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No. 1259829
Katherine McMahon is a 23 year old self proclaimed Instagram advocate, Twitter findom, communist, living doll, retired sugar baby and burlesque performer from NYC. Claims that “much of the Forbes billionaire list” has tried to wine and dine her yet grifts for money and clothing online daily and lives with a neckbeard. A burlesque performer that refuses to put in any work; attempted to publicly shame an actual know performer for suggesting she take courses that would guarantee a showcase booking. Due to her values being “abolition and decolonization” and her being dIsAbLeD, she took offense to this normal and typical suggestion. Any venture to her Instagram will be met with “unedited” photoshopped Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? tier photos and extremely bad takes.
Highlights/brief summary:
>Went no-contact with “abusive” biological family this year>Sued former workplace The Museum of Sex for sexual harassment because a couple asked her if they could have sex in the ball pit>Has run several GoFundMe scams>Recently quit job at NYU in order to become a “freelancer”>Makes OnlyFans, Pateron, and SextPanther accounts for “freelance” work>Becomes a Twitter FinDom that calls herself “the most expensive pet you’ve ever met” after nobody subscribes to other platforms. Still fails to get subs.>Had a collaring ceremony in May with her hideous neckbeard>Goes between calling herself a living doll and bimbo despite having the features or lifestyle of neither>Claims to be a burlesque star but has only done a handful of kitchen performances with a three star rating on gigsalad>Believes she has the best costume in the game solely because she threw some crystals on it herself >Communist that buys mid-level designer clothing. Thinks everyone should redistribute their wealth to her>Continuously posts about how much she hates other women because they are jealous of her hyper-femininityLinks:
https://parkavenuepinup.com (currently private) info: No. 1259835
File: 1624062297945.png (1.11 MB, 1242x2208, 47E5BADD-BC8E-4DFF-9EA0-0980B4…)

>>1259829Today’s dirty delete
No. 1259847
File: 1624064878709.jpg (389.93 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210618-210411_Ins…)

ooh I'm excited for this thread. looks good, OP. I hate this fake communist, fake disabled HOP.
isn't she a "collared" bdsm weirdo with a whole boyfriend? imagine unironically typing the word "femmephobia" kek
>>1259835 No. 1259890
File: 1624068792457.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, C73F1095-1C06-47C8-876E-B59B95…)

First look at her account and she’s inviting people to what sounds like an tranny orgy kek
No. 1259915
>>1259902Truth. She knows she'd look wrecked without wigs and makeup so she projects her insecurities onto women that reject them
Thanks for the thread OP, looks like a promising flake
No. 1259943
File: 1624075019459.png (Spoiler Image,7.99 MB, 1242x2208, F7550113-2EC0-4C47-9C29-F0FD62…)

>>1259915Pic related is her without all the bells and whistles.
She used to just be a personal cow but she’s gotten so batshit in the last two months I had to make the thread kek
No. 1259948
>>1259943I followed her for a while too. Thanks for the thread!
Its so surprising to see her unedited as in her latest photos
No. 1259955
Good thread OP, sounds like she's got a lot of potential.
>>1259890who the fuck would ever want to go to this? What woman wants to hang out and masturbate with a big group of strangers?
No. 1259986
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>>1259847>neckbeard Well, that’s me stone dead.
No. 1260001
File: 1624094585652.jpg (195.47 KB, 1056x748, Screenshot_20210619-041546_Ins…)

How is she disabled anyway?
Endometriosis, complex post traumatic stress disorder, what the fuck is PFD? Google's suggesting Personal Flotation Device, Pediatric Feeding Disorder and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Frankly the only one of those that seems appropriate to put in your bio is the cPTSD so people know you're a BPDfag who doesn't like the label.
Please tell me she's not claiming she pees when she laughs as a disability.
No. 1260007
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>>1260001She shared this. I Guess disability is an identity now.
No. 1260047
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>>1260040Think this says a lot about that and the kind of relationship they have
No. 1260514
File: 1624146789873.jpeg (372.68 KB, 1242x1752, EA56CB0E-C617-45C7-B4B9-3BDAC2…)

lol so you have all your “disabilities” in your insta bio but the NY Post reporting on your lawsuit against an NYC museum, which is public information, were the ones to out you. She’s insane.
No. 1260540
File: 1624149427796.jpeg (743.29 KB, 1242x1369, 381417A5-ECD5-4084-91F1-EE7514…)

She actually typed this and expected people to believe it kek great thread anon
No. 1260574
>>1260540Doubtful. She looks like a young Woody Allen in drag. kek
>>1260548Bisexual for the sake of the male fantasy. Typical pick me shit tbh.
No. 1260699
>>1260671I'm not saying they do, and I obviously don't believe a word from that diatribe of hers. I'm just saying that
supposedly the whole point of findom is paypigs enjoying being blueballed whereas whoring implies sex. Didn't she say she was a findomme?
No. 1260721
File: 1624182940210.jpeg (347.98 KB, 1241x925, 2D60CFAE-42AE-49ED-A1C2-CF1929…)

If it were not for the endometriosis, one would think she was an mtf thanks to the unfortunate mug and takes on femininity that sound like something straight out of a moid’s manifesto. Attempting to be exactly what the patriarchy and certain men want you to be is not the brave and radical statement she thinks it is.
She makes it very clear that she only considers femininity as outward things like cosmetics which is an atrocity. Definitions are being hijacked thanks to people like her so while the current definition may not resonate well, one thing they can’t change is the fact that if you’re a woman you are innately feminine. Femininity is not just about being barefoot in the kitchen pregnant or nail polish and blowouts.
Her hatred for women definitely comes from a place of envy and her “femmephobia” is just projection/a coping mechanism. Would love to see her in room full of actual powerful and confident women that don’t need the attention of “most of the Forbes billionaire list” for validation. She can’t compare with them and knows it but instead of bettering herself, she became a neckbeard’s living doll. How sad and pathetic.
No. 1260821
>>1260721Choice feminism is exhausting. All this woke SJW word salad to justify the same old shit.
“My body, my choice! I do what I want! It just so happens that all my choices perpetuate shallow regressive patriarchal stereotypes of ‘femininity’, but you’re not allowed to question that or else you’re femmephobic, and also ugly and jealous!”
No. 1260981
File: 1624221405651.png (592.39 KB, 1242x2208, 7D59B1E1-DD84-4AE5-9E14-90E478…)

Here’s a fun one for Father’s Day. What she posted a couple weeks ago:
No. 1260983
File: 1624221457131.jpeg (278.85 KB, 1242x1275, EF82B3BD-5154-4D81-B004-AC13F9…)

vs what she’s posted today:
No. 1260995
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>>1260994“DiE mAd AbOuT iT”
Her burlesque spergs are hilarious. Just because you type “best costumes in burlesque history” does not make it true. Like you said, all she does is apply rhinestones and she still manages to fuck that up kek the delusion
No. 1260998
File: 1624223725293.png (589.01 KB, 461x525, 3298293.png)

Are there any candids or unedited/unfiltered photos of her floating around? It's pretty obvious how heavily she edits and filters everything, she's almost "Lori Lewd" tier.
No. 1261045
File: 1624231506393.jpeg (170 KB, 1242x836, 2F9818E2-DB7C-4D39-8F93-2F695B…)

What is up with these self-proclaimed communists online thinking they can sit and do nothing while other people are obligated to give them money? She would unironically be sent straight to the gulags in real life. Also kek at the zero interaction she gets on 90% of this crap.
No. 1261067
This is a cow with real potential, thanks for making the thread
>>1260981She's channeling Shayna!
>>1261045Why are twitter commies consistently some of the most braindead, shallow, consumerist losers online?
No. 1261070
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They really went into public like this. Way to expose unconsenting people to your sick sexual shit. Always with these BDSM freaks.
No. 1261079
>>1261070I swear its June & Greg 2.0
These dudes think that by virtue of being tall they don’t need to groom themselves or work out and these idiot pickmes fall for it.
Hint, being born tall is not a personality trait. The undeserved confidence of these dudes is astounding.
No. 1261081
File: 1624236359735.jpeg (60.49 KB, 500x699, D0658309-2943-44B3-ACCB-91D086…)

>>1261070Nothing screams daddy more than a Mandalorian shirt /s
Photoshopped to hell and she still manages to look like Baby Jane kek also, isn’t she a dominatrix? Being pulled around by a leash in public isn’t very domme of her.
No. 1261082
>>1261070If any couple came into my workplace looking like this, leash and all, I would laugh my ass off. What are they thinking? Where do neckbeards find the confidence?
No. 1261088
>>1261070>The mandalorian shirt>the chain>moid's bemused expressionAmazing. She tried to remove wrinkles/smile lines in the edit and just ended up with a lopsided looking mouth.
She is cute compared to her large nerd, but basically anyone is cute compared to that level of low effort. Is it not embarrassing to step out in such jarringly different attire? Like surely you'd want a moid who glammed up with you instead of throwing a Star Wars tee on and calling it a day? Or you both wear nerd tees? This is just silly.
No. 1261090
File: 1624238011426.jpeg (173.94 KB, 901x902, 5472BC3F-C1E2-4C7D-8EFF-8BBCD0…)

I hope the waiter they have during their daddy’s day dinner doesn’t get fired for laughing so hard kek
No. 1261093
File: 1624238313738.png (497.21 KB, 798x670, Screen Shot 2021-06-20 at 9.18…)

why would you post this on your "domme" profile page, im cackling. op thank you from the bottom of my heart for this thread
No. 1261117
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>>1260540She’s beyond full of shit. Never saw her actually post the man in picrel, but if we were to believe they did have some sort of arrangement, he’s far from being a billionaire.
I need to find some caps because I hate a source being
trustmebro but her previous scrote that she actually posted around 2019 was a 45+ stoner that did live shower shoes on OF lol looked like an anorexic version of the current neckbeard
No. 1261146
File: 1624244816987.png (1.01 MB, 1242x2208, C5B4892F-4C4C-44D4-A576-1CF99D…)

>>1261070Because a diamond wedding ring and fucking collar and leash are the same thing, right?
No. 1261171
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>>1261159Don’t you know that being kinky makes you automatically queer?
No. 1261213
>>1261114I dunno anon, she hides it well in her edits but if you look at
>>1260998 she has a whole witch's nose
>>1261170the gays don't exist, got it anon. kek
>>1261184Not to mention she's a cishet highfemme woman being submissive to a neckbeard man. She's just a cisheteronormative degen at best.
No. 1261520
File: 1624303151474.png (3.19 MB, 1242x2208, 965BF4FC-BE2B-4290-95B7-8AF315…)

FINALLY! I‘ve been following and rolling my eyes at her for ages. I started following her old account before it got nuked and then started following the new one when she advertised for it.
Didn‘t know how milky she became while she was gone.
Anways, picture attached is her newest story. Just a few days ago she said to not send those kind of replies and messages because her nEuRoDiVeRgEnT didn‘t understand those kinda DMs
No. 1261601
File: 1624310142032.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2208, F248E358-E5F2-4A91-9143-FD0A1B…)

Femmephobia is not a real thing and you are doing exactly what the world/patriarchy wants you to do.
No. 1261603
File: 1624310427500.png (5.11 MB, 1242x2208, 734F5C1B-4D62-4B3F-B250-7B2C61…)

Quit her job to do sex work online but she’s not doing anything for the male gaze, guys! Men are intimidated by her uwu hello kitty heels! This bitch needs to learn that just because you say something, that doesn’t make it true.
No. 1261604
File: 1624310620371.png (10.59 MB, 1242x2208, E7E7F55E-2F62-4B66-AC5F-74A56E…)

Picrel the hello kitty heels she got today mentioned in ^ kek soooooy intimidating
No. 1261745
>>1261560They literally have been since at least 1990, this isn't anything new. At least brush up on your history before getting bent out of shape by twitter/tumblr tards. lmao
>>1261601Her argument would carry at least a little weight if she wasn't some tubby neckbeard's "collared" toy. She's little more than a bimbo. Funny that she tries to project this hyper woke/intelligent persona though.
No. 1261751
File: 1624326433005.jpg (106.24 KB, 738x1390, fakenews.jpg)

I have a hard time believing she has done any of this. She wouldnt be some e-begging bimbo with a neckbeard bf.
No. 1261764
File: 1624327419663.jpg (72.21 KB, 715x1370, fakenews2.jpg)

>>1261762She posted this in the story before this one
>>1261751 . Yale maybe?
No. 1261782
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>>1261070She’s just as bad as him. Really needs to pick a lane because this collared bimbo but also findom dominatrix thing does not mesh with drinking out of a fucking bottle
No. 1261791
Oh my god. Thanks for posting her OP.
Before her old account got nuked at the beginning of the year, she reposted one of my Insta posts to her story calling it “fuckdoll inspiration” along with other highly misogynistic things. I felt extremely violated and creeped out by it. Never had interacted or seen her before so I immediately went private and blocked her. Looking back I should have said something but my first instinct was to block. Nothing about me is fuckdoll inspiration. My insta theme is vintage/pink. That’s it. Nowhere do I state that I’m a bimbo or anything similar nor do I look anything like her “hyperfemme” style. She had no consent to post me or bring me into her fucked up fantasy which makes her posting real interesting. She’s allowed to have dumb boundaries like “don’t send me emojis” here
>>1261520 but has no problem crossing a stranger’s boundary by calling them “fuckdoll inspiration”.
Seriously fuck this cunt. She deserves everything coming to her.
No. 1261816
>>1261791Ah that's horrific, she posted a photo of
you and called you a fuckdoll? Holy shit. I would instantly block too.
No. 1261830
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lmao GIRL
No. 1261848
File: 1624339871375.jpeg (Spoiler Image,379.24 KB, 1364x2048, ABCB8607-D190-4AC6-8F13-EEB134…)

Well, when she calls herself a living doll she’s not technically wrong. She looks like a doll in Ed and Lorraine Warren‘s collection kek
No. 1261858
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>>1261855First thing she did was get some of the most common piercings lol most likely going to turn out like PNP’s nose job if she were to get one anyways. You can’t fully fix ugly.
No. 1261871
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>>1261855Looks like she wants one, just doesn’t have the money. I laughed out loud at her trying to make the process of funding her nose job sound sexy in this tweet.
No. 1261893
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>>1261871$5,000 is $5 to a billionaire so why not just ask half of the Forbes billionaire list you claim have wined and dined you?
Leave it to an online self-proclaimed comminst to try to get a community funded nose job
No. 1261901
>>1261888Kek get some Estée Lauder or a bit of Waterford crystal in there and she’s any spoilt middle class housewife from the early 80’s. The niceish brands your working class parents earned are the peak of luxury because she’s too ignorant about class to realise she’s ignorant.
You couldn’t explain a couturier to a girl who thinks a Michael kors bag or anything off the rack at a big box store is high fashion. She’s a kate spade bag trying to compete with Birkin.
No. 1261919
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>>1261875I mean, look at those fucking nails. Details like that plus her shitty makeup and greasy, uncolored hair give her away 100%. She has endless beauty filters and luxury brand knockoffs from aliexpress at her disposal and still fails to pretend she's rich. She reminds me of a less gross Shayna in that regard tbh.
No. 1262109
File: 1624379803814.jpg (Spoiler Image,354.34 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20210622-123303_Twi…)

