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No. 310316
Rant about Kpop, it's creepy fandoms, and/or it's fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.
Don't racebait·
Don't fangirl. Save that for the Kpop General thread here: >>301262 ·
Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.·
This thread is not about Korean society as a whole. Save that for the Anti-Korean Culture thread here: >>306105 Previous threads:
>>232967>>241117>>252094>>263689>>280708>>288008>>295475>>302973 No. 310333
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>>310327If we aren’t going to separate the threads then stfu and stop baiting about it. Ignore it and continue talking about whatever interests you. Split the threads or shut up.
Anyways, what are your guys thoughts on momoland? Apparently Nancy is
problematic? They added two more members after debut. Their only successful song is bboom bboom. Baam apparently flopped and was criticized for being the exact same song as bboom bboom. Joo E is frequently called the ugliest idol, lol. She looked way cuter in her selfies before their debut and everyone was surprised at her appearance. Idk they’re a mess it seems.
I don’t see them lasting very long in this industry tbh. Also, nit pick but Nancy’s fake baby voice act annoys the living shit out of me.
No. 310344
I would love to shit on lesser known groups, just because I have a weird fascination for them. Too bad there's not much milk on them, but I still like to cringe at the videos. This group laysha is the most "gangnam unnie" I've ever seen.
I hate the sexy/cute thing so much. They are dressed so slutty but still acting like little girls.
>>310333I kind of liked Bboom Bboom as a meme song (but hated the rap part). Them releasing Baam was so shitty lol it was like basically the same song, and in the same year! God forbid a group has a hit song, after that the company just pumps the same shit over and over.
No. 310345
>>310331>>310333learn to take a joke guys. i was making fun of the anons in the last thread.
>>310333they suck. i file them with exid as a group who got memed, blew up, and kept trying to repeat the formula that got them attention. both have ugly, unmemorable members. i like jooe but yeonwoo is too overrated.
No. 310346
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This Hyuna/E-dawn thing is going to give me an aneurysm.
International fans are creaming themselves over this "power couple", they stan an "unbothered queen"! Oh, and apparently Hyuna was carrying Cube single-handedly, it's only a matter of time before they crash and burn without her and she can totally go make her own company, cause that's not at all a hard thing to do. Right.
I agree that the idol dating ban is idiotic, but it exists for a reason and if you don't want any part of it then don't sign the fucking contract! Hyuna's been with Cube long enough that she must have re-signed one or two times by now, she knows what she was signing and chose to not only go against it, but also go against her company's PR decision to deny the allegations like every other company does when there's a dating scandal. Now she has no company and may have played a role in ruining the careers of 9 rookies (10, if E-Dawn doesn't manage to sponge off of her influence).
Well, I hope she's really as unbothered as she's trying to seem cause E-Dawn looks fucking miserable.
No. 310347
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So unbothered, you guys!
No. 310350
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You can tell how much she doesn't care because of how many happy pictures she's posting, it's not transparent at all!
Seriously, though, I'm just salty because all the international fans are fawning over Hyuna's "big dick energy" and the whole thing is just ridiculous to me. Have none of these people ever worked for a company before?
No. 310360
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>>310347i'll say it again
hyuna is so fucking ugly
a literal goblin
No. 310366
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>>310346btw he's losing his hair and the color is awful.
the amount of i-fans who don't even try to understand the situation and continue to shit on korean fans is unbelievable, so much for being woke and accepting. hyuna seriously fucked up his career, they keep saying everything was agreed on and he discussed this decision with other pentagon members, but it sure doesn't seem like it. why tf was it even necessary to come out and make a big scandal, idgi. maybe she did it to spite the management of the company because they refused to do things the way she wanted
>>310365lol maybe she's just that, an evil manipulative woman, that'd be funny tbh.
No. 310368
>>310333wasn't Momoland formed through a survival show? seems weird to add two members after that. It was really lazy to release an identical song to boom boom but I kinda like baam better tbh. It didn't do as well as boom boom did so they'll probably switch to another trend.
>>310346she probably is unbothered since she's been in the industry since forever and could probably live comfortably. also none of her stans want to point out how weird it is for her to get involved with some trainee when she was such an important figure at cube as they say. that being said I don't think she manipulated him or anything. he probably wouldn't have bounced back from a scandal like that anyways so he might as well stick with her.
No. 310369
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>>310368People always assume it's the girlfriend's fault when shit like this happens (the Yoko effect), so I don't want to make assumptions. I just can't see how admitting it benefited E-Dawn or Pentagon at all. So, you think it wouldn't have made a difference if they denied it?
No. 310378
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>>310377For the most part it refers to girls who have had too much plastic surgery, usually a number of the same procedures which leaves them all looking very similar to each other. The name come from a high-class/rick area in Korea where (supposedly) you see these kinds of women often. I guess like the same way LA has a lot of plastic look people there too around the Hollywood area (or so I've heard).
No. 310381
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>>310378Perfect for Halloween
No. 310386
>>310383i feel this way about a lot of "sexy" girl groups tbh
especially the ones that go through a lot of members like rania
that pains me to say because i liked them a lot but..yeah something was off about their company and the way they were promoted and the shit they would post begging for donations and funding and stuff idk
No. 310388
>>310380lip and hip was completely awful from the song to the styling. I kinda liked babe though.
>>310383some of the members used to be cam girls before they joined the group iirc. with the amount of views some of their fancams get I'm surprised none of them have gotten popular like Hani.
No. 310400
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>>310395Sometimes she was styled nicely and it worked for her, such as the Bubble Pop era, I My Me Mine, and Volume Up. Other than that shes really gross and its only gotten worse with all the surgery and the shitty hair that makes her look like a trailer trash crack hoe most of the time. She doesnt even look like a healthy human being anymore lol. I think she rivals Jimin for one of the most overrated freakishly plastic uggos in kpop.
No. 310404
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>>310395>>310360Hyuna’s image is supposed to be some trashy, bold vixen but her off-stage mannerisms and natural looks really don’t suit what she’s going for. She naturally reminds me of a chipmunk yet is styled and packaged as a blow-up doll. It’s really weird.
Also I agree with others on how her and E’Dawn straight up look like crackheads. Hyuna in particular neither looks cute (like in her debut days) nor sexy (like in her Bubble Pop days). She straight up looks spoopy now.
No. 310406
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Cube is clearly trying to turn G-Idle’s Soyeon into the next Hyuna. You have her rapping in the same weird chipmunk voice and hogging stage time in the center. I find the others members to be way more interesting yet the company tries so hard to meme her into being their next golden child.
No. 310411
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>>310408Soyeon’s groupmate Soojin is another case of unneeded plastic surgery. She had big eyes before that were monolids but looked great. Now she looks kinda puffy and bloated. Here’s before
No. 310412
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>>310411And here’s now. I don’t think she needed to get eyelid surgery but I guess you might as well be a bridge troll if you don’t have double eyelids in South Korea.
No. 310414
>>310412ugh her eyes were so cute rip
these idols are making their faces and features look so puffy and swollen even their noses
No. 310427
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>>310333I find it weird that the company decided to add Daisy to the group when she was already eliminated. Turned out it was a really bad choice look-wise lol. She looked okay-ish predebut before her company fucked her face up and turn her into some troll.
No. 310429
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This is her now
No. 310430
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>>310333I think Jooe’s problem is that for some reason, she looks fat. She’s obviously rail thin but her face is bottom heavy and chubby so she looks bigger than she really is and it distorts her face
No. 310435
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Did Tiffany do something to her face again?
That nose tho
No. 310459
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>>310435I fucking hate her nose job with a passion, it ruins her face (not that it was a good nose to begin with) Yeah it's not as bad as Taeyeon/Voldemort's is looking these days, but it's bad. Dicknose ain't cute.
No. 310460
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>>310400Trailer trash crackhoe is such a perfect description for hyunas image kek
No. 310479
>>310467 Compare her face to what
>>310435 posted. I do think she was cute back in the day, when her personality matched her age. Now she's just grating. Also why tf did she cut her hair like that? She genuinely does looks 40 now.
No. 310506
>>310344Yeah I don’t understand the need to insert random daisy raps in the middle of their songs. It caught me off guard when I first heard it and then eventually I got used to it I guess.
>>310345Sorry, anon. I’ve been
triggered from the derailing in the last thread over the topic lol. Finally someone else thinks yeonwoo isn’t anything special. She’s so boring and safe looking. It bugs me how it’s always the most basic looking bitch that’s hyped up.
>>310368Yes they were formed through a survival show. Has anyone had the chance to watch it? I can’t find subbed full episodes anywhere. I don’t understand adding members either. Especially since daisy was eliminated on the show apparently and then they decided SIKE you can join, we suck.
>>310427I actually think daisy looks better now lol. She looked boring before but I guess I’m just used to overly plastic looking idols. I’m more upset about them chopping ahin’s hair off. Shit is fugly.
No. 310510
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>>310430Yeah I’ve noticed that joo e has bulimia face. It’s always fat. She grew on me though. I think she looks super cute in baam. The first time I seen her in bboom bboom I was shocked bc I thought she was hideous but I guess it was the styling. The short bleached hair in pig tails looked fucking horrible. She looks cute with long wavy pink hair.
No. 310511
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Same fag with a better styled joo e. I still think she’s weird looking for an idol but it’s better than boring basic bitch yeonwoo. Dunno why Koreans are obsessed with the same regurgitated look and music.
No. 310513
>>310383>>310344Laysha, Bambino, and similar groups are "dance groups" and aren't promoted like idols cause they aren't. They do primarily covers (with an occasional original song for more popular ones) at club venues and will do physical interactions like lap dances. Not saying idol industry doesn't have '''sponsorships''', but dance groups and idol groups are largely independent of each other.
Also, "Oppa is Trash" is my favorite of those terrible sounding but weirdly endearing, super-low budget songs. Mostly for all the trash shots.
No. 310515
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Holy shit I haven’t kept up with hyuna since she released RED and I’m dying at how fucking ugly she is. I agree that trailer trash crack hoe is perfect for her. I can’t believe she looks so bad! She was already pushing it in red she looked a bit creepy but these pics are fucking Golden. So sad that she destroyed her face but she was never really cute imo to begin with. She looked like a tan skeletor. Pic related, hyuna nightmare fuel
No. 310518
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No. 310538
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This particular image teaser was a huge lie lol
No. 310556
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>>310538wendy confuses me greatly. i often think she’s the prettiest out of all the girls in the music videos and photobooks but in fancams and shows she looks completely different. is she just un-photogenic or do they photoshop her way more than the others?
i was captivated by her solo shot from the ice cream cake mv but when i watched fancams of her she looked completely different.
i still like her, though. No. 310561
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>>310346her letter to cube has been posted
No. 310567
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I just realized now that Dreamcatcher members all look the same. At least there's a twin for one member.
No. 310573
>>310521>thinking the constant shitposting was from stansit's okay brainlet you can still stroke your hate boner here
>>310510Is it really bulimia face though? Because other Koreans often get cheek fillers because that bloated moon face is cute to them, apparently. Same with that fat faced chick from G-idle
>>310346It's so clear on his face this whole scandal took a toll on his mind and health. Hyuna will recover from this but he never will. His group is destroyed, his career is gone before it even started, he's probably still in debt to Cube, all because he really wanted to stick his skinny penis in the older skank.
Wasn't Hyuna rumored to join AOMG? Jay Park's agency? Would be funny if both her and Edawn join her Ex's agency. The irony.
No. 310583
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Feels like Hyuna and E'Dawn are trying to pull of the anti-hero "Joker and Harley Quinn" vibes, complete with the whole "you and me against the world" sentiment barf
No. 310585
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Another one. You get my idea tho.
No. 310591
>>310333>Their only successful song is bboom bboomAnd it was also plagiarized, lmao.
Two songs, one of them is the copy of the first one and the first one is plagiarized. This says it all.
No. 310595
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>>310556Nitpick but that frap drink is so obviously fake.
Anyway, Wendy’s peak was during the Happiness era style-wise. She didn’t have unflattering bangs, an awful jaw shave, and a hair color that washes her out then. She wasn’t skelly and yo yo dieting as much.
No. 310599
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>>310515Imo she looked really good in the Red era, with the healthy looking dark hair and without lizard contacts. While the pic you posted is… NSFL
No. 310605
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Anyone else think EXO's comeback is going to be shit? The promo looks so poorly done, I think SM is doing it on purpose. Seems that NCT is getting all the budget.
No. 310607
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>>310595why would it be fake? that's a pretty standard size in asia.
No. 310629
>>310607>>310613also considering their diet restrictions i highly highly doubt they would let them drink something so caloric and sugary
i'm sure this has been touched on in previous threads, but i cant get over how cringey korean hip hop is. but i cant decide which is worse, the rappers or the crowds they attract. everytime they pan to the crowd i die a little inside
No. 310714
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what is wrong with people, can someone explain this shit to me?
Just saw the kpop thread bumped and lost faith in humanity.
No wonder kpop artists get treated like cattle by their companies, when their fans think like Harvey Weinstein in a hotel room alone with an upcoming actress.
No. 310741
>>310736honestly just stop complaining and post what you want
idk why people get mad like..just post whatever and if it warrants responses it will get them
No. 310744
>>310714What about this
triggered you, anon? If you think this is bad, you must have a panic attack everytime you go on /g/
No. 310761
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>>310711I think her stylist was trying to give her the wispy bangs look that’s popular in Korea right now. The issue is that they’re hard to pull off when oil ends up accumulating there and your hairline’s naturally messed up.
No. 310778
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>>310770Doubleposting. I checked that place again (out of curiosity and self-hatred) and this gif has over 400 upvotes. I find it disturbing that there are people out there fapping to TWICE members dressed in infantile, cheap-looking schoolgirl cosplay.’d post the gif itself here but I’m tech illiterate.
No. 310824
>>310820she has a legitimate eating disorder not even just "dieting" like the average korean
that shit can destroy and distort your body and face
but lbr it was jaw surgery too and now her mouth is hideous
No. 310952
>>310948you saw a person wearing kpop merch
No. 310957
>>310948>being this triggered over a few posts about hyuna when bts takes up ENTIRE fucking threadsyou need to chill
you're acting like people from soshified who used to get annoyed when they have to have their own
seperate snsd threads because they spend DAYS rehashing the same shit over and over again and get upset if anyone dares to change the subject because they shit up entire forums
you can post whatever you want and just ignore the complaints(and there will be complaints because yall are annoying af)
its not hard
No. 310971
>>310960Fucked, but i wonder if he'll be the next idol to an hero. If he and hyuna break up… rip in pentagons.
Hopefully he'll just find a new sugar mama though.
No. 311011
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>>310998Yep. As
>>311004 implies, Hui from Pentagon was caught in a relationship with G-Idle's Soojin. The company said that they're no longer together.
I don't buy it and think they're just dating on the down-low as of now. Both are from the same company and are in rising rookie groups. Cube can't risk another potential financial loss.
No. 311046
>>311020show me the money is so fucking cringey
especially when they bring on idol rappers and 13 year olds
No. 311053
Jennie always seemed like a basic bitch for me, but try to see BP fans shielding this gif is too much. Lisa is taking off her socks and it's just so natural for them that Jennie doesn't even look at her, like Lisa is expected to do this for her. But since she was going to massage her feet is just friendly banter.
Intl BP fans seem to be more able to look through Jennie's bullshit, tho.
>>310736To be honest, it was getting really boring because it looked like everytime a fun topic came up, someone would be like "Tee hee look how Jimin looks like a lizard boi in this selfie!" and the thread would turn to shit about how fugly Jimin is.
Like, yeah we get it, the dude looks like he was ran over by a truck, but at least let's talk about a different thing for once.
No. 311065
>>311061I feel bad for Lisa. She's carrying the group when it comes to performances but doesn't get paid as much as is treated worse than the other members cuz she's foreign.
Jennie really does give me the impression that she's stuck up and looks down on Lisa. She's basically the most popular member of BlackPink yet she has the worst attitude and performance skills. I can understand why she'd be arrogant.
No. 311066
>>311053I got really surprised when I found out Jennie was the most popular out of the group and for being elegant and beautiful nonetheless. I do think she's cute and even pretty but she looks very ordinary, there's nothing exceptional about her. And I don't get the whole "she looks expensive" stan catchphrase when basically every idol is styled the same, she just wears a bit more chanel than the others, groundbreaking.
I think looking like a massive cunt is part of her charm tho, but when I realized bp got their aegyo switch on all the fucking time I got disappointed, sometimes I don't even understand who their audience is.
No. 311068
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>>311065Fans are really trying to push the narrative Lisa does all of this because she is oh so kind. Look at this comment:
"As someone who is watching BP vids most of the time, Jisoo and Jennie usually orders Lisa around. Lisa does their household chores especially washing the dishes. Jisoo even JOKED that it's only every Lisa's birthday that she doesn't do the dishes. During a radio show, the members said Lisa pays for their food when they get delivery. I think Lisa is just that type of person. No need to make a big deal out of it."
I really don't think Lisa is doing all this just because she is kind. Maybe if the rest of the BP members weren't such bitches they would actually stand up and do something to help her, or offer to pay.
>>311066The only reason she is called the Human Chanel or whatever is because she looks natural in it: as she already grew used to being showered in expensive shit since she was born in a rich family.
No. 311075
>>311061>>311065>>311068It sounds like Lisa is being bullied when she's one of the few people with talent in that group. Sad.
Korean bully culture is pretty shit and accepts this kind of behavior.
No. 311081
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>>311068>>311061>pushes Lisa out of the photo on purpose They see her as subhuman because she south east asian
No. 311083
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>>311075Yeah, she actually looks like she has passion for what she is doing. The other look like they really hate to be there, but I guess that's trendy since their images are of being spoiled brats.
I really wouldn't be surprised if something like T-ara happens to them.
You really don't have to look bored to look cool. Really, you don't.
No. 311092
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i still don't understand wtf is up with ViVi's nose, she along with Choerry both look like lizards
No. 311093
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>>311092pic related is her in comparison with other members
No. 311098
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>mfw when lisa is compared to a goddess in south korea>>311092>>311093Although Choerry looks ugly she can at least look human, but I can only feel bad for Vivi because she entered alien territory way long ago. Tried to look for pictures before her awful jaw shaving surgery but I don't seem to find anything.
She also doesn't seem to be good at anything in particular and she was given the worst solo song. Overall, she's an eyesore to Loona.
No. 311100
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>>311098>>311092choerry has some potential IMO but the styling they did for her in High Hi made her look like a goblin lol
No. 311101
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>>311100Maybe I'm nitpicking but I really hate her teeth, I really think she would look pretty if not for her teeth. I found out idols with this particular mouth shape and teeth are called "turtle idols" i.e Choerry, Yeri and Yoongi. Here's the catch: all of them look awful.
No. 311109
>>311101her teeth look way too unnaturally white and big for her mouth. she looks like a snake.
>>311093to be honest, a lot of LOONA members are just really plain looking. the only ones that stand out to me are Go Won, Haseul Heejin and Chuu.
No. 311110
>>311100Really, anon? I think they look too small and it looks weird.
I agree to Chuu and Haseul looking cute and interesting. What I don't understand tho is everyone's obsession with Jinsoul.
No. 311118
>>311085>>311089Yep. I mean, Lisa and Jennie don't seem particularly close/amicable as Jisoo and Jennie, so Jennie treating Lisa like this comes off more like cold than playful.
>>311083Looking at Rose in the background and maybe it's just a bad moment but she doesn't really seem into their performance.
No. 311123
Hasuel is genuinely one of Loona's best looking and most unique faces. I just hope they don't fuck up her looks with PS (or even more PS) or shitty styling which they do all the fucking time. Not only that, she's pretty great at singing, but dancing not so much. Then again, KPOP groups never focus on strengths, only ever on visuals and local and intl appeal.
As for Vivi, she's not only untalented but looks uncanny. How tf did she get in the group?
Vivi, Hyunjin, Yeojin, Cheorry, Gowon, and Olivia are the members I dismiss bc they don't really offer anything to the group.
>>311110Jinsoul is popular cos of her solo , and the fact she has a lot of potential to be a soloist. But in a group with 12 members I don't see how that's possible.
No. 311124
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>>311123samefag fogot image imo
i really like loona, but seeing how everyday i start to dislike kpop more and more. i don't see myself supporting them with my money like why are physicals so damn important in Korea?
No. 311128
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>>311118People usually complain that they managed to form cliques in a 4 people group, that being Jennie/Jisoo and Rose/Lisa but it honestly just comes off as it being bullies/bullied.
I'm sure there is a reason behind them forming those cliques, tho.
>>311123Yeah, but just look at how they're hiding her when they debuted as a full group. She barely has lines and that's because she's not a popular member.
Remember when they went to Mix Nine and YG was licking Heejin's and Hyunjin's asshole and bashing Haseul? Lookism at its finest.
No. 311133
>>311068>>311053This isn't how you treat a friend or a coworker.. I like Lisa, she's like the only member of Blackpink who actually cares about giving a good performance. I hope they aren't treating her even worse off-stage
Maybe the case for Lisa is more because she's a foreigner but I feel like despite their "the cute innocent baby of the group" image, maknaes get treated like shit a lot by their bandmates and it disturbs me. Not that being 20 years older than someone excuses treating them horribly but most of the time these group members dont't even have a huge age gap, it's 3-5 years at most.
No. 311135
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>>311130I don't understand how Kim Lip ended up taking over the leader position, alhtough I do admit Loona was flopping before Eclipse and before they moved on to more EDM sounding songs.
Maybe it's just me but Kim Lip really gives off the iljin vibe.
Oh, and now Haseul is basically stuck babysitting for Yeojin who is nothing but a deadweight to the group, which can't move towards more mature concepts because they have a 15 year old in among them.
>>311133Besides her being the maknae, is obvious Korean people are racist agains SEAs, so just imagine that. I think they can get away as just friendly banter by blocking her in pics and calling her a witch while streaming because it's obvious Lisa can't do anything against it. It's just a person making shitty jokes and another person unable to do anything about it.
No. 311143
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>>311140To add on, I also get an iljin vibe from Kim Lip. She's not ugly but it's just something about her face that makes it seems like she'd easily beat up people. She's also another unfortunate victim of unneeded plastic surgery in that she looked fine without double eyelids and a nosejob.
No. 311148
>>311143>>311140Yeri is the classic case of paid her way into the group. Red Velvet would be just fine without her addition. I'm glad they were able to keep their Velvet side, but Irene does seem pissed about it, if you ask me.
And I don't know what you are talking about with Yeri being good at varieties, tho. She seems to be moving into a luxuorious image, so she has been over the top with the bitchy and silent image.
Lucky enough for them, Yeri doesn't seem too fond of the childish image like Yeojin does so she is able to pretend she is mature.
>>311143I wonder if this is a result of her wanting to have a tough image. If I didn't know her I would bet she was about to spit some HoT FiRe rAp
No. 311157
>>311135the group hasn't even been together for a full year yet lol I doubt they would move onto a mature concept anytime soon either way. but seeing the dance for sweet crazy love I doubt they would care about having an underage member do mature dances.
>>311155it basically means a bully.
