doing regular non dominant at all hooking under another name and using another persona. That's my new tinfoil: she's a regular low grade escort who actually only does normal degrading moid shit but daydreams and poses on the internet as a powerful domme who is showing them who's boss. Wishful thinking and kinda trying to cope. The billionaires wining and dining her? A middle aged dad called Roger taking her to dine nearly a town over before ending the night in a not glamorous hotel.
It would make sense as I don't believe the tinfoil about her being in contact with her family, she has a hate boner for them. The trip "funded by a sub" must have been money she got from the johns so she saved it. We know she's clueless about dominating and dungeons in general, but it doesn't mean she's not sucking dick for money, I mean entertaining, men with her with and good looks.
No. 1926769
>>1926425That's actually true (per studies of masculinity) and not even from a feminist perspective.
The other group most likely to engage in adversarial and compensatory displays is aging men, due to loss of objective masculinity (virility). Similarly to unattractive men (in many ways they are the same interest group) instead of defining themselves by physical prowess, looks and health they use discursive strategies. Basically, instead of being something, they try to convince you that they are that thing by invoking sociological abstractions.
Like trannies.Tl;dr "Chad" is indeed less of a faggot, but only until the first signs of midlife decline. Beta is a faggot from cradle to grave.
No. 1926802
>>1926716Nah she is just sponging off her crusty moid, he's so insecure about his imaginary harem
>>1925760>old guy who lives a poly lifestyle with multiple gfsShe's too lazy and spoiled to do any actual sex work for her money, she just poorly larps, reposts pinterest saves and probably gets a handful of cash from a few desperate moids every week. No way someone with this much of a
victim complex would do grimy sex work. She doesn't even sleep with Frank, but I think your first paragraph is probably pretty accurate as to their dynamic. Notice how he never mentions or posts about her, she is not a girlfriend in any sense of the word. He also got suicidal when his actual gf, the goth girl, left him, surely it would hurt less if you had a second one. They're basically just friends.
No. 1926922
File: 1699716682200.png (Spoiler Image,8.81 MB, 3840x2560, IMG_2066.png)

>>1926769M-m-manifesto chan? Is that you?
please come back No. 1927070
File: 1699741694072.png (3.98 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0381.png)

This is definitely a repost but oh my god he is so ugly
No. 1927570
File: 1699829853365.png (136.14 KB, 1188x576, Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 2.56.…)

There's been quite a bit of subtle coping on her Twit lately
No. 1927596
how can you larp as some bougie glamour clone when you demean yourself by broadcasting that you're being kept like a pet by a neckbeard? ew
No. 1927628
File: 1699836003863.jpg (627.38 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231112_163916_Inf…)

>>1927580Holy fucking kek!! Look how lazily she tried to hide her hair line?! Like, what?
No. 1927629
File: 1699836118214.jpg (213.58 KB, 1984x2048, 238954376_10158801030220735_71…)

>>1927580They think they're the people on the left in this meme but they're definitely the people on the right.
No. 1927718
File: 1699845635864.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x2060, IMG_3414.jpeg)

Trying to be a YouTuber at his big age? Tragic.
No. 1927784
>>1927771>largest size coffee, mostly milkfatass
>>1927628I thought this anon was exaggerating but then I looked closer at the original. holy kek that’s bad, she’s starting to look like her moid. I can’t get over what a big dumb oaf he is too.
No. 1927816
File: 1699869331419.gif (86.47 KB, 220x275, IMG_3429.gif)

>>1927628>>1927784Have this gif from the previous thread kek
No. 1928103
File: 1699921898391.jpeg (651.15 KB, 1170x1876, IMG_3436.jpeg)

>>1927718Three subscribers and two views on his last video that most likely came from him and Kathy but sure, let’s throw something else at the wall to see if it sticks. He’s beyond desperate.
No. 1928679
File: 1700016211744.jpeg (433.48 KB, 1190x2435, faker.jpeg)

Kathy misleading people about her Vegas trip. She's been using that empty Hermes box picture for months kek her ass didn't do any shopping
No. 1928848
>>1928679Bottom of the barrel homely looking twitter
dommes capitalizing their pronouns and talking like they're the second coming of marie antoinette is the level of delusion i wish i could reach one day tbh.
No. 1929069
File: 1700086549074.jpeg (237.15 KB, 660x925, IMG_3485.jpeg)

Tinfoil: Kathy has some kind of paying job right now. Legal, under the table, full time, part time - who knows. Dead giveaway is that she isn’t online bitching 24/7 like she was. The last time she stopped like this she had the short lived dispensary job.
No. 1929222
File: 1700103570045.png (1.65 MB, 1192x1514, Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 6.59.…)

>>1928679She's lurking kek
No. 1929934
File: 1700223497094.jpeg (128.5 KB, 720x1252, Screenshot_20201213-085551_Ins…)

>>1929222kek I knew I saved a photo of one of these somewhere. I don’t have a screenshot of this specific post but both this photo and the bag photo are from around the same time. I can’t imagine reusing boring photos of ONE time you bought Chanel shoes six years ago. I bet she seethes at the fact that she can’t afford to go on another shopping trip.
No. 1930252
File: 1700268754769.jpg (8.44 KB, 750x1334, 402987195_323172403685013_7768…)

Anyone get a cap of what was posted before this or is she vagueposting?
No. 1930632
File: 1700350772690.jpg (471.86 KB, 1080x1563, SmartSelect_20231119_003705_X.…)

Oh Moscow.
Isn't Russia haram to the virtue signaling crowd?
No. 1930786
>>1930632oh my fucking god, it's like she googled "ten places that used to be for fancy rich people" and just rattled them verbatim one by one in a row.
she's absolutely classless. she has zero idea of what she's talking about. her every larp is "well, that sounds fancy", but that sounded fancy like, 30 years ago.
get some actual taste of your own, i beg of you, you sound like a granny who misses her youth more and more with every post. most embarrassing how she always, always tells on herself.
No. 1930847
>>1930632>folsomdoes she mean the week when gay moids fuck each other in the ass on the street? this bitch hasn't seen any videos from any year there has she? this year had a guy streaking until he got butt fucked and I'm 95% sure he had shit down his back but I'm memory blocking if that was a different dude this year.
Girl has exclusively watched media or seen posts referencing some of this stuff and added them to pad the list out while having no idea what they're really like didn't she?
>>1930826she probably knows moulin rouge primarily from the movie
No. 1930861
File: 1700412382720.png (28.67 KB, 593x183, dreamz.png)

