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No. 1287920
Lucinda Belinda (oswaldslunch) is a schizophrenic, bulimic cutter who is starving herself in her quest to become an 88lb unicorn.
previous threads:
>absolute trainwreck>human shitpost>not actually a bad person but she's a joy to watch crash and burn>possible larper, possible autist, 100% insane>vomits 11 times a day but is in uwu recovery and now only does it 3>chronic oversharer>24 years old>fakeboi>lives at home>diagnosed schizophenic in 2016>hasn't had social interactions in 11 years>uni drop-out>cuts herself and shows it off>mentally disabled with iq of 61 due to schizophreniaNotable updates:
>wants to be a Youtube star and has uploaded a video of her going full retard while showing off her stuffed animals>she's almost fully dependent on her family from internet use to taking a shower>currently private on twitter due to apparently receiving boolying and death threats on curiouscatInstagram:
No. 1287927
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No. 1287928
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No. 1287930
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No milk just adding something to the IQ debauchery
No. 1288096
>>1288062Are you kidding? Abby Brown's thread is peaceful and I've never seen a malicious comment there.
If you are going to act like a vile, deranged psychopath over a harmless internet stranger, don't be surprised that you attract "moralfags". Kick the chair.
No. 1288114
Recap from the last thread:
>>1280477 wants to be a deformed unicorn severely underweight and die from malnutrition and self mutilation
"The way i want to look it's my business, my body is my problem"
>>1280605 claims to have a 2 dogs, 4 cats, a pigeon and a snake. Claims to have had a mutation
>>1280764 claims to don't take the medication she needs
"Embracing my gifts, i'm done with labels, i have a special connection, other sense"
>>1280806 purged in a grocery bag
>>1280813 claims that before identifying herself as an unicorn she identified as various non-human beings: Lucifer or Leviathan, Spitter (a character from Left 4 Dead) and a Silent Hill creature
>>1280879 "when i fart while purging and then poop and pee i feel like i'm hitting a Street Fighter combo"
>>1280890 wants to have a complete body mutilation with a dolly face
>>1280905 claims to have had vomit in her hair, eyes and nose
>>1280985 got a giant fucking knife and uploaded photos of it
"Knife for protection and will also get a tazer for when i'm being followed"
>>1281154 uploaded her diagnosis, identification card, test results and other documents. Accidentally doxed her complete house adress
>>1281250 cringe tiktok of her dancing and shaking her ass awkwardly
>>1281524 >>1281527 wants to recover and be a "big bad buff, but a skelly first"
"Switch to orthorexia and become a bodybuilder, king of gains"
>>1281541 someone pointed that she had an 1D fan phase as "coffinofachimera" or "belialsmiracles"
>>1281688 >>1281707 drawings and smut +18 fanfics of her appear
The fanfics were in perfect writing. The first one was uploaded in 2016 and the last one in 2020. Some of them reached 50k-60k words
Some of the topics covered in these stories were:
Trannies, ddlg and pet play, crossdressing, deepthroating, dom/sub/BDSM, exhibitionism, and other kinks
>>1281984 someone cowtipped and she started suicidebaiting
>>1282542 came again with extreme happiness and loving everyone
>>1283364 >>1283496
>>1284014 suddenly bullshit about dimensions, aliens and cells
>>1284144 before and after of her shoops
>>1284704 "the antipshychs inhibit my potential"
>>1284715 >>1286339 made a video on Youtube having "tics", constantly winking, shaking, repeating the same word
>>1286416 claims that her brother it's her bestfriend and has access to all her social media, email, bank, online shopping and Twitter
>>1287763 claims to be a
victim of bullying, harrasing and wishing death threats
No. 1288147
>>1288096Ew calm your tits. It’s literally like two retarded anons that repeat mean shit (even tho there’s a lot of positive comments too but just ignore that and lump everyone together I guess).
> If you are going to act like a vile, deranged psychopath over a harmless internet strangerKek if you twist the words like that, you can say that for half of the threads here. The only difference is that they don’t have this many wk fags in them. Saying shit like “look at what you’ve done” and blaming the whole board is pure autism when most people just want to observe.
No. 1288173
>>1288163I follow her too
>>1288166Uhm, no speak for yourself
No. 1288193
>>1288186 reveal her post history so we can see if she's selfposting, this
>>1288166 looks so obvious
No. 1288199
>>1288185No shit. There's nothing board culture about "drink bleach and die". That's twitter vernacular
>>1288186I suspect this is the case. She's alternating between wishing harm on herself and whiteknighting. The post in the last thread that accused us of being jealous because she's lost the most weight in a short amount of time said it all, really
No. 1288205
>>1288199When I read that I assumed it was just one of the regular LCF anachans taking another opportunity to bone rattle. I was half right then, it was a Twitter anachan coming to "seethe fatty" us.
One anon hit the nail on the head when she pointed out a certain screenshot lined up perfectly with the time zone of Puerto Rico
No. 1288247
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>>1288186There would be if I would've acted quick enough to put her selfposting at >>1283179 on video instead of screenshotsSo it's all on the staff now but at the same time, a reveal might cause her to private or stop tweeting for a longer time (if she doesn't do that anyway to fake a suicide due to ecil lplcwers).
>>1288205>a certain screenshot lined up perfectly with the time zone of Puerto RicoIt's not only that, but the account she used for it, frag1leb0nes, was likely her previous one. And she seemed to have ditched it right after the oswald account was made in May and it has the same kind of spelling as her instagram name(R3velati0nz). Besides the timezone and name matching, the account also has the same mental illnesses as lucinda, also seems to have hot cocoa among their liked daily food ( >>1285828 ) and didn't even follow or ever interact with lucinda or cartoonivia, so it doesn't even make sense for them to suddenly like one completely random tweet of them like they claimed in
>>1283203 .
The account was locked after she used it here to cover up her selfposting, but you can find fractions of it on google cache. (If it shows locked and not the version from july 2nd, reload the page and it should work)'ll stop now to not cause more infighting or accidently arguing with the cow, I just wanted to add this since that's something I also noticed.
No. 1288275
>>1288269>>1288234Ok so now, once again, we have an anon who is extremely quick to mock anons who theorise on Lucinda self posting. You say an anon is more schizophrenic than Lucinda for looking at things more closely when this is the bare minimum of identifying self posts.
So, hows the weather in Puerto Rico? I'm sure the summers are lovely in such a warm country, Lucinda.
No. 1288284
>>1288166Learn 2 integrate before you start false-flagging dummy
>>1288186She's probably posting
>>1288247, but there are for sure a couple of people from edtwt aggressively white-knighting her too.
No. 1288431
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Well, she isn't private anymore, but she went from her 1,500 followers to now just three? Unless it's a glitch on my end
No. 1288433
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And deleted her recent tweet about how she was feeling, now it's just this picture
No. 1288534
>>1288247I adore your autism anon. It's what I dream of. Can we get you in the Vicky thread to dig up stuff, she's been so dry lately? Kek
I agree that the fragilebones account seems like the Lizzy Grant-equivalent dead account that didn't take off before she became Unicorn Del Ray. The drawn avatar also correlates to artistic ability. I'll trawl through the cache and see if I can dig up anything further too (yes that's pathetic, but I'm on vacation lmfao)
No. 1288548
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her dad is 70 apparently? that explains why he has no idea about her internet presence and just lets her do whatever. poor dude cant even retire in peace
No. 1288552
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>>1288539Delusion posts going all the way back to 2017, and a clear decline of her coherency. Guess it really isn't a LARP. She also talks about her brother helping with her 1D blog all the way back in 2017 so that checks out.
No. 1288554
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the rest of this post is just a massive amount of delusional religious shit about some movie, but is she saying she wants to look like a victim of auschwitz??? i know she's crazy but using that as thinspo is fucked up. maybe i'm interpreting it wrong though, it's hard to tell what she's saying.
No. 1288563
>>1288546she changed her @ to cindascanister and revelation13.1 before going back to oswaldslunch. thought it was worth checking out. she said she used to be on blogspot so.
>>1288555it would say the copyright at the bottom is 2021
No. 1288571
>>1288562If it was her she could've easily posted it herself on Twitter for ultimate pity points about how uwu far she's come uwu since according to you larpers love attention and there's max 10 ppl here and over 1k on her twitter, so why the fuck would she prioritize here instead of there? If she wanted us to see it we would've seen it anyway if she posted it on Twitter for
everyone to see.
You guys just can't get your profile on this girl straight. She's stupid enough to do this, but level 200iq enough to have a 2 year old sockpuppet account with a completely different personality, but amateur enough to send herself death threats here, even though she's supposedly an experienced farmer? It's okay to be wrong sometimes and just not fucking know anything like the rest of us.
No. 1288572
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a moment of clarity
No. 1288575
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>>1288539How tf did u find this blog? Nothing comes up when you google it and it’s not connected to anything. Also jfc she needs her internet access restricted if this is true. I feel bad for everyone involved.
No. 1288580
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>>1288575her saying that she is assisted in posting this kind of thing is the worst part, if her brother's been helping her do these things for years then i def don't feel bad for him. he should know better, if he's competent enough to be her designated assistant
No. 1288588
>>1288574>Munchies dedicate years of their lives to their shifor attention. this blog was undiscovered for 5 years, and her post saying she was schizophrenic had 1 note on her 1d blog, where she continued to crytype to 0 advantage or attention. she also never talks about her schizophrenia on oswaldslunch, so the typical larper/munchie thing just doesn't fit on a million levels. you insist she's a typical larper but she's not on literally any level. she's nothing like soren. she tweets about farts and unicorns, not meth and dead hello kitty with a knife. she isn't larping bulimia, anorexia, or sh, which are the only things she does talk about. the one thing she doesn't talk about and openly denied out of spite is the one thing we continue to get years-old evidence of that's been undiscovered because this girl
does not want attention. she gains nothing from the larp you claim she so desperately, delicately has dedicated 6 years to, just so she could not talk about it.
i swear to god i'm gonna scream if this sounds like a whitknight. but you're all sounding ridiculous. tin-fucking-foil. the nitpick is insanity.
No. 1288591
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>>1287920I’m sorry but the contrasts of these entries are sending me kek
No. 1288594
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>>1288589how does having a secret blog without even her name on it count as being a munchie when the very core point of being a munchie is missing from the equation.
No. 1288597
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more stuff about her brother
No. 1288601
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No. 1288605
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google translation of this post, any spanish anons feel free to correct errors as i do not speak spanish
Honestly, I don't even think about the ordinary. But really what is ordinary? In my life, as quje it gives me the impression that everything I think is going to come back to me like an equador, or an ehimsophero that I don't really understand yet. I hardly ever talk about what I want, anymore. The words come out but they all go away. I speak but I don't really speak in truth. I speak and speak but this is not living. I live but for what? I have to go now. I have a horrible anxiety that won't let me live. All the voices I hear don't speak to me and like, why? Why don't you talk to me? And then when I talk to them it scares my mom and she looks at me and I know she hates me and hopefully I die, because she knows that one day they will have to kill me for everything I am going to do. I think that's what really makes me sad. I know I'm going to die because I want to kill everyone. I shrink and I GET SO FIERCE !! I want to scream and kill them. People think that voices tell you bad things but they don't tell me shit. I am the bad one. I am the devil. No one can save me. No one is ever going to stop me. I have the anxiety that I HAVE to ruin everyone. I talk to people and for the moment I get this anger. And it is not the voices. It's me. I am the bad and the horrible one. I don't want to change. Why do I have to be yho? I know there are more options. It might be something spiritual, and I have to … I don't know. I know it has to do with a sect or an island or something. I can't be the only one. If I'm that bad it has to be for something. I have hunches of the future and I enter the future. And nobody believes me. But IT IS REAL. I'm already tired of being told they say you say or you are wrong! I AM NOT BAD !! I am bad and everyone is worse. I am the highest, the last, the highest to humanity. One day I'm going to kill them all and okay they might kill me. OK, I know they are going to kill me. So what? I'm already dead. Everything that comes to me is from death. The death is the most essential thing I have in my life. Sometimes people get in on me and I don't want them around anymore.
No. 1288610
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"other blog" ? she may be talking about tumblr, but there could also be another blogspot.
No. 1288714
>>1288709i wrote the names individually
cindascanister on youtube
google search cindascanister
finally i tried blogspot since she said she used to run a blog there. jackpot. i've tried with all her other urls and she doesn't have blogspot for any other one.
No. 1288735
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i think i found her tumblr? it's been inactive for a while. couldn't find anything under oswaldslunch/lucindybelindy/revelation13-1/etc on tumblr/blogspot/etc but i thought about giving revelation12 a try and found this one on tumblr.
giving me soft soren vibes minus the gore. traumacore adjacent for sure. but it's all just depression and suicide.
No. 1288737
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No. 1288784
>>1288588You guys clearly have no experience with the "uwu mysteriously sick" bbygirls of old Tumblr and even livejournal like Nicole Dollanganger. The things they /don't/ mention are always more important to the LARP than the things they do. They want people to speculate and take up for them in comments sections. "Oh no, don't talk about her schizophrenia!"
>>1288581And the sudden use of religious stuff. And mentioning "her brother" managing her account. She reads here clearly. She says so herself.
>>1288539The whole thing smacks of Lucia Cole.
No. 1288815
>>1288792soren was a pedophile who wrote child snuff it was fun to speculate about her. lucinda is an embarrassment who's harmless to everyone but herself and a lot of people have expressed positive feelings towards her so obviously a lot of people will at
least find it stupid to constantly compare her to genuine garbage and use it to obsessively nitpick and give her the soren treatment.
tldr; a lot of us believe her and find it horrifying and milky and are eagerly waiting for more schizo adventures from this brand new fresh horrorcow, not a soren replacement
No. 1288879
>>1288815>eagerly waiting for more schizo adventures from this brand new fresh horrorcow, not a soren replacementThis. I don't know why people misinterpret this as whiteknighting. I'm fascinated by Lucinda the self harming, bulimic schizophrenic who thinks she can starve into an enlightened unicorn. If it all turns out to be fake let it happen in a huge bombshell. But the nitpicking is extremely tiring and fucking boring since the proof heavily outweighs the debunking.
Soren is boring. Soren is dead. Say it all you want but Lucinda is not your average traumacore Hello Kitty xanax egirl and she's not a Nicole copycat. My God, this bitch is actually something new. And for once, she's not an OF scammer pedophile cunt. She's just humiliating herself and disgusting the masses while crytyping about how misunderstood she is like the daft, clueless retard she is. And she's new. So, so new. Everything old we have of her so far just verifies that she's been a schizophrenic directioner since 2016. So we can just sit back and sip the fresh milk and relax and watch without headsplitting tinfoiling. We can point and laugh and find more hidden gems like her tranny directioner fic.
Can we do that? Without someone crying larp/munchie/Soren? How is that more entertaining than what I just said?
No. 1288952
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No. 1288969
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No. 1288970
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No. 1288999
>>1288993Lucinda is so emotionally stunted that she dresses like a toddler and hangs out online with 14-17 year olds on Twitter. Mentally shes in the zone for edgelord behaviour
That being said, this is a legitimately concerning thing to discover about Lucinda and I have to wonder if one day we might see a particularly violent outcome
No. 1289003
>>1288969I thought she was asexual
>>1288976I think she means she has help in the bathroom? She was complaining in a recent post that her family help her with everything and said they might as well help her shit. I think this is more of that
No. 1289016
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No. 1289036
>>1289027there's a difference between someone dressing intentionally immature in a "kawaii" way and someone who only wears nightgowns with butterfly patterns on them
>>1289029then just leave and stop shitting up the thread simply because you have a hate boner for anyone who dares to find a new cow interesting? nta but that wasn't a "glowing review" , it was them pointing out how infighting and pictures of tinfoil hats doesn't change the fact that lucinda tracks as being genuinely insane. stay mad.
No. 1289062
>>1289036"Hate-boner" anon it really is time to stop.
Both the complainers and aggressive asskissers should leave.
No. 1289127
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>>1289016 bitch be looking like Santa Claus after a blunt
No. 1289132
>>1289045Agreed anon, this place reeks of newfaggotry in general but also a younger cohort of posters, who are less internet savvy and experienced in the fine art of online people watching. Fascinating to see how easily people take things at face value these days.
>>1289016she looks like ed sheeran here in the worst way possible
No. 1289170
>>1289016Does she hate her race? Serious question. She makes herself look sickly, dyes her hair blonde, cuts her pretty brown skin, wants to be a white unicorn, acts retarded- and she’s trying to get to 88lbs, and 88 is a nazi call out number.
Is this all some self loathing cope because of internalized racism?
No. 1289182
>>1289178Even if she says it, that can’t be true. What children’s movie calls out the weight that way? That’s bizarre.
Any farmers who have seen the movie who can confirm or deny that?
People who say she isn’t like Soren are forgetting that Soren was a mask obsessed with gore and trauma. I’d argue it’s the same for Lucinda- the only difference is the aesthetic.
Reading how she wants people to suffer is so jarring from her “uwu” unicunt shit.
No. 1289189
>>1289170Sick people look pale and corpse-like, unicorns are usually white.
>dyes her hair blondeYou're trying really hard
No. 1289222
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Oh babygirl no…
No. 1289241
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this is the worst she has ever looked
No. 1289251
>>1289189Nah, it’s a reasonable question to ask. Someone who hates themselves that much and hyper focuses on some weird Nazi call out number while trying to erase any semblance of their brownness? You don’t have to be a full blown racist or support them to hate yourself in that way.
She wouldn’t be wasting away or cutting herself if she cared for herself, in any case- she admits to it in some of her spergs that she feels worthless.
No. 1289347
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Saged for fashion autism, but I found these as examples of clothes that would both suit her unicorn style and match her skin tone at the same time. This kind of pale dress lace look kinda seems more fairytale than the kids clothes she wears or Jfashion. Plus it would make her feel more like Amalthea
No. 1289415
>>1289409They're really something. To think anyone would be jealous of Ms. Unicorn Flapjack Titties >>1289400.
This had better be a selfpost, otherwise I'm praying you get the help you need, anon
No. 1289428
>>1289416>>1289415Nobody is jealous of Lucinda? Not a single anon had said they want to be like her, you speds. The only thing that people have done similar to that is point out small ways she could look more like a unicorn. Accusing anons of being jealous of an ana chan
screams projection. You must be fat
>>1289374Tbf a 20 something year old should be moving on from the uwu childish aesthetic. Encouraging her to dress more her age would be better
No. 1289436
look back on the other thread and see the spergs
No. 1289544
>>1289491Is it possible the reason she is so upset about the threads is because she doesn't want people to see all the "I wish suffering on others" stuff and have it conflict with her unicorn positivity image? I mean yeah most people would be upset if they found a thread about themselves on a gossip but it makes me wonder
>>1289433>>1289491Pretty sure anon just meant accusing anons of being jealous of Lucinda is retarded and that thinking people would actually be jealous of a low functioning anachan can only be done by people who think her body is worth being envious of (aka anachans)
No. 1289651
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No. 1289687
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The rigidity of this routine is interesting
No. 1289709
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>>1287920I wonder what changed her mind about the silver/white. Anyway, it looks better in periwinkle. I think it might be an Amalthea inspired choice since Amalthea has a lavender tint in the movie
No. 1289713
>>1289687Nanny Cam
>When the beloved, elderly nanny of the Kessler family begins to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, they hire a young, pretty new nanny who might not be as sunny as her outward exterior implies.Chicken Run
>While the chickens on evil Mrs. Tweedy's farm dream of a better life, a clever hen named Ginger is hatching plans to fly the coop - for good!The Last Unicorn
>In this animated musical, the villainous King Haggard (Christopher Lee) plots to destroy all the world's unicorns. When a young unicorn (Mia Farrow) learns that she's in danger and that she may soon be the last of her kind, she leaves the safety of her protected forest and enlists the help of Schmendrick (Alan Arkin), a gentle, albeit clumsy, sorcerer. Together, they embark on a long and dangerous journey with one goal: to defeat Haggard and save the unicorns from extinction.I'm just. Fascinated. Endless questions. She lives off a diet of lollipops and diet coke and gets a dose of this content on repeat every single day. Rotting not only her body but her brain. What a magical unicorn!!1!
No. 1289730
>>1289711Imagine if people wrote shit like this about the equally godawful make-up and style choices in the old Asherbee threads kek. It's all so forced, I don't know why these anons don't just go back to twitter and send her their dress recommendations over private messages.
>>1289615The name has absolutely no results on any search engine.
No. 1289756
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>>1289743From the revelation12 blog. Looks like the makeup style she chooses.
No. 1289792
>>1289647what is with the superiroity complex anons, it's getting old.
>kek so gulliblego back to 4chan and do your sherlock larping there.
No. 1289838
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>>1287920she’s posting body checks, her followers need to stop enabling this shit 1/2
No. 1289852
>>1289840>>1289843these enablers are insane
>>1289847not an edtwt thing, just a lucinda thing. they're saying she looks like the unicorn, because that's what she wants people to say.
No. 1289857
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Of course her followers would be washed up Nicole Dollanganger fans.
No. 1290014
>>1289956I dunno, I don't think Lucinda's gonna die because of their influence. This is all pretty standard edtwt stuff. It would only kill her if she wanted it to take it that far. I mean, look at Ashley Isaacs and Shmegeh. Those two are somehow still alive.
>>1289785Underrated comment kek
No. 1290301
>>1289728this comment nearly made me spit out my drink
All unicorns follow a regime of the three C's:
Chicken Run
No. 1290534
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Her presence is such an enigma
No. 1290587
some of those things you gotta take off your panties first, my dear.
No. 1290758
File: 1628093632305.jpg (2.59 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_08-04-09.13.17.jpg)

