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No. 252094
Previous threads:
>>232967>>241117For all those who didn't fall victim to the Kpop craze.
Please use
>>232763 for fangirling and thirstposting, this is a thread for people who
dislike Kpop.
No. 252120
>>252094you used my pic, thank u
>>252106agreed, although their career only goes on as long as they have their fans. They won't care if they're collabing with another artist or not as long as they have their oppas~
No. 252146
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ended up going down a wiki rabbit hole and found out that one of the most liked tweets ever is this video of taehyung acting like a retard
it's up there with obama's tweets about martin luther king and ariana grande's tweet about the manchester bombing
stop the planet i want to get off
No. 252185
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>>252146I just saw this edit on tumblr, it's too funny not to share. This fandom can be unintentionally hilarious sometimes.
No. 252197
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>>252193People like him mainly because he is cute, he had this obnoxious quirky persona when he debuted and his fan flanderized him. Now he is trying to go for a cooler persona, but it's not working very well it seems like he's genuinely weird and don't know how to behave, what kind of retard bite his nails on the red carpet at a huge event?
I'm still amazed by how much his face changed since he debuted, his feature were quite harsh and he grew into a very soft looking dude.
No. 252215
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>>252197Add this pic to the collage, it's taehyung in 2019
No. 252218
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>>252197and now he looks like this
No. 252220
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>>252218god his mullet looks so bad, especially in the fake love music video
No. 252223
I can't tell you how glad I am to finally find a news article that isn't sucking BTS's dick, ARMY has labelled it as racist lmao
No. 252224
>>252220Taehyung is different! He's an artist and doesn't care about society's rules \m/
>>252223I hate the melon but I want fantano to rip it to shreds tbh
No. 252226
>>252223oh my god, the salty BTS fans in Comment is Free. i genuinely feel like im taking crazy pills whenever i read something one of those fevered obsessives write. anything that isnt fellating BTS within an inch of their life in every word is horribly offensive to them. they twist some mildly lukewarm but otherwise inane words in the review to be some sort of disgusting prejudiced diss against BTS and Kpop.
Also, the fact that people are reeing about this review being racist is hilarious to me because the guardian online is the type of paper to put out 10 opinion pieces a day about why racism is literally worse than killing babies.
No. 252228
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This thread is like 30 tweets long btw
No. 252230
>>252227>a member produced a song, they are so talentedthis shit drives me crazy, like oh WOW they did their JOB, lets all suck their dick forever? also they are usually like 1 producer out of 7 per song lmao
>>252229i noticed that line too, its so true. theyre like any other retarded fanbase that loves the product no matter what it is, except turned up to 11
No. 252231
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Kpop companies have found the perfect cash cow, cute guys with fake personalities, aka IRL husbandos. That's the only reason those crazy fans throw so much money at them and stan them despite the shit tier music they release, because they love the dudes (and the reason why they lose their shit when their caught dating). Just throw some gayness on top of hit to catch the fujoshi and you're set for life.
Pic related, you can't tell me this isn't queerbaiting.
No. 252238
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>>252231I get shotacon vibes from some of their photoshoots too No. 252240
>>252238How awkward for the photographers to have grown men acting like babies. They look like infants, gross.
Rapmon trying to be cute always makes me laugh tho he looks so out of place because of his weird egg face
No. 252241
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>>252238That reminds me of this Winner teaser from last year. It just looks weird.
No. 252242
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>>252238He doesn't seem to enjoy being dressed up as a little boy.
No. 252261
>>252253I tried looking for it, but all I found was "They cured my depression!" and "Wah, don't accuse them of selling
their depression!", because apparently now all of them suffer from it…
No. 252273
>>252264The BTS fandom is a hateful cesspool. A fair portion of their fans are young impressionable teenagers, imagine the white fans among them reading this shit? Why can't they see that regardless of who they're aimed at, they're still horrible messages that will likely make someone feel terrible?
If fans are looking towards BTS as a source of happiness to help with their depression/anxiety/whatever, then reading that in fact there bias hate them because they're white is going to make it worse.
No. 252274
>>252269honestly I can't wait for one of them to do something blatantly racist
the fall out will be delicious
No. 252276
>>252269>>252274i can't look it up right now but i'm pretty sure someone in bts was already exposed for doing blackface awhile ago? or at least i know one of them was caught saying nigga/nigger. most of the fans passed it off as "he didn't know any better!!!" (i might be thinking of another group but pretty sure it was bts)
>>252264this is why kpop fans piss me off so much, they try so hard to act like their poc fave is so much better than "the whites" while ignoring that koreans are infamous for their racism towards other minorities…news flash: ya fave ain't woke and he probably hates black people just as much as you claim he hates whites
No. 252279
>>252276Rap monster is the most ~
problematic~ out of all the members but he made a vague apology awhile ago so most people just ignore it. I feel like if any of them messed up now it would be 100x worse because so many armys act like BTS are educated and woke now.
No. 252282
>>252276Rap Monster said it during this performance. It's a medley cover of songs by Shinwa and the "this is how we do it you niggas better know" lyric is in the original song so now you have 2 kpop groups throwing round slurs.
Rap Monster was 19 when he said it and no amount of "he didn't know what he was saying" doesn't excuse it considering he seems to have a solid grasp of English.
He's never apologised directly for saying it.
No. 252284
>>252245I especially love their obsession with being better than One Direction (even though they're not even active anymore, being more than just a pretend bf that sings about love for his (pre)teen fangirls - when in fact that's exactly what they are.>They can dance, rap, and sing. Western artists like one direction can only sing, with some lame swaying here and there. Dancing alone is exhausting enough. Bts works their butts off.>Bts produces their own music. The lyrics aren't always about your cliche love that westerners somehow aren't tired of.>Their music videos are amazing and follow story lines.>Bts members don't have fake personalities. And they're extremely humble and they're basically brothers.>They have killer visuals. - written by an asian american hs student
No. 252287
>>252282thanks anon, i only had a vague memory of what happened so wasn't sure of the details. it's a shame fans are so hypocritical because if a western artist did this there would so much uproar
>>252279that's true, if they did something controversial now armys would probably explode from all the drama kek
>don't have fake personalitiesthey don't realize that idols have constructed personalities made to appeal to teenage girls and sell the most albums?? just like pop stars like one direction? the delusion is just…amazing
No. 252442
>>252437>these jokes are dumb but i feel they're ultimately harmless.But how can you know? I imagine these are extremely hurtful to young dumb and unstable fans. Racism is never a joke, no matter to whom it's directed to and yes, writing x hates white people and white people aren't allowed to listen to x/or should stay away from them, and then 1000s liking this shit is racism! You can't tell me that any of these white preteen fangirls have any privilege or power and therefore should just have to deal with this…
I saw tons of tweets saying that these are just jokes and black army have to deal with "real" racism from "wharmy and karmy", but I didn't encounter just one single post that said anything remotely racist against them.
So where the hell are the white army chasing down black army and calling them slurs/saying shit "i'm gonna string u from a tree" and other racist things? Come on…
No. 252444
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>>252437idk I wouldn't call them harmless because young fans could see and be influenced by it. the amount of racism in general on ""stan twitter"" is disgusting though. and then on top of that international fans in general are often racist towards/fetishize asians.
>>252442the white fans usually post their racist shit anonymously
No. 252469
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>>252454>mfw black K-pop stans will unironically accept this treatment and pretend like nothing is wrongHoly hell. It's not even just the entertainers that are racist, the fandom is even worse, lmao. Now I understand the "#jiminhateswhitepeople" thing a bit (and the anons getting angry about it have pretty much no leg to stand on, if this is how black fans are treated), but the whole thing is still ridiculously anti-black.
Like…love yourselves. Divest from this community and stop supporting "artists" who rip off your music and don't give a shit about you. It's fucking toxic.
No. 252473
Honestly yeah. I could understand the "jimin hating whites" jokes being bad if white people weren't revered in SK and…most of the civilised world, but. Lol they are
It's like jokingly calling a pretty person ugly. Harmless
>>252472I wouldn't say Koreans hate black people? A lot of them are just ignorant
For example they call blacks 'black unnie/oppa' and think they're all good at sports and music
No. 252475
>>252469>Now I understand the "#jiminhateswhitepeople" thing a bit (and the anons getting angry about it have pretty much no leg to stand on, if this is how black fans are treated), but the whole thing is still ridiculously anti-black. So… fighting racism with racism is alright then…? These poc fans are still ridiculously anti-white, too.
>Like…love yourselves.You sound like a stan kek
No. 252477
>>252475>So… fighting racism with racism is alright then…? These poc fans are still ridiculously anti-white, too.No, I'm saying you're basically whining over nothing when shit like the selfie incident and death/rape threats for the grave sin of being black and liking K-pop is happening. Stop making everything about you for once and think, if you can.
>You sound like a stan kekHow? I'm saying black people shouldn't be stans. That makes zero sense, lmao, try again.
No. 252479
>>252473>Honestly yeah. I could understand the "jimin hating whites" jokes being bad if white people weren't revered in SK and…most of the civilised world, but. Lol they are>It's like jokingly calling a pretty person ugly. Harmless According to that logic no white person should ever feel unhappy or depressed, have low confidence or any of that either.
Do you really believe that just because some Asians have a boner for white chicks, all white girls feel pretty? Kpop is something social outcasts take to, their fans are extremely young and impressionable, so if they have to read that nobody likes them whenever they open tumblr or twitter or whatever it can be extremely damaging.
No. 252481
>>252477>Stop making everything about you for once and think, if you can.We were talking about these racist tweets against white fans. Then you decided to chime in and said it's justified because black fans also get racist comments. Who's the one always making it about themselves?
Love yourself is a line frequently used by Army because one of their songs/or album(?) is called that, so you using that…
No. 252482
>>252479The same young, impressionable fans are sending other young, impressionable fans messages that they're not "worthy" to be BTS fans, that they should be raped and/or killed, that they're slaves, criminals, monkeys, etc all for their race.
It's a messy group overall, but some politically incorrect joke tag that seems to have died in 2017 is kind of a weird thing to focus on.
No. 252484
>>252481When did I say anything is justified? I just said I understand it, especially as backlash to the shit these people seem to take on the daily.
>Who's the one always making it about themselves?Still you, honestly.
>Love yourself is a line frequently used by Army because one of their songs/or album(?) is called that, so you using that…BTS did not invent the phrase "Love yourself", kek. Some stans really need to go outside and interact with people outside their fandom. This can't be healthy.
No. 252487
>>252484>When did I say anything is justified?Anon, you wrote
>Now I understand the "#jiminhateswhitepeople" thing a bit (and the anons getting angry about it have pretty much no leg to stand on, if this is how black fans are treated), but the whole thing is still ridiculously anti-black.That sounds extremely like "they have it worse so I understand #jiminhateswhitepeople".
I'm so sick of 'poc' thinking being white is the solution to all your problems, that these little white fangirls live life on easy mode while they all have it 'super tough' and therefore think they can treat others however they want. (And these white kids being dumb enough to think they simply have to take it because of 'white priviledge'and "I also hate whites! ha ha…")
If you already don't care about white fans getting made fun of - there are probably just as many attacking K-army for being white 'allies'.
No. 252490
>>252487>That sounds extremely like "they have it worse so I understand #jiminhateswhitepeople".And? That doesn't make it okay, but it sure pulls the rug from under the feet of some anons were acting like the tag was the worst of the fandom. Meanwhile, they're quiet about this and even pretend it doesn't happen. Ugly behavior, all in all.
>that irrelevant, long-winded, off-topic rantWew. Do you feel better now? Anyway, my whole point is: @black people, stop taking racist bullshit from idols and your fellow fans with a grin on your face. It's sad to see.
No. 252494
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>>252472I honestly think it was a joke. Kpop stars have their skin lightened/whitewashed by fans and in photoshoots so I think they were just parodying that. It doesn't make it acceptable though or mean that the rest of the fandom isn't racist af.
No. 252497
>>252494this seems like the most likely option, i mean why would they do it otherwise, it wasnt even funny?
also maybe its worth pointing out that calling it 'whitewashing' when idols have their skin lightened in picture sets/shoots isn't really accurate because its done to make them look like pale koreans, i.e. a KOREAN standard of beauty, not to make them look white.
No. 252616
>>252606i like how fans the media pretend that anyone except for stans talk about them
army knows how to play the game. pretend you don't know them so the media can report on how bts is stealing the hearts of american girls
No. 252647
>>252623>that's the only thing he's good for after allThis guy's fans confuse me the most. BTS is overall mediocre and overrated, but I feel like he brings literally nothing to the table. He's not really good looking (though he seems to think he is), has a forgettable voice and laughable dance skills. I'm mostly sick of seeing his fans gush over his "stable live vocals" that "sound just like the CD!!!1!" when he's very obviously not singing live. That's why it sounds like the CD. It is the CD.
I wish that KPOP stars actually had decent vocal skill and the ability to deliver a good vocal (or rap, whatever) live performance. I get that they dance too so it's harder, but they totally practice 23 hours a day, right? After all of that tireless practice that's all for the fans uwu they're still lipsyncing? No wonder there's so much focus on visuals
No. 252706
>>252672the concept of NCT baffles me a bit.
>"let's put 18 idols in one group BUT divide them into sub-units who have their own singles and EPS so that they're not really one united group"wouldn't it make more sense to just…make them into different groups
No. 252716
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Why does so many k-pop music videos feature the members running out of nowhere for no reason at all? shit is retarded af
I could post more of this from different groups but you get the idea
No. 252748
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No. 252778
>>252777The less talent you have - the more members you need. If any of them would be a proper vocalist they could have just gone solo, but they aren't.
>Westerners not liking BTS and them not being as famous as other artists is racism!
>Underhandedly mocking the English titles of BTS’ songs, pointing out the stereotypes of k-pop industry, pointing out how the fans don’t understand the language but still sing-along to it and attributing most of BTS’ success to their social media outreach.>And the line, “you do wonder how much it has to do with the music” seems to single-handedly present that the author does not consider this music.>Also words like ‘weird’, ‘different’, ‘alien’ show exactly what the author thinks about k-pop and as a result BTS.
>The article also seems to be factually incorrect in a few places, the most obvious being when the author said, “43 minutes of music available in five different CD editions.”>There are only 4 versions and not 5.Oh, that's a huge difference then, lol.
>Over and over the author seems to be generalizing the fandom of BTS by alluding they are obsessive, over-interfering, and will blindly follow BTS’s every single command.
>Also, the author seems to be assuming that BTS songs are location-centric, when that is not at all the case. This point is ethically wrong, since you cannot just say that someone in Britain is not going to give a damn about such issues in Korea when in fact the truth is they are happening everywhere.>Topics like teenage depression, suicide, and other such problems are global issues and he saying otherwise is socially and ethically wrong.>Issues like teenage depression and suicide are a global phenomenon and not just limited to Korea. So it’s not a matter of where the kid is sitting, whether in Britain, India, US or South Korea or understanding what the Korean crowd is going through.Yes, she really repeats herself that often.
>That is where songs like 2! 3! basically inspire people through lyrics that say if you face something difficult, it’s okay, close your eyes and count till 3 and then you walk ahead. It’s like an anthem that they wrote for their fans. It also encourages support and empathy by asking the other to take their hand and laugh instead of being sad.>Their collaboration with UNICEF on the ‘Love Myself’ anti-violence campaign itself gives their Love Yourself album a global perspective so you cannot just say that a kid sitting in Britain doesn’t give a damn to what is happening in Korea.
>But coming from South Korea, that too while being a small K-pop group initially and then becoming a global phenomenon is not easy and points to how there definitely has to be something more than their social media presence and neon hair colours to their success.>Have to say that such an extremely unprofessional and racist review from a publication like the Guardian was certainly not expected.There was the racism…?
No. 252856
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>>252854its not medically possible but somehow this video still gave me epilepsy
>the screaming No. 252857
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Suga is an ugly skelly now.
No. 252864
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>>252854Why do I feel like I just watched the talent show at a school for kids with special needs?
>shit song>shit "dance">shit styling>autistic facial expressions while acting autistic onstageThey really wouldn't get anywhere if their fans didn't think that every shit song they created was a masterpiece. Do BTS fans not care what they are listening to as long as it's from BTS? This isn't even their usual flavor of tolerable but nothing special, it's actually bad. I'm really not sure what kind of appeal this was supposed to have, but it really missed the mark.
I guess even their oppas contributing a single word to the lyrics for that writer credit couldn't save this one…
No. 252867
>>252857He looks so bad latelly, even his rap got way worse
>>252858It's based of his familly disowning him after he decided to become a trainee at a rap production instead of college and his issues with anxiety and depression. I think most is true, perhaps a bit amped up.
>I don't really, but do people actually identify with these kinds of lyrics?I like it and tbh it really hit me hard when I first heard it, I was at a really bad place mentally. I mean, the moster thing is a bit over but I related to the feeling of losing "your real self" because of your job, money, social pressure etc.
No. 252904
Why'd that anon just delete all their posts?
>>252902lol I agree with whoever wanted melon man to rip it apart, it's shit.
No. 252905
>>252902>their full name, Bangtan Sonyeondan, translates to “bulletproof boy scouts” in Englishwtf, i didnt know this, that's retarded lol
reads like pitchfork accidentally hired a BTS fan tbh. anyway pitchfork is known to rate the current popular artists highly to generate more clicks
No. 252913
>>252904>>252906Since I saw multiple posts in the other Kpop thread shitting on the anons in this thread and accusing them of secretly loving Kpop, I just thought it's fair to return the favour.
Some of their posts are just as cringy as the ones of their preteen stans on tumblr and twitter, so I thought you could have a good laugh.
But since it wasn't wanted I deleted it again.
No. 253038
>>252914I just get the feeling that the producer or Rap Monster or maybe both just have this huge boner for German literature because it’s trendy and new age. Every damn time there’s something about German quotes in one of their videos.
It’d annoy me less if it wasn’t so obvious in its pretentious attempt to sound artsy.
>inb4 newfound artistic taehyung declares his undying love for schiller and lessing No. 253081
>>253074Even if a translation exists, then why not use that instead of the original that nearly nobody of their fans understands?
They're just insanely tryhard, not any better than some weebs using randomn Japanese phrases to appear "special".>BTS Rap Monster has been nicknamed the “literature idol” for his sexy brain.If I have to read "sexy brain" one more time…ugh
>He recently revealed that many of the songs he wrote were based off novels that he’d read.>For example, BTS’s hidden track in Love Yourself: Her, “Sea” was based off Haruhi Murakami’s “1Q84″…>…while their previous album WINGS was inspired by Herman Hesse’s “Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth”.>Recently, Rap Monster revealed he just finished reading Milan Kundera’s “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”…>…and is currently reading Tony Porter’s “Breaking Out of the “Man Box”, a book that aims to end violence against women.How convenient seeing as he was in a controversy for writing misogynistic lyrics…
It really makes you wonder why they never received more backlash even when they were a lot less popular. The holocaust thing, the swastika hat, those lyrics, them saying nigger… that's quite a lot.
No. 253085
>>253081bts definitely got in loads of trouble between 2013-15 when they were less popular, people didn't like them and it's easier to point to genuine controversies than just say 'they're not MY favourite boygroup'. now that they are the favourite it doesn't matter. they'll only be a big deal again when a lot of the fandom moves on to something else, then they'll be
problematic trash uwu again
No. 253088
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>Some rapper said she wants to fuck Jungkook>"I wouldn’t be surprised if bighit sues her for like sexual harassment.">"She was sexualizing the youngest member of BTS.">They're actually both 20>She gets death threatsThey're insane, "Our poor innocent uwu maknae get's sexualized!" - by a girl who's the same age as him…lol
Behind the spoiler is the "chocolate goddess" named CupcakKe.
