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No. 509701
>>509695Tbh I don't get why people believe have to prove their sexuality. A lot of people don't have many romantic partners in short amounts of time.
I rarely ever hear this directed at men who say they're bisexual.
I don't get the seeking attention from men excuse either. Bisexuality doesn't mean someone's hornier than the average person or non-monogamous.
No. 509706
>>509699I know you didn't specifically say some of those things, I was simply pointing out that those are common underlying meanings of ideas and phrases like that, concerning female bisexuality. "Engage romantically" can mean two women being in a legitimate relationship or two (not dating) women simply kissing in public - I've heard it said towards both that women who do that aren't truly bisexual and simply act that way for male attention, which can be the case at times, but definitely not in all cases. Some women who have only dated men are bisexual and would like to date women, but are afraid to come out due to those exact ideas about female bisexuality.
>>509702Many men who do come out as bisexual get either outright told or suggested to them that they're just gay and don't want to come out of the closet (the way that many women who come out as bisexual get told that they're just straight and looking for attention.) Bisexual erasure is (sadly) present for both sexes.
No. 509756
>>509699I get what you mean and I’ve come across girls like that too. They want to try being with a girl for a night and that’s it.
Full on attraction to women is natural and you don’t do shit like that. I’m bisexual and female. I’ve dated both men and women. To me it’s just who I find attractive and that’s it. I don’t gloat about tits 24/7. If she’s got nice breasts then that’s a bonus I guess. But I don’t pay it much mind because I expect a woman to come with them lmao.
Ngl i won’t date a trans woman though. I just can’t.
No. 509757
>>509691I’m bisexual and I’ve dated girls. I genuinely cared for them but it just didn’t work out for various reasons. Same with the guys but that’s just me.
To me if It’s serious then it’s serious. But if she’s playing then nah.
No. 509777
i don't get some people that complain about the price of public transit. it's already cheap and most places only have you pay for it once every 2 hours. so you're basically free to hop on any train or bus as many times as you want. if you have the legs and don't want to pay your fare, you can walk to your destination. public tranist can be considered a privilege, as much as a car. i mean, be grateful you don't have to pay for upkeep for a personal car, which includes oil changes, gas fill up, and other fluids that need to be replaced or topped every so often. if public transit is your way to get to work, it's basically the same, it's already way cheaper overall than owning a personal car for those same reasons i already pointed out. i've traveled 40 minutes away from home using public tranist, and it cost me a total of $5 to get there one way, if i drove my car, i would've paid the same price, on top of paying for public parking, so public transit it is.
No. 509820
>>509691I agree and I'm saying this as a bi girl myself. Girls that call themselves bi or "gay af teehee" are girls that just say dumb shit like "girls are so cute n smol" and aren't actually willing to have a relationship with a woman that goes beyond a short term fling or a few kisses.
It's honestly really gross to me because they don't actually view relationship with women on the same level as a relationship with a man.
There are also bi girls that are genuinely bi, but it is true that we will gravitate toward the norm depending on where we live for convenience. If you are serious about someone like I was a few years ago then coming out isn't an issue.
>>509756Why would anyone want to date a man with a fetish or a woman with internalized misogyny lel
No. 509905
>>509892It was a whole other era tbf
Like people like Billie Ellish now but give it 20 years and kids then will be like saying its shit n not music
No. 510026
>>509930wait until you have a loving partner who does like a healthy amount of sex. my partner never pushes for it or anything but I just feel so bad when he's been "dry" for a while because I dont feel like it.
sex feels like a shore and timewaster for me. I do want some once in a while but not very often and defenitelly not as often as most people would like.
No. 510030
>>509930Most sex I've had has been pretty meh now that I look back on it as a thirty something year old. Spent my early twenties racking up a high body count and I can't even fathom what my own motivation was.
It was exciting in theory and underwhelming in reality. I probably fed the egos of men who thought that they were great lovers..they were shit and trying to reenact porn mostly
No. 510521
>>510512True but now it’s all about being vegan, non binary trans Demi rainbow sexual and everyone hates white people. Drag queens run the make up industry and tv shows are worse than ever. Movies are worse than ever. Sure the graphics have improved but everything is the same not far short.
2000s would’ve been perfect is there had been a positive body movement like now. That’s it obese bitches didn’t over run it though.
But I honestly think people are more insane now more than fucking ever. Everything is an ad, people only care about followers and everyone is more antisocial. It’s actually depressing.
I don’t regret being a kid/teen of the 2000s because at least I played outside.
No. 510575
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>>510574All straight ships are cute? Are you sure about that?
No. 510594
>>510575Dunno why you had to get crazy take it to that extreme with posting some gross incest gif, but ok.
Anyway, the reason I think liking straight ships in an unpopular opinion is because most of the fanart and communities I lurk in tend to favor and/or push gay ships. I have no problem with that but sometimes they so pushy that looking at straight ships is like a breath of fresh air.
No. 510629
>>510606It is a bit fucking weird for a game
I legit only played it because everyone else did and it was meh at best and I found it pretty boring in parts
No. 510644
>>510642Shit, I just was about to mention Sonic.
My unpopular opinion for this thread: I think Sonic's autism was exaggerated way too much because of its fanbase and especially Chris-Chan (who was also a Pokemon fan and that fanbase is also extremely autistic but doesn't get near the rep Sonic does despite being 3x as big these days), the Sonic games were mostly only autistic because of 2-3 games and biggest issues were about the inconsistent & bad gameplay more than anything else. I also think Sonic had really unfortunate timing since it was big in the 90s/00s so a lot of coomers and furries (who are legendarily deranged) were drawn to it and produced a lot of autistic shit. But now its 2020 and nearly every video game, cartoon, or anime fandom is autistic as fuck and cumbrained, but since its so normalized now only sonic's fandom gets remembered as the autistic one. I think a lot of shit these days is pretty fucking cringe so it's always funny to see someone who draws lewds of cartoon characters for a living and talk about how X anime/video game girl is so hot talks about how sonic's fanbase is so autistic, like it's some heavy dissonance right there. Furries are becoming normalized even more too and I see even the "regular" (for that community) fans lusting over borderline furry or furry characters. It's sad tbh.
No. 511264
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>>510575I feel bad for liking this artist but I've always been a fan of his VNs.
No. 511357
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>>511316You are completely right.
No. 511369
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Kittens and puppies are cute but I find adult cats and dogs more endearing and likable.
No. 511377
>>511371Not in the UK, at least. Here normal is
>being sexually promiscuous >doing drugs>partying and drinking etc. If I didn't have access to the internet when I was younger, I'd probably be doing drugs and sleeping around with random men.
No. 511388
>>511385She's right.
If you're
>>511380 too I don't get your point?
I said that if I didn't have the internet I'd probably try to fit in with normalfags more, did I contradict that or something? I was just saying about how being online since an early age
can have benefits too.
No. 511399
>>511388I'm not
I know a a lot of teens who got access to drugs and no strings sex mostly through the internet too, it can go either way but overall I've seen more sexual regrets coming from early internet usage
No. 511415
>>511398The main problem with centrist is that they're often blind to their biases. They're born in mildly sexist, racist, or conservative cultures, or the flip. They use this biased culture as whats 'normal'. If they grew up in a conservative area normal conservatives seem
slightly radical to them, but a normal leftist is a
radical extremest. most people are semi aware of their biases, but the centrist smugness stops him from seeing this.
No. 511450
>>511421Parents should be responsible for their kid's internet usage, not other adults. They can easily install one of those kid safety browsers/apps.
Also governments getting to control the internet more and more isn't desireable imo.
No. 511470
>>511450I agree that it should be a parents job but I also think that the average parent isn't supervising internet usage all that well. I don't know what the best solution is tbh
The reaction of men was funny to me though. Like I've never seen men so passionate about an issue, any threat to their porn access really gets them foaming at the mouth
No. 511694
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Acme Iku is my favorite synth voice.
No. 511860
>>511421I thought they already tried and failed, several times? They were so ready to roll it out then pushed it back to April last year before quietly cancelling it, I read an article. Are you saying they’re attempting this again?
Tbh I don’t trust the UK gov to not screw this up or resist using this maliciously. It’s a joke of a nanny state and imo if they really want to through their fund money somewhere to ‘protect the kids’, they should be making classes for parents to learn how to do their jobs because people can’t raise their kids for shit these days. Tangent here but the state of parenting in the UK rotten to me, too much ‘give the kid an iPhone with Peppa Pig on Youtube then fuck off for the day’. Banning people from raising a hand to their kids for abuse fears but then not telling them how else to discipline them so I constantly hear "piss off, little Jimmy" "stop fucking crying already", "we’re going home and you’ll go to your room you little shit", but at least that’s not beating them, eh?
Anyway, but to gain internet access you presumably need to be an adult to have the relevant ID to purchase broadband, what 15 year old is going to start a monthly contract with Virgin? Child safety starts with the parent, and the basic human right
I’m worried is the abuse of privacy because letting the government set this up is giving them a lot of power I don’t trust them with. To use your point, I don’t want there to be a possibility that my porn habits are linked to my ID as a citizen (and as a woman) on someone’s paperwork. And like people have said, what constitutes as an adult site? Even Wikipedia has whole sections dedicated to explaining fetishes and sexual techniques. And this place, some of things we discuss here are NSFL with links to cows’ degeneracy and anons admitting theirs on /ot/ and /g/ all the time, should we really make every Bong anon give their ID to access the farms? Is that where my tax money’s going?
What counts as ‘too adult for kids’ breaks down when you look at it too finely, which is a big reason why I think it should up to the discretion of kids’ parents who have the best chance of monitoring what they actually do online vs some government hired boomers who are too out of touch with every aspect of this and are likely only pushing it to pat themselves on the back for doing something that looks good. Reminds me of Japan looking to limit minors’ video game time when they should really focus on making their society less soul crushingly suicidal so that those hikis-to-be don’t have to escape reality so hard in the first place.
No. 511864
>>511860>Anyway, but to gain internet access you presumably need to be an adult to have the relevant ID to purchase broadband, what 15 year old is going to start a monthly contract with Virgin? If we're being honest, most of the minors are probably just going to have their older brothers or even their dads verify with their IDs, and then they'll have free access to porn whenever they're using the internet a home. Or they'll leech off the wifi of someone else who has it. Or some freaks are going to make a habit of sharing it on places that are supposed to be childsafe like Amino. No one can tell me the government doesn't know about all these loopholes too lmao.
This entire thing is a sham and it's going to lead the way to other, even more invasive things. Porn is just an excuse. They just want to collect even more of people's data. I agree the spread of pornography has gone too far and it's messing up kids minds, but it's transparent what the real goal is.
I'm already paranoid about loss of privacy, reading things like this makes me more nervous.
No. 511870
>>511772I had to get the company that I work for operating within GDPR compliance rules when that all changed a couple years ago so call me naive but I've spent more time than I've ever wanted to having to study data protection laws. Flashing ID to staff doesn't pose any risk to privacy if they don't scan it
My provider glances at your ID. The uk might well be planning on doing it differently though
No. 512074
>>511747There's a lot of bad schools, especially inner city ones. I don't think it's because the teachers are bad, but rather they have to deal with a lot of unruly students who have problems. I went to a good public school, and even if you're not rich you often have the chance to take special classes or go to a magnet school.
I'm getting a world class education at my university in America, and even though I take fewer econ classes I'm learning way more.
Also something I found really bizarre was that I wrote my final paper for a Government class literally sitting on the floor of a hallway in a hostel, and I got the highest score in the class. I wrote most of it the night before, so I wonder how bad everyone else's papers must have been. lmao
No. 512273
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I wish there where more middle aged 40-60 female villains who are dark,cunning and mysterious (especially in animation)
Nowadays female villains are either fap material for scrotes or just suck ass
Lots of diverse male villains can't say the same to female villains though,you don't have to have a pretty face to be evil
No. 512298
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>>512287The best part of Moana was her grandmother. I'd watch the movie with her as the main protag
;-; No. 512316
>>512276I'm more annoyed with the "Good guy was actually the villain the entire time!" twist they keep incorporating in their newer movies. Like it was okay with Frozen. But then Big Hero 6. And then Zootopia. Stop it.
I wish they go back to their larger than life villains. There's a reason why those villains were iconic and not these newer batch of ones.
No. 512372
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I really dont understand why the agehao hoodie have so much attention. Do people just like it because its E d G Y and for aesthetic reasons only? I personally wouldn't want to support these kind of businesses because they benefit from artists without their knowledge. Understanding this is a joke/collage item but still…it irks me too much.
No. 512387
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>>512372>>512373They like it because it's edgy, It started out as a retarded joke among ironic weebs and then it just became a thing that edgy kids wear in general. Aesthetic weebs are into those shirts of lain and stuff (which I'd be lying if I said I also didn't like).
Also nice long furby.
No. 512430
I do think cultural appropriation as a concept has some merit in an academic sense, but in terms of how people try to apply it, it's almost always just gate keeping. Like I do sometimes wonder if "X" person can declare that some garment or ritual is sacred and therefore some other group can't copy or imitate or partake or what have you, what IS to stop someone else from just saying "nah, it's fine, everyone else have at this clothing, ritual, celebration, etc." When the "this is my culture, not a costume" stuff came up some years back, I said, "well okay, it's my culture(ethiopian) too I guess, and I say that it's fine that people wear this stuff in costume….now what?
I might change my view, but my current unpopular opinion is that "cultural appropriation" is a means of gatekeeping made by those that haven't made any individual accomplishments.
No. 512441
>>512430I half agree. I don't really mind much when other people take an interest in the culture I'm from. Mostly, it just annoys me when they're dead silent when the people that those very things originated from are discriminated against for it.
Like, I'm not going to feel bad or stand up for people who are politically gatekept for fashion choices until I see them follow through with political action to accompany their aesthetic appreciation. If you're in it, you're in it. You take the good with the bad.
I'd just feel really dumb defending someone else's right to do something that would get me thrown out of educational institutions or fired from work, lmao.
Also, obviously, if it really is something sacred, the majority will probably take issue, even if you or I personally don't. It's more a matter of numbers than anything IMO.
No. 512736
>>512720Kek tbh I get where you're coming from but if the tropes and acting style are fresh to the voters that's all that really matters. BJH
basically packaged up all those tropes in a way that appealed to western audiences and let it loose at just the right time. I agree that going MUH RACISM if it loses is stupid though.
No. 512894
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>>512881this reminded me of this
No. 512919
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>>512894I wish people would stop dissing Nicki so much. She even complained about how radios preferred to play the songs she made just to get popular rather than the songs she made for her feelings.
No. 513007
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Big 80's hair was beautiful
No. 513020
>>511316True. Did you know kids of rich Sillion Valley people aren't given iphones and a lot of other tech?
Really speaks volumes, doesn't it.
No. 513037
>>510590Shit head 'friend' from high school had a daughter and named her Sora…They waste a lot of their money on merchandise, shit that he (the friend) could never afford as a kid so he wastes his money on junk that collects dust. They could buy a car or even a better apartment but he needs to buy all the beastwars action figures. Rant done.
Kingdom hearts on the internet circa 2004-2007 was really bad in terms of autistic fans lol getting voice actors to say naughty shit in the characters voice. Also some of the worst cosplayers, no one knew how to style a damn wig and had ugly as fuck faces lol
No. 513065
I find it funny when younger people complain how older people are too obsessed with music from the 60s 70s etc and they’re stuck listening to the same music and don’t branch out and complain about modern music, but I guarantee it’s certain that most of them will grow up and become exactly like who they complain about, still talking about Kanye or MCR or Frank Ocean etc saying how much better their music was in their time. Seriously it’ll happen and the process will repeat itself. It’s funny when people wanna act like the same thing wont happen to the majority of them.
