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No. 476209
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Most fictional couples are poorly written and are created for the sake of pandering. Pic related
No. 476217
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>>476214It's not just het pairings.Bad same-sex couples in fiction exist as well. Pic related, character on the right has no personality beyond obsessing over the other. Further proving my point that most ships exist for pandering. I especially hate it when a character's personality is based solely on obsessing over another character.
No. 476234
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Does anyone find the worship and admiration of Keanu Reeves a little try-hard and maybe condescending? Don't get me wrong I don't doubt that he's a lovely man but the way people literally fawn over him like he's the nicest man to ever exist with no faults whatsoever really rubs me the wrong way. I know he's always been quite popular but over the past year everyone is just in love with him, but it doesn't feel that genuine - he was trending again because of his John Wick movies and everyone jumped on the bandwagon to cry about how he's the most wonderful human ever even if they're not familiar with him. I can imagine it gives him a massive ego boost because in their eyes he can do no wrong. It's really annoying and embarrassing. People make fun of fanatics who worship celebrities but why does everyone get a pass for sucking Keanu's dick?
No. 476269
>>476220I dunno when I was a teenager I realized bullying people is shitty and often defended kids who were bullied
Rip to idiots with no empathy but I'm different I guess
No. 476273
>>476269i realized that too, but not everyone is you or me? society is already profoundly fucked up, and so are many parents. it's shown that a lot of bullies come from violent or
abusive homes, it's not just a tv trope. most kids and teens don't realize the gravity of certain actions. they literally are going through intense changes while under incredible amounts of pressure from every angle.
No. 476277
>>476209>HUUURRR DONT FALL IN LOVE WITH THE FIRST GUY YOU SEE ANNA>fall in love with the second one because he's NICE and HUMBLE! I fucking hated this movie so much.
My unpopular opinion is that Frozen is an awful movie that people liked only because Disney spent so much on the marketing, every problem it went through in its development hell could be seen on the screen. The female characters were selfish and acted on a whim, didn't learn their lessons, everything sort of fixed itself in the end without anyone having to grow up as a character. And it was supposed to be seen as some peak feminist picture simply because of muh two female protagonists.
The original Snow Queen story was WAY more interesting and feminist than this piece of garbage, it had multiple strong, interesting female characters, the fucking premise is that a boy gets kidnapped and his female friend sets out to save him while meeting different influential women on her way. Why didn't they just use that story like they originally intended? Why did they scratch the original, beautiful concept art and shat out this turd only meant to act as a bunch of boring segues holding together broadway bait songs?
>>476217How was this a "bad same-sex couple"? They were meant to represent an over the top parody of a historical relationship between two countries. A satirical couple really can't be used as an example when discussing this. Are you still trying to atone for an embarrassing Hetalia teen past or something?
No. 476300
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Over the top makeup looks awful irl and highlighter just makes you look greasy.
No. 476332
>>476207I have a different problem with fictional couples: I don't give a fuck about romantic subplots in canonical media (I remember being pissed about all that teenage romance crap when reading 6th HP book and I still think it's the worst volume) and always prefer to focus on action and proper plot, but I read almost exclusively shipping M/E-rated het fanfics.
>>476267I'm a turbo-leftist for my country's standard (ex-Eastern Bloc here), but looking at the state of worldwide left I secretly crave some sort of conservative counter-revolution, only I realize women are getting shafted no matter what.
No. 476394
Fight club and The Matrix were really fun movies with clever concepts and production and i don't hate them per se but i dislike their influence on culture and other movies. Specially hate the teens who idolize Tyler durden or Marla as role models and don´t realize how fucked up that is.
>>476332allah willing, i unironically can´t wait.
No. 476419
>>476293>>476277It kills me that Brave was completely neglected in advertising and nobody cares that it was the better movie in terms of a woman becoming strong, smart and independent as well as growing her family relationships. The soundtrack and atmosphere is so beautiful as well but of course if its not a typical sing-a-long, kids wont have any way to remember it. Everyone lost their minds when Frozen made fun of the "you cant fall in love with the first guy you see" Disney thing but lmfao that's still the plot. Brave was the first to go against the norm with Disney princesses, fuck anyone who ignores it.
No. 476511
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Gaming is the worst hobby. Its ok as a side thing, but if its your bread and butter that's not good thing. Its even worse than being a film buff or someone who watches tv 24/7. Being a film buff leaves room for a lot of analysis. You might say video games can be deep too, but were talking about your average gamer. They only being that up to defend their precious vidya and once they're done defending they go back to basic fps #102. Id be ok with gamers if they talked theory, but they don't. Whats makes it less than tv bingers is that you have to put actice effort into video games while you can play the office in the background. Getting 100% on Dark souls takes more effort than binging 5 tv shows. That effort comes out as autistic dedication to achieving literally nothing which makes it more autistic.
No. 476534
>>476419Brave is like the only big-budget animated movie ever about the relationship of a daughter and a mother. You NEVER see that sort of setting, I literally can't name another one. It's always either mother and a son, a dad and a daughter or a dad with a son. I'm not even a huge fan of animation yet moved me to tears to see a kids' movie that was simply about a daughter and a mother learning to understand each other. And as you said the atmosphere was beautiful.
It definitely hurts to see people talk so much shit about Brave and straight out dismissing it simply because it wasn't forcefully hyped to high heavens in marketing like other disney/pixar movies. I guess it's also because a lot of people expected it to be some grand adventure with a big bad monster villain or something but I'm perfectly fine with a story about a mother and a daughter. In addition to that I liked how Merida wasn't as conventionally attractive as Disney princesses usually are.
No. 476536
>>476520Found the Russian tranny.
This post really reads like an experimental neural network trying to type English.
No. 476544
>>476520honestly i get disliking her politics but her art is so beautiful to me. when all the tumblr drama went down so many people who hated her tried make clapbacks and they were all ugly as sin.
even if you think it's stale she's it's obvious she has a lot of mastery over what she does and could switch styles/find work on talent alone? lol
No. 476549
>>476544 true i guess i just dislike her way of doing art i can't really explain it some works she made are fine by me but there is a "something" that make me not like her art, her political beliefs are something i don't care but as you can see by other replays
>>476536 one can't say they dislike her without being call a tranny
No. 476555
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Most gay men are fucking obnoxious
No. 476562
>>476559A lot of people don't like video games. Just like a lot of people don't like reading books, and some people dont like watching t.v./movies. I don't like watching movies (there are exceptions) because I just find them hard to sit through.
Everyone is different.
No. 476629
>>476555Nah it's true anon dw
>>476577I wouldn't call 2000s music perfect or the best of any decade, but it's certainly the best for the diversity and amount of different genres able to become popular. Late 2010s music is so homogenous and horrible it's depressing
No. 476711
>>476377Hard agree. I lived my early to late teen/young adult years from 2000 to 2009 and the music back then was really diverse with its genres and tones. We had a whole fucking wide selection of subcultures too. Rap, R&B, Hip hop, Metal, Rock, Pop, Emo, Punk rock, J-pop, J-rock, Techno, Trance, Indie bullshit, etc. Now every popular artist sounds like Billie Eilish, Drake, Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran. Subcultures built around music are long dead. the 2010's has been a boring decade plagued with stupid politics and people having no imagination.
No. 476759
>>476709Nu-metal was my gateway to the other subgenres of metal. I don't regret having listened to them, but yeah, a lot of it was shit.
>pop punkI fucking hate me, no one can ever convince me to listen to that crap again.
No. 476777
>>476759i used to listen to some nu metal bands a lot back then (mostly korn, slipknot and system of a down), but don`t want nu metal or rap metal to make a comeback.
Metal is best when is not on the the same spotlight as pop acts as that level of marketing kills whatever it touches after the 15 minutes of high exposure pass.
No. 476891
>>476869at least i agree, they are the grossest of scrotes. I hate that they run a lot of the media and gay characters in shows and movies are always the "too perfect for this" archetype, clean, pristine, cultured and sophisticated, when in reality they are even scummier, double faced and more degenerate than than straight men already are.
Only a fag could have made pink flamingos.
No. 476896
>>476789And yet all of that is shitty garage band or FL studio produced shit with flat uncharismatic vocals and rehashed music from it.
>>476806Because pre-2000s you WERE spoonfed good music. You just had to turn on mtv, turn on the radio, go the vinyl store, or go to the club if you want to hear dance records. Wasn't that hard.
No. 476900
>>476729>>476734I'm still convinced the 2000s was a bad decade for music and no reimagining of the decade will convince me otherwise. I don't give a shit. I saw the tearing down of musicianship and untalented fucks being propped up back then as watered down copies of people who did it before 20-40 years before. The only people who would unironically praise that are vapid dummies who think Madonna is the best 80s artist.
>>476711>Rapwasn't as good as in the 20th century except for some artists, but on average rap saw a downfall into absolute ghetto madness and cynical glorification of violent lifestyles.
>RnBHad definitely seen better days, gotten merged with hip hop at this point and a lot of its characteristics were getting washed out. not at its best.
>MetalThere was some good metal but a lot of it was tryhard edgy shit as well.
>RockDefinitely had seen better days and got fused with cringy pop punk elements during this time. Very whiny vocals and lacking in soulfulness and creativity during the 2000s for the most part.
>PopPast its peak. Teeny bop, "bimbo music", and go go was all over the place and an ear sore and embarrassment. Shitty culture.
>Punk rockLol
>j-pop/j-rockDont care
>techno/tranceAlso past its prime by the mid 2000s.
That being said, while there was more diversity and better music than lazy 10's it doesn't make it the best. Not by a long shot
No. 476917
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Really fucking wish these overused buzzwords would die already, but i know it's not gonna happen. They're just so lazy, like clearly you can write your comment in a more original sophisticated manner but no.
No. 476965
>>476930As someone who went to a lot of concerts and a few concerts alone because it had its reasons (nobody had time or canceled last minute and found no replacement), I agree on this. It's not only a fun thing but also a practical one, because one can go and save a good spot in front of the stage and the other one can buy drinks, go home after the show and feel a bit safer as a girl (because I had some weirdo experiences when alone) and most importantly: You have somebody to share cool memories with.
I just had one concert when I wished to be alone because the people I went with me turned out to be shit concert pals, that ruined the entire evening for me because one had to complain about literally everything.
No. 477048
>>476965Been going to festivals and shows alone for half of my life… Just keep your head down, don't talk to any weird guys, don't drink alcohol, and be confident.
It can be way more fun imo. For an hour, you don't have to worry about anyone or anything else. It's just you and the music.
Sometimes it's fun to go with friends, but if it's someone I really want to see, it's easier to get a good spot in the crowd alone, because (protip) people will feel bad and be nice and let you cut in front of them.
No. 477143
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Twitter is so much more obnoxious than tumblr ever was/is oh my lord. I'm so tired of seeing KNY and Promare everywhere. Sucks because I'd still like to see both but jesus. Fans are so much more obnoxious about their hyper fixations on twitter and it's really grinding me down. Also, I don't know what it is about twitter that brings about all these nasty attitudes, especially with artists.
No. 477242
>>477205You nostalgiafags can an hero, I know for a fact more of you will creep up and replace the cancerous "Oh I was 6 years old in the 90s"fags and the early "Oh I was 10 years old in the early 2000s"fags. I will NOT be here for it and haven't been for it even for eras where my fave artists have been making music around that time.
But I respect your opinion.
No. 477256
>>476998Lol this isn't an unpopular opinion at all. That's why a lot of the hardcore weebs look terrible.
They spend hours making props and styling wigs and then just have a bare face and something looks 'off' about it, but the girl with the aliexpress cosplay looks better because she's at least anime-fied her makeup.
Same goes for those who still wear their glasses with cosplay. Like it doesn't really me personally, but seeing a princess peach cosplayer with normal steel framed glasses is weird. Either get some contacts or if you can't do contacts at least get some pink or cute coloured frames to go with the cosplay.
But yeah not an unpopular opinion by any means.
No. 477292
>>477289I tried reading the Percy Jackson series recently for god knows what reason and all it did was remind me that Harry Potter really is good for it's genre/demographic.
And I'm not one of the crazy obsessed fans, but it was such a big part of my childhood that I'll always see it as one of the comfiest and most enjoyable pieces of media available. I'm perfectly happy to wear nostalgia goggles for it.
No. 477334
>>476558came here to post this
>>476561both me and my husband were cringing the entire way through. 1st half is just watching a mentally ill guy get abused by society, 2nd half is watching his pathetic revenge spree, killing people who never directly wronged him anyway. im not overstating that it was uncomfortable to watch the whole way through
No. 477370
>>477355>>477366if you think what that character said on his show counts as harrassment you might need a reality check. the only murder he was justified in the entire movie was the dudes on the subway. this movie was just about projecting your
victim complex onto everyone else.
ive had too many 2edgy4yous tell me i "must not have gotten it" when the movie was literally the definition of fake deep
No. 477388
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I’d still fuck social repose even though he looks like Nick Cage’s goth son mixed with a dented bicycle seat
No. 477422
>>477416>Twitter had been tumblr 2.0 since 2016this.
Ironically, with the porn ban tumblr has gone back to being semi-habitable… rolf.
No. 477618
>>476217To be fair in this case they actually develop like a normal couple when they uh, don't remember each other due to the memory wipe thing. Don't they get engaged later in the web comic anyway?
I haven't read hetalia in over 5 years so most of what I know now is just breadcrumbs.
No. 477619
>>476216This, so much this. In general I don't think you should ever take things 8 year olds say super seriously unless they're talking about being abused by their parents, classmates, teacher, etc. Most of the time 8 year olds bullying goes down to 'you eat raisins and raisins are gross' (which actually happened to me funnily enough).
Though I did once have a kid chase me around with a lighter in middle school and I sometimes wonder what he and his friends grew up to be like….
No. 477727
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>>477672It's true in a way, even poorer people tried to dress well back then.
No. 477740
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>>477672It turned out to be NecessarySpeed4. She never quits.
No. 477794
>>477792I got
triggered when they tried to shit-talk Nina Hagen, lmao. That anon sounds bitter about female artists and misogynistic as all hell.
No. 477826
>>477786You can't compare the dopamine fried, internet raised, and lack of struggle generation to those older artists who were the legitimate thing and raised with work ethics and their culture and society promoted creativity and innovation. These women aren't built the same but they are being grouped together, why?
This is like saying Prince is the same as the Weeknd cause they both got fuckboi tendencies.
No. 477827
>>477786Well that is an unpopular opinion for sure. I love Kate Bush and think her being a private, generally non-attentionwhorey person makes comparing her to all those newer artists kind of weird.
That being said, I get where you're coming from. Musicians in the past, especially "edgy" girls who try to be quirky and different, got a lot less shit for it than they would today. Part of it is definitely the internet, though. If you look at mainstream media someone like Grimes still gets all of that quirky indie darling praise, whereas she's heavily criticized on places like here. Even if people thought the same about musicians like Bjork back then, they just didn't have such a public yet non-mainstream medium to share it.
No. 477837
>>477827>Musicians in the past, especially "edgy" girls who try to be quirky and different, got a lot less shit for it than they would todayThey've got a lot
more shit for it, especially the very first ones.
No. 477979
>>477967nta but lmao they're fucking cartoon character keyrings behind plastic, who is going to examine them for quality or care if they don't measure up?
Ita bags are intentionally tacky af it's hardly worth getting elitist over.
No. 478132
>>478122> You're right that certain celebrities are "safe" for worshipping and it almost encouraged - think about David Bowie or Freddy MercuryDidn't Bowie do some pretty controversial stuff? Like said he was gay, then back pedalled and said he was bi then claimed he was purely hetero.
He also expressed support for facism and the far right for attention and said Hitler was the first rock star lmao.
No. 478199
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why the fuck is bodyposipanda celebrated for obviously replacing anorexia with binge eating? she still sick you fucking morons(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 478202
>>478199I don't think eating disorders can ever really be "cured", just managed.
She's probably the type to go full autismo and overdo things when she starts monitoring her intake, so to avoid that, she just binges whenever.
Since she's not a deathfat, and the life expectancy for being somewhat overweight is probably significantly longer than if you're severely underweight, this is accepted. Not good, by any means, but better.
No. 478206
>>478199She is not even that fat…she looks like she is 20pounds overweight and that is not serious.
Some of you sound like ana-chans
No. 478301
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>>477979It's pretty easy to tell what's bootleg and what isn't, bootlegs use the lowest quality printing with often retraced art. On top of that, itabags are basically portable shrines so it defeats the purpose of the hobby to buy bootlegs, it's literally the same as buying one a bootleg anime figure.
>>478129Right? If you can't afford it, don't get involved in the hobby it really is that simple.
No. 478337
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I don't get the obsession with this girl. She's really nothing special and her music is just decent at best, but people wanna hype her up as some underrated pop queen. Her fan base is embarrassing, filled with screeching gays and middle aged men who pretend to love pop because it makes them different, but they only really like her work and don't bother to search out other much better pop music. But say one bad thing about her and it's all "uwu you just don't like pop you're sexist you don't like having fun" and a bunch of annoying twitter jargon.
No. 478348
>>478318My unpopular opinion is that nudes don't even matter. Unless you're doing cringe things on camera like wearing diapers or being a 'baby girl', nobody in real life will really care.
If I found out someone I knew had a video of themselves masturbating on camera for someone online, I'd just be like 'alright'. There's a plethora of women out there with those videos up, it's not like it's a super rare thing or you're an abomination for doing it.
No. 478359
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Really trashy and spammy twitch chat makes me laugh a lot, i don't know why. Something about the hectic chat is just insanely funny to me. Bonus points if it has asciis because the streamer is too retarded to moderate their chat
No. 478366
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>>478356Yes it is. She might not be completely well known but in lots of online music communities she's praised like some goddess when really it's just your run of the mill pop. Middle aged guys are especially in love with her for some creepy reason
No. 478368
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>>478348Unfortunately, employers and the general population don't share that opinion.
Just saying it's no big deal is one thing, having that attached to your name and being branded a "slut" or accused for creating porn for content that was meant to be private is another.
>>478355It's not as well-enforced as it should be.
No. 478405
>>478366Jesus that's so true, I know several weirdos who usually only listen to metal but somehow are also into her.
She's pale, darkhaired, short and more cute than sexy, so she fits that mold there neckbeards who usually only drool after japanese girls (or animu waifus) also like her.
No. 478407
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>>478402Tanned blonde Stacie's are only seen as attractive in Western countries in the 2000s, even then when 2010s hit people started worshipping different hair and skin combos. It's really rare nowadays to find a guy who specifically prefers tan skin and blonde hair, and coming from an aesthetic point, contrast between hair and skin is also seen as sexy and striking
Maybe it has something to do with the fact people are still living in the thought of the 2000s that all men want tan tall blonde big tittied cheerleaders, so liking exactly that seems "basic" and going for a short, pale, brunette, small breasted petite nerdy girls seems uwu different and more approachable, truth is if a girl has a nice face, nice figure and presents herself well she will gather an army of fan boys in no time whether it be Chad's, nerds, or creeps, even if her phenotype isn't seen as attractive
No. 478411
>>478366>>478337I think there's a partial irony to it. No one really seems to take her music too seriously, but they like that it's bubbly and feel-good. There aren't a lot of truly "naive", sincere popular musicians coming out these days, and she fills that niche.
She's also very "unproblematic" and squeaky clean, so people are more prone to defend her. Plus, she's at a weird point of fame where she's known, but not oversaturated to the point where she's everywhere and people are annoyed (unlike Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, etc). That puts listeners at a spot where they can enjoy her pop music without giving up their "indie cred", or losing their status as a "serious music enjoyer".
Part of the reason so many internet guys like her is probably because she's pretty, but not hyper-sexualized, so that helps. She's probably the only North American singer whose PR image/fandom I'd compare to a J-pop or K-pop singer's, now that I think about it. Non-sexualized, feminine and girly with a mild hint of "waifufag" bait.
I'm not into her music at all, but I don't see anything wrong with this, personally. Nothing wrong with some straightforward, sugary pop tunes without selling sex (or edginess). What's there to complain about?
No. 478438
>>478407All I know is that I don't like girls like that, you can't trust them. They're the type to act sweet and sort of helpless and some guys will fall for it but you know exactly that even if you're trying to be nice to them they will stab you in the back after a while.
There's always a mousy uwu cute I'm-not-like-the-others girl in each class who complains aboit being a loner but does shit like draw busty anime girls that makes other women despise her and neckbeards flock towards her lol
Unpopular opinion, but the most intimidating stacies are surprisingly often the kindest. When you're truly beautiful and popular you have no reason to be bitter and act fake. They're usually at peace with themselves and their lifes. They also don't take shit from men because they know that they can pick the very best.
No. 478448
>>478440Well, that's how it was in my experience. I'm a fugly loser and the girls who were nice to me and helped me out the most in uni were usually above average. Maybe they know that people think of them as assholes just because they were born looking good and therefore try to make up for that by being extra friendly?
But whenever I tried to reach out to some girl like the one above, they were always only like whatever or downright unfriendly instead of being glad that they don't have to sit alone etc. Same when others tried to do so.
If you're not reacting to people being nice to you, then so be it, but don't act as if it's because stacies or regular normies all act as if they're above you.
No. 478482
>>478480>I don't act a certain way for male attention.What makes you so sure Carly Rae Jepsen or the girl in
>>478407 is?
IIRC, the latter didn't even do anything to make random guys notice her. Some creeps just stumbled on her social media and started reposting her photos everywhere.
No. 478484
>>478438Now that's what I call autism. Just judging people like that by look, you are
toxic af.
Mean people can be ugly but also good-looking. Get over it.
No. 478488
>>478482Just look at the retarded way she poses. And now don't tell me that this is totally normal cause it's not, she clearly tries hard to be seen as uwu cute.
For Jepsen it might be not her own fault I guess, maybe she got assigned this image to cater to neckbeards.
Anyway I was mainly talking about similar girls whom I encountered in school and uni, who all fit that look or type one way or another.
No. 478522
>>478505I'm obviously referring to the girl in
>>478407, not Carly Rae Jepsen. I can't remember her name, but she's not even a public figure. Just one of many normal girls that incels latched onto. Keep up.
No. 478552
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I dont like watching horror movies that much lol, some of them are quite interesting if they were stand alone movies but most of them were sooo manufactured to the point where i cant feel anything while i watch them. Now, when i want to consume any horror-related piece of media, i tend to read them on weird forums or personal encounters from people, thats when its the scariest.
No. 478569
>>478503Female weebs tend to be the most pickme women around
What about female weebs or that pose is interesting or cool? What about it is interesting or cool to women? It's a pose that minimizes her and makes her look uwu cute and soft and only really appeals to neckbeard males because it's child-like.
Women singers and public figures who are 100x more beautiful and popular with men and women exist and don't have this problem. These girls know they're on the average side and not particularly stunning so they play up childishness instead of maturity and individuality to fit a niche with extremely sexist and pedophiliac-tendencies men. No idea about Carly, though.
No. 478584
>>478579Not everybody has to do things the exact way you'd like them, anon. You find it retarded, others think it's fun. Just chill out.
>Weird this bullshit only appeared after anime got exported to the WestWell, they're called weebs for a reason.
No. 478589
>>478584Yet the "people" it appeals to the most are the most sexist, racist, and pedophiliac scrotes around bar short of actual murderers and rapists so I'm free to be
triggered by it. Even many weeb women themselves don't like this and prefer the ones who make high quality cosplay (even though I find it cringe af but it's better than a girl who is obviously only getting validated by male attention and doesnt have a female fanbase) and other appealing stuff.
No. 478609
>>4763771976 was the best year for music imo. Unlike other anons I don't have nostalgia bias– I wasn't born yet.
All periods have bad stuff- 76 had Disco Duck for instance– but 76 was good not only because the music was diverse, but all genres were doing well. Former Motown artists were branching off into funk, disco, soul, and R&B. Metal and punk were beginning to form. Rock and it's subgenres were at their peak- arena rock, blues rock, southern rock, and glam rock were going strong. Country still had its blues roots. The 70s favored lush production, sometimes with brass and cello (I love rock songs with cello). The transition from AM to FM meant that a lot of old hippie DJs were deciding what was on the radio instead of big companies.
Also, '76 was when Bohemian Rhapsody came out. I rest my case.
No. 478650
>>478622*to themselves
If they kept it to just LGB it would be great, but they had to let the troons come in and ruin everything.
No. 478678
>>478603>talks about scrotes and pedophile pandering>yes u r jealous AND YOU WANT THEM TO GET RAPED!!!omg i don't find every woman attractive in the world and dislike weeb culture!! im jealous and crazy!!! and i want women to get raped because im not attracted!!!
The irony is that this is more misogynistic than anything I said, tuh.
No. 478728
>>478601We're talking about
>>478407 specifically, though. Not some amalgamation of every girl you don't like.
It really is some scrote shit to see a single photo of a random girl you don't know, and project all this weird shit onto her.
Your replies to other people where you randomly bring up rape and say they "need a bullet in their head" make you sound incredibly fucked up, too. I thought this kind of madness was an incel's domain, but I guess there's always an exception. Christ.
