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No. 306125
>>306122Yeah this is going to be entertaining.
Back to the OPs point, Koreans have the deep obsession with pale skin, because (supposedly) pale skin meant you were higher class as in you did not have to work in the fields which resulted in pale skin. Tan skin was associated with poor lower class field workers. But thats allegedly, I honestly think they think it looks good ideally (like in media,movies, pictures…which have heavy editing) but in real life that Paper White skin looks tragic, as shown by the picture. I just dont understand why they just dont use foundation that matches their skin tone which looks 100000000 percent better than trying to walk around like James Charles.
No. 306137
>>306125i think a lot of kpop idols and actors/actresses look really spooky irl and on candids because you can tell that that ghostly pale shade is not their natural skin colour and it looks really wrong, especially when their neck and hands are like 5 shades darker.
also, i dont get the obsession with korean plastic surgery and people saying its better than the ps in the west, every picture ive seen where someone gets a nose job in korea they end up being given the same fake ass looking pig nose.
No. 306184
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The korean white face is hilarious. Compare their faces to their necks, to me it's pretty obvious that Koreans are trying to look less asian with their eye, nose and jaw surgeries. Why else do they want pure white skin, large eyes, tall slimmer noses, and smaller faces? Inb4 aSiAN bEaUtY sTaNdArDs ~back~ in East asia farmers were tanned and they just want to look like the other asians with nAtUrAl double eyelids. We're not in the stone ages anymore, no one is being judged as royalty or pleasants through skin color. Asians who get all that surgery and claim that they don't want to look white are delusional as fuck and don't want to admit that they have loathing self hatred for their own race so they make up these obvious lies as an excuse to justify their plastic surgeries.
No. 306186
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jaw shaving terrifies me
No. 306195
>>306191EYK did a video about it when they almost lost one of their friends.
Everyone seems to forget more is completely corrupt
No. 306199
>>306191I might be wrong and I'm too lazy to check up on things, but I believe that the older generation (ie. Most people on the road now) were able to obtain their license just by passing a written test. A lack of proper driving education most likely contributes to this. However, Korea seems to have changed the laws so that it's much harder to obtain it. being said, I never felt like people were very bad drivers in Korea. Perhaps I've just been lucky though.
No. 306206
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>>306204If you go to a public toilet in South Korea you will be filmed and your spycam video will be uploaded to porn sites.
No. 306222
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Korea has the worst fucking feminazis ive ever seen. Instead of focusing on real womens issues (like how unwed mothers are treated like shit unless its the church looking to take advantage of them and indoctrinate them) they go to other countries and rape teenager boys as ‘revenge’ and complain that its unfair that men are getting paid (peanuts at that) for their forced military service and cry because some schools are actually thinking of giving certain soldiers school credit for some of the stuff they learn while on duty. 80% of the time they are just complaining that korean men are ugly and short while getting upset about beauty standards.
But the western koreaboos eat that shit up and blindly supports them despite the large majority of them not even fighting for any real rights. They try to equate them with ‘normal’ feminists from western countries, but don’t realize that these women will call any woman who even dates a korean man a whore. Even mail order brides or young girls brought over by sex trafficking. They shit on their fathers and brothers for being scummy korean men while living under their roof and and accepting allowances until their late twenties.
In all the expat women groups, people praise sites like megalia and woman for being ‘woke’ when they are all just so fucking gross.
No. 306231
>>306222I have to ask something tho; are feminazis like
>>306227 the marjority? Just curious
Still, I can understand now why female celebrities don't want to be associated with feminism.
No. 306257
>>306227 looked into this awhile ago, and it seems to have just been a troll on a hated feminist website. The police confirmed the pictures shown were digitally altered or screenshots from videos that didn't contain any kind of pedophilia or abuse.
I'm sure there are some unhinged Korean feminism out there but I think alot of it is the misogynistic mainstream culture demonizing it.
No. 306298
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>>306184>>306105More Korean white face makeup fail. They paint her face, arms and hands white but can't be bothered to do the neck?
No. 306317 (i tried to post the URL in the youtube bar but it wasn't letting me, sorry guys)
>he DID touch my chin when he said he wasn't. (19:03)i'm not really "anti-korean culture" or anything, but what is it with this sudden influx of people saying that korean surgery is so amazing? people pass around the same 4 or 5 before and after photos of asians with life-changing plastic surgery and then suddenly it was "yeah, you need to get multiple surgeries done for a multi-package bargain deal done by the hands of a korean god!~~" It's especially weird when non-asians talk about how "great" Korean doctors are, despite the fact that it's clear they don't have much experience on foreign faces and turn the majority of their asian clients into gangnam unnies.
Not only that, but a lot of these surgeons seem lowkey shady, sponsoring youtubers to promote them like they're some sort of designer clothing brand and then in the case of this girl, touching up parts of their face which they did not consent to?! how is that okay?? literally no one mentioned how shady that was in the comments and instead were commenting to stop telling her how she should've never gotten it.
There's also that issue with that one Korean actress getting completely butchered stitches for a tiny incision. I used to be one of those who thought it would be cool to get my nose done or smth in Korea because it's "cheaper and amazing," but I have serious doubts about that nowadays.
No. 306319
>>306259As much as I stopped caring for Eat your Kimchi after a certain point, I'll never forget the video where Martina discussed them getting their officially office opened up in South Korea. The business guy wouldn't even shake Martina's hand or acknowledge her, even tough she made up 50 percent of the company. It was really fucked up.
Supposedly that way of thinking is to 'respect the women' according to Korea, but we all know it's sexist to its core.
No. 306351
>>306340wait staff in many other countries doesn't nervously wait around for you to order or "check up" on you which always comes as a shock to Americans.
I can't tell you how long I've sat in ramen places in Japan waiting for service until I realized you have to yell for someone.
No. 306352
>>306340Korea fag here. Korea kicks ass if youre white and speak korean really well because then you can basically manipulate people into thinking they are ‘below you’ because to them you are this awesome foreigner from the west so you dont have to put up with any of their bullshit societal rules that much and you can joke yourself out of any situation.
If you use shitty korean and try to talk to people, you’ll get a lot of sarcastic answers and people chuckling to their friends about you or whatever. Or you get caught up in things you read in books or saw on the internet and convince yourself that Koreas the worst (thats when you get corn on pizza arguments, “omg dae bus go to fast??” Repeated 25 times a day) so for them it sucks because they dont fit anywhere and nobody wants to accommodate people who they cant communicate with.
But damn, you hear a lot of stories when you sit and chat with regular people. I’ve heard stories about people getting ash trays thrown at them by their dads, people who hid the fact that their parents were divorced and were embarrassed by the fact, 18 year olds who ran away from home because their parents kept pressuring them about passing college entrance exams. I mean I burst their bubbles a lot by talking about trailer park rednecks, gangs, and teen pregnancy in high school so they’ve all got their fantasies about western life too
No. 306362
>>306340I've been living in Korea for a few months and my experience with the locals has been really lovely actually. Maybe it's different because I live in a very rural area near a military base but they're all very kind, helpful and patient. Older people can be a bit rude, and they do have some very weird ideas about foriegners (an older lady working in the 7/11 near my apartment got all flustered when I wanted to buy spicy ramen because she thought westerners can't eat spicy food lol) but overall they're very nice to me and my husband.
Really I think it's just like anywhere else, not everyone will have the same attitude, especially between different generations and in different areas. I like the culture here a lot more than Japan and feel much more welcome tbh.
No. 306392
>>306379Any time anyone says anything nice about Asian women in /ot/, the thread goes left with screaming about plastic surgery and fetishization.
Remember that creepy woman in an unpopular opinions thread that started posting photos of underage Asian girls to "prove" they're unattractive?
No. 306397
>>306395>one timeRead the threads. Hell, look at the entire board. Search in the catalog and see the vitriol about Asian women. One thread was an all-out war that the mods had to lock IIRC.
>people on here constantly claim white women age like milk, have haggard features, etc.Who is "constantly" claiming that? I haven't seen anything like that said more than maybe once, and it was in response to someone claiming white women are somehow better-looking than all other women.
No. 306399
>>306395nta but sounds like a case of two sides of the same coin to me. don't see how bitching about asian women (korean in particular) is any different than being constantly up their assholes.
i'd agree with you if it were like 2016 but there aren't any asian envy threads, or anything on this site currently to come to the conclusion that majority of lc thinks asian > white women.
anti weebs have an obsession on calling out out koreans to an obnoxious level. like how are you gonna have 3 threads on one board centered around vaguely the same concept being asians. shits weird as hell
No. 306401
>>306400i'm using anti weeb as sort of an umbrella term to describe anons that turn their nose up to japanese/korean culture, so this and the kpop critical thread. my point was i don't really get why koreans are constantly being whined about here, like is there really nothing else to talk about that it warrants 3 threads.
sorry to derail anyways
No. 306402
>>306401I think it's just a unique aspect of kpop fandom, honestly. You get a constant feed of shitty people saying shitty things via comment translation sites (netizenbuzz etc), and it's not just about idols. They cover all celeb scandals plus a tonne of random cultural, social, political issues. It's stuff that you might not usually read about if you're into a specific countries pop culture, it's a lot more negative exposure to a culture than usual.
