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No. 231531
Are there any types of mental illnesses you steer clear away from people for having? Not the really hardcore shit like psychopathy or sociopathy, but things that people would label you as ableist for refusing to get close to someone for having.
I've been burned too many times by people with Borderline (or who check off every symptom if they're undiagnosed). The disorder is literally just a cluster of toxic traits. They're simply not capable of being healthy people to have in your life. One of the traits of the disorder is that they will act totally obsessed with you then drop you abruptly for little to no reason, usually in a really dramatic OTT way. I just can't deal with someone who has a personality disorder that is defined by a trait like that. It stays with me for years when people pull that shit and now when people are super enthusiastic about our friendship, I get worried they're going to do that. Even when they don't even have BPD. And don't even get me started on the other traits involved with that disorder.
I also can't deal with people who have EDs, whether it's one involving weight loss or weight gain. It would be one thing if they only applied their deluded view of weight to themselves, but they almost always have to drag other people into their sickness. I want nothing to do with someone who tries to make me feel like a fat sack of lard when I'm a twig. Or who insists I look better overweight than I did at a healthy size.
People with depression issues who can't get their shit together. I fall into this category, but am working hard to get out of it. I can't be around hyper-negative people who complain about their problems constantly and let their mindset cripple them long-term from any advancement, especially when I'm fighting to NOT be like that. I also don't like feeling like my main purpose in someone's life is to be the person they dump everything on.
Autists. I know this one is just mean, but being friends with them is painfully awkward. You have to be uncomfortably blunt because they don't get even the most obvious hints, plus they tend to have no filter and say incredibly mean and/or offensive shit. I'm always so anxious about introducing my autistic friends to people because they pretty much always embarrass the fuck out of me. Here's just a few of the gems of examples I have of them doing so:
>to friend with acne issues upon first time meeting her Wow, your skin is disgusting.
>to friend driving used Audi God, I hate people who drive luxury cars. It's so unfair. I wish all the rich people would just die.
>upon introduction to friend You're not as attractive as you look in Facebook pictures, but we should go out on a date anyway. can't for the life of him understand why she gave a hard no to this request
>because I didn't know the name of the president of South Korea I mean, you are pretty stupid, so I'm not surprised.
>to adopted friend is it ever hard knowing that you were a last resort and your parents wouldn't have even wanted you at all if they could conceive their own kid?
So yeah, no more obvious autists.
No. 231549
>>231538>>231536aspergers is not a real disorder, just an obsolete term for high functioning autism, which is a spectrum. high functioning is just slight social awkwardness, low functioning is similar to downs and mentally crippling. if you have it you have high functioning autism.
you sound fucking stupid though tbh and the fact that you think you're way better than others who have it clues me in that you probably actually do.
No. 231551
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Lol op are you me?
I avoid alot of these mental disorders because my best friend has them and it has kinda soured my view on people who have them.
She has depression, anxiety disorder, ocd and recently found out about possibly being on the spectrum.Tbh she kinda reminds me of Pixielocks in some ways. She has the idea that people around her need to cater to her needs due to her mental illnesses and i’m getting sick of it. Her mom or older brother with bipolar gives tips about managing her mental illnesses she takes HUGE offense about it. I can't take it anyomore
No. 231552
>>231551i hate people like that. i tend to steer clear of or drop anyone using their illnesses as an excuse for shit. tons of strong people get by and don't have support systems but i feel like tons of people with really strong support systems tend to act like total assholes.
also, just fyi if your friend is on the spectrum that may be why she's an ass.
No. 231559
>>231557not trying to disagree but autistic people excel in their chosen field of study much easier than non-autistic people in the same field. that's not to say they're more intelligent, they just can care more about learning specific things than other people, even if those other people have the same interest. they are definitely more compassionate about specific things than others though.
most autistic people don't find out what field they'd accelerate in though and use the reasoning to apply it to themselves.
No. 231565
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People with BPD, anorexia, bulimia, bipolar, HPD, NPD, Shizoid PD, Schizotypal PD, or any other extreme disorder are red flags for me.
Everyone else is cool for the most part and I have nothing but extreme respect for those with PTSD, especially C-PTSD where ongoing abuse occurred.
No. 231574
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full disclosure, i'm clinically fucked in the head (bipolar ii and CPTSD) so this makes me a big dirty hypocrite but w/e lmao
all cluster B's can honestly go and stay go. i can check off every cluster B personality disorder on my bingo card of People Who Have Hurt Me, tbh. i went through a lot of abuse as a kid and seem to just be an absolute fucking magnet for these types of people, but i'm getting a lot better at asserting my boundaries/just cutting off toxic people with no remorse bc i finally love myself enough to realise i deserve better.
sidenote: i'm incredibly uncomfortable with the push to merge CPTSD (which isn't really a real diagnosis yet in the first place but very much should be imo) with BPD, because they are very much not one and the same.
fuckwits w/ depression who can't deal with life but don't get help and just throw their hands up in the air and go 'well maybe i should just kill myself then!' over literally everything can also go. i was this person once, so i do have sympathy for these people, but i got on medication (it took me six years to find the right one but god fucking bless lamotrigine) and found a psychologist. i recommend the same to others, and offer resources i've found helpful or offer to teach them about some basic CBT stuff if they're hesitant about therapy. however, if they don't want to take the hand i'm offering i just slow fade out because i just don't have the energy to deal w/ constant suicide threats and don't need the constant negativity.
autists. i spent most of my childhood doing the emotional legwork of parenting my younger sister (and still do a decent bit), who's on the spectrum, and i just can't deal with them any more. i also got paired up with all the spergs in primary school by my teachers to be their friend because i was kind, patient and available (read as: friendless, unable to assert boundaries and terrified of rocking the boat so i'd just suffer in silence), and it was honestly just an awful fucking time. i just don't have any patience for it any more.
trannies. perhaps a bit controversial depending on how you feel about gender dysphoria, but a lot of them (esp TIMs) tend to also display some pretty rampant cluster B traits. i'll leave it there, don't wanna derail a thread about MI with my GC/TERF bullshit, considering there's already threads for that.
also, maybe not quite a mental illness (codependency i guess?), but enablers can fuck right off too. i might be a bit bitter/jaded/resentful about that one though, considering my mother was thoroughly emotionally absent and did nothing to protect me from my father's abuse, but rather, tried to justify it.
wew lad that got rantier than intended but tbh i needed it. thanks for the really good thread, OP!
No. 231578
>>231574>>231575I feel the same way about cluster 🅱s and trannies. Bs are irredeemably awful and the vast majority of them are too far gone to change that. Trannies are cluster Bs but 10x worse because of the
*intense* victim complexes and disgusting fetish shit.
I generally hate all mentally ill males on top of that. 99.999% of normal males are already cluster B passing, I can't take more. I can usually tolerate females, though.
No. 231582
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>>231574I'm with you on depressed fags and trannies anon.
I'm a flaming trashcan with Bipolar II, Borderline Personality Disorder, Generalized Anxiety disorder, PTSD, and ADD. I'm medicated and in therapy so I like to think I'm slightly self aware of my behavior but what I noticed with fellow BPDs is that they dont want to seek treatment or rarely continue treatment. So their shit is continuously fucked. The prevelant mentality with that is that it's easier to be a victim than face the music that despite having lived through so much shit they have to still be held accountable for their actions and slow progress into becoming reflections of their abusers.
I really hate people who say they have anxiety and depression but are actually undiagnosed and/or just cluster Bs or have adjustment disorder.
I hate the whole tumblr craze where everybody has BPD because they identify with a shitty post that says something to the tone of "i hate when people dont respond to my text messages right away #justbpdthings" I guess basically normies who identify with a single trait of any mental disorder and immediately come to the conclusion of having said disorder.
Oh god i really fucking hate when somebody with a fairly large platform like kelly eden or anisa johma claim they have several mental pathologies but have never been professionally diagnosed and just say shit for ass pats.
the reason i hate trannies is that the majority of them refuse to see mental health professionals to sort out their shit. being a tranny should be a mental disorder specifically for the side effects of depression, body dysmorphia, dysphoria and the suicidal tendencies. despite not always requiring psychotropic drugs for treatment should still be taken care of by people with experience with dealing with psychosis of any kind.
i also hate anybody who's clearly mentally thats undiagnosed. Like they wreak havoc on everybody's life including their own and refuse to come to terms thats it it's all on them. For example i know this dude that is clearly undiagnosed bipolar. his manic episodes lead him through many phases of expensive hobbies and wild ideas that leave him in debt, and then when he's having depressive episodes it's the classic i wanna kill myself and life is meaningless bullshit. when i asked him if he's gotten treatment he was all like "i was on prozac once and it made me want to kill myself and that was it." the thing that scares me the most is thats he's really into guns now and he just bought an AR-15 (the favorite gun of modern school shooters)and i'm basically shitting myself. like there's nothing i can do but wait until he loses it or something.
No. 231588
>>231587Isn't NPD really rare? BPD seems more common to me so I guess more people would have a bad experience with one of them.
But you're right NPD are to be avoided like the plague, my aunt got herself caught up in the web of one of those monster and he completely ruined her, she is only 34 but look easily 20 years older, she is in so deep that I don't see any way out for her.
No. 231597
>>231585I already said in OP that I have depression issues. Did you not read it?
>nitpicking on women you're jealous ofHoly baseless assumptions Batman. I only participate in one cow thread and never focus on the girl's looks, just her incredibly
problematic behavior. Funny enough, the cow in question is believed by most in the thread to have BPD.
Also, since you're under the impression that every single person on lolcow is nitpicking over other women, what are you even doing here? Given your use of the word "jealous", I m guessing you have a thread on here?
No. 231598
>>231597>>231597always the same excuse: ''i only come on /ot/ !!!1!1!1" and muh
problematic behaviour. go back to PULL
No. 231602
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>>231598You're being retarded and OT, stop shitting up the thread.
No. 231610
>>231593It sounds like you just have extreme social anxiety. People with Autism don't understand social normalcy enough to be aware of their awkwardness and question if they have it.
As for if anyone you know might have Borderline, this should help: No. 231614
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Narcissists and sociopaths should be culled from the population as soon as they can be identified. Neither have the capacity to understand other humans and in the case of narcissists they won't even try not being disgusting manipulative people.
Borderlines are also pretty unpleasant and I hate that so many CPTSD sufferers get lumped in with them.
No. 231626
>>231607>Also, she claimed to cut to the bone and yet didn't have a single self-harm scar because "she heals really well".That girl would do the exact same thing. Cried over the phone that she thought she was going to die because she apparently cut her throat so deep. Next day, not even a single tiny scratch on her throat. She would also pose and pull up her sleeves "let her wounds breathe", so she could show off her tiny cat scratches every time someone walked past.
Also claimed to be anorexic and claimed to starve herself, because her sister is anorexic and got attention. Her sister was actually posted on lolcow ages ago lol. Somehow she didn't drop a single pound off her obese body in the three years I knew her though.
I drew a bit in class and got compliments on my art, which made her incredibly angry. So she decided to draw so that everyone could see her, and hung her art up on the walls.
Got a work experience week at a tattoo shop. Walk in to find her there, she had asked them if she could work there too because I did.
There was literally nothing people could have for themselves. If someone gave me attention for something, she stole it and made it her identity. No matter how small and stupid it was.
Plus she is a columbiner/serial killer fangirl, and threatened to shoot up the school. As if she couldn't get anymore crazy.
No. 231627
>>231626… My girl was also a Columbiner and hamplanet who faked anorexia. Wtf. Crazy how that's apparently a type.
Please tell me yours was some type of genderspecial so we can complete the bingo card?
No. 231632
>>231614While BPD has genetic factors it's typically
triggered by trauma and abuse, so I can see why people want to lump/merge the two. Renaming BPD would help with the stigma that might help more people get help as well.
No. 231636
>>231613>>231616You guys are fucking retarded. It's obvious that
>>231594 was trying to call out the aspie for thinking she is somehow above other aspies. Her whole "huurduur i hate aspies, but i am one btw" was cringy and it's just like a fucking autist to think they're better than others. Kek and getting
triggered tho.
No. 231688
>>231587People with certain personality disorders tend to have a type they're attracted to. I've noticed farmers are often weirdly similar to one another. I think the personality type that comes with your typical farmer just happens to attract people with BPD.
Most farmers tend to be troubled, but have a compassionate side. People with BPD rope people in through playing the victim and garnering sympathy. It's easy to mistake those with BPD as simply having extreme depression if you don't know better. My guess is that's why farmers seem to have a disproportionate amount of experience with them.
No. 231821
>>231555I think my mom feels this way about me.
I often wonder how my life would've been like if I continued to develop normally.
I see my normal, successful little sister and it just hurts.
I avoid getting close to anyone because I know I'll just annoy them anyway.
I'm afraid of falling into the whims of a Cluster B person because I'm not good with social cues. If anyone is loud about how they have so much *~drama~* they have, I'll just assume they have BPD and avoid them.
I have little in common with other autistic people. I can't stand people who think autism is a gift. It's a fucking burden and the world would be better if there was a cure.
My mom said I was a bright, talkative baby and then I regressed when I was two. I feel bad for her. I'm glad she at least had a chance to have a normal kid like my sister.
No. 231863
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>>231821Anon, I feel you, do the best you can, it maybe take time to not annoy people but you learn out each day how to comport in social situation even if it's tiring. If one day there is a cure or a way to reduce risk of autism for my child I will do it .
( sorry for the blog post)
on the subject I can't stand " non award of the bullshit their doing "autistic people ', the worst are the weeb's one, they can even make normal people follow they shitty social behaviors, I've seen that an it's not pretty.
Peoples who still have ED, they are hard to manage, but the one who are recovered and can make joke about can be quite nice
peoples with depression who take drugs ( not like medication ) and keep it / make it their staple look à la tumblr/ insta baddies junkie kid, they are just toxic
hypersensible people who trow a tantrum for small shit and justify their behavior by reaching hard or the one who even get all made when they /you misinterpreted something
trans peoples during the depressive/ pré transition part, I think it's a bit like for depressive peoples. It also make me inconfortable to oblivion when a trans people can't pass and it's obvious( even if I don't know them ),i'ts maybe why I don't have MTF friends
sorry for the wall of text, really good thread idea !
No. 231887
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>>231632CPTSD survivors typically don't have empathy problems or abandonment issues though, which is what makes BPD people so awful to be around. CPTSD survivors also don't tend to make fake suicide or self-harm threats for attention.
I may be biased though, my sibling has been diagnosed with BPD while my psychiatrist all but used the term CPTSD to describe my issues. My sibling doesn't mean to be (I don't think, anyways) but is very abrasive and mean to everyone and impulsively cut herself nearly to the bone after being told to look at nearby universities rather than moving away.
Unrelated but low functioning autism is terrible. I have a distant relative who has it and is almost completely incapable of speech. He doesn't understand basic needs like needing to put on clothing in public and that he has to eat. He gets completely fixated on something and has climbed up buildings chasing birds. His parents adopted a little girl and she's showing signs of narcissism. It's awful for them.
Sage for blogging because I'm sure none of you wanted so much about my personal life in one post.
No. 231968
>>231963>I am legit so done with depressed people because theyre always victims who no one can understand. 99% of the whiny entitled midldly anxious and depressed peoples problems would be fixed if people stopped enabling them and they would stop babying themselves.This, I hate hate HATE depressed people who don't even fucking do the bare minimum to function and it's all "muh depression, that's why I can't get a job or clean my room once a month or literally do anything ever." I say this as a depressed person.
I guess I'm especially bitter about this because my ex-boyfriend was just like this, and eventually our relationship fell apart because of it. He went from having a steady job and going out to completely succumbing to "depression culture" and quit his job, stopped going to the gym and put on 30lbs, and stopped cleaning or caring about anything. Meanwhile I was in school full time and working 30 hours a week and I was absolutely exhausted and the house was a fucking disgusting mess. Anytime I asked him to at least pick up his laundry he would get super defensive and upset and say that just because I was busier than him didn't mean he had to be a housemaid. I did everything and he did n o t h i n g except play video games and sleep. He did go to therapy 2x a month but refused to do anything the therapist told him because "she didn't get how hard it is."
Eventually I reached the end of the rope with his bullshit and dumped him. It was like a huge burden being lifted.
No. 232029
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>>231968Nowadays people have self induced depression and anxiety, since being depressed is seen as cool and deep now people will literally get depressed if their life isnt hard enough (I've seen this shit before)
Obviously there are actual depressed people but the bad ones end up giving a bad name to real depressed people and people use muh pro diagnosis as an excuse as if it wasnt easy as fuck to get diagonsed with whatever someone chooses, people choose what they tell their therapist and no one realizes that
No. 232051
>>232029>fat, chubby, roast beef, saggy tits?????
Lol, what a very specific thing for a guy to mention. Almost as if he's been rejected by said person.
No. 232055
>>232051It was on r9k, i agree with him on some points but others were just….
I do know some saggy tit girls and outtie girls that act like this though, not to mention several men, like more than 10, where agreeing with him and saying how their ex was like that so yeah
No. 232073
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>>232029>listening to incels about anythingEven when they have some good points their thinking is completely fucked.
No. 232113
>>232111This is me,
>>231963I absolutely agree with you and forgot totally about self-diagnosed people. They're so entitled, as you said formally diagnosed people are usually easier to deal with as they know their problems and hold it as something to work on. Self-diagnosed cunts jack off in a circle.
>>232029 Like this anon said and they love to glorify mental illnesses. If you have any mental illnesses, work on them and no one will have a problem with you. I have nothing but respect for extremely mentally ill people who work on themselves. There is nothing more amazing than a severely mentally ill person who is getting better.
No. 232311
>>232309I'm in a discord that feels like the olympics of suffering…
'I tried too kill myself' - 'yeah, me too, 2 times!'
'My parents were strict christians' - 'My parents didn't allow me to leave the house!' etc
I once had to jokingly ask whether they'll throw me out for not having anxiety, depression and being a gay trans…
Sorry for the vent
No. 232383
>>232311Lol, were we in the same discord?
I eventually left mine because it just became too much. The discord was originally for a hobby we all shared, which they all of course 'never had the energy for', and if I dared to show some progress I had done it was met with sarcastic comments like 'well, of course it's easy for you' and 'so how does it feel to be a normal person?'
No. 232389
I have an extreme bias against BPD - I'll admit it because any person I've met with BPD (self-dxed or not) wound up abusing me.
Had a friend once with a grab-bag of MIs: PTSD, DID, BPD, Autism, Depression, etc. We had a bad falling out, and this person painted me as evil because "I wouldn't let other system members front uwu" when in reality, this person would purposefully front bad/mean alters in to make me have panic attacks and then told me because I had a panic attack them (the host) is at risk of "dying."
This person fucked off out of my life, but I do consider them one of my personal lolcows now that I'm aware most of their grocery list of MIs are fake. I'm pretty positive they are BPD, but I'm lead to believe most of everything else is bullshit because this person claims to have gotten an official DID diagnosis after ONE therapist appointment lmao
Today they are still drawing their 100 furry OC system members, liking gross vomit gore shit, and talking about how mentally ill they are and never doing anything to improve their situation.
I avoid anyone who claims to be a system or claims to have DID.
No. 232570
>>232383>>232502Oh god, that's like when I lost a bunch of fat through exercise and suddenly people were telling me I must be one of those people who are just naturally skinny and don't have to work out or watch their diet, except much much worse, because instead of dismissing what it takes to lose some weight, they're dismissing your achievement of overcoming internal obstacles and carving out a better quality of life for yourself, with a little muh privilege thrown in.
No. 232582
>>232383I left as well!
They were like "No, of course we won't kick you out for being normal! Does it feel like a competition, no, it just helps me to share my struggles with likeminded people" ugh
But no, it was music related
No. 232736
Not sure if this is the right thread to post because I'm not exactly sure what disorder I'm talking about but I've had this longtime friend I've distanced myself from (at least for the fourth time now) cause I can't deal with her behavior and general personality anymore. From what I've read she seems to have at least one or two cluster b disorders (I'm not intending to give a diagnose, I'd rather like to hear if anyone here would agree with me)
>is very clingey, wants to message all day except she's busy (our friendship turned into LD a few years ago)
>talks about her problems with guys as much as possible, constantly seeking for validation
>not giving the same amount of listening back, likes to shift the discussion back to her own problems
>when you confront her that it's too much often gaslights you and says you should always say when she gets on your nerves but refuses to change anything about her behavior and become more sensitive, meaning if you'd say it everytime it's too much you'd say it everyday
>obsesses over guys she's had an affair with when things didn't lead to a relationship over YEARS (including daily social media stalking, texting, even showing up at their house or work, this happened with the two last guys at least twice a year)
>knows every detail about the things these guys have done even slightly related to her, sometimes I wonder if she writes everything down cause she likes to argument using exact dates. So is basically collecting "evidence"
>is extremely insecure but acts all self-confident, is conceited, likes to point out whats beautiful about her, always looks for flaws in others, especially in people she hates, tries to fish for compliments, but as soon as this wall gets destroyed by a single incident starts furiously crying and calls herself the exact opposite
>once stated good friends should always listen no matter how much the person needs you, which seemed a lot to ask someone cause friends are not therapists imo. Also likes to guilt-trip you by saying "I have the feeling I have to be SO careful what I say to everyone or I get on their nerves"
>is very impulsive and often overreacts and acts before she thinks
>has extreme abandonement issues routed in her crazy (probably narc) mother (which is why I feel shitty but I have to think of my own mental health and this friendship was never healthy)
>at the same time always had commitment phobia. Didn't have a boyfriend in 9 years now
Had to take a step back cause I let myself get too invested in this obsessive relationship drama and don't have enough backbone to confront people who are this demanding all the time. I don't like to feel used as a human tissue and don't want to give others validation all the time. Sorry this was so long.
No. 233408
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>>231531I cannot deal with people who have addiction issues. My mom and sister were both hardcore BPD with addiction and the constant lying, manipulating, and berating by them wore me down to a distrustful, easily agitated person with anxiety.
I am basically Duterte levels intolerant when it comes to drugs and alcohol, and I hate SJW's because they promote unhealthy coping mechanisms and acceptance of shit like drugs and alcohol.
I also cant stand people with eating disorders for the same reason you state OP.
No. 234113
>>234112My little brother has autism and they didn't know until he was a year or so old. He's almost 10 and they STILL don't have a placement of how bad his autism is.
I can't imagine someone finding these things out in a few days let a long a few hours after birth.
No. 234158
>>234108Just yesterday i was told that the husband of somebody i know killed himself. She wanted the divorce, he called her asking to talk everything out, but then she came he had already cut off his head with a circular saw…
Why do you have to do that to another person, especially your family/friends?
No. 234163
>>234108that's selfish.
>>234158that's totally different.
No. 234357
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>>231565>tfw i have almost all of thosepersonally though it's very, very extreme things like psychosis, or those who absolutely lack empathy and hurt animals (and eventually ppl or dream about it.) i feel intense empathy and usually want the best for them, but i wouldn't befriend someone like that for my own safety
No. 234363
>>232736god this sounds exactly like bpd and like every fucking girl i ended up being friends with
i've been friends with a psycho "sad bpd" who had an UNREAL victim complex despite being a bit older than me acted like a petulant kid and been friends with a fucking insane "mad bpd" who has to be the MOST at everything, sees herself as better and hotter than everyone else, actively uses other women to look better and is a complete edgelord
No. 236999
>>236987I mean we are on lolcow, where the whole point is to judge other people.
But I feel like saying "I can't deal with people with ___" is completely nonsensical though, it doesn't work like that. That's about as specific as saying "Ugh, I can't deal with people from NYC"
Also top fucking kek at
>I have x disorder b-but I'm not like those other crazies!! No. 237154
Oh man. I have a lot to say on this topic lol. I was diagnosed with "depression" and took medication for like 5 months, but then dropped it because it did absolutely nothing and I'm much more comfortable knowing I'm not drugging myself and can change myself with will. Anyway, I had a best friend who had some issues and it was obvious she learnt the behaviours of her even more messed up sister. They both were bulimic and cut themselves and were depressed, and honestly when you're feeling sad yourself the worst thing to do is become best friends with a person just as depressed as you. While we bonded and comforted each other, in the long run it was not healthy at all, she would come running to me when something was wrong and dumping all her shit on me, it was exhausting, and the worst thing is I was doing the exact same because I was feeding off her behaviour, I probably was worse than her because I thought she would always be there to listen and help, but I would then be constantly be whining and mopey just to get her attention. She was a great person honestly, but it just became so toxic, and we broke up a few years ago but still keep it touch, I just refuse to get involved in her shit because she made me so miserable sometimes. When you're with a miserable person like that, you really start to mirror their behaviours and thought process and it's not healthy at all. Hell, my mum is a depressed fucking wreck, she's living with her parents at and it's fucking embarrassing to see her at her age staying in bed constantly, not working and hardly helping around the house only when she's told to, being a disgusting slob who's impossible to be around because it's been ages since she'd showered. Honestly, I had a huge awakening after I broke up with my friend, I started to sort out my shit, stopped enabling myself when I got whiny, learnt to control myself, all of that. I've always been a person to naturally get a little more sad than usual, but I'm no longer blaming that on an "illness", I'm not a weak little shit who's incapable of handling their own emotions, and this is what I hate about depressed people, no matter how much I can sympathise with them, they're unbearable to be around when they're enabling their lazy, shitty, whiney behaviour and constantly bringing the people around them down with them so they can feel some sort of comfort, they complain about hating themselves and hating life in the hopes of having people say "omg nooo don't say that you're so nice I'll always be here for you." Newsflash, fuckers, you have to learn that in life people can't always be there for you, change starts with you, and whining like an annoying little shithead will not do anything for you in the long run. Your reality changes when your mentality and mindset does, learn to change that to a more positive outlook. "Aw but I'm depreeesseddd don't tell me to try and be happy uwu waaaaa". Fuck off with that honestly lmao.
Also, I've read a LOT on how shady and manipulative the mental health industry and psychology is and how much they've lied about doing research and experiments on these supposed mental illnesses. They end up fucking up a lot of people's lives. It really opened up my eyes because I've always been suspicious of certain things in those industries. It's also really evident these things have seeped into this generation and are ruining kids and making them more unbearable and whiny and annoying lol, I mean take a look at the depression and anxiety memes. Some of them are genuinely funny but when there's so many of them it starts to get irritating and it's evident they're made for looking cool or edgy and deep, like having something messed up in your brain makes you the most enlightened and intelligent person on earth somehow. It also makes way for people "fake diagnosing" themselves, like when I see a huge clusterfuck of a list on someone's blog and they have all these disorders I roll my eyes, like sure honey. I don't know why they think it's cool to pretend they're mentally ill. But like I think, medicalising normal human behaviours and traits makes people think there's something wrong with them, like being shy and nervous before making a speech or being sad when your dog dies, it's all the industry's doing, to make people buy their drugs and shit. But I digress.
No. 237173
>>236995The same logic can be used to justify racism. But I do agree with you somewhat, being too trusting is unwise.
The main problem I have with being too judgmental about mental illness is that mental illness is often not some objective phenomenon but a loose group of symptoms that occur together with varying frequency. The symptoms themselves can also be somewhat vaguely defined, one obsessive-compulsive or schizophrenic person can have almost totally different symptoms from another person with the same illness. People with the same symptoms can also vary widely in severity or treatment.
This might be controversial, but I also think that most people have a transient mental illness at some point in their life, even if its just undiagnosed depression or anxiety. Usually it's something people overcome, but I think its the more chronic cases of shit like BPD, schizophrenia and ASPD that form our common caricature of the insane.
Posts like
>>231614 also bother me somewhat. Mentally normal people are perfectly capable of supporting "sociopathic" shit like Nazism when their environments enable it. I think its comforting to compartmentalize evil into a specific set of dangerous people but that attitude, to me, doesn't accurately represent how selective and malleable most people's empathy is in the first place. Antisocials can be controlled with the same punishment-reward scheme that keeps most of us in line, and advocating their genocide is pretty hypocritical and paranoid IMO.
No. 237247
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>>237244except BPDs being toxic isn't "anecdotal behavior", it's literally a diagnostic requirement for BPD
No. 237265
>>237262Go outside.
Well, not everyone is a mentally ill piece of shit but let's say that 1/20 is and if you go out with friends and they bring their other friends, it's quick to find people.
Also, it's not "these days" when a person acts regularly like a cunt and tries to excuse it as "That's just who I am!" and doing incoherent shit, doing things on purpose to hurt people and then pulling the "I'm sowwy :(" card to keep them around.
No. 237269
>>237265Eh I guess I could go outside some more but I also feel like I'm fairly involved on campus so idk what I could do differently lmao. I'm pretty sheltered and I never got into the phase where i was constantly partying with people or whatever.
I also like to give people the benefit of the doubt if I don't know them too well and i would chalk it up to a misunderstanding or something than something serious. I also don't see how you're supposed to tell if someone has a serious mental disorder after chilling with the bar with them for a couple of hours.
It really does seem that a lot of people who complain about this shit online are pulling things out of their ass or projecting. I do think my ex bf had some sort of problem but even after knowing her for so long i would be hesitant to slap some label onto her. Calling people psychopaths or borderline just seems like a quick way to write off people you don't like permanently.
>>233408You sound fun at parties.
No. 237271
>>237269A person who hits his girlfriend and calls her names and then says shit like "You don't deserve me poor angel :( I love you but I'm twisted!!", steals people stuff and then laughs when they panic (He once stole my cellphone, then he gave it back to me only when I started to cry because I store my life in my phone, laughing just because he thought that that was funny), demands to be in every group chat of our friends w/ his gf to "control her" when she barely leaves home due to studying it's not a "person I don't like"
They've been together for a month, I don't wanna imagine if they keep it this way.
He's sick, period.
No. 237289
>>237272You can armchair people you know in irl too. Unless someone says that a therapist/doctor told them they had this condition then it doesn't count. Even then people can still lie and some doctors give bunk diagnoses so I would still be skeptical.
>>237271That sounds like a shitty person but some people are just shitty, not that that they need a diagnosis.
