File: 1648978797640.png (514 KB, 940x1320, 1643936652893.png)

No. 1491173
Deborah Ramos Reyes (Lucinda) is a schizophrenic, anorexic, bulimic, self harmer and attention seeker.
>trans and neurodivergent>member from twitter's eating disorder and self harm communities (edtwt and shtwt)>puerto rican unicorn starving and peeing everywhere>terminally online, often daily posts naked photos to her mostly underage fanbase>notorious self harmer, has visible cuts all over her body>has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitizer and hydrogen peroxide >purges 11 times a day medication is evil and schizophrenia is a lie, i have powers>poor hygiene, needs a shower lifhgts whefnt out amdbd tldads gotta staywt hoemMOST RECENT:
>developed jaundice, a river failure and urinary issues>lost control of her bladder>took a shit on the floor>talked about being scared of going outside because people kidnapping and watching her>almost commited suicide>started cutting again>made a patreon account >made a twitch account PREVIOUS THREADS
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>>1413321SOCIAL MEDIA:
File: 1648996274654.jpeg (424.25 KB, 2048x1844, 1626822003477.jpeg)

>>1491309tbh if she's a longtime lurking farmer she would've known how to do a proper summary by now with updated information. her tiktok was banned, she hasn't been cutting, and she tried to kill herself
way back when miss ambrose was still relevant. like. the summary's just doing her no favors for a selfpost lol.
>Deborahand, you know, actually know how to write her own real name. op just sounds like a twitterfag who was eager to talk about her themselves.
No. 1491540
>>1491535You could have looked that one up for yourself.
It's in the Wikipedia entry for 'Puerto Rico', first paragraph.
Go ahead and educate yourself, numbnut.
No. 1491546
nonny… youre retarded lol
No. 1491621
>>1491535The other anons are being rude. It’s a perfectly
valid question, people just want to nitpick. Puerto Rico is a territory of the US but people don’t automatically think of it as being part of the United States because well, it’s not a state. It’s easy to forget.
It’s like people saying “OMFG DUMB RETARD HOW DID YOU
Like, come on. Pick your battles and just answer the OP nicely
No. 1492403
File: 1649095851243.jpg (73.42 KB, 598x370, over exercisisng awesome Twitt…)

Doing some healthy exercise purgin' in dad's home gym (?)
No. 1492483
File: 1649098827851.jpg (76.98 KB, 720x399, 20220404_155649.jpg)

No. 1492485
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No. 1492602
>>1492483>highest mortality rate of LGBThave bi women and lesbians suddenly ceased to exist? then again, i forgot that trannies pretending that all of the many thousands of totally real hate crimes against them daily (and no, being called a man online doesn’t count) = LITERAL genocide is all they have to make themselves look
valid, so…
(derailing) No. 1493825
File: 1649199296132.png (470.92 KB, 589x649, luci.png)

I hope she starts making her own weird ass plates like n2f
No. 1493853
>>1492483Trans people are
valid! And beautiful! And
No. 1493859
File: 1649201362958.jpg (372.09 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20220404-154314__01…)

Yikes, her poor genes
No. 1493874
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No. 1493876
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No. 1493878
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No. 1493881
File: 1649203154629.jpg (55.7 KB, 708x537, 20220405_205409.jpg)

She will do a 50000 calorie mukbang. And then purge all the food, of course. That doesn't seem healthy.
No. 1493900
File: 1649204427539.jpg (1.48 MB, 2304x4096, FPmSM8YXEAccwgU.jpg)

>>1493825her meals have been absolutely adorable. and indeed she has been taking vitamins. it's pretty surreal watching her post food that she intends on keeping it down. even if it's obvious she'll keep up the bulimia in some way as
>>1493881 shows
No. 1493904
File: 1649204662975.jpg (641.76 KB, 1458x2592, FPm3-45XwAAPiSL.jpg)

No. 1493905
File: 1649204778863.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 2304x4096, FPm3-46XoAAh5LV.jpg)

>>1493904gotta love the bodychecking in "rEcOvErY"
No. 1493996
File: 1649208658926.jpg (2.03 MB, 4096x2303, 20220405_222552.jpg)

more tasty meals
No. 1493999
File: 1649208756022.jpg (597.77 KB, 2048x1530, 20220405_222538.jpg)

No. 1494011
File: 1649210239211.jpg (178.81 KB, 720x582, 20220405_225113.jpg)

>>1493883Yes, it is possible. There are lots of youtubers doing this type of content, eating insane amounts of calories. The most famous example is Nikocado Avocado.
No. 1494687
File: 1649271822747.jpg (2.01 MB, 2304x4096, 20220406_154632.jpg)

No. 1494749
File: 1649278705869.jpg (341.86 KB, 617x789, Screenshot_20220406-164150.jpg)

>>1494687>>1494720I don't know why she doesn't just take a multivitamin? Also this is deadass
four drinks, an apple and half a cucumber. She's also exercising for hours. So this bs attempt at recovery is just as disordered as whatever she was doing before, she's legit just switching eating disorders especially since she's openly planning on losing more weight.
She seriously needs professional help. Not just psychiatric, but committed work with all her medical issues. She just went from being passively self destructive to actively. She even admits exercise is a form of self harm for her. Meanwhile her followers are congratulating her like she's doing well -eyeroll-
No. 1495101
File: 1649304759387.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1536x1452, D7A8A1AE-52A1-4186-9BBF-822031…)

her posture on the right wtf?
No. 1495339
>>1494783You mean here?
>>1483883Where'd you get the info from that she takes them only once a week and that they are her dad's?
No. 1495555
File: 1649354809739.jpg (125.88 KB, 720x664, 20220407_150327.jpg)

No. 1495556
File: 1649354871933.jpg (1.69 MB, 2304x4096, 20220407_150152.jpg)

little ass plate and fork
No. 1495612
>>1495556Her food photos really take me back to the ol' Aly realrecover days. The angles, setups, minimal food, plus overactivity with munchie tendencies? It's too much.
Hope it'll eventually take her on the road to improvement but you never know.
No. 1495987
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No. 1496216
File: 1649431603801.jpg (24.45 KB, 730x328, numbr.jpg)

No. 1496306
>>1496216I think the anons who think she's 120 pounds are stupid
But I also don't believe this at all
80 pounds is more believable
She's claiming she lost 10 pounds in like, a week?
No. 1496567
File: 1649464311129.jpeg (Spoiler Image,512.16 KB, 1152x2048, C84B510F-1B50-40FE-8F79-A601C9…)

New pic from her twitter.
No. 1496699
>>1496610Well this
>>1486433 was merely 10 days ago, so there's that.
>>1496657that's not what a-logging is lmao
No. 1496843
>>1496716> Honestly the fact she even made it out of morbid obesity shows she's more than capable of losing weightWhat? You think because she successfully stopped being fat, that means she can’t or isn’t larping about being 66.6 lbs?
Also, I hope u realize that it’s extremely easy and quick to get out of morbid obesity compared to having the normal girl to dangerously skinny transformation. That’s where the alleged larp comes in especially since there are ways to cheat the scale.
No. 1496984
File: 1649513710143.jpg (15.2 KB, 570x84, combo.jpg)

>>1496753why not take the whole fucking lot
No. 1497231
File: 1649537224792.jpg (Spoiler Image,351.21 KB, 902x1027, Screenshot_20220409-164451.jpg)

>>1497170she's always been sloppy with the healing tool when it comes to her backgrounds. picrel. it could be that she was trying to clean something up since it's so far from her body.
No. 1497470
File: 1649553749950.jpeg (Spoiler Image,282.73 KB, 828x1339, F10D3B81-490F-4A02-A41A-D2416A…)

No. 1497958
File: 1649616930691.jpg (Spoiler Image,244.35 KB, 1222x1536, 465678ff7319e0ec5cef94dcff548f…)

>>1491173She is a London chav fake tan session away from being a banana peel looking ass mummified body gotdam
No. 1497970
File: 1649618429203.jpg (34.04 KB, 718x190, swine.jpg)

Why not turn your parents' money into vomit.
What a good idea, piggy.
No. 1498814
File: 1649701017509.jpg (43.59 KB, 950x239, da_victim.jpg)

she's been lurking. but we all know that by now.
No. 1498867
>>1498814there she goes 'mentally ill untreated'
then she goes 'I aM oNe pReTtY uNiCoRn u gUiSe'
No. 1498908
File: 1649709248974.jpg (58.38 KB, 518x639, scary.jpg)

well ain't that neat..?
No. 1498914
File: 1649709419453.jpeg (Spoiler Image,90 KB, 604x1200, scary2.jpeg)

>>1498908the full goodness
No. 1498920
File: 1649709741687.jpg (39.06 KB, 593x232, scary3.jpg)

and she's hitting her ugly fuckface on the keyboard for that
No. 1498923
File: 1649709848364.jpeg (Spoiler Image,213.7 KB, 1030x2048, full_res.jpeg)

and in full-resolution for your desktop
No. 1499272
File: 1649738939898.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1502x1242, B96D65DB-288B-4DAC-A25D-215451…)

No. 1499273
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No. 1499274
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No. 1499278
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No. 1499456
File: 1649763607298.png (40 KB, 598x178, busy.png)

being immobile, whole body hurts, peeing in her comfy chair
… oh wait.
No. 1499533
File: 1649773518588.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 2988x2988, 20220412_102229.jpg)

this is just sad, she seriously needs help. how long are her parents going to ignore the problem?
No. 1499821
File: 1649796671028.png (34.37 KB, 597x119, unicorn_fast.png)

The thing we were all waiting for.
No. 1500504
File: 1649871075061.jpg (38.68 KB, 943x213, sneaky.jpg)

shush, don't tell momma and daddy how their money goes down the drain
No. 1500958
File: 1649900304510.jpg (Spoiler Image,562.83 KB, 2047x1152, FQPYJp2XEAUa7kb.jpeg.jpg)

>>1500635she doesn't even appear in the video. clearly by her new bodychecks there's more than y'all can blame on the burn tool.
No. 1500986
File: 1649902686718.jpeg (506.55 KB, 1536x1225, C748E4C4-768E-4884-8A84-F73D99…)

No. 1500987
File: 1649902734984.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 2304x4096, 6EF3A711-2AE5-42B0-8CE8-7AEBA5…)

She looks like the Pans Labyrinth guy
Spoiler for ew
No. 1501147
>>1500958Hey, why don't you stop your stupid BS.
She does appear multiple times, dressed up and waving around like a hyped toddler.
No. 1501742
>>1501492The thing is her treatment would be a lot more complicated than just shoving her in a long term treatment. She likely would be put in an actual hospital for a while to medically stabilize her and then after that she would either go to a psych ward or an ED treatment center, but the treatment center would have to be able to treat her schizo so it would be a pretty pricey place so she might just end up in a psych ward which wouldn't properly treat her ED. They would most likely just focus on getting her medicated.
Sage for sperg
No. 1502070
File: 1650016120379.png (114.21 KB, 975x211, beepee.png)

so much recovery
No. 1502270
File: 1650040670782.jpeg (1.02 MB, 922x1667, D6EA77F8-3A2D-46FF-A7DE-3A48C1…)