No. 478842
>>478728Okay girl, since you
triggered cacs are assuming I'm other people's post and using it to drag an argument down for no reason I'll redirect you to what I said
>>478569>>478576>>478579>>478589Which is why I was confused when anons came at me like this and said I wanted girls to be harassed and stalked
>>478670 Note I didn't say anything about pale brunettes and theorizing about them or going to uni and seeing them trying to get male attention. Now if ya'll still wanna gaslight me and screech about irrelevant shit then you're purposely being dense and manipulative.
(infighting) No. 478848
>>478831I just saw her post calling you "absolutely retarded bitch" and an "emotional creature" that she deleted, just to make another two posts where she resorts to racebaiting. She claims to not be the pale brunette poster, but then she assumes everyone who disagrees with her is a certain skin color (I'm not, lmao), and clearly has a huge racial vendetta overall (and a hobby-related one, considering the anti-weeb sperg) .
She is legitimately unhinged, and I hope she gets help. Some real cows lurking.
No. 478862
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I think the concept of Kibbe is excellent but the execution is good but needs much to be desired especially in this modern time. There needs to be more cross variances (because no one is ever one type) and faces and bodies no longer need to be linked together. Perhaps, a face could be classified as S-G and a body as T-R which in turn could create a new category all together but I'm not sure how that could work. I wish there were an advanced male Kibbe type too.
No. 479186
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No. 479379
>>479186imo, all melon tastes the same and its just sweet tasting trash
even watermelon isn't that good
you might think one of those less common varieties would taste interesting, like the canary melon–but nope
No. 479475
>>479460>the only they rste a show is by how it makes them feelthats how art is meant to be processed, its designed to ellicit emotional responses and thats how sucess in art is measured. If you want more depth and infodumps read a textbook on the subject.
>but the dialectics i learned in gender studies reeeeI really dislike the "analysis" culture, its just the evolution of the AVGN early youtube, now everyone is an armchair expert on art and media because they watched a 2deep4 neet whine about cartoons. Critics have always been missing the point and are usually sad people who don't even like to experience art, just autistically categorize elements i.
No. 479787
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>>479722Back to tumblr ye troon
No. 479796
>>479414imagine not caring about the truth and only gravitating towards whoever sounds confident in the moment. normie centrists literally don't matter fam, they'll follow whatevers popular, it just so happens to be republicans at the moment.
also recently its been turning around, now there's more lefty tubers that aren't cringy "essjaydubleyous", they dont necessarily appeal to kids like crowder, shapiro, etc do but they're gaining popularity. for example sam seder ""rekt"" charlie kirk in a debate at politicon last year, and makes constant jabs at crowder for running from debating him.
No. 479823
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oh look, the hourly anti-radfem sperg out. what a gift.
No. 479895
>>479893Who cares about some dumb singer tho
I love her bops but I don't care about her or anyone else since I don't stan anyone I just stan their music if my ears tolerate them
Also thnx for telling me, I am excited as fuck now.
No. 479962
>>479959I literally said this and had my posts deleted, was accused of being a GC sperg samefagging and got banned. Somehow while also being told to dilate and called trans by literally everyone else loool.
They say we have a "tr*nny janny" but it so glaringly obvious the entire administration of this shit site is delusional TERFs with
victim complex. Probably altright men too
(you are a gc sperg samefagging) No. 479990
>>479965Are you completely stupid? What else can you call it when they pretend to not want radfems but give them everything they want because mUh FrEe sPeEcH …
Theyre probably samefagging in their own meta thread pretending to be mad about the merge or whatever it was so the mods can always remind us of that one single time they pwned the radfems. but does it even matter when blatant transphobia is still allowed?
It changed nothing at all. I fucking wish there was an actual open trans women on the mod team, maybe then this place would be less of a shithole and TERFs would get axed. This isn't a woman friendly place and if it was it'd be against ALL misogyny. Right now it's flooded with SWERFs and TERFs so it's probably just the loser men from 8chan catfishiing and larping as the girlfriends they wish existed, and some dumbass femcels thinking theyve found their people.
(sweet bait gcfag. repost it again) No. 480171
>>480164But what if we are the queen of UK and the Commonweath.
It's proper English to respect our pronouns.
Would you still disrespect them? To our face?
No. 480456
>>480164If you're against the trans movement then own up to that instead of weakly disguising it as a boner for ye olde english.
Language constantly evolves, there is so much that we say today that wouldn't pass in the 50's and sticking to all the old rules makes you sound just as socially impaired as a person who can't speak properly at all.
No. 480476
>>480413Agree x 1,000. I'm sick of gay men getting a pass and people going 'yesss . slaaay. you do makeup better than me and i'm a girl! ugh'
makes me sick
No. 480522
>>480506I miss the old YouTube in general. I hate how blatantly commercial it’s become. I miss all the old niche filmmakers and the quirky people, the assholes, even the evil idiots and trolls and the creeps. I feel stupid for whining about it but it was great.
People didn’t try as hard, nobody cared about being famous, there was so much fun stuff on there that’s gone or just buried underneath a mountain of crap. The algorithm has also messed up how you find videos, so it’s harder to go to that weird side of YouTube since it doesn’t lead you on a trail but tries to force you to watch retarded trending shit. I wish they hadn’t tried to make it so kid friendly because now it’s pure autism.
No. 480557
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Tt Follows and Get out are the two worst movies of the decade. Neither has a single redeemable quality, they are simply shit, nothing positive to say about them, i legit think normies are retarded for giving it such high reviews.
No. 480569
>>477786See I've always loved Kate Bush's music, but what struck me as off was when I was watching some interview about the Babushka song.
First off, she chose "babusha" because she liked the sound of the word, without thinking about the meaning at all. I think that's dumbass shit.
Secondly, when describing the premise (wife poses as another woman and sends letters to her husband in an attempt to seduce, husband falls for her and goes to meet the "other woman"), Kate puts it entirely on the wife as her fault that her husband did that. Like, no. Yes the wife did a shitty and retarded thing but it's on the husband to choose to go out with the intention to cheat, you know?
Idk that interview changed my view of her and I respected her less for it. This is a dumb segue so I'm saging.
No. 480596
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People who are obsessed with weed are pathetic. They act like it has no bad side effects and you can't get addicted to it because it's "natural". They don't care about the people with health problems who might benefit from it, they just care about having an excuse to be a lazy shithead and smoke it all day until their brains are fried.
And yeah, I just learnt that there's legit a "Church of Weed". People really need to find stronger meanings in their lives if they have to resort to this
No. 480600
>>480596Those smokers just suck and need to find some more hobbies. Sadly they speak way louder than those with sense enough to see the downsides.
I like smoking sometimes just the same as drinking, but I'm very against daily smoking unless you have medical reasons - which most don't. It's not exactly hard to understand it's best for your brain to be unaffected by substances most of the time.
No. 480615
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100% of the first world needs to stop making psych meds free and we need to stop coddling mentally ill people. I am sick and tired of YouTubers who have burnouts from making videos, I'm sick and tired of celebrities who never suffered who complain about depresshun, because it's inconsiderate to those who are really suffering.
Pic related; first worlders comparing depression caused by low vitamin d with a chopped off hand
No. 480619
>>480616Coddling mentally ill people is bad and making them believe it will help them is worse. Taking medication for small things is bad too. Remind me why a 13 year old zoomer should take antidepressants? Because she went through such hardships?
Mental illness was always there, but it seems to be now an epidemic and because of the biggest bullshit reasons. All thirdies are laughing at us and literally ask us why we are depressed. We're depressed because of the weather, because of having to stick to a youtube upload schedule, because of having to take selfies, because of having to wake up at 8 am, because of living in the first world.
Autismbux is a good concept because some people legitimately have been ruined but 95% of the people who get autismbux are literally psycho pieces of shits and then they wonder why they can't get a job. Yeah plenty are
victims too of course but I am not against autismbux for this reason. But I mean it when I say that we should stop coddling the mentally ill.
And most people who encourage the mentally ill to be coddled are boomers too except they have acne, pink hair and obesity. Are you now gonna say I am misogynistic when I'm a literal radfem who encourages women to be stronger and more firm?
t. lives near the municipal and for some reason every time an autist doesn't get a "raise" they'll break a window
No. 480620
>>480615Yikes, because all depression or mental health issues are just low vitamin d. No trauma or chemical imbalances involved at all depending on the person.
It's not like there's any indications that the modern world (whether first world or increasingly the developing as well) is high-paced but also a safer environment that paradoxically the lizard part of our brain does not seem well equipped for which causes rumination, stress and snowballs on from there.
No, we just feel too sorry for ourselves. That must be the only thing.
No. 480623
>>480619>All thirdies are laughing at us and literally ask us why we are depressed.Okay, so what? Why get so pressed over this? You could just laugh back you know? Let them make fun all they want, we both know that they'd want to live like us in a heartbeat if given the chance.
>they have acne, pink hair and obesity. Are you now gonna say I am misogynistic when I'm a literal radfem who encourages women to be stronger and more firm?I hate to say it but that sounds like…
You do know that menz are much more prone to autism etc, right?
No. 480624
>>480619I think that with increased awareness and a reduction in the stigma associated with mental illness there are definitely people who have embraced mental illness as an excuse. I think those people do still have something wrong with them, but more in the narcissism sphere than depression or what have you.
But with increased understanding of psychology we can diagnose people who before would just be your tortured artists or dysfunctional people and do some good with medication instead of just letting them go on a downward spiral and take other people down with them. It's actually shittiness of the brain and receptors that causes things which is more in line with the comic comparison - part of your body is malfunctioning and fucked up, to the point that people kill themselves rather than deal with living in their head.
You're kind of an asshole lol but you're not entirely wrong. There does have to be a desire on the sufferer's part and an effort to get help to really make a difference. But I mean, you have to be some sort of sick beyond trying to get pity points if you're actively sabotaging your own life and can't even fucking bathe or whatever. It's a shit issue. I dated someone who developed schizophrenia and it was obvious he was very sick but there was no desire on his part to seek help and you can't shove pills down someone's throat.
In any case it is very frustrating when people milk it. Because very few people are gonna be that asshole and call them out for manipulating their fans/friends.
Probably bait but hey unpopular opinion thread and that's definitely an unpopular opinion.
No. 480653
Adding what the other anon said Mental Health culture isn't 'bad' and 'coddling', but more misguided. The mainstream movement focuses only on chemical anxiety/depression with trauma being mentioned only with PTSD/eating disorders. The movement also does very little to de stigmatize stuff like NPD, BPD, or other personality disorders and it also actively hates them them, 'brave survive of a narcissistic abuser'. What happens with people who do the 'it's all brain chemicals don't tell me to improve reee' most likely have a separate personality disorder, but they relate the 'anxiety/depression', NPD is a defense mechanism caused by extreme shame and some one with BPD would have extreme lows and fear of abandonment both of these imitate chemical depression/anxiety, so they diagnosed and went with the label of 'depression/anxiety'. They end up getting the wrong treatment from random people online, which is just affirmative 'you did a good job anon!' and 'it's OK you're depressed', which just makes their mental illness worse. Even people without a personality disorder show some unhealthy coping mechanism when it comes to their anxiety, they could mess up and 'split' like a BPD, but they just get the shit advice of 'it's just brain chemicals bro'. Most boomer 'just pick up your boot straps' advice also doesn't work because it doesn't address the trauma or under lying issue. When you're surrounded by stuff like this it's hard not to see how the lazy type was made.
Also a lot of abuse forums take out nuance. I can see how if you're parent hit you and ruined you're life you would be mad, but most people have stuff like 'my parents were emotionally neglectful ,veritably abusive, or had some major flaws'. Group 2 treats their parents how group 1 does, 'my parents hated me from the day I was born' 'I see the venom in their eyes'. I'm defending abusive parents or excusing them, but those many flaws are often not meant to specifically attack you out of feeling joy from you're pain. A big chunk of parents on the lighter end of abusive or neglectful parents are abusive because they grew up with their own mentally ill parents and simply see what their doing as normal or 'logical' in a messed up way. I'm not saying you have no right to be mad, but I see a lot of abuse forums saying 'my mom was born evil' and 'you should cut them off imminently!'
No. 480742
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>>480728It depends were you lurk. On the more conservative sides of reddit, or some dank meme site the ideas of 'I can say the n-word because free speech', 'white people can say nigga if they're singing in a rap', and 'fag is just a word' are big arguments. You can also see the idea be somewhat accepted among sheltered suburban kids.
No. 480748
>>480718Fag is a great word and can be ascribed to anyone. It's already a noun in at least two instances afaik.
Nigger is clunky, too edgy, and the worst categories of humans use it.
No. 480801
>>480718OP is a faggot
If only people are this up in arms about "bitch" "thot" or "cunt"
No. 480811
>>480808NTA but if a soup is really thick isn't that a stew?
No. 480891
>>480818>>480815I feel the same way about incels, it's well acknowledged that most of them could get laid if they just took a shower and researched socializing.
It's good they fail because it would be horrible to find out the person you like is actually a misogynist volcel in disguise, but it still frustrates me how they can spend so much time complaining about something they can easily fix. They talk so much about how women are easily manipulated idiots and that normies are dumb sheep but if they were so much smarter then they would be able to take advantage of that. It's like if a group of illiterate people poured all of their energy into starting an anti-reading society, because they feel angry at books for excluding them, instead of just learning the alphabet.
No. 480896
>>480718You and everyone else with this opinion are fat hypocrites about it, though. Aside from actual racist people, most people use it because they most likely constantly hear it in rap songs, but with the wrong people they can lose their job over it too and if not that they will get killed and it is very very very
problematic, annoying, stupid and also scary, ngl. I don't get why nobody speaks against this. As for the word fag, I don't know. It's not a bad thing to banter about gayness in my opinion. It's
just a sexual orientation, and gays banter each other about it too. But yeah slurs are cringe in general, I agree.
No. 480928
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Society’s sudden “awareness” of mental health feels so forced and pandering
pic related “even Billie Eilish get duhpressed tew”
No. 480938
>>480928everyone is all for mental health advocation until they come across someone who displays unconventional symptoms and suddenly they're outta there.
no one actually lifts a finger until someone goes through with it, and then it's all 'oh no if only we saw the signs!' you did see the signs, you just didn't do anything.
No. 481020
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I don't get why some people are super anal about singers not writing their own lyrics or multiple teams writing the lyrics for their songs, as long as they're still the ones singing it and it sounds nice it really shouldn't matter.
No. 481022
>>480928Just watched the video, it's literally just the most generic 'DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP' and her on a swing for some reason? She's a cute girl but I don't know why they think this her walking around in aesthetics is going to help anything.
A big part of actually struggling with mental health is that it's generally pretty fucking embarrassing and you don't want a big signal on your face about how you have depression or anxiety or whatever.
No. 481023
>>481020People who think singers need to write their own songs are so short sighted. What about all the talented writers and producers who don't have the voice/personality/looks to perform their own songs or be a celebrity? Should they just never write for anyone else to ensure only ~real artists~ get famous?
Division of labour amongst a group of collaborators is a totally legit way to create art. There's no reason the face of the music should be obligated to do everything themselves, even if it's impressive when they do.
No. 481026
>>480569I just watched this interview, and you're right. It actually annoys me a bit looking through the comments where people agree and say she's so "deep" for this.
If the man truly loved his wife, he'd respond to the letter from "Babooshka" with something like "You're just like my wife once was. Please stay this way, you'll make someone very happy someday", and maybe try to figure out how to fix things with the woman he married.
The way the song is set up, it just means that if someone else actually showed up that had those personality traits, he really would cheat.
No. 481031
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>>481020I like how easily the tables can be turned on that pic.
No. 481035
>>481031Is this what LSA thinks is deep? That garbage on the left? Puhlease.
>>481020All of her songs after destiny's child are shit but her fans are worse. She can squeal like a pig real good, tho.
And you both should be ashamed and you know why.
No. 481041
>>481035Who said anything about "deep"? I'm just making fun of the picture insinuating having a chorus makes a song meaningless.
Who gets this bent out of shape about pop music, anyway? What did Beyonce or Katy Perry or Meghan Trainor or any of these others ever do to you? Chill out, kek.
No. 481115
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No. 481130
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>>481038This looks like the most generic kids show of all time that people would be shitting on if it wasn't cutesy Dr. Seus.
Speaking of which, live action grinch and cat in the hat are horrible and obviously the only good versions of the books are the shorts from the 60s, but my god they're such good so bad it's good shitpost movies and I love them because of that and I roll my eyes so hard at the people who think they ruined the books forever.
No. 481136
>>481134>people should learn that their 'childhood heroes' can do shitty things and deal with it like a normal personNTA but what are you talking about? I don't even know what people you're referring, are there masses of ex fans mourning the loss of their fav or something?
Regardless, 'normal people' couldn't care less if a (male) celebrity treats people like garbage and will defend them to the death reeing about separating the art from the artist.
People should hold celebrities accountable for the shitty things they do instead, if they lose public good will it's well deserved and we don't owe them our support so who cares.
No. 481138
>>481135Honestly, I think it's most likely all three.
>>481136I thought I was being pretty clear? I'm talking about people who ignore everything bad that someone who they looked up to as a kid did. Sadly a lot of the time celebrities get away with doing shitty stuff and have tons of people defending them because 'THEY DID A THING I LIKE'
No. 481146
>>481133She also seems to have been sick with cancer and ill herself.
Of course people are going to have strong nostalgia for harmless kids books.
No. 481290
>>481285The story and books are from like 1995 or something, so yea it's not really innovative or anything, but the story, imo, is good. Lots of great female characters which is why I personally like it. Also never played the games but read the books.
Also yes, the author is Polish but the world itself isn't reeeally medieval Poland.
No. 481301
>>481285I completely agree. And they've seriously messed up yennefer not just in looks but also as a character.
You can't say anything against because you're a racist and a bigot if you do. The gloomy mediavel setting albeit a fantasy one was so good and I doubt they'll be able to achieve it. It's just a bootleg games of thrones now.
No. 481303
>>481295I get it, I get really anxious like is the end of the world if I'm not catched up on the series of the month and i literally die if i get spoiled.
I would love to stop feeling like that but i get i'm just scared of what everyone else thinks of me.
No. 481335
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>>481285It lost me when I heard about pic related, the production staff deciding the villains should be dressed like literal dickheads. Maybe PP threads can get into it, but to me it's beyond cringe.
No. 481369
>>481285>>481304No, it's not really based on Slavic of Polish folklore. Some the Witcher short stories are based on it, other are based on Grimm's tales or even Arabian folklore. Novels heavily use arthurian mythos.
When compared to our world, the Witcher novels setting is like entire Europe and then some. Geralt is from Central Europe, Ciri is Portugese/Mediterrean (her family is blonde because they have elfish genes), her father is Southern European and rules over advanced empire based on ancient Roman Empire. Ciri's grandmother was in relationship with british (or nordic) lord. Elves are speaking modified welsh. I don't remember too much, but there's probably a character or place based on every country in Europe +some north Africa and Arab countries. And monsters are based on any folklore writer researched.
No. 481378
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>>481289That depends who you're talking about. Having somebody like Henry Cavill as the main character makes sense. He is a good actor who looks the part and is a big enough name to interest people who might not watch it otherwise. Casting an Indian woman for Yen, and a black woman for Fringilla, is just obvious box ticking. If you're going to set your standards that low then where do you stop?
If it doesn't matter that the actress doesn't look like the character then what about their costume? Maybe they can just walk around in jeans and branded clothing while using their mobile phones.
>>481335The costume designer who put that forward should have been fired on the spot. With their budget there is no excuse for being put to shame by cosplayers.
No. 481635
>>481285Really bums me out that Hollywood has this obsession with casting redheads as boring black/brown women.
And yeah, I drop shows for diversity pandering these days. Witcher was one of the most egregious. Glad we still have the books though.
No. 481720
I've never really understood while janitorial work is depicted as the bottom of the bottom when there's a lot worse jobs out there. Out of all the menial jobs one could pick from, janitorial work is one of the more diverse in terms of things you do. taking out trash one minute, vacuuming the next, cleaning bathrooms, waterblasting, etc. You drive around different sites and you can mess around a lot. You're getting a decent amount of movement in and you're not straining one part of your body too much.
Factory work, office pencil pushers, cashiers, etc. I find a lot of that work as being much more menial than janitorial work.
I picked up janitorial work as a second job in order to pay for my study at the start of the year, but tbh, I don't think I'll ever drop it as a secondary form of income because it's that cathartic and enjoyable. I just hate that there's a sort of stigma against it.
No. 481721
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Imari from Avon smells better and lasts longer than chanel
No. 481728
>>481720I also hate the stigma around janitorial work. But some janitors, depending on where/what they're cleaning have to clean up vomit and actual human shit among other disgusting things. Like, at a grocery store that my brothers friend used to work at people would literally smear shit across the bathroom stall walls. I guess may be that's why people think of it as being "low" which is sad because honestlt anyone who cleans that is a hero.
I didn't even work as a janitor specifically but had to do a lot of cleaning and changing trash at my previous job (gas station attendant) and trust me I've seen some shit. I always hated the way that peoplee would star at me when I was cleaning the contents of a ripped trash bag off the ground.
No. 481737
>>481728I was never a janitor, but I was a housekeeper at a 5-star hotel and a home cleaner later on.
Both were paid very well but I got sick of being treated like scum or a braindead idiot by customers and random people who asked me what I do. People even told me "you're a smart girl, why do you do these shitty jobs, you can do better than that".
There was absolutely nothing wrong with my work aside from people being turds about it and I eventually got sick of having to explain myself to others or just be silent about the work I do. Now I work in IT and I get paid to do fuck all but sit at the office and talk shit with my colleagues, but people respect me so much when I tell them I'm a developer for a large multinational company.
No. 481745
>>481737Janitorial work requires a bit of knowledge. Like how to clean the area effectively, how good to clean the area, and when to clean the area so you can not waste time on your shift. It's no different than how a security officer does their job, but now you're adding in the part of using your arms to clean shit. I feel more important being a janitor and security officer compared to a cashier, mostly because these positions usually pay more and I don't have to be face to face with someone unless needed to. No one would ever pity a cashier and ask them the same question "Why do you do these shitty jobs?" I honestly think it's intimidation.
Nothing is wrong or shitty with having a blue collar job. I don't get why more people apply to these types of positions because do many pay well. I see so many people just talk about how much they hate working retail and getting paid shit and I'm over here behind a computer screen yelling "Apply to a warehouse! Be a custodian! Be a security officer! They're always hiring somewhere!"
No. 481779
I naturally wake up with my body's circadian rhythm, it happens to be around pre-dawn or dawn.
tired of people who just can't respect that? no, it's not awful waking up so early, that's just how my body functions. if anything, I'm sorry for you since it seems your rhythm is incompatible with 9-5 work hours. I actually feel lucky for waking so early, nothing is going on so I have less distractions, I've been able to be so productive in the wee morning hours, way moreso than staying up super late. Plus, going into work at 9am feels like going into work at noon for non-morning people.
being a morning person is awesome, and I legitimately feel bad for the people who aren't allowed to freshly wake up with their internal rhythm, who have to wake up "early" and act like crabby assholes "before their cup of coffee!!"
No. 481994
>>481779>>481799I hate coffee culture too. It's so performative and tired, I don't even believe it's genuine. I drink quite a lot of coffee because it tastes good but it neither wakes me up nor delays tiredness. It does, however, offset hunger so I bet if they had a proper breakfast they wouldn't need their coffee so desperately.
I am also a morning person but my preferred work hours start early, you can get the work day over and done with first thing and there's nothing like getting home by 3.30pm and having plenty of time left in the day to run errands and chill. It's like being in school again.
No. 482052
>>481997a strong cup of coffee
triggers an anxiety attack for me
No. 482054
>>481993I've had men inappropriately touch me on the bus via manspreading, and just on general. not sure if manspreading is a real "problem", but the movement has shamed some men into being more aware of how they take up space and how creepy they are about personal space in general.
>>482041anyone who gets something like a tattoo of their favorite show or brand or whatever, I unironically view as sheeple.
No. 482167
>>482165Her husband had sexual intercourse with a 16 year old WHEN HE WAS 16 TOO.
She also collaborated with 69 before she and everyone else knew about his allegations.
You are just basing your hate of her from fake news, if you really dont like her say her music sucks but dont use fake debunked info.
No. 482185
>>482167>Petty was written up 18 times for disciplinary infractions while serving time for a manslaughter conviction from 2006 to 2013 in New York. Among some of his violations include five violations for disobeying a direct order and two violent conduct violations in 2010 for threats and fighting.>In 2009, he was hit with nine separate violations and had to do four months in solitary confinement as punishment. He also received a violation for creating a disturbance just one day after entering the prison.>Apparently whenever Petty was cited for bad behavior, he would mostly lose his recreation, phone and commissary privileges.>Nicki's boyfriend was convicted of first degree rape of a 16-year-old back in 1995. Petty served almost four years for that crime and then in 2006 was sentenced to prison for a manslaughter conviction.All of this is fake news…? Minaj's fans are quick to scream racism but if this was really just all made up, then why aren't they suing for defamation? Instead she only posts vague "y'all jelly haters" insta stories..
In the end it doesn't matter, I don't need a subhuman bf as a reason to hate a pig who's making millions of promoting the degradation and humiliation of herself and other women as "female empowerment" to an entire generation of young girls.
Rap/hip-hop and the "culture" surrounding it is cancer.