Her nipples look ridiculous. This just screams wannabe rich.
No. 1262125
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>>1262103She has two costumes for her burlesque. She calls them “dripping in diamonds” and “powderpuff pink” (pictured) The second one is unfinished. I don’t think she has any pics on her public instagram wearing it. She’s currently asking her non-existant paypigs to fund the base that she will glue rhinestones to and claim to be her handmade couture.
No. 1262133
File: 1624382429026.jpg (423.83 KB, 1080x1502, 20210622_191206.jpg)

This woman has reached troonlike levels of reducing feminity to superficial self-masturbatory bullshit. She legit sounds like an AGP.
No. 1262212
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>>1262125Second “costume” is beyond underwhelming. The delusion to publicly state you have the best costumes in burlesque history.
No. 1262230
File: 1624394118918.png (6.86 MB, 1242x2208, 540FC03A-734B-44C2-99EE-0B2A5E…)

Why have “bi” in your bio then? Between her hate for women and the way she has to sexualize everything about women really makes her look like a troon.
No. 1262243
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Sure Jan
No. 1262262
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>>1262258Taking other people’s posts and making them all about herself seems to be a hobby for her. Advocating =/= making poor me posts all day long.
No. 1262320
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All I can think about is the scene from Cinderella when the step-sister is trying to get the petite slipper on her fat foot.
No. 1262335
File: 1624402971199.jpeg (78.69 KB, 750x911, E4dASHqWUAMqmt6.jpeg)

Wtf is she even going for here? Calling yourself a luxury findom while posing with a stuffed animal in kate spade kitten heels is… something.
Also that nose tip photoshop job is topkek
No. 1262357
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>>1262262>historian>>1262335then she should know she looks like she has syphilis
No. 1262379
File: 1624407725905.jpg (117.25 KB, 1169x756, avnstars.jpg)

Interesting, she is switching from OnlyFans to AVN Stars.I guess she thinks she will get more of a following over there.
No. 1262400
File: 1624410303291.png (6.91 MB, 1242x2208, EC11BF3F-83EE-47C0-B9E9-882866…)

Oh she’s seething HARD that her “daddy” would only collar her and not marry her.
First she gripes about wedding rings/compared them to her collar. Now she wants to use brides as “costume inspiration”. She is mental.
No. 1262406
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>>1262335koo koo the bird girl lookin ass
No. 1262422
Here is his some of the social media I could find but it doesn't look like they live in the same apartment. His walls are textured and hers are not.
No. 1262423
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>>1260001Yep, pelvic floor disorder lol. Posting caps for posterity
No. 1262427
File: 1624413912871.jpeg (534.24 KB, 750x1063, 1FE6F9FF-0BDF-4E3E-A013-087AAE…)

>>1262426Oops shame on me for forgetting to post the pic this caption was under
No. 1262439
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>>1262430Interesting. 2016 he looked pretty normal and his current twitter postings are 99% sports related. He doesn’t post her at all yet has pictures of his ex still up kek
No. 1262449
File: 1624419156752.jpg (388.52 KB, 2048x1536, EmecnBjXMAA8lvw.jpg)

>>1262430>>1262439>wastedsuicide at tumblr dot comkek
His YT is very empty and the only two videos are almost a decade old, but posting the link here for anyone curious. guy seems to be a failed small time comic artist and twitch streamer. Into pseudo witchy stuff, alt girls, and radio metal. Typical neckbeard stuff really. Dude definitely doesn't have money either, this is his twitch setup last year. Kind of curious what he actually does for work since she doesn't seem to do much of anything. Funny that they don't even seem to live together. Is she still living at home?
No. 1262463
>>1262449She lives with another woman who’s seems to be in her early thirties and pretty normal. Claims her family is
abusive the same way Shayna claims her mom is
abusive. Tbh a few years ago Katherine wasn’t the complete mess that she is now. She posted normal things and actually had friends that she would go out with. She snapped sometime in 2019 and has just progressively gotten worse.
No. 1262465
>>1262409Receipts anon? According to what I'm finding online, he appears to be 37, 14 years older than her. Which he honestly looks.
Tbh she looks older than 23 though. I would have guessed she was at least pushing 30.
No. 1262613
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>>1262243Might be a nitpick but the hijacking of Black women’s posts and her use of Ebonics is not sitting right. At this moment she has five black women in her stories: two of which she’s talking over and the rest are just… there? No comment or anything.
No. 1262614
File: 1624450446424.jpeg (Spoiler Image,413.65 KB, 1814x2048, 9CE40884-0F1F-4C10-8D33-EF61B5…)

>>1262587>really pretty Time to visit the optometrist
No. 1262649
File: 1624459246583.png (5.21 MB, 1242x2208, A1356042-4A60-4D8D-9D95-F3E3FA…)

>>1262613This white girl really said “grand rising” after saying her one of her values was decolonization
No. 1262663
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>>1262649Such a melanated queen!
No. 1262675
File: 1624461466296.png (2.11 MB, 1242x2208, 165F4FF3-82B5-4EED-BCEB-D99A38…)

>>1262649Black people are just a vibe to her
There were many normal ways she could’ve worded this but at least she let her true intentions show.
No. 1262709
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>>1262704The fact she is pretending to be so woke. Calm down
nonny No. 1262945
File: 1624489285315.png (4.02 MB, 1242x2208, 7C885F52-C7C0-462E-AF6E-5DA350…)

What is with these communists/anarchists riding billionaires so hard? She’s not going to be your sugar momma kek
No. 1262972
File: 1624492933599.jpg (633.39 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210623-200103_Ins…)

brainless anarchist confirmed, which isn't surprising considering her zero percent grasp on marxist theory while also calling herself a communist
No. 1263002
File: 1624497382811.jpeg (163.5 KB, 1242x704, 81513948-2BBC-40B0-A436-2C6AE1…)

>lounging at the revolution
As if she wouldn’t be murdered on site wearing her fake Louboutins during any revolution. No one lounges during a real revolution idiots. God these people make me want to a-log.
No. 1263003
File: 1624497454384.jpg (125.53 KB, 1167x1102, cuckbf.jpg)

More proof her "Dom" is a huge cuck that does whatever she wants.
No. 1263005
File: 1624497657801.png (1.06 MB, 1242x2208, E58BBA67-2735-4D10-B1E3-7CB9B3…)

She now barters kek she makes it really obvious she reads about something really quick and then tries to implement it immediately without any further research
No. 1263011
File: 1624497998994.png (1.86 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8621.PNG)

>>1262613>>1262649>>1262675She's already dirty deleted all of these along with picsrel (1/3)
No. 1263014
File: 1624498253800.png (5.73 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8617.PNG)

No. 1263032
File: 1624500201799.jpg (174.21 KB, 1159x861, Fake.jpg)

>>1263003She probably takes pictures from other people instead of posting her own because she is laying around her PJs in her apartment. We already know her cuck runs all of her errands.
No. 1263033
File: 1624500409369.jpeg (367.38 KB, 1125x1851, 60FE8C18-4B1A-4D0A-9E9D-BCEE31…)

>>1262995This is her explanation for why her consumerism totally meshes with being a communist
No. 1263047
>>1263002Absolutely useless human being. What exactly does she think her role is in "the revolution"? Eye candy? She doesn't make infographics, doesn't donate to any causes, she just shares other people's posts and talks about herself. kek
>>1263031The meme is male subs/ and female dommes, but regardless her equating satisfying male needs as important and progressive is still stupid. Her entire life revolves around male attention.
>>1263033Realistically, if she was genuinely a real "communist", shouldn't she be donating those funds for the cause and into the community she is supposedly a "comrade" in? It's not femmephobia, it's acknowledging blatant hypocrisy. kek
She uses "femmephobia" much like some predators try to hide behind transphobia.
No. 1263053
File: 1624502558168.png (Spoiler Image,470.41 KB, 756x699, Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 7.41…)

Her AVN is now up now with a "BDSM and kink education and coaching" offer. She is the last person that should be doing that given her fucked up views on BDSM and consent.
No. 1263064
>>1263048there was a human stampede in USSR because some foreign athletes were handing out Wrigley's chewing gum.
>>1263033>commies in charge of understanding human nature luxury is a relative concept like status and class. if everyone has it, it's not luxury.
No. 1263080
File: 1624506481040.png (5.21 MB, 1242x2208, 82470546-2687-47E8-A2A7-57E49F…)

Kind of ot but not really since she posted it to her story and thinks that doing sovis activism kek but damn there needs to be a burlesque cow thread because these strippers are something else.
Sorry to break it to you but you’re far from being the first person to use a lifesize makeup compact on stage and how are you going to sign a contact and then complain when said contract is enforced?
No. 1263090
>>1262972Charitable of you to think she has any sort of coherent ideology. Just look at this shit
>>1262709 it's random woke-signaling fodder with 'class politics 101' puzzlingly thrown in. # #Not that she's planning on reading any of them to begin with.# #
No. 1263092
File: 1624510970608.png (5.61 MB, 1242x2208, 42FBAE16-1719-4B2D-A7EF-45EE63…)

Under her commissions highlight she has picrel… I’m going to assume no one actually comissioned her for it given that she has her own two costumes under the same highlight but if someone did: I am so sorry kek
Stoning can be quite time consuming but it really is not that hard to have that many mess-ups on such an easy surface. She’s a novice amateur trying to sell herself as a seasoned professional. If she was actually smart she’d see how bad that’s going to affect her but she’s clearly not the brightest of the bunch.
No. 1263103
File: 1624514053966.png (7.6 MB, 1242x2208, 2D801575-BEB1-4E83-A1C5-3DA7DE…)

>>1263099She was serious enough to quit her job without thinking of the repercussions
I’ll just leave these here for posterity lol
No. 1263113
File: 1624515379788.jpg (130.09 KB, 887x1563, Screenshot_20210624-021337_Chr…)

No. 1263126
File: 1624516473220.png (410.75 KB, 489x607, wat.PNG)

okay what the everloving fuck is this lmao
the face
the pose
what was she going for here
No. 1263129
>>1263128Sure, but it's really dull apart from the one pic I just posted.'ll need a login to see it.
No. 1263134
>>1263104Something is real fishy about her financial situation. She claims to have no contact with her "financially
abusive" family, but how else is she affording NYC living costs right now?
She quit her job so no unemployment. She's already abandoning her OnlyFans because it only managed to pull in about three subscribers (going off of like counts). Her findom twitter gets zero interaction. She's pulled a Shayna and posted a couple $10 cashapp donations. Her neckbeard doesn't seem to work or at least not full-time. She doesn't want to go on SSDI.
She's posting herself crying on insta so worried about her bills and medication costs yet quit her job abruptly losing all health insurance and is asking for $9000 on twitter for a purely aesthetic nose job. Things are just not adding up.
No. 1263201
File: 1624534820983.png (735.29 KB, 1588x1172, Screenshot 2021-06-24 at 12.39…)

>>1263129screenshotted it for any farmers who don't want to make a fetish account
No. 1263202
File: 1624534856428.png (288.84 KB, 1592x1094, Screenshot 2021-06-24 at 12.39…)

No. 1263223
>>1263104>I wish I could go on SSDI but it's not livableI mean tell that to millions of Americans who live off of it
like me but ok. this seems like a cope considering I doubt she'd be approved for such a thing considering she's not as "moderately disabled" as she thinks she is.
No. 1263241
File: 1624542373070.png (1.36 MB, 1812x2048, Screenshot_20210624-064415.png)

>>1263202>exceptionally beautifulShe looks like Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron
No. 1263275
File: 1624551881968.jpeg (234.07 KB, 1125x1846, 830BD9E4-9D31-4004-BB0C-23B4F9…)

Trying to chat about the lifestyle she gloats about 24/7 is harassment
No. 1263277
File: 1624551932484.jpeg (234.78 KB, 1125x1812, A624813A-B2A9-4E03-AEFB-6F1004…)

No. 1263278
File: 1624552008824.jpeg (473.37 KB, 1125x1807, BBB3A8D4-108E-4C8A-8A14-707725…)

she also added to her “boundaries” lol
No. 1263287
File: 1624553414298.gif (610.21 KB, 480x228, 6B3F6406-DFAD-4F58-9328-8FB9E1…)

>>1263278> marginalized, colonized, and traumatized peopleBitch you are 0 of these things… Also, she must have fun building a platform/finding actual sugar daddies to fund the life of her and her clearly broke fat fuck neckbeard. Probably trying findomme to save face or not hurt her daddy’s feelings, but it’s not working.
No. 1263297
File: 1624554228052.jpg (541.46 KB, 2071x1431, image.jpg)

For being so "high class" her clothes don't fit her what so ever. If you are high class the least you could do is get clothes that fit or accentuate your body. She looks so flat chested in that gaudy corset.
No. 1263362
File: 1624561797313.png (172.45 KB, 284x294, k.PNG)

every time I scroll past this thread all I can think is she looks like bootleg Dove Cameron, like someone drew her from memory while drunk.
No. 1263405
File: 1624565640895.jpg (136.24 KB, 1080x886, Screenshot_20210624-161210_Twi…)

Wow just wow.
No. 1263411
File: 1624566158590.jpg (364.06 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20210624-161840_Twi…)

I would love for a real findom or bdsm expert put her in her place.
No. 1263414
>>1263405What makes her think that she’s capable of offering professional, nuanced, and complex BDSM relationships? She has zero respect for other people’s boundaries and consent. She thinks putting on a black Amazon corset makes her a dominatrix. She is going down a very dangerous path by doing things irl like
>>1263411 with the completely lack of knowledge she has.
No. 1263418
File: 1624566606044.png (1.45 MB, 1242x2208, 1885EDF3-DF6D-428C-81D0-071C03…)

Is she forgetting she sued The Museum of Sex because a couple joked about having sex in the ball pit? Or that she quit her job at NYU last month because it was uwu hard? This cunt is absolutely insane.
No. 1263443
File: 1624568389191.png (1.85 MB, 1242x2208, 99C6D503-7A0D-424D-8517-D9B7F5…)

