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No. 955099
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i used to online stalk two diffrent people before i got bored of it. mostly i would just google thier full name, plus the state they live in, i also would find thier email and google the email, usually its attached to some profiles, finally people are stupid and use the same online handle over and over, so you might want to google whatever fake nicknames they come up with.
Also if you can find their friends or relatives you can usually find them on the friends list
No. 955119
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I’d some one youre snooping is on reddit, a good place to go is messages and look at who is suggested to message. This is one of the few things on reddit that is cross platform. But it will track weird shit. I’m not sure what. It’s all user based, and maybe perhaps if you’ve clicked on posts by this person, or liked then unliked?
No. 955126
>>955122Would take an excessive amount of social engineering and patience to do. Interesting that the old exploits no longer work.
That being said if you have access to the users email it’s one of the easiest to break into. Barely even cares that you want a peek.
Some one hype me up to be mean to my scrote bf pls
No. 955132
>>955128Social engineering, access to their computer, and the sifting through darkweb shit. For their easier password, figure out how to share a Netflix account. For other passwords, you need access fo their computer and then simply look through their browser saved passwords.
If you want bigger and better than that? You’re on a similar stage as me. Figuring out keyloggers or man in the middle attacks.
No. 955144
>>955139The closest thing I’ve found requires access to their Facebook account. With that access you can find all of the connected accounts, and the date last accessed.
For Twitter, if you search in Twitter just their old handle it will bring up any old mentions of the account who mentioned them is still around
No. 955179
Just going to throw this out into the universe because a lot of people aren’t aware. Depending on where you live, you can very easily find a person’s address through voting records
>>955107You are a godsend
No. 955196
>>955179I also found a creepy fucking website that seemed American (not necessarily hosted there) that had addresses and possibly phone numbers of people in my shithole country as well. Of course they refused to tell where did they get their info. Seen speculation that only people who have started companies are there, but IDK. Still creepy.
Found my groomer that way, not gonna do it again though. It fucked me up
No. 955300
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So uh, any way to look at somebodies private facebook account without having a fb account yourself?
No. 955640
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Lmao, this escalated into straight up hacking and illegal activities real quick.
No. 955686
>>955679Also: I would give stalking "tips", but so much of it is just utilizing google + key terms on whatever search engine exists on
whatever site you may think your target is on and…patience. Eventually, they're going to let slip that they were on like, Neopets at one point with a cringe username relating to their obscure hobby and you (or I, rather) can spend a fun hour or so rooting them out and picking through their past.
Also: I say 'target' because obsessively following strangers/people I want to befriend is like a hobby for me. Love that we live in the age of putting everything about oneself on the internet, it makes things easier.
No. 955730
>>955723that’s interesting, i always thought those were fake/scams so never tried it. but i’ll look into it thank you.
i always lurk from a burner account though kek
No. 955775
I've never had obsessive tendencies, but sometimes I'll dig up random redditors' dox for sport if they say something particularly obnoxious or give away too much information about themselves. Haven't done it in years, though.
Once I spent an entire weekend tracking down a guy who posted heinous erotica on usenet.
>>955178…no? that's insecure as hell.
No. 956276
File: 1635763184949.jpg (54.64 KB, 500x365, tumblr.jpg)

i took a liking to this former coworker that i barely know because she sort of reminds me a little of myself except she's extremely tumblr. i've never owned a tumblr but i find the subculture and glamorization of certain things to be really fascinating. one of my former best friends from yonks ago had a "successful" blog and surprisingly it exposed her to a lot of my fairly niche interests, and the same goes for this girl. although as with a lot of tumblr users, it's like a toe-dipping level of exposure since they just reblog and faintly remember it.
for this girl, i find this persona of hers to be forced but it's still very amusing to me. i also like how she airs her dirty laundry out on her blog which is fun to read while i'm procrastinating.
we worked in a fairly big office but in different departments so we didn't cross paths often but she was always very friendly. she used to hang out a lot with this supervisor to smoke with who a lot of us assumed were dating but she mentioned her boyfriend fitting a different description so i just assumed they were platonic. i thought i felt some sort of sexual energy (not tension) between them but i dismissed it since the supervisor is married.
when i found this girls blog, i noticed her tagging his initials (but it was obvious who it was) on some sexually charged things which confirmed my suspicions. then i found her porn tumblr and it's just her tagging him in dirty reblogs and tagging that they're ideas for the elevator and him just liking it. i suffer from some regret from making out with a coworker in the elevator quite a few times since i find it so trashy but i feel a little better knowing that the cctv footage has those two on there as well. lmao.
anyway, looks like their friends with benefits situation or whatever they were fell through since her final reblog for him on her main tumblr was passive aggressive and talked about him abandoning her. i still like to keep up with her tumblr to see how she's going - she's depressed atm. i hope she reblogs more, it's quality entertainment. my favorite saga was her yo-yo dieting saga, i'm predicting we'll be seeing a 2022 rehash of it since she reblogged some stuff that seemed to indicate she's restricting.
No. 956320
>>955273Yeah, that's the reason I have a different username on every platform, and whatever username I select isn't related to my actual interests or points to me in any way. I think it was drilled waaaaay too much into my head as a kid, since I've done this ever since I was 12 and got my first personal computer. I've had people chuckle at all the bizarre e-mail addresses I use too. Another good way to avoid snooping is if you use such a common word that snooping will bring up basically nothing of use.
As for my personal snooping, I really only snooped on men I've got to meet and had interest it, and then it's fucking creepy because I have this feeling that I've done something wrong and somehow still have this insane compulsion to talk to him about something he never told me, and reveal myself to be a creep.
No. 957082
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>>955679Did the same thing for one of my exes.
No. 957236
>>955434 and the closest thing to that I've done was using a browser extension to download some images from the accounts.
No. 958159
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>>955116hey, how did you find out his pornhub account, if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious if I could do that for the scrotes I know
No. 959500
>>959488Probably, but that's due to the "culture" shift or whatever it would be called rather than privacy concern. I mean some classic, well known cows such as Felice, would most likely be considered boring now since everyone edits their pictures.
But yea, attention whores and retards will always exist
No. 960439
>>959998I disagree completely; I feel like the kids who were born into the internet era are much more absent minded about what they share to who they share.
I think older generations who grew up with AIM/ MySpace/ chat rooms /etc had a better understanding of anonymity as teens. Also, they didn’t grow up with smartphones; they got them in their teens. (We had t9 pads for texting, at 10 cents a message)
You couldn’t live update all the time back then, and I think gets who geo tag their every move now are prime picks for bad people to hurt. Now with platforms like insta and snap, it’s is a whole new game of vulnerability.
No. 964357
>>955088I hate that the guy I stalk for amusement has become so boring and predictable. I’m careful and I don’t know him irl but fuck it’s bland now.
Guess I need a new hobby.
No. 1015417
File: 1641321624714.jpeg (173.75 KB, 658x900, R (4).jpeg)