>>1930632>go to a couture house in ParisWhat does she think she means by this? Like a field trip to the atilier and workshop where they sew garments? I'm pretty sure they don't allow any old cow in there.
No. 1931099
File: 1700454474129.jpg (23.14 KB, 750x1334, 403378636_1308757739777808_373…)

No. 1931100
File: 1700454510426.jpeg (177.61 KB, 1500x2668, uh oh.jpeg)

Nothing wrong with what she said but trouble in poly-dise there Kathy?
No. 1931110
>>1931100This sounds like a cry for help and I almost feel bad for her.
No. 1931152
>>1931078yeah, as someone who loves applied arts it is a dream of mine to see the V&A.
and thats very basic.
No. 1931194
>>1930632Here's a couple of tips for your outdated larp, Beaky: you wear normal clothes to the ballet. You're going to be laughed at if you turn up in elbow length gloves and a floor-length gown of the finest polyester satin. Savile Row is where Mr Blush can obtain a new suit for his job as a millionaire banker with 20 girlfriends, it's not where YOU go to purchase ill-fitting corsets. The Fete Galante is a fancy dress event for actually competent historical costumers to play pretend in their historically accurate clothes, none of which involve hot glued pasties. Maybe Google the places you want to go to next time, yeah?
The shitty sex work places are 100% the type of place Beaky and her like would fit into, seedy, avoided like the plague by locals, and loaded with online SWers excited to finally feel like a real hooker.
>>1931100Massive kek at the top right rant, bit of a contrast with the whiny rants Frankenstein posted when he couldn't keep anyone but Cathy in his polycule.
No. 1931231
>>1931100The dude who prefers dating many women at once dips the second you have human needs? Who could have guessed!? Like, it really sucks to be in that situation, but there have been so. many. signs this neckbeard isn't a keeper, so it's not like I'm shocked. Red flag #1 being his constant need to find a second woman. Obviously, he's going to go back and forth and spend only Good Times together, and go to the other one when one woman is having a difficult time/having a bad day/sick.
Kathy, please upgrade to a better neckbeard. You can find one who looks almost exactly the same as him or slightly better, who is also monogamous. You live in fucking New York. There is no shortage of men. It's time to upgrade. (Unless…does she maybe think that this guy is the best she can do?)
No. 1931295
File: 1700519537365.png (261.22 KB, 1194x942, Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 2.27.…)

You're not a pornstar or a sex worker, Katherine. A grown woman with a degree from a private university consciously choosing to pretend to be a sex worker online is so fucking bizarre.
No. 1931340
>>1931231Honestly even Heather Explores nets better specimens, Kathy I believe in you please try dating literally anyone else kek
>>1931295>Openly hate menOh shit
I would love to hear her rationale about male sex workers, pretty much nobody has ever said male sw are in solidarity with female SW. Even the most libfemmy #sexworkiswork idiots out there have never said this. She always has some "controversial" opinion on completely made up issues
>>1931100>Men of this generationLike there isn't an illustrious history of beating, cheating and second families among the grandpas and great grandpas of the world
No. 1931398
>>1931380Well he's not wrong that's absolutely what happens and there's nothing wrong with it imo but he can complain
Women using men's sex obsession against them is fair play
No. 1931777
File: 1700609540921.gif (92.75 KB, 220x164, lhalesl.gif)

>>1931304Damn expose her some more kek
No. 1932399
File: 1700700794693.png (1.35 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0676.png)

A look into the scrote’s psyche. He thinks he looks like this kek
No. 1932401
File: 1700701011002.jpeg (522.85 KB, 1170x1877, IMG_0677.jpeg)

Did a quick (bad) sketch of what he actually looks like
No. 1932473
File: 1700713392285.png (429.12 KB, 608x642, Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 8.23.…)

>>1932470The fuck? The very least he could do is learn basic anatomy and how angles work.
No. 1932562
File: 1700730374979.jpg (300.46 KB, 2000x1654, false expectations.jpg)

>>1932399I tried to quickly make it a little more accurate
No. 1932563
File: 1700730523606.jpeg (260.63 KB, 1167x1038, IMG_3614.jpeg)

>>1932399We need a word for beyond delusional. This retard can not be serious.
No. 1932572
>>1932466>God they are a match made in bottom barrel effort heavenThey really are. They are exactly the same in that they give themselves false titles and have a mountain of failed/never realized projects. Kathy currently calls herself a showgirl, pinup, costumer, and historian while being none of them. Frakengut labels himself a “content creator”. Laughable. Then their laundry lists of failures such as mask maker, eyelash seller, book writer for her and comic book artist, vlogger, podcaster for him - just to name a few. They’re also both miserable cunts that wallow in their self-righteous false
victim hoods.
No. 1932652
>>1932446This is obscure, but does anyone know that one pinup where it's a woman who looks exactly like Bettie Page being carried over the shoulder by an alien/guy in a retro spacesuit? I can't remember the right search terms to find it and compare the lines, but it was popular in the 2010s. Maybe I'm wrong.
>>1932563This guy. Eating fewer calories is free. Pushups and bodyweight exercises are free. He could look like his sketch if he wanted to (minus the hair but Kathy has wigs to lend him) He's Kathy's perfect match because they're both allergic to physical exertion.
No. 1932932
File: 1700807656977.jpeg (51.32 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3623.jpeg)

No. 1933027
>>1932932didn't she post a picture of her mom texting her not that long ago?
Also imo putting up with a wealthy, but shitty family is miles better than having to deal with her current relationship. It'd be less degrading to her and unlike the scrote, her parents seem to want to provide and on the most cynical level (if they are actually trash), beaky can remain civil until they die so she can split some inheritance with her brother. what actual benefit does frank bring to the table? He's ugly (though apparently that's her type considering her greasy threesome bragging), he's unemployed with zero prospects or true drive in life, no original dreams or signs of an interesting future, in anti-love with beaky, is cynical, immature, and fat, balding expired goods. he looks the kind to look at 2k in savings and think he's made it to the big leagues. granted so does beaky but unlike him she might be able to catch some ugly lonely virgin with a 9-5 since she's a pickme who'll take men nobody want.
>>1933016high pony is probably the only "sophisticated" hairstyle she knows so she's tearing out her hairline more to larp as a fashionista when she isn't pulling out the bad wig. she's not a creative nor talented woman so she probably can't figure out any other easy to do hairstyles
No. 1933262
File: 1700875199603.png (7.77 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0732.png)

