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No. 444100
Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-Please do not respond to scrotbait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.
-Gender critical discussion goes to
>>429238Previous thread:
>>434494>>>/ot/439139 No. 444102
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No. 444103
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MGTOW and incels tinfoil more than conspiracy theorists and all of lolcow and it's sister sites combined
imagine listening to literally anything pertaining to women, and then going on a sperg rampage about how the evil women are going to push men to suicide, laugh about it, fuck chad and use beta providers to obtain things to fuck chad with then go home and fuck their dogs and hit the wall and wonder where all the good men gone
No. 444110
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Everytime I visit the incel forum it's like a living meme, it's like I can predict absolutely everything they're going to post about.
No. 444111
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No. 444113
>>444110They're so pissed women have different ways of making themselves orgasm without men lmao
They tinfoil about how the evil roasties are upset about being replaced by sex bots, then turn around and sprout unfounded science and blanant lies about how every single female uses a vibrator from 10 (???) And thats why his 2 incher ain't getting anyone off and he's too stupid or lazy to even locate the clit ha
No. 444114
>>444110Ah yes, the industrial-grade super-sonic vibrator is all the rage with ten-year-olds. It's what every kid wants to see under the Christmas tree. We all remember collecting them and trading 'em on the playground.
This guy is either trolling or on meth. Possibly both.
No. 444117
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All women are apparently camgirls now, and squirt is pee
Imagine voluntarily going into a campsite, while claiming to hate women, knowing sex-workers do nasty shit, then getting grossed out and using it as fuel to hate all women because he saw a camgirl lick her squirt fluid lmao
No. 444128
>>444120>>444123 and no
Squirt is chemically similar to urine but not urine as there are different acids in true "squirt"
But given a lot of the times girls will drink lots of water for clear pee then squirt and literally piss and in some porns they'll pump water into women's vaginas and have them squirt it out
Squirting is real but rare
No. 444140
>>444108I used to think 30 was when your life is supposed to be "over" as a woman but now the age has been lowered to 25 it seems? Which is bizarre because at 26 I finally have enough money and time to do all the shit I've ever wanted with my fiancé, and I don't look any different than I did at 21. Better even, since now I can afford a gym membership.
Besides, can men even tell a woman's age past whether she has kids and an extra chin or not? Because from experience I don't think that is the case. They're hilariously bad at it, even.
No. 444153
>>444117>[Serious]I sure hope it isn't.
It's worrying to see someone buying into incel rhetoric at that age, are there men out there that grow out of it or are they doomed forever?
No. 444175
>>444157B-b-but they slept around before they got married! Men get
triggered simply because satc characters didn't settle down at 19 and enjoyed being single at times.
No. 444200
>>444103The thing that
triggers me the most about the Chad tinfoil is the fact that men are the ones who cheat the majority of the time and don't get half as much shit for it when they do. When a guy cheats and a girl breaks up with them, these types will sperg about how harsh and unfair it is of her. They'll go on about how it's just ~men's nature~, they can't help it, and how the dumb bitch is gonna hit the wall and die forever alone like she deserves. Then when a woman cheats on a man, they say he's a beta cuck if he doesn't want to leave her and she deserves some horrific fate like death or unwanted babies and severe STDs. And if someone points out the double standard, you get that retarded lock/key bullshit that makes no fucking sense.
No. 444203
>>444110>if guys are jacking off several times a day to hardcore porn from age 10, is it any wonder they struggle to get hard from real life sexual encounters?FTFY
Also, I've never in my entire life known anyone who had a vibe of any kind before 16.
No. 444210
>>444117So many things wrong with this, but I'll just point out what hasn't been mentioned:
Women who do that "nasty" fetish shit, are doing it for their primarily MALE viewers who PAY her to do those things for them in the chat.
Two, piss is clean. Gross, but clean. There's a reason why hikers drink it when no water is available. Bear Grylls. Come on. Fuck.
No. 444213
>>444140Most men can't tell the difference between a 20yo and a 30yo. Because there usually isn't one unless you're addicted to something that rapidly ages you like heroin or work an insanely stressful job while also having kids. If you're childless, take care of yourself somewhat, and don't have tragic genetics, there probably won't be hardpy any difference between what you looked like in your early 20's versus your early 30's.
Men just spew the shit about hitting the wall as a cope to feel less forever alone.
No. 444218
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This twitter post and the accompanying article made me sick.
In a time when mass shooters with histories of misogyny are killing dozens of people, and pedophiles are killing girls for not sleeping with them like Bianca Devins…
This person is worried about how men are shamed by their girlfriends and wives for watching trans porn!
There is so much wrong here. So much entitlement. In a world where women are vehemently hated, this trans woman’s #1 issue seems to be protecting men who are caught masturbating to trans women porn…?
I’m just speechless. No. 444221
>>444219You’re retarded. It’s not cheating. Women watch porn, too. It’s gaslighting to pretend men and women don’t like to watch naked strangers fucking. Boo boo, you don’t. Try it.
You have a right to question your partners sexuality if it seems like you may not be together for the length of time you expect, because they prefer other genitals.
Do you have to be a dick about it? No. Also, no one in this article was in a loving, stable relationship. They were all seeking out penis. I don’t care what you think that makes you.
No. 444223
>>444110Despite them propagating the NPC and 'women are soulless' meme they really are just like NPCs. I've been in discord servers and there is nothing distinguishing any of them, they have no accomplishments or talents, their entire brain is just 4chan threads as a script, you can usually predict what they're going to say, they've done nothing with their lives except play video games and fap. I saw one of them post about the vibrator thing a few weeks ago (they never said it before) and now they're all spouting it as some new cudgel like in your screenshot
Is it surprising women want nothing to do with them? 'Robots' is also inadvertently a correct term for them
No. 444224
>>444221If your partner tells you they consider porn to be cheating, which is a perfectly
valid position, and you look at it anyway then that is cheating. What kind of crazy gaslighting bullshit can you possibly argue to believe otherwise?
No. 444225
>>444221>women watch porn, tooI disagree with that anon saying it's cheating (although if your partner has boundaries about it breaking them is dishonest and shitty) but…have you been using these threads for very long? Being a regular porn watcher isn't exactly popular due to the abuse women experience in the industry and the effect porn addiction has had on young men (and women). Male (and some female) sexuality is easily swayed and prone to escalation.
And this is coming from a horny bitch who used to watch and look at it for hours a day and was Nemu-tier, not an ace prude.
No. 444227
>>444223God, this. A big epiphany moment for me was realizing how many men I knew had just done nothing all their lives and turned their frustration on the world, and how many women I knew who were just….the exact opposite. Even now, I have a good friend group of grown up nerds, but it's the women who have a self improving streak, who go for runs and learn new skills and organize fun events and ALSO manage life skills like cleaning and cooking the guys just never do. And god, attitude wise, there're so many men who get pissy and cynical and rude about this, and so many women who cultivate optimism and kindness. Not to mention who's punished for what–guys I knew who were dysfunctional could still have friends and have other men cover for them for being shit people, but dysfunctional women are craaaazy sluts.
Realizing that I didn't have to settle for any of these men and that I wasn't afraid of not marrying was such a turning point. If someone comes along, sure, but knowing I don't HAVE to put myself through the straight woman gauntlet of dating, of figuring out "okay what weird porn shit will I have to weather, what basic life skills do you not have, how badly do you handle negative emotions, do you have any goals and anything even resembling a plan to accomplish them" is an amazing feeling.
No. 444233
>>444218yeah, how dare these oppressive evul cis womynz want to date someone faithful? i don't give a fuck what my brother or other men are doing but if my boyfriend is watching tranny porn it's a completely
valid reason to drop his ass. i don't want to be with a man who's into dicks, especially tranny dicks. doesn't mean i look down upon him, it just means i'd rather date someone straight.
is it women's fault that men who are into troons get shamed, or is it men's fault? literally just fuck off.
No. 444237
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My first boyfriend was pornsick & had a bimbo fetish. It was very hard to live with knowing someone who supposedly loves you, yet being there as well, despised your entire appearance. Going as far as willing to pay for all surgeries he wanted for me to go through. Before I met him, I was struggling with anorexia, being underweight, though I am still actively recovering. He helped me gain weight, but the real reason he did so was to see if my breast or ass would get bigger. They didn't & he began to sorta resent me for it. This of course made me relapse because I felt like a fat brick & all the effort went to nothing. Now I constanly compare myself to bimbo porn models & at the same time to severely underweight curveless women. I truly believed his intentions with me were kind hearted, until I realized it was all to see how fuckable I could become without him having to waste money on surgery. Men are truly the worst & it's funny I say that because I was a handmaiden before I broke up with him. Slightly ot, but if go to therapy, will it truly help with my body dysmorphia?
No. 444238
>>444221That's sad you have such low standards, porn is both
abusive to women physically and
abusive to the women putting up with it in relationships.
No. 444247
>>444245This is why I'm tired of handmaidens screeching on about 'its just people fucking!", if men looked at normal videos of people fucking and enjoying themselves once in a while (and never in place of actual sex) or nudes of a natural woman's body it would be fine but most porn is geared towards fetish and addiction. Men today are developing
abusive niche fetishes and growing more and more entitled towards women's bodies while also developing early ED. Porn isn't harmless and anyone who says it is either desperately trying to look like a cool girl or a stupid scrot.
No. 444251
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>>444237Similar happened to me, I am pear shaped so I have large butt, small boobs, I've had a fuck buddy constantly pressure me into plastic surgery while claiming to want to get serious with me, porns completely melted men's minds to the point where a natural, healthy, unaltered woman's body is considered unattractive to them but that isn't enough, they have to destroy women's self esteem along the way, basically no woman is good enough for men
No. 444255
>>444237I went almost what you went through. The guy I was talking to told me repeatedly he didn't want me to change and my body was nice (I was insecure because I'm very waif-like), but would then go one to tell me he wanted me to get a breast augmentation and would repeatedly send me pics of his female friends who had obviously curvier bodies than me and send me the okay sign emoji next to them… lol. He encouraged me to lose weight, so that my waist would appear (I told him you can't change body shape). He then proceeded to get angry when I told him I relapsed into my eating disorder, and was also upset my ass got smaller. He told me he'd never leave me… ghosted me the minute something else came along. At least the trash took itself out.
Therapy is different for everyone; some respond well, others don't. You may also have to browse around for the right therapist and treatment options. I just started going to a CBT group last week, but it has helped immensely. I had been trying different things off and on for over two years prior, and those things did very little.
>>444251>I've had a fuck buddy constantly pressure me into plastic surgery while claiming to want to get serious with meI wonder if we dealt with the same guy, lol
No. 444256
>>444218This person needs to know how to write, also it's not exactly helping your movement if you think taunting cis women and insisting all men are into troons and it's somehow women's fault is a good idea and will help gain support of women, it just makes tranny porn seem like a revenge fantasy to get back at the ebul cis wimminz instead of something that you're genuinely attached to and are mentally stable about.
As for why women would get upset over their boyfriend watching tranny porn. The same reason blonde haired girls would get upset if they found out their boyfriend's went out their way to watch tons of ginger porn, the same reason black women would get upset if they found out their boyfriend went out their way to watch tons of white women porn, the same reason why a woman with small breasts would get upset if they found out their boyfriend watched tons of big tiddies porn, etc
It's perfectly healthy and normal to want to feel like your partner is attracted to you and in fact IMO should even be encouraged for women to actively seek men who are attracted to them. If you find out your partner actively goes out of their way to seek porn of that which is completely opposite of them, it makes them feel undesirable therefore is a good reason to drop said partner so the woman can find a man that's happy with her looks and a man can find a tranny or whoever they find more desirable.
No. 444270
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Facts are facts.
No. 444278
>>444270TBF most gun related deaths are men's suicides.
The gun sperging I've seen among guys is just stupid. I mean if your an enthusiast or whatever fine but these preppers that stockpile guns are just retarded.
No. 444289
I like how the current gun debate centered around mental illness as a cause, ignores the fact that women have mental illness too. 110 out of 114 mass shootings in the US were committed by men.
These tidbits makes perfect sense to most of us:
"If you look at the motivation that we know about it does seem to be that men handle their catastrophic loss and self esteem worse than women." -Professor David Wilson, a criminologist at Birmingham City University
"Women tend to see violence as a last resort, as a self-defence mechanism. You use violence if you have to, if there's no other way out. Men tend to use violence as an offensive weapon, to show them who's boss. -James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University No. 444291
>>444100Mgtows actively cheering on for more women being killed by men. Wonder how long their sub will stay up.
>>444267>thot patrolCringe. What a weak meme just to say they hate women and yet they jerk off to thots, demanding that women become them
>>444238It is and it's sad that women can't even express discomfort at porn or their bf using it. Why is it such a fucking alien concept that women want their SO to be attracted to them. I wonder how big the REEEing would be if porn was banned
No. 444304
>>444267Girls and women are always shamed for having "daddy issues," as if it's their fault somehow that an older adult in their life who was supposed to love and nurture them failed to uphold his responsibilities. Can't watch the video at the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if that guy shaming his daughter turns out to be
abusive or a deadbeat of some sort. Girls who engage in risky behavior like this regularly deserve sympathy not shame.
No. 444311
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>>444270the mra take on this.
>women are significantly more likely to be the sole perpetrators in infanticide casesthis is true and horrible, but men are also significantly more likely to be the perpetrators of almost every other crime.
>According to the 2011 arrest data from the FBI: Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape, 87.9% of those arrested for robbery, 85.0% of those arrested for burglary, 83.0% of those arrested for arson, 81.7% of those arrested for vandalism, 81.5% of those arrested for motor-vehicle theft, 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children, 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assaultthe original post was talking about mass shootings. mass shootings are currently a serious issue that are almost entirely perpetrated by men. idk how you are going to solve this problem without recognizing this fact. i thought you were so concerned about men's well-being, yet you can't take any criticism on male criminals.
>(not counting abortion)because abortion is definitely comparable to mass shootings, sure.
No. 444315 Karen meme to me was at first about anti vaxxers. But it's just starting to really be about any woman who isnt quiet and has to be arrested. Alot of stories on entitledparents sub are fake but it's the same formula. Upset Karen with a young child is being illogical, totally cool and calm dad/husband that is planning on divorcing her and taking her kids away acts as thr savior, Karen gets arrested and goes to prison. The ultimate male fantasy. Use women as breeding cattle, get her arrested after for something and then take her kids.
There isn't even a male equivalent for Karen. Not surprising
>>444311>abortionsSo many of mras are pro life only because pregnancy makes women vulnerable and they can take advantage of that. Guarantee if everyone was pro life mras would be whining online about having to be fathers, raising kids and spending their money on them.
No. 444317
>>444100 entire comments section are insulting this woman, saying she shouldn't be believed, just because of this video of her screaming. My father used to scream worse than this every day, and push my mother into a wall. She finally had a day where she snapped and looked exactly how this woman is acting in this video before she pushed him off and ran out of the house.
I fucking hate men. As if screaming in retaliation after years of abuse isn't
valid. No one knows the whole story, and yet the comments immediately attack her.
No. 444321
>>444304Agreed. I can't even understand how someone would think differently.
This reminds me of that turd from a few weeks ago that said girls who end up getting groomed by 4chan pedos at 14+ bring it on themselves and don't deserve sympathy. Everyone pointed out why they were wrong, but they held strong and kept insisting. Shit makes no sense.
No. 444326
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I hate male propensity to develop paraphilias like sexual sadism.
No. 444328
>>444320A daddict maybbee? Only used for dads and hardly used outside 'childfree' circles.
There isn't really a male equivalent to Karen, one because they want to make fun of women, and two because men are already that bad by design, they don't need a specific haircut or 3 sons, they just need to act like men to be a karen male equivalent.
No. 444345
>>444311It's true that women are more likely to commit infanticide, but once kids hit a certain age, iirc like 4+? the switch flips and men are far more dangerous to them, far more likely to kill their entire family and themselves since women almost never commit familicide.
When it comes to infanticide, mental illness legitimately is the cause. Not to mention the statistical fact that mothers are left with newborns 99.9% of the time. Meanwhile most mass shooters do NOT have mental illness.
>Serious mental illness has been found to be conclusively present in a minority of mass shootings—only 14.8 percent of all of the mass shootings committed in the U.S., defined as a shooting which injures or kills four or more people, between 1966 and 2015. (Another study focusing on different data collections of generalized “mass murder” from 1949 to 2015 attributes 23 percent of those incidents to the mentally ill.) Studies have also found that those with serious mental illness are responsible for just 4 percent of the incidences of interpersonal violence and less than 1 percent of all gun-related homicides annually in the United States. Generally speaking, people with mental illness are far more likely to be victims of firearm violence than commit it.>Yet, while most mass shooters in the past 35 years have not been found to have a serious mental illness, nearly all of them do have one thing in common: their sex. Of the 96 mass shootings committed since 1982, all but two were committed by men. (Most of them were white.) No. 444401
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Your daily reminder that pleasing your long term moid to prevent him from straying is a meme made up by moids to clown you into investing excessive effort. Moids will cheat even if they're completely happy, women cheat when something is seriously wrong with the relationship. No. 444405
>>444403So he can get free (or in case of 50/50 Dutch mess, he can get PAID) guaranteed sex, genetic offspring, childcare, cooking and cleaning. He has secured a woman and reduced her options by wearing her down with kids and marriage, so she can't really stray. Now he can spin plates and court side chicks who still have some life in them due to not having to dote over a bloodsucking meat dildo full time. The male version of securing the bag is securing the vag.
Alpha fux beta bux is a prime example of male projection. Every male is looking for exactly that - a pick me Dutch Becky to cook and clean and a Stacy to spoil with money and give head to.
No. 444425
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>>444411Marriage (especially with children) is entirely useless unless it's with a literal one percenter who pays you for breathing, and I'm not exaggerating. Unless a man is so well off he can make most of the inconveniences of motherhood and wifedom unnoticeable via hired help and fully subsidized health/beauty maintenance, you only lose, lose, lose.
In an income matched or (god fucking forbid) 50/50 marriage you are gaining nothing but loss of long term earnings and other potentially better suitors. You also gain someone to take care of, which ages you. In case with children, you are completely destroying your health and making yourself entirely non-marketable in terms of dating at all. Instead of gaining wealth and security, you are gaining dependents to slave away for for the next (best case scenario) 18 years. Your husband has a green light to cheat. If he's in the same income bracket as you, divorce and child support means absolute jack shit - you'd be making more if you were single and childless. Even if you're not splitting, you're still taking a major L. So why are moids hyping it up? Precisely because they know that there's nothing in it for you. The only way you can find marriage appealing is a) being memed into it or b) wanting children so much that all the losses are worth it. If children are your end goal and you actually need them to feel fulfilled, the option of marriage reaches the status of "maybe okay".
If you do not want children, you have absolute jack shit to gain. Even if you like hetero sex, you can get it without playing house AND trade it for resources. Everything that
triggers moids, "hypergamy" and increasing childlessness by choice in particular, makes PERFECT logical sense. The reason why they screech about "the wall" and women needing to lower their standards is because they know that in general, women are better off letting their goods "expire" than settling for someone who isn't a literal billionaire.
Tl;Dr when women gained the legal right to learn their own money, reproduction became moids'only viable (and rapidly evaporating) bargaining chip.
No. 444438
>>444435Loser in evolutionary sense, maybe. If we consider reproduction as the only metric of success, trailer trash is the pinnacle of achievement and people like da Vinci are absolute shit tier subhumans.
Also, begone scrot.
No. 444442
>>444435Imagine being this brainwashed.
>everyone, no exceptions regardless of how incapable they may be as parents, are obligated to contribute to overpopulation and environmental destruction to satisfy their own ego and anon's esteemed opinion by not being a 'loser'If the world was worth bringing a child into, I'd do it. But fathers are pathetic non contributors, society is geared against mothers, children spell financial ruin most of the time, and I don't owe the world jack shit until it improves conditions for mothers. Thus far the only incentive is to avoid social stigma and insults, pettiness aside it is very telling men have to try and terrify/shame women into accepting motherhood no matter what.
No. 444444
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>>444425>If children are your end goal and you actually need them to feel fulfilled, the option of marriage reaches the status of "maybe okay".Not even then. I want children, and I am adopting. There are plenty of kids who need a home. Foster care, volunteering or working with children, and a sperm donor are all options as well.
No. 444464
>>444425Food for thought: Hypergamy has actually DECREASED TO ALMOST NOTHING since the 1960s. The stats don't lie. Far from the scrot thinking that the sexual revolution and women in the workforce opened the doors to women salivating over the top 20 percent, both have kind of disrupted it because, you know, women are fucking working or engaged in childcare. Their 'trad' grandmas or great grandmas were in all probability marrying up and putting themselves on the meat market endlessly for 'chad' and rejecting chuds more than random art hoes they whine about on on OKCupid.
Then they go on about how this is why we need arranged marriage. But arranged marriage is also a hypergamous system typically done to enhance the wealth and status of the brides family. It's not just femicide that leads places like India to have an excess of leftover men.
Even male hypergamy has decreased. Which is probably why incel scrots obsess over 'High Quality Non Primitives' aka ballerina looking upper class girls (then they lie about it and claim they'd settle down with a 3/10 if it weren't for feminism)
No. 444482
>>444435go back to facebook becky, nobody cares if you think lowly of women who are actually enjoying their life and doing what they choose and what makes them happy and not shitting out as much children as possible and dealing with screaming,crying, money burning sacks of shit and piss just because somehow in your mind not bringing more children into this cruel world is selfish and "flushing achievements of women down the toliet"
you aren't mentally stable if you think that the only way to enjoy and appreciate life is to have kids, either that or you have no talent so you have to convince yourself shitting out crying children somehow makes you superior to women who actually do something with their lives other than bringing useless children in the world just to overpopulate it more with more useless people taking resources, clogging traffic, making the job field more competitive than it already is, etc
No. 444483
>>444464>ballerina looking upper class girls Not to sound completely autistic, but I posted my pic on 4chan, and the first thing everyone sad is I had the body of a ballerina (I'm fairly thin and athletic). I also attended a private school early in life, and went to trade school, so I have a fairly decent education. I have a good job and a steady income, despite only being 20, am going to college to eventually obtain PhD, and I still got managed to be ghosted by robots back when I was a sad pickme. These were by guys who worked dead end wagie jobs and complained miserably. Real life wasn't much better, minus the misery of a 4chan scrot, men still were entitled and pulled my body apart endlessly. I got ghosted, despite making a massive effort on my appearance, for a girl who had all the qualities this guy said he hated. Safe to say, men lie about everything. I swallowed the pink pill. I'm fucking done.
No. 444485
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No. 444492
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>>444485FYI that's not the Dayton shooter, it's some random guy misidentified at first. Amazingly the actual guy looks even more like the first two than him.
No. 444509
>>444440Same. I would never want a son because I despise the y chromosome, but I would also never want to curse a daughter with living in this world with all these males I hate. I also just don't want kids in general.
Anyone who has children is either contributing to the human race's male problem or bringing a girl into this horrible world where bad shit practically guaranteed to happen to her.
(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 444533 Daytona shooter wasn't a white supremacist, but he was a violent, misogynistic piece of trash. He made a "kill list" and a "rape list" with the names of various girls/women and the things he wanted to do to them. One woman said that he literally text messaged her telling her that she was on his rape list.
He was also the lead singer of a "pornogrind" band called Menstrual Munchies that put out albums called "Preteen Daughter Pu$$y Slaughter" and "6 Ways of Female Butchery". The album art and lyrics are as lovely as you'd imagine.
A look at their (now-purged) Bandcamp page for anyone curious: they use a photo of an actual female murder
victim for album art and title it "Live Snuff Porn".
In this video of him performing, at 9:16 he says to the audience "Let's take the sexism and homophobia out of pornogrind, am I right?". I have to laugh. Same guy who made a fucking rape list and whose whole gimmick is exploiting women.
Even when they're "leftists" who speak out against sexism, racism, etc this is what men are like.
His bandmate is on full damage control now, deleting everything, acting like he saw it as all "just a joke" and didn't realize how fucked up he was.>"Creekbaum, who has been writing and recording music under the name Menstrual Munchies for more than five years, says he did it mostly as a joke and now is sickened that Betts apparently took it all seriously. >“I feel shitty having let him be in the band, doing those lyrics,” Creekbaum said. “Because I know, like, whereas I saw it as a joke — like, ‘Let's play this and we’ll shock some people,’ and then the people that we know laugh — he didn't see it as a joke. He was like, ‘Fuck, yeah. We're gonna do this.’”>“It's like, Jesus Christ, how much of this was like real life for him?” he said."I-I was only producing music, writing lyrics and making album art about killing and raping women using real photos as a JOKE, guys, hehe". Fuck off.
>In a phone interview, Walton, who has booked Menstrual Munchies at that venue, said the pornogrind scene is tight-knit and that he and his friends have been devastated to learn what Betts did. But he doesn’t believe the content of the music contributed in any way to his actions.
>“It's just the music we love, you know, like, it's fun to play. It's energetic and there's nothing else like it. So we play it,” Walton, 29, said. “And then we get people like this, who, you know, are fucking sick in the head, who get into our scene and ended up killing nine people and almost, you know, putting a bad name on our scene. And that's not fair for the rest of us.”Members of this garbage, cumbrained "community" posting some bullshit tantamount to
>uwu please don't judge us members of this objectively misogynistic genre of grindcore! we are great people!! we need this imagery of women eating feces to COPE!!!!is peak fucking male.
No. 444539
>>444533And like, let's be clear: This guy was a self-proclaimed leftist. He RT'd shit complaining about racism, praised Elizabeth Warren, said he wanted socialism and posted "Kill all fascists". None of them are safe. The /pol/tard Nazis and /r9k/ pedos are just the ones that are open and proud about their nature.…what is it about the fucking Y chromosome?
No. 444542
>>444537After reading
>>444527 ("tribe"…? "love and obey their male guardians"?) and the clear lack of understanding of this board's etiquette, you're right. These scrotes really think they're smart.
That idiot's thought process while writing that post was:
>Solution: We convince the roasties to breed with us by pretending it aids their pink pill cause! The white genocide problem is solved, the incel problem is solved, and we'll have successfully shackled loyal tradwives who hate other men besides us and will raise non-degenerate daughters who will be wary of all men besides their father! No. 444649
>>444533Pornogrind is legitimately one of the worst genres of music I have ever had the displeasure of hearing. Even being big into extreme music at one point, coming across this piss poor excuse for hardcore years ago made me want to shackle myself to train tracks.
>“Because I know, like, whereas I saw it as a joke — like, ‘Let's play this and we’ll shock some people,’ and then the people that we know laugh — he didn't see it as a joke. He was like, ‘Fuck, yeah. We're gonna do this.’”Of course misogyny and sexual violence is just a joke to this sheltered fuck. He never has to live with the possibility of being a
victim of the type of shit he laughs at. I'm sure the girls Connor harrassed were never under the impression that his "rape list" was a joke.
No. 444677
>>444656Men. Project.
EVERYTHING. They also are, in general, hilariously bad with context. Literally every sexist stereotype about women is just shit men do that they say
women do.