>>513007Totally agree
No. 513070
>>513037I'm glad the cringiest thing I've ever done was officially name a star billions of lightyears away after a yaoi ship lol.
I don't even have proof of it anymore because my old computer corrupted the file of the certificate officiating it.
No. 513357
>>513347It already is
So many girls are doing it to be unique and quirky that it’s kinda already overdone
No. 513367
>>513347I would say it’s hyper feminine as it is looking like a drag queen, which is a mockery of femininity.
Agree to 80’s androgyny though and none of the special gender with it.
No. 513517
>>513440i know that but still.
the end me with so many questions like
what happened to kevin's friend who told him to take care of that rich familys girl until he is gone? and why the fuck did kevin even kiss her and make out with her? what happened to the rich family after the party? is the kid alive? and kevin (idek his korean name sorry) surviving after two massive hits on the head with a rock was so sudden and just.. so weird (in a negative way). i thought he was done for good but then he magically survived and also avoided becoming mentally retarded forever and then wrote a cliche letter for his father like … No. 513691
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I don't have an unpopular opinion, I just wanted to put this here
No. 513739
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>>513681I feel this sentiment, even more so as Eruri trash. My man has heckin had it and deserves a nap but my heart still feels NTR'd as hell.
No. 513767
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>>513681>>513739Also Armin's voice is annoying as hell. I think AoT would've been more interesting if Reiner or Mikasa was the main character, instead of a generic angry protagonist. When Eren got eaten at Trost he should've died and let Mikasa's character actually develop
No. 513783
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>>513037>>513068>>513240Amateurs, I know a woman who named her daughter Robin and her last name is Bird, the poor girl's full name is Robin Flynn Bird, the mom thinks its a clever and witty name
No. 513846
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>>513681That's not an unpopular opinion anymore kek. Even Armin thinks so, Eren probably did too at some point and Mikasa didn't have the heart to verbally agree.
>>513842I bet Reiner will be the only one left alive in the end out of pure sadistic pleasure of the author.
No. 513865
>>513748dub is the worst thing to ever exist
they make 14-18 year olds sound like middle aged men
No. 513891
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>>513681And Eren should win.
No. 513910
>>513709Joker and parasite are actually very similar imo. Both movies justify horrible actions like sabatoge and
murder just because the characters are poor and have tough lives. I just find it funny how everyone is trashing on joker and praising parasite even though they share the same themes and messages
No. 513931
>>513894A bitter/sad ending could also be one where Eren
(that is now the antagonist) wins and everyone else dies.
We know about the last panel, that could be him holding the baby, or Historia. Or it could be all a dream. There are so many possibilities at this point, Isayama loves plot twists so let's see what happens
No. 514011
>>513517>what happened to kevins friend?he was studying in america. what happened to him isn't relevant to the story.
>why did kevin kiss her and makeout with her?the highschool aged daughter is lonely and easily manipulated. her family ignores her so she gets crushes on her tutors because they give her attention. kevin exploited her crush and made out with her, with the idea that he would eventually officially date her.
>what happened to the rich family after the party?that's not relevant to the ending. they left the house, the idea is that they probably moved away traumatized from the incident but mostly fine. the son that fainted probably survived.
>he wrote a cliche letter to his father?a letter he can never send, a letter that is just a hopeless pipe dream.
No. 514030
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I hate gay men that treat their wives like breeding stock and then decide to come out and are all applauded for it. They’re not ‘brave’ for coming out once they’ve manipulated a woman into marriage and then into having children with them. I don’t give a shit if they grew up in a more homophobic time, no one held a gun to their head forcing them to have children with women over and over, all the while most likely cheating on her with other closeted gay men (risking their wives lives in two different ways!)
My unpopular opinion is that if you were in the closest for so long then fucking stay in it. Why break the heart of the woman you were supposed to love when she devoted so much to you? Make her aware that she was actually nothing to you, that you used her as a beard and as a brooding mare? Narcissism.
No. 514043
>>514034Whenever I hear about those cases I always feel so bad for the woman.
Their lives are basically destroyed because some dumb shit couldn't accept himself.
>>512720Tbh just reading the plot sounded really lame to me and reminded me of another korean movie I've seen.
No. 514124
>>514030preach anon, preach.
this reminds me of oscar wilde. I don't know much about him but he is always celebrated for being gay yet his loving and faithful wife is always completely forgotten. she was probably stuck at home raising the kids while he was out at gay sex parties risking STD's.
No. 514419
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a great movie.
No. 514645
I feel 'stop romanticizing mental illness!' has become a buzz word now. I acknowledge it came from very real roots and what it's meant to combat still exist, but it's been mostly co opted by people using it as a shield.
The main people who repeat 'stop romanticizing' aren't always wrong, but often it's used by people who miss the point of why romanticizing mental illness is wrong, which are competing to see who is the most sick, idealizing suicide, and giving a false image of mental illness. An average redditor who makes fun of a tumblr teen for romanticizing mental illness will fall on 'My depression is realer, you faker', go onto a meme subreddit to make 'I wanna die' jokes, and their proof of someone faking a mental illness devolves into 'high functioning depression, often in women, cannot exist.'. Most people who combat 'romanticizing mental illness' are no better than the romanticizers themselves. Reddit, a site the prides it self on being better than tumblr, will defend making depression memes as a way to cope, but if tumblr said 'I make edgy poems to cope' the site would be decimated.
The biggest proof of it's buzz wordiness to me is how people just repeat the same 3 'don't romanticize mental illness' arguments. It's no longer about wanting to help people, but, as much as I hate the word, virtue signalling. Also the dudes out their who think an edgy teen writing suicide poems on their tumblr is the same thing as pro Ana people is surprisingly high. Finally it's autistic to think people use 'anxious' and 'depressed' without having the clinical versions of the disease.
No. 514734
>>512720Saw it today, I agree it was really overrated. I liked the house itself (since it was pretty) and the rich wife character as well as laughing occasionally but the whole movie just felt like it switched directors halfway through and became pretentious for the sake of being pretentious.
Also did anyone else roll their eyes about how the poor protags went from being these sneaky 'peach trick' people to borderline retards who get drunk off the rich people's fuck you money over the coarse of like a couple months or so?
No. 514802
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>>514645I thought the "don't make i wanna die memes they're sooooo hurtful!! uwu" people were the ones reeing about romanticizing and trivializing mental illness. On a related topic, people who bitch about others coping with nihilistic but funny and ~relatable~ "gonna kill myself" memes are annoying and need to mind their own business, if I want to laugh at a joke about depression because my mental state is a hellscape at the moment and I want something to make light of it for a moment then it's my own goddamn problem.
No. 515150
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realistically, not morally, "I want humanity to die so animals can live happy" isn't possible. All the horrible things humans have done to the environment need humans to prevent from getting even worse. For example Chernobyl still leaks radiation to the point it needs a team to still prevent it from leaking, the USA has 80 (public) radioactive sites that need to be watched, and nuclear reactors that need watching 24/7. Humans also have toxic chemical stores, plastics, asbestos, etc all over that need to be disposed of by humans. Humans going poof wont give animals a happy life it'll invoke a nuclear winter.
No. 515166
>>515150we can't dispose of those things. we can only bury the radioactive waste and wait for it to decay, bury the plastic and wait for it to biodegrade, run water pollution through a scrubber to turn it into air pollution, etc. our use of resources now is exponentially increasing to the point that invoking our
own extinction is inevitable, it's not really a question whether other animals are going to suffer and die. so i agree with you there, but i don't think there's much we can do to soften the blow at this point. in the long run, for the sake of the rest of the biosphere, the sooner we stop using resources (i.e., die) the better.
No. 515184
>>515150>"I want humanity to die so animals can live happy"This makes no sense anyway. Has humanity become so distanced from nature that we've forgotten nature is not a happy thing? Even without human interference, a lion is gonna kill a lamb for food, cats are gonna kill prey for fun and an ill born young is gonna be left to die by it's mother.
Animals are cruel to each other, so why should humans pretend like animals are our friends? They're not.
No. 515198
>>515166If we can make those skyhooks, I think we can sling
toxic waste into space
No. 515416
>>515388Most babies are fucking ugly, and some of my friends are starting to pop em out so they're all over my social feed.
One male baby looks like a wrinkled old man with that nasty newborn acne stuff. Super unfortunate.
A different one was born premature and he literally looked like a small money, up until his infancy where he now looks like a normal toddler who's prematurely balding as his hairline doesn't even start until halfway on his head. Yes, the baby dad is older and has the same bald pattern.
I do pity.
No. 515428
>>509800I feel like people say her music is for fatties because she's fat herself
Not too many lyrics are specifically about her weight and can't be applied to skinnier girls
she's definitely a fat icon, but she doesn't make fat music
No. 515435
>>515428I can 100% guarantee many skinny women specifically like her for being fat because they can feel woke for liking her and she is non threatening. Fat women have always had a small niche in media for being comforting mommy types and with her positive messages she easily fits into it.
But honestly she just has fun, catchy songs whether you know what she looks like or not.
No. 515445
Sleeping alone is way better than sleeping in bed with someone else. No potential for distracting breathing noises. Tossing and turning is not an issue. Less disrupted sleep. Waking up on your own terms. It just has more benefits.
>>514901Yeah, even when the sex is good it's just.. overrated. It can be nice sometimes but that's it honestly. Some of my friends have admitted they rarely orgasm so clearly it's just a thing to do for the sake of doing it? No pun intended. I don't get it.
No. 515657
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>>515655now that's a truly unpopular opinion. hot take
No. 515665
>>515663I wonder if that varies by region, I live in a cold climate so having a warm body in my bed is all I ever want.
I'm ok when me and my Nigel face away from each other to go to sleep, I get browse lolcow but keep absorbing his warmth. Win win. Snoring partners can fuck off though.
No. 515688
>>515655lolcow is just as shit as /cgl/ recently.
No. 515689
>>515655Lolcow is more
toxic than 4chan, more
toxic than /pol/ which most liked poster is an ashkenazi jew.
No. 515692
>>515689Yeah people nitpicking looks is totally more
toxic than child porn..
No. 515704
>>515702/cgl/, /ic/ i can name more. most anywhere besides /b/ has no /pol/ posting or porn and no one is talking about those other things. ffs
we have /pol/ posting and porn all over the site.
>inb4 not on /ot/!that's my point.
No. 515705
>>515689Okay bye. I'll continue to
>not seeing dicks everywhere>not seeing loli abuse>not getting called roastie/nigger>not lying about gender to blend in>>515704>no porn on /ic/Is this gaslighting??
>/cgl/Seething trannies and fatties, more salt than /snow/
No. 515707
>>515693If you're gonna say that 4Chan isn't
toxic because it's not all /b/ and /pol/ then the same applies to lc. There's a lot of toxicity on /snow/, /w/ etc (imo) but hardly any on /g/ and /ot/ and in fact there's a lot of love and support here. And like the other anon said if lc is so bad why are you still here?
No. 515710
>>515705>not seeing dicks everywhere>not seeing loli abuse>not getting called roastie/nigger>not lying about gender to blend inI mean you would be right but that stuff only affects people actively using the site whereas lc goes out of it's way to dox and harass cows. 4chan does it too but posting that way gets you banned so the site itself is less
No. 515715
>>515709Seriously. I consider /cm/ pretty wholesome. I think it's a bunch of fujos, /y/ by extension. Then again, all that shota shit.
>>515710>lc goes out of it's way to dox and harass>4chan would never!!BAIT CONFIRMED or you're actual brainlet? Does lc not ban for toucing the pooop? Actually, when has doxxing and irl harrassment happen here?
No. 515722
>>515719>>515710>>515707why are you so people suddenly so desperate to moralfag 4chan aka a site that's known for being horrible and having a horrible userbase. the same is for this site. no imageboard is innocent or uwu yours is worse than mine we are superiorrrrr le kek le kek le kek!!111!1
is this a competition or the board oppression olympics or what
No. 515725
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>>515722>you're both equally awful!!!because insecure women shitting on some instagram influencer's appearance is the same as posting and jerking off to child porn. mkay buddy
No. 515727
>>515725Just one of our new visitors being themselves.
If we're "the same" as 4chan, such people are always free to go to back. But they won't, and it's because they know they're lying.
No. 515733
>>515707 and I wasn't moralfagging 4chan
No. 515735
>>515731LOL Momokun fags please confirm if there were indeed heinous acts of doxing and revenge porn in the thread? She will never fuck you, simp.
>>515732You're just backpedaling at this point.
No. 515738
>>515731lmao this guy
>>515732>Every community has a group of bad peopleno shit sherlock, now fuck off.
No. 515772
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Maybe I’m just dumb but I see cutesy comics like this about ADHD/ADD all the time, and the “symptoms” just sound like things everyone deals with. How is any of this ADHD exclusive?
No. 515776
>>515772I don't know much about ADHD but that whole comic reeks of the author wanting to seem uwu cute and quirky, and softening the bad stuff with humblebrags. Like
>I'm sooo empathetic>I'm so excited to help people>I'm so enthusiastic people think I'm immatureIt's all just uwu garbage.
No. 515804
>>515772I have been professionally diagnosed with ADHD but I don't see the appeal of random, wacky comics for the "ADHD community." In some ways I do think I fit the hyper stereotype of ADHD as depicted in the comic, but I feel most adults with ADHD are just normal people who have problems concentrating effectively. (The people in my ADHD support group seemed that way and that's why I dropped it)
I guess a lot of the symptoms presented to relate to ADHD in some way, but I don't see the empathy one at all.
No. 515814
>>515772I think the best example is that normal people can stop and control this, but an ADHD person can't without effort. For the sandwich example a normal person would be able to regulate the rage, but and ADHD person lacks emotional regulations and will punch his friend over chewing. Also these things are 24/7. It's not something that happens every so often, but something they have to deal with on an hourly basis.
>>515804For the empathy thing I think it's just badly described emotional dis-regulation.
No. 515821
>>515819This is the
unpopular opinion thread
No. 515825
>>515776I fucking hate ADHD alien comics for this reason. She basically turns her entire personality into the fact she has ADHD, like your symptoms don't make you a quirky person. The "ADHD community" in general, actually any mental disorder with a community surrounding it, is just really anti-recovery and pro-self depreciation. Any time someone makes a thread that's beneficial to recovery and it gains even just a little bit of traction, they have to respond "Having this sucks and let us make jokes about how much this sucks! People who don't have ADHD keep seeing the positive posts and that's just wrong and unrealistic!" UwU hardcore
victim mentality.
No. 515888
>>515860yeah ugh i also think that you can
rape accidentally ugh i just HATE it when i slip and
accidentally assault someone ugh so annoying ugh
No. 515903
>>515900Anon… Not everything has to do with sex. Most people in general would consider kissing cheating but I'v seen that happen way too often. It might seem childish but they usually involved drinking & dares so what else do you call it if not an accident?
I really don't want to talk about laws since they're not created morality in mind anyways.
No. 515908
>>515903How about you ask your SO what their boundaries are before being a hoe wtf
Unpopular opinion, rowdy drinking games are for single people, couples stay the fuck home.
No. 515914
>>515908Just staying home as a couple sounds like a surefire way to get into a rut, but hey, if that's your thing.
That being said I don't understand why people find it hard to still have rowdy drinking nights without cheating, be it kissing or sex. If you don't find it easy to get drunk and/or have fun without sticking your tongue in someone else's mouth you probably have bigger problems to worry about.
No. 515928
>>515915Maybe it's a bitter view, but most people are selfish When it comes to mental wellbeing. When they say "It's okay to talk about depression," they really mean it in the context of posting memes, general nihilistic conversation, or if they need you to perform the emotional labor of being their therapist. It doesn't mean they're going to be reciprocal or willing to raise tangible help. When they say "Reach out!" they actually mean catch them during a convenient time when they're open to listening to your problems if they can be assed to respond to you the first time–which is rare–oh and don't overburden them even thought that line is pretty subjective by individual anyway.
