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No. 280708
Previous threads:
>>232967>>241117>>252094>>263689Rant about Kpop, it's creepy fandoms, and/or it's fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.
Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.·
Don't racebait·
Don't fangirl·
Keep in mind that this is not the Korea critical thread. It's not about Korean society as a whole. No. 280733
>>280731i never got why people were so butthurt about that song, the lyrics are more cringey than misogynistic
>>280732tell me about it, that video needs a seizure warning
No. 280734
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>>280729Lol, that's the gayest butt slap ever.
No. 280735
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>>280734Twerk that back. God, kpop idols have NO ASS at all. I cringe every time they try to twerk.
MY EYES, the filters!
No. 280740
>>280735most kpop twerking is a weird crouch thrusting, 0:40 for some of the worst i've seen. it just looks like really awkward pegging
r/kpopfap don't care though
No. 280745
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>>280742Reminds me of this part from one of Hyuna's MV. How is that sexy at all?
Probably an unpopular opionion or I may get hate for it. But I really don't find female kpop idols sexy at all, they just look so… off most of the time. They are beautiful and cute most of the time, but sexy? nah, sorry.
I don't think male ones are better mind you, especially when they take their shirts off and grind away ugh… the cringe is real.
No. 280748
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>>280744These frog legs twerk better than these kpop idols lol
No. 280750
time for bed
No. 280751
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Thinking it’s wrong to start sexualizing a kid the second they turn turn 18 is fake-woke now lmao
>inb4 messy scribble
No. 280756
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Oh my God. How did he go from pic related to
>>280297 ? What went
No. 280766
>>280764jimin and v weren't underage tho?
>>280762a lot could be written by teenagers tho lul
No. 280769
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>>280764Jk was 16 when they had him dance like this on stage.
(sorry for the cringe)
No. 280773
>>280756I remember seeing this video regarding Jimin's weight and such. Dude has some serious weight issues. He looks like shit now because he's too thin.
I feel bad for saying he looked better buff since it seems it was hurting him but… yeah he should do some weights again.
Also, this video is creepy as fuck with all the details and wild guesses from the creator.
No. 280774
>>280749I seriously don't understand why i-fans want the same things from kpop that they get from the western entertainment industry. They want bts to sing about social issues like homophobia/sexism/whatever, they want k-fans to accept idols dating with each other, etc. I know that k-fans' attitude towards idols' relationships is fucked up, but it's still a thing in their fan culture, it might change for the better, it might not, I just don't think that people who observe a foreign culture should throw tantrums and demand that things are dealt their way, idols act the way they like, etc. Calling people out, critisizing is fine, but many fans don't seem to understand that kpop caters to korean audience, not them.
No. 280784
>>280783but he genuinely looks like he doesnt know whats going on most of the time
>>280782they are not interested in the actual struggles of lgbt people elsewhere in the world, they are interested in hot boys in eyeliner.
also, you didnt sage…
No. 280788
>>280784ooh I forgot it
sage for some off-topic ranting
>>280747kpop fandoms are filled with people like this. I'm sorry for being that one whiny bitch but as someone who grew up in a mostly conservative shithole of a country, these first world lgbt people who constantly feel the need to be told that they are valid are fucking annoying. lgbt people here are extremely socially pressured, I know people who got disowned by their parents and had to move to another country, I know people who got death threats, people are getting killed, and the government and courts don't give a fuck. you are protected by the law, you have your freedom, what else do you fucking want? just live on like a normal human being. do virgin gays and fujos really need some kpop idol forcing themself to act gay all the time to feel valid and represented? they don't even know shit about people who died fighting for lgbt rights, but when a kpop guy isn't afraid to wear makeup and chokers suddenly he's a lgbt icon.
No. 280790
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>>280789??? there's nothing happening here
>your brain on kpop No. 280791
>>280774Samefag but I wanted to point out how ironic it is that i-fans want idols to be "woke" and care about tolerance and social justice when most of them don't really bother learning about and accepting a foreign culture themselves.
>>280788That's an actual thing with fujoshis lol, a certain percent of them is homophobic (I happen to know a few people unfortunately) and many of them don't really care about these issues. They're nothing better than straight males who "care" about lgbt rights just because they jerk off to lesbian porn.
Also, idols acting gay often seems even more homophobic than if they didn't acknowledge the existence of homosexuality at all. If you watch korean variety shows for example, they often do some (kinda) gay stuff for comedic effect, it's always cringey and obvious that actual homosexuality is just a joke or disgusting to them.
No. 280794
>>280788>…these first world lgbt people who constantly feel the need to be told that they are valid are fucking annoying. God yess, I agree so much. And they push their agenda onto every idol that seems remotely "gay" to them and name them queens, etc. It's so annoying. There's so many websites of people dedicated to figuring out idols sexual inclination, like they're some sort of gaydar.
Like this one for NCT members: No. 280795
>>280789Uh anon don't you know that literally nothing an idol has ever done is their genuine self? Every single blink is calculated by the agency. Every single idol is just an empty shell being told what to do.
Really, there's definitely idols who are naturally, genuinely awkward people. They'll be coached on how to play it off in a way that seems charming rather than awkward but without a doubt there's plenty like V who aren't just 100% normal outgoing people faking at being quirky. The times an idol is given a completely fake persona always backfire and stop working within a couple of years, fans can see through when someone is a complete fake and don't like it
No. 280796
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>>280790>that gifwhy anon why
No. 280799
>>280797Anon don't you know that those famous good looking guys are actually incels IRL? They're also virgins because they're severely autistic, too.
The stans who believe their idols are pure virgins angels and the antis who think they are a bunch of mouth breathing retards are not that different from each other.
No. 280802
>>280795I think that's a bit exagerated, I doubt every single thing an idol does is fake. But I do agree that it's most likely that the general personality they portray in variety shows and such is super fake. Especially when you have the cool one, the shy one, the "cute" (cringe) one, in every group ever.
I doubt V decided his persona was acting like a retard. I really do believe he thinks sticking his tongue out like that for example is "sexy".
No. 280809
>>280802That first part was a joke about how some anons (and people elsewhere) jump in immediately to tell you an idol's fake if you say you like something about them
With stuff like Vlive these days I think it's too hard for an idol to keep a consistent fake persona. There's still a few 'quirky' idols who are told to just stay quiet but I do think that most idol's fake personas are just their own personalities but exaggerated in certain ways to be more loud or more motherly or whatever their deal is
No. 280811
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>>280807but what about this part? and the subtitles are a bit weird (although i have no idea how accurate the translation is)
i dont think its the end of the world, just a bit inappropriate maybe
No. 280830
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:rolls eyes:
No. 280832
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>>280830interviewer: do you guys think humans are equal?
kpop band: yes.
twitter: #woke kings
No. 280844
>>280830kpop idols look so bizarre when you see them next to "normal" looking people
straight up uncanny valley
No. 280845
>>280791>Samefag but I wanted to point out how ironic it is that i-fans want idols to be "woke" and care about tolerance and social justice when most of them don't really bother learning about and accepting a foreign culture themselves.Even though I got over k-pop a long time ago, I still visit netizenbuzz from time to time just see i-fans desperately defend their faves while they simultaneously shit on the Korean society.
International fans refuse to educate themselves on why things such as celebrities caught up in scandals concerning weed, abortion or, baffeling enough, the Japanese Imperial flag are controversial. However, at the same time, international fans throw a shitshow and go to #war on twitter when Koreans don't understand why blackface or being against accepting refugees is an issue.
No. 280862
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hyuna's song "babe" creeps me the fuck out, maybe it's supposed to be innocently cute but.. well…
No. 280863
>>280830Ask any straight Korean man “Would you ever be friends with a gay man” like 95% of them will go off on a huge “WTF NO THATS GROSS IM NOT A GAY, I CANT BE FRIENDS WITH THEM OR THEYLL TOUCHC MY DICK”
Dont even get me started on trannies lmfao woke culture does not exist in Korea. Even their psychotic feminazis will call anybody that sleeps with a korean man a slut whore. Back in the day there was a huge thread about blaming some thai girls for getting raped by korean guys because “wah they always think they are so much better than us, serves them right skanks!!”
No. 280887
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>>280874What the fuck is this? hahah
No. 280890
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>>280844Did somebody say uncanny valley?
No. 280901
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>>280900You welcome, if it's real. I feel bad for idols that they color their hair so much, it must not be good.
No. 280915
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>>280900Sometimes his hair get separated in the front and you can see how high his forehead goes.
No. 280957
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I've never noticed it before and now I'm actually scared.
No. 280960
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>>280959I think he looked cute with very short hair when he was younger, but if he keep the moon face he has right now he's going to look terrible.
No. 280964
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>>280959But didn't you know, anon? BTS oppar already helped Korea's economy too much, they don't need to go to the army, silly goose.
No. 281173
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>>280964this is such a punchable face, a greasy, doughy penis-y mess.
No. 281192
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>>281187Stupid koreans and their v-line jaw obsession. They've ruined so many faces already, like Wendy in picture. They find him attractive because he has the softest most unnexisting chin/jaw ever.
It almost seems like it's not so much that they like those features but that they want the complete opposite of their natural ones. It's sad really.
No. 281198
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are they supposed to be 10 year old boys at a playground in this one?? bit creepy
No. 281200
>>281198Lol, the only one that at least looks decent modeling is JK. The other ones have such a bored, uninterested spaced out face. Look at V and Suga, aren't idols supposed to be good with the camera?
I genuinely think they know they look like shit this comeback.
Also I'm tired of the whole pedo discussion, yeah koreans are creepy, yeah it looks like a playground and it's weird but it's not like they're wearing diapers and pacifiers.
Although I would not be surprised if something like that exists somewhere in kpop.
No. 281215
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>>281200V's idea of modeling is covering half of his face with hands, he gets lost when he's not allowed to do it.
No. 281219
god this thread sucks. how many times do we need to bring up jaw surgeries?
how is
>>281192 relevant?
anyway, twice stays making japanese bank. i wonder how mad kfans are going to be about their success.
No. 281222
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Wtf happened to this guy when he was in his mother's belly? I wouldn't be surprised if we learned he's missing a chromosome or two…
No. 281235
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>>281225He's been mentioned a couple of times in older threads. I think he's attractive, not sure why so much hate. But I mean this is the critical thread, go right ahead and bash lol
No. 281249
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>>281200>>281246Agreed there could be worse lmfao
No. 281265
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>>281257Seriously? They have S Coups there, you know
No. 281268
sana has to be the biggest cow in kpop history. i thought she was escaping the uwu animu girl schtick but it still pops up sometimes
tbt to her real singing voice @ 0:41 No. 281270
>>281265I think dude would look mostly OK if he didn't always have the REDDEST lips EVER.
Take the lipstick away from male idols.
No. 281286

