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No. 2425069

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2425078

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I think the conversation about fake fans who do nothing but watch gameplays to "get" the source material just helped me realize something. Something in the back of my mind winces and feels a slither of irritation when YouTube puts those 40minutes-1 hour long video essays about the "hidden themes", the "underrated horror", the "missed media literacy", and blahblahblah about whatever game these faggy commentary channels are on about. I couldn't find the proper words to explain just why this genre of video annoys me, but now I did. These videos are basically the lore version of just watching a gameplay. Not inherently bad, but the perfect tool for lazy people who don't want to directly interact with the source material yet still want to weasel their way into a fandom. If a person is truly interested in a game, they may watch a trailer that showcase the mechanics, but ultimately they would play the game themselves. The exact same can be said for lore videos. If a game's story is so interesting and important, wouldn't the more enriched response be to play the game yourself so that your mind can formulate its own understanding of the game's impression? At least BEFORE seeking other people's perspective on lore, symbolism, subtext, and messaging? THIS is why I cannot stand "lore and message explained" videos by seemingly pompous faggots on YouTube. Why SHOULD anyone be watching these videos for their first impression, if they arguably should just play the game instead so that their minds can work for their own conclusions? I can say the same for fucking TV Tropes. Play the game yourself and figure out hidden details and aspects yourself first BEFORE checking that dumbass Fridge Brilliance tab to be hit with the most obvious observations and realizations in the history of mankind.

No. 2425114

Inb4 they say they're broke or don't have a powerful pc or something kek.

No. 2425121

I hate lore videos. I hate the fucking 'lore' industry that's sprung up in their wake. I hate the moid obsession with dissecting and categorizing every piece of media like it's a fucking owl pellet so they can crush it into dust and huff it to prove how smart they are.

No. 2425128

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I dont know if anyone's heard about this, but a small artist from my country killed herself over a twitter callout. She was a cunt but its insane to me that someone killed themselves over a call out post and being disowned by her fandom.

>pickme artist, ''bachatota'' who simps for a small vtuber who covers hispanic lolcows

>her whole gallery is nothing but fanart of this scrote's vtuber avatar
>tries to make a video exposing another artist, ''loulou''
>the callout video is 8 hours long
>its mostly filler about random irrelevant stuff she's said/done in the past
>but also talks about the artist drawing loli/degen shit, being friends with pedos and harassing people
>video goes semi-viral, until its striked and deleted by the artist she was calling out
>people start digging out dirt on ''bachatota''
>they find out that she's done the same things she's criticizing ''loulou'' for
>they find her old commission sheet where she was open to drawing lolicon, scat and furries
>she used to harass and alog people online, and even made sockpuppets to harass a female artist into attempting suicide because she had beef with the vtuber scrote she simped for
>she was also in a group with nothing but pedo lolitards
>one of her lolicon pedo friends, ''Hogo Bonk''' raped and then drove his tranny ex to commiting suicide
>the friend she made the video with, an artist going by ''brany'', is a lolicon furfag who used to post on baraag and posted about ''rustle'', a japanese lolicon moid who made references to cp in his art, being one of her favourite artists
>the boyfriend of this artist is the lolifag nazi ''hellonearth'' yes, the one with the ugly british punk oc
>friendly reminder she harassed another artist, ''fantagoria'', over talking to a nazi
>when confronted about this she said she knows ''brany'' only sees lolicon as fiction and doesnt want to end a lifelong friendship over it, despite calling out ''loulou'' over drawing lolicon
>the vtuber she simps for defends her at first, but changed his stance once he was flamed over it
>this vtuber raised to fame for criticizing another youtuber for covering up for his lolifaggot pedo degen friends btw
>he decides to cut ties with her at the end
>a month later she kills herself

This case is just modern fandom in a nutshell for me. A bunch of hypocrites using a morally righteous shield to call people they dislike and generate drama over things they themselves do. Its never about ''protecting the kids'' or ''calling out people that deserve it'', its purely to fuel their dopamine and blood lust for drama. Everyone involved, except maybe fantasmagoria, is a nonce, dont get me wrong. But its so obvious no one cares about the victims and children when they make these callouts.

No. 2425139

So are all lolicons just drama whores? This is the second "big" scandal involving them this month

No. 2425141

No. 2425152

>search her up
>twitterfags still hating on her after her death
I didn't expect that.

