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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1724478305153.jpg (201.87 KB, 1383x1328, 1000039739.jpg)

No. 2151490

Admin can't keep us down edition
Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1915879

No. 2151494

File: 1724478444550.jpg (350.93 KB, 608x480, Tumblr_l_1439130734002778.jpg)

We made it out fuckers

No. 2151495

Fuck them

No. 2151503

File: 1724478921201.jpg (3.02 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20240823_152538500_HDR~2.j…)

The cat left before I could take a good picture

No. 2151510

is that the ginger babe? maybe itll come back

No. 2151512

File: 1724479361228.jpg (13.94 KB, 280x287, windowtoilet.jpg)

1 too many white claws i admit

No. 2151513

File: 1724479399693.jpg (103.79 KB, 1079x1079, 00c5dfb39_aa588410_1280.jpg)

we're so back

No. 2151515

File: 1724479552580.png (388.93 KB, 571x599, Screen Shot 2024-08-24 at 12.3…)

i just want to time travel and convince her not to do it… we can do revenge instead…

No. 2151524

I started watching smosh for the first time ever because one of their shorts made me laugh but they are such spineless annoying tras, shitting on jk rowling and terfs, and drawfee is the same. But I did just find this channel and it's been so refreshing, it's mostly them reacting to videos but I think they're so funny and it's nice to see two women just being dumb and having fun. If anyone has recommendations for other art channels that aren't gendie poisoned I would love recs, I like to put drawfee on while I draw but them sucking off trannies in every other video gets so off-putting. And Karina is annoying.

No. 2151526

should i scatter propaganda posters in the airport? yes or no

No. 2151528

nah everything is more serious in there they'll give you felony for farting near a customs officer

No. 2151530

File: 1724480356283.jpg (298.3 KB, 3158x2102, IMG_7757.jpg)

omg imagine felony charges over this and i made the news

No. 2151539

File: 1724480905866.png (425.6 KB, 800x497, chinchiller.png)

alright if i gotta come up with an excuse to swap work shifts with someone what should i go with, temporary flu or family medical issue

the truth is that my flight is delayed and it's the fucking time difference that will ruin everything but i cant make it seem like poor planning

No. 2151543

flu or stomach bug because you can reasonably be expected to get better quickly, & someone might ask you later if your family is ok

No. 2151545

alternatively i could say my dad is getting a colonoscopy because you need someone to drive to and from those apparently and they aren't serious surgeries or anything, it just knocks the wind out of you to the point where you can't drive

or is that a different thing

No. 2151550

oh you have a fetish for fat men?

No. 2151551

the funny thing is if you ignore him being fat and his hairline my dad would look pretty good for his age if he slimmed down, but he wont ever do that kek

No. 2151555

food poisoning?

No. 2151560

oh good one

No. 2151588

File: 1724483574103.jpg (42.06 KB, 748x420, 1722660973855.jpg)

I've missed you even though I hated you at first, I've missed you dearly

No. 2151592

bf calling me at random times
>12am in crisis mode
>wants to call at 10am
>7-8:00pm central

No. 2151597

set up a when2meet

No. 2151606

File: 1724484468458.jpeg (85.47 KB, 504x664, IMG_7560.jpeg)

Dragon tails dragon tails

No. 2151814

File: 1724494709299.png (474.38 KB, 1080x700, Schermafbeelding 2024-08-17 om…)

I nearly forgot this thread existed fuck I'm so happy it's back though

No. 2151842

I used to hate this thread, now I’m so happy to see it again. A treasure, its anchor cut, floats back up to the surface for peons..

No. 2151850

Yipppeeeeeeeeee thank you anons for liking my threadpic choice and making it the treadpic, I love this picture it captures the dumbassshit energy QUITE well ♥

No. 2151891

Did they already hit us with the auto sage

No. 2151894

File: 1724498432722.png (Spoiler Image,423.8 KB, 732x773, 1000039557.png)

Wow they did, massive fucking faggots, the lot of them.

No. 2151895

File: 1724498447179.png (1.64 MB, 848x1161, IMG_3569.png)


No. 2151897

File: 1724498521392.gif (771.19 KB, 220x216, IMG_3564.gif)

No. 2151899

Tbh I have accepted the autosage at this point, and the rest of the site is such a fucking cesspool that this is like my nice little oasis now.

No. 2151917

File: 1724499860547.png (876.53 KB, 915x587, feelthem.png)

Nonnies this my new laptop wallpaper. Do you like it?

No. 2151931

At least this way the moron brigade won’t find it as easy.

No. 2151964

no, low vibrational

No. 2151968

Aw, I thought it looked bright and heavenly

No. 2152043

It's so nice to see this thread again. Fuck the admin.

No. 2152046

If you like it that’s all that matters, I like weirdcore/dreamcore/liminalcore stuff like this too but the eyeball would gross me out too much to be a background kek

inb4 “zoomer!!” I’m almost 30 I just like tumblr aesthetics and spooky photos

No. 2152051

Oh and surrealcore

No. 2152116

Holy kek I thought you meant like feminist or terf propaganda not jim carrey propaganda

No. 2152228

it's ANTI Jim propaganda but might still be considered an act of domestic terrorism under the TSA to leave leaflets in the bathroom

No. 2152230

File: 1724516061467.jpeg (43.06 KB, 736x530, IMG_7120.jpeg)

No. 2152247

Is it already dead? Damn

No. 2152315

Only pure of hear beautiful smart high IQ funny brilliant hilarious Stacys contribute to the DAS thread after it's been moved down the catalog.

No. 2152336

I was so excited seeing it in the catalogue, rip

No. 2152337

no acknowledgement of the contribution of us retarded maladjusts?

No. 2152342

Everynonny in here is a Stacy in her own right. No Becky would scroll through the catalog just to shitpost.

No. 2152376

thank you nonna. i have this thread bookmarked to spread the good word of dumb ass shittery. the catalog is truly a fiendish beast.

No. 2152382

I just ctrl f through the catalogue to find it easily. It's a bit more annoying on phone but feasible

No. 2152418

some of us have no patience and anger issues

No. 2152425

Damn, relax ladies the thread can't be popping off all the time, some of us have nap time

No. 2152431

I add the thread to the quick access web pages and update when there's a new thread bats eyes cutely giggles and runs away trips and falls down a set of stairs makes a randomized looney tunes sound effect with every step I slam into

No. 2152490

I have been off lolcow for some months #living and I wanted to post something to the dumbass thread (even though I forgot now) what happened here???????

No. 2152496

New admin autosaged it because they lied about how most of the retarded spamming moids were users that only posted itt.

