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No. 439178

Hey, we had a similar thread like this in the past before the m/ wipeout but it never got remade so i decided to make one.

What this thread is about:
>Discussing female erotica and smut pertaining to: media, games, movies, series, mangas, doujins, manhwas, audio etc.
>josei smut

>this is a thread for josei smut only so do BL or YURI content is FORBIDDEN from being posted in this thread.
>Keep things civil with each other.
>Do not engage with baiters and just report.
>Do not post uncensored unspoilered porn in the replies.
>Criticism of a work is fine but please do not attack the readers.
>Defending a work is fine but please do not infight or ad-hominem the person critiquing it.

No. 439181

Has the OP manga updated? I remember it going on hiatus and I was so sad

No. 439183

Any audio dram you recommend?

No. 439184

no it's still on hiatus sadly, i think the author had some health issues and then completely abandoned it.

seconding this, i want to get into audio dramas, if any anon has recommendations with what i should start off with let me know.

No. 439189

Is posting milk about certain josei cow authors a no go in this thread?

No. 439190

File: 1733696322329.webp (58.24 KB, 720x330, manhwahim_and_him_and_him_.web…)

we need more based stacy stories like this one.

No. 439193

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it depends, critiquing authors and works you thinks is male gaze or badly written is allowed. But if you are using this thread to hate on yumes or like a cow thread then no it's not allowed because this is not a cow thread, hope you understand

No. 439195

Nonas please listen to The Liar’s Trap, its one of my favorites. Its translated on dlsite, I’m not sure if anyone has reuploaded it elsewhere for free so I bought it. Do look at the tags beforehand though just incase you dont like what might be in it.

No. 439196

This was one of the first josei smut I’ve read, a farmer recommended it to me years ago

No. 439197

>translated on dlsite
How does that work? Do they include the subs in the video file? How is the English?

No. 439198

lezhin also picked this story up so now there are two versions of it one is called Him and Him and Him (the one you and me read) and the other one is called The more the Merrier.

i don't buy on dlsite anymore after they took away some site features for foreigners (also that site is filled with too much you know what).

No. 439199

finding free drama cd's is easy online but finding drama cd's with subtitles…well that's difficult.

No. 439200

>took away some site features for foreigners
What did they take away?

No. 439203

from what i heard you can't pay with your credit card anymore. You can only buy points.

No. 439204

File: 1733697307394.webp (Spoiler Image,41.33 KB, 560x420, RJ01021196_img_main.webp)

I'd like to recommend this josei.
Really isn't enough like this out there… I keep coming back to it. (reposting because I forgot to spoiler)

No. 439206

File: 1733697546969.gif (58.53 KB, 276x498, spongebob-disgust-spongebob.gi…)

why do all femdoms have to have butt-play….eugh

No. 439208

not judging you anons btw, i just don't like seeing moids asses be eaten, personal preference

No. 439210

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Yeah, Visa/Mastercard deserve the UnitedHealthcare CEO treatment.

No. 439211

File: 1733697841709.jpeg (170.59 KB, 600x874, 9b5f78f84d85beb612270aea682b84…)

Hey to any manhwa readers here i have a recommendation.

name: Snake Cave's

The male lead is a snake deity and he is beautiful.

No. 439213

Same. I hate pegging too.

No. 439214

File: 1733697913409.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1284x2171, IMG_5232.jpeg)

There a sub file that they just include with the audio like picrel, so you toggle captions on/off. It can get annoying when they arent hardsubbed because the subs go out of sync if you try to jump around the audio to specific scenes, some people do upload it as an mp4 with hardsubs instead which I prefer
Yeah I havent purchased from dlsite since they removed foreign credit cards too. No idea if they’ve fixed it or not but I went back to browsing recently so I hope so. I dont want to use a third party.

No. 439215

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No. 439216

idk about beautiful something about his face creeps me out, webtoon art is always a hit or miss in general

No. 439217

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No. 439218

yeah you are free to your opinion, i don't think the cover photo does him any justice since this is what he actually looks like >>439215 (which is slightly better)

I just like long-haired ML's

No. 439220

You can purchase their points using your card as normal and use those points to redeem for things as a workaround, I've done that, but not for a while so unsure if it still works.

No. 439222

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i dont know if it fits here but what are our thoughts on tears on a withered flower? its a popular webtoon right now and the ml is really handsome imo

No. 439223

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No. 439224

im getting used to the plot, at first i hated the female lead because she was such a doormat to her loser husband Mincheol but now that they're SPOILER: broken up, im slowly starting to ease into the female lead. I hope she gets a personality and becomes more assertive as the story goes on and doesn't get back together with Mincheol.

For the male lead (i forgot his name omg) he is pretty hot, i have the feeling that the female lead was someone that took care of him when he was a child like a tutor or a babysitter and that's why he likes her?

No. 439226

im hoping the plot becomes more interesting because so far not much has happened and its already been 31 chapters, its a true slow burn i guess..

No. 439228

File: 1733699165639.webp (221.38 KB, 2048x2048, find-the-difference-tears-on-a…)

im hoping there is a love triangle between the female lead and the two brothers

No. 439229

Is this by the same person who did operation true love? The artstyle looks similar

No. 439230

no its made by a different person

No. 439232

it's made by the same artist who did operation true love but it's a different author.

No. 439233

wait that didn't make sense let me correct me. I mean it's drawn by the same artist but it has a different author.

No. 439235

does anyone have recs of josei smut where the male characters is kinda nerdy? please no webtoon i cant stand those giant lips and small heads in roided bodies kek. The only one i know of is tsumi to kai, too bad the author got bored of it halfway and gave it a shitty ending, hope she can make more manga in the future.

No. 439236

The synopsis of this reminded me of a different smut story: Summer Solstice Point. Read it a while ago but I remember liking it

No. 439238

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No. 439240

File: 1733701569651.webp (Spoiler Image,140.24 KB, 1280x960, 23178063_1280_960_143606.webp)


Tldr: Female lead has a threesome with the two men who she ships and it's spicy

Name: I Cast "Force Estrus" for World Peace!

If you never read this then you have to go read it.

No. 439241

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this scene where they're both sucking on her ear got me feeling some type of way

No. 439243

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No. 439245

I read this one a couple weeks ago. I loved the ml and I hope they make a part two with the other catboy

No. 439246

There's a thread on /g/ for that.

No. 439248

this doujin needs a sequel

No. 439258

Yikes all the shit posted ITT is nothing but sexualized moidgaze coomslop. Please get better taste and stop LARPing as feminists on here especially, thanks.(if you don't like the thread just hide it)

No. 439259

File: 1733706253153.png (62.44 KB, 725x424, Screenshot 2024-12-08 at 18-55…)

Holy shit, I just found out that Tokyo Otaku Mode won't sell DLsite points anymore, FUCK.

No. 439260

Nona dlsite directs you to the site you can get points from. Is there a difference between the options?

No. 439261

You can buy them using shop pay

No. 439263

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Still have to choose one

No. 439265

I'm reading this right now because of this post and this is such a female fantasy kek it's very cathartic how indulgent it is. I just wish it had more pov shots of the guys, I feel like this is what most josei smut get wrong, too many shots of the woman. A few is good but it would be better with the focus being on the dudes. Anyone have recommendations like that?

No. 439274

The Virgin Witch, though the art can get pretty shitty.

No. 439279

Nta but I didn't like virgin witch, felt try hard and something that could have been finished with 30 chapter. Also i think there is a yuri scene in there .

I like the stories where she goes into mens dreamd but i did not like the yuri scene or the plot or the love triangle

No. 439363

File: 1733735011838.jpg (41.3 KB, 659x318, Clipboard01.jpg)

They no longer offer purchasing points through PayPal? Sucks.

No. 439364

Why is it on /g/? It should be moved to /m/.

No. 439366

>shop pay
Can you tell me how to? What is shop pay? Is it available outside of Japan?

No. 439367

You aren’t supposed to be able to buy adult content with PayPal at all let alone the kind of shit they sell on DLsite so it was only a matter of time. They’ll probably have to keep jumping around different third party services forever.

No. 439399

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I probably risk sounding like a 50 year old but I miss the good old days of josei smut before renta's mass produced webtoons with crappy quality control became popular. It's not that the old josei smut was perfect (misogynistic lines were so annoyingly common), but the art quality was usually maintained to the industry standard back then and the plot, good or bad, at least had SOME cohesiveness. The sex tended to be more fade to black-ish but I'll take that any time over today's slot A in slot B action without any chemistry.

No. 439405

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Another thing that irritates me is how even the stories that do have a good plot and nice chemistry between the characters often tend to opt for a weird, male gaze-y cover. picrel is one such example where the story is quite fluffy but the mc (and only her-I'd be fine if they were both almost naked) is showing off her underwear while making eye contact with the readers for some reason. What is this, a failed attempt to snag some straight male readers?