>>281282That would be a good thread if enough people participated, there's a lot of reactors and kpop fans that fit the lolcow potential. I've seen the evolution of the normal "I need money" reactors from watching stupid videos to watching kpop mvs, getting sucked into it and only doing that. Besides the point of "do they like it or are they reacting because they get views" you can see with your eyes how they go from normal people to total kpop freaks.
I remember one called Dezzy that used to be some normal black dude reacting and devolved to such a kpop suck up. In his latest videos he keeps saying "pregnant" every time an idol even looks at the camera and worships them as gods. It's so cringe now.
Or this one from Spain that used to be a normal dude in his first videos until he discovered the cancer that is BTS and became such an idol wannabe. Just look at that red clown hair and dangly earring. Looking at his videos thumbnails you can see the evolution from normal to fugly kpop fashion.
No. 281306
>>281286This is the dude I was talking about, he has such a boner for Lisa from Blackpink. Just look at how he reacts to their "raps" like they're the shit. Come on dude, you know they suck.
"I keep it LIT like a match stick" yeah, that TOTALLY deserves that reaction.
And don't get me started on that stupid J-hope mixtape. I don't think I've heard a worst rapper wannabe that J-hope, he has the most annoying voice and this is coming from someone that has heard Hyuna rap before. The fact that the mixtape got ANY recognition is beyond me.
No. 281311
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>>281306I can't… I just CAN'T with these raps. They suck so much it's embarrassing.
>I keep it lit like a matchstick>Bitch, I'm a star, but no Patrick>I'm getting cake, that's a fact, check>Holdin' a roll like a graduate>These smart mouths bring dumb heat>Like ICE-T, I'm OG>I'm demon like I-T>Got more juice than Hi-C No. 281316
>>281306>and this is coming from someone that has heard Hyuna rap beforeWhen I heard her rap for the first time I didn't even realize that she was trying to rap, I thought she was just talking or something. Why does she even need rap parts? I get that they need them in big groups where many members can't sing, but she's a solo artist and can avoid that.. Western artists don't have this golden standard of having rap in every single song, where does this come from?
>>281311My favorite Blackpink's line will always be "I'm so hot I need a fan".
No. 281318
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>>281311ngl, my dumbass got down to that basic ass verse when i first heard it
No. 281464
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>>281246he's butt ugly but at least looks natural and more like the average korean.
this freak, on the other hand
>>281264>>281265so ugly wtf
No. 281466
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>>281464damn this alien is already out here influencing people! icon!
No. 281467
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buying into this bs when you're an adult is just pathetic. I wouldn't be surprised if her daughter starts parroting the same mentality to others.
No. 281473
>>281467Armys (kpoppers in general) are…yikes
The whole supremacist ideology is downright pathetic and laughable. It gives me a headache seeing armys going back and forth on my tl screaming complaining about Kpoppies, acting like their western stans/ supporting western artists who have way more success with the GP than their favs ever will, when their actually Kpop fans of a Kpop boyband. Oh, and when they act like their favs music is anything more than music.
Groups with long ass theories that were made wayyyyy before the group even debuted is lit a marketing tactic to draw in people who love stories. RE: EXO and LOONA (i sort of like Loona's "backstory).
Stop acting like their shit is innovating when there is no strong cultural rep in their music. It's just bland American Pop music sung in Korean.
No. 281474
>>281464i remember seeing a vid of his group members being uncomfy around him on yt
shit i would too, he must've been really clapped to go through all of those procedures
No. 281479
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>>281474He used to be popular for being a Jaejoong lookalike. He still looked plastic but not as bad as he does now. Looking him up I found an old article from 2010 on akp about him debuting in a group. The fact that he's still trying 8 years later is sad.
No. 281488
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>>281480I feel bad looking at Wendy's jaw… Red Velvet is so stiff and tbh they seem to dislike each other. No girl group will ever top SNSD.
No. 281531
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>>281474>i remember seeing a vid of his group members being uncomfy around him on ytlol i feel bad for him now.
i looked through their photos and there seems to be a lot of gay fan service, holy shit can kpop companies chill
No. 281755
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>>281714This is the reason I dislike kpopfags so much actually. Instead of being honest about stanning idols solely because they want to fuck them or be like them, they keep insisting their idols have talent when they only thing they do right is pleasing their fanbase. Even so they manage to come off as fake most times.
Take kpop, for example, there's no originality in any aspect of it except it's made by Koreans. Same goes for kdrama. Fans literally force themselves to hype this shit because they're so obsessed with Korea, the trending country right now. That thread with anons fawning over kpop boys really tells how shallow this fanbase really is. As an ex kpop fan I hope it dies out soon.
No. 281761
>>281755I agree with the obsession and I could use less of these fangirls fawning over there too, but at this point you can't say the people in that thread are not the same ones in here. I don't know why there's even two threads since people are being critical in both, just make a shit on BTS thread and get it over with since that's what's mainly being talked about here.
Also, I don't get why so many "ex" kpop fans are still updated on things happening in kpop and talking about it. Why do you even bother if you don't even want to fuck the idols? Because it's obvious anyone that likes kpop is mostly interested for that reason. I find that more annoying that people that at least admit they're into it because they want to fuck asian twinks.
No. 281784
>>281776Then this thread is no better than the other in terms of getting "
triggered" because someone has a different opinion than you. If you find that idol unattractive and that anon an idiot for liking "these fugly asians" go ahead and tell them and move on, don't start a different thread so you can have your "safe space". We already stated this is no longer an anti kpop thread since no real hater of kpop would post here or know the names of all these idols.
I don't get why anyone would get butthurt on fucking lolcow, you're no better than those fangirls that get pissy when someone says anything bad about their bias. if you're on a kpop thread critize it as much as you want and fuck anyone that is annoyed by it. Don't post on both threadsand then complain you two faced fucks.
No. 281793
>>281784>I don't get why anyone would get butthurt on fucking lolcow>Don't post on both threadsand then complain you two faced fucks.sounds like you're a bit butthurt on lolcow. also i never said any of that, in fact i was agreeing with you…
>>281792dont read then
No. 281804
>>281761I'm the anon you replied to. Never posted in this thread before, that was just my criticism of kpop industry, literally this thread's OP intention.
>K-pop Critical ThreadOnly group I ever followed as a fan was SHINEE because of Taemin, got tired of them and only came back after Jonghyun's death. I don't even care at this point.
No. 281815
>>281755>That thread with anons fawning over kpop boys really tells how shallow this fanbase really isAs one of the anons fawning over idols in the general thread, I agree. Super sage for blogpost, but a big part of why I like NCT is actually
because of how shallow it is. No fake deep concepts, no particularly nasty attitudes, no uglies; just an ever-growing group of cute, endearingly cringey twinks singing mediocre pop songs about simple shit, pushing out a steady flow of fan service, and dicking around together. That's pretty much all I could ever ask for out of a Kpop boy group. Anything that strayed from that formula would not appeal to me at all, even if the music was good.
No. 281830
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I literally just met this girl and I'm in physical pain
No. 281831
>>281830aww i dont think this is that bad, yeah its cringey but at least shes not being horribly obnoxious like some bts fans. although i can only imagine how shitty that essay is going to be lol
>no other artists ive heard does thatwat
No. 281843
File: 1534548410344.png (28.24 KB, 683x131, gross.png) is a gross 40+ fuck who makes articles objectifying 18yo idols on their bodies… What i find funny is that on his list of ''ugly'' idols, none of them would touch him with ten foot pole kek
No. 281844
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>>281830These are the same people that cant even fucking speak korean lmfao you dont even know the message unless you are sitting and reading English translations while listening to it. And even then, they are translations which tend to be over translated in terms of feelings lmfao something as simple and meaningless as “i hate you but i love you” gets translated to english as “I detest the inner depths of your eternal being, yet I cannot resist you and all that you stand for” which again gets translated by BTS stans as “OMG IT REPRESENTS THE HATRED FOR LGBT PEOPLE THAT SOCIETY HAS AND HOW BTS IS SO WOKE THAT THEY CAN STILL ACCEPT THEM AND LOVE THEM “
No. 281847
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>>281840i personally know about the song "baepsae", it's about barriers that people from poor families encounter in their careers or something. i googled and found this article, it also mentions other songs hate to admit it but thanks to bts's existence i learned about this bird, it's so cute (it's called baepsae in korean).
No. 281853
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>>281843A lot of his fans seem like the type of people that spend too much time on kpopfap.
No. 281860
>>281853this fucker claims to be half chinese and that his mom specifically looks like boram from t-ara. a kek
yes i obsessively hateread his blog
No. 281877
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Real question is, is Jimin ftm? He looks so girly…
No. 281881
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>>281877I think this is the answer to
>>281875>why he has the most fucking weirdos obsessed with him?Him looking so androgynous makes him hyper sexual to fangirls, that's why I'd say he's the most sexualized member in BTS. Bighit also helped creating this 'sexy persona' when he's actually a very shy guy and probably arrogant as well. It's a great combination to attract weird girls. Not to mention fujoshits making shit that involves him getting fucked in the ass by JK. He looks like a twink tbh.
source: have an army friend with loads of fanfics and pics of Jimin x JK
No. 281900
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>>281892lmao she's rapping in english, i thought it was korean because of her accent. i still don't see what's so bad? it's cringey, but the original wasn't any better, why are they complaining now…
No. 281950
>>281875fujoshis like him because he is kinda small so they can self-insert as him in their 90k cow hybrid fanfics without suspending too much disbelief
the rest of his underage fans like him because he's always going on about how insecure he is and they relate to it
also because of the whole weight loss thing he attracts a lot of anas and we all know how batshit they are
No. 281988
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No. 282074
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This is so cringy. I get that kpop fans are annoying and that he's trying to act woke, but considering how irrelevant him and ukiss are…
No. 282075
File: 1534623478094.png (83.9 KB, 233x247, EvilJimin.png)

Just wanted to share this beautiful screenshot of Jimin.
No. 282085
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>>282081here, enjoy an ugly selfie of jhope then
No. 282086
File: 1534624767709.jpg (51.88 KB, 1023x682, 0148ff7a3b44bab369c519c5da646b…)

