Margo weaseled her way back onto the shores of Glorious Nippon, with funding from her mother, Margit, who apparently could give two shits about her granddaughter's safety. Ferenc remains in Venus's corner, and Zsu is on the fucking warpath against Margo after her little vexxed / drama video stunt.
The vexxed video has caused VERY little effect to Venus's rep: it hasn't broken 200K views, and the only ones who are swarming comment sections about it are Margo's regular stans.
Margo's grand Japan Plan appears to be moving into the Tetris House hostel on a staff position for free rent - she's got it saved on her wishlist, and this may be where she's staying for now as she waits for a spot to open up (because hiring someone who doesn't speak Japanese, and whose English is almost incomprehensible, seems likely.)
>>291373Margo inadvertently reveled that she was the "mostpeace91" email account all along as she runs to the small @gaming_ks insta account that tracks her antics - and promptly pretends to be both herself and Mana, mixes her and mana's tales to be one and the same, and jumps in with one of her "fan" accounts to back herself up. it's absolutely insane, and Zsu tears her a new asshole.
>>291409What's next? Margo is being ignored by Venus and YT at large, which only guarantees and uptick in crazy. How could it get crazier? Don't know, but she never lets us down.
Last thread:
>>288576Early drama of Venus leaving Margo: too long. Click here to view the full text.