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No. 92
Seeing as the old thread died with Staminarose.
I don't know whether or not I should link to Marijan's blog in case he comes here again. No. 98
>>96What "rape plans"? What are you rambling about? When did I ever mention any plans for raping anybody?
As for useless, if by useless you mean not willing to finance sluts who everybody in the world with sufficient levels of immorality and stupidity could fill up like Christmas turkey then yes, I am useless.
No. 105
>>104Oh, yes, like I predicted, there won't be a lack of omega and slut offspring.
Tell me, little girl, in whose name are you saying this, considering you used plural?
But, yes, it definitely isn't funny. If you're looking for fun I am not the infamous character you should be interested.
No. 106
>>99Go on…
What are your thoughts on Elliott Rodger?
No. 107
>>106I cannot feel much sympathy for him. I obviously understand his pain and I, unlike 99.9 percent of people, understand he died due to incel, not some mental illness, but I don't feel all that sorry since he had all that money and didn't remember to try abroad. Hell, he could have at least tried Mexico.
Instead he clung to one of the most difficult areas when it comes to women in the world (probably only comparable to Sydney, Australia), where his money meant nothing and where he completely lacked the sufficient level of immorality and stupidity (which is what game actually is).
I am three years older than him, much poorer than him and still survived up to now so yeah… I can understand him but I don't feel sorry for him. At 22 he should have know better then to want some of the pickiest women alive.
No. 109
>>105I don't care that much, myself. It's just kinda TL;DR, but after staminarose went down I remember seeing posts on unichan about how at least we don't have to put up with your creepy bullshit on lolcow.
But here you are. Oh, joy.
No. 111
>>103Will they publish the article about you?
If yes, local newspaper or internet article?
No. 112
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>>107If any newcomers that want to know who this poster is; He's a Eastern European non-virgin incel that considers his iwb mother a murderer for not sleeping with him. He also wants his government to spend millions of Euros on government prostitutes. That's all you need to know.
No. 114
>>109You don't have to "put up with my creepy ass". Just avoid this thread and don't reply.
>>110Any dictionary definition would do. The real question is about what constitutes immorality in a specific act.
>>111Der Spiegel is hardly a local newspaper. The guy told me it'll be online as well. However, it will obviously be in German.
>>112You're an idiot.
1. The country most of you usually claim I'm from isn't in Eastern Europe at all.
2. The program I had an idea for a)wasn't about any govt prostitutes b) had been abandoned since Oct 2013 (there's even a blog post about it from that time).
No. 118
>>113What does "iwb" mean? I googled it but can't find anything to pinpoint what it might be.
>>117In fact, I have stopped looking for love in Dec 2013. You know why? Because I realized that if I keep trying to find a woman I'm more likely to end up in prison, mental hospital or just regular hospital then even kissing a girl. KISSING. A. GIRL. Not to mention anything else.
No. 119
>>114>Any dictionary definition would do. The real question is about what constitutes immorality in a specific act.I was interested in your personal definition.
Sounds like you don't even know what it means or you would have given me a real answer.
No. 120
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Are internet "atheists" allowed in this thread. If so, I found a live one: No. 122
>>119I don't have a personal definition. Any dictionary definition would do. They mean the same thing.
>>121Person asking the question above- this is immorality. Using somebody's name given by trolls that isn't even a real name, which you'll find out real soon.
And, yes, of course it is unlikely I will change my world view or that you will change yours, for that matter. Is that the sole goal of any conversation?
No. 124
>>123Somebody doing things that are evil, wicked and wrong. State of being those things. Somebody lacking most or all of the traits that are seen as moral.
What is the point of this? Why do you cling to a definition that much? What does it matter? How do you define a dog or a cat?
No. 125
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No. 126
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>>125Whoa, that's pretty fucking creepy. It reminds me of Siren. So, what's up with that woman's face and why is it in this thread?
No. 131
>He's back. Jesus, guys. Why do you do this.
>>124Pretending to be disabled while you're really not in order to collect disability, calling each and every woman ever a whore (meaning it literally), and begging your mommy to fuck you does not seem either evil, wicked or wrong to you at all, then. Ok…
No. 132
>>131"Pretending to be disabled while you're really not in order to collect disability"
I am not doing that and not collecting disability. I am doing something else.
"calling each and every woman ever a whore (meaning it literally)"
By whore you likely mean slut. No, I don't think every woman is a slut but that's irrelevant, really - every woman is conditioned to be attracted to horrible men due to reasons I will explain in an upcoming article.
As for "begging mommy". the context of this is well explained. For example, check the infamous Darkness article which outlines the situation I was in at the time.
In short - yawn.
No. 136
>>133Are you that slut who expressed interest but then backed off when she saw I wasn't popular enough?
I follow the referrals on my bloh and don't know who I'm talking to.
>>134This is nonsense. If nobody talked about me I wouldn't reply here. I don't care about a bunch of fedora wearing idiots I despise almost as much as feminists/liberals. I wish there was a way to test this.
Anyway, jesus
>>134>>135I AM NOT ON DISABILITY. I am on unemployment benefits.
And no, I am not the same as a welfare slut for one crucial reason - a welfare slut doesn't wanna work despite having relationships and sex. If I had relationships and sex I'd work.
However, due to intertwined facts that
1. working wouldn't increase my chances of finding a partner.
2. me working would mean I'd finance the exact reasons why women reject me
the idea of me finding a job is ludicrous.
No. 144
>>142>>143Of course, these posts are written by psychopaths. 1960 also adds a silly insult.
I mean, the basic thing you don't understand is that there is no "quality of life" for a normal person who is incel.
Your only goal is to get rid of incel. You don't even take that into any consideration.
And then you say that relationships and sex aren't everything in life. I agree. But they're also not nothing as you think they should be. If a person doesn't have that part of life settled they're in trouble.
Also, did it ever occur to you that my quality of life might also be significantly impacted by my knowledge that I am virtually PAYING DUMB WOMEN TO REJECT ME?
And all of these crazy talk I hear is because you are demented fools. This is what I mean when I say that only losers can reproduce in this society. The only ones who reproduce are moron jocks and sluts everybody gets to fuck.
Regarding the whore you're defending here - LOL ! I will make a post about her later. You're incredibly naive.
No. 146
>>145Irrelevant. The reason why I was unsuccessful on dates has nothing to do with what I talk about. The reason why I was unsuccessful on dates has nothing to do with that.
Bear in mind, I am not doing anything mentioned here that would be considered bad and I agree that some of what you mention here could make a girl reject you but that is not the problem in my case.
My problem is much deeper. It has nothing to do with what I talk about on dates. This is what my next big article will be about.
I am unable to have any success with any woman for reasons that are much more complicated. Basically, the sole idea that I could have any success on a date is ridiculous. That's why I stopped trying.
Like I said, I'll explain why real soon.
No. 148
>>146In fact, could you make a YouTube video?
Just one. I really want to see your body language, your tone of voice when you talk about these sort of things, etc.
Or do you have a YouTube channel already? I don't know if that's something your interested in.
No. 149
>>147>>148I can understand perfectly why you're more interested in seeing how I behave IRL than reading my opinions.
The thing is, these opinions you're not interested aren't some bullshit about looks/status/experience etc. They're an extremely detailed explanation of why my type of man cannot be attractive. As strange as it may sound, it is much more valuable than seeing me irl.
You see, I can understand you. You're basically interested in approximating my potential seduction skills (even if you yourself maybe wouldn't put it that way) and that's ok. But I argue that 1. my type is completely unable to use seduction 2.seduction should not even be used in terms of getting a partner.
I might do a video one day but what that essay will say is much more important.
No. 155
>>136See what I mean? I'm not even talking to him but he can't resist responding, just like the cows and other sky's we post here.
>thinking that gurl will contact you ever after threatening physical violence You dumb
No. 156
Attention whoring welfare slut level Dana (but less successful and not as charming)
No. 159
>>147Wanting a coherent answer from him is like trying to stop the tide. He doesn't want advice but only wants to wallow in his own self-pity because to him it gives him a high. Remember that he's one of those guys that thinks that any woman that isn't attracted to him is a slut–including virginal ones. You know, typical "nice guy" logic.
Someone make this guy his own thread so he can stop shitting up this one. It'll be easy to hide his inane ramblings that way as well.
No. 162
>>159>>159I read the first two sentences and laughed (while, of course, not reading anything else).
You will, I am sure of it, not back up your claim that I can't make a coherent answer.
All they wanted is to see me on a video. THAT IS ALL THEY WANTED. Not some answer, you imbecile.
As for advice, you serious? Advice? ADVICE?! You are completely retarded. Have you read the Darkness article? You think somebody in my situation wants "advice"?
It's almost as if you're almost certainly a retarded whore who every trucker, every moron, every jock, every loser in the world can fill up like Christmas turkey whenever they feel like it irl.
>>157Insult, backed zo by thin air. Do you know how many morons called me “nuts“, just to show they can't follow a basic argument later or that they're dangerous stalkers? The sole fact you're making these insults says everything about you.
So I will repeat
It's almost as if you're almost certainly a retarded whore who every trucker, every moron, every jock, every loser in the world can fill up like Christmas turkey whenever they feel like it irl.
>>160Interpol will never take a bunch of ridiculous femifascist whores trying to stifle those who express opinions they don't like.
What's even worse about this is that you're openly expressing a desire that some people are to be killed (ok, admittedly probably morons like you) just cause you hope it will make calling out sluts who can get fucked by ANYBODY, EVERY TRUCKER, EVERY MORON, EVERYBODY
Take 3
It's almost as if you're almost certainly a retarded whore who every trucker, every moron, every jock, every loser in the world can fill up like Christmas turkey whenever they feel like it irl.
No. 163
>>152Well, it's like this.
First, your definition of seduction is too narrow. Seduction is much more than what you believe it is. The sound of my voice or my mannerisms being important for getting women is definitely seduction.
But my points are that
1. No sane societies cares about these things.
2. Ones that care about this are those where immorality and stupidity are the most important for getting women.
Yes, there is definitely a problem with my voice. While it's nowhere near nerdish it sounds too soft for today's women, it's a voice of educated person, and modern women, who go after retarded thugs, hate that.
But there were women who didn't mind and still abandoned me when I failed to prove my immorality and stupidity so voice or mannerism by themselves aren't the main problem. My lack of immorality and stupidity are.
But there
No. 165
>>155All of the posts I replied to related to me. If you think I won't reply to post that don't address me directly you're even more retarded than I thought.
As for that fucking whore…
Jesus fuck.
This is what happened…
1. Some retarded whore makes a hilarious post on how life is often tough, how she understand I've been through pain etc.
2. I ask her if she'll fuck me.
3. She asks me something about that.
4. I reply and give her my e-mail.
5. She doesn't contact me for weeks.
6. I come back and say she didn't contact me.
7. She makes a hilarious claim that she wanted to make a gmail acc but that Google asked her to give her phone number, which she didn't want to give because I MIGHT USE IT. And that's why she couldn't contact me. Because I am Google and gmail is the only email provider in the world. Also claimed to be taking care of her mother.
