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No. 1609006
>trans and neurodivergent>member from twitter's eating disorder and self harm communities (edtwt and shtwt)>puerto rican unicorn starving and peeing everywhere>terminally online, often daily posts naked photos to her mostly underage fanbase>notorious self harmer, has visible cuts all over her body>has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitizer and hydrogen peroxide >purges 11 times a day >medication is evil and schizophrenia is a lie, i have powers>poor hygiene, needs a showerMOST RECENT:
>went radio silence for almost like a month at first >prfags come into the thread mooing their theories and sharing their experiences with knowing her >>1576454 >>1575965 >twitterfag and fellow troon Aisling (@SkogensBarn) confirms she’s alive, just hospitalized >>1577147 >>1578879 comes together with other troons and twitterfags to send Luci some comfort items >>1578335 >Lucinda eventually returns >>1581867 and describes that after she had a heart attack she was in a medically induced coma, got a pace maker inserted >>1584930>Less than a month later (like 2 weeks actually) Lucinda posts this word salad and has since disappeared! >>1599427>We currently don’t know of her current circumstances, she hasn’t answered any of her twitter moots texts according to them. PREVIOUS THREADS
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>>1491173SOCIAL MEDIA:
No. 1609091
>>1609008You did ok
nonnie dw
No. 1609092
>>1609006Thank you
No. 1613951
>>1613314No one is a little bit schizo, anon. It doesn't work like that. I'm not sure if it was ever posted here but her various mental health conditions were confirmed in a letter from her doctor. I'd dig it up and find it but I don't feel like putting my boricua ass through 7 threads of race bait. It's available on the first page of her kiwifarms thread, however.
Lucinda is most likely dead and considering her mental state I think she did want to die. It's fucked up.
No. 1614001
>>1613314going off topic here but it enrages me when anons make baseless claims about health. we all know ash has been abusing her body to an insane extent for AT LEAST fifteen years - she looks like she's already dead - but she isn't yet dead because human bodies are weird. there's no way for us to know how soon lucinda "would have" died based on her habits because nearly anything is possible.
that being said, i do also think she's either dead or in critical state at the moment.
No. 1614205
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No. 1614340
File: 1660351887708.jpg (423.63 KB, 640x480, teendigitaldivalobby.jpg)

she's still not home
No. 1615365
>>1615360Spelling errors and questionable formatting are rife on doctors letters here, why not the same in PR?
I had a panicked call from a doc once because he thought i was taking a street drug on a regular basis. Turns out the last one just misspelt a medication and it ended up in my file for years.
No. 1616053
>>1615710You're full of shit, anon. Proof or receipts would be welcome but I've got a feeling you don't have any and are just being edgy.
>>1615460Snooping thread is
>>>/ot/955088 No. 1616464
>>1615319>>schizo bulimic gets committed, more at 11.The whole story so far, in a nutshell. Bravo,
No. 1617756
>>1615708>>1615710>just to bump the thread and keep it from dying, without even bumping the fucking thread.You are the only one bumping here wk retard.
>>1616053I just entered her account names with a "" in one of the websites posted in that thread and got the result I mentioned in
>>1615374 No. 1617865
File: 1660672387940.jpg (162.7 KB, 800x584, emailupdatetwittertimes.jpg)

I know it doesn't amount to much, but it seems like she posted to Twitter after the last email update, unless I derped with timezones. Tried to keep it congruent.
No. 1618027
>>1618015It's not meant to prove anything - I was merely putting together a timeline. She hasn't accessed her google account in a way that
triggers services (such as location services) since half a day before her supposed psychotic episode. It's making me wonder if her phone is off/not being used as she normally would.
No. 1618283
>>1618271Are you dense? I had to calculate timezones to figure out when the update to the google account happened in comparison to social media. I don't live in USA timezones. It's put things in perspective at least to me, not going to spoon-feed you.
Only reason i was even looking into it was to figure out what this shit was about:
>>1615374 to me it just shows she doesn't have access to her phone, she.'s not being lulzy and hiding on another social media. Either had her phone taken or for whatever reason can't use her phone, it's not about if she's been active on her social media or not.
No. 1618289
>>1618283>>I had to calculate timezones to figure out when the update to the google account happened in comparison to social have to touch grass,
nonnieand learn to edit your fucking posts
No. 1618703
>>1617824>>1617865Yeah, that one! I know it isn't even the last login, but it's interesting to notice that she did this not only with her oswaldslunch mail but also with her lucindybelindy mail around the same time and date.
And again, if you scroll down you can see she has discord, so basing all her online activity solely on twitter and fucking letters is a weird thing for her "bffs" to do.
No. 1618896
>>1618512Yeah I have to agree with you there,
nonnie. I would bet ten doll hairs she's in a psych ward there. I figure if she did die we'd know by now. Admittedly I did check for obits and reported deaths in Puerto Rico but she didn't come up. Psych ward adds up as she's had several hospital visits and they probably had enough on file to justify an involuntary grippy sock vacation.
No. 1620108
>>1618789>> that stalker squadAnd what are
we doing here..?
No. 1620951
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If you Google "ramos bodybuilder powerlifter" the picture she posted of her cousin appears lol. Unless she just looked up the same thing and picked a random picture but the picture she posted was so heavily edited it gives nothing on reverse Google images search so maybe the fact she put effort to do that shows she's related to him. His name is Tony Ramos.
No. 1620984
>>1620953we've only seen the back of her dad who we at least know is buff so possibly bodybuilder but for a lifter he's surprisingly off grid since they're usually involved in groups and clubs and they record every lift and curl they do, and she's mentioned he goes to the gym.
honestly wild how little we know of lucinda's private life since she's not beyond livestreaming her bowel movements. even her supposed heart attack is a mystery.
No. 1621050
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found her abandoned facebook. hasn't been updated since 2010 and it's 100% her because it's the same location. unfortunately it has no selfies or updates besides profile pictures of circa 2010 tumblrcore pictures and memes, but it's at least confirmation she's always been an edgelord. No. 1621492
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>>1621050Definitely one from the "Fat Luci" era.
No. 1622547
>>1622441And with
'in treatment' we mean
'being full of hard tranquilizers, drooling on her pillow all day long'. No. 1622721
File: 1661202708602.jpeg (395.41 KB, 1284x960, A0CC294A-99E6-4ED2-874F-3F28D8…)

aisling confirmed that lucinda is alive!
No. 1622736
>>1622724It's not that she doesn't have
access to Twitter. It seems more like she just doesn't want to use it right now and is taking a break.
No. 1622861
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>>1622846Was just coming here to post this. No way she’s dead if her and her friend are going private at the exact same time kek
No. 1622862
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No. 1622881
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>>1622862I’m excited for whatever nonsense comes out of this. Her timing is good, maybe she saw anons had been questioning the legitimacy of her brother (unless it’s supposed to be her elderly parents updating her insta).
No. 1623101
>>1622862there's no way any doctor would perform heart surgery on a skelly. they must've been trying to get her weight up leading up to anything that major which would account for her time away in what i'm sure was a serious intervention.
highly doubt it's a heart transplant since you have to be in recovery to even qualify for a waiting list spot, even though it's commonly suggested to recovered ed-sufferers in their 40s because their glory days gave them hearts too structurally fragile to handle the surgery needed to repair the fact they're literally falling apart. lucinda hasn't been bulimic for that long but she did drop 180lbs in 4 years via vomiting, rinsing her stomach, and drinking hydrogen peroxide(bootleg ipepac) before promptly pacing for 4 hours. no vitamins or potassium. whatever the heart surgery is meant to fix, it's unlikely that it will, but the fact it's happening at all means she put in
some kind of cooperation to get better so she could've spent this time undoing enough damage that her heart won't just puff out a swarm of moths when they cut it open.
fucking idiot was purging with a defibrilator in her chest not even a month after it was installed. she got what was coming -shrug-
No. 1623172
>>1622862If this was really™ her family.
Her first name is not "Lucinda".
Oh, and good luck with that fucked up body of yours. All that starving and b/p'ing must have left a lasting impression on it.
No. 1623193
>>1622763>>1622764There is still no evidence that there is a brother of hers, at all. She's a BS factory, for attention.
Contradicting herself (comfy chair/xtreme workout) all the time.
No. 1623241
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another update from aisling, apparently she is in florida, likely for whatever treatment she is getting
No. 1623250
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>>1623241That vacation might cost her parents dearly.
No. 1623295
File: 1661254831624.jpg (56.68 KB, 685x455, LUCINDA edtwt shtwt ( oswalds…)

