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No. 469328
Please: •No sperging (i.e., encouraging extreme violence or poop-touching)
•Keep infighting to a minimum
•Try to keep GC/PP discussion contained to this thread
•Ignore any post that is off-topic (racebait, homophobia), or that you suspect was posted by a troll/scrote
Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | (404) | | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Feminist Struggle Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious thread:
>>>/ot/463553Last Pink Pill thread
>>>/ot/444100 (includes links to previous PP threads)
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>>>/ot/454392 (includes links to previous GC threads)
"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748"MtF General" thread
>>>/snow/867400Radical Feminism thread
>>>/ot/373459 No. 469331
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Directly from egg_irl
It's not a fetish guiz!1!!1!!
Someone should tell these people that anime women resemble real women about as much as anime resembles real Japan.
No. 469342
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>>469335To their credit, the posts are somewhat intended as jokes. Pic related
is the top post of all time there, and people were quick to deflect criticism by saying that they're "just memes". I imagine these people have never heard of Poe's Law.
Although to me this just explains why so many troons are autistic. They can't
tell these things are jokes– they struggle with detecting satire and sarcasm. Yes,
stable people can tell that they're just stupid memes. But vulnerable and/or mentally ill people actively seeking validation and/or an explanation to all their problems in life? For those people, it's effectively propaganda.
Just look at /pol/. /Pol/ started out as a joke, but look where it is now. At least half the posters there legitimately believe the extreme shit that gets posted. T_D and /pol/ are literally the ones who organized the Charleston march. If /pol/ has created extremists, then egg_irl has created troons.
Additionally, pic related
was somewhat controversial, though not as much on egg_irl as it was on traaa, where it was originally posted. Yeup- troons consider the idea of "feminine men aren't trans" to be controversial, and I think that speaks volumes.
No. 469344
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>>469342the anime characters they use are not even trans, they are all traps and supposed to be male crossdresses.
No. 469349
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What the fuck is wrong with men?
No. 469370
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>>469348Even worse a lot of traps are drawn with he aesthetic of women. In anime females get the bigger eyes while men get the thinner. Giving a trap big eyes is making them aestheticly a women. Combined with the clothes, female VC, and aesthetic all traps are is "female, but dick!". Traps are the most unrelistic transition goals because all they are is "female, but dick". A bunch of 40 year old mask dudes have been meme'd into thinking transition is a good idea because they get life advice from chines cartoons
No. 469378
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>>469370I agree with you, but the eyes thing isn't generally true.
In anime, eyes are used to denote personality and/or age, not sex.
No. 469393
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>>469349Reminds me of this.
No. 469451
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Will they ever realize that the shit they write is offensive and racist? They do everything they can to push any possible supporters away from them.
No. 469460
>>469349Men will straight up droll and obsess over other women in front of their wives then act like a little bitch because a woman has to be a mother to their baby
Also what's with self proclaimed traditional men who want traditional women but don't want to be traditional themselves? They want women to baby them and do all trad wife duties but don't ever want to do any trad husband duties just to cry sexism when they can't have their cake and eat it
No. 469466
>>469460its a guise. they just want a happy sex doll that they can command with no objection or feelings or needs.
>>469393this is so accurate lmao
No. 469520
>>469516NTA but here’t read it yet but knowing reddit I’m expecting a lot of COUPLES THERAPY!!! bullshit, with possibly some ‘male post partum depression’ thrown in
No. 469521
>>469520I beat you to it.
> I’m expecting a lot of COUPLES THERAPY!!! bullshit, with possibly some ‘male post partum depression’ thrown inand you'd be entirely correct
No. 469530
>>469520second most upvoted comment:
>Has he had emotional outbursts like these before or is it a recent phenomenon? Is family / couples therapy an option?1.4 k vpvotes, 4x silver, 1x gold
>Just like postpartum depression is very common among women, there is also often an adjustment period for men. Both men and women experience dramatic emotional, behavioral, and cognitive transformations after the birth of a baby— many are unpleasant and temporary but some require help.'s a bunch of replies echoing this from scrotes who have acted similarly and no one in the comments has challenged them.
No. 469546
>>469520>>469530Men can get post partum depression though? Are we denying science again?
>>469536Yeah, the eyes are about character, it's just that Japan is well… Japan, so character is very much linked to sex and understanably age.
No. 469554
>>469552NTA, but
>Lol I have no argumentShut the fuck up right back at you. Learn to argue at a level above that of an angry third grader.
No. 469557
>>469555Anon, depression is a complicated and not even that well understood dissorder, especially when it comes to its
triggers. Sure, it's not the actual birthing proccess that causes it to men, but neither is to women most of the time, it's the changes around them as you correctly pointed out.
>>469556And no, as someone with depression, I completely agree that depression is not an excuse. At the same time, it could be an explanation. The behaviour must not be excused, but the explanation can help fixing it.
No. 469564
>>469557My issue is that calling it postpartum is disingenuous. They don’t go through birthing trauma, extreme hormonal and bodily changes, breastfeeding, bleeding for weeks on end, painful uterus contractions while it returns to size, readjusting to not being pregnant.
It can’t be postpartum because they never went through antenatal changes.
No. 469569
>>469564not meaning to cape for men, but I think I read somewhere that there are hormonal changes if the man lives with the mother. not the rest, though.
getting post-birth depression seems like a possibility for men, albeit for different reasons. it doesn't excuse some of the despicable behaviors some men partake in when their wives have just given birth.
No. 469576
>>469566All the points I made still stand as they are directly related to birth and what comes after. Men that gain weight throughout a woman’s pregnancy are also coddled by saying that it’s ‘sympathy’ weight gain since their partners are getting bigger.
I’m not saying that men can’t get depressed once their child is born, but rather that calling it postpartum muddies the waters and does injustice all the women that suffer through postpartum
No. 469589
>>469569"not meaning to cape for men"
capes for menEven if what you're saying is true, women also go through hormonal changes, MUCH more severe. Men who get depressed after their wives give birth are selfish children and the best thing a woman can do is leave him. He'll probably starve to death within a week.
No. 469591
>>469588Agreed 100%. I can't fathom what sort of depression would drive a person to even consider the idea of their wife sucking their fucking BABY'S dick, let alone actually vocalize it. There's no excuse and nothing to justify it, there's something deeply and terrifyingly wrong with him.
And yeah, considering men do jack shit to help with child rearing they have no reason to be depressed anyway. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if PPD is actually a chemical/hormone based issue for most women, as opposed to just an inevitable, environmentally driven misery that comes from how difficult it is for new mothers. I would be depressed too if I was sleep deprived and struggling with a newborn while my shitty husband got to continue his normal life and make it even harder for me in any multitude of ways. Jealousy, pushing for sex, pressuring to lose the baby weight, making mess etc… statistics show men actually do LESS around the house once a baby arrives. Nightmare fuel.
No. 469594
>>469451>non binary>third gender>two spiritoh, so we at "two spirit" level now.
"white straight cis christian males". Yeah, because we know every other religion , ethnic group and culture just loves genderspecial theory, I am very tired of self hating white women, for real, find another hobby becky.
No. 469598

>When I was in elementary school, I already decided that I want to have surgery. I was so desperate to become a French doll even then.
>I only remember ever being insecure and dissatisfied. To put it simply, it was painful for me to live at that time. I hated when people would look at me, and even looking at myself in the mirror was painful. And more than that, people bullied me because of my ugly appearance. And the fact that I knew I was ugly made me more dissatisfied.
>Some people think I'm doing all this plastic surgery because I suffer from the trauma of getting bullied. But this isn't the case. I just hated my appearance. My choice has nothing to do with other people's opinions. Even now, people often say "Oh, I think you've done enough" But I'm still doing it because I'm not satisfied yet. I'm like, "When did I ask for your opinion?"
>[when the interviewer said she looked fine as a kid and asked why she hated her appearance so much] Basically, I felt like I wasn't supposed to be born into this human body. I feel like I'm a doll that was just born in the wrong form. That's why I can't accept my appearance, and I refuse to be who I am. So technically, I'm doing all this cosmetic surgery to return to my original form.
>I don't really want to regret anything I do, so I think carefully about every operation I do. I might seem like a person who doesn't think and just goes for it, but I'm a cautious person and always talk with my doctor about the risks involved in any operation I do.
How is this women different from TiMs, exactly? Why is it that if she lived in the UK, the NHS would refuse to pay for her surgeries?
No. 469599
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No. 469606
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>>469451>look up this person on twitter>they have me blocked despite the fact i have am empty account and am following mainly lefty twitters, including a few transwomen but perhaps they are the "wrong" kind of transwomen to this thin skinned attention seeker>find this shitfit hilarious given the fact they most likely have every "terf" blocked but are trying to come off as "biting back" despite the intended audience not being able to see let alone reply to themEvery fucking time kek
No. 469607
>>469599Gigi is married to a heiress Lesbian Nats Getty
what I find interesting about their relationship was the fact it was Nats who perused a relationship with Gigi and it was Getty who purposed to Gigi and from the interviews I have seen of them together it seems Nats really does have an attraction to Gigi even though Gigi obviously does not like a real women
No. 469608
>>469597They can’t. Anons in here acting like psychology isn’t a shitty science that gets things wrong more often than right, just fucking look at trannies.
It’s a fucking joke, why must we coddle men through every single thing in life, never can we dare suggest that they are overreacting. You can’t suffer through POSTpartum depression if you never even went through partum!
No. 469639
>>469451>nonbinary, third gender, two-spirit people in non-Western cultures Oh yeah, you mean the gay people who were forced to live in some retarded "third sex" because they were too gender-nonconforming for strict patriarchal cultures, the small boys who were groomed into a "third sex" so adult men could fuck them and the women who were forced to become men in order to inherit their family's fortune because women aren't worth it? How progressive.
I really fucking hate it when people try to bring the "but they've always existed!!" meme to the table. The only cultures where this nonbinary bullshit has been prevalent have been ragingly misogynist and homophobic. Even the two-spirit concept existed only in native American tribes where women weren't considered equals.
No. 469648
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I am glad to finally start seeing a pushback against this toxic culture.
No. 469654
>>469576I mean, I get what you are saying, but postpartum describes it well enough? I don't think anyone actually thinks it's the birthing proccess that affects men like women, seems like common sense to me. Mothers obviously get it a lot more due to also being on a hormonal roller coaster, that is also well known.
>>469587>The observations of specialists is dumb shitYes anon and vaccines cause autism. Also people are born criminal and the enviroment is not that important in the development of criminality.
>>469588Do yourself a favor and open a book about post partum depression.
>>469589While of course women get post partum depression a lot more than their husbands and this guy is inexcusable, blaming people for their depression is Onision tier shittiness.
>>469591The men who act the way you described are not depressed, they are assholes. These are two different categories.
>>469597PPD is not hormonal for plenty of new mothers but also related to the enviroment the baby creates.
>>469608I am sure you have published peer reviewed articles relating to the subject, please enlighten us. Psychology is not perfect but it helps millions of people daily.
>>469612>Muh stem No. 469665
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>>469663>Don't ask me how I know this, but they actually can and do get erections by injecting testosterone right into their penises. It doesn't last that long, but it lasts enough, it's how you see trannies having erect members in porn, which would be impossible considering all the estrogen they have takenThanks I Hate it
No. 469702
>>469660Not to "Not my Nigel", but I got my boyfriend off porn by having frank discussions with him about it and its effects. I showed him a ton of sources to back up my claims, too.
I don't think I would've been able to pull that off if I subscribed to libfem shit. Then again, if I were a libfem, I wouldn't even have tried to begin with.
I think men know perfectly well what's wrong with them. Most are just too stubborn to change, and society coddles them. The more women draw the line, the sooner they'll be forced to shape up.
No. 469708
>>469704Could be worse.
Anon could be like those pickme coolgirls who act completely fine with their bfs openly screeching about their favorite hentais, following their favorite porn actresses on IG, and wanking it when they're in the other room.
No. 469710
>>469708I used to think it was inevitable and that all men watch porn, but tbh, personal experience has shown me that if a guy cares about you and believes in your worth in his life, he'll listen when you say to stop watching other women get brutalized on screen.
It won't be easy to overcome, because it's an addiction, but he will try with sincerity, and
keep trying. He'll go the extra mile for it.
If he doesn't, he's literally just not that into you, and/or he's a hopeless case.
Too many women waste their own time by giving men chances and leniency when they don't deserve it, really.
No. 469727
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>>469719Looking at the comments really is a reminder that men, as a group, TRA or not, are not lesbian's (or women as a whole's) friends.
No. 469735
>>469727These comments make no sense in the context of the video, jesus christ.
I've always thought scrotes are stupid by nature, but this just keeps cementing it.
No. 469741
>>469727I'm so fucking sick of them treating women as a singularity that has no internal variation. I can fucking swear on my life that plenty of feminists didn't want men in dresses to come take over their spaces and appropriate their womanhood.
It's also enraging how men themselves groom women from birth to be docile and always bending a knee for the good of others and self-sacrificing, then turn around and bitch about women being overly empathetic. You reap what you sow yourselves, motherfuckers. Start telling your own daughters to stand up for themselves and not to take shit from others instead of being prim and proper. Maybe then we'll weed out potential libfem behavior that at its roots gets its energy from internalized misogyny.
No. 469743
The ACTUAL lesbians in actuallesbians started questioning why there are so many troons screeching at them to suck dick after another post in trueoffmychest about it today and the troon mods have closed the sub. say "brigading" but I saw the sub prior to it being closed. It was the actual users questioning troons.
No. 469745
>>469743Damn, you beat me to it.
I was just about to comment this!
No. 469747
>>469722One thing I don't miss since leaving twitter is people tweeting their Ko-Fi links
I had a sex toy review blog about a decade ago, saw it as a hobby but noticed every other reviewer milking it for paid ads and then saying "if you enjoyed my review buy me a coffee" Hun you got a free dildo and simply wrote 500 words about it then included affiliate links.. They always had 'they/them' in their bio and then came the 'I'm about to be homeless' emergencies every month..
It was my first experience with queer/non-binary people being perpetual
victims and charity cases
No. 469748
>>469747Back when I was younger and more gullible I used to donate to GoFundMes like that. You know the ones, from the poor demisexual queer trans moonbies who are LITERALLY going to be homeless in 2 days. I felt sorry for them.
Then I noticed they would post this shit, say "Thanks everyone, I found a place!" and then a month later they'd be homeless again. Felt like I was chucking money into a black hole. They always had money for the latest game or to see the new Marvel movie though, of course.
No. 469749
>>469748And when you call these types out on the grift they always say "Poor people deserve to have nice things too!"
Ayden there's a big difference between a single mother working 2 jobs to feed her kids getting her nails done every few months as a treat to herself and you begging people online for $700 every month because muh homelessness while buying the latest $60 AAA game for the PS4 every other week.
No. 469750
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This is how TRAs rationalize lesbians being GC, and GC women allying with lesbians.
>It's all a huge plot to turn the lesbians into tradwives guys
No. 469751
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>>469743Fucking ridiculous.
No. 469755
>>469749Don't forget "I can't apply for a job because muh mental illnesses and I would not be safe at a workplace due to being trans!!" while constantly going out, meeting people, going to conventions etc. doing anything else in public but going to work and earning your own damn money.
>>469750What the actual fuck is this drivel, literally one of the most insane things I've seen in a while. A misogynistic transbian projecting his own tradthot ideas into GC lesbians.
No. 469757
>>469749Don't forget "I can't apply for a job because muh mental illnesses and I would not be safe at a workplace due to being trans!!" while constantly going out, meeting people, going to conventions etc. doing anything else in public but going to work and earning your own damn money.
>>469750What the actual fuck is this drivel, literally one of the most insane things I've seen in a while. A misogynistic transbian projecting his own tradthot ideas into GC lesbians.
No. 469809
>>469771anon i can not believe the women in here defending poor men having PPD. It's not a thing. PPD is a very specific kind of depression that happens to a woman at a very specific point. It can stop her bonding with her child and do long term damage to both. A man being sad that he has to cook dinner for himself at night now isn't even nearly on the same level.
Statistics show very clearly men don't help out with child rearing. In fact, their lives barely change. I believe it's France that offers paid paternity leave and they found that the men spent it on leisure activities like golf etc, and didn't spend any extra time with their children.
Men don't need any extra fucking excuses for being lazy shits. The women defending this need to open their eyes, because they're playing right into this bs by being overly concerned about the mental health of men in a way they never would about womens mental health.
No. 469840
>>469771I know women who have had 'nervous breakdowns' after having a baby and some are never the same again, the same with menopause and the extreme anxiety some women suddenly get at 50 that leaves them housebound with agoraphobia
Lately my 70 year old father acknowledged this, so it takes 70 years of witnessing this for men to notice the not-so-funny effects of female hormones
No. 469896
>>469881I see a whole lot of non binary people have CFS, fibro or other difficult to prove disabilities in their bios too, it's like they have all caught onto how to live for free
Not saying everyone with those conditions is faking, but the genderqueer community has a waay above average ratio of chronic fatigue sufferers
That and they list all their illnesses off like a list of achievements, nobody visiting your twitter profile needs to know you have IBS hun
No. 469897
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"Female" pedo banned from participating TF2 comp scene. No. 469928
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51yo saying he's not creepy for going after 18 year olds.
No. 469930
>>469916>accuses me of things she herself did at her original post>Le scrot accusationOh sweaty
>>469924>awkward wordingI guess not growling like a moron is too much for people like you, not that I am surprised.
No. 469932
>>469930I’m not OP but
>accuses me of things she herself did at her original postShe did none of those things, smooth brain
No. 469954
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>>469945I hate to be the whole "we live in a society" but its true-men are not really challenged and there is a culture that encourages old men with much younger women which is enforced through things like how products are marketed to women (look younger using this!) to how romantic stories are in film (someone posted a chart about the age gaps between male leads and their female love interests) to taking the piss out of teenage girls having crushes on guys the same age (I hate 1D but the old men picking on the young female fanbase is just, yuck)
There was an article published years ago in a national newspaper about how "society needs to accept that young teen girls want older mature men" (yeah, I guessed it was a creep that wrote it) just tried to search for it again and, yikes, got shit like this being posted by well known outlets. This is also why men in general get mad when reality hits them and they come across real women who don't want their old ass, most women, no matter how traditional they are, mostly want men their own age, not their dads!
No. 469957
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>>469945>>469954Oh and before people overlook this as a sugardaddy app which is also what I assumed it was-this is what the makers say.
They really are out of touch with reality kek
No. 469960
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So were all familiar with MTF Transcels here but I think an even sadder case that Is that of TIF/MTF Incels
They think transitioning would transform them into a stud chad but what actually happens is they get a neck beard, acne, and start losing their they end up looking like fat,short,balding,acne-ridden men and finding a partner becomes nearly impossible for them
No. 469965
>>469954But it isn't true that anon won't find anyone near her age, or that any woman older than 28 won't. There are a lot of guys that get with women their age. Like, it might not be their first choice for some, but a lot of men will "settle" to be with women anyways. There are plenty of guys that will get with women they find attractive, or not, even. Men aren't so desirable in reality, but the loseriest, least desirable ones are the most critical and horrible, though all tend to be on some level. It's not reality. Father Time is living in a fucking dementia induced daydream. The older man meme is pushed, but irl there are plenty of guys that get with women the same age, either because certain men don't gaf about age, or because irl men settle (which is ridiculous, it shouldn't be something to settle over, pedophiles).
No. 469979
>>469969stop cheerypicking
In the cute boys thread only one older man was posted while the women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread plenty of older women get posted
No. 469999
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I always find it funny no matter how much women insist they like young fit men, it's men who swear up and down that "no no, you wimminz want old stinky dadbods with grey hair who cheat on you and treat you badly, accept it!"
Imagine the fucking arrogance you have to have to INSIST on what women want despite women saying otherwise themselves. It's the male equivalent to laughable fat girls who tell everyone men all are thirsting over fat girls and everything else is a lie, even then those women are made fun of and harassed to hell and back where as men saying shit like this are either ignored or supported
No. 470010
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>>469993Yup. Ugly men in movies.
No. 470012
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Reddit is mad a women again. I love the people saying the government should paternity test all kids at birth lmao like they're suddenly ok with the government having a database full of everyone's dna suddenly. Yet women are the irrational ones.
No. 470015
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China enforces forced abortions of Uighur Muslim women are forcefully sterilizing men and women and aborting their children If a Uighur woman gets pregnant
No. 470016
>>470012Why don't men just stop being such huge sluts that they get themselves looped into such situations? How about closing their legs for a change?
Why is it the government's job to account for their irresponsibility? Waste of resources.
No. 470017
>>469979I'm not cherry picking, and in the "women you're ashamed to fuck thread" yes there's more older women there but it's still mostly conventionally attractive and just have bad/bimbo-y reputations, like taylor swift, azelia banks, sssniperwolf and bell delphine
And yes the cute boys thread has actual cute men in it and less crusty old ballsacks but it is less active
No. 470021
>>470015>There, the Uighur woman says, she was repeatedly raped by Han Chinese guards, resulting in two pregnancies.
>“Any woman or man under age 35 was raped and sexually abused,” she said through an interpreter from Turkey, where she now lives. Both pregnancies were forcibly aborted while she was in prison, said Ms Perhat, who is now 30.
