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No. 45061
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No. 45065
5'4" here… according to
>>45061, I hit the jackpot. That's cool.
Too bad my personality is questionable :^)
I wish I was a couple inches taller, though.
No. 45070
>>45068Why so salty, bud?
Almost 22 actually, been told I look a few years younger than I am but not in underage territory.
Also look great + in shape and still will be in 3 years time :^^^)
You tried your best.
No. 45079
>>45058162.5cm (teensy bit under 5' 4") here and I'll admit I'm jealous of your height.
Some girls are tall but they also have a very masculine bone structure such as wide shoulders and I wouldn't want to be that. Being tall isn't automatically good.
>>45061lmao go back to /r9k/ or 8gag.
No. 45091
>>45064How is 5'10" is abnormally tall and your height of 5'2" not abnormally short?
That's only 3 inches off being a legalised dwarf.
If OP were to ever be attacked at least she'd be able to physically fight back.
You'd be tossed in the back of a blacked out van without any effort at all, taken to some woods and filled in every hole.
No. 45103
>>45091Not that anon but 5'10 is 8 inches above average female height (and exact average for men)
5'2" is only 2 inches below average
No. 45104
>>45058You sound like an insecure dick but good for you if you like your height. I would hate that personally since i would just not feel cute at all but i will normally not grow much
>>45061in between 5"4/5"5. So i am good i guess? 5"5 is not a disadvantage at all tho??…This chart smells like bullshit.
No. 45111
>>45106This. I love being the tallest girl.
You have to be fit / small / skinny, if you are tall and even just slightly fat, it's game over for you, you are litteraly a monster.
No. 45112
>>45091Ah, this argument again. I've seen you on here before.
Tall girls are fucking salty. Every single tall girl in this thread is shitting on people who are shorter, but not a single short girl is dragging down tall girls.
Just get over it. It's height. It's something you literally cannot change. If you feel the need to call short girls hobbits, or unfortunate, or weak ect., then you are just insecure af.
No. 45124
>5'10" is 8" above the average female heightSo you're saying the average female height is 5'2"?
>5'2" is only 2 inches below averageSo now it's 5'4" wut
Also which average female height are you talking about?
You're aware that there's an average that exists within each country, for example in the UK the average for women is 5'3" 1⁄2.
No. 45126
>>45102The fact that you feel that a woman cannot indulge in femininity without being shorter than a man is kind of disgustingly dated and sexist.
Are you the kind of woman that deliberately stoops around shorter men so as not to damage their fragile fee-fees? Pathetic.
No. 45149
>>45147In Asia, no.
In the West, yes.
No. 45172
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>>45119Im 5'6 and being average really bothers me to for some reason lmao. Id rather be tall because shorties usually look fat unless they're super skinny. Being tall and having super long legs just makes you look so much better.
No. 45176
but I'm skinny af and don't really have weird proportions or anything. I do look really young though.
Tall girls are pretty.
No. 45221
>>45202Bitter about not being short or not being tall, because general consensus in this thread indicates that most enjoy or prefer to be taller.
That being said I'm not picking on anybody for their height, I'm just saying I enjoy being tall and would prefer to be taller.
Some of you need to grow a thicker skin and stop looking for slights in everything, christ.
No. 45227
>>45172That picture and the way people comment on it irritates me because that woman on the left may have just been thinking about something or looking into the distance, but because Miranda Kerr walked in front of her and she had the nerve to simply exist in her presence, everyone feels the need to mock and insult her and compare the two as if they're in some sort of competition.
It's bullshit.
No. 45231
>>45226Hmmmm so you gonna show me where "I" said all of that?
You sound salty as fuck about being short tbh.
No. 45237
>>45231No, just that the general consensus is not just "I'm tall and I wish I were a bit taller" and that you're too salty to acknowledge that tall girls can be angry cunts for no good reason lmao.
This thread literally started off slagging short girls, presumably because the OP is a big bitch, there's no running from it.
No. 45241
>>45239Are you fucking stupid? Do you even know what "backpedaling" means? Show me where I said or even implied
you said any of those things.
No. 45250
>>45119>>45172>>45138>>45235I am 5' 1" and feel like it's average. Most of my female friends are around 5' 2"-3" but I have three friends that are sub 5' and one friend that is 5' 10". I wish I was either very short like <5' or noticeably tall like >5' 9". I wish my height would make me either cuter or just beautiful/modelesque. Aside from my shoulders, I am proportionate at my height.
For whatever reason, I also tend to date guys that are >6', but the few that haven't been over 6' have been under 5' 3". Everyone has really liked my height, although everyone seems surprised when they find out I'm 5' 1". People assume I'm 5'4"~5'7" even though I wear flat shoes. I think it's because I have good posture, so when they think of another girl they feel is my height, she looks shorter because she slouches.