People are really better off getting help from the people they pay to help them, as ruthless as it is.
No. 515935
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Bojack Horseman isn’t funny and is mediocre in its story. I had a guy praise it to me over how the humor is “subtle” and how “dark” it is. I watched the first two seasons and did not chuckle once. Lame animal puns and that whole long gag with those kids pretending to be an adult do not hit the mark for me and are far from subtle. If I wanted humor and a hard-hitting dark story, I’d go for King of the Hill and Moral Orel respectively over BH.
No. 515939
>>515935my friend was trying to convince me to start watching this bullshit because "it's genuinely so good and so dark and they talk about serious themes despite being a cartoon" like ok i don't remember asking
whenever i see it around i just think of those straight boys who make sad simpsons/spongebob edits with a kaneki ken or little peep icon and talk about their depressuhhhn~
No. 515995
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Sailor Moon makeup collabs are boring and never that special. Everyone creams themselves just for the novelty of the packaging if it's cute. It's okay but doesn't merit the hype imo. Fans are just thirsty for anything.
No. 516059
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Cookie cakes are disgusting and just a cop out for a regular cake. Half of the time these people don't even eat the cookie cake, so it just sits there getting hard and stale. Make a batch of cookies if you want a cookie, you don't have to pull out a knife or anything, it's already portioned.
No. 516096
I think that pap smears are unnecessary if you don't have any of the risk factors and are a young woman. I also think that it's messed up that they are used like a carrot-with-a-stick before many doctors will prescribe birth control. Imagine your dermatologist refusing to treat your acne if you didn't get a skin cancer test (more common than cervical cancer). Imagine doctors refusing to give basic meds to men (that only depended on blood pressure) unless they had yearly prostate exams. I swear modern women have been almost brainwashed by the medical establishment and social conditioning to think that if they don't get a pap every year they will 100% get cervical cancer and die.
By the way, the World Health Organization only recommends it every 3-5 years AT MOST if you aren't at risk, and like I said it's a misconception that you need one yearly and I know a lot of women irl that still think this. I even met doctors that think this.
Also, it's funny the way women react like you are the stupidest, most childish bitch on the planet if you have any criticism about the way and frequency paps are performed. They act like you are just being defiant for the sake of it. My own mother treated me this way and had a smug reaction when I had one. I think it is because they can't handle the fact that they might be putting themselves through dozens and dozens of invasive tests over their lifetime for NOTHING.
Oh, FYI if you live in the United States, it is legal for medical students to perform pap exams on you without your consent while you are unconscious in the hospital, even if it isn't for a gynecological related surgery. Look it up. I feel like it is disgusting how women's medical autonomy is treated in the United States. I was ranting about it in relating to birth control and doctors brushing off side effects or minimizing my pain in another thread and it just made me so angry thinking about all this shit.
Source on pelvic exams without consent: Educational pelvic exams on anesthetized women: Why consent matters by Phoebe Friesen (God I hope this isn't so common, makes me afraid of needing surgery)
Additionally, I think that males shouldn't be allowed to be fertility doctors and it should be common sense. Too many cases of doctors using their own semen to impregnate women and only being discovered after he has 50+ victims. I have read dozens of cases of it, just look it up, one just made national news less than a few months ago.
No. 516209
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>>515935it seems like the type of media men would be really into a la fight club or clockwork orange. i have a male friend who raves about it but i have no interest in it what so ever
unpopular opinion: charli xcx isn't that creative of a music producer. i like some of her music and i think its great she gives upcoming artists a platform through collabs and having them open for her concerts but it seems like everyone wanks off to how ~talented~ of a musician she is when i feel like anyone could write similar music
No. 516240
>>516234red lipstick is in fact bullshit and my unpopular opinion is that orange shades are overlooked far too often and they are more flattering on the majority if you use the correct tone for your skin.
however, winged eyeliner is the way to go, any other method of eyeliner looks far more stupid than a neat wing, some people just go too far with the length and thickness
No. 516269
>>516265Everything about it seems really, really childish compared to Attack on Titan or Bungou Stray Dogs despite them being shounen too. I used to be really into BNHA and after giving other shows a chance — I don't really know what I saw in it and it's not that special either. The entire plot seems like something a middle schooler could easily come up with and the author wasn't even bothered to explain
how quirks even came into the world, he basically just was like "oh one day a baby with a quirk was discovered and having a quirks is normal now". Lazy storytelling.
No. 516327
>>516301>If you willingly sent some autist on the internet nudes at any point in time, there were already underlying issues in your childhood development.No shit? It isn't the well-adjusted kids with friends their age and loving parents who monitor their internet use who are allowing themselves to be groomed by men online in most cases. Still doesn't take responsibility away from the predator.
>There are plenty of anons crying over dating the same shitty men and having femdom fantasies to compensate for this. That's indefensible though.
No. 516345
>>516321>>516327Normal people go to therapy or move on. Not every woman is a fragile professional
victim that needs to resort to femceldom to cope with reality.
No. 516349
>>516346>>516347I don't send nudes. I happen to believe they're not a big deal and the more people act like they aren't, the better.
It's not a debate about whether I think they should be sent or not.
No. 516350
>>516345Anons with bfs, no matter how shitty, aren't femcels though? Real femcels don't exist.
No. 516357
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>>516344Agree. I post semi-lewds sometimes just because I enjoy posting them, but the amoung of drama I see going down when some girl's
semi nudes gets leaked is unreal. I simply don't have that kind of worry because treating it nonchalantly lets everyone around me know that they're not weapons. I think this is the one thing libfems pushed for that had actual positive results.
No. 516390
>>516362Didn't one woman have her career in politics ruined over nudes being leaked? I forgot her name.
It seems like it's only celebrities who remain untouched. Every other woman and girl who wants to keep her job, reputation, etc gets the guillotine, no matter how we personally feel about it.
It was never about
our feelings on it, lmao.
No. 516398
>>516362>>516390This kind of change doesn't happen overnight, but there is visible improvement. It's analogous to fat acceptance and black aesthetics - just a few years ago you'd never imagine either embracing their aesthetics, but now it's relatively normal.
It's not like we have no bargaining power just because muh menz will disrespect us. If you can't see how the consequences of having your nudes leaked now are a hell of a lot milder to what they were ten years ago, I don't know what to tell you. You're probably underage and can't remember what shit was like 10+ years ago.
No. 516416
>>516398A schoolteacher or other professional having her nudes or a sex tape leaked isn't going to be let off easy in most cases. The only people who won't care are young women, really. Others will still negatively judge, she can/will still be fired, and the best you can get is "It was wrong of the person who leaked this to do so".
biggest leap forward is the emergence of laws against revenge porn in various countries, and that's because it's now more commonly understood how damaging it is to have compromising images or video leaked, not because it's seen as less of a big deal. Even then, once the damage is done, it's not really reversible unless you were lucky enough to cut the spread.
No. 516418
>>516398Yeah I remember when schoolteachers were making news for having a picture of themselves with their friends at a bar on their social media, and their careers would be under fire because it was "inappropriate."
It wasn't just lewds. I remember being nervous to post anything that could be construed as inappropriate including my opinions if they were political. Back then you were fucked if your employer got it.
No. 516445
>>516398You’re the one sounding underage. Being black and being fat aren’t gonna ruin your reputation and get you fired and slut-shamed and blacklisted the way being naked does.
That teacher whose topless pic she sent to a boyfriend got leaked? She too says how she’s not ashamed but the fact is she’s still very fired, more harassed than ever and probably will never teach children again. Sending nudes IS normalized now so why hasn’t the stigma around it gotten any better? Why are men still engaging in revenge porn if it’s “not a weapon” anymore? You’re really suggesting that we should just keep giving these losers ammos to hurt us like prayers until one day they suddenly change their mind.
No. 516448
>>516445Anon fat and black people have a harder time getting hired, and are more likely to be fired just because they exist as they are. Those are facts.
I don't think it's a perfect comparison either, but there's definitely employment stigma attached to those two groups. Anon's point was that attitudes have improved over time but there's room for more.
>Sending nudes IS normalized now so why hasn’t the stigma around it gotten any better? It has gotten better, just not enough.
>Why are men still engaging in revenge porn if it’s “not a weapon” anymore?This is definitely happening less and there are some places with laws for it now. It is becoming less weaponized.
>You’re really suggesting that we should just keep giving these losers ammos to hurt us Where did any anons ever say that they support giving men nudes silly nilly? They're just making an observation that not everyone who sends nudes these days gets fucked over and a lot of that has to do with shifting blame towards men instead of stigmatizing women being naked in pictures. That is all.
No. 516455
>>516450Do laws that protect people mean we are stigmatizing said people?
Women don't get arrested for posting nudes.
Men can be arrested for taking those nudes in an attempt to sabotage them.
The logic is clear to me.
No. 516482
>>516445The comparison was made as a means to illustrate how shit becomes more acceptable over time and although change doesn't happen overnight, it does happen.
And it's not a matter of men changing their minds lol why the fuck do dimwits always assume change comes from the micro level of convincing people personally? Men don't need to change their minds or stop cooming (what's wrong with that anyway? why give a shit?) it's simply a matter of normalization. Being gay has been normalized, and despite the fact that a lot of people still hate them, they're not really punished for that - because it's fucking
And I'm not telling you to do anything, I'm well aware that a lot of spergs from this website are so afraid of having a male think a lewd thought about them that they'd wear a burka were it not for the religious connotation. But lots of girls aren't like this, and they have a positive impact in said normalization. I don't neurotically keep up with feminist discourse looking for the next thing to be outraged about so I don't know what's the story you're referring to, but my recent anecdotal experience with girls who got their nudes leaked was that fucking nothing happened. It would be unthinkable for nothing to happen as early as 5 years ago. Maybe you'd be able to see the progress if your definition of "making nudes acceptable" weren't men throwing their sexuality in the bin never to feel aroused by a titty ever again. Fucking puritans man, I swear to god most of your are ready to become modest tradwives.
No. 516495
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>>516482>Men don't need to change their minds or stop cooming>Can’t stop comparing sending nudes (sexual service) to cumbrain males to issues like race and sexuality >You think sending nudes is dangerous and unnecessary? You must want men to throw their sexuality away!! Tradwives reeeThe absolute state of twitter feminism.
No. 516505
>>516482>Being gay has been normalized, and despite the fact that a lot of people still hate them, they're not really punished for that - because it's fucking normal.Uh yeah they're still punished in many parts of the world, as if gay bashings don't happen in the West too. You're unbelievably sheltered if you think "normalization" and how you feel about yourself is going to stop the people who want to target and harrass you.
We get it, you're mad at your Christian parents. Doesn't mean that everyone who isn't okay with being sexually objectified is a tradwife.
No. 516510
>>516498some have a) good quality tasteful ingredients b) a delicate palate and thus don't need a million spices to find something worth eating.
bad French food is bad because it's not well prepared, and adding garam masala can't save a bad dish
No. 516511
>>516500Rape is 100% a man’s fault but are you telling your friends to meet up with men alone and get shit faced silly nilly because it’s normal to meet strangers from tinder? No. You take ALL the precautions you can take, even though it shouldn’t be that way. No one is saying it’s a woman’s fault for having her pictures used against her.
Also news flash, women can also be dumb bitches. Women aren’t in the business of coddling retards.
No. 516516
>>516511No one itt ever argued that it's great if a woman chooses to send nudes to a bazillion men. However it doesn't justify a single one to use her images in such a way that it hurts her life.
If that's your spiel you could have dropped it ages ago.
No. 516523
>>516516Admitting responsibility for what we have control over is not justifying the negative consequences or blaming women. It's not within her control if the dirtbag she was dating sends her nudes to her coworkers. Trusting him with them in the first place was within her control though.
We have a choice of who we share our body with and sending nudes forfeits that as it's now not within our control. Being better safe than sorry is a more practical solution for women who enjoy their privacy or keeping their job than accusing everyone of
victim blaming.
No. 516530
>>516523>is not justifying the negative consequences or blaming womenBut it is and it does and this is EXACTLY the logic of criminal males when they commit crimes against women. They always absolve themselves because they say that the women were dumb in the first place, or "she forced my hand."
The fact is nothing would come of a boyfriend having a naked picture of a girlfriend on his phone unless HE did something shit with it.
Stop giving men ammo against us with this bull. I bet a bunch of women who fought for your current rights in the past were told they were stupid and to just keep to themselves too. But you do you.
No. 516532
>>516523this exactly. there's a big difference between how something should be and how something actually is. no one should have to deal with bullshit like that, but the reality is that it can happen, so you should be careful. i think it's a big issue to talk down anyone who asserts that as
victim blaming, it just ends up creating more
victims inadvertently, it's a knee-jerk reaction. we shouldn't criticize people after the fact necessarily, but you need to warn people of how real life is.
No. 516557
>>516530For the last time being cautious about who to trust and considering the possible long-term consequences is not excusing men of doing the shitty things. Them being shitty is the reason why we have to be cautious in the first place. No one here is debating that.
Guess we shouldn't teach young women to be suspicious of strangers or literally any seedy situation at all because it's
victim blaming if something bad happens to them. Who gives a fuck about prevention.
Meanwhile anon further up thread boundary-shamed everyone with
>yeah sending nudes is normal now and if you have a problem with that you're basically a puritanical tradwife so just accept the fact that someone might blackmail you in the future after all your bf deserves to coom xoxo No. 516560
>>516559Except I didn't because that's not me, and yes an anon did call us puritans. Try scrolling up.
>I've got nothing more to say to you. Are you done?Yep. Looking forward to your next post about how watching your cup at parties is for
victim blaming morons. Have a nice day.
>>516740This is a pretty retarded nitpick, plenty of people appreciate hoodrat shit. Arianna Grande is a literal blackfish who tries to look racially ambiguous because she was competing with other latinas during the time she was marketed. Tanning your skin that dark and changing up your face to the extent she has is very desperate.
You should come at soudcloud fags for "appropriating" hoodies, and don't forget weebs. Billie is just trying to be not like the other pop stars who come from deep pockets.
No. 516804
>>516754Hoodies aren't the appropriated clothing items I was talking about. The clothes were a minor point anyway, it's mainly the weird accent.
Also her comparison to Ariana had to do with her bizarre accent. Yes Billie doesn't do the crazy tan, but I was comparing the way she talks because her accent when she sings sounds nothing like the way she talks. Ariana is a piece of shit blackfisher, but her blaccent is nowhere near as bad as Billie's in my opinion.
I do agree that Ariana has gone further in terms of aesthetics to blackfish than Billie has, but Billie's accent is way more try hard. Ariana talks in the same way she sings, where as if I had never heard Billie Eilish talk, I would not think that was her real voice.
No. 516978
I really don't think it's right to push or guilt rape victims into reporting.
I saw a post on reddit yesterday of a dude whose friend raped his gf and he said he forced to reporting it. And everyone's in the comments saying he should take things at her pace, one saying "eventually she'll thank you for making her report". Like, what?
There feels like so many reasons for a victim to not report. Not only do you have to relive your trauma, you open than that humiliating experience up to everyone you know including the shits saying "how drunk were you, what were you wearing?", you have to go through physically invasive procedures for it to maybe not be processed anyway, questioned on it over and over, possibly turn it into a "he said she said" thing unless it was a violent rape, try have it turned back on you, have this thing dragged out over a long time when you just want to be over it, and in the end have a low chance of the person ever getting justice anyway.
Like fuck, I'm not sure I'd report if I were sexually assaulted. For what, a sense of justice? Nah if I were raped I'd want to take care of me and myself first and foremost.
