File: 1671244638377.png (55.67 KB, 389x347, kathy.png)

No. 1729166
Katherine McMahon, also known online as Katherine Harlow, the Madame Blush, and the Park Avenue Pinup, is a 24 year old scam artist in NYC who forfeited the college education granted to her by her decently successful family to LARP as a disabled, autistic, downtrodden, salt-of-the-earth in her endless sage wisdom sex worker. Whenever she feels like pretending to have a job, she can be seen performing burlesque in her signature sweat stained, ill-fitting, tacky glue and rhinestone underwear. She is truly one of the best costumers in burlesque. When she isn't performing, which she usually isn't, she can be found offering her "luxury" services as a financial dominatrix on Twitter. Survival sex workers speaking about their personal experience with assault beware (!), as she is seemingly only 'in community' with a single dead, trans, black woman who never truly knew her, and is now too dead to tell poisonous bird women online to stop using her name and image for ally points.
Recent Milk:
Kathy butchers another costume
>>1626628 >>1627939
Tries to sell her stuff again because she's broke
>>1635578Wisely invests her money in more overpriced knickknacks
>>1636260she tries rhinestoning a menstrual belt-looking thing
>>1644945 >>1645799
>>1656616Kathy shares her altar
>>1651145Performs at a wedding that her boyfriend and his other girlfriend were invited to
>>1656847 >>1658060
>>1658082 >>1663234
Attempts to sell her used underwear
>>1663541Kathy demonstrates she has no taste in jewelry
>>1668279Nonna makes a comparison between Kathy and a professional costume
>>1674914She doesn't know how to take care of her own hair
>>1701022Kathy's polyamorous Thanksgiving
>>1709409 >>1709783
Kathy wants to produce her own burlesque show
>>1724748Active links: (currently private) (currently private)
https://parkavenuepinup.com of Sex lawsuit info: 1
>>1624647 No. 1729871
File: 1671338138527.jpg (525.21 KB, 1080x1080, 20221218_053309.jpg)

What press ons costs $75?
Also, math is hard. That's no $400 but it IS some really tacky af jewelry.
At least pretend to have some taste big beak
No. 1729913
File: 1671346457866.jpeg (370.7 KB, 1170x1666, 6D14CAC3-E25A-4587-8EF4-42DB82…)

Earlier this week she claimed to be performing at a country club this weekend with a rate of $1,000. Oh to be this delusional.
No. 1730067
>>1729871Yes, stuff that you wear on stage has to be a bit bigger than normal jewelry stuff… but this is hideous and you wouldn't put it on someone who you want the audience to view in a good light.
Why does every single thing she post have to do with consooming more ugly plastic tat? Why can't she do some dance practice and then brag about that? People who try to buy a hobby rather than practice their hobby are so lame.
No. 1731258
>>1731192She could have every accessory and prop Dita has, but doubly expensive, and it still wouldn't distract from how stiff and boardlike her movements are or how she doesn't even have basic muscle mass or any training on moving with grace. She could cover it up a little bit with longer garments in flattering, fluttery fabrics…but covering up more in a strip show? lol.
Money can't buy talent and money can't replace the hard work of practice. Practicing is free, so it's confusing why her broke ass won't pursue it, but it's obvious that she doesn't.
>>1731167Thrifting would be too much work for her
No. 1733785
>>1733029I saw an IG story about the goth GF receiving some smut books from the moid, but Katie has been radio silent since them lmao
I just think it's really funny how this bitch is not even as good cow anymore, she has become so boring since she got the fucked up lines up her legs
No. 1734780
File: 1672473641642.jpeg (829.32 KB, 2340x2080, 7E05ACE3-33A3-4AC9-94C1-8A7CD2…)

Last thread anons were calling her out for buying extremely overpriced crappy lingerie in the wrong size and now she’s trying to sell it off along with useless pleasers kek
No. 1734925
File: 1672506909169.png (1.27 MB, 1070x1764, Screenshot_20221231-121015-292…)

>>1733785>>1734867Someone's lurking hard and trying to pretend she got Christmas gifts. I don't have the caps and it's deleted now but she tweeted a while ago that she was getting them for herself and asked to be reimbursed.
No. 1734926
File: 1672507107356.jpg (105.8 KB, 1080x1920, 321818316_1580345059100220_918…)

Meanwhile here was what the moid wanted to tell everyone on Christmas Day
No. 1735290
File: 1672567059088.jpeg (339.64 KB, 1467x2048, 1CFEA71B-D391-4B33-915D-6CD018…)

No. 1735347
>>1735290Just a reminder that she will have those awful line tattoos down her legs with this outfit.
I have an irrational hatred for mismatched pinks
No. 1735450
File: 1672601656379.jpg (906.44 KB, 1080x1915, IMG_20230101_133132.jpg)

I wonder if Kathy went out with them for NYE? All he ever posts is the Walmart goth gf lmao
No. 1736189
File: 1672704907115.jpeg (178.22 KB, 1241x1435, 9307A86C-8EB2-41A4-8E23-507417…)

The LARP kek
She can’t even get him to make her his main GF let alone will buy her a house.
No. 1736250
File: 1672714919720.png (470.48 KB, 974x642, Screen Shot 2023-01-02 at 7.01…)

>>1736189Ah yes, the neckbeard who has to split rent with 3+ other people in order to to have a roof over his head is going to buy Kathy her own house. The man just straight up admitted he felt like he accomplished things simply by
thinking about them and that was enough for him. In his world he already bought her a house kek
No. 1736287
>>1736189So the big question is: Did Katie get kicked out of her room at the apartment? I assume scrote and goth girlfriend are shacked up together since Katie was in a room all alone. If shes leaving it is probably because she can't contribute to rent so they told her she needs to make space for someone who works.
She has been surprisingly quiet about the bud tending job since the holidays, no way a low wage job gave her THAT much holiday less than two months in.
>>1736253 He couldn't even get that much near a city anyone would want to be in. Maybe if we get a rural Alabama arc, goth girlfriend can play cottage core. And Katie can live in a dog house out back.
No. 1736292
File: 1672724804556.png (793.95 KB, 1168x1262, Screenshot 2023-01-02 at 11.39…)

Wow Katherine why does your boyfriend get to laugh at sex workers without being "educated" by the dominatrix in his life.
No. 1736295
File: 1672725883124.jpg (1.55 MB, 4244x1816, happynewyear.jpg)

>>1735290>>1735450She was either at home playing dress up while he wined and dined the girlfriend that doesn't need myspace angles and a face filter, or she didn't even wear the dress out (which would be a smart move considering how badly it fit). I like how you can tell from his stories that he was at an expensive restaurant because he ordered only a steak with no sides kek
No. 1736314
>>1735450Awe, the real girlfriend actually knows how to smile like a genuine human being! Cute. Wonder how it works out that the “Keeper’s Keeper” won’t buy her a steak but will an apartment and then a house.
After having a seemingly average woman in his life, I can’t imagine how healthy or happy it must be to remain in a relationship founded on some pathetic “master/slave” pseudo marriage shit. You can force a man to pose with you, holding a collar you bought on Amazon for yourself, but you can’t force him to buy you a ring. This is all so sad.
No. 1736447
>>1736442they wouldve also sliced it for them in advance.
still even a steak house is more than Kathy got from him
No. 1736901
File: 1672795747381.jpeg (169.33 KB, 750x1334, 323499634_1645031082577993_549…)

Keeping it classy
No. 1737283
>>1736189Did he pawn his collection of Funko pops for a downpayment? Last I checked the neckbeard still worked at his dead end job with only a high school education and dreams of being a twitch streamer at the age of 38.
>>1736250My case in point. Yeah, this definitely sounds like a man who's financially secure and has saved up enough to buy a house in NYC /s
>>1736342Let's not forget she still had to get a minimum wage job
after getting another roommate! This was right after her birthday too, she probably thought she was going to get lots of tributes and was holding out for as long as possible kek
No. 1738501
>>1737111Pro dommes do stuff in person like pegging, spanking think classic stereotype of dommes, findommes are ebeggers who just say they’re entitled to it and wait for “tributes”
Pro dommes are prostitutes and findommes are ewhores. Both are gross but pro dommes at least ”work” for their income
No. 1738877
File: 1673044570556.png (1.6 MB, 1068x1837, Screenshot_20230105-175220~2.p…)

Posted yesterday and dirty deleted. Sorry about the weird framing, I didn't think she'd change her mind so fast. Dumbass couldn't even pretend to buy anything after hanging out there all day like a broke loser. She also tweeted
>Thanks for 2.8k followers perverts!And deleted that because she's been losing followers for the past week and is under that now kek
>>1734780>>1735073Why isn't she just listing these on her findomme twitter? Surely she'd be able to get more
>>1736901Same with this, why isn't she asking for reimbursement? It's content that's real and makes her seem less boring at least
No. 1739145
File: 1673085441765.jpeg (231.92 KB, 1170x628, D91EF044-241A-4488-A7D2-3A9990…)

She is so disconnected from every larp she has going on kek
No. 1739187
File: 1673099919635.jpg (96.87 KB, 1080x1920, 319882871_1339296136881088_398…)

>>1739145Some thought provoking words from her partner, a man:
No. 1739191
File: 1673100147972.png (838.84 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20221227-204628~2.p…)

Dirty deleted. Way to show support to your "community" and someone who's helped you personally, for free!
No. 1739413
File: 1673133389056.png (84 KB, 1180x344, Screen Shot 2023-01-07 at 3.15…)

No. 1739520
>>1739214That's exactly what it is.
When the whole twitter Findom thing first started ~7/8 years ago, a few e-whores managed to tap into what's a very niche market of men who genuinely enjoy paying attractive women money to be degraded.
Uglier, dumber e-whores like Kathy, jumped on this bandwagon years too late. The pitiful scrotes who throw her pennies do so because THEY feel a sense of power. This sad, beaky woman who has to beg for money for essentials on Twitter, is quite literally financially submissive to the few people who do throw chump change her way.
She can pretend to be a domme all she wants. If her
benefactors finsubs leave, she'll either have to buck up and get a real job or go the Shayna route.
No. 1739534
>>1739413I know that she's only capable of interacting with low-value moids, but imagine if she said this to an actual businessman and he tried to ask her about SPACs kek.
She's too low-class & uneducated to realize that her pretend title is a real thing already.
No. 1739546
File: 1673149215347.jpeg (199.71 KB, 1170x1119, 33E44663-B815-42F6-BAC5-353D47…)

How could she possibly forget about her “clip library” from a year ago on manyvids that includes such hits as FinDom Stepmother Turns You Into Servant and Swarovski Glove Tease for Fetishists? No interaction on the tweet yet by the way kek
No. 1739629
>>1739546I've got some requests for the "clip library"!
1. Rolling her own damn joint
2. Doing makeup without that stupid drag queen eyeshadow and heavy false lashes
3. Giving us a real tour of the apartment
4. Doing an actual job
No. 1739763
>>1739413If this actually happened, I would dream of the day someone who understands corporate America to ask any kind of follow up question to this response. Kathy would have a conniption.
That response does go against her beliefs too. C'mon Kathy, divestitures, mergers, and acquisitions are only here because of capitalism. Maybe think of a more anarchist response next time…so embarrassing
No. 1740261
File: 1673263231965.jpeg (120.05 KB, 1170x695, 245528D4-46BE-42DA-A7C8-E31D76…)

I love it when loud and proud sEx WoRkErS show how sex repulsed they actually are. This isn’t the statement she thinks it is.
No. 1740316
File: 1673276081730.jpeg (247.71 KB, 1170x718, 35AED655-C02D-4270-9646-892D78…)

Sage because this is a nitpick but why keep watching something that you don’t like just because others say you should? For sometime who tries to present herself as ~vintage~ and different, she is quite the normie. She’s probably never even seen a movie that was made before 1980.
No. 1740724
File: 1673313591365.jpeg (135.47 KB, 750x1334, 324160904_705819760943280_7750…)

She can't even send out Christmas cards in time
No. 1741141
File: 1673348709948.png (377.17 KB, 1170x704, Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at 2.59…)

Milk gods please have Kathy try another go at her "billionaires love me but can't have me" larp again
No. 1741526
File: 1673393392765.jpeg (247.95 KB, 2250x1334, image.jpeg)

She blocks all the men that follow her unless she knows them so what's the point? Also kek at "mas service top". Of course all followed by her e-begging.
No. 1741600
>>1741526She needs to clean up her social media, her "all men are inferior to Me" findomme persona doesn't mesh well with her "I need a boyfriend" pickme persona. It's confusing.
Also "masc service top" = regular simp, change my mind. She's still e-just begging from moids however wokely she phrases it.
No. 1741636
>>1741526Does seeking a "masc service top" count as soliciting sex work? Quick, someone should report her kek
>>1741600I don't think she cares, she posts contradictory stuff across her socials all the time. Like when she said she was "taking a break" on IG
>>1720339 but then was tweeting like nothing happened literally 3 hours later
>>1720596 No. 1743369
File: 1673576424240.jpeg (346.91 KB, 1875x1255, 8F9017D3-0210-4E16-89F1-8A71CB…)

LARP twitter vs performative instagram
No. 1743518
File: 1673595000796.jpg (64.97 KB, 540x360, 360_F_337620879_66w2xSnwB3SOPA…)

porn bump don't scroll
No. 1744033
File: 1673651940469.png (1.66 MB, 1176x1262, Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 3.18…)

Kathy flashing her portion of the rent
No. 1744183
File: 1673661970647.png (209.58 KB, 1186x366, Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 6.03…)

Farmers have been telling her the crap she buys is not worth it but instead of listening she'd rather waste $400
>>1723000 No. 1744189
File: 1673662580387.jpeg (155.91 KB, 828x657, E28DC30F-ABCE-4D9D-9366-8C9DDE…)

a screen of a instant delete tweet she posted a few days ago kek
No. 1744922
File: 1673735455505.jpeg (284.5 KB, 1170x1329, DA622D30-EDE3-466C-AFA7-BBAEE5…)

The problem is men and a patriarchal society but she refuses to get over her own mommy issues so she blames it all solely on mothers. Truly a revolutionary reply on a post talking specifically about rape and pedophilia being amplified because of porn; it’s all the fault of women according to Katherine McMahon!
No. 1744937
File: 1673736095773.jpeg (136.52 KB, 1170x643, 762502F9-F9A9-4844-8F14-58BEC0…)

>>1744922Follows it up with this
No. 1745237
File: 1673768861729.jpeg (319.3 KB, 1169x1753, C46E65DF-8575-40BA-9554-B75AA0…)

>>1744922In one breath she blames mothers for the problems men cause with porn production and consumption then praises this. All deleted now by the way.
No. 1745395
>>1744922Who counts? The invisibility of mothers as
victims of femicide
>As these cases illustrate clearly, the victims as mother-carers were frequently not ‘seen’ by the services treating their sons and by the professionals they interacted with. They were often completely ignored, their needs were not considered and their concerns were not taken seriously.
>The victims experienced ‘intersectional invisibility’ (Purdie-Vaughns and Eibach, 2008), marginalised by multiple subordinate identities which together rendered them invisible and overlooked. They experienced intersecting structures of inequality: as women, as mothers of mentally ill sons, middle-aged or elderly, in some cases as Black and minority ethnic, and with their own health conditions and disabilities, which relegated them ‘to a position of acute social invisibility’ (Purdie-Vaughns and Eibach, 2008). The problem is not the mothers of boys
No. 1745717
>>1745321>>1745395Her point also ignores that often men end up with poor views at the expense of their mothers, not at her direction. Generally, boys learn how women "should" be treated by the men around them and the mother's of abusers and monsters were often married to and the
victims of similar abusers and monsters while raising said boy.
So is Miss Professional Abuse
Victim blaming women for the side affect of generational abuse? Blaming women for not just leaving. (Ignoring that if the mother doesn't leave "soon" enough and the child does actually develop memory of the abuse, then leaving may not actually effect the son learning that woman are objects/there to be harmed.)
No. 1746425
File: 1674058840193.png (54.18 KB, 736x240, georgeglass.png)

Delighted to be back nonnies! Kathy has a totes real new finsub and she performed at a fashion store for her usual less-than-minimum-wage rate
No. 1746427
File: 1674059090217.png (497.82 KB, 731x732, whydoyouhatewomensomuch.png)

>>1746426>>1746425couldn't be bothered to find out what this italian fashion party was exactly, can't be too nice otherwise she'd have namedropped
No. 1746537
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No. 1746554
>I hate men who stare. Men should have to pay me money to even look in my directionAlso Kathy:
>Teehee I love that all the husbands were staring while their wives glared at me Doesn't matter though since it's been well documented here that she can't hold an audience's attention for shit kek
No. 1746557
File: 1674068787606.jpeg (925.98 KB, 2277x1334, image.jpeg)

>>1746427No namedrop, no crossposting, not one thing from the actual "performance". All the pictures she posted besides this one clearly show women's clothing so it wasn't a menswear brand.
No. 1746610
File: 1674073263852.jpeg (350.12 KB, 700x944, SherryShowgirlforNet.jpeg)