>>1502125Spoonfeeding you, out of the kindness of my heart.. but I also think it’s been a hot minute since Debora made an appearance on the thread.
No. 1502339
File: 1650045267761.jpg (Spoiler Image,554 KB, 1152x2048, FQZqw2uXIAEeF5e.jpeg.jpg)

new bodycheck. lord.
No. 1502365
>>1502339i'm loving the way she shoved her saggy titties into her bikini top
>>1502346kek anon, you kill me
No. 1502435
>>1502330plenty of munchies get diagnoses, and mental illnesses are the easiest to fake. turn off her internet, stop enabling her, and this retard
will stop hacking up her skin and infantilizing herself
No. 1502448
File: 1650052420230.jpg (112.06 KB, 400x377, 20220415_210851.jpg)

>cat staring at what appears to be a toy cow laying face down on the bedroom floor
>cow laying face down on the bedroom floor
An omen for what may come
No. 1502785
File: 1650080402040.gif (880.52 KB, 297x277, 1627139541067.gif)

>>1502627I wonder if her family goes through her mail packages out of safety. Imagine their faces when they pull out the microkini kek
No. 1503309
File: 1650150892070.jpg (490.67 KB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20220416-191344__01…)

>>1502821Well, that just happened.
No. 1504023
File: 1650231361699.jpeg (Spoiler Image,331.14 KB, 1152x2048, F4EFDC36-E0DB-4586-8C44-D48D56…)

She posted a new body check with some fresh cuts NSFL
No. 1505341
>>1505337Or just a Britfag, was just trying to figure out what the heck was even going on with those food choices with
>>1504924 anon mentioning a sandwich. It's possible, but still gag worthy.
No. 1505381
File: 1650371393039.jpg (7.24 KB, 275x183, images.jpeg-7.jpg)

>>1505296there were four slices of bread with 4 hot dogs so she likely had them individually. the bacon, egg, and cheese combo is what they have in fast food breakfast sandwiches and she had a loaf of bread so she probably had it in some bread.
No. 1506287
File: 1650432087163.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.09 KB, 720x908, 20220420_021224.jpg)

holy shit, this scared me
No. 1506288
File: 1650432125307.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 2304x4096, 20220420_021254.jpg)

No. 1506289
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No. 1506326
File: 1650435309111.jpg (Spoiler Image,740.54 KB, 1458x2592, 20220420_021435.jpg)

No. 1506329
File: 1650435355738.jpg (Spoiler Image,735.82 KB, 1458x2592, 20220420_021437.jpg)

No. 1506573
File: 1650446701630.jpg (48.08 KB, 598x307, never_recover.jpg)

lets just say, up until now she seemss to enjoy that ride
but things are clearly going southward with her
No. 1506942
File: 1650478532671.png (206.35 KB, 447x896, dysfunctonal twitter…)

From that Mofu person who's both close friends with her and Natalie. It must be awkward.
No. 1508672
>>1508623Agreed, I think that’s what makes her self harm so unsettling. It’s all purely attention seeking. I believe that she has no forward thinking or true concept of the damage she’s inflicted on her body (cuts, starvation, bulimia, etc.)
She’s a corrupt woman-child.
No. 1508886
File: 1650655509618.png (15.37 KB, 601x100, gross.png)

imagine being her neighbor, the stench of her puke wafting through the mountains
No. 1508909
File: 1650657657490.jpg (Spoiler Image,398.32 KB, 1458x1458, 20220422_160823.jpg)

No. 1509033
File: 1650667246319.png (1.63 MB, 828x1792, 3FEE3829-E6B8-4AC8-B250-428DE0…)

No. 1509035
File: 1650667286836.jpeg (233.26 KB, 828x647, 34AC7BF4-3602-4086-B5E6-82F953…)

She has the scale back
No. 1509036
File: 1650667787156.jpg (82.27 KB, 720x597, 20220422_194305.jpg)

No. 1509057
File: 1650670002985.png (367.01 KB, 1460x998, 1595866132939.png)

>>1509033>WE skinny anasShe's been really smug about her current weight lately even though she was average weight herself just a couple of months ago. Brandy Melville worship and all. Totally not pro ana guise.
No. 1509279
>>1509036Obviously she’s exaggerating to make a point, but this is insightful to the family dynamic. She’s mentioned both her dad and brother are ‘ortho’ gym bros. It doesn’t surprise me that they’re not only uneducated on eating disorders but are also probably projecting.
Either way she needs to find a better way to cope than turn herself into ceviche.
No. 1510130
File: 1650782867955.jpeg (375.14 KB, 828x783, D2469A50-0A90-4552-8C5D-8BCDE9…)

Assuming she’s telling the truth, it’s really sad to see her family reduced to this. They’re clearly fed up with her for putting them through hell. I hope she makes a genuine effort to get better because her family just isn’t going to interfere and get her help at this point.
No. 1510154
>>1510130Fam has to realize that her little girl has grown into a fully retarded woman.
They suffered long and hard enough and have got a life to live.
They should send Deborah to the loony bin and be done with it.
No. 1510627
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No. 1510658
>>1510130She is such an attention whore. She loved being babies and cared for when she first got sick, and kept pushing the act further hoping her family would treat her like the little baby she wishes she was. She refuses to acknowledge that no one can help a broken person unless they accept help and help themselves first.
I'm not surprised her family told her to just die already. They've exhausted all their options, energy and resources trying to force her to be better. If she truly wanted to die of starvation and ascend into some higher plane of existence as a unicorn then she'd do it quietly and alone. The fact she drags her family into her lap and sits in the living room pissing and puking shows she's just crying for attention. If she were my family member I'd give up on her too.
Always wish them the best, but you can't give every piece of yourself trying to fix them when they don't want to be fixed. She's shocked by the fact they're not baying her anymore? Absolutely delusional.
No. 1510810
File: 1650853559728.jpeg (187.8 KB, 750x1052, 374B6D14-8822-4921-9102-41EF6D…)

Well that didn’t take long
No. 1511013
>>1510810She still does not realize that this is the worst possible outcome for her.
Might save her parents a lot of trouble, at least on the long run.
No. 1512530
File: 1651011321816.jpeg (469.44 KB, 828x965, D8EE93EC-704F-4A09-B647-9DB476…)

Can someone translate/decipher what she means? I don’t understand the drugs part.
No. 1512879
File: 1651044897148.gif (1.43 MB, 360x238, 1633213648699.gif)

>>1512537If she wants ~dRuGs~ she should just steal her dad's weed or better yet, get herself a license. She super qualifies and she can get high all she wants. There's no excuse, she just wants people to pity her for attention again.
No. 1513445
File: 1651090843001.jpg (54.89 KB, 1080x285, Screenshot_20220426-174807__01…)

>>1513425Looked it up and you're actually right. Damn. Her mom should just put her back on her injections at this point. She's extremely delusional and unstable ever since she came back from the hospital.
No. 1513547
File: 1651097951663.jpeg (278.29 KB, 828x598, D680A2DD-0A94-407A-99AF-489D71…)

hit the splits and rip a fart
No. 1514987
File: 1651229973225.png (31.29 KB, 598x106, ( oswaldslunch) Twitter.png)

she's sucking it in all the way, we knew it
No. 1515247
File: 1651250669055.jpg (1.14 MB, 1284x1188, 1646318099548.jpeg.jpg)

>>1515052Yeah, the attention-seeking munchies whose thread mainly consist of self-posts and wk-ing is ~true & honest~
Thanks for your input ""anon""
Posts reveal, when ? Please farmhands, I'm begging you !
No. 1515887
File: 1651291496258.jpg (524.12 KB, 1152x2048, FRbtCWyXEAAdER7.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1515889
File: 1651291530053.jpg (564.08 KB, 1152x2048, FRbtCWzXwAIVzHi.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1516837
File: 1651410414914.jpg (Spoiler Image,985.04 KB, 2592x1458, IMG_20220501_090641.jpg)

so she's officially 59lbs. she's been going to extremes with her purges and quotes about self acceptance, she really talks like someone who knows they're going to die soon. i know we clown on her a lot but she really is such a sweet person and seems overall pretty sensitive. in the end she's only hurting herself.(spoiler this shit)
No. 1516894
>>1516837She's probably in the 70s. She's not 59 pounds. For reference, Ashley Isaac's is in the 40s and only 5'1. With all of Lucindas extra skin adding easily 5'10 pounds there's just no way.
Before everyone goes "why would she lie she's obviously sick"… I am not doubting that she's sick ot underweight, she's just not 59 pounds.
No. 1517523
File: 1651463049782.jpg (43.17 KB, 377x460, IMG_20220401_235541.jpg)

>>1517196Hypocritical bitches, the lot of them. EDtwt has spent almost a year encouraging her to keep pursuing her extreme goals, spends all their time telling eachother to starve, and for what? To turn around and say its fucking scary that someone is very likely going to die of anorexia? THEY not only enabled her delusions they
cheered her on. I guarantee you that they're all trying to discourage it now because they know that if she dies then they all played a part in it abs they know that shit is going to stick in their minds forever
No. 1517704
File: 1651495284291.png (178.4 KB, 488x374, kermfuck.png)

No. 1518117
File: 1651537713933.jpeg (420.37 KB, 828x953, E2B87046-EF71-4062-B81D-18EA63…)

No. 1518656
File: 1651601942925.png (31.66 KB, 598x247, edtwt shtwt on Twitter.png)

ED problems…
No. 1518814
File: 1651614755587.png (509.23 KB, 1080x1305, Screenshot_20220503-175017~2.p…)

Looks like she got the job. Is it even possible for her to work given her physical state?
No. 1519104
>>1518903From someone with an ED who's worked in food service (thankfully not anymore, fuck food service)
yes, and no, for her. It's terrible from a logical, healthy-minded standpoint, BUT, it'll be great for her binging. She'll get an employee discount on the food, plus depending on her manager, possibly able to even take food home, or something.
No. 1519209
File: 1651655039584.jpeg (461.84 KB, 828x878, FB8300AC-E9E8-41E1-8ACA-CFAB7F…)

Wait, how many followers did she use to have? I swear it wasn’t 7.8K. Did she get a hit tweet or something?
No. 1519224
>>1518814mcdonalds? she especially wants to work in fast food service?
she won't last three days.
No. 1519226
>>1518826what about having a nice big binge at work.
sounds good.
No. 1519412
Praying they keep her in the back. I actually don't doubt that Lucinda would enjoy working worh customers but you know all it takes is some shitty teenagers to make fun of her and it'll ruin it for her
>>1519226Would that get her fired or is the fact shes working in the disability department mean she'll be treated with leniency?
No. 1519598
File: 1651692172808.jpeg (Spoiler Image,99.29 KB, 636x518, 94B0EE62-305D-41E5-A629-5DAA3D…)

>>1519209Pretty much, her body check had bonespo resharers and non English language concern trolls.
No. 1519822
>>1519598 said. Someone else also tweeted about seeing "someone" on edtwt who weighed 59lbs being encouraged to lose more weight and it had 3k likes with dozens of replies asking for the @ which obvs was Lucinda.
No. 1520313
>>1519958Why do you clowns insist on broadcasting that there is no way she’s x number of pounds whenever she posts?
We fucking get it. Half of you dont believe the shit she posts and the other half do. Quit with the bone rattling and blogposting and just enjoy the horrorshow. Christ.
No. 1520622
File: 1651768570420.png (298.12 KB, 650x452, thats-a-bingo jpg .png)