And the women who report and for the most part lauded, but otherwise it's shit like:
-You NEED to report, it's the right thing to do
-if you don't, then he could do this to someone else in the future (sure, put that guilt on the victim!)
Oh, not forgetting the undercurrent of suspicion you get if you don't report, with people insinuating if it's a rape there's no reason to not report, so it was probably consensual. You get guys breaking up with their gfs because they were raped at a party and didn't report. I guess believing the victim is another story but I just think the whole "you need to go to the police" take is lacking in any kind of empathy and understanding.
No. 517004
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Tig Nataro is x100 times funner then Hannah Gadsby and I think any people who say they like Nanette are full of shit
No. 517043
>>516993look up fire ecology
koalas do absolutely nothing and extinction is normal
No. 517082
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>>516992She hired a group of Asian American dancers to follow her around and giggle at what she says on red carpets and she forbid them from speaking english in publish.
No. 517365
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>>517082Those girls were her background dancers and were called Love.Angel.Music.Baby (as seen on their shirts). Gwen called them the Harajuku Girls that were hired to promote her merch line called "Harajuku Lovers" that was a mix of her music and obviously, japanese aesthetics. If I remember it correctly, two of them were native japanese and the other two were american-japanese, she kept them around in her first solo album era to promote her fashion. She also still has her main fashion line, which has the name L.A.M.B. They were still around in the Sweet Escape era but not as much because they not needed as back prop anymore.
>sorry for the gwen autism. I was damn obsessed with her back in my teens lmao No. 517369
damn can i just post an unpopular opinion as that's what the thread is for
>>51699399% of animals in the history of earth have gone extinct, that's 5 billion. it's normal. koalas will too as they do nothing but sleep and eat and barely mate. this isn't koala hate in any capacity and i'd hate to see them go i'm just saying it's bound to happen. also read the following
>>516939fire ecology researchers say "Fires often remove alien plants that compete with native species for nutrients and space, and remove undergrowth, which allows sunlight to reach the forest floor, thereby supporting the growth of native species. The ashes that remain after a fire add nutrients often locked in older vegetation to the soil for trees and other vegetation. Fires can also provide a way for controlling insect pests by killing off the older or diseased trees and leaving the younger, healthier trees. In addition to all of the above-mentioned benefits, burned trees provide habitat for nesting birds, homes for mammals and a nutrient base for new plants. When these trees decay, they return even more nutrients to the soil. Overall, fire is a catalyst for promoting biological diversity and healthy ecosystems. It fosters new plant growth and wildlife populations often expand as a result"
No. 517432
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>>516754>other latinasShe isn't anything close to latina. She's a white Italian. You're proving the point here.
No. 517565
>>517558Latino refers to people descended from Latin america. Hispanic refers to Latin american countries that were colonized by Spain.
Arianna is a white girl, stop deluding yourself.
No. 517570
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>>517565>>517566I just feel that "white" isn't at all a useful term for the complexities of race and ethnicity,
No. 517610
Makeup is shit
>>515935Hard agree
No. 517614
>>517610I stopped wearing makeup a while ago and I feel beautiful and clean.
I tried putting some on last month and the foundation felt too heavy on my face and I felt like I was wearing a mask. Of course I might rip into it occasionally, but makeup is no longer an everyday thing for me. My boyfriend doesn’t seem to mind either he’s a dumbass who can’t tell the difference. People tell me I look pale but idc, it’s just winter skin.
No. 517666
>>517660Well you haven't seen my post history but I'm sure I've complained about those too, if not elsewhere.
I don't have to mention obnoxiously that I hate men more every single time I criticize a gender, that's a given.
I'm disgusted how e-girls are women, that's literally it, because most women irl and in female communities are a contrast. Also, you know that e-girls hate women for more than I hate e-girls, since they want to please their orbiters.
No. 517681
>>517654I agree with you. I don't like e-girls, lewd cosplayers, porn actresses (obv not ones who were trafficked, they are
victims), Instagram models, and so on. Basically any woman who makes money from selling her body and/or getting off men in any way. They almost seem like traitors to me, especially the way they photoshop or get plastic surgery to meet unrealistic standards. Their whole lives and careers revolve around pleasing gross men.
>b-but it's their choice!!I know. It would also be their choice to roll around in shit, but it doesn't mean it can't be criticized.
No. 517708
>>517691I was in an
abusive relationship for 3 years. I'm disabled and found myself dependant on him before he then started getting physically and sexually
abusive. I still didn't leave til he cheated and left himself.. now I feel like most of my replies on here are me telling able bodied adults with jobs and families to just fucking leave at the first sign of abuse.
That or I'm arguing with anons that it's not normal for a bf to want to isolate you
No. 517714
>>517691i've never posted here whining about a shitty husband but i was married to one for five years before getting out. it's never as simple as "just leaving". if it were, the relationship wasn't that
abusive in the first place. narcs will do anything to limit their
victim's resources. mine sold my car out from under me. and unfortunately, finding women's shelters isn't that easy. it's not like the info is right in front of you, you have to look for it. if my ex found that in my history he'd kill me. literally. i didn't have parents to go to - most don't, and that's why they were targeted. sorry that YOU were too much of a whiny pussy to move. sorry YOU didn't "just leave" as soon as you realized you should. sorry YOU didn't do shit with your life.
No. 517716
>>517691When I was with my shitty bf two years ago I was so, so grateful to have lolcow to vent to.
I needed those outside perspectives and asspats precisely for the reason that I didn't deserve what I was going through. Meanwhile irl people were gaslighting me with shit like ~*~JuUuST cCoMmUnICaATE wWiIth HIIm!~*~ and convincing me I needed to give him more chances, sacrifice to help him more than I already had, and put up with his shit because I had "problems" too (no, not really actually).
I'm not stupid. I live in a society that favors men and looks down on educated, independent women. I needed to see for myself the fucked up shit on paper to 'build my case' to leave. I left on a whim one day when he frustrated me for the last time, I didn't even have a chance to vent to lolcow first. I couldn't have done that without the tethers of my heart attachments being severed by outside farmers who saw through his shit.
Sorry for what you went through. You can vent to us, we won't think you're stupid just for being a human with feelings.
No. 517717
>>517714I had an ex that would threaten to make me homeless every time we fought..and now I see the same predicament happening to anons on here with no place to go.
Big difference between that situation and say a couple that don't even live together yet. Most of the cases I see on here are women who moved hundreds of miles to be with a guy and who have no income of their own. That shit is scary
For the last few weeks of my
abusive relationship I honestly thought that my guy was planning to kill me..turns out the extra hostile vibes were on account of him having an affair but either way I'd nowhere to go at the time. Similarly I had gone into incognito mode while googling womens shelters which it turns out didn't exist anywhere near me
No. 517721
>>517716 > a society that favors menNta but, It took me quite a while to admit to my dad that my partner of several years had been
abusive. A year after the break up I told him about it and yet he would still from time to time say "oh I liked John, he was a nice guy"
I had to very graphically describe a couple of the assaults before my dad would shut up about John being nice.,. I never told him about the sexual stuff
No. 517745
>>517691>>517714See I would agree with anon until it comes to cases like this where the man is VERY manipulative and controlling. Women have been killed trying to leave their
abusive partners. Calling them "stupid" is more of a reflection of you than them.
No. 517836
>>517700The hate isn’t that they make cuckbux or are cute… it’s that they enable male delusions. They’re willing to participate in
toxic beauty standards and pander to whatever gross loli tradthot pickme fetish shit for coins, while virtue-signaling about how empowering this is.
>>517691You’re just mad because you see your past self in those girls. Calm down and go to therapy and forgive yourself weirdo.
No. 517930
>>517922obsessive, mouth-breathing, greasy, obese, balding, misogynists who haven't showered or brushed their teeth in several days tugging their crusty dick to the sound of your voice
>>517700so fucking glad i never got seduced by the e-girl/influencer shit. on the surface it seems 'fun' to be adored by a bunch of strangers on the internet, but i'm pretty sure if a photo of the face of whomever liked/subbed/donated was included in every interaction, far fewer women/girls would be interested.
No. 517980
>>517979This. Involving yourself in fandom communities is usually a bad idea, because it's often the weirdest type of people who throw themselves into that kind of thing.
I usually just enjoy media with friends I had before getting into that thing, or on my own if they're not into it. Saves a lot of headaches.
I do sometimes like reading the discourse when it gets milky, though.
No. 518002
>>517985Anon please, for the dignity of whatever race you are, use real garlic at least
>>517969Spice is to be used sparingly and there’s flavor theory so putting stuff in willy nilly is just as bad. Just sprinkling paprika and cuming on top of a chicken breast like it’s salt sounds disgusting.
No. 518444
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I unironically love the emoji movie and think Gene should be protected at all cost.
I dont even understand why people hated it so much, it was just a fun happy-feels movie, nothing too serious.
No. 518457
>>518444Probably because it's literally the most insincere "How do you do fellow kids" attempt at trying to relate to children or popular thought. The levels of consumerism of capitalism it took to make this movie is comical.
No movie is just "happy fun feels", they are trying to sell you a product that influences your thoughts, feelings, thinking and consuming patterns. Brushing it off as just a kid's movie, when it is in fact, propaganda, makes you look incredibly mindless and lacking in critical thought.
No. 518468
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>Brushing it off as just a kid's movie, when it is in fact, propaganda, makes you look incredibly mindless and lacking in critical thought.
Damn, aspie, go take your meds.
Being this touched about someone's movie taste makes you look incredibly shallow and mentally unstable.
Here's your "superwoke intelleckshual" points nonny.
No. 518567
>>518556>>518556Depends on the racism.. usually white Americans when they dislike a particular minority group they will act anxious/awkward over their interaction with them, not make any contact, and show some level of nervousness being around them. I noticed Western & South Europeans (not sure about the others) won't demonstrate that level of nervousness and anxiety nearly as much, but can still harbor racist opinions or even more.
Sexism I agree is def worse. As weird as it sounds American men will treat me far more like an equal and contain their sexual desires far better than a French or Spanish man can.
No. 518588
>>518571ntart and also not an american but i think it's because americans are seen as having it all (privilege) and are an acceptable target for mockery.
I do notice it sometimes, say, an american (most likely a white person) liking anime and other east-asian pop culture, they'd get accused of weebery/yellow fever/cultural appropriation. If the opposite, they get praised for "appreciating". Just look at the kpop tweets obsessively fawning over some idol's English as if that's a big deal. If it was the opposite, they'll be mocked and would likely pop up on a cringe compilation.
No. 518670
>>518571Ah anon I assure you this is generalizing to the extreme. I work in a big American company in London and we have a pretty multi cultural team. My best friend is a born and bread american guy from Connecticut, your down to earth, football/fast food/fun loving big american boy. Love him to bits. He came here in London 6 years ago to be with his brit wife. I'm French and I LOVED hearing him try to speak with our french clients. He truly made huge efforts to memorize some entire sentences and it had its effect on clients. I'll always remember fondly when he came up to one of my very french client and to impress him asked him "Alors quel sassy soon vous aime"? (So what saucisson do you like ?). My client erupted in laughter but not mokingly, but amicably because it was just too charming the way he pronounced saucisson as sassy-soon.
Most European (younger generation like me) don't hate you, you guys. As a French I have to at least always thank you for your boys who died in a foreign country just to do the right thing one summer in Normandy. Much love to you friend.
No. 518782
>>518558This. I'm so sick of people from other continents talking just about "Europe" when they mean Germany/France/Italy. There are so many other countries with unique cultures and societies.
>>518571Literally when does this happen? I'm Finnish and I'm ecstatic when foreigners even make an attempt at learning my language, I would never trash talk someone for it. But so many of the English-speakers I've met just depend on speaking English and don't even attempt learning the language which I feel is way more disrespectful. I know it's a hard one to learn but you'll never learn it if you won't even try.
No. 518855
>>518852I gave a guy with a history of cheating a chance.. and he cheated on me after three years building a life together. All I know is he's leaving a whole string of hurt women in his past and always immediately moving on to his his next big 'love'
If cheaters will face up to their issues and get real help including therapy I think that's maybe different
No. 518865
>>518571Where do you get non-Americans trashtalking Americans for their accents from? In my experience, Americans and any foreigners in general only get trash talked when they demand to be spoken to in English in a non-English speaking country or make 0 effort to speak the language and expect the locals to adapt to them by speaking English for them rather than the other way around.
My only "problem" with Americans is that (from my personal experience interacting with Americans) they seem to live in a bit of a bubble, a bit oblivious to the world around them.
No. 518884
>>518865 > My only "problem" with Americans is that they seem to live in a bit of a bubble, a bit oblivious to the world around themI'm not living anywhere near america and I can't count how many times people online have assumed (just because they are american) that I must be too.. and they then apply american politics to the conversation and tell me which side/american candidate I voted for…
I'm in a whole other part of the world and my country has it's own politics that don't look anything like that system. It's like viewing the world through a USA filter I guess.
No. 518952
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Not-like-other-girls bashing sometimes comes off as another form of bashing GNC women. I even see bashing where the implication is that being GNC in itself is internalised misogyny. I see GNC women accused of feeling superior all the time on the internet because people take their nonconformity as superiority without even getting to know her. I worry how that creeps into this discussion. there's a lot of take about the "not like other girls" mindset lately and there's even a lot of judgment toward GNC girls/women without a lot of understanding for their perspectives, a lot of it makes seem like its the "masculine" gnc girl's fault for harboring bad thoughts about the girls around her, and she has to unlearn internalized misogyny. many yimes GNC girls/women get accused of harboring the "not like other girls" sentiment regardless of whether or not they actually do, but people see that they're GNC or have "masculine"-coded hobbies and assume that these girls/women must have the mindset. It seems like there's a huge focus on talking about internalized misogyny in this context but almost no discussion about feminine girls/women who mistreat GNC girls/women, and almost never is that behavior framed as internalized misogyny or anything similar.
Growing up as very much a tomboy, I had this experience. I never thought anything about other girls and their hobbies- but they gossiped behind my back, teased me, used to pull pranks on me and ultimately shut me out. I never said I was "different from them", but they make me think that I was, which ultimately led to me not wanting to be associated with them. Feminine girls really aren't that welcoming and nice to the masculine ones at that age..
The not-like-other-girls jokes I see now further alienate me. It was confusing to see the same type of girls I witnessed picking on me for being GNC accusing others of internalized misogyny and all these memes that implied it was the isolated girls fault she wasn’t really being excluded! Look how friendly those girls are! Yeah no, it wasn’t like that. also this recent trend of "shipping" "not like other girl" characters is creppy to me because I would hate if people started shipping me with the type of people who literally made me want to commit suicide
No. 518960
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Kota milk has been dry for years. It was kind if interesting she she first moved to Japan, but theres nothing to snark about anymore. She doesn't even look that bad these days, but based in descriptions by anons you'd think she was 200lbs with the face of a 40 year old. Imagine getting shit for having the same winter coat for 2 years kek
Who cares if she's supposedly married and on the DL now? Either she gets a lot of work and gets shit on for having connections, or she chooses not to work and gets shit on for 'missing opportunities'.
No. 518966
>>518952Agreed, I see it all the time now that girls will vent about how they feel forced to wear tons of makeup, painful pushup bras, to constantly diet and restrict their calories, to pursue surgery and so on, and it gets dismissed as them being a qUiRkY pickme. I've seen comics where some teenager simply laments that she's fatter than most other girls and people accuse her of sexism and trying to appeal sexually to men somehow. I say this as someone who's very conventionally feminine specifically because of a lifetime of societal pressure and understanding that my career success can depend on how much makeup I wear, how my hair looks, how much I diet, if my clothes show off my figure. I understand how these girls are feeling and that it's not me that they hate, it's the cage of femininity that puts shackles around your brain even when you spend your days refusing to give in to it. It's always hovering over you demanding your time and energy and worry and it's exhausting. Of course there are notable examples of actual sexism occurring in this context, but most of the targets of this type of bashing are just random GNC minors.