No. 1934507
>>1934213This, I've never seen a sexworker post such little sexual content. Her most extreme content is just a few words where she pretends she is a domme with a dungeon or some shit and then never mentions it again. Definitely asexual, I mean her moid immediately got suicidal when his actual girlfriend left him so you can figure out the rest kek
She's like the straight version of a beard, a fake girlfriend for decoration
No. 1934538
>>1934507I agree 100% with you nonna! She doesn't even talk dirty. it's so weird that when she tries to sound commanding: "reimburse Madame 35$ for macarons" all I hear is and elderly frigid woman like
>>1934213 said. She doesn't look or sound mean in a hot way, she never makes anyone get curious as to why they should've been paying for her services… "what is she gonna do to me if I'm naughty?" etc. She thinks the job of being a findomme is to just humiliate rich moids and they'll be so happy about it that they'll send you money just for that. And I know EXACTLY where she got thi idea AND her hatred for the specific of sex workers who are landlords: it all comes from Vice articles's a lot of women on these interviews claiming to earn money the way kathy wants to believe it's real: "So how does it work exactly?:
I have a variety of products that any clients (submissives in this case) can purchase. These vary from being my “human ATM” or “paypig”, to paying for personalised content or subscriptions through my account. I also advertise “Skype draining sessions”, where I will speak directly with a submissive and they will pay me when I tell them to. With potential paypigs, in order to speak to me in the first instance, they need to send a tribute (a minimum payment). Then we’ll discuss the terms of the agreement, and whether they’d like to establish a “debt contract”. Usually that takes the form of payments at regular intervals."
sounds familiar, right? About the landlord sex worker thing, there was an article/interview I can't seem to find now where a findomme was telling how she was making so much money that she decided to buy several houses and rent them for lower than average prices. Allegedly this is the most successfull findomme around so that's why Kat has a hateboner for this very specific issue of one known case. If you read all of the articles in this vice topic you'll recognize everything kathy does and thinks, the same phrases even. I recommend you read it, it's a good laugh reading and realizing how she took these articles as true honest guides to her life! kek aeternus
No. 1934583
>>1934507she posted a pic of her nipples once while on her new sex worker high, but deleted it right away. should be in some previous thread but i cant be bothered.
the internet remembers.
No. 1934663
File: 1701135547958.jpg (37.43 KB, 750x1334, 404287272_361445229630823_5617…)

In other words, she hasn't done anything that doesn't involve prescription drugs.
No. 1934668
>>1934663Ptsd nightmares ARE exhausting. Who knows if they'll ever truly go away. Things that actually help would be seeking therapy or self-work on your trauma and OVERCOMING it rather than publicly wallowing.
This popular attitude of constantly announcing how mistreated you have been for extra social media attention is extremely unhealthy and does no one any service. Cultivate an identity outside of being an abuse/whatever survivor. Get a goddamn hobby. She could buy a pound of rhinestones and e6000 them onto every single thing she owns and make a tiktok account out of it, maybe even make money doing so. Become "the rhinestone lady" and find a way to create distance between herself and that bad time and create new memories and get to know herself outside of the context of surviving/being a survivor. But she'd rather bring up yet again how much she doesn't get along with the family members that she hasn't talked to in a long time.
I believe that rich people can also be fucked up and I'll go ahead and believe Kathy when she says her parents are fucked up because Kathy sure is. But she needs to MOVE ON and become her own person eventually, and save the heart-rending trauma confessions for her best friend or her moid. And I'm not saying this to be callous. No pl but I might have an idea of how awful those nightmares can get. You can't let the trauma that stole your childhood and stole your peaceful nights also steal your waking hours and your identity. There's more to a person than trauma.
No. 1934717
>>1934668Yup. They set you back so much in terms of how far you think you've come, but you have to work through it and move on and by doing so you're also helping your general PTSD recovery.
I'd have a smidgen more sympathy if she didn't make it sound like her trauma was purely her parents refusing to give her as much money as she wanted.
No. 1934743
File: 1701160615133.jpeg (71.07 KB, 750x1334, 1653340081643.jpeg)

>>1934663She always goes back to PTSD (formally cPTSD) after failing to get meds via other alleged aliments. Remember her narcolepsy/cataplexy arc from a few months ago? She doesn't want actual advice; she wants drug names. Picrel is from a year ago.
No. 1934744
>>1934655the reason i bring it up was because once she obviously tried to lean into advertising sex- but changed her mind about it and backpedalled.
i dont think it was genuinely something she liked.
No. 1934745
File: 1701160813296.png (558.79 KB, 1500x1334, ptsd bs.png)

>>1934743Another cap from two years ago. She uses the same wording. If you go through the threads, she only brings up PTSD when she's desperate for money or drugs.
No. 1934748
File: 1701160971968.png (214.63 KB, 1184x412, Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 10.01…)