No. 439406

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Since when? I remember the PayPal option was still there for DLSite a couple of months ago. I've subscribed to MangaPlanet (formerly Futekiya) to read explicit BL/josei smut and there is a PayPal option. 27 pages of josei R18 manga with sexual content alone. https://mangaplanet.com/browse/title?cat=3&rt6=1

No. 439419

It’s not like PayPal are individually inspecting what accounts are being used for so you can get away with it for a long time. But they are breaking the rules and will likely have to take the option down if someone reports them and they’re caught.

No. 439496

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>>439399 Same, anon. I have a soft spot for older josei as that's what I could scrounge online as a teen. Now there's so much webtoon stuff that all kind of looks similar. I know there are gems, but it's harder to find amongst the bulk of it.

Another thing that kind of turns me off is how same-y a lot of male love interests look. Just another generic guy with short hair. The guys in >>439228 literally just look like one person with a different haircut. I might just be speaking as a long haired (or at least shaggy) guy enjoyer, but I want more variety.

Silver by Fujita Kazuko is a very 90s josei drama chick-flick type of manga. There's some cliches whatnot but it's got some smut in it, and a rare long-haired dude.

No. 439522

I really want to get into webtoons since I hear that the plots and concepts are creative. But they are just so ugly I can't bring myself to read them. The colors always looks flat and the inking is bland, which makes the characters appear lifeless. The characters usually have comically broad shoulders and thick necks. Even when the art is good, it's ruined by the coloring, like why does every single webtoons have so unappealing coloring? Some mangas are also straight up ugly, but at least they don't have unappealing colors and ink work.
>even the stories that do have a good plot and nice chemistry between the characters often tend to opt for a weird, male gaze-y cover
I have noticed this too. I have also seen a few josei and shoujo webtoons whose MCs has huge ecchi-sized breast.
>What is this, a failed attempt to snag some straight male readers?
I think so. Back when comics were published in magazines you had a target demographic you wanted to appeal to, and you didn't count on anyone outside the demographic to read it. Now on the internet literally anyone can read your story, so you want to draw in as many readers as possible.

No. 439547

they look like the same person because they are all related anon, that's the father and his two sons.

No. 439561

Use amazonpay

No. 439568

On dlsite there's an option labeled For Books that you can use. It uses a service called shop pay that you can setup internationally.

No. 439587

That probably wasn't the best analogy. But I mean that it's a common phenotype in general. The guy in the OP picture, and the two left guys in >>439190 just look like the same character as those brothers, just different art style.

No. 439646

So you can use Shop Pay to buy ToraCoin?

No. 441437

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I might as well drop my favorite doujin in here before this thread plummets to the bottom of /m/. Thank me later.


No. 441441

This looks like dogshit(infight bait)

No. 441546

Turn on your monitor ugly bitch(infighting)

No. 441580

Just because he turns out to be a nice guy later it doesn't excuse that the first scene is basically rape.
I hate pathetic jealous guys. And there's just so much annoying tropey dialogue.
I least she wasn't pregnant at the end.

No. 441694

Not to be that girl, but you may want to abandon the Japanese ones completely if you don't want to see rape tropes. Over there it's less about dom/sub dynamics or being desired, and more of a retarded roundabout way to prove FMC isn't a slut for wanting sex. Basically shame mitigation for the Japanese (female!) readers.

No. 441746

Yeah, I've pretty much stopped reading hentai these days cause of that kind of stuff. But that doesn't mean I can't call out the shitty tropes when somebody else is posting a recommendation.

No. 443862

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Thoughts about Lady K and the Sick Man?

No. 443863

This is the one with the ghost lady right?
I remember the first chapter or two being hot, but then it starts getting a bit much and less 'vanilla'.

No. 443866

The fmc looked way too coomerbait for me to enjoy

No. 443868

If any of you has recommendations for stuff like >>439240, any yandere or umekoppe-like josei, I'm down

No. 443910

A little "Born Sexy Yesterday"-ish as far as the fmc goes, but it ruined me when it came to what I want out of a mmc. I can't do "Mob character with a personality" anymore. The mom chapter was gross though, lmfao

No. 443986

I think this one started on Pixiv and I looked at some of the author's Pixiv logs of it before it became a series (probably under the Original Characters tag, which many female authors there use) it always seemed to me that it was the kind of manga that wasn't aimed specifically at a female audience, so I wouldn't call it josei manga
>you may want to abandon the Japanese ones completely if you don't want to see rape tropes
What a shit excuse, of course we're going to criticize shit tropes and it's not like all female-oriented smut from Japan contains rapey scenes

No. 444029

Nta but literally the vast majority of them have rape scenes or ones in the same vein. Is this thread only for sharing the purest most wholesome smut you can find?

No. 444244

File: 1735622483257.jpg (587.78 KB, 1072x2280, 1000025699.jpg)

Why has a story that started with a slutty FL going on a fuck rampage after receiving a sex curse turned so wholesome lmao
(Sauce: crazy coital death party)

No. 444351

The FeMC was too coombaity and kawiwi for my taste, I hated the blowjob scenes and the author is a major pickme who refuses to draw handsome men even when she has the clear ability that she can.

Despite that, it's still one of the best jousei smuts in terms of art, actual smut (the pussy eating scenes are *chef's kiss), and handsome male lead. Literally nothing comes close to this.

No. 444681

If he wasnt so fat he would be so cute

No. 444683

The guy is so fucking ugly

No. 444685

you can tell she draws hentai for men

No. 444692

I kept trying to remember who this was but now I do this artists also drew scat shit for moids kek shes(?) no josei artist just pandering to the lowest type of moid for money i found out this by her sperging out on Twitter about her new scat high school girl anthology

No. 444700

What the fuck…

No. 444734

Imagine having the talent she does and using it to draw garbage like that… no wonder josei smut is in the state it is

No. 444736

Eugh, I’d rather artists like this strictly cater to men than advertise their content as being targeted towards women when it’s clearly not

No. 444782

It was some of the first 'josei' hentai that I've read, and it turned me off to reading that stuff for a while. I think the novelty of it was a hentai mc that wasn't completely unnactractive

No. 444871

well yeah for a change

No. 444907

File: 1735843298337.webp (Spoiler Image,832.23 KB, 2225x3110, wasted talent.webp)

For fucking real. She literally has the skills and can actually draw handsome men when she puts an effort in it. Picrel is a pretty sensual page from one of her mangas (not anything too lewd—just ear licking—but just in case).

But nooooooo, she'd rather put all her time and effort into making her heroines as retardly coombaity as possible for… who? Scrotes? In escapist comics supposedly for (heterosexual) women? Her FeMCs def have cute/beautiful character designs, but should we really have to see her bodankahonks on every page? Might as well read scote hentai.

Anytime I look at her art, I feel like Obi-Wan going "nooooo! You could've used your powers for good!" to Anakin.

No. 445262

Rec me any josei smut that is 100% femdom.

No. 445275

i'm quite the newfag when it comes to josei smut stuff bc for far too long the only options i was finding porn were just scrote coom fantasies so i was excited to check out this thread. tbh though i'm pretty sad bc the two things i read from here both sucked. is there any good josei smut stuff that doesn't have weird rape shit in it? i was hoping to maybe find some nice fluffy stuff and/or some drama bc i know women can write that sort of thing well. is there something like that or am i just looking in the wrong place and should give up?

No. 445306

File: 1736003083229.jpg (16.05 KB, 244x244, 1548260763484.jpg)

This thread is just lazy retards begging to be spoonfed instead of going out and searching/filtering what they want themselves. A josei smut thread on lolcow was doomed from the start with how many puritans there are now.

No. 445333

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Here are a few I dug up from my reading history:
>The lady and the beast (lots of politics in the recent chapters, waiting for it to be over)
>Shojo Kon ~Kohinata Fuufu wa Shite Mitai~ (biology nerds in love, picrel)
>The Hand That Once Fed (the drama and sexual tension is oomf)
>Please kill my husband (the male leads are good but mc's trash husband does rape her during their marriage)
>Going To Bed With My Hater (the art is slightly more coomerish than others but I support the equal sexualization of the dude and the woman, cheesy plot but good chemistry)
>Moonrise by the cliff
>Gohokoku Ijiwaru Tenshi NI Dakaremasu
>At This Rate, We Can't Be Best Friends (short, I was annoyed by how long the dude took to get undressed though)
>I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game! (beautiful art, havent kept up with it so idk about recent chaoters)
>The King and the Paladin (plot kinda whack, but art pretty, sex scenes hot and kinda funny in the way mc and ml are just a genderflipped version of your abusive ml and doormat fl in shoujo manga lmao)

Unsure rec:
>The Blood Of Madam Giselle (10/10 art and sex scenss, but the ending is horrible af, though not because of the romance)
>The Missing O (a lot of the time I just wanted to punch mc, but I suppose others might appreciate her flaws)
>Talk to me (only read until chapter 114, it ends nicely there, I don't understand why they tried to resume the story with worse art and writing)
>Hardcore vanilla (I liked main couple when I read but now that I hate bdsm by principle it doesn't appeal to me, plus side character who is supposed to be a dom stacy is just an asshole imo)

No. 445334

>Shojo Kon ~Kohinata Fuufu wa Shite Mitai~
i got baited by this dogshit turd so badly. I thought it was going to be cutesy and vanilla but it honestly reads like a moid hentai. The first chapters all focus on the female mc flaunting her big tits, the guy isnt even naked until the 5th chapter and its a bj scene to top it off. There is also weird shit like the main character having a friend with smaller boobs who has a weird complex about it. Genuinely why insert ''breast envy'' fetish bait like that in a manga meant for women?