I have autism
No. 1290762
>>1290534i've been laughing on and off about this all day, i'll be doing something else and "pee and fart" pops into my head. never change, lucinda
>>1290758if there ends up being another thread, this has to be the pic
No. 1290839
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This account it's from a 16-year-old, just did a question and she dropped her nudes, a whole adult showing her tits to minor strangers.
No. 1290841
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No. 1290847
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>>1290841I like the anime vibe kek
No. 1290849
I'm with
>>1290843 even if we buy into her diagnosis we're suddenly excusing this? If it's not okay for CWC, it's not okay for Lucinda. You can tell she knows right from wrong in that she's all about positivity and hides that grusome blogspot.
No. 1290858
>>1290849 samefag, I meant to tag
>>1290845 with "convenient." But my point stands. "I'm sick" doesn't give her a pass to expose herself to kids online.
No. 1290864
>>1290858no worries, i figured you meant to respond to them in the first bit
>>1290862she's 24, easily old enough to know that promoting and discussing ED behaviours with kids (or hey, even just publicly whatsoever) is wrong.
No. 1290870
>>1290868that sounds like pretty standard woke-twitter-doublethink nonsense, but still, that in itself contributes to people like her creating these harmful, even predatory environments while still deluding themselves into thinking they aren't doing anything wrong. like, "yeah i have an account entirely based around self harm, but i'm "pro recovery" so it's super okay! i only throw up 3 times a day, not 11!" and then unsupervised teens eat that shit up, no pun intended.
where's the line when it comes to cowtipping on this sort of thing? could someone pose as a follower and try to message her in a way that comes off as good faith? sorry again for moralfagging.
No. 1290890
>>1290849we really comparing this to raping your dementia-riddled mother? What kind of scrote logic is that?
Some of you are desperate to a-log about this girl. Her tits are censored in the second photo.
No. 1290893
File: 1628103967374.jpg (33.2 KB, 720x375, 20210804_160425.jpg)