Oh woe is me
Where'd she get that from
No. 1623343
And just to add: She brought on heart problems, got a pacemaker/icd,continued on purging and then what? She’s going to just keep destroying her body. Why would a doctor doctor do that on someone who is non compliant with anything?
No. 1623361
>>1623343maybe her parents got a court order to force her into treatment if they're also not letting her on social media. sounds like they finally put their foot down with the exception of allowing her private contact with one friend. the post did ask for prayers for her
recovery so our schizocow might be getting a turnaround. i hope for her parent's sake it is because those hospital bills are gonna be ugly.
No. 1623461
>>1623399It's the same ol' WK (probably the cow herself or her edtwt pal Moogle-Mongoloid), that's why she knows everything.
>>1623431Laughing at her munchie lies isn't hate. Go back.
No. 1623507
>>1622862>>1623139To give her the benefit of the doubt I was in hospital a lot (when I was a teen and for non-mental issues but still) and I often had my dad post something on my accounts so my internet friends wouldn't think I was dead. It's weird that they'd say this instead of just saying "Lucinda is undergoing treatment and she'll be okay" though
>>1623461>It's the same ol' WK (probably the cow herself or her edtwt pal Moogle-Mongoloid), that's why she knows everything.Anamia is a commonly used term in these circles kek. Doesn't make them a know it all.
No. 1623574
>>1623564Kek she was deemed a munchie for a schizophrenia LARP, selfposts/WK, attention starved plots and lies, not for her obviously real ED.
But yeah, we're all jealous fatties with a hateboner, wearing tinfoil hats…you keep saying that as a gotcha for months.
Make your samefagging less obvious.
Post reveal, when ???
No. 1623725
>>1623341She claimed to be 58lbs before she was hospitalized. Posting about missing her pre-hospital body a month ago should tell you she gained.
>>1623399Why are you so mad when you're right that it doesn't matter? They're not a whiteknighting know-it-all, you're just a retard. Still doesn't matter
>>1623431Lucinda brought us the high fat milk of the Ambrose saga, but that didn't last and now she's wasting medical resources on her beloved vomit addiction. Choosing bulimia while your parents dump money into buying you precious miserable time wont earn you much sympathy
No. 1623746
>>1623607There's more than 2 anons on Lolcow. Take your meds, Moogle an/or Lucinda
(I know "hi [cow] bad" but it seems there's no mods left on that dumpster fire of a thread so…)
No. 1623879
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hey guys prfags here, its legit theyre in florida.. we checked a few weeks ago and saw dad and bro cutting grass but now theyre gone. no lights. no black ribbon either as shes still alive. but we can confirm bro exists, hes a normal skinny dude, not a bodybuilder like lucinda says. we didnt want to get shot so we drove really fast. dad has a funny weed sign in their garden lol thats about it
No. 1623903
>>1623879its confirmed the parents are at home
>>1623241. you need to kill yourself.
No. 1624183
>>1623807Sure there's some weird scrotes and creepy old ladies on her KF thread but there's also a suspicious amount of new profiles posting (guess her edtwt cronies goes there too)
>>1623879Dear edtwt newfags and insane selfposters :
You can't pull stuff out of your ass and expect farmers to believe you. Post receipts, screenshots, anything to back up your claims or gtfo.
And no " Lucinda said this" and "Lucinda said that" isn't proof of anything.
Read the rules and learn to integrate.
No. 1624349
>>1623110>>1623175>>1623185Do you all have selective amnesia? Her "bff" literally said above they have online contact, which means she has online access, which means there is 0 reason for lucinda to not just post that story herself - except for that it seems more dramatic to claim her family did it, just like the munchie likes it.
>>1623241Why is she suddenly talking to her parents when she said one day before they were chatting over discord? none of this shit makes sense
No. 1624463
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>>1624391Her online presence is so bizarre nothing she does will ever prove or disprove anything. She posted a psych eval diagnosing her schizo and another one saying she had a double digit IQ and you could say she larped for it. Do we even know she's really bulimic? The puke queen thing could've been for a more grotesque persona. Is the brother real? Does she even have a mom? The ride never ends.
No. 1625211
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Moogle (or whatever the fuck her handle is) is posting on KF for that sweet, sweet scrotoids attention. So, it's not that far fetched to believe that she posts here too (pretty sure mental-gymnastic anon is her)
And surprise : she's too a ~True and Honest schizo~ !
Basically, they're just two lying munchies running gayops on LC and KF for attention.
Can't wait til the new code is implemented and we have more farmhands. I predict a post-reveal of Sperg-chan/Kiki proportions.
No. 1625276
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>>1625264uncanny resemblance lmao. they're definitely related. nice to see the self destructive hArDcOrE tRaInInG mentality runs in the family. i'm actually surprised she didn't become an anachan until her mid 20s.
No. 1625597
>>1625211Kek. She literally just moved to a new country with her boyfriend and was talking about starting a new life and recovering from her
nonexistent, she's morbidly obese and lost like 20 lbs and thinks that means she's anorexic ed, yet is already back to attentionwhoring on drama threads.
No. 1625799
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>>1625211She's already becoming an active user, this really erases all doubt for me that her and Lucinda are posting here.
No. 1626221
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>>1625799From the "what's your real opinion on cows" on /ot (there's more but I'm too lazy to make a big ass collage of everything)
Munchinda and Fatty-Moogle are just 2 attention-starved pick-mes posting all day long on KF and LCF, astroturfing that weird "Yass Schizo-Queen" narrative.
I'm sure they posts on other threads too and quickly drop the ~uwu be nice~ when doing so.
The anachan one come to mind of course, but also Tuna's for some reasons. Remember when they tried to accuse Tunafish of copying Luci for wearing a retarded bunny headband?
Kek. They're so stupid and transparent.
No. 1626394
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>>1626352Nothing you said makes any sense mental-gymnastic "anon".
I know you're very salty you got caught selfposting but calm down, take a break for the internet, go to therapy maybe.
No. 1626550
>>1626458You don't get to decide what can be discussed on that thread.
Go back to Twitter if you want to control the narrative that much and stop minimodding.
You don't care ? Fine, stop responding then.
No. 1626555
>>1626550neither can you. think what you want but quit insiting you're the only one who's theory matters when none of us know anything. that's the point of a gossip board.
>>1626357i never believed she weighed less than 90lbs tbh. either her scale is broken or she found a way to manually fuck with the numbers since it's a digital scale.
No. 1626719
>>1625799>Last night when I saw the story post I messaged to say that I pray for Lucinda every day and they responded that Lucinda has spoken to them a lot about me and that they video called to show her the package and were very grateful about itWhat? I thought she was in contact with lucinda like she said in
>>1622721>>1626221Yeah that screenshot was 100% one of them lmao. I only visited Lucinda's kf thread once but immediately noticed some account who literally just posted in that one thread and then dipped.
>>1626357Wasn't that pretty much confirmed at some point when she posted a tiktok video of her dancing around and she looked like a completely different weight?
No. 1626749
>>1625443now this post really convinces me that strange things are afoot in this lolcow thread, no real anon would ever argue against a post reveal for any reason, because no one would ever argue against gaining milk, even if it was for a thread they didn't really care about. If a anon truly didn't care, then they'd just scroll by and let the anons who like the thread have fun, not barge in, and make an angry post about it, as they'd have no reason to be mad, only uninterested. The only people who would be
mad about the prospect of a post reveal are, well…. we all know.
No. 1626913
>>1626749post reveal is one thing but comparing it to kiki is just stupid. she hacked every board to spam gore and infected coochies, lucinda's threads are just where edtwtfags come to anonymously discuss the shit her cronies would gut you for tweeting about publicly.
tbh i'm just waiting for tea from prfags. people here are very gossipy and i'm not convinced she had 0 friends or family outside her parents. someone must know something and whatever she's lying about would immediately fall apart. if she's faking the whole hospital narrative where the fuck is she? why would she abandon the fawning of her teenage anachan cult following to just do nothing? i feel like she really is hospitalized but likely just a psych ward.
No. 1626990
>>1626674I think that if she hadn't been obese before, her entire fat distribution would've been "ideal".
Her arms look slender but it looks like she holds fat in her lower abdomen and "lovehandles"
But, then again, she edits absolutely everything.
It is also likely she drags and pulls her skin to look thinner, plus posing in a certain way and sucking in her stomach like crazy.
I believe she might be at a BMI of 18-19 and lying about her weight. The real question is why.
No. 1626994
>>1626913Maybe I may have misspoken (retarded ESL here), in which case I apologize but I was referring to Kiki in terms of the crazy amount, not the content of the posts.
I could have mentioned Raven, Creepshowart or Victoria Shingles but I'm a nostalgic weeb and Sperg-chan remains the absolute reference for me.
Your rage is still very suspicious imo, but I may be wrong.
>pr fagsThere is absolutely no proof of their existence, except for a few shitposts. I know milk is rare these days and everyone is bored but taking everything at face value isn't the proprer Lolcow etiquette.
>Spill the tea!Tell me you're a twittard without telling me you're a twittard
>Why would she abandon Twitter?She could be on Discord for all we know (Moogle mentions that in her post)
I know that Twitter is everything for you edtwt people but not posting there doesn't mean someone is dead or locked up in a loony bin.
Perhaps she is tired of maintaining this ~uwu schizo unicorn~ image online? That woman is almost 30, it would be time for her to dedicate herself to other things than lying on the internet and seeking approval from randos (getting help for her ED and SH for example)
No. 1627014
>>1626990>> The real question is why.The real answer is "batshit insane".
You're welcome!
No. 1627091
>>1626994i think people are referring to the time someone posted about a whatsapp group of prfags who came in the last thread to say she was in the hospital and it ended up being true.
also people find shit with enough creepy detective work(which is why i stay lurking tbh). like her cousin, ancient facebook, and abandoned private blog. even felice was found after years. i have no doubt she'll be back because cows like her literally live for attention. even if it's an alias. so it's worth checking out the facts to see if the story she comes out with checks out.
No. 1627229
>>1627091The so-called pr-fags didn't provide any receipt to back-up their claims (besides some shitty google-map screenshots) so we have to take their contributions with a huge grain of salt.
Sure, you can discuss things, make theories and stuff but don't take everything they're spouting as gospel. And please stop attacking other farmers when they're expressing some doubts or tinfoils you don't agree with.
I mean, we're all anon here and anyone can write anything so "Post proof or gtfo" must remains the farmers mantra in my humble opinion.
No. 1627488
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Tinfoil but I feel like "moogle" is taking advantage of Lucinda for e-clout. Lucinda may be over ampliyfying her symptoms but she's very clearly not well, at the very least she's anorexic and her brain is fried. Meanwhile Moogle is just a fat girl who likes that "sooper spoopy sick quirky anorexic" tumblr aesthetic and is coherent and mentally well enough to support herself, make money, and move across the world to live with her boyfriend. Picrel is her for any anons who (like I did before lurking her profiles) thought she was another schizo anachan.
I could just be retarded but it rubs me the wrong way. Mentally stable fat girl speaking for a deranged anorexic that still lives with her parents, she also didn't seem the least bit bothered about Lucinda's latest vanishing and her entire feed was full of her doing fun shit in sweden with her boyfriend and talking about how great life is and how she's finally happy.
No. 1627639
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>>1627488their "friendship" is so funny to me. selena x yolanda vibes.
No. 1627668
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>>1627649Cope harder, she's obese.
No. 1627669
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>>1627668If this is a healthy weight to you I worry about your eating habits.
this also goes to the anons calling Lucinda a healthy weight kek, two sides of the same coin.(nitpicking) No. 1628832
>>1628524Same nonna. I knew she was a munchie from the get go so it's weirdly satisfying to read that thread now. Still wish to have a post reveal though.
Btw, the super agressive wk-chan is now very silent since the Moogle pic dump…makes you think.
>>1628763Kek nah, the quirky retard-typing is part of her larp, she must drop it when selfposting here.
No. 1628908
>>1628524time will tell tbh. i still don't buy that the disappearance was an elaborate munchie hoax because her body looked like a roach abdomen and i genuinely believe she was a hardcore bulimic who prided on never taking supplements, so having a medical emergency of
some kind when she essentially bragged about destroying her body from the inside out and being suicidal is like. the least surprising thing. if not exactly what i expected tbh. maybe i've just read too many mpa threads where girls just drop details about their severe medical problems like it's nothing. granted they were like 40 but lucinda is almost 30 herself and being morbidly obese her entire life probably meant her health was bad to begin with.
No. 1629453
>>1628832>> the quirky retard-typing is part of her larpAlso, it doesn't correspond with all her drawings, if she would have a motoric twitch like she alleges.
Same goes with her tard stuttering in her vids, that seems to be artificial and inconsistent, like some nonnies noted back then.
No. 1629504
>>1629466she said her brother helped her manage her accounts and that her mom even helped her shower. still doesn't change the fact her family are aware of those results and actually drove her to that place to get them done since they don't authorize them without a referral from a doctor. larping for internet points is one thing but pretending to have a double digit iq irl full time for no audience betrays the core principal of the entire theory.
however unlikely it seems that she really is mentally challenged, it's even more unlikely that she somehow drops the act offline when her family believe she's schizo and mentally challenged too. the internet monitoring and daily assistance would be a given.
No. 1629531
>>1629504We don't even know if there IS a brother at all… Maybe all of that is just part of her wicked phantasies. I didn't take her shit at face value at all.
A bit of an exception are the cutting scars. Yeah, there are cutters out there and that comes with a broad variety of mental fuckups.
No. 1629591
>>1629504I don't know, the comic sans evaluation paper, riddled with typos and very unprofessional phrasing like "she has no friends, poor baby" looks super fake to me.
Munchies can go to great lenghts for attention (hello Kelly Rohanan!) so, fabricating some diagnosis papers isn't outside the realm of possibility.
Also, the way the raging WK keeps bringing that so-called proof in every thread is sus.
I don't doubt that Lucinda is suffering from various mental illnesses (Bulimia, self-harm and Münchausen by internet) and I hope she'll get the help she needs, but the "2 digits IQ retard-schizo pissing on her comfy chair" stuff is just a ploy for attention imo.
No. 1629619
>>1629591Why would she use comic sans if she went through the effort of faking a professional diagnosis? You're also forgetting she denies being schizophrenic and never talks about it which beats the point. She wants people to think she's an epic folkloric creature not a cringey loon embarrassing herself. All she does is glamorize herself, promote ed's to her child following, and insist that anyone who goes against her dangerous lifestyle has ~dark hearts~. It's annoying how no one talks about that
toxic influence she has on kids.
No. 1629624
>>1629619I'm not claiming that my theory is correct at all, but it is one possibility among others.
Maybe I've become too cynical from witnessing the Munchies' bullshit over the years, but I'm always very suspicious in these situations (not trying to instigate infighting either, I'm just stating my humble opinion)
The Munchie subject had been banned from LCF for a very long time because of the large number of selfposts/vendetta so my tinfoil isn't really injustified.
Also the "Yass Kween Slay" twitter-speak on these threads is obviously coming from newfags. No real farmers is speaking like that unironically and nonnies here are usually very tough with suspected munchies, and for good reasons (look up the Pixielocks threads for example)
Drinking milk is all fine and dandy but it have to be organic and that's why we need proofs.
If anons here would come with receipts proving that she's not faking, I'll gladly take the L and admit I was wrong all along. But in the meantime, I'll keep being wary.
No. 1629753
>>1629504>she said her brother helped her manage her accounts >her mom even helped her shower.Do you seriously still believe this after the past 7 threads of her posting naked selfies on her twitter, claiming to do extreme workouts and happily posing and dancing round in her house, writing several fanfics, having no hand-sensory issues with literally anything else like editing her pictures or writing letters and having previous second accounts where she writes completely normal?
Nevermind we don't actually know anything about her family, let alone how they view her so I don't know why you claim it as a fact that they believe she's schizo.
No. 1630850
>>1630394>>1630406>>1630490I'm sorry, I don't want be a minimoding tard (and making fun of fatty-Moogle is funny) but maybe it would be better to bring that discussion to the proana thread?
>>1630688I think there's some links in the first thread, nonette. I think she wrote 1D smut (or was it Hannibal ?) and there were no trace of her super quirky tYpngi at the time kek
>>1630745This. Unless there's proof of her having inappropriate/sexual exchanges with minors, she is no more guilty than any other edtwitards in terms of bad influence. It is up to parents to monitor their children's access to Twitter.
Running an astroturfing operation with her lil munchie gang is where the real milk is imo.
No. 1630939
File: 1661881549763.jpg (261.92 KB, 1029x921, Screenshot_20220830-194415_Sam…)

From the other farm (that bunch of scrotes and old ladies are so dumb) 1/2
No. 1630941
File: 1661881633313.jpg (236.36 KB, 1080x918, Screenshot_20220830-194247_Sam…)

Fatty relapsed and but got enough energy to post and seek scrotoid attention.
No. 1630993
>>1630941Everytime I go on there and see her online time it's always been like at the very most a few hours ago.
I went on like KF a few hours after it was back up and her profile said she was active an hour before that. She was definitely keeping an eye on the status of the site and waiting to go post again.
She's gonna get dogpiled by her edtwt "mooties" if she keeps this up kek. KF is currently having a massive campaign against them for being troonphobic and racist.
No. 1631020
File: 1661884987744.png (459.18 KB, 614x801, 1.PNG)

>Definitely not a pickme
No. 1631027
File: 1661885297984.png (838.7 KB, 986x817, instagram.PNG)

