File: 1634293121234.jpeg (124.65 KB, 1200x675, whateverhappendtokatherineharl…)

No. 1348150
Katherine McMahon, known online as Katherine Harlow theparkavenuepinup and themadameblush, is a 24 year old self-proclaimed burlesque dancer, pinup, luxury financial dominatrix, muse, disability advocate, costumier, historian, hyperfemme collared living doll.
Recent milk:
> Once again attempts to threaten lolcow with legal action and law enforcement because she totally has recourse against a female gossip site discussing her publicly posted neuroticism and narcissism >>1329877 >>1335880 >>1329882> Shows she has no contact with any lawyer by asking if anyone knows one for familial matters >>1316446 >>1316450> Monetarily exploits the death of a black sex worker that she has never met because she is “spending out of [her] savings” as well as uses the situation as a scapegoat for quitting her job earlier this year >>1343096> Furthers the exploit by bragging complaining about how daddy is a cto that has a six-figure salary but his money isn’t hers!! Also takes the comments about her being malnourished because all she consumes is carbohydrates and makes them her life story >>1343133> Not even 24 hours later proceeds to brag/lie about how “well-paid” she currently is thanks to anons here, making lolcow Schrödinger's site as it simultaneously brings clients to her while also being irrelevant >>1344098> Publicly asks a professional domme how to attract the type of clients she wants who answers her professionally while also reading her into the ground >>1316922 then goes on to use Katherine’s actions as a “what not to do” in other answers >>1316949 >>1316950 >>1316951> Obviously peeved, Katherine tries to question the professional domme later about consent and boundaries >>1333667 while once again strangely relating wedding rings to BDSM gear; professional domme holds her ground >>1334209 and Katherine dirty deletes her original reply >>1337600> Continuously spergs about and gatekeeps BDSM gear “as if it’s some sacred Native American garment that would be culturally and religiously offensive if it was appropriated, not something people wear to bust a nut” >>1309283 >>1335239 >>1322191 despite being the exact thing she’s reprimanding >>1309336 >>1322515> Spergs about and gatekeeps fashion because she vaguely “studied fashion” >>1323731 >>1323734 while putting four plastic keychains on her tacky purses >>1324300 and wearing grandma’s hand-me-downs >>1347643 >>1321695> Anon finds the caps of Katherine and her previous scrote who is a drugged out white trash dirty 40-something male sex worker; photos together as white trash as one would expect >>1342073 >>1342076 >>1342077 >>1342078> alyssaedwardsbackrolls.jpeg >>1343529 > Does a photoshoot with three other women dressed as the live laugh love mistress >>1303677 >>1307082 >>1307083 >>1307157 > BTS candids of a “latex ladies who lunch” photoshoot showing Katherine looking like - as correctly told by anons - Mr. Burns in drag, Voldemort, Eustace Bagge, and Nose-feratu >>1346596 >>1346876Active links: (currently private) (currently private)
https://parkavenuepinup.com links: of Sex lawsuit info: thread
>>1259829Second thread
>>1299249 No. 1348154
File: 1634293596889.png (131.34 KB, 591x646, Screen Shot 2021-10-15 at 3.24…)

Seems fitting to have the first post in a new thread be a double whammy of her e-begging and horrendous fashion sense totaling $2,000+ kek
No. 1348753
File: 1634369606319.jpeg (651.34 KB, 1170x1977, 80406820-D7AA-44BC-AF90-385917…)

She just doesn’t get it, does she?
No. 1348787
>>1348753idk why she thinks she's so oppressed, collars are basically an everyday thing now with all the tiktokers that constantly wear them, and most people aren't going to flip out if you call your partner master or goddess or whatever. maybe a weird look but if that counts as being oppressed in her head, then she's off the rails.
this popped into my head, but i remember reading about subtle ways that you could 'honor' your bdsm relationship out in public and one of the things related was that you could kneel down to tie the persons shoe/fix an ankle bracelet. if you're going to have that shit in public, then that's the way to do it - subtle stuff that to everyone else is just you showing you care about your partner, but is more special to the two of you. idk why she thinks she needs to be so in your face about everything.
No. 1348926
File: 1634395474148.jpeg (637.87 KB, 1233x1146, D082FCA0-67E4-45FD-9F49-4D6079…)

Posting the entire twitter thread because it’s such a bad take full of actual retardation. Reminder that all this is coming from a woman that is in a heteronormative relationship with a man. (1/6)
No. 1348928
File: 1634395512100.jpeg (886.01 KB, 1242x1667, 51FE273C-09E5-4527-8F9C-D1F3A3…)

No. 1348930
File: 1634395610933.jpeg (635.38 KB, 1242x1212, 9C3A6BAF-C9AF-4AD0-92D7-305C71…)

No. 1348932
File: 1634395801125.jpeg (700.03 KB, 1242x1375, 3232D516-0A61-4A00-BD38-17BC42…)

No. 1348937
File: 1634396051772.jpeg (793.74 KB, 1242x1664, 629EF31C-0942-468F-BDB4-63FC75…)

No. 1348938
File: 1634396149018.jpeg (774.17 KB, 1242x1802, 78457F87-E38E-429E-8C87-B70F40…)

No. 1348942
File: 1634396390701.gif (5.16 MB, 640x410, 4C047DA2-6152-4710-8A7E-B5AF7A…)

>>1348932Katherine McMahon drones on about consent then proceeds to state that someone saying they don’t like something/don’t want to see something isn’t a
valid “argument” all while getting
triggered over emoji reactions and wedding rings because she doesn’t like to see them. Talk about being dead from the neck up.
No. 1348944
>>1348926Sex negative period? Where is this woman living? Maybe she should go back only 80 years, she would have to have children by now and the only thing she would know about sex is what her husband allows her to know.
And she is still talking about SW while everything she does hasn't got anything to do with "real" SW. I'd love to see her walking down the street waiting for the next car to pull over and a guy asking for her price…
No. 1348964
>>1348753I love how she's genuinely
triggered by wedding rings, she's never going to get wifed up by that bloated scrote and it pains her.
No. 1348970
File: 1634398808167.jpeg (497.33 KB, 600x900, D2837625-BC73-4649-AE7E-A9B08D…)

triggers her because she willingly sexually surrendered to the living embodiment of the coomer meme kek
No. 1348976
File: 1634399696669.jpeg (47.76 KB, 241x350, 92318037-79CE-4C38-A8E0-64624C…)

If Kathy got a real job and was being properly fucked by anything but picrel, she wouldn’t be saying any of this. She’s coping hard.
No. 1349051
>>1348928Make it less obvious you are annoyed no scrote has proposed to you yet, Kathy. Kissing and wedding rings have no associations with being tied up in sex dungeons and whipped/electrocuted/stepped on/wax dripped/cut/whatever, hence nobody having a problem with seeing them in public.
How can you be so offended with tiny expressions of romance like wedding rings or kissing yet not understand why people might object to expressions of a more sexual and adult nature like collars and kneeling. (I'm assuming she means kneeling on all fours here)
No. 1349071
File: 1634408892262.jpg (103.88 KB, 1198x798, Screen Shot 2021-10-16 at 11.2…)

This pisses me off. Living in a religious theocracy and being threatened with getting killed or jailed for being gay is nothing like people being uncomfortable with her kneeling to her greasy-faced sausage lipped moid in New York City.
No. 1349129
>>1348930This is such an inherently contradictory statement it’s fucking funny. She clearly understands that BDSM is a part of the kink scene. She wrote the word “kink” out herself, and still goes on to preach into the void about how “this is just a relationship model that is subversive from the norm.” Is it, Kathy? You call yourself a sex worker. You clearly understand that you’re desperately trying to insert yourself into and speak for a kink community (that you really don’t understand, or even WANT to) for financial gain.
That domanatrix who dragged her by the hair on twitter in the last thread said it best; practicing kink in public violates the cornerstone aspect of BDSM, which is that everything is negotiated and consensual, and the general public can’t possibly consent to being a part of your scene. Kathy deleted the snippy tweet that warranted that response though, so maybe she’s just trying to pretend she didn’t hear an (assumedly) respected member of the community talk about all of the reasons this take is fucking garbage. I think she’s just trying to come up with a “revolutionary” take on BDSM so that she can cement her delusion of being a domanatrix.
No. 1349226
File: 1634439702883.jpeg (304.78 KB, 1476x2048, FADD486B-933C-4EC3-9E3C-4AE176…)

The excessive poor photoshop makes it worse, especially when you’ve seen the candids kek
No. 1349264
File: 1634443206955.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x1518, 53AB3812-6A0E-4813-9A7F-44D5DF…)

>>1349226Here’s the not as edited version the photographer posted. Way to point out your huge insecurities to everyone by adding a couple extra layers of editing kek
No. 1349685
File: 1634501721153.jpeg (427.87 KB, 1638x2048, FB7Bm-SXoAIsVO-.jpeg)

The only replies to this are talking about the dog…
No. 1349750
File: 1634506106284.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1242x1505, EFC1DE51-6356-4C53-883E-C8EED5…)

The whole thing fucking woof
No. 1349770
File: 1634507438532.png (39.06 KB, 148x147, tres_chic.png)

>>1349769And why is there a perfume bottle there?
No. 1349779
File: 1634507911212.jpeg (222.1 KB, 1364x2048, CACE8A12-89E1-4C76-9636-A69891…)

Tried to be sexy by captioning this with “Fingers in the frosting” but she’s not even doing that. No one cares about your faux Chanel button ring.
No. 1349789
File: 1634508699734.jpeg (406.86 KB, 1366x2048, C6A42FEE-75CC-4358-BB00-2BC5BD…)

Sorry not sorry, they both look trans
No. 1349792
File: 1634508927408.jpeg (312.47 KB, 1365x2048, 6CFB400A-EC7D-4A5D-955E-9BD2E6…)

They need to stop posting because the photos are getting progressively worse each time (or keep posting because it’s more to laugh at kek)
No. 1349798
>>1349792Again showing off this purse, doesn't even make sense in the scene. The maid needs to waash her hair
>>1349793Why the fuck aren't they using the food? it's not like they will return it… right?
No. 1349800
File: 1634509322753.jpeg (419.52 KB, 1242x826, 168C1269-953E-4E6D-B1BD-92AECE…)

I love how she’s thanking the sub and not the other way around. She has no clue how to be a domme.
No. 1349801
>>1349792I like how Kathy is clearly airbrushed here but the maid character still has visible skin texture. This whole shoot needs some Gaussian Blur and color grading stat.
Idk how they can't see how bad these photos are, this being one of the better ones composition-wise, which isn't saying much since it's still absolutely basic.
No. 1349803
File: 1634509586712.jpg (492.85 KB, 1366x2048, 1634508699734 (2).jpg)

>>1349789Pls no ban farmhands, but for example I spent ten seconds editing the colors and added some mild blur on my phone here, and I think this looks better?
File: 1634509711445.jpeg (Spoiler Image,262.54 KB, 1365x2048, 7AA85C81-2D2C-4E12-B8C1-81A591…)

What. The. Fuck.
No. 1349809
File: 1634509771729.jpg (407.12 KB, 1365x2048, 1634508927408 (2).jpg)

>>1349792Samefag, another ten seconds to not make it look like it came straight from the camera raw. Mild blur and color grading.
No. 1349812
>>1349805I avoid her thread like the plague, thank you. Too ugly for my eyes.
>>1349807So unsexy and badly composed, what is even happening here.
No. 1349820
File: 1634510257412.png (802.09 KB, 1742x849, kek.png)

>>1349779Did she pay 90$ for this shitty ring? Lmao so LuXuhRoUhssSs
not tacky at all
No. 1349834
>>1349750Not that tattoo together with all of this, how embarrassing. Also now that someone said Kathy looks like Mr. Burns I can't unsee it
>>1349820Geez, I thought it was some $10 DHgate shit, I hope she didn't pay almost a hundred dollars for a fake plastic ring that only fits her finger when she has gloves on
No. 1349846
>>1349807Are they pulling roses out of her ass or putting them in? Either way it's having the opposite effect of "sexy".
I really hope this wasn't a paid shoot.
No. 1349859
nonnie she’s supposed to be slapping the sub’s ass but it really doesn’t look that way at all
No. 1349881
File: 1634517822478.jpeg (185 KB, 1196x889, A38A06FE-309B-442A-9C72-4041EF…)

Being a lazy deadbeat isn’t sexy
No. 1350094
File: 1634532280722.jpeg (341.12 KB, 1332x2048, FB9C84cXMAEwLCn.jpeg)

The comments about her being out of focus must have gotten to her kek in focus in this one but edited all the human out of herself
No. 1350096
File: 1634532309330.jpeg (374.37 KB, 1517x2048, FB9C84aXsAMKtPS.jpeg)

No. 1350132
File: 1634538840131.jpeg (804.45 KB, 1242x1022, 4CF32B03-A6A2-4792-BF8A-87EE21…)

Professional dommes and a professional sub doing a paid professional shoot, everyone.
There’s a lot to be done but a simple start is to not be high because your shit turns out like this. What an idiot.
No. 1350140
File: 1634540064465.jpeg (425.33 KB, 1222x1512, 04000655-6BEC-4C26-BFA3-3FDAFE…)

>>1349792What the sub posted. Why does Kathy edit out her barely there tits?
No. 1350434
>>1348928Lmao is she really here tweeting about "vanilla" people (ie she really means cis-heteronormative, really ironic since she's proudly "hyperfemme" and a collared sub to a man) as if they aren't also subject to polite societal norms? If I don't want to see people making out or groping each other in public, straight or otherwise I'm not denying their right to exist or have a relationship. I want them to control their urges for a more appropriate time and place where I nor others are involved without consent. Note how when a "vanilla" person wants to enforce consent boundaries they are "co-opting and weaponizing language" and "policing and disappearing" others.
>>1348930…do you even know what kink means
>>1348937>take responsibility as an adult with agency and employ some self control by unfollowing, muting, or blocking content that makes you uncomfortable>you are entirely responsible for that decision you've made How am I supposed to do any of that when
you are the one going outside like
>>1261070 and
>>1263651. Who's responsible for
your decisions to go out in public like that?
>>1348930I love how she brings up bad faith arguments and then equates anyone being uncomfortable with her desire to grossly ignore boundaries and practice BDSM in front of an unconsenting public and possibly minors to fascism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-choice and religious extremism. Why do you assume it's only ignorant, "vanilla" people who are objecting and not informed kinky people. How do you know your BDSM isn't
triggering to a SA survivor? Apparently if they object due to trauma, which also boils down to "I don't like this and don't want to see this", it's not a
valid reason according to Kathy. As someone who claims to be a survivor herself this is a huge issue that's conveniently never brought up.
>>1348942This is basically a pseudointellectual rant about how she's not allowed to do whatever she wants when she wants and how unfair it is to
her>>1349129>she’s just trying to come up with a “revolutionary” take on BDSM so that she can cement her delusion of being a domanatrixThis 100%, she needs to keep tweeting to stay relevant because she hardly puts out content, it's mostly e-begging and copying others with the occasional basic Women and Gender Studies 101 concept. Note how she's too cowardly to @ the professional domme who graciously answered her dirty deleted "friendly question", the answer which she's obviously railing against in the thread. Instead of trying to have a proper discussion with a seasoned professional and showing that she is educating herself and willing to learn, Kathy would rather tweet into the void for validating likes from the same three followers.
Sorry about the huge sperg but we all know she lurks so I couldn't help myself.
No. 1350988
File: 1634629417066.jpeg (648.56 KB, 1242x1535, 58888D08-4A72-438F-AF11-79847A…)

Kathy sure loves to bark but has zero bite. Also not these two e-whores acting like cosmopolitan magazine is anything but complete rubbish that is known for its shit advice on sex.
No. 1351007
File: 1634632889549.jpg (430.19 KB, 1080x1784, Screenshot_20211019-103404_Sam…)

>>1350096Lmao, they're flexing that $22 prosecco like it's real champagne. I saw that same exact brand at my local wine shop once and it was a 2 for 1 deal for €17 (so equivalent of $20) iirc.
No. 1351202
>>1351128That and also Kathy keeping the ugly Kate Spade purse on her elbow the whole time. You know, as you do when you sit down for
tea prosecco in a teacup and cookies.
No. 1351320
File: 1634670410608.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1804, 8BED60D6-030F-4FE8-8767-92C9F6…)

> Champagne water boarding
It just keeps getting worse
No. 1351324
File: 1634670511066.jpeg (250.34 KB, 1410x2048, DB97DFE8-4D29-49CD-A113-D38DD5…)

She tried to edit these photos like fanart anon did kek didn’t work Kathy… still looks unprofessional and cheap (1/2)
No. 1351325
File: 1634670564707.jpeg (317.55 KB, 1711x2048, F854B481-C23F-42AE-9105-0B0FA7…)

Coloring is still horrendous (2/2)
No. 1351491
File: 1634683784902.jpg (149.58 KB, 1436x1920, builtlikemom.jpg)

>>1349750why's she built like this
No. 1351499
File: 1634685652921.jpeg (520.62 KB, 1242x1198, 34ADE8C8-FDCD-48B2-AD7B-EA8DEB…)

Katherine according to you any amount is sufficient enough because it’s “the service that matters, not the amount” and you have nothing stating what your initial tribute expected is other than “tribute to exist”. You’re an ugly broke bitch faux domme who wants easy money. Hang it up already.
No. 1351593
>>1351325she holds it as if she's a little kid playing dress up. so strange and off putting.
this whole photoshoot feels like a real skinwalker trying to imitate an old Hollywood starlet. she's scaring me.
No. 1351627
>>1351324Where are these pictures coming from ?? I follow her on IG and I don't think she's posted them there. Are they on OF or patreon ??
She just seems so uncomfortable and out of place, like maybe she doesn't even want to be doing this. It's sad how try-hard the whole thing seems.
No. 1351702
File: 1634704557615.jpeg (499.53 KB, 1242x1052, 459B7F34-17AF-4B98-BF31-5FD9F2…)