8. I tell her that's insane and that her attitude is so stupid I'd kick her in the teeth.
9. Idiots here somehow claim she wanted to have sex with me ( she didn't) and that it was me who fucked that up.
Why is that, I wonder?
Could it be that you're a bunch of gynocentric morons who worship women as deities and will always take their side thanks to your indoctrination by a hateful ideology? Damn, that's what it really is.
No. 169
>>167How many thugs? How many jocks? Your own fathers and brothers filled you up.
No. 173
>>171I am mad. The reason why I am incel is due to a society that uses seduction. Every society that starts doing that is already dead.
The reason why what post nr. 2095 talks about will never happen is that men who use seduction breed with sluts. Their children have no discipline whatsoever.
No. 174
>>151Seduction skills are everything you do to make a girl like you.
This is not how men and women are paired in sane societies.
In societies which aren't coalpha they are paired with men based on their strength/status (alpha males), ability to provide (betas) and ability to provide plus intelligence/morality (coalphas).
In coalpha societies these three types blend in and men and women are paired through men forming a moral community and women finding such men attractive. Omegas (men who use seduction) are not included in this alliance.
Basically, I am a coalpha, which means that my ancestors didn't have to use seduction. Which is why I suck at it so much.
But all those men who use the term nice guy etc aren't coalphas but betas. Coalpha men are more intelligent than betas and never use such silly terms. You never heard me using the term nice guy. I am talking about immorality and stupidity.
No. 175
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>>172Bah, we'll just end up banning him when he doesn't provide amusement anymore and he'll eventually come back claiming to be behind 7 proxies.
And in the end, nobody will care about him anymore and he'll be alone in his thread, spewing nonsense that no one will read. Do we have a way to hide threads here?
No. 177
>>175Are you an admin here? Who is "we"?
I won't be using any proxies and I will reply as long as somebody 1. asks/replies (to) me 2. talks about me.
As for your idea that I will talk to myself, when did you see me doing that? Another moron whose mother was a whore and father an unknown thug.
No. 179
>>154It's frightening how simple modern people are.
I am autistic, despite never been diagnosed with it and despite having traits that are exact opposite because… It is a popular diagnosis in the Anglosphere? There are some internet celebrities with it?
Incredible. All because your mothers are whores who spread their legs to every thug in the world.
No. 181
>>175You can hide threads as explained by
>>178, and you can hide images with the (hide) link.
>Bah, we'll just end up banning him when he doesn't provide amusement anymore and he'll eventually come back claiming to be behind 7 proxies. Banning undesirables is a slippery slope. At the most I may consider having him keep his threads and posts in /b/. Or maybe just have him keep everything in this one thread.
No. 182
>>156I've explained why I can't be compared to a welfare slut.
>>136And no, I am not the same as a welfare slut for one crucial reason - a welfare slut doesn't wanna work despite having relationships and sex. If I had relationships and sex I'd work.
However, due to intertwined facts that
1. working wouldn't increase my chances of finding a partner.
2. me working would mean I'd finance the exact reasons why women reject me
the idea of me finding a job is ludicrous.
No. 185
>>183I can't think of a retort? Which retort can't I think of? I replied to everything here.
Also, another example of gynocentric lunacy - you don't mention what I say about your fathers. Also, none your parents are imaginary.
>>184Oh? And what are you good at, anon? Could you tell the readers here about your talents?
No. 189
>>187I don't even know what you're rambling about. Inception what?
Anyway, you're an idiot. You don't even know what I mean by an alpha male or an omega male. OMEGAS AREN'T INCELS BUT MOST SUCCESSFUL TYPE OF MEN.
Also, these three traits you mention are something that women hate. Thanks to you and your stupidity I will now c/p the part of the upcoming article I already wrote.
No. 190
PROLOGUE: I get a lot of messages from women, most of them curious or positive. After reading hundreds of their messages I can think I can safely say I am able to see that I got a message from a young British woman before even knowing anything about her location. Messages which are completely bereft of any capitalization, grammar, sense and sentence structure, while being atrociously written and completely contradictory, immediately reveal a British girl. This is a consequence of a generation of British girls who grew up without fathers. Sure, they have biological fathers, else they wouldn’t exist, but their fathers are the kind of monsters I will be talking about here – But this post isn’t just about such issues – it talks about all kinds of monsters, even extremely well-educated and eloquent ones.
This is the story of your incel. It will describe what made you incel and how you can finally end it. But, much more importantly, it is a story on the future of the human race currently threatened with extermination. This isn’t some potential extermination which has not yet begun – it is an extermination which is already almost over. While it would be too much to say that most people on the planet have already been exterminated this is certainly true in Western countries.
It is a great misconception that being an involuntary celibate means you are somehow defective. In fact, it is the completely opposite – in modern society you pretty much have to be degenerate scum to succeed with women. That notion PUAs and Red Pillers have about alphas is ridiculous – what they’re describing as alphas are not alphas at all but omegas, the worst kind of men, and what they see as omegas are simply betas.
Men who get women in today’s society are the actual losers.
Elliot Rodger was right about many of these things but unfortunately never managed to understand the problem the way I did – had he been given a chance to do so he might still be alive.
What caused this? What happened?
This is a modest proposal me and men of CoAlphaBrotherhood site have - Liberalism and feminism turned women’s preferences from providers to seducers, thus genetically eliminating all decent men through involuntary celibacy.
But before I can get to the crux of our argument let us establish some basic truths that will allow readers to understand our position better.
1) All civilized societies were patriarchies.
2) Women are agnostic about male behavior. This means they’re not naturally attracted to any type of man but that their preferences change depending on which kind of men is the most successful with women.
3) In connection to nr.2, women’s preference for a type of male changes simply based on a degree of success a type has with most women.
4) Seduction is worthless, even harmful for most species, as it does not promote any valuable traits that make the species better. It is a form of deceit males make do spread their genes and it creates worthless offspring. This is explained by a phenomenon called I believe voting is a privilege that should only be given to intelligent men and shouldn’t be given to women.
There are basically four types of males or male mating strategies in the world.
General description: These are dominant, strong men who are usually the leaders. Their intelligence and morality are less important but must have at least average intelligence and are often quite intelligent. Alphas are men like a Fortune 500 CEO, mafia leader like Tony Soprano or statesmen like Vladimir Putin.
Mating strategy: The way these males reproduce is by dominance/high status/strength.
General description: Weaker than alphas. Not suited for leadership positions. Providers. Their intelligence and morality are less important and while they’re almost always of average to good morality they don’t think about morality much. Their role as a provider requires them to usually have at least average intelligence.
Mating strategy: These men offer their resources for female emotional and sexual fidelity.
General description: Weakest type. They lack the respect of other men, except the most superficial “respect” from fellow idiots so they’re not fit to lead any organization aspiring for success. They are of low morals and often low intelligence. They don’t necessarily have to be stupid, but they are always immoral. However, since stupid omegas won’t care about child support they also won’t care about contraception, which means they will have as many children as they can. This means that being a stupid omega is currently the best type in terms of reproduction.
Mating strategy: These men use seduction. Their lack morals and often poor intelligence means they’re not fit for long-term relationships. Their evolutionary advantage is their immorality. Since they’re despised by all other types and are not in any alliance with them they will not hesitate to seduce other men’s girlfriends and wives.
General description: Weaker than alphas but stronger than betas and omegas. Their possess a high level of intelligence and morality. But the fact that they’re smarter than betas is even a sort a hindrance to them in a modern society, as these men won’t be foolish enough to support a used up slut in her 30s and her child so no women will want them at all (I will explain why later).
Mating strategy: Mating strategies of these men depend on the kind of society they found themselves into, which will be explained very soon. In alpha societies these men are usually in position very similar to betas but if the alpha society hold values like intelligence and morality in relatively high regard they might be more attractive to women due to these qualities. However, their best mating strategy is to form a coalpha group, which assimilates both alphas and betas into a monogamous society where each man has a single wife and excludes omegas.
No. 191
>>187Croatian slut here. He's actually accurate at what happened. I was unreasonably paranoid and worried about my mother but I didn't think I'd get a pile of rage for not promptly contacting him.
He's also correct that I probably wouldn't want to sleep with hum. While he calls our fathers thugs he acts like an uncouth belligerent punk. Threatening violence is nothing but thug behavior.
No. 192
>>189By women I meant modern Western women. Western women in sane periods of time and a part of non-Western women today still respect these traits.
All that modern Western women respect is immorality and stupidity.
No. 193
>>191Again, everything you say is insane.
Your third sentence is nonsense, as your failure to contact me promptly was a failure to contact me forever actually - if you wanted to, you'd e-mail me.
Fourth sentence - more insanity. I never said you probably wouldn't sleep with me. I mean, you surely wouldn't since I lack the necessary popularity and once that is missing all I can rely on is stupidity and immorality, which I lack completely, but that's irrelevant to the point that you're making up shit.
As for threatening violence, that is also nonsense. I just said I'd punch you if I saw you. But since I wouldn't see you anyway, that is not a threat. If we knew each other it would be one.
No. 194
General description: In these societies alphas are allowed to mate guard. This means that they are allowed to have entire harems. This carries a great survival risk, though, as many men would like to take out an alpha and take his possessions. So these societies, the most common ones in history, are never extremely successful. Currently very popular TV series Game of Thrones is a good example (minus the supernatural elements) of how such societies would look like in medieval times. Betas, omegas and coalphas are moderately successful here, depending on how much access to mating alphas allow them, or, in other words, how many women do alphas mate guard. In essence, success of all other three types depends on the scope of mate guarding done by alphas and by how the particular alpha society sees intelligence and morality. In alphas societies which somewhat value providers (in case of betas), or decency, intelligence, morality (in case of coalphas) such men will get some remaining women while omegas will get less remaining women. In societies which are of low morals and intelligence omegas will be more successful than betas and coalphas. These societies aren't feminist societies - providers are still recognized as necessary and are allowed to breed. I will talk about how feminist societies are different in that aspect later on.
Mating success ranking: 1. alphas 2. betas/coalphas/omegas (depending on other traits of the particular society, as explained in the general description)
General description: In these societies male mating strategy is co-alpha, because men in the alliance effectively form a cooperative, collective alpha-male that dominates and guards the females. Hence the name, as these coalphas are effectively working as a single alpha made out of many men. These men can absorb alphas and betas, but alphas have to accept that they are now limited to a single wife. This alliance can benefit betas, since a number of them are excluded or close to exclusion in alpha societies. Omega males are not a part of this alliance and, since women are attracted to a type that is most successful with women, they are seen as utter losers. Yes, the kind of men called alphas today by PUAs and Red Pillers, the kind of many every advice tells you to become are actually seen as utterly worthless losers and pieces of shit in such societies ! Only the dumbest and most immoral women, women stupid enough not to observe their poor evolutionary potential and poor genes, women of such low intelligence that not even the kind of societal rejection they will face when choosing such men will dissuade them. So, in such societies omegas will barely be able spread their genes at all.
