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No. 532159
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>>532126>>532111>>532113Shinji not being gay aside,Kaworu isn't fit for Shinji at all. He acts like a predator in comparison to Asuka.
"Hey I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my apartment, so call sleep with me maybe"- Kaworu, probably.
No. 532166
>>532056Truer words have never been spoken. I remember browsing Evageeks as it was the only place to read in-depth Eva theories at the time and was so annoyed at the constant AsuShin sperging.
>>532159Shinji is not gay but bi for sure. I am not a fujo but Kawoshin is the canon ship for Shinji, I have no doubt about that. Shinji literally orgasms at seeing Kaworu once more in EoE.
No. 532195
>>532178it’s a double edged sword imo. Being attractive does afford a great deal of social privileges that ugly women (invisible ppl to men basically) don’t get and will never receive. However, the underside to that is hypervisibility. Men are already entitled enough to comment abt every and any woman’s appearance, and probably feel particularly emboldened when coming across pretty women bc they know the women have heard theyre attractive and think their disgusting remarks won’t stick.
this is all to say that yes, I think ugly women have it worse, but we’re all women at the end of the day and we all get shit on for just existing.
No. 532224
>>532217I think the differnce is that if you fully opt out of all that beauty shit you're mostly left alone.. a lot of cows on here are heavily basing who they are on sharing selfies/being a camgirl or following a certain they get judged on looks seeing as their online persona is about looks.
The average woman can walk around looking plain and live a normal life without all the judgement.
No. 532252
I love imageboards but I hate that unnecessary toxicity.
No. 532284
>>532268She doesn't have to sage, it's /ot/
>>532248Isn't that just literally every forum with usernames? Or even crystal castle?
I think lolcow is respectful.
No. 532314
>>532286I've noticed this too. I was homeschooled because my parents were ultra religious nutjobs who didn't want the evil secular society to brainwash me. It was a nightmare I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Most states in the US have almost no requirements or standardized tests for homeschooling. Your parent writes that you attended x amount of days and that's it. The kid could be doing chores or watching TV all day. It should be highly regulated or illegal.
No. 532348
>>532327Nta; that's the problem. You have to act shy and keep your head down so you get through life.
I don't have the courage to wear make up because I feel it would be a sign of audacity for someone with my face.
No. 532358
>>532348 > Nta; that's the problem. You have to act shy and keep your head down so you get through lifeFor me I'm not shy or keeping my head down though, I'm just not into make up, dressing nice or doing the whole leg shaving shite. I'm an outgoing person and people just accept me as I am.
I get that you're coming from the opposite side of that though… I don't know what it's like to want to wear make up but feel insecure in my face. I don't know what it's like to be femme and struggling with wanting to present feminine while insecure.
No. 532375
>>532358I'm glad that's your experience anon, but I've never known this to be remotely true. My last job would have lost it if I came in with unshaved legs. One of my old managers was shocked when I met with a client wearing (professional looking) flats instead of heels. My first job as a barista, I was told not to forget to wear lip gloss or chapstick, because "nobody wants to see dry lips with their coffee."
I don't like wearing makeup, but I like being employed.
No. 532378
>>532358>>femmePlease stop shoving your weird tumblr dyke ideology where you think women can only be ''femme'' or ''butch''.
Fyi sweaty the reason why you dont get ripped for your appearance is because people assume you are gay which you are and butch women have the masculinity privilege of not being judged for their appearance.
>>532375She probably never worked a day in her life anon and things the world revolves around her sexist views of women being either femme or butch .
No. 532394
>>532378Femme, dyke, butch, top, and bottom are not tumblr exclusive terms you dingleberry. Yeah everything isn't cookie cutter but don't pretend it can't be used to describe the kind of gay girl you are.
>>532375This feels worse in an office environment to be honest. They expect borderline full makeup and dresses for business casual.
No. 532401
>>532378You read the word femme and went off into a tirade that in no way even reflects or responds to the post you're replying to.. Damn the word femme really
triggers you that much anon?
No. 532418
>>532404Nope, it's still kicking. All the porn addicts fucked off, though.
>>532406NTA, but the point was that the anon who lost her shit at "femme" seems to be replaying some bad memories in her head, not that those terms themselves originate from Tumblr.
No. 532420
>>532394>>532401Because the original post had nothing to do with sexuality you absolute moron and suddenly that person talking about how they present masc and calling other femmes…..when there was no sexuality even mentioned.
>>describe the kind of gay girl you arethe original anon didnt even mention their sexuality.
Just say it that you cant stand a second without making everything about your sexuality because you think thats a personality you samefagging idiot.
No. 532427
>>532420 > that person talking about how they present masc and calling other femmes…..when there was no sexuality even mentioned.I'm that person. I never mentioned sexuality myself.. I'm straight. Masculine is a word to describe how I dress and femme was used as a short term for feminine to refer to how I'm not feminine in my style
Don't know why that started a rant about lesbians, or tumblr, or sexism.
No. 532434
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The fucking suicide baiting lately is getting to me. I usually tolerate casual posting but some are just straight up BPD attention seeking.
>how do kms uwu
>felt sad might OD later
>the room is spinning…I hope I don’t wake up
Jfc cope like the rest of us bitch. It fucking sucks but you know there is nothing anonymous people online can say to make it magically better. So what’s the point if not (You) farming, you fucking side step every reply you get anyway. It really is sink or swim, and if you truly have no will to swim then, well, don’t.
No. 532440
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>>532056Asushin is okay, but Kawoshin is the only true choice for Shinji.
Shipping him with Rei or Misato is disgusting however.
No. 532450
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>>532159>Shinji not being gay asideAnon…
No. 532452
>>532443Funny cos they say all this too
> people assume you are gay which you are and butch women have the masculinity privilegeI'm straight, married and have kids. Anon is just that loopy with rage against gays.
No. 532500
>>532434Absolutely agreed. I know we should all just ignore it, but it makes me anxious that me (or us) not writing nice enough things might be responsible for a person's death. I mean, we can never know whether they might really do it.
Just now too, I scroll down /ot/ and once again there's at least one post saying they'll an hero.
No. 532550
>>532506the most potent cringe i have encountered to this day happened in 1st year at uni, there was this one guy in our halls who insisted on playing guitar and singing (v badly might i add) in the stairwell for what seemed like most hours of the day. you couldn't get in or out the building without walking past his wonderwall display.
then again, wish i was that brain dead, i haven't shared my creative hobbies with anyone in ages due to feeling like the result isn't good enough.
No. 532687
>>532483YES! It's so weird how people treat billionaires like they are some hero.
I will also add my own unpopular opinion: I don't care what they did, nobody deserves to be a billionaire with just money in our current society.
No. 532699
>>532483>I don't think celebrities or extremely rich people like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos etc should get any praise for donations to charitiesIf not solely for the fact that these are tax writeoffs, so it's not as if there's no incentive for rich people to do these things. In a way it's like they've gotta build PR walls for themselves, because otherwise people
would see right through this shit as self-serving and truly low effort when all their money is considered.
Also since this veers slightly ot, wealth disparity of this caliber is degenerate.
No. 532709
>>532690meanwhile full-time healthcare workers are coming home to empty stores after work. If anything allow people with full-time vital jobs to enter the supermarkets before working hours, but that's pretty hard to regulate I guess.
I don't see why elderly should be allowed earlier in anyway. Those who aren't in elderly homes and being taken care of, are usually vital enough to wake up early. And they do, I used to work in a supermarket and it's always elderly who're at the door early in the morning. They have no more right for food than anyone else.
No. 532858
>>532851I'm planning on getting the game + Switch soon, how does QR codes work? Is it like before or are they too locked behind the online subscription too?
I wonder how homebrew LAN play is going to work out with NH, spending money on kids game stuff that used to be free just rubs me the wrong way. If it's super shitty I'll just keep modding NL.
No. 532861
>>532771As someone who's not a fan of her music, I'm just tired that for the past decade this meticulously PR-crafted celebrity keeps getting shoved down my throat with the threat that if I say I don't like her, then there must be something morally wrong with me.
Why would you think people who don't like her are misogynists? She was a 4chan favorite and still is to some extent, so clearly it's possible that misogynistic people like her just fine. Pickmes? it used to be the running joke that TS songs were all boy-obsessed and either about a relationship or a breakup. Pickmes love TS because her songs are all about men and the troo lurve.
No. 532865
>>532771or maybe its possible that her music is awful and everything she does is perfectly calculated to make her look like the
victim….. hmmmmmm u COULD be right though prob just bc ppl hate women
No. 532869
>>532865yeah, she really does always make herself the
victim, but the thing with kanye, scooter and scott were legitimate. what they did really was shitty, even if she loves to be the serial
victim. i think the people who hate on taylor are just taylor's version of the "fuck bieber" dudes.
No. 532896
>>532771Her music is absolutely not my taste but the amount of hate she got simply for dating, writing cheesy songs for angsty teen girls and putting on the same sjw act as all other mainstream celebs nowadays too, is totally disproportionate. She never did anything bad, there have never been rumors of her being shitty to fans, so that already makes her a better person than most other rich people. I honestly think that most are jealous because she's the stereotypical skinny blonde good girl, who's super popular and then doesn't even act like an ass and exactly that pisses some off.
But it should stop now, that the Kim and Kanye thing got exposed, they commited a crime against her and yet everybody thought she was in the wrong for years.
No. 532898
>>532896honestly, "look what you made me do" did not help her when she was legitimately in the right. really made her look guilty and like she was relishing being a "snake". taylor does do some annoying shit, she lies about herself and desperately wants to be the underdog, she was nasty to camilla belle for no reason, etc, but she's hated because people are rightfully jealous. she's talented, skinny, blonde and blue eyed, she has a model figure, white, born into wealth even before she became famous, etc. she got as lucky as one person can get, really, so people definitely shit on her for that reason, but also because she's a pop star. pop stars get shit on even if they are genuinely talented simply because they're very famous.
No. 532946
>>532909I feel like it's the opposite, she's done a lot less milky stuff than other female singers (e.g. Ariana with her borderline blackface, cringy tats and gross baby talk), yet when it comes to hate she get's more shit than Chris Brown.
Miley is mainly hated by older people because of her nude wrecking ball stunt.
>>532912I honestly think this is just one person. I posted that the phonecall was leaked and immediately one very persistent anon went on about Kim and Kanye basically being in the right because Taylor is so bad and totally deserves it.
No. 532957
>>532954it's called introversion
as long as you're not incapable of socialising and are able to maintain healthy relationships with people around you, and you said ou have friends you hang out with, so you're probably fine.
No. 533063
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>>532954I'm so used to doing shit alone cause i don't have any friends. I'm an ambivert so i'm cool with whatever. Quarantine sucks tho I'm trying to get a job.
No. 533124
>>533111>thinking any of nintendos older consoles had games that needed anything server sidekek
sorry you're hurting over less than $2 a month, i'll just be over here on my family plan with all my friends playing animals.
No. 533204
>>533200It becomes hard to believe any of them when fairies start entering into it. Expecting people to refer to you as a fairy??
I have a different dissociative disorder from early trauma and with people like that being so vocal now I don't even feel comfortable telling anyone about my totally mundane type of dissociation.
No. 533206
>>533059Never said stop playing it dumb ass. Get some reading comprehension.
>>533052I don't want to play a boring crappy game.
>>533035I will. People are shit anyways.
No. 533211
>>533184Scientists have already found a biological basis for the existence of dissociative identity disorder, so I personally don't even understand the squabbling back and forth on whether it's "real". The issue most disputed by professionals seems to be how common it actually is (it's most likely extremely rare), not its existence in the first place.
What I think most laypeople should be asking is "How do we spot and deal with all the LARPers?", not "Is it real?".
DID has been capitalized on by opportunists on Tumblr, YouTube, etc who are basically play-acting as their own OCs, and shitty pop culture.
The same thing happens with depression, bipolar disorder, BPD, ASPD (we all know the psychopath trope), the list goes on.
No. 533220
>>533208The only 'DIDer' I ever knew was a friend I caught lying about it, her only official diagnosis was BPD.
She was a compulsive liar and she hated her friends spending time around her parents because that's when the lies would usually be exposed. You'd mention something in passing and her parents would be all confused cos it was a made up story.
No. 533222
>>533211The effects of trauma are very real, dissociation is real.. but women claiming to have fairies, male personalities and little girls all living inside them are attention seeking cluster b types.
With the dsm changing its stance on disorders every few years it'll be interesting to see whather we stick with it being real or whether we'll change the name and description of it to essentially backtrack on that.
No. 533279
>>533222Dissociating, losing memory and thinking you’re a different person isn’t really that out of the ordinary as a response to trauma/PTSD. If you can buy the effects of trauma and the dissociation that comes with it, it's not really a stretch. I think some people have a fantasy idea about it meaning you literally become a different person, and that leads to all the confusion and fairy uwu shit.
Several dissociative disorders exist, even if you also know some cluster B morbidly obese Pagan chick with 19 cats who pretends to have one specific, very rare and life-ruining tier one whenever her boyfriend tells her to take a shower. I don’t get why people are so sensitive about this.
No. 533294
>>533281>dissociating has nothing to do with believing you're a different personDid you read my post correctly, anon? I clearly separated dissociation and thinking you're a different person for obvious reasons, so this part was unnecessary.
Furthermore, there is a link between PTSD (which stems from trauma - based on the trauma model for DID, it's kind of a given that those with DID would also have PTSD) and delusional thinking: oneself to be a different person, hearing voices, etc would fall under most categories of delusion and/or psychotic thinking. Memory loss is an obvious "duh" when it comes to some forms of dissociation.
Before I address the rest of your post, do you have any links to actual studies that come to the same conclusion as yourself?
The symptoms of DID aren't linked to histrionic behaviors or performance.
They're defined in the DSM as "the presence of two or more distinct personality states" accompanied by the inability to recall personal information, beyond what is expected through normal forgetfulness. Other DSM-5 symptoms include a loss of identity as related to individual distinct personality states, and loss referring to time, sense of self and consciousness".
Like I said, just because you know a girl/guy or saw some on Tumblr doesn't mean they represent the normal presentation of the disorder itself.
No. 533300
>>533296That's the thing. It's literally linked to PTSD, but snowflakes take it out of context, and uneducated people see said snowflakes acting out, refuse to do any research and start screeching that it's not real. When you add in rape apologist/pedo defending groups like the False Memory Syndrome Foundation being used as sources by the (hopefully unwitting, not malicious) people in the second group, shit gets even worse.
The lucky thing is that DID is rare. Imagine if the same thing happened with something comparatively much more common, like schizophrenia. So many people would be gaslit daily by angry retards and tumblrinas at the same time.
No. 533308
>>533305I've read the same thing. Of the very few people who most likely have it, it's probably an extremely small amount of them who actually go to a psych, have that psych accurately spot what's going on with them, and then diagnose them as such.
Also, this is just my opinion, but I think if someone does have it, their chances of becoming self-aware, let alone going to get help, are slim to none. They'd probably just wonder why they have huge gaps in their memory and/or are randomly blacking out, and either try to keep it a secret to live as normally as psosible, or seek help for possible physical issues, rather than mental ones. If they also suffer from auditory hallucinations or bizarre, impossible lines of thought, then they just have even more reason to keep quiet about it.
The chances of someone like that deciding to start a YouTube channel and bring attention to themselves, where they regularly post videos titled "My Alter Does My Makeup!!" and get into e-fights with Trisha Paytas are…well, you know.