She's here lurking. This is the definitive confirmation. The tweet disappeared.
No. 1290896
File: 1628104229826.jpg (623.69 KB, 828x1309, IMG_1054.jpg)

>>1290893she probably deleted it cause of this
No. 1290903
File: 1628105556112.jpg (537.04 KB, 1080x1809, IMG_20210804_213201.jpg)

>>1290868Sure, meanwhile 3 may or may not years earlier:
No. 1291014
File: 1628109056961.jpg (345.76 KB, 1080x1357, Screenshot_20210804-162918.jpg)

No. 1291027
File: 1628110253716.png (81.83 KB, 880x418, lmao.png)

LMAOO what's with these spergs nowadays infantilizing themselves anyway? calling themselves children and shit? You say child I expect a 10 year old, not a 16 year old lol
No. 1291182
>>1291134there's nothing confusing about her having a 3 year old account documenting her psychosis tho. she was completely incoherent. whether or not she's schizo we were clearly reading through someone's delusional thinking.
>>1291131ehh no proof it was hers and just as likely another edgelord dollanganger tumblrfag
No. 1291228
>>1291204you have to watch it 3 times to get the true experience anon.
>>1291218where at? i saw paintings on last thread but they just seemed like something she found online to fit her vibe to post on twitter
No. 1291232
File: 1628133281122.jpg (22.89 KB, 512x512, tumblr_dd8cead306d179a5b31c16c…)

I can't post a screenshot because the site doesn't allow to take one, but here's some information about the account and the picture of the profile. It could be useful if somebody knew from where it's the photo, or the name of the character, i didn't found too much. There's this link:
Username: revelation12
Blog Title: i can't take it
Total Posts: 2498
Allows Ask: No
Ask (anon): No
# of Likes: Not Shared
Shares Likes: No
Explicit ("nsfw"): No
Time Zone: US/Eastern (or not set)
Time in that Zone: 10:50 PM (Wed, Aug 4)
Blog Age
(Oldest Post): Thu, 06 Dec 2018 02:54:10 -0500
about 3 years ago
Posts Per Day: 2.6
Last Update: Tue, 12 May 2020 11:00:13 -0400
about 15 months ago
Most Recent Post:
Tue, 12 May 2020 11:00:13 -0400
about 15 months ago
Recent Activity
(last 8 posts): about 15 months ago
No. 1291242
>>1291218you're blind to her incredible glowup anon. she's tweeting about farts
and watching chicken run 3 times a night while listening to 90s european pop music and believing she's a unicorn. you wish you were her.
No. 1291463
File: 1628174376527.jpg (44.03 KB, 720x221, 20210805_113609.jpg)

Protect your gardens
No. 1291465
File: 1628174417899.jpg (56.38 KB, 720x317, 20210805_113644.jpg)

No. 1291521
>>1291463theres no way any of us can keep our gardens safe now that the unicorn queen has control of the elements and influence around her.
if only i'd be so blessed to find her eating weeds off my sidewalk while peeing and farting, alas.
No. 1291872
File: 1628209782426.jpeg (251.84 KB, 828x697, 16FA06ED-34C7-4FD5-B36B-AC0025…)

No. 1291874
File: 1628209810030.jpeg (252.92 KB, 828x869, B36C05D0-E413-4180-8DDC-ABE2BF…)

No. 1291892
File: 1628211164179.jpeg (375.42 KB, 1242x737, 0C54DCC7-144D-4CFD-960D-80632F…)

shit-tier trolling going on in CC questions it seems.
No. 1291900
>>1291650nta but there's more than that, e.g. this screenshot from
54 seconds ago >>1290896She has 26 followers on there, idk if you can do notifs from that site but a screenshot with such a short time delay is generally a giveaway it is taken by the poster
No. 1291939
File: 1628217707578.jpeg (211.54 KB, 1242x571, 6144D447-0501-4627-AF3C-BC10CA…)

No. 1291941
File: 1628217797400.jpg (175.67 KB, 720x634, 20210805_203958.jpg)