Anyone else likes to use ? My neighbors are downloading shit ton of porn, sometimes I also see some ip adress who have similar taste than mine in movies . The website doesn't work perfectly because ip adress are no super exact though.
I also wanted to talk about the website because I wish more women knew about it, it's always good to know if you neighbors are cdangerous or not. One time, I used the website in the gigandic student building where my best friend lives. At first we were having fun, looking at all the bad movie taste of people but we were shoked and disguted to discover that someone was downloading child porn ( the website is very based because it will actually highlights that fact in red. My biggest regret is not having done anything about it that day ).
You can also send a link to anyone on the planet and if they clic on it you will be able to see what is being download at their ip adress, I've never used it though.
No. 1015425
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nonnie, much better than my dorm
No. 1015453
>>1015417How does CP look? Not like
>>1015425, right? It has marked the Titane (2021) torrent as porn kek
No. 1015468
File: 1641323621338.jpeg (210.86 KB, 828x770, E3FE00AA-67E8-4C20-9785-B4DA1D…)

what disgusting shitholes do you guys live in where the moids around you are downloading CP and porn?
No. 1015475
>>1015472wtf anon, I didn't even know people downloaded pageant shows
No. 1015480
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my area is so boring kek
No. 1015481
>>958159NTA and I'm very late, but if you know his email you could try your luck here: it displays all accounts that the email is linked to. Doesn't tell the username sadly, but it's a start and you know if it is or it isn't registered.
No. 1015488
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>>1015417I live in an old-person area, so everybody here just has movies downloaded like picrel. All except for one guy who downloaded 99% incest porn, 1% all the Matrix movies.
No. 1015495
>>1015417Someone near me downloaded a shitload of Game of Thrones and another one had a GTA game
>>1015472Now that is incredibly suspicious
No. 1015498
>>1015481Nta but omfg I just put my exes email in and found he's on quora giving out advice on fisting, both receiving as a man and giving to others, including his current partner, descriptions of his sex life. Talking about how he values her pleasure (dude didn't make me come for 3 years)
And he has a twitter account that's just him retweeting fisting porn day in and day out. Thank you anon.
No. 1015525
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>>1015417Kind of weird, no I'm not going to click it.
No. 1015571
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>>1015417I found someone who downloaded Morrowind GOTY edition, freakin based. I found one i am very smart person too
No. 1015591
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>>1015587>>1015433Holy shit, i clicked through some addresses in my area and there was CP too. it's disgusting to think someone like this may be my neighbour? Is it possible to report this?
No. 1015626
File: 1641330663197.jpeg (Spoiler Image,332.15 KB, 1242x1935, E0B4796D-A437-4103-9B9B-8561C0…)

>>1015417Omg I’ve never heard of this website. I have a vpn and the results from whichever IP address I am using right now are revolting and disturbing. I will add a pic. Wtf anons?
No. 1015633
>>1015576I think it's a very fair assumption because I would unironically dowload those two books too
>>1015599I have tested it in several areas and it was always super accurate when I was in the countryside. However when I'm in a city things get a bit more messy because several people share similar adress I think. Also all the terrible stuff that you see in your adress could be downloaded by someone far away using a vpn too.
No. 1015637
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>>1015607I don't know if this help but I found this
No. 1015687
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>>1015663>>1015650Go away pickme dont you have uncles and brothers to cap for in the courts when they get charged with assaulting a child?
No. 1015727
>>1015723Hmm…I know for a fact he uses it on some websites though…
What is the holehe tool? Am I suppose to use that too?
No. 1015753
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>>1015417all it shows in my area are my own downloads. wonder if torrenting really is that unpopular here
No. 1015757
>>1015719I looked up 2 exes and 1 new crush using it, only 1 out of the 3 really showed results. The others it purely showed their gmail username and was a dead end.
As far as I can tell the sites shown were mostly ones where breaches happened in the last few years? Wattpad, amazon, samsung, spotify, pornhub, quora. His twitter didn't show up on the list but I got there after a lil digging round in the others.
Like anon said, make sure you're fully scrolling down if you're not already. I nearly missed some results that way.
No. 1016403
File: 1641375295826.jpg (163.85 KB, 1458x900, agatha.jpg)

I wouldn't call myself a snooper or cyberstalker, I haven't cyberstalked anyone since I was a teenager. In recent years it's just been googling full names, looking at Instagram accounts and peoples follow/following lists to try and find other people, like the guy I liked's gf to try and find his account, but that's all public so it doesn't count in my mind.
>>1015417Someone who lives by me is really into Agatha Crisitie, everyone else is just downloading movies. For my IP it's just games my brother is downloading. Does this only count torrents?
I'm sickened that many anons have nonces in their immediate area, that is disgusting and apparently this is way more common that I thought. How depressing.
No. 1017820
File: 1641481424806.jpg (Spoiler Image,153.48 KB, 1113x908, wtf.JPG)

>>1015417My jaw literally dropped when I saw this. This fucking IP is near me and I tried to find out where this IP was located. Turns out this IP probably belongs to a public library near me, meaning that a fucking random scrote went there using the library PC's and or Wifi to torrent this shit. I want to beat this scrote to fucking death. Literal fucking subhuman.
No. 1017920
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>>1015695>watchdog sitesCan you name a few. I’d like to know if they’re any creeps in my area
No. 1017925
>>1015498How did you find his quora account when the site doesn't give usernames?
I want to see if my abuser is still doing skeezy stuff online but unfortunately I think he's one of those smart paedophiles that can cover his tracks online well, but I still want to try
No. 1017936
>>1017920NTA but when I was really young they told us about in school or something. I think it used to tell you why they were arrested/on the list in the first place, or maybe it was another site that I can't remember. The site is only for US nonnies unfortunately.
No. 1024232
>>1016645>>1016427When people torrent they can connect to a public or private tracker. The public tracker logs all ips and this website uses the logged ips to generate a list of ips similar to yours and what they recently connected to public trackers with.
You won't see your usual browser downloads on there, only specifically public tracker torrents.
No. 1024488
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>>1017936This is just in my immediate area, I feel sick. I had no idea there would be so many.
No. 1037400
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>>1017936this fucker lives really close to me and now i'm tempted to empty my cat litter bag on his front porch.
No. 1037505
File: 1642897492840.jpg (192.94 KB, 750x935, Tumblr_l_13525915368417.jpg)

>>1017936There's multiple wife beaters, CSAM possessors and 2 rapists near my future home. Let's all wish death upon them and your local degenerates together with me, nonnies.
No. 1044211
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>>1017936I live in a relatively small area too wtfff. near my home are two lady pedophiles and a dude from my graduating class (rapist)
No. 1044219
Probably not too relevant since most cases are male on male but I just discovered this registry map for offenders in the furry fandom would be nice if it existed in other popular hobbies and fandom communities too. There are so many creeps in every nerdy community and it would be nice to have a collection of proof or records of any predators
No. 1053051
Dunno how useful this may be, but I know my ex's reddit account and keep up with his deleted posts with this anyone have a way of recovering deleted imgur photos? Might be a lost cause since wayback machine doesn't have it.
No. 1053316
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>>1015417>>1016170>>1015525i definitely do fear that this is CP but i'm so fucking curious it's hard not to just soft-download and open it in my torrent program to see what it is, then just remove it after. will i died?
No. 1053334
>>1053316Now I’m curious too, update us if you download it!
I looked at my neighbors and all they’re downloading is Windows and the TV shows 1883 and Peacemaker. Boring.
No. 1053355
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>>1053334>>1053345okay so apparently if you click on it it just shows the torrent into in the site so i think we're good, just looks like assets to a video game, maybe COD?
No. 1053373
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>>955088I just wanna know where is felice fawn now???? Where did she go? Ive only found dead ends but i cry over the dried milk. I love that shes dodged all the creeps this long, including me.
No. 1064450
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So Ive been listening to picrel and although I nearly hated it at first Ive come to enjoy hearing about fucked up things that the ex husband "Ben" (name legally changed) has done. Its gotten me curious enough to snoop for a few hours last night trying to find any trace of him on the internet. So far I found his real first and last name (wasnt hard), Brandon Johnson, age 43 years, hometown of Aberdeen WA, though it looks like he lives in seattle now; and his mom's facebook, which has 2 photos of his face on it as well as the reveal of his daughter's real name (changed legally in the podcast as shes underage) But I cant find any social media and I'm at a dead end. Any suggestions? Is there any way I could use the face photos to find more pics? Or can I use his ex wives names in combination with his to find legal records? I know he has at least one DUI.
No. 1100387
does anyone like to use these sites to essentially snoop on yourself? every year or so I usually plug my name, family member names, and our emails into google, etc and see what might come up. i am an oldfag so i rarely use the same username and never use my real name on social media if i ever make an account. i stopped really using social media in my early 20’s except for youtube and instagram burners so there really isn’t a lot out there. i am really private/semi-reclusive and don’t have friends so i am always curious what other people might see if they look me up since i can tell when coworkers or peers have been trying to find social media.
i think the most i have ever found on myself or my family are newspaper clippings, patent licenses, and all the awards my grandfather was given, some weird stuff about our income/tax bracket, and my voter registration plus the usual things like street addresses and phone numbers. i was surprised to see my grandmother’s year of death was listed as we didn’t post any public obituaries and had a private funeral and people only knew she died by word of mouth essentially. other than that, i like to snoop on my neighbors and in college, i used to dig up the craziest shit on some of my professors and peers who didn’t like me. i remember i found this one professor’s ancient Flickr account with her ugly, blobby, semi-nude pics and doing hardcore drugs at underground parties in los angeles. it is always weird what you can find on people who you would think should know better to hide their past.
No. 1103447
>>1100387I do this too. There is hardly anything online about me and that's the way I like it. I've always been a lurker everywhere I've been online, even as a teenager, so there is really nothing at all to find… as far as I can tell. I closed my facebook account back in 2011 but I imagine everything I posted on there is still on some server somewhere. There were some cringe Bebo (popular social media site in my country years ago) comments from back when I just left school but they can't be found now. I like it this way but at the same time I do wonder how many people have googled me and been concerned with the lack of insta, facebook etc and thought I was weird because of it. I've heard of people not making it to the interview stage of a job application simply because they're untraceable online. I'm like you in that I'm semi reclusive and friendless and I wonder if I ever made some friends if they'd find it odd I have no internet presence kek. that's crazy about your professor, you could've blackmailed her with that (I'm kidding before anyone comes for me)
>>1101308NTA Idk what country you live in but in the UK you can often find addresses and telephone numbers using the electoral register.
No. 1147142
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Need linkedin data breach
No. 1147221
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>>1147155I have, still unable to find their email
No. 1147482
File: 1650902363805.jpg (274.84 KB, 1032x1421, 1636569806872.jpg)