>Several female former detainees said they suspect that when younger and unmarried women were taken from their packed cells at night – to be returned the next morning or not at all – they were raped by guards.
>“They’d come in and put bags on the heads of the ones they wanted,” said Gulzira Auelkhan, a 40-year-old woman in the Kazakh village of Akshi who spent 18 months in the camps.
>In May, an open letter written by a former guard at a Xinjiang camp appeared to support the women’s claims. His account, which was posted by activists, has not been independently verified.
>The ethnic Kazakh man, called Berik, said Chinese officers would watch women in their cells through a monitor before selecting one to take out. “There are two tables in the kitchen, one for snacks and liquor, and the other for ‘doing things’,” he wrote.
>Other women contacted by The Washington Post described widespread sexual harassment at the camps, echoing public comments last month by Sayragul Sauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh woman wanted by China for disclosing information about the camps. Kazakhstan allowed her to resettle in Sweden in June.
>Several said they were forced to shower and use the toilet in groups, in rooms outfitted with cameras. Ms Auelkhan said female guards used chewing gum to pull on her pubic hair. Married women offered conjugal visits were ordered to swallow unknown pills afterward.
>Ground chili peppers mixed with water in small glass jars were given to several women before showering. Once naked, they were ordered by female guards to smear the liquid on their genitals.This is horrifying. I hope those poor people can get out of China safely. It's inhuman the way they're treated, and I don't expect the government to change.
Meanwhile, scrotes on /pol/ are calling this "based" and making up false genocide fantasies where they're the true
victims because "something something feminazis mainstream media sweden trump cucked".
No. 470041
>>470016The fact they think women shouldn't be given food stamps but men should be given free paternity tests lmao. Why is it so hard for men to just not fuck everything that moves
>>470035Last time an older guy sent me an unsolicited dick pic I responded with a link for ball lift surgery (it's a thing apparently). Never bothered me again
No. 470049
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>Mom why didn't the world stop China from genociding an entire group of people ?
how do you respond ?(Derail)
No. 470054
>>470049Because we didn't want to start WW3.
China is way too powerful but we can't afford to piss them off because of that.
(Derail) No. 470058
>>470055Its 11 Million Uyghurs vs the risk of losing billions of people
Its not an easy choice
(Derail) No. 470075
>>470060>>470072Why Shouldn't Muslim countries who talk about Muslim Unity and Jihad not save the Uyghurs
Pakistan is right next to China,has nukes and a sufficient Military
why don't they do something ?
(Derail and racebaiting) No. 470088
>>470049Because there isn't one organization that constitutes "the world", there is not "world police" against badies even when people assume America should act like one (despite whining from all the times America tried to act like one) and the UN is a joke and a white elephant .
Self determination of the people and sovereignty and all that jazz, its that regions problem, like all the rest of abuses and dictatorships that happen in the world.
(Derail) No. 470089
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>>470088>Because there isn't one organization that constitutes "the world", there is not "world police" against badies .
What are UN Peacekeepers,also a good chunk of UN Peacekeepers are from Pakistan which is a Muslim country right next to China
(Derail) No. 470103
>I've seen some of the galleries they have, and it's creepy as hell. they save selfies of women they've talked to, and even their nudes. they judge these women's nudes harshly, everything from nipple color to how "tight" they look. they even save photos of girls they talked to years ago.why are men so fucking obsessed with judging women's bodies? the very thing they are supposed to love and be attracted to, healthy women's bodies are no longer good enough for men. I wonder what evopsych bullshit they will use to justify cheating on Megan because Susans nipples met his nipple color preference better. So much for the whole "don't be flat or fat" meme
They seriously go out of their way each and every day to look for things wrong with women's bodies. Incels are guilty of doing this too and women with internalized misogyny. Imagine finally being able to take their crushes clothes off and all they can think about is her nipples being too puffy, her stomach not being toned enough, her hips not being wide enough, etc. This is your brain on porn it practically ruins happiness and excitement for both parties when you're this obsessed with womens bodies
also before incels come in crying about "but but only chads!!!" incels are guilty of doing this too if not more often than chad, to the point where they can't have discussions about women without referring to them by their attractiveness
No. 470142
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>>470135>wew that internalized misogyny. reminds me of that tif that said that taking testosterone made STEM subjects "easier to understand" (can't find the article atm)found it anon
and here's the actual Interview No. 470145
>>470112Use troon talking points against her.
"But Ayden, you were never a girl! You were just mistakenly assigned female at birth, but you were always a boy. So with that cleared up, stop fucking using misogynist slurs, you woman-hating he-man."
No. 470150
>>470147"Wow Ayden, sounds like you're saying trans women are socialized male. That would be very TERFy of you. You're not a TERF, are you?"
Push her own community's crazy rhetoric at her hard enough and not only will she back down, she'll start quietly questioning the shit TRAs say too.
No. 470153
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No. 470156
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>>470142I think I just peak'd again. Jesus Christ, what a shitheel.
This bitch is trying
so hard to prove that she's a man that she's invoking
toxic masculinity. Monkey see, monkey do. There are
zero studies that math skill is determined by testosterone levels, or even correlated with it. The only reason men outnumber women in STEM is because of nurture, not nature.
The most contemporary studies indicate that performance differences in STEM grow narrower between the sexes the more egalitarian the country. While correlation does not equal causation, that seems to strongly suggest that the disparity between the sexes is caused by cultural values regarding female competence and education. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy- women are told constantly that they're worse at stem, so teachers and little girls start to believe it, and then they feel less inclined to try.
Also, men cry. Adult men cry. In fact, higher T men are actually more emotionally unstable than men with normal T levels. Kind of flies in the face of this cunt believing that she injected so many steroids it dried up her tear ducts kek
I also don't entirely want to blame
her, though. Is she entirely to blame when she clearly has mental health problems that some quack doctor misdiagnosed as gender dysphoria? Is entirely her fault that her desire to transition in the first place came from internalized misogyny? Is it entirely her fault that when someone asks what a man should act like, this is they signals they receive? Why is society's idea of a "manly man" a perverted, emotionally constipated, self-absorbed prick?
No. 470159
>>470157Because it, like many other conditions, is under-diagnosed in women. Women are also less likely to be diagnosed with a heart attack, but it's doesn't mean they're not having one. It's why women are more likely to die of a stroke or heart attack than a man.
Women are horribly misunderstood in medicine.
No. 470167
>>470161>Also men are more susceptible to a lot of mental conditionsAren't they more susceptible to personality disorders, sociopathy and other disorders that aren't necessarily genetic?
Even if there is a sex difference it's maddening that doctors/parents use that to justify not assessing obviously struggling girls. Autistic women have higher rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide than autistic males, and it's probably even worse for the women who never get diagnosed at all.
No. 470171
>>470163It shouldn't be controversial to say at all, anon. Everyone has misconceptions about the opposite sex.
I think that misconceptions about male sexuality is why women think abuse acts during sex are okay. No, men are not inherently sexual aggressors– shit like porn and gender roles reinforce what is ostensibly a myth. It's not normal for a man to want to hurt you during sex– it's abuse.
Also, shit like "men don't cry" (which was just mentioned, fun coincidence) is something most people believe, and while men do cry less than women, it doesn't mean they don't cry and don't feel emotions. Shit like this paints emotions as a feminine (and therefore negative in a male-centric society) behavior. No! Men fucking cry, because they're human beings and human beings cry.
Another one is the "all men enjoy video porn". I've met porn-repulsed guys (usually linked to some negative childhood experience), guys who enjoy smutty books over videos, guys that just jerk off with no visual, etc. Saying that all men support video porn enables
toxic porn culture. It also others women for not being as voyeuristic in their sexual interests.
Hell, I probably have some of my own misconceptions about men that I haven't yet uncovered/confronted. Although, finding and unraveling these myths is the
reason I'm a radfem in the first place. We as a society need to stop perpetuating myths about male humans that enable
toxic masculinity.
No. 470197
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>>470154Americans should have fought but for the right side. Instead they left Berlin wide open for the soviets to rape and plunder and didn't even do anything to prevent it.
(Derail) No. 470219
Anons, you should know that military history-themed derailing will only attract autistic scrotes to this thread. It's sperg bait.
>>470171It's funny, because the more of a radfem I become, the less I believe in concepts like
toxic masculinity. I don't think that men are capable of changing or evolving, really. What we call
toxic masculinity is just innate male behavior. It's not society's concept of masculinity that's
toxic, it's maleness.
Also, as
toxic masculinity became a popular talking point in liberal discourse, I started noticing a phenomenon of smarmy, #feminist scrotes on Twitter using it to not only excuse their shit-tier personalities, but sort of pay themselves compliments.
>>I'm a male feminist because I've suffered from society's conditioning too, ladies! I'm just too stoic and manly, you see. I keep my emotions bottled up manfully and I never complain. Anyway, (nonstop whining about stupid bullshit).Ugh. I fucking despise all men, but sniveling "male feminists" are my favorite punching bags. No. 470227
>>470042No anon, he shouldn't get his money back at all. Do some of you really think men have no say about if their name goes on a birth certificate or not? If he doubts paternity, pay for a paternity test with your own damn money before you put your name down. It's not hard.
My friends ex did this, I know it happens. All he did was say he needed a paternity test before he would pay. Courts said the same thing. 12 years later still no paternity test so she gets 0 in support. Why do people act like the court system isn't already designed to protect men from this? It's just a fair amount of scrotes are exceptional enough that all the safeguards in the world can't protect them from their own stupidity.
No. 470229
>>470219That's Solanas tier autism anon, men are social beings, you know, being human and all. Maleness is not inherently
No. 470238
>>470229I don't know how to break this to you, anon, but men aren't going to stop raping infants and shooting up schools when society's attitudes shift to be even more indulgent of their laughable feefees. Socialization can't work miracles. "
Toxic masculinity" is just a reflection of their true nature.
The technological age has only pushed them to further embrace their worst instincts. They're just getting radicalized by Youtube videos now and jerking themselves into impotence and retardation. They can't do better than that.
Libfems waste their lives trying to convince themselves that men can be salvaged.
>>Solanas tierThanks!
No. 470241
>>470238>Thanks!That wasn't a compliment anon, Solanas was kind of crazy, also an attempted murderer. Do you know that she actually went through with her "turd sessions" idea and did them in real life? Does this seem like healthy behaviour to you?
Also, we can disagree for days here and I do think I have a better position due to the fact that we have seen men change massively over the last century, but even if i admit that you are right, what better solution is there than trying to do the best we can with what we have? You know, for those of us that are not lesbians and can not just leave men behind.
No. 470247
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>>470241>>Wha-wait, that wasn't a compliment desuToo late, my ego is already stroked.
>>we have seen men change massively over the last centuryYeah, now they're fat and can't get blood-flow to their microdicks without violent pornography.
I don't think there is a solution. We can only laugh at their shitty lives and empower other women to do the same.
No. 470249
>>470245I mean, to be fair, I do come here to talk to people, she seems pretty interesting, if a little unhinged. Also I am stealing that image.
>>470247Unfair anon, gender roles have been massively eroded, plenty of men do things that would brand them fags or womanlike back in the day. My husband is a househusband now and most people don't give him shit for that. Men have definetely changed for the better.
No. 470265
>>470264Because beauty roles influence social roles?
How is the average American/guy from Anglosphere more appealing now than what he used to be in 1995 lol
No. 470271
>>470265At least they practiced what the preached (traditional men actually being traditional and making money to support their family, wanting to be around their family, help with raising children, dress nice and take care of themselves, etc)
Now men have no self awareness, they'll be unemployed or poorly paid NEETs who refuse to get a higher education, dress like slobs and never shower but demand women to have model faces, porn star bodies, dress and look like pin up girls,somehow make magic money appear to support them and their kids without having a job, education, or hobbies that pertain to money. Not supporting either mind you but at least they had self awareness where as men's status can be lower than piles of shit but believe they deserve the very best and nothing less
No. 470272
>>470271>traditional men>making money to support their familyYou mean gambling, drinking and whoring
>wanting to be around their family, help with raising childrenLmao what the fuck am I reading
>dress nice and take care of themselvesThe only true thing, but it was enforced by society and it was also enforced in women.
You have no idea what men were like in ye olden days, you have built them yourself from idealised images.
No. 470274
>>470238>>470241nta but I don'consider Solanas a radical feminist, and I don't think she was a feminist. Radical means radicalis, the root, and she wasn't, she wasn't even a feminist scholar and she still had relationships with males. Overall, she was male identified, not woman-identied. (when I talk about woman identified I mean this, not some trans BS )
And yes she was mentally ill and she did shoot warhol out of spite. I have 0 empathy for warhol, he was a POS. Anyway, I wouldn't call her shooting of warhol a defining feminist act. She beat up a boy who happened to look like a kid who used to tease her when she was young. What she did was not just gratuitous violence, for violence sake's. Her mind was not clouded by phony morality. What she wanted, she did. No conscience, no remorse, and not IN SPITE, but BECAUSE she was schizophrenic. Yes she was mentally ill, yes she was a drug addict and an alcholohic
No. 470279
>>470272>>470276I agree with you that their is a certain appeal for a man whose "old fashioned"
i.e doesn't watch porn,works to support his wife and children,stays fit to protect his family and remains faithful to his wife no matter what
No. 470283
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TIMs mad.
No. 470284
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>>470112This isn't "him " but this is more or less what she looks like just a bit harrier
No. 470290
>>470282It's that ontop of the fact there are so many pickmes who go out of their way to convince everyone "uwu I WANT you to cheat on me, I'll suck your dick while you play video games and fart Doritos teehee I'm a gamer myself! You can use my money for nerd stuff, I love lazy boy dad bods"
Men are slaves to their dick and as long as we let them get away with their bullshit they will keep doing it. What can you expect from the gender who thinks women not having sex with them on demand and making them food is physical abuse?
No. 470294
>>470293You gotta lessen his Internet time,keep him away from Reddit,Tumblr,Instagram and keep him confined on normie sites like Facebook
At some point you have to explain the evils of pornography and show him videos of ex-Porn star revealing their abuses
As for male role models stick to Mr Rogers and Bob Ross
No. 470295
>>470293Limit his internet usage as much as possible, block sites like 4chan, Reddit, mgtow/incel sites, bodybuilding forums, limit youtube etc. Men pick up off of other men because they're retarded, when they're around
toxic men they become
toxic themselves not to mention how many internet men practically encourage other men to become monsters and meeting pickmes will encourage this behavior
Men can cry all they want, but it's them who proved to us how easily influenced and brainwashed they are by the internet thus making themselves mentally unstable
No. 470299
>>470297How do you have a forced feminization fetish as a female? Also, a male rape
victim, what?
No. 470302
>>470299see ftmspunished
their FTMs that fantasize abut being forced to become HyperFeminine females through force or FTMs who fantasize about being male rape
victims No. 470308
>>470305a woman wanting to be male rape
victim might seem odd but In a way I see it as a expected by-product of Yaoi and BL
Yaoi is filled with male rape,usually its a taller more masculine males(seme) raping the feminine and smaller male(uke)
No. 470312
>>470308Depends if it's a fetish or if they're already rape
victims. I'd understand rape
victims wanting to be male because when a male gets raped he never gets accused of lying, nobody asks questions like "what were you wearing, why are you reporting so late, no evidence? You're a liar" etc
No. 470318
>>470295>>470296> block sitesWhat kind of boomer mindset is this? Your kid will run circles around your blocks by the time they're old enough to know about those sites. Telling them not to visit them will only incentivise them to do it when they reach their rebellious phase.
Children have access to too many outside influences now. You've either got to go the extreme route of no internet and home schooling them, or just cross your fingers and hope for the best.
No. 470321
>>470315and where are you from exactly?
>>470318excuses excuses, obviously don't tell them the sites exist, but blocking them and limiting their usage as much as possible helps a lot, you claim that their ~might~ be loopholes and even then in that situation chances are they'll go to the site once or twice, not sit on 4chan for hours on end staring at stolen nudes of little girls and writing about how they want to kill animals and post gore videos
No. 470323
>>470322if it's once then maybe, even then just teach them right. playing crazy and tinfoiling about how boys at school are going to show them hardcore gore porn and turn them into psycho rapists if they don't cut off all internet and homeschool them will only do worse and cause them to rebel even harder
Just be sane and be protective but not helicopter parent level
No. 470328
>>470323It's inevitable that your son will find out about porn at a pretty young age, but you can try to mitigate the damage.
1. Don't give him a phone or tablet or notebook to use unsupervised. Make sure he knows you have full access to whatever device he's using and that you aren't a clueless adult who doesn't know how to use it.
2. Try to reduce internet time by focusing his time on other activities, playing with physical toys, sports, arts etc
3. If you buy a videogame, leave it in the living room and make use of parental control.
No. 470340
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This has been reposted on Reddit so many times. No one's identified the girl, "Jake" or come out with proof that this is even real. For all we know, some guy did this with an ex's selfie just to destroy her reputation.
It really makes me realize how easy it'd be to just take anyone's selfie and add a fake Snapchat caption of them admitting to doing some fucked up shit. Idiots on Reddit (and the internet at large) would eat it up.
No. 470357
>>470353>Greek anon againHaven't we taught you a lesson old man?
Just make your ~it doesn't happen here!!~ posts and go
No. 470391
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>>470363I hope the sub gets more pushback from other users on the site.
No. 470401
>>470229who socialized the first violent men? who socialized the first patriarchs? men have hated women for long time, you can read thousands of years old text by men saying that women are bunch of whores who are on the level of animals.
if it all is about socialization, who the fuck started it?
No. 470415
>>470395How do posts like these even pass the sniff test that they're real? This falls right in line with the narrative of
>FALSE RAPE ACCUSATION AGAINST INNOCENT MAN Without having to outright blame a woman. See, her
little shit kid was the one accusing but
the woman is just as bad for having taken her kid's accusation seriously. It's still
her fault, seeeee?
He's gonna ghost that treacherous wench for having prioritized her kid when she felt he had been hurt.
This fucker's LARP character is more concerned about a job (you know, those things that men quit and pick back up again all the fucking time) than the kid's well being. His character is shitting itself that the mom went straight to police, without realizing that if the kid in the story had confessed being molested to a teacher for example, they'd have to do the same thing because they are MANDATED reporters!
This is a bullshit post and should have been locked. Mod on that subreddit must huff glue while sucking the shaft and cupping the balls.
No. 470417
>>470401anon read a few books on the topic before making these types of posts. This is the exact argument scrotes use to show women aren't oppressed by men and in fact chose it themselves as ~~~biology~~~
No animal treats it's women like men do women. It's not biological.
No. 470422
>>470419Women just don't win on reddit. We're damned when we do and damned when we don't.
That's why whenever I feel compelled to post on reddit for validation, I pretend to be a dude. If it's a relationship vent, then I swap the genders. There's a lot more legit advice, less blaming, and more empathizing when redditors think op is male.
This is why I like lolcow because I don't have to worry about bullshit like that.
No. 470423
>>470404anon I believe that in this whole universe it's all just us, in here on this world together. We're all we've got and call me naive but I do believe that human beings have some connection with each other based on things other then sexual desire or tribalism
that we can relate to each other
No. 470432
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>>470395>this needs to be a very harsh lesson to her son. He will always remember that he ruined a person's life and robbed his mom of her happiness.Holy shit, these people have no empathy for what being molested could possibly do to a young child's psyche at all. How repulsive.
No. 470440
>>470432These reactions are being so melodramatic too. Isn't it a bit too soon to be calling shit like "life ruined" just because he got sacked from a job?
Do all people who get sacked from their jobs have ruined lives thereafter?
Him leaving her and being unable to forgive the kid is entirely on him according to the narrative, no one else is forcing his hand on that.
"Robbed of a future," holy shit.
No. 470442
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>>470440Also even though tons of the comments are suggesting op sue his company and even the girlfriend for defamation, somehow now the gf is money hungry and is going to come after op for money because muh single mothers. Do these retards even hear themselves?
No. 470467
>>470364>There are zero cis lesbians on the teamYou can just say lesbians.
I'm not even remotely surprised that the site that gave us incels has a lesbian sub moderated entirely by men. Typical.
No. 470483
>>470432He is 7 years old, he was molested and it was a mistake.
Men really have no empathy or care for children, huh? I'm glad single dads aren't common. For all the bitching they do about single mothers, if it was single dads, so many children would be dead or get groomed into complete sociopaths.
No. 470484
>>470441brain fart
meant to write "This is reminds me of how radfems have helped more male children from sexual abuse more then any MRA ever could"
No. 470486
>>470406Why would you think that? Crime, especially violent crime is really rare here but it does happen, it's not the garden of Eden.
>>470416Newfag, came recently from ashamedly robot land. Haven't posted in this general before.
No. 470502
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>>470465I love the way Trisha is trolling is basically using their exact same arguments
No. 470508
>>470502She's such a great troll. I don't normally watch her but I love her for doing this.
My favorite thing is people on twitter taking her quotes from the video i.e. her saying she feels trans because she's attracted to gay men and freaking out over how "transphobic" it is when everything she said is exactly how TiFs think. One of the top comments on the video right now is something like "this gives 'I'm one of the boys girls cause too much drama' vibes"… Oh, you mean every Aiden and Oliver and every other soft uwu gay prince fakeboi ever?
