File: 1640933203148.jpeg (525.68 KB, 493x594, she posted this on her own pro…)

No. 1405537
Katherine Harlow “The Park Avenue Pinup” (real name Katherine McMahon) is a 24 year old self-proclaimed burlesque dancer and larping findom sex worker residing in NYC.
Recent milk:
> The Brooklyn Dive bar has allowed Katherine to do a once monthly burlesque show. Originally the show was called “Petit Fours: A Taste of Burlesque” >>1360035 and is now called “Powderpuff Peepshow” >>1396284 >>1369649> Being the creative artist with integrity that she is, on the first show poster she traced the pinups portraying the dancers from a known pinup artist thus grossly misrepresenting how the women actually look; making them bigger than what they are, less curvy, and lacking the proper skin tone while Kathy makes herself look better >>1362528 >>1362534 >>1362535 >>1361086 > Doesn’t want to pay the performers after the shows and instead wants random stranger’s to do so >>1363283 >>1396986 . Anon states that she was supposed to pay the dancers after the show but instead disappeared for the night with the money owed >>1374307> Photos and videos from the few show appearances she made including her holding her feather fans improperly and looking absolutely miserable among happy performers >>1358127 >>1362817 >>1365101 >>1375464 >>1396881 >>1392269> Throws stones at the burlesque community by telling them what not to wear >>1358854 and kvetching about how mean everyone else is in the community >>1382534 >>1382611 >>1404837> Is in the never-ending process of making a new costume >>1404010 >>1370789 and restoring her “signature” one >>1352444 >>1355634> Attempts to sell cheap pasties >>1372684 and failed costume pieces >>1362052 >>1365150 >>1365648> She is a luxury experience. She is not for you. >>1370033 She will only talk to you if you are sending her money. >>1379738 Same rules apply for women. Still won’t talk to you unless you are benefitting her >>1379741 >>1379747 because obviously other women want to copy her >>1379040> Continues the larp that her clients are all white cis male heteronormative corporate executives >>1356406 >>1365446 . Pretended to have a “gentleman suitor” for like two weeks >>1358855 >>1367127 >>1367129 and related her life to SATC, claiming to have had her own Mr. Big >>1395487> Plays Performative Sex Worker >>1355123 >>1358846 >>1386218 >>1367789 >>1372103 >>1355123> Continues to pay tribute to dead sex worker Mistress V by creating a black power alter >>1362426 > Reminder that her actual clients are a literal psych ward patient and sissies >>1390700 >>1403106 >>1403108 > Claims we are living in a very sex negative time because “vanilla” people can do things like wear wedding rings >>1348753 and hold hands while in public but people can’t practice and parade their BDSM relations in public. She doesn’t like to see regular relationships so everyone else should be subjected to seeing sexual scenarios played out on the streets. Once again shows warped views on consent >>1348926 >>1348928 >>1348930 >>1348932 >>1348937 >>1348938> Despite all but outright saying she hates normal healthy relationships, she purchases wedding cake shaped candles >>1355809 and drops hints about rings she likes >>1355938 as a cope because her neckbeard won’t marry her> Reminder that this is her wannabe twitch streamer funko pop collecting neckbeard >>1348976> Speaks on things she knows nothing about in reply to others and then dirty deleting >>1357266 >>1384255 >>1384257 >>1384258 > Makes another twitter account, even though she “rejects the idea” >>1386661, under parkavenuepinup since she is “struggling with creating artwork and censorship” >>1404902 but the farm knows it’s because anons have been telling her to take discussions about greasy congested face >>1374208 somewhere other than her ~professional sex work~ account Active links: (currently private) (currently private)
https://parkavenuepinup.com links: of Sex lawsuit info: thread
>>1259829Second thread
>>1299249Third thread
>>1348150 No. 1405666
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Was waiting for the new thread to drop a recent 1-star review from her Gigsalad.(cowtipping)
No. 1405946
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Oh honey no….
No. 1405949
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>>1405946lol and then she posts this on the other account. Ole girl is having a personality crisis isn't she?
No. 1406208
File: 1641041262007.jpg (738.48 KB, 1993x2793, tinfoil.jpg)

tinfoil but I think Kathy made this thread beacuse the pic choice is a bit sus… Why would any farmer pick one that is not funny or at least as bad as the others she posts? If I rembember well we even had some anon edits in the last thread. Hmmmmmm
No. 1406252
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>>1406235But this is what exaclty what she would say if exposed… Hm…
No. 1406314
File: 1641057719707.jpg (90.5 KB, 570x466, more tinfoil anons.jpg)

>>1406284I'm glad someone else can smell the stink.
You are now included in my pic
No. 1406324
>>1406314It is an honor, bless.
It does seem a little too curated, idk why other nonnies are quick to snap
No. 1406405
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Read any sentence in the op and it’s extremely obvious Kathy did not make this thread you retarded autists. Make better fan art next time if you’re so worried about a thread image.
Anyways, since you want to talk about “stink”, the other woman kathy did the brunch photos with sent her sub Kathy’s way to get some interaction on her new account kek reads as contrived as it sounds
No. 1406576
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This is sad.
No. 1406577
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Kathy should've followed her imo
No. 1406581
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As with everything, MAN this makes Katie look bad.
No. 1407477
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She's a shitty privileged woman-child that went to NYU and talks about her daddy making six figures a year. The fucking irony.
Also, you're bringing children into your sex larp which is gross and even degen men would draw the line at SWers calling their children "shitty". Great business practice Kathy, keep it up!
No. 1407485
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Only people that are broke with poor financial literacy use bnpl programs so I guess good for her for finally catering to her looney bin and sissy subs.
No. 1407489
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She can not be serious with all this kek
No. 1407533
>>1407523Right? She kvetches about married couples, their children, how she spends her holidays… she’s projecting and failing to see she’s part of whatever family drama she has, not just a
No. 1407538
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The original tweet didn’t hit days ago so why she felt compelled to send out four more today is a mystery
No. 1407969
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Another month, another video Kathy will never release
No. 1407970
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>>1407969She also needs to stop interacting with sissies and whatever else because this look isn't "HyPeRfEmMe"; it's straight up troon
No. 1408025
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Good grief girl woof
No. 1408031
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>>1407998It un-ironically is. Kathy copies the ones that jumped her in and now this one is copying Kathy because she jumped her in. It would be funny if it wasn't such an insidious thing indicative of bigger issues at hand.
No. 1408187
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>>1408184All that pasta and cheese is catching up with her
No. 1408189
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The faux concubine aspirant is rife with sophomania
No. 1408194
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No. 1408195
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No. 1408229
>>1408187'Gnocchi and burrata are ususally available at speciality stores'
This bitch trying to sound fancy by sounding like she buys her food at boutique delis when I can go to the local ALDI and pick these up. As ever, the delusion of exclusivity…
No. 1408452
>>1408195>>1408222I'm not a pinup at all, but I also just bought this bra last month because it was super cheap all throughout December on Playful Promises' website. It's made by Bettie Page Lingerie, which is the go-to brand for women into cheaply made vintage kitsch or vintage-styled lingerie who either don't want to or can't spend more on something just to flounce around the house. It was literally only $30.
Also the pom poms are barely tacked on and they awkwardly stick out so Katie is just gingerly taking it off after her larp.
No. 1408636
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>>1407969How unfortunate. Her arm is really pudgy, how is that possible to be that out of shape while larping as a renowed burlesque dancer/ sex worker. Why she choose this larp with that face and body is incomprehenseble.
>looking like picrel No. 1408705
File: 1641329353835.png (316.51 KB, 720x1044, Screenshot_20220104-154156~2.p…)

>retweeting complaints about clients
>sailor moon reaction pic that screams insecurity
very professional, much domme
No. 1408757
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> please do all the work for me so I can feel validated
The zero interaction should tell you something. Also she isn’t wearing her robe so why is she tagging the creator? just Kathy things
No. 1408955
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She's such a POS. Imagine quitting your job with medical benefits at the height of a pandemic only to turn around and e-beg online for your expenses to be paid by strangers. Everyone is struggling right now retard; they can't help you and why should they? Get a job deadbeat.
No. 1408967
>>1408955>with groceriesOverpriced pasta and cheese. Your diet is really catching up with you Kathy.
>Medical expensesIdk but I'm assuming it's munchie shit.
>Pain reliefWeed
She should be ashamed of herself. Just get a job.
No. 1409005
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>>1408955This is the third or fourth time she's tweeted about helping her during the surge. Tinfoil but the dive bar currently does not have a burlesque night lined up and in the previous thread she tweeted (now deleted I think) about not being able to perform during this surge. The dive bar has a pretty booked schedule so it's not like they're not doing any live entertainment. Did they already drop her?
No. 1409496
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Lol she deleted her OF within like a month of making it; hard to communicate with someone and 'finish' whatever when your account is gone. Also how thick is she to still not understand that no true real life contingency or pro-bono lawyer would take her on? You have no case. Don't want it out there for discussion? Don't post it. Simple as.
No. 1409570
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So she can't even style her own wigs. TBH I'm not surprised but still disappointed.
No. 1409725
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Zero eye for fashion, zero eye for photography. What's with her and granny shoes?
No. 1409763
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>>1409750> Why would anyone want to watch a video of her shoes anywayShe had her grotesque mentor lie about her talents
No. 1409785
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I’m howling - she really thinks she’s somebody kek but it’s just her parents that are narcissistic, right? Stay delusional Kate
No. 1409806
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>>1409785She’s copying again lol yeah it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you were a known personality but when you average 50 likes a post on insta while begging for interaction on twitter…come on
No. 1409885
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>>1409785Lol so her Instagram is no longer private and uhh …. Miss Thing really things she’s making history while holding her fans improperly lol
No. 1409886
>>1409870nta but this is the first time I've seen this word and I've been here for years
sage for language sperg
No. 1409940
File: 1641457614025.png (578.73 KB, 682x438, what is that jaw.PNG)

>>1409785this is killing me nonna
she really posted it on her own socials
nobody made her post this
No. 1409993
>>1409897Nobody in burlesque does this.
There's a burlesque museum that takes actual notable burlesque memorabilia, but even well-known dancers who went on to do big shows don't frame their shit, let alone after 10 shows. That's a baby burlesque dancer. And you have to be at the level of well over 50k followers and have a PR manager that pushes you to sell kissed prints to consider this. Otherwise you're just wasting time and money and looking dumb as hell.
No. 1410268
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>>1409940Her "sour lemon" face makes her look like Smell from This Is England.
No. 1410333
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Had a good kek at her desperate sale on Instagram. The ‚original‘ paintings of who exactly? And she’s trying to see the dumb af swarovski bracelet she begged to be reimbursed for on Twitter
No. 1410351
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Love how this is a clearance sale for everything she’s been posting about on her failing Twitter
No. 1410354
>>1410333She's trying to make money to buy new SwArOvsKis and costumes since she knows her shit sucks. Plus she lost her only gig at Marian's and probably is hoping better bases will mean a better costume which she believes is what's holding her back from Duane Park and The Slipper Room. Then when she can't get a gig at an established venue, she'll try again to create a job for herself by booking another bar, "producing" another show, and then get canned like the trash she is.
She thinks women are just jealous of her and doesn't realize how much of a joke she is in the NYC burlesque community.
No. 1410416
>>1409785She probably thinks she looks soooo retro with her surprised bitter beer face, holding a modern company like AP and surrounded by her "ornamental knick knacks" (for the 2 anons who don't realize tchotchke is a word used worldwide). And kek at her not knowing how to customize a base like that bra and even failing to stone the back because she ran out of money.
>>1410351The AP shit she's selling can easily be bought new with tags for the same price she's selling her used shit for. I'm just not telling her where.
No. 1410430
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As if "sex-working ancestors" wasn't bad enough, she's calling Mistress V one of hers. Disgusting.
No. 1410431
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No. 1410647
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No. 1410649
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No. 1410651
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She's filling in for someone who dropped out at another dive bar which is like 20 minutes away from her but sure, "traveling showgirl".
No. 1410677
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>>1410647Why is she doing a blep? She looks brain dead.
No. 1410700
ancestor part like she really wants to delete that and write predecessor because yikes, honey
No. 1410799
>>1410649Bitch balooned three sizes and her bra still doesn't fit, the absolute kek.
Also Kathy, you looked like an anorexic prepubescent boy, now you look like a skinnyfat troon. There's nothing sexy about you. There's never been.
No. 1411197
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Kathy with her life savings
No. 1411220
File: 1641589611381.webm (3.03 MB, 720x1280, E94F09CB692103ACCF874A0C50CD54…)
From last night
No. 1411321
>>1411310No I agree anon, it looks tacky as hell.
>>1411220She is so ungraceful when she strips, it looks like she is trying to moon the audience when she takes off the dress.
No. 1411363
>>1411197Omg I thought this was a meme edit but she actually posted it herself… The way it's just her tits and cut off arms is creepy in an objectifying way.
>>1411310It's not just the band, the cup size has always been too big. There are pics in past threads showing the huge gaps and it's really sad since it's her first and only costume. I think part of why she shows the pasties is to overcompensate for being basically flat chested.
No. 1411419
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Funny how this absolute cunt only lists off highly romanticized versions of sex workers. No little girl that hasn't been sexually abused wants to be raped for a living. The Girls Next Door wasn't even an accurate representation of being a Playboy bunny. Reminder Katherine that Hefner published Marilyn's nudes without her consent for his first issue. Has she even stepped foot in a strip club once in her life? She'd kill herself after working one night at fully nude one.
Praying that her endo surgery made her infertile so there isn't even a slight chance of her having a daughter.
No. 1411561
>>1411527And wanting to expose children to BDSM
>>1411535While it may be true that she had a bad home life, her behavior seems more consistent with twitter pseudo-politcal coombrainery than some decades long journey to accept trauma via sex work
No. 1411742
>>1411527>>1411529>>1411561Also can’t forget her subs, that she proudly wanted to be made publicly known, are majority grown degenerate men that are dressing as little girls for sexual purposes.
Purposely and proudly sexualizing your child self as an adult is an extremely huge red flag. Katherine and her ilk that are proclaiming they’ve wanted to be in sex work since they were little girls and specifying exactly what they supposedly wanted to do to their adult coomer audiences are 100% pedo-pandering. There is no excusing this behavior and with Katherine’s already spotty track record…. would not be shocking if she eventually comes out to support the “MAP” community in the name of being woke. If it walks like a duck and all that. As she likes to say: watch yourself.
No. 1411783
>>1411197Looks more like she's stuffing her bra because that cleavage never appears in those embarrassing "burlesque" videos.
I love how dumb she is to use nipple petals as bases. You can tell they're not burlesque pasties because there's no conical shape.
>>1411220I love how she's wearing a boring slip over her sHoWgIrL outfit. She can't even afford a cheap outfit or figure out how to design and make something.
I also just noticed her profile pic and of course she didn't do her own wig. She doesn't even put the clips in the correct places on the wig so she's just ruining the shape.
No. 1412138
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Wasn't she just asking for an outrageous amount ($500-700) to 'redo' her fans?
No. 1412228
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Looking for the cheap store she bought this ring from. I bet she didn't even pay $55 for it.
No. 1412243
File: 1641681153014.png (5.05 MB, 1170x2532, 6643C23D-EDD7-4605-B722-3ECB4E…)

Found the store, but they literally just listed the rings. That isn’t her hand and she might not have been the person to purchase it anyways.
No. 1412516
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>>1412228Lol I like how her sub can't even pay in full upfront
No. 1412562
>>1412560Abusive ones don't and looking how Kathy has turned out, not hard to believe her when she says they were
No. 1412580
>>1412562Oh please
nonny, Kathy doesn't have any real trauma. She's a bored and spoiled middle class girl who wants an easy ride off her mediocre looks, nothing more. Her delusions of grandeur and made up sex work stories aren't real life.
No. 1412700
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Lol did she watch a Grimes video or…? Things didn’t turn out well for her Kathy let’s not go down this road.
No. 1412766
>>1412243"Modern Princess Di inspired rings"
Bitch what??
She's so delusional she's my fav cow.
>>1412562ok cow
No. 1413185
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Kathy you are the liberal, vanilla, basic, straight people. Putting the anarchy flag next to your name doesn't erase that.
No. 1413435
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Didn't she already say she was one year contact free in the first thread…?
No. 1413533
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(This was in reply to her “I wanted to be a sex worker as a child” tweet)
Recruiting women into sex work. That isn’t insidious at all!
No. 1414066
File: 1641854797450.png (Spoiler Image,241.33 KB, 597x468, Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 2.45…)

Cow crossover. When you are compared to Shayna, it isn't a good thing kek
No. 1414471
>>1414466I'm sure anons will have different opinions, but it annoys tf out of me that Kathy believes she's involved in sex work. Traditionally, sex work is the exchange of sex services for money. I know stripping is now considered sex work, but it takes a lot more work and zero glamour to put on uncomfortable platform heels and a barely there lingerie ensemble, take it all of onstage, then spend 98% of your shift walking around on said uncomfortable heels trying to sell yourself via a lap dance or vip room. Kathy puts on her poorly stoned costume and paces back and forth in front of a supportive crowd of mostly women for all of 3 minutes. No one touches or talks to her, expects sex, or makes lewd comments. She also isn't supporting herself on 1 show a month ago so it's a hobby and not even a job. If it wasn't for her ugly bf/SiR, she'd have to get a real job or actually do sex work (which she'd never do).
I know anons will disagree with me because they want to bring Kathy down from her high horseface by likening burlesque to stripping or just because spoiled Dita tried to rough up her job by calling herself a "stripper", but let's be real here, Kathy couldn't handle stripping, which is even closer to real sex work than burlesque. Kathy wants the Hollywood and social media version of "sex work" without putting in any sexual services or work.
However, she could definitely qualify in my book as a sex worker if she was honest and admitted she fucks her gross bf in exchange for a roof over her head and financial support.
No. 1414483
>>1414471Of course, it's always the ones farthest away from any actual sex (or work) that are more likely to adopt it as some kind of pointless and selfish clicktivism cause. Those allowed the luxury to treat it as a hobby, or a kink.
Normal people don't do that with their jobs, make it their whole thing to crusade for their rights to be respected as a strong, proud janitor or something. If they take a stand it's not about shit like their right to an identity they can flaunt online without being judged, but rather practical workers rights. Which anecdotally lines up with the sex workers I know of that do actual escorting to pay the bills, even the ones that take part in political discourse. They tend to focus on getting basic job safety, like anyone fucking would.
When your biggest concern as a "sex work activist" is that some made up straight people (who are ftr totes nothing like your hyperfemme self and your neckbearded scrotal provider) hypothetically could scoff at you if you call yourself a sex worker online, you're telling on yourself.
But, every single fucking thing this spoiled bitch claims to be is a total LARP, so sage for no news and personal pet peeve I suppose.
No. 1414780
File: 1641937400579.jpeg (419.18 KB, 1370x2048, E8C7A0E7-FC2C-487E-9961-E48C30…)