>>1263418Lol all that from someone who ends emails with “pwease apologize :(“
No. 1263457
>>1263452No, she doesn’t kek see
>>1263103 and now she’s announced here
>>1263113 that’s she going to be mircodosing shrooms on top of her cannibis. She‘s a lazy druggie.
No. 1263467
>>1263432> you think you can do what I do?I would never, but yes and probably better if this
>>1263126 is what you have to offer, Ms. Fowl.
No. 1263469
File: 1624570951276.png (1.76 MB, 1242x2208, 65B3C276-70E6-4FBB-8183-85941F…)

This has me rolling. Talks a lot of game about redistributing wealth but refuses to donate anything to anyone.
>if you GAVE… I will personally thank you.
Wow, what a generous comrade taking one second to personally thank the people who actually donated! What would the disableds of the world do without her gracious help of thanking people?
No. 1263479
File: 1624571545408.png (6.03 MB, 1242x2208, 42D08019-0FE6-4073-9668-E7DBE9…)

>>1263471And she’s high af with no makeup and a filter on saying absolutely nothing
No. 1263480
File: 1624571757446.jpeg (303.95 KB, 1125x1999, 39FBCFD0-2385-4639-8F7B-9C5063…)

ripping her bong on live lol
No. 1263530
File: 1624574984428.jpeg (325.4 KB, 1242x2208, AB1FBDB2-E23B-4B92-939E-7FECAC…)

>Yes, I’m this delusional in real life
No. 1263549
File: 1624576855693.png (1.85 MB, 1242x2208, B0305598-1966-4F0B-8E4D-1393C7…)

>>1263418>>1263277>>1263275All gone
If you “said what you said” then why dirty delete half of what you post like a pussy?
No. 1263550
>>1263411Are these her only pair of Louboutins? I feel like we've never seen her show any others of her supposed "massive collection". Tbh do we even know if these are legit? I know you can buy these second hand for like $600, but these in particular look rather mishapen and unusually wide at the ankle.
>>1263418Absolutely delulu. I guess she is taking "fake it till you make it" to heart. kek
No. 1263558
File: 1624577869783.jpeg (712.91 KB, 1242x1701, 5CB86C03-DA41-4460-9ABE-66C95C…)

>>1263550She has/had photo from like 2015 when she first got the boots on her old private account and tbh they do look fake lol the only other ones she has are the cheap old lady kitten heels. She doesn’t have a collection like she claims to.
No. 1263596
File: 1624580610817.png (926.24 KB, 946x648, yeowch.png)

is it a bad shoop or is the shoe to small for her?
>>1263558real louboutins have smooth leather soles, not texturedones. definitely a fake, and a shitty one at that.
No. 1263601
File: 1624581192371.jpeg (458.36 KB, 1242x1159, 82687F8C-6E08-4562-8A01-1AFF9E…)

And those “revolutionary” values are? And what’s her trauma? All she talks about is femmephobia but that isn’t a real thing so..?
No. 1263605
File: 1624581557296.jpg (264.88 KB, 1059x1148, Screenshot_20210624-203738_Ins…)

Another shot of the shoes in question.
No. 1263608
File: 1624581703892.jpeg (155.91 KB, 1467x1466, 02E7D080-429F-438B-B93F-D46901…)

>>1263578forgot to post the pic for reference oops!
No. 1263619
>>1263601I swear, each time she posts about communism or revolution it makes me want to smack her in the head with a book. The very best she could hope for under a real communist revolution would be to get all of her frilly shit taken away and her ass sent to a reeducation camp where she'd be trained to become a model factory worker who contributes to society and raises children (aka future workers).
According to marxism all sex work is inherently capitalist and demoralizing, you dumb bint.
>>1263612Yes, she sounds uncomfortably similar to an autogynephile troon.
No. 1263622
File: 1624582858481.jpg (279.61 KB, 1080x1701, Screenshot_20210624-205833_Ins…)

I doubt her daddy can afford fancy lingerie. Im looking for what knock off this is.
No. 1263627
File: 1624583188627.png (8.96 MB, 1242x2208, CD4F3D94-B6CF-4F9A-BDB5-6B053B…)

>>1263622It’s not as big as a flex as she thinks it is kek
No. 1263630
File: 1624583350557.png (4.72 MB, 1242x2208, 877A4D49-61AD-401A-8590-F2EA1B…)

>>1263628Forgot screenshot whoops
No. 1263650
>>1263033well, this puts her pretty much in line with the culture of the NK elite who carry around Chanel bags and use korean skincare.
more and more I feel like the only defining factor of socialism/communism for people like this, is their desire to coonsum capatalist goods being subsidized by the state, basically stay teenager forever
No. 1263651
File: 1624585347823.jpg (445.37 KB, 1076x1833, Screenshot_20210624-211325_Ins…)

What if there were children around? This is so trashy.
No. 1263652
File: 1624585382989.png (8.82 MB, 1242x2208, EECB9308-0791-4AF1-BBCB-E3F787…)

So where does her sitting around in her dim apartment all day in a baby yoda shirt getting high fit into the luxury femdomme living doll lifestyle she so desperately acts like she has?
No. 1263659
>>1263278Interesting she doesn't want inappropriate words, is this so her account doeesn't get flagged or is she giving away how disgusting she thinks sex work is?
>>1263405Which vanilla ex girlfriend of her current boyfriend is she repeatedly subtweeting with all this?
No. 1263660
>>1263657Her address is in the lawsuit kek she’s so full of shit calling it
her neighborhood.
No. 1263663
File: 1624586508953.jpg (279.75 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_20210624-214529_Twi…)

I don't think if you are in that kind of leather outfit you are the one wearing the handcuffs but what do I know, I'm just in a "vanilla relationship."
No. 1263669
File: 1624587475789.jpeg (438.28 KB, 1242x936, E0B447D9-EA75-4C6C-B427-069AD6…)

>>1263666You’re not wrong
No. 1263672
>>1263660>>1263664The address listed in the lawsuit is a small 1 bedroom apartment, 2k rent in Lenox Hill. Definitely agree with
>>1263134 that something is fishy about her lack of income in comparison to what she can afford though, even if her whole closet is full of knockoffs.
No. 1263678
>>1263671She just moved very recently with her friend (alexisandthebird) to another apartment in the same area. Not going to dox her but it’s an even shittier place. The apartment in the lawsuit was under her dad’s name so guess they aren’t as finically
abusive as she claims.
No. 1263689
File: 1624589999814.jpeg (354.67 KB, 1242x1838, 023405B2-EF8D-40F0-96BD-765629…)

Was curious about her gofundme scams… look like the site seized the one she started at the beginning of the year kek absolutely shocked though that this faker was able to get $1,700 out of people.
No. 1263851
File: 1624620385190.png (83.2 KB, 314x223, Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 4.16…)

Is a self-proclaimed communist yet has a credit card emoji in her name on Twitter. The same Twitter that she says a monetary "tribute required for a response."
Her trying to be a "luxury finDomme" while spouting off about how much of commie marxist she is does not work. Everything she does is capitalistic. As anon here
>>1263619 said, she would at best be stripped of everything and sent to a reeducation camp or shot on sight in a communist society.
No. 1263861
File: 1624621586544.png (2.32 MB, 1242x2208, 5B04CE8A-5BD5-4F19-AAE0-48830D…)

Same thing can be said about sex work you dolt
No. 1263994
File: 1624638126685.jpg (370.76 KB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20210625-121921_Chr…)

1/2 from her story incase she dirty deletes.
No. 1264070
File: 1624644926794.jpg (261.63 KB, 1080x1661, Screenshot_20210625-124513_Twi…)

She is too disabled to work. She is so disabled she "needs" her tramadol as seen in
>>1263443 but she isn't too disabled to get her nails done, to get dolled up and go to a nightclub. Makes perfect sense.
No. 1264082
File: 1624645824500.jpg (248.16 KB, 998x1801, Screenshot_20210625-142221_Chr…)

Instagram story dump, which one will she dirty delete
No. 1264133
>>1263741All these people are obsessed with consumerism under capitalism, it’s so laughable lmao. My parents lived under communism and if everyone is equal then the quality of goods is equal for everyone, except for high ranking wives of beaucrats and other people in higher epochs of society of course. They got to buy imported things from the west. Even under the China model were free market has introduced imported and luxury goods, no one can afford it unless they actual have money from being rich.
Her desire to bag all these rich men in nyc is also hilarious, 99% of them are extreme normies that would nope the fuck out soon as she opened her mouth and started spouting all her tankie nonsense, she is also way below the visual standard of women you can see in nyc, ask me how I know lol
No. 1264186
File: 1624654004023.png (1.65 MB, 1242x2208, 6DC1BC8E-8DA6-4AA7-8F54-923146…)

>never uses trigger warnings
>completely uniformed on all topics listed
>freaks on people asking general questions
Gotta love ending it with “demands for unpaid labor”. All labor is unpaid in communism you crazy bitch.
No. 1264187
File: 1624654020623.jpg (149.85 KB, 708x1296, boohoo.jpg)

No. 1264198
File: 1624654944482.jpeg (231.65 KB, 1242x1238, 8A727F67-A4ED-4E3E-8326-31BDCF…)

No one is going to “book” her but this is how you get murdered. You just started findom this month and have little to none online experience but sure, ask complete strangers to book you for an in person meet! What could possibly go wrong?
No. 1264348
File: 1624664129746.png (1.17 MB, 1242x2208, 870D8260-DA6B-4186-89DC-E90FEA…)

>cultural worker
So, going by the very loose definition of what a “cultural worker” is, what culture does she think she’s trying to uphold/preserve?
She needs to get psychiatrics next time instead of begging for opiates.
No. 1264380
File: 1624666395954.jpg (353.14 KB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_20210625-200359_Ins…)

I can't wait to hear how she had to wait in line and the club are ableist.
No. 1264406
>>1264395It sounds like they have lumped all gay folk in with all
POC folk because your race and your sexuality are one and the same, nothing to see here
No. 1264416
File: 1624670509802.png (16.69 KB, 300x200, QTBIPOC_FLAG_ICON.png)

>>1264406>>1264395yes, it stands for "Black, Indigenous, Queer & Trans, and People Of Colour" which is also what the new flag was supposed to represent (brown and black stripes for "Black/Indigenous + People of color", rainbow flag for "Queer", trans flag for "Trans"
sage for sperg
No. 1264420
>>1264364Oh no, definitely expect her to pull a fe/fae/femme . Gotta cash in on those oppression points! Decolonize gender!
>>1264380You just know she was really loud and obnoxious about being a totally super queer and definitely legit sexworker to try to hop the line and get in right away. As if she isn't just some straight girl wearing knockoff designer heels with a failed OF. kek
No. 1264749
File: 1624717802769.png (5.33 MB, 1242x2208, FE7EC089-9712-40B1-8CE6-47BBAC…)

No. 1264787
>>1264749The mismatched, clashing pinks kek.
She is so cheap and trashy.
No. 1264788
File: 1624722926099.jpeg (197.05 KB, 1024x1536, 125A9673-0214-4BB4-A531-1FBF94…)

>>1264749>>1264599Pepper was just posted in the Shaynus thread. Seems apropos…
No. 1264816
File: 1624726181456.jpg (750.95 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210626-124530_Ins…)

I was digging through people's IG stories and i think I see her in the very right sitting down in this one. I think she would stick out like a sore thumb.
No. 1264957
File: 1624738845337.jpg (310.39 KB, 1154x1498, Urgh.jpg)

No. 1264961
File: 1624739201691.jpg (177.88 KB, 715x1393, sosexy.jpg)

>>1264957She lies about the dumbest shit. Here is a picture from her instagram story this morning. Her hair looks frizzy mess.
No. 1264989
File: 1624741463356.png (388.36 KB, 640x640, tenor.png)

>>1264957Im not that versed in the findom wolrd but I can't imagine any normal man with money would go for this shit. Even if they had a humiliation fetish, I would expect them to want to be humiliated but a powerful and beautiful woman, like sharon stone in basic instinct or something, not a cracked out weirdo that looks like a alibaba knockoff ariana grande
No. 1264991
File: 1624741583377.png (6.29 MB, 1242x2208, 2303B6ED-CE94-413F-A9BF-81D269…)

>>1264816Keking at the fact that no one is there and her whole getup.
No. 1265005
>>1264989>alibaba knockoff ariana grandeanon pls
>>1264991been to similar events in nyc, her outfit would stick out as very normie and uncreative. but maybe that's just my femmephobia talking kek. and her nightie looks cheap and doesn't flatter her complexion at all
No. 1265009
File: 1624743084520.jpeg (290.42 KB, 1232x1300, 2F231820-BAA4-45BC-90A8-B86F7C…)

My mortgage costs more than $200 but keep thinking you’re a spoiled-by-billionaires high end hooker kek
No. 1265012
File: 1624743194887.jpeg (Spoiler Image,440.32 KB, 1242x1616, 83FC85D6-4097-4FDE-8E5B-8DDBC9…)

>>1264957She really needs to pick a lane because she’s trying to cater to every mainstream fetish and it’s just not working. Spoiler for gross feet pic.
No. 1265046
>>1265012Fake Louboutins, polyester faux fur blanket, loccataine… she tries so hard to look rich by appearances only but forgets one thing: well-being is the number 1 sign of wealth. Instead of begging for pennies on twitter for new bongs and a cosmetic nose job she should be more concerned with being able to afford healthcare. Especially since she’s dIsAbLeD.
How is she going to pretend to be wealthy without even having a basic healthcare plan?
No. 1265048
File: 1624746766087.png (1.66 MB, 2413x2049, mortgage.png)

>>1265009half of it is from Amazon but okay Katherine
No. 1265082
File: 1624748878476.jpeg (119.13 KB, 1241x899, E232892B-C542-4594-BE55-428016…)

Can’t wait for her account to be enviably nuked because everyone knows PayPal is not SWer friendly kek
No. 1265095
>>1265064>>1265074Yup, not to blogpost but successful findoms guard their client lists like the cure for cancer (and even poach each other’s clients) because it’s hard to find good ones who aren’t 1) cheap larping time-wasters, and 2) actually want to spoil a woman without demanding sexual favors or being a needy pain in the ass. Moids are moids, and they’ll still use their money to manipulate and wield power over women even while playing a submissive role. Katherine is making huge and obvious rookie errors, including:
- using insecure platforms like PayPal that could hold up her money
- setting up an OnlyFans and repetitively begging for business (looks desperate, turnoff to clients)
- introducing herself as a collared sub who wants people to pay her to “explore her dominant side” (lack of experience or knowledge, turnoff to clients)
- using her official SW account to post photos of her daddy dom and rant about money troubles, health problems and politics (unprofessional, HUGE turnoff to clients)
Her wigs and outfits are not the main problem, plenty of cheaper-looking girls than her understand the psychology of parting finsubs with their cash. If she was smart she’d keep her day job and pay an experienced domme to teach her the game, but she’s on too much of a “you plebs can’t do what I do” ego trip to compensate for her lack of success. I just hope she figures it out or gives up before someone takes advantage of her.
No. 1265134
I’m a successful findomme and I know that this girl isn’t cut out to be one. Kek

