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No. 155434[Reply]

>worked for BABY, got fired for being incompetent and abusing her employee discount for profit
>squandered her money away trying to hook up with tranny visual kei musicians who would rather die than touch her white piggu hamplanet ass
>almost 40 and still a virgin
>scammed, harassed, bullied, and threatened terrified girls in the lolita comm over and over
>leeched off the Japanese government
>got deported and is now trying to leech off the US government but they're much smarter

Let's discuss this whale cunt.
229 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 295638

Don't bump the thread if you don't have any FRESH MILK to provide, faggots. Last known unconfirmed info was 6 months ago.

No. 296764

I can't believe all the samefagging in the thread. How can you tell? They spell her name "Rosaire" over and over.

No. 296766

Is this some sort of trick? Cuz the thread's been dead for 10 days until you came along

No. 296805


No. 296815

Honey, you must be new to say that.

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No. 296568[Reply]

Has anyone been watching these ? Seriously please tell me I've not been the only one.

(Bad pic but all accounts are private now"

Bad makeup
Horrible personalities
And "great singers"(terrible thread)
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 296577

No. Go away with your self-post.

No. 296578

Ive been waiting for a thread about these 2 twins . And it needed to happen.

No. 296579

You're right though . I should post when there is stuff to make fun of . I am just bored and want to talk shit. Someone may know what I'm taking about.

No. 296581

You're pathetic.

No. 296594

Moved to >>>/manure/4595.

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No. 296236[Reply]

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No. 291537[Reply]

Margo weaseled her way back onto the shores of Glorious Nippon, with funding from her mother, Margit, who apparently could give two shits about her granddaughter's safety. Ferenc remains in Venus's corner, and Zsu is on the fucking warpath against Margo after her little vexxed / drama video stunt.

The vexxed video has caused VERY little effect to Venus's rep: it hasn't broken 200K views, and the only ones who are swarming comment sections about it are Margo's regular stans.

Margo's grand Japan Plan appears to be moving into the Tetris House hostel on a staff position for free rent - she's got it saved on her wishlist, and this may be where she's staying for now as she waits for a spot to open up (because hiring someone who doesn't speak Japanese, and whose English is almost incomprehensible, seems likely.) >>291373

Margo inadvertently reveled that she was the "mostpeace91" email account all along as she runs to the small @gaming_ks insta account that tracks her antics - and promptly pretends to be both herself and Mana, mixes her and mana's tales to be one and the same, and jumps in with one of her "fan" accounts to back herself up. it's absolutely insane, and Zsu tears her a new asshole. >>291409

What's next? Margo is being ignored by Venus and YT at large, which only guarantees and uptick in crazy. How could it get crazier? Don't know, but she never lets us down.

Last thread:

Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1213 posts and 193 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 294362

That's one of her sock accounts. She used @margaretpalermofans too, and the account go banned. The previous one is the one she used to call venus a mistake. By using the sock, she feels she can deny ever calling venus a mistake instead of an accident ' she feels this is an important semiotic difference that somehow makes her less of an asshole (even though she said both).

No. 294368

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#pokemongo #redbull

I am jung wooman yet?

No. 294369

Side note: isn't that a macbook? Isn't she toootally broke, and her only macbook was "stolen"?

I think a lot of people would love to be as "broke" as Margo, who doesn't work, has multiple iPhones, a macbook,and travels to 6+ countries within 6 months. Poor Margo, with nothing at all.

God, she must've stolen a FORTUNE from V.

No. 294370

Yup, that's a macbook. I hope she knocks the can over onto its keyboard.

No. 294371

She has had a macbook for a while. You can see glimpses of it in the pudding hair dye video.
My theory is she got it with the storage stuff and unbricked it.

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No. 280274[Reply]

New Onion thread.

Old one: >>262266

Current news:
>Onision now solely makes his living being edgy, given up on his "comedy".
>Lost his verified badge on twitter for being edgy.
>His wife is pregnant again and starting to show. The child might be his.
>People are trying to get documents about his time in the army.
>He claims the cuck-insults aren't getting to him (They are).