No. 253212
>>253088i wouldnt kick cupcakke out of bed tbh
also if JK was innocent and pure as a 20-year-old red-blooded man who happens to be famous and have millions of girls who would kill to be dicked by him then something would be very wrong with him kek
No. 253255

>>253212>innocent and pure as a 20-year-old red-blooded man this reminds of an interview with super junior that happened a few weeks ago
>super junior goes to south america on tour>interviewer asks them if they have sex before marriage>idols become awkward, don't really want to answer the question since sex is a taboo subject for them in korea>eventually a member answers that they have it aftertbh even though the question is personal and a bit intrusive…every idol in this group is over 30 years old. the fact that they still have to act like they're virgins is dumb, they should have the freedom to disclose that they get laid if they want to.
watching a group of men in their thirties have to still imply that they're "pure" and "innocent" is extremely weird. i can somewhat understand younger idols since they have such young fans (hell i remember western celebrities such as one direction, justin bieber, and disney channel stars pretending they weren't sexually active and promoting abstinence) but these are grown ass men. the pure idol culture is so creepy
No. 253265
>>253255on that note, can we discuss the creepyness of aegyo? it was brought up in the last thread but too many dumbass fangirls were in there and they just brushed it off as typical feminine coquettishness or flirtatiousness, but it clearly goes beyond that?
and yeah, western women DO flip their hair, giggle, and act a bit dumber than they are to attract men…but there is a difference between that and behaving like a drooling retarded toddler. i showed this video to my boyfriend and his friends and all of them thought it was creepy as fuck. this is how adults act when they want to entertain infants, not potential romantic partners.
i know that being cute is more marketable than being sexy in korea, but this behavior is adult baby-tier. why is it considered attractive? it looks like something i'd see on Nick Jr.
No. 253266
>>253265{{greentext|>i know that being cute is more marketable than being sexy in korea, but this behavior is adult baby-tier. why is it considered attractive?}}
I have the same question, I don't get it. Even though I don't like it, I understand liking someone when they act cute, but that's not cute, that's straight up retarded.
No. 253281
>>253265I think the female idols do it because their older creepy male fans are into it and male idols do it because it makes them seem more harmless to very young girls.
also people were shitting all over aegyo in the last thread.
No. 253412
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Seems like the girl was lying all the time.
>Yang Yewon's nudes were posted on an illegal 19+ site>She's a part of a popular couple YouTube channel with her boyfriend and they both started getting hate messages over the pictures>She then posted a petition and named a specific studio claiming to be a victim of sexual harassment (she claimed she was threatened and forced into filming 5 times with them)>Suzy screenshotted the post and asked for support. The petition initially had 10,000 signatures and it rose to 160,000 after Suzy.>The studio named in the petition was actually found to have nothing to do with her because they bought it from its previous owners. Said studio is owned by a father of a family. Due to Suzy's post, the father is at risk of losing his entire job because he's been branded as a sex predator.>Suzy wrote an official apology while the studio declared they would be suing her>The actual studio claims that there was no rape or anything forced. Unlike Yang Yewon's claims of filming 5 times, they claimed she filmed with them 13 times and Yang Yewon kept asking for more work from them>Pissed off, the studio CEO released their Katalk conversations which confirmed that Yang Yewon kept asking for more work with them>Conclusion: Yang Yewon wanted easy money with these nude photoshoots and kept asking for more work. Only now that she's famous and those pictures are getting out is she acting like a victim to recover her image, subsequently ruining the livelihoods of two studios in the process No. 253956
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I don't really follow k-pop all that much anymore but it baffles me how armys keep hailing BTS as visual gods/cuties. I think they're ugly af and not very talented in general and even the better looking ones like Jin and V don't stand a chance against i.e. Wanna One or Cha Eunwoo (don't follow any of them just think they're the true top visuals).
No. 254292
File: 1527517489749.jpg (40.59 KB, 540x381, 2018052901002449800192832.jpg) knows exactly how to
trigger her readers lol
>[+141, -6] Wakanda forever!!!>[+8, -2] Wakanda concept?? No. 254321
>>254312I went to Korea a few weeks ago, I must have seen at least 3-4 mass protests in the 9 days I was there. Tension was in the air everywhere.
Also the amount of people that came up to me asking about my nationality, country, can I speak English, etc. was insane. I was never under any illusion that Korea was a place of magic and rainbows (lmao I'm too old for that shit) but I felt very uncomfortable sometimes. It just flat out annoys me that Koreaboos literally think that Korea is idols and idols only. That they think it's some kind of wonderland. In reality they have no interest in the culture whatsoever. Can you imagine a Koreaboo for example visiting a temple, or going to the national parks, or trying a traditional Korean restaurant? They can't even be fucked to learn basic Korean and ask their oppars to speak English on V app. They need to just admit they are in it for the idols only and leave it at that. Stop trying to pretend they care about the country which is just as fucked up as the rest of the world.
No. 254323
>>254312what really gets to me is korean men's view of foreign women.
lots of them say they want to date a foreign girl but it's just for the experience. Most just want to fuck her and have no intention of having a proper long term relationship.
Other things like "riding the _____ horse", the idea that all western women are easy, asking "are you Russian?" when they really mean "are you a prostitute?" piss me off too.
No. 254330
>>254314This is absolutely disgusting.
>>254316Even Koreans know it's a shitty place to live, many call it 'hell Joseon' No. 254344
>>254321Theres always protests because crazy right wingers protest about every stupid thing around gwanghwamun and the blue house. Tensions arent high, its just old people who havare no lives being old people.
Ive lived in Korea for a while and its all right. Some people overcompensate trying not to feel like a koreaboo to say how shot of a countey korea is to live, but if you speak korean and change your mindset, its not that bad.
“Hell Joseon” is a term made up by pussies who let the pressure of older people prevent them from making the change they want to see. The only major problem in Korean society is that they care too much what other people think. Like the issue with sending their kids to hagwons. Tell a Korean “Then dont, its not a law that you have to send them there” There first worry isnt “But my son will fall behind and he wont get into a good uni or get a good job!” Its “what will the other parents think of me if I dont…” They could start small and build themselves up, but everybody feels entitled to a big shiny new apartment when they get married, it’s ridiculous. Nobody wants to be the change they want to see. They just expect the older peoples views change so that they can be ‘allowed’ to do what they want so its a huge cycle of doing jack shit about anything and complaining about your country lol
No. 254350
>>254346except sk has the #1 suicide rate in the world…
first/second generation idols used to be poor, now the industry is full of silver spoons like BTS Jin or BP Jennie.
No. 254395
>>254385dude ikr. it makes me laugh so much when they post interviews where "serious" questions were asked and the idols give the most generic bullshit PR answers EVER that they were obviously told to make and then dumb fans on twitter act like theyre the "wokest" most thoughtful socially conscious PoC LGBTQ+ korean gandhis
not that i really personally give a fuck if koreans are "PC" or not but its just hilarious to me when delusional fans actually believe this shit
No. 254410
>>254385people always talk about how the younger generations are so accepting but for a lot of koreans, "accepting" gays means "they're gross but I guess I
personally wouldn't verbally abuse them."
>>254409prostitution is supposedly involved in business deals, idk about orgies after every music bank lol
No. 254419
>>254395on the other hand a very very small percentage of idols ever say anything supportive towards "sexual minorities", with many happily using slurs and denouncing gay rights/gay marriage so I wouldn't be surprised if the 6 or so idols who have overtly voiced support for sexual minorities actually believe what they say. That's a realistically small percentage.
the real delusion is when people hear some idol says "Oh I liked [some movie with a gay couple in it]" and their fans lose their shit lol. The fans that misinterpret fan service as idols actually being attracted to each other are especially slow.
No. 254422
>>254419any idols that are pro-LGBT are likely not saying anything because of the backlash they would get from the korean public and fans
they care way more about their career/making money than supporting a minority
No. 254428
>>254419Quite a few of the outright supportive statements are also predebut or just generally said at a time that wouldn't really be the kind of way to say it to get praise. RM's positive statements (and writing a song about bisexuality) both came before debut I'm sure, so automatically I take that as more legit than if he was to tweet 'I love gays x love urself' tomorrow. There's a present quote from Jaejoong that goes around sometimes too and that's from like 2002 so that throwaway comment in a blogpost years ago feels more legit than being asked things like "which of your members would you rather marry"
I still generally believe them but these days shameless fanservice gets called positive representation. The only time I'll really accept people coming to conclusions about an idol supporting minorities without it being said outright is when they have a really blatant past that would make it weird for them to not be supportive, especially when they're claiming an idol isn't straight and not just an ally. Obviously there's queer idols, unnie sitting with her legs apart a bit doesn't make her a lesbian icon.
Yubin predebut looking for bottom bitches
No. 254473
>>254464Yeah I feel that if they started acting PC all of a sudden it would just come off as insincere, I don't expect young straight Korean people to care about these matters including idols who grow up in the same environment (sexist/homophobic). Also, if any idol came out as gay/lesbian they'd be ripped apart by public opinion, Korea isn't ready for that. I think true change must come from the higher ups and icons like actors, comedians, etc.
Tbh I feel like idols aren't really taken seriously and only serve as entertainers/eye candy unless they get big like Taeyeon and the Soshi girls. I can see Suzy is also trying to get rid of her idol persona by getting acting gigs and releasing solos.
No. 255162
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>>255079If no one had told me that was Grimes at the beginning I never would have noticed honestly jfc that was a waste of a feature
Also I know in the last thread and the first one people were talking about how bad JooE's surgery was, but is it just me or does daisy look worse since debuting in momoland (esp during boom boom) like it might just be me but somehow I think she downgraded since switching companies? pic related
No. 255178
>>255176that's the same score he gave my beautiful dark twisted fantasy and other reviews of that album put it as one of the highest rated albums in this decade, so 6 isn't much more than his opinion. i think that's fair though, it had some ok tracks but i can barely remember what any of them sounded like at all and i think you need to be able to remember the songs to give it anything higher.
army's lost their shit over the guardian's review that give them the same score (3/5) though so… i wonder if there's going to be more thinkpieces about how reviewers are racist and people just don't get how revolutionary it is that bts rap about not liking school
No. 255348
>>255322That's with Jews and
needing their own territory? kek
No. 255397
>>255333Tbh it's not the BTS that are smart, it's just that their fans are mostly young and stupid.
>>255176Lol in the comments fans are writing about how BTS strong point is lyrics and how they are awesome at it.
>You gave me the best of me>So you’ll give you the best of you>You found me, you recognized me>You gave me the best of me>So you’ll give you the best of you>You will find the galaxy that’s inside of youWow the genius in these lyrics, in that case most of teenagers poets can be compared to this century Giacomo Leopardi.
Tbh me and my friend were big fans of BTS, but these recent months have been so disappointing that now are even ashamed to call ourselves fans now…It's embarrassing to watch them and with the quality of the new album buying tickets to concert is just wasteful and stupid.
No. 255399
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No. 255488
>>255474it's just a good genre to build a fandom on. it combines all of the normal boyband fandoms that got less popular (1d/5sos) but also taps into youtuber fandoms somehow (a lot of dan and phil fans jumped to/merged with kpop fandom) and because kpop seems so distant it also benefits fandoms of tv/film. it's also korean and therefore close enough to japan to also grab weeaboos and anime fans.
a lot of the main fandoms kind of died down at the same time kpop really broke away from basic edm tracks and box sets, so it was just really good timing. kpops designed to have big fandoms and people who are drawn to fandoms needed something new
No. 255490
>>255474Might be because some kpop guys are actually cute, while 99% of western boy band members/male pop artists are fug. Kids love the extra fanservice and gay dancing too.
>less artistically inclinedKek it's all equally shit.
No. 255502
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bts eu tickets came out, be prepared to see a bunch of kboos getting high @ amsterdam
No. 255512
>>255488>it's also korean and therefore close enough to japan to also grab weeaboos and anime fans. This! I once had a discussion with some girls who were both into vkei and kpop. Like they have nothing to do with each other and you don't like american pop either so why? But of course it can't be because you've got horrible yellow fever, right?
>>255490>Kek it's all equally shit.Lol no, name one western pop group that needs 10+ members to sound halfway decent (with autotune of course).
No. 255513
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Their standards are so low…>WOW BANGTAN JIMIN’S PROPORTIONS ARE AWESOMEㄷㄷ>Wow my Army friends told me a lot of times that BTS Jimin had nice proportions so I knew about it but I was still so shocked when I watched him on Mnet. My friends were also screaming and going crazy over himㅋㅋㅋ>Seriously, when he’s standing by himself, he looks like he could be 180cm, how is he 173.6 cm? (my friend is always telling me to emphasis on the .6 )>Kyah ㄷㄷㄷ I’m jealous of himHow can any of their foreign army fans still be so delusional to think that these are good proportions and long legs when they're surrounded with american or european guys who're taller than him 90% of the time?
No. 255520
>>255512Name one western pop group that sounds halfway decent save for, like, destiny's child, the spice girls 20 years ago, and pre-Culture 2 migos
All boy band music specifically is garbage no matter where it's from. The
least they could do is be cute and the western groups can't even do that right.
No. 255522
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>>255520There aren't any western groups, because that's an outdated concept from the 90s, that Korea simply copied. And even the shittiest western solo artist is better than your average idol.
>The least they could do is be cute and the western groups can't even do that right.You know that this is the anti thread, right…?
No. 255524
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>>255513All of them lie about their heights. Sehun is supposedly one of the tallest idols, yet his legs don't look any longer than Emma Stone's, who's just 5'6.
No. 255525
>>255513there's no way jimin is 173 cm kek
his head is so comically large he cannot be over 5'6
No. 255529
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>>255522>There aren't any western groups, because that's an outdated concept from the 90s, that Korea simply copied. And even the shittiest western solo artist is better than your average idol.wew, cool it with your hate boner for korea. this just sounds like a-logging
>You know that this is the anti thread, right…?you really don't have to be pro-kpop to acknowledge that kek. outside of curry scented bitch, everyone in 1D was only 6-7/10 on a good day.
No. 255532
>>255524I don't know why so many fans take heights (or weights) seriously when we've all seen so many times now that so many of them are bullshit. Nearly all boygroup members add onto their height, because even the ones that are fairly tall need to add on so that the shorter ones look believable when they stand in a line. Most girl groups add a couple of centimetres too, unless it's a group focused on cute concepts and then they need to seem shorter but well proportioned rather than tall.
Is it just kpop fans being competitive or something? Does every fandom just need a 180cm boy to brag about his proportions, or a 170cm girl because that means she's immediately a model? Bigbang are all way shorter than their profiles say but I'm going to bet TOP's says he's 181/182cm so they have a designated tall member
No. 255536
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>>255513James Corden is 173cm so BTS definitely lie about their heights
No. 255546
>>255529>wew, cool it with your hate boner for korea. this just sounds like a-loggingI think you have no idea what "a-logging" actually is…? I only said idol < solo artist, which makes a 100% sense, because if you had enough talent you would choose to bank all that money alone and not share with a dozen other dudes/gals. But they're shit and therefore have to resort to being in a group.
Why are you suddenly talking about 1D? I'm not saying they or any other western singers are cute, I just don't think that k-idols are visually superior. And "curry scented bitch"…wew indeed
>>255541Seriousy, just make your own western music hate thread. I get that having yellow fever and therefore wanting to fuck idols is not your own fault, but one would think that nobody on a board that's supposedly only for girls over the age of 18 is still delusional enough to insist that kpop idols are really talented…
No. 255547
>>255541or, name how many kpop idols would do well enough as a solo artist to compare with soloists outside of korea? it's not that there aren't plenty of attractive enough young guys who can sing and write songs in the west, they just do better as individuals with a single image rather than being told "ok you're the cute one who likes to eat a lot" and shoved into a group
everybody knows korea does pop groups better but that's also because western countries generally find pop groups outdated and too manufactured and just don't make them. you can't compare when one side barely has any. there's plenty of singers who could be mashed together to make a new Little Mix (who are definitely on equal footing with many kpop girl groups, Red Velvet literally have discarded LM tracks for their singles) but being solo does better right now
No. 255551
>>255549Come on, it strongly sounds like anon was butthurt about kpop idols getting insulted and therefore she plays the 'but western artists aren't attractive/talented either!' card.
Why else go out of your way to bash 1d and co. in a thread against kpop, if not for defending the latter?
No. 255552
>>255546>I think you have no idea what "a-logging" actually is…?If anyone doesn't it's you. You're seriously over exaggerating how bad something (k-pop) is, which is a form of a-logging.
>I'm not saying they or any other western singers are cute, I just don't think that k-idols are visually superior.No yellow fever, but… they objectively are. If not just because they look like they actually take showers.
>And "curry scented bitch"…wew indeedIt's a reference to azealia banks calling zayn that, dummy.
>one would think that nobody on a board that's supposedly only for girls over the age of 18 is still delusional enough to insist that kpop idols are really talented…I'm not saying that, I'm saying they're all equally mediocre. One isn't better than the other overall.
No. 255553
>>255552>You're seriously over exaggerating how bad something (k-pop) is, which is a form of a-logging. No, it actually isn't…?
>3.4 Don't excessively post about wishing serious bodily harm on a subject or harming them. (a-logging)"the shittiest western solo artist is better than your average idol" =/= "I want all idols to get cancer and die!"
How should I continue arguing with somebody who thinks that saying all Korean idols are "objectively" more attractive than western singers isn't serious yellow fever?
Your Oppa might look like he showers, but if one practices for 22 hours a day there isn't much time left for basic hygenie lol
No. 255554
>>255549>>255550It all started with this anon
>>255490 saying western pop music is 'equally shit' when it's not. K-pop is worse and that's a fact. Not to mention that anon's yellow fever.
>muh cute uwu k-pop idols are better cuz all western artists are so fug No. 255555
>>255552anon you dont understand a-logging
>>255554i dont think western boy/girl bands in general are much better than kpop in general… its all the same mediocre shit in my opinion
No. 255560
>>255553The definition of a-logging in the rules isn't the only one there is, maybe it only has one usage on this particular site.
>How should I continue arguing with somebody who thinks that saying all Korean idols are "objectively" more attractive than western singers isn't serious yellow fever?>>255557I never said all western artists are fug, the k-pop industry just prioritizes visuals and it shows.
>K-pop is worse and that's a factHow? All pop music sounds the same.
No. 255564
>>255560>"The definition of a-logging in the rules isn't the only one there is, maybe it only has one usage on this particular site."Topkek
You said that western artists don't look like they take showers - that pretty much sounds like 'fug' (but mabye you have your own definition for that as well lol)
>How? All pop music sounds the same.Michael Jackson is pop too, you think he sounds just the same like for example this "masterpiece"?
No. 255566
>>255560>I never said all western artists are fug, the k-pop industry just prioritizes visuals and it shows>some kpop guys are actually cute, while 99% of western boy band members/male pop artists are fug.They prioritize visuals over talent and that's exactly why it's so bad and manufactured.
>How? All pop music sounds the same.In no way Kpop, which is basically a copy of american music, is better. That's all I'm saying.
No. 255568
>>255564Maybe mj is still popular for dads, but I'm talking about modern pop.
>You said that western artists don't look like they take showers - that pretty much sounds like 'fug' (but mabye you have your own definition for that as well lol)A lot of western male singers look musty, but some people think that's hot. I don't think it's necessarily fug.
>>255566>They prioritize visuals over talent and that's exactly why it's so bad and manufactured.The western pop artists still aren't any more talented though. It doesn't matter who did it first when it literally all sounds the same: mediocre.
>>255567What are you even talking about
No. 255569
>>255565Well, but that just further proves my point that not all pop music sounds the same.
'Pop' literally just means popular music and that can be a lot of different things.
No. 255581
>>255575…okay? Most Western pop artists use them too, but I wasn't talking about television performances. I'm talking about the music/image
>>255579He's been fucking dead for almost ten years, do I honestly need to clarify that I'm talking about
living pop stars?