Not to mention within kpop itself, there's lots of competition between groups, OTT praise from fans leads to reactionary hatred from non fans, fans feel personally attached to idols so they take criticism really personally. It can get pretty rabid.
I agree this thread isn't really necessary, I assume it's up because people in the anti kpop thread keep getting told to restrict their criticism to kpop only rather than korea in general.
No. 306441
>>306132Inferiority complex is expressed in a complete different and deranged way, Ukrainians(the east: actual Ukraine, not the people who were included later by soviets) are prime example of nationwide complex of inferiority.
People in Asia tend to be more narcissistic than in Europe, even some of their traditions stem out of narcissistic tendencies, it extends to education and perception of physical appearance: you're either very, very good - or terribly bad. We have seen many times when some pretty girl gets dragged for one minor imperfection. So they have one "solid" standard of beauty. You either fit into the standard and you can belong to the "good" people, or you don't and then you're undesirable, ugly, and don't belong to the "good ones".
No. 306464
>>306458lol I remember when CL got shit from Koreans for being honest with how the men go through lengths to tell women how submissive they should be. Yet she still performed at the winter Olympics.
gook scrotes stay mad
No. 306468
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>>306125People will copy and paste this same response over and over again lol. I'm so sick of it. That may have been historically accurate, but in today's situation, it's not the reason they want pale skin. Why do people claim they like tan skin? "Oh, it looks healthy, I have some color and don't look sickly". It has nothing to do with ~Oh, I have money to go to vacation at the beach all the time!~. If you ask any FOB why they prefer pale skin, they will simply tell you it just looks pure and clean. Darker skin looks dirty. We all know that SE Asia has a very fond appreciation for neoteny and looking as cute or youthful as possible. And skin tone has a role in that, hence you'll often hear people say descriptions of pale skin are pure, innocent, clean, etc etc etc. (not defending this belief, just really tired of that explanation). /endrant
No. 306471
>>306468>If you ask any FOB why they prefer pale skin, they will simply tell you it just looks pure and clean. Darker skin looks dirty. We all know that SE Asia has a very fond appreciation for neoteny and looking as cute or youthful as possible. And skin tone has a role in that, hence you'll often hear people say descriptions of pale skin are pure, innocent, clean, etc etc etc. (not defending this belief, just really tired of that explanation). /endrantThat's fine Koreaboo, but when they translate that to other races and use that reasoning, is it OK? No, it isn't. But they still do. Pretty funny that Asians are seen as smart, but after years of being in Korea, and interacting w/ Koreans in real life, they are just as stupid as the average person.
Also stop worshiping plastic monsters. You look pathetic.
No. 306506
>>306365>>306397>salty Korean girl detectedKorean men are also constantly dragged by Kpop haters in the other thread for being creepy, sexist plastic monsters but you don't get defensive about them? kek
>>306478South Korea sucks at soft power. They promote their country's media worldwide but most people end up seeing their nation as a plastic surgery wonderland, plus teenagers from USA and Southeast Asia hate Korean people and culture on blogs like Netizenbuzz.
No. 306522
>>306478the problem here is impressionable kids. Korea has fucked up beauty standards for women, like every other country on the planet. If your ten year old sister wasn’t influenced by kpop, she’d be influenced by the kylie jenners of the world and tanning and wanting implants and an impossible hourglass figure. its also not like thinspo is a uniquely korean/kpop phenomenon either.
You just sound like someone who is embarrassed by their koreaboo phase and now going hard in the opposite direction to make up for it. That isn’t any better or healthier than being an obsessive koreaboo.
No. 306528
>>306191I know someone who got in a car accident in Korea where it was the Koreans fault. There were witnesses to the accident, KATUSA soldiers. My friend is US military. The cops show up and my friend said it was just a small dent so it's no big deal. The Korean who hit his car was SHOCKED. He kept bowing and saying thank you profusely that my friend didn't want to escalate the situation. Evidently, cops will often side with Korean witnesses version of events even if they are wrong, just to stick it to foreigners. They mainly do this with expats and not soldiers since the US military has more power there. The Korean fully expected that my friend would want to lay into him because another Korean would have.
I have some other stories since I lived there for 2 years.
I found it depressing that their supermarket, Homeplus, uses solely advertisements with Caucasian models in the store, clearly making White people the beauty standard there.
Theres something called a SOFA agreement where the US military MUST staff 80% Koreans in their civilian staff in order for Korea to grant their presence there. I knew of a restaurant on the military post that staffed older Korean women in their 40s and 50s. Tipping isnt a thing in Korea but its expected on a military establishment. The KATUSAs who eat there asked the Korean waitresses what the customary tipping percentage is and they lied and told them 50%. This continued for a while until the US soldiers were told them it was bullshit. Old ajima was willing to screw over the 18 and 19 year old Korean boys.
No. 306611
White people don’t want to admit their colonial responsibility.
Surprise surprise.
>>306606 No. 306626
>>306506>y-y-you must be a salty korean girl!!!1I'm not Korean or even Asian. It's just funny to see a board that's full of self-proclaimed feminists (specifically radfems), misandrists and people who generally don't enjoy misogyny fixate on Asian women so hard. The bitterness and jealousy is palpable at every turn in /ot/.
I don't give a fuck about defending any race of men from women talking shit, so no shit I don't care about Korean men, kek. It's called not being a pick me. Why are your types always talking about men and projecting your obsession with them on other races, too? I've seen this "B-But men!!" shit in other threads too. Not every disagreement with other women relates back to men, stop bringing them up all the time.
No. 306738
>>306729They just have no sense of trying to avoid disasters. Most of what people do in the west when it comes to hygiene is preventative - keep things clean and sterile just in case - but Koreans don’t ever worry about what bad things might happen. That’s why they drive like maniacs, run red lights, park all over the side walks, sell and eat old food, build shitty infrastructure as fast as possible and cut corners, let their children run all over the city… people in developed countries avoid these things because they know it could possibly be dangerous but Koreans are just like “ehh nothing bad will happen probably so why put in extra effort to avoid a negative outcome?” It’s the same with hygiene. Why spend the money on proper piss cups when paper ones are cheaper? Why spend the time/money changing a cover on the thing you stick in 50+ ears a day when most likely no one will get sick?
Other countries had to develop and learn these things on their own, but Korea just copies what looks like modernity without learning all the steps to getting there.
No. 306739
>>306738I taught in Korea for a few years (saved 30k+ right out of college and was literally paid to travel around the world, come at me) and the way they let their children run around and get hurt was absolutely insane. AND They even locked the fire escapes and exists with deadbolts during school hours. The fire alarm went off and children had to wait until someone came and unlocked the door. Thankfully it was a false alarm but do you think they unlocked those doors after that? Nope! We all would’ve died if there was an actual fire.
There were some nice people in Korea and they can be really fun/laid back (esp if you like drinking/prostitution) but they are seriously so dumb in so many ways. So much of their culture seems childish and immature. The way they date is very middle schoolish and marriage is hell, especially for the women. Oh and they are def jealous of China and Japan for being more important to the world.
No. 306743
>>306738They are basically the epitome of “new money”… poor folk who were thrust into the 21st century and still act like the peasants they used to be in some ways.
I hated how people were spitting everywhere there, and I even saw men peeing on the street sometimes. It was the morning! Were they already drunk?? They have no concept of alcoholism and they force people into it so I’m not surprised.
Old people cut in line, push, cuss at you. People throw their trash on the streets.
I have been to countries dirtier than Korea but the people weren’t rude or arrogant, so I never said anything about it. But Koreans are so arrogant and look down on everyone around them, so I’ll speak honestly when given the chance. They even had the nerve to try and make me and my friends hate other types of Asians. “Oh don’t to go China, they’re so dirty, don’t go to Japan they are not kind people, don’t go to the Philippines, it’s too dangerous, etc etc”
Complete strangers said these things to us as “small talk” they had no idea how crazy they sound! They even said shit about my own country to my face, like “isn’t Korea so much better?” But if I didn’t want to eat kimchi, they’d get pissed.
They are honestly insanely brainwashed and socially retarded.
No. 306768
>>306761During the MERS outbreak, they took the temperatures of every single student coming into the school but didn’t use any disposable plastic coverings on the thermometers.
In class, my korean coworker would give 24 students all one drinking cup to share water out of. I was like “umm but what about MERS? We are supposed to be taking extra precautions?” You know what she did? She goes “aha! Right!” And pulls out just one more paper cup. One for boys and one for girls. In her mind, we stopped spreading germs by dividing the shared cups by gender.
No. 306775
>>306764Japan is very clean but they have a shitload of issues themselves. In a lot of aspects I think young westernized people will click better with Koreans than with Japanese. A lot of Japanese still have their heads up their ass thinking that nobody could possibly ever understand the complexity of being Japanese or understanding Japanese things. At least you can kick back and chill with Korean people, but a lot of japanese are so incredibly socially awkward and dont even consider you a friend even though you hang out and communicate often.
Kind of wish there was a Japan thread too, but i feel like that would be overkill and piss off a lot of anons lol
No. 306778
>>306739I heard so many horror stories of being a woman in Korea. You are expected to marry immediately after highschool half the time and the guys are massively immature.