No. 237341
>>237289that's what i mean though. literally friend says "i have x"
kill yourself out of the thread.
No. 237395
>>237341Yooo calm down. Sorry I can't read your mind when you type so unclearly. Just because someone says "I have x" doesn't mean they actually have it. Based on his behavior it just sounds like he could make it up. You sound gullible.
Also your friend needs to grow a spine. lmao
>>237345Why were you friends with this person in the first place? To the point where you couldn't just block his number.
No. 237445
>>237395your friend needs to grow a spine
??? what? my friend needs a spine for telling me he's autistic? okay?
No. 238741
>>238730Distance yourself and let her know why. That you might consider being there for her on the bad times, but only if she makes an actual fucking effort.
With bpd even interacting with them is enabling.
No. 239085
>>239025Literally I talk about the crazy BPD that controls the narrative of BPD and makes it impossible not to talk about BPD with stigma and boom a wild one appears
"I still fail sometimes with covert narcs though but I have so much anger towards these people for hindering my progress in life for so many years"
What parts of NARCS written twice before that sentence did you have problems reading. NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU.
I never suggested I was cured, literally the whole post is about how bring around people with personality disorder people will bring everything back in five seconds, how does that imply cured? All I said was I don't have shitty quality of life in general if I do this ( and many other things) NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU.
No. 239165
>>239117>>239085>>239025>>238926What are you all even arguing about here? I don't get the "not everything is about you" - when did anyone imply anything was about (other random Anon)
It's just venting about your disorder, no? You're allowed to do that here.
No. 240050
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>>239231Except a Narc can learn to deal with the real world through therapy, you can'd teach a paralyzed person to walk. One COULD do something to get help, the other literally couldn't even if they wanted.
Narcs just flat out refuse help, because to do so would undo their entire understanding of life. It's often a self-defense mechanism that goes unchecked to the point that it becomes who they are. Weaponizied Guilt is a hell of a drug.
On that note, I can't stand:
-"recovered" eating disorder bitches, who want to mention it for a social media dick sucking, and seem to always fudge the dates and times they were sick or "recovered" depending on how they feel. The "recovery" is very often is just masking the disorder behind Veganism or Weight-Lifting, both more socially acceptable than bulimia.
- People who were treated poorly and now are "Abuse Victims", or are called out on behaviour that they in turn claim to be a victim of.
Literally any capable, functioning adult who dreams up one day that they have a disorder so that they can bitch at you about it constantly instead of doing work to get better themselves, or do the bare minimum and want a pat on the back for it.
Fucking help yourself you selfish fuck, I'm not here to be Therapy Round 2 after you just left your Therapist's Office. I don't care what you discussed, I don't have any new input on the same subject you bring up every fucking day. Sorry you make some stupid choices in life, we all do, welcome to living.
No. 240304
>>240059i have a 'friend' who bawws so much about her self diagnosed BPD i'm starting to think she actually has BPD
i won't post any of her ridiculous shit unless requested bc it'd be vendettaish but shes made facebook her hugbox and deleted anyone who makes her 'uncomfortable' read: doesn't 100% agree with her militant vegan bodiposi sjw ass. therefore the stuff she posts is super personal and insane. from 'I DESERVE TO DIE' to 'guys i just got put on new ADHD meds and i love them sooo much UwU'
No. 242749
I've been living with a BPD diagnosis for 4 years now. Yes, I was diagnosed by a professional. I've tried countless types of antidepressants and different kinds of therapy. They didn't really work, and I felt really betrayed by everyone around me. I wanted a quick fix, someone who could just press a button and I'd be healthy without any effort of my own. It doesn't work like that sadly.
I've been in so many unhealthy relationships. They always ended really badly, sometimes I would dump a guy just to be with another. Rinse and repeat. I'd call them names, demand their constant attention, I even beat up a couple of them. Nothing was ever enough, but of course I felt it was their fault. Not that I saw myself as the best person in the world, sometimes I felt absolutely worthless. But my boyfriends were supposed to fix me, and damn them to hell if they didn't manage it. In hindsight, I was an absolute nightmare to be around after a while.
I had a breakthrough about a year ago, and I just got fed up with being this unstable, depressive, self-harming, suicide-threatening bitch. So I finally finished therapy, stopped smoking weed every day, took my medication as prescribed. I'm not sure if I would consider myself "cured", but I think I'm well on my way to becoming a functional member of society. I actually look forward to what the future holds.
People with BPD aren't necessarily hopeless, but it's become a nice excuse to treat other people like shit and not take responsibility for it. I've been there. Even if they're aware of the things they do it doesn't matter if they don't even try to change it. No one else can fix your shit, only YOU can change the way you act. Only YOU can decide to not let your emotions and instability rule your life and destroy other people. It's a struggle, yes, but it is absolutely possible. Why would you want to thrive from a disorder that will ruin you and everyone around you?
TL;DR: Stay away from people with untreated and/or self-diagnosed BPD. You will be used and abused, and you will get nothing in return. Saged for mostly blogposting.
No. 244828
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Honestly? Paranoid schizophrenia. They think they are the center of the fucking universe and literally the most important/victimized people on planet earth. It may as well be narcissism combined with psychosis. At least most narcissists have deep-seated insecurity that gives them some glimpse of reality. Paranoid schizophrenics actually believe their narcissistic BS to the most extreme degree.
Seriously, if you are disgusted by narcissism or victim complexes, go read what a paranoid schizo will write. I'm 200% for the rights of mentally ill people (even suicidal and bipolar people) but paranoid schizophrenics should be confined to a ward or strictly medicated and monitored.
pic related, and I guarantee you this man is 100% convinced what he did was some noble deed that ~~~only he~~~ could do because he is just ~~~so special~~~. Does that look like the face of someone who feels bad about gunning down innocent people? Hell no.
Not to mention the cases of paranoid schizos randomly cannibalizing living people. Austin Harrouff has photos out there of human chunks in his teeth. Thanks, sunshine laws.
No. 245134
I'm someone with PTSD, ADHD, and DP/DR so I have tons of experience with being mentally ill and knowing it doesn't excuse bad behavior.
I had a friend who would constantly remind everyone on social media she was Schizo-something like every 4 days. She made comics and tons of threads about it. All of her close friends were the types who believed she could do nothing wrong and the whole world was against her. It rubbed off on her and she became the biggest narcissist and try hard SJW. Any down time she would have would be, "Holy shit, racism is sooo fucked up, dude." and "Video game girls with porn bodies rolls eyes I hate Gamers."
The worst part, she was a substitute teacher. She would constantly tell us about how she was the best person in the world once she got to take care of special education kids while at the same time bashing all the other kids not in special ed. When she got to sub for non-special ed kids, she would always have to update us whenever a kid would interrupt her while she was talking, making jabs like "These boys are asking for too much! I'm not your mother! The girls are so nice and behave so well! n_n"
On top of that, she would somehow try to talk about her favorite TV show or video games in her classes, always getting off topic and internalizing all the stuff these kids spewed out. I'm pretty sure she cried like 3 times because of some kids saying they didn't like something she did or repeated some popular meme.
The final straw for me was the event that got her fired from being a substitute ever again, which also gave me a sense of relief. She just straight up told some kids they didn't matter because they happened to be white. Keep in mind, these kids have no grasp of the language of SJWs and she's white herself. She had the decency to tell everyone on her social media how racist these kids are for not understanding something complex. She was just going on how the white kids she taught that day don't care about their special ed, LGBT, or black and brown classmates. Just straight up contradicting her "I'm by-golly the nicest person you'll ever meet!" mantra.
No. 247286
>>238730She sounds like my friend who is diagnosed with ADHD with Depression
>flies into a fit of rage when confronted about itShe does that when she's pissed. I recall her telling me how she broke some of her stuff when she got pissed. I remember her rant on how people treat her like shit (by shit I mean asking her if she took her meds when she sounded like she needed therapy)
>Is egoistical, loves to put others down, talks a ton of shit about other people to the point it gets uncomfortably petty>Worst of all: recognizes that her behavior is toxic and painful to the people around her but she simply doesn't care because of m-muh mental demons. >She's caused me to become majorly depressed as well and I have to live on the edge all the time. Whenever she goes silent I'm about to dial 911 out of fear for her having killed herself. She's nice enough during her sane phases but unbelievably hard to tolerate when the mental issues kick in.Sounds a lot like my friend. Also, I feel you. She always tries to reach me through messages, but I just mute them instead. I got really tired of her shit and even more tired when she forwards said messages to the public for ass-kissing.
No. 248056
I always considered myself to be pretty accepting and patient with most people. However, I've seen a trend in the anorexic people I meet that made me want to stay far away from them. I've been hanging out with a friend's social circle and so far I've grown to accept and like just about everyone there, except for some of the highly autistic guys and the anorexics. So far every one I've met is less body dysphoria and more cluster B personality disorder. They belittle everyone else's issues, and act like they are the only ones who have ever had problems in life. They often either refuse to acknowledge they are anorexic or refuse to get help, while telling other people they are mentally ill and criticize them for not seeing a doctor based on their armchair psychology. From the people I know with BPD (which is also limited), almost all the anorexic girls actually lash out more than them (ofc the BPD people are actually seeing help). One girl was actually saying how she refused to visit her sister in the hospital over a suicide attempt because she believes it was done for attention, and only she has attempted 'real' suicide. I asked her if her sister went and visited her in the hospital and she said 'of course, but it's different because mine was real'. I could not imagine having a sister that fucking self centered. Another girl also started lightly hinting at my friend (she is newly wheelchair bound) that she needs to start eating less calories and went off about how she should ideally be eating less than 500 but anything less than 900 a day is an ok day. They are catty as hell, they shit talk everyone who happens to not show up and make huge leaping claims off of very little information, it's made my friend hate going there. This is supposed to be a support group, wth.
I also stay away from the suicidally depressed, more so because I don't want to feel guilty if they actually do commit suicide, not because they really bug me or anything. I have pulled far too many all-nighters with suicidal people as it is, I just can't deal with that stress anymore now that I have a job and school.
No. 248107
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I probably sound just as bad as the mental illnesses in this thread. but i have pretty intense trauma around BPD due to some things that have happened to me in the past: The acronym itself, people sharing their diagnosis, reading tumblr BPD self care posts, all that shit.
I don't really do the whole trigger warning thing but people mentioning it sometimes makes me cry if i'm having a rough day. I can read this thread and lolcow in general bc i'm actively seeking it out/expecting it (and lets face it i love it when people shit on borderlines cause i'm petty)
recently it's been this whole "awareness" thing with SJWs and i'm fucking casually reading social media and someone will just post like
I'm fucking done each time i wake up and see a "borderlines need love too!" fucking screencaps from tumblr reposted on to someones wall i want to fucking throw up so i just deleted everyone who did it after i had asked them to hide it or w/e (you can hide posts from individual friends on fb or god forbid just tag it with a warning, something those types of people do all the time anyway with #weightmention #fatphobia #meat )
No. 248128
>>248107Yeah I find it incredibly cringey reading anything like that, it just comes off as attention seeking rather than trying to raise awareness about mental health.
Yeah I don't go on fb or tumblr or that anymore but if I did theres no way I would read the shit my bpd friends post cause it would just enrage me.
It definitely seems to be the new mental health trend like ADHD or whatever, I know quite a few people who have been diagnosed with it in the last few years or who have "self diagnosed" themselves as bpd. I don't know why people would want to have it.
No. 248141
>>248077I should probably mention that that was only one person, and most of the people in the group thought that was bad, even the anorexic and autistic. Idk if anyone was able to get her to visit her sister though as that kind of talk was pretty
triggering for some so we all agreed to not talk about it or any kind of 'suicide attempt shaming' anymore. I'd like to think someone took her aside to talk after the meeting tho.
No. 253309
>>253299Same! I also experienced a lot of trauma with narcissists also.
I had a gay male friend that wrecked havock on my self esteem, and when he ditched me for more exciting friends, a girl with borderline cane in and out of my life over the years and fucked with me. I should have said fuck off, but she was so convincing and I was lonely. Now I have trouble trusting anyone.
No. 253701
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>>248107same anon as this post
today i just had one of my friends message me 10 voice recording things of them just incoherently cry-screaming and when i asked them if they could type out what was wrong they asked if i could message their 'favourite person' and insist they talk to her and when i said no they went from
'I don't deserve you you're the best i love you.'
'oh ok well i have to go i want to talk to someone else now'
luckily i predict this shit and am pretty disconnected from the tantrums but holy shit was it a trip. she started ebegging right after her vent with me. I hate bpd so much. hell nah i'm not asking her to talk to you she is ghosting you for a reason
No. 253718
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lmao this girl in one of my gcs has or claims to have fibro and she posts shit like this loke twice a day
i sub-mod and people have mentioned this to me multiple times but apparently they’d feel bad for telling her off
No. 253720
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pt 2 of her regularly scheduled mental breakdowns
No. 253786
>>253746O loord this was a guy I used to talk to (and stopped in 2014 so who knows if he's an incel now)
Judging themselves by their own ridiculous standards of others = happiness, obviously, never mind most women don't gaf about imperfections in men
No. 256681
Narcissists. There’s so much overlap between them and BPD, but I’m more ok with people who have BPD because they at least care that they’re hurting others, and when it’s brought to their attention they usually feel really guilty and try to make amends. Obviously this can veer into the BPD cycle of abuse, but a person with BPD can get better, and if they do DBT they’re very likely to change enough that they no longer qualify for the diagnosis. Narcissists just literally do not give a fuck, and when their behavior is brought to their attention, they just shit all over you so they can reduce you to a position where they can tell themselves that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Even if they do decide to go to therapy, they quit as soon as they realize that the therapist sees through their act. They just absolutely disgust me, and It’s well established that the people around them suffer way more from the narcissist’s disorder than the narcissist does. At least with BPD I can have compassion, because those people are hurting horribly. I honestly don’t think NPD should even be a diagnosis, though. They don’t seek treatment, when they do (or are forced to) they don’t change. It should be folded into antisocial personality disorder tbh.
No. 256683
>>255506Sorry for double-posting, but I just wanted to add - me too, and it pisses me off that so many people who care about mental health issues will call ableism on talking about how devastating it can be to deal with someone who has NPD, when there’s nothing disabling about NPD in the first place. I’ve been kicked out of so many groups for simply saying that my parent was abusive
because of the NPD, and not incidentally an abuser who happens to also have NPD.
No. 256805
BPD. Everyone I've ever met with it has been a piece of shit, and the people around them that they've managed to manipulate all blubber pathetically about how "they can't help it, they're ill." Sorry, but no. BPD is tough to treat, but it can be treated, and enabling it just makes it worse.
I recently ended my relationship with a boyfriend about a month ago. He's 33. His best friend is a 42 year old woman with severe BPD who met him when he was just out of high school and fell in love with him, and is still in love with him. He is her 'favorite person' that she projects everything onto. He would go to her place once a week to cook meals for her due to her 'chronic fatigue'. This was all really fucking weird, yes, and I tried repeatedly to voice my concerns about her extreme emotional reliance on him. He has never felt any kind of attraction to her due to her unstable behavior / age / appearance, so I wasn't worried about that part, but he said he felt trapped and like if he stopped being friends with her she'd probably kill herself or something. Which I believe is probably true. I am pretty sure she hated my guts for existing.
No. 256823
>>256683Nobody who chooses to disengage from contact with a narcissist or a borderline or anybody mentally ill is automatically ableist.
Everybody should escape any narcissist, as well as borderlines who aren’t vigorously working on DBT. Not allowing yourself to be used up by emotional vampires is a personal right, not some oppressive ism.
I have BPD by that doesn’t mean anyone else in the world is obliged to deal with or listen to my shit.
No. 258647
>>254981fucking SAME anon
the thing is, i'm a hypochondriac in private. I wouldn't dare advertise it or fish for sympathy. I almost went down that road tho
It was way exaggerated by joining those fucking shitty spoonie hugboxes. I do have some legit issues but most of it was all in my head and it's extremely cringe to me now. Not only that, but Spoontards don't realise that they actually hurt people with this nonsense. IRL fibro-havers are basically laughed at now. It literally induces munchausen in a lot of people and it's insane
anyway i was diagnosed with OCD n shit and i'm self aware and dealing with it. Those communities are almost the equivalent of proana tbh
No. 258703
I had a suicidal friend for a few years. I spent a lot of time arguing with her, talking her out of doing whatever she was planning that particular moment, until one day she just stopped listening and killed herself. That fucked me up for a long time. Nowadays if anyone even hints at suicide, I tell them to get professional help. If they don't, I stop associating with them. If they make overt suicide threats, I'll call the police (I've not had to do that one yet, but I would if it came to that).
People tell me I'm easy to talk to, so I tend to attract people who're unhappy and need someone who can listen to them. I used to try to help if I could, but with that type of relationship, eventually it turns into some amateur therapy situation that I don't want, but that the other person insists on because they're too afraid of seeking help from someone with actual training. So yeah, no more of that, never again.
No. 369800
>>231590>good at hiding their crazy This ^^^
Also they project on other people and instead of being diagnosed, they just make other people look like they have NPD instead of them
No. 369802
>>256681I agree except for the part where NPD shouldn't be a diagnosis. There's a reason why it's called a PD, it's an abnormality so why can't it be called one?
Psycho/sociopathy don't/is hard to change as well so why can't NPD be called one?
No. 369891
>>369795Mine replies to me always with "dog whistles". What I mean by that is when I read it, I get it but when other people read it, they don't get it. Which is why whenever I tell people my ex is stalking me and when I show them, they tell me that it could be someone else etc., etc., which is frustrating seeing as how I'm the only one who got it.
Makes sense for it to be called a "dog whistle"
No. 370015
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My sister has fully cocooned herself in her diagnosis as 'shizoid effective' ???
I keep trying to encourage her and give her solid advice on improving her life (like going back to school, getting out of shitty restaurant jobs)
She had a huge mental breakdown a year after our mom died and did a bunch of drugs, and since then even after going cold turkey has never been the same. I basically can barely talk to her, which sucks because we were so close before all of this. But since getting diagnosed after her breakdown and two week stay in the psych ward, she's excused all of her bad behavior with her mental diagnosis and continues to use it like a safety blanket to not have to change the way she lives or behaves. It makes it hard to talk to her at all because even if we avoid anything that could possibly relate back to her mental health she continues to bring it up. She's basically lost all her friends from this as well, which is a shame, but you can't tell her 'its because you wont stop turning everything into a pity party for yourself'.
No. 370110
>>370099Lol all the time, I love hearing and seeing the magic words "they're recovering!" KEK so what? It doesn't give someone an excuse to be a piece of shit or do shady shit completely unrelated to the mental illness. Especially if the person's known not to act that way even during their worst. Their apologists only fuel their bad behavior and the cycle continues.
This gives me flashbacks of a couple cows on here.
No. 370129
>>370099Also forgot to include that, in order to change yourself completely you have to feel bad about the things you did, which requires emotions and empathy, which some mentally disordered doesn't have so thus no remorse, no motivation nor a reason for them to completely change.
Even if some of them have it (limited emotional range), like I said before, they always come back to becoming a shitty person.
No. 370216
>>231531I've never had any trouble with people with mental illness. I guess I get along with them because I have some bad stuff going on inside my head. I've never had a close friend with BPD though, I've read enough about them to know they could hurt me even if they don't want to.
I had a friend with ASPD and he was pretty cool. He's changed a bit now too
No. 372760
all of you (but especially the loons going on about autism) sound like retarded insecure unhinged losers with more mental issues than the people you hate on
>>231557are you really jealous and insecure of autistic people getting called intelligent and getting recognition because you don't get attention enough for being average? lmao
No. 372880
>>372786Jesus Christ shut the fuck up sperg and go back into your hugbox.
This is a thread for venting about mental disorders which autism belongs in.
Autistic people ARE annoying as fuck and are incredibly hard to integrate into society without constantly babying them. Their supposed intelligence almost never helps them in life and is usually a huge hindrance.
When people take pride in their autism, I cringe so hard. It's like taking pride in schizophrenia or bipolar lol.
No. 376698
>>370099Narcissists apologists are the
No. 495199
>>495196I have pretty severe BPD and at this point I literally don't blame anyone who chooses to avoid us. Obviously it hurts when people are assholes about it but lets be real here. I've driven my ex to drugs and therapy. If you already know you won't be able to stomach this, then its totally fine to disengage.
Other than that I can't handle anyone with NPD because most of the time they are complete monsters and don't even realize it. At least I recognize my
abusive behavior and am seeking therapy but a narc will suck you dry and enjoy every minute of it.
No. 495214
>>495196 and yea, I can't deal with this. It hurts so so bad because she is basically my sister, we grew up together and she knows about my story with a NPD person and always said he was a piece of shit (also, he was raised by a Munchie mom so ew, am I a magnet for these people?) and recently she's acting in some ways like him.
She was always caring and patient with me but now she literally throws fit at ANYTHING.
For example, lately she invited me to her house to watch a new movie together, she knows I love this stuff so I set myself in the comfy mood mentally and got some snacks. When I got there, after a couple of minutes she started screaming that I'm annoying for forgetting stuff and that she has to remind me (mind you, I'm on meds that literally kill my brain, sometimes I can't remember my name, how could you get so upset when I asked to remember at which day we were supposed to get out some other time), that I don't care about her because I'm too egoistic, that I'm not supposed to rely on her because she has too much on her head and other kind of stuff. Before getting there we were chatting on the phone and everything was normal.
Lately that day, after I got out crying (and called me being hurt "childlish") she apologized saying that if she didn't act like that I would never understand (what, we've been friends since we were 12, are you real? We always talked about everything) and she's very sorry.
Only for her to call me names again in the morning after and since then it's always like this. I don't text her so much anymore and I miss the time we used to talk and laugh over stupid shit. Right now if we talk it's only about her and if I try to switch the convo to be more light hearted she's says that I'm egoistic for not listening…
It's like a river that's overflowing and I can't deal with it.
>>495203I firmly believe that psychs should be authorized to put down narcs.
They're not people, they're just black holes.
If I were a mother of a narc I would live in infinite shame knowing I kept a baby for 9 months in me only to be born such dysfunctional
No. 495228
>>495214I recognize her behavior because thats exactly what I was like too when my symptoms were just starting to get really bad. Basically, this is going to absolutely fucking suck for both of you. She can barely manage her bpd at this point and you're the ones whos gonna get hurt. She will feel bad after splitting on you and she knows its wrong but its probably going to happen many more times. You're probably her fp (favorite person) so she loves you intensely but when she she'll split hard on you too. And obviously its going to hurt. In my experience, she really needs to get as low as possible until the pain becomes unbearable and she considers getting help. I didn't reach out until my ex left me and I thought I was genuinely going to die if I didn't get help. Just like with drug addicts, its all up to her. People told me for years to get help and I didn't do it until I actually wanted to. I'm sorry this is happening to you.
And yeah, narcs aren't human.
No. 495233
>>495228I recognize that I'm no saint but it weirds me out when we are friends for more that half of our lives, always talked about our problems (for example, even if she had something wrong with me, she would confront me calmly and I would understand right away and never did that thing anymore and same for me to her) and now if I say that she hurts me she says that I have no right to say that because she's hurting so she's "hurting more because her pain is in her" and she's right and we can't talk quiet no more because she'll get upset with me because "How can you be so calm in these kind of stuff"
Also lately she's been in 3 relationships, with people who genuinely cared about her (she's very pretty and nice…or so, she was), who she autosabotaged because "I'm not the right person to be with and they're egoistical for not leaving me alone because they don't understand me and only want my pretty face" when usually she's the one to text men first…
I'm really desperate. If I say that she needs help, she just says that I'm not in the position to tell her that.
And sadly, I'm more of a caretaker personality and I don't want her to feel alone in this
No. 495282
>>495196BPDs are masters at manipulating. They tangle you in their mind games without you even realizing it and when you do, you're already too far in that hole to dig yourself out. It's not your fault.
On a related note, I'm currently in a long-term relationship with a BPD person. Censoring details and keeping it vague because I'm paranoid that someone recognizes my story. I'm depressed and given up on life. I've been isolated by them to the point I can't live my own life or have my own dreams because I've internalized the idea of my only function being to be their spit bucket and personal therapist. I got into this situation because I was already too afraid of upsetting people or defending myself and let it go this far. If I don't bend to their every whim, I'm drowned in suicide/self-harm baiting (the worst part), mental abuse, silent treatment, explosive rage. Whenever I stop to think about my situation, I start crying over every opportunity I've missed because I put someone else's life over my own. I start crying because I'm never given space to have my own feelings or emotions. I start crying because deep down I know I'm not at fault and don't deserve this. I want to drop the situation but the consequences feel too dire, and due to being isolated from everyone else I don't have a proper safety net. I don't know what to do and it's so hard for anyone who hasn't been in this situation to understand how suffocating it is. Thanks for reading, I just had to let it out because I have nobody to talk to.
No. 495411
>>495404I'm anorexic but I feel the opposite way. People constantly make rude ass comments towards me and rude jokes.
I recently found out a "close friend" was telling everybody about how disgusting I look lmao. I don't even try to show my body since I cover up due to insecurities.
I do side eye anachans that constantly post body checks for validation though.
No. 495416
>>495411I mean yeah you get people commenting about your weight in a negative way but the thing is (at least that's what I've noticed about every anorexic person I've met) they NEED people to know how little they've eaten. I know personally I didn't care how much other people ate and to be honest seeing people indulge made me happy as they at least weren't feeling that constant hunger like I did but I also LOOVED when people called me out for not eating.
Honestly I think anorexia is the most selfish mental illness outside of personality disorders
No. 495433
>>495411I've come in contact with anas who secretly LOVE that other people think they are grossly thin. But cry about it anyway because they have some persecution kink. If no one said anything, they'd still bawl about how no one cares, "it must be cuz I'm not thin enough~"
Can't win with ana-chans.
No. 495513
Bpd is one of the most annoying mental illnesses out there imo.
My bfs ex is bpd to the extreme. Last we knew she was living in texas and after months of making new fb accounts to stalk me, she randomly showed up outside our house at 3 am. Mind you they had been seperated with no contact for 3 years when this happened so it was totally out of the blue. They also only dated for 6 or 7 months, it wasnt terribly long term and she cheated on him throughout. She called my bfs phone (whos friend she had similarly stalked to get his phone number) 57 times that night outside our door until 8 fucking am, spam texting, leaving voicemail, anon calling once we had blocked her number, demanding to talk to him about their child, "atlas," they never had because she was faking pregancies and even a miscariage? She was going off and saying she wouldnt leave until she spoke to him, then started flipping and throwing insults and slurs because he wouldn't meet her demands. 3-8am sitting in her car outside the house rage calling…Then i think she drove back to texas, to her CURRENT boyfriend of the time lmao. Then she amped up the stalking and i think googled my email i used for facebook and tried to hack my fb, his fb, my etsy, my email, and my icloud mesages account. Shes quite cow worthy and recently a friend told me she was pretending to be an olympic gold winner or something, and a professional surfer and was going to be modeling in NYFW. super bizzare.
His family at one point paid for her plane ticket to seattle for a family event, and upon some manic spazz, had -her- family buy her a plane ticket to california and ditched him at the air port as soon as they landed and "lost" his jacket his father had given him (something that was veey important to him for sentimental reaaons) after fucking 4 other guys just to spite him. Then came back and expected full forgivness. Re: fake pregancies.
To this day i still get suspicious log in attemts on my accounts associated with that email lol. Could be coincidence but she also started skinwalking my personality and music taste, (was gym bro, self proclaimed quadkween, then turned hippie "love the universe, open your 3rd eye" eco warrior) and even got a nose pericing like mine after she returned to texas.
Its all very surreal and ive never dealt with mental illness in this calliber tbh. After the 3am incedent we decided on a protection order if she tries to get a hold of one of us again.
No. 495523
>>495514I agree that you shouldnt really hate people because of their mental illness, but at the same time, these mental illnessses cause a lot of pain to the people around them, and often target certain kinds of individuals for their nativity. I had a severely ill ex who was incredibly violent. He targeted me because at the time I was in the mindset of "everyone is good deep down and everyone deserves 2nd chnaces…. Or 6th or 7th chances… Theres nothing wrong with avoiding people with certain mental illnesses if they make you uncomfortable or scared. I dont agree with outright hating them, a certain degree of empathy is required because it is an illness and most of them have trauma of some sort that led them there. However that doesnt mean you have to willfully enage in their
toxic behavior- you can empathize with them from a distance while still protecting yourself.
No. 495525
I constantly see "my ex was a narc/sociopath/bpd" when someone just has a shitty ex. I think a lot of people in this thread/in general are assuming that anyone who is a shitty person or has traits associated with certain PD's is automatically npd/bpd/sociopath etc. just a reminder people can be
toxic, manipulative,
abusive, lack empathy and be generally terrible without having a full blown PD. also don't assume that just because someone is mentally "healthy" that they won't treat you like shit.
disclaimer; I'm not defending
abusive people with PD's.
>>376698do yourself a favor and never read the comments on true crime videos. every time I watch interviews with jeffrey dahmer there are a bunch of replies being like "awww he just needed mental help and medication:((" dude was CANNIBAL who murdered boys/young men. he deserved a worse death than he got. people say similar things about ted bundy.
No. 495530
>>495525Well to be fair anon, -you- dont know if they are just a shitty person or if they have a PD. Youre just going off the stories. These people who are saying its a PD have a direct link to the knowledge of whether or not they have been diagnosed.
Its safe to say they know better than you do whether or not their ex has a PD.
No. 495555
>>495525because they were white men
no one's saying that shit about the non white serial killers, lol. ramirez is the most popular one and literally everybody but his teenage girl fans hate him. even grown ass men defend bundy.
No. 495610
>>495416Same anon as before but I disagree, I think that anorexia and all eating disorders are extremely competitive like no other illness and its more like an addiction unlike depression.
>>495433I've seen this ring true for many anachans especially those doing the fake recovery bullshit to get attention. I'm avoidant about it and I'm not white so its not something understood in my culture anyways. I can't even afford to get bougee impatient like half these middle class girls who just post photos of their feeding tubes but it is what it is. I'm used to being stigmatized on my appearance at this point.