No. 1265147
>>1265144Exactly. And if anything were "bespoke," she'd say who made it. It's all Amazon.
Even the AP set is like half off right now, and it seems to be one of the few pieces of lingerie she owns.
No. 1265217
File: 1624767721396.jpeg (130.82 KB, 1189x663, A2AEB3D9-CEBF-4F30-8861-946C45…)

What is up with these grown adults who get up late and proceed to do nothing all day taking naps? Rhetorical question because I know she’s a druggie and Shayna is an alcoholic but way to admit to the world you’re a complete deadbeat.
No. 1265245
>>1265217She really is just Shayna on uppers/opioids instead of tons of alcohol and weed. kek
Has she ever alluded to having an ED? Or is it the drugs keeping her super skinny?
No. 1265275
File: 1624775940905.jpeg (261.89 KB, 1242x1312, 06915C48-8AAF-4E69-887D-0EFC54…)

She’s new begging for $750 for a year long course on burlesque. Was not hard to find the course which is here: like a once weekly workout plan building up to learning a dance each month. The woman who does it toured with Dita Von Teese and seems to have been doing courses for years. Nothing wrong with what the other woman is providing but it is absolutely hilarious the self-proclaimed best in the business is admitting she sucks and has to take a year long course on the craft she has claimed to perfected kek
No. 1265285
>>1265197This. Most anons in this thread going on about how "high" the "visual standards" of rich NYC johns are make me laugh.
Her problem isn't her ratface, it's that she is a nerdy tard who can't get rid of the "board game convention queen" vibe wafting off her. If she was fatter she'd be one of those rockabilly hamplanets.
No. 1265305
File: 1624781156020.png (1.73 MB, 1242x2208, 49361CB5-DE07-4328-B4C8-B125C1…)

Says the person that self-identifies as “the expert” on several different topics kek
No. 1265309
File: 1624781926181.png (2.76 MB, 1242x2208, 79543972-36B4-409A-B266-99F0EF…)

>>1265275She’s been trying to break into the burlesque scene since 2016 and is just now considering taking a basic course? Kek I have some screenshots that y’all are going to love because she such a fucking hypocrite.
First up is her stating she refuses to see any show that she is not cast in/being paid for because it’s “ableist” for showrunners to ask that she come see the production before auditioning to be in it. This is her excuse as to why she only does living room… I mean “expensive private events”.
No. 1265313
File: 1624782411806.png (9.25 MB, 1242x2208, 27F490FD-C6A6-45F7-BB27-67486B…)

>>1265309Next up is her attempt to shame another burlesque dancer, as mentioned in the op, for recommending she take some dance lessons.
She posted all of the following screenshots on May 8th. This directly ties into
>>1265275 because a little over a month ago she was saying it was “ableist” for someone to recommend dance lessons… and now she’s begging for money to pay for dance lessons. Screenshots are in order of original posting: (1/6)
No. 1265317
File: 1624782802247.png (1.19 MB, 1242x2208, FBF3537D-B3EB-4B34-9D15-12C9B1…)

No. 1265320
File: 1624782913809.png (1.88 MB, 1242x2208, AC9BBD96-F8D4-479C-BB38-54F078…)

No. 1265321
File: 1624782940402.jpeg (65.42 KB, 828x431, 0EF7E776-E057-44ED-BF14-32D419…)

No. 1265342
>>1265309I said it before but fuck this cow
triggers my need a-log so bad. she is not physically disabled in THE LEAST. just for her egregious appropriation of actual disability I hope she at least falls and sprains an ankle soon.
No. 1265345
>>1265309This is so insane. producers ask girls to come in and see the show to get an idea of so many ephermeral things you cannot get off the internet like the energy of the space, environment, how it is managed by non-performing staff, personalities that are part of that scene and come to that type of show ect plus it shows your seriousness and willingness to learn and take direction, and get a leg up on lazy idiots like her. Im not even in the preforming arts and I know these things. Who the fuck would ever audition for live show they haven't seen in person, that's like auditioning for a movie while blatantly refusing to see any of the director's prior films. If she is so supposedly disabled she has difficulty commuting on the nyc subway where you mostly just sit or stand (now mostly sit cause ridership has gone down drastically), maybe dance and performing arts aint for her.
>Severe muscular disorder This is new, what is this referring to?
>>1265314A nobody in a small niche scene and already burning bridges kek. I'm somehow reminded of the Martina Markota/Lady Alchemy milk of tradthots past, even though they have basically diametrically opposing world views
No. 1265352
File: 1624787431530.png (3.97 MB, 1242x2208, 64E9536D-2F8B-40D2-A05F-224FC5…)

>>1265342We’re dealing with a person who thinks if someone has ever compared about having the flu, they could never handle being disabled. As if the flu doesn’t kill people and magically avoids people with disabilities. She’s a headcase who would probably get a wheelchair for a sprained ankle.
No. 1265382
File: 1624795396774.png (2.68 MB, 1242x2208, 91DF3F5B-78DA-45D6-B722-469829…)

Her hate for other women is very strong this morning
No. 1265424
>>1265317“I work in community organizing, activism and liberation work”
Where? Who has she organized? What activist work has she done? No wonder she can’t succeed at any real job if she considers ranting and playing the
victim on Instagram “community organizing work.”
No. 1265434
>>1265352This really pisses me off, the way she leeches off the disability community and uses it as a springboard for yet another “you normies could never do what I do” ego tripping rant. One of the central tenets of disability studies is that there’s no such thing as an “able bodied person”, people move in and out of ability/disability throughout their lives. So if you’ve ever had a cold or flu, you do know what it’s like to be disabled and that’s why you should use your voice to support and uplift people with severe, chronic disabilities. But instead she just talks over those people so she can position herself as the most super-special
victim snowflake ever. What an insufferable cow.
No. 1265525
File: 1624809932927.jpg (247.17 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot_20210627-120330_Twi…)

I know some people are into this type of thing but it seems dangerous.
No. 1265674
File: 1624821396106.png (4.74 MB, 1242x2208, E63715BF-EF35-4839-975D-A03EA3…)

>>1265382Great. She deleted this and replaced it with “give me money for being xyz”. The way she tries to cash in on sexuality and disability is sickening.
No. 1265689
>>1265674She appropriates the struggles of black women, disabled people and the queer community for ca$h all while being a basic white girl with a daddy dom boyfriend, a huge ego and a raging
victim complex. I’m surprised no one who is actually part of these communities has called out this audacious grifter yet.
No. 1265700
File: 1624823209200.png (7.97 MB, 1242x2208, BBBC90F7-CD70-458E-8BD8-6001A7…)

She looks like a troon
No. 1265712
File: 1624824104217.png (7.91 MB, 1242x2208, 660971B2-4495-4B16-B26B-6BE9CB…)

>>1265700Talks like one too
No. 1265717
>>1265712holy shit she is grasping and contorting SO hard to try to make Pride about her. I'm not one of those people who believes bi women in straight relationships aren't really bi, but at the same time I really don't see the point in making a fuss about it and making it your whole identity if you are. doesn't she feel
any shame co-opting Pride for herself? I have a feeling she looks down on other bi women in hetero relationships because they're not as GAY as her.
"autosexual" kek. just say you're a fucking narcissist and go.
No. 1265740
>>1265696>Ok, as a bi femme myself I’m going on record Look around you, read the way posts are written.
If you're responding to something a cow did or anons said then please quote it to contextualise what you are replying to, because otherwise this just reads like a blog entry nobody asked for
No. 1265760
File: 1624830297079.jpg (273.63 KB, 867x1541, Screenshot_20210627-121607_Chr…)

No. 1265766
File: 1624830631847.jpeg (197.46 KB, 1208x1219, B23C0A26-FC10-4AD1-9B3C-C9B886…)

The only somewhat believable lie is the Grammy one. Those are as useless as her because they give them out to everyone who works on a song kek
No. 1265769
>>1265766It’s most likely a lie but regardless, imagine thinking going on a singular date with a highly
abusive geriatric washed up actor is a flex.
No. 1265775
>>1265760Yeah, I'm sure that random instagram college dropout ethots definitely know exactly as much about medicine as someone who spent a decade in school learning about it. Totally checks out and makes sense!
>>1265766More like three lies in a row
No. 1265793
File: 1624832009838.jpeg (14.59 KB, 300x168, E37074B7-4BCD-4376-8D35-C45AA1…)

>>1265766Girl… This coke-bloat mess is nothing to lie or brag about.
Anyways, it’s really telling that she has zero problem with her moid pulling her around town by her neck, going to pride events, dinners, etc. but can’t be fucked to see a production before auditioning to be in it because she’s “dIsAbLed”. She needs to admit to herself that burlesque isn’t for her and it’s not due to other people being “ableist” but instead her lack of talent.
No. 1265806
>>1265766Alec Baldwin is super into Spanish girls right? And bimbos? That’s like…his weird thing. She is neither kek
First one I can believe. Hardly impressive.
Second made me laugh because she’s basically admitting to being a prostitute which isn’t really cute. Either way, all of these things are embarrassing to brag about kek
No. 1265841
File: 1624836136024.png (6.56 MB, 1242x2208, 8B342B3C-CB51-4AEE-988B-0818B4…)

Not even her friends like her kek
No. 1265851
File: 1624837204938.jpg (99.27 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20210627-193833_Twi…)

She keep bumping this, probably because no one is giving her money.
No. 1265900
>>1265313Is this bitch retarded? Any sane normal person would b disappointed but try to be polite, thank that person and maybe even look into more dance lessons.
Bitch went scorched earth and quadrupled down on her idiocy.
She’s really claiming that if someone dare criticise her, even not knowing of her “disability” (also nice how she loves using that word bc it makes people think she might have something for real), then they’re still assholes? Newsflash, you are actually allowed to criticise disabled people. In fact, you are actually allowed to tell a disabled person to work on their skills if they’re not up to standards. Pretty sure that real disabled people want to be seen as regular people and not coddled like toddlers.
>>1265766Let me guess.
1. She dated someone vaguely involved in something that won a Grammy eons ago.
2. Someone on the internet said they’d pay 5k to eat her pussy. Didn’t happen but the guy said he’d deff do it so it practically happened right?
3. She once saw Alec Baldwin somewhat close.
No. 1265914
File: 1624844721027.png (2.2 MB, 3360x1892, featured.png)

she has 'featured in Chicago Tribune' on her website (and it's the only thing in her Press highlight kek), but when you look at the article it's just this
No. 1265944
File: 1624848106316.jpg (208.92 KB, 881x1566, Screenshot_20210627-223500_Chr…)

Ig story dump
No. 1265945
File: 1624848173472.jpg (334.79 KB, 879x1579, Screenshot_20210627-223525_Chr…)

Those pit stains just screams high class dom.
No. 1265947
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No. 1265951
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No. 1265952
File: 1624848486375.jpg (435.54 KB, 1072x1847, Screenshot_20210627-224624_Chr…)

No. 1265957
File: 1624848796428.png (3.28 MB, 1242x2208, AB949E4D-8F96-41C9-9135-5C1717…)

Just because some people online said police weren’t invited doesn’t mean NYPD isn’t going to show up a mass person event.
No. 1266039
File: 1624858948220.png (171.42 KB, 500x371, cinderella step sister slipper…)

>>1265766>>1265842She exaggerates absolutely everything. It's probably more like:
> I once gave a handy backstage to Usher> A john once paid me $50 just to eat my kitty> Alec Baldwin and I were in the same room once>>1265876>>1263558>>1263596This pic of her foot mashed into the way too small size 5 shoe gives me cinderella's ugly stepsister vibes. kek
No. 1266042
File: 1624859593559.png (952.65 KB, 1119x526, sweaty.png)

>>1265945The shay parallels continue
No. 1266064
>>1265766Fucking Titanic Sinclair is a "Grammy-award winning musician," hardly an exceptional flex. Plus, plenty of musicians will fuck anything that moves.
No. 1266141
>>1265945if I saw her looking like this, caked in makeup in 100° weather, stomping around NYC in black leggings and cheap Hello Kitty kitten heels, sweating like a pig in a pit-stained shirt that says hYpErFeMiNiNe, at a Pride parade of all places… I would simply assume this is a autogynephile MtF trans dude, and not a very good one.
also, I think her beak nose could actually be cute, but for some reason the winged eyeliner makes it look SO much worse.
No. 1266321
File: 1624902056429.jpg (92.23 KB, 1080x643, Screenshot_20210628-133920_Twi…)

No. 1266534
File: 1624915025077.png (5 MB, 1242x2208, 83DFFF65-B6B1-4A05-B1A1-BAF54D…)

Everyone’s seen your work… you absolutely can not do anything and everything with rhinestones kek
No. 1266547
File: 1624917795370.jpeg (320.88 KB, 1242x2208, D9A709FE-F85E-4580-950C-E462C9…)

Looks like she got burned already
No. 1266557
>>1266547tell us you just started doing sex work without telling us you just started sex work
cooomers can smell the desperation
No. 1266569
File: 1624919164358.jpg (95.08 KB, 1080x512, Screenshot_20210628-182249_Chr…)

What is this caption.
No. 1266620
File: 1624923681789.jpg (141.54 KB, 868x1379, Screenshot_20210628-193813_Chr…)

She is really pushing the narrative that she is disabled.
No. 1266634
File: 1624924545177.jpeg (61.58 KB, 500x500, EFC82E4C-AE35-49D0-83D0-1E4E94…)

>>1266321Grand rising black queen
No. 1266647
File: 1624925165488.jpg (298.54 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20210628-195316_Chr…)

Either she is not that disabled or she has hired a dog walker to take her dog to the park. If it is the latter then where is she getting her money from?
No. 1266655
File: 1624925746405.jpg (255.83 KB, 1080x1513, Screenshot_20210628-201210_Twi…)

>>1266648That's not his dog. That's her dog. Again I don't think they even live together.
No. 1266689
File: 1624929174811.png (1.98 MB, 1242x2208, 0381D2D8-A633-42EA-A72A-3AA26C…)