Speaking of shoes, I like that my feet are on the small side. I'm jealous of girls with smaller feet than me, though.
No. 45254
>>45241I have this word thing where I get annoyed of my height doesn't match my shoe size.
When I was 18 I was 5'5" and a UK size 5.
When I was 21 I was 5'6" and a UK size 6.
Now that I'm 24 I'm 5'7" and a UK size 6.5.
Also how strange that I continued growing up to age 24.
No. 45255
There is a significant correlation between increased height and IQ. Tall people, keep this in mind when you're reading all of these nonsensical, butthurt posts from hobbits. They are mentally deficient and they can't help it.
No. 45280
>>45250You probably do not want to be less than 5'0"
It sucks. People often think you are a child, or treat you like one anyway. (Thanks OP) Strangers will probably give you and your significant other curious looks, and finding clothes that fit well is difficult. It has some perks though.
>>45221I was referring to the tall girls in this thread who are also making mean comments about short women. It's great that they supposedly enjoy being tall, but the accompanied nasty remarks makes it seem that they're actually more bitter about it than they let on. I don't understand the need to behave all immature over this.
Honestly it just depends on the girl, both tall and short can be really pretty. And as far as I'm aware, most dudes could care less about height and focus more on overall appearance.
No. 45282
>>45270The study is very recent and every participant had a certain degree of education, also all participant were living in The West (Europe,US)
But The IQ hasnt got to do much with education, you can have an IQ over 120 and still get Bad Grades.
Womens and Man's brains are different, Men are better in Strategy while woman are better in Emphaty.
That's why Men dominate Maths and Phsyics while women dominate nursing fields. But at The same time The big mayority of prisoners are male Which proves that Men dont just tend to be more intelligent than women but also more stupid.
No. 45286
>>45280I don't think I would pass as a child to any more people than I already do (maybe one person a month thinks I'm 10 years younger than I am, but they are super old people who are probably half blind).
My short friends are not mistaken for being children, and their bodies are also way flatter than mine.
No. 45306
>>45296>>45296Well, my friends and I are all asian and mostly interact with other asians, so maybe that's why. It probably helps that my 4'10 and 4'11" friends always wear business or business casual and have since high school…
People tend to think I'm younger when I wear jeans and tshirts, so that's probably a factor. I also have somewhat larger tits for an asian girl… so it would be weird to think I'm a child
No. 45387
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>mfw I'm only 5'7"Kekla'Kek
No. 45899
>>45875>>45451>>45387I was going to accuse this of being one chick samefagging and responding to a gif of herself, but I really hope you're actual farmers because that means we're not all salty cunts dedicated to attacking other girls and calling them ugly/fat/big-nosed/skinnyfat.
My personal tastes be damned, this is a good sight.
No. 45906
>>45899Well idk about the other posters complimenting her but I'm the one posting her and I'm most certainly not her (sadly).
She is gorgeous though.
Shame her hair in this is a wig, she looks stunning with it long.
No. 46069
>>46050Quite the opposite actually, a lot of us feel awkward and nervous and smaller girls because it makes us feel like
>>46068 described.
No. 46220
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reminder that Taylor is actually like 5 foot 7/8 and OP and other 5 foot 10 girls are disgusting: No. 46222
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>>46221yeeesss that's why the picture says fake lanklets, celebrities fake their heights all the time, in the video you can see Jake being measured without shoes and he is between 5 9 and 5 10 but he barelly reaches 5 10 and he is way taller than tailor.
pic related
No. 46223
>>46222He also had his legs parted and is slouching tho.
In other news, taylor swift got yet another bf? I can't keep up with this woman jesus
No. 46336
>>46313Doing it because it pleases "the boiz teehee xD" is pitiful.
Reminds of those bullshit web article, "10 things men HATE about what you're doing to your appearance!".
You should be doing it for yourself; do you possess any autonomy whatsoever?
No. 47117
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>>45058I'm 165cm short and quite content with it even though the average male height here is 180cm.
Height in woman isn't a huge deal to me
No. 47142
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>>46828why do little shits always insist on posting their age like anyone gives a shit
fucking wew lad
No. 47652
>>45058This thread omg. Only women would get so hell-bent and salty over something as stupid as height.
>inb4 fck off nckburd Not a man.
No. 47655
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>>47652>He thinks men don't care about heightEver heard of the misc, r9k, or fit?
No. 47668
>>47665you can tell you've
triggered someone when they pull out the "projection" card
No. 47686
>>47652You think the manlet meme was made by women?
Also see
>>45061Literally retarded
No. 48669
>>48607Nobody is crying.
Godoy guys are so creepy.
No. 77729
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I do not understand all of you shorties that don't like tall guys. Why?
That's one of my favorite things about my relationship. Sometimes, I even wish my boyfriend were maybe an inch taller.