No. 495635
>>495521Wow, and how many analytical posts by /r/raisedbyspoilingparents and /r/dumpedbybpds have you read to conclude this, xir.psychologist? Just eat shit bitch lol.
>>495523Of course you can avoid people who display certain behaviours, just don't group people and then actually imply you're any less red flaggish by hating on them, because for some people maybe that kind of behavior is a red flag, like it was for me. I won't blog too much but personally I couldn't sleep for an entire year thanks to this certain """stable""" individual/scrote who was really obsessed with saying that I suffer from a personality disorder (and even if I was, does this mean I deserve to get harassed or disrespected? wut?). I think with your mentality you're better off to vent about your abuser in communities for
victims of abuse specifically, those communities on reddit and shit where mentally ill shitheads screech about diseases who are still stuck in medieval times don't help at all for anyone except for containing these pathetic fuckers.
It's just sad and funny but more sad that this whole "you are what you hate" thing turns out to be true a lot of the times. When I was dysfunctional I used to hate personality disorders and autism and now I am no longer as much of a bigot. Not a coincidence I say.
No. 495650
>>495536It's a spectrum but IMHO socialization plays a part.
I know two high functioning autistic girls who are more considerate than neurotypical people, they're friendly and kind whilst still being typically honest and logical. I didn't know either of them are autistic until it came up, I just thought they were introverted geeks. One is very candid in how she works to perform social skills or to explain her behavior and doesn't tolerate people that don't make the same effort as her, I wish that level of attention to maintaining relationships was normal in everyone.
On the other hand the autistic guys I've known have been more selfish even if they were still nice people. I'm sure there are exceptions to my experience out there but I've never been surprised to learn a man is autistic as it's always immediately obvious. They use it as an excuse for everything too. I could never date an autistic man or someone with a personality disorder, it's too much like being a mother.
No. 495680
>>495650Everyone says that autism is different in women. But if you don't have the traits of autism (being inconsiderate and inattentive) then how the fuck do you have autism in the first place? It makes no sense.
I did have a friend with autism. I haven't seen her in several years but the last time we saw each other, we were 18. She wanted to talk to me about her video games the whole time, which was boring so I left. Not all women with autism are normal, which people on here love to say.
>>495635NTA but you just want people to get trampled on with no repercussion huh? Sweet.
No. 495694
>>495688That still doesn't make any sense. Plenty of women without autism cut and have eating disorders. You need to be more specific.
And you said it yourself - it's obvious when men have autism and less so when women have autism. Why are you surprised that fewer women are diagnosed with autism?
No. 495710
File: 1576678955771.jpeg (46.98 KB, 600x500, B3439C21-ED7C-4FAD-954E-A63810…)

Why is everyone here larping as psychologists just because they see one every week?
No. 495829
>>495817Everyone on this complex bpd subreddit just claims to have ptsd we can just do that right? I am glad I'm embracing it now too, yes my stalker was correct but at least I'm not a pos narc. Narcs are the real enemies
bitches some more about internet nobodies.
>>495821>you allt. uses a gossip image board
I still think that people who deny being mentally ill are the most mental ones.
No. 495924
>>495895are you kidding? the same thing happened
months ago when this thread stopped getting replies.
No. 495997
File: 1576725989715.jpg (45.16 KB, 800x450, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)

>ur mentally unhinged
>no u
No. 495999
>>495997Nah, I am the only mentally unhinged one and I'm damn proud of it.
>>495996My licensed psychologist who is sitting next to me disagrees with you.
No. 496213
>>496210Same anon.
Even though these two girls and a couple others put me through a lot of drama I still miss the good times and think about going back to them. Guess it’s cause as an adult I don’t have as many in person relationships. Any other anons experience this? How do you stop yourself from going back to people with
toxic traits?
No. 496964
I don't really deal with a lot of people with personality disorders on the day to day, so maybe I'm a bit limited in my exposure in saying the only ones I really can't stand are narcissists and borderlines. I cut out the especially toxic ones.
Also I don't have proof, but I'm pretty sure my ex had psychotic traits. There's nothing worse than trying to appease and tolerate an unhinged person who gives no fucks about anyone but himself. Oh, and the part where they admit they want to hurt people and are violent. Which he always threatened.
He once threw a chair across the room and tantrumed about how 'difficult' I was because I said I didn't want to watch a movie he had picked. I never got to pick anything we watched, and if I did he showed complete disinterest. Whenever I didn't want to do what he wanted and gave my reason, he took it as a personal affront and criticism and would become extremely hostile. I took him out to eat once for breakfast, and noticed suddenly that he was leering at me with an evil look like he was going to burst up from the table and harm me. Apparently I had pissed him off because my food was hot and I allegedly chewed with my mouth open and he didn't like it-I don't chew with my mouth open normally so clearly he was analyzing my every move because he wanted a reason to justify his hate. When he'd have me drive him to his parent's house to visit, he'd kick me under the table and randomly squeeze my arm tightly to the point where it would hurt. After the visit he'd start going off on me in the car as I drove us, to the point where I cried, because apparently the things I said to his parents had embarrassed him. I was meant to take his violence against me as a cue to shut up, even though I had no idea why he was hurting me and he made no attempts to verbally cue that.
I could go on with the stories, but let's just say I ended it when he restrained and attempted to batter me on a holiday where he got drunk, and then called me the next morning blaming me and accusing me of having "abandoned" him because I went home instead of staying with him.
Yeah. I'd say violent mental people are up there on my list.
No. 497435
>>231531B Clusters can all be rounded up into camps for all I care, not a single one I've ever had the displeasure of meeting has ever not been a worthless leech and emotionless psychopath.
I do feel bad for trannies but having to deal with their mental disorders online and in all my hobbies and literally never being able to escape politics has /pol/pilled me into hating them and not wanting to listen to them.
Anyone who thinks fictional characters have rights needs to be shot in the fucking face, people just want to read fanfiction of a character they like getting their asshole destroyed by a large cock it's not that deep you closeted child molesters.
No. 497529
>>497067Except that I am? Not really a friend but he's a man in my family with 5 distinct personalities, who developed it when his wife died.
One is "him" who is usually quiet, the others are apparently a child, another violent man, a teenager and who the fuck knows, just him but on the sad part.
He would randomly scream at my mom, the start crying the moment after saying "X did that and he's sorry", when he's the teenager he just get obsessed with the kids in the family (creepy) and other time he can't stand them.
It's draining and it feels shitty because you don't know who you're talking to.
So I imagine that if I can't stand a man in my family who I see around 3-4 times a year, I wouldn't stand it with one of my friends
No. 543640
>>543629I mean you shouldn't enable any mental illness and encourage anyone with one to get help no matter if it's depression or the more uncomfortable personality disorders lol. Sorry your posts just reads like
>Im all for enabling mental illness>but fuck bpd not that one get help??
No. 543641
>>543640I'm for people getting help. Not enabling it.
At least the other disorders try to function in society/are a lil bit aware of their condition, BPDs fail to see this and most of them DONT WANT to go to therapy because they believe the others are the wrong ones for not enabling them
No. 543816
>>543641I'm curious, what are these other mental illnesses?
BPDs have great self-awareness even if they will not admit certain things in front of people they don't like or trust. The whole thing revolves around having too much self-awareness actually.
No. 543827
>>543825Yea, it's true, but they believe that since they got abused then everyone is an abuser, no matter how you try to be nice to them. If you say that you're not gonna hurt them, they do not believe you and project their minds on you , to which point, if you get a bit distant because you know, you don't wanna be treated like a doormat they're like "NOOO COME BACK"
If you try to make them sit down and think about stuff, they think you're gonna attack them or think they're wrong and they DO NOT LIKE TO BE WRONG.
They're a child in emotions but fail to see how that's a problem and they expect people to be at their feet, to the point they don't go to therapy, also no wonder how many psychs don't want anything to do with them
Schizo spectrum people go to therapy to get a better life, depressed people go to therapy because they want to function properly, BPD people don't because they don't feel they're "sick". They're always right, even when they're hurting people, because "you know, I'm like this"
No. 543828
>>543825NTA but overwhelming majority of women diagnosed with BPD have suffered abuse in their childhood/teen years whether it be physical, sexual or psychological so yeah it's most likely the case that whatever trauma they experienced it hinderd the part of the brain that processes emotions to grow properly etc.
BPD is a lot more complex than anons on here like to think & very much closer to a spectrum than just the one size fits all BPD-villain that everyone on here always comments on.
No. 543832
>>543829The thread is called "Mental disorders you can't just deal with" not "let's empathize with people who are too much for other people"
The majority of BPD people don't ever bother get a diagnosis. I'm pretty proud if someone sees that their attitude is poisonous and tries to be better, but BPD often don't see anything wrong with them and try to brush it off as being "blunt" or "honest" while they just split on their friends or lovers.
>>543830>I don't think I've ever interacted with someone who has it so I don't know if they're THAT bad.Just wait then
No. 543837
>>543834I think I answered while making my points. The point of this thread is basically ranting about stuff we cannot deal in people via our experiences, not being lectured or "discussing". Here you can't find people who can't deal with people with ED, depression, Schizo etc
I'm on the cluster A spectrum myself but you don't see me replying to people saying "Well??? You know its not like this?????"
because it's their opinion and that's it.
If you like BPD people go get split on and excuse their behaviour, fam. I've got plenty of examples in my hands to make up my points and we can see that in general, BPD drains too much
No. 543839
>>543837Then write your posts in a more clear manner because it's super hard to decipher what you're trying to get across.
>That last sentencelol I actually study this so I have a different kind of interest in this topic but I guess?
No. 543840
>>543835Nvm lmao,
>>244828 hurted me bad
No. 543862
>>543829I'm glad I saw your comment before replying to BPDhate anon. I'm diagnosed with it, as is my older sister. There's not a cure for it but I've personally done a lot better with regulating my emotions and self-destructive tendencies (I'm a "quiet borderline") since going to therapy for close to a year. Sounds wookie, but practicing mindfulness helped a lot. I've been having more consistently stable days these past few months since a giant cause of anxiety and my volatility was relieved to where I sometimes question if I'd still meet the criteria.
My sister, on the other hand, is a more textbook borderline and her destructive tendencies are towards her relationships.
I can't even stand being around her for how volatile she can be. In some ways, I understand where the BPD anon is coming from because of how she is. She is draining to be around. It's all about her, all the time. But it's also an exhausting disorder to live with.
I do wish
>>543842 would stop generalizing all borderlines as
abusive and complacent and realize that it's a spectrum, like any disorder, re:
>after the first one you would never want anything to do with thembecause a lot of us fucking hate this disorder and are ashamed of having it due to those very stigmas. It's no wonder it has such a high suicide rate with how we're percieved by the general public – a lot of therapists won't take on patients with BPD because of the
abusive/unresponsive to therapy, etc. generalization.
No. 543902
>>543862>Coming to a thread where people bitch about people they don't want to be around and can't deal with, it's literally the title>Get hurt when own disorder is mentioned.God for you if you're in therapy, don't forget about the majority of people with that disorder.
If there's stigma, ask yourself why. No one here is giving you asspats.
Many disorders are
abusive in their own ways? Yes.
It's BPD one of the most
abusive? Also yes. Just read the many replies in this thread. No one is special.
ED people are annoying and if they're bulimic, they're disrespectful, Schizoparanoid people are annoying and drive you insane, Depressed people bring you down too and Narcissistic people should be eradicated at birth, BPD abuse people and then cry about it. That's it. A lot of people are mentioned here and I wonder why it's always BPD people who feel the need to protect themselves on the internet.
No. 543921
>>543902Right? BPDfag myself and I genuinely don't understand why these uwu bitches would get so personally offended. It's just true that BPDfags have abuser TENDENCY, comes with the territory when you suffer from emotional disregulation. Just keep your head down, do your DBT and don't be a piece of shit, that's how you dismantle stigma, not policing others feelings on the internet.
Muh self-awareness means jack shit btw, if you don't actively practice self-restraint. I've seen it too many times where "self-awareness" just translates to "oopsie I knew it was a bad thing but I did it anyway. Please stop being angry at me I KNOW I'm a horrible person!!!!"
Being defensive and upset that someone else is upset is peak BPD.
No. 543952
>>543832This. Having gone through abuse in the hands of someone with BPD and developing depression, avoidant PD and symptoms of CPTSD because of it I'm just so tired of BPDfags getting patted on the back and rewarded with patience for destroying other people. Along with the one who fucked me over I've also met a handful of other people with BPD and only one of them ever decided to get better (and also did). The rest of them wallowed in their mess and demanded constant validation and were constantly up to their BPD hijinx.
>>543862There is a fucking cure, it's called cognitive behavioral therapy and it works for majority of the cases. You're just looking for an excuse not to work on yourself.
>>543921>I've seen it too many times where "self-awareness" just translates to "oopsie I knew it was a bad thing but I did it anyway. Please stop being angry at me I KNOW I'm a horrible person!!!!""My" BPDfag used to do this all. the. time. to shift the blame on me after hurting my feelings or messing my plans up irreversibly. To the point I get a fight or flight response someone else even hints the same kind of behavior even if they didn't mean to.
The constant anxiety, tension and the fear waiting for them to explode on me and tear me apart. One day they might suggest something, then get mad at you the second day when you suggest it yourself. The sudden cancellation of all plans you were looking forward to during a episode. The isolation after they've guilt tripped you into dumping your friends because they hate competition and feel constant, intense jealousy. The way they are able to talk about themselves and their problems for 8 hours straight without ever asking how you're doing. The suicide threats keeping you up at night. The unbelievably out of proportion tantrums when you are more skilled than them in something, no matter if it's just a board game or career advancement. The negging they try to disguise as jokes, and the straight out verbal abuse they spit at you. They lie so much because inside their head they honestly believe their own lies to be true due to the twisted amounts of mental gymnastics they do. If you want to live with a person with untreated BPD you need to be willing to give up your own hopes and dreams, your whole life in fact because it will be fully dedicated to supporting that other person. Because they're the ~
victim~ and deserve it. I'm so fucking bitter about losing so many years to someone who never appreciated it.
No. 543969
>>543952Your post reminded me of so many of my old friends, one of them was self-diagnosed BPDfag and would suddenly switch and treat me like shit when I rejected her sexual advances. Like I made it clear that I wanted to stay just friends, the other wasn't diagnosed at all but she was a fucking insane bitch that would start fights for every little thing and casually belittle and look down at every one around her. I don't know If she had BPD or NPD but she literally never experienced any hardships to warrant a BPD diagnosis.
Honestly people with BPD and NPD are fucking scum and are interchangeable since they both think their hot shit to cover up their underlying self hate. The only difference is that NPDfags are better at hiding their crazy in the beginning while BPD can only hide it for a day or two.
No. 543976
>>543973>it’s jarring, triggering and disrespectfulI honestly think it's straight up malicious. You don't show off your eating disorder unless you want to rub your lower weight or superior control in fatties faces.
There are lots of people with EDs who are secretive and don't have egos about their eating habits, but it still often attracts the sort of vain, competitive assholes who take pride in their ED.
No. 543977
>>543972I see, that makes sense. Interesting.
I come from a culture where mental illness is still stigmatized, so nobody's going to be announcing their red flags to me.
No. 544030
>>543862>because a lot of us fucking hate this disorder and are ashamed of having it due to those very stigmasWe hate to even having to deal with you all. Stop being hurt, recognize your
toxic behaviour, no amount of blogposting or "I hate being this way ;((" will work.
You are acting like the very stereotype of your disorder and that's what is making all of us hating your category. Go to therapy, be proud of your progress and stop being offended by imaginary enemies on the internet.
No. 544044
>>544037Bruh, you're here to policy other people and are trying to play some cheap psychologist role to try to make others feel better about you and your people. Stop posting anytime, really, it's not good for your brain.
How is relevant? even if they reply you, it wont matter, it wont make some BPDfag feel better, including you.
No. 544052
>>544048You do realize that that kind of jealousy is a trait of BPD, right? BPD people, since they hate themselves so much, find a way to feel the worst in anything. They see someone succeed? Automatically they're shit compared to them and go cry in their room. That's why so many people say that BPD is "draining".
You can't be better that them in something or they'll feel like a piece of shit and will whine for days or just right up split at you, finding some "You know, it's disrespectful when you're doing (thing) around me because you know I'm not good at (thing) and it makes me feel bad :(" excuse.
They're like this. It's a trait.
Can we stop the BPD asspats already? Even true BPDfags do not agree with this amount of ass licking
No. 544064
I was once friends with a person with untreated BPD. It was awful. They believed they had some sort of double personality or something that made them act like this and while I agree it's awful to feel out of body, you have to do your best to sit down and think twice before splitting.
They asked ME to control their splitting. How?
"When I feel that way, could I reach out to you? Could you help me calm down?"
So no responsibilities.
I said yes out of love and boy, I wish I didn't. Not because I wanted to be bad, I'm for helping people and I have no problem being the shoulder to cry over in a bad moment, but it was overly clingy.
They would call me in the middle of night, call me when I posted something on social media and it didnt include them, text me every hour for days.
Cried about how people couldn't stand them, when they purposely texted a bunch of people, invite them at their house, forcing relationships and after realizing they wouldn't be happy with them because who the fuck knows, dumping them. The shortest one was less than a week. It left that person devastated, because they were chatting for months and just after days they were "official" they got a split and a block on facebook and everything.
They purposely want "broken" people around themselves so they can feel better but when one of them is in a bad place, they say that "they're egoistic, I'm feeling worse!"
One day I went to their house and they randomly split at me. I said to get help, they replied "You're like the others, you're attacking me"
No Sherlock, get help. The other people aren't specialized, your friends arent' your therapists.
If you try to bring some positivity, they refused it because they want to bathe in their suffering for pity points.
They're closed in their heads and even ruin people with those delusions. You have to watch out how to talk because you can have all the good intentions but if some words sounds bad to them, then they hate you, shut up for a few days while they process some form of "Owww I didn't know you were talking about THAT!!" thought, meanwhile insulting you, then come back with an "I just want to be with you!" act, rinse and repeat.
They lock themselves in the basement, give you the key, bang the door pleading to get out and while you're opening the door they just block it. No one deserves that amount of eggshell walking.
No. 544125
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This thread should be renamed "BPD fags vs BPD-hating fags" because that's literally all it's been for 2 years.
>get help bpdchan
>no you, bpdchan
>no, no, ~you~ the bpdchan not me!1
No. 544430
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>>543862you "i'm a quiet bpd" faggots are the worst. absolute bpd pickmes. everyone still hates you and you're the exact same as the more obvious ones
No. 544433
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>>231531Im dumb and Im depressed. I have like an extreme fear to confrontations so Im a very easy person to handle. I have been force to house my gramma because no one else can to and I hate her. I feel like the family slave. Ive been supporting my family but the more i give the more they depend on me. I feel very selfish wanting to be left alone. Im 25 and I very paranoid of everybody judging me if i ever stop supporting my relatives. I had a third cousin who just hang himself last week and when I knew I just thought, Im glad he is released from this painful existence. Thats how bitter and hateful I am.
No. 544453
>>544125Because besides NPD, BPDs are the absolute worst disorder you could come across and usually get entangled in their web of mind games and control, they're also much more common (1.5-2% of the population) than NPDs (0.5% of the population). That's why so many people happen to have bad experiences with them. ASPDs (and schizophrenics and other psychotic mental cases) are usually bad with hiding their crazy so a lot of people don't interact with them and most other PDs are much more dangerous to themselves than others, but BPDs manage to pretend to be normal people long enough for their
victims to fall into the trap. It's not like there's an obsessive anti-BPD task force hijacking the thread, it's just because BPDs tend to cause a lot of problems around them and affect multiple people and their behavior is often so explosive and aggressive that it evokes the strongest experiences.
>>544064> They lock themselves in the basement, give you the key, bang the door pleading to get out and while you're opening the door they just block it. No one deserves that amount of eggshell walking.This is honestly the most accurate description I've ever seen.
No. 544458
>>544455That anon also casually leaves out the fact that borderlines notoriously have high attempt/low success rate
They’re probably more likely to die from accidental overdose, their eating disorder or being murdered by psycho boyfriends tbh
No. 544470
>>544465>Depressed people who can't even shower or get out of the bedDo you mean depressed people who …exhibit symptoms of depression? I don't think anyone who's not some type of mentally ill would willingly choose to lie in one place all day stewing in their own filth. At least that tumblr person was making an effort to overcome herself.
Now depression fags who just unashamedly sadpost and wank off all day, who gave up on trying, who actively avoid betterment… Yeah those are a burden.
No. 544475
>>544461>I've known a couple of BPDers as friends I met in college and lived with one of them. I remember reading up on it wanting to be a good friend, mostly found that I didn't need to be any more sensitive with them as most of their emotional issues were only really present with romantic partners.A big trait of BPDs is that they have one "favourite person" they direct their abuse into. They might be relatively normal albeit more sensitive when interacting with other people but when they get back to their favourite person, often a best friend or a romantic partner, they split uncontrollably. They're prone to love bombing one day and then doing a complete 180 to lash out at them. It could be
triggered by not responding to their "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!" text in 10 seconds followed with 50 messages of how much they actually can't stand them. My friend with BPD (got better by therapy and meds) was a moody and an unrelieable friend at worst, but straight out tore her partner apart.
But in all honesty the "catching fleas" part is true. BPD isn't a mental disorder, it's a personality disorder. It's a behavioral pattern that's so deeply internalized it becomes a part of you, and the therapy used for treating BPD focuses on learning new coping skills and how to deal with your explosive feelings to replace the unhealthy pattern you previously followed. So it's not at all unexpected that someone would pick up similar behavior to cope in the relationship that has lasted for a while and has been intense.
No. 544496
>>544492to me it was just funny how that one anon is having a tantrum over bpdfags and how they all have abused her and she is a lil cptds
victim and then that one anon says that
>Someone saying everyone abused them >too many people fall for thislike yeah i mean bpdfags are annoying but letting them live rent free in your head is not heatlhy either
No. 544501
>>544496>>544498God, shut up. These people acting like being abused by someone with BPD "isn't that bad" and they "need to get over with it lmao" really seem like they're trying to justify their own
abusive behavior by belittling it. Get out of the thread if you can't handle people sharing experiences they had when dealing with crazies. Having to go through abuse in the hands of someone with BPD isn't just "dealing with a jerk" like enduring a bossy coworker giving you shit, it's actually living hell that leaves you in pieces unless you recognized the red flags early on and jumped ship.
No. 544503
>>544501lmao oh my gooood
this is why i fucking hate mentally ill people everything is just nothing but a evil conspiracy to take you down, no one can ever mean well to you
i'm not saying that going through abuse isn't bad. i'm just saying you are clining on identifying as a
victim as well.
No. 544571
>>544479>>544465>>544494This drives me nuts too! Autism comes in such a range of severity that it's insane to act like the high-functioning people can speak for everyone. It's all very well to call cure research 'ablist' when your main symptoms are awkwardness, hyperfocus and flapping your hands a bit, but what about the people who will never be able to live independently, or the families who have to deal with violent outbursts from children who have grown bigger and stronger than their parents? We had training on this at work and the speaker was telling us about some autistic people's hyposensitivity causing issues like walking on paving slabs feeling like sliding around on ice. Why would you object to someone wanting to be cured of that? But people do because it's 'ablist'.
I gather this is a problem in mental disability rights groups more generally. One woman got ripped apart in the news for writing an article about looking into medically stunting the growth of her severely mentally disabled daughter. This girl would never progress beyond the mental age of a toddler, and would always need the same care as a toddler. Everyone acted like she was a monster and there were tons of comments from people with mental disabilities talking about the rich lives they lead, as if they couldn't see the difference between someone who can leave a cogent comment on an essay in the news and someone who will literally never learn to walk or talk. It really highlighted for me how the needs of mildly and severely disabled people are very different, but obviously the severely mentally disabled people aren't capable of advocating for themselves, so we only ever hear about what the high-functioning types want.
No. 544577
>>544571The Louis Theroux documentary about low functioning autists is very well made and shows how difficult it is to live with a child like that, it's obvious that none of the kids will be able to live on their own one day, I'm pretty sure the parents would take the hypothetical cure in a heartbeat. Even the higher functioning teen has obvious speaking and social problems that prevents him from living a normal life. I don't know how the documentary was received at its release, probably very badly judging by the state of online autism activists, they always complain about the parents being the only ones to talk (well duh, their children usually can't do that).
No. 545100
>>544536lol no this is me samefagging i have no reason to deny these
>>544488>>544490>>544491>>544496>>544503this thread is a good reminder why mentally ill ppl are annoying, all mentally ill idiots are over dramatic and self centered and suspicious how bunch of evil enemies are out there to get you
No. 545112
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this thread is clearly just for people who have been burned by bpdfags. we can't help it when we get sick of you, sucks you take it so personally!
No. 545128
>>545126literally nobody's hateful to us apart from people on imageboards. you can use it for sympathy and shit like extensions on deadlines and
triggering yourself into an episode is great for making others seem
abusive. learn to use it.
No. 545141
>>545136>Grasping for straws to hate any person with BPDPretty sure that anon meant she can't speak out about the abuse she went through. Not 100% sure because the wording was unclear.
>>545128Your first sentence is right. The rest is a prime example of why people hate borderlines. Telling another anon to basically try to be a worse person?
Really? No. 545148
>>545144I'm borderline myself, I just don't
go out of my way to manipulate people. I'd like to actually keep those who love me around. I'm proud that I'm significantly more stable than I was a year ago.
Bragging about being unstable is unimaginable to me. Sorry you thrive on chaos.
No. 545153
>>545148Same. No one says it but BPDfags who know they have BPD, most are actually proud of it, the crytyping online is obfuscation. True self is like the samefag ITT lol
It's just their lack of identity that makes them emulate, hopelessly wish that they're Lisa from Girl, Interrupted but really they're the chicken girl.
No. 545158
>>545153That's a good comparison, I totally forgot about that movie.
>>545150 is a prime example. Just wants to drag all the other BPDfags down with her, probably thinks you're misdiagnosed if you don't "embrace" being a piece of shit, and how dare you try to actually get better?
No. 545159
the farmhands banned me for this post??
>>545126what the fuck. im literally being silenced. i cant even speak my mind ONLINE and you guys still tell me IM NOT ALLOWED TO WHINE ABOUT MY SITUATION? IS THIS THE FUCKING TWILIGHT ZONE?
(banned proxy) No. 545215
>>545196Your personality disorder is showing, anon.
Speaking of autism, I couldn’t date someone with it. My dad is high functioning and he’s…not great. He’s embarrassing and confusing and his temper is fucking ridiculous. It’s hard to describe because I’ve been living with it my whole life and always knew he was odd but thought it was mostly something wrong with me. He’s simultaneously robotic and like a toddler.
It’s sad and it brings up a whole lot of feelings for me that I can’t and will never resolve so I don’t need anymore of that shit in my life.
No. 545218
>>545126>i have BPD and seeing everyone being so hateful towards us makes me want not to get betterEWWW EW EW EWW!!! WHy are you all like this??? What makes you do this?? Do you expect us to be empathetic about your shitty behaviour?? Oh no, some meanies online are bad!! Time to get worse, that will show them!!
Shut your mouth
No. 545242
>>543629>WHY CAN'T I HAVE A TANTRUM AND SCREAM AT YOU IN PUBLIC? WHY ARE YOU INVALIDATING ME? REEEEEEEBPD has a considerable amount of overlap with Autism so it's no surprise as to why they're so retarded. Not to mention the fact that they make up a high percentage of inmates. There's a reason why mental health professionals generally avoid them and BPD is code for difficult patient. These crazies will "fall in love" with psychiatrists and then go out of their way to strip them of their credentials after rejecting their advances.
Anyways, always steer clear of BPDs. The initial idealization seems sweet at first until they paint you black and go on a rampant smear campaign when you want to hang out with other people lol
No. 545271
>>545264Be incredibly boring, gray rock when they freak out, wait for them to lust after someone else
Or if u can keep a safe physical distance, break up through text, block, ghost completely
No. 545292
>>545279Can you tell a bit about how your OCD manifests? I'm afraid of having developed OCD-like traits myself because I get
immensely neurotic and obsessed with some stupid fear my brain comes up with, basically on the level "what if I left the stove on at home and now my apartment is on fire, oh fuck I need to get home immediately even when I'm at work, I need to know right now, what if I've lost everything to the fire at this point, how will I replace my things". And this goes on for 8 hours with me not being able to concentrate until I get back home. Or I might read up on a sickness and suddenly start self-diagnosing myself to the point I'm about to throw up from fear and anxiety. Do you have anything like this?
No. 545368
>>545264It's never going to be peaceful. Be very clear that your decision to break up is final and that nothing will change your mind. Don't lay blame on them or that'll send them spiralling. Even constructive critisism will hit them wrong. Get physically seperated and cut off contact so it feels final.
If they are prone to suicidal behaviour make sure someone knows to keep an eye on them but it can't be you. It needs to be a clean cut off.
No. 545518
>>545505 > please learn how pds actually workI have a lesser talked about PD myself so yes I'm aware that they require a long history, I was diagnosed nearly ten years ago after a long history of anxiety and avoidance. I've been married to a diagnosed BPD too.
She has shared so much of herself online for well over a decade, vids, writing articles, a podcast, book, shared a whole lot of her history and that history even changes alot so that's another fun fact about her. Like I said yes it's an armchair post.
No. 545615
>>545436>>545505Watched a livestream about this a couple days ago. An expert in cluster b personality disorders was being asked about her behaviour and he spoke about bpd.
It's two hours long so quite in depth but some of the points I remember were how she specifically talks about using peoples past traumas or bad childhoods against them to trauma-bond them to her and get what she wants from them, playing with someones trauma for the sake of getting sex and attention from them. That and advising others to follow her example and ultimately dispose of the person when they are damaged. The expert had worked in the prison system in the uk with cluster Bs and had never met anyone who so blatantly understood and described using that method to take advantage of people.
No. 545645
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>Mental disorders you just can't deal with
NPD, like every sane person, I hope.
Also pic related.