Things men statistically do way more of than women:
>talk>gossip >dominate conversation >withhold resources for sex (men say wome withhold sex for personal gain, which is caused by women leveraging sexuality and demand for sex to gain access to education/healthcare/money)>rape/spousal abuse >abuse/abandon their children No. 444778
>>444533Isn't it funny how many of these jokester edgelords, actually ended up murdering, raping, and abusing? Or how many 15 yr old virgins made "issa joke" type things, actually ended up going out, buying actual Nazi flags and other paraphernalia, vandalizing places of worship all for one big running joke
Maybe scrots can get their dull edgy joke privileges back is so many of them didn't actually take on the thing they jokes about, it maybe a joke but to a lot of them, there's a level of seriousness behind it and that's concerning
No. 444833
>>444533Not surprised to see him wearing a dress during performances. So much for 'smashing
toxic masculinity' or whatever libfem retards believe
No. 444850
>>444533God their album "art" is just pure… Male. Obsessed with mutilating women's genitalia for God knows what, rape and porn. Nice to know the porn agenda is alive and well.
>>444649Shock humor is the weakest form but the one type that all edgy Midwestern sheltered boys cling to because they're too naive and stupid to develop comedic talent. Hope Creekbum at twenty fucking five learns.
Also this gem
>In a phone interview, Walton, who has booked Menstrual Munchies at that venue, said the pornogrind scene is tight-knit and that he and his friends have been devastated to learn what Betts did. But he doesn’t believe the content of the music contributed in any way to his actions.
>“It's just the music we love, you know, like, it's fun to play. It's energetic and there's nothing else like it. So we play it,” Walton, 29, said. “And then we get people like this, who, you know, are fucking sick in the head, who get into our scene and ended up killing nine people and almost, you know, putting a bad name on our scene. And that's not fair for the rest of us.”Uwu it's just energetic music everyone uwu ignore the blatant violent messages directed towards women and album covers of mutilated vaginas, abused women and children uwu it's just music it's nothing deep uwu
These men interviewed in that vcie article are in their mid to late 20s too retarded to understand music holds influence and shares messages with its listeners.
No. 444871
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this is just sad. when will scrotes stop mass murdering people for the most retarded reasons?
No. 444891
>>444871Funny that the US scrotes are snuggled up next to the ~"sandnigger"~
(sarcasm, their words, read my context before you ban) terrorists that they shit talk on. All you men are one in the same.
No. 444962
>>444871this image will be outdated in a week
(thats not a vague threat btw haha you know theres just always something else around the corner)
No. 444985
>>444961They really do, hell men get praised for tolerating women ffs, men get praised for not being that bad, women get bashed for not being that good it's ridiculous, being a man is such life on easy mode but they'll never admit it, the bar is set so low for them
they literally have to put effort in to fail at lifeEven then when they fuck up there's always people like "uwu he deserves to be forgiven"
No. 445018
>>444435A 38 year old woman here said her 17 year old daughter has been raised by her mom, because she didn't want to deal with her.
Now this 17 year old is a recluse and a weeb.
You reap what you sow
No. 445033
>>445024>6'7That's so sad. That's literally his ticket to anything in this life but the soul/Self in his body is weak as shit.
A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. Her male supervisor, who's also an obnoxious flamboyant "heeeey, bitch" type of gay was exploiting one of his younger subordinates to basically be his slave and my friend stood up for her. My friend finally snapped and reported him to their boss when he made snappy comments about her mother.
No. 445052
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>>444533Wish I was shocked, but its just proof no matter their political alignment mens is the same.
No. 445418
>>445328Bouncing off of this, I hate it when men suddenly complain that "all women want to be slapped and choked nowadays smh I hate that women are masochists" when IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT YOU DROOLING RETARD. They watch porn that is made to cater to men, then assume that's how women actually are and hate us for it.
And I swear to god if anyone tries to choke or hurt me at all during sex I'll smash his face in.
No. 445427
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No. 445429
>>445418Or if a woman is into sensual and gentle stuff she gets picked on for being a boring selfish prude, I've even seen some people say women not letting their boyfriend's indulge in sexual fantasies with them is emotional abuse
They're so confusing, one minute they want all women to be okay with choking, slapping, BDSM, etc, then when they watch so much porn that's what they convince thems women want they cry about how all women should be abused, WGTOW is the only option
No. 445433
>>445429Sort of related: My (now ex) boyfriend, told me to quit teasing him when I was just rubbing his back while hugging and got angry. I was confused, he looked at my confusion, and replied "You're always teasing me!" And pointed out the time I pet his hair and grazed my fingers on his cheeks when he was laying in my lap. He wanted to have sex later on that day, and literally just went straight in for it. No kissing, nothing. He got angry when I told him I wasn't feeling it. this was going to be our first time by the way. I ended up in the hospital a week later (I hadn't spoken to him in those 7 days), and he broke up with me over the phone.
Dear men, what the fuck.
No. 445436 find this thread depressing because barely anyone symathizes with OP and just goes on to say how much they love PIV sex and how oral doesn't fill the same needs. Call me paranoid bit the thread sounds so fucking handmaidenish.
1) Penetrative sex is forced by society as the only real form of sex and that view causes people to have disgusting opinions about lesbian sex like it's "lesser" or like they just need a good dicking (barf) or pushes people into doing anal
2) Some women don't enjoy it and that's perfectly fine, if they are curious they should get their time and pace to explore it and not be shamed by society as freaks and pressured
No. 445446
>>445427Where is this from?
I've pretended to be a guy online on and off for years. Related to this guy mentioning getting called emotional just for being female.. When I'm a guy, men think I'm funny. But when I am female, I get weak responses to my humor, ''cringe'', ''women aren't funny'' etc. Noticed the same when other women say funny shit. I do believe men dislike laughing at womens jokes, they shut their ears on purpose.
No. 445454
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>>445387Thanks, I have some girlfriends and I have one that also despises scrotes and eyeing up this thread made me have the power move to break up with him because in most cases it just doesn't get better. One thing that pushed me over the edge was a day after one of our arguments and we calmed down I politely asked if he did delete the photos, in which he got pissed off again and proceeded to say 'I see an issue here, were you raped as a child?' Because of my insecurity. I was absolutely floored and in shock, and then when I had a WARRANTED emotional response and being upset being reminded of being abused (by a man of course) I asked for a hug, in which he replied 'Will that really solve anything though?' Do men really have no empathy even after seeing a women being physically upset over the mention of her past abuse and trauma? I thought men were supposed to be 'protectors' fuck that. Add that with the constant telling of other women being hot, whilst not giving a single nice comment about your appearance yet I see men oggle me (like it means shit anyway, it literally means nothing and repulses me) whilst I'm with him.
Every single relationship I have been in they reel you in and when you become emotionally attached, they treat you like absolute garbage, like you're just a side piece to their personality that only benefits them as they please and when you retaliate and bring up rational points to why you feel down, suddenly you're the crazy over emotional one, yet they respond in anger and instant irrational break ups because you're not spending every waking moment sucking their tic tac dick.
No. 445530
>>445436What's funny is all these women hailing PIV as some intimate and emotional experience when men don't give a shit about the intimacy and emotions. It's the ultimate cope to be memed into liking something that will most likely either be numb and unsatisfying, or uncomfortable and painful until you stockholm syndrome your body into liking it. And even if you do happen to be the 10% who actually enjoys it and orgasms from it alone, it still has the potential to ruin your life by giving you STDs and making you pregnant if you aren't planning for it (condoms and other BC can still fail).
If women weren't brainwashed into thinking PIV is mandatory in relationships, that they need it to be validated, loved, etc I believe not many women would do it as often.
No. 445561
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Scrotes who are into music (along with gamers, of course) are the worst in my experience. They can be so creepy and disrespectful to female musicians. Also fuck bands like Weezer and The Descendents with their shitty misogynistic lyrics.
No. 445564
>>445558Agreed and I don't know why vaginal penetration is being treated with the same degenerate tone in anon's post as say, non-natural fetishes that clearly are conditioned.
I agree that penetration shouldn't be held as the gold standard and lorded over other women's heads particularly when they do not like it themselves. But holy shit I'm not a brainwashed handmaiden because I like and get satisfaction from penetrative sex, and prefer it. That's coming from someone whose sex partner does perform oral sex and clitoral stimulation.
One can totally catch STDs from non-penetrative sex anyway so I'm not too sure what anon's on about there.
No. 445565
>>445558NTA but while women can enjoy good PIV, our culture's perception of sex is very male centered. Most people would consider the act just penetration and it's over when the guy finishes, the woman is supposed to come from her g-spot being magically hit or she's outta luck.
In western cultures(and others) clitoral stimulation or giving oral to women isn't seen as the default. There was a short period in history when it was believed a woman needs to orgasm in order to concieve, but once that wasn't proven necessary everyone went to not caring.
No. 445574
>>445561The whole "loose" meme ruined vaginal sex for me and I just become anxious when anything gets near my vagina, my experiences with men is that I pretty much sexually frustrated them until they cried abuse and left or I left them kek
Congrats men, all these years of making up tall tales of what vaginal sex does made all of y'all end up virgins, hope you're happy
No. 445591
>>445561This, or when they act like their nerd and music shit is some sort of confidential "no girls allowed"club, call women fake nerds for proving their interests while literally overdoing their fandoms to the point where they're trying to convince THEMSELVES they like the thing more than they try to convince other people, men just seem more like the pretentious ones when it comes to gaming and rock
When women have interests even if they are very much into it you'll rarely see them go out and blow all their money on action figures, posters, shirts, hats, expansion pack add ons, any convention or event pertaining to it, etc and never shut up to anyone ever about said interests, it's like their entire personality revolves around their hobbies it's pathetic
No. 445597
>>445418ntayrt but how do I reconcile being a woman who enjoys being sexually submissive most of the time? It might have been learned from porn, but idk I usually hate how hateful and aggressive most porn is
Sex with my bf is often mildly rough (painless choking and dirty talk but slapping or violence is a hard no for us). I really get into being dominated by him even though there’s a part of me that feels guilty for playing into the meme of le masochistic slut.
fwiw outside the bedroom he treats me extremely well and I feel very appreciated and taken care of
No. 445605
>>445597I think a lot of women are taught by society and media that being dominated by their partner is where the pleasure in sex comes from.
Do you feel bad about it or hurt? The radfem answer would be that you should change it to respect yourself more but rewiring your brain takes a lot of time.
No. 445612
>>445597Choking is not mild, anon. There is absolutely no way to do it safely, and this isn't me exaggerating, it's what both medical professionals and BDSM experts will tell you. Every time he "painlessly" chokes you he is endangering your life, even if he doesn't think he is.
Enjoy brain damage if you keep that up.
No. 445656
>>445558I didn't say women can't physically enjoy sex… That's why I mentioned a subset of women who do because the stars aligned and their bodies are built in a different way from the average woman. I said 10% but it's really more like 20-25%. The matter of fact is that PIV itself does not prioritize the woman's pleasure or orgasm. It's all about the guy's orgasm. So many guys are shamed about not lasting long enough, but that's just because PIV is not conducive to the female orgasm. There are less nerve endings in the inside of the vagina, they are all mostly on the outside (thank god otherwise childbirth would be even worse than it already is). That's why a lot of the time women tend to mention extrinsic factors that make intercourse more bearable, like validation, feeling loved, "intimacy", wanting to please their partner, submission, etc.
I'm just saying the trade-off for women isn't exactly decent. What does the guy get? Guaranteed pleasure and orgasm every time. If you are with a particularly shitty guy he might get an ego boost from it. What does the average women get? Possible discomfort, pain, risk of pregnancy, depending on where you live society might shame you for having sex, so you get guilt on top of that. The average guy (again not all but still a good amount) will also most likely will not engage in decent foreplay or even be romantic about it, and treat you like a disposable fleshlight until it's over. Cool, I guess.
If this was the ideal world where PIV was always pleasurable for both parties and intimate, bonding experience where you get to explore each other bodies it wouldn't be so bad. But obviously PIV is there to facilitate pregnancy and that's why mostly men get the most pleasure and orgasms from it, so what's the point for women engaging in it regularly, or god forbid, having casual sex with scrotes?
No. 445681
>>445620Or we could go really hog wild and start chucking around "female supremacist" and see what happens.
>>445620Ya know how things start catching on? By people using it and saying it. How do you think radfem entered discourse? What the other anon says about having to explain an acronym sadly does apply, and while I'm here, I chose "separatism" over "segregation" because the latter implies the expectation or continued existence of the other group, and I'm here to tell you right now I do not give any fucks or dedicate any of my politics to considering or facilitating men being alive
No. 445820
>>445706when man hate rebranded to pink pill, radfem discussion was inevitable.
anyways to be clear, OPs from now on should state this distinction.
>>445808this really fucks me up. you may not be
trying to be an asshole, but you can still be an asshole jfc.
anyone entering into a power imbalance relationship should absolutely consider if the more powerful one is a potential predator. quite honestly, the way things are, any woman of any age should see the man she wants to get involved with as a potential predator.
No. 445840
>>445820When I was 18, I dated a man in his 40s. I didn’t see the issue at all, but now that I’m older, I really try to tell the younger women I know NOT to do what I did. He wasn’t blatantly
abusive, but the power dynamic did fuck with me long term and I still have a hard time asserting my “equal” status in relationships. Of course when I talk about the dangers of large age gaps, these young women will defend their “relationship” or “preference” fiercely just like I did. It’s so frustrating. Just because the damage done was relatively minor doesn’t mean I wasn’t preyed upon and taken advantage of.
No. 446001
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This just fills me with rage
No. 446019>Ever since she had been sold to a madam at 13 years old, customers had promised to help her escape. None had followed through. Over time, their faces began to blur together, so she couldn’t remember exactly who had visited before, or how many men had come by that day. There’s usually one every hour, starting from 9am.>Like the majority of girls in Mymensingh, Labonni was trafficked into sex work. On the run at 13 years old, she left her six-month-old daughter behind to flee the abusive husband she had been made to marry the year before, in a ceremony that took place on the same day she started her periodWe should compile a list of charities and organisations to support.
It's great that we can vent online about men that stare at us on the train or argue about what flavor of feminism this board should cater to, but there's got to be more than that.
No. 446091
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idk who the bitch is, just saw it on my tl and almost sprained my eyes from the eyeroll this and all the thirsty incel comments underneath elicited
No. 446110
>>446019>The Bangladesh government estimates that 100,000 women and girls are working in the country’s sex industry and one study reports that less than 10% of those had entered prostitution voluntarily
>“The Bangladeshi police know everything that takes place in the brothels,” says Azharul Islam, programme manager of Rights Jessore, a local non-governmental organisation working to rehabilitate trafficked children working in the sex trade and return them to their families. “The brothel owners are involved in gangs, and our political leaders and law enforcement are involved in those gangs, too.” Corrupt government officials profit by accepting bribes and sexual favours in exchange for turning a blind eye to the abuse.Absolutely heartbreaking and horrifying, though not the least bit surprising considering how brutally misogynistic and corrupt that culture is.
>>446071>Public graveyards aren’t an option: the stigma that surrounds sex workers in Bangladesh forbids their burial in municipal ground. “Here we are shameful, bad women,” says Shilpi. “If a girl kills herself, people say it’s good riddance – it’s just a quicker way for them to get to hell.”Yeah, it's so evil and tragic how little people give a shit about these girl's lives and even resent them.
No. 446208
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No. 446238
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What the fuck is it with scrotes and finding IRL violence and animal cruelty entertaining?
Was on twitter and randomly ran into a deranged mutant posting videos of animals being abused and there were tons of men in the comments asking for the full videos or laughing about it.
It was awful and I hate knowing that there are sites out there dedicated to this kind of thing.
No. 446304
>>446292Manifold different cultures and societies in different development stages. Bit like pointing to something misogynistic that's happened in Britain, Ukraine and Azerbaijan and asking "what the fuck is wrong with Europe?"
Murdering baby girls is a feature of feudal society where physical strength is the only determinate of productivity on the farm. Obviously the one-child policy exacerbated that in a way the CCP didn't predict. China has developed its rural sectors heavily, drawing them into the broader society, so femicide will decline really starkly and almost definitely not be a problem going forwards.
India is more like fundies/nationalists/reactionaries sperging out because of feminism/the rise of women as independent actors in society, see above as per India developing into a industrial capitalist society from feudalism (though India's development is way shittier and uneven with worse effects due to not being a planned economy). Will continue unless progressive forces in India prevail.
Japan's lolicon shit is just fucking perverted evil rich men who can get away with blatantly evil shit because they have money. Same as Epstein and the entire modelling/child actor industry in the West. Will continue until we murder these fuckers.
No. 446310
>>446304I've been doing some reading on this and I've heard that the high rate of abortion and infanticide (two separate things just so were clear) of female babies in India is driven by their bullshit dowry system. Basically, if you have a daughter, that also means giving a fuckload of money to her husband's family. Families not wanting to give up their money do everything in their power to avoid having girls, instead of doing the sensible thing and just abandoning their retarded dowry custom.
Normally I try really hard to be respectful of other cultures, but I draw the line at customs involving the abuse/subjugation of women and children.
Also, your bit about rich men really is true. Men who make over 100k a year are more likely to hire prostitutes than men who make less. It's funny that men have constructed this stereotype of women frittering away money at the mall, when wealthy men spend
their excess money collecting STDs.
No. 446312
>>446310Yeah, me too. I'm from a very backwards and misogynistic background so I think about this a lot. Also: you're right that culture does play a part, it's not purely based on feudalism/capitalism/socialism/whateverism. brides have been considered unhealthy and frowned upon in Western culture not even as a modern thing, but a quirk of social attitudes going back to the 12th century.
Whereas for basically the entire rest of the world child brides only became a questioned and declining tradition in the 20th century, and still is a strong tradition and potent cultural/economic force in the 21st century.
I admire countries that have ended this stuff for that though. Almost all Chinese peasant girls were sold to be wives when they were like 13, 18 at the latest (Mao's own family background reflects this) - now that is unthinkable there. Same in the rest of East Asia, and the former communist countries. That's a huge change. It's not easy to force that kind of thing - just look at how aggressive and entrenched it has become elsewhere.
No. 446354
>>446302agree with all this 100%
and I'm so fucking tired of hearing about how HuManS ARe NaTUrALly PolYgAmOUs mOnogAMy iS a SoCiAL ConStrUCt ignoring all together that
being in a relationship at all in the first place is a social construct, even an open one.
No. 446360
>>446302agreed. i'm not a fucking ~~swerf~~ just because i'm critical of sex work. i care about sex workers' safety, my problem is with the customers.
humans are capable of being polygamous and monogamous, but it's the best for society's sake for humans to be monogamous. i genuinely want to know how these men who want to be polygamous are going to be able to take care of dozens of children from different women in today's society.
No. 446403
>>446312This. I hated when men said shit like "in the middle ages you'd be married already hehe" to 13-year-old me, like no? Not until that long ago people went through puberty in their later teens, if not older, young girls back then looked like and were considered kids. For example, the composer Mendelssohn had to drop out of the boys choir at the age of "only" 17, because his voice broke already. Just imagine 18 or 20-year-old guys still having high voices lol
"Child marriages" only happened between nobles, meaning they only existed on paper, the couple sometimes never met their whole life - and it wasn't a super young girl paired up with an old man either.
As somebody who studied history I hate when people (especially men) try to distort history into the people back then being super cruel and unloving; they weren't that different from us nowadays, parents have always loved and cared for all their kids, meaning for their daughters as well.
No. 446408
>>446401men: expect women to look and perform like porn stars and also expect them to be virgin loyal prudes
also men: why do these evul roasties like guys over 6 ft? feminism made women hypergamous..
No. 446424
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I was reading the manga Innocent Rouge and this made me think of you all.
No. 446428
>>446427The irony of having that quote over an image of a woman literally sitting atop a pile of her own conquered heads is not lost on me, but
>>446424 would make a nice OP image for the next new thread.
No. 446441
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I've seen some posting about how men have no empathy
It's worse than that, they enjoy your suffering. It can be anything from funny to arousing for them. There's no point to showing them articles of girls used as slaves who want to kill themselves, at best they won't care at worst they'll book a flight to southeast Asia.
Pic related, child rape victims struggling with emotional pain is another fetish topic to them.
I also love how they'll defend it with "it's drawn so it doesn't reflect on me personally" when you know good and well they use it as a stand-in for the real thing
No. 446468
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>>446465I just saw this when i logged onto youtube. good riddance. even though he deserved to be raped to death . Suicide is too good for him
No. 446471
>>446468>good riddanceNo fuck that. The girls/women who were his
victims deserved to have all perpetators made public and sent to trial. His death means a lot of disgusting rich rapists will not face consequences for their crimes. Fuck this piece of shit, hope he rots in hell.
No. 446487
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I just don't get why men are so keen on blaming the rise of young male virginity on women?
They truly think that using dating apps and spamming women with one liners like "sup" will do the trick, and hope that the numbers game theory will actually work instead of putting any effort into showing some appreciation.
And even then, why is that noteworthy? Why should they be entitled to sex?
Why should women have to have sex?
Anyhow, the male virginity being on the rise keeps reoccurring as a topic on the internet and I'm always pissed to see the typical responses as if women should be obligated to take the v-card of every man out there.
No. 446494
>>446487>B-but Maslow's hierarchy!That's what they always fall back on.
As for Epstein, there must be many people breathing a sigh of relief now he can't rat on them. It's messed up. I'm not a conspiracy tard, but it's awfully convenient. Don't they literally take every possible item you can use to harm yourself and check on you every 15 mins if you're placed on suicide watch?
No. 446510
>>446491I have troubles believing that graph but here's the source, make of it what you will:
> But I know a lot of men that age who don't care about relationships or trying to get laid, not for any ideological reasons, but because they're complete failure to launch manchildren This too is a good point. Why do a lot of people presume that men are desperate and go through some herculean troubles to find a mate to no avail when there's a likelihood of them not bothering at all? And even then, I just don't like the tone of these discussions where women are somehow put to blame.
>>446493> It's insane that these men think it's now the responsibility of girls and women to seek out silent, socially inept weirdos to charitably guide them through the process of wooing and sex.Precisely! What do men want? Most men don't even want a long and stable relationship. They're just mad that they can't get any because a lot of women seem to have dignity and self respect or that we don't risk our lives and get intimate with a social recluse who's unhinged and redpilled and doesn't regard women as equals.
>>446501Currently I can't find it, but according to that thread it's 18% for women and 28% for men.
No. 446512
>>446487If we have sex with them indiscriminately, we're sluts. If we don't have sex with them and actively only pick the best mates, they screech into eternity.
It becomes about how sex is a "human right" and how unfair it all is. Lmao.
No. 446521
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>>446515Here's the source:
> Shouldn't the 2 go together?They should but I don't know. You judge for yourself.
No. 446560
>>446487>They truly think that using dating apps and spamming women with one liners like "sup" will do the trick, and hope that the numbers game theory will actually work instead of putting any effort into showing some appreciation.Exactly. Just recently my granddad asked me whether guys asked me and my friends out when I told him that I went out the night before and I had to explain to him that this is not how it works anymore. He told me that back then they went up to girls, introduced themselves and then asked for a dance. Just a dance, nothing more. But todays guys expect you to jump straight into their bed without them putting any effort.
And whenever girls complain about this, they'll bring up shit like them being scared of talking to us because of metoo.
No. 446567
>>446238It's even more fucked that these videos are on social site where kids spend time. Does twitter even block these accounts/videos? I've seen shit like that on facebook too.
Seriously internet should be censored.
No. 446629
>>446487Key is, they self-reported 0. Incels at vidya game forum are having sex but it doesn't count because she's too ugy/want something from him in exchange/likes his personality so it's still doesn't count because it has to be pure physical attraction/some other nonsense. Then after some time they just stop interacting with girls, because they self-identify as incels so much that they're following the rules of incelom. The most active incel is dude in his late 30's who had multiple gf's, tons of one night stands, then for some "unknown" reasons 20 years old girls started rejecting him. Of course it's hypergamy or whatever buzzword of they day is and not the fact that he's crusty and gives off creepy vibes due to thinking about incel ideology and evil femoids 24/7.
Meanwhile dude from uni who has some genetical disease that results in very short height, hunchback and deformed face got marrid to a pretty cute girl. Apparently they're soul mates, in which I can belive because they're both insufferable. He never played video games or watched anime.
No. 446641
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No. 446642
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>begs for sex to the point where he has to buy sex trafficked women
>shocked when women have flaws and don't look like sex dolls
>gets upset he paid a woman to have sex with him and she didn't do it for free out of personality
No. 446683
On YouTube, I once watched a documentary about homeless women. It was made because, while homeless women are a minority, they face issues that homeless men do not (sexual exploitation, menstrual hygiene, etc.). You know, exactly the same justification that's used to bring attention to male victims of abuse or assault. But did the comments say "Finally! I'm so glad someone is talking about this! Just because they're a minority doesn't make them less important!" I mean, that would be logically consistent, right?
Nope. It was all "But who cares? MEN are the majority!!" It's almost like the real issue is wanting everything to be about men 100% all the time. When women are the majority, it's MEN that really matter and should get the attention. When women are the minority, it's STILL MEN that really matter. The "people don't take men who experience abuse seriously because they're in the minority" argument is just a disingenuous excuse to silence women and redirect the issue to talk about men, yet again. See also: what about MALE circumcision, what about MEN with eating disorders.
No. 446702
I started streaming on Twitch because I'm a NEET and I live in an extremely shit economy/a very small town so my job opportunities are extremely limited plus I'm struggling with severe mental illness. I don't sexualize myself on stream and I don't wear makeup either because I don't have the energy to apply it, English is not my first language and I don't even have a laptop, so I just stream from my phone reading chat and hanging out like most IVR streamers.
Scrotes are crazy I swear, they all pay these streamers to sexualize and objectify themselves and then they complain about them being thots, although they're motivated and enabled by men to be like that. They all watch, fetishize and give money to these submissive type Asian girls that can barely speak English or know a few words at best. I get my chat flooded with trolls, I get called boring and I'm told I provide no content, although I do exactly what the vast majority of other IVR streamers do, sit and talk. I get them making absolutely vile comments on my physical appearance, and on the way I act and on my English, I get called autistic etc. I get called a thot, although I don't sexualize myself in any way.
Today I called them out and told them they're being extremely hypocritical because they literally watch my stream for 3 hours just to call me boring and unentertaining, they sit in my stream for 3 fucking hours and call me boring and uninteresting when they could go watch any other stream from thousands of streamers or just watch a trad type waifu pandering streamer. When I started banning some of them, a bunch started apologizing and saying stuff like "uhh kekeke was just trolling you're more fun than most of the girls on here dont ban pls" and they just started trolling each other into oblivion.
Men are a fucking joke and every field or place that is male dominanted becomes a joke and a way to humiliate and subjugate women and shame those that don't fit their mold of sexual attractiveness, but shame those that want to please them as well. Men were given too many opportunities in this life.
Saged because this was more of a vent/sperg.