So close yet so far from self awareness
No. 1352229
File: 1634763220038.jpeg (313.04 KB, 1365x2048, FCKyrocWUAEXH8y.jpeg)

Special needs "tea" party
No. 1352260
>>1352229I'm not trying to nitpick the sub since I have no idea who they are. But why does she look so unposed in every photo? In
>>1349792 she is hunched over like a troll. No one thought she should do something nicer with her hands or face in these photos?
No. 1352426
File: 1634779706609.jpeg (309.62 KB, 1637x2048, FCLbvSVXoAso1g_.jpeg)

Such a proud sex worker yet posts zero sex. She honestly thinks it's just "imposter syndrome" she's experiencing and not the real world fact that no one is going to buy her $20,000+ wishlist full of crap just because she occasionally posts clothed photos of herself.
No. 1352444
File: 1634781706801.jpg (505.58 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20211020-215459_Ins…)

It just tickles me that she is "preserving" her old costume. That seems unnecessary.
No. 1352653
>>1351491The accuracy anon. kek
>>1352444Her makeup and hair here make her look absolutely ghastly.
No. 1353157
>>1352470Regular thread can get shredded by sequins or beads or crystals over time or with heavy use, fishing line is a cheap alternative to beading thread that doesn't wear down as quickly.
But aren't her crystals glued on top of her costume, not sewn in ?? So it shouldn't make a difference
No. 1353323
>>1352470>>1352481sewing anon here (worked as a dressmaker). It's bullshit. It's a little bit stronger, yes, but normal polyester thread will last as long as fishing thread or even longer and it's easier to sew. I once used nylon thread and I can say that it will tear easily if it's old or get's older. She could just use a thread one step thicker than the one she has used before. That wouldn't work if her fabric is thin or something like silk, you just have to use a thread that fits to your fabric. Fishing thread is also way to slippery and there is real nylon thread to sew with, not fishing stuff. Only reason to use it is because it's mostly invisible, but a standard thread in the right colour would fit more.. Saying that, it's bullshit to replace every seam, you still have the holes from the previous seam and the fabric won't recover from that, except you have enough seam allowance and make your clothes bigger…
She doesn't know what she is doing, she doesn't have any education in sewing, style or manners, she is just a rich chick with stupid ideas.
And if she meant to replace the thread for the crystals (which she is gluing on the dress, so no thread for that), it's still bullshit. Yes, you can use it, but fishing thread is cheap and there are better alternatives that will last longer.
Sry for that long post, I just hate people telling stuff and other people believing that they know what they are doing.
No. 1353490
File: 1634879297876.png (61.04 KB, 590x377, Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 10.0…)

Her diet is carbohydrates and cheap sparkling white wine only. Still makes zero sense why she said she doesn't like to drink when she clearly drinks multiple times a week if not daily.
No. 1353774
>>1353560Considering how an anon above pointed out that she's merely holding up her costume instead of having it properly on
>>1352444, I think that one day is right now kek. Lay off the fucking pasta Kathy. She's probably remaking her costume just because she can't fit into it anymore.
No. 1353820
File: 1634932166911.jpeg (215.21 KB, 1242x491, 02CDD446-EC70-4515-841F-6648BA…)

Her Kathy-isms are always off. Like you know what she’s saying but it just reads weird kek
No. 1354001
File: 1634946897553.jpeg (736.94 KB, 1242x1793, 08CB8FD6-6540-4D36-9B65-B0B5F9…)

Absolute cringe
No. 1354604
File: 1635043303974.jpeg (372.94 KB, 1242x645, 0D7C1E88-018D-4179-94DF-AEA1B6…)

Fuck all these online whores
No. 1354607
>>1354604Post actual porn Kathy. Seriously. Do it. You’re a self-proclaimed member of the LGBTQ+ community and sex worker that loves to drone on about sex worker rights and porn but you don’t post anything sexual. Ever. Post yourself getting railed in a threeway with your boyfriend’s friend like you implied here
>>1309753 . What’s stopping you? Those evil “public morality & family values” concepts? How evangelical and puritanical of you!
No. 1354669
File: 1635053327940.jpeg (361.49 KB, 1242x873, DF79A1ED-33FD-417D-88C7-5B5FA8…)

Kek at her thinking she knows anything about lingerie when she claims her size is “always” ____. She’s someone who is stuck on what a size tag says and not the fit. No wonder she always looks awful in whatever she wears.
No. 1354671
File: 1635053701689.jpeg (760.3 KB, 1242x1800, 782E9819-85C3-4711-A33A-F83AF1…)

Yes roll around in while huffing the filthiest thing on earth
No. 1354791
>>1354669someone as perpetually sloppy as this woman should never wear seamed stockings
>>1354671she refers to herself as aUtOsExUal and claims to have a visceral "cash fetish," and that's how we can tell this is a shitty roleplay
No. 1355123
File: 1635119290606.png (79.64 KB, 589x345, Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 4.44…)

"Stigma" isn't killing sex workers; MEN are killing sex workers. Men have always killed sex workers and always will but Katherine (and others) want to pretend the people they cater their entires lives to aren't the problem but instead other women who call out the dangers of sex work.
No. 1355368
File: 1635147198896.png (38.57 KB, 598x157, Screen Shot 2021-10-25 at 12.3…)

witch larp saga upcoming kek
No. 1355634
File: 1635189234769.png (265.06 KB, 390x756, Screen Shot 2021-10-25 at 12.1…)

No one's biting to re-do her one and only costume. Also Blue Laws also haven't existed in NY for decades; she's over 21 and can walk into dozens of full nude strip clubs in the city and attempt to do a traditional fan dance but we all know she won't because that would require very minor some effort.
No. 1355809
File: 1635209040539.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1784, CA4CA264-5144-44F5-B03B-6C6B06…)

Kathy has zero right to speak on issues facing prostitutes when she’s using the term ‘sex worker’ in guise of begging for completely frivolous items. If she cares so much, how come she isn’t helping out the woman who took some of her photos supply food to black sex workers who need it? The woman is continuously crying out for help with it while Kathy sits back asking for expensive candles pretending to care about her supposed ilk’s problems. What a cunt.
No. 1355862
File: 1635214326429.jpeg (64.3 KB, 1200x648, nightynight.jpeg)

>>1355441She'd only go to be the centre of attention. Picrel for fans of British comedy so dark it feels wrong.
No. 1355938
File: 1635221753652.jpeg (632.3 KB, 1170x1969, 67E3B004-8F80-4DBD-B8D0-EC71E4…)

“Seeing your engagement ring in public is triggering to me!!1!1!”
No. 1355946
File: 1635223149011.jpeg (805.46 KB, 1242x1444, 35BB80BF-D3C0-4BE6-AA98-1E3C60…)

> the kids know more than the adults just like I did teehee
Don’t know what show she watched but that certainly wasn’t the plot line of one of the most popular tv shows of all time. Katherine quit her job because they wouldn’t give her drugs on demand but sure, she knows more than most adults and doctors guise! Can’t wait for her reality bubble to pop given her age.
No. 1356156
File: 1635262598944.jpg (141.8 KB, 1436x1920, Kath.jpg)

>>1351491you inspired me, anon
No. 1356406
File: 1635288059573.png (62.62 KB, 598x288, Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 3.39…)

Sure Jan. That's why your neckbeard is hispanic male and your one and only sub was a non-white female. Patrick Bateman doesn't want you and never will kek
No. 1356408
File: 1635288262375.png (85.29 KB, 594x357, Screen Shot 2021-10-26 at 3.41…)

>>1356406The fact that she posted these one after another… the cognitive dissonance
No. 1356409
>>1356408sEx WoRk is inherently capitalistic, especially findom. How come they
never acknowledge that?
No. 1356461
>>1356408>>1356409If rich blokes cared about communism & equality, they'd be throwing their money at women who actually contribute to the world - who study, research & work in industry. These hypothetical meritocratic finsubs would NOT be financing toucan-nosed leeches who sit around all day begging for purposeless luxury goods on other people's dime.
Obviously that's assuming that any rich man is actually aware of her, let alone paying her lol. She's not attractive enough to make up for her lack of value.
No. 1356540
File: 1635303867603.jpeg (758.06 KB, 1242x1545, 706709FF-D48D-4C56-9306-521390…)

Another video that she will never post kek what happened to the shoe collection video?
No. 1356541
File: 1635303912593.jpeg (457.33 KB, 1562x2048, FFC1440B-9708-4EA7-BC84-4B4D33…)

No. 1356542
File: 1635303963049.jpeg (384.67 KB, 1588x2048, CE0C651E-4466-48C4-8766-913B84…)

No. 1356647
File: 1635327157929.jpg (97.31 KB, 654x743, Screenshot_20211027-113014_Sam…)

>>1356541Get your nails filled in, madame
No. 1356722
File: 1635341304866.png (527.13 KB, 576x593, wattle.png)

>>1356673You bitch, that's her wattle!
No. 1356979
File: 1635367898673.png (34.97 KB, 591x133, Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 1.50…)

The zero replies should tell you enough
No. 1356984
File: 1635368320839.png (88.38 KB, 588x384, Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 1.50…)

She talks game about "robbing" money from men on the "Forbe's billionaire list" and from "cis white male executives" yet tweets quite consistently about about broke individuals who should take on more work for her as well as wanting disabled, queer, poc subs. She really tells on herself because it isn't the eViL wHiTe MeN that would be going broke but instead the disabled queer pocs kek what a woke communist cultural worker queen!
No. 1357210
File: 1635394788413.jpeg (309.33 KB, 1365x2048, 05702976-8E82-4431-9AF1-A50272…)

As another anon said, each new photo from this set is worst than the previous kek we know Kathy is a wreck but good to know she surrounds herself with her equals
No. 1357266
File: 1635401894208.jpeg (563.76 KB, 1242x1249, B1F1B8AA-E8F4-41AA-AC8E-28F51C…)

This exchange sent me. The other woman asked where to find “specialty gourmet” food items and Kathy, queen of the Bronx farmer’s market, just lists off random food items not answering the question at all. Kathy has to “think on that” when asked again where to get those items. She’s not even good at her Marie Antionette food larp kek
No. 1357271
>>1357266not even a neighborhood, a single upscale store or street. kek.
(but why the fuck is she advising to freeze macarons?)
No. 1357295
>>1357266Top kek! I always love it when Kathy blatantly tells on herself with no awareness whatsoever. This is a nitpick, but macarons are inherently a French pastry, there's no need to say "French macarons" (I know she probably meant to distinguish them from macaroons but it just reads as ignorant to me)
>>1357271>I'd have to think on thatOMG, Kathy couldn't even at least suggest Laduree for "French" macarons. That just proves even further those tacky key chains she has are knock offs. She couldn't even give the name of where she gets her overpriced cheese smh
>>1357282She could also be buying large quantities of cheap mass produced macarons from places like Costco and has to freeze them because she can't eat them all in a reasonable amount of time. Or she's buying the even cheaper kinds of macarons that are sold already frozen. The fact that her sad photoshoot only had 2 different flavors of macarons makes me think those were definitely lower quality store bought ones
No. 1357576
>>1357266>>1357271>>1357282>>1357295>freezing macaronsShe's full of shit again. Macarons are the single type of cookie that get notably BETTER when you leave them out. The recipe suggests it. The outside 'shell' holds up better if you let them cool and leave them for a day before eating.
If Kathy ever actually did anything productive with her time like, I dunno, baking, or educating herself, or producing something, ANYTHING of value rather than just living solely to consume then she wouldn't come off so uncultured.
No. 1357967
File: 1635498455195.png (50.17 KB, 590x202, Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 2.04…)

Nobody in burlesque has originality, do they? kek Dita Von Teese already copied GRL with the luggage… Kathy wants to be a copy of a copy kek
No. 1358123
>>1357967as if two balding fans, a tiny corset and a pair of knock-off louboutins require two suitcases to carry them.
WHICH costumes, Katie? you literally have half of a costume to your name.
No. 1358127
File: 1635526776593.jpeg (357.51 KB, 1170x2532, 0FF984BB-F0C1-4142-9F39-5C12C6…)

>>1358123Nonnie, don’t be mean, she has 1.5 costumes! Also, she’s clearly gained weight because that bra does not fit her well.
No. 1358274
>>1358127Oof. Her body type is so boyish. I guess at least she's not fat, but that's really the only thing she has going for her. Burlesque dancers are supposed to look incredibly feminine. Watching someone try to 'tease' a body with no curves at all, hips the width of a prepubescent boy, and the complexion of a naked mole-rat is just comical.
The boy body combined with heavy makeup reaaaaally makes her look like a twink on drag race.
No. 1358421
>>1357936Ngl, her profile screams escort more than legitimate model
nonny. She ain't even that cute. I can see the parallels though, especially the randomly parading around the streets in their underwear part. kek
No. 1358846
File: 1635647487856.jpeg (201.86 KB, 1125x2012, 2F6FFE30-0F25-49BA-9070-758720…)

Dirty deleted
No. 1358854
File: 1635649740331.jpeg (176.5 KB, 1170x2389, 71BF8977-26FC-49F6-B1AE-C6EC41…)

I gotchu nonnie. The heart after “please don’t” is sending me kek
No. 1358855
File: 1635649873768.jpeg (404.01 KB, 1170x1567, 2754A149-34F9-49A0-89C6-0AEE21…)

Samefag but yikes at this dinner. Why is she listing her food off like it’s so impressive?
No. 1358877
File: 1635653199685.png (231.78 KB, 750x910, dinnermenu.png)

>>1358846>>1358854Her larp knows no bounds. She isn't even a SWer. She doesn't actually have any subs (minus the long distance one she had online for a whole week), doesn't even post nudes or porn online. What exactly makes her a SWer again? She's barely a burlesque performer as it is. kek
>>1358855It's kind of funny that she goes on to list everything like it's peak luxury. The menu doesn't even have "burrata and peaches". I'm assuming she ordered the heirloom tomato salad with "whipped ricotta and peaches" and mixed her cheeses up. Also, after ordering both the salad and the entrée she listed, she'd only have been able to afford two glasses of their cheapest champagne unless she didn't tip well which is plausible. So much for "lots of champagne". This is, of course, if she even went. Most sugar babies at least post photos of their meals and gifts. All she has is lists and the occasional bootleg bag or shoes.
No. 1358896
File: 1635657880228.jpeg (284.48 KB, 960x1440, 5B1A9B1C-53E8-4594-BD12-EAD22B…)

>>1358846Out of all the faux activism she could have done, she chose to gatekeep shoes? Wow, such a hard hitting issue; SWers seeing “civilians” in lucite heels and black shiny boots. How dare 76 year old civilian Helen Mirren wear lucite pleasers. Thank you Katherine for speaking up on such a difficult topic!
No. 1358897
File: 1635658192536.jpeg (92.89 KB, 640x640, C73688C1-59E3-41C7-A784-B93CC5…)

>>1358846Did Kathy forget this was her Halloween costume (just add a black wig) a couple years ago while she was ‘identifying’ only as a submissive? She’s a historian but hasn’t a clue about the history of burlesque. Just say you’re envious of other performers that are able to do everything you can’t.
No. 1358907
File: 1635659669938.jpeg (189.64 KB, 552x800, 2D7D74FE-962E-49B5-AE7E-7485E9…)

>>1358846The black shiny boots aren’t for you either Katherine
No. 1359138
File: 1635707902803.jpg (74.86 KB, 640x640, tumblr_p7uylblqyp1r2z5nto1_640…)

>>1358846holy shit this is amazing. suburban hetero white girl wants to be oppressed so bad she has to make shit up about being personally victimised by patent leather
No. 1359188
>>1358854Kathy's logic doesn't even make sense. Not all sex workers are dominatrices and one could argue that burlesque dancers are sex workers because they strip. Kathy's biggest
triggers are engagement/wedding rings and PVC.
No. 1360035
File: 1635820801738.jpg (134.06 KB, 720x1053, Screenshot_20211101-223240_Ins…)

She announced the line up for the burlesque show she is producing and it looks low budget to me.
Can't wait to see the outcome of this.
No. 1360146
>>1360035the french has a basic grammar mistake too, it should be "petits fours". typical uncultured bitch, thinking mangled french makes her sound fancy
she really fails at everything she does
No. 1360156
File: 1635838993793.png (1.34 MB, 840x877, nycmartist.png)

>>1360035I'm honestly surprised Kat isn't deeply insecure performing alongside Emily Shephard. After peeking at her IG, she seems somewhat established as an alt model/performer and she looks like this.
No. 1360375
File: 1635880902268.jpeg (629.62 KB, 768x1195, AECFA82D-A493-4F2A-95BA-4ADCC8…)

>>1360314….. Kathy the Cultural Worker strikes again
No. 1360549
File: 1635899316597.jpeg (514.01 KB, 1242x1377, FBC9E8F2-27CC-4477-B45B-811BD4…)

Her diet is absolute shit kek Might as well be eating bags of chips and cookies because there really isn’t much of nutritional difference between that and her ~gourmet farmer’s market~ e-beg
No. 1360550
File: 1635899390126.jpeg (547.07 KB, 1242x1298, C559B58C-6C4E-447D-A34C-17EFF7…)

>>1360549Also the fact that she tweets this and proceeds to ask for $130 in grocery money is hilarious and shows her pathetic reality
No. 1360650
>>1360549Love that her content is just various grocery lists. Very sexy.
>>1360595I am looking forward to her being the ~luxury model~ Shayna in a couple years time tbh.
No. 1360796
>>1360549Oh, we're not eating bread and cheese and cookies. No we're eating FRESH (not stale!) honeybuns and ~white truffle~ cheese and MACARONS (gasp. how difficult to procure, such luxury). Gotta let everyone know that you think being a fatass is high class.
I'll never get over how Kathy eats so many macarons that she literally keeps them in the freezer like a smoothbrain living on Costco coupons instead of just baking them, like an actual high class woman would. It's just icing sugar, almond flour and eggs. I guess because they process the sugar & flour into extra fine powder, Kathy thinks she's not being a massive fatass by eating cookies every day?
No. 1361080
File: 1635969584256.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1790, B35FE5A2-1391-4E23-B300-535BDE…)