Lucinda has been liking Moogle's posts lately.
Kinda weird considering her story was referring to her in 3rd person as if it was her family, but this shows she has access?
No. 1631034
>>1631020Imagine treating lolcow as a female safespace and that if anyone uses kiwifarms they're a scrote or a pickme. Heaven forbid you enjoy that they actually keep things archived better than here.
>>1630993LC also always ends up under fire when shit hits the fans with kiwifarms, it's just how it goes. We're seen just as bad of with being a "bullying" website.
No. 1631036
>>1631034I just think it's funny how she can claim to hate drama boards and have "so much light and love in her"
Then spend all day on drama boards.
No. 1631295
>>1630850>she wrote 1D smut (or was it Hannibal ?) and there were no trace of her super quirky tYpngi at the timeshe was diagnosed schizo in 2016 and the fics are from before that. and she actually mentioned in comments for one of the fics that she was diagnosed with a "neurological disorder" that was making writing difficult. no mention of schizo tho.
just sayin'
No. 1631654
>>1631295>she was diagnosed schizo in 2016 and the fics are before that>she actually mentioned in comments for one of the fics that she was diagnosed with a "neurological disorder"Are there caps/screenshots of these claims in the previous threads ?
"Lucinda said so on her CC" isn't a
valid proof my dear nonna.
>>1631611Kek yes. The worst farmers can do here is mocking the cow and making memes and shitty edits. I mean yeah, we're catty sometimes but that's pretty much it.
But wait til the unhinged kfscrotes find out she's lying on their precious forum…they don't play nice.
No. 1631673
>>1631027Sorry for the doubleposting, but great catch anon !
Why Lucinda's parents (or her fictional brother) would go on insta to like some random online friend's posts, especially while their schizo daughter is supposedly going through a very serious medical intervention ? Don't they have other things on their minds right now ?
Something doesn't add up.
My tinfoil is that Lucinda just went hidding on other platforms, like Discord (and probably LC too, but she's camping here since thread 1 and never left so…kek ) and let Moogle do the show for edtwt/kiwifarms asspats.
No. 1631756
File: 1661949262075.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x2560, 22-08-31-08-12-19-186_deco.jpg)

>>1631654it was mentioned in one of the previous threads but i found at least two. the fanfic where she wrote she was recently diagnosed was about bible shit which iirc she said were the central themes of her initial schizo delusions(back when she acknowledged she had a problem). not sure how much the timelines add up beyond that though, if they even do.
No. 1632168
>>1632045they're both little sick attention whores.
film at eleven.
No. 1632969
File: 1662061181855.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.69 KB, 1601x909, luci_obit.jpg)

i hope you feel better now..?
No. 1633233
>>1632969OT but whatever they've been compared dozens of times
it's weird everyone is calling this obituary fake
it is but was so willing to believe Sorens, even after her death was proved fake kek. All Lucinda has to do next is get her brother to make a RIP post saying she showed him mental illness is real
No. 1633585
File: 1662129751792.gif (4.22 KB, 275x214, 1646717717327.gif)

>>1633577I'd rather she did that than come back and actually be a unicorn. If you think her typing is bad now, wait until you have to read text-to-speech tweets from a phone struggling to decipher horse vocalisations
No. 1634292
File: 1662192498318.jpg (324.07 KB, 1080x1469, FattyKiwi.jpg)

Fatty is still attention whoring on Twitter, CC and KF (the fake obituary wasn't posted there for some reason) and all this while her bff is supposedly "super deceased and dead for real this time, u guyzzz"
I don't understand the point of that little operation. What's the end game ? If Munchinda wants to put an end to this ridiculous saga, all she has to do is leave the internet or change her handle.
No. 1634293
File: 1662192536335.jpg (368.49 KB, 1986x1453, SaltyFatty.jpg)

Part 2
No. 1634374
File: 1662211103742.jpeg (Spoiler Image,43.77 KB, 211x209, 4E9CDD90-94E3-4320-B3B2-461D98…)

No. 1634877
File: 1662247490488.jpg (618.35 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220904-012441_Sam…)

Nonas I think this one is real though(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1635505
File: 1662274104096.jpg (73.86 KB, 962x526, 1662248831564.jpg)

>>1634877>>1634947Photoshopping obituaries is no way to get through life, anon.
No. 1635525
>>1635281I guess so, but I don't really know what it is about, tbh.
It says that in 2015 both of the sisters were over 18, which means that the sister is older than Lucinda (who was born in 1997).
The document doesn't mention any other sibling and, from what I've read in other documents of that mortgage company, they even register in their legal documents if their clients have illegitimate children.
So, I don't know about this brother of hers (again, maybe it is a case of FtM that we don't know).
Some of you say that this brother helps her with her social media? Could be another family member as a cousin? Or someone who she calls him brother but they are not blood related?
No. 1635654
>>1635556You’re on lolcow
>>1635505Also kek that forehead
No. 1636813
File: 1662375861626.jpg (61.83 KB, 990x586, fakeandgay.jpg)

As long as the tone of the thread was ~Yaass UniKween, Slay!~ and that she was able to control the narrative, samefagging with her little fatty pal, she loved every minute of it.
But since more and more farmers are now able to see through her lies and mock her fake stuttering/tpying/brother she may fear to be definitely perceived as the munchie she really is.
So she came with that new scheme to make those evil meanie farmers feel guilty (picrel)
Btw, it's funny the fake obituaries have not been posted on KF where everyone lick her butt, and that Moogle is still active there, along with the slew of new profiles that are active solely in her thread.
She could have just deleted her profiles but no, she really wanted to become this tragic and beloved figure. So, faking her death was the evident conclusion for that whole circus.
No. 1636919
>>1636813We still haven't got any kind of confirmation.
>>1636879I support the psych ward theory. Gorl got herself in danger for the 2nd time in a row and she might receive some bullet-proof medication to keep her down and out, at least for a while.
No. 1636922
>>1636879Yeah that's what I was thinking. If she was to fake her death she'd 100% use a picture from a family photo album and crosspost as family.
If there was a death, real or otherwise, there would be more effort. Or at least involvement from her own account. I highly doubt she's dead and the lack of actual continuity in this "saga" leads me to think she really just has no internet access. It's easy to cook up any number of theories around pure absence.
No. 1636965
>>1636879I mean, her schizo diagnosis, crytyping, stuttering and retard flailing/stimming already looked super fake imo, maybe she's just a moron, in the typical Pixielocks fashion kek
In my opinion, the fake obituaries were not posted on KF to just not interrupt the pity train.
And given the general tone there, I highly doubt they read us.
Also, if Moogle is to be believed (which is questionable, since she's also a mentol ilness larper) , Lucinda is still on Discord (plus her activity on Instagram) I doubt she's locked up somewhere in a facility with no internet access.
But I must admit that I have no idea how these things are in PR and may be wrong.
That's why farmhands should investigate further to identify the samefags, supposed selfposters and/or those who post hoaxes (the infamous PRfags and tripfags)
That would definitely put an end to the crazy tinfoilings (which my autistic ass is also guilty of)
No. 1637136
>>1636965Seconding this, nona! I don’t believe for a second that Lucitard isn’t puppeteering this entire shitshow but, even IF she’s holed away in a padded room somewhere, then at very least Tubby is manipulating the farms for attention purely on her own behalf. I’m sick of these idiots feeling powerful on our
No. 1638691
>>1638348I think her parents took control. Having a daughter that has an online facade of a decaying schizo unicorn must be so embarrassing.
I think Lucinda is just a full on schizocow, anons say she a munchie but I think it’s full on psychosis
No. 1639368
File: 1662497487500.png (30.24 KB, 594x243, tuby.PNG)

Honestly sad to see this attentionwhore shit only get 1-2 likes. She wants to be like Lucinda so bad but is 100 lbs too heavy and not at all convincing in her schizo larp. The only time people care or talk to/about her is when she brings up Lucinda.
No. 1639372
File: 1662497754709.png (96.83 KB, 599x879, proana.PNG)

>>1639370>>1639368This is the post she was talking about that "kept her on the right path" kek. Isn't she 27?
No. 1639376
>>1639372romanticizing ed’s and
abusive relationships all at once is really gross. i can’t believe an adult woman is engaging with this content
No. 1640252
File: 1662520329245.png (2.24 MB, 5180x2160, 01.PNG)

>>1638342Nonita, you’re right, and I’m sorry. As far as I’m aware, her parents’ names have not been shared. I
>>1635281had no way of verifying this was truly our cow. I decided to err on the side of caution.
If her name is Débora Ramos Reyes, and she lives (or lived at some point) in Bayamón, then it is a fair assumption to say the document discussed
>>1635079relates to her. What is relevant to us is that they mention her and, more importantly,
her sister.
I have translated some bits to give other nonitas an idea of what was discussed in the 24-page document. I have censored the full names of everyone but Débora as I don’t know (yet?) if this is her.
- Ramos and Reyes are very common surnames. This might not pertain to our cow.
- In all (?) In Spanish-speaking countries, the naming custom uses two surnames/last names. Usually, the first surname is the father's first surname, and the second is the mother's. You will notice the first surnames of her parents are not censored. Since we already know her last names, I figured it was pointless.
- There is no ambiguity in her sister’s name. She has an obviously female one.
- The case numbers have been partially censored in case this truly is not her family.
- I translated “FULANO DE TAL” literally, but it’s more “JOHN DOE”.
- Legal documents of (most?) Spanish-speaking countries, especially Las Americas, are very formal and “stuffy”, and I kept the translation close to the original, sorry if it sounds bizarre.
No. 1640254
File: 1662520481581.png (2.38 MB, 5031x2160, 02.PNG)

>>1640252 This segment is even more telling as it discusses their adult
daughters and their names. I doubt the courts would’ve misgender him. I leave it to our resident Boricua nonitas to explain how Puerto Rico is concerning gender malarkey, as I know very little.
No. 1640634
>>1638691Her image is way too perfectly curated (shitty cosplays, photoshop, makeup, circle lenses, poses…) for someone actually suffering from delusions.
She's your average tumblr-uwu-schizo (aka : a munchie)
>>1640254Good job nonnita! Thank you for sharing.
If the documents are legit, this would confirm our theory that the "muh super special brother is helping with social medias, fanfictions, showers, youtube and sexy unicorn cryptkeeper selfies" was fake as she is.
It was just a convenient excuse to explain why she's was able to do all these things despite her crippling menthol illness.
No. 1640677
>>1640634>>It was just a convenient excuse to explain why she's was able to do all these things despite her crippling menthol illness.e.g. photoshopping the hell outta her self portraits including breasts & genitalia, dilated pupils 'n shit while allegedly not biegn albe to tpye in a chorehent wya
otoh I can see no intentional malice there, and her adult life will be fucked up with no real chance of betterment, let alone no real life friends
No. 1641852
>>1640634schizophrenia-related mental retardation per se isn't the same as downs syndrome or autism low iq. she's fully capable of doing everything she learned to do up until her 20s, she's just not reliable in terms of actually doing it. a lot of people who live with schizos recount how they had moments of pure normalfag before suddenly running away and chewing at walls. it's about having a severely altered state of mind with no discernible pattern. treatment only helps with the psychosis so no one gets hurt, basically. but schizophrenia is halfway between a brain injury and an actual mental illness and not enough of either for treatment to be effective. unless you're on the high functioning spectrum(like an aspie) in which case you're lucky.
scoring low on that iq test could mean anything from she was extremely distracted to seeing spinning shapes on the test paper. she said her mom helped her shower because she was prone to chugging chemicals to purge them. sounds more like a lack of impulse control. the actual family assistance could just be because she could hurt herself(apparently worse than she already gets away with).
she's always said she was capable of typing well. she just said the garble was easier, which could mean anything from severe tremors to a quirk. her photoshopping was always atrocious and sloppy to me and people pointed out she used a preset for the eye edit anyway.
she literally doxxed herself. fully. she's always come across as genuinely fucking stupid to me. she humiliated herself daily to a level i just can't comprehend in someone with like. any ounce of awareness. she listened to fucking house music and watched chicken run and lifetime movies on repeat. there's just shit that only occurs to the legitimately wormbrained. there's a reason she gets compared to pixyteri who is also exhibiting paranoid behavior and cringey troonery. something about schizos just makes for golden comedy.
No. 1642056
>>1641852>she literally doxxed herselfYou know who else has doxed themselves multiple times and keep humiliating themselves every day on online with bad facetune, filters and gross photos?
Tuna "Haïti earthquake tights" Slater! Is that enough to qualify her as a schizo too?
>there's a reason she gets compared to pixyteriThe only people who dared to make this comparison were newfags trying to impose Lucinda as the ~new queen pt uwu~ but who were obviously ignorant of the lore behind her "coronation". It was forced and very obnoxious (same thing with the references to Soren or Eugenia Cooney)
>she listened to fucking house music and watched chicken run and lifetime movies on repeatIf having an obsession with shitty medias is enough to qualify someone as schizophrenic, 90% of Lolcow is (including nonnies)
I don't know who you are: Moogle, the cow herself or one of her edtwt friends but you seem very emotionally invested in Lucinda's defense and systematically intervene in the thread (+ the real opinions on cows one in /ot) to try to justify her lies (your writing style is very recognizable : no capital letter, mental gymnastic with a touch of Twitter lingo, take everything she says at face value, never post proof of anything, come across as very agressive sometimes with the jealous fatty and mean bullies accusations…)
I assure you that I'm not trying to confront or infight you, (and I'm sorry if it come accross like that sometimes, clumsy ESLtard here) after all, you're entitled to your opinions and have the right to express them.
I'm just curious. What's the endgoal of these WKing operations, and on a Bangladeshi Cow Breeding forum of all places ?
I'd be mortified if I found out that someone had posted me here, so it's always weird for me to see that some people actively seek attention from places like this.
Inb4 "You're a mean fatty bully, and a vile hater" :
I don't hate her, in fact, if it was revealed that Lucinda was this master troll all along and that she managed to dupe KF, Edtwt (not that hard since they're all mouth breathers but still) and even some naive farmers, it'd be hilarious and I'd had mad respect for her.
Many munchies tried that before but never succeeded.
My personal tinfoil is that Lucinda is quite a seasoned farmer.
When Soren died, she put that little gayop in place to try to take her spot as an horrorcow (look up the first thread, there's a ton of suspicious references to Soren)
The way that litteral who was forced on several threads was very weird, and nonnas even suspected selfposts at the time (her following was tiny and I doubt she had enough fans/haters to be posted here at that pace)
That's why I'd like to see her and Moogle post history, it would put all my autistic theories at rest (they can see when someone is samefagging even when there's some VPN at play. Look what happened to Erin Painter kek)
I really hope farmhands will spoil us with a good Milkmas day as soon as the new code is here and that there's more mods. A nonna can dream kek
Sorry for that autistic rambling my nonnas, I'm gonna shut up now No. 1643305
>>1642112>that's how she gotten 8 threadsThe constant samefagging, selfposting, low quality posts like "Yaass! Kween! You're so cute and perfect! Not like the other troons and munchies!" plus weird hoaxes and baits (the fake obituaries, the PR faggots) are the main reasons of these 8 threads
The fact that we're understaffed for quite some time help with that too imo. It's emboldened the most narcissistic cows to come here to defends themselves (the weird WK in Luna's thread or even Heather Steele asking farmers to donate to her shitty gfm)
>It's just an opinion, not a WKTrue. Expressing your opinion is OK in my book, but attacking everyone who dare to express some doubts, point holes in her schizo narrative and ask for proof IS WKing, nonna
Anyway. Good job ignoring most of my points. Trying to communicate with you was pointless.
No. 1644337
>>1643325>No u!>You must be a jealous BPD-fag!Who's attacking who here?
I wasn't agressive or anything, just stated my opinions and raised some points you keep ignoring on purpose.
You two are just acting in bad faith, whoever you may be. I'm done. Have a nice one talking to yourself on a lolcor thread, may the Milk Goddess bless us with a post reveal some day.
No. 1644907
>>1643381medfag. Depends on the surgery type. Open heart surgery will give her a scar from near collarbone to the bottom of her sternum, but no self respecting surgeon will do open heart on a 60Ib bulimic mess and no anaesthetist will be willing put one under. She wouldn’t survive the surgery. If she comes back and claims she had open heart but will never show her scar, the one sign will be if she’s gained a bit of weight. She’d need to be intensively stabilised before they take her for that kind of surgery. People can survive for long enough for that to happen on medications and the like before going for heart surgery, especially in a hospital.
In other cases, heart surgery can be done through arteries in the wrist or groin, so she wouldn’t really have a noticeable scar. It really depends on the procedure she claims to be having.
No. 1645373
File: 1662912696679.jpg (6.92 KB, 174x237,…)