No. 445341

Nta, whici one is your picrel?

No. 445342

Says the bitch who’s scared of yaoi kek

No. 445343

Back to your containment thread, obese fujolard.(infighting)

No. 445345

My pic is literally from a BL you dumbass. Its precisely because I read yaoi that this thread is so funny
>erm… im looking for porn but make sure there’s no X, Y or Z mkay!!! yucky degeneracy makes me sick while i’m reading my degenerate porn :3(emoji)

No. 445350

Post hand and I’ll post mine
True yumejos are retarded thank you fellow fujocoomer(infighting)

No. 445354

god forbid i'm not into being raped or watching faggots rail each other in the ass.

thank you nonna i'll check those out soon

No. 445358

>mfw i've already read all the smut recommended in this thread
it's too late for me

No. 445454

A lot of these authors are pickmes sadly, I hate how seemingly common these tropes are.

No. 445554

Sadistic Beauty (sorry)

There was a manga on bato.to that was being scanlated where the protagonist becomes a live model for a qt tall, shy art student with black hair, but I forgot the title. I think the cover got posted here some time ago. There were red ribbons in the cover art. Anyone remember the name?

No. 445567

I feel like many anons in this thread would be better off listening to audio erotica

No. 445568

File: 1736067720198.jpg (132.26 KB, 750x526, 1000026170.jpg)

Reading the The Young Lady Can't Escape Her Doting Husband anthology (4 volumes so far). It's a collection of oneshots by different authors so the quality varies a lot, I'd say it's 30% boring + 30% alright + 10% chef's kiss + 30% borderline rape

No. 445569

picrel looks cute, is it from that?

No. 445574

Yeah, chapter 1 "The Patriot Knight Won't Stop Seducing me" from vol 2. Story was in the alright category

No. 448816

File: 1736959620186.jpg (507.85 KB, 1200x1694, mango.jpg)

Gotta love how politically incorrect Japan can be.

No. 448818

The huge tits are a bigger offense than the nazi shit

No. 448819

This would only be hot if it was a male prisoner.

No. 448820

Unironically yeah.

No. 448824

File: 1736962714284.webp (203.18 KB, 1062x1500, lol.webp)

Yaoi hands strike josei smut!

No. 448830

>yaoi proportions
>”female” lead has visible bulge

No. 448833

they're called labia

No. 448834

>his hand is as big as her torso
God help us all

No. 448854

Eh, its not bad enough that I'll give it the "hands are hard and women do have something down there" excuse.

No. 448879

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It is interesting but the age gap makes me gag every time. 10 years is just gross.

excellent taste

Mia & Shuu 365 days ~strangers living together~
I like this one, the artstile isn't really good, but it has something that I often reread it. IDK

Also I am so sad there isn't more straight omegaverse. plus I can't post most of the stuff I I like because it leans more into humanoid direction.

No. 448880

>straight omegaverse
Isn’t that just real life

No. 448923

I've been exposed to a couple of straight omegaverse settings. Basically it works like a magic soulmate setting; the characters feel a supernatural pull to one another and go through animalistic heats. And for some reason it's always the female character going through heat instead of the male (not appealing to me).

No. 449362

Any recommendations for manga/manhwa with shy/cute/submissive guys? (not necessarily femdom)

No. 449454

i've seen the reverse where it's the male, but it's in stories where the man is secretly a werewolf which is ew to me

No. 449650

File: 1737167059899.jpg (Spoiler Image,449.97 KB, 1133x1600, P_022.jpg)

You would think the countries (Japan, South Korea) whose average breast size is an A-B would draw their female smut protagonist's about the same. They draw them relatively realistic for any other female-oriented media (well, maybe not SK), and yet always seem to inflate them for smut. I seriously don't get it, wouldn't seeing your own size in a smut make it much more "erotic"? Have they been psyoped by men? Or are large breasts really that titillating, even to those who don't have them?
I find picrel much more erotic because it stays within the realms of realism. I can accept almost anything found in smut for woman, but I'll just never be able to ease up to large breasts.

No. 449655

I genuinely think it's because they subconsciously still want to fit moid standards of female beauty and if they don't, they feel like the protagonist doesn't deserve a hot guy. Or they might feel like not having big boobs during a sexual encounter is shameful, which might be a reason why moids always give their self-inserts huge dicks (although the main reason for that is because they like to see anime girls being dominated, and the reverse doesn't apply in this genre)

No. 449664

It definitely has to do with male-psyopping and the fact that they think an mc who’s not well endowed enough isn’t worthy of the hot love interest. I wouldn’t have an issue with j cup mcs if the man was also equally sexed up but that’s usually never the case 99% of the time.

No. 449680

This pic is hot. I hate that 90% of the smut is with cowtit mcs, even as someone with big boobs its just unappealing to read.

No. 449739

Slightly related, but I've noticed that in so much of Japanese smut, the woman is fully naked but the man is still clothed (at least at the beginning). I swear this also is a male psyop, like the woman has to be the one to show herself, not the man. Maybe I'm crazy, but it happens enough for me to think its weird.

No. 449741

Maybe, maybe not. I've noticed some women (probably autists) don't like nudity and prefer males be clothed in beautiful outfits.

No. 449751

File: 1737197689858.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 2160x3840, 1000026713.jpg)

Yes, I've always noticed this in smut manga/webtoons ever since I first started reading them in the later 2000s. I hate this trend so much, whenever I find a media where the male and female characters are lewded equally it's such a fresh breath of air. I'm fine even with series whose fem mc has focus on her big boobs and stuff as long as the male is also subjected to the same level of sexualization (picrel), even these are hard to find.

No. 449773

Yes and I fucking hate it. If they guy keeps his clothes on, most of the time I take that as my cue to exit

No. 449776

His ass is so big, lmao

No. 449779

I've been thinking it's suspicious ever since I learned there's an actual fetish for it

No. 450983

Basically all josei smut I've seen has the S/I having big breasts and it makes me feel super insecure and I also just can't self insert. Why the hell is this the case, isn't the average cup size in Japan a B or some shit? Or is most josei smut just made by fat chicks where this is their power fantasy?
Even on this thread I've noticed this. Also josei smut all features a male that's fully clothed and a woman that's basically a scrote's coomer fantasy who's just as sexualized if not more. Is this actually what women like or are we just cucked beyond belief?

No. 450991

Yeah, I unironically think it's mostly made for fat girls that want to be seen as girls that just have ~big boobs~. I think I've only seen one (1) Josei where the MC has small boobs but it's because the love interest has a small boobs fetish.

No. 451005

File: 1737421847454.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1899x745, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 18-42…)

I don't think most of the mangaka are fat, they might just have small breasts. You know how brutal beauty standards for women are, even pretty women can be insecure if they feel they "lack" something, and that applies to places like Japan as well. In hentai made by moids, the women always have much bigger breasts than the average Japanese woman, unless the author has a loli or boob envy fetish.

I think female het smut authors just don't have enough reference for how to draw straight R18 for women, so they just copy what they see in hentai (the female protagonist's body) and BL (the woman usually takes on the "uke" role, so she's the main focus and the male "seme" is much less sexualized). Especially considering that hentai is so degenerate and ubiquitous nowadays that it's likely that many of these artists have read a bit too much of it, and now they don't know how to draw female bodies without pornifying the fuck out of them. Some of them draw the women as straight up bishō​​jo. I mean, I also used to read hentai, until I found out that het smut for women existed (bless the femporn threads). I truly believe they just don't have a better frame of reference. That, plus having a perfect skinny body with big boobs and being seen as sexy is, sadly, a power fantasy for many women, not just these female artists. Though I won't deny that some of them might be coping with the fact that they're fat.