Kathy is so lazy she just covered breast petals kek also comes in second for worst nails here
No. 1361086
File: 1635970238057.jpeg (358.14 KB, 1242x2208, 96B14A3A-E28A-43D4-A47E-65A61C…)

>>1360915It is mean. Not going to pretend like Rita is skinny but she isn’t
that bad. Neither is Emily who is way skinnier and taller than Katherine but she insisted on making her very bottom heavy. What a narcissistic cunt.
No. 1361106
>>1360796>Kathy thinks she's not being a massive fatass by eating cookies every dayI feel like what makes it more embarrassing is that they're cookies everyone CAN eat regularly. They're not hard to find or make - they're just intended for rare occasions.
It's like how Tess Holliday thinks that it's luxury living to eat cake ever day. Macarons are meant to be enjoyed once in a while, not every day. It's like 200 calories of pure sugar with a bit of flour & lard in the icing. So classy.
Also I find it funny that she's only obsessed with (what she thinks are) luxury carbs & dairy.
I've never seen her purchase a high quality premium cut of meat. Is a fifty dollar steak too expensive for the carb guzzler?
No. 1361107
File: 1635972545457.jpeg (524.16 KB, 1500x1875, 1.jpeg)

>>1361086Another shot of the girl, wow what a bitch
No. 1361108
>>1361086LOL. Kathy, look in the mirror. Get real with yourself. That illustration is just sad. Everyone can see what you look like irl. You look like a chubby, pasty little boy next to Emily and her real woman's figure with hips, boobs, an actual waist & a flat stomach.
Hell, even the fat one mogs her because of how awkward and frigid Katherine looks.
No. 1361109
File: 1635972978707.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1081, CaviarClub-Silver.png)

>>1361106This is true. How come we've never seen her with picrel if she's so high class?
No. 1361378
File: 1636004940226.jpg (197.91 KB, 1080x1633, Screenshot_20211104_064849.jpg)

maybe she is disabled after all. that leg can't be healthy
No. 1361820
File: 1636061483982.jpeg (356.97 KB, 1125x1834, 23ECCDD9-F7F6-4977-95E4-819F5E…)

You would think that the greatest burlesque costumier would be able to lay down a straight, even stitch line. Oh wait, she can. She just isn’t Kathy!
No. 1361838
>>1361835it's almost as if she has no shame because she's
uwu disabled, of course she can't sew a straight line!
No. 1362051
File: 1636092552776.jpeg (570.85 KB, 1242x1364, F251640F-B1C2-4AA7-8BEB-909A87…)

Some serious “How do you do, fellow dommes?” going on here
No. 1362052
File: 1636092555169.jpeg (614.06 KB, 1170x2079, F93AF4E3-48EB-4841-B879-B786D0…)

>>1361973It’s worse than that
No. 1362062
>>1362052Didn’t know what to expect but this is so much worse than I imagined. It’s the word “pasty” in a picture.
Like what the fuck Kathy, you’re actually going to wear that? She’s so tacky and tryhard. The cringe is physically painful.
I haven’t checked the threads in a while and am kinda shocked to see she’s been overeating and packing on weight. I had her pegged for an anachan. She’s not fat yet, but after watching Shayna pork up anything is possible. If Kathy has a fat girl saga I am gonna laugh my ass off.
No. 1362156
>>1362052Putting that uneven stitching in such a prominent place, perfect. I assume she used the same thread for the beading and attaching the beads, which was not necessary. She could've used black thread at the join, considering people will definitely be able to see this…
best costumes in the business or however she describes her outfits.
No. 1362279
>>1362052This looks soooo homemade and bargain bin.
It's fine if you can't afford to buy quality costumes Kathy, but do you have to make your homemade ones look so crafty and unfinished? Learn to sew, first of all. That stitching is comical even to people who don't understand sewing. And get enough pearls to actually form a curtain. It just looks like you couldn't afford any more from the dollar store craft section.
Also, the panties look like she just hot-glued the same dollar craft supplies to some fabric. Drag Race unconventional challenge vibes.
No. 1362383
File: 1636139121510.jpg (1.6 MB, 1242x1763, IMG_2143.jpg)

So Kathy is advertising this dive bar performance tonight as her "first ever burlesque show" but the dive bar is calling it burlesque night and using much more accurate photos of the women instead of her first draft printer paper poster kek
No. 1362423
File: 1636142833733.png (73.14 KB, 801x552, jhejbhjkwqnej.png)

>>1362383is it the 5th or 6th? on their website it says 6th and there's that shitty kathy's pic
No. 1362426
File: 1636143380693.jpg (350.89 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20211105-161238_Ins…)

Did she know Mistress Velvet personally ??
Cause this seems like a lot for somebody you only knew over the internet.
No. 1362528
File: 1636151836200.jpeg (710.39 KB, 1125x1561, 5A293162-863E-4F0C-98C9-108E6A…)

>>1360035I was convinced that these drawings were too good for our Kathy to have come up with all on her own. Low and behold!
She even tagged the artists that she traced from in her post. Queen of telling on herself.
No. 1362530
>>1362033I thought that she was trying to match the trim base color (but then why use black elastic when you could use flesh or even white?) yet here she is using the mismatching white thread/black elastic(?) as the outside.
>>1362052We have white thread, black straps, cream pearls, bright-white pearls on a black background (why do this it'll look like vajazzled unshaven pubes on a pale girl), and a few rhinestones. LOL Pick a color and put it on a flesh-color base.
>>1362156It was probably purchased trim. I highly doubt she beaded the leg things herself.
>>1362528Great find!
No. 1362534
File: 1636152512549.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1125x1808, B5B45F79-86E8-4EF9-8C46-6BDABD…)

The other two:
No clue why she tagged multiple artists when she referenced from one person
No. 1362535
File: 1636152548454.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1125x1703, 09F0C8C4-4D5D-4EEE-8E11-2EB0EC…)

No. 1362572
>>1362423I checked the website just now and it says the 5th. It should be starting pretty soon, I hope we get some video!
>>1362528She traced that but still managed to screw up the foot as pointed out by another anon, top kek
No. 1362743
>>1362251I'm so excited for this. Especially as those hot-glued diamantes are going to go flying. I hope some of the pearls fall off too, and she falls (flat)ass over (tiny)tit in her (only to be worn by true and honest sex workers)lucite heels.
But more than that I hope someone films it.
No. 1362813
File: 1636178877100.jpeg (351.61 KB, 1242x1778, 180397AF-E23F-4EF9-AC19-42A3D5…)

>>1362746Yeah a lifesize makeup compact kek something dita did almost two decades ago
No. 1362817
File: 1636179547750.jpeg (140.7 KB, 637x1133, 450BD939-171C-46A9-BB6C-E921BF…)

No comment kek
No. 1362852
>>1362548Artists get their work traced, copied and "inspire" others on the daily, nobody does anything about it since the legal time and effort for a small artist isn't worth it. The only companies who pursue and win are huge ones like Disney, who ironically are IP thieves themselves (finding nemo being a good example, based on a French artist's children's book, that artist sued Disney and lost despite it being a clear rip)
tl;dr seeing your work borderline traced like this is just another day as an artist and there's not much you can do
No. 1362853
>>1362817Hahaha I love seeing her next to normal women. The girl in the back looks so naturally sexy in a long silk robe & hair pulled back. Then there's Kathy living in the own world, with her hard-hairline plastic party city Halloween wig and her chicken cutlet thigh sticking out of a poorly-stitched cheap string panty.
She sticks out as such a poser.
No. 1363208
File: 1636234013856.jpg (406.36 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20211106-171923_Ins…)

I would not pay for pasties from her. There are much high quality makers.
That being said, how much would you pay for some of the best costumes in the industry or whatever she claimed.
No. 1363211
>>1362907The bar did acknowledge her I their stories.
Also, she just posted a clip of her performance a few hours ago. It looked as unfortunate as you would assume.
No. 1363216
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No. 1363217
File: 1636234423083.jpg (126.03 KB, 720x1278, Screenshot_20211106-172948_Ins…)

No. 1363219
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No. 1363221
File: 1636234488120.jpg (110.68 KB, 720x1236, Screenshot_20211106-173011_Ins…)

No. 1363283
File: 1636241287952.png (53.2 KB, 589x274, Screen Shot 2021-11-06 at 4.24…)

Kathy doesn't want to pay the women out of pocket; instead she wants to be "reimbursed". Let's see how long this monthly thing lasts before she gets sued for unpaid wages.
No. 1363397
>>1363283>reimburse me for paying peopledid she not charge for tickets?
that's.. what that's for
No. 1363703
File: 1636304647844.png (419.88 KB, 457x625, Screenshot 2021-11-07 090309.p…)

I feel like her face could work if she was taller perhaps, a bit more mature and regal. Knowing that she's like 5'3" really just gives her bird girl energy.
Also it's nice to see her sort of dressing more in line with her self proclaimed aesthetic (domme/vintage glamour?). Not saying this is a great outfit, but it's definitely better than her soft pastel uwu looks that she seemed to have a lot of in the last two threads. She should really avoid pink.
Also she is really obsessed with that hat right now kek. It's almost as if she doesn't have a large and luxurious wardrobe to choose from???
No. 1364111
>>1363219This single image is pretty good, for Kathy.
Nice pose, an illusion of curves, and an actual smile not a smirk or heaven forbid "coquettish" expression. I bet she's clunky AF in the video though.
No. 1364793
File: 1636413672335.jpeg (1009.17 KB, 1242x1470, 9B1FB00D-7F40-44BF-9DF6-AEA7FE…)

>youre welcome
For what? Posting the same photos you’ve already posted?
No. 1364798
File: 1636414393643.jpeg (979.55 KB, 1242x1783, EBE119CB-02AB-4402-A609-C10575…)

Also kek at her being called out for being completely unoriginal for wanting LV luggage and changing the bag
No. 1364800
File: 1636414717960.jpeg (827.1 KB, 1242x1338, 69AE7368-C378-42C3-8E6F-23BC65…)

Another video she will never post. Bets on if she’s holding a performative woke book or not kek
No. 1364802
File: 1636414976260.jpg (48.08 KB, 478x479, IMG_20211109_004217.jpg)

>>1364800whose granny is this
No. 1365021
File: 1636445955599.jpeg (948.08 KB, 1242x1646, D59C6B5F-78C6-40D4-9938-186EDF…)

She’s trying to pass the button ring and earrings off as real Chanel jewelry. Honey even if they were real upcycled buttons, they’re just that… plastic buttons, not fine jewelry kek
No. 1365034
>>1364888ignore kink and findom kink for minimum effort, leather/latex/boots kink just to get the adrenaline rush when she orders off amazon and aliexpress. burlesque to stroke her ego.
then she wonders why she doesn't get anywhere. it's totes because she's a disabled kweer woman!!!
No. 1365070
>>1365021Even for the odd coomer who IS into findomme (much rarer than these bitches let on - Kathy isn't getting clients), they don't give a shit what brands you're buying. They care that it's expensive, they don't give a shit about female fashion brands. No scrote is out there nodding his head like "oh, it's a Chanel? The corset is PVC? Wow, I'm so turned on".
Kathy doesn't understand scrote brain, so she's trying to flex her garish outfit in a way that only women care about.
No. 1365101
File: 1636462749970.webm (9.27 MB, 1080x2340, Screen_Recording_20211108-2246…)
No. 1365102
File: 1636462802091.webm (7.93 MB, 1080x2340, Screen_Recording_20211108-2246…)
This was other of the burlesque dancers she was performing with
No. 1365150
File: 1636469529628.jpeg (928.68 KB, 1242x1749, 6EB41430-269C-4B69-9021-8C99C4…)

She‘s trying to sell her crappy arts and crafts project. Who in their righr mind would pay money for something like this?
No. 1365221
>>1365101So matching the bar's lighting was the reason for the out of nowhere purple wig choice? I guess she knows she'll be performing there for a long time kek.
>>1365124Look at that grin that's plastered on her face and the way she just stares straight ahead into the audience. She's getting off so much on being the center of attention that she can't really concentrate on giving a decent performance, as decent as she could give anyways. It looks so much worse when compared to Genie, someone experienced who actually knows what they're doing.
This is what happens when you could never make it through auditions for a legitimate burlesque show (and probably burned those bridges by publicly REEing online, crying ableism and targeting a well known performer with connections in the industry and leaking emails in an attempt to "expose" them which just exposed your own entitled, cow behavior), you have to start your own.
No. 1365444
File: 1636493078261.jpeg (636.25 KB, 1242x1525, 868EC6DA-29AE-4A10-AD45-E267FC…)

She really needs to get her act in order because that couple thousand dollar wishlist isn’t sending the men she’s claiming to target into bankruptcy
No. 1365446
File: 1636493152604.jpeg (699.79 KB, 1242x1802, 42F219CD-9547-463B-93BE-CEE697…)

And then we have this extremely ignorant and tone deaf mess
No. 1365465
File: 1636494051202.jpeg (988.18 KB, 1242x1796, 7D761A49-E2AB-4351-A075-542822…)

>>1365460Reposting the image because I sent it with the wrong text but this was just a booster and flu shot (according to what she said yesterday while ebegging for panties)
No. 1365544
File: 1636501006083.webm (959.54 KB, 1060x720, TNuVlekHk6OI2l9X.webm)
The level of try hard is something
No. 1365648
File: 1636508420359.jpeg (816.48 KB, 1125x2106, 9BF8C525-9823-43BE-BB8E-311925…)

>>1365150well some poor sucker bought it… and by the looks of it she redid the stitching in black to hide her sloppy work.
No. 1365653
File: 1636508890493.png (429.43 KB, 711x734, Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 5.46…)

>>1365648This cishetero corporate man bought it /s
and not her acting like this isn't the very first thing that falls into any of those categories that she's sold via instagram
No. 1365683
File: 1636511208852.png (52.26 KB, 586x233, Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 6.26…)

She really tries to conceal her laziness by passing it off as a fetish for other people kek trashy, tacky, and lazy
No. 1365719
File: 1636514061239.jpg (39.43 KB, 600x399, 5cdcc169271312532f1a149be49b42…)