No. 2425155

Hispanic twitter is pretty hardcore, if you search up videos about her most of the new comments are ''RIPBOZO'' kek. People that kill themselves over internet drama dont deserve sympathy imo. She could have closed her account and moved on with her life but decided to anhero over her senpai rejecting her.

No. 2425158

If you allign yourself with fictional depictions of kiddie porn then you probably have a few screws loose and genuine mental neuroses.

No. 2425182

So you unironically want stories where's there's no backstory to the world and characters?

No. 2425185

Probably wants a sandbox canvas to write her own stuff in. Imo there's two sorts of fans, one that sees content as a way to jumpstart their own ideas and creativity and those that appreciate the content in a sort of traditional painting way, in that the author's vision and the intentions behind it are the center of attention. (Can't really think of another way of putting it.)

No. 2425620

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It's not that deep, most people watch these longform videos to sleep or for work and I definitely fall into the latter category. I listen to videos on topics that don't even interest me, so work goes by faster

No. 2425623

the vivzie discussion in the last thread reminded me of how younger zoomers and alphas HATE kolleen with a passion, when they probably have one or more interests created by a problematic moid. kolleen's worst crime is what, drawing the old spiderverse man as a bishie? while the average male artist on the internet draws the most disgusting things that have ever touched the human conscience. or the treatment of jk rowling, not stopping at her tweets but also coming at her harmless work, when it's relatively crickets for rapists like neil gaiman or the writer of the 12-year-old orgy stephen king. women can't just do what they love or they'll get picked on till fucking hell while actually problematic moids continue on unscathed.

No. 2425626


No. 2425628

reminds me of how every moralfagging zoomie loves to dickride the chainsaw man author and constantly try to cancel women who husbandofag denji as if the author isnt the one in the first place sexualizing the character and using him as his self insert

No. 2425630

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i realized i misspelled her name, it's actually kooleen. anyways she's an art youtuber that mostly makes shorts and videos with clickbaity thumbnails about how to draw x or do x and as any other big socmed artist, has skinwalkers. tiktok cried over picrel.

No. 2425631

but why?

No. 2425639

Kek, I do the same. There's just something to having someone explain Walking Dead lore to me. Tbh, the show has some cool hidden background stuff, though eleven seasons and multiple spin offs is very much a no, I'm sorry.

No. 2425643

We understand that. The point is that these videos are nothing but slop, hour long videos that have nothing insightful to say, created by people that don’t care, for an audience that isn’t paying attention anyway. And then you have an influx of people parroting opinions from some youtube video that they half-watched while doing something else, it always ruins any discussion that people that actually are knowledgeable on the subject are having. I’ll never get the obsession with needing to be listening to something at all times.

No. 2425647

i love that no matter how much zoomies ree at her she never lets them win, she's going to keep bishiefying their ugly tumblr sexy man slop and they are going to have to live with it because she's too much of a stacy to care about random spergs online

No. 2425655

I don’t hate them I just think it’s funny to laugh at retarded narcs

No. 2425731

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>old woman: exists
>She’s the man in the relationship she gets him pregnant ecksdee
Hannibalfags (and fans of shows with old moid mcs in general) are annoying as fuck. Okay he’s your hideous geriatric babygirl uke bottom or whatever but leave real-life women alone.

No. 2425732

anon those are jokes

No. 2425736

What's the first one?

No. 2425741

nta but what's the joke exactly?

No. 2425742

that shes the ones who wears the pants in the relationship, are you seriously this dense? its a retarded joke, but one that people have been saying for years.

No. 2425745

>making jokes about some woman you don’t know impregnating a man just because she happens to be married to him
She’s not even trying to be in the public eye outside of coming with her husband to events like once a year, she stopped acting 20+ years ago, she’s barely on social media. Learn boundaries, stop treating human women like fictional characters.

>wears the pants in the relationship
That’s not the jokes being made, but clearly you know what’s wrong with the jokes since you reworded it to remove the retarded parts

No. 2425746

anon shes a multimillionaire shes not reading stupid spergy tweets with 100 likes chill

No. 2425747

it's a joke literally only troons and fandomtards who will become troons make

No. 2425749

i never said its a good joke, just that its a joke. Some of you take fandom retardation way more seriously than terminally online pickmes who simp after a decrepit guy.