Some authors get it right, but they're pretty niche. I hate that some based mangaka exist, but what becomes popular on places like DLsite's otome section is big boob, borderline hentai, yandereshit maledomshit trash with fully clothed men. Same kind of shit that gets "dark romance" BDSM retards wet in the west. A lot of it looks autopedo too, which is disturbing. I wonder if some of them aren't trying to attract a male audience to maximize profits, since they know that women don't tend to complain as much as moids. Males would chimp out if oversexualized, handsome male characters became the focus of the manga in the men's section.

Speaking of DLsite, at least some of the popular releases on garumani's front page (pic related) are femdom, but this usually happens with audio works which is why R18 audio is currently the superior form of femporn.

Y'know, I kinda like this example, because it makes sense that both people would be naked during sex, so we're bound to see her body at some point, although she could be obscured even more with the right angles. I like that he is the focus in the first panel, and in the second panel, even though we can see her whole naked body, we can still see his naked back, tiny slutty waist and ass, as if the artist wants you to focus on him more. This doesn't look so bad, but there's a lot of room for improvement.

No. 451085

I like the big breasts and unrealistic body type (for male and female). But I am a lost cause, because I absolutely despise my body. So seeing someone related to my body type makes me lose interest instantly.

I want to see a unrealistic gorgeous man have unrealistic good sex with an unrealistic gorgeous woman.

and that I am not only complaining one of my favourite ones.

No. 451092

This is just a fetish I think, because it's common in fanfiction as well (papers could be written about reader inserts)

No. 451094

She asked him to spit in her mouth… And they're fucking in the work bathroom on the last page? ick
Dick was drawn ok and wasn't too censored at least.

No. 451116

>yandereshit maledomshit trash with fully clothed men.
How are they not bored from this shit? Every female oriented media is infested with this bs. I was into it when I was younger (cause that's all I was exposed to) but I quickly got tired of it. Is it that hard to be sexually creative?

No. 451123

Yeah, why do they want to be treated like trash and why are they allergic to seeing sexy nude male bodies?

No. 451126

It’s so sad that even in fantasy, insecure women can’t even see their body type as being appreciated for what it is. They must have a fetish for it, or they must be a lolicon or whatever. Porn is a mistake.
I appreciate your insight, thank you
Pathetic. I hope you’re bi because if not that’s just sad.
I think the majority of women or specifically weeb women are into maledom. I’m into it as well but I also like femdom. With that said, I’d like something that isn’t a fully clothed moid doing shit I’d see out of a scrote hentai to the MC while none of the angles are even focused on him.

No. 451133

Japanese women are just like this. They’re born cucked, or thoroughly mindfucked into it by their society

No. 451136

File: 1737462001489.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 1416x2000, RJ01177984_img_smp1.jpg)

Found one with 0 focus on the woman's tits and it's femdom, but it looks like it has pegging (as always) and aside from that it's just getting the guy off while he's tied up kek hope whoever is interested in this can read Japanese

No. 451139

File: 1737462914624.png (Spoiler Image,458.75 KB, 1633x284, i hope whoever keeps shitting …)

>putting any of this fucking putrid shit in the woman's section
>just because the men aren't faceless
>no difference from hentai whatsoever other than that
Yeah Japanese women are majorly cucked. This is blackpilling as fuck

No. 451140

File: 1737463341824.jpg (Spoiler Image,219.13 KB, 560x420, RJ01296525_img_main.jpg)

Here's another one with more appealing art, but it's the same stuff. Making the guy cum many times while he's restrained, and anal play. At least this one has nipple play?

No. 451142

File: 1737463705443.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.76 KB, 560x393, RJ01290264_img_main.jpg)

I'm unsure whether this one is also just about glorified handjobs with some nipple teasing but at least it looks way better than the previous two, the protagonist looks cool as fuck

No. 451156

The only not-cucked ones are yaoi enjoyers.(bait)

No. 451168

I get the red text but as a yume who enjoys yaoi from time to time, you are not wrong. Zero female sexualization and the sole focus is on hot pretty boys.

No. 451190

File: 1737477014041.jpg (130.58 KB, 316x450, BJ01284379_img_main.jpg)

Probably the best one yet

I just posted a bunch of TL manga that does the same thing. I don't like this mentality that "only fujos are not cucked", it's implying that Jap artists like this and their audience don't exist at all. They need to be more well-known so the niche can grow.

No. 451193

File: 1737478409568.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.13 KB, 316x450, BJ01284384_img_main.jpg)

No. 451199

damn when are female coomers going to start ripping these off and uploading them to exhentai

No. 451203

No one gives a shit about your wrong opinions

No. 451220

Why don't the anons in this thread just… not purposely read what they don't like? It seems most of you are interested in seeing the male being pleasured and focused on so I'd say, go find some femdom manga instead of reading some maledom, yandere, or whatever the fuck is popular in Japan and then seething about it.

No. 451237

Conversely, you could stop reading posts that trigger you. Your tastes being criticised is no grounds to police others.

No. 451243

Sorry for being heterosexual and not wanting massive tits shoved in my face.

No. 451247

I'll admit you got me there, I could simply ignore the other posts. However, I don't have any actual preference for either maledom/femdom, I just don't like the moralfagging tone anons in here have.

No. 451267

Because good quality smut that focus on the male is rare?? Even femdom is guilty of this. Sorry but I am gonna complain when smut that is supposedly for women looks like typical moid hentai shit. The only good thing about it is that it motivates me to draw so I can make my own porn. Like how hard is it to make good fucking smut without overly sexualizing the woman?

No. 451353

File: 1737508885717.webp (Spoiler Image,538.16 KB, 2150x3035, 22677314_2150_3035_551072.webp)

There's a clear difference in how erotica for women is made vs. porn for men. We're not wrong for pointing it out and wanting something better than literal hentai for moids but with semi-decent looking guys.

Personally, I both criticize this kind of content and create my own, in the hopes that actually good femporn, or at least the basic ideas, catches on with other female creators. I've realized that I don't have to settle or get used to the trash where women are sexually dominated and focused on more than the hot guys. All I ever wanted from erotic content was to see cute 2D guys blush and moan while they have sex with a woman, since I'm a straight woman myself, and I DON'T want the female character that I'm meant to project onto to be objectified, treated like shit or infuriatingly passive and meek.

I read hentai for ages hoping to find some anime porn with the exact types of guys I find attractive without them taking it up the ass. I was starved for content until I discovered R18 for women, and I was happy at first. But I'm not getting what I was looking for out of most of these comics either, all I'm getting is pure garbage. Sometimes the guys are hot enough to me but the plot and their relationship with the female protagonist are eyeroll-inducing, and therefore unsexy. Or the female lead is drawn in a bimbofied way and mogs the male lead hard, which makes no sense when the main draw of this genre is supposed to be the hot guys. Isn't that what all of us are fucking here for? The hot men? It's literally always the same dynamics and tropes, and there's probably already hundreds of comics that are exactly the same in that regard. There's no real variety to speak of, when we ask for actually good recs it's always the same dozen works that everyone has already read.

I don't know if it's because I come from a "hentai background" as well as a "fujo background", but I see stuff like this >>448879 and immediately recognize it as moid gaze. Like, I love meganes, but I don't want to see a girl's cleavage in display like that. The guy looks like an ugly male self-insert with an ugly haircut while the woman has a cute face and her legs and cleavage are exposed, not to mention the pose. Also, his face is not clearly visible, whereas she's looking directly at the viewer, which is very bad visual language in what's supposed to be smut for straight women. Is SHE inviting me to fuck HER or him? I can't even see the guy's shirt, so I can't even find his shitty outfit attractive as a cope, because it's obscured by the woman's face and tits. And, wow, I just took a quick look at the first chapter, and it just further proves what I said earlier, that women who make this kind of manga have no frame of reference for female gaze smut, so they reference from male-oriented porn and hentai. All the angles are shit you'd see in those genres, with more MALE POV and semi-POV shots than female. The focus and detail on her body is insane, everything is framed exactly as in male-oriented porn and lifts all its visual language straight from it, the only difference is that the guy doesn't have an ugly face, just a very plain one, thanks to the fact that the artist draws cutesy faces as a default. I love meganes, but no, thanks. I need to see more cute meganes like this >>451190.

I think the women who prefer reading these manga and seeing that kind of art might either be so poisoned by hentai that they've memed themselves into liking its tropes, or so new to hentai that they don't recognize hentai visual tropes, so they think it's "just natural" that straight porn for straight women features pornified women with fully clothed men, just because there's a lot of it and they can't be assed to curate better content, then they eventually end up liking it. Like, okay, you have a right to like it if you can't help it, but don't act like your sexuality is so healthy and normal for it unlike other women's, and that others shouldn't be pointing out obvious double standards, or even want more REAL variety. It just pisses us off that this shit is being passed off as "content for women" when the difference between it and moid hentai is minimal, or in some cases non-existent. For example, I could see this >>448879 (pic related) being published in a hentai magazine for men.