No. 2152583

File: 1724529910076.jpeg (502.1 KB, 1170x1147, IMG_7784.jpeg)

I have no patience and anger issues too that's what the shortcut is for

No. 2152792

I'm curious about what's reflected in the eye

No. 2152864

Is this still autosaged

No. 2152872

No. 2152903

Is thread pic an arctic fox between summer and winter coats? I have a taxidermy arctic fox and it looks similar to this creature.
Lately, I'm preferring autosage. I never really used dumbass shit before autosage, but now it's like this thread is the last bastion of nonas. Every other thread is infested with 4ch scrotes and twitards, but they don't know how to find this thread yet.

I've seen at least 5 different confirmed scrotes on various threads for the past 3 weeks, and it's starting to get under my skin because usually (before June) scrotes would just get reported and banned, but now it's like summerfags actually like to take scrote bait and interact with them for hours before they're banned.

Imane drama was obviously 4ch scrotes and troons, then there's the 2 of them that camp in Unpopular Opinions, then there's another 1 or 2 that are in Ugly Men Psyop, and then Vent and Confessions are also scrote-central now. In the newest vent thread, I actually wrote in the op "demeaning replies are non-contributions" so that we can just start reporting the baiters that infest the thread to bully anons that are going through something.
Idk if this is the original carreychan, but ever since I witness the intensity of her hatred towards him, I also decided to hate him. Her hatred was very catchy. Whenever someone brings him up in conversation now, I go through carreychan's basic talking points about how he's evil, and tbh usually they agree with me.

No. 2152965

It is one of the originals insofar as you know and I'm currently in california

No. 2153104

Seriously so sick of the moderation blackout that happens everynight now between 9PM EST and 7AM EST. Before it was only like a 5 hour period between 1-6, now it's half the fucking day. Too bad we never get updates from admin or staff so we have to theorize what's going on behind the scenes. I'm guessing that farmhands are back in school now so they don't have enough staff to moderate for the entire day.

No. 2153137

File: 1724557796347.jpg (8.4 KB, 275x275, 1685462995014.jpg)

it's their fault for not letting my NEET ass be janny

No. 2153181

Going through old school photos, and everyone was much funnier looking than I remember

No. 2153184

File: 1724560147346.jpg (2.19 MB, 3000x2629, IMG_20240824_185737554.jpg)

Also look who came back (ignore the mess in the background lol)

No. 2153235

File: 1724562952137.jpg (209.57 KB, 1941x2048, AAAAAAAAAAA.jpg)


No. 2153246

AWWW what a sweet baby nonnie

No. 2153255

Awwwwww yay

No. 2153272

File: 1724565060052.jpg (160.84 KB, 830x830, brachiosaurus.JPG)

i didn't know lego had a jurassic park line, thats cute

No. 2153274

The person I am dealing with in California makes me wish a fixer or Jim would come and kill me. That would be preferable right now. Wow. That's awful

No. 2153307

File: 1724570185866.jpg (124.59 KB, 720x1450, EAlbum.jpg)

is this racism?

No. 2153309

why does this sound so ESL

No. 2153314

bc it is

No. 2153315

No because scrotes are not human, hope this helps.

No. 2153322

>Black: 92 vs White: 1766
i wish instead of arguing about which black women are attractive enough to represent them, they'd fix this instead

No. 2153330

File: 1724572093391.jpeg (243.91 KB, 865x1156, IMG_7794.jpeg)

I look enough like Natalie wood that I keep expecting my life is gonna end in murder

No. 2153332

but you aren't natalie wood, and maybe if lolcor was around in her time, maybe she could've survived

No. 2153525

File: 1724584248375.jpeg (412.39 KB, 750x832, IMG_4276.jpeg)

Rlly wish I could get high but alas

No. 2153533

File: 1724585024002.jpg (214.06 KB, 1179x1296, 1000039842.jpg)

>pov you are my phone staring back at me as i scroll through lolcow

No. 2153534

I want to pet its tummy so bad

No. 2153608

File: 1724591275403.jpg (27.25 KB, 405x405, 9fdae673d69d8950f23d119a1f7c75…)

What other threads do you nonners enjoy? I like a lot of threads on /m/ like the book one, vidya one, rate my art one, and some of the shit comic/art ones too. On /ot/ the line up kind of sucks but I like the ugly man psyop thread.

No. 2153620

Not counting cows: ugly man psyop (the nonnies' creative insults are legitimately so funny), the video games thread, bad art, art and crafts, the fandom thread when it's not being COMPLETELY retarded, and the fujo thread

No. 2153631

this thread, nsfw game thread, ugly man psyop, mundane(dumbass shit's loser younger sister), retarded husbandoposting, attractive men, ideal male bodies. i used to have the mtf thread open too, but after a while, seeing milk that is about an ugly white hetero man crossdressing terribly sperging about his dick gets boring after a while.

No. 2153637

I also like the threads you mentioned, also the NSFW games thread, the female content creator thread and threads of the games I play if they get new posts. Most ot threads just make me depressed or angry.

No. 2153644

samefag, i also keep the moovie night tab open just in case we're having one, too bad i don't really like anything that's been playing or tunesdays.

No. 2153646

samefag samefag, i've also been frequenting the news thread, the Kolkata case really broke through.

No. 2153649

/m/ it's video games, anime (although I don't know a lot of the shows they talk about), theme parks and the occasional airing show like House of the Dragon. It's nice to see reactions to shows that aren't mainstream without coming from a cesspit site.
/ot/ it's stupid questions, this and some fun random ones that pop up occasionally like Lolcow Inn or frogs. Any of the big ones aren't fun. Lolcows own caps can be funny sometimes.
/g/ advice and gardening.

No. 2153659

File: 1724594589036.gif (2.55 MB, 447x265, 1723398424882.gif)

I miss Xena nights…

No. 2153675

Maybe you could host them? The original host anon wasn't able to.

No. 2153748

File: 1724597373593.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1207, IMG_7807.jpeg)

I Lost Angeles

No. 2153773

Oh yeah attractive men and ideal male bodies are good ones.

No. 2153790

and their law

No. 2153802

>mundane(dumbass shit's loser younger sister)
don't diss her like that. she's a perfectly good thread, it's not her fault dumbass was crippled.

No. 2153819

Cerbmin straight up lied about being more communicative. I wish more nonners would call it out.

No. 2153951

File: 1724608497510.jpeg (131.7 KB, 1280x720, image0.jpeg)

Whacked out of my mind mixing pills w wine babes

No. 2153954

Careful please nonnie.

No. 2153955

I'm about to get on a plane I'm not driving
It should fade in a few hours
I hate everything rn

No. 2153981

File: 1724610022471.png (6 MB, 2160x3840, 1000024195.png)

Would this guy earn me a ban for kpoop posting?