No. 446714
>>446702Yay for calling them out!
Just out of curiosity, do you make money by streaming or is it more just for shits n giggles?
No. 446738
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>>446702I watch a streamer called BadBunny who pulls no punches when dealing with the troglodytes that turn up in her chat and calling out the rampant sexism on the site. She made a chart to study the behavior of the creeps who try to harass her. It's surreal how they all follow it to a T. Like they're reading off the same "pathetic shithead" script. Truly the NPC sex.
No. 446828
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>bloobloo my pregnant wife who stays at home with our 14 month old baby does NOTHING all day!
Why are males like this? I love how he complains about watching his own fucking child at the end of the post. As if it's not also his responsibility.
No. 446829
>>446828The thing about the son being desperate for attention is suspicious as fuck, he's a child and his dad just came home, of course he'll want attention from him. Even if his wife actually gives their son her attention all day, he'll still want to do things with his other parent.
That and the fact his wife taking a nap is apparently terrible makes me wonder how much of the post is accurate. For all we know his wife does her chores and parenting all day with TV in the background.
No. 446853
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>>446833My dad's dead.
But honestly it feels a bit odd celebrating dads like my brother whose wife does 95% of the work and gets about 30% of the recognition.
No. 446867
>>446833While I feel like there are some good dads out there, let's face it: It asspats men who only participate in a quarter of childcare-if at that-while they continue to act distant and unavailable the rest of the 364 days of the year.
Tbh I really don't care for mother or father days. Seems like if someone is a good person as well as a parent that it would be recognized naturally, and frequently. While forcing a one-day holiday out of it just gives shitty parents out there a day to feel entitled for just existing, and meanwhile cheapens the involved parents who wish they'd catch a break more often than once a year.
No. 446898
>>446833I don't acknowledge it because my dad is a violent,
abusive piece of shit. Even at his best, my dad was cold and uninterested in my brother and I. Every time he had to care for us alone as children, it was like he was a teenager who was begrudgingly babysitting us who hated our guts.
I get really upset when I see good dads interacting with their kids. I watched a video a youtuber made with her dad a few days ago and it made me cry with jealousy.
No. 446949
>>446804Yep, I knew a lady who's husband (in his 40s or 50s when this happened) was known as the "cool teacher" who kids loved when he was working at a school. He later got busted for having CP on his computer.
I'm in university now (stem) and after reading so many terrible stories I also don't really trust male lab PIs or thesis supervisors.
No. 446961
>>446828I tend to agree that if someone becomes a stay at home parent, domestic duties like cooking and cleaning should be expected. There are plenty of working mothers who manage to go to their job, come home to cook and clean, and be champions of childcare. I think it's too much.
Rearing is tough but there's no way it occupies every single minute so as to be unable to throw on a crockpot of food or vacuum a floor.
The scrote's mistake is being frustrated by the outcome of having the first child yet being irresponsible enough to have a second. He clearly doesn't enjoy his children and it's sad that he had them.
No. 446993
>>446949I have no real proof of this theory, just my own experience, but I wonder if a lot of schools have problems with child abuse and deal with it like the Church does.
trigger warning:)
I was abused by a male teacher when I was extremely young (single digits, but I don't wanna say exactly, I'll get upset) but he was very good at his job (he was actually my favorite teacher before it happened) and all the school did was transfer him to Canada. I don't think I was the only girl he abused, either.
No. 447010
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It can be about both, genius. That's how prevalent and ingrained misogyny is. Maybe instead of going "Oh, he wasn't a REAL leftist", leftists should call out the shitty sexist men who exist on their side too.
And I say that as a leftist. Hold yourselves accountable.
No. 447064
>>446804A teacher at my high school was arrested for trying to have sex with a middle school girl and having a ton of cp. He was the girls. track. coach.
What I dealt w/ most though was male professors in college. In my experience, they tried more shit because ohhh you're both adultsss wow you're so smart I see you as an equalllll blah blah blah. And yet they never seemed to go for women who were actually, literally their equals in age, accomplishment, position, etc.
No. 447066
Back then it was considered perfectly acceptable to hit your wife. You would be expected to slave over a hot stove all day being perpetually pregnant, and still be expected to give sexual release to your husband when he gets home, and if you don't he could beat you. You wouldnt be allowed to work either so you couldn't leave him and support yourself. And he would still probably cheat on you. And then you'd die at 30 from child birth, and your husband would marry a 15 year old.
No. 447068
>>447055 100% this. Especially the dismissals of "idpol" like……..if you don't understand leftist conceptions of domestic labor, women's work, pink collar jobs, etc, you are a fundamentally shitty leftist. What they see as idpol-free leftism doesn't understand that a concept of work that doesn't include women's specific experiences is a concept of work that leaves AT LEAST half of it out. It's fucking dumbed down shit for men who don't want to think complicated thoughts. They just want to be told "oh no you don't have to read marxist feminists it's dirty just read ~pure real leftism~ that pares away the parts that require you to think more deeply, anything that troubles your sense of self is actually dumb and bad."
When you really start learning about woman-led academia and theory, you realize how fucking shallow most men's work is.
No. 447092
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>>446091>claims to be a "Philosophy and psychology enthusiast.">but posts this about feminismBecause strawmanning and doing no research really convinces people you are smart. Incels always like the brain dead ones.
No. 447114
>>447007You sure would, my grand grand mother was forced to marry a 30 year old guy at 13 and gave birth to her first child at 16. She was forced to marry because her mother died and the new young replacement didn't want her in the house.
The dreamy tradwife life, oh how feminism has cucked us over.
No. 447154
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Most mass killers have a history of misogyny and harassing women. And not just incel types either, a lot of them had issues with domestic violence against their wives or girlfriends. I'm glad this is being talked about and I wish people would take these mens behaviour towards women more seriously but I have very little faith that anything's really going to be done. Too many people just dismissing it as "just being sociopathic" and refusing to admit the unique role of misogyny. No. 447160
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>>447007Last century like 1800s or 1900s? Anyway:
>After women were banned from working underground in the mining communities of 19th-century Britain, a new female group emerged on the surface of the Lancashire coal fields. Wearing breeches under rough skirts, thick boots and kerchiefs tied around their heads, the ‘Pit Brow Lasses’ agitated Victorian attitudes about the roles of women and became a social phenomenon…Ban happened because there was major mine flooding that killed young kids (younger than 10) working there, and people decided to ban kids from working in mines. Women were banned from underground mines because people investigating conditions learned that they were working topless alongside males. Nobody had a problem with women working full times in mines before they learned they were topless.
No. 447161
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>>447160The Radium Girls were female factory workers who contracted radiation poisoning from painting watch dials with self-luminous paint. Painting was done by women at three different sites in the United States, and the term now applies to the women working at the facilities: the first, a United States Radium factory in Orange, New Jersey, beginning around 1917; the facility at Ottawa, Illinois, beginning in the early 1920s; and a third facility in Waterbury, Connecticut.
The women in each facility had been told the paint was harmless, and subsequently ingested deadly amounts of radium after being instructed to "point" their brushes on their lips in order to give them a fine point; some also painted their fingernails, face and teeth with the glowing substance. The women were instructed to point their brushes because using rags, or a water rinse, caused them to waste too much time and waste too much of the material made from powdered radium, gum arabic and water.
No. 447168
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>>447161some Soviet pics. I think that myth of happy, glamurous, unemployed stay at home wife was created in 50's upper-class USA because Soviets were showin off working, lower class women as a role models.
No. 447172
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>>447169As shitty commmie goverment was, they at least recognized that farmer's wifes are working full time and granted them a retirement pension.
No. 447180
>>446804my high school music teacher married an ex student of his when she was in her early 20s and he was in his 50s. the "relationship" had clearly been going on for a while. he kept his job and retired in his 60s. There was another male teacher at that school who made a creepy comment about a 14 year old's breasts in front of a whole class of kids. He had a reputation of being a creepy pedo before and after that but I can't remember any other specific incidents. He still works there.
The creepy shit I saw in college wasn't as bad but is still worth mentioning. My course coordinator in college would openly flirt with me, and only me in class. I was the only female student in my year group who wasn't a mature student. Another male teacher on that course wold put both his hands on female students' shoulders while he was standing behind us and looking at our work on the computer screen. I couldn't move while he was touching me, it felt horrible.
No. 447187
I was just trying to read up on post ww1 culture and so many countries follow this pattern:
>At the end of the war, it soon became clear that the women’s part in the war or resistance efforts would not be rewarded. “Almost all the laws regulating the status of women remained the same, and economic conditions, slow economic development, unresolved national relations and social problems, all contrived to make women the most disenfranchised citizens in the country.”
>Women suffered the most from severe economic conditions. They worked for much less pay than their male counterparts, within factories and domestic service alike. For instance, “in the clothing industry and commercial services, women could expect to make a maximum of 50% of men’s wages.” While only a small number of women actually worked within industry, their conditions were so harsh that they were in strike actions.
>From a political perspective, many women ascribed to the Communist mantra because it “was the only one that called and consistently strove for a political and social equality of women.” Women felt marginalized by religious and conservative ideologies that stressed the importance of the woman as a housewife and mother. The first Conference of Socialist (Communist) Women of 1919 symbolized the growing need that women felt for an entirely new political system. A large number of bourgeois feminists even began to subscribe to the Communist view “that the emancipation of women would depend on the radical transformation of society."
No. 447192
>>447182Watching this video and reading about the sex prisoners in Bangladesh
>>446019 is really making me question what I do to make any change for women in this world. Donations to organisations and raising awareness of problems, both local and global, is a good place to start but I don't know if I would ever be able to help directly. It's very easy to feel like an idealistic, progressive person but I have no proof of it.
No. 447203
>>447131This shit gets me. What can women do right? If you have kids and work, you're a bad mother for not taking care of them properly. If you're a stay-at-home mom, you're lazy and leeching off your husband, and we all know cooking, cleaning, and childcare is so easy anyway! Oh, and if you just don't have kids? You're wasting your life and will feel unfulfilled later.
Not even mentioning the physical changes that come from pregnancy and how you're portrayed as undesirable to your husband unless you "get your body back."
Great options.
No. 447214
>>447193What men are attracted to when they pursue much younger women is someone they have power over. When a 40-year-old dates an 18-year-old, he is dating someone with much less life experience and who is much more easily manipulated. The same is true of 55-year-old men who dates 25-year-old women, to a lesser degree. A healthy adult wants to date people who are in the same life stage as themselves. A potential partner being naive or inexperienced should be a turnoff. To a healthy person, that signals "child". To a man, it's a turn-on. "Great! A potential abuse
victim! Someone without the experience to realize I'm a failure and who'll be impressed by my piddling achievements!"
No. 447216
>>447201>guys who like older women tend to be more kind and understandingThis. Sorry to #notmynigel but at first when I first noticed the female characters in movies or tv shows that my boyfriend thought were the most cool or attractive were all confident cougar types I got so upset, because the implication he liked older women meant I looked or acted old myself. I feel like an idiot for how long it took me to unpack how my feelings of self worth were tied up into the expectation that I needed to be a sexy baby bangmaid. Now it seems ridiculous that I was so used to pornsick guys that openly jerked off to lolicon that I thought that a guy who was interested in watching grown female characters with development and history was the weirdo.
I'm sure there will be bad men who prefer confident women too but even so I don't want to ever date anyone who isn't interested in strong female characters ever again, I refuse to ever pander to men who can't stomach their partner being their equal.
No. 447253
>>447092I used to be this girl. I get it, but I really just feel sad looking at it. In a lot of ways, it's easier to say "I DON'T FEEL LIKE A
VICTIM!!! EVERYTHING'S FINE!!" than to look the world in the eye and admit stuff isn't fair, and it's affected you. Women like this don't get yet that that doesn't make you weak or stupid or crazy or a "professional
Dworkin's "Right Wing Women" is a great book on it. There's some great quote I think of all the time with women like this….it's like, "it is agony to be fully conscious."
No. 447419
>>447298True but Asian men aren't mentally stable most of the time, my boyfriend has a friend who speaks like he just walked out of r/asianmasculinity, he would always talk about how much he preferred blondes and ANY time any subject popped up where Asian girls would be involved he would start ranting about how Asian women are all egotistical pretentious whores, on the contrary I knew a guy who was the complete opposite, anytime the conversation about women popped up he would rant about how Asian women are so much better and more traditional and how white women have been brainwashed by evil feminism and -gasp- want careers and to be self reliant
I guess any man who gets obsessive about race to the extent of some men are huge red flags and should be avoided
No. 447460
>>447182I'm a romanianon and this isn't news to anybody here. People turn a blind eye to it and the police are complicit.
It doesn't help that most of those girls are gypsies or from the countryside, so they're viewed as less than human.
No. 447467
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>I knew a girl who told me she got drunk outside once
>This somehow means all women are like this and pure evil for not being pure sheltered alcohol avoiders who stay inside and do nothing but read and cook
>God forbid women do anything they like
>Reee avoid women they're evil they're the plague!this woman ruined my life by minding her own business and drinking!! How dare women not follow the specific diet I want!!
Lord, I have yet to see even the worse man haters claim men should be avoided because a man she knew got drunk, what a fucking baby if he can't handle someone getting drunk who's not even around him without spazzing out and demanding all men unite against women. Unbelievable
No. 447469
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Speaking of which, this happened a couple of weeks ago and it still makes my blood boil. I listened to the audio of the girl's call to the police and cried my eyes out.
There's more info than what's in the article btw, he's suspected to have killed more women and it was found that the police and other local mobsters provided the american army stationed at a base in that city with underage girls, as young as 14.
The best thing about all of these things being talked about in the open in the news is having to see lots of men claiming that this isn't a sexist issue at all, it's just simple corruption
No. 447500
>>447467when you realize that these men are only going mgtow because they cant force women to be their houseslaves anymore, it makes sense. Almost every trad forum/community has those mgtows wishing for
real ladies to come back into style and serve them their entire lives. But because women are human and want to live a happy life, they're reeeing. Look at how many of them despised that one video of women owning and talking about their male sex doll's. That's the opposite of what they want.
No. 447540
>>446217They literally aren't panicking over that though. It's just western media that writes about China's gender gap problem. The difference in population between men and women in China is actually pretty small, it's just that a lot of girls weren't given birth certificates so they aren't counted.
>>446403This and the evo-psych men who say that underage women are just naturally more attractive because they're "more fertile" make me so angry.
No. 447570
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I know this has been discussed before but I do not know if the screenshot was included. Just a reminder yet again men are scum.
No. 447640
>>447631>I want a childno you want to steal resources you lazy gold digger
anyway it's because men are retarded and don't know what they want, they need to shit on all women because nothing is ever enough. there is no way to satisfy them, they aren't satisfied with themselves.
No. 447660
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>men are rational beings, society should enforce monogamy
No. 447681
>>447498Yep giving up on women somehow means obsessing over women and a woman having a beer in her garden somehow leads him to imagine her 'on a cock carousel'
It's totally not him being perverse
No. 447682
>>447500I've seen alot of them describe turning mgtow after divorce and all I can think is thank god women have the option to divorce and they're not stuck like they would've been years ago.
I can imagine most of these ex wives have restraining orders
No. 447713

>>447660Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, PJW, most hard-core alt-right conspiracy theorist say the most insane shit possible, and those are just the ones who have the fucking balls to say this insane horseshit while showing their full identity, don't even get me started on MGTOW and incel conspiracy theorist who think there's some conspiracy all women are in on and out to get them and milk them of their sperm, money and energy, the disgusting pedos and beastiality fucks on the internet who openly discuss wanting to fuck kids and animals like it's NBD, men who are into worming and get off on the idea of giving random people parasites, how many men openly talk about wanting to murder people and rape women like it's NBD.
Men are absolutely fucking INSANE, I honestly don't know how anyone can possibly take them seriously especially after these complete idiots pretty much exposed themselves by letting off all their vile thoughts and actions for the entire world to see.
Seriously even the most insane things women have ever said doesn't compare to the type of shit you see on deepweb pedophile forums or on MGTOW or incels, hell even just fucking /fit/ is filled with absolute goddamn lunacy.
How people are just ignoring this and insisting women are the crazy ones is beyond me. Even the most insane post of all time on lolcow or PULL or whatever doesn't even hit close to the type of shit you see daily on 4chan, reddit, bodybuilding forums and YouTube, I take that back, every fucking hour. Men are the fucking plague.
No. 447724
>>447713>Even the most insane post of all time on lolcow or PULL or whatever doesn't even hit close to the type of shit you see daily on 4chan, reddit, bodybuilding forums and YouTube, I take that back, every fucking hour.This. I consider lolcow to be the ultimate cesspool of
toxic femininity and it pales in comparisson to 4chan, reddit, etc. Whenever people say it's the female equivelent to r9k, it enrages me because it's not normalized here to sperg about rape fantasies or celebrate people's deaths because they cheated or led someone on or whatever the fuck they were mad at Bianca Devins for. Yeah, we have a couple of severe crazies like pedochan, but they're not the norm and people usually call them out for being fucking horrible.
No. 447801
>>447724I’ve seen people on this site (lolcow) day that this thread is a cesspool that they’d never touch but I feel like out of all of the threads on the site, this one is one of my favourite. The other ones predominantly shit on women (do I really care about how many chicken nuggets Pixielocks has eaten or how many cosplays Momo has done this year?) and I find them depressing and boring. This thread on the other hand is really all about shutting on men who genuinely deserve to be shat on a lot more than they normally are. Yet some people think this thread is the epitome of
The trolls and scrotes that come in make it
toxic, but most of the time it’s just showcasing male behaviour and commenting on it in a way that isn’t being a pick-me. Sorry that men suck, I guess.
No. 447935
>>447801Kek, I know exactly which post you're referring to, it gave me a little startle that someone was so open about their pick-me-ness on this here site.
Anyway, I've never met a reasonable woman with life experience who hasn't agreed at their most honest that the planet would be a better place without men, in fact the most perceptive and intelligent men do to.
No. 448002
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Was browsing /tv/ and saw this and had to laugh. They are such delusional faggots kek.
No. 448036
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>>448002Lord, imagine if a woman said something like
"When I see a woman, I see art, I see patience, I feel a sense of calmness, I see nurture. We as women are meant to conquer the world and make it a better place. We raise children, feed, nurture and care for all things delicate. Without women, this world is nothing. We would collapse without women. Women instill knowledge and health into everyone's mind. Every part of our body is important, we feed, we nurture, we care, we clean, we are strong. We are goddesses, when I see a woman I see a world of interest, the people she's helped and cared for, the lives she has made, her contributions, her decisions, her willpower, her strength, her achievements. her love care. I feel fond respect
I can rarely say the same about men"
men would lose their minds, but only because it's true. Women feed, women nurture, it's in our bodies and brains. if women never existed like men would want us too the world would literally collapse. Women are mostly teachers, mothers, nurses, not to mention the advancements they have made on technology that go unnoticed and are never taught. They're humble. If men want to kill us off because they believe women are useless they can go ahead. Watch civilization collapse.
No. 448057
>>448050He seems more responsible and self-aware than most men.
Usually men who are really fucking shallow bounce at the first sign of their partners becoming less than ideal. This is the guy's second time with her cancer. It sounds more like he's insecure from a childhood of inconsistencies and being afraid that it's the norm all over again, than it is him not loving his wife for how she looks.
My second inkling that he's better than most men is that he was spilling this to an emotional crisis hotline. Not his bros or a mistress who'd be validating potentially
toxic feelings and urging him to leave if he's unhappy.
No. 448062
>>448050it's an emotional manipulation tactic, men think going on about how bad they feel while doing x bad thing while continuing to do x bad thing will help them get away with consequences
if he truly felt bad he would keep it to himself and try to condition himself to love her either way, he just keeps crying, mens willpower is weak
No. 448084
>>448050>>448050i give him props for acknowledging it, at least. we aren't all pure beings who never have shallow or selfish thoughts & beliefs, and he doesn't seem keen on abandoning her. i hope he works it out in therapy and doesn't shame her wife for literally having cancer and it changing her body.
i've read threads of women speaking about coming home to empty houses & being ghosted by their husbands (i'm talking years-of-marriage type of spouses) after they had to get their one or both breasts removed bc of breast cancer. a woman in the thread told a story of her husband not coming to pick her up after her surgery and abandoning her bc she didn't have breasts anymore. many more told the same. some said their husbands cheated on them while they were in treatment. for cancer.
No. 448163
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>cheats on girls
>treats them like shit
>is upset their madonna-whore fantasies don't come into play and chad tinfoil about how all girls are sluts
sure seems like a catch
No. 448167
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No. 448351
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>>448167>No Smiling With Any Boy At All Except Girl… que?
No. 448527
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I hate it when I see memes like this and all the replies are 'ha ha women should complement us more' or it becomes a pity party for men and no one says "how about not being a creep when it comes to compliments"
No. 448536
>>448527I hate this shit so much. First of all, that's why we don't often compliment random men. They automatically take it as sexual interest. And second, the last thing men need is women stroking their egos even more than we already do.
It's sad how little it takes for a guy to want you, or at least pretend to want you. I was blissfully unaware, up until a few years ago, of how common it was for guys to have practice/placeholder girlfriends. I used to know this guy who dated a girl purely out of horniness/the validation he got from her liking him. He wasn't attracted to her at all and had no problem telling his friends this. He later tried to convince her to have a poly relationship (because of course he did) and you could tell it made her so insecure. They're broken up now, thank god. But I can't imagine the humiliation and betrayal she would feel if she ever found out how he really felt about her in their over a year of dating.
No. 448541
>>448536>First of all, that's why we don't often compliment random men. They automatically take it as sexual interest.Exactly.
Plus what's stopping men from complimenting each other? Why do they expect women to do every single thing for them?
No. 448573
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"What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled those people out that were products of rape and incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?" he said at in Urbandale, Iowa. "Considering all the wars and all the rapes and pillages taken place and whatever happened to culture after society? I know I can't certify that I'm not a part of a product of that."
The Kiron Republican was discussing his defense of not allowing exceptions for rape and incest in the anti-abortion legislation he tried to pass in Congress. Republican leadership had prevented bills he sponsored on banning abortions from advancing through the House, despite GOP support for the measures, King said.
No. 448574 life man in the USA defends no rape and incest exceptions for abortion by claiming that women have been forced to carry their rapists child before in the past. So he and other prolife men think that shouldn't change. They simply cannot look at previous generations of women who were
victims of rape and forced pregnancy and think "that's fucked up. That shouldn't continue now"
They just.. truly fucking hate women and their
rape them and force them to stay miserable and pregnant agenda is getting more and more blatant.
No. 448577
>>448575>I'm honestly surprised there isn't a push for fake news about women doing horrible shit to balance out these true stories of garbage males.There is on places like reddit, women doing bad things gets such a disproportionate amount of upvotes. They are really desperate to think women are just as bad or worse than men, so they'll blatantly promote it any chance they get. Even if what the woman did is only half as bad as what you see men doing 100x more often in the news.
But yeah literally all you have to do is watch/read the news for endless pink pill material. Every time I walk past my parents watching it I'll hear about some woman being raped or murdered.
No. 448580
>>448575Yeah it is just too easy to find awful stories about men being absolutely horrific towards women everyday. This fucker especially since hes really out here unironically trying to say that our survival humans should value rape.
Pro life men are just… horrific in general.
No. 448637
>>448584>>448582Stop samefagging. Those are nurturing roles and you're portraying technological advances as an exception. Those things are still allowed for women under patriarchal rule.
Also, women clean…?
No. 448639
>>448637samefagging is when you pretend to be someone else, me replying to different posts isn't samefagging
>Those are nurturing roles and you're portraying technological advances as an exceptionand medical roles, are you implying there's something wrong with being nurturing?
>Those things are still allowed for women under patriarchal rule.the anon in the screenshot was mentioning and praising men because of the importance their body alone serves, why can't I praise women for the importance their body serves? Especially after a misogynist claims "ebul ebin could never be important" Breasts make milk and feed babies, wombs carry fetuses, they birth children, help take care and raise them.Every muscle in our body has importance. Again, why can't I praise this without being accused of being male? Just because this was something women are forced to do? there's people who were forced to work that doesn't mean we can't praise working people either, what's the logic behind that?
>Also, women clean…?hm?
also, answer my question, why would a scrot who just wanted to force women to pop out babies praise technology advancements made by women and the career fields women pretty much dominate? your biggest issue is that I praised things women were once forced to do, that makes no sense nor does it make me male.
No. 448646
>>448639>Breasts make milk and feed babies, wombs carry fetuses, they birth children, help take care and raise them.Do our bodies care for and raise children on their own? Why should this be praised as a quality of women when both parents should be involved? You say it's a womanly attribute.
>and medical roles, are you implying there's something wrong with being nurturing?No, but your initial post paints it as the ultimate goal to strive towards as women. A lot is wrong about that.
>hm?You literally praised women for cleaning. Not a good look. It's usually something men say in the content we post in this thread, you might want to be a bit more careful.
>why would a scrot who just wanted to force women to pop out babies praise technology advancements made by women and the career fields women pretty much dominate? Technology you portrayed as an exception. You mentioned it once while you went over nurturing a hundred times. Men do this to conceal their intentions. "Tell her she's a queen but treat her like a slave" is the motto.
And honestly you dont know shit if you think women dominating low paid fields that somehow magically align with what was open as the only choice for women until recently is a good thing. Another rather testicular belief.
>your biggest issue is that I praised things women were once forced to do, that makes no sense nor does it make me male.Maybe if they had to be forced instead of choosing it it's not such an innate and wonderful thing worthy of being preached?
Why don't we praise blacks on their historical cotton picking skills while we're at it.
No. 448647
>>448646>Why should this be praised as a quality of women when both parents should be involved?it's something women did for centuries, women usually raise children as well as dominating teaching field and childcare. Acknowledging and praising this isn't saying only women should parent
>You say it's a womanly attributewomen overall are more involved with caring and raising children, again why are you so extremely upset I praised women for being mothers even after acknowledging women who choose different careers and whatnot are still very important?
>No, but your initial post paints it as the ultimate goal to strive towards as women. A lot is wrong about, you took it out of context. that's your own problem. how is acknowledging different careers and advancements women do "paints being a mother as the ultimate goal for women"?
>You literally praised women for cleaning. quote me, I tried cntrl + F on clean and didn't even see the word clean until you said it yourself. Please do not put words in my mouth.
>Technology you portrayed as an exception. You mentioned it once while you went over nurturing a hundred times.I mentioned tech, medical stuff, teaching, childcare, etc. It's you who took it out of context
>"Tell her she's a queen but treat her like a slave" is the motto.ah yes because women never praise other women for taking care of children, right?
>you dont know shit if you think women dominating low paid fields medical, tech, music and art are low paying fields? HA
>Why don't we praise blacks on their historical cotton picking skills while we're at it.comparing slavery to women who choose to become mothers, okay
you sound demented
No. 448652
>>448647How the fuck do you admit that women were forced onto certain roles yet get is defensive when its compared to slavery?