No. 545915
>>545896Yep. The difficult thing is they can be the most interesting and charismatic people when you first get to know them.
I'm not saying everyone with BPD is like that, but being friends with them tends to be extremely emotionally exhausting. When I was friends with one I constantly felt kinda shitty and like I wasn't good enough, because even when she praised me it always felt a little off, like there was some implied vitriol there too. At the time I thought I was imagining it but thinking back I think it was real.
Both when she liked me and when she suddenly didn't anymore I didn't feel respected as a person. It was like I was only there as an object to help her and support her when she needed it.
No. 546070
>>545915AYRT. That's so true - I felt like I was only there to fill a space in her endless roster of friends. And no matter what I did, I was never cool or exciting enough for her and she dropped me at the first chance she had.
All I'll say is, she ditched me and left me in a very dangerous situation that I nearly wasn't able to leave. And her 'apology' never said the words 'I' 'am' 'sorry' in that order, because I was in the wrong for hurting her precious feefees, and in return I deserved to be put in danger. I meant it when I said I hope the bitch chokes.
Her mental illness was an explanation, not an excuse. Fuck people with BPD, never again.
No. 546072
>>545292Hi anon. I'm quite new with this diagnosis, it interrupted my life completely in January 2019 and I think it started to build up with childhood trauma and the death of my two dogs by different illnesses, when they started to get sick I would search for their symptoms online, I was constantly scared and would tell my family that they were going to die and they said that I was exaggerating. Obviously they died from the illneses I told them…anyways I'm a extreme case so it manifests first in repetitive thoughts about me or my family getting I'll or dying in a violent way, getting robbed and killed, dying in accidents, etc. So I get physically affected, then I worry even more that they or me is definitely going to die, and I start picturing horrible scenarios in my head, then I search on Google my symptoms or news about accidents or weather conditions in the city my relative is, I write them or try to call them. Sometimes that calms me down, sometimes I'm not so lucky and it only reassures my fears.
Besides the panic attacks in which I feel like I'm definitely dying, I can't breathe and my hearth races until I pass out I suffered from a lot of physical symptoms that disrupted my normal life: inflammation in all my rib cartilages, ofically named tietze syndrome (still not fully recovered from this one, it was so painful I thought at first it was a heart attack. I could not breath well because the contraction of the ribs was painful due to the inflammation of the cartilage) inflammation on knees, wrists, ankles, fingers, lumbar pain, muscle pain and inflammation,spasms, involuntary muscle movements, fibromyalgia in the first months that started, hormonal imbalances and cystic acne in my face, back, chest and arms,intense headaches, tingling sensation in my legs, face and skull, electric shivers,eyelid twitch,tachycardia, nose bleed, restless legs at night, angular cheilitis, and of course, extreme exhaustion.
I felt all this at the worst and lowest point, nowadays I have calmed the fuck down. If I spiral down I get the cuts on the corner of my lips, headaches, acne, muscle spams and inflammation,but all of them still very mild compared to last year
No. 546735
Since this thread is frequented by rehabilitated BPDs and those that have a history with people with BPDs I felt like this would be an appropriate place to ask for advice. I have a friend with BPD and sad to say I'm her "favourite person". Dealing with her has left me absolutely mentally exhausted.
She lovebombs me and keeps telling me how important I am and how nobody else makes her life as happy as I do. It was flattering at first, but during the period of time I've known her it's become creepy and obsessive - like she's doing it to secure her back. She's a very smart, kind and a lovable person when she's at her best, but when she splits it's literally like a Jekyll and Hyde case. She turns hostile, blows the situation way out of proportion and hits below the belt berating me, absolutely devastating and humiliating me until there's nothing left. She badmouths my other friends because she's jealous, and often makes it a "it's me or them" situation. Her splitting can be sparked by any small, insignificant thing and I constantly have to walk on egg shells around her. In return she often negs me and becomes frustrated when my feelings are hurt and makes the whole deal about her.
And the worst part? She suicide baits. A ton. I've had to talk her out of suicide multiple times. She's told me that she attempted it but failed. Every time she starts doing it it triggers my body's stress reaction immediately and I freeze completely, being unable to help her. I've lost sleep numerous times being afraid of her being found dead in the morning. These are just some of the things I've gone through on a daily basis for as long as we've known each other.
I have my own long history with depression and PTSD and I'm exhausted. I don't know what to do. I'm not a mental health professional and I don't have tools at my disposal to help her. My other friends were worried about me but I stopped talking to them about the situation because I didn't want to burden them. It's so easy to tell someone to cut a poisonous person out of their life but for the person actually doing it it's near impossible, especially when there's nobody to support them all the way through. Now, anons, what do I do? How do I take steps to get out of this living hell? How do I help her get better? How do I make my life worth living again, and how do I start living for myself instead of for someone who basically holds my heart hostage?
No. 546766
>>546735rehabilitated bpd-fag here.
she will not kill herself. if she has attempted so many times without at least ending up hospitalized, she is not trying to end her life. she is using it as the ultimate form of emotional blackmail. "i'm so fragile and broken, you can't hate me for the fucked up shit i do. you can't leave a suicidal person, that's wrong."
i got my ass handed to me after old school friends got tired of my shit. it hurt like a motherfucker. so much so that i continued on with my bullshit for a few years being absolutely miserable before i finally realized i was the problem and only i could fix it.
she'll be devastated and angry, but if she can't respect boundaries, it's what you need to do. if she doesn't want help, she won't improve. the worst bpd-fag can make a miraculous turnaround if they truly want to improve and take their therapy seriously. unfortunately the fact that she's called you her "favorite person" isn't a good sign. no therapist i've ever met has used the term, nor do they approve of it. it was invented by self-diagnosing tumblr users to excuse their
abusive behavior.
you can try setting boundaries but honestly, unless she is very dear to you i don't think the emotional labor is worth it. the best thing you can do for yourself and her is to cut her off and be honest as to why. she absolutely will not like it, i won't lie to you. but you're being held hostage and that isn't right. she will not willingly release you from that position now that she has you there. make yourself a priority.
No. 546894
>>546166Yeah, it's the best. Also being with someone who didn't took shit from me, didn't enable any of my behaviours and fears and constantly tried to make me do new things and multiple tasks making me feel useful and always boosting my confidence by changing my appearance, going out and meeting new people, leaving me alone in a city that I don't know so I could manage stress and fears better despite of me being in literal tears and pain most of the time… that kind of person is really useful in your life anon. Someone who sets the alarms of all your nervous system until you become numb to it lmao, someone who does things without warning you, always making plans at the last minute without worrying and without telling you nothing.
You didn't like that I changed your plans and didn't gave you time to overthink, stress and worry about it, you little maniac fuck? Not my problem, get ready.
No. 546926
>>546921the person who talked about wanting to beat up their bpd abuser is obviously traumatized. tons of
victims vocalize how they want to hurt they’re abusers and therapists often tell them to write “hate letters” which is when the client writes everything they want to say to the person who’s hurting them and then rip it up. it’s a way to cope and a natural feeling. if you’ve never wanted to hurt someone then it seems like you’re repressing a lot to keep a “pure” image of yourself.
No. 547026
>>547023And you are hurt for an entire category because? Like, really, stop liking instable people's ass. It's kinda obvious that people here get out their frustrations, it's the title?
Why does it matter for you, bpd chan?
No. 547029
>>547027Fam, you act like people can't talk shit about other people who hurt them and you're getting offended on the behalg of people you don't know for whatever fuck know, plus you're only replying to people bashing BPD. I suggesting you go to therapy. If this thread
triggers you so much, just leave?
No. 547034
>>547033>idk why you think i reply to everyone in this thread when i don't Fam. Even if you don't, you get
triggered by stuff posted by other people. That's pointless per se. Why are you so mad at people saying they got bad experiences with BPD? Who are you defending? Literally, who cares?
No. 547038
>>547036My point is why are you caring about what other people say online. You're telling me to chill but the second someone posts about a person who hurt them you're ready to invalidate them. You're still not replying: Why do you care so much about BPD people?
If someone has a thought of hurting a person who hurt them back who cares anon?
No. 547040
>>547039"one post"
Bet my arm that you will reply at the next BPD post lol
No. 547043
>>547038nta but it's an early sign they /might/ become like their abuser. the bpd was the same once, the bpd's abuser was the same, and so on. I find the whole thing ironic, and my sympathy for a
victim ends when they want to harm others
No. 547046
>>547043And if you knew basic psychology, even children wish to hurt their abuser. It's directed to their abuser only and want some kind of revenge since they don't feel like they deserve it. Not everyone just eats shit up and excuses them because their abuser is a "BPD suffering angel "
Mentally ill or not, if someone fucks you bad (reminder that some people who dealt with BPDs developed PTSD but I mean, that's normal right?), it's normal to wish the same fuckery on them. Don't tell me you didn't even wish someone just broke a finger for doing you bad, fam. No one here is actually beating people.
No. 547047
>>547046do you realize that this is what you are defending, right?
>When people with BPD rage out, I just want to beat their shit up until they can no longer speak.there's no personal story of wanting to beat up their abuser, they just sound unhinged, like when people say they want to beat up criminals and shit. it sounds more like a weird power fantazy.
No. 547056
>>547047>there's no personal story of wanting to beat up their abuser"Ah yes, I need a two page essay on why your statement should sound good in my head."
Maybe anon didn't want to blogpost so much. You like playing lawyer, yes? As others said, I don't think anon goes around beating people up, it's obiouvsly angry at their abuser and they wish the same on them, which is human. There are plenty of people who for example just say that Narcs need to be killed with no explanation, have you read the entire thread or what? Power fantasy or not, I don't think you're involved so yea, no need to go that deep anon.
No. 547076
Absolutely NARCs.
I once dated a narc, quick list of the shit they used to pull
>"You don't know japanese! I know better than you!" to a friend of mine who studies japanese in uni and works as an english-japanese translator for tourists only because he misread a kanji once. The narc only watched anime and looked up kanjis of their favourite words
>"I made my uni teacher cry for how deep my essay was but she said that I didnt get the highest score because that might have looked suspicious!"
>"friend is better than you!" said that to me when I was still studying and my friend was already out of uni and got a job. I was in a dark place and I slowed down a bit my studies and they knew
>Proceeded to make my friend their friend, made us constantly have arguments, badmouthed me and when we got to the point of not talking anymore, they said "Aw, Im sorry you no longer talk"
>When I was studying and focused on my stuff, they would give me the silent treatment. Why? "You're the only person I talk to, it feels bad to be ignored. Never do that again, you now know how does it feel.".
>"All the people before you didn't understand me. You're like an angel that came for me!"
That shit fucked me up for so long, it hurts still today and I have trust issues for everyone. I now panic if someone doesn't reply for a day or two because I'm worried if they are mad at me, because this person used to ignore me if something happened, only to return a week after saying "sup??" and just dropped hints of what "I've done" here and there.
For example, I did thing and they were mad. They would give me the silent treatment while I was asking what was wrong and I was ready to discuss.
After some days, they would return like nothing happened and do shit like "Oh no, you dropped that fork, you should be less airheaded, like the one time you hurt me by forgetting my mom's birthday"
No. 547387
>>546735Jesus, this sounds exactly like the shit my narc/bpd friends pieces of shit put me throught…
I cut them out quickly following the advice of retards and it was a fucking hell for 6 months of constant attempts to guiltrip and bathmouth me to strangers. Constant pity parties of "I dindu nuffin u_u I'm baby" bullshit at their social media and tweets threatening with suicide and destroying their own works to bait me to come back after being yelled at and treated like dirt. The autists who told me "just cut them out! XD" didn't want to help me clean the mess afterwards. I've been so strongly gaslighted I still felt bad after more than a year at what I did to them and I had been left with severe anxiety issues.
You need to be really careful and try to cut her out progressively and slowly, and be patient. Keep distance with her. Don't answer her texts inmediately. Send silently the message of wanting to keep distance. Invest your time on trying to find a support system and on finding professional help too because you are most likely going to need it to stay sane when she starts throwing tantrums again.
This can take months, maybe even more than a year. You need to be patient, good luck.
No. 547454
>>547417Welcome back, bpd-chan. Don't you have someone to emotionally leech off and abuse instead of missing the whole point of my post, or your
victims finally told you to fuck off as well?
Yet I'm going to give you a serious reply before you attempt to twist the narrative again: obviously, when I just got away from my abusers, I still didn't know why I was being treated like that. As the anon I was replying to very accurately pointed out, they held your heart as a hostage and threaten with suicide and self harm several times to emotionally manipulate you, and I was scared shitless at the beginning of them finally succeeding. Again, obviously, now I know better. Now shut up and stop trying to pick up fights.
No. 547458
>>545292>>545301It might help you guys to Google ocd coping mechanisms and hacks.
Get into the habit of photographing your stove and door when you leave the house each morning. Save up and get a ring camera on your front door if you're able to, or some kind of baby monitor you can access from your phone that you can keep in the hall which you would be able to see the front door from and tell if the house is actually burning down.
If irons and hair straighteners only add stress to your lives, don't straighten your hair and avoid fabrics that need ironed. Obviously it can't fix your ocd but it can help to just let go of what would be normal for others.
When someone is dyslexic you get them tools like e-readers, be kind to yourselves by removing whatever problem areas you can.
No. 547535
>>547490Just stop, it's being very cringy at this point……
No one is gonna view BPDs as angels, you efforts are getting thrown in the void, go chill somewhere else
No. 547584
>>547566 >The few BPD people I've talked to still have bouts of lucidity in which they understand how they've hurt others and try to make it right.I've seen them get bouts of guilt or shame but then flipflop back and forth between that and playing the
victim again, it's interesting to watch them rewrite history from "I was abused" to "actually I was the abuser"
No. 547603
>>547584I've not been close enough to see it, but from what they've told me, that does match. and what's even more worrisome is that they truly believe whatever narrative is in their head at that moment.
The only BPD person I have intimate knowledge of is my sexual abuser, who was diagnosed with it. I don't think he had it, though. He never viewed himself as fragile or anything. In fact, he considered himself to be a master manipulator, and openly bragged about it. He was very good at playing the part of someone more gentle and tender at points, though, so I got sucked in.
No. 547664
>>547566as someone who has and is currently enduring severe narc abuse after 20 years this is very accurate. once in awhile after hours of fighting and gaslighting etc etc you might get one flimsy, lazy, manipulative "i'm sorry" but it is never ever a lasting or simple apology, it is followed by either some guilt tripping
victim playing instigating comments or more pure abuse/attention whoring bullshit. the only way to survive around true narcs is to walk on eggshells, never reveal your true personality, and try to maintain distance as best as you can.
No. 547872
Autists: No matter how high or low functioning they are, they get asspats for straight up being rude or can't think twice before they speak. Or just drooling on themselves. I am aware it's not their fault, but people don't have to bear with them. They're shilled as highly intelligent or smart but I still have to see a smart autist, they just obsess over things until they live as a walking encyclopedia. It's called special interest.
The corona here is bad and I've seen two autists going out without masks and gloves due "sensory triggers". Yea, you could die but at least you're not triggered.
Bipolar: It's a dice playing game. Their episodes starts randomly and end randomly and you don't know how to talk with them and have to train yourself to speak with them.
BPD, mostly men: Reading here I realized that people talked more about BPD women but the men are ten time worst.
They're immature and seek out many relationships at once, often choosing young partners who are naive, because they know that same age partners are usually more mature than them (for example, if they're in their 30s, they will choose people in their 20s), so they can manipulate them better, throw dangerous tantrums knowing that their victim is powerless then buy their affection back with the victim act, gifts and whatever. They're dangerous and can fuck up a girl very easily (since we're coded genetically for being more emotional). BPD men do not deserve sympathy. Their lucid moments don't ring something in their head. Lock them in some sort of prison and the world would be in a better place.
Narcs: Just don't need to say more. Put a narc in the trash.
EDs, especially bulimics and binge eaters: little uwu cunts who lack self control and cry about it while seeking some sort of approval by people.
No. 547920
The last post made me think about how ED people with bulimia right now are crying because being forced into quarantine for them means that they're living in a literal hell where hell is the kitchen.
Where I live the economy is going bad, really bad and these shitheads, even in rough times like this, instead of saving up for their rent since they cannot work, buy a shitload of food because they're "stressed", eat, puke and cry for muh disorder and muh money.
Since these EDs are what I call "the first world diseases" maybe try to look at yourself in the mirror and say that you're gross and ungrateful. Man, I wish that the parents of these entitled little fucks just would lock them in their apartment and deliver them just the necessary food for the day, then they will realize the value of it. Feel like you're in prison? Try to live like one. The thought of them shopping and picking up stuff claiming "I need to survive for a week", eating it and puking it makes me absolutely furious. The food waste is a problem, but there's difference in not being able to finish your meal because you accidentally made/ordered too much, throwing out expired things you forgot about and these people buying it knowing they will not gain nutrients and energy and vomiting it, just a tool to vent out their emotions.
They deserve every tooth falling out and rotting.
No. 548037
>>548025Nice try, but I'm not bulimic. Stay narcissistic.
>>548027People don't do it because they want to. If this is really about wasting food why aren't you mentioning foods that are constantly thrown out if asymmetrical or food thrown out by businesses. They actually just want to waste food, a sick bulimic doesn't want constantly be b/p.
No. 548049
>>548037Food thrown out if asymmetrical or by businesses can be put in services like togoodtogo or doggybags. There are MANY of those. Speaking for my country, if food is not good looking enough to be sold, it's but in some baskets and left late at night outside stores.
I'm mad about that people who while buying stuff go "Ah yes, I will totally throw this up". They don't see food as something good.
You're not bulimic but good job defending them
>>548045BPD is more common than you think. If those people bothered to get diagnosed and not only just bathe themselves in unstable emotions, the numbers will be higher.
No. 548060
>>548045BPDs make up for 2-6% of the population. Which doesn't mean that there's a 2-6% chance that you'll meet one, it means that for every person you meet in your life, there's a 2-6% chance they're a person with BPD. Considering how many people an average person meets per year, those are viable chances that you'll meet one. According to estimates you'll meet around 500 new people during your lifespan so that's 10 people with BPD you're going to interact with.
>>547920Damn anon this is some bitter hate. Not a fan of people with EDs but it's definitely not a "oh no im such a fatty :(((" type of deal, it's about wanting to have extreme control and only gaining it by restricting their food intake and in case of bulimics being able to throw it up. Kids with alcoholic/
abusive parents often develop bulimia or anorexia due to this. It's more sad than enraging to me even though I understand the frustration over wasting food, but I feel sorry for them. What I don't feel sorry for though are the pro-ana communities online who coax each other into starving themselves or binging&purging and compete over who's the ana-channest of them all.
No. 548075
>>548045Some is armchair, same with alot of the narc posts.
When I've posted my experiences it was from working at a type of day centre for people with mental health issues. They would be let out of hospital and then they'd go to this centre and basically just hang out all day so they wouldn't be home alone or left without structure. There was a high rate of people being let out of hospital and quickly taking (or faking) overdoses to get re-admitted to the ward, the day centre seemed pointless to me at first but then I learnt that it cut those rates of readmission. As long as they had some attention.
No. 548113
>>548054I don't live in Burgerland. We have a millennial food culture and for us it's important that we see that as nutrients, to the point it's almost ritual and yet..
The bulimic people I've met just wanted to be pretty (their words) but didn't wanna gain weight, still they wanted to be gluttunous, they vomited once and now they're stuck in the cycle. Controlling behaviour or not, fuck them, no excuse, become an ana and don't eat if you wanna be skinny or just suck it up
No. 548149
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>>548147Yeah I agree. I'm gonna sound misandrist, but I honestly wouldn't mind befriending or getting to know women with most mental illnesses, but mentally ill men (the ones with BPD or ASD especially) are the worst. Pic rel.
No. 548418
>>548060chance of meeting them sure but forming a close relationship with them,
multiple times, to the point where it's a significant problem in your life is very strange, like there is probably something not right with you if that's happening
No. 548494
I dated a troon who had BPD and abandonment issues, for a year. Gender dysphoria mixed with BPD are probably the most toxic traits I could find in a person. I fucking hated how hypersexual they were and every single time I declined having sex because of personal reasons (being on my period, being bloated, no sex drive, sad/emotional) they would explode and think they weren't good enough for me, and then spiral down into doubting their gender and have an entire pity party - which I had to reassure them and provide emotional comfort. Anything that they proposed, and I declined, was a catastrophic event which for them meant that I resented them with all my heart. I have never opened up to anyone about this. I genuinely think some guys transition into females just as a kink. I've NEVER met anyone that hypersexual before, and who took sex so seriously. I've always been a strong advocate for trans people, I even have friends who are trans and whom I get along very well. But this person changed my whole perspective on how some people use their gender as a fetish, on top of having a mountain of psychological issues. I'm a firm believer autogynephilliacs exist, especially after what happened in that year. Being around them was like walking on eggshells. They were obsessed with me, it felt like I was in charge of their happiness. It was a toxic relationship. I don't want that kind of responsibility. When I broke up with them, it felt like an emotional WW2. They fucking lost it completely, to the point I was terrified they would commit suicide. I settled for still being friends, and things went downhill fast. They stopped talking to me, I was the one always initiating a conversation checking up on them. They would play that game where they'd be very short with their answers and I would have to fish out words out of their mouth. Everything was so intense and felt like it was my fault. I've never seen someone drag me this badly into despair, someone so toxic. Ever. God I hated how they would always fucking play victim and act so innocent, yet be so fucking unaware of themselves and selfish. Not everything is about you. If every single small argument/inconvenience fucking obliterates your identity and makes you scream-cry that you're not even "a real woman", dude get institutionalized. They would come up to me and say I deserve better and they're just a joke of a person. Little did they know, I was the clown for always forgiving them.
No. 548513
>>548499I wish what you said was true. I have nothing against people with any mental health problems or struggles. I met lovely people from all walks of life that had a plethora of issues. But when someone puts all their issues onto someone else,it's vile. And for me, it was huge clash to distance myself from a person because of mental issues.
>>548500I have trans folks as friends, so i never thought I would meet someone like that.
No. 549271
>>548494This is like textbook extreme BPD and very similar to my experiences except I wasn't dating a tranny. Especially the part:
>They were obsessed with me, it felt like I was in charge of their happinessThis is seriously the worst. Literally being in charge of someone's happiness is so taxing and hard because it feels like you're carrying a stone with both hands everywhere you go. You slowly start internalizing the mindset that
anything you do will have to take their feelings into account. And I really mean
>Can I go to my other friend's birthday party or will they feel left out and pitch a fit at me?>Can I go to sleep early today or will they be pissed that I left them alone? >Can I tell them about my great achievement or will they be discouraged and start a pity party for themselves?Etc. It eats you up inside so bad.
>>548499Go dilate.
No. 551101
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>>550727She probably was bpd. I understand that if someone sleights you and doesn't seem to listen to you that the common thing is to call them a narcissist but BPD is pretty hard to get actually diagnosed with and therapists can pick up narcs. If she was misdiagnosed at all she would have been misdiagnosed as bipolar instead of bpd. Just because she called herself a god doesn't make her a narc either, I've done that before and I'm still bpdfag. THere's overlap between the two and you can look up similarities between npd and bpd if that's interesting to you.
No. 552163
>>549087NTA and I definitely think they're massively generalizing, but CSA survivors who haven't dealt with their trauma properly can often be not just
toxic AF, but literally dangerous. Some will think everyone is out to molest children, to the point of voicing their baseless assumptions or even making accusations. I have several examples of witnessing this in my personal life, but the most extreme one was when my aunt said she worried her neighbor's 16 year old daughter was planning to molest her son because she offered to babysit for a low rate.
Then some will be sexually
abusive themselves. When I was 14 I was sexually abused by an 18 year old friend. Years later she apologized for what she did and explained it was basically her fucked up way of dealing with her own sexual abuse as a child. My therapist told me this was not uncommon and that CSA survivors are statistically more likely to become abusers themselves.
Then of course there's just the general high key toxicity. There's a massive overlap between Borderline and CSA.
No. 553595
>>552235Not necessarily. It can be a red flag for lack of empathy, especially if it's ongoing and severe (ie: you're killing animals, dissecting them, keeping parts of them as "memories," etc).
Kids can do shitty, impulsive things like bully others or hurt animals as a reaction to trauma and abuse. It's the lack of empathy component that really determines whether or not the person is potentially psychopathic. If you've ever done bad things to animals, but you feel bad about it, you're probably not a psychopath.
No. 553844
>>553815I'ts not a bad thing to make choices which will help you be better. You're not avoiding those people because you think they don't deserve friendship, you're avoiding them so that you can look after yourself. It's like how often addicts need to cut out other addicts.
I'm a really lazy person with bad habits, I can blame this on ADHD but I'd rather just be friends with well accomplished people and try to follow their example even if that means I'm always the least accomplished in the group. I just get sloppy if I spend time with people who blame things on their diagnoses. It's nice to have some friends that understand my situation but they can't be my only friends, I like to have some baseline of normality to copy.
No. 553904
>>553852If they made fun of me for it they wouldn't be my friends kek
They're only well accomplished in the sense that they're living their own lives without totally fucking them up, I don't think I could hang out with actual Nobel prize winners or heart surgeons who hated me for not being on their level, that would just be demoralising.
No. 554657
>>554610Same anon here, i mean like..why am I always so fearful? My childhood was kind of shitty but nothing too overly ~traumatic~. I always have this feeling of impending doom and something really awful/catastrophic happening in the future. Sometimes I know it’s completely irrational but slip back into the cycle of justifying my intrusive thoughts.
It’s confusing because I know there were things I went through that very well could have contributed to this but I don’t think it was severe enough to warrant the degree of anxiety I have today. I’m not sure if my brain was somehow always wired that way or something because my siblings (they have their own issues) aren’t as mentally fucked.
I haven’t had any near death experiences and I haven’t witnessed anyone have one either. The stuff I have endured seems pretty innocuous in comparison to what I’m afraid of.
No. 554667
>>554657>My childhood was kind of shitty but nothing too overly ~traumatic~What do you consider to be "overly traumatic?" Trauma doesn't have to be some catastrophic, life-threatening event. It can be little, chronic things that build up over time, like verbal abuse or neglect from one or both parents. It can also be things that happen to you outside of the home, like bullying by peers, or simply feeling alienated from your peers because you're "different." Honestly, I'd bet there's still things in your life that are regularly
triggering you if you're still dealing with this level of fear. It could just be that something about the pandemic and this lockdown is enough to put you on edge.
Our genetics may make us prone to expressing specific emotional irregularities in response to trauma, but the one thing we all tend to have in common is the trauma itself. I'd honestly go as far as to say that most, if not all, mental illnesses are just a response to stress and trauma.
No. 554716
>>554534Not everyone is the same. People have different images of themselves. I may think I can lose more weight but I know I'm objectively underweight. People who tend to idealize eating disorders tend to be tumblr wannaorexics.
>>554585First of all, it's impossible to have anorexia and BDD. It's explicitly known and stated that body insecurities from eating disorders are not the same as BDD. BDD is about specific body parts and anyone who claims to have both is talking out of their ass.
No. 554722
>>554667 I invalidate it a bit, my parents were both in the picture, I always had food and a roof over my head, stable financial situation, and never went through any sexual abuse or anything . My parents were physically/verbally
abusive at times, both argued a lot with each other and would single me or one of my siblings out to take out their misplaced anger on an east target.
I was kind of scapegoated, especially by my mom and I’ll never know why. I’m the only one with a job , long term goals, and enrolled in college. I still live at home but the rest of my siblings are all complete NEETS. They’re more emotionally stable though despite being coddled/spoon fed . I’m hoping once I move out some of these issues will resolve themselves.
I’m 20 right now, hopefully by 22 I’ll have my own place.
Sometimes I think feeling helpless stems from the fact that’s my mom was never emotionally available and some of her behaviors seemed congruent with a cluster b pd (sorry for armchairing ig). I couldn’t cry in front of her without being humiliated and lectured about how difficult her life was and still is, There were some It’s occasions where she simply ignored me altogether.
They would both lose their temper really easily, I still try and negate what they did because I don’t think it was always intentional. I don’t know want to be that person who blames their parents for what went wrong. I’ve always just subscribed to the idea that my brain is like…defected or something and irregardless of my circumstances there would’ve always been something messed up with me.
They weren’t bad all of the time and would try and make up for things.
In addition to that I was bullied a lot and for a very long time I was convinced I was in the spectrum because of the immense social alienation I’ve felt.
Thank you for the insight , I appreciate it.
You’re right about my environment still being a source of stress. It’s not so bad now but I thinking I’ve acclimated to dysfunction and have grown numb to it.
The pandemic and isolation has exasperated a lot, once I start hanging out with friends and going out I’m sure it’ll improve.
No. 555126
>>554609Do you really think that it’s mostly the parents to mitigate? Pretty sure there are loads of transmen daughters who brag on youtube about having good parents even though they didn’t really support their transition. (No, I’m not a TERF sperg, it’s the only recent example I’ve seen online
insert reddit exclamation marks three times).
No. 555197
>>555159>My mom is an undiagnosed autistare you too?
autism isn't even a mental disorder/illness. it's a learning disability.
No. 555257
>>555159Can relate so hard. I use the Still Face experiment personally.
The thing is my mom isn’t the even autist, it’s my dad. I don’t know what’s wrong with my mom.
>>555197Autism is a developmental disorder.
No. 555280
>>555273Anon didn’t even describe her mother beyond “undiagnosed autist” and already we have people telling her ~what’s actually going on~ and nitpicking because the analogy she used doesn’t line up exactly.
Reminds me of something…
No. 555524
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Anyone else familiar with Eugenia Cooney?
I first heard about her when there was a petition to ban her Youtube account and I've been loosely following her journey ever since.