I bet you do kek
No. 1266699
File: 1624930346251.jpg (86.78 KB, 849x1404, Screenshot_20210628-212817_Chr…)

Aka lie to get pain medication.
No. 1266710
>>1266534am i being retarded or is she trying to imply that she designed this dress for saweetie?
it's confusing and could go either way.
No. 1266736
File: 1624932108874.png (9.84 MB, 1242x2208, 4FCA4FC6-BBD3-4B25-9A3C-B52153…)

>>1266710She’s definitely trying to imply it but it’s obvious the dress is vintage. If you’re going to lie about rhinestoning something, maybe not choose to lie about doing a vintage dress that is missing stones kek
No. 1266978
File: 1624945581075.png (2.79 MB, 1242x2208, 1A3684E9-ADFC-40C8-A50E-C3AEF9…)

Absolutely keking at this cow’s wishlist that she’s posted in her highlights. She’s awfully transparent posting herself crying, quite literally, about being broke whilst having a wishlist of inessential items totaling $2,401.90.
Her family is still supporting her. If she were truly distraught about not being able to pay the bills/rent, she wouldn’t be begging for Selkie dresses and a $750 striptease course.
No. 1266983
>>1266739Sage for no caps, but she’s been simping for @dominatrixiris for a while and has tagged her asking to collab. Iris was in nyc for the party. No pics of them together at the party, then the next day Katherine posts asking if anyone is in NY to collab… someone didn’t get noticed by senpai. That’s probably why her neckbeard wasn’t there, she was too busy hoping to get picked
God I love it when a personal cow gets a thread lmao
No. 1267217
File: 1624976512881.jpg (131.65 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20210629-101444_Chr…)

>>1266968Thats why I've been trying to screenshot every story
No. 1267220
File: 1624976681465.jpg (238.88 KB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20210629-101512_Chr…)

Urgh she is over exaggerating again.
No. 1267221
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No. 1267224
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No. 1267304
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No. 1267355
File: 1624983672016.jpg (189.82 KB, 1080x1833, Screenshot_20210629-121025_Chr…)

She is performing at this event
No. 1267363
File: 1624984149812.jpeg (237.02 KB, 750x918, 60F19C98-E50C-45DB-9032-4934E5…)

Her LinkedIn profile. Surprised no other farmer noticed this lol. Dump incoming
>>1267217 Just FYI this story is referring to subway attendants no longer accepting cash because it puts them at risk for covid delta variant, but you can still use put cash in the fucking machines which is what 99% of people do anyway….,The park thing refers to new 10pm curfew in ONE park where lately there has been huge issues with drug dealing, gangs hanging out and violent fights. This entire post is such cheap grab for tankie points it grosses me out. So theworking class
poc who man the booths on the nyc subway should get covid because your too lazy to press a couple of touch tone buttons?
No. 1267366
File: 1624984219855.jpg (271.61 KB, 1080x2238, Screenshot_20210629-121730_Ins…)

>>1267355 first glance this event looks like it's just a bunch of kinky straight women getting together.
No. 1267377
>>1267220exaggerating and, again, making an irrelevant situation about herself. kek though at her being soooo ableist to those
disabled ppl with NPD/APD.
No. 1267433
File: 1624988324796.jpg (361.2 KB, 1079x1323, Screenshot_20210629-132425_Chr…)

>>1267385oh Jesus Christ, I'm hate-listening (she refers to endo as her "most prominent" disability kek) and just realized this Andrew Gurza moid thinks disabled people are owed sex specifically via "sex workers". not to derail or blog but ffs as a disabled woman he and this take is revolting. picrel is a quote from his article here else listen to the podcast? while Gurza is incel-teir gross, it's nuts to me that she has the audacity to talk about her self-diagnoses, and what muscle spasms are, to a severely disabled man with cerebral palsy. and just for keks, note that she exclusively refers to sex/relationship partners as men. I don't even think calling her a bihet is accurate, girl is just a lying str8
No. 1267437
>>1267405>She needs to start creating some contentafter seeing
>>1267385, I disagree. Holy fucking kek, how stiff and awkward. She barely does anything other than waddle around the stage and tugging at her costume. No sex appeal, no elegance, no suggestion. Maybe her massive beak is throwing off her balance so hard she's unable to perform. Truly a disabled queen
No. 1267458
File: 1624989331689.jpg (211.25 KB, 1080x653, Screenshot_20210629-135441_Twi…)

>>1267436while he is a blanket disability advocate I've noticed 85% of his "activism" revolves around sex, excusing paid rape, kink and complaining about gay men not wanting to fuck him. sorry for derail but I really hate this cow and couldn't be less surprised that she did his podcast
No. 1267474
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No. 1267533
>>1267385She’s so stiff and awkward. I’ll get shit for this but looks-wise I don’t think she’s ugly. Personally I think she’s pretty and her body isn’t offensive. Her personality is complete garbage though. She sucks at performing. I see she enjoys it but damn girl, take a few lessons. Your movements are almost robotic and sarcastic.
Most women dance like this as a joke in their house wearing scrubs, and All That Jazz is on.
No. 1267608
File: 1624999696080.jpeg (150.55 KB, 1208x648, 22CD00C9-D80B-4E99-A746-13897C…)

This bitch really has a hammer and sickle emoji next to an anarchist flag emoji in her name now topkek
No. 1267619
File: 1625000731044.png (12.03 MB, 1242x2208, B5EB3E84-856A-4183-B17A-9ABD8F…)

Her Louboutin collection is insane!!! /s
No. 1267651
>>1267627Louboutins in particular are known to be impossible to walk in. They're just made to be as uncomfortable as possible, and it has nothing to do with heel height. There are taller heels by other luxury brands that aren't torturous to wear at all.
Tl;Dr cool story kat
No. 1267661
>>1267658Lol, I know. That's exactly the reason for this glaring mistake in her fake cripple narrative.
Normal healthy and fit people can barely walk 5 meters in those, let alone someone "disabled". Of course she wouldn't know, because she has never even tried them in the store, let alone owned them.
No. 1267677
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No. 1267678
File: 1625005035630.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.24 KB, 1080x1645, Screenshot_20210629-181231_Twi…)

No. 1267762
File: 1625014959249.jpg (254.92 KB, 1080x1822, Screenshot_20210629-205454_Twi…)

I dunno where to start with this horrific video
>Cheap wig
>Chewing gum?
>Awkward movement
>Awkward speech
Girl what are you doing.
No. 1267777
>>1267677>wish this was you>to badkek. Very professional, super smart, high education domme here. I wonder if she'd screech about ableism in regards to her shit grammar.
>>1267678Ngl, she has Pumpy's body/looks, Shayna's failed wannabe bimbo energy, Lori Lewd's absolute shit personality/narcissism and a pinch of PNP's utter lack of sex appeal. Katherine truly is some kind of milky amalgamation of some of the top cows right now.
No. 1267785
File: 1625018135941.jpeg (270.39 KB, 1538x2048, 9C80BB1C-71A5-4F85-8379-6655C0…)

No. 1267786
File: 1625018187836.jpeg (336.15 KB, 1538x2048, 553B7B54-0B81-4EAD-884E-A4D7CB…)

No. 1267788
File: 1625018418314.webm (3.39 MB, 534x360, Gkf2cy8d85iedYDE.webm)
>>1267762C'mon anon. I love these updates, but at least post the video.
No. 1267803
File: 1625018759147.webm (10.17 MB, 400x224, Katherinedancing.webm)
>>1267385video of her "dancing" for all the non-FB anons to enjoy.
No. 1267804
>>1267788Jesus Christ. Everything about this is just wrong kek Zero confidence, zero sex appeal, zero domme energy, going off of a script that reads like bad copywriting, cheap amazon getup… it never ends.
She wasn’t doing well selling herself through pictures and text posts so why the hell she thought a video would be a good idea is lost on me.
No. 1267830
File: 1625020799262.jpeg (Spoiler Image,291.78 KB, 1502x2048, CBB28BA5-6DB6-49A4-85B4-84A413…)

No girl, just no
No. 1267834
>>1267619She wants to convince people she owns Louboutin heels but lets the dog get that close to her "collection". Yeah okay.
>>1267762A collared Domme feels like an oxymoron, why would anyone want to be controlled by someone who is controlled by someone else?
>>1267803This reminds me of Toddlers and Tiaras where you see the kids walking on stage and doing their poses while the stage parent is in the back doing it with them, except with an adult woman and no offstage guidance. Besides the bad moves and outfits, she has no stage presence, she's… not that interesting to look at as a performer.
No. 1267897
File: 1625025700262.jpg (17.32 KB, 343x300, casting-suite-audition.jpg)

>>1267788this gives me the vibe of an audition video for the local town play, like picrel
No. 1267921
>>1267841Thanks anon. There's two other random quote tattoos by the looks of it. One on her back and one on her upper arm.
>>1267836Arm tattoo begins with "I found"
>>1267786 No. 1267953
File: 1625031665002.jpg (247.45 KB, 1062x1712, Screenshot_20210630-014005_Twi…)

No. 1267954
File: 1625031686110.jpeg (365.76 KB, 1242x1763, 25822AD0-1419-4028-B61B-BB0E8D…)

She’s really feeling this ill-suited wig. Even made it her new pfp. Each photo she posts from this set is more edited then the last too lol
No. 1268075
File: 1625049149342.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, B43BC4EE-AEC4-4702-8D67-1408F7…)

>>1267187Posted this one here
>>1260981 then have the other two she posted. This was when I started screenshoting because it was such a wtf moment lol
No. 1268134
>>1268077Katherine wants people to respect her boundaries by not sending her emoji reactions on Instagram yet had no problem breaking an extreme boundaries with her friends by sleeping with their dads and then posting about it on social media. What a awful person she is.
She’s most likely lying though since everything she does is an attempt at being a depraved moid’s fantasy. Still makes her an awful person.
No. 1268147
>>1268077Today in "things that didn't happen" like if anything that's sexual assault to just randomly crawl into married men's beds while ostensibly staying with your friends. But it never happened so
shrugI can't believe how much milk this cow produces on a daily basis, it's like she's
trying to be ridiculous.
No. 1268191
File: 1625061582459.jpg (17.7 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>1268147What if it's all just an experiment trying to create the perfect cow? We can't prove she isn't a farmer.
No. 1268242
File: 1625068099903.jpg (210.69 KB, 889x1580, Screenshot_20210630-114055_Chr…)

She really does try to muddle & confuse about her life. She is trying to make it seem they just got the frenchie but that isn't the case as seen in
>>1266655 No. 1268244
File: 1625068160052.jpg (171.08 KB, 875x1556, Screenshot_20210630-114125_Chr…)

No. 1268250
nonnie that looks like a different dog, look at the muzzles
No. 1268315
File: 1625073224130.jpg (141.01 KB, 645x772, ethot bingo1.jpg)

>>1264599>>1265759>>1266992>>1267777This cow is such a delightful combination of other ewhores that she inspired me to make this bingo card. Feel free to use the card for your other favorite sex work cows as well.
No. 1268354
>>1268191This is definitely not out of the realm of possibilities.
>>1268250Yeah that looks like a different, new Boston Terrier to me. Cutie tho.
>>1267975Jesus fucking kek
No. 1268615
File: 1625099784441.jpeg (156.79 KB, 1242x960, A015182C-6041-4A46-B890-19FD93…)

Which translates to: I’m baked af and going to veg out for the rest of the day
No. 1268665
>>1268659Just came here to post this lol girl go to Duane Reade if you’re really not feeling good and get some NyQuil for $4.
It’s a Ironic too because did she forget she posted this? You’re compliaing about a cold so by her own words she can’t handle be disabled
>>1265352 No. 1268699
>>1268678What’s also interesting is that her “back up” Instagram has twice as many followers as her public one… like, why not swap to that one?
More followers=more chances for engagement=more chances for whatever, right?
No. 1268788
>>1268669You don’t have a copay unless you have insurance… it’s literally what you pay up front in addition to what insurance pays, hence COpay. If you don’t have health insurance they bill you.
This bitch really tells on herself in the dumbest ways.
No. 1268807
>>1268659Uhh did she get the 'vid from attending that event a few days ago?
>>1264991The delta (indian) strain is super catching and healthy people are likely to experience it only as a mild cold symptoms. Or it could be a literal cold from walking around in lingerie in public.
No. 1269138
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No. 1269140
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>>1269138She wrote an article in this small overpriced magazine. No. 1269141
File: 1625168883358.jpg (345.09 KB, 1080x1905, Screenshot_20210701-154238_Chr…)

No. 1269213
>>1266559Katie McMahon grew up in Massapequa, NY
not quite Park Avenue kek
No. 1269233
File: 1625173205696.png (134.46 KB, 300x194, 5E380891-FB3D-4EFF-BDED-E0B101…)

Found pics of her from high school without all the glam…. she’s really not much to look at (apologies for the shit quality)
No. 1269254
File: 1625173815467.jpg (43.16 KB, 138x415, MockTrial_121914A.jpg)

No. 1269256
File: 1625173837956.png (268.59 KB, 278x838, f41b74aa5389f4db1c0d089cebfa83…)

No. 1269385
File: 1625185286310.png (9.04 MB, 1242x2208, 3465288C-1BD9-437C-B462-597F13…)

She no doubt got sick at pride kek
No. 1269420
>>1269385lol the "colds" going around are pretty much all untested covid. some people are testing negative but it's often from being vaccinated which means that need an actual lab test I can't remember which. Sorry but I have a hard time believing with the US's response to covid that colds are around again. Whatever it is I'm sure she'll be crippled by it but still able to somehow dress up and post content
>>1268659there's a subject on the munchie/ott (over the top) reddit that always uses the term "muggle sick". I wonder if she got it from those accounts which would be even funnier because they're almost all as ott as her
No. 1269530
File: 1625202565131.jpeg (368.34 KB, 1242x949, 041AC364-20D8-4A13-B813-5B938C…)

>belly piercing
>laser hair removal
>tattoo removal
Those are entirely normal things/upkeep for a lot of people. She’s just like Shayna but instead of calling normal things bimbofication she’s calling it dollification. Nose jobs are generic too but since it’s the only thing she wants that would permanently change her face it barely gets a pass.
No. 1269546
File: 1625203763633.jpg (542.72 KB, 1886x1621, image (1).jpg)

She asked for people to ask,confess, share but then posted these.
No. 1269549
File: 1625204321881.jpeg (480.48 KB, 1194x1002, E9864393-FBAC-410D-8CE6-3503CF…)