I still cannot believe it.
No. 1520927
>>1520637If she wears long sleeved clothes and baggy pants she can look like a normal-ish woman. I'm sure we'll here about work place problems when she wears a short sleeved shirt and people point them out. Or the puke everywhere
Had something similar when I was a teen. There was a skele chan working with us at Pizza hut. Was fine at first but the amount of food she snuck and puked up, she had to be let go. She spent too much time in the bathroom and flushing can only do so much to cover the rancid smell
No. 1521450
>>1521410I don’t think she will have regular shifts/working hours and she said it was disability friendly or whatever.
What concerns me more is her pee filled diaper and open wounds being near food, unless she said that she works in the back somewhere doing paper work? But if she has a confirmed low IQ,I don’t think anyone would let her do any counting or organizing
No. 1522235
File: 1651910861074.jpg (150.18 KB, 1078x1349, 20210123_162908.jpg)

>empty mc Donald's store
Yeah… No. Local pr nona here, all of the mickey d's in our area are almost guaranteed full at all times. There's no "special" position for disabled people either. You often see retarded and deeply autistic people working the front lines, at the expense of a slower service and a disgruntled manager babysitting the tard the entire shift. I can see Debbie dropping the act and fully function at her shifts since she wants moar unicorn money. Boricuas are very ruthless when it comes to dealing with disabled people, often ending up in bullying. I wish her the best and hope she can pass well enough to avoid that.
No. 1522368
>>1522235>I can see Debbie dropping the act and fully function at her shifts since she wants moar unicorn money.That, or she'll let them fire her, so she can cry about it online to seem so sick and a total
No. 1523645
File: 1652075908843.jpeg (365.41 KB, 1275x1698, 2F690060-9A58-43D2-AA7F-320DAD…)

>>1523527Found this while lurking. Also I’ve noticed Deborah has been rapidly gaining followers on twitter. She’s almost at 8000
No. 1523874
>>1523710of course there's high functioning schizophrenics, but there's no doubt the unicorn stands no chance. a lot of schizos end up homeless because they can't hold jobs and are unable to keep up with the necessary requirements to receive disability benefits. since paranoia and aggression is a common symptom, it can be hard for nurses and social workers to care for them since they can be uncooperative.
doesn't matter in lucinda's case tho. she's dying in the next 5 years anyway since she's 58lbs and determined to lose more weight. she should be focused on having a peaceful last few years. a fast food job is extremely stressful, she'll be dealing with rude customers and if she isn't fired/quits she'll be scolded for the inevitable mistakes she makes on the job, which will no doubt make her upset and just make her depressed in general.
No. 1525061
File: 1652202984466.jpg (619.94 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20220510_132003.jpg)

she posted her scale. at first i thought it was kg and almost hollered but it is in fact 58.8lbs. at least we know she isn't standing on a bath rug. any anachans know any ways she could be cheating the scale? part of me is still suspicious but at the same time how the fuck can she get the scale to the number she wants? wouldn't it glitch randomly?
No. 1525100
>>1525062Yes, amberlynn reid has been known to do this too. She used to show full body shots of her getting on the scale not holding onto anything
Now she just shows the number on the scale possibly lying showing a lesser weight by leaning
No. 1525286
>>1525061I’m a ukfag and just converted that to English money as I don’t quite get lbs. I don’t understand how she can weigh 4.2 stone, her excess skin probably weighs at least 6lbs and she does not look emaciated enough to be under that.
Is she some kind of bulimia wizard that can purge water weight or something?
Either way, somethings fishy or she’ll be dead asap.
No. 1525325
>>1525061When I first saw the picture it looked to me like she was sitting (like on the toilet or tub, pressing the scale with her feet), but it doesn’t seem like others interpreted it that way.
I don’t really know what 58 lbs would look like, but it is hard to believe.
No. 1525395
File: 1652235755517.jpeg (153.92 KB, 750x617, E91CCF41-1F9F-42F6-96F2-B382CA…)

I’m sure fellow anons have already noticed this but I’m not sure? I was surprised to see she is following this account. It’s filled with very graphic gore and videos of peoples suicide. She doesn’t interact with them so I guess it’s not too big of a deal but this account is seriously disturbing. I’ve found a lot of other minors who post really graphic goreporn who are followed by Lucinda. Sage for OT and no new milk
No. 1526160
>>1525648they’re wrong either way because they used a US stone calculator kek, 58.8lbs = 4.2 US stone.
There’s 14lbs to a UK stone. So Lucinda is 4 stone 11 (48+11=59). Nobody here uses decimal stones (except halves, eg “ten and a half stone” = 147lbs) and doctors all use kilograms anyway.
it’s crazy low either way. reminds me of the manic st preachers song 4st 7lbs (anachan anthem)
No. 1526722
>>1526160samefag, apologies to fellow britfag for my embarrassingly smug display of retardation last night. 4x14 is 56 so yeah, lucinda is 4st2lbs in British imperial.
>>1526660if she’s 4’11” is it really so hard to believe she’s that light? she’s dehydrated, her organs are most likely shrunken & desiccating, empty GI tract, bones hollowing etc
No. 1526751
File: 1652372355230.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.51 KB, 720x1280, 20220512_171845.jpg)

Who took this ? (Deleted BC forgot to spoiler)
No. 1526767
>>1525648Yeah I meant 4st2lb, I just divided 58.8 by 14 as
>>1526722 said.
I tend to use kg now but for some reason my British brain just understands stones better than anything else.
No. 1528676
File: 1652550237161.png (43.46 KB, 596x275, luci.PNG)

>>1527852tHeY aRe cOmInG tO gEt hEr..!
fEaR oF bEiNg
No. 1529294
>>1528676Every so often outside the unicorn larp the genuine schizo shines bright and this is one of those occasions. Itd suck to live in this kind of constant fear, but its very easily fixed.
Girl just take your damn meds.
No. 1530691
File: 1652707922024.jpg (93.32 KB, 1280x960, 20130925_222209.jpg)

>>1529864she's bulimic, they tend to have puffy faces. pic related.
No. 1531040
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No. 1531437
File: 1652775314109.jpg (82.19 KB, 760x540, snap.jpg)

if finally happened
No. 1532123
File: 1652834438808.jpg (140.15 KB, 1080x372, SmartSelect_20220517-203828_Sa…)

Cow sperging another cow lmao
No. 1532780
>>1532750I'd lose my appetite before even walking into a mc donalds, but you'd lose your appetite over scars on another persons body? Would you feel the same about the scars of a burn
victim or is it only because they are self harm scars? You can't expect her to wear long sleeves for the rest of her life, some people recover from a mental illness and can't help that the signs will stay forever visible.
No. 1532834
>>1532780Nta but burn
victims can be scary to see, but at least they didn’t do it to themselves. I wouldn’t want a mentally ill bitch covered in scars scooping my fries. Might have nasty scab crust flaking off. I say this as someone who has cut before, but not in obvious places because I wasn’t attention seeking and tryna impress weird twitter losers
No. 1532838
>>1532780it's because they're extremely severe and fresh self-harm scars. it's disturbing because she did it to herself and besides that it's a dead give-away that she's not in a right state of mind; i tend to avoid interactions with unhinged unpredictable people but thats just me. it's fucked that you would even compare burn
victims to the unicorn. for one thing burn
victims generally didn't intentionally burn themselves and they're also not batshit insane. unstable self-harming cashier vs. stable not insane burn
victim cashier – it aint a tough choice
No. 1534030
File: 1653030181874.jpeg (527.75 KB, 828x984, 98DEA61E-A3CA-44F6-B2EB-452D6B…)

Imagine bragging about how good you are at working for McDonald’s.
I hope it stays like this though and she can turn it all around. A stable job might pull her out of her NEET-informed delusions at least.
No. 1534367
>>1534294I agree,
Nonny. I want the unicorn to win too. It’s still funny though.
No. 1534485
>>1534367NAYRT but I do too. I've criticized Luci in the past for her self-infantilization, munchie behaviors and attention-seeking, but getting a job shows real personal growth. Proud of her.
Tbh I'd love to see her in a really high-quality group home, because I think she'd thrive in that environment - she'd be able to make new friends, work a part-time job and do chores, be watched closely by staff members, and get involved in other activities that would keep her offline - but sadly I doubt such a thing exists in her area.
No. 1534825
>>1534781AYRT Glad you're doing better, anon <3
Lucinda would improve a lot if she unplugged from edtwt and had to meet reasonable expectations and responsibilities. I don't mean that in the 'bootstrapping' sense, where her mental illness is disregarded and she's put under a lot of pressure, but by having achievable goals give her the confidence to know that she can manage in the adult world (with assistance ofc). I see a lot of people (not here, mostly on the farms) treating her like she's just a helpless, broken little baby, and imo that feeds into her pathology.
Hopefully she gets the job back. I'm rooting for her
No. 1536226
File: 1653240963978.jpg (426.15 KB, 1080x1363, Screenshot_20220522-133354.jpg)

pretty unfortunate watching her downward spiral. bit of a photo dump ahead.
No. 1536228
File: 1653241017293.jpg (488.19 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_20220522-133420.jpg)

No. 1536236
File: 1653241414137.jpg (236.66 KB, 1080x718, Screenshot_20220522-133448.jpg)

aaaaand apparently she got fired. i don't know why she isn't on disability? she's in no physical or mental state to be working. my guess is they had issues with these ""disability accomodations"" she was so excited about and decided to just get rid of her. you can't work in fast food without food safety and handling training and they just put her to work with food the first day with her mutilated arms out. ridiculous.
No. 1536454
>>1536350is the light reflecting on the contours of her thinner neck also just eyeshadow
i know most of y'all are teenage anachans from edtwt but like. cope better. her body is visibly thinner in recent bodychecks. she's a cringey munchie but her weight loss has always checked out.
No. 1536691
File: 1653272268070.jpg (115.5 KB, 720x644, 20220522_231439.jpg)

So Lucinda already got fired? After her first day of job? That was fast.
No. 1536692
File: 1653272291901.jpg (200.11 KB, 720x1036, 20220522_231455.jpg)

No. 1536792
>>1536766i think it's the fact that she
doesn't look 58lbs that has made her drop down to 58lbs. it's like the body dysmorphia isn't lying. it's no wonder she's obsessed with dropping more weight when she's going by physical appearance instead of the number on the scale. she'll always look fleshy and cushioned from her excess skin and it's obvious that what she's going for is some horror movie tier shit because she's literally insane.
No. 1536867
>>1534781>but getting a job turned it around.I genuinely feel like a real, normal job could turn most cows lives around. Structure and financial freedom means not being terminally online and fully reliant on online validation, no need for e-thotting or e-begging or scamming or whatever bullshit most cows get into.
Lucinda isn't like that, it says good things about her that she was actually happy to get a job and doesn't think she's above working like the rest of us, especially since it's not a job that impresses people. Ironically she's one of the few who seems legitimately too disabled to work.
No. 1537004
>>1536867you cannot spend money that you didn't earn
just sayin
No. 1537051
File: 1653316823378.jpg (34.84 KB, 473x439, bf5db18a00bdd96e5753c968fb4e59…)