Honestly it's so frustrating to see her relapse in her eating disorder and being back in her denial/delusional state. It's also highly disturbing that despite being a grown ass woman in her mid twenties she continues to act like a 12 year old and doing nothing with her life other than making videos about buying pretty clothes, expensive make up and playing the latest video games. I feel like she could have turned her life around after her rehab by moving out (her family background obviously contributed to her being ill) and continuing treatment, but she sank back in her old habits and it's just so sad
I think it's upsetting me because I see a little bit of myself in her. I grew up with a controlling narcissistic mother who stunted my emotional development, and I wasted years of my life trying to live up to her standards and being a 'good daughter'
No. 555947
>>555944Have had similar experiences with male autists. Both through college. One was openly homophobic towards me and I had to just listen to his shit about how
>men should be men and women should be women so gays shouldn't be allowed The second guy was clearly interested in me and would say things like
>I love a good orgasm before bed! don't you anon? I orgasmed last night to help me get to sleep. I pretended I had never had an orgasm just to stop him from visualising me like that. He seemed really disapponted. Again I couldn't do anything cos male autists could get away with saying anything in my college.
No. 556017
Textbook bpdfag throwing stones in a glass house over here, but I hate other bpdfags. I’m enough trouble by my damn self and I still have to deal with my narcissistic/bpd ass mother.
I do not like associating with autists, but since childhood I’ve had this unfortunate air about me do to being quiet, polite, unpopular yet still attractive that draws autistics and other tards to me as they see me as non threatening and friendly. I always entertain the ‘friendships,’ act kindly with them, defend them against bullies and don’t talk shit about them, but god school would have been so much more enjoyable if I wasn’t herding around a group of spectros. (Tbf, the female autists are waaay more tolerable than the males.)
The most revolting mental disorder that I despise above all come from the troons. Very awkward because most of my female friends from high school have come out to be anywhere from non binary to agender to full power troon, tho it wasn’t surprising (see above: was surrounded by autists) tho I have a bias and can understand that females transition out of trauma or suppressed misogyny. The REAL nasty mental disorders fester in the mind of the TiM troons, especially the type to label themselves as ‘lesbians’ puke
No. 556932
>>556017To me some bpdfags are the worst people associate/have a close relationship with. Not all of them are awful ,I’m sure those who actually make an effort to help themselves are alright.
My ex best friend of 6 years was classic bpdfag , she was diagnosed but ‘rejected’ her diagnosis and instead self diagnosed herself with schizophrenia and made it her entire identity at one point. She faked hallucinations, which was so bizarre and disconcerting.
She was so possessive of me, mirrored my entire personality and adopted every single one of my interests. She was malingering and whenever I couldn’t hang out or had preexisting plans she’d spam me with messages detailing how she self harmed and wanted to kill herself. There was a perpetual cloud of drama around her (especially in regards to her on-and off again boyfriend who she was emotionally
abusive to). Like most bpdfags I’ve encountered she romanticized her self destructive behaviors/substance abuse.
It was a very one sided friendship, every time I’d vent about my issues she couldn’t just be there listen and would somehow always relate it back to herself or one up me. I felt like an unpaid therapist at times.
I’d argue that cluster bs are worse than any hyperfixated and immature autist. The worst part about being close to them is witnessing someone destroy themselves over time and not being able to snap them out of that and help them.
No. 557541
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replying to this thread as a toxic bpdfag myself and pretending i'm not guilty of the majority of complaints on here
No. 557622
>>557576i only empathize with those that aren't harmful towards themselves or other people
cannot stand faggots who do all kinds of attention seeking stuff and then brush it off with "b-but i am C-COPING!!1!!!1"
No. 557639
>>557628i believe that kink is harmful
the majority of "kinky" people always have extreme fetishes like violence, abuse, getting choked/slapped, etc. and you shouldn't associate coping, aka trying to feel better mentally, with something as degenerate as that because at the end of the day you're still getting abused in bed under the disguise of "kink"
No. 557701
>>557694yeah, it's like depression but still not giving up the ghost. you're depressed but you're not really, just maladjusted. the social thing is notable and a very good observation. i've always thought that a really depressed person traditionally wouldn't care to ask. it's true anhedonia. you can be depressive but i feel as if real, genuine major depression has become forgotten and had its true meaning warped entirely. we're all puppeteering dead bodies but can bring ourselves alive, i think true depression is when you can't bring yourself alive. the people operating dead bodies love to tell everyone else and draw attention to it as much as possible because they're still in there. that's talk therapy depression, not ect depression. dysthymia as opposed to crawling out of your own skin and bugs living within you. brainworms but the worms never eat it but with mind-numbing "hey this research says depression CAUSES BRAIN DAMAGE" depression bad things will happen. you can't float along if it's that bad. you lose empathy you lose connections you lose it all. The grand show "oh i'm falling! i'm on a downward spiral" you're in a kiddy slide you have a harness on as bad as it seems. these people wait for the push from within their brain to finally tip them into madness but it never comes. Madness and feeling miserable are different things. you cannot lose your sanity just because you are in hell. your brain keeps you tethered in. you're not ophelia and you will keep operating. every woman believes she's on the brink of madness or so the quote goes. is she waiting for that push too? the blissful slide into loss of the self? the beautiful feeling of getting high but never coming back down. are you waiting to feel your brain come out of your ears and smile because you know it's finally happening or do you want to wake up one day and discard yourself and never know any better? do you want to die? similarly, would you want to die a hazy, happy, drugged-up death where you know what's happening. is it the satisfaction of dying that you want, but not really death? i think so. i think you want to be conscious and to know you were in the right. i really think if you pressed a button to die suddenly like a car hitting a clueless deer, you'd say no, because where would be the fun in that? you want the end of your story to be written into your little narrative instead of the file just becoming corrupted, unreadable and like it might as well never have been. you know you don't want to die stop trying to convince yourself of it. you're not mad enough, you'll never be mad enough, you're a self-indulgent little girl who is driving herself crazy, right. did that resonate. it told you what you always knew and what your mother told you, too. you're not crazy, you never were. you'd just love to be.
No. 557926
>>557701tl;dr - I'm not like the other depressed bitches – especially seeing your "deeper energy" comment
>>557824. Go back Tumblr with your weird, fake-deep prose á la Marya Hornbacher.
No. 557952
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>>557945i'm not on anything. literally i know it can come across as deranged but it's tapping into a subgroup of women that have an understanding with each other. they are dead and souls reconnect over and over again but their souls cannot be exposed, they can't truly reconnect as this would push them to insanity. picture it like a big vase that shattered millions of years ago. the women are all the pieces and they're tiny. the vase can't be put back together. now all these pieces are scattered everywhere, getting lost over and over again. i understand that it's easier to dismiss these strange thoughts and typical real-world cynicism looks down upon what seems like make-belief but there is a supernatural feeling unlike any other when you recognise it in someone or something or some place. these people leave traces everywhere and they die over and over again and we can smell the death and our spiritual hackles are raised but you can be calmed. i have communicated ONCE very very clearly with one group which shouted in my ears over and over as i pedalled fast away from them but there are many groups and you must understand that there is malevolence there. you can't expect a shattered vase not to cut you if you try to pick it up but if the light catches on it right, you see every moment you howled alone reflected back at you and you understand that you were always watched and there are guardians and it's terrifying but you will never be alone and that's not always a good thing. morally grey spirits watching always. it's taxing it's draining. this is what i mean. you want it to leak out of you to be able to stop perceiving these horrible feelings and threats. you can selfishly beg for insanity because that will make it go away, if you are not aware of yourself how can you be aware of something you need to be so finely tuned into (willingly or not) but you are a vessel. your body does not belong to you, you are a vessel for these women to inhabit and you will be prevented from dying by your own hand because you cannot destroy property that is not yours. "you" make up very little of your consciousness. you're simply a guest in a hotel where many others are staying and you cannot attempt to slip yourself into insanity and ruin the others living there because you personally cannot stand the pressure. it's not about you it's about them
No. 557962
>>557959Sooo just out of curiosity, do you put Crystals on your chakras and bathe in the moonlight to resurrect yourself? What's the process there.
I've never been a part of a roleplay thread before I'm excited.
No. 557966
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>>557964Common sense? Sorry I guess I'm not familiar with the setting. Does our story take place on a faraway planet where necromancy is the governing force? My character is going to be an UwU depressed girl, with a penchant for big words and messy sentence structure. Unless of course that conflicts with your character.
No. 557969
>>557967wraps my arms around u "S-senpai… will you teach me the ways of n-necromancy?"
(I hope I'm doing this right)
No. 558065
>>558039But as for the lying, so many of them do, some who have had threads on here and elsewhere lie about having a laundry list of ailments /certain aspects of their lives & trauma to illicit sympathy or just pointless things.
The thing is though, they’re really bad at lying but will stay committed to it
No. 558067
>>558066Damn, that’s awful anon ..I’m so sorry you had to go through that and am glad you’re out of that relationship.
Do you think it’s possible he had another cluster b opposed to having bpd, like NPD? Vulnerable/covert narcissism (Especially in makes and sometimes in females) can look similar to bpd but it’s obviously much more malignant and there are a few distinguishing characteristics
No. 558506
>>558504nta but they exist
that's enough
No. 558517
>>558504My friends group was having a little art contest to have something to do during quarentine. This was by no means a big deal, just a fun thing that only like 10 people were participating in and the winner gets a cute little doodle of whatever fictional character they want. There was a rule against using digital mediums that like half of us broke because it wasn't clearly stated. The girl overseeing the contest made a post clarifying it to the group FB page and apologized for the confusion. It was not a big deal.
In comes the sperg, who wasn't even participating in the contest, but insisted on being in the group so he could watch. He makes a post ranting about how ~obviously~ digital mediums wouldn't be allowed because they're sooo easy to take shortcuts with. It's just common sense! How could you not at least ask??? He drags it on for several posts, basically calling us stupid and rude in several painfully pretentious ways. I comment and gently explain that tons of art contests let you do digital and it's really not that crazy that we thought it would be allowed. He responds back, going on about how he refuses to apologize for having more common sense than me and a whole bunch of shit about how rude we are.
I've seen him around my friend's FB pages quite a few times. He's one of those cringey red pill types who complains about everyone being oversensitive, while he gets
triggered over the craziest shit. He once went off the deep end over some anime he likes having the sexualization of a 14 year old character censored out in the English version.
No. 558643
>>558502Haha yeah! And a lot of them are undiagnosed too so they deny anything is wrong with them, and the lack of self awareness about ANYTHING is real.
I notice a lot of them like sperg/ have weird habits with food and drinks too. Freaking out over slightly undercooked/ overcooked meat, putting day old tea in the fridge and microwaving it the next day, eating day old fast food, seriously wtf.
No. 560659
>>560623spd is suggested to be removed it hasn't actually been removed afaik
t. actually diagnosed with it
No. 561522
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this thread
No. 565177
>>565174cluster b
autism but that's probably a stretch
No. 565178
>>565174Skinwalker here, cluster b, it can be done out of admiration though, there's harmless enough "mirroring" and there's skinwalking which is fine if it's a celebrity but weird if it's a friend
>>565177To be honest, autism in women and bpd seem weirdly interlinked with each other, at least in my experience of the psychiatric system. they're more similar than you'd realise and it seems you get bpd if you're more "out there" and dramatic but autism if you're the same but more reserved or socially awkward
No. 565183
>>565177>>565176Thanks for the responses anons, I've always been curious.
>>565178I'm glad there's skinwalkers who just admire the person rather than agressively try to assume their identity - but better. I respect your honestly thanks for explaining.
No. 565198
>>565174One BPD trait is having no fixed identity, which naturally leads to skinwalking and trying out different people to see what gets them attention. I even had a BPD guy skinwalk
me for a couple months.
An extremely common cow trait is skinwalking, even the lesser cows like Taylor and Kelly Eden do it. Taylor skinwalks whatever popular person or trend she thinks will help her career, Kelly adopts the personality and interests of whoever is her housemate, best friend or boyfriend at the time. It's an easy way to appear "interesting" to any suckers who don't realize how insincere it is, which gives the BPD person more energy to feed off.
Often these rapidly changing interests and personalities are confused for artistry so they will usually have some hangers-on and stans.
No. 565222
>>565197I wish I had some decent advice for you but the situations I've dealt with have all ended badly. I wasn't instigator of what ended the friendship, it was more the person crossing a boundary that lead me to stand up for myself. I think eluding to my awareness of their behaviour (although as kind as I was) rendered them unable to forgive me/ashamed to be around me, which I doubt they'll ever admit. They had a lot of cluster b traits (thanks again anons) so everyone's going to react differently depending on their symptoms. I put years into caring for this person but my acknowledgement of their disordered behaviour rendered our friendship irreparable.
Although a lot can be selfish (most likely unintentionally) and not respect the mental strain it puts on the original person it's best to try to remind yourself "imitation is the highest form of flattery". Even if they have bad intentions towards you, there's still a part of them that feels you're worthy of emulating. That and no matter how hard someone tries to live in your skin they'll always fall short. You're the accumulation of a life of experience that moulded who you are, where as they're superficially mirroring what they see. It doesn't equate to anything genuine.
I've personally found feeling sorry for them is the best method to guard yourself from the emotional strain and sense of confusion situations like this evoke. These characteristics from my experience are very ingrained, and a lot of them aren't fully aware/don't have a sense of normalcy like you or I do. Although keep in mind how you're feeling is completely natural. You have a right to feel the way you do and what I'm saying doesn't excuse the behaviour, only explain it. Sorry for the unnecessarily long post.
>>565198Thank you for more context, I genuinely didn't realise BPD was what I was dealing with all this time. Also kek at the male skinwalking you, I've legitimately never seen that before. One of the more obscure/odd things my ex friend did to me was regurgitating a lengthy political/socioeconomic conversation we had once late at night. Years after we stopped talking she was engaging in a public discussion with some people and spouted my opinion word for word. I'm genuinely surprised she remembered it so accurately, it was almost frightening. Although it's not very kind of me I did get a little satisfaction from "liking" her comments… Kind of a little "I agree with you, but I also see what you did there".
No. 565225
>>565219The issue is, that it's my family memeber.
I really hope that there's a way I can reach out to her, talk to her in private, but boy, from all of my other experiences, they all prefer playing
> "imitation is the highest form of flattery"That doesn't work for me, I feel like as if it's one of the biggest bs ever mainly because this sort of stuff makes me feel like as if I am being replaced. I wish there were some support communities for people who have to deal w skinwalkers.
> I've personally found feeling sorry for them is the best method to guard yourself from the emotional strain and sense of confusion situations like this evoke. These characteristics from my experience are very ingrained, and a lot of them aren't fully aware/don't have a sense of normalcy like you or I do. Although keep in mind how you're feeling is completely natural. You have a right to feel the way you do and what I'm saying doesn't excuse the behaviour, only explain it. Sorry for the unnecessarily long post.
Yeah, I understand. Thanks a lot, really appreciate your respond. I really wish people understood that rather than copycatting someone, they should realize we all are speacial in our own way.
>>565224I remember I had to deal with autistic MtF who got brainwashed into being a trans and it reached a point where he would copypaste my messages to other places to pretend to be ''like me''. I am glad I ran away from that friend group. Many women whom I met had experiences with trans people copying them…
No. 565249
>>565224This person could be pretty malicious, this is a really benign example I hope I haven't made you feel weird or anything. I found it pretty amazing that it actually happened because I don't have a personal understanding of this stuff. Kind of like how you think it's crazy that I noticed. It's cool hearing confirmation I'm not insane actually, sometimes a culmination of little things like this have that effect. Thanks anon.
>>565225Yeah, sorry anon. I'm just telling you what helped me get through the situation. It's a massive cop out but it gives me solace in a situation you can't control. I wish I could be more help because it's hard to reach out to people irl and discuss things like this. I also wish people would realise there's value in their individuality too, but I think it goes so far as some don't have a grasp on that concept. I'm here for wishful thinking though, I think it's good to have hope. My parents didn't really experience stuff like this when they were younger. I'm starting to think part of why it's so hard there's more and more people exhibiting these symptoms nowadays. I'm even noticing a difference in personal experience from like 15 years ago to now. Idk what's promoting the problem but I've run into a fair few recently/hear stories from friends. I'm pretty accepting if you're self aware but a lot don't seem to be unfortunately. In fact the anons posting here have self awareness that I didn't think was possible until having this conversation from my outside perspective.
>>565229Second this. The people you want to watch our for incarnate is Emalee from the littlefawnxo thread.
>>>/w/27316It's weird I know Katie through mutuals. I watched her disappear on and off only to find her thread here and realise why.
No. 565261
>>565249A complete OT but I really miss
Kittimei. She was a really inspiring girl and I loved her Tumblr blogs, even though I found out about her from lolcow. She seems like a very nice person who would be a good rolemodel for girls. I can relate to her in a bunch of things, but oh well. Hopefully one day she will come back and stop feeling scared of showing herself, even though I fully understand how she feels. Makes me wish there was a way to 'block' a person IRL so they wouldn't stalk you or anything.
> My parents didn't really experience stuff like this when they were younger. I'm starting to think part of why it's so hard there's more and more people exhibiting these symptoms nowadays. I agree on that.
No. 565268
>>565261I used to admire her on Instagram so I can totally see what you mean by inspiring. She does seem like a genuinely nice girl, especially reading how she handled the stalking. I remember her making one one her friends a gorgeous sundress for her birthday a few years bacm when she opened one of her shops. Since then I've thought very highly of her for someone who's only observed her from afar. I hope she overcomes the stalking and comes back too, I enjoyed her creativity.
I had a thought in the shower and I think it partially might be how materialistic/surface level society has become. Social media media definitely has a big part to play in all this too imo.
No. 565357
>>565354insecure about*
taken advantage*
I need to go to sleep haha
No. 565569
>>565354Anon-chan, you were… So sorry that you had to go through this. I hope you are not letting
toxic people in your life anymore. Fuck all the skinwalkerfags
No. 565879
>>565858You poor soul. Hearing the story of your first love got me feeling a little depressed. Something about how helpless you must have felt with a boyfriend who can't conceptualise your sacrifices or feelings. That, in combination with being tethered to him so strongly because firstlove.jpg.
Ngl hearing he trooned out and you blocked him was both the best and most predictable part of the story. Satisfying ending. 10/10 resolution.
No. 565888
>>565858I'm so sorry anon, what happened you you was awful. He took advantage of all that love that you had to give, nobody ever has the right to do that to you.
Well done on getting away. Unfortunately so many of us meet horrible men in our lives but hopefully it helps us to recognise the red flags that we were too trusting to see the first time around.
You were his mother, a housekeeper, a full time student and a survivor all at the same time as struggling with mental health issues, you're a very strong human.
No. 565893
>>565879>>565888Aww, you're both so sweet.
My younger brother is also autistic and has been
abusive towards me since we were kids. So I think part of it was because I was so desperate to get away from home and have a ~normal~ life.
But I'm 28 now and about to move in with a person who treats me right. Whereas my ex still lives at home afaik. Last time I heard from him he had started daydrinking and all his parents did to help was gifting him a kitten. Boy BYE.
No. 565895
>>565893Almost forgot. The week after we broke up I still visited him because that was the only way he'd attend his older brothers wedding.
Still makes me laugh that I show up in his mum took that day. Haunting them forever :)))
No. 565896
>>565893Fuck yeah! It's so nice to hear you're doing so well, I hope someone who is still in the darkness of a horrible relationship sees it can reminds them they can make it out to the other side too
I wish you all the happiness in your new home
No. 566133
I'm just trying to figure out something, I think one of my (male) friends is getting on with BPD. I'm asking because people say BPD is more common in female and in men doesn't exist, but these symptoms just don't get me right
>Always other's fault. Never his. If he did something bad it's because is "coping" with his depression or other people made him do it.
>Texting exes to make sure they're there for him and when they have some problems (you know, their lives), getting into minor fits of "Waa she's ignoring me/she's the worst because she's textingme only when she's free"
>Binge eating, overseeking affection everywhere but calling sluts girls who are his friends when they hug boys that they're not their bfs
>Being attracted only to younger girls. 8 year gaps in 20's.
>Vomiting any kind of insults to people out of the fucking blue, only for apologize two days later saying "I missed you guys so much… that was my escape to a stressful situation"
>When putting boundaries on shared topics, screaming that you're insensitive because you don't wanna talk "more" and so ignoring his opinion
>"I feel unloved, unworthy, no one should come close to me, I'm nothing" when there are people who could die for him, because when he's sane and has some lucid moments, is the most caring,, funny and sweet guy.
No. 566242
>>566201I'm really sorry to hear you're going through that anon. I don't think you should feel bad, the tantrums and habits of low functioning autistic kids are definitely difficult to handle, and you're trying your best I'm sure.
Though I have to say I really dislike people like your sister… why have three children when the first one already requires a lot of attention and care?
No. 566258
>>566201>He finds humor on being cruel to animals and he know how to be sneaky about that is alarming behaviour.
much respect to you for trying to do something about it, that must be exhausting af. I hope his parents take this as serious as you do.
No. 566731
>>566721Being around somebody with a mental illness is fucking draining, and there's a honestly decent chance your friend knows exactly what she's doing and she's doing it because she feels superior.
It's not her fault, her illness is pushing her to do this but that doesn't mean you have to put up with it.
No. 568045
>>566721ew, a friend of me is like that too. She’s a sweet person aside from that and her tendency to gatekeeping tho.
It’s super annoying and I always tell her to stfu about it and move on about her self esteem issues, she’s fine. and then she moves on, just have to remind her everytime when she pulls that shit.
your friend sounds more like
>>566731 could be the case.
No. 569712
>>560733One of the defining characteristics of bpd is unstable interpersonal relationships(along with attention seeking /manipulative behavior, anger issues, splitting etc), it’s not so far fetched that anons here and people elsewhere have genuinely been burned by a bpdfag.
When someone vents their frustrations about a narcissist or some other cluster b pd, the response isn’t usually under the assumption that it’s solely projection and unfounded.
I’ve only known a few bpdfags who are legitimately diagnosed and never had any issues with them(but I wasn’t close friends with any ). It really depends on how severe it is and how disorder presents really varies from person to person.
No. 570204
Anon-chans, am I dealing with BPD-chan or something else? Person I know is doing some weird mind-games that I still cannot understand.
- Admittedly started copycatting me to a point she even tried to act like me on social medias, I think she gave up on it and is only trying to take over my personality and style IRL;
- The weird thing about it that at first she was acting totally okay, like a normal human being, was all fawning over me, acting energetic n positive whatsoever, but then something I guess clicked in her brain… She started admittedly copycatting me on internet, later then moved to irl by trying to dress the way I do and is making the quotes I made during previous meet ups and she started trying to act overdramatic for attention (with terrible acting). I never acted rude towards her nor had beef with her, so I am very much confused.
- Always knows when I show up, so she always hides in her room (while being a mid20s adult) and as far as I get it, it's done on purpose because It keeps happening and her parents always have to make up excuses for her as to why 'she's not there', that I feel bad for them. If she does show up, thing I mentioned earlier starts happening: whole mood changes because she starts pretending to be sad because she is not the center of attention;
- Also seems to be talking shit about me to mutuals of her and my s/o because some of them stopped talking to me after VCing with her once;
Other things i'd like to mention:
- Her bf literally ran away from her with all his things because he said he got 'tired of trying to make her happy but she'd always keep being whiny'
- She never wanted to work a day in her life because she is a proud 'trad-chan'. Keeps whining that she's working, in less than a month of working she ended up having a beef with someone;
- She never seems to care about her lonely mother unless she needs some pitful attention which also breaks my heart.
- Also does other rude things such as: If she decides to cancel coming over to someone or with someone, she doesn't inform them at all but just ghosts them. It's either a person gets ghosted either her own big brother calls to ghosted person, telling she won't come.
- Was and is a spoiled child, visibly loved more than her older brother;
- Also admits that she is an attention-seeker who can't stand being without people.
- Has no manners at all.. Maybe I am being a Karen here but I was raised in a huge city.
Really confused on whatever is wrong with her. She DOES visits a therapist, family said she has depression.
No. 570234
>>570204Sounds like she's just annoying and
toxic, honestly.
No. 570267
>>570263If she managed to mess up your relationship with your friends, she's probably trying to slowly do the same with your family.
I think you'd be better off cutting her off, people like that are draining.
No. 580379
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>>580360>neurodivergent>AFAB>AMABMentally ill men are always worse than female counterpart
No. 582412
>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582>>231582he just bought an AR-15 (the favorite gun of modern school shooters)and i'm basically shitting myself. like there's nothing i can do but wait until he loses it or something.
No. 583811
>>545387this fucking post lmfao. "b-but i didn't notice one of my best friends was a narcissist psycho I swear!!!"
I don't think the poster still checks this thread but still: instead of bitching here about your shitty friend I hope you reached out for your other friend who had to take all that shithead's rage on her own and apologized to her. Like in the first place, why would you even put up with such a shitty person for as long as 10 years if he was just some friend to you? You don't need any knowledge about narcs or personality disorders to realize all you've listed isn't passable. Or could it be your friend was eating most of the narc abuse and you thought you could just pretend nothing was happening and she would suck it up forever without complaining.
This post reeks of pickme abuse enabler who thought she was smarter than the other bitch and now regrets being left to her own devices with her Nigel.
No. 586033
>>586021Big relate. I find some autist traits are actually endearing/interesting. But hanging around
those types of autists is like sitting through a shitty romcom that never ends. I can barely contain the cringe/second hand embarrassment I get from the lack of self awareness. I want to help but there's honestly no saving certain situations.
No. 586035
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male autists are annoying and creepy
theyre even creepy and ugly in appearance if it's bad enough, why the fuck are all of them so tall and horrifying to look at
No. 588045
>>553598Came to say exactly this.
I slowly froze out those people who were like this, and I've never felt better.
No. 591070
Anons, tell me, am I painting with too big a brush here about people with depression?
In my adult life, I can count past one hand the number of friends with depression diagnoses who have fucked me over by not following through, or letting me/someone I love down. Some examples:
- Back in college, my student org had to organize and manage an event. Depressed Person A volunteers to man one booth, we happily accept the help. The evening comes and she won't answer our calls or texts asking where she is, so I'm forced to do double-duty and switch between my actual assignment and manning said booth. After the event I congratulate the org group chat on a job well done, and only then does A apologize and explain she was busy… packing for a trip.
- Still Depressed Person A: she and a mutual friend have a side business selling handmade accessories. They set up their table at a local fair, then A texts another friend asking him to keep her seat warm for just an hour while she runs an errand. He goes there and mans the table with the other friend, then after an hour asks A when she's coming back. She never replies, and he ends up having to keep their mutual friend company for the entire day. I learned about this… from A herself, who nonchalantly told me she hasn't apologized, and even said, "In my defense, I lugged all the stuff there."
- I needed to watch a specific local film for a work thing, and asked one of my group chats if they had a file of it (it was out of cinemas, and wasn't popular enough to be found on torrent sites). Depressed Person B says she does and can send it to me by the weekend. I profusely thank her. Weekend comes and B stops going online and my reminders are left unread. I end up getting the film somewhere else and we never speak of it again.
- I used to have brightly colored hair. A friend asked if she could pay me to come to her house and dye hers. I could handle the coloring part, but wasn't too experienced with the bleaching part, so I asked Depressed Person C, a fellow brightly-colored hair person, to help me out for 50% of the profits. She said yes, and we set a time and date for my friend's appointment. The day came, and I texted C to remind her we had to be at my friend's house in the afternoon. She replied a couple of hours later to tell me she had gone back to her home city HOURS AWAY and that the appointment had slipped her mind. I ended up having to do everything myself.
All of the above people repeated this behavior throughout our adult life; these are just their first/second offenses. Do they just enjoy LARPing as effective people for the length of one conversation? Is it the rush of knowing they have my attention and worry? How do these people expect anyone to continue liking them?? Like, I sincerely hope they get better, but I'm sick of putting my own shit on the line just for them to feel like they're not losing a friend.
No. 592671
Pretty much any "mental disorder" that involves an inflated sense of self-importance and the inability to empathize with the people around you is a "mental disorder" I cannot deal with.
>>570210>>570207HPD isn't even a diagnosis anymore. The DSM removed it years ago lmao.
No. 601819
>>601818Honestly when you're not their imprinted person and just a regular friend or acquaintance BPDfags are quite bearable, they just go missing when they are going nuts and then come back like nothing happens lol.
And then you watch their shenanigans from like the VIP section.
No. 601825
>>601553I can hardly fucking stand autists anymore. Even the high functioning ones have such low emotional intelligence, it's hard to maintain a friendship with them. I have my own issues with periods of self loathing and low self esteem, and having to deal with autistic friends being completely callous when I'm trying to reach out for help and communicate to them that I'm not in the mood for their bullshit drives me insane.
I fucking hate online propagagnda about "be nice and listen to autistic people! Let them tell you about their special interests and guide them if they can't understand how to socialize!" Fuck that shit. I'm looking for a friendship, not a child to babysit. I had an autistic irl friend who would come to my house just to ramble about her homestuck/undertale fanfic, without so much as asking me about my day, and only fucking off when I told her I had homework because I wasn't a neet like her. I don't see why other people should be expected to baby autists when they're actively harming other people's mental health from their own social ineptitude.
No. 605179
>>605135Exactly. It's a very weird combination of superiority/
victim complex. "I'm too sick and frail to make any real accomplishments in life, but hey, at least I'm not a fatass." Their defense is "I'm doing my best" when everyone can see that they pour 100% of their already limited energy into furthering their disorder. They have my sympathy as I know personally how mentally taxing it is, but they're so damn annoying. Very selfish too.
No. 605209
>>605201oh gotcha. my bad, i thought you meant it was pointless to differentiate between untreated/treated illnesses when posting here. i only do it so recovered bitches like me don't feel bad reading these posts lol
i think the point is that there are specific disorders that people can't tolerate, probably because they have experience dealing with them. same with recovered/treated individuals, for example some people will not associate with someone with NPD, treated or not
No. 607548
>>607546sorry *bigger than
im not native so idk if my sentences make sense
No. 607568
>>607538>>607546From what you've said it seems like it would be pretty obvious to your friends what's really going on. Never eating in front of them and blaming it on a metabolic health issue is one thing, I'd believe that if I were your friend.