No. 518967
>>518955I don't hate those girls who make these types of comic because I understand thier point of view, and I know no the "feminine mean girls" in those comics were probably the one's who bullied them IRL, i don’t see popular internet posts asking women to examine why they mocked and shunned non-feminine girls in school, and what that might say about how they view women. i very much doubt anyone has ever sat down one of my bullies and said of their bullying, “your internalized misogyny is showing.”
>>518964Thank you
No. 518982
>>518960I kind of feel like the milk on Venus is dry as well. There's a reason why she and Dakota are stashed in the /w/ board.
Honestly I feel so bad for Venus that I find it difficult to hate her, her mother put her through a lot of psychological damage by being an
abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic parent. Having a similar experience I wish Venus better because I know what kind of shit stems from having a crazy mother who constantly chooses to live vicariously through her child.
No. 519002
>>518973Does this really happen lmao
>>518967>i very much doubt anyone has ever sat down one of my bullies and said of their bullying, “your internalized misogyny is showing.”Well someone should. I see bullies get told on the internet pretty often, look where we are. Both feminine and GNCs alike.
>>518987What are "becky memes"?
No. 519008
>>518982Every time I scroll past the venus thread on /w/ I see people going at her for such ridiculous things.
>lolololool she's getting SO FAT>look she has EYE BAGS >shes jobless lmao>she looks SO shitty in this candid vs an edited instagram selfie!"!!!Like what the fuck? I find it really hard to be vindictive towards her due to being raised in isolation by a crazy mother. Give her a break for gods sake.
>inb4 NO ANON BUT SHE ACTUALLY IS A TRUE NARC!!! SHE DRANK DURING A STREAM YOU SEEThe same goes for Dakota, I used to hate her so much but after she moved to Japan (and this was years ago) she really got her act together. She's cute IRL and she also had a manipulative, batshit crazy family around her in the states. Those threads are full of skinwalkers and absolutely insane people.
No. 519101
>>519088I'm fine with her being the representation of younger generations and their political concerns, I just find it annoying that people continuously put her on a pedestal as if she became a figure all on her own. It's blatantly obvious she was fed lines and coached then propelled into media by her influential and connected parents. The fact is that there are tons of children who are Gretas but they don't have the resources nor the influence. See the forest for the trees.
That said, the alt-right and conservative's response to her is incredulous. In a way it makes sense that people have galvanized her for the fact that she was so specifically bullied by grown was men.
No. 519108
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>>519088I don't get it either. I can understand not liking using children as political tools, but their hatred for her seems to be pathological. Pic related.
No. 519147
>>518952I feel this a lot as somebody who grew up as a tomboy and is still very GNC even as an adult in my late 20's. But what especially kills me is that in my experience the textbook "NLOG"s weren't the GNCs, they were always the very gender-conforming women who felt superior to other girls and had a bad case of the Queen Bee syndrome. In other words, the girls who had a lot of male orbiters validating their superiority and telling them that they're not like those other girls in hopes of getting laid. Growing up as a GNC woman men absolutely despised me because I wasn't the sexy kind of Cool Girl tomboy.
All in all the "NLOG" of GNCs is more of a "I feel like I'm garbage because I don't fulfill the stereotype of a woman" variety than the "I'm better than those dumb ditzy bimbos every other girl represents" one. I know I'm "not like other girls" but to me it's not something to feel good or proud about, it makes me regress to a level of a bullied 13-year old whenever a feminine woman looks down her nose at me and I wish I didn't have to deal with that shame all over again.
No. 519152
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>>519147oh anon you should really work on your "internalized misogyny" and forgive the girls who bullied you and made fun of you, you should also just kiss and make up with the girls because that would be totes kweer
No. 519161
>>519147Why does your physical appearance matter if you are mentally or physically talented?
And ultimately, who the fuck cares? If you're going to take socially risk-taking behavior by presenting or engaging with things out of the norm, you sure as fuck need the courage and self-confidence to carry yourself after. Letting your own mental confidence be affected by the vapid, socially conditioned opinions of others makes you look weak and without sincere conviction.
No. 519165
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I'm not at all fond of the Animal Crossing series, and can't understand why it's so popular especially among normies. I adore a few villagers but my attention to AC ends there.
I don't care about the newest game for Switch either (New Horizons) either, which is kinda bleh since everyone in my social circle is all hyped up and excited for it and I can't share the same sentiment.
No. 519169
>>519161Not to be bitchy but this is some "Why are you sad, just be happy! It's not hard!" level advice. When someone experiences a continuous trauma caused by social peers in an age that's very receptive to outside influences, it becomes your internal voice and it's a hard one to silence.
>Letting your own mental confidence be affected by the vapid, socially conditioned opinions of others makes you look weakWow, really? Did you figure that out on your own?
No. 519198
>>519181There was an anon lately bragging about her submissive nigel and how he worships women and sees them as superior. He was also into the whole sissy humiliation thing.
'dress me up as a woman to degrade me' Yep there's totally no contradiction there
No. 519288
>>519008I don't even see Dakota as a lolcow at this point. All I see when I go to that thread is a girl who a successful model in Japan and the anons are SEETHING. Venus' life is just depressing. It's not like Shayna where she creates problems for herself and makes her life harder than it needs to be all by herself. Her mother really ruined her by depriving her of basic life skills, support and a proper education.
>>518952Yeah, I agree. I was bullied by beckys when I was younger and did eventually harbour some internal misogyny. The solution I found was to go out and find other nerdy girls to talk to. Getting into anime and stuff like lolita and even coming here has helped a lot.
No. 519309
>>519088Googled about her since I didn't know her, she seems like a nice girl but her parents exploiting her autism is pretty fucked up.
>>519108Though not as fucked up as this.
No. 519330
>>519297Not all personality disorders cause harm to others. You sound like you think that all personality disorders are cluster b trainwrecks.
Agree on DID tho.
>>519298Well stop taking them if you are such a smartass and see how you feel then.
You sound dumb AF
No. 519424
>>519423They also cancelled their cherry blossom festivals over coronavirus fears.
Iran cancelled its Friday prayers for the first time in decades because of this, Switzerland has banned all events with more than 1000 people, Amazon is telling its workers to halt travel in the US and internationally, and the UK has stated they will shut down schools if things get any worse. This is ignoring all China has done, btw.
No. 519454
>>519410I love how people who say that mean "the flu kills more people every year and nobody talks about it so the coronavirus isn't that bad" as if we're not told every single year about how the flu is fucking dangerous everytime there's an epidemic. Fuck these people. Fuck the people who are like "it's only old people and people with a weak immune system who can die from it so it's not actually that dangerous" like that's going to solve or prove anything. If anything I have relatives with extreme health issues who could die from this shit.
>>519424I've heard about several big companies in France cancelling all their overseas business travels for the next weeks. The only one I can think of right now is L'Oréal though.
No. 519457
>>519410Coronaviruses can cause flu-like infections. And they caused the SARS outbreak. They can cause anything from something like the common cold to pneumonia. This one is similar to the flu in the sense that it really depends on the health of the infected person and whether they have access to good treatment.
Obviously I'm not saying we shouldn't care, but things like this need to be dealt with calmly because panic just makes people stupid and exacerbates everything. Freaking out is pretty much never the answer. It's a hassle when everybody is going looney tunes and hospital staff have to deal with it. Practice good hand hygiene, catch your coughs and sneezes in a tissue and then bin it and call the health authorities if you genuinely believe you might have the illness.
The reason people are panicking is because this is a new strain of an old virus and they're not 100% sure how it will affect people yet. People are being overly cautious because we can be nowadays, not because it's the end of the world. It's easier than ever to share information, spread awareness, pinpoint carriers, map out their days and isolate possibly infected people. They're doing it because it's better to be safe than sorry, at least until they discover long term effects and statistics.
Schools, public areas and offices do go on lockdown for other illnesses, such as norovirus. European hospitals will close bays with anybody infectious in them, regardless of whether or not the infection is thought to be fatal. It's a standard precaution with anything that spreads easily and they've pumped it up for coronavirus because it's new.
No. 519531
>>519522there's a HUGE difference between being attracted to other people and watching porn. seeing someone on the street and finding them attractive is completely harmless. you can't help if you're attracted to someone or not and if you see someone and find them attractive what's the harm?
when you actively seek out other people to look at, that's a bit different- BUT that's not even the main reason most of us have with porn. the thing about porn is that it's degrading and disgusting and warps men's view of women and sexuality. my boyfriend had super fucked up ideas of sex (like wanting me to drink used c*m out of condoms, not being able to sustain an erection, not wanting to lessen his porn intake etc). if you think a man seeing a woman on the street he thinks is pretty is the same thing as him watching "teen anal gangbang" everyday you're just a moron, sorry.
No. 519569
>>519549What weak moral character.
You sound like a slave to your base impulses.
No. 519707
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I find these two so smug, unfunny, cringy and self righteous. I don’t get why their ‘comedy’ is spoken of so highly on YouTube
No. 519713
>>519709I actually find Noel the most smug of them all and he sometimes gives me incel/
abusive vibes but I can’t really articulate why…the incel thing bc of his height complex I guess… it feels like not a joke when he talks about it
No. 519714
>>509691I don't even know what my sexuality qualifies as anymore. I'm sexually attracted to men, but if I know them at all personally, I get massively turned off. Can't stand emotional intimacy with them. Not as sexually attracted to random women off the street, but if I know a girl and get a crush on her, she suddenly becomes the sexiest person on the planet.
Guess it's worth noting that I'm a borderline misandrist and can't form emotional attachments to men at all.
No. 519745
>>518952Interesting post anon. Something about this topic always rubbed me the wrong way but I could never see why, and I think you explained pretty well.
>>519707I still like them and find their videos pretty funny but my problem with them and similar youtubers like Kurtis Conner and Drew Gooden is that they think they're so smart and original for calling out certain people or trends and their content is worthy of millions of praises just because they react to something "cringey" and say how awful it is. It's like, the content is humorous but it's barely any hard work, all you have to do is say something is cringey and act morally superior and fans think they're like the absolute best content creators ever because of it and I just find it a bit ridiculous. It's weird how much worship these guys get when other youtubers deserve a ton more.
No. 519794
>>518952>It was confusing to see the same type of girls I witnessed picking on me for being GNC accusing others of internalized misogyny and all these memes that implied it was the isolated girls fault she wasn’t really being excluded! Look how friendly those girls are!I always wondered why I didn't like these "wholesome" memes that are created under the guise of "destroying internalized misogyny" but couldn't quite figure it out, and you explained it perfectly. It's just a continuum of the high school narrative, it's the GNC girl who just has a bad attitude and it's her own fault for being such a prejudiced hermit, these girls would like her if she just gave them a chance!!
Nope. Women can be bad people. Women can be shallow and mean. It doesn't make me less of a feminist to admit this. The vapid girls who made fun of me for being GNC were little shitheads and I don't have to forgive them for it just because someone wants to fetishize the dynamic. These girls will never be held accountable for their own implementation of misogyny against women who don't fulfill the female stereotype. But because GNC women have no value, they're expected to take the fall and responsibility for fixing the situation.
No. 519829
>>519724samefag, cant delete and repost anymore.
You can either be bi or a lesbian, stop making lesbian an umbrella term. No wonder people think that lesbians can be attracted to men if such idiocy is being spread. Weird I never heard about women leaning gay male lmfao
No. 519839
>>519719>sexually attracted to men>"lesbian">le bi-lesbian memeThat's not how it works, anon.
No. 519862
>>519791agree that disney lost its artistic integrity, though like
>>519797 said, disney films have almost always been manufactured for money. but yeah unfortunately we'll only be getting soulless live action remakes/grossly polished cgi and "woke" characters, and never another fantasia or bambi
No. 519864
>>519819I think you're the one who misunderstood the point. What you described is how the meme is "supposed" to be seen I guess, but for someone who had to go through the shit "stacies" (Forgive my terminology) put them through it's about
the bullied being accused of internalized misogyny when in reality the setup has the gender-conforming archetypal mean girls being misogynous for ostracizing a GNC girl for not being feminine enough. I think a lot of GNC farmers can relate to this and know how out of proportion the bullying can be for the simple sin of being a tomboy or just not being fashionable.
>I remember how common it was in the 00's to think 'X group of people (but especially women) bad' before they did anything bad to you, just cause they were looking like a Barbie (or a Stacy), a nerd etc. I'm glad this idea is being rejected now.It's really not. It still happens. Even as adults you get a ton of vapid mean girls badmouthing women who are "beckies" so it's not just an imaginary hollywood high school setting that can be solved by telling the GNC representative that she should just wake up and see how ~nice~ these girls actually are.
No. 519875
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>>519864you realize it's not only about being GNC, right? You can be different in other ways as well. I guess not because you treat this whole meme like it's meant to be about you and your bad experience with Stacies. I highly disagree. I honestly believe this meme is against girl hate and the kind of twisted mindset that the heroine of Watamote has.
TBH I think you truly do need therapy for your Stacy hate. Shitty girls bullied you, it's fair to be angry at them, you don't have to forgive. You sound like you project your issues on all feminine women and even an innocent meme which is not healthy at all.
The original meme wasn't even about shitting on Stacies cause they were cruel, just on their look and hobbies and making yourself feel better cause ~you are not liks the other girls~, so your argument makes even less sense to me.
BTW I hope you do not believe that being a GNC woman makes you a special little snowflake.
No. 519899
No. 519932
>>519899You wish. I just can't relate to your obsession with hating on the evil stacies because I am no longer an insecure teen and I don't project my bad experiences from the past on irrelevant people
>>519888you realize that the original "I ak not like the other girls" meme was a big cope for not being popular, right? which is why I brought it up.
GNC can bully others too, cunt. Especially ones with hate toward women who are not walking trainwrecks that gave up on their life. Yeah this happened to me with 1 cunt but I don't cry that all gnc /fats/uggos are bullies and that it's fine to hate them just on that basis lmfao
>>519912Who the fuck cares about scrotes? And nobody said it's fine.
No. 519957
>>519943>The bitchiest queen bee-est cunts in the office are fatties and uggosYou seem to imply that you associate or interact with more attractive people to even be able to compare, and that delusion is only slightly more hilarious than your obliviousness to the well known fact that the beautiful people are just as bitchy and catty aka their halo effect.
And neither of those amusing little tidbits that I got from your post don't even begin to address how it's probably just you that isn't liked and therefore gets a standoffish reaction from said uggos. You sound like a bully too but of course no one ever likes or stops to think of themselves as the bully.
No. 519959
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Am I the only one who thinks that these two seem "off?" Their videos have always been so fucking boring and unfunny so I'm surprised that they are pretty popular. And they have the audacity to be suing YouTube for demonetizing them for inappropriate content yet they have always had clickbait thumbnails where they're nearly nude/topless. Also Bria's music is pretty boring too IDK how she became so popular. They just seem in general kind of manipulative and strange and Chrissy has some major issues. I do feel for her though with the revenge porn case but it feels slimy that they act dramatic and air so much of their shit on camera just for the views. I know every other YouTuber does this but they act so innocent with everything it just pisses me off.
No. 519980
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Idk if something's wrong with me but I don't find most people good looking. Adriana Lima is supposed to be one of the most beautiful women in the world but she looks average to me.