>>1536692>baww i got fired, time to self-harm and make mommy and daddy sad againThere's like a billion fast foods and stores looking for employees in bayamon…try somewhere else??
No. 1537803
>>1537555Problem is she's not an autist, she's a schizo. She's more like a crazy homeless person than a downsie with the intelligence of a child. Especially since she's unmedicated on top of being severely malnourished, so there's disorganized thinking on top of phases of psychosis and general brain fog. The problem isn't that she's stupid, it's that she's simply unable to put her own perfectly developed brain into use. Which is likely why her biggest complaint is that she feels humiliated and ashamed. She has an intelligent brain, she just can't access it properly.
Lucinda is extremely delusional and I'm not talking about the unicorn larp. She's always planning and settting out to do things with the full belief that she can pull it off, this is because that oh-so popular and highly intelligent normie is still in there cooking up all these ideas. It's high-level thinking with a shit-tier output. If she seems competent and intelligent it's because she is. But she'll be disorganized, unpredictable, paranoid, hostile, confused, and forgetful. She mentioned that in uni when people spoke she didn't feel like they were saying words. That's very different from a retard who needs you to explain to them in simple terms.
I also question how aware she is of reality. She was medicated for years and she would mention voices and hallucinations and intrusive thoughts, but now that she's not receiving any kind of treatment she just mentions everything as fact. Before it would be that voices and intrusive thoughts made her think and believe certain things. Now there's no distinction. Her body goals are no longer even humanly possible. What Lucinda needs is forced hospitalization and some fucking antipsychotics desperately. If all she wants is money to fund her binges then hell, get some treatment so you can qualify for disability. But at least she'll be mentally stable and won't be a literal danger to herself. There's no way she's happy being the way she is.
No. 1541216
File: 1653603512235.jpeg (320.19 KB, 828x987, B01A40CF-8A66-4F0F-8B6E-B6A239…)

No. 1541217
File: 1653603610312.jpeg (367.49 KB, 828x1056, C694C4E9-E375-4104-BD3E-54722E…)

It’s just sad. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for them. I wonder if they feel like they’re out of options or if they just can’t care anymore.
No. 1541447
File: 1653625944060.png (4.93 MB, 828x1792, 104EEE64-6E2C-447A-B816-26C3CF…)

Is this real or not? I can’t tell.
No. 1541449
File: 1653626045416.jpeg (140.02 KB, 720x971, 8389EB19-2CE3-457D-A32F-CB8D59…)

No. 1541504
>>1541470>Who believes her face magically morphs like this?She does.
She shoops to appear more like a demented, rainbow shitting unicorn kek.
No. 1541573
File: 1653652857065.jpg (75.41 KB, 796x647, how-tall-is-anya-taylor-joy-16…)

>>1541470>match her weight claimy'all need to stop looking at kpop idols with moon faces because literally any 25 year old woman under 110lbs is gonna have bone structure that looks like that when they take a selfie at an angle. tbh you have to be a fatass to think she even looks that unrealistically thin that she's photoshopping her face thinner.
No. 1541597
>>1541573This is the most retarded attempt at wk'ing I've ever read. People have different face shapes; a 25 year old anachan with a square jaw will never look like picrel, even if they were at a single digit bmi. You can also be 4'7" and 110 lbs as a 25 year old and be technically overweight with a double chin—some people can naturally have double chins even without being overweight—so using weight alone as a metric doesn't make any sense. And the fact that you referred to kpop idols (who tend to struggle with eds themselves) as
>moon facesthen went on to assume anyone who could reasonably argue against your point as
>a fatassis pretty fishy. Jannies couldn't do a post reveal soon enough
No. 1541608
>>1541604I could agree about the face shape changing if this wasnt posted less than two weeks ago.
>>1531040 Doesnt she photoshop out of nipples/the remaining boob skin so why would it be so hard to believe she shooped her jaw in a photo?
No. 1541614
File: 1653660630867.jpg (1.51 MB, 2560x1920, 22-05-27-09-56-42-265_deco.jpg)

>>1541608peep the position of her shoulders. it's literally just a completely different camera angle. you people cannot be serious. she edits the shit out of her photos but she also edits them horrifically to the point where every single picture is photoshop fail subreddit worthy. you'd need professional green screen fuckery to get her jawline to disappear without touching the background around her.
No. 1541621
>>1541604>word salad spergESL-chan confirmed
>white womanIronic that you think that you have eyes.
>Bone structure sharpens as you get olderNo, not like that. Your face doesn't turn into a dorito at 30 if you had a square jaw at 20. Even with a high amount of fat on your face, losing the weight isn't going to change your face shape nor bone structure of your face. A fatty with a round face is going to look different from a fatty with an oblong face, even if they both look like potatoes. Take Foodie Beauty and Amberlynn Reid as examples—their face shapes are clearly not the same. If you didn't have high cheekbones at a normal weight, they're not going to suddenly appear if you go underweight.
>ragebonerYou don't even try to integrate. We can all tell which posts are yours because you use the same words/phrases that you always do. We already have proof that Lucinda posts (from the 1st thread) and her twitter friends too, since they outright admitted it in a previous thread.
>>1541605Because we know who you are
No. 1541639
File: 1653663899434.jpg (Spoiler Image,612.63 KB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20220527-101434.jpg)

>>1541630the same person who considers picrel "passable" photoshop is not going to pull off the careful shooping needed to make her jaw disappear without warping the background. period. claiming otherwise then writing an essay about how anyone who disagrees could only be lucinda herself is, in fact, retard behavior. these threads are always full of infighting because some people obviously just want to use it to counteract how much people like her as quickly as possible instead of waiting for her to actually do something milky again.
god i wish she'd clap back at another tranny already
No. 1541735
File: 1653672974029.jpg (31.62 KB, 897x155, youre_fired.jpg)

I really like her new jawline. Very edgy.
In other news, Deborah is jobless again and hiding it from her parents.
No. 1541771
>>1541735Unemployment rate in Puerto Rico:
Currently at 100 percent, for unicorns.
No. 1542405
>>1542357she fucked up at her job and that's all there's to it
she only made it one week
No. 1542411
>>1542405I didn't say she did bad at her job, I just said she posted about being very attentive. Additionally, she's not as slow irl as she makes herself out too be online, we all know this.
I just want to know if she was fired for being retarded or for general reasons kek.
No. 1542658
File: 1653758960825.jpg (773.18 KB, 1458x2592, 20220528_142818.jpg)

No. 1542659
File: 1653758991604.jpg (813.67 KB, 1458x2592, 20220528_142816.jpg)

No. 1542698
File: 1653761216997.jpg (101.76 KB, 720x601, 20220528_150558.jpg)

>i am not autaistic
No. 1542721
File: 1653761851316.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2687x3434, 20220528_130440.jpg)

I draw creepy things for fun. I have never seen a human being look like something out of my sketchbook. I made a sketch of her becauae I cannot get her image out of my head. I have a soft spot for her and those suffering from schizophrenia. I really hope she makes it to recovery. This anon is rooting for her.(fanart)
No. 1543220
File: 1653807486097.jpg (1.21 MB, 971x3994, Screenshot_20220529-085722_Sam…)

>>1541774You made me curious,
nonny. So here it is.
No. 1543794
File: 1653872669392.jpg (127.42 KB, 867x1156, FT4vDQ3XwAEbSG5.jpg)

I remember similar things being posted before, but I don't know if these have.
Letters from Lucinda to her friend who was(is?) in a cult. She has nice handwriting for someone who's apparently such a fragile, shaking mess.
No. 1544026
File: 1653898907720.jpg (185.65 KB, 1080x1864, oh_noes.jpg)

Our jobless unicorn is on TikTok now
This is not gonna end well
No. 1548294
File: 1654289843937.jpeg (868.4 KB, 1170x1477, 8228534C-55F7-47D3-A526-ACD312…)

Looks like she’s still claiming that she’s 58 lbs in her most recent body check
No. 1548341
File: 1654293400016.jpeg (337.56 KB, 1170x944, 377F65BC-D903-4460-95D1-9AE6DA…)

Is this just gonna go on until it eventually kills her? The number on the scale getting lower and everyone saying “you don’t look like it” until she starves herself into either immobility or death?
No. 1548596
File: 1654318830286.jpg (50.11 KB, 653x644, 20220604_015905.jpg)

>>1548331sage for nitpick but oh my god these feet. it looks like a rotten corpse
No. 1548659
>>1548607No, they don't want to look like her, they wan't to look like edited "uwu waif" underweight but not emaciated models, haven't you seen their comments on thinspo thats "too much"
>uhh yikes yall im gonna recover>no bc this scared me sm im gonna break my fast LMFAOO>its the recoveryspo for meThey're all average-overweight weight teenagers who just want to lose a few lbs and bully other girls as a way of projection in the process. That's all edtwt is.
No. 1548661
File: 1654328195003.png (449.44 KB, 414x516, 1.PNG)

>>1548331This is who said that to her btw kek
No. 1548788
>>1548662That‘s so gross, wouldn‘t someone like that get “cancelled” on that side of Twitter?
>>1548661>that hairlineIf I was a moid i would simply not be an ana chan and accelerate my hair loss
No. 1548850
File: 1654353006782.jpg (201.75 KB, 1065x600, Body-modifications-split-image…)

>>1548679lucinda is definitely a different breed. between the unicorn thing and humor she doesn't fit the subculture associated with ed's. she manages to be self destructive and self aware without glorifying it, acknowledging that she's sick without feeling sorry for herself.
idk why people think she does the uwu frail thing when she compares herself to dancing skeletons and horror video game characters. she kins the plague and spitter, both diseased horror video game characters whose powers are vomiting whom she finds cool/awesome/etc. i'm inclined to consider her ed and sh a form of extreme body modification like project alien, just severe bdd of the alt kind.
No. 1549005
File: 1654362913014.jpg (419.32 KB, 1458x1946, 20220604_141334.jpg)

No. 1549007
File: 1654362934281.jpg (447.23 KB, 1458x1901, 20220604_141332.jpg)

No. 1549010
File: 1654363142396.jpeg (753.06 KB, 1170x1249, F8E054D8-28E6-40D7-84B6-B98C17…)

Looks like she’s trying to pass off her weeb makeup as a face mask tanline? Kek wonder why
No. 1549149
File: 1654373771421.jpg (45.13 KB, 464x672, FUbc2FsXwAMRv4W.jpeg.jpg)

>>1549010she probably does have a face mask tan. she says she walks at the park with her face mask on because she's high risk and it's like 37°C where she lives. seems she tans quite easily.
No. 1549921
>>1549010Carefully edits her face on photoshop but is too ~uwu mentally ill~ to not type like a retard.
Yeah, right ! Kek
>B..b..but hateboner-chan! It's just tan and unicorn magic changing her face! Her jaw isn't shooped at all, you're just a jealous fatty!Come on, anyone with half a brain can see she's a just an attention-starved munchie. And not a smart one at that.
>>1549797>>1549104And like clockwork,a-loging/racebaiting "anons" appears anytime farmers starts to loose interest or questions her lies. How convenient, isn't it?
Look up the previous thread, it's obviously her or one of her edtwt calves trying to stir shit to feed her
victim narrative.
> Poor, poor Munchida! She's pwecious and never lies! Leave her alone! Here's a fan-art btw!Please Admin-sama! My kingdom for a post reveal!
No. 1550974
>>1550328But she happens to live in a shithole country with a rather shitty medical assistance.
Tough luck for her, cuz she's not gonna make it into her thirties if things continue like that.
No. 1551885
>>1551040They're not a US state.
An island full of island nïggers, bred from Spaniards and slaves.
(racebait) No. 1552521
File: 1654635372953.jpeg (296.76 KB, 1170x795, FF68A9D0-B234-4BB2-A78B-195387…)

this made me kek
No. 1552538
>>1552521And just like her idol, she won't get the message until it's too fucking late for her.
At least EC's parents
could afford some decent emergency intervention aid when things get too dicy. Not that this would really save her in the long run, but still.
No. 1552786
File: 1654665268999.jpeg (371.51 KB, 828x697, 23546FC5-5B31-4D55-BF52-F906DB…)