These societies have four basic traits
1. monogamy
2. female premarital chastity
3. solid moral religion
4. legal and easily available prostitution.
In such societies every decent man is guaranteed a wife, while prostitutes provide valuable sexual experience before marriage, as well as sexual variety during marriage. The lack of competition for women and the fact that their emotional and sexual needs are satisfied at any time due to everyone having a wife and easy access to prostitutes to fabulous level of cooperation. When it comes to economy competition usually increases the quality and decreases the price. But competition among men for women destroys trust, which makes men stab each other in the back and become scumbags. Also, men are motivated to be good providers and to be successful in all areas since in such societies, because sex is always readily available to them in such society, since they are sure to get married and easily available prostitutes provide sexual variety. There are no frustrated incels distracted from work. Men, who are already selected by women for their intelligence, loyalty and morality, are always sexually satisfied and they don't waste their time struggling among themselves for women.
Most successful societies in history were almost exclusively coalpha. Notable examples include Athens, Rome, England 1500-1800 AD or early America. Ancient Athens was the most productive society per capita in history because women had almost no rights at all and the state subsidized prostitution, which allowed men to turn their minds to become extremely productive, as they turned their minds to arts, craftsmanship, creation of a navy, economy and statesmanship.
Mating success rating: 1. coalphas/alphas and betas integrated into a coalpha society 4. omegas (Btw, a good example of an alpha society turning into a coalpha one was the end of Roman Kingdom and foundation of the Roman Republic around 509 BC, which happened after an alpha Etruscan king raped the wife of a patrician. Roman men took down the kind and established a coalpha Roman Republic)
No. 195
Omega societies are always feminist societies. Only in feminist societies can providers be unimportant to the point that they're now unattractive to women.There are two types of omega societies. A non-feminist omega society and a feminist omega society.
I will first describe a non-feminist omega society, as these societies are older.
General description: Such societies are usually previously existing societies which were feminist. Good example of such society was late Roman Empire. These societies belong in a specific category which should be separated from modern feminist societies. The reason for this is basically that they lacked or currently lack the sufficient development and technology to resemble modern feminist societies in all aspects. Yet, in some other areas they were appallingly similar. Late Roman Empire resembled modern America a lot (just like its rise resembled the rise of Rome).
These societies are feminist and game societies in a structure which doesn't support the kind of feminist policies one can see today. For example, limited forms of democracy never survived in such societies so they never enacted women's suffrage all of them lacked the technology to effectively enforce feminist laws. Also, due to such societies being on a low technological level there were marked differences between cities, especially larger ones, and villages, where sanity still prevailed.
General description: These are feminist societies. These are societies which were once successful and are now in decline. Some of the reasons why they're in decline, paradoxically, have to do with their success. Unlike non-feminist omega societies these societies I will explain how these societies come about later. I will just describe them for now. In such societies there is no longer any real monogamy - things like adultery and no fault divorce are allowed. Just like in omega societies, alphas can no longer mate guard, but this time it is for a different reason - all mate guarding is banned because women have "rights" (which are actually massive privileges). The best that the alpha can do is to have a sequence of wives and have slightly above average number of children. So women today consider alphas somewhat attractive based on this. Betas lose a lot of their value, as women no longer need their resources, unlike in alpha societies (as the state now mostly provides for women) nor they are a member of a coalpha coalition any longer, since it has dissolved (else you wouldn't get an omega society). This means that betas are quite undesirable in their youth but become somewhat desirable again when used up sluts in their 30s want an additional source of income. These sluts use betas as meal tickets to feed them and worthless kids they had with omegas or alphas (much more likely omegas). Coalphas are in a worst position, since they are too smart to allow themselves to be meal tickets, plus their traits like intelligence and morality are hated by modern society and repel women. So, who dominates in these societies? Omegas, of course. Most immoral and dumbest men are now the ones who are most successful in terms of evolution. Stupid omegas are the most successful ones because they, like I said, don't care about contraception or child support.
Mating success rating: 1. omegas (with stupid omegas being more successful than those who are not) 2. alphas 3. betas 4. coalphas
POST OMEGA/POST GAME SOCIETIES - These societies are a natural consequence of omega societies. Since omega societies are completely unsustainable (for one, they allow no incentive and many disincentives for decent men to work) they eventually collapse. These societies
WHERE ARE WE NOW - PART 1 We are obviously in latter stages of a omega society. The decline has been steep, painful and disastrous
HOW DO OMEGA SOCIETIES COME ABOUT? These societies always appear when liberalism appears. Liberalism is not some new concept in history. It was present in most declining societies. For example, in the Hellenistic Empire, you had philosophical developments like the Stoics whose founder Zeno said unisex clothing should be worn as a way to obliterate unnecessary distinctions between women and men, and the Cynics among whom women and men alike were free to follow their sexual inclinations. It was developments like these that put an end to Greek culture. Liberalism was evident in decline in Roman Empire as well, as the breakdown of its society had to be contained as early as in reign of Augustus. As Roman Empire declined many of the old customs and legal institutions, especially those regarding women, were abolished. But liberal decline happens over a very long time. First decline liberalism causes is that in minds of people. This is what causes them to even think about things like making all men the electorate, let alone making women a part of it. When that happens the rest is soon to follow.
In 1920 USA ratified the Nineteenth Amendment of its Constitution. During the next 40 years observable decay did not start. Then in 1960s there were LBJ's Great Society programs and sexual revolution. During that time the world got its first generation of sluts. No-fault divorce started during that time as well. Not all of the things that happened during this time were harmful. Homophobia and racism were issues that affected the society in a negative way and a fight against them was a noble one. It is a common fact that most things in the world aren't black and white. However, some positive developments couldn't change the fact that irreversible decline began.
(this is where it stops and, as obvious, some parts here are sketchy and need more addition)
No. 196
>>194Also, the difference between me and a jock is similar to a reaction between me and a welfare slut.
Both jocks and welfare sluts aren't incels are do what they do simply because they're scum.
I am frustrated and violent because I have my basic needs unfulfilled due to reasons explained above. That is not the same kind of violence a jock presents. He is violent because he is just like that.
But I'd be crazy not to be violent.
And that in itself is a plus, modern Western women love to be raped and beaten.
I've explained the difference between myself and a welfare slut twice already.
No. 200
>>199Yes, I completely lack understanding of something that is ununderstandable.
If you're talking about that whore, you're an imbecile - she didn't contact me for at least 2 weeks during which I didn't write anything to her at all.
And now you try to shame me for mentioning violence when both women here and myself know violence is a great way to attract women. It didn't work here because it couldn't had - nobody will admit it works to a man who is considered undesirable. That's why you try to shame me online, but both me and women here know that modern Western women like to be beaten and raped. The problem is, this knowledge is something like Roman legislative procedures during the early Republic - the plebs can't know.
And, jesus, Croatian slut, you mention yourself not being a slut because you slept with less people than myself. What makes you think men and women should be held to a same standard here?
No. 201
>>200What makes you think they shouldn't? Because of your self serving theology? You will never get famous; you will never be popular; you will never get a woman to love you; you will never be happy; you will never get anyone to think that you're any less than a crack pot.
Here's reality, your theories and definitions will never reach out to anyone that matters. You only have a small and almost unknown presence on the internet. You may think that you're able to shape these "love-shy" communities, but it's really just random sexually frustrated men that will eventually: 1) get a girl; 2) kill themselves; 3) grow up; or 4) remain an unknown loser. But you will ever retain any type of importance.
You will die alone. No one will miss you. You will not have made a single difference.
Hiding this thread because I'm tired of your inability to decipher the simplest questions and arguments. You become perplexed to the point of stroke. You repeat the same nonsense over and over without any real applications and only refer back to your darkness blog post that you call an article. It's like a billion word essay on how you suck. The world is cruel. And you fail to navigate its most essential requirements with self pity, delusions and excuses. It's like your life is a perfect way to describe a flaccid penis.
No. 202
>>201"It's like your life is a perfect way to describe a flaccid penis."
At first I laughed and then I realized how perfect that description is.
No. 203
>>201I stopped reading after the first paragraph. You make no arguments and you insult.
So I'll just comment on the first paragraph
1. Actually, I might get famous and popular since there a huge market for these issues. A good evidence for this is that even my rarely updated blog led by a broken man is the biggest incel blog online.
Imagine if somebody who isn't devastated like I am and wrote like me had a blog?
2. It's hilarious you'd even think that modern Western women can love anybody. That's insane. It's as if you're telling me "you're never get your dog to play chess with you". Well, duh.
Modern Western women are unable to comprehend love and are only tolerated by thugs long enough so they might impregnate them.
This guy understand this well seems to be a lot of talk here about not having much luck dating and forming relationships with females in the West. Well duh. Western females are just public urinals being used by different dirtbags. The idea that it is possible to form a relationship with them is ridiculous. Similarly, dating is a thing of the past. This is because Western females are all sluts trying to increase their slut status among other sluts. Therefore they want to be f
*ed by high status men. It follows that perceived high status men will have sluts constantly throwing themselves at them, so they won't have to date to get sex - they can just take their chosen slut home or to a convenient location to fk right away. Hence it follows that if you are asking for a date with a female then you are not of high status, so as far as the female is concerned you are a loser she wouldn't want to date. The slutification of females has rendered dating obsolete as a cultural construct. The only way to score Western sluts is if you get across the message that your only interest in them is to perform the most degrading sex acts you can think of on them before severing all contact and that you don't really care if they don't want to because you can easily find some other slut who will.
3. There are in fact many, many people who don't see me as a crack pot, including journalists of magazines with a weekly circulation of over a million, as a recent example shows.
So what does all this make you? Of course, a retarded slut who every cretin can empty his balls in at every second of the day.
If you want your posts to be read make them sane.
>>202Good thing I haven't read that retard's post then. I can see they continued with insults while a real argument is something they are incapable of understanding.
Maybe if their mother wasn't a slut and their father a thug with mental retardation….
No. 204
>>203Forgot to say.
Who does see me as a crack pot, then?
The usual crowd. Violent, intolerant liberal scum who can't make an argument and defends cretins and their sluts.
No. 206
>>201Oh, yeah, forgot the most hilarious part.
If you even have to ask what makes me think of something as basic as the fact that men and women can't be judged in the same way when discussing sexual activity then I am really too shocked to reply.
Go acknowledge yourself with some basic biology and history, for example concepts of sperm and egg creation or the number of successful cultures that had female premarital chastity ( a hint - all of them did).
No. 208
>>207What are you rambling about? Around two weeks passed between me giving her my e-mail and coming on staminarose to say she didn't contact me.