>>448036>"When I see a woman, I see art,Copy from original male post
>I see patience, I feel a sense of calmness,Yes, women must never lose their calm. This is an innate attribute and has nothing to do with being called hysterical or emotional at the slightest hint of emotion. Bravo.
>I see nurture. Nurture
>We as women are meant to conquer the world and make it a better place. Need to nurture the world
>We raise children, feed, nurture and care for all things delicate. Nurture
>Without women, this world is nothing. We would collapse without women. Okay
>Women instill knowledge and health into everyone's mind.Education and nurture
>Every part of our body is important, we feed, we nurture, we care, we clean, we are strong. Nurture plus clean
>We are goddesses, when I see a woman I see a world of interest, the people she's helped and cared for, the lives she has made, her contributions, her decisions, her willpower, her strength, her achievements. her love care. I feel fond respectCopy from original male post plus nurture
>Women feed, women nurture, it's in our bodies and brains.Nurture, also it's in our brains
>if women never existed like men would want us too the world would literally collapse.I believe it. Someone's gotta birth and nurture those men right?
Women are mostly teachers, mothers, nurses,
This is ok. Something to be praised, not dissected
>not to mention the advancements they have made on technology that go unnoticed and are never taught.A nice token. No mention of other fields like art or something, just the token ada lovelace Marie curie. I also like how you go from "we" to "they"
>They're humble.Yes of course, another good innate trait
Seems like your post does skew towards a specific "career" after all.
And answer to this:
"Maybe if they had to be forced instead of choosing it it's not such an innate and wonderful thing worthy of being preached?"
Don't ignore it.
No. 448654
>>448652>>448652>How the fuck do you admit that women were forced onto certain roles yet get is defensive when its compared to slavery?because many women want and choose to be mothers, blacks don't choose and want to pick cotton
>Copy from original male postthat was the point…
>Yes, women must never lose their calm. This is an innate attribute and has nothing to do with being called hysterical or emotional at the slightest hint of emotion. dare I acknowledge women are less violent, nicer, patient and have more likable personalities. the horror.
looks to me like you're just looking to something to rage over, stop wasting my time and get over yourself
No. 448659
>>448655sorry me praising women for raising children while praising those who choose to have careers hurts your feelings and makes you think I'm a scrot
oh don't go on pinterest or any mom site either, there might be ebul scrot housewives praising women for being nurturing
(derailing) No. 448853
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Does anyone remember that dumb 'googles ideological echo chamber' document. For some stupid reason I just find the document so hilarious. He stated he wrote it after going to a diversity program, he says men and women are different genetically, and he's also a classical liberal. He's feels less like a human and more like an AI trying to replace the a human.
No. 448855
>>448853This guy is so bitter that he's ugly, it's hilarious.
Scrots are so dumb over him. If a woman working in nursing said she believed men were just worse at the role because their big dumb genetics made them too violent and angry and didn't give them the needed patience, men would demand her head.
As as aside, the only bad nurse I've ever had was a man who spent the entire time bragging about his Iraq tour.
shrugs No. 448867
>>448851I recently saw some similar horrible shit in India about Modi supporters offering bounties for Hindu men to kidnap and force Muslim Kashmir women to marry them and putting out newspaper ads telling single Muslim men to move to Kashmir to get married to the "available" Muslim women. and in China they're sterilizing the Muslim women they rounded up into re-education camps. No. 448913
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"I can't find a Manic Pixie Dream Girl to be my therapist and fix my personal problems for me so obviously all women are roastie whores who just want to be a part of Chad's hypergamy harem!"
No. 448929
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>"women should shave everything because hygiene!!"
why doesn't this hygiene logic apply to men hm
No. 448962
>>448957It was the diarrhea that he gets several times a week that she said put her off…
How can you have very bad ibs and expect that from a person? How can you view it as acceptable to ask.
I had ibs symptoms in my twenties and kindly told partners that area was just a no go. Couldn't feel sexy about it
No. 448993 came up on my feed and reading it depressed me re: how differently boys are treated by society beginning with their own mothers and how they're valued compared to girls. thoughts?
>“I don’t need pigtails and pink rooms. I’m happy being the proud mom of two healthy little men,” writer Ashley Wasilenko wrote in a piece for Motherly on why “Being a #boymom is right for me.”it's just crazy to me that a woman who was once a little girl herself could devalue girls this way.
No. 449021
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>Single mothers are demonised for years>Even single fathers insult single mothers calling them derogatory things despite being in the same situation (I know this is mgtow but the sentiment is not rare) and act entitled they are due a "baggage free woman" despite themselves having kids>Now a situation has arisen where women are flat out refusing to date single fathers because of this reputation and the double standard>Its gotten to the point dating sites are writing article after article on why women SHOULD date single fathersI got slightly different results on my phone than the computer but if you google " avoid dating single father"-(also see how the first auto result is "avoid dating single mothers") you will see many articles using the same retoric that was used against dating single mothers now against single fathers, its karma.
FYI not against single parents at all, but I was shocked (guess I shouldnt have been) that scrot parents really seem to hate single mothers and that hatred has come right back on them.
No. 449025
>>448995>use birth control"Cock carousel! Slut! Hypergamy!"
>use condom"But it doesn't feel as good!"
>don't use any contraception, get pregnant"You just want to trap unsuspecting men into something they don't want to be a part of!"
>raise the child on your ownSee
>>449021>have an abortion"Murderer! Why do you want to kill innocent babies, you evil whore!"
>don't have sex at all"Cold bitch! I bet your standards are just way too high, spinster! Enjoy being a lonely cat lady!"
No. 449083
>>448993Ugh, I hate this shit. I'm one of three girls, no boys, and that video…..what the fuck? We were three pretty girly little girls, but the boymom talked like my mom. We fought each other, ran around, climbed trees, made messes, and like, jesus, we weren't even tomboys, we were three little ballerinas who liked barbie and princesses!
I have two real gripes here: 1. girls aren't "less" energentic, messy, whatever, it's just that when they're chaotic they're crazy horrible brats but when boys do it it's "normal" and adorably rambunctious, and 2. the moms I knew who were really into being "boymoms" had the sons that became complete monsters at puberty. Like those were the boys who started middle school and immediately began building their adult senses of self as men out of bullying, sexual harassment/humiliation/assault of the girls around them, and outright cruelty. But their moms, teacher, counselors, whoever, didn't care because teehee boys will be boys and they just learn and behave DIFFERENTLY and if you try to stop them you just don't GET boys, etc etc.
I don't blame the boymoms here, but all I can see is part of the culture that expects jack shit from men and everything from women. I wish people had thought I was adorable when I was wrecking shit and getting dirty and asking lots of questions when I was little.
No. 449085
>>449061I get the fear anon. But it can be done. You're not deluded. God knows we complain here, and with reason, but remember: Lundy Bancroft exists. It can be done.
I'm not a mom, but I work a job that has me interacting with kids a lot and my two cents….I wish more boys were raised with an understanding of kindness. Just more theory of other minds, you know?
No. 449088
>>449002I think so too but they just hate that they can't control women. Bc puts control in the hands of women. They're illogical in that bc prevents kids and child support and all that mess. But they still hate it.
>>449021Ive seen single dads whine about being a single parent yet still shit on women who are single moms doing their best in their situation. Then they still whine about those kids of single moms need a male figure in their lives.
Read that article too and a few things.
First he claims that women who give birth have ruined bodies. I pity his partner who had to give birth to his own kid only for him to think that of her. Scrots like him claim how vital fertility is for women, how it's the ONLY thing that's important but when we actually are pregnant and give birth, they
despise it. They're obsessed with theoretical, potential fertility but hate the real thing. Pure retardation.
Second he goes on about how awful it is that women focus on kids. Implying that men like him are jealous of kids…. Jealous of a kid who needs to be raised. You know, like what he has to do with his
own damn kid.
He needs to remain and die alone and his kid should be raised by someone else who isn't a retard like him
Makes me hope that all those single moms just band together and form some type of safe village community away from vile scrots.
No. 449227
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>REEE if wimmin have jobs they have less time to be baby machines REEEEHoly shit, the absolute sexism. I'm particularly appalled at the expiration date remark. The whole article is basically just him being asshurt at people (read: women) who don't want kids.
Also, higher up in the article he ostensibly says that white babies are more "quality" than babies from populous Asian countries, so white people NEED to have kids. Wow, racism. Nothing makes me want to throw away 20 years of my life quite like being told there are too many brown people in the world! /s
Anyway, everything in the article can easily be rebutted with "mind your own fucking business."
Source: No. 449231
>>449227Talks about periods starting at 14?? I had school friends that were ten and started menstruating, should they have kids straight away before they 'dry up'?
This hits a little too close to people arguing that first period = ready for sex.
14 (or 10) is not maturity and you're not turning infertile by 30
No. 449252
>>449227When women who want to have children say 'we aren't ready' it usually either means 1). the scrote with them doesn't want to have children and wants to play video games (nearly every case I've ever seen) or 2). they don't trust the scrote with them to be a good father. And many of the cases of both examples end up with the scrote cheating on the woman and wasting her so-called 'prime fertility' years, or if they have kids, leaving her a single mother. Reddit is full of this shit
Even if women were putting off having children for a career, what does he expect? Social mobility has gone out the window and hypergamy is actually getting rarer and rarer. When the most fecund women want child support and benefits they REEEE about that too. Fertility is dropping like a stone more quickly in places like the UAE and Japan that have little concept of maternity leave
What makes this especially milky is that Mr. Proud Boys writing the article had his children at a pretty advanced paternal age. Oh and his babymomma is an aboriginal American so none of his kids are white. Whether it's WNs, /r/asianmasculinity or hoteps its always the biggest hypocrites shitting on 'their' women
No. 449301
>>449252You guys were so fucking right. There's truly no hope. I thought that I had one of the good ones but he basically told me that we can't be together because I won't abide by living where he wants to live to be his incubator. We're 21 and he's irresponsible as fuck and was in opposition to me (the female) saying, "I want to be secure financially and emotionally if we ever think about having kids because I'm currently 21".
So he basically wanted to end our 2+ year relationship because of unborn children. Now like every other guy he's going to pick off some self-hating, stupid woman who is irrational just like him, and ruin her life by getting her pregnant with no money. The thing is, he was never
abusive, he's just stupid and selfish. I wasted 2+ years of my life on this. Men don't deserve women.
No. 449320
>>449252Yeah Gavin is retarded. He never goes in on guys who want kids in their older years like 35+ as much despite sperm quality dropping. But he's about shitting on every woman who isn't like him so he'll forget that. He backed away from the Proud Boys after some of them killed people too. Real classy. Then went back to them when the press died down. He preaches white genocide and how white women should be forced as breeding stock (no adoption or fostering for white people obviously! fuck *
those kids) yet married a nonwhite woman that he doesn't acknowledge. I think there was a quote where she was said to have agreed with his hipster liberal ways before but not anymore since he's gone full white national traditionalist. Hope she leaves soon and finds safety elsewhere. These men don't deserve a happy home or kids. God I pity her.
Men aren't capable of learning from the past either by his bs claim. Girls starting menstruation as a child =/= good time to have healthy babies. We know this. We've seen this. Too many fucking girls have died for this bullshit to still be said. But anything to rally the troops behind kicking women out of everything and forcing them back into the home being 100% dependent so when they do fuck up, they know women won't leave them. Then also they'll complain about their wives being dependent too because they hate that.
No. 449322
>>449301That's horrible anon. I know I'm going to get shit on for this but if a guy wants children, usually it's a red flag. Chances are he sees you as a means to an end (ie. incubator like you said), and he'll stop giving a shit about you once you pop them out. I know most people will say the purpose of a relationship is to have children but it's a very easy way to get caught in a loveless relationship.
Good thing you got out and saved yourself all the pain and misery that could have followed.
No. 449326
>>449300Men: women are ruining society by focusing on their careers instead of getting married and having kids. What happened to traditional feminity
Also men: women have historically leeched off of men because theyre too lazy to work, they just stay at home with the kids all day while men did all the work and fought wars for them
No. 449337
>>449322I used to think about this all the time watching men saying their kid is the most important thing ever and completely ignoring their wife/gf as soon as the kid pops out. Now I wonder how much they shaft those kids by expecting the mother to do all of the child rearing. I know so many women whose husband wanted kids so badly and then completely checked out of parenting them.
Reminds me a bit of a guy I met last year at a party who said his best job title was dad but barely had custody, didn't pay child support, and later moved to another town to shack up with someone new guaranteeing less parenting involved. Like who the fuck does he think he's fooling?
No. 449351
>>449347I have to agree for sure. My boyfriend and I definitely don't want kids, and he treats me very well. He is very kind, loyal, devoted, helps a lot with the housework, is very giving, sexually cares more about pleasing me than getting off.
>~traditional femininity~Funny thing about this, the other day he saw me shaving and told me "you don't even have to shave, you barely have any hair. If anyone should shave it's me, my leg hair is a forest, it's ugly" Later that day he trimmed most of his body hair which probably took hours (he is extremely hairy). His reasoning was "if you're going through all the trouble I should be attractive for you too." I couldn't imagine a traditional guy ever being ok with doing most of these things. Most guys feel the need to complain if a woman misses a couple of hairs, doesn't do makeup, etc
Can't help but think women who do want kids are kind of fucked, they are for the most part stuck with entitled men who want to use them as an incubator + maid and nanny service + trophy wife. Of course not all but still a good portion. The men I've met who didn't want children and who were also in relationships seemed to be good partners to my friends, I think you are right that they are way less likely to be lazy/entitled. There is a good subset of child-free men who sleep around, just hate women, etc, but the ones in relationships seem to truly care about their partners.
No. 449370
>>449347Meh. The guys I've dated who didn't want kids were actually giant manbabies who didn't want the responsibility. I was just a new mommy to them.
It can go either way. It depends on the mentality of the dude in question.
No. 449383
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Men: ew women are so entitled
also men: Women, I demand you feel bad about your anatomy, men I demand you to unite against women because of something that turns me off!
No. 449387
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Imagine the outrage if women told other women to divorce infertile men and find healthy ones and started tinfoiling about how infertile men will hit the wall and become lonely and miserable
men are mental, lacking empathy is a mental illness, if you lack empathy you shouldn't legally be allowed to be in a relationship with women or even touch them
No. 449394
>>449383lmao at least upon a search people are having a laugh about this poor negging attempt.
Wonder if he ever figured out that men piss out of their cum hole.
No. 449430
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Cosplayer girl at Japanese con is upset and has a panic attack because of males swarming her and taking inappropriate shots without her permission. They don't care and continue taking their creepshots. Fuck scrotes. No. 449468
>>449430Sorry but cosplayers are fucking stupid.
You see lions on tv consuming red meat. You don't roll yourself in steak juice and try to go make friends with lions.
You see men objectifying, fetishizing, and consuming every modicum of fictional characters on the internet at obsessive levels. Why would you dress like a fictional character and expect respect from socially stunted predators who have exhibited in every way that they think they're entitled to the female body?
It's not news anymore. Quit their bullshit and stop believing that if you're really progressive that it will make the lions go vegetarian.
No. 449479
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>>449468>>449434Its still not her fault for the way those men are acting?
>If you are known for lewd photoshoots and you walk around parading half-naked in public, of course you're going to get creeped on.I'd hardly call getting hounded by a bunch of old men with cameras to the point of breaking down just getting "creeped on". Its mind boggling hearing the same rhetoric I hear from misogynistic scrotes on a thread against that exact thing.
Rag on lewd cosplay all you want, but she's not responsible for their behavior, they are. "Only you are responsible for your actions" is literally preschool level interpersonal skills we're talking about here. Also did you even see what she was actually wearing standing up (see pic attached)? Also the reason her skirt is hiked so high in the first picture is because they were trying to take upskirt shots of her.
Please tell me we haven't actually come full circle and are blaming women because, god forbid, we can see their knees or their cleavage or because they post naked pictures online. The fact that she takes and posts nudes should have no bearing on how she's treated as a person. Again, have any opinion you want on girls that post nudes publicly, all I'm saying is that shouldn't require that any of the blame be picked up by her because of the actions of other people.
No. 449484
>>449434This is the same as
>she got raped because she dressed like a slut!Blame scrotes more, if we treat them like animals that act on instinct that means we accept their shitty behavior as a natural thing rather than something that should be changed.
No. 449497
>>449479You're being obtuse if you think anyplace in that post isn't accounting men for their actions.
These men ARE opportunistic predators.
Stop banking on the supposed barrier of presumed decency from said predators.
This is libfem sex posi logic. Women continue getting assaulted at these conventions because men are unable to control themselves.
What has browbeating about convention consent and treating men like they're all at once capable of doing better actually accomplished for the past decade that this has been passed around? Assault still happens at western conventions. We're not even talking about all the hijinks that goes down in eastern ones.
It doesn't work, so what's the solution? Pretend everything will turn out hunky dory for these girls to prove a point about…us having to believe in men at all costs? I don't think so.
No. 449498
>>444100I agree with both of these. Only you are responsible for your actions, what they did was wrong and disgusting. It's not her fault.
At the same time, men don't care about morals and aren't ever going to change. Expecting them to change is as idiotic as reasoning with a wild animal to just 'be nice'. Unfortunately the only solution I can think of that's not
victim-blaming or jaded acceptance is mass scrot genocide.
No. 449538
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No. 449539
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>>449538This fucking male.
No. 449556
>>449547Don't do this shit to yourself, anon. These men are "rejected" by no one but themselves. They fashion their anger out of nothing, they blame others for their flaws and they'll never appreciate any effort you put into helping them. In fact they'll resent you for not magically fixing everything wrong with them.
Keep yourself safe and don't engage mentally unstable men.
No. 449558
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>>449536No one pops out of the womb enlightened. When the only skill the world judges you by is your fuckability, that's the skill you're gonna dump all your points into.
It's why the "sex work is eMpOwErInG" sentiment is so actively harmful, because it's all young women who don't know any better getting sucked into it. There's a lot of cognitive dissonance in libfems, a lot of them understand that men are garbage on at least some level, and they want to be respected, but they think they're going to get that by playing directly into mens' hands. They haven't yet figured out that the only winning move is to not play.
Pulling off the veil and seeing the Truth for what it really Is is truly agonising, and not something that can be un-done. A lot of young women are on the verge of that realisation but can feel that subconscious fear. It's human nature to fear pain, and to avoid it. I'm not going to blame her for that. A fool she may be, but those sweaty, decrepit scrotes are the ones who violently ripped the veil off of her, and I feel sympathy for her pain.
>>449547You deserve better than that. Just go for regular old quiet, shy/kinda insecure guys if you must. Lowers your odds of being murdered a little bit, at the very least.
No. 449568
>>449496Great idea, and in those women only classes we can also teach them that they're fully to blame for anything that happens to them if they engage with men, because they should have known better!
Or we could hold men accountable for their actions and demand that society starts teaching men to treat women as people? I understand your point about needing better transparency of the sex trade but it needs to be aimed at men too, at the end of the day the world is broken and women do get pushed or influenced into this unfair shit all the time even when they know it's a losing game. Setting a precedence to blame cam girls or sex workers for what "they willingly got themselves into" is
victim blaming 101
>>449530This is the pink pill thread, you can make a burqa thread somewhere else
No. 449570
>>449558What's worse though, trying to sit young girls down and warn them about men, or trying to sit men down and teach them empathy only to realise that they fundamentally don't care? You could have Tila Tequila crying in front of a PowerPoint of her infected Bartholin's cysts full of a room of boys and the vast majority would still go home and jerk off to porn that very same evening. Men already feel an innate disgust response after they jizz, and I'm starting to believe that the ones who are most affected by it simply can't handle facing even a brief glimpse of their own inhumanity and troon out to cope, or do the right thing and kill themselves.
It's a shitty, futile choice either way.
No. 449578
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>>449568>victim blamingI'm really sorry that you can't accept this, but as of the present there are no classes to teach anime-obsessed men en masse empathy and respect for women–nevermind as to whether those classes would work in the end. We know that despite efforts to warn, shame, and arrest men for doing this to women, that they continue to sexually harass and assault us.
It's not setting precedent. We're not excusing men by pointing out how women need to protect themselves. Excusing men would be dismissing their behavior while telling a woman that she deserved it. That's not what's happening here despite your insistence on this strawman.
It's not blaming a
victim to tell them to not trust men in protecting their wellbeing or pretend like they'll look out for their best interests.
Do you think travel tips on how to not be mugged and assaulted in shady countries is "
victim blaming" too? Do you reserve the right to wear flashy shit in poor districts and accept drinks at bars from randoms, because you think this adage about never being the one truly at fault in a crime will protect you preemptively???
You mistake our frustration with misogyny because you won't heed something so OBVIOUS.
And by the way, who do you think would get sexually harassed at an anime convention more: A woman wearing a burka, or the woman wearing the bunny girl suit?
You know bunny girl would get eaten alive.
Animefag men are uncontrollable, self-serving misogynists who are never going to get better because they're consuming media made by the exact men in that video who assaulted the girl.
No. 449582
>>449497The problem is that once you start putting the onus on women to just not wear or do certain things, the bar gets higher. It starts at "Don't wear this lewd cosplay", then progresses to more conservative rules until it's "Well…your ankles were showing. What did you expect?" and then "Why were you walking alone in an anime con in broad daylight in public? What did you think would happen? Just don't go out unless you need to. Simple advice".
No matter how many "self-protection" clauses we take upon ourselves, men will continue to target women in general. They go for "lewd cosplayers" most frequently because they're the easiest targets thanks to the "Look what she was wearing. She was clearly asking for this sort of attention, anyway" excuse. Even if she
wasn't dressed that way, and no cosplayers in general were, they'd just find whoever is most attractive or naturally has more "sexy" assets (covered up or not) to harass.
When you fuel this scrotoid logic that being female is inherently sexual and an inviting temptation, they believe even more that they're justified.
The only solution is gender segregation, IMO. Cons for female fans, cons for male fans. Maybe "mixed" gender cons should still exist, but with heavy security to block this sort of thing, and a "special" area specifically for those who are okay with such photography.
I wish there was a way to dox the men who tried to take upskirt shots and contact their parents, workplaces, etc. Shame is a heavy deterrrent in Japan, and these scrotes clearly need to be reminded. Their anonymity in numbers needs to be snatched away.
No. 449586
>>449582nta but you are using the slippery slope fallacy and its a rather rediculous senario. I think you and the other poster both have
valid point though.
No. 449587
>>449578>A woman wearing a burkaMy country has had a case of women wearing full-coverage swimsuits at the beach (the kind that's basically a burka in a swimsuit material) being attacked by groups of men. You might want to blame islamophobia for it, but they didn't give a shit about the muslim husbands they were with; they attacked the women because that's what men do.
I've also been harrassed when I had my entire body covered up, with only the skin of my face and hands showing. How am I supposed to "protect myself" when I've had disgusting men take creepshots of me when I was entirely covered up? Am I supposed to become a hermit?
I don't disagree with the idea that we should be careful and avoid men/areas that we know to be dangerous (in an ideal, gender segregated world we wouldn't have to), but I can understand the other anon's frustration when no matter how careful we are, this shit still happens. And men still get away with it.
No. 449588
>>449586I'm just speaking from what I've seen and experienced. In cultures/societies where women are encouraged to be as conservative as possible,
victim-blaming becomes second nature to people.
little girls are told that it's their fault for "tempting men" in some contexts.
There is nothing we can do. Hell, even grandmas get sexually harassed (and raped). Are they sluts, too? No. The problem is just men.
No. 449590
>>449578I don't agree with the extreme thinking in not protecting yourself but honestly.. women in burqas are sexually assaulted in public just as much as women wearing bikinis. This is statistical, it's been noted hundreds of times in criminology and sociology that sexual assault has no relation to what a woman is wearing. In fact, veiled women are harassed MORE in Egypt.
There is no protection in modesty because you just attract the same person who wants to assault women regardless, a different type of fetishistic scrote or a scrote who thinks that a covered up woman will shut up and enjoy it or not report it because of their conservatism. Have you not seen how weeb creeps fetishise girls who wear wooly sweaters and maxi skirts? I've had one friend who dressed like that be assaulted at a con.
Theft and sexual assault are not done for the same reasons.
To some extent I understand what you are saying but really in the end this can be applied to anything. You can say 'why would a woman go out into a con full of predatory scrotes' but there are many streets which can be said to be full of predatory scrotes, many cafes, many nightclubs, many schools, in the end applying this logic to everything would mean women aren't permitted to go out at all, but in the end most women are more likely to be assaulted by a relative in their own house so that is also a prison. In parts of the West and other places this logic is already applied. This is not a slippery slope. think once they saw her face they would've crowded around her and assaulted her anyway. A burqa would've been useful for hiding her face but nothing else but that goes against the point of a con
No. 449591
>>449588While I agree with that comparing that to an
anime convention is pretty far fetched anon as the circumstances are different.
No. 449592
>>449591What makes you say that? It's the same sort of male entitlement, honestly. Like I said, even if no female cosplayers dressed lewdly, it'd eventually become an issue of "Why were you cosplaying at all? You
know what male anime fans are like, and
all anime girls are all sexualized, regardless of design, so what were you doing?" and possibly concluding at just "Don't go to anime cons". The bar will just get higher and higher.
No. 449593
>>449587>>449590But you're both missing the context: A burka wearer at an anime convention.
A convention where men are conditioned to harass scantily clad portrayals of their fictional characters versus a woman wearing a burka.
>we're careful but men still harass usSo you throw the baby out with the bathwater and instead go full throttle into pandering to them by making sexually assaulting and disrespect easier for them?
Makes no sense.
In the context of an anime convention, the girls who are wearing ordinary street clothes and non-lewd cosplays are hardly the ones reporting harassment.
It's always the women wearing the skimpy stuff who are the ones who are
victims of this behavior. They're the ones getting upshot pictures and secret video recordings of their breasts and asses. They're the ones getting "accidentally" groped in crowds. They're the ones getting solicited by creepy con photographers. And getting their drinks spiked in the hopes they can be suggested to go back to someone's hotel room.
And then if you go on internet forums where these men lurk ie. 4chan, they'll be so bold to tell you that this is the type of woman they target.
Not women in burkas.
And I guess I need to shut up now because apparently bringing this up is baiting a race argument. So I'll quit, but my point still stands.
No. 449594
>>449592Firstly, because I have experienced that culture first hand-I have been both to saudi where I was forced to cover up, and I have also been to anime conventions, both are very different experiences.
While I agree again with your male point do I really need to explain the difference between cosplaying a
lewd character which has a reputation at an enclosed event which of course other anime fans will know in a convention which is not really a day to day thing-to women just being themselves day to day and getting harassed? Again I want to stress that I do not agree with the cosplayer getting harassed and its sick, but the point the other anon was making that cosplayers who cosplay those characters know or at least must be aware of what reaction they will face compared to women who just wear comfy clothes day to day.I dont know what anime cons you go to but theres not much of that here-(i'm in uk).
I do think your idea of a female only con is pretty good, of course scrots will kick up a fuss but when do they not lol.
No. 449596
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>>449593NTA, but anon, what will you suggest if producers (anime directors, doujinshi artists, etc) start to fetishize burkas and hijabs?