No. 255594
>>255586>>255591i'm happy for them but the fanbase just needs to be put in their place
>>255588i hope both of them hit it big here
No. 255604
stop the fkn 1d sperging, nonnys
>>255600 won't be long, do any of them drive tho
No. 255609
>>255600i don't think there's ever been rumours of a bigbang member sexually assaulting someone, has there? the only thing was a girl saying seungri was a bit of a dick, but she also took and leaked photos of him which is a dick move too.
realistically any idol with more than about 10 die hard fans could assault, rob and kill someone and still keep at least 8 of those fans. that's the point of making fans stay obsessive, the rest of the country might hate you but if you can keep a couple hundred people buying multiple copies of an album then it looks like you're still popular and got away with it. your fanbase is never going to grow but it's not going to die overnight. bts have more than enough to keep them safe but if a member really fucks up i think they'd kick them out
No. 255624
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>omg its totally not jimins fault because nobody stopped him from getting into the carrrrrr>Korean society FORCED him to drink so hes not the one at fault because he was juss tryin to be a good little boy!!!>Well the other person should have been wearing their seatbelt or something its like like our poor bb would ever be brave enough to go past 20 mph so how you gonna sit there and try to blame this mans death on him??!!!!!>omg guys im legit worried you think this could be construed as a suicide attempt?!?!?! i'm honest SO scared for the boys rn because jimin has depression, RT and show ur support!!!!!>guys he said he's SORRY. it takes REAL man to do that, you think EXO members would have apologized? #realartists>Yeah jungkook drove intoxicated and maimed a guy and killed his children in the backseat like 3 days ago but omg he said his neck hurts when it rains so he cant dance as much as he wants and that he has PTSD for what he did guys dont forget that forgiveness is the key to a happy life <3>chorus in next title song: "Now you so die die die, and now i'm so cry cry cry, man i'm so sorry. you are now die" "OMG THE DEPTH AND MEANING OF THESE LYRICS THO"literally any other group:
>he said he prefers a girl with lighter skin fuck him fuck his family lets fucking ruin his career and livelihood and never stop fuckng talking about how problematic he is, im not even sure i can even handle keeping up with kpop now??? No. 255626
>>255600they've kind of set up a precedent by taking the "progressive" route with their branding (changing misogynistic lyrics, supporting the gays, etc.) so it really depends on the nature of the fuckup. I honestly think a sizable portion of their fanbase wouldn't be forgiving if they did something significantly sexist or homophobic or racist and would be calling to have the offending member kicked.
absolutely any celebrity is going to have people going to bat for them during a controversy though. Brockhampton is going through something like that right now (they're a boyband branded as "progressive" and one of their members was accused of mentally/emotionally abusing multiple ex-gfs and subsequently kicked from the band) and their fanboys are on fucking suicide watch convinced that this is it for the band and they'll never be the same (complete with victim-blaming and justifying abuse). Literally some OPPA DID NOTHING WRONG-tier shit lmao.
>>255624holy shit the bitterness coming off this post is something else. although
>Now you so die die die, and now i'm so cry cry crymade me kek
No. 255654
>>255624I'm fucking dying anon lmfao
Why is this so true though? Even some BB fans turned on Daesung when that happened but honestly armys seem way way way more insane/obsessed than VIPs ever were
No. 255685
>>255673different anon but they might be referring to the fact that the "literally any other group" example is specifically a reference to Kai lol, plus
>you think EXO members would have apologized?could be construed as being written by a salty EXOL. Pretty sure they were just mimicking "stan twitter" behavior though and ARMYs vs EXOLs seems to be the most prominent rivalry on """"""stan twitter"""""""
No. 255718
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>>255669>>255715i swear if you fucks start jumping between threads just to shit them up with infighting I will fly to your houses and beat you up myself.
No. 255787
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getting my daily schadenfreude from watching BTS fans on twitter who didnt get tickets. feel bad for the O2 employees who have to deal with these dumb teenagers that dont understand how anything works, though
No. 255788
>>255787lmfao omfg fucking cringe.
>they wouldn't be pleased that army's were being robbed of their moneysweetheart, that's their entire career. they only exist to take your money lul. i'm sure they only put out yearly overpriced calendars because it's great art.
No. 255845
>>255816Isn't the US full of unpaid fashion internships?
I'll shit on SK any day but I think low paid, low skilled, high demand jobs are inevitably going to underpay the employees. There is no doubt an infinite supply of girls desperate to dress up idols and meet celebrities and shop for clothes no matter how little they're paid.
No. 255952
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i cant @ armies acting like its the end of the world bc some kfans told taehyung they dont like his mullet
No. 255962
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>>255952If you're going to get a mullet you need to get a Daesung tier mullet, it'll help with the retarded expressions he loves to make too.
No. 255970
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>>255536>those outfitsboy, i really hope somebody got fired for that blunder
No. 255982
>>255978Not only them, all companies tbh. A couple days ago I got this in my recommended list: first of, they look so plastic it's downright scary and secondly, they're by far not popular enough for American companies to be interested in them, meaning they must've paid to get interviewed. It annoys me so much that other foreign artists have to work their ass of to make it in the US, meanwhile Kpop just pays and mediaplays their way in and then they don't even bother learning english.
This is not going to help them gain new fans, same with BTS, it's only their old fans watching and hyping that shit up over and over again…
No. 255985
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The worst is when people try to dissect why kpop attracts fans, and they go into some stupid crap about living through the idols because they are so luxurious or something something confusionism.
Yeah its totally not the fact that all the fans just want to bone them.
I wonder if BTS or any other group would be considered as talented or speshullll if they all looked like this kek
No. 256018
>>255985I think attractiveness has a hand in all (popular) musicians' success to some degree, k-pop or not. Fans and music critics just don't like to admit it because it seems shallow.
I doubt Nirvana would be as successful if Kurt was ugly.
No. 256023
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>>256018But Ed Sheeran anon
No. 256028
>>255952this fucking overreaction lmao. if writing taehyung a letter about his mullet is enough to kill his confidence then his confidence deserved to die.
>>255955"woke" kpop fans are the fucking worst, idols are just characters and there's nothing wrong with treating them as such provided people don't stalk them, endanger their lives, etc. if they wanted to be widely treated like """"real artists""" they could've, idk, taken the "real artist" route and not auditioned to be trainees in the first place?
No. 256033
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>>256018cuz The Weeknd is so cute am I right
No. 256037
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>>256033He’s certainly not ugly.
But I think the ideals of beauty come back in to play. Fans might wanna bone kpop stars but I certainly dont. Not with their emaciated bodies, shaved and sculpted faces, and stiff dance moves.
So yeah, ideals of beauty do have a play in cultural spheres but that doesn’t mean those ideals are universal or that they make any sense. I think most fans wanna bone them because of mass hysteria and advertising. It’s not the Beatles were extremely conventionally handsome men, but fans fantasized about them.
No. 256047
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>>255624>chorus in next title song: "Now you so die die die, and now i'm so cry cry cry, man i'm so sorry. you are now die" "OMG THE DEPTH AND MEANING OF THESE LYRICS THO"my sides anon
No. 256049
>>256028"Woke" kpop fans are weird. There's not a single progressive thing about the industry, so why and pretend like there is? Your idols don't care about that shit, they just want your money.
>>256033Just because he doesn't look like a mannequin doesn't mean he's ugly.
No. 256062
>>256049Exactly. These idol groups could lose every black fan they have and still be just as relevant and popular in Korea. International fans only become relevant when you have a big japanese following like ft island or big bang. There are some sadder cases of groups like UKISS barely hanging in because the only people who really give a shit about them are international fans. But the big groups like twice, bts, exo, etc, dont need to think twice about being woke about black issues
The black struggle is literally so irrelevant in their lives that the fact that some lonely sjw kpop fan wants to send a mob out on some idol who does blackface is just kek-tier humor.
No. 256249
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>>256210yeah everyone talks about how it's the western male fans who infantilize and try to make their idols look like literal babies, but goddamn Japanese girls are all kinds of obsessed with babying idols, it's actually pretty creepy. Pic related, from Japanese stan twitter. It's not just kpop either, they'll take any guy they like and photoshop a pacifier in his mouth.
No. 256403
File: 1528200972247.jpg (62.81 KB, 500x346, tumblr_inline_njpy9ch5FH1tn7z5…)>"Biting into a living squid is okay, but killing and roasting a young pig - so cruel!" actress interviews Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett and asks "Do you know BTS?"
No. 256417
>>256249>>256249what is this pacifier thing? I feel like it's a trend atm.
I've seen icons with it on twitter too.
No. 256576
>>256403>9. [+22, -7] From now on, foreigners need to do Korean interviews while wearing a BTS t-shirt, wearing skates, holding a piece of kimchi in their mouth, and doing the horse dancekek
>>256451>do koreans actually believe the average american listens to kpop?obviously not, most of the comments are criticizing her for asking such a dumb question
No. 256585
File: 1528240851082.jpg (32 KB, 480x296, gUqoQOS.jpg)

>ㅇㅇ |2018.06.04 11:50 신고하기There are so many weird fans from SEA, when the Korean celebrities talk about skin tone, they always go crazy. It's proven that Korean have the second lightest skin color in worldwide, but they always call us out for "white washing" and ask us why don't we embrace our true skin color ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They always take those fansite's pictures and edit it to make it look like what they think is their real skin color, they don't even know that they're being racist for doing that. For them, Lisa is the best thing that happened to them, but they would bash and criticize everything else we have like white washing
>It's proven that Korean have the second lightest skin color in worldwide
Why are they so obsessive over skin color? Why are they bragging about this like it matters?
No. 256601
>blogpost incoming
Saw this on Quora today. The question was 'What countries will never visit again?'.
>South Korea.
>I didn’t speak very good Korean, but I had a pretty awesome friend with me who was what the Japanese refer to as ‘Haifu’, part Japanese, part Korean. He was a pretty interesting guy. We had just gotten out of Incheon Airport when we saw a taxi. My friend hailed it and the guy drove up to us. My buddy tells him where we are going and I think that everything is fine, right up until I try to get in the taxi with him. The taxi driver refuses to let me in his car, which sparks an argument that ultimately makes my friend red faced and quite upset. He steps out of the taxi the driver speeds off. I ask him what happened, and he shrugs and says that this guy is an asshole and we’ll just have to get another cab.
>We’ve just walked into a beer bar around Yeoui-dong and sit down after a long day of walking around and my friend says that he’ll grab us a brew that we can only get at the bar. Well, he’s not gone for two seconds before I see a group of guys start talking with him. He’s looking at them and mumbling something in Korean, but his face is beginning to get red the way that it does when he’s angry. He comes back with the beers and I ask him whats wrong, which he shrugs off and says that there’s nothing wrong. We stay for one beer before we skip out on his insistence.
>We go to this nightclub, and they won’t let me in. We talk to these girls, but they’re not giving me the time of day (which would have been fine if they had just ignored me, but they pointed and laughed, which was not cool).
>We tried to get dinner but my food came out 45 minutes later than everyone else’s food. People won’t sit next to me on the trains or busses. people won’t look at me or will ignore me when taking orders. I can’t take a taxi very easily.
>And thinking back, I should have guessed it, but I didn’t then mainly because I didn’t speak the language. But my honest and true friend did. He tried to shield me from it for as long as he could. I finally pulled him aside and asked what was going on, because while we were in Japan he has spoken so highly of his father’s birthplace, but we’d been having a terrible time since the moment we got off the plane and we’d only been in this place for a week. Racism.
>He apologized profusely, though he really shouldn’t have, because he had been amazing. He tried to explain to me that over here, it wasn’t viewed so much as racism because it was so normalized. White was right, and black was disgusting. Savage. Less. He was honestly disgusted by how terribly I had been treated since we landed, and he had honestly never realized that this was how things were here. And yet, here it was. Here I was. I thought that I was prepared to handle this; after all, I had experienced my fair share of racism in the US and Japan, but when he told me the reason that I felt like shit the entire time I was there, it all clicked and I realized for perhaps the first time in my life what true and honest racism was. In the US, racism was discouraged, looked down on, ostracizing. In Japan, it was there, but more than likely it was a greater issue because you were a gaijin. Whites were treated better, but we were really all in the same boat for not being Japanese. But South Korea was different. I was less, or at least treated that way. I have never felt more alone than I had for the next week that I was there. I was supposed to stay for six months, but I couldn’t even stay for two weeks. It was too much for me. Three years later and it still hurts to think about it.
Sometimes I feel bad for black/SEA k-pop fans then I remember they chose to support this rotten industry/country that basically mocks them for their skin color.
No. 256602
>>256585>SEA hates whitewashing>whitening products are a multibillion dollar industry in SEAHm…
Koreans can be naturally pale, but it's not as if Koreans as a whole are pale. Any fansite photo featuring regular citizens shows how fucking uncommonly pale Kpop stars are. Hell, Lisa herself went from straight up brown to ghastly white in a few years going through the kpop manufacturing process. That comment seems to be in denial of Korea's own issues with its skin color.
And, I think it
is pretty iffy to take fansite photos and '''restore''' the original skin tone, mostly because people are shit at editing and end up with skin tones far too orange or dark, and it's weird to edit another photographer's photos.
No. 256608
>>256601was the person who wrote this a man? No denying that a lot of this was due to racism and I certainly feel for him but some of it could come down to Koreans assuming he's an American G.I. Especially the taxi driver, Korean taxi drivers and soldiers go together like oil and water. A lot of American military are young obnoxious dudes who don't know how to behave in a foreign country and a lot of Koreans, especially those who live around the airport or bases, see a fit white or black dude and automatically assume he's a soldier/airmen/etc due to probably many genuinely terrible experiences with American servicemen. Same with banning obvious foreigners from bars and restaurants.
I feel bad for their friend, too. Must have been hard to realize how his country of origin really is in such a harsh way.
No. 256662
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>>256617The (Korean) winner of Unpretty Rapstar Volume 2 in 2015 was found to be darkening her skin and chemically treating her hair so she looked half black. There was definitely minimal outrage about it in SK, I think a few girls mentioned it briefly in rap battles and that was it.
No. 256677
>>256662She also sounds a lot like an actual half black half korean rapper Yoon Mi Rae
Btw, do any of you know about Kasper from UPR? She does videos for a beauty company or whatever in english so she got a lot of fans there but on her normal channel she kind of ignores them
Also lately her face looks frozen. She never smiles
No. 256690
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>>256585the only worthwhile comment to that post
sage for shitposting
No. 256701
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>>256617I remember Yongguk from B.A.P having a massive thing for black culture to the point where some people called it fetishist. I remember someone stating ‘omg he wants to be black’ or whatever but I haven’t seen him saying anything in that direction.
B.A.P is one of the few groups I’ve seen to feature a lot of black people in MVs.
No. 256720
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>>256585I actually also wanted to post that, since I somewhat agree with this comment. If you hate those things about Korea so much, why spend your time listening to Kpop? It would be so easy to avoid, especially for American fans who live on the other end of the world.
About that skin colour thing, posting this pic would have helped to clarify: 2nd lightest as in group, not country, so nothing special really. Not only them, but most Asians are classified as that group.
>>256608>Defending those innocent Koreans, because it's absolutely justified to be horribly racist, it's all le obnoxious American invaders fault anyways>But poor Korean friend, he had to witness all that!Not sure if I found the description of racism in the op or your post more disgusting. I'm by no means liberal at all, but trying to excuse any of that… this is what real racism looks like. And American soldiers have been to many countries, yet those still manage to treat white people/Americans somewhat nicely.
No. 256726
>>256723>it's reason is different and more complex.No, it actually isn't.
There are still US bases in my country, they treated the people here badly and yet doing shit like not allowing an English speaking person into your taxi would get you severely punished. The op stated that he was in Japan, a country that was formerly in war with the US, and still the people there got a grip on themselves and treated him politely.
There's a video on youtube about a Korean show there a black guy complains about not being allowed in a sports team, since that would be "unfair" to the shorter and weaker Koreans. That's some grade A segregation not even most 3rd world countries would dare to pull anymore, yet Korea still does.
No. 256836
>>256720>>256723>>256726yeah I wasn't trying to justify it. I even acknowledged that a lot of it was definitely due to racism and said I felt for the black guy. I'm not white either and I know how shitty and soul-crushing racial discrimination feels. I was just pointing out that some of that stuff happens to white foreigners as well, particularly soldiers. I'm not saying it's okay and I would love if Korea had more anti-discrimination laws. I was just explaining.
Also he did say that he still faced racism in Japan for being a foreigner but said it came down to him being a foreigner rather than just his race, which is what I was trying to say was also partially the case in Korea. There are a lot of US bases in Okinawa and you can bet a lot of Okinawans don't like soldiers either and have protested over it.
No. 256898
File: 1528362682815.jpg (63.25 KB, 609x406, 20180607135821836865_6_710_473…)'s really quite sad that Japan resorts to copying Korea lol
But the comments are brilliant:
>[+510, -9] Talk about kamikaze ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what about 'atomic bomb boys'?>[+461, -10] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is a joke. Now that even the monkies are copying them, I guess BTS really did become big stars ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ>[+381, -12] How about I give them some other name suggestions? 'orangutan boys', 'atomic bomb boys', etcImagine every country that Korea ever copied from would get this
>[+27, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ First of all, their heights and visuals are such a bad match ㅋㅋㅋㅋ>[+10, -1] Just look at the difference in visuals ㅋ>[+7, -0] Japanese are so bad at dressing themselvesAs if BTS are taller, more handsome and styled any differently than that…
>[+11, -1] Never thought I'd see something like this in my life time… foreigners copying too much of Korean things ㅋㅋㅋNope, actually nobody does.
No. 256905
>>256898kpop fans inside and outside of korea think that any jpop that isn't a 48 or johnny's group is copying kpop.
kpop's such a mix of different rip-offs that i don't know how you could anybody copying them is so bad. boygroups are in mismatched gucci and oversized american streetwear, girl groups are still living off of american apparel copies and whatever the pastel trend is in japan at the time. fx haven't had a comeback in years because after american apparel closed down they don't have anything to wear for their super original aesthetic
No. 256931
>>256898I know this isn't the anti j-pop thread and it is cringey that koreans are
triggered about this, but "BTZ" does sound like a comically bad knockoff tbf. They couldn't even bother to find one or two attractive members? lmao rip
No. 256973
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Are there any other cases of terrifying plastic surgeries in Kpop? Ntic's Jion is the most spooky case imo, people seem to call him beautiful and feminine like, but he just looks like an alien. It's not even photoshop, since he looks the same in their mvs
No. 256978
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>>256973>>256976he probably looks less weird without the makeup and stuff but he butchered his jaw and chin. he's definitely got some issues with his appearance and being an idol. he's at least 30 now, debuted a couple of times before and used to try to make himself look more like kim jaejoong to get fame faster, you can tell from the pic he was probably at least kind of attractive before he took it way too far. jaejoong's own jaw surgery remains superior.
bom's the only other main surgery idol i think. she probably hasn't even had that many more procedures than some other idols, but some of hers were clearly botched and then fucked more when she tried to get them fixed
No. 256979
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>>256978samefagging to add bom's apparent fake ass. i don't think there are really many pictures after this to see how bad it is but she really didn't stop at just messing with her face. she's looked botched from about 2012 onwards at least
No. 256985
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>>256973I feel bad for the other group members. Imagine working to debut and ending up with this in your group.
No. 256995
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>>256973the fucc happened to his jaw, holy shit
No. 256997
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So.. jaw shave gone wrong, or? Is this the kind of thing they can "rebuild" somehow? Can't imagine what he'll look like with age.
No. 257001
>>256997i think he has BDD, imagine how much pain he must be in all the time with that sliver of jaw and deformed chin. the white hair, extreme eye puffs and spoopiness make him look like a frail old woman, it's bizarre.
do girls seriously find him good-looking? i get the appeal of feminine, androgynous men, but this is some uncanny shit.
No. 257002
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>>256963Lol, I'd take Japan's weird 90s hair but natural faces over some liptint wearing plastic monster any day.
And holy fuck, that Jion dude just debuted in February and is already 31. Do girls look at him and get all hot and bothered while screaming 'Oppa!'? He can't be straight…
Also, height: 180cm weight: 58kg
He looks short af
>>256993In the comments about that group that allegedly "plagiarised" BTS, somebody also brought that up. Even their names are similar kek
>>256999Don't insult that poor girl, she at least looks still human lol
No. 257004
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Look at the dude next to him staring in disbelief…
No. 257005
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>>256985>>256995>>256997>>256983This guy’s face is similar to Vivi from LOONA (though he looks a little worse). They’re both so unnatural-looking.