I mean, you have to be a bit smarter in your lies.
As for your insults, well, I don't leave my bedroom much, that much is true. Why would I? So I could watch thugs in the streets walking around with sluts?
No. 211
>>209I was never there, you lying imbecile.
>>210You're retarded, partially due to using medical diagnoses like that. This is not a threat, since I'd never see her anyway. It's sad you're too deluded and brainwashed to understand that.
No. 212
>>211I'm a whore, I love guys that smell nice and take pride in their appearance. I love a big strong fucking sexy thug that can fuck me silly and then gets the fuck out because he has work in the morning. I'm a slut and I love it, I take pride in it.
I will never fuck you. No woman/slut will ever fuck you. The whole world is having fun and you're just an inept loser with no redeeming qualities. You are an embarrassment.
Sex is so so so so amazing.
I don't even feel sorry for you, have fun with your fleshlight (if you can afford one you poor faggot).
No. 213
>>212Why are you telling me this? I know all of this (except the whole world having fun nonsense).
There was this silly woman on my blog who asked why I oppose female premarital chastity or feminism if it could make women approach LS men (which I am not, but she erroneously thought I was and the point is still the same).
Of course, she was an idiot. The problem with sluts is that they only fuck the most popular men (which means most immoral and stupid).
Men in general get more sex in monogamy then in this system where a small number of top men fuck all the women due to nothing but immorality an stupidity (in most cases, there are some alphas too).
No. 216
>>215>>215Are you implying I'm lying?
Cause that would take the wind out lot of out many femifascist monsters who claim I blackmailed and even raped two of these women, while not understanding that it is not only hilariously retarded but that I don't care cause I know women love rape.
No. 217
Hey Admin-sempai, can I make a request? It's a long shot but:
We've already milked this incelfag dry. Why not move this thread to /b/ and ignore him. Instead we can post about women's right issues: figure this guy gets off lecturing us. There is no one who would sit around listening to his faggotry for long, so he comes here for an audience. We might as well ignore him like real life women.
Anyways, I pretty surprised at this type of retribution style tribal hearings…this doesn't make sense on any level.
No. 218
>>216Some of us like the illusion (RPing) of being raped,
by an alpha. Like holy shit this hot, successful, sexy, fucking delicious man wants me so bad he's going to tie my hands up in scarves and ravage me in his bed gets my panties creamed.
But yeah, fuck having some nasty beta trying to do that to me, I'd cut off his balls. And niggers. Fuck niggers.
No. 219
>>218What you see as an alpha is probably an omega.
Read the actual classification in one the posts above.
No. 220
>>219Alpha: successful, intelligent, sexy, dominant.
Omega: You.
If you were in the animal kingdom you'd be constantly mangled, humped, and made to watch/care for the alphas young pups. You'd be the last to eat. You'd never mate.
You are the perfect example of social Darwinism. You can't get da ladies? Can't understand why ladies want alphas? Not willing to better yourself career-wise, socially, and physically? An outcast you will forever be. Alone. Angry. Bitter. Resentful. Spiteful. No girl is attracted to that type of male. That's you.
No. 224
>>221Haha this guy has the assburgers. This is natures way of keeping him from producing defective offspring. slut slut slut blah blah thugs blah blah blah ~I don't leave my room~
Yes, girls totally want a guy that is ugly, delusional, out of shape, and never leaves his room.
Yet he thinks an Omega = an intelligent man that used his smarts to get a career and become successful.
OR if a guy knows he's not smart enough will work on his body which is equally hard. Going to the gym every day pushing yourself to the limit so they can be attractive to the opposite/same sex takes huge amounts of willpower and determination.
But he wants a girl to land on his smelly lap because he says so.
el oh fucking el
No. 225
>>224Again, I stopped reading after the first two sentences and you don't understand evolution.
Evolution doesn't provide good or defective offspring per se. Its current state is that it produces defective offspring. You have to be scum and feces for women to be attracted to you. Everybody born after 1990 is feces.
No. 227
>>225Your autism is flaring up buddy.
Waaah waahh I wont read what you wrote (we all know you did). You my little spergy friend are the one that doesn't understand evolution. Alphas fuck, Omegas don't. /story
No. 228
>>226I don't read it not because it hurts my ego but because it is useful not to read further when somebody makes an insane statement.
Of course, you're free to defend their statement and I'll try to explain why it is insane.
>>227Diagnosing. And diagnosing against the opinions of actual experts who have seen me irl. Stopped reading.
No. 231
>>219Why would I read your dribble if you don't read mine?
>>If you were in the animal kingdom you'd be constantly mangled, humped, and made to watch/care for the alphas young pups. You'd be the last to eat. You'd never mate.You missed that part mate, you're somehow under the illusion that you'd be the alpha dog in the prairie. You can't even make it as a human, and that's easy as shit in a developed country.
No. 233
>>230You're the Beta. You're the Omega. They don't get shit because they're useless. Name one success you've had in your adult life.
Alphas fuck. Alphas walk around with da beautiful ladies.
Are you walking around with a pretty little slut around your arm? No?
No. 234
>>232You mean the classification of men you made up? I sure will take you seriously now! You must have a degree! You're totally qualified to turn your opinions into facts! HOW ARE YOU NOT DROWNING IN PUUUSSAAYYY?
No. 235
>>234whoopsie, I meant "I DID NOT
No. 236
>>233Look, again, if you're gonna debate me try to talk like you're not from a nuthouse. I can only be one type. So try again.
>>234I didn't make it up. I use it the same way you do, except for the term coalpha (I also didn't make up myself).
The difference is that you don't understand that omegas are the most pathetic males exactly because they use seduction. So what you believe are alphas are actually omegas.
No. 238
>>237ffs I meant to type THINK not things.
~le sigh~
Anyone notice imbecile is his favorite word? This dude is projecting hard.
No. 239
>>237"Alphas use seduction"
No, they don't. If you think guys like Tony Soprano or Putin use seduction you're an idiot. They use their status and strength.
The difference between an alpha and an omega is visible in chimps. An alpha mates with a female whether she wants it or not but an omega has to give her offerings and use the miserable process of seduction. If he is caught doing that he gets beaten up.
Also, you fail to understand that omegas are omegas exactly because they are great at seduction. Told you, forget the PUA nonsense. Their categorization is wrong.
>>238I never insulted anybody first unless they did it to me or said something very stupid. I also explain why it is stupid. You are completely unable to do and just use insults.
No. 241
>>240Out of these three things you mentioned I have a degree.
The remaining two are both useless and impossible to achieve for me.
Useless because I'd still be incel (what matter is immorality and stupidity, not a career or a body). As for careers, money can make a difference but only at very high sums you can't make working a regular job and a "banging body" is completely useless - there are many guys on who have such bodies and are kissless virgins.
These two things are also impossible to achieve for almost any incels cause they require that their relationship situation be somehow settled, they require a "clear head". If one is incel they don't have a clear head and only think about how to escape that.
No. 243
>>241LS? As in
LOL. Oh this is delicious.
No. 244
>>242I agree that there are high status women as well but I was talking about male mating strategies. Anyway, do you think such women also aren't attracted to high status alphas have?
In fact, celebrity women are actually more likely to be attracted my an alpha than an omega dirtbag most women are attracted to.
>>243Yes, as in that site. Most of whose members are employed and some of who have a lot of money and great bodies. Yet they can't get women. What you claim is wrong.
No. 246
>>244Oh I've been to that site. I did not see one attractive male. The bitterness is off putting.
And hey! I'm on the internet, I'm a lawyer and can't get laid because of those stupid bunnies/sluts :( -said no successful man ever.
No. 253
File: 1405471347706.jpg (29.87 KB, 426x525, Marjan_Siklic_4.jpg)

He's hideous.
No. 258
>>250What is depraved about this?
>>251Another child of a… you know who.
>>252Who did I rape?
Who did I blackmail?
Please, explain it to me.
>>254In fact, my looks were about the only thing that made me have some success. However, my lack of immorality and stupidity ruined it further. The idea that you'd mock my looks, OF ALL THINGS, is hilarious.
>>255No,no, no. You're an idiot. He gets that because he's a stupid American jock.
You know what one should do?
Put a woman's teeth on the edge of a table. Then push her her down strongly and break her teeth. It will make you more attractive than any looks.
No. 259
>>255Also, ffs, what sense does the first sentence even make? If women don't choose men based on looks and I had two girlfriends and had sex with four women then what does that mean?
That I am ugly and right?
That I am not ugly and wrong?
Jesus, pick one, you morons. Can't have them both.
No. 260
>>254I tried to force TFO to have sex with me? What are you rambling about?
Do you even know when I met TFO? You mistook her for a completely different person.
In fact, since I probably know who you're talking about, YOU'RE DUMB ENOUGH TO MISTAKE A GIRL FROM 2012 FOR A GIRL FROM 2007.
Wow. Just wow. But you gave me a good idea, though- I'll make a timeline on my blog.
And all of this wasn't even discussed on SR.
As for rape, rape is a great way to make a woman like you. However, this only applies to modern Western women. Sane women don't like rape, as their need to be dominated is already satisfied in other way.
No. 265
>>264Umm… Do you even know what I blame my parents for?
It's not my mother not having sex with me. That was just something I asked out of desperation.
No, the real reasons are described here post explaining why my parents are monsters is yet to come. Still, the crux of it will be described here.
My parents laughed at my problem ever since I was 15. At that age they told me that I will be chased by girls by the time I turn 18. It was a laughable idea that I didn’t believe in and of course it never happened.
They refused to even acknowledge the fact that I had this problem.
If they could understand the problem they would have tried what I call The Prostitute Scam. . In this scam they would have hired a prostitute to live as a tenant in our building and pretend to seduce me. This should have been done when I was 14 or 15 for two crucial reasons- 1. It was necessary for me to lose this phobia as early as possible 2. By the age of 15 I started trying those SMS flerts. It was necessary for me to meet these 3 girls in 2004 experiences with whom I described here for every one of them might have been my salvation.
Let me be clear about one thing- it was essential for things to happen that way and not in any other way. If you did read this long story you should be now know the answer to the question of why it was impossible for me to see a woman I knew was a prostitute – I’d freak out ! I was unable to meet teenage girls in real life until I was 18, do you think I’d be able to see a prostitute?! . This approach would, of course, be risky and expensive. I might have been shocked by her trying to seduce me. Many things could have gone wrong. But it was the only hope for me to evade what happened later.
As for its price no matter how expensive it wouldn’t be as expensive as all the problems I had later because this wasn’t done.
But my parents never did anything like that. Instead the allowed me to live with this life destroying phobia for many years to come. And for that they are responsible. Think about this the next time you defend them. Think about what they did. They allowed me to be frightened of teenage girls. They are child abusers and monsters. Don’t ever forget that.
No. 266
>>265You are insane. And blaming your poor parents for it.