No. 470509
>>470502Yet they would all be sucking her “girldick” if she were yet another big, hairy, perverted man continuing to present as male in every single way. They hate females so much.
Trisha, you’re fucking awesome for this. Expose these charlatans.
No. 470531
>>470502>>470503God I'm so sick of trans ppl, and increasingly just leftists in general (I say this as someone who leans pretty heavily left) trying to redefine the word violence. Violence has a very specific meaning - using physical force to hurt or kill someone. Someone using a clickbait-y title for a subject that makes you upset is not and will never be "violent".
I feel like they do it intentionally to blur the lines of who's really oppressing whom. If you expand the definition of violence to include anyone upsetting you on any level, then women are "just as violent" as men. And trolls like Trisha, who has been subjected to a lot of misogyny in her life (regardless of how you feel about her, she was sexually manipulated by older men when she was younger), are violent oppressors. God what a joke.
No. 470534
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>>470531While I agree with you for the most part, I’d like to point out that language itself can also be violent - think slurs and emotional abuse
No. 470538
>>470531>I feel like they do it intentionally to blur the lines of who's really oppressing whom.You're right. It's an abuse tactic.
Ever heard an
abusive wifebeater say "I hurt her with my fists but she hurt me first with her words"? It's the same thing. If self-defence against violence is OK, and words can be violence, then hitting women for disagreeing with you is OK.
No. 470546
>>470540This anon is right. My college is infested with troons and the only club I have found that doesn't have any TIMs is the knitting club.
Other hobbies that involve skill or teamwork tend to have fewer of them as well.
No. 470554
>>470534Interesting how all the examples they gave are phrases used to describe
physical violence. News channels don't report on outbreaks of racial/domestic violence in reference to mean words.
You may be technically correct according to the Cambridge Dictionary, but I don't think accusations of violence against ppl saying mean things are legitimate because of a technicality. The only ppl who think a Trisha Paytas video
can be called violent are Onision-level autists who use dictionary definitions to justify everything they say because they know they can't defend it any other way.
No hate to you for pointing out the definition. The dictionary may technically be on their side, but everyone knows damn well what the word violence actually means.
No. 470555
>>470554Exactly. Plus speech is usually only defined as violent when it is directly encouraging or suggesting actual physical violence.
For example:
I don't want to suck dick = not violent
I am an adult human female = not violent
No. 470558
>>470555That's a good point. I forgot about that. Yeah if somebody is directly threatening to physically hurt someone, then I think their speech could be considered violent. Violent moreso in the sense of describing what they're talking about, rather than the words being an act of violence themselves.
That Cambridge definition is just too vague for me. There are a lot of things you can say that are hurtful to ppl. By that logic, 99% of the ppl here have committed acts of violence by talking shit about internet personalities who are likely to see it
No. 470564
>>470340There was a reddit thread a few years ago of video of a woman who who being held down in the middle of the street by a man. Her friends come up and beat him up, she gets away.
The top comments were all about how "women sometimes go crazy when drunk". The very top comment was "ok, but how do we know she wasn't beating him up? I had to hold a girl down once because she was acting badly when drunk"
Redditors don't see women as having the same rights as them. When we fuck up, we need "correcting" by them. They think it's 100% ok to hold a woman down if she's acting in a way they deem socially unacceptable. This was on a major subreddit and had thousands of upvotes.
I avoid male redditors like the plague.
No. 470568
Reddit: no one takes male rape
victims seriously
Also Reddit:
>>470442 No. 470571
>>470446I liked a single tweet once that was about sexuality not gender and got addeed to 2 "Nazi right wing transphobe" lists on twitter. It was crazy fast.
I just made my own "angry male incel" list and I add trannies to it when they get mouthy. A lot of them can't work out how to remove themselves either lmao
No. 470574
>>470571I once made a Reddit post to actuallesbians about how I had just found out Barbara Jordan was a lesbian. Other than that post I didn't have many comments but I just commented in crafting subreddits asking about things people were making.
I got a bunch of angry PMs. Lots of them were calling me a TERF. One of them had found someone on Twitter who had the same username as my Reddit username, assumed it was me, and said they were going to report me to my employer for being a transphobe.
I literally didn't even mention trans people?? I just wanted to talk about Barbara Jordan. The comments on my post were nice but the PMs were crazy. I eventually deleted the post because I felt scared.
No. 470596
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how come everytime a woman wants to talk about her female problems some tranny has to chime in about how much he wishes he could have the same problem? it always happens no exceptions
No. 470622
>>470417>>470489How? How the fuck does it work against us? Just because en are biologically violent it doesn't mean that what men say about women's biology is true, you fucking idiots.
I believe that patriarchy tells the truth about men while it tells lies about women. Just because men claim that women are biologically inferior doesn't make it right.
And what about animals that rape? Dolphins rape, orangutans rape, ducks rape. Male animals kill the young of their species so that they get to fuck the females. You think cow is as dangerous as a bull? You think silver back ale gorilla isn't more dangerous than a female gorilla??
No. 470670
>>470596If you qualify for a breast reduction, typically they're causing some sort of medical issue, like back pain or infections. This person is basically just implying that OP has "ungrateful" for her breasts. Wtf.
Also it's fucking gross that trannies feel the need to make everything about them, even other peoples' medical issues.
Sidenote, I like asailorsoldier (the OP), her art is cute.
No. 470675
>>470555Plus the vast majority of violent crimes perpetrated against trans people are by homophobic men who chimp out after finding out the person has a penis, not lesbian women ffs.
Terfs aren't the ones murdering trans people, it's fucking men like it always is.
>>470556Is there anything we can do to prevent the deletion? That's just straight-up censorship.
No. 470685
Wow, you guys weren't kidding about troons just applying whatever people say about them to GC feminists. doesn't even make sense to say GC is a fetish. They're just saying it because people have started to point out transgenderism is often fetishistic. Insane.
No. 470698
>>470675>Plus the vast majority of violent crimes perpetrated against trans people are by homophobic men who chimp out after finding out the person has a penis, not lesbian women ffs.I mean reacting with violence is never okay but that is a
valid reason to be upset. So many trannies think it's bigoted to have to disclose their biological sex to the people they want fuck. This movement is basically incel-lite.
No. 470709
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>>470685I had a look at that subreddit, and wow.
>Does it really matter what the genitals and identity of the cutie sucking you off are?>Toxic masculinity and insecurity over one's sexuality is pathetic.Fuck you, cotton ceiling incel tranny. Genitals DO matter. Not wanting to fuck someone with a certain set of genitals is not "insecurity". It doesn't make you "boring", a "mood killer" or "in denial". Accept people's genital preferences or fuck off.
No. 470754
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>>470570god, every person using that hashtag and using the word terf is an either a braindead handmaiden or a textbook agp.
No. 470777
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No. 470788
>>470709Troons have a tendency to assume society is already past socially conditioning people based on their birth sex, and that sex characteristics exist in a vacuum.
Setting aside the obvious– that some people just aren't into dick or vag and that's just who they are– we still live in a culture that socializes the sexes differently. Any feminist worth her salt will tell you that this disparity is a problem, but a lot of dumb people have made the forgone conclusion that gendered socialization is no longer an issue. You can't be against something
and pretend it doesn't happen, but that's what a lot of troons and handmaidens do when it comes to sex-based socialization.
In a patriarchal culture, A person with a penis is not going to have an entirely random personality. They're more likely to possess traits our society engenders in men, like entitlement, competitiveness, arrogance, hypersexuality, and argumentativeness. Obviously not all men possess these traits, and there are certainly women who
do have them, but the likelihood of having these qualities increases if someone has a "male" upbringing in our culture. The same idea also applies to women and traits more common among us. Some people, in addition to being into the physical qualities of one sex or the other, also have preferences for the personality types more common in their own or the opposite sex.
Troons don't have the self-awareness to realize the problem isn't just their shriveled girldick, it's the abhorrent jerk the girldick is attached to. It's why there are bisexuals who won't even fuck troons. As the old saying goes, don't stick your dick in crazy (or in our case, don't let crazy stick its dick in you).
>>470777Jfc this reads like a copypasta, Once again troons are just projecting criticisms of themselves onto TERFs. A lot of these yahoos trooned out in the first place because they spent more time on Reddit than they do around actual human beings.
No. 470819
>>470777This doesn't even sound like an OTT troon power fantasy anymore, it sounds like a /pol/tard attempting to write the most absurd and offensive story to piss off trannies AND feminists. Like the "terves actually desire our girldick!!!" tells me it's a tranny delirium but the way it's not even trying to hide how made up it is sounds like a frogposter trying to be funny. Which it is, I'll give it that. An accurate satire of how agps think.
>>470788A good post, thank you for writing it.
No. 470856
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>see some tf2 drama about a "famous" medic main
>see that "she" has been accused of inappropriate behavior around minors
>check "her" profile
>it's just some ugly dude pretending to be a woman
>doesn't even attempt to pass
so fucking funny how we now have men parading around calling themselves women yet still causing mass shootings and trying to rape kids and yet those affect female crime statistics!!!
No. 470888
>>470856Why do they always think "I'm just promiscuous and sexually active lol!" is a good defense? Or treat grooming minors as just a "mistake"? Mistake is when you accidentally pick the wrong brand of cereal, not pushing your perversions on kids.
>Since that situation last year I have never made that same mistake againOh great so you've been dry for (less than) a year? That changes everything, it's literally ancient history!
>Of course, that doesn't change the fact that I made the mistake of not asking for people's ageHe says this RIGHT after admitting that he knew that the kid was underage but didn't cease the sex talk, literally in the previous paragraph. This fucker learnt nothing and he isn't sorry.
No. 470955 is always such a treat.
"I (M25) caught my GF (F25) of two years cheating but she doesn't think it's cheating. She called it a transaction…
Hi I'm using a burner to protect my identity. Heres my story:
For the last few months I have been living a lie. It turns out my girlfriend of two years has been cheating on me for at least four months. For a relationship that had been through so much, I thought we were able to overcome some of the low points. Together we were able to overcome that she has a child from a previous relationship and the embarrassing fact that I had to get a prescription from forhims (I’m only 25).To the point that she even started letting me leave it at her place (which is
problematic now because my last three boxes are still at her place).
A few months ago she explained to me that she was going to have to be traveling a lot more for work, and while she was upset about it, it was ultimately going to be a great opportunity for her to get another promotion. I too was a bit upset about this since I had just moved into her apartment and got a dog together. None the less I was still happy and supporting of the fact she was working towards a promotion.
As she started to travel I was getting a little jealous of my girlfriend as she got to travel to DC, Miami, and Chicago in a 6 week this summer. On top of that when she was in DC and Chicago she got to go to Wrigley and see the nationals play. She said the clients that she was seeing had taken her to the games. These seats that she was getting weren’t bad either. For the game at Wrigley field she even got to sit behind homeplate.
This is was an exciting time for both of us. She was doing great in work, we had an adorable dog together, and when she would get back from the road the sex was unbelievable. Nothing was out of bounds, there were no safe words. To say that we experimented with each other’s bodies was an understatement. She opened me up and exposed me to things I would have never considered like being pegging (It is shockingly empowering).
I didn’t really feel like anything was amiss until she went on her trip to Miami for work. In the entire build up to her leaving that Monday it was like we were in the honeymoon phase of our relationship again. We hardly left the apartment all week, let alone bed. We were in the throes of passion it was pure bliss.
This was the longest trip she was going to be taking. She was going to be gone Monday to Friday. Typically she would be traveling for only a few days at a time. She was gone that Monday morning before I woke up, taking an uber to the airport, I just had a single text from her “I’ll text you when I get settled” with a heart emoji.
The two of us are in constant contact like true millennials nothing we do; we don’t not share with each other. So it was a little alarming when she went radio silent for the first two days of her trip. I was in a pure panic. Did something happen to her? Should I be worried? Do I need to call her parents, the police? I was wondering if I should even travel down there to go see if she was okay.
Thankfully sanity prevailed and I didn’t go in search of her, and in her own time she finally responded and explained how busy she was the first day. And that she had unexpectedly seen some friends from college on the second night. All was back to being right in the world, and the rest of her time away went by without a hitch. Needless to say I was thrilled for her to come back.
As the door to our apartment opened and she came in looking like her beautiful just more tan self I was instantly smitten. I rushed over to giver her a kiss, and she turned her head to the side and my lips ended buried in her hair. Weird I thought but maybe she is just tired it was a long day after all.
The rest of the evening continued with this theme of her being distant and distracted by her phone. This wasn’t the girl that I had known and fallen in love with after swiping right on her tinder profile two years ago. As she went to our dog Lang out for walk, she left her phone out on the kitchen table. I am not proud of what I did next but I unlocked her phone and started to snoop.
What I found was earth shattering. Turns out the travel was not work related at all, she had a sugar daddy that she meet on internet. She was traveling with a very well-off lawyer and going to all of these events with him. Her texts with him read like pure smut. It was degrading and vile. It was clear that she no longer loved me.
Her and the dog returned and I asked her if we could have a conversation. She sat down on the couch and I took a seat next from her and I ask her to explain who “Laurence” is. She immediately went pale, and her bottom lip started to quiver. Through stammering and tears she tried to explain that they didn't have sex. But she would let him grind on her butt until he came and one time she gave him a handjob.
She went on to try and explain all of this was to pay for her bills and pay for things for her kid. The kid isn't in her life a lot because the dad has majority custody but she still pays for things for him. Even though they didn't have Sex, and she viewed it as purely a transaction, I still feel like I can never trust her again. The only words I could muster were “Peyton how could you do this to me”. Not a lot of words were said after that as I quickly grabbed a few things and Lang.
I currently sit here writing this back at my mom’s. I packed un small bag of stuff and I brought the dog and his toys. I haven’t really talked to her since and she hasn’t really gone out of her way to contact me, which leads me to believe what I know that she thinks this is over.
I know this may be crazy to write but I still love her. Should I try and work this out with her? Do you guys think it's cheating if she saw it as a transaction and something she had to do to provide?
TL:DR: My girlfriend of two years found an internet celebrity sugar daddy and starting cheating on me with him and I caught her."
No. 470961
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Men are insecure so they take it out on everyone else.>>470956At least one of the top comments there called it out as such. Let's hope more people start calling out these bullshit ragebait fake stories.
No. 470978
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>>470966I always think of Nigel Thornberry.
No. 470996
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I've checked incel forums and this is what I found in one of the top threads. lol. It seems like being incel just means being male who can't rape kids below 14 without going to jail.
No. 471003
>>470996People dying at 25-30 wasn’t the norm, this is purely because the high infant and child mortality rate heavily skewed statistics, surely this is common knowledge
Fucking retards
No. 471015
>>471006last i saw he was crying over lil peep like he knew him and still ebegging for money to leave his allegedly
abusive mothers home.
No. 471084
>>470676Yet somehow human men continue to commit most crimes and most violence from culture to culture from time period to time period? Where is this radical behavior changing ability there?
Once again, who socialized the first men, who socialized the first patriarchs? If it's all about socialization and behavior, it had to start somewhere. Who was the first cave man to be like "you know what men gotta act like apeshit baboons" and start raising their young that way?
No. 471089
>>471086Not disagreeing, but it was even more extreme, while many died as babies or children, plenty scholars or nobels are proven to have lived well into their 80s. If you made it past your teens (as a man) then you had good chances of living minimum til your 50s or 60s.
>>470996This so disgusting, I can't even read through that. Somebody should tell these history experts that in reality in the middle ages they would have been forced to work hard physical labour starting from when they weren't even 10 and then get married when they themselves were also only 16-20. No preteen little girl for 30yo neet you, only two young adults marrying each other and then fighting to survive.
No. 471098
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>>470996sorry for samefag, here is one of responses to this thread. haha, "incels" my ass, they would have no problem with finding relationship with women their age (that poster is in his 30s from what i've gathered), but they prefer to chase after kids. i've seen some farmers here feeling bad for them. girls, those are the type of people you are pitying.
No. 471102
>>471086If a child survived through his teens he had almost the same chance of growing old as anyone today. Part of why monasteries were such a valued institution is that it took in a lot of old people as monks in a form of retirement home and they were plenty of geezers to spare who could not plow the fields no more but were very much alive still. A ton of historical documents were written by monks well into their old age, into their 60s and 70s too.
It also makes no sense that in a point in time were most pregnancies were at a high risk of death grown men would me impregnating preteens, wtf? that makes it way more likely to loose both the wife and the child. You can tell they get all their history factoids from anime and fantasy novels.
No. 471105
>>470955>"This wasn’t the girl that I had known and fallen in love with after swiping right on her tinder profile two years ago."Lmao. This has "incel anger fantasy" written all over it. It was obvious from the way the protagonist is their stock "soyboy"/"cuck"/"nu-male" character (complete with erectile dyfunction and a penchant for getting pegged), and the antagonist is their stock "single mom roastie whore ~*empowered womyn*~ who uses tinder", but the Tinder line cemented it. Only they obsess that hard over the app and the supposed prevalence of "loose" women on it. The author probably saw a photo of a particular woman on it, rage-fapped to her picture and then wrote this story with her in mind.
Also, I'm surprised the author allowed the protagonist to have sex. Typically, they frame these stories as the girlfriend being disinterested in any sex at all, and the boyfriend accepting it until he finds out he's being cheated on.
No. 471111
>>471084have you heard of "state of nature" philosophy, even men believe its their natural disposition to be vulgar & violent. they would argue socialization is what
keeps them from being baboons and this is the best they can do.
No. 471120
>>471084My point is you get cultures where there is almost no violent crime at all and cultures where it's so bad women are joining in on war crimes and shit since it's more complicated than "men smash".
>who socialized the first menNot really how it works since cultures are in response to other environmental factors.
The more femcel you get the more you get into mgtow redpill territory with people like this
>>471111 thinking citing shithead men justifying being shitheads with naturalist fallacies is a good point to copy. You're saying the same drivel as incel shit here
>>470996 prescribing modern day view points for your inaccurate view of anthropology.
How do you argue against someone saying women are naturally care givers so shouldn't have jobs? Or should just put up with domestic abuse since that's just how our species works? Or secretly want to be raped because of le evopsych memes?
No. 471135
>>471120i fucking hate men & testosterone has been proven to be linked with agression what more do you want me to say?
>reee you dont hate men the way i say you shouldyou made a strawman out of my whole statement just to what? increase infighting.
No. 471149
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>>470996This whole text is sad ramblings of an incel who has a severe brainrot. Also that fuckfest comment at the end, fucking barf.
No. 471170
I just read an article about "pleasure marriages" in Iraq, it's considered a sin to have sex outside of marriage. So seeking casual sex, scrots marry girls, fuck them, then divorce them. After that, she's seen as "used goods" so all she can do is enter into more "pleasure marriages" to be used and abused by scrots for a small fee.
Oh, but age 18? They're already considered washed up. The premium age is 9 to 13.
Men are not human.
No. 471201
>>471185That's not true anon, it's the other way around. Harsher lifes mean that your body get's forced to grow up quicker, also physically. There are many arab girls already going through puberty before they even turn 10, same for the boys who start getting facial hair long before western boys.
Source: I work in an elementary school and while the refugee kids are usually a lot shorter, their bodies look very mature at an extremely young age.
In a way this makes it even worse, because men can use this as "proof" of them being "women"…
No. 471207
>>471180I thought Homophobe-chan came back. I'm surprised that it's actually a scrote this time, and a tranny at that. We haven't had that in a while.
Unless, of course, the big twist is that Homophobe-chan was just a HSTS tranny all along who's been shitting up the board because he was mad that he could never be a trad wife. If that's the case, he probably fixates so hard on lesbians because in his incel brain, they're women who "threw away" their privilege of possibly becoming straight men's housewives. Must suck to suck.
No. 471212
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Report and ignore, guys.
No. 471216
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scrotes mad
No. 471233
>>471218I don't even think he's trying to make an argument, really. He's just a narcissist/BPD type fishing for attention with self-victimizing, guilt-tripping posts. He might be doing this because his boyfriend isn't responding to his messages right now.
Let him throw his little tantrum.
No. 471254
>>471252It's like their dicks are little parasites controlling the rest of them, like those mushrooms that mind-control ants.
JK but seriously, the how often do you hear about successful women throwing away lucrative careers because they couldn't resist creeping on kids or co-workers? Obviously it occasionally happens, but you find out about a man doing it literally almost every day.
No. 471259
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Speaking of pedophilia and dick parasites, there's an obnoxious post on Reddit's subreddit OldSchoolCool and this is one of the highest upvoted posts. There's some scrotes arguing in the comment about how "the age of consent is 16 in some places so it's totally normal bro" and talking about how stupid it is for a 17 year old to be considered illegal but a 18 year old legal No. 471270
>>471240Also, they'll never mention that a lot of those arranged marriages were between young boy and 18 years old girl or woman in her late 30s and teenager or 20y old. People in those times had good enough unerstanding of pregnancy that they knew 40 years old woman will have problems with giving a birth to healthy infant so they had a bit limited options when arranging marriages of older female and young male, but "old husband, young trophy wife" wasn't a rule. Even some kings ended up marrying older women because it was the best for politics.
Big age gaps were considered gross and mocked even back then. Only warm descriptions I remember are about men in their late 20's-30s in relationship with older women (often while having young wife to produce heir), they were considered intellectuals who value wisdom and mature personality.