No. 1553429
>>1553171there is also the possibility he wont tolerate her pissing and throwing up everywhere and just put her back in a care facility anyway
Which at this point? Eh?
She either dies at home or gets drugged up and used for a gov paycheck. Either way, she has no option for quality of life unless someone drags her to America.
No. 1554218
File: 1654762187433.png (406.16 KB, 592x512, face.PNG)

Time for the yearly shower!
No. 1558763
File: 1655085557008.jpg (127.56 KB, 1080x474, soren.jpg)

>>1558350Lucinda's self-destruction reminds me a lot of Soren's. We all know how she turned out.
No. 1559121
File: 1655125218532.png (737.69 KB, 1125x2436, 2D228D6D-4E33-4F5C-8AFB-71676E…)

>>1558763Soren’s Pinterest account has seen activity from as recent as 3 weeks ago according to some people on kiwifarms, I was gonna revisit the soren saga for nostalgia sake and stumbled across this interesting tidbit- the comment thread begins at the bottom of page 9! Kinda excited for a soren comeback she was a special cow No. 1559301
File: 1655138577134.jpeg (Spoiler Image,922.98 KB, 1170x1359, 1EB453D2-7DC4-4C29-A23A-F0DAD7…)

New check from our unicorn. Does anyone know why she edits her chest? Especially because nudity is allowed on twitter.
No. 1559329
File: 1655139784927.jpg (Spoiler Image,176.32 KB, 720x1280, gains1.jpg)

Again, in all her beauty.
No. 1561733
File: 1655320258196.jpg (107.62 KB, 720x788, 20220615_160922.jpg)

No. 1561736
File: 1655320289461.jpg (150.72 KB, 720x885, 20220615_160900.jpg)

No. 1561738
File: 1655320332715.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.19 KB, 720x900, 20220615_160345.jpg)

No. 1561742
File: 1655320436919.jpg (Spoiler Image,744.49 KB, 1458x2592, 20220615_160332.jpg)

No. 1561834
>>1561738This might be my fav luci pic so far lol
>>1561818She edits them out
No. 1562030
File: 1655335437709.jpg (232.29 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20220615-192356.jpg)

it's kinda sad to see how her mind works, even if it does make sense in a way. i can see where she's coming from even through the gibberish.
No. 1564939
>>1563111no. i won't root for her.
speak for yourself.
No. 1565615
>>1563111Okay, might be some kind of severe schizo. But at the same time she's vengeful & manipulative, totally detached from reality.
What would you do without job and friends, the whole day long? She's good for nothing.
No. 1567521
>>1567287That or they found her dead in her bed thanks to the final stage of her unicorn metamorphosis.
No. 1567536
File: 1655795786937.jpeg (211.15 KB, 828x625, AE47C1C5-E43B-4B8B-B207-C2D57A…)

>>1567287All I could find the anachans saying just looking through the latest.
No. 1567809
>>1567669she's been hospitalized twice before and she made at least some kind of announcement during both. one was literally a picture in an ambulance so she's consistent with the chronic oversharing. unfortunately this total radio silence isn't looking good. hopefully she's currently stable in a hospital somewhere but whatever went down she clearly wasn't able to announce it to her followers or friends so it was definitely an emergency.
honestly i'm expecting the worst. most anorexics die from sudden heart failure and lucinda already said she had bradycardia. doubt her body would put up a fight to survive or if doctors would even be inclined to try when they take a look at her body.
No. 1568209
File: 1655849100258.png (157.51 KB, 640x640, 08f9ruv1jsm01.png)

Could Lucinda just be in Twitter jail?
No. 1568554
>>1568453she would use the phone of her equally retarded brother, then?
don't be ridiculous. she has abused her body for years and now she has to pay the price.
with a sub-60 lbs it's forced intensive care or maybe death, nothing less.
No. 1568943
>>1568926Another anon mentioned that her curiouscat is also inactive. If people are worrying about her on twitter, wouldn't they most likely message her there?
I hope this means she's in treatment. I worry it might be traumatic and not very helpful, but treatment is vastly better than the alternative.
No. 1568955
File: 1655919918043.png (599.82 KB, 1077x1479, tasteless.png)

Just to clarify:
Did she initialize a "unicorn" or a "unique-urn" transformation?(shitposting)
No. 1568985
File: 1655922460385.jpg (82.91 KB, 502x482, DeboraMuerto.jpg)

Sad but true.(post proof or stfu)
No. 1569072
>>1568985Holy fuck, that was too damn soon.
No. 1569637
>>1569635samefag here.
calm down and think about it. but at the end of the day it's the truth.
No. 1569645
>>1569637NTA but while I don’t wish any harm on her it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone if she has died, I think people look at people like Eugenia Cooney
who is an actual piece of shit and deserves no sympathy from anyone who is still alive in spite of being a lich and think that Lucinda still has a way to go but she has more working against her, like excessive purging that has no doubt fucked her heart up, the self harm, etc. I doubt anyone here will be rejoicing if she is dead
unlike Soren the pedo whose grave anons were dancing on because she got what she deserved No. 1569800
I fucking called it down to her "brother" posting
>>1392977here comes the fake death arc
No. 1569820
File: 1655999119781.jpg (800.42 KB, 2492x1921, pt2022_06_23_17_42_30.jpg)

>>1569800How dare you ? I bet you're a jealous fatty seething with an hateboner!
Munchinda is super dead, super schizo and never selfposts in here, there's no proof (except maybe… picrel ? kek)
It's a pity, she was about to dethrone Eugenia Cooney and even whales like Luna were copying her unique look. So sad !
No. 1569835
>>1569819I figure cry typing and other munchie aspects (and I heavily disagree on her "being upfront" with what actually goes on and her not being ridiculously attention seeking) get tiring after a while. Combine that with the fact that she already had previous accounts before her oswaldslunch twitter, and the fact that her last tweet has been removed for violation of twitter's terms. I think it's pretty suspicious that this thread instantly breaks out in "omg rip rip rip we love you unicorn queen!!" for literally just not posting for a few days, instead of looking at her acc first and seeing she probably just got a bitchslap from twitter and used it as an opportunity.
>>1569820absolutely kek nonna
No. 1569865
>>1569835ayrt, all the "rip beautiful lucinda finally became a unicorn gone too soon" etc etc posts are definitely pretty sus but probably just jumping to conclusions too fast. it's not like she isn't obviously sick and at risk so it's a
valid concern. "she's gone for a few days, obviously faking her own death" is an even bigger assumption and seems pretty tinfoily right now is all. probably just in twitter jail or had her devices taken away, or maybe even forced into treatment.
that said i don't love and worship her like some people here do but she is amusing and it would be sad if she actually did die.
No. 1570004
>>1569820 and nope, I just grabbed some screenshots from the previous threads, I'm not the waeponized-autism nonna.
Accusing anyone of selfposting is rich coming from you, mental-gymnastic-nocaps-chan.
Will you throw some tinfoil hat pics like you always do? Write some a-log/racebait post again?
Kek, you're so transparent
Please farmhands, I'm begging you, we need a posy reveal.
No. 1570032
>>1570005She even posted some shit from inside the ambulance car on her way to some ICU, once.
So forget about that one. Everything revolves around her Twitter presence, every smelly pitiful day of her life.
She's a sweet idiot, but it's clear to see that something big and bad happened. It caught attention over at the other farms today.
No. 1570041
File: 1656014628343.jpg (72.92 KB, 697x981, 1654028182934.jpg)

>>1569644Lmao put some effort into it and at least type like a boricua and not some janky Google translate Spanish
0/10 not even screenshots?
No. 1570541
>>1570483Hubiera dicho mamañema, ¿no? Nonita
>>1570424 Si te sientes cómoda, ¿PR o RD?
No. 1570559
File: 1656058402111.jpg (248.15 KB, 1080x2060, Screenshot_20220624_091105.jpg)

>>1570428nvm i got in and someone just posted a link to one of her twitter pics, then it's just two small pages of boring comments like this
No. 1570562
>>1570541>>1570483Ninguna de las dos, pero si soy de LATAM.
>>1570552If you already done crying consider taking out that dick out of your mouth and clean that white stuff in your face.
No. 1570840
Also there's not info at all YET. LURK NONAS, LURK.
No. 1571114
>>1570552Kek. Like clockwork.
Someone is doubting Munchinda? Quick! Racebait post! A-loging!
You'll have to change your script a little bit anon, it's getting boring.
No. 1571216
File: 1656122356890.jpeg (478.89 KB, 828x1271, 57D77EC8-1488-4938-82E6-AEB229…)

>>1571166I searched her @ on twitter and this is one of the most recent tweets, not boding well
No. 1571218
File: 1656122497295.jpeg (284.28 KB, 828x935, B94F104C-85BF-4D7B-9C3A-8C92DA…)

No. 1571328
>>1571169>>1571183 there are psych wards there and pretty much everywhere honestly, the unicorn queen is a shitty liar tho, manipulative of her family, attention whore top tier, she proly is alive.
Can't picture her taking her own life, she needs all the attetion she can get, proly is pretending to be dead or just creating her new larp for the season kek.
No. 1571519
File: 1656147789004.jpg (15.36 KB, 800x243, fox_mulder.jpg)

>>1571218yeah, just go on and stir that pot of steaming shit.
No. 1571807
File: 1656179448239.jpg (20.28 KB, 655x393, pika.jpg)

>>1571726The latest update: There are no updates any longer.
No. 1571847
File: 1656182103839.jpg (141.42 KB, 720x727, 20220625_153147.jpg)

>>1571826She was doing a long ass fast so I guess she fainted? Anyways, this is so sad.
No. 1571858
>>1571847A fast at 180 lbs: Good for your health, gorl. Keep it up.
Same fast at 60 lbs: That's fucking suicidal. Your body won't take it.
No. 1571874
File: 1656183513100.png (289.69 KB, 497x334, stupidgames.png)

No. 1572039
File: 1656195718294.png (190.07 KB, 611x839, clipart1837738.png)

She will be remembered.
No. 1572239
Lucinda is a very interesting person. I've been following her for quiite some time now, and it's interesting to me just how intelligent she actually is behind the identity she finds comfort within. It initially baffled me how she was immune to the herd mentality the entirety of edtwt shares (misinfo, bandwagons, retarded diet beliefs etc), reading between the lines of her tweets and cc answers and all it's clear she knows muuuch more than she lets out. And I think I believe she just doesn't want to associate herself with that. Her mental issues and all she doesn't want to be associated with the greed, desire for knowledge, and the general mortal aspects of human beings and it's kinda sad. From another schizos perspective it's also kind of impressive how much belief she has in her delusions. But deep down I'm pretty sure she's as insecure as we all are in every delusion of hers she's always so excitedly talking about.
With her twitch, insta and youtube, I really wanted to believe that pursuing a bigger social media presence would help her find some comfort in who she was going to be until her dead end, I really wanted to believe she was soon going to realize that chasing these creative ideals would eventually lead her to find meaning in everything human which she refused to embrace.
Have you guys seen her artwork? Seeing those for the first time surprised me literally so much. The way she drew and her linework and her sketches all of it reflects so much from inside her brain. She's skilled and knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects and it's such a tragic fucking thing to see that her gifts will not stop her from arriving at her demise.
I myself as a bit more functioning schizo I've done a lot of what lucinda's been doing as of recently and it has helped me so much, pursuing a platform and focusing on your creative abilities and fields of interest, and as I saw her progressing through with those and attempting recovery several times I've never had so much hope for a stranger on the internet.
It's literally so fucking sad dude. Sorry for the cringe and confusingly formatted rant fellow farmers. It's just upsetting to me that she'll never find peace within and her pain although not completely resonates within me to a good extent. I really hope she's still alive out there and makes it out safely, and eventually finds comfort and healing within herself. She's such a lovely and gifted person wasting away in the prison that is her own mind.
No. 1572478
>>1572463I know right, people are surprised that Eugenia is still alive, Ashley defies the laws of science
>>1571855I really hope she is, and I hope she stays off social media because she has no chance of truly recovering when she’s exposed to all the “edtwt” fuckery
No. 1572561
File: 1656246588214.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.34 KB, 699x1071, SKELETOR.jpg)