No. 2153987

This is DST why would they ban u

No. 2154021

The texture of his skin makes me uncomfortable

No. 2154027

File: 1724611675242.jpeg (45.14 KB, 460x345, IMG_7663.jpeg)

Didn't even get a chance to spread propaganda posters my babes
I'm in hell

No. 2154030

kek nonnie, i have them open always, to add to this collection >>2153307
more importantly, why do his proportions look kinda fucked? his knees are so low and his torso is so long?????

No. 2154049

File: 1724612468072.jpg (45.48 KB, 1000x1000, 1000039900.jpg)

lmao wtf yeah they are weirdly stubby, made me think of Hank
What movie is this?

No. 2154176

File: 1724618704244.png (285.19 KB, 789x525, supermoon.png)

The moon has being giving me really weird vibes since the supermoon last week. I'm pretty paranoid in general but occasionally I'm right.

No. 2154180

The eldritch creature inside it is trying to communicate with you. You better answer.

No. 2154181

Eldritch creature better pay my rent. I don't do evil bidding for free

No. 2154294

File: 1724624531895.jpg (38.47 KB, 735x704, a.jpg)

Practicing eye contact with Mr.Jr

No. 2154299

File: 1724624699096.jpg (108.74 KB, 600x600, robert-downey-600-2-804d231001…)

I miss his furry phase

No. 2154338

File: 1724626156643.jpg (33.29 KB, 600x450, 1724572660304412.jpg)

What have you done to live your best dumb ass life today nonnas?

No. 2154348

I have shift work so I can't consistently be around for Thursday evenings. I'd be down for sharing the hosting duties with other nonnas though

No. 2154349

File: 1724626851441.jpg (90.73 KB, 564x842, bogo.jpg)

I told my boss his shoes were ugly. He cried.

No. 2154350

File: 1724626869549.jpeg (29.51 KB, 1365x648, image0.jpeg)

The pic I posted is from a tv show called kidding which would actually be pretty decent if I weren't afraid of Jim!

The director of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind helped produce it. The only thing I hate is that they don't make Jims character more sinister bc it feels like lost potential. I wanted him to go full Joker so bad and he never did they kept trying to make him seem sympathetic when he was a bonafide POS

No. 2154351

File: 1724626928317.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1198, IMG_1603.jpeg)

Drinking alcohol before two diff plane flights

No. 2154356

I keep asking that about the weird manifestation demons that make some of them come true. If I'm truly a witch then pay me or manifest me a decent job yo

No. 2154360

File: 1724627329938.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_7839.jpeg)

just left 1 of my pamphlets in an airport bathroom hope nobody considers me a domestic terrorist now

No. 2154365

File: 1724627651691.gif (490.84 KB, 500x396, normal-laughter.gif)

I went outside in my PJs at like 6AM and started screaming at the birds who have been waking me early for the last two months. It don't care if the sun is up I need my sleep. Once it's winter and it starts to get bright around 9AM, I'm going to get up before sunrise and annoy those chirpy assholes.

No. 2154367

Honestly I've never heard of a witch that uses demons or contracts and is wealthy. The whole things reeks of psyop by broke ass demons to entrap women. Eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension, maybe, but why would they need me if they are they incomprehensible.
Joking assigned I'm still legit creeped out by the moon.

No. 2154390

Blessed nonners. Spread the message.

No. 2154422

I'm leaving one in my hometown airport before I leave as well. I've been thru 3 airports. I don't have any tape on me unfortunately so I'll just have to prop it up or fold it

No. 2154430

Could you push it up the toilet paper dispenser? That way that'd have to see it.

No. 2154431

Good idea queen. They're kinda large paper pieces more like posters but I'll try

No. 2154438

File: 1724633100251.png (520.71 KB, 845x509, hk54ti5n6tk11.png)

I might be the minority but I kinda hope this thread never becomes unsaged. Trolls and baiters ignore this since it takes effort to find and there's not enough nonnas to reply to bait. It's like an oasis of dumb fun.

No. 2154530

Ate pizza and drank beer with my bestie

No. 2154535

KEK, based

No. 2154579

update; I stuck the anti Carrey propaganda in multiple places one half folded in a trash can where the "JIM IS AN ABUSER" headline is visible and one facedown on the little ledge thing where travelers put their bags

Someone will see it somehow kek

No. 2154581

I want to look to the moon as a friend but the wonkiest events of my life tend to happen during or after a full moon cycle

No. 2154645

Wonky like how?

No. 2154647

Can U scan the poster and upload the scan here so we can print it off and distribute it in our own areas?

No. 2154696

File: 1724644908298.jpeg (2.01 MB, 3409x2726, IMG_7860.jpeg)

I've got several. The only thing is some of them do contain a phone number so I don't know if it'd be alllwed to post them.

I also favor the black and white grungy copies over the color originals, they have a quality that makes them seem more ominous

No. 2154698

File: 1724645004621.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2708x3517, IMG_7861.jpeg)

No. 2154700

File: 1724645076164.jpeg (1.32 MB, 2554x3448, IMG_7862.jpeg)

Side note my klutziness precedes me and I accidentally dropped scalding hot stove water on my foot earlier

No. 2154702

File: 1724645346082.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2818x3670, IMG_7866.jpeg)

I was planning to make more posters about Cat, I'm just trying to figure out what pictures to use and what to write

No. 2154705

File: 1724645487865.jpeg (1.15 MB, 2576x3408, IMG_7867.jpeg)

I was actually planning to post some of these up or randomly put them places well I was in california but didn't have time to

No. 2154706

File: 1724645532996.jpeg (769.65 KB, 2384x3140, IMG_7868.jpeg)

No. 2154710

File: 1724645765125.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3535x2699, IMG_7869.jpeg)

Caricature him being harassed by Sanrio spawn will never not be funny

No. 2154712

File: 1724645866697.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3762x2952, IMG_7870.jpeg)

this the 1 that could get me in trouble so download it quickly

No. 2154714

File: 1724645987670.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 3474x2751, IMG_7871.jpeg)

Trouble 2

No. 2154717

File: 1724646099173.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 3284x2620, IMG_7872.jpeg)

trouble tres

No. 2154740

shit i didn't know this happened last week, guess that's why my period started weirdly early kek. the same thing happened during that eclipse in april

No. 2154745

My period started around the moon too

Usually big drama

No. 2154756

carreychan you're incredible, sasuga nonnie

No. 2154774

File: 1724648344715.png (637.37 KB, 705x966, IMG_7876.png)

Mmm unicorn guts

No. 2154778

File: 1724648671138.jpeg (137.35 KB, 750x657, IMG_4773.jpeg)

Tomorrow is another day, sisters.

No. 2154801

Soooo tired of baiters that I decided to buy a VPN for myself so now I can call them out for being scrotes or retards and whenever I get banned for "scrotefoiling" I'm not banned KEK. It's fun to take advantage of the websites' non existent moderation tools sometimes.