More unicorn music recs. Also she DEFINITELY doesn't like Nicole Dollanganger guys and her getting asked about her had nothing at all to do with Nicole being mentioned here multiple times
No. 1292125
>>1292081Most of it would be the screeching voices in her little dumbhead that tell her to destroy everything she comes across.
Like her skin, bodyparts, public reputation and English grammar.
No. 1292589
File: 1628293790106.jpg (706.86 KB, 1458x2592, W5F6SA5G6AEH.jpg)

That cursed black room behind her.
No. 1292591
File: 1628293876300.png (1000.79 KB, 1500x1500, M5GJ35GDHS6.png)

Sage for nitpicking but look at these lines in her mouth. Disgusting.
No. 1292615
File: 1628298877818.jpg (243.47 KB, 720x789, 20210806_191318.jpg)

>>1292591Since we're nitpicking, her skin is a war zone. Those blackheads and that red angry zit on her forehead. I feel like I'm gonna break out just looking at this
No. 1292621
File: 1628301040689.jpg (33.26 KB, 465x509, P56IOP56O.jpg)

>>1292615 blackheads and grease because the poor hygiene, i want to bust them, they look uncomfortable
No. 1292625
File: 1628301276627.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.5 KB, 658x553, I56FY6UO5DT.jpg)

and the infected and bloody cuts, stains and hairs, sorry again for the sperging
No. 1292655
File: 1628306670155.jpg (Spoiler Image,508.75 KB, 1152x2048, E7TWOPMWQAEWwlE.jpeg.jpg)

>>1292636she's talked about "hitting styro" when she cuts which is the layer of skin that turns white, and those always heal as hypertrophic. in the curly blonde pictures with the horns you can see most of her chest scars are red and the skin is completely raised. she's a cutter but they're no cat scratches, she goes deeper than that. she's gonna seriously regret mutilating her body in such hard to hide places. you can tell she does it for attention lol.
No. 1292876
>>1292770sage for upcoming sh sperg
styro is the dermis, the layer just underneath the epidermis which is the top layer of skin. below
that is fat, which is yellow and bubbly thus called beans.
cat scratches don't go past the epidermis so they can't scar hypertrophic. they'd be dark due to her skin color but you can see her cuts are rubbery from the new skin that had to grow to cover the open styro wound.
No. 1293239
File: 1628357191983.png (87.91 KB, 719x409, based.png)

No. 1293287
>>1293243Fan club? I think you mean cult in worship to our unicorn overlord,
nonnie. Drink the sugar free diet kool aid
No. 1293302
File: 1628364520171.jpg (255.47 KB, 1077x775, Screenshot_20210807-152734.jpg)

No. 1293451
File: 1628371731962.jpeg (187.38 KB, 1170x562, 36B8132D-6A01-4DD7-A745-18C510…)

saw this tweet and thought of dear lucinda, unfortunately she does.
No. 1293550
File: 1628377579227.jpg (251.15 KB, 1080x775, Screenshot_20210807-190132.jpg)

she hasn't been this proana in a minute. wonder what triggered her. also anyone else getting deathspo vibes? as in that she probably looks that shit up? i don't think it's even possible for the adult human body to be alive at 50lbs.
No. 1294238
File: 1628439320413.jpeg (342.6 KB, 1152x2048, E8RiRl7WYAEB2xk.jpeg)

No. 1294239
File: 1628439364488.jpeg (374.87 KB, 1152x2048, E8RiRl6XEAE_9L1.jpeg)

No. 1294249
File: 1628440401919.jpg (907.25 KB, 2560x1837, 91CqnxyxJbL.jpg)

>>1294244I know, right? She looks like her family.
No. 1294903
>>1294818You're posting on lolcow, retard. This thread will be held to the same standards as others here. If you don't like
that, you can find somewhere else to air your stanning.
No. 1295675
File: 1628492631559.jpeg (486.97 KB, 1620x703, 560BD6B8-7D17-47F9-B9AE-A99C76…)

No. 1295753
>>1294335>>1294353Saged but just admit you don't like threads where anons arent foaming at the mouth with disdain and go. Some of Lolcow Farms most popular threads are just anons latching onto someone who is a bit fat, is kinda ugly, is just some random OnlyFans whore, or girls who photoshop. None of them are particularly milky. However, everyone is happy to nitpick at the tiniest things and clog the thread with useless tinfoil. Their
all shit if you're going to measure a cow by milk alone, absolutely none of the fuckers are milky with the exception of Lillee Jean and that Janke girl.
You always have the option to just minimize the thread. I don't see the big deal in her having a thread if people are expressing clear interest in Lucinda
No. 1295975
>>1295971samefag and tinfoil, but i think her family doubling down on trying to get her help is what's making her so desperate. before she used to happily brag about purging and once she started being in recovery for her family and begun treatment at doctors to "find something wrong with her" it's
triggered her anxiety and helplessness. not to mention she already expressed frustration with her disability leaving her unable to even shower on her own. she's lost her last comfort. ed's are about control. and as far as we know, lucinda feels she has none. suicide by turning herself into a walking skelly must be her final hurrah, kind of like a magnum opus.
/autist finfoil
No. 1295993
Does she have a husband or a boyfriend?
This anon
>>1292628 suggest someone may be taking care of her self-harm cuts
Or is it a handler? Is she actually disabled enough to need one?
No. 1296107
File: 1628528087789.jpg (375.54 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20210809-125208.jpg)

She removed "recovery" from her bio and added back "shtwt"(self harm twitter). She also tweeted about relapsing. Everything's gone downhill since she stopped taking her antipsychotics, full stop.
No. 1296746
File: 1628584712750.jpeg (238.87 KB, 750x661, CCD4082A-8DA0-42DA-B6C5-CF42B3…)

why has nobody posted it here
No. 1296833
>>1296667Anon, the fact that most of EDtwt think they're vampires and dogs is more to do with the fact that EDtwt people are the same people making TikToks claiming to have advanced DID systems where all their alternate personalities have anime names or animorph into TommyInnit during times of stress
>>1296813She's in Peurto Rico, not the USA. As far as I know the mental health system is shit their so it's hard to tell. Maybe they'll chuck her out quickly or maybe they'll suck her in forever
No. 1296924
>>1296765That 3rd-class animation movie is so criminally
Except Christopher Lee's voice, of course.
No. 1296967
Chicken Run is better
No. 1296989
File: 1628606976290.jpeg (735.59 KB, 1242x1292, 51700BBC-A188-425D-B427-09C48A…)

>>1296833seems like she’s bad enough for them to want to send her stateside for treatment.
No. 1297021
>>1297012when she gets out of the psych ward we're all watching chicken run 3 times to celebrate the return of our possibly recovered fully normie medicated queen.
could you imagine if it all just stops. the ed, the corpse shoop, the crytyping, the unicorn shite, the schizo, everything, and she just pops back in at 150lbs to say hey i'm doing great see y'all weird bitches.
what a trip that would be.
No. 1297026
>>1296989Now that's wonderful news, and lots of fresh milk.
No medical support in the shithole spic country she lives in.
And sending her to AMMERIKUH will bleed her parents out, slowly but steady.
No. 1297068
>>1296924The book shits on the movie (and most of fantasy novels tbh), IDK why she hasn't read it? is it too exhausting?
>>1296746Good luck, Lucinda!
No. 1297097
File: 1628613082336.png (1.29 MB, 750x933, IMG.png)

>>1296867It's definitely extreme escapism, and also just mentally ill edgy teenagers/young adults who want to be different since their anorexia alone won't make them stand out there like it does in real life.
Sorry for double posting, forgot to sage first time.
No. 1297102
File: 1628613194700.png (197.19 KB, 535x465, 1112x.png)

just uploaded around 20 minutes ago
No. 1297409
File: 1628628154973.png (330.78 KB, 630x523, ksf3.png)

Tweet from a few hours ago, on some sort of drip.
No. 1297530
File: 1628639565872.png (429.04 KB, 678x738, lucinda.png)

Looks like she won't be having the phone for a while if she's actually sent to a psych ward after getting medical treatment
No. 1297565
File: 1628643562742.png (510.92 KB, 698x1024, psych ward patient party .png)

>>1297554None of them seem sincere. They want her to relapse so she comes back.
No. 1297566
>>1296746Sorry for ask but how she ended in the hospital? She wanted to do it or her family forced her to go?
>>1297519What was your experience there?
I don't know what's her height, but if she's like 5"-5"1-5"2 she could reach 88lbs. She would be underweight but alive. But if she's tall it wouldn't be possible.
No. 1297568
File: 1628643919431.jpg (218.92 KB, 1161x2064, PGIU56OL5KUGI6L.jpg)

She was in an ambulance for a while and then she was sent to the facility at night.
No. 1297570
File: 1628644050096.jpg (191.24 KB, 1161x2064, lol.jpg)

showing her cuts with that thing on her wrist must be her deathcore dream
No. 1297602
>>1297565Oh, interesting, the first reply is
>>1297097These people are so sad. Hopefully one day they'll realize they need to face reality.
No. 1297719
File: 1628673707341.jpg (139 KB, 625x753, catgood.jpg)

>>1297530They took away her phone..!
No. 1297721
>>1297570Those are not CUTS.
Those are SCRATCHES.
nonnie, this isnt the self harm olympics.
No. 1297814
>>1297721>>1297603This place is chock full of edtwt and shtwt uwus, I reckon. I also have a theory
>>1297565 is everyone eagerly posting here with bated breath. I hope this utterly irrelevant chick never posts again after her hospital stay so this thread can stop shitting up snow.
No. 1298091
File: 1628713378420.jpg (56.03 KB, 585x367, lucinda.jpg)