Western scrotes already do it. There's even a much worse Shad picture I've seen going around, but I won't post that here. We already know men have no limits.
If a rash of Japanese women start doing that to avoid or protest sexualization, what makes you think it won't go the way of the bosozoku girls and the way they lengthened their school uniform skirts specifically to put off scrotes who thought the uniform was "sexy" (Hint: It didn't work, men sexualized them anyway for being "hot", "tough" delinquents)?
Dead-ass, I can already see the types of retarded plots they would come up with. "Cute otaku girl who's a famous mangaka and wears burkas at conventions because she's too cute and is scared of male attention, but then her burka falls off and she starts to blush out of embarrassment and what happens next?!?! uwu".
No. 449605
>>449597>I wouldn't willingly portray a character that men are known to objectify, fetishize, and disrespect.Good luck finding any character that hasn't been rule 34'd. When little girls dress up as Pinkie Pie or Dora the Explorer they should they have to consider how many sick degenerates want to fuck their cartoon character first, too?
I think we're all able to acknowledge that dressing up as a 'lewd' character is going to attract people that understand the sexual significance of that character but this went beyond attention. If I put on lipstick I know that it's a 'sexy' thing and some men will probably stare at me, even though I don't agree with it, but I don't expect to be mobbed and upskirted as I cry. She wore a sexy cosplay at a convention and received more than just unwanted attention, she was harassed and surrounded in the exact place where a cosplayer should be safest in public. Saying her clothing consents to harassment is
victim blaming, full stop.
No. 449621
>>449616Fujos used to assault men who'd cosplay characters they shipped; they'd force them to kiss other cosplayers, grope them, stalk them (I'm sure they still do it now, but there was a time when it was a big thing). But even then it'd usually be one or two girls, not entire groups, and cons still reacted to this by banning the paddles with "yaoi" written on them they'd use to spank the cosplayers.
I'm not sure what cons actually do against men being creepy. I know they have big "cosplay is not consent signs", but it's not as if they'll care.
No. 449648
>>449640This has been the biggest barrier for me, in trying to figure out libfem vs radfem beliefs. I think most men of age are uselessly unteachable. But, I don't think men are inherently unteachable, it's just by the time they discover porn it's probably too late to use any kind of reason with them. Lundy Bancroft only formed his view after working for thousands of hours with legitimately and objectively
abusive men, and before that he was no better than the "women are just as
abusive as men" crowds, and he had the added benefit of being old enough to avoid viewing hardcore internet porn in his youth. Today's men seem hopelessly unreachable in comparison.
But it's not totally hopeless. Maybe exposing boys to the hypocrisy of men will help.
No. 449651
>>449640There's a TV show in the UK called 'Murderers and their Mothers' it's a series where they look at the backgrounds of serial killers and often serial rapists and child rapists, they basically blame the mother for their sons murders..
They either loved them too much or not enough..
Punished them too much or not enough..
Meanwhile their father walked out on them as a baby.. that's also the mothers fault
So yeah we blame mothers for rape and murder because you can't blame the man
No. 449660
>>449547No, anon. They're entitled whiny assholes who will latch onto you and resort to stalking, threats and harassment if you don't put out. It might sound like a cute, romantic savior syndrome idea to ~get the poor boy out of his shell~ but in reality what you see is what you get. A manbaby who treats women like garbage.
>>449593What the fuck anon. All my friends who have been harassed by men at anime conventions have been wearing covering clothes or cosplay, the "they were asking for it!" meme is born retarded. Coincidentally most woman hating incels freeze when they see a semi naked woman and often think she's a ruined roastie and not the pure virginal waifu they can have power over. Sexual harassment and rape are not attractive to them because you think the girl is sexy and beautiful, what turns them on is how you can control the girl by making her uncomfortable and helpless. Yes, there are histrionic girls who egg men on and live off the attention they're given by them, but instead of actually sexually harassing them those girls get the other kind of hate because of the madonna/whore complex men often have.
No. 449669
>>449660>Sexual harassment and rape are not attractive to them because you think the girl is sexy and beautiful, what turns them on is how you can control the girl by making her uncomfortable and helpless.And there it fuckin is. Honestly, shout this louder for the people in the back because some of you aren't fucking hearing it yet. If you ever want more proof of how this
abusive power dynamic is essential to their very sense of self, look at how they react when you acknowledge even a fairly benign "hey bb ur gorgeous" compliment with an "I know" or even the less cocky "thanks, I think so too". You go from "beautiful" to "fat slut you ain't all that I didn't want you anyway" in less than a blink. They're testing the waters to see how much you hate yourself, as it's an early indicator of how much you'll cower.
No. 449674
>>449664Lul, imagine being as insecure as the average man. I doubt any woman would give as much of a shit if the roles were reversed, let alone sit and stare long enough to video tape what some stranger is doing. I can only laugh, because it's so pathetic and self pitying.
These "men" don't need anyone's pity, their already wallowing in their own.
No. 449700
>>449640Eh, there does need to be more "education" about rape, and by that I mean public pressure and open warnings in the form of advertisements and campaigns and such. Men do feel SOME fear of repercussions or aversion to being called a rapist, which is why when surveyed they will all admit to rape/willingness to rape as long as the word rape isn't used. Of course, nobody wants to be arrested and that's enough of a deterrent for many of them. See their response to #metoo?
>bawwwwwww I'm terrified for my life now, I will have to avoid all women in the workplace to avoid being arrested just for looking at them!!It obviously indicates a guilty conscience but at least they recognize they can't get away with everything.
One thing they need to be taught (aka have drilled into their head enough that they would expect consequences) is that rape isn't just strangers violently assaulting women in back alleys. It's also coercion, sex under the influence, removing condoms midway through sex, literally just a lack of consent etc etc. As long as they know that WE KNOW it's rape, they'll be afraid because they know we can take legal action.
No. 449728
>>449725nta but it's not sharia law to not walk around in really teeny dresses and push up bras. it's not liberating for women to dress in that way. both things need to change. men need to be educated and face accountability for their lecherous and
abusive behavior, but also neither men or women need to be sexualized or scantily clad. even if popular culture changes, there are always going to be rogue creeps that get off to people that are scantily clad and will still harm people or women that objectify themselves. it's just not appropriate. people of either sex shouldn't dress in a manner that is inappropriate. sexualizing yourself and sexual material is put on a pedestal anyways and that needs to stop. should we really be shocked that a woman makes it her entire persona to objectify herself to literally an audience of the worst kind of men imaginable, and is mobbed by them as a result? it shouldn't happen, but it seems really insane and ignorant to pretend costhots aren't canoodling with literally the worst men around and there won't be predictable consequences for seeking out and placating literally basically the worst group of men
No. 449753
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>>449743You're doing god's work, anon.
No. 449756
>>448853A few months ago there was a scandal at google where some high-ranking execs were busted for sexually harassing female employees. Myself and some others tweeted these articles @ him
Want to know what Damore had to say about that?
crickets No. 449784
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It's almost like most fields obligated women to wear makeup to be employed and in some countries (ie Japan) you're not allowed to not wear it
This creepy thing's hatred of women is almost comical. I don't wanna get too /tinfoil/ but I honestly think he is a plant to convince scrotes to do stupid things. He doesn't even have basic consistency half the time
No. 449792
>>449785>>449785most women in niqabs dont choose to be in niqabs, theyre born into it, but of those that do choose, uh yeah, they're fucking stupid as well? all these dumb women are
victims of patriarchy but yeah some choose to do the dumb thing without literally being physically forced bc influence
(Derail) No. 449794
>>449784At his age, he needs to leave and take his own advice. Is Stefan even married anymore? I knew of his wife who he had to convince to cut ties with her own family for him. But I think they've seperated?
It's sad too that his audience is full of unironic trad pick-mes because he's convinced them that men created civilization
for them so all they have to do is fuck and take care of the kids.
No. 449795
>>449728Finally a fucking reasonable answer that isn't "reee
victim blaming."
No. 449796
>>449784Doesn't JBP say similar things?
Aside from your points, the logic in his base argument is just lacking anyway since so many other things also increase blood flow to the face. Personally, my lips also look redder when I've been sobbing, just worked out, or am having an allergy attack.
And the male equivalent to a flushed face is still a flushed face, not a boner. Last I checked it isn't a fashion statement for women to…have wet crotches, idk.
I don't even wear makeup but I'm defensive lmao. No. 449827
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>>449784>>449815The guy is a grade A moron who has been dragged time and time again for his tweets, he really is the poster boy for fedora tippers.
>>449794I saw some people mentioning this, would love to confirm if its true no woman deserves to be stuck with such a pathetic whiny pissbaby like stefan molyneux.
No. 449839
>>449784Women have been FIRED for not wanting to wear high heels or make up at work, but when they complain about it's just "oh you don't want to adhere to the dress code? fuck you lazy bitch"
Yet scrots like Stefan completely ignore this, and just blame women. And also the alt right/incels/pick up artists are the ones who complain about women, usually western women, not being traditionally feminine. If women stopped wearing makeup, high heels etc you just know Stefan and his crew would be the first to tell women that they're lazy for not putting effort into their appearance and that's why they can't attract men.
No. 449845
>>449837WTF is it with some of the biggest anti-semites being jews themselves?
>>449827>implying women won't have anything to do after they become infertileeven if that was true, women can freeze their eggs now, and adoption is a thing.
The guy who retweeted that with his caption restores my faith in men a little, ngl.
No. 449873
>>444110Irony. Men are the ones who start abusing porn at age 12, completely fry their brains to the point where they can't get an erection from anything remotely normal and have to watch incest themed borderline child porn with double penetration and simulated rape just to get aroused, then proceed blame women when they get erectile dysfunction. Then when women have a problem with porn everyone just says it's because we're insecure and porn is the best thing ever for relationships/society and we just need to learn to deal with it.
But god forbid women learn how to pleasure ourselves.
No. 449876
Unfortunately I can't find an international mirror for the full version of this documentary from last year: scares me.
No. 449880
>>449876A lot of people believe that Putin is whats standing in the way of Russia becoming more liberal but it's actually the opposite. The alternatives to Putin are all far more virulently nationalistic and conservative. The Russian Communist Party, the LDP and other parties in the Duma are all far, far more conservative than United Russia are: don't necessarily disagree with what that Duma MP says in terms of how difficult things are for the kids and how such relationships usually fail, but it's the way she put it.
No. 449883
>>449877they hardly exist. men think that because of the porn they watch and most heterosexual porn portrays women as brainless fuck dolls who are always ready to cheat and fuck anyone at the drop of a hat.
I once found this random forum where a guy was asking "why are women so concieted?" he then described being at a book store and said that he saw a mom and a daughter and checked out both of them. then he smiled because of the dilbert comic he was reading, but the mom thought he was smiling about the daughter and said the mom saw him smiling and told her daughter "you're a peach, dear" then said the daughter smiled, like because she thought she was pretty, which was extremely offensive to him. then he said "I've seen the same thing happen on TV". actually using TELEVISION as evidence for how women think.
Bottom line: men can't distinguish between fiction and reality.
also here's the forum if you feel like reading some cancer No. 449885
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>>449383How does a human get this far in life without thinking about how the opposite sex works? Or how buttholes work? Also, someone please tell him that the male equivalent to a g-spot (the prostate) is basically IN his butt lmfao.
Anyone who's had to change diapers or who
knows someone who's had to change diapers knows the whole front-to-back thing. We HAVE to be really thorough when it comes to butt-hygeine because we risk getting sick if we aren't.
>>449410Meanwhile the girl is just wondering how this mentally handicapped person is allowed outside unsupervised.
>>449743Based as hell
>>449879What the hell feminists are you talking to? The feminist idea of sex isn't "fuck lots of guys" it's "your sex life is no one's business but your own".
No. 449890
>>449887Also moms do this stuff all the time, just to make their daughters feel better. I feel like moms are particularly likely to do this if they feel like their daughters have low self-esteem.
My mom is constantly alerting me when she thinks guys are "checking me out". I always take it with a grain of salt, because a person can be glancing at you for any number of reasons.
It doesn't surprise me that this guy doesn't know about this. Men suck at these sorts of social subtleties.
No. 449891
>>449887And also
>says women see him smile and think hes smiling about them when he's not>says woman thinks she's attractive because she smilesHow does he know SHE wasn't smiling about something else? Man logic
No. 449901
>>449844There is no such thing as the "
triggered feminist XD", anon. Just women getting frustrated after years and years of the same damn thing.
No. 449951
>>449937I'm glad you came to your senses, anon.
You seem like a sweet person, and I understand the urge to "fix" somebody who seems like they're "in need". However, relationships aren't about other peoples' needs, and they aren't acts of charity. A healthy relationship is one where little to no "fixing" is necessary, and where one person isn't putting in more emotional labor than the other.
I'm really sorry your friend can't be helped. Sadly, you can't give help to someone who is unwilling to accept it. If this guy is lying to his psychologist, he's beyond the point of no return.
No. 449993
>>449883Dude is literally bragging about how in Latin cultures men can walk up to women and pinch their breast but he got offended at the mere thought of a young girl finding herself pretty.
Whats with perverts and sexual deviants getting angry at women in any way, like they project some sick sexuality to them all the time? Its pathetic.
No. 450023
>>449937I'm sorry anon. I had a crush on a self proclaimed "nice guy" all throughout high school who complained girls never liked him. I did; of course I didn't exist to him, lol. He was really angry one of the girls he asked out turned him down on the reason she just wanted to focus on her studies so she could get accepted into a good college. She was very smart, a valedictorian, with a family of doctors, even her older sister has a PhD. You figured this guy would be understanding since he was studying hard to be an aerospace engineer… nope. I found him on instagram recently, and all he follows are the same few male friends from high school, and costhots. The girl in question, is now in university studying to be a doctor, with a whole new social group.
If anything is a pink pill, it's be like her. Be a doctor, not stuck with a guy who will beat his meat to shopped images, and then secretly resent you for not looking like said fake women he feels entitled to.
Semi-related because I'm thinking back on high school: I can't count the guys who insulted me as "jealous" back when I was a low self-esteem teenager, because it made me angry flat girls like Rukia and Sakura were depicted as tomboyish, unlikable bitches, and sweet girls like Orihime were treated like a sex object with no real goals, and then wed off to the main character with no development in their relationship. There's a reason autism males cling to this like flies to shit. This has been said before, but guys that like the animu are best to be avoided.
No. 450026
Reading this shit just depresses me.
I want to hear about good men sometimes too. Was just reading this
>I must write a little letter for the boy if time can be found to be read when he grows up — dearest that you know I cherish no sentimental rubbish about re marriage — when the right man comes to help you in life you ought to be your happy self again.Made me cry. I know things weren't ideal for women back then, but I feel like in certain ways men have actually become worse in their behavior.
No. 450041
>>450023>This has been said before, but guys that like the animu are best to be avoided.I cannot stress enough how important it is to avoid guys who are obsessed with anime and video games. I think a large part of why so many girls on here are convinced there's no good men in existence is because they misguidedly are going after men with similar hobbies (animu and vidya). I could write an entire essay on the horrific shit I encountered back when I was hellbent on finding a guy who was also into anime and video games, but the teal deer is there's a much higher chance of pornsickness, serious degeneracy (I had a boyfriend who confessed post-break up that he imagined his younger sister every time we had sex as well as a different ex who trooned out after dumping me because he wanted to be the little girl in a DDLG relationship), entitlement to perfection, and just generally treating their girlfriends like shit. Not to mention, the reality is most nerd men are extremely gatekeeper with their interests, especially toward women. Often when you do find a man into the same things, he just quizzes you or acts like your tastes are shit and you're a lesser fan.
After several terrible relationships with nerds, I decided to give normies a chance and my very first try was quite the success. We've been together over five years and he treats me wonderfully, genuinely respects women, and doesn't care for porn or have any fucked up sex fantasies. I cannot recommend normies enough.
No. 450047
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>thread on askreddit asking strippers what they really think of the people who go to strip clubs
>excess of men in the comments asking women if they enjoy seeing their customers be horny, if they like the customers, if there's something a customer can do to make them like them
They don't want to fuck you, Dylan. They want your beta boy money.
No. 450051
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>>450041i hate men but there's nothing necessarily wrong with guys who like anime or video games. as far as anime it really depends on what kind; any sort of "pandering" anime that focuses on cUtE gIrLs is definitely a warning sign, but plenty of guys are just dudes who like old 90s stuff like dbz or cowboy bebop or whatever. same with video games… most guys play some kind of video game. be it something generic like call of duty or maybe they're into indie stuff. again it depends on what kind. there's gross neckbeard pandering games and there's perfectly fine and normal ones.
there's also an endless plethora of men who appear well-adjusted and normie who end up killing their partners, so.
No. 450057
>>450047men are so unbelievably stupid. only a troglodyte would assume that a woman is working in the sex industry because she likes hanging out with meth heads and degenerates that are only interested in waving their pathetic boners at them.
it's about easy money you absolute imbeciles.
Link to thread? I want to laugh at the delusional cavemen
No. 450059
>>450055How do they justify him killing his two toddler daughters in cold blood? Were they too annoying, too?
Men make no sense with this shit. They want us to marry them and give them children, but then if they want to murder us so they can bang their mistress in peace, we deserved it for marrying them.
No. 450067
>>450063I've seen Jordan Peterson spout the exact same bullshit about makeup's primary function being to simulate signs of female arousal and thus arouse men.
I think it stems from the average man not being able to identify makeup tbh, I've seen men think cake-face women weren't wearing foundation or not being able to spot the most obvious fake lashes. They have no clue what makeup actually looks like on a person and they even get offended when they realise as much (like incels going crazy over before/after pictures of women with/without makeup), so they make up bullshit theories about it to feel smart.
No. 450068
>>450062Christ, reminds me of the Laci Peterson case.
Man kills his wife/kids to get out of paying child support?
>but she nagged him!Women start outing powerful men who sexually assaulted them?
>what a terrifying world for men these days No. 450074
>>450068Chris told her he wanted a baby and she got pregnant right away (she'd had difficulty conceiving her two girls) She wasn't even half way through the pregnancy when he was off cheating and planning her murder.. his new gf had been googling things like 'anal sex' so obviously killing the wife seemed worth it..
The mistress also googled the laci peterson case and how much money that mistress made off of her book..
No. 450076
>>450073They like to make out like fake rape accusations are an insanely common thing too. If you ever mention how few rapes end up with the guy being convicted they immediately turn it into 'but women cry rape all the time' so..
I know women who've been raped and kept it secret all their life, that shit is common
No. 450083
>>450074Oh god, I just looked up the murder and of course hoards of trolls are viciously harassing her family. I wouldn't give for ISPs to publicly out people who do shit like this. Anyone who harasses the families of murder
victims shouldn't have the right to stay anonymous.
No. 450085
>>450076I know so many women who were raped and not a single one who was has gone to the police. Most rape
victims see a trial as extra trauma and the thought of the attacker being found not guilty is too horrifying to even be worth a trial to them. I'm almost entirely certain that the number of women who actually press charges is a small fraction of those who are assaulted.
No. 450104
>>450083I want to throw up reading that. Seeing the picture of those grandchildren smiling made me tear up.
>>450041>I had a boyfriend who confessed post-break up that he imagined his younger sister every time we had sex That is traumatising and I am so fucking sorry.
>Often when you do find a man into the same things, he just quizzes you or acts like your tastes are shit and you're a lesser fan. I've dealt with this as well, even from guys I wasn't dating, or even really acquainted with very well. I was naturally in the "nerdy" circle, I never really went out of my way looking for a guy into the same things as me, I just happened to like a guy I spent a lot of time with sharing those hobbies.
>there's a much higher chance of pornsickness, serious degeneracy Speaking of, I'm the OP you were replying to, guy I liked posted a picture on his social media of him at an anime convention, and he was wearing a hentai shirt. It hurts.
>>450051>plenty of guys are just dudes who like old 90s stuff like dbz or cowboy bebop or whateverDated two of these, one of them refused to get a full time job because he wanted to play COD all day. The other cheated on me. Instead of being obsessed with hentai, he just paid for premium Snaps instead (like over $100 per girl), but he didn't want to help me out when I was in an
abusive situation at home even though I needed far less (like a bus ticket)
Fuck males.
No. 450108
>>450026Anon, I am sobbing.
Men are most tolerable when they are out of reach and pining for their woman
No. 450110
i think porn-use is a great way to tell which men are a red flag, it says a lot about their online usage. hope this helps you identify red flags in your men, gals. this is all based on a lot of experiences, knowledge and research.
>Probably safe tier
- using it once in a while (like weekly) and just searching "boobs" or "big ass" or going to the most liked "normal" thing on a mainstream site like pornhub, only when sex is not available – fun fact, the average "healthy" porn viewer watches no more than 24 minutes of porn per week
>Yellowflag tier (Depending on usage & how he accesses this content, it can either be "probably safe" or "redflag")
- literotica
- dancing/twerking video
- seemingly vanilla fetishes like foot fetishes, hand fetishes, etc
- uses sfw pics of actresses (adults, of course)
- lesbian porn, milf porn, mmf/ffm porn
>Redflag tier
- not using porn at all (unless he's devoutly religious he's lying to you and erasing his history!)
- jerking off to "vanilla" hentai, ecchi, etc.
- compulsive general porn usage (i.e. even when sex is available)
- porn usage more than once daily
- has to use a sex toy to nut
- he can't get it up or finish without porn
- any interracial shit or trans shit (he's likely a fetishist)
- uses more niche porn tube sites (like motherless)
- knows or recognizes the name of any porn star (besides the mainstream famous ones like sasha grey)
- saves or downloads any pornographic content to his phone or devices
- teen porn (RUN!)
- incest porn
- femdom porn (including chastity shit)
- anything with extremely huge dicks
- a heavy slant towards anal sex in pornography
- cosplay porn
>Castrate him tier
- has a paid subscription to any porn site
- uses 4chan, tumblr, twitter or reddit for porn
- jerks off to lolicon, child porn or any child-related content (including sexualized versions of children's cartoons)
- jerks off to 4chan waifus, child actresses, or any underaged girls
- porn from girls who just turned 18 or look very underaged/ageplay stuff
- any gonzo shit (gangbangs, gaping, facial abuse)
- any fetish shit: hardcore bdsm, bondage, rape, breast expansion, tentacles etc in any medium (3d porn or anime)
- anything with violence against women or women hate, or male supremacist undertones
- only porn with super skinny or super fat women
- sissification porn (this goes without saying)
- amateur porn
- trades porn on 4chan, whatsapp, etc with other guys
- jerks off to instagram "models" (so if he follows them… run!)
- consumes content from patreon girls, cam girls, twitch thots, etc. this includes amateur "ASMRtists" (whether he pays or not, but double redflag if he pays)
- gore (obviously, shouldn't have to say this)
- nudes of ex-gfs
- jerks off to sfw pics of girls he knows
- jerks off to creep shots
- deepfakes
- JAV porn
- saves and organizes his "porn" folder
No. 450112
>>450110I agree except
>amateur porn? please explain
No. 450113
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checked to see what the fuck they're up to and this is the first thing i see. what the fuck
No. 450117
>>450112Usually this kind of stuff (on porn streaming sites) is revenge porn where the bf uploads it without his gf's knowledge, or a john pays a prostitute and uploads it without her knowledge, etc. It is an ethical redflag to me.
Another class of amateur porn is solo-female performers uploading stuff on their own, most of which tend to be underaged, revenge porn or camgirls.
Men love to claim to watch anime porn because I guess it makes them seem more woke and less pornsick. I would argue that watching a blurry video of a questionably aged, questionably consenting female is a lot worse.
No. 450120
>>450117Saw a vid lately of a man sitting in the drivers seat of his car getting a bj while he wears a condom.. showing the womans face as she bobbed up and down, least sexy thing to view, depressing situation for everyone but he's proudly sharing it to PH. God knows if the prostitute knew she was being filmed cos it was all of her face and I doubt she's being paid anywhere near enough to have that shared
Reminds me of men who flash their penis at young women in public and film their reactions as they look disturbed ..
No. 450121
>>450110>- only porn with super skinny or super fat womenWhat if you yourself are super skinny/fat? Then is it still highly
>- uses 4chan, tumblr, twitter or reddit for porn What's wrong with using Tumblr for porn as long as it's tame? Personally, I would be far less bothered by vanilla porn off of Tumblr than Porn Hub.
Also, I would extend this list to include regular porn consumption of a type you don't fit. For example, if you're a flat chested white girl and all the porn he looks at involves busty Asian chicks.
No. 450123
>>450117Eh. I'm not with you. I'll go for with a preference for amateur porn anytime. It means he is still looking at normal people doing Real sex and not weird alien boobed bimbo getting a triple anal that could in no way be enjoyable for any of thé party involved.
I'll agree with you that the fact it could be revenge porn but hell, it's a Green flag for me if he's not pornsick enough to get off on two people having consensual and realistic sex.
No. 450131
>>450117Back when I watched porn, I only ever watched amateur. Professional porn is so sterile and the woman involved seems to hate it; it also tends to be violent. I'd agree with the uploads of obvious non-consent like prostitutes, but there's also a lot of vanilla couples, and that's what I enjoy watching. Unfortunately you'll never actually know, which is why I stopped.
I also watched super skinny women and/or fat guys. I'm a toothpick that likes bigger dudes, so I like imagining myself. I know there's a lot of guys who take this shit to the extreme and want to starve or overfeed their girlfriends to poor health, which is why I just never share this preference with anyone. Men are just best avoided entirely. It's not worth literally risking my health and potentially my life for scraps of emotional intimacy, and an occasional orgasm, if I'm lucky. Men can turn anything innocent into a
toxic obsession. don't be surprised if you meet a guy who manages to ruin vanilla. My mother could tell you all about that, lol.
No. 450132
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Men should not be allowed, let alone praised, to write fictional lesbian relationships. They ALWAYS come from a fetish standpoint. Women are culturally not allowed to write gay men for fetish reasons, so why are men?
No. 450139
>>450131Does anyone remember the whole James Deen rape and assault claims and the number of women who came out about putting him on their 'not to work with list' because he ignored the hard limits of porn actresses?
Spotted him still being put in scenes lately, like how brazen can he be to stick around after all that came out?
No. 450141;dr
>self-improvement advice is dumb because it will increase women's standards
>compares it to how the more people win the lottery the less money they getThey will do whatever mental gymnastics it takes to justify making no attempt to self-improve.
No. 450143
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It is good to know that there are women like you out there. Seriously, why do men feel entitled not only to have a gf but other women who are willing to fuck them? Keep up the good work anon!
No. 450147
>>450139I didn't know about that, I don't really follow him or mainstream performers, but I googled him and the first thing that came up is:
>Performer James Deen who was barred for three years from popular porn company Evil Angel following a series of sexual assault accusations has recently been reinstated with a lead role in the explicit pornographic documentary film titled Consent—and it’s just as contradictory as it sounds. am appalled
No. 450150
>>450110Yes! Saving porn is a huge red flag. You'll see guys online being sooo proud because they made the very very difficult step of deleting their porn collection. Or being EXTREMELY upset because their collection got lost.