No. 257009
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>>257005I love the kpop trick of putting unnatural hair colours on someone to explain away surgery. Vivi looked like a weird knockoff Namie Amuro back when she modelled in Hong Kong, having her hair a different colour seriously explains away drastic differences to a lot of fans. Wendy went blonde at the same time she suddenly lost half of her lower face
SM used to do such good jaw work too. Yoona, Jessica and Jaejoong all had their jaws done and they usually look good and only look weird when they lose a lot of weight or have work done somewhere else to make it more noticeable. Yoona's is a little lopsided but looks way better than her jaw before that
No. 257014
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>>257010A lot of people think Taehyung is Ps free. I wouldn't be surprised if he touched up a few things here and there but he did keep his uneven eyelids.
No. 257017
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>>257009You actually might be onto something regarding unnatural hair color and drastic plastic surgery.
Anyway, Wendy’s jaw surgery is truly one of the most unfortunate cases of an unfortunate trip to Dr. Kim. She was so pretty during Red Velvet’s Happiness era and now her jaw looks like it’s ready to cut someone. You can even see some skin sagging from the lack of bone to cling onto in this photo.
No. 257018
>>257013he actually got his eyelids done, he admitted it unlike a lot of idols
Yunho apparently only got his teeth fixed
No. 257020
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>>257017The evolution of Wendy’s jaw for anyone who’s curious.
No. 257025
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>>257020this makes me sad. can’t believe they’re ruining her like this (well, actually i can)
wendy was always the prettiest red velvet member to me- thin, petite body + dainty and delicate features that looked super feminine compared to how cookie-cutter and utterly basic irene looked. no wonder a lot of people mistook her for the visual back during happiness era. she looked like a more natural jessica imo.
No. 257033
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>>257017>>257009>>256997>>256995>>256985this is some fucked up shit. do south koreans genuinely find them…attractive?
No. 257046
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This reminds me of when an AKB member got shat on by k-netizens for asking Jang Geun Suk whether he's had ps. How can he deny that and get angry at her while looking like this?
No. 257069
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>>257054Still not as bad as Juan
No. 257071
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>>257069They are trying to capitalise on the fact he’s Chilean
File: 1528410771813.jpg (179.35 KB, 569x750, 14e231fb-462c-4d06-9141-b62055…)

He is going to age so weird
No. 257085
she doesn't even look bad in the before pic. her cheeks are chubby but you can tell she's definitely naturally pretty
No. 257142
>>257017oh my god that looks horrifying.
now it just makes her chin look gigantic, and like her jaw is going to dislocate if she takes a bite that's too big.
No. 257145
>>257144Anon, have you not seen the abos? Even if Ausfalia is white, the natives are dark as heck.
Wow, think a bit.
No. 257148
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girls like this shit?
No. 257152
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>>257049Some bits from the video I found interesting.
>Natural beauty>Your facial features have stayed the same (when he showed his baby picture No. 257155
>>257148Kek he's dressed like a middle-aged sale's associate at a woman's clothing store.
BTS should have stuck with their edgy wannabe gangster vibe instead of switching to this girly, effeminate stuff
No. 257185
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>>257148Either someone got paid to dress him like this, or he put it on himself thinking that it looked good enough that he had to post pictures online. Not sure which option is sadder. He looks like a toddler that raided his auntie's jewelry box.
V really let himself go. He shouldn't look like this much of a shell of his former self already, he's only like 20. I'm interested to see if he'll just go further downhill from here.
No. 257189
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>>257185He look like he gained a little weight, his face is softer. I kinda enjoy shitty kpop style and haircut tbh.
No. 257318
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>>257185the shop on his jawline kills me lul. boy has a wide face.
No. 257372
>>257083born in 1995 kek
No. 257391
>>257372B-but how could that possibly be?! Only
westerners age badly, all Koreans stay young forever, anon!
No. 257471
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No. 257474
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>>257471he's definitely fucked with his jaw
it's a shame because he looked alright before
No. 257544
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Probably old news, but I saw BTS in an phone commercial today on TV. I live in the US, so I was kind of shocked. I'd gotten these ads on YouTube before, but I didn't realize they would be aired on TV as well. I'm sure most people don't pay a ton of attention to TV commercials, but I can't imagine seeing BTS endorse a phone would make the average TV viewer want to buy it……..really weird. I feel like airing this on TV in the US was a really odd choice, and not just because it annoys me.
I feel like next time I walk into the store I'll find BTS branded milk and paper towels.
No. 257558
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At first i thought he was really but recently i think he deteriorates more and more and looks like a wannabe ajumma
No. 257568
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>>257567>she’s so freaking prettyNot really, she's just average. But without that monstrous jaw she would at least look human.
No. 257599
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I don't get why army get so pissed when someone mention BTS's ps. His nose looks botched in this pic.
No. 257622
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>>257621Nah, Joy is best girl.
But she's definitely pretty than Irene and her jowls.
No. 257624
>>257599The "before" photo isn't even a childhood photo. Why would the poster use a photo of him as an adult, who likely already had work done, as a "before" photo? This proves nothing. All I see are two post-surgery photos.
Also, how can you love kpop but be shocked and offended at someone suggesting your precious oppa is plastic? He is. They all are. It's extremely well known.
No. 257634
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>>257622joy and wendy are pretty in different ways. yeri too.
irene has the dullest look in all of rv; she looks so painfully basic. the only reason i can tell her apart from a thousand other k-idols/actresses is because of her nasolabial folds kek
i don’t really get the hype with seulgi either. her face is super masculine next to the other rv members, which is cool and i get that she has that whole ~girl crush~ appeal like amber did back when f(x) was active, but i still don’t get why everyone is frothing at the mouth over her. aside from having an masculine/androgynous face she doesn’t really stand out appearance-wise.
seulgi should get short hair tho; i think she could rock it.
No. 257639
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Has anyone else seen those creepy bts porn blogs on tunglr? I know making porn of celebrities or pretending people in porn videos are celebrities is nothing new, but it's still so weird to see such a big community of fujos with intense yellow fever sexualizing real people like that.
No. 257641
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Without makeup all of them are basic af
No. 257643
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>>257642>that linki just called the police
No. 257672
File: 1528576564832.jpg (351.72 KB, 1600x1245, __MUKwZI.jpg)>The main reasoning for the copying accusations is that they have a hip-hop concept, have 7 members,and that their debut promotional images look very familiar to the ones for the BTS song “DNA”. It was also claimed that the group name BALLISTIK BOYS was very similar to BTS, which stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan/Bulletproof Boys.>It was alleged that their name was also “Tado Sonyeondan”, which is not only a Korean word but it has never been mentioned in any official media pertaining to the group.>Further false rumors began to spread about the group, the most bizarre being that their group name was officially short for “BTZ” and that the LDH boy group GENERATIONS was in fact a copy of South Korea’s Girls Generation.>Other netcitizens were quick to chime in with their confusion, saying how the name accusations were completely false. Furthermore, LDH has been doing the hip-hop/urban concept since the company was formerly established in 2003. The founding groups J Soul Brothers and EXILE got their start in 1999 and 2001.In the comment section were many examples of the opposite - Korea shamelessly copying Japan.>Former Wonder Girls member Yubin’s debut solo album ‘City Woman’ was canceled because many pointed out her song ‘City Love’ sounded very similar to Mariya Takeuchi’s hit song ‘Plastic Love’ released back in 1984. Yubin’s company JYP Entertainment later announced that they decided to cancel the release of Yubin’s album because of the copyright claims. Releasing her title song ‘Lady’ as a single instead. No. 257677
>>257672Holy shit, how embarrassing. They were so smug and eager for something to hang over Japan with the BTZ thing, too.
Honestly, has the K-pop industry ever been original? It seems like all they've ever done is copy America and Japan (often while complaining about both groups).
No. 257711
>>257672Why do Kpop producers always seem to ripoff popular artists? People are going to spot your copying from a mile away. Mariya Takeuchi and her husband are a pretty big deal. If you're going to do that shit, wouldn't it be smarter to steal from lesser known artists
>>257708>KINKY MOMENTS REACTIONwew. Gotta get views somehow I guess.
No. 257713
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Guess who forgot to wear his insoles today
No. 257728
>>257642>clicks link>sees title>closes linknot today, satan
>>257689sounds like Cupid by 112 to me but I just looked into it and 112 are credited as writers so it's more of a """""remake""""" than straight plagiarism I guess
No. 257741
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>>257689>>257728This kinda saddens me since I've been following Shinee basically since their Replay era. Honestly, they're the only k-pop group I still give a shit about because they can actually hold a note and seem genuinely friendly and chill in rl. That being said, this is their first album since Jonghyun's death and they couldn't even make at least something original?
I'm talking exclusively about the songs here I liked the conceptual dance and MV visuals I had never heard about Cupid before but wow 112 is great.
>>257736Imo not only they don't give a shit about what example they're setting to their fans but also think their chubbier fans are disgusting.
No. 257750
>>257741samefag, had to dig a lot to find this old netizenbuzz posts but here it is:
>(Leeteuk from Super Junior) Said he hates fat girls because they seem like they don't take care of themselves
>Said he hated fat women because they didn't know how to manage themselves. Then told Suzy to comeback after she lost weight. know this Leeteuk guy must be a douche but you gotta wonder how many idols think like him. Hell, most Koreans are so prejudiced against fat people, how could air headed idols be any different? Shindong badmouthed fat girls when he's fat himself
>I'm 1.79/80cm tall, and I weight around 60kg. My ex who was Korean also told me to lose weight. Needless to say I dumped him. My selfesteem has been low for a long time, and getting to hear such a thing is really a big slap in your face. Shindong really hurted me just now, just like my boyfriend hurted me. I'm so pissed, especially because it's SHINDONG out of all people to say those things. He's been really chubby too, which makes you think he'd have a different kind of view on chubbier people. That was MY thought. But fuck, was I wrong. No. 257779
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>>257623Joy’s mouth looked alright during Red Velvet’s debut, but SM messed up by forcing her to get veneers that seems to big for her. Here’s her during Happiness.
No. 257780
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>>257779And here’s her during the Bad Boy era.
No. 257812
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>>257750>I'm 1.79/80cm tall, and I weight around 60kg. My ex who was Korean also told me to lose weight. Holy hell that's messed up, those retards would probably even push a model out of bed…
Meanwhile that's what your usual Oppa looks on average lol
No. 257892
>>257891they're kboos. a lot of non korean idols had rooms full of merch or made collage pics of idols back before their debut. i'm sure twice's momo posted a lot of stuff like that.
i heard that sana was in line to be an e-girls dancer or something? there's groups she could be in in japan and not have to sing at all and those seem like better options than the one where she's in twice and blesses everyone with her very stable and improved and glorious voice
No. 257895
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>>257672from the same site
BTS Becomes First Korean Artists To Top 200 Billboard Album Chart
>1. [+2,277, -91] Wow! Amazinggggg. You guys don’t need to work in hateful Japan anymore! Don’t come to Japan!>3. [+1,798, -270] Disgusting>9. [+1,010, -202] A group that has no cool people at all18. [+307, -14] Congrats on 1st place in America! If you guys have such popularity in America that you’re 1st on the music charts, there's no need to be in Japan anymore. Don’t come to Japan and please work hard in America instead. Goodbye.
>20. [+249, -27] The leader of BTS (pic attached)kek.
No. 257904
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>>257895this dude looks more like a sand fox tbh
also damn those comments lmao. is it just jealousy/general inter-Asian racism or…?
>1. [+2,277, -91] Wow! Amazinggggg. You guys don’t need to work in hateful Japan anymore! Don’t come to Japan! >11. [+1,182, -84] Aren’t they Anti-JapaneseI've never heard of BTS being Anti-Japanese, I thought they promoted and traveled there a lot.
No. 257908
>>257904Nah it's not jealousy. It's def racism against Koreans though, comments on other Korean celebs are similar.
TWICE releases new MV ‘Candy Pop’ with anime by Takahiko Kyogoku>3. [+157, -1] Why are they promoting in Japan?>5. [+121, -7] It's disgusting that Koreans get plastic surgery to have the same looking faces >7. [+69, -5] It was disgusting. You don’t need to come to Japan>9. [+58, -3] Why are we involved with Korea? I just can’t understand whyGFRIEND To Release Japanese Album In May>2. [+56, -13] I feel disgusted.>3. [+42, -21] It’s not an exaggeration to say all of their fans are just foreigners in Japan.>4. [+46, -17] I only have hate for Korea.>8. [+24, -7] Why do you come to Japan when you hate JapanGFRIEND To Release Japanese Album In May>2. [+77, -17] We don’t want some robots.>9. [+15, -2] Actual Japanese fans > foreigners living in Japan>10. [+5, -1] Don’t come back.AKB48 will participate in 'Produce 48' a Korean audition program>2. [+197, -7] You won't be able to tell the member's faces apart wwww>4. [+56, -3] It's just better to not get involved with Korea No. 257909
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>>257642What even. I hate this fandom.
>>257645Ngl me too
No. 257910
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>>257907Well it goes the other way around too, seeing as they went like harpies after that fake rumour of 'BTZ', thinking they finally have something to accuse Japan of and their superiority complex over how much more talented and beautiful their idols are.
Also e.g. imiating a monkey in front of a Japanese guest or pic related, a still from Red Velvet's 'Happiness'.
No. 257911
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>>257909idk who this dude is but I love his gifs
No. 257913
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>>257911Hyungwon from Monsta x.
No. 257989
>>257931Kek. Your usual Koreaboo knows nothing about East Asian history. I notice that non-Korean fans tend to also be a little weeby and they hope their ~two favourite countries~ can be best bros.
Despite the history between Japan/Korea being very recent with some matters as yet unresolved.
No. 258005
>>257989>>257931>>257905 anon here.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I love the history of Asia a lot, so I also just know a lot of crap like this.
Hell, your usual weeb/keeb barely knows anything cultural about those places except what they digest through their media of choice. Which is skewed af.
No. 258253
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I can't get over how ridiculous and creepy these colored lenses look.
>cute mochi
No. 258271
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It's not the lenses, he just has a lazy eye problem that's exacerbated by the colored lenses. See middle.
Still pretty ugly though.
No. 258345
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SNSD had to clean toilets and Taeyeon developed sleep disorders because of stress, Big Bang lived in a dorm full of rats and had to clean toilets, Yunho was homeless and had to sleep on the subway, SHINee sold albums on the street and gave out free lollipops to promote themselves, pretty much all of them were starved and lived on shit nutrition like instant ramen, SuJu had to share a small room and ridiculously small amounts of food between 20+ ppl… Not to mention the insane debts they had hanging over them despite all the insane work and getting literally nothing in return.
Obviously this is a path they chose and for all the ones mentioned it paid off but those ratmys are so fucking stupid dear god
No. 258346
>>258345>Not to mention the insane debts they had hanging over them despite all the insane work and getting literally nothing in return.SM idols do not have trainee debts, they don't have to pay anything back. Not sure about YG or JYP though.
But yeah, back then idols didn't always come from rich families and the 'big 3' weren't actually that big. When BTS (and nugu fans) go on about big 3 privilege I assume they're talking more about newer groups than 2nd gen, but the newer big 3 groups get that privilege because those companies spent many years establishing themselves. The groups that follow after BTS will get benefit off their success too and then dumbass armys can brag endlessly about that too, that's just how it works.
No. 258347
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>>258346SM still does treat trainees like crap though so even now “big 3 privilege” is bullshit.
Former SM rookie Ji Hansol was expected by everyone who followed the rookies to debut with NCT but SM basically just kept him around as a back-up dancer for already successful groups despite working so damn hard to debut so he ended up leaving. I’m still pissed about it tbh because I seriously liked him lol
No. 258510
>>258345I get that it's just a dick measuring contest with BTS fans to prove whose oppa has suffered more, but are we supposed to feel bad?
All of these kids (including BTS) could have gone out and gotten normie jobs, but instead they decided to slum it in order to chance making it big as idols. If you don't have a decent income, you don't get things like nice accommodation or lots of food. That's how it works for everyone, not just oppa and unnie! People without money don't get nice things, and they tend to have to work unpleasant jobs. There's nothing special about BTS's situation or other idols' situations, it's just what happens to every person that doesn't have money. I don't get why fans on either side think the other has had it so much easier, but seeing fans sobbing over their idol's "struggles" while they buy merch to line their pockets further is just hilarious, especially considering most of the "struggles" are probably made up or embellished.
No name wannabe idols aren't any different than random kids without money or jobs. Doing things like eating shit (or no) food and having a shit (or no) place to sleep is standard for people with no money. They don't deserve special treatment just because they decided they wanted to follow their super cool idol dreams instead of trying to secure a stable income.
>SNSD has to clean toiletsSo they had to suffer through…working an actual job?
>Taeyeon ran away from SM because it was so difficultBut she came back to follow her super cool idol dreams, so it wasn't THAT bad, right? Bad enough to garner pity from the fans and make a good story, but not bad enough to make her stop thirsting for idol fame?
>Big 3 idols will never know REAL struggles like my BTS oppas do!!!!!!!1!Your oppas aren't special, they're on the same level of dumbass as all of the others. Any "struggles" they faced are self inflicted. How are you still feeling bad for them while they're making millions?
Seriously, kpop fans are something else. I don't have it in me to feel any pity for the rich and famous. It's crazy how far up their idol's asses they're willing to get. It's no wonder every idol has a fabricated sob story; the fans eat this shit up.
No. 258529
>>258524you clearly just don't understand the very superior korean wordplay by bts. did you know rm used to be an underground rapper? thought not. maybe one day you'll be smart enough to understand what jhope raps. he uses his accent sometimes. it's revolutionary.
i hated even typing that. the army wank is the worst when they talk about rap lyrics and songs. some form of wordplay is pretty much a standard in rap, having a footnote on a lyrics page doesn't make oppa an underground genius
No. 258541
>>258524I didn't think I would read worse rap analysis than the high school English-tier analyses on Rap Genius, but here we are.
>>258532did u know that "ddaeng" also sounds like a euphemism for the English swear word "damn" #KingsOfEnglish
No. 258561
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>Rappers who don’t even have haters, just shut up
No. 258625
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Sometimes i wonder what amber would look like if she didnt dress like a dyke 24/7. But you can literally never say anything about amber never dressing feminine or ever changing up her style without getting downvoted to hell because itz her personal freeedommmmmm to not conform to the patriarchy!!!1!’. She’s only relevant because she dresses like a man. No musical talent, personality of an annoying ‘randum XD’ high schooler, and meh looks.
No. 258630
>>258625>No musical talent, personality of an annoying ‘randum XD’ high schooler, and meh looks.I also don't see how her dressing more feminine would change the above. She'd just be talentless, annoying and mediocre looking in a dress.
She's not more relevant than you'd expect for a mid-high tier SM girl group anyway. She's in f(x), she's not gonna get ignored no matter what she has to offer.
No. 258682
>>258625so you want her to be uninteresting talent-wise AND visually then?
I don't listen to or know anything about f(x) so I'll take your word for her being annoying and untalented but criticizing the fact that she doesn't conform to kpop standard more is bizarre. you don't even think she's good-looking so why do you care how she dresses?
No. 258784
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>>258625i only know like one f(x) song so i can't speak on her talent, but i kinda agree that her main "charm" is looking masculine. i remember the first time i saw a video of them performing, amber immediately caught my attention because she looked so out of place in a girl group. obviously it's not that uncommon for groups to have a "tomboy" member but since idols are typically super feminine and cutesy she awkwardly stands out like a sore thumb. most people know her as "the dyke-ish idol".
her not conforming to people's standards isn't a bad thing though, but she does rely on looking boyish to be relevant
pic related bc the first i saw it i couldn't tell what gender amber was kek
No. 258894
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She looks like pic related, takes away all her uniqueness imo.