No. 311162
>>311155usually its used to refer to idols that were "bad kids" in school
smoking, promiscuity, drinking, beating up other kids etc
it was used a lot especially in the t-ara scandal when fans found jiyeons webcam nudes and "proof" that hyomin was in a girl gang that prostituted themselves for cigarettes and beat up other girls just for fun
basically its just the korean word for delinquent
No. 311163
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>>311157It's not about whether they give a fuck about an underage girl doing sexy dances, it's just that she doesn't fit the concept. If they do move towards a sexy concept, she will look out of place. She already looked out of place in favOrite and it even wasn't all that.
We know Korea doesn't care about sexualizing teenagers.
No. 311193
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Idk I think you guys are being too sensitive about the lisa thing. The girls have lived together for more than 5 years and the way they treat each other seems natural of friends that are around each other 24/7. Maybe I’m just in denial from watching Blackpink tv all day on YouTube today but they really all seem to care for each other. Sometimes friends pick on each other and get a bit annoyed, it’s normal. I do notice even in the show that Jennie is very stand offish of Jisoo and Lisa and she seems closer to rose but other than that they all seem to get along.
I think Jennie gives off a certain vibe that makes her seem rude or unapproachable but the more you watch her you can see that’s not the case. I actually really like Lisa and I don’t feel the members treat her bad at all.
I get the theory about them thinking they’re better due to Lisa being SEA but let’s face it, she speaks perfect Korean and is the best performer and dancer in the group. They Can’t be blind to that fact. Plus Lisa doesn’t even look SEA anymore after those glutathione injections and nose job lol, pic related.
No. 311203
>>311193>I get the theory about them thinking they’re better due to Lisa being SEA but let’s face it, she speaks perfect Korean and is the best performer and dancer in the group. They Can’t be blind to that fact. Plus Lisa doesn’t even look SEA anymore after those glutathione injections and nose job lol, pic related.Can the Lisa/BP general stanning please stop. Not the thread for it.
Blackpink is a fucking
terrible group and Lisa is very much included.
Mediocre dancer, awful rapper, terrible singer. And her on-camera persona is obnoxious af.
BP has negative amounts of talent. And their stans rival BTS for most annoying delusional fandom.
No. 311300
>>311297>No other big pop producing country has this cultureJapan has it even worse and it applies to more than just pop stars. Anime VAs have similar problems with it.
But anyways, they still signed up for this. I don't feel bad for them at all.
No. 311306
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Nayeon looks like the female version of Rat Monster
No. 311307
>>311297They weren't fired for dating, cube was fine with that. They were fired for going public by themselves after cube denied the rumours.
They basically went against their bosses and damaged the product (the boygroup) in the process, and from a business point of view I get it. Had they just continued dating in secrecy they would both still have an agency and edawn would have a career in front of him.
No sympathy
No. 311327
>>311314Not gonna lie, seeing her going from being an idol to being at a carnival as a vendor gave me a hearty chuckle and now I feel bad.
I really can't bring myself to feel bad for Kyla situation, tho. She stood out in the group like a sore thumb and she wasn't even talented, so…
No. 311381
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So it’s speculated that Sana has gotten more work done on her face recently. It’s really going int Gangnam unnie territory.
No. 311402
>>311384I really wonder how does that work. Like, take Miss A for example. Of course they want to be more famous than one another but they still got cash from Suzy being the only one succeeding. So do they get mad at her… or thankful…?
>>311381That fucking nose bridge lmfao. She's got a Himezawa beak now. I always find funny how Koreans think that the taller the nose bridge is the more luxurious looking the face is, but it looks horrible actually.
No. 311403
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>>311385Lol Wonho from Monsta X wore the same one
No. 311412
>>311403Does anyone know when or how this visual trend started?
I know idols have always been feminized and infantalized as fan service but it seems like in the last 5-8 years it got a lot worse for male idols. Even the "top visuals" of the last few years have all been pretty small and feminine looking compared to the idols of the 2nd generation like Siwon, Taecyon, T.O.P,.
What happened?
No. 311426
>>311412K-pop really just keeps up with whatever the trend is. Fans think male idols wearing feminine clothing and accesories makes them feminist unbothered legends. They use the flower boy look to appeal to people who get drawn to woke agendas since being fake woke is the trend nowadays.
I also noticed that especially boy groups are wearing bondage harnesses and belts often recently, it's probably the stylists trying to keep up with the BDSM imagery trend.
No. 311443
>>311426Yeah the stylists are just following trends and what teenagers are into at the moment but I'm not just talking about the chokers and flower crowns or styling, I'm talking about their bodies and physical features too.
For example, compare the top visuals of the last gen: Siwon, Taecyon, TOP to the top visuals of this gen according to local Korean ranking AND international: V, Kang Daniel, Taeyong, and Jimin I guess
They went from tanned, tall, muscular, masculine facial features, kinda rugged(as rugged as an idol can be I guess) to short, skinny, pale bodies(minus V) with feminine facial features and behavior.
Was there a demographic shift or something?
No. 311458
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>>311443I'm sure it had started since the 1st gen of Kpop but it wasn't a trend back then. Moon Hee Joon of H.O.T would be a good example for this, but he was so crappy-looking (and still are lol) that his fans probably only liked him for his voice.
Then came along Jae Joong of TVXQ with his style, which was very notable back then because of him being the only (?) femininized guy in the Kpop scene. That being said, his body was nicely built for a man so he wasn't on BTS level of feminine.
Fast forward to 2011, I'd say Boyfriend (and maybe some other groups that debuted in the era) made the trend popular again. They didn't wear so much makeup, but their figures are less built than their predecessors in the Kpop scene. Not to mention the twins who were assigned to looking more feminine than the rest of the members by their agency.
Then it just got worse since then, with the peak reached in 2013 I think? I'd choose any boy group before that over BTS and the likes lol.
No. 311482
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Do you guys think Tzuyu is truly a nAtURaL?
No. 311507
>>311458Good post. I always thought Jaejoong and Heechul had something to do with it but this gives a more clear timeline of the trend. It's interesting. I wonder if the trend will die off any time soon and the old look comes back or if something completely new will become popular?
>>311461This reads like it was written by r/Asianmasculinity though. The whole "America and Asian women who want to destroy Asian men DID THIS" seems a bit…far fetched. Had a hearty chuckle when they pointed out the Asian women who shill pretty boys don't date Asians IRL
No. 311510
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>>311502It's been a thing since forever I'd say.
No. 311513
>>311443I think we’re just getting older while the new kpop groups get younger. I was into Big Bang and shinee back in the day, they had eras of wearing a lot of makeup and being “pretty”. The flower boy thing is new, like the I Need U era of BTS, but it’s not like all kpop boy groups were manly men pre-bts.
There’s also the occasional modern boy group member whose pretty built up, like Ravi from Vixx and Shownu from Monsta X. I hate the scrawny boy look, before anyone accuses me of defending it lol I just didn’t get into muscles until I was older and most teen girls aren’t into big guys.
No. 311517
>>311461>>311486The first article sounds like a wacky conspiracy theory, kek.
I looked up the authors and it was written by Asian Americans from those Reddit race forums who don't understand Kpop's target audience and think all women only like fat muscles and beards.
No. 311525
>>311315she probably saw the comments about her weight and fucked off and i dont blame her
remember how umji started covering her face in performances? idol life isnt kind in the first place much less to girls who dont fit the idol standard
No. 311615
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>>310316Sleep tight Kpop Critical Thread
No. 311623
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>>311615i hate the korean eyebrow look. instagram eyebrows may have been bad, but k-beauty brows are even worse. they're always super unnatural colors, don't match the hair on their head, and the hairs never blend in with the makeup, it's just kind of, there.
No. 311626
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Jinsoul looks plastic as fuck.
No. 311628
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>>311626lmao what the fuck. mannequin lookin ass
on another note, anyone find it weird how similarly jinsoul and kimlip look/are styled? it makes choerry stand out a lot in oec
No. 311630
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Yeah, these edits are made by fans without self awareness for what actually looks god
No. 311653
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i cant believe they did this hair to one of the most popular visuals in momoland. like why wouldn't they even at least re-dye where it was fading at the crown of her head?? the green itself wasn't that bad ig, but the faded color was tragic. gave me flashbacks to some weirdos at my hick high school who had dyed their hair green and never did anything else with it for a while and it just looked like swamp vomit. ugh.
No. 311657
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>>311623It's not only that they don't match the hair on their head, but they don't match the color of their own eyebrows too… They have this strange habit of using brown pencil (never black) with copper undertones on black eyebrows, and it stands out so much. Like… just bleach your eyebrows if you hate the color black so much
No. 311829
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>>311653This shit right here. I thought I was the only one who felt this way about Nancy’s snot hair. She chopped it shorter and now it’s back to Black/dark brown but it still looks ugly. Should’ve kept the long hair bc this doesn’t suit her at all. I think her neck is too thick for short hair.
No. 311831
>>311816tbf Hyuna is more popular internationally than btob so they probably wouldn't know who cubes top money maker is. gg stan twitter is filled with idiots and trolls though so I doubt they care anyways
>>311579apparently bts already renewed their contracts with bighit for another 7 years. I haven't seen a contract renewal that long before.
No. 311844
>>311833lmao here's to Jennie looking alive on stage on her own cos Lisa and Rose have been hard carrying her lazy ass
>>311836it might be successful, good looks and media play can get you farther than talent and hard work
No. 311862
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>>311861post caps next time
No. 311865
>>311582>>311601i should have clarified that that is something KNETZ say to insult her
they did the same thing to Sooyoung and Luna
its not sensible
No. 311902
>>311482She obviously whitened the shit out of her skin, which is a shame. Aside from that shes probably more natural than most others.
>>311628I scrolled past this too fast and thought it was a cute shoop of the same girl. Jesus christ.
No. 312037
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V bought some shit modern art to push his artfag image and now ARMY are acting like these paintings don't look like a four year old made them with finger paints.
No. 312046
>>312037He'll probably make a good amount of money out of this thanks to the retard's fans who see him as their ~~most handsome man alive, quirky but misunderstood, genius in disguise bf~~. They are such easy cashcows, they'll cry that people are using their boys for attention yet they'll click at any video that might include BTS at the slightest.
Also, Taehyung's art hoe persona is so obviously fake, he reminds me of the pseudo intellectual sad boys with van Gogh profile pics who think they are too deep for other people to understand. I don't understand why whoever in Bighit's marketing team thought giving him the art hoe persona was a good idea.
No. 312054
>>311844>lmao here's to Jennie looking alive on stage on her own cos Lisa and Rose have been hard carrying her lazy assShe will most likely have background dancers carrying the stage for her lmao
>>311862Really? They decided to submit the shittiest singles? Even Idol was better than Fakeu Lov imo
No. 312063
>>312059I don't think BTS is the most terrible group ever but their music is nowhere worth a Grammy. Almost all of their releases since 2016 have been so weak. If they get nominated but don't win, armys will keep bitching about it forever, I can see them attacking Grammy's recording academy and the artists who won instead of BTS like
"My boys have been robbed because they are poc artists and Grammy is xenophobic!! #GrammyIsOverParty"
"I'm not surprised close-minded Grammy couldn't understand the true meaning and depth of BTS' music…"
No. 312064
>>312062 a media mess to be honest, it would likely get coverage from different sites and I wouldn't mind one bit… especially since a lot of armies are POC…
>>312063 bts may not be the most terrible group of all time but they have nastiest fans and i think thats what fuels people to shit on bts more than their own music to be honest
No. 312072
So Hanteo has admitted to fabricating its charts to make sales from China count less than sales from Korea. They posted an apology, but they only posted it in Korean at first, meaning Chinese netizens are now furious at the rudeness of not only faking chart results to bias Korean sales but then not even bothering to hire a translator for the apology (they have now had to post an apology in Chinese after the backlash).
Most of this manipulation affected EXO sales, so as expected, ARMY are throwing tantrums.
More milk here: No. 312087
>>312085The fans definitely deter people from kpop. I got into kpop back when the headlines were that girl poisoning DBSK with superglue, anti-fans assaulting Hangeng, and 2PM getting period blood letters with pubes.
Seeing all that crazy shit happening made me avoid other fans like the plague even though I thought foreign fans were more sane than Korean fans. Now looking at the 'new generation' of foreign kpop fans I'm starting to wonder if they're just as crazy, if not more. Seeing what happened to EXO and now BTS, I'm starting to really pity idols and what they have to deal with.
No. 312168
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>>312162We talked about that in a past thread, shes scary small
No. 312173
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I seen a post a little bit earlier asking about Jennie’s bullying scandal and I forgot to reply w/ caps but here’s an article explaining what happened anon who I can not find rn lol
No. 312174
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No. 312177
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It’s so weird seeing the izone akb members super white washed. They aren’t even that dark to begin with, so I don’t understand why they need to make them even paler.
No. 312212
>>312162>>312168the clip from the show
I'm glad the doctor called out that she's very underweight
No. 312258
>>312246*interesting trainees
Felt the need to clarify that most of PD48’s participants were still training.
I also wanted to bring up the fact that the show allowed a fucking fourteen year old to dance provacatively to Side to Side—which for the uninformed is about taking a huge dick up your hoo-ha. Mnet’s gross and is run by pedos. Fans not making a bigger deal out of this also says something.
No. 312289
>>312212>>312238I see a lot of koreans obsessed with being around 45kg or less
Why this number in particular? 50+ is perfectly healthy and thin
No. 312296
>>312289Interesting. I’ve seen comments about 50kg and under being the perfect number. Still not that healthy but a bit more reasonable.
Huge generalization but I also think Koreans are a little more lenient if the person’s taller. Girl’s Day’s Yura admitted to weighing 52kg at 170cm once and lots of these comments say that she’s too thin. No. 312407
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Kendrick Lamar is a poor idiot compared to BTS, right ARMYs?
No. 312428
>>312407I know right. I'm not even a hip-hop fan and even
I know that Kendrick has more talent in a single eyelash than every member of BTS has or will ever have in their entire bodies.
But no, surely their manufactured plastic oppas deserve better than a Pulitzer prize winner.
>>312411It's so fucking arrogant.
BTS and Bighit need to seriously get over themselves. And ARMYs need to fuck off back under their rocks.
No. 312448
>>312411They submitted for a bunch of things including pop duo/group. I think they've submitted fake love to 2 categories and the album to like 3 or 4, I don't remember. But I know they're submitting to many categories to increase their chances of nomination.
I really thought they'd at least submit Mic Drop Remix for best electronic track or best remix or some shit
No. 312531
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am i the only one who thinks this wouldnt be horrible if breakfast and dinner were switched?
i mean its not ideal for all the time, and i would personally add more protein to each meal but ive seen worse
No. 312533
>>312133which one is crippling depression and I cry after every concert?
>>312454Well you can still see annoying ass harries talking about the grammys
No. 312570
>>312387Grammy has been flopping hard for the last years but it still holds a name as an important music award show, BTS getting a Grammy would be a huge downgrade.
>>312407They really think Tear was a good album.. It wasn't. It was such a public pleasing album, what artistic integrity are they even talking about? Get over yourself, Bighit.
No. 312681
>>312672*soloists and bands
>>312674Fans would do what they normally do when their favourite idol looses, claim the show is rigged and that the award was ~irrelevant~ anyway.
No. 312691
>>312619If bts wins/loses any of the categories, its the end of their career either way. If they lose, ratmys will definitely do something racist like
>>312061 says, knowing black twitter will dig up bts dirt and expose it. If they win, it will be like the whole sza vs alessia cara situation. Armies will defend through their racist shitty ways, they are called out (gibson situation as proof) plus bts shitty past too. After all this goes down, bts will never be as successful in the US as before. Good riddance.
Their LY albums cannot be compared to even the shittiest of albums in america. So who are they? gtfoh
No. 312741
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apparently this is old news, but it's big on girlschannel right now. it's girlschannel, so obviously the comments go straight to "ban all koreans" and aren't a reflection of everyone, but it's enough to guess it's going to cause a bit of trouble. one of the last big anti-japan kpop scandals was when a tvxq video left japan off a map and ex fans then posted an old video of changmin pulling a stalker out a car and throwing her to the ground, so with any luck this could bring other bts scandals to light while fake love comes out in japan. No. 312743
>>312737was them not being granted an exemption confirmed? i saw articles about bts signing to bighit for another 7 years and it says
>The lengthy timespan also allows for the group to remain together through impending hiatuses from the mandatory military service South Korean men are required to fulfill. what does that even mean lol?
source: No. 312764
>>312557This is so fucking boring. All that hype and this is the best they could come up with?
And why does Lisa have a single line when she's the only one with a semblance of talent? Her voice sounds different than the other bitches too
No. 312779
>>312776There's a big difference between recognizing the Japanese occupied and killed Koreans and putting a bombing that left thousands of civilians dead because "Yay, no more nasty Japs!"
Your baby boy is a racist.
No. 312797
>>312789Both he and V have that nationalist superiority complex where they believe Koreans are better than everyone else.
Hopefully when the Grammys snub them that help them realize that America has just been humoring the latest new funny novelty all along.
No. 312862
>>312852But it was government officials who started the whole "idols getting exemption" thing, not armys or fans of any group. Afaik all fans are aware it would be social suicide to not enlist
Koreans already hate how celebrities (not just idols) get special treatment in the military, to give them an exemption would be a very terrible idea.
No. 312870
>>312858i agree, i didn't mean to say that bts deserves to get an exemption. bts being in billboard's hot 100 is nowhere equal to getting a medal in the olympics, which is as you said, something that everyone respects. i don't think south koreans would be okay with it. if they did get an exemption and chose not to go, they would get a huge backlash and probably wouldn't even be able to go out anymore.
>>312862i might be wrong but wasn't that man who talked about bts getting an exemption a politician who was trying to appeal to the younger generation for votes? i know that most of the south koreans who don't care about kpop idols wouldn't react to it positively but i see international kpop fans talking about their faves getting an exemption a lot, they get happy at any news that might be a chance for idols not enlisting.
No. 312889
>>312857iirc a Dispatch article talked about artists tabloids can't catch dirt on and BTS was one of them. It said something about how whenever they go out they're together or going to restaurants and gaming places, which makes it hard for journalists to catch them doing something shady.
But I remember watching a clip of some show where Heechul investigates dating scandals and he had an interview with a journalist who said sometimes big companies will bribe a journalist with dirt on other companies in exchange of never writing about their own company for a specific period of time. This interview was pretty old but it really made me think.
No. 312937
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No. 312938
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No. 312943
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No. 312944
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No. 312945
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Spam over. This is sickening.
No. 312948
dispatch definitely gets paid by bighit to keep their mouths shut. I have a feeling that bighit is worse than other companies.
>>312557dua lupaxbp song wins the ASIAN award for the most horrible song of the day/week(a year is a stretch, bts, nct and exo are candidates for the grand award). Breathy and dry ass vocals done at best of their capability. Army wins the most delulu fandom of the year award at a landslide. Gangnam unnie of the day goes to tiffany
No. 312953
>>312950You do realize they're all teenagers, the oldest ones are only 18, the youngest are like 15/16. Abuse also isn't as simple as "just fight back", you sound like one of those people who discredit battered women by say "if it was that bad you would've left"
Abuse is rumored to be common in the industry and people like Jay Park has even talked about the subject so i have no doubt these kids were being beat
No. 313045
Seok Cheol also recorded audio of the CEO in response to being told Seok Cheol was going to the press about the abuse:
>If you’ve entrusted [someone] with something, than you need to leave it alone even if they beat you to death. If you make the paper as a celebrity, you won’t have any ground to stand on, you [censored]. Who’s going to [censored] take in a kid with problems? You can’t make a big deal out of this, you can’t. Your parents will just be more upset. Ten times more upset than they are now.
>then you need to leave it alone even if they beat you to deathAlthough the recording captures him saying this, the CEO just came out with a public apology basically saying he had no idea any abuse was going on.
>>312967They've been abused since 2015. The leader is only 18, so assuming he's the oldest, other members were being beaten by a grown man when they were only 12-13. Even if they have the physical power now, there's way too much psychological trauma to fight back.
With the debt incurred from training and debuting and the hierarchical age culture of Korea, I'm surprised this isn't a more common occurrence
>>312967Yeah, I agree, as sad as it sounds. I know there was money and blackmail going on, but the idea the kids were enduring literal torture for the chance to make it big or even just to do music…
No. 313065
>>313046Those fags still say selca? Cant they just say selfie just like other normal non-koreans? oppa sounds so damn cringey. I feel like punching someone whenever I come across the whole "oppa","oppar" shit. They make me hate the korean language(not like I care about it).
>>313045I believe most of these company CEO are using the whole" join to become a superstar" as a way to make people in debt. The whole industry is a scam. Spending 10 years to train only to last less than 5 years as an idol, mental issues, health issues and more. The education system is hell as well. These companies use debts to control these kids. For them to be that young to experience such things is disgusting. I hope all those people involved get sentenced.
No. 313127
>>312967unfortunately the boys will probably essentially be blacklisted and the abusers and people who knew and did nothing will be exhonerated and continue to get work and money
i hope im wrong but thats how it usually goes
No. 313358
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Ratmys don't have anything better to do with their lives other than harassing people on Twitter but what's new
So this guy said "She's a BTS fan, not a K-pop fan" about a BTS fan (, said that (he says armys have no proof that he said it but they are insisting that he did say it so idk) it's because of plastic surgery when Shawn Mendes said BTS are good looking and dared to say that "all BTS songs sound the same", and now armys are harassing him, contacting his boss and trying to ruin his job, he tweeted a video talking about it and crying (, I guess he deleted his Youtube account because of the hate
No. 313367
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>>313358>>313360It looks like he's trying to blame armies reporting for a shutdown, though his channel is pretty obviously still up and just privated or something. You can still see his playlists if you search for his channel, you just get a notice that they're private if you click. If you try to watch his videos from other people's playlists, you get told they're unavailable instead of getting a notice that the account/video has been terminated or deleted.
I don't know what he's trying to go for here, but it looks to me like he was trying to
trigger armies MILDLY for twitter interaction but it went too far for him. While armies are definitely crazy and toxic, this guy and his crying video/bahleeting are laughable as well.
No one would bother saying that all of BTS' music sounds the same if armies weren't willing to try to destroy that person over it. BTS is only even mildly relevant because of their batshit fanbase, and people only ever mention BTS to try and gain something from that same batshit fanbase. He's a vlogger, so my guess is we'll be seeing a BTS SHUT DOWN MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL?! NOT CLICKBAIT! That aside though, he was being really nice about it at first and even said he liked their older music and he thinks they're talented but lately things started sounding same-y. It's not even hate, armies…come on. No opinions allowed! He should have posted that he thinks [insert BTS member here] is soooooo hot instead, the armies would have liked that one!
No. 313390
>>313351Any updates on the other boys?
And what happens to the 18 year olds debt if he leaves?
No. 313488
>>313473i mean, that's not their fault. they were ruled by japan for decades and after WW2 they were westernized.
it's just history.
No. 313494
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Hyuna posted her weight cuz… attention? Assuming she’s 5’5” like Google says she is, that’d mean her BMI’s a 15.8 (putting her in the severely underweight category). Jesus Christ, these idols need to stop promoting being skelly as desireable.
No. 313495
File: 1540051424433.jpeg (66.5 KB, 540x450, FF1C41C3-E325-4C1C-BF1B-0F045D…)