In more recent history a lot of nobility marriages were between younger guy and older woman. Those guys from incel forums are completly deteached from reality (they probably use stormfront to learn history so it's not surprising).
No. 471277
>>471120>How do you argue against someone saying women are naturally care givers so shouldn't have jobs?Use your brain, even if women were naturally care givers, why the fuck shouldn't they have jobs? Wouldn't a job be pretty useful thing with being a caregiver, you know getting paid and having more money for the child?
Even if we played along the "women are naturally sadomasochists" meme, women shouldn't be abused because women have value as humans, it is women's right to be left in peace. Abuse causes mental health issues and depression in women, if we want to get to the specifics, which makes me think that hmmm if it was natural for women to want to be abused then why the hell does our nature make us become depressed and mentally unhealthy when we get abused?
Like you seriously have no arguments against mra shit about women?? The difference between me and males is that I personally do not think that we have to follow our nature, whatever it is. Even if women were the stupid spineless damsels mras say we are, we don't need to follow that, as humans we can act otherwise. And we do, if it is so natural for women to be submissive, why do we have feminists movements, why do women demand to be treated better? Why does our nature make us behave that way?
You really don't pay any attention the world around you, see how women behave and cannot form arguments against mra shit based on that?
No. 471279
>>471277Sage for double post, because no, just because I think that men are naturally more violent than women, it doesn't mean I accept that behavior. Men as intelligent species should know better, but they choose not to.
It's just that I think male violence is too wide spread and has lasted way too long for it to only be about socialization. And since males are selfish, they choose to blindly follow their nature instead of using the human brains capable of moral thought they were given.
No. 471285
>>471270Can I ask about books/resources you are using? I only know about
medieval marriages because I've read popular history book about them.
No. 471341
>>471336On the night of September 1st 21-year-old Ena Matsuoka, a member of the Japanese idol group Tenshi Tsukinukeni Yomi, was attacked by a obsessive fan outside her Tokyo home. In custody, the fan has revealed that he was able to track down the idol singer's home location by analyzing selfies she uploaded to social media and zooming in on her eyes.
The assailant, 26-year-old Hibiki Sato, told authorities that he was able to identify Matsuoka's local station based on scenery reflected in her eyes in selfies she posted online, and then matching it to a street using Google Maps Street View, NHK reports. Sato says he was also able to estimate the location of her room by observing the positioning of curtains and lighting in videos Matsuoka uploaded to social media.
Sato followed her home from her station after waiting for her, and as she reached her door grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with a towel. He then dragged her away to a dark corner and groped her, causing injury to her face in the process. He admitted to the assault after being arrested on September 17th, and stated he was a big fan of Matsuoka.
No. 471349
>>470996It's all about men's "urges" and when men feel "ready" to start having sex. Not once does he stop to wonder if these underage girls feel ready or whether it feels "natural" for them. Boys might start thinking about sex at 13 but I was still playing with dolls at that age.
Also this idea that just because the AOC is younger in some countries, then that
must mean that people are having sex younger is so stupid. The AOC is 17 in my country but I don't know a single person who was sexually active until they reached college. Idk where this idiot thinks anyone under the age of 18 who is still living with their parents even has sex.
No. 471351
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Reddit "ha ha he we real mental ilness suffers are over shadowed by faker feeeeemales" is the cringiest shit ever. Its always women they imply or out right state are the fakers.
No. 471353
>>471351Just goes to show how very real this phenomenon against women is.
We're less likely to have our pain taken seriously by a doctor and more likely for it to be assumed that we're exaggerating our pain.
Looks like mental health is really no different than physical.
No. 471382
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This needs to be required reading for everyone in the world right now.
No. 471391
>>471382The sad message about books like these is not that patriarchal society oftentimes consciously biases against women, it's that people
don't even think about us. Our needs never even cross their minds, because the white male is the gold standard by which society measures and studies everything.
Invisible, truly.
No. 471430
>>471390I enjoy a few boards on 8chan.
I mean though anyone can make a board and that's always been dumb to me.
No. 471433
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>don’t even register as human
This right here is what’s at the core of the issue; many men genuinely don’t see women as human, and not even as a conscious decision (which honestly just further cements my point).
This is why things like domestic violence, breast cancer, think of any female specific issue trying to gain awareness, all have to revolve around the message of “this could happen to your wife/mother/sister/daughter” - we only exist if it is in direct relation to the man.
It’s why they so easily hurt us, objectify us, dismiss us, don’t even think about us; we aren’t one of THEM, therefore we aren’t even HUMAN.
I feel like a fucking conspiracy nut for this but I’ve had similar things like pic related happen to me so many times that I’ve lost count, an anon above had posted a book about how all data revolves around men, the huge wave of trannies that think we’re just a fun costume to wear, the list goes on. And all of this is rooted in us being an ‘other’.
No. 471602
>>470012>like they're suddenly ok with the government having a database full of everyone's dna suddenly.Umm, you know the government already does that, right?
How do you think fingerprint records work?
No. 471604
>>471602Anon are you dumb fingerprints aren't dna.
But yeah, there was a case of a murderer getting convicted from dna samples of his daughter from the gynaecologist, so they do collect your dna when you visit the doctor.
No. 471606
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Imagine paying to read this garbage from the mind of "trans feminist philosopher, critic, and gamer".
Imagine genuinely believing you are a woman while showing typical male entitlement in thinking that this garbage should leave your notepad and be seen by anyone.
Sylvia Plath didn't die for this.
I died when I saw THIS on the about page of the blog:
>I’m a 24 year old trans lesbian, radical feminist (not the trans or sex worker exclusionary kind)
I wonder what he thinks radical feminism means then? Uwu girl power, girl rule, boys drool? Lmfao. MtF trannies are wild.
No. 471625
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>>471437>>471379My favorite part of all this is reddit would have a mental break down over that meme if it said 'white guys' instead. I've seen redditors unironicly try to argue cracker=N-word
No. 471669
>>471437Yup. Shitting on white women and 'basic bitches' is like talking about punching TERFs. It's a loophole that lets liberal-leaning misogynists vent their hatred for women without drawing the ire of the #woke #folx.
I mean men are responsible for just about every atrocity past, present, and future, but white chicks drink pumpkin spice lattes. So think about that.
No. 471678
>>471341I seriously don't understand why you would do that to someone you're a "fan" of. Scrotes are insane.
>>471382I read this a few months ago and it was so good. It helped me put a lot of patterns I had noticed into context.
>>471433What is this from?
No. 471682
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Incels are the worst.
No. 471684
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one my main my pet peeves about men complaining about the quality of women going down. How women are no longer feminine and able to care for their these things are uttered by literal overweight alt right incels. Who are the furthest thing you can come from a classical man. At least in the 1950s men looked look the part,I'm not saying the 1950's were a particularly great period for women but at least in films/tv shows men were ,well dressed,well groomed,clean shaven and handsome now every male character looks like slobs
Their idea of dressing up at best is khakis with polo shirt and combed hair. They don't put too much effort in their appearance.
No. 471687
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No. 471688
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No. 471690
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even the dad from Leave It to Beaver was very classically masculine looking
No. 471693
Like most men, they expect perfection from women without making any effort themselves but then insist this is THE WOMENS fault somehow. I had quite a few guys message me like this back when I was on a bdsm site, if I can find my old messages will post, they are great at showing the extent of the delusion.
No. 471700
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>>471695The ones sharing all the soyjack memes and calling other dudes betas all look like this. Is all a projection of self hate, their super egos are so swollen and traumatized it over rides everything else.
No. 471703
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>>471699did he look like any of these guys
>>471684 >>471687
>>471688or did he look like these guys
>>471700 No. 471709
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>>471700Forever in awe of the fact that shit-tier inceloid manlets think their doughy, pencil-necked selves are worthy of passing on their genes. Men love to spout bullshit biotruths to defend wanting to stick their micropenises in ten-year-olds but when faced with the simple fact that women don't want to pollute the gene pool with them, they suddenly can't understand Biology 101.
All of the little scroties pissing themselves over the fact that women want tall, successful, good-looking men can't explain why that's an objectively bad thing. It's jealousy and typical male projection.
No. 471714
>>471700It must be a way of expressing insecurity in their own masculinity. Rarely have I seen a conventionally masculine, conventionally attractive man who was espousing red pill shit.
Related: I've found that men like that lose their shit when women use incel language like referring to men as "beta". They all have this secret fear that women see men the way they do (i.e. sorting men into "chads" and "betas", measuring jawlines, whatever the hell it is they obsess over). Deliberately invoking that language is a good way of upsetting failmales.
No. 471717
>>471709>>471714tbf their really is a wide range of what women consider good looking
>inb4 some one accusing me of being a scorte trying to meme the dadbodfor e.g I’m attracted to both hypermasculine men,(when I mean androgynous is deep voices, large frames, and body hair, not so much the dominance) and "alternative" androgynous guys,I had massive crush on this tall,pale,skinny emo boy throughout high school but never even got the chance to ever ask him out cause he was already in a relationship with some one else
and I think 2 guys in pic
>>471700 are decent looking but the rest shouldn't be allowed to ever procreate
No. 471729
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>>471714Speaking of red pill I recently found something called "AltTRP" which is basically men using Red Pill on gay men and TIMs or apparently even straight guys sometimes. I don't know a lot of TRP because I don't want to waste time learning all that shit but my understanding is a lot of it is based on muh evopsych biotroofs about women. It just makes me laugh wondering how they continue to believe that crap is true when it apparently works on both sexes. No. 471732
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Best boy Lundy Bancroft author of “Why Does He Do That,” and expert in understanding the psychology of
abusive narcissistic men thinks trans women don’t belong in women’s shelters.and TRAs are absolutely seething No. 471740
File: 1570864343074.png (50.07 KB, 587x292, Screenshot 2019-10-11 at 11.58…)

Love when troons try to pull the "I don't want to fuck you anyway bigot!1!!" after they finished shitting on people (i.e. lesbians) for the crime of… having a sexuality. Like okay? Why even get you sister's panties in a twist about it in the first place. Their obsession with validation is pure narcissism.
No. 471743
>>471732He was already on thin ice for not supporting
abusive men in general, lmao.
No. 471765
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Why is pinkpill merged with GC now? Anyways, here's fresh sex work tea in case any of you needed extra disillusionment and/or evidence that you should never do anything with a man unless he's paying you. No. 471770
>>471729I like how this worthless scrot is implying that using a beta to arrange your encounter with someone you actually want is some kind of a woman/gay bottom thing when every straight man's goal is to acquire an indentured bangmaid for bill splitting, children and housework and then proceed to cheat on her with a stacy escort using the wealth and security the (now washed up and tired) bangmaid helped create.
>bad at sexAka not willing to do mid air splits and anal blowjobs for some lazy, sloppy, limpdicked cockchode who's never made a woman cum in his life. The thought process of these useless tinymeats is truly a mystery - their definition of "bad at sex" is quite literally someone who's doing what they're doing. I've noticed that this is especially true about men who are obsessed with being given oral. Those are always horrid lays with no exceptions.
It's an established fact that scrots are all autistic, but I do still wonder why they believe that dick is some kind of a gift in itself when more often than not they have to pay or con people into taking it. Can you even provide the bare minimum like good head and being able to last longer than 15 minutes? Is there any benefit at all to choosing you over a vibrator? You think your half baked monotonous thrusting warrants any extra effort, especially from someone who looks better than you? Starfishing because you're pretty is far more warranted than starfishing because your sexpectations are a product of watching a porn actress who gets paid to act impressed by a hairy unwashed fupa plopping lazily against her orifices.
No. 471775
>>471709They're full of shit and the only proof you need is the fact that none of these breathtakingly ugly manlets would want to have an ugly insolvent incel as a father.
The interests of a mother and her offspring directly oppose the interests of a sentient sack of semen. That's why despite what these cucks say, any redpill evopsych whining about relieving men of their already barely existing selection pressure would be horrible for humanity - men did not evolve to care what happens to their children in the long run, they evolved to inseminate indiscriminately and sometimes apply violence to ensure paternity. Sexual charity would simply create a society in which every child (including the incels advocating for it) would be fathered by a genetically substandard,
abusive, perverted male unwilling to provide.
No. 471777
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>>470391Fucking christ, why are all of them a ginger male with a half shaved head?
No. 471804
>>471800That illiterate moid is basically saying that males need to be brutally repressed because their natural inclination is to turn everything into a violent post-apocalyptic shithole full of murder and rape, which is a notion no one here disagrees with.
It's interesting that despite his room temperature IQ his "invent elaborate narratives to blame women for my subhuman nature" function is still intact. Scrots are truly nothing but a sum of their gonads and coping mechanisms.
No. 471808
>>471781this might be anecdotal but I have met some white women online and IRL who were basically forced into right wing spaces due to harassment by male leftists and being insulted for their race,one particularly sad story I know of was about this half Italian half Polish woman who was tired of being called a "boring white girl" She was upset,angry, and confused and along comes a real right winger who was "seemingly" sympathetic to her.This person came across as not only nice, but also intelligent and wise. Now the right wing started to seen sane for her view,eventually she started identifying as a anti-feminist and started dating a Jock-bro
hell I have known some black women who were tired of the shit from leftwing men and ended up joining the right wing,I don't believe anti-whiteness pushes people into the alt-right or white supremacy but it does push moderates away from the leftism as a whole
No. 471816
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>bedicked brainlet doesn't realize that his pudgy omega male self will be the first one to get gutted in a world ruled by feral scrots
Is this why moids die sooner?
No. 471829
>>471823I'm just unsure of what he's trying to accomplish. He's just proving the point.
Unless…oh no. He's having an emotional, knee-jerk response to criticism. A man? Never.
No. 471833
>>471818Moids seem to have evolved to harbor this utterly retarded temporarily embarrassed millionaire mentality, which culminates into suicidal ideation when they realize that they'll never amount to anything within male hierarchy. It's no wonder they're more prone to Dunning-Kruger, as stated by Dr. Dunning himself.
>>471819That's just adorable. I like how the brainlet assumes that he'll just rape all the wamens when realistically he'll be killed by a way stronger male for merely glancing at his supply of pussy. He actually thinks Chad is his friend.
Scrots are the ultimate positive thinkers, aren't they?
No. 471837
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This is why every woman needs to have a concealed license, BEAR pepper spray, and a knife. This isn’t the 20s and 50s when you could beat down our great grand mothers, grandmothers, and mothers. You’ll be Swiss cheese dealing with modern woman, good luck scrote.
No. 471840
>>471839sometimes you just wanna slap and choke someone
im not alone right ?
No. 471841
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I swear to fucking God it's not a terrible thing to be in a heterosexual relationship. I can't believe these people just hate the word straight so much. Yes, you pass as straight, because you're in a heterosexual relationship, but that doesn't make you any less bi or pan. Holy shit. I'm saying this as a bisexual, I know people think I'm straight because I'm currently dating a man, but it's not invalidating my sexuality. At the end of the day, I'm bi. Kek.
No. 471855
>>471843Specially for kids in cosmopolitan area there is a pressure to not come off as just cis and hetero because thats akin to being call basic bitch, a prude, vanilla , uncool, specially if they are white.
In the general populations fags are only like 3% and troons are way less, so the whole posturing and pandering and bending over backwards is literally for a negligible demographic of people.
No. 471856
>>471823I think the cutest thing about it is the fact that this scrot is acting like he'd succeed in some hypothetical gender war scenario. The reason why males kill and rape women with ease is mainly because males utilize trickery and pretend to be women's friends and lower their guard. Even with their physical advantage, they'd never be able to establish patriarchy without parasitizing on women's empathy.
Scrots are only able to chimp out today because with every pregnancy women have a ~50% chance of giving birth to a male whom they will empathize with no matter what. Society would be very different if females didn't have unconditional love for their crotch droppings. I'm fairly certain that mothers would be much more willing to snuff out their basement dwelling tendie munchers for good.
No. 471860
This is what the ideal men look like,the one's who will kill the cumbrain Incels
>>471703 >>471690
>>471688 >>471687
99% of dumb skinny fat weak Incels like the scrote posting on this thread will die horribly
No. 471864
>>471857>>471859Other then the world of Incel and radfem autism their is no gender war,the fact is people all over the world are really just trying to survive the best they can but the fact their is no actual chance of survival because the world is already is fucked
>inb4 en are the ones who caused this its their fault,no cletus whose job can no longer provide for his kids and Anshu the poor Kenyan farmer aren't responsible for the state of affairs and can't do anything to change the world,both could try to help the women in their lives and be caring and considerate husbands and call out other males for homophobia/Misogyny and that's pretty much it
No. 471865
>>471856alright I'm not a scrote but come on your post is retarded
like seriously woman would not win this dumb implausible gender war scenario
also the hate for mothers here can be as bed as mra spaces
No. 471867
>>471865They would not win because they empathize with scrots. Most murders and rapes today are committed by the person the
victim trusted, Bianca being a classic example. It's much easier to defend yourself when you see it coming. When he's your """friend""", you probably won't have your gun with you. Scrots know this, hence all the "not all men" shaming. They just want tactical advantage.
The fact that mothers will stan their sons no matter what is not a value judgment, it's a fact.
No. 471869
>>471848Not my biofather, but my stepdad is an amazing guy.
So I guess it isn't so much a "rude awakening" for me (since, hoo boy, did I learn men can be horrible early on) but it's like false hope. If every male in my life was awful I could give up, but instead I hold on to the idea that I could find a Nigel someday.
No. 471870
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>>471770>>471775>>471833Better than any piece of shiterature a male author ever wrote.
Anyway, >pic is all you'd ever need to respond with when a moid is getting feisty. So pitiful…
No. 471877
>>471850No, 81,4% is the rate of having ANY personality disorder according to that study
57,1% is the found rate of narcissistic personality disorder
It's still absurdly high though. I found the most interesting result to be that the mean number of diagnoses was 3 per client.
Also, the study is sketchy as fuck, take it with many pinches of salt as it was done by the university of medical science of Iran, and thus funded by the government of Iran. This is very much the conclusion they'd like to come to. The diagnosing was done by two SENIOR psychiatrists. Would you trust two iranian senior psychiatrists in Iran? I wouldn't. Another issue is their use of an outdated 1987 publication of the MCMI for diagnosis. Several studies have found issues in overdiagnosing with this and one from 1999 only finds it credible in diagnosing avoiding, schizotypal and borderline personality disorders.
A 2014 Serbian review shows that research of this subject is HIGHLY inconsistent. most credible source IMO: a 2010 study from JAPAN by Hoshiai M. et al with a sample size of 579 finds that the rate of PDs in MTFs is somewhere around 20%. But this is from japan, who knows how this shit varies from culture to culture? The only common thing I can find is that they really want to die. The same study finds that 76.1% of MTFs has had suicidal thoughts. Again, this is japan so idk. thanks for linking it anon! Studies like this aren't done in the west out of fear of tranny retribution.
TLDR: The study is shit, real number is probably nowhere near the one presented, maybe 20%. The whole subject is muddled and just shit.
t. Scientist
No. 471882
>>471602anon lmao fingerprints aren't dna dumbass.There's a huge difference, and we don't fingerprint babies. literally what are you talking about.
>>471604The cops don't just collect your DNA and keep it on file. They got a warrant for it. It went through a judge. That's totally different, once again, from taking DNA from every baby at birth so the government can check the Mother isn't lying about paternity. That means the DNA belongs to the government. They don't need a judge to sign off on it, which does give people slight protection right now. But let's piss away all that because women are liars.
>>471765because the tranny on the mod team sperged out
>>471819the fuck is wrong with you. That picture isn't cute, tard.
No. 471883
>>471877Neither studies are THAT
valid anon. Most anons here are Western thus studies from America or UK would be a bit more
valid, even then most American studies don't use a diverse or large enough group of people
Communication with average young American or UK males can prove almost all of them have some sort of personality disorder. I seriously have only met a handful of Western males who weren't extremely manipulative
No. 471902
I am remembering some of the books we had to read in high school and now they feel so off-putting while they are hailed as genius. is just "generic male whining volume 56324654"
Some highlights
>escapes as a teen from poor mother with a shitload of money and spends it on prostitutes>when he returns after 3 days of fucking, he's met by a locked door, she disowned him>he whines>returns after 23 years and is butthurt at his mother who's dating a rich man of her age>draws an incredibly grotesque portrait of her with her legs spread>gets butthurt when people criticise his art>thinks he has a divine power from the gods to draw so wellDunno the rest, I dropped it at that point
>novel ends with a gruesome suicide? of a female character who asked him for money to go to hamburg No. 471905
>>471877Not just cultural attitudes but most Japanese MTFs are of the HSTS variety. The data of depressed gay men can’t be compared to Western narcissistic AGPs.
>>471899It’s pretty funny how he was
triggered by anons pointing out that incels would be even more despised in the days when “women were women” and how it’s biologically imperative that women do not pass on his defective genes. Facts are facts. But about this gender war: if all these smegma golems kill us, are these manliest of men just going to be left with each other’s dicks? They hate us so much but they can’t survive without us.
No. 471909
>>471902Author also wrote erotic pedo letters to young men.
Reminds me of the whole infuriating Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine fiasco.