I kinda agree with you minus the personality part, I think she's genuinely fun and easy going and I love the way she interacts with male idols. At least we can all agree this is not just a tomboy act (unlike TWICE's Jungyeon) and she's pretty much confirmed lesbian at this point. If there's an idol I can't stand and happens to be in the same group, it would be Krystal. She has such a punchable face lol
No. 258966
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>>258894both sisters are so full of themselves
No. 259070
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>>259068It's true, I can't help but feel bad for her. Koreans are really uneducated in subjects like drug abuse, they call her an addict but they don't even care to look up and find what an anphetamine addict looks like (pic related)
No. 259122
>>259084>Wasn't the rule that Koreans would only be able to vote for Japanese contestants and Japanese would only be able to vote for Korean contestants?Originally yes, but now they changed it.
>"The trainees from AKB48 already have an incomparable level of popularity in Japan, so the competition would not be fair for the Korean trainees."But Kaeun being an idol for 6 fucking years doesn't count…?
No. 259127
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No. 259175
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>>259130Their music is okay (even if AILFY called sounds dated as fuck and not as a purposeful throwback), but man, I don't get the praise for their visuals and styling being so "luxurious".
Also, they made a big deal about Jennie rejecting the stylists' outfits in favor of her own and how awesome it is, when I just feel bad for the stylists and totally whelmed by her outfits (and totally skeptical they would allow her to have free reign).
No. 259202
>>259175This Jennie girl gives me mean girl vibes. I fully believe in her bullying rumors.
Funny how she's the one girls like the most. Looks like you need to act like a insufferable bitch to be considered a 'powerful woman'.
No. 259314
>>259175>but man, I don't get the praise for their visuals and styling being so "luxurious".I think Jisoo and Rosé have that typical pretty, feminine girl idol look that you can’t really go wrong with while Jennie and Lisa have a more individual/exotic look that’s either hit or miss. Some people are going to find Jennie and Lisa prettier because they’re more interesting, some aren’t going be into them at all, some are going to find Jisoo and Rose boring while others are going to find them the prettiest because they’re more conventional. I think all of them are gorgeous, only 2/4 are very safe/standard for girl idols and 2/4 are either hit or miss.
>Also, they made a big deal about Jennie rejecting the stylists' outfits in favor of her own and how awesome it is, when I just feel bad for the stylists and totally whelmed by her outfits (and totally skeptical they would allow her to have free reign).Honestly I feel like their stylist either doesn’t give a fuck or is downright incompetent half the time so I don’t blame her. Tbh I’d prefer it if Jennie styled all four of them because she usually has the best outfits kek
No. 259355
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I was watching a video about Red Velvet Wendy's weight loss..
Basically she gained some weight but wasn't fat and her body looked good but the Korean public scrutinized her like crazy and girl most likely developed an eating disorder. People who criticized her suddenly became "worried" which resulted into more scrutiny.
Anyways this line struck out to me. Wendy is Korean, born in Canada but she's still considered a foreigner with a "fat gene" jfc…
What a backwards country.
No. 259380
>>259355isn't that just the bullshit fans say now when people say she looks bad? she was tiny at their debut and had loads of articles about how she was really skinny and had "abs". at most there were some comments about her thighs being bigger but she's almost constantly been losing weight since her debut and it's only recently she's gained a little
"it's the company's fault!" is just kpop speak for "i don't like something an idol is doing but people will be mean to me if it sounds like i'm criticising an idol"
No. 259390
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>>259378This girl is a mess and I love her.
>got arrested along with TOP for marijuana possession>said TOP's "dick is smaller than the size of a mac lipstick">started beef with EXO-Ls over rumours they were allegedly spreading about her>went on a rant about how transwomen are harming women's rights and perpetuating stereotypical feminine standards.I hope she keeps stirring up drama and spilling shit about what idols get up to in their free time.
No. 259393
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>>259390Imo she's prettier than the vast majority of idols. They're just salty because she's a feminist (a death offense in mighty Korealand)/and dared to touch Oppa.
You should have added this pic anon kek
No. 259398
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>>259378I poked around a bit to gauge fan reactions, and the amount of people that vehemently denied the idea that their idol would
ever go to a club was pretty funny. They really don't seem to realize they're young, human men.
A lot of people were insisting that there's no way he's ever been to a club because uwuuuuu he's a little baby that doesn't like alcohol!!!! He would never drink alcohol, so why would he be at a club? Hilariously enough, less delusional fans responded that this dude went on a drunk tweeting spree a few years ago. I think it's funny that his fans think he doesn't drink now because he's a sweet little baby that can't handle bitter things, when in reality he probably is being denied the right to drink by his company after doing something stupid while drunk.
>>259390>said TOP's "dick is smaller than the size of a mac lipstick"Ugh, my sides
No. 259407
>>259390she’s a cunt but she’s at least an entertaining one. i hope she keeps being messy bc her outbursts are gold kek
in a country as conservative and backwards as korea the stuff she’s said must be vulgar and ~shocking~ enough to give a bunch of “””decent””” people aneurisms tho
No. 259431
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armys on suicidal watch for having taehyung's fake image of "chic on the outside, qt innocent boy on the inside" shattered
i'm amazed at how many people believed this about him. he tried really hard to make that image seem realistic and he was very consistent, i'll give him that, but he's friends with all these older korean men and he himself is a very popular, attractive, rich, young man. just lol.
No. 259435
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>>259431Some of those delulu army are probably just 12 yrs old who have no idea what it's like to be a hot young adult, the real sad ones are those adult fujoshi who unironically believe Taehyung is just an innocent country boy who has never smoked, never touched alcohol, never had a gf….
>TFW you tricked millionth of people into thinking you're an adult virgin for fame and money. No. 259436
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Twice's new "Japanese" song isn't even in Japanese, it's in engrish.. Their jpop songs are terrible they have yet to release one good song over there.
No. 259572
>>259558their bodies are so weird
>stand out in a cloudkek
No. 259584
>>259558wow it sounded fine until the second verse (whoever's singing at 1:34 made me cringe), some girls were better than others but some were just…bad. "i want you back" isn't even a hard song to sing considering the original singer was a 11 year old boy, it's painful to watch them struggle to hit those notes
i will compliment their pronunciation, it wasn't great but better than a lot of other groups i've heard try to sing in english. maybe trying to enunciate the lyrics weakened their (already weak) singing?
No. 259591
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>>259558the flat notes
the nasally singing
the terrible pronounciation
that high note No. 259595
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>>259558Like nails on a chalkboard
No. 259601
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>>259558Are you fucking kidding me? MJ would be turning in his grave if he heard this shit.
No. 259605
>>259558Fucking hell. I genuinely like twice, but this is just so deeply unecessary. What the fuck is that dog whistle singing at 2:20?
Really sad that they bastardised a childhood favourite, but I am happy that they at least didn't put a weird rap break 2/3 through the song. I was wincing waiting for that to happen.
Also JiHyo looks great with the bun and rugby shirt. Sorry.
No. 259704
>>259378Late response is late due to work.
The fact that Armys are causing an uproar is so cringe worthy. Can ya'll imagine the shitstorm that would happen if something like this came out about Jungkook.
No. 259718
>>259695its for a japanese movie's OST if i recall correctly.
part of me wants them to sing it live and promote it a little for the fucked up satisfaction of hearing how bad it would be sung live
No. 259731
Phoneposting is hard
No. 259740
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>>259558yknow I really thought this was just going to be more lolcow-standard exaggeration but my god that was really fucking bad lmfao
No. 259745
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>>259558w e w
the entire thing was painfully flat, why didn't they just autotune it? and they sounded just as soulless as those north korean children forced to perform…
this fucking jaw though wtf
No. 259747
>>259732I think anon meant those fans were calling him innocent (kek) not literally young.
I don't know why fans even give a shit about V or JK's drinking habits. Jimin is V's age and he is blatant about how much he loves getting annihilated and no one gives a shit, and he's supposed to be the "cute smol" one.
No. 259750
>>259747because jimin hasn't been saying for years that he doesn't like alcohol like v does
>>259745what's wrong with her jaw?
No. 259757
>>259750>because jimin hasn't been saying for years that he doesn't like alcohol like v doesgood point
>>259752you're right actually, Jimin fans are extra loud and unhinged so sometimes I forget he's not as popular as the younger ones. Also a lot of Jimin's fans seem to be guys, and they probably care less about his drinking habits than younger female fans.
No. 259783
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>>259558WTF are those chipmunks sounds from 2:14 - 2:24?
No. 259884
>>259875I personally like Jisoo's personality; it's quirky and fun in that deadpan sort of way and I think her voice compliments Rosé's nicely.
Jennie's personality is a little iffy for me. The whole cold, tsun-tsun thing she has going obviously gets her fangirls going #SLAYQWEEN but sometimes it just makes her seem bitchy and unapproachable to me. You can have a strong, badass female persona without coming across as a jerk. I don't dislike her, just genuinely hope she isn't like that off-screen.
Jennie also needs to stick to rap because her singing sounds far more like shouting and Rosé and Jisoo have way nicer voices imo. I hate that they're giving Jisoo less lines just to make room for Jennie when she's already the literal main rapper and Jisoo has a better voice.
No. 259918
>>259884i like jisoo because she's clearly there as the designated untalented visual but her voice is pretty nice. it's a lot deeper than the whiny talk singing a lot of people in that position have so it's a nice change. especially if you use a 2ne1 comparison and realise her equivalent would be dara who really just didn't have enough of a voice to sing.
i know the 2ne1 comparison was like
>jennie = cl>lisa = minzy>rosé = bom>jisoo = darabut going that way it's the 2 singers in blackpink that come off better than the 2 who are pushed more. lisa's rapping in english is cringe but idk how much she has to do with the lyrics, and minzy's singing voice sounded nasal and weird when she did more than a few lines. her dancing was the same shoulder pop - fall into split - "twerk" routine too, and rosé needs to just not fuck with her jaw so much that she can't open her mouth to sing and she'll be fine
No. 259978
>>259378>>259405Honestly, I can't wait till somebody actually exposes BTS. They haven't really had any major scandals so it's going to be a massive shitshow when they finally do.
It's bound to happen, especially if they plan to keep blowing up in the American market. American media lives off of scandals and messiness as apposed to Korean media with their cutesy, psudo-boyfriend fodder
No. 259986
>>259978Same lol
And all their fans are going to whine about how cruel everybody is to their "babies".
Tbh Koreans celebrities actually get coddled way too much. They might get called ugly etc. but western news outlets are absolutely savage in comparison.
No. 259996
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I showed an army friend pics of Suga before and after his ps, she got mad and said he only lost weight. Yeah right. Fucking lol, armies are so delusional.
No. 259997
>>259996he's an underground artiste! he's an aloof tsundere who doesn't give a shit!
lul armys need to realize they stan an idol group because they all get work done and they're all very vain
No. 260011
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The new Black Pink MV looks super high budget, but the way the budget was used was really lame. I feel like they could have made a cool video with that level of production value, but instead they just sat and stood around. My favorite part was the cute fennec fox in pic. At least their legs look less spooky now though, their skelly level in the boombayah dance video was too much for me.
The song was pretty much on par with what I expected, and very similar to the other songs of theirs that I've heard. I guess they'll stick with what works though, even if it means the lyrics are random noises instead of words. I want so badly to write their next hit. All you need is a good "bababapapda ba ba pa shababa da da papa wa DUDUDUDU yah yah yah OPPAAA!!!!" and then you can rake it in.
Also, someone please tell me I misheard "You hokey, I'm foxy" because….wow. Rap god
No. 260012
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>>259996With this hairstyle he reminds me of pic related
No. 260019
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lol here’s a scandal
No. 260028
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>>259558I knew nothing good would come from TWICE. Way to ruin a good song. Jeongyeon looks like a smurf.
>1:33 can't sing a note. Nasally.>1:35 that "girl" pronunciation>2:20 That high note….. No. 260029
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>>259558The comments are in denial.
>improved vocally No. 260055
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>>259390Bigbang stans be like
>LeAvE TOP OpPar AlOnE!!!!1!She seems to be a little out of whack, though. Her twitter used to be a goldmine, but you got kind of concerned for her sanity.
No. 260275
ARMYs going on and on about BTS lyrics makes me want to punch them. Honestly I feel like it's better for idols not to be involved with the production of their music. I just find most idol-written lyrics so cringey… I can't believe they pitch some of those lyrics with a straight face thinking they're legit genius lyricists and those lyrics actually get approved??
Also in general when kpop fans go on about how great kpop lyrics are I just have this song playing in my head No. 260607
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>>260467You can tell that Rosé changes her voice to sound a particular way. If she continues to damage it further, she really will become Bom 2.0.
Also I like how YG totes around BlackPink as a more naturally beautiful 2NE1 even though all of them (except maybe Jisoo) have gotten stuff done.
No. 260651
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I don't understand how Jennie can look so bored during live performances. She just looks like she doesn't want to be there. She's exhausting to watch compared to the other members
No. 260654
>>260649Anyone with a brain would've understood what you meant.
At least 50% of Kpop releases the last couple years have been tropical house/dancehall filtered through Western pop and then through K-pop's lens.
>>260651She's supposedly got a rich family, so it's not like she needs to put in effort when she's got family money as a back up. Considering how well BP is doing, her trainee debt's likely been paid off, too. But it's still odd because I wouldn't doubt that many Kpop idols are from rich families, especially the ones going to performing arts schools.
No. 260760
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Speaking of lisa, how the hell do you bleach your skin this much? Did she spend her trainee days always indoors
No. 260830
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>>260760Damn, that's her?
She's got some major work done
Yet she still somehow looks relatively natural.
No. 260835
>>260739i know when she was a trainee she was generally known as lalice, i was surprised the first time she was introduced as lisa. lisa's such a common basic name where i am that it feels weird as a stage name
anybody know how irene got her stage name? i know some idol names are just like western names picked at random but irene feels like a weird choice since it's such an old fashioned name. it'd be weird giving teenage korean girls names like doris.
No. 260848
>>260835I always wondered why lots of idols have very basic english stage names.
Why are they even in english? Their primary audience is in korea
No. 260942 is starting to sue people for writing mean comments about BTS on the internet
Lol how did they even make it this far if they can't handle a little hate from a bunch of nobodies.
No. 260944
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>>260942>BTS AND BIGHIT HAS BEEN REALLY QUIET BUT THEY AIN'T MISSING THE FALSE HARMFUL RUMORS THAT IS GOING AROUND ABOUT OUR BOYS. I LOVE THIS COMPANY, THEY'RE OUT HERE READY TO SUE THEM JOBLESS ANTIS. SO IF YOU GUYS SEE ANY MALICIOUS RUMORS, DEATH THREATS, ETC. TOWARDS BTS, EMAIL BIGHIT>BIGHIT IS NOT JOKING WHEN THEY SAID THEYRE GOING TO SUE ANYONE WHO DEFAMES AND SPREADS FALSE FACTS ABOUT BTS HOLY FUCKGIN SHTI IM SERIOUSLY PRAYING FOR ALL ANTIS OUT THERE YALL TIME IS OVER GET READY TO FACE ACTUAL AUTHORITIES LMAO>That website always talked about corruption and sajaegi… they were finally served. I hope they receive 613 trillion times the hardship BTS and their fans endured.>Hehe, there’s a review from someone sued for talking bad about BTS. I hope all of you get caught, you little trolls.>Big Hit has finally sued! Good job Big Hit! Get rid of all those BTS anti-fans!God, armies are batshit
No. 260962
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>>260944Big Hit might as well form a cult now
No. 261031
>>261027I know in the US you can only sue for libel/slander if the comments cause defamation and ruin the person's rep.
So bighit sueing girls for leaving comments like that online seem a bit much since it's not like they're going to tarnish BTS's rep, even with their baseless chart manipulation accusations.
It would be different if they were actual reporters/journalist makeing those statements
No. 261170
>>261154no I agree I was just pointing out that it wasn't something she would've "grown up" doing, though in hindsight I realize that wasn't necessarily what
>>261151 meant.
No. 261181
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Suga claiming he's 178cm top kek
No. 261311
>>261181>>261231He roasted him so bad
>skull? Implying he is a skelly who wears black clothes a lot?>1% kindness. TopkekUnless I misunderstood everything and it's "a bad translation taking out of context uwu you illiterate westerns, learn korean!!!"
No. 261378
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Kpop fans and Koreans are mad because these youtubers were making racist jokes towards black pink. I get racism is wrong but Koreans make fun of everyone, especially black people and can't handle it when the tables are turned. Koreans are racist because they aren't exposed to other races, so why can't other races use that excuse when they're being ignorant towards Koreans? Idols are constantly being racist/ignorant but when they racism is towards them everyone because a sjw.
No. 261380
>>261378some dumb nobodies make a few gross jokes on youtube and everyone has a stroke
barely anyone wants to address how the kpop industry itself is extremely misogynistic and male idols make sexist remarks towards women both irl and in lyrics all the time but that’s okay because muh oppars
No. 261386
>>261381they’re basically implying koreans are uncivilized cavemen incapable of getting with the times since what they’re really saying is “we can’t hold them to our standard! they don’t know any better!”
this in and of itself is pretty damn anti-korea (i’d call it racism but this example is about koreans and not east asians as a whole) and the irony is palpable yet the koreaboos have too much tunnel-vision to see it, or at least acknowledge it
No. 261389
>>261378They're upset because YouTube reaction channels that react to kpop usually are either fans pretending to listen to it for the first time and love it, or people pretending to like it for clicks and subscriptions from kpop fans. It really works, though. Kpop fans are like the single demographic on YT that doesn't hate reaction channels, because they love to watch normal people pretend to love their favorite group. The karate comment was retarded, but what do you expect from someone that makes reaction videos on YouTube?
I've noticed that fans do the same thing where they pretend to be a first time listener on every platform too. A one day old account pretending to be a normie that just happened to listen to and love your mediocre kpop faves? It's less likely than they might think.
No. 261485
>>256608>A lot of American military are young obnoxious dudes who don't know how to behave in a foreign country and a lot of Koreans, especially those who live around the airport or basesYou could say the same about young black men and taxi drivers in the US, and that taxi drivers are within their rights to discriminate against them for similar reasons. But something tells me you'd never do that.
It just annoys me how these liberal SJW types constantly give Koreans and free pass.
>>256601It's funny how everyone who goes to Japan goes back home with a largely positive impression of the place, and everyone who goes to Korea comes back with a negative impression. Koreans should be careful of shilling their country too hard, because the fact is the biggest revelation about Korea are how hostile the average person is. That guy is lucky he wasn't in an interracial relationship. He'd have been spat at and worse.
No. 261597
>>261485>You could say the same about young black men and taxi drivers in the US, and that taxi drivers are within their rights to discriminate against them for similar reasons. But something tells me you'd never do that.I wouldn't say that because it's entirely off-topic and I also clarified here
>>256836 that I would prefer the country had more anti-discrimination laws. I don't think it's okay for taxi drivers or anyone in Korea to discriminate solely on appearances. I was just giving a different perspective based on my experience with the way US troops are treated in Korea.
Also by "young obnoxious dudes who don't know how to behave in a foreign country" I was referring to soldiers doing things like punching Korean taxi drivers in the face and then hijacking their vehicles. A lot of young troops treat foreign countries like their playground. I still don't think that gives Koreans grounds to discriminate on race alone but if they
knew the person getting into their vehicle was a soldier I wouldn't blame them for denying them services, regardless of race.
No. 261600
>>261590Sis I don't even care about Japan that much. I even find the obsession some girls here have with J-guys who look like 12 year old boys weird and sort of disgusting. That said it's a fact that Korea has basically no original culture and its entire pop-culture industry basically exists in service to propping up the collective ego of the Korean nation, just look at any historical K-drama and tell me it isn't a massive circle-jerk (it was so poor back then that the soldiers at the imperial palace had undyed uniforms).
>A country that has been in someone else's control can't help but lose a bit of its cultural identity.Crap. Pure crap. If anything the Japanese annexation just allowed them to claim more shit that wasn't theirs. Look at what a complete rip-off of Karate TKD is. Even Kimchi only exists because of Portuguese sailors and their trade in spices in the 19th century.