>>1645252she could've googled "heart surgery scar" and found out herself anytime. not that she's gonna cut open her sternum and be able to fake that kind of scar herself, no matter how many cat scratches she's loved to show off. watch her days of being naked be over when she magically comes back to have an excuse to never show her squeaky clean chest.
No. 1646058
File: 1662980629312.jpg (277.31 KB, 1710x1346, ShutItDown.jpg)

From the complaint and suggestions thread in /meta. Weird.
In my humble experience, a thread is only closed when its subject has died for real (that Plaastic girl, LilBoWeep, Soren, Kadee…) or when it's an obvious vendetta or self-post (kek)
Friendly advice to these "anons": stop posting fake stuff, Wking and attacking everyone with your bs. Let the thread die, don't create a new one when this one is full.
No. 1646575
>>1643404>>whatever amazon razors she usesSage sorry but kek
No. 1647053
>>1646745"Lil Debbie"
Holy shit
nonnie I just snorted my coffee.
No. 1648202
File: 1663190786170.jpg (369.2 KB, 1080x1973, 20220915_001713.jpg)

I want Luci to live so she can watch Chicken Run 2
No. 1648267
>>1648129Why not? I mean, you can be in a psych ward for months even a year. It is a possibility.
If she really had passed away, I'm sure we would have known.
No. 1648577
Also, there is more internet out there than this imageboard, other anon. There is KF, Twitter and so more, where her friends would announce it to be portrayed as the saddest of all.
So yes, we would have known.
No. 1648581
File: 1663226564395.jpg (17.3 KB, 636x456, stevie-wonder-i-just-called-to…)

i just called
to say
i love you(unsaged shitpost)
No. 1648633
>>1648220>>1648297>>1648581Here we go again : unsaged shitposts, weird spacing and overall retardation. Brace yourself for the inevitable racist posts, fake obituaries and attacks that will come, nonnies.
Guess our munchie cows are bored and want to revive that stupid thread once again. Boring.
No. 1650333
File: 1663584198778.jpg (281.3 KB, 1080x1446, LyingTubby.jpg)

Grabbed some stuff while our little farm was down.
Fatty is still posting on KF, lying her ass off as usual. We all know she's lurking and makes weird Wking posts here.
No. 1650335
File: 1663584380735.jpg (511.17 KB, 1078x1672, 20220918_170027.jpg)

>>1648297>If this random woman who doesn’t know usOld caps but here's proof that Lil'Debbie knows this place very well and probably posts an awful lot too.
No. 1650339
>>1650335Nonnie, were you around for the early threads? Of course she's aware of us because another
nonnie admitted to cow tipping her and linking the thread so she could see it. We already know she's aware of our presence but that doesn't mean people are going to come here and inform us if she died because we don't know her personally. We're complete strangers. The only time we even sorta interacted was when she thanked us helping with Ambrose
No. 1650367
>>1650347It just creates false hope that maybe someone updates some real good milky news, but no. Not even once.
How do people survive in here without knowing to sage?
No. 1650392
File: 1663590613672.jpg (201.73 KB, 1080x1712, Screenshot_20220918-165449_Chr…)

>>1650339Coming from the girl who came to shill her patreon in here (picrel : fictionnal brother made that for her? How nice !) I expect anything.
And yes, I was there for the first thread and there was always a fair amount of suspicion regarding a potential selfpost.
I personally believe Lucinda is a long-time farmer, but that's just a feeling and nothing says I'm right.
But it's possible that Moogle is the only one keeping up this little charade today after Debbie went AWOL on purpose (and it's understandable, being an idol for retarded edtwt people must be exhausting), after all, it seems that being friends with Lucinda is the only semblance of relevance she has left.
No. 1650586
>>1650517NTA but anon, someone from here literally DMed someone who put up a listing in her Depop wishlist and they verified that it was originally listed
after she died
No. 1650602
Seeing Soren discussion with Lucinda is very interesting. They were similar in a lot of ways, even Sorens bedroom was just a more edgy Lucinda with all the kidcore stuff. The issue here is that I don't think Lucinda has a history of jumping between places with a new alias every few years which seperates her from Soren significantly. She also doesn't have a carefully tailored back story that keeps changing
>>1650517You know she faked a suicide before, right? This is part of a pattern with her. She faked her suicide, someone found out that she was alive because she was updating her Amazon wishlist, and was discovered alive and well when nonnies applied autism to track down an account that turned out to be a very much alive Soren posting under a different alias
No. 1650691
>>1650602The only real fragments we have of Lucinda's past are the One Direction fanfiction accounts and some mysterious Blogspock, and they both have (debatable)evidence of her schizophrenia. I think the mystery behind her despite being so glaringly… ridiculous is frustrating. And it's a breeding ground for speculation.
Unfortunately it's making the thread annoying with her being completely gone right now.
No. 1651034
>>1650517No kek. It was this April when it happened and the seller verified she listed the item a week prior
>>1650602Honestly I could see Lucinda jumping on the fake trauma train for more pity points.
No. 1651584
>>1651070I'm choosing to believe Lucinda is alive until it can be verified that she died. We will likely see her som when she returns from wherever she is, but honestly I hope we don't see her other than a goodbye message. Her Twitter stand have been enabling/encouraging her to do the worst things to herself
>>1651503Please refer to
>>1650602 and
>>1650586. Soren is an established suicide faker who got caught on her lie the exact same way she did the first time- updating her wishlist. This is confirmed by a
nonnie who contacted the seller of one of the items listed and said they had made the item available a long time after Soren allegedly killed themself. Unless her ghost is still active on Depop then idk what ti tell you
No. 1651690
>>1651584 This
>>1142306 is the ladt post about updated amazon wishlist. Last updated 2020. Before supposed offing date. Let's not play the telephone game.
No. 1651697
>>1651690Smashing detective work
nonnie but the post people are talking about was 1) on Depop and 2) obviously not posted on any Soren thread because the info came out ages after they were locked
No. 1651821
>>1651584If it's a psych ward or heart surgery, she'll be at least 30lbs heavier and will immediately be back to her enabling ed minions to drop the pounds and return to her anakween glory. She's a schizo retard with no friends and was fired from her first job in a week for probably b/p'ing on the job. Life is easier puking at home, posing naked, and basking in the attention for shooped selfies and weight loss tips.
She's another Eugenia, a lost cause unworthy of sympathy or government esources.
No. 1653637
>>1650703There was a previous account linked to her selfposting here, it was called frag1leb0nes on twitter. It got locked and mysteriously completely stopped posting after being caught here (sounds familar? kek). Someone also tracked down her possible previous tumblr.
Account names mentioned here so far are:
>oswaldslunch>lucindybelindy>lucibelsart>coffinofachimera>belialsmiracles>r3velati0nz>cindascanister>revelation13.1>frag1leb0nes>revelation12 No. 1653922
File: 1663814230475.jpeg (589.48 KB, 1125x1304, D44074C6-6428-4789-A390-37CB56…)

After a bit of detective work I found moogle’s private. Seems like something is wrong with our cow after all?
No. 1654289
File: 1663857417197.jpg (161.4 KB, 720x560, 20220922_101013.jpg)

>>1654268>>1654273it's also stupid as fuck
No. 1654358
File: 1663861388990.jpg (283.87 KB, 937x1206, 478654467.jpg)

>>1653968Wrong (see picrel), lurk moar "anon".
>>1653922Fatty is not a reliable witness (she said Munchinda was alive on KF some days ago).
She spends her time lying about everything: claims she never lurks or posts here (kek), larp as a frail schizo ana-chan when she is just an attention seeking fat cow…
No. 1655105
>>1654485I fully believe she had a hand in making Lucinda worse. After all, she's literally (or, was, not sure what happened after she got outted for it,) in a cult that wholeheartedly believes that you shouldn't take medicine, which goes along with Lucinda not taking her meds. She definitely pushed that shit onto Lucinda. This is the head of the cult, btw
No. 1655360
File: 1663936878853.jpg (332.7 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20220923-143851_Twi…)

No. 1655361
File: 1663936904572.jpg (348.41 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20220923-143904_Twi…)

No. 1655363
File: 1663936928157.jpg (339.88 KB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20220923-143909_Twi…)

No. 1655383
File: 1663938661157.jpg (936.08 KB, 2252x2269, pt2022_09_23_14_49_15_mh166393…)

>>1655325Sage for old milk, but Detective Anon had come to this conclusion because the post was "mysteriously" unliked after it was brought-up here (picrel)
>>1655105I didn't know that Unicorn-Unikron stuff was still a thing. That Nicole woman even tried to shill her weird cult here many, many moons ago (there's a thread somewhere in /snow) and the general consensus among farmers was "Don't give her attention"
>>1655361From the speed of her reaction, it looks like Tubby is spending her time refreshing the thread and is probably responsible for all these weird WK tirades.
B.b.but fatty! I thought you stopped reading here cause we were too ~unhinged and mean~ for your taste?
>>1650333Kek, good catch sweet nonna, it's hilarious. Let's hope she'll keep her word and stop her little astroturfing campaign.
No. 1655401
File: 1663940962781.jpg (100.15 KB, 1080x512, 1663936928157.jpg)

Sorry for the doublepost but I was on the fence regarding the identity of mental-gymnastic anon, you know, the rabid sperg who attacked everyone with her famous catchphrase "Tinfoil hat! Jaelous fatty! Hate boner!"
Picrel confirms that it wasn't Debbie after all. Even if she probably posts and lurks here too, she's smart enough to change her typing style. Unlike Tubby-chan kek
No. 1657193
>>1657181Nta but it seems like the thread topic has shifted to moogle entirely, so it's not insane to have a
nonnie looking for milk on this person considering everyone here insists in talking about her anyway
No. 1664656
>>1664375Read the rules and learn to sage (write "sage" in the email field when you're not posting any new milk and leave the other fields empty)
But yeah, this was something detective-anon pointed out at the time but it was immediately buried by the insane amount of selfposting/samefagging. Lucinda and Fatty were the main contributors of these threads, anyone with half a brain knows that. Still hope for a post reveal one day, but since the thread is pretty dead…there's no chance.
Anyway, it was fun while it lasted (and insanely frustrating too sometimes) but unless there's new milk, there's no point of posting there anymore.
I really hope Debbie grew tired of that "seeking LC/KF attention at any cost" saga and is now getting the help she needs.
Godspeed, unitard. You were a cringy selfposting munchie but I hope you found a better purpose in life and are happy.
No. 1670172
>>1669416no backseat moderating, plz
are u paranoid?
No. 1674976
File: 1665720286145.jpeg (555.94 KB, 828x1322, 5D8AD181-18AE-405E-84D0-514482…)