She posted this on Sunday and dirty deleted it late Monday in favor of
>>1934663 No. 1934887
>>1934743Has she tried exercise? Slowly being able to overcome physical difficulties and becoming physically stronger or faster or more flexible? Learning self-respect by setting a goal, sticking to a practice routine, and finally achieving it? No pl again, but if you're someone who's been beaten down by life in any way, it's a healthy, free thing you can try in conjunction with other stuff to give yourself a new feeling of life and control over that life. Additionally, it'll release good brain chemicals for you.
Her nonexistent muscle tone and lack of dance skills tells me no, she hasn't tried it. There are free exercise and diet resources for her specific chronic condition (forget the name), but she won't use them.
>>1934853I recently read an article about something similar, but it was for a guy's physical rehab after he damaged his spine in an accident. What he did helped him but not others with damaged spines and he said that, in addition to dumb luck/specifics of the injury, there were people who would do that thing and then sit there and expect it to fix them, whereas he did that thing and then also did tons of physical rehab work and was in fact standing and making an effort while he did that thing. He says that if all he did was make his brain/nerves more plastic for a little bit while sitting around, he wouldn't have been able to go skiing again. You have to put in the work no matter what drug is supposed to fix your problem.
>guess she has no friends so she can't do any mutual trades for free photographyShe could even sign up to be a model for art classes (clothes on or off) in NYC. Some of the positions are paid. You don't have to talk or even move to do the job, just show up. Most art models in college are just playing on their phone sitting in a chair. It would give substance to her "I'm the muse for artists" larp. Again, another thing that she just doesn't put in the work to do.
No. 1935007
>>1934887Agreed on her live modeling being a good idea, but is this really true:
>Most art models in college are just playing on their phone sitting in a chairWhen I did life drawing the (nude) models would get into a bunch of different timed poses as well as one longer pose, what you described sounds so halfasssed kek
No. 1935025
>>1935010Jim Harris
>>1935007The models at my school were awful, but they still got paid. There was a fat one and a thin one who'd both sit and play on their phones in different positions for each set of time for an hour and then leave. So your sketchbook was fat model leaning on left elbow looking down, leaning on right elbow looking down, skinny model standing and looking at phone, sitting and looking at phone, sitting with legs crossed looking down. It sucked, but not for those models I guess. And then there was this one guy who made the entire thing his workout time: he'd do planks and stand on one foot with the other one out or whatever and try and make it the whole five minutes/two minutes/etc. That was an awesome model who was actually interesting to draw, and he got paid to work out which was probably pretty sweet.
I'm sure Kathy can find a college or a private art class that doesn't have a model yet and do the same as the models from my class.
No. 1935394
File: 1701300336458.png (246.68 KB, 1188x1060, Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 3.25.…)

We get it, you're a druggie
No. 1935396
File: 1701301478280.jpeg (387.22 KB, 1625x2048, GAI4G7_WMAAO3sX.jpeg)

(sage your non milk)
No. 1935418
File: 1701304721582.jpeg (431.99 KB, 1500x1334, mask virtue signaling.jpeg)

Mask virtue signaling once again and return of the gross dog fur coat backdrop
No. 1935485
File: 1701313651588.jpeg (231.01 KB, 1440x1800, 404921527_1078937499904168_707…)

>>1935418I was in Vegas not long after her for the Grand Prix and no one was wearing a mask. If there was a Venn diagram of current Vegas regulars and anti-vaxxers, it'd be a single circle kek she might've got one comment on the rhinestones but that's it. No one is getting non-stop compliments because they have a portable air purifier and mask on.
>>1934748Guess picrel and
>>1935396 was her "photoshoot" so her send requests for herself kek
also that got a redtext but not the irrelevant scrote selfies upthread? No. 1935960
File: 1701400938906.png (67.07 KB, 1176x282, Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 7.17.…)

50/50 on whether this'll happen or not but hoping it does because Kathy in the wild is always milky.
No. 1936009
File: 1701410288060.jpeg (309.07 KB, 1188x1690, grift.jpeg)

New grift: Neckbeardo is begging for Twitch interactions to get to affiliate because he "need(s) to work from home" because of his "disabled partner". You can see in the first cap he is begging for money during his livestreams as well - "Donations to pay bills so I can work from home". He wants to "provide" but can't be fucked to get a real job. A true provider would make sure to have a solid career going by his age. His wording about needing to work from home in order to help his disabled partner is insidious though; he makes it sound as though Kathy is unable to care for herself. Meanwhile in reality he's having her take trips across the country by herself. At both their ages it is beyond pathetic to think they can live off of handouts from strangers online. Grow up.
No. 1936012
>>1936009There are plenty of job opportunities for a 26 year old and 39 year old that want to work from home. Let me guess: these two deadbeat NEETs that have nothing currently going for them think they’re too good for those jobs. Reality is going to hit them
No. 1936152
>>1936009If Kathy is so disabled that she needs a caretaker, I'm pretty sure the state can pay him a pittance to do that specifically. (called caregiver stipend iirc? I never learned too much about it so someone else may be able to fill in the details)
That would be predicated upon Kathy's disability being bad enough to need a caretaker, though.
>>1936012Waiting for the call-center-Kathy arc that will never be
No. 1936406
File: 1701483980480.jpg (7.03 KB, 168x300, images.jpg)

>>1936352i also saw a popular youtuber named whang that does funny internet recaps and you can tell that the moid is trying to embody him except whang is attractive kek
(unsaged derailing) No. 1937421
File: 1701637204401.png (79.81 KB, 754x648, how would she know.png)

Checking up on her accounts and not really milk but I find it funny how moid-like she is. Giving advice she probably has no real knowledge about and googled at one point before (or right before).
Any britbongs in the thread who can give insight into these places? The Mayfair looks laughably "poors larping as aristocrats for a night" at first glance so I'm betting it's a tourist trap or a trap for brits obsessed with being
someone. You could probably go see the same strippers at cheaper places elsewhere in london cause the burlesque scene in any place is tiny and incestuous. The food looks aggressively old "new english" too so probably not the new new english food you can find in london (which isn't half bad now tbh, brits have gotten better at food recently) No. 1938540
File: 1701812833999.jpg (52.24 KB, 750x1334, 407893487_611656691051452_6318…)

>>1934745>she only brings up PTSD when she's desperate for money or drugs>>1919459>Make sure you remember this post when you're whining about "mutual aid"And here we go kek don't fully believe her though as she's used this sob story in the past along with other variations of it. At the beginning of this year she claimed to be moving and was attempting to sell off furniture but nothing ever came of it. My tinfoil is that they've been squatting for the last eight months and if they truly do have to be out in the next three days, the landlord finally got law enforcement involved. Would also explain her landlord seething all year.
No. 1938603
>>1938561might not even be hard, they could be type of weed users who think that since it's stupid weed is illegal and see it like booze, they can just do it whenever they want and their stoned out minds expect other people to just conform to their worldview. They might have been stinking up the apartments one too many times. Is it cold out there? Maybe they were caught smoking out the window
>>1938525>>1938540these two posts back to back really show off the champagne socialism kek. All about glamour until she needs money from the poors while her parents are right there and it makes more sense to take money from their rich "
abusive" asses than a poor new yorker full of mutual empathy. Also the beak just came back from a vegas show near opening night. This should be a lesson to not aimlessly waste her money and save a fund for a rainy day
No. 1938647
>>1937421Any burlesque place is going to be tacky as all fuck. Being in London only means it's more overpriced than usual. Every single person I've seen who attends burlesque shows has either been a TIF or dresses like Kathy and tries to talk like a 1940s moving pictures star, if you need some idea of what the crowd at those places will look like.
>>1938540Sometimes you need to pay the rent and be a bit more subtle with the weed, Kathy, sorry but life really is a bitch sometimes. Next time you e-beg for spare change, keep it in your savings instead of spending it on pastries, help yourself, your moid and and your waistline by grifting responsibly.
No. 1938677
File: 1701828993623.png (295.82 KB, 1080x1407, eviction.png)