Korea has a huge drinking culture too, where it's common to step over drunk people throwing up on the sidewalk.
Also, locking and deadbolt on fire exits is fucking insane. There was the cautionary Great Chicago fire in the 1930s where we learned why it's important to have escape routes in fires.
No. 306788
>>306778The weird thing about marriage in Korea is that it’s basically a job, an economic arrangement. Once a couple gets married, they are expected to stop any loving displays of affection. The man will get a mistress once the wife gets pregnant. It’s the wife’s job to run the house, the husbands job to work, and their focus is not on their relationship at all. Older married couples who show affection in public are actually looked down on.
I know a few western girls who married korean guys who completely changed, became cold and old fashioned, after the wedding. The guys were like sorry… this is the korean way.
No. 306792
>>306340Shoving happens because shit doesn't wait around. Buses, trains, subways, they come and go within a minute of arriving. If someone is in your way just standing around or not moving fast enough, you push by to get where you need to go.
It's the same with staff in stores, they have quotas and hard timelines to keep up so they don't have time for people to hem and haw over a menu, I've seen them do it to foreigners and Koreans.
Lots of people stare at their phones, but they do everywhere else too. It's a problem but people usually figure it out when they trip and drop their phone.
I'm not defending Korea because there's a lot of shit that's wrong here, but this is minor stuff that's easily explained.
No. 306798
>>306792Something doesn’t have to be unexplainable to be worthy of complaint.
There is a reason for everything in the world, but some shit still sucks. And you know what? Busses and subways don’t wait around for stragglers in any country, but I’ve never been pushed and hit with umbrellas as much as when I was in Korea. We are all busy, we are all late, we all have quotas, the difference is the way people handle it.
And I have never seen people more phone obsessed than when I was in Korea. Food comes to the table? Gotta wait 5 mins before you can start eating so all the Koreans can take 50 pictures from different angles. If I did that shit at home I’d be called a basic bitch lmao.
No. 306803
>>306778>You are expected to marry immediately after highschoolLol no. You are expected to go to uni even as a women, and then either waste that money by being a stay at home mom or never see your kid because you need to make money to send your kid to 100000 different cram schools (which isn’t even necessary for success and can be a huge waste of money) Most people dont want to marry until they are sure they can have that picture perfect instagram life with the perfect high rise apartment with marble floors and walls, with a car and the ability to buy your baby every non-necessity that all of the rich instagram famous women do. To get married straight out of high school is the ultimate worst for any korean parent, even getting married at 23~24 is iffy. A lot of women are working now too, and you’re starting to see a change in culture where deciding to be a stay at home mom is selfish because then “how can you afford to not make extra money to give your kid a happy life?” This is why the birth rate is so low. Its not even that expensive to have kids in Korea and raise them. Hell the government even gives you money as a stipend. But people cant fathom living comfortably with a family and not doing everything they were trained to do. They complain how their high school years sucked because they were forced to study, but don’t realize “hey, you know this isn’t mandatory right?”. And its not. There is no law telling to send your kids there. Hell, half of them sleep the whole time anyways.
There was a viral clip on the korean side of the internet where these kids on a tv segment were asked “would you rather have rich but busy parents, or poor parents who were very ‘family minded’ and close to you. The little girl chose the rich parents because “they can pay for a lot of experiences that we can have together to be happy”. A lot of the comments on the video were people stressing that they wanted to work harder to be rich parents to their future kids. At least there was a little boy who answered the opposite, but still…
No. 306807
>>306801>>306801Theres a lot of this in Hong Kong and Japan too. I think its because Instagram just got super popular in the past few years in asia, and it just came crashing and hit them like a fucking tidal wave.
Not to turn this into a Japan thread (unless anon above wants to make one) but japanese girls are the fucking worst woth pictures of food because they still use insta filters from like 2011 and it looks so grainy and unappetizing yet they feel the need to do it with every soggy pile of dessert they order
No. 306808
>>306798I got the vibe in Korea that what you do to strangers really doesnt matter. So much emphasis is put on the age hierarchy in personal relationships that they have no fucks left to give to strangers. That’s why they drive and act so rudely in public, imo. Also just a couple generations ago they were starving peasants so a lot of people just never learned better.
They don’t need to act this way because of special circumstances or a unique need to move faster. Someone will push you out of the way in the supermarket just to reach what they want, and hardly anyone ever says excuse me even when leisurely walking. They simply don’t think it’s rude, they just think it’s normal.
Wait staff can be pretty no-nonsense and rude too. I’ll never forget my korean friend came back from a trip to Japan and was super depressed. We were out drinking and the korean staff just threw our spoons on the table in a pile and walked away and my friend ranted about how such terrible service would never happen in Japan. So yeah, Koreans who travel abroad notice the difference too
No. 306811
>>306738Someone might argue with me on this but…I thought it was ridiculous that Koreans are freaking out about my dog pissing in the bushes but say nothing when a grandparent helped their toddler piss in the bushes next to a playground. A playground for apartment tenants. So if they were tenants, he could have taken the kid back the apartment to pee.
Also saw parents letting their kid pee down the side of the mountain where people walk to get to Seoul Tower. Blew my mind because the public restrooms were like 100 feet away, up the hill. I understand peeing in the wilderness but they apparently let kids just pee wherever they want as long as it's near a plant of some kind.
No. 306815
>>306778>>306788Just stop. The marrying age for women in SK is older than Canada and the US. post is so bizarre, nonsensical, and almost alien like that I'm starting to wonder if you're some kind of alt-right poster.
No. 306816
>>306811Considering I saw grown men peeing on the sides of busy streets in the middle of the day in Korea several times, I’m not surprised at all. I’d rather have children doing it but the sad thing is apparently they don’t grow out of this behavior when they become adults.
Like grown men were peeing on the wall while school girls were walking by without shame…
No. 306817
>>306815Wtf why did you quote my post? I said nothing about the age of marriage.
Everything I said is true and was told to me either by korean guys or girls I know who are married to Koreans. Their marriages are fucking loveless business arrangements.
No. 306818
>>306812I remember reading a netizen comment about gun control stating:
"People here are always joking about telling their friends 'I'm going to kill you', but I thank god that we don't have guns here because everyone would actually kill each other kkkkk."
So, yea, they would probably kill each other "purge" style and then kill themselves.
No. 306823
>>306817A coworker at my hagwon was married but had a boyfriend who she talked about openly. When she saw that I was shocked she told me it was normal in Korea. Maybe not normal to talk about, but normal to cheat.
Marriage is about image and fulfilling familial duties. Even my younger coworkers who would pay thousands of dollars to matchmakers only cared about their potential match’s income, education, and parents income.
No. 306825
I find korean netizens super annoying because a lot of the time they are very nationalistic and try to play the victim. I hang out in a Japanese open chat/group and every time a Korean comes in it's instantly "Anon, how can you be talking to Japanese people? Japanese people are so rude. Korean-Japanese living in Japan are oppressed and Japan is terrible!" like ok, I understand but who cares? We'll be talking about random things, mostly fandom and a random korean nationalist has to come in and try to convince me how wrong I am for talking to Japanese people. It's not just the same troll, either. It's so bizarre.
Also, I used to fly with Asiana airlines to come to Japan and would have long layovers in Incheon airport. Holy shit were the locals super rude there. I would be taking as little space as possible in a seat and they would come over with their huge families and spread out. I got mixed in with a family one time and they were talking and sharing food over my seat. Even though I was there first, it felt like I was the one in the way.
>>306807There really needs to be a Japan thread.
A lot of things people shit on korea for in here (poor hygiene in hospitals, etc.) is the same in Japan. If anything, Japan has just mastered how to save face in front of people.
No. 306827
>>306825Pls lets have a japan thread.
Japs do the same shit too and it’s infuriating. Like even mentioning Korea they have to sperg tf out. “REEEEEEEE KOREANS ARE LITERAL COCKROACHES REEEEEEEE U KNO KOREANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR JAPAN RAPE RATE????” The weird 3 way hate triangle between China Japan and Korea is hilarious sometimes
No. 306830
>>306826They dont even think that highly of korean girls. They assume that korean girls want to squeeze every dime out of them before they put out. Those cringy gaijin hunters always say the same thing about korean girls only wanting money.
Spot on about western girls tho
No. 306831
>>306821Lmao sounds real smart anon. You have 0 experience with korean culture yet you think you know better than someone who does?
Marriage is different in different cultures. It sounds nuts to you because it is, it’s nuts and it’s sad but it’s also true. Korea has strict views on the type of roles you should fulfil at certain points in your life. This includes the line between bf/gf and husband/wife. I’m not saying there are no loving marriages in Korea, but that’s not the aim, as other anons have pointed out it’s all about money and the perfect image. adult married couples showing affection in public is considered tacky and “acting young”. Why? I don’t know! But this is what several korean people told me. All you have to do is take a decent English speaking korean out for a few drinks and they will let it all out, especially the ones who are looking for a way out of this culture. So yeah I was told that it’s pretty common for married men to get girlfriends but the “least they can do” is wait until the wife has kids.