No. 482196
>>482185>>482179>>482186Im guessing some of you here have no idea what the word ''unpopular'' means and that this is the unpopular thread. Are you saying i shouldnt have a unpopular opinion on a unpopular opinion thread.
Also Nicki has stayed silent regarding her brothers case and has never even mentioned him.
You sheeps get your info from gossip/entertainment sites with no info, there is NO actual evidence that nicki supports her brother.
No. 482198
>>482196>Im guessing some of you here have no idea what the word ''unpopular'' means and that this is the unpopular thread. Are you saying i shouldnt have a unpopular opinion on a unpopular opinion thread.Fucking newfag, you can post your opinion but people are allowed to call bs on it too
>Also Nicki has stayed silent regarding her brothers case and has never even mentioned him.Her actions talk for her.
No. 482206
>>482196Ayrt. My point is no one wanted to replace her with anyone. She became irrelevant,
in part, because of her shit decisions. People saw that she tweeted how much she loved her brother and would support him to the moon or some bs after his actions became known. Those are some public, very telling, words. Spent money on his defense. Tweeted pictures out having fun w him and family after she bailed him out. Very telling actions. Sure she’s still “thriving” (with”successful”artists(who lol?)) but that’s the problem and it’s because of sheep like you. Not
>>482198 Or I
No. 482230
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A common defense of Yaoi/mlm I keep on hearing is that m/m slash is a form of escapism, for many straight because m/m slash has equality between the characters and doesn't have a traditional hetrosexual relationship dynamics, except that most straight fangirls are obsessed with the seme/uke dynamic, which throws the equality out of the window. Seme is always manlier, older, dominant and is the "top/man" in bed. Uke is girly, small, submissive and is the "bottom/women" in bed.
I just don't it ?
No. 482237
>>482230Seme/uke went out of fashion forever ago, but anyway… no matter what traits they have, they're still both men. It doesn't contradict escapism to have one girly male, he's still male.
I don't get why people can't just let girls be ~heteronormative~ in their gay fantasies anyway. Of course they're going to use het relationships as their frame of reference, that's everything they've ever known or experienced, and it's what their sexuality has developed to revolve around. They aren't going to suddenly have the sexual preferences of a gay man the moment they write a gay couple. Let them live, it's not hurting them or gay men.
No. 482247
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It's said best in their own words so I'm going to quote
Part 1
>To self-diagnose impostor syndrome you have to know and accept both requirements of the condition. You have to acknowledge that you feel like an impostor and acknowledge the reality that you do have high ability. However, to acknowledge the reality (that you do have ability) is to destroy your perception (that you don’t have ability). Accepting one premise negates the other.>Self-diagnosing impostor syndrome seems like a quiet way of self-aggrandizing. It’s a way of trying to humbly say “I’m really good but I’m not going to flaunt it.”>Clance and Imes describe three types of behaviors as response to feeling like an impostor. Using their words, I’ll label them “diligence and hard work”, “intellectual inauthenticity”, and “charm and perceptiveness to win the approval of superiors”. I find it odd that of the three types of behaviors described as impostor syndrome only the first one is self-diagnosed. In the tweets and blog posts I’ve read I see people write about the hard work they put in not to be discovered as a phony. I never hear any one write about charming someone into believing they’re not an impostor. After all that wouldn’t be very flattering.Part 2:
>by casting these completely normal feelings of self-doubt as Impostor Syndrome, it makes these feelings seem abnormal and something to be rid of. All that will do is push people towards the opposite side of the spectrum, the Dunning-Kruger effect, where unskilled people think they are hot shit.>By the time I realized that Impostor Syndrome was probably the thing that had held me back in the past, I didn’t have it anymore>Minorities are much more likely to experience [imposter syndrome]… it frustrates me that as soon as I wrote about Impostor Syndrome, white men started clamoring to tell me that “Men can have it too!”You might be bale to self diagnose imposter, but do you really think that's likely? No. 482283
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>>482230It's cuter that way, simple as that. Femininity is appealing to a lot of women, it's the reason why even the seme is usually just at most a guy with a swimmer body or is just as feminine as the uke, especially in more modern works. I'd say it's a big reason why most fujoshis are bisexual girls including myself.
Also love stage is a bit cringy story telling wise, but I love it anyway.
>>482237This, people just want a reason to hate on whatever girls do basically.
No. 482293
>>482054How do you get inappropriately touched by manspreading? Their knee touches yours? That happens a lot to me with everyone, even women, when there's people around you it's bound to happen.
I don't care about manspreading, it's such a stupid thing to cry about.
No. 482315
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>>482230I definitely get your point if we're strictly speaking about yaois like your pic or
>>482283 but there are also lots of others, there the roles are reversed so to speak, young/short/feminine top and old/tall/muscular bottom (those also tend to have less rapey plots).
I turned to yaoi as a teen because I was a loser with zero relationship experience. Men simply seemed unapproachable and dangerous (I mean they are lol), so some pretty manga guy who's absolutely in love looks just a lot less scary, like an unrealistic, idolized version of a real guy. To me the sex also seems less real or graphic as in straight mangas/porn. And it does kind of feel more "equal".
Them being a pair of gay men also helps to distance yourself from it, you get to experience romance through them - but without having to compare yourself and measure up to a female protagonist. I absolutely hate romantic books or movies because the female characters are usually horribly written, so passive and only living for the love of their man and many yaois tend to be the same, you have to really search for a while to find good ones.
Abe Akane and Michinoku Atami both have pretty semes and manly ukes if anybody's interested. No. 482319
>>481993For me the biggest issue is that it takes up a significant portion of space, they spread more than is needed for their balls. I’ve also noticed men tend to spread more around women than they do with other men, probably because a woman will make herself small whereas a man will spread back.
It’s honestly just rude, keep your limbs within your designated space
No. 482471
>>482470when I was a fujo I was only really into bara tbh. For me I think it was really the escapism of being "equal" to the type of men I was into (beefcakes)
for clarity I hate rape/noncon stuff though
No. 482516
>>482471So do you self-insert into one of the baras in some way?
>>482488I'd love to peg a male partner, yes.
No. 482522
>>482509How is that anon's problem? If her personal choice is enough to turn someone off fighting for women's rights and acknowledging how other women have done so before them, they would have been shitty feminists anyway.
Better feminism be a small group of people who actually prioritize women than a massive group of half assed libfems who just want to defend their nigels.
No. 482535
>>482530The reason is some random redditor's anecdotes? How convincing. My anecdotal evidence is that I have no need for an online presence to care about feminism, and hence never get bullied or gossiped about and have no fucking clue what she is referring to.
People need to stop expecting radical feminism to be fun and easy tbh. It's mostly harsh truths and being forced to confront uncomfortable ideas, giving up things that make your life easier and questioning why you do them. Of course that will turn plenty of people off, but if they aren't willing to examine their choices and consider the possibility that what they want isn't compatible with feminist principles, it wouldn't suit them anyway.
No. 482539
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>>482535this comment wasn't made by some random redditfag, this was made by Lierre Keith a prominent radical feminist and activist, this woman has been involved in activism and radical feminism before you were even born
No. 482556
>>482539My bad for not actually reading the name of a redditor, but regardless.. how does it even remotely apply to
>>482504?? Don't you think shit like
>>482509 is way more like what she's referring to? Anon not wanting to have a baby is not 'another feminist being ripped apart', telling someone their personal choice is the reason feminism fails sure as fuck is.
No. 482565
>>482516Not always. If a character had a relatable personality I would lean towards that. I'm bi and don't see myself as a "top" or "bottom" so it honestly never mattered the dudes just had to be cute. Although now that I think more about it I think my brain just went: fat buff guy hot 2 fat buff guys extra hot.
Tbh I was into all kinds of weird different stuff as long as it wasn't noncon I was down. Now I don't watch/look at porn but yeah welcome to my 15 year old psyche I'm sorry.
No. 482664
>>482523Yeah, I was pornsick in my teen years but am now wonderfully pornfree. Some fetishes just don't leave though haha.
But it's not like any of this is a requirement. As long as my partner is simply passive in bed then I'm fine with never touching his anus.
>>482565>fat buff guy hot 2 fat buff guys extra hotI laffed.
It's interesting to learn about how other fujos enjoyed their yaoi growing up though. At the time it didn't seem to matter, but it really is individual.
Not to make it sound deeper than it is lmao.
No. 482700
The anti-kink spergs on this board are ridiculous. It's one thing to be against sex work and real life porn for completely
valid reasons but when you start writing shit like
>>482523 unironically you crossed the line to terminal autism. There's a difference between two consenting adults experimenting with a kink in private and a cumbrained man pressuring his girlfriend into giving ass to mouth because he saw it done in porn.
No. 482729
I'm a millennial myself, but I do think that the recent trend of 'ok boomer' has revealed a lot of pathetic behavior on the part of millennials. Some of the criticisms are fair, but at least 1/3 do come across as making mountains out of anthills. There's a lot of opportunities to make money out there and the absolute incel-tier defeatism is uncalled for.
And I do think there's a lot of myopia at work here. It's not like all was rosy for boomers at every moment. Stagflation and interest rates of 12% fucked a lot of them over at around a similar age to us, during the early 80s, a lot of boomers were financially crippled from that time. There was rationed petroleum during the OPEC crisis, such a thing would never occur today. Terrorism was much worse, as was violence and crime in general, things have become a lot better in many ways. And what, you're really jealous of a generation that experienced more sexism and gender inequality?
Even if the boomers did have it easier than us, don't we both have it easier than 99% of previous generations? How do you think a PTSD soldier during the silent generation would see us? Or the Greatest Generation who had to struggle through both the great depression and world war II, wouldn't they see us as being entitled in a similar manner?
I don't know, I liked the 'ok boomer' stuff at the start because it was fun to criticize their shitty sense of humor and way of looking at the world. But now it's not fun, you get the vibes of 'oh, this person writing this angry boomer criticism is just a generational version of an incel'. That's the best way of putting it, it's just like incel shit.
No. 482735
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Serial experiment lain and FLCL aren't that hard to understand. You may not get the meaning, but it isn't that hard to keep track the general plot points. I swear to the people who say 'I didn't get a single thing that happened' have had their brains melted from to much 'i'm saying everything about what i'm going to do' anime or simply flunked out of ela because 'the curtains are just blue'
No. 482768
>>482767>butthurtThat has a double entendre given the context lmao
>>482700Why do you even care about people's opinions on that though? Like you said it happens behind closed doors so just keep your private life private and no one will judge you.
No. 482880
>>482855Agree. I used to work retail with this girl who just barely spoke English and dear god it was such a nightmare. Like to the point she hardly understood our managers and would have to ask me what they said and I would have to re-explain it to her multiple times. If a customer asked her something she'd just refer them to me. I always tried to be a straight forward as possible and speak in the most plain English so she could understand me but she still couldn't understand me most of the time. She didn't really return the effort in communicating either and would just quietly mumble most of the time and expect people to magically know what she was saying. And even when I did understand her her word choice was so weird that I usually didn't know what she meant anyway.
She also had really annoying habits like misplacing things, forgetting she did it, asking me where it was and then when I didn't know she would laugh at me. That has nothing to do with the language barrier though, it was just really annoying.
I wouldn't go to a country where I didn't know the language, get a job, not make any effort to learn the language or even communicate. That just seems douchey.
No. 483079
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The idea of chadsplaining, not the way incel currently use it to deflect criticisms though, has some merit. It's not them being in denial or them being 'blue pilled', but simply a misunderstanding. Most people asking/giving help on social skill forums simply have/had anxiety and low confidence with average social skills. For them the best advice simply is 'be confident and talk more'.
The problem comes in when someone who's truly borderline autistic comes onto the forum. Their complaints are interpreted as being another 'low confidence poster' so they get 'just be ur self!' when they're so far gone they need stuff like 'personal boundaries 101'
Another problem is that a lot of 'normies', people good at social skills, have internalized ideas along with meme advice like 'being unique is cool!'.
'be yourself' , but change you're self a bit around bosses, children and crushes
'unique is good'. but most of us are just mainstream stuff with a layer of unique (ex: MCU geek vs. Lolicore fan)
'just be confident', along with basic social skills
This may seem obvious, but the people who take it are socially oblivious and a lot of normies will brush it off as 'you're so cynical'. Another problem is that normies have internalized some ideas to so much they can only really respond with 'just be normal' because they've never seen socializing anything more than breathing.
Socializing is also a skill so 'just talk' can get you somewhere, but a 'socializing 101' book will greatly help. It's like telling an artist to just draw without practicing fundamentals it'll get them somewhere, but books will triple their learning speed till their good enough to learn on their own.
No. 483100
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>>483079from what I have seen a large majority of Incels also seem to be jobless NEETs, its literally impossible for them to socialize due to their possession
A 9 to 5 could be the solution to most of their problems
No. 483146
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David Dobrik is overrated and not funny and not charming everyone I know irl likes him but I find his videos annoying
Idk if he’s in any drama but I dislike him for his personality in his videos everyone says he’s a really nice guy … still don’t like him fuck this man and his face and voice
Also I’m not sure if girls find him cute, but this man looks like an overgrown child
No. 483160
>>483146He looks like a male version of Rebecca Sugar.
Nearly none of these male celebrities that get touted as "sexy heartthrobs" ever are.
No. 483175
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>>483160no this is the male version of Rebecca Sugar
her younger brother Steven Sugar
No. 483176
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>>483175Wait, her show is based on her brother??
No. 483361
>>483265SAME OMFG FUCK SHANE DAWSON what tf happened to him when I watch his old videos I realize he was never really funny but he did have some charm to him now he’s just shitting these “documentaries” out probably not an unpopular opinion but Shane Dawson’s content has suffered a decline in quality
The vlog squad is the stupidest shit ever I can’t stand when my sister puts on his videos and I hear him and his bros partying and giggling or their staged ass unfunny gags fuck off david dobrick why does everyone like you so much
No. 483582
>>483580Not exactly. I'm actually quite picky with my men. I've dated rich men, poor men, tall men, short men, fat men, skinny men, muscular men, hot men, ugly men, feminine men, manly men, etc
Some are nicer some are less nice. Unfortunately a lot of them are obsessed with tearing apart women's appearances and it always slips out eventually. That's not even to mention men on lawless forums saying extremely disturbing things about their girlfriends and wives. I can't trust them honestly and I just wish women were more picky too.
No. 483623
>>483619Honestly comparing beard hair to female body hair is a bit of an unfair comparison anyway. Not even leghair is as obtrusive and distracting, and most women don't have pubic hair that could be braided into a foot long hair rope.
Beards are the worst meme.
No. 483626
>>483582Here is my unpopular take on this.
Women who bitch about men but claim to be picky are in fact just thots who thirst for douchebags expecting them to behave much like thirsty betas on the internet commenting in their IG albums, but in reality that hot hunky douchebag only needs you to wet his dic and nothing more, manipulating thirsty thots into sex or submission, and when that douche is done, the thot goes to lolcow into manhate thread and posting in unpopulat opinions crap how sex should be illegal and all men are scum, submitting into radical feminism to be fed shit how it's never woman's fault and all bads are created by men, inflating already unstable narcissistic ego of emotionally immature thot.
Gurl, you're either have shitty taste in men, or no one but asshole wants to be with you, what ever it is, it characterises you, and only you.
No. 483629
>>483628Dead ass. There's been some hateful things about women posted here recently.
>believing that a man's manipulative, shallow, and opportunistic nature characterizes a woman when she's victimized by that behaviorWhew.
No. 483634
>>483628>>483629>sharing unpopular opinion in unpoipular opinion threadincel! incel!!
At least try to not be so obvious, when someone calls you out.
No. 483649
>>483626So you are blaming for women being manipulated, and also blaming them for going after men they're physically attracted to? Some idiots don't seem to understand ugly men are just as manipulative and often even physically and emotionally
The internet actually helps these women because they show them what signs to look out for and what to avoid doing to not be taken advantage of, but it doesn't change the fact that these men are to blame for that in the first place.
No. 483675
>I don't think any generation had it "better" than the one after them, they just don't understand each others' struggles.I wish more people realized this instead of going at each other's throats, but alas, people are shit and can't relate to one another, so we constantly go through these never ending cycles of x generation accusing y generation of being entitled, and vice versa.
>There's a lot of opportunities to make money out there and the absolute incel-tier defeatism is uncalled for.I see so many people in their 20's and early 30's who are giving up on themselves before they have even started because they leave out of university (speaking as an American in the US) with a BA or Master's in blah blah blah, and then get frustrated when people don't hand them a job straight out of a lecture with little experience, or they're not making six figures and living in a beach house near the Pacific Ocean by the time they hit 32.
No. 483696
>>483690>they think that civilization will end in 20-30 years due to climate changeNo, thats completely retarded.
It has more to do with economic stagnation and the thought that there is no seemingly obtainable end goal thats worth the absurd competition levels and warped standards of a globalized job market. A lot is also perception, giving up because you think you will not get anywhere is a self fullfilling prophecy, fearmongering and exploitation of issues for political gain is not helping on how young people perceive reality either.
No. 483703
>>483675This. I know that I sound like a pathetic bootlicker but so many of my fellow millenial friends are very entitled due to growing up in such a sheltered environment and having things handed to them, and now they're afraid of entering the workforce because they're not being rewarded for simply existing anymore and need to make compromises instead of getting their dream job with the absolute minimal effort. But the individualism is also the strong point of our generation as many millenials set out to try and experience new stuff and create their own businesses, and also value your own worth and goals in life. It just comes with a flip side when the other half of the generation demands the society to be changing their diapers at 32.
>>483690No. Nobody seriously thinks that and if they do, they need to get back on their meds. It's just a convenient excuse for pampered adult children to not do anything to challenge or better themselves and only focus on endless hedonism at the expense of others.
No. 483769
>>483640i legit had (male) strangers point at my hair legs and laugh to my face in the train. I've had male acquintances talk unprompted in detail about how they could never touch a girl who didnt shave her pussy.
I usually date within a sorta artistic/bohemic milieu so I personally never had a man make any comment or even dislike my body hair but
all of my normie female friends had experience with their sexual partners berating them over stuble.
No. 483850
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People give shit to 'reviewer with cartoon animal/20 times hotter version of them' avatars, but its a million times better than the alternative
No. 484003
okay very unpopular opinion time. i have said it before but i am going to say it again. i think this "lainey is just as bad as greg and she isn't a
victim" narrative is DISGUSTING. she's absolutely still a
victim. she's still being victimized to this day, but she's so stupid, you guys. she has no self awareness. there is essentially no chance someone with this little self awareness, who is still under the thumb of her groomer/predator will not become a predator. she's the perfect hapless, completely spineless cult wife that has so little backbone she'd confidently koolaid suicide herself. it's HIGHLY unlikely someone this stupid and in this situation would not mirror their groomer's behavior. a large portion of children that are sexually abused or groomed do go on to groom or abuse. people need to seriously understand this. it is not a happy reality, but it is what happens. (inb4 someone comes along with their personal anecdote, we know a large portion of groomed children repeat that same learned behavior and go on to offend). it takes a much more intelligent or emotionally aware person to do so, and she's so stunted. i think people hate her more than greg not because she 'groomed' girls (and i don't believe it was genuine grooming. i think she just liked attention from girls but never saw it as sexual at all, though the girls did.), i think it's because she's both not conventionally attractive, and a woman, that people are saying she's just as bad as if not worse than greg. by no measure is she anywhere near as bad as greg. sexual vs non-sexual motivations COMPLETELY change the severity of the crime, imo. she obviously is culpable but it's much less severe being that she really just wanted to use her fangirls for attention and as emotional tissues. she was being a coolgirl to the max, really, and it got her caught up in a much worse situation because she operated under the framework of a legitimate predator.
>>483640i was bullied at like 8 by pretty much exclusively boys for my blonde but hairy legs and arms and was bullied all throughout school until i started shaving them. if i let my arm hair grow out men always have to comment. i don't shave my armpits often and i always get comments, even from gays. idk wtf you're talking about. my bf likes my hairy armpits, pubes and legs, but random men are always talking shit about my body hair.
No. 484025
>>484003Nah she's a piece of shit. Someone who is so selfish that they would lure in 15-16yo fangirls and exchange sexual pics/messages just for the attention is a seriously fucked up individual. That shows people aren't people to her, they're just pawns for her to use. I get what you're saying anon, but at some point people gotta take a stand for themselves. She is 25 years old. She isn't a little girl anymore, she knows the shit she does is wrong and hurts her 'friends' and still decides to do it. She cried about C being a girl because she knows what a dickhead greg is but stays, because again Lainey at the end of the day only gives a fuck about Lainey. She is absolutely a narc & even if you took her away from greg she would just find another
abusive dickhead to treat her and her kids like shit. She's pathetic & cowardly as well as manipulative and
abusive and that's why I think she's just as bad as greg.
She used her platform to have sexual relationships with her minor fangirls for her own gratification. Doesn't really matter whether that gratification was sexual or not to me, its fucked up. I don't hate lainey because she's 'not conventionally attractive' or a woman. I hate her because she absolutely uses her victimhood to lure girls in and how selfish she is.
No. 484035
>>484003I get where you're coming from but I think Lainey has passed the line of victimhood. Greg actively does not want her present anymore and wants her out of the house, has signed away his rights to his kids and was extremely close to running away with Billie. She doesn't have the fear of what he'll do if she leaves - her staying is actively against his wishes.
I'll give that she has some very fucked ideas of what a relationship is, but branching out into fucking over other women is something I'm pretty sure she knows is wrong. Fucking her husband in the same room as her children is something she DEFINITELY knows is wrong. Her upbringing wasn't some fucked up incest fantasy.
I wonder if they have a Fred and Rose West thing going on. Shared hate for each other turning into egging the other on and venting that aggression and hate onto teenage girls. Minus the murder.
No. 484049
>>484020she did it for attention and compliments. she's routinely abused and debased by her husband and father of her children, whom she idolizes. it was not sexual. she could not be more straight. as i said, she was trying to be a cool girl that "was into girls" but really she was only into them insofar as teen girls say their bffs are "so hot, wife me!!". so jokingly and for asspats, basically. obviously it was WAY out of line but i think it has to do with the way she wanted to feel unique by being 'bi' for greg's benefit and fit that role because she's painfully boring otherwise, plus, again, having her fans thirsting after her sexually probably helped her self esteem somewhat.
>>484025who is saying she isn't fucked up? of course she's fucked up. she's stuck in an
abusive environment because she's too weakwilled and unintelligent to escape. she's a complete moron. she doesn't have the talent, intelligence, free-spirit of any of the other girls. she is literally a bland and empty doormat. she is neither smart enough or strongwilled enough to escape her environment. you guys have to understand when you're going through daily trauma, you quite literally detach from reality to get through each day and take on the behaviors of your abusers because you're trying to cope and make sense of the chaos. i think she's honestly dissociating to some degree, constantly, and doesn't understand the consequences of her actions. that's not to say she shouldn't face punishment, but to claim she's anywhere near greg? no fucking way. using her fangirls as emotional tissues and for attention is nowhere near as bad as travelling to different states to fuck them at 16 or actually abusing them. the comparison is absolutely ludicrous. greg is miles worse. there's no comparison. sexual vs not sexual motivation is a huge difference. sexual motivations are a much more tricky animal to rehabilitate.
>>484035>but I think Lainey has passed the line of victimhoodi don't get this. she's still being victimized. she is actively a
victim. how can she "pass the line of victimhood" while she's currently being abused? everything she is doing, i am almost convinced, is one super fucked up cope. i have seen it time and time again - until someone who is heavily indoctrinated into abuse and shaped by that abuse leaves that environment for a while, it's VERY difficult for them to see the dysfunction, and the dysfunction of their coping, clearly.
>Fucking her husband in the same room as her children is something she DEFINITELY knows is wrongi don't think she thinks she has a choice. i really think she thinks she's at greg's mercy. she cowers with her tail between her legs no matter how fucked up the issue is. she's so desperate to keep this loser because she's so fucking dumb that she believes the ride or die mantra. i think she thinks if she sacrifices herself, her happiness, other girls, etc, eventually greg will see that they're 'twin flames'. she's profoundly fucked up, but this is precisely my point. taylor has NO chance of improvement within this household. i truly do not think she knows the gravity of her actions or how harmful they can be because i think she's living in crisis mode 24/7. i really think the distinction needs to be made that her motivations were not sexual and this really does lessen the severity of the crime. i think she's just super fucking stupid and thinks she's untouchable, much like greg. probably as a result of growing up with him. she has spent 24/7, all of her most crucial formative years with a millionaire abuser that has done a number on her self esteem.
No. 484050
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Unpopular opinion,I am the only one who hates Hazbin hotel and viziepop? bland pilot with obnoxious,unlikeable characters who all look alike,dumb plot, overrated trash, don't get me started on her artstyle, it's too P O I N TY.
No. 484052
>>484049There's no question that she's in a fucked up environment and is fucked in the head. However, insanity defenses don't work often for a reason. Is she scared and beaten down? Absolutely. Does it excuse her actions, though?
I agree that Lainey's dumb and might not think she has a way out, but I also think you can be victimized and still be a shitty person. Especially with children involved. There are other domestic abuse cases where mothers will let harm come to their kids and I have the same attitude toward it - it's selfishness and a shitty attitude if you're a parent. Lainey has made the choice that her survival trumps her children's welfare, let alone the welfare of whatever teenage randos she can rope into the situation to keep the heat off of her.