No. 2154807

If you're on mobile just turn off wifi and use your mobile IP maybe?

No. 2154829

File: 1724654856189.jpeg (936.74 KB, 3218x2736, IMG_7879.jpeg)

more legible color copy

No. 2154834

you were the one mad about racebait against Indian scrotes right?

No. 2154841

File: 1724655747325.jpg (162.66 KB, 1200x900, 1000006753.jpg)

You're an inspiration not even joking
Same, I like the little cringe oasis

No. 2154843

File: 1724656073247.jpg (81.81 KB, 363x600, 1000040007.jpg)

Do not sully this place with your shit. Be strong and ignore them, Sisters.

No. 2154844

File: 1724656228348.jpg (26 KB, 400x300, c66db39ea8b4ecb3575842503f400d…)

I'm gonna try and paint my nails like this

No. 2154846

The NSFW games thread is hilarious and cozy to say how dark the source materials can get kek, so many great sentences in there.
Eldritch beings don't abide by the same laws of morality as we do. Mayhaps the moon has a plan.

No. 2154850

You're a goddamn artist (spoken with reverence)

No. 2154859

hold these up to a scrote and brainwash him into abandoning his education and fulfilling his true purpose.

No. 2154952

What's the connection between newhands and CC?

I made a post the other day in response to German troons defending a loli game, and it wasn't redtexted at all. Then, a screencap of that post gets uploaded to CC a day later, less than 20 minutes after it's uploaded on CC my original post is banned. It was bait, but it was in response to loli-obssessed troons and I made it during one of the nightly farmhand blackouts.

I just thought it was so weird that. It seemed like a newhand was browsing CC, saw my post uploaded there and the troons complaining about it, and then went back to LC to find it and redtext it.

Kek I'm getting so heavy on conspiracies lately ever since the recent 4ch raids, the disappearance of cerbmin, and the increasing frequency and length of moderation blackouts.

No. 2154997

File: 1724673599109.jpeg (173.82 KB, 934x976, IMG_5860.jpeg)

Shower then maybe(racebait)

No. 2155040

They really are tranny jannies

No. 2155073

Mark my words, there will be some blow up drama concerning the mod team at some point.

No. 2155166

File: 1724685217481.jpeg (449.81 KB, 712x882, IMG_0845.jpeg)

another anon told me that CC auto moderates using bots, so maybe you mentioned a term that got you autobanned?

Thanks nonnies my first major in college was graphics and I have no faith in my ability to do anything

No. 2155170

File: 1724685450719.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x2003, IMG_7882.jpeg)

So the bling ring 2.0 exists

No. 2155175

kek I literally just saw this on reddit two minutes ago, are we the same person?

No. 2155227

It was on the front page right? Maybe we are, hello twin

No. 2155336

File: 1724694901220.jpeg (338.83 KB, 864x599, IMG_7889.jpeg)

Sorry to Linda his assistant but not really, she is a pickme handmaiden to his fuckery and has been for 3 decades now. Pickme's don't prosper and one day neither will she

If you guys are gonna distribute the posters please be discreet and careful. They're meant to be seen as a PSA to the masses, the distributors are irrelevant. The reason I chose bathrooms is that bathrooms notoriously have no cameras even in an airport

No. 2155457

File: 1724700491423.jpg (46.04 KB, 896x742, EqxGB0sXAAE8Mpe.jpg)

i thought i was tough shit but all it took was seeing a girl with an hourglass to ruin my day

No. 2155470

i hate that i understand those spicy straight women that think being SSA is about leaving crazy compliments in the comment sections of posts by attractive women. i wish i could look at a woman and just think about tickling her clitoris or like groping her boobs, it'd be nice.

No. 2155472

somehow the only thing making me laugh rn is the "i had a brain-eating amoeba once, poor fella died of hungry"

No. 2155475

i literally look like this >>2155457 cry laughing, poor fella, he die of hungry

No. 2155487

oop, i laughed it out, it's not working anymore

No. 2155495

a girl with an hourglass figure, or a girl just like…holding an hourglass?

No. 2155508

kek nonnie, a girl with an hourglass figure, but i must admit, the visual of me immediately going into a sobbing fit bc of a girl holding an hourglass is very funny, thank you

No. 2155509

File: 1724702089926.jpg (75.84 KB, 728x1080, nemesis.jpg)

God damn stuck up time bitches holding hourglasses

No. 2155512

oh man, i WOULD weep if i wasn't her

No. 2155515

Sorry I can’t be HER

No. 2155542


No. 2155546

I'm going to make mac and cheese and watch Supernatural with my parents

No. 2155550

File: 1724703768314.webp (37.23 KB, 1000x745, mooooon.webp)

Sun has been down for down for an hour and the moon's already looking shifty af

No. 2155614

Girl I just traveled halfway across the country for a man who treated me like dog food and only got a $16 Brussel sprout appetizer and canes chicken out of it

No. 2155637

File: 1724709763202.webp (289.42 KB, 1280x1280, xg8y061nrot31.webp)

Feeling cute today

No. 2155643

Who Is She

No. 2155655

File: 1724711419869.png (2.21 MB, 1217x1164, 345sdfgs5gsd.png)

She is the one named Snaker Moon

No. 2155779

I'm the first ayrt, sorry if I wasn't clear, I wasn't banned on CC. I don't post on CC often because it's a troon site, I only go on there to lurk the "lolcow hate thread" because usually what happens is the troons that like to raid here talk about raids itt and delete it afterwards. Anyway, a troon posted a screencap on CC of 24-hour old LC post, then 20 minutes after being uploaded to CC, my post on LC is banned. It made me suspicious that a newhand lurks that CC thread and when it saw the screencap of my post, it came here to redtext.
Oh it's coming. Cerbmin has been MIA for 4+ months. There's gonna be a coup coming, and when that happens the site is gonna go to shit for a solid 2-3 weeks before returning to normal. I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the year, we had a new admin and farmhand applications open. I don't even think these farmhands are THAT bad tbh, it's just obvious that there's too few of them and that they're stretched very thin.

No. 2155806

> I don't even think these farmhands are THAT bad tbh
The /w/ is running that place like the navy. There really did not need to be a Jillybean wedding containment thread. It died quick asf. I think they need to admit that /w/ was a failed experiment and move everything back to /snow/.

No. 2155940

I actually prefer the idea of having one board for weeb cows because it keeps a lot of the retards out of /snow/. The culture on /w/ is so different from /snow/ that I think re-combining the two would result in a lot of headache.