No. 533313
>>533277>they pretend there's "biological basis" for fetishismWhat are you even talking about here? Trannies? Because that was debunked long ago you're going to shit on science and claim it's all wrong, at least keep up to date on it. Not doing so is antivaxxing mom tier.
No. 533321
>>533300One of the most popular voices on it said did is as common as bulimia (she's not a professional but claims to have facts supporting their points)
I do genuinely believe in DID, there's an aussie woman who did an interview about her father's trial for sexual abuse and i truly could see that the personalities she created were to protect herself as a child.
Whereas the people like Nin and Nan just make it seem so surreal and bizarre, like having a personality that is literally one of their original characters or all of the alters doing their hair and makeup individually and kinda having their own lore.
No. 533329
>>533325Do you have a single source to back up anything you're claiming? At least post evidence if you're going to sperg this hard.
Also, you're coping if you seriously think neuroscience and the psychology field aren't bedfellows.
No. 533350
>>533330I haven't found a single study or professional that refers to people with DID as a "system".
The closest I've found was this article where some researchers looked into "multiplicity" (an equally murky term), discovered people who called themselves "multiple systems"
on internet blogs and interviewed them. The researchers noted that the testimonies of some of those who called themselves "systems" contradicted the idea of DID, and concluded multiplicity as being somewhere between identity disturbance and DID, rather than "true" DID.'s also this Vice article (yeah, I know):>The multiplicity community insists on being seen as healthy—even normal. This is our reality, they argue. Why are you imposing your reality onto us? Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)—and its controversial precursor, Multiple Personality Disorder—are terms roundly rejected by the community, and most of them don't feel that they belong in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) at all. It's not that they don't believe people can suffer from DID (or, more broadly, Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified [DDNOS]). They just don't accept that they suffer from it. To them, all those with DID/DDNOS are multiple, but not all multiples are DID/DDNOS. Contrary to what a DID/DDNOS diagnosis implies, multiples want everyone in their system to be seen as people. Not fragments, alters, or personalities, but distinct individuals who happen to be inhabiting the same physical body.So tl;dr: 99% chance that anyone who's calling themselves a "system" is just a LARPer who spent too much time on the internet. Despite the above blurb from Vice, they may go on to use the (possibly self-diagnosed) DID label to draw more attention to themselves, as "multiplicity" isn't a commonly known term.
No. 533555
>>533554That's gross. I was a mature student in Biology and literally hated all my professors. After working an office job for 7 years I was over the bullshit and thought more educated people wouldn't be so frustrating to be around but I was wrong.
Literally so many professors stay glued to the side of the pretty girls and give them so much attention. I had one professor try and flirt with me during a smaller seminar and it was just cringe and he could tell I was judging him and eww. It's so cringe when they try to connect with the students by crossing lines.
No. 533625
>>533567>>533557Damn now I feel bad. We had this science teacher in 11th grade that my friend and I used to lowkey sexually harass…..
He was in his 30’s I think but he got no ring, had really cute curly brown hair and he obviously works out. He always dressed in VERY form fitting clothes, we’d sit at the first table, our eyes at crotch level while he lectures, we’d leer and giggle. We’d ask for hugs all the time, pinch his arms, ask to touch his hair, teasing about his lack of girlfriend, asking if he thought we were pretty (while acting sad and insecure). One time he wore this white button up that was on the thin side, so I
accidentally knocked water all over him. I masturbated to that for days.
Despite all that, he was always very professional, friendly in a restraint way, never showed himself flustered, never took any bait. Teenage hormones are scary… no wonder high school teachers are often old and ugly.
No. 533728
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>>533720>being this triggered because of m-muh LGBT i'm actually bi myself!!!Embarrassing.
Anyway, major NGE spoilers follow. Kaworu's whole purpose storywise was to be Shinji's wish fulfillment, i.e. a person who fully understands and supports him (pic related). Shinji has major daddy issues and doesn't get recognition from his male peers, female characters think he's a weak mousey bitch that needs to man up. This is why it's so essential that Kaworu is the validating male friend he needs. Whether their relationship is romantic or Shinji just obsessing over his perfect, idolized Favourite Person is up for debate, but calling it "fujo pandering" is ignorant and straight out insulting to the series, especially when the original anime came out when such a thing didn't even really exist and the company was already bleeding money so bad they had to cut Kaworu's appearance almost to nothing in the original run despite him being planned to appear way earlier. The current re-imagining the Rebuild is doing is correcting that in a way.
While the company might milk it for the fujo bucks, I don't care. Merchandise is merchandise. It still doesn't change the fact that at least Shinji and Kaworu have the most stable relationship out of all of them despite it being based on a symbiosis. Kaworu needs Shinji in order to feel like his life has purpose (as he said in the anime) and Shinji needs him to feel loved (also mentioned). Kaworu appears in the original TV anime pretty much at the point when Shinji has been absolutely wrecked and is desperate for someone to love and understand him. If Kaworu was a female character nobody would question the ship or call it "forced" but because he's a male it's obviously fujo milking cash cow bullshit and so much more degenerate than fucking your mother or masturbating on a comatose chick.
No. 533731
>>533728you're missing the point that
none of the choices are supposed to be good for shinji
No. 533733
>>533730Don't read it, faggot.
>>533731No, you're missing the whole point of the text wall.
>Whether their relationship is romantic or Shinji just obsessing over his perfect, idolized Favourite Person is up for debate>It still doesn't change the fact that at least Shinji and Kaworu have the most stable relationship out of all of them despite it being based on a symbiosis. This implies that out of all the relationships Shinji has it's the
least unhealthy. With Rei he's basically taking advantage of someone who doesn't understand the concept of free will or even has that option. Asuka straight out abuses him and he himself harbors a dangerous amount of suppressed anger for her. Their symbiosis is not healthy for Shinji because it's based rewarding him for nothing but at
least it's somewhat nurturing.
>>533732This has nothing to do with LGBT bullshit dingus, it's about analyzing the relationship that goes deeper than "forced fujo cash cow ship" as the one smoothbrained anon put it. My problem is that people stop looking into the purpose of Kaworu as a character playing a role in the story just because they refuse to see them as nothing but just bros fistbumping and being bros.
No. 533740
>>533735I stand corrected, let me word myself again. People refuse to see Kaworu as the perfect understanding waifu that he was supposed to be in the story and dismiss his purpose immediately just because he's a male character due to their bias against homosexual relationships, when the point isn't if Shinji is gay or not but instead because a female character wouldn't connect with him as well as a fellow male would, referring to his daddy issues and discomfort with women again. So it's connected to LGBT issues in a way because of viewer prejudice and such affecting their comprehension but I find it both frustrating and hilarious that an anon tries to explain this with the "I'm actually bi so I must be right!!!" hot take.
Done with the NGE autism now, you all can continue stanning choking if that's your thing. I don't judge.
No. 533763
>>533759I wasn't involved in any Eva discussion ITT, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
I just saw the OP and was reminded me of all the Asukafags I've seen arguing.
>>533757I've only ever seen Kawoshinfags dump pictures in threads, personally. Not sure what happened in here, but it kind of pales in comparison to other forms of sperging I've seen specifically from people who fixate on Asuka.
No. 533953
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She peaked at playing Envy Adams and every other role she's done is mediocre
No. 533974
>>533953is this misa from death note
>>533966tbh all her songs are about the same fucking thing:
sugar baby, cocaine, drugs, florida/california, naughty baby i will suck your thumb daddy uwu, red dress and long nails, i need a sugar daddy, (insert old man with money in here)
i rly don't get the hype around her either, she's had like only 2 good songs that's it. and she dresses like a facebook mom
No. 533993
>>533103I also don't like alcohol. But I feel that I could get the hand of it if I wanted to. I just don't wan't to because I passed my late teens living alone with my grandparents and granny was a controlled/calm? Alcoholic.
She would sperg a lot of time, not about happy things of course. She died 4 years ago and last christmass I found the last bottles she could have hidden in the house.
I guess and I hope.
My OT is that getting drunk or being an alcoholic should be seen shamefull for both genders. Women are seen way worse than a man when having an addiction.
Plus, I personally feel nerveous whe someone's drunk or smells like any type of drug.
You're not yourself, and it's not good if you put your body in that state frequently.
I'll see myself out.
No. 534106
>>534092Yeah and some scenes outside of his supports added more hints like everytime he was projecting on Kanji and saying stupid shit that applied to him more than Kanji. Yosuke's SL worked more like Naoto's than the other girls, as in you had to choose specific options to
trigger an actual romance as opposed to dating or friendzoning him. Except the developers either removed the actual romance or didn't add it at the very last minute. P4 as a whole was developed and released super fast after P3 so either case is possible. Don't get me started on the spinoffs, the remake and the p4 anime.
No. 534188
>>534109What a surprise the edgelord who acts a above it all throws a temper tantrum the second he gets criticized. He got famous off of making fun of people and supposedly ruining their careers he shouldn't be surprised when the fanbase he fostered take apart his personal life too.
The hate for Anisa on here is overblown. Ian deserves it instead.
No. 534204
>>534109Ok, icuck lmao
This is why I can't stand drama channels with "personalities," eventually they all unravel and they especially cannot stand it when their audience comes after them with the same energy they went after others with.
No. 534289
>>534276I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this. I have no idea how they think they can try to give her advice or criticize her when so many of them are fat themselves lmao.
Tbh I'm also under the impression that a lot of them don't want her to lose weight since they all basically cash in on her weight issues. Most of them are stupid enough to base their whole channel and identity around chewing Amberlynn for her obesity and if she were to lose weight they'd lose out on money and content.
At this point, I genuinely want Amberlynn to lose weight just so these obnoxious hypocrites can finally fuck off.
No. 534486
>>533974She has stopped singing about this shit three albums ago (well, except for drugs). Move the fuck on.
>>534414where the fuck are you reading nge discussion?
Asukafags have been cancer for years.
No. 534535
>>534531I agree, I don't care about the husband part either. It probably just
triggers men like that polygamist, afraid women might retaliate eventually for mistreatment like the tigers.
No. 534578
>>534542quiznos was the best fast food and all americans need to be shamed for EVER going to subway instead. i remember seeing poor quiznos being ignored and avoided like the redheaded stepchild of the fast food community, for
subway of all places. absolutely shameful. this is a national failing. do you guys realize they sold lobster and scampi bake subs? this nation is so ungrateful. you had a beautiful thing on your hands - a fast food restaurant that offered high quality subs, including a selection of lobster subs and scampi bake subs at affordable prices, and you just let it slip through your fingers. very sad.
>>534547why does no one appreciate del taco?
No. 534726
>>534396>>534712the other day i looked at a photo of myself from my early 20s and one from my late 20s (current) and realized they look virtually the fucking same and all my worrying about skin quality and nasolabial folds etc is mostly a projection about my feelings of inadequacy. like sure i look a little older up close if i really analyze it to an autistic degree but most normies probably wouldn't be able to guess exactly where in my 20s i am. i also finally don't care about not being further along in life at my age. i think when we worry about "running out of time" we don't actually think we're running out of time, it's just that we'll no longer be able to be precocious or impressive for our young age. boomer parents often emphasized precocity and it was like nothing counted if it wasn't ~so advanced for your age~ so maybe i felt like i'd be a loser if i didn't get my life completely together way ahead of time. quarantine is killing that notion lol. so fucking petty and dumb.
sorry for ranting about myself but i'd encourage other late 20s/early30s farmers to do the same. don't look in a mirror where you can stand really close and pick out every little flaw, just compare a flattering picture from now to a flattering pic from some years ago and ask yourself if you really look that much older.
No. 534734
>>534728I remember watching a show years ago where menopausal and post menopausal celebrities spoke about aging in a light hearted way, they had a whole segment where they spoke about how you become invisible at a certain age
I honestly remember thinking I can't wait to reach invisible age
No. 534747
>>534726>just compare a flattering picture from now to a flattering pic from some years ago and ask yourself if you really look that much older.I find it a bit difficult to make a direct comparison, the changes in photo quality over 10 years are significant. I don't think I look bad or old either way but it's not really a clear look at my skin on old cameras.
But honestly, as long as someone doesn't have visible wrinkles/saggy skin and hasn't 'aged up' their style (eg got a short mum hair cut), I probably won't think they look old. I am fucking flabbergasted at the women who get accused of aging badly on here when I can't see anything wrong with their skin at all. Anons just see what they want to see, and they really want to see the more attractive cows looking bad.
No. 534776
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The "wall", aging like milk, haggard roasties vs. aging like fine wine, haven't even reached their full potential yet, life just starts
No. 534793
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>>534779I'm sure he's grateful for it after starring in the Harry Potter movies.
No. 534795
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>>534776I feel like female celebs are aging better and better, bar the drug addicts/anorexics. There are a bunch of actresses and singers in their 40s who look amazing. It might be thanks to money and fillers/surgery but men aren't getting the same results.
>>534779I really like him as an actor but he's not even a bit cute anymore, and the rest of the male HP cast didn't fare much better except Neville. Like, compare Tom and Emma lmao… I remember when some unflatteringly harsh/HD photos of Emma came out and showed some lines on her face and men on the internet went nuts shitting on her and talking about her hitting the wall.
No. 534907
>>534769The wall is a shitty sexist concept shilled by men. I've seen uglier men in their 20s, then i even see women in their 30s and 40s. Men are the uglier sex by default– all body hair and balding. No thanks. I'll take women over men any day. I think women age much better than men by default.
>>534793He looks awful, but the dude who played Ron in the movies has aged even worse. I can't imagine what Draco's actor looks like.
No. 535021
>>535019Alcohol is legal but retards still manage to die.
I'd want drugs to be legal so junkies can score cheaply and readily so they can kill themselves faster before they destroy their family emotionally and financially. Also to put cartels out of business.
No. 535081
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Everytime someone says something displeasant, ignorant or blatantly stupid is always one of those goddamn ~intjs~, why does this label attract so many fucking scum?, as if the mbti community wasn't braindead enougth they apparently also chose them as their overlords which makes sense, nothing but bottom-tier incel losers, I fail to understand what's so "Mastermind" about harassing anyone who is not a white guy and losing yourself on endless, pointless internet battles when you could be doing something productive, specially when they talk about how ~succesful and perfect~ this type is compared to other types, everytime I see that friggin acronym I know it will be an edgefest, as far as I have noticed, they're all autistic elititist shut-ins who apparently fart cheetos all day and think that's peak organization skills, they're all poltards too, if you're an intj and you aren't retarded, fine, i don't give a fuck, just scroll down or whatever, but I just wanted to rant about this fucking toxic plague, so toxic they literally get banned all the time on Plebdit.
No. 535103
>>535081>>535094INTJs are cancer, they are just a school shooters in making
INTPs are your typical virgin anime chicks lover
INFPs are suicide tier
These three types are popular/common in imageboards
ENTPs are just coomer chad sadist
No. 535127
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>>535103>INFPs are suicide tierive been read to filth
No. 535134
>>535128Damn, why hate bdp-chan.
INFPs are one of the most common in imageboards. And yes, mbti is shit, cognitive functions are better.
It's just horoscopy for nerds that I enjoy.
No. 535174
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No one would have given a single shit about the SU Zamii controversy, Tumblr got mad at an artist for drawing a fat character as skinny to the point she was bullied to committing suicide and the show creators had to step in, if it didn't have the "crazy SJW" bent to it. In fact most people who constantly bring her up would mock her for attempting suicide over "cyber bulling" if the SJW element was removed. I'm just fucking sick of every random dude acting like they were against the bullying because they're empathetic. They just hate SJW, and thats OK, but they should stop LARPing that they're a beacon of empathy.