I dunno. I think it comes down to personal views on the matter and I don't think you're incorrect. One thing is a constant though and it's that this whole fucked situation wouldn't exist if Greg wasn't at the head of it, and he's the main villain here.
>>484050You should check the artist thead here in /ot/, anon. They've been ripping on Hazbin some.
No. 484054
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>>484050All her character look anorexic
No. 484060
>>484050She draws like a fifteen-year-old scene furry. All of her characters have a mullet, stripes/spots, or two different eye colors like sparkledogs. It's embarrassing, it's like she thinks it's still 2008.
Also the 3edgy5me overdone premise of everyone being in hell. Jfc it's like Hot Topic the cartoon.
No. 484132
>>481720Alright, I just picked up a new shift at the local pools.
People treat you like absolute shit. Either they won't talk to you, even for the polite hello, or they'll look at you in a condescending way. The ironic thing is, I've worked at this same building as a contractor years ago, so I know the poor treatment I'm getting is purely due to my job.
I'm going to invest in some headphones and just ignore it. But it took me off guard and upset me a little.
No. 484221
>>484049I don't care why she does
abusive things. Only that she does them.
No. 484259
>>484003Being a
victim isn't an excuse to become an abuser. The end.
>s-she has no self-awareness! she didn't know u guise!!!Is that why she hid the fact that her and Sarah cuddled/sexted when she was a minor and had sex with her the moment she turned 18? She knew what she was doing was wrong. She might be an emotionally stunted idiot, but she knows the basic concept of right and wrong.
No. 484303
>>484220that's what im saying. she CAN be both, but for some reason people keep saying "she's MUCH worse than greg. she's not a
victim anymore, she's an abuser". they are not mutually exclusive concepts. they often work in tandem, especially when it comes to stupid women that grew up under the hand of sociopathic men. i don't necessarily think this should definitely grant her penal leniency, i just think the way anons view abuse
victims that don't turn out right after growing up being abused and still living under abuse that impedes their ability to be emotionally healthy and not offend, is all wrong. she can be culpable and be an abuser while being abused. but still, sexual vs non sexual motivations are hugely different. one is far worse than the other.
>>484259>being abused isn't an excuse to become an abuserexplanations and understanding behavior, that, statistically, we see is fairly common as a result of growing up subjected to abuse =/= excusing abuse. yes, some people do not go on to offend, but some do, and that's a reality people need to recognize. she can still be an abuser and a
victim. the fact that her motivation is not sexual is important, though. that isn't to say she shouldn't be punished, just that she's nowhere near as bad as greg. not in any universe, ever.
i don't think she didn't know right vs wrong. i think yes, conceptually she knew it was wrong, obviously. what i mean is that i think she possibly didn't know how meaningful or serious what she did was. like, you can know something is "wrong" but not realize why that is fully until later on. i think she genuinely creates real friendships with children because she's so stunted. that says a lot. not just for the purpose of sexual stuff, but she genuinely seems to relate to teens. i remember joking around about wife-ing my friends when i was 16. most girls do this, joke about how sexy they are, marrying them, etc, i legit think some part of her never realized it's no longer appropriate because you're 21 and they're 15, and i think she wanted to be 'bi' without being bi and this was all part of it. i don't think any of it was genuinely sexually motivated. i really think she has not aged emotionally since leaving new mexico. i think she has regressed markedly. she didn't have sex with sarah. even sarah said both of them were coerced/guilted into them basically having sex with greg at the same time. taylor has negative interest in anyone with a vagina, when will you retards grasp this? it was all performative because she's living 24/7 as a character to please her swamplord husband and/or her audience. though that act has considerably dropped now that she's able to eke by with "i'm a transman. i don't like girls, i'm GAY" for even more woke points than before.
>>484221that's incredibly stupid and ignorant of reality. terrible way to look at crime.
No. 484319
>>484314i get that, but i don't think she really sees herself as a
victim as much as she should. she thinks she's the lucky, chosen one and throughout all these trials and tribulations, there will be some redemption for their relationship, and that the highs are worth the lows. 'twin flame' and 'soulmates' and all that. she genuinely buys this shit. she doesn't see her situation as a cautionary tale. she thinks he basically can do no wrong and she really is his biggest fangirl to this day. i don't think she's acutely aware of the fact that anyone else will necessarily be abused in the situation because i think she thinks they're lucky like she was to be gifted YouTuber attention. i really don't think she is aware of how dysfunctional he even is, at all. i don't buy that she hates him, either. she definitely does not hate him.
No. 484346
>>484303Being a
victim of abuse in the past is a reason, but it's certainly not an excuse, especially once you're an adult. I'm not sure that would
hold up in court for many reasons, one reason being that abusers could very easily lie about being
victims themselves.
Almost everyone can understand basic morals and ethics once they reach adulthood, regardless of past or current abuse.I don't know the situation but it seems that people tend to not see women as capable of being rapists and abusers, which in my opinion is very
toxic and dangerou stance. I can't speak for your country but I know in my own female paeodophiles seem to get let off lightly,some even still described as being
victims of
abusive boyfriends when they're out there diddling little fucking babies.
No. 484359
>>484321Ew. I'm a lesbian and I feel nothing looking at this guy, just like with any other guy. We can recognize when a man is handsome or charming of course, but unless you're bi, it ends there. Nothing remotely sexual or romantic.
>>484341It's bisexuals with a preference for women "identifying" as lesbians.
No. 484448
>>484445My region reddit board has guys that have been like "I sucked off this girls dick but it's not gay cause tits."
Sir. That. That is. Moobs are real.
No. 484469
>>484458>>484440if you can't get it up unless the woman (or troon) is totally hairless, wearing fishnets and lace and acting like a porn star bimbo imo, you're not really attracted to women/the female sex or even troons. you just have a fetish for the trappings of femininity, and it should be considered different from a healthy sexuality.
men who demand women to impossible standards that go against the natural female body aren't heterosexual men, they're just broken fetishists.
No. 484566
>>484555> it means nothing, like what the fuck is natural evenWell, hairlessness for one is not the natural state, and should not be viewed as the default female state - why do women and girls have to pretend that they never went through puberty
There are many ‘feminine’ ideals that are just emulations of prepubescents
- hairlessness (including the vulva)
- neotenous facial proportions
- bleached hair (hair darkens with age)
- naivety
- bleached assholes and labia are starting to become more common, and these also darken throughout puberty to signify sexual maturity (not shit stained like people seem to believe in regards to assholes)
And then in sharp contrast there’s also expectations on women to have extreme secondary sex characteristics
- huge tits, but they must also defy gravity
- tiny pinched in waist, with little room for organs and ribs
- huge ass
- round/large thighs, but somehow without cellulite (even though that’s a female secondary sex characteristic)
- high heels, to elongate legs and also make the muscles taut, also makes feet look smaller which is also seen as feminine
- make up, the most popular products that have withstood the test of time emulate arousal - pink/red lips and cheeks, dewy skin
The list goes on about how men expect women to deviate from the natural female body and call it ‘femininity’. Not everything you disagree with boils down to REEE FATTIES THINK THEYRE CURVY QUEENS AND THAT IM SKIN AND BONES. It takes a minimal amount of self-reflection and critical thought to understand what people mean by natural body.
No. 484665
>>484639Knowing this site's history of opinion on the female figure, this is very backwards and laughable.
I'd say only within the last couple years has sperging about fatties and T&A finally settled down for more reasonable expectations, and only because farmers got sick of the sperging leaking everywhere.
No. 484719
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>>484639….. have you ever even lurked lc before? this is such backwards bullshit. most of this website revolves around nitpicking women's appearances. for an example just visit the "women shilled as attractive" thread. someone said pic related was shaped like a fridge. they also like to take shits on girls like chloe moretz, daisy ridley and other girls with features that are considered traditionally attractive.
please give me ONE example of someone here saying that a girl having anything but an overweight sasquatch with no ass and sagging tits is unrealistic. unless of course you're implying that this girl and girls like chloe moretz are overweight sasquatches with no ass and sagging tits. either way, you sound like an incel.
No. 484791
>>484572>>484614>>484617That is a terrible thing to say. My brother was raped by his wife and you are crazy if you think the physical part is what makes rape terrible. It gave him depression and PTSD, thinking that women rapists and male
victims are not
valid is disgusting.
No. 484799
>>484797Yes obviously rape can include violence, I never suggested otherwise. What I said was that rape is sex without consent and most certainly does not require violence. For the overwhelming majority of
victims, the damage is psychological. Also when there is physical trauma, the rapist is also (rightly) charged with battery as well, it's a combination of crimes.
No. 484800
>>484791>if you think the physical part is what makes rape terribleIt is. A woman can often not fight back, either because she's not strong enough to throw off someone who is overpowering her or afraid of retaliation. A lot of women stop resisting bc they're afraid of being beaten or murdered. Then you have the actual penetration which causing internal damage like tearing. Without lubrication and also while tensed up, sex is unbearably painful. Just ask anyone with vaginismus
Forced PIV isn't painful for men, and they can easily throw off a woman who is trying to overpower them without hurting them (if they are afraid of assault accusations). Maybe the ONLY thing that would make it scarring is if she forced him to cum inside but even then he doesn't get pregnant and have to deal with the consequences in most cases.
I can agree it can be traumatizing for a male child esp if they don't know what's going on, but a grown ass man? Nah.
No. 484801
>>484800yeah ok anon, male
victims of rape and women who were coerced, drugged or taken advantage but not violently held down are not traumatized. How people can hold these opinions baffles me. The main issue rape causes to the
victim is that their sexual freedom is taken from them, not the physical pain. Also I guess my brother is just lying to everyone and his life has gone to shit for shits and giggles. Rethink your opinions, you do not understand rape.
No. 484813
>>484800>>484801>I can agree it can be traumatizing for a male child esp if they don't know what's going on, but a grown ass man? Nah.>The main issue rape causes to the victim is that their sexual freedom is taken from them, not the physical pain.Both of you are wrong. Of course male rape
victims can be or even will likely be traumatized but they at least didn't have to experience the brutal pain and internal damage that female
victims additionally face. Plus if no drugs or weapons are used then men do have higher chances of fighting back then women.
No. 484819
>>484801It is just NOT the same. Even if there isn't excessive violence, like I said a woman might not be able to fight back out of fear of being maimed or killed… A man can fight back any time unless there's a weapon involved which is VERY rare. A man wouldn't give up on fighting back unless on some level he wanted it to happen. Not to mention he has to get hard for the "rape" to happen in the first place, at the very least he may get some physical pleasure out of it or may be neutral for him at worst, meanwhile for women rape is always painful and extremely uncomfortable.
Even in what you said about sexual freedom a man can just push a woman off of him without fear of physical retaliation.
No. 484822
>>484791Likely story.
Why would a woman ever rape a man? Especially a wife?
No. 484827
>>484823Haha it's great to see an Irish student who agrees with me. I don't feel let down necessarily, and I doubt your American classmates did either. I'm glad I had the opportunity to take an easier semester, relax, and travel. I don't think any American student goes abroad hoping to get a super rigorous education.
However, I'm just annoyed at how American education is perceived as uniformly bad. Also I think it's annoying to me that Irish students are handed over opportunities hands over fist. Because Ireland is a tax haven, tons of multinational companies such as KPMG want to hire Irish grads. I feel a little bitter to see all these people who don't seem to care get these great jobs, while I'm locked out of them for various reasons. I guess it's a problem in the US because the business majors have really easy classes and still get great jobs. Still it's frustrating to be in an environment where everyone seems to be uniformly apathetic even about jobs/money and ungrateful to boot.
I read that the reason for the difference is that Irish students are more humble than American ones. But I doubt that's it. I think you can ask questions or state your opinion in class without being an asshole about it. Apparently Irish students don't bother to talk with professors out of class too, so I think that just shows they're not interested.
No. 484838 stumbled upon this article and I feel zero sympathy for the author and the women who make up this phenomenon.
>we went upstairs and had a threesome, also because I didn’t want to be rude.
>‘Have you ever had sex, just to be polite?’ I threw out as a question. Yes, came the answer. Yes, yes, yes. With boyfriends. Best friends. Employers. Family friends. Older guys, younger guys, guys you might have fancied under different circumstances.
>‘I’m pretty sure that the majority of my sexual experiences in my teens and 20’s were done out of politeness’ says Maya, 28. ‘You end up in a situation where you’re worried about offending someone if you don’t go ahead
>Women die at the hands of angry men all the time.[…] And sometimes being careful means having sex that you don’t wantHow much a fucking doormat and coward can you be?
No. 484860
>>484572Is that an unpopular opinion? It seems like common sense. If a man got drugged and a woman had regular PIV with him while he was incapacitated, I imagine he and any man he told would have no problem with it. There would be no shame. If anything his friends would likely be jealous.
>>484791Your step sister sounds pretty based. Although you should probably tell her husband to grow a pair and stop sulking like a child.
No. 484869
>>484860There's a reason your opinion belongs in this thread. Rape is rape, it's awful.
>If a man was raped there would be no shame and his friends would be jealousYou're awful.
No. 484952
>>484943i disagree with this. everyone is comparing the
physical trauma, when a big part rape trauma is the mental trauma of not having control over your own body. it's kind of disgusting me that everyone here is talking about rape in the violent form and as if the physical aspects are the only negative ones. fuck you guys.
No. 484962
>>484860>If a man got drugged and a woman had regular PIV with him while he was incapacitated, I imagine he and any man he told would have no problem with it.I used to be curious about this as well, and my bf told me that in high school he passed out drunk and a girl started trying to unzip his pants and grab for his dick to rape him and his male buddies protected him. He is still greatly disturbed by the situation and grateful that his friends saved him. It really opened my eyes because I was so used to hearing in general about male sexual degeneracy and like guys wanting to fuck their teachers and giving props to the boys who do (in the news). Then again my bf is fucking awesome and not a gross man, otherwise I wouldn't be with him, so take with a grain of salt.
Of course that doesn't even compare to the girl he knew who was asked by 3 of her male friends to come hang out and drink and they drove her to a field and raped her and left her there. So.
No. 485024
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nasolabial folds, like pic related, are really cute/pretty imo. maybe it's the high cheekbone combo? either way i've always found them pleasant looking.
No. 485031
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>>485026leighton meester has nasolabial folds. i think its cuz her cheeks are round. she didnt really have them when she was younger but its gravity. honestly i think she looks cute with them.
No. 485040
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>>485002Lol I'm the opposite, I even love wearing all denim outfits. Of course it might take a while to find perfectly fitting ones, but once you have them they're super convenient and versatile imo.
What do you wear instead of jeans?
No. 485049
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its super pathetic when companies who try to use feminism blame the "Patriarchy" when their product fails
No. 485092
>>485049"feminist cinema"
Lmao give me a fucking break. A bunch of overprivileged rich women in a throwaway cliche action movie is apparently feminist now, hollywood is a joke and I hope it burns to the ground soon
No. 485124
>>485121hard agree. women do way more work in relationships anyways. we do way more emotional labor in relationships by far, we're more likely to be cheated on, left when sick, deal with annoying and pervasive pornsickness and progressively weirder fetishes imposed upon us, left because "aging out", etc. there's fucking nothing equal about the endless negatives to being with men, and then paying to be around them when it's harder for us to get a good paying job, and to service their cocks, on top of it? to uphold a reality that does not exist? absolutely not. just another way to benefit men. it's not tradthottery or prostitution, for me it's literally like i do not have the time, money or energy to be around men and i'm not wasting my anything on you when i don't even want to take the risk to be around you. if they really care for us, they would be happy to try to equalize things by making relationships less risky for us.
No. 485171
>>485167Sorry for the delete + repost. But I literally never said you had to agree with everything being said, that wasn't my point at all. Funny you failed to comprehend what I daid but call other people autistic.
>nothing of what she said is true in my relationshipOkay, good for you then? I'm not starving to death, but that doesnt mean other people in the world aren't.
>If your relationships are not on equal ground then the problem is you and the men you choose to be withYeah. All of my female friends didnt have dads growing up, because their dads abandoned them when they were babies. But the problem is also with their moms, right? Their moms must have telepathically known the dads would leave in the future, but chose to have a kid with them anyway. Shame on them.
>Because I can attract and choose to date quality menAgain….. Good for you..? I've had shitty relationships with men who treated me like shit. I guess it's because I'm just not as good as you and can't attract ~~~quality men~~~
No. 485172
>>485121i agree strongly with this. some people just don't want to accept it, but it's the truth.
using your own money to pretend things are totally equal when you know in your mind and heart they are not is stupid. if a guy wants to date me, i expect him to be able to pay for outings.
if he can't handle lunch or dinner;s expense, he has no business being in a relationship. those are even more time and money intensive in the long run. women pay through the nose in emotional labor, and god help you if a guy has emotional/mental issues, or other unresolved personal problems he has been keeping quite private. we also do physical labor if you live together and he wants you to be in charge of cleaning and cooking for him
and yourself. if things progress to marriage or talk of kids, we even go through maternal labor while he lives life as usual, maybe pulling up a chair or calling an ambulance or getting you food you crave if he feels like. the last one, being a mother, cripples many career prospects and it is also physically, mentally and emotionally taxing. i think the absolute LEAST a man can do is cover as much of the financial side as possible without throwing a tantrum.
honestly, if keeping his money for personal expenses is most important, he has no reason to be in a relationship. it is clearly not a high priority for him. if a man is with someone he
doesn't want to financially support, he is just wasting time and having sex.
the only time i can ever go 50/50 is if i get the sense the guy will think "i paid for this, so you
must have sex with me or be with me forever", and it is too late to cancel. it`s like a "fuck off, leave me alone" tax.
No. 485173
>>485170I am aware of those statistics. What I am saying is not that men are fabulous, it's that yes, plenty of men are shit, but it's up to you to find and attract good ones. Also hard no on a high-quality mate "providing" for you. What is high-quality has degrees of variation for each woman and being "provided" for is not something I am even remotely interested in. I am the one who makes the money in my marriage and my husband is the one who stays with the kids and works on the side a few hours a day and that's how I like it. I could not imagine a higher quality man than him.
>>485171>All of my female friends didnt have dads growing up, because their dads abandoned them when they were babies.Where the hell do you live that this is the norm? I had 1 friend in my whole childhood whose parents were separated, what you are describing seems like a massive social issue. In that case I would say that no, if it's that common it's not their mothers' fault, but again, this seems unreal to me. Is this an American thing?
>Again….. Good for you..? I've had shitty relationships with men who treated me like shit. I guess it's because I'm just not as good as you and can't attract ~~~quality men~~~I mean, yeah? Unless again things are like you describe above and apparently the overwhelming majority of the men in your country or area of the country were fed lead as babies or sth.
>>485172I think it's perfectly fine to demand a man satisfy his traditional gender roles as long as you are ok with satisfying your own traditional gender roles in turn, which you seem to be. I am not interested in this kind of relationship, but I do not consider you to be a hypocrite, that would only be the case if you wanted him to do so without you doing so in turn as well.
No. 485178
>>485170This. I wasn't saying "your relationship is terrible, you have to agree with everything posted here or leave".
First of all, when I said the stuff she said was true, I was speaking in generalizations. I never said good relationships don't exist or anything like that.
Secondly, it's fine to disagree. But there are already so few spaces that cater to radfems etc, and tons of spaces that cater to traditional values/libfem values. I just don't get the point of coming here and getting so bothered by it when you could just go to reddit or a bunch of other forums. Like I said, it would be like me digging out a niche website then posting about how much I disagree with everything posted there.
No. 485181
>>485173for me it's not even about being traditional. i just recognize that most of the time, men make more money than women, so it is senseless for us to pretend finances are equal.
some people pay for their relationships emotionally, others financially. from what i see, 99% of the time, it's women doing the former and latter at the exact same time even when the odds are not in our favor. it isn't fair in my view, so i can't do it.
if a guy wants me in his life and values my love, he won't be cagey about taking on any financial costs that being together would entail. even if it's not easy, he'll work hard to support things, to tangibly demonstrate that he believes in the relationship.
No. 485182
>>485173I don't care about how perfect your hubby wubby uwu is or what a good mommy you are for paying him to jerk off to porn and eat tendies.
>traditional gender roles Hard no. Relationships are by definition more of a risk and overall loss for women. This isn't about being a tradthot, this is about mitigating cost (by only dating men if it's heavily skewed in your favor).
No. 485183
>>485173>plenty of men are shit, but it's up to you to find and attract good onesI have to ask why it's up to me as a woman to "attract a good man" and not up to the men to be better men?
>Where the hell do you live that this is the norm? I had 1 friend in my whole childhood whose parents were separated, what you are describing seems like a massive social issue. In that case I would say that no, if it's that common it's not their mothers' fault, but again, this seems unreal to me. Is this an American thing?Yeah, it's totally "where I grew up" that's the root of this problem. And since my adulthood I've met/heard of
even more women for whom that was the case. For example Stephanie Lange, a makeup artist I used to watch. And she's not American. Men leaving their kids is not an American thing. And I've also heard of it happening a lot historically.
>I mean, yeah? Unless again things are like you describe above and apparently the overwhelming majority of the men in your country or area of the country were fed lead as babies or sth.Again, thinking it's completely idiosyncratic to where I live and nowhere else. Just because you didn't experience something in your life doesn't mean lots of other people elsewhere haven't experienced it. Revolutionary concept, I know.
>>485180I know lc isn't a radfem space, but it is a radfem friendly space, sort of. meaning a lot of websites wouldn't even allow a pinkpill/gc thread at all.
but it has always been weird to me how there are a lot of radfems here yet most of the site is dedicated to bashing and nitpicking women's looks.
No. 485184
>>485180if you think it's really like that then what are you doing here if not those exact things? there are some crazies out there but there's hardly any "psychotic hating" going on, that kind of sperging gets you banned pretty easily. sometimes even exposed, see: kiki. the cows on this site are here for a reason (liars, scammers, trashy,
toxic, outright criminal people) and anons quickly call out any personal vendetta. this is the most civil imageboard i've ever been on.
No. 485185
>>485181>if a guy wants me in his life and values my love, he won't be cagey about taking on any financial costs that being together would entail.The connection that you make between a man spending money and valuing your love is creepy for me anon. I don't spend money on my husband to prove that I value his love, I do it because I make more. In previous relationships, when the guy had more money, he spent more, but I still spent my share of what I could. When you are building a relationship on unequal ground, it can not be an equal relationship in my experience. A relationship is two people working together, not one person proving they are good enough to the other.
>>485182>I don't care about how perfect your hubby wubby uwu is or what a good mommy you are for paying him to jerk off to porn and eat tendies. Nice projection anon, but my husband takes care of 3 children, the household duties and also takes a few cases now and then (he is a lawyer). I am not his mommy, I am his wife and our relationship is a partnership where we both contribute in different ways.
>Relationships are by definition more of a risk and overall loss for women. This isn't about being a tradthot, this is about mitigating cost (by only dating men if it's heavily skewed in your favor).If you approach relationships with this mindset, just like the anon I answered to above, you will attract men who think like that. You can not build a healthy equal relationship when you are not looking for one and acting like you are a prize who needs to be won instead of a person looking for their other half.
>>485183>I have to ask why it's up to me as a woman to "attract a good man" and not up to the men to be better men? Because we are all responsible for the road our lives take? Men are what they are, I would love if more of them were better, but this is what we have to work with. Competing for the good ones is what you must do to get the good ones, no one else is going to hand them to you anon.
>Yeah, it's totally "where I grew up" that's the root of this problem. And since my adulthood I've met/heard of even more women for whom that was the case. For example Stephanie Lange, a makeup artist I used to watch. And she's not American. Men leaving their kids is not an American thing. And I've also heard of it happening a lot historically.Full disclosure, I live in a small town, so it might be different here, but yes, fathers abandoning their children is rare here. I fully admit that if it's a widespread issue then the responsibility is not on the women, but if it's an outlier, like most of the other negatives men can have, then it is up to them to make a correct call when they pick those men. It comes back to your previous question, no one can take responsibility for our own choices in relationships other than ourselves.
No. 485186
>>485184>there's hardly any "psychotic hating" going onlol
>this is the most civil imageboard i've ever been on.double lol, wtf am I reading.
No. 485191
>>485185>Men are what they are, I would love if more of them were better, but this is what we have to work withBoys will be boys, right? There's no point in trying to get them to improve, lets put all of the pressure on women instead.
>Because we are all responsible for the road our lives takeIn that case, men should be responsible for not being pieces of shit. You didn't really answer the question.
>You can not build a healthy equal relationship when you are not looking for oneNo shit? Here I was looking for a guy who would rape and beat me to death and can't figure out why I can't get a good man. It all makes sense now. Thanks, anon.
Fr though, it's not like men ever act deceptively to get women or anything. My ex acted like a great guy at first then later turned out to be a porn addict. Since I don't have telepathic powers, I didn't know he was faking his entire personality until later on. But that was my fault and not his, of course.