>me: 5'2"
>him: 6'4"
>it's nice
No. 77744
>>77689>>77699>>77729Got into ldr with guy who is 6'1". I'm 5', and this is the tallest guy I've ever dated. I'm just worried it would look/be extremely awkward when we finally meet…
How do you even have sex at that height difference. (most porn I've looked for, they're similar heights, or tall girl/manlet fetish stuff…)
No. 77754
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>>77749Also, holding hands looks less like this…
No. 77755
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>>77754and more like this.
No. 77764
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No. 77773
>>77772I'm a manlet with normal proportions except my waist. I have to get everything altered to fit my tiny-ish waist and everything just makes me look big, and not in a good way.
At least you'd make a good swimmer!
No. 77782
>>77777Sick ass quints
I assumed "farmers" was more gender neutral, but k. I assumed we weren't edgy teens from PULL. Not too many acceptable sites discuss lolcows
No. 77839
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I don't know how accurate this is (who the fuck is into a chick who's 4'8"?) but it's an okcupid study from 2010.
No. 77859
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I think im 5'10. Is that right if im 180 cm?
>>77839>>77849Can't really figure out what 4'8 is but as long as its not downright midget, i see no problem. Short women still look like women to me. There's cute ones and fat ones and annoying ones and so on. Just like regular sized women.
No. 77860
>>77839I draw the line at 5'0.
I love the tiny-ness, I can't deny it.
No. 77870
>>77819Actually I know three couples irl where the girl is tallen than the guy over 10cm. Guys around 168~170/5'7, girls over 180/5'11. It looks weird at first glance, but then you get used to it.
And all these guys seem to have one thing in common - a very high self esteem, so even a tall girl can't overshadow them.
No. 77882
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No. 77883
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No. 77885
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No. 77888
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No. 77981
>>77920This honestly
A silver lining to being short is it helps identify the shallow cunts
No. 77982
>>77755lol fuck, anon that dated mostly tall guys. I can't stress how much more comfortable I am now with current s/o.
>>77766I actually caused one of my exboyfriends slight neck problems because he was constantly looking down to talk to me.
No. 78407
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>>77920Not necessarily. If she is looking for something serious (children), she is smart and understands genetics.
Bitch would have been to date him and break up when things started getting serious.
No. 78428
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>>78407Well true but that just depends on how short of a guy we're talking. I think its vastly in favor of her just being a cunt
No. 78532
>>77862This is exactly like me. Im 5'1, not chubby (yes OP, skinny shorties exist), and have a baby face. Nobody takes me seriously though because they think I'm a teenager :/ I have long legs for a shorty which means I never have to worry about having stumpy legs but that means my torso is a little shorter, but that's easily fixable with A-line dresses, which I adore.
Tall girls are elegant beauties who can pull off boyfriend jeans and maxi dresses. I don't see why you have to pick on us, you guys are cute, too.
I like being short because it matches my personality.
No. 78603
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>>77729Hayden and Wlad are also a qt monster & midge couple at 5' & 6'6.
>>777444'10 with a 6'2 and he's above average. Standing is impossible and missionary hurts. Behind works if I'm on our tall bed and he's on the floor, but we usually just do spooning because then we're both on the same level. Have fun, don't get impaled.
No. 78627
>>78603>>777294'11" and 6'3". Usually I'm not cognizant of the height difference and didn't particularly notice when we started dating till I saw us in a storefront mirror,
"Damn dude you're really tall".
And he looked at me confused, "Did you not notice before?"
at a certain level of shortness
everyone else is tall and you really need outside perspective to recognize
No. 78680
>>45122I get cuddled with ease.
By my taller fiancee or my shorter friends it's all cuddles in the end.
I'm unsure if this is a thing elsewhere but beds in my country come in a large variety of sizes and so far i never have had issues with this except for one shitty hotel i once stayed at but good hotels often have large beds.
Same goes for hospitals i'd get a bigger bed as simple as that.
The only time i've had to dodge things was when i was in asia and even then only in older buildings.
In my own country everything is sized rather well to accommodate tall people.
Do not worry for us we're fine
No. 78682
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I doubt most men care about height at all before women inform them its yet another measurement for feeling better/worse then others.
No. 78742
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Average height women are best, 5'4-5'6
Sidenote, damn asians are shot on average-
No. 85963
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Why are tall women so hateful and bitter?
Like you won't date a guy shorter than you or your height but as soon as those same guys date a short girl that suddenly makes them a pedophile?
Are short people just not allowed to date anyone?
No. 85967
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>>85965I'm a relatively short guy(about 5'8/5'9) and I've noticed a big portion of tall women focus a lot about height. Do they feel insecure about being with a short guy?
Like I've been turned down before by women the same height or an inch shorter than me before and the turning down part didn't really bother me.