>>1746427Kek she really believes she's a Dan DeCarlo cartoon. It's like she has the opposite of body dysmorphia.
No. 1748031
File: 1674104789355.jpeg (233.6 KB, 1242x1457, 9650F713-A0B2-4372-AA57-E6956A…)

>>1746425Her imaginary sub closed a whole restaurant for her kek.
Even the high class escorts post pics for their Uber wealthy larps, she couldn’t even find a shitty pic of the food
No. 1748059
>>1748031Did she mean to say they stayed till the restaurant closed in a weird cryptic way or does she expect us to believe her 'finsub' privatised the entire thing ?
>My heart stopped when he kissed my handKathy you're supposed to be the dominant one
No. 1748159
File: 1674133019911.jpeg (309.52 KB, 1170x1321, 29942287-535D-4418-860F-96DE24…)

>>1748031Real or not, she’s once again fawning over a “sub” which shatters her entire larp. Also extremely funny that she’s talking about her heart stopping over a kiss on the hand when the other day she replied to picrel. So much for being high protocol.
No. 1748210
File: 1674142805590.webm (255.03 KB, 720x1128, Beaky.webm)
Unless she wants to have a literal bird mouth in a couple years, she should really get that tongue thrust sorted out
No. 1748268
>>1748253>People like this are the worstAyrt I know right!
I am one too kek I feel like she wouldn't be a great patron between that and her pickmeism. Like she'd be the kind of guests that leave a shitty tip because you interacted too much with her scrote
No. 1748307
>>1748225 She’s said before that she uses Nyx for her lip color so I would check that out
Only the best drug store brands for Kathy!
No. 1748962
File: 1674233987269.png (256.83 KB, 1178x380, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 8.57…)

We have to share a planet with these idiots
No. 1748968
>>1748962It shows how righteous and soggytoast brain their values are in relation to their leech like tendencies to initiate coombrain for basic levels of validation.
Defective unit
No. 1749262
File: 1674266931004.jpg (120.94 KB, 1198x520, pic1.jpg)

Kathy needs to learn that she will never get picked. Also why would you want some random internet weirdo to research engagement rings when it should be the person you're getting engaged to?
No. 1750509
File: 1674449594216.png (205.48 KB, 1178x368, Screen Shot 2023-01-22 at 2.20…)

It's gross in general but she's not one to talk when she has a community shared boyfriend kek
No. 1750528
File: 1674453614005.jpeg (145.72 KB, 960x1280, 5-carat-heart-halo-diamond-rin…)

>>1749262I have nothing against lab created diamond but 5 carats? That and with her taste it bound to look tacky and cheap as fuck like cubic zirconia ring purchased from Macy's.
No. 1750737
>>1749262she can never afford a 5 carat diamond lab grown or not, she should stick to her swarovski
also lab grown is really tacky, i'd be embarrassed to be given a lab grown gem
No. 1750768
File: 1674496725307.png (652.73 KB, 1172x1274, Screen Shot 2023-01-22 at 5.13…)

Of course she dirty deleted this but it was hilarious
No. 1750938
File: 1674518746239.png (136.17 KB, 1178x608, Screen Shot 2023-01-23 at 4.05…)

>born with a silver spoon in her mouth
Pick. A. Larp.
No. 1750967
>>1750938Kathy: "I am luxurious in my jewels and was born with a silver spoon in my mouth"
Also Kathy: "I need rent money please send mutual aid"
I think, when trying to pull off a larp online, is that you only let your larp post about larping, and you keep your shit to yourself. You have to keep that image cohesive. Kathy reminds me of an old prostitute.
No. 1751300
File: 1674543374729.jpeg (90.28 KB, 1170x475, 109C8E4C-2736-4D02-A81E-23A8BE…)

She posts this after drooling over a submissive and saying she loves that men stare at her. Think
>>1748786 isn’t far off.
No. 1751521
>>1750938>Born with a silver spoon in mouth>Taste for platinumTranslation:
Her breath smells like a roll of dirty nickels.
No. 1752385
File: 1674691439527.png (130.28 KB, 1176x810, Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 4.03…)

Oh she's not going to like these answers kek
No. 1753212
File: 1674773208101.jpeg (266.05 KB, 1170x653, 0C100BB3-51F9-464F-AEBF-834A00…)

Kek then fucking stop posting the same three BDSM acronyms over and over like it reads as something deeper and more educational than a simple Google search. Nobody thinks you’re an educator, stop acting like you are one, you pterodactyl woman.
No. 1753528
>>1741526She wants a "masc service top", so a boyfriend who values her pleasure? Woah, she must be in an awful relationship.
>>1746537She looks at least 30 here. Also, the plastic stones look so haphazard on her midsection.
>>1748721Perhaps she's mixed it up with a dip kiss?
>>1753212Porn literacy. You mean, "trying sex ideas you saw in porn is a bad idea"?
No. 1754041
File: 1674850348882.jpeg (330.1 KB, 1170x1361, E17994C4-8E96-4574-B9EB-3FF9E2…)

She puts them on payment plans because they can’t afford to send her a couple hundred at once but sure, they’re totes super wealthy men!!
No. 1754394
File: 1674877418032.png (183.34 KB, 1198x308, Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 7.42…)

>>1752385… she can't honestly believe she'll get more interaction by posting the same thing a day later.
No. 1755868
>>1753606It's all so convoluted too. All the SWer cows do this shit, as if a coomer cares that you need to read their carrd and buy a gift before they're allowed to coom to a photo. Men walk all over anyone stupid enough to put a photo of their ass online, they only follow these 'rules' if it makes them coom.
>>1754041Oh my god you stupid ostrich, you sometimes get trannies to donate their spare change to buy you Amazon tat. It's not redistribution, you're just a leech.
No. 1757157
File: 1675146427937.png (481.52 KB, 1174x784, Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 10.1…)

New braindead and quite frankly dangerous take just dropped. People can be against whatever they want to be for whatever reasons, ESPECIALLY when it comes to kink and sex. There's "stigma" around certain kinks for
valid reasons. Who exactly does she think she is telling people how they can and can not feel about possibly harmful sex acts? Trauma exists. Guess in her fucked up world it suddenly doesn't matter because God forbid someone kInKsHaMe. Get the fuck out of here. Once again though rules for thee and not for me since she recently posted
>>1750768. Why are you so judgmental towards consenting adults, Katherine?? Educate your ignorant self before being so judgmental!! What a fucking retard.
No. 1757172
>>1757157Kathy is one of my favorite cows ever because she thinks she has a PhD in Kinks and Fetishes and she feels it is her duty to educate the ignorant lowbrow retards who follow her about Kink and Fetish code of conduct and what
is and
isn't okay and her word is gospel. The funny part is that her findomme LARP is so inconsistent and unconvincing and visually unappealing that you can't help but either roll your eyes or laugh. Kathy is hilarious, genuinely one of the funniest cows because she takes herself so seriously and it's never occurred to her that she comes across as utterly and completely unlikable, or that she's actually really bad at her job as a "findomme" AND her job as a "burlesque performer" AND her job as a "kink educator". She's a findomme in a ddlg relationship and her "daddy/owner" has another girlfriend that he clearly prefers to spend his time with rather than with the woman he "collared" kek. She's so lacking in self-awareness. She's like a homely, featherless bird that squawks and squawks and flaps its wings madly and even though you know that it will never fly and you know that it will never realize it will never fly, you cheer it on anyway. Ha ha, keep flapping and squawking you flightless bird. Ha ha.
Top kek.
No. 1757846
>>1757172Kek, i dont know whats funnier. Kathy or the poetic way in which you described her antics. You put her in a perfect little nutshell. Now she is a squaking flightless bird in a nutshell.
Love you nona. Stay based.
No. 1758945
File: 1675306400431.png (487.68 KB, 1184x930, Screen Shot 2023-02-01 at 6.43…)

Talk about cognitive dissonance. Thisclose to getting it but at the same time had a whole ass collaring ceremony with her shared boyfriend she refers to as "daddy". Same neckbeard that posts memes about beating women for sexual gratification. What a strange statement though… so men beating women is okay if they are in therapy?
No. 1762129
File: 1675668620286.jpeg (319.84 KB, 1170x1866, AEB79DBA-F44A-423C-A641-6AFCA9…)

Unfriendly reminder that you pander exclusively to pornsick men for shitty pink Amazon cookware.
Anybody remember when that pedo diaperfag was madame’s “best sissy” around the time she was bragging about helping clients “embrace their femininity?” Did screen caps of that ever get posted? Bitch, your so-called clients are literally bottom of the barrel, porn addicted moids and that one single girl straight outta the mental ward. Pretending to educate the masses does not change the situation you now find yourself in, neither does being delusional about it.
Anyways, the madame has decreed anew! Her manic wisdom knows no bounds, and naysayers should prepare themselves to no longer be “in community!”
No. 1762130
File: 1675668756975.jpeg (135.18 KB, 1170x718, 65EC1ECA-715C-4B38-BFBC-9C67CD…)

Katherine “the best sex I have been having has been through findom lately” McMahon
No. 1762137
File: 1675669471900.jpeg (204.48 KB, 1170x1042, 13A1318F-58F1-4552-B659-F7F37C…)

“Being a findom requires such a wealth of knowledge to know how to cater to clients specific kinks responsibly! RACK PRICK awareness! Very proud of my job as a sex worker and sex positive educator!”
“Why are moids on the internet trying to mansplain BDSM to me and not just buying me diamonds like I clearly asked for?”
No. 1762846
>>1762280In one of the earlier threads someone dug up an "interview" she did about sex and disabilities. In it she straight up said that it's not on the person with disabilities to "educate" their partner and instead the partner needs to do "research" on their own. She ends it with saying (about sex)
>Don’t express disappointment, frustration, or annoyance, we can tell even if it is not expressed with wordsShe lacks very basic healthy communication skills yet thinks she's able to eDuCaTe people.
No. 1763385
File: 1675815818221.png (59.32 KB, 800x190, hlp.png)

How does she not realize how out of character all of this would be for someone whose entire shtick is about financial domination and "being an educator".
Someone answered to her tweet recommending her accountant a "sex worker friendly" one at that but the price was 250 wich i doubt she could afford without an inmediate post about reimbursment
No. 1763400
>>1762130"All relationships are transactional"
Geez, that's telling. Has she ever had a fulfilling relationship with a man that hasn't come down to him using her as an easy non-commital lay and her coping with "I'm using him too!!!" while he buys her spaghetti for valentines? Tbh her whole findom shtick comes across as a cope to feel more powerful than the men she's been used by.
No. 1763422
>>1762130It's so obvious she's not good at sex work if moids have never attempted to violate any agreements. Forget mansplaining, she's Kathsplaining.
>>1763385KEK okay she just admitted she's had less than a year of professional experience. What are your educator qualifications again Kath?
>>1762129Oof, shaming addiction, a mental illness, is a hot take for this disability advocate.
No. 1763499
File: 1675825589808.jpeg (65.14 KB, 828x506, 41BB6CED-1313-4A2A-A71A-1ECBF8…)

Don’t follow this cow but seeing her comment on Princess Mei’s previous sugar baby recruiter Colette is a mini cow crossover.
Why anyone chooses to associate with a woman who comments on her husbands sugar babies as “teen daughters you can fuck” is beyond me
No. 1764051
>>1763385She posted this and something else saying
>yes sex workers pay taxes tooweirdly confident considering it's supposed to be her first time and she was asking for resources to do so
but she deleted both for some reason
No. 1764055
File: 1675901610485.png (129.3 KB, 604x1194, 2RetardsFighting.png)

Surprised this argument she had with some scrote wasn't posted, it was in response to this
>>1762129Kathy is wrong solely because of saying
>In order to avoid taking accountability for their own choices, behaviors, and actions, and instead project the blame onto providers, onto kink itself, and onto sexuality in general.>We do men a disservice when we coddle them by not holding them accountable for their actions."Providers" literally coddle men by going along with their fetishes and everytime they fuck up they aren't held accountable for shit, they're justified with "Oh it's just a part of kink! Kinkshaming bad!". She also didn't reply about her thoughts on food addiction
She tried to finish the conversation acting like a findom but she had already wasted her time anyway
No. 1764082
>>1764055>scientists agree Sex addiction was added to the ICD but removed from the DSM because experts
don’t agree
>food/sex addiction don’t real because deeper issues Straight retarded. All addictions are indicative of deeper issues. The sheer pomposity of this broke beaky Becky to bill herself an educator on
literally anything is breathtaking.
No. 1764135
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No. 1764851
File: 1676001522630.png (2.41 MB, 1188x1322, Screen Shot 2023-02-09 at 7.57…)

A sex worker who's content is pastry pics. How high is she?
No. 1765389
File: 1676076782981.jpg (77.53 KB, 1080x330, 20230210_214534.jpg)

Apart from how contradictory she is with her posts it bothers me how she deletes posts just because
Watch her keep up
>>1764851 with 8 fucking likes and i bet she will delete picrel with 19
She already had a post about
>Men are just dildos with walletsWich is, at least, on topic with her account and she deleted it to post a fucking pastry
I'd understand if she deleted unrelated posts/rants/stuff she eats, but why posts related to what she does with ok engagement? Is she really that Bad with social media management?
No. 1765537
File: 1676095816893.png (120.32 KB, 1176x192, Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 10.0…)

>>1765389>s she really that Bad with social media management?Yes. Case in point:
>Thanks for 2.9k!>(( 78 views )) No. 1766155
File: 1676168372678.png (391.85 KB, 616x1209, Khat Woman.png)

She's doing some weird cat woman larp about robbing
No. 1766158
File: 1676168548364.png (45.37 KB, 600x368, Financial Beggar.png)

>>1766155And then she just e-begs for 75 dollars kek
And idk about you anons, but i really don't think she's getting a reimbursment for mutual aid, maybe she spent some money on some bullshit and wants it back while also looking like an activist
Unless she said something on her insta No. 1766895
File: 1676256907281.png (325.4 KB, 614x540, Againandagainandagain.png)

She's posted the same shitty description a thousand times already
No. 1766897
File: 1676257314270.png (52.37 KB, 592x408, whatever.png)

Some more posts about totes getting money from her totally real submissive clients
No. 1767141
File: 1676286273421.png (48.01 KB, 890x827, the great jewel heist.png)

>>1766155the thought of it is too comical.
fanart of kathy being "repelling".
No. 1767159
>>1767141kek anon this is a masterpiece! next threadpic for sure!
>>1766895what the fuck would even be the point of her having nice things when she smokes weed in her apartment, everything is probably yellowed and stinks. couldn't even resell anything designer after it sits in her place.
No. 1767334
File: 1676307896124.jpg (69.63 KB, 1231x894, kathy loyalfans.JPG)

Her paid content profile literally only has 2 items, and it is stuff that she already posted in the past for free.
Her tea party session with the unwashed-looking femsub, and the park photoshoot in PVC "latex" where the pics are so overexposed that it looks like caspar the ghost.
I can't tell if she had posted them for the world to see out of narcissism, or if she made them paid content out of laziness.
She has "showgirl" in her profile description too, so it's not like her better quality burlesque pinup photoshoots couldn't go there. No. 1767380
>>1766895She looks like she qualifies for a retiree's discount in this image, but the composition is good. The metal shoelace hooks in a line lead the eye up towards her face and the corner of the ceiling in the background draws the eye to the same place. She should have chosen a red-gem parure with a background that isn't mustard because it does NOT go well with her picture.
>>1767141This is a work of art. You even included the foundation mismatch and the ill-fitting bra
No. 1767392
>>1767141Where are the shedding dishwater feathers REEEEEEE!!! JK this is amazing
nonnie thank you for gracing us with this masterpiece.
No. 1767497
File: 1676324673502.jpeg (409.73 KB, 1170x1533, 393C6300-4333-491A-B069-7B3DB0…)

>”Pornography addiction is not a diagnosis”
> “It’s ackchyually called CSBD. Checkmate fear mongers!”
Braindead, the whole lot of them
No. 1767631
File: 1676340602402.png (656.34 KB, 1184x1170, Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 5.56…)

Or maybe Rihanna wanted to get pregnant again and was cleared by her doctor(s)? 18 months is the ideal but six months isn't out of the question or out of the ordinary. Celebrities have access to the best medical care anyways. Why is she making it as if the choice of pregnancy is entirely dependent on men? Maybe she should be more concerned about her scrote that posts memes about beating women during sex if she wants to talk about men endangering women's health instead of getting mad over a celebrity pregnancy.
No. 1767701
File: 1676348954198.jpeg (889.36 KB, 1170x1434, 2A9AFA40-9413-4AF6-A67F-21ABAD…)

Hair implants.
No. 1767728
File: 1676352545985.webm (2.25 MB, 720x1280, grannyeatspralinewhole.webm)
This is definitely… something. Her hairline is catching up to the scrote's. Starting Valentine's Day off strong! Can't wait to see what he got his bangmaids this year.
No. 1767959
File: 1676390316225.jpeg (144.82 KB, 750x1334, D584FCEE-8B65-4BA9-B385-1F0412…)