No. 2155972

File: 1724730396503.jpeg (196.6 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1798.jpeg)

I'm trying to remember what game this was from

No. 2155976


No. 2155978

Idk the game name but it pops up if you search Stephanie lawson stevens forgot she existed

No. 2155981


No. 2155983

I wouldn't be shocked if there's cross traffic since the sites are pretty closely related and have some user overlap

No. 2155997

File: 1724731506558.jpeg (386.25 KB, 1242x1605, 7F30514A-DA49-4B18-95AE-540C38…)

Anons if I'm going to make a couple more posters about the Cat White case, what images should I use? There are plenty more I can choose from, but I just want a second opinion

No. 2156067

File: 1724737801659.png (1022.2 KB, 1080x1096, 1000040088.png)

Cerbmin absolutely needs to give the site up, but who's gonna be the new admin? We're just stuck in this loop of shitty assholes who don't know what they're doing because there's no one capable and willing in-house. Who's gonna step up?

No. 2156231

File: 1724757787852.gif (453.98 KB, 200x150, 1000040121.gif)

No. 2156452

Does anyone want to see my #vintage millennial-core mustache accessories that I still own for some reason

No. 2156493

Kek, yes

No. 2156516

File: 1724775914515.jpg (345.76 KB, 2549x1417, 1000040141.jpg)

These belong in a museum.

No. 2156560

File: 1724777456213.jpeg (86.74 KB, 450x540, IMG_4931.jpeg)

No. 2156590

So tired of the faggot who rushes to /meta/ to complain about people sperging about moderation. Eat my pussy you retarded bitch.

No. 2156653

File: 1724781431999.jpeg (930.88 KB, 1170x1125, IMG_7846.jpeg)

The truth is out there

No. 2156700

File: 1724782597902.jpg (34.09 KB, 503x284, fjgdfhgjdkfhkjdfhkjxdfhl.jpg)

The facade is over

No. 2156865

File: 1724790075279.gif (2.73 MB, 268x260, 1000040225.gif)

idgi do people really think he's hot? He's like Paul Dano level ugly to me.

No. 2156931

If it wasn't for him dyeing his eyebrows the same colour as his hair I would have thought it was a wig. His skin reminds me of hotdogs.

No. 2156955

No. 2156975

Somehow that's the perfect description, he does look like he smells of hotdog water.

No. 2157108

File: 1724799649925.jpeg (385.25 KB, 828x698, D75339E4-0B4F-4591-9E4C-4DD184…)

Bots accusing me of being antisemitic for calling out Hollywood lawyers when I'm actually of partial Jewish ancestry kek

No. 2157110

File: 1724799687318.png (550.92 KB, 828x1100, IMG_5671.png)

No. 2157116

File: 1724800045153.jpeg (430.05 KB, 2166x1674, EEF148D5-7DDB-4D46-8C21-D91F5A…)

Gotta love love how many times I was gaslit

No. 2157146

Tom cruise

No. 2157152

Using 4chan was your first problem. Expecting decent feedback without it being porn related was your second. Why go to scrote central site nonka?

No. 2157164

He looks like he has a waxy, bumpy back. Nasty.

No. 2157167

Because I still wanted to spread the propaganda there that maybe it'd change even a few scrotes minds… reddit was too filled with bots.

No. 2157169

This photos hilarious

No. 2157177

While I admire your dedication 4chan, since the /pol/ infestation, is so full of reaction baiters you could say the sky is blue and all you'd get back is posts saying it's a Jewish conspiracy, some unrelated stuff about US politics and a bunch of AI images of clouds with tits. It wasn't great before but unless you're using some of the very small boards it's useless.
Reddit is also completely fucked. Bot central since the IPO. Troons have also infested any even slightly lesbian subreddit. I'm so glad I have lowcow.
Rant over.

No. 2157222

Girl I'm just so done with everything at this point

No. 2157242

Tsunamis start with small waves. I don't mean to discourage, I think this energy is good. I don't know myself what sites to direct it to though.

No. 2157680

File: 1724856319886.jpeg (575.69 KB, 750x806, IMG_5058.jpeg)

Good morning dumbasses!

No. 2157825

why did they bring robotnik back he should've just stayed fucking dead

No. 2157827

What a shitty song, can't believe 3 people got killed over that shit.

No. 2157849

File: 1724865508176.jpeg (Spoiler Image,253.16 KB, 941x457, IMG_8028.jpeg)


No. 2157852

>3 people got killed

No. 2157854

I actually hate how the Sonic movies are just a vessel for Jim Carrey to do his tired-ass Jim Carrey Humor schtick and for James Anyman Marsden to keep paying his mortgage. They made Robotnik a fatty just like how Robotnik is meant to be but of course it's not Robotnik fat it's Jim Carrey's unaffected male menopause body fat. I don't even like fat men but come on. They could have gotten a real barrel-chested moid to fatten up for a few months for this movie. This shit sucks. What fucking Sonic fans are actually happy with these movies??? Sonic has been woobified and has no remnant of his actual personality. It's not cool to be a cocky, too cool for school character anymore so let's just strip him of his personality! Great!

No. 2157860

File: 1724866653349.jpeg (158.49 KB, 650x650, IMG_8029.jpeg)

I fell for the psyop and became a Carreyfag cuz of the tumblr sexyman nature of Robotnik in the first movie. In the second one and now the third one his design is too ugly and I'm repulsed by jim so all the spark is gone, but in hindsight he wasn't a great casting. I'm not even an extreme Sonicfag but at least they could've cast someone fat?

Seemed like the executives wanted to get butts in seats. I don't understand why ugly sonic couldn't do that by its lonesome considering the design change carried more hype than having washed up Jim in the film.

No. 2157862

Here you go, I have no idea if this video is good, I just clicked on the first one when searching for Randy Stair.

No. 2157864

File: 1724866954880.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2133, IMG_8030.jpeg)

The point is no matter how much Jim's vain lurking ass likes to think it, he wasn't the one carreying Sonic.

If you have a preexisting IP that kids and previous generations enjoy, they're gonna flock to the cinemas and eat it up regardless of whether it's slop. It's nostalgia IP.

People were not attending for a flop who couldn't even make his sad clown Mr Roger's Joker hybrid tv show work. 75% drop in ratings despite an Ariana Grande cameo? Zoo wee mama!

No. 2157867

The fact that nobody in Randy's life foresaw all the red flags…

No. 2157878

I just don't understand why this couldn't be a fully animated movie. What joy do sonicfags get out of seeing Sonic be the 10 year old disgusting furry son of two real life humans we are meant to relate to? Sympathize with??? Like what is the goal here??? Sonic has an entire army of extremely autistic American fans because Sonic's entire conception was fueled by intending to create the "coolest American" character those Japanese fuddy-duddies could muster up. Cue obsessive autist man/woman-children fandom that has withstood decades of shitty games. Why do these autists love Sonic? Because he is the autist's pinnacle of cool. So what do they do to movie Sonic to honor these hyper-autists? Force him to be a fish out of water type that must prove his worth and also shoehorn him into the "strange, but special" child archetype. What the actual fuck is that retardation. Sonic is cool because the canon is basically some Shonen anime that panders to American autists. It's babby's first anime which holds a very special nostalgic place in Sonicfags' hearts.
Sonic does have a history of missing the mark and trying to pander to audiences by way of placing unnecessary importance on new, human characters. Every Sonic fan dislikes these characters and will tell you they can do without them. Chris, Elise, now Tom. STOP THE FUCKING HUMAN SHIT, JUST GIVE THE AUTISTS THE MASCOT ANIMAL BORDERLINE FURRY ANIMATED CARTOON. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.
Being a sonicfag is like self harm atp.