No. 2425751

If you don't understand the disgust we have towards the blatant misogyny and pure porn sickness of these types of jokes then you need to go back to twitter

No. 2425753

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>tells me to go back to twitter
>while getting offended over a literal who, probably underage or sped, making a stupid joke about an old man and his wife who have too much money to give a shit about them
anon if you are this sensitive i dont know how you manage to surf the web without having a stroke. Do you also get offended at this?

No. 2425754

I have to ask, what about this >>2425731 woman, makes her the man in the relationship

No. 2425755

This anon spergs out about this stupid shit practically every week. Pregnancy is her thing.

No. 2425758

They are just trying to say she's the more dominant one in the relationshio, i seriously cant believe you dont get the joke.

No. 2425759

Doesn’t mean we have to like them.

No. 2425761

what about her is dominant?

No. 2425763

Out of context, guessing it's his reaction being compared in both photos and his wife paying attention to a game or race or whatever while he cuddles on her shoulder. It's a silly joke to say that means she's the dominant one.

No. 2425767

the real reason is fujotifs can't express their sexuality in a normal way, they have to hide it behind layers of irony and porn brain-rot(fujobait)

No. 2425768

that the scrote is lying on her shoulder while she looks stoic, idk. They also call her his owner, do you legit think she legally owns him as a slave? like what cant you understand that these are a bunch of socially inept loserettes trying to praise a woman in a ''cool'' way to make her sound cooler in comparison to her husband they woobify because they are dumb fangirls.

No. 2425769

>husbadofags for old decrepit man
>brings up fujos out of nowhere

No. 2425770

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Retarded, it's literally just the shit moids do with the dominant straight line/submissive diagonal line except without the lines.
It's bad when women joke about it though.

No. 2425774

This is why women are told they arent funny. Reminds me of this youtuber i used to follow that did tiktok recipes and whenever she would taste them she would put on a tiktok fat filter and play a funny fat character like Vicky Pollar, her stupid fanbase called her fatphobic for it and she switched the filter to some generic cat one. Women always have to walk on eggshells to say and do anything while men like Kanye can straight up say the most schizophrenic things and get praised for it.

No. 2425776

it's still retarded
but they actually believe this

No. 2425777

yeah yeah yeah, that's nice and all, just don't call yourself a real fan or try to participate in any debates.

No. 2425779

believe what? do you seriously believe they think she owns him as a slave.

No. 2425781

>but they actually believe this
I googled "how to explain jokes to someone with autism" before realizing I don't care enough.

No. 2425784

considering how many of them troon out and think men get pregnant, I think they do

No. 2425785

are you implying they legit believe mads mikkelsen can get pregnant from his wife? topkek

No. 2425786

Just because a Mads Mikkelson fan said the p word for a joke and stole your "thing", doesn't mean they think men can get pregnant.

No. 2425787

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we have a large group of fandom-rotten retards who genuinely believe that sexuality and sexual organs are just something you can swap or remove. This starts off with fictional characters but eventually leads to real life, usually their own. but again sexuality remains innate, so even in their bizarreo creations, they end up recreating some form of toxic heterosexuality.

No. 2425788

what the fuck does this troon have to do with a mads mikkelson fangirl? her twitterpage has no troonshit in it, just terrible zoomer MM memes. She's going to grow out of it in a year or two.

No. 2425789

So tired of unfunny mpreg gendie jokes in my fandom.

No. 2425791

Anon, this is just a tranny. An agp man getting off to the idea of dick girls is not the same as making an offhand joke in a twitter conversation between friends.

No. 2425792

No, anon, you dont get it. Gendie shit is not the fault of misogynistic scrotes, its actually the fault of autistic Mads Mikkelson fangirls.

No. 2425802

If only it were always that simple to clear the internet of weeb pedos.

No. 2425814

You basically summarized transformative and curative in a nutshell. I'm personally more in the middle with a notable transformative lean but that's because I respect the author's vision but not always the execution.

No. 2425819

If you are unaware, there is a Mads Mikkelsen contamination thread on /m/:

No. 2425832

Due to my disability I do enjoy watching LPs and even lore videos, but don't consider myself a "video game fan". I just think it's neat and has Been useful when interacting
With other geeky/ nerd ish people because I may have a vague idea what/ who they talking about.

No. 2425871

I get it, those long-form videos actually helped me regain my focus and with them, I could condition myself to be able to read again.