>>1938540She's getting evicted KEK. She has 3 days to get out or pay up, or else she'll be taken to court and have an eviction on her record. Good luck ever being able to rent another place again.
No. 1938795
File: 1701844443174.jpeg (176.11 KB, 750x1509, chronic illness glamour.jpeg)

>>1938540Always love to see the things she posts after her "emergency" posts
No. 1939022
>>1938525ThaKS nanny!
Those gloves and that forehead isn't doing her any favors but this is not the worst pic of her I ever seen.
Would love to see her streetwalking saga to avoid eviction tou. But we all know the prostitution is just a larp just like everything else. Also, her lies are so retarded like, she "got 20k" from her human atm not long ago (KEK), why didn't she put that towards rent?
No. 1939025
File: 1701889794482.jpg (2.04 MB, 540x8216, Screenshot_20231206_200846_Fir…)

Kek at her wishlist like wtf is she thinking?
It's so ridiculous I can't but laugh No. 1939026
File: 1701889938972.jpg (325.59 KB, 1080x2115, Screenshot_20231206_201247_Fir…)

Sorry for doubblepost but these are my favourite.
50k like GIRL! staph
No. 1939165
File: 1701908720065.jpeg (155.28 KB, 1500x1334, predict.jpeg)

Farmer's are right, again
>>1904274>She'll be trying to resell it at a loss>>1936014>overpriced useless materialistic items that she tries to hawk off at a loss after receiving No. 1939190
>>1938525she looks cute and elegant here. a genuine smile, for once. flattering angle.
>>1939025very telling that she didn't use her own burlesque costume picture here. can't be the same one, can it? hers is "powder lavender", not flesh-toned.
i know theyre aspirational pictures… but meanwhile she shows her shitty pleaser boots next to the 2k.
the mirror furniture, too, looks like something a "glam mum" would have in her 2009 bedroom.
No. 1940214
File: 1702073910157.jpg (52.88 KB, 750x1334, 409073428_1344509509509799_228…)

Kathy's gotten COVID again and claims to have dysautonomia now.
No. 1940254
File: 1702078524074.jpg (265.94 KB, 1972x1114, image (1).jpg)

>>1940214Only the second time? Interesting because according to herself NYU caused her to get Covid sometime in 2020, the Governor caused her to get Covid in April 2021, a dive bar gig caused her to get Covid in April 2022… This would be at least the fourth time she's claimed to have it.
No. 1940260
File: 1702079237277.png (77.12 KB, 1172x382, Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 3.19.…)

Hiatus from what? Not like she posts original content kek
No. 1940288
File: 1702084061495.jpg (91.46 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpg)

No. 1940377
File: 1702100446137.jpg (169.07 KB, 2250x1334, image (2).jpg)

The projection is insane kek how are you going to say any of this while dating an unemployed sewer rat?
No. 1940412
File: 1702108248639.jpeg (147.75 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3867.jpeg)

>>1940377All dirty deleted as well. Replaced with picrel. Sure got over her Covid and whatever fight she had with the scrote fast.
No. 1940421
>>1940214>>1940298kek, I bet she's faking covid cause it delays the eviction. also love that vague munchie condition of "any neurological problem". I bet her high as fuck ass read "a neurological problem" and assumed it was a condition instead of an umbrella term
>>1940377love how mad she is that scrotey didn't provide enough to stop an eviction. it'll be funnier if she doesn't leave him after this too. except it's crazy considering she just fucked off to a vegas show recently so if they are being evicted it's her fault unless it was literally a situation where he said he'd pay bills and rent and never mentioned they hadn't paid yet (doubtful)
No. 1940427
>>1940377Girl you’re being evicted because your “daddy” failed to provide
No. 1940543
File: 1702137568051.jpeg (106.69 KB, 828x603, IMG_4129.jpeg)

>>1940433the average median income is about $20k higher in Massapequa than the rest of the country. Kathy’s parents are at least comfortable, and she chose to cut them off because they weren’t giving her enough money.
No. 1940745
File: 1702167455154.png (2.1 MB, 994x1662, Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 4.15.…)

Thought she was "quarantining alone"
No. 1940838
>>1940745This image is too pure for this thread. Dogs being friends! Aaaaah!
>>1940768Dog still has to go shit outside. I'm guessing neckbeard leaves that to her.
No. 1941056
File: 1702236187275.jpg (189.32 KB, 750x1334, 408463696_1473308819909248_512…)

>>1940838I think she's reposting photos the neckbeard sends her, she put up a couple at the dog park. Surely she's not stupid enough to post proof of her being fine and out and about?
No. 1941066
File: 1702237048714.jpg (21.83 KB, 750x1334, 408076357_679405057673111_7734…)

>>1941056Here she is making sure to cover her ass a whole day later.
No. 1941068
File: 1702237124595.mp4 (32.2 KB, 720x1280, CC4205F7C98685FB2BAC21904C065F…)

>>1941066Looks like she's managed to avoid getting evicted for now.
No. 1941584
File: 1702331214694.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.87 KB, 1854x2048, —__.JPG)

> Trace Madame’s permanent stocking seams with your tongue… [Red Rose Emoji] [Two Pink Hearts Emoji]
She just posted this on Twitter. The lines are looking just as we imagined they’d look after healing. For those who enjoy our cows interacting, this was liked by Shayna.
No. 1941610
File: 1702334807562.jpeg (116.75 KB, 1170x2031, IMG_3919.jpeg)