No. 1298092
File: 1628713495759.jpg (30.01 KB, 588x175, lucinda2.jpg)

No. 1298096
File: 1628713670292.jpg (36.39 KB, 588x370, lucinda3.jpg)

No. 1298158
File: 1628718185738.png (242.6 KB, 719x1030, Twt.png)

>>1297565This person has locked his account since you posted it here.
No. 1298642
File: 1628785815169.jpg (250.41 KB, 928x517, Chaplin_family_1961.jpg)

>>1298548>>1298577The famous Chaplin familiy has a hearty laugh at your inept reasoning.
No. 1298665
File: 1628788820543.jpg (92.72 KB, 1200x800, skulls.jpg)

(racebait) No. 1298669
File: 1628789593642.jpg (122.62 KB, 1278x865, nonce.JPG)

>>1298642Being a sexual predator is nothing to laugh at.
No. 1298681
>>1298669Cut the crap, anon.
It's about the ability to produce kids even at some advanced age. That guy proved it.
No retards/waterheads/windowlickers whatsoever.
No. 1298692
>>1298684That guy married his wife in 1943 and stayed with her until his death 1977. He fathered eight children with her. All healthy and without genetic defects. So why shouldn't he be a family man in your opinion?
Do that math for yourself and use Google if you're still confused about it.
No. 1298699
>>1298697But not a "family man". Which was your point.
/derailing about CC
No. 1298718
>>1297568Inpatient treatment = She'll be flying as high as a kite.
No unicorns, no chickens for her right now.
No. 1298760
>>1298742Self harm with cutting, full cessation of eating? Illusions of transforming into magic unicorns?
She's gonna get some proper psych medication for that, sure as hell. A lot of downers, very probably.
There's no point talking to her or doing group therapy, along with that extreme history of hers.
No. 1299165
>>1298822Even if. There might be no proper "healing" except zapping her with heavy sedation.
There is no way she gets some proper treatment in that third-world banana country she dwells in (Puerto Rico?)
She can't stay in the U.S. forever and it will cost her parents a shitload of money they probably don't have. She'll be a hopeless retard in every country she's being sent to.
No. 1300630
>>1300593There is no possible way to 'cure' these people at that stage.
Look what she's done to herself so far. She's into it far too deep for these soft measures.
Just fuggeddaboutit.
No. 1300739
File: 1629059375087.jpg (153.47 KB, 617x482, KFG6K5GU6K5.jpg)

>>1297519 if you're correct, Lucinda is here right now. The place is quite large, there's a metal fence surrounding it and some cars. Around there's a lot of garbage and a supermarket cart.
No. 1300741
File: 1629059666349.jpg (36.09 KB, 467x242, N826J2GM3FM2.jpg)

No. 1301117
>>1300739Now that's what I call a shitty place.
But I'd rather stay on the ugly outside of that building. It will be much worse inside of it, being forced to take some tranquilizers all day. Like a unicorn would do.
No. 1301213
>>1300593Worksheets. Thought redirection. With a close-to-retard, critical patient. Dream on.
Chances are that she will remain a burden for her family and/or tard wrangler for the rest of her days.
No. 1301270
File: 1629127236654.jpeg (302.73 KB, 1621x2048, tard.jpeg)

Just a friendly reminder that she has been diagnosed and/or treated before.
Document is from March 2020 (and its statement clear enough).
No. 1301386
>>1301332Signature says "Doctor" and has got a licence registration number.
Good enough for me.
No. 1301522
>>1300741This sadly is legit. Looks exactly as my old medical records, they use the same broken English and fonts.
>>1300739>>1300741Hermanos Melendez doesn't have a proper psych ward, you usually get sent there to get stabilized and then you get transferred to Capestrano or some other dedicated psych ward.
No. 1302386
File: 1629250527600.jpg (529.66 KB, 1080x989, Screenshot_20210817-212432.jpg)

Yep, looks like she got treated in one of those grubby psych wards in that shithole country she lives in. Couldn't have been fun. It would seem she was held for 7 days. Against her will?
No. 1302465
>>1302429Psych wards are really not the best places at all, and the one she went to looks like a shithole. They don’t really care about helping you, it’s just forcing whatever drugs they feel like and it can be way too strong and just to sedate you. If it was mixed gender then the men there usually have anger issues, are hyper sexual, scary, and creepy. It’s really chaotic and the staff can fuck with you too if they want, in a place like that I’m sure they get away with a lot of things. She’s probably back to whatever coping mechanisms she had and whatever comfort she has through the internet. It’s sad and I hope she has a way to get private care that will help her grow as a person, and find the right medication.
Did anyone watch chicken run
No. 1302475
>>1302465exactly, she lives in a shithole country and adult pyschiatric hospitals are already chaotic. she's also a self mutilated schizophrenic, so there's a loooot of by-the-book protocol i can see them using on her. she's antiverbal, has a ritualistic schedule of vomiting and chicken run, and for all we know isn't even some uwu fairy waif at home and is actually some screaming maniac keeping her family in living hell. we just don't know the circumstances.
but it has to be
bad if she went from calling it funsies unicorn healing to just calling it traumatic and never speaking about it again.
and yes, actually, i did watch chicken run. it was enjoyable. and i can't believe this someone all about uwu magical enchanting unicorns and fairies watches it 5 times a night every single night. the woman is hysterical, and the milk from all her unhinged yet benign adventures is delicious. waiting for the next fart tweet.
No. 1302566
I think being around other severely mentally ill people is the traumatic stuff. Lucinda doesn't see herself as mentally ill, she identifies herself as a delicate unicorn, and that's not really going to fit well in a ward full of violent schizos or screaming vegetables. Hell I'd be traumatised if I had to spend time in a not-so-good psyche place surrounded by frightening people and staff following me around all the time, forcing me to take meds and not even letting me piss alone
>>1302465Bionicpig uploaded a review of Chicken Run exactly when Lucinda was being sent to psyche. First of all, that is a sign of her power. Second of all, Chicken Run is apparently a commentary on women in the workforce and life in general, so our queen is preaching the real shit every day by studying Chicken Run (the feminist text)
No. 1302620
>>1302405That's because you had wrong or exaggerated expectations..? Some days of psych treatment in a third-world banana country won't turn a schizo cow into a model citizen.
She doesn't even know how fucked she is.
No. 1302637
>>1302635Samefag here. I had to fix some typos.
Got a problem with that..?
No. 1302786
File: 1629302537211.jpg (46.79 KB, 720x298, 20210818_125953.jpg)

No. 1302788
File: 1629302567450.jpeg (415.33 KB, 1152x2048, E9E40v3XoAcR24-.jpeg)

No. 1302794
File: 1629302868272.jpeg (444.02 KB, 1152x2048, E9E4y9LX0AQiqSO.jpeg)

looking more dirty than usual
No. 1302822
>>1302786Holy shit, 75?? I think an anon in the last thread predicted that she'd choose 75 since the ana goal always moves further and further away
Theres no way they've let her out of a medical facility in a mental state where she is willing to go to 75lbs this is nuts
No. 1302857
>>1302786Another run, little unicorn warrior, keep gallopping until We ArE iN fAiRyLaNd!
The last 60 lbs are always the hardest.
No. 1302864
>>1302786Well, there you go.
One whole week of hospital healthcare, including medication and an ambulance transport, just pissed in the wind. Fun thing is, those retards won't really learn because there's no reasoning with them.
So let's have fun while it lasts.
No. 1302876
>>1302829If there really was some law against shitty movies, this Wallace & Gromit guy would be shot on the spot for his uninspired, unfunny wank pieces.
And I take a huge dump on his whole work, Academy Awards my ass.
No. 1302877
>>1302848Not a nose.
It's a unicorn snout.
There's a difference.
No. 1302883
File: 1629309343246.png (38.61 KB, 598x158, Screenshot_2021-08-18 lucinda …)

Happy purgin', little unicorn!
Let the acid juices flow.
No. 1302896
File: 1629309997628.jpg (85.19 KB, 2844x428, combo.jpg)

Always a fighter
No. 1302897
>>130288340 dollars in gummy bears
Things like that and chicken run are funny then it’s like this is a person with a violent eating disorder and inappropriate mental health care.
No. 1302930
File: 1629312843145.png (462.73 KB, 598x455, Screenshot_2021-08-18 ( oswald…)

Could anyone with a Twitter account do something about it and report that?
No cowtipping here, but she's obviously spinning outta control.
No. 1302939
>>1302930What about putting on one of those electric shock collars for unruly dogs.
I would zap the hell out of her every time if she did this kind of shit.
No. 1302975
Holy crap.
No. 1302993
File: 1629317506826.png (34.74 KB, 598x158, Screenshot_2021-08-18 lucinda …)

I am not gonna say the v-word.
But it's quite obvious.
No. 1303069
File: 1629324189138.jpg (52.1 KB, 669x292, fart.JPG)

No. 1303085
my fucking sides
No. 1303117
File: 1629326984241.png (488.89 KB, 493x578, 1627356207894.png)