Being underweight, self-deprecating about your poor body image and acting like a know it all about nutrition are different though. Especially those last two really can't be explained away with some disorder and depending on how self-deprecating and know it all you act irl I can see that being annoying. It's good that you aren't that judgmental to others, but it does sound like your obsession/preoccupation with food and thinness are plain to see and possibly obnoxious.
I agree with the other anon too that your friends are probably really worried. Consider dropping the metabolic disorder thing and being honest with your friends. If they're good friends they'll appreciate it.
No. 607653
>>607538stop talking about nutrition. making less self deprecating jokes is always a good thing though, it's just awkward when someone's like "haha i'm so uglyyyy" but you don't agree. normal people don't think you're "showing off" how little to eat. if you were eating salads or something then maybe, but normal people aren't jealous of those who go to a delicious restaurant and only get a small coffee.
what you really need to do though is get your ED treated. your friends are probably worried about you. (and rightfully so)
No. 608050
Pretty much any illness that effects social skills annoys me, but mainly people who are obviously autistic. Ive known multiple people with aspergers and/or social anxiety who would straight up ignore what I said, take everything i said completely seriously, only talk about themselves, hold everyone up because of panic attacks, speak super quietly and constantly stutter, etc. It's just so annoying and they're no fun to be around. I know it's not their fault but I can't deal with it.
I know this isn't really a mental disorder, but anyone who romantisizes or even fakes mental illness is instantly a million times more annoying than any actually mentally ill person in my opinion. I've seen grown adults go around posting those edgy monochrome photos with stupid quotes on them and met people who purposely surround themselves with negative things (esp music) then complain they're depressed. Then there's the people who go around posting those "depression aesthetic" things, constant public vents, pro self harm/anorexia, systems and DID fakers, anti recovery and God knows what else. Once I came across a youtube channel with about 1k that made subliminals (those obviously fake videos that claim to change things when you watch them) for developing mental disorders and people were watching them. I will never understand why people do this and why people are so desperate for attention, but to me theyre insufferable.
No. 608100
>>608095My aunt also once hurt my grandma when she had an episode and regularly accused my parents of the wildest things.
She is now better and getting the help she needs but I am still terrified and refuse to be alone in a room with her.
No. 608153
i don't know if it counts as a mental disorder, it's more a symptom of various things, but good fucking god i cannot stand anyone with peter pan syndrome. i'm not talking about people who simply enjoy childish things, i mean adults who refuse to grow up.
i had a roommate for two years who drove me crazy because she constantly acted like a pathetic helpless child. 21 years old and never did any chores, didn't know how to cook anything other than boxed macaroni, didn't drive and refused to take public transportation, never did homework, on and on. this bitch ONLY ever used instacart, and about 75% of the groceries she'd order would get eventually tossed after going bad. every single time me or my other 2 roommates would call her out on leaving out dirty dishes or trying to fight us over petty bullshit, she would break down in tears and the conversation would flip to us comforting her. she would constantly complain about problems with simple solutions, but every time we would make suggestions she would make excuses and refuse because it's "too hard", then complain about the exact same thing a week later. she lives in this fantasy world where a perfect boyfriend and a perfect job are just going to magically appear without her having to put any effort or plan into it whatsoever ("manifesting"). it's obvious she was spoiled by her parents, she even said her ideal relationship is one where the guy is happy doing everything for her. i tried explaining to her that being so dependent is draining for other people, but she "disagrees". i know what it's like to have anxiety and to be afraid of harmless things because i was like that as a teen, but it's like, you're an adult, get a fucking grip and grow up. thank god i don't live with her anymore, she apparently lives alone now (in a place her parents are paying for) and i really wonder if it's filthy now that none of us are around to clean it for her.
No. 608374
>>608080I would, but I’m simply waiting for her to get
triggered again. She is honestly sickly sweet to me right now because she’s in love with me.
>>608098She really loves me even though we only know each other since two months. I didn’t know how clingy she is and how obsessive so i got weirded out really fast. Told her that I don’t have feelings for her but she still low key tries to flirt with me. I think she did tarot once and got positive cards so she believes that I can be ‘won over.’ I wonder if I should lie and say that I have a crush on a man kek
No. 608492
>>608483>What would you say it's a symptom of, when every mundane little thing that happens to a person, the person makes out to be either dramatic, awful or super important funky and cool?Obviously no professional, but if it's accompanied by other symptoms (particularly a continuous pathological desire for attention or recognition) they probably have a cluster B personality disorder. It's only anecdotal evidence but some relatives of mine who behave this way are narcissists (NPD) and/or histrionics (HPD.)
>Had a friend like this and it was very exhausting, I was depressed and talking with them always made me feel worse. Made me feel tiny, boring and like a loser.This is partially the intended result of their behavior. They have to make everything that happens to them sound more important or interesting than it actually is, and it's rooted in feeling as if they aren't worth paying attention to in the eyes of others, leading to their attempts to seek attention escalating in nature. "White" lies, not being able to accept that they might've lied/were wrong, trying to make every topic be about them, etcetera.
No. 608630
>>608483>>608571am currently depressed and have a friend exactly like this. like, haven't been asked any questions about myself since quarantine started. not even "what's up" lol. when i try to talk to them about things in my life the subject is changed so quickly. makes me feel bad. but they're my only friend now, and i just feel lucky that they put up with my depressed bad at texting unable to leave the house bullshit.
but its like, they see me as an audience, not a friend. or i'm a talk show host just there to ask them questions and make quips about their responses. idk. they're not manipulative or malicious, though. def not a cluster b. i just think they're kinda self absorbed. does any of that sound familiar to you at all? i've just been kinda confused lately because its not like she's done anything wrong enough to justify me being mad. like, it's not like she owes me anything and plenty of people are inconsiderate. doesn't mean they have a personality disorder. idk. sorry for the venting, just trying to completely get the point across.
No. 611552 eaters. Fuck them.
Bulimics and binge eaters should really fly to the Moon and stuff like this makes me livid, Just think about these privileged people Who can buy a lot of shitty food Just to vomit It out later to eat more… Its disgusting and I have no sympathy. Those Who film them to show how ~sick~ they are are even more disgusting.
No. 612574
>>611950you can just tell with certain people, anon. even if you can't armchair diagnose them with "i'm SURE this person is bipolar/schizo/autistic/whatever" you've probably met someone that everyone knew was a little off. you don't know anyone that acts like a crazy cunt but proudly declares that they hate therapy? never known a socially inept weirdo that just couldn't take a hint? how about the fanatics who preach on the street or on youtube about how god told them the end is nigh?
if i meet an asshole i think they're an asshole. if i meet someone that genuinely makes me concerned/afraid for them/myself/others, then yeah, i assume they have some kind of mental illness or neurological disorder
No. 628884
>>628770Are you seriously so
triggered by that anon in the vent thread that you're attacking her across multiple threads now? Jfc you're clearly not stable yourself go find something else to do.
No. 629409
Can BPD traumatize? I'll explain myself:
For years I was friends with a BPD person, and it got really bad in the last two years.
Like REALLY bad.
I've known them for years and for years and they were very nice, funny, kind, great listener etc. But after splitting up with their partner, they became unstable.
This person says that after their partner, I was the only person who they talked to, that I was the best. They said stuff like this even in the past years but lately it has become obsessive-kind-of.
Keep in mind that I didnt change one bit of my personality, but things that were normal once, now were a tragedy to them, they threw rage fits and closed in themselves crying right after the moment they split on me, saying that they were the worst, unlovable and should kill themselves.
No matter how I explained to them that if something bothered them, they should've talked before bottling shit up until they fucking exploded, I always said that I'm very patient (even too much, as my psych says) and willing to talk about anything, as long the discussion was clear in intentions.
One day, the just screamed every possibile insult at me and I mean EVERY POSSIBLE INSULT. They even brought up my past to hurt me (to which they now I'm sensitive of and I want to forget it as soon as possible), then told everyone I'm a bad person and after getting some "tf are u talking about" replies, they came back saying that they were sorry and did that on purpose to push me away, to which I replied "if you need alone time just TELL ME, do not pretend everything's all good then fucking pull up this shit. It hurts."
After leaving them alone for a bit, they came back saying that they were doing a bit better, okay nice.
And then the same shit repeated.
No matter my "let's talk about what is making you suffer" over and over, no matter my calm when they were exploding with useless rage, they always said it was my fault. They even kept me from performing well academically because their fits would leave me so exhausted I just slept for days. No contact after that.
Ff some months, I noticed that I became very anxious.
I always ask my boyfriend if there's something wrong and don't trust him when he says no and I feel that I'm living just to wait for the storm, while suffering hell in between one episode and another. Note that my boyfriend NEVER raised his voice at me. Not even once, in 5 almost 6 years together, we always talked about everything and managed to get through things together. I notice every little movement he makes, every slight change in his voice or text and I feel like shit because I don't want to suffer again. The problem is that me and my boyfriend never screamed at each other and he noticed this change in my behaviour.
I need help and my psych just said "you have to learn to cut off people and don't feel bad if they make you feel bad" and its not doing much.
I just miss my friend or what it was of them…
They hurt me so much but it hurts more to know that they are "there", they remember our nice moments being together, but they are not the person I used to know.
No. 630056
I can't stand emotional leeches who just take and take and take and take.
The depressed type, the kind of people who just bathe in their own suffering and do nothing to get better, to the point of refusing any kind of help while still whining and crying.
My ex was like this, idk if he falls under some diagnosis, but he was motivated one day and then depressed for the rest of the month or even year.
At first I brushed it off as him going thru a difficult time, but in the end he never got up.
From being a nice person in a study field he liked with a lot of aspirations, he dropped out of college, confined himself in his room and cried to sleep a lot of times. We used to study the same stuff, I got a job opportunity and left to work, he just…stayed in bed. I can't count the days where I worked my ass off to get in this position in which still am, coming home and dealing with him crying or telling me to get out of the house because he wanted to be alone. Eventually, we broke up because it was unsufferable but while I was waiting to find another place to live it, he brought in a couple of girls, they had sex in the room next to mine (we had two in our apt.), he told me he found another relationship, broke up after a month, cried in bed, repeat.
From the time I've known him, he always was kind of the sad guy type, but things were going okayish, we even had success with a small project together, until someday something broke off definitely.
Now I live away from him, we're still friends, but I know that he still finds occasional sex here and there, spends all of his money in food (and I mean all of his money to the point he buys around 600-700 dollars in groceries at month or restaurants). Everytime we talk, it's only about him, his problems, he's the type to say "let's eat together at this restaurant" only to spend the whole night crying about his miserable life, how he's sad, depressed but doesn't want to get help because it will be wasted time, how he still thinks about GIRL ONE or GIRL TWO or GIRL THREE and they were together over a short period (again, no more than a month, plus he cheated on every single one of them and then cried while he was asking himself why he can't keep a relationship) of time while we were together for 4 yrs, if we text it's only because he needs help with something that himself sabotaged.
Lately he got close with a group of friends but I'm getting some stuff from them, they say that he spends most of his time in bed/at home, only gets out if he needs something (or needs a ride somewhere, he doesn't drive), obviously he got in a short relationship with a girl in that group, left her and you know this story. In this time, he didn't find a job or even looked for it, didn't come back studying, didn't do anything to you know, "live", he's a NEET who eats and brings girls to his bed while whining about his life and treating people like shit if they don't enable this kind of behaviour. I don't know why he wont wake up or something.
No. 632236
>>629409Late reply but, you should look up the term 'bpd catching fleas' It's when you either date or are very close to someone with bpd and dealing with them for that long leads to you displaying similar behaviours yourself.
I dated a guy where his previous gf had bpd. He told me how batshit aggressive she acted in arguments and it sounded terrifying… fast forward a few months and this man is acting the exact same way over small disagreements. Standing right over me screaming for an hour and then going into the silent treatment afterwards. It was so similar to what he said the ex did. That's when I discovered the whole 'catching fleas' phrase that people use to describe it. I still had to leave him, he was acting plain
No. 636899
after a couple of bpd experiences where i felt my soul rotting away, i'm done. you're dangerous, i dont care how much you're suffering with it, if you cant see how much your head is far up your ass you're not entitled to anyone's attention and help. no, you're not true empaths or sensitive, you're a walking bomb of bad behaviours who always have excuses for anything since you cant admit you're bad. i have no sympathy for you and you deserve every harsh words for your kind. it disgust me how you justify your splitting and toss around people like toys. really, fuck you. if you can cheat, scream at people, split, not take responsability, you can sit down some days and think about your behaviour and then wonder why the fuck you always end up alone. hinty hint: if everyone leaves you, you're the problem, not other people who don't understand you. if you happen to cry alone at night, scrolling your chat logs and asking yourself why you always end up alone and people cant deal with your shit, you are the problem and it amazes me how you fail to see it. your trauma stories are shit because its not an excuse either, all people suffer at some points in their life, you're not special and honestly, its even scary that there's the "catching BPD fleas" things. if someone admits they have bpd, i run the fuck away and they never hear from me again.
No. 637144
>>636899 > its even scary that there's the "catching BPD fleas" thingWhen you think about it makes alot of sense. Bpd is heavily linked to childhood trauma. So they were mistreated/abused and often it has links to CSA. It's an uphill battle to try and control all the shitty maladaptive behaviours that creates so their relationships with others can have a traumatising affect on their partners..and there it is, the cycle.
I dated a guy who told me his ex had BPD and I could've sworn he had it himself. He stayed with her through years of screaming and drama and he certainly caught them fleas. We had only been dating for a short time before he started to show signs that he was
abusive and I quickly pointed out to him not to needlessly attack me because
> "dude I'm not your ex so don't take that shit out on me"It was useless. For someone who had cried to me about his ex being
abusive he sure had no problem doing that same shit to me.
No. 637180
>>632218It doesn't matter that you love her, it doesn't matter that you have known her since you were kids. I know those are strong feelings but that doesn't matter because SHE IS ABUSING YOU. Your actual doctor is telling you to get away from her. What happens when you have a psychotic episode because she's worn you down? She won't help you, she'll resent you for needing help. You are martyring yourself for a person who sees you as a punching bag and she's not going to thank you for it.
If you don't look out for yourself nobody will. Please stop thinking that because you love her she deserves that love.
No. 637198
>>231531A co-worker of mine has ADHD and really bad anxiety. He's the most intrusive and unprofessional person I've ever worked in my entire life. I work on IT so obviously I never speak out about this since I'm the only woman in my team but once I lost my cool completely and told him "please seek professional help because I can't stand you at all".
Basically, I avoid anxious and insecure people like the plague.
No. 637201
>>637198> A co-worker of mine has ADHD and really bad anxiety.lel that describes me and I also work in IT.
Although I'm aloof and I don't think I'm intrusive. Honestly, I don't know what the perception of others is of me. I'd like to think I'm perceived as professional but who knows.
No. 637354
I'm okay with BPDfags as long as they've been through some sort of therapy and stick with it. People I can't abide are ADHDers (usually male) who blame everything on their ADHD.
My ex blamed his cheating and coke addiction on his ADHD and I was sitting opposite him like "motherfucker I have ADHD too and I managed not to cheat". As well as this, he'd constantly interrupt me and go on tangents (though he was also a narc as well, so go figure) and be like "oops adhd so quirkyyyy" whenever I called him out. He was also a huge predator, I have no time for narcissists, histronics or untreated personality disorders, basically. People who lie to their therapist then brag about how cool that makes them really piss me off too. Mental healthcare is hard enough to get in our country, and you're wasting it? Fuck you.
I know I essentially blog posted about my ex but I just have a certain type of person I can't abide, and he lines up perfectly.
I also hate EDfags that make everything about their ED. Sure, joking about it or telling me when you're uncomfortable or feeling bad is fine, but when it's your whole life and whole relationship with me, it's tiring. Not to mention my ED presented it pretty differently, I hid it from everyone so I just can't relate to people who's every second instagram post is some long winded caption about how they struggle so much.
No. 637451
I have a person in my life I've known since middle school who has always been socially awkward as fuck, to the point of it being evident they are on the spectrum somewhere, but never diagnosed or saw treatment in their younger years. They were always exhausting to be around because they could not pick up on social cues and could make a conversation very uncomfortable in no time at all. One of those 'well I think it was funny!' people. Fast forward to a lot of years later and I regret not distancing myself from this person. They were diagnosed with a learning disability later in life and now not only is that their identity, but it's their excuse for everything. "I'm sorry, I have autism so I can't help whatever upset you!" They have absolutely no consideration for other people or the belongings of other. They will recognize when they say something inappropriate, but get overly pissy blaming the person offended or go into toddler mode and act like you just told them to go to timeout. They completely forget other people have lives they can't put on hold when they want to do something - the universe revolves around this one person, in their mind. They constantly push their obsession-of-the-month relentlessly on others ("I really like this movie have you watched the trailer yet did you like it did you watch the movie yet you should watch the movie…"). They lack the ability to empathize. As they've gotten older, they've become more defensive and hateful toward anyone who doesn't immediately fall in love with them. A classic 4 who feels entitled to a perfect 10, let's say. Not just looks wise, but only ever wanting to do what they want to do. Emotionally draining, exhausting person to be around.
No. 637731
>>637666NTAYRT, but
>using people>just accepted a ride and now the autist is harassing herAre you a retarded scrote by any chance ?
No. 637799
>>637737NTA but i'm not lying lol. is my story really so unbelievable? if anything, it's reassuring that her insanity is so intense that even LC dont buy it.
if i called out the cow it would reveal my identity. she's friends with my bf and is very spiteful/malicious. i'm afraid of retaliation from her end.
No. 637835
>>637802Someone's real life going through an annoying upheaval isn't worth spilling milk on a stupid website you weirdo.
>>637799Though if your bf is friends with a cow and she's nuts, I wouldn't want to stick around personally. But I'm super drama averse irl, kek. Good luck with all that.
No. 637849
>>637835The shut the fuck up? Could have easily vent about it without mentioning that it's involved a cow on this website and then act all ~but I won't tell uwu~
What's the point if not for attention then? OP is just as much a cow and I hope the other girl continues to make your life shit
caps or gtfo
No. 637862
>>637746Not daft at all. I'm the daft one for not doing that long ago, even if it costed me a friend or two… no, in hindsight I would have left the whole crew behind. Luckily she's stopped really talking to me outside of group chats. I don't miss the spree texts (30+ in the span of two minutes) one bit. Communication once a month is fine, but I'm not playing the BFF role again the next time she feels lonely. She's too taxing and I don't have the energy for it anymore.
Thanks for guilting me into putting the poor special kids before myself, mom.
No. 638563
>>637835thank u for defending me based anon
yeah its a real, real pain in the ass. she is literally batshit insane and she has a long, varied list of offences. i even tried to link him to her thread but he wont hear of it.
i personally dont understand why he believes that i would accuse an obese chav of having an affair with him, truly is is an insult to himself.
yeah i have literally no idea how to deal with a lolcow feeding my bf bullshit about how im
toxic uwu
she even tried to get him to purchase her SW services when he's on welfare. she keeps finding ways to insert herself into his life, comment on his posts etc and i worry that when she finds out we're back together that she'll retaliate further. she holds power over me and she knows it. literally i have no idea what to do, she's insane.
what do
No. 638675
>>638572>>638565anons, would you leave the love of your life going 2 years strong because of some uggo lolcow freak? i doubt it.
i’m just going to hope she doesn’t make up anymore porkies. the thing is, she presented this accusation without any proof, it annoys me that he didn’t even ask to see evidence. i show him our entire convo history (which was very brief, just me trying to arrange hanging out) and he’s still not having any of it.
i just need some strategies, maybe limiting my presence online so there’s nothing for her to criticise. there is another woman in his life, his ex, who has also unfortunate may made me the subject of severe jealousy.
my boyfriend is such a loser coleslaw looking man and is also unemployed i don’t understand why he attracts so many rabid, foam-mouthed envy-mad BPDs. he literally has no way of controlling jealous women who come for me; really baffles me that he doesn’t establish boundaries or just say ‘i don’t want to talk about anon with you’ to them.
No. 638698
>>638675Erm. I don't want to be mean, but
>strongIt sounds like you've already split up once since in another post you said
>got back together againPlus he seems to believe this cow over you despite you presenting evidence of the contrary. Love is a helluva drug and blind, as they say. I personally and truthfully would leave my boyfriend if he disrespected me the way it sounds like your boyfriend does to you. Especially since it doesn't sound like he has many redeeming qualities PLUS a lot of drama surrounding him, but again, I'm very drama averse. I hope you understand that this is said without malice. You're free to do what you like, and should you stay with this man, I hope things get better, but my advice to you is be weary and recognize the patterns of behavior he's already shown.
No. 638841
>>638827You're getting annoying. Stop getting involved with cows if you don't want their behavior to affect you. You sound like a cow yourself tbh, talking about how your boyfriend is an unemployed loser. Don't associate with or date people who are
abusive and cause drama. This isn't rocket science. Grow the fuck up.
No. 638917
>>231531I can't stand or trust anyone with bipolar or BPD. I hate being loved one moment then tossed aside the next because of something very minor I did.
I had one "friend" who was very BPD, I was at her house everyday and one day she asked how her eyeliner looked, I was truthful and said it was a little bit crooked. She did not talk to me again for 10 months, spread rumors about me to everyone we mutually knew…ect, only for her to come back and try to be my friend again. I can't handle it
No. 638924
>>638917I had a friend like this all throughout middle and high school. Absolutely the most insufferable, awful person I have ever dealt with in my entire life. She drove me home after school one day and confided in me once that she thought she had "some kind of mental disorder," and that she was considering seeking therapy. I told her, gently, that I agreed, and that I was proud of her for taking accountability for her behavior. She starts swerving like a maniac, pulls off of the road and demands that I get out. When I wouldn't, she came around to the passenger door, physically pulled me out, shoved me on the ground, and drove off. She left me on the side of the fucking high way without a cell phone (not everyone had one at that time), or any way of contacting someone to come pick me up. Thankfully this was a small town and it was like a 20-minute walk to my nearest friend's house, but holy fuck was this bitch insane. Everyone in my friend group at this time has multiple horror stories about her. She was insanely over-the-top about everything, super gross and explicit, needed constant attention, and would ruin everyone's time if she felt that she wasn't getting it. Worst was that she made multiple unwanted sexual advances on my straight friends, and even once at me, and would threaten or verbally harrass us if we didn't comply.
The stigma about BPD exists for a reason. I truly don't give a fuck if BPDfags are not fully aware that they're the problem. Abuse is still abuse. BPD is a disorder that literally guarantees abuse and a profound lack of insight, and wanting to avoid that is perfectly reasonable.
No. 639010
>>638938I was misinformed its just BPD im talking about. there was a few people who were in my life who were really
toxic and kept telling me they had Bipolar disorder as an excuse, but i think it might have been BPD instead. Im sorry
No. 639091
>>638917In my experience bipolars are way more tolerable than BPDs. Sure both are exhausting to deal with but BPDs seem to be dedicated to making
your life a living hell, bipolars are more focused on ruining their own.
No. 639096
>>638938I worked in a type of daycentre for people with mental health issues, only in the kitchen. A lot of them would open up about what their diagnosis was and how it affected them. The amount of times that I heard
> They thought I was bipolar for years and even medicated me as such (for years) but now they've changed the diagnosis to BPDAnd vice versa. I heard it all the time.Thought it was odd that even experts would struggle to decide between the two.
No. 639441
>>639096>it was odd that even experts would struggle to decide between the twoIt really isn't. The DSM is a mess and experts regularly can't agree on a diagnosis for the same person because there is so much overlap between disorders and a high likelihood for comorbidity. It's all based on self-reporting and clinician opinion, there is no way to definitively test for any specific mental illness. There are also plenty of cases where people are diagnosed with little effort, such as if the person was hospitalized. You typically spend less than half an hour with a psychiatrist under these conditions, and they just slap whatever label is going to fit the easiest with the limited information they have about you.
Honestly, the average psychiatrist isn't going to spend much time trying to figure out if their initial diagnosis is the right one. They're there to prescribe you meds. If the meds are working, they'll say "great, I'll see you in a month." If they aren't working, they'll just increase the dose or add something else. If with just one psychiatrist, you somehow manage to go through every option available in the specific class of drugs prescribed for your disorder, and they either haven't worked or have made you feel worse, THEN they might decide you have a different mental illness.
No. 639542
>>639010A lot of Borderlines pretend (either through genuine misunderstanding or because they dislike the stigma of their disorder) to be bipolar. It gets confusing.
>>639096>>639441Apparently, bipolar type 1 and schizophrenia exist on the same spectrum while bipolar type 2 and borderline personality disorder exist on another spectrum together. It is possible they had bp2 and the psychiatrists got borderline mistaken with them.
Also, a lot of borderline personality disorder claim to experience "mania" when in actuality only bipolar type 1 people experience that. Borderline personality disorder can experience something similar to hypomania which is usually brought on by outside environmental
triggers. Another difference with bpd is that its more focused on self-esteem, self-image, and relationships with other people than bipolar which can sometimes have its mood changes
triggered (usually not severely unless drug usage tho) by outside events but is normally otherwise unaffected by whatever life state they're in.
I imagine it's hard for psychiatrists because most women to a default will be focused on their self-image due to what society does to women.
I think because borderline personality disorder is ultimately a Cluster B Personality disorder along with ASPD, NPD, ect it's going to be more narcissistic and self-centered than a bipolar type. Really, the main way you can spot a bipolar person (type 1) is by those manic episodes because it's uniquely in a way only bipolar type 1 people have it.
No. 640626
I´d say autism and tourettes syndrome. As a teenager I was forced to live at institutions bc I was abused by my family. I moved a lot around from institution to institution bc it was hard for me to find one that I felt comfortable and at home in that there wasn´t any problems with. I moved to this one institution. After about two months of me living there and I was just starting to like it there, then this other teenager moved in. There already was another teenage living there when I moved in, but he was fine. This new guy though was a chinese immigrant or something and didn´t speak the language native to my country that well. I did´t like judging ppl too fast so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I did give him the side eye bc he was overweight. I mean being a 50 year old man and having some extra belly fat comes with age and is somewhat normal i guess, but a 15-16 being the size he was just told me that this right here´s a lazy pig without self control. He seemed overall normal to me the first weeks. I started to pick up on his strange behaviour. He had a horrible sens of hygine and no awerness og basic rutines. He would never shower, brush his teeth or change his clothes unless the workers told him to. He would sit in the common room gaming on the xbox all dat with the volume at max without any consideration that it might bother the other teenagers living here. He would never go to bed or stop gaming unless the workers told him too. My bedroom was down in the basement so was his and we shared a bathroom. He would always leave the bathroom a dirty mess after using it. The toilet would be smeared in shit or inside it was squirted diarreah stains in it, the floor and the shower would be full of dirt and the sink full of water sometimes the floor too. It was so disgusting. I was so frustrated. This will probaly sound gross and it´s kinda embarrasing to me, but sometimes I used to pee in a waterbottle in my room and pour it into the toilet later bc i didn´t want to use the bathroom. I was pretty ashamed of myself for doing gross stuff like that, but it felt less disgusting than to use that toilet. We both had to clean the bathroom one day of the week. He would almost never clean it unless the workers told him too. And when he did clean it, the bathroom looked even more dirty than it was before. He would constantly scream like a chicken being burned alive or that he´s getting possesed by satan and hit the walls and door. This was bc of his tourettes. This made me feel very threatened and i looked myself in my room. It was also annoying as hell. He also used to be violent and throw tantrums over the smallest things and he did try to murder me and the other teen living here multiple times. For example one time we had wok for dinner, it was rice and vegetables right. He didn´t get to use a knife when eating bc we didn´t need it so he took the fork and started to almost attacked the other teenager living here before the worker stopped him. He would always talk about inappropriate stuff out of nowhere. Like hentai or poop and studff. He would also run naked around the house bc he tought it was funny. And the constant screaming, creepy loud laughter and saying weird shit was the worst. It was just so much more shit im not gonna mention but it was horrible. After two months of living in that nightmare i decided to complain. It took three months before they moved him out. It wasnt even a psyciatric institution so idk why he lived there in the first place. That didn´t really do it for me. I suffred severed trauma from the abuse from my family that caused me to develope pathological hatred for people, places ect. very fast if they did something i didnt like or something that made me feel bad happened it that place. So after a long time of having to wait, i moved an lived with my older sister and got better luckily.
No. 640804
I remember some weeks ago anon asking somewhere on lolcow if there was any kind of support group or resources for maladptive daydreaming.
I only found reddit (a complete circlejerk as usual), but I also found this site. Eli Somer seems like the main person pushing for MD to become an official thing, and people can subscribe to receive news or fill forms for their studies. No. 651101
my boyfriend is a very sick man, and all my family and friends think he's evil, but i think he's just a tortured person who needs love and care.
our relationship is largely characterised by the following issues
>he blocks me for extended periods of time, usually following a breakup, and tells me it's over
>we get back together after about 3 months or so of being blocked by him
>he has a weird friendship with his ex, she simps for him& comments shit like 'i love you' on all his statuses and constantly talks shit about me, makes theories about me, as though she doesnt have her own life
>he will tell me during these blocking periods that he does not love me and never did
i recently visited him in a foreign country and when i got back, he blocked me for exposing our relationship which he was trying to keep secret.
when i went to visit him, he begged me to stay and asked me to quit my job to stay with him. his cousin also told me he seemed much happier with me there.
i dont know what to do. his mum knows him very well and says his 'i dont love you/i was just lonely' is bullshit.
like i said, he is very mentally ill. i dont know what to do. every time he blocks me, i cry my eyes out for weeks until he gets back in touch with me, it's a cycle.
i am physically unable to walk away from him despite everyone telling me to.
No. 651934
>>651101Hah. My ex was like this and you know what he did? He held me at knifepoint and threatened to kill me if I ever left him.
Don't let it get to that point.
No. 652260
>>652055NTA but I think it's really funny how you bitches comment awful shit like this to each other when it couldn't be more clear you're just as
toxic and fucked up as the person you're responding to.
No. 652942
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99% of this thread is just bpdfags screeching about other bpdfags
No. 654020
Back in the ol college days, my friend with BPD came to my house unannounced and I wasn't there. She flipped out and texted me. I didn't respond for 6 wholly excruciating (to her) hrs.