Her timeline is a little off
No. 1941788
>>1941584it's funny cause she cropped the fact that the line just starts and stops and cropped and angled her pose to try and hide that since the lines are pure straight on a female leg they look wrong. I love how she thinks this looks so classy when it doesn't even serve as a cute tat. It's just straight lines that don't contour and you wouldn't know it was a "stocking" cause she didn't bother adding a heel or anything up top to indicate the end of a seam. they'd look so weird under some actual nice stockings cause they wouldn't line up
>>1941610scrotey's taking the dog out but can't be bothered to grab cheap maccarons or some weed kek. what a catch unless she's broken up with him given the "showerhead" comment earlier
No. 1941813
File: 1702370359259.jpeg (45.24 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3948.jpeg)

She preaches about wearing masks, never wears them herself, gets sick (sure Jan), then spins it as “it was only one time!”. Can’t wait to see what her illness of the week will be next.
No. 1942261
>>1941813I thought she was wearing her ~crystal~ mask and using her little air purifier during her whole trip and getting compliments…
Which is it kek? or did she decide to stop masking after having come back from a big event and travel when she was most likely to be infected? wonder who she passed covid to during that time before symptoms appeared. assuming she has covid of course
No. 1942267
File: 1702448360515.png (244.5 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3949.png)

>>1942261That mask doesn’t even fit her kek
No. 1942268
File: 1702448544116.jpeg (143.83 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3961.jpeg)

Her “provider” is now writing a graphic novel. These morons will seriously do anything but get a paying job.
No. 1942275
File: 1702449898598.png (3.83 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1216.png)

Wonder how Kathy feels that the girls he posts are the exact opposite of her.
No. 1942297
File: 1702458847814.jpeg (404.49 KB, 737x720, IMG_1654.jpeg)

>>1942275I can’t think of a single woman who would be okay with her scrote not only following pornstars on Instagram but lusting after them publicly on their stories, except of course for our big bad femdom feminist icon Kathy. He walks right the fuck over her constantly.
No. 1943274
File: 1702610707803.jpeg (925.87 KB, 2250x5336, image.jpeg)

This was a long dirty deleted rant from a day ago. Sounds like she watched one Netflix documentary and now feels she is the authority on the topic kek Quite bold of her to go after new age shit when she herself has a "black power" alter, has talked about "money spells", all while bumming it with a scrote that has "pre-christian saxon witchcraft and magick" in his insta bio + posts about his rItUaLs. All of her rants come right back to her life/actions.
No. 1943279
File: 1702611459341.jpeg (174.29 KB, 1122x873, new age larp.jpeg)

>>1943274Can't get much more nonsensical than her Mistress Velvet black power alter surround by random black crystals and "be in debt to me threefold" manifestation crap
No. 1943341
File: 1702631168156.jpeg (159.93 KB, 2338x2065, IMG_4036.jpeg)

Sure Jan
No. 1943343
>>1943274> the material realities of the worldAnd what exactly are those material realities? For someone that spouted “trust the science/follow the science” a few times, she completely lacks the knowledge about research done in neuroscience and quantum physics fields on the mind and it’s relation to perception of reality. There are definitely fake “coaches” out there that try to take advantage of people but to loop anyone and everyone who believes in things like the law of attraction is downright retarded.
Also, some people absolutely are able to heal from PTSD. There is no cure but healing does not mean fully cured. She may view it as “learn to live and cope” but that doesn’t apply to every other person. She could really help herself if she quit being so downright negative about everything all the time.
No. 1943353
>>1943274Ok but this is the most correct thing she's ever posted. "spiritual" people absolutely take advantage of needy people by offering "magical thinking" solutions which do nothing to improve their situation.
Though I'm sure one of these twin flames woo woo healers messaged her and this was all a sub-post at them, she is absolutely right. People are predisposed to magical thinking because it's easier than being scientific and logical, and it's absolutely a problem when you see people making bank off the back of this shit. I saw a tiktok of some scammer claiming she saw men turn into dragons on stage and "steal people's energy" during meditation and claimed she saved them all by severing the connection. Everyone in the comments believed it. Then you have all the people who believe anything admirable made more than 50 years ago was made by giants or aliens. Believing in this shit is easy, psychology and problem solving is hard
No. 1943646
File: 1702686669531.jpeg (909.12 KB, 2250x1334, e-beg.jpeg)

Now she needs to move for Christmas. She's so full of shit.
No. 1943767
File: 1702714394905.jpeg (52.89 KB, 1687x1000, IMG_4081.jpeg)

It’s almost as if playing pretend sex worker online, not having a real job/form of income, and dating a scrote that cares more about getting a second and third gf isn’t a positive, glamorous life. These are very easy fixes but she refuses to help herself.
No. 1943782
>>1943767The problem has always been her. She thinks she’s above regular jobs and careers so she decides to be a burlesque dancer. However, she puts in zero effort to work on her dance skills because she thinks she’s above that and shouldn’t have to do it because ~ableism~. She’s “not in community” with show-runners because how dare they suggest she take dance lessons and not have mandatory masking. Again, ~ableism~. She’s “not in community” with other dancers because she hates them before she even gets to the dressing room: they’re all “catty”, get casted over and over, and don’t mask. Somehow all those also lead back to ~ableism~. Because she refuses to be an actual burlesque dancer, she doesn’t get booked but only for a couple dive bar and birthday appearances over the last four years so enter her becoming a sex worker because she has no income. Except she’s not a sex worker because she will never meet a client in person and once again puts in zero effort by not posting any sexual content bar one nip pic three years ago. She’s also “not in community” with sex workers because… landlord? same aesthetic? Idk it’s hard to remember all the fights she’s picked with other women online over nothing. Don’t even know where to begin with the literal neckbeard ogre dAdDy she is “collared” to.
All of that then she wonders why her life sucks so much. The things that would improve her life like a full-time job and a normal monogamous relationship are below her yet e-begging and polyamory somehow aren’t. There is no other explanation for that than she truly hates herself. It’s on her to fix that because no one else can do it for her.
No. 1944167
File: 1702799815172.jpeg (31.4 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4225.jpeg)

This bitch seriously just doubled down on the huge lie that she’s been “wearing masks, respirators, and using air purifiers” since beginning of the pandemic. Why is she clinging so hard to this?? No one cares about you masking four years out from lockdown 2020.
No. 1944358
File: 1702842877572.jpeg (37.39 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4223.jpeg)

>>1944167Lol she’s just using it all as a blame setup. As if coronavirus is the reason she isn’t pErFoRmInG.
No. 1944861
File: 1702949797201.jpeg (917.58 KB, 2250x5336, 12736644.jpeg)