No. 471943
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>>471915the left eating itself, das gut.
Ready for another big defeat in 2020.
No. 471967
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>>471915Similar shit just happened when Destiny, the streamer who's community Vaush got kicked out of for sexually harassing autistic teens, defended a friend concerned with transwomen in women's sports. TRA streamers lost it at him, called him up to "decapitate" him as one phrased it and all failed horribly as he explained obvious biology to them.
This is maybe too spicy for him to put on youtube so here are the VODs. First to debate him was obese neckbeard "agender pansexual dom" Alebrelle. Opened by saying women were just as physically strong as men and closed with a ragequit when he wouldn't agree his friend was transphobic for liking Joe Rogan tweeting an article on the topic: the two TiMs that talked to him next were more level headed: and he got the last one, mandatory ex-military TiM Izzybear, to admit there's no evidence it's fair to let troons in women's sports: Now the TRAs circlejerk is fuming and trying to get him banned on twitter.
No. 471979
The meme that not being a porn-addicted degenerate makes you a literal nazi is probably the best recruiting tool the far right has had in decades, and they didn't even come up with it themselves. It's amazing how the universe itself seems to align itself in their favor sometimes.
No. 471997
>>471943Latam-chan, I'm fucking begging you to use a reaction image that
isn't fifteen years old. Fucking doge and "epic", seriously?
All you ever do is derail threads. This thread isn't about Trump. I'm starting to wonder if
you're a tranny trying to stir shit.
Also, it wasn't a "big defeat", you fucking moron. He barely won on account of the technicality, and actually lost the popular vote.
Fox News poll said that 51% of registered voters favor the impeachment. I don't think so.
No. 472190
>>472177>I feel like in the mainstream, you have one side of conservatives who will openly berate women for being female and spew all sorts of racist shitMaking it about muh identity politics and not understanding that plenty of hispanics, black people, gays and women lean right and don't see themselves as token
victims is part of the lefts downfall and still they refuse to learn. Liberals do nothing but piss people off and alienate moderates who like the America and don't see why should automatically vote democrat just because, specially now that more people from thsoe demographics are not disenfranchised loosers and are well assimilate. Liberal today think legal hispanics will simply love illegal ones for example, then they don't understand Florida voting overwhelmingly republican.
Same with troons, they know troons are like 0.0005 of the population but they think gays and women will just love to rally for troons, because liberals in their usual condescendesce lump everyone they consider to be an outcast together and still hope to get the vote. Meanwhile gay people and women who are business , gun and home owners be like "lol, no, and get away from my lawn"
No. 472193
>>471978A lot of people who watch those channels are on the left. I watch PJW and Blaire White, but I'm extremely left and I think anyone who supports Trump isn't worthy of the air they breathe. Blaire White actually asked her followers their political leanings one time a few months ago and the vast majority identified as being somewhere on the left spectrum, which she said was the result she was expecting. Apparently, it is very common for right wing YT channels to have left audiences.
I don't think he's going to win, especially if the candidate is Warren. Like another anon said, Fox did a poll that said over 51% want him impeached. Plus, he lost the popular vote to Clinton by 3 million. Keep in mind that people fucking hated Clinton. None of the current dem front runners come anywhere close to the level of vitriol people had toward Hillary, including within her own damn party.
No. 472241
>>472209if i was american id probably vote democrat tbh, but their campaigns arent very good or effective. like in 2016, from what ive seen, they spent too much time trying to make their opposition look bad, which comes off as dishonest and pompous. it also gives them less opportunity to talk about what they have to offer for the people. if you look at campaigns from lets say obama, he spent less energy trying to bring down his opponents and make them look bad, and instead he actually talked about what he wanted to do and what he supported, which made him seem like an honest person.
but then again i might be wrong, i dont really care much about american politics. but ive noticed in my own coutry too, that parties (usually left wing parties, but some right wing ones too) that go around moralfagging and talking shit about their opponents always end up losing voters.
No. 472256
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No. 472258
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>>471684>but at least in films/tv shows men were ,well dressed,well groomed,clean shaven and handsome now every male character looks like slobsAbout that…what the hell happened??
No. 472266
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>>472258i don't get the comparison, obviously comedies will have leads that look like bumbling idiots but most mainstream hollywood movies still have the same well grommed atractive actors as always.
No. 472293
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>>472258I am sorry but your pic is retarded. Sure, Adam Driver in character for a SNL SW parody sketch sure proves men in movies look like slobs nowadays.
Have you seen any actual movie with him in it?
No. 472304
>>472266tbf in the 50-70's in terms of physique male stars regardless of genre has more natural brawny builds,It was in the 80's where male actions starts getting huge thanks to steroids guys like Schwarzenegger and Stallone as examples,In the 90's their was a slimming down with men Keanu Reeves,Will Smith,Steven Seagal
Its only very recently thanks to superhero films where huge muscle men are coming back in Hollywood
No. 472307
>>472177Say that a 15 year old who knows damn well that you can't change sex is dogpiled online for being a Nazi bigot.
SJWs are making it very easy for the actual far right to gain traction. Right wingers just have to appear to be a teensy bit less stupid to look good by comparison, especially to a kid who doesn't know much. Kids need to know that there's nothing right wing in knowing that you can't change sex. There's nothing right wing (AT ALL) in knowing that gender norms are just cultural practices. There's nothing right wing about criticism of religion. There's nothing right wing in seeing Trans ideology for the bougie bullshit that it is. And there's nothing right wing in being against porn and sex work.
No. 472325
>>472320I'm considered right wing to all my libtard gay friends because I don't believe men can choose to be women. As for the psychology behind it, GD definitely exists because of how fucking abnormal and disruptive this behavior is. It doesn't mean it should be praised.
I don't understand leftists and their demand for feelings over biology. I shouldn't have to call a man a woman because he wants to larp. I don't need to celebrate misogynistic stereotypes either.
No. 472326
>>472320I think that sums it up well. There's people who are partisans for life, but people should be allowed to have their own opinions in context and swing their allegiances accordingly, no one should just owe a faction perpetual allegiance unless it pays for all your damn bills and you are a professional shill. If liberals are proposing some harmful policies like they are doing pushing for the trans agenda on kids and education system then their constituents should be allowed to vote republican if they feel that makes sense or not vote for anyone if no one is representing them, thats all
valid in democracy and sends a message, if politicians don't take notes they deserve to keep loosing as they are not representing the people as they should.
No. 472336
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>>472335Or a centrist chad
No. 472344
>>472330>he thinks transitioning and looking "pretty" will make his life better.This attitude does my head in. Women aren't just boobs and nails and wearing high heels and having men want to fuck you, but every single trans woman always wants to be this sexualized Barbie and it pisses me off.
Sorry this isn't really related but I'm just bored of men larping as thirty women and getting applauded for it
No. 472358
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A fresh bit of man-hate fuel from r/JustNoSO for you farmers, in case you accidentally started thinking scrotes are human beings. How this woman doesn't put rat poison in her worthless husband's coffee each morning is beyond me. Moids are such whiny, sniveling, brainless little creatures.
No. 472371
>>472365Anon 4chan has a total of 450'000 users yearly (at best),statistically the chances of you meeting someone whose been stuck by lighting twice are higher then meeting anyone who uses 4chan
You should be worried If a man watches Porn because that's more common
No. 472376
>>472325Do you hold the same sentiments to women who want to larp as men?
>>472307Yeah I've noticed this as well. I think the only way to remedy this is for more leftists who don't buy into the trans cult BS to be more vocal. I've met a few fellow left-leaning people who don't believe in the trans stuff but they're not vocal about it because they're afraid of getting hate. I used to be like this myself until I had my peak trans moment but I understand why they prefer not to be vocal about it because I've noticed that ever since I became vocal with my views, I've gotten some flack and lost some friends. But that being said, I think it is important more of us are more outspoken just to show that it's not just Right-wingers who don't believe in it.
No. 472391
>>472376Depends, there's definitely lots of fakebois, even mtfs who have genuine gender dysmorphia don't try to overdo it and make themselves into a ridiculous masculine chariature like how almost all FtMs are all plastic surgeried up sugar babies who spend hundreds on makeup, clothes and other beauty every single week and go to the club, which is obviously not how average women act.
I guess the point is FtMs are more likely to act like an average man where as MtFs act ridiculous and not anything close to how average women act
No. 472421
>>472330Does he have issues with his father or a general lack of strong male figures in his life? It just sounds like he wants to distance himself from the male gender due to feeling like a "failed man", but at the same time holds resentment towards women for whatever reason like mommy issues, being rejected by peers at an early age, believing they have it on "easy mode" which ties back to the issues with masculinity. If you're going to dump him then at least let him have some truth bombs before you do it, you might as well.
>>472325I'm in the same boat. I'm gay, I'm GNC, had been questioning my gender and lowkey identifying as trans for years before peak transing, all that shit, but blindly not supporting trannies apparently negates all of that. What fucks me up the worst is that the most vocal activists are straight people identifying as whatever and in a straight relationship, who grew up as gender conforming, never had to deal with the hell of growing up as a GNC gay kid in middle school. And now they're up at arms throwing us under the bus while appropriating their lives, claiming we are right-wing fascists for not sucking troon dick.
No. 472435
>>472421did any of this ever make you internalize being "right wing"?
Like you were called an evil Right wing bigot so often that you started actually being attracted towards the right
No. 472438
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>>472436>>472434like I said he has a Nice Torso and Arms but his legs and face look weird
No. 472441
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>>472430I didn't know him before watching Star Wars. When Kylo Ren showed up in the suit/helmet with that ridiculously deep voice I was smitten. But as soon as he took the helmet off I was pic related.
They did us so dirty by trying to push him as a Holywood hunk. If he were a woman he would have never made it anywhere in the acting world.
No. 472445
>>472442sage for off topic but its already happening
the Kurds are now allying with the Syria/Russia.Well done Trump thanks to the Turkish Invasion. No. 472450
>>472443Yes and desperate Americans alone with their rock bottom standards for men, he looks like a horse who got smashed by a hammer, his school shooter haircut doesnt do him any better, he's a literal male butterface
Hollywood hunks in general look like shit, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Leonard DiCaprio, Justin Bieber or whatever other guy painted as a hunk in mainstream, almost never get nitpicked, meanwhile there are lingerie models out there getting nitpicked by men and women
No. 472452
>>472450Justin Bieber was shit on constantly by insecure heterosexual men because he had a large female fanbase
I remember being extremely weirded out as a teenager that adult men in their 20s, 30s, and 40s were picking on Justin Bieber. The severity of it made it come across as jealousy. In hindsight it makes sense, many of these adult men likely saw him and his kind as competition over the teenage girls they felt entitled to. "Pretty boy" is an insult, "he looks like a girl" (aka he looks beautiful) is used to shame young boys and the girls who are attracted to beauty. He's not a "real man" because he's beautiful.
No. 472453
>>472446>>472448I am against mainstream American culture being pushed across the globe,I would prefer If America would go back to being an isolationist nation
also An Italian American from New York and German American from the Midwest would both be equally as different to each other as Italian American and an Punjabi American,hell one could make the the Argument as Italian American and an Punjabi American are more similar to each other then compared to the German
No. 472454
>>472452>The severity of it made it come across as jealousyBecause it was.
There was really no other reason; bad music was just a good excuse.
No. 472460
>>472454This. It pisses men off when guys who are actually attractive start getting attention.
They want us to act like neckbeards with "dadbods", steroid addicts and wrinkly "silver foxes" are kings so bad.
No. 472478
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>>472450hell even back in the 1950's the era of supposed of "real men" male actors were very well groomed especially compared to today,they were masculine but looked like they actually put effort in their dress and appearance
No. 472479
Metokur posted a video that was just straight up trans surgeries for 20 minutes straight. It's part of a series apparently.
Most of his viewers had no idea that's what they do, some even question how it's even legal.
I hope more people take notice kek. link to the tweet in case anyone is curious
No. 472483
>>472359Chapocels are the reason wedgies were invented. Everyone who opens a thread there is just begging for it.
And these are the men that go around calling themselves male feminist and allies, just a bunch of incel neet slobs with trap fetishes, r9k with a political edge.
No. 472491
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No. 472496
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>>472478I wanna start a trend of posting handsome well groomed Hollywood stars from the 1950's next to the schlubby stars off today to get scrotes angry
No. 472511
>>472491I used to think manlet shitposting was funny but then I noticed it wasn't ironic. Why do these people care so much? I swear to God men shit on each other for petty things way more than women do.
When you're short just about any man is taller than you, even in manlet countries. I'm more intimidated by men over 6 feet than anything, I don't understand this fictional world they live in where women consider anyone below that subhuman.
No. 472514
>>472511Projection. Males like that aren't capable of introspection, they just feel hatred and anger (towards women and themselves) in their atrophied little hearts. This makes them suffer and, without the emotional IQ to process this, they have to pretend someone else (the ultimate boogeyman, women) hates them for shallow reasons, not anything of substance like their lack of empathy.
Tl;dr they hate themselves for being low-quality males, pretend women hate them for petty reasons, victimize themselves.
No. 472539
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>>472535Yes and most women are too nice for their own good, ugly lower income men from ghettos and trailer parks are running around with 5 girlfriends and 6 baby mamas, if that doesnt prove to you how desperate women can be and that there are tons of men being rejected for being 5'7 you're beyond delusional
No. 472550
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Where do men even get the idea that life for women is easy mode. I feel like 99.9999% of men online genuinely think this even while they spend all of their time shitting on women. We wouldn't have so many MtFs otherwise.
>>472371Really? I've met several people who use 4chan before. Almost a dozen that I know of. Most of us on lolcow probably spend a lot of time interacting with young people who are involved with nerd culture, a group that is disproportionately likely to use 4chan.
Besides, even if few people use 4chan, there's no reason to believe that the views expressed in the "manosphere" are unique. Most men are much more misogynistic than they allow the women in their lives to know.
>>472450Agreed. The hollywood hunks were almost all cute when they were young, but once they hit the wall hollywood kept memeing them anyway. You never see them doing this with women.
No. 472559
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>>472548Because manlets are digusting, anon. It's bad for humanity when shit-tier moids pass their genes on, simple as that. They should all sequester themselves in a monastery and get their stumpy little boy bodies the fuck out of my sight.
No. 472564
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>>4725613rd and 4th wave were all about being lesbians for feminism. Literally "if you are a feminist you have to become a lesbian". Dykes had it coming, and thats why they don't gather much sympathy now when they whine about troonery taking brownie point status from them, they are getting a taste of their own medicine. No. 472573
>>472565this is probably the dumbest reply i ever read.
If they form a "gay mantivist movement" and gay meninist liberation front, and radical men activists start going on the forefront on maninism talking about being gay for maninism and putting thousands of literature works about it, then yes, i'd assume they were coopted by an agenda too.
political lesbianism is at the root of third and 4th wave politics, no acting coy about it.
No. 472579
>>472564>Dykes had it coming, and thats why they don't gather much sympathy now when they whine about troonery taking brownie point status from them, they are getting a taste of their own medicinehow interesting that straight women, like yourself, would get so mad at "lesbians talking over them and putting them down" that the solution is NOT to confront and fix the problem but instead do stereotypically passive-aggressive shit where you create the currently prevailing "sex-positive" liberal feminism which produced such wonderful gems like telling women that gender roles are empowering, declaring prostitution to be a real career choice, and opening the door for the current transgender plague.
This is why women aren't ruling the world.
No. 472586
>>472579>where you create the currently prevailing "sex-positive" liberal feminism but the poly crap came along with lesbianism all rolled up in third wave crap, blame Gen Xers, boomers and Simone de Beauvoir.
>that the solution is NOT to confront and fix the problemyeah, and be called a nazi bigot homophobe chan for not wanting to suck the clit for feminism. Like complaining ever works when the mainstream woke is set on something, it used to be lesbianism, now is troons .
What kind of shit do you get for calling out troons today? and you think is not major haram to call out bush dykes and commies on their hipocrisy decades after feminism was assimilated into their cause as one of the same? that ship sailed long ago, a lot of women did complain about the current wave of feminism, they got called tradthots and were ostracized. Such is life, eat the girl dick to deconstruct patriarchy fascist bigots!
No. 472590
>>472556>>472559>>472582>know that men have tendencies towards being violent and horrible>still go for men who are capable of even more violence due to size advantageUnless you're tiny yourselves, a little, skinny man is the best mate choice if you still want to date males. 5' to 5'2" and 100-120 lbs. Get buff yourself and bam, he's less capable of hurting you than the average male.
I'm a manlet fetishist though, so perhaps I just don't understand.
No. 472605
>>472598This. Some find tallness hot, others don't care. I don't understand why some anons are arguing about this like it's necessary or a big, important issue.
I've literally only seen scrotes get on this weird evopsych kick to insist women must truly like this or that at our very cores, and with them, it's typically a cope of some sort to explain why they're attractive (even if they're not) or why they're irredeemably unatttractive. It's genuinely not that deep.
No. 472624
>>472583I am 13 and I am friends with him/his lesbians, teehee!
… No you fucking dumbass, I am 27 (tho my age has nothing to do with the topic) and I used to hang around radfem community, which you know nothing about if you never heard this sort of guilt tripping.
>However, I've heard plenty of straight women say to their bi or lesbian friends (jokingly and not) that they wished they were lesbians because of the bullshit their boyfriends put them throughThis is an absolutely irrelevant point, but you should know that lesfems that I speak of would consider this lesbophobic as they are the most opressed uwu and how dare the straights feel envious when they are soooo privileged
No. 472625
>>472623Ah, now I get what you mean. Yeah, it's ridiculous how men lose their shit when women dare to have physical standards of our own.
They can't handle even a fraction of the nitpicking they put us through.
No. 472634
>>472624straight women with
victim complexes are always so fucking hilarious, get some real problems to cry about homophobe-chan. tumblr isn't real life. turn of your computer and walk away from the screen you absolute idiot if the evil dykes cause you such anxiety
No. 472638
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>>472590>>5'>>100 pounds
My tubes just tied themselves.
Don't get cucked into settling for ugly scrotes. Ugly men won't be grateful, because even the least desirable male specimens in the world think they deserve 10/10 women. If you're going to put up with scrotoid bullshit, you should at least be getting something out of it.
>>472624I'd like to establish that a lesbian joking that you should date women after listening to you complain for hours about how your hideous boyfriend shits all over your hopes and dreams and can't wipe his own ass is not oppression, and doesn't mean that lesbians have taken over feminism. Thank you for your time.
No. 472641
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>>472634>lesbian women with victim complexes are always so fucking hilarious, get some real problems to cry about transphobe-chan. gendercritical isn't real life. turn of your computer and walk away from the screen you absolute idiot if the evil mtf feminine penis cause you such anxietyAnd you still cannot understand why you people think you had it coming dyke-kun but keep that attitude, you do you.
>>472633go eat a girldick you fascist. lmfao
>>472634I don't have a
victim complex, but you can't claim at the same time that lesbians are the realest feminists cause they only date women and then go 's-shut up you dirty bihets! Just cause we don't date men doesn't mean we don't have same problems with them that you do! We even get more of issues even though we avoid men uwu' when bihet radfems dare to bring up how male partnered women have their own struggles lesfems can't relate to and deserve to have a space to talk about without lesbians butting in with 'how about you go celibate and focus on supporting your friends while I continue to munch my gf's carpet without care about you uwu'
>>472638Can you even read? It's not about jokes from either side, it's about retard lesbians demanding straight women to go celibate. You don't know what you are talkimg about.
(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 472652 this thread on Reddit
>22 year old woman goes into hostel in Nice France>The other 2 people haven't arrived yet and there one 60 year old scrote is there>He stares at her in his underwear >OP gets an unsettling feeling and leaves>She finds out he was masturbating on her bed once she leftStories like this are so anxiety inducing and fucking miserable. Women can't be safe anywhere because of how sexually depraved and demented scrotes are. Other women (and men) told of their experiences in hostels in the comment section. With the women you can tell there was a stronger element of fear and anxiety for obvious reasons
And does anyone notice old French men are really fucking perverted and gross? Fuck, even the younger ones act like that. Beautiful country but wtf is with that?
No. 472660
>>472645Thats how the mind of a lesbian separatist works , the problems of 97% of women are not real problems because they are not lesbian women.
The paradox is that they claim munching carpet solves everything and cures your oppression but at the same time munching carpets makes you super duper oppressed, most oppressed ever uwu.
No. 472662
Look up hobbies or anything where women put themselves out there in a way that requires a degree of extroversion and the stories of sexual harassment and male strangeness follow. As shown here by one example: will do basic shit like fetishize a woman for riding a motorcycle, they will do dumb shit like stare at you like you are an alien because you talked to a (male) cashier in a friendly way, they will do dumb shit like act fascinated with your entire existence with some going out your way to sexually harass you because you are out in public and alone as a woman . Some will do this shit if you're on the internet in a male majority space, even. Why do they claim to hate women but act so fascinated by our mere existences?
I also notice men become especially bold with sexually harassing me or taking my boundaries in general if I don't have the mind to be tight lipped and extremely reserved around them, as if a woman having extroverted and relaxed tendencies is arousing for them. I really dont understand this about men.
No. 472663
>>472647Id hate to say this….but i slightly agree with you.