It’s finally revealed what the Grammy-winning boyfriend did. Although there are 6 different people credited as playing bass on this album so I don’t think he can claim that as his Grammy.
No. 1767965
>>1767728Oh, god it's even worse in motion. She looks like a man in drag with that makeup. Why is she rubbing chocolate on her tongue like that?
>>1767760It looks like her gloves are too large so she had to twist her grip around so as not to eat the gloves.
Her hair could be an asset, if only she got bangs. Her face is, um, unique, and frankly I was surprised to learn she was Irish-American, but if she used a lighter hand in her makeup it would be a massive improvement. Also, she needs it. The center part should lie flat against the bust. The high waisted bottoms make her look extremely squat, which could be remedied by changing the camera view or getting different ones or, I don't know, working out?
No. 1768204
>>1767701Oh lord… that hair color is so fucking tragic.
I dont know what's it's called in the rest of the world but in muh eurofag country is what we would describe as rat-blonde
Very high end Catheÿ
No. 1772031
File: 1676844116208.jpeg (33.69 KB, 750x1334, 9DAC456A-9DA9-4F5B-85D7-313058…)

Oh she’s asking for it with this one lol go ask his real girlfriend Kelsey!l
No. 1772185
File: 1676855141028.jpeg (78.62 KB, 1242x2208, D2798CCC-1E8C-48EB-97FE-E11457…)

>>1772031Meanwhile he’s fantasizing about being dicked down
No. 1774793
File: 1677123742687.jpg (438.77 KB, 1516x2048, FpnV5d0XwAQaDlY.jpg)

So incredibly tragic to look at
No. 1775845
File: 1677256459764.jpeg (124.03 KB, 1224x1080, 6B17AA79-E60E-44D3-8356-9AC6ED…)

Weed shop era is over with, she was working herself sick sitting behind the counter and explaining the difference between indica and sativa to customers. Poor baby, I bet they even made her restock the top shelf sometimes! I doubt the claim that she was planning on being transferred since there’s only 2 legal dispensaries in the city and I don’t think any of the sketchy weed shops have multiple locations.
Also what happened to her neckbeard being the one to pay her bills?
No. 1775862
File: 1677257952107.jpeg (315.95 KB, 1125x758, FDC2D3A1-6213-4C1E-AFB8-B93698…)

She’s teasing dropping her other form of income too
No. 1776297
>>1775845So once again
she is choosing to quit her job and making it everyone else’s problem/fault for doing so. God she is stupid. It is hilarious that her brother is a financial analyst while she is completely financially illiterate. The timing of all of this is definitely related to her talking about doing taxes. She probably saw that she didn’t make squat and that the black lines down the back of her legs and overpriced lingerie collecting dust because it doesn’t fit her aren’t assets.
No. 1776555
>>1774793damn she has no shape at all, and her attempts to hide it just draw attention to the fact
why does she do this with her face? she looks slack-jawed
No. 1776762
File: 1677365247732.jpeg (181.99 KB, 2250x1334, image.jpeg)

What level of narcissism is it when you believe suicide baiting for scraps is helping other people?
No. 1776799
>>1776297>The timing of all of this is all related to her doing taxesAgreed. If she actually made as much off of findom as she claimed in
>>1736295 then she owes at least $1000 in back taxes. I would bet money she didn't think about any of that and saved nothing, and she's freaking out now that she's been reminded with tax season. I love how she never learns. She's always flaunted the useless shit she buys online like weed, pastries and overpriced clothes/lingerie that don't fit her and then will turn around and cry about how she's living hand to mouth and barely getting by.
No. 1776801
>>1776762Jesus Christ. you’d think being a self-appointed neurodivergent advocate she would be familiar with the concept of a
she can’t genuinely think she is helping anyone with her suicide baiting.
No. 1776813
File: 1677369462733.jpeg (148.06 KB, 1218x790, image.jpeg)

>Every few months I think about disappearing from findom and never coming back
>A hiatus is coming
>I can't afford my bills
>I want to kill myself
>Give me money
>ANYWAYS I hope all that helped someone!
>Now give me over half a million
No. 1777550
File: 1677400045356.jpeg (226.53 KB, 2250x1334, 2047E3E8-0765-4A65-8527-A5B278…)

And like clockwork she is once again crying “abuse” from a place of employment because… they want to know where she’s been the last couple days. She knowingly became employed at an under the table illegal operation yet wants to complain about lack of security and heating. Security isn’t a given at any job just in general and she overestimates what rent-a-cop and cameras can do. And heating? Again, she is knowingly working at an illegal operation. No shit they’re not going to pay for heating. Funny how “old white men never tip me” has suddenly turned into “old white men sexually harass me” as well.
Topkek at her listing off vague, meaningless “jobs” though. She is a mid-twenties woman with a degree living in NYC. Go find a job yourself. She acts as if she has zero opportunities and that isn’t true; she’s just lazy. And yes I’m calling her lazy because she can do remote work with her DiSaBiLiTiEs… she just chooses not to. Call centers are always hiring. So are strip clubs since she wants to play sex worker so bad.
No. 1777786
>>1777676oh so it's not even an actual dispensary? It's like a grocery store that sells weed under the counter? Katherine must be insane to say the shit she says on social media, admitting to be participating in an illegal operation is a sure way to get in trouble. Specially when she completely drops her marxist character and acts like a mini landlord saying she could close the place if she wanted to…
As the thread goes I'm more convinced that she is way more crazy and delusional than what we think, she lives a completely made up fantasy life in which she believes, and when nothing comes out the way she wants she doesn't know why! Because NOTHING she does is based in reality, on skills that she does have, real opportunities, actual contacts… Katherine, you are doing nothing in your life girl, wake up! like you
>>1777605 said, she could achieve a version of this life she dreams about and pretends she has, but only if she acts within reality. she's not a beauty but look wise, there's way uglier and worst dressed sugar babies out there who make money and live exclusively from this, even doms. This sex work game requires waaay more than women than that, kat, in all senses. Want a real advice? You're not cut for this, try fashion school, looks more like your thing, you're more about this style than actually dealing with people in any sexual way.
No. 1777913
>>1777862>>1777786Nah there's tons of brand new smoke shops that are clearly selling weed popping up all over the city. I've seen so many new ones pop up all over the place and I doubt they're legal but no one really does anything about them. Kathy's probably working at one of them.
The whole "I'd call and get them shut down but I won't because weed is a service to the community!!" line is so stupid. Kathy, stop acting like shutting down one shop is going to do anything. Another one's gonna pop up in it's place or people walk down the street to the other new smoke shop for their weed. Maybe she's scared of retaliation since the owners would probably immediately know it was her stupid bitch ass that ratted them out.
No. 1777984
File: 1677450524692.jpeg (240.74 KB, 1170x1431, A1163BD3-3320-4C47-BC00-06C0B4…)

>People in general are never ready to hear the truth about themselves
The irony
No. 1778152
File: 1677472304965.jpeg (437.08 KB, 2250x1334, F140FF98-F67B-476F-97CD-F3B390…)

All this for ratting on the dispensary or what? She’s so far gone kek like imagine actually posting this on social media
No. 1778501
>>1778152>Dispensary work rants>Revenge voyeurism via netflix>Brags of being qualified to Legally slit throatsShe speaks like a cop! Is little miss marginalized aligning with oppressors by bragging that she can legally murder someone if she sees it as justified?
Assuming she's talking about her grey/red-area dispensary place of work, it reaffirms the pinup Karen as a true cow.
No. 1778661
File: 1677536192224.jpg (95.36 KB, 750x1334, 333209878_1237343007206030_488…)

>>1778154>>1778155It's not weird when you remember she's your typical privileged and self loathing white woman snowflake.
No. 1778749
File: 1677545973647.jpeg (117.73 KB, 750x1334, 333631726_901683387806590_3306…)

>>1778661>>1778155>>1778154She read here and tripled down on this… She's such a creep.
No. 1779479
File: 1677621537963.jpeg (612.59 KB, 1163x3748, 18083BA1-388D-4EA0-9674-53D976…)

The stereotype she is talking about comes from retarded transplants like her. Los Angeles is huge… if all you come across is “fakes”, honey you’re one of them.
No. 1780206
File: 1677705494571.jpeg (540.63 KB, 1170x2804, B7C90322-5AC8-4A3E-A67A-5BD5C4…)

>it’s not thoughtful to talk about x because y happens
Can’t get much more braindead than that
No. 1780209
File: 1677705673809.jpeg (226.4 KB, 1170x947, B37FA273-EA07-4F44-A14F-EDF963…)

>>1780206And the response. Shocked she hasn’t started a four day tirade over it yet.
No. 1780735
>>1780423What exactly is so bad about LA? Sure a lot of awful people live there but so do a lot of regular people. Are you saying all the Asian and Mexican immigrants out there are being spiritually poisoned and need to live somewhere else in the country? Unless you’re one of the people who think big cities are
toxic and people should all live in the suburbs.
No. 1781116
File: 1677795733164.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x6482, D2DF32F2-2FF3-49E2-B83A-631A86…)

And here is the rant that will go on for days! All this word vomit because she and the other woman lacked nuance and didn’t like the reply they got after interjecting with “think about the sex workers and queers!!” when the conversation was about men being sexual predators.
No. 1781285
>>1781116Relating positivity towards sex health with doing it for a job is so fucking brain dead
Like yeah the LGBT community is tight and they look after each other but that's not relatable at all what SW is and it's so gross she keeps saying it is
It's like she doesn't understand that LGBT to an extent is identity and sex work is necessity and often extremely dangerous/harmful/deadly
Sure they both have "no choice" in the matter but Kathy seems to believe all SWs chose SW because they liked it or felt liberated and not because they were being victimized/abused/used by society/moids
No. 1781315
>>1781116I don't get her point here. Is sex negativity against people being sexual in public? How is that a bad thing?
>Kink is the reason why you have eldersWhat the hell does that mean???
>Dealing with technology, censorship, travel restrictions, police/state violenceShe deals with none of these things other than not having money to travel or buy new technology because she's horrible at her "job." If you need mutual aid, you're bad at your job or should think about a different career path. But god forbid you actually have to put in effort to challenge and better yourself and learn new skills to advance yourself.
Kathy and the rest of the Twitters whores are so lazy. I can't wait to see where they'll be in 5 years.
No. 1781320
>>1780206What I find most curious is: in which way she is a sex worker? because she likes glamorous vintage sexy shit and is trying desperately to get men to see her as she sees herself and give her crumbs of their earnings? She isn't producing content for onlyfans or similar, she doesn't fuck for money, she's not on chaturbate, she works as a clerk in a bodega. Burlesque dancing is not sex work, a lot of burlesque dancers would like to have a serious conversation with her about that…
>>1780286you see it the same way I do: Kathy grew up in a white middle class suburban home, she doesn't have what she seems as a cool NYC suffering, tormented, grew up in the streets backstory to fit in within the group of leftist marginalized artistic people she wants to, so she exaggerates every little aspect of her life that has even some little issue. Endometriosis becomes disability, having parents who suck and think they own you because they have money turns into being a domestic violence SURVIVOR.
I can't with this girl, she is completely out of reality
>>1781116her responses have NOTHING to do with the original subject! kek… she's just trying to sound like she is the detentor of more power in this discussion. remember you are not a sex worker, katherine.
>>1781315>Kink is the reason why you have eldersshe means that the kink community (leather dykes and leather daddys) are the ones who took care of people who were dying of aids in the 80's, so it's because of them that gay people are alive today, not doctor.
she's so dumb
No. 1781514
File: 1677823324599.jpeg (45.38 KB, 750x1334, 97B664A4-626B-4D15-B306-10EB5D…)

Jfc “I wonder who all this “concern" is really for” is rhetorical about perverted men vs teenage girls! The conversation was about how men are calling young girls/young women prudes because they’re not getting as much access to them anymore because the girls are burnt out from being sexually exploited.
She can squawk all she wants about how she doesn’t do anything for male validation but she posted and dirty deleted picrel a couple days ago. Nothing more desperate than a 25 year old woman wondering how guys she went to high school with a decade ago would perceive her now. >> 1780209 is right about how Kathy wishes she was groomed. Her making up stories about how she used to get into her friend’s father’s beds at sleepovers, her Lolita and DaDdY pedo-pandering, dwelling on guys from high school (remember when she posted that bizarre “poem” about a guy she dated in high school?), bringing attention to her having possible underaged sex, and talking about how she’s wanted to be a sex worker since she was a young child all point to it. I think back to the anon who said she used to be way worse with all of this online….
No. 1782357
File: 1677920304314.jpeg (216.61 KB, 1198x1437, image.jpeg)

Tinfoil: Kathy has lied so much that she has brainwashed herself into believing what she posts
No. 1782558
>>1782357Believing in your lies is a symptom of psychological fantastica. Also known as pathological lying.
The fact that she gets super defensive when her ideals and views are challenged and will make ridiculous claims to "prove her point" is also a symptom of psychological fantastica.
No. 1783503
>>1780735the entitlement. they're leaving precious cali in droves and shitting up everywhere else.
for example, they're flooding the south, acting like theyre better than the hicks, while simultaneously opening up their shitty trendy faux-southern establishments. they perform local culture as a costume, while acting "above" it. not to mention weeding out less trendy local businesses that had survived decades. they fetishize poverty. the stereotype of the "empath" manbun hipster didn't come from thin air. wherever they go, they bring gentrification. not only is it painful economically, but is also insulting. augusta is a californian colony at this point.
sorry for the offtop.
No. 1783941
File: 1678146979733.png (181.47 KB, 1066x306, Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 5.10…)

>>1783411A survival sex worker that takes "breaks" every other week. That's not how that works Katherine
No. 1783944
File: 1678147193106.jpeg (39.85 KB, 750x1334, 334296526_928722771644381_9949…)

>>1783942>>1783941But her little break didn't last long because she followed up with yet another post about taking legal action against someone. For an anarchist/communist/whatever she calls herself, she sure loves capitalism and it's systems!
No. 1784646
>>1783944but shes not working as an educator here (lol)… she is expecting "free labor" (lmao) from her followers. she probably expects some "comrade" to do the suing for her. because she deserves to be spoiled. as fun as power-tripping is, the time spent doing your own research is better spent getting high on weed and abusing painkillers.
>>1783520but i dont like "native" californians either. i read grapes of wrath once, and decided to hate californians. simple as.
No. 1785088
>>1785034>>1785044It's the ones that move out of CA and then try to change everything to be like CA in the place they've moved to.
>>1783944I'm curious what kind of malpractice she experienced. Was it a doctor who said no to her (extremely likely), or was she actually mistreated (unfortunately possible, as doctors serving low-income people can be extremely shitty). Also, who tf brags about filing malpractice?
No. 1785112
>>1785088im assuming it's something to do with endometriosis. doctors notoriously disregard women's symptoms.
or she just wanted pills and didnt get them lol.
No. 1785468
File: 1678360965025.png (84.34 KB, 1194x340, Screen Shot 2023-03-09 at 3.22…)

Happy International Women's Day from Kathy
No. 1785642
Makes me think of that saying:
"If you run into one asshole today, you ran into one asshole. But when everyone you ran into was an asshole, maybe YOURE the asshole."
Or something like that. Kek
No. 1786029
File: 1678447559523.png (327.01 KB, 1186x524, Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 3.18…)

You would think someone who has/had endometriosis wouldn't base anything off of what is "officially" diagnosed/recognized. Her porn addiction isn't real!!! stance is a bizarre one.
No. 1786391
File: 1678500241613.png (211.56 KB, 1186x390, Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 3.23…)

George Glass is back
No. 1786690
>>1786391Megarich boyfriend is taking her to an expensive French restaurant yet
> pay for this, serfs! Something doesn't add up.
No. 1787130
File: 1678600989078.png (103.81 KB, 1180x1054, Screen Shot 2023-03-11 at 9.50…)

She's still going at it. The fact that she is heavily basing everything off of a singular American organization's lack of classification is quite amusing honestly. She knows nothing and her argument in previous tweets (which I will post next) uses shoes as an example. Bird seed for brain.
No. 1787139
File: 1678601595520.jpeg (379.04 KB, 1194x2917, 2.jpeg)

>Could you imagine how delusional I would look if I were to lead a charge against the shoe industry?
Kathy doesn't have to imagine how delusional she would look acting like the porn industry isn't a problem in and of itself that has created problems amongst the general public. The porn industry profits predominately off of the sexual exploitation of women and children. Seen by 300-500 people yet can't even break 20 likes. Great argument she has comparing a shoe company to the porn industry! Retard.
No. 1787559
File: 1678658681035.png (1 MB, 1188x1392, Screen Shot 2023-03-12 at 2.57…)