Especially if he has favorite pornstars/models that he's been following for years. At that point he has formed a form of affection towards her even though they'll deny it.
No. 450159
>>450153I had a friend who started at 10 and 12 seemed average in my friend group, I didn't tell the guys that cos tbh I was in shock and I'm non confrontational
But yeah the moment you bleed you should be game? Oh and as a lesbian I'm likely to agree and not be disgusted by that
No. 450165
>>450152Male directors came out to say he ignored both them and the actresses when told to stop being violent in non-violent vanilla porn shoots.. he'd assault them when the camera wasn't rolling too. He raped his gf when he was a man getting more action than 99 percent of the worlds population
I still remember watching this all come out on twitter at the time and male twitter profiles blasting all these actresses for 'jumping on the bandwagon'
Their careers suffered more than his and they knew that would happen
No. 450166
>>450162I didn't start puberty til about 14, but I wasn't mentally ready for (and luckily didn't have any) kinda sex stuff until I was 21
Puberty does not mean adult, ready, or interested. It's just pedophiles creating arbitrary boundaries for their pedophilia to try and normalize it
No. 450168
>>450162I don't know any girl who even used tampons in their first few years of menstruating cos anything going in there seemed fucking scary at age 11, I certainly wasn't a sexual being for at least a five more years
The average age of first menstruation is younger now than it was a few decades ago, it's estimated to carry on getting younger as kids are carrying more weight and that partly
triggers the beginning of menses
No. 450170
>>450166Puberty should really be over before you're ready for full on sex, not just beginning
I was actually an adult before I ever masturbated, that was the pace I matured at without any grown man coaxing me along
No. 450176
>>450166>>450170I feel less alone anons, thank you. I'm 20, but never masturbated. I tried, because I felt pressured to do so, but that didn't last very long. I felt nothing; I'm not very interested. I'm still very romantic, but upon being in several relationships, I realized men were pornsick and didn't really care about me as a person. It was almost impossible to get emotionally close to any of them because I wouldn't put out. The worst part is, if I felt emotionally close, I know I eventually would because I gradually develop those "feelings" over time. I feel them for fictional characters, and for two of my closest guy friends. Both didn't feel the same way and preferred stereotypical stacies (they then complained had nothing in common with them). I KNOW I'd "like" someone, if they'd just be patient enough with me. It's infuriating.
As for men justifying the puberty, "fertile" thing. You're all right, it's just trying to rationalize pedophilia. Girls in Rome were forced to have children at young ages due to high infant mortality rates, some were recorded as young as 12. Their deaths were written by their husbands on their tombstones, "She died a modest wife trying to bare my children."
No. 450244
>>450153I got pubic hair and boobs when I was 8/9 and of course the other girls made fun of me every time we went swimming with school. I didn't even learn how babies really were made until over a year later. When I got my period for the first time, my brotger and I still went to the toilet together, thatvs how "innocent" I still was and at first I thought I'm going to die.
Boys have it so much easier, my sister is 14 and her male classmates still look like literal children, they can be carefree for so much longer than girls.
Our doctor back then told my mom that a huge reason for early puberty nowadays is because there are so many antibiotics in meat which causes our bodies to grow and fatten much faster.
That still doesn't explain though, why girls go through it ages before boys do.
>>450130Tbf men usually have zero idea at what age girls get their period. I remember that there was a thread on kiwifatms, something about a tranny, and then somebody unironically wrote that stuff about periods shouldn't even be taught to kids as young as just 13. It even got a few upvotes until somebody told him that most girls get it before that age. They're so sheltered, the biggest thing teenage boys need to worry about is shaving the 3 beard hairs they grow.
No. 450294
>>450153I also had an early onset puberty, I started my period a week after my 9th birthday but I didn't tell anyone, not even my mom, about it (mom found out by accident like 4 months later) because I didn't want to be a 'woman' as there were so many kid things I haven't done and I didn't want to be treated differently. I don't even know where I got and internalised this message but I reckon I wasn't the only one and that's so depressing to think about. happy I didn't get
toxic shock syndrome from going thru like 5 periods only using was of toilet paper as protection lol
No. 450295
>>450287I met my partner in college. From my anecdotal observations, that seems to be the best way to meet men.
>>450244>Tbf men usually have zero idea at what age girls get their period.This might be legit for some guys whose only exposure is late blooming relatives if even that, but I don't buy it for the bulk of them. Most guys are definitely aware that periods typically start around middle school. Guys thinking it starts older than that are definitely a minority. Where I'm from, the AOC is 16 regardless of age of the older party and I still occasionally hear guys say it should be younger, using the fucked up period logic. It's absolutely sickening.
No. 450300
>>450273>>450264>>450247>>450286You need to chill out. I wasn't talking about your average skinny girl or model-like girl. I was talking about the scary skinny, anorxic porn that some men fetishize. Girls like Ashley from pt/snow, Felice Fawn at her skinniest, etc. Have you seen some of the creepy, fetishistic comments men give them?
I think men who fetishize unhealthy, extreme women are a redflag. It shows me that they are actively seeking vulnerable people to degrade and that they don't get off to normal porn anymore because they've broken their minds. I think someone like this, who goes after a girl who is very skinny, is predatory.
The same goes for bbw porn. I'm not talking about "thicc" girls I'm talking about the unhealthy fetish shit, feeder fetishes etc.
No. 450341
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>>450026>but I feel like in certain ways men have actually become worse in their behaviorMy gran and I talk about this a lot, actually. She absolutely agrees – while it's nice that women have more options now, are able to open bank accounts, have their own jobs, have more repoductive autonomy, have more support when fleeing family violence, etc etc etc, men have absolutely regressed; they have no respect, are pornsick (she recalled reading about condoms/safe sex with my granddad in a book at the library not long after they got married, which is on the opposite end of the spectrum from salivating over painal) and animalistic, are lazy, and expect women to do all the work and give nothing in return. At least back then men had to, at minimum, pretend to play the part of respectful, kind, family provider and protector (and it seems that on average, more of them did?). She expresses disgust? horror? at the rise of hookup culture, at how women have to put out and risk their bodies before any chance of a serious relationship.
Men seemed to have coped better back when society had more rigid expectations of them? Not to say that women's lib was a mistake, but it seems that now that we've fought for our rights men have sat back and gone 'ok then, you can have those rights, but I'm going to sit back and do fuck all and let you do absolutely everything' out of spite. Now that women have more autonomy out of the home men expect them to do everything there, too, on top of being the ones to do everything at home.
We need to figure out a way to put the fear of god back in men, so they straighten out their act, tbh.
No. 450389
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the incel mod is a fucking necrophile. these people actually exist. safety isn't even guaranteed after you die. i hate everything about this universe
No. 450400
>>450389What in fresh hell is this?
I'd prefer my new corpse to be donated to living people who need organs or for scientific research (though I'm scared of it being used for worthless lives like his), not as a wank tool, thanks. Use a fleshlight ya' woman hatin' piece-o-shit. I bet he gets off to the thought of "disrespecting" a dead woman. If it was about sex, he'd hire a prostitute and not go through the trouble of trying to obtain a fucking body. How insane do you have to be? Jesus.
No. 450403
>>450341My grandad literally cannot believe that men make jokes about rape these days. In the presence of women too.
All my fictional husbandos are historical figures too lol.
No. 450417
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>>450294Oh anon, this post struck home. I didn't start menstruating nearly as early as you, if anything compared to most of the posters in this thread I started quite late (age 14), but I still remember this feeling of irreversible change I had the day I got my first one. I made myself memorise the date because either due to social programming or fledgling feminist leanings I considered it important, but not in a positive way at all. A mix between neutral and sad, I think. It felt like a loss of something, or just a fundamental, irreversible
change, like now my body was going to be marked even more as "woman" and that this would affect how the world treated me in every interaction I had with it. I think I knew deep down that it would likely bring more difficulty and pain than joy.
Speaking of, there's an excellent speech in Fleabag (really good dark comedy series, I recommend you watch it if you haven't) where the main character is talking to an older, financially successful lesbian about how woman are born "with pain built in", as in how from when we're made we have all the parts for some of the most excruciating experiences in life - period cramps, endometriosis, childbirth etc. - just with us already, we don't get a choice about it, whereas men have to invent things like their religious guilt and wars to experience that. For us, it's all internal, and then just as we come to terms with a life spent in pain every 28 days the menopause happens to us and that's shit too. There's a lot of good monologues in Fleabag, and it really stuck with me anyway.
No. 450431
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>TLDR; guy sees a girl he likes working at a local Wendy's. Before working up the courage to ask her out, he proceeds to spend hours looking her up on Facebook. Finds her number and other personal info. Begins texting her hundreds of times from a burner phone number to which she never responds. He continues stalking her at her job, takes pictures of her and sends them. Finally approaches her in person to tell her he's the "admirer" then gets arrested and fined for assaulting her coworker and stalking. His fathers coddles him and pretty much says she must be one of those crazy feminazis if she isn't flattered by the ordeal. Stalker-chan concludes the story with the "it's not you, it's them" cliche to excuse his creepy ass behavior.
Duuuuude, what the fuck is wrong with these guys?? I can't even fathom being this mindboggling thickheaded.
No. 450455
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>>450389smh, how is this guy an incel?
No. 450461
>>450455Just to be clear incels are not ugly most of the time, as they're trying to portray themselves to be in an attempt to gain sympathy for being born ugly into a cruel world that's based around lookism. They are average or above average looking males with mental issues and terrible personalities, they chose the life they are living.
Armchairing but I think that a lot of incels suffer from BPD. They portray themselves as
victims but it's actually the other way around, they are very dangerous individuals
No. 450477
>>450461Think you might be right that incels are males with BPD, it's under-diagnosed in men because they are thought to show symptoms differently and of course they don't seek out mental health services
Women with BPD can feel like
victims when they are actually reading situations wrong, it's sensitivity and a problem with reading others intentions, that combined with low impulse control creates the tendency to lash out at others..
No. 450479
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>>450455take a look into his brain
No. 450489
>>450477>>450461I absolutely agree about the BPD. These guys are so shamelessly misogynistic to the point of celebrating when women are harmed or when one of them commits a terrorist attack, yet they still somehow see themselves as
victims and don't understand why women don't want them. FFS the guy in
>>450479 is literally confessing to rape, advocating FGM, saying he wouldn't be able to enjoy sex if the woman wasn't in pain, and yet still somehow doesn't think his personality has anything to do with why women don't want him. This kind of mindset is totally inline with BPD
victim complex.
No. 450548
>>450479Sadly, a lot of Turkish parents support their kids for a really long time if they can afford it and by the looks of it his parents can probably afford to give him a decent amount of money since he's affording drugs and all that. I keked at the fact that he's studying English in college, that shows he is obviously a brainlet since getting an English degree in Turkey is so fucking easy and only those that did not study well in school go for that degree since in Turkey it's like a social expectation that you go and get a degree, especially if you come from upper middle class. He's such a whiny little bitch and I'm 100% sure the men around him can't stand him either, his mom cared for him too much and now he became a spoiled psychopath.
I started thinking that when the incel "movement" or call it however you'd like started it was made of actual lonely, depressed, socially excluded guys with social anxiety and they probably didn't hate women too much, they just desired a relationship but felt excluded from society. As time went on the community got bigger and bigger and the ideology they follow ended up being extremely radical (wishing death on all women) and it also attracted men with different mental illnesses than just social anxiety or assburgers, men with hidden god complexes, men with BPD, men with NPD and now those that have minor problems like social anxiety or self esteem issues get sucked into the incel void and get memed into all the incel beliefs and ironically at the end of the day those that have minor issues will end up developing more and more psychological abnormalities from being involved in such a
toxic community.
No. 450600
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This fucking creep basically posted his fucking dating profile on an ana site full of insecure girls. I replied I would never date an anorexic guy and he sounds like he has serious problems he needs to resolve and
HE ADDED ME AS A FRIEND. I feel so fucking violated right now. He sounds like a typical /r9k/ I’m a very nice guy uwu but i find it so creepy that I said I don’t want anything to do with anorexic guys and he adds me as a friend?!
(Note: friends can see when you’re online)
No. 450622
>>450600I agree with the other anon.
You're completely grasping at straws with the way this pathetic dude fetishizes anorexia while you're on a site dedicated to fetishizing anorexia. Who cares.
No. 450654
I'm currently watching a documentary about men who are looking for brides in the Ukraine and I'm getting pinkpilled all over again
Exhibit A:
>western european women are too emancipated and confident, they only want things, "luxury" (as he even tells his dates…), they're never willing to do the dirty work
>eastern european women are still more traditional - and they're confident (…?)
>one ex turned lesbian, the other cheated on him
>bald, but thinks he's attractive
>40 and chooses girls as young as 23
Exhibit B:
>has a 13-year-old son, let's him look at sexy pics of those women to help chose his new mommy
>is only 166cm, mentioned this 10 times already, totally not insecure
>thinks he doesn't need to dress up for dates
>claims it's for the child, yet mentions "pretty" as her first positive characteristic
>says his date looks haggard and older than in the pics, but spergs about how sexy her tiny feet are, immediately rejects her because of her looks
>both are too autistic to get a conversation at the arranged dates going, only last a couple minutes, forget the names of the women
>some of the brides claim to be teachers etc but pose in underwear, clearly not suspicious or weird, why won't western european women do the same?!
Can somebody explain to me how they manage to complain about western european women not wanting to dress up AND them wanting too much luxury in the same sentence? Which one is it huh?!
No. 450662
>>450654Men don't know what the fuck they want which is why their standards change on a dime.
The real insecure ones are afraid of women, imo, so they hone in on stupid shit. I'm sure most of them get a little ego boost for being the ones to reject these women over vapid things while they can carry on being bald, fat, short, saddled with kids, and otherwords undesirable.
Fortunately the big joke that they don't seem to be in on is that none of those women would bother with them if they weren't trying to get out of desperate circumstances. While I'm sad that women have to resort to this pandering, I'm glad most of them wind up getting rid of these creeps once they have everything in order for their new life in a new country.
No. 450716
have any of you noticed how men have this self hatred that they project on women? I remember watching that documentary Hot Girls Wanted, and one of the girls who became a porn star didn't tell her dad for a really long time but when she finally told him it turned out he already had known for a long time, and was mad at her for doing porn. the mom didn't tell him, so you have to wonder how he found out. in other words, he watches porn, but is mad at his daughter for doing porn. a lot of men would disown their daughters for doing porn but still masturbate to it, which is like eating meat but disowning your kid for working at a slaughter house. I also read this article once where I guy said he watched porn because he liked certain things in porn (didn't say what they were) but he would never want his wife to do them. it's like they're disgusted by themselves and their own desire but instead of being disgusted by themselves they blame the women. it reminds me of how in most religions if a man gets aroused by a woman it's the woman's fault.
>>450704men fucking sicken me (pun not intended)
No. 450958
>>450431>Duuuuude, what the fuck is wrong with these guys??>His fathers coddles him and pretty much says she must be one of those crazy feminazis if she isn't flattered by the ordeal.That would be a huge part of the answer.
>>450436I've been to this guy's FB before and he's either real or the most elaborate troll I have ever seen. It's years worth of fucked up posts, including admitting to wanting his mom.
No. 451082
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Men are garbage. I have never in my life met a decent human being that is a man. I hope this is okay here since i felt vent and video game thread would be off, but i play red dead 2 online for some months now. Pretty much every single person i meet online is a man, even if they are playing a female character. It's really..exhausting. I got some random who knew a semi okay player to join my session and he kept making sexist jokes, so i called him out and he legit was like 'it's only a joke… just a joke' when i said why his jokes are all sexist things against women, he tried to gaslight me.
I'm so sick of men!! Men who tolerate sexist things that other men do are just as bad. they have NO IDEA what it's like to be a woman in a man's world. I love video games and gaming so much, but it's so frustrating when i want to make actual female friends and it's a sausage fest. i dropped so many players on red dead 2 because they're all shit men in the end who tolerate sexism because it doesnt affect them.
No. 451263
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>>450479this retard is such a joke… he thinks he's not white
No. 451353
>>451265I lost my mother to secondary cancer, she had one breast for years because she never had a reconstruction done (in her 50's she didn't care to get one)
I told my ex that I had considered getting a preventative double mastectomy myself but I was tested for the BCRA? gene and didn't have it, he said he'd leave any woman that had a mastectomy.. this was a man in his 40's, a father etc..
No. 451763
>>451519Had a crush on a few short dudes in my life and they were all assholes, except for one who was married. One of these short dudes even turned me down when I confessed to him (posted about him in
>>450023). That's why I don't take incels seriously when they bitch about height. 99% of the time, short dudes are mean as fuck (as are most men, but at least they try to pretend to be tolerable in public). Napoleon complex is real.
No. 451788
>>451763bingo, I'm mommy dom as fuck and would love a short frail boy, too bad most of them are insane assholes who swear up and down no women like them, they're just so fucking focused on being a big bad douche bag and doesn't realize it just doesn't fit them
even small girlish women know if they're submissive they're more likely to attract men because it fits them, tall womanly women who are dominant because they know it fits them, men don't know what fits them and they don't even try
incels need to know their fucking place and it's on the leash
No. 451810
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>>451763Manlets are honestly their own worst enemy, they’re like chihuahuas
No. 451812
The last story is good.. But painful. Men hate women, especially pro life men who want to punish all pregnant women with pain.
No. 451880
>>451763Can't speak to them being mean since they were all nice enough, but boy I sure have been rejected by EVERY manlet I've hit on and it's been several. Meanwhile men taller than myself are interested, and it's not even looks since the manlets I chase are essentially mini versions of these men who do like me.
I can only conclude it's men making up the "women care about the man being taller!!1" and it's pure projection. They will only date shorter in reality to feel more masculine.
Overall I hate myself the most for continuing to chase this ideal. Neverending hell when it comes to dating men and I decided to make it
No. 451883
>>451788>men don't know what fits them and they don't even tryMen don't want to "fit in." They have a power fantasy; they think all men should be in control of something, whether it be as vast as politics, or a single woman. I'm sure in some regard, being a short man breaks some of the illusion of being in control, especially if you're smaller than a woman. Men have been coddled their whole lives as the "sex that knows best" and their physicality, more robust or "larger" than women, is some representation of that. They probably feel emasculated because they don't live up to this need to appear in control in EVERY single aspect (textbook narcissism 101).
I'm pretty sure the reason the shorter guys I had a thing for weren't into me (and incels into femcels in general), is because they don't actually want a woman. They want to feel desired by higher tier (Stacy) women, because it boosts their ego and status as a masculine male. They don't want companionship; I fell for the meme.
>incels need to know their fucking place and it's on the leashThat's too good for them. They either need to get therapy and try to improve themselves, or get strapped to an electric chair. We all know a good portion of them go off the deep end and either torment women in small ways, humble bragging on the redpill, or they straight up try to shoot down a building.
>>451841…and affectionate!
No. 451906
>>451883just comes to show how dumb and how much of a hivemind men are
isn't it funny how ALL men want to be dominant, you'll rarely ever find submissive or vanilla men or if you do they're quiet and insecure
go to a group of women you'll find switches, vanilla, dommes, subs, etc, go to a group of men 90% of them will be Doms, 9% will be vanilla, and 1% will be switch if you're lucky, they all have the same hobbies too, ever met a man who wasn't into video games? yeah, and god forbid you ever point this out or else you're an evil bitter old broad, meanwhile men make fun of women for liking makeup, reading, food, exercise, etc and NOBODY ever threatens men with lonliness if they have an issue with harmless hobbies women have
No. 451909
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Men: Asian girls are better than American girls because they're having more babies. Women need to be traditional. So many western women have made themselves infertile by taking the birth control kool aid and making themselves fat, ugly and lesbians.Western women need to focus on having babies and not careers.
These same men:All women have kids no exceptions MGTOW
No. 451942
>>451920Wreck his shit anon, let his wife know
but first make sure you are safe and that he can't hurt you.
No. 452014
File: 1566464419212.gif (485.28 KB, 366x232, lmao2.gif)>mfw men jerks their dicks off too hard to the point where they aren't able to enjoy sex with women>mfw this is where all the "vibrators have broke womens vaginas" paranoia came from>mfw touching a dick too much actually ruins it unlike all the touching vaginas too much ruins them myths>mfw most of these men are out there blaming women for being loose and them not being able to get off when their dick is just cumbrainedavoid pornsick men like the plague ladies
No. 452042
>>452014Between prone masturbation, "death grip", and porn, they've found a lot of ways to desensitize their dicks.
If you're a woman who has sex with men, you ever notice how 3 out of 5 guys claim to have "anxiety"-related erectile dysfunction these days? It's not anxiety. That's a cope. It's one of the above 3 things (usually porn). They try to push the idea that it's normal to struggle to get an erection at 25, that it's normal not to be able to orgasm during intercourse, that it's normal to need to watch porn during sex, because it would wound their egos to admit they've broken themselves with porn.
The reality is that a healthy man only fails to get an erection when he's tired, stressed, or sick (or has another medical cause for the issue, like being on antidepressants). Men of the current generation are trying to brand normal sexual function as a superhuman impossibility, and sexual dysfunction in men as the "new normal".
No. 452077
>>452042I've had a couple guys who just couldn't stay hard while using a condom, even the thinnest of condoms and with all the visual stimulation that a guy could need..
The shock on their face when you tell them you're not willing to have raw sex and that their floppy dick is their problem not mine
No. 452120
>>452071I really hope more young girls grow up realizing that you don’t need male attention. I hope they grow up realizing women can be kinder and I hope lesbian relationships become as common as gay males are.
Right now it’s not comparable. On “wlw” tinder there is like a handful of women actually seeking other women, the majority is pickmes with their scrotes. Meanwhile gay men have a whole app built around them.
I meet gay men everywhere. At college I met SO many. One lesbian. At work we have 5 gay men (company of 80) no lesbians even though the gendersplit is even.
I feel like women are socialized to pander to guys from an early age, so to teen girls the thought of being a lesbian isn’t socially expedient and thus is cast aside. That mentality and compulsory heterosexuality follows them through the rest of their lives.
Gay men are idolized in society and pop culture while lesbians are othered. I really want more women to become comfortable entering relationships with women. Even the majority of bi women don’t actually date women!
No. 452121
>>452080Guys have a preference for sex without condoms but god, condoms wouldn't exist if it was normal for them to do that so consistently
I would very much class him as having erectile issues
No. 452124
>>452122'condom sex is not natural'
'We actually intend to be engaged in a year or two, so there will no future girlfriends'
Usually don't find this level of naivety on this particular thread ..
No. 452129
>>452124Anon, it isn't though. Also are you suggesting I am naive for wanting to form a companionship with a man? I get bitterness but this is ridiculous.
>>452127I don't think there is something he has to hide from me, we are really open with each other. He is very loyal and caring. He is a submissive guy, I am the dom in the relationship. If I want to see his PC I can just ask him for it and he will let, I just never saw the need? I know what he likes and it's nothing I find an issue with.
No. 452133
>>452127I sense a full on porn habit or something else hidden if a virgin couldn't stay hard cos of a condom
Also.. "intending to be engaged" so we'll totally be together forever, yikes
No. 452134
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Just saw this on DL
No. 452140
>>452129I've had 'companionship' for 20 years before you go derailing with assumptions anon. I see some really naive statements, the same things plenty of women come out with during their first serious relationship etc, That's not an attack
My opinion is it's not normal for condoms to kill boners completely. They wouldn't exist and be widely used if that was so
No. 452151
>>452133Yes anon, we intend to be together forever, I am not sure why wanting this is a bad thing? he's not some rando, he's the man that completes me and I am the woman that completes him. We will never find anyone else like that and we know it.
he does watch porn, as do I, but not in an addictive way. And as I said, he can remain hard for hours and recover in minutes after ejaculating, he just can't function with condoms.
>>452140My apologies if I came as aggressive. I am not saying it's normal, I know most men function fine with them, I am saying it doesn't mean the man has an issue performing in sex if he can't deal with condoms. It could just be like mine, a condom issue, not a penis issue.
>>452145Anon come on… I have lived with this man for 2 years, I know who he is. As I said, I can look into his devices if i want because he will let me, I just don't want to. I trust him.
>>452039>>452021I would bet money on that he has a girlfriend or recently started hooking up with someone he cares about more than you.
My recommendation is both of these:
>>452023>>452039Ghost him and visit Berlin anyway.
No. 452164
>>452160I saw prolapse.. teen pooping.. boy and grandma… tattoo bdsm.. pov death, asian torture soldier, donkey punch, very bloody
lmao wow
No. 452174
>>452120It might be just my experience, but most girls I met claiming to be lesbians (not even bisexual) were just "afraid of dick". They "magically" discovered sex with a scrote and never went back. Other ones are so much into yaoi and roleplay they think they are gay mem and fuck up their bodies and their lives because they brainwashed themselves into believing it is better for two TiMs to be together rather being happily , openly lesbians.
It upsets me so much and I can't understand why this happens and wish they would stop staining lesbians' reputation by claiming themselves such. And I wish actual lesbians would stop memeing themselves into going troon.
No. 452176
>>452151I lived with a man for two years and didn’t bother checking his devices. One day I was using the computer and he forgot to close the browser, had whatsapp for computers open and had been messaging a lot of girls and sexting them. I didn’t suspect anything either. You would be surprised how many variations of this story I’ve heard.
These days it’s easier for scrotes to hide it. Download tinder, play around, add the girls on an off-site app, delete or lock apps when your gf isn’t looking. Stay woke. He has no allegiance to you, just make sure your own bases are covered.
No. 452177
>>452151>Yes anon, we intend to be together forever>he's not some rando>I have lived with this man for 2 years, I know who he isAnon, my parents dated for six years, lived with each other for 3. Shortly after they married, my mother told me my dad revealed his true cards and turned out to be an abuser. She told me he didn't reveal any violent tendencies when they were first together; emotional red flags, yes, but nothing extreme as he turned out to be.
>he can remain hard for hours I hope that's not consecutive, see a doctor if so.
>he does watch porn, as do I, but not in an addictive wayI personally would avoid porn altogether as a pinkpiller because the industry traffics women, and most porn lacks intimacy and can be an early indicator of what is to come later in your relationship. It might seem fine now, but just be a little weary, for your own sake.
No. 452184
>>452176I do get what you are saying anon, I really do, it's not like I haven't heard the stories myself. But he is not like that. He is the one who is more infatuated with me if anything. He even turned down an opportunity for a threesome with a friend of mine from uni (I'm bi) because he feared it would affect our relationship. He really is not a scumbag. I know you are trying to help me, but he really is one of the good ones.
>>452177Please see the above post, I know these things can happen. But we have been through a lot of things and he has never, not once given me one reason to worry. I would be betraying myself and him if I didn't trust him now. Also, it's not continuous no, it's not like we do penetrative sex for hours, we do other things in between, we just have pretty long sessions.