The double standards as seen on garumani alone are crazy. This is supposed to be a genre for straight women, but the actual content of these comics screams male gaze. These manga should be removed from the women's section entirely, and sent to a third, gender-neutral section for bisexuals and those who want to get off to tiny, big booba pornified anime girls being ravaged by men with decent faces, since moids would bomb DLsite HQ if they had to put up with fully clothed, dollar store ikemen in their porn. I don't see why ONLY the women's section has to accept this obvious bullshit. And for the record, I don't mind stuff like this >>439211 because at least they're both naked, the male is meant to be sexier and the woman isn't pornified, that's about the "worst" level of female focus that should exist in a female-oriented section.

>It seems most of you are interested in seeing the male being pleasured and focused on so I'd say, go find some femdom manga

I'm more interested in seeing the male pleasuring and servicing the woman without every other panel focusing on the woman's ahegao or her tits, or her sexualized arching back when she climaxes. I want to see submissive ikemen take pleasure in being used to satisfy a woman. But Japanese femdom for women is still in its infancy, so all they know how to draw and write is handjobs, blowjobs and pegging, and like half of it still sexualizes the FL. Few of them even realize the potential of forcefully using a bishie's mouth as a masturbation device. The few times I've seen this has been in manhwa like Sadistic Beauty and The Virgin Witch, whereas Japanese art is very dick-centric. But it's better than nothing, because at least the men blush and cry a lot and are actually focused on, which actually appeals to my straight female sexuality. We could even have MALEDOM manga that oversexualizes the males without making the FL a hentai heroine, but the artists for those are too braindead to figure out how. Vanilla manga with neither maledom nor femdom does seem to be a bit better, though, but not by much. Maledom audios usually make me cringe due to the plot, but at least the cover images tend to be full or semi-POV with a faceless woman, and the actual content is just men talking and moaning, so you don't have to hear any hentai loli uguu voices, unlike in manga, where you're visually assaulted by massive boobs and female ahegao all the time.

No. 451366

>But Japanese femdom for women is still in its infancy, so all they know how to draw and write is handjobs, blowjobs and pegging, and like half of it still sexualizes the FL.
Most femdom smut is atrocious
>I'm gonna punish you by pleasuring you! y-you b-bad boy! light slap in the face

No. 451392

>>I'm gonna punish you by pleasuring you! y-you b-bad boy! light slap in the face
Being dominant doesn’t mean being actually abusive.

No. 451394

File: 1737516308098.png (Spoiler Image,653.49 KB, 1666x634, some idol shit, idk.png)

Kek, yeah, but I still like to fantasize about fictional men being pure, innocent and able to be sexually harassed by women.
I know many people will be put off by the concept because it's unrealistic and, in truth, the sexual acts are the same as in "moid dommy mommy fantasies", or non-violent acts. And I agree, I'd like to see more femdom content that isn't just about giving men orgasms. Like, look at this one. You're probably thinking "in what world would this happen in the context of female-on-male rape", right?

But I also get the other side's point of view, it's hot when cute anime guys who are actually virginal and not evil perverted moids blush, cry and moan in pleasure. It just looks good. A lot of degenerate women don't necessarily get off exclusively to female-on-male ryona, they also want scenarios where women are dominant and males are pure and submissive, even if this type of man can't exist in real life. Sorta like a reversal of your typical hentai where the female characters are molested and forced to orgasm. For some reason, in Japanese porn, stimulating someone else's body is treated as a dominant act quite frequently. A lot of maledom manga also does this, the ML gets the FL off with his hand, or with his mouth or sex toys, fondles her breasts and stuff, as you can see in this very thread. Sometimes even in hentai giving a girl OR a male oral is depicted as a dominant act. It's weird but I guess the appeal is that the passive one didn't initiate it and they're left a blushing and panting mess, the lewd faces and poses… which can also be seen as humiliating depending on the context.

You just have to suspend your disbelief to enjoy it, but it's understandable if you're unable to. I just wish not ALL femdom content from Japan was like this.

No. 451397

It seems like what constitutes abuse is different for femdom than it is for maledom.

No. 451407

There's maledom where the protagonist is raped and abused, and then there's maledom where the love interest just grabs her, licks her ears and masturbates her. It's not like all maledom in this type of media is sadistic physical abuse.
Femdom could have a better balance between both types of dominance, but then there's the question of how a woman can rape a man but without pegging him. If you suggested that she could ride his dick, people would get mad because he's still cumming from it. Forced cunnilingus sounds good but that's just the equivalent of a forced blowjob. She could also hit him a lot, but like, what's the equivalent of a man forcing intercourse on a woman?
The answer is sounding btw

No. 451408

No, it’s castration.

No. 451410

I don't wanna see gore, though.

No. 451412

No. 451418

Oh well, I support you.

No. 451419

Just throwing random shit out there, theres stuff like choking, smothering, ropes, denial, biting, piercing. Any of those seem alright?

No. 451421

Yeah, I like all of those, but they can be done to women too and have nothing to do with intercourse. I guess the sad truth is that women just don't have that many options.
Well, at least we have a bunch of ideas that aren't explored at all in Japanese femdom. I'd be happy with a manga that has all of these.

No. 451601

File: 1737575675371.jpg (178.77 KB, 1078x1162, 1000026881.jpg)

Yeah, it annoys me that many authors legit can't imagine a regular het relationship where an assertive woman actually wants and enjoys sex (and is the one calling the shots during sex) without her being an abuser. I don't want to read cringe bdsm stuff just because I want to see a confident FL who rides her LI like a bull out of her own will while his helpless moaning ass goes heart eyes kek (Picrel not a perfect example because he takes control quite often but this particular panel has the right vibes)

No. 451734

Giving head to a male is never a dominant act and blowjob femdom is peak pickme faggotry that's even worse than pegging. This is why nothing will ever top sadistic beauty and even the fujoshit spinoff of it is a masterpiece. Why can't there be NTR ryona femdom, or whoring him out to other men?

No. 451735

What if you only pretend to and then bite off his dick?

No. 451736


No. 451804

>Giving head to a male is never a dominant act
Yeah, in real life. These are fictional cute guys and they can be different from real scrotes if I want.

No. 451941

>blowjob femdom is peak pickme faggotry that's even worse than pegging
Jesus Christ, I wasn't going to say anything but you're fucking insufferable. No one cares that you think your moid-brained goreshit is so much 'less normie' than what the female Japanese artists like. If I wanted to hear about nothing but extremist ryona goreshit I'd just go to a moid hentai CBT tag instead of a hentai for women thread. Just post about whatever you want, post about Sadistic Beauty if you like, without having to jack yourself off over being so much better than 'normal people' who prefer gentle dom like pegging. Everyone in the fucking thread gets it already, you like disgusting ryona goreshit. Insufferable.(infighting)

No. 452210

File: 1737704177148.jpeg (350.91 KB, 1080x3156, test.jpeg)

The main couple in I Tamed My Ex-husband’s Mad Dog were entertaining if you enjoy drama, codependency and overall weirdness once they literally fucked beside a corpse they had just murdered lmao, but I was always more interested in mc's childhood friend character who gets sidelined mid story (imo because he's just so fine that he makes ml look bad kek), and now I'm super stoked that the epilogue of the story is finally covering his relationship with his wife (who is a very lovely and emotionally strong woman), he's so hawt

No. 452513

People have different tastes.

No. 452523

I like pegging in femdom, i dont know why its so hated. Its not real, it doesnt need to have poop.

No. 452639

File: 1737752562081.webp (58.61 KB, 704x1196, 48.webp)

I like this one by aruchomu (majime na anata o otoshitai) with the butler/lady dynamic where the FL takes his virginity although I've only seen full versions in japanese and chinese if you're okay with that. There's pussy licking and no blowjobs and she takes the lead most of the time. It's fairly vanilla so if you're looking for content where the man gets tortured this isn't it. In regards to sexualization, I feel like it's pretty voyeuristic towards the ML at times and it does feel like him and his reactions are the main focus.
There are purchasable english TLs of her work and apparently she drew a few hentai for moids (lame) before switching over. Her current thing is aggressive yandere boys which isn't my taste so I haven't read them (this is her only manga like this), and two of them have "naked woman and clothed man" covers unfortunately but it's overwhelmingly her most popular series on dlsite. The current state of things…

No. 452655

>Everyone in the fucking thread gets it already, you like disgusting ryona goreshit. Insufferable.
When all you know is pleasuring a man. You are sad.

No. 452821

If you want to yap about mommy dommy peggy weggy blowjob shit go to Reddit—don't even know why you typed all that this is literally manhate central, lol.