No. 519988
>>519980i could open instagram and 10 other faces who look exactly like hers would greet me
she's not that special tbh she looks pretty average
No. 519990
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>>519980she hasn't aged badly at all but she used to look so otherworldly back in the day that the contrast kind of makes her seem average. but are you pretty young? an aesthetic taste in people can take a while to develop. like i didn't "get" the big deal about beauty until i found a handful of people who are my exact personal taste, then everyone else was unconsciously measured against them, then my personal taste expanded. i think a lot of people are like that. it starts with having one crush or one person you want to look like, then you realize other people look like them and are also beautiful, then you develop appreciation for a broader range of looks.
No. 520007
>>519989nta but when I said average I mean when I see Adriana I don't think "wow she's pretty" I just think "eh". And I don't have instagram.
>>519990I don't even like her otherworldly look lol. I wouldn't say I have an exact taste but I think you're right.
No. 520010
>>519957No delusion about it, just from experience. I’m not hot, just easy on the eyes and not fat and I’ve never had issues with colleagues of my looksmatch and above. If my office is mostly stacy’s, it’s at least a cordial time. On the other hand, where the roster is largely below average, drama and cattiness. Getting unwanted attention from males in those workplace makes uglies so fucking salty they feel like they have to compete by sabotaging you.
In case you needed my street cred, I was bullied by the popular girls too in school, like asian drama level shit. I just got over my stacy hate when I realize the unpopular girls can be just as fucking bad, if not worse because they’re covert with added massive
victim mentality on top.
No. 520100
>>520091I think this is more of a chicken versus the egg thing, like they become friends because they have motivations, even if you don't realize it
I think men & women can be friends under certain circumstances, for example if you start being friends when you're kids before you're able to develop feelings for each other
No. 520122
>>520080Can you go into detail as to why? I’m curious anon you just left that hanging lol
I will say his writing style kinda bores me because it’s very straightforward and direct. Even if he comes up with great stories his writing is stale
No. 520366
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>>520330Honestly gotta agree with you anon. I find the movies charming on my own but hearing everybody sperg about how uwu wholesome and amazing they are gets old really fast.
The best film Ghibli ever put out IMO wasn't even directed by Miyazaki.
No. 520371
>>520370Than they are retards as well. You are either gay or bi. It's that easy.
People DO love to claim that all women must love dick secretly, which doesn't happen with male homosexuals at all.
No. 520373
>>520371>People DO love to claim that all women must love dick secretly,Now, obviously the above is false but there's no need to get
triggered over someone saying they're "bi leaning gay". It's just an easy way to describe their orientation. They have heterosexual attraction but much, much more homosexual attraction.
No. 520439
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>>520330 I find his (Miyazaki) movies really fucking boring. Howl's moving castle just has scenes of characters pensively staring at each other. Also that movie just rushed itself to the ending.
I can't stand how his characters cry. I don't wanna hear "B-but in animation they exaggerate and-" okay, cool, still don't like how he does it. That's more of a small nitpick.
Also didn't he once shout at a bar that there was nothing wrong with loving a 12 year old girl? did he mean the Hebephile way, cause that is a lot to unpack. A grown man should only being saying "I love my daughter" never "nothing wrong loving a 12 year old girl"
Pic included, grown adult man gets a waifu, a young girl.Called her his 'girlfriend'
Dude is scum.
No. 520451
>>520439You seem really uninformed anon.
He intentionally writes heroines that do more than just be cute girls, he's spoken about how he wants to give girls inspiring role models. He's spoken out against Otaku culture and the unrealistic idea of girls portrayed in popular anime, and he refuses to sexualise his heroines.
Miyazaki is an old Japanese man so of course he's not some current sjw icon, but it's not like there is only an analog switch between paedo misogynist or feminist saint.
No. 520454
>>520451no, I'm not miss informed lol
What normal adult man goes "She's my girlfriend" to a drawn underage girl. not a normal one I can tell you that.
I don't expect him to be a SJW Icon. Or a feminist one. Oh good for him he spoke out against Otaku culture. big whoop! He still draws upon the same female archetype every time.
No normal guy ever says "theres nothing wrong with loving a 12 year old girl." thats not normal.
He is a shit person who makes pretty movies to stare at. Other japanese anime directors have done better with movies that actually have more substance to them besides "uwu cute."
No. 520461
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>>520454>Other japanese anime directors have done better with movies that actually have more substance to them besides "uwu cute."That's subjective anon but also why are you suddenly mentioning other directors?
It sounds like you want Miyazaki to be a pedophile because you hate the way ghibli draw tears and that the plots aren't your cup of tea.
You're calling him a lolicon based off of one instance of him saying he loved pic related in the 60s that you found on /ic/, but I guess that's your unpopular opinion so you're entitled to it.
I personally don't think an anecdote about waifus is enough to call him a paedophile. Nikola Tesla said he loved the imaginary dove that visited his window but I'm not out here telling everyone that his inventions are shit because he was into beastiality. Each to their own.
No. 520462
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>>520439>>520454I don't know if you're baiting, but the movie that made him become an animator isn't exactly drawn in K-On style. It's a Chinese myth where the characters are very much adults for the majority of the story, besides the very beginning. It also came out in 1958, so Miyazaki himself would have been in high school at the time.
No idea about the bar thing, but yes, you do seem misinformed to label this guy a pedo when he liked an adult anime character in high school.
No. 520463
>>520439>Also didn't he once shout at a bar that there was nothing wrong with loving a 12 year old girl? Do you have a source on this? Google isn't showing me anything. This is definitely scummy if true.
>>520454>What normal adult man goes "She's my girlfriend" to a drawn underage girl. not a normal one I can tell you that.If you mean the screencap you posted, it doesn't sound like he still thinks of the character that way. He fixated on the character when he was an underage high schooler himself, and he described that attachment as "like being in love", saying she was a "surrogate girlfriend". If he's
still that way and claims she's "his girlfriend", that's different.
I feel like you might just not like Ghibli films (
valid, I'm not into them either) and you're kind of trying to find any "good" reason for it. It's okay to just find them boring, anon, lmao.
No. 520466
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>>520462>>520461Only kind of related, but it reminded me. Didn't Walt Disney describe the girl from the end of The Jungle Book as a "sexy little girl"?
Why doesn't anyone talk about that? Seedy.>“Another time was, we were looking at the section of The Jungle Book where the little girl comes out and gets in the water, and the little boy’s up in the tree, and he falls into the water. She senses that he’s following her, so she drops the jug after a ways, and this continues all the way up, and the boy looks back at us [the audience] and shrugs his shoulders, and then he turns around and looks at the little girl, and she wrinkles her nose up at him. That’s one of the best drawings I ever did. And Walt turned to me and said, ‘That’s a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie.’ That was the last time we ever had a meeting with him.” No. 520525
>>520330I did like some of his movies and found the others boring and not as memorable as they're often described, I'll never understand people who call his movies masterpieces and not like other anime movies and tv shows.
>because they've never seen anime films that aren't by him and enjoy acting 'oh so original' about itNot really related to your point but that's how I feel about self-proclaimed "anime fans" who only really know about Sailor Moon and some Shonen Jump series and nothing else. They're so annoying to talk to. You know, the type of people who could sperg about One Piece and Naruto by literally only talking about powerlevels and how Sakura is a turbo bitch? The description you gave suits them so well.
No. 520552
>>520330What he said about his son's movie was kind of shitty, not going to lie, but if you consider this "emotional abuse" then the majority of Japanese men his age emotionally abused their kids. Unfortunately, for better or worse, older Japanese men were way more focused on their careers than their families and are extremely harsh on their children. Their culture is a culture of work first and if you can't be GOOD at something, then don't even bother with it. He's an older Japanese man, you really can't bring Western SJW values onto him because it's a VERY different culture. You're free to not agree with it and to not agree with how their culture operates, but acting like he's some
abusive scum is ridiculous.
No. 520592
>>520373"Bi leaning gay" would imply that you're gay/lesbian with "exceptions" - which is again, retarded and definitely not a thing. If it's so hard to admit that you're just bi, "gay leaning bi" would be a better way to put it.
>>520422That's what happens when the BTQ+ don't stay in their lane.
No. 520598
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>>520525>I did like some of his movies and found the others boring and not as memorable as they're often describedI agree, I still like the wind rises and think Kiki is fairly cute (despite being a generic kids movie) but when I rewatched Spirited away as an older teen I just found the whole third act to be extremely rushed and I still vastly prefer Alice in wonderland.
> but that's how I feel about self-proclaimed "anime fans" who only really know about Sailor Moon and some Shonen Jump series and nothing else.I think that's also what I was somewhat referring to, but I generally see them way more often with ghibli fans I don't even think my taste is all that obscure (my top 3 being Evangelion, Madoka and Houseki no Kuni) but all I seem to hear about is 'I'm such a huge anime fan, I watch BNHA!' it's fine if they like shounen jump, but even then they generally only like the very surface level stuff so it makes it hard to discuss things with new fans due to them never wanting to leave their comfort zone (and I personally find most shounen extremely boring).
No. 520626
>>520603I think some of it is people just telling themselves they are "passionate" about their work, otherwise the drudgery would be unbearable and they would realize how much they'd rather be doing anything else.
There are jobs which provide a meaningful service to society but the vast majority of it is make-work shit.
No. 520659
>>520649It isn't a sexuality, it's just having a really low sex drive.
>>520652Thank you.
No. 520737
>>520649I like your opinion anon
I feel like even on here when people admit they're a virgin but alright with it other anons say there's something wrong with them or they need the right man. Bold to assume that anon wouldn't be a lesbian disgusted by dick. It's like society has tricked all women they cannot be happy without sex and a mediocre man she doesn't care for will do the trick. That or women should always just give themselves to men all for an unknown status of: not virgin
No. 520761
>>520649I agree too but you tell that to someone who is a proud asexual and you’re called names (aphobe still makes me lol).
Something is wrong and they just want to say they’re a
victim too, just like gay people. Not a lot of people are hyper sexual in relationships anyway. Maybe they should visit deadbedrooms to feel better about themselves.
No. 521283
>>521275I partially agree with this.
Like yeah sometimes kids are unpredictable or can't help it (like babies on a plane or if the child has a learning difficulty) but maybe don't put other people through the misery of having to listen to it for hours. If your child throws regular tantrums at the shops, then leave it at home with your partner or shop at a time when it's at school/daycare. I know some people are going to be like 'what if it's a single mum blah blah blah' and yeah obviously she's got no choice, but I'm talking about the majority of people who allow their children to run rampant or howl.
My unpopular opinion is that people should not be allowed to have any more than 3 children. It's insane.
I love kids and want them one day but fuck the amount of mummy bloggers that have over 4 kids and complain about having no free time. Plus this sounds autistic and clinical but I believe unless you live in a rural farm town with strict religion, it's impossible to raise a large family of sound quality humans. I came from a huge family and although I did my best at school, I could have achieved more with a tutor or even more one on one time with my parents. I was lost amongst a number.
It's quantity of quality with some of these damn people. STOP having so many damn kids if all you do is complain!
No. 521362
>>521283I never understood why having a lot of kids is a goal for some people.
Maybe this has been said before in past threads, but I think they should make having children as difficult as it is adopting children. There are a lot of retards who shouldn’t be parents.
No. 521363
>>521362Actually, I thought it was a bit like Idiocracy the movie, the poorer/dumber people reproduce way too much while the career driven / smarter one tend to not do that. That is if you don't take religion into account.
That definitely checks out with all the kids I went to middle/high school with. Those who dropped out sooner tended to get married and / or make several kids. All the others that have pursued career and studies have yet to have kids or only have 1/2.
No. 521367
>>521365Gosh and I so fucking sick of edge lord takes. Have you done research? read philosophical arguments about the idea? Or even read a book about that? Or did you come up with your big brain idea when you got my chemical romance stuck on loop?
I'd be OK with takes like this, but it's never backed by anything and is always some edgelord teen
No. 521371
>>521365Why does there even have to be a point? Can't people just be happy with the fact that we get a tiny spec of spacetime in which to be conscious and self-aware?
>>521367I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
No. 521382
>>521378They absolutely can control not being an attention seeking retard online.
Here's a whole thread on why they're shit friends
>>231531 No. 521398
>>521392NTA but because otherwise it's a shallow, baseless, poorly developed worldview. You don't really
have to of course, most people don't, but with something as retarded as "there's no point in living" you should at least give it some real thought.
No. 521400
When you don't document your ideas, research evidence and facts, well, things like fucking flat earther happen
In 2020, we have to explain to retard that the earth is NOT bible flat. We actually are there.
No. 521416
>>521398I don't think she meant it as a ~nihilistic~ thing but more like stating the obvious.
Like, yeah, the point would to reproduce, but where does it lead? Is that all?
No. 521427
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No. 521440
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Your opinion isn't unpopular anywhere.
Jesus go away. You sound like this one PULL user who's my personal lolcow for the raging butthurt generated by misandry here.
No. 522065
>>522043Most porn stars aren't even traditionally pretty, they're usually an average 5/10 with a bunch of fake eyelashes and makeup to achieve a gentrifying look for men.
Lima is like an average 6/10 despite being a high class super model. It's not preconceptions from porn, its preconceptions from women that have seen very high standard beauty models with natural or surgically supplemented 10/10 features. Lima just has potatoey/ doughy features that dont appeal to us.
No. 522148
>>522147Looks like they deleted their own post.
>>522043I find her attractive, and I don't watch porn. She's conventionally attractive by all means but who cares?
No. 522193
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How the fuck is hypmic so popular?
>the rap is shit and embarassing
>the characters look like togainu no chi era rejects
>the plot is about women ending ww3 but they are evil bitches
>voice actors themselves are surprised this series is popular among young women
No. 522205
>>522193it's a different take on "idol" related franchises
it's still music related, but it's not another 15-year-old boy becomes a part of an idol agency and sings and dances. it's just edgy men rapping. though what i don't understand is how people unironically enjoy the story line, it seems like an afterthought compared to the songs.
No. 522361
>>522193Kind of on a similar note, I don't understand how some people keep up with these types of untranslated franchises. Feels like you have to keep up with several different people all translating different things on several different blogs. I think it's too much work and too much of a time investment.
I know some people who will play an untranslated mobile gacha game every day and then go hunting for translations for some event that happened last week. It's always for some bland idol/otome game too, there are plenty of idol/otome games that are officially translated so I don't understand why they don't play one of those instead.
No. 522372
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>>522193The rap is shitty and forced as hell but Jakurai x Ramuda is sexy.
I think it's one of those series where no one actually likes the music/plot and just the character designs/interactions.
No. 522438
>>522397Nah, it's just low empathy is something that is really fucking common in men. To the point where it seems like most men have a very subtle form of autism. A lot of them just can't relate to others at all or can't be assed to, can't see from other people's point of view, and have little to no self-awareness. So pretty much what
>>522411 said. It can be infuriating if you have a close friend or bf who is like this, people with low empathy are best kept as acquaintances and nothing more.
No. 522453
>>522193>>the characters look like togainu no chi era rejectsTrue, I was so sick of seeing edgy fanarts of the characters on twitter I muted every word linked to it and it's still not enough.
>>the plot is about women ending ww3 but they are evil bitchesThere's a story? It sounds so bad it's actually funny though.
No. 522459
>>522193The character designs are so motherfucking ugly it makes me want to cry. Togainu no chi era rejects is the perfect way to put it, they really look like cheap imitations of all those edgelord disasters. Their raps are extraordinarily bad too, save for a few MCs.
>voice actors themselves are surprised this series is popular among young womenHow? I literally thought it was a new BL game when I first saw it. Turns out it's actually some Drama CD collection or something, no actual substance at all.
Anyway I guess it's harmless enough and doesn't bother me THAT much, but jesus christ the characters look hideous. Just had to make that known.