No. 2425945

I wish LC was actually a decent place to discuss media. Every time I open up /m/ threads relevant to my interests it’s just non stop complaining about coomers and moidery. I get better discussions on Twitter, 4chan, and Discord, as much as I hate all of those places
>Just talk about things you like if you want to talk about something positive
I already do that and it feels impossible to get a conversation rolling

No. 2425961

People are saying it's "just a joke" but it never really is, it it? The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
I'm writing a dynamic where the older female badass mentor figure gets pregnant by the younger, gentler male without any of the "she's the man in the relationship lmao!!" Like no. Just treat them normally, Jesus Christ.
Real relationships don't fall neatly into your cartoon porn tags.

No. 2425974

I feel the same, tbh. Sucks because it's not like I want to use 4chan, having fucks post how much they want to fuck a female character anytime one shows up sucks ass, but at least there's some discussion and you can avoid the worst of it by not watching anything with female characters.

No. 2426180

You're in a thread filled with people who make them

No. 2426193

And yet you keep on discussing media in this thread, instead of using the ones on /m/.

No. 2426214

You don’t know me lol. I have plenty of posts about my favorite character in /m/, I post about my favorite series there and even got at least one other Nona to start it. I put some of my favorite manga in the LC reccs google doc and got someone to read it there and exchanged a few posts about it. I discovered a new series I liked from someone else’s posts and replied to them. But these instances are few and far in between, and most of the time when I open threads in /m/ all that’s happening is people complaining about the FOTM shounen.

No. 2426217

This thread is 90% pregnant Mads Mikkelson autism sperging, what media lmao

No. 2426237

>The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
That's why I'm not a fan of those jokes either, internalized misogyny strikes again.

No. 2426240

no1curr about your pregnancy fetish story

No. 2426246

Nobody makes them or likes them, they just think your autistic pregnancy complex is more annoying.
If you just went "these are annoying" instead of trying to make some autistic husbandofags sperging online into "fujotifs seriously believing men can get pregnant?!?!" then people would agree with you.

No. 2426304

I don't understand this mindset. Do you guys not like lolcows? I laugh at women and men equally.

No. 2426313

The bittycat drama

No. 2426356

nta but how is kooleen a lolcow? she hasnt done anything milky, its purely just zoomies starting beef with her out of jealousy

No. 2426361

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No. 2426367

I have no opinion on Kolleen whatsoever but I think this is ugly kek, it reminds me of Astarion.

No. 2426378

Your obsession with trannies is leading you to foam at the mouth at the sight of anything. Everyone here agrees that the joke is stupid and unfunny, we just don't care about it. Meanwhile you're getting worked up about it and fighting everyone in this thread because it's mildly kinda related to pooners. Move on.

No. 2426380

why do people jerk off astarion so much? he looks awful especially with the white hair

I don't get why they like the romance in bg3. What does it make for a good romance when the love interests are apparently attracted to everything you mash up in a character creator?

No. 2426398

Lore videos and gameplays or let's plays or whatever aren't even remotely the same thing so this is a weird comparison to make
Yeah even though they pretend like they're super chill and have no problems compared to the evil woke mob or whatever

No. 2426415

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No, they're basically the same concept but for different aspects of a game. Gameplays are essentially breakdowns of the mechanics and steps that it takes to progress and complete a game. Lore videos do the same thing, but with the game's plot: it breaks down the details of the characters, what is going on between them, the situation, and the ending. The point of my post is that lore videos get on my nerves because they're the perfect "junk food" content for people who want a half-assed excuse to themselves "fans". If a person truly cares about a game, they should just play it instead of relying on lore videos to get a clue of wtf is going on with a plot. Kind of like how people shouldn't really call themselves a fan of a game if they're too chickenshit to pick up a controller themselves. It's really that easy.

No. 2426426

it's not about "not laughing at lolcows whether they're male or female", it's about how women, no matter what their focus is on, are held on unreachable standards and even if they skip on all the eggshells, fandom culture will find something to drag them for. see how vivzie and her shows are talked on vs the digital circus, goosetranx is given wayyy more leeway even though his show is literal slop manufactured to hit all the algorithm checkboxes. see >>2425628

No. 2426448

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I don’t think people who husbandofag otome characters are real yumejos since romance is the point of the LI’s existence. Do not argue with me I simply wish to share my opinion.

No. 2426449

I mean sure, the appeal of the game is that they're LI's and fall in love, but especially in games that are less self-inserty, there's a lot more to the LI's than romance.

No. 2426483

Well it's a weird ass opinion.