Unicorn kween is back
No. 1675327
File: 1665767125540.jpg (40.99 KB, 500x391, ec93ba77dc5201a97103163e138dae…)

>>1674976One cardiac arrest and heart surgery later and this bitch still has edtwt and shtwt on her bio. Literally nothing is ever going to be a wakeup call to get help for her delusions and recover from her ed. I feel bad for the doctors who wasted
months of effort and for her parents who spent thousands and suffered just for her to pop back into twitter determined to purge and cut like nothing happened.
Absolute lost cause.
No. 1675393
File: 1665772290553.jpeg (423.66 KB, 828x1426, 52F7A31F-BD8E-4697-975F-FC6E74…)

New updates for the uniqween
No. 1675394
File: 1665772323905.jpeg (287.4 KB, 828x1267, 13899246-B128-4B1A-BCF3-2CE99D…)

No. 1675461
>>1675327>One cardiac arrest and heart surgeryWe don't even know if any of this shit is true.
>>1675393>Unikween UwUGo back
No. 1675541
>>1675434The unicorn-ballerina stuff doesn't sound so recovery to me.
Anyway, I'm really glad that she is fine, but tbh I don't know if she is ever going to be recovered for good.
No. 1675828
File: 1665815881785.png (Spoiler Image,408.39 KB, 757x541, bodycheck.png)

she just posted a bodycheck, already
I thought she might actually start to recover this time, idk, doesn't even look like she's gained any weight
No. 1675840
>>1675828Wtf is that shoop ?! Girl needs to calm down with the editing, her jaw looks like a roblox character kek
P.S: Thanks farmhands for autosaging that dumpster fire of a thread.
No. 1675893
>>1675828she will carry on with her routine as if nothing bad happened and probably die soon.
well what did you expect..?
No. 1675894
File: 1665827814170.png (902.19 KB, 1100x620, Screenshot.png)

>>1675828Don't be so shy.
No. 1675941
>>1675928ed's are about control. it makes sense that after months of being at the mercy of doctors she'd canonball into her eating disorder like nothing changed. even ~uwu recovery kweens~ are just bodychecking in ip and playing up the #struggle for pity points. fully recovered anorexics are a myth.
lucinda is like. the last person i would expect to even attempt getting over their ed in any way. apart from untreated schizophrenia she's just…. old lol. shit's wired into her rotting brain at this point.
No. 1676120
>>1675895This. The selfposting cow is back
>>1675828Hooray !
No. 1676256
File: 1665865512207.jpg (741.67 KB, 1080x1716, IMG_20221015_152346.jpg)

More shit from ig
No. 1676257
File: 1665865547473.jpg (555.04 KB, 1080x1815, IMG_20221015_152304.jpg)

Uses for moon water
No. 1676258
File: 1665865577383.jpg (848.66 KB, 1080x1794, IMG_20221015_152323.jpg)

Witch rules
No. 1676635
File: 1665913274109.gif (2.52 MB, 640x360, hooley-hooley-drinks-milk.gif)

fresh, fresh milk..!
No. 1676825
File: 1665937973229.jpg (49.74 KB, 652x327, luci.jpg)

she didn't get better at all
No. 1677103
>>1675941I agree with most of what you said but Lucinda definitely isn’t old lol. She’s unlikely to ever recover because her entire identity is being a sickly, scary, photoshopped weirdo. All she is and all she has is ED.
>>1676924 Not refeeding syndrome as that’s easy to prevent in the hospital, she just means the act of being refed.
Who knows how compliant she’s actually being but being allowed to walk for 30 minutes per day and do some gentle stretching is perfectly reasonable. Not moving leads to deconditioning and blood clots.
No. 1677236
>>1676825so it's forced recovery with heavy supervision. i wonder what the general outpatient plan is for a schizophrenic with so many medical issues. i highly doubt she's compliant to anything. her whole ~follow your dreams~ thing likely means she's extremely stubborn.
on an unrelated note it's interesting how the popularized anorexia girls of youtube, insta, and twitter are eugenia, ash, and lucinda, respectively. all altfags who like skeletons and ghouls. usually looking like shit is the wakeup call for a lot of anorexic girls. woonyoung is the biggest ideal among the youngster ed crowd. femininity and youth and beauty are still major concerns. you never really get to deathspo levels unless you want to look horrifying. i guess it's easy for the ones who love looking like actual cave goblins. it's less about the eating habit and more about vapid self obsession. it's more akin to plastic surgery addicts who want to look like cartoon characters and rubber toys. ash and eugenia types just use starvation to live out their living jack skeleton goals.
No. 1677307
>>1677236But those three you mention aren't just that famous solely because anachans. They are also followed by farmers of different places, by a huge amount of perverts and by people who are just curious about the phenomenon.
I wouldn't say they represent an ideal among pro ana communities, generally speaking, they are more like a freak show of the 21th century.
No. 1677431
File: 1665999649832.jpg (440.81 KB, 1239x3342, SockpuppetFatty.jpg)

The MunchieKween and Fatty are also back on Scrotefarm with their army of sockpuppets. See, most of these accounts praising her lying ass are from January/April 2021, posts about their ED and follows anachan or fatty cows. Sure there're some creepy scrotes here and there but they're not the majority.
When Debbie went silent, I really thought that she was done with her LARP and was trying to live a better life. But no, she's still an attention starved retard, selfposting and shooping like crazy with her little fatty friend.
The "she's super mega dead for real" stint didn't work (pretty sure Mongoloid and her were behind the fake obituaries) so she's back at her usual quirky type posts and overedited spoopy pics.
>>1676339Yeah right, dying people in hospice care spend all their day posing for ugly pics, carefully edits them and seeks validation on lolcow.
Now you're just disrespectful af.
No. 1677588
>>1677529»honest« = »batshit insane«
»authentic« = »near death«
No. 1677620
>>1677529Even people on edtwt laugh and call her ugly and scary looking and they're supposed to be sympathetic given that it's a space for people with eating disorders. But I guess that's the zoomer wannarexic wave lashing out every time they have to restart their fasting app.
Not everyone is suited for the pathology behind anorexia. Which is a fucking
blessing. They should feel lucky that they have a chance in this world but it actually frustrates them that living off black coffee and plain oatmeal in a heart shaped bowl is fucking miserable.
No. 1678891
File: 1666135954347.jpg (7.27 KB, 190x265, images.jpeg-13.jpg)

same energy as anneliese michel tbh. if i'm not wrong she said she was diagnosed with ednos shortly after the schizophrenia diagnosis. there's no escaping her eating disorder so long as she's as psychotic as she currently is. sounds like she had piss poor psychiatric treatment and all the recovery efforts went into her cardiac surgery.
hope she gets to be a ballerina tho. i'll be hollering if i see the unicorn live to be in the nutcracker.
No. 1679115
File: 1666160556053.jpeg (775.76 KB, 1170x1241, A7008587-1EC1-4F47-9663-0EF472…)

No. 1679116
File: 1666160618908.jpeg (756.91 KB, 1170x1162, F0B8A0CA-CAAA-45C6-82E8-ED206A…)

No. 1679141
>>1679115> 4 minutes ago1) You're a cowtipping retard
2) It's Luci selfposting again
No. 1679152
>>1679115>>1679116On the road to hell again.
No. 1679240
>>1679181sigha cut up ballerina, purging and tumbling on stage
how sweet
No. 1679264
File: 1666188065351.gif (2.65 MB, 800x362, deer-size_restricted.gif)

She's back..!
No. 1679469
>>1679336She just pretends to be a frail and dying schizo. Much better.
>>1679152>>1679264>>1679240The same two samefagging retards (fatty and munchie) are shitposting again, trying to bury any contestations or criticisms. Nice.
No. 1679744
>>1679586i wouldn't say she's pissing it away. she revealed she's eating 4k calories a day and is being compliant enough with whatever program she's forced into that her body is healing. ballet might be the textbook inpatient-to-athlete faux recovery pipeline but at least she's being honest about it. and thank god she isn't waxing poetic about challenging fear foods and smiling with ensure bottles in a hospital bed.
didn't see the ballet thing coming though. but i look forward to the milk from her inevitable failure to make it in ballet as a 30 year old skelly who could barely walk a year ago.
No. 1680124
>>1679920Calm down, nonna. There were numerous instances of selfposting by Moogle or Lucinda in the past (Fatty is also back on KF right now btw), so some of us being wary isn't that ridiculous.
Also, mundane tweets and taking everything she says at face value isn't milk.
No. 1680134
File: 1666278006004.jpg (306.5 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20221020_165133.jpg)

>>1680124Sage for doublepost but here's Fatty attention seeking again on KF, at the exact same time the thread in here is active again (Fatty was caught addressing anons questions directly on her twitter weeks ago).
The timing is interesting, to say the least.
No. 1680154
>>1679779She also said she can't walk, can't stand long enough to shower without aid, can only sit in a chair and needs a wheelchair and then posted tiktoks of her dancing through the room.
>Who are you to question her??Go back to twitter
No. 1680173
>>1679920kek at least i'm not the only rageanon in this thread
>>1680082probably but there's not really any definitive proof, considering she's self harmed on her chest before.
No. 1680240
>>1680226Some seconds of dancing, that's not a biggie, yeah.
But not for a person telling that one is full of pain and weak. That makes it somehow unrealistic and seems fake.
Same goes for her comfy chair/workout routine.
No. 1680348
File: 1666301438910.jpg (359.29 KB, 1080x1053, Screenshot_20221020-171719.jpg)

>pneumonia and water retention
>compares it to video of a cyborg begging to be killed
So tempted to armchair. Video is from a movie called Robocop where a cop is turned into a cyborg. Unicorn cyborg is a new one. But the general sentiment is obviously that she's trying to take cOnTrOL of her body throughout the rigorous feeding program and post op recovery. She's as disordered as ever man. The possible ballet saga is amusing but nothing good can possibly come from it.
No. 1680472
File: 1666316213443.png (516.99 KB, 599x433, Screenshot (338).png)

>>1680348> Unicorn cyborg is a new onekinda metal ngl
No. 1680649
>>1680370That hospital trip should have been the ultimate wake-up call for those surrounding her. For the lack of real friendships, that means her family.
They will know by now that she is going to kill herself very soon if they let her go unchecked.
No. 1680720
>>1680370As the anon above me said, there is nothing she can do by herself, as she is so deep in her illness.
It should be her family and the doctors who, somehow, convince her to stay in the hospital. Anyhow, I don't think that she is ever going to recover, as hard as it may sound.
No. 1681069
File: 1666395170593.png (507.45 KB, 751x737, Screenshot 2022-10-22 002605.p…)

wtf is going on with her eyes in this one lol?
No. 1681674
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No. 1681698
>>1681674Wish she wouldn't glorify anorexia but BMI 13 makes sense given her appearance. She looks more skeletal than ever. Still not sure why she claimed to be 58 lbs for so long though. Maybe her scale was just broken?
It's been said countless times but her condition is so sad and grim. I was hoping that Florida (didn't she go to Florida?) would have better medical treatment than this. Guess not.
No. 1681833
>>1681778Ah, makes sense. What's crazy is that I remember looking at her recentish pre-hospital photos thinking that there was no way she was 58 lbs (which I still stand by; with her heart issues she'd never be alive at that weight, hardly anyone would). But now after being hospitalized for a month she somehow left looking closer to it than ever before. Just so grim.
If she lived in the mainland US she'd be in a state hospital right now. As awful as those places are, long-term confinement is possibly the only way to save (or at least prolong) her life. I'm surprised that there isn't anything like that in Puerto Rico but I also don't know much about it.
No. 1681934
File: 1666497115257.jpg (212.74 KB, 600x780, 20221022_233133.jpg)

>>1681069Ngl it's hilarious how half of Brazilian edtwt is flooding the qrt's calling her ugly, gross, and scary like her entire Twitter page isn't full of buttfuck ugly fantasy dolls. Picrel is exactly the energy Lucinda gives. Pointing out she's an ugly corpse is like watching a horror movie and complaining it was scary.
Truly a cope. People like Ash and Lucinda are reminders that ed's destroy your looks and youth and rot your brain. Ludinda's shameless joy probably kills their motivation. When rexies get that underweight it's comforting to watch them suffer so they can feel superior for staying desirable. Lucinda loving every minute of anorexia destroying her looks terrifies these Lily Rose Depp wannabes.
No. 1681967
>>1681949You are wrong. Anorexia can be lethal, sure, but it doesn’t mean anorexics are all round up and force fed. I don’t believe she’s actually schizophrenic at all but even if she were you’re still wrong. Being schizophrenic does not enable the government to strip you of your rights and effectively imprison you. The criteria to force someone into a mental hospital in the United States is strict and varies by state.
I’m totally convinced this thread is full of fat teenage Twitter wannarexics. Non-stop retardation and ignorance of how anything works in real life.
No. 1682102
>>1681934lol major W for the unicorn for not giving a shit. ironic how not even the ~hate sites~ torment her as hard as her own community.
caroline reed from in her skin energy.
No. 1683059
File: 1666598418008.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.56 KB, 1080x2039, Screenshot_20221024-034702__01…)