No. 485194
>>485182so true.
we already know society has all but killed men emotionally. when you choose to enter a relationship with one, it's a process of not just being there for him to help his heart, but also helping him open up and compromising with him to be more emotionally in tune. that way, he can not only be healthier on a personal level, he also will be less likely to harm you unintentionally or even intentionally, and he will even be there for you. that is where the "true equality" comes in, when what you do for each other's feelings and minds is balanced.
women take on a huge responsibility on top of many other things, like the physical labor and maternal labor, so there is no good reason men shouldn't cover the money part of things, considering they make more on average than we do.
>>485185i feel like you're misunderstanding my words. if you suddenly stopped supporting your husband financially, just because you no longer felt like it, don't you think it would put an unnecessary strain on the relationship?
an unequal ground would be sacrificing emotionally and financially while a man only does a bit of either.
since the world we live in already socializes women and girls to offer far, far more than men emotionally, it is extremely unequal for us to act like the emotional side is not worth enough and start pouring in our already lower amount of money as well.
if you're living in a society where you and your husband or bf have the exact same job, make the exact same amount of money, are on the exact same emotional and mental level, maybe then 50/50 will make sense. bonus points if you never plan to go through childbirth so there will be nothing to disrupt the perfect balance of give/take. but that's not the case in most of the world.
No. 485196
>>485185what happened to the post that started all of this? which anon did you originally respond to?
>You can not build a healthy equal relationship when you are not looking for one and acting like you are a prize who needs to be won instead of a person looking for their other half.there is no equal other half. as nice as some men can be, the way women are depicted in society is inescapably burned into their minds, on some level. i think they can be cognizant of how that's fucked up and try their best to not think this way, but i think on some level, men will always struggle to fully relate to and empathize with us because of the fact that your existence is, in every facet of society, painted out to be one that's, at best, slightly less than human, and that's reinforced everywhere men go. it's why "nice" men still have such a difficult time empathizing with women. i'm under no illusion that many men are capable of tuning out the dehumanization campaign that goes on 24/7 from all sources, from their families, to media, porn, politics, history, science, etc. it's nearly impossible for any mind to not be changed by literal propaganda from every single angle imaginable (propaganda that tells them from birth that they are more deserving, more capable, more everything, mind you), let alone propaganda that seeks to fuse sexuality with class based oppression that squarely benefits them in every respect. why do you think men are so capable of bucking this when this is what's fed to them everywhere? men who attempt to abstain from porn get frustrated with the fact that porn and objectified women are inescapable. you don't think this has an effect on the way they view us, subconsciously, at the least? being inescapably objectified to the point of abuse in plenty of cases? lol.
anyways, men are literally mortal threats to us and 3 women a day in the US die at the hands of the men they are or were intimate with. men they trusted and believed to be good. you're a liar, as you claim to be aware of how terrible men are, but seek to blame women, when we know for a FACT that
abusive men specifically hide their true nature in order to trap women, knowing that women are vulnerable, they specifically target women who come from
abusive families or poverty, etc. women need to be picky because they're a literal threat to our wellbeing, and at the least, our happiness. if they're not willing to put a good faith gesture forward, like trying to equalize these relationships by "winning" us over in an attempt to show that they see the hurdles we face and that we're taking a MUCH LARGER leap of faith by getting involved with them, and how dangerous it can be for us, then they're pathetic.
No. 485197
>>485183>I have to ask why it's up to me as a woman to "attract a good man" and not up to the men to be better men?There are three sorts of men, right. Fist there are men that are brilliant already. Second there are those that just need lil' support. Thirdly there are those that have no interest in anything besides video game and porn.
The third kind of man won't ever improve for you because they're already completely satisfied with porn.
Then the second kind of man won't ever improve for you since you clearly have no interest in meeting them half way. Instead they'll find a girlfriend that accepts them for their foibles, and work together with her until both of them are brilliant.
Finally the first type, well sis' they have options. More than you can imagine. They've worked to be the best so that they could have the best. They're not gonna settle for just any random woman with a massive entitlement complex.
No. 485200
>>485185….. again that didn't actually answer the question, but k.
this is the second time that entitlement has been brought up for apparently no reason. originally this was about statistics about how men are
abusive, leave their wives when they become sick, leave their families when their kids are babies etc. that's what I meant when I said men being pieces of shit. anon said that it was women's responsibility to find a man who isn't those things, not up to men to not be like that.
so basically for a woman to want a man who isn't
abusive, isn't going to abandon you and your baby, abandon you when you get sick and isn't a porn addict etc means she has an entitlement complex, apparently.
>>485198true. when you give them the "lil support" they need, they'll get to their potential, decide they deserve better leave you for someone younger, like pretty much every man of power through out history has done to his wife/wives.
No. 485201
>>485196beautifully said.
we all know what's going on. men have too much of an advantage over us on all levels but empathy, self-awareness, self-criticism and care. we can't play the dumb games this anon wants us to play.
if we have to perform the following tasks
1) somehow pick out which men are salvageable and which are not
2) be physically attractive enough to not repel them or "embarrass" them in public
3) hold their hand and support them through whatever pathology they hold like a personal coach and therapist. better hope to god you have not been tricked by a complete psychopath
4) be sexually available (if not, it's your fault if they cheat) and at least open-minded to any degenerate porn-induced fantasies they have
5) don't be a nag on them, but also be sure to show concern so they know you do care
6) don't be too jealous or controlling, but also act possessive so that they feel wanted
7) (optional, but stil common) get pregnant, go through the pain of childbirth and raise children who will carry 50% of their DNA
then they can pay the goddamn fucking bills lol. that list isn't even all of what women do, and it doesn't go into detail on the time and money we end up pouring into all of those steps on our own.
No. 485203
>>485201I wonder if male shittiness is evenly distributed or not. There are better quality men (there are no angels obviously) but I wonder if some anons just live in shitholes where there are very fewvguys worth bothering with. I'm pretty negative and still somehow not negative enough to jibe with your post.
idk I just feel uncomfortable having my way entirely paid out by a guy. Money is just too important to not not have your own.
No. 485205
>>485202I don't tell men to their faces that they're fuccobis kek, the same way uwu perfect goodbois hide their porn addictions.
>>485203of course you should have your own money, it gives you more bargaining power and independence in general. all I'm saying is that if you absolutely must date a scrot, you should mitigate the loss inherent in the relationship.
No. 485207
>>485204yeah, when all of those women who get abused and murdered by their husbands caused it themselves by being shitty people. shame on them.
>>485202nta but I've heard way more men perpetuate the idea that all men are fuckbois than women, js
No. 485210
>>485203but anon, you actually are supposed to have your own money. i'm saying it's dumb to spend it on men when they already earn more, and also when women put more into things than them b/c of socialization. when push comes to shove, they are physically, socially and financially stronger than us. some will be decent, though other men will probably call them pussy-whipped or beta. that's just how it is. others won't be decent. even worse, some of those others will be
abusive freaks or murderers.
in fact, by spending money on a boyfriend, you are just losing more of your own.
>>485204i'm not a shitty person, though. i go the extra mile to support my partner, look past his flaws and hear him out because i see the potential in him that many other men do not have.
i just also know what goes on in most relationships, and want no part of it unless it's actually fair.
so far, it's worked pretty well. not to be all "my bf is the bestest", but he actually appreciates and respects me, and he is happy to pay. that's more than i can say for many of these 50/50 logic women.
keep blaming women for men being bad, though. i'm sure they will treat you better for your service.
No. 485213
>>485209>Give us the strength and we'd be just as bad as testosterone and weight-lifting have been available for a while now, and we're still not as barbaric as them.
even transmen aren't as violent as cis men for pete's sake. if we're just as bad as each other, why is it like that?
i do agree with rape being bad for both sexes for obvious reasons, i just think that point you tried to make was dumb
No. 485246
>>482293the guy manspread super far, then reached down like he was gonna scratch his leg but rubbed mine instead.
another guy man spread super far, rested his hand on his thigh, then put it on my knee
No. 485247
>>485246oh and another guy man spread super far and rubbed his leg against mine.
I don't sit next to men on the bus anymore.
No. 486022
>>486012>They want super conventionally attractive women to ask them out, you actually debase yourself when you’re a regular chick and ask them out. They immediately see you as desperate.This too. I found this out in a really unfortunate way.
Friends encouraged me to talk to this guy who was in my league. He was insecure about his weight, as was I, but he had prospects so I overlooked his flaw as I assumed he did the same for me. I made some advances after he showed interest in me, sent me nudes, and had sex with me. Turned out he was going to my friends behind my back saying how I made him uncomfortable and painted a picture of me as some desperate chick. He stopped putting in effort to talk to me and I didn't know why, so I went to my friends out of frustration and they told me.
They believed his story up until I showed them screencaps and receipts that we'd been together.
While it was okay for him to be overweight, I wasn't pretty enough in his eyes and wouldn't have given him that social status boost that a more attractive woman would have. So he wrote me off even though I was nice and treated him well.
Even if you're ugly or fat, don't give it to men. Make them work for you. They won't appreciate you unless you're their 10/10. Even if you're their dream girl, once they've had you a lot of them start to believe that's their baseline of who they can get. They even start to think they can do better. Lol.
No. 486033
>>485049Charlies angels has never been and never will be a feminist movie. A buncha barely dressed women using their 'feminine wiles' to seduce men and get shit done. okay? Did anyone think this would do well? men only liked the 70s series because of the hot women.
This is ghostbusters reboot 2.0
No. 486042
>>486001>>486012True. I've pursued 5 men in my adult life (strangers even, it was cold approach) and none of them reciprocated well at all. It was either rejection after a date or "uh haha what about fwb?"
But recently a guy pursued me and it seems to actually be working out for once. What's hilarious is his face is more conventionally attractive than any of the guys I chased in the past lol.
Men really do like the chase, I guess? It just sucks because so do I, tbh.
>>486022I'm so sorry this happened to you, anon. What a piece of shit.
No. 486077
>>486067Yeah, I too have a fondness for Holly since she makes me nostalgic for those 2000's-2010's fujo days.
She's a fucking mess though lmao.
No. 486243
I legit don't get (strong) Y2K nostalgia at all and thought the pop culture and youth culture of that time was extremely trashy and promoting very negative things. I didn't even see it as good for the politics and social side because it felt like everything was regressing and getting "stupidifed".
I seriously only find Y2K good in comparison to 2010s, because the internet was more free and you could do more shit, and communities were better and people RPd without being perverts and less cumbrains in general, oh and Youtube was good, and there were no copyright laws, video games were genuinely better and more experimental then too, cartoons as well, the music could be worse than the 2010s or much better but wasn't on average much better especially for pop, the fashion stunk and the pop culture stunk even more to high heavens, but thats about it really – Entertainment/Internet side was good. I used to see a huge anti feminist wave back then though, and defending of ephebophilia and hebephilia and negative social traits more commonly in the 2000s. Yet at the same time I did find some ppl more intellectual and good thinkers in the 2000s. It's really just a mixed bag.
I know Y2K nostalgia is gonna get heavy during the 2020s but I don't feel its as powerful as 70s/80s/90s nostlagia, lol. the 70s-90s is still being thoroughly sampled and referenced even to this day and I think it's gonna outlive 2000s nostalgia.
No. 486460
>>486243>I legit don't get (strong) Y2K nostalgia at allThat's the thing about nostalgia, it never really makes sense. We remember things differently than they actually were. I have more fondness for like the 2007-2013 period of my life (but partly because my best friend got cancer and passed away in 2015).
And when I was actually in that time bracket I wasn't like "wow, this is the best time to be alive! I hope nothing ever changes!" because I wasn't, and actually I probably was pretty miserable. It's just when things are gone we look back and realize we can never get them back and develop a fondness for them.
No. 486523
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>>486243>>486460Not only will 2000s nostalgia come into full force in the 2020s and has already begun to (much like how this decade was rife with 90s nostalgia, the 00s with 80s nostalgia, the 90s with 70s nostalgia, and so on) but given the 20-year rule of recycling, children born in the 2020s who grow up into the 2030s are likely going to be nostalgic for "2010s things", things that most of us are probably doing/are aware of right now. It's a weird thought, but there's no doubt it'll be normal soon.
There will be children and teenagers in a few decades seeing social-media-based celebrities and icons (Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner, Drake, Billie Eilish, Instagram/Twitter famous people) the way people born in the past few decades see people like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, etcetera. It may seem obvious to some that the older stars are "better" but the truth is that during their time, they were the equivalent to what the stars of our time are to us.
Pic relevant, because I found it a while ago and it made me realize I have nostalgia for the early 2010s, a period that most people who lived through (including me) would consider objectively trashy.
No. 486527
>>486523> It may seem obvious to some that the older stars are "better" but the truth is that during their time, they were the equivalent to what the stars of our time are to us.Not to be a massive faggot but this is objectively wrong, the older music stars had higher pure sales globally and both domestically (U.S and outside of the U.S) as well as greater pop culture impact and influence on fellow music peers than the stars do today.
Drake is the biggest artist of this decade due to his streaming numbers in his main markets with his pure sales being abysmal outside of it (which is quite unlike stars of even the 2000s') and not even achieving half of the success and global impact as the Y2K and before stars.
Also many IG/twitter famous people are just that and have a hard time moving sell units or getting actual people interested in their shit other than being gossiped about online. Even Kylie's makeup company got sold off because it wasnt as successful as Forbes and the internet projected it to be. For actresses and actors, there are less of them than it used to be and less who make a cultural impact or strong fan following. the best they can do is latch on to a movie (capeshit or Disney) and become a "pop icon" in that vein (which is not the same as becoming The Will Smith or The Tom Cruise, but whatever) and not their names and presences themselves drawing big box office views, only 80s/90s/early 2000s actors and actresses still do this. Our stars have less star power over all AND a lot of people still look at many 2000s stars with negativity when I clearly remember the 2000s and 80s nostalgia lasted the strongest of them all and early-mid 90s nostalgia was more popular than late 90s nostalgia.
No. 486532
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>>486531I distinctively remember people saying the 2000s was the worst decade too. Looking back, I say I have to say I wholeheartedly agreed with that feeling. Reality tv shows replaced music on mtv, artists went from being serious to their craft and making masterpieces to bubblegum crap and churned out garbage hits, rap took over rnb and other formats of music, rock died, there were too many people who were famous for being famous, more shit "comedy" movies and television got pumped out filled with shock humor and innuendo.
On the childrens side, CN and Nickelodeon all went through a dark age, fps and shitty boring video games replaced fun platformers and traditional games, a lot of long running video game franchises had a period of non-creativity and rehashing shit, the tension of politics made it grow bigger in our lives, the internet was going to shit as youtube was becoming fucked out and the old internet 2.0 of interesting forum discussions and dedicated userbase died out.
What i also saw in the early 2010s: more normies coming online and shitting the internet up from the interesting and novel space it used to be, a lot of circles online becoming full of trolls, derailers, and assholes, flash animation and sprite comics becoming obsolete, the shitty MRA and redpill wars and a bad ideology on the internet spreading, ect
I dislike this current time too but one thing I like about late 2010s is that people were more self aware that they were in stupid fuckery and how bad it progressed. In the 2000s/early 2010s everybody seemed to just be ok with it and going along and accepting how things got more to shit
This is all just how i feel anyways and sage for sperg
No. 486533
>>486531, didn't want to cram my replies into one large message. Of course the work of older artists has more sales and greater pop culture impact; their work has been around longer. It's sheer due to that. The longer you're around, the more reveled you become, regardless of objective impact. With that logic, if it was currently the 1960s, you could argue that The Beatles would never has as many sales and as much pop culture influence as Elvis, who was popular before them, even though after time The Beatles proceeded past him. Drake (and I'm sure a majority of all artists who gained their career during the 2000s and onward) are obviously going to have more digital-based and streaming-based sales than pure sales, because the modern music climate is largely digital. Could you name any musician who releases both physically and digitally, and has more pure sales than digital sales + streaming sales combined?
I'll agree that current stars (appear to) have less overall star power or influence in the way that stars from past generations did, but again, pop culture changes and the form it presents itself in won't always stay the same. In the late 80s and the 90s, extreme sports were very popular, hence why people like Tony Hawk whose career sprung up around that time are considered celebrities while a skateboarder today of equal skill as him wouldn't be as famous if they didn't have Twitter or Instagram. Kurt Cobain, too, was an icon of his time for being non-conformist and rebellious, but if he were alive now, it wouldn't matter how non-conformist and rebellious he is if he doesn't have an active social media base where people can follow him and keep up with him - that's what pop culture is now, in the (nearing) 2020s.
No. 486536
>>486533I was comparing the decade-end sales with the other decade-end sales not for all-time. Digital based sales and streaming is different, and Drake is an artist who heavily relies on the latter, while many 2000s and 2010s artists have good streaming (or not), great digital and pure sales. Drakes' digital sales and streaming numbers outside his main markets are still weaker compared to the 2000s and before main artists with how they used to perform outside like, 3 countries. For example, Eminem was controversial and you could love him or hate him but he really made an impact on pop culture and sold like crazy while someone like Drake despite being a top artist of this decade doesn't really have this level of presence even though Americans and Canadians really love him. Even with Britney Spears short run I would say she had more of a stronger impact and made more waves than like, most of the artists of this decade and I'm completely impartial to her. I would say for one of the last early 2010s stars to have good streaming/digital sales and decent to ok physical with strong cultural impact is Rihanna and her numbers show with my "feeling". Adele does really well with streaming and pure and digital sales and I imagine the other reason, other than piracy, that people don't invest and buy in music anyone is because they legitimately think it's shit.
I think we're in a shitty transitional period right now and things feel illusionary if that makes sense. Like nothing is really going to hold. It's nothing new as decades before in the past have felt like this but yeah. Social media and pop culture needs to change and develop more to wherever it's going and get a more solid and convictable footing which is what the 2020s and 2030s is gonna do.
No. 486538
>>486534Oh yeah for sure and there were still some actual artists around making classic albums and quality music at the time.
I'm getting so fucking tired of rap, tho. It's not even rap anymore it's some deformed monster called "trap-hop". The sampling and looping rap formed itself on just became a lazy way for the industry to save money. Regression.
No. 486543
>>486538>>486534Just look at what happened to Metal as an example, name one metal album that was considered successful in the past 15 years. Metallica doesn't count, they're a shit pop band that gets overhyped. People who don't know what metal is think they're the epitome because MTV told them they were.
Shit, I mean Judas Priest got outsold by fucking Enya with one of their recent releases. Metal is dead.
No. 486544
>>486532>artists went from being serious to their craft and making masterpieces to bubblegum crap and churned out garbage hitsI've also heard this a lot referring to the 2010s.
>rap took over rnb and other formats of music, rock diedRap as a genre definitely overpowered and took over the spotlight this decade, compared to how r&b boomed during the 90s and early 2000s. Rock also isn't on the radio this decade nearly as much as it was in the 2000s, with the likes of The White Stripes, The Killers, Green Day, Linkin Park, and Nickelback playing frequently then.
>there were too many people who were famous for being famousThe Kardashians, Instagram models, YouTube makeup gurus, Soundcloud rappers, Vine and TikTok stars, you name it.
>more shit "comedy" movies and television got pumped out filled with shock humor and innuendoReminiscent of the 2010s resurgence of nihilistic "dark humor", perceived to be mature even when childish, in shows like Bob's Burgers, Bojack Horseman, Rick and Morty, Big Mouth, etc.
>CN and Nickelodeon all went through a dark ageThe cartoons of the 2010s are typically looked down upon for being cheaply digitally animated and having cookie-cutter, almost "recycled" easy-to-replicate art styles (although past decades were just as bad for this, the 80s being the worst culprit.)
>the tension of politics made it grow bigger in our livesThe entire western side of this planet during the 2010s (basically since the 2008 economic recession) and spread to the eastern side of the planet progressively throughout this decade.
>the internet was going to shit as youtube was becoming fucked out and the old internet 2.0 of interesting forum discussions and dedicated userbase died outCompare the niche-ness (if that's a word) of places like MySpace, LiveJournal, DeviantArt, Blogspot, to the wide-open publicness of places like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, which caters to any and all who want to use it.
Almost every example listed that you've applied to the 2000s as a decade could be applied to the 2010s, even to this specific point in time. I'm certain that a people who were older than I was in the 1990s could have said the same things then.
No. 486559
>>486544God, thank you anon. The "2000's weren't that good reee" people must be zoomers who only got a very superficial view on it because it was heaps more peaceful than the shitty 2010's which is basically a revamped version of 2000 but everything is taken up to 100 and beyond with aggressive politics added in.
The 90's was the greatest decade though, it was the final moments of the pre-digital era. As much as I love the internet and the possibilities new technology has opened for us, I still realize that it has also made us develop in a direction that's heading towards the theorized behavioral sink.
No. 486567
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>>486566Pretty much what I assumed.
I like music (like the majority of the people on the planet) but I really hate how pretentious and holier than thou people can get about it.
No. 486606
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Unpopular opinion:
There's no kids media anymore.
Nobody knows how to do it, nobody has a fucking clue about how childhood should be.
Kids are getting more and more adultized by social media and TV series each day it goes. Adult youtubers think they can make content for kids when they haven't been in contact with one for years. They don't know their needs or what they should learn (empathy, teamwork, learning about the differences between each individual, about equality, etc.). They just throw tasteless jokes at them in hopes they're nasty enough to make them laugh.
Kids media should be wholesome, friendly and, at the same time, help children learn about values or interesting topics.
No. 486615
(deleted this to fix small typo)
I think it's fine to like or even be inspired by good content made by shitty people (for example, Roman Polanski), as long as you steal wherever/whenever you can and try to get away with not giving them credit for as long as possible. In a sense, it's almost the perfect insult. You're literally telling them "You could've been worth praising, had it not been for everything else".
In my eyes, we shouldn't extend the same grace and respect we'd give to decent creators to reprehensible ones, because that just cheapens it.
As long as piracy, plagiarism and loose "inspiration" exist, the "Separate the art from the artist" argument is redundant, apologist BS.
>>486612>What would you do to stop that from happening?I'd just deny their impact (crediting and praising similar artists, and/or earlier artists who obviously were an inspiration to
that artist is always a good defense IMO), point out they were not the first to come up with any concept, just the first to get popular to the mainstream with it (unfortunately, since they're such an awful human), and imply that people who link you to them only have a surface-level understanding of whatever theme or genre you're using.
At a certain point, they'll have to begrudgingly agree, especially if you become adept at remixing things into "your own" without sacrificing whatever made the original work good.
No. 486627
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>>486606Unpopular opinion: "Kids media" historically has been created on the premise that children and teenagers are some kind of less intelligent, less aware "dumber" forms of adults, and modern media aimed at children is treating them more like they're humans who understand complex social topics and less like they're little drooling consumers. I think as media overall has slowly become more of a reflection of how reality is than of wondrous fiction for the mind, adults who buy into this idea of "pure innocent little children who can't understand anything!" have been scared that children are becoming exposed to realistic situations. I mean, there was a point in time where people wouldn't let their kids watch The Simpsons because it was ~too edgy~ for children. The criticism of today's children's cartoons is much the same.
No. 486633
>modern media aimed at children is treating them more like they're humans who understand complex social topics and less like they're little drooling consumers.Yes, kids are little drooling consumers. They laugh at stupid jokes, they imagine they're fairies and superheroes when they play and dream about becoming famous singers without really understanding what the entertainment market really is, THEY ARE KIDS.
They can learn about social issues, but they have to be explained to them in a good way. You can't expect them to understand what is good and bad if nobody has explicitly talked with them about it.
Adult media like the simpsons is for ADULTS because they deal with topics with a lot of GRAY AREAS. Kids won't get irony or ambiguity until they are a little more mature and they understand what is GOOD, BAD AND QUESTIONABLE.
Kids have the right to live an "innocent and pure" childhood.
No. 486635
>>486633I mean, everything you've said kind of supports the point I was making. Children can be and have the right to be pure and innocent, but pure and innocent doesn't equate to an inherent inability to understand common things in the world, and children shouldn't be treated as if they're unintelligent for what they find interesting or funny. That's the problem, people equate "pure and innocent" to "objectively stupid." How do you think it feels to a child that everyone older than them thinks they have a justified reason to treat them like they're dumber?
I think sometimes people forget that they had emotions and thoughts reflective of their experiences and the world around them as a child. They want to treat kids like they can't understand things just because that's how adults treated them when they were a kid, even if they understood at that time that how they were being treated was wrong.
No. 486639
>>486635I agree with you on that, but you haven't really answered me: what about the GRAY AREAS some adult topics have?
What I was trying to say with my first post is that kids are presented with these kind of gray topics without being introduced to the basic GOOD and BAD (having prejudices against people or stereotyping them is BAD but being wary of others is GRAY). That teaches them fucked up ways of thinking and antisocial behaviours. Black humour (the simpson) parodies BAD behaviour without criticizing it explicitly because as an adult, you're supossed to know that is BAD already.
No. 486640
>>486637Arthur has gotten objectively worse. It went through a period of being complete shit but has improved a bit since then. It’s probably still better than other shows like PPG, though.
The point is that a lot of older cartoons didn’t treat kids like retards and were even clever without relying on gross stuff or cringe memes that are already outdated by the time the episode airs.