No. 522600
>>522579I fucking hate my big fucking corporate America company bullshit forcefully organising events for the Women's day when we have so much shitty stuff happening on the floor. I work in tech sales, 90% manly men with the worst sexist attitudes fit for a 1950 office. I'm not going to go into details because I'm so fucking upset that everyone and their mother just sweep it under the carpet in this company. AND OUR B.U BIG BOSS IS A WOMAN. And she just pretends it's all coolio. Woman empowerment my ass.
Recently I kinda exploded reading our internal board message bullshit and spilled it all that fucking stop pretending we're woke when the number 2 of the company was recently given the sack to avoid a very public lawsuit after
#metoo-Weinstein level accusations from young female associates. The fucking #2 was facing rape charges no less and hush money was generously distributed to keep
victims silent.
I also recounted on our internal board a few incidents and immediately got an HR email that they wanted to "investigate", lol. I had the pleasure to respond that I already raised 3 HR complaints in 2017 and their response was "didn't you provoke this" so no fuck you guys.
I fucking hate the hypocrisy of "woman's day". I fucking hate this company too.
No. 522666
It's the same thing with LGBT month too.
No. 522705
>>522668Oh please bitch.
No. 522712
>>522708So, why don't you just go to Kiwi Farms if you want a male-friendly safe space so badly?
Also, Lolcow was basically just a slower, miscellaneous hangout spot for /cgl/ users back in 2014. /cgl/ doesn't like males shitting up their board, either, in case you didn't know.
No. 522727
>>522397i fucking guarantee you you just haven't met an actual low eq man in your life yet lmfao they piss off EVERYONE not just women and feminists
also, most people without proper social skills get nowhere in life no matter how smart they think they are (which they usually aren't anyway)
No. 522739
>>522708i liked it more when it was just yet another site dedicated to picking apart women and laughing at their looks compared to when it showcases rare and unseen female opinions with a unique atmosphere no place on the internet has!
and I've been on lolcow since 2014-2015, I don't really get how you don't realize the internet is in your favor with the former shit. Even if you disagree with the opinions that unique board culture old internet feel is what got me.
No. 522742
>>522397>There is more to life than social skillsKEK. Good luck with that anon. Tell that to your boss, colleagues, customers, friends, girlfriend or target girlfriend, neighbours, etc. Unless you are the sole inhabitant of your desert island…you get the picture.
>>522727>also, most people without proper social skills get nowhere in life no matter how smart they think they are (which they usually aren't anyway)Truth.
No. 522759
>>522751Sure Ok !
- in my teenage year there was this "invocation game" where you would call a spirit called Diana (not related to the princess at all). Someone would kneel in front of you reciting the incantation and asking the spirit to lift your arms. Two people had to stand on your sides. You had to close your eyes. One of my friend did it on me - I did feel my arms lift but that was definitely just the power of suggestion. I tried it on my sister, forgot to mention the lift arm bit to her and she did not have the same effect.
- one night with friends, we watch this horror movie bloody mary. Supposedely if you turn on yourself 3 times calling bloody mary at a mirror, at the light of only a candle in a bathroom, she will appear in the mirror. I tried it and you guessed it, nothing appeared. I had a friend who said she tried at home and saw a figure. I put it down to trick played by light/shadow and her own state - self convinced and scared on her own.
- supposedly we lived in a haunted house with my family - man died of horrific long disease in a bed in the house. My brother claimed he saw an old man walking around, other people kept telling us they saw "a figure". There was 7 of us at home, we all lived there at the time, could be anyone of us at anytime.
- re haunted house : dad worked night shift and would go to bed earlier than us. Once woke up and bolted in a room where all my 4 siblings and I were watching some movie. He said one of us came into his room to speak and woke him up. He was kinda mad, needed his sleep. Sure dad but we were all together all that time so no. I think he was just dreaming, he always have vivid nightmare (he has ptsd from war soooooo).
- re haunted house : only me, my sister and mum at home. Mum is upstairs doing her hair. We are downstairs in the garage playing with the cat. She calls us suddenly, shaken and scared. She asked why we are playing a prank on her, we're nasty kid blah blah. She heard a moan that sounded like someone in deep pain and thought we were trying to scare her. It was certainly not us. We live in a semi detached house sooooo I guess noise travel a lot. We have old sick neighbours, might be them
- after so many supposedly weird things, my brother, who loves to scare us, decides to hold a ouija type seance one night. Parents are out and he babysits. We do a makeshift board and call whatever spirit my brother believes is there. The makeshift planchet (a piece of wood), does move. Anyone of us could have moved it though and claim it wasn't them. I think brother was just trying to get us entertained lol. Letters spelled don't make any sense.
That's what I can think of on top of my head. I've plenty more occurrences/experiences, first and second hand but I always seem to find explanations for it all.
No. 522770
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>>522765I love the name karen because i always think of Rashida jones' character from the office and shes such a qt honestly. Karen is synonymous with cute and lighthearted for me lol
No. 522805
>>522789This was nice to read anon.
t. aspie
No. 522818
>>522789I've had the same experience with female aspies, really can't say the same for male aspies though.
One male aspie that I worked with confided in me that he was on a suspended sentance for child porn. His parents payed for a professional to write up a letter on how his aspergers made him 'not understand' that child porn was bad. He was highly secretive about it for years and in contact with other cp lovers online. He also had a sister who was sexually abused as a child and witnessed the affect that had on her and his family.. I know that's an extreme example but I work with aspies often and the pervy/pushy sexual oversharing is a theme with those guys.
No. 522933
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I hate it when anons talk about the "good ol' days" of lolcow. Looking back at some of the threads I used to read, a lot of them were filled with nitpicks, obvious white-knighting, and infighting. It was kind of a mess and hard to read. I'm glad it's a lot more controlled now and there are more interesting non cow related threads.
No. 523126
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>>523121>>523122Just don't get banned, idiot. Your sperging is super embarrassing.
No. 523146
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dude stop it, if you hate being banned so much why the fuck don't you stop it?, your annoying faggotry makes you look like a troll.
No. 523234
>>523118All that shit was boring except for PT.
I also can’t believe Dakota’s thread is still active. Most of it is just anon theories.
No. 523430
>>523404Anon here.
KEK so true. In a horror movie logic, I'd be dead in 5 min.
Your comment made me laugh so much, thanks anon.
No. 523585
I miss the vibrant colors+tan+layered, often bleached hair trend from the late 00s (
>>523126 made me remember lol). Everyone either looked like constant summer or extremely trashy, it was great.
No. 523602
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>>523566i love you so much anon
No. 524599
>>524592Used to watch him as a teen back in 2008/09 and now I just roll my eyes
I can’t with his new stuff and the facts he’s friends and collabs with Jeffrey haggard star just knocks me sick
No. 524604
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>>524600Yeah alongside the years of actual blackface. People don’t remember but even though he acts sorry now, when he was first called out in 2014 he was so hostile and aggressive about it to people who confronted him and sent hate mobs their way, he couldn’t have been less thoughtful or apologetic. I guess his crippling empathy for some reason didn’t kick in for the people of colour who were genuinely hurt
No. 524711
>>524600This guy has always been trash and his humor is non-existent. He used to do these cheap, trashy, offensive skits but once his popularity started to decline he went for the humble, self-deprecating personality…but literally anyone with more than one brain cell can tell how disingenuous and narcissistic this man is.
He was smart enough to reinvent himself and make himself seem relatable to his young insecure audience.
No. 525085
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>>523603>>523602I miss cow chop
>>524448yeah I still like her music. delete forever is apparently about the opioid crisis. miss anthropocene isn't groundbreaking or anything but I do enjoy it
No. 525761
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>>525756a good example would be bollywood, you see in India Punjabi's make up less then 2% of the countries population but they are super overrepresented in nearly media and Miss India pageants, hell even the British considered them to be the most "superior" Indian race because they were slightly skinned and a bit taller then other Indian ethnic groups
No. 525815
>>525789I had an ex who loved stand up comedy so for a while we had a habit of watching it together. Now as a person with abuse in my past I had avoided it before that as certain jokes are too close to home. Over the space of a few weeks I literally heard > my eccentric uncle fucked me in my ass as little a kid
Over and over again. I have an uncle in prison for that exact reason and tbh by the 4th time hearing the joke I was less
triggered and more disappointed in the lack of original jokes by these men
No. 525873
>>525789I feel like the best comedy is when two people are bantering because its so much more natural and creative, and it isn't one sole narc guy who thinks he's hilarious for dickbutt jokes and feels entitled to a whole room laughing.
Think of "Whose Line Is it Anyway" - a bunch of people bouncing off each other was the funniest thing on tv while it lasted. I think stand-up would improve so much if it were comprised of duos or trios. Unfortunately its the same recycled potty jokes by guys who have never been told that they arent funny. Even Jeff Dunham has puppets to bounce off of and now he's one of the biggest names in comedy.
No. 525921
>>525815Not as extreme, but it bothers me how in Ru Paul even
problematic catch phrases are used again and again until they have no meaning but are expected to still be funny.
There is a repeated joke about being abandoned at a bus stop which was taken from the real history of a contestant that was abandoned. Bringing it up once or twice was ok for shock factor but now they use it almost like a pun. There's nothing dark or edgy about the way that show makes jokes about sex workers, violent relationships or drug use, it's just disturbing how these things become watered down catchphrases for tween girls to buy on teeshirts.
No. 526561
>>526537Women who have casual sex are retarded. Men aren't going to give a fuck about your pleasure, statistically you probably won't orgasm, even with protection there's still a chance of pregnancy/STDs, yet you still fuck them and give them blowjobs anyway. You have to be a special kind of cuck to engage in this. Only exception are Stacys who use them for cunnilingus, and then stealthily sneak away
>>526541>People can do whatever they want with their body.That doesn't mean you should treat your body like shit and take risks with randos.
No. 526578
>>526564the stacy part was cringe but
>men are also a collective!!!keep your
not all men to yourself
No. 526587
>>526564>blaming women for shitty menI'm not. I'm blaming certain types of women for engaging in risky behavior that either provides no, or negative benefit for them. Shitty men are going to be shitty whether or not women with low self-esteem fellate them anyway.
>unironically using the term stacyIt was tongue-in-cheek, autismo.
>>526579>Also criticising women for casual sex isn’t in any way even an ‘unpopular opinion’It is, though. Any time you bring it up brainless retards jump on you for "not respecting women's rights!!!" "her body her choice" without even thinking about how women lose the most and face the most risks from having casual sex. Most women don't even orgasm from it, so really they are just servicing these men without getting back what they deserve
It's so stupid because these women think it makes them empowered when really they're just giving all the predatory men what they want, a free easy hole to ejaculate to and dehumanize. Congrats for being woke I guess.
No. 526601
>>526579Most of their exes were
abusive in some way tho. I don't think that's tantamount to rejection. If they can't stop talking about it that's a good indication that they have unresolved trauma.
No. 526613
>>526612If a man thinks a woman is a whore and doesn't respect her then why should she be opening her legs to random dudes?
I have male roommates and they pretty much talk about their hook ups like animals. One of my friends has two fuck buddies one of them is overweight and he doesnt even call her by name, he just calls her "the whale".
No. 526625
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I wasn't talking about myself, black-and-white chan.
No. 526762
>>526754I don’t get how people feel it is okay to do things to their kids who they are supposed to protect and are literally just children who don’t know better, that if they did to anyone else they could go to jail for.
>>526712I also hate when people try to make the argument spanking is a cultural thing, so what? Something can be a ‘cultural’ thing and still be morally wrong, every single cultural thing doesn’t need to be preserved if it is causing long term harm to people
No. 526780
>>526754Same. My mom also used to choke me for the dumbest reasons… and I thought it was normal because I saw it on The Simpsons.
The things she's done to me, and now she wonders why I won't spend time with her and accuses me of being a "cold hearted bitch", lmao.
No. 526786
>>526712A lot of people like to make the argument that they turned out fine from spanking, but things affect everyone differently and they
are potentially traumatizing their children who wouldn't process it the same way.
My mom treated me exactly the same my grandma treated her, but it ended up affecting every part of my life and now she's sorry that she didn't think it would hurt me that much.
No. 527975
>>527958This. Being financially independent is awesome and anyone who can be a self sufficient NEET won at life. But leeching off family is shameful and relying on a partner is dangerous.
Whenever NEETs defend themselves and their lifestyle, they never seem to mention where the money comes from, and that the work they don't want to do is being done by their parents instead. It's unfair.
No. 527981
>>527942‘If work didn't take up most of people's time and energy they would be more inspired to take care of themselves, engage in hobbies, learn new things, and actually try to improve themselves’
You would think but for some reason this is extremely far from the reality of any actual neets I’ve come across in my life, I guess because there seems to be a pretty big overlap in the Venn diagram of neets and people who are mentally ill?
No. 528013
>>527979Is this the woman that youtube keeps putting on my recommended for making gourmet versions of random shit? The concept is so uninteresting. Are normies that boring or is it just that boys wanna fuck her or something?
Idk if anything cooking related is gonna be shoved in my face by YouTube, if should be Good Mythical Morning's Chef Josh and his channel because there are interesting and unusual recipes on there. I don't get anything out of someone remaking a recipe that already exists and claiming it's fancy. I can remake an oreo cookie at home whenever I want.
No. 528022
>>527999>in situations where everyone involved is okay with ittbh even then, you have to wonder how long they will be okay with it and assume there is a limit to their generosity. I'm sure plenty of parents are willing to support their 25 year old, but what about a 45 year old? If you could just up and get a job the moment your parents decide they are sick of funding your lifestyle, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But realistically if you don't build your resume when you're young, you're going to struggle badly to get out of NEETdom at a later stage of life.
I really feel bad for NEETs who actually want and are trying to work or study, I just can't stand the smug ones all over 4chan etc calling everyone else wagecucks and bragging about their lifestyles. Like yeah, it sounds great… except for the people it burdens.
No. 528162
>>528072How ? Because I can’t.
Japanese are shorter, darker and bigger eyes.
Honestly can’t tell the difference between Koreans and Chinese
No. 528213
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>>528187>If you can't tell by the clear physical differences you can always sense it. Chinese are the worst of them.No clue what you mean by that but totally agree with the rest. This is genuinely not bait, just find this stuff interesting and I hate people who say "aLl AsIanS LoOK tEh saME".
It's super easy to tell Asian people apart compared to white people. Honestly I don't know how to put it into words but it's super easy to tell Chinese/Japanese/Korean apart. Japanese especially stand out from the other two. I think it has something to do with the different migrations into Japan. Read about the Ainu sometime, it's fascinating. The Mongolian woman here is very interesting too and easy to tell apart, she looks almost like a North American native, which makes sense because of the close proximity and migration paths.
As a certified white as fuck person, in image related it's definitely nearly impossible to tell the difference between the European women. I think this might have to do with how close all European countries are together? Asia is so huge and spread across many different climates, altitudes, etc. Europe is contained pretty much in one area with climates that don't vary as much.
No. 528232
>>528107I've never had the misfortune of having that happen, although people do get offended if you don't naturally speak in four letters words. Does the plural count? Cause Imma bout to use it kek.
>>528219Definitely agree, although I can see where other anons are coming from. Japan, China and Korea are all far more homogeneous societies so that might be where their contention originated?
No. 528233
>>528213>Europe is contained pretty much in one area with climates that don't vary as much.>with climates that don't vary as much>don't vary as muchlol. Also you say you're white but what "white"? Which actual ethnic groups are you from? Are you from the American continent, Australia or some other more "recent" country? I was born and raised in France and despite not even being of European origins and being kinda face blind I can see the difference between Europeans depending on their countries, it's obvious, it's just a matter of exposure. Not that the "asians all look alike" isn't bullshit but I can see why some people wouldn't notice differences.