I really don’t know why this is so unbelievable to you. I’m pretty sure I read about how korean guys make good boyfriends but shit husbands even before I ever went there. It’s kind of already a stereotype.
No. 306836
>>306831Not even to mention all the duties the mother in law puts on the wife.
I stand by what I said, being a wife is a job there and everything is about money/image.
Most of my friends, including myself, were propositioned by married Korean men. I don’t know what’s going on in their bedrooms at home but the infuriating part is how they acted so cavalier about it, as if they were OWED multiple women.
No. 306838
>>306831This anon is right.
Imagine being in a relationship and getting married. Cool, right? Your jobs just starting out and your company is shit, so now your working 12hour days with unpaid overtime. Oh well, at least you and your new bride can sex it up all the time. Oh wait, now she gets pregnant and you start having kids. She turns into a tiger mom whos life revolves around her kids and what the other moms in the neighborhood are thinking. You end your 12 hour shift and come home to your wife glued to her phone and nagging the kids about stupid shit. She doesnt talk to you unless its to nag you about not being at home to help her out (despite you know… 12 hour days). Now imagine you lack any real balls to confront the situation and marriage counseling doesnt even exist for common folk like you. Divorce is stigmatized and your children will get teased and shunned if you do it. Are you going to tough it out or just cheat?
No. 306845
>>306838Ew, no, don’t agree with me! Gtfo with this nagging wife bullshit.
Korean men will cheat on their wives no matter what. Their entire culture is set up for it, from the fact that visiting prostitutes is considered company-sponsored employee bonding right down to the deep Madonna/whore complex they all have deeply ingrained (to the point where some korean men actually dislike seeing their wives as sexual beings because they are “family” this was a like a couple married Koreans used on me. “Wife is wife, girlfriend is for sex” )
No. 306846
>>306844Yeah I saw a short documentary about how these women went undercover posing as 15 yr olds on some popular korean chatting app and the messages from 30 yr old men just started pouringggg in
They let the men go too no police involved…
No. 306849
>>306838Can we also talk about how korean parents give up their children when they get divorced? I volunteered at an orphanage and I expected the kids there to be orphaned by some type of horrible situation like addict parents, or parents that died but nope, most of the kids were there because their parents got divorced and neither one wanted the stigma of being a single parent. Fucked up.
Inb4 some dumbass anon shows up saying this is too horrible to be true so I must be lying!
No. 306852
>>306849And it goes from mom abandoning child with the dad so she can have the ability to date and get married again -> dad knows shit all about child rearing and marries some other divorcee and abandons his first kid and starts a new family.
You know those movies that take place in the 50/60s where the kid gets a stepmom and the dad zones out drunk in front of the tv everyday while step-mommy plays favorites with her biological kids? Its basically like that.
No. 306860
I feel so bad for any woman that marries a korean man, their culture is seriously so shit.
Out of the 4 girls I know who married Koreans, only one is happy, and that’s probably because her husband grew up most of his life in the US.
The other 3 are constantly regretting their lives, fighting agaisnt antiquated gender roles, and trying to convince their husbands to compromise in some way.
One of my friends mother in law is such a monster, says racist shit to her all the time and yells at her for not cooking at home enough and not getting pregnant yet. Her husband comes home from work every day at 4am completely wasted from his “sales meetings” and just supports his mother when she acts like a bitch to my friend.
Another friend was married less than a year before she separated with her husband. He stared treating her like shit, ordering her around, telling her what to wear, telling her to lose weight, making her serve his friends and shit like a maid. They got back together and are trying to have a bandaid baby.
The other one met her husband while they were both living abroad but then they moved back to Korea to get married. He turned into such a backwards, sexist asshole that she threatened him with divorce. She’s trying to make more friends with other foreign women married to Koreans through her korean class but she says most of the women in it were bought as brides from SEA for old alcoholic korean men.
It’s SO BLEAK. When I see girls out there talking about how they wanna go to Korea and find a man I’m like… you don’t even know…why would you want to live in such a culture??
No. 306864
>>306862Anon, I specified hospitals in that comment which was in response to
>>306825 who claimed the opposite.
In my experience there was usually soap in restrooms and dispensers. But most Japanese people I knew carried their own antibacterial wipes or mini-bottles anyway, women and men.
No. 306925
>>306908Yeah I agree. I could never live in Asia. The thing about the west is that all the bad shit is in the open. So people get this idea that in other countries, the bad shit doesn’t exist at all. Of course it exists, but it’s just not talked about and news media doesn’t care.
Countries where saving face is such a big deal are really dangerous because it affects everything, down to how often crimes are reported and whether or not police accurately solve the crimes. Like yeah there is a lower crime rate in Japan and Korea but did you know they rarely autopsy bodies? This article says that police actually discourage it because it means their jurisdictions might have higher crime rates. can’t trust anything that comes out of societies like this.
No. 306937
>>306824This shit is scary.
I mean, guys everywhere suck but the collective dick sucking of korean men by Koreaboos has got to stop. They are fucking dangerous and depraved and treat foreign women like shit. I saw a website where korean guys took videos/pictures of their white girlfriends without their permission and posted it as porn. Like… revenge porn but there was no revenge aspect of it, it was just racially motivated. Some of the guys were actually in long term relationships with these girls too.
Imagine your sweet boyfriend of 2 years secretly films you at night and uploads it so a bunch of nasty losers can dehumanize you online.
No. 306956
>>306954Share more about them.
I live in a Korean neighborhood, outside Korea, and it's full of Korean Evangelical churches, like there's one in every corner, together with the K-mafia, should I be worried about them lol?
No. 306976
>>306963But anon, I thought Korea was like super safe tho right?!?
The way korean men treat foreign women is sick. I had several guys asking me such personal questions about sex even though they barely knew me. Like, they wanted to know my cup size and what color my nipples and vag were and if they were pink. They were obsessed with it, they clearly stated that they wanted to fuck a girl with a pink pussy and nips and because I was American I should be open, right? The sad thing is though even though so many of us knew korean guys were like this, we still dated them anyway. So many guys ended up having phones full of white girls kakaotalk messages while “dating” my friends. I think secretly western women kind of like the attention (obviously not In the stories you told) because they don’t get it back home. It often ends up really badly though.
No. 307001
>>30700050/50 tbh but when you see tiny ones they are tiiiiny im talking maybe the length if your middle finger
Bigger than japanese from my experience tho but havent had much interaction in years
No. 307004
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>>307001Huh, considering statistically Korean Penises are smaller than Japanese ones your experience is very interesting.
Maybe the new generation of Korean men have bigger penises since they were well fed, eat more meat and didn't live through wars like the previous Koreans. Let's see if there's a trend in penis size increase as the old Korean generation dies down.
No. 307052
>>307013I was constantly sick because of the pollution in the air. If I left my window cracked at night I’d wake up with a sore throat and blood in my snot. There are some beautiful places like on the coasts and in the mountains but their cities are crammed, poorly designed, full of buildings that look like they are straight out of Soviet era Russia. There are hardly any public trash bins because the super civilized korean population would abuse them and throw their home trash away in the public ones so the government had to get rid of them. That means Koreans just throw their trash on the ground, or if they are feeling polite, throw it in an already made trash pile on the street. Spit everywhere, vomit (“street pizza”), and sometimes urine. Their sewage system is out of date so you can smell everyone’s morning shits as soon as you step out of your tiny apartment. Loud, yelling, constant honking…
There are some newer developed places that are nicer and less populated but the most popular areas are just full of trash and neon signs. I mean, cities are cities, but Korea is definitely not special in this regard.
No. 307057
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>>306923Why would you even bother.
Story time ladies and creepy incels role playing as girls
I live in a town that’s full of Asian exchange students.
>meet korean exc student in local uni.> all goes well and he seems nice > he’s super romantic and nice (when not drunk) > we date for 5 months it’s all chill > one day I’m staying at his apartment > ajumma busts into the room > it’s his mom who is here to clean and cook for him. > 24yr dude forgot to mention his mom travels internationally to check his homework and do his cleaning every 4 months After that I packed my shit and left whilst his mom screamed at him for riding the white horse
his dicc was also smoler than any dick I’ve seen before I admit him trying to buy love and show cash got the best of me No. 307064
Koreaboos forget how dehumanising they can be with people with disabilities I could sit here and link a bunch up examples but they even made a movie about it
Based on real events, this film depicts the story of a school for the hearing-impaired where young deaf students were sexually assaulted by the faculty members over a long period of time. No. 307070
>>307065Americans and Australians do that too.
Koreans scrap food toguether from their individual plates tonguether as left overs.
As in everyone in the family gives in their left overs from their plate..
THAT is disgusting
No. 307071
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>>307070im about to throw up tbh
like thats some trailer park or living in a cave bullshit right there
No. 307082
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>>307073My host family did this anon I wish I was kidding I’ve never seen anything like it before
Thanks for the heads up I’m cooking my own food if I ever come back
No. 307084
>>307072If I go into a store and there are no applicators or ways to clean off tester make up then I test it on the back of my hand. That’s how all my friends do it too and how I’ve seen other customers do it as well. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone applying tester make up directly to their faces without any precautions.