>>1147330I've tried that already, didn't work. Hence I'm asking if anyone knows where I can find a linkedin data breach
No. 1147510
>>1147505Haven't checked if it's
valid though, it's a big ass file and takes hours to download
No. 1148370
>>1148295Government is full of misogynist boomers and they move slow af anyway. So good luck with that legislation change.
>>1148326Have you talked to a lawyer about this? It sounds like there's so much evidence that even the most retarded stalking laws could apply.
No. 1155594
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>>1147142Bump. Still looking for that linkedin breach. Any alternatives to raidforums?
No. 1175918
If any of you want to deepdive on a redditor, maybe a deleted famous account or something, I've found out a lot of info using the sites I'll link.
For searching purposes see deleted posts from accounts any of you have any other tools I can use to snoop on reddit like figuring out their alts or other accounts connected to the same mail, let me know.
No. 1177344
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>>1177165You can't, unfortunately
No. 1182360
File: 1652644112063.gif (6.21 MB, 540x491, tumblr_67f25d9f747da22239d68dd…)

Dutch anons, how do I find a Dutch citizen's address/phone number if I know their full name, birth date and the city they live in
No. 1183739
>>1182914please spill
nonnie, either here or in the tinfoil thread!!
No. 1184651
>>1183135It isn’t clairvoyance it’s just basic knowledge of tech and what is generally being hidden from us (the gen pop.)
Encryption will not exist in any capacity. Everything previously encrypted will not be anymore. The amount of our data currently being sold and brokered extends far beyond what we allow ourselves to believe, veering into conspiratorial territory. There’s a decent chance as a woman that your entire cellphones contents are being shared on ~teh darkwebz~ already, no it doesn’t matter how interesting or attractive you are or not. Apple has so many exploits readily available for anyone with decent programming knowledge to take over your phone remotely with no indication on your end that giant hack corps won’t even buy new exploits for it anymore. Every single thing we say around phones in any capacity is permanently in the technological ether and it’s going to be used for blackmail and extortion soon. Unfortunately not schizo delusions and actual reality.
No. 1184740
>>1184726That’s fine. It’s true tho. Pizzagate something something adrenachrome is all I know about Q.
>>1184720Scrotes do that shit for fun, you don’t have to really cross paths. This is becoming a rampant issue. The resources required for all of this are so simple to acquire that many terminally online autist programfags do it as hobbiests.
No. 1184808
>>1184799Nta but they don't stalk all women. Chances are, it's either an ex or someone who found out about you either irl or on social media who then moved onto stalking you because of their obsession.
Most women experience getting stalked in their lifetime, whether is be an obsessed ex following your social media accounts behind a fake account or an autist who actually spies on you to extreme lengths.
No. 1184880
>>1184863I don’t care if you doubt me. No, I don’t want to sit here for hours and type a spoon feed about programming/ coding/ hacking and the way it’s currently propelled into a monster, sorry. And yeah, if it interests you it’s something you can look into yourself, I do not give one single fuck if you put any stake in my claims lol I am not going to be the one to type out that encyclopedia here.
Anyways, data brokers and bounty hunter middle-men are the future. Our phones data is considered a very valuable commodity no matter how uninteresting we think we are. No. 1184919
>>1184900Because women aren’t allowed to become informed about a current issue LOL okay anon
>>1184912They may come up in your suggested friends, but that can also happen if you were in a similar location or you searched them first, mixed bag
No. 1184932
>>1184930Reverse psychology yas girl
>>1184920Who is Elaine?
No. 1185047
>>1184982ntayrt but you're the one who is positing the conspiracy theory; the burden of proof is on you to support it with evidence, but you just keep deflecting with sPoOnFeEdInG. you bring up some
valid points about data security but are saying some really outlandish stuff about "in 1-2 years EVERYONE IS GOING TO GET RID OF ALL DATA ENCRYPTION AND YOU WILL GET BLACKMAILED FOR YOUR POSTS ON LOLCOR!!!!!!!" with no evidence to support it, so naturally people are going to question you.
No. 1279138
>>1279124>I don't allow my bf to have passwords or anything secret.based.
>>1279050>"noooo you can't just talk to bf he liiiieee" then break up with him you double retards.also not wrong tho.
No. 1279201
File: 1658934739738.jpg (39.63 KB, 700x683, 88545600d59f5c762294ac5dbbaba6…)