I love my lesbian radfem sisters but…the way lesbian radfems and straight radfems are treated is different…lesbian radfems are put on a higher pedestal and are treated like og's even if they dont do anything. Meanwhile there are straight radfems who have done so much more for the cause but people dont really pay that much attention to them.
Id even have to lie about my sexuality and pretend to be a lesbian so i would be accepted onto radfem chat communities who were mostly dominated by lesbians. They may not say it out loud that they dont like us… but it was very obvious how they would treat bi/straight radfems compared to lesbian radfems.
Ive also had a huge shock when i got into (mostly lesbian)radfem chatrooms… was all gossip,calling other women ugly, being mean and ignoring other women in the chat who are different.
Ive also had a bad experience with talking with lesbian radfems 1 on 1 too.
I used to be a active radfem, but i jsut donw want anything to do with them anymore. Im still a radfem but now i just keep it to myself.
Another thing that may upset people here…..the lesbians who supported troons were way nicer to me and just more better in general compared to lesbain radfems.
Also my comment is not meant for the general lesbian radfems populations, there are great lesbian radfems but there are also enough to make me form this kind of negative opinion.
Hope you all understand my opinion without reeeeing me.
No. 472666
>>472664Asians (descendants of immigrants), Africans (descendant of immigrants), Caribbean groups, Afro-American (as old if not older than White American group), and the rest exist in Western countries and are very much Western and not fighting to be married to 50 year old men as babies, you know
Agreed white women's feminism sucks tho
No. 472667
>while women everywhere else in the world are fighting against getting married off as a baby to 50 year old men, chopped into pieces, burned, soaked in acid, etc.if straight lesbians don't care as you claim then lesbians care way less, first world lesbian only seem to care about their own martyrdom signalign in countries were they already have equal rights and can even marry and do whatever a straight woman can. The biggest concern of lesbian feminist now is troons in their discords and gatekeeping feminist theory, nothing even close to those things you mention.
If i had to bet for who does more for feminism my bet would be on the 97%, who also happen to be the majority of women suffering for those ailments and getting murdered and married off while western lesbians cry about a straight woman playing a lesbian character in a shitty melodrama.
No. 472668
>>472664>>Yes because lesbian radfems are so much better when most of them only care about troons and nothing else.See how it feels like when you stereotype people?
Also do you think those women in those countries fighting for their rights are all lesbians or something lol? The majority of them are straight so your comment makes no sense.
>>472667Tbh this is true when i was active active on radfem circles they would talk about troons all day but the moment you mention something else most of them dont really care and if they…
radical feminists from the 70's are probably rolling in their grave seeing what radical feminism has begone…
No. 472670
>>472667>first world lesbian only seem to care about their own martyrdom signalign in countries were they already have equal rights and can even marry and do whatever a straight woman can.The biggest concern of lesbian feminist now is troons in their discords and gatekeeping feminist theory, nothing even close to those things you mention.Ah, yes. Because religious and cultural prejudices as well as violence against homosexuals all stopped as soon as same-sex marriage was legalised a handful of Western countries right?
>>472668Also do you think those women in those countries fighting for their rights are all lesbians or something lol? The majority of them are straight so your comment makes no sense.
I never said or implied they are all lesbians. However lesbians in such areas of the world do suffer the same fate as straight women because men in those place don't give a fuck about women at all, let alone try discern what their sexuality is before they kill them. Point is that you're claiming a small percentage of women are somehow oppressing/silencing the majority and writes off the majority's problems, when the majority has shifted their politics away from fixing their own problems.
No. 472672
>>472671Most people who talk about ''white feminism'' themselves are the stereotype of white feminists.
These people have never been to poor white countries and it shows. Serbia is among the top countries who make snuff porn, and a country that does not take domestic violence seriously where the police side with the man….and surprise the women are white.
In the most popular city of serbia i would see prostitutes with their pimps…but oh wait they are supposed to be happy because they are white.
No. 472682
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>>472672> The ten countries with the highest rates of rape (number of incidents per 100,000 citizens) are:South Africa (132.4)
Botswana (92.9)
Swaziland (77.5)
Bermuda (67.3)
Sweden (63.5)
Suriname (45.2)
Costa Rica (36.7)
Nicaragua (31.6)
Grenada (30.6)
They don’t even have to be poor countries, pic related is a list of countries with the highest rape rates as of 2019. ‘Feminists’ that pretend that there are groups of women out there that don’t suffer at the hands of men are a fucking joke
No. 472696
>>472671>>472672I meant white feminist by really white american feminism. I'm very aware what other white women in different countries go to and I'm not silencing white women from non rich countries because of this. Even in the rich West europe and south europe white women face their struggles as apart of the feminist collective. When people really dig on "white people" they're talking about AMERICANS as american white people are the globally known jackasses of the world
Speaking of favoritsm and silencing when it comes to women's experiences depending on races though
Let's talk about how it's acceptable now to talk about Asian fetishists and be out in the open with AW's experience with said fetishists but almost no one except BW talk about Black fetishists and the fact this as bad as Black women getting mistaken as sex workers and sexually harassed in WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Why is no one talking about this and why is it never mentioned?
(racebait) No. 472698
>>472694I mean, I just said what people think, I don't agree. I think the anglo racialism is retarded. White refers to European in the rest of Europe, we just keep trying to distance ourselves from the continent.
>>472695I don't think so, I was simply describing the common opinion, check what I wrote above.
No. 472706
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wow, racism, a rape wish, calling me a whore, you are really coming up in the world anon. Also, better check your detector schizo.
No. 472737
>>472491Man the time this guy wasted writing this fanfic he could have used to do literally anything else. Like
actually go to the gym instead of fantasize about it.
No. 472750
>>472716>>472678>>472672I gotta chime in that simplifying it to skin color doesn't really work in Europe. Yes, we're white, but the word "slave" in English comes from "slav", we've been used historically as a border to protect Europe and seen as a lesser race by Nazis and other groups despite being white.
We won't get harassed for our skin color if we move to different countries, but most people consider the area to be trash and some consider us parasitic immigrants.
"White feminism" is a misguided term popularised by internet subculture, it's similar to "Karen" or any word that makes it more acceptable to openly hate on women and feminism because you're hating a stereotypical strawman or maybe it makes you feel like you aren't like the other "bad" and outdated feminists.
No. 472756
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>>472750They also conventionally forget about Women who aren't European but still have "white" appearance,I know quite a number of Afghans,Pakistani's and Persians who are more white in appearance the some Greeks and Italians but are stilt classified as being poor WOC
No. 472763
>>472645>>472660LMAO here it comes "BOOHOOOO YOU FUCKING DYKE HOW DARE YOU SAY DYKES ARE NOT A REAL PROBLEM WE ARE RAPED!!!" emotional manipulation and hysterics
You absolute fucking retards, lesbians also suffer from male violence but what I was talking about was you straight idiots acting as if bitter lesbians pose some significant problem in your life, when it's not true!
Even if some bitter lesbo was serious about her fembol level drivel how straight women need to stop dating men, guess what, THAT HAS ZERO ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES IN YOUR LIFE. ZERO!!!! YOU CAN CHOOSE NOT TO GIVE A SHIT AND THE RAMBLINGS OF TUMBLR LESBOS WONT AFFECT YOU IN ANY FUCKING WAY YOU IDIOTS!! Close the app and move on! I'm sorry but I suspect that there is huge problem with dyke packs invading your tupperware parties or whatever you straights do together (if you manage to do anything together at all with other women in fear of imitating lesbian separatism) while troons actually push themselves irl in lesbo spaces and have actual impact on lesbian lives when they "cancel" us like that game developer or long ago that australian lesbian who was harrassed irl etc
victim complexes about you paranoid retards is hilarious, that lesbians have any power to actually fuck up your lives is hilarious because it's not true.
>>472763Since I am in ranting mood, this same shit happens with bisexual women constantly. When you point out for them that no some angry dyke on the internet actually doesn't have any fucking impact on their lives they start the similar "but bisexual women are raped and abused in relationships you fucking lesbo!!" emotional manipulation, as if again, lesbians didn't suffer from male violence or as if male violence means that angry lesbian's angriness suddenly gained some social power and suddenly bisexuals are ejected from gay bars world wide and their boyfriends dropped dead
>>472769Explain how I am wrong
How are some angry tumblr dykes fucking over straight girl's lives irl? How am I wrong by saying that some bitter lesbian ramblings have zero matter in real life? Also lmao of course you go for the typical "lesbians are just bitter because straight girls wont fuck them" bullshit, kys retard
No. 472772
>>472769yes, I'm sure all women who have had shitty and
abusive experiences with men and want to vent about it are straight, homophobic tradthots.
No. 472773
>>472771I'm not saying you're wrong you fucking retard. It's just a tired debate because it only ends up with derailment/infighting bans, you can't get through the thick tradthot skulls and you're being oversensitive about it. Pick your battles instead of pissing your pants any time Penelope shits out homophobic replies.
>>472772The people in the PP thread sure were.
No. 472774
>>472763>>472771OT rambling but I guess I could use less insults and swear words though but being ESL-chan english swearing and insulting just doesn't sound so bad for me but probably my writings sound way more harsh than intented for native speakers
Anyway males drool girls rule trannies are wack and sound like they're on crack
No. 472805
>>472772>>472773>>472771>>472769>>472763Stop infighting. We're all sisters here whether you like it or not.
On that note, please avoid racial discussion. There is no need for it really and someone usually ends up sperging out.
No. 472854
>>472851The Michelle Carter is just a bizarre case all around,I don't think she was a bad person with a murder fetish or anything I think she honestly believed that her bf would be in less agony If he was dead and I'm not defending her I'm just saying in her warped logic it was more morally justifiable to let her bf kill himself rather then live and experience anguish
I have met people online who were like this and admitted that if their SO,Sibling,Parent or even their own child wanted to commit suicide to escape pain then they would let them
No. 472859
>>472854It's such an odd case with so many factors to consider. When I was a teen I was on the same meds as her and they can cause all sorts of detachment from reality in teens. I still ultimately side with people who think the sentence was too short - but it pisses me off to see such a complicated case reduced down to 'women have it easy'
People get light sentences all the time, lawyers work miracles and it was an unusual case with no precedent to compare it against
No. 472871
>>472855As a tall woman I absolutely agree on this. Taller yes, but why does it have to be by a foot? The average woman is 5'4, so shouldn't a 5'8 "manlet" still be tall enough for her? 4 inches is a big difference, why do you
need somebody who's 6ft+? And it's not only this way for average women, the same goes for the very short ones as well. Nobody can tell me that somebody who's 4'9 could tell the difference between a man who's 5'10 and one who's 6'2. Both is huge to you.
But I guess they've never even tried being with somebody who's similar in height, because otherwise they'd know how nice being able to look into each others eyes is.
No. 472903
>>472855There's no such thing as womanlet.
Women are supposed to be shorter.
No. 472909
Men don't care about a woman's height, if anything, the shorter the better, since we are cuter.
No. 472919
>>4729131)Correlation with high IQ.
2)Better careers on average (check average heigh of CEOs).
3)Better dating prospects (Even in this thread of anonymity, most anons clearly admit that they want the man to be taller).
4)More respect, men get way more respect for being tall. Women too, but it's more impactful with men.
5)No chance of getting bullied in school for being short.
6)Can fight back and defend his woman if something dangerous happens
all those things means they will not have issues with their masculinity and not developt the napoleonic complex taht manlets so often have.
No. 472923
>>472900'a man would spend the rest of his life in prison for the exact same crime' was the comment I saw over and over again
I don't buy that the difference would be that extreme. 17 years old, wasn't physically present for the death, wasn't threatening, nobody would live out the rest of their life in prison for that?
No. 472939
>>472936The list above had plenty of examples. We live in societies for tens of thousand of years and tallness is something we selected for in males. In this society, these males are better mates and produce taller sons that will also inherit those benefits, you don't need to go back 100.000 years to find examples, the more recent, the better, since they are more relevant to our current sexual selection. Cold for example is irrelecant, since we have clothes, no one selects for that.
>>472937You must be new
No. 472943
>>472930How the hell is this NOT bad?
>Slower metabolism means you have to eat less food, when you're at a normal weight you have to eat 800 calories a day to lose significant amount of weight while you're taller counterparts can still remain of deficit at 1600 calories
>For women with greater appetites and who like to eat, that's not a good thing
>Exercise and fitness doesn't mean shit at the under 5'5 heights because if you aren't fucking eating a shitty calorie deficit unless you're 200 pounds weight loss will be slow and hardI don't see how tf this is good. You are nuts.
No. 472955
>>472947Arthur did nothing wrong anon
>>472945Evolution takes different turns anon. What you should ask is why do Japanese and Koreans keep getting taller since basically being colonized by the West. When a society becomes Westernised then they select for height, just like the West, which is why Eruopeans are the tallest men. Also even the short races are sexually dismorphic with the men being taller, which is the important thing. Heigh was selected for males even there.
No. 472998
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Good job at derailing the thread, males. You can fuck off now.
No. 473004
>>472997There's not a lot of the other races either in Europe and you'll still see it
American white men are just Asian obsessed tbh.. I would tell my Asian girlfriends to go to America if they want a white man because the white men in the USA are absolutely infatuated with Asian women.. Australian WM too
No. 473011
>>472998This. "Which men of which race is taller", "Women of this race are skinnyfat because no muscles", "Men of this race date women of that race most often", "No one in my country likes women with muscles", "Women don't need muscles", "Fucking dykes fuck you", "You're all tradthots".
Sure is gender critical/pink pill/feminism in here right now, guys.
The thread's honestly been a mess since yesterday, and I wish we could just get back on topic.
Anyway, this shit popped up in my recommendations, and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I don't really like Blaire White, but at least he's not of the "Lesbians you must accept girldick REEEE" variety, and actually stands with real lesbians on how this shit has gone too far.
No. 473030
>>473028You can find nuggets of truth anywhere.
Tribalism is for savages.
No. 473035
>>473023>>473024Men are more prone to sexual voraciousness and are fond of novelty because their necessary involvement in successful offspring doesn't need to exceed 2 minutes.
Which means there's less punishment for fucking up sexually, which is why you will see them get fucked up sexually more often than women.
No. 473046
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>>473039>>473045Shut the hell up. The height infight is over.
No. 473053
>>473039as a 5'2'' womanlet who looks extremely obviously fully grown tf are you talking abt
even little people look obviously adult as well do you also have trouble telling if people are just small or really far away?
like pedophiles are way more likely to choose partners with children they can abuse than just "settle" for a short girl that looks nothing like their fantasy
No. 473069
>>472900Yes thats why men who murder their partners during sex dont go to prison meanwhile women who murder in self defense get life in prison.
No. 473073
I just want to have a talk with the mod who though combining the gc and pp threads was a good idea….
both threads were doing good before they were combined and now that they are combined there is a influx of scrotes here,infighting,trolls,and people here pretending to be lawyers and philosophers and other shit,and people just defending scrotes in general.
>>473070Huh my information does not come from jejevel,maybe you should stop spendin time there since you think everyone visits that site.
No. 473079
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>>473058It sounds like the goblin anon from a while back. They were posting ridiculous bait about forcing short people to live underground like goblins and mine for food. Somehow a bunch of people were still getting mad and taking the bait. It makes me think that a lot of lc user base have
short fuses. No. 473085
>>473081Calling everyone who disagree's with you homophobe-chan makes you sound like a retard.
You are a scrote roleplaying as a lawyer dyke.
You are prob a troon.
No. 473096
>>473095Do you even know what these threads are about?
Are you new to this thread or lolcow something.
Newfag or scrote which are you?
No. 473099
>>473096>Random accusations with no substanceI guess I hit a chord didn't I? you made a claim about not understanding our attractiveness to height in a thread that very explains why this attraction exists, stop acting like a
victim and read the thread.
No. 473101
>>473092I've noticed that troll posts often take hours to get deleted, too.
I thought the merge would be fine. I don't know how or why it got this bad.
No. 473107
>>473083It starts here.
>>450990The only thing deeper than the pop corn mines is the lore of the Kinoplex. Hopefully Disney buys 4chan and produces a Kinoplex cinematic universe to rival capeshit.
No. 473109
>>473107I wanted to laugh, but I am not 100% sure that person is joking, sounded kinda deranged.
Also yes, I love the kinoplex, truly deepest lore.
No. 473114
>>473073>>473110Tbh, mods probably want this thread to be a hellhole so they can just ban it eventually
Lemme find out some of them are part of the infighting crew lol. Maybe even the main trolls we all thought were scrotes
No. 473115
>>473113A lot of people do apparently, considering all the explaining I have to do and all the sperging I have to answer to.
>>473112There are still dangerous men around anon, having a man around to keep you safe is not a bad idea unless you live in Denmark or something.
No. 473119
>>473115'having a man around to keep you safe'
Nice lol
No. 473129
>>473125This. Even in general it's the 'big bf' that you need to watch out for. Many women are never attacked by strangers but instead slowly slip into
abusive situations at home
No. 473136
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>>472258Isn't there more really ugly men getting casted everywhere nowadays? Guys like these probably wouldn't have this much of career back then.
No. 473158
>>472646You're gonna need proof for that anon that there are tons of women running around demanding all men to be tall
Height only matters if you're a high schooler, adults don't care this much about height to the point of conspiring about how women not only dating women with a certain feature aren't self respecting
No. 473198 do you guys make of this article?
I find it hilarious the UK and Canada rank the highest when those two countries pander to troons so much over actually women.
No. 473199
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No. 473202
>>my husband wants to act out his fetish at the middle school our son attends am I a bad person if I don’t encourage him in getting his euphoric boner on school runs?Why are women accepting their husbands doing this degenerate shit?
No. 473207
>>473199The absolute state of things that this is even a question. Of course some 6'4" ape of a man in a stripper getup that is his self-admitted fetish isn't appropriate wear to a middle school. A normal mom showing up in an outfit like that would be looked upon in horror.
Him telling her she's "jealous" and soaking in the attention from causing a scene isn't surprising at all though given that, as has been noted in previous threads, MTFs have an NPD rate of about 80%.
No. 473240
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>>473011this thread has been a mess since it became a mix of pink pill and the feminist thread and gender critical.
I think the mods merged those 3 threads on purpose knowing it would make the 1 merged thread a disaster, and some of the posters would get frustrated and leave. I suspect they don't want this type of content on their site.
No. 473244
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>>473139I really dislike contra and his beta orbiter and libfem fans but I 100% agree with this comment
No. 473247
>>473241tbh tumblr isn't that bad anymore and if what you want is a nice little bubble the add ons and stuff can block pretty much whatever you want
I honestly haven't used it much since hs but came back after the porn ban and it's been p cute and nostalgic
No. 473257
>>473254At least our generation(gen z) still has a chance to mature and accomplish something,look at Millennials
everyone loves to trash the boomers but millennials are just a horrible in their own way and will eventually be just as despised by future generations. They are all completely apathetic, viciously defend their right not to bury their head in the sand and not give a shit about anything going on in the world, continue to have the same level of emotional maturity and lifestyle they had in the early 20s despite being well into their 30s. The worst part is the crab in the bucket mentality where I am supposed to go to same shitty parties we went to ten years ago and stay up till 3am getting drunk and then listen to them all complain about how they are unsatisfied with their career, romantic prospects, ect.
No. 473265
>>473244so this dude understood socioeconomic mobility when he was 9 years old/younger? and his parents discussed their credit scores with him?
also upwards mobility is a myth, sure people used to be more optimistic that they would get rich one day but the chances of going from poor/lower middle class and even middle class to upper middle/upper class are slim.
inb4 bitter boomer/millenial, i'm gen z. these idiots paid attention in one social studies class and think they're geniuses. but idk what i'd expect from someone who watches videos from contra points.
No. 473267
>>473266I mean young as they can be, ofc looking 9 at 20 is not the wave.
>>473265A lot of Gen Z people were highly perceptive and extremely precocious in their young ages, myself included. There's nothing wrong with that either, the internet matured us too fast.
We have slow physical aging rate and fast aging mental minds and more melancholic and empathetic but also loserly than other generations
No. 473282
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>>473240But somehow there’s a million threads for fashion and other shit
No. 473295
>>473286All surrounding fucking
OT but here’s a short film everyone in this thread should enjoy
No. 473315
>>473296The goal is what happened.
No feminist or gc discussion, just infighting.
Why else deliberately lump together three groups with vastly different views and priorities?
No. 473349
>>473347and what about making fun of scrotes? why is that lumped in with political shit?
we can't laugh at them unless they're in dresses and calling themselves lesbians?
No. 473351
>>473348Anon isn't saying that. Yes, you can be GC and not be a radfem, but it started out as a major radfem idea, the literature tends to be written by radfems, etc. We can't be surprised that a thread where GC anons, radfems and the pink-pill are pushed together will naturally veer into political, radfem discussion. It's the mods' fault for creating this mess, the threads were a lot better and less bait-y when separate.
Also not to be rude but why are you (or other GC anons who aren't feminists) GC if it doesn't stem from feminist ideas? You criticise gender but don't consider it a tool of oppression against the female sex?
No. 473356
>>473350people keep claiming that pink pill wasn't feminist, just homophobic tradthots using it to vent about our
abusive nigels quote on quote.
so which is it? are we all just tradthots and femcels or are we radical feminists? it can't be both.