This is what she calls sex work… while also sperging to people on tiktok who told her she forget her clothes in that dog walking video that “it’s a costume!”.
Being a sex worker is a costume and burlesque is just about costumes to her.
No. 1414781
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No. 1414792
>>1414781the way she airbrushed her tits in this makes them look like pecs which just adds more to the bewigged ugly little boy look
like is she trying to look like that? or is is just unfortunate blocky shading with ham fingers? methinks the latter but the idea that Kathy would pivot to appealing to femboy fags is lolworthy.
No. 1414814
File: 1641939706450.webm (11.41 MB, 576x894, Snaptik_7052053191126551854_ka…)
>>1414780It's worse in motion. Also hey Katherine, since this is sex work why are you posting it on an app targeted towards underaged individuals?
No. 1414815
File: 1641939765868.jpeg (34.73 KB, 640x1138, 1.jpeg)

Get ready for the most performative pretentious hypocritical bullshit she’s spouted yet (1/5)
No. 1414816
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No. 1414817
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No. 1414818
File: 1641940010926.jpeg (37.91 KB, 640x1138, 4.jpeg)

> No gatekeeping identities
> Burlesque dancers can not dress as dominatrices
> only SWers can wear shiny black boots and lucite heels
No. 1414819
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In short, Katherine is telling her followers that they are ignorant because she knows more than them and what she knows is what is correct.
No. 1414873
File: 1641945778150.png (768.19 KB, 633x678, unbutton.png)

>>1414780Can someone explain to me why she's leaving her corset unbuttoned? I can't think of one reason.
No. 1414983
File: 1641954492898.gif (859.17 KB, 397x206, aasdfghjkl;.gif)

>>1414814Katherine has made it very clear that she thinks children should be exposed to kink and sex-play ("alternative relationship models"), so why would she bat an eyelash at posting her corny-ass one-gloved horrorshow on Tiktok? Also why the fuck did she ~encrust~ the palm? I have no idea how much time she sank into this one glove, but holy shit does it look cheaper than just A PAIR OF GLOVES with tasteful details. My favorite part was when she was "sexily" taking off the glove finger by finger as if it's some luxury experience, when all her lazy ass has to offer the world is a half-finished bedazzling project. Keep it up Kath, this is why we love you
No. 1415012
File: 1641959551244.png (112.29 KB, 592x571, Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 7.48…)

Spitting on someone after eating cow crotch with a side of french fries washed down with alcohol. Much luxury. Such fetish.
No. 1415069
File: 1641966328831.jpeg (299.46 KB, 1242x1710, D51C88AC-CA9A-4C82-80D0-079B69…)

>>1414781Ummm has her rib tat always extended onto her breast like that? Talk about a huge editing mistake.
No. 1415105
File: 1641970432076.jpeg (597.88 KB, 828x1276, 4BE21845-9292-4770-92D1-650E74…)

kathy finally decided to watch a burlesque 101 video and show off her new skills. good job, kathy!
the wig is fucking horrendous and she looks like one of those troons that wears the creepy rubber face mask and tiddies.
she looks like a nightmare tranny clown
No. 1415122
>>1414814Her face in motion is creepy! She's a total mouthbreather.
There's a lot of odd details about her outfit, but as if the nipple petals as pasties wasn't weird enough, they're over some weird clear, large rectangular stickers on her boob- probably tape so the petals don't lose their stickiness! Talk about a bad burlesque larp.
She needs a 34a instead of a 34b bra because her cheap nipple petals shouldn't be popping out of her bra like that.
And she can't even take off her 1 Michael Jackson glove properly, wtf. I guess when you have nowhere to larp as a burlesque dancer, you just do it for teens online, right Katie McMahon? So r@d!c@l!
No. 1415292
>>1414815> marginalized people> "we"Oh Kathy. You're educated and white, and in what could only be very generously described as "sex work" as a choice. You ain't marginalized. Marginalized people don't quit their museum job because talking about sex at a SEX museum makes them uncomfortable.
Just having whatever vague medical condition you're claiming doesn't make you marginalized. Being a crap burlesque dancer doesn't either, it just makes you a basic white chick.
No. 1415404
>>1415292I really hope some funny/creative
nonny comes up with a term other than "sex worker" for this one because frankly, she does neither.
No. 1415454
>>1414781Anyone can see that this "look" is super disjointed but I keep trying to put my finger on why. I think it's the chaotic mix of styles that do not go together. Extremely trendy hair color (and the wig is sloppy and dried out) with 2014 extremely sharp eyebrows and liner, 2008 metallic lipstick and spider lashes, and early 2000s white eyeshadow and chalky messy "smokey eye" (Kathy pls I'm begging you look up a smokey eye tutorial from this decade, we have much better products now). That's not even touching her cake face, which has never really been "in", but usually the case is that it looks cakey in real life so that it'll photograph well. This is why it looks like she's wearing a rubber mask in the video; there is seriously some "100 layers of makeup" bullshit happening on her face.
I hate this look so much because it violates so many basic makeup rules that are not hard to follow, like picking one statement (eye/lip/cheek) and not using half a bottle of full-coverage foundation and applying it with a trowel. No wonder her pores are so clogged she's asking Twitter for recommendations. Hell, if she would just pick an era and stick to it, she wouldn't look half as much like a hot mess. She thinks it reads Old Hollywood glam and it just absolutely doesn't.
No. 1415490
>>1414781Everything doesn't go together because she doesn't know wtf she's doing and has no sense of glamorous, fashion, and can't even stone correctly. As other anons said, you're actually not supposed to pick the same size stones and can scatter it throughout since just doing them all side by side would look weird. There doesn't need to be a pattern either. But you can see she's doing a pseudo-pattern by putting a large one surrounded by 5 smaller ones in a cracked out flower, then just scattering the rest throughout. But she doesn't realize that the flower pattern is just making them looked bunched up in each section. If she wanted to do a pattern, she should've made the flowers stand out. The whole point of scattering them is just for a glitter that doesn't stand out too much and just catches the light. And stoning the palm of that cheap glove… oh Katie. Please stop pretending you're a successful pro when you clearly aren't since you have a Gig Salad account. Just take some basic burlesque classes, a stoning class, and be a stage kitten until you've learned enough to pass as a baby burlesque dancer. Everything from her lack of poses and awkward movements screams teenager alone in her bedroom pretending she's a big girl.
>>1415404She's more like a no sex non-worker.
No. 1415522
File: 1642020934679.jpeg (113.45 KB, 1242x485, 057C1B47-7099-4CD9-8AB5-BD81D2…)

For a self-proclaimed burlesque historian she really knows nothing about it, huh? (1/2)
No. 1415534
>>1415404Penis waitress
Assistant to (the) Regional Boners
Blowjob engineer
Director of Scrote Studies at the University of Get a Real Job
No. 1415544
>>1415524I like how she assumes everyone except her is vanilla despite them expressing direct interest in burlesque, which most people understand has ties to other live performance like bdsm, fetish nights, swinger/sex clubs and so on, like burlesque is the vanilla one of those things, but everyone understands the connection of a "sex show" and where that lies among fetish work.
Most normies actually assume burlesque is far more sexual than it is (the audience actually being comprised of gals and gays) so it seems shortsighted to dismiss someone expressing interest in sex/sexual work as a normie vanilla without actually knowing anything about the person.
Sexual exhibitionism is not a requisite part of sex, so we don't know people's lives. Stupid thing among many stupid Kathy things but her distaste for so called "vanilla" people is palpable despite everything she does falling squarely within acceptable social boundaries.
No. 1415587
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>>1415524Lol they are in denial about what burlesque is
No. 1415614
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>>1415522Did she already forget this interaction with Jo Weldon that is a burlesque dancer that correctly refers to it as stripping and a form of sex work?
No. 1415844
File: 1642049279349.png (15.29 KB, 551x195, sexworker.PNG)

>>1415524just because a burlesque isn't a form of prostitution doesn't mean it's not sex work. wonder which sex worker/burlesque performer katherine's jealous of this week to prompt such an obviously
triggered subtweet
No. 1416039
>>1415851NYC burlesque anon here and it's actually not common for full time burlesque dancers to do OF and definitely not sugaring. There is just not enough time. Full time burlesque means Friday and Saturday nights and a Sunday night or matinee show. During the week there's costume repairs, making new costumes, rehearsals, contacting venues and other dancers to work out upcoming show details, finding new venues, new promo pics to take at a photo studio… professional burlesque is truly laborious and easy to get burned out on.
OG burlesque was much more risqué. Stage names came from women being afraid of their families being shamed from using their real names. Burlesque is not the dirty secret anymore. Jo Weldon runs an overpriced burlesque school and used to be a stripper, but she really comes from a pre-Dita era when burlesque was sex work. It's acceptable and women are not ashamed of it at all (yet Katie still uses a stage name to "fit in" with most dancers who create a persona). Hazel Honeysuckle started doing burlesque with us in NYC and now has a burlesque show at the Borgata in Atlantic City.
Regardless of whether you're using the definition of sex work as in exchanging sex for money or sexually explicit acts for money, burlesque now is like theater where showmanship reigns supreme and people casually eat dinner (Duane Park) while watching women dance to a live band playing modern his, under the skillful lighting of a lighting technician.
No. 1416042
>>1415851NYC burlesque anon here and it's actually not common for full time burlesque dancers to do OF and definitely not sugaring. There is just not enough time. Full time burlesque means Friday and Saturday nights and a Sunday night or matinee show. During the week there's costume repairs, making new costumes, rehearsals, contacting venues and other dancers to work out upcoming show details, finding new venues, new promo pics to take at a photo studio… professional burlesque is truly laborious and easy to get burned out on.
OG burlesque was much more risqué. Stage names came from women being afraid of their families being shamed from using their real names. Burlesque is not the dirty secret anymore. Jo Weldon runs an overpriced burlesque school and used to be a stripper, but she really comes from a pre-Dita era when burlesque was sex work. It's acceptable and women are not ashamed of it at all (yet Katie still uses a stage name to "fit in" with most dancers who create a persona). Hazel Honeysuckle started doing burlesque with us in NYC and now has a burlesque show at the Borgata in Atlantic City.
Regardless of whether you're using the definition of sex work as in exchanging sex for money or sexually explicit acts for money, burlesque now is like theater where showmanship reigns supreme and people casually eat dinner (Duane Park) while watching women dance to a live band playing modern his, under the skillful lighting of a lighting technician.
No. 1416047
>>1416042It’s still glorified stripping that is sexually charged. You don’t think people were eating dinner watching burlesque way back? Because they were. That’s how it’s always been. Don’t be in denial about what you do especially since you claim you’re not ashamed.
> full time burlesque is three nights during the weekend with errands during the week so no time for OF!!It takes two seconds to see that even popular dancers have OF accounts come on now lol
No. 1416057
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>>1416042You’re really going to come onto lolcow and try to pass picrel, which is very recent from Duane Park’s Instagram page, off as just a dinner show of women dancing to a live band with ~skillful lighting~? Try again. It’s inherently sexual and is a form of erotic dancing as well as exploitation. You can try to wrap it up in a Swarovski bow but a spade is still a spade.
No. 1416181
>>1416042Kek That's a lot of copium to say you do crafts and strip less than part time.
Burlesque dancers are strippers without a club to hire them because they dont fit the menu for average moid consumption. Without the feathers, it's still a women writhing her uncoordinated 'derriere' on sticky floor in a gstring glue gunned with ~real crystal~ svarkoffskies.
Their narcissism can't handle when their need to objectify themselves gets criticised - "muh expression is activism with hours of research, spaghetti, and skillful light technicians"
No. 1416404
File: 1642106023041.png (22.16 KB, 543x216, bold.PNG)

>>1415524these chickenshit vague-posts from "DOMMES" are sending me, grow a pair and @ someone you weak bitches twitter findom is so fucking cringe there should be a thread for it
No. 1416495
File: 1642113339090.jpg (213.12 KB, 841x879, burlesque hot dog.JPG)

>>1416057yep. gentrified and diluted as it may be in its modern form, burlesque is still sexual in nature. that's the whole point of it. Kathy seems to think flashy costumes, wigs and makeup are what makes burlesque, but really its the sex. its stripping, not a drag queen show.
i think its important to remember how recently burlesque involved a lot more than slipping off your ~encrusted~ clown gloves and seductively winking at your audience of overenthusiastic fat women yassqueening you.
this is a screenshot from facebook page "Humans of New York"'s interview with ex-burlesque performer Tanqueray, who recalls what sort of things happened on stage as recently as the 70s. far from glamorous or empowering.
No. 1416517
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No. 1416523
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No. 1416524
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No. 1416531
>>1416505obviously saging for sperging about stripper history, but i genuinely recommend reading about these 60s and 70s burlesque performers like monica kennedy and their acts, if anyone wants to understand burlesque better. it was not about being a "graceful and delicate luxury pet" or whatever Kathy calls herself. just sex, defined by whatever moral decency laws reigned at the time, like using pasties to get around the nipple-exposure law. modern "burlesque" is historical larping and a nostalgic revival of 40s-50s burlesque, that has evolved into a subculture of its own. but historical burlesque from the past? stripping. increasingly more explicit with the advent of the sexual revolution and loosening of moral standards in society, until it evolved into the pleaser-heel-clad pole dancing we think of today. if you think about it, the "normal" strippers of today have more in common with past burlesque performers than hobbyist modern burlesque dancers.
either way, Kathy doesn't seem to care.
No. 1416557
>>1416523>Insuring my costumeI’ve always wondered where the
”confidence” of cows like her comes from, have they truly convinced themselves or is this more LARPing? Also notice the lack of her moronic capitalisation
No. 1416869
>>1416057>>1416047>>1416181>>1416215>>1416220>>1416249>>1416357>>1416479>>1416495Nta, but you guys are sounding like bitter af literal assholes to an anon that might actually be doing well in burlesque and not just be a phony like Kathy. This is the same few anons trying to "dunk" on burlesque because Kathy will read it and be "put in her place". Median Noche who an anon posted is a seductive performer, but I can personally tell you that burlesque NOW, not in the 70s, is nothing like it used to be. I go to NYC burlesque shows and they're mostly women and gays. They're not selling sex, but sensuality.
Anon was pointing out that it doesn't matter if you call it sex work or not since it's all just opinions and everyone has them. It's much more about costumes and dance, with many girls coming from theater and even dancers from Disney cruise ships.
I'd rather have real burlesque anons on here dUnKiNg on Kathy than you bitter bitches.
No. 1416878
>>1416869> I go to NYC burlesque shows and they're mostly women and gays. They're not selling sex, but sensuality.It figures. What’s the issue? Burlesqanon is free to sperg all she wants and the other nonas are free to comment on her sperging as they see fit.
> I'd rather have real burlesque anons on here dUnKiNg on Kathy than you bitter bitches. Who fucking cares what you specifically want?
No. 1416898
>>1416869Are you lost? Do you not know what site you're on?
>They're mostly women and gays>They're not selling sex, but sensualityCope harder. Sensuality is sexuality. Burlesque is a form of erotic dance that exploits the female form whether you like it or not. Stop living in la la land.
No. 1416911
File: 1642153566648.webm (Spoiler Image,265.41 KB, 1152x648, "seductive" doggystyle.webm)

>>1416869Anon, stop. It takes one scroll on the woman’s both you and the other anon mention Instagram to find that what she does is not simply “seductive”; it’s her mimicking sex acts on stage. She’s is doggy position and groping her breasts in vidrel. The next two videos she’s taking of her bra and panties and grinding. That is sex. That is sexual. Just because people aren’t shoving hot dogs into a vagina current day doesn’t mean it’s not. Doesn’t matter what the crowd composition is either; something women and gay men watch can still be sexual. I know that's real hard for some of you to grasp.
Someone relaying the history of burlesque from an OG dancer is not being an "asshole" or "bitter bitch". Are you going to call Tanqueray a bitter bitch? You have women on stage in current day large productions cough cough DVT and Gia pretending to masturbate with a shower head as well as mimicking sexual acts while having OnlyFans accounts and escorting/sugaring cough cough Mosh. Every burlesque act has sexual components. It's literally in the description of what burlesque is. Seems a few of you here are in serious denial about what you do/the type of entertainment you consume. It’s not a broadway production of Wicked. Do some reflection.
No. 1417058
>>1416878>>1416898>>1416911Okay lemme make sure I got this right… takes clothes off on stage, no nudity, no sex, audience doesn't touch the performer, and "mimicking sex" by touching yourself = stripper = sex worker, right?
Wow, Britney Spears is one of the highest paid sex workers/strippers of all time! No wonder why parents don't want their kids watching MTV! And the SuperBowl allowed a sex worker/stripper like Janet Jackson to perform!
And Tanqueray's assessment of 70s burlesque is relevant now, too? Wow, why do women even need an OF if they're getting paid $10k a week?! Mosh posts pinup style pictures on OF and doesn't do any sex acts nor does she have a sugar daddy, but she's definitely relevant to this derailed conversation somehow because she's a burlesque dancer and fetish model aka sex worker/stripper!
I'm so glad you guys are dUnKiNg on Kathy so she can now proudly call herself a sex worker like she's always dreamed of since childhood.
I've always wondered where the ultra-conservative women were on Lolcow and now I know they're all right here, dUnKiNg on the sinners!
Since you all clearly want to exist in this insular world that is dUnKiNg on burlesque and using conservative talking points instead of focusing on dUnKiNg on the cow, you might want to rename the next thread to something like "Conservative Anons Dunking on Themselves #1". That way the rest of us could laugh at Kathy while you 3-5 anons talk about the sex workers featured on MTV.
(burlesque sperging) No. 1417062
>>1416911Good job stroking Kathy's ego by putting Median Noche in her thread as if they're similar in any way.
Judging from the samefag language, there's actually only 3 anons bitter about the sin that is burlesque. At least 1 of you 3 also seems to be very insecure about successful women in burlesque. But I guess these sex worker strippers are making $10k according to the gospel of Tanqueray while she was speaking about what burlesque was like in the 70s.
No. 1417079
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>>1417059Ntayrt but here's the legal definition of sexually explicit and you and the other couple of anons are basically calling a lot of performers sex workers. It's pretty hypocritical to say pop stars aren't sex workers/strippers because they're singers depicting and singing about sexual acts, but dancers are sex workers/strippers because you don't consider it dancing. You and other anons trashing on burlesque anons for having a viewpoint on their professions that differ from your own should take your advice and go to /ot/ because you're really dunking on yourselves at this point.
I don't do burlesque or watch burlesque and even I can see how hypocritical you are.
(derailing) No. 1417327
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No. 1417339
>>1417115>>1417325>>1417327Can we please make infighting and derailing a bannable offense?
Oh wait.
I came into this thread now hoping for some hilarity and I just see dumb anons bashing anons who actually are in burlesque.
And who cares what Kathy thinks? Really anon? I guess if it doesn't matter what she thinks, there's no point in any of us being here. Let's let her frame her tassels to keep her own history alive and let this thread die. You anti-burlesque anons aren't even laughing at a cow, but an entire industry of men and women. You 3 are the Bitter Burlesque Brigade and I'm a total outsider just here to laugh at a cow.
No. 1417362
>>1417353"You started it" says enough for me to know that logic is useless against idiocy
>>1417358Take your bullshit out of here
No. 1417389
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Jesus Christ stop with the in-fighting, no one cares.
I wonder why she is listing the careers she is larping. She is probably trying to get exposure on Twitter but is too stupid to figure out how to properly do it.
No. 1417467
File: 1642204632521.jpeg (568.51 KB, 1242x1361, F554D369-DEFB-4A33-929C-AFD8E8…)