I know you can't realize how insane you are and think the rest of the world is in the wrong, but, damn you are one crazy motherfucker.
No. 267
>>266Oh, yes, your argumentation is perfect.
You do realize that you're only giving me more ammo to claim you and almost all modern people are feces?
No. 272
>>264I came here to literally say this exact thing.
He has that black and white thinking and he doesn't understand basic social situations or relationships. He's narcissistic, psychosis, and I'm positive he's autistic or at the very least he has a defective brain.
And Incel? It doesn't matter what you say, you tried to fuck your mother and no one will ever ever take you seriously or even give you a mediocrity of respect.
We're feces? No buddy, stop projecting. It feels good that no matter how badly I can fuck my life, I will never end up in the shit tier you're in.
No. 273
>>268If you post pictures of what you believe is me I'll post pictures of my various haters.
>>269Another retarded bigot who only knows how to attack. There, now it is explained to you. Which other posts don't make sense?
>>272I stopped reading around sentence three. You throw accusations, diagnoses and insults with not a single letter to back them up.
I like the fact you mention brain, though. I've had it scanned and it is perfectly normal. This is something that can be proven, unlike some silly psychiatric diagnoses which are thin air.
Anyway, something came to my mind today. If the person who asked me about my behavior is still reading…. The main, actually problem with me on dates, is called "Going on dates itself".
Nobody should go on dates. Dates are a horrible, horrible thing. No type other than omegas has any use for dates.
Alphas don't need dates anyway cause they attract women by other means in their day to day life.
Dates were somewhat useful for omegas or coalphas before, at a period when they could still offer women their resources or morality but the old system of pairing was already beginning to collapse.
But dates are now a waste of time for them and can only end up badly.
So he profits on dates? Omegas.
The main problem with me and dates is that I ever went on a single date.
No. 276
>>273Have you ever been diagnosed with anything?
Maybe you could ask your mother to see if doctors/therapists have told her anything about your mental health? People diagnosed with narcissism are rarely told for obvious reason so perhaps your parents will know.
No. 277
>>276Yes, I had been. But that's completely irrelevant, since everybody who gets to a shrink here gets a diagnosis - chances of me not getting one were zero. Some of these diagnoses directly contradicted each other according to DSM-IV.
I don't see what my mother has to do with it, though. She wasn't even there and every diagnosis has to be seen by the patient (on doctor's reports). They're not shared with a third person.
I've never been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and I am nowhere near a narcissist. I suppose it hasn't reached your empty heads that the reason why you see me talking about myself here a lot is because you talk about me and ask questions about me?
I've never heard a single friend call me a narcissist.
No. 279
>>278Depression, BPD, schizoid and schizotypal PD's. But the last two were "diagnosed" after one visit and I never saw these doctors again (not due to their diagnoses but other reasons).
I can't find the source now but I know some of these excluded each other and one of them is now no longer a PD (schizoid). This tells you enough about how "scientific" their crap is.
No. 282
>>281In whose name are you speaking? Do you have headmates?
Anyway, I don't think you should give a shit about anything.That person asked the question and I replied.
No. 284
>>282Can you not answer a single question coherently?
She told you that everyone on this board is one of your "haters" sown y bother posting a pic of one of your haters?
No. 285
>>283I am not trying to dox her constantly. I just posted her pic because you posted mine. Oh, wait, that isn't my picture, and neither are the rest of them but its still immoral.
"Did she leak that picture of you to ED?"
>>284She can't speak for others and I replied to all of this. Could you at least TRY to explain what is incoherent about that reply or any of my replies?
Because I can do that too - you have mustache and you never bathe. I just know. Really. Don't ask how.
No. 286
>>285The pictures you provided were fakes and you never cared about people posting them, however you have a problem with the ED ones. The ones that you claim aren't you are most likely the real deal.
You're horrible looking dude. Get a decent hair cut and dress less like a faggot.
No. 287
>>286What are you rambling about? Last time you posted a picture somebody later claimed wasn't mine I posted her full name, YT account etc.
"The ones that you claim aren't you are most likely the real deal."
None of them are.
"The ones that you claim aren't you are most likely the real deal."
Even if any of these pics were mine you do know that they're from around 2009-2010, or so does that troll that put them up say? Who knows how I'd look now?
Anyway, you're a fool.
Not only are my looks about the only thing I don't have a problem with but looks don't matter. Whoever believes looks play any role is a complete moron.
Anyway, do explain it to me, if I look so horribly, how did I manage to have 2 girlfriends and have sex with 4 women?
No. 288
>>287Even fat basement dwellers can pork some fat chick, bro.
Point is ugly dudes have a problem getting girls, but its not impossible. You just get bottom of the barrel ugly chicks or freaks.
No. 289
>>286Also, while looks didn't play any role in most cases the one woman who really did fall for me fell for me due to my looks.
During that time I was 19 and had long hair, which completely swept her off her feet.
>>288Again, you're rambling about some nonsense.
Out of 4 women I had sex with one would be considered somewhat unattractive and at least two of them above average attractive.
My problem isn't looks nor it is anybody's problem, unless they're obese or deformed. The problem is my lack of immorality and stupidity.
No. 290
>>289Post a picture of yourself. This time, not stolen from some poor guy's twitter or facebook.
If you're not ugly then there's nothing to make fun of.
No. 291
>>290Why would I?
I am somebody who is constantly claiming that not only looks are irrelevant but that the way you behave shouldn't be relevant.
I am somebody who
1. constantly claims that most women are only attracted to immorality and stupidity and not much else
2. is opposed to seduction all together and believe that all marriages should be arranged on economic basis (which is based on moral men applying social pressure on women to marry moral men, just like social pressure is applied today on women to fuck retarded morons).
It's like asking Karl Marx to show you how much success he had in free market or asking Milton Friedman to show well he'd plan a Five year plan.
Do you understand? This isn't even about the obvious fact that most of you are moronic haters who are extremely biased and would spit on my looks even if I looked like 1995 Brad Pitt.
Is this reply also "incoherent", dear? As in, your brain is too tiny to comprehend it?
No. 292
>>291Not the same person, hun.
You will always be that dude then. The hideous guy on the ED page.
No. 294
>>292"Not the same person, hun."
Who are you talking about?
"You will always be that dude then. The hideous guy on the ED page."
Actually, it is obvious that at least four different people are on those pics.
I got very good reactions for a pic I posted on my blog, even good reactions on pics from ED.
Also, how biased is somebody who constantly claims I am incoherent with nothing to back it up or mentally ill while they're not a medical expert and have never seen me irl?
What are such opinions worth?
Anyway, I explained the looks travesty to you.
What I love about you imbeciles is how you choose to believe what you think is bad about me but never the good.
You unquestioningly believe that I asked my mother for sex or was arrested.
But when I say that the girl you claim are blackmailed (crazier feminists even say raped) called me and offered sex first, that she became my gf later or that my looks are never were never the problem, for one reason THAT LOOKS ARE IRRELEVANT BECAUSE IMMORALITY AND STUPIDITY ARE they you ignore that.
How dishonest.
No. 296
>>294You're delusional. The only reason you define people are immoral and stupid is because you can't get laid. It's easier to accept these delusions then believe you are a repulsive person that makes most women avoid you.
So you're admitting that some of the ED pics are you?
I don't care about the girl you "blackmailed." Not all anons share the same ideas, faggot.
No. 297
>>296No, the only reason why I call most people immoral and stupid is stuff like this
"define people are immoral and stupid"
"you can't get laid"
"So you're admitting that some of the ED pics are you?"
Each one of these statements has a horrible flaw in it, each one in its own way.
"Not all anons share the same ideas, faggot."
I was talking about most of you. Most people believe I at least blackmailed her.
No. 298
Croatia must be one big fuckhole if this guy is trying to fuck his mom, beats her up, and is still running around with his ass on the ground legs in the air, shit-streaking all across the floor.
Like holy shit, he needs to be institutionalized the whole nine yards. Locked up, sedated, evaluated, medicinal treatment, fuck I think he needs electric shock treatment, I'm not even joking about the last part. Therapy doesn't work for narcissists.
No job, ugly, flabby body, horrible personality, clinically insane, violent, incestuous, narcissistic, psychopathic, sexual predator, etc etc ANNNNNNNND He's mad women aren't attracted to him.
Like can you imagine if he had a sister? This imbecile would have raped her because ~he's incel and he gets it whenever he can from whomever that is or isn't willing because he doesn't have a choice~
No. 299
>>297Considering your skewed logical reasoning and jumps of proper explanations that are mostly self centered, lack working knowledge or observable theory, I think all those questions are incredibly fair. Everything you say is based off your biased perspective without any credible academic research. Everything you say is emotionally loaded with some sprinkles of random citing.
Maybe you can take some webinars on rhetoric and logical thinking?
No. 303
>>298And this is what I mean by evil of the species. A child of a bad boy and slut.
Anyway, I attacked both of my parents at a different time. The rest are just insults…. Oh, yeah, ugly. Anyway, the next time somebody calls me that I'll c/p some article from my favorite authors.
As to what would have happened if I had a sister, it's silly to ponder that. What would have happened if I were born in 8th century Japan?
>>299I love how you first accuse me of something you don't back up and then try to justify crazy questions. Like that I define people as something (lol wut), repetition of a "get laid" phrase I hate and immediately ban for without any warning AND DESPITE THE FACT I ALWAYS SAY INCEL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SEX or just plain lunacy in a question that asked if I said those pictures are mine, when I said no such thing.
Of course, every reply I got here was full of citations. Oh, sorry, none were.
Anyway, you really need to try something better. It's incredibly easy to trash every nonsense most trolls here say. For you to talk about logical thinking is like Stalin to talk about human rights.
>>300And which posters are these? Could you name examples? Actually, could you just stop posting altogether?
>>302She gave me a chance? Hahahahaha.
Incredible. Jessica Mack lives in USA (used to live in NH, don't know about now) and I live in Europe. Of course we have never even met irl and she got to know my blog by reading about it on Manboobz and we hated each other from day one. She is a feminazi SJW jesus fuck.
But a nice example of how insane the fabrications done by most of you here are.
No. 306
>>305She was the first person who publicly called people to find and publish my info.
I am sure you are very content and believe she managed to do it but she really hasn't. I will dox myself.
No. 307
>>306Oh. hahaha. I guess you really hate her then. You should post a more unflattering photo. She kinda looks cute there.
Now was that so fucking hard?! I asked a question and you gave me a straight forward answer!
"Why the hell post this girl?"
"because bitch tried to dox me"
If you're going to dox yourself, then why not post a picture of yourself here?
No. 308
>>307"Now was that so fucking hard?! I asked a question and you gave me a straight forward answer!"
If you want to read straightforward answers from people don't read my posts. Many questions I get are extremely complex and can't be replied in a few words.
I am sorry if most of you lack the intelligence to understand that or the replies themselves but that doesn't make them incoherent.