In Korea, women just walk into a make up store and start applying tester lipstick, eye liner and mascara directly to their faces without a second thought. From young girls to older women shopping at expensive department stores, they truly do not give a fuck. Of course they don’t, since they are used to sharing soup bowls with anyone they eat lunch or dinner with.
No. 307086
>>307072I’ve seen American girls do the reusable makeup thing at Macy’s.
And Australians do it at target.
An Hee-jung, the former South Chungcheong Province governor and a onetime presidential contender, was found not guilty of sexual assault through abuse of authority Tuesday. An’s trial had been considered one of the highest profile cases to have emerged from the #MeToo campaign in South Korea, which began to spread in February this year.
An’s accuser, Kim Ji-eun, made public her accusations through a live TV interview in March, saying she was raped by An four times while working as his aide from 2017 to February this year. Prosecutors last month requested four years in prison for An, who had been charged with five counts of indecent act by compulsion, four counts of sexual abuse by occupational authority and one count of indecent acts through abuse of occupational authority. No. 307090
>>307089Its not as bad as anon says. Koreans dont eat off of individual plates and help themselves like we do in the west. Its family style and everybody just digs in. When you make side dishes you make a lot, and when you make some main dish and theres leftovers, that becomes a side dish itself. Its not like families are scraping their own dishes into a big tupperware
I personally like the idea of eating like that because you dont get a lot of food waste and end up eating everything you make.
No. 307100
>>307090Uhh no where in the west that I’ve ever been has people eating spoon to mouth out of the same soup bowl. That’s disgusting no matter how you put it. It’s not like they help themselves with serving tongs or a serving spoon, they are constantly sticking their spoons/chopsticks/forks into their mouths and back into the shared food on the table.
Why are you even here if you’re going to try and sugar coat shit?
No. 307102
>>306976Luckily, mother always told me to stay away from Korean guys because they treat you like shit.
>>307073That reminds me of how we'd all break the sticks from street foods, like chicken on a stick, because the street vendors would go collecting them from the trash or ground and clean them to reuse.
As far as scraping leftovers together at home…can't say I've ever witnessed my family ever doing that so it's kind of surprising to me, but believable.
No. 307109
>>307090I don’t care what people do in their own homes, but at work dinners and meals out with friends everyone eats from the same dish. I’ll never forget watching my sick as a dog coworker sticking her chopsticks in her mouth and then taking them out and using them to stir the pasta noodles on the table that we were all eating out of. Every single person did that to get the exact amount of noodles they wanted, but she was sick and didn’t even consider asking for her own plate or using a serving fork.
Even when I was sick myself I tried to excuse myself from eating out of the communal soup bowl at a work lunch and they wouldn’t let me do it. So I stuck my spoon from my phlegmy mouth into the shared soup and back, down my sore throat while they all smile and nodded at me and told me to eat more, while they all stuck their spoons in after me.
You can admire that shit all you want but it is fucking gross.
No. 307112
>>307104Then those cultures are fucking gross too. No wonder Koreans are constantly sick.
You can’t come into a bashing thread and then get mad because people are bashing for reasons you don’t agree with.
No. 307115
>>307097You guys ITT are getting fucking ridiculous most of you are cringier than what you are talking about.
>inb4 hide the threadThat doesn't change the fact that I have to share a board with you cringy fuckers.
No. 307142
>>307134I'm from germany and I'm fairly certain I've never heard anybody talking about shitting in public…?
It's not comparable to the sexism, racism and low hygenie standards in korea anyways.
No. 307144
>>307139They are all close countries that have a lot in common culture-wise, it makes sense they would come up in the discussion/venting.
The funniest part is how much they all hate each other. I don’t really blame them though, Japan was basically Nazi germany to the rest of Asia. But they really haven’t gotten over it yet. I wonder how the relationship is between other European countries and Germany. Like do they still raise their children to hate German people? Because a lot of Koreans raise their children to hate Japanese people.
And they just look down on Chinese people for being dirty/tacky but are jealous because their culture was more influential throughout history. Seriously they really try to compete.
No. 307146
>>307141The way that weebs/yellow fever guys view "Asians" has fuck all to do with Korea's culture.
This thread is turning into that bitter white girl shit that always happens when Asian women are mentioned.
Even if anon had said that Korean women are viewed that way, that's just her being pissed off at Asian fetishists and speaks nothing to Korean cultural issues.
Back on topic:
Cheating is so rampant in Korean culture, in Korea and outside among FoBs, it's insane. Almost 90% of Korean guys I've seen on tinder had gfs and wanted a discrete affair.
No. 307148
>>307144The best way to compare it is that its like black and white people in the states. A lot of black are annoying af and blame whites for everything and shit on them too much because of their history, but that doesnt mean there arent white people who are still legitimately racist and will openly talk shit about black people.
The weird Korea/Japan hate they have for each other is like a kindergarten schoolyard fight. Theres no real winner, just a bunch of babies.
No. 307156
>>307154yep or just throwing it on the ground or streets, or rivers like in india and china and certain countries in africa
does korea have anything like that? like entire islands or rivers dedicated to dumping waste or electronics? id be interested to read about it
No. 307157
>>307148Not the same situation at all. Japan and Korea are two completely different self sufficient countries. Korean and Japanese people hardly have to interact while black people still live in the country that enslaved, murdered, and oppressed them, a country that continues to do so albeit on a smaller scale. Japan has left Korea, although I understand that some of the effects of their occupation still linger.
This isn’t even an opinion it’s just facts. Don’t compare two totally different situations just so you can politic/race wank.
No. 307170
>>307163…you realize they aren't even recognized as Japanese citizens right? I suggest you look this shit up and put your own racial issues aside.
(I am not white btw, just so you know)
No. 307179
>>307131It feels like Korean doesnt have a culture half the time. China has been around the longest and Japan got a lot of their culture from China, but still have their own identity.
When I think of Korea, I think a copycat country of China and Japan, but cant think for themselves.
No. 307181
>>307170It’s hard for anyone to become Japanese citizens not just Koreans. They go by blood not birthplace, as do many asian countries.
Koreans living in Korea are not still oppressed by japan the same way African Americans still live under the rule of the country that destroyed their history. I’m sure Koreans who live in Japan face prejudice and have good reason to dislike the Japanese who look down on them, but I’m talking about the fact that twisted history and hatred is literally taught in korean schools. Why are 5th graders running up to me to tell me about all the ways in which the Japanese tortured Koreans and how evil Japanese people are?
If you still want to make the iffy comparison, it would be like parents in African countries raising their children to hate Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, and America, which I don’t think happens but idk it could be wrong. Btw, exploitation of Africa didn’t end with the slave trade.
No. 307183
>>307170Don't have racial issues. I'm just aware of how fucked up it was in 1940s for black people especially in Jim Crow states.
Zainichi Koreans are not recognized as citizens in Japan because Japan practices jus sanguinis citizenship (which I agree is really backwards and shitty). But at least since the early 90s the discrimination against them has died down a lot mainly because like other marginalized groups they organized in order to improve their situation. I agree that they should they should be granted citizenship automatically. They can naturalize and the process has become much easier in recent years but many still refuse to give up their Korean nationality. Japan doesn't allow duel citizenship.
No. 307191
>>306981I called out a nationalist Korean online on this by saying I was Japanese and he went from
"niggers are inferior scum" to
"Japanese are racists"
So fucking pathetic
No. 307199
>>307185Kdramas always have terrible meek women who get yelled at by their mother in laws or parents and it's so boring. Also, I can't with all that plastic surgery.
Isn't Korea the PS capital of the world?
No. 307202
>>307192Yes. Korean mothers baby their sons. I watched a weird korean show once where this dude in his early 20s lived in his room and his mother broke his meals three times a day. She wasnt allowed in his room, so she left them by the door and collected the empty trays.
I would beat my child, but she acted like she had no idea what to do except to continue this behavior.
No. 307204
>>307200The only thing christians in korea are good for is handing out free snacks and shit on the streets. I was got a really cute pocket mirror (no jesus shit even written on it!)
I once hung out with that god the mother cult once out of curiosity. I’m thinking of writing about my experiences but tbh it was kind of boring
No. 307208
>>307202that seems more like incel manchild behavior than anything though
was there a dad involved because i feel most korean dads will kick their son out way before it gets to that point
No. 307217
>>307209They are a pretty time cult compared to the others tho. I call them Korean mormons because their religion is so close to real christianity that they tend to act like more regular religious folk. I went into their church (back when i lived in busan) and honestly they arent any different than your typical bible study groups. They seemed normal and were actually super nice to me and offered me a bunch of free shit. They did try to baptize me the first day and I was like uhhh thanks but no thanks lol Oh god, I even hung out with them a little afterwards at a flea market too. I was in a weird cult documentary on YouTube phase, so i was all for it.
The crazies are all into pseudo monk shit and will hunt you down and trynto get every cent out of you. Those are the ones that celebs like park bogum get into. Lol isnt jyp a part of a cult too!?