She started liking self-harm content again. I feel so bad for her parents. So much time and money wasted on someone like this.
No. 1683766
>>1683727health scares don't cure untreated psychosis. there's a reason most homeless men are schizos. their familes literally can't handle their behavior and stop chasing after them. lucinda benefits from looking cutesy and frail enough her 70 yr old parents perpetually baby her and put up with all her bullshit.
good news is they'll die soon in peace and the unicorn will likely sell her cooch as a homeless woman and take up meth. unless her brother takes over in which case god help him.
No. 1683983
File: 1666676395206.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.32 KB, 577x721, 731664AC-F8BF-4118-BA1C-4CE61B…)

Clear view of the scar. Somehow her frame is smaller than before.
No. 1684096
>>1683781what antipsychotics r u talking about? if there was one real cure, there would be no schizos.
>>1683983shooped and filtered. her only known skill btw
No. 1684209
>>1684177Pretty much everyone on edtwt is a creep.
Posting creepy shit cuz they are nuts.
No. 1684230
File: 1666707850928.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.4 KB, 652x448, lunaci.jpg)

She's iNsPiRiNg her audience again…
No. 1684657
File: 1666729889792.jpg (61.78 KB, 553x680, unicornreal.jpg)

she posted this pic of herself without makeup its so sad shes actually so beautiful until you see her body
No. 1685136
>>1684657She's not ugly by any means, beside the retarded cosplay, but that pic is shoop to hell and back, nonna.
>>1684235It's as true as her schizophrenia and brother kek
I wish edtwt refugees would stop taking everything she says at face value, especially when they're writing the OP or tries to force some narratives down our throats. Imagine if we did the same thing with Jillian and her DID larp ?
>Oh nonna! She's very mentally ill, she said so on Twitter ! She's cute and popular, your jealousy is showing ! No. 1685193
>>1685136>tries to force some narratives down our throatsseveral people hold an opinion while having a discussion in these threads. condescending essays ending in 'kek' that we're gullible retards because you continue to disagree is fucking annoying. none of us know anything. if you can't handle
gossip go rant on your twitter.
No. 1685216
>>1685184>>1685193Calm down. I wasn't agressive or anything, just stated a point :
In every other cow threads, farmers have to post proof to back up their claims. Same with blogging, samefagging and jumping at anyone's throat to defend your precious unicorn.
There's rules, why you should get a pass ?
Sure, you can speculate but it's just that : speculations and tinfoil theories. Not some truth you have to write in the OP as such.
Also, the fact that her brother doesn't exist and that she lies about him helping with pretty much everything (naked selfie, costumes, photoshop, patreon…) was verified months ago when nonna posted caps of legal documents. There's also proof of Debbie and Moogle posting here and adressing directly anon's questions. I know it's bothering you but we're allowed to discuss her highly probable munchie status.
Ignore the posts you dislike, it's not that hard.
No. 1685565
>>1683983So the pacemaker was really just her bullshitting lmao. Also what
>>1684235 said.
No. 1685617
>>1685259There’s no proof, it seems to be the consensus after
>>1640252 and
>>1640254 which “confirms” Débora has a sister.
No. 1686272
File: 1666897847467.png (36.9 KB, 434x96, image_2022-10-27_201055461.png)

>>1685565The big scar here is correctly placed to be a pacemaker scar, idk if she had it before she allegedly got the surgery and I can't be bothered to look.
Picrel, her vs a pacemaker surgery scar from google
No. 1686364
File: 1666906996959.jpg (52.05 KB, 500x500, heart-surgery-incision-healing…)

No. 1687543
File: 1667006638438.jpg (57.41 KB, 459x631, FgKO7VLVIAAwWl1.jpeg.jpg)

the new wig(?) suits her so much better than the tacky white one. she really is quite pretty
No. 1687637
File: 1667018125335.jpg (409.42 KB, 1080x1340, Screenshot_20221029-003339.jpg)

>>1687575she's giving off moors creature vibes so i just see it as her retard version of fantasy makeup. it's a welcome change from the e-girl falshies and rounded lip combo.
No. 1687713
File: 1667026976263.jpg (267.29 KB, 553x680, Picsart_22-10-29_03-01-59-314.…)

>>1684657If EDtwt hadn't gotten to her
A picrel story
No. 1687772
>>1687543She wears a wig, so what.
And her so-called pretty face is photoshopped up to the hilt.
No. 1687784
File: 1667041926708.gif (991.46 KB, 352x224, monkey-mad.gif)

This thread
No. 1687795
>>1687543Imo it's because the white wig is for cosplay and doesn't seem to be one of the particularly good cosplay wigs. This wig looks like it's meant to be natural so it doesn't look so "odd". I does
look better but I'm saying that not that as a wk, I mean to say she looks more adjusted and self aware
No. 1689821
File: 1667214171133.jpg (40.84 KB, 652x447, LUCINDA edtwt & shtwt on Twitt…)

Before it gets better, it's getting worse.
No. 1691275
>>1691255real or not (i've seen people arguing the legitimacy of the diagnosis, i have no idea about that), misdiagnosis happen all the time, especially if she was intentionally trying to get diagnosed schizo before she made her twitter.
i don't know how mental health care is where she lives, but getting professionally diagnosed usually involves a doctor who may hire people to do tests over several days that could be total of 3-12 hours. it's probably tinfoil, but munchies are known to just go in and out of doctors to get what they want and then parade around that they got their diagnosis. if she is a munchie, i can see her intentionally faking schizophrenia during testing, and that's even if the document is real. they also do IQ tests to rule out other stuff when doing neuropsych exams and she could have just straight up been larping as retarded right then and there.
but even if she was just being her normal self, misdiagnosis are extremely common in mental health care so a piece of paper isn't really solid proof of schizophrenia to me
it's not like she became a munchie along with her internet presence, im sure it's been present a long time.
No. 1691321
>>1691294some kind of degenerative brain condition that's just being waved off as schizophrenia because she self harms and is anorexic is like. a million times more likely than typical schizophrenia. not even lucinda says she's schizophrenic. she never talks about it or even jokes about edgy psycho delusions so a larp is pointless. everything she believes is 100% real to her or some kind of magic/new earth shit.
would be so fucking wild if a massive misdiagnosis is why she's never gotten better. or drugs. didn't she say she drank household chemicals and shit? could that not have caused brain damage?
No. 1691372
>>1691321Damn I'd never considered a misdiagnosis being the reason for the lack of improvement but that makes a lot of sense. She definitely experiences psychosis but yeah it's never manifested like schizophrenia. Though her true IQ definitely isn't as low as she scored on the WAIS, brain damage would explain the stark divergence in scores (iirc, her verbal IQ was in the normal range, which makes sense since she writes very well - and in two languages - when she's not crytyping). Schizos do score lower than average on IQ tests but their scores tend to be more uniform.
She also said she banged her head a lot as a child… so there's that.
No. 1691591
File: 1667389481080.jpg (99.3 KB, 970x430, madhorn.jpg)

- still purging
- evil doctors
- had 53lbs
- wants to be a ballet dancer
No. 1692426
File: 1667470942797.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.51 KB, 569x743, B18E148C-C941-4C24-BF6F-85FFD0…)

New bodycheck
No. 1692427
File: 1667470975981.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.09 KB, 644x644, 9A9CB47E-B392-4CB2-B9AA-7C45EC…)

No. 1694723
File: 1667675652097.jpg (113.34 KB, 720x864, IMG_20221105_150652.jpg)

No. 1694746
File: 1667677426550.jpg (12.91 KB, 549x72, 1626789354005.jpg)

>>1693476Her tooth decay is old news.
From July 2021.
No. 1694845
>>1694817why would you dress like that in your mid-20s.
she's a sped, dressing like a sped.
No. 1694976
>>1694723That forced recovery relapse really came at her with a vengeance. It's sad how she tweeted that she just had the happiest day in months when she looks so gravely ill. Even just comparing her face here with the thread pic you can see how much weight she's lost.
(sage your shit) No. 1695816
File: 1667815636891.jpg (78.59 KB, 970x423, day.jpg)

her having a realalu happy day
No. 1695874
>>1695816If she goes on like that she's gonna need a really
fast ambulance driver, or no ambulance driver at all.
Either way, she's fucked.
No. 1696009
>>1695911I hope I would never "give up" on my children, whatever they are struggling with.
How can they do that? Does she threaten her parents with more self harm? Or even worse? I just don't understand.
No. 1696030
File: 1667846079058.jpg (40.32 KB, 652x347, burn.jpg)

That sounds rather
No. 1696036
>>1695911>>1696009You cannot really force her to eat. She's Ana and schizo. Her parents can only do so much. Girl needs thorough therapy but doesn't get it.
She'll be going down.
No. 1696465
>>1696009My sibling is borderline autistic and has only ever secured a job twice in their life, doesnt know how to drive, never leaves the house and is in their early 30's still living with my disabled and elderly parents with no contribution to the household, not even chores, frequently disrespecting them and draining their bank. I think in theory it's easy to assume you would never give up on your child but after about 10 years straight of bullshit you kind of do just give up as I've witnessed.
I hope Lucinda's family doesn't grieve too long over her loss when she's unfortunately inevitably gone, it would break my parents heart to see my sibling go regardless of how much they spit in our parents face.
(sage your blog next time) No. 1698027
File: 1668201733690.jpg (56.19 KB, 582x499, i-wish-all-x-a-very-y-meme-tem…)

Looks like Lucinda's milk has run dry and is nothing but generic proana thinspo, deathspo and thirsting for @sk1nnybunx0. Long gone are the days of wacky unicornhood and enter the sad path of body-deconstructing herself to death. I truly wish she would find a better path, but it's all fruitless when not even heart failure can scare her straight. Wish her all the best, truly.
No. 1698359
>>1698027let's not forget about all the hello-kitty-shit and general toddlercore madness.
she snapped back into her fluffy lifestyle of b/p and blissful ignorance. if her parents were practical thinkers then they'd be looking for a casket by now.
No. 1698983
File: 1668353393586.png (30.29 KB, 970x199, cc.png)

unicorn transformation is going well
No. 1699222
File: 1668374809863.jpg (455.59 KB, 1080x1593, Screenshot_20221113-172203.jpg)

she continues to be the edtwt it girl tbh. no one will ever top her level of whatever the fuck her appeal is. No. 1699358
>>1699226>>harshThey are both scary, kek.
>>1699226Some people is calling her "he" in the comments. Is Lucinda Mtf?
I "understand" the they thing but now I don't get the "he" part.
No. 1699472
>>1699229The recent spate of South American (predominantly Brazilian) bone rattlers dragging her on twitter was wild, people were straight up calling her hideous. I dunno if that gets a pass when it’s not in English but I feel like if it was they’d all be banned for boolying or hate speech or whatever
>>1699429People have been addressing her as “he” for ages and her “fans” screech at anyone who “misgenders” her, the whole spectacle of her existence on the internet is a flaming dumpster fire (to state the obvious)
No. 1700977
File: 1668571788296.png (921 B, 127x34, (@oswaldslunch)__2022-11-15_23…)

>>1699366It's literally on her account that she also goes by he pronouns.
No. 1702095
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For how long will she last..?
No. 1702099
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Deathspo sperging.
No. 1703520
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still alive, but how
No. 1703597
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>>1703520The whole thread was pretty grim. But everything about her has always been bittersweet. It doesn't sound like she's medicated or complying with treatment of any kind.
No. 1703612
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On the bright side she continues to have galaxy brain takes.
No. 1703624
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>>1703614I think it's the deceptiveness of people like Eugenia and the faux recovery spoops that ends up doing damage. As delusional as Lucinda is she does seem to acknowledge she's dying soon which ultimately scares off the wannarexics who see anorexia as a fad diet to be uwu dainty.
No. 1706494
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No. 1706823
>>1706542ntayrt, but you're sounding a little
triggered and projecting there. lucinda was objectively obese before she started restricting, you don't have to "look obese," as in, a walking tub of lard, in order to be CLINICALLY obese. that doesn't mean she isn't a skelly now and objectively on death's door and anyone who calls her previously obese ass for what it is, is a bone rattler. you're just trying to feel better because you're similar to her size when she was obese, or bigger. maybe google what clinical obesity actually looks like, fat girl
or just look in a mirror tbh
No. 1706933
>>1706908>>1706928if they're so bothered by the mere mention of lucinda being previously obese (which she was btw) they deserve to be called out for their fatness. the only people who would get that
triggered by the dreaded O-word are ham planets and skellies, but since they're slinging around the skelly term, i think it's safe to assume they're just a landwhale who took someone's genuine analysis as an attack
oink oink, wide girls, i'll enjoy being average-bodied while you seethe over being actual giants
File: 1669207516394.jpg (54.02 KB, 652x301, vomitburger.jpg)

the little joys in life
No. 1707361
File: 1669208237289.jpg (41.61 KB, 970x221, suicidal.jpg)

she thinks it's funny
No. 1707945
>>1707576But still you don't answer.
Why did you name the twit caption as "vomitburger"? Usually, the names of the screenshots are like that "screenshot" or the date…
It looks weird the name chosen to save that tweet.
I might be retard, but you are not answering.
No. 1708542
>>1708417>Hope she fucking dies frYou don't know what a-logging means, right ?
Read the rules before posting and attacking farmhands, edtwitard :
5. Don’t post about wishing bodily harm on a subject or group. (a-logging)
No. 1709607
I'm trying to memorise this phrase, I definitely want to use it someday.
No. 1709980
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Happy belated thanksgiving
No. 1709997
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No. 1711466
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life goals / death goals
No. 1711958
File: 1669589175661.jpg (60.77 KB, 482x427, m87udrkzeqq51.jpg)