Some costume inspiration for the burlyfags kek I hope Kathy does do something and uses the same fake money Shayna did
No. 1417655
File: 1642221942276.webm (755.61 KB, 720x1280, 9549DF0219FE8CA823E5EC2BB4EC7C…)
Severing bird woman realness on this fine Friday night
No. 1417701
File: 1642226781463.jpg (7.84 KB, 300x168, download.jpg)

>>1417655the #1 way we know she's broke is she hasn't gotten a nose job. this pose really highlights her male pattern balding hairline and fivehead too.
No. 1417713
>>1417655Christ, can anybody explain why that earring looks like its holding on for dear life?
Look at our one and only Subbie Mistress, all collared up and ready to absolutely Dominate in her mismatched purple (eyeshadow?) and dated metallic walmart Hard Candy liquid lippe KEK.
No. 1417765
File: 1642236592005.jpeg (76.09 KB, 640x1138, 73E54EA7-B492-4452-87F2-D5810D…)

She is so lazy. Also looks like she deleted
>>1417655 lol
No. 1417783
>wanders into the Kathy thread when I haven't checked it for a few days>burlesque fans/artists sperging out about whether it's sex work or not, not even talking about KathyPlease, girls.
>>1416869>I go to NYC burlesque shows and they're mostly women and gays. They're not selling sex, but sensuality.I think this is kinda the point, men don't go there to jack off, there's a lot more intense and sexual things they can spend their money on than burlesque, which is more of a pretentious niche of #notliketheotherstrippers, it's not that deep
No. 1417840
>>1417411These "burlesque anons" are just as bad as the camgirl anons that love to shit up the old camgirl threads. kek
>>1417655Kathy honey, consider some bangs. Is her real hair even thick enough to hide her unfortunate hairline or do you think she'd end up with a combover sort of situation?
No. 1418082
>>1417655She's balding.
Wears aliexpress clothes modded with aliexpress shit.
Got fat.
Makeup got even worse.
>2022 goin good so far No. 1418108
>>1417840>>1417929>>1417783Tinfoil sperg, but I am really starting to believe that the derailers totally hating on burlesque without even relating it to Katie in any way could possibly be Katie herself trying to kill the thread and take the heat off herself. She's said before how burlesque is the cattiest industry she's ever had the "displeasure" to (not) be a part of, she just posted looking for bookings the day after a burlesque anon came in here and said they had an audition video of hers… it seems to me like a very Katie move to trash burlesque anons to try to get the one or 2 burlesque haters to be so shitty to the entire industry of burlesque so any burlesque anons bounce. I really think she's in here playing anons like this
>>1418073 to get them to put down any burlesque anon without even relating it to Katie in any way. That way the couple of absolute burlesque haters just constantly make digs at burlesque so anyone in here that can out Katie even more fucks off before they can drop us any real milk.
I could be wrong, but she seems manipulative enough, we know she reads here and isn't liked by anyone in NYC burlesque judging from the anons in here from that community, and she wouldn't be the first cow to do that tactic. Plus she then gets to anonymously hate on real industry women and pretend she has people in here on her side.
No. 1418526
File: 1642312407466.jpeg (808.79 KB, 1242x1511, C064BBD5-6922-4EA5-9DE1-96C381…)

Scammy Kathy was just re-selling the white hat she bought from the person on instagram… What kind of fuckery is this?
No. 1418528
File: 1642312578459.jpeg (64.64 KB, 640x1138, 742026FB-13D9-4214-8181-541455…)

>>1417765She truly is lazy. You’re not a creative genius like she pretends to be if you have to ask your followers/peers where to get work and what content to put out.
No. 1418750
>>1418108I wrote one of these posts and I can promise you I’d starve to death before I’d beg sweaty trannies and mentally Ill women to buy me cheese. I have dignity, the only way I’d embarrass myself that way would be if I had kids to feed.
>>1418526Lmao I love it for her that the man she sponges off of buys too many funko pops to be able to buy her cheap tacky hats.
No. 1419109
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She asks for interaction, ideas, and "motivation" almost daily and then pulls this. Perhaps don't ask your followers things like
>>1418528 if you're just going to get mad they reply. What a cunt. (1/4)
No. 1419110
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No. 1419113
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No. 1419114
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No. 1419129
>Kathy larps as a domme which makes her not vanilla!straight people
>Kathy is definitely straight since no gay woman could touch her scrotes of choice willinglyliberals
>Kathy's politics are just copy pasted from wherever she thinks makes her look cool, no actual strong beliefs in either directionneurotypicals
>Pretty sure she doesn't know what this means unless this is a sincere request for autistic (will wrote you 1000 words on a topic of interest) and adhd folk (will make friends with you, and then forget they even messaged you five hours later) In summary if you are like Kathy do not message Kathy(!)
No. 1419138
File: 1642370854893.png (85.34 KB, 720x1164, Screenshot_20220116-101718~3.p…)

>>1419114There was also this but she deleted it. I wonder if she couldn't handle the attention she asked for kek. Kathy is my favourite cow because she tries to put on a grand show but then always contradicts herself… What happened to wanting to find work, community and no gate keeping?
No. 1419216
>>1418082She didn't get fat, she just stopped looking anorexic, has neither muscle nor fat (despite doing 'physically exhausting' stripper-adjacent sex work, unless her view of burlesque has really changed. She has so few true convictions that it is just hard to tell), and desperately does not understand how to wear clothes that are flattering on her (boyish) body. Her lack of both taste and an eye for detail are a part of why she's interesting to gawk at.
There is enough retardation shitting up the thread as it is. Go to Shayna's thread if you want to kvetch about fat girls kek.
No. 1419228
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>>1419109>>1419110>>1419113>>1419114And they've all been dirty deleted, I'm surprised they stayed up as long as they did. Do y'all think she goes out of her way to search up tweets like this?
No. 1419263
>>1419228Everyone can see that Kathy's supply far exceeds the demand and she hardly puts anything out, but ok Kathy,
you're the one rejecting everyone. It's dumb stuff like this that makes her my favorite cow.
No. 1419731
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No one is asking her for NFTs aside from maybe possibly the crypto-bros who go into the DMs of every “content creator” they can find to try to enlist them
No. 1419923
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The jokes write themselves at this point
No. 1419925
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Katherine Luther King
No. 1420285
File: 1642491420068.jpg (709.16 KB, 971x3843, Screenshot_20220118-023309_Sam…)

>>1419923She couldn't find a job so she went to a website that is a "community" for the chronically ill that offers speakers and classes and twice a month "movement classes" and she's going to… teach how to do burlesque. But in bed. For 25 pounds (didn't look up what the US equivalent cost is).
What a retarded vIsIoNaRy.
No. 1420725
File: 1642538353900.jpeg (84.06 KB, 640x1138, 910ACB88-9E65-4E33-8128-951403…)

Katherine why would you post this?!??
No. 1420736
>>1420725does she do hard drugs like Luna? because I'm hitting the bong rn and this shit looks terrible. Weirdly pale, scrawny little twig thighs with the weird pouch, really showing off tht inverted triangle figure.
I see this pose all the time on Tumblr but I've never seen some make it look this unappealing
No. 1420766
File: 1642541306355.jpeg (81.05 KB, 640x1138, 271936079_663746404655208_5212…)

How is her makeup getting worse? For a ~uwu hyperfemme living doll~ she doesn't know shit about beauty/aesthetics.
No. 1420768
File: 1642541419871.webm (970.68 KB, 720x1280, E64BCB6CFF208398125CC49933C207…)
No. 1420778
File: 1642541743057.jpg (297.34 KB, 878x1116, Screenshot_20220118-163425_Sam…)

>>1420770There is no way she isn't retarded
No. 1420788
File: 1642542184279.jpg (10.76 KB, 300x278, 200804_lucille (1).jpg)

>>1420778No disrespect to Jessica Walter whatsoever but all I could think of was the Lucille Bluth wink
No. 1420825
File: 1642544217786.jpeg (380.2 KB, 1524x2048, FJaouSPWUAMuOOH.jpeg)

So uh, did she mess up her attempt to photoshop her tits? Wtf is going on there?
No. 1420827
File: 1642544298891.jpg (150.29 KB, 681x1023, 7165761660_97625aeacf_b.jpg)

>>1420766This is the first time I've seen this… thing, but she's giving me bigtime medieval-forehead-plucking-for-beauty vibes.
No. 1420873
File: 1642547908325.jpeg (488.15 KB, 1169x2046, 1631025786337.jpeg)

>>1420845Not that bad but she's obviously self-conscious about it.
No. 1420954
>>1420788That's exactly what I thought of too anon!
>>1420825>>1420905That or it looks like she photoshopped it poorly.
No. 1421208
File: 1642579667615.jpeg (871.49 KB, 1242x1492, 926FA078-DA61-4B93-9DD5-878543…)

Once again making the death of a black person all about herself. At least add some niceties to mask your narcissism better.
No. 1421569
File: 1642616598365.jpg (133.19 KB, 720x955, Screenshot.jpg)

Kathy will retweet compliments about herself and even someone else's GoFundMe for endometriosis but can't be bothered to do the same for her sub's cry for help, how sad.
No. 1421594
File: 1642617434172.jpg (119.74 KB, 720x617, Screenshot2.jpg)

>>1421569I found this gem too. Like I get she's larping but it's really rich coming from someone who claims they were in a years long
abusive relationship and a
victim of domestic violence.
No. 1421798
>>1421569Her "sub" can't be that broken hearted if she's only seeking "silent sends" from "$femmebitchesonly"
I thought that was her pay info but I Googled it and it's some other girl's Cashapp account. Kek
No. 1421824
File: 1642629249329.jpg (138.67 KB, 1620x960, 3screenshots.jpg)

Stitched together the latest 3 screenshots of vagueposting and hypocrisy. If being nice is free, admitting you'll block just about anyone is pretty ugly.
No. 1422111
File: 1642650389012.png (94.32 KB, 592x369, Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 7.44…)

Lol k Kathy the capitalist queen good luck with all that irl and online
No. 1422139
File: 1642654248320.png (45.94 KB, 584x213, Screen Shot 2022-01-19 at 8.48…)

>first impressions are forever
>when talking to a Dominatrix, err on the side of formality
So this didn't apply to her when she was being snotty with those other twitter dommes?
No. 1422317
>>1422298You're absolutely right, I know she'd never be able to get a lawyer, but she certainly thinks she can!
I truly would love to see her go into a lawyers office with "there's people on the internet making fun of me! Find them for free OR a ticket to my next show, whenever I can get one, and make them stoooop!!"
No. 1422381
File: 1642689295435.png (215.46 KB, 720x1006, Screenshot_20220119-185115~2.p…)

Posted yesterday and deleted. God, the irony of calling people pro-capitalist bootlickers and then literally a few minutes later proudly proclaiming how she's going to be sueing sooo many people! Remember this is coming from someone who refused SSDI because they wanted more money. Inb4 she can't get anyone to take her on and cries about how the legal industry is toxic and unsupportive like she did with the "creative industry", whatever that means.
No. 1422484
File: 1642698549635.png (516.4 KB, 720x1114, Screenshot_20220119-130231~2.p…)

This was also deleted. For a supposed historian Kathy didn't even bother doing her research before jumping on the bandwagon. The Twitter account the other person cited isn't even active and @voguemagazine had already released a statement hours before Kathy posted to her story. I love how she uses the death of a black fashion icon to complain about her old job and implies white supremacy had a role in what happened?! (Don't worry she made sure to make a different post, still made it about herself but took a farmer's advice of including "rest in peace")
No. 1422553
File: 1642704112432.jpg (192.7 KB, 1080x960, 2screenshots.jpg)

She asked people to screenshot and repost her story, so leaving these 2 here.
Hasn't she already been revealed as unsuccessfully trying to bankroll her family before begging strangers online to fund her? Fraud recognizes fraud.
No. 1422568
File: 1642704964880.jpg (29.14 KB, 540x960, underdispute.jpg)

Following edited screenshots (of her own unpaid loans?)and saying "This is an umpteenth reminder that abusers continue to think they are above the law" seems like telling on oneself as being swamped in debt.
No. 1422597
>>1422553>you would think the expenses stop when you leave domestic violenceExcuse me?! God forbid Kathy ever experiences real domestic violence and has to flee her home with just the clothes on her back and start a new life. This comment is even weirder because yesterday she acknowledged that it's harder to estrange yourself from your family if you're financially dependent on them. So much cognitive dissonance here.
>>1422582If she didn't take the loans out, how did she manage to pay for school and graduate? We know she doesn't have any money. I wonder if her father was aware of her scammy ways and insisted that she take the loans out first, and would pay them after she graduated. Would have been a wise choice considering how she dropped out of her Master's. Or maybe she took those loans out herself with delusions about how rich and successful she'd be and ended up pocketing the money. It would explain how she's been able to get by without her family's help (supposedly) and also her frivolous spending and overall poor financial sense.
No. 1422601
>>1422597Nah there's receipts in previous threads that her bro venmo'd her money so she's still on the family bankroll.
She can't call up one of her millionaire clients for a little less than 10 grand to pay them off? The interest rate on federal student loans isn't terrible either (highest is just above 6% for direct plus loans). Actually, maybe these are those parent plus loans and she's mad daddy won't pay them for her?
No. 1422609
>>1422597>>1422601So is her angle that she
was financially dependent upon them, but they were actually secretly using her for money… to pay for her expenses? And now she wants the money back because if she had known she was responsible for the student loans, she wouldn't have gone to school? Sorry if this is spaghetti-brain, I really can't tell what she's getting at here
No. 1422634
>>1422601Yeah that's why I said the (supposedly) lol. Is there a deadline for when the loans need to be paid back or do they just collect interest forever? Where I am because of CoVID they've paused interest on student loans so it's interesting to see Kathy concerned about them now.
>>1422609Maybe? She's claimed her father makes 6 figures so why he would take out fraudulent loans for a few thousand each in her name is baffling. But she's a narc and constantly lies so who knows what sort of mental gymnastics she performs in her head to justify anything
>>1422568>telling on oneself as being swamped in debtThe moment she un-privated her Instagram was a huge tell IMO. She knows she can't keep grifting in her closed off safe space and needs exposure. She's a terrible findom and must have a reputation in the NYC burlesque scene by now. She can't throw any sad dive bar shows for the time being. She collaborated with a random disability advocate from the UK who has a subscription based self-help site (remember when that was an influencer trend and they were all scams?) and also sells socks. Now she's threatening to sue anyone and everyone for looking at her the wrong way. Stable people with a reliable stream of income don't need to do these kinds of things.
No. 1422640
>>1422634Interest and payments for federal student loans have been paused, I think they just extended the pause into May 2022 too. You pick a repayment plan with a timeframe after you graduate (I think the standard one is like 10 years and there's an extended one for like 25 years), but there's also other specific repayment plans where it can be forgiven after 20-25 years.
She should've just blanked out the loan name/type kek. Student loans, especially for private schools like NYU, can be devestatingly high, but they really aren't the worst kind of loan and barely play to sympathies with her current balances.
No. 1422671
File: 1642714591843.jpg (26.81 KB, 496x580, hicow.jpg)

She's lurking. Reposted her tweets about threatening legal action too KEK
No. 1422712
>>1422568>>1422553Kathy, you're under 25 he is allowed to claim you as a dependent and it is very obvious you have not been paying all of your bills on your own.
>>1422568Called it in the first thread: she calls her family "financially
abusive" because they stopped paying for everything. Wish I had the caps but the financial abuse allegations started when they stopped paying her phone bill.
No. 1422727
File: 1642720526617.png (106.86 KB, 588x599, Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 3.11…)

This tone-deaf idiot really called sex work a luxury. Tell that to the women you interact with that openly talk about doing survival sex work as well as the millions of women and children being brutally raped, drugged, and murdered daily.
No. 1422728
File: 1642720815311.png (78.5 KB, 594x427, Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 3.16…)

Get a real job Katherine McMahon. Expecting this of men, let alone bottom barrel coomers, is completely delusional. (1/2)
No. 1422729
File: 1642720905411.png (127.06 KB, 597x758, Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 3.17…)

No. 1422736
File: 1642721628450.png (71.99 KB, 765x115, Screen Shot 2022-01-20 at 3.29…)

>>1422727>You are never entitled to SW services Tell that to the 80% of female "sex workers" that have been raped. The number is most likely higher but women in "sex work" are 60 to 100 times more likely to be murdered so it's hard to report being raped when you're dead. Or when you're being trafficked. Or just being a woman since 2 out of 3 go unreported for an array of reasons.
No. 1422802
File: 1642728415695.png (23.8 KB, 587x220, wertyuiop.PNG)