No. 307248
Some one mentioned this a while back in the Kpop Critical Thread, do you all think this is applicable to all of Asian entertainment?:
>To free yourself from Kpop you must do a full fucking sweep. Sell ALL your Kpop shit.Take a day off and go through ALL your YouTube subscriptions to remove anything kpop AND/OR Korean related. Erase your fan accounts. Delete OR unlike/unfollow ALL KPOP/ KOREAN/ASIAN artist on spotify. >Honestly, it's the only way to get rid of the Kpop virus (and the worst part is that I'm considered a causal Kpop fan; I can't imagine what more obsessed fans need to do to remove themselves).
>This worked for me when I got too deep into anime (sans Attack on Titan, I enjoy the manga but that's it).
>This is what kept me sane, and got me out of my depression because I wasn't FUCKING LYING TO MYSELF about how I don't have enough time to do my studying/ homework for school. I used to go home, eat, watch Kpop videos on YouTube and anime and then go to sleep. I lost so many hours to this and it has seriously effected my productiveness, how I used to study and contemplate new information in school.
>Anime is a disease.
By extension, Kpop is a disease.
Therefore, all Asian entertainment is a disease.
>Feel free to use this copypasta to warn others. You never feel like your are in this shit too big until it's too late and then you count the hours you lost to this.
Although, when I look at it now, I seems like autistic rambling
No. 307273
>>307248Honestly i dropped out of kpop when all the girl groups I liked more or less fell apart.
Kara, 9muses, after school,snsd,t-ara, rainbow, 4minute and crayon pop were my faves and all the girl groups coming out were so damn boring.
I didnt have any interest in an industry with omg, gfriend, produce 101 girls, april, clc etc. All of them were so fucking boring. Even the clothes they wore. All those stupid tennis skirt outfits in dreary pastel colors. I do still like red velvet and lovelyz(their songs are boring and their aesthetics similar to gfriend but personality/variety wise i like them a lot) and i try to keep up with all the idols i liked but im definitely not "into" kpop any longer.
No. 307350
>>306843>>306864At the risk of derailment and replying to a late post
I don't know where you are in Japan but I've been back and forth to the city hospital for the past few days for surgery tests and the examples anon listed for Korea have been the same as what I've literally just seen complete with dixie cups filled with pee.
No. 307371
>>306864>complaining about soap >>306925Agreed.
>>306963Sounds awful but rape happens everywhere.
>>306976That's more of a problem with people fetishizing white women in non white countries.
>>306981This made me kek anon.
>>306985Alot of shit men do shit like this.
>>307001So that's where that bias comes from…
>>307052Sounds like new york and los angeles
>>307057You zucc'd smol peepee for monies? cool. Any guy with their mama on their backs is pathetic anyways.
>>307063James Charles did that on video, did you know sephora uses their tester makeup on clients btw?
>>307064This is something worth discussing.
>>307070If it's at home who cares? Food is a blessing bruh
>>307097You sound bitter.
>>307110Another bitter angry race baity anon.
>>307161More cringe.
>>307170Just stop.
>>307190Alot of men are lmao
>>307194Race bait
>>307205Based anon.
>>307248This is what you guys worry about? Strange seeing at /ot/ is full of korean obsessed ex koreaboos n spergs.
No. 307377
>>307371>>306864 here. I didn't complain about soap, sperg. Try
reading the posts you're whining about.
No. 307378
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>>307371“Rape happens everywhere”
Found the robot
You didn’t contribute anything to the conversation and just made a massive post for no reason, go buy tendies and rolepay women in dnd instead of lolcow
No. 307381
>>307379 Have you seen those posts fedoras do in 4chan?
Same shit
He actually thinks we care about his opinion
No. 307517
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>>306829>>306724>>306737Korea has among the lowest rate of infections in the developed world.
Source: by facts.
No. 307596
>>307517Your point? They still have bad hygiene.
It doesn’t automatically mean they are constantly ill, but they are still swapping spit with near strangers. They’re still wiping their asses and then applying make up and eating finger food without a hint of soap in between, they’re still serving rotten and expired food in their homes and in restaurants. We all know Koreans are healthy people - they eat well and exercise a lot, but they’re also nasty because they don’t follow certain cultural norms that we are used to.
Yeah it’s all relative, but these are things about Korea that we don’t like. They don’t need to be “the worst thing in the world” or “never done by any other country ever” that’s not the point. My coworker coming out of her bathroom without washing her hands and then offering me food with her fingers is fucking gross to me, who gives a shit about statistics in that situation?
If you can’t understand the topic, no need to post here.
No. 307613
>>307184PULL, for some reason, is filled with so many kpoppies (you can tell my their cringey usernames and pfps)
>>307371why do male posters always post like this? it really exposes you.
No. 307621
>>307517Do you know that for example native people in India are immune against all the shit that is swimming in the Ganges river? Foreigners will always catch infections from there. The cleaner your environment, the more allergies you can get and your immune system gets weaker and weaker. The dirtier your environment, the more your immune system has to fight and it gets stronger and stronger.
>>307614That's right.
No. 307628
>>307614I always guessed at this when I was living in Korea. For like 2 years I got sick SO often. Just random colds, sore throats, and (tmi) I had diarrhea on a regular basis. In fact the first ~6 months I lived there I had the shits every day at work after cafeteria lunches. It never got much better and a lot of my friends were sick pretty often too. When I used to go out to dinner with my (korean) boyfriend sometimes I’d have to go home because of an upset stomach in the mornings but he would be fine.
I’m not a huge germaphobe but I just wondered if I had a weak immune system or something. The one thing that did gross me out though is during one of my health checks I went into the room where they take your blood (which was just someone’s office) and on the wall next to their computer desk I saw a bunch of dried brown streaks that looked like blood, and on the outside of the open-lidded trash where they threw the used equipment too. I was like… i can’t believe that this is someone’s office lol
Oh and the time I got some delivery, threw what I didn’t eat out, and a couple of days later there were maggots in my trash. I’d never seen maggots before in my life. I couldn’t believe I’d eaten that food just a couple of days before.
No. 308117
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its so normalized that even idols have no problem doing it in public
No. 311801
>>311182This was talked about in the anti K-pop treads awhile back, and I think the general consensus was that it is a slur.
Some try to say it's a cute way to say "dark skinned person" due to the suffix of it but I heard it's only ever said in a racist context
No. 311804
>>311182It's can be used to insult someone with darker skin, but isn't supposed to be taken as a racial (against black or brown people) condictation, I've heard.
Basically, koreans just have a stupid high beauty standard and consider super pale skin the wanted complexion and another 'darker' is not as beautiful.
No. 311968
>>311910>>311879Didn't say
I am not racist you retards
No. 312043
>>311968A racist trying to educate people on what's not racist is like a blind person trying to talk about why someone's scarf is violet, not indigo.
You're too handicapped and mentally slow to even understand these things, and I don't know why you even tried.
No. 312669
>>306222It's part of a broader East Asian trend. The men and women hate each other and use whites as illustrative points. Women mocking men for being ugly moon faces, men mocking women for being shapeless etc.
If you thought western sex relations were bad, you have no idea.
No. 312688
>>306844Interpals is full of this shit. Jam packed with creepy Asian men who have been told by other creepy men that they can easily creep on white women there.
That said, don't give them a reason to believe in the "all western women are whores" meme that they have by sending them nudes. It only makes life for western women who live there more difficult because they have to deal with the blowback of those sexual stereotypes. Eg constantly being considered to be a prostitute.
Also: There's nothing special about most of these guys. They're significantly uglier than the average white or Hispanic dude and their lives are miserable and depressing.
No. 312697
>>307060This surprises me since the Korean American dudes I know are constantly talking about how they're "not like white guys" and are more romantic and caring, don't cheat etc.
Why is Korea such a fucked up country? Even china, which isn't a democracy, isn't as obsessed with Confucian ideas of hierarchy, sexism and filial piety to the degree Korea is.
No. 312710
>>311182kkamdoongie is the korean equivalent to the n word. When Wiz Khalifia came to perform at MAMA awards with Taeyeon and there was a fall-out, neitizens didn't hesitate to call him just that.
And yes, they do use it to insult people with darker skin or if their friend got a tan lmao
No. 312891
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Do you guys think that Japan's treatment and imperial rule over the Koreans caused the men to be similar to Japanese men? (Misogynist, treating women badly, lack of women's right and support in Korea)? The Japanese were like the asian equivalent of the German nazis back then, maybe that's why Korean men are so vulgar and disrespects women
No. 312906
>>312898I know this is technically ot, but in Japan creeps will ask "are you russian?" as a code for prostitution. And this can happen to any European women.
When I told this my weeb friends, like
>>312900, saying this worries me a bit about traveling there, they acted as if I was lying because
>Japan is much safer than Europe!!! >b-but you still have white privilege! It's sickening to see how low they regard us. Like in this video, if a western artist kissed an asian child, all hell would break loose, but since it's a tall white girl, who wears so much makeup that she might passes as 18, it's considered no big deal. My little sister is the same age as her and just the thought of guys in their 30s dancing like this with her..vomit.
The poor models that are sent to east asia are all super young and then styled to appear mature. Why don't they get actual adults? Fucking disgusting.
No. 312912
>>312906There's a famous Japanese serial killer who stalked, murdered and then ate white women. He now has a television career as a food critic.
They don't give a shit. He "only" killed white women, so they think it's fine and funny.