>>1365702The capitalist foxes deserved to die, anon.
No. 1365740
>>1365702She's definitely not going to get what she asked for, and when she breaks down and buys it herself, it's not going to be new. The big ones cost hundreds for pre-owned.
>>1365736>Katherine Harlow>The Park Avenue Pinup>Burlesque Showgirland her social media accts
No. 1365835
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Stuck on the fact that she logged into this account for the first time in over a month just to take a phone call and not speak. Does she not understand she’s registered on a explicit phone sex site? I could see a video chat “ignore session” somewhat working but an actual phone call? She’s out of her mind.
No. 1365957
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How she describes herself is wild to me. 1/4
No. 1365958
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No. 1365959
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I have no words. 3/4
No. 1365960
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No. 1365994
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>>1365960>muse for Nina of Boutiqiabehttps://www.boutiqiabe.com of all, it took way too long to look up the shop because I am hard-wired to put a u after any q in a word, and thus got tons of non-relevant search result so it sucks to be that shop.
The art is pretty cute and the artist has developed a consistent style and branding. The word choice on the web site isn't too over the top but still conveys the brand, imo. (They aren't shouting about how refined and luxurious they are, for example)
This is the shop that made those cat-themed cards she was using in previous threads. I think some people attributed the art to Kathy instead of the shop? The shop has a commission option, so I wonder if Kathy was the muse at all or if she just commissioned something from Nina. did a very non-thorough search of the products available on the website, and didn't find on the pinup-looking cat drawings any note reading "Inspired by Kathy" written in the description so maybe it's on insta and someone with an account can go find where Nina calls Kathy her muse.
>>1365958This is the first time in my life I've seen someone brag about having a crusty thong
No. 1366042
>Her entire LARP is a flex to impress other female sex workers.This! The things she brags about aren't things cishet males would even be concerned with.
She wants to dunk on other women while play acting a woke, disabled feminist advocate.
It's sad.
No. 1366078
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>>1365474sage for sperg but not even at old navy kek
No. 1366216
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I want to talk about this absolute bananas cancellation/deposit policy she has on Tryst. Like no escort in their right mind would implement this, because no client would want to book with this kind of policy in place. She sounds like a complete scam.
No. 1366360
>>1366221I think it's a prebought garter belt with a zigzag stitch or zigzag pattern on the fabric, and that probably threw her off since the surface is uneven, hence dodgy stitching over that (also because she's an amateur)
>>1365994I gave this a quick look and the artist's most recent IG post tags someone (too lazy to click) and Dita as her inspirations. So we can assume the burlesque cat theme is due to Dita, not Kathy.
No. 1366389
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idk if this was posted before, but i just found it on her website and it's just hilarious to me that she would even bother to share this, especially on what's supposed to be her business website. i'm sure plenty of people will see this low res photo of a special needs looking woman wearing an ill fitting bra and foundation with the wrong shade and think it'd be a good idea to hire her! and then the cherry on top is that she looks like she's peaking on molly with those pupils. very professional, she's got such a good eye for details
No. 1366763
>>1366555Not to WK but the bar that she "hosted" the last show in invited her to put on a show monthly and she did a poll in her IG stories to pick the name of that show and chose "Powderpuff Peepshow".
So that's not technically a lie, even if she's only done one show.
No. 1367127
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If any of this is true, congrats Kathy a scrote took you to a department store where he bought you nothing and cheaped out by taking you to their in-house cafe followed by taking you to a hotel where many john's take their whores kek and did she really try to make Bergdorf Goodman sound like two different places?
No. 1367129
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She also finally caught on that asking for her "dates" to be rEiMbUrSeD means whoever made her pay originally kek such a luxury sugar baby findomme living doll
No. 1367156
>>1365958She makes burlesque sound boring as fuck. It's just stripping, no one gives a shit about "research" and long ass descriptions about her costume.
Even the fancy, high class rich people with "refined taste" she wishes she could do business with, will not care about any of these things. This is NOT how you sell a show that's supposed to be sensual and entertaining
No. 1367789
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Doing her “How do you do, fellow sex workers?” performative act again. She talks a lot about porn and how it’s okay for someone who hasn’t posted any porn online. Don’t be so close minded and classist Kathy.
No. 1367859
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> $30 for beaded tassels
Those are earrings but okay Kathy
No. 1367942
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This tranny and Kathy don't understand that pro bono work loses all it's meaningfulness when you have other people paying you for the legal fees. That's not how pro bono works at all.
GOD PLEASE have this tranny try to take up a case for Kathy against lc… Doing that just might make her cow of the year kek
No. 1367946
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>>1367942Shayna's fucking name is under the donation list but not Kathy's wtf
No. 1367965
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i don't think anya taylor-joy is particularly attractive but Kathy… you're fucking delusional.
No. 1367968
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>>1367965Just because you wore an ugly hat that looks similar, doesn't mean you actually look alike. Anya is odd but unique looking with a small-ish nose and doll-like eyes; you have a giant nose and weasel eyes Katherine.
No. 1367983
>>1367971In general, posters here will express themselves freely when the cows wear something they don't like and keep quiet when the cows wear something they do, for fear of looking like a white night. The thing is, though, in most cases, it's not just about the hat (or whatever). It's about the entire presentation plus a terrible personality and actions. In Kathy's case, she also can't style for shit and applies makeup and filters terribly. Someone above even mentioned that she doesn't care for vintage furs correctly which detracts from her overall look. She's lusting after expensive goods from very successful brands, so obviously the stuff has wide appeal or else it wouldn't be sold in large quantities- it's the way that she puts it together while begging for followers to buy her stuff that makes her the cow. Don't feel guilty if you like a particular piece just as long as you don't try to emulate the whole package.
(I can't stand the hat though lol)
No. 1368031
>>1367965it's like if she thinks she plants this idea in people's heads
for them, that will make it true. I've never seen a single photo in which she resembles Anya Taylor-Joy, but keep dreaming I guess.
No. 1368059
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She really is just as bad as Shayna bragging about pennies. $80 doesn’t get you shit in NYC especially when you’re like Katherine and don’t know a thing about money management.
No. 1368558
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I don’t doubt that some scrotes get off on women ignoring them but it makes more degenerate sense doing so in person, not on a phone call. Like how utterly unsexy is it to have both parties dead silent with only the mental image of Kathy doing crafts kek
No. 1368565
>>1368558yeah this doesn’t make sense unless she’s on camera, which she won’t do. she’s a sEx wOrKeR who doesn’t do sex
or work.
No. 1368737
>>1368059She should put it towards a gym mat and weights or save up for a dancing class. Her body is her tool of making money and she does nothing to invest in or take care of it or increase its appeal to potential customers. Instead, the money'll be more cheese, carbs, and alcohol. Maybe a worthless trinket for her own ego.
>>1368558I'd be amazed if she has any male clients at all. She has no idea how to write things that appeal to anyone other than herself. Why would they care about the color of the cord on your corset or the details of the g-string?
Is her family secretly funding her behind the scenes or is she maybe flipping burgers offline? How does she make enough money to live in NY?
No. 1369074
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Katherine must have caught a glimpse of Russian/Ukrainian hookers when she was sleazing around hotel bars while under drinking age or something because when you pull back some of her layers, she is very poorly attempting to catch their aesthetic alongside her vintage larp. That “dollification” crap fits as well with all those Soviet Barbies that used to get some media attention. Her old LinkedIn that the former acquaintance provided showed at that point she was even trying to learn Russian.
No. 1369120
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Why would she advertise this on her luxuryprodommesexwork account that supposedly targets wealthy cishetero corporate men? Rhetorical question; it’s because her whole larp is an attempt to flex on as well as impress female sex workers like another anon said
No. 1369132
>>1368769>>1368941It's simple, she's a trust fund kid. Her parents probably set her up to be successful like they are, and her brother is, but Kathy decided being a woke twitter domme was more important I guess. I almost wonder if it all began when she toured Harvard then couldn't get in.
>>1369074Gross. Kind of funny to see her pandering to the super woke, but then also being a fur fetishist. I guess it can't be helped though. She could never appeal to the animal rights/vegan crowd considering her diet seems to be about 90% cheese.
No. 1369607
>>1369120Holy crap those things are $100+ shipped. For aliexpress breast petals, glue, and plastic decorations. She wants a wheel of cheese for every set. Is this normal pricing for burlesque costume pieces?
Also, who is she selling these to? Her paypigs?
No. 1369635
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>>1369607I’m not in burlesque but I’ve done costumes for a few dancers; $65-120 is the normal price range for quality handmade pasties that have stable bases and could have real crystals and leather… not the fake crap Kathy made. Those should be $12-$20. Looks like this has been deleted but she was asking to be reimbursed $60 for breast petals, $20 for faux pearls, and $55 for rhinestones. She once again grossly overpaid for all that and that’s why her price point is beyond what they’re worth. She’s quite retarded when it comes to money management and any aspect of business.
No. 1369649
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She dirty deleted the stuff about her other recent show, I wonder why
No. 1370033
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Did she not do any form of actual research before attempting to be a twitter findomme or…? Even the known ones complain about men wasting their time constantly. What did she expect, especially when she puts nothing out there?
This is what men do to sex workers; they waste their time, they want everything for free, they want the women to do all the work, they degrade them, they harass them, they feel entitled to them, they hurt them; going after subs and claiming to be ~luxury~ isn't going to change that. You're still a larping whore.
No. 1370161
>>1370132right kek
so wild to me that someone would pretend to be a sex worker. what kind of retarded woke bullshit..? idgi
No. 1370253
>>1370033The way she always capitalizes words referring to her is bewildering. Even in out-of-larp sentences like "I date in My personal life", this is embarassing. Talk about narcissism and lack of selfe-awareness. Again accompanied by her blatant misogynist and pick-me attitude. ("I'm a luxury, not a peasant whore. I only want men who treat me right but don't care how they treat the peasant whores, yaddayadda")
Massive cope for probably not being treated right by a man ever, I get it. It's just so ugly and also not working.
No. 1370435
>>1370364You know how people say 'manga is a luxury, you can live without it. Can't buy a volume? Don't read it' when sperging about online piracy?
No. 1370731
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Love how she tries to fish for actual quality high end brands while acting like woman hating Louboutin and granny Christmas 1982 Manolos are a flex
No. 1370732
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No. 1370784
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Here are the pasties she's trying to selling for $95 + shipping
>small business
on her whore twitter account kek
No. 1370789
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>>1370784Also take note of the tassels on the heart ones; they are extremely similar to the ones she's having made by another woman.
Either Kathy failed as usual doing them on her own, stole the other woman's concept, or a mixture of both. Horrible business practice whichever way though. She's a stealing lying scammer.
No. 1370959
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Haven't heard about her guy in a while. Glad he's doing well. /s
No. 1370973
>>1370959I keep forgetting he exists, I guess she at least keeps this daddy bullshit mostly out of her luxury findomina macaron persona.
No. 1371090
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>>1370973Probably only because other anons pointed out how stupid it is to talk about your daddy on your findom twitter and how she needed to pick a lane. Here's this from last night, make of it what you will lol
No. 1371105
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>>1370275Not even two days later she's tweeting about "date ideas" (bonus points for flaunting how she doesn't care about the notion of consent in the general public, again). I went to check if she had the sense to delete that high handed findom sperg but she didn't, top kek. Kathy's self-awareness has never been great, and anon from
>>1370926 pointed out another one of the latest examples.
Business is obviously booming if Kathy has the time to vent on twitter about time wasters and start a small business selling high quality, handcrafted pasties/s
No. 1371135
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>>1371090god she is insufferable. imagine this thing waking you up to ask you to take the macarons out of the freezer kek
No. 1371183
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>I am a luxury experience
>Expect a luxury price tag
>please pay for my $12 roll of purple craft store ribbon
No. 1371225
>>1371135GOOD LORD.
No wonder she piles on the makeup.
No. 1371250
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Too bad French men are notoriously cheap and would not put up with any of her shit. She can't even sell her fantasies properly I love it.
No. 1371560
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This alone could be her next thread pic
No. 1371846
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Not only did Katherine lie about the price of the tassels she’s having made; she hasn’t even purchased them yet.
No. 1372070
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Everything she posts is for other women kek how are you going to post about your crop and then proceed to not show it but instead focus on your ugly plastic ring?
No. 1372101
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>>1372070She’s lurking which brings us to this…
No. 1372102
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>>1371560Relatable to be fair
No. 1372103
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>>1372101… You should be paying us for the advice we’re giving you kek
No. 1372109
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>>1372103Lmao, I love how she phrases it as if it was a recurring problem while being a non-entity that can hardly get more than 10 upvotes on twitter.
No. 1372212
>>1371105the cardinal problem with her plan is that the type of dude she's fishing for isn't going to compete with her neckbeard boyfriend, as nonexistent as he is. that level of simp servitude exists, but the devoted ones who'll humiliate themselves for you aren't looking for a shallow relationship with a twitter sex worker. it's the same reason kpop/jpop idols and titty streamers hide their boyfriends to avoid pissing off the neckbeards so singularly obsessed with them that they drop whole paychecks in service. the payoff for these walking ATMs is that they're purchasing something – they're serving or steering the building of their ideal partner, or bringing their toy along where it can be shown off. they have to have something that belongs wholly to them to show off, whether it's the beautiful/classy/intelligent trope she wishes to embody or some bottom-barrel bimbo fetish, and it's just against male nature to invest in another man's woman. the top percent of findoms might be able to live the fantasy life they claim, like the top 1% of an MLM, but the majority of these average hoes need to settle for success they can actually reach. she could find a better neckbeard with a high-paying career and choose between ugly and sane or moderately attractive with incel vibes. she's no looker, but for how ugly her current man is, she wouldn't have to downgrade much in that department if she played her cards smart.
the other half of her problem is that she's too much of a pick-me who's content with cheap and knockoff garbage, so she'd never have the discipline to bully a man to the point of obsession and low self-worth that he hands you his paychecks in full. she can't even sound powerful in her own twitter roleplays, kek
No. 1372227
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Lol you mean you bought the crap your “femsub” wouldn’t off your amazon wishlist for yourself? Her kitchen is going to look like a children’s Easter playset kek
No. 1372420
>>1372212Spot on analysis
No. 1372680
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Is she colorblind? Her bases are not “powder pink” they’re fucking beige kek at least she’s admitting this is her only costume
No. 1372684
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And who gives a shit about you sending out junk. No one wants all that. All that will go just immediately into the garbage and then spend the next 20 years rotting in a landfill.
No. 1372707
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>>1372680God her costume is so ugly I’m sorry. This cow has got me looking more into burlesque and this costume style is very common… but as picrel shows hers is just downright bad.
No. 1372724
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Beyond unprofessional, true or not. Unless she’s using burlesque as a way to prostitute herself out you do not do this. Katherine has a zero regard for anyone’s boundaries (but we already knew that).
No. 1372729
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Yeah sure Kathy. That's why your only real review on gigsalad is 3 stars from a birthday party as well and they thought you were awkward and rude. In their words "she had very little personality or interest in entertaining us. she texted us a few minute prior to arriving asking us to cheer her on."
No. 1372734
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>>1372680She has to be because none of this matches and the only thing lavender is the new shoelaces she got for the corset kek
No. 1372770
>>1372729Oh shit lmao, I'm surprised she hasn't had a public meltdown on any of her socials over this yet
>she had the audacity to post pictures from our event on Instagram with instructions on how to tip herHer massive ego and scamming is going to put her out of business for sure
No. 1372827
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>>1372817The encrusted thong has it even worse
No. 1372831
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>>1372827She should be real embarrassed for posting her crusty used thong and thinking it’s anything but yellow beige. Her Shayna lie about the oddest things.
No. 1372928
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>>1372827She didn't even use Swarovskis. You can tell she's just using cheap Amazon Swarovskis due to the greenish cast of light the stones give off and lack of depth in the stone in the last thread's up close picture of this cOsTuMe. Kathy's stones just looks faceted, but not actually deep like a faceted cave.
Her "powder lavender" aka gray fans are the cheapest of the Asian manufacturers found on eBay/AliExpress, since they're only single ply and using thin, poorly graded feathers, no more than $300. Fans made with grade AA ostrich feathers can be purchased for no less than $700 and will look much fluffier. She also doesn't know how to clean her feathers, lending to the thin look of her feather fAnS. She's lying like a mf too about her fan "reimbursements" she's begging for. Aluminum and acrylic stave sets are only $100, not the $200 she claims. And new feathers are around $400-$600 not the $100 she posted. Her asking for $700 means she's trying to buy new fans.
I can tell she's looking at successful burlesque dancers in NYC and copying aspects of their costumes in the cheapest of ways. The rhinestoned Dita bra and pasties over the top of a bra are copied directly from artistmnyc aka Emily Shepherd, who has a gray and clear Swarovski'd Dita overwire bra that was rhinestoned with much more precision. Emily also wears a lot of Agent Provocateur onstage and one of her old outfits that she wore in photoshoot in Inked magazine showed a demi-cup Agent Provocateur with pasties over the top. Katie, an overwire bra goes over the top of your tit, so how would your pasties come over the top unless your bra is too small or your pasties are glued over the top of your tit?
Sorry for the burlesque sperg, but now I can see why this broke ugly bitch is begging for a paypig when that's what her ugly bf is clearly supposed to be used for.
No. 1373210
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>>1372928Good summary of what’s been discussed in these threads. Here’s her excuse as to why she has her pasties hanging out of her too small bra kek
No. 1373212
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Some white savior performative BS this afternoon (1/3)
No. 1373217
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She ends it with a quote from Walt Whitman who the woke crowd was semi-recently trying to cancel for being racist. The fucking irony.
No. 1373233
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>>1373215Katherine, a white US citizen
>Research the disparity in wealth between white and Black people in the USAlso Katherine, a white US citizen
>My daddy makes six figures>My savings account >My 10K costume (lie but still)>My $80 block of cheese >My $100,000+ e-beggingYou can not pretend to hold these values while larping as the very thing you’re supposedly against.
No. 1373395
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How is she queer? Does she really think because she takes money from a female Hispanic that makes her queer?
No. 1373402
>>1373395Ah yes because when the Cis-Herero Corporate Fathers of America, or any scrote for that matter, that Kathy claims is her demographic search for whores to spend menial money on online, they choose the self-proclaimed chronically disabled queers that are estranged by choice from their families.
How is Kathy so retarded that she doesn’t realize advertising herself as all that is just attracting more time wasting extremely manipulative
abusive men?
No. 1373426
>>1373418Their patron saint Dita is the prime example of this. She makes sure to remind everyone in every single interview that she was just a regular plain blonde girl from a farming town in Michigan (even though she grew up in OC kek) and it wasn’t until she dyed her hair BLACK and started wearing RED LIPSTICK
shocked emoji x10 that she got attention!!! Because you know, she’s still a total bore but the hair and lip color made her special not the fact that she was a stripper that MM used as an accessory for like a decade.
No. 1373596
>>1373233Kek "bespoke lingerie". She bought ready to wear bases and put on her Amazon glass rhinestones.
The best part is to "polish" the stones, you just spray a rag with windex and rub them a bit after hand washing the costume. But Katie doesn't perform enough to need to do that.
The fake pearls and rhinestones on her one cOsTuMe is copied from Glorious Pasties, which is called Canova Design Studio now, I believe. She did Emily Shepherd's pasties and thong for the cover of Inked Magazine and Katie directly copied it.
OT, but I want to clarify earlier about the "copied" compact act. What Emily complained about is that the compact that Enzo Iron (formerly of Brooklyn who now lives in Las Vegas with his wife Raquel Reed aka Emily's best friend and fellow burlesque dancer) forged himself was left at the venue Duane Park. Emily regularly performed there and was repeatedly sexually harassed by a male staff member, which she reported multiple times and nothing happened. She didn't go back immediately to get it and instead of returning her prop that her friend made, they kept it and asked other dancers to use it onstage.
No. 1373602
File: 1637574528630.jpg (1.43 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1637573898023.jpg)

>>1373596Samefag, here's the picture of Emily in Glorious Pasties' design against Kathy's nip petals with glass rhinestones and Amazon pEaRlS. Emily actually contracts respected artists for their work and also sews a lot of her own designs. She actually produces shows and flew to Australia last year since she was hired to produce a show there. She started performing at 21 since she was broke af working at a restaurant and wanted a side gig, but eventually made enough and built a reputation, even becoming the muse of Ellen von Unwerth and collaborating with brands like a hat brand, BM Franklin and Co. She never larped as a sw or begged for money.
Katie can't afford to buy the real thing so she just copies the original designs in a cheap way. It annoys me how much of an unoriginal fake she is. Instead of creating her own image and designs, she bites other artists.
And anons are right, she doesn't know how to hold her fans correctly. She flipped them upside down when it was over her head. She just tried to copy Sally Rand's old af style, but isn't doing anything with the fans to add movement to them. She needs to take a dance class or a fan class. This shit is pathetic.
No. 1373680
>>1373398If I remember correctly, she says she suffers of endometriosis, but endometriosis symptoms can vary a lot and usually isn't considered a disability, tho the pain can indeed be incapacitating. I always find weirder when cows claim to have an illness and
don't milk it for attention and Kathy is kinda vague about it
No. 1373920
>>1373602Thanks for the insight
nonnie! I love reading your posts to see where Kathy rips off all her shit from since I'm not familiar with the burlesque world.
No. 1374166
>>1373929>>1373995I agree that 99% of burlesque dancers are copies of each other, and most creative circles I've observed are obsessed about who thought up an idea, to the point where sometimes people will point at each other as idea-stealers in a class where they're all sketching the same model, however, I am definitely learning some details from burlesque anon that I don't think I'd have heard otherwise. I appreciate that and I think that anon's attitude itself also provides some insight to how the burlesque world is. I imagine Kathy is like that but turned up to 11, but coupled with a shocking lack of knowledge, creativity, or desire to improve herself.
>>1374099I would more confidently guess that someone within the NY burlesque world found this by looking up Kathy after a bad interaction and is using here to vent.
No. 1374208
File: 1637640118462.jpeg (727.6 KB, 1242x1787, 1B6822F3-D7B0-4709-A15A-43FF53…)