No. 2426548

I think the major component missing is that these are all women yelling at each other because these are women spaces. Kooleen has a female audience, vivzie has a female audience. Most screenshots posted here are by women on twitter. We're all women talking about fandom discourse. I think this kind of fandom culture is geared more towards women which is why it seems like it's women who are more easily called out.

But in my opinion, I also don't understand why women have to call out both the bad women and men. We should we criticizing men for not policing and holding other men accountable too. Women just don't have the power to actually cancel men, and if those men aren't in those fandom spaces why would they care? I always see people say "why dont they do men the same" but its because those men do not have a female audience. I hope this makes sense but it feels like it's women calling out women because of a. Proximity. And b. Lack of actual power.

No. 2426557

i care and youre right

No. 2426568

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> The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
Yes.(blackpill outside containment)

No. 2426570

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a normal thing every woman and girls goes through? So gross!
She's such a pickme, holy shit

No. 2426572

They hated nonny because she told them the truth

No. 2426593

Is this the pancakes waffles meme in action?

No. 2426609

Is this a vtuber or a troon? I don't know why female vtubers feel the need to look down on media that's technically aimed at them. if they played these games, a good chuck of her simps would either vanish or hate crime her which really made be realize why so many tubers would freaking out about this game.

No. 2426636

You arguably only feel that way because women aren't valued like they should be

No. 2426647

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Pregnancy is parasitic.

No. 2426682

What exactly decreases? Brain function?

No. 2426684

We could live in a female only utopia where males are aborted en masse and it still wouldn’t change the fact that pregnancy is an unequivocal loss for the mother and a win for the father. Sorry.

No. 2426730

>pissed off at fujo tendencies

Hazbin is an extremely dumb fandom and there's a lot of competition there. Don't forget they had a whole discourse about whether songrel was "glamourising abuse" as if the key issue isn't how fucking awful and grating the singing is

No. 2426759

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they have a pathological fear of being genuine, and they can't express their sexuality in a healthy way. Every 'I'll get him pregnant' comment is a self-admission of both their misogyny and just how terminally online they are. anyone who defends these as jokes is also admitting they hang out in gendie circles

No. 2426763

Pregnancy is degrading(pregnancy sperging in multiple threads)

No. 2426764

Please keep your milk toast spicy straight pregnancy fetish libfem strong woman alpha omegaverse shit to yourself.

No. 2426767

Can't wait for mpreg to be a banned topic and have its own thread too because hit dogs holler, and worse, we have summoned bippie-chan.

No. 2426770

What's with all this pancake waffles tier replies itt? You have to be baiting right? Did you even read the posts you're replying to?

No. 2426772

But the butt of the joke is that rough heterosex makes the recipient pregnant and that's funny and degrading. All they've done is invert the genders. "Gendies" didn't invent "rough sex through domination makes the recipient pregnant" being the butt of the joke the humiliation it entails and submission of the recipient.

Straight people and moids joke about this submission, pregnancy, degrading women in this way and the humiliation it entails all the time. All they've done is invert the genders.

No. 2426775

>why can't people say they just don't like things or have NOTPs anymore?
because the answer is: there is a guarantee that an autist will insist on morally analyzing you. Most likely because you don't like their mid yaoi faggots, cringe yuri middle schoolers, puddle deep het writing or whatever other trope they're self inserting on as gendies or otherwise. Autists only understand clearly spelled out dismissals, not arguments.

This whole fucking discourse was so stupid. All discourses about angel's songs were. Fans and hatewatchers were tripping themselves over to find a moral reason to hate this song and the character(s) when it was literally just shit or not their taste and that's ok. This behavior appears the most in fandoms because one can always bet on retards not shutting the hell up

No. 2426779

You're right and you should say it

No. 2426784

Because now what you like is a reflection of your moral character. If you like or dislike the wrong thing, you are an inherently bad person and are dangerous to others. If you like or dislike the right thing, you are an inherently good person and can be trusted (so long as you continue to toe the line elsewhere). I'm not even talking about actually objectionable shit involving real life criminality, just things like 'Oh, I ship two white boys together instead of making one of them a troon.'

No. 2426786

I'd take it a step deeper and say that people self-inserting into characters so hard nowadays means that you are not allowed to dislike the characters, because disliking the character means you dislike them. Back then it was fine to say you just dislike some anime shit because it's not your cup of tea but now some fag will pop up and try to cancel you because they believe they really are Bakugo MHA so now you have to justify WHY you dislike it with a bunch of retarded bullshit. "Just let people enjoy things." How about retards just let people hate things and use the block button the way our social media overlords intended?