What bothered me is when I found out I was being shit talked behind my back by one of them for dating a short asian girl(5'3)
Like why? why so bitter? maybe she was just a cunt but even when I'm on the street with my girlfriend I'd always notice taller girls eye'ing either my girlfriend or me(and not in a good way) and it just makes me wonder why?
Are tall women really that insecure that the only way they'd feel good about themselves is to hate on short people?
(no offense to you anon)
No. 85999
>>85967I'm 5'8 and I don't mind short guys but tbh a lot of short guys have been quite rude about my height. I don't really consider myself super tall but they made me feel like some kind of freakshow even if we were the same height in flat shoes. They got annoyed if I wore heels or shoes with thick soles and they made comments about how being tall was manly or unattractive. I think stuff like that made me slightly less likely to go and flirt with a short guy because I just feel like he wouldn't be attracted to me or want to date a tall girl. I wouldn't make comments like "ew short guys" but I'd be conscious that I was taller and wary about it because the only short guys I've dated never liked my height even though it's only a little taller than average
Maybe I'm only finding the bitchy short people just like you only seem to find bitchy tall people lol
No. 86009
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>>86001lmao when will they learn?
No. 86756
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Dudes irrationally feel emasculated when girl is taller.
I shiggy dig.
>Not taking it in your ass for mama.
No. 86758
>>86739Probably. I'm Hispanic.
So many people assume I'm taller than them until we stand side by side too.
Idk, I'm super lanky with broad shoulders. I project tallness
No. 86761
>>86760It's not that weird.
Ok, it is. I can't help it though.
No. 93014
>>47653>>47655>>47686You're referring to what's the result of persistent PSYOP from paid shill posters that's been running for years. And I could guarantee you that it would hardly be a topic if women didn't care about it so much to begin with. Moreover, men generally don't give a shit about women's height in terms of attraction.
>>78031>There is something kind of hot about a guy that's slightly shorter than me- but his hands, arms, shoulders, feet etc are all bigger than mine.You're attracted to unusually high testosterone men.
No. 93065
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Is too tall guys scary? I'm 195cm (6'5") and live in a pretty tall country but I've been told by girls that they were scared before they met me because of my height and my resting angry face.
No. 93070
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>>93065>being this desperate for attentionNo one cares.
No. 93079
>>93065Yes, I hate seeing male lanklets around. I live in a mostly short area but there are still a few 5'9 and up people around and I'd wish they'd all get out of our wo/manlet teritory. Men more than 8 or 9 inches taller than me really annoy me and freak me out a bit. I'm 4'11 and have to wear 5in heels if I want to get to a "normal" height. I'll be feeling all tall compared to a lot of the women and Mexican manlets and then out of nowhere some tall asshole ruins it. Thank god my bf is 5'8 tbh.
Tall women are qt af and only intimidating in the qt girl sense though.
No. 93138
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>>93135You realize this is an imageboard right? It's a semi-ironic semi-affectionate term like dfc and cowtits. I know a lot of newfags still think it's the "evil scary 4chan rapists and pedos", but honestly outside of a few spergs even on r9k no one cares much if you're a girl. I have more in common with them than I do a tumblrina telling me I'm racist for thinking muslim lolitas look stupid af. I'll never understand how people can go on cgl when they hate the entire rest of the site. Now even an image with the word faggot on it gets 10 replies saying how horrible it is.
Also tons of us are bi and lesbian you know. At least on cgl, if you search through the archives for the surveys you'll find most of us are white bi women in their early 20s.
>>93136I don't care what other people think. I care about not feeling small at least once a while. I don't care much normally but when you want to feel tall and you actually were for a bit. And then someone comes out of nowhere and makes you feel like you normally do it's a bit of a buzz kill.
No. 93139
>>93138What the fuck are you even talking about? I was saying that the phrasing sounded like a robot.
And if the presence of a tall person is a "buzz kill" then I really hope you gain some self esteem in the future.
No. 93140
>>93139That's what I mean. It's standard phrasing. Just the other day an anon was saying we where shaming her by saying cowtits. It was more of a rant in general about how detached all the female orientated boards are now.
Again I'm not sobbing and fucking crying because someone is 5'0. I said "a bit of a buzz kill" aka a tiny thing I don't care about more than if a toilet stall was dirty and I had to go to the next one down. Despite my bitching I'd much rather be 4'11 than 5'6 or taller. Are you projecting or something? It's the height thread aka the complain about your height thread.
No. 93616
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>>46223She's unto Calvin Harris nowadays.
No. 93633
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>>93312>have a similar body type to Ariana grande in regards to muscle tone >have really defined muscle toneKek
Such muscle tone, almost bruce lee tier
No. 95230
>>45061i agree with this, i never wanted to be too tall.
and tall friends i have hate being tall because it rules out a shit ton of guys for them. who the hell wants to date a guy who is shorter than them?