It's because I had the flu and I was DYING over at my grandmother's house. I had told her I was feeling very sick and needed to get some rest. I didn't tell her precisely where I was going, because I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE I NEEDED TO.
Anyway, she thought I had gone on a ski trip with a different friend without telling her, and she proceeded to come to my house and break all my dishes on my front lawn, crying in her underwear. She was high on pills at the time.
So I wake up from a flu-coma that evening to 39 increasingly emotional and threatening texts from this girl. Then the next day I hear about the dish-underwear saga.
So of course I ended the friendship and never once again spoke to her crazy ass, despite her numerous attempts to apologize and/or meet up. Un. Acc. Ceptable.
Anyway, about five years later I met another girl who was an undercover BPDfag, and things were even worse with her. If you can even imagine.
Holy fuck, fuck being an "FP"
I am scared shitless of all BPD people
I am not sorry to say I will never give one of them a chance, ever, ever again
Nope, nope, nope
No. 655250
>>655173I feel you anon. IRL I have a group of friends who I enjoy talking to about mental issues and things we're dealing with, but there's always a time and place for those types of conversations and they don't take up most of our time when we hang out.
On the other hand, I have this online friend group where a couple of people just constantly whine about how mentally ill and depressed they are and their problems and struggles are so ridiculous compared to me and my irl friends I can't help but roll my eyes even though I'm aware of the fact that just because their problems are "less" significant they're not problems, but I still feel annoyed when that's all they talk about. Boohoo I'm depressed and irresponsible please listen to how I fucked up for the nth time but it wasn't actually my fault at all.
No. 663332
>>654020are you sure you're not the BPDfag anon?
takes one to know one.
anyway, please tell us about BPD number 2
No. 663333
>>651962ik this is at my expense but kek
i often think our relationship could be a thrilling psychological horror
No. 663357
>>663350I mean, I can't actually tell you what's wrong with you kek, but I think attachment issues and co-dependency at a minimum go without saying. You gotta start reading up on ways to sever this unstable, unhealthy relationship and attachment to your boyfriend. He does not love you. He's told you as much both verbally and with his actions. I'm not saying this to hurt you, I'm saying it because you need to internalize it in order to move on. I don't want to hear, "I can't, I'm weak uwu," because that's a very pathetic excuse. I know it's hard and you're young, but that just leaves you more time to heal. You have the entire rest of your live to get over this person and love somebody else, and I promise that you will. But for the love of god, it's clear that you're miserable with this person, and that's not what love is.
No. 664128
>psych student
This conversation is interesting to me because one of my former friend was a bippie studying psych
>Met this girl on twitter
>talks about how she wants to help people like her as a therapist
>seems normal
>she joins my circle of friends
>one day we were poking fun of each other partners
>girl randomly lashed out saying if we made fun of her husband, she would cut us
>no one says anything because wtf
>as time pass, she started doing retarded shit like texting the group chat frantically
>I would see this message but did not reply because it always happened during class or work
>when i get home, I see the message has been deleted
>feels bad, text her if everything is alright
>"sorry. I dont want to be a burden to people"
>she does this weekly.
>if you criticize anything she likes, she goes fucking crazy and write essays attacking you
>example: i dont like hello kitty, but she does
>one friend talks about her abusive partner, and the bippie tells her to stay with him because of "true love."
>things get worse as my menral health deteroriates. She contacts my abusive family to see if they can help
>when i find out, I get upset at her. Not to mention this info isnt easily found
>she blames my family's outburst on me. Saying I couldve lied or made up an excuse
>while I was dealing with family, she was telling the rest of the group how Im doing alright. That she is taking care of me.
>In reality, she hadnt contacted me at all during this time. But my friends assumed that she was helping me because shes an ~empath~
>I kick her ass to the curb after this, she would subtweet how shes depressed and wants to cut herself
>I have since blocked this idiot.
>turns out, a year later, she was involved encouraging my friends ex to dump him because he was friends with me. The ex actually did.
After this incident, I am more picky on my friends. Im sure the girl is struggling with her BPD, but then I remember she is a psych student. I fear for her patients.
No. 664137
>>664128It's true that psych students sometimes have something wrong with them, that's why they choose to do psych. I want to specialize in foresincs and my teammates are fucked in some ways or another.
Anyway, I don't live in the USA so my BPD studies can be different, but really, here they just give us this big block of classic BPD traits and what to look for diagnosis, I'm just saying what I'm taught and what I've seen by being an assistant so far, reading so many cases about people feeling like
victims and enlarging absolutely minor things.
>>664083Been reading the thread and wouldn't be surprised if you were one of these, calm down because your paranoia and ironwill to defend BPD only is very weird.
No. 664151
>>664143Well, hello? You're talking to me?
My experiences are from people I've assisted and so far I've assisted a Main Psychiatrist (dunno how they're called in eng speaking countries). Wanna hear some and know how I feel about them? Cool, let's start.
BPD: Already said, nothing to add. In particular, I've seen a man that hit his wife because in the past their son has died and while making dinner, the wife was zapping and accidentally left the tv with the News speaking about a dead child, he beat the fuck out of her only for apologizing the day later because
maybe she forgot that was
triggering. Also would constantly cheat because he tought she was cheating (she didn't) so in his mind that was a fair game.
Shit's nasty. Also, bippie chan, BPD clinical-psych ward cases are very different from your glamorized and romanticized internet BPD where bitches cry because their FP doesn't text back, maybe you've never been to a ward or even abused by one.
Narcs: Good lord help. Actually, I have a narc case in the family (diagnosed, not by me obviously) and this bitch is annoying and delusional as fuck. It's so creepy even to watch her talk, if someone says they have a skill or learning a new one, she'll jump saying how she's better and how everyone should recognize her for being so talented. When she knew I studied psych, the only comment she made was "Well, let's see if you can spot something wrong with me, the doctors so far found nothing". Yeah. bitch, they found nothing because you can't abuse them as you do with your countless boyfriends.
OCDs: drove me nuts once. Being a student I know what I'm going through but I'm also a human and one day I've been in care for a couple of hours with an OCD case and jesus, she wanted me to cut off the plastic part under a plastic bottle cap, since they don't give you anything sharp at the ward. "Why?"
"I can't drink, it's shut."
"No, it's not."
"This is a cap piece, it's shut."
In the end it was okay, I just removed it then my teacher who's the Main Psychiatrist said that that patient would hurt herself is something was off of her routine and always asked the nurses to taste the food first because there was always something wrong with it.
Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective: Scary. Just scary. Schizophrenia per se is already scary, but with Schizoaffective (which is just schizophrenia plus a personality disorder) it's nightmarish. I was chilling in the ER relax room one day and I saw this woman in around her 40s being admitted due to a psychotic attack and paranoid delusions. She cried and screamed how her mom was gonna kill her because she lost her job due the Corona, how she was a failed human and how her partner would leave her if he discovered that. She's been faking going to work for a few days and then broke down. Maybe it was a paranoid case but that night I thought that okay, I might study psych, but I couldn't bear with a paranoid partner. Her husband came about a hour later and comforted her, he was an absolute angel, but I couldn't stop thinking about how the brain of this woman was so twisted that she would just fake going to work so her partner or her mom would kill her.
PTSD: It's not that I can't deal with them but…I'm still a baby.
I may be in my third year of eight but have you ever heard a PTSD case scream? They do it like they're being tortured, not top of the lungs, with a whining tone to it, I'm not mad at them but I heard one and made my heart and body sink and I still have to master my work/feelings barrier.
But you really wanna know what's the WORST disorder, imho?
Capgras. And I have a very close experience with this.
Capgras is a delusion where a person believes their loved ones are being replaced by robots or aliens or what.
My aunt developed dementia and said that her husband was a fake. Since boomers don't believe in mental health, he also let her be and just said that she was a crazie, thus not letting her being admitted in a ward.
She would say that my uncle was dead and buried under their house, with a plain expression, tried to stab him to see his "mannequin arms", that she had snakes in her stomach and brain and my uncle put them to control her….
If I was my uncle I've already packed my shit and left, imagine living and sleeping in the same bed of a person who just tries to cut you open to see if you're made of plastic. One night she even came to my house and rang the bell for several minutes only to say "[uncle] is going to work but how?? He's dead!"
PLease no. If anyone close to you is showing this kind of thing, call the ward immediatly.
The strangest case I've assisted was a masochist, he put stuff up his butthole. Nothing else to say.
Aside from "my" ward, we have the ABA Center in which they treat autistics. They go there to get therapy and then come to us for getting prescriptions and I wouldn't bear with an autistic son.
Imagine birthing a child and at some point, they just stop talking and screaming gibberish. The main thing about post partum depression is the mother not feeling they can communicate with the child and satisfy their needs, so they feel like shit and enter depression. With an autistic child, you have to deal with a literal newborn for years before therapy gets some kind of effect. Autistic children are difficult to deal with and take a blow to your patience because you can't communicate and no, they're not intelligent, they're average at best, as someone says they just hyperfixate and when they grow? Absolutely unstoppable machines. A nine year old autistic recently got hit by a car because he's overweight and his 115 pounds mom couldn't restrain him so he just ran to the pretty colored cars. "Broom broom" he was saying. Just some bruises and he was fine but shit, man.
No. 664447
>>664184I can only imagine what terrible horrors the mean ayveepeedees have put you through, anon.
Honestly though, there is not even enough resources for AVPD people. The one guy who wrote the only book on treating AVPD mostly has experience with gay men and seriously recommends becoming a gravedigger if you suffer from this personality disorder.
No. 664850
>>664485God same. When I was younger I was friends with a BPD girl and she was an exhausting
toxic mess that went as far as to fake suicide just because I'd dated someone other than her. Never again.
No. 665038
>>665033BPDs and NPDs could easily start a mutually beneficial colony somewhere. They'd feed off of each other's
victim mentalities and superiority complexes and marinate in their awfulness without having to splash their shit over normies.
No. 665150
>>663818In my experience BPD "empathy" is that they make everyone's problems about themselves because they're so ~sensitive and empathetic~. And like you mentioned they only want to "help" people in order to gain control of them. They're fucking terrifying with their lust for control and the subsequent meltdowns and I get the hell out of the vicinity of anyone who shows the red flags. I've never, ever felt like such a worthless object being trashed around as I was being abused by a BPD-chan. It's not like they're mentally insane like someone with schizophrenia, they're completely sane but just learned all the wrong coping mechanisms and refuse to unlearn them as they're always the eternal
victims who are privileged to toy around with people as much as they want to due to muh trauma. That's what actually makes them so scary.
>>664447BPD-chans usually try to divert the discussion to "w-well how about those nasty _pds then??? what about them???" as if someone with an avoidant personality disorder ever managed to cause destruction on the same level as someone with BPD or NPD.
No. 670863
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Stuff like this post makes me hate bippies even more.
Notice how they're the only ones who defend their disorder and always find a way to justify it. Sick. There's nothing "cool" about it. It's like someone would make cool points about being OCD or depressed or schizo.
1) No, you don't value your relationships. You OBSESS over it.
2) That's being autistic
3) No you don't or you wouldn't have meltdowns or wouldnt split
4) Being happy in BPD is just a manic phase
5) Yes, because it gives you a sense of control
6) No, you would be strong if you wouldn't let your trauma get you. There's nothing wrong in being weak and in need of help. That's why you need therapy.
6) No shit Sherlock, it's distorted
7) Meh, not a trait of BPD
8) BPDs and NPDs are the first ones to cheat and yoyoing people
9) again, ITS OBSESSION.
10) Hobbies are fun unless you drop 8 in a month because you can't fill with the your inner emptiness
11) the fuck
12) Nah, you're funny the same way you're destructive.
No. 670869
>>670863I have met a mixture of BPD women so I'm not even one to shit on em all as one group but that list is such a cope. Reminds me of those people who call themselves 'empaths' when they are usually the furthest thing from that.
I've known a couple of okay ones, they'd fall under 'anxious overthinker but still a good friend'. It is a disorder though, by definition it's a list of negative traits so the need to reverse card that fact is kind of strange.
It's like here's a list of why my depression actually makes me highly functional in everyday life… it doesn't lol
No. 671086
>>670866my thoughts exactly, thank you
>in b4 lol triggered bippiesI don't have BPD
No. 671603
>>671124I've known high functioning people where their autism wasn't mentioned early on into meeting them and I never would've known if they hadn't disclosed it.
The average aspergers male though… and how much they talk about themselves and obsess over one topic to the point of boring the whole office with it day in day out…painful. I don't know enough about autism to understand why this is but IME men with it have no social awareness whereas women seem to adapt better.
No. 671616
>>671603It’s not just you, tons of articles have been written about how high functioning ASD women are much better at masking their autism than men. Women with ASD are generally diagnosed much later in life than men, if at all.
If you want a depressing drinking game, try looking for online articles about ASD in females and take a swig every time you see a male autist whining in the comments about how the article doesn't apply to him.
No. 671928
>>671606> autistic weeaboo women are just as bad as their male counterparts.i feel like the majority are pick-me's. when they end up in enabling groups like that. or the other option is that they troon out, like most aspies do online nowadays. maybe theyre just easier to manipulate to the trans community, idk.
outside of those groups theyre just shy nerds. or alternatively, the awkward friend that will not leave you alone and has no concept of personal space.
autistic/aspie men can stay away from me after one tried to kill me. yeah, no thanks.
No. 671936
>>671928 > or the other option is that they troon outNtayrt but this is my experience with women who have more obvious autism, they don't fit in socially so they decide it must be their gender identity causing that and they transition. So either way it seems every 'full on' austist I've met is male. Even if not by birth lol
Actual male autists drive me nuts by oversharing their sexual interests. I've had 3 of them in my life, one crushed on me in the most uncomfortably obvious way, amother told me about his masturbation habits while I sat next to him in class. Third was a lovely mix of both. He crushed on me and asked me about my own masturbation habits. Two of them were employed men living independant lives so I wasn't about to continue talking to em. Old enough and high functioning enough that they should've known better.
No. 671950
>>671928>enabling groupsI think this is it. ASD women probably even more than regular women often mirror how others around them behave, so when a female aspie watches a lot of anime and hangs around obnoxious weeaboos, that’s what she’s going to mirror. Anime and Western cartoons are especially easy to recognise and mirror because of how over the top it all is. A girl in a more normal peer group will get immediately shut down if she tries to do anime shit irl but if she’s surrounded by other weebs then this behaviour is enabled and even encouraged.
>>671936IMO a lot of autistic men hide behind their diagnosis to excuse being creepy and rude even when they know full well that they’re being inappropriate. If they were diagnosed young it often means they were coddled and excused from a young age and know what kind of shit they can get away with.
No. 671954
>>671950> IMO a lot of autistic men hide behind their diagnosis to excuse being creepy and rude even when they know full well that they’re being inappropriate.autie troon ik flirts with people when they dont want it then says that he "didnt understand" (he did.) it drives me fucking insane. how the fuck does he get away with this? ive also had my thigh grabbed "for the meme"? why are autistic men so fucking scary to be around?
same anon that was almost killed by one, that was great too.sorry for any autistic anons, ily.
No. 671973
>>671954Ily too anon. I’m sorry about your experiences with these fucks. This probably won’t make you feel better but they prey on autistic girls too, since they can use the double whammy of
>I don’t understand because of my autismand
>she misinterpreted it because of her autismThey’re always given the benefit of the doubt because abloobloo poor baby‘s brain is just wired differently! Whereas the women are expected to be forgiving and accommodating as always, brain wiring be damned.
The only autistic men I can stand are those who were diagnosed in adulthood (if at all) because that usually means they have decent social skills, didn’t grow up (as) coddled and don’t use their diagnosis as a shield.
No. 672755
I don't know if it's just me(haven't read thru the tread yet) but people with ADHD/ADD kind of bother me cuz it seems they struggle with even the simplest academic tasks(like doing a homework assignment that a child could do). I know they can't really help it and it's not their fault but it just bothers me to no end.
>>671950That blows anon. I used to know this one aspie dude who was a complete sweetheart, I feel lucky now that I never had to deal with any creepy autists.
No. 672838
>>670863This list is a full serving of bullshit. It's not even a cope, it's straight out enabling the
problematic behavior. They think that obsessing over someone to the point they aren't like a real person anymore is "loyalty" and "strongly valuing relationships" and the claim of being able to read emotions well is basically "I overthink and misinterpret meaningless gestures and sabotage my relationships based on my warped perception".
No. 672860
>>670863Honestly this is the exact same kind of cope that autists love to pull to make themselves feel special - especially Aspergers people.
Aspies especially love to talk about how they have a "superpower" and how they're "soooooo much more intelligent, rational and logical than normies". It's sad and hilarious at the same time, and they use it as an excuse for their socially inept behaviour all the time. (Somehow that superior intelligence cannot discern between rationality and rationalisation, but hey.)
It is frustrating to see these people get excuses made for them, whatever they do. No hurt they cause others is too big to be rugswept. It's exhausting, but I sort of understand why they do it - no one wants to be seen as a big meanie to the poor misunderstood genius retard, and it's just easier to tell them they're so very special than to deal with the inevitable meltdowns and inconsistency.
No. 698803
I don’t know what it’s called but they come in both male and female forms, they have manipulative imaginative thinking, tend to blame others for everything that’s wrong in their life (which can even cause legal issues for their victim(s)) and befriending them is the worst mistake ever but it’s almost always done out of pity. They don’t do a thing on their own because they need their mommy or slave/favorite to do it but they’re capable of fulfilling all of their immoral gross hedonistic things.
The male form is a bit more basic as most men are narcissist gross assholes, but after I met a female like that, and I knew her since she was 18 years old (what 18 year old can be such a psycho?), I have lost hope in humanity.
It sounds like a raisedbynarcissist user but also borderline? I think? Either way I got rid of them, and I know that I’m not mentally sane either, but by no longer feeding their narcissism I know I am a step closer towards sanity more and more. I also think it taught me that kindness is ok, but being assertive and lashing out is not a big problem either. I am no longer feeling guilty about it, though I know it can be used against me by such people and it will be a lost battle. I hope next time I’ll be able to just control my emotions and not to be so deep in the mess. I was a free therapist and I hated it.
I think aside from people with cluster B-like personalities, I think I can’t handle people with adhd and I have adhd-like symptoms, because I hate being distracted. And also I heard that their symptoms overlap with cluster B personality disorders, I really am irked out by the psychos, but is this true?
No. 698826
For me, it's narcissistic, histrionic and antisocial personality disorders.
You cannot have a proper conversation with any of them. The narcs will never take heed of any advice you give, because to them they are completely infallible. Hists always turn the conversation back to them and how great or suffering they are at the moment. Antisocials, at least the few I've encountered, just hate/fear everyone, paranoid that someone's up to something and then preemptively attacking them.
Some autists can be a bit peevish, but most of the time they're not as insidious as the others I've named.
I have schizoid pd, if that's relevant. These are people I've come across in various venues like social groups, group therapy, university and online.
No. 698832
>>698814exaggeration and desire to be seen as weak so they don't have to work as hard but still keep their job. sadly we're unionized and she's on FMLA so there's no way she'll ever be punished for this. she just plays it up for the rest of us and at this point we all just roll our eyes. i used to feel bad for her but i don't even say anything when she starts crying now bc i noticed she'd do it when i walked by or came into the same area as her, found it sus, then confirmed with others she does that to them too.
she also has this really gross high-pitched baby voice she does that she can ~magically~ instantly switch off and talk like a grown adult when someone's not buying it. frankly it's disgusting to me, watching someone literally waddle around acting as if every second of their life is agony and they're about to have a meltdown lmao. every time i've cried at work from a panic attack or w/e i had to run off to the bathroom and lock myself in for fear of anyone seeing. she has no shame.
No. 698840
>>698803>ADHD overlaps with BPDThere's a high rate of comorbidity but that doesn't mean it's always the case. ADHD people are chaotic so it's understandable for you to avoid us but even if there are people who force that chaos out onto others, the ADHD people I know prefer to just internalise their struggle and hate themselves. Much in the same as
>>698814 says that even if there are people with wield their anxiety as ammunition for a
victim complex, there are many people with anxiety that absolutely do everything to not become a nuisance to others.
I don't mind if someone wants to avoid people with ADHD and I'm not trying to pretend it's any better than other mental disorders but I think some disorders suffer bad PR because of shit people who collect multiple diagnoses and use them as exoduses for their behaviour.
Eg nobody wants to be diagnosed with NPD or BPD so those people often want to blame something else
No. 698901
>>698898>bpd is a form of ptsdDon’t tell them that lol. My heart goes out to the peoples who are struggling but aren’t assholes. They’ll get rewarded and I hope all shitheads get their karma or whatever.
>>698840Dunno I really heard clearly from my adhd therapist that personality disorder symptoms overlap with adhd ones
No. 699043
>>699032Welp i guess i’ll dump my adhd therapist then, but i’ll ask her first what she meant by overlapping ofc.
It makes more sense what the other anon and you said than what my therapist said.
No. 703145
>>698888Nitpick. If something makes you behave so differently to others it causes problems then it may as well be a mental disorder.
>>698898>Its not that bpders blame adhdSometimes they do though lol
I'm not just on a rampage against bpd though. Neurotypical people can fake problems for attention, and neurodivergent people with genuine mental disorders can also still fake that it's worse than it is. It's shit for people with the more fashionable conditions who aren't trying to get sympathy, for example I'm always sus of anyone who has fibromyalgia just because it's something cows always claim to have
No. 717188
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Misophoniafags are extremely cringe and attention-seeking. Most of these Reddit ass hoes never experienced a panic attack in their lives but want to pretend that mildly annoying noises make them feel on the verge of death. Nothing says “well adjusted” like a man expressing homicidal rage during a date because the child behind him is clanking his fork.
No. 717200
>>231531>I've been burned too many times by people with Borderline (or who check off every symptom if they're undiagnosed). The disorder is literally just a cluster of toxic traits. Took the words right out of my mouth, anon. I've probably ranted one too many times on here about how much I want bdpfags to stay the hell away from me and how I'll run for the hills if I find out someone has it. Last bpdfag I dealt with was a chronic oversharer whose daily routine mainly consisted of joining Discord servers to overshare about her life and attention-whoring her way to mod status so she could flex it on other people. Mind you, she's in her 30's and has a daughter. I was wary of her way before I knew of her diagnosis, but afterwards I completely steered clear of her.
Also, I cringe when I see those twitter threads about "having sympathy" for them when they do the fucked up shit they do because they're fucked up mentally.
No. 717202
>>717188Sounds like a perfect disorder for munchies to latch onto.
I can relate to "misophonia" at first but then I realized, that's just a symptom of other disorders… I have anxiety and panic attacks so of course loud noises can influence that. My relative has autism and everybody knows autistic people can get overwhelmed by sounds. I feel like "misophonia" has got to be a symptom of some other, root illness than the illness itself.
No. 717209
>>717207not op but can't judge you for this and I believe you tbh. I assumed it must be part of something else but maybe not. Honestly it's the thought of munchies/tumblr types who tell everyone about their misophonia would be who I avoid.
having similar experiences myself (panic attacks in public sometimes from sounds, but rooting from anxiety) I would probably find common ground with chill misophonia havers and help each other out. sage because I know it's not the point of the thread, just correcting my assumption. Imo this thread applies (for me) to the obnoxious ones who have no self-awareness about their disorders
No. 718272
>>717188I have this cos.. tism. You have to just function with it. My dad always had it and he raised two kids in a strictly near silent household… I get that it's a struggle but ime men with it rage TF out while women with it learn to just cope.
You can always find ways of having quiet downtime when you need it but you also need to sit through a certain amount of irritation and deal with that. When people refer to it as 'being assaulted by noise' that's so weirdly dramatic and self victimising. I'm seeing more women now enter into that view where 'the noisemakers' are the problem and just…No. The world can't revolve around a small percentage of people with an autism trait or anxiety symptom.
My local grocery store has an autism friendly hour every week with lower lights, beeping from the checkouts is switched off and lil things like that. I'm not so low functioning that I'd ever need it but for severe cases I think that dedicated hour a week is something. There's seriously people out there campaigning to make changes like that a permanent thing that all stores will need to adhere to.
No. 718865
>>663818>Their desire to know everything about you gives them a sense of control and they study everything you do in order to be the perfect partner or friend for you. If something doesn't go the way they predict/want they throw a fit This! Every BPD friend I had got mad when I enforced sane boundaries and dared to have some alone time or deal with issues on my own. They felt entitled to know everything about me, constantly. Not telling my password to a new game I got? "I thought we were friends!" Then there's this narcissistic belief that they are the most sensitive and loving person on earth and anybody not going along with this is an asshole.
They have platitudes and memorized quotes (because no original thought makes up their patchwork of a "personality") for every situation, they are obsessed with looking wise.
>>665150>And like you mentioned they only want to "help" people in order to gain control of them. Very true. They carefully choose how to act around everybody and are sneaky people pleasers until everything goes according to their script. They have no true empathy because they lack a sense of duality and nuance. There are no neutral feelings in the mind of borderlines, you are either loved or despised.
I read the borderline brain is stuck on the emotional processing level of a 3 year old.
Every time a bpdfag got mad they couldn't keep it to themselves either - they went around victimizing themselves and attention whoring over how horrible of a person someone excluding or leaving them is. For example, not going out with them the night before an exam. Somebody not complimenting them, not joining them in an activity is immediately a culprit. If you anger a bpdfag trust they tell all of their friends that you are nothing but garbage. They go into lengths to punish, cheat and flame you. No loss to be honest.
No. 718907
>>718865Reading all this stuff in here about BPD makes me feel a lot better about a situation I was in with one. I've never really had a self proclaimed BPD friend before or at least not a close one and I've never been so traumatized as an adult by someone in my life as humiliating as I feel saying that. After I researched the mental disorder via elsewhere and seeing people talk about it here everything made so much sense, how much I was put up on a weird pedestal and how really fast I came crashing down off of it once I did something not according to their script and showed some distance after drama that I won't talk too much about here as I lowkey fear they'd find this and know it's me since they have some popularity on the internet. They blamed everything wrong with our friendship on me and made up weird delusional ideas that they were they ones that tried so hard to become friends for "6 YEARS" (spoiler: I was busy in school for half of those years and they were just a mutual) when it was literally me going to all their streams, joining in on their group chats and visiting them irl. They'd literally ignored me otherwise 75% of the time except for the times they'd suddenly come out of absolute no where and ask me 60 questions about my life and do all the love bombing. Another friend who also had a bad time with this same BPD friend mentioned how they didn't really seem to see us as a friend but the concept of a friend instead.
Anyway, after that experience and if all BPD's are as similar as this thread seems to state, I am NEVER becoming close with one ever again, that shit hurts too much when you have your own mental issues to deal with, I can definitely see all the red flags after getting my head out of that
toxic cloud. The biggest kek part of my friendship with them: They would always tell me about how many people didn't like them and that they were "NOTHING BUT NICE :)".
No. 719310
>>719246I have anxiety and have been a hermit on and off, I got diagnosed with BPD ten years ago by a psych who had a reputation for diagnosing nearly every young woman she saw with it. I knew about her reputation in advance and was warned that I should fill out paperwork asking to be switched to a different psych.. I didn't (as it would delay the appt by months) and within ten mins of meeting her she was listing off bpd symptoms and asking my sexless self if I was promiscuous, a gambler, a confrontational person, scared of abandonement, did I get overly attached to people and hurt myself. No to all of the above. Of course I have bpd now.
Those things do happen. Equally I'm sure there's also people living with real BPD but in denial because of the stigma attached. I've read over the criteria countless times really questioning myself and I can't see any of it. That experience put me off getting help for years afterwards. The next mental health team that saw me had me assessed for autism which I do have and which has a much more thorough assessment. No idea if that cancels out the previous diagnosis or what. When I read about autism I can absolutely see myself in the descriptions. I usually hate this word but If I've ever felt 'gaslit' by someone before it was ironically enough by that first psychiatrist. Their words are meant to carry alot of authority so you worry that it only sounds crazy if you go against what they're saying.
No. 719456
>>719310I had a trauma therapist who asked me about having a lot of sex or stealing things. I am not that way at all and she saw that but never thought to question the BPD diagnosis. I was her most functional patient, she told me. That's why I don't think I have BPD, in practice I am not that way.
I did do DBT classes which was very helpful as someone with a traumatic background so as far as misdiagnosis there were some decent techniques I learned anyway. And it all boils down to learning to live a good life.
No. 723304
>>719253Cptsd is bpd
>>719246Anon if your psychologist diagnosed you as one there must be a reason especially if you say that your life is for the most part fine and then say you have ptsd…lol.
No. 726450
>>726312>not being totes destructiveWhat do you define as “not being totally destructive” objectively? Does (c)ptsd really affect your social life good? Perhaps if it’s used as a crutch. It’s like cptsd is the annoying mary sue of the personality disorder series. Inb4 you correct me that it’s not a PD. Anyways, I can safely say that the criteria of ptsd needs to be a lot more stricter so people and soldiers can fuck off to the personality disorder department considering that cptsd bullshit is really pesky and another way for people to not be responsible for their stupid shit.
On another note I’ve noticed that people with bpd are almost always in denial and will claim cptsd and people with regular ol’ ptsd even if they are diagnosed are purely in denial. Lol, life be strange like that.
No. 726898
>>726450Soldiers suffer from cptsd from heavy stress as formed adults, BPD people are mentally stuck at 3 years old and they cry like when mommy drops them at the kindergarten. It's not the same thing.
Yes, BPD forms from CPTSD but it's both personality and a developmental disorder, CPTSD is a stress disorder and doesn't make you burn your SO house just because they didn't reply to a message. That's the difference.
No. 727166
>>727145Do your symptoms ramp up when you're dating someone?
I know that some on here hate the whole 'quiet borderline' thing but I've met them irl. As a friend I never got any bullshit off of them. They were fine. I think they cried to bfs alot though and were pretty hard to date and keep happy romantically. I fully believe the bfs saw shit I didn't.