Fuck Korea. No other developed country is so arrogant, racist or full of it.
No. 261611
>>261600>claiming shit that isn't theirs>culture just borrows from other cultures>"No other developed country is so arrogant, racist or full of it."I'm sorry anon but this is fucking hilarious to me as an American.
You're right about the dramas though, Koreans seem incredibly insecure and ill-educated about their own history.
>>261602I guess so? I don't care if they complain. They can feel free to complain all they want but they shouldn't discriminate.
No. 261648
>>261600You still sound like a closet weeb tho. The historical costumes argument reminds me of those pictures that always float around on 4chan/ 2ch. You're literally shitting on a country for being poor, therefore easily overtaken and assimilated by another country. Most cultures borrow from each other and then turn those customs into their own thing, be it music, martial arts or scripts.
You sound like you have a stick up your ass regarding Korea.
No. 261651
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Does she not realise they are making fun of her? No. 261657
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They re not cheering
No. 261661
>>261657Try turning on the sound.
>>261654I'm sorry you feel like that. If for some reason you still listen to it, I'd be sort of happy knowing I'd only consume it without paying for it (assuming you don't buy cds or merchandise) therefore not supporting them but still being able to enjoy music you like. But like
>>261659 said none of them would date their fans lol.
No. 261665
>>261654agree anon, i'm black too and while i do listen to kpop i don't feel comfortable actually paying for music or openly supporting a culture that doesn't really try to hide that the majority dislike an entire race. i know some other black fans feel that way too, but others (especially koreaboos) are delusional and try to convince themselves that racism in korea isn't real or is a rare occurrence
anyone else find ironic that western fans will say things like "oh you don't like [kpop group]? you're just xenophobic!!" when korea doesn't even like foreigners itself? makes kpop fans sound even more idiotic
No. 261705
>>261654>White and Asian people can spend their money on them.If it helps at all I don't think they find white people particularly attractive either, their beauty standards are so fucking strict and only top tier white models could possibly meet them. Just look at them going on about how old Somi looks because she's half white, or how fat certain (skinny af) idols are. If a white woman has a jaw or any body fat she's shit out of luck by Korean standards.
And south east asians are straight up openly discriminated against worse than westerners, so you can only accurately say east asians are fine to buy kpop.
No. 261713
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>>261651>>261657I'm usually heavily skeptical of any and all black people having anything to do with SK and K-pop, but somehow I doubt they were laughing at her. She's pretty, not a hambeast and dances well.
I feel like this is a vendettapost.
No. 261719
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>>261713Anon, by Korean standards this is fucking ugly.
>>261648Ntayrt, but I don't think anybody is shitting on them just because they were poor, it's their inflated egos and lying about history that pisses everybody off. They're trying to present themselves as THE perfect country when in fact they're still pictures, meaning it can't be that long ago, that they were a literal shithole. They might no longer look like one nowadays, but still haven't learned how to behave that way as well.
As a teen and Kpop fan I sometimes came across articles of teachers beating up students so badly that they had to be hospitalized, dramas there employees get physically punished, "jokes" about parents beating their kids and terribly misogyny. I've always tried to convince myself that this and their studying til 3 in the morning are just exceptions - but they aren't.
My country was also occupied by America. Parents had to get out of the house and leave their beds to the soldiers, only the kids were allowed to sleep in the kitchen. They were literally starving, while the soldiers already had luxury goods like chocolate and cigs. But that still wouldn't justify hating on Americans or foreigners in general nowadays.
Slightly OT but has anybody read about Yemeni refugees being stranded on Jeju island and Koreans being strictly against letting them in? Of course i-fans are
triggered as hell.
No. 261722
>>261719>Anon, by Korean standards this is fucking ugly.Literally what? Maybe by K-pop standards, but for an average person on the street, I doubt that's "fucking ugly" (especially considering the faces of the people in the crowd).
I swear, some of you would insist Korean people think Beyonce or Rihanna are hideous because they're black and you have weird complexes.
No. 261735
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>>261705>If it helps at all I don't think they find white people particularly attractive either, their beauty standards are so fucking strict and only top tier white models could possibly meet them. Just look at them going on about how old Somi looks because she's half white, or how fat certain (skinny af) idols are. If a white woman has a jaw or any body fat she's shit out of luck by Korean standards. If they have such strict beauty standards and say these things about Somi, who is generally pretty, then what do they think of the average Korean person? Do they live in a huge delusion?
No. 261736
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>>261719>by Korean standards this is fucking ugly.No it’s not.
Insooni, Yoon Mi-Rae, and Lee Michelle wouldn’t have careers if it was.
“Blasian” or “Blorean” is actually fashionable because of the influence of hip hop in East Asian. Unless you’re talking about the older generation or just racists in general (which is obviously not all of Korea).
No. 261745
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>>261737It's the fans who criticize and nitpick K-pop starts appearances
No. 261749
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>>261746You know what anon? I'm gonna stop redponding know. Continue trying to convince yourself that you'll be welcomed with open arms!
No. 261761
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>>261713>Anon she’s not a hamb beast!!Agreed but she’s not skinny.
No. 261813
>>261651Other women actually like that kind of dance? It looks so trashy.
At least the Kpop skeletons that dance like that don't have enough body matter to look that gross.
No. 261829
>>261742OT but why does this show even exist lmao…
They tackle some heavy stuff in an overly-comedic manner, they're being too extra regarding important issues such as abuse or racism, it just makes me angry ugh.
No. 261848
>>261719Thank you for explaining as the other anon was just straight up hating. All of those things you mentioned were indeed horrible. Of course I don't think any of those things are okay (abuse, racism, misogyny), but it takes time for an entire country to catch up to modern standards and I find it rude how people assume that just because the general public is ignorant, every single person of a specific country must be ignorant.
And regarding the other issue. I don't see how that girl is ugly in any country? All countries have beauty standards but if you look at the population clearly very few people fit into them lol. The people who go out of their way to call her ugly are racists aka not all people.
No. 261851
>>261813The girl and the "skellies" look just fine dancing.
I swear it's either summer or lolcow has been invaded again recently.
No. 262119
>>262117Wtf are they wearing lmao. Jennie look alright but why is Lisa rocking 80s shoulder pad, it's so fugly and Rosé's dress barely hit her "ass".
Embed the video for ya.
No. 262162
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>>262130The whole ''white people are accepted (or even
praised)in Korea/China/Japan'' is typical American made-up bullshit, no surprise there. It's mostly Asian-Americans with some kind of victim complex pretending whitey is loved all around the world for their race. These people are so deluded and brainwashed, it's sad. By their standards, Korea and Japan are insanely racist countries, but it's okay because it's their ''culture''.
No. 262166
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>Tfw all fat koreaboos will get absolutely rejected irl. Out of the joke though what type of people get praised in Korea?
French are hated in Vietnam/Prts of China but loved by Japan.
What country does korea jerk?
No. 262168
>>262162>thinking a sign probably meant to keep out american servicemen has anything to do with whitenesswat? black and asian americans exist too, anon.
whats with all the boring race chat lately anyway? is it just cause its the summer?
No. 262169
>>262168The US are 72% white.
The picture might not have been the best example, I just chose a random one, but most Americans are white nonetheless.
However, it's not like they really like black people either so…w/e
Anons here were just pointing out that Korea is quite xenophobic, it has nothing to do with ''the summer''.
No. 262185
>>262162Have lived in Asia and can confirm this.
While Chinese and Korean people hate all outsiders, they hate different groups of us in a different ways. For example: Hatred towards Southeast Asians is a superiority complex, they're comfortable and confident calling Vietnamese people "monkeys", laughing at their "dark skin" etc. Note that I always find this blatant racial hostility funny because Chinese are the first to start squealing about how Pinoys and other SEAs should unite with China "to throw out the white colonialists!" and to "stop being puppets of whites" and that sort of pan-Asian, self-serving shit.
With whites the hatred is still there, and may even be more pronounced, but they find it difficult to comfortably look down on us from a position of superiority. Primarily because of the physical attraction they have to whites; the pale skin, sharp features etc, that superiority complex ("5000 years Chinese culture!!!!") becomes intertwined with a nagging inferiority complex too. If you're a speaker of Korean or Chinese, and you're familiar with Naver, Tieba Baidu, Zhihu and other major Korean/Chinese sites, you'll know what I mean.
Asians (less so Japanese) rather naively think no foreigners could ever learn to read their languages, so they're incredibly honest with each other in a way they wouldn't be with foreigners (for fear of losing face). What you'll often find is a massive streak of self-loathing: comments about their "ugly flat 2d faces" abound and so on.
The thing is, contrary to what rectal-ravaged Asian Americans and Black Americans think, this doesn't make them "like white people" or even "admire white people". In fact it makes their hatred of us even more acute and pathological, since they can't rationalize feelings of superiority towards us as easily. The worst sorts of hatreds are always a mix of superiority and inferiority together: Germans towards the Jews during the 1930s for example. It's for that reason that you'll often find Koreans and Chinese actually
prefer the hapless, career-less ESL teacher foreigner to the banker, lawyer or manager foreigner. You have to understand that quite literally everything is a power-struggle with these people. Every little exchange.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Japs may have their problems - and I'm no weeb - but anyone who has spent time in the three major East Asian countries will tell you that they're the least racist and least hostile to foreigners in the region. Going from South Korea back to Japan is like returning to the Garden of Eden. You may always be a foreigner, but at least there is basic civility, and people who won't spit at you on the street there. (Fun fact: Chinese and Koreans often accuse Japanese of "kissing white people's asses", and when you ask them why, it basically just comes down to the fact they extend to us the same etiquette they do Japanese people).
In any event, it's that kind of stuff that makes me hate Asiaphiles. Especially white ones. They need to understand their love of "Asian culture" doesn't exist in a vacuum. When they consumer crappy Korean commercial pop, they're not just being a pop music consumer. They're promoting an industry that directly fuels Korean people's jingoism and ultra-nationalism. They're taking part in an industry, managed from the very top down, to "prove" to the outside world that Korea is this perfect, beautiful society, with the most amazing food, beautiful women and perfect men.
Some people say Hollywood is similar, but US media for decades has thrived in showing some of the worst aspects of American society and culture (The Sopranos and the mob, Breaking Bad and drug abuse in rural America and so on). In fact the idea that white people are all these vicious racists comes in part from that same media. While American and Western media ultimately seeks to tell stories, Korean media and culture exists in service to Korean Nationalism, of what is easily the most racist country in the world - with the exception of their Northern brethren. And that's why you shouldn't consume it.
tl;dr I know, but I felt like getting this off my chest.
No. 262191
>>262185As someone with close ties to Japan and been exploring other east Asian cultures, I fully agree about your bit concerning Japan. People usually have the understanding that the Japanese are horribly racist and segregated but jesus christ they're nothing compared to the Chinese and the South Koreans. If anything, the Japanese are quite curious of foreigners and interested in interacting with them but in South Korea and China you'll be openly hated on for being foreign. Hell in both countries there's a big chance of a native citizen's whole family disowning them if they're marrying a foreigner. I've never heard about that happening in Japan.
Not trying to be a weeb here either but if I had to pick a country, I'd definitely prefer living in Japan than other Asian countries.
No. 262195
>>262191>>262185Both of you are incorrect about Japan. Japan is different because they have less insecurity and a bigger superiority complex than other countries like china or korea. Any time they are curious about foreigners or happy about foreigners liking Japanese culture, it's
because they are more racist and think they're so much better. They are also much more racist towards other East Asians, and treat them much the same as southeast Asians, things like outright refusing to acknowledge Japan and Korea having shared ancestry, to making Zainichi Koreans second class citizens.
It's true that the Japanese themselves aren't quite as outwardly hateful, but it's because they are so arrogant, don't confuse that for lack of racism.
No. 262196
>>262195Given what a large portion of the Zainichi population supports the DPRK, a state that actively kidnaps little Japanese girls to use them as language-teacher slaves in their shithole, I don't blame them for not liking them to be quite honest.
In any event, any unbiased history of WW2 shows that a far larger part of the Korean population were willing accomplices of Imperial Japan than modern day Koreans have been led to believe.
>It's true that the Japanese themselves aren't quite as outwardly hateful, but it's because they are so arrogant, don't confuse that for lack of racism.I've known a lot of mixed marriages in Japan, and a few in Korea. In every single case in Korea the issue of "pure blood" was brought up. I never heard a single Japanese person, not even fucking ojii-sans who lived during the war, ever talk about a similar concept.
No one here is naive enough to believe Japan is perfect. But it's a much less racially hateful place than China or Korea is, and I and most other foreigners have been treated far, far better in Japan than in China or Korea. That is enough of a reason for me to prefer the Japanese. Law of reciprocity, friendo.
No. 262198
>>262130Lol even korean people get refused by taxis because old taxis drivers are lazy and dont ever want to go in a direction other than whats most convenient to haul ass and get off work in the fastest way possible.
And old Korean women amd savage anywhere. They yell at other old people in their restaurants.
I do agree that its not a kdrama fantasy, but people will actually fucking love you if you speak their language. If you are shit at Korean, you are basically stuck as being introduced to basic korean shit and not knowing anything. Show up with fluent Korean, dress like a regular human being, and have a good personality, and you’ll be accepted as part of the group. Speak the language and dont be a fugly fuck. Its really as fucking simple as that. But most people either dont bother to learn Korean to an fluent (not just some basic bitch level where you cant express a true opinion) or are gross fatties, so they assume that you just cant ever have a thriving social circle in korea without playing the dorky foreigner role. Nobody would want to hang out with you anywhere if you cant joke around or make a few cultural references (that arent just kpop references that literally nobody outside a fandom would get) either.
No. 262203
>>262185This is most likely a weeb white man, probably old having lived in Asia, and probably has a Chinese wife.
>>262189These people don't care lol. This is a thread for shit talking kpop, but has devolved into blind Korea hatred instead.
No. 262205
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>>262202If their beauty standards are so rigid, then they all must be butt-ugly to each other.
No. 262208
>>262205>>262206Damn they really have no eyes and big flat faces. Even fugly idols are in another universe compared to that
No. 262244
>>262196not trying to be a smart ass, but do you have any articles or book recommendations about the korean population complying to japanese occupation? i'm just genuinely interested in the topic
(sage for OTish)
No. 262253
>>262249NTA, but this still isn't the anti korea thread, it's anti
kpop music. Stop derailing with pure racebait.
Also, shit like the video you posted would fit better in the manhating thread than it would here.
No. 262260
>>262244NTAYRT but:
BR Myers, who wrote the excellent "The Cleanest Race" (probably the best book on North Korea in English) talks a lot about it in his works and essays.>>262259You mean Tenda Lung Spencer/EurasianTiger? Didn't he say he was going to kill himself multiple times? Why is he even still here?
No. 262261
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>>262203>This is a thread for shit talking kpop, but has devolved into blind Korea hatred instead.Agreed, you guys need to cut that shit out.
No. 262269
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>>262261Ot: Yeah it’s as annoying as when fans come on here low key. Race has been more over discussed in general on /ot/ and even a few /g/ threads this week. I hope it’s one or two crazies and we haven’t had a shift in user base for whatever reason.
On another note, I think a lot of kpop fashion is absolutely atrocious. I don’t ever know what they’re going for. Black Pink for example looks like a poor imitation of punk mixed with alibaba finds
No. 262270
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>>262269the one on the left is fine and the rest just need some editing, if you want to rip on kpop fashion you can definitely pick better examples than girls just wearing normal designer shit.
No. 262272
>>262270These may be the worst outfits I have ever seen with my eyes.
Who thought all this plaid was a good idea
No. 262275
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>>262269>>262270no-one does horrid kpop fashion like nct’s stylist does and i say that as an nctzen; i can look at this shit for hours it’s hilarious
pic related is far from the worst they’ve had
No. 262283
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>>262269this terrible outfit is a favorite of mine
No. 262285
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>>262275Kek I was going to post this earlier. Limitless and fire truck were hilariously shit eras, sad that fire truck was the last era yutas face looked okay in before they animorphed him into jay leno.
I really like their styling now though, everyone looked pretty cute in boss/empathy/go. The boss teasers were what got me into nct in the first place.
No. 262286
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the iconic kilt
No. 262290
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>>262270You definitely win but I stand by calling BP outfits ugly. They look like something a preteen would wear to their school dance or to a debate club. I think they always look awful tbh. Or just okay. But mostly just bad.
No. 262293
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>>262285Yuta’s Fire Truck hair still makes me burst out laughing whenever I see it. But yeah, it’s a shame they ruined his last look as a natural-looking pretty boy with that godawful hair. Thankfully his face doesn’t look quite as botched anymore but it’s still such a pity.
>I really like their styling now though, everyone looked pretty cute in boss/empathy/go. The boss teasers were what got me into nct in the first place.Same, I only just got into NCT with Boss.
Touch and Yestoday came as a nice bonus because I genuinely like the songs and styling/aesthetic of both songs (I love the Dreamies but I’m not a huge fan of ‘GO’). Their Chain styling is nice too imo. No. 262294
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Blackpink has mostly awful outfits but their fans still insist that they have a "luxurious aura"
No. 262295
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>>262275not ugly but it’s lulzy
No. 262296
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>>262295not sure what the stylist was thinking
No. 262303
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>>262293Yeah, I really prefer Chewing Gum and We Young for the dreamies, but I guess they're growing out of that cutesy stuff… Speaking of growing, shame that Jisung is a lanklet now. Still very precious.
No. 262311
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This was the Korean World Cup squad. This is what they really look like. Even the Mexican team had hotter guys.
>>262300>>262308And yet they constantly make nationalist comments about Dokdo/Takeshima, even at sporting events Korean sportsmen do this, even their pop stars ("Dokdo is Korean" / "East Sea, not Japan Sea!" etc.)
Not to mention all the anti-American stuff. Didn't Psy make comments about wanting to kill American servicemen and rape their wives?
No. 262312
>>262264Korean celebs don't get taken seriously when they talk about issues in their
own society, of course they won't feel comfortable defending foreigners.
>>262311some of them are kinda cute imo. Better than most kpop stars but then I tend to like athletes.
>Didn't Psy make comments about wanting to kill American servicemen and rape their wives?holy fuck wat
No. 262316
>>262314>Even OzilÖzil is pretty cute in a dopey sort of way. But yeah, I don't see how anyone could find those guys attractive unless you have a specific racial fetish. Maybe the goalkeeper on top right, but even then he's just average rather than unattractive.
Incidentally, Koreans had real sour grapes after losing today. Lots of racism and butthurt. In the previous game a couple of Kpop stars had the audacity to blame the referee too, which is funny given how much they cheated against Italy in 2002.
No. 262322
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>>262318Wow thanks anon, I never looked up merch for Kpop before and now I know they have fucking “dolls” to put on their desks. I’m continuously disturbed by this fandom.
No. 262323
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>>262319I’m no oppa expert, but this looks like bait to me
No. 262325
>>262314well shit I didn't say they were the hottest men there, just that some of them were kind of cute. Not everyone who happens to find an Asian attractive has yellow fever. It's just preference. I don't think Neuer is attractive at all (not ugly of course, just not attractive to me) but I'm not going to accuse you of being some Aryan worshiper lol.
>>"CNN was able to translate the lyrics as saying," Kill those f–ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives and those who ordered them to torture," and going on to say, "Kill them all slowly and painfully," as well as "daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers.""holy fuck lmao
No. 262326
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More merch and I’m cackling. Top kek satire
No. 262327
>>262325I think if you find unattractive Asians attractive, then it's probably fetishism.
>I don't think Neuer is attractive at all Blasphemy. Who do you prefer?