Tweeting about your greasy congested face on a sex work account. Real smart and sexy; all the corporate men love that /s
Her routine is shit and cheap and she needs to stop fishing for free advice by asking “do any dommes know….?” several times a week. Her laziness is something else.
No. 1374227
>>1374208Cleanser is one of these two probably, $14.99. Someone tell me if SA is good for skin daily because that stuff can get really drying and iirc, is for spot treatment but I'm no esthetician. Clay Mask $10.01 Again I'm pretty sure clay is hella drying so I hope this isn't used too frequently. Hazel $13.95 Points for non alcohol version. Good job.'s Choice $29.50 Someone tell me about BHA and how frequently you're supposed to use acids in conjunction with other acids and also clay masks. Eye Cream $41 for 0.5 oz which goes further since it's an eye cream but is still a ripoff. Lip Balm $24 for 10g which is probably comparable to other fancy stuff you can get at Sephora. It probably smells nice? is a brand for middle class, middle age women. It has a pretty packaging and the branding is generally pretty. The bottles feel heavy and the products feel nice, but they don't DO much at all. If you want a HA eye cream, there are so many for cheaper. This brand would be her splurge.
Hydro Moisturizer $16.79 Probably a good idea when you consider all the drying acne treatments above Tree Oil No brand specified. I know that you supposedly can use this particular EO undiluted which is probably how she spot-treats.
It's not the worst routine you could have, price-wise. Idk about how good it is for you; someone else will have to weigh in on that, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's making her oily skin worse by trying to full-force dry it out instead of treating it carefully. I bet that she can get most of her products at her local drugstore/wal mart which is what most people do but doesn't sell the luxury domme brand of her sw account. I have to wonder, why doesn't she have a personal account to discuss this stuff and use the account where she sells her body to maintain that particular image she wishes she could convey?
(sage) No. 1374234
File: 1637643414953.png (85.51 KB, 250x190, 1A8A961D-BA48-4970-BD31-4CACD4…)

>>1374227Sage your spergs buddy retard
No. 1374235
File: 1637643564500.jpeg (300.89 KB, 1242x635, FE457677-CC1D-4EFE-B82F-B6AB01…)

>>1374208Great first things that potential clients see when on her page right now kek gross Kathy
No. 1374307
>>1374284>>1374271>>1374269Same anon- I'm not Emily, so I'm sorry to misrepresent myself, but I've worked on shows she's produced and respect her so sorry for my autism.
I just hate seeing the exact copies of other dancers and costumiers because the person copying designs is too cheap to pay for an original design. Glorious Pasties/ Canova Studios is very original and has a very unique look to her designs, which Kathy is biting hard. The other anons are right though, the NYC burlesque world is very small and tight knit and you find out a lot about other dancers.
Emily is actually the one that told me that Kathy didn't pay out the dancers at the end of hEr sHoW. All of the dancers are supposed to be paid at the end of the night in every show, even professional venues like the Slipper Room, Duane Park, etc. Not the next day or days later. Kathy disappeared at the end of the show and the dancers were pissed because they didn't get paid. She didn't immediately respond to messages either and then messaged everyone the next day that she'd Venmo/PayPal or mail a check, then I see her bullshit about depositing the cash on Twittee. That's a surefire sign that she pocketed more than her share since she didn't count out money and hand it to the girls at the end of the night. She did this to dancers that know better and are actually making a living off burlesque and not begging for money on Twitter. I went on my rant since I initially couldn't understand why anyone would be so fucked up if they're trying to break into burlesque. I Googled that stupid park avenue pinup bullshit and found this thread. As an avid lolcow reader for multiple cows, I was excited to see a burlesque cow. I read the whole thread in 1 night and then went off. Sorry anons and I'll keep on topic about Katherine the Fake.
No. 1374313
>>1374307BTW, the "Park Avenue Pinup" lives in Forest Hills aka Queens.
So she's really the Queens Pinup Larper.
No. 1374348
>>1374307There’s three threads and
>>1374313 is already known. You could have just spilled the not paying out milk, which was suspected so thank you!, earlier instead of wking for Emily. There’s no problem talking about other dancers but just keep it relevant. Her not paying out immediately is extremely milky and the fucking audacity to tweet out about depositing and wanting to be “reimbursed” before even paying the dancers is something else. What a scumbag. No wonder she dirty deleted everything about it.
No. 1374351
File: 1637666041328.jpeg (381.9 KB, 1500x1500, 241408FE-1E5E-4941-96E1-629632…)

>>1374307They must not have been too pissed because the other two are back for the next one along with four more. Why anyone would still work woth her is questionable especially when they have experience and basic talent while Katherine can’t even stone or hold fans properly.
No. 1374591
File: 1637697443973.jpeg (134.19 KB, 1242x608, 77B0EBD7-C2A9-4DB3-9275-B0547D…)

Roll Tide! But seriously Kathy this doesn’t read the way you think it reads. This bitch is such a nonstop cringe factory.
No. 1374625
File: 1637699271087.jpeg (109.01 KB, 788x1053, Profile_-_Lady_Tremaine.jpeg)

>>1374591Incest fantasies aside, on the bright side at least Kathy is now LARPing as someone she actually resembles
No. 1374760
File: 1637705362523.jpg (59.84 KB, 591x319, dxfcgvh.jpg)

>>1374591I wonder what a typical day for Kathy is like, seriously wtf is the thought process behind these tweets. Who the fuck is she trying to appeal to here? Cucks with Oedipus complexes who like lazy women?
No. 1374776
File: 1637706185470.jpg (85.95 KB, 588x449, cringe.jpg)

>>1374760Same anon, here's Kathy's ultra erotic fantasy of forcing you to give her the worst pedicure ever and then sticking dirty money between her paint covered toes
No. 1374797
File: 1637708109277.jpg (32.97 KB, 720x344, youtube.jpg)

>>1374760Sorry to triple post everyone but it looks like Kathy started a Youtube channel just last week. That would explain the motivation tweet kek. I hope she actually follows through for the milk (but wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't)!
No. 1375073
>>1374362>>1374403Agent Wednesday is the only one that is well known in the NYC burlesque world, but none of these girls are full time burlesque dancers and just take work where they can. Isn't Gina the only one returning from last time? From what I've heard, Katie apologized to everyone and blamed her skipping out early on a "medical emergency". The fatties in the show are just hungry for money and Agent Wednesday is a cartoonist/artist professionally, so they might not be privvy to Kathy's cow status. And trust me when I say every NYC burlesque girl supports sex work because they want to believe they're sworkers due to their sExUaL performances and stigma of dancing in pasties and g strings or c strings (those u shaped things without straps).
I like how Kathy only has her one pseudo professional picture.
>>1374366I don't want to get pulled back into wking Emily, but the last thing I'll say about her is it was called Strut n Fret. Kek at you thinking you know all the revue shows produced in Australia.
No. 1375102
File: 1637748164292.jpeg (372.89 KB, 1462x2048, F4C0A7D0-7649-4FD3-B2F4-479E78…)

If it wasn’t for those post-op endo surgery pics and scars I would not believe this to be a biological woman
No. 1375103
File: 1637748207158.jpeg (381.63 KB, 1560x2048, 5807668C-1BCA-48DB-AB1D-C9E516…)

No. 1375105
>>1375103i thought this was violet chachki. she's doing the same awkward posing to hide the manshoulders + giant shnoz + ridiculous eye makeup.
ultimately violet is much more polished and interesting than katie kek
No. 1375110
File: 1637750078368.jpeg (343.61 KB, 1546x2048, 4A31EA04-79F8-43A9-9A7C-36FF7A…)

The longer you stare at this one, you know the rest kek the failed attempt at a cut crease going directly into and through the sparsely filled unkempt eyebrow, crusty false lashes, poorly draw oversized wing… what a wreck
No. 1375203
>>1375102Kathy, you're just highlighting your thick-ass manly thumb neck. Some girls just weren't blessed with the neckline to pull off updos or sideswept hair. You are one of them. If you minimize your manly bits then you might look like less of a transvestite.
Also nice bell. Where's the rest of your gram's porcelain figurine set? Was the porcelain cat or the cupie doll couple too cheap to hold up compared to the Easter bell? kek. I'd love to know exactly what was going through her mind taking these.
You can tell by how posed it is that she spent the whole afternoon alone in silence in her living room, taking & retaking the same pictures in full drag. Sad.
No. 1375230
File: 1637769591445.jpg (87.56 KB, 1080x660, Screenshot_20211124-095438_Chr…)

Omg just get a nose job kathy, those shops look ridiculous at this point, that eye looks so wrapped.
No. 1375250
File: 1637779990722.jpeg (567.77 KB, 1242x1239, 218B39B8-0C1E-4886-9AA4-D5EC8E…)

She publicly pines for men that are her father right down to the same age and profession. Daddy issues. You have daddy issues, Katherine and it is not attractive. For a narcissist she really hates herself; no healthy self-loving 24 year old woman wants to fuck their father’s copy.
No. 1375261
File: 1637781253498.jpeg (718.82 KB, 1242x1583, 5910148E-6E9B-42D4-B2B5-7376FB…)

Miss Proud Sex Worker really doesn’t get it, does she?
No. 1375269
File: 1637781848783.jpeg (375.16 KB, 1242x797, 0CE230B3-2862-4FA2-BFCE-09919B…)

>>1375261 Lol what? Kathy all you do is a half-assed fan “dance” don’t act like you have such a large repertoire.
No. 1375451
File: 1637799858765.jpeg (703.07 KB, 1242x1797, 3B25AF6E-A56D-4C5C-852E-75D23A…)

>>1375102This is the only interaction this selfie got and um well…
No. 1375455
File: 1637800126581.jpeg (Spoiler Image,123.25 KB, 745x1112, 79590E7B-5D88-4A9F-9333-F9B03F…)

>>1375451Will forever clown on Kathy for being so delusional about wealthy success “corporate” men wanting anything to do with her when Shayna level freaks are what pursue her
No. 1375512
>>1374208I know this is days old but I’m an esthetician and her skin care is shit. Almost no one needs a clay mask unless your skin is extremely oily. And no one should be using straight witch hazel on their skin ever.
sage for autism
No. 1375586
File: 1637821908569.jpeg (419.38 KB, 1242x914, 7DC805CE-B024-4D3D-A1B9-BCE22E…)

Do actual work, find your own ideas, and stop parroting dumb woke points and you wouldn’t be posted here. Not that hard.
No. 1375645
>>1374403>>1375470I didn't know I'm supposed to record conversations with a friend about shady bitches just in case I happen to find a thread about said shady bitch and need to post proof, when I didn't know this thread existed until 2 days ago.
And I'm the one that's saying that it's usually a sign of stealing more than your share when you disappear at the end of the night with the money, when everyone pays performers the same night, unless it was decided beforehand, and it wasn't.
I know how lolcow works and anons definitely don't have to believe me and I understand if you don't. Just letting you know what's up in the NYC burlesque world from my side and my friends.
No. 1375737
File: 1637855395048.png (Spoiler Image,431.61 KB, 866x933, averageautogynephile.png)

>>1375451Might do her some good to interact with autogynephiles and see that these are the brave twans women that she keeps virtue signaling for. If she had half a brain she'd realize that men aren't intimidated by femininity, they know it's degrading for women to be "hyperfemme" and perform femininity from head to toe. That's why men except it from women, and that's why "sissy bimbo" autogynephiles fetishize it.
No. 1375739
>>1375737This guy really resembles that one really cursed AGP scrote who identifies as a little girl (I don't remember his name). It's sad that Kathy is not even getting attention from the average porn sick moid, but rather
>>1375645>I didn't know I'm supposed to record conversations with a friend about shady bitches just in case I happen to find a thread about said shady bitch and need to post proof, when I didn't know this thread existed until 2 days ago. Now you know
No. 1375844
File: 1637870723768.jpeg (294.39 KB, 1242x575, 9EA970AC-C5CA-4528-8AA7-199BFC…)

Happy Thanksgiving to the anons that celebrate it… she dirty deleted this yesterday kek
No. 1376046
>>1375844My reading level is quite high and I still need to read her Tweets a couple of times to understand what the fuck she's saying.
Nuclear family is a descriptor which means the same thing, "cishet biological family" just sounds clunky.
No. 1376754
File: 1637982830537.jpeg (203.42 KB, 1242x1178, EE341C0F-8EAF-4194-B072-2A010C…)

Kathy begging to be reimbursed for ornaments bought at Walmart kek so luxury!
No. 1376866
>>1376754She’s a lame and loser broke bitch asking for $65
reimbursement but those are probably “worth” $65 on Etsy because they’re not from walmart
No. 1376874
File: 1637987256799.jpeg (782.13 KB, 1242x2075, 4E11BE15-B4E5-4536-8146-955DEA…)

>>1376866They are though lol Kathy may have got them on Etsy but they aren’t ~special~ and most likely come in bulk from aliexpress. No need to wk her over some ornaments.
No. 1376912
>>1376754Literally lol’d when I got to
>send $65Especially after referencing Tiffany’s ornaments. My fucking sides
No. 1377099
File: 1638038363395.jpeg (561.71 KB, 1170x2439, 364C9135-E2B0-44D1-AA14-FE667A…)

She would never be able to afford these even if she wanted to kek
No. 1377154
File: 1638045286992.jpeg (636.28 KB, 1242x1517, 8C17253C-3B32-482A-841D-885403…)

>>1375102Interesting how she went out of her way to delete this photo but not the pedophile’s reply or her reply to him on it. Very telling.
No. 1377161
File: 1638046252941.jpeg (582.18 KB, 1242x1796, 86D8A824-D0A0-498C-B194-BF80D4…)

Lol so she was boasting about having a monthly show that ~she produces~ after doing one show (where she possibly jipped the other dancers) and now guess what… there is no show.
No. 1377196
File: 1638052859632.jpeg (567.13 KB, 1170x1370, 096D348F-0375-4341-891F-6E8443…)

>>1377192It’s literally that same night. Do your research before posting,
No. 1377226
>>1377196Her account is private and she blocks any female that tries to follow her,
nonnie. This post is also from ten days ago… the dive bar had a post up too but now it's gone. It looked suspicious.
No. 1379040
File: 1638293995157.jpeg (353.67 KB, 1242x1096, 8BE8C1B2-34BA-473D-861B-BCAB4E…)

She is the most insufferable cow on this site.
No. 1379103
>>1379090Don't quote me cause this could be a part of her LARP but didn't she get a Bachelor's in fashion or costume history and was in a Master's program for something similar while working at NYU?
You know before her
abusive employers refused to respect her chronic illness /s
No. 1379196
>>1379040>>1379183given that one of the tragic suspender belts she sold was a 27" waist, dresses that size in good vintage condition are either prohibitively expensive or get bought up super quick. She's just mad because everything she likes is sold out but that's how it is 90% of the time in vintage collecting
>>1379090>>1379103I can guarantee you that any anon on here can learn more than Kathy with a few hours to kill and the right youtube channels
No. 1379202
>>1379103Per the first thread
>>1261778 she went to NYU and here
>>1263459 someone said she did administrative work for NYU prior to her lawsuit.
>>1343386 said that she was got her BA but dropped out of her Master's program if she ever got into one.
No. 1379380
File: 1638308742044.jpeg (592.56 KB, 1242x1528, F5389C83-B17F-4FE7-9416-6C3B4F…)

She really lives off carbs and weed. Can’t wait for the Shayna level weight blow up. it’s already creeping up on her kek
No. 1379738
File: 1638319422575.jpeg (565.35 KB, 1242x1391, 0798A2F4-6CA6-4497-88C7-BAB239…)

I love when Kathy goes quiet for a couple days because when she comes back, she always comes back kvetching about something. She honestly still believes that people will just send her money without any prior conversation and thinks telling people to fuck off is good business. She really has no clue how sex work works.
No. 1379741
File: 1638319637554.jpeg (528.47 KB, 1242x1786, 3C37F92E-A74D-4226-AC14-965028…)

>>1379738Top tweet is worded like she’s trying to dominate dommes. Bottom tweet is highly ironic given that on multiple occasions she has attempted to start shit with other dommes and has even interacted with their subs. Keep it to yourself first Katherine before telling other people to do so. (2/3)
No. 1380018
File: 1638328127321.png (482.11 KB, 587x793, Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 7.05…)

Lol did she forget that she tweeted out already that she bought the bag herself? And not her trying to pass of the Chinese counterfeit scarf and keychain as real and handmade.
No. 1380027
>>1380018I will never understand her obsession with macarons. Yet another thing that makes her look cheap and tacky. The fact that she obviously thinks they're fancy or high class just gives away how poor she really is.
It's pretty sad to LARP having money when you make less than minimum wage, and only make that pittance by begging people with real jobs who contribute to society (yas commie kween).
I can buy macarons every meal of the day with the $30/hr I make at my real job. Are you jelly, Katherine? kek
Think about how many wheels of cheese you could buy if you had any actual talent or skill to contribute to the world!
No. 1380056
File: 1638331358251.jpeg (162.17 KB, 512x794, 0794B61A-4C5F-4B55-91A7-7FB897…)