>>1711466Absolutely heartbreaking. This is someone's baby. I can't imagine how her mother must feel to know that her daughter is puking herself to death every night. Their enabling is just making things worse.
No. 1712520
>>1712297Come on nonna, Debbie herself admitted she use photoshop.
I mean yeah, she's spoopy but she also shoop a lot (makeup, eyes, scars, different jaw in every pic..), and she was pretty honest about that in the past.
No. 1712677
>>1712657>>1712662Wonderful, the same retarded a-log and racebaiters are back !
1) They're some jealous wannabe ana-chan from edtwt
2) Luci and Moogle trying to revive that dying thread and play
victim on Twitter
No. 1712773
>>1712702 i just find it curious how she apparently gained… around 20 pounds? of fluid?
this means that she lied about ever being 50-something pounds(which was clear from the start) and i honestly think shes lying about it currently as well(which is to be expected).
love when schizos hyperbolize their illnesses. cheers lucinda
No. 1712883
>>1711958I don't know what I would do. Maybe watch her 24/7 and medicate her till she could only eat and sleep, for weeks.
I know she is an adult but there have to be some ways, some medication, idk. I couldn't stand to see my child like this everyday, it would kill me.
No. 1712945
>>1712883Like honestly you can’t though, you can’t watch her 24/7 and keeping her drugged up like that is only possible in a hospital setting with IV, she’s too good at puking otherwise, and her organs probably can’t handle all that medication via ingestion at this point.
All they can do is provide what is essentially hospice care, and try to give her as good a life as possible while she’s still here. It’s tragic but she’s just too ill. Also, I will steal a katana from Grimes and personally fight anyone who gets nasty about our Unicorn Queen in this thread.
No. 1713364
>>1712883 Med fag ton foil, saged for autism
It’s probably not her kidneys or liver- it’s probably her heart. When the heart has been damaged it won’t pump fluid in the body and you’ll retain water in your lower extremities like that. Our girl looks like she has congestive heart failure. Bleak.
No. 1713670
File: 1669740007023.jpg (29.89 KB, 652x228, 1happybulimic.jpg)

some edtwt fan service
No. 1713779
>>1713670Tbh, I don't understand how she enjoys bulimia. People I know that they are bulimic hate it, they always say that maybe in the beginning it was a relief, but then it's a nightmare you can't stop.
I don't get how she seems to be happy about it.
No. 1714137
>>1713779Some people have no real problems and still want to play the biggest
victim card. Some people are just retarded.
No. 1715960
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Why does her dad do this?
No. 1715967
>>1715960>>Why does her dad do this?Exactly, that's what I don't get.
I mean, I know that they are old and all, but what they do with Lucinda does not make sense. It's like they don't care about her at all.
No. 1717438
>>1715960There's no way that she really burnt 800+ kcals.
That's just her usual lying/exaggerating.
No. 1718146
>>1717994nta but this might be true for some able-bodied, physically fit anon.
but she's an emaciated bag-o-bones with heart trouble.
No. 1719048
File: 1670252640160.jpg (498.89 KB, 1080x1295, Screenshot_20221205_065908.jpg)

She found this little kitten and named him Christmas. Hope he can prove to be slightly therapeutic.
That's probably wishful thinking though.
No. 1719111
>>1719074Why? This isnt her first cat and her other orange tabby cat is fine. This is why i dont openly identify as an animal lover. Spergy af whenever a cow is pictured with an animal (giving a pass to cows known to mistreat or neglect pets)
>>1719048No it wont. As i just said, this isnt her first cat. It wont do shit for her mental state. Just become a photo prop like her other cat.
No. 1722860
File: 1670574959186.jpeg (224.21 KB, 1152x2048, FjaZNLdXkAAe7cF.jpeg)

>>1715960He doesn't, she is lying. At this pointjust treat everything she claims with a grain of salt. Pic related is her last image, compare it to
>>1706494 No. 1723143
File: 1670609653014.jpg (18 KB, 427x780, 61yOOilXVfL._AC_UY780_.jpg)

>>1722860are you aware of how onesies are supposed to fit
No. 1725935
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>>1724211>>1725640she's posted pictures on the scale reading 75lbs and you can tell she has a spoopy frame
No. 1726291
>>1725935Lurk moar WK.
She use photoshop an awful lot and and says so herself.
Do you really think her ever-changing jaw shape, giant eye pupils and stupid makeup are real?
I knew newfags from edtwt were delusional but not that retarded.
No. 1727838
File: 1671095464286.jpg (401.02 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20221214_233828.jpg)

Probably one of the mentally ill children she interacts with asking a suicidal anabulimic to post mukbangs. She says she gets her brother to help her edit videos, right? if true I would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.
Sage for pinching the teat but no milk yet
No. 1727840
File: 1671095605132.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x2374, Screenshot_20221215_031053.jpg)

this too
No. 1730829
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All is well in the state of Puerto Rico.
No. 1731340
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I guess all hope is lost
No. 1731345
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more silliness
No. 1731736
File: 1671921054594.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.28 KB, 720x1020, FkryXWaWABAn9tD.jpeg-1.jpg)

Spoopy as ever as well. That heart surgery scar is so unnerving I cannot believe it was all absolutely for nothing lmao. Even she admits she's worse than ever.(spoiler this shit ffs)
No. 1731737
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>>1731736Please spoiler that shit.
No. 1737086
File: 1672835745125.jpg (334.67 KB, 1080x1575, Screenshot_20230104-081507.jpg)

Edtwt zoomers had another unsuccessful attempt at getting her cancelled, this time citing her replying to an anonymous cc from 2021 of someone saying she was inspiring them to stop taking their meds and her replying "YAY" as her "telling minors to stop taking their medication". They also threw around the usual gen Z woketard buzzwords groomer/pedo/predator for her censored bodychecks. Even though she posted sc's that her profile is marked 18+ so kids shouldn't be able to see her page lol.
Don't mind if I chuckle. Actually love how the websites who expose actual problematic scum love Lucinda while a supposed safe space for the mental ill draw the line at a schizo bulimic for not looking like a dainty Dior girlie posting strawberry Biscoff oats.
The unicorn took it with grace as usual for another W.
No. 1737093
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In other news her other cats are still alive and the new one as well, she posted some cute pics. The rest of her presence has been usual delusional empty promises of a Youtubing career and her celebrating being bmi 11.
No. 1737157
File: 1672847159403.jpg (351.67 KB, 2880x2880, 20230104_173346.jpg)

>>1737089Wtf is wrong with these kids?
Stop smoking weed, Halo.
Sorry your fasting didn't work out, Sven.
You'll never be iconic like Sacred Unicow Lucinda.
No. 1737335
>>1737157>>1737177I can see why Lucinda makes these edtwt kids seethe, she’s everything they’re trying to be. She’s genuinely thin, genuinely ill, genuinely crazy & eccentric & interesting. They’re tryhard larpers, she just
is a unicorn.
No. 1737406
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>>1737335>>1737177>>1737261lucinda is probably the closest thing this world has to an actual eastern european folkloric creature. like the wholesome kind that live in your backyard and steal your household buttons. picrel definitely reminds me of her. i can see why people find her scary but there's such an old fairytale charm to her.
No. 1737835
File: 1672936892409.jpg (602.99 KB, 1920x1200, 919761-widescreen-unicorn-back…)

>>1737406She reminds me of an European folkloric creature too.
No. 1739082
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So cute ♥
No. 1739651
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>>1737086Of course she had to comment.
No. 1739842
File: 1673198734909.jpg (472.3 KB, 1600x2048, FlHndW-X0AIMmbs.jpeg.jpg)

>>1739651it's always the ones who look like bad lucinda cosplays that talk the most shit
No. 1739971
>>1739842That is a cosplay, though.
And to be fair, she wasn't exactly talking shit, and defending Lucinda's makeup and unicornness.
No. 1741222
File: 1673361271669.jpg (294.65 KB, 1080x1502, idoldecay.jpg)

>>1739651@halocals was banned, good riddance.
Also it's obvious that Natalie is jealous of Lucinda.
No. 1741346
>>1741222Where did you get that from any of those tweets? Because she's posting ED related things on an ED account? She clearly doesn't have huge beef with Lucinda anymore or else she would've been far more hateful here
>>1739651There's no milk to be had with her, at least not connected with Lucinda. I don't think she's actually talked about her outside of that one retweet since the Ambrose War.
No. 1741399
>>1741274She was a cow even before Lucinda was discovered, newfag, and even had a thread here.
>>1741346Because she is fat.
No. 1741603
>>1741602Samefag, meant to reply to
>>1741399 if that wasn't obvious.
Tho I will say the weight tweets aren't even close in date to the Lucinda quote retweet.
No. 1741782
File: 1673430830517.png (248.26 KB, 587x626, luci5.PNG)

Getting closer.
No. 1741930
>>1741916What do you mean? Lucinda directly answered an ask by encouraging going off meds, along with frequently talking about doing so herself. She promotes it as much as she promotes starving yourself.
Whether this goes against someone's own morals is up to them, but it is true she did do that.
No. 1742847
File: 1673544033721.jpg (60.7 KB, 652x427, linda.jpg)

so she's got sunshine in her heart and water in her legs…
No. 1742966
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>>1742462This is more than just "yay."
As I said, I like Lucinda, but you have to acknowledge she encourages harmful behaviors, and even if she tries to speak up about the problems with glorifying anorexia, she happily posts bodychecks, which goes against her word. Why are you blindly whiteknighting so hard? You can like her but be critical of her actions. Being on edtwt and posting bodychecks, while saying how you got that low, is encouraging the behaviors, blogging about feeling free after stopping taking meds is encouraging the behaviors. Ffs
No. 1745350
File: 1673783381875.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.58 KB, 543x543, beefjerky.jpg)

new selfie
No. 1745354
File: 1673783535196.jpg (110.75 KB, 720x1280, spindly.jpg)

fit like a pro
No. 1748724
File: 1674200064587.jpg (26.72 KB, 652x293, Screenshot 2023-01-20 Twitter.…)

some more purging going on
No. 1749164
>>1749075Tbh she will
not 'recover' but it will only get worse with her. For schizos the path will go downhill in most cases.
Even if she would take her medication, which she doesn't. Her parents can't stop her any longer.
No. 1749207
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>>1748989Picture of health really. Chances look great!
No. 1749364
File: 1674279457856.jpeg (146.71 KB, 1200x801, DC66C504-6789-43B3-9A4B-79755C…)

>>1749207She’s starting to look like that Iranian girl who got arrested for shooping herself into a skelly Angelina Jolie
No. 1750247
File: 1674409174620.png (1.57 MB, 1133x1337, Screen Shot 2023-01-22 at 12.3…)

Most anorexics want to be like delicate fairies or edgy anime girls (or anime boys for that matter) but what is this abomination?
No. 1750248
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No. 1750369
File: 1674429232847.jpg (95.69 KB, 652x1010, twitter.jpg)

Tbh couldn't she just drop dead already instead of posting this pro-ana shit..?(a-logging)
No. 1750799
Lucinda isn't poor
No. 1753073
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~So comforting
No. 1754803
File: 1674924195408.jpg (59.8 KB, 652x373, up_to_eleven.jpg)

On the way to her next heart attack..?
No. 1755329
File: 1674960255400.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1734, C668A962-CE6F-41DC-8B21-4AD87A…)

The editing on this is so wonky.
No. 1757212
nonny, you should be used to lucinda-speak by now. This is one of her more readable posts.
No. 1757246
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I love her positivity
No. 1757248
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No. 1757374
File: 1675181396447.jpg (386.41 KB, 768x960, 1621205891263.jpg)

>>1757246>I'm not humamnnSounds like a massive cope for being a human shar-pei
No. 1757810
>>1755329Without medical intervention she won't make it until Chicken Run 2.
What about that New York trip, any news..?
No. 1758611
File: 1675291108656.png (4.07 MB, 1170x2532, BCA9C0FA-3D85-40A0-ACA7-35E0D0…)