No. 473368
Well yeah, but they also think it still happens today and more attention needs to be placed on women's issues right? I might be wrong, I am not that well versed in radical feminism, but I have seen self proclaimed radical feminists sperging out when men want to draw attention to their issues, like when they wanted government money for a shelter that also allowed men in my local council and they went apeshit about it because that meant money would be taken away from the women only shelter. Basically my issue with radical feminism is the "women first attitude", which I understand why was needed in the past, but can not understand and accept today. I think having two boys might affect how I see things, but I don't think they have it better than the girls, just different, better in some things, worse in others.
No. 473375
>>473368off topic but the amount of hate I saw for feminists that happened to have sons in radfem spaces was just unreal at times,some were suggesting they have should just aborted them before they ever born while others claimed that women with sons can never be "real feminists" anymore because they would care for their biological children and this would make them unable to care for all the oppressed women in the world
I remember one case where some radfems called a 5 a year boy a Nigel and that no matter what a woman does the their sons end up Porn addicted misogynists
No. 473376
>>473368Abortion is still debated as a right, child beauty pageants, schools sexualising the shoulders of teenage girls and saying they must be responsible for male reactions, most
victims of domestic violence are women, universities in America defend or coverup rapes because the perp is good at sports or ~has a bright future~, women are more restricted in getting tubal ligation because ~your husband might want a baby outta you~, porn is changing how people have sex and the changes involve slapping the woman, choking the woman, spitting on the woman etc, men are demanding the right to flash their dicks to little girls in public changing rooms because the arousal is now called gender euphoria, womanhood is being something men can purchase and wear like a skin suit, women are raped more often, women have their pain/symptoms dismissed more often by doctors, prostitution has been rebranded to make it palatable again despite it still having the exact same problems with exploitation, women outside the western bubble are mutilated, attacked with acid, sold into marriage to old men when they themselves are still little girls, unable to access education or support or freedom from violence.
No. 473380
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these threads all used to be cathartic and fun and somewhat orderly. the merge has just created a massive frustrating clusterfuck.
>>473336sort of, posts have comment sections that people can @ each other in and you see back and forths happening there.
>>473371they tweaked it a while back and it's improved somewhat.
>>473370you say that like there's only one of us.
No. 473387
>>473384>I just said men's issues are also important and need to be adressed.NTA, but why can't men address their issues? They already have all of society in their hands.
Why does the onus seem to always fall on us to handle their problems when we already have our own that they often try to hinder (rather than help) us with?
Why aren't all these MRA groups doing anything other than bitching about feminism? All this MGTOW shit, and none of them want to fund a domestic violence shelter for men?
No. 473388
>>473384Nobody is denying men have their own issues. Radfem is about women dealing with women’s issues because nobody else ever will. Women’s issues matter more to these women. That’s not a bad thing.
There’s plenty of women already picking up the torch for all these men’s issues, but women’s issues have only ever been solved by women demanding to be heard and taken seriously.
No. 473392
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This is exactly how libfems who tell troons how "fierce and hot" they are look to me. Males are such dumbasses that they think those women really mean their compliments because they assume all women are catty bitches, when really women often try to compliment/gas up their less attractive friends to be kind. But sure, troons definitely know what it's like to be a woman.
>>472937Some pick-me's in this thread.
No. 473393
>>473375Damn that's too much. On the other side of this I this I had an ex who had it in his head that all little girls were being raised as entitled princesses. He would see those 'princess on board' signs in cars (I have often seen Prince on board versions too) and he would rage about how coddled little girls are?? Something about little girls dressing up as princesses pissed him off too
Meanwhile his twelve year old son was treated like a kid half his age, he couldn't pour a drink for himself, left dirty cups and wrappers wherever he happened to be, forgot to flush the toilet half the time that he shat and was tucked into bed every night, he'd wake us up early on weekends just to make him a cup of tea? Guy was coddling his own kid while blasting 'women raising spoiled princess daughters'
No. 473394
>>473387I think the mistake you make is assuming it's a men versus women thing? As I said I have two boys, I care for them and want them to have a good life, why wouldn't I care about men's issues? It's not a zero sum game, people can and do care about several issues, I care about the issues of both genders and donate to cahrities that deal with both. As for MRA, these guys are jackasses, do we really need to go into depth about them? They are incel light.
>>473388>Radfem is about women dealing with women’s issues because nobody else ever willYes, that was my understanding, which is why I said I do not consider my self a radical feminist, because I do not position our issues ahead of those of men, I position next to them. I support them when they care for women, I just don't support them when they don't care for men or sperg out at the mention of them also needing assistance.
No. 473401
>>473394I mean, when men are the main people subjugating women and making it so we have to fight for our rights, we can't exactly bend over and wipe their asses for them. They, as a class, have way more power than us. Enough power and resources to do it for themselves
and us if they wanted to, but they don't.
I don't know how to explain this in-depth without droning on, but it's almost like telling poor people that rich people have their own issues, too, and the poor should be helping them.
Also, not all men are your sons, anon. It's best to focus on your kids and their wellbeings as individuals. Even you already noted that MRAs are jackasses, so you know the difference well.
It's cool if you donate to charities for both genders, but thinking women as a whole owe any sort of help to men, when most of them would never exchange the same support to us (let alone other men)? Nah.
No. 473408
>>473401That's the thing, I don't think men are opressing us, I would think so if you had asked me 100 or 50 years ago, but I don't think so now. Men are not a class in the sense that they can make decisions together, they are not a hivemind. Traditionalists are the ones who keep the gender roles that as I already mentioned I think are damaging pretty euqally to both of us are the enemy and traditionalists are pretty evenly shared between men and women. Even for the issue of abortion, I remember reading an American study who showed that the difference between men and women was something like 10%. I don't think it's a gender issue, I think it's a political opinion issue.
Men are not like rich people anon, they don't have a better position in society. The way I see it, men are like the top and the bottom of a cake and we are in the middle. Our gender roles stop us from going up, but help us from going down, the men at the bottom don't have anything in common with those at the top other than their genitals, what power do they have to change social structures?
No. 473422
>>473420It wasn't having sons that led me to not think men oppress women, I always thought that. As I said above, to me it's a traditionalism versu progressiveness thing and I see both sexes very much represented in those camps.
I never said they will not be treated differently, I recognized gender roles and how damaging they are, I said that I don't think if I had a girl she would be worse off than my boys.
I don't view trannies as oppression, I view them as an issue of progressiveness being taken too far, the fact that something is damaging does not mean you are oppressed. Pornography is an issue of course, major issue and I am still not sure what to do about that with my sons, but I still don't view it as oppresion. Trafficking is a crime and regular porn is disgusting and enforcing damaging gender roles, but again, that doesn't make it oppression, it makes it a major issue that we need to deal with to protect our girls. I don't get the equating of issues with oppression.
Also I am worried about them internalising a lot of the harmful and damaging things I see in our culture, but here is the thing anon, I see a lot of things that they can internalise that are damaging for them as well, a lot more than the things they can internalise that will be damaging to the women they will interact with. And I am very confident that I can convince them and guide them in regards to women, but on issues of masculinity and how to frame it in a gender neutral way, I am dumbfounded and have no clue how act.
No. 473423
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How could media sexualize male bodies for a female demographic??
Nowadays, all sexual images/media are made with men in mind: a hot girl is for heterosexual men and a hot man is not for women but for gay males.
Knowing this, how could someone create a sexual image without pandering to men? Is it even possible?
No. 473424
>>473422>>473420OT, but I'm really amazed how women posting in these threads can have children. Not that you shouldn't, but I could never deal with a male child, too much potential for violence. A daughter sounds so nice, but after experiencing womanhood for myself, no thanks.
And don't get me started on the potential father.
No. 473426
>>473424Finding a good man is step 1 really, I wouldn't have children without that step being satisfied. As for male children vs female children… That's kind of my issue with you guys, you act as if boys are worse than girls. Both are a blessing and offer the chance to help cultivate them into marvelous adults. Boys are only violent when their environment supports that, same as girls, the reason they are foten more violent is that they grow up in environments that support them being violent.
>>473423Asians do it, but it's always skinny young looking boys, kind of uncomfortable really.
No. 473430
>>473426I know it has lots do to with parenting, but you have to factor in all the culture surrounding us as well. Especially other boys and the internet. All in all, I'd rather save myself the hassle entirely.
I think it's great you have children regardless and that you're willing to put in so much work and love. It's just musing on my part.
No. 473432
>>473430Thanks anon, sorry if I was a little strong on how I talked, it's just that like the anon here>>473428
disliking children for their gender irks me quite a bit, both for boys and girls.
I hope I can overcome the things I dislike about our culture and raise them to be good and thoughtful men, my oldest seems to be like that, he is a very gentle and sensitive child, I am sure he will turn out the same as an adult.
No. 473433
>>473431Traditionalists favor rigid gender roles, I don't think they favor one gender over another. There are absolutely subsect of traditionalists who are redpillers/male supremacists, but most traditionalists, imho, simply want to live in higly gendered societies because it makes them feel safe and because it's something they know how to follow.
>which gender has the easiest time ascending to the topMen obviously, I just also think that it's also easier for them to get to the bottom? Also the top is not a such a good thing, I know it's alwas celebrated, but having a brother who is a succesful physician, to get to where he is now he had to sacrifice almost all of his social life and pretty much the overwhelming time he had available to spend with his chidlren. I don't see why many people would want that, I certainly wouldn't. I consider his wife the lucky one in they relationship, since she has a career as a teacher, but doesn't work insane hours and gets to spend time with her children. The succesful people sacrifice other parts of their lives to become succesful.
No. 473437
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>>473423A lot of women talk about liking little details, like hands, or scenes that denote a guy's quirks (like the way he takes off his shirt, or a nervous tic, like wrapping fingers around hair).
I think states of vulnerability might be a good one, too, in respect to the entire "whump" subgenre a lot of women in fandom gush about.
Also, to quote a post from an old thread that discussed gaze (with the image the anon used):
>i guess the best way i could put it is this image by kaneoya, and any dumb dakimakura of an anime girl made for men. i have the impression that men like seeing girls laying on bed half-dressed, because the implication is that they're going to remove the rest of the clothes and have sex. but i love this image by kaneoya for incredibly different reasons. it's not just sexual. it's not an "i want to see more" kind of appeal. it's so intriguing, i love it simply as it is, and i don't need to see more. it's that transitional value in a way, she describes it exactly in the foreword i posted earlier. i've found that maybe the character of that "male absolute territory" is what turns me on, and men like the "female absolute territory" because of implications that he'll get to have his way with her later. No. 473440
>>473439I think that's good advice to counter the effect socialization can have have on a child's confidence bassed on their gender, since boys are pushed to be more confident and girls are resetricted from being so.
>>473438>white childDo you know how I know you are American?
Also your whole post is terrible, please reconsider your opinions.
No. 473442
>>473393These mothers are the fucking worst and I've met a ton of them. I don't know if they're projecting their shitty childhood experiences into little girls or something but damn they're awful and sad. I browse a parents' forum and every now and then I see posts like "I have two boys and they're SO perfect, intelligent and well-behaved, ALL the female children are cunning, mean and calculating! I saw my friend's 3yo daughter crying because she fell down and couldn't believe how MANIPULATIVE that was, what a coddled brat!!!!", literally picking children apart based on gender. It's just as bad as people being volatile towards male children, I mean no kid deserves to be the target of adult bitterness.
>>473438>>473424Lunatic, paranoid spergs like you are literally why people want the radfems separated to their own thread from GC.
No. 473473
>>473458Ok then its your choice. Spend time here with the derailing trolls and scrotes pretending to be women. But just now that the trolls in this thread are protected and instead you are the one who will be getting a ban…..
This threads will get taken down anyways because there is too much rule breaking here so we might as well boycott ans ask the mods to give us the old threads back
No. 473482
this is an interesting, albeit kind of horrifying read.
>This is my theory on how pedophilia is going to be normalized by deepfakes.'d copy paste, but it's pretty long.
there’s more to it, but the tl;dr is: it'll lead to the progressive normalization of child sexualization, because "free speech!! no one is actually getting hurt, it’s fake, so no real children are harmed” will open the gates for people to make deep fakes of children without social repercussions. the line between real CP and fakes will be blurred, as men will be able to say "i didn't know it was real, i thought it was a deep fake". men, in their cumbrained nature, will start to flock to these videos, and seeing kids as "sexy" will be considered a typical aspect of life. eventually, child/adult sexual relations will be legalized and accepted
No. 473488
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I know people dislike radfems but this is still a stupid thing to say, and even worse to hear people argue.
No. 473490
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Ladies, reminder Everytime a man wants a "ride or die" he means "a woman who will put up with cheating and abuse" aka a massive red flag. None of these men have anything to offer either
No. 473491
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>>473490>Everyone wants thisLmao, I sure don't.
That actually reminds me of pic related.
Also, your icon is showing, anon No. 473519
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/r/GenderCynical (trans sub to discuss and mock GenderCritical) upvotes TRA rape rhetoric. Hmm, but I thought this actually never happens and people's complaints about this are just blowing things out of proportion?
No. 473531
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Daily reminder that what men say they want and what they actually want are two concepts that have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Take a look at the femcel subreddit - it's pretty delusional about how much looks matter in dealing with moids. Plenty of dime pieces and women who supposedly meet moid standards (the porn look) are total cuckqueens and pickmes. Similarly, many average, unconventional or even unattractive women are out there cucking men left and right. They can't explain why, because the entire premise of their ideology is flawed.
No. 473534
>>473531You sound like a ugly mad scrote.
And this is exactly why women should boycott this troll filled thread.
>>473534Don't know where you got that from. If anything, butthurt scrots materialize in this thread every time I post.
Women can't be incels and what scrots want is to chase a carrot on a stick. Your looks matter, but not as much as you think. I don't wanna say brainlet shit like 'EvEn BeYoNcE GoT cHeAteD oN', but it's really appropriate here.
>>473535Self identified femcels are heterosexual women who still subconsciously idealize/split on men. Statements like 'men just want a hole thats also obedient and washes his rotten undies' also fall into that category. Self-evidently, men don't really want women who are available, because a) a man's desire is proven via resources that he's willing to invest and b) men instinctively understand that heterosexual reproduction equals female loss, so by giving yourself up you're diminishing your value. What they want is to have their reptilian brains locked in a perpetual mindfuck/chase that culminates in very little or nothing at all - just enough to keep him going.
No. 473566
>implying that pornhub actually respects women as people and not like commodities. I think the only way it'll die is if men, especially young men start to develop ED from death gripping their dicks too much to violence.
No. 473570
>>473535>>473543>>473553Honest, every time I read this thread it's like Reiko on /r9k/ telling everyone they need to be the prettiest trannis on his super duper secret discord or him and his band of tards will make fun of you, uwu.
Why would anyone be swayed by this ridiculously aggressive, hyper retarded rhetorical sperging.
No. 473628
>>473394I’m really curious as to what the men’s issues are that are on par with rape, domestic violence, pro-forced-birth rhetoric.
Not trying to be an asshole, genuinely wondering what’s an equal issue for them.
No. 473644
>>473628According to them- false rape accusations, the supposedly huge number of battered men who are too ashamed to report it, and their inability to get a financial abortion to avoid paying child support.
MRAs live in an alternate reality.
No. 473648
>>473644Exactly. Their concerns are mostly overblown headlines and their own sexism.
Men don’t report dv because other men make them feel ashamed? Men feel like they can’t be mediocre looking and get a supermodel girlfriend? Men are afraid of getting called out for their creepy behaviour?
Cry me a river. They can fix their own shit instead of expecting women to drop feminism in favour of men’s issues.
No. 473651
>>473628Domestic violence is also a male issue, also the gender roles and social expectations that view them as the providers, resulting in them taking longer and more dangerous work, being away from their children due to work, custody in divorce courts, disproportionate amount of suicide, criminality, homelessness and mental illness, gender roles again requiring them to realise and visualise themselves as defenders and soldiers in the potential of a threat since childhood and therefore not being allowed to be sensitive and gentle since these are counter intuitive to being a murderer for the government, being seen and treated as more expendable than women by being pushed into more dangerous situations, the draft and conscription which is still a thing in many European nations. These are some off the top of my head.
No. 473653
>>473651And why are women responsible for fixing those when the problems were created by the men suffering from it?
Oh no men invented the idea that men must be strong protectors and providers and now it’s making them saaaaaaaad
That’s totally on par with forced births, being raped, or being murdered by your spouse.
No. 473657
>>473655Lmao no wonder you’re railing so hard for the poor boys. You’re not even a feminist, with your anti abortion rights stance.
They can vote out the government that enforces conscription and not be conscripted. Criminalising rape did exactly nothing to prevent it. But sure, somebody think about the poor poor men, feminism can wait!
No. 473658
>>473656You are not really saying anything other than autistically screeching, are you trying to infight? I never said men have ever been better, I actually think society is better for everyone. That doesn't mean there are still not issues to be found and solved. I am sorry to offend your sensitivities by answering a simple question that asked what men have to deal with.
>>473657Only an idiot would be against conscription, countries that have it have it for a reason. Also my issues with abortion are simply human rights issues, so I can't really pretend I care much if you call me a feminist or not, I am just not that much into killing unborn children. And yes people should think about the poor men and the poor women, it is not a zero sum game. The issues you people have is that you are way too drowned in Foucault's power structures and admitting that men are not above us in some imaginary power structure would crash your philosophy.
No. 473661
>>473658Goddamn you’re obtuse.
You really think women should care about this as much as their own human rights.
Of course you don’t care about feminism, you’re a pro-forced-birth, what-about-Nigel-ing, misogyny denying, pick-me who prioritises Barry down the road over any woman she sees.
You’re too obtuse to see the glaring point and call it names instead.
No. 473664
>>473659B-b-but the same guy who’d scream “show us your tits” at me down the street might join the army and be sad about it?!
What’s fgm against that I ask you?
(Samefagging ) No. 473665
>>473199I'm probably an asshole, but the first thing I thought when I saw this post was "Have the kid record what the other kids are saying. Hell, have him see if they'll do it willingly. Treat her asshole former husband to a taste of life outside the internet hugbox. Remind the dumb fucker that even little kids can see he's an ugly man is a stupid dress."
The tranny apologists in those comments talking about trans "girls" having a second puberty have no idea how teenage girls get shamed viciously by peers and random strangers when they dress like hookers. These idiot men need a lesson in social shaming as a means of enforcing behavior that they never, ever seem to get.
No. 473667
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>Wow Steve you have a youtube channel, what do you make on it?
No. 473670
>>473659>>473661This is also the GC general, and that's why I come here. I never visited your radfem or pinkpill threads. Check the comment chain to see why this conversation started, I did not go out of my way to defend anyone. Also yes, women should care about men and men should care about women, humans care about each other. Also, I think have been more than courteous in this exchange.
>>473664Something that doesn't happen in the Modern World, I did make it clear what part of the world I am talking about from the start. I never said there is equality all over the globe, only the part which is relevant to me. Circumcision on the other hand (not that it is nearly as damaging obviously) is very much legal and encouraged in several countries, so I guess that's another one to add.
(Samefag below) No. 473671
>>473668Men also are murdered by spouses, in smaller numbers however. Domestic violence has plenty of tiers before reaching murder and these other tiers are where 99,99% of domestic violence lies and it's pretty half and half between men and women
victims. You are literally advocating ignoring
victims and acting like you have the moral high ground.
(This is not an MRA thread) No. 473673
>>473670Ah I see, Germany lies about people doing it there. Also conscription matters when it’s foreign but not the mutilation of little brown girls because,Steve’s girlfriend yells at him and that’s a bigger issue.
You’re a fuckin tool lol
No. 473675
>>473673Nta, but
>Domestic violence is fine if you are not literally murderedYou are the biggest tool in this thread
Also why should Europeans care about Muslims? The only thing we care about is how to remove them from our beautiful countries.
No. 473692
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Really makes one think now
No. 473696
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I’m really disappointed that a person whose book translations I buy retweeted this. Of course they trooned out a while ago but I didn’t expect them to put something as mean as this on a public account.
No. 473701
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Wtf is this.
No. 473707
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>>473696The other 99.5% of the population has to get confused with ambiguous newspeak because for the other .05% of the population that is mentally ill some words are too oppressive.
Clown runs the circus, they get to pick and choose for everyone else honk honk , cue the pre-recorded laughter.
No. 473711
>>473350shiting on males doesn't mean that the poster is a feminist or political at all.
but of course radfems also have a right to post in pink pill thread.
threads should get seperated again.
No. 473733
>>473692Conservative Christians don't like the tranny agenda, because they treasure strict gender roles and want to keep women "in our rightful place".
Radical feminists don't like the tranny agenda, because they recognize it as men trying to force their way into women's spaces to more easily control them, and consider the concept of gender itself (as opposed to mere sexual reality) to be a shackle.
Everyone else doesn't like the tranny agenda, because it's demanding people bend over backwards to deny reality for the sake of someone's feelings.
Not that hard.