The sad think is he look like a starving monkey at a low weight and like a glazed donut at an healthy weight.
No. 282087
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>>282084fair enough.
>>282086he looks better here than whatever the fuck has been happening to him lately. in my personal opinion of course.
No. 282092
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>>282086I don't get why they make all members lose weight to the point where they look like they're legitimately starving, wtf is appealing about that? I stopped following bts back then, but I remember last year they lost weight suddenly before one of the comebacks, bh or they themselves claimed it was because of stress, but I don't buy it.
No. 282095
>>281467It's been 2 days and I'm still thinking about this post
If she was my mom I'd literally kill myself. At least have the decency to keep it a secret. These grown ass people… I can't
No. 282205
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>If you don't find this attractive you're arrogant and have standards WAY too high
No. 282209
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>>282205that's not what that anon said…
No. 282231
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>>282182speaking of jimin, why do they keep putting him in contacts with his misshapen eye thing. his right eye is just staring off into the middle distane lmao
No. 282233
>>282117Sure, it just seems almost sadistic of them to want people to perform choreos that require great stamina while they look like skeletons and eat an apple a day.
>>282205I remember I read some female idol or actress saying that Jimin is the most attractive one in bts because he has monolids, as opposed to double eyelids. I get it that they have their own beauty standards, it's just so weird, I see Asian people every day and before getting to know kpop it didn't even occur to me that they had different types of eyelids and shit, I saw no difference.
No. 282262
>>282243What exactly is going on here?
Is his lens slipping or?
No. 282811
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>>282809yep… even across bands, they all have the same kind of styling. its like they make a bunch of clones but just change the hair colour. ill give them one thing though, they tend to look a lot better than j-idols.
No. 282914
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I think I used to really like BTS because I enjoyed and could buy into their underdog status. Their reaction to receiving a daesung was seriously cute and made me feel good for them. I think now that they're very successful they also became extremely boring, I even feel like their attitude changed, they lost their charm.
No. 282923
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mom asked me to tutor her friend's 15 y.o. daughter who's a crazy bts stan. last time i gave her lessons she wouldn't shut up about them (and fanfics about them). i even suggested that we watch their videos during break, but she didn't want to watch normal videos, she turned on cringey shipping ones. sorry for blogposting. rip me.
No. 282927
>>282923What kind of world do we live in the makes grown 15 year olds think it's socially acceptable to talk about how much they like reading erotic stories about real life celebrities to strangers
This is why I dislike kpop and anime fans so much, they seem to have no social awareness with no good excuse for it, but armies in particular are… bizarre and a little deranged
No. 282936
>>282914anon are you me? I got into them late 2016 and enjoyed their Damien concept so much. their older music wasn't bad either, and even seeing them accept that grand prize was really nice. But ever since their management has angled toward appealing to western market, their music and personas have changed for the worse.
tbh i don't even hate them as people but the decisions bighit made for them really soured me and fueled their fandom's superiority complex to the point i can't even feel happy for their accomplishments.
No. 282937
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>>282930I've seen a similar thing with Seventeen lately, one of them made a joke about bondage on a Chinese show and fans lost their shit. I don't speak Chinese, so I don't really know if the joke was dirty or not, but the fans went to great lengths to convince everyone that it was innocent and he didn't mean anything.
No. 282938
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>>282937Not really convincing but who knows
No. 282943
>>282936>>282914>since their management has angled toward appealing to western market, their music and personas have changed for the worsewhy can't you guys realize their personas were always fake and the music always plastic and unoriginal.
there's no 'they were so much better before but now they suck because they cater to the american market' as if they were sooo genuine before.
they'll do whatever bighit ask them too, bts members are just empty shells without personalities.
No. 282953
>>282936>>282936I hate this type of comment so much. If anything, BTS was way more “western” friendly at the start of their career, that’s why they went nowhere with the korean public but stealdily gained i-fans.
As soon as they started with the flower boy crap and pastel hair/colored contacts they took off in Korea. Now their music is a noisy jumbled mess that resembles current kpop way more than anything that’s on western radio. Yeah they are still stealing beats and imitating popular rappers but they’ve always done that, now it’s just more blatant because they are stealing more current sounds.
No. 283033
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>>283022I’m always hoping for a juicy pregnancy scandal a la Tsuji Nozomi when she was in Morning Musime. But the most juice we get of that are has been idols and members of smaller bands that leave you going “wait who was she again?”
No. 283039
>>283022This is gonna sound dramatic as fuck, but I gasped reading this post. Genuinely surprised because extremely popular rookie under the same company managing the most successful GG at the moment? That’s (almost) guaranteed money.
It might (?) be because Somi was involved in that drinking “scandal” and occasionally you’ll come across Korean thoughts on her popularity on 101 being a result of international voters and that she’s overexposed. This is major reaching though, because that might only be rumors based off of biased translations to churn drama. A more realistic reason might be she (and her stage dad) chose to terminate because of a delay in the next JYPE girl group, possibly due to Twice still at the top of the game, Stray Kids trying to make a name for themselves, and the influx of “girl crush” groups at the moment. Why sit around and get put into more survivals shows, wasting your popularity and youth when she can find another company or go into acting/variety/etc.
I hope it’s somehow related to the Shewol Ferry cult JYP’s involved with, for maximum absurdity.
I feel dumb for this long-ass post but this is way more interesting drama than E-dawn and Hyuna’s dating, personally No. 283045
>>283039I think her leaving because of the next girl group being delayed probably makes the most sense.
People keep bringing up her dad but wouldn't he want her to stay at JYP for more exposure or something? She's already popular on her own but she will probably do better at JYP than at another smaller company. Though maybe they saw how the members of Twice rarely get their own solo work and decided they'd rather Somi stay solo. Isn't JYP's press conference about the cult next month? I guess there's no way to know unless someone leaks the details.
No. 283056
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>>280708armys are reporting 88rising bc theyre using them poor bts>>283022or maybe jyp is going to announce another survival show and she was going to be in it and shes basically said fuck it and left
No. 283066
>>283022she probably was dealing with having to fend off creeps too much
her own father is creepy too but i can imagine she may be put in more uncomfortable situations with people in the industry because shes a pretty hapa and basically a child model
No. 283096
>>283056If their fans can't handle negative attention, how do they think they'll ever attract the GP's attention, good or bad. Besides, the video is just gay fanservice put on blast, none of the members have explicitly come out as gay, so whilst some of the comments are homophobic, why care? I genuinely have never understood their logic…esp since the group they stan are a bunch of adult men.
I can see BTS success reaching a high peak, then it decreasing instantly like every popular Kpop bg does.
No. 283343
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>>283055its been mentioned before yea
No. 283460
>>283390the sexualization being the weird upskirt shot of heejin? or is there more i missed?
i noticed something about k-pop music videos that this exemplifies perfectly, it's that there's never really any plot. there are different sets and different outfits but never any action that pushes it forward, just shots of idols running. the most beloved western pop videos are basically short movies set to music, but even if k-pop videos have a concept they never have a storyline, if that makes sense. i thought loona might be different since love4eva had some acting in it, but with this it's all just random images and easter eggs. and, again, the running.
No. 283548
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>>281467damn, i wanted to read more from her, but she has deleted her account because she got roasted by other stans.
No. 283569
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>>283562thanks anon!
did she disown her second daughter because she wasn't stanning bts hard enough? lol
No. 283578
>>282938Nice try, if you search for it on Japanese google the only thing that comes up are Chinese pages and the pictures you see when googling 捆綁 are from Chinese pages. But
of course it's the perverted Japanese.
No. 283862
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goddamn this is terrible, and the filter doesn't help at all
No. 283931
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>>283862lol where tf are they going with this? i didn't realize they're releasing a new album already, i hope they'll appear in these wonderful outfits on stage.
No. 284084
>>284079wtf that was terrible. why did jungkook try to make his cough sexy at the end?
RMs nose is so botched… jh really might've been the best looking this time around. this is going to be a dark era.
No. 284088
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Imagine being on a dark alley and those two things start running towards you
No. 284090
>>284079I like the glitch art, even if they are 5 years late to when it was in, but I expect nothing after the last come backs.
Also how can Jimin keep getting weirder and weirder?
No. 284095
>>284079wow how subversive, I just can’t handle all this commentary
shit looks like it’s from 2012. k-pop late to the party as usual
No. 284110
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i hope this is fake
No. 284115
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i'm surprised western/english speaking fans still go so hard over bts and bighit, considering both do the bare minimum for them. bighit just copyright striked the one youtube channel that does english subs for their bangtan bombs, which bighit does not provide
No. 284117
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no they arent lol? maybe its because of this parody picture?
v looks like an ice cream scoop.
and jimin just keeps looking stranger and stranger, idk what they are doing to that boy tbh
No. 284246
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i just felt like sharing this pic of V for no reason
No. 284248
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>>284246thank u for your contribution anon
No. 284312
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>>284079I cringed so hard at their close-ups, especially Suga's stupid expression. To be honest I started paying attention to kpop more because of the fame BTS was getting at the start of the year. And it just hit me that they are really ugly in comparison to other groups. Not that is super important, but kpop is clearly more interested in looks that actual talent, so I find it really odd.
I also agree with the anon that said that V used to look attractive and is getting uglier and uglier. Can't really pinpoint why…
Also green screen looking shitty lol. I hope actual MV is a lot more interesting, Fake Love at least had a cool MV, but this one looks really cheap.
No. 284317
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>>284314all ik is that he looked his best before that fucking mullet and grandma jewelrey, short hair suits the dude obvs not the kris jenner haircut from wings kek
he is the best looking member but he's pretty basic in my books
No. 284318
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>>284317also does anyone know if they give kpop boys extensions or just tease their hair alot bc
No. 284319
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>>284314I think they all used to look better during their earlier MVs, because even if it was try-hard and "we manly" as fuck they did look like regular (with makeup) boys and not the pastel fairies they are trying to look like now.
I think they looked their best in War of Hormone. And V looked good in DNA era as anon above said. To be honest if I really look at his face in DNA and now it looks the same, but I think the styling, some weight gain and probably stress makes him look worse. That's why I stated I could not really pin point what it was that I didn't like compared to previously.
No. 284320
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>>284318just search up "taehyung hair extensions" and there's a few more pics if you're curious. idk about other kpop boys tho
No. 284330
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>>284325I agree, but he's looking worse as well with all the bad styling. I've noticed they did give him the least ridiculous hairstyles and such, at least before the pink hair he had recently. And the Ron Weasley lol… they should had stuck with brown/black. He's just one of those idols that don't suit weird shit.
I found him really attractive in the Dope era. They all looked a lot better.
No. 284332
>>284330i'm same anon from
>>284325, i totally agree with you. while fake love wasn't their best song, this personally to me was his GOAT era outside of woh and dope. darker hair without the bowl cut is his best style
No. 284334
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>>284320Lol 80% of male idols have extensions and probably 95% of female idols. On another note, I don't understand why Hyoyeon keeps this fugly blonde hair (which is probably fried to death after ten years)
No. 284337
>>284325I'm the OP and I get what you mean. I think jungkook is pretty attractive too, when I used to be in the fandom the one thing I hated was the persona they assigned him to, esp seeing how some of his stans would react. It made me wanna shove a gun in my mouth.
proceed with caution: No. 284339
>>284334Also Hyuna, why do idols start looking decent and then transform to bleached, pale as vampire, red lips, plastic monster looking weirdos? I bet you even the most devoted fans will still say their best looks where their pre debut or even first era looks, like BTS, and almost every other group.
Why change something if it works? Just keep the hair. Like Jinyoung of Got7, he always has black hair and you know what? Looks good, he doesn't need to change it at all.
No. 284340
>>284337Why did I click that why did I click that
I really like Jungkook but every time I read something like that, I feel bad for liking him and I also feel bad for him as well. Gag
No. 284358
>>284356Like 17? I would still call him handsome. That doesn't mean I want to fuck him anon.
I don't think I would fuck any of these idols honestly, but I can be honest and say if I think they are cute or handsome. It's not like I'm writing fan fiction about JK and dreaming about giving him a bath like the sick shit in that twitter chain lol
No. 284359
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>>284320Uhhh what, I'm pretty sure it was obvious, I remember him posting this picture with dark hair and then they magically turned into longer blonde haircut, it was right before the dna comeback.
>>284312>To be honest I started paying attention to kpop more because of the fame BTS was getting at the start of the year. And it just hit me that they are really ugly in comparison to other groups.It was similar for me, I got to know BTS about 2 years ago and liked them, was too lazy to research kpop in general and thought that they're the most talented/prettiest anyway because they were the most popular. Then I was surprised that there are many groups where members can actually sing and all of them can dance (not like BTS with Jin and Namjoon being awkward for example) and are more handsome overall. I'm not really hating on BTS, they just seem so boring now.
No. 284362
>>284360Its worse when you actually meet guys like them in korea and try daying them. Their style, the way they speak, their mannerisms, etc. Imagine there were hoards of women from other countries going on and on about how hot those basic Chad type guys are, and how they are the perfect human to ever walk the earth.
I cant even watch those stupid idol shows anymore, because you can see right through their stupid little “im such a cute wittle boy” aegyo act they put on
No. 284365
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>>284360For me it's the stage presence, or the way they carry themselves that is really attractive and interesting. Like for example, I found myself drawn to Jimin in the BST video, even if all you anons say he's ugly, etc. I think he looked really pretty and androgynous and that was by itself attractive to me.
But then, you see all these idols in their V lives, interviews, fan meetings etc and you can see they are just a bunch of immature, narcissistic, cringy regular teenagers/20 something dudes dabbing everywhere and that hook they had on you just goes POOF
No. 284369
>>284368as someone who has experience with makeup i'm sure it looks a hell of a ton better on screen compared to real life too unless your skin is flawless.
just in general they're gonna look better on screen no matter what but it's interesting to consider
No. 284371
>>284369It definitely does, it's odd watching the Behind the Scenes and seeing how different it looks with a regular camera. Also stage makeup it's sooo thick on the selfies they take and upload to Twitter. In person it must look so bad.
As I stated on
>>284365, it's not the lack of makeup that turns me off, even if some do look better with it. It's their childish personalities that make them unfuckable. Imagine being on one of those fan meetings where they talk to the audience, full of aegyo, "sexy dances" and frivolous "you're so handsome" comments between each other. I would facepalm so hard I would have no face by the end of it.
Also, talking about that, is anyone else really disgusted with the constant "you're so handsome" members say to each other? I've noticed it a lot on NCT videos for example. Are they really superficial or do they want to fuck each other so much? Same with Jin from BTS, when did it become acceptable or even attractive being super vain in Korea?
No. 284372
>>284371i wouldn't be surprised if they carry their persona off stage/camera sometimes either, after faking to be something for so long i'm sure it incorporates somewhat into your daily/real life
>is anyone else really disgusted with the constant "you're so handsome"yes, literally highlights how some of the members are literally there because they are considered good looking. not so much disgusted but just a minor annoyance. it's not like all the members need to be ~~talented~~ but you don't need to make the reason you're only there so blatant all the time. it's almost as if they say it out of spite since they've realized this themselves, jin especially considering V gets called the visual all the time
No. 284387
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>>284384it's a shame they have such harsh beauty standards, i find their real skin tones to be beautiful, it's called olive color i think? (jimin is still fugly tho)
No. 284471
>>284454not the same anon but the one who agreed dope was one of his best looks, but i got what you meant. i feel the same way tbh, it wasn’t so much attraction but that it’s a good style he should stick with like he did in fake love. a lot of what has turned me off to kpop these days since i’ve become an adult is how obviously young these idols are, and it’s kind of sick when the PD of produce 101 himself admitted it was like visual porn, despite the fact that sooo many of the participants are obviously underage.
kpop was cool when i was a teenager but since i’ve grown a lot i can’t really get into it as much these days.
No. 284477
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>>284354taeyeon had her time to really shine and embrace the style she liked back in the first japan era and you could tell she was happier in that time period
in the middle of the The Boys promotions it seemed to go back to that same old misery and i dont think she ever recovered
No. 284488
>>284475It's kinda shocking. Back in january, I saw some blonde older woman be the MC for Red Velvet's comeback and I realized it was actually her. Tbh I like her but SM did her dirty.
Talking about SM, do you believe Jessica was kicked out or left by her own will?
No. 284514
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>>284079Taehyung… Wtf happened he was genuinely so pretty for DNA. I actually agree that J hope look the best here, his outfit is kinda cool and his hairstyle fits his face.
No. 284528
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A girl faints (probably for real judging by the others faces) and the journalist uses such a picture, yikes.
Sometimes I don't get how some gg claim to eat so little but still look rather normal or healthy, but in this one all members really look very skinny…
No. 284541
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>>284540We've discussed it already, but yeah, I can't believe fans don't talk about the fact they are super skinny, especially Lisa. It kind of freaks me out. Just look at this thread where a fan ACTUALLY wants to look like them: most of them tell her not to starve herself and don't encourage it.
No. 284555
>>284549Now that you mention it, yes, they always go to korean restaurants
I think it's so weird how a former hip hop/rap and now fake deep generic pop group dresses up in their traditional gowns? It doesn't fit at all, their image and style is all over the place.
No. 284561
>>284556yea its like they transformed, dna sucked so much, and i feel like IDOL is gonna be similar.
speaking of which, wtf are the english lyrics on IDOL? "all i do is suffer"? the fuck? bitch you guys are rich as shit and you sing and dance and wear gucci for a living. it genuinely makes me angry that a successful idol group has the gall to release a song called idol where they say all they do is suffer. cry me a fucking river.
No. 284562
>>284556BTS themselves probably don't even fucking know, gotta wonder if bighit has any idea really what to do with them. people are so certain bighit is gonna kick a company out of the big three and become one of the big three despite being an obvious trend. apparently bighit is debuting another boy group within the next year or so instead of a girl group, so who knows how that will go. they weren't even successful with GLAM or HOMME or any other groups that i know of.
i've seen some delusional army's call it the "big 4" now to include bighit
No. 284567
>>284561Lol, there's no limit to people cashing in with BTS. Why even do a lyrics video if it's 1 minute long, mind you because he repeated the audio two times.
The "It's OK I'm happy" or whatever Jimin screams physically hurts. Did someone squeeze his nuts to create that sound? And ARMY in comments creaming their pants because of his voice lol are you serious???
No. 284569
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>>284567"i suffer wherever i go"
meanwhile eating 3 plates of food including whole lobsters each
so fucking disrespectful and not to mention just generally… emo and embarassing
also lol at jimins face No. 284571
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No. 284583
>>284576Seriously though. Love Yourself albums are associated with their UNICEF campaign and I'm kinda disappointed at how they didn't use this opportunity to make songs about a lot of related topics. If you are going to go all social justice, do it genuinely. It's obvious when people are faking it for their personal gain.
I'm not saying BTS members are completely evil and they are doing this whole thing solely for personal gain, but sometimes I question their sincerity
No. 284584
>>284569I just realized why I hate BTS so much now in comparison to Dope or Fire. It's because they are fucking DEPRESSING. I got introduced to them with some really fun poppy tracks, but now all their latest MVs are so emo and fake deep. It's POP music guys! Just dance and have fun. Like in the BAPSAE dance practice, which I really liked and was one of the first videos I saw of them.
Why go this depressing route? How is this making more money than having some pretty boys sing and dance to pop music? No wonder they look so depressing and bored lately. They lost all their charm to me.
No. 284586
>>284584I think usually teenagers go for either the fun group or the emo one to identify themselves. I would understand if they started all emo and deep, but they just did a complete 180° and it's really jarring to me…
Well now that I think about it.. they were really emo at the start too like in Danger MV lol. So maybe the fun tracks where the odd ones?
I think this is a problem with kpop groups in general and them changing their music each comeback. And then fans want to label them as true artists, lol, no actual music group would sell themselves so hard to fit a completely different concept and sound each year.
No. 284590
>>284584have their fans always sperged about how deep they are or is this a new development?
>>284079these dumb fucks look so pleased with themselves when i'm sure this concept has been done before by many western pop stars. britney's lucky, lady gaga's the fame monster just off the top of my head
No. 284605
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just a small contribution
No. 284630
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jesus christ, i rebuke it
No. 284635
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>>284630light colored lenses look so fucking bad on them, even if the color of the lense was more natural it wouldn't help
No. 284638
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>>284635never fails to look uncanny
No. 284643
>>284641YG girl group, successors to 2NE1, considered much prettier than 2NE1, their more "edgy" and "girl crush" concept that they've managed to pander towards male and female fans that was during a time of really cutesy concepts, years of hype, their mysterious (?) vibe they give off since they have hardly any songs and weren't promoting them often at one point, etc.
that's what i've been seeing fans say contribute to their success, despite the fact that they are terrible performers
No. 284645
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was looking through BTSs uncanny contact lens photos and found this shit, ya'll gonna see it too since i had to
No. 284647
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>>284638they should just do him a favour and stop turning him into an alien lizard
No. 284674
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>>284649I'm kinda shocked at that anon who said that most idols are normal weight, most of them are underweight. One of Oh my Girl member had to leave the group because of anorexia too IIRC. Also carboxy shots look nasty af
No. 284679
>>284645I absolutely hate this image oh my god
Can someone explain to me why they give kpop idols crazy colored hair and make them wear awful circle lenses?
No. 284701
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>>284695>I love my dance and I love my whatLol
Ngl I like the video and dancing, the song is really bad tho.
Gotta love Taehyung looking like a used car salesman giving you a seductive look.
No. 284703
>>284695I regret listening to this piece of shit. I wanna see how the fans are reacting. Are they in denial? Are they really gonna send this MESS to western radio stations.
All I could think was "why are they suddenly becoming bigbang"
No. 284710
>>284695A genuine assault on the eyes and ears.
>>284703they will probably love it and spend the next month or so talking about how deep it is even when the message is generic af.
No. 284711
>>284695Oh wow this is unlistenable. Someone get these clowns a passable vocalist and shut their scream 'rapping' up.
I really think BTS' horrible music is what I hate so much about them and how they're everywhere. I hated Big Bang's pretentious 'artist' bullshit and fanbase too, but I could at least admit they had some great songs that justified their popularity. But BTS is just one of those groups where I can't enjoy their music at all and can't fathom how others would.
No. 284732
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I can't believe, but I actually prefer the teaser???
I mean, at least it's coesive and consistent, and alludes to something with a bit more substance, even if just a little. The full video is just a big, big mess.
Where's the ~traditional korean identity~? Kek.
And she's the best part of the song, oof. That's not saying much.
No. 284780
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I /like/ BTS and I think this comeback is the worst yet, it's so fucking bad and cringy and bland. What the fuck have they been smoking?
God forbid you don't worship everything they shit out, though.
No. 284781
>>284549It's a pretty common thing. A lot of Koreans almost always bring ramen and gochujang in their luggage with them when they go on holiday.
Linking it with nationalism isn't really wrong because Koreans really act like they can't survive more than a couple of days without superior foods such as kimchi, gochuchang and shin ramyeon.
Source: Used to live in Korea and have way too many Korean friends.
No. 284809
>>284780I'm starting to think that's what they want to archieve though? Fake Love was kind of okay but this is just…Confusing. The song it's bad and catchy but I think the main message is ''I couldn't care less about what you think'', people -and themselves- think we are awesome so…Fuck the rest?
Not in the ''love myself'' way at all (as fans will try to defend), just ''I can do whatever shit I like, I'm still in BTS and people will love me no matter what''.
It's kind of infuriating how much I hate this song and to think that maybe that's what they wanted.
The video is so all over the place that I don't know if I find it amusing or obnoxious.
I already saw fans trying to defend the scene where V is being mobbed but I don't know if they realize they're their own FANS mobbing them? Not haters or antis as they claim, just fans who have no control. It's kind of ironic tbh.
No. 284816
>>284792Do you know what an actual romanian looks like?
Anyway, they look horrendous and the song is unlistenable, incoherent garbage but the stans are loving it
No. 284824
>>284695This sounds nothing like the teaser lol Bighit always does that
This song is probably going to break Look What You Made Me Do's most viewed music video in 24 hours record. The 2nd and 3rd music videos on that list are Ddu-Du Ddu-Du and Fake Love. Idol looks so underwhelming compared to these three
No. 284825
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>>284822Basically some people have been leaving comments like "gay", "you suck", etc and armys are going nuts
No. 284831
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>>284825>>284826To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand BTS
No. 284842
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me at this new comeback
No. 284845
>>284831To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand BTS. The music is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of German literature most of the references will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Taehyung's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from van Gogh's artwork, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these references, to realise that they're not just artistic- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike BTS truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the depth in Jimin's existential catchphrase "La La La La," which itself is a cryptic reference to Le Guin's American philosophical fiction The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Bang PD-nim's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
And yes, by the way, i DO have a tattoo in Korean that i can't read. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ARMY's eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel anons 😎
No. 284850
>>284845lmao nice
the sad thing is a lot of armys arent far off this, i find especially the adult ones say stuff like this because they feel like they have to justify liking a shiny poppy kpop group aimed at 12 year olds
No. 284851
>>284695God, this is the worst one yet. I even prefer the stupid high pitcheD FAAAKE LOOVE than this shit. Why do they all sound the same also? It's like they're screaming at a certain pitch and with all the effects in their voices it sounds like the same person over and over.
I do what I do, I do my thang. WTF lol if this was released by a rookie group people would be shitting on them nonstop.
No. 284853
>>284848Don't worry, it's a copypasta based on the rick and morty version that I think about it there ARE a lot of similarities between Rick and morty fans and armys…
No. 284855
>>284674Yeah ohmygirl and girlfriend are definitely continuining the trend of idols that are so skinny they look ill.
Its crazy because i do NOT remember it being like that with the other generations. Sure, there were times when members would lose weight or develop eating disorders or would be naturally thin but it was always so obvious and actually scandalous. Remember Yuri's anorexia? Remember how people would tease Sooyoung because of how thin she was? And girls that werent as thin were usually complimented by the media for being bagel girls or having "athletic" bodies. Like Bekah and Kahi from After School. Of course some were called chubby or shamed like Sulli and the members of T-ara, but thats an unfortunate reality everywhere when you gain more weight than people are used to seeing you as. Now its the norm to be very underweight and frail always it seems.
No. 284856
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>>284695"omg it was bad on purpose guys!!!"
how are they "breaking" any of that with their "lyrics and dance and sound" anyway? they are big time generic kpop
No. 284862
>>284695Yikes, I was actually interested because the teaser sounded nice, what is this garbage. I think the music video is good, because I like weird music videos, but the lyrics, oh dear… The work of true lyrical geniuses… The boygroup of the people, with lyrics about important social issues and relatable emotions, with gems such as "spin it your anpanman", "I'm in love with myself", "I love my fans", and my personal favorite, "Bum badum bum brrrrumble".
It's so embarrassing watching armies try to defend their initial predictions about how it's gonna be a deep-hitting song about the reality of being an idol and the struggle of not forgetting your roots. It's almost not even funny anymore watching them make fools of themselves over and over
No. 284874
>>284866"moderate" cringe??
>>284869yea its pretty meh, just dance is the best of the raplines solos imo. suga shouldnt have tried to sing
No. 284893
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>>284695The truly incredible thing about BTS' music and the "Love Yourself" series in particular that I think goes really underappreciated is that each release is worse than the last, so when they release new awful songs, the previously released awful songs seem much better than they used to by comparison.
I didn't like DNA when it released, but after hearing Fake Love, which was much worse, it wasn't as bad anymore. And now, after hearing Idol? DNA is actually a pretty good song and Fake Love wasn't
that bad. What a genius strategy!!
No. 284894
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>>284695I'm sure 2013 BTS would be crying of disappointment.
No. 284908
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oh my god, as if their fans haven't been annoying enough already
No. 284923
>>284892i just assumed it was cause theyre american and americans wear weird stuff
>>284893kek you might be onto something there anon
No. 284941
>>284915Anon, they ARE everywhere. BTS fans just keep popping up no mather wherever on the internet you go. I really hope that k-pop is the next Britpop and dies out in 4 or 5 years
>>284900I can't take Nicki seriously after collaborating with 6ix9ine to be honest
No. 284984
>Chun Liam I missing something? when did Nicki start calling herself that?
No. 284994
>>284984Since her single from a few months back.
I kek'd when she tried to rhyme Korea with career in this BTS song.
No. 285000
>>284695Imagine this exact video and song, with same type members who are same level of attractiveness, in the same clothes, but the members are western and not korean. None of the "army" would listen to this crap or cream their pants, they'd switch the damn radio channel.
This sounds like Jake Paul track, but in korean.
No. 285017
>>284713First they collaborated with douchey racists (the Chainsmokers) and now they collaborated with a hypocritical and racist child molestor-enabler. BTS is so desperate for any recognition from American pop artists–even the bottom-pf-the-barrel ones. Sad.
>>285013To be fair, some BTS members did want to produce and seriously make music (RM and Suga) before being moved into the idol group that we've come to loathe today. To be real, neither RM nor Suga would have blown up had they went solo and serious with their music from the beginning. Suga's music is mediocre sadboi shit and RM's is laughable.
No. 285030
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who's gonna tell them
No. 285034
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>>285029I'd say that he's pretty unlikely to succeed as a solo artist. The only reason any of these guys are getting any attention individually is because of their role as a part of an extremely popular group, not because of individual talent. I can't vouch for whether or not he's a good dancer or comes up with catchy songs (though I do believe their role in the composition of their own music is greatly exaggerated), but I do know that he's even the least popular within the group due to his messed up looking face. He could be as talented as you say, but talent is irrelevant to kpop fans. I can't see him getting anywhere with that mug kek
I definitely don't think that all 7 of the members can make it big outside of BTS, but at least a couple of them will probably stick around for a while. I want them to break up already so that we can watch what happens
No. 285042
>>285034I thought of it in a "which member of BTS would be able to continue pursuing music and give good concerts by his own" way. I see your point and I agree that they are getting attention because of BTS and not because of their individual talent, but a pretty face won't make up for the lack of talent in music for a long time. If people aren't getting good performances, they will eventually get bored.
I'm curious about how things will work out for them after BTS too.
No. 285047
>>285034Not only are you right about talent being irrelevant to kpop fans, but he's not very talented at all. The other members of BTS are just so talentless they make him look better in comparison. He's a fine dancer, but shit at everything else, even by kpop standards.
BTS really is a shit group. The fact that everything about their group (rap line, vocal line, looks, choreo/dancing abilities (outside of j-hope), concepts, styling, etc.) is so painfully weak even compared to other shitty boy groups yet they've still managed to gain this much traction is wild to me.
No. 285049
>>284774>korean and african fusionYea the whistle sounds and beat is really African sounding.
Also not surprised more Asians keep appropriating black sound. For as much as they hate black people, they sure do follow them everywhere to steal and imitate their styles, personalities and trends.
No. 285050
>>285046i hope not cause itll just be embarrassing for everyone. i feel kinda bad for jungkook cause he got into it so young (auditioned at 13 i think?) and then all he's done since then is learn how to be an idol. he has no musical talents beyond just parroting what is wrote for him, the stuff he does on his own is super bland even with 136547247 writers and producers helping him
>>285034i think jhope's dancing stands out too. i even dont mind his rapping despite the nasally voice. i liked the song airplane from his mixtape
No. 285051
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someone said their clones look like gta san andres characters
No. 285072
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>>285069lol sorry deleted the post, that's what you replied to
No. 285080
>>285069I'm so tired of these delusional twats thinking bts' shit doesn't stink. The success has changed them and they obviously hate their fans lmao
Can't wait until they disband or something better comes along, the gravy train needs to stop here.
No. 285095
>>285079they weren't until 2 years ago. some of you all forget how nugu bts was lmao.
Anyways I think I was brainwashed, I watched the MV like 3 times: the first one when it came out and I immediately felt embarrassed, the second to catch the lyrics and the third… it's so bizarre and horrible that I actually enjoy it
No. 285105
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jesus christ, idk if its the pants but jin looks skinny as fuck. tbh they all look skinny. no wonder why jungkook was the only one wearing shorts, and he be lookin fairly skinny himself
No. 285142
>>285064I think his production quality is so basic too. People making everything he does about their ships makes me kinda feel bad for him, are they that stupid? This song is so obviously about their fans and he said it is about fans himself too. How delusional do you have to be to relate it to your ship?
>>285076This is interesting, the maknae line are the most popular members but I think they don't have the personality to pull off a solo career. Jimin and Jungkook seem too dependent on fans and BTS. V doesn't seem like that but he isn't that good of a singer.
No. 285150
>>285142tbh personality doesn't mean anything. suzy is insufferably boring to me but i think i remember her latest releases doing good. if one of those two debuts solo, it'll sell, unlike the rest (except maybe v) who i dont think will be able to do as well when the group's popularity starts waning. this is why it confuses me that they push rapmonster so hard lol
when is their company going to debut a new group? bts is at their peak, and, with sm, the second exo and super junior hit their peak nct and exo were debuted. bts' popularity won't last forever and it'll be much harder for them to promote a new group when it dies