No. 535180
>>535103>INTJs are just a school shooters in makingNah, those were just edgy ISTPs on their unhealthy Ni function, it's kinda obvious actually
>>535134>INFPs>Implying those aren't just depressed ISXJsIf you see a weird type being a majority in a website, chances are those are just a bunch of mistyped sensors (specially SJs) as they do have the numbers to do so and love internet and lying themselves, 4chan is filled with them just as Twitter and Tumblr are.
>ENTPs are just edgy ESXJs larping>INTJs are just edgy ISTXs larping>INXPs are just depressed/nerdy ISFJs larping>XNFJs are just sjw XSFJ larping>ENFPs are just Ne-happy ESFJs larping and ESFPs that don't want to be called whoresSensors, may i remember you, are literally everywhere and are a big part of the poblation, obviously there are niches and websites that attract some types more than others but they still are majority.
No. 535221
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>>535180Yup, check out, it's full of self proclaimed INxx types and they will literally type every uwu special character as their own type with only few exceptions. Worse is the "vote your type if you like____" and it's always INFP votes. They'll vote anything they hate as xSTJ. My type (ISFP) is always voted to every emo/edge or "slow" character. Lurking on there is funny, Infp vs infj "who's more special" fights, "they can't be this type because I am that type and I don't like them!",lumping all xSTPs as Trump lovers etc.
No. 535246
>>535103I'm OP and that's not what i meant with my post, i'm an INTJ and i'm not going to kill someone nor i'm a "edgy bitch with no heart who's about to verbally abuse you", i'm just wary, kinda aspie and organizative there's nothing more to it i'm not a "mega intellectual" nor a "heartless machine", i was venting over people having the wrong idea of me just because lots of mistyped (male) losers (mainly people with no sense of organization, like XXTPs) are using the label to be assholes and hurt people. Now INTJ, a supposedly Ni-Te oriented type with very low physical skills, it's literally about to shot schools with the precision of a veteran soldier with 20 confirmed kills just to get caught because obviously that was an stupid idea with and even worse planning, and all just for attention and "sharing a radical, political message", shit makes no sense, it's not fair.
>>535180 gets it.
No. 535258
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MBTI is just astrology for nerds.
No. 535267
>>534523i don't care if she killed him either, good for her if she did, but i don't think she even did it. dude was so shady with his business, and apparently sounds like he was a pedophile or something, according to the sheriff? wouldn't be surprised if he got taken for a ride on a trade of many cars, or if he tried to scam someone and got his, tbh. it's not strange for the person with poa to prepare/devise the poa, and if i had a shady as fuck husband i'd put 'disability or disappearance' too. even the sheriff says he was shady and had incredibly shady business dealings, funneling money, etc.
>According to the sheriff, “Anyone who’s watched this series sees how complicated and convoluted their lives were. Don Lewis’s life was no different, from his shady business dealings down in Costa Rica, to having a girlfriend down there, to funneling money down there in small amounts, taking clothes down there for different individuals, young individuals that upset parents with some of the sexual relationships he had there. It was extremely convoluted, no different than in the series…it almost seems like our investigators at any turn encountered another obstacle. He had two security guards both of them at the front gate of his property. They were interviewed separately. One saying, I haven’t seen him six months. The other saying, I saw him last week and these were two individuals who worked closely together…" No. 535272
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>>535221The first fucking character I saw with my type.
>>535174I think she survived her attempt. Still doesn’t excuse Tumblr losing their shit. I think it was spearheaded by someone who was jealous that she had gotten an internship at Nickelodeon and they hadn’t. It was a “receipts” blog but half the posts were about how she couldn’t draw hands.
No. 535567
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>tfw you've never taken a personality test and you have no idea what any of these letters mean
No. 535675
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>>535664you take that back
No. 535707
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>>535706You should try grilled rabbit meat with barbeque sauce,it's the BOMB
No. 535903
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>>535844I personally think she's conventionally attractive. It's just that she's an awful person, so of course people will pick her apart more.
No. 535960
>>535941I’m sorry but when you make sex work your job, posting pictures of you sitting on your dirty carpet and cluttered room isn’t going to fly. She’s going to make millions off of this just because of her boyfriend and it’s so painfully low-effort that it’s practically insulting.
She’s not a model in terms of looks but she doesn’t do herself any favors in her shots. She has no creativity or confidence to be doing this well.
No. 536040
>>535865>>536023Probably dudes and icuck underaged fan girls. Evidently multiple onlyfans whores are seething that some “
problematic” butterface is raking in their yearly earning in less than
No. 536067
>>535664I have a pet rabbit and I'm fine with eating rabbit. It can be hard to find in stores and restaurants where I live, but luckily I have family that raise rabbits for meat.
>>535708People who sperg about dog meat are ridiculous. There is literally nothing immoral about eating dog. However, they are not great meat animals, because as carnivores they are fairly expensive to raise and taste bad.
No. 536114
>>536051Man, these girls selling porn of themselves is so widespread now it's getting kind of disturbing.
I really liked this guy and he's very interested in me, but I ended the whole thing because he follows nothing but this cringy ass ahegao/cosplay/porn trash on instagram. It's 90% of his follows and it's so offputting. It's too much and comes off obsessive. And I wasn't sorry about it at all, it was just an instinctive drop. I'm sure he wastes cash on this shit. Never has something turned me off a dude's dick more and I REALLY wanted to fuck. I hope he keeps jerking off in front of a screen and paying for it forever.
No. 536218
>>536114I did the same thing a while back. The whole thing was cringy as hell. He had random family members, friends, a few co-workers, then 90% trashy porn and paythots.
Like, how is that not incredibly embarrassing? Everyone you add on instagram can see you're following random trashy women with thousands of followers. It just makes you look pathetic, especially to anyone who might potentially date you.
No. 536233
>>536114 anon and in my case it's a millennial and he links his place of work on his Instagram. He has everyone from his life on there and every day follows new camgirls who all look like each other and edit their photos to look like the same anime blow up doll. It's all so fascinating and sad. He seemed so cool. Is this a new version of the guys who had posters of naked women all over the walls of wherever they worked that allowed it back in the day? I guess it's kinda like that but even worse. I can't imagine parting with my money for that.
No. 536240
>>536237He's not a boomer, lol.
Seemingly he's just trash. Too bad.
No. 536254
>>536218 and the guy I was talking about was the exact same. He knew everyone could see because he mentioned looking at someone's follows.
It just baffles me they think any girl would be interested in a guy that's publicly lusting after hundreds of camgirls. That's just embarrassing as fuck.
No. 536428
>>536418i hope your partner leaves you
and if you don't have one then i hope you will never get one
you're ugly
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No. 536503
>>536428"I wish death upon you and hope you stay ugly forever and ever and ever and ever and ever"
Lol damn
No. 536563
>>534578hey anon I appreciate Del Taco!!! It's not everywhere though, maybe that's why no one appreciates it. Taco Bell is fun if you're like me and like horrible gamer-tier junk food like Dorito tacos, but Del Taco is objectively better. I liked Taco Bell's nacho fries but Del Taco fries are fucking delicious and their queso is way better. I guess it's a mildly unpopular opinion because no one gets my love for Del Taco? But they fucking should.
Also, on the topic of fast food, is it just me, or has Pizza Hut gotten worse and Dominos gotten better?
No. 536835
>>536721I used to live in the Tennessee Bible Belt and I can't stress enough how much pressure there is on both genders to get married and have kids in hyper fundie world. It's not like in normal society, where the pressure is mostly on women by a lot. Also, being gay isn't just "frowned upon", you will most likely be disowned by your family and the entire community will see them as the
victims. So yeah, anyone in that situation should be deserving of sympathy.
That being said, I ended up moving to a very progressive state and still knew a coupe closeted guys who ended up marrying women. There's barely any stigma against homosexuality here, so there's absolutely no excuse.
No. 536881
>>536835But you have no idea about their personal situation or upbringing or the way it has impacted them. It’s just not your place to say how easy it is or isn’t to come out and even in progressive places people will still put pressure on someone of either gender if they appear to never pursue relationships.
I think it’s homophobic when people consistently frame gay people who end up marrying the opposite sex as it being always deliberate and malicious. I think it’s possible for someone, even in adulthood, to be so repressed they genuinely don’t realise or fully understand their sexuality and therefore end up marrying someone of the opposite sex and realising it later in life. It’s sad and a unfair situation to everyone involved but is one of those things that just isn’t really anyone’s fault
No. 536917
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>>536903How the fuck did you jump from a fictional 2D character aka a drawing to
rape in porn which is in fact, very much real? That makes absolutely no sense.
No. 537023
>>537019He just noped out of adulting, moved back in with his parents one day without any previous problems. He didn't want to work or pay rent so just regressed very suddenly. This was after years of us being together and being normal productive adults.
He had a sister who was a NEET so maybe she made that lifestyle look good to him? He never really gave me the closure of telling me why.
No. 537026
>>536998Same, anon. My friends offer to have me in their wedding parties but I hate it. I only participate because I care about my friends. Wedding planning just seems like a drawn out excuse for people to act selfish (and my friends have acted so, so, SO demanding and selfish) because it's their day, their dream, etc. And it truly is all about the ceremony and show of it, because my friends aren't even religious! Which makes the ceremonies extra cringe knowing they don't truly believe in the superstition or tradition of why they're doing something, just that they liked what they saw on pinterest and Instagram and wanted it for themselves.
Growing up Catholic I've had enough of being locked in ceremonies and beholden to someone else's ramblings. I'd never have a ceremony unless the money to me was just that expendable, but at the end of the day I'd feel guilt and shame. It's the knowing that people would rather be doing anything else and would only attend to be polite to me because weddings are bores.
For that reason I kind of wanted an elaborate dinner like a feast, and maybe just hire some spiritual figure to officiate something quick between hors d’oeuvres and the entree. Then a big party with actual fun shit to do.
The only parts of a wedding I care about are the prenup, the ring, and the food.
No. 537071
>>537031yeah like, my self esteem is a lot better than it used to be, but i can't even fathom the gigastacy level of confidence you need to have in order to enjoy an event where
>the entire point of the event is attention on you, your relationship, and your decision to get married>all family is present, some of which you may dislike and/or dislike you yet they begrudingly attend to begrudingly give you attention>same thing applies to friends and partner's friends, and maybe coworkers>all these people listen to you read heartfelt vows to your spouse and watch you kiss>vast amount of money is spent on this and people are expected to spend more money on gifts for jfc it's the biggest extrovert flex ever. it's kind of impressive in a way. i want to have pride in myself and my relationship but…not like this
No. 537074
>>537070Who pays for it?
I paid for my own wedding years ago (well we both did) but does that differ in other countries? I remember as a kid seeing american movies where the parents always seemed to pay for big weddings. My own parents never offered.
No. 537253
>>537107Damn, I see people in other countries sometimes having their college paid for by parents, wedding paid for etc. Where I am most are financially on their own at 18/19.
Always weird that most movies showed that different life when I was growing up, had such mixed messages on what to expect lol
No. 537372
>>537367I had a boyfriend who wouldn't let me hang out with my female friends because he was so convinced I'd cheat on him with them. He was fine with me hanging out with dudes because he "knew other men weren't a competition".
Ironically I ended up leaving him for another guy. (No cheating involved, I broke up with him immediately once emotional lines started to be crossed.)
No. 537415
>>537360The point of liberal feminism is to pander to men, which is why most rational women shy away from it. Nobody sucks dick more than a libfem.
Radical feminism is "true" feminism but you're not allowed to say you're one of them unless you want a horde of men sending you hate mail.
No. 537442
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I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but it's been unpopular among people I've talked to about it – it's a red flag when a woman is the one to propose in a hetero relationship. In my experience, she ALWAYS winds up being incredibly controlling. Recently my brother was proposed to by his gf of several years (her reasoning was "lolol I didn't want to wait for him to do it!!!" no she did not discuss it with him beforehand, he didn't do it because he wasn't ready but he's too autistic and timid to ever say no to something that means so much to someone else). I was hoping she'd be different but recently my brother informed me that to cut down on their water bill, they were going to be cutting down on showers at their apartment. Fair enough, I figured they'd be showering every other day, maybe taking quicker showers, etc. Only discovered today that she is showering every day as normal and is forcing him to shower once a week.
No. 537452
>>537442>my brother was proposed to by his gf of several years (her reasoning was "lolol I didn't want to wait for him to do it!Um yeah several years is a long ass time to wait, what's your brother's problem? How old are they?
If a man doesn't know if he wants to commit to a woman after a couple of years then it's time to run to someone who's not going to waste time. Men know.
> Only discovered today that she is showering every day as normal and is forcing him to shower once a week.Now THIS is controlling. But still, your brother should either shit or get off the pot. Sometimes men like your brother gravitate towards iron will women like this one because they are generally too "autistic and timid" to take initiative with their own lives. It may feel comfortable having her make his decisions and their joint decisions as a couple but he should really learn to be his own advocate. It sounds like he's comfortable being in a relationship with her but doesn't want to marry her, and that in itself isn't bad but that's bound to make for a shit marriage.
No. 537464
>>537459Are you talking about cultures where marriage is done younger because I don't see how it's acceptable for a woman in her late 20s or early 30s to wait for a man to make up his mind for several years, that's unacceptable. If he says no it's just tough shit for her if she's almost 40 and has to start all over again when she wants things like joint equity and children? Unbelievable.
Good on her for asking him and being forward about her wants. If it's "controlling" to be in charge of your own life path and desires then so be it, it's about time women had that audacity. The proposal is not why she's controlling.
>How could you know if he's the right one so soon>so soonSeven years is too soon for you? I knew I didn't want to be with my ex for the rest of my life after living together on year number three going on four.
No. 537469
>>537463I would agree with you a few years ago. But even the women who wait for the man to do it know they want to get married. The problem with proposing to the man is like
>>537452 said, men may feel comfortable but don't actually have the desire to put in long-term commitment and effort for the women. With the woman proposing, doing all the preparations and work, and the man going along with the flow is very dangerous for the woman and will likely result in a shit marriage for her.
It fucking sucks because I like being the one who takes initiative and is proactive but it enables the worst kinds of guys
No. 537474
>>537471>just to avoid the conflictOh yup, that's also a thing.
It sounds all nice and romantic on paper to be the one to propose (at least to me) but in reality the kind of men who would wait long enough for the women to propose in the first place are garbage trash.
No. 537510
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>>532054I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE FIND KIM KARDASHIAN ATTRACTIVE. I have never looked at a photo of her and registered her as pretty and I strongly prefer dark hair and dark eyes on everyone. She tries sooo hard to emulate cher when she was in her prime (Who was absolutely drop dead gorgeous) but fails miserably. I'm so sick of manufactured "beauty"
No. 537540
>>537452>>537464>>537472>Seven yearsI'm the original anon who posted about my brother and they've only been together three years, they're both mid-20s. Also tbh you're not wrong and I'm not saying that women don't deserve to take control of their relationship. I've just never seen it work out in my personal experience so I can't help but see it as a red flag. Though the replies are making me realize that it depends on the man, too. If a woman insists on marrying a fat NEET like my brother I have to assume she finds his naivety and general manipulable nature appealing. I mean I love him and all but he is not exactly what I'd call a high-quality man lol. She's trying to convince him to have kids now, too, which is something he has outright refused because they both have autism and she has a ton of hereditary health issues. I kind of suspect she's going to use their marriage as leverage to convince him to have kids with her.