>>1184880>mfw people are more concerned about data hunting bc of their embarassing posts and not the fact that our goverments are criminalizing our rightsImagine not even having to worry about the end of encryption because the people collectively came together to stop prosecution for stupid shit in the first place.
Everyone wants to live in their own bubbles though and hope it's not their ass next.
No. 1345925
>>1327849The easiest way is to never get involved with strangers online and don’t give extra attention to moids you don’t know irl. Honestly even then, women are chosen at random all of the time for one bizarre, convoluted reason or another, and I’m not going to
victim blame because avoiding being stalked is actually incredibly difficult if someone genuinely wants to stalk you. The most generic thing I can advise is just to take some time out of your week to research protecting your network, laptop and/or pc, what’s considered bad security etiquette etc. Honestly the most vulnerable is your phone, especially if you have an iPhone. Keep your security up to date, avoid Bluetooth as much as possible (yes dongles are annoying but they’re better than AirPods as a whole), never give our your iCloud id, don’t connect to public Wi-Fi, don’t attach a card to your account, etc. It doesn’t matter if your photos are uploaded to the cloud or not, they can still be stolen off your phone so don’t have anything you wouldn’t feel at risk if a stranger saw. Use strong passwords, understand that 2FA isn’t foolproof, avoid mobile banking. It’s actually exhaustive the precautions you would have to take if you were actively a target for a stalker.
No. 1382575
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this thread was really disappointing
No. 1421706
Since this popped up here I'll link a list of tools for other nonnies interested in this type of stuff. is my hobby, idc if it's creepy. I love putting together the little puzzles.
>>1421679I would see if he duplicates his username anywhere else if it is sufficiently unique, and go from there. Not always foolproof but it's often a quick shortcut. See if there's any reference to a birthday, location, etc., anything might help.
No. 1421745
this thread is perfect kek i've always snooped on people i know online and in real life. idk if it's wrong/invading people's privacy, but i never do anything with this information and i don't even care about having it, i kind of just like the challenge. i've found the names/addresses/schools of a lot of my online friends and they don't know i know. the funniest thing i found was one of my irl professors on reddit and she is active in polyamory communities.
>>1421706anon i love you
No. 1437103
I would never waste time in a relationship where I had to do this again but if you need your closure heres some things i did to find things out (and remember- don't go snooping unless you're ready to leave him bc u will not like what you find)
So when guys are doing dirt they will usually go to some lengths to hide it, clearing their history etc. One way I would always find dirt is checking the clipboard on his keyboard. Just open up a message or any place where you can enter text, hold down the clicker like you want to paste the last thing he copied, and select 'clipboard'. it will pull up a whole list of things he's copied. I've found phone numbers, suspicious links, social media handles etc this way. You can also just start typing letters and see what comes up on his suggestions, ive found the names of girls he was constantly looking for on Facebook this way and even his personal usernames he was typing often on different platforms kek. Through the settings (if he has android) you can also see all the accounts he's made on the phone, even for removed apps. For example I could see that he had 2 snap chat accounts, a pornhub account, and xxnx account, a nutaku account, 2 reddit accounts etc. Any weird numbers in their contacts i would usually run through cash app to see who it was, a lot of people tend to use similar usernames for most of their social media accounts. I always check for hidden albums in the gallery and check the calculator app.
No. 1505950
>>1327849It's not easy. You basically have to try and make yourself obscure, or allot accounts to different purposes. It won't guarantee you won't attract a stalker. Stalkers in general at their worst will do all they can, and some of them have more resources at their disposal. As someone who's both stalked and been stalked, you must ask yourself what makes someone "stalkable" and avoid acting that way.
Do not make yourself known for one niche thing on an overt public account and don't avatarfag or be too personal in public on social media that concentrates everything about you. On more anonymous accounts and sites known for misogyny like reddit, don't ever post your face. Create multiple accounts of you need to, one for the more personal content if you want and one for more anonymous activities: trash talking, fandom, etc. seriously, do not show your face or reveal your voice if you want privacy. If you make a name or face for yourself or a reputation that's in anyway linked back to what you look like, your voice, anything overly tangible it will increase your chance of being stalked, especially in moid adjacent communities.
No. 1507706
>>1507303What did you find
No. 1507759
>>1507715I’ve done this a few times. I have 2 pieces of advice:
1. Try not to come on too strong right out of the gate. A lot of people may be put off by a total stranger who’s trying too hard or seems to know more about them than they should
2. Be ready for disappointment. I’ve done this 3 times in the past, but I’m still friends with only one of them. Some people present a persona of who they want to be online, rather than who they actually are in their day to day life. The one I’m still friends with was exactly the same irl as they were online. The other two, one turned out to be a flat out crazy bitch and the other acted like she was very open and wanted to make more friends in our hobby’s community. When I met her irl though, she was really full of herself and cliquey
No. 1515885
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Is there an app or something that allows you to be notified when a person posts on tiktok? My personal cow is a chronic post and deleter. And yes i’m already aware of the in-app setting but that’s for lives only.
No. 1516809
>>1507303this is me
I'm 99% sure I'm being snooped back now
No. 1548653
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I love this thread. I haven't been a snooper/stalker in many years, but it formerly was a very very heavy hobby of mine. Way back in my childhood I began by looking through the phone books to find the phone numbers and addresses of my crushes. Then when myspace came around, it changed the game entirely. I'm happy I've moved on from this hobby, but I still remember the thrill of finding out new pieces of information about people of interest.
No. 1579274
>>1579253Most sites (i.e. twitter, instagram) have an option that lets people find accounts if they know the phone number connected to it.
But it only works if there's a phone number attached and also if the owner didn't turn off the option to let people find them.
No. 1579854
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>>1579282>>1579366felt compelled to make this
No. 1579875
>>955088it's not "stalking" it's OSINT. gosh
No. 1579876
I feel so validated rn. I have been kind of spiraling cyberstalking my abuser. I found court documents that led me to believe he was a snitch in a situation, which lines up because he’s also mentioned being in protective custody while in prison. He wasn’t named in news articles about the incident, and he didn’t get time, but the other guys did. Lengthy sentences. Somebody was murdered. And he was deemed liable in the civil case. But he didn’t seem to get much punishment at all when the other guys did. one of them got life.
I also found his address. He posted a picture with the fucking crossroads behind his house. He lives next to a stop sign and it was visible in a picture taken in his backyard. Complete idiot. Some time on Zillow and google maps I got the house figured out in no time.
I also had a background check on him saved I did like 2 years ago, and honestly free public records can get you farther than a lot of these online background check sites, but they’re helpful for possibly finding new emails or phone numbers. found his new email, one that wasn’t on the last background check. used epios and yep. active.
I already had a lot compiled on him from before. mostly stuff he would post himself and things he had sent me, as well as the criminal records I didn’t have to dig so hard to find. I didn’t think I could know any more and god damn 2 years of cyberstalking have paid off. I knew I was looking for something, I knew there was way more to the story of him than even the horrific things I already knew.
2 years of dedication and I found his dirty secret: he was a snitch. within a weeks time I’ve found that as well as his current email and address. I also saw the face of someone whose life was lost in part to this man’s criminality, and his family left behind, I’m horrified. He made me feel like he was telling me so much but I knew so little. It was like constant lies by omission. He’d say a little bit but not tell the whole story, or combine stories together.
I’m doing radical background checks from here on out on any partner. I won’t ever be the type of person to go through a partners phone, I’m not jealous. I’m hyper vigilant because I slept with a fucking criminal and let him live with me when all of that information was right there, I just didn’t know how to find it. I won’t go through peoples things but I will see what information is out there. And if a time ever comes to speak some of my truth, I won’t be sharing anything that isn’t already public. What is already public speaks for itself.
I’m so grateful for some of the resources I’ve found in this thread. Cyberstalking ftw. Protect yourselves
No. 1580577
Wtf weird typo.
No. 1580628
>>1580574sorry for Reddit but this post has a ton of links, not all of them work anymore, but you can sign someone up for hundreds on some of these sites’t forget religious newsletters. Church of Scientology, Jehovah’s witnesses, some weird local cult.. etc
No. 1580803
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>>1580574the issue is due to governmental reasons in many places, many sites will send a confirmation email before you sign up to something. five, ten years ago this was much easier. you can just start posting the email online, leave comments on random articles with it as the display name or sites like pastebin. if you have an office (or home) address you can look for free magazine trials, websites that you can request free stickers or info packets, sign up for random freebie sites like formula or coupons, that way the name and address gets sold to advertising companies and can get spammed that way too
also, if you sign the email up for any Dotdash Meredith website they will never be able to unsubscribe unless they jump through some hoops. they have their unsubscribe link "non-working" on stuff like allrecipes, people news and they send that garbage out several times a day. they might send an email confirmation thanks for signing up, but look for giveaway sweepstakes where they are a sponsor, like a trip to some country or a KitchenAid set or something. if you sign up they automatically sign you up for multiple of their emails and there is no escape.
No. 1581239
File: 1684451573912.jpeg (4.14 KB, 224x224, download.jpeg) the link above, I managed to find out that this shy dude in one of my classes in college is/was a secret furfag. I recommend searching by email once you locate an email. Most people have a full name email and then one that they use to sign up for recreational stuff–if you can find the second one then you're golden.
No. 1581408
>>1581308Does it? I make a lot of purchases on eBay and nothing of it came up for me.
>>1581352From what I can tell it’s not documents but mostly hacks and leaks. There were some records that were almost census-esque that I found for select homeowners within the United States. They also appear to have VINs which I haven’t found for anyone that I’ve looked up. Most of it is just results of the breaches and stuff which gives you emails, passwords, and usernames. It’s pretty embarrassing stuff for those of us who grew up online and have questionable pasts on obscure sites. This site links my name to a recognizable username that you can Google and find screenshots from when I was like 10 arguing with other kids on some dress up site like a little brat. Hahahah fml.
No. 1581445
>>1581440It's all good, i already knew of his degeneracy, it's funny to see it still going strong.
Also, I found my cousins Neopets account because he was using my old email account.
No. 1581599
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>>1581239I couldn't find anything on anybody. I guess I should be thankful.
No. 1582628
File: 1684603426250.png (40.94 KB, 1138x844, inteltech.png) Bazzell has a book about osint but also has a bunch of possibly useful tools to search up information about anything, videos, websites, people, social media, businesses, etc
No. 1583401
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you need a google account to access this, but it is a tool that helps narrow down an area to search for on open street map, google maps, based off of criteria you are looking for in a photo, such as roads, water features, buildings, parks, farmland, sidewalks, and others. so if you have a photo and want to know where it was taken, you can narrow down likely areas with this tool No. 1583449
guys im not really tech smart but theres is any way i can acess leaked accounts list? i searched my father email (his email is very uncommon) on this site
>>1581239 and he got on adult friend finder 2016 list with a username "asking for underage pussy"… can you guys help me acess that list? if i search about it i can only see newspaper talking about the leak but not the leaked list it self. please someone smart help me
No. 1583452
>>1583449You might be able to find a torrent of it or it might be for sale on a forum. I am on mobile but when I get to a computer I will look.
As a note you can also check to see other accounts associated with the email that have been breached too.
No. 1583457
>>1583452i tried on this email illicit site and i got disqus/adultfriendfriend and when i tried this site i only got the disqus breach. can it be a error or something like that? i really hope so and i will try to find the list on torrent just so i can see if its true or not i cant believe it
>I am on mobile but when I get to a computer I will lookplease do and thank you anon