Don't worry about the porn, we don't watch the fucked up porn that victimizes women, we only watch femdom stuff and not the ones that only cater to the male. We watch what I pick, which is mostly stuff I enjoy watching and he is happy to watch them since I picked them. I know you all are trying to help, but he is a good and obedient bf, he would never turn on me.
No. 452229
>>452184This all sounds eerily similar to my first relationship, he was sub too. We were together from 19 and got married after a few years of living together. Three years into the marriage he left one day and literally never explained why. Went from worshipping me and being perfect to being a coward and never offering answers. A decade has passed and I still don't know why a switch in his brain just flipped
It's not that people here are being bitter but it gives you more realistic expectations when women share these stories. I wish an older friend had maybe warned me cos I'm older now and again after years of living with a guy and having no issues the switch flipped overnight.. it's a not so romantic reality. This time the guy had a new gf lined up so at least I got answers
No. 452239
>>452226Okay? That's on you though, men cheat on faithful women all the time.
Smells like male bait to get us all to agree with their sentiment of "um all women cheat anyways according to my need for an excuse so yeah I can go fuck 100 other women!"
Anyway the best way to treat relations with men will always be as if they are just another pet. They will never be emotional equals or truly love you and may run away at some point. Don't get too invested.
No. 452240
>>452221You can't be serious.
>>452226That's not a healthy mindeset anon.
>>452229I see what you mean anon. I know that chance exists, but what else can I do than put my trust in him? I would not be able to live a sane life if I always doubted him, I would eventually lose it.
No. 452241
>>452226Okay? That's on you though, men cheat on faithful women all the time.
Smells like male bait to get us all to agree with their sentiment of "um all women cheat anyways according to my need for an excuse so yeah I can go fuck 100 other women!"
Anyway the best way to treat relations with men will always be as if they are just another pet. They will never be emotional equals or truly love you and may run away at some point. Don't get too invested.
No. 452242
>>452221You can't be serious.
>>452226That's not a healthy mindeset anon.
>>452229I see what you mean anon. I know that chance exists, but what else can I do than put my trust in him? I would not be able to live a sane life if I always doubted him, I would eventually lose it.
No. 452243
>>452176My ex would download messaging apps, text his new girl while at work and delete the app on his way home. He went on weekends away with his 12 year old son and conducted his affair in front of the son.. he left me for the new gf but still initiated sex with me regularly in the last few weeks of our lease when he was meant to be with her
Every now and then he sends me random gifts, probably cos he's afraid I'll seek out the new girl on fb and tell her
No. 452246
>>452226Men who are submissive cheat as much as dominant men, if not moreso.
I don’t want to sound like a sperg but the submissive men I’ve seen come across as attention whores and clingy. What happens when you don’t give them enough attention or live up to their expectations of flattery, praise and good feelings…? They cheat. What happens when the honeymoon period is over and they desperately want something more extreme to satisfy their pornsick brain? They cheat. What happens when you show any sign of weakness which puts them off because they see you as nothing more than a vessel to live out their porn fantasies? They cheat!
No. 452247
>>452217>>452222Mine was "daughter blowjob" followed directly by "with real father"
Barf. Exterminate men.
No. 452258
>>452240Accepting that affairs happen, people walk unexpectedly and engagements end is just reality. I got over my second 'sudden loss' a whole lot quicker cos I wasn't as sheltered at that point in life
You sound just like me when I was with the first guy, it was ridiculous how much my world collapsed when that ended and he couldn't even answer why
No. 452259
>>452250I try to follow healthy human dynamics so I don’t know the difference. A sub can still cheat though. Any man can cheat. I’m the anon that contacts girls whose boyfriends I find on tinder. You won’t believe some of the women that get cheated on.
All I’m saying is: just keep an eye open. Just be careful and it doesn’t hurt to check his phone once in a while. Don’t tell him you don’t trust him, but keep a watchful eye because it
could happen to you. You’d much rather be packing your bags at 22 than at 32, trust me.
No. 452267
>>452258I really appreciate the fact that you are trying to warn me anon and I will take your words to heart, but what can I say, I am really hopefull about the whole thing. I know shit can happen, but what's the point of thinking about it?
>>452259Hey, we are pretty healthy. Also yeah I know everyone can, but I still think that subs are the least likely. In any case, thanks for the warning, I will try to keep a part of my mind ready for the worse, but as I answered to the above poster, I really don't see the point of worrying about it. If it happens, it happens.
>>452264Jesus that's revolting. How the fuck does that even happen?
No. 452280
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>>452160It took me only to count of ten. Sick.
No. 452307
>>452304These are the best, when it's obvious it's not for their pleasure. Is it against the rules to ask for a share?
>>452305I doubt he is into anything illegal anon.
No. 452308
>>452307All I’m saying is you never know what gems you can find. I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t been surprised by her partner’s internet usage.
One of the funniest stories I’ve heard is when a friend of mine found her bf on Reddit/r/relationships complaining she had gained weight. Other people find out their partners are into different kinks they originally thought. No one is 100% honest with their partner at 22. It wouldn’t hurt to just check so you’re not getting fucked over.
No. 452312
>>452309It’s funny to me when women can’t believe their partners are like this.
Even if he’s a “good guy” or whatever, where is the harm in checking? You’re putting yourself at risk being in a relationship… why not check? Nothing is gonna happen if you check. it just sounds like pointless bragging.
No. 452320
>>452312It's funny when women think they have the one bf who is perfect and will never cheat, I mean we all put on different faces depending on whose company we are in. You're going to put on your 'faithful' face around your partner. People keep all sorts of kinks to themselves even when they share others with you
A whole lot of secretly bi men out there too, which is fine except they sneak around on grindr and talk about their wife in their bio
No. 452325
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>>452315most of them are white though, this is from the survey. i know its partially a joke but they also post threads seething over non-white men who can get laid.
No. 452327
>>452309I watch a youtube channel where a team of people catch online child predators. They show up to their houses with print outs of these guys sending dick pics to (what they think are) 10 to 12 year olds and the chat logs are them telling kids to do degrading things to themselves.. when the teams show up with evidence the wife will often accuse them of making it all up..
The level of 'good guy' deception is unreal. These women are brainwashed by the guys public image and think all pedos and bad guys stand out a mile, realistically they don't. Most of those guys in the vids have kids the same age
Imagine if those wives checked!
No. 452332
>>452325samefag, or whatever. their domain changed like a thousand times. also kek at
>Do you believe the media has portrayed incels accurately for the most part? >%96.8 Nowhat's the inaccuracy? people see them as what they are.
No. 452343
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>>452298I'm not the anon that posted the link, I was just testing out her claim.
Here's another in my country.
No. 452345
>>452342I've had two long term partners cheat (yep that's 100% of my partners lol) I never once checked phones but when it happened the second time I could just tell, took a few weeks for him to announce he's leaving and I was like Yeah I know
Once you've been cheated on once it's hard to get back in that fairytale bubble
No. 452350
>>452325I'm inclined to believe that the incel mindset affects men of all races. There is a bbc documentary called men at war and in it, there's a part with some pick up artist giving a "conference" that's essentially a glorified incel meet up session. It was really racially diverse. I think that only represents a small selection of incels, considering that it's an english speaking forum and the racial stuff might put some incels of (idk i kind of wanted to laugh whilst writing that).
In my own experience with men, most of the men in question being black men, incel/mgtow/redpill rhetoric is extremely popular amongst them and is the main reason by the black community is so fucked up because too many black women have handmaiden/pick-me mindsets.
No. 452352
>>452351The thread intro says: Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered
That's what people are doing, this is the place to do so, there's a separate relationship thread
No. 452354
>>452347I don’t have any boyfriend right now. When I did, we had an open-electronics policy meaning we shared passwords, shared computers, shared phones. I’m now dating a woman who is OK with this as well, when two people settle down and live with each other it seems normal.
It’s so weird that this bothers you. This is akin to living with someone for 5 years, splitting the bills, but not letting them open your mail. Bizarre. If you are living in a relationship with someone and they have something to hide, you’re living with a roommate.
No. 452365
>>452360I feel like once you've been cheated on once you get a sense for when it's happening again, I tend to rely on that rather than phone checking
The first time I was cheated on I was totally floored by it, my poor younger self lol
No. 452369
>>452160First three to pop up
Young tiny teen
Mexican girl puking
Skullfucked underwater
What's wrong with regular old sex?
No. 452371
>>452367the reality is that many women are in
abusive relationships, or being cheated on, or being raped and murdered. saying men tend to be bad isn’t “negativity” it is reality, and I would be very careful if I was a woman who is dating men. maybe it’s stereotyping but there’s a reason women are careful around strange men… But those strange men are someone’s husband, son, father… so is it really maladjusted to just want people to watch out?
It’s not even cheating you have to worry about. There are so many men out there who will share your nudes with other guy friendsto brag and make themselves feel better. Or all of those stories about male relatives and husbands putting cameras in bathrooms.
how can you pride yourself on blindly trusting someone after hearing about all the shit women are targeted with by men? If someone becomes paranoid by my words and checks their BF’s phones and finds out he’s sharing their nudes or browsing through weird dating apps, good. If they find nothing, even better. But I’d rather plant the seed so they can verify for themselves and find out what “reality” is — with a scrote the line are often blurred.
No. 452373
>>452367I really don't think they realised the topic when they joined the discussion, I saw an age/experience gap between them and other anons
They're in their first real relationship and have only slept with him but they want to keep replying to women who've experienced a whole lot more and call them bitter for sometimes simply relaying a story from their life..?
No. 452381
>>452164I didn't even know what donkey punch was… Jesus christ. At some point porn will just be war movies. Full violence
>>452247I clicked out after
>little girl burnedWhen will porn be banned. When their dicks are useless? ED rises to 90%+?
>>452351Not just relationship_advice but r/adultery too can scare you too anon. Everyone is selfish there with their b-but what about MY happiness! It's fucked up to read thousands of men admitting with no remorse that they cheated and continue an affair. 1 guy did and picked up his Ashley Madison account again after saying his marriage was bad? Why? Because the mother of his kids didn't do kinky sex, loved vanilla sex with him while he hated it and didn't get what he wanted exactly on his bday. His first affair with a coworker ended because on his mistress' end. This all happened while his wife was pregnant. He was ready to fully ruin his marriage over bullshit. So many men, regardless of how perfect you may be as a wife and mother, are willing to throw it all away because
not enough sex :( or
she doesn't shower me in affection :( all the time No. 452383
>>451909Muh ''you have to be in the top 10%, no wait.. the top 0.00005% to even look at a woman!''
Never does it cross their minds that they are actually the bottom 10%.
No. 452385
>>452384I believe it, there is no doubt that all men are necro and pedophiles.
I'd feel bad for it being "out of control" for them but it's what they get for being rapists for so many generations, men brought it on themselves.
No. 452388
>>452377lmao imagine if a man claimed his wife was sexually assualted in her sleep by the mailman because he walked in on her getting eaten out and she sat up instantly, there would be a fucking riot about false accusations
just another example of male privilege, they're so fucking worried about women falsely accusing them when it's them doing the false accusations, being male is life on easy mode
also what woman voluntarily puts some old bastards dick in her mouth while he's asleep? Giving head to men hurts, stinks, can make you vomit, etc. The only benefit would be attention for histronic girls and for that to happen he would have to be awake. Men seriously think theyre fucking gods lmfao
No. 452392
>>452388Quote - 'Lucy has hurt this family'
Why do people ask for advice on reddit when they already know they want a particular answer? The wife is only listening to certain comments. This was a 45 year old man! 25 year age gap and he's caught with his dick in her mouth ???
No. 452394
>>452391I was meeting bi guys off Grindr and they were in the same boat as me in terms of them cheating, having risky sex, full of hidden fetishes and bombarded by thoughts
Funny thing is my overall mental health was good on it, depression and anxiety issues calmed
I didn't say what dose I was on?
No. 452407
>>452400I know
source - personal experience lol
No. 452413
>>452411In the replies she's really painting the (45yo!) hubby as a
victim And nobody cares that two kids could've walked in on dads affair
No. 452414
>>452413I meant more the baby sitter even sucking his ugly limp 45yo dick in the first place. Imagine how much of an ego boost it is for a balding fat old man to get a young 20yo to suck his dick. Disgusting.
But his wife is ridiculous for even trying to excuse that shit in the first place. Probably she is just trying to keep the family together, sad. A lot of time the woman will do this so the children don't have to grow up without a father
No. 452436
>>452431Men are
toxic. I have never met a man who didnt use being gay or being a woman /femme as an insult to other men. as if being a woman or a gay man is bad at all. that's why gay men are so
toxic to each other. straight men are trash because they love to perpetuate being 'manly' and ARRGH DRINKING BEERS AND NOT BEING HOMO is the only way to be.
No. 452441
>>452431This actually isn't too bad. The guy mentions having soft/well taken care of skin as a good thing and he cries a little bit in the middle ("manly" men can cry too).
Clearly it isn't as
toxic as you'd believe from the beginning. Also that dark-haired guy is a qt.
No. 452449
>>452281Where do you meet not terrible men though?
I had a Nigel who was sweet but ended up being immature as fuck. Then he said he wanted his own biological children which was a hard no, so we broke up.
No. 452460
>>452377This story sounds like a troll post manufactured by an incel who whines about double standards. If you scroll down the comments you'll see responses about how this situation should be treated like a woman who gets assaulted when she is passed out drunk, and hence ought to be automatically believed.
Except here's some plot holes:
1. Would a passed out drunk woman being sexually assaulted by a man suddenly pop up sharp as wit if her husband happened upon the scene? How could she become clairvoyant when the husband appears and not while she's being assaulted?
2. Would the woman wake up bent on selling her husband that she was passed out, while exhibiting no rage or mental anguish towards the alleged assailant?
3. Would a woman be believed if the husband confronted both her and her assailant about if they had sex and her supposed assailant said "Not yet"?
I see comments drawing parallels to make this false equivalency work. But the thing is, WOMEN ARE OFTEN NOT BELIEVED REGARDING SEXUAL ASSAULT! These retarded comments wanna pretend like women always get their justice when we often don't.
No. 452502
>>452461Was looking up that and found this blog've met so many chill mok judgemental christians in the past but "Brother Richard" is 100% not that. Absolutely insane. He wants everyone to live like it's the old testament meanwhile using a computer and the internet is also hilarious.
>women aren't forced to be feminine sex slaves that men can abuse without consequences anymore :( this is SATANIC AND EVIL And THEY MUST BE PUNISHED think this is the news you were referring to anon? The case was about a man transitioning into a woman so he wanted to dress up like one and be known and out to his employer. Employer said no under the grounds of his religion. The media is trying to spin this as a women's issue when this really just 'trans woman isn't getting what they wanted! this will HURT women!'
No. 452517
>>452160>puke and shit>extra small teen>saran wrap suffocation >prolapseI wonder how many men screaming at women for wanting to make porn illegal are the same ones watching this "harmless consented porn"
Men - if you want to prove porn is harmless stop doing literally permanently damaging shit just to get off and stop fetishizing women that don't even look like women
also, for a rant about prolapses, why the fuck are they so popular in porn? It's a medical problem, it causes fecal leakage and most people who have prolapses have to wear diapers, you leak shit, blood, and mucus and your large intestant fall out of your body, some people even need surgery because of this. Because it's so easily to get harmful and fatal infections while you're prolapsed as well.No intelligent or mentally well person looks at that and thinks it's hot. Next time men wanna scream about fertility bring up how many men are into prolapsing, shit and piss, starvation, anorexic women, etc.
seriously. what is the fucking appeal? Is it just for shock?
No. 452660
>>452590Yeah I know alot of people think all porn is bad but seeing some of the searches people perform..
My ex had a guy in work add him on some messenger app and he would send him shock/gonzo porn clips all day long..when the guy got fired my ex got access to his work email and it was full of shared comments about the women working in their office and what he'd like to do to them. The guy spent every moment thinking about sex
No. 452736
>>452591Who cares, she'll die alone without making a single impact. She might as well not even exist.
That's what trauma does to people, you end up a lesbian man clone rotting poor and alone.
(stahp) No. 452755
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>>452736She's actually building something out there. Her dream is to make an artist residency over there and is rebuilding the town on her own.It might take years but I know she can do it and she has a hot bearded dude that can help her along the way
No. 452758
>>452660That's what a discord for the guys at my work is like, mid conversation one of them will randomly link to some porn clip they found on reddit, they'll comment on how it's hot and then move on.
I don't get it, aren't these the people who are psychotically obsessed with not appearing to be gay but they literally want to sexually arouse their male friends?
No. 452761
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>>452755>she has a hot bearded dude > a lesbian>>452753I too dream of a meth lab and a mentally ill haven in bumfuck nowhere.
No. 452764
>>452758Work and porn really shouldn't mix, I mean imagine telling your boss that your workmate is sending you porn. Even if it's out of work hours it's a risk to your employment
I guess it's just seen as so normal to guys..
No. 452776
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>>452160I got: british lesbian foot
I laffed
No. 452785
>>452591She's living the dream, but the location is a no go from me. I want to live in an isolated area up in the mountains, near a source of water. I'd also hate not having scenery to enjoy, and basically having to stay indoors all day to avoid sunburn (since you obviously can't regularly obtain sunscreen). I'd go stir crazy. I can handle living in a small tent or van, granted there's a lot of nature nearby…
Also, mormons.
I escaped my family that wed in Utah, I will not be returning to it.
No. 452805
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Do I like things I benefit from although I shouldn't? No anon. I will still take advantage of them because I am a piece of shit, but I still don't like it. Probably something wrong with you if you do.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 452834
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No. 452858
>>452847He continued to make acclaimed films with big name actors and be nominated for awards well after 2009. He might still be, I stopped paying attention to that shit a few years back. He couldn't enter the US but his career was barely affected.
>>452851a small selection of people who signed the petition:
Pedro Almodovar
Wes Anderson
Asia Argento (lol)
Darren Aronofsky
Monica Bellucci
Terry Gilliam
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Wong Kar Waï
Harmony Korine
John Landis
David Lynch
Tilda Swinton
Wim Wenders
Harrison Ford
Ethan Cohen
Martin Scorsese
Diane von Furstenberg
Penelope Cruz
Isabelle Huppert
Natalie Portman
Emma Thompson
Neil Jordan
Sam Mendes
Kristin Scott Thomas
this is the most complete list I could find: No. 452869
>>452858>Natalie PortmanWhat the fuck? Wasn't she sexualized by grown men herself after that Leon movie?
I'd expect her to be the very last person to support someone like Polanski.
I'm sad about Tilda Swinton, Wes Anderson and Harmony Korine, too, but the latter two have always been kind of dodgy and set off slight warning bells, anyway.
No. 452882
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>>452858Really disappointing to see some names on there. Reminds me of pic related. Why Simone?
No. 452910
>>452758>That's what a discord for the guys at my work is like, mid conversation one of them will randomly link to some porn clip they found on reddit, they'll comment on how it's hot and then move on.
I'm pretty sure if that's a work-related discord that they could get fired or in big trouble with HR, but I'm assuming it's far enough out of scope of work that they've been able to get away with it. Still sounds like it's on iffy ground.
No. 452921
>>452858more big names:
Steven Soderbergh
Mike Nichols
Jeremy Irons
Louis Garrel
Isabelle Adjani
Tom Tykwer
Alfonso Cuaron
Guillermo del Toro
Xavier Dolan
Alexander Payne
Salman Rushdie
No. 452960
File: 1566609958167.png (209.04 KB, 344x456, pact.png)

imagine getting excited about a porn game where you wanna save your rapist friend from turning into a woman
No. 452970
>>452960How is this allowed on steam!? this is a literal rape apologist game
>overly positive reviewsfuck men tbh. they are always trash. Never met a non trash man ever. they always secretly love these disgusting games
No. 452979
>>452858>Natalie PortmanAbsolutely heartbreaking to find out one of my favorite actresses is confirmed handmaiden.
There's absolutely no redemption for anyone who publicly supports Polanski to me. It's not like there's any question to his guilt. By signing that petition they are literally saying that drugging and anally raping 13yo girls should be completely forgiven and you should be free of any fitting consequence and able to have a successful career as a public figure. Ffs his "punishment" (not that you can really call it that) was being forced to live a luxurious life in Paris without being able to return to the states.
On the topic of Polanksi and man hate I have seen people try to use Sharon Tate's murder as an excuse for what he did to that girl, which is one of the most revolting aspects of the situation to me. How the fuck is your wife being murdered somehow a free pass to rape a child? Also, Polanski was a shit husband and Sharon was on the brink of divorcing him for it before she died.
No. 452992
>>452975according to some shit i just found and read
>Simone de Beauvoir’s “Brigitte Bardot and the Lolita Syndrome,” an essay first published in Esquire magazine in August 1959. It has to be said that Beauvoir’s interest in these matters was not purely theoretical (in fact, it is hard to conceive of any philosopher’s thoughts being purely theoretical). As a diligent investigator, I am obliged to say that she was dismissed from her teaching job in 1943 for “behavior leading to the corruption of a minor.” >The minor in question was one of her pupils at a Paris lycée. It is well established that she and Jean-Paul Sartre developed a pattern, which they called the “trio,” in which Beauvoir would seduce her students and then pass them on to Sartre. (See, for example, “A Disgraceful Affair,” by Bianca Lamblin, in which she recalls being infatuated with Beauvoir, but romanced systematically by Sartre, who cheerfully remarks, on the way to a consummation, that “the hotel chambermaid will be really surprised, because she caught me taking another girl’s virginity only yesterday.”) No. 452993
>>452858very based thanks anon
of note is whoopi goldberg too, not sure if she signed but she tried defending him live on the view. the silence in that crowd lmao. i used to always like her but after this ive lost all respect for her. disgusting.
No. 453017
>>453005if they have dirt, then shes likely done something just as bad as the guys she defends, imo thats not an excuse. its also not limited to polanski, she defended cosby too, and tends to blame the
victim a lot.
maybe its misplaced handmaidenry on her part who knows, its still pretty shitty all around.
No. 453349
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>>452834Anyone remember when James Franco tried to rent a room to "meet with" a 17 year old girl? And pretty much sent the most typical, thirsty fuckboy "okay bye then" texts to her when she wasn't immediately dtf an almost 40 year old man? He basically joked it off on twitter.
Not even mentioning the other, more serious accusations of misconduct/assault, both on and off set. I don't see how his career has been hurt at all.
No. 453652
>>453568I have so many questions. How is he filming without the kid's mom noticing, approaching and asking him what the fuck he's doing, filming her child and mumbling like that?
Why is the kid just ignoring him, as if this is normal?
Do they know each other? Is this a set-up? What's the point of this shit, besides being autistic?
No. 453817
Redditors congratulate asshole for not raping his crush: something Schrodinger’s rapist…
No. 453824
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>>453817>Now this is a confession. Good on you for walking away. Could've destroyed your whole future life if you hadn't. [+1141]That's right, thankfully he didn't do it so HIS future wouldn't be ruined, the girl's future and well-being doesn't really matter. Nice to see where their priorities lie.
>>453769 I find that once people get sucked into this ideology it's really hard to help them out since it's so bleak and incelspeak essentially rots your brain and doesn't let you consider things in a nuanced manner like what happened in picrelated. That's why when I see them trying to spread their misery and nihilism to everyone else like a virus it really pisses me off, please just stay being a loser on your reddits and discord servers and leave everyone else alone.
No. 453866
>>453817This asshole switches from flagellating to congratulating himself a lot in the comments.
I wish people who admitted horrible things like this just wouldn't reply, because it's so apparent they only confessed it expecting asspatery instead of being mortified that their actions could have possibly destroyed somebody.
No. 453871
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>>453866Yup, check this smug reply to someone calling him out.
>you’re gross and creepy for doing that>mmmHMMMmmm, if you SAY so.Obligatory “‘I must defend would-be rapists at all costs’ male” comment:
>hoes madYes, women are rightfully angry that this pervert was about to advantage of a sleeping woman, but scrots are concerned with “not ruining HIS life” and no mention of the
No. 453873
>>453871Technically there was no
victim in this case, but no one needs to kiss his ass for doing the bare minimum of not taking advantage of some chick. Congratu-fucking-lations you did what what you are supposed to do in a situation like this, just like the many other people who go about their day not raping unconscious women.
No. 453874
>>453824I can't believe they are congratulation him for doing the bare minimum. I'm 100% sure if OP knew he could've gotta away with raping her, he would've done it. Disgusting.
>>453868I agree with you anon. I also think it's because men have a narrow view on rape, and won't believe you if it's not the most forceful and violent way.
No. 453883
>>453873Oh, you’re right Anon, I guess I got a little riled over the post but “
victim” isn’t the word to use here (thank fuck).
Like I cannot understand why he describes how he felt when he nearly molested her, and then ran to reddit for asspats and ego validation that he’s a gOoD pErSoN.
No. 454129
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The original post was about how he can't find a woman to love him… Why do men act like this and expect woman to just come flocking to them, its like were expected to throw ourselves at any guy or they'll be deeply offended. Im sick of it, guys wonder why they're single? Its always blatantly obvious to me, attitude and entitlement. Also the 'you women' and the excon stereotype of women always liking bad boys, cringe.
No. 454181
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apparently the op who made this is from mexico? why does this not surprise me a country known for domestic violence against women and sex trafficking, somehow to scrots minds, is a privileged easy life for women, hell even guys in muslim countries where you can legally kill women for existing think it's gynocentric, when did males become such big crybabies that the second anything isn't about them must be oppressive and favoring women?
No. 454185
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>>454181nta, bigger more readable version.
The scrote who made this is a sociopath. I can't imagine having this little awareness of how other people live their lives.
No. 454213
>>454173and single moms, people blame single moms and shit on them on day and night but never question why the man walked out and refuse to contact his family he made, everyone focuses on criminals but never the good single mothers who tried their best and their kids succeeded
if anyone ever read ben carsons biography, he has a single mother and thanked her throughout the book and spoke nothing but high respect for her for making him who he is, ever wonder why no one ever mentions that?
No. 454258
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This shit is too good. I got a chuckle out of this.
No. 454259
>>454251>smashOne of the absolute worst communities, so many of the most
toxic hobby communities are male-dominated.
No. 454260
>>454251I own a booth at a pawn shop where I sell jewelry. There's a guy there who comes in to buy comics, and another to buy Roman coins. I know the history of a lot of those things, because I collect them too, and they like to "actshually" me a lot (then I prove them wrong with google, or another person working there sides with me).
They both made snide comments that I don't wear makeup or jewelry (ie, put "effort" into my appearance, even though I do, just not in a feminine way), and they both smell horrid. The comic book guy always comes in with a stained shirt, he looks just like the comic book shop owner from the Simpsons. The other admitted he hadn't showered for 3 days and never wears deodorant. The guy who helps me bag things at the shop reeks to, and he comments about how lazy I am because I don't have a job right now.