>>537471>One of my friends is a fucking idiot and agreed when his girlfriend proposed just to avoid the conflict that could stem from saying nothis is probably precisely what happened kek
No. 537542
>>537447>welfare isn't enough to pay the rent and food shopping?In many cases, no. I'll assume because you said "in the west" and "foodstamps" you're mostly referencing the US. For one thing, how much food benefits and housing vouchers one gets is based on the number of their dependents and the state laws. Welfare in California and New York is not like welfare in Louisiana and South Carolina for example. Red states tend to have more strict and meager welfare for their poor citizens and even people who don't make shit often don't qualify for any assistance (red states have the worst health outcomes for the lower income brackets compared to the blue for this reason). Welfare is more like a subsidy. It's assistance, not complete coverage of expenses, which is why it's often not enough for people. Costs of living can also vary. Poor people have better access to resources around urban areas but those areas will have a higher cost of living versus living out in the country which has its own downsides.
>why do obese people need free food?Because malnutrition is still a thing no matter how much you hate fatties, which obese people are more likely to be. It serves no purpose to deprive anyone of food. Those poor people might not be so obese if we gave them a better quality of life btw.
>How can people beg for pity after 10 kids?What's the alternative? Tell the 10 children tough titty because their parents weren't responsible? Criticism is fun but that's not a solution. The solution disappeared after the parents decided to not abort, and the children won't cost less if we force them into the foster system. We can't just take kids away because the parents are poor unless neglect or some kind of abuse can be proven.
I agree with what you're saying but what does it help except marginalize, and make those who actually tried or just fell onto hard times feel needlessly bad.
No. 537568
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>>537447Huge chunk of people on food stamps and housing are single working (immigrant) mothers but ok. A lot of whom freshly escaped long term domestic abuse and need help getting back on their feet. In states I have experience with, food stamps is ~$300 + $100/child for a whole month. Do you know how to nutritiously feed 2 mouths, 180 meals for 30 days on that budget? That's $2 a meal bitch. Contrary to your /pol/ tier beliefs, these people didn't pop out a whole baby after the fact for an extra $200-$300 a month. Also if able bodied you are REQUIRED to work a certain number of hours a week to even be eligible. Don't know where the free gibs myth come from, loooong gone are the days when you can sit on your ass and get paid in America. Even obese, completely unemployable white trash struggles to get gibs these days, the criteria is strict and gets stricter.
Welfare ain't paying for your gas, your phone, your internet, kid's school needs, and a hundred other necessities we spend on without a thought. Welfare ain't paying for emergencies like illness or a broke down car or a broken fridge. If you live section 8, getting fucking robbed by the crackhead next door is a real threat, you sure as fuck don't have any property insurance. I'm sure we don't need to talk about the state of medical care…
Anyway, doubt you'll even consider any of that. Given that you're probably a spoiled brat who just found out that working for a livable wage fucking sucks in any country and you wish your government would hand
your princess ass money for existing.
>t. worked for social service in college No. 537596
>>537568>>537542I said the West (as in Europe), not the fucking cancerous Who Ass Ayyy. Your poorfags are even worse, though. But it's only because I'm not American that I don't go against y'all salts.
A salty ex-poorfag.
No. 537611
>>537601So uhm while we're at it wouldn't it be a good idea for those obese americans to get multiple jobs and less kids?
>>537608"Poor" people in Europe are fat, yes? It's not an American thing.
To answer you, we have them now too because of the corona thingy. Food banks are a bit messy.
No. 537619
>>537617I couldn't agree more, it's dishonest to even call it cheating.
Abusive partners aren't in a real relationship, fuck em
No. 537625
>>537618Does your big brain get in your way? Like ever? How do you put on a shirt? Or does it weigh you down because of how
smart and
intelligent you are? Please tell me more of your hot takes, you sound like the next Messiah.
No. 537627
>>537617Cheating is cheating but I really don't care if a woman cheats on an
abusive man. I just don't want to say it out loud because I don't want men to get the impression that they have the right to cheat on their "
abusive" girlfriends and wives, when we all know their definitions of abuse are usually gross exaggerations.
"My wife wants me home before midnight and I have to text her if I plan to stay out later, ABUSE!"
No. 537633
Redirect your anger, poor people isn't the reason why you suffer.
No. 537650
>>537649I'm not being edgy when I say 10 grand is middle class. You can look up the definition if you want. 10k or even 20k being put into someones college education is not that much, it's not like it pays for everything.
Being bad with money and calling people "privileged" when they aren't doesn't warrant a serious response. And no, not every post is mine. Spot the dots?
No. 537657
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cant believe u guys have been entertaining some lame ass dude this long lmao
No. 537664
>>537661Who fucking cares where it falls under class wise, anyone who comes from a family that can give 10k up to one child's education is privileged period. Stop trying to play
victim by saying you're middle class and not rich; you live a cozy life. I say that as someone who is upper middle class and knows when to shut the fuck up.
No. 537665
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Tried watching Beastars.
I'm bored of mean environment school tropes in shows. The characters are never believable or relatable to how people in their age groups actually behave. Beastars manages to combine that with super uncanny ugly cgi animal characters who don't actually need to be animals to tell this kind of story. If the characters were human the overall plot of this show wouldn't be affected. It's a boring high school drama thriller that will have no longevity because the main pull is that the characters are animals. Other animes have done animal plots and characterizations much better.
No. 537684
>>537665My main irc is that the people try to pull the "It's better than zootopia!" shit when they're the same. The main criticism is zootopia wanted a prejudice metaphor, but it fell flat because bunnies have a real reason to be prejudiced against foxes. Beaststars handles this 100% worse because they straight up admit carnivores are genetically meat eaters and no amount of handwaving will fix their instincts.
The only reason people think this is deep is because 'muh anime is a serious genre that needs to be respected' and the metaphors are so broad you can rosrach test your own theme. I fucking thought Beastars was written by a pink pilled feminist who blamed mens genetics for them being shit.
No. 537706
>>537678>>537679is it really or it's the neckbeards? i know there are shows meant for kids and are there to sell toys but i honestly can't for the life of me understand why 99% of anime is centered around high school. even in those cookie cutter isekai shows, a concept of high school somehow exists it's just so absurd
>>537684>muh anime is a serious genre that needs to be respectedgod i hate this shit so much, apparently that's enough to shield the medium from criticism bc muh japanese cartoons
No. 537734
>>537678>>537706How many American TV shows/movies are set in college instead of high school? There's your answer. The setting is popular because the target audience
is in high school or is freshly graduated.
No. 537742
>>537665> If the characters were human the overall plot of this show wouldn't be affectedThat is wrong, because all of the issues they face during the story (which continues on the manga) are there because they are specifically animals. It can’t be translated to the human world, unless you stretch the ambiguity in the metaphor. Unless you’ve lost all the subtext in the story, the more you go on the more you understand how it can’t be translated to humans.
Anyways, the stories go on and switch to them graduating and going to work/college.
No. 537748
>>537618You define "poor people" like one entity when there's a lot of types of poor people from different social environments and countries. Even if those poor people have the opportunity to go to college for free a lot of them are already fucked by life and don't really have life expectations anymore. Also, you have no idea how degrees work. I'm in Eastern Europe and my degree will be useless outside of my country, even if I get a PHD it's gonna be pretty useless outside of my country and here you don't really have much working opportunities. There's so many poor people that go to college, finish their education and then they're jobless and poor because of the economy.
Anon, you're in a place of extreme privilege if your mom makes enough to save 10k for your college education and because of the place you're in you honestly don't have the right to speak about "poor people".
No. 537773
>>537762I had an ex cheat for six months before telling me, he slowly set up a new relationship and life with this woman so that he could move in with her the day after dumping me.
But kissing someone while drunk, yeah I could call that an accident.
No. 537775
>>537762What, do you accidentally fall onto another guys dick by accident, or accidentally kiss them? Sorry, but I have to disagree. I can understand unintentionally having feelings for someone else while in a relationship, but that's when you do the grown up thing and try and quell those emotions or you break up with your current partner to be with them. There's no excuse for it. If you want to cheat, then cheat, but there's no 'accident' to it. You wanted to fuck someone else, so you did it.
The only way you can accidentally cheat is if you had too much to drink or were under the influence of something, otherwise, if you're stone cold sober, stop making excuses and accept the fact.
No. 537779
>>537762>you're not going to crash your car sober but that might happen under influenceNo that won't happen because normal people don't do drunk driving.
>>537775>The only way you can accidentally cheat is if you had too much to drink or were under the influence of somethingBut then it's still you who's at fault. Alcohol is not an excuse, nothing is an excuse (unless you were literally forced into a relationship).
I always find it disgusting when people try to come up with ways to justify cheating. Your bf abuses you and you can't leave? Ok. (but how can you even get close enough to another man in siturations like this?) You feel like your bf doesn't love you enough, blah blah? Then just break up bitch.
No. 537781
>>537762I think it depends on the context. A lot of the time, it's a mistake immature people make. But if it's, say, a marriage between two obviously well-adjusted adults, and one is just a piece of shit (like Onision), then it becomes more about selfishness and being a shitty person.
It always hurts, and obviously, it kills the first relationship, but I've kind of grown out of acting like it makes someone Satan under all circumstances.
No. 537788
>>537762>You can be the most loving, empathetic person and end up cheatingI totally agree with you on this point. I always thought the "anyone who cheats is an evil piece of shit!" meme is ridiculously immature and needlessly judgmental, but I couldn't disagree more with the idea that cheating is usually "an accident".
>I mean you're not going to crash your car sober but that might happen under influence, same stuff applies to relationships. That's why you don't get in a car if you're drunk, anon. I really don't see how it's hard to avoid a scenario where you drunkenly cheat on your partner. I once was drunk AF, staying alone in a hotel room with my well above average looking male best friend, and still didn't cheat on my husband nor feel any desire to. Yes, I'm well aware that different people handle alcohol differently, but unless you're extremely new to drinking, most people have an idea how alcohol impacts their judgement. If you're aware you're the type to lose control and judgement to the point of possibly cheating, then don't drink without your SO present.
No. 537805
>>537795Every year, try every day. They're obsessed with us. Can't live without female attention but they get bored of 4chan fembots who try to appease them and put up with the fuckshit.
Wish they'd go bother the
real femchan
No. 538039
>>538026i couldn't agree with you more. i fucking hate the way they act like it's inextricably linked to nazism. but yeah, look at the way iceland is framed negatively with the down syndrome situation. unbelievable, an undeniably great thing they've done there, and yet these people try to paint it as an ethical nightmare comparable to designer babies. there is no point to having children, so why have ones that will suffer and will need protection, when you can't guarantee that protection, ever? imo, it's extremely unethical to have kids, period, because you can't guarantee their safety or happiness, ever, but having children when something runs in the family or when you're high risk, or when you know your child has a deformity, is so cruel and horrible.
sorta kinda related but not really, just another unpopular opinion, but until there's somehow proper economic reform, there should be incentives for the poor or economically unstable to not have kids. obviously not because they're somehow "inferior", but because their children usually suffer. again, this is claimed to be nazism or whatever. it's shit to say that, and it's obviously a symptom of a larger problem, but…
also, while on this topic, there was a short bit on VICE about a woman paying for drug addicts to take birth control or get their tubes tied and everyone on the "left" was horrified about her "right to have children" (while drug addicted). what about the rights of the children? what about the rights of these kids to not be born addicted to meth, or to have a stable and happy childhood? people who fight so much to keep the "right" for people to have kids never, ever care about the circumstances those children will face.
No. 538095
>>538064 >I strongly believe that sometimes the best thing you can do as a mother is not have the kid in the first placeOff topic but I know so many women who've had kids for selfish reasons and I know women who've ended pregnancies and given their circumstances it had been the right choice for everyone.
Nearly the whole class I went to school with ended up with either planned babies to get benefits (for a while my country was insanely generous with child benefit payments and lots of babies were born for that reason) or babies to help hang on to their first bf who'd already mentally checked out of the relationship. Shit's depressing when you think of how that next generation will be. With moms that take sadatives cos life didn't turn out how they wanted. Benefits were cut after the baby boom was too much to handle but at least mom still gets free prescriptions.
No. 538188
>>536998i'm really looking forward to having a fun courthouse wedding w my girlfriend, and some close friends in attendance. then a reception w everyone else
>>537334i definitely agree. i feel so awkward at them. so much secondhand embarrassment too
No. 538190
>>533746The first half of the series was terrible.
>>533966I always thought her songs could have been great if she would just write good, serious lyrics. Born To Die could've been an amazing song but the trashy lyrics just ruin it.
No. 538193
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>>538127I absolutely agree
No. 538218
>>538123Nope, didn't explain anything.
>>538121>>538124Then don't bring it up period. Being passive aggressive because your feelings got hurt in another thread is embarrassing.
No. 538246
>>538026>>538039You have it 100% right, but the thing is that taboos are taboos for many reasons, but none of them is "because they make rational sense".
>there's nothing wrong with eugenics>they act like it's inextricably linked to nazismThe people who actually have a brain have issues with eugenics not because it's inherently immoral (there are plenty of soft ways to do go about it, soft incentives that aren't "literally force abortions and tie people's tubes") but because the "eu" part of "eugenics" is not an objective matter. "Certain people are more fit for life than others" carries the question "according to who?", and if a government is meddling with reproduction, this is already understood as their having a certain group they deem "more fit".
You have a brain, I have a brain, we all have a brain and can understand that it's possible not to go full Hitler, but the mere acknowledgement that some people might be more or less "deserving" of life due to circumstances (poor/rich, drug addict moms vs stable moms, etc) carry a huge weight to the general dumb masses who operate under "literally every life is valuable no matter how detrimental" secular humanism. Especially when it comes to
genetic disorders - our system is highly dysgenic (provides for and enables the reproduction of people who would otherwise not survive) simply because common morals forbid valuing any life higher than other, no matter how filled with suffering some lives may be.
No. 538256
>>538249That is not an unpopular opinion.
The real unpopular opinion is that Into The Unknown is a better song than Let It Go.
No. 538311
>>538249>>538256Here's an unpopular opinion for you: Frozen was one of the worst movies Disney has ever produced and only such a mega success because they crammed it down everyone's throats marketing-wise and basically forced everyone to love the song despite it being a mediocre broadway composition only saved by a skilled, charismatic singer. I watched the movie expecting this to be something amazing because even adults were going on and on about how great it was, and this is what I got:
>Unrelatable main characters that don't experience proper growth and don't learn from their mistakes until the very, very end with a rushed "oh yeah love saves all" lesson >It's obvious the movie was in development hell for decades because the plot is all over the place and jumps from here to there without a proper structure and ill-fitting tone shifts and huge gaps in the lore you just kind of have to fill in yourself because it's so rushed>It thinks it's smarter than it actually is by repeatedly mocking the "true love" trope, but predictably ending up as a victim to it later on in the movie, but excused because "she ALSO learned to love her sister!!!". also muh feminism but kristoff does most of the work during the entire script >The villain twist is so fucking stupid. So stupid. The twist works if you leave a red herring in the story but this was just lazy writing. Why couldn't Elsa be the villain? She ended up with no coherent role in the story except running from her problems and then growing a spine at the last second as a plot convenience.I could go on and on about what a piece of shit movie it was but even adults are extra defensive about it and willing to go to autistic lengths about how everyone who disliked it is just a no-good contrarian. I understand if you're under 10 and dazzled by all the pretty princesses and shit but an adult should be able to tell that it's not worth the hype. I'm glad Frozen 2 wasn't a big success because I couldn't have been able to take another wave of my nieces going crazy over it.