>>1380018Ew clean your keychain Kathy. This is Luna level grime.
No. 1380374
>>1379380does this tard realize that it's public knowledge Swarovski doesn't sell to private/individual artists anymore?
the fact that's name dropped them a few times already despite it being awhile since they decided to stop selling to artists is so fucking funny to me
No. 1380618
>>1379380she can't even put in the smallest amount of effort to make any of this sound enticing. she could at least post a photo of herself with the item along with some purple prose blurb telling the simp to imagine they're behind the camera. sure, most of this either never happened or is far less glamorous than she's pretending it is, but she could at least steal photos off google to add for attention. looking at these posts is just like reading her bank statements, and the consistency with which she posts them paints a picture of a sad life that's even more of a turn-off for these men.
also lmao @ saying "cannabis" to try to make it sound classy. only the highest shelf of bodega "free-with-purchase" greenery for this princess.
No. 1380733
>>1380618>also lmao @ saying "cannabis" to try to make it sound classyyes what's wrong with saying marijuana. is the mexican language not classy enough for her? she is a racist. and capitalist. she preys on the marginalized by trying to pretend she likes them
then she says you better not speak to Me though know some manners and shut up and
then asks.them to send their money to her even if they are poor working hard at their minimum wage jobs everyday, they can just buy her cheap plastic shit or carbs, maybe they can't get better jobs cus they're marginalized and never got the opportunity to go to college and they're broke but at least they have the money to send to Her so ya send all of your money to Katherine The Not so great cus she's so great that talking to her is a privilege that should cost money …. but dw she's your ally and actually also one of you she's queer and disabled and never had any opportunities in life she worked her way up to the TOP baby but is also totally equal with you she's a real communist you know
No. 1381711
File: 1638417310165.jpeg (368.53 KB, 750x859, ME16384117499787_feed__8vaBc.j…)

Another great composition by Kathy! /s
No. 1381742
File: 1638418558536.png (1.89 MB, 1202x1166, Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 2.05…)

>>1381711BITCH LMAO. I thought this was one of those low-res joke images that get passed around the internet where it's just ghetto randoms flexing small amounts in a silly way.
The steep angle gives away that she has no one to take pictures for her. Already a pathetic admission, then combined with the outdated, chunky grandma heel honestly just makes this look like a joke. The fact that it's a pathetic $120 American dollars is absolutely icing on the cake. That's not even a days' wages ma'am! Are you getting by ok?? No wonder you can't afford a single wheel of cheese! And you're stepping on your "high quality, luxury" costume there. Nice.
No. 1381879
File: 1638432203267.jpeg (Spoiler Image,583.4 KB, 1229x805, 4AF9E24C-8CD8-41DD-B30B-6B76FF…)

>>1381711cute lotus feet, Kathy
No. 1382240
File: 1638463371146.jpeg (491.87 KB, 1123x1876, 4A7D2CF1-E709-4591-A0A0-04FD2E…)

Someone must’ve finally called her out for her shitty work
No. 1382271
File: 1638464030351.jpeg (916.84 KB, 1125x1546, 00203B20-786F-423D-8831-E5AF06…)

>>1381711you left out the best part, anon! trying to pretend the cash she took out 100% to pay her dealer (her “cannabis reimbursement” was $125) was hand-delivered by a mysterious male suitor/finsub
No. 1382349
>>1382240The complete lack of self-awareness… it’s not that the fact that she has no experience or talent, no, it’s the
other people’s work that’s the problem. How pathetic. You can’t offer to do something for money and then go “oh no that’s too hard for me whoopsie” after the fact.
No. 1382534
File: 1638473521729.jpeg (150 KB, 1170x2064, 6E42BDB2-BAC4-4EE3-8CF8-3EF03D…)

“Everything is everyone else’s problem except mine” part 1
No. 1382611
File: 1638476454432.jpeg (169.13 KB, 1170x1740, CC7D4257-393C-4952-ADC9-4D838F…)

“Everything is everyone else’s problem except mine” part 2
No. 1382703
>>1382534>>1382611this is so unprofessional and if I were managing that “corporate show” I’d kick her off the cast for pulling this petty shit. talk about internalized misogyny. but if I were her, I’d absolutely abhor myself and other women too.
she is
so insufferable.
No. 1382722
>>1382534Kathy: publicly lusts after corporate men on her "domme" account
Also Kathy: "Wahhhh, corporate men are hiring whores that I don't like!"
No. 1382912
File: 1638490726254.webm (3.12 MB, 636x890, BtR4fK4Vd9rmnfpe.webm)
>>1382271In the near future she's going to be begging for money to re-do her gloves because she doesn't know how to take care of costumes properly but will say whoever funds it will become part of history or whatever for funding the "most exquisite costumes in burlesque" kek
No. 1383108
>>1381879 is even more accurate
maybe this is part of her historian larp?
No. 1383229
File: 1638515927784.jpeg (580.01 KB, 1242x1524, 0138F367-CCC0-4A8F-AB02-E712D9…)

Once again e-begging for overpriced clothing that’s wholesale from China. She has no style or fashion sense; no wonder she has to lie to herself about being a “fashion historian”.
No. 1383280
>>1382912Kek at the glass rhinestones with no more than 1/10th being actual Swarovskis.
>>1381925There's no such thing as a Swarovski element. Swarovskis are are simply glass treated so they're more durable and cut in a more faceted way. The only time you're at risk of buying fake Swarovskis is if they're dirt cheap and you get a pack that is more than 144 stones from an "authorized"-but-not-actually dealer. Some people on Amazon misrepresent their stones, but the telltale sign is the 144 stones in the pack. I've taken classes from Swarovski dealers before and learned this, but you're welcome to research it if you don't believe me.
Some anons really think all burlesque dancers are as scammy, dishonest and stupid as Kathy.
Kathy isn't wrong about performers being catty, but they will incessantly talk shit about entitled "dancers" that act like they know everything despite being a complete newbie.
I think Kathy is really trying to pretend she's seasoned at all these things like burlesque and being "a pro domme" so people hire her, but she can't fake it after that and people find out quickly that she's lying and she kills her hustle. She's better off being honest.
No. 1383301
File: 1638527370931.jpeg (28.01 KB, 400x400, 47298C63-6CCC-4542-97BF-6CE824…)

>>1383280Yes there is such a thing as Swarovski elements. You really think $10 necklaces at discount stores and $3 OPI nail art (as two exact examples) that say it are using full on stones? Think again lol
No. 1384255
File: 1638582785003.png (85.49 KB, 590x366, Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 5.50…)

Kathy is on one today, this is just the first thread. Wasn't it just two or three days ago she was telling people to "fuck off" from. talking to her unless she's getting something out of them? Well here she is inserting herself into something that has absolutely fuck all to do with her or sex work.
No. 1384257
File: 1638582899648.png (78 KB, 593x331, Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 5.50…)

>>1384255Last person who should be talking about consent. It's okay for her to drag people in public into her sexual acts but it's not okay for people to DM her emojis. (2/3)
No. 1384258
File: 1638582972342.png (71.72 KB, 595x260, Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 5.50…)

>>1384255I wish just one person outside of here would not so nicely put her in her place when she wrongly inserts herself. (3/3)
No. 1384261
File: 1638583118725.png (100.38 KB, 591x435, Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 5.57…)

The irony in all of this is truly lost on Kathy
No. 1384269
>>1384261I love when cows think they are above anons here kek Katherine, a day ago you were kvetching publicly about “other dancers” that you don’t like on Instagram which was not the first time. Let’s also never forget you told
your followers to fuck off unless they’re paying you and that disabled people should never tell their employers about their disabilities and that their best option is legal action.
No. 1384331
>>1384258>the internet can be a grizzly placethis coming from a SEX WORKER, my sides
can't you just… log off? kathy, haven't you thought that maybe your ability to turn your phone off and your "sex work" with it, might indicate that you have some level of "privilege" not afforded to women who actually prostitute themselves? you are not the same
No. 1384347
File: 1638593917684.gif (3.26 MB, 500x313, 91C4B55A-E1C8-4B99-AA25-526406…)

>>1384258>grizzlykek this dumb ho
No. 1384393
>>1384258GRIZZLY? It's spelled 'grisly' you cretin.
>>1384347Proper use of grizzly lol cute but deadly
No. 1384442
File: 1638599254397.jpeg (242.8 KB, 1242x567, A53A4C1D-D2B3-431E-83EE-E5B7C7…)

Another “sex work” video that will never see the light of day
No. 1384552
>>1384277a lot of the scrotes have a humiliation/exhibition fetish and WANT their dick pics posted. they’ll even send their ID and ask you to post it, too. they get off on it. IDK.
Kathy is advertising this as a SeX wOrK account and then getting mad when people treat her as such kek
you can’t freeze your macarons and eat them too, Katherine
No. 1384575
File: 1638610126408.jpg (252.01 KB, 1080x923, Screenshot_20211204-042221_Sam…)

>>1383301Ntayrt, but stop talking about something you know nothing about. I use Swarovskis in crafts and never heard of "Elements" so I looked it up and Swarovski Elements are when companies use genuine Swarovskis in their designs. Like you can go to the Swarovski store and buy a ring made entirely by Swarovski or someone can forge their own rings and put real Swarovski stones in it. The person just using their stones would put that their product is made with Swarovski Elements, meaning the stones are 100% Swarovski but the entire item is not a Swarovski product. Pic related.
You're so busy trying to be right that you don't realize how dumb you sound.
No. 1384580
>>1383301This is Kathy level dumb to think Swarovski would ruin their name by making a half quartz, half fake af stone to sell a cheap version for poor people.
Maybe do your research before being like Kathy calling out someone in the industry when she's totally outside of the entire industry.
(derailing) No. 1385190
File: 1638668854022.jpeg (789.87 KB, 1242x1766, 84B4FF78-19ED-4F9D-943E-A567EC…)

Anyways… the illiterate bitch dirty deleted her replies from this
>>1384255 thread already. Probably was a farmer but someone replied to it saying “this you?” with the caps of her publicly posting the private correspondence with Rosie Cheeks kek
No. 1385207
>>1385150BA could've been ignored easily if they were wrong about colored glass, but no, bpd chan over here
>>1385147 >>1385171 instigates then screams at others for telling her to shut up. This shit looks too much like Shayna's thread where some anon will completely sperg the fuck out over a reply which could've been ignored and yet nobody tells their clearly off meds ass to calm down, but instead dogpiles others. Its either samefagging or retards looking for an infight.
I'm the anon who wrote
>>1384580>>1384575To these irate anons assuming any anon who mentions a rhinestone is burlesque anon:
>>1385171>>1385147>>1384650>>1384636Dumbasses don't realize that there is more than one anon that uses rhinestones. I don't do burlesque at all. I use Swarovski rhinestones to make masks and resin jewelry. And there's a huge difference in quality between Swarovski and the cheap glass ones Kathy buys on Amazon. I think that's what burlesque anon was trying to say before some salty anons started barking about her like she's Kathy. I didn't read anything like anyone was "powerleveling". And honestly, we do ALL powerlevel over Kathy because we CAN tell she's lying about using Swarovskis when she isn't now. I wouldn't have known that without burlesque anon just like I learned something new about the Elements term when you use Swarovskis in your designs.
It isn't necessary to infight when you're wrong. Ignorance is when you're presented with the information and evidence stating a fact and you insist on wanting to be right and arguing just for the sake of arguing, like Kathy did to the pro domme. Let's not pull a Kathy.
>>1385037I fully agree with you anon!
(derailing) No. 1385390
File: 1638690933564.jpg (612.57 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20211205-025345_Sam…)

>>1383061Not sure if this is where Kathy stole her name from but Madame Blush is an art piece with paint splattered on a pseudo-French royalty painting.
Kathy isn't original at all so she definitely stole it from somewhere.
No. 1385404
File: 1638693045517.png (82.12 KB, 587x389, Screen Shot 2021-12-05 at 12.2…)

She's liked a few tweets talking about having autism… please milk gods let there be a touch of the 'tism saga
No. 1385987
File: 1638749462260.jpeg (540.25 KB, 1242x1156, 18D48AB3-59D1-4F25-8D00-166CF8…)

She’s been reeeing for a few days now about unfollowing and blocking “consent”. Wonder what happened
No. 1386063
>>1385225It was definitely the "this you?" call out. If it was just about the typo she wouldn't have deleted all of the replies and the guy wasn't really calling her out for anything, she was able to steer the convo in a way that allowed her to virtue signal to his audience of 8k+ followers.
>>1385987It sounds like she's running away from someone's hard questions and using "consent" as a shield. You can see the pattern of avoiding responsibility/accountability with those aforementioned tweets and the countless other dirty deletes when she doesn't get the desired reaction. Look at the thread
>>1379738 and
>>1379741 from a few days ago. She starts off by saying there's no reason to be messaging her unless you're giving her money and to fuck off otherwise. Immediately afterwards she makes sure to stress that it applies to women as well. Then she's weirdly and pre-emptively defensive about any potential criticism from unknown dommes she's trying to "befriend". I think another domme attempted to reach out to her about how shitty she is, and Kathy being Kathy didn't want to hear about it and ran with her tail between her legs. Now there's beef and she's broadcasting how salty she is about it.
No. 1386218
File: 1638778075011.jpeg (362.6 KB, 1242x1747, 93B77B35-9A2D-41B0-A1D8-D643C5…)

They groomed you when you were a “civilian” with someone along the way very obviously lying to you about it being easy money because that’s how you treat sex work. Did they educate you on the horrors the majority of sex workers who are forced to be so endure multiple times a day? Or did they just wax poetic about how your privileged trust fund white girl ass can sit in the safety of her Forrest Hills apartment larping as financial dominatrix?
No. 1386391
File: 1638804584851.png (339.34 KB, 720x873, Screenshot_20211206-102425~2.p…)

Instead of putting effort into making more content Kathy's resorted to begging for rocks for magic rituals, I can't.
No. 1386401
File: 1638805717683.jpeg (52.79 KB, 600x449, 82D09F8B-8ADE-418E-9223-0CC922…)

>>1386391Hey Kathy, I know of one guaranteed way to manifest money.
No. 1386623
File: 1638823347731.jpeg (702.57 KB, 1242x1790, B8229B4B-B0BD-43A0-9824-E5ECA0…)

Okay Kathy Clifford
No. 1386661
File: 1638825768742.png (48.12 KB, 589x169, Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 1.14…)

You literally do though Kathy kek You have two Instagram accounts under the parkavenuepinup moniker and have had several findomme twitter accounts under different names; none of which are under your legal name. Oh the irony.
No. 1386772
File: 1638832810750.png (757.06 KB, 1170x2532, 75E89A2E-BE07-4AC1-892B-8CE035…)

No. 1387570
File: 1638913371516.png (26.72 KB, 270x388, 1638913308804.png)

>>1387393yes i'm unaware about the history of your gross fetish and no i don't care about hetero people using it, i was making a joke sweaty, calm down. and take this
No. 1387667
File: 1638922292277.jpeg (89.39 KB, 1242x342, CA2AA817-70DE-4B20-A1BF-FD1487…)

Howling at the fact that ultra woke cultural worker Kathy tagged herself as white on her sextpanther profile like it’s a selling point kek
No. 1387799
File: 1638933370450.jpeg (339.11 KB, 1242x774, D32D3715-AB72-4B5B-95B0-B9E37F…)

Did she forget all of the schoolgirl giggling she’s done online about men supposedly ogling over her in public?
No. 1387816
File: 1638935589255.jpeg (344.48 KB, 879x1579, E70EDBF4-3B10-406F-B433-935CA6…)

>>1387799they’re staring because you stink, babe
No. 1387824
File: 1638937810166.jpeg (98.34 KB, 828x263, 44917038-E84E-4AA4-94FE-849D06…)

it is when you look like that…
No. 1388314
File: 1638999367247.jpeg (320.28 KB, 1242x768, 1B5464EF-BBB9-4AE9-8934-302C8D…)

There a reason she’s being a cunt? I don’t know who she’s @ing and she’s the only one with a reply like that so…. follow your own advice Kathy
No. 1388414
File: 1639008918433.jpeg (387.48 KB, 1558x2048, CB6485B6-405D-4125-945C-BA8369…)

Suburban mom having a mid-life crisis boudoir shoot realness oh my god Kathy honey this is not it kek
No. 1388416
File: 1639008950816.jpeg (459.56 KB, 1682x2048, E7B0CF51-6D97-4D1D-8779-1C0B6C…)

No. 1388430
>>1388429You’re telling me that’s
not Ed Wood in a wig?? Kek
No. 1388448
>>1388414Kathy flexing 50% of her outfits kek. It's hilarious how she only has this and the PVC garbage bag corset. She's giving some strong Lillee Jean vibes wearing the same things over and over again.
They live near each other, maybe they can hang out and do a collab. They can talk about how they're the worst of the worst in their respective crafts kek.
Please please please take this advice Kathy. She took the advice of never wearing the blonde wig again or referring to her fake subs as" findoms" kek.
She should be an egg next Halloween. Her face looks just like one so it would be really easy for her.
No. 1388646
File: 1639024149991.jpg (224.34 KB, 1538x818, MadamePhony.jpg)

Wait am I going crazy, the photoshop is so blatant is both pictures.
No. 1388712
File: 1639026548846.jpeg (290.96 KB, 1242x558, ACAC8C06-26BD-4633-8C2B-78FE92…)

>>1388414There’s… there’s no fur sole in either of these photos. How high is she to believe there is?
No. 1388763
>>1388416Funniest thing to me is that she only owns maybe like 5 pieces she keeps using and none of them match, but also none of them fit.
Her smallpox gloves are too big, her trash bag gloves are too tight. Her bra is struggling in that pic (you're not as curvy as you think you are, Katie, you clearly need a bigger band and a smaller cup), her pvc corset shoyld just outright me burned for how little it does for her body.
Detail-oriented bespoke high fashion my ass.
No. 1388878
File: 1639044025984.jpg (636.71 KB, 888x1135, Screenshot_20211209-045757_Sam…)

>>1388414Oh you mean the $300 Catherine D'lish dressing gown because you can't afford her actual robes? I guess it's a slight step up from the $200 Secrets in Lace "lavender" robe you performed in for your first performance.
No. 1389071
File: 1639073625931.jpeg (315.47 KB, 1242x841, 42982B34-887C-471A-ACFD-298A17…)