Hyuna posted her weight cuz… attention? Assuming she’s 5’5” like Google says she is, that’d mean her BMI’s a 15.8 (putting her in the severely underweight category). Jesus Christ, these idols need to stop promoting being skelly as desireable.
No. 313503
>>313494And the stans in the comments "B-BUT she's actually showing how mistreated she was by Cube which resulted in her being so underweight!! She will gain weight now!!"
Pure delusion. They're grasping at straws more than usual
No. 313514
>>313510I just found this
>4minute's HyunA and Sohyun recently confessed that their height measurements written on their online profiles exaggerate their actual height. According to the producer of E Channel's "4minute's Mr. Teacher", HyunA revealed, "Sohyun and I have a difference in height of 4 cm." HyunA's height on her internet profile currently reads as 164 cm, while Sohyun's profile says she is 162 cm, thus saying they have only a 2 cm difference. HyunA confessed, "Sohyun's real height is actually 159 cm, while I am 162.8 cm." The two continued to explain, "We didn't lie about our heights on purpose. We're sorry that we weren't truthful to our fans." She would still not look like this at that weight. I know people shorter than her at 42-43 who look skeletal
No. 313516
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>>313507she looks pretty similar to sunmi, who we know is very underweight. i think hyuna just has the wider build/thicker waist a lot of idols have that means they don't always look as skinny as they are, see
>>310400someone like lisa instead has a really tiny waist compared to wider shoulders and hips so she looks way skinnier even though her bmi is only a little bit lower
No. 313520
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>>313516Hyuna looks awful here. I think it’s the PS and make up because she still looks weird even with darker hair nowadays. I feel like her styling has taken a turn for the worst since 2016 and has never progressed since then.
No. 313533
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>>313522>I can't think of any idols that got kicked out/left their groups and were still successful afterwardsJay Park? Granted he’s working as more of an arists than an idol now but he’s still making bank (unfortunately).
Slightly OT but I refuse to let go of Jay Park defending a convicted child molestor. He should have been trashed after that.
No. 313548
File: 1540059092243.png (417.03 KB, 398x712, 1.png)