No. 2426788

Agreed. People also seem to hunt for content they know they won't like or agree with. There'll be a clearly labeled fic about x pairing and fans of y pairing in the comments complaining about how the author is a bad person and how x pairing is the most problematic thing since Judas betrayed the son of God.

No. 2426789

My they/them mutual loves the Poison song because it reminds her of her abusive(?) ex (for context this relationship ended in 2014)

No. 2426801

NTAYRT but didn't this become really widespread starting with the Voltron fandom?

No. 2426809

This shit's so gross. These people need to touch grass, I swear.
I also hate how they associate rough sex with humiliating BDSM/daddydom bullshit, as if rough sex couldn't be pleasurable for both partners, NOT involve any dom/sub shit and also NOT lead to pregnancy at all. Their brains have been fried by misogynistic "dark romance" porn. Turns out my hatred for 50 Shits of Gray has always been justified.

Just ignore it

No. 2426818

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AO3 censorship discourse is back with even more zoomers shitting their pants over fanfic. Not the authors' fault they can't use the tags properly.

No. 2426824

ao3's tag system is set up so you can filter out anything you don't want to see. these retards just love to be outraged over fanfic no one makes them read

No. 2426827

they should be more worried about the fact that ao3 allows rpf smut fanfic of actual kids kek

No. 2426842

I've seen seemingly normal people complain about how there's this huge problem on AO3 with sexualized fanfic featuring "under the age of 10" characters. I have never seen this and I have no idea what kind of fandom they're following that would regularly have that type of content.

No. 2426847

honestly it's a shit system, you have to exclude all the warnings/tags every single time you search by tags and you still might see weird shit if you don't exclude "creator chose not to use warnings". not to mention you can't even filter the normal search function results this way. ao3 has always seemed disinterested in letting you improve your user experience, people can't even make browser extensions without it breaking some of the site's functions.

No. 2426856

It's better than other sites but yeah I don't get why they don't add a permamute option for tags. It's annoying to me how slow AO3 is with features when I'm sure they have a lot of volunteers and money from donations.

No. 2426878

I agree.

No. 2426881

If you had to make a SaaS for fanfic, what would you improve over AO3? Sounds like a good programming idea to be fair.

No. 2426891

their right(unintegrated)

No. 2426907

File: 1740999749469.png (23.43 KB, 222x275, 1699596283755.png)

Is everyone else seeing the word "puritan" thrown around in very strange ways lately? The sudden surge of people doing a 180° on dark romance booktok and supporting it happening at the same time as the AO3 censorship drama has been… interesting.

No. 2426960

>AO3 censorship drama?
Huh? Also, aren't puritans just against sex? How is disliking bsdm and kink culture inherently puritan? Some of this comes off as libfem sexpos bollocks disguised as deflection.

No. 2426984

it's fine if you dislike that shit, the problem is these Zoomies trying to get everything they dislike deleted from the platform instead of just asking for better tags or separation of spaces so they can avoid it. for example a good solution would maybe be dividing all "extreme" tags into a separate listing or something. censoring writing is actually puritan

No. 2426992

Was ao3 not created by “proshippers?”. Make your own fanfiction website.

No. 2426995

nta but no?

No. 2427004

Kek it quite literally was. Go look it up.

No. 2427010

wait the site doesnt have a feature in the profile settings where you can permanently filter out things?? Ive never thought to do that but i just assumed it was there

No. 2427019

I don't understand your logic. What does the point of his existence being romance have to do with whether you're a "true yume" or not? Although rare, there are yume otome games, you know. LADS may be considered one of them because it encourages self-insertion.

Being a true yumejoshi ONLY means self-inserting, and it doesn't even have to be romantic (could be friendship, family relationship, etc.). Being a husbandofag is something else entirely that often, but not always, overlaps with being a yumejo.

But I don't get what's the problem with the romanceable characters being made for that purpose. If you're trying to claim that fictional characters must have a main purpose other than romance to be considered "legit" husbandos, or that falling in love with a character that was made for you to fall in love with them is "too easy", then you're just a dumbass. Plus, that's not what being a yumejoshi is about at all and this opinion of yours just reeks of wanting to turn husbandofagging into a competition to prove you're the only TRVE "yume" because your husbando canonically did not become attracted to you (how does this prove anything?). If you constantly imagine yourself interacting with fictional characters (especially if romantically) for fun, you are a yumejoshi.