It would be nice if Katherine's liking of this post could be taken to mean that she's going to stop making assumptions about the sex lives of people she doesn't know. Unfortunately, I think this is just Katherine self-victimizing about why she isn't more accepted into "the lgbt community". Sure, it's because you "look straight" and not because you're fucking weird
No. 1422913
File: 1642740661824.jpg (622.04 KB, 1616x2878, screenshotthread.jpg)

"Censorship" isn't dirty deleting her own stories, like this thread's Bernie bro-levels of bitching about electoral politics while doing nothing, and then quoting Mao Tse-tung's definition of "liberal" without realizing it defines HER for prioritizing her individualism and privilege and failing to live up to professed values.
No. 1422942
File: 1642744088724.gif (1.71 MB, 352x264, F6AEB59B-1527-428F-8926-1CB095…)

>I will not be taking comments on this thread
Lol k. Echo chambers aren’t a good thing Kathy and if you’re not ready for people to challenge your beliefs after publicly challenging other people’s beliefs well…..
No. 1423018
>>1422913When has this performative bitch ever fed and clothed the poor or organized or attended a strike?
She must be asking followers to buy her pasta and cheese and buy her D'lish and Angela Friedman lingerie, and attend her "burlesque show" which is a strike against "patriachy"
There's your new talking point, horse face.
No. 1423364
File: 1642799266190.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1829, EB6FCC4A-F672-49D5-85CA-98C51D…)

She was scared to post some dumbass political take yesterday because of cEnSoRShiP but thinks a sex work account will stay up? That $8,000 in student loan debt daddy won’t continue to pay for her must be due.
No. 1423391
File: 1642801541304.jpg (170 KB, 1077x960, screenshot.jpg)

Squatters DO have rights, and people of lesser means can be more generous in caring for each other as a community, but this is hilarious coming from a grifter who got kicked out by her former close friend for not paying rent.
No. 1423445
File: 1642805019762.png (111.07 KB, 720x773, Screenshot_20220121-174131~2.p…)

>>1423364Maybe she'd get better engagement if she didn't bitch at people who send her emojis and want to ask questions (because apparently it's asking her to perform "unpaid labour") and stopped constantly posting polarizing and contradictory spergs
No. 1423558
File: 1642812528311.png (67.78 KB, 589x294, Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 4.43…)

>>1423445I'm howling at the fact that the only person Kathy could get to interact with her was her psych ward "femsub" turned faux findomme ho has even less engagement than her. None of her subs have done what she said by the way, not even the "femsub" kek
No. 1423645
File: 1642819557712.png (27.02 KB, 555x225, 023493424u23423.PNG)

This seems ill-advised
No. 1423833
File: 1642845375714.png (102.21 KB, 266x223, 318CAD56-D6CF-4F15-B5EB-89481A…)

>>1423391>my ~poor~ friends Super embarrassing and shameful is right. Learn to read a room.
No. 1424968
File: 1642977340277.png (32.47 KB, 588x142, Screen Shot 2022-01-23 at 2.27…)

She's desperate for engagement yet won't do the one thing that actually gets you engagement: put out new content regularly. Even Shayna has better work ethic than this malinger.
No. 1425424
>>1425373You're referring to the length of time someone has to squat at the address to be considered a squatter. They have to receive mail at the address for 30 days and after that the property owner has to go through the eviction process via court. What
>>1423468 is referring to how long the squatter has to reside at the address uninterrupted before they can file for adverse possession- which only works if no one else claims ownership of the property.
No. 1425658
File: 1643056400179.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, DE25614E-C2BA-4BDF-9B5B-234212…)

She says this like current day Mugler isn’t just as bad as the other brands listed because all this ~fashion historian~ knows is his Fall 95 collection lol
No. 1426008
File: 1643081631035.png (72.95 KB, 587x339, Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.31…)

Lay it on thick for your female psych ward sub Kathy (1/2)
No. 1426012
File: 1643081715541.png (535.1 KB, 585x747, Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.32…)

No. 1426013
File: 1643081751048.png (49.67 KB, 595x261, Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 7.32…)

No. 1426114
>>1426008Huh, I thought sex work was work. So work, bitch.
If you went into a dry cleaners and said, “hey, will you be able to dry clean my silk blouse?” And they replied, “Maybe, hand me a ten and I’ll tell you,” you’d fucking leave. Because that’s not how businesses operate.
No. 1426635
File: 1643144627079.jpeg (33.02 KB, 750x1334, 272464252_355479556068901_3141…)

Ah yes because strip clubs would totally accommodate mobility issues. Keeping LARPing Kathy.
No. 1426637
File: 1643144687775.jpeg (108.41 KB, 750x1334, 272635296_256540223281373_4197…)

No. 1426714
File: 1643148688779.jpeg (148.2 KB, 750x1334, 272714788_296911602412906_1493…)

How is she going to call herself hyperfemme while knowing nothing about lash extensions? These are extremely basic questions you'll get the answers to in seconds on google. She wants everything spoonfed to her but expects people to pay her for her horrendous political takes.
No. 1426819
File: 1643156063262.jpeg (64.08 KB, 750x1334, 272656461_1087761482016782_810…)

>>1426714>>1426635Lol yeah she's lurking hard today because both of these are deleted. She also posted this retardation which is just a cope for probably never being able to afford to buy property.
No. 1426823
File: 1643156231869.png (55.95 KB, 587x285, Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 4.16…)

She's back to wanting a "pixie" nose job despite having a witch skull (1/2)
No. 1426839
File: 1643157248346.png (535.42 KB, 592x688, Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 4.33…)

The delusion
No. 1426864
File: 1643158167212.png (21.01 KB, 685x215, aaa410872401892734.PNG)

>things that turn you on, turn you on? how original
This is so fucking retarded, I'm positive she just got a bag of weed and is high as hell.
No. 1426974
File: 1643163805300.jpeg (55.71 KB, 750x1334, 272636045_4647588708609580_373…)

>Don't send me x!!
No. 1427022
File: 1643168038053.jpeg (120.92 KB, 1080x1080, FJ8Gr7qX0AQmLRO.jpeg)

>>1426974Kathy you are a worthless piece of shit. That "person" was a black woman named Aubrion Rogers who was "continuously… denied care over and over again" and died during recovery from emergency surgery. You had to scroll past five slides sharing her story to be able to re-post
>>1426975You're not an advocate for endometriosis; you're a raging narcissist that can't even type out a
victim's name because you're too busy trying to make yourself the
No. 1427029
>>1426114She was told the same thing when she publicly asked a prodomme on Twitter for advice when she was starting out and didn't acknowledge it at all
>>1426635Someone probably reached out to her and she realized she couldn't afford it kek
>>1426864She begged for $110 for weed a couple of days ago so yes
>>1426974>>1427005>>1426975Wait, so she had no problem talking about André Leon Talley and Thierry Mugler when they died recently, and repeatedly brings up Mistress Velvet, but can't even be bothered to acknowledge the name of the person who tragically died from the same medical condition she has?! Holy fucking hell, way to show your narcissism Kathy
No. 1427066
File: 1643170071301.jpeg (Spoiler Image,585.19 KB, 1538x2048, D00D1A17-C9D9-4FDB-91E9-197B3C…)

No. 1427272
>>1426974>>1426975>>1427022Wow she really is bottom barrel. She went out of her way to make that poor woman’s death completely about herself. Since everything has to be about Katherine, what if that was you after your surgery? What if
you died and self-righteous “advocates” didn’t even mention your name and just referred to you as “a person who died”?
RIP Aubrion Rogers
No. 1427547
>>1427280I bet her "medical trauma" was her "
abusive" dad refusing to continue paying for her health insurance and telling her to get on Medicaid after she dropped out of school. Quel horror!!
No. 1427757
File: 1643240522240.webm (1.48 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7057359883532029231_ka…)
No. 1427938
File: 1643251694617.jpeg (713.87 KB, 1242x1581, AC4FEF5E-3E72-4B8F-B6E4-E9D3B4…)

Zero artistic integrity. Zero originality.
No. 1427972
File: 1643253942412.png (14.75 KB, 562x168, dontthink.PNG)

>>1427938>don't think ill do it for you>wait what am i supposed to thinkdumbass
No. 1427992
File: 1643255456316.jpeg (490.09 KB, 1242x954, 7BD7ED6A-3B1C-4ABE-AC79-5E0CEC…)

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. They’re coomers. You’re a sEx WoRkEr. They use you to get off they do not care about manners. (1/2)
No. 1427996
File: 1643255637412.jpeg (445.76 KB, 1242x949, BCE70394-3327-4DC8-92FA-896568…)

No. 1428001
>>1427938Once again, it’s a
woman in distress. Illustrated by a male. If she wanted to directly lift someone else’s work to advertise herself she could’ve gone with one of his singular domme illustrations but no. She tells on herself left and right.
No. 1428052
File: 1643262780641.jpeg (369.24 KB, 1125x2041, C3F659B1-8F72-4BF7-9D3E-EF2CA5…)

Happy to see that she finally admits that her costuming abilities are strictly limited to glueing shiny shit onto other shit
No. 1428059
File: 1643263667076.png (458.21 KB, 1117x499, Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.0…)

>>1428052And she can't even do that right yet…
She opened a "shop" section on site where she is offering it. Pretty scammy too to literally just go live and have half your products listed as bestsellers kek
No. 1428061
File: 1643263968885.png (298.62 KB, 843x800, Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.0…)

Here's the listing for the pasties which she is now charging $30 more than what she was advertising on Twitter last month. The "available colors here" link takes you directly to where she gets her rhinestones kek very professional!
No. 1428062
File: 1643264051521.png (425.15 KB, 842x796, Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.1…)

>>1428061Add an extra $5 for imitation craft pearls
No. 1428066
File: 1643264687000.png (293.46 KB, 594x788, Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 10.1…)

Grammar left the chat for her ~bespoke~ listing which is not for the service itself but instead just the "intorductory" consultation. Yes she is asking $150 just for a consultation yet can't even be fucked to spellcheck her listing.
> Katherine Harlow, the Park Avenue Pinup, is widely known for her costumes, particulary for her rhinestone work. Due to popular demand, she now offers a bespoke rhinestone service.
> This product reflects the cost of one intorductory consultation with Katherine, in which you will have one hour to discuss your rhinestone project or idea. Please provide your email address, and Katherine will reach out to schedule the consultation (available in person by request, Zoom, or phone call).
> Katherine will then send you a quote in seven business days with the approximate cost for your project (minus the $150 consultation fee). If you do not agree with the price, or cannot afford it, (etc.) you are entitled to a 25% refund, of $38 (leaving Katherine $112 for her time and expertise).
No. 1428196
File: 1643285750330.jpg (578.48 KB, 1076x1416, Screenshot_20220127-071230_Sam…)

Katie must have gotten this Agent Provocateur bra on sale because look at the major gap between her tit and the bra. She says in her sizing details she's a 34b, but this is definitely a 34A. She would probably actually be a 34AA but AP's smallest cup is an A
No. 1428210
File: 1643287083996.webm (6.09 MB, 720x1104, XRecorder_Edited_27012022_0726…)
This ShitTok was before the video where she showed off her Michael Jackson-esque glove with the eNcrRuStEd crusty palm. She proudly shows off her inability to move and how she can't figure out how to hold fans at another dancer's show at the Gitano Garden of Love.
No. 1428212
>>1428199It's her thinking it shows off the dom/sub relationship without really understanding that's not how it's done
For such a "professional", she literally does everything wrong in the industries she aspires to be in because she's too self-absorbed to learn from real professionals.
No. 1428262
>>1428210It's so…halfhearted. She has zero stage presence at all. It doesn't even look like a performance. It looks like she's being forced to go through a routine for practice. Kathy needs to take some form of dance class to improve grace and skill, which she won't, because she won't do basic workouts to tone her body so it photographs better.
Reminder that this is what she's trying to be No. 1428297
>>1427757So capitalism made Katherine Harlow the confident collard little burlesque dominatrix.
The park Avenue pinup needs to abolish the fan routine and get into zumba
No. 1428601
File: 1643319606336.jpeg (426.58 KB, 1242x1136, 914DAE90-5EB3-48D2-A238-677315…)

Would it be too much hope assuming she finally came to the realization that sex work (even though she barely does anything) is not an easy job where money just rolls in and men are kind?
No. 1428612
File: 1643320773070.jpg (68.56 KB, 1080x960, screenshot.jpg)

>>1428601She says on her burlesque account that she'll still be doing spicy work because she "has to", but announced taking a hiatus as the spicy persona. Each account being on hiatus according to the other account does not add up.
No. 1428628
>>1428262>>1428297I'm working on editing down this ridiculous 45 minute interview she did on a disability podcast she was on a couple of years ago. Some of the things she said:
- she's "food sensitive" due to having endometriosis and can't eat dairy, chocolate, sugar, or gluten (she must be eating vegan cheese, gluten-free pasta/gnocchi and sugar-free macarons, kek) and mostly eats fruits and vegetables
- mentions the "
abusive" family and says mom told her that her pains during her period at age 12 were normal and she barely graduated due to these pains, but teachers should have called to check on what's wrong with her
- Ginger Valentine was one of her "burlesque mentors" (her profile is private, but has "strip school" classes and 8k followers) who must be one of the "legends of burlesque" (that is not a legend or popular at all Katie) was mEnToRed by
- Katie is limited with her body's mobility issues and therefore uses "large arm movements that [she] learned from being a ballet dancer" - watched Gypsy with Natalie Wood and realized you don't have to be "acrobatic" "or do the splits like most girls [in burlesque]"- You can have "charisma, poise… and making a lot of eye contact" and that her style is "slow burn burlesque"
- But because she doesn't move enough, producers tell her to take classes and "assume [she's] inexperienced". When the podcast host asks how long she's been doing burlesque, she answers "about 5 months", but then says she's really been studying and researching for years
- her costumes (more like singular costume) took 2 years to make.
Once I get it edited down I'll post it because honestly it's a struggle to get through. Just wanted to give the Cliff's Notes version while I'm cutting everything down to the parts mentioned above.
No. 1428630
>>1428601Of course, as soon as she snags a male sub she's "going on hiatus". Can we finally dispell with the notion that she's in any way gay? Yes, Katherine will entertain women sexually so she gets Bisexual Oppression Points but that's it.
>>1428628Bless you. I had that whole thing typed up notepad and my computer died before I saved it kek
No. 1428682
File: 1643324142208.jpeg (17.74 KB, 750x1334, AF7B2281-7C7D-4A29-919D-E55EBF…)

She went private again on her main instagram and posted this again on the other
No. 1428914
>>14287173 years now and she's still working on it. It just gets progressively worse because she doesn't know how to do anything other than glue more shiny shit onto it. Idk why she's so committed, she could easily get a new base if she saved up, one that actually fits too
>>1428729She wanted a free pass because of her ~disability~ but never told anyone that she was disabled. When a professional told her to take lessons she agreed to their face but then went online and stupidly @them and cried ableism
No. 1429006
File: 1643342968721.jpeg (604.1 KB, 1242x1447, 5F64AF59-9C27-49A1-B4EC-44916C…)

Her hiatus didn’t last but a few hours
No. 1429040
File: 1643346676306.jpeg (263.58 KB, 1242x1115, D70B5FE0-2893-4D0C-9E56-17C814…)

No. 1429042
File: 1643346873711.jpeg (272.16 KB, 1242x1265, 046DC048-CA87-4E08-8A4F-A9F835…)

>>1429040Here’s to hoping whatever woowoo zine she’s posing for in someone’s studio apartment tomorrow sees her calling having to do it “bleh” and cancels last minute on her
No. 1429445
File: 1643399686645.jpg (76.37 KB, 1080x960, screenshot.jpg)

The planned hiatus is pushed back just as money was sent…someone's covering their ass.
No. 1429511
File: 1643405160728.jpeg (62.31 KB, 595x485, rebrand.jpeg)

Looks like she's trying a re-brand on Twittter. The Christmas profile pic was a choice. Doubling down on findom being a ~luxury fetish~. The irony in telling other people to get a job while e-begging kek
No. 1429513
File: 1643405241201.png (44.06 KB, 595x198, Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 1.27…)

No. 1429514
File: 1643405280136.webm (1.61 MB, 720x1280, 21212.webm)
>>1429513Yes everyone worships your Baby Jane looking ass
No. 1429519
File: 1643406005171.png (380.01 KB, 592x490, Screen Shot 2022-01-28 at 1.39…)

>>1429445Not her trying to pass off the looney sub paying for her microwave and shit as a tribute
No. 1429531
File: 1643407457295.jpeg (126.48 KB, 750x1334, 272859413_470044184489801_1457…)

>>1429445She dirty deleted these already lol also what's the point of having a separate sex work account when you're bringing it onto your main?
No. 1429651
File: 1643417190511.jpeg (202.41 KB, 594x1457, k1.jpeg)

Katherine really showed her true colors with this interaction. She, of course, deleted all her replies because she called a victim a SWERF, a bigot, and that she's "not in community" with her all because she said she didn't have the option to say no.
No. 1430252
File: 1643490098103.jpeg (46.77 KB, 750x1334, 271359934_652018869548645_7805…)

Pedopandering. You're 24 Katherine.
No. 1430276
>>1430252kathy found a new low. nice!
you know damn well that's a child's foot, you awful bird-woman
No. 1430474
>>1430252More like pedi-pandering
Not sure where this unoriginal pic came from but I doubt it's a child's food judging from the heels. Looks like a dude with a big hand since the ratio of the nail polish brush is similar to the foot and looks super small in the hand.
Regardless of who the foot belongs to, you know Kathy is just dreaming someone would pamper her.
I'm still working on the podcast editing, but she mentions that she likes being a sub in the "princess" subset since she likes being cared for.
No. 1430490
File: 1643509696202.jpeg (88.64 KB, 750x1334, 272754047_1114060862704329_351…)

>>1430474It's literally artwork for Lolita. It is a child's feet with heels… that's the point. She also posted picrel before this one but now both are deleted. She's pedopandering.
No. 1430516
>>1429651What an abhorrent cunt.
>le sex work and trafficking aren’t the same thing so you’re the one speaking out of turn hunAlso I never noticed it but I hate the way she spaces. Fucking reddit ass typing style.
No. 1430580
File: 1643526523332.png (52.67 KB, 594x250, Screen Shot 2022-01-29 at 11.0…)