So, some days ago, a local magazine from my country posted a satirical comic about k-pop where they made fun of the industry and its abusive dynamics, the appearance of k-pop idols, the fanbases, etc. Even though this magazine makes fun of everything and everyone, the Spanish k-pop fanbase has raised hell for this.
No. 313560
>>313528I know Hyuna came out with the relationship, but how do we know Edawn didn't agree to coming out. Maybe he's not some poor, trapped boytoy but really a pussywhipped retard.
Not trying to wk hyuna tho, as someone who's been in the industry longer and is more established she knew exactly how fucked his career would be. They're both dumb as shit either way.
No. 313564
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>>313520hyuna creeps me out for some reason. i feel a similar way about miso from girls girls. just terrifying.
No. 313573
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>>313494at least it's better than when Mina from AOA posted her's by going "teehee why does this scale say i weigh 94kgs??"
No. 313578
>>313494She claimed she was happy about gaining weight and wanted to celebrate it but unless she's totally retarded she must realize how
triggering this could be for her younger fans who idolize her and want to look like her. There are better ways to celebrate a healthier lifestyle than humblebragging about being underweight.
No. 313601
>>313548I mean, a lot of the points the author makes can apply to any entertainment industry ("they all look the same", sexual harassment, sexualization of young people) they're just attacking whatever the kids are into because their manchildren readers will get a boner out of it.
These kind of satyric magazines are just an excuse for pseudo intellectuals to reinforce their moral superiority complex and people shouldn't take what they say very seriously, but of course being kpop stans mostly teenagers they jump very easily.
¿De dónde es la viñeta, de El jueves?
Sage for having an obvious personal issue with these publications.
No. 313618
File: 1540069034876.png (532.98 KB, 1364x2380, 4657879.png)