No. 285159
>>285116I agree, they took the one in a million opportunity they had when their group randomly went viral and managed to keep the momentum for this long, it's very impressive.
The way they handle BTS PR is spot on - they managed to make the fans of their completely manufactured group believe it is somehow more authentic and organic than all the others. They're selling that boyfriend fantasy so well. I think that's why I'm impressed. They saw their initial concept was a flop and did a total 180 and turned their group into a cash cow while making the fandom actually believe this is the most authentic self-producing group in the history of kpop. They have an advantage over companies like SM whose bread and butter is the flower boy boyfriend fantasy because their fans actually believe their shit is genuine, when it's no less manufactured than a company like SM. They got their fans to do most of the PR for them, I think that's amazing. You know, in an evil, capitalistic sort of way.
No. 285186
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I used to think he's the best looking in the group but he's the worst looking now, what happnd
No. 285190
the #sasaeng tag on twitter is so weird. there are a lot of accs straight up selling idols' numbers and kakaotalk info, are they actually real?
>>285186same for me, weight gain + bad styling i think
No. 285204
>>285123Psy's music videos are actually fun to watch because he doesn't take them so seriously and he enjoys having fun with them and being wacky, it's like he's self aware his videos can get silly but doesn't mind it, and makes it part of the charm. But then you watch the mess that was the new BTS video that tried way too hard to be serious and the delusional 14yo fans saying "ITS TOO DEEP YOU DONT GET IT" it's hilarious. Yeah, because it's not just fun silly pop music to dance to and shitty graphics and horrendous costumes and CGI when your korean boyfriends do it, it must have a "deeper sarcastic intellectual meaning guyz u just understand its art". Lmao I don't know why these people can't for once say they don't enjoy a song or video or two, even when it's as bad as this. It's okay to admit you don't like everything your fave artists puts out, calm the hell down, they end up making themselves look stupid trying to convince everyone that a shitty k pop song is a masterpiece.
Anyway, just as expected, the video was an ugly jumbled mess and the aggressive scream-singing was cringey to listen to. Especially when reading the lyrics. Lmao I swear I laughed for a minute straight after reading the "Hooray this is awesome" lyric towards the end. This is the masterpiece that BTS and their fans are creaming themselves over, folks
No. 285218
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No. 285219
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>>285218Wow, they're really doing God's work, aren't they
No. 285250
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>>285186he has a weird upper lip area. it reminds me of dr finkelstein.
No. 285251
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this isn't even just a bangtan thing but why do fans think this kind of stuff is praisable? i see this a lot with fans praising kpop idols for working through rather painful or hard issues, if you were a fan wouldn't you want the opposite? i haven't had my wisdom teeth taken out but i'd have to assume it would hurt for a few days.
No. 285255
>>285251I think by day four you might be okay to dance? Maybe not singing or rapping or talking at length, but from what I remember the worst is over at that point.
But yeah, the "unnie only ate 300 calories a day for a month getting ready for her comeback! wow such dedication!" / "Oppa only sleeps two hours every night, he sacrifices so much to achieve his dreams uwu!" shit is disgusting
No. 285267
>>285264some of them get recruited before they even hit 10, you don't feel a bit of sympathy for them?
>>285261the average age of nct dream when they debuted creeps me out.
i really don't get why anyone would want to be an idol
No. 285276
>>285269>>285271i think you're forgetting that a majority of these rich, attention-seeking, foreign idols are in the big three, who have the platform to make them famous. jin was just a stupid rich kid who joined a no name company in the hopes of becoming famous and got lucky. idk about other rich kids in no name companies, maybe umji or whatever that one ugly girls name from g-friend is. outside of this? most idols aren't "rich foreign kids who's mommy paid their way", especially in no name companies. anyways, i don't really care too much about this topic anyways but it was just some insight while i have nothing to do.
i still think its shitty that companies seek impressionable young children as young as 10 years old or so, no matter how rich they are. you have to wonder how shitty of stage parents they must have if they allow this.
No. 285279
>>285267The average nct dream fan is like 10 years old and all of those boys' parents are fucking loaded, so it shouldn't be that creepy. If they were girls it would be different, but boys aren't really sexualized. They were singing about bubble gum in sailor suits while Tzuyu was doing shit like this at the same age.
No. 285282
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>>285277since we're on the topic of taehyung, how does his hair always end up looking like a shitty wig no matter what he does
No. 285284
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i see his shitty hair doesn't have extensions in here. the color is terrible
No. 285299
>>285287yeah lee lang i believe. korean indie has some interesting write ups about life as an indie artist in korea: k-indie is just as oversaturated as idol pop. 90% of it is electropop or coffee shop music with the exception of bands like sultan of the disco or the dead gakkahs. there just arent enough fucking people in south korea for there to be a diverse enough music industry, or to fund said industry, mainstream or indie
No. 285314
>>285309I don't really get the hype around Daniel but I didn't watch p101 anyways.
Irene is overhyped imo though I can see why she's popular. but she looks kinda boring.
No. 285320
>>285309he's ugly to me idk why he's so popular.
>>285314i thought she was super pretty in russian roulette era but boring now. joy and seulgi >>>
i find sunmi to be super overhyped. she isn't that great of a dancer and a pretty awful singer based on that video of her singing that twice song, but she seems sweet
No. 285358
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jesus christ suga is so try-hard, from throwing up the shocker in every pic to the jewelry lmao
No. 285385
>>285381>Bts can literally spout "Did you see my bag?"you dont understand anon!! clearly bts are over their haters and this is just them showing how well they are doing despite them!! you wouldn't understand their exquisite lyricism, it's word play too complex for you~~
some shit an army would say for their lazy lyrics and terrible auto tune
No. 285396
File: 1535232155417.png (385.41 KB, 624x892, 1671bb80b137da5487ed8782fbd092…) are your thoughts on all the irene is lazy hate? i personally think it's stupid and i think every show having a personality form to fill out is stupid too and i don't blame her for not giving a flying fuck. no wonder why idol show viewer percentages are down in the dumps, they all do literally the same thing and it's why i don't watch them anymore like i did when i was younger. why does every show need a personality quirk form to fill out? they're stupid and i'd either half ass it or not fill it out if i had to do one for the hundredth time too
No. 285421
>>285412probably bc they're all so used to having their own spotlight or working in smaller, tighter groups. i think the "each member having their own song" was cute but i don't think it helped with building the group up together as one unit.
i felt the same way, they all worked well on their own or in small units but when i first saw that teaser of them dancing together in their practice room it felt so…off, it didn't really feel right
No. 285432
I think the industry is so saturated that it's hard to see what's so special about 12 girls dancing in tennis skirts, when there are tons of other girls doing the exact same thing, especially with that basic debut song, shit music video too.
Now for the important question: how are they gonna pay off their debt?
No. 285433
>>285432Samefag, but
>>285417, I wonder why
No. 285474
>>285432The CEO of Loona's company doesn't give a shit about debt. He said he'll spend however much he needd to make ~quality content~. He also said he doesn't care for popularity or sales…Lies.
As much as I love girl groups, the K-industry don't care for women. He should've done boy of the month instead, imagine how much more popular and money-making they would be, especially since raging straight fangirls always need something to get wet too when they get bored of their main.
>>285412I actually like Loona and the fact that their songs are basic ass fun pop music. I do admit that the fact they have 12 group members is a bit too much. I never understood why companies would debut groups with more than 6 members…
No. 285476
>>285475same anon from
>>285474I didn't even think of that…holy shit…
Not only that, but most of Loona's fans are "loonarmys". They eat BTS and Loona's asses out so much it's irritating. Orbits are already milky, so I wouldn't be shocked if it were a huge mess, if Loona was a boy group.
No. 285478
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>>285477dammit, he gotta be dumb stupid, the potential money that could be milked out of this. so many people said produce101 season 2 would be a flop and look how that turned out because of the insane fangirls
No. 285501
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The comments under Anthony Fantano's review of "Tear" are a goldmine, every fan there is an expert who believes BTS are the new Beatles or something.
>>285485For me it's choreographies+pretty boys, as
>>285486 said, they nailed the formula for selling 'your perfect boyfriend' image. I've also always loved music videos and kpop is really good at them. If only the music was decent and the whole industry wasn't a shitshow.
No. 285575
>>285538I can't stand RM. I don't care too much about BTS's other members, in fact I used to think they were funny even if it was a fake personality (IRL J Hope it's nothing like they try to picture) but I can't stand RM.
I'm sure he's the leader of the band because he can't sing, he can't dance and with Suga, his ''rap skills'' aren't that impressive. And he tries so hard to be all smart and smug about everything because he used to be a top A* student. So what? That doesn't mean that he's better than anyone else but his fans and even himself try to depict it as that.
Always with those deep words and metaphors I can't be bothered to read his updates anymore. I remember one Run episode when they had to get out of one escape room and as time passed he was getting so pissed because even Jimin could discover something relevant and he couldn't kek that fake smile…
I used to be a big BTS fan tbh but they tried too hard to make people bellieve that they're just different and special, not like other bands, so much uwu and cute babies that now it just makes me cringe so hard. They're almost all adults now, they couldn't care less about haters on internet but armies are so convinced they need to defend BTS above all because they will be so proud of their fans…Yes, sure.
No. 285579
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genuine question, why are all kpop stylists legit trash
or a dui
No. 285588
>>285538he listens to joji? what fucking horrible taste lmao
that review wasnt even that good. it had some compliments but it had some criticism too. i think fantano was overly nice to them cause hes trying to bring in army clicks, but its not like he was raving about them.
No. 285599
>>285396She must be fed up with all the idol bullshit, I don't judge her for not giving a shit anymore
But korean teens are always pressed as fuck jfc
No. 285614
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>>285575here's some spicy rat monster for you anon lol
No. 285615
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i'm not even gonna read the rest of this shit
No. 285619
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>>285615People don't take him seriously because how he throws in "Worldwide Handsome" in every interview.
No. 285642
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>>285636same anon from
>>285637 but i still dont believe gyuri from kara was full korean, she did not look like a regular korean
No. 285662
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>>285659honestly, it makes no sense considering BTS themselves use those nasty filters on every pic of theirs.
i think the filters they use look terrible, especially on rap mon and his new nose. jimin too with his bleach hair and lizard contacts, the overly white filter just does not help.
No. 285670
>>285474One thing that's odd is the gilded image that people seem to have over Kpop, despite similar manufactured bands in Europe and USA being looked at more objectively. It's so common for example, for boybands to end up in debt, ether due to problems with their company, not making enough to pay back for the costs of all those tours, travel etc or personally mismanaging their money. I think the latter must be a big problem in Kpop, seeing as most of the "idol" have been in the industry since they were kids. Even adult boyband stars in the 'west' say that they have issues with no longer being told what to do with their days, or getting validation. In Kpop, it seems worse compared to western artists, as they appear to have zero autonomy, they have to act like kids, they can't be political or honest, and then they have to permanently mess up their health by being underweight and getting surgery. It does seem like it's kids that are being pushed into this industry by parents, who maybe want a celebrity child, at any expense. Maybe if there was a proper exposing of the prostitution and exploitation within the industry, public opinion might be a bit more critical rather than international fans thinking it' cute when unnie faint on stage.
No. 285679
>>285670this is why i'm not truly delusional about wanting to date some kpop idol or celebrity. i'm sure they have absolutely no idea how to handle themselves without some sort of assistance and are probably terrible about needing constant validation. would be an absolute joke to "date" one if you could even call it that, which would probably only consist of face timing them while they're getting their hair extensions put in lmao.
going back to the debt and prostitution issue, it'll probably never truly happen but i really hope there would be some sort of awareness about it. so many people made fun of G.NA for her prostitution scandal and ran her out but i can only imagine the amount of debt or the type of obligations she had over her head. you can say whatever you want about a lot of these idols just wanting attention and fame but i still think its terrible that just wanting to pursue your dreams might mean having to prostitute yourself or putting yourself in harms way, or even being forced into it. there's that one actress from boys over flowers who was repeatedly raped and abused and she still never got the proper trials, even with names listed and everything. sad.
No. 285693
>>285684same anon from
>>285688. i don't think there's anything wrong with people above 30 being entertainers or anything, i mean most of the american and western artists that i listen to tend to be around or over 30. just something about 30 year old kpop idols hanging on to their pop image and not evolving it in any way is so cringey.
>>285687i could see big bang continuing to work out after military if they evolve their sound some more and continue with the mature sounds, but songs like bangx3 has gotta go.
in general i just can't take 30 year old kpop idol groups seriously. maybe it's for the best that the majority of these groups disband after 7 years, would hate to seem them drag it on any further.
No. 285695
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>>285694>"Jimin is ugly"there's a certain truth that rings to that LOL
No. 285705
>>285703it was her
i found the link but its down now, maybe i can find an archive later and see what i can find No. 285712
>>285711yeah she was the original somi
both started to disappear once the novelty of sexualizing an underaged hapa girl fizzled out
No. 285753
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>>285744i just…don't…understand
No. 285755
>>285753His eyes always look fucked up and wonky when he's in contacts. Does he have a lazy eye that the contacts bring attention too or do they just slip and move around his eye? This picture
>>282243 makes me cringe so bad when I see it, it's just so off putting
No. 285764
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jesus christ, does his stylists have to clip his toenails to???
No. 285777
>>280708I used to be a BTS fan but now I am starting to hate them. I hate their shit music, anticipating a new album and having one, maybe two songs that are listenable. I hate that they used to look pretty normal but now look like plastic shells of themselves. I fucking hate ARMYs who are so delusional that they’ve warped Bts into their misguided SJW rhetoric, dispite Korean culture being disgusting in so all the ways that SJWs are supposed to hate.
I hate that Bts and big hit lie to everyone’s faces and say shit like they “aren’t targeting the American market” while changing rat monsters cringe name and the name of their band to be less embarrassing in English, and collating with American artists, debuting their songs on American stages. All the while… making such SHIT music. If they were putting out decent songs while all this was happening I could ignore the rest but their music is so, so bad, and they look like freaks. Their fashion is getting worse and worse. I’m embarrassed to say I like them now. Heaven forbid someone look them up and see what they’ve been doing recently.
No. 285790
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>"hIS nOsE iS NaTuRAL!!"
-bridge way too defined
-unnaturally refined tip that doesn't fit nostrils
armys defend it by saying his sister "has the same nose" but hers is so obvious as well.
tbh i don't really get why he got the nose job, it doesn't look bad, certainly not as bad as that nose job made it look.
No. 285796
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>>285792i know that which is why i called it stupid. and suga's chin the most obvious thing in bts next to jhope's nose
No. 285797
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>>285796i'm pretty sure jungkook got some minor refinement to his nose, which if he did, helped imo
No. 285800
>>285799same anon from
>>285797 but i saw a pic one time of jungkook's predebut graduation photo next to a current photo and it was pretty obvious. i've been trying to find it but have had no hope smh
No. 285832
>>285827As far as I know bighit takes female trainees and once they are ready for debut they do it but in another company but I can't recall which one atm.
What really bothers me it's that what you said is probably true: people at bighit seeing women as whores, manipulative, and evil. I can't come out with another reason for not debuting gps anymore
No. 285834
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>>285832the biggest joke is that some of the people that were originally supposed to debut in BTS are complete trash. iron is an obvious with beating his girlfriend and some other shit and i've heard some rather damning stuff of supreme boi and his crew but i don't remember a majority of it. i'm sure there's more but i can't remember a lot of it nor am i that interested. i'm sure if you were curious enough about it, it wouldn't be too hard to find.
No. 285847
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>>285840not sure why that made me just think of jimin's crooked tooth
No. 285853
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>>285753what the fuck
>>285850speaking of gfriend, i really don't get how almost all of them got such bad ps. eunha used to be much cuter imo
No. 285859
>>285853don't forget anon
bighit + terrible plastic surgery = jhope & gfriend
they definitely didn't need it either
No. 285864
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>>285796it's always been obvious that he's had major work done but i coudn't pinpoint what exactly, i see that it's chin now
No. 285910
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>>285874I think Suga looked fine up until the recent jaw shave, now he's starting to look like a blob fish
No. 285945
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>>285877lmfaooo yeah, he used to play basketball until he hurt himself really bad, he's never been the same and is now a raging twink with his SNSD legs and his chains and rings
No. 285953
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i know we always make fun of our best ugly boy jimin, but i want to put in a contender since we've been talking about him
No. 285964
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If he wrote a pseudo intellectual book a la Paulo Coelho or whoever his favorite author is, delulu armys would be sure to demand nothing less than the Nobel prize for him.
No. 285968
>>285961It's kind of sad really, he looked doofy but like a normal guy. When I first noticed BTS Suga looked like the more normal one of the bunch, but he's getting paler, skinnier and more effeminate by the second. I never figured he would get so much into the "kpop look", he seemed the most reluctant to me.
I know rappers don't have to commit to one particular "manly" look, but I would feel embarrased to call myself one and look so girly all the time. Imagine collaborating with actual famous rappers looking like the selfie above anon posted with the jewelry and makeup. Yeah, so badass lol.
No. 285973
>>285968Suga likes to pretend he doesn't really care for the whole idol thing and that his music and having his music heard is the most important thing to him, but he clearly loves the idol shit, probably more than the rest of them.
The only time I could see him hating it like everybody pretends he does, is when BTS was a broke nugu group.
I bet he's glad he gave up his little underground rap bs in favor of this. It brought him more fame, money and women than anything else would've and that's all he really cares for.
No. 285976
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I used to think Mark from nct was a cute and talented kid but now he comes off as a boring social inept that tries too hard to play the nice idol character…
It seems like after shinee's debut sm started giving their new groups autism pills, that's why exo, red velvet and nct are so bad at variety which is a shame because I like some of the members of each group and the company gives them nice songs (at least they suit my tastes) but exo's showtime was 80% boring, same with nct's trip to japan thing… As for red velvet, I tend to cut some slack to gg because they have to act even more soft and cute to get that uncle buck (which results into a watered down version of their personalities) but once you've watched a couple of shows and your curiosity dies because you feel like you know them already, it's absolutely pointless to keep up with their promotions aside from music shows, specially when fans make compilations of the few funny or interesting moments.
I also blame show producers and writers because, always asking them if they have a "talent" so they come up with the dumbest quirky "ability" or making them do the same things over and over like they only promote in one show during the comeback period gets really boring… I think that's why non fans are tired of idols being everywhere, they keep trying to push them into every single piece of media without taking into account if they're actually good at it of have anything to contribute, which results into bad rep for them and the company but at the end of the day, they only care about making money and doing fanservice so I don't even know why I'm complaining lol
Sorry for the long rant, friends
No. 285982
>>285976>but once you've watched a couple of shows and your curiosity dies because you feel like you know them already>It seems like after shinee's debut sm started giving their new groups autism pillsi honestly feel like this is with kpop in general. i think with the increase in social media it has just made for a cesspool of fans. not that they weren't before but social media just gives them a whole new platform. years ago idol shows were actually interesting, as different groups and members were allowed to interact with each other and different shows could have different concepts without fans being absolute butthurt or trying to ship the fuck out of them.
>if they have a "talent" so they come up with the dumbest quirky "ability" or making them do the same things over and overi'm the same anon who brought up the irene not filling out the form hate, and i think things like this are exactly why idol show ratings are down so low and makes idols branch out to other medias. PDs try to avoid having different idols together so they only invite the one group and there's only so much you can do, so all these shows do the same thing from personality forms, "talents", trends, etc. i realize that sometimes different groups or idols will do a show together but it isn't often. i also think idols having insane schedules contributes to this too. with idols not being able to promote themselves as effectively on shows, i think companies then try to branch them out to bring more attention to them.
anyways, sorry it's so long but it's some food for thought
No. 285987
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what do you guys think of the new SNSD subunit to make up for their member loss yet still rake money from the SNSD brand? lol.
i personally think the only reason taeyeon is going along with this is bc sm lets her release albums, seniority, and because her sister is also trying to make a career in sm.
No. 285989
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>>285986He really looks so different, how can anyone deny the shape of his jaw being natural when you see his pre debut photos?? Such a girly face now compared to before.
No. 285994
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>>285991Definitely, he's looking more and more like J-hope lol, just look at this picture. He looks so different from a few months ago.
How is this possible? I got into kpop like a year ago, why is everyone so different looking already, it's really bizarre. Like every month you have to be on the lookout for the group you like having completely different faces. It's surreal.
No. 285998
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>>285987they really didnt try at all for hyoyeon did they
>>285976honestly there aren't any newish groups i find funny on variety, they all try too hard
>>285994even armys notice it lol
No. 286001
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>>285989>>285994He look like a bad wax figure of his original self. He was never really "idol-pretty" but at least he looked human.
No. 286002
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>>285994also what is it with him throwing up the shocker everywhere like he's badass with it or smth. not with all that makeup and those clothes boi
No. 286003
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>>285994giving me jigsaw teas. he's getting a kind of mask face like le from EXID. i wish they'd chill with the fillers, it just does not help
No. 286004
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>>286003same anon from here but here's another pic, even his own fansite can't help him.
No. 286007
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he scares me tbh
No. 286008
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Taehyung back at it with his grandma fashion.
No. 286010
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>>286007I like finding decent photos of these idols and just grieving about how much they ruined their faces.
No. 286011
>>286007he probably hates it as much as you do, imagine having to pretend your personality is literally autistic screeching
>>286008in fairness, he cant help it. that thousand-yard stare is all him though
No. 286014
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>>286010Also Yuta, this one makes me sad. He was so cute, and he looks more normal now than the giant chin he had a year ago but god, he will never look like this again. Sad.
No. 286020
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Do they get any sleep? Btw it's telling when you look so busted your own fansite upload a pic of you looking like you went on an alcohol and coke binge.
No. 286022
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>>286017They also lose so much of their identity when all the members have the bowl cut. I remember I hated the looks for Seventeen's comeback Thanks. They all had the same hair. Considering they're already a bunch of them, they could bring SOME originality to it. At least in Mansae they looked slightly different from each other. RIP Jeonghan long hair.
No. 286024
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>>286022>I remember I hated the looks for Seventeen's comeback Thanks.kekeke you're welcome anon. but seriously you're right. they lose so much identity and it doesn't look great on all of them. idk whether jeonghan liked the long hair or not but it made him more unique out of a bunch of members. the first time i saw him he lowkey looked like one of those boujee rich manga characters with his long, dark hair. that sounds kind of ridiculous but it's really what i thought.
No. 286025
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ah yes, the dude with the SNSD legs is hiding some rock hard abs under there
No. 286031
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>>286024Dude was prettier than some of the female idols lol. Too bad he ruined his face with more plastic surgery, I think he has the huge cheekbone/small nose like J-hope now. At least I remember seeing his nose is extra pinched nowadays.
No. 286037
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>>286034Yes, at least to me he looks different. Nose looks a lot thinner than before, which obviously had surgery too, but fit his girly looks. Now he looks wax figure like.
No. 286038
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>>286037im sick. what have they done to him. he looks very different and in a masky way. terrible.
i honestly think it's really sad that these perfectly fine celebrities go farther than they need to with plastic surgery. i wonder how a lot of them will look in a few years, especially if they continue with more plastic surgery. i can't imagine it'll set well as they age, because it doesn't even set well now.
No. 286039
>>286022Jeonghan’s long hair always kind of weirded me out because his face is so masculine compared to other members and the fandom played up the uwu long hair feminine yas qween thing so much (at least what from what I’ve seen of it; I don’t keep up with SVT). I get the whole anime prince thing they seemed to be going for but the fandom’s response is just strange to me lol. To me he’s handsome, not pretty and certainly not ‘prettier than most female idols xD’ like some stans seem to furiously masturbate over.
Also: the irony that a male idol can’t have long hair without the whole #woke fandom slapping femininity all over him and refusing to see anything else lmao.
No. 286041
>>286025atrophied abs more like
>>286032i can see what you mean, but then again theres no way of coming across as anything but sarcastic doing the shit he does. rip jhopes dignity
No. 286042
>>285982I think this >social media just gives them a whole new platform and >without fans being absolute butthurt or trying to ship the fuck out of them are correlated, because in these new platforms that kind of behavior is basically the norm like, on here we're allowed to be the pettiest bitches over someone having eyebags or bad plastic surgery, on twitter/tumblr grown ass "sjw" read, share and write ship stuff on the regular about some random idol without any shame because is what the majority does, same with being butthurt over the dumbest shit "you don't like how X sings? that's an ugly opinion. blocked :)" and of course you're allowed to block whatever you don't want to see, that's the good thing of having your own space online, but these reactions are too much and maybe I don't get their humour but calling someone gross because they have a bad opinion of your bias is so weird to me. And because of this exaggerated behavior idols and producers have to be super careful in order to keep the fans happy, even nowadays anytime exo is on variety if someone says or does something "bad" to one of the members they immediately apologize to their fans, which is pretty sad.
>i also think idols having insane schedules contributes to this tooabsolutely, working on such a hectic industry just makes performers and staff tired to the point of not being able to do a good job and promotes recycling ideas and producing mediocre content (>so all these shows do the same thing).
When you look past the layering of the clothes, the colorful hairstyles and the makeup you realize how empty kpop videos usually are and that can apply to anything really, from actual songs to variety shows, without all the editing and effects, people would immediately realize how little thought goes onto them.
>sorry it's so long but it's some food for thoughtdon't be sorry, i'm glad you answered so thoughtfully to my blogpost, sorry if my answer is too long though
No. 286044
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>>286037Is he really that different now? He's always looked kinda plastic to me, even though he's pretty. Seventeen look so natural compared to NCT for example, that I haven't even noticed anything wrong with them lol
No. 286049
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>>286042>read, share and write ship stuff on the regular about some random idol without any shame because is what the majority does←
>if someone says or does something "bad" to one of the members they immediately apologize to their fans, which is pretty sad.same anon who responded to you, but i think this contributes to companys having entire scripts for when they go onto shows and such and makes the whole thing just that more void. shit the whole thing with tzuyu simply waving the flag of her home country caused an entire controversy and to this day it makes it difficult for twice to even promote in china, taking a chunk out of the possibility for them to make more money in one the biggest markets. but it's just so obvious how scripted and puppety idols are, and doing anything outside of it throws the whole act off.
No. 286057
>>286052didnt you hear their latest song anon? with the hard hitting political lyrics of 'im so in love with myself' and 'brumble brumble' (?) ?? and dont forget their earlier groundbreaking stuff with the deep and woke classics like 'girls are like maths equations, us guys just do 'em' and 'did you see my bag? did you see my bag?'
but seriously, the only one i know of is baepsae, a song where the message is basically 'doesnt it suck to have a class divide?'. i like that song lol, but other than that they literally have nothing, its all armys either frolicking in dreamworld or placing their own overwrought theories all over BTS' music and lyrics
No. 286063
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>>286057>brumble brumbleoh my god seriously?
i haven’t listened to any of their stuff since hyyh. sounds like that was a good decision lol
No. 286064
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I don't know Korean so you may be right, but really? I see "she" right away…
No. 286066
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>>286058reading his name and german in the same sentence is enough to make me laugh after the swastika/memorial photoshoots
No. 286067
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>>286062anon!! he has an IQ of 148! you're just a pleb next to him@!
No. 286075
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still surprised they gave jimin the badboy, "super rock hard abs" concept when he easily looked like this
No. 286077
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>>286076>shitty aesthetic picsthey really were shitty
No. 286078
>>286071my sides wtf, this shit isnt much better than the kind of stuff jaden smith tweets
>“Why is there no opposite word of loneliness? Could it be because people, until they die, have no moments of not being lonely?”wat
>Even if you’re not perfect you’re limited edition.this is just a slightly different way of saying 'nobody's perfect' and 'everyone is unique' - groundbreaking!
>Although youth can be beautiful, it can be short and wander off; like a shadow, it has a reckless danger to it.i cringed so hard i almost threw up
No. 286091
>>286061>>286064>>286073그녀 literally means "That girl", so the song is not gender neutral.
It's true that there is no grammatical gender such as him/her/he/she in Korean, but it's pretten common to say "that girl/woman" or "that boy/man" and then it gets translated to him/her/she/he to make it sound more natural.
No. 286092
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No. 286102
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kpop is so entertaining, where else do you get to see so many men uncomfortably forced to be gay on camera (besides gay porn)
>>286088i wish i could find it now, i saw some interview with them in america where he said some stupid pun in english and gave the interviewer his usual smug look waiting for admiration, but she just silently cringed and said nothing.
No. 286104
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I think the kiddie look I hate the most is the payama look. Who the hell wears them when they're older. It's literally kids or old people. No in between.
It makes me uncomfortable for some reason, although I'm sure there's worse things.
No. 286106
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>>286102>where else do you get to see so many men uncomfortably forced to be gay on cameracan't forget the most iconic one with the homophobic church man himself
No. 286107
>>286102lmao jhope's face. you'd think they'd be used to it by now but no they always look like they're dying inside… not that i blame them
>>286103wtf is the deal with ageplayers in the kpop fandom? they make my skin crawl so much, its probably the aegyo stuff that attracts them i guess? puke
No. 286109
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>>286104for me its girls day in diapers during twinkle twinkle
No. 286111
>>286109Are you fucking kidding me? Tell me it's only white panties and not ACTUAL diapers.
You know what… dont tell me. Kpop companies are fucking gross.
No. 286112
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i….have dug too far…
No. 286114
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>>286087Pic related is what Namjoon said about it.
I looked up some fan interpretations about Spring Day. They used some symbols in the music video to hint that it's about Sewol, the yellow ribbons, the shoes hanging from the tree, 304 people passed away in the disaster, they used the 03:04th second of the video as the thumbnail
No. 286118
>>286106I cannot shake the feeling that Siwon is really just a bible-thumping gay man in denial. He just has that weird greasy excessively suave, dandy-macho combination thing about him that reeks of a gay man with internalized homophobia.
Or at the very least bisexual.
No. 286125
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>>286123>>286124>This guy wants to beat your pussy>tfw u spend all ur good boy points on tendies and fugly gucci suits and u don't have enough left for mommy to give u a blowey joey :(holy shit 😂
No. 286129
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>>286105I don't have a smug gif but I remembered this, he once said in an interview that he masturbated to Ryu Murakami's "Almost Transparent Blue". Idk why you'd need this information but you're welcome.
No. 286143
>>286129That book is grim. It's full of sexual abuse not sure how someone could get off to that.
>>286132 There was a black woman character iic there were also white and asian women. None of the women were treated decently. That book was extremely unsettling and regrettable.
No. 286145
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>>286129>>286132>>286143yeah it did involve a black women, but i read some more reviews on it and it is a shitty book for the women written in it. and he got off on that shit smh
No. 286149
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>>286145this is as bad as the cow hybrid tweets wtf
No. 286154
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why do kpop fans do this shit?? its not even cute. you might as well stan girl kpop idols at that point
No. 286158
>>286122It’s all uncle bait. Seriously almost every 30-50 yr old Korean man I spent any time around while I lived there talked about their boner for Twice, many of them explicitly saying they like them for how “young they are” and a few of them admitting they jerked it to their videos. This was a few years ago, so I’m wondering how old those girls were.
I wish I-fans would stop trying to deny this shit, if you ask the guilty party they will be so honest about it!
No. 286163
>>286158>I wish I-fans would stop trying to deny this shitit's so obvious too. i wish they'd step out of their kpop realm for a second and just realize it. you don't even need to step out too far or for too long because that's how in your face it is.
it also grosses me out seeing girl groups performing for korean military dudes and how crazy and weird they act, running up to the stage like wild animals seeing their prey. i think there was one episode where there was some foreign military men and they looked at the korean military dudes with so much confusion when they were doing that shit.
No. 286166
>>286145>I somehow believed I had become just one huge penisWhy can I totally see him getting off to this lmao
Then again, NamJin is one of the most popular BTS ships…
No. 286169
>>286162please….omfg…please be fake…
>>286158i mean look at any twice crowd and when fans are calling their names. the fans have acne and braces while sana and nayeon are constantly called noona. by uncle bait i mean their "main" fanbase is older men which isn't the case with twice but was with early snsd and girls day
No. 286179
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>>286176disgusting, but not surprising if legit
No. 286181
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>>286176>be good for daddythat's probably the faces he makes in the mirror in the morning
No. 286183
>>286169I don’t need to look at their performances because I’ve talked to enough “normal” korean guys to know. I’ve seen the way dudes in the audience first hand act, even if they didn’t show it on TV.
It’s all the same thing, just at different levels of extreme.
No. 286185
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>>286178She posted this as an answer to "what's tasty in busan", well thanks, I'd rather starve myself. Could've at least use a picture where he doesn't look like a wet potato..
No. 286186
File: 1535404724373.jpg (54.75 KB, 400x400, OXNqyPAx.jpg)