Took Kathy seven or eight months to make less than monthly nyc minimum wage kek
No. 1430716
>>1430580God, where do people get the money to sink it into these bitches pockets?
I've wondered for the longest time with Jake Munro too.
The people who give them money seem young and are often mentally ill (proven with Katie's sub) so what kind of lives do they lead that they can shill 2k for a zoom call with the blandest person imaginable?
Like I get that people do the most ridiculous things for sexual gratification, but to me her femsub just seems lonely and in need of validation, not jacking off to Katie's non-existent figure.
Katie's femsub, if you're reading this: please love yourself more. A spa day would be better for your self-esteem than feeding this dumbfuck's 100% carb diet. Cheaper too.
No. 1430891
>>1430490>>1430494Thank you anons, I didn't know! I appreciate the screen cap too since it's important to save Katherine McMahon's stories/posts due to her cow love of deleting.
>>1430497Not all anons have watched every film/heard every song on Kathy's "Great Inspirations of the 20th/21st century, pissy pissfag.
No. 1430971
File: 1643578479882.png (35.14 KB, 587x130, Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 1.33…)

She is actually illiterate no wonder she dropped out kek
No. 1430993
File: 1643580818955.jpeg (243.18 KB, 589x1379, askjhf.jpeg)

Praying to the Milk Gods this actually happens. A psych ward hamplanet and doughy narcissist larping together… kek
No. 1431002
>>1430993Good Lord they're extremely obese!! Like larger than Luna Slater!! This is a mutually beneficial relationship where psycho finsub/new findom feels like she's getting friendship with someone prettier than her hamuniverse ass and Kathy sub/new findom can spout ridiculous rhetoric and feel pretty and thin for once in her basic bitch life.
Can't wait to see Kathy eating cheese off Pig 1 and Pig 2's sausage rolled back as her flat tits are put on display in a bra 2 cup sizes too large.
No. 1431003
>>1430993Kek their feet look like tiny hooves compared to their dirigible bodies!
And their thighs are so fat they can't even put their cankles together!!
I'm sure they get their money from living at home while getting crazy money from the government. They certainly don't work.
No. 1431149
File: 1643596006663.png (115.81 KB, 206x277, Screenshot 2022-01-30 9.26.21 …)

>>1430993Kek did Kathy give her the tacky purse?
No. 1431241
File: 1643606885610.png (51.94 KB, 591x255, Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 9.26…)

She's running out of ideas so she turned to murder fucking kek
No. 1431244
File: 1643607414141.jpeg (56.57 KB, 589x529, who will snap first.jpeg)

She has a new looney to add to the bin. Seriously, all her subs are very mentally unstable individuals. It's especially embarrassing since she's she larping that rich, attractive, wealthy, wall street men are throwing themselves at her.
No. 1431313
File: 1643620220464.webm (4.33 MB, 480x856, Snaptik_7059226075552812334_ka…)
Where does she get off on thinking she's educating people on how to lace a corset when she has an off the rack one that doesn't even remotely fit properly?
No. 1431414
File: 1643633842154.jpg (52.02 KB, 728x562, cashmere for the scrote.JPG)

why would any "finsubs" find it appealing to finance her pet scrote's sweater?
it makes no sense from the point of view of the fantasy she is trying to sell. she's supposed to be an unattainable glamorous mistress, a starlet, and theyre to shower her with gifts as though a legion of starstruck secret admirers. her being open about smoking weed and being a leftist also kills that vibe tbh. breaks the illusion.
cant wait for the "reimburse my man's captain marvel funko pop $150" story arch.
No. 1431504
>>1431244years back I had one guy paying me for telling him what he was allowed to eat and stuff like that, I stopped that very fast because he was like that guy. Somehow I think you have to be mentally unwell to pay money to be treated like shit, especially from a person like her.
>>1431436it's a normal price if you buy something like that at cheaper companies with not so good cashmere quality. But what am I saying, she knows everything about fabric, fashion, quality, she would never buy cheap or low quality things…
No. 1431572
>>1431313I know it's said often, however she really has the most unfortunate face. Her photos online look NOTHING like
>>1420825 her tiktoks.
No. 1431673
>>1431577Exactly! That's like making a how to lace boots video and just tugging the top, ignoring the rest of the laces.
She can't even larp correctly
And the face she makes when tugging the center like she's saying "ooooh", accentuating her fucked up chin hanging off her jowls.
No. 1431690
File: 1643663999775.jpeg (192.57 KB, 750x1334, E7003CC8-0936-4CFF-823D-34FADE…)

No. 1431706
>>1431690if I would see the length of her mail address I would feel annoyed and tired and never write her, easy access is the key, people don't have time to write and check such long names
I also find the "costumier, historian" very funny, she couldn't sew herself a t-shirt and doesn't know shit about history
No. 1431733
File: 1643666844518.png (409.17 KB, 590x717, Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 2.05…)

>>1431414Meanwhile her boyfriend (funny how she didn't call him sir this time) is simping hard for professional e-thots kek
No. 1431744
File: 1643667636648.jpeg (93.79 KB, 1200x900, c3b8ce486e625cc5b9950fef06c2b9…)

>>1431313She obviously can't do makeup, we know this, but what always sends me are her lips. What the actual fuck is going on there? Is she just so bad at applying lipstick that it comes out crooked or are her lips just naturally that fucked?
No. 1432032
>>1430993Why does the “finsub femdomme” look so awkward and so much less domineering than her friend? I love how for the longest time, Kathy didn’t know the difference between the words finsub and findom, and now she’s roped her only sub (an openly lonely, mentally ill woman who seems desperate for attention and validation) into doing both at the same time. What a tasty little chapter 2. Considering how she so shamelessly shits on rape survivors for personal gain on her business twitter, I don’t think it would be all that surprising if she were, ahem, taking advantage of the mentally ill for personal profit.
>>1429531Oh, and you can totally see the foundation line on her neck here, and it doesn’t help that she’s trying to be more pasty and “porcelain” than she’ll ever really be. Ah, well. Between wanting (and desperately failing) to appear paper fucking white, and making a black person’s death about her on her “professional” twitter, maybe her larping with a whip in hand isn’t entirely uninspired. Stupid, opportunistic bird cunt.
God, I’m still pissed about what she said about the survivor the other day. I cannot wait until the energy that she puts out into the world comes back at her, tenfold.
No. 1432037
File: 1643700019571.jpeg (121.89 KB, 750x1334, E1166017-87BB-468C-999D-B4ED03…)

Illiterate and bad at math; we’re going on two years of the pandemic
No. 1432173
>>1432037Kathy loves using other people's words to describe her own issues. For such a wannabe intellectual, she can't even think up her own way of bitching about life.
And I'm not surprised she isn't doing great… that's that good ol' karma fucking her in her vanilla butthole
No. 1432581
File: 1643769100296.jpeg (339.68 KB, 1242x1057, E49B3062-B8EF-468B-85F4-86D7A8…)

In Kathy’s la la land 1k is close to 10k and a club is one person
No. 1432772
File: 1643792220271.jpeg (251.17 KB, 1242x1135, 2E814558-B717-49FE-BD5B-82792F…)

>>1432769They can and they are
>>1432581Wow. She is gonna get cancelled so hard when the mentally ill woman comes out of whatever psychosis she is suffering with and realises that this middle class rat has been happily taking her money. Seriously, that’s actually such a low down dirty thing to do. It’s one thing to exploit incels for cheese money, but this finsub woman is clearly in desperate need of a good friend and mental health support. What does woman of the people comrade Kathy do? Takes advantage of the poor woman’s time of crisis to line her pockets and buy her ugly man ugly sweaters. Big
oof for that karma, what an utter scumbag. I hope the woman one day posts the messages, I’d bet they’re full of coercion and pressure on her to part with her cash.
No. 1433092
File: 1643832100547.jpeg (534.8 KB, 1242x1209, C22AE5F0-6609-4B7C-B78A-77DBE8…)

The obsession continues
No. 1433097
File: 1643832247796.jpeg (36.55 KB, 750x1334, 09414307-BFF6-4656-B96F-50AC47…)

>>1433092Interesting quote choice given she did
not survive
No. 1433100
File: 1643832387908.jpeg (45.7 KB, 750x1334, F41B0954-62DB-4516-93D3-7F0940…)

If she’s going to continue saying she was financially abused by her family, she might want to get the math down. It’s an obvious weak point for her kek
No. 1433136
File: 1643834709425.jpeg (531.28 KB, 1242x1170, 73A1429F-77D0-4806-9D33-E6738E…)

Does she think admitting to not voting is an impactful radical move? Because it’s really not lol she needs to be shipped off to China or Cuba for a month to experience her praised Marxist–Leninism
No. 1433270
File: 1643844676938.jpeg (66.64 KB, 750x1334, X25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWF0bDMtMi…)

>>1433100Poor Kathy, traumatized because her parents wouldn't let her fend for herself and work in a coal mine when she was 4
No. 1433388
>>1433270And which one of these applies to her?
>ability to pursue educationShe graduated high school and attended NYU
>ability to work - and/or job training Her narcissism had her put her entire work history online
>movement - basic necessities Her dad got her an apartment at 18 and she's had multiple since. She wasn't homeless in high school.
>credit - finances - economic resources All we have for this at the moment is her breaking down over them not paying her phone bill at 22 years old and student loans that are 90% paid off.
This supposed financial abuse looks more and more like Kathy being pissed she's getting cut off and that her parents didn't let her live her Gossip Girl/SATC fantasy at 15. Can’t fault your parents for not letting you run wild on your own as a minor.
No. 1433482
File: 1643861839818.jpeg (976.22 KB, 1242x1751, C7D8ADFA-2A69-478D-B81F-E6445E…)

I wonder how much she seethes on the inside when posting things like this knowing the image looking back at her is heavily edited and none of it is true
No. 1433657
File: 1643892829851.jpg (29.87 KB, 514x514, 1669e1e807acc9e102ea8c8547d6ca…)

>>1433482Do you want an egg?
No. 1433670
>>1433482Sorry to nitpick but everything about her face looks so wrong in this pic, from top to bottom; receding hairline, brows too short for her eye look, bizarre eyeshadow shape that looks like it's half-finished, chunky liner angled incorrectly making her eyes look down turned, bird nose, mismatched lip shape.
Some of that is just her being ugly, but for someone who's whole delusion is being ~glamorous and beautiful~ her makeup skills are atrocious. She doesn't work so she has no excuse not to practice doing her makeup and get better at it.
No. 1433996
File: 1643930579333.png (869.26 KB, 1242x2208, 95F49F93-7E83-43B9-ABEE-A264EC…)

She can change her site address but leaves “particulary” and “intorductory” what an absolute sped
No. 1434251
File: 1643951515088.jpeg (42.39 KB, 750x1334, 2EDFF82B-B91F-459A-8189-2DDF76…)

She’s claiming to have ‘chronic PTSD’ now
No. 1434284
>>1434251I don't get her. This isn't something you should post on a public account. It's very personal and serious that should remain in dedicated communities and services. Also, no
trigger warning? Tsk tsk
No. 1434367
File: 1643969158413.jpg (175.97 KB, 1600x899, HT_tea_flego_grandmother_livia…)

>>1433388She's clearly just a lazy spoiled girl who feels her parents owed her more than the comfortable middle class life they provided her with. It shows in her delusions of grandeur and her absolute inability or desire to work. She's even too lazy to actually do SW beyond begging for cheese wheel reimbursements on twitter. lmao
>>1434051>>1434158she really does remind me of one of those "glam-ma" makeovers.
No. 1434681
File: 1644004264425.jpg (85.42 KB, 1080x960, screenshot.jpg)

The "not like the other girls" telling on oneself continues.
No. 1434747
File: 1644008001481.jpeg (96.85 KB, 750x1334, E2B064FB-78C4-4CDB-B620-6E456F…)

>>1434681Not in community? The thread caps don’t lie; she’s been talking about being fucked by her boyfriend’s male friends from the beginning as well going on rants about how she isn’t monogamous. Also love how she just umbrella terms all her ~chronic illnesses~.
Also the entitled irony in posting about not taking on any work followed by thanking friends sending you money after e-begging. They don’t learn ever, do they?
No. 1434777
File: 1644011018486.jpeg (864.41 KB, 1242x1428, 17A06247-41B3-4032-B009-08D49F…)

Just going to leave this mess here
No. 1434786
nonnie spot on
>>1434747I truly hope those caps (I don't remember seeing them ) were larp. Thinking she gor brainwashed into fucking even the friends of that greasy wojack of her boyfriend is bleak
No. 1434810
File: 1644013499832.jpg (166.26 KB, 1618x960, screenshot.jpg)

She's again telling on herself in her stories with the encouragement of "using" exploitative systems while lip-service decrying them.
No. 1434832
File: 1644015989811.png (3.84 MB, 1242x2208, 1630093148687.png)

>>1434786Guess it could be a larp but this is the most concrete cap… complete with disgusting pedobait emoji
No. 1434836
File: 1644016356226.jpeg (27.25 KB, 750x1334, 272043453_4552855684837591_153…)

>>1434810The only thing Kathy will ever bankrupt is herself lol
No. 1434845
File: 1644017494850.png (12.21 KB, 437x42, Screen Shot 2022-02-04 at 3.31…)

>>1434836Sure as hell didn't bankrupt the Museum of Sex as it didn't go anywhere and here's what real lawyers thought of her case: No. 1434853
>>1434681this, this shit
I don't understand why she's so adamant about excluding straight people, it's absolutely bizarre, what the hell makes her burlesque "queer-only"? lmao like, purposefully turning away money JUST because they're straight? her priorities are wack
No. 1434873
>>1434810She sits on her ass all day, flattening it even further, typing out fantasies on twitter of taking money from the odious cis white population yet when the occasion supposedly arises in real life
gasp NO! She would NEVER take their money! Instead she gushes about taking money from ~queer disabled severely mentally unstable women and
POC~. Really sticking it to the man Kath.
No. 1434899
>>1434251Remember when it was "complex" PTSD? Like what does that even mean?
>>1434681So people know she doesn't have a lot going on and call her last minute when the original performer cancels and they can't find anyone else kek.
>>1434873I think she knows she can't cut it with people who have normal standards. If these middle class swingers are willing to offer her a lot of money, it's a double edged sword because they're going to expect a high quality burlesque act instead of Kathy's awkward fan dance undressing and disabled ass shaking. We've seen how unsexy she is, she'd get ripped apart in online reviews.
No. 1434932
>>1434899Complex ptsd is enduring multiple acts of trauma without any return to safety or normalcy, your nervous system and brain get damaged differently than a singular event that causes ptsd because they are sustaining themselves beyond their means over a long period of time with no stability. It’s called complex to mean other than the singular, and because it causes developmental issues and issues that require some form of attempted adaptation to a dangerous environment. Think of long term sexual abuse, living long term with abusers, kidnapping, trafficking, etc.
It’s only officially recognized in the UK though, but it’s been studied in the US for a while. There are major differences between ptsd and c-ptsd, a really important one being treatment. Ptsd can be effectively treated with exposure therapy, with complex ptsd it actually makes it a lot worse. Professionals can address complex ptsd differently, but again it’s technically not in the DSM yet because it’s a ridiculous system. There’s a lot of misinformation, and they want to keep convincing people to be on expensive drugs designed for the male body that have very damaging side effects, instead of providing the physical care people need to heal from their bodies and nervous systems. Limiting social media is a great start, as is exercise or buying a book written by a medical professional on the subject instead of asking her followers about nightmares. Social media is designed as high stimulation and can simulate chaos, so she should take it seriously instead of waiting for it to cause more long term effects.
No. 1435027
File: 1644034096185.jpeg (161.17 KB, 750x1334, 1613CE52-C08A-4963-8CC7-76F260…)

She’s constantly asking for #free# ideas. This is your job Katherine and you’ve been in a creative block for almost a year; common sense would say this isn’t the job for you if you can’t figure out how to do some nudes.
No. 1435100
File: 1644044801906.png (344.75 KB, 1500x1334, C1CE1CAD-255F-4A0D-A759-D3578B…)

Someone outside of here must’ve called her out for dirty deleting. This is her excuse.
No. 1435103
File: 1644044919649.jpeg (74.75 KB, 750x1270, D77D046C-A571-4A6B-B0F5-A6F5C2…)

She’s also reposting things from 2-3 years ago because she’s a lazy bitch but that’s okay because now everyone new can see atrocities like picrel
No. 1435128
>>1434932Ayrt, thank you for the explanation. That would make sense as it fits her narrative of being "financially abused" since she was a toddler. If the nightmares are real that's really sad, and could explain why anons who have known Kathy for a while say she's gone batshit crazy within the past year. We know she lurks and she's too addicted to social media to ever leave, look at how long she lasted on her "hiatus". Instead she should e-beg for money to pay for therapy instead of weed and purses.
>>1435027Kek at her telling on herself again and admitting the only ideas she had for nude shoots were copied from Playboy and cliche 1950s sex icons (with really tragic lives, see spoilers if you're interested). She mentioned on Twitter how she has an Art History degree but hasn't found it useful in her line of "work". I'm suspecting Kathy paid someone to do her assignments for her because I don't get how she could make it into a related Master's program with the total lack of creativity and drive she has.
Derail about Marilyn Monroe and Bettie Page:
Most of Marilyn's childhood was moving around different foster homes as she didn't know her father and her mother had schizophrenia and ended up getting committed. She was sexually abused by her foster father at age 11. Her shitty life made her want to pursue acting as a way to escape. She started to pose nude at 23 because she was broke. (She never consented to being in Playboy and never received any money from them btw) Even though she ended up being a successful actress, she wasn't treated well by the studios and was tired of being typecast into sex roles. She would struggle with addiction and died at 36 from an overdose.
Bettie also had a rough childhood, her father was a convict and she had to live in an orphanage for about a year when she was 10 and her parents divorced. Her father (mother was desperate for money and rented a room out to him) started to sexually abuse her when she was 13. Like Marilyn, she wanted to be an actress and moved to NY when she was 24 and was sexually assaulted by a group of men within days. Eventually she started erotic modeling and became popular for fetish/BDSM stuff (which she didn't care for and was only in it for the money). A few years after she was featured in Playboy she stopped modeling, became a born again Christian and expressed regret about her photographs. Later on she stabbed her elderly landlord, attacked another one, was diagnosed with schizophrenia and throughout her life spent over 10 years in various mental institutions. No. 1435564
File: 1644096893245.webm (664.85 KB, 640x910, YlrvrBfC47MNz8tG.webm)
Out of all the things from years ago to repost, she picks this?
No. 1435606
File: 1644100863376.jpg (139.64 KB, 708x1280, kathy is microchipped.jpg)

checked her story highlights out of boredom. she wasnt bluffing with those air tags LOL. now nobody will steal her michael jackson sleeve to harvest its luxurious swarovskis.
also, her media highlight is a true testament to her ego. aside of a single chicago tribune mention, it is inflated with boutiqiabe's art.
sorry if old milk, but it had me kekkin'.
No. 1435619
File: 1644101627305.jpeg (251.37 KB, 750x1334, 175487017_450885389348922_1627…)