>>313358I don't care for this dude while I do agree that the songs do sound the same, it seems like he is crying for attention. Well he got it. However some of the replies to the crying video tweet are just really show how delusional these ratmys are.
No. 313756
File: 1540099561850.png (230.14 KB, 377x333, kpop1.PNG)

>>313549I translated some of it, my spanish is a bit rough tho. Dunno if anons care to read it tho. Also this
>>313601. It's pretty trashy
No. 313905
>>313798Yeah, I understand why people are upset now.
Way to dehumanize the victim.
No. 313941
File: 1540132394791.png (1.28 MB, 891x719, Capture.PNG)

>According to her agency MBK Entertainment on October 20, she was on her way to a fan signing event for beauty brand CANMAKE when she fainted and was taken to the hospital.
>MBK Entertainment commented, “She was suffering from a cold with the change of seasons and also had acute indigestion. She is resting after being taken to the hospital.”
who faints from seasonal cold and indigestion?
unless she was already in poor health which is more than likely for an idol
No. 314074
>>313756oh, god, I didn't even notice that panel(since the image is a bit small I only read some parts). As
>>313758 said
Jonghyun had issues way before even becoming a trainee and making fun of it just to call him a nobody (only for not being part of the American music scene) and make a tired joke about the 27 club is disgraceful.
Your translation is good, anon, thank you.
>>313608cómo no. How are the Spanish stans reacting? I've always wondered if they have the same mindset as the English speaker ones or if they're cringier /more chill or about the same.
No. 314093
>>313758a little ot but i remember some forums posting a blind item about two males that were dating in a popular idol group and a LOT of people guessed it was key and jonghyun and it was less than a year later that he killed himself and i couldnt help but wonder if he had seen it because it got posted on allkpop and onehallyu and i know people like amber frequented those forums
idk im probably being stupid and i know he already was a sensitive person and was very open about suffering from depression and being emotional in the past, but i do wish people would be more careful when posting those things
im on my period and very OTT right now so forgive me
No. 314487
>>314475they should be mad at the companies that are killing these idols slowly
the idols shouldnt have to apologize for accidents that occur from being overworked and underfed
No. 314634
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this was someone's profile picture in a forum i'm browsing and honestly EWW who the fuck is this? this genuinely made me jump back in my seat a little
No. 314671
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baekhyun is such a poster child for jaw shave turning someone into a weird doughy mess
No. 314674
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"Professional", they say
No. 314758
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I feel physically ill looking at this shit
No. 314764
>>314758You can even see the white makeup neck combo in the MV kek so gross. He went full V with that look.
The whole MV and song was terrible.
No. 314773
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>>314767Hyungwon from MonstaX. I think he's handsome, but he looks terrible on that MV.
No. 314780
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>>314764I mean, they tried…
No. 314781
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>>314758He's just plain unfortunate looking. Too unfortunate for the baby alien look
No. 314791
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happy halloween
No. 314807
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>>314804I think he always had weird lips. A lot of people say they are natural. i don't really know, they look as big in this picture as they are now. But maybe he enhances them a bit more with fillers.
No. 314826
File: 1540232735786.gif (1.95 MB, 300x170, tumblr_inline_nuyzb09Muy1siszz…)

i think they are natural but they're so floppy, it legit looks like he has a hard tme speaking with them oh man
No. 314842
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>>314807It's weird, I've never seen someone with natural lips that look completely plastic.
I still think he looks OK most of the time with proper styling, but this comeback is terrible. He went full lizard.
No. 314858
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i know we're not supposed to ~speculate on idols' sexuality here but this guy is definitely gay right? what straight guy would have these mannerisms
No. 314860
>>314807dafuq? this is supposedly a handsome kpop star as a kid?
they really all have had plastic surgery…
No. 314927
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>>314758Dude looks high. Hyungwon what did you let them do to you?
No. 314954
>>314947lol I also though when I saw him that he looked really gay. But I also had that feeling from most idols when I got into kpop. Then you see EVERYONE is very feminine and you stop thinking about it. I don't think he's gay.
There's a lot of idols that are clearly gay like Ten from NCT or Key from SHINee, the rest are just very feminine fuckboys that know acting cute/flamboyant gets them fangirls.
No. 314962
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>>314960Some people you can just tell with a glance lol I can't imagine someone thinking he's straight.
No. 314972
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I saw a Weekly Idol episode with Sung Jong from Infinite and I just kept thinking he was the gayest idol I've ever seen. He doesn't even try to hide it lol (not that he needs to)
No. 315143
File: 1540269178348.png (519.85 KB, 540x680, Screenshot_2018-10-22-23-31-47…)

Hyuna this ghost crack whore look is not attractive. Please stop!!!!!!
No. 315349
File: 1540315313040.jpeg (385.92 KB, 1936x1089, 30D0DF35-585E-422E-8ECE-F061FB…) armys really think V wrote this caption in French himself or has even read this poem? He probably googled romantic French poems and copy and pasted it like every pseudointellectual does for their tweets. I swear armys interpret every minuscule thing V does as some sign of genius.
No. 315447
>>315439i used to think seulgi would be a good >variety idol but i dont even know about that anymore
she can model like hell though so that should definitely be her thing
too bad sm cant let idols be great even when they have potential
No. 315638
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>>315439it feels cruel but she shouldn't have debuted with them at all. I feel like they would've done so much better without her.
No. 315698
>>315223I agree, she can't sing, she for sure can't dance. She was put in the group as a "song writer" but she honestly seems more concerned with networking/appearing in other idols instagrams/posting herself on instagram than actually training or improving herself in any shape or form.
She really does bring the group down
No. 315708
>>314475Lol christ, everyone's like WEH IT WAS JUST THE LIGHTS!! SHE WAS JUST DISORIENTED!! As if it wasn't the sleep deprivation and malnutrition.
I don't understand how these people can call themselves fans and delude themselves into thinking their idols are fine and just cover this shit up. Absolutely insane.
No. 315744
>>315719wtf she almost got them in a car accident? are there any more details on this?
also lmao at armys who are losing their shit over the possibility of jungkook smoking omg i can't believe our innocent baby boy might've dared to smoke a cig :( unacceptable
No. 315758
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Idk if it’s just me but joy always comes off as very heavy looking to me. I’ve seen pictures where she appears slim but most of the time, she looks like she’s on the brink of being chubby.
No. 315763
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>>315758I think she's naturally chubby, just like Wendy. Pic related is her during their Happiness era.
No. 315764
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I kinda feel bad for idols who get pressured to lose their weight but the traces still show up every now and then due to the unnatural/instant diet method.
No. 315803
>>315784i don't know much about her and the kpop industry is obsessed with ~~aegyo~~, so i thought maybe she was just another case of a company making a female vocalist sound like a pokemon. i checked out her can't help falling in love cover and listened to some of her live vocals, i don't think she's the worst singer but there's always that squeaky helium voice. she does sound like a park bom impression
>>315795wow. i don't understand what's so appealing with an unrealistically high voice, her normal voice actually sounds nice
No. 315869
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i thought stankmies whole argument with BTS being so "great" and commendable (compared to other kpop artists who previously attempted to break in america, despite stankmies bending backwards that BTS/bighit "don't care that much" about making it america, pff) in america was because they refused to release anything that was solely sang in english? kek looks like they can't use that argument anymore if this is true.
No. 315895
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I can't wait for anti Hyuna anon to go to work on this one kek
No. 315924
>>315708im convinced kpop fans are all borderline retarded tbh, including me because i used to be one haha
but i read comments on articles and im just are ANY of the people commenting over the age of 12?
all the comments in the articles about twice being able to date >WOW I BET HEECHUL IS SO HAPPY KEEP HEECHUL FROM MOMO HAHA SILLY HEECHUL HAS LEFT THE CHAT HEHE
heechul is a fucking fag my god even super junior members have confirmed it
so tired of the delusions from these people
when they're actually gay, fans go out of their way to pretend its not the case but when they're obviously straight and getting pussy >"OPPA BELONGS TO(insert random other male idol here)!!!!"
No. 315926
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>>315758honestly shes not "fat" but has always been chubby for an asian
she looks great right now though and i hope she doesnt overdo it with the diet shit
No. 315944
>>315924>how are ANY of the people commenting over the age of 12?my mind honestly straight up boggles any time i read anything from the foaming mouth of a kpop fan. i always think they cant get any stupider, more deluded, gullible and underage, but then they post something new and my mind is blown all over again. it also drives me mad when they fall for all the bullshit in kpop like its gospel. it's literally straight up acknowledged that every aspect of kpop is fake, and yet every day i see these 12 year olds who havent got a sceptical bone in their body. i guess they'll grow out of it? hopefully?
also did anyone listen to anything from rapmon's new mixtape? i listened to one song, thought it was even more mediocre than usual somehow
No. 315959
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>>315953Sunmi's nose came out pretty good, she used to have it bulbous/wider on the tip
No. 315961
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>>315953Chaeyeon from DIA/IOI's nose job turned out really well and actually made her prettier. For most idols it's the opposite and the PS makes them look worse.
No. 315979
No. 315994
File: 1540420838254.jpg (1.11 MB, 1500x1000, Nana - artistsfromasia[dot]blo…)