No. 2157882

There's a THIRD movie coming out??

No. 2157919

File: 1724869603460.mp4 (2.98 MB, 888x466, RPReplay_Final1724869290.mp4)

I love you sonicfag
The other thing that bothers me is that there's no sign of Amy or any others beside shadow in the trailer. I actually kind of think Keanu as shadow is cute, but I can't sanction the Buffoonery of inviting Carrey back and thus I will refuse to see it. If that retard is gonna retire he should live by his word and go die in a cave in the mountains of Canada or something.

All this also coming from the guy who said he hated sequels after Ace Ventura but broke that the moment he started losing fervor in the 2010s. He shafted a movie with an interesting premise called Pierre Pierre and completely screwed over the writers and staff for Dumb and Dumber To. This retardo leaves more destruction in his path than the villain he's playing, god I can't stand him

"Something traumatic directed at me" but you killed your girlfriend, I'm sorry, do you not deserve flack for that dude?

Yes Hollywood has run out of ideas. There's a Shrek 5 and Toy Story 5 coming out. It's just one regurgitation after another.

No. 2157927

>that video
He's an empty shell of a person who more than anything wants audiences to suck his cock. He's so desperate on screen now. You can tell he's hoping and wishing for a Brendan Frasier tier comeback full of asspats and awards.

No. 2157930

File: 1724870323210.mp4 (3.69 MB, 888x464, RPReplay_Final1724870053 2.mp4)

>keeps wiping his cocaine nose despite his little handler standing in the background
>"i-i don't want anyone to reboot my movies that aged like milk in the sun for their misogynistic tropes anyway!"

why the fuck is he so rude to interviewers? god his tone of voice especially towards women grinds my gears

I can't believe I ever liked this man ew

No. 2157933

>"im doin' tons. All new. All new"
>only content he's been part of since 2019 when this was filmed have been
>2 Sonic sequels
>an awful "memoir"

No. 2157936

I understand you. I'm the anon who was unhealthily attached to a wannabe comedian. I actually really hate comedians and the comedian atmosphere now. All a bunch of porn addicted attention seeking freaks. Mine is 5'7" and is sexually aroused by crying women. I wish we could team up and cleanse this earth of these sociopaths. They're all leeches who need constant stimulation for their shit little funnyman routines. I hate them all now. As soon as a comedian makes a single slight misogynistic joke I know exactly who he is. Spreading STIs and cheating on the women who support their shows and acts. I need it all to fucking burn.

No. 2157941

I've considered going to LA and infiltrating comedy circles if I had a solid plan. I'd collect evidence, I'd create a decently popular personal social media account or two, and I'd expose them once I had enough feasible content. I don't really care about my life and I'm a childhood abuse and IPV survivor, I feel like the living dead. I'd kill myself hypothetically after I exposed them to avoid them killing me. The only thing is that I don't think I'd ever get there without being found out.

Problem is I know far too many people would defend them if I made it to exposure and it wouldn't take down the entire establishment. Systemic change needs to come from within and comedy is just so laden with misogyny. And it hurts because I liked so many of these men and use humor to mask my own pain, only to discover they see women like that as targets. Yet they constantly cry about their own self victimization. Tell that to the people you've entrapped and traumatized and forced to be on meds for the rest of your life you fucking asswipes

No. 2157946

File: 1724871356834.jpeg (400.53 KB, 785x1487, IMG_7990.jpeg)

Michael Cane

No. 2157988

Stellar contribution, thank you

No. 2157990

The daily fail is daily failing

No. 2157995

File: 1724874504036.jpeg (231.24 KB, 1170x879, image0.jpeg)

Re:Pierre Pierre

No. 2158004

File: 1724874837629.jpg (22.21 KB, 627x350, 1000007215.jpg)

The normie humans are so boring and easily the worst part of the movies, you could replace them with ANY other plotline and nothing of value would be lost.

No. 2158016

"Everyone needs to have a voice right now" except Carreychan clearly lets censor her

I am not a sadist but god I want you to choke on my clitoris

No. 2158027

File: 1724875581519.jpeg (41.79 KB, 600x200, IMG_8044.jpeg)

It's just the stereotype of combined live action animated movies. Gots to have bland humans to play off the qUIrKY CGI animals. Wasn't James Marsden also in Hop? Same shit, different character

No. 2158077

James Marsden is the most forced nobody in film and TV history. Made a whole career of being a nobody.

No. 2158082

He's an attractive guy with completely unremarkable, forgettable roles

No. 2158093

He also wrote in support of the guy who full on assraped Drake Bell when he was 16, he was definitely getting passed around himself. I thought he was a cute talentless humble kind of guy but after I found out he defended a pedo rapist he's just another soulless Hollywood scrote whore to me.

No. 2158114

File: 1724878072535.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1701, IMG_8055.jpeg)

He also dated a model half his age after breaking up with his ex kek

No. 2158121

Something about his aura and the way he carries himself screams pathetic desperation.

No. 2158131

File: 1724878821287.jpeg (105.6 KB, 689x1200, IMG_8054.jpeg)

>trying to post comments on articles
>yr comments must b APPROVED before they can be shown

No. 2158137

I should post this in the vent thread but ughhhh. I told her all the shit her pathetic wannabe comedian boyfriend said behind her back. The way he mocks every one of her interests. The way he bitches about her constantly. The way he rolls his eyes at the fact she doesn't like hearing the word "bitch" and says it's a slur. The way he laughed when he said she loved him because he thought she was crazy. I feel like you >>2155997 I feel like I was right in the situation the way you wanted to be. I did what you wish you could have done. I warned her, I told her everything. She still uploads tiktoks but I'm scared to check. I'm scared he's told her I'm crazy. I'm scared they both have. He's only dating her because she has money. I know the relationship can't last long but I'm scared of what might happen between them. I'm scared he might snap. He has gotten close to snapping and has gotten physical with one girlfriend already. I wish she could run away. I wish she would just drop him and get better friends.

No. 2158141

I keep telling myself that no matter what, my life is much more peaceful without them. My life is more peaceful without porn-addicted scrotes in my life. But I can't stop thinking about her and how nice she seemed and how honest and authentic. And the fact she was with that sorry excuse for a human. I'm worried for her. Fuck me.