No. 1583471
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>>1583452i searched a few forums and cant find it on clearnet easily. after pompompurin got van'd you cant access breached anymore. check, it might only be accessible by a pro account but worth a look.
No. 1583484
>>1583471yeah i tried this site too and it shows the adultfriendfinder/disqus breach but i would have to pay 2500 euros to have access to the actual list… but thanks for the help anyway
No. 1583497
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If you are in the united states, you can use a library card number to access reference solutions to find information about individuals as well as businesses and homeowners. for individuals you can search for name, address, phone, age, metro area, and "consumer info" like religion, language spoken, census info, income, etc. libraries have a subscription, you can look at the library website or search "Reference Solutions library access" to get an idea of which ones that do. it is also not too difficult to figure out a fake card number or even a real one to access. you can find a photo of a library card somewhere to get an idea of what it starts with and how many numbers, then start typing strings until you gain access.
it might also be possible to use a digital library card, like but i have not tried or checked if they subscribe to referenceusa
No. 1583960
>>1583883the site that let you see what servers a user was in, based off of popular bot data, was taken down years ago. you can search to see if there is any useful information, however unlikely. outside of a data breech you presently cannot gain more information openly. however i guarantee there are still people in closed spaces using bot api to find out servers
at best you can see see if they have any information linked on their profile.
No. 1584651
>>1584102Does your name start with an L? If yes, there's your answer. If not, forget I ever said anything lmfao
>>1584645wtf did I do?
No. 1590902
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Does anyone know of any career paths where cyber snooping is a valuable skill? I want to work in cyber security specialising in educating kids on how to keep their data safe online, but a very devious part of me is thinking of how I could make money selling snooping services to companies/political parties to see how solid their staff or candidates are, or finding dirt on their opponents. I’m sure in the age of cancellation there are plenty of dinosaur chairmen who want to know if their shiny new CEO said something problematic on twitter six years ago before it becomes the trending topic of the day. Open to any ideas!
No. 1591574
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I have posted before about wanting to share a dossier with a collection of screenshots, screenrecording, and resources about the buying and trading of women and children's entire lives on the dark web via their cellular devices, home camera systems, and computers. I was very sure that I would share it here last year but as more time passes, more cp raids happen, and more men larp as women on here to sow discourse and chaos I dont think it is a good idea. I hate that what I am saying is objective fact and I am being dismissed by skeptics or those more naive to the internet that I need to "take my meds", but the thought of moids finding the doc and deciding to use the information to contribute to the problem worries me more. On one hand, I think women should be aware of what is really happening and what is possible to be done with their smartphones–on the other, I couldn't live with myself knowing I'm handing mentally ill terminally online men a handbook on how to stalk whoever they want online. I feel like I'm stuck.
No. 1591755
>>1591574Wait so you’re saying that moids can give a name and then there’s a source on the dark web that has access to all cameras and devices in their household? Does the guy need to be a master hacker or pay a shit ton of money? If they really can just give a name and some basic details and get all of your camera feeds, that’s insane.
Personally I really want to know what is possible as a woman who has been stalked in the past to try and protect myself but I also understand your worry about scrotes using the information. Maybe just obfuscate necessary details that might give a “how-to” side of it and focus more on prevention than the information on where/how to find this stuff?
No. 1591804
>>1591788Nta but
>If this was actually a real thing then wouldn't you see this appear on the news or see more people talking about this?This is so naive
No. 1591865
>>1591796Agreed. I have no doubt that these things happen, but if people are going to act mysterious as if they sit on some big secret that would cause the end of womankind if published, I'm inclined to believe they're just seeking attention and don't know shit about the thing they're talking about.
We have to stop being so afraid of these things. It sucks to know that your entire life might be out there for people to see and that your privacy has been invaded, but then again - so what? Fuck it. Let them waste their time on the mundane events of your life. We should all take measures to protect the privacy of ourselves and our loved ones, but the fear and paranoia is exactly what these type of people are after. Stay safe, know that the world is a shitty and unfair place, and pick your ass with reckless abandon in spite of it.
No. 1591887
>>1591779nta but the reason people can access your cctv is most people use the default password and then leave their cameras online. You can run cctv offline to a monitor and completely avoid all that shit.
Other stuff is probably to do with hacking cloud storage since most people backup photos, call log, messages etc so all that's accessible to anyone who can access your cloud.
I don't think you need to avoid all tech, just don't use cloud backup for personal data, and keep your cameras offline, you avoid most issues this way.
Other stuff is more to do with irl
abusive moids who can install stuff on your devices, but in terms of stranger moids just keep your files and cameras offline.
No. 1591959
>>1591755NTA but keep as much of your life offline as you can. Be careful about what you post on any social media. Do NOT post photos of where you live or work, such as the view from your window, landmarks around your home or workplace including nearby shops and restaurants, or even the interior of your home if you can see enough of the layout (sounds retarded, but that's how corpsehusband was doxed). It's easy to find someone through their IRL connections so bear that in mind. Go through your social media and delete/untag anything that gives away a location or other information you don't want a stalker to know, like photos of a Christmas work party, which shows where you work, who you work with, where it was held (and therefore roughly where you live/work).
And do what
>>1591887 said and keep everything offline.
No. 1592563
>>1591887It's still extremely easy to hack regardless of if you have default password or not. These are Google/Youtube University boomer educational takes. There's a very successful market on the deep web to Crack home security systems just to watch them. They create directories and tag them like a porn livestream. So if you pay the monthly fee, you can surf by country, state, area, down to the house or IP address of the cameras. Popular streams are flagged so more people are inclined to click them, ie a nursery room where a woman breastfeeds, or a private bedroom where people don't realize they are leaving themselves vulnerable to scores of strangers. No, it doesn't really matter if you have a strong network. Kris Jenners closet camera being hacked was the tip of an iceberg. For now it's a monopolized niche and doesn't have a clearnet site anymore to prevent leaks or
victims being notified.
>>1591788I wish it were hyperbole. I don't understand why this isn't considered within the realm of reason just because you don't know how to enter these spaces. Have you seen even a sliver of what goes on under clearnet? You really think all of this just mysteriously stops at drugs and cp? Lol
No. 1592571
>>1591865>so what? Fuck it.I am a
victim of this. It is humiliating, disgusting, and life ruining. Once a mentally ill hacker scrote is obsessed with you, they do not care and do not treat you or your life like a human being. People like you are so ignorant and naive that I don't even know what to say to you tbh. If you have never been a
victim, you can't pretend to know how you would feel or that you'd be ~sooo strong~ and brush it off. It isnt "fear mongering" to be worried about retaliation when you have already been violated in the worst way possible. You aren't being motivational.
>>1592281The hesitation comes from being a
victim really, not anything else. When you already deal with sociopaths who go out of their way daily to cause you distress, you don't want to put any more targets on your back. It isn't a news story because it would cause hysteria, that should be obvious. If you trust multi billion dollar tech industries to be telling the truth you're choosing to be ignorant. I feel like I'm going in circles all of the time because I worry if I say anything here, I lead more fucked up scrotes to seek this service out and I also make my personal situation worse by angering the men who make a livelihood off of this. Am I mentally ill? Sure. Am I suffering schizophrenic delusions? No, I am merely a woman who has been repeatedly abused by the same small group of people for several years. That is a fact. I dont believe I am chosen by some messiah's chosen, I dont post word salad, and I dont wear tinfoil hats. I vent about it because sometimes it does feel really helpless knowing so many men who do this get away with it and rely on
victims appearing crazy when we aren't, theyre just trying to make us crazy. It's frustrating being so tired all of the time of what I deal with personally on top of feeling a personal responsibility that these things should be known. I don't care if I sound crazy currently at all because there are DOZENS of cases dating back decades where women have screamed into the void online only for their testimonies to be substantiated years later. If I wanted attention I would be posting about it publicly, not on a generally tech-ignorant basket weaving forum i frequented when I was 19. I have been seeking out ways to share it in female-only communities, but so far discord doesn't seem like the best idea yet. It isnt some creepypasta teaser, that's why it's something I get nervous about. I don't namefag or avatarfag and I post here pretty seamlessly with everyone else a majority of the time, I just wonder what the right thing is to do. When you are under a microscope you don't consent to, you tend to worry about making a consequential mistake or jumping the gun.
No. 1592959
>>1592571You're not making a mistake, sharing the ways moids go about buying and trading women and children's entire lives on the dark web. This is in the same category as letting parents be aware of what websites and apps their child might run into when exposed to the internet, even if it has some kind of parental control protocol. Screenshots cannot be traced back to you, especially if you're browsing not logged in or in incognito mode. It's wise to change any file names to keyboard smashes in case certain software has a default name. Links cannot be traced back to you if you use the Tracking Token Stripper add-on available on most browsers. If you'd like to, use a thesaurus to interchange words in your statement.
I think the biggest thing for you to take in is the fact you're not alone in this experience. It may be a small group of moids trying to torture you, specifically, and your internet presence, but the ways they're doing it are not exclusionary to you. They go about their ways of targeting you because they learned from someone else, who learned from someone else, who learned from someone else.
It's only paranoid to believe revealing how someone's abusing you will put a spotlight on you. I learned this pretty quickly after telling my story of my experience with my troon ex, was that many had an almost beat for beat experience. If all you want to share is the websites they're using and how to navigate through those websites, you're safe.
No. 1593924
>>1592571You've already said enough to send any curious scrotes down the path to find these resources, but not enough to help any potential
victims. If what you're implying is true, it would be best for it to blow up and become public knowledge.
No. 1593944
>>1592244You can't "unhash" a hash, but you can try your luck searching "online rainbow tables." Simple passwords are more likely to show up.
>>1591574You're being dumb. Exposure levels the playing field so prospective
victims have a fighting chance in knowing what threats exist. Information asymmetry reinforces abuse (silence is violence…).
Right now this vaunted knowledge is known only to you and a bunch of sadists who, by your own admission, are willing to network with each other. Those are the only people you're protecting by playing coy…
No. 1593962
>>1590902Ignore the other response about saturation. The only oversaturated market is internet vigilantes ignoring CFAA to foment outrage for internet points. Doing it for money is harder since you have to adhere to law and ethics, which is not easy so it filters out 90% of your competition.
You're describing a private investigator role. They're literally professional stalkers. Law firms also sometimes have someone around (or contract to PIs) to procure evidence for cases, especially disability/insurance fraud. Social media betrays a lot.
Don't go into cyberforensics without expecting boundless horror. The worst of 8chan will be a typical Tuesday.
No. 1595037
>>1581239found my brother in law follows a bunch of OF thots on twitter. his twitter account is like abandoned, but he follows a bunch of OF thots that made their accounts as recent as this year. my sister just had a baby last year.
do i tell her? fuck.
No. 1611730
>>1607107They did that to me too. I asked my bf to make me an account because he lives in a different area but they blocked all of my e-mails l maow
So he created a new gmail and IG account for me, gave me the info, and it successfully worked when I signed in from my IP.
No. 1612245
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Does anyone know of hilarious sites I can use to sign my enemy’s email up for?
No. 1613216
>>1612245haha good one
nonnie, do what i did to my college room mates and put out craiglist ads for fetish meetups involving scat play and poetry recital
No. 1686915
File: 1693791332831.png (11.04 KB, 593x67, likes.png)