No. 538316
>>538246> but the mere acknowledgement that some people might be more or less "deserving" of life due to circumstances (poor/rich, drug addict moms vs stable moms, etc) carry a huge weight to the general dumb masses who operate under "literally every life is valuable no matter how detrimental" secular humanism.yeah, but it has nothing to do with whether or not someone is deserving of life. it's whether or not they should be forced to endure unavoidable misery, and i believe they have the right not to. they're absolutely deserving of all the positive things in life they could possibly experience, but the fact that there is no avoiding potentially endless and extreme suffering is horrifying and heartbreaking. if people turn that into "you value certain lives less", they're just not arguing in good faith.
children have a right to not suffer more than people have a "right" to have children, anyways, imo.
>simply because common morals forbid valuing any life higher than other, no matter how filled with suffering some lives may be.but i don't value lives any more or less. that's not the issue at hand at all. the issue is just so unnecessarily emotionally charged that it's obvious people don't actually give a shit and don't actually want to mitigate the pain and suffering of children/people in general that obviously don't choose to suffer and are
victims of their parents' choices.
No. 538408
>>538311Elsa was originally meant to be a villain, with spiky blue hair (those spikes in her hair now are what remains of that) according to the Making of Frozen thing I've seen. Anna was meant to be an ordinary townsperson and not her sister, and things like the "Do you want to build a snowman?" song were added in at the last minute.
I think little girls loved it simply because she's a pale, platinum haired barbie princess, and there is a lack of recent Disney movies with such a generically appealing lead character.
No. 538418
>>537360>>537749I know this is 2 days old but similar to anon here
>>537396 I didn't wanna call myself a feminist not because of rightwingers but cause of annoying sjw types on twitter, like seriously when the first introduction to feminists are millennial woman who spend most of their time on social media and posting about how men suck or whatever while only ever make sarcastic replies that you can't tell if their ever serious or not, that will be your impression of all feminists for a long while, luckily I got out of the mindset but I don't blame girls(especially young girls) who are somewhat hostile towards feminists
No. 538646
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>>538434>mfw I prepare a whole cornish hen and lasagna in the oven for anon and she doesn't consider it fooda bird died just for you to make me cry
No. 538652
>>538406I feel as if drag culture is incredibly
toxic to both men and women.
No. 538873
>>538857Sorry Mrs. Dash is too spicy for you.
Stick to salt and pepper.
No. 538919
>>538857It feels like there's some people out there who make eating as spicy food as possible their personality. Most of them always try to act unbothered but they're already sweating like pigs and their lips are all red, like congrats, you can no longer taste the food you're eating because your mouth is on fire, but at least you proved how tough or unique you are by putting extra spicy sauce or powder into it.
And that white people don't season thing is also bullshit because every country simply has their own unique way of seasoning food - many just don't get that not spicy does not equal not seasoned. And that's not just in white countries, for example in east asian countries too they will sometimes serve you meat pretty much unseasoned, because it's high quality and therefore you should enjoy its taste without drowning it in other stuff.
No. 538936
>>538919Hardcore agree.
It's almost an attention whoring competition to see how hot they can go to 'shock' others instead if enjoying a bit of heat.
I also am sick of hearing that white people eat bland food and don't know how to cook. My mother is asian and my dad is white and both of them had completely different cooking styles but growing up I enjoyed both of their food just fine. I also never had a bad experience eating at a white kids house.
That also reminds me, I have an unpopular opinion that white kids DO in fact get beaten. I used to get my ass whooped as a kid for everything. I guess you could argue I am mixed, but we didn't speak a 2nd language and I knew heaps of white kids who were beaten by their parents. It's like such a meme that all white kids are rich and spoiled and tell their mothers to fuck off when they tell them to get off the Xbox and that Hispanic/Asian/black households are worse but I think it's all the same. It happens everywhere.
>>538936>I have an unpopular opinion that white kids DO in fact get beatenBut, that's not a good thing?
I hate the notion that kids who aren't beaten or that people who are vocal against parents hitting their children are always assumed to be spoiled, rude, lazy, disrespectful towards their parents or other adults, lack disdipline, bad at school and so on. I do believe that if somebody would conduct a study across as many nations and families as possible, the kids who weren't "disciplined" phsyically (or rather who didn't suffer from domestic violence) are actually more successful in life, plus they definitely had a happier childhood. There's a difference between respect and fear.
It annoys me that so many defend this by immediately claiming that they turned out super well despite being hit, better than you, the person who wasn't, without any proof at all. Nothing says I'm a mentally sound adult like supporting the beating of your own flesh and blood, who should receive love from you but instead is left scared and defenseless. If hitting another adult is a crime, than hitting somebody who's much smaller definitely is as well.
No. 538984
>>538952>>538975I never once defended hitting children at all in my post.
I was just pointing out that white kids get hit too despite all the memes about only asian/hispanic/black getting physical discipline. I do not condone it whatsoever. Yes I said it happened to me growing up, but I wasn't saying it was a good thing.
Not sure how you got how I was defending it from my post.
No. 538995
>>538973How? We're talking about a socialist who owns three homes and strung everyone along for an entire election. He was always going to lose to the establishment candidate like back in 2016 and yet he was accepting cash from his supporters the whole time. What do you really think he's going to do with that leftover money? Give it to charity?
I swear he's like socialist jesus to ya'll.
No. 539077
>>539070As autistic as this sounds, i think there's more than one way to be attracted to an anime character or cartoons in general.
Sometimes if I follow a show for a long time and the character is well written enough, my brain fills in what the cartoon would look like as an irl person and I'm attracted to the overall idea of them, but not the simplified cartoon on its own. But this is rare and i'm much more attracted to irl men. But then there are people like nemu or the average coomer weeb who literally like the way the cartoon looks, and in that case I agree with you 100%.
I just don't get why people aren't more embarrassed by being attracted to cartoons. I see it as a form of arrested development, like you haven't finished developing your sexuality. I would expect people to be embarrassed about it the same way they get embarrassed about being a virgin or never having a long term relationship, but they seem to put it in a separate category.
No. 539084
>>539045asexuals literally think they are so high and mighty because they don't fuck and always gotta mock others who enjoy sex and even call themselves "pure". you are not special because of your asexuality, you are an embarrassment.
literally thought we left asexuality in 2016 along mogai identities of tumblr.
No. 539090
>>538039I remember that evil lady. Did that woman give her infertility services in opiod-ridden rural areas? Just wanted to see something. If not, then I understand the concern and suspicion for her motives.
>>538246Right people say eugenics is ok because they think they won't be on the receiving end.
No. 539093
>>539088i don't think that's an unpopular opinion? but who knows
>>539089i know a woman who thought she was a lesbian but she's now married to a man lmao. i guess lesbians don't exist
No. 539099
>>539096If you go to any asexual forum it's always full of people saying they find X celebrity hot too. And then they justify it with "Well it's just quasi-demi aesthetic sensual attraction, I'm still asexual."
I've never met anyone as thirsty for Benedict Cumberbatch as the average "asexual".
No. 539101
>>539097im literally dating a woman rn
>>539096yes i am quite aware that straight people use the asexuality and queer card to pretend to be oppressed
No. 539120
>>539088Well, to be completely honest I think girls like her are very, very taxing to deal with and that she was stupid for getting involved with sociopathic robots to begin with. But I still don't believe she deserved it. Nobody deserves to get their throat severed by someone they thought they could trust. Her family and friends got bombarded with pictures of her bloodied corpse and people masturbating over her photos. People spread rumors that she was trading nudes for drugs when there's apparently no solid evidence of it happening. Nobody deserves to go like this.
The thing that bothered me about the Bianca case wasn't the girl itself. It was the phenomenon and the realization that so many girls are on their way to meet this sort of fate. Even though I can't stand or even respect e-girls I still feel bad for them. I feel bad that they don't have female peers to connect with and feel comfortable with themselves to avoid having to beg for scrote attention. I feel bad that they were driven to the path of degrading themselves to feel validated. I feel bad that adult men are allowed to groom girls as young as 13-14 with barely any consequences, and people are willing to just blame the girls for asking for it when ultimately it was the society around them that failed them. It wasn't like Bianca was this marketing mastermind who made a fortune on Patreon pretending to be the sexy dream girl and it makes it very hard for me to actually feel any ill will towards her. She was practically a nobody with only 2000 followers on IG despite the headlines painting her as some sort of an "Instagram celebrity". She was just a 17-year old girl who grew up on the internet unsupervised. Papers talk a lot about young, radicalized alt-right men but barely a peep about all the lonely girls who end up fucking themselves over like this.
No. 539127
>>539121>>539123Make one in /snow/ then, but I know there's already a thread about it on kiwifarms.
>>539126>That shit isn't natural. It's like a mental illness.Lol, that sounds familiar. I don't know why you're so bothered by people's asexuality.
No. 539129
>>539099that's the type that makes me think they just have a blocked libido from something. persoanlly i don't see why some people couldn't be completely lacking of sexual desire just like how there are people who can't feel certain emotions, can't think creatively, can't empathize, can't smell or taste etc. but that's not the type you see on tumblr. the type on tumblr has some kind of sexuality but are probably either undeveloped or scared of sexual intimacy or both.
i just can't believe they try to act like they have some secret insight into things because they're not "distracted" by sex. maybe that's truer for men but i feel like the average woman is not horny and not distracted more often than she's so horny she can't focus on anything else. we have the luxury of enjoying both being horny and not being horny. asexuals only get one.
>>539117lol i've thought this too. being fat as a really good cook or pro chef is like having a flat ass because you're a trucker, getting sick often because you work in the medical field, or having a bad back because you do labor etc. it's avoidable if you're really careful and diligent, but for the most part it's just a side effect of your dedication to your job, and i can't fault you for that.
>>539120i agree. all the classic e-girl cringe tendencies just scream self hatred to me, and that does make me sad when they're so young. i don't really buy that she "enjoyed" the attention so much. Or at least enjoyed isn't the word I would use. I doubt she felt happy and satisfied from it. getting fucked up male attention when your self esteem is in the gutter is more like a hit to an addict. it doesn't feel nice, it just prevents you from feeling even worse. but idk i could be projecting because i don't know what bianca truly felt.
No. 539131
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Lol, once I read a post on tumblr that said something like “asexual people can have sex, and many do have sex often. It’s just that they feel no sexual attraction to their partner, or anyone else for that matter.” I just know this can’t be right
No. 539134
>>539131isn't that just… letting your partner rape you? i mean, yeah of course you consent to it but you
actually don't even feel any sexual attraction but still have sex
>tfw confused as fuck No. 539139
>>539135yup, i agree. and if they're not on meds, they simply haven't developed that part of their sexuality yet but need to have a permanent identity now instead of leaving it as a question mark until they get older.
>>539136we've somewhat come full circle but it's not just that. at this point, there's so much info and subcultures out there that there's no longer just one way to be edgy. anything contrarian and counterintuitive can be edgy if it's in the right context.
No. 539154
>>539146That's pretty unpopular, lel. You don't think there is merit to trying to reduce unnecessary suffering as much as possible? There are lots of situations where suffering is unavoidable but no one in the first world needs a fur coat. I would agree that if you eat animal products it doesn't make much sense to care about fur or leather though.
>>539147But that's a obscure scenario, and it still contributes to demand for fur.
No. 539275
>>539128>>539127The reasons why someone is "bothered" by asexual speds:
>99% aren't even asexual in the definition of the word and experience sexual attraction and arousal, but believe they're asexual because they aren't thinking about sex and porn 24/7 and in the case of male "asexuals" it's because they can't get laid and are trying to cope>They think it's a sexuality comparable to homo- or bisexuality and try to shoehorn themselves into the issue where they don't belong>They also think they're being oppressed just like gay people because "p-people constantly erase my sexuality and think it's not real!"Imagine thinking that because you don't do casual hookups or aren't interested in sex all the time you think that it's some sort of an actual sexuality instead of a personality trait. Asexuality as it is is full on comparable to other bullshit sexualities like demisexuals which was another way to slither under the "opwessed uwu" umbrella.
No. 539290
>>539288Who's gonna take them all in, you?
>Antivaxxers shouldn't be allowed to have kidsFix'd your shitty unpopular opinion.
Now it's not unrealistic, now it's… eugenics.
Wait, I made it even shittier
No. 539309
>>539303Life is suffering
This is The First Truth
Embrace it
No. 540126
>>540115Actually you are wrong. I dont know where you got this false info from from but please dont spread it.
The majority of child abuse is incest related.
No. 540159
>>540115Even men they know can be a potential risk. When I was a child my usual babysitter wasn't available so my mom asked her teenage brother to watch me, we knew them and they lived across the street. Bam, he molested me when he had me alone and thought he could manipulate me. I just don't trust men around little girls as a rule.
I still can't believe she did that..
No. 540344
>>540321How are they even comparable? Tea and coffee are hot drinks, juice and water are cold drinks, they suit totally different times/environments.
None of them are ideal anyway, I only drink tea and coffee because hot chocolate is too high calorie when I'm in the mood for a warm drink, and I drink shitloads of water but it's a physical need rather than because it tastes good.
No. 540551
>>535743Dogs are conditioned to seek friendship with people, cows aren't. That's the difference and why some people see eating dogs as unthinkable.
Same with horses.
No. 540695
>>540688>Anyone purposefully getting pregnant knowing what the current situation is and the risks are willful, said the exact same thing and
triggered two retards into derailing the whole thread because
muh rights No. 540729
>>540722You're gonna tell me why this bitch recruiter at some college told me her psychologist diagnosed her as a hyper sensitive person
did that whore lie to me that a psych did that?!
No. 540735
>>540722In my experience the "too nice" types are
toxic as hell and will backstab you to self-vindicate. I can't stand them. At least the aggro types are often not tolerated in society but "empaths" are always given asspats and treated like angels.
No. 540755
>>540722All of this. The ~hypersensitive~ people can be in some cases much more manipulative and destructive than the people who are externally aggressive because you'll be roped into their mind games and guilt trips way more intensely as they exploit your natural will to take care of people close to you. They usually aren't even focused on supporting others but instead act like they're overwhelmed by the concern for the people around them to milk for empathy for being such a smol sensitive bean so hurt by the world. In the end they consume other peoples' resources much more than they ever end up giving back.
>>540735I've seen this happen so many times. Basically they keep all the bitter hatred inside and then unleash it in the form of backstabbing because they're unable to speak up when necessary. Both the aggressive types and the quiet HSP dicks are awful to deal with but the HSPs are more likely to get away with their shit due to the manipulation.
No. 540759
>>540755I knew someone who used to be a massive moralfag and hypocrite. I'm talking about a person that I watched backstab all their friends overnight because she couldn't handle accountability. I didn't even have beef with her but then she started shit with me like a toddler over a minor disagreement years later. The best part was when this person cries that I have no empathy just because I don't choose to be overly emotional about everything with a savior complex.
>They usually aren't even focused on supporting others but instead act like they're overwhelmed by the concern for the people around them to milk for empathy for being such a smol sensitive bean so hurt by the world. In the end they consume other peoples' resources much more than they ever end up giving back. Couldn't have said it better myself.