No. 262331
>>262327Not the same anon
Yeah Neuer is good looking but Mats Hummels
No. 262333
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>>262294>>262291these are undeniably shit and the kind of thing that makes yg a dated joke in 2018, ugh
but i legitimately like the first bp outfits posted No. 262336
>>26218510/10 insight anon. as a hafu I totally agree with the japanese part.
i have to say, as a total outsider to Koreans and Korean culture they seem to treat even themselves pretty poorly, so i can't imagine they'd be nice to foreign people.
i think the only way to lead a good life there is being an attractive Korean male
No. 262342
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The way they purposefully go out their way to make them look 12 creeps me out
No. 262343
>>262311Am asian and can confirm, they're ugly af.
>>262314Off topic but Alisson Becker > Neuer. And Morocco's coach is hot for an old guy
>>262316Bunch of cry babies kek. Korea deserved to lose
>Lee Chae Young, "I won't be going to vacation in Sweden"… reaction to World Cup Sweden match>>262322Who buys this shit? Waste of money smh
No. 262351
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I don't follow A Pink but looks like Naeun got a new nose job. Pretty risky after what happened to Namjoo imo, I think they went for a different doctor this time… still came out botched.
>>262333I always thought K-pop style in general was very outdated, idk why some anons insist on shitting only on j-pop idols. Different kind of tacky clothes/songs.
No. 262353
>>262350And no one cares about your pathetic little comment either kek. I can smell the
triggered on you.
No. 262364
>>262322plushies of kpop idols are so fucking weird to me. i kinda get the LINE themed ones because i'm assuming each member gets assigned a character or something, but the chibi ones are just odd. i dont even want to know who actually buys them
>>262360what the fuck were you really expecting?
No. 262368
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>>262351Koreans celebrities do not chill until they transform themselves into plastic dolls it seems
Taeyeon used to be cute (pic related), now she's legit looking like a blow up doll
No. 262369
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>>262368samefag to show her current, most inhuman looking face to date
No. 262381
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Just read one of the strangest things ever. Apparently fans spend thousands on their idols' birthdays, legitimately buying them material gifts.
I guess this is part of Korean "idol culture", but it's really peculiar from an outside perspective. Kpop fans are even more unhinged than I had originally thought. I guess I can understand wanting to send a letter or whatever to your favorite idol, or maybe a handmade gift, but buying them a huge amount of designer clothes and luxury items doesn't add up to me at all. And the fact that the idols and companies are okay with accepting these gifts is just insane. No wonder their fans feel like they own them and freak out when they want to date, they're basically sugar mommies/daddies.
I even read about cases where people will ask the idols what kind of gift they want, and they'll just shamelessly request a certain model, color, and whatnot of electronics or other gifts. You'd think that they'd at least provide some sort of lame "the best gift is your happiness uwu <3", but no I guess they're okay with robbing their braindead fans.
The pic is a fan photographer's birthday gifts to BTS Jimin in 2017. It seems that these photographers sell photos of their idols and then use the money to drown them in gifts, but that only makes it slightly less weird. It seems likely that it becomes a competition between fans prove themselves as the top sugar mommy too. Additionally, BTS accepting these kinds of large gifts in 2017 when they were surely already making decent money is really inappropriate imo.
And what is he even going to do with all of this stuff? Throw it all into storage? Mingyu from Seventeen got people super pissed at him for sharing the clothing gifts that he recieved from a fan photographer with his group members and family. I guess he disappointed mommy :/
Also, I hope BTS has a real dating scandal soon because I want to see their fans riot
No. 262384
>>262185this thread is for laughing at kpop cringe, not fevered essays about why koreans are all SO RACIST
>>262381jfc…. some kpop fans really don't live in reality.
also same anon, every day i wish for some kind of giant BTS scandal just for the hilarity their fanbase will provide.
No. 262385
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>>262381This reminds me of that fansite who bought her ship engagement rings lmao
No. 262389
>>262381I forget which group or member was connected to this, but there was photographs of unique/custom fan gifts just piled up in the trash. Understandably, considering how much they probably get on a weekly basis.
The other dumb shit that fans will splurge money on is NYC Times Square billboards or newspaper spreads.
>Sehun’s 24th birthday (25th in Korean age) is on 12 April and to celebrate it, his fans bought a full page, full colour ad in the New York Times, which costs at least $100,000 (£70,499). don't see the point considering the idols won't even see it and it doesn't drum up public interest. It's just a money pit.
Idol fans need to stick to buying rice to donate to charity or raising money for fundraisers, or at least buying food for other fans to eat. At least put your obsession to good use, you know?
No. 262391
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>>262389>at least $100,000 (£70,499)what the actual fuck
No. 262399
>>262381>never spent my or my parent's money on k-pop>is proudIdk why but this makes me so mad. Can't believe shitty idols with subpar skills are treated like kings. I'd never spend a dime on them.
>>262389>but there was photographs of unique/custom fan gifts just piled up in the trashI'd love to know more about that, must have broken the fan's hearts lol. Serves them right. That's the only article I found: No. 262413
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>>262408And the looser the parameters of conversation, the more boring shit we get like anons discussing fucking sports.
On the topic of merch No. 262417
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>>262416Idols visitng the subway ads put up for them isn't that rare. The buses make less sense imo since they would be harder to find. But it's still all a waste of money
No. 262442
>>262434>Why wasn’t this in the media when “gangnam style” was popular?the CNN article in this
>>262314 post is dated 2012 so clearly nobody gave a shit.
No. 262451
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I think Seohyun, Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung were smart to leave SM. There's no future as a 30+yo female idol. They all will be remembered as burnout ageing idols except Yoona and Taeyeon. At least switching to acting is a more honorable way to ''retire'' from the public eye.
No. 262570
>>262434speaking of psy, just saw an interview with him the other day where he talked about how when gangnam style went viral he thought he was an international superstar who was too good for korean media, so he turned into a huge asshole and acted like a lot of the people who had supported his career were now beneath him. but when none of his songs were able to be as successful as gangnam he basically had to go crawling back on his knees to his korean fans. he got super depressed because his 15-minutes of worldwide fame wore off pretty quickly and he's hardly relevant anywhere outside of asia anymore
tbh this made me think of bts and their popularity in places like america. their fame happened really suddenly, what happens when western fans get bored with kpop and move on to some other music trend? will they just fade into obscurity (at least in american media)? they're basically the second super popular kpop act to get noticed in america (psy being the 1st) so it's interesting to see if their career will flop or not
No. 262629
>>262269I wish males were banned on sight again. Thread/post quality always goes down with them around.
>>262275I genuinely like these outfits kek. It's organised chaos and it would fit better if nct was actually alternative and not manufactured idols. The kilt is pretty too.
>>262311I don't meddle with politics, but I came across a children's song "Dokdo is Korea land" or something.
>>262314Ozil is cute in a Rami malek way.
>sage for non kpop crap No. 262630
>>262627It has a knock-on effect of other visitors to Korea. You get stereotyped as a slut, and it's even worse if you are a Russian or Eastern European.
Also it's just like… have some pride in yourself ffs.
No. 262632
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>>262311>And yet they constantly make nationalist comments about Dokdo/Takeshima, even at sporting events Korean sportsmen do this, even their pop stars ("Dokdo is Korean" / "East Sea, not Japan Sea!" etc.)My own experience, when I visited South Korea few years ago, the first thing you see while boarding the train from Incheon airport to Seoul are these Dokdo propaganda videos deliberately translated to English. (Every other commercial is on Korean only)
I was in Japan too and never once did I see Takeshima aka Dokdo mentioned anywhere, at least not like this and especially not written in English as to inform foreigners.
No. 262633
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>>262629That kind of alternative style is fugly on everyone tbh. Gives me Korn vibes, not cute.
No. 262638
>>262434Implying a meme is still famous.
>>262570>he got super depressedKek. I felt bad in a way cos he was a short fattie, but it seems like he had the short fattie ego to go with it.
Like other anons said, it's different with bts as they have their armys while psy has meme points.
>>262633>tfw I like this style tooI'm trash I guess.
No. 262643
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>>262638why are you into late '90s hot topic chiggers?
No. 262675
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>>262643This shit is just like the 80s where everybody thought they were so hip, cool and avantgarde but in reality they looked ridiculous af.
No. 262681
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>>262670Easy, mark.
Second is yuta, who looks like he's wearing casts on both of his arms on top of that ugly shirt and weird pants.
Taeil is in third with that flannel + long skirt combo, plus the lack of insoles to show off what a manlet he is.
Silver pants (think that's haechan?) is in fourth, then TY and winwin are tied for fifth.
I can't tell if jaehyun almost turned out okay or if his face/proportions are making up for the outfit, but I can tell that that shirt is hideous and so are the suspenders.
pic related is even worse imo, they look humiliated
No. 262731
>>262681I almost pissed myself when Jaehyun wore that denim jumpsuit in the MV haha fuck
I feel like NCT kind of sort of get away with this atrocious styling better than some other groups would since most of them are attractive enough to be excused (like
>>262681 mentioned about Jaehyun in
>>262643). Imagine if BTS, for instance, were put in this kind of clothes. There would be no saving them no matter how much ARMYs would screech about muh high fashun.
No. 262734
>>262733I know but what I mean is if they were fug it would be even worse
Imagine BTS or any other below-average group in that shit
No. 262740
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wtf are these betty spaghetty looking legs on the left goddamn
No. 262750
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>old man
*old woman
No. 262753
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Am I the only who thinks that Taeyeon looks like a kid now with all the jaw shaving and arm lipo she 's had? (also look at TTS's xmas mv) her body has 0 definition and volume. She got rid of everything that made her a beautiful adult woman which is pretty damn sad if you ask me.
No. 262759
>>262753i was thinking the same thing when those teaser pics came out..
They all looked best during Genie era, sweet but womanly looking
No. 262760
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>>262755agree, when people get this surgery they look like if they took a mouthful of more than 3 grains of rice at once their jaw would collapse. also makes their head look disproportionately tiny.
No. 262765
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>>262760>also makes their head look disproportionately tiny.I don't think so, only her jaw is pretty much nonexistent. Other than that it rather looks way too big for her meagre body.
I always wondered there their small head/face obsession stems from, but if you do compare them to non-koreans they actually do have bigger faces on average (not that this justifies any of the shitty ps…)
No. 262774
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this randomly popped up on my feed and i don’t think anyone cares but for reference, this account has 127k followers while the one she allegedly spread lies about has 36k
i feel like this summarizes toxic kpop fandom perfectly. you catch onto something you have no idea about, spread it mindlessly and acting like you’re an expert of whatever it is, end up having potentially innocent people receive thousands of death threats and then go ‘boohoo poor me tell me how strong i am for admitting i did smth wrong :(‘
No. 262791
>>262774The "Headliner" person she's talking about is a BTS Jungkook fansite with 700k+ twitter followers (
I don't know what happened this time, but I do often poke around in ARMY drama for kicks. To clarify what the OP is talking about with regards to the scamming/threats/stalking:
She allegedly used to be a fansite for "L" from another group called INFINITE and collected money from fans for a birthday project, then ditched without giving them refunds to become a Jungkook fansite. I guess switching who you take pictures of is an issue on its own because to kpop fans it makes you "disloyal" kek
When people left meanie comments on Jungkook's livestream, she took to her twitter account to say that they're lucky that gun ownership isn't legal in SK because she'd shoot all of his haters if it was
And for the stalking claims, I guess she somehow got access to BTS' private flight schedule and took photos of Jungkook during an unannounced layover, which made people really mad because uwu respect their privacy!!!1!
I think the scamming is just a rumor and the "stalking" is no big deal (she probably took the same flight as them…it's a public flight), but the gun threats are just funny in a sad way. I think it's pretty clear from those alone that she's got some issues, but it sucks that other accounts can make up rumors and people will all just believe it and collectively send her death threats without checking. I think there's a huge lack of any sort of mature thought here. One ARMY tells another that she's a stalker and she scammed people, and then suddenly hundreds are sending threats to some chick that didn't really do anything beyond make a comment about wanting to shoot people that buwwied her idol.
No. 262816
>>262634Does Korea oppress your country or why are you this angry?
>>262748Idols from SM are the most artificial and manufactured-looking out of all idols imo. The front guy resembles an uncanny valley humanoid robot with bulgy eyes and his fans keep praising him as some handsome manga guy.
No. 262817
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>>262816yes, this dude look freaky, I know a lot of models have wide set eyes but he straight up look like an insect to me, 99% of the pic you find online are photoshoped to make him look like a ~real life anime UwU~ but I'm convinced he looks inhuman IRL
No. 262819
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>>262816>>262817Hey now, not everyone's attracted to humans. Taeyong may look like one of the manikins from smt moved to korea and became an idol with a snatched waist, but that's what the kids are into.
his eyes really are too far apart though…
No. 262836
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>>262826He did look a bit weird predebut too, but I think they fucked his jawline at some point and that was when he left humanity.
No. 262839
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still think he's a qt though tbqh.. I adore that tiny waistline
Wasn't there also scandal about him selling bootleg anime figures or something? hue
No. 262841
>>262839yeah and calling some girl fat on a pic online + cussing out the people he allegedly scammed and using multiple usernames for scamming due to one/more being suspended or whatever.
not sure about the other things but i find the outrage over the fat girl hilarious because netizens have always been the fucks who called skinny and average-sized women fat
No. 262853
>>262841i actually kind of like predebut idols just being shitty, bratty 14-16 year olds
i don't like THEM for it, i just like when it comes out that an idol isn't some childhood angel prodigy. it's better than lies about idols like irene saying people used to come to her school to see how beautiful she was. some teenagers are just shitty and take a while to grow up, i find it funny when it comes out someone was like that. especially when the scandal is someone saying girls generation are ugly on their blog or something
No. 262863
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With Lucas it's the same, you can already spot the jaw shave, lip fillers and nosejob. I just hope they make it stop right here before it goes into uncanny valley territory, would be a shame.
No. 262866
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>>262791That gun thing is sad, but honestly most of those fansite owners have gotta be complete weirdos. I remember reading something about one BTS fansite (OK JK or something like that?) masquerading as a JK fansite and spending the money donated to her on a less popular member's birthday gifts because she couldn't drum up enough support as a fansite for him.
Have BTS had any fans as bad as Rion (girl who held up a sign that said rape at Suho, stalked him, and got ps to look like his ideal type) yet?
No. 262868
>>262807I mean I'm not gonna complain about people actually reading but something tells me they just read other peoples' summaries and don't actually read the fucking books lmao. Plus it
triggers me every time they mention that fuckin Ursula K Le Guin story, it's not bad but I had to read that shit so many times in high school/college.
>>262853my favorite scandal is when people lost their shit over Jay Park writing KOREA IS GAY on his myspace after moving there. IIRC people were so mad they started a JAY PARK SHOULD KILL HIMSELF petition lmao.
No. 262872
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>>262863I think the lip fillers were an improvement, the nosejob wasn't too bad either. Lucas might genuinely be the best looking male idol I've ever seen, SM better not ruin his face.
No. 262931
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why are loona stans so cringe
No. 262936
>>252094I just came across this AllKpop (blegh) forum thread that features blind gossip items from an industry insider. I suspect that it could just be all fiction, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of these points were true considering how detailed and plausible the OP's posts and replies are:'m too lazy to screencap but I'll greentext a couple of my favorite rumors in that thread:
>5. LGBT Girls
>A girl was accidentally outed as gay during a filming one day. It was a mistake of words, but she admitted on camera that she only wants to date other girls. The footage has since been deleted, but already among idol groups it is known, and many people have made their displeasure or support known. The agency the group belongs to has gone to great lengths to suppress the information, but many rival groups have used it already as blackmail to keep the group from getting more variety appearances.
>The girl in question has recently been admitted into therapy after an attempted suicide that the agency managed to cover up, saying she went to the hospital for unrelated reasons. The agency had apparently forced her into gay-conversion therapy to try and rid herself of her sexuality, which is what led to her suicide attempt. She has since been put into regular therapy… but is now forced to attend church services instead.
>She is the only known female idol to be LGBT. She managed to protect the identity of the girl she was flirting with, but rumor has it the other girl is also an idol singer.
>9.The rampant prostitution isn't going away. It's just hiding better.I told you point 9 would be depressing.
>Back in 2009-2012, managers who worked for "sponsors" basically did their business out in the open with no repercussions. Girls were traded like playing cards, and for the right price you could get a "date" with just about any girl (or boy!) you wanted. No one was safe; even certain members of the big groups have been offered for "sale", although apparently the prices were a bit too high for most men's taste and, disturbingly enough, were often too old to be considered.
>The "prime" (ugghh) age for "acquisition" (and here I am quoting directly) "appears to be idols aged 16-19 or trainees as young as 12". The bigger the agency, the heavier the price. All agencies are guilty of this. All of them. SM Trainees go for (again, I am quoting direcly) "at least 1 million won/hour, with idols costing upwards of 10 to 100 million won, of which the idol may see 10% of that". Younger idols from small agencies can go "for as little as a few thousand won for the whole night, if the agency is desperate enough".
>Once "bought" (I'm going to puke), the victim basically has to do whatever the buyer wants. 95% of the time this is sex, but other men (and it's almost always men) have more… unconventional tastes. I'm going to stop there before I actually do puke.
>And yes, I do have (some) names, despite them being closely guarded secrets. No, I'm not going to engage in victim-shaming and drop those names, so don't even fucking ask. Who are the buyers? No one really knows. It's believed that Korean buyers are the minority since they have a lot more to lose, but Japanese and Americans seem to be among the biggest buyers.
>After several prostitution stings, the entire business went underground, and now it's believed that it mostly happens in places where the Korean government has less influence.
>Rumor has it that MNet has "a large share" in this underground business.
>Think about that next time you watch an episode of Idol School. No. 262947
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I actually believe this tbh
No. 262975
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>>262974Most of the fandom is children / mental children, if the Loona discord is anything to go by.
No. 262982
>>262970Nah, I have to disagree, I totally get it (minus the 'afraid of sex' part). I remember seeing a youtube video that was literally just a cut of one of the members (I think it was Yoongi??) focused on his crotch because you could see his dick.
Momoland in general is fucked. Their company purposefully dresses them w/o safety shorts because they know the kind of fans Yeonwoo and Nancy (and I think Nancy was underage when they were doing it at first?) attract. They were proven to be buying albums to increase the sales for the group too
No. 262986
>>262975Sadly most of the Loona stans I've seen are in their 20s+
>we need something for ourselveskek nothing says "by the gays for the gays" more than girl groups who pander to straight uncle fans
No. 263024
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>>263014Just found the screenshot people were referencing on twitter
I don't really see anything either tbh (pretty sure it was just a clothing crease, it looks too low to be a dick), but regardless it's creepy as hell
No. 263033
>>263024their underage and/or virgin fans are dellusional.
The only dicks I have seen on them was that one clip of RM in Bon voyage and the Dope performance at billboard back in 2015 I think? if i'm not mistaken Jungkook was underage at that time and people were wilding in the comments. That was seriously disturbing, I felt so bad for him, and any other idol who seems to have those "accidents", I can sympathise when I remember random dudes pointing out my nipples sticking out or a camel toe
No. 263036
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>>262872The nosejob came out very well I agree, the lips… in some videos they look ok, in some others he's almost sporting a Dasha tier top lip. To me he looks his best here. Glasses suit him
No. 263062
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>>263033Pretty sure it wasn't his dick, they probably wear jock strap or something like that to avoid wrinkles on their outfit and it made this unfortunate illusion.
No. 263064
>>262975On a different note, this whole "all group members are OBVIOUSLY bffs!!!" just kind of makes me laugh.
Like, it's so clear some of them can't really stand each other/tolerateeach other.
Best case they're just hamming it up for the camera, irl they're most likely work colleagues. Sorry, your oppars aren't secretly having late night gaming marathons and pillow fights.
Being an idol is a job and you have to pretend to get along with people because it's part of your job.
Makes me laugh seeing delulu thirsty girls be like "look at those sweet bois they luv each other so much!!1!"
BTS is obviously included, but EXO with the whole "we are one" shtick is probably the worst offender.
No. 263066
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>>263062What's this pedobait trend of sticking young men in short shorts and suspenders. Is this reverse unclebait for all the wilding female fans?