First time I've seen this on twitter, the likes can be hidden now for paying users. You can tell a lot more about someone by snooping through their likes compared to what they post, so this will reduce a lot of snooping opportunities. Although most normies you know irl probably aren't going to pay. This will affect the more terminally online people you want to stalk (it isn't just weirdos paying the $8/month anymore, a lot of users do it now)
No. 1782697
A few of my friends and I have been in this dynamic where we try to e-stalk and unearth info on a specific one of our online friends. Just for no reason I guess. The thing is, he's aware and pretty much cool with it, and it's just a casual running gag that we're trying to datamine him and will occasionally surprise him with info we found. He's usually busy but we'd still talk and play games as normal friends sometimes.
But honestly, we haven't got much because he doesn't seem to have much public online presence, or maybe he's got more hidden than he lets on. We have his first and last name, middle initial, city, high school, various photos of him, his ex gf's name and socials, an old email, several one-off usernames, the hair salon he used to go to in 2020, his dad's profession, and I think that's about it.
We're trying to get his address and are banking on him voting or buying property soon so we can find him in records. We also have a video of him outside a building that's possibly his house, so we're looking into that. One friend actually drove across multiple states to go to his real life city in hopes of meeting up, which was pretty unhinged but the guy was too busy to even notice until long after, so the trip was uneventful.
overall it's retarded and autistic but it's honestly really fun how he's just ok with it and we've been slowly growing our knowledge of him
No. 1786962
>>1786959Read the thread moralfag, nobody is getting "actually stalked".
>>1786250What were you viewing if their account was private?
No. 1797719
>>1797695Yeah I’d actually rather private my accounts and block anyone I don’t know, because that’s kind of a baseline of internet safety
>>1797716>why should block the account? you must be a stalker What
No. 1797721
>>1797716>thinking it's dangerous to seek out the identity of your stalker is beneficial to him or her.nta but this doesn’t make a ton of sense. If they’re just watching your story and looking at your posts, does that really qualify as stalking?
Unless you do have a history with this person, or they’re watching you in hand with harassing you online/in person, there won’t be a ton to report to the authorities if you find out who they are.
No. 1797741
>>1797738Finding out who they are doesn’t do much, it depends on the severity of the harassment. If they’re threatening you or blackmailing you, you can just take the username and messages to the police or FBI and they can trace the location of whoever is contacting you to bring them in for questioning, but that doesn’t at all involve
you finding out who they are or seeking them out on your own accord without protection.
No. 1799830
>>1799829Nitter and proxigram
Look on github for the list of instances (some are down sometimes)
No. 1808543
insanony for stories
No. 1810331
>>1808634How? The only thing I see for that is, I have videos with almost 20k views and when I go to the video and click on the views it tells me “Post view history will only be available for 7 days from the post date”. I mean I guess I could test that out by uploading a new video but it’s 5AM and i’m lazy. Going to the video’s analytics and clicking around doesn’t show anything either.
I’ve also reported many videos and accounts that post human+animal gore and the alt accounts just for that purpose have never been detected by the accounts I report who like to post “ay who reported my account bruh”. So I know at least that no one has seen my views because I don’t have certain settings on or that it’s a thing not many people know how to access.
No. 1810699
>>1810629That's what I'm already doing, it's not about "wanting to be handheld" or "not being dedicated enough", I wanted to know if there was a quicker/easier way to get that info since I've never stalked anyone before.
>>1810624That's actually a pretty fun idea lmao, even if no one does it'll add to the humiliation that I posted his personal shit on KF. Thanks, nonna
No. 1832350
File: 1703811445836.png (68.46 KB, 800x500, ETV8V2KWAAQ1Wja.png)