This actually reminds me of when I started living abroad and people just can't guess my origins at all because they're just not from the same continents at all so they try to guess the most random answers possible, meanwhile people from my ethnic group can straight up guess which tribes I'm from and I can also do it easily for them. It's really subjective.
No. 528235
Samefag as
>>528232>>528233Kinda ot but I'm an Ausfag and even I can tell the difference. You make a good point though, it's not a stretch to assume they're from one of the newer, more multicultural countries (atleast in my mind).
No. 528342
>>528072The fact that they tend to have different ways of styling themselves somewhat helps. From what I've seen, Japanese makeup/hair is pretty distinct from Korean and Chinese.
>>528233>when I started living abroad and people just can't guess my origins at all because they're just not from the same continents at all so they try to guess the most random answers possible, meanwhile people from my ethnic group can straight up guess which tribes I'm from and I can also do it easily for them. It's really subjective.I can relate to this a lot. Personally, I do have trouble telling most ethnicities of my own race apart, though. Different strokes.
No. 528526
>>528235ausfag here too, dunno if it's cause we're a super "new" country (I like this, forget we're a fetus compared to like imperial china and shit) and really multicultural but it's easy to tell. to a point, anyway. have to concentrate mostly on what language they're speaking to be able to really pick it, it's hard by just physical appearance otherwise.
>>528402I think they might be referring to ulzzang and it's popularity. the whole glass skin trend? would be interested to hear about some chinese makeup trends ngl
No. 529005
>>528342>Japanese makeup/hair is pretty distinct from Korean and Chinese.I think Koreans are most obvious when it comes to styling. When they have a popular trend, it is absolutely ubiquitous worldwide. So you just know that group of guys with bowl cuts and glasses or girls with white foundation and gradient lips are Korean. I think Japanese people are more obvious because of their bone structure, it's a little more angular/strong imo. Their styling can be super obvious (esp old fashioned stuff like host hair) but not always.
I don't think Chinese people look any particular way but they're the ones I see all the time, it's more a process of elimination with them. If someone doesn't look especially Korean or Japanese, they're probably Chinese considering the demographics of my country.
No. 529162
>>528402It's hard to explain without raw exposure, but IMO, Korean fashion is a bit more oriented to fit the mould of western trends, while Japanese fashion does take inspiration from the west, but only in the most laid-back and casual sense. The latter is usually a little off-beat in structure, while Korean fashion is more of a remix of what's already available (which might be why K-pop bands/idols seem to have more appeal to the west). Chinese (normie) fashion straight-up just looks like whatever's trendy in the west, not too much deviation.
Korean makeup often accentuates the fat underneath one's eyes (aegyo sal), square eyebrows are very common, gradient/red lips, very contoured noses, V-line jaw surgery isn't very uncommon, super pale foundation, and there's overall a more artificial, "done up" look.
Chinese makeup follows most of the same conventions, but I see less of the V-line thing going on, eyebrows are more sculpted, and they use less blush.
Japanese makeup is a bit less flashy, and often done to look natural with a light pinkish color for lips, more liberal use of blush, and an occasional pop of eyeshadow. Not as much pressure to have a V-line face, just a normal oval.
For hair, Koreans and Chinese are more likely to show their foreheads or only have wispy bangs, while Japanese hairstyle trends still seem to favor thick bangs.
This is all just based off my own observations, both IRL and in media.
No. 529281
>>526699I don't get the appeal either and find them straight up ugly/abhorrent to look at. Maybe it's entertaining to some but that exaggerated rude 'bitch' behaviour they put on isn't worthy of any respect. Kinda vomit inducing when people unironically refer to these plastic clowns as "she".
I don't care if there is or isn't a divide between drag and fetishistic crossdressing, it's all weird deviant shit that should stay between intimate partners in the bedroom, not turned into 'culture'. The only message drag queens have to express is that they are huge faggots, isn't that the point?
No. 529448
>>529325Agreed. I have yet to see a healthy polygamous relationship and they always follow the same pattern.
>One narcissistic person acting as the "main" hub gets bored with their SO and instead of dumping them, they decide to get another partner on the side.>SO is too weak minded to protest this because they're afraid of being left alone so they agree to this setting.>The main person and the new side partner are head over heels about each other and ignore the original SO during their honeymoon phase, going on long tirades about how polygamy is the best thing they have ever experienced and everything works out fine as long as you ~communicate~.>The original, weaker SO holds silent resentment, might try getting a side partner themselves but the narc main person always jeopardizes it by being immensely jealous and possessive themselves.>At some point the original SO has had enough and leaves, the main person is shaken by this sudden loss of power and either a.) continues a monogamous relationship with the new partner or b.) gets rid of them altogether, trying to win the old one back or c.) gets a second new partner to join their relationship and to exploit, and the pattern will repeat itself with the original side partner.Happens with EVERY poly relationship I've ever seen.
No. 529509
>>529448I don't understand why there are no forms of polygamy where everyone involved wants to be together. Like a group of friends, but they're all in love. I'd be more accepting of it if that's how things worked, but instead, it's the exact scenario you mentioned.
It's just one-sided, broken and sad for it to just be one person with multiple partners just for themselves.
No. 529537
>>529509Pair bonding systems do not chemically work like that.
They either work on the principle that there is little to no investment of parents, so there will be little to zero pair bonding, or that there will be a higher parental investment, which pair bonding reinforces.
There is no equivalent system when you start involving multiple "parents".
No. 529540
>>529509>where everyone involved wants to be together. Like a group of friends, but they're all in loveI don't think that such a thing is possible. There will always be one person that each of them will like more, and want to invest their time/feelings in more. There will be jealousy and hard feelings, if said person is more into someone else in the "group", or if they have to compete with someone else for their attention.
I don't think it's humanly possible to be actually in love with more people at once.
If even parents have a favorite kid, why would something like this work?
No. 529562
>>529553Yeah, and it's much better to have a forehead that's a little too big rather than one that's too small. I have a small forehead and I look like the fucking missing link if I'm not careful.
And most of the people who talk about big foreheads don't even have massive ones, they're just normal sized.
No. 529680
>>529655>if anything these women get even more attention and compliments.Yeah, from crusty men who want to bang them and other women who want to appeal to those crusty men.
>Plastic surgery and makeup has such a weird stigma in society.Because most people realize that it's not healthy to significantly alter your appearance. You aren't exactly mentally well if your breaking the bones in your face and injecting poison in your skin to appear a certain way.
No. 530090
>>530077It makes no sense. Usually "femcel" seems to be used to be used to speak about women who complain about men, but it's really very different than men just being resentful that they can't get a 10/10 and hating women for no reason, for not choosing them. All women can get a boyfriend, so it just doesn't make any sense. Women who choose not to be with men because, as a trend, men are served in relationships while women are drained abused, abandoned, are emotionally traumatized, taken for a ride, etc etc, just makes sense and doesn't make anyone a femcel. There's no possible female counterpart to being an incel.
No. 530092
>>530077Yeah, I agree. In my experience, 99% of the people who try and use it as an insult really do turn out to be male.
I think most actual women who are familiar with these things realize "femcels" don't exist as an entity parallel to incels, because men aren't really difficult to attain at all. When left to their own devices, they even fuck watermelons and fall in love with fictional characters to the point of attempting to legally marry them. Literally anyone can get a guy, so there's no straight female equivalent to inceldom.
"Femcels" just seem like women who don't want to put up with men treating them like shit just to have a relationship, but are also unwilling or hesitant to go through the usual "r/FemaleDatingStrategy" motions.
No. 530134
>>529733That shit isn't medically necessary. You are breaking your perfect healthy nose because you want it at a slightly different angle or to be slightly smaller. You are injecting poison into your face. It takes a lot of insecurity and self-hate to do shit like that. Just because the industry normalized it and is making buck off your insecurities doesn't make it ok.
>Not being discriminated against is a human right and it’s a simply truth that almost everywhere the more attractive a woman is, the more opportunities and available to them. Studies have even shown that people are inherently biased towards hiring more attractive candidates when asked to choose between two equally qualified candidates.Oh, come on. That doesn't happen often enough and is not a proper reason to break your face. Yes attractive people have an advantage but you are severely overblowing it due to your inferiority complex. I assure you that's a bigger threat to how your perceived rather than your nose
I consider braces to be fine if it's a medical necessary. I needed to get them when I was younger because my teeth were all sorts of fucked up and growing into each other. I wouldn't had more pain if I left them the way they were. I don't think adult braces are for that purpose though
No. 530322
>>530316I think so too cause any reasonable person who didn't wanna be associated with such things would stop immediately after one "mistake".
It also seems to me that the majority of his incel fans know this and low key enjoy it.
He's like a personified reddit: seemlingly progressive but actually quite racist, misogynistic etc.
No. 530336
>>530316>>530322hard agree. you can't tell me that someone with even a modicum of awareness can't see through his bullshit. maybe it was an honest mistake or two at the beginning, but he continues to pander to the exact crowd of edgelords and far-right radicals that cite him in their manifestos. he's at the very least complacent in it, and no doubt aware of this.
I get maybe not having the historical connotation as a european to understand why the n-word is bad, but he's not dumb. he's enough of a public figure to know how cancel culture works, and he's manipulated it enough to be put on a pedestal by anti-sjws who put him as the poster-boy for "YouTube censorship".
No. 530348
>>530345>Most expertsSource?
inb4 you link me to a YouTube video
I feel like I should also add neither homosexuality or gender dysphoria stopped existing after being removed in the DSM, so it's weird to bring up those two things, unless you're trying to imply DID somehow shouldn't be considered a disorder.
No. 530367
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>>530363"pewds did nothing wrong! cancel culture is craaazy!!"
No. 530384
>>530363>attractiveAnon what?
Why anyone pays attention to that man is beyond me.
No. 530388
>>530351>Sample size: 301 psychologists in 1999This isn't "most experts", anon. Kind of fucked up if the entirety of the USA only had 301 psychologists.
>As for patients’ presumed reluctance to report childhood abuse, I witnessed in every one of my 15 alleged cases of DID (all female) not reluctance but a strong tendency to flaunt their diagnosis and symptoms and an eagerness to re-tell their stories with graphic detail, usually unprovoked.I'm trying to take this seriously, but this isn't clinical in the least, and reads a lot like the author's somewhat angry, but verbose opinion piece. He seems to be using anecdotal evidence as the primary meat of his argument, rather than actual data, he doesn't go into detail on most of the external content he cites (most likely because they don't say exactly the things he's trying to argue, though I'd have to go through everything in his bibliography to be sure), he kind of flitters around the subjectivity of various mental health related terms (and he essentially admits this argument can basically be used to unravel all of psychiatry).
Interesting that he mentions Africa, considering there are case studies of people in at least one African country having dissociative disorders.
Zimbabwe, Sudan and Somalia aren't exactly up to par with their mental health fields for a lot of reasons, and I'm sure he knows that, so it strikes me as intellectually dishonest, if not laughable, for him to make that point. It kind of reminds me of "Depression and eating disorders are such first world problems. People in African countries (or any other poor part of the world) have actual problems, so they never deal with that" argument.
The author also links to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation as a resource.
That makes him even seem less trustworthy, considering the background of that group, and the fact that False Memory Syndrome is not a condition recognized by experts, neither has it ever been accepted in the DSM. To expand on the first point, when they existed, their entire MO was to target CSA
victims, regardless of DID diagnoses. One of their most controversial board members was a literal pedophile apologist, who has acted as the defense in several child sex abuse cases. For him to link to such an organization as a resource, while also arguing "Nonbelievers, skeptics, and opponents would gain nothing if DID disappeared from DSM today or in 2012." and making points about conflicts of interests (the origins of FMSF absolutely scream "conflict of interest", and not because of the example I just mentioned) is extremely dodgy. Here are some more in-depth links on the FMSF: last link in particular is interesting, because it touches on some of the issues I noticed with the think piece you linked to, as well, mainly the strange, almost accusatory focus on women.
Here's a less biased link examining the validity of DID, based on a review of existing evidence:, here's a link to a study on psychobiological responses in relation to DID: study on DID that includes psychobiological data. The article you linked seems to rely on the fantasy model, but the results of this study present no support for it, but for the trauma model: No. 530399
>>530362Can I ask for the content that lead you to that conclusion? Another post mentioned the YouTuber DissociaDID, which is sort of funny, because the original anon said it was those who actually believe DID exists that tend to use YouTube as a source.
Assuming you don't get this idea from people on the internet being retarded and co-opting all sorts of mental issues to decorate themselves, would you mind linking to some reliable articles that compare the umbrella of dissociative disorders and DID, and come to the same conclusion of there being zero similarities? I'm genuinely interested in getting all sides of this topic.
>>530356Controversy kind of means the opposite of "Most experts disbelieve it", though. It means it's heavily discussed and debated, as it should be.
For it to end up in the DSM, it would have to be recognized as having validity to its existence in the first place by several experts, not a handful some antivaxxer-tier dullards picketing.
The issues with homosexuality being in the DSM and gender dysphoria being removed from the DSM are reliant on social recognition, not in the accuracy of the DSM in observing phenomena.
A better example might be the earlier days when women would be institutionalized for "female hysteria" with reckless abandon, but even that term was just a very fucked up catch-all for any "peculiar" symptoms a woman might exhibit in that society, not some made up concept that didn't exist.
No. 530434
>>530388>>530404Samefagging, because this is interesting, too. The author of the MDEdge article also refers to a two-part review of DID published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry in 2004 to conclude that it doesn't exist.
The validity of said review has actually been called into question. Link: No. 530445
>>530437I'm not against that, sorry if it's clogging the thread.
I'd make a thread myself, but my connection is shit right now, so I guess I'll just stop and wait for the other anon(s) to get on it if they're still interested in this discussion.
No. 530643
>>530636Honestly most of science has been bought n sold n paid for
You need money to run an experiment, money to publish your findings, money to run an academic journal, and money to access the academic journals. So many journals and newspapers acted so fucking gracious when they made their Coronavirus content open access. The fuckers.
No. 530784
>>530650I didn't like it either anon, their personalities were insufferable and honestly it was just a boring show?
Anytime I see it brought up it's usually by some coomer pretending to have liked it but only liking the parts and caps where the show drifted into fetish territory. It's very telling.
No. 531127
>>530996French here since it's a French show. It was very popular with girls, so the target audience. I loved watching it on TV with my sisters too. If you're gonna hear about it among normies over here it's going to be women and gay guys who grew up watching it. I also watched Martin Mystère, which was a way weirder show if we're complaining about fetishes in kid's cartoons
because of Martin and Diana being tsundere for each other and love interests in the original comics and being turned into half-siblings to be more appealing to children, but they forgot to remove the super obvious sexual tension between them. Both shows were popular with girls but boys were more likely to prefer Martin Mystère.
No. 531134
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>>531132SpieZ ! Nouvelle Génération
>2009-2012nvm it's not that recent but still
No. 531250
>>531127Ooh I loved martin mysterie aswell, but it didn't air for a long time. I don't think it even got any reruns where I am.
Who remembers that totally spies x martin mysterie crossover?
too old to really have watched that new show extensively, but I've seen parts here and there and it looks ugly
No. 531370
>>531367At least kids learn how to socialize and live in actual society instead of being coddled at home by someone incapable of teaching them how to thrive in the work force.
Also, why would you hire an immigrant? Just clean your house Sundays like a normal person.
No. 531375
>>531371>implying I don't believe my post 100%Get as
triggered as you want.
No. 531390
>>531382That's heavily dependent on the country you live in though.
I just noticed that all the kids from stay I home moms that I met are usually the most fucked up and unsocial ones.
No. 531427
>>531333I never found the appeal to it,but they're teenagers???I thought they were in college?!
Also I thought the creator of it was a woman, nevermind.