Why, just why?
Btw, I really liked chubby Lucinda.
Looks just like your average spic shelf stacker at WalMart.
No. 1303193
File: 1629337691911.jpg (28.39 KB, 593x235, notfunnydidntlaugh.jpg)

>what a funny and quirky troll
No. 1303239
File: 1629344031352.jpg (241.91 KB, 1080x1167, IMG_20210819_053220.jpg)

No. 1303506
File: 1629383668339.jpeg (135.81 KB, 828x315, B6119C6D-F9A5-42A1-9A57-7B0AF7…)

No. 1303507
File: 1629383716377.jpeg (597.71 KB, 828x1248, 5A6ADF14-E033-47A4-9A5B-6C9957…)

No. 1303536
>>1303533anachans throw away food and flush it down the toilet all the time..
>"greedy wasteful pig" do you know how addictions work? the urges to binge and purge for bulimics are incredibly strong and hard to resist. that's like telling a heroin addict to just stop taking heroin because "it's unhealthy n shizz"
No. 1303686
>>1303685ayrt i get what you mean but some people are just able to purge anything at a certain point, even the things that are usually hard like bread, chips etc.. like eventually everything becomes easy to get up.
but who knows tbh she may be lying i wouldn't put it past her
No. 1304061
>>1303948Idk this person besides the chicken run, if her parents know you would think they would get her care like inpatient very quickly especially if they’re willing to send her to the states to get it. Bulimia I think has the highest mortality rate out of any mental illness, it severely fucks your shit up and like others pointed out a lot of very serious things can go on during purging. After having to go to a bad psych ward I’m surprised her parents aren’t spending more time with her or finding some form of support. If this is the only outlet she has she’s just going to keep repeating it, and purging makes it impossible to think straight on top of whatever other issues she has.
Her parents should take her to a chicken farm or watch chicken run together
No. 1304093
File: 1629419940835.jpeg (433.78 KB, 1152x2048, E9LuzUNX0Agwf5d.jpeg)

No. 1304094
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No. 1304095
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No. 1304105
File: 1629420910035.jpg (53.43 KB, 720x382, 20210819_214220.jpg)

I wonder what happened in the hospital.
No. 1304107
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No. 1304327
>>1304153Since they might have been the ones behind the recent hospital trip, I guess not.
But if
Luci The Unicorn carries on like that they might have to give her the boot pretty soon.
No. 1304331
>>1304259Those anons are right. There are just some snowflakes that cannot be reasoned with.
Even the dumbest one will understand pain.
Modern society just thinks it's inhumane and lets them carry on with their shit.
No. 1304372
File: 1629445934851.png (423.33 KB, 598x395, Screenshot 2021-08-20 lucinda.…)

Girl might be a retard but she's still a little manipulative fuck.
Just look how she's got that nerve.
No. 1304399
>>1304397She looks like a cholera
victim, that's what she does. Just stop whiteknighting this tard.
No. 1304863
>>1304372It’s the same makeup as the dolls, she’s sick enough and hopefully doesn’t let people troll her into being more sick. She shouldn’t respond to those comments in this thread and get into support groups. There’s nothing she can do from home.
The person writing weird fever dream comments about the pain you’d like to put her in is very male, saying it’s creepy doesn’t make you a white knight. No one cares about those comments and they contribute nothing.
Back on topic and the most important matter, if she reads here I wonder what she thinks about the overwhelming chicken run support she has
No. 1305027
>>1304863Chicken Run is still a meaningless mess of a movie.
/Women's lib my ass.
No. 1305311
>>1304863Just admit it - You wanna be one of her Twitter fans that wipe her ass for every retarded message that documents her spesshul unicorn transformashun. That's why you're whiteknighting and playing the internet humanitarian around here?
She needs some hard medicine and chances are that she won't improve at all. So you better suck it up, Mother Teresa.
No. 1305451
File: 1629560930809.png (21.48 KB, 598x158, Screenshot 2021-08-21 lucinda.…)

Words fail me. What kind of brain salad is this..?
No. 1305454
File: 1629561250911.png (18.1 KB, 598x138, Screenshot 2021-08-21 lucinda2…)

She's back to "recovery"!
What could possibly go wrong..?
No. 1305548
File: 1629571105206.jpeg (Spoiler Image,249.36 KB, 828x1426, 0C941C38-324C-4644-9A5A-C48BC8…)

No. 1305549
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No. 1305887
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No. 1305889
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No. 1305926
File: 1629620528985.jpg (11.63 KB, 906x126, magic_unicorn.jpg)

>>1305889Surely it will, pretty snowflake. If you continue like that.
And he will carry a scythe over the shoulder and take you for a little walk.
No. 1305932
File: 1629621832119.png (20.04 KB, 598x118, Screenshot_2021-08-22 lucinda …)

Just in case you were wondering: She is back and she's as manic as ever, shitposting on Twitter like there is no tomorrow.
No. 1305963
File: 1629626566421.jpg (221.09 KB, 720x790, 16268037865333.jpg)

>>1305953We all should know about her own vision of an "aesthetic body", like you call it.
Her fucked up drawing from the old thread should prove it.
No. 1305975
No. 1305989
nonnie I'm just morbidly curious and making conversation, calm down.
No. 1306027
>>1305963fml i just saw that hooves that she drew for feet
sick girl
No. 1306208
File: 1629655830216.jpg (20.51 KB, 423x409, surprised pikachu.jpg)

>>1306170…just as if she was looking for
…some unwarranted attention?
No. 1306353
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No. 1306355
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No. 1306366
File: 1629668440498.jpeg (350.5 KB, 1152x2048, E9VdOeTXIAEs0vO.jpeg)

No. 1306367
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No. 1306371
File: 1629668559228.jpeg (155.61 KB, 1152x2048, E9VLJWiWYBAFh-_.jpeg)

No. 1306373
File: 1629668580975.jpeg (171.14 KB, 1152x2048, E9VLJw-XEAsIz6H.jpeg)

No. 1306579
File: 1629685738724.jpg (14.07 KB, 217x290, unicorn.jpg)

No. 1306648
File: 1629694854447.jpeg (174.37 KB, 1536x444, 0124E3E6-CD62-442A-97C1-09B003…)

No. 1306893
File: 1629734221910.jpg (80.25 KB, 612x382, new_fren.jpg)

She found a newfren. Just imagine our girls purging, cutting and suppressing their farts together!
Isn't it lovely!
No. 1306957
>>1306907>>speakingAnd with
speaking we mean "sounding like someone trying to do a gangsta rap about plushies while suffering a heavy stroke".
No. 1307023
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No. 1307025
>>1307023the adventures of a 25-year-old trying to get a friend
spoiler: it was a whole fail
No. 1307049
>>1306893jeez, not to pity her or anything but it is pretty sad that she's in her 20s and this excited about making one irl friend. goes to show how much she's isolated and alienated herself that her only "friends" are mentally ill teenagers on twitter. like, she brought it on herself in a lot of ways, but it's still bizarre to see what the onset of psychosis can do to someone's life if not properly treated.
>>1306907it's not uncommon for people with certain mental illnesses and/or neurological conditions to be occasionally nonverbal depending on their stress level, but it's very likely that she's being hyperbolic for attention. she's just very socially awkward and chose not to speak, if i had to guess. sorry if this counts as an armchair or tinfoil
No. 1307232
>>1307206i mean she's easily a contender haha
but we'll see how much she likes using her illnesses for attention when she's actually sectioned. i'm really surprised they let her out, even with her mother's intervention.
No. 1307248
File: 1629769402972.jpeg (283.04 KB, 1152x2048, E9ghuSHWQAASUoO.jpeg)

No. 1307250
File: 1629769425552.jpg (106.73 KB, 720x715, 20210823_224238.jpg)

No. 1307291
>>1307271These are docs she uploaded somewhere.
>>1281154>Bipolar 1 vs Schizophrenia R/O AutismR/O stands for "rule out", which apparently means it's being considered during evaluation but needs more evidence/observation in order to be ruled out (overlapping symptoms between diagnosis).
"R/O is something that is noted when the evaluating doctor does not yet have enough information to diagnose you with something that includes a need for further observation/evaluation on symptom patterns, frequency and duration of symptoms, etc.
It is written down as part of the diagnosis to note that there are reasons to believe that you may be [diagnosis associated with R/O] because you do have some presenting symptoms that follow that pattern– but not enough information is yet present."
No. 1307324
File: 1629776427703.jpg (110.17 KB, 720x675, 20210824_003706.jpg)

No. 1307325
File: 1629776510058.jpg (43.18 KB, 720x382, 20210824_003638.jpg)

No. 1307343
>>1307328I don't see her tweets about being hospitalized
>>1305887 say she was nonverbal because unicorns.
No. 1307362
>>1306957fucking kek
>>1307328she said she was
mostly nonverbal but talked regularly with her family. then she barely or poorly communicated with strangers which is why she has said no one likes her.
No. 1307407
>>1307328Unicorns usually don't post their inane ramblings on Twitter, either.
So what's your point.
No. 1307569
File: 1629824538558.jpeg (461.33 KB, 1152x2048, E9jzGAxX0Ac2aaX.jpeg)

i can see the pain in that smile
No. 1307570
File: 1629824575024.jpeg (471.8 KB, 1152x2048, E9jzGBVWQAg6ze2.jpeg)

No. 1307573
File: 1629824712978.jpg (63.74 KB, 720x441, 20210824_135924.jpg)