>These techniques may lesson pain in the long term
>Personally I use anti-science acupuncture and weed
>Pill shaming is a product of anti-science thinking
This is a new level of retardation for her. She must’ve been denied a script or two so she’s taking her anger out on random instagram posts - the second one being one she already attacked. Nothing wrong with taking about how women are often ignored in the medical filed when it comes to pain but she ruins it by injecting her BS.
No. 1944874
>>1944861Does anyone actually expect a clip art/cal arts-style infographic to be anything other than extremely topical and uninformative, though? If you want to learn more about a topic (managing pain while refusing to talk to a doctor about a prescription, I guess, in Kathy's case), go read a book or go chase down old forum discussions of how people today and in the past managed pain using various other methods. (Even pre-industrial peoples had painkillers btw.)
And if she ever does such a thing, I really hope she posts it online so we can laugh about it.
I also love how she glosses over the diet part because macarons, pasta, and wheels of cheese probably aren't the majority of a good diet for her disorder.
No. 1944882
File: 1702953057693.jpg (327.83 KB, 1947x1598, image (10).jpg)

>>1944861The replies say the same thing as the infographics just in different ways. All they added was weed.
No. 1944965
File: 1702970045044.jpg (182.27 KB, 750x1334, 412671680_2728556640785415_575…)

Back to claiming her size 6 foot is a size 4 kek
No. 1944995
>>1944861Oohhhhh so this what happened.
Teledoc: Miss McMahan you're experiencing normal period cramps.
She needs to realize doctors are also trained to spot drug seekers, and her medicaid ass can't doctor shop like those with private insurance.
No. 1945036
>>1944965This is stupid. A size 6 foot is still tiny, particularly if you put your shoes next to a man's shoes.
Is it still "a few" tattoos when those tattoos go up your entire leg?
Is this a dating profile? Is she finally trying to trade up?
No. 1945252
File: 1703028728195.jpeg (895.96 KB, 1242x1392, 1633380466300.jpeg)

>>1944965Lol makes me miss the early threads when she couldn't settle on height or shoe size kek picrel from 2021
No. 1945519
>>1944965in her defence, an american 6 and uk 4 is about the same size
>>1945252but this throws my devil's advocate tinfoil out of the window
No. 1945695
>>1944965That's funny, I've never seen her mention jazz in any way shape or form. I'm not trying to gatekeep the genre here, but you'd think if she liked that more than any other music we'd see her record collection, or visits to jazz clubs, or mentions of her favourite recordings of famous standards.
KEK at "French pastries" too. We all know her favourite food is blocks of cheese.
No. 1945781
File: 1703145231320.png (2.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1470.png)

The scrote is so desperate for poon/hates Kathy so much that he’s thirsting after gay boys now
No. 1945907
>>1945781anything to avoid getting a job!
>>1945847he also seems like the type who thinks fucking some twink in the ass makes him more masculine. y’all imagine if you had PID or whatever Kathy is claiming and couldn’t have sex, so your beloved nigel starts posting shit like this on main. I would fucking kill mine.
No. 1946011
File: 1703202357249.png (4.1 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1496.png)

>>1945975Literally cannot provide a meal or find a job so he’s selling his guitars kek
No. 1946179
File: 1703244457878.jpg (325.42 KB, 2250x2334, image (5).jpg)

She begins her rant by attacking an article that interviews people in age-gap relationships. The article is pretty neutral covering the topic yet Kathy has to attack it because all she read was the headline. She then goes on to say that a man must have an age, size, and income gap or she’s not interested but this isn’t true because her moid is just as broke as her. Her saying she’d feel like a “predator in every possible way” dating someone her age is pathetic and even more pathetic is her buying into the lie that older men that prey on younger women are “mature”. There’s no use in her saying any of this thought because she is 26 now… that is considered old to most of the men she is trying to defend. And yes, she is defending the men despite saying “wOmEn LiKe It ToO” and claiming that she dates anyone besides straight males. She’s not getting brownie points with any of them calling herself a predator for dating someone her age - she's playing right into their ploy.
No. 1946180
File: 1703244508694.png (240.14 KB, 1186x1042, Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 3.08.…)

Over on twitter she tries to claim that her first boyfriend was 30 years older than her despite pining for a teenaged boyfriend two threads ago that she called her first love kek also a little slip up there in her reply
No. 1946210
>>1946179older guys preying on "fresh 18s" do it because they think it takes minimal effort to impress such girls, it will increase their social standing to have a "desirable" girl, and/or because they think they can "raise" (manipulate/gaslight) the impressionable girl into a perfect fucktoy/wife.
theyre gross either way.
imo more women should prey on barely legal twinks and "raise" them into good-tier moids No. 1946489
File: 1703307267123.png (117.92 KB, 1190x518, Screenshot 2023-12-22 at 8.55.…)

She's a feeder now? What an oddball.
No. 1946687
File: 1703374500835.jpg (73.88 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpg)

She surpasses males her age in every way yet has the edge of a 12 year old boy. Get real Kathy.
No. 1946688
File: 1703374612600.jpg (217.1 KB, 2250x1334, image (2).jpg)

She's such a weirdo
No. 1946730
>>1946687I can bet you absolutely no one is asking her about wearing a mask. Plenty of people in NYC are still masking in crowded spaces and people who don’t mask just mind their own business. She just constantly wants to play the holier-than-thou
No. 1946861
File: 1703431139611.png (1.4 MB, 1186x1106, Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 7.20.…)

She needs to add landlords to her fetish list
No. 1946975
>>1946863imagine kathy angrily gnawing at your ankle because youre a big evil
terf dyke
thread pic nominations:
>>1940506>>1933262 this or
>>1932563this, surrounded by snippets her sperging about high quality old men to spoil her
>>1923439>>1910640 No. 1947007
File: 1703464066113.jpeg (108.79 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4584.jpeg)

No. 1949270
File: 1704080498450.png (5.91 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1762.png)

She actually looks cute here it’s a flattering angle of her face. But oh my god he’s a manlet Isn’t she under 5 foot?
No. 1949284
>>1949270She gave her height here
>>1944965 kek where the hell did you get under 5'?
No. 1949303
File: 1704090461543.png (5.76 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1765.png)