No. 486650
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>>486640>a lot of older cartoons didn't treat kids like retards and were even clever without relying on gross stuff or cringe memes that are already outdated by the time the episode airsI mean this entirely sincerely: Have you ever watched a 1980s or early 1990s cartoon? While it's always been a trend, cartoons of that time were particularly notorious for being heavily reliant on "cool" and "hip" pop culture references, or references to the fashion/music/trends of their time, because the creators of the show needed to get the kids to think their shows were edgy and hip in order to convince them to buy their merchandise. Prior to that, most cartoons and cartoon characters existed as no more than a way for a corporation/brand/product's mascot to become known by children. Even as the forms of pop culture have changed, a huge proportion of media aimed at children existed solely on the (need I say false) idea that kids are stupid and can't understand things, so they can just be fed consumerist garbage. It's this exact phenomenon you're criticizing in the modern cartoons that you see, and you should be criticizing it - only you're not realizing that older cartoons weren't any better than modern cartoons with this, and were likely much worse with this.
No. 486655
>>486650No, I don’t disagree. There’s always been shit cartoons that are meant to sell stuff. But there’s also been cartoons that were just actually decent. I think there’s lot more of them from the 90s than there are today. How many shows like I described can you think of that are recent? I don’t watch it because I think it’s stupid and annoying, but maybe something like Gravity Falls? Idk
Meanwhile I can think of several from the 90s
No. 486660
>>486544>I've also heard this a lot referring to the 2010s.It was true for both the 2000s and 2010s. The music industry since the mid 90's has been one big track to "blah".
>Rap as a genre definitely overpowered and took over the spotlight this decade, compared to how r&b boomed during the 90s and early 2000s. Rock also isn't on the radio this decade nearly as much as it was in the 2000s, with the likes of The White Stripes, The Killers, Green Day, Linkin Park, and Nickelback playing frequently then.RnB in the 2000s also had a lot of shitty unnecessary rap verses added to it and was taken over by its hip hop cousin by then. If you want to see RnB at its pure form and at its peak lets look to the 60s-70s.
>The Kardashians, Instagram models, YouTube makeup gurus, Soundcloud rappers, Vine and TikTok stars, you name it.And how did these boring fucks get able to get famous? It was the atmosphere of the 2000s that allowed it through. Any pattern you see emerging from the previous decade, the next decade takes it over.
>Reminiscent of the 2010s resurgence of nihilistic "dark humor", perceived to be mature even when childish, in shows like Bob's Burgers, Bojack Horseman, Rick and Morty, Big Mouth, etc.Yes and it also sucks.
>The cartoons of the 2010s are typically looked down upon for being cheaply digitally animated and having cookie-cutter, almost "recycled" easy-to-replicate art styles (although past decades were just as bad for this, the 80s being the worst culprit.)The 2010s cartoons are good either.
>The entire western side of this planet during the 2010s (basically since the 2008 economic recession) and spread to the eastern side of the planet progressively throughout this decade.Yes and this trend started in the 2000s.
>Compare the niche-ness (if that's a word) of places like MySpace, LiveJournal, DeviantArt, Blogspot, to the wide-open publicness of places like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, which caters to any and all who want to use it.In the late 2000s all those sites were going to the shitter and dying or being replaced with shitty cumbrain fetishists since that's the only kind of asshole that populates fandoms these days for some reason.
>Almost every example listed that you've applied to the 2000s as a decade could be applied to the 2010s, even to this specific point in time. I'm certain that a people who were older than I was in the 1990s could have said the same things then.they have similar flaws because they're a connected decade.
>>486559>this whole postHaha, no. You're way off the mark. I fucking hated the 2010s and barely liked the 2000s. 2000s was only "peaceful" insofar you were on the internet and had hobbies with art, video games, and insular communities on the net. 2000s was a fucking war for women and criticized the shit out of women's beauty and pushed them to nearly eating disorder and frying their hair and plastic surgery to attain that shitty beauty standard then. I was very aware of the 2000s so I don't see how people are getting "peaceful" and "wholesome" from that cunty, mean spirited decade.
The 90's was only the greatest decade if you cut out the shitty late part.
>>486566>>486565>>486568I don't know who you're talking about considering I didn't insult anyone with ad hominem attack in my posts about this discussions. Farmers please stop thinking every anon is the same anon. Admins, introduce IDs or IP count at the bottom of the thread because this is getting ridiculous.
No. 486664
>>486560>Also the internet is the greatest invention ever made, period.Lol
Only for knowledge and what you could learn on it (which is now getting drowned out or outright censored while the pornz is growing)
The internet allows me to talk to people as confidants and people I wanna spend time with no matter who they actually are in their lives, and this is a negative thing more than not.
No. 486681
>>486672Anon, if I say the music industry has been bad since the 90s thats not 90s idolization
I'd take the 70s and 80s over the 90s any day.
No. 486743
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>>486640>The point is that a lot of older cartoons didn’t treat kids like retards Which decade are you talking about? Because most older cartoons that aren't like batman the animated series or education shows treat kids like total retards.
No. 486757
>>486711not that simple. And not how youtube build its bussiness model and got to be popular in the first place, they are simply pulling everyone who build the site under the rug. Youtube didn´t even allow children to start with, it was 13 year old+ to make an account, now this Coppa mess is happening. are not a user created content network like it always was, its pushing away that idea of giving creators a platform and its becoming another tv channel, where youtube and affiliates feed you exactly what they want and throttle everything else. So more Daily Show bs but on web format, the user plays no role except in consuming what they are being fed and the only channels that surface are corporate shills and hired performers for social media ad agencies, not spontaneous independent creators making their own content. [DL][Archived Copy]
No. 486760
>>486681i wouldn´t, mainstream 70s and 80s is all disco garbage and pop synth shit i can´t stand and it refuses to die out. I hate 80s retro crap.
>>486759you`d probably like music more than someone who "listens for the lyrics".
No. 486761
>>486758GC libfem liters aren’t radfem.
>think the only real type of feminist is the woman who strives to be career-wise very successfulKek
>wanting to do well in a capitalist patriarchal construction is the only way to be feminist uwu No. 486765
>>486760>disco based, the only people who hate dance music are those who can't dance.
>refuses to die outbecause it was legit good unlike the teen pop crap from the 2000s and whiny pop punk shit.
No. 486766
>>486759I don’t like music but no one ever believes me when I say it. It feels like a waste of time and takes over my thoughts. If I’m doing anything else while listenining I end up pausing it without even realizing.
I don’t like how easily it manipulates my emotions or mental state. I “like” metal, but I listen to any music
on purpose for 10 mins a year at most.
Whenever I say I don’t listen to music people call me a liar and think I’m weird
No. 486768
>>486766If you like anime or video games then you can't talk about music being a waste of time.
>>486759I agree with that.
No. 486777
>>486617I have a lot of nephews, nieces and other kids aged 2-12 in my family and this might be a big revelation to everyone here but kids don't watch cartoons anymore. They watch Youtube. They watch let's play videos and maybe an occasional Disney movie. Saturday morning TV slots stopped existing because nobody watches actual broadcast TV these days. But you know who watch cartoons? Late teens and adults.
Cartoons are a medium most loved by millenials (and Gen Xrs to some extent) because they grew up during the time when cartoons were EVERYWHERE. This is simply because in the 80's it was made legal for TV shows to be tied into toy lines, so the toy companies started churning out show after show to sell any plastic piece of shit they could throw at the wall. The most iconic TV series from the 80's were made to sell toys, plain and simple. He-Man, Transformers, My Little Pony, Thundercats, Care Bears, all created for means of merchandising. You couldn't have a toy line without a cartoon show attached to it. Before the 80's the only cartoons that existed were the cheap crap Hanna&Barbera pushed out and Looney Tunes from the 40's and despite having a cultural impact they weren't particularly big with children.
So the current era of cartoons, especially the reboot kick we've been on for the past decade, is due to these millenials wanting to recreate what they idolized as kids. They might hold the belief that they're creating cartoons for children but they're obviously just rehashing things they remember from their childhood, only adding whatever they find appealing as adults. Voltron (another reboot of an 80's show) was initially aimed towards young pre-teen boys, but at some point they realized that the people actually watching it were in fact women from 15 and up. The My Little Pony reboot, as we all know, was overtaken by adult men. I guess the pushing of the toy lines in the cartoons we millenials grew up with created this longing for self-insertion as we could play with the figurines and make up whatever story lines we yearned to see in the shows.
All in all I believe the studios making these shows are fully aware that they're supposed to be compelling to the adults' sense of nostalgia. Whenever I ask what my relatives' kids are into, they start naming games and youtubers. Franchises Minecraft and Fortnite are HUGE within children aged 6 to 12. It's just a new era of playing, instead of taking these plastic figures we had back then they're using virtual environments as their playground. Youtube has a ton of people whose work is accessible and don't require you to rely on broadcasting schedules, the content creators have become nothing short of the current era pop stars. You can watch them anywhere and any time now that tablets and phones exist. The only people who give a shit about the 2019 reboot of the cartoon from 1989 are sad adults who think this new show will satisfy their inner child who they can't let go of.
No. 486778
>>486768Well I didn’t include soundtracks bc it was in response to anon who was complaining about people who say they like it based on soundtracks lol
Anyway, I think it’s a waste of time to listen to
on its own, and I can’t listen to it while doing other stuff, like I said in my comment
No. 486782
>>486771You must be legit retarded because all the celebs ID as libfem and radfems are anti makeup and sex positivity
Playing by men’s rules isn’t liberation from men, and if you aren’t trying to be liberated from men you literally aren’t a feminist.
No. 486786
>>486777This. Personally I have no problem with kids being more into video games and youtubers than plastic crap because it's usually a lot cheaper as long as you don't let them do lootboxes every 10 minutes and such.
I think most people kind of realized this eventually though since toys R us went bankrupt and TV's slowly dying as well.
No. 486787
>>486781she's awful. groundbreaking, whatever, but musically, she's awful and she only has the following she has because people hype terrible music for the sake of social currency.
>>486779it's true. even the obscure 'really good', 'hidden gems' metal is terrible and boring. it's all samey despite being different. and people who like metal are more unbearable and annoying than any other fans of any genre. they're always pseudointellectuals and are so annoying. it's just so pathetic to want to enjoy things that are so dark, tbh. they're usually people who have had a "boring" privileged life but want to feel tortured. it's like for the same people who enjoy poverty tourism. venturing out into sad or sick or depressing shit because your life is so predictable and safe.
No. 486791
>>486782Woah, so short haired neets after all?
>You must be legit retarded Ok, but at least I can read?
Well, do what you want, it's not like the libfemmies and femneeties didn't fucking rape the legacy of actual feminists completely already. And yeah, warn me from becoming as successful and powerful as possible.
No. 486794
>>486787How is she musically awful? Also she's still barely talked about in the greater music scene so I don't see how she's a result of hype, lmao.
Show me what you like real quick. I'm not a metalhead at all but I just wanna see your taste in music.
No. 486798
>>486785I agree. It’s so ridiculously rare to find anyone our age who has an actual hobby. When you ask it’s shit like “gaming” or “watching anime” and they constantly watching Netflix or YouTube.
The closest I come is a couple girls who knit
No. 486799
>>486792Fanart is easy to make as it's taking designs other people created who already laid the foundation of for you. Flash games are a little more complicated as they had to have been built by scratch with animations being created, scripts, time and effort put into the backgrounds, sprites themselves, making sure the game works properly, ect.
What massive subcultures my Gen Z has other than video games, cartoons, anime, and hip hop culture?
No. 486805
>>486799Fanart still requires creativity in terms of how you take the design and change it to suite your own style, on top of that webcomics don't seem to be dying. Flash games on the other hand generally just use the same stick figure base or are edgy 'kill the ppg' shit over and over again.
>What massive subcultures my Gen Z has other than video games, cartoons, anime, and hip hop culture?Whether you like it or not, political subcultures seem to be a pretty huge thing as well as makeup. There's no real way to place 'big' subcultures in due to how the internet has made them into all sorts of different areas, basically everything has a subculture now because it's more possible. Also last time I checked hip hop isn't a huge thing anymore, people are more into that sadboi/e girl type of music on soundcloud.
No. 486809
>>486803Then don't use a computer to raise your kids? It really is that simple.
Using a computer to raise your kids is the exact same as using a television to raise your kids, the only real difference is I guess you could more easily throw some educational content at them as opposed to having to channel surf for it. It's still pretty easy to find kids running around and playing outside and I still see kids skateboarding almost everyday so clearly the internet hasn't turned us into Lain.
No. 486813
>>486805>Fanart still requires creativity in terms of how you take the design and change it to suite your own styleYes, it requires creativity but it isn't the most creative and usually it's not. There are some fanartists and even hackers who create really good art and mods of the games they are hacking and then there is the many who don't bring anything to the table and just recreate what they saw. I would say as someone who's participated in fandoms since the 2000s it used to be more common for people to be more active and creative with their interest then. Though, there seems to be a revival going on while it was a dead zone for the early-mid 2010s (imo).
>Flash games on the other hand generally just use the same stick figure base or are edgy 'kill the ppg' shit over and over again. So why is it okay for you to generalize flash games but not for me to generalize fanart? Some flash games are really well made just like some fanart.
>Whether you like it or not, political subcultures seem to be a pretty huge thing as well as makeupIt's mostly Millennials who participate heavily in political subcultures considering most Gen Z are too young to have formed an opinion yet and the older Gen Z are feeling turned off by the overfocus of politics this decade and the late part of the previous decade had. I don't know any relevant political subculture Gen Zs are leading atm since we just became "aware" (our oldest is 21-23). Makeup was popular in the previous decades too except men have taken over it (as they have been doing for this decade).
Exactly, the internet making them homogeneous is making the feeling of a "big subculture" nearly non existent and hard to reach out to these days.
> Also last time I checked hip hop isn't a huge thing anymore, people are more into that sadboi/e girl type of music on soundcloud.Ehhh, that really depends on your demographic. I'd say my demographic is not more into sadboi/e girl type of music than they are trap and hip hop culture. That particular soundcloud music is just a watered down and bastardized form of rap re-packaged as their "culture".
No. 486815
>>486809>Then don't use a computer to raise your kids? It really is that simple. Okay, and? How many people are gonna follow that advice? Why do people think it's so easy just to say "don't do it" like most people are not gonna do it anyways lol
>Using a computer to raise your kids is the exact same as using a television to raise your kids, Except the internet has a whole communities in it and other people to talk and communicate to who can change how you view things and influence your world view. Why go outside and have social skills when you can talk to people about literally anything 24/7? Look, I see you're trying to change my words around a little like I'm saying kids being raised on tv is somehow good or even better but I am clearly criticizing both so stop where you're ahead.
Also, children are statistically less active and extroverted than they used to be in the previous generations, it's not a shade or a speculation, it's a fact. Saying this and mentioning it is not making up a lie or even an argument but a real part of society now, so I don't know why you seem to dislike it personally.
No. 486817
>>486815*extroverted/less social/less friends/ect whatever
trend is seen clearly in Gen Z kids/teens/young adults than previous generations
No. 486818
>>486813>So why is it okay for you to generalize flash games but not for me to generalize fanart?Because most early 2000s flash games are literally the exact same thing over and over again? Have you been on newgrounds? Most of the best flash games came out after the huge flash wave was over because people actually knew how the use the program at that point and make it look good.
>most Gen Z are too young to have formed an opinion yet and the older Gen Z are feeling turned off by the overfocus of politics this decade and the late part of the previous decade had.If anything I notice the opposite, younger and younger kids are forming political opinions and attaching themselves onto a side and giving themselves an identity in it this seeming to begin at around 12 to 14. You can make arguments for why or why it isn't a good thing but it's still definitely a subculture either way.
>Makeup was popular in the previous decades too except men have taken over itDoesn't seem like it's nearly as popular then as it is now, the only store at the mall that is consistently busy at almost all times is sephora after all. On top of that costumey makeup is becoming much more popular than it's ever been outside of extremely obscure interests.
>That particular soundcloud music is just a watered down and bastardized form of rap re-packaged as their "culture".Still a subculture, Sadboi and E-girl stuff seems to be the current 'sad teen subculture', basically if emo, scene, grunge, goth, etc isn't a subculture than neither are things like sad bois, e-girls and that vaporwave thing.
No. 486825
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>>486761>thinking you are oppresed on 2k19 western first word country uwu>thinking communism will improve things OwOok, retard.
No. 486827
>>486818I used to go on newgrounds and other websites for years and play flash games for franchises and not just generic ones, yeah there was a lot of turd but if you looked up something like a Pokemon flash game it would have been more quality than the generic ones.
A lot of people who made flash games ended up becoming game hackers, fan game creators, or even official content creators later down the line.
>Still a subculture, Sadboi and E-girl stuff seems to be the current 'sad teen subculture', basically if emo, scene, grunge, goth, etc isn't a subculture than neither are things like sad bois, e-girls and that vaporwave thing.It's a subculture but it sure is a boring one. It doesn't even have a "look" as much as emo/scene did (and I dislike those) and has elements of hip hop culture and blends in with the other subcultures (as is a huge problem with gen Z subcultures)
So my post is changed and now gen Z doesn't have any subculture but anime/video games/politics/sad boy/e girl/youtube/vaporwave
Very interesting and fun. I don't think it has a significant impact or wave as the y2k and before subcultures so my generation is still leading with the homogeneity and mediocrity department.
No. 486830
>>486815>Why do people think it's so easy just to say "don't do it" like most people are not gonna do it anyways lolAnd what do you expect people to do about that exactly? Kids have been pretty much glued to the tv since probably the 70s or 80s and it's not like you never ever see kids going outside anymore so I really don't get why this is as big a deal as you're pretending it is.
>Why go outside and have social skills when you can talk to people about literally anything 24/7?Probably because it's more interesting to talk about things that you're genuinely interested in over whatever some random people at school are talking about, on top of that what about kids who don't have any friends at school so they have no way to develop their social skills there? They deserve to have friends too anon.
No. 486835
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>>486827Pokemon flash games fall into the vaguely same area as fanart though, I'm talking about purely original games that unless they were created by a team were generally shitty stick figure games with guns.
>It's a subculture but it sure is a boring one. It doesn't even have a "look" as much as emo/scene didThat's entirely your opinion though, not subjective fact you said that 2010s/gen Z culture had no subculture and I clearly just pointed one out. Aside from that, I would much rather have vaporwave, e girl and sadboi clothing over the highlighter vomit rawr XD like scene.
No. 486842
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>>486839Your point? The 90s had grunge which was just as boring and dull as any other subculture with the added 'I hate my parents tm' sign put onto it as well as kids who were pretty much carbon copies of the columbine kids pre and post shooting. As for 'not as passionate' clearly you haven't met those sadboi kids who spend all day making soundcloud music and 'aesthetics' whether you find it dumb or not doesn't really matter since it does have people who are passionate about it.
No. 486843
>>486842I didn't really care for grunge either. Most of the subcultures and music subcultures I give a shit about were/are black so it doesn't apply to me.
>that imageproves what i was saying about subcultures bleeding into each other thus diluting them down and becoming homogeneous
and what is sad boi culture other than emo mixed with rap/urban and anime/cartoon/internet meme aesthetic in?
where is the massive coverage of it and how is it presence strongly known amongst other people who are not even apart of it or much older? it does not seem to be a strong undercurrent than me.
one subculture gaining traction that still hasn't completely separated itself from the gaming/anime infatuation Gen Z loves with isn't the same as other individual subcultures cultivated by regional culture and localities and heterogeneity. I'd say even YOLO subculture was more pervasive than this.
No. 486844
>>486795>both libfeminists and radfeminists are pretentitious and retarded as fuck and that they are nothing like the og feminists who did for us a lot?I tried to give radfems a chance when they started appearing here because I do agree with them on some points. The problem I encountered is that they're no different from libfems. They all come across as ideologues that have difficulty with empathy. They care more about forcing their opinions on others than actually fighting for women. The aim of any feminist should be protecting and empowering all women, not just those that fall in line with certain view points. Women need feminism more than ever. There are still places in the world where women face daily violence and even in the west women are seeing their previously gained rights and protections being eroded. Both group of feminists are completely impotent and clueless on how to stop it. I'm even sure that they care.
>girls as young as 11 get raped by gangs in Europe>genital mutilation happening in the Middle East and Africa>Epstein found to be trafficking teenage girls>women being forced into marriage>women's shelters being attacked by TRAsFeminists: silence
>a man opens his legs too wide on public transport>a man has the aircon at the wrong temperature>a man refers to a USB device as a dongle at a tech conferenceFeminists: OPPRESSION
That's why feminism has become a joke.
No. 486846
>>486843Then why did you bring up subcultures to begin with? If you don't care about them and it's been made pretty clear that gen Z subcultures are a frequent thing then why are we still discussing this?
>what is sad boi culture other than emo mixed with rap/urban and anime/cartoon/internet meme aesthetic in?What is emo culture other than goth mixed with grunge and invader zim/snes games/emily the strange aesthetic thrown in?
You can literally say this for any subculture, because subcultures almost always are a mix of familiar things. It's the reason why most punk clothing was thrifted or vintage.
>still hasn't completely separated itself from the gaming/anime infatuation Gen Z loves And this is a problem how? Anime while very popular and pretty frequently found at malls still isn't on the same level as mainstream as most pop culture is. At most you just hear about normals discussing things like my hero academia a lot which more falls into the mainstream culture of how popular things like super hero movies are currently, anime isn't just one genre anyway so it's more of a 'subculture within a subculture' same with video games. You wouldn't compare someone who reads actual books to someone who reads YA novels after all.
No. 486854
>>486846Because.. my personal opinion doesn't necessarily reflect on what I observe? I mean, you seem to not get this hence why you think me bringing up emo shit means I like it.
>This is a problem how?It's the unpopular opinion thread, and I find the over focus on animation and video games in my generation boring. That's all.
No. 486871
>>486844That's how the media and press paint us.
I remember seeing this article about a woman almost getting raped when she was waiting for the bus and being so fucking furious about it.
Then, the following article showed me two vegan "feminist" who kept the chicks away from the roosters because they "raped" them.
I thought I wanted to explode, I pictured this fucking sexist man writing the article just to demonstrate how crazy and delusional feminists are.
Is fucking astonishing how people jump into the "Not All Men" bandwagon without blinking an eye, but I haven't really seen a "Not All Feminists". The hate against feminism is the same as the man-hate you all loathe. Everyone is always complaining about how feminists complain too much and how the movement is shit and "has poor organization". It gets boring. Get a hobby.
No. 486874
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Being an SJW is better than being an indifferent type of person that isn't passionate about any causes.
No. 486910
>>486880NTA but you can't assume everyone here uses the site equally.
I mostly only use /ot/, I'm hardly active on any other board. There are probably people who mostly use /snow/ and not /ot/ etc.
No. 486918
>>486872women who cum really easily or something, i guess? i don't know why you'd go out of your way for it except for an ego boost. i really don't get the oxytocin thing when i have sex with guys or kiss them or anything either. i don't get it. i feel like it might be a meme or overhyped.
to go a step further, i feel like i've been so pressured by people to accept that dating men is normal and healthy… i really don't think it is. it's awkward and weird because there is no understanding between the two of you. we have empathy for them but they don't have empathy for us because they not only are coming at life from a much better vantage point, but they fundamentally don't respect us in general, and even if they do "respect" you more than the average guy, he's still not seeing you as a veritable human. maybe like a dog or a human-like robot, but that respect and gratitude is never truly there. you can't fully appreciate something you don't respect, and that's the issue i tend to see in most het relationships. even if you're treated "well" you can see there's an undercurrent of disrespect and even subtle, but impactful, dehumanization. the brainwashing men are subjected to about us is just too strong. it's just too weird to be with them romantically or sexually. they're very emotionally unintelligent and generally emotionally handicapped too. it's so much work for effectively no reward.
No. 486944
>>486872this doesn't really get said enough. straight casual sex has no benefits for women. all it does is feed men's egos and give them even more reason to treat women like shit. they're probably not going to text you back anyway so you might as well have never given them the satisfaction in the first place. not to mention it's way easier to contract most STDs from men than from women, and you can never trust a man to actually be clean or honest.
lesbian casual sex is a different story, though.
No. 486960
>>486927Yes but the chances of finding a rich man whose sinlge is very little unless you're already a rich person
most people end up dating and marrying people who are the same class as them
No. 486966
>>486955a few reasons, partly because it's usually much less dangerous. there's no chance of getting pregnant and it's harder to get std's.
there is also a level of mutual understanding between two women. I've never had lesbian sex but I used to have a bisexual friend who was very promiscuous with other women and she never had any of the problems that usually come with sleeping around with men. I'm not saying that lesbian relationships are always perfect and that women being promiscuous with other women never have any problems though, or anything like that. I'm just saying it doesn't have a lot of the consequences that having casual sex with men can bring.
sorry for the delete + repost, I just wanted to add that disclaimer.
No. 486981
>>486965I never said dating women didn't have issues? that wasn't my point at all.
>>486980it's really not. I'm straight so obviously I don't give a shit if women are lesbian or not.
No. 487013
>>486976I really liked it but I find it weird how literally everyone is going absolutely bananas over it, it just seems like a bandwagon type of thing where some people haven't even watched it or didn't like it but they're afraid of getting attacked so they stick with what the popular opinion is.