No. 728543
>>728527I know women diagnosed with bpd who only really get shitty with their 'fp' which usually means their romantic partner. That's why FPs are a thing..
Some do lash out at everyone, some manage it better and confine those behaviours to their closest relationships.
No. 728545
>>728532 > in relationships though I'm a broken mess no matter what; my friends or colleagues have no idea whatsoeverI'm like this. When I'm single it's like I'm a totally normal functioning person. It's only when I date that I get the harsh reminder I'm not. Break ups being the ultimate
trigger for shit to hit the fan.
I'm doing myself (and others) the favor of just not dating for a few years while I get therapy and mature out of the worst years for bpd (twenties) I'm in no rush to date seeing as my life falls apart only when I have a partner. Work and friendships are easy.
No. 758345
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Just read most of thread bc I really wanted to reflect my thoughts to other replies at first and maybe give new insight on mentioned disorders. I can relate with many of you and just wish the best for anyone struggling with their mental health.
I've had experience of being mistaken as Cluster B by two different doctors (past of dealing with suicidal tendencies.) And by other toxic people. These were the moments I wanted to seek psychotherapy bc I found information of C-PTSD and realized how my alcoholic parent with Cluster B (BPD & NPD) took my safe childhood away with their sexual and physical abuse. I'm still undiagnosed and only mental disorder I have diagnosed is major anxiety disorder. I honestly want to get better and get more help for my traumas but the work is still in progress. During this pandemic I have distanced myself irl from others bc I don't want to bother anyone with my C-PTSD, ADD or autism, even when I'm self-aware with my schemas.
so pretty much cluster B, unmedicated ppl with the lack of self-consciousness, ppl not willing to improve their habits and ppl enabling toxic behaviour from problematic ppl are not my pigeon.
Especially had negative experiences with unmedicated BPD, bipo and ADHD. I avoid peers with autistic ppl who think they're better and holier than neurotypical ppl. Not to forget sociopaths or peers having at least that one NPD poisoning the atmosphere and turning others into apaths ignoring NPD's shitty behaviour or repeating the same mistake as them.
No. 780841
I unironically hate and cannot stand autistic people, like mildly autistic people. I consider it the rich people disease, because everyone I've ever known who was "autistic" has been some asshole with rich and lazy parents who don't care if their children leech off of them for their whole lives, so much so that they get their kids diagnosed with another imaginary disease. I think there's "genetic" autism and then there's internet or education acquired autism and I especially cannot stand the latter. Just because you're a "nerd" does not mean you have to claim autism, or become autistic, in order for you to be interested in certain things. Why can't people with these interests just socialize like a sane person. Why do they have to fit into some gay ass stereotype, why do they take pride in literally degrading their social skills to the point of autism. Worst of all is when this type of behavior is awarded and encouraged in academia.
Like I have this history professor who does not allow sarcasm. I repeat, he hates sarcasm so much he has banned it from his classroom. And then he fucks up his job so badly that it is so tempting to be a sarcastic smartass to him. How could he be anything but autistic to consider something so normal a sign of insincerity. Like this guy just cannot get his shit together. It's so bad I have no idea what I'm even supposed to be studying for this class but then he expects me to know exactly how to answer his assignments. It's retarded.
If someone is that fucked up they shouldn't be teaching. Academia should not be so accepting. People pay a lot for their education in this country so in my opinion we are entitled to have teachers who are not lazy and autistic as fuck.
Okay and on the level when they don't have authority over you they're still annoying. Like there's this "autistic" guy I know who thinks he has a chance in hell of getting laid with me. Annoying nerdy guys are already bad enough but once they start telling you they're autistic, it's a lost cause, just give the fuck up on them, you'll never be able to be friends with some guy who thinks he can guilt you into being his gf.
Besides that asperger's people only care about themselves, period. To an aggressive, agregious point that it's impossible to actually connect with them on a personal level. You can be friends with someone their whole life but once they embrace their own "autism" it's all down the drain. They fuck up their whole lives and then refuse to connect with people who don't want to be drooling tards festering in their own misery.
On the flip side, based off of my own experiences, I bet autistic people can't stand people with PTSD, because they can't relate to going through something so fucked up it changes your whole world view. Again I really do think it's the spoiled rich brat disease because "autism" is the perfect excuse to just shut down people without having to explain why you're upset at them, or why you think they should treat you differently. Just add water, just say you have autism, then you can be as big of a dumbass retard as you want, and the general population will pity you so much you basically get away with anything.
No. 781003
>>780845Tbh I believe that BPD should be put off of any DSM with any other personality disorders that just sprout from bad coping mechanisms. Depression spectrum, Schizophrenia spectrum, Dissociative spectrum, Anxiety disorders and such should be the only ones allowed in it and should be the only treated ones.
Often people who have been in contact with BPD people go to therapy themselves for how destructive they are but not them, not the bippies. Bippies love to suffer so much so they can have attention, so they attract people so they can receive pity and once they trap that person, the cycle repeats. Being cold to them is the only therapy, hell, they often manipulate their therapists too so yeah, never empatize or justify them, just abandon them, at some point they will do that themselves so no point wasting time with them
No. 781010
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>>780841There is no reason the willingly interact with a sperg, and since they are so retarded they fill the internet with evidence every day
No. 781015
>>720018This is late but there's nothing wrong with saying
autistic men are inherently different from autistic women because men are inherently different from women. As an autistic woman I despise libfem for shilling the idea that men and women are exactly the same deep down and everything is just socialized, it's fucking obviously not and it's one of the reasons I'm private about being autistic because I don't want people to associate me with autistic men.
I've worked hard to learn how to connect with people because I want to feel like a person and to live a full life. I feel sorry for people who buy into the idea that because they're autistic, it's not only okay but healthy for them to indulge their every autistic trait to their hearts content. So much wasted potential. Every person has an infinite capacity for growth in their own way but there are autistics who have ruined themselves or been ruined by parents who thought this didn't apply to them.
No. 781021
>>781010God it annoys me when autists that only really have asperger level autism.. have this abdl vibe encouraged online. If you can possibly function as an adult then aim for that and not the cosy adult baby lifestyle.
Like another anon pointed out, women with autism can generally pass and function within a normal enough range compared to males with it. But I keep seeing young autistic girls being encouraged to find a daddy/partner who can play childminder and look after them for life. Like ffs aim higher for yourself. It's like when bpders go "oh well I'm just going to be super emotional for life, deal with it" Work on yourself. We all have to aim for self improvement in life. Disorder or not you can't just say fuck it and choose to permanently regress. Why do they love to actively encourage regression in each other like this.
No. 781042
alcoholism + any personality disorder. my mother has been an allki for 20+ years and definitely has some personality disorder imo. her newest torture she’s chosen to inflict on our family is anorexia and bulimia. it started a few years ago around the time i began to lose weight and get my health under control. i used to weigh 310 at 5’5”, now i’m 145 and a bodybuilder. for years she kept insinuating i was starving myself and tried to get me to agree with her weird anachan statements in an attempt to pull a gotcha on me. our family has a group text that i desperately wish i could remove myself from. she regularly sends natty light fueled tumblr tier poetry to it about how broken yet loving she is so we should all just shut the fuck up about her decades of abuse because deep down she loves us lol. never takes responsibility for anything she does or says, will call or text me and my siblings solely to try and drag us into weird emotionally charged conversations that no one wants to have. regularly insults all of our life choices, appearance, hobbies, significant others, etc. but the second anyone criticizes her in any way or points out her abuse she loses her fucking mind and tries to paint us as horrible, spiteful people who just want to hurt her. when we were kids it was worse, used to hit us and scram at us all the fucking time, literally tried to press my younger sisters arm onto a hot burner on the stove once because my sister “talked back to her.” once told my (at the time) ten year old brother he would never get a gf or married because he was too fat, and that he probably couldn’t even see his penis. i literally hate her so much it’s unreal. i have tried to remove her from my life and every time she suicide baits my siblings until i’m backed into a corner and cave. i hate alki’s and junkies so much more now because of her and the million and one ways she fucked up our family.
No. 782303
I had an experience with singular bpd cunt back when I was 12/13 and it was one too much.
Ok so she didn't stand out too much, it all started as a pretty regular teenage friendship. She loved me a lot, mentioned me in our mutual server a few times per day, generally made lots of steps foward to get closer to me. I knew some about her trauma but didn't really know what BPD was back then, well later on I found out the only thing that made her interested in me was that I made lots of edgy rape jokes and she was horny on me cause she thought I can fulfill her questionable kinks, and this is where it gets worse, I'll just list all the things I currently remember that she did to me:
Sexual harassment
>forcing me to listen about her disgusting kinks, like abuse, degradation, pissing, footing, vomiting
>wanted me to fulfill all of her kinks (yes, that means I had every day sessions of some horny cunt asking a 12 year old to abuse her, degradate her and piss on her)
>(I should've stated it that I'm a lesbian, back then I went unlabeled and uninterested in sexual intercourses but with a slight preference for women) invalidated my preferences, tried convincing me to being straight and when I confronted her that I feel more comfortable around girls, she told me "well maybe that's because you're shy around hot men" or something along those lines
>constant assumptions and doubts whether I'd be the one dominating in our relationship or the submissive one over literally anything, starting from me showing her a picture of a pretty girl or a delusion passing her head to such stuff as me venting out my frustrations to her, which later on lead me to bottling up everything I had on my mind or being absolutely terrified of showing any sorts of warmness, emotions or vulnerability (well, it still is, shit fucked me through like nothing so far and you can tell)
>forcing me to listen about her abusive original character she has made to vent out all of her disgusting kinks (in a nutshell the character was abusing her girlfriend and then forced her to love her either way), I disliked her a lot and told her multiple times I don't want to listen to anything about her nor any kinks related, she never listened.
Emotional abuse/Manipulation
>guilt shifting, whenever I mentioned a shitty thing she has done she went "well okay but you did this and that"
>self-harm and suicide threatening whenever I pointed out any of things that made me uncomfortable or when I criticized her in any sort of way, often blocked me before doing so just so I could worry even more, cause somebody had to satisfy her inferiority complex and unfulfilled ego, of course.
>sometimes messaging me very random stuff like "why are you like this" with absolutely no context, for a paranoid child that I was, it was a hell to go through.
>gas lighting, claiming she doesn't remember anything about abusing me even if I wrote her full paragraphs about how much she hurt me whenever we had a bigger argument or when she asked me to.
>typical BPD attention whore shit like "you'll probably abandon me just like others did", "I'm so abusive and absolutely no good for you, find yourself someone better" or crying and having a full meltdown on the server/in my dms when I went to the store or met up with my real life friends, which still makes me nervous whenever I don't instantly respond to a friend's dm.
General issues I had with her, no idea where to put it
>lashed out at me whenever she had the ocassion to, no matter if I comforted her and gave her advices or told her I'm not in a mood cause I had a bad day.
>telling me to shut up whenever I tried to comfort her and claimed I'm lying by complimenting her in any way, literally insulting me for no damn reason at all.
>treating me like a punching bag for her emotions and moodies.
>like I said, me and her are mutuals on a server, basically she allowed herself to vent out all her frustrations on the server with… really visible hints I'm the one she mentions but whenever I sent anything in there (I didn't want to bother her with it for obvious reasons) she always slid down to my dms and asked me if that's about her, if I made it obvious it is, it all comes back to the "you hate me" BPD meltdowns.
>the most stereotypical "therapist friend" scenario you can ever imagine! I always HAD to have the time to listen about her shitty mood, but rarely received the same from her, which made me develop a horrible saviour complex.
When I finally snapped at her and started acting like an absolute dick, even sometimes bullying and shaming her in the server she has immediately turned all of her personality upside down, she literally acted like she was the only victim in all of this, of course later on I started apologizing, but she said she doesn't want the apology back. After I chilled out a little bit, she went on with her shit again, same. exact. fucking. stuff that I listed before. At this point I was so done with her I started yelling at her, treating her like absolute garbage, that's when she started claiming I was her "abuser", she victimized herself even more than before and sugarcoated any of her negative traits that were still directed towards me, at one point her great manipulation made me convince myself that maybe I was the one that's wrong. After a few months of our relationship still going on on a very thin ice, it all came back to her victimizing herself again and crying out to everybody about how horrible I am (including myself), it started to piss me off a lot, especially cause I apologized to her more in a timespan of one month than she has ever done to me, like she genuinely has never fucking told me "I'm sorry" and specified what she's sorry for, any apology she told me was either to calm me down (cause she know I'm mad as hell on her for everything she has done) or something forced by my rants on how awful she is and how much she hurt me.
Nothing all that important happened from back then, she claimed she wants isolation in her own little world and then came back to me, crying cause I don't pay attention to her nor text her all that much, our relationship just kinda died out. One day she didn't text me at all, just done so in the evening, I asked her where she was and that's when she admitted she messages me still only when she's bored, it pissed me off so much that we started arguing, of course she brought up her "you're hurting me" shit so I made a full ass rant about her and blocked her.
Later on she proposed a little deal that I won't vent about her and vice versa, she broke it herself twice so I stopped giving a shit, that's why you're reading this now.
Honestly whenever I see her pics I'm getting fucking nauseous, she dresses in these cute pink girly strawberry clothes, loves magical girl shows, sanrio characters, monster high, all that stuff. Knowing that such a horrible and manipulative human being who scarred me so much stands behind such a cute innocent-looking girl twists my organs, I cannot look at her old pics without being grossed out or mad. I held all my grudges against her for one and a half year, 2 months has passed since the last time I talked to her, best 2 months of my fucking life since I met her.
Moral of this story is to NEVER trust these cutesy sanrio BPD bitches, never.
No. 786890
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>>782303>NEVER trust these cutesy sanrio BPD bitchesMade me think of pic related
For me it's autism but lately I've been thinking it might just be because of one guy in my friend group being really bad. I know he's diagnosed with autism/aspergers but sometimes I feel like there's some type B personality disorder shit at play too.
>has /pol/ tier views>constantly tries to start arguments in chats>has a temper tantrum when anyone dares to not share his opinions>goes on a rant about how he's being manipulated and silenced and obviously he's the expert on every subject and we're just lowly plebs>recently discovered the term gaslighting so now he accuses anyone who tries to call him out of gaslighting him>leaves for a while after the angry breakdown and then comes back declaring he'll 'forgive us'>only for the entire cycle to inevitably repeat itselfOur group is pretty accepting and he's been given a million new chances after being a dick. But he never changes or improves. Every time people start to like him again he proves himself to be incapable of self reflection all over again. He manages to push away every single person he gets close to with his bullshit, and yet he's convinced everyone else is the problem and he is a scholar and philosopher who is simply too advanced for mere mortals.
>was his personal therapist friend for years>have since accepted that it's wasted effort>he would whine about how lonely and horny he was all the time>it was impossible for me to have problems because anything paled in comparison to HIS lack of a gf>which obviously had nothing to do with him viewing all women as intellectually inferior whores>tried to get touchy with me a lot even after explicitly telling him it made me uncomfortable>suddenly decides I was actually a manipulative sneaky bitch all along about once a month, then turns around to say what a great friend I am>ok.jpgJust now realizing that a lot of these sound like incel/poltard things rather than just autism, but the two tend to go hand in hand I guess.
No. 787060
>>786890Seconding autism. Its fine if you don't get social cues or have trouble reading the room, the problem is the lack of empathy and inability to admit when they're wrong. If you try to explain how some things they said were rude/hurtful (in an attempt to help them in future interactions) they go off on a tirade about how everyone is inferior and illogical and they can't be expected to alter their behavior in any way for anyone else. Its like, bitch EVERYONE alters their behavior for others, it's called being considerate. You don't have to lie, but there are nicer ways to say things, or the option to just not say them at all. They act so high and mighty like they don't need friends, but whenever I come around they can't shut the fuck up and leave me alone because I'm the only one who feels sorry enough to entertain their bullshit. I know I'm coming across as an asshole friend, but at the same time they only use me as a warm body to rant to. They don't care about anything I say, ever. Any time I start to say something they talk over me. All they care about is their own interests, their own ideas, their own opinions, and everything else is wrong wrong wrong. It's tiring. I wish autistic people could just be friends with each other, but even that seems impossible unless they're both into exactly the same hobbies.
No. 790594
>>788404After realizing I've been raised by a covert narcissist, i can spot covert narcs a mile away and it's so apparent on social media. No wonder i feel like i have Stockholm syndrome towards some internet friendships. the fact i used to be extremely online on Tumblr / Twitter, and i fall under multiple marginalized demographics (including being conventually unattractive), i was the covert narcissist with a savior complex's wet dream.
There's so many of them online and i wish I could call out every single one of them, and you know for a fact they are too stubborn and will try to victimize themselves and try to make you out to be the bad guy. Twitter attracts the most covert narcs, because it's so easy for them to display their false victimhood to all their followers with a simple quote rt or screenshot.
No. 790928
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>>231531As a burger full hd adhd specimen (just to get that out of the way, I'm a hot mess and sometimes, if not almost always, it takes one to know one) I've come to the conclusion that avoiding absolutely any obviously disordered individuals is for the best. If it's bad enough to show from a distance, it's not worth trifling with. If someone can spot my 'tisms from a mile away, then that's a sign I'm going through a patch where I'm not the best company. Now I'm better and the people I've disclosed to tell me they wouldn't've realised, but I've been worse in the past and I've been a shit friend, 100% cow material, straight up an awful person specifically because I used to be lazy/bad at managing some of my worst traits or habits.
People love to preach acceptance as much as they love to forget that the whole point of a diagnosable disorder even having a name is that the symptoms or traits actually make it harder to either grow up into a fine person or be a tolerable one. That's literally the whole point of diagnostic and professional help for this shit. The literal inability to be the good person you either want to be or are at least supposed to be. Especially autistic people are not some perfect innocent uwu lovelies, some of us can be very entitled and brutally simplistic in our thinking.
Specific traits I look out for are any Cluster B type of behavior. Emphasis on spotting behavior, not armchairing or trying to waste time on figuring out possible diagnoses I'm not even formally educated on. I used to be bad at spotting them (not only in others but in myself as well, even basic self-awareness helps a ton), but it gets easier when one knows what they're looking for. It boils down to
toxic behavior and this mindset where the troubled person tries to get other people to solve his/her internal issues.
I avoid anyone who's obviously mentally ill or retarded. Idc if it's ableist, having personal boundaries is also what it's called. It's fucking awesome and everyone should try it.
Anyone who's controlled by their mental illness are going to let that illness extend its control on you, and it can never be your job to make them address it.
No. 791146
Friendly daily reminder that personality disorders are not set and that you can change it, and being open with having a flawed personality is a closer step to healing. Another reminder is that in the real life nobody gives a shit about your diagnosis.
>>790928People who engage in self mockery are not funny, painfully insecure and make other people feel nervous. Just so you know.
No. 801856
I don't know if autism really counts as a mental disorder as per today's scientific stance, but ctrl+f gave me hits, so I'll assume it's ok to vent about it here.
I have an autistic male classmate, and he got into university with all kinds of help and bonus points for his condition and the official connections from his school for special need kids. He's not mentally retarded, but he's also not… particularly bright. He's for sure holding back us in some minor ways, and he interrupts classes (or zoom calls now) with stupid questions and inappropriate comments. He's technologically challenged, so whenever he encounters any technical problems (which happens quite often with online education) he freaks out and spams all our chat channels, and announces it loudly in the middle of the calls. He can't control his voice either, so he'll speak at a normal voice one time and then destroys everyone's eardrums the next second. He's also obsessed with women, but in an almost childish way, writing poems and huge walls of text of praise for the female sex, which fortunately don't have any sexual elements except for innocent shit like how he likes hugging women, but it's still creepy. And we have to be nice and nod along, because he's very clearly autistic. His schoolwork and assignments are pretty bad and look like shit even formwise, but in the end, at least with repeated exams, he still gets passing grades because he's "doing his best" which kind of devalues the effort of other students, especially when he's already getting extra prep time on everything. He's basically being pushed through the system by teachers that don't want to fail him, as if "we" (as a society) absolutely need to give a degree to this guy and let him enter the field.
He's not even that bad of a guy I suppose, he could be WAAAY worse. But it still annoys me.
No. 801893
Borderline Personality and Bipolar. Sometimes borderline people are tolerable, but I have never met a bipolar person I could handle a long term friendship with. They're unstable, even when they are not swinging between depressed or manic. Actually, when they're having an episode, they're easier to be around because you understand it's their condition and can accommodate accordingly. As people, they tend to be excessive when it comes to dress (usually e-girl goth, even before it was a thing), 13 year old levels obsessive about boybands and pop singers and "dark" morbid things in a way "you couldn't possibly understand" (…and it's just Tim Burton), they're constantly picking fights with people for no reason to talking shit about perfectly normal behaviors, they are hypersexual in dress and mannerisms (in your space, sticking their tongue out, groping, and talking about sex positions), and ALWAYS bisexual (in the faux, get male attention way). I've found they at a minimum smoke weed, and have done LSD. You think I'm describing one specific person, but I knew 6 girls in high school like this and they're all over Tumblr/Instagram/OnlyFans too. I feel sympathy for them, but I can't be around it.
No. 802272
I saw another "pwease dont be mean to bpds, we're suffering and actually our manipulative behavior isn't manipulative, it's just us reacting to a high stress situation where we made an imaginary scenario in our heads and let our possessiveness take over!!! uwu" post and it just reminded me of how much I actually hate people with BPD. All these "awareness posts" just expect me to have a fully trained psychologist's ability to deal with a BPDcunt's episode and offer endless sympathy when they're trashing about, insulting me and threatening suicide. And if I don't, I'm being an ableist meanie who doesn't understand that they're the real
victims in this situation "because they hate themselves". No bitch, you get into therapy and fix yourself instead of passing your disorder onto your
Being their "favourite person" i.e. main target for abuse is actual hell on earth and you're never allowed to talk about your trauma, because for whatever reason people with BPD are rewarded with endless sympathy and understanding.
>>786890That comic is 100% how interaction with BPD goes. Except the more acceptable answer would've probably been "I'm sorry I was hurt by you punching me in the face, that was selfish and mean of me".
No. 802469
>>802324I’ve seen male autists rabidly hating their mothers and women more often tbh.
>>802427Some mothers and their ott coddling just says copium to me. They refuse to accept their child is a sped since they’d otherwise internalize birthing a defect.
No. 802590
have any of you found yourselves in an ambiguous position when talking about mental disorders?
For example I'm for the opinion that yes, mental disorders should be destigmatized and totally being restricted, as in people treating it as actual diseases and not some quirky points or narrative tropes (ever seen an horror story about a person with cancer? With dermatithis? With leukemia? No, but I've seen plenty of horror stories with people of schizophrenia, "inspiring" stories with people with depression and so on…silence, writers and movie directors, especially Sia) but at the same time can't stand the way they're being accepted?
By general opinion people with autism are not intelligent and if they are, they cannot use their intelligence because of their cognitive limitations also their IQ points are only in an extremely specific field (aka special interest) but I wouldn't get surgery from a doctor with autism just because they're above "intelligent", because I know they struggle with a lot of external stimuli so yeah, no, and anyone defending them is just putting on a goody mask because "we should accept everyone!".
I wouldn't date or be friends with someone with BPD. They're extremely negative and I don't need that in my life. They need life long therapy and they don't need to cope on social media. I knew a person with BPD, she shittalked about me online because she was curious about my reputation and if it was good then she would be friend because "muh trauma" yeah, no.
I don't want depressed people near me. They're life draining and if left too long in their own shit without reality checks or therapy, they make it their whole personality.
I'm no expert but happen to know even by proxy a lot of mentally ill people and I think that destigmatizing them yes, can help, but also nobody should cope with them, not even their parents, they need to send them off to therapy as long the first symptoms show up. I can stand by people who are following a therapy and are doing better little by little, you have to start somewhere, but somebody bathing in their own condition and expecting to be always excused? No. Never. You cope with yourself, nobody has to.
No. 814450
>>809696Who let this bippie out of the cage.
This is not the place to get help.
No. 815560
>>815554I remember reading up on the '10 year remission' of bpd a while back. Just aging certainly seems to help some mellow out of the worst of it. DBT of course helps too. But I do think (speaking from experience) that even beyond those 10 years and even if things look good for an extended period of time..stress is a bitch and if the right
trigger comes up you can find yourself transported back in time. Even if it only lasts a couple days here and there.
So I think most improve with age, reign in their outbursts better and they happen wth less frequency or intensity, but short episodes of erratic/emotional behavior are still an ongoing thing to keep on top of.
No. 815602
>>815554My ex used to have bad symptoms and was
triggered by every little thing in existence, it was exhausting for him and everyone around him. In the handful of years we were together that improved a lot, partly because he had support, transitioned into less stressful circumstances and learned some DBT. He still split on me with some regularity and imploded our relationship tho, so there’s that. His dad on the other hand, who also has it in his 60s, still frequently shrieks at friends and family whenever he feels attacked (i.e. if anyone expresses the slightest amount of disagreement) and everyone is basically just forced to put up with it. He’s not physically abusing people or cheating on his wife or getting drunk or randomly abandoning his family on long road trips anymore, so I guess there’s that? Low bar obviously. I really believe therapy is needed to get a firm hold on it, especially for scrotes. Age just makes them less physically capable of doing the destructive things they did in their youth, doesn’t mean the desire isn’t still there. I don’t even believe that people without PDs get better unless they address an issue directly. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away, it just continues to influence you unconsciously.
No. 815604
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>>815571Yeah, the medical field is not one to give out participation trophy diplomas or hand-out charity surgeon positions.
But it made me remember seeing that one disabled (downs?) dude's tiktok who was bragging about how haters told him he couldn't become an artist, and he went viral bragging about how he became an award winning photographer, but it turned out he was just the kid of some rich family that were trying really hard to pay his way into being something.
No. 815668
>>815604This reminded me, I used to date a guy who had this unexplained need to bring up down syndrome people all the time and talk about the existance of them bothering him. He brought it up insanely often and fast food places near us had table cleaners who were downs so that was always fun. Them doing their job, him talking shit when they weren't doing anything to even shit on. He was older than me and making jokes more suited to edgy teen scrotes.
For our first year of dating I didn't meet his 12 year old son. I don't like the thought of kids meeting too many of dads gfs so I held off til we seemed steady. When I did finally meet the kid…he looked downs. He wasn't but there was a strong resemblance. Chubby kid with certain features. On top of that the 'smart kid' I'd been told about had some sort of unnamed learning difficulty. So that was all interesting and something I had to just never point out. Nice kid but I almost think dad could've done with hearing it. Might've shut him up.
No. 815689
>>815630Ah yes, because medical acedemia is so known for participation trophy style handouts, and having low level autism famously means you can just skip out on all the rigorous educational requirements necessarry to become a doctor.
The thread is about disorders you don't want to be friends with people over. That's very different from spreading factually inaccurate information pertaining to someone's professional qualifications.
Also, "go back to Twitter" is not a shield against having no
valid argument.
No. 815776
>>815758I don't disagree with you but
>you all really areWhy do posters do this? Respond to the actual posts and stop the y'all talk lol
No. 815960
>>815770oh fucking really? let's guilt trip the literal retard over it.
the guy's got a fucking down syndrome, let him have his powerfantasies
No. 817368
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I posted about an autistic manchild obsessed with women in a non-sexual way attending our class. I take it back, he's not asexual, I was just not aware of that side of his. He sent a poem to some of my female classmates, that was pretty much about how he wants to either fuck a woman or get cucked in his own bed, and he has some kind of creepy obsession with childbirth, probably because in his autistic brain that's all he sees in women.
No. 819186
Like many of you good anons, I have depression. I also have a friend with depression, and my god is he draining. I know it's because he's (duh) depressed but his life is just his room, vaping, watching TV. He only leaves the house to get weed.
I spent years trying to get him to do something, anything, but he's so far gone the "what's the point" attitude blocks everything. I feel like an asshole for not going to see him any more, but I would always leave feeling like I wanted to cry and guilty that while I left home, went to college, got a job etc. he's still in his room at his parents house, permanently 18.
No. 831678
>>831658It really depends on which specific mental health issues are at play. Both parties having mental health problems can make it easier to understand relate to eachother and possibly help or give advice. On the other hand, it can also very much exacerbate the existing issues. Like, two very emotionally unstable or moodswingy people will probably have a lot of fights and breakdowns in a relationship without at least one more stable person. Two depressed people can enable eachother and keep them both living like a slob and never going outside. On the other hand, both parties being autistic for example might make the relationship work better if anything compared to only one person having autism.
The only situation I have personal experience with is one person with anxiety and adhd, and the other with ocd. That worked fine and didn't seem to impact the relationship negatively at all.
No. 832141
>>832075I'm nta but as another person with a BPD ex, it seems like you don't totally understand the concept of covert manipulation and/or possibly don't engage in it much yourself (good). Direct manipulation is telling someone they can't do a certain activity, breaking their possessions, assaulting them if they don't behave as you please, etc. Covert manipulation involves more devious means of controlling someone which make it difficult for the
victim to point at one specific thing to express how they were wronged. Take lying/gaslighting. Your partner lies, you find out and call them on it, then they ask what you're talking about. You get confused because you could've sworn they said something, but they keep denying it, so you start doubting your own recollection. Playing the
victim. You ask your partner if they could phrase something more nicely and they start screaming about how it's all too much for them to remember, then they burst into tears and say if you really loved them you would just accept them for who they are. The original issue is forgotten and you start comforting the person who was cruel as if you're a terrible person for making a very basic request. Stonewalling. You tell your partner in a very polite way that you're not fond of the TV show they're watching, and they huff and immediately leave the room to start reading a book. You try to communicate and say it's not a big deal, you just wonder if you could watch something different this one night, but they keep ignoring you and say "forget it I'm going to bed." They don't speak to you for the next three days no matter how much you implore them. Finally they start responding to you again but now you're scared to ever make another simple request for fear they'll shut down and withdraw affection again.
No. 854010
>>853918>>833368Go cope somewhere else
Anyway, I'll add by thinking that putting Cluster B and C people in a boiling pot.
No one has time for their bad coping behaviours and their useless attempts to justifying them. At least Cluster A people fuck off by themselves.