No. 452898

I just wish there was more than just pegging (like pussy eating or something), but to be honest, I don't mind it that much, if it's done well. Yaoi is allowed to be unrealistic and ideal, why can't het smut be unrealistic and ideal, too? Most fujos don't think about real gay scrotes when they consume yaoi, and I don't think about real pegging or real het scrotes when I read femdom manhwa. Unfortunately, some people are too autistic to let others enjoy fiction however they want.

This looks hot, I hope the rest of the manhwa is this hot.

CUUUUTE thank you so much for this! From your description and pic, it's literally perfect for me and hits all the right spots, holy shit. I'm even willing to tolerate some moidgaze shots if I get the same amount of femgaze panels like this one. I just fucking love submissive meganes and butlers.

No. 453485

File: 1737889793262.jpg (72.1 KB, 750x473, 6756.jpg)

Which bitch from here ratted MangaPlanet to Stripe?

No. 453783

File: 1737945019768.jpg (433.06 KB, 600x837, 1000027091.jpg)

The lewd oppa next door seems to have exactly the type of ridiculous setting (but no cringe abuse bs) that I look for in smut, kek. Bro ends up with teeth marks on his nipple during every sex scene lmao

>I have been acquainted with my neighbor oppa, Gu Dojin, for over a decade. However, on that particular day, I was unexpectedly confronted with the sight of his bare chest, which was strikingly impressive. As a person whose ideal is a gentleman possessing an admirable chest, I, Yuju, found myself utterly perplexed. Ultimately, in a drunk state, I committed an irreversible mistake. "Dojin oppa, may I touch your chest just once?" I inquired, never anticipating the consequences of my actions.

No. 453793

looks cute, thanks!

No. 453829

File: 1737953930788.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.67 KB, 1241x1754, IMG_9550.jpeg)

The Person Sitting Next to Me Looking at me with Perverted Eyes
>Pervert moid gets mogged when a real SEXUAL HARASSER targets him.

This is only slightly on-topic because while it’s not “josei smut” is it “shoujo ecchi”, so I thought the nonnas in here might be interested. The biggest flaw is that the girl has hentai tits. Spoilered for ecchi.

No. 453852

anyone got recommendations for a nonna who likes
>celebrity crush fantasies
>characters like Brahms Heelshire
>Under the Oak Tree
>the wild west
my tastes are all over the place but maybe someone kind will take pity on a poor soul looking to indulge herself

No. 453856

agh why did the author draw him like a fucking brick. It would be so sexy if he had a nice slim waist.

No. 454154

My post literally says 'post about whatever you like without jacking yourself over being better than normie women'. Their post says is continuously insulting other women's tastes by calling them 'pick mes' etc for not being their ryona goreshit. Which one of us isn't respecting that other people have 'different tastes'?
I'm sorry that you built your personality around being so edgy and ~less normie than other women~ but you're not, if you want to yap about your moidbrained goreshit ballbusting CBT you can go to ANY moid femdom site. Or you can discuss it here in the context of hentai for women WITHOUT shitting on women's tastes which is what my post said. If you think Japanese femdom is 'in its infancy' and 'pick me faggotry' maybe it's just that 99% women just don't like goreshit like CBT ballbusting-fetish-having moids do! You're the one who started and was continuously being an insufferable judgemental bitch to other fetishes in the thread, but apparently only one of us gets shit for it for targeting it back at you lmao.

No. 454561

File: 1738099176045.webp (31.1 KB, 940x1935, IMG_3577.webp)

Whoever made this thread thank you so much.
I've been reading this mating of elves webtoon and I realised there's almost nothing for women when it comes to isekai or fantasy shit. All of it is weird gross hentai aimed at moids, really wish more stuff was made for women.

No. 454621

File: 1738108844962.jpg (93.14 KB, 560x420, download.jpg)

Oh Mating of Elves sounds neat. Any other fantasy hentai for women? I can only think of Jewelry Box's Orc no Hanayome series which I liked (warning: contains big tits and maledom/rape from what I remember)

No. 454628

File: 1738110654308.png (547.18 KB, 750x500, 2463342234521.PNG)

I really hate this type of sexual dimorphism. Why does the FL look like a bug-eyed freak?

No. 454772

She looks very much fine to me

No. 454946

File: 1738188999457.jpg (79.22 KB, 500x748, 8f616d34b73acbd8b2a76bdaccfd94…)

Manhwa characters look like that because they're based on how bjd ball jointed dolls look. It's not bug related. These dolls were popular in Asia and still are.

No. 454947

That doesn’t look like the FL in >>454628 at all

No. 455015

that's not what I said it's clearly not the same character obviously. I'm talking about the facial and body proportions. Moe characters are completely different looking like actual bug-eyed freaks imo

No. 455175

File: 1738260353331.png (3.76 MB, 2202x1685, 1000027336.png)

Merry Psycho is so good?? MC is so deranged I love her to death. I'm eagerly waiting for ml to realize what a crazy queen he actually married kek. The only negative is that the story is still ongoing with only 18 chapters out so far

No. 455333

>go find some femdom manga instead of reading some maledom
Not everyone wants to read femdom though. Yes, you can tell from covers what is going to be blatantly maledom, but even "vanilla" smut tends to have maledom elements to it that you won't know until you start reading it.

No. 456149

File: 1738502550869.jpg (104.6 KB, 560x420, download.jpg)

>chinese version ripped
>japanese version ripped
>english version still unripped
and yall complaining that Japanese fans are cucked, English fans can't even get good looking shit ripped. It hurts.

No. 456151

Isnt this the one where the moid gets pegged kek

No. 456155

Yeah. By KANSHAI. I really hope the ENG gets ripped one day. I love the art style.

No. 456162

ty for recommending this nona. I love that the FL is a based manboob enjoyer and how many closeups of the guy's chest we're getting kek

No. 456213

File: 1738526179684.png (112.55 KB, 297x460, me.PNG)

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I bought the English version, where should I upload it?

No. 456475

Batoto, that's where most joseimuke smut is ripped and uploaded to.

No. 456484

File: 1738579605586.jpg (148.63 KB, 316x450, BJ01838796_img_main.jpg)

I agree with you 100%, but it's pointless. If you keep pointing out the retardation in those posts, you will only get banned for infighting, even though they're the ones instigating an infight and they've no desire for actual discussion or analysis deeper than "ur a redditor pickme", just endlessly shitting on anything you like that has the "femdom" label for not being "based" (edgy) and ~realistic~ enough, even though they have no understanding of the genre at all. There's no way to make their autism brains understand that most people don't want to fucking see guts and blood in their masturbation material, that we're actually into the sex part of smut, or that fiction doesn't have to be like reality either. They're not even posting any examples of what they are for or against or have expressed any desire to help their particular niche become more popular, they just reply to other people who've done that without any contribution whatsoever. It's clear that they just came here to bait and dunk on le fake manhaters. It's also hella suspicious how they came here just as nonas were respectfully discussing their own takes on femdom and the TL genre as a whole and posting recs (but not before), so it's possible they're not even real ryonafags, or they are but they want to ruin this thread out of bitterness instead of making it better.

If they don't offer an effortpost to go along with their insults, just report and ignore them from now on, and post any works you liked ITT. I'm interested in some discussion as well, if you're willing.
The term femdom is inaccurate and cringe anyways. Since it's a term created by male fetishists, it focuses on the "dominant woman" as a fetish, instead of emphasizing the male's submissiveness as the main appeal. I also hate it because it can get mixed up with the original moid form of the fetish a lot, leading to normier women being fine with moidgaze in their smut (sexy dommy mommy protagonists in fetish gear with balloon tits, etc.). I prefer the Japanese term that gets used these days online by certain female communities: 女攻め, since 男受け alone could be misinterpreted as a yaoi thing. It indicates that the woman is in the "seme" (attacker) role.

I think what you and I really want to see is smut where men are the shy, cute, and pure ones in the passive role, and women take what they want (whatever that may be) instead of being pure maidens that get raped. I just like seeing women and men behave in "opposite" ways from what is usual in every other piece of media, where women are always passive and/or objects of desire, and moids are proactive and/or self-inserts. So it's something more like role reversal in the way Kaneoya does it, an ideal world where the roles and logic are flipped, with all the tiny changes in behavior, speech and perspective that entails. It's a kind of world that could only exist in fantasy, same as the worlds depicted in BL where all the men are gay for each other, beautiful and made for the female gaze, even though this doesn't reflect real men at all. It's not hard to understand at all.
>If you think Japanese femdom is 'in its infancy'
I am the one who said that, the edgelord poster just quoted me. What I said is absolutely correct.

But enough of that. New Shinogi kino just dropped. https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/work/=/product_id/BJ01838796.html

No. 456486

This video is how I found out about it. I highly recommend her channel to anyone who doesn't just want to see moids get crushed by a hydraulic press. Although if you don't know a word of Japanese, you're kinda fucked. Her commentary videos are great, but quite long. She also does, or used to do, yearly onnaseme reviews of all the audio, manga and games in the genre that came out that year.