It even got to the all time number 1 on Letterboxd, which i find bloody ridiculous tbh
No. 487047
>>486994I used to genuinely love K-pop 10 years ago and listened to it all the time, but now I simply can't do it anymore. After the Korean government stepped in to fund the industry to create more profitable idol groups they can sell to foreigners the game was changed forever. I know the idols probably never had an
amazing quality of life and sasaengs have existed since forever but looking at oldschool groups like Super Junior they at least had a somewhat authentic feel to them and at least none of the girls of SNSD fainted from exhaustion and starvation right in the middle of a performance as far as a I remember. However I don't know, maybe Koreans were just more talented at hiding their skeletons back then.
I can absolutely see the appeal of K-pop though. It's fun, it's colourful, it's peppy, or it can be cool and edgy depending on the group. The choreographed dances are impressive, the singers are often very attractive (surgically enhanced or not) and they use a lot of different music genres to create catchy songs. Anyone who tries to deny this is just being negative out of principals. They even got the more socially conscious fans covered as they managed to sell BTS as this "new wave
authentic K-Pop group" that are known for "criticizing" the Korean society and "standing for LGBT rights" despite never doing anything of the sort and in the end being just another manufactured group next to a thousand others. Koreans are goddamn masters at doing this and I have to give it to them.
Anyway obsessed K-pop stans are the bottom of the barrel, especially those who can't admit to themselves that the industry is fundamentally flawed and built on abusing people. Yes, a lot of countries also abuse their pop stars but you're giving them your money and time of the day, the reason why they're continuing to do it. Yes, Japan this and the US that, I don't care.
No. 487178
>>487095Yeah, agreed. Many niche, smaller subreddits are a lot of fun. A lot of the stuff posted on the Reddit hate thread is terrible but to be fair, you can find garbage on any social media site if you look hard enough
It’s definitely improved compared to how it was 5-10 years ago.
No. 487179
>>486606>>486617I'm sorry, what shows you are talking about? All the shit I see on Cartoon network is baby shit? What's aimed at adults?
Gumball is dead
Adventure time is dead
Regular show is dead
what else is there?
PPG? We bear bears, Teen Titans Go? → literal spongebob for babies tier.
No. 487216
>>487047>>487194unpopular opinion and trying not to sound like an edgelord but at this point I really don't have sympathy for idols offing themselves because I've grown so tired of hearing this shit
maybe I'm ignorant but why do people enter the idol business knowing it's very
problematic anyway and why do people (the fans) keep supporting this industry
No. 487219
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I actually really like Tunas art style. It's very unique and her color choices kinda intrigue me. Shes done a couple of things I really like actually, it's just most of her art is so busy and the lines are fucked. If she took the time to improve I think she could make more money than her current nasty "sw" In all honesty if I wasnt afraid of catching Hep C. from a piss/shit/cum encrusted piece of paper I might buy one from her.
Pic related, this is one of her pieces that actually look pretty nice imo. It was tinfoiled that she was using meth or some other upper to make it so cohesive looking compared to most of her art.
No. 487624
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If you like commentary and hate reaction channels you're a dimwit. Cody Ko, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzales, and Slazo are all slightly better than reaction channels, but still are reaction channels. Instead of asine commentary you get asine jokes. 90% of their jokes are
>Video says something weird
>I repeat wears thing
>Isn't that weird?
>Let me take weird thing to logical conclusion
It can be funny, but as said before it's used as 90 of the jokes. You could say that's most comedy, but even then they fail to make the joke humorous. Ad Libbing jokes and bad acting combine to make their few decent jokes fall flat. Even if a joke lands it's rarely "stand up comedian" level, but "me and my friends can be as funny as this". Reaction and commentary both ajve bad reaction except for the fact one requires charisma. It feel like a para social relationship
No. 487669
>>487665I really disagree. the western music industry is incredibly
toxic and corrupt, but still not as much as the kpop industry. I don't have firsthand experience with either though, so I don't have anything concrete to back that up with.
No. 487807
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I love how the redraw thread is just a giant slapfight. I look at it every time I want to laugh.
No. 487828
>>487799I do think the reactions are overblown, but here's what I have to say. The last two episodes are basically Shinji having a mental breakdown. Which is
triggered by the fact that he has to murder someone who cares about him. Kaworu said that he loved him, which in Shinji's mind reconfirms that everyone who loves him dies. Like his mother died. Kaworu also turned out to be an Angel and Shinji mentions that he betrayed him like his father. So I personally think what Kaworu did and said brought out Shinji's feelings of being unloved and neglected. But maybe I'm just reading way too much into a 90's mecha anime because episode 24 is my favorite episode.
No. 487916
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>>487828Episode 24 is almost everyone's favorite.
No. 487949
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>>487912Kaworu was the first person who offered Shinji unconditional love and asking for nothing in return. but it’s a somewhat twisted dynamic that teaches him nothing about the realities of human contact. (A lover will never be able to offer the same unconditional and “pure” love of, say, the mother. which he’s seeking most of all.) Connection is a give and take and all of it riddled with pain. In a fucked up way maybe that’s why it had to end like that. to counter Shinji’s indulgence in a fantasy
>>487916mine is 22
No. 487962
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Someone please hit this cunt with a shovel why is he even popular?
No. 488043
>>487962I heard that Gabbie Hanna was apparently in love with him a long time ago but he was with someone else and it caused their friendships to fracture or something. I have no idea if that's even true, but he's so fucking ugly that I think even
Gabbie Hanna could do better, and that's saying something…
No. 488071
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>>487962anything for you anon.
No. 488132
>>488024Er…i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words but I'll try.
Well for starters I already had really high expectations for the movie because of all the good reviews and praise it got, but it was just another rich vs poor movie similar to Us and Joker.
It was disgusting how the whole story began with a college student (adult) asking his friend to tutor his high-school (minor) student he likes so "no other guys get to her" and then have the main character fall in love her afterwards and make out while tutoring her. I kept think the movie would portray it in a negative light but it never did. And then there was the native American culture appropriation ofc. If it was done by anyone else people would rage but nobody seemed to care that a critically acclaimed director did that (like wtf).
The first half of the movie was alright
but the moment the housekeeper comes back and a secret bunker is revealed the story becomes boring and predictable, and the it just devolves into a chase to cover up their tracks with a bunch of typical family thriller scenes until the end of the movie. You can see everything coming from a mile away. I kept waiting for something more, for the wild twist that everyone was talking about, and yet there's just nothing. The movie ended and everyone was like "Thats it?" We all expected so much more from the premise.The characters are all completely unlikable and both families were trash so I couldn't give a single fuck about whatever happened to any of them. The acting was nothing special (at times mediocre) and not a single actor's performance stood to me; in fact non of the scenes were really impactful or memorable in any way. The social commentary aspect is so overdone and the story felt like something an edgy teenager came up with. The best thing about the movie was the cinematography.
I know I'm forgetting so much more but that's all I remember off the top of my head for now
No. 488159
>>488132>And then there was the native American culture appropriation ofc. If it was done by anyone else people would rage but nobody seemed to care that a critically acclaimed director did that (like wtf). It’s very obvious that they are just horrible rich people. Most of the things they do is portrayed in a bad light because of how horrible, airheaded and rich they are. The movie didn’t have to spell it out for you and look at the camera and say “this is bad”. You’re supposed to hate them.
>The social commentary aspect is so overdone and the story felt like something an edgy teenager came up with.Basic class commentary is edgy teenager stuff now?
No. 488260
>>488159>It’s very obvious that they are just horrible rich people. Most of the things they do is portrayed in a bad light because of how horrible, airheaded and rich they are. The movie didn’t have to spell it out for you and look at the camera and say “this is bad”. You’re supposed to hate them.Ok you do have a point here but I still think the director could've done better. I thought it was boring and typical "rich bad poor good" to immediately hate the rich folks, and I honestly thought there would've been more to the characters in both families. Guess that was my fault for having different expectations
>Basic class commentary is edgy teenager stuff now?Notice I pointed out
story. But basically yes. It's an overdone concept so if you make a film built around such a predictable and simple story for the sake of 'class commentary' then it does indeed feel like an edgy teen (who really thinks they did something) wrote it.
>>488238Literally this
No. 488558
>>488551Yeah it's one of those terms where people have such strong reactions to it, similar to how just the mention of the word feminism can
trigger people
It's an emotional reaction alot of the time but people will never admit that and will talk about logic (all while sounding very angry/emotional lol
No. 488864
>>488793I get what you mean but a portion of men resented her for not being sexual and another portion managed to creepily crush on her even with her clothes on, I mean guys can jerk off to a womans face if they just imagine cumming onto it ..
There's no undoing mens perverted view of women after all the porn they consume. Yeah she's dressed but I saw Twitter creeps saying all the usual shit anyway. It's sad
No. 488880
>>488878I'm not a fan of romance in stories but it's a pretty personal (projection maybe?) from where I've been romanced by guys during the honeymoon period of a relationship and then either cheated on years in or the perfect guy disappeared one day and just emailed me about our divorce. I can see alot of people with similar experiences hating on romance. I can't currently read about romance without seeing 'love bombing' red flags everywhere
Wish I wasn't so cynical tbh, I want my innocence back lol
No. 489032
>>489023Then why wouldn't you just do gymanstics instead of choosing to do something sex workers exclusively used to do?
>ITs nOT SExUaL>iTs nOt FOr MeN itS fOR ME!!!Sure sis.
No. 489035
>>489028Well… gymnastics require a gym and equipment and is an entirely different sport. Like I get the negative association of pole dancing, not saying "pole dancing is empowering~" but let's not act like men don't think girls in leotards tumbling around isn't sexual.
>>489032I know that most normie women doing pole dancing is because they want to feel sexy and interesting. Most pole classes are stripping 101, not sports.
No. 489049
>>489039>sucking dicksGiving and receiving oral is standard in a relationship.
>shaving pussies and wearing thingsPick me shit, but still common enough.
None of these are comparable. Pole dancing has always been a sex worker thing, until recently certain groups of people wanting to push it as ~empowering~ and ~taking control of your sexuality~ as if female sexuality is all about flaunting off your body indiscriminately. Sad.
No. 489053
>>489049>Giving and receiving oral is standard in a relationshipnta but KEK. That is NOT a standard. I'd rather not put my mouth near someone's sweaty genitals. I'm sorry your partners made you believe that.
Also how the fuck is shaving your pubic hair pick me shit? That shit gets knotted depending on the person when the hair is long enough. Also, it's super nice to have bloody pubes when you're menstruating.
No. 489083
>>489060e-excuse me? when has pole dancing ever been a normal casual thing normal women do? anywhere close to the scale of bjs?
>>489053just curious, do you also not like anyone going down on you?
also i haven't shaved my pubes in close to a decade yet they've never gotten knotted, what sort of hair type even has that as a possibility?
No. 489114
>>489053What about someone going down on you? Oral in general is really common thing, and I'm not saying everyone does it. But thinking sucking dick or eating pussy is what sex workers do is very juvenile.
>Also how the fuck is shaving your pubic hair pick me shit? That shit gets knotted depending on the person when the hair is long enough.I'm not talking about trimming or having it short, but shaving it off completely or waxing.
No. 489650
>>489032same like you could do ballet or something and get the same effect. Its a difficult sport made to looks graceful and effortless despite the strength and agility it requires
its bougie and the male gaze is still there but… it seems easier to avoid it doing ballet than with pole dancing
No. 489653
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>>489642You don’t even know what terfs believe if you think it’s about insecurity in “femininity”. Terfs reject gender roles. That’s why it’s offensive when a man says he’s a woman if he wears a dress and likes “girly” things.
No. 489661
>>489653on this board alone its mostly terfs accusing random women of being trans because their jawline isnt soft, their tits are small or arent owning up to some other feminine ideal regardless of whether theyre actually cis
I agree with gender abolition to an extent, but terfs dont seem to be behind that either cause theyd rather tear down actual women to own the trans
No. 489665
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>>489661They aren’t terfs. Did you miss the radical feminist part?
If they’re tearing into women over the size of their breasts, they are more likely to be men larping. You obviously know literally nothing about the topic you’re trying to sperg over but sure, blame the evil feminists who don’t cheer for letting men into the little girls loo for sexist comments about women’s bodies.
No. 489667
>>489651Having to specify
lesbian sex in posts all the time, being vulgar and thirsty about vaginas and sex in general, an overall aggressive language and mood when discussing sex, some weird mommy types? I feel this way about anyone crotchety enough to talk about sex and their sexual needs often. Only some lesbians on here are annoying like this, since obviously not every gay woman is annoying as fuck about it
No. 489685
>>489661This site is mostly nitpicking women's appearances, but if someone says (for example) "amouranth looks like a tranny because xyz" you can't assume that person is a terf.
Also viciously tearing apart cis women's looks is 100% acceptable on this site, but as soon as people go after a tranny's looks the mods step in and threaten to ban/autosage everyone. But yeah, it's totally the
terfs that hurt cis women the most.
No. 489694
>>489684>I’m sure there’s some lesbians out there who are disgusting but it seems weird that they’d all gather here.I'm glad you said this. Those types remind me of men the way they flock to this website to be in the vicinity of lots of women. It feels creepy and exploitative. I feel bad saying that but it's true.
>>489685Really? I haven't noticed this about mods and tranny discussion. Everyone should be fair game.
No. 489726
>>489717I haven't seen it a ton lately, I just remember a lot of anons saying "I like x girl because she has this body type, not like all those other girls who have this other type" and it feels like a passive way of putting other women down. Kind of like recently in one thread someone said a girl that they posted a pic of had a "tiny perfect body". Its not the creepiest thing to say, but still. I can't remember which thread but it was on /g/.
No. 489834
>>489833>the parentscancerous as fuck and literally /r/raisedbynarcissists tier
what's mom got to do with the fact billy or stacy decided to simulate porn?
No. 489866
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>>489862Yes it sounds like bs, I've seen more anons lusting respectfully after Cate Blanchett and other older women.
No. 489874
>>489866I'm not even a lesbian or frequent those threads' and I agree that it isn't ok for 30+ or whatever to thirst after teens but those womrn who post about younger women are most likely in that age range themselves.
So why don't they criticize the people who post 13 year old looking dudes in the kpop threads too?
No. 489878
>>489874Yeah, lesbians tend to prefer women older than them or in the same age range. And I've never seen lesbiananons here being vulgar like men and lusting after young girls anyway.
It was most likely a bait post
No. 489884
>>489866Don't remind me anon
No. 489955
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>>489878>it was mosy likely a bait postWhatever helps you sleep at night. Like pic related- just say sex. No one gives a fuck that you're a lesbian and that you love ~lesbian sex~
No. 490000
>>489955Are you for real? This was the
problematic male-tier post?
No. 490005
>>490000It's an example I could remember off the top off my head, yeah. Might as well be a dude yelling "PuSsY!!"
Also I wasn't the anon who said there were old lesbians creeping on young ladies here idk where they got that from
No. 490023
>>490013What's the joke? "Lol sex
with women" sounds pretty male-tier. I think the correlation is just an unfortunate side effect of sharing preferences wth straight guys I think. It's
my unpopular opinion.
No. 490024
>>489726whenever anons gush over someone's body, esp if noting how small they are, it's most likely ana/kpop thinspo chans. unless you mean like height wise, some people just find short partners more attractive, nbd
>>490021whatever point you might've had now just sounds like you're homophobic. which is a pretty mainstream opinion. accepting that you are into women is a big step for most gay women. most places aren't sanfran of whatever turbo liberal corner, and even then, internalised homophobia is one hell of a bitch to get over even in a welcoming environment. what if the anon in pic related had been in an
abusive relationship with a man before accepting she likes women? what then?
tldr you example photo has nothing in common with how men act.
No. 490030
>>490024Apologies for deleting and reposting the comment you were replying to.
Can you explain why this
>>490023 (my post) is homophobic? I'm genuinely curious to try and understand. Of course that's asking a lot and I understand if you don't want to.
No. 490042
>>490030yeah, lolcow's been fucky with posting the same post n times.
it just seems like you have a problem with women mentioning they are attracted to/like fucking women in any capacity whatsoever, even lightheartedly. it is not like she said "my gfs tight pussy quivering around my fingers" or something, i could see your point of it being vulgar and male-like then. it comes across as the classic "i'm fine with the homos, bUT KeEEp wHAt YoU dO In ThE BeDRooM To YOuRsElF!1!!" that obviously never applies to straight sex mentions, which are the majority.
No. 490048
>>490042Thanks for laying it out. I see what you're saying as I wondered that about myself as I made those posts.
Idk though it seems like you're telling me it's okay to be grossed out by men who do it but not lesbians who do it. Admittedly my example screenshot
was lighthearted but I still think I have a good point about it being "hurr durr sex with women" as the punchline being male-centric.
This is turning my brain inside out– disliking certain women for exhibiting what
I associate as male behavior… but I'm associating the behavior with douchey men only because both lesbians and (straight) men prefer sex with women? Ahhh what does it mean
No. 490054
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Pic related is not my post
So being bothered by getting hit on here is homophobic? It just reminds me of the smothering, thirsty way men are. No one gives a fuck that lesbian anon pictured is thirsting after the anon she quoted. That's male-tier thirst and inappropriateness, period.
No. 490078
>>490048> it seems like you're telling me it's okay to be grossed out by men who do it but not lesbians who do itfirstly, women, even ones who like women, are not men and therefore cannot objectify women in the manner that men do because there is no societal framework facilitating that. secondly, you haven't provided any examples of women objectifying/being creepy towards women on this site in any way, you've provided 2 meme replies, that's it.
if you're talking about like on-individual basis, it'd have to be the smallest fraction of already small fraction of women that say truly gross shit that any average male says lol.
i literally do not get how a woman saying she likes/has sex with women is male centric? there's no men?? do gay men have male behaviour then in your mind despite exhibiting the same attraction pattern as straight women? wouldn't that make them exhibit female behaviour? are two gay men then actually lesbians?
>>490054how is a random jokey post that's not even indicative of anon's sexuality for it is a jokey post predatory lesbian behaviour or anywhere close average levels of male thirst jfc? you think the anon in pic was fapping away while typing that?
just say you find lesbians icky and not women and go kek, opposite of unpopular opinion
No. 490090
Hmm… I think you're right about me. How disappointing that I'm apparently prejudiced against lesbians. That feels so gross and unfair. I'm going to reflect on this for a long time because I still find it annoying to shove your sexuality down everyone's throats in unrelated situations and I'm not 100% convinced that's homophobia. Seriously thank you for taking the time to converse with me.
No. 490114
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>>490102>>490103>>490054Hi, anon it was directed to here.
This is nothing compared to male thirst. Men ask for their head to be crushed, or they ask to be beaten up. They are literal sickos.
Lesbian anon in comparison is very mild and sorta adorable.
No. 490189
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>>490146Male content creators have a tendency to boil female characters down to stereotypes because they think having boobs or a cute design will make up for it. Male writers also struggle with writing interesting female friendships/social dynamics, so they just have female friends do kawaii moe crap like have sleepovers and bake cookies. It's uncommon to find a content creator (male or female) that can realistically write both sexes. Usually people are better at writing characters the same sex they are because they have personal experience to draw from, and worse at writing the opposite sex because they're either writing a romantic ideal or a stereotype.
So because most popular content is created by men (sexism is still a problem in art, particularly in Japan), the interesting characters in said popular media will usually also be the male ones.
Take BNHA for instance. Even though BNHA's girls are more tastefully written than most supporting female characters in shounen, they're still underwritten compared to their male counterparts. Several of the supporting male characters have chapters dedicated to their backstories. Don't you guys think it's weird that all the girls in 1-A are best buddies, but the guys actually have a variety of relationships with each other? When in the history of humanity have all of the girls in a high school class been perfect happy friends?
You can't blame people for wanting to ship the characters that actually have established dynamics beyond being ~kawaii moe bffsies~. As obnoxious as fans of KirishimaxBakugou are, at least those guys have an interesting dynamic: it's one super nice guy trying to reign in a giant asshole because he's the only person the giant asshole is genuinely friends with.
God that was a giant pile of autism I'm sorry. I just like shipping characters I think are interesting regardless of sex, but I end up shipping a lot of BL because most of the interesting characters are male in an industry dominated by male writers.
No. 490193
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Gender critical folks don't actually know how to keep men from using the women's restroom and competing in women's sports, since feminism in general is a passive movement
No. 490194
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>>490054>"So being bothered by getting hit on here is homophobic?">she wasn't even the anon being "hit on"Never change, homophobe-chan.
No. 490208
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>>490201When I saw pic related, I immediately thought about the discussion in this thread.
So, this shit is fine and warrants no comment, but some random anon telling another random anon "Hey, need a gf?" is male-tier, vulgar and
problematic. Interesting.
No. 490239
>>490194How is propositioning to date not
precisely hitting on someone?
>>490201I hardly ever see straight girls being thirsty outside of the threads you mentioned. Both my examples are of lesbians being pushy and invasive by hitting on girls
outside of sex-themed threads.
Sorry you all are
triggered but I just don't like assholes in general and if that includes women who like to fuck women and who can't help themselves but to prey on the female user base here (like men) then it is what it is. Sorry I guess.
>>490208Person in pic you posted got a ban for being vulgar and annoying so idk what you're even screeching about. It just proves my point that that shit is annoying regardless of sexual orientation.
I can have my opinion and those annoying girls who make those comments can keep lesbianin' on. Nothing changes.
No. 490243
>>490239I definitely get what you mean. Some girl might be complaining, then another anon 'compliments' her with something along the lines of "No, you're/this is awesome, I'd date you hehe". It could be just a joke, but it might not be one. In the end, the commenter always has the option of just playing it off as one, even if it was meant to be serious. If men did the same, you'd be immdediately annoyed or even grossed out, but with lesbians women are always more reluctant, because it's just a woman, it's "mild and adorable".
Meanwhile you have lesbian farmers confessing to liking drawing of big titted anime girls and other neckbeardish things…very cute
In the end it doesn't add anything to the conversation, so why must some people write that?
No. 490244
>>490239You sound like the
triggered one here. You got offended on behalf of someone else, who even replied to you to make it clear that she didn't find it offensive, and you're still screeching about it.
If everyone is telling you that you're exaggerating, either it's everyone who's wrong or maybe it could be you, don't you think?
>How is propositioning to date not precisely hitting on someone? Really, anon? A single meme post on an anonymous image board is "propositioning to date"?
As someone else said, just say "lesbians are gross" and move on. It's useless to beat around the bush, and it wouldn't be an unpopular opinion anyway.
No. 490248
>>490239Who's screeching? I just thought it was funny because lesbians are supposed to be the problem, but you don't have a word to say about posts like that. That's supposed to be normal, I guess.
I don't know why you're hiding behind the ban, since you're (supposedly) not the one that gave it in the first place, and you didn't acknowledge it at all.
I haven't even seen any "vulgar" lesbian posts (or that many lesbian posts in general, honestly). Of all the sexually-tinged posts I've seen, most of them are "straight", and the few that are gross and in-your-face are definitely very straight, too.
Like…You literally had to feign discomfort on
someone else's behalf over an innocent, passing comment just to make your point, and that kind of shows how weak your whole argument is. Meanwhile, we get actual scrotes and all sorts of fetish enthusiasts (like femdom posters and fujoshi - I have no problem with either of them as long as they're not scrotes, personally, but we have to admit they aren't exactly hiding themselves protect our innocent anon sensibilities and only keeping to their designated threads) casually posting their shit.
I'm not even involved in this discussion, it's just silly. If the relatively tame lesbian posters on Lolcow are such a problem for you, try a Christian women's forum, I guess. It's really not that deep or as big of a problem as you make it out to be.
No. 490249
>>490244>Really, anon? A single meme post on an anonymous image board is "propositioning to date"?You sound like all the guys who try to defend their gross behavior towards women… interesting…
>>490243>In the end it doesn't add anything to the conversation, so why must some people write that?Exactly, it's annoying.
I really am screeching at this point, admittedly.
No. 490251
>>487799hold up, Kaworu said THAT?!
I understand why people hate it now.
No. 490256
>>490254Cool, maybe I will complain if those anons start inserting that type of content where it's not appropriate and it's annoying
You know, like some lezzies.
No. 490257
>>490252Quit projecting. People are replying to you because your "something negative" is standing over the weakest argument ever. Your point is that lesbian anons on here are "vulgar and as bad as men", you only brought up a super tame screenshot as proof, so your argument is false. That's literally it.
If you admit that you just dislike lesbians, then it's another thing, at least you would be honest.
>>490256>lezziesAh, you finally came clean.
No. 490264
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>>490262Nta but it took me one quick Google search.
No. 490270
>>490262>equating lesbians (aka actual women on a women's board) to scrotesThis false equivalence is so cringy that I almost hope you're not an actual woman, but an incel tranny mad about what he perceives as a "double standard".
Aside from the obvious, the difference (as the anon who got the reply told you) is that a scrote will post disgusting shit like "Please step on me mommy" or continually thirstpost about his dick. You'd have to be blind not to see that.
I didn't even mention you using the word "lezzie", it's like you don't even know who you're replying to anymore.
No. 490280
>>490273Now I'm just wondering, are you the same anon as
>>490090 ? If yes, in that post it seemed that you basically accepted the other anons' point and that you would be thinking about it… Why starting it again?
Discard this post if it wasn't you
No. 490285
>>490282I mean, yes. It seemed that you were understanding, so I'm curious about what made you reconsider.