>>1787139She wants people to listen to her bad takes over actual sex workers because she claims to be a survival sex worker, meanwhile the only media content she's put out over the last few months have been a horrendous video of her eating gas station pralines and random pictures of pastries.
No. 1787719
>>1786391Ok, it's a expensive resturant but nothing heart attack inducing if you have a normal paycheck and definitely not if you're a upscale Manhattan whore.
This is the kind of restaurants she should be having her Tuesday luncheons at according to her LARP.
Also, we wanna see food pics Birdie, did you go for the lobster? The scallops with caviar or did you have a sandwich in bed whilst RP on twitter as usual?
No. 1788256
File: 1678773531157.jpeg (283.39 KB, 1500x1334, 625F42A1-FA98-4E4A-8599-73813F…)

Ah, how cute: Kath is going to be part of a Retard Revue at another dive bar next week.
No. 1788286
File: 1678777127995.jpg (35.91 KB, 500x500, 51e53df723d26b95a3e7c5d6be5fc3…)

bump dont scroll
No. 1788454
File: 1678813169490.jpg (31.57 KB, 480x480, backrolls faggot.jpg)

>>1788372she does suffer from endometriosis.
but so do many other women who don't identify as disabled because of it.
it is a pain in the ass and hinders the sufferer in their daily life, but it's nothing like being blind or permanently wheelchair-bound.
No. 1789494
File: 1678942523507.jpeg (32.8 KB, 828x407, 51FB7C6F-C34C-4073-A849-08C7CF…)

>>1789473Got you covered nona
No. 1790128
File: 1679047797741.jpeg (76.37 KB, 1656x587, 1.jpeg)

>>1789467Such a pro dominatrix admitting that you've never met up with anyone in person, your name "blush" came from the fact that you're shy, and giggling every two seconds. Love that the hosts straight up laugh at her and immediately start asking "if you're a financial dominatrix, why can't you just ask for a grand?". "I'm just a baby domme! I've only been in the industry for two years! I'm just trying to get new sparkly things!"
You know it's killing her that 2/3 comments referring to her are telling her to work at a sex shop kek
No. 1790309
>>1789467Wow she really told the world her larp is garbage.
It's even funnier now to imagine her twerp lil pickme voice speaking over full-service sex workers
No. 1790708
File: 1679163069126.jpeg (83.5 KB, 1170x1504, A643BE43-CD1F-485F-A691-28531C…)

This is such bullshit. Literally one of the first things a doctor tells you when you’re preparing to get an IUD is to take a bunch of ibuprofen and take it easy for a few days. She talks like she’s an expert at this but she’s telling blatant misinformation and is so hateful about it.
No. 1791561
>>1790708What a pill seeker. It's not fun to get an IUD, but you can knuckle through it without whatever pills Kathy is looking for. Time it close to your period so it's easier to deal with your cervix. It's not something anyone would do for recreation, but you know what would be even more painful? Childbirth. The point of an IUD is that it's long-term and the woman can rest assured that there is no tampering with it or forgetting to take it. Unfortunately, we don't have utopia technology where all things are pleasurable, but an IUD placed by a competent doctor with the patient's consent is not a human rights violation any more than getting a shot administered would be. Proper IUD placement is not any more harm than any other uncomfortable medical test or procedure. Using these inflammatory words diminishes actual human rights violations, many of which happen to women regarding their reproductive systems.
Kathy is unwilling to withstand momentary discomfort or pain (except for tattoos) for a long-term wellness benefit. It's not surprising that she has zero muscle tone on her body. She can't even bring herself to do a squat or a calf raise.
No. 1791702
>>1790708The only reason she is parroting this misinformation is because it was recently popular on TikTok and she can connect it back to her pill seeking ways. When women's rights were actually being violated and taken away last year, she was
silent. To say that a consensual in-office procedure is a human rights violation because they don't administer something stronger than lidocaine cream is extremely ignorant. Not getting people addicted to pain killers would be part of their oath to do no harm.
No. 1791748
>>1791702There are some doctors who intentionally damage the woman's reproductive organs while placing an IUD. There are some doctors who get paid for a removal and replacement and fail to remove the first IUD and put a second one in after it and cause permanent damage to the woman's health and her fertility. There are various nightmare scenarios you can find in the news, in legal proceedings, and on women's discussion forums. There are all sorts of horrible things being done to women specifically because they are women, but "This medical procedure is uncomfortable" is not one of them. It would be great if it were less painful, but getting a bone set, having a colonoscopy, getting a tetanus or rabies shot, and pretty much every other medical procedure also sucks. I wish we'd save the awareness campaigns for real crime and mistreatment because this haranguing undermines the seriousness of womens' issues.
Does Kathy have an IUD/want to get one, or is this another bandwagon thing?
No. 1791787
File: 1679278946966.png (35.21 KB, 1180x534, Screen Shot 2023-03-19 at 3.41…)

As if her content is popular enough for this kek
No. 1791842
>>1791787She’s such a fucking larper. “We keep us safe” is a phrase used by community defense orgs to denote that the police will not help people and so we need to help each other. These groups engage in weapons and medical training and interact face to face and are active in their communities.
Kath, people having an age verification on their profile isn’t doing shit. What would actually be keeping your fellow SWers safe is having an online black book of violent johns but since you don’t actually have any community, you’ll never have access to anything like that.
No. 1791895
File: 1679293889919.png (347.4 KB, 1194x1080, Screen Shot 2023-03-19 at 3.43…)

>>1787559Kathy's work ethic is unparalleled. It is so devastating to see an exceptionally creative person such as herself suffer through the hardships of survival sex work. It may take her months, even years, to come up with new concepts for content but with this as the result? I dare say it's worth the wait.
No. 1792038
File: 1679321537804.jpg (619.96 KB, 2183x2948, IMG_20230320_095849_edit_78113…)

>>1791905She should have tweeted something more along the lines of her eclair being bigger than his instead of trying to equate it to the macarons which would be more like balls if anything. Also I swear the only way this woman could have made this tweet less sexy is if she actually posed the éclair and macarons together like picrel to imitate a penis
beaky has made me crave macarons for an annoying length of time, didn't end up baking so finally bought some at a patisserie No. 1792052
>>1791905She did originally post "cock" instead of macaron
>>1787559 but yeah she's being retarded in this case
No. 1792096
>>1791895I wonder, what if the advice guys knew she meant *this when she said she's having a hard time as a baby digital dominatrix.
This= Posing sticky pastries next to furniture, making less-than-weak dick puns and then saying 'pay for it'
Internally cackling at what that call would be like
No. 1792117
>>1790708Well if you ask me nonnies, this is all the proof we need that she doesnt experience endo pain the way she claims. If she had even a bit of the endo pain i have heard people complain about, she wouldnt even BLINK at the pain of an IUD. Some people have endo pain so bad, they vomit and cry and have to have their uteresus removed. But yes beaky is the queen of the world and an expert on everything. She is simultaneously the biggest
victim, and the best hero. Everyone clap.
No. 1792533
File: 1679391376174.jpeg (330.18 KB, 1539x2048, FruDRHPXwAAldDc.jpeg)

Kathy blended right in with the drag queens and trannies tonight at the gay men's dive bar. She probably thinks that is a compliment… it's not. What she's doing is really low but guess you can't expect more when you absolutely refuse to take any sort of dance lesson and attempt to cancel anyone who dare suggests that you do.
No. 1792978
File: 1679452525811.jpeg (Spoiler Image,195.48 KB, 1125x2000, 4F22244C-9B6A-4C41-8D9E-4FE08D…)

When your entire schtick relies on how you look, your physicality needs to come first. How one can read almost ten threads about herself packed with decent advice and wind up looking worse because she ignored it all is lost on me. She has zero knowledge about color theory, her plastic wigs are atrocities, her makeup is worst than Baby Jane’s, she’s not fat yet but she doesn’t do a damn thing to tone her body, and those crooked black lines down the back of her legs look ridiculous. Spoiler because she’s bare assed. The more you zoom, the worse it gets.
No. 1792999
File: 1679455600491.png (110.42 KB, 421x500, grandmano.png)

>>1792978Woof. She definitely looks like she's been putting on some weight on with all the cheese and sweets she eats. She doesn't look like she's at an unhealthy weight or anything either, but her absolute lack of muscle tone definitely leaves her looking kind of saggy and old. The face made me kek the heaviest tho.
No. 1793125
File: 1679480789361.jpg (38.03 KB, 742x541, fat_and_fugly.jpg)

>>1792978That ass of hers is as undefined and flabby as it gets.
That's what you get being a lazy hooker.
No. 1793177
>>1792533she likes to act like queers are some last bastion of glamour and glitter-encrusted "creativity". doesn't realize that drag queens are PARODIES of "glamorous women" and "old hollywood" (as well as femininity itself).
they don't want to BE you, cathy. they are mocking your kind.
>>1792978ugh. love it when she is bare-arsed despite being in full costume. keep those "assets" to reveal at the end. this isn't good stripping. other burlesque performers can afford tear-away skirts or bigger panties and dont start off in thongs.
No. 1793389
File: 1679517202934.jpg (139.54 KB, 800x1132, bodyweight exercises.jpg)

>>1793177>other burlesque performers can afford tear-away skirtsAnyone can afford a tear-away skirt. Get a $9 skirt from a thrift store, cut down the side (use pinking shears or bind the seam if you want it to last), then attach big, sturdy snaps or velcro. It'll look better on certain styles of skirt, and you might have to be specific about the placement of the velcro, but anyone can do it for cheap.
I also don't she why she doesn't get a pair of bloomers or tap pants and cover them in her rhinestones. She doesn't have to dress this way and bodyweight exercises are still free.
No. 1793391
File: 1679517534772.jpg (62.75 KB, 736x735, pcos bodyweight workout.jpg)

>>1793389And there are workouts specifically for PCOS which is what her disability is iirc. Bodyweight exercises which won't cost her money.
No. 1793411
>>1793394 she'd benefit from walking and yoga plus a little bit of strength training each week.
If she doesn't want to go out in bad weather, she could get one of those stationary bikes or treadmills off craigslist. Even out here in nowhereville, they're often available for free or $20. She lives in a city and should be able to find one in a week.
I don't see how she can claim to make her living off her body and her looks without doing a single thing to make it nice to look at.
No. 1793469
File: 1679527009547.jpeg (150.83 KB, 989x1001, 337445581_917448176130999_3431…)

Gotta love it when the jokes write themselves
No. 1793503
>>1793464Ahh I see. Thanks for the clarification.
>>1793469KEK this is too good
No. 1794068
File: 1679616704685.jpeg (57.64 KB, 750x1334, 1F514374-B2B3-4AB9-8C98-3F5883…)

Only Kathy would think someone should pay to know what color something is. Real bold too when her “expertise” in color is thinking dishwater grey is lavender kek
No. 1794540
>>1794301It's not confidence.
It's defensive insecurity disguised as grandiose gatekeeping. The same gatekeeping that she claims being a
victim to.
No. 1796044
File: 1679911828516.jpeg (335.89 KB, 1513x1080, LAND_16_9.jpeg)

>>1796027Your usual target audience.
No. 1796599
File: 1679967803082.jpeg (100.11 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpeg)

When your dAdDy is the living embodiment of the coomer meme right down to the receding hairline and jokes about beating women for sexual pleasure, you're the one with the off judgement of partners. Doesn't matter though because no self-respecting woman would ever be in a polyamorous relationship with men. They all deserve each other in the end yet she thinks she has some moral high ground here kek
No. 1796679
File: 1679971744622.png (21.82 KB, 184x204, bird.png)

>>1796044>I want that one!>But Andy. You know your scared of birds, maybe we can try something else instead?>No! I want that one!…
>I don't like it No. 1796994
File: 1680007431643.jpeg (114.24 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpeg)

Dumping recent dirty deletes because I'm done with this ignorant ugly cow
No. 1796995
File: 1680007500935.jpeg (92.04 KB, 750x1334, 335770542_219001420612060_4612…)

No. 1796996
File: 1680007592696.png (236.28 KB, 944x1420, Screen Shot 2023-03-17 at 1.28…)

No. 1796998
File: 1680007704414.png (22.74 KB, 934x378, Screen Shot 2023-03-21 at 2.19…)

No. 1796999
File: 1680007738083.png (106.42 KB, 1190x1358, Screen Shot 2023-03-26 at 5.05…)

No. 1797033
>>1796994But she's not in a job where people are telling her what she can't post on a personal account? We're just telling her she's an idiot for putting her "poor, disabled community member who needs donations" posts on her account designed for advertising the porn, burlesque, and sexting "rich girl" persona she's selling as a product to coomers because it pulls the curtain back and shows the sad reality nobody is paying for.
>>1796996I mean the words are good beaky but this woman's skin is pulled so tight on her face she's starting to look like the bugman so not the body positive message you probably want
>>1796999 Escuse me?? The absolute audacity to either invent giving 100$ to a homeless person for cashback grifting or giving a couple bucks with the intention of receiving the money back and more. I laugh at beaky's lack of empathy but she really is giving true NPD energy.
>>1796998Not charging sex prices for penetrative sex? Damn hookers are dumb these days. You'd think the progressive beak would not just include PIV sex as "full sex" but I can see her being a "strap ons are a lesser substitute for cock" kinda lesbphobe
No. 1797380
File: 1680036608246.png (614.54 KB, 1170x2532, 1D02A297-D6E8-4999-9540-884857…)

>>1797101He spent it with both
No. 1797854
>>1797807I don't think it's a fetish for her more something she feels every self-confessed kinkster should have done, and she herself is about as kinky as a McDonalds soft serve.
Most of us who do/have done pegging just DO the damn thing instead of waxing poetic about it for endless tweets. I bet she's never gotten as far as working out what kind of harness she wants. She's too squeamish.
No. 1798361
File: 1680130462226.png (154.61 KB, 954x1336, Screen Shot 2023-03-29 at 3.43…)

Remember when she would praise Victoria for being such a great mEnTor in the first threads? Also Kathy is no doubt referring to Velvet as the friend who died. She just can't let that woman rest in peace kek
No. 1798379
File: 1680131368449.jpeg (141.18 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpeg)

Playboy hasn't been in publication for three years. Good luck becoming a PBP "muse" with zero connections though kek the bar is in hell but not even they would work with Kathy
No. 1798530
File: 1680144168136.jpeg (38.01 KB, 283x838, 1679452525811.jpeg)

>>1798379Delusion is a helluva drug. Playboy magazine is out of publication but that doesn't matter because she never met it's standards. Playboy Plus is for porn stars, ex-playmates, celebrities, and popular e-whores that do shoots with trendy professional photographers. Centerfold is their answer to OnlyFans but unlike OF they vet creators by follower count and overall appeal. No those flabby patsy gams aren't getting her in.
No. 1798557
>>1796999Like she's ever pegged anyone or done any real sex work. What a bitchy response to that other person too!
>>1798379She thinks she's capable of Playboy? HAHAHAHA
>>1798442She already tried to make an OF and gave up after like 2 weeks
No. 1798690
File: 1680156929974.png (24.19 KB, 587x473, 1644622839553.png)

>>179699625/26 is not old by any means but it's always dark to see the women who pedo-pander start to change their tone about age once they hit their mid-twenties because you know it's because men start treating them differently. Not too long ago she was mocking older men's wives because they're jEaLoUs of her ~youth~ and attempting to brag about being with middle aged men at 18.
No. 1798724
>>1796996Based take, she seems to be learning a lot over her short time as a "sex worker" as anon's comparison shows
>>1798690Quickest way to pinkpill yourself I guess.
No. 1798831
>>1798690dumb thing about it is: your're not eighteen any longer, and no teenage body in sight.
her current hubby doesn't look like big money but drug problems.
No. 1798891
>>1798690That lie is a Delusional Cope.
She made a money joke to the old balls she freely gave her 18 year old body to. She now thinks that's enough to confirm her mental delusions and false identity of being a wealthy community Dominatrix who is allowed to speak over and verbally abuse real-sex workers as she pleases.
No. 1799050
>>1798690inb4 she realizes how cringe these tweets are and deletes them only to LARP another equally cringey cliche and then cycle back to this personality when nothing works. Bonus points if she suicide baits to her enablers on IG because she can't afford rent again
Anyways, wasn't she supposed to be moving this month? The moid mentioned it as well so I don't think it was a delusion this time.
No. 1799061
File: 1680207347800.jpg (202.32 KB, 750x1334, 338448421_1425161768235727_899…)

No. 1799757
>>1798916'Cankles' confirmed via thread name and in the shapless foot pics from last thread. The ratio curve from calf to foot is 1:1 with no distinguishable boney landmarks of tib or fibula
'Thutt-haver' also checks out.
No. 1800177
File: 1680314130343.jpeg (54.06 KB, 750x1334, 339150256_761163685641863_2729…)

Druggie cope kek
No. 1800364
>>1800177Since she does no research herself, she should know that the harm reduction coalition has a whole handbook on how male prostitutes can keep their and their male client's penises "safe" while providing
absolutely nothing in regards for female safety; bodily or otherwise.
No. 1800921
File: 1680425732925.jpeg (175.23 KB, 1080x1349, 339120613_174181428781514_7073…)

What. The. Fuck.
No. 1800969
File: 1680439827449.jpeg (4.7 KB, 190x126, 428A6BD9-61F3-4E78-9AAD-F24B54…)