She mentioned something very interesting at 8:08. Apparently, and from what I understood, four years ago a BL artist who also does TL revealed that, even if you want to write a TL manga where the woman is assertive and dominant, the editor will request that you make the male lead dominant during sex scenes, and that more sexually aggressive male leads are preferred. This reminds me of how shoujo manga these days is being restricted a lot in what gets published under the shoujo label, and that's why there aren't many action, adventure or non-romance shoujo manga anymore these days so more female mangaka are forced to publish their work on shounen or seinen magazines.

It seems that if you want to publish manga under the TL label, you gotta make it as maledom as possible (and no doubt it helps if you make the protagonist a hentai titty monster), or your work might get rejected by the editor. So, it's not just internalized male gaze or so-called pickmeism from the authors that's the problem, mangaka who actually want to publish better het smut for women in Japan are being actively prevented from doing so. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the original source for that claim, so this is just hearsay, but when doing some research I found that women into onnaseme talk a lot about how much power the editors have over the content of TL and shoujo, so I believe it actually happens. That's why the best stuff is rare doujin that can be found on places like Pixiv or DLsite if you're lucky. You probably won't find anything good in TL magazines. I also read that Ladies' Comics/レディコミ (please look it up) used to be edited by men, which explains a lot about why that genre is the way it is.

Another interesting thing to note is that Shinogi's new manga on DLsite doesn't have any tags other than "Teen's Love", same as the onnaseme anthology it was originally published in. It just makes it harder to find things one might like, especially if you're repulsed by the average TL manga. I wonder if someone from Lovebites is managing the authors' stuff on the platform, or if the mangaka have control over their author accounts but are contractually required to tag things a certain way, or something. Because I'm pretty sure she does use the appropriate tags on her Pixiv. Either way, it feels like a conspiracy.

If you want to learn more about TL, here's the Japanese Wikipedia article. IMO it should be required reading for anyone who wants to participate in this thread.

(Side note here. After learning more about TL, it's clear that the term "josei smut" is incorrect. TL manga comes from and is an extension of shoujo, and it's still often referred to in Japan as "R18 shoujo".)

More info on "onnaseme" (女攻め) from the Pixiv Encyclopedia:
>Furthermore, this genre is extremely rare in TL/shoujo manga. This is because the editorial departments of TL/shoujo manga intentionally have a policy of making female characters passive. (Google Translate)

>Useful guide on what exactly onnaseme can include and what different fans of onnaseme think:

>NSFW guides:
>Difference between the meaning of "seme" in yaoi couples and the meaning of "seme" in het couples:
>Onnaseme works recommendations by PINKchannel's "games with onnaseme elements" thread:

No. 456504

File: 1738582066686.jpg (171.56 KB, 1100x1552, eb6fc895d98e0c4d15d5417fcbb02a…)

>a BL artist who also does TL revealed that, even if you want to write a TL manga where the woman is assertive and dominant, the editor will request that you make the male lead dominant during sex scenes, and that more sexually aggressive male leads are preferred
That's super-interesting. So all the samey slop we get is the editors' fault?

>That's why the best stuff is rare doujin that can be found on places like Pixiv or DLsite if you're lucky.

Obligatory FUCK AMERICAN COMPANIES. China should have used UnionPay, not TikTok, to screw over Murrica. Chicom pussies them lot.

>I also read that Ladies' Comics/レディコミ (please look it up) used to be edited by men, which explains a lot about why that genre is the way it is.

Why the fuck would a man even want to be an editor for a mag for women? It's a mystery. Are they all flaming homos or what?

Pic unrelated.

No. 456511

>So all the samey slop we get is the editors' fault?
So it seems.
Read the translated wiki article. It's mentioned that the covers are so pornographic (and we can assume male-gazey) in nature to attract buyers who make purchases based solely on the cover, that lately the content of TL manga has been getting more and more extreme and masochistic, and that the names have been getting longer and more retarded descriptive, presumably because coomers are too lazy to do their research or too impatient.

No. 456575

No. 456673

Yes. Thank you for those links and for reminding AYRT how the industry works, i hate how anons chalk everything up to "woman bad pickme" as if it's that simple. Manga for women has been in a stranglehold for a while now

No. 456700

No, they're not flaming homos. All men have a vested interest in controlling what you are attracted to and interfering with female choice, and if they can't do it via good ol' ooga booga they will do it via psyops. Yes, even fictional things women are attracted to aren't safe. It's literally against straight moid nature to keep himself out of women's business or being able to not care what women are gooning to.

Think about the last time you saw a woman pretending to be a man online to shill pro-female takes. I guarantee you won't be able to find one example. Meanwhile men do the reverse with such frequency you simply can't attribute it to anything but nature.

No. 456802

File: 1738648636143.webp (177.04 KB, 1438x2000, RJ01314900_img_smp1.webp)

"Woman Who Changes Her Fave Too Frequently Is Taught A Sexy Lesson"
It isn't really my thing but the scenario is funny. I think nonnas here would like it.

No. 456816

>a woman pretending to be a man online to shill pro-female takes
I guess some TiFs would fall under this umbrella.

>Meanwhile men do the reverse with such frequency you simply can't attribute it to anything but nature.

Eh? I'd say most men pretending to be women online are either homos, AGP trannies or 4channers roleplaying as anime girls.

No. 456821

Not really, it's literally very common for a moid to pose as a nice girl who doesn't hate men for 2-5 comments in a debate. Any female exclusive forum (doesn't have to be feminist) will be infested within hours of going live. They aren't trannies or AGPs, they're just shilling. Women do not do this.

No. 456998

Kek this is the perfect manga for yumejos, though I’m far too loyal to my husbando. ngl can’t stand how the mc + some of the faces are drawn

No. 457209

File: 1738764046628.jpg (123.88 KB, 1209x605, dlsite.jpg)

DLsite plans to implement region block for works deemed offensive to global audiences

No. 457211

did you even read the screencap you posted you faggot? why do you keep posting this all over the site when you can still use alternatives and proxy. if the west is cracking down on nippon pedoshit let them

No. 457213

So, is josei smut deemed offensive?

No. 458262

File: 1739045222130.jpg (1020.76 KB, 1080x2675, 1000027612.jpg)

"Noona will do it for you" was short and kinda stupid but this panel was funny af kek

No. 458475

Sometimes I wish you could delete works off your DLsite library. I have so many free or trial and even works I bought that I turned out to not like kek. Shoving it in the hidden items isn't enough for me.

No. 463595

File: 1740441167372.webp (114.67 KB, 960x1359, 16728249-7653-42a8-9b0b-01f7f0…)

Hey anons is there any series you are currently keeping up with or are interested in?
Lately I've lost interest in most mangas and manhwas so I've struggled to find a new story to read.
The only two stories i still read are prison love and tears on a withered flower.

Also to any anons who read Flowers are Bait (picrel) is it worth reading?

No. 463656

I want to get into that withered flower manhwa that people have been shilling lately but the mc looks too much like an IG influencer to me. Forgot the name of it but another manhwa did the whole “depressed divorcee fucks the hot younger guy” thing better in terms of MC imo

No. 464841

File: 1740726598043.jpg (42.69 KB, 600x592, d7e4d73617cf2a8d017e324e5b7728…)


is picrel, summer solstice point, the superior older woman x younger man josei manhwa you're referring to? i suspect so kek

No. 465336

Remind me to never give ""josei"" smut written by a moid a chance ever again.

No. 465985

File: 1740979366421.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 653x926, 拗らせふたごとさんかく愛《カノンミア》 1巻(カノンミアコミ…)

Sorry for the repost, I realized that the cover was too sexy
Saw a review of this manga, you can read the first two chapters for free for a limited time on cmoa.
It's about a gal who fucks two cute twin brothers.
I recorded both chapters for after the preview expires.

If your average TL manga written by a woman is already bad enough, why would you even entertain the thought of giving a chance to a TL manga written by a scrote?

NTAYRT but yaaay thank you! It looks like an official English translation came out on DLsite last year so that's amazing. Kek at the retard complaining in the comments that it's "rapey" and comparing it to seinen.

No. 466036

It had some of my fetishes and the FL didn't have balloon tits for once. But of course, it was full of moid sensibilities and was no different than the average hentai aside from the ML being handsome.

No. 466037

>I recorded both chapters
How did you do that?

No. 466052

The pages are all divided in several parts so saving each page (let alone the whole comic) is a pain in the ass, and I didn't feel like screenshotting every page, so I just recorded myself flipping through the pages with OBS.

I'm kinda curious, what manga was it?

No. 466157

Yess thats the one nona. I still remember the scene where they had phone sex while he was away on a trip, that was hot

No. 466198

I love it so much, it's so insane. I will die for angst josei smut.
Starting this ASAP.