I feel like Lucinda is gonna end up living for an unrealistically long amount of time and I’m glad because she deserves it
No. 1759162
>>1759004"being body positive" - telling others how 2 purge
not really
No. 1759281
>>1758676Try to be more subtle with your insane WKing next time. I swear, you wannarexics are truly delusional.
I don't get why that bitch still has a thread, or even got one in the first place. She's your run of the mill delusional ana-chan and doesn't produce any decent milk.
That thread constits of the same 2-3 retards jerking off to ~UwU bodyposi keeen, yay purging is so kawaii !~, samefagging and probably a lot of selfposts too.
If you want to "celebrate" your wholesome unitard, why don't you stay on Twitter? Lolcow isn't your little fanspace.
I truly hope cerbmins will finally take a look at these threads cause…yeah, they're sus af.
No. 1759337
>>1759281NTA but Luci is more worthy of a thread than a lot of people in /w, go cry in meta.
And there’s nothing wrong with having some compassion towards someone who is absolutely insane, how does this make someone a wannarexic uwu fangirl? I’ve seen worse posts in these threads..
No. 1759733
>>1759281You know… you
are allowed to just not engage with the thread if the cow doesn’t interest/offends you. You could just scroll past it. Novel idea, I know, but give it a try and see where it leads you,
No. 1760017
>>1759733>don't engage uwuSorry to interrupt your little circlejerk but this is not Twitter and we're allowed to react when you come out with crazy nonsenses such as "So wholesome and bodyposi ! You fatties are just jealous ! "
The point is : Lolcow isn't a fansite. If you can't stand someone expressing a dissenting opinion about your pet cow (which you have every right to like, that's not the point), then the site isn't the right place for you.
I'm not trying to start shit or anything but we're here to milk cow, not worship them.
No. 1761055
File: 1675534158462.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1125x1925, D12F4A4D-0CA2-4F5B-8648-A046E2…)

Glad she decided to sharpen and define the hell out of this so the edtwt freaks can enjoy the depth and texture of her scars.
No. 1762410
File: 1675712247046.jpg (518.81 KB, 1080x975, Screenshot_20230206-153241.jpg)

I'm surprised no one's posted that she cracked her head open like an egg a few days ago.
No. 1762506
>>1762497>>1762422It's not that easy tbh, sometimes dealing with a person like Lucinda is not just putting her in a psych ward and looking away, hoping she dies.
She's still their child, specially because she's mental as fuck, they're surely the first ones that infantilize her and try to give her a "stable" "decent" life until she finally dies.
But it's crazy how these self-destructive people seem to be the kind that's hard to kill, I really doubt she will give them the relief of dying young because if she has survived this much, she will probably survive even more.
No. 1762557
>>1762540I'm not a-logging though? I don't care about the unicorn girl, I barely check her threads even. If you've never had to deal with a mentally unstable person that keeps trying to kill themselves either by some addiction or whatever, then you of course feel horrified, but these are thoughts that go through people's heads when they have to live with people like Lucinda.
I'm sorry if you feel identified with her.
No. 1762900
>>1762721It's rather likely that if they let her purge & starve at home, she will die even sooner…
They should put her in the loony bin asap, everything else is neglect and they will carry a responsibility for her even sooner, but inevitable sudden death.
No. 1763137
File: 1675792831746.jpeg (859.76 KB, 1125x1515, 2109FD88-E934-4032-BE6C-732F25…)

Didn't even know it was possible for bulimics but Luci's looking close to ash-tier deathly lately.
No. 1763238
>>1762900You would rather put an already dying person in a situation where their last months would be spent miserable in a hole where she's likely to be abused or neglected than let her die at home where she is comfortable + has her family around her so she doesn't die alone in a asylum bed?
Nonnie, the autism radiating from you…
No. 1764323
File: 1675938028364.png (5.1 MB, 2880x2880, 20230209_120534.png)

>>1764144Wtf? Isn't self-harm against Instagram's community guidelines? Very sneaky of her to announce a mukbang and do binge-purge instead.
No. 1764621
File: 1675977998502.png (532.13 KB, 518x926, schermafbeelding.png)

She's taking art commissions again
No. 1764668
>>1764454It's a huge fucking shame to see all this good food going to waste. And her cold fishy stare has got nothing to to with her uwu Twitter pErSoNaLiTy, Hello Kitty shit and all this.
She's a fucked up mental freak with too many followers adoring and encouraging her sick way straight to the morgue.
No. 1765144
File: 1676047813852.png (777.69 KB, 1500x1500, Untitled design.png)

>>1764552Seems like the public binge plans are on hold for the day.
No. 1765150
>>1764621I’d probably commission that venom on venom action and give it to someone I want to terrify out of talking to me.
Unrelated but is anyone working on a new thread since this is finally almost done?
No. 1765166
File: 1676049590845.jpg (130.33 KB, 1224x1198, ret_art.jpg)

>>1764621Her recent <art>…
No. 1765167
File: 1676049655778.jpg (2.37 MB, 2385x3962, pancreative.jpg)

Same thing in all its hi-res glory.
Lack of nutrition fries your brain cells, kids.
No. 1765182
File: 1676051053543.png (61.93 KB, 652x195, Screenshot_ Twitter.png)

Doing art commissions, honing her mad YT skills… Gorl's making a career!
Hope the recent blood purging doesn't affect her ability for doing some aWeSoMe pIzZa mUkBaNgS for 3.000 clicks.
No. 1765218
>>1765203Yes, indeed. Pretty admirable. And then she can PAY HER FUCKING PARENTS BACK FOR ALL THAT WASTED FOOD YOU DUMBFUCK
No. 1765519
File: 1676091837588.jpg (101.6 KB, 720x382, 20230211_051849.jpg)

>>1765044Do you understand how schizophrenia works? It's not contagious or developmental, it's something that sits in people and likely doesn't start showing symptoms until later in life. You have to be born predisposed to it which is a gigantic risk with having an elderly father sire you, just like Lucinda, and due to the increased risk of being born retarded I deduce your dad must have unfortunately also been elderly
No. 1765881
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Holy shit. Nowadays she doesn't only mistype some letters, but is not even able to form a meaningful, coherent sentence. Her nutrition deficit and daily b/p seems to bear fruit. Welome to your fried brain, unicorn nutjob.
No. 1766099
File: 1676163042159.jpg (Spoiler Image,435.54 KB, 1458x1976, For5K4nXsAAMOuT.jpg)

New BC, complete with a bare, smooth chest. Absolutely gruesome.
No. 1767356
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She posted a list of items she needs to buy for her youtube career. Why does she need Microsoft 365 and a wooden cutlery set?
No. 1767650
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her arms are actually getting kinda spooky. I don’t even want to say that knowing she reads this thread and will take it as a compliment
No. 1767651
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No. 1767654
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there’s just no way a formal dress boutique would hire her, but I can’t even shit on her for trying to get a job unlike most other cows
No. 1767951
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>>1767803>>1767654rare normiemode lucinda photos for job. i'm really, really rooting for uniqueen/uniking
personal tinfoil is that the mcdonald's job not working out was not luci's fault. i think it's likely management just didn't want to deal with a sped, and given that lucinda has significantly deteriorated even since then i won't be surprised if this doesn't work out. but she's my favorite cow so i hope anyways No. 1767982
File: 1676392324474.jpg (514.75 KB, 904x1280, Screenshot_20230214-122831.jpg)

>>1767951you can really see how frail and spoopy she is in the face here. her mouth is weirdly hanging on her face from the lack of fat. she looks so good with this audrey hepburn kind of style and natural makeup. talk about wasted potential.
No. 1768006
>>1767982Are you out of your fucking mind again? There's nothing beautiful about that creature.
All that remains is a schizophrenic heap of bones, waiting for a certain early death.
No. 1769039
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So the job interview didn't go well? I don't understand Unicorn language.
No. 1769136
>>1769039Fluent Unicornese here
>Big thank you (to) everyone who has left me kind commentsand replies, best wishes and things (these) past days, thank you, wish (I) could reply (to) all of (you) individual, but very busy planning job and youtube budget things, just a big busy mind. Love you all and thank you
>I hope we can spend more time on livestreams, and we can talk a lot and share. My talking is bay and not best late(ly), and with(?) my job interview, (I'm) just really worried (it) was bad, but I hope (we, as in followers in live streams) can have a wonderful time together, or maybe (I) will do speech therapy! We'll seeSounds like she doesn't know yet about the outcome, but is just worried it went poorly especially due to her speech problems
No. 1769229
>>1769136she also apparently has another job interview at an elderly home. if she has speech problems and is aware of it i wonder just how aware of her own schizo retardedness she is and whether she actually has a chance at these places she's applying to. a 60lb unmedicated schizo taking care of the elderly can't… really be good. but surely the people interviewing her will see this.
she obviously needs to stay on disability and under assisted living herself. i feel bad that she's setting herself for mass failure with this youtubing pipe dream being funded through 2 part time jobs. it can't be easy for her family.
i think it just shows how posessed by her bulimia she is. in the end she wants money for binge food. she wants to double erik the electric's pizza challenge where he ate 2 big dinner boxes. that's why she's motivated to work. to support her eating disorder. she's chronically starving and determined to slave for food she'll immediately vomit, making her ravenous enough to want to work for binge food again and again. the woman is actually completely insane.
may she actually get to film a food challenge though. god the chaos the unicorn would unleash on the youtubing community as an anorexic competitive eater.
No. 1769621
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>>1769229She got the job.
No. 1769790
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>>1769785Lmao at the fact they hired her looking this ghoulish. I guess she had her mask on and the sweater looks enormous.
No. 1769806
>>1769790retirement facilities/elder care is probably the most desperate industry out there, no one wants to work these jobs and the people that do are often incredibly
abusive to the patients, it's not uncommon that they are raped. someone like lucinda who (isn't a moid and) actually seems genuinely caring despite her disability is probably the best they can ask for
No. 1770120
>>1769621She’s honestly probably working in the kitchen/part of kitchen staff. She’s clearly special needs and a lot of nursing homes hire people like that for positions for occupational therapy/support programs, so not to rain on her parade but she’d probably have to be foaming at the mouth in order to not get a job washing dishes in a nursing home (at least in the States anyways).
So anyone want to start the bets for how long til she’s fired from whatever they’re actually having her do?
No. 1770127
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You guys are gonna accuse me of bone rattling but she’s probably not as ghoulish in person considering the amount of crap shooping she does.
No. 1770363
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This could actually be a good job for her (the getting to be around people and help them while having supervision part, not the hoarding food to bp part) if she doesn’t get fired in a week.
No. 1770588
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>>1770570she literally looks exactly like them
No. 1770816
>>1770593Stop that shitty WK'ing already.
This is not about nursing, tard will have a kitchen job or whatever. She'll fold in a week or two, get fired or die from a heart attack. End of story.
No. 1770874
>>1770867NTA but calm down, samefagging WK.
We don't even know if that job is true or if it's just one of her numerous delusions/lies.
This is something that annoys me in these threads, everything this cow says is accepted as truth, without any proof or receipts.
Try doing that in any other thread, it wouldn't fly.
Also, the fact that farmers aren't allowed to express any opinion that isn't ass-licking enough without
triggering the same two delusional retards that keeps that thread alive. Go back to edtwt if you wanna support that munchies so bad.
No. 1770875
>>1770363Physical work + no calories = Safe recipe for disaster
I give her two weeks, tops.
No. 1771139
>>1770816Nta no offense but can you please kys? there's always one
nonnie (you) who feels the need to shit it up about "white knighting" despite clearly not knowing what the fuck that means
No. 1771252
>>1771139Nta, but there are too many edtwtidiots like you around that act as if she was some cute uwu role model.Just piss off.
And btw, she's not going to 'recover' anytime soon in some kind of magical way. Her state will likely worsen and she'll die very early. Deal with it.
No. 1771275
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She's still purging and doing wEiGhT rEdUcTiOn.
This is not going to end well.
No. 1771574
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>>1766099silent hill character
No. 1772146
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>>1772117Fuck off, weirdo. What's wrong with you.
No. 1772338
File: 1676869153323.jpg (3.03 MB, 4096x2665, 20230220_005440.jpg)

>>1772117kek another W for the unicorn since people are desperate to look like wednesday and lucinda happens to resemble her. jenna herself is praised in the ed community for looking spoopy in the face so even that's ironic.
>>1772146very sorry for you but nonna told no lies
No. 1772481
>>1772338too bad all spics look alike, sherlock
move on, nothing to see here
(racebaiting) No. 1772519
>>1772256Come on now, I'm not the biggest Lucinda fan either and still believe she's faking/exaggerating some stuff but she's not ugly by any means.
Actually she'd be very cute if only she'd dropped the shitty unicorn edits and gained some weight imo.
>>1772481Ha ! Like clockwork, Racist-alog-chan is back with more unsaged baits. Why are they not permaban yet ?
No. 1772535
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>>1772146Lucinda is very beautiful. Not because she’s skelly, but she actually does have nice features that would probably be much more noticeably beautiful if she was heavier
I was expecting a post like this eventually but it’s still sad to see. Things like this that should be considered a wake up call to her somehow still does nothing.
No. 1772559
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The way that the only coherent string is “I don’t want to be negative”. I feel like that’s a good thesis of Lucinda
No. 1772560
>>1772535good lord she was only able to work one day. she was so excited leading up to the whole thing i truly feel for her on this one. her tweets after this were humorous so it's good that she's keeping her head up.
unfortunately i get the feeling she got the news she's dying very soon. maybe why she isn't too upset.
No. 1772586
>>1772559Why all that whiteknighting again?
Go and bait somewhere else.
She fucked herself up.