> try this on me and longterm partner> nothing except old tumblrs and 8tracks
> search abusive creepy ex who wants to work in website design and tech> full name and email linked to dodgy Russian porn siteHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
No. 1873296
File: 1706735671350.png (50.94 KB, 343x266, IMG_5088.png)

>tfw nitter is down
anyone know any alternatives to it lulz
No. 1873438
>>1873300>>1873296>exploitHuh so that's why the main nitter has a time wrong error.
Have you guys never used the other nitter instances before? No. 1873493
>>1873438The other instances are going to go down soon since the guest account API was removed, they only last 30 days
Best to host your own local instance with a burner if you're able to
No. 1908459
File: 1709353175447.jpeg (41.68 KB, 272x185, IMG_5310.jpeg)

call me unhinged all you want but i literally just found an old friend who got me into animaljam and other furfaggotry from 3rd grade using that fucking tool. man is she fucking retarded… literally who tf uses the same goddamn email and username for every social media imaginable lololol… turns out she's a nonbinary freak now… can't rlly say i'm surprised but wow… found out so much shit just from a single tool. god bless osint
No. 1934892
File: 1711119821224.png (5.08 KB, 243x208, IMG_3615.png)

how is it possible that we still cant see someone's private instagram? i need to see. i need to see.
No. 1958974
>>1923529it has shut down for good, but the person who ran it released this for people who want to create their own version of the search engine
No. 2008624
i'm doing some stalking on my ex, and a while ago i found an old anglefire/geocities site of their family in like the 2000s, most of everything was dated from 2000-2005; i stumbled upon it just using a clean google search, i don't remember the exact terms i used but i was able to find it after a quick scroll down. now when i try to go look for it; its gone.
but on my search for this old ass website i found something that might be useful for other anons on their searches No. 2165088
File: 1726385456146.jpg (8.47 KB, 275x265, 1000002182.jpg)

I got brought back to the iknowwhatyoudownload post and I thought maybe it had been awhile since I had gone on. I went on tonight and found someone downloading a ton of cp. I actually reported it to my local police and their task force that specializes in tracking online creeps will be in touch with me on Monday. It's such a reach but I really hope they catch this guy. It honestly makes me sick reading those download titles. I wish nothing good to pedophiles
No. 2169183
File: 1726631339755.jpg (55.57 KB, 333x333, qqqqq.jpg)

Is there a website where you can scroll down someone's Instagram account (idc to scroll through each post one by one) without having the sign up window pop up?
One for Tumblr would be great as well if at all possible, but I doubt there is one that exists.
No. 2177434
File: 1727163445466.png (1.32 MB, 3840x2160, dy2mMEB.png)

>>2169183>One for Tumblr would be great as well if at all possible, but I doubt there is one that exists.priviblur for tumblr No. 2177834
i snooped out where my shitty asshole piece of shit coworker lives down to the floor of the building. first stalked her instagram, saw a picture of her dog next to a sports field, with the neighborhood name attached to it. i know she is a lazy piece of shit so she will never take her dog for long walks, so i knew she had to live close by. then i checked her other pictures, there was a picture of a flower taken in her balcony where you can barely see the color of her building wall and the color of the window sills. then another balcony pic of a coffee mug, with shadows on the floor on the background showing what kind of balcony railing her apartment has. next dog pic, taken in front of a small building with a sign on the wall, i suspected this is from her yard or something, like i said, she wont be taking her dog for long walks. so i google map search buildings close to the sports field with right color buildings and right balcony railings and window sills, with little shed like buildings in the yard. found the suspected area. then saw a collage of cat pics, with one of them showing the building with the sign on the wall showing out of the window, boom, found her balcony and apartment.
No. 2184854
>>2184770I have the same problem, I just tried going to that website and it wouldn't load.
>>2184746Ew holy fuck
No. 2187181
>>2187170Check out the link this nonna
>>1421706 posted, it has a list of websites and tools for snooping. You might find something helpful there
No. 2187477
File: 1727687248283.png (393.68 KB, 1058x2048, Screenshot_20240930-110601~2.p…)

>>1015417Someone here is just downloading every single black ops and gta, I bet it's a child that can't get their parents approval to buy it lmfaooo
No. 2187990
File: 1727718937228.gif (805.33 KB, 640x640, scared pepe leaves.gif)

>>1015417how big is the range for these? i found three IPs similar to mine that download child porn. is it like, someone from my city of 1 million people or is it someone next door? i wonder if there's any use reporting it to the police
No. 2188187
>>2187477There's a lot of gamers in my area, apparently.
>>2187990There are geoip tools like that won't be super accurate but will give a rough idea of where the degens might be.
No. 2192618
File: 1727998642571.gif (2.15 MB, 330x312, cat-paw.gif)

I'm trying to find information on a moid. Curiously, there is nothing on Google - the results page says has been a DMCA complaint. The complaint was issued by a leak cleaner, and the affected sites were various cam & porn sites. What do you think this means? He has acted in porn, he has been catfished and his info leaked, or what? I'm not sure how I would find out if the complaint was made by him or just by a person with the same name?
No. 2192688
File: 1728002178810.jpeg (814.34 KB, 1125x1073, 122D952A-F9F8-4A6A-860E-AEB173…)