She has an account in a website of anorexics.
No. 1307574
File: 1629824758480.jpg (42.29 KB, 720x440, 20210824_140035.jpg)

New video coming this week.
No. 1307598
File: 1629827097973.png (29.41 KB, 890x357, 1628726246304.png)

>>1307568Honestly I agree, the only person crazy enough to warrant actual talk is Idoldecay, and a bit of that is because she has a past of being a cow and even an old thread here, but talk of her can probably go into the general pro-ana thread.
No. 1307831
File: 1629845138714.jpg (8.89 KB, 322x138, 20210824_191519.jpg)

I think this is the account, it has a lot of posts but i can't find them.
No. 1307835
File: 1629845329159.jpg (23.41 KB, 536x168, 20210824_191439.jpg)

Dyingtobezero is other of her names apparently.
No. 1307843
File: 1629846371135.jpg (289.14 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210825-001647_Sam…)

>>1307831Heres an old calorie logbook, anon. Just Google "myproana losing.lucinda" and you can find all her posts as well as her comments in the search results
No. 1307844
File: 1629846562898.jpg (397.23 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210825-002025_Sam…)

I never realised that she was once already under her goal weight of 88lbs. Had she mentioned this before?
No. 1307851
>>1307844i don't think this is her anon, that's a fairly large site and lucinda is a name other people have.
>>1307840she's mentioned him while talking about her parents as well, so I'm lead to believe its her IRL brother. but its not like EDs being passed onto siblings is uncommon, the angel thing is weird though.
No. 1307862
File: 1629848987931.png (273.63 KB, 580x501, edhsed.png)

>>1307853He definitely does, even a quick look through her twt will tell you that
No. 1307864
File: 1629849083431.png (91.24 KB, 767x876, 34543534.png)

The sheer back and forth enabling of delusions is unnerving.
No. 1307889
File: 1629852545239.jpg (134.05 KB, 720x911, 20210824_214809.jpg)

my fucking sides
No. 1307897
File: 1629853505040.png (950.33 KB, 498x373, correct-plankton.png)

>>1307889I read this in plankton's voice
she is so funny whether she means to be or not
No. 1307971
File: 1629863411062.jpg (31.47 KB, 392x393, 20210825_004809.jpg)

>>1307741sorry but i had to do it
No. 1307977
File: 1629863621349.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.99 KB, 668x372, 20210825_003906.jpg)

sage for nitpick
No. 1308456
File: 1629924682147.png (148.72 KB, 606x575, unicornissues.png)

Seems like she is getting worse. Maybe the klonopin will help.
No. 1308569
>>1308456Klonopin = Clonazepam
A strong benzo tranquilizer.
No. 1308883
File: 1629983266548.png (745.38 KB, 893x406, hide_the_pain_luci.png)

>>1308863Sure enough, she does.
No. 1309143
File: 1630006937783.png (19.91 KB, 598x158, Screenshot 2021-08-26 oswaldsl…)

Let's just call it
"The Binge Miracle"?
No. 1309212
File: 1630011951149.jpg (62.04 KB, 600x362, Y5TY6U5TR6U.jpg)

I don't understand a single word she's saying.
No. 1309216
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No. 1309217
>>1309212wow i feel like her typing has gotten worse. usually she's a little hard to understand but this is like fully incomprehensible. the benzos are not doing her good lmfao
>>1308575i'm going to assume she has no tolerance because afaik she's never mentioned taking these kinds of meds before. even a small dose of a benzo can hit you hard when you have no expereince with it, and especially someone as malnourished as her
all in all i think she's high as a kite rn
No. 1309220
>>1309217too stoned to purge
good for her
No. 1309364
>>1309244Unfortunately it’s very, very easy to become dependent on it within as short as like 3 weeks. Then to safely get off of any benzo you have to taper down which usually takes months to years.
She’s got such major problems that just keeping her on it indefinitely/forever is probably worth it though if it seems to help with her most immediate and dangerous problem.
No. 1309378
File: 1630027733623.jpg (73.74 KB, 1200x600, chayannejpg13122b3e-13122b3e46…)

>>1309311She won't end up in the streets. She lives in a very exclusive gated neighborhood, so she is bound to inherit the house/get $$$. Also, PR has free public housing for the poor (which is the projects, basically) and they get food stamps/basic health care for free. It's all shitty, but there's virtually no excuse to be homeless on the island. It's the reason why most of PR's homeless population are just addicts.
No. 1309527
File: 1630061958142.png (89.2 KB, 598x245, Screenshot_2021-08-27 Twitter.…)

So her mum manages her medication? Fine.
But look how far she got with her authority, having an emaciated, mumbling, scarred wreck for a daughter.
¡Wepa! Está nítido
No. 1309546
>>1309311If her parents love her then they will arrange for her to live in a supervised residence. They do it for adults with disabilities like down syndrome or severe autism who are still semi capable of independence (basically, if they can keep a house clean, be relatively friendly with neighbours, non violent). The supervisors are medical professionals (read: tard wranglers) who check in on the residents and sort out medications and whatnot
If her parents love her, if they truly understand that Lucinda will continue to decline on her own volition, they will arrange for her to stay at a place like this
No. 1309670
File: 1630085779639.jpeg (59.88 KB, 526x613, 30C31591-3DB7-48C5-8218-CD865F…)

>>1309449>>1309527PR nonnies isnt it crazy how our dearest deborah isn’t from hatillo
No. 1309676
>>1309546SuPeRvIsEd ReSiDeNcE my ass…
This is not a fucking Disney movie.
No. 1309930
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No. 1309940
File: 1630106761359.jpg (106 KB, 701x882, 20210827_201844.jpg)

no one noticed that when we criticized her skin and her blackheads, immediately after that she started uploading videos of her skin from an angle where it comes out much better and cleaner, sperging on how she cares for her skin, and made some tweets about this. nothing relevant but it's another kind of proof that she lurks
No. 1310030
Chicken run 2 is going to start production and comes out in 2023 on Netflix btw.
No. 1310260
>>1310249No matter how nigger-rich her parents are. Luci is gonna bleed them dry, financially.
You cannot cure this level of mad.
(racebait) No. 1310363
File: 1630161155247.png (35.05 KB, 598x347, Twitter.png)

no milk today because txsyzkzlic
No. 1310582
File: 1630180099222.jpg (32.47 KB, 598x123, Screenshot 2021-08-28.jpg)

I cannot even.
No. 1310699
>>1310582i think i get what she's saying, blog but when i don't wear my glasses/contacts i can only read things with one eye open up close because if i look with both eyes i see double.. no clue what the science behind that is but she probably just needs a pair of glasses.
wouldn't rule out the possibility of this being a symptom of her psychosis though..
No. 1310712
File: 1630190285759.png (17.43 KB, 900x181, Klonopin.png)

>>1310699Blurred vision. Might be one (there are lots) side effect of her Klonopin/Clonazepam intake.
No. 1310751
File: 1630193262563.jpeg (449.1 KB, 1152x2048, E95go-fWYAAC57B.jpeg)

sleep paralysis demon
No. 1310752
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No. 1311003
File: 1630222278620.jpeg (273.66 KB, 750x603, EC9954D8-2E40-4F50-A48A-A0E31C…)

… i’m fucking speechless. how can her followers put up with this? is this how having dyslexia feels?
No. 1311047
>>1311019You cannot change or cure that fucked up mind of hers with money. Not even with lots of it.
Yes, her parents can send her to the U.S. of A. for treatment ($$$).
But this is not about some boob job or broken shin. She will always be a retard.
No. 1311109
File: 1630242590693.jpg (632.28 KB, 2304x4096, 1626822015523.jpg)

>>1311091That's just what you get when you dox yourself..?
No. 1311111
File: 1630243081851.jpg (227.93 KB, 675x897, c7.jpg)

This is the "C.7" road.
Doesn't look like a drug ghetto to me.
No. 1311160
File: 1630248175227.jpg (17.43 KB, 373x235, Capture.JPG)

>>1311151Looking at the reviews:
>>Beautiful and quiet place. In a tropical paradise to live. No. 1311163
>>1311147"Well off", with a number of serious mental illnesses including self-harm, bulimia and low IQ, unable to make a living…
Now that's "well off", indeed.
No. 1311270
File: 1630261024001.jpeg (36.4 KB, 800x600, 465621348956.jpeg)

This is the same floor that appears in her photos.
No. 1311271
File: 1630261047877.jpeg (30.02 KB, 800x600, 56865987461.jpeg)

No. 1311284
File: 1630261950029.jpeg (32.3 KB, 800x600, 596568976335.jpeg)

Valued at U$D220,000, 3 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, 2,097 meters, security guard, terrace, garage for 4 cars, playground and pool. Her parents are likely to be millionaires or have a great fortune. Lucinda has a lot of luck.
No. 1311289
>>1311270Looks dark and depressing to me.
No wonder she's cutting.
No. 1311292
File: 1630262777314.jpg (48.27 KB, 395x526, H4G6J5G6FJ5K.jpg)

lucinda raging over some fatty e-whore tiktoker fan
No. 1311293
File: 1630262821606.jpg (56.15 KB, 393x539, IYU6KJ5K3J4GKL.jpg)

No. 1311295
File: 1630262917264.jpg (30.44 KB, 396x239, B56VCN5CB6N5F.jpg)