>>286185jimin must clutch on to those contacts for dear life, they're in every single picture i've seen of him lately. is there even a recent picture of him without them??
No. 286190
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>>286189i would assume a lot, considering their looks is the biggest reason they are bringing in fans. funny how a lot of these idols are being forced to starve and get plastic surgery yet their bosses look like this. a lot of these idols go way too far with the shits
No. 286191
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choose your fighter
No. 286193
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>>286191i have another contender
No. 286212
File: 1535407281253.png (358.97 KB, 598x912, Screen Shot 2018-08-27 at 5.57…) armys are saying it's BTS V/Taehyung just because it sounds like him, comments are saying it's not him. not sure why armys care if he's playing and cursing on overwatch in his free time anyways, always up their asses damn
No. 286213
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same anon from
>>286212 but 😕, literally everywhere
No. 286222
>>286212oh hey its mr "8-inch" kephri himself. who cares if its actually V, all hes doing is playing a videogame and cursing?
>>286213>Taehyung is the nation's twink nahthe fuck does that mean
No. 286268
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halsy really wants that army attention huh
No. 286286
>>286114So it's not denied, but not confirmed either? Doesn't really prove anything.
Why deny a possible forced narrative if it benefits you, honestly?
No. 286300
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Posting this old gem in order to remind us all of the greatest weeb/koreaboo crossover in fanfiction history
No. 286302
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its tired.
No. 286304
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samefag from
>>286302 but anyone know what this fuckery is about??
No. 286306
>>286268gross, can she fuck off? this reeks of desperation and is just embarrassing for everyone.
and that video sucks and has nothing to dissect in it
No. 286330
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>>286328frat boys have such unique style, we should applaud them for making use of their grandma's old clothing. makes my coochie sweat
No. 286362
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someone please tell me whats supposed to be attractive about that, literally one kick to the wrist and i could knock off them new rings he's reppin smh
No. 286409
File: 1535438046072.png (558.77 KB, 1220x1406, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 2.31…) jesus christ, korean fans really don't play, they went mute the minute rat mon came on and would scream loud as fuck when jimin came on, it was almost like someone was playing with the volume but it's really the fans 💀
No. 286439
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Sehun really is too fugly. His fans are the worst too
No. 286466
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>>286439They need to stop with the chin implants
No. 286468
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>>286466They all end up looking like the evil guy from Lazy Town (RIP)
No. 286498
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No. 286507
>>286501i know it just randomly popped up so i couldn’t help myself lmao
after scrolling through this thread the ‘namjoon for president’ meme becomes even more laughable
No. 286582
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I'm genuinely amazed at how bad BTS new release turned out to be, you'd think now they'd be able to get popular western producers to make stuff for them, what is this trash? Do they save on music production or something? Fans are praising the choreo so much, but it's so bland? It looks like a mix of Not Today and Fire. And why did they have to deliver the message to the haturz again, they already did it with the Mic Drop. They're acting like some lolcows on this site who get defensive for the pettiest reasons.
>>286575I bet $50 bighit gets plastic copies of jhope who won't be able to sing or dance properly just like jin and the group will have 10+ members.
No. 286587
>>286582>I'm genuinely amazed at how bad BTS new release turned out to beit's so bad it's even got me theorizing like an army: bighit purposely making their shit bad to make way for the new boy group LOL
>And why did they have to deliver the message to the haturz again, they already did it with the Mic Drop.i thought the same thing. they ended the whole "fuck the haters" thing they were doing with mic drop so i'm not sure why they went back to it when mic drop was fine? totally stupid
No. 286603
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>>286591he is lol. those ears
also looked him up to try and find a good picture to use and found this, agghghghghh why with the fucking ageplay again, kms
No. 286614
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has any other sm idol given up as early as yeri has? i know she was a big fan/friend of jonghyun but her fans using that as a defense of her never being any good are reaching.
tvxq- jaejoong and changmin were probably the worst dancers but could still keep up and put effort in, jaejoong was the second best singer and changmin improved massively when they became a duo
snsd- tiffany is famously a terrible dancer but was enthusiastic enough that people found it cute, even jessica didn't completely phone it in until about 6 years into debut. they're way past their best at dancing but a few years in they still had pretty tight formations
shinee- i never followed super closely but again, i don't remember anyone ever being so bad at dancing that they threw off the group
fx- also didn't follow much but the only time someone clearly gave up was sulli right before she quit being an idol to model for a pedo instead
exo- really didn't follow but all of the critique i've seen is of some of them being bad dancers but not of being lazy or anything
i don't find a lot of sm visuals like sehun attractive but at least then the designated useless member is actually getting fashion deals and stuff, yeri really does seem like one of the most useless idols in sm history. yoona spent years as the basic pretty idol, yoochun was popular and composed some of db5k's best songs, krystal gets a lot of fashion/photoshoot work, minho got a lot of acting jobs even if he's not that good, but yeri isn't that popular, doesn't get work outside of rv, doesn't contribute much to the group and actively takes away from them sometimes
No. 286620
>>286614i'm honestly tired of yeri, she's a cute girl but adding someone that can't sing or dance to a four people group was a dumb dumb decision, not like the other four are good at both, but at least they're good at one and decent at the other. with her voice she really should try to dance better…
also, i remember reading some knetizen's comments on yeri saying she's only interested in being friends with people she can benefit off and that's why she's always so close to taeyeon, key, naeyeon and such…
No. 286627
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>>286603Here anon, have some more
No. 286635
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>>286614>TiffanyKek never forget
No. 286641
>>286635homegirl tried but she just couldn't hit it quite right LOL
it's more than whatever yeri is doing tho, she's just tragic and obviously has no motivation to do so
No. 286648
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>>286622given how often idols stop being friends or seem to eventually hate each other I wish there was more talk about it, it's like when old Disney channel stars would be dating or have drama with each other and be mortal enemies, even idols in their mid 20s act about as mature as teen stars. there's not enough petty friendship drama in kpop and hardly anybody even translates the rumor mills that have about a 50:50 chance of being completely fake.
I want to know how real the beef between Jessica and Taeyeon was, if the rest of Miss A really hated Suzy, there's the thing where Twice's Jeongyeon seems to hate Jimin, Jaejoong still posts bitchy emo girl posts about BoA nearly 10 years after they stopped being best friends, Super Junior probably got into some real fights at some point. I find rumors about idols hating each other way more exciting than dating rumors but fans claim every single idol has RBF and doesn't hate anyone/have a bad attitude
No. 286650
>>286614seulgi is the only red velvet worth a damn and no one can change my mind
i may be being superficial because shes literally one of the most beautiful idols ive seen in kpop since like..2011
No. 286692
>>286687ive mentioned it before but bekah basically threatened to spill some shit when she got kicked aka "graduated" from after school but she never went through with it
she was super religious so i think she just kinda immersed herself in that and let her past fade away
as far as i know she doesnt talk to the other members anymore which is really sad to me because they all seemed close and still do with the exception of bekah, soyoung, kahi and uee, everyone else hangs out, goes to events supporting eachother etc
No. 286704
>>286692After School would definitely have some of the most interesting stories if any of them actually opened up about it, but it seems like they all want to just move on from it.
Do any of the others still hang out with Kahi? I thought it was kind of a known fact by now that she was way too strict on the younger members and took the leader role too seriously and said some of the younger girls deserved to be hit, then after she left said the others bullied her and left her out. I honestly think shed be criticized more for that and for being really strict on Produce 101 if it wasn't for Park Yoochun's scandal. Having your ex be accused of multiple sexual assaults when you're now happily married with kids is always going to make your image seem better. If it wasn't for that then she'd get more shit for being obsessed with hierarchies and the fact that she was 23 and he was 17 would probably come up too.
No. 286739
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i know everybody's already done with this topic, but
No. 286743
>>286656i think the closest we'll get for now is probably when the sistar members were given advice to members from I.O.I and said just to stay in your house to avoid all the creeps. also when taeyeon mentioned in her early days when that creepy dude would call her all the time
>>286737>why do you guys just criticize idols looks, don't you have anything better to discuss >discusses actual issues and events that happened in kpop>it's way too serious in here guys, chill out¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if there's something else you want to talk about anon, just post it
No. 286746
>>286635tiffany makes me cringe for a few reasons but i honestly can't dislike her. she was really cute when she was starting out and had the short haircut, she's like an eager horse girl from school, i've got a soft spot for her. i think she's still pushing the "snsd isn't disbanding! 8 members forever!" stuff too much to expect her to spill any beans about drama stuff but she's been more open and human in the english interviews she's been doing lately. the imperial flag scandal was dragged out way longer than it needed to be when all she should've had to do was make a generic but genuine "i wasn't thinking and made a mistake" apology and had a short reflection period before coming back, i wish she could talk about how the way she was treated was bullshit but that would mean she's permanently blacklisted from going back to korea really
that and the reaction to top's scandal have got to be two of the biggest bullshit reactions to idol scandals i've ever seen. dude ODed and his mom was crying about if he'd wake up and the comments were awful. a lot of the time when idols get criticised i don't care because i think it's just part of what happens when a lot of people know who you are, but every so often there's the big scandal of somebody getting death threats over something so minor. the top thing only came to mind because right after the collab with bts went out nicki minaj posted a video of her smoking a blunt and it's just still so wild how strong the backlash against him was
No. 286752
>>286746tiffany is one of those people to me that have good intentions but it can be a little much. i can say she's fairly annoying to me but i don't think i could hate her, because you can say a lot about her but she really does try.
>but every so often there's the big scandal of somebody getting death threats over something so minorit's funny how such minor issues get blasted the most but issues such as rape, DUIs, assault, and much more is hushed and thoroughly questioned. it's a death sentence to your career for simply looking at your nails and don't you dare try to explain yourself but if you rape someone or kill/harm someone while drunk driving the victim must be throughly questioned or we must see all sides of the situation. it's absolutely ridiculous.
No. 286754
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>>286739I cant get over armys gushing over these lyrics that they cant understand. If anything they are in love with the translator’s writing style of the fucking lyrics, not anything bts sings
No. 286758
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>>286746She was so cute with short hair, the tomboy-ish look suits her. She seems happier back in America. Her scandal was such bullshit, they just used it as a reason to attack her because they disliked her to start with. Also funny how none of the other members stuck up for her even when people were threatening to rape her and her family etc. She's an airhead true but who cares? Her story is touching too, it was known that her mother died but recently people learnt she died from suicide.
No. 286765
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>>286746>>286758Tiffany always made me cringe with her singing and dancing. She just reminds me of a theater kid who wants to be a singer but doesnt have any real outstanding talent. I always thought she was the best looking one during the Genie era. Short hair does suit her long face better.
No. 286768
>>286766i think its because of the parasocial relationship. they think of the idol as their uwu husbando/precious child so they won't hear any criticism of them or they get buttmad. like you're criticising their family member, not a music artist.
the twitter safe space no-wrongthink-allowed only positivity and love for our boys thing probably contributes too.
No. 286775
>>286746she always seemed so sweet to me
she got the shit end of the stick from pretty early on i think with what happened between her and her parents, and then having the most antis from the beginning with people telling her to kill herself and saying she was the reason her mom killed herself etc
so im with you i have a soft spot for her too and wish her well
No. 286778
>>286775>and then having the most antis from the beginning with people telling her to kill herself it was really such a shame too because she was always super upbeat and seemed like one of the more genuine of the idols. i don't think i could fake a personality like her for over a decade so i assume her persona must be somewhat genuine.
i think the only gripe i have with her is that i wish she got a proper vocal coach or if she does at least attempt notes at her range rather than trying to attempt the big ones and coming off all screechy.
No. 286780
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then what the fuck are they gonna perform
No. 286784
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>>286780Usually viral phenomena dies after being on Ellen, but BTS refuses to die even after their 1000th time on the show.
No. 286785
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>>286782haha yeah she did anon, but i do think taeny shippers went overboard with them, i'm not sure but personally i think it messed with some of the groups dynamics
No. 286787
>>286782>>286785sm was forcing taeny as a "thing" from like..2011 onward
no idea why
No. 286790
>>286737[insert "Jimin is so ugly" comment here]
Here you go, not serious anymore
No. 286792
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>>286790best ugly boi jimin
No. 286794
i might try to watch this one for lols if im bored enough when it comes out. usually i cant stand american interviews with kpop stars, i get secondhand embarrassment
No. 286802
>>286800oh man i remember that lol
wish i could remember the names of the actresses but the rumor was that she was basically making them compete for her right? they were both spending money on her and stuff to win her attention
No. 286809
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Sunmi keeps looking borderline ana and the comment section is the worst. Anyone who dares to post a comment about her weight, even fans speaking out of genuine concern, gets viciously attacked by stans.
>"Mind your own business, nobody asked your opinion!"
>"Durr she's beautiful just the way she looks, stop bodyshaming her!"
>"She said many times she can't gain weight! This is just her natural weight!"
>"Stop bodyshaming, you're hurting unnie, she looks at the comments"
Enablers. I noticed that some profiles were also Jonghyun fans, the irony.
No. 286811
File: 1535492102280.png (1.71 MB, 1340x1412, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 5.31…)