No. 2158146

You tried to warn her the best you can. If she refuses to listen that is on her. It's her conscious choice in the end and if you can't sway her, then who really can? I'm sorry nona I hope she sees the light soon. I've known people who've been in a similar situation albeit not with a wannabe comedian, but the ironic thing is that we'd not talked for a couple years by the time her and bf broke up and then he had the audacity to snoop out my number and send me dick pics. I was going to contact her thereafter asking how bad it must've ended but I didn't bother. So many men are scum and so many women don't see, and it's not our jobs necessarily to warn them. And hell sometimes we don't see the warning signs ourselves until it's too late

>t. just broke up with a pretty scummy bf and beating myself up over not seeing red flags earlier after wasting months on him

No. 2158147

I don't know if you really believe in some type of god/diety or manifestation power but I have sometimes resorted to prayer or manifesting like I'm an old grandma when all else fails. It seems really dumb but it helps calm me a little

No. 2158153

You're right, and I'm glad you got out of that shitty relationship. Stay safe nona.
My issue is how he seems to charm people instantly. He's midget sized with a huge head and yet he can charm girls in a fucking instant. I was charmed as well, though eventually I understood how manipulative he was. It's scary because I have vague posted about him on multiple platforms and nearly every time without fail there is always somebody replying to me and telling me I'm retarded, or the situation is retarded, or that I'm making a big deal out of nothing. He's not tech-savvy enough to have sock puppet accounts, so this is just randoms telling me I'm insane for talking about a manipulative scrote. Almost every time. It scares me. I fucking hate him. His main control tactic is triangulation. The last time we ever met up I could tell he was irritated by how I didn't fall for his manipulation techniques anymore. It makes me sick to think of all the shit he is doing behind her back now that I'm not there to call him a retarded faggot. Not that it really stopped him but he at least put on a regretful facade about it. Now he can do everything without feeling sorry. I hope to god she leaves him before it's too late.
I do manifest sometimes. I should really get back into it.

No. 2158160

I wish you love healing and luck queen. I hate how many people will hastily defend grotesque scrotes. "not all men!" "lets give men benefit of the doubt!" when men prove themselves time and again to be majority unworthy of womens forgiveness

No. 2158166

also if he has any kind of manager or friends they could be running sock accounts for him. don't ever put it past these guys to have sock accounts even if they seem too dim witted for it

No. 2158266

I'm kinda freaked out that there's parts of me I've never seen directly with my own eyes. Like not my back or butthole or anything like that but I've never seen what my face actually looks like. Reflections are a thing and kinda line up with what I can feel but I have no context if that's what I really look like. Even with good cameras color, focus, blur etc always are a little off. I wish I knew what I looked like

No. 2158292

File: 1724888886135.jpeg (608.71 KB, 1170x1241, IMG_8067.jpeg)

Ew he's playing two characters can he please die before this movie comes out please please please

No. 2158293

File: 1724888912487.jpeg (708.67 KB, 1170x1334, IMG_8068.jpeg)

why is Jessica jones involved with this hot mess

No. 2158320

Carreychan someone just posted proof in General Tinfoil that you're a troon sympathizer. What is your rebuke to this? I'm feeling betrayed and hurt by this revelation.

No. 2158329

Carreychan please…

No. 2158330

File: 1724890093850.png (524.98 KB, 564x840, clownlife.png)

God damn it

No. 2158332

… Linda Hill is that you?

No. 2158337

File: 1724890272816.png (12.65 KB, 381x253, Screen Shot 2024-08-28 at 7.02…)

If someone is trying to derail the entire point of the document I can't say I'm surprised, it's Jim psyopping again

No. 2158341


No. 2158342

File: 1724890399115.jpg (391.44 KB, 1017x608, squint eyed bitch.jpg)

Linda pls

No. 2158343

So do you support trannies.

No. 2158355

File: 1724891007738.png (19.89 KB, 981x77, carreychan WHY....png)

I'm actually really hurt and betrayed by this. I actually thought she was one of us. This news has upset me greatly. To see such a titan fall. This is how the Romans felt on the eve of the Vandal invasion.

No. 2158358

The transphobia in Ace Ventura was the only based thing he's ever done tbh.

No. 2158371

File: 1724891875975.png (12.94 KB, 284x284, 1724327771980.png)

Well. That just happened.

No. 2158379

I know. My whole world is crashing down. Why did Carrey-chan betray us? This is how Jesus must have felt when He realized Judas sold Him out to the Romans.

No. 2158382

I think she's been some of the anons replying to some of the anons in shock about the caring about transphobia comments too kek.

No. 2158391

File: 1724893079766.jpeg (125.19 KB, 736x736, 1230851290.jpeg)

It's becoming harder and harder not to become a cynical bitch everyday. I'm trying but every single feckin time.

No. 2158398

Bruh…Jim watches you sleep through the walls, Carreychan, he and his people are organizing their attacks against you right now.

No. 2158402

File: 1724894090416.gif (1.9 MB, 268x273, 1000010260.gif)

So we all agree that Vinny Vinesauce is a wig wearing bitch, correct?

No. 2158405

Yes. He has enough money to get hair transplants though, idk why he doesn't just do that

No. 2158408

Samefag but fuck he is literally so repulsive I hate this faggot sooooo much he looks like a sex pest coworker it makes me want to beat him to death with a hammer I hate when he smiles and I also hate his retarded I AM Going To Kill Myself Now character he plays he sounds so fragile and weak, if I am watching a moid play video games the moid better entertain me like a mentally challenged monkey starved of laughter and banter, I don't Gove a fuck about his mental state and I shouldn't be reminded of his depression oo fucking woo. The fact that every single one of his fans talks about him with the most sympathetic parasocial relationship ever time annoys the shit out of me like every time they talk about him it's like they're saying it to a backing track of the world's smallest violin.
God I fucking hate Vinny Vinesauce.

No. 2158414

File: 1724894976807.gif (1.07 MB, 498x272, 1000011045.gif)

THAT IS A WHOLE ASS FUCKING WIG ON HIS HEAD LOOK AT THE WEFTS IN THAT AIR TIGHT PARTING!!!! THE DISGUSTING, FRUMPY SWEATER. THE PERFORMATIVE LITTLE CHUCKLE SHRUG. I HATE THIS FAG HE IS VISCERALLY REPULSIVE. Jerma is also ugly but at least he took care of himself before becoming basically crippled with chronic pain or whatever. Vinny just has tumblr girl depression.

No. 2158432

huh, that is a whig, Jerma is kinda handsome tho, specially when he was younger

No. 2158445

Usually for scrotes to get a hair transplant, they have to take hair from another place on the head and put it in the desired spot. It could be that he's more bald than we know and that he doesn't have enough hair to donate. Another thing is that even if a scrote does get a hair transplant, he's still balding, so eventually the transplanted hair will fall out just like the original hair did.