>>1269530She talks about body modifications a lot but isn’t really doing anything extreme. Everything she listed is quite normal. As much as I can’t stand the bitch, at least you know Alicia Amira actually has a fetish and makes it clear her only goal is to be a breathing fuckdoll.
Katherine wants to be a living doll yet the only time she talks about it is when she wants money for a mundane procedure. Don’t expect her to exactly talk like picrel but you would think she would talk similarly especially since she’s a self-proclaimed autosexual.
She wants to be a special snowflake so bad but is just like all the other gossip girl wannabes from Long Island kek
No. 1269661
File: 1625223537715.jpg (401.21 KB, 1536x2048, waxfigurerealness.jpg)

No. 1269662
File: 1625223643524.png (553.14 KB, 894x673, corset.png)

Surprised no one has posted this video yet, it's so stiff and awkward
No. 1269667
File: 1625224105588.webm (7.33 MB, 1020x504, MYbKSIQ8Wxkig59X.webm)
>>1269662 hope the video works
No. 1269686
>>1269667It cracks me up that this high class park avenue living doll has virtually no backgrounds to pose in front of, other than that dresser. Keep telling on yourself Katherine.
>>1269675kek, she really does
No. 1269693
>>1269686>>1269667Sorry for samefagging but is she really keeping her her fake Louboutin flats on her fucking dresser? Next to her makeup and perfume? Gross.
Also, totally what rich, sphisticated women do. Keep all of your "luxury" shit in one place in order to show it off in your increasingly desperate twitter posts.
No. 1269695
File: 1625227576192.jpg (27.6 KB, 251x235, 20210702_140455.jpg)

Ugh, dropped pic. I'm really on samefagging roll today.
No. 1269705
>>1269661>tfw your whole face and outfit clashIs she too much of a poorfag to find amazon shit in the same shade?
>>1269667I love whenever sw/pickme cows try and make themselves sound like absolute degenerates only to post shit like this and further prove they're no different from the "vanilla normies" they mock.
No. 1269777
File: 1625235764070.jpeg (348.65 KB, 1125x1016, F7A9145F-5217-4844-AE93-550655…)

lol she’s basically admitting that she’s failed at attracting any subs and that her only revenue comes from other women who enjoy her aesthetic and fall for her begging posts so they throw her a few dollars
No. 1269831
>>1269662>>1269661maybe it's just because she has the proportions of a midget but her waist does not look 18" in these
if it is 18", it's because she's barely 5' tall.
No. 1269845
File: 1625241885734.jpg (105.02 KB, 634x916, 48EC558D00000578-5357501-image…)

>>1269662>>1269831this is what a normal-sized woman with an 18" corseted waist looks like.
try again, katie!
No. 1269869
File: 1625243927512.jpg (471.95 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20210702-123508_Ins…)

>>1269696I think you are right. In this picture, she can't get the corset fully laced.
No. 1269873
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>>1269546She deleted this probably because no one interacted with her
No. 1269880
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No. 1269881
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No. 1269882
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No. 1269902
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No. 1269924
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No. 1269926
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No. 1269973
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No. 1269980
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Do we know what pay app she uses? I dunno if its because she is blocking out the name but the screenshots look weird.
No. 1269987
>>1269980a woman clearly sent this
it’s Venmo btw but she uses PayPal and Cashapp too. can’t wait to hear her cry about how PayPal is discriminating against disabled sex workers when she gets banned. the only reason she hasn’t yet is because she’s a nobody.
No. 1270009
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No. 1270010
>>1269926She saw one black domme do this successfully and is now trying to copy it for wook points.
However I just went to look her up for the comparison/screenshots, and it looks like she offed herself. Damn. The Park Bench Pinup doesn’t stand a chance.
No. 1270023
File: 1625252580064.jpg (172.66 KB, 1080x1956, Screenshot_20210702-144902_Ven…)

>>1269987I believe you are right
>>1270009Top kek
No. 1270030
File: 1625253110139.jpg (110.26 KB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20210702-150858_Chr…)

>>1270009I await for the threatening letter from her fake lawyer demanding to take this thread down.
No. 1270087
File: 1625255371603.jpg (262.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210702-154749_Twi…)

Her cuck privatized his Twitter.
No. 1270088
File: 1625255445600.jpeg (63.47 KB, 750x1334, 6518372C-AF5A-4AD9-8209-49ADD4…)

didn’t see this one posted
>abuse survivor>sex worker>telling me you have a crush on me is violating No. 1270093
File: 1625255696350.jpeg (539.49 KB, 1242x1875, CC05D78D-00B1-4A55-A703-2E89D8…)

>>1270075Mistress Velvet. I remember this article making the rounds and even checked out her Instagram when I saw it. Not a fan of the line of work obvi, but she was actually fairly professional and successful, even while making weird old sissy moids read feminist and communist theory kek
No. 1270101
>>1269902I watched a video of a one-legged woman (leg completely gone and no prosthetic) doing doing salsa dancing or some shit. She was amazing and moved like she had two legs. This fake ass bitch is using her uwu muh disabilities~ as a way to do nothing to better herself and to scream ablism at anyone who tells her she needs to improve herself.
>>1270030>I’m a victim of lifeYou’re not special. Stop hiding behind labels. It’s pathetic. As if being a
victim and being disabled disqualifies you from any sort of criticism or opinion.
No. 1270120
File: 1625256912825.jpg (155.71 KB, 1079x1227, Screenshot_20210702-161321_Ins…)

She privatized her Instagram
No. 1270149
>>1270030>take the trash out for me Like Mistress Velvet did? Interesting choice of words there, Katherine McMahon aka theparkavenuepinup
Also kek at her referring to lolcow as an alt-right site and saying a pro-bono lawyer can it down. She really needs to be medicated for her delusions.
No. 1270150
File: 1625258411541.png (2.48 MB, 1242x2208, 0FCF470B-4600-4C12-887E-4151E6…)

>>1270120She’s going off on a marijuana sperg
No. 1270167
>>1270150this was already posted
>>1269881did she dirty delete the rest?
>>1270009>>1270030 No. 1270229
>>1270088She's such a whiny little bitch. Imagine getting offended and
triggered at such basic everyday things as someone having a crush on you or asking you to take a train to an audition kek
No. 1270321
>>1269845Yes, thank you! I was like 18", for her waist? No way.
Also is it just me or does her corset seem ill fitted? Like the bottom doesn't look flush with her hips, it looks like it's got about an inch of space. Tinfoil, but I don't think she knows how to lace a corset correctly. She never does show the back lacing which is kinda odd considering her ""fanbase"" is coomers and a common-ish BDSM fetish is restriction.
Sage for retarded tinfoiling.
No. 1270361
File: 1625272797734.jpeg (138.07 KB, 828x451, 28390636-23C3-4E18-810C-B7ADAD…)

wonder why she erased her name on IG?
No. 1270373
File: 1625273996741.png (504.1 KB, 512x512, 57cbc36d39e12.png)

>>Park Bench Pinupkek anon, my sides
No. 1270402
>>1270361She thinks if she deletes her name it wont tie to her social medias.
Here is a video I found where she rambles about BDSM. No. 1270502
File: 1625287926368.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1536x1848, 21E4A4C1-35AA-43F4-BD55-C594FE…)

removing her name won't do shit since she has it listed on other websites. No. 1270588
>>1270009>far-right website that accuses survivors of lyingHere’s the thing theparkavenuepinup Katherine Harlow, you are lying. You’re lying right here with this sentence in order to make a women’s imageboard sound like an extremist hate forum so you can get some money out of people for being uwu builled by the far-right for your online political “activism”.
She’s telling on herself by saying that it’s slander to post her Instagram stories. If you stand by what you say and post, you shouldn’t care your Instagram stories from the “past” (past being two months ago kek) are being posted. Perhaps you should have thought twice before posting about how you supposedly used to crawl into your friends’ dads’ beds at sleepovers and before you publicly shamed someone for saying take a dance lesson.
No. 1270598
>>1270482She seems like the type of person who never admits to herself she can be wrong based on her superiority complex and constant doubling down, so I doubt she will absorb anything. Plus she's already decided it's "alt right" and against her tankietard politics to not kiss troon ass, so she already has a convenient excuse to not accept any
valid criticism
No. 1270832
File: 1625342070012.png (616.12 KB, 1242x2208, 75D174E6-9005-4A49-AE35-D8976E…)

She’s trying hard to clean house but has forgotten that once it’s out on the internet, it’s there forever. She blocked about 360 people on insta, disabled her spoilkatherine twitter, AVN Stars, and niteflirt, took down her pictures from SextPanther, and took down the “naughty” section from her website. Her onlyfans is still up but she changed the username… but not the url kek
No. 1270837
>>1270832Let this be a wake up call. I’ve never seen someone go about pursuing femdom work in such a completely incorrect way.
Where did she publicly post her exchange with Rosie Cheeks? I’ve seen Rosie perform countless times and I can see why Katherine would be jealous.
No. 1270838
File: 1625343696779.png (7.17 MB, 1242x2208, 48F4C9D3-BAD4-4F3D-9A21-8062F5…)

The farm never forgets Katherine lol
No. 1270851
File: 1625344967285.webm (1.99 MB, 1080x1920, winkwinkwink.webm)
For posterity: Katherine Harlow theparkavenuepinup attempting to be sexy by winking like a maniac
No. 1270856
File: 1625345542550.png (14.19 KB, 260x113, Screen Shot 2021-07-03 at 1.52…)

She's archived/deleted all her content on her original page too. She's scared kek
No. 1270859
>>1270832It's like Eve took the bite of the apple and became self-aware and embarrassed.
Looking at the tagged Tweets 100% of her interaction is from other females, this whole shebang is clearly not what men are looking for.
No. 1271128
File: 1625381134928.jpeg (164.81 KB, 1197x334, 3FBE772A-6E10-4C92-8001-18AE59…)

she was a guest on a podcast "Disibility After Dark" for episode 171 but it is not available anywhere. i wanna know what she said and why they ended up pulling it???
No. 1271130
File: 1625381210564.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1536x1798, 224EFBA2-965B-43AE-89A2-CFE854…)

>>1271128im stupid and made a typo but heres a screenshot from Stitcher and it's nowhere to be found
No. 1271134
File: 1625383933268.png (145.31 KB, 1018x617, khpod.png)

>>1271130Damn you're right, I thought I'd find it on Spotify but it's completely skipped over.
No. 1271414
File: 1625425966041.jpg (207.62 KB, 1727x930, 20210704_151103.jpg)

Tinfoil but I was just googling and this came up. Not sure if this was an old account or just a fan account that was following her. No. 1271495
>>1270526So much for being oh so vulnerable and made of glass! She's extra shitty for doing this.
>>1270584Yes I'm tired of her using it as an excuse for everything shit about her. It's incredibly juvenile and only serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes about the disabled and those with PTSD.
>>1270598this is what I hate most about her also how she acts like she's an expert on everything while clearly be an immature. It's okay to not be the best at something. We all start somewhere
>>1271343yikes at her deleting everything considering she was using her full legal name as if it isn't the WORLD wide web. Her not caring about losing those followers makes me think her entire lifestyle is funded by the bank of mom and dad
No. 1271900
You are worst nightmare!
No. 1272026
File: 1625514966731.jpg (265.7 KB, 1321x1268, poser1.jpg)

despite the poor review for being a grifter
>>1270502 Katie McMahon still has a 4.5 star rating on gigsalad. Upon closer look, two of her four reviews are from her personal friends, picrel
No. 1272039
>>1271916Grand rising, Katie!
>>1272026I noticed from her Venmo that it’s almost 100% just other women sending money to her. Hardly any men, and she’s also not sending out money to anyone else. She claims to be such an advocate and communist, and that the best way to support the “disability community” or whatever is to send HER money, but she doesn’t share with anyone else.
No. 1272040
>>1272036speaking of her being a poorfag, she does NOT live in the glamorous neighborhood she tried to claim
>>1263651 I'm not gonna post her address but she lives in a regular-ass apartment nearby, with a roommate, OUTSIDE the gated community with $3m Tudor-style houses (which is full of wealthy high-strung old people and families who would definitely not appreciate some poser from Long Island strutting around in lingerie on their lawns)
No. 1272059
File: 1625518219781.jpeg (523.93 KB, 1242x1530, 2205486B-6751-4DF4-A6C2-6351E8…)

Alexis is her long term roommate and Topanga was her ….pseudo-girlfriend? It was weird whatever it was.
No caps of her with Topanga, sorry but do have Alexis and two other friends (1/3)
No. 1272060
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No. 1272061
File: 1625518431485.jpeg (248.38 KB, 1232x503, D4766218-9D23-4276-ADC6-C53473…)

No. 1272063
>>1272060why am i not surprised
katherine seems like the type of girl who would surround herself with friends who are fatter than her so she can be the 'prettiest' one in the photo, whatever ego boost that's supposed to give her. but also who asks people to show up to their birthday party in
oh i'm sorry, 'first birthday' party, which implies that it's not even her actual birthday, it's just a date she arbitrarily decided represented the anniversary of her getting her shit together. which she clearly?? has not actually done, either.
No. 1272069
>>1272061Do we know much about her "
abusive" ex?
No. 1272075
abusive of her father to write fake references on her linkedin
No. 1272077
>>1271134>>1271214kek did my post here
>>1267433 making fun of her trash podcast episode
trigger her that much?
No. 1272089
>>1272040>has to loiter around a gated community while in her underwear just to keep up the larpkek this couldn't get anymore embar-
>>1272060>vanity photoshoot with fatties in shein lingerie>all of them are unfortunate lookingtop. fucking. kek. I know the "first birthday" is supposed to be symbolic or whatever, but out of context it just makes this look like a tacky baby shower.
No. 1272099
>>1272089>tacky baby showerthat is
absolutely the vibe i get from the 'decor', if you can even call it that. like she just went to party city and decided on the title 'first birthday' because that baby shower letter pack was on sale. except then the champagne and lingerie still don't fit in.
honestly like i get it, kathy, you're trying to fit as many items as your concept of #luxury consists of into literally any random get-together so you can project this glamorous image, but this is not what people living luxury lifestyles do. go to like a nice brunch place in a cute outfit and get your selfies having mimosas there. Whatever this is is just LARPing as a wealthier person than you are.
No. 1272123
File: 1625522814153.jpg (393.23 KB, 1336x1303, skirtclub.jpg)