>>315990i stand corrected her eyes were just korean, not bad
but koreans dont want their idols to have monolids so she got them done and definitely a jaw shave and i do think she is prettier now
No. 315995
>>315985They just need to stop giving high waisted pants to Yeri, since it emphasizes her short torso. Supposedly there's some broadcast censorship regarding navels, but Joy's right there in lower waist jeans.
Those unblended extensions are unforgivable, though, yikes.
No. 316007
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>>315994imo pre-surgery Nana actually was quite pretty, though not the hyper-specific Korean beauty standard. If anything I find her old look more refreshing, tho she is still gorgeous (and her look now is definitely more 'k-celeb')
No. 316010
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>>316007>>315994I miss Nana's old jaw. It suited her features and was striking next to all the V-lines. The jaw reduction (not sure if it's just botox or actually a shave) she got the further she went into acting really bums me out, but of course she's still top-tier.
No. 316013
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>>316010(Unflattering) Pic related is her from 2018. Maybe it's just aging, styling, and fillers, but man, I'm pretty sure she did something to her jaw.
No. 316077
>>316007she looked like pocahontas(disney not real life lol)
very pretty
No. 316078
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>>>As BTS Conquers the World, K-Pop Firms Flop on the Stock MarketNow I'm just waiting patiently for the ultimate fall of the Kpop empire
No. 316108
>>316093Actually album sales don't make much sense for idols'income: Considering the "luxurious" packaging of the albums, the cost of the jacket shootings etc. there is only too little money left for them after they comeback. Endorsements and CFs are the real deal but it's hard to land one because you need to be known to public. Only A- list idols can get one.(or maybe sponsored ones)
Sorry for going OT btw. I do agree about the views though. No sensible person should care about them.
No. 316130
>>316110Lmao no, Cpop (Mandopop, Taiwanese Pop, and the likes) had reached their peak in the 2000s. At least in my country, they're really not relevant anymore and will never be, except for some die hard fans.
I'm so tired of all the shitty hypes/trends anyway. It's a cringefest once you outgrow them.
No. 316131
>>316130I dunno, I can see Cpop making a comeback as Yuehua gains more attention.
Kpop has been able to overtake Jpop and Cpop because Korea makes more of an effort to court Western attention, with everything uploaded to Youtube and deals with Netflix and Hulu for Kdramas.
No. 316133
>>316131Compared to the 2000s Cpop, Cpop is now just a bad copycat of Kpop. I don't think Cpop is on Kpop level yet to really catch the public's attention. I don't see them getting anywhere outside their own country and neighboring countries, even the Chinese communities abroad don't really listen to Cpop or are just regular listeners of Cpop.
People will notice the similarities between Cpop and Kpop and will get tired soon of it. In order to succeed, Cpop must come with a brand new concept and looks, which will not happen anytime soon since they're heavily, crazily, influenced by Kpop.
No. 316134
>>316133Yes, that's true. I've looked into some of the current Cpop acts and most of them don't appeal to me.
Hua Chenyu is pretty unique, but other than him the pop scene seems to be groups trying to be the new Fahrenheit or groups trying to be EXO. Or actual ex-EXO members.
No. 316137
>>316134Lol even Fahrenheit were more original in their heydays (in terms of music) compared to newer groups. I bet this has to do with Kpop songs getting translated into Chinese so very often.
I hope the next trends/hypes will not involve any East Asian countries, all of them have reached their peak already, just give them a few years to think of something new lol.
No. 316187
>>316183I'm guessing because they're the only ones with good English pronunciation? I have no fucking dies what RM is saying in his verse though, what the fuck
The thing is though, this isn't really a BTS song and Aoki wants to make the most out of this collab on his album so he probably didn't want the other dudes to ruin it for him with Korean verses and shitty English pronunciation
No. 316188
I hate the fact that the chorus is already stuck in my head from 1 listen. This is definitely going to be an ear worm to the general public, it sounds like every generic edm pop hit from the last 3 years
No. 316193
>>316183Why am I not shocked Jungkook is way better at speaking English than Ratmon? He seemed to be the only one in the group who genuinely wanted to perfect his English/ was aware that a shit ton of foreign fans exist. In a group filled with racists and xenophobes (excluding Jhoe too), you'd think he'd be influenced by their superiorty bullshit.
With that being said, the song is the most generic piece of EDM shit I've listened to in a long time. Steve Aoki is truly trash, but gotta leech onto BTS' fanbase amirite.
No. 316196
>>316183groups are just too big to have them all feature in a song when it isn’t meant to be like a 50:50 collab. when 2ne1 had a feature with it was cl with a verse, bom doing the chorus, minzy said “yeah” a few times and dara’s lines were “next hit” and “big shit”
>jumbo size, it’s a big shit we truly missed out on a lot of embarrassing english when the x 2ne1 album never happened
No. 316228
>>316183It just normal, listenable garbage pop during the Jungkook parts. The RM parts are not only poorly pronounced but also extremely cringy
>I'll be your comma, lead you to another phrase…uh huh. I can't tell you whether or not normies would have listened to and enjoyed this if it was just Jungkook singing, but I think RM being present makes it near impossible. Armies will listen to anything though
I wonder if fans of the other members are throwing a fit because their precious baby boys didn't get to be in the song
No. 316257
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>>316242words of shakespeare
No. 316260
>>316183So basically the only ones who are singing in this are JK and Rat, plus one small line for Reptile. Wew. Three members out of seven.
Rat's pronunciation is awful by the way, sounds like a classmate I had in hs who would try to imitate Oxford accent but couldn't actually pronounce English words at all
No. 316409
>>310316>>316183Lolol I came here just to see if any of the “RM sounds like a native speaker” anons were still around.
I don’t really blame rat monster for his shitty accent. Yeah it’s cringe when he tries to sound like an American rapper but some people are truly better at pronunciation than others and jungkook has always sounded pretty clear when he spoke what little English he knows. Obviously he’s not anywhere near fluent and still fucks up (Charlie puss lol) but I think pronunciation comes easier to him than other members. I’ve always thought that, and this song really shows it.
Anyway I’m cackling @ them doing a full English song. Is Big Hit still denying ever trying to succeed in the American market?
No. 316410
Honestly this song is better than their korean stuff but that’s just because their music sucks so bad these days
No. 316411
>>316236Rappers don’t sound like stroke patients… if that’s what he’s aiming for he really missed.
It sucks for him that he just spent the last year telling like 3 countries that he’s the fluent English speaker in his group and then he goes and sounds like this on their first fully English song… why didn’t he get someone to help him with his pronunciation? The other members clearly did.
No. 316465
>>316409It's not their song, it's Aoki's and they're a feature on it like many others on that album
So it doesn't really count
No. 316544
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She must have pissed someone off to be sent on television with this awful hair
No. 316552
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>>316544She looked cute with black hair, I wish they brought it back. I actually think most idols (or just people in general) look better in their natural hair color or in similar colors, not that dying your hair in different colors is wrong or anything lol but I feel like it's done way too often in k-pop. They change their hair color every comeback, I feel bad for their scalps.
No. 316573
>>316331Yeah I don’t think this song will be played on the radio often, if at all. It’s catchy but super generic, even for current pop music, and it’s obvious they only made the song to break into the western music scene. Also I lol’d when RM pronounced ‘reason’ as ‘raisin’.
>>316544>those uneven bangs>that colorThey really hate Lisa huh
No. 316600
>>316544Is she wearing circle lenses? How big her eyes look here caught my attention while scrolling
>>316573Eh, it's already playing on the radio here. Since it's a Steve Aoki song from his album he's promoting it the western way by going on radio interviews a lot.
No. 316612
>>316573Yeah they clearly do. Looks like greasy ass crackhoe hair.
>>316600Yeah she is. I don’t think any kpop girl is ever not wearing lenses.
No. 316614
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Samefag but she looks fine blonde. They just gave her some raggedy ass extensions with cheap hair and prob put way too much product at her roots. Then they prob tried the “sea hair is so different than Korean hair it’s not our fault it looks bad”.
No. 316644
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"everyone really doesn't think of us as men" lol
it was released years ago but war of hormone's lyrics were a cringefest, i wish that song was satire or something but it was just bts trying to keep up with that time's fuckboy trend
No. 316671
>>316664I avoided kpg for years and when I finally took a look there I remembered why male kpop girl group fans are the worst
gaypg can be funny at least, especially the shitting on nct fujoshis
No. 316705
I used to namefag there so fucking hard and then people found out I was a girl and it was a disaster. I do still wonder about some of the people that used to post there. I actually met a guy who posted there frequently and we joined discord and met up in real life and we're practically engaged so thats the only really good thing I can take from my experience there. Shitposting about kpop used to be fun but I dont see how any of them would still be as interested in it with the current crop of groups. All the most shitposted groups are broken up.
No. 316723
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>>316644>everyone really doesn't think of us as menYou don't say?
No. 316766
>>316723>>316644This image/clip gets me everytime.
"Nobody thinks of us as men" Jimin laments with sadness, looking dashing in his pink maids dress, eyeliner, lip gloss and frilly headband
No. 316816
>>316705That's a wild fucking story
Is this Dawn?
I vaguely remember gaypg explaining to my newfag ass some namefag got exposed via her twitter and she had to leave
No. 316841
>>316648i lurk and occasionally post on both
i'm not around enough to be familiar with the history and personalities of gaypg, but shit seems wild
No. 316844
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>>316840yeah but with the obsession with small face you get people that end up looking kinda ridiculous next to other people.
No. 316846
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>>316838It's because Koreans generally have relatively large heads and faces, so small faces are a special novelty for them.
No. 316847
>>316844yeah they look like pinheads to me
Or like they have overgrown bodies
No. 316851
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>>316846i knew they were kinda short dudes but baekhyun and xiumin look so small here.
and damn chanyeol looks like a giant next to other male idols. i remember netizens going on about how chanyeol's height is a lie and he is actually way taller than 1.85 lol
No. 316857
>>316851My favorite thing is to hear from the girls who love asian guys come back from korea or japan and they are all like.
They are so tiny, I look like a giant next to them, its not so hot in real life.
No. 316893
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holy shit there are threads with thousands of pages and millions of views on onehallyu about which idols are gay. i don't care about jokes or some harmless gossip but people who dig this deep into and are so obsessed over someone's sexuality need help. why the fuck do kpoppies care about idols being gay so much? maybe they are gay, maybe they are straight, who the fuck cares. and they all think them being gay means they are 100% dating one of their bandmates or something. even if they are gay, why do you want a person you love to come out in a homophobic society, i don't know.
there is also a huge possibility that the idols they see as "woke lgbt icons" are homophobes kek
No. 316942
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i like hakyeon i really do but fuck when I scrolled past this shit on ig i almost choked
i get that it’s halloween but since he’s wearing normal clothes otherwise and this isn’t that far off from the godawful kpop styling we discuss here i figured i’d share
No. 316997
>>316978NTA but,
>white girls>tall on average>big boned>look massiveit was already "started"
No. 317013
>>316997look massive in comparisson to asian men/womenn that are just small on average with massive bobble heads, as seen in those pictures. don't think anon meant anything negative by it, no need to get offended over nothing.
>>316846ivanka looks amazing here jesus, actual super model status
No. 317095
>>317014You're truly retarded.
>usually a nicer way of saying fat>usuallyThat's not what the other anon intended to mean and you know it. Christ you're seriously autistic.
No. 317097
>>317045It’s not only about bigger frames though, it’s also about length. I’m kinda short and pretty thin, you could probs wrap your fingers around my wrists and ankles, and Koreans were always going on about my “chopstick” legs, but I still felt big around korean guys because they are so fucking stumpy. There is a reason they are so obsessed with proportions. I dated guys who were taller/bigger than me yet they had the same size or shorter forearms. Seeing my exes driving a car and having to be so close to the steering wheel was such a wtf moment. Yet, I realized their head/face were quite large. The big head thing isn’t really a problem but the short limbs were so weird. I noticed once guys got 180cm or over it balanced out, so that makes sense that Koreans are obsessed with that height for males.
If you buy clothes from asian brands like Uniqlo in the west you can get the same waist or bust size in but the arm and leg lengths will be a few cm longer than what you get in Korea. I hope this obsession with face size doesn’t get imported along with kpop. I think western people don’t really have to worry about the size of their faces (unless u look like Benedict cumberbatch) because it’s balanced with their bodies and longer limbs.
No. 317168
>>317165who the fuck thought wearing something like this was a good idea? i doubt jimin can even read his own name in the latin alphabet so maybe he didn't understand the t-shirt (despite the atomic bomb picture..) but did namjoon with his 150 iq forget english and couldn't tell jimin to take off that stupid shirt?
>1. [+1,139, -10] They're Korean idols. They're Korean people. They're not Japanese, they're Korean, you Japs.
>2. [+1,003, -10] This isn't even worth responding to, foolish Japs~ BTS fighting!!!!
>5. [+58, -0] So Japan has no problem wearing rising sun flags but they have a problem with atomic bombs? The rising sun flag should be just as embarrassing for you, no?
>8. [+43, -0] Gross, why is Japan acting like they raised themlmao they are so butthurt about japan. tell bts to stop trying so hard to market in japan then. you all were losing your shit when bts was working with a japanese far-rightist but when jimin wears a t-shirt like this japanese media can't criticize it? hypocrites
>7. [+54, -0] What's good about being a world class star is that you don't have to cater to one country
>9. [+37, -0] Wow~~~ go BTS! Nevermind Japan, you don't need them, you already have worldwide famewho's gonna tell them international fans are going to drop them like hot potatoes when bts' faces start to sag from the botched ps and makeup and they aren't trendy anymore
No. 317176
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>>317165Seems that Jooheon from Monsta X wore the same shirt, on TV no less.
No. 317182
>>317168>maybe he didn't understand the t-shirtnah
he literally wore it on the national liberation day in korea lol
No. 317189
>>317182Kinda pathetic that this is something they seem to be "proud" of, seeing as it wasn't even them who threw the bombs or managed to fight back without help from outside…
Imagine a polish group trying to make it in germany while wearing a shirt that hints at german girls getting raped by soviet soldiers. That would be unthinkable.
No. 317191
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>>317165It seems he wore that shirt twice while he was in Hiroshima, wew.
I read on twitter that the japanese government demands an apology and threatened to otherwise ban all korean artists from Japan. This would hurt a lot of groups, since Japan is often their biggest source of income.
But of course ifans are still in denial kek:
>Others artists is using the same T shirt too, Why are you don't take it as a serious issue before?? Is its because Bts is worldwide so you want to judge every single things that they do ??? I'm so disappointed with this kind of attitude>Monsta X wears that shirt too.>Its just a T-shirt…jimin is innocent>What if he didn’t even realize he was wearing that kind of stuff? Just don’t judge.>let’s be honest, there were also many Koreans, chinese etc killed by japanese right? BTS are Korean and japan occupied their country for years. Still they have never shown dislike their Japanese fans.>Bitch other idols wore it too….soooooooooo?????>Jimin DOES NOT look at what is on his clothes. He didn’t know about this shirt. Leave him alone.>Lol, of course. It’s Jimin. He even said that he just wears things and doesn’t check what that is, what brand and definitely not what is written on it.>Jimin can't speak English and I doubt he knew what was written on the shirt. Jimin is an innocent soul and he would never do that on purposeThese are responses to a japanese hs student, who said she no longer likes him.
No. 317193
>>317191most of these responses sound like they were made by 12yos with iq 10
it worries me that that probably isn’t the case. i hope more ppl wake up to how disgusting and toxic the ratmy fandom is and i sincerely hope jfans drop them like hot coal.
No. 317198
>>317175That’s a weird takeaway. I mostly had good relationships with those guys, I just realized how short their arms were and how Koreans have different proportions. You sound
Not that I have to justify it to you, but I read this thread because I hate Bts and it’s impossoble to criticize them anywhere else without a pile on.
No. 317201
Ugh even when someone comments something like "I don't like BTS because of blahblahblah" in a completely respectful and non-insulting way, you'll see like 30 armys trying to make them like BTS and prove that they are the best musicians ever. I've been seeing armys saying "BTS makes music in all genres so there MUST be a song that you'll enjoy" a lot lately. Lmao no, they don't make music in all genres. They are a pop group who debuted as a hip hop group, they did make hip hop in their early music but they've been doing pop since 2015, and they got popular with as a pop group. And their vocalists are so mediocre compared to other k-pop groups, and no, RM, Suga and J-hope aren't mindblowing rappers.
>>317191What the fuck is wrong with him? Jimin seems like a massive racist cunt who hates every single non-Korean under his ~~sweet, innocent, pure baby boy~~ image. BTS makes a shit ton of money on Japan tours and Japanese albums. Afaik they have an upcoming Japan tour so I don't know how they are going to clean this mess up, it's just unacceptable and disgusting.
It's funny how BTS is trying to be that all-inclusive woke group when the members (except like 1 or 2 of them?) seem xenophobic and misogynistic as fuck.
No. 317205
>>317204It's a lose-lose situation for BTS tbh. If they don't apologize Japanese people will throw a fit, but if they do apologize Koreans will throw a fit.
No matter what, a shitstorm is brewing.
No. 317223
>>317205i don't understand why any sane human being would wear something like that, it's awful. even if jimin is a racist nationalist, what a stupid and hypocritical thing to do in public when you are a member of a group who constantly markets to japan. them doing shit like this when they constantly preach about self-love, equality and being against violence is ridiculous, bts is the epitome of fake wokeness.
>>317206looking at the japanese tweets in the #outjimin #BTS_PLEASE_STOP_JAPAN_ACTIVITIES #BTSの日本活動について見直しを求める ("demand for reconsidering bts' activities in japan"), #BTSの日本活動停止を求めます ("i want bts' activities in japan to stop") tags, they are expecting an apology, saying "i didn't know" won't be an excuse, criticizing the anti-japanese mindset & education in south korea, talking about how ignorant jimin is because there were 70.000 korean victims who died in the atomic bomb attacks too.
No. 317253
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Hyuna again showing off how thin she is
>1. [+660, -61] Both Hyuna and Sunmi seem extremely proud of their thin bodies ㅋㅋㅋ
>6. [+18, -0] She's even more thin in real life… makes me question whether she has an eating disorder No. 317256
>>317253When you're face is bigger than your thigh, ew.
And sadly not even an exaggeration here.
You'd think that now that she's finally free from her company she could be her true strong and badass self…
No. 317275
>>317253don't be mean to poor unnie, she's super stressed out about losing weight and is trying to gain it! that's why she posts photos where she does everything sh can to show just how skinny she is! it's empowering!
who's going to get actually ill first, sunmi or hyuna? sunmi already had those dizzy/fainting spells
No. 317297
>>317253korean eugenia cooney~
its weird how its so normalized for asians to be like that in comparison to americans
No. 317322
>>317202This is the whole problem with celebrities in general. They may be talented in acting/singing/dancing, but they spent most of their lives doing that, they are just as ignorant, or even moreso, since they work so much, compared to average person.
They should keep themselves out of political issues completely, since fans can and will just blindly follow what they say without thinking.
No. 317327
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humanity was a mistake
No. 317332
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there’s a whole twt acc dedicated to mass blocking and mass reporting users who dare speak negatively about bts. in other words- a glorified censorship machine.
No. 317333
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>>317332lol @ these retards claiming anyone who speaks up about the jimin shirt issue is just using that tragedy as an excuse to hate on bts when shitmys are the ones who belittle the opinions of japanese people and try to sweep this crap under the rug. same with jimincel happily throwing the n-word around.
No. 317342
>>317332the post on r/bangtan about the tshirt was initially deleted by a mod, but it's back up since then. the post about it on r/kpop had about 1.1k upvotes when i last checked but was like 80% upvoted, for a while it was at 60%. even if you don't ant to spread news about how your fave idol fucked up, reporting and trying to hide evidence of it is messed up.
if bts were as #woke as fans have spent months making them out to be then they'd have a long, eloquent letter about how the tshirt was a bad mistake and very wrong but that if you're angry about that then you should also be angry about japan denying war atrocities as well. it would be the best way to not piss off any side too much, but i don't know what they're going to do. ignore it, the way sm ignores their idols' scandals? the generic "i sincerely apologise for [BAD THING] and will reflect on my mistakes" letter they have a draft saved of?
No. 317369
>>317355armys have proven time and time again to be obsessive sociopaths who will stop at nothing to ruin the lives of whoever dares express any less than positive opinions re: bts so i’m not surprised at all.
they’re like a wannabe-fascist hate mob.
No. 317413
>>317355I think this, the holocaust shoot and rapmonster's swastika hat are the most severe. They also never apologized for that. People can argue about the translation of the korean n-word etc, but these things leave no room for interpretation.
I'm glad at least some people tweeted those pictures to the un. Hopefully they'll notice whom they allowed to talk about "freedom and love"…
No. 317414
>>317355>Trying to be woke about mental health yet never speaking up about Jimin starving himself or Jungkook allegedly self-harming While I agree with pretty much everything you typed, I don't think anybody should have to address mental health issues if they're no comfortable with it, especially the self-harming stuff which can be embarrassing to talk about with the people you know let alone thousands of strangers
And Jimin does technically address his anorexic bs, he used to flaunt it constantly.
My problem with their ""woke mental health awareness"" bs is that nobody, with the exception of Suga, spoke about it or cared about it until the "Sadboy" shit became popular. Then suddenly 4/7 of them are depressed with anxiety and RM releases a Sadboy mixtape where he talked about how he has no friends and he doesn't like himself uwu
No. 317423
>>317420They sound like braindead tumblerinas hearing the world "nazis" and then forgetting everything else. Nobody in their right mind would excuse that, no matter what japan did before.
And so many posts making bts out to be the victims of a witch hunt or plainly stating they don't give a fuck since bts is still richer than "your favs"… It's just sad.
No. 317426
>>317413Oh I forgot the photoshoot in the Holocaust Memorial and his swastika hat, these were terrible too. Did Bighit even apologize for that?
>>317414I agree with you and I understand why someone might not be comfortable with talking about it. As much as I criticize them, I hope anyone who needs help with their mental health gets it. Jimin has an obvious issue with his weight and he talked about how he's starving himself numerous times, I feel like speaking up about how to get over that (assuming he got over it..) to their extremely impressionable audience would be the responsible thing to do for people who want to be known for spreading mental health awareness. I don't want to assume too harsh things about them but I really doubt they encouraged Jimin or Jungkook to get actual help off-stage. It's true that none of them except Suga even cared about it until it became "trendy", I find it obnoxious when people use things like this for their personal gain, if you are going to do it, do it genuinely.
No. 317428
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I was browsing the #outbts/#outjimin tags on twitter for kicks, which led me to #outmomo, where this twice member is condemned for her breast augmentation kek
No. 317434
>>317327lol this reads like
>I have no idea what I'm talking aboutKorea is still trying to get money out of Japan for shit that happened long ago.
No. 317487
luna is trying to outdo hyuna and sunmi with showing off how ~le skinny~ she is now
glad to see the netizens arent buying
it was shitty for them to call her fat and filipino and ugly years ago, but going on and on about the weight youre losing(not naturally im sure judging by that video where she gets her legs battered and bruised up by a massage therapist for "leg slimming") is so pathetic Pants size 23? 22? Hannya-, what size am I? Hanna tailored my pants down a lot and now it fits perfectly. Feels good.
No. 317491
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>>317332>>317342Kpop fans covering for their biases by purposely censoring, mistranslating, or re-framing material or content is the creepiest fucking shit.
Another very minor example happening right now is Onces saying Twice Jihyo was dressed as Princess Mononoke for their Halloween fanmeet, when she was obviously not while also doing ululations/war cries
No. 317543
>>317530Ugh. Former "unattractive" girls that starve and get plastic surgery and start feeling themselves way too much after are awful. Hopefully she mellows out once she realizes looks arent everything.
Not gonna call her a slut though. She's just a try hard.
No. 317561
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>>317420So at the moment the "Atomic Bomb T-shirt" is blowing up all over Japanese twitter. They are
pissed. No. 317563
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>>317562So what are ARMYs doing?
Trying to bury the scandal by spamming stan posts about the lizard and liking them so that top posts are full of
No. 317566
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They are literally trying to bury the actual Japanese comments by spamming the
bts 原爆 tag. Which incidentally is now the first result it you search bts on a Japanese search.
Reminder these are same creeps that are still harassing that news anchor.
No. 317573
>>317563>>317564>>317565oh my god this is so retarded. how are they completely okay with what jimin did? it's not like jimin is getting backlash for no reason, he fucking wore a t-shirt glorifying an atomic bomb attack. imagine a middle eastern wearing a patriot t-shirt with a picture of 9/11 in america
instead of trying to cover it up, encourage jimin to own up to what he did.
by the way, jooheon from monsta x wearing the same t-shirt doesn't justify anything. it's just as awful. japan might ban k-pop activities completely and it would be deserved in this situation
No. 317598
>>317576Luna has a youtube channel there she spouts shit like "I don't eat the days before a shoot hehe" to her underage fans… Meanwhile it's pretty clear she's had ps on her legs.
There's a difference between being skinny (she isn't even that thin, she's just a midget) and bragging about it 24/7. That's what makes her so obnoxious.
No. 317673
>>317355I'm not one bit surprised. I think anyone who has actually noticed everything wrong with BTS, has also noticed everything wrong with ARMY.
I mean the news reporter guy got weeks/moths worth of harrasment, racism and threaths his way when he said "they are a boy band from Korea".
If some influencer actually criticized BTS with their own face, they'd get ten times that. It's probably just not worth it.
>>317573but he's so cutee uwu babby boy!
This is just another example how ARMY don't actually like the members as individuals, they only like the sugarcoated idea they have of them, the one they read about in fanfics.
If they actually liked them/him, they wouldn't try to censor the message he was trying to send by wearing that t-shirt.
>>317097> I’m kinda short and pretty thin, you could probs wrap your fingers around my wrists and anklesOT but I'm sorry I just have to address this, I'm tall and actually fat, and you can easily wrap fingers of one hand around my wrists so that the fingers overlap to the first knuckle (and almost ankles too), and I weight almost 200 pounds, I often see people using this to describe how thin they are, so I'm just saying it says nothing lol
No. 317758
>>317673I mean it's true that people who are aware of BTS' bullshit are aware of army's bullshit too. They have too many shady shit under their belts yet they are still getting away with everything, there are no consequences, not even owning up to what they did. Let's just hope this whole thing with the Hiroshima t-shirt is going to have consequences. If someone with somewhat of a social media influence called BTS out, they have a lot of arguments to back themself up. Or it could make a good news article or something since it's 100% going to get attention.
It's also so true that they only care about the fantasy they create in their minds and not about them as individuals, that's why k-pop fans don't care when idols do something sexist or racist but will lose their shit when they date.
>>317732I've seen some j-fans telling them to stop tweeting in foreign languages (under a Japanese tag about the situation) because it's a serious topic. And it's just stupid on their side because filling the tag with "Jimin is a talented cutie!!!" tweets is still helping it trend.
No. 317792
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god his surgeries are aging so fucking badly. his melting face makes it look like he is constantly on the verge of tears. and these are the photos he chooses to post publically. this is why although i think plastic surgery can be okay in moderation, i will never support it to the extent that these idols do it.
No. 317847
>>317842It often does, especially when ppl are comparing westerners and Asians, which is in line with the rest of the convo. No need to be
No. 317861
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scrolled past this on twitter and instantly thought of you guys
it’s a costume obvi but the keks lie in the fact that it’s hardly even an exaggeration as far as idol makeup goes.
No. 317882
>>317491This video came up on my IG feed and people were defending her so much, saying 'oooh poor baby. she isnt from america. not her fault!'
>it's her stylists fault, not hers
>americans are self obsessed and think everything revolves around themand my favorite
>south korea has nothing to do with that history No. 317889
>>317491This video came up on my IG feed and people were defending her so much, saying 'oooh poor baby. she isnt from america. not her fault!'
>it's her stylists fault, not hers
>americans are self obsessed and think everything revolves around themand my favorite
>south korea has nothing to do with that history No. 317890
>>317491This video came up on my IG feed and people were defending her so much, saying 'oooh poor baby. she isnt from america. not her fault!'
>it's her stylists fault, not hers
>americans are self obsessed and think everything revolves around themand my favorite
>south korea has nothing to do with that history No. 317891
>>317491This video came up on my IG feed and people were defending her so much, saying 'oooh poor baby. she isnt from america. not her fault!'
>it's her stylists fault, not hers
>americans are self obsessed and think everything revolves around themand my favorite
>south korea has nothing to do with that history No. 317892
>>317491This video came up on my IG feed and people were defending her so much, saying 'oooh poor baby. she isnt from america. not her fault!'
>it's her stylists fault, not hers
>americans are self obsessed and think everything revolves around themand my favorite
>south korea has nothing to do with that history No. 317915
onymous 58 seconds ago No. 317913
>>317895Eh not really, what else would you suggest? European/American? Plus the “West” includes Latin America and anything else would just imply white people. It’s a cultural thing too, as the aforementioned cultures are more similar to each other than they are to Asia and therefore easier to lump together.
No. 317924
>>317895I feel like it serves its purpose because it basically means anything not asian lol. But it is really annoying when people can’t differentiate between cultures. More than once I had korean ppl tell me that all western countries are the same to them. “Americans don’t get married, right?” No, what are you talking about, marriage is normal in the states “oh sorry I think I read that about France, but it’s all the same to me!”
Or, asking me about something that goes on in Germany and I say idk I’m not German I can’t answer for their culture and their response was “oh but it’s all the same right? Western culture?”
I’d say they were fucking stupid but I’m sure many ~western people would say the same shit when talking about Asian countries. But at least those countries are comparatively close together lol they really expect North America to be the same as Europe despite the giant ocean in between…
No. 317994
>>317985Neither Japan nor S.Korean governments actually care about the surviving comfort women, if they did they'd know that the survivors didn't want monetary compensation.
Not that I'm expecting lolcow to have a reasonable discussion about East Asian international relations lol
No. 318014
>>317986im actually the original anon you replied to and you sound like a retarded koreaboo in complete denial of the acceptance and promotion of unhealthy starvation diets and dangerous plastic surgeries that are prominent in korean culture
are you also the same anon that sperged out in the anti korean culture thread and mass replied to 50 people in one post because you were so offended and upset that people dared to critique korea?
No. 318084
File: 1540902642779.jpeg (90.96 KB, 768x1024, 387CBE55-8E04-4C32-89B1-7E8956…)