She’s so proud of her smallpox gloves which is why she was stepping all over them like three days ago kek
No. 1389626
>>1389213I doubt Katie even has the 299$ robe, to be frank, the fakes of all of the D'lish designs are all over aliexpress for like 40 bucks.
If the original is bad quality there'd really be no way of telling if Katie has a real one. I've seen unboxing of the meme robe from amazon and ali and it looks fairly decent on camera.
No. 1389739
>>1389632Blogpost but I own 3 D'lish dressing gowns and they're not poor quality. I've never seen a meme about her gowns so I don't know which one everyone is referencing, but I also own an Amazon one that's the same style as one of my D'lish gowns and you can tell the difference. From a distance the differences aren't totally obvious if you don't know what to look for but the most noticeable is the feathers on the Amazon one is thin and sheds a lot while the D'lish one is thick and doesn't shed at all. The Amazon fabric lacks the voluminous quality and just looks flat and lifeless compared to the fuller look of D'lish's, which appears to be from how D'lish uses more fabric on the gathered sections. The Amazon one is gathered with less fabric so it lacks volume. It's not visually noticeable, but the fabric on the Amazon one is lighter, scratchy and just falls flat, but D'lish uses a heavier weight of fine tulle so it's very, very soft and silky.
I can't tell from Kathy's picture which one she has, but if she posts pictures of the sleeves and sash, I could most likely tell the difference. Regardless, Kathy styles everything shitty so it doesn't matter if she has an actual D'lish dressing gown or a knockoff, she still looks tacky and mismatched, therefore she should stick to knockoffs.
(derailing) No. 1390006
File: 1639176003145.jpg (73.7 KB, 736x882, catherine-dlish-robe-dead-husb…)

>>1389739This is probably the meme for reference.
No. 1390310
File: 1639210226128.jpeg (331.61 KB, 1242x797, D913DD97-08C0-4AB8-B7A0-112A0C…)

Lol so now she’s here to date? Because she was just telling potential clients to fuck off, she’s not here to date, only interested in ‘financial play’ because she’s a ~luxury experience~. Pick a lane Katherine.
No. 1390581
File: 1639252325972.jpeg (360.17 KB, 1242x713, 547DEA49-1846-4AF2-9A55-5644AB…)

The only time she tweets something remotely sexual and it’s… this. Do better.
No. 1390593
File: 1639253130093.jpeg (340.05 KB, 1242x792, E0E2BAB0-1CF6-43BD-8945-B60D77…)

Your neckbeard never posts about you and still has pictures of his ex up but surejan.jpeg
No. 1390633
>>1390612Correction, Kathy will be buying herself a knockoff LV and then claiming it was an aNnIvErSaRy gift from her chubby master.
She really doesn't even know what she's doing and just assumes it's correct because everyone else does something similar.
"Everyone else capitalizes the beginning letter of a pronoun so I'll do it… and I'll capitalize the S in Sir since it's, like, a name thingy!"
"Everyone puts a slash somewhere when referencing a Dom and Sub so I'll do it! 'W/we' looks right!"
"Everyone else in burlesque uses Swarovskis, but who really knows so I'll just use regular glass and call them Swarovskis!"
"Everyone else likes all these designers and so do my favorite celebrities so I'll say they're my favorite, too!"
"Everyone else uses Photoshop so I will, too! It's just software so it just, like, does all the work once you click stuff and wave it over stuff about you that you don't like!"
"Everyone else flashes money, so here's my weed money! Fake it 'til you make it!"
Those are just a few examples, but there's too many to count. Anything she slightly doubts she just chalks it up to imposter syndrome. I've never seen anyone fail so hard at every aspect of everything they try to fake. Instead of being honest and learning from people better than her, she tells tales taller than redwood trees and thinks no one can tell.
No. 1390674
>>1390547longshot, but I'm an ex-theatre employee and we used to host live broadcasts of the metropolitan opera (NYC) and bolshoi ballet (russia)
could she be actually thinking of the metop? because kek at getting those two confused
No. 1390700
File: 1639265961580.jpeg (375.61 KB, 1242x647, 9F552D0C-F1BF-4127-BFC1-B0796C…)

Don’t know if this is OT but I was beyond bored and went to her one and only sub’s account out of curiosity and…. fucking kek Congrats on praying on a broke mentality unstable minority Kathy! Such a cultural worker!
No. 1390979
File: 1639305203845.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1467, 34ECED80-F392-4A74-8BB4-1AD8EF…)

>>1390612He is a literal full-time neckbeard; failing twitch streamer (picrel), self-admitted failed wannabe comic book artist, most likely has a part time job at GameStop kek
No. 1391089
>>1390669And you're still shitting it up by screaming about this, but it was everyone else who was the problem, right
nonnie? fucking kek
>>1390677Agree with this anon. It's obvious Kathy lurks so I've never seen the problem with anons telling her how she's wrong in detail. It gets under her skin and that's enough for me. Maybe we'll even get a shoutout.
No. 1391107
>>1383229Watch Kathy begin to turn towards a more traditional dominatrix/goth/Morticia Addams aesthetic since some anons here said that she'd look better in that than the pastel kawaii retro shit she's always doing.
Except she still won't look good or elegant bc she's like 5'3, has a bobble head, and 10 yo boy body type.
No. 1391137
>>1390593"My Sir" holy shit My Sides more like. aside from how un-dom-like this sad post is in general, it's even funnier that "my sir" was the best term she could come up with because he's neither emotionally nor financially invested in her. she's trying so hard to sell that she courts rich men when she can't even get a low-value male to put a walmart ring on her finger. being so excited over a single bag from a normie brand sold at malls shows her poorness, but also how infrequently he buys her anything. great way to remind any potential simps following her that she has a boyfriend, too. wonder if she thought this would start competition between her 'subs' and her boyfriend to outbuy him, kek.
>>1390979pardon my autism, but that's at least $700 just in ugly figurines, probably closer to 1000 if he overpaid on some of the special ones/big non-funkos like i'm assuming. that's still not even a financial flex, because he's probably scraped together this collection over years. the anon who said he works at gamestop or some other low tier retail job where they sell these ugly things is probably spot on.
this picture is also the exact same energy as her pathetic richposting, which is cracking me up
> plethora of cheap figurines for the same normie series> PC hardware boxes displayed on shelf like those are brands to flex about or expensive parts> three monitors, but they're all tiny> overpriced PC case because 2 RGB LED fans were pre-installedthey're really meant for each other lmaoooo
No. 1391291
File: 1639345142610.png (28.45 KB, 598x300, itsbeginningtofeelalotlikegrif…)

Katherine's liking tweets about what she is emotionally owed from her family, so I guess the holiday season really has begun
No. 1391294
File: 1639345236339.jpeg (217.94 KB, 1242x554, 8E519A45-8CF3-4AD6-8D56-79BE92…)

>>1390700>>1390979Damn, you really can not make this shit up kek She wants everyone to believe she’s pulling in yuppies as clients but actually just has a literal psych-ward patient buying cheap pans from her amazon wishlist. Calling her neckbeard sir pretending he’s buying her overpriced designer items while in reality he’s drooling over strippers and venting to two bot viewers on twitch. Kathy should just embrace that she’s a plain jane dweeb in baby yoda pjs.
No. 1391297
File: 1639345345238.jpeg (466.61 KB, 1242x956, 3B109285-972B-417C-8590-59DEDA…)

Is this about that tranny she’s never even met again?
No. 1391495
File: 1639363057855.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1537, 27F5026F-9C6F-46E8-84B0-E864AE…)

Step out of your ignorance and prejudice for long enough to understand that femininity is more than playing dress up in a pink poofy dress and, to quote Atwood, “it's all a male fantasy…. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy.” (1/2)
No. 1391497
File: 1639363231777.jpeg (569.54 KB, 1242x1392, DEDBB711-D985-404A-919C-D081B5…)

>>1391495Imagine stating women don’t need men’s respect. You’re not hitting the mark here Katherine at all; you sound like a troon (2/2)
No. 1391515
File: 1639364382971.png (1.11 MB, 1242x2208, 068A9360-D3C7-46A2-8AC7-368B9D…)

>>1391507>whatever that may look like for themThank you for acknowledging that femininity does not mean one certain look because Kathy certainly doesn’t accept anything but strict gender conformity as femininity. Here’s just one reminder of her “butchphobia” (since she loves the term “femmephobia”).
No. 1391518
File: 1639364529579.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1591, 4F3312C4-6A4A-4969-BC56-FA07AA…)

God there is some serious irony with her posting this directly after the femininity sperging but it’s surely lost on her
No. 1391949
>>1391497This tweet is really going to reel in the rich men you seek to be your "fin subs", Kathy the Cow.
So she's a sub with her broke bf, but wants to be a "Dom", when it comes to rich mens' bank accounts. Yet I'm sure she has no clue as to why she has no customers.
No. 1392121
File: 1639429386978.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x1982, 5C87BF08-E7E5-4501-AE85-48374E…)

These are Pleasers off Amazon you absolute dweeb.
No. 1392181
>>1392121$80 knee high boots
that's gonna be Pleaser/Funtasma/Demonia territory, very upper class
No. 1392202
>>1391518This was up for almost a full day and had absolutely no interaction whatsoever, she's deleted it since posting
>>1392121 kek. I love how she thinks describing exactly what you see in the picture, like a high schooler trying to meet the essay word limit will make a difference. I also can't believe she's resorting to selling her things on her ~*LuXuRY FinDoMiNA*~ twitter. Maybe she's having some money troubles? If her "sir" has been going to the strip club and her "sub" has been in the mental hospital that's less money for her to leech out of them overall.
No. 1392269
File: 1639440661426.jpeg (556.23 KB, 1170x1895, 7E63A218-5B71-42B5-8975-B7E413…)

So this was the “corporate event” she said she performed at
No. 1392471
>>1392269She couldn't even be bothered to steam her bubblegum pink cheapest dressing gown made by Catherine D'lish (which you can tell by the shoulder seam), making it look just as tacky as any Amazon item. Her hair looks like just a shitty low bun like you do at home when washing your face, and her face looks like a someone in a high school school picture when you're told to smile but refuse to. Other than Chris Harder, who is a chipper gay man, everyone else is a nobody like Kathy.
She looks like a character in the sequel to Misery, but this time starring Kathy Hates instead of Kathy Bates.
No. 1392536
>>1392269Everyone else clearly has a costume on and grumpy matronly Kathy looks like she's wearing something early 2000s Britney Spears would wear BEFORE she takes it off for a photo shoot.
Kathy should just wear all green because she's clearly as green as the Grinch she resembles.
No. 1392543
>>1392269I know this is Kathy’s thread but Jesus fucking Christ all of their costumes are horrendous. Wtf is even going on with that blue number?? The only thing redeemable about this picture is that the other people genuinely do look happy. Kathy is just
like that though kek
No. 1393023
File: 1639529398137.jpeg (250.19 KB, 1079x1583, A1DC88FE-CFE1-49C0-9678-051CE1…)

>>1392269Why doesn’t she do normal cat eye eyeliner and then just a soft, shimmery nude eyeshadow and some mascara, with a little blush to give her some color, like pic rel? It would be enough to add some definition to her bland, pasty face without making her look like someone’s grandma got into drag. This lip color would probably look pretty good on her, too. It wouldn’t even be a hard look to pull off. Does she actually want to look like Baby Jane? If so, my hat goes off to her, she’s nailing it.
No. 1393025
File: 1639529465993.jpeg (82.43 KB, 640x740, 909702F6-3D5A-459D-9DE3-ACC6C9…)

>>1393023This should be your day-to-day, casual look, Kathy. Especially if you’re going to continue to try to larp as high class.
No. 1393220
>>1393203She doesn't know how to apply makeup is the biggest issue.
But also "stage makeup" has to be really exaggerated since the lights wash you out so your pic related images would only work for everyday makeup.
She does go lighter on the makeup and eyeshadow when she's not larping as am "experienced" performer who's actually only done 2 shows.
No. 1393301
File: 1639571136920.jpeg (344.66 KB, 1242x1243, CDD4ABEB-D337-4010-9C21-4F8FEB…)

Found her pricing and she’s out of her mind charging this high when her two minute performance looks like
>>1375464 No one is going to pay $1,500 for that when they can get someone who actually knows what they’re doing for around that price.
No. 1393468
>>1393301Kek at her trying to not get booked for anything.
She charges as much as veteran burlesque performers without having the resume to back it up. She's done 2 shows now and her first performance wasn't even worth $50. Good job at being a failure at even your hobby, Kathy.
No. 1394363
File: 1639668069453.jpeg (173.11 KB, 1242x1910, 269D85F1-4A43-4453-A895-D2CE4F…)

Omg she is such a tryhard. Who the fuck says three figures, especially when it’s just barely “three figures” at that.
No. 1395030
File: 1639715004284.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1545, 1B4F045F-0A21-41B6-8DA2-A2BA7F…)

>>1394363How much of this does everyone reckon went towards her paid promo that got a measly seven likes?
No. 1395487
File: 1639769214030.jpeg (343.5 KB, 1125x1990, 3DC4A662-9C7E-4CE8-A81A-D6BDCB…)

This is from a Sex and the City sperg-out she had the other day. I remember her posting in her story that she bought those shoes for herself after they broke up because he never got them for her (the shoes in question are the blue granny ones). Saged since I don’t evidence to show this. I think she posted it before the thread was made. Maybe anon with the early screenshots in previous threads can help?
No. 1396284
File: 1639852526112.jpg (202.83 KB, 609x919, CXlvEAvLzAl.jpg)

Half of the original line up aren't part of the show anymore, I wonder what happened. Also, is it normal to ask in your marketing for people to bring money to tip performers?
No. 1396522
>>1396336>>1396459People tip cash at burlesque shows and not even singles. Most are women who tip at least $5, usually $10-$20.
Shows never even have to advertise it. Kathy is just showing her inexperience to everyone.
No. 1396630
>>1396329Wonder if some of the performers aren't vaccinated
cough Kathy
No. 1396676
File: 1639879834603.jpeg (435.53 KB, 1242x960, F6C5F6FB-E04C-40A6-9C6F-67D22E…)

She’s such a poser. How are you going to be ~special different not like other girls vintage pinup burlesque old Hollywood vamp star~ and have your favorite movies be within the last ten years?
No. 1396881
File: 1639899695751.webm (Spoiler Image,4.69 MB, 720x1280, SnapInsta_269443549_2775384344…)

Video the dive bar posted of tonight's ordeal… I'm actually at a loss for words, it is that bad.
No. 1396900
>>1395487Sage for millenial sperging, Sex and the city was popular in the early 00s,
>(wiki: The series premiered in the United States on June 6, 1998, and concluded on February 22, 2004)She's in her early 20s now, she would have been maybe 6-7 years old when the finale showed and a toddler at its peak.
With that in mind having a supposed a Carrie-Big comparison with her partner seems absurd. Everyone has forgotten that show until the revival this year, just sounds like she's making up stuff to seem relevant.
It'd be like a Zoomer saying they related their relationship to Ally McBeal, like…I'm older than Kathy and I never related to the already middle-aged women in Sex and the City since I was a child when it aired. Absolutely absurd. It was a show for women who were
30+ in the early 00s, not people who were 6 years old or younger.
While she had had gross older male partners (as seen in this thread) the Mr Big character seems to have nothing in common with them either, that part sounds like more larping about her imaginary businessman sugar daddies.
No. 1396986
File: 1639915601396.jpeg (782.7 KB, 1242x1734, 3451714C-619A-4ADE-A651-2705DE…)

Yikes. Once again asking for randoms to fund the other’s paychecks as well as admitting only 4/7 (number including Kathy) showed up
No. 1396989
File: 1639915685179.jpeg (214.74 KB, 1242x466, 79D6A461-93CA-445C-8814-8D9E40…)

Also fucking LOL at her only getting $20
No. 1397018
>>1396983Still, nobody has been interested in that show since the early 00s and it was never intended for a youth audience, even as a rerun I can't imagine a young girl relating to the middle-aged women in the show.
Her story sounds about as real as the claims of "sneaking into her female friend's dad's rooms at night"
She just has a very overactive imagination.
No. 1397142
>>1396336Yeah people also don't want to carry cash because it's still a pandemic, why not have a bar tab or online tipping system like another anon said to limit close contact? Especially if there's food/drink being served and you're literally dancing and taking your clothes off for people a few feet away.
>>1396518I wish lol. Agent Wednesday posted that they weren't feeling well and had to drop out of all shows for the week.
>>1396674Did she really?? Is it in one of the older threads, I'd love to see it.
>>1396886Remember last year, when positive cases were less than half of what they currently are, Kathy complained about a family member saying they hoped to see her for the holidays? She even called them "narcissistic", how ironic considering NYC is undergoing another "spike of a deadly airborne pandemic" (Kathy's exact words in the tweet), where positive cases are the highest they've ever been and she still chose to have her show go on.
>>1396986IMO, luxury/spoiled/brat fetish/whatever aside, it's really tacky to ask to be matched the earnings of a show that took the efforts of multiple people. Those 50+ people didn't pay $20 just to see you Kathy. It's also tacky the way she goes from speaking in her ~*RoYaL WE*~ voice to talking about herself in the third person in the next sentence to inflate the show girl count lol. So that rope suspension duo didn't show up either? One of them asked on their IG story if someone had a spare rapid test…
No. 1397313
File: 1639950682503.jpeg (774.73 KB, 1242x1525, DB440A5E-064C-4644-999A-D686FE…)

Did something happen or is she really calling lolcow violence against sex workers? Kek
No. 1397633
>>1396881Kathy's flat ass, uncoordinated dancing, and off the rack corset combined with the fat asses and their poorly homemade costumes are horrifying… but that blinding bright light that isn't manned by anyone combined with the middle school play backdrop really enhances the tacky shitshow.
What IS this music? It sounds like it's laughing at these fake wannabe performers!
No. 1397950
File: 1640036789106.png (65.15 KB, 591x231, Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 1.46…)