what is it with them and innocence?? she's an adult get the fuck over it. at least sulli is starting to see some positivity from netizens lately, it was absolutely ridiculous before
No. 286814
>>286813degenerate because she went without a bra a few times and dated a dude who's name literally was a euphemism for big dick? yeah apparently so LOL
i kind of lived for her antics tbh, idols are restricted to such specific personas and it was nice to see her break it
No. 286816
>>286814well i obviously meant by their standards, not my own lol
by korean and especially kpop industry standards, she and hara were the epitome of girls with bad reps
No. 286822
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>>286795Wow lots of people are saying Yuri and I thought most would say Taeyeon…I always hear a lot more people say that she’s obviously gay. I think there’s this old video where she said something along the lines of not caring who she dates as long as their a good person and then someone asked if that meant women and she said she didn’t care. Maybe it’s just me but she’s always given me either a lesbian or at least bi vibe.
No. 286825
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>>286814Nta, but degenerate for working with a pedo and taking pics like this? Yes.
No. 286827
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>>286792when i started reading these threads i didnt care about jimin at all. then anons started posting him a lot. i agreed that he was ugly. suddenly i found myself thinking he looks ugly in a strangely visually appealing way. then i started thinking he's a good performer and dancer too. guess im a jimin fan now.
he really needs to ditch the contacts though.
No. 286840
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>>286802The actresses are Son Ye Jin (right) and Han Ye Seul (left). I wouldn't have clocked Han Ye Seul after seeing her in some dramas but Son Ye Jin basically came out as a lesbian at some point kek:
>“Up until now, my roles were mostly man & woman falling in love. But if I have a chance, I want to do a role of love between women. For example, like Monster and Thelma & Louise. Do I have [homosexual] disposition? Yes, I think I do. I’ll get in trouble for saying this. (laugh)” No. 286849
What's wrong with her mouth? Honest question
No. 286858
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>>286849no top lip and enough teeth for two people
its just ugly to me
No. 286868
>>286858is wendy half white? something about her looks weird to me.
>>286843she was never a visual, i hate k-fans who think anyone pretty is one when it means someone who specifically appeals to korean beauty standards.
No. 286880
>>286868>>286875I'm the anon who posted
>>286843 I know that Irene's has the official position of being the group's visual. I was using the term in the sense that a visual = a pretty person.
No. 286924
>>286906I hate the gradient lip look it always looks like they were koolaid or something
These make up trends look even worse in person. Seriously korean girls with white faces painted on, straight eyebrows stamped on, lips lookin like they’re bleeding from the mouth… it’s a mess. I’m sure idols look better than most but one thing I learned is that Koreans are very good at manipulating the camera. All my friends/coworkers look nothing like they do in the pictures they post online. It’s like the beauty trends exist only to be filtered in photographs or something
No. 286930
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No. 286931
>>286928Yeah it is weird af
Just imagine if 90% of the female population from middle school to middle age were all trying to look like Instagram kardashians and there were next to no other options for women to style themselves
No. 286932
>>286930This is photoshopped. Kyle’s on the right and Kim’s in the middle.
But a lot of idols do look like that with the bizarre foundation mismatch.
No. 286935
>>286933Oh my bad, I didn’t realize this was from the linked IG above until I peeped it, and I’ve seen other anons post obviously photoshopped images as if they’re real.
Hyolyn and Jessie (and Nada, sorta) are pretty close to the Kardashian aesthetic, but Hyolyn gets away with it because of her singing and lack of visuals, while Jessie’s just American. Now if Irene dressed like that…
And NGL, I’d sort of kill to see a BTS member within a three foot radius of any Western celeb with a hypersexualised style.
No. 286936
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i know this isn't kpop but since we've been talking about korean makeup, i'm always soooo curious to see what the unedited pic would look like when i see pics like these, it's interesting
No. 286939
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>>286936lol I love watching pictures of Gangnam Unnies. They are usually heavily edited but it's still so interesting. I'm more intrigued by how badly they will age.
I guess at least some kpop idols have more self control and don't go this far.
No. 286942
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>>286940Yeah I said that on another post, it's really sad. Round foreheads, high and straight noses, wide eyes, v line jaws. It's all really agains what their natural features are.
Please find the most extreme case of dorito chin I found lol
No. 286951
File: 1535510700562.gif (912.78 KB, 420x237, ezgif5d854fe3703_2.gif)