>>1800921She’s definitely tweaking
No. 1801227
File: 1680477406815.jpeg (532.42 KB, 2250x2668, 84EBF58D-0B08-47A0-B00F-25EB85…)

She’s once again lying about LC and what is posted here. Her parents are hardly mentioned and no one has ever “joked” about them “finding and hurting” her. Lol at her thinking public information she has shared with the world is doxxing.
No. 1801278
>>1801227She's not lying about Lolcow, she's pretending the other farms gave a shit about her. I've seen her mentioned on there but she wasn't considered worthy of even their derision. Still wants to play the
victim though!
No. 1801396
File: 1680491744984.jpeg (176.38 KB, 1500x1334, 1.jpeg)

>>1801372From what they've posted so far it seems like they were mutual followers of each other, possibly have chit-chatted before. Margaux eventually called Kathy out on whatever bullshit, Kathy probably flipped out on her, Margaux blocked her and shared what happened with other people. Word got back to Kathy so she decided to "expose" her and accuse her, lolcow, and KF of things that have never happened. Doesn't sound like Margaux came from here originally; more like she found the threads after whatever happened between them. Kathy claims to have "screenshots where she admits to participating" but doesn't share them which is telling.
The best part though is Kathy showing that she has zero understanding of how the internet works. She thinks filing DCMA requests with Google removes the threads and gives the name of the person who created them when all it just delists the URLs from Google search until they are recaptured kek (1/2)
No. 1801402
File: 1680492368375.jpeg (318.41 KB, 2514x3299, 2.jpeg)

>>1801396What's publicly published are her requests. No, this isn't doxxing Katherine. Don't like it? Take it up with Google. (2/2)
No. 1801409
File: 1680493141466.jpeg (129.22 KB, 750x1334, 338945883_914161626403281_4706…)

>>1801396As predicted Kathy has zero proof that Margaux was/is a farmer. Margaux doesn't even think the threads still exist kek Being aware that there are threads of Kathy means absolutely fuck-all given that she herself openly talks about them. She's literally doing it right now. Can't be mad at a mutual for knowing something you told them yet here Kathy is.
No. 1801412
File: 1680493438399.jpeg (557.59 KB, 2250x3335, 39CF00C6-C0C9-417A-957C-9280AA…)

No. 1801445
>>1801227>white womans feelingsshe's throwing a 14 stories tantrum over someone exposing her shitty behaviour to like…the 1 friend she has
>>1801412She's so far gone into her "opwessed", black womans best friend ands spokesman, marginalized sex worker, that she literally separates herself from white women. God she's delusional
No. 1801452
File: 1680502390563.jpeg (350.77 KB, 1196x2600, 112.jpeg)

Katherine is the one that started all of this. This is the first thread she made on Twitter:
No. 1801453
File: 1680502425812.jpeg (554.48 KB, 1188x4524, 115.jpeg)

This is the second one:
No. 1801456
File: 1680502509699.jpeg (172.56 KB, 1184x1390, 116.jpeg)

Then one from the other person:
No. 1801457
File: 1680502633065.jpeg (151.56 KB, 1180x1485, 117.jpeg)

Kathy has left it on this for now:
No. 1801459
File: 1680502792342.png (26.61 KB, 1178x294, Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 8.55…)

After the DARVO tweet, she posted this then quickly dirty deleted it:
No. 1801461
File: 1680502942662.jpeg (215.38 KB, 2250x1334, 118.jpeg)

Over on Instagram she posted the following with the same Pearl image:
She also dirty deleted a few of the caps above from her story
No. 1801480
File: 1680505938559.jpeg (1.79 MB, 3750x6670, 1.14.jpeg)

Here's the complete 25 story long rant she posted on Instagram. All because someone months ago disagreed with her, blocked her, then shared their experience with others. Nothing is more pathetic than a narcissist who's ego has been hit.
No. 1801487
File: 1680506902231.jpeg (25.88 KB, 512x298, Single Marginalized White Fema…)

No. 1801506
File: 1680512566738.jpeg (335.25 KB, 2250x1334, image.jpeg)

She's still going kek
No. 1801521
>>1801506Hey guys, did you know Kathy is disabled? and a survivor? of domestic violence????
Also I still can't believe "whorephobia" is an actual word these people use unironically, jesus christ
No. 1801729
File: 1680552517268.jpeg (229.83 KB, 3000x1334, 99E4B720-C7E3-4889-9B78-81E61F…)

She publicly starts a fight with someone else online on two social networks and is shocked she’s getting random accounts viewing her stories. Then she turns around and shows that she’s doing it for attention. 30+ insta stories and multiple twitter threads because someone doesn’t like you after a political disagreement is absolutely drama and entertainment and even her followers are viewing it as such kek
No. 1801785
File: 1680557926273.jpeg (406.63 KB, 1062x3420, 1.jpeg)

There is way more to this than Kathy is sharing. Seems like it's all going back to whatever the mentor did and Kathy's affiliation with her. She said something about her a couple days ago but that was it
>>1798361 (1/3)
No. 1801796
File: 1680558538328.jpeg (176.87 KB, 1281x658, 114.jpeg)

From what she blocked out it looks like Margaux called her Katie. Possibly said McMahon but the part that isn't crossed over looks like a K. She goes by Katherine online anyways so…? Doesn't matter though because referring to someone by their government name is not doxxing and is absolutely not a crime that you have "legal right to press charges" over. She must be forgetting the times she posted medical bracelets from the hospital with her full name and date of birth as well as pill bottles. (2/3)
No. 1801799
File: 1680558868391.jpeg (54.4 KB, 750x1334, 339653388_1292134118315249_221…)

>she has no chance at winning this case
No one can win a case when there isn’t one to begin with. It is funny though because continuously threatening legal action is illegal and can be a punishable crime kek (3/3)
No. 1801809
File: 1680559442716.png (102.86 KB, 1048x1052, Screen Shot 2023-04-03 at 3.03…)

>>1801796>>1801480She thinks posting the other girl's DMs and posts are a gotcha! moment but she's just making herself look worse. She's the one that's going off the rails and veering into harassment territory. She's the one that is proud about making rude remarks and name-calling.
No. 1801819
File: 1680560742275.png (61.06 KB, 631x711, milku.png)

>>1801506All hail Elsie, queen regent of the ruling class
No. 1801848
File: 1680564117133.jpeg (138.41 KB, 1062x1306, image.jpeg)

And here Katherine lets the mask slip completely as she herself calls what she's doing to Margaux abuse
No. 1801856
>>1801848Gee, with tweets like these it sure is impossible to see why Margaux would have to reach out to other people after interacting with Kathy.
"You spoke up about me so you deserve the abuse" is
victim blaming
No. 1801861
>>1801729Does she know that random accounts will watch your stories even if you just post art or whatever? It's just part of being on Instagram, doesn't mean they're haters. Could very well be bots since 0 follower bot accounts send advertising stuff in the dms.
But of course everything is a personal attack and not just something that happens to everyone on Instagram.
No. 1801863
File: 1680565567612.jpeg (231.96 KB, 1060x1639, image.jpeg)

She isn't stopping but that's okay because she's just digging a deeper hole each time she posts. "People dislike me once they see the real me" is not the statement she thinks it is.
No. 1801914
File: 1680571660760.png (166.3 KB, 1058x878, Screen Shot 2023-04-03 at 6.28…)

No. 1802199
>>1801799She can only validate herself by using violent language to stigmatize mental health and shame women who set healthy boundaries as a shield from her abuse; calling her names, sharing her full legal name, threatening legal action on women who disagree. If it happens to Kathy, wow. Rules for some, but not for one!
She truly is a poor man's baby Jane but even more than that, she is the run-of-the-mill average textbook narcissist who pretends to be a sexworker.
No. 1802244
>>1801480She tells on herself constantly!
There is no way the person posting these 25 'highly-bothered' stories has actually sold her body/mind to a satisfaction-seeking male. Ever.
Her paper thin ego is in direct conflict with her righteous chinwagging. It's clear that she really needs people to believe she is a successful NYC dominatrix and not just another sensitive neoliberal white woman.
No. 1802483
>>1801869Margaux's banner has some feather boa and long gloves with diamantes on them on it.
Kathy thinks she owns those things as an image, her "original costume" etc.
No. 1802501
File: 1680665043205.jpeg (64.16 KB, 750x1334, 339188930_193571040086427_2209…)

I'm stealing this from the first thread because it's relevant to picrel that she posted today:
>How does this bitch manage to appropriate the word femme so hard and hate lesbians so hard, while apparently having no clue what femme actually means and that it's a lesbian thing?
No. 1802765
File: 1680717285879.jpg (439.25 KB, 1920x1920, InCollage_20230405_135426576.j…)

I don't think beaky should be bringing up style stealing and skin walking…
No. 1802920
File: 1680738314301.jpeg (315.06 KB, 1174x2447, image.jpeg)

Trannies on twitter and the voices inside your head are not real therapists Katie
No. 1802995
File: 1680747857350.png (112.07 KB, 1180x1072, Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 4.13…)

Except you did know because we told you from day one. Should start listening to farmers instead of calling us alt-right extremist terrorists.
No. 1804199
>>1802995iirc she had multiple sissies in her replies like a year ago or whatever and spoke fondly about them at the time. She seems like someone who has to stick their hand in the (metaphorical) fire to check it's hot rather than using her common sense.
Men dressing as women because they get off on how "degrading" it is to wear clothes intended for women are assholes, more news at 10
No. 1804240
File: 1680817173510.jpeg (103.87 KB, 828x1205, FE4E70A9-C436-4C52-913B-5F7CA3…)

Um ok kathy, use none of your critical thinking skills or reading skills to develop an opinion yourself- just ask twitter
No. 1804450
File: 1680835825683.jpeg (362.59 KB, 3783x1334, 0000.jpeg)

Because tattoos and scarification are great for pain
No. 1804481
File: 1680841367890.png (103.71 KB, 1194x1272, Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 4.13…)

Referencing her fucked up family while pretending she is a completely normal person that totally doesn't have any personality disorders will never not be amusing
No. 1804485
>>1802995wow! i can't believe that old porn addicted misogynist pervert johns are bad people! who would've thunk it?
her dumb ass probably imagined she'd be elegantly giving a decent-looking man her old lady drag makeover instead of getting dick pics of old geriatric creeps in tutus and chastity cages. she genuinely thinks that men have sissy fetishes because they appreciate femininity and want to be empowered or whatever and not because they find the idea of being a woman degrading and humiliating. she doesn't live in reality.
No. 1804633
>>1804450"no outlining, no black ink"
so it's gonna look like a blurry piece of shit within a year tops, great thinking Kathy
No. 1804666
File: 1680876406252.jpg (31.94 KB, 525x311, dommetomororw.JPG)

did she delete her comment?
No. 1804916
File: 1680901450080.jpeg (226.44 KB, 750x1334, 46960283-A674-433C-B59E-077C87…)

>female supremacist
>calls neckbeard boyfriend her “owner”
Pick one Katherine
No. 1804967
>>1804916She's using low grade hobo wear as a backdrop for her hilarious owner/handler shoutout.
This gives big 'kathy the Dumpyard dog' energy
No. 1805035
>>1804481I would pay good money to have her brother come in here and spill the tea. She paints her family as violent,
abusive, controlling, neglectful.
No. 1805766
File: 1681043518661.jpeg (29.2 KB, 347x405, Sid_Vicious_1978_(cropped).jpe…)

>>1804916heres some additional inspiration for you, gorl
No. 1806516
File: 1681160871119.jpeg (68.88 KB, 750x1334, 340490755_191402683656707_1036…)

She is so tacky. Black lines down the back of her legs bows, and fucking diamonds scream trash… not ~luxury porcelain doll~
No. 1806644
File: 1681176283859.jpeg (90.23 KB, 750x1334, 340318588_775459763795672_4836…)

Learn facial harmony first
No. 1806678
>>1806516>>1806644She renders her fashion degree useless by not having a single clue about aesthetics. Elective plastic/cosmetic surgery isn't like getting tattoos; it is something she absolutely should not dabble in. I've posted about this before but she did go in for a breast augmentation consultation a couple years ago and backed out. Luckily she's pretty much dropped all talks of ps but she's stuck on this "pixie" nose bullshit going as far as using women who had botched nose jobs as references. She's also used people's fan art. Not good at all. A drastic rhinoplasty like that would leave her with a pig nose no matter what and god only knows what other complications.
Her nose is bigger, yes, but she has almost ten threads full of really good advice that would really benefit her but she chooses to ignore all of it. Her makeup, hair, style, and retard tongue thrusting has only gotten worse. Doubling down on terrible styling because you think a botched nose job, scarification, and tacky trailer trash tattoos will make it better is beyond backwards.
No. 1806701
File: 1681182518412.png (107.72 KB, 1080x1341, Screenshot_20230410-230848-957…)

I lost it at the 3rd tweet
No. 1806703
File: 1681182642839.png (107.94 KB, 1170x1132, Screen Shot 2023-04-10 at 6.56…)

They type these things out yet do not see the absolute irony. Tragic.
No. 1806740
File: 1681187503122.png (123.25 KB, 472x834, Beaky's magnificent find.png)

This is probably the funniest post she's made in a while, she's clearly reposting someone's instagram picture posed for sale and acting like she happened across this at a vintage store and potentially bought it instead of just browsing instagram vintage resellers and posting a picture of something she just happened to like among already curated goods
No. 1806767
File: 1681190943026.jpg (96.71 KB, 750x1334, 338927340_1680674162352284_760…)

>>1806740It was listed on Etsy for almost $300, I think she actually bought it. It was even funnier last week, she posted it for the first time in her stories and then proceeded to sperg out about being "stalked" by Margaux and was all "I don't understand how people can be so hateful when I'm just here barely surviving uwu"
>>1801729 No. 1806793
>>1806701Ah, Beaky squawks standards? What's on her playlist? My money's on:
>My Funny Valentine>Stella By Starlight>Body And Soul>Fever>Love For Sale>Take The 'A' Train (for Mistress Velvet, obvs)>Smoke Gets In Your Eyes>You Go To My Head>The Way You Look TonightI would recommend she also use
>Don't Get Around Much Anymore>It's Only A Paper Moon>The Lady Is A Tramp>I Can't Get Started>The One I Love (Belongs To Somebody Else)>I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate>Lush Life>But Not For MeAnd perhaps my favorite
>Tea For Three No. 1807159
File: 1681251334697.png (134.93 KB, 1186x1146, Screen Shot 2023-04-10 at 6.55…)

>>1806703Kek and then the other one roasted her styling
No. 1807714
>>1807159This made me depressed, how much do they even make from pretending sex work is real work? Why not get a WFH job answering calls if you want to be degraded so bad? At least that's consistent income and you don't have to change your look every few weeks to keep up with the competition. I know Beaky is bleak but the women who make just enough to scrape by are even bleaker, like MLM
victims who sell their cars and homes to 'invest in their business'.
No. 1808289
File: 1681428994824.jpeg (81.96 KB, 1500x1334, lol.jpeg)

Bet this is about that goth woman the neckbeard had on Twitch that was taking pictures in Kathy's room
No. 1808364
File: 1681437631868.jpg (25.26 KB, 750x1334, 340977073_114867391575655_7333…)

>>1808289Here she is telling on herself again. She claims she's a
victim of domestic violence and was abused by her parents from a young age, yet only became cynical a few years ago? The exact timing of which happens to match with when she went no contact with them and stopped getting their financial support.
No. 1808905
File: 1681553551296.jpeg (113.32 KB, 1170x1001, IMG_7365.jpeg)

Her billionaire delusions are seriously my favorite. The only time male billionaires “lose” any money due to women is during divorce settlements - and even then they don’t “lose it all”. They especially aren’t losing it all over wannabe twitter sEx WoRkErS. Since she’s so educated on prostitution she should already be aware that real hoes hate extremely wealthy men because they’re cheaper than any other clients.
No. 1810172
File: 1681707742723.jpeg (260.55 KB, 1500x1334, m.jpeg)

For an anarchist anti-capitalist queen she sure loves dumping money she doesn't even have into overpriced fast fashion mircotrends she'll either never wear or only wear once. Nitpick but selling this crap through stories is so tacky especially when you know she's doing it because she's too lazy to list shit on ebay.
No. 1811493
File: 1681914130491.jpeg (561.41 KB, 3222x3222, FDAF6CB3-32D0-45FA-A9BC-A110A8…)

If anyone was curious what she looked like when she was younger and less doughy, it isn’t much better. You can see she’s wearing both the dresses she posted, so clearly she’s too fat for them now
No. 1811498
>>1811493It's such a shame. Her hair is nice; it's shiny and long. She just needs any kind of bangs to make it look good, but refuses to get them. (someone said because her mom had bangs? There are so many styles of bangs!)
Her makeup makes her look like she's in her 30s in those photos though
No. 1811801
File: 1681940900644.jpg (106.48 KB, 2250x1334, image (1).jpg)

Really sticking it to the man! You sure showed them! Pathetic.
No. 1811842
File: 1681943571311.jpg (218.83 KB, 1170x2053, image (2).jpg)