The psych ward patient must have access to her bank account again kek
No. 1397954
File: 1640037222538.jpeg (168.57 KB, 1125x1229, 3DE680E3-89E2-4BBE-BF2E-7BAC65…)

in her profile pic the sub has the same tacky Kate Spade purse as Kathy
No. 1398037
File: 1640045351500.png (131.71 KB, 590x459, Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 4.07…)

I am once again asking Katherine to share with the class how she is a sex worker when this is what she is offering
No. 1398093
File: 1640053198072.png (372.68 KB, 599x501, Capture.PNG)

Merry Christmas y'all, the mommydom arc has begun
No. 1398140
File: 1640058742606.jpeg (294.26 KB, 1242x707, B961C7B7-151C-49B0-85D5-5CE063…)

She couldn’t be more tone deaf if she tried
No. 1398165
>>1398140Communism: Seize the means and redistribute the wealth!
Katherine: -to me!!
No. 1398205
>>1397019kek anon, that's what all burlesque is like. The dancers aren't meant to be "unobtainable". It's just whoever is willing to hop on stage for a buck. Is it any surprise that attractive women avoid this type of softcore porn?
Sex work in general attracts women who don't have other options. For the women who are financially desperate, they get into generic OF/porn because that's where the money is. Burlesque isn't popular with coomers though. It's not degrading enough. The type of women who want to do burlesque are not financially desperate. They're just desperate to be sexualized. Because they're too fat/toucan-beaked to experience the overwhelming amount of unwanted sexual attention that most women get.
Fatties & uglies eat up any kind of sexualized performing really. Belly dancing classes are 95% obese women. Go to any cancan show at a bar (outside of the famous ones like the Rockettes) & it's the same deal. All unfortunate-looking women who are using sexy dancing to boost their self esteem.
No. 1398280
File: 1640064721679.png (55.39 KB, 585x231, Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 9.27…)

Not going to post the scrotes here because they're disgusting but it's hilarious that Kathy's real type is some serious white trash men. Her daddy issues tell her corporate yuppies want her but the reality is the best she can do is neckbeards and literal trash. No wonder she is unable to maintain her online "fantasy" (as she likes to call it).
No. 1398345
File: 1640073479504.jpg (134.73 KB, 1139x559, swarovskiLARP.jpg)

Another A+ entry to the LARP saga. I don't think Kathy has ever set foot in a Swarovski store, let alone looked at an actual piece of theirs because 1) that chain and clasp are laughable and 2) that price would be wayyy off if it was real.
No. 1398381
>>1398282>>1398284She's def financially desperate, but burlesque isn't gonna fix it. She still has to beg because it's been putting her in the red. She keeps buying feathers & sequins for her hobby lobby costumes, but she's only booked a couple gigs. She's not turning a profit from any of this.
It's pretty clear she only does burlesque as cope for being terminally unsexy. If she were doing it to scrounge together rent she would have moved on by now. I honestly think she just leeches off her neckbeard for rent/phone/gas/food money. He lets her grift whatever she can on the side to pay for the things he won't buy her.
No. 1398396
>>1398362I wanted to clarify about the price being really off, but being 100% honest, I didn't because I didn't want anyone going on about "crystal spergs" (but it happened anyways kek). Yes, she always inflates the price of whatever it is she claims to have bought. However, since she saw the bracelet and naturally inflated the price but then
also lied about it being from a more expensive and well known brand for clout, she ended up really
undervaluing her "Swarovski" bracelet. (If you believe in the value of brand names, which communist Kathy does and is a huge part of her LARP, inb4 someone goes off because they're all the same shiny useless rocks) Something genuine with crystals that large should be at least 2 or 3 times the price she claimed. The fact that she was too unaware/stupid to make the connection that Swarovski should cost a lot more than something off Etsy and do a quick Google search to make her ~luxury~ LARP at least believable to someone who would know better was what I should have been clearer about.
>>1398367…yes that was that point, that they're not "real".
>>1398370All I had to do was right click and search for the image on Google. I like to think my 'tism is at least entertaining milk for some farmers/provides objective proof of Kathy's awfulness to newcomers/outsiders.
No. 1398408
>>1398365Thank you for having my back anon^^
>>1398398Thanks anon (if you're being serious, lol) but I can only take credit for tonight's Swarovski sperging. I will admit I'm an autist for shiny, useless things but I really had no part in the rest. Kathy's $55 quote jumped out to me as a dead giveaway to a fake and it led me here.
(^^) No. 1398414
File: 1640082062381.gif (1.29 MB, 498x280, 1.gif)

Burlesque anon, Swarovski sperg, and now 'tism tard all writing paragraphs in this thread. Great.
No. 1398487
>>1398367>>1398396They aren't even even actual rocks, it's fucking GLASS.
Look, there's a difference between plastic craft store tier rhinestones and glass ones, but the difference between swarovskiwhetever and another brand like preciosa are so fucking minimal it makes actual zero difference in the end piece. There is no AA, A, AB, etc. Quality Classification for glass bits for this reason. They're all glass and all about the exact fucking same.
No. 1398537
File: 1640099137772.webm (533.68 KB, 480x578, Showbiz Daddy.webm)
>>1398526> Showbiz DaddyThis one is with her scrote
No. 1398546
File: 1640099668275.webm (4.22 MB, 576x1024, A showgirl and a showpup.webm)
>>1398526>>1398537She has 10 videos and the ones that are perhaps milky are these two
No. 1398548
File: 1640099804395.webm (867 KB, 576x1022, dc4d31171a7f75fb13dfa7c11a2645…)
This one made me cackle. Look how huge her hands are in comparison to her way too small fakes.
No. 1398562
>>1398546Seeing in motion how poorly that bra fits her is
triggering me more than usual. Cute dog tho.
No. 1399099
File: 1640146117755.png (377.66 KB, 584x514, Screen Shot 2021-12-21 at 8.07…)

Recycling the pictures of her Christmas 2002 grandma shoes on ones kek
No. 1399325
>>1398811Actually that's a good point. It's always crystals, never diamonds or gold/silver or literally any gemstone at all. Maybe she has a smidge of sense to realize that her larp isn't good enough to brag about diamonds kek. I would say that there are decent replicas pieces of the big names she can get, but even the good ones cost more than what Kathy can just just barely scrape up for rent.
inb4 kathy switches to bragging about diamonds now
No. 1399574
>>1399325It’s just like how she calls prosecco champagne, even though prosecco isn’t even made using the method champenoise.
She loves to larp as a lady who lunches, but if she ever called prosecco or cava “champagne” at Balthazar or anywhere like that, she’d be laughed straight out the door. No wonder she’s forced to eat at the Nordstrom’s basement, or wherever it was that she was trying to flex recently.
No. 1399577
>>1399325>>1398811You also have to realize she wants the "Swarovski" bracelet for a burlesque costume. As in costume jewelry. You never wear diamonds for a costume because they get lost with bringing them to shows. It just has to glitter in the light.
Burlesque dancers just starting off make about $150 per show. Kathy has to book her own shows because she can't make the cut performing for anyone else's show since shows that start at $200 require auditions and professional photos.
No. 1399597
>>1398492Kek I've never heard that saying but I can assure you that no seasoned burlesque dancer is paying $200 for a costume. The seasoned dancers make their own and the materials are very inexpensive. Swarovskis (which are actually made of quartz, lead and other minerals are cut in a way that refracts much more than glass and even real crystals, and closer to a diamond) are the most expensive part.
Dancers with no creativity buy their costumes or buy pre-made bases such as Kathy buying What Katie Did corsets and Dita bras and stoning them.
Burlesque is 100% dance theater. Not real expensive chic glamour like Kathy wants to believe and not stripping either. It's like off-Broadway compared the Dita being Broadway. What's in a name type of shit.
No. 1399685
File: 1640217670010.jpeg (563.81 KB, 1242x1451, BCF4DB0C-D542-4E1E-9C2B-BFB52C…)

While the burlesque fag was being a cow here, Kathy was showing her narcissism; doesn’t want to write a letter to a prisoner tranny because she cares but instead because she likes her stationary and penmanship kek
No. 1399929
>>1399632You can tell by the shape of Katty Kathy's corset that it's a WKD one meant for tightlacing. It's not a longline corset, but a short one.
Amazon ones under $100 will have only a slight waist curve and not the sharper hourglass silhouette.
BTW, this thread isn't about burlesque anons so pretending it's about OnlyHams and being full of ourselves is derailing. Just trying to give you guys the facts so you're not spreading misinformation.
If you want to keep pretending you know anything about Kathy's costumes, I'll just steer clear of this thread. I was stoked to see a burlesque cow but didn't like all the anons claiming things that wasn't accurate.
No. 1400146
>>1399685>>1399626>>1399623>>1399606>>1399696>>1399742I've been lurking since the dawn of Kathy's thread and I finally feel ready to post here.
I'm nba (not a burlesque anon), but did you guys all not make the cut at a burlesque audition or something? Burlesque anon stayed on topic, saged, and provided info from a dancer's pov while ripping into Kathy and all of you derailed (save for the anon who posted about Kathy's attempt to make pen pals, but still called anon a cow when I honestly don't get why) simply because you all clearly hate burlesque while knowing nothing about it. I would much prefer to hear accurate information from a burlesque performer than from anons who wail that Swarovski is glass (when I looked it up and it isn't), expect Kathy to buy a diamond bracelet when she said it's for her larp costume, categorize burlesque as regular strip club shit (yes it's technically stripping as in removing clothes in front of people, but has so many historical and modern day differences from a strip club dance that it's not even in the same realm nor was it ever) and think WKD has expensive quality corsets. As a corset buyer, I can assure you WKD is cheap for a corset, makes decent OTR corsets but expensive for how shit they are and yes, Kathy's is OTR, but isn't some generic shapeless Amazon steel boned corset. You can tell from the width when she turned around in that bad video and the shape being a sharper nipped in waist and not a slope.
We're here to laugh at the joke that is Kathy whereas anons come for anyone with burlesque knowledge here and Kathy will read it and will immediately think everyone is just bitter because they couldn't hack it in burlesque. I've watched burlesque and have never even done it and that's all I think when I see the constant bitching about burlesque anons.
Most burlesque dancers at nice venues aren't even overweight like the ones Kathy performs with.
Tl; Dr - Focus on laughing at Kathy for being the cow she is rather than hating on anons that know about burlesque as long as they stay on topic.
End rant. Now please let me lurk without having to intervene with another essay.
No. 1400190
>>1400146Ok, high horse-chan
Last sentence of that bs post made me kek
No. 1400448
File: 1640304179238.png (56.29 KB, 622x583, upnext.png)

Is Kathy dumb enough to try to contract Covid for a free hotel stay, or is she just kinda thinking about it?
No. 1400452
File: 1640305096072.png (30.74 KB, 638x251, hmmm.PNG)

I wonder what Kathy did that she's in such great denial about
No. 1400636
>>1400448You really think she’s thinking of contracting covid for a free hotel stay? Genuinely? Gentle reminder that you don’t have to think of a clickbait title to go with every screencap, babe.
I hope that kathy feels like the altruistic, benevolent scholar she thinks she is, preaching to her audience of less than ten genuine followers. I’m sure it’s helpful to share info about covid relief, when you can reach an audience that will benefit from this info. But it makes me sick to think of her feeling good about parroting this info. More hands make less work, F[fucko]. If She wants to feel important, maybe She should actually consider becoming involved in her community, rather than feeling like a debutante for the echo chamber she finds herself in on twitter. At least then it would suit her larp.
No. 1401769
File: 1640496146074.jpeg (338.01 KB, 1237x1315, 3B543AFB-6E6E-4910-99A7-F11CCA…)

Imagine admitting you left your education and job that had benefits behind all because an std riddled troon that probably didn’t even care to remember your name rightfully offed himself like four months ago. You’re still a lowlife pickme submissive that has all her online personas catering to men by calling your deadbeat ugly ass neckbeard “sir” on your domme Twitter. She’s beyond out of touch with reality.
No. 1401839
File: 1640511095735.jpeg (220.79 KB, 1242x861, 633BD249-7A93-4D71-B969-B12FC5…)

>>1401769Lol at the second part of this tweet. She did one “ladies who brunch” photo set which was was atrocious months agoband she thinks she’s creative. Nothing she does is creative; even her burlesque is a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy like every other burlesque tart and lord knows she hasn’t a single dominant bone in her body.
No. 1402185
>>1401769Why do I get the feeling she’s never even met Mistress Velvet?
Also I don’t think Mistress Velvet was a troon. She was a they/them TIF who got internet famous for making her subs read Black feminist theory, which I guess Kathy found uwu WoKe and communist and decided to skinwalk her.
No. 1402199
File: 1640558467442.png (73.86 KB, 596x350, Screen Shot 2021-12-26 at 2.37…)

How are you going expect all that from strangers when you don't even possess any of those traits? Also good luck getting a man who buys whores to follow any of that kek
No. 1402264
File: 1640568389016.png (163.59 KB, 440x770, Screen Shot 2021-12-26 at 5.21…)

>Thank you for sharing. I love people’s special interests and hearing them talk about them… so I can turn around and act like they are my special interests
No. 1402775
File: 1640636970889.png (30.83 KB, 596x216, kek.PNG)

If she's so appreciative of us, she should just post a link to this thread. I'm positive it would get more interaction than literally anything else she's ever posted. Of course, then everyone would see who she's been taking notes from. If you're so dominant, Kathy, why do you never seem to know what you're doing until we correct you? Who's domming who?
No. 1403106
File: 1640673360008.jpeg (Spoiler Image,336.76 KB, 1242x1422, 32B8AF42-7676-4178-A6D9-D19536…)

Big fucking yikes ahead. Kathy told her subs to comment under her pinned tweet thank you madame or whatever and as expected the psych ward patient commented but also… this. Congrats, one of your other subs is a “sissy” male who sends around pictures of his girlfriend, ex, and friends without consent (there’s more on his profile that shows it isn’t with their consent) so strange men can jerk off on them for him. He’s now private but I got a screenshot before.
No. 1403108
File: 1640673717846.jpeg (485.71 KB, 1242x1328, C951EF16-FCEC-4E20-90CF-572419…)

>>1403106Here’s the other sissy that responded. Account is mainly retweets of other whores and dumb one-liner commentary.
No. 1403109
File: 1640673813841.jpeg (335.37 KB, 1242x1179, D155FDD7-1395-4E27-A650-0A05D6…)

>>1403106And this random account with nothing on it. Probably Kathy.
No. 1403145
File: 1640678637881.webm (415.37 KB, 576x1024, 1.webm)
From her tiktok. No wonder she does "ignore sessions" with a meek voice like that lol Also interesting that the artist has supposedly taken inspiration from Kathy's ~career~ yet the only reference made to Kathy is on the commission she showed which isn't even on the artist's account
No. 1403956
File: 1640762987477.jpg (25.15 KB, 500x492, 90de7ca01997483eeb9f63d8acd952…)

>>1403106Now why the fuck did she post this knowing full well it would be
crickets No. 1404010
File: 1640766318042.jpeg (610.47 KB, 1242x1533, 50E8527F-03A8-4055-A0DD-15DF8F…)

She been e-begging for a new costume for months now but all she has to show for it is discarded scraps; the half rhinestoned dita bra, the pearl harness monstrosity, and small pox gloves (on top of the previously unwanted powder puff pink mess)
No. 1404055
File: 1640772272511.jpeg (54.01 KB, 703x403, 811D7E48-B379-461D-9FA5-6E3936…)

>>1403472>the majority of posters on a thread are stacies Let’s not get crazy here anon
No. 1404381
File: 1640807133913.png (46.23 KB, 720x315, Screenshot_20211229-143030~2.p…)

>>1402775>Thanks for all the "free press" haterz!A few days later:
>Hey guys (all 4 of you) can you artificially inflate my pinned tweet interaction so people think I'm more successful than I really am? I'm really proud even though it shows I can't wear clothes that fit and over photoshop my picturesWay to contradict yourself again Kathy, you reek of desperation
No. 1404480
File: 1640815950651.jpeg (282.59 KB, 1242x811, F75D4B39-E11E-4F82-A6E0-7DBDFF…)

Not Kathy once again asking for extremely basic beauty tips on her ~professional domme sex work~ account. For a sel-proclaimed Autogynephilia that identifies as a living bimbo doll she sure doesn’t know shit about glamour and beauty. Why would a pinup even want a permanent straightening treatment anyways?
No. 1404498
>>1404484Hair relaxer literally makes caucasian women bald, there's a video on Youtube of a woman doing exactly that. (
She's looking for keratin treatments, though I second the anon wondering why a vintage/pinup fan would want straight hair.
(learn2embed) No. 1404651
File: 1640831835676.jpg (89.98 KB, 586x456, oiufcvbjkl.jpg)

Kathy sure showed us how unbothered she is by how wrong we are, and that she's totally not a hypocrite by lurking the thread KEK. It's simple: don't be a clown and you won't get clowned on and if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
No. 1404837
File: 1640857703802.jpeg (318.94 KB, 1242x651, C2835A25-66EF-4CD8-AF9A-50C96C…)

Like yourself?
No. 1404902
File: 1640872521309.jpeg (994.28 KB, 1125x1667, 05678C8E-A0A2-4AF5-856C-7F6D2A…)

Kathy has so generously graced us with a second twitter to document her shenanigans
Am I the only one who thinks the artist she keeps claiming to be a muse for will come out and tell her “Stop saying you inspired my work.” To which she’ll throw a tantrum about how toxic other creatives are?
No. 1404955
File: 1640880275298.jpg (177.84 KB, 1288x889, FH3AQXAWYAQtejI.jpg)

>>1404902Didn't see these before,
trapped fairy forest suspension her face is funny here. I guess this is her subby fetish account since this stuff is obviously at odds with the financial domination larp on her other account.
No. 1405406
>>1404902If she was going for the corpse at the wake look in the picture on the left she nailed it.
It's funny how she posts herself with two completely different skin tones side by side. Without any indication of a new background or location change