No. 312924
>>312912He only killed one woman, he would've gone to jail if his father hadn't been a man of status who pulled strings for him, and in spite of the media frenzy in the 90s (some of which was directly shitting on him for being a gross, short incel loser), no one wants to hire him, and he rots alone in a home full of magazine print-outs of gravure idols.
Also, most of his family killed themselves because of the shame he brought them. He was dependent on them for a long time, to the point where he basically stole and sold his brother's possessions to get more money for himself. There's a Vice documentary/interview explaining this.
No. 312958
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>>312954The author of Kenshin got arrested for owning child pornography and he got a slap on the wrist sentence. He said that he ~didn't know that it was illegal~
No. 312959
>>312906It irritates me whenever a white woman who has suffered harassment and abuse overseas starts going on about how local women get the worse. It's just not true. These men respect their own women more than white ones. They get all their ideas about us from porn. And yet we can't even complain about it without some WoC sjw spamming white tears GIFs and sassy black women. Fucking hell.
Non white men are scum. White men are too mostly but there is a larger minority of decent ones out there.
No. 312962
>>312891No. Korea was a more misogynistic society because it took Confucianism and ramped it up to eleven long before Japan ever sat foot on the Korean peninsula.
Japanese guys can be creepy but they've got nothing on Korean and Chinese dudes. Most are way better socialized.
No. 312975
>>312968>>312968Have you ever watched a League or DOTA tournament? I don't understand how you could find average Asian guys attractive.
Also try exercising. Weird fetishes come from bad mental and physical health. Being a shut-in whose only exposure to people is online, video streaming and whatever always leads to this shit.
And remember that most Asian men worship us, at least physically (even if they think we're whores). And Asian women jump on any white dick they see. If they're superior why do they want us so much?
No. 312987
>>312968If you don’t want to find asian men attractive then just don’t? No one is forcing you too and you aren’t diseased. Stop looking at asian actors you find attractive and look at white actors? Don’t romantically persue asian men, don’t look at them on tinder or okcupid. It’s really easy to ignore them.
Some of you anons really need to unplug from this website and meet real human beings. Yeah a lot of asian men are sexist creepy fucks, along with white men, and black men, every permutation of men is bound to have crazies in it.
No. 312991
>>312987I meant that if I meet an asian man irl e.g. at class I immediately perceive him as not bad looking or even attractive - even if there's nothing special about him at all. And that angers me.
It's not like I actively seek them out.
No. 312998
>>312991I’m into asian guys and even I manage to not find ugly asian dudes attractive, because ugly is ugly. You’re either a troll or just not trying hard enough and you have more problems than just finding asian men attractive.
tbh maybe it’s my own personal experiences but most asian-american men are just like white guys, no more or less misogynistic.
No. 313000
>>312991Oof, I have a similar problem to you but with men of a different race than East Asian. It's annoying that even if they're legit uggo I'd still be down to bone them and I'm not even sure why. It's also very against my politics to have a race fetish since I'm not fully white myself and know how gross that shit is.
Hopefully we can both overcome this predicament lmao.
No. 313064
>>312954That's actually disgusting, especially the way they pander to pedos with loli porn and junior idols.
>>312958Yeah, still hurts to think about that since I grew up with RK. It's really insane that Japan doesn't care at all about child welfare.
No. 313130
that anon only pointed out that whites are just as bad, they didn't defend Asians at all. What's your problem?
No. 313168
>>313130>Just as badLmao. Just compare any western european country's laws on maternity leave and sex discrimination to Korea you dumb fuck. Koreans are significantly more sexist than white dudes are. Now take your tiny pee pee and scram.
No. 313225
>>313218I was surprised how many of these weird asian incel subreddits there are. You started out with asianmasculinity which was bad enough. Then aznidentity came along which is basically just a vehicle for kvetching about white guys with asian girls and organized harassment of any asian woman in an interracial relationship. Then easternsunrising came along who are open Chinese supremacists (all living outside of China despite their love for it for some reason….) then you got this group of subreddits calling themselves the "golden race" and talking about how they're "cucking pinkies". It's crazy.
Asian Americans are a small minority. So I don't think these people are unrepresentative. Not saying all of them are like that, but a significant amount of the young men are angry and bitter and blame their romance woes on white men.
No. 313229
>>313225lmaaaoo asian male tears might just be the saltiest of them all
>>313226>they just…. Don't really seem to think about Asian men a whole lot?Neither do white women. Neither does anyone except weebs, really.
No. 313249
>>312993The black people I knew that heard about that side eye them a lot.
Asians want everything on a silver platter. They cry racism but don’t give a shit about other minorities who suffer worse on the daily. See the affirmative action debate, they know the Blum guy has fighting affirmative action since it’s been implement and warms up to white supremacists, but do they care? No. All they want is their eldest son Zhang and 2000+ other Chinese nationals to go to the same school IN THE SAME MAJORS and they get pissed because no every single one of them got in. Harvard is less than 10% black and Latino and almost 30% Asian but they continue to blame minorities.
Sorry you had to go to UChicago instead of Yale Chang. Please don’t commit sepuku.
If affirmative action is shot down Asians are not going to have ANY allies when white supremacists give them the middle finger when’s this country goes to shit. They want to be there he model minority, they wil die being the model minority.
No. 313276
>>313007I can give a little better explanation to that.
Now what I am gonna say is not true for every single person but it is generally true for these societies as a whole.
In most Asian countries (I'm just going to go off Japan as a base example cause that's what i have more knowledge about), most men live with their parents well into their late twenties or until they get married (which ever comes first). Though it doesn't seem like it due to the declining birthrate, Japan is a very child-centered society, so a lot of the mother's attention is placed on the child. There is also something called 'amaeru', or basically the act of getting an authority figure to love you and take care of you. There's a book called The Anatomy of Dependence by a Japanese psychoanalyst that goes further into this. It's a good read.
So, men in these countries are never really taught how to be independent in the sense that people in Western countries are taught. And yes, I say men because the concept of 'amaeru' generally stops for women around the time they get into high school but doesn't for men - their mothers will continue to indulge them in almost anything and everything.
So, this creates men with their own full-time jobs, social lives, etc. still living with their parents, still depending on their parents, and still having their parents look after them.
Then, when they eventually do get married, after their wives have children, they are no longer seen as women and a romantic and sexual partner but rather as a second mother that takes care of them. A good majority of them don't even know how to do their own laundry even in their mid to late 30s
They never really grow out of being coddled and being indulged and that's why they are entitled, giant children (for the most part).
There are actually quite a few studies on this subject that are really interesting to read.
No. 313369
>>312922Lol. Postcolonial theory is the biggest excuse for MoC behavior. As if Asian men weren't torturing and abusing Asian women thousands of years before the first white man set foot there.
Korea is a creepy, weird place with a culture that is totally alien to any white, western one. Don't let the skyscrapers and pristine suits fool you. They aren't like us.
No. 313388
>>313249this whole thing is so shit, do all these activists really think that 5% of the population should make up 50% of the university? 30% is already extremely disproportionately high.
hmmm its almost like the university wants to give a chance to disadvantaged students to get a good education and career and break the cycle of poverty in many families instead of giving another place to some daddys money bitch who got to have the best education and chance in life already kek.
No. 313455
>>313388They know and they don’t care. They think it’s discrimination when it’s the fact Harvard can’t accept every Asian. They don’t accept every black Latino or white either. But they are surprised when 1000 Chinese kids from the same upper middle class education and background who all want to go into engineering don’t get in and there are only 100 spots total for that major. For “being smart” they sure like to not think.
How come they don’t cry about legacy? Oh right, that affects them and white people.
No. 313475
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Made me think of this thread lol
No. 313512
>>313486Whenever sjws feel like someone is appropriating asian culture like something Chinese for example I've noticed that Vietnamese sjws get real
triggered and pretend that they are Chinese to make a scene and make it all about them and how it hurt them and their heritage when they aren't even Chinese…
No. 313558
>>313486That's because most Japanese stay in Japan and have their own issues to take care of. The ones annoying other people with their SJW opinions are always US-born Asians with a huge chip on their shoulders.
>>313512>how it hurt them and their heritage when they aren't even ChineseAnd yet they complain when white people see Asians as a monolith kek.
No. 313586
white girl wears a chinese dress
Vietnamese sjws really need to fuck off with that shit. Also why is it common for a Viet online personality to lie about being mixed? Michelle phan was all about the "being proud viet" thing then she started lying about being a little white and getting ps to look white. Ricegum leads people on to believe he's Chinese, Gina Darling lies about being Russian Viet then Irish Viet and now she's Chinese Viet. No you're just Viet girl…
No. 313656
>>313486They're rarely even Koreans or Chinese, they're always Vietnamese or Pinoy. Especially the Chinese tend to be racist as shit and hate associating with other Asians due to their Master Race attitude.
>>313512>>313586Lmao, this. It always turns out to be the American-Vietnamese who cause the worst ruckus and they're the ones being offended for a white girl wearing a kimono or eating sushi. They have a massive complex about their heritage and getting shat on by the japanese, the chinese AND the koreans.
>>313568Yep, it's still an extremely niche market. BTS might FEEL huge but I can bet you that normies have no idea what k-pop even is.