"If you're going to dox yourself, then why not post a picture of yourself here?"
It's not as if this was explained here in great detail, right?
No. 317
>>308"The q>>310
Questions are straight foward and require straight forward answers."
Yours maybe, but most of which I'm getting no. Like that dates thing.
"You answer with long winded off topic posts because you're trying to justify illogical assumptions and arguments. "
Do you have any examples of that?
"Your cluster fuck responses five you the same viseral response as watching a flaccid penis trying to penetrate a menstruating vagina."
Oh. What an interesting picture.
>>312Are you insane? None, and I mean none of this "illnesses" affects your cognitive abilities.
I mean, if you're gonna insult people at least try not to look like an ignorant cretin while doing it.
No. 318
>>310Also, here's a straightforward answer about something asked before, by presumably somebody else, about dates.
The only mistake I made there is called showing up.
Dates are for incels or morons (if you're successful at them). Of course, members of the two groups can overlap.
No sane society has dates.
No. 320
>>318No sane man asks his mom to have sex with him.
No sane man beats his parents because he's throwing a tantrum. If you don't like the way your parents treat you then get the fuck out of their house, use your fucking degree, get a fucking job, and get a damn apartment you retarded imbecile.
No. 321
>>320The first sentence was well explained and I stopped reading at the second. If you call consequences of a decade of abuse "tantrum" you only deserve to be destroyed like the genetic scum you are.
Because you are that. If you think being feces in a society which appreciates feces makes you successful guess what… it really doesn't. You're still feces.
No. 322
>>320By some hard luck I intentionally read the rest of your nonsense.
People often said it is not intelligent to stop reading when you read something crazy. Of course, they never explained why or why it isn't crazy.
If you knew about my life you'd know that my current problem isn't how my parents are treating me and and that I did three out of four things you mention here, while the fourth one would be akin to a Jew donating to Adolf Hitler in 1942.
And that's what I should read, folks? This level of insanity?
No. 329
>>324Of course, the comparison is moronic. Despite what you erroneously believe my popularity would not be that of Chris Chan but more of some other infamous blogger like Matt Forney.
Chris Chan would never be interviewed for two days for a magazine like Der Spiegel.
You simply cannot compare that, unless you are a moron, which you undoubtedly are.
As for last second sentence, you will not even try to corroborate any of these lies, right?
>>326"but I live with them"
Your pathetic attempt of parody would still be unfunny but slightly less awful if you actually knew the facts.
"but you have to read the dribble I wrote or you're a god dang imbecile"
Nobody has to read my posts but if you wanna argue with me by using incorrect info or asking questions that have already been replied to then I will call you out on not reading the posts, yes.
If I want to argue with somebody I read their posts.
"Fucking stupid sluts should have their teeth slammed against a table."
They like it. But this only applies to modern Western women.
Even though every shrink I visited said my traits are exact opposite?
Hahahha. Ok, so could you please explain why? Like, defend the lunacy? Because I read one of the posts I shouldn't have read until the end and all I saw was… even more lunacy.
No. 331
>>330Ok, thanks for giving me a chance to do what none of you morons ever did.
I am asking you - why?
Also, something about post 326 - you have to understand that modern women love violence because it fulfills their need to be dominated. It is true that a good number of men in relationships don't act violently towards their women but that is only because modern women want immorality and stupidity so the unquestionable belief that women don't like violence is a part of this stupidity.
But if a smart guy wants a woman to love him he's probably best off by breaking her legs, spine, teeth and skull, as well as pulling her hair off. Much better than acting with respect.
No. 333
>>332The context of this is well explained in the January post on my chronology of my struggle with LS. It shows why that wasn't immoral.
Your immorality is obvious by this very short post, though.
No. 335
>>334Who do I want to torture?
Also, here's the deal - if somebody mentions that name one again and defames the poor guy again I'm opening a ED article on a tumblr feminist.
No. 337
>>336I fail to follow your lunacy. Incel is about sex because I didn't… what? Ask my mother for a relationship?
You're this crazy?
"If you were feeling lonely/sad/depressed you could have asked her to hug you and to hold you."
I am virtually speechless. Something like this could only have been said by a modern woman.
No. 338
Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam Marjam
Marjam, bitch.
No. 339
>>338lol oops! messed up there.
Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan Marjan
Marjan, bitch.
No. 340
>>337lol a hug is not a relationship. Good lord you're inept. A parent can comfort you with hugs and it's normal.
Trying to fuck them isn't.
So Marjan thinks that hugging one's parents is disgusting and it leaves him speechless!
But fucking his mom? Totes ok.
Dumb western women.
No. 344
>>340"lol a hug is not a relationship."
The point was that you mentioned incel not being about sex so I mentioned a relationship. Regarding the hug thing, I told you to read the context in the Jan article.
This was never about me wanting a hug or some consolation but me being sexually frustrated and in a situation where my gf of 8 months left me without us ever having sex etc.
I haven't read on cause you started using insults. Really. Try not to insult people who can make you into a jackass within a minute.
No. 345
>>342"Haha I'm crazy because I'd rather get a hug from me mom than sexy times."
Yes, in fact you are crazy. Wanting to get a hug from your mommy as if you're 8 is pathetic. Regarding what I wanted, the context is well explained in the article so look it up.
>>343 No. 347
>>345I only read two sentences because you are intellectually inferior to me and you are an imbecile with a slut for a mom and a thug for a father.
Would you have eaten your mom out?
What if your dad wanted to join in?
No. 351
>>349Which you will back up with…? My assumption will be - nothing at all.
>>350Try harder dear. Don't disqualify yourself in the first sentence by repeating something debunked an hour or so ago.
No. 352
>>348 But I
AM asking you.
Would you have played with your moms titties?
Would you have eaten her out?
Would you have had her suck your dick first?
Doggy style?
What if your dad wanted to join?
Would you have jizzed inside her?
Would you let your dad watch?
Did you ever masturbate to fucking your mom prior to asking her to fuck you?
Is she a MILF?
What if she wanted to keep having sex with you?
What if she was just so hungry for her sons cock that she begged you every night to stick it in her fuckhole?
Would you have hammered that asshole if she let you?
No. 356
>>352All of these questions are unnecessary. If you read what I said about this many times you'd know the answer to all of them.
>>353Who did I say this about? TFO? TFO didn't "break up with me". It's questionable if we were ever in a relationship at all and even if one says we were it was much more complicated.
>>354There are plenty of morons who are incel. Being incel doesn't make you smart, but being smart almost always makes you incel.
Jodie Beaner
>>355No. I would have never done it. I just said it out of desperation.
No. 358
>>352Sorry, except for the one question you couldn't have known the answer.
No, she's not a MIFL. She's ugly and fat.
No. 361
>>345Wanting a hug from your mom is pathetic
Asking her to fuck you is A-OK
Dem mental gymnastics are Olympic gold medal worthy.
No. 365
>>359I don't get why you responded to that poster with an instagram account of some random girl?
She's hot, would bang 9/10
No. 372
>>371If you go to his ED there is an IRC chat where they trick him and he d0xes himself. Address, country, his FB his brothers name amd FB, his DOB
All because someone was Impersanating him.
He also paid a lawer to call the cyber police.
He's dumb as fuck.
No. 376
File: 1405967616178.jpg (35 KB, 450x299, image.jpg)

>expecting to get a girlfriend with no effort and has nothing positive to offer a woman
>wanting to rape an innocent woman just because he can't get sex
Kindly insert your tiny penis through here.
No. 383
File: 1406104819594.jpg (93.83 KB, 1019x554, csoi.JPG)

Nice house faggot
No. 410
>>409What about you wanting to fuck your mother? Do women love that, too?
Nothing gets the ladies hotter than a motherfucker.
No. 416
>>414Brown, smelly fecal babies
Ahahaha it's seriously almost like you're 11
No. 423
>>418Actually, I'm white.
I can't believe you bitch at people for making "irrelevant" points when my race has nothing to do with what I said.
What do you actually define as "intelligent", anyway? Whatever suits you at the time??
No. 424
>>423Ohhhh wait, I get it now ahaha
I can't tell if your word salad posts are because English isn't your first language or because you're crazy.
No. 426
>>422Stopped reading after the first sentence.
>>423Stopped reading after the first sentence. If you can't understand the point of that leave me alone. This goes for your next post as well
>>425Another moron who failed to understand the point.
Ok, I'm this certain not a single one of you idiots will - IF SOMEBODY CAN TELL THESE MORONS WHAT I MEANT THEY GET MY FULL DOX (ADDRESS, DOB, SSN, EVERYTHING)
No. 429
>>427Ok if you think so but I'm willing to give that person not only my real dox but things you can't even believe to have, like phone number, cell number, names of parents, all my social network accounts, everything. That's how I'm certain nobody here is intelligent enough to understand my simple joke that mentioned being black.
>>428Yeah, you know what happened after your first insane sentence by now.
No. 431
>>430I stopped reading because they said something nutty, like that person's first sentence being "You're wrong because I say so!"
All of you are free to try and defend their claims, not one has done so. All I hear is
"You can't stand the truth because we say it is the truth but don't want to argument it!"
Yawn. I think we need to repeat our class.
Seat-belts, please.
No. 432
PROLOGUE: I get a lot of messages from women, most of them curious or positive. After reading hundreds of their messages I can think I can safely say I am able to see that I got a message from a young British woman before even knowing anything about her location. Messages which are completely bereft of any capitalization, grammar, sense and sentence structure, while being atrociously written and completely contradictory, immediately reveal a British girl. This is a consequence of a generation of British girls who grew up without fathers. Sure, they have biological fathers, else they wouldn’t exist, but their fathers are the kind of monsters I will be talking about here – But this post isn’t just about such issues – it talks about all kinds of monsters, even extremely well-educated and eloquent ones.
This is the story of your incel. It will describe what made you incel and how you can finally end it. But, much more importantly, it is a story on the future of the human race currently threatened with extermination. This isn’t some potential extermination which has not yet begun – it is an extermination which is already almost over. While it would be too much to say that most people on the planet have already been exterminated this is certainly true in Western countries.
It is a great misconception that being an involuntary celibate means you are somehow defective. In fact, it is the completely opposite – in modern society you pretty much have to be degenerate scum to succeed with women. That notion PUAs and Red Pillers have about alphas is ridiculous – what they’re describing as alphas are not alphas at all but omegas, the worst kind of men, and what they see as omegas are simply betas.
Men who get women in today’s society are the actual losers.
Elliot Rodger was right about many of these things but unfortunately never managed to understand the problem the way I did – had he been given a chance to do so he might still be alive.
What caused this? What happened?
This is a modest proposal me and men of CoAlphaBrotherhood site have - Liberalism and feminism turned women’s preferences from providers to seducers, thus genetically eliminating all decent men through involuntary celibacy.
But before I can get to the crux of our argument let us establish some basic truths that will allow readers to understand our position better.