anyone else cringe hard as fuck at this part of the idol mv
No. 286952
>>286614Yeri has been in hot water ever since she was thrown in the group.
She is bringing down red velvet and I wouldn't be surprised if she pulls a Sulli. She's the only idol I know that cares more about networking than doing the bare minimum of what's required for her job. Just sing and dance well FFS. If I was the choreographer for this dance I would've been pissed. Where the fuck is their manager disciplining them? Her family must have money or be someone's favorite in management.
No. 286954
>>286939Lmao this seems like a gold mine, anon
Is there any tag to browse that?
No. 286959
I'm the anon from
>>286737 and this
>>286952 is what I meant, Idc about bitching about looks.
Does someone ~actually cares~ about this? Like, srsly? We all know idols work in sub-human conditions, they can't eat properly so they develop EDs, they can't sleep, they have to smile even if they are on their period or if grandma just died, they faint, etc etc, and I am not mentioning this to excuse her shitty dancing, because does someone here actually care?
No. 286960
>>286811And the only reason she is getting positivity is due to nationalistic reasons.
TDLR: Sulli posted a Instagram photo taking about comfort women, Japanese netizens criticized and threatened her. Korean netizens (rightfully) say wtf and defend her. Also one of the Japanese Produced 101 members stopped following her after that post so Koreans are mad about that too.
No. 286962
>>286843Still hate to this day what they fucking did her chin. I don't understand if SM picks you (and at least 50% of it is due to visual) then WHY fuck up your face?! Especially if you are about to debut.
Also her bangs are shit and they need to get rid of it. They ruin her face 50% of the time.
No. 286968
>>286963It’s about the origins of korean plastic surgery which is a huge topic in kpop and on this board. How is that not kpop related?
People keep wondering why their unnies and oppas keep fucking up their faces. Here is one reason.
No. 286974
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>>286971i vote LE from EXID then. it's really tragic how far they go with it, i wonder how they feel when they wake up in the morning and see themselves. do they actually feel more beautiful? do they feel confused? it has to be a case of bdd or smth. this wouldn't have to be kpop related but i would really be interested in an in-depth documentary or some sort about someone who has done so much plastic surgery, unless any of you know of one?
No. 287022
>>286843>It's a shame that she's racistshe’s not, though.
saying something problematic once or twice =/= a racist. her being one would imply she looks down on black people which she clearly does not. throwing around the word racist over the most minuscule things cheapens the term.anyway, i never understood why she had her jaws taken away while irene got to keep hers? irene gets praised and drooled over by frothing at the mouth fans for being ‘the epitome of korean beauty!!’ all the time despite looking average as fuck for an idol and has noticeably bigger jaws than wendy ever had. retarded styling by incompetent stylists aside, wendy always had rather delicate and feminine features compared to the other rv members (at least before yeri was added). it’s almost impressive how the stylists manage to fuck her up every. single. comeback.
No. 287048
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well that makes sense
No. 287213
>>286821I follow Sunmi from the WG era and she's always had issues with her weight, she used to nag the other members and ask them if they though her face was "too big", and in the dancing practices you can see she has no thighs. It's just a long, straight line. So I don't buy the "naturally skinny" bs for one moment, I'm pretty thin myself but my spine doesn't pop out like that.
Also, if she really had problems gaining weight that would still be concerning, even more probably. The "look away" mindset of her stans is dangerous.
No. 287291
>>285987I think they should've stopped at LionHeart. Or Sailing. I liked Sailing (it was just a digital single).
They didn't have the same charisma during Holiday Night that they had in previous comebacks. And the styling in Holiday was wack, and the styling in this comeback looks wack too. Holiday Night wasn't a good album IMO, so I'm not looking forward to this comeback. Is SM giving them shitty comebacks and outfits on purpose?
I want them to go out gracefully, so we can have good memories of them, not keep dragging it on even when it's clear the magic isn't there anymore. But like you said SM wants money so we get a new SNSD comeback.
Waiting for SM to debut the new SNSD.
No. 287348
>>287056what is her insta?
>>286994yes, it's always been annoying to me. i just don't watch them anymore.
>>287090you're not wrong, i think that one girl who used to be in girl's day is a super gangnam unnie now? maybe i'm confusing her with someone else but i have seen a few other former idols who went way too far.
>>287344wow really? maybe amber will be the kpop idol that spills some tea on the industry. would be interesting if she does, considering how many people she got along with.
No. 287349
samefag from
>>287348, but the only boy group that i thought did a good girl idol cover was seventeen. loved their rendition of boa's no. 1.
No. 287384
>>287373not why tumblr fag.
>>287357it's cause kpop is blowing up around the world and they companies are being extra tryhard.
No. 287443
>>287098>>287389i think super junior are pretty much in charge of all of their own activities and sublabel in order to get any releases, tvxq only had 2 weeks of promotions for their 15th anniversary comeback before being shipped back for another japan tour, exo have the mess with lay and haven't had a comeback yet this year when the members are going to have to start enlisting in about a year from now, those 3 are some of the highest earners but the money comes from touring more than sales at this point. shinee are kind of a special case this year so i don't know how to evaluate them.
f(x) lost the moneymakers sulli (quit), victoria (in china) and krystal (busy with other stuff) and those 3 as individuals make more money than the group. imo snsd's last two comebacks only did well because of ot8 fans making sure that the sales were high after jessica left and then for the 10th anniversary, realistically the successful individual members will make more money alone unless they have a japan tour and that's not likely now that they're down to 5. sm pulled the "members have left but they're still a group!" before with csjh the grace and they never came back as a full group.
nct seems kind of like a passion project so they won't be dropped yet, and red velvet are doing really well given that they're clearly one of sm's B grade groups and not meant to be their next snsd so both of those groups are going to get pushed for now
No. 287478
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good lord if you're gonna make the foundation whiter at least blend to the neck, tragic.
No. 287490
>>287478ew. whats wrong with his normal skin colour for foundation? at least then he wont look like he's wearing a mask
>>287487please god dont let them win a grammy, i might die from the smugness that will radiate from armys
No. 287491
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>>286990it'll be such a mess anon, i honestly don't think i could even look at gifs of it should it happen, the cringe will be unreal
No. 287494
i don't want to exist in a planet with a bts carpool karaoke, the ones with english speakers are cringe enough! can celebrities stop trying to ride on bts' popularity, its embarrassing…
>>287492award shows are pretty much bs anyway in my opinion, but you just know armys would eat it up like crazy
No. 287496
File: 1535570940700.gif (1.83 MB, 336x479, download.jsp.gif) know this is pann choa, but have you seen the evidence of yuta pretending to eat? seriously sad, he's already very skinny.
No. 287511
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i was so intellectually stimulated by that idol mv
No. 287523
>>287496having sm mess with your face and make you known for a horrifying chin even after it's been fixed can't help with body image if he's already got weight issues. i remember him being hyped predebut as one of the cutest trainees, i could be wrong but it feels like he's kind of just a spare member since nct are having a china unit before a japanese one.
the post on onehallyu about it had plenty of "wow, his self restraint is amazing" comments which is fucked up, that isn't just self restraint
No. 287529
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>>287523why would they do that to him? not even koreans think this looks good
No. 287531
File: 1535573371974.jpg (49.09 KB, 480x705, YutaAfter2.jpg)