Spoke too soon on her looking cute, her in motion is pretty frightening
No. 1949451
Before we go, I just want to say that this thread's pic is an underrated masterpiece and gives me a chuckle every time I see it. Watch out kitten!
>>1946975I vote for a combination of
>>1940506 and
>>1923439 No. 1950045
File: 1704249850169.jpeg (Spoiler Image,687.53 KB, 1290x1350, IMG_9979.jpeg)

>>1949303Nonita you didn’t capture the best part of this entire train wreck of an outfit. I don’t even know what that thing on her head is supposed to be.
No. 1950236
File: 1704292042341.jpg (Spoiler Image,497.45 KB, 1125x1545, kathy.jpg)

Wasn't it just a few weeks ago she posted half a dozen instagram stories about how she exclusively wears masks indoors and can't have a job because of it?
No. 1950541
File: 1704341567782.png (1.11 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1844.png)

Moid is throwing a fit about dress restrictions on twitch because he can’t see his goth girls play games in bikinis anymore
No. 1950608
>>1950548Look at his edgy atheist clapback. It's possible that mentally he is and always will be a sad 16 year old redditor.
The twitch thing screams entitlement. Can't take away my toys waaahh.
No. 1950639
>>1950236it BUGS me so much, that the panties are this skimpy in the "full" costume. you see these often in burlesque, but the stardard is that they are revealed at the end, when more "modest" panties or skirt are pulled away. but with the corset on, and the full outfit, this just looks badly put together. they do nothing to balance the corset and make her look bare, in a bad way. sorry for sperging.
wish she'd get something tear-away to put over them. poppers aren't hard to figure out.
No. 1950913
File: 1704417535060.jpg (47.45 KB, 1194x236, Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 5.19.…)

Can't tell if this is hypocrisy or if she's this close to dumping his ass.
No. 1950959
File: 1704433996032.jpg (49.75 KB, 750x1334, 416352742_333366212872003_2353…)

>>1950913She's constantly posting/reposting about men financially taking care of women like here
>>1940377 but then turns around and doubles down on the neckbeard. Dating in NYC (and in general) right now absolutely sucks for women so I think she's holding onto him just to say she has a man. She very much seems the type to do that.
No. 1951293
>>1950639you've read my mind. She only has 2 pieces in her costume, which are supposed to be last to be removed before you show pasties and g-string. Imagine what her routine looks like, she has nothing to take off, how does she tease the audience?
Katherine, get a real job
No. 1953383
File: 1704912032976.jpg (99.71 KB, 1204x508, Kathy taking the L.jpg)

Just dump him already, Kathy. Be a better boyfriend to yourself.
No. 1954804
>>1953383Her wording of "don't pay for
anything" gives her away. Remember, the scrote bought her a I can read level 1 book and mac and cheese for Valentine's Day… that's enough to keep her for life because he paid for something.
No. 1955631
File: 1705383379693.png (63.12 KB, 948x278, Screenshot 2024-01-15 at 9.37.…)

An ode to her scrote KEK
No. 1961227
File: 1706714693749.jpg (259.08 KB, 1080x918, SmartSelect_20240131_162440_X.…)

She's up to her usual cringe.
Now with tease of actual sexwork kek
No. 1961347
File: 1706744550461.png (84.02 KB, 610x571, kathy.png)

>>1961227considering the ratio of posting stupid random blogging about her broke bf and wanting pastries to the actual findomme larp, it's rather unusual kek
>>1961251She really seems so uninterested on it all but thats partly because she cant commit to the bit and do anything, all she does is pretending to be a rich expert communist on burlesque/fashion/prostitution/queer history
No. 1961350
File: 1706745695488.png (98.98 KB, 616x865, nyc.png)

talking about fashion designers, barely but still ig
No. 1961353
File: 1706746218109.png (Spoiler Image,282.49 KB, 615x483, k.png)

spoiler (?) for scalpel cut, it's pretty clean though so idk
she retweeted stuff from some tranny
>Chicago based dominant prioritizing accesible and metamorphic kink experiences for/with other trans perverts.18+ only NSFW or the squeamish
No. 1961355
File: 1706746477117.png (Spoiler Image,317.01 KB, 613x576, athy.png)

she already deleted sorry but between this and the fashion thing in
>>1961347 idk why she's talking about pubes while simultaneously saying she's never "wore" it (?)
No. 1964366
File: 1707530005193.png (3.36 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2993.png)

Did the scrote shave his head or is his long hair really that thin?
No. 1970904
>>1970863A hilarious shot to her ego imo
I love when cows are no longer relevant
Their attention seeking nature hates it
Good riddance to this cow in particular, her inability to use decent makeup always pissed me off
No. 1980826
File: 1711690224513.jpeg (847.17 KB, 1170x2171, IMG_4564.jpeg)

Since when does Kathy have a masters degree kek
No. 1985080
File: 1712978790014.png (689.79 KB, 1558x968, Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 10.23…)

>>1853190Not a super interesting development but Katie is paying this random woman to poke a bunch of needles in her. Pretty sure Katie is paying because the the other girls has a bunch of tweets about how even if she gets content out of it she expects her "subs" to pay for her time.
No. 1986018
>>1980826So she worked at the metropolitan now? When?
Is that the job she had like what, 10yrs ago and the lawsuit was about? I tought that was NYU
No. 1987007
File: 1713549807976.jpg (166.51 KB, 1372x2048, 1000016545.jpg)

can't believe she's redone the same shit photoshoot in a new ugly wig.
No. 1987797
>>1987007She used AI to change her hair, that's it. Still a lazy bitch.
>>1980826Also still a lying bitch. She has a bachelor's and dipped out before even starting a master's program. She was employed at the school, again nothing to do with fashion or history, and went scorched Earth when their pharmacy wouldn't provide her with opioids on demand. In the very first thread, an anon who knew her posted her LinkedIn… She worked at the Museum of Sex for a few months before suing for muh discrimination. She has no master's degree and has only worked at one museum that has fuck all to do with fashion as a front desk attendant.
This retard is almost thirty; in the time she wasted from ages 22-27 pretending to be a whore online, she could've gotten a real master's degree and the job experiences she lies about having online in real life. She couldn't even be fucked to become an actual burlesque dancer in that time, let alone a domme. Is she forgetting her shaky call-in to a podcast where she gave her fake Madame Blush name and where she admits she has no online clients and has never met anyone in person is still online for everyone to hear?