No. 466204

I remember having high hopes for this one, but mc's attitude towards the end made me annoyed with her. I still finished the comic, but wouldn't rec it to my friends

No. 466221

If you're using Cmoa, there's a ripper for that: https://github.com/xuzhengyi1995/Manga_downloader
Follow the instructions from where it says manga_downloader, it's not too difficult. If you get stuck, ask Chatgpt to help you and you should be able to do it.

No. 466242

Just finished it. I require more. I think It feels like manwha's have a female lead who isn't as retarded compared to manga's female leads. Why?

No. 466301

japanese women are so deeply psyoped by their culture

No. 466317

Probably because submissive men are faggots.

No. 466399

I can't into Python.

No. 466420

I don't know how to use python either, you don't need to. The hardest part is installing everything, afterwards you just go to the command prompt and type "python main.py" and that's it.

No. 466551

It's so irritating, like actually irritating. So far all the one's I'd recommend to my friends (if I had any that were into it) are manwhas. I had a similar issue with otome games cause the protagonist for the life of it cannot tie her own fucking shoes if they were velcro.
Anyway, if anyone has any manwhas(or manga) they'd recommend with a decent protag please let me know.

No. 466751

I honestly don't know how Korean manhwa authors can be more based than Japanese ones so often. Maybe it's because of their feminist movement? IDK

Oh thank you. I never use Cmoa except for this one time though.

No. 466755

File: 1741168605134.webp (47.13 KB, 560x420, RJ01331671_img_main.webp)

>rifuru ditched her moid fanbase to pander purely to women
Holy shit, i kneel giga stacey queen. I always knew she was meant to make smut for women and was only milking moids with oneesan fetishes for money. Even the way she drew her shotas in her ss doujins felt like it was too female-targetted to be scroteshit. Now i really want to support her, a shame they got rid of the option of buying stuff with visa on DLsite.

No. 466756

For DLSite, you can still buy points through other means, I think? >>439568

No. 466757

oh shit thank you! does it let you download the files in a zip or can you only access it through the page? because i sadly dont know japanese so i would need a translator to read it

No. 466762

Damn, I was going to post this one, was even writing my first impressions from looking at the samples before posting. I thought the focus being almost entirely on the males was good, but didn't like how moeblobby the female character looks or how mommyshit the plot seems. I didn't know this artist, but I guess if she used to pander to scrotes, that'd explain it.

>I always knew she was meant to make smut for women and was only milking moids with oneesan fetishes for money.

BASED if true. Hope more female artists learn from her example instead of doing it backwards.

No. 466763

>Even the way she drew her shotas in her ss doujins

They were drawn pretty kyoot, ngl. But I hated how young and skinny they looked, of they were a bit older the shitty doujin they were from could've been a 10/10.

No. 466764

File: 1741169832711.jpg (12.17 KB, 233x230, sys.jpg)

Can't say for 100% of the manga they have, but you typically download it as zip files which contain .jpg. You can see for yourself with any free manga they offer how it works.

No. 466766

File: 1741170342971.webp (363.13 KB, 1055x1500, 006.webp)

>how mommyshit the plot seems
Well she IS a shotafag. Pretty much all her work prior to this series was straight shota or BL doujins. I am actually quite surprised she can draw hot bishies. I honestly like the mommyshit(sorry) so i dont mind. I always felt like her core fanbase being moids was keeping her from reaching her true femcoomer potential. Even in her shota works you can tell she wants to focus mostly on the guys but cant because ss scrotes want the self insertion fantasy, bleh. Also, i am pretty sure the protagonist is meant to be a self insert, she's a gigastacy irl so i can see her wanting to self insert herself into her fantasies.
if they didnt look young and skinny they wouldnt be shotas wouldnt they? although imo picrel walks the line between shota/generic protagonist like kirito. A shame its not fully translated. I wish there was more josei smut thats harem, i like being able to pick from two or more boys.

No. 466768

>A shame its not fully translated.
Perhaps Mangadex could help you?

No. 466770

its hentai, nonny

No. 466782

File: 1741175586380.jpg (89.35 KB, 1039x577, ocr.jpg)

Yeah, you'd find better luck on https://e-hentai.org

I'm not sure how to rip the content that cannot be downloaded - I've asked in the /fujo/ thread >>>/m/466780

If it's viewable in a browser, you can always use a browser OCR add-on (I'm not sure which one would work with non-alphanumeric best though - I use https://ocr.space/copyfish ).

No. 466784

Better yet, get sadpanda access. There's no ads to even block.
>you can always use a browser OCR add-on
Or you can just point your phone's camera at the screen with Google Translate's OCR function.

No. 466787

I love rifuru

No. 466792

No. 466800

File: 1741183368272.png (Spoiler Image,252.35 KB, 843x452, wtf.png)

lmao i cant believe grown ass men are bitching about female harem protagonists too, i thought it was a girls club only. Ofcourse they are moids so their only criticism is that the submissive fmc doesnt have big tits.

No. 466804

To be honest I liked her onee-san stuff too, she gave good focus on the boys even during the smut and even drew them cute. The brother was also best boy

No. 466807

I agree. I also like that she added fujobait. You can tell it was made by a shotafag woman and not some self inserting scrotoid. The main character being the one to always initiate the sex and ''control'' the guys into doing things for her was something i really liked too. I really like nymphomanic main characters too, but they are so rare. I am looking forward to her non shota stuff too! hope she keeps making more, she seems to really like that buffed up demon oc of hers.

No. 466814

Did you see her butler boy voice drama on dlsite? The boy has a cute design and the VA they picked for him sounds so cute, the sample was good. I was thinking of getting it just to support but I'm hoping someone TLs it too

No. 466817

I agree with picrel tho. Yui was such a retard I couldn't stand her. She was baby Gen Z weebettes' Shinji Ikari.

No. 466818

gdi, shotafags fuck off. You're gonna get this thread banned

No. 466819


You are correct.

No. 466821

File: 1741187980681.jpeg (556.16 KB, 2048x1266, L&Ds.jpeg)

She has made fanart of Love and Deepspace. Wonder if she'll ever make a fan doujin.

No. 466822

Good i wish, her art is so good.

No. 466869

Rifuru is my favourite doujin artist but that OC on the right is so fucking ugly. Go back to shotas pls

No. 466881

File: 1741203893016.png (473.74 KB, 784x669, Gkx7n-7XcAE5-ac.png)

This talk made me check in on her socials and I'm glad to see she's working on a new chapter with the brother. Pic not related I just thought this back was sexy

No. 466882

>female character still moeblob

No. 466893

>older woman x younger man
picked the fuck up, I need more recs like this

No. 466926

File: 1741210861454.jpg (305.59 KB, 1080x1776, 1000014694.jpg)

I am here to recommend
>Love Rides on Pheromone Allergy / Love Rides the Rhinitis / Histamine Heartbreak
It's marked as Omegaverse but it's just using the pheromone bits not the m-preg & dickgirl bullshit.
The girl isn't moid-fanservice, the guy is hot crying puppydog.

No. 467031

File: 1741242860116.jpg (384.53 KB, 1536x2048, [23-07-21] 1682327956717465601…)

she's a gigastacy irl she's not going to self insert as a plain becky

No. 467032

>Just thin

No. 467033

Why are you angry a pretty woman wants to self insert as a pretty anime girl. She clearly a stacy that likes to put effort into her looks and is pretty feminine, she's not going to self insert as an ugly bastard.

No. 467035

Moeblobs with balloon tits aren’t attractive. They just look clownish next to the more realistic males.
>put effort into her looks and is pretty feminine
Then why is she overusing a filter? Kek.

No. 467036

Everyone has their ideal of beauty tbh. I dont find her ocs attractive because i aint gay, but i like the contrast between her moeblobs looks and the fact they are rapestacies. Its very stupid to seethe this hard over a moeblob in an animu doujinshi, even male self inserts often look like moeblobs(kirito).

No. 467037

I’m more offended by the Stacy label being attributed to anyone who can abuse filters.

No. 467039

you sound mentally ill, anon

No. 467043

Stacys aren’t making josei. They don’t even read manga.

No. 467050

How autistic do you have to be to take a joke this seriously.

No. 467055

See >>467031
Even if she’s not using filters, her true Becky nature shines through. She poses pigeoned-legged with peace signs to emulate an ingenue - as she lacks the natural sex appeal of a Stacy. Thus, she compensates by making her self-insert hypersimuli.

No. 467058

tbh I don't care that much about how the heroine looks. As long as it isn't primarily focused on her body as if it's h-manga, it's fine.

No. 467062


No. 467091

Fuck, I wish the megane wasn't a fucking shota.
NTA but was it RJ01256307? If so based.
>fan doujin

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