Margo was in Hamburg for roughly one week; she stayed several days with Hamburg Jassy before Jassy realized margo is a mooching, insane piece of shit. Jassy loaned Mags 105 euro and drove her to a new air bnb, and joined the fucking party over here (Hi, J!). Margo filmed her now epic Vanis Angelicus video in her temp apartment in a lounge singer dress with pinned straps, gifting us with many gifs
>>284060. Mysteriously, Margo’s gay roommates told her they were leaving town asap and she had to go. Margo hopped on a cheap bus for a 19 hour drive to London, where she is now. Jassy tried to get her money back from Margo; Margo said J was “abusive” to her and that Jassy needed to accept used hobo goods instead of money, and then claimed the money was a gift anyway. Margo still claims her ultimate goal is a return to Seoul.
Venus made a post explaining her infection, and what needed to happen it fix it. Not an hour later, Margo posted that Venus was sick from having her intestines removed by a sketchy doc in Seoul because Venus hates fat people
>>284859 >>284860 and that Venus is a narcissist
>>284903 . Her “proof” are emails sent from “Venus” - Margo has been emailing herself from the old Venus business account or just changed the google+ name to make it look like Venus wrote Marglish paragraphs about how evil she is. While that isn’t shocking in and of itself, Margo has been sending these emails to herself for months as “Venus”. Anons suspect Margo has been preparing these as the blackmail she threatened Venus with when Mags demanded $3000 / month for life, “or else”.
What will she come up with next? The sky is the limit, and the milk is endless.
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>>283175Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:* READ THE THREAD BEFORE ASKING FOR AN UPDATE
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