No. 473738
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>>473692hey, anything that helps
No. 473757
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>>473743its only the post-postmodernist post ironic codeine fueled memeland we are living, get with the times
No. 473778
>>473738You know what I'm happy for him,I my self am not religious but I'm seeing more of the youth turn to religion and religious communities as way to deal with their problems
Hell I had a racist uncle who denounced all his racist beliefs after becoming a baptist and is now married to a black woman for nearly 20 years now
No. 473886
>>473848It's cute how moids mostly choose to omit the fact that they have more leisure time and are in general not expected to take on tedious caretaking tasks that permanently rewire you into a tantrum forecasting machine. They can freely choose to dedicate themselves solely to a craft of their choosing and sacrifice 0 reproductive opportunity. And yet with all that enormous investment, female maintenance staff on call 24/7, women endlessly tending to retarded male fee-fees throughout their lives - men's performance is still barely better and declining rapidly. I'm not even going to mention their enormous social cost in terms of crime and violence.
The moid raised brilliant daughters, but in order for that to happen he needed a female caretaker mule - a role millions of women are shoehorned into whether they choose to reproduce or not. If this experiment has proved anything it's that we do this for our sons, husbands and fathers every day to help them stay ahead of us. We readily acknowledge the human potential that gets wasted every day because of poverty and disease, but the absolute waste of brain cycles that is compulsory conditioning for caretaking is far, far worse.
TL;DR daily reminder that unless your moid is upgrading your life to a seemingly ridiculous degree, you are not winning by being in a relationship. Men get more out of heterosexual relations by default even if you don't bang him and do nothing around the house, because he's still your emotional parasite. Never listen to their whining about having to give you money, it's the very least they can do for quite literally giving you brain damage.
No. 473887
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Why do scrotes hate seeing couples who are happy with their lives
No. 473888
>>473887Him and others like him are literally just mad because he'll never get a girl like that, or even get married and have kids lol.
He's trying to make this a race thing, but if it were any other girl, he'd just say something like "And she'll be fat in 5 years and kick you out of the house to bang Tyrone while you pay child support, congratulations"
No. 473895
>>473848>>473886tbf children born thought out history weren't born because the parents wanted kids or to pass on any Titles(for non-aristocrats) they were made to work to work and provide for their parents
what's the difference between this guy and a peasant couple in the Dark Ages who need more kids to work the farm otherwise the landlord would kick them out
No. 473896
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Boy, there's a lot here to read.
>Trans people don't get to be angry
Seriously? Whenever I see a post from someone talking about them being trans, it's always them being angry.
>Did that trans man hold you at gunpoint
Not the trans man, but the trans woman did KEK
These people choose their words very selectively. Notice how they only focus on bathroom shit and pronouns.
No. 473899
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>I'm transGee, what a surprise.
>>473895This guy lives in the 20th and 21st centuries and has more choices. All cases of deciding to create a life not to love it but to fulfill a purpose are cold.
No. 473913
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>>473910so they are fighting about words and censorship among themselves now? beautiful, always nice to see them imploding on their own rethoric. Its all over for Chapocels
No. 473922
>>473681Exactly. Why try when you can be a huge bitch and make 10x more than uwu submissive bimbos with 10x less effort? Also, men are easily conditioned and will eventually open up to the idea of being abused anyway.
I guess very few girls take the based Ivy route because they are attracted to 'dominant' men as though they aren't all equally ugly and useless in bed. They also don't understand that every man is a beta for the right woman. If he's not beta for you, it just means that he'll be a beta for someone he values more.
No. 473935
>>473929so radfem is not for all women, only white women. Got it lmao
No wonder people don't like TERFs.
the hypocrisy is astounding.
No. 473945
>>473926Pinkpill here.
Feminism is an inherently western, individualistic, Enlightenment based ideology. I'm going to blow your mind here - technically there can't be any 'nonwhite' feminism because the interests of one's race and tribe are inherently irreconcilable with the interests of women as individuals, because family and all of its surrounding structures innately require female mules. You acknowledge this when you complain about black men/ankhs building black community/identity/self worth on the backs of black women. This isn't a bug, it's a feature. If you want to uplift a nation in any sort of tribal struggle, this is what you have to do. There is no way to support female liberation whilst simultaneously elevating the status of men in your group as compared to men in other groups. In the end you're spending your resources to help advance a man in a male hierarchy. It's unfortunate and I can sympathize with the double bind to an extent, but I have long abandoned the idea that helping women also helps the men (along w with other silly idealistic stuff like 'having it all' and 'teach boys to respecc wamen').
If you're not prepared to be childless/tribeless/identityless and family-less, anything you do will benefit men at your (or other women's) expense.
No. 473947
>>473934Western Europeans are just as cringe as Amerimutts. They both think its possible for everybody to hold hands and sing kumbaya. I'm glad they look down on the East too much to move here.
>>473939You should try addressing your problems without attacking, or blaming white women for all of them. That might put an end to the jealousy accusations.
No. 473950
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Is anyone else really uncomfortable with other people commenting on their body?
Due to many mental as well as physical issues, I've gained 25 kgs in the last 2 years. I have already been bordering on overweight back then, but became full blown obese. I have managed to lose 13 kgs. I am stil fat/overweight (need to lose between 10-20 kgs to be healthy), but apparently people notice that I am losing weight. Women from my job comment on how I am losing weight and looking better and while I appreciate that people are saying nice things to me, I hate how it makes me feel body policed. I do not think that I look much different, I am aware that I became a fat girl, but I never felt ugly. I do not notice changes in other people's bodies, it's very unnerving to me that others look at me and judge even though I am socially retarded and barely capable of talking. I hate that my body is a matter of a public scrutiny. I also hate when women talk publicly about dieting and how they need to lose weight etc. It makes me feel both sorry for them and angry that they feel like they need to justify themself to the world.
Why do people care to comment about strange women's bodies? It makes me feel like a public property.
No. 473951
>>473947This is only really accurate for British and some other types of West Europeans but that mentality is specifically an Anglosphere thing.
>>473947Saying feminism is for white women =/= attacking white women. Stop being a sensitive baby as much as the side you don't like. Whats wrong with you
No. 473953
>>473945>forget your tribe! As she says while dating / married to a white man and continuing to pass on generational and property wealth.
So see though, no wonder former men say fuck it and become troonies. Female privelge exist, her name is 'white cis women' or TERF
>>473919It's not a white American, it's LatAm-chan, the homophobic trad-thot.
She'll stay Mestizo and bitter for the rest of her life.
>>473951Name a Western European Nation it doesn't apply to. You can't.
>>473952The replies to the black&white couple were scattered with attacks at whites as a whole. Don't think we don't pick up on it. You aren't sly. There are plenty of ways you could specifically shit talk the man, but don't and its blatantly on purpose.
No. 473962
>>473948I have. I am familiar with black feminist scholars as well. I am well aware of the trends you're describing, which are probably emerging because elevating one's race and liberating its women are goals that cannot be accomplished simultaneously.
Men's issues are not women's issues, but intersectionality aims to obscure that. Being forced to balance the interests of women with the interests of men due to a common group descriptor inevitably results in incidents like not wanting to give up R. Kelly because he's giving more status to the community as a whole. Black men could enslave all white men tomorrow and it would make absolutely 0 difference for black women, except maybe a consolation prize of being sexually valued above white women - a goal that's inherently nonfeminist in the first place.
No. 473965
>>473960umm all i wrote about that couple was
>>473921 and its lolcow do you think someone posting a picture of a mixed race couple wasnt going to bring out the racists?
No. 473967
>>473960Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland
Many, many people in those countries don't give a fuck about whatever you're talking about and make their disdain for immigrants not like them known especially, especially in FRANCE which I'm sure you've never been to.
Just because they say "we are not racist everyone is equal" doesn't mean they have those beliefs you said they had. You are confused.
No. 473972
I know this is probably bait, but just for the sake of argument -
>>473953You're not a feminist or a female liberationist, and neither am I. You're just a normal woman and you're trying to make the best out of what you've been given. You want to reproduce and have your offspring provided for, and for that you're willing to trade some liberties as a woman. That's perfectly fine. But just so we're clear, it's NOT feminist.
>>473959What is your idea of proper feminism? Female mate competition? Bagging a better meat dildo than Becky did? We don't exactly need a philosophy for that. I am not white and yet I don't see how having a higher brood mare value than white women would be helping ALL women, so why can't you?
No. 473973
>>473968>It's a scroteIt all makes sense now. "Latam tradthot anon" is actually a male.
>Mentioning male rape and sexual harassment gets nothing but silence from that anon>Obsessed with race and racial politicsI wonder what kind of porn they watch for that kind of larping and obsession
>>473972Lol, ya'll still not getting it and think it's about sexual competition and wanting access to the sexual partners white women have. I've participated in these threads and that never came across my mind. The fact that so many black women love and worship non black biracial women and white women who emulate black cultural aesthetics should say that, but no, we are just all jealous of white women even though we are saying that's not what we're saying. You are still silencing us despite us saying because you think internet trolls and Gen X and baby boomer black women represent us.
>>473971This, they sperg out about any mention of black and get so
triggered but think they know so much about us when they don't know anything. They are in the position to silence us and rewrite our narrative and nuanced emotions and thoughts and they don't even realize it. It's just like how in male spaces they try to say how women think and feel despite it not being true but they can because they're the socially dominant group.
No. 473982
>>473971I know that they did bring him to justice. They're also mostly idealistic liberal intersectional feminists in the bargaining stage. Very few are willing to withdraw resources from men completely. Which is understandable due to basic in/out group psychology, so it's not like I'm condemning it.
>>473975Okay, so your 'generational wealth' and 'marriage to a white man' remarks supposedly had nothing to do with sexual value olympics. I'll repeat myself - what is your ideal feminism that takes all your grievances into consideration? Genuinely curious here.
Actually, there's a pretty simple litmus test - who's more important to you, a black man or a white woman?
No. 473989
>>473988No, you're banned from /ot/ permanently for infighting and racebait.
Race discussion is banned globally.
Before you want to further victimize yourself I'm not even a white woman.
No. 473990
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>>473987I mean, separating pinkpill and feminism threads would help.
No. 473992
>>473991Because somehow the merged thread is so much worse than the separate threads.
I don't know WHY but this place has gone to hell
No. 473995
File: 1571344325129.jpg (2.1 KB, 487x25, racebait.jpg)

Reminder that global rule #7 applies to this thread.
Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)
I'm not sympathetic to this shit.
No. 473996
>>473991Because feminism aims to fuse race and sex issues into one ideology/policy. It's largely socially constructionist (yes, even radical feminism).
Pinkpill is arguably female sympathetic but mostly focused on individual gain whether it's 'feminist' or not (see looksmaxxing to extract resources from scrots, marrying for the 'generational wealth' meme, etc). It's mostly bio essentialist and it's not a political ideology.
Trying to mix the two is just fishing for a shitstorm greater than the libfem vs radfem one.
No. 474010
>>473991I was in both PP and GC threads, none of them had racebaiting like this. Are we experiencing a raid? It was peaceful until mods decided to merge this.
Also sad the GC is now down to minimum.
No. 474014
>>473921Are those rumours actually true?
I wonder how she feels about her sister being a really successful supermodel, is she going back to modelling?
No. 474016
>>474004Trisha says he identifies as male now. Troons are objecting to this, because this is clearly exploitation of the trans community and he's not actually trans.
You see, fat bald obviously male pedophiles like Jessica Yaniv can't possibly exploit the trans identity to victimize people with impunity, but Trisha is definitely out to gain something. Penis good, vagina bad.
No. 474025
>>474011It's definitely misogyny. The only reason why majority of troons that are condemning Yaniv is because he's a predator. They only refer to him as a predator, too. Yet there are many troons similar to Yaniv, full on male, not even making an effort and people will bend over backwards and go "NO IT'S
Trisha, though? "Cancelled." An embarrassment.
No. 474026
>>474022It's safer for some people to keep up the practice of using the "right" pronoun so they don't slip up in a woke setting where they wouldn't be able to handle the fallout.
I don't know if that's the case here, but when I read things like that I assume so and just replace the pronouns in my head.
No. 474027
>>473996What's wrong with sympathizing and agreeing with many feminist talking points, while doing your being best to individually get one over on men?
I don't fight over scrotes or do any other stupid pick-me shit.
I just don't respect men, but since we're probably too early to create a global all-female society in our lifetimes, working within this system without letting it crush my soul or turn me against my own sex is the next best thing.
You can conform to conventional beauty standards and marry
while understanding it's all part of a broken machine. It's called survival.
You can work with women who are breaking down barriers so the next generation of women won't have to stoop so low, as well.
In the best case scenario, this will be the final generation of women who have to "looksmaxx" or do other dumb bullshit just to secure a good life. Next best, the next will be the last. That's the goal I'm looking toward.
No. 474029
>>474026NTA, but I think it's funny to call Trisha a "he", just because it pisses off TRAs and pokes a huge hole in their logic.
I'm going to make a point of it whenever I'm in "woke" spaces, too. I will go extra hard on defending Trisha's right to identify as a man. If Yaniv and other obvious AGP creeps are "she", Trisha is a "he". No ifs, ands, or buts.
No. 474043
>>472330um, what will it take to make you stop caring about this loser? he's a
toxic piece of shit. stop talking to him and don't look back. he's an anti-feminist neet, pornsick weeb that is likely
abusive. antifem AND troon communities literally cultivate and amplify men's
abusive behavior. continuing contact with him is an accident waiting to happen.
No. 474067
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No. 474076
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A week ago on StackExchange, it became a violation of the code of conduct to willfully use the 'wrong' pronouns for someone. So if a greasy neckbeard wearing striped socks tells you IT'S SHE/HER, you're expected to obey. Otherwise you're committing the grave sin of refusing to recognize someone's identity (even though their identity is invalid).
>Explicitly avoiding using someone’s pronouns because you are uncomfortable is a way of refusing to recognize their identity and is a violation of the Code of Conduct.This move isn't surprising given how many programmers are troons, but it's sad to see their ideology being enshrined in the rules of sites, just like it's being enshrined into law in some countries.
Fortunately a lot of people responding to the StackExchange mod's post that I linked are sane.
No. 474079
>>474067Oh, shut the fuck up, Bubsy.
I really thought I'd seen the last of this sort of comic when the woke crowd migrated from Tumblr to Twitter. They're such a preachy, long-winded and self-righteous waste of time that even if they consisted of a fundamentally reasonable and sensible point I'd still get pissed off.
No. 474087
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>>473778Whether you're gender critical, pink pill, or radfem, you shouldn't be happy for him. He's a misogynist. He used to embrace an ideology where men get to redefine 'woman' to mean whatever they want and prevent women as a class from having a voice in society. Now he embraces an ideology where it's supposedly men's divine right to rule women, and prevent them from having a say in society.
But maybe that's just a coincidence and what he really wanted was to feel attractive, and he saw other troons putting on shitty wigs and some lipstick and being called STUNNING and GORGEOUS by handmaidens and decided to try it himself. And now he's finally realizing he has a face only God could love.
>>473896Ah, an instance of the unreliable narrator trope.
Why would the invidulator ask the trans person if they should have their rights respected? No one talks like that. If you think someone has a right to something, you don't make them justify their right to it.
It's obvious that the invidulator didn't phrase their question like that. We'll never know what they asked, this troon just wanted to make themselves sound like an oppressed minority bravely defending their marginalized community to a bigot who doesn't even recognize their right to life.
No. 474089
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>>474067the guy basically vindicates the right's stereotype on neckbeard male feminists lmfao. This sad attempt at virtue signaling is almost at the level of Andrew Dobson, just needs a fedora.
No. 474100
>>474097you have this idea absolutely no woman has ever had agency in her life and do you really think that all religious women are just brainwashed handmaidens
Religious women are passionate about their beliefs and they get shit on by some religious men and get shit on by so called feminists
No. 474105
>>474100>you have this idea absolutely no woman has ever had agency in her lifeWhere did I say that? How does that apply to what I said about the cultural prevalence of misogynistic beliefs?
>Religious women are passionate about their beliefs and they get shit on by some religious men and get shit on by so called feministsWho is shitting on religious women? That pic was about religious men. It's not their fault men have historically perverted spiritual values to aid in their oppression of women.
No. 474107
>>473950I've always been in the "acceptable" western weight range (meaning slim to "thicc" but not fat- in east asia my slim would be considered overweight) so instead of body comments I'd go into work and have random older women commenting on my (completely appropriate for the job) makeup and hair, and even staring at me.
Aand now I'm self-employed since that was a symptom of the greater handmaiden sabotage that I experienced working with older women.
I've only ever had a pleasant working or studying experience with people who were my peers in both job and appearance, dumb female competitiveness made anything else a constant battle of passive aggressive nonsense. Has anyone else experienced this?
No. 474115
>>474004I don't watch trans videos yet get recommended them, I think because of the onision blaire white crossover it assumed I am interested in trans stuff but I'm interested in lolcows
Aside: the trans men I am getting recommended are completely passing in the way trans women rarely are. Funny how little hurrah there is about trans men, just peacefully looking like men while creating 0 harm in the world and not telling radfems to kill themselves or anything. Crazy stuff.
No. 474133
>>474116>ChristianityCorinthians 11:8-9: “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.“
Ecclesiastes 25:22: “Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die.“
>IslamSahih Bukhari 6:301: ”[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.’“
Sahih Bukhari 2:28: The Prophet said: “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.”
>JudaismTorah Shabbat 152a: “A woman is a sack full of excrement, brimming with niddah (menstrual blood) at its opening, yet everyone pursues her!”
>HinduismAsheela kamvrto 5/157: “Men may be lacking virtue, be sexual perverts, immoral and devoid of any good qualities, and yet women must constantly worship and serve their husbands.”
From Buddha:
“Women, with their two-fingered wisdom, have a difficult time understanding what I teach”
“If it were not for women being admitted to our order, my teachings would have lasted 1,000 years; now they will not last 500.“
No. 474139
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>>474000Humans have been alive for 300'000 years but Caucasoids(not just Europeans but Persians,Central Asians,Pakistani's,North Africans,North Indians ) as a whole only emerged about 5000 years ago
No. 474142
>>474140I Googled "sikh misogyny" and found these:'s not as bad as other religions, but like anything else headed by men, it uses them as the default, and cultural norms already solidify women as second-class citizens, anyway.
No. 474154
>>474149Cool. Now try to defend literally every other piece of misognyny in the Bible. Here's some verses to start with:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)
"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean…
But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six days." (Leviticus 12:2-5)
"But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3)
Don't forget to justify not only all other verses that carry on in this manner, but all the tales of rape, murder, violence and punishment targeted toward women. Have fun.
No. 474157
File: 1571375386526.jpg (19.47 KB, 295x438, Helena_Petrovna_Blavatsky.jpg)

>>474154Blavatsky was pretty cool
No. 474164
>>474154funny how people talk shit about islam when christianity is guilty of literally the same garbo.
>And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.
>If she please not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.Exodus 21:7-8
1 Corinthians 11:3-10:
>Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.
>But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head — it is the same as having her head shaved. If a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head. A man ought not cover his head, since he is in the image and the glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for women, but women for man. For this reason, a woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head, because of the angels. No. 474165
>>474133kek'd at the Judaism quote.
People still use religious text from 2000 years ago as an excuse to degrade women. Meanwhile ignoring the commandments or any of the actual morality in said texts.
No. 474167
>>474166yes but the same can be said of moderate muslims or moderate jews, etc etc. there's always leeway when it comes to interpretation of all these texts.
not giving much credit here to islam but fwiw i read through the hadiths and there were some pretty liberal parts in it wrt periods/menstruation, which people fail to mention. that having been said, it's obviously hot garbage.
No. 474168
>>474167did you even Understand what I tried to say,Christians in general believe that the Bible is inspired by God/The Holy Spirit. If you’re a Muslim however, you believe that the Quran was dictated word by word to Mohammed, and therefore literally is the word of God.
It’s an “out” that Muslims don’t have, when it comes to interpreting and living their religion. Remember, their holy book is infallible and dictated by God (through Gabriel) and they therefore can’t say: “Well, the stuff about women dressing modestly doesn’t really apply today.”Islam in practice will therefore always have a bend towards fundamentalism that Christianity doesn’t have.
No. 474171
>>474156I grew up in a very Christian household, and they thought this way, but also accepted the misogyny pretty shamelessly.
That's why people trying to reconcile Christianity (and organized religion as a whole) with feminism of any sort will always ring contradictory to me. No matter what you decide to pick and choose, these are institutions made by men, for men.
If you use their names for yourself, you are endorsing that.
No. 474241
File: 1571401285646.jpg (189.34 KB, 896x934, IMG_20191018_141508.jpg)

Just like i thought: it wasn't robots invading this thread, it was pathetic handmaiden farmers trying to get it banned by making it seem as if all feminists are batshit racists.
No. 474249
>>474241It was likely a Lipstickalley font. Many girls there are basically quasi-tradthots whose 'feminism' revolves around bagging a football player or getting Brad to finally text them back. Some of them are the baddie heaux type, but still full of Disney delusions about marriage. They're basically average straight women who think that feminist theory is a plot by white women to reduce black women's sexual fitness, and that 'correct' feminism should revolve around boosting nonwhite women's prestige so that men would be more willing to provide for them in a traditional marriage. As a rule they see femininity not as a form of oppression but a form of privilege that only white and asian women are 'afforded', because men pay the dinner tab for them sometimes. Meghan Markle is the board's #goalz.
Some women there are pinkpilled as fuck though.