No. 263067
>>263066i think its to appeal to their 12-15 year old fans probably?
but i think there are also some older female fans who are into it which is just weird and gross.
No. 263073
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>>263062Bts are some of the worst offender of "little boys couture". Their forever young photoshoot was something…
No. 263074
>>263066it's for their younger female fanbase
>>263073bts's korean fanbase was mostly elementary school girls at that time
No. 263081
>>263078Me too, makes me giggle when people claim kpop is so much better than western pop cause they ~dance. because they have to learn so many choreos at once, the dancing is always really simplified, kinda like line dancing or something.
and whenever they try to be sexy, its always awkward and just bad. especially when male idols do it lmao
No. 263092
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>>263078She’s uh… energetic.
And very very sloppy. Just flailing about with a lot of energy and showmanship
No. 263097
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>>263081That point is always so weird to me. What do they think boy bands or girl groups do? Just stand there and sway? Of course they dance around. Most kpop idols are just doing poor early 2000s Britney and Aguilera impressions.
No. 263105

Not really Kpop, but related:
>Characteristic of western makeup: They put fcking golden or dark foundation. They put concealer and powder under their eyes, contouring is a must, they fcking shade the hell out of their jaws to make it look more squarish. They put tones of brown and red eye shadow, tones of mascara too, and over line their lips with some nude lipstick and end up looking like the Joker
>Westerners all have sharp double eyelids and all their makeup look the same, whereas Koreans have both moholids and double eyelids
>They also curse at us so much for doing surgery but they do the same with their breasts, butts, lips and nose
>I'm a nurse in the US and I worked at a job related to surgery in the past. The surgery that they do the most is nose and eye lifting surgery. They want their eyes to look sexier so they want to pull them upward a bit. I almost wanted to ask them "do you want to become Asian? I saw people every day asking about nose reduction and stuffs. First of, what's with them always saying "westerner"…? Lumping 2 whole continents together but getting mad when somebody hints that maybe they look slightly similar to e.g. Japanese. And there's no denying that they're the ps capital of the world lol So many of them travel to Europe etc yet they still claim that everybody is trying to look like an insta baddie?
No. 263114
>>263038It's weird to see people fuss over how skinny Wendy from Red Velvet was, but Lisa is somehow "body goals".
With both of them you could see their ribs and their arms looked like they could snap.
It's a little worrying that girls consider someone who is clearly underweight as body goals.
No. 263117
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>>263038Was it her goal to look like tranny? It's sad cause I find her face super cute.
No. 263145
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>>263105>end up looking like the Jokerlol tru tbh
roast us korea
No. 263158
>>263105lmao I agree that kylie jenner makeup trend is shit
"do you want to become asian"
do they fucking listen to themselves smh
No. 263160
>>263105And yet they get
triggered when westerner think asians want to look white for opening up their eyes and whintening their skin to hell and back.
No. 263199
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>>263195Bigbang are clowns, they never had decent dance routines, and once they became popular they weren´t even trying anymore lmao
No. 263219
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>>263199Kpop dancers are crap. Stop fangirling about them in the anti thread. Most of their moves and styles are just poor imitations anyway. They might have a reputation for dancing “more” but no one can argue they dance better
No. 263223
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>>263222Versus the moves Selena Gomez (who has a chronic illness kek) and other Western pop stars, they’re on par.
No. 263230
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>>263220Seems like he was just trying to be funny
Some of the choreo definitely is cringe, but tbh I don't think idols are any worse than the average western pop star. Ariana, taylor, nicki, katy, etc… mediocre as fuck. Beyonce is great and selena could be worse, but that's about it atm. The boy groups get an A for effort because the only western male pop star I've seen dance at all in the past decade or two is lil uzi vert.
No. 263231
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TSwift is becoming on their same level of dancing.
No. 263233
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>>263081>people claim kpop is so much better than western pop cause they ~dance. >>263232This is what I’m responding to. Pop artists are pop artists. Just because they’re from Korea or have stupid schedules doesn’t mean they’re so much better, especially when they’re awkward as fuck and steal their moves anyway
No. 263235
>>263233>article is about one group stealing moves>date on the article is early 2013…
I still see your point though. Some fans do hype them up and shit on western stars when they're really not much better.
No. 263238
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>>263235Christ I literally googled “kpop stolen dance” and picked the first article. Stop trying so hard to defend kpop.
No. 263258
>>263114I think it’s because Lisa has better proportions than Wendy. Lisa’s skelly as fuck but she has a good height (5’6” I think) and has naturally long-looking legs paired with a slim waist. Wendy’s body’s proportions as seen in this fancam are a little wonky. Her arms are super thin but her waist is kinda boxy (even though her ribs poke out) and her legs still carry so much weight. She’s also short too (5’3” or lower for sure). Wendy’s weight loss goes to all of the wrong places
Dieting has always been a thing in K-pop but the anachan trend with idols is getting worse. I prefer a body closer to Tzuyu’s or Joy’s rather than all of BlackPink.
No. 263268
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momoland's daisy is one of the only idols that makes me question how a company would want to debut her. those ears and those uneven eyes
No. 263297
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>>263268First thing that came to my mind
But I bet she's suuuper talented to make up for looking like that, amirite?
No. 263317
>>263258>>263114I think that, actually, it's because in Lisa's case, she's "naturally skinny" (or so they say), where as for Wendy, shit like vid related (skip to 1:33) was happening, since she was fatshamed before. SM went hard on her so she'd lose weight, and she lost it in a very short time as well. Maybe that hapenned to Lisa too, but since it's not as public, she's ~goals~
>>263268She doesn't look as ugly when she's moving, though. Her ears are big but it's "ugly cute", like Mina's.
JooE, on the other hand…..
No. 263318
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>>263317>She doesn't look as ugly when she's moving, though. >"ugly cute"All I can see is a kid with downs…
No. 263320
>>263289Oh my dear… if fangirls were to leave, this thread would be dead. What are you so
triggered for?
No. 263328
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>>262924Hyuna has been looking terrible for a while now. It's a shame because she was gorgeous during the bubble pop era (I think it was the tan). They should fire whoever is doing her make-up lately because it seriously isn't doing her any favours.
No. 263332
>>263331This is terrible…
Also, is it just me or this new Blackpink song sounds a lot like CL's "Hello bitches"?
No. 263337
>>263105>They also curse at us so much for doing surgery but they do the same with their breasts, butts, lips and noseKey thing to remember about PS in Korea is that a huge portion of Korean PS clinics aren't registered with the international governing body (ISAPS), so it often shows them appearing as 7th or 8th or whatever on international rankings, simply because ISAPS and other metrics only derive figures from those surgeries they can count.
In reality when you factor in these clinics, they're first.
And yes, plenty of older white women (and men) get PS. They usually get things like facelifts and what have you. But it is unimaginable in virtually all of the western world for PS to be as normalized for the 18-35 crowd as it is in South Korea. Parents buying their kids surgery treatments as grad presents and so on.
I know Asians are pathologically obsessed with "face", but they just need to admit this. Stop it with the characteristic stubborn opposition to truth, and just accept the reality that plastic surgery is far more normalized and widely employed in Korea than in Western countries.
It's frankly astonishing to me that there are so few naturally good looking Koreans and Chinese when 95% of their population is thin/at a healthy weight anyway. When whites are ugly its almost always because they've taken shitty care of themselves, whereas when Asians are ugly its nearly always because the actual morphology of their face is repulsive (see: Korean jaws and moon faces).
No. 263339
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>>263320>someone disagreed with me>they must be triggered
>if fangirls were to leave, this thread would be dead.No, it wouldn’t. It just wouldn’t have petty and stupid infighting.
In other news, “8th anniversary” repackaging. Such an obvious cash grab. Who the fuck celebrates an 8th anniversary with a repackaged album?
No. 263343
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>>263340While I find your tone a lil suspect, I do agree with your sentiment. I wish we saw more traditional Korean outfits in Korean Pop ffs.
I actually find their traditional wear far more tasteful that the faux Western looks they attempt.
No. 263355
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>>263343>I wish we saw more traditional Korean outfits in Korean Pop ffs.Uncle fans would love that too
No. 263359
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>>263358And not even that long ago.
Also, notice their naturally pale skin tone? lol
No. 263374
>>263370 , I'm curious too. What do you mean?
No. 263386
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The hanbok is fug and koreans are definitely brainwashed into thinking it is "beautiful and elegant" lol
But I was wondering, is hanbok a copy of the chinese ruqun (pic related)? I mean, since Korea was China's bitch in the past and all
No. 263389
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>>263386I’m not Korean and I think they’re beautiful.
>>263350>Two jeogori may be the earliest surviving archaeological finds of their kind. One from a Yangcheon Heo clan tomb is dated 1400-1450,[9] while the other was discovered inside a statue of the Buddha at Sangwonsa Temple (presumably left as an offering) that has been dated to the 1460s.[10]>>263377Saying the Hanbok is sexist because Confuciusm is sexist is like saying skirts are sexist.
>>263356It wouldn’t have to be traditional, but inspired by. And not for SJW reasons but because it would be interesting and less lame.
No. 263390
>>263386This doesn't have anything to do with kpop, anon.
I honestly think some people itt have really strong hateboner for korea
No. 263407
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I cringed so hard at SJ's "Lo siento". Also Heechul looks like a fucking grandma
>>263386ia, I find Korean traditional clothes (especially the hanbok) to be the ugliest among Asian countries.
No. 263411
>>263356Actually, Japanese idols and visual kei bands do use the kimono and its different style variations. Even in lolita fashion there is a special place for it.
Chill grandma.
No. 263429
>>263411>citing visual kei and lolita fashionWell, if vk does it, the rest of the world should too. Guaranteed success. Especially in combination with meaningful lyrics like 'la la la' and 'du du du'.
Not knowing about these 'genres' rather indicates that one is younger; are you still dwelling in 2007? I guess that makes you the 'grandma' kek
Just admit that you're a Koreaboo that fetishizes the fuck out of them. No western artist does that, but when it comes to Asia suddenly it's all about 'muh traditions'… Maybe they simply like to dress 'modern'?
No. 263436
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>>263429Western artists take inspiration from traditional fashion too anon. I don't think anyone's saying kpop stars all suddenly need to unanimously switch to hanboks but some historical inspiration would be a breath of fresh air from sweg chicago bulls tank tops and tennis skirts. And jfc you guys are cringy w/ your elitism/racism about korean culture… it's one thing to hate on kpop (a shallow industry) but you guys need to take a step back if it's affecting ur view of a whole nation of people
No. 263437
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>>263435Most people are just trying to cover up their koreaboo-ness because they saw one fucking vice documentary or viral reddit post and now they have to show how different they are from other kpop fans because they are “korea-woke”. Just look at the fact that all the shitposts are links to those stupid netizen translation sites. No actual experience with korea or Korean people.
Anyways, back on topic. What do you guys think will be the biggest scandal before the year ends? I want something juicy, like BTS being tied to political corruption for some weird reason, tracing them back to the park geunhye scandal.
No. 263438
>>263435Yeah, this thread is turning into
>Koreans are fugly (i.e. "It's frankly astonishing to me that there are so few naturally good looking Koreans and Chinese when 95% of their population is thin/at a healthy weight anyway. When whites are ugly its almost always because they've taken shitty care of themselves, whereas when Asians are ugly its nearly always because the actual morphology of their face is repulsive (see: Korean jaws and moon faces).")>Autistic screeching about cultural appropriation (see >>263340)>Constantly bringing up shit that has nothing to do with kpop just to shit on Korea (see >>263386)>Putting European/white culture on a pedestal (see >>263362)>Anyone who says anything positive about Korea ever has yellow fever>Anyone who doubts an idol is 150% plastic is a fangirl because all Asians are ugly>Literally nothing original ever came out of Korea and anyone who questions this is a Koreaboo>Excessive grasping at strawsEtc. I wonder if it's the same one or two anons saying all this… The first two threads weren't this autistic, even if there were more fangirls derailing them.
No. 263441
>>263437I want to see more of the JYP Shewol ferry cult drama unfold, especially if JYP's hosting a press (or prayer?) conference himself about it in September.
Also, I think something YGE related. With the shady MIX9 business where he fucked over smaller companies and the weird responses from CL and Bom, some big shit might come out of them.
No. 263442
>>263438You forgot
>annoying cunts coming here to whine about how shitty this thread is and how "racist" all posters are (>>263438 >>263437 >>263436 >>263435 >>263390 and so on)Seriously, if you don't like it, then just fuck off, you are derailing this thread with all your complaining.
No. 263453
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>>263437I hope that BTS pulls a One Direction and one of them leaves the group. Suga is most likely to I'd say. Then watch both parties fail…
No. 263500
>>263498Nah. Korea is a dirty team. Well known for playing a dirty form of football (kicking opponents and so on). They're hated in the footballing world because of what they did in 2002, when they bribed the referees of various games.
>>263499You can't talk about what's wrong with Kpop unless you talk about what's wrong with Korean society as a whole: the crass nationalism, the endemic racism, the envy/hostility towards westerners and their looks etc.
No. 263507
>>263502Kpop is marketed as something distinctively Korean and its success across Asia is used by ordinary Koreans and the Korean government as a source of nationalism. Get bent if you expect us not to discuss its relationship with wider Korean society here.
If you don't like people criticizing Korea, find another thread.
No. 263519
>>263518I don't think it's "nutty". The Korean Wave was funded, planned and organized by the Korean government: The fake fans and fake photoshoots with fans, the buying out (at a loss) of TV spots in Southeast Asia, particularly Singapore and so on. This isn't a conspiracy theory, it's well documented and there's even a government department associated with it in South Korea: the Presidential Council on Branding.
Also why would I go back to /pol/? /pol/ are pro-nationalism and racism, that's why they like East Asian countries such as South Korea where it is routine for interracial couples to be spat at on the street, because they represent the sort of societies they want to create. That should tell you something in and of itself.
No. 263525
>>263519Oh, I know
you don't think so, but everyone else can see that it very much is.
No. 263529
>>263525They're not even pushing kpop from the shadows or anything, they're doing the same thing China does when they give pandas to other countries. Pop culture is soft power.
Nothing nutty about that.
No. 263531
>>263529>They're not even pushing kpop from the shadows or anythingIt's not a secret that they bought up TV spots at a loss all over Southeast Asia so it would just be wall to wall Korean Dramas. Nor is it a secret that they faked photoshoots with thousands of "European" fans welcoming K-pop groups to Paris.
Real culture spreads organically. People got into anime in the 1990s, in spite of its difficulty to obtain, because it was good. Trading VHS tapes, bizarrely bad subs etc, it had no push from the Japanese government until relatively recently, but it grew in popularity because anime and manga are actually pretty decent artforms in their own right.
Korean pop is trash, Korean dramas are trash, Korean historical dramas are a jingoistic, unrealistic circle-jerk. The country doesn't produce culture of any real value, which is why, contrary to what the shills try to tell you on English-language forums and boards, the Korean "wave" reached its apex years ago in Asia and is now tapering off.
No. 263536
>>263535Not that anon, but why are you even in this thread? You seem to like Korean things. So why come here?
>>263531So what would you call a good TV series? There are a couple of ones I've seen from Korea that were ok, fun in a distracting, escapist sort of way, but nothing deep.
No. 263537
>>263536>Not that anon, but why are you even in this thread? You seem to like Korean things. So why come here? nayrt, but not wanting a thread about a music industry to be derailed by talk about sports is pretty reasonable
>like Korean things
>Anti Kpop Threadnot
>Anti Korea Threadlearn to read.
No. 263538
>>263536>So what would you call a good TV series?If I had to pick one, probably Sopranos. I like symbolism a lot and its packed with it. It's also one of the few shows you can rewatch and pick up seminal moments in the series' as a whole that aren't obvious the first time around, good example: its too violent for me sometimes, not really a fan of that sort of stuff. I mostly like European historical dramas.
No. 263543
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>>263538you're seriously talking about sports and the fucking SOPRANOS in the
Anti Kpop Thread. Pls gtfo no1curr. actually relevant news, Time named a Kpop band in their "most influential people on the internet" list. They're in good company with Kanye and Logan Paul kek. They look so fucking dopey in the image Time chose. I like to think it was intentional.
>But the real engine behind their success is their passionate social fanbase, who style themselves as the “ARMY” and eagerly consume anything related to the group, from tweets to videos No. 263552
>>263531Sorry, bad choice of words, I meant that they're not even hiding what they're doing. There's a huge government-backed apparatus behind kpop and hallyu in general.
Hallyu was big five years or so ago in Japan, and since then it's slowly but steadily dying down to normal levels (of what you'd expect from neighboring countries). But back when it was in full swing there were many people complaining that all TV channels were showing anymore were bad Korean dramas, when Japan can produce bad content themselves lol
No. 263566
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>>263562fucking kek anon. There is even a dick inside his throat
No. 263568
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>>263562He looks like he has down syndrome. I think any member outside of rap monster and J-hope would make a better visual
No. 263574
File: 1530229524011.jpg (133.44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>263562Anybody else sick of hearing how he's "Worldwide Handsome?"
No. 263579
File: 1530230691981.jpg (18.43 KB, 400x580, koreanaverageman.jpg)

>>263576that one has more international appeal than
>>263574 who is only hyped by koreans that look like pic related anyways
No. 263588
>>263584I should have chosen a worse pic then lmao
>>263585Is that
triggered anon still around? this summer is going to be looong
No. 263608
File: 1530245841572.jpeg (43.68 KB, 464x440, BDE492DB-8AF4-4985-8827-EDFAF0…)

>>263579You should have used this pic anon
No. 263633
>>263631You must get an aneurysm every time you venture on /pt/ and /snow/ if you are so
triggered by me calling some random kpop boys ugly
No. 263636
>>263633Anon, you should have worded it differently; the way you wrote it makes it seem as if you mean they look disgusting
because they look dark - and not just that they look tan and also ugly.
No. 263639
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>>263634ok so why do you want me to be banned for doing something everyone is doing on every part on this website? because i'm criticizing the one feature you happen to have?
No. 263646
>>263639Aww, look who learned how to sage! As the other anons said, racebaiting is against the rules and you've been doing it for days now.
>>263644Anon also immediately called someone a butthurt ugly dark girl when they disagreed
No. 263647
File: 1530250172807.jpg (38.31 KB, 653x717, ffe03e7e4ef55a06e525830c0f16db…)

>>263640This guy looks good and has dark skin. It's absolutely loathsome to photoshop kpop idols to make them look like cute pale emo boys when they're ugly. Hence why i said Nct looked dark and disgusting. They also are ugly irregardless of skin colour. If you see racebaiting here, it's your problem
No. 263649
>>263647so is this
>>263629 not racebaiting then? Unless a different anon posted this?
No. 263651
File: 1530250329162.gif (4.99 MB, 475x267, uF9MjJo3QIaijySXC4iL_Confused …)

>>263647…ok maybe anon wasnt racebaiting but is just insane?
No. 263657
>>263650wew. are you so pale because you never leave your house? that's the vibe you give off.
>>263654this, even tho I'm hypocritically replying to racist-chan in the same post
No. 263661
File: 1530251650803.png (158.68 KB, 404x337, 1493160856990.png)

>>263659Please, not this shit again
No. 263664
>>263659Calling dark skin disgusting and equivalent to being fat is
not critiquing Korean culture. Discussing sports and the sopranos is not critiquing Korean culture. Being blatantly racist and obnoxiously so is not critiquing Korean culture.
Do any of the above and you’ll look like a fool. And you’re pissing in the punch for everyone else.
No. 263690
>>263682You don't have to be so bitter about it, sheesh. We hardly even needed a new one, we still had over 40 posts left in this one.
>>263689 No. 266837
File: 1531161015287.jpg (34.89 KB, 704x396, bts-jimin-7.jpg)

Serious question - why do people think that kpop idols are attractive? Even after multiple surgeries they look like a pig/down's syndrome hybrid. They're every bit as ugly as One Direction and other western boy bands, just had their faces cut up more.
Inb4 racism. I'm asian myself and I honestly don't see the appeal.