1) All civilized societies were patriarchies.
2) Women are agnostic about male behavior. This means they’re not naturally attracted to any type of man but that their preferences change depending on which kind of men is the most successful with women.
3) In connection to nr.2, women’s preference for a type of male changes simply based on a degree of success a type has with most women.
4) Seduction is worthless, even harmful for most species, as it does not promote any valuable traits that make the species better. It is a form of deceit males make do spread their genes and it creates worthless offspring. This is explained by a phenomenon called I believe voting is a privilege that should only be given to intelligent men and shouldn’t be given to women.
There are basically four types of males or male mating strategies in the world.
General description: These are dominant, strong men who are usually the leaders. Their intelligence and morality are less important but must have at least average intelligence and are often quite intelligent. Alphas are men like a Fortune 500 CEO, mafia leader like Tony Soprano or statesmen like Vladimir Putin.
Mating strategy: The way these males reproduce is by dominance/high status/strength.
General description: Weaker than alphas. Not suited for leadership positions. Providers. Their intelligence and morality are less important and while they’re almost always of average to good morality they don’t think about morality much. Their role as a provider requires them to usually have at least average intelligence.
Mating strategy: These men offer their resources for female emotional and sexual fidelity.
General description: Weakest type. They lack the respect of other men, except the most superficial “respect” from fellow idiots so they’re not fit to lead any organization aspiring for success. They are of low morals and often low intelligence. They don’t necessarily have to be stupid, but they are always immoral. However, since stupid omegas won’t care about child support they also won’t care about contraception, which means they will have as many children as they can. This means that being a stupid omega is currently the best type in terms of reproduction.
Mating strategy: These men use seduction. Their lack morals and often poor intelligence means they’re not fit for long-term relationships. Their evolutionary advantage is their immorality. Since they’re despised by all other types and are not in any alliance with them they will not hesitate to seduce other men’s girlfriends and wives.
General description: Weaker than alphas but stronger than betas and omegas. Their possess a high level of intelligence and morality. But the fact that they’re smarter than betas is even a sort a hindrance to them in a modern society, as these men won’t be foolish enough to support a used up slut in her 30s and her child so no women will want them at all (I will explain why later).
Mating strategy: Mating strategies of these men depend on the kind of society they found themselves into, which will be explained very soon. In alpha societies these men are usually in position very similar to betas but if the alpha society hold values like intelligence and morality in relatively high regard they might be more attractive to women due to these qualities. However, their best mating strategy is to form a coalpha group, which assimilates both alphas and betas into a monogamous society where each man has a single wife and excludes omegas.
No. 433
There are basically four types of males or male mating strategies in the world.
General description: These are dominant, strong men who are usually the leaders. Their intelligence and morality are less important but must have at least average intelligence and are often quite intelligent. Alphas are men like a Fortune 500 CEO, mafia leader like Tony Soprano or statesmen like Vladimir Putin.
Mating strategy: The way these males reproduce is by dominance/high status/strength.
Examples: a strong king, warrior etc (in the past), strong mafia leader, statesman, CEO of a Fortune 500 company
General description: Weaker than alphas. Not suited for leadership positions. Providers. Their intelligence and morality are less important and while they’re almost always of average to good morality they don’t think about morality much. Their role as a provider requires them to usually have at least average intelligence.
Mating strategy: These men offer their resources for female emotional and sexual fidelity.
Examples: A good foot-soldier, worker, employee
General description: Weakest type. They lack the respect of other men, except the most superficial “respect” from fellow idiots so they’re not fit to lead any organization aspiring for success. They are of low morals and often low intelligence. They don’t necessarily have to be stupid, but they are always immoral. However, since stupid omegas won’t care about child support they also won’t care about contraception, which means they will have as many children as they can. This means that being a stupid omega is currently the best type in terms of reproduction.
Mating strategy: These men use seduction. Their lack morals and often poor intelligence means they’re not fit for long-term relationships. Their evolutionary advantage is their immorality. Since they’re despised by all other types and are not in any alliance with them they will not hesitate to seduce other men’s girlfriends and wives.
Examples: Throughout most of history/ in societies that aren’t omega societies – a conniving man with a bad reputation for seducing women.
In omega societies/many current societies (and practically all Western ones) – an immoral, stupid deadbeat who gets women due to being a moron. For example, a PUA but not just them. Most men today are omegas.
General description: Weaker than alphas but stronger than betas and omegas. Their possess a high level of intelligence and morality. But the fact that they’re smarter than betas is even a sort a hindrance to them in a modern society, as these men won’t be foolish enough to support a used up slut in her 30s and her child so no women will want them at all (I will explain why later).
Mating strategy: Mating strategies of these men depend on the kind of society they found themselves into, which will be explained very soon. In alpha societies these men are usually in position very similar to betas but if the alpha society hold values like intelligence and morality in relatively high regard they might be more attractive to women due to these qualities. But, their best mating strategy is to form a coalpha group, which assimilates both alphas and betas into a monogamous society where each man has a single wife and excludes omegas.
Examples: leading class in the golden periods of Athens, Roman Republic, England 1500-1800 AD, early USA, members of CoAlpha forums, any man with high intelligence and morals who wants increased co-operation between men.
No. 434
I now have to describe the evolutionary impact of seduction.
I first have to start by addressing what seduction is NOT.
Seduction must not be equated with sympathy or the feeling of what is called falling in love.
Perils of Fisherian runaway, process described by Ronald Fisher, closely resemble the perils of seduction in humans
The main hypothesis of Fisherian runaway is described like this:
The evolution of male ornamentation, an example being the colourful and elaborate male peacock plumage compared to the relatively subdued femalepeahen plumage, represented a paradox for evolutionary biologists in the period following Darwin and leading up to the modern evolutionary synthesis; the selection for costly ornaments appearing incompatible with natural selection. Fisherian runaway is an attempt to resolve this paradox using an assumed genetic basis for both the preference and the ornament, and through the less obvious but powerful forces of sexual selection (a sub component of natural selection). Fisherian runaway hypothesizes that females choose “attractive” males with the most exaggerated ornaments based solely upon the males’ possession of that ornament. According to Fisher, if strong enough, female preference for exaggerated ornamentation in mate selection could be enough to undermine natural selection if the ornament under sexual selection is otherwise non-adaptive (naturally selected against). Fisher hypothesized this counteraction would result in the next generation’s male offspring being more likely to possess the ornament (and female offspring more likely to possess the preference for the ornament) than the previous generation. Over subsequent generations this would lead to the runaway selection (via a positive feedback mechanism) for males who possess the most exaggerated ornaments.
However, this becomes disadvantageous to for the birds, as….
The plumage dimorphism of male peacocks and female peahen of the species within the Pavo genus are the de facto example of the ornamentation paradox that has long puzzled evolutionary biologists. The peacock’s colorful and elaborate tail requires a great deal of energy to grow and maintain. It also reduces the bird’s agility, and may even increase the animal’s visibility to predators. It would appear that the expression of an elaborate and colourful tail would serve to lower the overall fitness of the individuals who possess it. Yet, it has evolved. Within the context of evolution this would indicate that peacocks with longer and more colorfully elaborate tails have some advantage over peacocks who don’t, that is to say the expression of the costly tail serves to increase overall fitness. Fisherian runaway posits that the evolution of the peacock tail is made possible if peahens have a preference to mate with peacocks that possess a longer and more colourful tail. Peahens that select males with these tails in turn have male offspring that are more likely to have long and colourful tails and thus are more likely to be sexually successful themselves because of the preference for them by peahens. Furthermore the peahens that select males with longer and more colourful tails are more likely to produce peahen offspring that have a preference for peacocks with longer and more colourful tails. Given this, having a preference for longer and more colorful tails bestows an advantage to peahens just as having a longer and more colorful tail does bestows an advantage upon peacocks.
I am not trying to judge the amount of validity this hypothesis has in its original context. For one, I am not not educated in that field. Also, not even all of the scientists agree.
My point is that this resembles what I will be talking about here in a way that it describes the horrendous impacts of seduction on human species.
Seduction is inherently worthless. Being “sexy” alone doesn’t mean anything. In many societies throughout history extreme obesity was a status symbol. Being attractive means nothing on its own.
What matters for the betterment of species is why somebody is attractive. If somebody is attractive due to positive traits that is the most important factor for it’s betterment. If one is attractive due to negative traits that is horrible for its betterment.
One of the greatest lies told today is that just by being reproductively successful you’re successful participating in a betterment of the species.
But how is that logical or possible if the main tool for this success today is seduction, which offers nothing but “pretty feathers”? What needs to be accentuated is that things like presentation of strength, material goods or intelligence/morality aren’t seduction. Seduction is “smooth talk”, it is a desire to procreate by giving nothing at all.
In other words, seduction is an evolutionary tool that is, if successful in a large number, disastrous for the species, since it removes the incentive to produce from men unskilled in it (but skilled in vital things) by removing their ability to ever enter relationships, have sex or create a family.
It is the single greatest negative aspect of modern society. Nothing is more disastrous for men, women or children than seduction being a successful evolutionary tool.
Seduction is disastrous for men since it enables the most stupid and immoral men to procreate while destroying the incentive of decent men.
Seduction is disastrous for women since it turns them into sluts who pick any man if he is immoral or stupid enough (which modern Western women believe is “sexy”) and it eventually likely turns them into single mothers
Seduction is horrible for children since it means they will be a product of most immoral and stupid men as well as sluts and that will likely live in a single-parent household and in poverty (since they will understand that wealth is no great reproductive tool).
Seduction is simply an all-round disaster.
But let us go deeper.
No. 435
General description: In these societies alphas are allowed to mate guard. This means that they are allowed to have entire harems. This carries a great survival risk, though, as many men would like to take out an alpha and take his possessions. So these societies, the most common ones in history, are never extremely successful, as they lack sufficient co-operation between men. Currently very popular TV series Game of Thrones is a good example (minus the supernatural elements) of how such societies would look like in medieval times. Obviously, alphas are the most successful ones in terms of reproduction. In cases of very efficient mate guarding they can have entire harems. In cases of less efficient mate guarding they are still very successful, with their multiple legitimate children and bastards. Betas, omegas and coalphas are moderately successful here, depending on how much access to mating alphas allow them, or, in other words, how many women do alphas mate guard. In essence, success of all other three types depends on the scope of mate guarding done by alphas and by how the particular alpha society sees intelligence and morality. In alphas societies which somewhat value providers (in case of betas), or decency, intelligence, morality (in case of coalphas) such men will get some remaining women while omegas will get less remaining women. In societies which are of low morals and intelligence omegas will be more successful than betas and coalphas. These societies aren’t feminist societies - providers are still recognized as necessary and are allowed to breed. I will talk about how feminist societies are different in that aspect later on.
Mating success ranking: 1. alphas 2. betas/coalphas/omegas (depending on other traits of the particular society, as explained in the general description)
Examples: Most societies throughout history.