>>1811801True narc behavior telling people no one will be there for them just because she doesn't like them. The world doesn't revolve around you beaky and will in fact still turn when you're not here. Her hard on for landlords is funny though.
No. 1811871
File: 1681946081917.jpg (71.7 KB, 1170x2080, 341558847_2326034447586763_424…)

>>1811828>I bet Grunk daddy is having a fucking blast with chubby mallgoth He is kek
No. 1811924
>>1811842Can someone explain why someone who owns enough property they can rent it out to others would also need to rent out their body? And why would a sex worker tell their John about their other forms of income?
>>1811871Would it be considered an upgrade to go from looking like a neckbeard to looking like better-fed Rasputin?
>>1811911She can't be bothered to do bodyweight exercises idk what revolution she thinks she'll be participating in
No. 1811980
File: 1681958519003.jpg (1.57 MB, 2250x2668, image (4).jpg)

>>1811842None of this makes sense. She starts off the rant singling out sex worker landlords yet ends it randomly with queer landlords. Since when are landlords overlords? What does Elon Musk have to do with landlords? Why does she still believe coomers care what their jerk-off material thinks about them? What revolution is she speaking of? Why does she think she wouldn't be the first to go during one? kek
iT's GiViNg schizophrenia, especially when she has picrel's mess posted on her story at the same time
No. 1811990
File: 1681959906534.jpeg (233.43 KB, 1170x1617, IMG_7601.jpeg)

>>1811842>>1811980Followed up with a grid of designer logos. Very anti-capitalist anti-consumerism anarchic-communism of her.
No. 1812009
>>1811980>>1811842Completely schizo. This is the same person bragging about “Forbes 500 billionaires wining and dining her” yet rants incoherently about “queer landlords” - bitch who do YOU think is more evil from a Marxist viewpoint? And then there’s the incessant
>>1811990 fetishization of bourgeois status symbols even though she’s a “communist.” It’s giving mentally ill.
No. 1812021
File: 1681963356768.jpeg (25.09 KB, 249x275, IMG_7600.jpeg)

>>1811842> Are you really that horny to be subjugated by your capitalist overlords who would not even blink if you dropped dead?Her retard drug brain must’ve forgot that this is the exact premise of her larp. The line right after her claiming to be perused by billionaires was about wanting subs to worship her alleged designer shoe and jewelry collection. She puts out fantasy tweets where the sub/client dies and she gets all the money. She has quotes on her pages about how greedy she is. Her entire larp is her trying to be a “capitalist overlord”. She should be ranting about the corporations buying up properties, not pedestrian landlords that live in poverty right next to her.
No. 1812216
>>1811842>Pretend'Gotcha Landlord' fantasies>Ew Queer landlords>Ew SW landlords Kek- Kathy the comrade is really on one.
How dare marginalized people aspire to owning their own property and renting it out to non-homeowning strangers.
No. 1812487
File: 1682046521631.png (38.36 KB, 1076x721, Screenshot_20230329-234407~2.p…)

>>1811842Why would you share your delusions of an uprising against the upper class on your luxury findomme twitter?! Also did she really just imply violence against queer people is justified if they're landlords? She did the smart thing and dirty deleted all of these. Here's a couple of deleted ones in a similar vein from the end of March, it's like clockwork now.
No. 1812533
File: 1682055282537.jpg (22.23 KB, 273x357, 71-9elozuzL._AC_SX425_.jpg)

Tinfoil: rent is due
No. 1812540
>>1812009yeah i wasn't convinced before and thought it was just the weed but something is definitely wrong with her head.
>>1812523what's important is the content of the text, not the book as an item… if at least it makes her read let her scribble
No. 1812542
>>1812539At the same time she posted
>>1812487 she was bickering with a fssw who was also a landlord. I wish I didn't delete the caps because the fssw called out Kathy's woke bs. She immediately dirty deleted everything and has been bitter about it ever since kek if anyone has a twitter account you could probably find the other woman's tweets
No. 1812743
File: 1682096462239.jpg (121.69 KB, 819x1024, long-hair-with-bangs-2021-styl…)

>>1811493Free Hair could take one of those harsh lipsticks and melt it down with some vaseline, or oil + beeswax, and make a tinted lip balm from it. She could use a lighter hand to apply the eye makeup. I know I'm a bit late on this, but she doesn't even have to spend money to look better. It doesn't matter that I'm posting this on here because she does the opposite of whatever good advice is in her thread.
No. 1813001
File: 1682130813022.png (32.6 KB, 1180x496, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 7.29.…)

>>1811842Landlords are the problem but not her calling "chefs, pastry-makers, chauffeurs, masseurs, physical therapists, tailors, couturiers, benefactors, investors, etc" servants. K.
No. 1813142
>>1813001Kek shit like this is what makes her my favourite cow. The sheer levels of delusion are unprecedented. Girl you barely make enough money to get by, you really think actual professions are gonna be begging to offer their services to you??
>only offer yourself for use if you’re actually usefulPure insanity coming from a woman with literally no skills, very little employment history, who can’t even dance despite the fact she’s been larping as a glorified stripper for the last few years.
No. 1813145
File: 1682156644053.png (31.07 KB, 1192x540, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 7.30.…)

She says this as if her only content isn't pictures of stale pastries
No. 1813239
>>1813145So is she about to buy a second outfit or something? Also how is she about to go full rubber fetishist as the Dom when it's the sub who gets all the restrictive gear? Is she going to hire men to model restrictive clothes while she acts dommy to them? Or is she just going to buy some overpriced plastic shit off a Chinese reseller and add it to her already messy Dom outfit?
Also for real, if we were to have a communist or anarchist uprising what would beaky even contribute? It can't be hookering or selling her body in any way. Her ~fashion~ skills are useless if she can't actually sew clothing or at least design a practical outfit made from fabric scraps or something
No. 1813257
>>1813145This will be glorious. Just imagine her aliexpress rubber outfits w her Amazon latx boots.
This will be TOP. KEK
No. 1813293
>>1813001It amazes me how bad she is at this KEK
>>1813145IMO all this means is she's going to repost more of other people's content in the laziest attempt possible to rebrand and get more engagement without doing any real work. She couldn't even borrow anything to cobble together an outfit for a photoshoot she wanted to do a few weeks ago
>>1799061 No. 1813469
File: 1682210439124.jpg (152.31 KB, 1080x1350, 342726112_1525081844566463_328…)

She edited out her chin. Interesting choice.
No. 1813483
File: 1682212281575.jpg (37.79 KB, 750x1334, 342734020_922227225659821_8418…)

Oh now she doesn't like catcalling after treating it like a flex for years? kek
No. 1813518
File: 1682216327433.webm (460.76 KB, 720x1280, spiderus.webm)
No. 1814045
File: 1682305953328.jpg (144.04 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpg)

Landlord rant continues kek tinfoil because it may not be intentional but she worded this like she went to Columbia when she didn't
No. 1814058
>>1814045My least favorite of her bullshit
>no resortedGirl wtf is a resource to you other than someone coddling you and telling you you're too pretty to work
No. 1814853
File: 1682411858679.png (819.73 KB, 1178x974, Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 1.38.…)

Third time is definitely not the charm for this tired ass tweet she keep recycling
No. 1814942
File: 1682434121592.jpeg (41.85 KB, 736x920, E167E32F-8909-419B-B13D-179A5D…)

Her hairline was always tragic, but it kills me to see how she went from having some potential for an elegant, feminine sense of style to dollar store knockoff Barbie.
No. 1815211
File: 1682464477910.png (664.89 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20230425-191217-712…)

>>1814853I like how she had nothing better to do at 1AM on a Tuesday than go through her own timeline and reply to old tweet from over a month ago, with the same bad joke she made back then (but I'm assuming had deleted for whatever reason)
No. 1815232
File: 1682466283059.png (31.28 KB, 1080x740, Screenshot_20230425-081947~2.p…)

Same anon, here's a deleted tweet from this morning where she's talking about what she supposedly did during the weekend, ofc with no pictures or any interesting content. I wonder if it's because it never happened or she realized how un-luxurious it made her look (hanging out at Central Park with your boyfriend… instead of going somewhere that costs money). Even funnier in context with some other deleted tweets announcing her grand weekend plans
No. 1815241
File: 1682466978512.png (45.76 KB, 1080x914, Screenshot_20230414-234017~3.p…)

>>1815232From a couple of weeks ago and deleted before the weekend started. Again, either it never happened or she realized how unsexy it was to basically say her luxury LARP version of "I'm going to Macy's and picking up my dry cleaning" along with "teehee I don't do hallucinogenic drugs spontaneously!"
No. 1815242
>>1815232From the looks of this post
>>1813518 he took her to a dive bar with karaoke kek ultra-glamorous Michelin star status!
No. 1815262
File: 1682468645918.png (813.05 KB, 1080x3774, Screenshot_20230425-202204-831…)

More cringe from today with a side of gatekeeping.
>>1815242Good catch anon! I didn't see the video, thanks for pointing it out KEK. So that means she wore this out
>>1813469. Why couldn't she share her obviously superior sense of style for all the Twitter findommes and finsubs to marvel at when she is clearly an authority on the subject? Hmmm
No. 1815462
>>1815232Can someone more well versed in e-whorery explain to me why she always ask for such small amounts.
Does she think $125 for a lunch is a lot of money or does she ask for it because she know she ain't worth more?
And when do we get to see the LV bag she's posing with?
No. 1815520
>>1815462She's got the mind of someone raised in poverty. Weird, since her family is well off. She thinks that anything over $25 is a lot for food (see her constantly parading pastries around like trophies) and she's not self aware enough to understand that this is both hilarious and embarrassing.
Also I don't think the bag is hers. I'd bet on her taking photos with a real LV at the store, then buying a fake if she wants to continue the luxury LARP. She lives in New York, she can LARP a life of untold luxury on a shoestring budget if she uses her brain, but we all know she's too stupid for that.
No. 1815607
>>1815462You're more likely to get multiple reimbursements on a smaller amount.
10 guys send you $100 > 1 guy sends you $500
No. 1815745
File: 1682538967499.jpeg (269.1 KB, 1242x2016, F5A6BB1E-8259-41E9-86AC-1C9D5B…)

i’m sorry, but this is really tacky-looking tbh….
No. 1815749
File: 1682539301556.png (42 KB, 1242x2208, 05995517-CBDF-4D79-B3F4-34CDBC…)

I’m sorry, but those ladies tied to heels sculptures are so trashy-looking imo
No. 1816048
File: 1682570807799.jpg (226.54 KB, 3000x1334, image (6).jpg)

Deleted from last night. I don't give a shit about Apartheid Clyde's feelings but she continuing the pattern of telling people no one will be there for them. She really loves to tell people things like that. Projection much?
No. 1816797
File: 1682667929448.jpeg (36.52 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7895.jpeg)

Bet the ‘malpractice’ is not giving her pills on demand just like last time
No. 1816905
>>1816797People like Kathy will get into beef with everyone they encounter and claim everyone is “
abusive” before they’ll ever self-reflect. She’s fallen out with every employer, health care provider and community she’s ever been involved with, but she’ll never acknowledge she’s the problem.
No. 1817237
File: 1682723959648.jpg (77.74 KB, 750x1334, 343631589_170874552234645_2821…)

Amphetamine abuse arc incoming
No. 1817404
File: 1682743292732.png (62.43 KB, 1190x1394, Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 6.26.…)

Remember this when she's begging for rent
No. 1817461
>>1817237The only sleep related thing she's ever spoken about is nightmares caused by her alleged CPTSD. Sounds more like she was trying to get an Adderall script from Callen Lorde
>>1816797 and they were having none of it. If any doctor suspected she had narcolepsy, she'd be doing in lab testing and studies; not asking randos on Instagram about it.
Here's her list of supposed aliments so far:
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
Pelvic floor disorder
No. 1817669
File: 1682799631325.jpg (38.01 KB, 750x1334, 343592962_1509478149868955_848…)

>>1817461>she'd be doing in lab testing and studies; not asking randos on Instagram about itShe's lurking hard
No. 1817684
File: 1682801787263.jpg (15.57 KB, 381x254, b8edcfd6dd79720249b61853c178e8…)

>>1817669If she had to find out that she should get a sleep study from her instagram followers I wonder if she'll sue this doctor for negligence and malpractice too kek
No. 1817712
File: 1682805464556.png (20.98 KB, 1176x420, Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 2.57.…)

No. 1817777
File: 1682815890155.png (23.13 KB, 1184x502, Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 5.48.…)

Right because kinky can only mean getting beaten by your boyfriend while he fucks his other girlfriend. Just because that's your pathetic reality doesn't mean it's "mainstream" and "barely kinky" for everyone else. Some serious pick-me brain rot right there.
No. 1817836
>>1817461Hypervigilance, paranoia, anxiety and depression can all be bundled under CPTSD (if she actually has it, I'm doubting it because the people I know who've experienced PTSD have prioritised therapy above all else as it's no fun to live with)
Then again munchies and attention seekers like to expand their diagnoses so every symptom is its own disorder.
No. 1819567
File: 1683090540290.jpg (106.1 KB, 750x1334, 343981158_796410425183426_7921…)

Kathy sure had a lot of negative things to say last year about the Met Gala yet this year she told people they need to "respectful"
No. 1819570
File: 1683090689635.jpg (70.37 KB, 750x1520, image.jpg)

Also announced it was her third year with the neckbeard. He of course posted nothing about it
No. 1819830
>>1817712She says this meanwhile she takes this thread's advice all the time.
Even when it comes to fixing her innuendos from
>>1791895 to
>>1814853 No. 1820083
File: 1683162110708.jpg (221.04 KB, 3000x1334, image (6).jpg)

>>1819620Kind of. This is what she posted.
No. 1820084
File: 1683162273907.jpg (363.71 KB, 3000x1334, image (5).jpg)

Going to do some dumping. Sage because not really milky. More things she wore once for a photo and now is trying to sell. Can't get rid of those two dresses kek
No. 1820085
File: 1683162366965.jpg (279.97 KB, 1500x1334, image (1).jpg)

She reposted Madonna praising her mother which was bizarre given given how negatively she has talked about her mother. Guess she needed mommy's money.
No. 1820464
>>1820084These 3 fugly dresses would be the character dresses for the 3 mean fugly and poorly shaped stepsisters.
Madame blush has awful tacky taste in fashion and aesthetics. The fit is unflattering even for the most idealistic of bodies
No. 1820539
>>1820470He died in 2019 so presumably not much, people are probably dragging up past crimes as they love to do on Twitter
No. 1820708
File: 1683240870233.jpg (152.01 KB, 3000x1334, image (2).jpg)

Some 'how dare a black man not act the way I expect black men to act!" and deep delusions today. Kathy tries real hard to make herself believe the two troglodytes in her DMs are billionaires. To say a majority of sex worker clients are rich and powerful men is erasing the reality of the majority of sex workers. She'd change her larp real quick if she walked the blade for a few minutes.
No. 1820815
>>1820708This is how you know Kathy has never had an actual client for anything more than being an obnoxious overpriced paid companion.
Actual sex workers know they need to be discreet because they also rely on their clients to keep their identities a secret. If they start leaking information, it is likely their own lives will soon come under scrutiny and it's way too much of a risk. Discretion goes both ways.
Kathy is the kind of person who would 100% rat out someone in any situation to get herself an advantage.
No. 1820969
>>1820708Fucking yikes on that first part. Actually racist. Saying a black man is acting like a white man implies black men act a certain way. He is acting like a black man because he is literally a black man. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean you can make statements about how he acts in relation to his race.
Also unrelated but NYT is the most woke ass newspaper wtf is she talking about lmao. "Most of our rich people, politicians and… journalists"? Lol journalists aren't exactly known for having a lot of money, that's such a random profession. Also whos "our"? still with the high class escort larp, bitch you beg for rent and candles online
>>1819570I don't like her but I genuinely feel bad about her romantic situation
No. 1820972
>>1820708Fucking yikes on that first part. Actually racist. Saying a black man is acting like a white man implies black men act a certain way. He is acting like a black man because he is literally a black man. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean you can make statements about how he acts in relation to his race.
Also unrelated but NYT is the most woke ass newspaper wtf is she talking about lmao. "Most of our rich people, politicians and… journalists"? Lol journalists aren't exactly known for having a lot of money, that's such a random profession. Also whos "our"? still with the high class escort larp, bitch you beg for rent and candles online
>>1819570I don't like her but I genuinely feel bad about her romantic situation
No. 1820980
File: 1683259281134.png (123.82 KB, 1180x1232, Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 8.42.…)

A few figurines bought off of Instagram is not an art collection
No. 1820981
File: 1683259215118.png (123.82 KB, 1180x1232, Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 8.42.…)

A few figurines bought off of Instagram is not an art collection
No. 1821109
File: 1683280192824.jpeg (102.63 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8079.jpeg)