>>317861here are some non-halloween idols w their mismatched foundation for comparison bc i actually thought this was an exaggeration at first
No. 318085
File: 1540902676776.jpeg (94.75 KB, 768x1024, C1F99FAF-7778-4CED-B580-E5BEF7…)

>>318084i like monsta x but these made me lol.
No. 318099
File: 1540904132706.jpg (416.2 KB, 1366x2048, casper.jpg)

>>317861Reminded me of this cursed pic of hyuck lol. Literally the only time his foundation doesn't look hideous is when he does it himself.
No. 318101
>>318099>>318100no wonder he got into makeup lmao. he should start doing the other members’ makeup too.
i’m so glad he’s proud of his natural skin tone and i wish more idols would follow suit. this thread reminds me just how bad and tragic it is when idols try to bleach and mismatch their makeup + abuse filters.
No. 318108
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>>318069This was real uncomfortable to watch. I feel dirty now. Also Jennie is a fucking terrible dancer so it’s going to be hilarious to see her in motion on stage alone. They better hire some backup dancers lol.
No. 318123
>>310316>>318114Are you that blackpink Stan who keeps shitting up the thread with compliments about Lisa and got yelled at so you went to shit up the kpop general thread but no one pays attention to your posts there so now you’re back here and mad that anon posted Jennie’s shitty solo promo?
She posted it because it’s a kpop critical thread. This is not /pt. We are allowed to nitpick idols we don’t like. Jennie’s solo has been being discussed periodically above so it is relevant. Go take your meds and continue rubbing it out to your waifus. This new promo video should help a lot. Retard.
No. 318273
>>318126what are you on? we're in /ot/, people are allowed to post about whatever they want here, you weirdo.
to contribute to the topic, i always find it really weird when kpop groups make songs in japanese or english, it always sounds really off. especially when they just take an existing song and translate it.
No. 318318
>>318289seems like shes still obligated to represent snsd though its kinda cringe that all the members who left are still saying "we are still together we're still snsd forever"
its the same delusional bs that sm trained them to do and i have yet to see any glimmer of hope that any of them will be able to create an image for themselves outside of mentioning snsd every interview
No. 318365
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wow wendy looks HORRID wtf
is it bad photoshop or more plastic?
No. 318378
File: 1540935396876.jpg (408.59 KB, 1000x1500, Du1goKJ.jpg)

>>318373Top right in the blue. She's infamous for a horrific jaw shave (and possibly a nose job) and unflattering styling.
No. 318379
>>318373In the dark blue
>>318365Joy looks so strange. It's like they only tried for Irene and Yeri's photos. At least Seulgi's hair was dark for this shoot.
No. 318479
>>318459if seulgi ever gets anything done its gonna be a sad day for me
her look is so unique and beautiful
No. 318502
>>318479Being attached to any idol's looks is russian roulette. Still mourning the double lid surgery my favorite idol got, especially since it reduced part of their appeal.
Seulgi's probably far enough along in her career to avoid contract-obligated or company "pressure" to change her look, so you just gotta hope she's fine as is.
No. 318532
>>318479i love how androgynous she looks. the rest of the members all look very feminine so she compliments them really nicely visually imo. she’s one of the few female idols i can actually call handsome.
more androgyny and variation in looks among female idols plz. male idols have so much more wiggle room when it comes to visuals (and basically everything else lbr), it’s kind of sad.
No. 318777
File: 1541018168124.png (563.75 KB, 956x606, ig.png)

So, the girl that got caught smooking weed with T.O.P is seemingly angry that he posted on IG today and posted a long rant, most likely about him, on her IG herself:
"Don't even think about coming out. Who do you think you are to be crawling out like this? I heard you're telling your peers that I received money from you and that I'm a gold digger? You must be talking a lot of s*it for it to also reach me. Stop talking about me. Talk about it after you actually give me money. You do have a lot of money.
You seem to be living quietly so I had my mouth shut but I'm going to say what I need to say since you're uploading on Instagram as if nothing happened hehe. But I won't lie saying you're a gold digger at least.
Do you know how many of your company's business that I hid for you? I'm so nice. The reporters begged me to break the news but I rejected it all because I was scared. I should've just done it. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Why did I go there (YG building) on that day? You know, right?
Oh, and please, live your age. Stop pretending to be an artist. You're just an ahjussi. Just absolutely ahjussi."
I hope she will spill the milk tbh
No. 318809
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>>318777That starfucker is going to milk TOP for attention. I'm suprised she never got sued to shut up. Either she got real tea or her parents are more powerful party.
My guess is the company tried to pay her to paint TOP in good light in court and media and take most of the blame on herself?
Or she supplied drugs to other people at YG. Maybe her job was delivering drugs from a dealer to celebrities (a go-between, drug broker), hence all her male idol connections.
No. 318993
File: 1541053953799.png (1.87 MB, 776x881, bunny.PNG)

Anyone seen this new group PinkFantasy? They debuted recently, the MV got some hype because shit Shindong from Suju directed it or something. Seems they have a "bunny" as a member, basically its a hidden member that will never show her face.
I'm slightly intrigued by this. Why? Only to gain fans because of the mistery? I don't see how someone dancing in a bunny mask won't get old fast. Or maybe it's a dude? Body wise it looks a lot thicker compared to the usual dainty idols.
No. 318994
File: 1541054155383.jpg (22.94 KB, 750x734, a448f5e031f8b652ac334d732521e9…)

>>318993Another one body wise, I think it's a dude. Or a very non conventional idol lol
No. 319002
File: 1541056335497.png (795.7 KB, 726x576, 1.PNG)

>>318996Hands look like a man? lol you can fake a chest but I can see it being too obvious during live performances? I haven't seen the member with revealing clothes yet, so it's possible.
>>318995Wow didn't know there was such an age difference. I guess we'll have to see where they go with this. Some people are comparing them to Crayon Pop because of the weirdness? I will give them the benefit of the doubt until their next comeback to see if the rabbit idea pays off. I just don't see the point of a member that can't sing live very well (or at all), sticks out like a sore thumb and probably can't see shit while dancing.
No. 319005
>>318993 artists hiding their identity is nothing new but idols covering their faces and leaving their image to the fans seems like a novelty that we'll likely be exploited soon if they achieve the amount of fame they expect or want. However, if the person inside is a girl I don't get why the bunny person is completely covered considering most members are girls so no one could ever doubt that this new group is other than a girl group. But since barely part of bunny's skin is expos there's a chance that it's a dude but why?
Is this to protect the person's identity or just a hype they want to milk? I don't know why I'm rambling and I likely don't make any sense at all
No. 319012
>>319002Those definitely look like a guy's hands.
Idk I think the idea is cute in it's novelty but what I don't get is why is the mask so fucking wonky? It looks cheap af.
No. 319014
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happy belated halloween!
No. 319018
File: 1541063350448.png (267.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181101-110630.png)

So I check in on lipstickalley from time to time and saw this. I can't see the tweets the poster is referring to but it looks like the cats out of the bag, kinda
No. 319022
File: 1541064534706.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1180x1532, 1.png)

this is some scary ass shit
No. 319027
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>>319022I should've never clicked on this
No. 319040
File: 1541068192757.jpeg (165.52 KB, 1215x1822, 0C196AF1-4419-40F7-8124-B9BD4A…)

>>319015i barely recognized baek in this thumbnail jesus fuck
No. 319147
>>319137I don't think anyone will leave BTS in the near future because they all know damn well that they won't make money as much as they do now on their own, and the backlash won't be too nice. Someone might leave when the hype starts to die though. I can't see Jimin, Jungkook or RM leaving since they all seem to dependent on BTS and armys. It could be either Suga, Jhope,
I wish V and Jin, most likely Suga
No. 319275
>>319240Yeesh I never knew that’s how nose jobs we’re done. I thought it was common knowledge that if you repeatedly open up old scarred wounds, the scars will only get more severe? Anyways, armys will still deny bts getting ps even when pictures like
that exist.
No. 319361
>>318993i actually think thats kind of cool ngl
then again i was also a fan of the angel band member aoa concept and was mad when they ditched that too and legit feel if they had kept it, they would have been even more sustainable rather than having like..2 or 3 super sexy comebacks then getting fucked and dumped like they did
No. 319363
>>319018everything is simultaneously racist and not racist on lipstick alley
its basically black women vs gay white males on there
No. 319531
>>319022Today i learned my 12 y/o cousin listens to bts and this guy's her fav….
She has 1080 pictures of him on her phone….fuck everything
No. 319570
>>319554Not really, but she's been kind of raised on the internet and i already noticed before she's been looking at some furry-ish art, so i dont want her to go off the deep end
Kpop fans were always super cringey to me so
Sage for ot
No. 319579
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>>319578Pic didn't attach for some reason
No. 319600
File: 1541192281139.jpeg (128.75 KB, 582x800, D4272157-A8B8-44F6-833E-F35DAD…)

>>319579i never really got the hype with kai’s looks. i don’t dislike him but he was just really odd-looking to me- like that male bratz doll he got compared to kek. he also seemed to be the polar opposite of the korean cookie cutter ideal (without being conventionally ugly though) re: small face, v-line, dainty features, pale skin etc.
sehun was always the best-looking exo-k member to me, although he looks like he’s doubled in age now lol
No. 319624
File: 1541195222009.png (287.09 KB, 1286x428, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 4.36…)

Anyone else wondering why NCT is going to be at the Mickey Mouse celebration when they've done entirely fuck all in the US before this? I mean they were smart to go with the one group with an American member, but you would think after they failed with SNSD they'd be more hesitant to put their artists on such big stages as a "debut".
No. 319655
>>319608isn't he an ugly racist though
>>319647exo and bts fans still being butthurt about each other in fucking 2018 kek. you'd think there was some actual beef between the groups themselves but there isn't literally anything, it's just their fans being retarded.
No. 319718
File: 1541210879952.gif (3.79 MB, 500x278, ReasonableBreakableBarnswallow…)

>>3196892 backhanded compliment posts and you cry about the thread being ruined. relax lol
>>319714i don't even know anymore. his nose has always been shit looking and weird. i think he got his bridge defined so now it looks really uncanny like it isn't meant to be there. breathing looks difficult
No. 319720
>>319718OMG youre right it does look unnaturally defined
wtf why would SM do him like this
No. 319722
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>>319718it's weird because he actually has nice proportions and looks good from afar, but absolutely hideous up close
No. 319760
>>319659their fanwars are the dumbest shit since bts and exo don't even have anything against each other but these stupid bitches find something to fight over anyway. both ratmys and exofags think their oppars are the second coming of the beatles and have a superiority complex.
bts has no talent, their rappers suck, their vocalists suck harder. exo has like 1-2 members who are somewhat decent vocalists but they don't know how to use it other than making chen scream at the end of the songs. as much as they get credit for being ~~dance gods~~ no exo or bts member is a good dancer other than kai, lay (he didn't leave guys, he just hasn't been around for the last 9000 years!) and j-hope. i don't hate exo and bts but they aren't any different than your average kpop boy group, they aren't special.
No. 319773
>>319720>why would sm do him like this????
He did that to himself
I also don't see what you guys see in him from far away, yellow fever is one hell of a drug I guess
No. 319776
>>319773samefag that wrote the comment
The companies are more than willing to pay for their surgeries. How do you think their facial features change so dramatically that fast. NCT's Yuta for example got chin fillers out of nowhere, then when fans started to complain it magically went back to normal. SM regulates the appearances of all their slaves. Issa fact.
No. 319799
File: 1541241402230.jpg (1.95 MB, 2156x2486, 9715193444237.jpg)

>>319531someone i know got a tattoo in korean which was about some bts song and she can't even read it. she also got a tattoo of bts' silhouettes. i understand why someone would want to get a tattoo about a song or artist that they like and shit but i don't know, she's like 19 right now, she's going to grow up and most likely going to get sick of them and cringe at herself, she'll be 65 and that tattoo will still be there in her arm (if she doesn't get it removed, which is another trouble)
pic related is.. some other people with bts tattoos. that yoongi tat doesn't even look like him lol
No. 319816
File: 1541246503790.png (268.3 KB, 540x355, YutaBeforeAfter.png)

>>319802Never forget his homage to robbie rotten from lazy town
No. 319850
>>319828Fanclubs and bigger fans in the community tend to organize streaming parties. Nothing about it is natural, which is why Kpop group views tend to die out fast.
They stream repeatedly on everything, which is no fair to those who are gaining notoriety naturally. I wish that streaming platforms would have more rule against shit like this, but fandoms will only find a way around them.
The only group whose views were natural was Blackpink, since YG hyped them up a lot in the beginning.
Besides that: Why are these people so obsessed with getting their faves even more fame? It seems pointless to me.
No. 319868
>>319829I hate those theory videos the most, they combine random things and say it makes sense. kpop fans are so damn insecure so they hold these irrelevant YT views at a high standard. Bts can have the most viewed mv in 24hrs but it will take them years to reach 1b views as compared to other songs that gain popularity and rise the hot 100 charts naturally. kpop songs hit the bb hot 100 chart and a week later they fall off coz no one gives a shit other than their fans. Nobody(normal people) would want idol to be played repeatedly on the radio.
>>319850>The only group whose views were natural was BlackpinkBlinks are like army's youngest sibling. They both mass stream their faves songs
No. 319873
>>319828A friend of my friend declined to go out on a birthday party because "new BTS song just came out and I gotta stream it all night."
I think that should tell you enough.
No. 319907
File: 1541261278227.jpg (518.67 KB, 2048x1366, BTS_022.jpg)

>>319899i remember seeing suga saying something like that too. i actually think he looked fine back in the day.
looking at bts pics from their edgelord phase is hilarious because as much as they try to be ~~flower boys~~ right now, they used to be emo as fuck.
No. 320035
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I always wondered if someone could explain Koreas fascination with the film Leon, still even 30 years later.
No. 320041
>>320035It's the same as their obsession with the old Romeo and Juliet movie. Olivia Hussey in that movie and Natalie Portman in Leon are ideal women to Koreans, they fit the Korean beauty standard perfectly.
The fact that two underage girls perfectly fit the beauty standards for adult Korean women is something to think about.
No. 320043
File: 1541283481639.jpg (89.79 KB, 700x500, iu-no-make-up.jpg)