General description: In these societies male mating strategy is co-alpha, because men in the alliance effectively form a cooperative, collective alpha-male that dominates and guards the females. Hence the name, as these coalphas are effectively working as a single alpha made out of many men. These men can absorb alphas and betas, but alphas have to accept that they are now limited to a single wife. This alliance can benefit betas, since a number of them are excluded or close to exclusion in alpha societies. Omega males are not a part of this alliance and, since women are attracted to a type that is most successful with women, they are seen as utter losers. Yes, the kind of men erroneously called alphas today by PUAs and Red Pillers, the kind of many every advice tells you to become are actually seen as utterly worthless losers and pieces of shit in such societies ! Only the dumbest and most immoral women, women stupid enough not to observe their poor evolutionary potential and poor genes, women of such low intelligence that not even the kind of societal rejection they will face when choosing such men will dissuade them. So, in such societies omegas will barely be able spread their genes at all.
These societies have four basic traits
1. monogamy
2. female premarital chastity
3. solid moral religion
4. legal and easily available prostitution.
In such societies every decent man is guaranteed a wife, while prostitutes provide valuable sexual experience before marriage, as well as sexual variety during marriage. The lack of competition for women and the fact that their emotional and sexual needs are satisfied at any time due to everyone having a wife and easy access to prostitutes to fabulous level of cooperation. When it comes to economy competition usually increases the quality and decreases the price. But competition among men for women destroys trust, which makes men stab each other in the back and become scumbags. Also, men are motivated to be good providers and to be successful in all areas since in such societies, because sex is always readily available to them in such society, since they are sure to get married and easily available prostitutes provide sexual variety. There are no frustrated incels distracted from work. Men, who are already selected by women for their intelligence, loyalty and morality, are always sexually satisfied and they don’t waste their time struggling among themselves for women.
Most successful societies in history were almost exclusively coalpha. Notable examples include Athens, Rome, England 1500-1800 AD or early America. Ancient Athens was the most productive society per capita in history because women had almost no rights at all and the state subsidized prostitution, which allowed men to turn their minds to become extremely productive, as they turned their minds to arts, craftsmanship, creation of a navy, economy and statesmanship.
Mating success rating: 1. coalphas/alphas and betas integrated into a coalpha society 4. omegas, who are excluded from this alliance and shunned by women (Btw, a good example of an alpha society turning into a coalpha one was the end of Roman Kingdom and foundation of the Roman Republic around 509 BC, which happened after an alpha Etruscan king raped the wife of a patrician. Roman men took down the kind and established a coalpha Roman Republic)
Examples: Ancient Athens prior to its decline, Roman Republic, England 1500-1800 BC, early United States of America, possibly Florence during its Golden age (?)
(superiority of coalpha societies)
Imagine a pitched battle in which two ancient armies fight each other.
One army is a from an alpha society and is larger in number in comparison to the opposing army. A king rides with a group of other noblemen. They are alphas. Who are the the remaining cavalry and infantrymen? They are betas, coalphas and those omegas they managed to press into service. Sure, almost all of them have wives, lest they wouldn’t be fighting. But how will this army fight, if a common man knows that a king or his nobles can take his wife whenever they want to? That omegas still have some power and might seduce their wives at home? In fact, it could be argued that, unless the potential occupation of their lands will be very brutal, they have a vested interested in alphas (king and the nobles) being killed, so that they might lessen the risk of their wives being stolen by alphas later or seduced by omegas back at home !
Now let us look at an army from a coalpha society, which is smaller in number. In this army every man knows with utmost certainty that his wife will wait for him at home if he survives, just like any young man knows that he will surely get a wife who nobody will be able to steal. There are no sexually frustrated men in this army, for wives and prostitutes provide all the necessary sexual release. Every man can be virtually certain that his children are really his. Omegas are completely suppressed and shunned by everybody.
Which army will win?
Of course, in 9 out of 10 cases the winning side will be the army from a coalpha society. The deciding factor in most battles aren’t things like armament or terrain but morals. Coalpha men will be ready to fight and die for they know that they’re appreciated by everybody and that their wives are waiting for them at home. This army is very unlikely to break ranks and flee.
The scenario I’m describing was actually very common during the battles between the Roman Republic and their enemies, ever since they started taking the Italian mainland in early fourth century BC. Being coalpha made them able to crush their enemies Take a look at a long list of Roman battles. While Romans did suffer some defeats this list is basically an unparalleled string of victories. Most of these victories were achieved against foes that were at a similar level of development (other Italic tribes) or on an even higher one (Macedonians and Greeks). What they lacked is a coalpha structure, so they were smashed.
No. 436
Omega societies are always feminist societies. Only in feminist societies can providers be unimportant to the point that they’re now unattractive to women.There are two types of omega societies. A non-feminist omega society and a feminist omega society.
I will first describe a non-feminist omega society, as these societies are older.
General description: Such societies are usually previously existing societies which were feminist. Good example of such society was late Roman Empire. These societies belong in a specific category which should be separated from modern feminist societies. The reason for this is basically that they lacked or currently lack the sufficient development and technology to resemble modern feminist societies in all aspects. Yet, in some other areas they were appallingly similar. Late Roman Empire resembled modern America a lot (just like its rise resembled the rise of Rome).
These societies are feminist and game societies in a structure which doesn’t support the kind of feminist policies one can see today. For example, limited forms of democracy never survived by the time such societies came about in the states they appeared in, so they never enacted women’s suffrage. All of them lacked the technology to effectively enforce feminist laws. Also, due to such societies being on a low technological level there were marked differences between cities, especially larger ones, and villages, where some sanity still prevailed.
As Roman Empire declined as Roman Empire declined many of the old customs and legal institutions, especially those regarding women, were abolished. For example, it is very telling that tutela mulierum, an institution of legal guardianship over women, ended around the same year Romans abandoned their province of Britain (410 AD).
The most successful type here are, for the first time, omegas but alphas still retain a lot of power because strength (for example, in battle) is still appreciated, nobility still rules and mate guarding isn’t forbidden. Betas and coalphas have somewhat similar mating success, as the society lacks the technology to make women successfully mooch of men with full legal protection.
Mating success rating: 1. omegas 2. alphas 3./4. betas/coalphas (depending on other factors)
Examples: late Babylonian Empire, certain Greek city states towards their fall, late Roman Empire, (maybe South American Native Americans toward the arrival of Europeans?)
General description: These are modern feminist societies. These are societies which were once successful and are now in decline. Some of the reasons why they’re in decline, paradoxically, have to do with their success. This is because they essentially use their own wealth, that was created prior to feminism, to destroy their own substance, thanks to liberalism.
Unlike undeveloped omega societies these societies, these societies are comparatively rich. In fact, when compared to basically any prior society they are insanely rich. This is what enables them to be a lot different than undeveloped omega societies, as a developed omega society can very effectively enforce alimony or child support, just like it can very effectively deal with any perceived enemy. I once read that you can’t have real feminism without computers and I tend to agree with that.
Such vast technological differences between old omega societies and the society portrayed here are why I decided to make a separate category for each of them.
In such societies there is no longer any real monogamy – things like adultery and no fault divorce are allowed. Just like in omega societies, alphas can no longer mate guard, but this time it is for a different reason – all mate guarding is banned because women have “rights” (which are actually massive privileges). The best that the alpha can do is to have a sequence of wives and have slightly above average number of children. So women today consider alphas somewhat attractive based on this. Betas lose a lot of their value, as women no longer need their resources, unlike in alpha societies (as the state now mostly provides for women) nor they are a member of a coalpha coalition any longer, since it has dissolved (else you wouldn’t get an omega society). This means that betas are quite undesirable in their youth but become somewhat desirable again when used up sluts in their 30s want an additional source of income. These sluts use betas as meal tickets to feed them and worthless kids they had with omegas or alphas (much more likely omegas). Coalphas are in a worst position, since they are too smart to allow themselves to be meal tickets, plus their traits like intelligence and morality are hated by modern society and repel women. So, who dominates in these societies? Omegas, of course. Most immoral and dumbest men are now the ones who are most successful in terms of evolution. Stupid omegas are the most successful ones because they, like I said, don’t care about contraception or child support.
I will explain how these societies come about later. I have just described them for now.
Mating success rating: 1. omegas (with stupid omegas being more successful than those who are not) 2. alphas 3. betas 4. coalphas
Examples: North America, Western Europe, Australia and Scandinavia since around 1970s, now almost all of Europe, huge parts of South America, parts of Asia
No. 437
>>426I couldn't understand the point at first because of your shitty grammar. I would have understood from the start if you used quotation marks correctly.
Or, as you call them, "brackets".
No. 439
>>437 I took a look at that post and don't see what's wrong with grammar?
Oh, and I love how you cling on to a single lapsus calami written on SR months ago, as if I don't really know the difference between the two.
Has your trucker smashed you today and filled you up like Christmas turkey?
No. 443
>>441I read it. I wasn't sure what you were referring to. Might have meant that you get why you don't get it.
>>442Do you seriously believe I don't know the difference and that I would, for some reason, really confuse the two? If so, you're as crazy as that feminist who claimed I use a translator to read posts.
No. 444
>>439Generally when you're imitating someone, you put your 'impression' in quotation marks. It makes a pretty big difference.
i.e. "Are you by chance black? Then you're wrong about anything you say!"
But being a 'genius', you'd know that, right?
No. 446
>>431That's rich coming from you considering you cite all that "coalpha" bullshit from your blog as if it's fact and cold hard truth. You
really think you have more of a chance with a woman than a physicist?
No. 447
>>444Oh. Ok, you might be right. A cultural difference. We don't do that here. Thanks for the advice.
>>445It isn't difficult to be high and mighty among those who discuss you do now with a person telling you why the civilization will collapse.
Of course I make mistakes. English isn't my first language and I'll never be as good in it as native speakers. For example, one guy from sent me a list of mistakes I made in this article after he saw I sought help with that.
>>446I claim it is the truth because I believe in it. If you think you know a better truth about something I'd like to see it.
"You really think you have more of a chance with a woman than a physicist?"
What a fucking joke you are !
When I said that two thirds of are in STEM several morons here said that there isn't a single attractive man there.
You're so dishonest that it is just…wow.
So to answer your question - when compared with mine, his chances would merely depend on whether or not he has sufficient levels of immorality and stupidity (ie, whether he can use seduction). Unless he is extremely rich, which is a different game altogether.
There are several PhDs and physicists on who are virgins, which I am not. Imagine that….
Because guess what, scum? If you're really attractive as a physicist you don't need "game", charm or any of that nonsense. That's how the world works. Or would work, if it were sane.
If you need game and charm you might as well be a gardener.
No. 541
>>448Well, yeah, a "good personality" means stupid and immoral enough for you.
>>449Probably the best thing for you. Your head would explode if you read on.