>>2192678Very easy. Just Google the comments he has posted and limit the results to only being from reddit. If they’re longer than a sentence or more unique than just a “Looks great!” then it should come right up. If that doesn’t work check out the SRS/GRS thread on scrotefarms, they post almost everything that gets shared on Reddit as well. If you have a rough timeline or know the surgeon it will help narrow down the posts. Good luck nona!
No. 2199634
>>2198319Hmm… I'm not up to subjecting myself to the TikTok brainrot, but I'd guess that the way that site works (behind the scenes) is that it keeps track of which account views what content and maybe makes that info available to the user in whatever their equivalent of a creator dashboard is, or you get a push notification if someone views your video.
With the VPN and Xaller, that shouldn't be an issue unless you use Xaller outside a VPN, in which case if the logs are reviewed it will show your real IP to the server-side admin, and those viewer sites (iirc) all use the same social media APIs that the official site/apps use, sans login requirement.
No. 2209635
File: 1729098812929.png (18.08 KB, 1050x262, 1.png)

Are you sure there aren't cameras in your house?
No. 2213362
>>2213350[insert whatever you're wanting to see]
or Google "[random thing] tiktok" and you should see > tag
If you're on mobile, use desktop version, mlem.
No. 2249764
>>2249740Yep. It is very easy to snoop people in Sweden if you know their name. Swedes probably already know this but has every citizen on there with their age, address, job, who lives with them, property value, car, etc. You can see if they have criminal charges too for a small price and it will show you how many people looked them up that month. You can only access the site with a Swedish IP. VPN works.
No. 2265926
>>955088This thread is creepy af.
If you put that snoopy power into following digital currencies, stock market or bets, you would end up in a better place than stalking people.
(derailing/hide the thread) No. 2284988
>>2284960Pimeyes is crazy, I reverse image-searched my crush and found her on some fucked up chans I hadn’t even heard of before
sturdy and endchan she was 17 in the pic. It won’t even let me go to the thread it was posted on and obviously you’d need id to remove it
No. 2285011
File: 1733041138523.jpg (137.3 KB, 720x739, 1000000137.jpg)

>>2284988>endchan God any ib that has any variation of an agatha board needs to be lit on fire. Reminder that this is the kind of shit men document obsessively online, no underage gir is safe.
No. 2285014
File: 1733041410452.jpg (102.14 KB, 720x514, 1000000138.jpg)

>>2285011And here they are talking about a woman who was brutally murdered by an incel just like them, Bianca Devins. Think twice before talking to men online.
No. 2285016
File: 1733041749361.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.06 KB, 720x1937, 1000000140.jpg)

>>2285014Last cap, these are the comments under the image of her after the incel nearly decapitated her. Just trying to remind you guys about internet safety and that you really can't trust any of them. While people are pretending LC is some horrible corner of the internet, here's just the tip of the iceberg about how men talk on imageboards.
No. 2285023
>>2285008I don’t think there are self-posters on that site, but by creeps yes, I recognised the match as a deleted photo from her Instagram a couple years back. It had a full view of her legs in shorts so unfortunately I know exactly what purpose the photo was shared for. I scoured the site and couldn’t find the fucker who posted it but I did find one TikTok from back when she was still active. It scared me because of how unexpected it was, she’s not a cosplayer or an egirl or even feminine in presentation, just cute. The fact that I basically have confirmation that 4chan types were(/are? she was last posted in 2023) jerking off to pics of her from when she was underage is really upsetting.
>>2285011Yeah, I pretty much did I dive out of morbid curiosity and that site was sickening. I think it really was the nail in the coffin for my trust in men.
No. 2293720
>>2293706I hate to do this, but just make the account. I also miss browsing tumblr without an account, but even if you get past any restrictions, they implemented a "feature" where you get a login wall once you scroll past a certain point. If you use a password manager you don't have to worry about losing your throwaway email and password. It makes it easier to keep my snoop accounts straight kek. I'd recommend bitwarden, and protonmail for the throwaway email since outlook and google lock your account if you breathe funny these days.
Btw, the feature you're talking about is when a tumblr blog is restricted to dash view only. Tumblr did this to a lot of blogs which were adult but not violating the rules when porn ban happened. But people can also opt-in to this themselves if they want to make it harder to look at their blog, which is probably what your ex did.
No. 2293782
>>2293720I realized that after I made the post kek that it was a feature and not necessarily because his account is nsfw, since this is only recent in the last few months that I can't see it and it's been nsfw for ages. Which really makes me wonder what he's got on there now, where after 10+ years of being on Tumblr he cares now that it can't be seen to outside users. I've got an overlay blocker which generally allows me to view Tumblr and get around the log in pop up which is how I was lurking before but you're probably right, it's probably better to just bite the bullet and have a snooping account. Or just let it go kek.
>>2293723Thank you nonna I tried both and neither worked, probably because of what the other anon said where is blog is dashboard restricted. I appreciate it though!
No. 2293869
>>2293782I'm the first anon you replied to, and yes I also have something to remove overlays but it stops working sometimes, especially on mobile. Maybe I have to switch extensions, or figure out which part of the code to feed into ublock.
Tbh my rule is never snoop on exes (romantic or platonic) because it keeps them in your life longer, but everything else is a free for all. You might want to have the tumblr account in case a cow locks their blog down, or just to look at stuff you're interested in. I have a side account I use to reblog art I like, but two others for radfem cows and troons. Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm for your dash, but it will try to show you blogs similar to what you follow or interact with. That's how I find other blogs related to drama or vagueposting kek
No. 2311905
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URGENT: i found porn of a former classmate, a DUDE on do i find the sites without paying its on xvideos, i think he posted himself jerking off that little slut, i got to see it
No. 2322937
>>2322878Yeah what other
nonny said. Check downloads, pictures, and video folders. Sometimes they'll hide media but most are lazy and stupid. Email gets overlooked and everyone goes for the texts and DMs. Email might tell you if he's signed up for sites, notifications from socials he could be lying about using, hotel bookings, what he's spending money on like OnlyFans subs etc. Worth a shot to check youtube history, if he is still signed into pornhub and what he has saved or watched, if he has instagram and who is talking to. If you have enough time you could set up a keylogger on his laptop and just get everything forwarded to you. There's tutorials on how to do it though it is a bit much. Go to his browser settings and check password manager to see what logins he has auto-saved on websites. Good luck, let us know if you uncover anything.
No. 2323451
>>955088sorry if something like this has been posted already but here is a compiled masterlist of tools i use to do my snooping … . think i picked it up in a discord serv like 2019, abused ever since is also the best people search website i have, its free and like 100% of the time gives me accurate results. hope u nonas can use No. 2328970
File: 1735793307221.gif (2.09 MB, 360x202, beyonce-phone.gif)

my personal cow just posted a VERY CLEAR picture of the view from his window KEKKK great start to a new year, gifrel is what i looked like saving it in case he realizes his mistake and deletes it later.
repost dropped gif
No. 2334677
>>2334607You need to have something on the account. Follow the sort of accounts she might follow, make the sort of posts she would enjoy, hang out in her circles, and follow once you look like a real account. It's harrowing work but you're going to be seeing that and more if you get access to whatever insane shit she posts.
These people are paranoid as hell so don't follow until you've been around for a while and seem like a real account.
No. 2335152
>>2334677I spam followed a bunch of similar accounts and made a convincing bio… tbh I put it too much effort because as soon as I sent the follow request she accepted. It helped that I had an old twt account that wasn't being used so I just cleaned it out. (I also suspect that she's not vetting ppl well because she's trying to sell nudes anyway kek)
Some really concerning stuff. SH, weird dog shit, calling herself a faggot despite being a heterosexual woman, selling pics… dear god I feel like I need to call her mother. May post to personal cow thread later.
No. 2451023
File: 1742344769043.png (88.74 KB, 1405x555, ghostarchive.png) for seeing and archiving X threads (with replies included).
No. 2461472
>>2460629Is there something like this for Twitter too? Does it show if your tweets are being shared off platfom?
I don't have an account there, I often just use a Nitter instance (proxy to view twitter) to see peoples tweets but I swear there's always like one person who I like reading their posts but they seem to lock their account shortly after I view it every time like every month.