Now, if you actually mean to say that most otome game players probably aren't "real" devoted husbandofags and just like the characters on a surface level, I might agree. Most of them are definitely not hardcore waifuists, that's for sure. But that still doesn't mean that otome characters cannot be ""true"" husbandos (kek) or that self-shipping with one doesn't count as being a """""true""""" yume (LMAO).

No. 2427060

ao3 predates the whole proship discourse
shit, it was created in 2008. but yeah the logic was that it was an open repository and you curated your own browsing; back then there were other archives with stronger moderation if you wanted something more curated.
except it isn't just about kink or whatever, people want to cancel the whole website.
it was created in reaction to other archives banning all nsfw content. there were several incidents where websites like fanfiction.net and livejournal changed their rules and ended up purging a shitload of existing content.
back in the day some fanfic sites wouldn't even allow anything with same-sex pairings. there are also authors who were trying to get fanfic of their works banned, so it's part of ao3's mission statement to defend the existence of fanworks.
people should be glad their precious fanfic is hosted by a nonprofit which holds up their right to free speech i steed of some algorithmic nightmare harvesting their data.
most of the donations go to server costs because those are absolutely huge (ao3 is ine of the most visited websites on the internet) and they have no other source of funds since ao3 doesn't have ads or paid accounts or anything like that.
it has a mute feature where you can hide a specific author's works. otherwise the tag system requires a bit of wrangling because yeah, they trust users to curate their own browsing experience.
the whole point of ao3 os that it's one of the few websites left where YOU get choose what to see rather than them feeding you content.
99.9% of the content people complain about can be hidden simply by excluding the major warning categories. it takes one click to exclude all underage content, zoomers are just lazy and technologically illiterate.

No. 2427071

Where do you think our intelligence comes from? It's thanks to the mother

1. and? 2. what does this have to do with women being lesser

Damn there is so much behind what is purported as a mere joke

No. 2427078

If i think people who sperg on about their problematic faves all the time are damn weird and could benefit from surface level thinking into their preference then I'm a puritan

No. 2427085

I wish dark romance were weirder and more unhinged, even if the prose remained shit.

No. 2427093

While she’s getting haughty about a jp word she barely understands, actual japanese yumes are happily loving their otome LIs kek

No. 2427095

honestly i see your point but it's also damn annoying when peoole expect you to do soul searching or write a whole ass disclaimer before you're allowed to have preferences. fandom is just for fun, i don't wanna have to self-flagellate over liking something because im not catholic. imo the general trend i fandom tends toward more policing of what others are allowed to like, not less.
of course some people could benefit from critical thinking but others should also be reminded that there's a reason "don't like don't read" exists.

No. 2427099

Can these people just use FFN or Wattpad and just leave AO3 alone?

No. 2427123

Kek yeah, that was what I thought they were complaining about before clicking on the image but then the very first phrase being "In the KNY tag-" was a whiplash back to reality.
It's a slippery trope so I'm agaisnt censoring/removing "problematic" and questionable content (even if at times they make me want to kill the men who wrote/drew it and lose all hope in humanity) as long as everything, from the content itself to the characters, is obviously fictional. But the actual kid porn of actors and other real children must go, is it even legal to host it?
(Kind of related, but a few years back I went to the Ace Attorney AO3 tag and the very first fic I saw before filtering was tagged as "child porn", I kid you not. It still haunts me to this day)

No. 2427133

And many of them have done so for more than one, even two decades, too.

No. 2427136

Hopefully it was just CSAM used as a plot point.

No. 2427139

People literally complaining about having to scroll past things on AO3… some people have war in their countries. I get tired of scrolling past trans headcanon fics making gay ships hetero but you don’t see me trying to petition the whole website to change.

No. 2427182

If I recall correctly it was just your usual porn without plot unafortunely, but I didn't look at the tags too closely.

No. 2427249

> separation of spaces
They have other websites they can do that in or they can simply make their own. I don't see why they incessantly keep attacking AO3 as if someone is holding them at gunpoint to browse it

No. 2427251

But if they make their own space, they won't get nearly as much attention, nona!

No. 2427258

Anything they dislike Must Be Eliminated because the world revolves around them.