No. 540798
>>540795The point are those who claim every now and then about being empaths or whatever the fuck they say they are. They may not be the majority of people, but those whom goes around are rotten fruits to the core.
Mostly because it’s the only “personality trait” they have and mask being weak as someone who actually care about others.
No. 540813
>>535019Drugs are bad, druggys are bad. Lol.
Why are drugs illegal in the first place?
No. 540820
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>>540813>Why are drugs illegal in the first place?Because someone else gets rich off incarcerating people and making it so that these drugs can only be distributed by companies that will net a handsome profit?
No. 541055
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I find these two to be such unfunny try-hards. I hate the way ‘random XD!!’ Humour made a comeback in general.
No. 541120
>>541112lmao this. they're not intentionally lying about the contestants being hot, they're just doing it within their british context. anon should watch other british reality tv and it becomes very apparent.
inb4 what about kate moss and the beckhams!!!
the thing is, when the UK does manage to have a universally hot person, their beauty becomes legendary for decades and brits talk about it long after it's even relevant, because they don't have a lot of options to reference.
No. 541135
>>541126yeah quarantine is making me totally rethink my idea of success. even if you genuinely work hard and are talented, so much of any career success depends on other people allowing you to move up, and other people are fickle. from now on, i'm not letting anything that depends on other people's specific participation effect my self worth positively or negatively. if i fail a job interview, it doesn't matter because maybe they had some weird subconscious bias against me. if i ace a job interview, it doesn't matter because maybe they secretly just gave it to me because they thought i was pretty or didn't have another candidate. it's stupid to feel defeat or pride based on other people's unknown thoughts about you. from now on, i'm only going to base my opinion on myself on things i can do on my own, alone. i'm even looking the at NEETS much differently. ofc there's some that are selfish because they do nothing at other people's expense, but many are helpful or productive in other ways and they're not losers for that. i'm still going to try to get a nice helpful job when this is over but no more "trying to be somebody"or girlboss carrot on stick shit. it's just playing pretend for adults. at the end of the day, all we want is self approval anyway, but we think it's narcissistic or too easy so we try to get it by jumping through hoops set up by other people.
No. 541461
>>541458There is still a difference between being traumatized and having a full-blown personality disorder though. I suspect some women have both. PTSD doesn't make you
abusive - something that PD people often are.
>>541451>they really tried to make me feel ashamed, like im not a pedophile for fucks sakeUh…what made them think so?
No. 541462
>>541461But a personality disorder is something that doesn’t magically dissipate after leaving the
toxic environment
No. 541463
>>541460how? it's fucked up to arm chair diagnose someone with bpd and tbh men who call their gfs
crazy usually have issues of their own
No. 541467
>>541460There's some anons who seem really dedicated to "debunking" mental disorders lately, with no real professional basis, just their feelings. It's weird.
I feel like next they'll be softly pushing essential oils or some shit.
No. 541468
>>541466I have ptsd and I'm offended that someone would say I'm the same as a woman with BPD. I've met people with BPD and they were dramatic and
abusive as fuck.
No. 541469
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every fucking time bpd comes up on this damn site
No. 541470
>>541468This. Some sperg in /ot/ has been going on explosive rants about how BPD is totally a ledditor incel conspiracy to shame women into submission when in reality people, both men and women, with BPD are fucking horrible and willing to reach as far as they can to avoid taking responsibility. Everyone else is always "gaslighting" them and blaming them "for no reason", they're the eternal
victims who get a free pass to abuse and exploit their favourite person/people as much as they want to. I'm a woman who was abused by a woman with diagnosed BPD and I wouldn't wish that experience upon my worst enemy. Even if it was induced by abuse it still doesn't give them the right to pass it on.
No. 541476
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>>541469It's always a shit show and then the one fucking weirdo starts posting how psychology is a pseudo science
No. 541482
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One of the worst things that covid has done to the internet is cause all the desperates to start being naked on camera for money. There are some bodies I never wanted to see without clothes.
No. 541489
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>>541470 Ik you’re literally talking about sperging via bpd but I’ve also been diagnosed with bpd, and there is a lot of public perception issues with bpd because most people are only familiar with this one self centered /flamboyant style of bpd you describe that is the most “visible” (self mutilate, dramatic gestures, muh suffering) so other presentations that lack those crazy bitch special effects don’t register as bpd to people but it’s just as difficult to live with and ultimately ruinous.
No. 541514
>>541466Yeah it is a normal response. Especially in prolonged
abusive situations, and those starting in childhood, they will learn shitty coping strategies and can’t control their emotions very well and/or don’t know what loving relationships are like. The only way for them to improve is leaving the
abusive environment and having time to live a normal, stable life and figure out how to deal with themselves.
No. 541528
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>>541523Honestly? Sleepy with a headache and a trail of seeing shit comma usage by people i hate.
No. 541529
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>>541503>calling anything or anyone infantile when you sound like the epitome of an edgy not-like-the-other-girls teenage stereotypeSeriously, this place is 18+
No. 541535
>>541529Not OP, but your comment reminded me of something, and since this thread is about unpopular opinions, I’ll post it here (it’s mostly unpopular compared to this website but it’s also pretty unpopular on most social media too)
I feel like making fun of “not like other girls” for being “pickmes” and only seeking “male attention” is kind of misyogynistic towards GNC girls. Sure, a lot of them do say sexist shit (ie. Women are too much drama) but I feel like most of them just don’t conform to gender roles and can’t find another girl they can relate to. Sure, there ARE lots of other girls like them, but they’re probably the only one they know in person, while every other girl in their non-internet life likes stereotypically feminine hobbies. I feel like it’s simmilar to nerds who like weird things like anime or video games having no one to talk to in real life, but once they get on the Internet, they have tons of friends.
I also really hate the term “pickme” as it sounds super misogynistic to me. Saying that girls are only GNC or have masculine hobbies just to get a boyfriend or “male attention” really reminds me of people who say that women are only pretending to like video games for male attention, or pretending to have depression for male attention. Not everything a woman does is for the needs of a guy. Maybe they are just being the way they are.
Also, doesn’t apply to, but the same people who make fun of “not like other girls” memes also enjoy “boys are better than girls” memes even though it’s literally the same thing but replace “most girls” with “all girls,” making it even more sexist than before.
No. 541543
>>541535Not-like-the-other-girls is an attitude, not a descriptive term for having hobbies that girls you know irl don't have.
Stop overthinking it and feeling victimized for no reason, these memes don't fucking apply to you unless you are actually doing the things they refer to. Many GNC women aren't like that, they are literally the opposite because they dgaf about male approval and do what they want.
No. 541551
>>532148Wym Anon? Most amwf relationships I know are great and fulfilling, and wmaf relationships are the ones that tend to be
toxic and superficial
No. 541558
>>541535is this the post you were thinking about
>Not-like-other-girls bashing sometimes comes off as another form of bashing GNC women. I even see bashing where the implication is that being GNC in itself is internalised misogyny. I see GNC women accused of feeling superior all the time on the internet because people take their nonconformity as superiority without even getting to know her. I worry how that creeps into this discussion. there's a lot of take about the "not like other girls" mindset lately and there's even a lot of judgment toward GNC girls/women without a lot of understanding for their perspectives, a lot of it makes seem like its the "masculine" gnc girl's fault for harboring bad thoughts about the girls around her, and she has to unlearn internalized misogyny. many times GNC girls/women get accused of harboring the "not like other girls" sentiment regardless of whether or not they actually do, but people see that they're GNC or have "masculine"-coded hobbies and assume that these girls/women must have the mindset. It seems like there's a huge focus on talking about internalized misogyny in this context but almost no discussion about feminine girls/women who mistreat GNC girls/women, and almost never is that behavior framed as internalized misogyny or anything similar.>Growing up as very much a tomboy, I had this experience. I never thought anything about other girls and their hobbies- but they gossiped behind my back, teased me, used to pull pranks on me and ultimately shut me out. I never said I was "different from them", but they make me think that I was, which ultimately led to me not wanting to be associated with them. Feminine girls really aren't that welcoming and nice to the masculine ones at that age..
>The not-like-other-girls jokes I see now further alienate me. It was confusing to see the same type of girls I witnessed picking on me for being GNC accusing others of internalized misogyny and all these memes that implied it was the isolated girls fault she wasn’t really being excluded! Look how friendly those girls are! Yeah no, it wasn’t like that. also this recent trend of "shipping" "not like other girl" characters is creppy to me because I would hate if people started shipping me with the type of people who literally made me want to commit suicide No. 541588
>>534343thanks for bringing this up anon i was laughing about it yesterday too
most people shit on spongebob's new episodes, and while i haven't been keeping up with all the latest shit, i've liked what i've seen ever since i was a child.
No. 541623
>>541535>I also really hate the term “pickme” as it sounds super misogynistic to me. Saying that girls are only GNC or have masculine hobbies just to get a boyfriend or “male attention” really reminds me of people who say that women are only pretending to like video games for male attention, or pretending to have depression for male attention. Not everything a woman does is for the needs of a guy. Maybe they are just being the way they are."Pick me" isn't ever just about GNC women. It also applies to women who very much conform to femininity to the point of enabling sexist stereotypes. Although I agree with your overall point that sometimes feminine women think their experiences are universal and deem simply enjoying traditionally masculine hobbies as "internalized misogyny."
The only pre-requisite for being a pick me is to put you or other women down for male approval. I've been around a true NLOG pick me and she would always lament over being bad at math because she's female, despite otherwise being gnc.
No. 541625
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I'm 100% pro-choice, but I feel like not taking it seriously and treating it like it's no big deal is really disgusting and not appropriate(necessaryspeed4)
No. 541627
>>541542NTA but I think the point was that it's sometimes used as a misogynistic muffler against GNC women by calling them pickmes and NLOGs due to them being GNC. I've definitely seen this happen myself.
On a related note, while I hate NLOGging just as much as any other sane person I still think it doesn't always come from malice. There's the "I'm not like other girls" gender betrayer who copes by looking down upon other women, and then there's the "I'm not like other girls" who genuinely feels shame and sadness for being rejected by her female peers. Admittedly there's a lot of overlap between these two types too but when you dig deep enough it's always a cope to survive in a society that puts you down for not conforming to its expectations.
>>541558Oh man I remember that thread, it really made my eyes open to the issue. The part about how the ostracized girl is expected to realize what a horrible person they are and apologize to the peers who were the ones to keep them isolated was spot on.
No. 541700
>>541625Seconded. Some Women usually feel sort of an emotional attachment to the fetus or keep thinking “what if” and have to weigh their options a lot of women go through depression afterwards, it’s a really heavy subject.
>>541690Ok reddit or Twitter fag fuck off “Karen” isnt even that good of an insult, it just makes you seem retarded.
No. 541714
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I hate when people do this. I'm trying my best to age well, I don't need people telling me that my genes are basically hopeless.
People from other races nowadays mostly focus on uplifting each other, telling each other that their features etc are beautiful, but white people think shitting on themselves and their entire race is quirky. I saw a comment saying "I'm 15 and my face is saggy already"… wow what great rolemodels you are. Nobody can tell me that they really find this so funny, nobody enjoys being ugly.
Also, why is this guy so popular? He looks like a pinkfaced rat, yet get's millions of views for criticising womens' skin care routines, why would anybody listen to tips of somebody who doesn't have good skin himself?
No. 541737
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>>541728what about peoples like Afghans, Kalash and Kashmiris, they live in hot climates but have a light skintone and they seem to age just fine
No. 541743
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>>541740yes but they've been living in those regions for thousand of years as well, while most Europeans have been living in America's for just a couple hundred of years
(necessaryspeed4) No. 541806
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>>541803Saying this on this website… how did you even get here
No. 541821
>>541811NTA but no one mocked her tho? I think you're all overthinking due to your skin complex.
>>541814Every generalization is dumb. But from what I've seen they're aren't really taught to take care of their skin from a young age.
No. 541829
>>541821Generalizations ARE dumb, I’ve seen some wrinkly ass old black people. I seen all types of wrinkly old people, when you old you get wrinkly. Put on sunscreen whether you are dark skinned or light skinned, you get sun damage no matter the pigment in your skin people Jesus Christ.
>>541823Black people and other POC have had to hear and see images of their people being mocked and literally murdered for their skin for decades upon decades. Take the L and accept whats due to you. POC now have a safe place where they can express jokes about white people; they have never been historically allowed to express any negativity about their oppressors, so of course they are going to insult white people now that they have freedom to do so. White people kinda deserve it don’t ya think
No. 541849
>>541829Buzzword buzzword buzzword
>>541625Who would have thought
No. 541932
>>541829This post gave me cancer
>>541844>>541849These posts cured my cancer
>White people kinda deserve it don’t ya thinkYes. Absolutely no white people participated in the civil rights movements, none at all. Unnecessary hostility will definitely lead us to the promise land kek.
>Broad generalisation about specific race>Assertion they deserve negativity>Not considered racebait because white peopleThe mental gymnastics of the modern era is amazing.
No. 541950
>>541885I think it's just male makeup artist's way of trying to flex their skills by challenging reality.
Turn an ugly male into a pretty female. Garbage into gold, toad into mermaid, etc. Almost like playing god, I guess.
Of course being an actual woman beats having to literally paint on a facsimile of one. Anyone who says otherwise is coping hard.
No. 541983
>>541938You're mistaking quarantine with social distancing, anon. As long as
>>541853 is not infected by covid, she's allowed to sit outside in the sun all she wants. Just 2m away from everyone else.
No. 542043
>>542037You sound like men who say it's wrong to be against patriarchy or distrustful of males because "We're the ones who let you vote and gave you rights! [after denying you the right to do so in the first place]".
But sure, racism ended with slavery. Nothing bad has ever happened to black people in the USA enacted by white people since the day it ended. You won this one anon.
No. 542153
>>542020I can look at it and think nothing of it because they're not real and I'm not a crazy ass motherfucker who can't tell fiction from reality. I'm sorry you can't do the same.
>>542054You really think predatory pedos walk up to kids to show off their cartoon kiddy porn collection and scare them off right away? No, predators are the cool adults who can be whatever you want them to be because in order to be a groomer you need to be manipulative. They take whichever role these kids are looking for and slowly start pressuring them into committing sexual acts by shaming or rewarding them. The "I know this one's a pedo because they like a 14-year old anime character" discourse is meant to birth a false sense of security in a world where you can't tell who's a predator and who's not. Nobody could've guessed Kevin Spacey was raping minors for example.
No. 542245
>>542153hmmm…you sure seem defensive over drawn cp porn. And those autistic strawmans of yours lol.
Alot of men who are into drawn cp are also into REAL life children (wow who would have guessed that men who jack off to drawn cp would also do it to real children
And yeah men do show porn to their
victims its part of the grooming if you actually knew what the fuck that was.
No. 542253
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>>542153>I can look at it and think nothing of it because they're not realYou are a spineless, degenerate piece of shit.
The desire to see this kind of art is real. The artist's efforts and amount of time they put into drawing is real. The amount of time people spend jerking off and getting aroused by it is real.
The visual information you are provided by something seemingly "not real" IS real. The neurological connections strengthened by seeing this kind of art is real. The obsessive desire to draw more and to see more is real.
Have you no morals, or decency?
What the do you think it says about someone who draws this kind of art, and those that want to see it? Is there not the simple element of, "I like to see children in sexual situations"? "I spend literal hours and days of my life drawing and visualizing children in sexual situations."