Current videos:
Who gives a shit, they are all the same.
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No. 291766


Didn't his shoulders used to be broad and pointy? 'Cause I think that diminished under all that layer of fat.

No. 291770

New thread, we're on autosage


No. 291773

I said a while ago that he probably has rosacea ( it can be terrible, wouldn't wish it upon anyone ).
If not it could be from a peel or using harsh AHA products in an attempt to look younger.

No. 291876

good ol 2012 onion

No. 292050

veganism doesn't oppose unavoidable harm, like life-saving medicine that was tested on animals
having chickens in your yard isn't necessary for life

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No. 288576[Reply]

Margo is holed up in various cheap motels and AirBnBs in London - leaving horrid messes and furious roommates behind according to her latest review. Margo's been staying near Whitechapel, going to the Eye with her SwissBux, and claims to be engaged and invited to London by her imaginary fiance (she get so mad when you bring this up).

Venus got her YT channel back, and is uploading her backstock of videos 3x / week. She looks happy and healthy after a serious health scare and hospitalization; she and Mana are living the dream.

One of Margo' latest suckers just visited at the end of the last thread; our 'blog' is CYBERBULLYING, you guiz.

Where will Margo move to next? What happens when her SwissBux run out at the end of this summer 9Margo would have to prove Venus's school enrollment and residence with her to continue the funds)? How insane will her next video be? Find out!
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No. 291525

Honestly I don't like keem either, but Venus is fighting fire with fire.

Margo did her interview with a wannabe keemstar with no followers. Venus explaining her side of the story to the actual keemstar who is a 'big youtuber' would be a nice hit against Margo. Margo will get so mad for Venus upping her once more.

No. 291526


Oh god @notyourlolita is a massive cunt. I used to know her and she's horrendous

No. 291528

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Poor guy.

No. 291529

Manaki's getting his ig flooded with stupid. What a battle to get those fuckers out of Mana's ig!

No. 291530

Should just reply "if you say so" to every stupid comment.

No matter how much they rant and complain, just replying with that everytime will drive them insane. Who knows maybe they will eventually get bored and leave

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No. 289555[Reply]

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No. 39129[Reply]

- walking, talking, wannabe russian kotex
- is starting to capitalize on her image? (lol)
- probably should learn AE to handle that nose thing
- has anyone actually heard of this girl where the hell did she come from

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No. 41628

Tbh like it just makes her face look even worse. And her hair is so ratty.

No. 41636

She hasnt stopped. Her name is Krisella CantĂș

No. 41642

what is up with her lack of neck?

No. 41662

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No. 41663

is this suppose to be a clone? neither her makeup or style looks like it, and there's no mention of Dakota in that blog entry?

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No. 11183[Reply]

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No. 13368

why is programming so much of the budget pie? can't they program it themselves?

No. 13431

I assume they mean it's for salaries to pay programmers. Programmers are generally paid more than designers or writers.

No. 13482

Why call Riley "they"? She makes no attempt to present herself as anything other than female, she just wants more oppression points by pretending to be trans. It's obvious there is no gender dysphoria going on with her.

No. 13485

It's a cute idea, like Harvest Moon meets Animal Crossing but yeah. Like everyone else said, wtf is with this shitty art?

Yeah agreed. Actual game artist here and uhhh the first thing I thought was 'jfc the art is fecking terrible' no wonder this artist had to go indie because you'd never get hired with that shitty art

No. 13527

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The style reminds me of a cheap knockoff of my sims for the wii.

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No. 3149[Reply]

We can finally have a thread about him without him shitting up the place. Lets do this.
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No. 11667

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I'm sure you're still reading this thread, you retarded, frothing cunt. The reason why no woman will have sex with you is because you are a fucking creep. Kill yourself.

No. 11671

No. 11682

i thought you were ip range banned

No. 11891

What's his deal with truckers? Was he ass raped by one? Legit question. He always equates truckers to violent rapists.

Also they have truckers in Croatia? lol.

No. 11892


Samefagging here, but holy shit he's like PT but on roids.

Suggest they use their diploma for good use


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