No. 2427302

AO3 should be deleted because all of the fanfictions there mischaracterize my husbando

No. 2427306

Someone should create a female-centered fandom website with the most boring design and without retarded algorithms, so it scares zoomers away. Like ao3 but for fanart and thirstposting. In any case, I've heard tumblr has gotten better over the years

No. 2427309

File: 1741027656757.png (314.95 KB, 1352x1212, femslash2.PNG)

why is there always this weird cope around the lack of f/f instead of accepting that most people in fandoms are straight women

No. 2427332

Being straight is socially unacceptable according to these people so if you refuse to make f/f content you’re a closet misogynist/homophobe/pickme or whatever.
>straight women want hot guys, female characters don’t interest them
Kekkkk yeah no fucking shit like what did you expect.

No. 2427333

I'm pretty sure it was created after the fall out of NC-17 fics on fanfiction.net. I was there when they purged every single fic with the NC17 and sexually explicit tag back in the early 2000s. A03 was supposed to be a freedom anything goes type of fic site, but it's been getting worse thanks to young zoomers complaining about anything and the weird "liking 2d men = hating gay men" irl crowd.

No. 2427348

Some love to overexplain instead finding the root cause and remedy it. And why Ao3? There were countless femslash in other sites but they'd rather demonize het and m/m fans for dare writing what interest them.

No. 2427350

Yes and also in response to the mass purge on LJ of fancontent, especially gay and NSFW stuff. AO3's parent org was and is intended to be a Fandom vault of sorts, making it so that fanworks aren't lost when sites go down.

No. 2427355

You're so real for this. And when my favorite ship has sex for the first time, they always make it so "uwu I'm ashaaamed to like sex" stfu

No. 2427357

Ao3 is deeply overdue for an update, especially considering how much money they've been gaining. And the only thing those zoomers are right on is that explicit fan works of real children should be deleted. I've seen proshippers defending them because they're "fictional" work, but that shouldn't matter at all. Ao3 has shown the power to delete fanfic before, so its interesting to note how they don't take them down even if you report it.

No. 2427365

I agree on underage RPF. Frankly, I think it should be banned regardless of rating because no kid, no matter how famous, should have such a popular place on the internet hosting content about them questioning their gender identity or hanging out with Scooby Doo or some shit. RPF about adults is different obviously.

No. 2427377

they would rather spend time schizoposting over why straightgirls don't write yuri instead of creating their own yuri

No. 2427382

gay moids love to make everything about their ugly 3dpd selves. you are not the kawaii uke in my folders

No. 2427392

>accepting that most people in fandoms are straight women
Because no one is willing to do this. Every woman in fandom is bisexual, queer, nonbinary, genderfluid, asexual, or some combination.

No. 2427416

A lot of women in fandom are heavily invested in the idea that it's a queer space above all else (and thus something that's socially beneficial) because it makes them feel better about being involved in something so self-indulgent, I think. They've internalized the fujoshi=homophobic fetishizer thing and can't even admit to themselves that they have a specific interest in m/m fiction because they find it hot. They'll say they just like queer fiction and it just happens it's always m/m, which gives fuel to the yurifags who want to complain rather than make their own content.
But ultimately the fujos keep on focusing on m/m, nothing changes and the arguments continue on.

No. 2427441

I think the elephant in the room is what >>2427416 said. Fandom is overwhelmingly straight women, no matter how much the tumblr kweer types like to wave their fists in the air about it. There are less yuri fics because there are less same sex attracted women in fandom, along the other problems that exarcebate the issue and make those women not want to write or get into f/f fiction.
>can't even admit to themselves that they have a specific interest in m/m fiction because they find it hot. They'll say they just like queer fiction and it just happens it's always m/m, which gives fuel to the yurifags
I don't know, man. Seems like this muh queer space hettie betties get out reeeeeeeeeee mentality is not sustainable for anybody. No wonder self hating shippers try to find every loophole under the sun to not get scolded. Gonna have to give this shit up eventually.

No. 2427512

exactly. the concept of hetero sex (being penetrated) and pregnancy being degrading to women is not some “fandom or gendie only thing”. it’s all around us. I don’t think it’s beneficial to support these concepts but these woman just don’t want to be degraded and don’t have the power to single-handedly change how society and their culture thinks of sex so they just make jokes online.
the numbersfagging is dumb but I always appreciate a good autistic chart. a couple of these are true though it is mainly the straight women one and the text focused one.

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