>>1572548you would not want to know
No. 1572717
>>1572650that alleged twitter ban has got nothing to do with her general social media hiatus.
just in the same way as the Titanic got struck by an icecube.
No. 1573604
>>1572530So you're saying it's just a coincidence she disappears literally right after being banned?
>>1572596Yeah, it's weird.
No. 1574053
File: 1656370845431.jpg (144.77 KB, 900x704, tombstone.jpg)

that should make it official(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1574541
File: 1656425626993.png (65.28 KB, 1055x180, luci.png)

short story, bitter ending
No. 1574902
>>1574775That little bit of superficial cutting is only the very tip of the iceberg of self-harm.
She fucked up her whole system by fasting & purging and her body just quit.
Well, it's another tinfoil.
No. 1575386
File: 1656500366114.gif (1.35 MB, 250x250, jamesdean-milk.gif)

Fuck, I don't want her to be dead. At least not yet.
No. 1575948
File: 1656547127206.png (707.33 KB, 1242x2688, 7DD24BB3-40C6-4EC8-85B2-E8C8D0…)

this was posted to the other farms but no word since then. i looked at her twitter and edtwt seriously makes me uncomfortable
No. 1575965
File: 1656549175106.jpeg (112.14 KB, 533x533, 1621523985243.jpeg)

uhhh, prfag here. i'm part of a private whatsapp group where we used to talk about local cows and gossip, and some people from the group cowtipped. i don't know if i can give full details/proof without getting banned here but apparently she's not home.
that's all i can say for now.
No. 1576043
>>1575965She's not home? Does that mean she got forced into the hospital again? If you know anything significant just take the short ban
nonnie, do it for us please
No. 1576338
>>1575965Do you know if she is alive? Can you share more or a screenshot maybe.
You might have to take one for the team if you wanna speculate here anon sorry
No. 1576450
>>1575965So if this is true I'm gonna guess the situation went:
- cowtipped to family
- family discovered her online life
- enough material to have her properly committed to psych hold or even private hospital
- unicorn safe for now but unable to access the internet
If that's true fingers crossed she'll be back and possibly even having received the help she frankly needs..
No. 1576715
File: 1656609820380.jpg (150.69 KB, 720x612, 20220630_132204.jpg)

No. 1576737
File: 1656610863704.jpg (28.75 KB, 640x490, 1642620714296.jpg)

>>1576715>purging with a PacemakerYeeeah, she's dead. She'll HAVE to recover if she plans to live at all. Dialysis is horrible but I'm not surprised she destroyed her kidneys will all those dry fasts and diet Coke diet.
No. 1576746
>>1576715damn she must be in bad shape if she's still in the hospital after 2 weeks. my uncle went into cardiac arrest, got an icd, and was out of there in like 4 days.
>pacemaker>dialysis>physical therapyso her heart and kidneys are shot. is the need for physical therapy a result of her malnourishment or the heart attack? i didn't know heart problems could affect your mobility.
No. 1576748
File: 1656611318751.png (910.2 KB, 719x907, chad_cina.png)

>>1576715I'm so happy she is alive, celebrating my fav tweet from the unicorn
No. 1577147
File: 1656633439791.jpeg (193.59 KB, 1158x599, AD35A368-04E4-4592-A46D-E0582D…)

>>1576715Idk, this feels sus. These weirdos on edtwt are so desperate for attention/validation that I simply don’t buy this.
You mean this person didn’t have their contact details just a few days ago, and as a result was sending them a letter?
And now they’ve mysteriously heard that Lucinda is alive?
Something doesn’t quite click here.
And maybe I’m wrong, but this screams like an attention grab to me.
No. 1577149
>>1576715Agreed with
>>1576720Unless there's some intense unicorn magic going on, she's doomed. She's going to, for sure, purge with all this going on, I also say this admittedly as someone with an ED, she's going to take this in stride, even if she doesn't admit it. It's proof she's sick, she's shown in the past to revel in that type of thing, and in general with how severe her disorder is, it's not like she's going to.. get better. She may not be dead yet, but I'd be surprised if she makes it until August.
>>1577147That's also the person who tried to recruit idoldecay to a cult and flipped out when she got outted doing such, and turned it into more of an attention grab (not that the whole thing wasn't an attention whore cockfight). She's done some milky things in the past, though, she is Lucinda's closest friend, and they've sent mail back and forth before so it's not like it's a nobody.
No. 1577709
File: 1656685595067.jpg (356.79 KB, 1080x1240, Screenshot_20220701-102417.jpg)

This post aged poorly lol
No. 1577793
>>1576715So let's just say she's not dead YET.
But she's severely fucked up and probably will return to her old patterns pretty soon.
No. 1577849
File: 1656698063117.jpg (179.38 KB, 1080x1104, Screenshot_20220701-135018.jpg)

Hope you're happy with the results!!
No. 1577913
File: 1656702491224.jpg (48.6 KB, 800x500, the-fool-and-death-tarot-card-…)

>> this person has sent lucinda tarot cards she drew two from the stack
No. 1578276
>>1578219or maybe she was abducted by aliens looking to study her unicorn powers and broke free, so now she's staying hidden so the government isn't able to capture and question her.
see i can post random bullshit speculation without any proof too.
No. 1578335
File: 1656734046185.png (613.07 KB, 527x774, boxforluci.png)

No. 1578614
>>1578553"Not that I don't believe you, but are you saying that because all/most centers have WIFI or because you know something that we don't?"
Plz don't use your spic moonspeak.
>>1578553Porque ella tiene la reforma (ella mismo lo dijo) y donde unico atienden estos casos asi de graves en la isla con reforma es en Centro Médico. Se lo del wi-fi porque yo he estado hospitalizada ahi varias veces, nonita. Usualmente todos los hospitales tienen free Wi-Fi. >>1578632>>1578614>enters a latam thread >complains about latamsFuck off and go back to
/pol/ with your faggotry
No. 1578672
>>1578664This is not a LATAM thread, it's a schizocow thread.
Now fuck off yourself and eat your fucking Jalapenos in your corrupt shithole of a backward country.
(evadir una prohibición) No. 1578838
>>1578801She never saw that 'girlfriend' in person since that one lives in an entirely different country of the world.
Welcome to the little schizo universe!
No. 1578845
>>1578664damn la reforma? that's shit-tier insurance. i'm surprised it covered all the procedures she's had to go through, if they did at all. maybe her family will finally move to florida in search for doctors/insurance that can give the unicorn the treatment she needs. a 58lbs schizophrenic with a bad heart from severe bulimia is way out of league for the doctors here.
i know the prfags in this thread are aware but for those who live elsewhere, there's a pretty notorious exodus of doctors in puerto rico because the pay is so horrible. they've all taken up jobs in america. the only decent healthcare you can get here is if you're an elderly diabetes patient or an autist, otherwise doctors don't know shit. hell, i don't think i've ever seen an anorexic in puerto rico. everyone is obese because the average household diet is bread made with pork fat, deep fried flour, white rice, deep fried chicken, and coca cola.
No. 1578879
File: 1656788835263.jpeg (281.23 KB, 1242x663, 52848192-8B2F-45BF-AE85-4A11F1…)

No. 1578929
>>1578838>>1578801that's her best friend her girlfriend(fakeboi "boyfriend") is this one
>>1578879. it would seem that she has internet access or they have her personal number while she's in the hospital. either way she has access to her phone and is choosing not to return to twitter. let's hope it stays that way for her sake.
No. 1579583
File: 1656873396834.jpg (186.15 KB, 2048x1024, Midsommar-ending.jpg)

To me Luci is like Dani from Midsommar or Thomasin from the VVitch. It has nothing to do with being a pityful munchie anachan at all. She is pushed to embrace sickness and death because it is still better than her horrible life. It could almost be seen as empowering but of course there is no reward for her. also i'm a recovered crazy person and had similar delusions to hers, that's why I follow her LOL
No. 1579624
File: 1656876492167.jpg (69.42 KB, 738x521, anne.jpg)

>>1579583You know those two retards are from slasher/horror movies, right? You should be more careful with your idols.
Wanna know who Debora reminds ME of?
I didn't say it was a good thing. I know some women idealize those characters but that's just because they are equally retarded
No. 1579905
>>1579583I hope you’re taking the piss because comparing Debora to Robert Eggers and Ari Aster’s characters is possibly the most retarded take on a cow I’ve ever read on this board. This
>>1579624 is far more accurate
No. 1580081
File: 1656928087655.png (326.2 KB, 557x284, debo_anne.png)

No. 1581655
>>1581498Nah, she's craving for her Twitter account right now and she'll be shelling out her garbled screeches as soon as she gets her bony hands on it.
I won't search for drama when there is just poor impulse control.
No. 1581668
>>1581412I dunno anon, if she’s still in the hospital I’d say she doesn’t have a choice and is very unwell.
If what that person on Twitter was saying is true and she isn’t dead, I am genuinely amazed she is still alive. I think she might be sectioned if her health improves tbh.
No. 1581867
File: 1657131845635.png (471.62 KB, 747x806, Screenshot 2022-07-06 192317.p…)

shes back
No. 1581911
File: 1657133890985.jpg (23.59 KB, 800x189, fufl.jpg)

>>1581867Yeah. We know. Happy purging.
No. 1581919
File: 1657134084611.jpg (62.88 KB, 734x800, pro_ana.jpg)

you know who you are
No. 1581924
Urgh, I genuinely thought she would get sectioned.. she doesn’t have the willpower to recover
No. 1582058
File: 1657142200291.jpeg (865.2 KB, 1170x1737, 50ADA4FC-7498-4F65-BA13-057358…)

She’s already back to posting “deathspo” … let’s see how long this lasts. I give it maybe another month because purging every meal on dialysis is a recipe for death.
No. 1583352
>>1583098All the best wishes and all plushies in the world would not save her now.
Since she's still a full-on schizo nut there will be a relapse as soon as you can say "bleaurgh".
No. 1583379
File: 1657274190342.jpg (60.73 KB, 895x208, nuthin_new.jpg)