>>1435606Her shit stays thrown into her cheap particleboard dresser 99.999% of the time. They're going to die without getting any actual use. What a complete waste just to stroke her ego and delusion of being a "costumier".
No. 1435752
File: 1644113138865.png (69.88 KB, 592x349, Screen Shot 2022-02-05 at 6.02…)

Kath is so desperate to show she's getting pocket change thrown at her that she doesn't realize the monetary problem with saying "better luck next time" and "too slow"
No. 1435995
File: 1644144063442.png (1.77 MB, 1242x2208, F5EF2E92-6680-4BE1-95FB-7DDC87…)

If you can’t explain why you have the views you have then…. anons have been saying she takes on the views and such of the men she’s being used by and it honestly looks that way. She has no opinions of her own that don’t involve herself.
No. 1436074
File: 1644157805806.jpg (60.63 KB, 1076x960, screenshot.jpg)

Hypocritical word salad again from someone who wants to play into and succeed in capitalism and respectability politics with the way she wants to present herself.
No. 1436078
File: 1644158125417.jpg (78.45 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

Trying to sound thoughtful and instead coming across as thoughtless.
Even non-glass crystals have to be cut well to sparkle and have "fire".
"What is a crystal without sparkle?"
No. 1436112
>>1436074she loves whining about who she is and isn’t „in community“ with. kathy, shut up. you’re a straight woman, you’re not in community with ANY lgb person. subtle homophobia towards gay men who don’t fit your standards isn’t okay kek. while im writing this, i remember that she also subtly shitted on lesbians. she’s fucking gross and cringeworthy, trying to be apart of a group of people she clearly hates
at this point, im convinced she’s only into this radical crap because it makes her seem special and unique. she’s not, of course, but she has this idea that anything and everything she does is revolutionary and radical and different from the norm - but the bigotry (one of her fav words) genuinely just seeps out. you can tell from a mile away that she’s bitter and hateful and narcissistic. sorry for my mini sperg nonas but this is the first time through out her threads that i’ve genuinely been annoyed at this cunt and her audacity
No. 1436227
File: 1644170816569.jpg (109.57 KB, 1620x960, screenshot.jpg)

More generic statements passed off as wisdom and trying to say "nobody be mean to me".
And based on the last story where a conversation about the relationship threatens it…the guy still hasn't obviously committed to her.
No. 1436276
File: 1644174145718.jpg (30.96 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

Victim-blaming sucks, but this is…not about that.
The announcement of leaving advertises her departure in a way that says she wants people to flood her DMs with supportive messages and beg her not to go.
If she wants to get off social media, she can, at any time.
No. 1436291
File: 1644175479244.jpg (21.55 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

More vagueposting!
No. 1436330
File: 1644177758180.jpg (62.33 KB, 750x1334, X25jX2h0PXNjb250ZW50LWlhZDMtMS…)

She's having a meltdown because people are finally seeing her for her true colors.
What is it that they say, "if everyone you run into is an asshole, the only asshole is probably you"?
No. 1436366
File: 1644179739248.png (556.05 KB, 616x460, bigbird.png)

>>1434810>Use the system of the state against itself!A few days earlier
>>1433136>I don't vote because I'm a RaDiCaLOk Kathy.
>>1435995Lol at her telling on herself for getting called out for her bad takes and being unable to make it make sense to others
>>1436074Dirty deleted. I'm betting money the gays came for her with pitchforks, hence the following meltdown.
No. 1436419
File: 1644182570780.jpg (237.18 KB, 1080x960, screenshot.jpg)

"Earn It" has a lot of shitty implications, explained in a TL;DR version here: However, here it's used as another example of taking a larger issue and making it about herself.
She wants to get messages and send out stationery, while being stationary herself.
No. 1436467
>>1436419This is actually ridiculously pathetic. She has two Twitter and three Instagram accounts and there isn't a single post doing anything she's telling others to do. Where is Katherine tagging and publicly making politicians look bad? What pressure is she putting on anyone? Others are clearly calling her out for her BS because of her posting shit like
>>1435995 but what else does she expect when she is poster woman of performative slacktivism? She wants praise for sending worthless letters to people who are actually doing the work. Her narcissism is off the charts.
No. 1436475
File: 1644185866838.jpeg (367.54 KB, 1242x1735, 1637456736058.jpeg)

>>1436469It is. Here's the cap of her listing it all off kek
No. 1436622
>>1436291Avoidant attachment styles can stem from abuse, but we wouldn't expect abuse larper Kathy to know that
>>1436366I think the
no corporate gays thing combined with her telling people to use the system against itself, like what is self awareness? She's all talk and nothing she supposedly stands for can withstand the tiniest bit of scrutiny, how can she say to use the system against itself while villainizing corporate gays who are doing just that.
No. 1436623
File: 1644197525753.png (700.06 KB, 1500x1334, 2D9A8C01-625E-442D-926D-ED4171…)

Next target: other disabled people. She’s really sticking to a certain theme today. Get off your soapbox Katherine.
No. 1436638
File: 1644199354441.png (75.59 KB, 590x289, Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 6.01…)

Next target: other dommes. Many people must've called her out this week (rightfully so) because she's attacking everyone else while taking zero accountability for herself and playing the victim.
No. 1436664
File: 1644201361855.jpg (361.6 KB, 2976x1332, 465972414.jpg)

She's throwing herself a pity party now. Note how instead of coming up with something original she uses black women's words as her own. Keep posting your L's Kathy with no accountability whatsoever and let's see what happens!
No. 1436674
File: 1644202619160.jpeg (24.56 KB, 750x1334, 273385962_229336856078479_1782…)

>>1436664And then admits it was for a crumb of validation
No. 1436680
File: 1644203188280.gif (2.9 MB, 300x300, giphy.gif)

Cognitive dissonance and narcissism go hand in hand and boy did Kathy put hers on full display this week. She smugly bragged about reporting her father to the government while fantasizing about “bankrupting” people, “prosecuting” doctors, and “filing lawsuits” against employers. Then told people to use capitalism to their advantage to go against the government, corporations, and individuals because “you deserve to be compensated” - just her opinion! But wait, no, if you’re a gay liberal working in the corporate world that does not apply to you; she’s only in community with radical queers and “liberation through capitalism… is not possible”, even though she just told everyone to use capitalism to their advantage and being openly gay in the corporate world is historically radical. Reevaluate and ask yourself why you have the opinions and views that you do but don’t ask her to explain her views because she “outgrew that, with stronger boundaries, and less patience for nonsense” and “that’s a you problem, not a [her] problem”. Wants everyone to “tweet, tag politicians, make them look bad publicly, and add pressure” while she sits back and does nothing except send letters to those that can prove to her they did something because stationary!
Says the sex work community is toxic: tells a full service survival sex worker she is not in community with her as well as a swerf because she said some women in sex work don’t have the opportunity to say no, challenges dommes before understanding what they say, accosts dommes for “extreme misandry” (the fucking irony) because “transmisogyny and bioessentialism”, doesn’t want to talk to or make friends with anyone in the community unless they pay her/buy her stuff. Says the queer community is toxic: has on multiple occasions attacked butch lesbians because ~femmephobia~ (‘what pretty girl hurt you in high school?”), attacked lesbians for not wanting to be with women that have been with men because ~biphobia~, and she’s “not in community” with liberal corporate gays. Says the burlesque community is toxic: see all four threads for how she treats women in that community. Bonus content: says disabled people are the biggest abelists because they don’t “make necessary room for themselves” so they “will never extend that room to you”. She says this after telling disabled people not to tell their employers about their disabilities, which would be not making room for themselves, because then they’ll be able to sue their employer for not accommodating them. She actively creates a hostile and toxic environment everywhere she goes in order to live in a echo chamber but has the audacity to ask “can I be okay and held and seen anywhere safe?”
She’s giving herself those PTSD nightmares by the constant olympic level mental gymnastics she has going on in her head
No. 1436734
File: 1644207817722.png (258.84 KB, 590x618, Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 8.21…)

>>1436720She is resentful about a lot of things. God forbid anyone goes further than her or has a decent family life.
No. 1436738
>>1436734that is honestly just bleak, wtf is supposed to be hot about that
>>1436638>spaces to be aware and thoughtful bitch what you run a pretend porn blog
No. 1436778
File: 1644213189082.png (31.86 KB, 591x133, Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 9.50…)

Huh? She's manic today isn't she kek
No. 1436780
File: 1644213398270.png (98.71 KB, 589x436, Screen Shot 2022-02-06 at 9.55…)

>>1436764Her source is a bimbo page on instagram
No. 1436898
File: 1644239665067.jpg (84.56 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

A missed screenshot from before, of her again attaching herself to the idea that SHE'S the one being harmed instead of the one causing harm.
No. 1436958
File: 1644247588013.png (60.54 KB, 720x257, Screenshot_20220207-102508~3.p…)

>>1436832I checked them out and, um
No. 1437175
>>1436780Aha I love that she quotes an account called
Bimbo theory with a straight face.
Also shoutout to Kathy for indirectly calling transwomen men affected by misandry, twice.
No. 1437735
File: 1644315010461.jpeg (370.94 KB, 1538x2048, A248A60B-6873-4BF2-A4F1-A332BF…)

No. 1437738
File: 1644315091508.jpeg (386.85 KB, 1482x2048, 9C386ACF-5859-4BEA-BA1A-EA00FF…)

No. 1437739
File: 1644315175255.jpeg (435.22 KB, 1538x2048, 00F2C9C1-18D6-49A9-86A2-C0FBD4…)

No. 1437793
>>1437738Wow, not only her shoes are grandmacore.
Girlie, you're too thin to have such gross jowls, get off the carb diet. Your hooked nose and drooping cheeks make you look like a yassified by faceapp senior citizen. Not to mention unflattering outdated poorly applied makeup and the grossest mousy brown (looks more like muddy gray) hair.
God, I am not often going on about how ugly people are, but she is an epitome of ugly with how she styles and presents herself. Luxury experience? Maybe in a nursing home, you beak-nosed witch.
No. 1437857
File: 1644332337128.jpg (113.31 KB, 750x1334, aHR0cHM6Ly9zY29udGVudC1hdGwzLT…)

All bought with the femmesub's money.
No. 1437858
>>1437735>>1437738>>1437739The outside really does reflect the inside doesn’t it? That all carb diet is catching up with her
fast. That hideous frock only draws attention to her lunch lady arms, jowls, and neck rolls. The makeup and hair are lost causes at this point; don’t know how one could call themself a hyperfemme living doll luxury pinup and a ~researcher~ while not having single clue about how to do basic flattering hair and makeup. Crusty eyelashes and unkempt eyebrows with eyeshadow going through them… I can’t with her kek
No. 1437859
File: 1644332937829.jpeg (429.07 KB, 1242x1538, 6009DFD3-97CD-4FCD-9DDA-6C3D91…)

She truly thought she ate lol
No. 1437860
File: 1644332962162.jpeg (441.37 KB, 1242x1523, 6CE7B389-DA01-4CE6-AF5E-338DBF…)

No. 1437881
File: 1644334485311.jpeg (424.41 KB, 1242x967, 6F8E680B-B19C-4737-9659-8745FE…)

Guess she’d be in excruciating pain if she had to actually style hair that wasn’t thin and fine. She hypes herself up over the oddest things. Your arms hurting after holding them up for a few minutes isn’t a flex but here she is trying to make it one.
No. 1437883
File: 1644334582757.jpg (134.27 KB, 591x879, 852661.jpg)

No. 1437890
>>1437735Aunty-capitalist definitely has what they call 'bingo wings'.
Not a good sign at this age, when her neck beard paycheck is already posting ethots n anime.
No. 1437899
File: 1644335545345.jpg (98.71 KB, 469x934, 340419.jpg)

This is week old milk but she even made her boyfriend's dog getting neutered all about her KEK
No. 1437908
>>1437866I can't tell if her skin is flaking or if her eyeshadow job is just THAT patchy.
Gross gross gross in any case.
If you say you're luxury, at least TRY to act it, Kathy.
No. 1437924
File: 1644337881015.png (184.77 KB, 722x822, le goddess.png)

No. 1437926
>>1437857She looks like a thirty year old granola mom here, but I honestly think that she looks better when she looks older. She doesn’t have the closet, taste, or style to be giving old Hollywood starlet glam, but “back of grandmas closet trash-glam” might actually be attainable for Kathy. Just admit that you like costume jewelry and tacky vintage clothes, stop shitting on actual sex workers and survivors, get a job, get a therapist, get off of fucking twitter, and move the fuck on with your life.
>>1437866Beautiful edit
nonnie kekekek
No. 1438141
File: 1644355269424.jpeg (34.66 KB, 750x1334, 273517592_473734760941947_9220…)

That former acquaintance anon said Kathy couldn't keep friends and Kathy just proves her(?) right
No. 1438269
File: 1644364330381.jpeg (482.8 KB, 1125x1129, 732AD0F0-DE01-44CD-9144-D14E28…)

She’s autistic now? Also love the fact that she had to toss in the “some of the nicest restaurants” claim as if that has anything to do with what the person is asking about.
No. 1438398
File: 1644373357703.png (81.05 KB, 587x352, Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 6.15…)

>>1438269>She’s autistic now?Remember she knows more than medical professionals so her self-diagnose is obviously correct /s. She won't admit that she is an actual narcissist so implying she has autism/asperger's is her cope. Not the first narc to do so. Picrel are her last two likes on Twitter kek
No. 1438717
File: 1644416288442.jpg (Spoiler Image,825.93 KB, 1080x1407, uri_mh1644415705499.jpg)

>>1437735Fixed for you Kathy. Get a real job, any job, and stop taking advantage of mentally ill retards and save to fix that honker. Maybe follow some models/influencers to see how actual rich people look and do their makeup. The 50 year old balding trans makeup isn't cute. Sage for pure autism fanart
No. 1438999
File: 1644440404258.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.96 KB, 576x1280, photo_2022-02-09_20-25-08.jpg)

i wonder what type of person would be willing to pay 50 dollars to see this lipstick-wearing ghoul's teats, yet alone hang the photo above their bed
No. 1439067
File: 1644444885212.png (57.9 KB, 590x210, Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 2.13…)

She still hasn't settled on a shoe size lol
No. 1439070
File: 1644445012975.jpeg (209.47 KB, 750x1334, 273504609_2086108518222811_421…)

No. 1439075
File: 1644445403782.png (278.72 KB, 330x587, Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 2.20…)

The photos were bad but the video is even worse. Crackhead grandma with a bad vocal fry. Much luxury. So domme. No. 1439098
>>1437866She has pasted over her natural eyebrows with foundation and then drawn over it. What the fuck. Girl just PLUCK THEM.
All of her makeup is like an AI did it, it's just uncanny and weird with some really bad choices
No. 1439204
File: 1644453817661.jpg (63.2 KB, 600x397, cinderella-wicked-stepmother-s…)

>>1439109That pink feather looks familiar
No. 1439257
File: 1644458812191.jpg (362.29 KB, 807x1138, Screenshot_20220209-210349_Chr…)

>>1439109the contrast of the kabuki makeup vs her natural pink undertones is beyond jarring
No. 1439264
File: 1644459657731.jpg (126.88 KB, 1589x582, pralines.JPG)

these exact pralines cost like 10 dollars. unless shes chomping down three boxes, shes inflating the prices again. its even more comical considering that this can be so easily checked.
No. 1439273
File: 1644460444803.jpeg (227.4 KB, 418x959, 4D157B4C-6970-4E18-B07A-B97EEB…)

>>1439270Ah yes how could I forget those and the knockoff yankee candle!
Picrel for
>>1439264 No. 1439294
File: 1644463768473.png (406.5 KB, 587x725, Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 7.28…)

"A few times a year" these are literally from three years ago.
No. 1439566
File: 1644505163448.png (149.43 KB, 313x362, cawww.png)

>>1439109She reminds me of Big Bird here. That dollar store mop of feathers on her head in no way matches her dress. This is tacky and embarrassing.
The dress is also pretty tight and is showing off her new "curves" in all the wrong places. Better cut out some of that pasta and cheese, Kathy.
No. 1439622
File: 1644508725721.jpg (60.63 KB, 577x562, graphic design is my passion.j…)

>>1439566>>1439273>>1437883I thought these recent things were funny when all grouped together
No. 1440008
File: 1644527687422.jpeg (91.31 KB, 750x1334, 273657591_2133835150101066_706…)

>>1439064She's lurking lol
No. 1440023
File: 1644528309205.jpeg (127.74 KB, 588x880, image.jpeg)

No. 1440035
File: 1644529204972.png (96.73 KB, 594x373, Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 7.26…)

Do they idiots really not hear themselves? Comparing your online whoredom and e-begging to your grandma who actually had to work hard to not only make something of herself, but to break barriers is beyond tone deaf. Reading between the lines here, Kathy thinks men giving money to women is ~radical~ because we “weren’t able to work” but are able to now. She’s once again telling on herself because if her neckbeard was actually paying for everything and if she had more than one loose cannon male sub, she wouldn’t think men giving women is radical. Men have historically provided (read: control) finances.
No. 1440070
>>1440023>What are immunosuppressed people supposed to do? Or people with other illnesses?I'm sorry, did this sick bitch really just imply that the only thing those groups of people can do is online sex work? There are
many things that people do from their homes to make a living but Katherine doesn't have the creativity or the ambition to even imagine doing anything beside selling herself for pocket change.
No. 1440171
File: 1644538520896.jpeg (570.28 KB, 1494x2048, FLRkFv8X0AI4RqP.jpeg)

No. 1440172
File: 1644538542198.jpeg (568.36 KB, 1428x2048, FLRkFv8XIAMfhvH.jpeg)

No. 1440185
File: 1644539977672.jpeg (398.58 KB, 1344x2048, FLRe9KgXwCADQ9Y.jpeg)

No. 1440186
File: 1644540006175.jpeg (460.2 KB, 1650x2048, FLRe9KkXwBE4n8t.jpeg)