What skills? What hard labor? What very specific special interests? She can’t even keep up her vintage larp and is an extremely poor copy and paste of other burlesque wannabes aesthetic wise. She thinks she’s special but she’s not.
No. 1821162
>>1820708The way she thinks sex work is scarce- if she had half a brain, she'd know that rich assholes can get sex from anywhere. They don't
need these sex workers for anything. They're just the easiest.
No. 1821310
>>1821109Why is she so fucking nasty and rude ALL of the time? She thinks she's some elevated artist when she has shit fashion sense, shit taste in aesthetics, she's HORRIBLE at dancing, she has horrible people skills, she's shit at burlesque, shit at findomme, shit at keeping an actual job, etc. She's not even working on any costume right now, she isn't working on a burlesque routine, so what the fuck could this mystery person possibly steal from her? She's only "autistic" and she only has "special interests" when she's off her tits on pills. Kathy's such a great cow because her insane self-obsession and delusional ideas of how talented she is knows absolutely no fucking bbounds. Bravo Beaky, bravo.
No. 1821323
>>1821109kek, hard labour, what was that about sewing face masks some months ago? Did she ever even get close to a sewing machine? She is doing nothing, she knows nothing and her skill level is like non existing. Why can't she bake macarons by now or has made her own corsets? All she can do is complain, insult others, play the
victim and get high, don't know who would want to copy her.
No. 1821377
File: 1683321661760.png (77.78 KB, 690x513, sewing machine price.png)

>>1821323I don't see what's preventing her from owning a sewing machine. Entry-level ones are cheap and portable and don't take up much space in storage. She's in NYC of all places, so she could get a good one secondhand for cheap. There's a billion sewing videos on youtube if the instructions to thread it are too confusing or written stuff isn't her learning style.
No. 1821854
>>1821728Lol I went to a clothing exhibit at a museum once and there was a handkerchief sewn by a woman in her 80s as she was going blind. The part where her vision was intact, the stitching was invisible. Once her sight went, the stitches were like 1mm visible.
Sewing, embroidery, and spinning are classic activities for when your body doesn't work because as long as you can use your hands, you can still do it. I know you're joking here but once again Kathy has no excuse.
No. 1822965
File: 1683537874832.png (50.68 KB, 1180x934, Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 2.22.…)

This seems extremely backwards for a dominatrix but okay kek
No. 1822978
File: 1683540134438.jpg (25.96 KB, 360x640, 345245671_190590977257079_5130…)

>>1822965She's getting bored/lonely/desperate for attention again.
No. 1822985
File: 1683540951264.jpg (22.72 KB, 360x640, 345068256_254549773764439_5665…)

Same anon, interesting how she doesn't say anything about restricting diet to help with symptoms. Proof that whenever she talked about not being able to eat certain foods because of her endo was just another way to be special and get attention.
No. 1823017
>>1822985These munchies with their "education" and pictures with horrible graphics. I thought Kathly loved art and the finer things, not this drivel.
>You don't have to go to medical school to be a nutritionistTechnically right, but you do have to go to some kind of school or education path that involved some insitution.
I can't even identify any of those foods in the graphic except for the cookie in the middle. Is the top right a fortune cookie, or a mouth guard? I'm also keking how the cultural food picture is the outline of a pig
No. 1823076
File: 1683557791576.jpg (67.41 KB, 1079x1285, SmartSelect_20230508_165706_Fi…)

>>1822978That wig is getting bigger by every photo. Give her one or two more photoshoots and she will look like she has barbazoo on her head.
Pic related
No. 1823200
File: 1683570504434.gif (9.21 MB, 449x432,

>>1823076Let's just hope that it won't impede her pErFoRmAnCeS!
No. 1823410
>>1821728It takes less than two months to heal from a hysterectomy. It is literally covered by medicaid in New York.
Bitch has no excuse its like she wants to have endometriosis bc it's her excuse to not do anything.
No. 1824187
File: 1683684188885.png (42.72 KB, 1172x592, Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 8.05.…)

Same woman that used to post "do not befriend me if you are attracted to me" frequently
No. 1824262
File: 1683699679695.jpeg (57.27 KB, 750x1334, 1625255445600.jpeg)

>>1824197Here's one instance
No. 1824845
File: 1683775893336.png (76.67 KB, 1178x1102, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 8.29.…)

But Kathy darling, didn't you just inform everyone that a majority of sex worker clients are high ranking Corporate America Males™? The least she can do is get her larp straight. Not like she has anything else going on.
No. 1825043
>>1824845I like how she says “corporate America” as if she’s ever been there. you were a guide in a sex museum. was it technically a corporation? probably, most businesses are, but you had no place on the corporate ladder.
this is exactly the same as someone calling a McDonald’s fry cook a “corporate job.”
No. 1825495
File: 1683852342505.jpg (60.68 KB, 2250x1334, image (1).jpg)

Looks like she took
>>1821111 to heart because she did a "burlesque history" dump on her story today. Of course she's calling it research, as if she's not just finding images online and reposting them with copied captions kek that's not how insomnia works either, Kath
No. 1825677
>>1729166That thread pic is a real masterpiece and I have to giggle about it almost every time I see it!
Just sayin'.
No. 1826135
File: 1683936447186.png (106.22 KB, 944x1644, Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 10.44…)

Uh oh. Tell the neckbeard to run because she may be plotting an abuse arch kek (from her likes)
No. 1827222
File: 1684098946577.jpg (134.18 KB, 1178x878, image.jpg)

Can not forgive them for what? Being victims? Such a compassionate abuse advocate she is! Not how that works. If she has ever associated with real abusers she would know how they operate and how easily some people can fall victim to them despite what other people say about them.
No. 1827296
File: 1684107885307.jpg (16.45 KB, 270x300, kathy downer.jpg)

>Feel free to ask me about the people I've worked with!Kathy:
>Good luck with that. I am unable to forgive victims of abuse that fell for an abuser's deception because they made me feel invalid.Expecting people to come crawling back to her after being abused and getting off on telling them she "doesn't forgive them" for "dismissing" and "invalidating" her is
abusive. The more finger pointing she does, the bigger her red flag becomes.
No. 1827353
File: 1684117020558.png (24.56 KB, 1186x300, Screenshot 2023-05-14 at 7.17.…)

So Kathy rather "call out" the girl she warned instead of the abuser? Says A LOT about her, none of it good.
No. 1827356
>>1827353Kathy outing a
victim because she didn't act the way Kathy expected is actually horrendous WTF
No. 1827436
The private DMs Kathy posted when she was fighting with that random woman last month
>>1801796 were right about her having a "laundry list of
victims". Not at all shocking.
No. 1827590
File: 1684154470013.png (392.89 KB, 828x1792, IMG_5394.png)

Sage for OT but this came up on my Explore page and it reminds me of Kathy KEK
No. 1827601
File: 1684155128510.jpeg (52 KB, 1170x514, IMG_8415.jpeg)

Like any would give a shit about her approval
No. 1827838
is she in solidarity with? no one wants solidarity with you, Kathy.
No. 1827853
File: 1684184284992.jpeg (57.14 KB, 1170x418, IMG_8418.jpeg)

She truly hates women. All she’s doing with these replies is taking the heat off abusive men.
No. 1827954
>>1827706Women in the actual porn industry have been coming out about abuse from males in the industry so Kathy, who has absolutely nothing to do with any of it, felt she needed to open her beak about it.
>>1827853Tell that to the millions of women who died at the hands of male abuse. Braindead retard.
No. 1829242
File: 1684361324029.png (37.39 KB, 1160x412, Screenshot 2023-05-16 at 9.35.…)

Not milky but her liking this made me laugh
No. 1829291
File: 1684368459167.png (35.99 KB, 1186x544, Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 5.07.…)

Someone is desperate
No. 1829349
File: 1684376791230.jpg (193.51 KB, 1180x1211, image.jpg)

You're not a real prostitute Katherine. You don't have any online clients currently and have never met up with one in person. Why does she want to be seen as a whore so bad?
No. 1829605
>>1829308My bet is rent since it's been almost exactly a month since she last sperged about landlords
>>1811801 She also mentioned a while ago that she gave up working on the only other costume she had
No. 1829916
File: 1684445339985.png (311.55 KB, 1186x1096, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 2.28.…)

KEK she's such a liar. She hasn't even hit that number with that crap she's bought, let alone got it in cash.
No. 1830004
>>1829997“survival” sex work is rape and “chosen” sex work is just a hobby. Kathy would fall into the latter category if she ever…
did anything.
No. 1830019
>>1829291>>1827853>>1827601She's lurking… all dirty deleted
>>1829916If this was true, and not a blatant knee jerk reaction to farmers roasting her, then all it does is prove again how bad she is with money. Spending over $10k on crap that she tries to sell half off to randos on instagram in order to afford rent and pills/weed. I don't recall her ever claiming how much she's cumulatively grifted from the one finsub before, other than boasting about her 1k "art collection" (that's probably worth less than the scrotes Funko pop collection kek). Funny how she doesn't tag him here but has in other posts.
No. 1830073
File: 1684460553985.png (371.36 KB, 1164x1206, Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 6.40.…)

Bitch where?? The replies are just going along with the joke. No one in this universe would ever mistake 5'10 supermodel model Natasha Poly with 4'11 beaky nobody. Lobotomy time Kath.
No. 1831338
File: 1684643306590.png (315.88 KB, 1182x1452, Screenshot 2023-05-20 at 9.18.…)

Almost half-way through the year and all she's managed to pull so far is a gay dive bar and birthday party. So much for being the most famous showgirl in NYC.
No. 1831340
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No. 1831344
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No. 1831345
File: 1684644164731.webm (8.51 MB, 720x1280, CC45E77E9E4A9244ED06092E316F68…)
No. 1831375
File: 1684651053820.jpeg (23.18 KB, 338x450, IMG_8545.jpeg)

>>1831338Having midget Baby Jane Hudson arrive at your door when you were expecting a glamorous performer would give anyone a heart attack. What Kathy fails to realize is that she gets booked by wives because she’s not a threat to them kek
No. 1831450
File: 1684671500955.jpg (50.63 KB, 768x512, jessica-768x512.jpg)

>>1831344>>1831354It's the wish version of that one older lady from AHS + too much makeup
No. 1832642
File: 1684813243989.png (49.5 KB, 1186x680, Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 8.37.…)

Debbie Downer inserting herself again as a marginalized queer person that doesn't want to fuck their friends
No. 1833088
File: 1684880128093.jpg (500.59 KB, 1184x3631, image (4).jpg)

>vanilla sex work
She needs to take a creative writing class because what even is this? She really has convinced herself that she is a real sex worker and not just some apartment dweller squawking into the twitter void. She was on seeking arrangement for a very short period of time and only managed to get a nobody musician; an extremely far cry from "politicians, executives, and entrepreneurs".
No. 1833125
File: 1684882867513.jpg (75.14 KB, 1500x1334, image (5).jpg)

No. 1833135
File: 1684884346555.png (289.49 KB, 1450x1298, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 4.26.…)

>>1833126It's a real thing unfortunately
No. 1833137
File: 1684884552124.png (8.16 KB, 552x262, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 4.27.…)

>>1833088The irony in getting an abysmal ~1.7% engagement rate on a tweet bitching about other e-whore's tactics kek
No. 1833142
>>1833125This has to be one of her best ones yet. You know she thinks she's clever posting (educating in Kathy speak) this so early in advance so places have enough time to book.
>>1833135This seems disrespectful in the spirit of Juneteenth but I guess that's just me.
No. 1833166
>>1833135'Chocolate city titty' is uh, something
>>1833137Fucking hilarious
No. 1833171
File: 1684887571190.png (47.67 KB, 1180x734, Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 5.20.…)

>>1833088Weird take from someone who captions pictures of pastries with "send $50 if my pistachio is bigger than your macaron".
No. 1833214
File: 1684891626000.webm (856.74 KB, 720x1280, tranny lover.webm)
>>1833088She's just mad her neckbeard dAdDy is in the "me or the ps5" girl's replies. And whatever the fuck this situation is.
No. 1833221
>>1833135>>1833129I'm pretty sure it's because sex work treats women like property, and is heavily involved in human trafficking.
And having a poster that looks like the modern version of a 1793 slavery sales pamphlet to celebrate black people is some kind of racist nonsense. Make it so progressive it looks outright vile.
No. 1833901
File: 1684965331963.jpg (201.41 KB, 1186x1552, image (6).jpg)

No. 1834467
File: 1685051784765.jpg (59.8 KB, 750x1334, 348873438_272367131988130_2806…)

Kathy calls into a podcast and does a birthday party and says she "overextended" herself.
No. 1834756
File: 1685078214745.png (2.01 MB, 1500x1334, IMG_8693.png)

>>1834751Samefag but KEK it literally is allergies. She posted these about an hour before. Come on Kathy at least cover your tracks.
No. 1835458
File: 1685176638858.png (21.4 KB, 1182x348, Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 1.37.…)

This "therapist" is just like her twitter tranny "lawyer"; not a real professional.
No. 1836447
File: 1685329794926.jpg (351.38 KB, 3834x1334, image (10).jpg)

As predicted, she did not have a new apartment lined up like she claimed months ago. Her and the neckbeard are ready to move in as soon as possible to an apartment, sublet, or room that's under $2k a month in Brooklyn.
No. 1836468
>>1836447She houseshares right now I assume, I don't even live in the US and I know 2k for 2 adults and a dog is a tough ask in that area, she may be able to get a room in a houseshare, but only a dive would take housemates with pets for obvious reasons. She's probably looking at more like 2k
each idk what Frank's job is but no landlord would take "twitter domme" as an occupation either kek
No. 1836843
>>1836657kek, 100%, but it's surprising as it seemed more like mallgoth and neckbeard were the item and Kath was the tagalong
>>1811871 despite her ~metamour~ cope
>>1796599 No. 1836980
>>1836843Maybe he knows as soon as he stops paying for her housing she'll be online decrying him as
abusive and saying she was forced into that stupid collaring ceremony.
Also she's the pretty much the only "collared" idiot online I've seen who never actually wears said collar. That's the whole point of the damn thing.
No. 1837334
>>1836447I like how she's trying to find a new place to stay on her personal account where she regularly has to beg for rent money and antagonizes landlords. Let's not forget when she openly boasted about being rude to her own actual landlord (if it wasn't made up).
>>1836816I might be wrong but I don't recall her ever moving since the threads started. Before that I think she did move, when she cut contact with her parents as they were probably paying her rent. Then there was the falling out with the roommate and they moved out, but the scrote ended up just moving in instead. It's been the same apartment this whole time.
No. 1837770
File: 1685485186490.jpeg (55.33 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8822.jpeg)

She’s blaming her family knowing where she lives on “stalkers” again… after putting out “I’m looking for a new place to live!” publicly online for the second time. It is interesting how she chose to call a shadow non-existent group of people stalkers over her family that is supposedly sending her threatening mail. Definitely can’t blame this on LC where no one has doxxed her and when she has posted about her mom coming to her current apartment before the threads were even made (I believe it was acquaintance anon that posted the caps in one of the earlier threads).
No. 1837876
File: 1685492335971.png (69.83 KB, 1174x1012, Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 4.34.…)

>I’m still requiring PCR tests from clients for one on one sessions
She says as if she's had any clients, let alone one on one sessions kek
No. 1837945
She's been attempting to offload junk including furniture since the end of last year. On January 3rd she claimed the neckbeard was moving her into a new apartment
>>1736189 . She had her landlord meltdown in April. Now she's looking for a room on social media. It is so obvious that they tried to get into regular apartments but all fell through because they can't afford it, they don't have real employment, and their current landlord won't recommend them. No one with a fully functioning brain would rent to them. She's talked about squatters rights as well so don't be shocked if they turn into a less disgusting Luna and Lurch.
No. 1838017
File: 1685502623234.png (27.72 KB, 1174x536, Screenshot 2023-05-30 at 8.10.…)

What level of performative twitter woke-ism is this?
No. 1838030
File: 1685504925764.jpg (100.42 KB, 1500x1334, image (11).jpg)

You would think someone who has a failed workplace lawsuit about disability accommodations wouldn't advise disabled people to lie about their disabilities/hide them which leads to not getting accommodations yet here she is.
No. 1838374
>>1837876>one on one sessionsProper kek. She can claim all the stringent anti-Covid measures she wants, it won't actually affect her clients because she doesn't have any!
>>1838020She's definitely less successful than Shayna, who is at least making money. Also utterly squandered the education gifted to her.
No. 1838728
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No. 1838729
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No. 1838731
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No. 1838733
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No. 1838734
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No. 1838735
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No. 1838736
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No. 1838738
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No. 1838740
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No. 1838741
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No. 1838744
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No. 1838747
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No. 1838748
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No. 1838750
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No. 1838755
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No. 1838895
>>1838735>wants to be ignored>I should call himlmao HOW is she so fucking bad at this?!
>>1838822Nussbaum tweeted that younger women don't care about abortion rights the way older generations did, and everyone got mad at her.
No. 1838944
>>1838755imagining kathy interacting with a 40 year old father in a wig and aliexpress pvc "latex" makes me chuckle.
theyre expired scrotes with makeup smeared on their faces, taking turns to spank each other and be spanked.
no sissy is coming for your dominatrix "hustle", cathy.
No. 1839262
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No. 1839282
File: 1685664650310.png (27.67 KB, 1178x478, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 4.40.…)