>>1272112NTAYRT but commercial sex parties very often try to present themselves as exclusive and high-end, that's usually not the reality though. I totally believe anon's account of it being mainly straight middle-aged women from NJ/LI who want to feel sexy and rebellious (but not actually touch a vagina eww gross).
picrel is the knockoff event by her friend
No. 1272129
>>1272123yeah, i don't doubt that at all & didn't mean to imply otherwise. i
do get the impression that they're trying to keep out people who are say…trashy sex workers, but the stuff about the primary audience ending up mostly being straight middle-aged office workers looking for a joyride doesn't surprise me. tbh, if i went to any of these sex parties and it
was just full of hot young millionaires, that WOULD be a shock to me.
No. 1272133
File: 1625523312300.jpeg (975.13 KB, 1242x1786, B4F97F0C-F700-45F1-8D7B-EADCA8…)

They only events she does are house parties with her friends and woo woo bar talent shows where the audience is the five other people in the “show”. She’s a nothing nobody. She ran her career into the ground before even starting because she took “fake it ‘til you make it” way too far.
No. 1272442
>>1272281Thank you. She could’ve done the slightest bit of research into findomme and realized there was no market for her gimmick. Even the Mistress Velvet girl mentioned upthread introduced black feminist theory to her
existing clients, i.e. people who were already loyal customers. Absolutely no one is paying a spoiled Karen to e-beg and screech about Marx, let alone one with zero domme experience who is actually a sub lol. Back to the drawing board, Katie.
No. 1273167
File: 1625694693451.jpg (150.58 KB, 1080x1280, Screenshot_20210707-174329_Chr…)

She keeps deleting followers.
No. 1273423
File: 1625741664187.gif (1.96 MB, 500x240, ground-breaking-devil-wears-pr…)

>>1269926Wow, so she read Howard Zinn once?
No. 1273870
File: 1625812234600.png (1.67 MB, 1242x2208, 95342968-D7A5-46C5-AE01-F50225…)

She made three posts today on Patreon that are just photosets she’s posted on Instagram and the deleted Twitter. Absolute coward for a cow that talks a lot of shit and always says “I said what I said!”
No. 1273877
>>1273845She got out a flamethrower to kill a fly, there would've been max 10 norwegian sewing forum attendees on her follower list
and she still has a few anons left, so her criteria is jank. Probably deleting every female or neutral account with no or few posts because it must be an ebil rightwinger on a fake profile!
Although the friend that appeared a few days ago ITT would suggest Kate knows full well it's a female gossip board, that anon was clear that we are all female.
No. 1274171
File: 1625863333601.png (6.78 MB, 1242x2208, 7C728DC5-2A85-4F8F-ABB8-21BC2B…)

Was deleting/trying to find the cringe ex photos and came across this.
Had to make it about herself even on someone’s birthday because she’s just a poor girl that everyone hates and is jealous of because she’s just so gorgeous :( kek
No. 1274182
>>1274171It always makes me laugh when people who are super
toxic think that everyone dislikes them because they’re beautiful.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who was deemed beautiful and instantly hated them for it kek.
No. 1274211
>>1274189She seems stuck on Rosie. She doesn’t do actual shows so it’s not like there’s a lot of other women she could be alluding to.
Sounds more like Miss Katherine is the jealous one. At least Rosie gets gigs, has costumes that fit, and has some semblance of stage presence. She’s big mad Rosie told her to take dance lessons kek
No. 1274418
>>1274171Wow. So both her parents allegedly have NPD and she thinks she doesn’t? She has to make everything about herself, even if it means talking over other people. She claims to be this highly educated and well-read person when she isn’t. She says she has the best costumes in burlesque history yet can’t do stonework and wears an ill fitting corset that she can’t even lace up properly…
She needs to take a real hard look at herself and adjust if she wants to actually make it in this world.
No. 1274448
File: 1625903566319.jpg (506.93 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210710-035145_Ins…)

No. 1274450
File: 1625903788779.jpg (482.76 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210710-035131_Ins…)

this able-bodied, walking-ass bitch
No. 1274451
>>1274448So she took away absolutely nothing and will continue to be a whiny ~
Kek at her pretending she wasn’t also an eViL iNtErNeT pErSoN
No. 1274502
File: 1625919340518.jpg (313.45 KB, 1080x1850, Screenshot_20210710-035201_Ins…)

No. 1274578
>>1274540shh anon, it’s the only bra she owns. be nice to our disabled lesbian queen.
wonder what her neckbeard “daddy” thinks of all this.
No. 1274588
File: 1625935381458.jpg (125.69 KB, 1080x891, Screenshot_20210710-122801_Chr…)

Weird she put her name back in her instagram profile.
No. 1274660
>>1274502why isn't her mask actually tied?
why is she balding?
why can't she afford AirPods?
why does she still think white eyeliner on her lower lid looks good?
No. 1274664
File: 1625948703562.jpeg (199 KB, 1047x1047, A98BA9CB-BB2B-4848-A547-EFBBF1…)

Lol welp, her removing me as a follower and then blocking me almost immediately when I tried to re-follow is what led me to this thread. Stopped watching stories in general on insta so I never really saw the full scope of her crazy.
Really don’t care if she knows who I am since she’s decided to block for literally no reason so I’ll leave this here. Not “milk” but she dropped talking about endo besides having it in her bio once she got enough money from very kind people for surgery and is instead now focused on vaguely saying she’s disabled.
No. 1274670
>>1274664So her flamethrower approach of blocking 1/3 of her followers despite there being only a handful of anons active in this thread is actually bringing people
to the thread? Oh dear
No. 1274673
>>1274664Thanks anon for sharing. Any idea when this picture was taken?
>>1274670Most excellent.
No. 1274763
>>1274695“bi/demi/auto” must be code for “average woman in an average relationship with an average man, grasping for a personality and oppression points”
she couldn’t have made it more clear that she’s straight if she’d written I’M STRAIGHT
No. 1275050
File: 1626032924979.gif (1.71 MB, 500x281, tumblr_ncjnqaMDln1rp0vkjo1_500…)

I need to lurk /snow more often. I used to be acquaintances with this headcase. Not surprised to see her posted due to the amount of people she's fallen out with and the absurdities she posts.
She is a narcissistic pathological liar. It's one thing to want to build a stage persona and sell a fantasy. What she's doing is just straight up lying to both herself and her followers.
Her claiming that billionaires have tried to wine and dine her is the most outrageous and hilarious lie to me so let's start there. If anything, she was a salt baby that went on dates for free meals/drinks. Can’t fault the hustle but she was not an actual sugar baby like she insists she was. She was an underaged drinker (but legal adult) that would go to 4-star hotel bars alone hoping to catch a whale. Never happened. Didn’t even really get hit on. Did a run on and posted about going on a few meets with men. This is where I believe she found her “grammy award winner”. Can’t remember his name now but he was just a regular hispanic guy that is a modern jazz basement musician. She would post pics of her vibrator around this time, sometimes with a lock on it, and refer to whoever as "daddy". Barely remember the Korey real estate guy. Probably safe to assume she also found him on SA and went on like one meet. I do remember the ugly ass stoner that anon was talking about with the cringe photos. At that point she had fallen out with a bunch of people including me but going to her profile just to see what became of her and seeing that man was interesting to say the least.
Went by a couple stage/fake names before settling on Katherine Harlow. Was Katherine Lillian Grant at one point. Did a meet and greet with Dita Von Teese in 2017 at her NYE show in LA. After that she decided to pursue burlesque. She made a gofundme for burlesque costumes but obviously got no donations. She did a class with Miss Tosh in like 2018 which is why she was able to secure a spot in her spoonie burlesque show. Also did Ginger Lee Valentine's virtual classes. When she says her one costume took her years to complete, she's not lying. It took her about a year alone just to do the corset which is sad considering the final outcome.
Don’t know much about her family and will not say they are not/are not abusive because I don’t know that for sure but there’s a lot of holes in the stories she tells, which is understandable. She has talked about a family member opening credit cards in her name, paying her cell phone bill then cutting her off. Don’t which family member(s), though. Members of her family still do reach out to her as she’s complained about them wanting to see her at Christmas. Supposedly one showed up at her door last holiday. Out of all her kvetching, she does the least about her family both online and real life so something is going on there, just don’t have all the pieces.
With all that said, her parents still definitely give her some sort of fundage. Even with the help of a roommate she has never made enough on her own to afford a basic life in NYC, let alone whatever fantasy she is trying to sell. At one point she was selling off some of her items on eBay and through Instagram. Again, absolutely nothing wrong with that but it doesn’t fall in line with her “the most expensive pet you’ve ever met” spoiled lifestyle she acts like she has. She’s been wearing the same few Kate Spade dresses and shoes for years as well as holding onto the same Moët bottle on her dresser.
In all, she lies to compensate for the fact that she ranges from average to below average in life. The biggest lie she is living right now is about her education and career. I have screenshots from her old LinkedIn, including her father’s endorsement that prove this. I’ll add a screenshot of her recently listing off all of her “accomplishments” and why her being perfect isn’t a good thing. Everything she wrote is a blatant lie.
No. 1275057
File: 1626033454469.png (2.8 MB, 1242x2208, F53BBFC8-A91A-42C4-8D1A-E97A03…)

>>1275050She posted this late June. Besides the lies, it is extremely telling.
No. 1275058
File: 1626033718754.png (194.94 KB, 1440x770, 54EDB818-CDAB-4B5F-B755-7D51AC…)

>>1275057She was not the “personal intern” of Christian Siriano and Vera Wang. She was a low level design intern for a couple months for Siriano’s label.
No. 1275059
>>1275057… and she was just a bridal styling intern at Vera Wang’s store for a couple months.
All of these internships were because of her courses at NYU.
No. 1275067
File: 1626034218113.png (81.2 KB, 1440x251, F61C3465-930E-49DB-A2EF-DD10CF…)

>>1275050Already has been discussed but no, she did not go to Harvard. She did a summer writing course in high school.
Her original plan was to go into fashion law but we all see that didn’t happen.
No. 1275069
File: 1626034348423.png (67.44 KB, 1435x414, 82E7C137-1DAA-4D42-8A62-6EB290…)

>>1275050Here’s daddy’s endorsement for her “research”
No. 1275078
File: 1626035384727.gif (1.74 MB, 350x266, 2DD6603A-2C2D-42B4-88C5-AA6582…)

>>1275050Thanks for the Sunday afternoon tea, nonita
No. 1275227
>>1275057>it’s why I mastered so many crafts and appear multi-talentedJfc. She’s giving vicky shingles a run for her money in the narc department. Has she ever claimed to have a high IQ? Dumb people with no drive in life always claim to have a high IQ.
Talented and smart people are usually pretty humble about it.
No. 1275692
File: 1626126764813.png (7.78 MB, 1242x2208, 3DC3E484-672B-436E-A311-B65788…)

>>1275057Ah yes, such a staunch perfectionist that has mastered many crafts and is multi-talented…. but had to “research” at 23 years old how to put on ugly ass glitter press on nails. Double kek for using troon speech with “gender euphoria” as a straight woman.
No. 1275694
File: 1626127052596.png (8.95 MB, 1242x2208, 856CE84C-F1AA-4348-BB34-71DF9D…)

>>1275692So ~hYpErFeMmE~ with her Walmart lashes and children’s dress up press on nails
No. 1275709
>>1275692So hyperfemme bimbo “everyone’s jealous of me” uwu feminine but had to google… I mean “research”… how to put on some cheap press on nails? Girl what you do is in the fucking name of them.
Also thanks old friend
nonnie>>1275050 that was some under-appreciated milk. Her NPD ass is definitely trying to compensate hard for being absolutely average and boring.
No. 1275726
File: 1626130494187.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1125x2004, AF932836-34BB-4C07-89D8-8BBE52…)

>>1275692Where does she think she can get off on saying she “researched” $12 press-ons from Amazon? I think this is the most pathetic lie so far
No. 1275763
File: 1626137338832.jpg (635.08 KB, 3072x3072, toco-toucan_thumb.jpg)

>>1275692Maybe refraining from cheap shit nails and lashes will help her scrimp some cash to "hYpErfEmme" that unfortunate nose.
No. 1275767
>>1275737Um no, actually her love of luxury items made by craftspeople is not and never will be in conflict with her communism. See here:
>>1263033The child slave labor craftspeople worked extremely hard to make those plastic glitter press-on nails. The Amazon workers couldn’t even sit because they were so exited to send such a luxurious item to her. (/s obviously)
No. 1275969
File: 1626190148747.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1465, 4F11511F-ED3F-4B32-9EE1-D4343F…)

Is it just me, or is homegirl’s one costume a suspiciously close replica of Miss Tosh’s costume here?
No. 1275988
File: 1626192918350.jpg (209.32 KB, 1080x1384, Screenshot_20210713-120512_Ins…)

>>1275969Actually if you look at Miss Tosh's instagram you can see Katie is trying to copy everything about her. The costume, the feather dance, silk robe, being an LGBTQ activist. Once again Katie has no personality.
No. 1276050
>>1275969It is a bad replica. As mentioned here
>>1275050 she took a class that Miss Tosh used to offer around 2018. There was a pic of them together but no caps because she archived everything on her main account where it was. It's been known that she is trying to skinwalk her in the community. She used to post Miss Tosh's costume all the time as ~inspo~. She owns several things from her odd clothing line as well.
No. 1276075
File: 1626205158053.jpeg (485.45 KB, 1242x1601, 697D61C9-CF4A-44B5-B910-8BC378…)

>>1275984Eh she did pretty well considering both have absolutely shit stonework and fit.
There are so many burlesque cows. The community is just as bad as the lolita one. Everyone copies one another and then kvetches that they’re the original. Original and burlesque do not go together at all kek
No. 1276334
>>1276181I would love to see milk on her. I skimmed through her book and at one point she was like "once i went to a party as a
regular girl and no one even knew it was me!!!!!!!!!! teehee"
No. 1276366
File: 1626256494410.jpeg (86.44 KB, 640x480, E3B946BE-24F5-45D2-AE3F-5357F9…)

>>1276334Yeah, no one knew it was her because she’s plain and boring in real life. Such a narc.
No. 1276623
File: 1626295563391.jpg (148.59 KB, 830x1296, Screen Shot 2021-07-14 at 1.42…)

She posted this about Will van Spronsen, an anarchist who tried to set an ICE facility on fire (WITH DETAINEES INSIDE) like two years ago. Why do yt anarchists these days never have any sort of intelligent strategy?
No. 1276889
File: 1626321022695.png (3.65 MB, 1242x2208, 31F0F7CA-554E-40BF-B1A6-5C7A2C…)

>>1276623Her brand of communism is men giving her shoes so of course she knows absolutely jackshit about anarchy kek
No. 1278621
File: 1626496128842.png (7.14 MB, 1242x2208, 7B65FAA8-6676-48A1-AB8E-2D2F3E…)