No. 1311301
File: 1630264362483.gif (1.9 MB, 316x228, 1613359650543.gif)

>>1311293>>1311295She's typing rather well when she's not fishing for attention,kek.
No. 1311339
File: 1630268258540.jpg (147.45 KB, 720x960, lucinda after transition.jpg)

No. 1311342
>>1311301This is as faked as her intermittent stuttering in her infamous plush toy video.
It's manipulation for attention. - Just like home!
No. 1311409
>>1311003blogpost but yes, this is a pretty accurate representation of what reading with dyslexia can be like in my experience. she's a walking dyslexia simulator
>>1311047even if they did send her to america, a lot of treatment programs are designed to drain as much money out of you as they can. she could be in long-term care and never improve, simply because they send her to a place that knows they can siphon money out of desperate people.
No. 1311476
>>1311456you're right, and personally i agree with you, but i understand why so many anons are inclined to symathize with her. on the surface she's easy to feel bad for, being as fucked in the head as she is, but imo if you think about it longer for 3 seconds… she's decently wealthy, refuses treatment, and manipulates people (mostly equally as mentally fucked teenagers with less life experience) for attention. unfortunately this thread is proof that what she is doing does work. its a way of preying on empathetic people. however there has to be a line drawn, where you cannot feel bad for someone because they are actually malicious and bringing things upon themselves via their own actions.
think about it - if she acted the way she did but with a worse, less innocent and more spiteful mindset (which we have seen on her blogspot,) would you feel inclined to give her advice? root for her? no, you would call her spoiled and manipulative. the image she portrays is effective.
sorry if this sounds autistic as shit, i just find it fascinating.
No. 1311498
>>1311476>which we have seen on her blogspotyou mean her obviously psychotic schizo ramblings about being the devil? don't be obtuse. you're clearly reaching to make this harmless horrorcow
problematic. she didn't refuse treatment, she has a psychiatrist and refused a shittier psych ward that her mistreated her. this isn't some fanclub but she's definitely given us no reason to hate her as she humiliates herself and provides chicken run memes.
relax. it's a fun thread. and for what it's worth, that shithole box pictures looks about as wealthy as a decent apartment.
No. 1311571
>>1311534they weren't even outright sexual nudes. they were bodychecks in her underwear. and when someone pointed out they were inapprorpriate she apologized extensively and hasn't doesn't again. so far she hasn't exhibited any actual cunt behavior whatsoever, her thing is just that she's both disturbing and hilarilous to witness. i fucking love this thread. from the chicken run to the latest unicorn delusion and all the memes about her nightmarefuel face.
lucinda is terribly harmless. but she's a fantasic cowm
No. 1311604
>>1311571Saged, she might be retarded but she seems to grasp that eating disorders aren't a little kpop themed besties club like 99.9% of the little twats on EDtwt. She is definitely a horrorcow but she isn't a cunty horrorcow like Todokaras or similar gross mentally ill horrorcows
Probably best that we don't make a habit out of this argument because this is a pointless debate. Insult her if you want, don't insult her if you don't want to, nobody participating in her thread is defending or attacking her, so it doesn't make a difference what way you post about her
No. 1311711
>>1311534She does know
very well what she's doing and is perfectly aware of the her actions and their consequences.
Her Twitter history and some of her other accounts are a true goldmine if you want to find out about that.
Apart from being a schizo, Downer-Deborah is highly manipulative and an attention seeker.
No. 1311798
>>1311292 that's so hypocrite. "~stop fat shaming~"
-the anorexic that doesn't want to be fat and starves.
No. 1311809
>>1311798She only does it to become a pretty UNICORN, so your argument is invalid.
Lurk moar and watch Chicken Run!
No. 1311925
>>1311879Talking like some cheap-ass ripoff Dr. Drew.
That's just ridiculous.
No. 1312080
File: 1630359482130.jpg (43.99 KB, 598x395, tard_elf.jpg)

If you let a tard be a tard all day long.
No. 1312119
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No. 1312121
File: 1630362377670.jpg (52.61 KB, 383x680, GHG56J5DGJ64FHK65.jpg)

No. 1312126
File: 1630362576641.jpg (68.38 KB, 383x680, J4G6J5CGK6H4K6H4.jpg)

the final form
No. 1312153
File: 1630364132917.png (405.97 KB, 736x345, calimero.png)

Getting some animu vibes.
No. 1312161
File: 1630365653800.jpg (62.9 KB, 330x321, lucinda.jpg)

No. 1312175
File: 1630367800958.jpg (32.71 KB, 598x240, Screenshot_2021-08-31 Twitter.…)

Another yummy plate of word salad.
No. 1312185
File: 1630368590544.jpg (79.64 KB, 673x748, 20210830_210754.jpg)

>the trans flag
>apparently this is how she sees herself
No. 1312189
>>1312159>she really isn't as mentally ill as she acts out to beShe's taken on every social contagion that exists on social media - autism, eating disorder, self harm, tics, love of anime, love of unicorns, otherkin, genderspecial, infantalism, kawaii shit, spoopy bodycheck photos, ambulance/hospital selfies, andmore I've forgotten right now.
It's everything she read on twitter and instagram and there you go. Autistic af, but that's about all.
No. 1312253
>>1312165>>1312159exactly. if she was poor in her country she would most likely not have an online presence like this, if at all. she would be trying to support herself and her family, and even if she didn't have a very good job she would still have one, or be trying to get an education instead of dropping out after a week from the classes her parents paid for. i'm not saying she wouldn't still be mentally ill or have an eating disorder, but she would not be able to wallow in it the way she does (which is always going to make your symptoms worse, i know from experience.) when you need to work to live, need to eat to have energy to work, and can only afford so much food, you view it differently and value it more. it's a matter of survival at that point.
tldr she's spoiled and it's rotting her brain
No. 1312449
>>1312322What do you expect??
She's not even able to shower on her own.
At least according to her story.
With all her damages she's done to herself it'll go downhill in her thirties, very quick.
No. 1312480
>>1312449if she can dye her hair once a week and shave her eyebrows she can shower
she just needs to get her priorities straight and stop letting her parents treat her like an infant
No. 1312489
>>1312480>>she just needs to get her priorities straight and stop letting her parents treat her like an infantTrue dat. But if we imagine that she might really
LIKE to be treated like an infant..?
No. 1312632
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our hairy fairy
No. 1312634
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about that moee magicl look
No. 1312663
>>1312662She's a fucking idiot.
Stop your baiting.
No. 1312670
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looking butt-ugly and numb, even without a look at her hairy stumps
fairies and unic0rnz, anon!
No. 1312681
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No. 1312682
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No. 1312713
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Now that's some hairy 'elf'!
No. 1312768
>>1312658Hairless Goddess™ anon and I agree. The elf/fairy thing is more cohesive and trendy, maybe focusing on nature instead of children’s things can help her grow up. She looks dirty as fuck though and I wish that would change. But I do love her bizarre makeup and that she looks like a cute cryptid. She needs to get off Twitter and get some plants to take her attention. Maybe she will always be looney toons but I don’t think she’s faking it and she has documents from the psych ward, I just want her to be her weird self more safely.
And just because comments aren’t hateful doesn’t mean they’re bait, and you can just ignore them. Some of us are here specifically to appreciate the weirdos and don’t like to harm them ok
No. 1313082
>>1313078kek. I hate how accurate/cute this is somehow
Monkey queen Lucinda
No. 1313164
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>>1312670she'll get there eventually
No. 1313216
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We want to become an operating system now.
No. 1313398
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>>1302876relax nonita, here, i made you some tea in the gromit mug
No. 1313476
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>>1313461Three words for you:
No. 1313536
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>>1313398We only accept Queen Lucinda approved merchandise itt
No. 1313611
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No. 1313699
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Is she trying to dress more like a unicorn because anons here keep suggesting it?
No. 1313811
>>1313780It's got two horns and gives milk.
So it's a cow.
No. 1313911
>>1313874>toddlercoreI don't even want to
KNOW what that means, anon.
No. 1313955
No. 1314073
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>>1314060>>"cottagecore" makes me think of a place where swingers go for orgies in a field involving baking utensils.You sound like a person of taste, anon.
No. 1314084
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No. 1314100
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No. 1314105
>>1314100Okay, so I now have the female equivalent of "limp dick".
New cut, huh. Dresses up to showcase it. Nice.
No. 1314115
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>>1314100Yeah, the colours don't match. I know.
But we're getting there.
No. 1314162
>>1314145Why dont you check out the anorexia thread, then.
There you have much more to worry about than just a set of dilated pupils, you pansy.
No. 1314211
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An old picture.
No. 1314212
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No. 1314213
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No. 1314289
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Our girl is going thru it
No. 1314348
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No. 1314414
>>1314329By the scars on her arms she cuts into the deepest layer of the skin before you reach yellow body fat and arteries. Idk what your superiority complex is about but I'll entertain it for just moment. Cutting, even scratches, on your neck is profoundly dangerous and can easily cut into the vessels reaching into your heart. She knows that because she didn't cut deep, but no doubt her lack of care for living will eventually drive he to it.
God whag kind kind of 2009 /b/ level tard shit.
No. 1314953
>>1310751seriously. what parent would raise their kid to grow up like this and think this is ok. Obviously her mom reminds me of Eugenias mom, ignoring the problem.
She looks so emaciated and drugged up its sad…