No. 1440193
File: 1644540428033.jpg (19.75 KB, 406x612, gettyimages-1197358215-612x612…)

>>1440171Her starving baby bird mouth is fucking annoying
No. 1440251
>>1440186the pin head; the sad, limp, mousy brown hair; the bird face; the mismatched animal prints. what a look. imagine if she
weren’t a fAsHiOn HiStOrIan kek
>>1439075she should never wear feathers. it’s a bit…
on the nose No. 1440352
File: 1644551903759.png (79.79 KB, 592x481, Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 7.58…)

No. 1440494
>>1440035sage for sperg, but kathy is talking about social norms, and not the legality of women working. its just that her wording is a feminist caricature of reality; women COULD work, but many chose not to, or their husbands didn't want them to work. but both working women and women relying on male money can coexist at the same time in the same culture, depending on who they marry (or not marry). and exploiting men financially still stems from traditional gender dynamics (that, and the "chivalry" of spoiling women with gifts), even today.
also kek for "world war eleven"
No. 1440496
File: 1644573559545.png (90.9 KB, 300x300, ongina.png)

>>1440171she looks like ongina
No. 1440530
File: 1644580521443.jpeg (559.33 KB, 1242x1286, 74DCFADC-61CB-48DF-A145-1F20BC…)

Not her posting this after boasting about $10 and consistently begging for carb money
No. 1440735
Katie's dream is to be cared for like this
No. 1440833
>>1440600yeah. considering that she would constantly harp on about luxurious "french pastry" from chain-store laduree (and moreso, the store itself), this comes as no suprise.
>>1440526sorry nonna, it's the lack of sleep
No. 1440947
File: 1644616579331.jpeg (127.11 KB, 1500x1334, image.jpeg)

No. 1440964
File: 1644618089066.jpeg (73.99 KB, 983x872, another one.jpeg)

She once again made someone else's very tragic death all about herself
No. 1440999
File: 1644619798180.jpeg (75.44 KB, 750x1334, 273673949_860114048122577_4051…)

No. 1441019
File: 1644621340162.png (129.83 KB, 591x647, Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 3.12…)

She's on one today. Who/what triggered her lol? When has she ever grown food, made meals, or broke people back into apts? Never. She sits on her flat ass all day seething.
No. 1441024
File: 1644621477826.png (441.5 KB, 591x732, Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 3.13…)

Sure wasn't talking about Harvard being "built by enslaved people" when she was pretending she was once enrolled there kek
No. 1441028
>>1440964Jesus fucking christ. "This person I didn't even know death is really
triggering to
me!! Pay attention to me, not the actual
No. 1441030
File: 1644621750316.png (47.47 KB, 592x217, Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 3.13…)

>How embarrassing
Irony is so lost on her
No. 1441050
File: 1644622839553.png (88.78 KB, 587x473, Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 3.38…)

I'm dying. She's putting all her daddy issues out today kek not a flex Kathy
No. 1441313
File: 1644657738431.jpeg (116.28 KB, 750x1334, E69F53DA-C85F-4B4A-A6FD-002341…)

Damn today she
really showed her true ugly self.
>>1440947 and picrel are beyond telling about the kind of person she is. She can’t mask her entitlement, audacity, and narcissism. No wonder her family dropped her.
No. 1441412
>>1441022Doesnt this contradict
>>1422568We had this discussion already. If her dad is a CEO why did he take out loans to pay for school, that doesn't add up.
No. 1441709
File: 1644694777064.jpeg (103.95 KB, 750x1334, 2DF69C19-D5DD-45C5-8901-D6A37F…)

She is so out of touch with reality. Just say no one wants to host you/no one wants to perform with you.
No. 1441719
File: 1644695652632.jpeg (372.6 KB, 1242x2208, 263DD1F5-53CA-40C8-8EEF-AFE752…)

>>1441709Did Beaky Buzzard already forget that at both shows she “produced”, she herself and several other dancers did not have masks on despite it still be a mandate? Now she has an issue with no masks when it’s no longer a mandate? Lol k
No. 1441814
>>1441709lol. Food and drinks for performers? If you're eating backstage and it's anything other than plain, dry pretzels and clear, unflavored water, you need to be kicked out. Eat your pasta and wine when you're not in costume nor around anyone else's costumes, Kathy.
>>1441719holy shit. There are no words.
No. 1441908
File: 1644716774568.png (708.28 KB, 1500x1334, 89E7A2A1-59EB-4A46-8621-E01C8C…)

No. 1441917
File: 1644717316349.png (7.44 MB, 1242x2208, E7BB8172-9243-4C12-AEEF-634F8B…)

>>1441908God she is really forgetful, isn’t she? She forgot that she posts frequently about quitting her “corporate job” at NYU. Can’t talk about how you quit your job for over a year only to suddenly say you were discriminatorily fired.
No. 1441962
File: 1644721845346.jpeg (111.85 KB, 750x1334, E078C634-4178-41A9-A30B-9DBB4F…)

Officially in the autism saga girls kek
No. 1441999
>>1441908>>1441910Annnnnnd they’re gone kek she really tried to say she’s delete because “censorship” but always deletes almost immediately after farmers call out her bs like
>>1441917 did
No. 1442376
File: 1644785391423.png (35.74 KB, 591x117, Screen Shot 2022-02-13 at 12.4…)

t takes two seconds to find that Marilyn Monroe did not say this. She's retarded.
No. 1442391
File: 1644786528102.jpg (217.73 KB, 1617x960, screenshot.jpg)

This is coming from someone who mostly refuses to take classes or work with other people in the scene, and expects to be treated as a veteran or rising star. Having both inexperience and a lack of talent means there's nothing to compensate for blinged-out mediocrity.
No. 1442393
File: 1644786615006.jpg (86.8 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

Projection again, because she's reading this.
No. 1442398
File: 1644786912324.jpg (93.96 KB, 540x960, screenshot.jpg)

>>1442393But isn't it "lateral ableism" to suggest that anyone who's being mean to you is mentally unstable or crazy?
She's a fucking hypocrite who can't stand being held accountable.
No. 1442510
File: 1644816064468.jpeg (245.16 KB, 750x1334, 273919307_500284161763584_3013…)

Her Valentine’s Day presents, which were given to her early, are carbs and books for toddlers. Such a spoiled luxury dominatrix! Not. Just another broke pedo-pandering sad excuse of a woman.
No. 1442761
>>1442510This cost a total of $10. $15 if we're being generous.
It's not even a chocolate bar. It's a box of macaroni and cheese.
My parents give me better shit than this every Valentine's Day. Why is a luxury pro findomme being gifted children's books? Is it because that's her reading level?
No. 1443083
File: 1644870790235.jpeg (905.02 KB, 1242x1455, 42EE8C23-6019-4202-9871-830314…)

>>1442510While on Twitter she’s trying to pass off her old boots as something new from subs kek
No. 1443109
File: 1644872725369.jpeg (343.07 KB, 1242x725, 3FCABB56-ABA6-442B-922F-174527…)

The NO BURNER ACCTS in her bio is sending me. She might as well add NO ATTRACTIVE FEMALES since she removes them too.
No. 1443122
>>1443083Are they actually old or are they from that mentally ill girl?
Very anarchist of you to exploit a woman with problems while your fat cunt of a boyfriend gets you a singular pack of mac and cheese.
No. 1443131
File: 1644874731184.png (73.4 KB, 590x313, Screen Shot 2022-02-14 at 1.37…)

>>1443122They're old. She's been posting them on Instagram since like 2015. The fat femsub can't even pay $145 upfront.
No. 1443142
>>1443131Thanks anon. As lame as it sounds, I'm glad she hasn't swindled her way out of getting $2k out of her.
It's interesting that they look completely unworn when the rest of her items are treated like shit.
No. 1443334
File: 1644888520509.jpeg (120.13 KB, 750x1334, 273884143_1169748230226190_395…)

1. You look like her ugly step-sister 2. That is not "dark blonde" hair; it is brown and you have mousey brown hair. DELUSION
No. 1443369
File: 1644891308110.jpeg (86.42 KB, 660x587, image.jpeg)

>>1443351I'll do it for her kek Garner isn't very attractive but she's better than Katherine by a long shot.
No. 1443370
File: 1644891407374.png (271.01 KB, 591x612, Screen Shot 2022-02-14 at 6.16…)

Why put in work to scam men when you scam everyone and lift images off of google?
No. 1443754
File: 1644932052304.jpeg (646.6 KB, 1333x2000, image.jpeg)

>>1443393I'd go more with her being a knock off of knock off Little Edie. Kek
No. 1443873
File: 1644942161561.jpg (287.17 KB, 990x882, surekathy.jpg)

>>1443351>>1443369I had to do my own version too, the levels of delusion lol
No. 1444082
>>1441908Really dumb question from a non-American
nonny but here contingency lawyers assess the case to see if it’s worth taking on (because the idea is that some of the settlement goes to the lawyer instead of fees). Is it the same in the US? Because I can’t imagine Kathy’s frivolous lawsuits to stand a good chance of success kek.
No. 1444099
File: 1644960448196.jpg (93.74 KB, 748x520, screenshot.jpg)

"Most people assume I'm straight".
No. 1444141
File: 1644963473309.png (418.44 KB, 1062x1130, screenshot.png)

>>1444082I have no idea anon, but here's Kathy lawyer. Is it really "pro-bono" if they're just getting someone else to pay for it? Lol, they do say like attracts like. I think it speaks volumes about the likelihood of Kathy ever winning any court cases. She's probably just getting help with the filing/administrative stuff and exaggerated it as usual.
No. 1444331
File: 1644980301400.png (343.79 KB, 596x512, Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 6.57…)

She's trying hard to make her old ass things look new and sub funded
No. 1444406
>>1442510Frog and Toad are fucking awesome
but not exactly the diamonds and luxury patisserie lifestyle Kathy likes to project.
Did she post this on the wrong account? kek
No. 1444451
File: 1644993424152.jpeg (923.34 KB, 1242x1367, 68C88A41-6C68-47E4-9004-2B1891…)

>>1444331Does she think she’s going to get more subs by posting items she’s had for years and saying they’re sub funded? Because all it’s truly doing is making her look like the complete fake she is when you can see all these items on her social media.
No. 1444452
File: 1644993473492.jpeg (579.56 KB, 1242x2208, 3F9740BF-EB0F-4C6C-A7E4-5B0130…)

>>1444451(this was posted in her first thread and she no doubt had them before that)
No. 1444457
File: 1644994002259.jpeg (94.29 KB, 750x1334, DAA32A69-8A9C-4D85-9CBC-D50E4D…)

You know damn well she’d block a friend under the guise of “boundary setting” instantly if they asked her for money. She can wax poetic about mutual aide all she wants but her true intentions are quite obvious.
No. 1444895
File: 1645041572118.jpeg (56.99 KB, 750x1334, 0255B611-B4CB-4BE3-B31F-A151BB…)

She lifts everything from other people on Twitter. This is almost verbatim from something she retweeted and something she liked. Only thing she added was a comment about herself.
No. 1445109
File: 1645064498908.jpeg (219.91 KB, 750x1334, EB634F12-10C3-49E9-9DC5-68FA50…)

Who’s going to tell her?
No. 1445338
>>1445109this reminds me of those cringe photos of joints that are 90% seeds or beer that is 90% foam
I guess now we know the bouquet equivalent of it kek
No. 1445367
>>1445109saging for sperg. but i like to believe this is a communist thing, seeing as theyre commies. would be cute if true.
during communist rule in eastern europe these flowers were commonly used, and many people associate them with communism or see them as symbolic of it. especially red ones.
but, knowing her scrote he probably got them for her because theyre cheap. im just giving the benefit of doubt.
No. 1445630
File: 1645133563555.jpeg (63.54 KB, 750x1334, BF25E907-636B-4B0C-B453-C9AF70…)

This bitch can not be for real. She reminds me of Lena Dunham with her delusions, narcissism, and pill seeking.
No. 1445649
>>1445630some of us have actually been
working through the pandemic, Kathy.
"is anyone else struggling?" god I hate her
No. 1445675
File: 1645136035628.jpeg (288.84 KB, 1125x788, 4FA54BE4-9DEE-4DAA-8B4D-DD45E8…)

Uh oh, farmers! Looks like Kathy’s big bad lawyer might be coming after us!
No. 1445686
File: 1645136524664.png (30.57 KB, 634x85, Screen Shot 2022-02-17 at 2.21…)

>>1445656Once again, who's going to tell her?
No. 1445708
File: 1645137903703.jpeg (51.62 KB, 750x1334, E35C7869-B083-4A4A-8190-B8E6D1…)

>>1445630Dirty deleted and replaced with this kek it’s what she deserves
No. 1445787
File: 1645143983926.gif (1.01 MB, 498x238, cool-it-cool-it-with-the-antis…)

No. 1445835
>>1445675Pretty sure whoever Kathy is suing is more concerned about her lawyer sending them a picture of “her” dick than about some probably mistyped cease and desist.
Kek enjoy your fake woman fake lawyer, babes.
No. 1445909
File: 1645155109862.jpeg (27.13 KB, 750x1334, 274099087_490984659265528_1514…)

Hold your horses there "I Can Read Level 2" Katherine.. Harry Potter is beyond your reading level kek
No. 1445934
>>1445909In what backward ass world are we living in when JKR is too controversial but
>>1341916 is okay
No. 1445943
>>1445934A world moulded by moids, same as it ever was.
An intelligent, successful women who wrote children's books? Satan!
Women sexualizing and demeaning themselves in public for the approval of strangers? Perfect!
No. 1445949
File: 1645157742046.png (30.63 KB, 594x94, Screen Shot 2022-02-17 at 8.15…)

But she's totally Not Straight guise!
No. 1446465
File: 1645221200325.png (651.81 KB, 864x517, Screenshot_20220218-155056.png)

Oh, to live such a blessed life.
No. 1446492
File: 1645223516117.png (431.63 KB, 587x660, Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 2.26…)

Her obsession with having business cards and stationary is the ultimate cope. If she actually put in the effort to make something of herself, she'd have actual use for these but alas she'd rather play e-hooker, wasting money on multiple business cards that will just sit in a drawer because she has no use for them in the real world and handing them out in public would be soliciting.
No. 1446734
File: 1645244818129.png (81.67 KB, 585x365, Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 8.22…)

She did one bondage photoshoot back in 2018. Is there anything she won't lie about? Also, suddenly what she does isn't fetish related? Careful Katherine those are your clients.
No. 1447053
>>1446734That's why she has no clients. Its all about her euphoria only.
>>1446492Kek such an embarassing trait. She absolutely seethes over Paul Allen
No. 1447125
File: 1645298149520.jpeg (123.09 KB, 750x1334, 16C30F54-F7F3-42EC-8241-C3A693…)

The poor dear will be so overworked this week from stealing, sorry recreating, someone else’s work.
No. 1447246
>>1446465$250 for a deep tissue massage and a dress from Saks?
Oh Kathy… She gives herself away all too easily. A massage at a luxury spa will be at least $150, not including tip. Saks dress for less than $100???
No. 1447430
File: 1645321704253.webm (2.16 MB, 720x1280, birdwoman.webm)
Does fivehead here have something stuck in it's eye or…? Nothing about this is remotely sexy.
No. 1447469
File: 1645325753180.jpeg (15.85 KB, 550x558, findomme of the year.jpeg)

>>1447430literally looks like pic related, just needs her beak
Why does she keep doing a jojo siwa slicked back ponytail when her raggedy receding hairline is 2 inches behind where it should be??
No. 1447570
File: 1645334532226.jpg (18.88 KB, 360x360, Park Avenue Ponytail.JPG)

>>1447430Makes sense this parrot nose ho likes looking at herself so much but my god, her forehead is too high for this ponytail stuff. Reminds me of picrel
No. 1447767
>>1446881I’m praying that she comes out of her obvious mania and exposes Kathy for taking advantage of her mental state to get money for herself and her greasy scrote. These people eat each other alive and nothing is more exciting to them than being a
victim of some sort. Once she gets back on her meds she’s gonna have a great opportunity to be at the centre of a woke Twitter storm. Let’s manifest it.
No. 1448049
File: 1645392850241.jpeg (384.88 KB, 1538x2048, D251F570-2F7D-48EF-9EBA-982CEE…)

>>1447125…. the original photo was nothing to write home about itself but somehow Kathy managed to make her copy 10x worse. She hasn’t an eye for photography in the slightest. See why she never puts out content.
No. 1448169
File: 1645402073244.png (83.79 KB, 1564x248, parkavenuepillhead.png)

>>1447430when she posts these bizarre unflattering videos and pictures i always think about this post in one of the "what's your true opinion on cows" threads in /ot/
>>>/ot/999081 i feel like she has to be on painkillers when she puts up videos like these
>>1439109 and on coke or some other stimulant when she posts essay-length self aggrandizing/persecution complex filled shit on ig stories and twitter
No. 1448218
File: 1645405535796.jpeg (193.35 KB, 1242x1283, 0D441165-8A9B-437A-B789-D0A7D4…)

>>1448049The original photographer replied kek
No. 1448446
File: 1645433809938.png (41.17 KB, 589x159, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 12.5…)

Almost has self awareness given that she's broke, jobless, and without hot water kek
No. 1448849
File: 1645478335613.png (798.83 KB, 1049x815, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 1.15…)

New website pedopandering continues subtly with "6
+ years of lifestyle BDSM"; anytime over six years she was underaged.
>Madame prioritizes whales and big spenders>Although the majority of Her clients are menKeep telling yourself that Katherine lol
No. 1448851
File: 1645478397793.png (773.15 KB, 1039x804, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 1.19…)

No. 1448854
File: 1645478693005.jpeg (33.18 KB, 584x290, copycat.jpeg)

The only talent she has is taking other people's shit and making it worse
No. 1448880
>>1448849super luxurious razor burn and site, Kathy
>>1448049her toes are really gross. she should stick to the granny flats.
No. 1448974
File: 1645488021528.jpg (398.75 KB, 1080x1511, Screenshot_20220221-185652_Sam…)

>>1448849She wants another OTR What Katie Did corset kek.
And I really hope she gets the WKD bullet bra. Even with the bullet bra pads they sell, she's going to have an even bigger gap issue than the age gap between her and her dream wHaLe.
No. 1448979
File: 1645488138996.jpg (348.21 KB, 740x1585, Screenshot_20220221-085522_Sam…)