Kek at her admitting she hung around hotel bars like anon above said
No. 1278795
File: 1626521988330.png (285.11 KB, 750x1334, 7F9BEAD4-E228-4FA2-8B35-86BA3A…)

The latest…
No. 1278796
File: 1626522443070.jpeg (181.8 KB, 750x726, 364F1EB7-5DEB-46A4-9602-F84383…)

For those invested nonas, it appears she recently wrote an article on endo or similar for an burlesque related magazine called Daydream.
No. 1278945
>>1278796Yup, it was mentioned in
>>1269140The magazine was $25….wtf?
No. 1279994
File: 1626667799602.png (10.1 MB, 1242x2208, C2634BCC-ED53-425A-8F44-9DC4CE…)

What level of narc is it when you continuously post yourself crying for sympathy points?
No. 1280133
>>1279994Tell that to
victims of human trafficking being forced to do the sex work you do a poorly glamorized version of, you bourgeoise pig. Anti-capitalist and luxury will never go together regardless of your retarded takes.
No. 1280154
File: 1626705014793.jpg (193.22 KB, 860x1312, Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 7.29…)

Damn Katie, back at it again with the pink bows
No. 1280162
>>1280154the way the bows are arranged is kinda trendy right now in zoomer alt circles but why didn't she go all the way with the middle part?
she looks so lopsided and witchy too.
No. 1280312
File: 1626723945397.jpg (93.71 KB, 848x1488, Screen Shot 2021-07-19 at 12.4…)

>telling me you have a crush on me is violating
>But also I want you to bear the emotional labor of my white lady tears
Which one is it??
No. 1280350
>>1280312>far-right website >stalked/doxxed You can try to spin the narrative however you want but that’s not reality.
>female imageboard >posted your public Instagram stories What happened to the lawyer you were going to get pro bono because everyone just loves you so much?
No. 1283440
File: 1627140990799.jpeg (166.65 KB, 1125x1945, BA743FFB-D0B0-461B-A562-945AF6…)

Looks like her roommate finally had enough of her “disabled” bullshit….
No. 1283441
File: 1627141065050.jpeg (102.15 KB, 1125x2036, A7C2875E-338D-4BA8-BCE1-501CA0…)

…and kicked her out! (this one’s been dirty deleted)
No. 1283443
File: 1627141111105.png (570.9 KB, 1125x2436, 828BB622-83E2-4F7C-9B2B-5ACFF5…)

Further proof: they don’t follow each other anymore
No. 1283569
File: 1627153842835.png (3.01 MB, 1170x2532, 85DC31A6-2C9F-42CE-A8A4-811627…)

She posted this last week about people shooting with her for her pro domme stuff, but refused to give any details on what they were shooting or if compensation would be offered. Whack ass fake domme.
No. 1283639
File: 1627162090927.jpg (279.23 KB, 1242x2208, financial abuse.jpg)

>>1283440She went private on Venmo but there were transactions between the two on Alexis' of deadbeat Katie sending payments with apologies for being late for living expenses.
Where is Francisco Ramos her loving daddy that collared her? He won't let her stay with him? Who would've thought the neckbeard that still had pics of his ex up and dragged her around on a leash wasn't the loving man she made him out to be.
Her family is so
abusive and she's cut off all contact with all of them supposedly yet has her brother on her Venmo. Ask them for more money or better yet get a fucking job, Katherine. You're an obnoxious freeloader liar.
No. 1284121
File: 1627239997396.jpeg (1.05 MB, 2550x1758, BF6F7490-8AC9-4FA4-B531-B866B3…)

No. 1284308
>>1284121Top kek anon
But yeah she wishes she had an ounce of talent Milly has
No. 1284372
>>1284365it’s funny that Katie McMahon looks so much like Milly Shapiro, you thought it
was her
Milly is prettier, more talented, and doesn’t rely on her disability or w/e as a crutch
No. 1284410
File: 1627271592300.jpg (161.73 KB, 711x524, Screenshot_20210725-235212_Chr…)

I hate shitting on women for their looks but I've already exhausted every reason Kathy is a fucking awful person. if she didn't do her makeup like a clown it wouldn't be so bad
No. 1284480
>>1284121truly gifted. grand rising (on the stair lift), kathy!
>>1283440I am so curious what her access needs and limitations are.
No. 1284741
>>1283440too disabled to pay rent and i'm going to guess that she refused to help with any chores/cleaning because of said disability
I had a roommate like this once who was fine on rent but a nightmare to live with since she never helped clean anything, left dirty dishes never helped clean the bathroom etc.
No. 1284947
>>1284728That’s the biggest kick: she’s not too disabled to work. She’s had steady jobs and fucked them all up on her own with the lawsuit and up and quitting to become a ~findomme~. She wants everything handed to her. Look at how she treats burlesque… she expects to just be put into a show without even doing the absolute bare minimum.
My biggest tinfoil is that she calls her family financially
abusive because they gave her everything growing up but now that she’s an adult they won’t. Would explain why her entitlement is through the roof.
No. 1285178
>>1285148this only further proves
>>1284947 tinfoil. topkek at her thinking she could just freeload off of her roommate while larping as some high class prostitute. Will she move back in with her parents or is she just going to turn into a bangmaid for her scrote until he gets tired of her?
No. 1285249
>>1285178I vote moving back in with her parents. Who else would take her in knowing she refuses to work, apply for disability or contribute anything else to a household? Based on her constant IG spergouts about people owing her money as a disabled femme, I get the feeling she calls everyone in her life “financially
abusive” whenever they stop funding her existence. The luxury commie SWer persona also seems like a LARP to justify her leeching lifestyle. I can’t imagine any sane person knowingly taking on an entitled mooch who’ll turn on them and publicly label them ableist and
abusive the minute they try to set boundaries.
No. 1285421
>>1285398I mean, did she ever really "start"?
she made profiles on OnlyFans, AVN Stars, SextPanther, NiteFlirt, probably other places too - but never promoted them. seems like she didn't do much "work" on any of them at all.
looks like she did ONE burlesque party on Gig Salad and got a bad review for it, and the rest of her reviews were friends.
she had that one clip of her awkwardly wobbling around on stage, which is the only other evidence we've seen that she's ever performed in public.
so yeah, this all just looks like sex worker LARPing to me. same as her disability LARP, socialist LARP, feminist LARP, and all the rest.
No. 1285441
File: 1627411620547.jpeg (482.95 KB, 750x922, A1844286-203F-4775-AD85-78E397…)

>>1285398She was never going to succeed as a high end callgirl anyway and I have no idea what made her think she would. Rich nyc scrotes don’t have the time to spend on those stupid sites,they go directly to beauty pageant/model agency parties
No. 1285491
>>1285452she tried to do phone sex (SextPanther + NiteFlirt) and was too
lazy disabled for even that kek
No. 1285560
>>1285452She’s tried to be a ~sugar baby~ but all her descriptors come across as streetwalker kek see
>>1278621 >>1275050
No. 1285726
File: 1627439027902.jpeg (99.62 KB, 1242x313, BA2A7809-8FBE-4384-8DFE-6F3BB8…)

She took bi/demi/auto out of her bio kek
No. 1289218
File: 1627872502512.jpeg (398.33 KB, 1170x1944, 67FF43AA-D7A4-43EF-B7CB-54B9AD…)

Looks like our girl is finally a philanthropist
No. 1289219
File: 1627872549893.jpeg (281.19 KB, 1170x1814, 3A9498E9-CEBF-46E1-929E-C883E5…)

No. 1289227
>>1289219Ah yes because Katie here has such good character! Only people with good character get posted on lolcow!
Where is she getting the funds/supplies to do
>>1289218 ? Calling it now if anyone actually falls for this… she's going to make everyone else provide the "mutual aid" while she sits back and wax poetic on insta about how much of a good person she is.
No. 1290081
>>1289399But she's disabled and those meanie anarchists and commies want to do actual praxis and not just type on their phones and decide they have now saved enough of the world, they are so
toxic and ableist!
(Disclaimer: I'm very well aware of the keyboard warrior anrachists and communists=
No. 1290481
>>1289218>do mutual aid with me in personI wonder what The Parkway Prostitute thinks this means?
my guess is that she shows up on her usual street corner in her “burlesque” “costume” and stands around primping, taking selfies, and handing out canned goods that someone else bought.
No. 1295949
File: 1628518293278.png (44.17 KB, 806x287, Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 6.50…)

Grand rising comrades! Looks like Katie was able to fight through her ~disability~ and do a performance in a dive bar in Brooklyn recently. Lucky for us, there's videos of this can't-miss burlesque spectacular!
No. 1295961
File: 1628519060224.webm (3.24 MB, 720x1280, most expensive pet you've ever…)
First, here's the exclusive expensive private and corporate events only burlesque star primping in a glamorous backstage room as the camera pans out to show the huge crowd turnout
(read: here’s Katie fixing her wig at a sticky table in front of the two people that work at the bar next to the concrete slab they call a stage)
No. 1295962
File: 1628519238615.webm (3.49 MB, 720x1280, best burlesque star the world …)
Finally we have the world renowned performance where the best costume in burlesque history makes an appearance
(read: she walks back and forth a couple times while wearing her one and only costume)
No. 1296309
File: 1628541644901.png (399.75 KB, 1440x1657, Impeccable.png)

>>1296234Good find, she's changed her image and amped up her efforts at tributes, while admitting she only gets tributes in the low hundreds. Also kek at this
>impeccably dressed>Her boyfriend dresses in Star Wars tees for an evening out with her No. 1296310
File: 1628541763898.png (213.16 KB, 1440x1119, tributes.png)

>>1296309Cap of the tribute Tweet:
No. 1296324
File: 1628542252449.jpg (444.85 KB, 1152x2048, E7-ABULWEAU4TkQ.jpg)

>>1296310Her new look, she makes sure to mention she bedazzled the cigarette holder/whip etc herself, very important information.
No. 1296331
File: 1628542639220.png (236.74 KB, 1440x1243, Cheese.png)

>>1296324An expensive block of cheese:
She's so unintentionally funny
No. 1296334
File: 1628542822857.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1258, 779BA050-8107-45B8-AA19-1825FF…)

>>1296331Hmm yes nothing screams luxury like a block of cheese and stripper singles
No. 1296340
File: 1628543388105.jpeg (509.1 KB, 1242x1191, B2C8B41E-0AED-4365-9C71-D85B2E…)

>materially improve my life
Straight to the gulag Comrade Katie
No. 1296639
File: 1628569375407.jpg (438.75 KB, 1968x1406, 20210810_002300.jpg)

Aren't those the nails she got from Amazon? And if you zoom in on the toe nails, it looks uneven like she did it herself.
No. 1296884
File: 1628600599583.jpeg (332.01 KB, 1314x2048, 4419B335-680A-4AF3-8C15-6E11F9…)

>>1296331The Shayna parallels are ominous kek
Guess her neckbeard allowed her to crash at his place after she was online begging for a place to stay like a week ago. Let’s see how long he takes her zero contribution.
No. 1297013
>>1296331The wording of this is so wonky to me.
>treated myself to the most expensive block of cheese I've ever boughtIf she means to imply that she lives a life of luxury, why admit that $85 is the most you've ever spent on cheese? Shouldn't she instead be saying something like "I went to the farmer's market to pick up my regular $85 cheese"? I know it's nitpicky, but she can't even keep up her luxury image in her wording.
No. 1297525
File: 1628639066016.jpg (97.96 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20210810-194207_Twi…)

Day off from what, smoking pot, and scamming people?
No. 1297535
>>1297525She sure gives herself a lot of days off for an unemployed broke couch surfer.
Not to sperg but these whores always make me laugh. They are supposed to be so spoiled yet ask for everything to be reimbursed… if one was really spoiled, whatever would already be paid for.
No. 1297693
File: 1628665835296.jpeg (63.8 KB, 612x408, A190A18B-766C-451A-9BE1-BE61FD…)

>>1296324I hate to be like this but she seriously looks like a well aged 50+ y/o in this image, white hair and all. She needs to go to doctor and check her hormone levels or idk. I’ve never seen such an old looking 23 y/o. The old rich lady, pinup hair is probably contributing it it, but I’ve also seen pinup thots with that style that don’t look aged like this.
No. 1298012
File: 1628707030539.png (58.54 KB, 595x393, Screen Shot 2021-08-10 at 5.35…)

Aren't you homeless comrade?
No. 1298018
File: 1628707847993.png (67.46 KB, 629x628, Screen Shot 2021-08-11 at 11.4…)

She wants to be oppressed so bad kek
No. 1298059
File: 1628711673431.jpeg (349.99 KB, 1124x2021, B0B1886A-98F9-40DB-87A3-1B996D…)

I assume this is the audience-less show she’s headlining at the dive bar?
No. 1298121
File: 1628715494618.jpg (352.78 KB, 1078x1659, Screenshot_20210811-165215_Twi…)

>>1298012Hope she doesn't mean her tacky corset. I'm still searching, it looks like she got it from party city with her cheap ass wig.
No. 1298140
File: 1628716862468.jpeg (56.74 KB, 1052x592, 77DA967D-4138-43B4-A793-634427…)

>>1298126>not trueYou think Katherine here can put on anything but a shit show? Something smells in here suddenly
No. 1298144
File: 1628717167665.jpeg (395.34 KB, 1237x1777, EED10D04-A769-44EB-AA60-8CA947…)

Love it when cows turn the blurring filter to 100 on already edited photos.
Also she keeps contradicting herself. It’s really obvious not one person has sent her money kek
No. 1298325
File: 1628737533896.png (314.57 KB, 1321x846, LUXERY.png)

>>1298121>>1298183I found it on Walmart. She definitely bought the wrong size too. kek
No. 1298356
File: 1628743783142.jpeg (515.57 KB, 1556x2048, 16B55D61-EED8-48D4-9701-433157…)

>>1259829So the anons who were saying her boots are fake af were right kek
No. 1298716
File: 1628793521314.jpeg (270.74 KB, 1242x1537, 96021DD0-169B-4A8E-8421-74EE5D…)

Why does she use findom as a noun? “Good morning financial domination” sounds dumb as hell.
No. 1299209
File: 1628861139491.png (32.79 KB, 591x111, Screen Shot 2021-08-13 at 6.23…)

From her likes on twitter… another sex-repulsed sex worker
No. 1299226
Can the next thread title incorporate block of cheese somehow and have this
>>1284121 as the thread pic kek
No. 1299235
File: 1628864678745.jpeg (168.56 KB, 750x651, D1F9BA7B-FD90-48A5-BBFB-875AD1…)

Kek the interaction speaks for itself