No. 313703
>>313369Jesus Christ.
This thread has turned into some weird racist echo chamber.
You guys need to calm df down, why are you guys so mad at Korea for not being like /your/ country. At first I understood the kind of nitpicking but you guys are just being full on racist.
No. 313848
>>313566Huh? In Asia its peak was 2013. Korean pop culture is slowly disappearing in Asian markets. Just wait until BTS contract with whatever expensive PR agency they employed is finished and you'll stop hearing about them hear too.
Sexual assault.
Pretty legit reasons to not like a place, no?
No. 313903
>>313858Defensive? Who wouldn’t be with these broad as generalizations and prejudices you’re painting? You’re lucky it’s not your own country on trial because I’m 100% sure it has its own history of sexual abuse, assault, violence etc. It’s so weird that you think that I’m defending men in particular or that I have anything I’m /required/ to tell you. I’m just not autistic enough to not be able to see racism.
>>313482>>313069>>307110>>312830 All prime examples of racism and delusion. Half of the shit isn’t true, it’s just what’s been spoon fed to you other idiots by people with hate boners for Koreans and Asian and you’re all acting like their word is gold cause it feeds your deluded superiority complex.
No. 314064
>>313875oh "poor white women"
fuck off
No. 314070
>>314064Ooh, someone's
No. 314234
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>>314233>>314224stay mad forever. if you think the issues being posted are too trivial or whatever then post your own shit, otherwise move the fuck along.
No. 314242
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nah, Korean men fetishise the fuck out of all races - but they only want to waifu Korean women. don’t racebait, anon.
No. 314253
>>314249I wasn't policing anything. Are you the same anon I was replying to? If so, why did you delete your posts implying anyone who disagreed with you wished they were the ones getting fetishized and raped by Asian men? Those were great.
Regardless, anon very much is sperging. There are about three major spergs in this thread.
No. 314259
>>314251I just don't see why white women can't complain about something unique to us as a race and class without having to always qualify it with "hurrr but non white women have it way worse!"
Need I remind you of what Pakistani men do to white girls in the UK?
No. 314260
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>>314253you replied to multiple anons - i’m
>>314234 and this is the first time posting on the thread. and yes, you patently were attempting to moderate the thread to your gay specifications. again, if you want to discuss more ~salient~ issues in korean society then post it or fuck off instead of derailing the thread and accusing anons of victimising themselves for discussing relevant issues.
No. 314276
>>314244I'm saying that it's not fair for a white woman who came to Korea through safe/privileged means (study abroad, teaching English) to compare herself to an Eastern European/Central Asian who was literally trafficked. They're not comparable situations at all, and, going on a limb here, I'm guessing 100% of the women posting in this thread claiming to have lived in Korea are in the former category.
Why not, instead of making this a racebaiting pissing contest, people acknowledged that SK has a big human trafficking problem that affects women of many races, including white and also SEA, and even other Koreans (i.e NK).
And btw, fetishization is NOT a problem that solely affects white women in Korea; many black/latina/SEA/etc. women have similar issues of men stereotyping them and only being interested in them for sex. So no, it is not a problem unique to white women.
No. 314285
>>314276We've already heard from anons from military families that even if you're part of that so called privileged group Korean men will treat you the same anyway. Do you think they can tell the difference between a Belarusian girl and a white American girl? Fuck off anon. Black women don't have it anywhere near as bad. When's the last time you heard of a black tourist or African female diplomat being raped in India for example? These men see white skin and blonde hair and they think we're loose sluts who are down for it.
Besides. Most WoC are complicit in their own patriarchies. Muslim women like Linda Sarsour being the best example.
No. 314289
>>314285It's weird how women of color literally never call out their own men, and when they do it's just a sort of "why do so many black/brown men want to marry white women and forget their black/brown sisters?" narrative. In other words it's just racial tribalism masquerading as feminism.
Call out your own men within your own shitty cultural contexts (the same ones that make you abort your own daughters in favor of sons) and we may take you seriously.
If it wasn't for us you'd still have your feet being bound, or being forced to jump on a funeral pyre after your abusive husband (forty years older than you) died lmao
No. 314295
>>314285>>314289Look, we can keep arguing about this all day, but Imo you should really think about why WoC aren't interested in working with people like you… Maybe something to do with the fact that you can't stop yourself from diminishing their trauma and experiences. And the fact that you keep saying they're below you.
Idk. Just something to think about when you ask "Why arent WoC on our side??"
No. 314313
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>tfw racebait successfully derails yet another thread
i want off this ride, lads
No. 314317
>>314310Muh hijab is feminism
Muh Bedouin illiterate who created the most sexist religion on earth is feminism
No. 314321
>>314319Hyun/Laqueesha just because Chad would rather settle down with an average plain jane white girl doesn't mean you need to take it out on me.
No one wants your men outside of crazies lol.
No. 314322
>>314312Hate to break it to you, but most white feminists
are libfems. You just might be the most pathetic poster I've ever seen on lolcow.
No. 314324
>>314322Most white women don't even identify as feminists anymore idiot. Twitter and Tumblr aren't the entire population. Look at the general social survey. That's the best data we have.
Most of us voted for trump remember?
No. 314328
>>314324I know, that's why I specified white
feminists, idiot.
>Most of us voted for trump remember?Oh boy, do I. You sure showed us nasty coloreds by putting that sexist shithead into office!
No. 314335
>>312993Loved the articles from Singaporean writers saying they basically 'appropriated' Singapore for an Asian-American fantasy.
If you keep on peddling it as this great thing for representation, don't be surprised when people call you out on failing to show representation for actual Singaporeans.
No. 314338
>>314335Yeah. Basically a Chinese power fantasy. Obviously no native Singaporean people, ie Malays involved.
Ironically it just confirmed to a lot of non Chinese Singaporeans that Chinese are tribal and exclusionary as fuck. As if wealthy Chinese need more asspats holy shit Asian Americans are obnoxious as hell sometimes.
No. 314340
>>314327You're a single digit brainlet who thinks Linda Sarsour and American libfems led mostly by white women are indicative of the rest of the world and its feminists and everyone else's struggles
I doubt your brothers are any smarter, so it's good they're keeping it in the family anyway.
>>314321Also, I'm not Black or Asian, I'm white just not American. This thread was a mistake and so were you.
No. 314357
>>314350Just call them out on their own racism. Korea is a hideously racist country. Doesn't matter whether it's treating all white women like prostitutes, treating southeast asians like slaves, spitting on Korean women in interracial relationships (this actually happens a lot from what I'm told, outside of Seoul). Rub the faces of Korean Americans in it. Make them feel ashamed the way they try to make us feel ashamed over use of the word chink.
These people have been hiding their dirty laundry for decades.
No. 314374
>>314248>You're delusional if you don't think non white men have specific negative stereotypes about white women.Yeah because white women don't fetishize non-white men either. Poor victims.
Every time I go to the asian district in my city I see a bunch of white girls dressed like clowns walking around with their asian boyfriends.
No. 314468
>>314126You should know that the ratio of white men raping korean women vs korean men raping white women is like 4 to 1.
>>314244Eastern Euro women are trafficked to all the developed countries by eastern euro gangs, there's nothing special about Korea. Way more are trafficked to western europe, netherlands, germany, etc.
No. 314492
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>>312975>>313069>>313116>>313168>>313186>>312959>>313848>>314332>>314376>>314327>>314312>>314126>>314234>>314249>>314260>>314259>>314280>>314126>>314281>>314285>>314289>>314296>>314317>>314321>>314455I can't enter this thread, read posts like these and
not think this thread is full of bitter, racist bitches with an inferiority complex toward Asian women. I thought it'd be some fresh air from all the weeaboo/koreaboo shit, but this is just another level of sperging.
Most of these crazy people were in the unpopular opinions thread having emotional breakdowns about that one Japanese gravure idol and saying not liking blue eyes is racist, too, I'm sure.
What the fuck happened to /ot/? It wasn't like this in 2017, or even earlier this year. Where are these insane, sad women pretending to be feminists coming from? I swear they're not farmers. It's too much, too soon.
No. 314530
>>314501~privileged white girl who lived in Korea uwuUuuu~ here. I don’t think asian guys are ugly. I just don’t think they’re better than any other guys anywhere else. I don’t like any men at all, I’m gay. Seems I still
triggered a bunch of anons looking to reach real hard, though.
No. 314600
>>314324Actuallly, less than 50% of Americans voted in the 2016 election, and less than 50% of the people who voted chose Trump, who lost the popular vote.
So only about 25% of white women voted for Trump. Most women, about 50%, didn't vote at all.
No. 317791
>>314280>White women have our own issues and challenges and oppression we face. >Truth be told most non libfem white women are tired of hearing about how we need to qualify our struggles by talking about how much worse brown and black women have it.Is the distinct form of sexism that white women face the only one that's valid to you?
Now I'm having flashbacks to the man hate thread where you bitches derailed the thread to sperg about black women and deny the racism they face. Y'all are so transparent in your racism, yet you stil wonder why other races of women think you're suspect.
No. 327367
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Why are y'all so salty? I mean America seems like a far less safe place to be a woman yet you all still screech about asia.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)