>>1448849Good old Katie McMahon throwback
No. 1449038
File: 1645492336605.jpg (515.93 KB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20220221-195656_Sam…)

>>1448049At least this time she hid the "Michael Graves" branding on the glass, unlike the last time she used her Trekkie Dom Daddy's martini glass. I don't think it's a coincidence that Michael Graves just so happens to have designed a couple of items featured on Star Trek episodes.
No. 1449041
File: 1645492456573.jpg (103.64 KB, 947x333, Screenshot_20220221-200958_Sam…)

>>1449038Samefag, but here's the info about Michael Graves and Star Trek, from a website that sells products featured on Star Trek for trekkies.
No. 1449086
File: 1645497906132.jpeg (236.01 KB, 1242x1059, 9372F451-3E1D-49A8-AEF8-E687EF…)

Really sounds like something a woman being taken care of 24/7 would do. Not. She can’t keep her larp up.
No. 1449236
File: 1645518513493.png (213.84 KB, 587x717, Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 12.2…)

A "Money Management Workbook for Erotic Entrepreneurs" and low quality blanket from Amazon. Such a spoiled doll!
No. 1449263
I just realised why wears these hideous shoes
>>1399099 They're the shoes (well, fakes of) the shoes Big proposes to Cary in the SATC Movie.
No. 1449304
File: 1645533218338.jpg (101.14 KB, 854x1280, glove.jpg)

i have milk to suggest that even her bedazzled michael jackson glove is yet another hot glue pastiche
No. 1449352
>>1449304these look like lotus pods and
trigger my trypophobia. fucking disgusting.
No. 1449692
>>1449622Miss Tosh and her costume are both still waaaaay above anything Katie McMahon could ever even dream of copying. And they definitely never have flocked together. Katie just took her class and participated in the "graduation" showcase, the Beauty of Burlesque.
Katie's performance would've fit better with a showcase called the Beast of Burlesque.
No. 1449719
File: 1645572772335.webm (1.85 MB, 720x1280, raw chicken.webm)
>>1449692>they definitely never have flocked together> took her class and participated in the "graduation" showcase, the Beauty of BurlesqueThat would be flocking together and let's not act like this raw chicken attempt at twerking is waaaaay above anything Katie McMahon could ever even dream of kek the bar for burlesque is in hell
No. 1449949
>>1449334It's the shitty lighting on the unprofessional shoot. Saturation probably had to be boosted afterwards on a computer.
No. 1450016
>>1449719Being good at twerking isn't the life skill you think it is kek
Miss Tosh makes a living off burlesque. Katie can't even book a show. I'd say that's a big difference.
I guess taking a class with someone is flocking, aka hanging with the same group as in a flock of geese, according to you. Then I'm sure you don't think Katie is being ridiculous saying she "trained under legends of the industry" just because she took a class from Ginger Lee Valentine and Miss Tosh and called it good enough.
No. 1450028
File: 1645602200060.gif (1.79 MB, 480x360, CFEB80CB-D423-4402-B908-3CBF56…)

No. 1450045
File: 1645605570550.png (558.79 KB, 1500x1334, 1ADFD8A7-8CE7-4FCF-8DC6-450E2A…)

It’s almost as if sex work isn’t the easy way out, even when you half-ass it, because it’s emotional, mental, and physical toll is extremely damaging for women. Who would’ve thought lying to yourself that you’re the one that’s in control while strangers hold money over your head in exchange for their sexual gratification would be draining? How could selling your body and sexuality to strangers online and in dive bars possibly be degrading? She’s in the “worst headspace” she’s been in awhile yet was just bragging about how sex work has done more for her than any 9-5. It’s done more for her, that’s for sure, but it isn’t positive. Wake up Katherine. Your clients are not wealthy obedient men that respect you; they’re a mixed bag of mentally unstable men and one woman and you’re constantly bitching about how rude potentials are. Burlesque is just glorified stripping with costumes and ~professional lighting~ or whatever that anon said. You’d feel a lot better if you put your raging narcissism aside for a moment, quit shitting on women that are in healthy “vanilla” relationships with normal jobs that consistently pay and instead look in the mirror to actually confront the fact that you’re projecting hard onto them because of your deeply rooted insecurities, extremely poor choices regarding men and your career, and whatever other unchecked mental illnesses you have.
No. 1450055
>>1450045I want to feel bad for her however she has made that impossible due to the way she has treated and talked about other women. Most women are struggling and a lot are in worse situations than hers with many individuals depending on them. The single mom working three jobs that doesn’t e-beg to her followers that are in similar dire situations is more deserving of “mutual aid” than Kathy’s lazy ungrateful privileged ass who guilted and shamed her followers in the name of mutual aid.
The best advice she’s going to get is quit sex work, get a regular job, and make burlesque or whatever a hobby and I just gave it to her for free.
No. 1450129
File: 1645623072774.gif (1.43 MB, 275x188, 1629754508051.gif)

>>1450045>Hustling relentlesslyGirl, 16 year olds on Twitter got more hustle than you
No. 1450186
File: 1645633350636.jpeg (342.96 KB, 1125x1271, 17A8AA9E-BBC7-4AD7-B6F6-5C21D5…)

It looks like her dive bar is putting on a burlesque show that doesn’t involve Kathy. I’m sure that stings.
No. 1450325
File: 1645644134716.png (523.85 KB, 1170x2532, C84C572A-1B54-4B75-BBAE-CF7E6A…)

>>1450186She unfollowed them too so I assume they’re not working together at all anymore. Cry me a river.
No. 1450346
File: 1645645459998.png (2.96 MB, 2484x2208, B22E8DC5-39E3-4ED5-AA9D-0069B8…)

This is why no one should actually feel bad for her. All she cares about is money and pain killers. It’s right there in black and white, Her “me me me me me me” hEaLtH uPdAtEs are suicide bait adjacent. She’s such a pos.
No. 1450356
File: 1645645937327.png (800.93 KB, 1242x2358, 4391A970-3136-4B91-9A68-EC6D22…)

She’s also doubling down/saving face about sex work because she’s an idiot. They never get it, do they? Continue to spiral further down in order to own the haters.
No. 1450403
>>1450356Lol that first one is obviously not true. no real therapist, sex work positive or not, would do that and she's clearly not in therapy. The fact she thought that was a good way to double down on sex work
not being the cause of her problems is something else. She's truly living in a delusional lie no wonder she's just so exhausted from doing nothing.
No. 1450533
File: 1645659095133.jpeg (48.46 KB, 750x1334, D2841E0F-5512-4B24-A963-3D4006…)

Fucking kek this is definitely farmers being the “stalkers” and the “victim blaming” being the other woman agreeing with what she’s been called out for here. Hint Katherine, if mutilple veteran dommes have have told you that you’re in the wrong…. you’re in the wrong.
No. 1450546
File: 1645659833782.jpeg (97.71 KB, 750x1334, D3B4FF72-95F9-4E13-B689-9E217B…)

She really thinks she is autistic and not narcissistic. I know she’s at a second grade reading level but perhaps she should re-read the quip she added. Maybe something will click. Doubt it but maybe.
No. 1450550
>>1450346>they will sign me up for insuranceholy fuck, do it yourself????? lazy bitch. why does she expect everyone to work for her for free? pro bono lawyers, mUtUaL AiD cuz she feels bad, "free submissive tasks" - yet she expects people to pay
her to ignore them? jesus fucking christ, I hate this hideous vulture woman.
No. 1450621
File: 1645665628875.jpeg (369.96 KB, 1242x2038, 6EA755C1-E766-4257-8C06-B0F8F4…)

>>1450356Couldn’t afford the full course? Broke bitch. The woman putting this on is also the one that made the workbook she was asking to be reimbursed for the other day. Sounds like someone is good at hustling and it isn’t Kathy kek
No. 1450848
>>1450346Using a service meant for actual sex workers aside, I'm just thinking of the people I know who rely on pain medication to manage day to day life. I find it hard to believe Kathy has pain that requires constant prescription pain medication but has made it without any for two years.
> oui'd No. 1450850
>>1450695I'm pretty sure all you need to say is "i'm a sex worker" and they won't ask questions
at least that's how it works at the sw sexual health clinic in my city
no I'm not a hooker
No. 1450994
>>1450939nonnette, tramadol is absolutely an opioid of which opiates are a subgroup of, I don't know what to tell you.
she's a drug addict. and she doesn't have the money for it anymore, because daddy took her off insurance. so she's being a bitch to everyone about it.
No. 1451037
>>1450609Gender roles are dangerous but also GNC lesbians are evil and oppress uwu hyperfeminine bimbos like Katherine because they're jealous
>>1259835 >>1259847
>>1450674>>1450695>Callen-Lorde uses the Youth Women’s Empowerment Network of sex trade, which defines it as “any form of being sexual (or the idea of being sexual) in exchange for money, gifts, safety, drugs, hormones or survival needs such as housing, food, clothes or immigration and documentation- whether you get to keep the money/goods/service/or someone else profits from these acts”. This means we support people engaged in any form of sexual labor, be it camming, escorting, stripping, BDSM, and all other forms of sex work. In a nutshell, if you tell us you are a sex worker of any kind, you are welcome in this;dr I thought this too but for some reason they also do offer STI testing to twitter/onlyfans "sex workers" rather than reserving it for women who actually have sex for money.
No. 1451076
File: 1645720622735.jpg (120.24 KB, 1078x960, screenshot.jpg)

While others are sharing how people can help to inform themselves and stand with a nation being invaded by an abusive superpower…again, vagueposting about the news to make it all about herself.
No. 1451115
>>1451076Bitch, your "narcissistic
abusive family" in no way equal the shit happening right now. How is this not making her reflect on how fucking privileged and lucky she is?
On an aside, hope any nonnies in that area are safe and out of harm's way.
No. 1451124
>>1451076she is far away from everything that is happening right now, so why should she care about others. She will never encounter the fear those people are going through right now and she knows that very well.
And if her parents were like she describes, she would be so damn happy every day of her life never having to meet them ever again and she would also feel guilty for leaving them (that's just how most people feel, leaving narcissistic parents) but I assume, she never encountered any feelings of guilt in her life.
>>1451115and you nonna are a nice human being, and I also wish all the people really affected by anything happening right now a safe and brighter future.
No. 1451255
File: 1645735195153.jpeg (66.58 KB, 750x1334, 274643170_675745413859167_2954…)

Kathy really had to bring her out of left field hate for "liberals" on a tweet from a fucking Cardi B stan account
No. 1451264
File: 1645735874952.png (69.21 KB, 589x333, Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 12.4…)

>>1451255She got it from her neckbeard who is just as bad contradicting himself with each retweet
No. 1451293
File: 1645737263619.png (411 KB, 581x617, Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 1.26…)

She posted her best greedy merchant impression yesterday and then promptly deleted it.
No. 1451417
>>1451115Thanks anon. I'm using my favorite cows to entertain myself while I sit in the metro station.
>>1451076Come over Kathy. Let us see what "radials" can do to help the world. Maybe you can use your rhinestones as bullets for us.
No. 1451478
File: 1645756629641.jpeg (238.03 KB, 1242x1197, 4A451B6E-EA6A-4173-B11C-00D503…)

>>1451076>>1451255Who is she to talk about other’s actions and narcissism when she’s begging for 1,000 followers on social media while this is going on?
No. 1451573
File: 1645767799154.jpeg (517.87 KB, 1242x1129, 99FD84E5-42AF-469A-BDBF-296F25…)

Bitch is living in her own world
No. 1451797
>>1451763Throwback to my favorite Kathy moment - less than 6 months ago she was calling her imaginary finsubs "findoms"
>>1298716 kek kek kek
No. 1452026
File: 1645824230511.jpeg (363.52 KB, 1242x811, 23B1B94E-7373-4C83-84EE-A31719…)

No. 1452050
File: 1645825857544.jpeg (29.82 KB, 750x1334, 274782038_979851552899330_7429…)

How about she just be honest with herself for once? She doesn't want to get out of the city because "fascism", the city chewed her up and now is going to spit her out. She can't afford to live there since daddy isn't paying rent and she burned too many bridges within several industries.
No. 1452084
>>1452055She is the sub kek. She only lays in bed all day because she fakes being sIcKlY for daddy Dom.
>>1452026I'm literally laughing out loud… she isn't welcoming ANY clients so she should mind her own business and not worry about real doms
No. 1452108
File: 1645830156168.jpeg (220 KB, 1500x1334, image1.jpeg)

Pretty much admitting she treats her stuff poorly/doesn't take care of them.
No. 1452161
>>1450346>no pain medication or any medical care since the beginning of the pandemicI don't believe that, wasn't she still employed well into the pandemic? She even complained that working at NYU gave her covid
>>1422484, so she never sought any medical care for that even though she had insurance and all her other health issues? Last year she says she started medication for "cPTSD night terrors"
>>1263113 and was also speaking with a doctor
>>1263443, threatening to sue him over painkillers like other anons mentioned and tagging the medical center on social media. This was after she quit her job and acknowledged that one consequence would be losing her health insurance
>>1263103, but she still did it anyways and refused to go on SSDI
>>1263104>>1450848Yeah something is really off here, nevermind the impossible timeline she's claiming. Is she really telling on herself and saying that for at least 2 years now she hasn't sought any healthcare managing her "debilitating chronic pain", despite bragging she's a successful burlesque performer/findomme constantly pulling in money? Instead of seeking any treatment for something she claims is severely disabling and makes her life miserable, she would rather self medicate with copious amounts of weed ($100+ weekly) and beg strangers online to give her money for stupid knick knacks and tacky clothes/accessories? Her priorities are way out of whack, or she's lying, but it's most likely both.
No. 1452251
File: 1645841280038.jpeg (536.71 KB, 1242x1379, 4D103EFE-4C00-4B65-A52B-7755A0…)

>Never day male clients prove that they either do not or cannot read.
Everyday Katherine proves she is illiterate
>I have no use for broke men
But also…
>Sell your cars, your homes, your company
Making them broke
No. 1452300
>>1452108Kek, she knows fuck all about ensuring her rhinestonea stay adhered and it's painful obvious.
Katie needs to learn to wear her costume for actual paid gigs, even though they're rare, rather than frolicking in the park in Queens. She'd get value out of it rather than let it go to shit for no money.
No. 1452303
File: 1645848551884.jpeg (241.74 KB, 1242x571, 350AD660-C772-4068-A16A-066399…)

>>1452251She’s lurking HARD kek what about your website that has had multiple typos for the past month Kathy? Or every other post here for the past 6 months?
No. 1452305
File: 1645848644037.jpeg (34.31 KB, 750x1334, 0654582F-691B-4997-88F3-FC497C…)

Bless this absolute idiot
No. 1452360
>>1451255Kathy-Kathy-Kathy, I am russian and Putin is still in power partly because not enough people vote. It's easier to falsify and skew elections when like half of people don't show up.
We got our fight beaten out of us, we lost hope and drive, so we don't vote (well, I personally do), but what can you really do when your job or university make you vote instead and make you vote a specific way and you can be punished indirectly for making a wrong choice? When older generations are the ones who vote mostly and they all vote a certain way because they're being lied to by the regime and media?
If only you knew. Bitch.
No. 1452372
File: 1645858762940.jpeg (503.22 KB, 2484x2208, image.jpeg)

Never forget that for years Kathy proudly proclaimed to be communist, was in the process of learning Russian, and posted shit like picrel. She only switched to anarcho-communism and general anarchism when farmers called her out for her bullshit.
No. 1452478
>>1452026>findom>dominatrix>master/slave role inferred by the structure of the transaction>Ok with her subs being non-white>Just don't call them slaveSo close to realizing that a woke SJW
should not be taking sub money as a findom, from female POC in the first place if she really stood for the values she claims to. But money is money to her.
No. 1452546
>>1452026She's really repeating talking points from half a year ago
>>1303461 that fell flat because the black acquaintance she tagged for clout undermined her point and told her there are always exceptions? It also seems like a bad idea as a white person to speak to other whites on behalf of BIPOC and assume what's
triggering to them?
No. 1453035
File: 1645947343189.png (211.2 KB, 586x553, Screen Shot 2022-02-26 at 8.40…)

It's four figures now because she let it rot for years in a dresser drawer with dirty shoes on top of it. At least she didn't say it was worth four figures.
No. 1453036
File: 1645947595798.webm (Spoiler Image,2.72 MB, 1280x660, qfIVkYd3luZ7rvHd.webm)

No. 1453133
>>1453036That's not even a custom gstring… the gusset isn't wide enough.
Why does she put those giant tacky stones on the thigh garters?! She really is trying to work in the giant stones like her hero Miss Tosh.
Please take a stoning class, Katie. That looks like a child's bracelet. Combined with your arthritic hand movements, this is so awkward!
No. 1453243
>>1453133the panties are from manuge et toi, an actual costumier. alas i do not have receipts but she implicitly took credit for making them, just because she stuck rhinestones onto the base she purchased. the costumier told her to clarify it. it might be in a previous thread.
and those garters are some real daddy uwu nonsense which simply dont belong around old hollywood glamour.
No. 1453244
>>1453036Keep holding that tuck I guess.
Her delusion is really something of note.
No. 1453248
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she really takes all her ideas from madame dabi, doesnt she?
first french pastry bdsm, now rococo erotica
No. 1453378
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I wonder who she's vague posting about now.
No. 1453380
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>>1453378Same anon, maybe it's related? Kek at Kathy admitting she can't pick out the time-wasters/can't keep the attention of clients
No. 1453384
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>>1453380It's definitely all related
No. 1453423
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>>1452026She liked and replied to any positive/affirming comments, but then dirty deleted when this happened kek
No. 1453629
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In what world are her sad feathers "powder lavender"? These are dishwater grey.
No. 1453815
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She’s still sperging. Not going to pretend I know a lot about sex work and findom but her fixation on an “initial tribute” is because she can’t hold anyone except fatty beyond that. Agree with
>>1453739 that when something is actually expected of her she spins it as not respecting her boundaries and whatever else she has spewed this past weekend. She really thinks people are going to consistently give her money for existing without anything in return,.. that doesn’t happen to genuinely gorgeous and intellectual women so why she thinks it’ll happen with her is a mystery.
No. 1454015
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>>1452026Kathy declares “slave” is ok now!
No. 1454594
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Bitch is a one trick pony who’s trick isn’t good. Nothing but a broke, boring, ugly inside and out charlatan.
No. 1455366
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She is so far removed from her reality it's almost concerning. Imagine doing online sex work and thinking you do not have to put out content in order to make money.