Would you be alright with these artists drawing pictures of real children? By your definition, they're still just drawings, so what would be the problem?
No. 542262
>>542152You need to calm down. Nobody is killing or enslaving white people in the USA to ‘continue the cycle’, loool. I'm not even hostile to people who aren't hostile to me, but nice job assuming and contradicting your stance against hive mind mentality. Invoking MLK over someone on the internet joking about pale skin and the sun is a massive overreaction, and kind of shows how little you understand the struggle
Just put on some sunblock, invest in a good skin routine and chill. Black people are still told far worse things daily, online and offline, do you cape for them and write these kinds of essays in response? Maybe if more of the people making complaints like yours kept the same energy for everyone, more people would care about this skin thing, but when it's this ‘it’s all fine, free speech until you’re making fun of me’ thing? Nope, irrelevant, bye
No. 542264
>>542153Hi, anon. Can you explain why someone would have a fetish for fictional children, and why we should think nothing of it? What's wrong with fictional adults?
Whether we're speaking of reality here or not, please, do educate us all on what is sexually attractive about children in theory, to a non-pedophilic human being.
No. 542334
>>542283How retarded must you be, when you can't address a single one of my points?
Not once did I say anything about "it being a cartoon". I was arguing that whether it's a cartoon or real, the desires, actions and effort surrounding them are all very real.
You could have a literal stick drawing or real images, but they generate the same perverse sexual desires and degeneracy.
Doesn't it tell you something that people who draw sexualized children have the exact same responses and desires as those who engage with real child pornography?
No. 542392
>>541714>Also, why is this guy so popular? He looks like a pinkfaced rat, yet get's millions of views for criticising womens' skin care routines, why would anybody listen to tips of somebody who doesn't have good skin himself?glass escalator babey! the beauty community outdoes itself with its fag hagging, because haha sassy bitchy gay man funny. he's not even a derm or an esthetician, he just knows about ingredients? it's dumb as fuck and he's smug and smarmy and incredibly punchable. rat man thinks he's reinvented the wheel but all he brings to the table is his ugly, grating condescension. i'm sick of seeing his face in my suggested videos no matter how many times i tell youtube i'm not interested in him.
also, i wouldn't worry too much about aging, anon, it's inevitable, and as long as you are kind to your face (wear sunscreen, don't treat it too harshly, stay hydrated and keep the rest of you healthy, don't forget your neck, hands, and chest, etc) you should be fine. society considers women over 40 invisible, but like, fuck that tbh, who cares, everyone gets old and grey and wrinkly in the end. lines and wrinkles are just part and parcel of a life long lived.
No. 542397
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>>542283I'm guessing you're one of these
No. 542517
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>>542283imo I think it really depends on the context.
It's fucking stupid to go after artists who draw beefed up/clearly adult fictional characters or adult cosplayers who do shit with other consenting adults in costume.
Most anime characters are drawn so similarly, look ridiculous, and are put into so many outrageous situations that it's pretty easy to detach yourself from them and remind yourself that it's all fiction. And that's fine tbh. Most decent anime plots would work better if they were set in college instead of high school anyway imo but aren't only because they're main demographic is teens.
A good thing to come from all this drama tho is that it has pushed a lot of creators to put warnings on their content and make them hyper alert to block/not interact with anyone suspicious or underage.
However, I also understand the concern of anons over ACTUAL loli/shota because it's very questionable and even more so when MAPs have unfortunately made an appearance.
>>542264nta but from what I've seen explained in the wild, they seem to get off on self-inserting themselves as the shota and being taken advantage of by someone older/bigger/father figure. I'm under the impression that the people into this have a side effect combo of being a super coomer and having some kinda mental issue or trauma. Similar to those DDLG people. Definitely something to look into.
>>542253>Would you be alright with these artists drawing pictures of real children? By your definition, they're still just drawings, so what would be the problem?nta but tbf they said cartoon specifically. Cartoon/anime characters in general do not have realistic proportions/characteristics and can easily be discerned from a realistic life drawing.
If you were to say that anime art and realism art is the same thing in an art class, you'd rightfully get laughed at.
No. 542770
>>542603I really really hate this. I really hate having minors in a discord too. At one point, this old server I was in had a "drugs" channel, and the 15 year old would constantly post in it asking questions. I got very upset and was very outspoken about it.
Same with the NSFW shit.
No. 542941
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Izaya Orihara from durarara sucks ass. I've hated this faggot since 2012. has an ugly character design and is a boring excuse for an "antagonist" because I wouldn't even consider him fucking good enough to be worthy of the title "villain". Mikado and Shizuo from the same series also sucked. The good characters were all the ones who either got tossed to the wayside or were outright supporting cast members
No. 543249
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I think that being anachan-tier skinny is peak aesthetic and nothing can change my mind.
No. 543622
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This album doesn’t do much for me
No. 543630
>>543249this is interesting anon, what do you find appealing about it visually?
similar topic but not related to what you said exactly, recently i've found myself being less drawn to the idea of having a very small waist & large hips. i've started finding slim but curveless bodies to be very visually appealing on women, it's made me want to start wearing more straight, loose dresses
No. 544020
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>>544009>>544010>>544017>>544012The only way is to convert fat to muscle mass
No. 544028
>>544012>their frame To be fair, that one is at least
Tell me there's no difference between a 5'2 apple shaped woman and a 5'7 hourglass shaped woman of the same weights. Huge difference.
No. 544040
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the people who constantly whine about bpd on here and go off the rails every time it's mentioned are just as much cows as bpdfags themselves
No. 544516
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>>542941Lol, I have the exact opposite opinion.
I hated everyone and everything in durarara except Izaya, the fujo girl with the cute clothes and the ED.
No. 544564
>>544538Yeah that's actually true, I don't care about super obese and super old people dying. Are you planning to wait until the infections go magically down to 0 and then reopen the society? It's not going to happen, ever. A magical cure-all vaccine is not going to happen, ever. Those people that die now would've died of it later. I don't care about it. What I do care about is people being able to take care of their mental wellbeing instead of being shut in for extended periods of time alone and I care about people keeping their livelihoods in order to survive. Shutting down everything for months and destroying millions of peoples' lives just to save a handful that were already compromised isn't fair.
>inb4 bUT heALThY pEOPle diE ToO!!!!Very, very rarely. Healthy people can die of other contagious diseases too if they're unlucky enough. 50% of the infected are completely symptomless, 97% are in mild condition (including symptomless and those with symptoms), less than 3% are severe or critical and the rest die. Dying is possible but a very unfortunate stroke of bad luck.
No. 544569
>>544564It's to stop the health care sytem being overloaded from all these fat and old people getting sick at once. Even the most selfish person shouldn't want that to happen since they'd be fucked too if they needed emergency treatment but every single hospital bed in the country has an infected person in it.
>>544566Realistically vulnerable people would still come into contact with friends and family who would be going around their lives normally and still get them infected at too high a rate.
No. 544576
>>544565It's the same old shit that was spamming the covid thread for weeks
>fuck fat/old/foreign/immune compromised people, I have low empathy and I only care about me!!Read it a hundred times on here
No. 544578
>>542241This is late af but agree. It definitely wasn't a great example but more accurately a shitty attempt to appeal to people more along the lines of their logic. Unpopular opinions is hopefully the place to post this, but I theorise they only let him carry on as long as he did because they saw Malcom X as an unacceptable alternative. I think the racists who pull the strings saw him as the lesser of two evils, who would do the least damage to the establishment. Idk if that possibly belongs in tinfoil kek?
>>542262I'm not mad, but I apologise for any offence. Off-the-bat generalisations/blind assumptions on race are more accurately the behaviour I'd like to discourage. You can imply you've got me worked out from my poorly written rant if you want to, it's just counter productive to so readily categorise people from my perspective. I adhere more to the logic "two wrongs don't make a right", but you're welcome to disagree as you have already. You are right though, complaining about the hive mind mentality whilst trying to appeal to it must have come off as hypocritical. Idc if people think white people look old as balls kek, I care about double standards, though that may not have been clear. Just for clarification's sake when referring to "continuing the cycle" I mean the cycle of hatred, not the enslavement of people. And I chose that example because I believed that's something those with the mentality I'm referring to would understand, or possibly think about. Obviously not the best idea but what can I say? I tried kek.
No. 544579
>>544576I'm not sure if it's significantly different in other countries but I think this is a very significant oversimplication of what people are saying, when people have lost their jobs, have deteriorating health conditions they can't access help for, are stuck in domestically
abusive scenarios etc (and the lives that are also important that will be lost to these health conditions, domestic abuse cases, suicide) their criticism comes down to more than 'fuck fat or old people'. I think it's fair to argue the lockdown may not be the best scenario, we have no idea how this will ultimately play out. I feel like it's fair to make the argument Sweden's approach may have less causalities in the long run, no one knows for sure one way over the other
No. 544585
>>544579Assuming this is an unpopular opinion, but on the subject or
abusive situations has anyone else watched Russia spiral into extreme conservatism (possibly) as a response to the progressive values of the West? As we've become more liberal Russia has literally decriminalized some forms of domestic abuse. I'm not a fan of radfems by any means, but labelling yourself a simple feminist in Russia can result in actual death threats and I'm assuming much worse. Any Russian anons with more insight? This is through the lens of Western media so I can't know for sure it this is the exception, or the rule.
No. 544597
>>544593My fave was a few weeks back, really intense like
>'fuck old boomers, who cares if old people die, they're assholes who've fucked all young people over, they can all die!
>Except my mom, I live with her and I really hope she'll be ok, I love my momkek
No. 544601
>>544579This. Nobody is saying that old and fat people deserve to die, it's just a deliberate muffling tactic. People are saying that it's not realistic or sustainable to keep everything shut for months on end and that people are going to die nevertheless, but the more we extend the lockdown the more it'll do more damage on society than the virus itself. People have bills to pay, kids are stuck in
abusive homes where they don't get fed and collapsing industries will create a domino effect. But when bringing this up pearl-clutching anons instantly start screeching about how you're a selfish psychopath who wants to kill people via eugenics. It's nice that you're in a position where you can work remotely in your comfy home or don't have to work at all yet still make ends meet, but for a lot of people this is a terrifying time not because of the threat of getting sick but because of how their lives will inescapably be ruined for a very long time. Some more shadier governments might also use this situation as a tool to increase their own power to dictatorship levels.
No. 544617
>>544610>>544593They're just being edgy, it's not worth taking seriously. Don't take their "arguments" at face value, because that's not even what they mean. This is what they actually mean:
>"It's not happening to me, and I don't think it will, so I am averting my eyes from the gravity of the situation. I will, however, continue to complain about any inconveniences placed on me. Please do not call me selfish or invalid for this, as that will hurt my feelings"In another universe, they're making the same excuse of "fuck old/fat/sick people", but instead of the groups mentioned, it's literally anyone else. It doesn't matter. The bottom line is "Not me, not my family/friends, not my problem".
And honestly, who cares? Their compassion and energy won't save anyone, either. They're like low-empathy zombies. As long as they're not pushing to end lockdown or anything, the biggest annoyance with these people is that they keep inserting themselves into the discussion when it's clear they don't give a fuck.
I wish everyone would just tell them to shut the fuck up and go play Scrabble until lockdown is over or something. They shit up every COVID-19 discussion.
No. 544619
>>544616Funeral homes are having to use refrigerated semi trucks to store bodies because they have no room. They went from having 2 or 3 bodies a day to the phone non stop ringing all hours of the day. And we are on lockdown. Imagine if we open the country up. If you’re in an
abusive situation it’s your responsibility to get yourself out, lockdown or not. Woman have always had to help themselves get out of these situations and now all of a sudden it’s a huge deal? THINK about it, are you asking any abused woman if they need help or are you using it as an argument on a gossip site? Stop using children’s suffering for your own argument that you need to go outside. You’re not helping those abused women get out so shut the fuck up. But you can help stop the spread of this disease by staying inside now so we don’t have to later (so you can stop the risk for those people you “care” about being stuck with abusers.)
No. 544622
>>544620Have you ever helped an abused woman or child from an
abusive situation or are you using their suffering for your own gain in an argument? When have YOU ever helped an
abusive woman escape her relationship or home?
No. 544625
>>544620>I bet you're the anon who ironically called others "low-empathy zombies" or whatever. I'm that anon, and I feel like you may have misread my post.
I'm saying that the people who are downplaying the gravity of what's going on and how many innocent people are affected are low-empathy zombies.
If you unironically say shit like "Reee why am i stuck indoors fuck those old/fat/not super healthy people, idc about them, just a flu bro", then yeah, shut the fuck up.
Most people I've met who have been in
abusive homes or know what they're like aren't so low-empathy that they think it makes sense to attack people who are vulnerable to disease. It's not a perfect situation for anyone, but what are you adding to the conversation with boomer rants? Nothing. Maybe if you just say "There should be concessions/exceptions made for people in
abusive situations trapped because of lockdown. It sucks that they're suffering even more because of this", people will think you're not a dumb edgelord.
No. 544629
>>544601>Nobody is saying that old and fat people deserve to die.As much as you try to parse words with this argument, reopening the economy is guaranteed to cause unfettered death. You are agreeing to inevitable death to others because of currency and convenience.
>It's not realistic or sustainable to keep everything shut for months on end.Who told you this? Someone rich whose incentive is to reopen the economy is so they can make a billionaire's profit? Why are you so convinced that no other system outside unchecked consumerism and oligarchy would work?
Governments have already proven they can print ENDLESS money out of nothing, enact policies, and enforce laws for big businesses bailouts, but not their own people. Why? Why does it make more sense to you that thousands should die for a millionaire's private jet, yet a basic universal income that at least guarantees people shelter and some food is unfathomable? Here's a hot take you'll hate: Unless those fuckers single-handedly cured cancer, no individual deserves the wealth of millionaires and billionaires. It's bullshit. Our systems are failing and this status quo no longer makes any damn sense, time to redistribute the wealth.
>people are going to die neverthelessBut less than if we were to reopen, which makes it the logical choice.
>People have bills to payAnd the government should assist by asking the private sector to go to them for billing, since the majority of big bankrupt business is doing that already anyway.
>kids are stuck in abusive homes where they don't get fedIs this the part where I get to throw your logic back at you?
"Well they would've been abused in an open economy anyway!" or
"But the abuse of children is preferable over death!" Gross arguments, huh? We should expand help for children too. In my area (deep southern murrica) they're at least reopening school programs that hand out and deliver meals for underprivileged kids.
>collapsing industries will create a domino effectMaybe those industries were artificially bloated and deserve to fail. How could you argue about overall sustainability of the economy without recognizing that entire industries were already unsustainable? Have you ever worked in these industries to see for yourself? The airline and cruise industries are disgusting wastes largely skating by on legal loopholes, unstable consumption, and insurmountable debt-to name one example.
>anons instantly start screeching about how you're a selfish psychopath who wants to kill people via eugenicsWell, your words not ours. You're the guys who are arguing about how virtually no healthy people will die and it will all be sick, old, and fat people getting theirs so why not? Sounds like eugenics with extra steps to me.
>You must all be in comfortable positions like remote work to want to condone this.You assume much, most people understand that staying home is essential despite the financial impact.