No. 490288
>>490272They literally replied to the same anon twice, one of their responses being them impersonating a scrote to "make a point", just because they lost the argument.
It might not be NecessarySpeed4, but this person is very close to their level of autism for sure.
No. 490292
>>490290It's not
just as bad but it is just as annoying. Imo.
No. 490297
>>490294The thread is moving too fast to combine responses into one post. I already fucked up earlier by posting and deleting in order to add on, and someone had quoted my deleted post in the mean time.
This isn't appropriate type of discussion on here (this is not a chat room), you're right. It's been an interesting conversation.
No. 490311
>>489661> terfs accusing random women of being trans because their jawline isnt soft, their tits are smallLiterally where? Cows that get ps to deform themselves into J* don’t count
>>489866Seriously that other was such a blatant fucking lie. I’ve seen so much lesbo lustpost over older women and big delts gfs. Anons just want to be small chested waifs themselves kek
No. 490397
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>>490249Gross behaviour towards women? I think anon was just joking about wanting a strong gf and wasn't even necessarily propositioning me. It was an extremely short sentence and I think you see more malice behind it than actually there is.
>>490276 >>490270 are saying is correct. I get scrotes begging me to make a Patreon with crushing melons with my thighs?? Or DM's literally offering me money to kick them in the balls. All the lesbian anon did was indicate that she is really interested in strong women, that's all. It wasn't worded even remotely sexual. For all you know she just wants snug hugs and being carried around, you are projecting on it to make it sexual. The majority of men are degenerates and if a man had said it I would be suspicious, but women are usually not even in the same ballpark of degeneracy.
>>490243Honestly it might be my fault that the conversation in that thread went off topic in the first place. I was not complaining, I was mainly talking about how nice it is when the average man cannot just overpower you. Then people started asking for workout advice. So honestly it was an off-topic comment on something that was already starting to become off-topic.
I don't even see how lesbian anon was shoving any sexuality down anyone's throat. It's not like they asked 'wanna fuck' or randomly posted 'hi guys I am lesbian'. I also did not feel like I was getting objectified in any way, since the comment was too short to even infer anything like that. It was so incredibly short,just read over it, don't get so annoyed by it that it ruins your day and you feel the need to post about it in another thread.
No. 490444
>>490442I can admit as a user of this site that I’m terrible and a total meanie.
I have no friends to gossip with so I laugh at drama online to fill the void, I’m also a negative Nancy, glass half empty kind of person
But aside from that I’m not racist, sexist, homophobic, pedophillic or a scammer like some of the lolcows on this site lmfao them bitches are horrid.
No. 490483
>>489862"attractive women you want to fuck" is a pretty new thread and it's slow moving. if you look at the cute girls thread and even the 'women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck' thread it's mostly young (under 30, often under 25) women, and when someone does post an older woman they usually put some caption like 'she's older now but still would fuck'. someone kept dumping pics of heavily photoedited instagram models in the cute girls thread, and whenever someone would post a new pic of someone else they'd dump a bunch more of those.
it'd be one thing if anons also liked younger men, which some of them do, but if you go to the 'men you want to fuck' thread it's mostly a bunch of circle jerking over mads mikkelsen, jeff goldblum and other grandpas (or at least it was the last time I checked, I have the thread hidden now because honestly I find it cringey).
No. 490540
>>4904831) cute girls thread probably has minimal correlation to who lesbanons on this site want to fuck, it's mostly "body goalssss" kinda shit
2) wtf do you think the age range of this site is? pretty sure 95% of users would squeeze in that "under 30" bracket. also the attractive men/men you want to fuck threads have been skewing around the same age range recently now that old fart posters keep getting attacked (thank fuck lol)
No. 490618
>>490567True. I more meant the sequence of events.
I can't really elaborate though since its been a long time since I read Macbeth hahaha
No. 492085
>>492083Wtf, obese people use that as an excuse?
I had a leg lymphedema once, shit hurts. Funnily enough it happened at my lowest weight ever as an adult.
No. 492091
>>492085ye they do. also lipedema and they like to treat it as some sort of cancer.
>>492086I hope you're not defending fat women who say they can't lose weight because of """pcos"""? Joint damage sure is a real thing and I can't pretend it doesn't same for all the other diseases that fatties are high risk to develop, let's just not feed them even more by allowing them to say that they have this special disease that can't make them lose weight and that the fat (lipedema) or manliness or ugliness or smelliness or whatever they complain about on barcroft will never go away even if they'd lose weight. Lose weight if you're fat and stop pretending you're definitely terminally ill.
No. 492121
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The kpop threads are more tolerable than this one. At least sperging about rat monster's rat face is fun. This has become a dumpster fire.
No. 492130
>>492124The majority of farmers absolutely despises 'fatties', and I'm sure op (and you) know(s) that too already.
Starting a 'discussion' like this, and then arguing with 'but they need to lose weight for the sake of their health?' is only a poorly veiled excuse to rant about, make fun of and shit on the overweight and the obese. (Also quite telling that anons always specify fat women, not people in general.)
At this point a 'fatty hate' containment thread would be quite useful since this clearly seems to be the favourite topic of many users (and otherwise only shits up other threads nearly on the daily).
No. 492215
>>492130This is not
Obesity is 99% of the time self inflicted so I hate hearing people bitch and moan about it. You hate not being able to sleep? Can't find clothes that fit? can't be assed to walk around grocery shopping or work a job?
Well gee that sucks. If only there were something you could do to end your suffering instead of complaining about it….
You tell a smoker he should stop smoking because its giving him cancer, that's not an awful thing to do is it? You tell a fattie they should stop eating themselves to death, all hell breaks loose and you're a body shaming oppressor uwu.
People with obesity also use up disability services that could go to people with real disabilities that can't be solved by controlling your diet and going to the gym. Every time I see a fattie on one of those mobile carts in grocery stores I'm thinking "Couldnt you maybe, ya know, get some exercise instead of perpetuating your problem by taking up a machine an actual disabled person could use?"
Fatties are almost always the manifestation of shame and
victim complex.
No. 492226
>>492215Yeah because obesity is almost ALWAYS caused by someone being a selfish retard, it's not like people with mental disorders or personality disorders or eating disorders become obese or anything. Because that's what obesity is, you daft cunt, eating yourself near immobile or to the point your body carries too much fat around because you consume too much energy is an eating disorder and a mental illness.
I'm getting sick of farmers (and other dumb cunts in this similar circle) having an obnoxiously arrogant attitude to obese people, like they aren't highly likely pathetic themselves, with the stories of boyfriends knocking their teeth in their jaw, or borderline disorder woes, or why their friend ghosted them and they're borderline neets and suffer from chronic depression. No matter if someone is anorexic, obese, has a drug or alcohol addiction, or anything they're struggling with doesn't mean they need to be talked down for it unless they're actively seeking to convert people in their pathetic pit and deluded themselves into the reality of their situation. Fuck you.
No. 492262
>>492130So true.
>The majority of farmers absolutely despises 'fatties'And most of them probably are fatties, let's be honest.
No. 492267
>>492091First of all, no one ever said PCOS was terminal. Second of all, one of the symptoms of PCOS is insulin resistance. Being obese and having a bad diet can cause insulin resistance even without having PCOS. The insulin resistance is what makes it difficult to lose weight.
>"or whatever they complain about on barcroft">getting your medical information from barcroftA real medical professional spitting facts, I see.
No. 492302
>>492226On fatties:
>>doesn't mean [the obese] need to be talked down [to] for it On farmers:
>like they aren't highly likely pathetic themselves, with the stories of boyfriends knocking their teeth in their jaw, or borderline disorder woes, or why their friend ghosted them and they're borderline neets and suffer from chronic depression. If you are less than empathetic towards anons despite their awful experiences and struggles, why is it surprising that others have the same lack of empathy towards fatties?
No. 492326
>>492302Nta but there was nothing to suggest she was less empathetic towards other farmers than fatties. I think she just meant it's hypocritical to be a neet pothead alcohol addict with no friends and then turn around and act like there's no
valid excuse to be overweight.
Like people come here to talk about being a neet etc and people are mostly understanding but then as soon as someone mentions they're overweight they get a bunch of anachans attacking them.
No. 492344
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Mandalorian sucks absolute mega space dick. Would anyone give a shit about that show if it wasn’t for baby yoda?
No. 492355
>>492326She said they were "highly…pathetic themselves" for their respective struggles. That sounds pretty derogatory to me, regardless of what she tacked on to the end. You can't complain about [a group of people] being insulted and then insult [another group of] people in the same
heaving just kidding breath and then wonder why you [or the group] don't get pity.
>>492338>>492351>>492353She's functionally illiterate and too dumb for interviews, I heard. I believe that shit 100% too since she was worked so hard from childhood on.
No. 492375
>>492358Some people actually want to be in a relationship and have a deep connection with the person they're having sex with. If you're just having sex for the orgasms, I'd prefer to just masturbate. The risk of STD's, pregnancy, risk of developing feelings and possible social ramifications are not even close to being worth a few orgasms to me. I guess I'm just a prude.
>If you only have sex w/ people who are actually good in bed (and who you trust enough to be clean/not literally a rapist) then it's great! ???Okay, how do you know that the person you're gonna have sex with is good in bed? Do you just walk up to your friend and be like "yeahh, so, do you think you can make me orgasm???" or is it trial and error? I don't want to have to fuck 20 guys just to find one that's good in bed.
No. 492419
>>492226>>492326Absolutely this, you'll always find a farmer who's at least somewhat sympathetic no matter what kind of problem somebody has, no matter what bullshit somebody has done, but mention being overweight and everybody is absolutely seething and thinks you're fair game for getting shat on.
>>492262No, I think it's absolute normies (neither slim nor big) who somehow think solely not being overweight makes them goddesses worthy of judging others. Probably the same people who think they're always being skinnyshamed by evil fatties.
>>492355>That sounds pretty derogatory to meJesus fucking Christ, that entire argument all farmers always use "fatties" without even thinking about it, then retort with "lc isn't your hugbox!" and now you have the nerve to talk about something sounding pretty
derogatory to you…? And one second later you just have to insert your "heaving"-joke again.
"Fatties" work, have relationships, have hobbies, are not leeching off their parents/partner, they're not hurting anybody but themselves (and especially not you, a stranger) so there's zero reason to get so worked up over them. Neets, druggies/alcoholics, literally everybody is far worse than them.
Because I constantly saw people on lc complain about how much overweight women stink, a couple days ago I really walked close to probably the biggest one I've ever seen irl and there was absolutely nothing! Also didn't make any sounds while walking/breathing. Your problems with fatties are only in your head, you only hate them because you don't like the way they look and then continue to project everything evil onto them (the amount of times I read somebody complaining about their bad fat friend…)
When I was 13 I was like you, I thought not being visually appealing to my eye is like a crime, I hated them with a passion.
Hopefully you grow up one day as well.
No. 492420
>>492130So? Why would some fat fucks get to be precious when nothing else here is?
Being fat is dumb and gross yeah, but being snowflakey or precious about being fat is hilarious.
Being retarded, a tranny, mentally ill, anorexic, a feminist, a handmaiden, ugly, pretty, smart, dumb, a hooker, a super model or an actual pig farmer is not off limits for mockery. Why should a crying lardo be an exception?
No. 492422
>>492420….. you're missing the point entirely.
it's not an exception. people are usually
more sympathetic to the things you mentioned than being fat. that's the point. I've seen anons post about having alcohol problems and no one replies with "it's all your fault, just drink less" but if someone posts about being fat there will be a bunch of replies attacking them telling them to stop eating etc.
No. 492424
>>492420I don't know why you won't get it, but I'll try to explain it one last time: nothing get's people on lolcow as
triggered as somebody being fat.
The problem is, that while those other things you listed are very often just as, if not worse than being fat (especially in terms of harming others) nobody reacts that strongly to any of those. People feel sorry for anorexics or neets, people even try to help people who take drugs, but when it comes to somwbody who's eating themself to an earlier death, nearly everybody is only absolutely cruel.
Nobody on lc ever treated them as something "precious" while literally every other problem that's also caused by the person themself get's excused and garners sympathy.
If you're pro equality when it comes to these things, then please act accordingly and don't only hate on "fat fucks".
No. 492427
>>492424Haven’t seen much of it tbh.
Only time I’ve seen farmers be kind and genuine is when someone’s talking about a dead loved one. Everyone is picked on. If people didn’t freak out about it every time it’s a fat person getting laughed it, it would happen less often.
The more someone spergs out about something upsetting them, the more farmers will post it to get them to go the fuck off and be embarrassing.
I’m pro equality here in that I’ll laugh at everyone just as much.
C’mon, look at how we talk about bpd. It’s not just fat people copping it.
No. 492429
>>492427I agree to a certain extent, seems like there are certain topics that anons get
triggered by more easily than others. for example if someone mentions having bpd even in passing some anons will inevitably sperg out about how people with bpd are the worst people on the planet and we shouldn't have any sympathy for them. yet I've seen anons post about having alcohol, drug and other problems and I've never seen anons sperg out at them for it.
No. 492435
>>492431>Maybe because it’s so common for addicts to be addicts because of childhood abusethat doesn't make sense because pd's also result from childhood abuse. also lots of people binge eat as a coping mechanism because of childhood trauma which results in obesity.
>For real tho, everyone needs to toughen up over lolcow comments. People who can’t handle having an anonymous person comment on their backfat are free to go back to reddit where the opinions of strangers mean anythingwe're not talking about some passing comment about backfat. I've seen people post in the vent thread about being overweight and people replying with stuff like "just eat less or stop eating and stop making excuses fatass:)"
No. 492439
>>492435And? There’s a million places to get the single piece of weight loss advice in the universe which is to eat less. There are people lining up outside of lc to heap praise and compliments and advice to anyone who’s fat.
I never said personality disorders weren’t caused by it abuse as well. I’ve got BPD and still think BPD can be funny. Personality disorders are totally not relevant besides being something that is also mocked.
Getting off heroin is a lot harder than getting off snacky cakes. Heroin withdrawals kill people. It’s hard to afford rehab. It saves money to eat less and it does not require hospitalisation.
Seriously this might be a big issue for you but it seems like people are being too sensitive. Why even admit to being fat to a site for laughing at people? Might as well just say ‘please shit on me’
No. 492442
>>492439So it's okay to make fun of mental conditions, being fat, and pretty much everything else but substance abuse should be untouchable… K.
>And? There’s a million places to get the single piece of weight loss advice in the universe which is to eat less……. but sometimes people do eat less and they still don't lose weight… that's why they ask for advice…..
Not to mention I was talking about a vent that wasn't even asking for advice. I've seen people say things like "I've been on this diet for 6 weeks and have only lost 3 pounds". and again people just reply telling them to stop making excuses and stop being a fatass.
No. 492443
>>492425I've met three women with BPD who went on to have their diagnosis changed to something completely different. Two actually had bipolar and the other found out she had autism.
I wouldn't automatically lack empathy for someone with diagnosed BPD cos it's a diagnosis that lazy psychiatrists hand out to too many women too quickly. I do think it's real but it's often incorrectly diagnosed
No. 492444
>>492399Guys act like it's a human right. They've got all the sick porn they could ever want at their fingertips but as soon as as sex goes through a dry patch in a relationship they like they're being starved
I've seen guys complain on Reddit about their cancer fighting partners having to turn down sex for obvious reasons around pain and healing procedures. They try and sound all understanding but they're ultimately starting a thread about how blow jobs aren't enough while she's fighting a disease
No. 492477
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Give it Away by RHCP is a good song
No. 492508
>>492475What do you want people to do about it? It's just a minuscule part of that culture that would be difficult to shift as it causes no suffering, thus not being of high importance. Heck, we can't even change cultural aspects that
do cause suffering.
No. 492526
>>492482i might be poor but at least my brain developed beyond my childhood years
>>492508i'm just here to state my very
valid unpopular opinion, i didn't say people should change
get on this superior metric and 24hr system you dumbass americans
No. 492608
>>492513>>492518I wish I could enjoy these but the textures weird me out. I love hotdog toppings though.
>>492490This is funny, people in the US don’t ask “AM OR PM” every time someone says what time it is. There is usually an understanding of what time you mean, unless you’re speaking about future dates. Just language differences, nothing that complicated. This infighting is silly.
No. 492630
>>492619I think you need to calm down and use context clues
Like if someone says "tomorrow at two" they probably don't mean two in the morning
No. 492631
>>492619> getting an American to tell you the time is like trying to pull teeth with your fingers, most of them don't even know if 12 AM is meant to be midday or midnightOkay, as an American, I can tell you that’s bullshit.
A lot of us are dumb af but you don’t need to make up stories to shit on us.
No. 492681
>>492630unless it's an internet broadcast starting at 10pm west cost, then they do mean that, but they can't convey that information, they just assume you magically know they're on the east cost and that's what it is for them
>>492631there is literally a section on the wikipedia page about how this is such a common problem>>492637keyword meet since timezones rarely matter when talking face to face, but it matters for everything online, and it's only americans who'll never tell you the timezone they're referring to despite living in a huge country
No. 492740
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>>492482Hey, can't blame them. At least they can count to 10 and use the metric system which is fucking consistent with the rest of the universe. We spout freedom all the time but still use body measurements from the fucking Queen.
No. 492817
>>492754>>492801Lately I've seen a sudden increase in guys arguing that creating and getting off to cartoon kiddy porn is harmless. Then they even argue that creating cartoon kiddy porn will save real kids from abuse… the twisted logic. They act like it's woke to support it
Years of true crime interest has shown me that serial rapists have all sorts of violent 'acted out rape scenes' on their computers.. the porn fuels their violent tastes and it seeps over into real life creating real
victims. Porn doesn't magically satiate these men or stop rapes. It only leaves them more obsessed with it
No. 492933
>>492907An adult online just talking to you isn’t fucking grooming. Were those adults purposefully talking to you to raise you to be comfortable with a sexual relationship?
I’m sorry you had a bad online experience. I have had older female friends online my whole life and they never groomed me, they added value to my life.
If kids don’t want adults to talk to them then they should avoid adult spaces online and just hit the block button if an adult talks to them.
No. 492955
>>492907you reminded me of a 30 y/o former 'friend' who was the type of a person to be a cow if she had an online presence (fat, perpetually angry womanchild). She was friends with a 16 y/o girl just to laugh at her retarded fanfics and bad drawings. Once the teenage girl cut her off, she sent a mutual friend to spy on the girl so that they could both laugh at her in secret. Again, the person in question was well over 30 at the time and too invested in her OC husbando that the teenage girl tried to write stories with.
I wonder if she got better, but I highly doubt it as she would always say that everyone else is a problem, she's fine with being rude and unpleasant (if not
abusive) and it's not her problem if someone's feelings get hurt.
I fail to understand how can you be online friend with a person half your age just to laugh at how retarded they are due to being a fucking teen??? Shouldn't you be mature enough to work on fixing your life or at least to watch from the sidelines and not interfere? But imagine how low self-esteem one must have to feel good about being smarter than a kid.
No. 493173
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>>492924Same. I honestly don't believe in the tipping system and servers should just be paid normally. It becomes too fucking competitive. I hate people trying to slip a "tip your servers!" in posts about doing random acts of kindness, such as pic attached. Me giving you $2 ain't gonna change the world. If me or anybody else don't tip you, your employer is legally required to give you the amount of a minimum wage worker.
No. 493213
>>493173I can't stand any of those posts that start with, Friendly Reminder:
Usually followed by , tip your server, be kind to homeless people, transwomen are real women! etc. Shut the fuck up cos I don't need pointers on how to be a functioning person. Stop dressing up bossy and downright condescending posts as 'friendly reminders' I swear those people have a god complex
No. 493288
>>493216Yes, thank you. Seeing the Death Stranding hype was baffling to me because he just puts in dumb nonsensical long winded shit that he says is deep along with objectified women.
I'm glad Silent Hills was cancelled before he could add yet another terrible game to the series.
No. 493316
>>492907You need to be over 18 to post on this website you fucking numbskull. I'm all for not interacting with minors because they should all be put into containment units until they turn 25 so we, the adults, wouldn't have to deal with their grueling shit. I'm so sick of late teens constantly demanding everything around them to coddle their feelings and turning into literal babies when they need to take responsibility for choosing their own interactions and handling the consequences of their own actions. A 16-year old can be immature but she isn't a fucking toddler. Fuck, a lot of people in their late 20s are still in the same headspace they were at 19.
While we're at it I'm nominating "Grooming" to be the most overused buzzword of 2019. Zoomers unironically thinking that a 24-year old replying to their tweets is a pedo groomer.
>>492916Yeah what this anon said.
No. 493317
>>493314what's the difference between how straight men see women and how Kojima writes them?
Apparently he has a wife and a son, so either he's in the closet and they are his beard somehow or he's bi (which seems more likely).
No. 493328
>>493316A lot of people here are not so low key 17 though, for someone who wants to see mature people only, you should avoid image boards in general and especially /ot/ since that's shitposting zone.
then again i'm shitposting to a shitpost.
No. 493329
>>493314>>493288>>493216>>493317Careful, you're going to
trigger that one farmer.
No. 493367
>>493329who's that one farmer in this case?
You mean a Kojima fan or a hater?
In one of those cases I might be That Anon lmfao (and I am OP of one of your quoted posts). Everyone's entitled to their opinions about him and his games.
I genuinely wish I could be as succesful and loved while being as big of a sperg as he is.
No. 493402
>>492817I've heard SO MANY libtards say that porn makes rape go down and that sexual assault crimes are lower in countries where there's more access to porn. They always say that pedophiles can "live out their fantasies" with porn and it supposedly prevents them from hurting children. Yet none of them can ever explain why whenever a pedophile is caught and arrested he always has a huge stash of of cp on his computer.
I also think the "countries with more access to porn have less rape" sounds like bullshit but have never looked into it.
No. 493411
>>493402Any anti porn site has plenty of links to studies proving that exposure to porn increases likelihood of sex offending, and generally worsens every degenerate, misogynistic, violent impulse they have. It fixes nothing, just exacerbates and escalates the problem.
I've never looked into the thing about countries with no porn having less rape, but even if that was true it'd be a dumb claim. If a country has no porn, chances are it's conservative to the point that women don't leave the house or spend time with men, or are unwilling to report rape, or don't get taken seriously when they do. It's a very weak correlation compared to the easily observable effect of porn on individuals in countries where it is legal.
No. 493421
>>492924I had an ex who worked bartending and serving part time. He'd come home and bitch if he actually had to work a table of more than four heads and then get pissy if people tipped him no less than 20%. That's right, not 15, 20. And he'd often repost shit like
>>493173. Trust that he never picked up a random piece of trash (he could barely put his own trash in the bin), and he was selfish as all hell on the day to day. Yet he looooooooved guilt trips like those if they included something about the service industry, because he benefited from guilting some schmuck into giving him more than he deserved.
Always had to bite my tongue as I felt no sympathy for him. I'd worked and was working at that time in
abusive customer service jobs where I made an hourly wage. I was expected to be flowery sweet to every prick I interacted with. It didn't matter how much revenue I made my company, and no matter how much work or time I put into those customers, it wasn't a tipped job. Tip spergs can get bent.
No. 493532
>>493531This is a very autistic interpretation of autism lmao.
On the note of autism, I always thought their logo meant that there’s a piece missing. Also, has anyone else noticed that parents of autistic children take on autistic traits and it becomes their entire identity?
No. 493600
>>493532I noticed that the most mentally ill people ever tend to dislike other mental illnesses, not an insult to you, I don't know you of course. I just heard this analogy from actual autists, and I believe only real autists together with licensed psychologists can formulate what autism is. If I'm wrong do show me, because all I'm repeating is stuff an actual autist said.
I agree with the identity thingy, but this is the case for all mental illnesses and problems. They have a hard time fitting in and that label helps them to cope I guess, just like your hate for autism helps you get through the day as well.
No. 493644
>>493532sometimes autism is hereditary, maybe with the process of helping their child's autism, they recognize symptoms within themselves too (and then like normal adults make it all about them).
>>493600Those kind of analogies are basically copes people spout because autism is still poorly understood by most people. Autism is just a different way brains are wired, no better or worse than neurotypicality, just different.
Decent article why some ppl act all snowflakes about autism, some of the medical descriptions of it are really rough and dehumanizing. No. 494165
>>494126I really don't know how someone doesn't have a single friend. Even at the worst, most bitchy, most terrible phase in my life I still had a person or two who I called a friend. It's…strange.
I always thought it was just some anons hyperbole-ing or being dramatic for effect. Guess not.
No. 494189
>>494165No one experiences the world in the same way you do, anon, everyone’s got their own issues and hurdles to get through in life. Personally I was a friendless loser for a few years because I chose to be. I got sick of everyone around me and needed a detox, which really helped me grow emotionally. I’ve known people to be friendless for other reasons, too though; anxiety, trauma, moving to an unfamiliar place, etc. some of my best friends, ones that I cut off previously and one that I met after the detox, self-admitted that they were friendless for a period of time. It’s not really that uncommon, at least where I’m from, especially, I would think, in this generation.
No. 494387
>>494165I haven't had friends since elementary school.
In middle and high school all the other kids basically ignored me because I was shy and quiet and never made an effort to reach out.
It's super easy to just be invisible to other people if you have an introvert personality.