>>320041I dunno IU is like 26 now and people think she's HAF
Maybe its that weird asian thing where cute and smol=sexy whereas in the west a massive ass boobs and hips would get you that reaction
No. 320044
File: 1541284554050.gif (1.37 MB, 500x235, tumblr_nd9oqjxtqK1qccbedo1_500…)

>>320041whoa. it's insane how many idols have gotten surgery to look just like this.
No. 320048
>>320045yeah but, ive accidentally insulted so many 20+ yr old asian friends because i asked them how they got into uni at such a young age.
Like they literally looked like 10 year olds to me.
No. 320049
>>320044She seriously is considered one of the most beautiful women ever in Korea, it's crazy. There's songs about her, actresses and idols get compared to her.
Don't get me wrong, she was very pretty but it's funny that most people in the West have no clue who she is but in Korea she's goddess status.
No. 320050
File: 1541285829521.jpg (86.97 KB, 736x1012, 383a85a20394a665bbfd9b21483e89…)

>>320044i didn't even know who this chick was, she even married a korean guy.
No. 320056
>>320048But they know, they can google how old the foreign girls they lust after are and then they should stop. Asians don't look that young, you might just be bad at telling ages.
>>320050No, she was married to two Americans and a Japanese.
No. 320066
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>>320051>>320064i dunno an outsider that doesn't have a lot of exposure to the western world might wonder what our obsession with Marilyn Monroe is all about.
No. 320067
File: 1541287952197.jpg (99.81 KB, 1000x680, a422d28ddb120a7db744a0e40a3caa…)

>>320066or to a lesser extent, jodie foster in taxi
No. 320074
>>320066>>320067>America's obsession with Marilyn Monroeftfy, sorry
Never seen the movie Taxi either. Or heard anybody call Jodie Foster that beautiful.
No. 320075
triggered you? Us calling your Oppars creepy for jerking it to preteens?
No. 320119
>>320073posts like yours need to be banned
No. 320151
>>319723Oof his mouth is so fucking narrow. Too bad about the nose but Koreans don't know what a flattering nose even is so no expectations there.
>>319791Natural asian noses look just fine to me, same as any "ethnic" feature. I can understand tweaking proportions a bit like slightly narrowing down a nose bridge, or slightly lifting the lips, etc. but people always go too far with each procedure. Less is more when it comes to the face. The "ideal" face often looks freakish and is an endless pursuit that results in a waxlike abomination.
>>320129Zeronis/Paul Kwon is a fetishist hack that can't think of anything other than lingerie and kpop is why.
No. 320179
File: 1541325284482.jpg (621.56 KB, 585x1473, MAMA_2018_SONG_OF_THE_YEAR.jpg)

which song do you think will win soty? i hope love scenario gets it, not ddu-du ddu-du or fake love because of their popularity
No. 320206
File: 1541336605886.jpg (205.9 KB, 900x1200, DrIwplQU4AETbgF.jpg)

>>320205a photo of jimin in a tattoo & painting shop was going around and everyone was going crazy over the possibility of him getting a tattoo. some people were saying "that's not jimin, his fingers aren't that long. that's just a lookalike" and stuff lol. apparently it was just jimin and his manager going to the shop to talk about something, he didn't get a tattoo
No. 320212

>>319870The group itself is bland and boring. I could listen to their songs/watch their mv and easily mix them up with any other 3rd gen gg. No distinct or special vocals and faces at all. Their whole "breakthrough" concept or whatever the fuck it is has been ruined by their own members lol. The song was catchy at first but it only took me 3 plays to get bored. It is that bland and forgettable.
Plus, I don't get the hype with Sakura Miyawaki. She's like the Kang Daniel of gg. No talent, no visual, just hypes that came out of nowhere. I legit thought she was 25 when I first saw her. She did look that old in the fancam (vid related). Turns out she's only 20 and 3 yrs younger than me.
I'm surprised to know that the youngest member of Izone was born in 2004, yet I just cant see whats so special about her. Shes not even on Somi's level of special (and thats saying something cause Somi is mediocre to me). Just take a look at each and every member of Izone… They look similar and boring as hell. Saged for long rant
No. 320219
File: 1541344066237.jpeg (159.5 KB, 908x1200, 2AB8BE79-4B39-4731-8FE6-EFD8EF…)

>>320212i found her super pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way when i first saw her (pic related) but having seen her in fancams and such since then she looks nothing like that…
No. 320247
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320248
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320249
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320250
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320251
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320252
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320255
>>320241Tbh, is there even a girl group active in the west? Last i can remember is fifth harmony and they didnt last very long.
Girl groups seem to fall apart easily
No. 320265
File: 1541353908168.png (14.91 KB, 736x143, 65434.PNG)

>>320179YG groups probably won't attend so Blackpink or Ikon might not win, so i'm guessing either Fake love, Starry night, or Dance the night away will win.
>>320232Well they signed with Interscope records, but I don't think they'll be anymore popular than bts.>>320236And a new survival show to be aired this month for a boygroup.
No. 320292
File: 1541357196911.gif (844.22 KB, 245x125, tumblr_micjibr3aj1qbbb7uo3_250…)

>>320232Nah, YG would love western media recognition and tour money, BTS style, but they'll never put in necessary work to make it happen.
It's fashion photoshoots, instagram posts, random singles and milking japanese fans for the rest of Blackpink's career.
No. 320300
>>320206Turns out it actually was the lookalike, @bts_R7 on Instagram
I'm creeped out by how much he looks like Jimin in some pictures, and the whole concept of Idol-cosplayers.
No. 320315
File: 1541360825480.jpg (642.25 KB, 754x1102, r7.jpg)

>>320300whew, he looks more jimin than the real jimin himself. he's friends with some guy who looks like taehyung too, it's weird. so jimin and his manager going to the tattoo shop was fake news?
No. 320326
>>320248Little Mix are doing well. Their latest MV has 28 million views currently.
Since there isn't particularly a streaming culture in western fandoms, you can assume the views are mostly genuine.
No. 320342
File: 1541368280628.jpg (101.48 KB, 1200x850, 181012_jimin.jpg)

>>320315Lmao he looks much better than Jimin himself. This made me wonder what would the British PS monster think if he knew that someone else could look like Jimin with less effort and money. He'd be so bloody envious.
No. 320350
>>320343I'd like a western girl group that doesn't look like instathots.
I've never heard of little mix until now, so yeah it se3ms they're pretty local
Is blackpink even known outside kpop circles?
No. 320367
File: 1541373529223.png (4.28 MB, 1608x1672, 2654872.png)

I suck at making collages and maybe I'm reaching but lmfao this videos are so similar somehow is it possibly directed by the same dude or something? Like it's a very similar vibe, also as if its your last reminds me a lot of power by little mix. And I know LM look like insta thots and preach some kind of commercial feminism but lets not compare them vocal wise or putting up show wise with BlackPink, cause little mix drag them through the mud and I'm saying this as a person who just started listening to this type of music lmao
No. 320395
File: 1541377878190.png (201.91 KB, 296x515, 1541076045437.png)

>>320342Imagine getting all the surgery just to end up looking exactly like Dasha
No. 320479
>>320212>Plus, I don't get the hype with Sakura Miyawaki. She's like the Kang Daniel of gg. No talent, no visual, just hypes that came out of nowhere. Using 'visual' unironically.
I would imagine the hype with her is that she's been a very popular member of a famous girl group for 7 years already. She already has a built in fanbase. Plus her appearance is pretty unique compared to most of the same-faced kpop girls including the majority of her own new group.
No. 320537
>>320489That jimin lookalike has a pic with them, check the tags.>>320534Everyone knows it sucks, they're just hyping it up because they think it'll stop Exo from dying even though even their company gave up on them
No. 320588
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I guess being in love with a celebrity really does warp your perception of beauty
No. 320589
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>>320588Because this shit is repulsive
No. 320623
>>320479For full disclosure I am not an AKB fan.
From the first episode onwards I don't get why she's been favoured by Mnet or the Produce48 team.
Her performance in the second episode was definitely not an A, I wouldn't even call it a D.
Her centre selection performance was again the most unimpressive one.
Her singing and dancing skills are below average.
Her confidence is non existent, I don't see star quality in her. Jurina got a B and she smiled with confidence.
People are calling her visuals the best but to me she looks like a 12 year old kid, Jurina at least looks her age.
"Why" is the only thing that comes to my mind when I see Mnet and PD48 bias towards her.
No. 320630
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>>320623Lol anon I honestly never got her hype. Her nose is too big and it's the most distracting feature for me. She's in her 20s but look a lot older than her age, she doesn't look youthful.
It's a 4/10 imo
No. 320639
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No. 320641
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>>320639Christ that's hideous. He looks like the ghost in that one Japanese programme
No. 320644
>>320623What can I can say people like her for whatever reason. Her solo cams always get the most likes and views. Tastes vary. Your opinion isn't fact.
Mnet didn't really favor her at all. Mnet used the 48G's popularity to get viewers so they could push their pre-selected faves (ie the ones on labels that were either subsidiaries or connected to Mnet).
All the Starship and Stone Music girls. I mean all of your complaints about Sakura could just as easily be applied to them.
>Her nose is too bigSeek help.
No. 320683
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lol is this real
No. 320749
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Nomination for next thread pic
No. 320766
>>320755Jin and Jungkook
>>320760I still don't get Twice's appeal and probably never will. They're cute (except Nayeon who is just plain ugly) but their music is just trash.
No. 320790
>>320644>>320662>Tastes vary. Your opinion isn't fact.This could be applied to yours as well. As long as i can remember this thread is the critical thread, so you should get used to people hating on your biases no matter how retarded that sounds to you. It only sounds retarded when you're biased towards the artists anyway. Everyone seems to dislike jennie here yet no one complains, why are you so butthurt over sakura getting called untalented and bland? When its the truth for some people kek
>>320650Yeah shes Mnet's fav toy
No. 320796
>>320644>All the Starship and Stone Music girls. I mean all of your complaints about Sakura could just as easily be applied to them.Ugh yeah, I did say the same thing about the other girls.
"Just take a look at each and every member of Izone… They look similar and boring as hell."
No. 320797
>>320790First of all, you are responding to two different people. I'm
>>320644Anyway, anon, she's not my 'bias'. I think the whole group is fucking terrible. Untalented and not particularly interesting. She is very much included in that assessment. Where did I say anything else? Note I didn't compliment her at all. I said she's popular which is true. I just think that everyone else is equally bad and boring and Mnet is full of shit.
I do think that Mnet used all of the 48G. That doesn't mean that I like any of them.
No. 320812
>>320623Slight OT but
>to me she looks like a 12 year old kidThat's exactly why she got popular. Jurina looks older than her age (but in the best way, she's womanly and has a good bone structure) while Sakura appeals more to Korean beauty standards. Because that's how it is, it's a shallow pick between who could sell better. You don't need much talent when your target audience is teenagers and old men…
And Jurina dodged a bullet tbh, I could already see someone pushing her for a jaw shave. It would've been a disgrace No. 320881
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>>320856why do they have them looking like the fucking joker.
No. 320960
>>320959Lmfao at this comment also
>"This is one of the most honest and ,intellectual piece of work I have seen written about BTS. Loved reading your article as they were parts of if that I didn't put together. You know your facts. I am a 53yr old ARMY. I am part of a BTS fan page that for the older generation and they are hundreds of us on that site alone. If I were home and on my laptop I would say more…but we'll done for the comparisons."
No. 320966
>>320932They can still be nominated, right? They are not allowed in the best new artist category, but didn't they delousionally apply for the album of the year category?
Honestly, I hope they get nominated and then lose to a much more talented artist. The salt on stan twitter would be glorious
No. 320991
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>>320749i’m the original anon who posted this monstrosity to the last thread and holy fuck it’s just as horrid as i remember
i had such a blast looking for cursed bts pics, warmly recommend! we’ll never run out of thread pics with bts around
No. 320994
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Did this people wait for people to criticize so that she/he can spew "don't offend my oppar" bs?
No. 320998
>>320994the beatles became famous for their music while bts became infamous for their batshit crazy fandom. it’s totally the same thing guis!!1
maybe it’s petty but i really do hope shatmys manage to piss off a larger fandom/community and get curbstomped. i remember some anon suggesting the beyonce fandom? black twitter? something like that. maybe that reporter could get some justice then.
No. 321021
>>320998>the beatles became famous for their musicI know this is not the thread to expect anyone to know anything about actual music but this is just false. The Beatles only gained musical appreciation later on. At first, it was the large fandom of screaming girls that made them known. Their arrival in New York was a big deal because of the crazy fangirls, not their music. It wasn't until years into their journey and after their genre-hopping and musical growth were they considered great because of their music. And it wasn't until decades later did people start associating them with music snobs rather than crazy fans.
And nah, the "big western fandom" thing won't work. I've already seen articles talking about the Beyhive x Army streaming parties when Beyonce's album was released.
No. 321029
>>321021i worded that clumsily, guess i should’ve clarified, my bad.
the beatles /are/ known for their music today, not because of the screeching fangirls that initially made them known to the general public when they were new but because they actually grew and branched out as artists rather than staying in the same place. that is something bts have shown themselves incapable of doing as they’ve settled down sticking to the same overproduced garbage that their fangirls hyped up to the high heavens to begin with, clearly with little desire to improve in terms of music and artistry now that they’ve become comfy. in contrast, when bts first started out they were underdogs who stuck to the heavier hiphop theme [by kpop standards] when it wasn’t all that popular in the kpop community on a grander scale, and it wasn’t until like three years into their career that they broke through and their fandom went off the deep end.
in that sense, i guess you could say the beatles and bts evolved in opposite directions- or devolved, in bts’ case. (not saying bts is comparable to the beatles in terms of musical quality or success because they’re obviously not but comparing their careers they developed in opposite directions.)
>And nah, the "big western fandom" thing won't work. I've already seen articles talking about the Beyhive x Army streaming parties when Beyonce's album was say that as if ratmys still wouldn’t be able to piss them off. ratmys have been chummy with other kpop fandoms like blinks too but they’ve managed to fuck that up so i fail to see why they wouldn’t be able to do that with western fandoms too. seeing how racists ratmys are towards black people it seems inevitable. they always manage to show their ass in the end.
No. 321037
>>321029I agree with the devolving music vs evolving music thing but you're comparing a musical career that spans decades to one that's only 5 years old. 5 years into the Beatles career they were still making safe music that panders to the fans and doesn't upset their conservative parents. They were even more disliked by critics then than BTS are right now. It's too early to truly know if they're going to only get worse or if they'll make a U turn.
My guess is it's going to continue to get more radio-friendly and weaker until they hit the peak and start descending in popularity and then start putting out solo works that might actually be good. Kinda like Big Bang or many of the other western and eastern boybands who could only break out of the mold when their 15 minutes of fame ran out.
No. 344220
>>319040that was when baek got super skelly skinny since like kkb era hes filled out a /lot/
idols and their crazy diets smh at least hes not longer a skeleton ?