>>1583364She has been retweeting this only yesterday. Shit is still relevant to her.
So anyone who expects some kind of "healing effect" or reflection from her is gravely wrong, indeed.
No. 1583436
File: 1657284577237.png (164.63 KB, 580x656, vogue.PNG.png)

god she's actually hilarious lmao
No. 1583464
>>1583436I stumbled across luci’s thread yesterday or the day before and just caught up. definitely got drawn in by the shock factor of her body, so I’ll consider her my first horrorcow.
it’s terrifying to see her rapid decay over the progression of 8 or so months (from first thread)
I’m surprised she made it home?
No. 1583563
>>1583526Granted, that was some honorable, but ultimately futile attempt to stop her from dropping the pounds.
It might have slowed down the matter for some weeks, but not more. Why wouldn't they take away her zero-calorie Coke for good?
Stupinda would just sit there and piss away her weight while twittering Hannibal fanfic and being happy as a pig.
No. 1583702
>>1583526I’m interested in hearing how they deal and cope with their 25 year old Skeletor walking around the house, but finding that out is obviously out of the question.
Kudos to them for that gainer in the coke. I think that did her some good and if she hadn’t caught onto them, I feel like she’d be at a healthy weight for her age and height.
No. 1584554
File: 1657421368754.jpeg (692.82 KB, 828x989, AA182D3A-6BA3-451E-AB3B-08FCEC…)

Hope she gets help for real but I don’t think it’s gonna happen. I checked back on the first couple threads and it’s just sad.
No. 1584761
nonnie, that's all natural 100%. That's just how she evolved to look because she's going through her unicorn transformation.
No. 1584930
File: 1657470589639.jpg (438.38 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20220710-122256.jpg)

The way she talks about this is so bizarre. Literally 0 concern for her own wellbeing. Can we get any medfags in on what she's describing and if it's even legit?
No. 1584933
>>1583526>Her parents were putting mass gainer in her coke for actual months Literally one of her schitzo delusions
nonnie, that never happened
No. 1584964
File: 1657473453976.jpg (17.64 KB, 652x188, yafiygi.jpg)

She didn't get the message.
No. 1584978
File: 1657474737958.jpg (9.44 KB, 283x178, images.jpeg-10.jpg)

>>1584930phew this is a lot. i mean it's not impossible or uncommon with the lifestyle she has or at her weight but damn that's rough.
she has cardiomyopathy which is the shrunken heart. i'm assuming the doctors spent a long time performing cpr after she went into cardiac arrest and as a result she suffered multiple organ damage and likely neurological damage since her friend mentioned she needed physical therapy. it's possible the dyalisis her friend mentioned was because of acute kidney injury from the cardiac arrest and that her kidneys were more or less fine before. comas are common after cardiac arrest.
there's a difference between an icd and a pacemaker. an icd is a mini defibrilator that administers low electrical pulses directly to the heart when it's starting to quiver instead of beat properly. a pacemaker will regularly speed up the heart's beating when it gets too low. in lucinda's case it seems they gave her a icd that works as a pacemaker so it performs both functions.
No. 1585015
File: 1657478603915.png (220.46 KB, 624x450, CHAIN-OF-SURVIVAL-f1.png)

>>1584978Fix'd it for you,
nonnie No. 1585637
File: 1657558477686.jpeg (604.4 KB, 1170x1523, 5D1B9C3A-96CD-4A62-992B-8E8ECF…)

No. 1585925
>>1585666If I recall correctly was a point in time where her parents took her to the hospital for her ed, and they focused on her schizophrenia instead. the hospital they took her to recommended flying her to America for treatment, but that’s pretty pricey so they couldn’t go through with it.
She was in that ward for 5 days and allegedly had to be taken out of there by her parents since it was “just an insurance scam.”
No. 1586125
File: 1657589945720.jpg (154.09 KB, 1080x919, Screenshot_20220711-163035__01…)

Her likes on Twitter reflect her state of mind. She really wants to die. Her parents must be beyond devastated.
No. 1586190
File: 1657599720291.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1624, 25E75A8C-833D-4271-9978-55E58E…)

Our fair lady after her hospital stay
No. 1586268
>>1586190Luckily she is still able to filter and photoshop the shit out of her self-portraits.
So brave.
>>1586244Educate yourself,
nonnie: No. 1586377
>>1586212>>1586199You will physically be able to see the pacemaker if she did actually get one inserted.
She might not have a giant sternotomy scar, but she will have a visible lump around her collarbone where the pacemaker/defib is implanted.
She’d also probably (but not definitely) still have some visible bruising on her chest from CPR. So. Next time she posts one of her nude body checks, that will give you the answer.
Her explanation of everything that happened post arrest checks out so far. I’m inclined to believe her.
No. 1586565
File: 1657646836197.jpeg (521.48 KB, 828x995, D48A1B5F-0B77-4DDC-9FC1-9F87A0…)

>>1586268NAYRT but major kek, nonita.
No. 1586710
File: 1657657440344.png (44.37 KB, 580x99, eheheh.png)

>>1586565that's so … fitting
No. 1587280
File: 1657730717951.jpg (757.36 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20220713-124155.jpg)

>>1587252actually unicorns puking rainbows are a pretty popular concept. so is the general crackhead brand of unicorn so ironically lucinda is probably right in her belief that she's totez a real life unicorn.
No. 1588621
>>1588384Her relation with reality seems to be a bit
problematic, at times, to say the least. But one should not assume malice as (as long as we already know) she's a schizo.
No. 1588624
File: 1657886249849.jpg (38.72 KB, 652x403, parents.jpg)

That's one thing we guessed about for some time now, right?
No. 1588738
File: 1657901865149.png (Spoiler Image,447.09 KB, 652x426, wtf.png)

It might be jUsT a rEtWeEt, but she's in fully skelly mode again.
Content warning ahead.
No. 1588937
>>1588624Bullshit. You're telling me that her parents allow their vulnerable schizo daughter to dox herself, post nudes and self-harm content for all the world to see, putting themselves at risk as well? They're in their 70's, I bet their knowledge of Twitter is limited to "ppappi I haove lodds of friemd on Twiuttr!"
Still, the amount of coddling she claims to get is borderline emotional incest.
No. 1588943
File: 1657919623559.jpeg (451.1 KB, 1170x994, AFFC90F4-34F7-4281-B145-E6F33E…)

No. 1588962
>>1588943if she were receiving dialysis, or had any kidney dysfunction, her diet would NOT be mostly liquids.
which thing is the lie, the kidney dysfunction or the diet breakdown?
No. 1588980
File: 1657923653548.jpg (24.04 KB, 640x360, _96211320_034798700-1.jpg)

>>1588384not really, some are pretty low. picrel.
No. 1589202
>>1588962Not everyone stays on dialysis permanently, nonna. Some people might only need it for a few days before their kidneys get their shit together and start functioning again. She probably would have residual damage, but if shes only having a mouthful or a cup of liquid at a time, her kidneys would be able to manage.
I’m still waiting to see proof of the pacemaker and central lines etc tho. She hasn’t posted any body checks lately, so i wonder if they also had her on a feeding regime and she gained a bit of weight in hospital.
No. 1589385
File: 1657969483795.png (30.02 KB, 631x152, edtwt shtwt ( oswaldslunch) Tw…)

Still riding the edtwt train.
Yeah, just a retweet, but still.
No. 1589448
>>1589410I get that you're from twitter from your writing style but I agree, I think anons coddle her too much and some of the supportive posts are her selfposting. I don't understand how she's thought to be any different than the pro-ana scumbags.
My theory is, a lot of her defenders are either bulimic or anorexic themselves so they like thinking lucinda is totally "not like the other skellies" just like how the ana-chan posters think they're so different from the ED cows they post.
No. 1589753
File: 1658012191498.jpg (85.65 KB, 1000x1000, PIZZA-WHEEL.jpg)

>>1589566Here you go, bitch. You earned this.
No. 1589817
File: 1658023287579.jpg (265.83 KB, 1518x2048, FXd70hYXEAEnoTr.jpg)

No. 1589943
File: 1658044418014.jpeg (Spoiler Image,183.41 KB, 873x1200, FXzBWGPVEAUbgle.jpeg)

Her twatter cronies continue to draw fanfic like mad. Don't they know how scary her looks really are?
No. 1589995
nonny, this is pretty fuckin terrifying to look at. Seems like they have it on point.
No. 1590006
File: 1658055600800.jpeg (259.64 KB, 873x1200, whatthehell.jpeg)

>>1589943should have taken some anatomy classes!
No. 1590737
File: 1658149095168.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.3 KB, 1164x316, purge.jpg)

Purging like a pro.
No. 1590768
File: 1658155432321.jpg (36.38 KB, 1061x213, water.jpg)

That's one sure way to your next / last heart attack, honey.
No. 1592203
File: 1658318075031.jpg (200.78 KB, 720x1280, FYALALUXgAE3Alr.jpeg.jpg)

>that elbow
No. 1592206
File: 1658318655026.jpg (488.27 KB, 1080x1615, Screenshot_20220720-080102.jpg)

This woman is truly dead inside.
No. 1592288
>>1592247her own friends are on here too talking shit about her lol. i recognized this girlie's icon
>>1588943 interacting with lucinda's tweets complimenting her. truly a
toxic circle she has surrounding her.
No. 1592320
>>1592288wtf that hell.
>>1592314Have you lurked the old threads? She doesn't type like that because of mental illness but she got things really bad going on in her head
No. 1592415
>>1592394Hey, but what is the story if the dying woman wants to die or doesn't really mind dying? That's the concept in her very own bla-bla world she's living in.
Under normal circumstances she would need the heaviest of medications to prevent her from pulling off the shit that she does.
No. 1592416
>>1592314she posted proof of diagnosis from her psychiatrist. also farmers found a 2016 blog that's suspected to be hers where she talks about hallucinations and being leviathan.
she literally never mentions her schizophrenia. she's convinced there's nothing even wrong with her. if anyone would be actually insane it would be kiki and this bitch, who both love acting like ~higher beings~ full of love and happiness lol.
No. 1592539
>>1592498So you think you're better off, posting in this very thread and attacking others about it,
nonnie? That's some fine bigotry there.
No. 1592584
>>1592394Most anons itt are ana-chans or those who used to have ED, technically those anons are too dying.
She isn't dying, not like she has cancer or urgent internal bleeding.
No. 1592675
>>1592651Go tell that to your stupid Munchie Kween, half of these threads are her selfposting/WKing herself.
You want to lick her bony ass and be ~le superior moralfag~ ? Fine! But Lolcow isn't the place for that.
Go back to edtwt and leave us ~meanie farmers gossiping on a gossip board~ alone.
No. 1593548
>>1593087Having some doubts on a selfposting munchie = 4chan scrote ?
Wow, you sure showed me!
Since a post reveal is out of the question, I really hope there will be no new thread on that lying tard cause it really attracts the worst kind of users (Lucinda herself + some underaged newfags)
No. 1594573
>>1593548>Having some doubts on a selfposting munchie You were straight up a-logging:
>i want to slap that ugly shit off her faceJust own it. Who cares anyways, no one knows who you are. Retard.
No. 1594810
File: 1658531646623.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1778, E440E937-A279-43C2-AC77-5CDDA9…)

No. 1594829
>>1594810As long as she's still able to operate a mobile phone/pad she's still not on the brink of death.
Weight loss good, haha.
No. 1595233
File: 1658572687695.jpg (Spoiler Image,900.21 KB, 1458x2592, full.jpg)

pre-hospital bodycheck
No. 1596566
File: 1658703021928.jpeg (532.75 KB, 750x1088, 5827AD1D-7534-47A6-B214-03FB76…)

No. 1597148
>>1595718Jesus christ go restrict
I miss her photo updates and weird rambles
No. 1597554
>>1592394Normal "dying" women don't incessantly post about it on the internet. If we didn't provide her the attention she so apparently craves, she would be dying in vain.
A-Logs aside, of course. The ones who actively wish her harm or death are… well, probably Lucinda herself, honestly.
No. 1598273
File: 1658863913258.jpeg (203.19 KB, 640x508, 1B938F34-8B00-4D4F-B874-D0731F…)