>their lives will inescapably be ruined for a very long timeDeath is a pretty permanent way to ruin someone too, but you argue that death is okay if it means preventing someone from losing their mcmansion and yacht. If you're not a rich person, then why are you clutching your pearls? Do you think someone's gonna come along and evict you from your home, or if you ask for food that no one will help you? Bullocks, you're just afraid of not being able to afford your luxuries, or worse, having to be poor for a few years and GOD FORBID THAT.
>Some more shadier governments might also use this situation as a tool to increase their own power to dictatorship levels.Too late, the government has already got you all by the balls and has successfully programmed you to blame your fellow citizens for their fascism.
No. 544635
>>544629>But less than if we were to reopen, which makes it the logical choice.I think this is the point that most of the argument falls on, the reality is you simply don't know this as a fact, it is impossible to. We will only be able to see in hindsight if lockdown was the best solution. It's very possible the opposite could be true, that ultimately more people die from lack of immunity to second waves, indirect deaths, suicide, domestic abuse. People are going to have conflicting views on this and neither side has any facts to back it up for definite.
Also being worried about having to be poor for years is a pretty rational and fair fear to have especially when you're barely getting by
No. 544639
>>544637The point still stands, whether you're the original anon or not.
All of us have had to put our lives on hold for this, but you know what? It's absolutely worth it if it means fewer people will be killed by preventable disease. Sorry if you can't see that.
No. 544640
>>544635>the reality is you simply don't know this as a factPandemics aren't new. There is precedent. We do know it as fact. What do think all this "flatten the curve" jargon meant? There's a mathematical trajectory based on numerous factors that guarantee a certain amount of death over a specific period of time.
>we will only be able to see in hindsight if locdown was the best solutionWE ARE SEEING IT RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES! Countries who enacted early social distancing and isolation have slowed if not halted their rates of infection and death.
>lack of immunity to second wavesThere won't be "waves" if people follow the rules and isolate. That's the point.
>more people will die from suicide and domestic abuseWhere's your proof of this? You shouldn't be so sure that nothing beneficial has come from lockdown.
So far car crashes are down, which afaik was a higher cause of death than suicides and domestic violence combined, yearly.
>being poor is a rational fearDeath is an even better one, but you're trying to convince people that it's the better option with no facts on your end to back it up by your own admission.
No. 544646
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>>544638Pic related, anons ITT after they convince their governments to cancel lockdown
No. 544655
>>544652Would be nice to apply for EBT right now if the systems weren't backed the fuck up because everyone is applying already.
This situation is a fucking mess take me back to 2019
No. 544656
>>544648Yeah there's no help whatsoever, you're doomed. Even if you asked for help from people they would tell you too bad so sad even though food banks are in full swing and everyone on social media has their wallets ready to virtue signal over anyone saying their pantries are empty. Go off.
Instead of your ass, think of people in actual impoverished countries who are going to go through famine on top of a highly infectious virus where they will have next to no medical aid for. There is no culture or infrastructure to help one another obtain food in those countries. Anyone could come along and pillage them and take what they own because there is no legal governance and zero law enforcement.
But yeah, let's all fret over spoiled first worlders shitting their pants about their dented credit scores and inability to buy lobster tails for dinner. Bloody hell.
No. 544660
>>544658But then you have to go outside. If they delivered (not sure if they do where I live?) then someone ends up touching it anyway.
I wanna get off of Mr Corona's wild ride.
>>544656Sadly the news doesn't talk about those countries as much so people aren't going to care about it on social media. Awareness needs to be brought attention first before they get any help.
No. 544663
>>544647I hope you are joking anon. It's not about ~muh starbucks~. Lots of people won't be able to pay their rent or buy any food. Lots of people who live paycheck to paycheck die when they are fired. Nobody cares about clothes or overpriced coffee.
>>544651And you people are screeching at others for low empathy.
>>544652Not everyone will be able to access those. And even though there are lots of places hiring, there are far more people trying to find a job. When unemployment goes up even 1%, 40k people die.
>>544656I'm sorry I don't live in your wealthy social media bubble anon. Unlike you, I have people in my life I need to take care of financially. One place offering free food every Sunday near us was closed due to the virus, we are on our own. My sister used to get free meals in her school, but now she is not able to go there, so I'm now also responsible for feeding her. It's very telling that your first thought when someone tells you they might not be able to feed themselves is "muhh lobster"!
I wasn't even suggesting to stop the lockdown, I think it should still be in place for people who are older (especially 65+ yos).
No. 544692
>>544660People don't read the news either, as evidenced by the blistering ignorance in this thread.
The CDC published a report of the top countries who are going to experience COVID and famine resulting in mass death, but no one cares about that.
>>544663>unlike youWhat the fuck do you know about me and who I have to look out for and what financial duties I owe?
>one place offering free food every Sunday was closed One place, or the only place? Big difference in words there.
>I'm responsible for feeding my sister.I'm sorry for your absentee family who have failed you and left you burdened with a sibling that you feel this amount of obligation for.
>It's telling that your first thought is about lobster Which was an exaggeration to prove a point, not that I feel people regularly eat lobster as much as millennials regularly consume prosecution and avocados.
Frankly, I don't believe you and I think you're a complainer. I don't believe that no one would be willing to give you a five pound bag of rice and beans, eggs, sugar, peanut butter, or nothing. We don't have a true "fend for yourselves" culture in America where people would just let you starve off the face of the earth.
And I know this because my friends on my "wealthy social media bubble" are actually dirt poor and are getting help adequately.
Drop your paypal bitch, I'll give you money dead ass.
>>544670>are you saying people are mad that they cannot afford luxuries?Yes, because what they're complaining about is what happens "after the economy reopens." If they get their jobs back or at least opportunities to apply to others, then what changed is the amount of their income.
>are you asking people to beg on social media?No, I'm saying if you're on the brink of starvation no one is going to let you starve if you ask for help. If you're starving and have no other recourse, you would be an idiot not to.
Know how I know? CAUSE I WAS HOMELESS.
>this pandemic is traumatic for everyoneNo one denied this.
>you're as sociopathic for suggesting humans will help other humans in a first world country just the same as people asking others to die for their money!11!!!!You're foolish, and deflecting suspiciously.
No. 544693
>>544690The deleted post I initially tagged was by this anon
No. 544694
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>>544689wow you really changed my mind, thank you for your contribution.
No. 544705
>>544692Not even sure the argument about having people wanting luxuries during a pandemic applies here when the people in this thread are complaining about putting their lives on hold and not able to get necessities or do whatever they were doing due to whatever circumstances for an indefinite amount of time and worry about the consequences of the lockdowns. Or that one person who was going on about obese people dying is OK, but that's just another day on LC for you.
Sure someone can go to a food bank (if they even have enough for everyone) or ask a neighbor for food (if they're not the lunatic prepper ready to shoot them, might just be a local thing though) but that can't apply to everyone sadly.
Also dropping paypal is asking for random anons to get doxxed just for a lockdown debate kek
No. 544706
>>544683People always use this excuse to justify being shitty people. Am I voicing my support and love for destructive industries?
No, that's your domain. Don't lump the world in with you.
No. 544712
>>544705>Not even sure the argument about having people wanting luxuries during a pandemic applies here when the people in this thread–Because it's about people wanting the "economy to reopen" and we've seen reasons ranging from "I'm unsure about my food situation" to "HOW WILL I CUT MY HAIR THO?!" and "FUCK OLD PEOPLE I WANT TO GO OUT!"
Yeah anon came in here with fists pumped because of her particular situation, but the conversation definitely started out with one kind of asshole in mind and not people truly struggling to hunt down food.
If anon's really struggling then I want to help because you faggots entertain me on the daily and I'm not a psycho.
Also how would I doxx your paypal? Use a fake name for fuck's sake and a throwaway email.
No. 544715
>>544692>One place, or the only place? It was the only place unfortunately.
I don't think the donations you are seeing on social media can last. Not only people in my neighbourhood/friends are not well-off, they also need financial help. So going doors to doors and begging everyone for food for every meal is just not realistic. I admit, thanks to Trumpbux I won't have to worry about food for a bit, but what will happen after that? I know I can't count on my "community" cuz my community is even more piss-poor. It's not just about me or my situation, I'm even extremely fortunate compared to families with four kids in my neighbourhood who couldn't even feed them properly when they had jobs. What will happen to them now?
Thank you for your kind offer, but I'm not gonna doxx myself on LC.
>>544696That was from Big Short lol.
No. 544718
>>544663I'm surprised people aren't straight out telling you to hunt rats and cook them because what are you complaining you pampered cunt stop crying over not getting your starbucks for a few months lmao!!!!!!
>>544670I have many friends who are 100% screwed after suddenly being laid off with absolutely no social net to fall down on. These people going on about anons just being salty for not getting "luxuries" are probably underage living off their parents' buck while spreading all these virtue signaling "unless you stay home you're literally killing grandma!!!" posts on social media.
No. 544722
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>Poorfags and bleeding hearts fighting about who's the biggest victim
No. 544731
>>544724Diff anon but the whole argument on both sides has been full of wild assumptions. I made one post earlier about being glad I escaped an
abusive relationship before covid happened and someone interpreted that to mean I strongly took a stance on ending lockdown and all sorts of other shite I never said or even implied. I got called all sorts of shit for saying that and was ignored when I pointed out that I'm actually 'on their side'
Seriously a whole lot of posts here are just projecting shit onto each other.
No. 544941
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>me reading this entire thread
KEK! holy shit this thread is gold!
No. 545179
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>>544692NTA but can you send me money? I'll never post on LC again if you do this for me
No. 545329
>>545316I don't know why people use "work" to mean something is le
valid. If I paid you to watch paint dry then that'd be work.
No. 545360
>>545349idgaf about pubs or bars but at least you people can go for a walk on your own. In my country you either go shopping or you risk a fine/arrest/police beating you up. And we have the highest number of deaths in Europe so there's no correlation.
I wish someone would sue this shithole for violating human rights.
No. 545364
>>545349I'm Irish too and tbh I'm sick of Irish news sources covering how pubs are struggling every time something happens to the economy, I'm in a small town and the number of pubs here greatly outnumbers the cafes or shops.. pubs closing down is sad for the pub owners but every time the economy suffers we hear about pubs like they are the most essential of all services?
I'm in my 30s though so I've seen 'someone please think of the pubs' too many times at this point, there are more serious issues so I'm embarrassed when Irish news sources concentrate on pubs during any crisis.
No. 545390
>>545349I'm from Ireland and people like you are doing my fucking head in. If people could just sit inside and not fucking go to the shop every day to get snacks and be a fat fuck or take the piss with what constitutes as daily exercise lockdown in Ireland could be lifted quicker since we were a smaller island with not as many instances, but it's spread about like fuck now because people don't think the rules apply to them.
Fuck the pubs, depressing shiteholes that turn boring cunts that don't know how to socialise into alcoholics with shite immune systems.
No. 545392
>>545390I know they're a kid still in secondary school but they posted and then quickly deleted other posts where they were name calling anons for disagreeing with them, what a tard
I'm Irish too, the first couple of nights that pubs were meant to close up a local one here had lock-ins. I could tell from all the vomit puddles outside it the next morning.
No. 545417
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The Irish sure love to infight
No. 545608
>>545602not hoodies, altho that was what chavs got labeled as or ASBOs lol, 'hippies' were what people that had long hair, listened to alternative music were called. You'd walk about Belfast with your baggy trousers and chains and it was a right of passage to get called a hippy bastard by some spide with a chip on his shoulder.
The other funny thing about these days is that athleisure and trackie pants are now high fashion when it was literally a calling card for being a tramp lol.
No. 545644
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>>545620Not only fat, but he's an addict, in and out of recovery, and goes on these long tangents all the time on IG about just crazy shit. He even "invented" his own alphabet and wrote a lot of posts in code. I just feel bad for his wife and son. Plus all of his friends who keep trying to get him help.
No. 546121
>>545174>>544681I'm pretty sure every state provides free lunch and breakfast for public school students whose parents are below a certain income level. I'm from Florida and when I was a kid I knew a lot of kids who were on that program.
No. 546187
>>546175Sucks because I'm the opposite
Referring to myself as "girl" or "woman" both make me uncomfortable and I'm not even entirely sure why
No. 546197
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I don't understand why the indoor vs outdoor cat debate is all about the cat, and no one discusses the impact on the world.
Firstly, there's the fact that outdoor cats have become a huge threat to biodiversity and have largely contributed to the extinction of roughly 60 species. Second, outdoor cat owners give no fucks about how their decision affects others. I've known people who have had their pet rabbits killed by their neighbor's outdoor cats, people with severe allergies who became very sicks because they had to deal with cat dander from neighbor's cats hanging out on their outdoor furniture, and a kid who was attacked by a neighbor's cat that wandered onto the yard when she tried to pet it. In literally none of these cases was the neighbor apologetic or took responsibility. Not to mention the less serious offenses like them shitting in other people's yards or destroying gardens.
Then of course, there's the massive risk to the cat. Not sure why outdoor cats averaging 1/3 the lifespan of indoor cats isn't a good enough reason on its own for people not to let them outside. My parents have a hunting dog that will go for any unfamiliar small animal that comes on our property. They have warned their neighbors that he's gone after their cat when it comes on their property and the cat owner's attitude is basically "eh, if it happens, it happens- that's just nature". I suppose that's better than them playing the victim in that situation like many entitled outdoor cat owners would, but still WTF. My parents had to put motion detecting sprinklers on their property to keep the cat off, because apparently they care more about this cat's life than its actual owners do.
Pic related is a relevant story I found that I think is amusing.
No. 546242
>>546220Of course the economy had to be readjusted, how can you have a labour force if they're all dead? We've been shifting away from menial work for years, the economy of the future is going to be made up of those deemed essential workers now and knowledge based work based on STEM.
This is a global natural disaster and unless we get a handle on how to deal with it, shit like this will plague humankind until our demise.
The point of capitalism is to maximise potential capital. This pandemic shows we have a lot of weaknesses in the economies, e.g. UK NHS has been shown that running at 100% capacity is fucking moronic etc.
It does suck that some people are better off and some aren't, but that's sadly true with this virus, that's why it's paramount this shit gets contained and we can learn from it.
No. 546355
>>546305I get that, but if you decide to make that animal your pet, then you are responsible for both that animal and how its actions impact people.
>and could very well already "belong" to someone else.If an outdoor cat does not have a collar or a microchip, it has no owner as far as anyone can reasonably assume.
No. 546484
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These aren't that spicy
No. 546645
>>546640What are you, a fucking bread connoisseur?
As long as it's not moldy or soggy, I'll eat it. That's my litmus test.
No. 546654
>>546640French bread isn't real bread, it's unhealthy as fuck and too sweet, it has zero fiber. No wonder French people look so inbred.
Rye bread is the best. It promotes healthy gut bacteria, and best of all it's made in countries that don't have Smurf festivals during a global pandemic.
No. 546663
>>546654Rye bread really is the best, mmh.
I can mostly only speak for German bread but we have a good variety here. You can find bakeries that still make their own bread and it’s so good
No. 550820
>>548943Fascist extreme right isn't good either but the gilded nostalgia goggles old people from ex-soviet countries have for communism is only because they grew up in an environment where they didn't have to live for themselves or be in charge of their own life, then when the nation fell it's easy to blame their own passiveness on the new model. It's naturally much "easier" to live like that but if you're born into a "free" country you would never want to experience it.
Communists might be "right" about a whole lot of things but there's a reason why communist nations tend to crumble upon themselves unless they're straight out dictatorships like North Korea and Cuba.