Imagine having to live with a real life yaoi oppa chin.
No. 287545
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has lucas had the dorito chin surgery as well? he doesn't look that different from his predebut photos but his face proportions seem off.
No. 287553
>>287541Nice article, thanks anon.
But of course the dumbass fans scream "Racism!"…
No. 287555
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>>287549i only found this one, it looks like he had already had ps in most of his predebut photos anyway. i was asking about the chin implant, the jaw shave is obvious i guess.
No. 287564
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>>287563We all know the answer to this lol.
No. 287565
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>>287563this is my vote. it's very topical.
No. 287579
File: 1535575586348.jpg (100.97 KB, 800x1200, 8331336c0ace557164bc5ebf82519d…)

>>287565they can't seriously think that liking gucci makes him an intellectual. this reads like a
troll post
>>287564we should have this as the thread pic once, its a classic
No. 287583
File: 1535575724542.jpg (46.52 KB, 623x609, C8sahoIV0AIjUUW.jpg)

>>287545He got something done to his chin but it's not completely uncanny. That being said, it wasn't really an improvement either. I'll reply to this w/ a newer pic to show the difference.
>>287564too upsetting/10
No. 287586
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>He gets the worse flanderization from fans I've seen in a long time
>proceeds to flanderize him
kek armys need to be gassed
No. 287587
File: 1535575844221.jpg (75.34 KB, 720x960, 9e6fc971bfe6f23c9a14cc771363c4…)

>>287585he looks so much better without all the crazy makeup and just the basic boy beat. he does not suit outstanding makeup looks
No. 287590
>>287585>comparing a selfie which the phone was higher up therefore making his chin look smallerlul my sides
he still has a crease in his chin indicating that it's a little weak.
he had other work done but not his jaw and chin
No. 287591
File: 1535575974353.jpg (46.72 KB, 1200x337, DjIqtleVsAApkBF.jpg)

this kind of shit genuinely makes me feel bad for them
No. 287592
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No. 287593
>>287587oof he looks terrible here
>>287586taehyung isnt just some basic dude guys, hes the philosophic art hipster man of my dreams!!!1!
>>287591why do they want their oppas to be in love so much
No. 287596
>>287593>why do they want their oppas to be in love so muchbecause it means their oppas are in some forbidden love situation just like the fans see themselves and their love for their idol!
see look, he's pining over someone and not fucking random sluts by the dozens like every other rich and famous man in the world.
No. 287600
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>>287529He kinda reminds me of pic related
No. 287602
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>>287541this person's left multiple comments under the article and in one of them mentioned she has a teenage son
No. 287605
File: 1535577046099.jpg (222.89 KB, 1201x1601, IMG_20180730_105520.jpg)

>>287590His chin looks fake as shit now, I only used the selfie because it was cute. It's still obvious with the angle. Look up some other predebut/pre ps pics if you want.
>>287593I don't think he's ever looked good in makeup
speaking as a stan. The contacts are especially upsetting. They're always like… Too small for his eyes? His irises are too big.
No. 287612
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>>287602imagine coming home from school and seeing your mom on the computer fighting fangirls on the internet who might as well happen to be your classmates
No. 287626
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No. 287631
>>287628Fans saying protect them, because they got filmed in underwear, meanwhile their job consists of them letting themselves getting filmed dancing in underwear.
Of course it's illegal and they should sue, but the typical kpop stan wording of "protect our babies!" is pretty ironic in this case.
No. 287637
>>287631It's a changing room. The intent of the cameras is to catch them in the nude, and not just underwear.
And it's the lack of consent that's the problem. A shit ton of the appeal of hidden cameras is that the women don't know, so it doesn't matter whether or not the victims do gyrate on stage in their underwear for a living as long as they're unaware and vulnerable. I mean to say that they don't target them for being
sluts or shit, but because their changing room is accessible by some sick fuck with a voyeuristic fetish. Hidden cameras in women's bathrooms and changing rooms is supposedly a plague in S. Korea.
No. 287638
>>287564PLEASE let this be the next op image.
No. 287674
>>287668I do think most of his ps
was an improvement tbqh, he's no where near Yuta or Wendy's levels. Might be saying this because I'm so used to plastic idols that my perception is fucked, but even the unnatural things about his face don't stand out toooo much when he isn't wearing a metric ton of pancake makeup and/or shooped to hell. His makeup on knowing bros. made him look like buffsuki.
No. 287703
>>287627its usually not the idols fault when they do shit like this and nobody deserves to be spied on
these companies are trash
No. 287708
>>287668iirc jessica had some fucked up surgery that cause one side of her face to be uneven for awhile, her eyes in particular and there was a blind item about a girl in a group that got plastic surgery for a show or stageplay or something and then ended up not liking the surgery and also not getting the part and people thought it was her
this was circa the boys era
No. 287726
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>>287721imagine just minding your business and you see this
No. 287727
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also what is this stupid shit with calling suga/yoongi lil meow meow? i bet mr swag himself is just thrilled with that nickname
No. 287749
>>287726i thought the infires meme died back in 2016
never even got what it was referring to
No. 287763
File: 1535620858664.jpg (75.53 KB, 1024x822, e8fldiFO31vmi5wvo2_1280.jpg)

Dem obviously fake pinched nose. Army really is delulu to believe their boys are 100% natural and surgery free.
No. 287774
>>287592You know, the tragic thing about this is that jimin is actually not that bad-looking, but it's just something about his eyes that ruin the rest of his appearance. I don't know what it is but there's something creepy and uncanny about them, not to mention those nightmare fuelling eye contacts he wears for whatever god awful reason that don't help AT ALL.
But there's no saving rat monster ever though lmao he's got the most fucked up face i've seen surgery or not
No. 287785
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>>287774with jimin i think for me it's the combination of deep nasolabial folds, the nose tip that is weirdly cut and the unnecessarily huge lips that makes him look weird, everything is so misproportioned.
i also would like to ask an army wtf is this and why it's considered a good look. i swear if they cut rm from the mv, it would make it 100x more watchable.
No. 287813
>>286300is this the next My immortal? so cringy. wow
>>287564Cursed image
No. 287829
>>287785Look at how the smug irradiates from his face even in a MV. I can hear his voice talking about how he reads Nietzsche
>rat monsterI've been cackling for half an hour
No. 287841
>>287836imo the only genuinely pretty members are yeonwoo and jane. nancy’s supposed to be the visual but she looks really strange to me… nowhere near as bad as daisy though; her face actually scares me.
also which member used to be a sasaeng?
No. 287842
>>287840boom boom definitely sounds heavily inspired by mi mi mi. shinsadong tiger did the same thing with DIA's most recent song.
>>287841I'm pretty sure it was Jane but idk if she was a saesang. she used to run some fansite with another girl before she debuted.
No. 287843

september is going to be the last month of relative calm before awards season starts, any predictions on how it's all going to go down?
best album nearly always goes to the highest seller so armys will riot if it's not bts, song of the year is going to be between boom boom and love scenario (viral hit vs popular song), it was a super quiet year for debuts so the only possibility really is (g)i-dle, then loona and stray kids as nominations. shawols are already heating up about making sure jonghyun gets awards for his last possible year, but i think there could be some kind of nice tribute to him. i don't think you need to vote for someone just because they've passed away, but i'm really not looking forward to the kind of disrespectful comments you know it's going to cause. mama voting especially is always the biggest mess.
there's only even a handful of memorable stages over the years from award shows and end of year events so the fanwars are the only entertaining part about it
>>287840kpop ~intellectuals (ie kpopalypse) these days are obsessed with explaining exactly why something isn't legally plagairism but that doesn't mean something like boom boom isn't an obvious copy. the fact that the group covered mi mi mi before just makes it even more obvious
No. 287850
>>287843Well Exo hasn't released anything as a full group this year so that'll probably take away one major fight. I don't know what the cut off date for nominations is though so I could be wrong.
I think Love Scenario was more popular but YG has a shit relationship with a bunch of companies so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't win much.
For the rookie girl groups it'll be G-idle - P48 group - Loona. Loona has better album sales than I thought they'd get but their digitals aren't good enough for them to have a chance.
Rookie boy groups it'll probably be Stray Kids or The Boyz. The Boyz have a decent chance of winning if they separate the categories by gender imo.
No. 287881
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>>287836I really think Nancy and Yeonwoo are gorgeous (Yeonwoo isn't as photogenic I think, but she's pretty in motion), and k-nets also think their agency hit the jackpot with nancy (and JooE, but for her charisma, not looks). The other I think go from cuteish, avarage and really ugly (Daisy and JooE, but I can't hate them though)
also i didn't know Taeha could speak english that well wow
No. 287886
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>>287881Nancy's face is so bland and forgettable, nothing about her stands out, not in a classic beauty way but in a "who is she again?" way. I agree that Yeonwoo is very cute thought.
No. 287893
File: 1535652354784.jpg (227.76 KB, 935x1200, DcT5RCzV4AYv_Si.jpg)

Her company putting her in a photoshoot meant for main dancers annoyed me
>>287892i see it
No. 287897
>>287836I literally cant tell the difference between girls in almost any kpop group that came out after 2015 they all look the same.
Its insane.
Hell, some of them even look like former idols from other groups and it confuses the hell out of me. Kpop is so weird now.
No. 287912
File: 1535654345797.png (449.49 KB, 642x529, Mysteriouscreaturesighted.png)

>>287836Daisy legit looks like a bridge troll… She don't even look like she's the same specie as Yeonwoo.
No. 287919
>>287893Kyulkyung is hands-down the prettiest girl idol in Kpop and I say that as someone who’s never even watched a Pristin M/V.
I think it’s a little odd that there are relatively few Chinese Kpop idols (there are at most two or three in a group if any at all) and they’re generally treated even worse than Korean ones, but I feel like when a group /does/ have Chinese member(s) the visual is almost always Chinese. This is just what I’ve observed from the few groups that have come to my attention, though.
No. 287947
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Netizens always bash Jooe for being the ugliest idol ever, when in reality she's a good portrayal of an average Korean face or a bit above average. I find her super cute like a hamster. This industry is completely nuts.
No. 287986
File: 1535664045569.jpg (147.77 KB, 957x1277, eeee2b368daccdc8514c6170313170…)

why are some armys so obsessed with trying to brainwash everyone into believing rat mon is tHe MOsT HaNdSOmE when in reality he looks like this.
No. 287987
I wonder how BTS will look when they hit the age of 30. With rat mon reptile head shape ass, over botched jm hobi and lil meow meow and granny Tae, that would be interesting
>>287981I feel like america does't take them seriously but bighit gets the wrong idea that they are adored there