>>1596567photoshop, stop asking.
No. 1598647
File: 1658889644137.png (428.62 KB, 1180x526, lucilongestfast.jpg.png)

No. 1599049
File: 1658929323533.jpg (32.92 KB, 652x172, Screenshot 2022-07-27 Twitter.…)

If there were some famous last words to find for her, those would be it.
No. 1599220
>>1599174true that. but those unlucky bints will shave off a hefty amount of their statistic lifetime
organs are fucked up, won't really recover until it's too late
a heart is a muscle, too
No. 1599427
File: 1658958607350.jpeg (356.82 KB, 1170x702, D05E73B2-E64A-4796-BF3A-0596CE…)

spergy word salads these seem kinda fun
No. 1599890
>>1599427This makes me wonder, did they pump her full of antipsychotics at the hospital? Surely, doctors seeing her medical records and obvious signs of self-harm had to give her
something for two weeks. I can only imagine the doctors at the hospital scolding her and her family for not giving her the meds she needs. She's obviously off them now, hence why she feels like she is 20 people and wants to ruin every BBQ party in Puerto Rico.
No. 1600062
>>1599890Psych meds take longer than a week to work anon. And she’s so far gone that she’d need to be kept on some kind of involuntary hold or something for a good chunk of time before they make any progress.
The hospitals in pr are so shit they probably just made sure she could breathe on her own again then booted her to the curb. Cya bitch, here’s a bill for $250 000.
No. 1601432
File: 1659122162395.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.65 KB, 1064x919, fat.unicorn.jpg)

Which one do you like better..?
No. 1602695
File: 1659229640531.jpeg (716.83 KB, 1170x1468, 99F23C11-603F-4454-B7B1-322753…)

Not looking too good
No. 1603253
>>1602695This disappearance feels calculated to me. Idk why, but I just have a feeling.
Especially with all things considered. If Eugenia and Ashley can somehow withstand crazy brutality to their bodies, Lucinda having just returned home from the hospital and immediately kicking the bucket doesn’t seem likely. Maybe I’m wrong though.
No. 1603282
>>1603253Suffering from some serious heart palpitations, bad enough for entering a coma and after that carrying on as if nothing happened?
That's the sure ticket to her grave.
Her body just burnt out.
No. 1603298
>>1603253Eugenia and Ashley don't have bulimia though. Purging wreaks havoc on your heart.
In addition to that there's electrolyte imbalance, esophagus rupture, stomach failure, etc
No. 1603498
File: 1659287388331.png (79.02 KB, 1008x439, 311298052347100543.png)

>>1603253Eugenia and Ashley are not a standard ed timeline. they're magic, blah, blah, adding years to their lives. Lucindas health is definitely fucked. until she starts eating, her health will stay fucked. I'm sad.
No. 1605427
>>1604731I can't imagine being an adult woman, a full grown human being, and being invested enough in an ED Patrick Bateman larp that sinking actual money into it is a possibility. That's a looooot of effort just to keep her constant supply of validation from minors flowing
>>1604736>>1605027Don't stand too close to a microwave, wouldn't want your tinfoil hats getting sparked up, eh? Kek stop being fags I'm only pointing out that Lucinda is less of a larper than Ambrose and that she was mistaken for MtF when she was first posted to the farms
No. 1605756
>>1605427They've told you before that this is the wrong place for your petty little vendetta against Ambrose.
Just open a new thread, jerk-anon.
No. 1606008
>>1603253the difference is ash & eugenia didn't lose ~200lbs though, they were always thin or a normal weight. extreme weight loss is more damaging than losing a small amount of weight then sustaining it for a long time. not only that, but ash and eugenia are relatively sedentary while lucinda overexercises with an already dead heart.
everything lucinda does is twice as dangerous given the circumstances.
No. 1606079
>>1605756Are you old enough to be here? It's 18+. I doubt other anon is a vendettafag, nor was even "being a jerk", Ambrose was a shit show, am kind of curious if her vendetta, larping, and minor grooming is still going strong, but I'm not interested enough to follow troons.
>>1603253Personally wondering if she's landed back in hospital, I doubt eugenia nor ash binge and purge enough to make themselves hideously unwell. Hence they can still function. I doubt it's calculated in honesty, do you really see her lurking on another account, going completely off-grid, instead of trying to thrive off instant social media attention?
No. 1606244
>>1606176she's an attention seeking chronically online aspiring jewtuber/tiktoker with 0 irl friends and over 8k followers there's no way she'd walk away from that instant gratification unless she had a bigger account.
honestly who knows what's up with her rn. her "best friend" hasn't heard from her. she never leaves the house. the only people who came close to having insider info were the prfags who posted earlier in the thread that she wasn't at home. only time -or they- will tell.
No. 1606454
File: 1659574981619.png (Spoiler Image,618.7 KB, 1200x676, fotocasa.png)

hey guys prfags here, we checked again and she's not home. we had to drive fast but her curtains were open with all lights off and it seemed they were clearing out her room or cleaning it because there was stuff against the windows. she always has her curtains closed in pictures but this time they are wide open. the room faces the street on second floor, thats why we can see. we got pics but from far away cuz we were inside the car and we dont want to be creepy/get shot by her dad (btw the family was home but not her, possibly hospital?? or dead but with no black ribbon at the door.)we took a good look and of the area as well to see if there was anything suspicious.
in b4 ban, but we just did it out of worry, not bad intentions or to be creeps, she doesn't have anyone else in the world or friends to check on her in real life but us sadly. if she dies, nobody else will know but us, probably. and that is just heartbreaking
you can ask questions if u want.(namefagging creep)
No. 1606807
File: 1659601971976.jpg (13.04 KB, 275x252, sile.jpg)

>>1606454>>1606606wow this thread took a turn
No. 1606821
>>1606619Don't engage with the schyzotroon. He craves female attention, don't give him.
Report his unwashed ass and move on.
No. 1606883
>>1606454Is this the royal "we" or there are actually multiple of you loons out there?
>>1606606Take your meds anon. Why does lucinda attract the edgelords and scizos?
>>1606867If it's not lucinda, or a friend of hers, it's creepy as all hell to know there's someone who has been by there enough, paid attention to her windows enough, even figured out which is her room. I know a lot of anons here have the 'tism, but that's fucked up.
No. 1607226
>>1607062Exactly what I thought lmao.
>>1607134She literally posted her ID here.
No. 1607248
>>1607189"Anon" :
> She's dead for real guyzz! I saw her corpse while walking my dog!Non retarded farmers:
> doubt.jpg Samefag-chan :
> a-logging> racebait "spic" posts> You bullies are jealous!> Tinfoil hat ! Tinfoil hat!> Fatties !> Hateboner ! No. 1607591
File: 1659662162917.jpg (162.95 KB, 1118x678, lucindasotherhouse.JPG)

>>1606454this looks warped in the same way pics from google street view look warped. I don't think anyone's actually been to her house and I'm not convinced this even is her house. Case in point, picrel I just drove by today and found her second house! Sorry it's a little warped, i had to "drive really fast".
No. 1607593
File: 1659662340713.png (1.2 MB, 703x925, caseclosed.png)

>>1607591samefag, some more definitive proof. in that anon's picture (picrel) there's a dark gradient over the top bit of the picture, just like in my totally real not-google-street-view pic.
No. 1607795
File: 1659682552272.png (966.44 KB, 1162x823, 7th St, Bayamon, PR 00959 Zill…)

1. she doxxed herself a while ago
2. it just took a minute to find out how her squalid shack looks like
No. 1607807
File: 1659684995325.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x3240, bayamon.jpg)

>>1606454around Christmas time, she twittered those and they match
No. 1607811
File: 1659685770523.png (917.3 KB, 1280x785, yuck house.png)

what a dump
No. 1607817
>>1607348Kek, I love you nonna.
>>1607795Stop being creepy and go back to KF.
No. 1607852
File: 1659691360089.jpg (61.01 KB, 1170x958, 20220520_200104.jpg)

>>1607591>>1607593>warped, low quality picture full of artifacts >obvious gradient at the top This thread is filled with gullible edtwt newfags. It's a fake street view picture, probably from some puerto Rican real estate site or something. Lucinda has doxxed herself and her house multiple times if you lot even bothered to to read the other threads.
No. 1608103
>>1608100shes spilling the beans on curiouscat all the time, noob…
lurk moar. read the old threads.
No. 1608131
>>1608103OK "anon". I thought you were super dead. Are you feeling better now ?
(I know hi cowing is against the rules, but selfposting, samefagging and WKing seems a-ok on that thread so…)
>>1608111>lower case>Twitter speak>Knows every little intimate details>WK extraordinaire >mental gymnast Yep. It checks out.
No. 1608139
File: 1659717196591.jpg (136.93 KB, 866x1390, muchas-cintas-negras-en-las-pu…)

Can confirm the black ribbon thing is common in PR. When someone dies, a fancy black ribbon is placed on the door of their house, business, school etc as an act of mourning.
No. 1608236
File: 1659726302405.jpg (678.38 KB, 1003x1399, Screenshot_20220805-150145.jpg)

Next thread pic proposal courtesy of my shit editing skills. Feel free to perfect the #concept.
No. 1608241
File: 1659727040144.jpg (433.16 KB, 1003x1399, 1659726302405.jpg)

>>1608236Maybe slightly different..?
No. 1608427
watching lucinda come in here to false-flag shitloads of unhinged shit to get people to defend her
>"no anon don't post her house! don't dox her dad! don't call her slurs!!! That's awful!!!" x50 has made me lose all respect for her. It's clear she really wants to hear that people care about her but this is not the way.
>>1608111 is totally right. All the out-of-pocket insane shit posted reads exactly like what a twitter user thinks people on imageboards do.
No. 1608599
>>1608427this thread is full of her edtwt followers who are all 12 year old fakebois claiming DID and bpd fatties with regina george icons, it's really not that shocking that it's a shitshow of people so unhinged and incapable of infiltrating the farms in their quest for attention and blind obsession with content on their kween that they end up sounding like lucinda herself wk'ing and simultaneously a-logging.
honestly she has a lot of followers and enough of them are bizarrely obsessed with her, she has dozens of pictures in her ig stories for fanart on her and one was even made by a fucking 8 year old. they created a whole hashtag for her return and someone on KF posted that one of her followers tweeted about paying shipping for a package another one was sending her. hell, even KW users say she's the only cow they legitimately adore and harbor no ill feelings towards.
all things aside lucinda seems sensitive to criticism and uNkInDnESs. i just don't think she'd be in this thread of less-than-nice fuckery while being completely absent from the adoration of her obsessive cult following of ass kissers to at least soothe her bruised ego. or at least posting screencaps of this shit for pity points like she did during the ambrose saga. i mean this woman has no friends, no family outside her parents, no job, doesn't go to school. she's almost 30 and spends her day puking and hallucinating about ruining weekend bbq's with her weather powers. from my armchair i just can't wrap my head the possibility of her just not rotting in a hospital somewhere, desperate to get back to the one thing she has consisently cared about which is attention for her ed demise. let's face it not even all of us in her for drama are enjoying this thread right now. i can't imagine she'd prefer lurking and spurting piss to jerking off to new followers and likes on her bodychecks.