No. 1839348
File: 1685670557922.jpg (41.6 KB, 750x1334, 350630467_2014714718865341_232…)

No. 1839349
File: 1685670665355.png (265.07 KB, 1080x2693, Screenshot_20230601-214941-421…)

>>1839282Already deleted so she could post this nonsense.
No. 1839451
File: 1685679896485.png (237.97 KB, 1182x1418, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 9.26.…)

No. 1839509
File: 1685688196229.png (32.33 KB, 1184x418, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 9.33.…)

Even her free retweeters know she has zero clients kek
No. 1839948
File: 1685746400907.png (21.45 KB, 1184x350, Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 3.54.…)

"It’s not difficult to please me" goes directly against her entire schtick. She loves that male validation even though their attention means nothing and is valueless.
No. 1839972
File: 1685750538542.png (60.98 KB, 1182x1018, Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 5.03.…)

Acting and looking like a child in sexual situations / wanting your partner to act and look like a child in sexual situations is totally normal and not unethical!!1!1!
No. 1839981
File: 1685751979534.jpg (229.39 KB, 1186x1378, image.jpg)

>>1839972Barf. Is this the hill they really want to die on?
No. 1840009
File: 1685756027898.jpg (135.15 KB, 1180x1074, image.jpg)

Making seasonal allergies into an illness that requires people to send her money. Just Kathy Things!
No. 1840025
File: 1685759601099.png (58.01 KB, 1180x812, Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 7.34.…)

>>1840009Then gets passive because people are giving her advice and not money kek
No. 1840094
>>1839948She is so pathetic. Day after day she begs for someone to pay her "initial tribute" and no one does so the moment someone does the absolute bare minimum she gets excited. Also real professional to post
>>1840009 on her business account.
No. 1840164
File: 1685784016521.jpeg (224.58 KB, 1170x1992, 1659112094912.jpeg)

>>1839349>>1839262Happy Pride month Katherine "are you a dyke" McMahon! No one loves women more than the bisexual queen that posts women in distressing situations, only fights with women online, and uses dyke as a slur.
No. 1840683
>>1839972Using "educate yourself" as a gotcha moment on a sexual kink is pure ignorance on her part. You can switch out age play with every other thing on that list and it would hold the exact same weight:
> homophobia is not an unethical kink. I encourage you to educate yourself on this kink within BDSM."Educating" yourself does not automatically equal acceptance. Just because she partakes in ageplay does not mean every other person has to accept it. That is not how boundaries and consent work at all.
No. 1841478
File: 1685992984986.jpeg (96.58 KB, 1170x957, 9652361C-A695-4085-8247-DB3730…)

“teehee I dated women but still thought I was straight” isn’t the queer gotcha she thinks it is. It’s basically saying that she didn’t see those relationships as valid because they were with women.
No. 1841702
Sure about that, Kath? Not long ago you were thinking about how boys from high school view you now
>>1781514 and last year lamented for days about your actual first relationship: a boy you met while still in high school that you thought was going to marry you
>>1610754 >>1611559 . Can't forget the "I used to crawl into my female friend's dad's beds during sleepovers." Definitely can't forget all the hate spewed at lesbians over the years with butches getting the brunt of it.
No. 1841703
File: 1686025727354.jpg (198.89 KB, 1534x1334, image (1).jpg)

just lesbian things, right?
No. 1841888
File: 1686065638655.png (45.43 KB, 1080x634, Screenshot_20230606-112524~2.p…)

>>1841478Funny how she doesn't actually mention how/when she realized she was queer? I had a look and she can't even keep her story straight in the replies. Now that it's pride month she's fishing for NLOG pickme femdom LARP inspo.
No. 1841917
>>1841478>got with a studYeah if beaky had gotten with a black woman at any time in her life we'd actually never hear the end of it like with that dead black tranny she parades around sometimes just because they shared Twitter space while living in new york. If you're going to lie beaky at least invent something more accurate like you discovering you don't hate kissing girls when you kissed one at a party for the guys while Katy Perry's I Kissed a Girl played.
Wonder if this is partly a lie for her scrote since he may leave her for the fat goth woman, maybe she's baiting him with irl lesbian porn if they stay ~poly~?
No. 1841970
>>1841791Serge was a very typical example of the French 'jolie laide' (pretty-ugly). Unconventionally attractive. He looked kinda bullfroggish post middle-age, kind of like Vincent Cassel is getting now. It's a very French age progression.
Kathy, however, is going to look weirder and more and more pinched as she ages and the Neckbeard is already fat.
No. 1842024
File: 1686087985993.jpg (150.4 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9068.JPG)

What the fuck is even going on with this makeup?
No. 1842025
File: 1686088087664.jpg (473.36 KB, 3000x1334, image (5).jpg)

As if she could afford to maintain bleached, let alone colored hair
No. 1842030
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No. 1842048
File: 1686092407327.jpeg (240.31 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_9073.jpeg)

How many times has she gone off about not catering to men’s pleasure
No. 1842058
>>1842030>>1842024>>1842025She just needs bangs; her hair is her strongest quality. Just eat healthy and take care of the hair. That's all she needs. Makeup looks tragic, though.
>>1842048If you showed me this photo without context, I would worry that someone's taking advantage of a sped. Close your mouth, tongue at the roof of your mouth! It would improve how her under-chin looks, also.
No. 1842135
File: 1686104516266.png (55.54 KB, 354x377, goodlordkek.png)

>>1842048I'm dying nonna. She really edited this photo to hell and back and still looks like this.
No. 1842207
File: 1686112669565.jpg (21.34 KB, 750x1334, 351446806_1422453648597466_578…)

It's empty kek
No. 1842223
File: 1686115945775.jpeg (182.22 KB, 1170x1597, IMG_9079.jpeg)

She’s attacking Taylor Swift now lol real bold coming from the woman who goes from man to man after letting them crash in her apartment
No. 1842492
File: 1686170137722.png (633.06 KB, 1080x1379, Screenshot_20230607-163333~2.p…)

No. 1842510
File: 1686173507035.jpg (325.65 KB, 2250x2668, image.jpg)

She says all of this while not wearing a mask herself in front of audiences that also are not masked. If she had been invited to the burlesque hall of fame, she wouldn't be saying any of this. She sure didn't say anything while it was going on or when she was congratulating people the other day.
No. 1842517
File: 1686173886212.jpeg (295.82 KB, 2250x2668, 2.jpeg)

And here is some performative environmental activism with "liberals bad" thrown in, like always
No. 1842670
>>1842517>Get over your Stockholm syndrome Tell everyone again how much of an advocate you are for
victims of abuse
No. 1842692
>>1842517Kathy, you eat meat + cheese and wear nothing but cheap plastic. sit the fuck down.
>>1842510no wonder she has literally zero friends
>>1842492can’t believe no one took her up on this kek
No. 1842782
File: 1686225998022.png (75.96 KB, 1080x1399, Screenshot_20230607-192058~2.p…)

Her meltdown last night leaked into her Madame Blush persona. The last 2 tweets have been deleted.
No. 1843059
File: 1686263609895.jpg (72.12 KB, 750x1334, 351804325_148579101551867_4430…)

>>1842517>>1842604Attempt at deflection
No. 1843060
File: 1686263664896.jpg (45.46 KB, 750x1334, 352140568_288802203715126_1968…)

No. 1843084
File: 1686265633146.jpg (70.2 KB, 1186x571, image (1).jpg)

Her heart is full of hate for women, nothing else.
No. 1843085
File: 1686265752470.jpg (118.13 KB, 2250x1334, image (4).jpg)

She'll post shit like this and then immediately follow up with "anyone wanna hang out with me? I'm so lonely."
No. 1843087
File: 1686266093658.png (22.89 KB, 1188x516, Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 4.12.…)

>>1843084… the fuck do transplants have to do with this? For someone who claims to be open minded, she's extremely closed minded kek wealthy straight people, especially men, in tech are the freakiest people out there.
No. 1843090
File: 1686266242206.gif (2.7 MB, 498x280, crack-smoke.gif)

>>1843085Not a single person would pay her to be their friend no matter what her narc brain tells her.
No. 1843170
>>1843087>humble yourselfWho is she talking to? These people she's patronizing probably have been doing it longer than the 5 years she's been in the community. Where is she coming from with this tweet and does she expect that people will agree and engage with this positively??
>>1843085I'm speechless. She really just said people need to pay her to be their friend. This is so cringey and off putting. The narcissism is unreal. This is why she's one of my favorite cows.
No. 1843276
File: 1686282678449.png (32.95 KB, 1178x506, Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 8.51.…)

>>1843085>and then immediately follow up with "anyone wanna hang out with me? I'm so lonely."Can she be a little less predictable geez
No. 1843655
>>1842492>color in Kathy!! what colors would you use?Basic White Girl
Beige Interests
Pitstain Yellow
Powder Purple aka Dishwater Gray
Grocery Store Macarons
Red Lipstick As Personality Replacement
Coming to you soon from Crayola!
No. 1843999
File: 1686392328131.jpg (470.62 KB, 2000x1333, 20220521-DSC05065.jpg)

She even mad dogged one of those "people of __" bloggers kek
No. 1844049
File: 1686401087501.jpg (69.91 KB, 750x1334, 352800770_236765872410370_8186…)

No. 1844051
File: 1686401122840.jpg (42.43 KB, 750x1334, 352535091_633411278820014_6523…)

No. 1844149
>>1843999How recent is this photo? It's proof she doesn't mask in public despite screeching about how she's "disabled" and everyone else sucks for not taking her seriously
>>1844102I want to know too but Kathy lurks and will try to get it deleted by harrassing the photographer and threatening legal action if it gets posted
No. 1844259
File: 1686428699001.jpg (106.97 KB, 928x928,…)

>>1843999Love how she was too cheap to buy one of those masks that are clear around your mouth since she wants to show off her terrible lipstick choices so bad. It could also fit her disability LARP, some are sold as an inclusivity thing cause some deaf people read lips and suddenly couldn't during covid No. 1844281
File: 1686432436641.jpg (87.14 KB, 750x1334, 352562827_959894925202362_7100…)

How long do y'all suppose she spent on that tragic cleavage shoop
No. 1844532
>>1844281What I want to know is if she like. DID something to her hair to get it to this state, or if she just got a shit roll of the genetic dice.
Also what’s the use of hair down to your butt i if you have a beluga forehead?
No. 1844547
File: 1686465106267.jpeg (252.35 KB, 750x1334, beluga.jpeg)

Every single thing about her is tragic and it just keeps getting worse
No. 1844549
File: 1686465211123.jpeg (197.2 KB, 750x1334, beluga 1.jpeg)

She looks absolutely miserable
No. 1844550
File: 1686465256723.jpeg (140.65 KB, 1187x1484, beaky.jpeg)

No. 1844552
File: 1686465300173.jpeg (147.22 KB, 1207x1508, tweaky.jpeg)

No. 1844556
File: 1686466143201.jpeg (204.98 KB, 1440x1800, alt.jpeg)

and here's unedited/less edited posted by someone else (1/2)
No. 1844557
File: 1686466178282.jpeg (470.43 KB, 1440x1800, alt1.jpeg)

No. 1844586
>>1843999If I had seen this picture without knowing who she is there is no way you could have convinced me she's in her 20s. I'm not sure if it is the makeup or the sun being really unforgiving or something else but she really doesn't have the face of a 20 something femme findom dining and wining Forbes billionaires or whatever her claim was. Seeing
>>1844556 makes me think it's the really cakey makeup. Speaking of those recent pictures, what does she put in her hair to make it look so unwashed? Does she overdose dry shampoo or is her hair actually just that dirty?
Also I have never really paid attention to her forehead but damn, she seems to have a really good relationship with her face since she isn't hiding that thing with bangs.
No. 1844589
File: 1686473685131.png (37.83 KB, 1184x758, Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 1.55.…)

>>1844557>>1844556>>1844552>>1844550>>1844549>>1844547Would give her advice but since she loves to do the exact opposite of what is said here and make comments like picrel, she can continue to self-sabotage.
No. 1844591
File: 1686474418026.gif (1021.16 KB, 960x1200, 1.gif)

Just because kek she even edited her ear piercing hole
No. 1844592
>>1844532It might be genetic, but I've seen this often when women wear those high, tight ponytails most of the time, so it could be that she created that forehead by herself.
>>1844557There is so much wrong with her outfit, she looks like a cheap middle aged prostitute, like the ones that used to work at the harbour in my town. No piece she wears is doing anything for her body type, but I handle it like nona
>>1844589 no advice from me, she can educate herself.
No. 1844639
>>1844557i love how the one time kathy goes outside is a whole event on lolcow, must be comforting to know she's not pretending and there actually are people that care about everything she does kek
i've been reading her thread a long time but still i am amazed at how crooked her face looks, an x-ray of her skull would look cursed and mutated
No. 1844745
>>1844547… Not a single thing matches. It's fucking incredible, she managed to outdo all her other awful fashion choices in this one outfit.
>off the rack top that's a size too small and probably wouldn't fit her tits in the right size anyways. She has a body for bespoke that's for sure… >unmatching sparkly pink skirt she thinks makes her look rich instead of a girl playing dress up. Pink#1>shoes that have no business anywhere near her top and skirt>clashing pink sweater. Pink#2>the strap of a pink purse that is in another new shade and probably doesn't match with anything either. Pink#3Also beaky I am begging you to go to the Mac counter and get them to give you a lipie that looks halfway decent with your skin tone and doesn't clash even harder with your Dolly Mattel-esque obsession with making pink look hideous. Probably should start rubbing some bay leaf infused oil on that hairline too, or what's left of it kek
No. 1844805
>>1844547>>1844549I believe a bra fit guide was already posted here. Still applies.
>>1844552Least bad photo of the lot, but it gives off disney cinderella stepsister energy which probably isn't the goal.
>>1844591So she softens her brow in editing; why doesn't she just draw it more nicely in the first place?
>>1844594Apparently, her mom had bangs, so she refuses. Here's a freebie for you, Kathy: Red light therapy increases hair growth. It's expensive if you go the spa route, but you don't have to go the spa route, and it can cost <$100 forever if you do it right. That's all I'll say.
No. 1844988
File: 1686545347537.jpeg (75 KB, 1170x873, IMG_9223.jpeg)

>>1844556>>1844724Right down to the same liver spots
No. 1845274
>>1844557For a narcissist she sure does come up with some shitty outfits. Also she needs to spend more time looking in a mirror and practicing flattering expressions. The little "I smell shit but I have to be polite" smirk ages her even more than that vanishing hairline.
Don't even get me started on the outfit. Girls who can't color coordinate just need to stick to jeans and dresses in solid colors.
No. 1845530
File: 1686614982592.jpg (116.71 KB, 750x1334, 353084292_940299080590889_8620…)

She just insists on buying the most unflattering things for herself
No. 1845710
File: 1686641348504.jpeg (44.77 KB, 1170x483, 62D3EEE4-E0FC-4346-93D0-7DA1A7…)

Oh after shitting on higher education for YEARS, she’s playing the elite academic?
No. 1845936
File: 1686675984681.jpeg (51.82 KB, 1179x863, 0050C967-98BC-4555-B77C-7E5EEE…)

She thinks she’s giving Linda when she’s more like the second pic.
No. 1845937
File: 1686676016034.jpeg (70.2 KB, 1179x878, B332DC6E-19CB-4B31-8C97-F92861…)

No. 1846130
File: 1686697169161.png (34.98 KB, 1184x494, Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 3.59.…)

>>1845710>half a degreeShe's making up shit for her failed academic career. Funny how she's talking about this after bashing academia just a couple weeks ago.
No. 1846253
File: 1686709657221.png (30.78 KB, 1184x424, Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 3.59.…)

No. 1846254
File: 1686709695453.png (20.65 KB, 1182x340, Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 7.29.…)

Neckbeard has been downgraded to boyfriend kek
No. 1846351
File: 1686727967250.png (16.57 KB, 1182x304, Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 12.34…)

Sneak peek of this week's breakdown
No. 1847112
>>1846254Can't wait for pics of all those treats she got herself.
What do we think? Spree at Tiffany's? Oysters at le bernardin?
New York is her playground and assume her treats are touching in the ten of thousand league
No. 1847159
File: 1686863624592.jpeg (141.49 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9518.jpeg)

No. 1847163
File: 1686863921178.jpeg (418.42 KB, 3750x1334, IMG_9529.jpeg)

She must be running out of things to complain about
No. 1847167
File: 1686864810096.jpeg (130.58 KB, 1170x1360, IMG_9530.jpeg)

>>1847163Her pOrTrAiTs don’t get attention either so…? Talk about attention whoring.
No. 1847196
>>1847181I think that’s a bit harsh. Her stuff isn’t amazing but it’s not bad. She’s not a professional costume maker but her stuff is certainly the same quality people sell on Etsy and such as handmade costumery and that customers are willing to buy. At least she’s doing
something somewhat productive with her time.