No. 454264
>>454258lol where the fuck do mgtows get all this "women are worshipped!!" shit? the word feminist is used as an insult pretty much, people have used girl as an insult since the 70s, the music industry can write songs about how women are evil, horrible and deserve to be beaten and no one says anything until they start bringing race and shit into it, people like donald trump and weinstein get defended and their comments and actions towards women get ignored, even xxxtentacion whos a raging misogynist from hell gets worshipped, when people make sexist "jokes" against women if you even think it's not funny you get harassed, men are allowed to be sexual beings but the second a woman shows any signs of having a sexuality of her own her life is practically doomed, that's why men don't get scared and send their dick pics all over with no consequences but women have to worry about their careers and reputation if her nudes get around
they talk so much shit but never ever provide any examples
No. 454439
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i'm beginning to think that the reason i love gokushufudou is because he's strong and handsome but he's also a loving house husband who'd never have to be reminded to do the laundry and would happily cook cute meals for me. do men like this exist irl?
but if we're being realistic, do average looking men that'll do a full set of laundry and cook healthy food regularly exist without pushing all the chores on his gf?
No. 454473
>>454462I thought her Husband was perfect and doesn't even eat fruit.
Anyway, Gokushufudou's mc is a good manga role model for men. I like how he sometimes treats his wife like she is his yakuza boss.
No. 454488
>>454479The only real reason I can come up with is that they really crave female attention, since if they were feeling truly antagonistic, they would not seek us out, nor would they constantly vent about women on their circle jerks. That's pretty much the only explanation I could come up with.
However, doesn't it really say something that the average male can't so much as breath without scraping for female attention, and when they see the result of their ill treatment and hatred in front of them, they just end up losing their shit. It's funny really, every single guy I know can't live without the possibility of sex.
No. 454491
>>454479I wonder how many men come here and realise they've probably been talking with a larping male pretending to be female on one of the other sites.
Men fantasise about women being more direct, but when they encounter our direct unfiltered opinions they're suddenly shocked. "What?! These women aren't enamoured by males and desperate for cock 24/7?!!" Then I imagine their ego collapses and they sperge and get banned.
No. 454498
>>454479They're submissives with a humiliation fetish. Once you've met a few malesubs or seen the kind of shit they post in BDSM/sex forums, they become very easy to spot.
Their goal in posting here is to get women to insult them so they can jerk off to it. That's why it's best to just report and totally ignore them.
No. 454505
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>>454479>men letting women have their own space and self organize in any way>everOf course, they do want any female attention they can get, but they're always threatened by women who don't exist to appease them/compete with each other so of course they come to 'educate' us with unoriginal copypaste /pol/ rhetoric we've heard countless times before from their clones.
No. 454523
>>454507I fucking hate it, but know my boyfriend watches it when I'm not there. I'll even turn the TV on and one of the fucking babestation channels pops up.
I voice my disgust and make comments about trafficking but I don't know what else to do. It's so fucking ingrained that it's a normal practice. It completely dulls my self esteem when it comes up or my confidence. I feel put out if that's how to term it. It's not really liberating that he's getting off to some overtly sexual woman. Kills my sex drive towards him.
No. 454524
>>454507The porn industry is extremely
abusive and has been proven to greatly fuck up your sex life in various ways. People absolutely should not tolerate their significant others ruining their sexual capacity to jerk off to desperate people being abused to survive.
No. 454531
>>454499It does not make sense.
Victims of teenage prostitution and trafficking like Rachel Moran get called "swerf" when they speak out about prostitution. Pef - pimp exclusionary feminist would make more sense, but it's not a handy slur to throw at women working against sexual exploitation.
No. 454545
>>454535Diff anon but I've had the poor fortune to date two different guys who got so far into porn that extreme anal stretching and gaping aswell as anal prolapse became the ultimate fantasy.. the ideas they got from porn were ones that many women wouldn't want so all the guy gains is an unrealistic fantasy.. and my disgust
Then talked to a guy on a dating site and I wanted to know his ultimate fantasy before getting too into him.. messy (aka shitty) anal was his porn secret
I'm open minded with regular old anal but the 'extremes' of porn have to ruin it lol
No. 454564
>>454553Well put
I was open minded/adventurous in my twenties and as a result I was the girl that guys revealed their porn-fuelled fetishes to… it's often not shit that real women are going to fulfil so it remains as a porn addiction, there's no 'trying out new things' when porn helps to create tastes that are just too extreme
No. 454711
>>454673Heard a guy lately claiming his tastes are oh so tame cos he only really watches whatever is on the main page on pornhub
First few titles I see on the main page:
Fit teen can't resist a risky CREAMPIE - no birth control
Two Dad's Swap Teen Daughters During Camping Trip
ExxxtraSmall - Petite Girl Scout Sells Pussy For a Box of Cookies
That and the sea of 'fucking my stepsister' porn
It's all sick
No. 454718
>>454714Small teens, the risk of pregnancy and incest
Yeah I wouldn't want my bf 'getting ideas' from porn
No. 454723
>>454721>Fit teen can't resist a risky CREAMPIE - no birth controlBiology: breeding. Feeling desirable that a woman would want to deal with your hellspawn for 18 years because of 2 minutes of sex.
>Two Dad's Swap Teen Daughters During Camping TripSocially unacceptable. Control of someone stereotypically feminine (ie small, helpless) and used as a form of property.
>ExxxtraSmall - Petite Girl Scout Sells Pussy For a Box of Cookies Same as above two. Young helpless girl, finding retard moid attractive enough to barter goods and risk her membership as a scout for his dick.
>That and the sea of 'fucking my stepsister' porn "All women are whores, even my sister wants to fuck me."
Basically it comes down to: "My dick is the Sun and I want girls to orbit around it." Please forgive my autism, it hurt to write this.
No. 454724
File: 1566941361862.jpg (269.23 KB, 1280x960, thumbnail_20190827_140942.jpg)

About to sew some patches and spread my pinkpill autism to the general public. I got tons of compliments on my shirt already.
No. 454727
>>454724Fucking love it Anon. Do you mind giving sauce for the images?
Love to have a jacket with those on too.
No. 454862
>>454837The ones who act like having small dicks makes them subhumans are making a whole bunch of excuses. I'm not very sexually experienced but from what I can tell, even though I'm fairly tight, I can't really tell how big a penis is when it's inside, and I can only feel the width, not the length at all. What does majorly affect PiV is the speed, the strength of the erection, the angle… all stuff men could actually control and improve. That's not even taking into the account the emotional aspect of sex.
Same when it comes to dating: of course women don't have same sort of small dick radar. They'll look at their appearance and personality, which can be improved.
But learning how to have sex that isn't retarded porn-tier aimless thrusting, having good hygiene and a pleasant personality are difficult things for men, it takes self-reflection and work. It's just easier to find a miserable community and cry about your penis.
No. 454959
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they dont even see this as a legitimate problem and a clear sign of addiction, it's just a quirky relatable justmalethings
No. 454962
>>454841I completely agree, anon.
Women are made to feel insecure about tit and ass size, which are purely aesthetic and don't impact male's physical pleasure. We also can't hide them and are subject to judgement regarding them from every man that passes us on the street, some of whom are ocassionally vocal about it. Dick size is actually relevant to our physical pleasure and we don't even know what we're getting into until we see it.
No. 454963
>>454837The logic in this sub is a fucking farce.
>"Women have no idea what it's like to be sexually rejected when they take their clothes off!"Um, yes we do though?
How many "roastie" posts are out there with guys rejecting women because they didn't like the look of their labia or thought their vulva lacked "tightness"?
Or how about when we take off our bras and men deem we have unattractive breasts?
Or how they don't like the cellulite on our asses?
That's even if women make it to the part where they can take off their clothes, because heaven knows how men are so fucking picky and think they're better than women they declare too fat or ugly for them even if they possess those same characteristics.
>"Women never avoid sex out of fear!"LOL.
>"Women cheat on us for having small penises."Men cheat on women over NOTHING.
Men cheat on women because they found a more attractive woman thereby rejecting his current partner on the basis that she is aesthetically inferior. Men take their shots when they can for no flaw on their partner's side at all.
But let's not pretend men also don't cheat because they don't like their partner's body.
They can go on any r/relationship_advice post where a woman is talking about her dead bedroom and they'll find a bunch of posters blaming herself for having gained weight or have not pandered enough, so no wonder her boyfriend or husband is cheating or is pornsick.
They're all simply angry. Angry because they didn't turn out to be 9 inch dick Chads abusing women and treating us as disposable as society treats micropenis men. Boo fucking hoo.
No. 454969
>>454837Guy with a three inch dick -
"I don’t get female logic. I mean even a 3.5” long dick is in 80% of the cases sexually satisfying according to science"
LOL wut?
No. 455056
>>455042 always tell on themselves. The girl he's talking about is
9 years old and was harassed into taking her clothes off on LiveMe.
No. 455067
>>454179following up from this, i tried explaining to my bf that i didn't want to have sex anymore (i want to practice abstinence) because im not comfortable with it, both due to how i think people act about it and also due to past trauma and his response- i shit you not, was essentially
"woe is me, i want to fuck you but now i cant, this is awful for me, how could you do this to me, this is your fault, i cant be with you now because not fucking you is too hard for me."
im glad i found this thread. im exhausted. it's so nice to hear other women decided to stop putting up with this shit, too.
No. 455077
>>455070>>455072I tried for a while to go along with it but noticing the difference in mood was sickening. When he was getting it he was happy and when he wasn't I was punished through being ignored, being short with me, or doing less things with me (less dates, ect).
There were more red flags but that was the last one for me. Not to make it a blog posts, just seems like here is a good place to express experiences. One that sticks out in mind was that he had cheated on me multiple times over 3 years together (talking to girls online & cam whoring himself), but never let me talk about it and always dismissed it saying it was OK because he stopped. Meanwhile I planned a cosplay with a male friend and I was yelled at, emotionally abused & pestered for DAYS, shit talked to our mutual friends, threatened, and was not allowed to sleep because he would keep me up until 3-4 in the morning crying about how unfair I was treating him by having a friend cosplay a character he looks identical to instead of having my bf with no visual similarities do it instead.
It's not safe rn for me to be posting screencaps of old convos but in the future I might post some here… I have a feeling some people would get a jest out of them.
No. 455100
>>455084I dated a guy who desperately wanted to join the video game industry but had no skills and only got shitty QA jobs. He still felt like he was above wagecucks despite being in the most replaceable job in the industry. All the QA guys I met were like that, it's like if busboys were going around calling themselves restaurateurs just for being in the restaurant.
I can't imagine the ego of guys who actually accomplish stuff and are highly recognized for it.
And a lot of the women I met through him were the same kind of low empathy pickme chicks who encourage this.
No. 455101
>>455076Because men in these positions are almost universally psychopaths and narcissists.
Also I feel really bad for all the women involved, but like… what did you expect? The "I'll divorce her, I swear" is the oldest trick in the book.
No. 455128
This style of music ain't my cup of tea, but I decided to give it a click anyway and I'm glad I did. It's fucking hilarious:"The dick is fire. That's what I signed up for." Then she gets cheated in in the music video. "You only had one job nigga, the fuck?" This is how I feel about males who say women have it on easy mode. We're expected to make money, clean the house, and take care of the kids, all while potentially risking abuse, rape, and even death. All we ask is you be loyal to us, and the fuckers can't even do that. It reminds me of those Reddit posts where men cheat on their wives, even though they admit there's nothing wrong in the marriage.
No. 455153
>>454959the replies to that tweet are so telling. a hundred variations of “try bigger boobs, try furry porn, try feet, try hentai, try edging, try harder stuff, try trans porn”
anything to avoid the reality that porn is the problem. what the actual fuck is wrong with men. they’re all such pathetic cumbrains and slaves to their peepees
No. 455183
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>male hygiene
No. 455228
>>455076>Senior Contracts Manager risks her professional job position and ethics to have an affair and an out of wedlock baby with a married GC who wound up dumping her in the endWhy do men do this? Because these women allow themselves to be used like broodmares.
She's not a
victim, she just thought this man wouldn't cheat and ditch her. But it's not like she didn't know about his wife and his infidelity, she KNEW all that shit about him YET STILL carried out a relationship and shat out a child for him.
She had a good position and money but she fucked it up for a shitty man. I am playing the world's smallest fucking violin. Lmao.
No. 455230
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>>455076>I felt confident that he loved us and would protect us and so I quit Google, signing whatever documents they required because likewise, I wanted to protect him.She really set herself up for that. Trying to destroy a marriage just for her to take another man and going against company policy. Also pic is the Google Lawyer she had an affair with.>>455225Not a scrote, ffs guys
No. 455235
>>455233probably thought he was easy and had it in the bag, no way she would be THAT confident given she left a high paying job & most likely a nice work environment at GOOGLE.
>>455234"she" the woman who was involved in the affair, is cis. Everyone involved is cis.
No. 455242
Handmaidens sure do love participating in and enabling
toxic male behavior up until it doesn't pan out for them, right?
She should always be reminded that she actually had a privileged position and willingly tossed it away to reward a bad man with a child and a relationship.
Most other women who indulge in this male behavior at least have justifications like being financially vulnerable at the start and hope to get a better life for themselves from it. This woman had it all and chose stupidly.
>>455236You'd be surprised to know that getting men to pay their child support is actually very difficult. I'd imagine it's even more difficult to pry it out of the hands of a powerful Google executive with tons of legal clout.
No. 455243
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>>455236Not at the moment he isn't, that's why she wrote the story. Also since he's a top Google Chief member, he won't be leaving anytime soon.
The comments…
No. 455250
>>455230The anon who said that men in these positions are almost universally psychopaths and narcissists was definitely right.
He looks so creepy and mean. Even his eyes look soulless.
No. 455299
>>455289A lot of men see sex itself as a form of humiliation or degradation for women. They're not fucking, they're 'destroying her pussy'
That and how blow jobs in porn are rarely just a nice warm up and are nearly always filmed to look like a womans submission
One poster on r/smalldickproblems is obsessed with thinking that women all want their pussies 'ruined and destroyed' by big dicks.. wow these guys really think they know us? They think we WANT painful sex?
No. 455304
>>455299>'ruined and destroyed'Why would they believe it's WANTED.
If your sexual organs are destroyed then you can't have sex anymore and you're fucked up for life. And that's something that actually happens in porn - women getting seriously injured. It's the point of porn and it's language now - make sure women (let's face it, underage-looking girls mostly) don't enjoy it and brag about ruining their genitals. No pretense that it's about sex anymore. It's deeply troubling. Not only are real girls hurt but men absorb the hate speech into their little brains.
No. 455325
>>455288yup. this sort of shit just makes me fear for the younger generation of girls so badly. i look at my niece and wonder how boys her age will treat her when they start watching porn and begin the escalation cycle at 10-11 when their brains are still extremely malleable.
No. 455333
>>455325My exes 11 year old son kept getting in trouble for looking up porn. I kept telling him that the mother should be informed as he lived with her 90 percent of the time, but no it was treated as a 'secret between the guys' so as not to embarrass him..
How is a kid his age meant to mentally process all the stepsister fucking (he has stepsiblings) and rough treatment of women he was watching?
No. 455353
>>455333This is actually terrifying. sexist men (who actually stick around ) are also teaching their sons to mistreat women at a younger age. the whole 'ah you dont have to listen to her.'
i was at my job (retail) and asked a dude if he wanted a shopping cart cuz he was holding a big toy truck. and he said 'NAH, I GOT MUSCLES. DONT YOU HAVE MUSCLES?' to his sons. and i just walked away. wtf is wrong with men?? i honestly am very scared for the young generation
No. 455373
>>455353These sorts of patrilineal inferiority complexes almost inevitably result in inner dysfunction. It's like a self-inflicted generational curse on men. It's funny, because men love to blame women for this, screaming about how we only reward men who epitomize the retarded stereotypes they make of their own gender. Meanwhile, they don't actually listen to us, or really care what we want. In fact, their argument is that we "don't know what we want", so they substitute everything with their own bullshit and demand we accept it.
No one fucking told that guy that using a shopping cart is somehow for weak people with no muscles, besides maybe his own father. Watch him indoctrinate his sons, who will go on to carry the notion that any vulnerability, or even just a desire to make small, smart choices and avoid unnecessary inconveniences in life, means that they must be weak. Life becomes about proving to some stupid voice in your head that you're strong, almost like being a slave to an invisible master. Self-harming thoughts, self-harming behavior, and the action of harm upon others to reassure yourself that you're not weak. That's male culture.
No. 455376
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>>455373This take on the devils wears prada and career women
Moids complain about everything No. 455383
>>455076I can't believe she's trying to spin this into a #MeToo story when she was never sexually harassed. She is incredibly blind to her own privilege but wants to act like a blameless
No. 455389
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what's with /fit/ thirsting after women with clearly fake and extreme body types? they claim it's high t and anyone who isn't attracted to such extreme ridiculousness must be a low-t soyboy or a bitter jealous girl, at the same time if you talk about plastic surgery they go on rants about how it's fake and gross and how no one wants fake tits and ass, you can't point out clear fakeness and photoshop either without being attacked
imagine if women had an imageboard thirsting after roid heads with surgery and attacking men and women who don't like the over-roided looks but attacked people who talked about getting steroids too, it would get quickly shut down and scrots would be put on suicide watch
No. 455392
>>455389It's because they are men with body dysmorphic disorder. It makes sense that their insane perception would bleed into how they judge women's bodies, as well.
They think in extremes. The ideal image of themselves in their heads is that of an exaggeratedly muscular man, so to many of them, the "perfect" woman is an equally exaggeratedly "fertile" (hate this descriptor used for women) woman with cartoonishly large breasts, thighs, hips and ass, a tiny waist and huge lips (somehow all without use of plastic, but I guess it's no problem when they take steroids? Doesn't make sense, but there it is). It varies, though. Some lust over women with lots of muscle instead, while others want women who are so thin they look either malnourished or as if they're children (this is to make themselves look/feel stronger whenever they're with her, they're after the feeling that they can "break her in two" at any time).
>imagine if women had an imageboard thirsting after roid heads with surgery and attacking men and women who don't like the over-roided looks but attacked people who talked about getting steroids too, it would get quickly shut down and scrots would be put on suicide watchUnironically, they actually think we do this all the time. They project their own insecurities onto us and insist we are "biologically hardwired" to want roid freaks, constantly.
If you know about "4chad" (the boyfriend of that one "alt-right" titty streamer, Brittany Venti) and have listened to the audio clips of his meltdowns over his body being "disgusting", you've seen the mindset of the typical /fit/ userbase. These people are not living in reality, by any means.
No. 455396
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>>455389To me it’s weird how silicone asses and tits, along with grossly disproportionate fat transfers and duck lips, became desirable. In the 00s, this was comical and horrifying to normal people. But somehow we were all collectively as a society led to believe this bimbofication shit is the pinnacle of beauty. We look at it (myself included) like “yeah she looks fine” when we see a woman with obviously fake tits and ass. Some people even make excuses like “she just does squats”. Rib removal used to be a clownshow, horror story. Now it’s considered something that people actually do. Abdominal etching used to be something moms got with their tummy tucks. Now it’s just something people actually do.
I blame Instagram and porn and men to be honest. It’s hard to take off the goggles based on how deep a lot of us have been indoctrinated. Pamela Anderson types used to be those exaggerated bimbo types that obviously were used for sexual gratification and softcore porn, while normal and pretty looking girls were the ones heralded as beautiful (i.e. Natalie Portman). Now it seems like Natalie Portman would be considered a plain Jane by most men, until she got a BBL and fake tits of course.
Maybe I’m just exaggerating but I do feel like the way we approach these fake proportions as changed. Bimbo-y looks used to be a porn thing; now it’s a “hot girl” thing.
I understand plastic surgery has gotten better and more refined but it still looks laughably fake. Like come on. I remember growing up people laughed at Kardashian asses. Now it’s apparently desirable to look like you are wearing a shitty diaper.
Let’s not forget half these women are shooped to shit and the other half, while they have these proportions, are covered in cellulite irl from all their fat transfers (you’d know if you’ve seen one IRL).
To me it just feels like the standards have gone from staying underweight with natural assets, which even if it is unhealthy sometimes is still fairly achievable and mentally stable people can do it…
to getting tens of thousands of dollars of fat transfers and silicone and lip fillers and walking around looking like a porn star or something. Which the average person can not attain. No one is born with a Kardashian ass. I’m sorry.
Sorry for the sperg. I’m just waiting for all this to end.
No. 455438
>>455389>Listening to anything /fit/ has to sayYour first mistake.
But seriously that board is filled with neckbeard manlets larping as gym studs, they have hentai brain rot which is why they cannot tell reality from photoshop.
No. 455445
>>455396It's weird. I remember missing out on the kardashians when they first came out, I preferred the hills. The hills was completely different la vibe. Then there was the buzz about the kardashians being real i.e. not looking like they suffer EDs like the skinny hills girls and then the whole Heidi plastic surgery shit.
The kardashians did promote a body positivity for a while and I think that's when they gained popularity and did clothing brand deals early on. Companies were capitalising on them for coming in different shapes and sizes. Plus they were a bit more low class to put it, I don't want to come across bad, but they were messy and crass.
It's crazy now with the advent of affordable cosmetic surgery, we've went beyond accepting curves to wanting the biggest curves and fattest lips/ass.
The Hills is back on now and I wonder if it'll influence any styles again. I miss the beachy laid back style and city looks.
No. 455456
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>>455396I was actually thinking about this yesterday. So many of the traits women are expected to have are contradictory to each other. How is someone supposed to have a big ass, big breasts, and wide hips, but also a tiny, flat waist, no cellulite, no stretch marks, and a thigh gap? I'm not even sure that's possible without surgery. Let's not even get into teh retardation of Instagram Face, which basically makes everyone look the same online and like a clown IRL.
Men are such suckers for Photoshop. Some women are too, but many of us can immediately tell when a picture's been retouched. Just look at Momokun's fans. They've literally
seen candids of her and they still somehow believe that she's a "thicc hourglass!1!!" or whatever. Same goes with Fegalvao, who is really short and plain in real life.
It reminds me of that episode of South Park where Butters gets a really ugly girlfriend, but because her photos are edited everyone thinks she's hot, even when they see her in real life.
The fact of the matter is that men who place a lot of value on things like asses and tits probably aren't worth dating or being with, so there's no point in trying accommodate their interests. Tits and ass only attract shallow cumbrains who pump and dump, or as other anons already pointed out, guys with BDD. A butt is not a stable foundation for a healthy relationship, it's just something guys jerk off to. I would rather be a girl people respect than one guys wank to.
>>455392The funny thing is that if you check out the Cute Boys thread, the majority of the images of just of the men's faces, and 90% of them are completely clothed.
You could be a total noodle boy and be considered hot by girls if you have a cute face and good fashion sense.
No. 455503
>>455456I don't think it's necessarily the look at this point. I think men are getting off on the subconscious message that women are willing to literally go under the knife or otherwise jump through massive hoops just to please them (and their penises).
Guys will fuck anything. It doesn't matter what she/it looks like.
Or idk, men have been looking at the porn bimbo for decades and finally seeing them everywhere online and on the streets must be overwhelming.
No. 455519
>>455465let me guess anon, you and everyone you know all have 80 inch hips, 20 inch waists and huge but somehow perky tits?
it's not as extreme as most instathots but it's clearly fake and only able to get surgery to achieve such body, even if a girl did have similar propotions, wide hiped women don't have hips that build up like a ball of fat like that or are that high, it's easy to tell if a woman is naturally wide hiped or has had surgery
No. 455524
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men are so paranoid and insecure lmao, I swear you can probably shit for too long and incels will think you're giving chad blumpkins
No. 455525
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Korean moid beats visiting Japanese woman in the middle of the street so bad to the point that her head and shoulders numbed.. I am hoping she doesn't sustain any permanent damage.
Video of him following her and yelling at her to get out of Korea: tweet from her: No. 455536
>>455532That is still no excuse for beating up a female tourist.
Whatever male japanese soldiers did during world war is the past and doesn't mean that you can go publicly assaulting women.
No. 455538
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>>455482I'm 103 lbs with a tiny ass and I
still have stretch marks on my hips. It's bizarre to me that stretch marks are a "fat girl"/"mom" stereotype when
most women have them.
No. 455558
>>455538men like to neg women because they believe it will make women more desperate but at the same time bash desperate women and abuse them after practically begging for them
to that I say - stop fucking us, don't date us, don't get in relationships with us, hell don't even have contact or talk to us if women gross you out so much
No. 455595
>>455560>calls victims of domestic violence ''dumb handmaidens''Also SWEATY homosexuality is NOT a choice, women are not becoming lesbians because of men because lesbians are born that way.
Also just because you are around a circle of people who are gay or independent doesn't mean it like that in reality alot of women are pick me's who get treated like dirt and still go crawling back to some ugly moid.
No. 455627
>>455595>>455595>>calls victims of domestic violence ''dumb handmaidenssometimes tough love is a good thing, if you are educated and smart you don't go running to men who hurt you, also funny you called me out because I called women who go for clearly
toxic men dumb but don't say anything about the person who used these women as proof women are dumb and just as bad as men hmmm
No. 455643
>>455560I don't know why the replies are angry at you. There's a lot of studies that show women are more likely to show signs of lesbianism later in life, unlike gay men who start their feelings at around early puberty.
These aren't closet lesbians (although some may be), they're technically bisexual because they were initially attracted to their male partners, but felt abused and misunderstood. I've read about several women who abstained from dating afterwards, only to fall in love later in life (one in their 40's) with a woman at work or similar. I wish I still had the article. I actually personally knew a woman where this was her experience, except she had gone her whole life thinking she was asexual because she neither had feelings for men nor women.
Women are more likely to be attracted to their own sex as well, it's not surprising more women open up about their homosexual feelings as men continue to disappoint. Yes anons, I'm aware a lesbian is only attracted to women, but my feelings towards the male sex almost died entirely when I embraced women. Sexuality is more fluid than people like to admit.
No. 455689
>>455633nice strawman, come back when you're able to form an argument without one
sorry I don't feel bad for people who keep going back to
abusive partners knowing damn well they're
abusive, this attitude is literally what gets women stuck in the cycle of abuse, coddling them from any sort of questioning and attacking anyone who thinks it's dumb to keep petting a dog you know that bites does more harm
No. 455782
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‘Rapists beware’: Three men killed by vigilante in Bangladesh
>Three men accused of rape have been found dead with notes from “Hercules” attached to their necks in Bangladesh, where police are investigating a potential serial-killing vigilante situation, according to local media reports.
>Two of the victims had been accused of gang-raping a student from a religious school in Bhandaria on Jan. 14, according to the local newspaper The Daily Star. Another victim was one of four men accused of gang-raping a garment worker in Savar, outside the capital city of Dhaka, on Jan. 7. The two locations are approximately 270 kilometres apart.
>All three have been found dead from bullet wounds in the last two weeks, with notes around their necks calling them rapists, according to multiple reports.
>Rakib Hossain, 20, was found dead in the Rajapur region of Bangladesh on Friday, The Daily Star reports. Police said the suspect was found with bullet injuries to the head.
>“I am Pirojpur Bhandaria’s … rapist Rakib,” said a note around the victim’s neck, according to a translation of the Bengali message in the Dhaka Tribune newspaper.
>“This is the punishment for rape. Rapists beware. Hercules.” *