No. 2158454

they have to get on the pill that supresses DHT for it to work

No. 2158479

I like Careychan and I support her cause and her schizophrenia, if she’s a troon supporter I’ll be disappointed but I won’t write her off. What annoys me more tbh is the way she posts like every 10 minutes itt, she’s completely co-opted it and tainted the vibe. Chill out girl, I don’t want to be reminded that some sweet woman got murdered or pushed to suicide thrice daily, I avoid the news thread for that exact reason, I can’t take anymore black pills I’m already overdosing.

No. 2158484

Yeah I agree with you when you complain about her posting too much. It's kind of annoying. Carreychan works best when she posts less than twice a month, it makes her posts seem more like sweet surprise gifts instead of constant spam. Especially since most of us are already on her side vis a vis Jim.

No. 2158566

File: 1724904669112.jpeg (96.77 KB, 960x722, IMG_4688.jpeg)

Ate a burrito. Now I have gas.

No. 2158731

Wow. It's been hours since her last post. Carreychan really was pro-troon. I'm crying and shaking.

No. 2158739

real, i also hate comedians with their youtube accounts posting videos of supposed "hecklers", one such video i can't get out my mind is one of some scrote supposedly getting heckled by a woman, and his fucking response is to be like "I'M SORRY YOUR DAD DIDN'T TOUCH YOU AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE", and goes on more after that, like, fucking disgusting, since when did moids start projecting their vile fetishes as insults

No. 2158781

I also think she is multiple personalityfags, because the capital mods spammer in /meta/ didn't even post it last night.

No. 2158820

No, the /meta/ spammer last posted 19 hours ago and also on CC.

No. 2158851

File: 1724940174283.webp (24.78 KB, 564x584, positive-cat.webp)

Sending good energy for the dumb-asses in this thread

No. 2158887

Fuck that heathen, I'm switching sides now. Friendship ended with Carreychan, now Jim is my best friend

No. 2159003

The /meta/ spammer that posted on CC conveniently changed up her writing style when the accusation was made, plus she responded within like 2 minutes to the accusation too. They're absolutely the same person.

No. 2159007

Notice how she didn't even deny she's a tranny sympathizer…

No. 2159058

File: 1724950979286.jpg (1.16 MB, 1033x3152, 1000011053.jpg)

Do we think it's Carrey-chan, dumbassshit nonnies? Carrey-chan definitely has the overinflated self-importance aspect down to a T.

No. 2159156

File: 1724956138263.png (417.59 KB, 608x452, filenames are hard to come up …)

Had to make it

No. 2159163

KEKKKKK I fucking love it. Should be the threadpic for a Carreychan hate thread

No. 2159204

Carreychan you can try to gayop your way out of being found out all you want but you were never as smart as you thought you were. Tranny supporters GTFO.

No. 2159250

Sorry for being schizo but I also believe she's in the tinfoil thread trying to defend herself.

No. 2159314

File: 1724962507038.jpg (58.62 KB, 1076x868, 1000040740.jpg)

Things are shit right now for me but I hope something good can happen for my nonnas.

No. 2159322

Hoping for good things for you too nonners

No. 2159349

File: 1724964564533.jpg (76.32 KB, 452x454, 1000010995.jpg)

What a strange day on the farms it has been.

No. 2159355

Sometimes the best milk is home grown

No. 2159361

We should have never tolerated her retardation. It makes so much sense in hindsight.

No. 2159376

We're back!!!

No. 2159425

File: 1726039912891.gif (703.67 KB, 220x220, 1721076854732.gif)

Oh Dumbass thread how I've missed you.

No. 2159428

welcome back dumbass shit thread <3333

No. 2159435

lets take this as a lessson to never autosage dumbass shit again!

No. 2159496

I wonder if carrey-chan is coming back. There's been two weeks to make a statement

No. 2159574

I am losing my fucking mind can ANYONE direct me to the original Kirby slit post? Or at least remind me if it was during the Vday or Christmas bunker, I thought it was the Valentine's one but I could not find it in any of those threads.

No. 2159817

she's not because she realized her house of cards had fallen.

No. 2159881

man India fucking sucks, some time ago(before maintenance) coming back home from college the last fucking thing i wanted to see in the women's coach was two hijras with their boytoys, making a ruckus and being so fucking annoying, and then when at a stop a male staff person spotted them in the women's coach, he did fucking nothing, fine, you dont wanna get fired for not sucking tranny cock, please for the love of christ at least get the fags out, but NOOOOO. ffs. here's how an Indian tranny sounds anyways, i'd translate, i'm too westernized and they're too vulgar, https://voca.ro/1m0M7yPGIJRp .

No. 2160014

lolcow back (back)
lolcow back (back)
Let all these nonas know that lolcow back

No. 2160028

File: 1726069016825.gif (576.71 KB, 1250x1080, 1725959912345.gif)


No. 2160045

it was definitely the valentine's one first

No. 2160574

the amerifag thread is so scary

No. 2160857

They always got heated around election time and this one is ghost pepper level. They should chill out after the elections.

No. 2161077

File: 1726101387595.jpg (212.93 KB, 1397x3056, 017 (2).jpg)

How the fuck did this anon get access before any of us

No. 2161100

hello nonnies how are feeling with the return to lolcow? i kind of liked the bunkers for a bit but of course missed the site, though got autobanned on CC and the cucquean board bunker devolved into annoying infighting.

No. 2161160

I'm still thinking about that anon who crushed on some bald streamer getting her weird tumblr blog revealed and all the other teenage tumblr "farmers". It really put a lot of posts into consideration.

No. 2161336

File: 1726119140590.jpg (543.66 KB, 1446x1646, 1000017953.jpg)

Having an active chatroom thread was fun but I'm glad to be back on my beloved lolcor

No. 2161382

The farm did go back up for a short while before getting closed again, she must have been quick

No. 2161834

File: 1726161057329.jpg (144.11 KB, 949x966, 1000008077.jpg)

saw a pile of dog poop today, looked so cartoony like swirling around itself tf

No. 2162150

Lolcow is so slow now that we are free to roam I need the bunkers so bad I desire it carnally

No. 2162605

Me too, lc feels so dead compared to the bunkers. please free us from autosage hell cerbmin

No. 2162974

Is that from Blame?

No. 2163423

File: 1726273301996.webp (121.91 KB, 893x570, Rher.webp)

>My mental state when someone does something mildly rude but societal convention means I can't act out on it.
Oh I need to unload my psycho somewhere

No. 2163862

File: 1726295947888.gif (4.02 MB, 220x140, 1000003090.gif)

real, while my group and I were working on the outfit for our assignment, some FUCKING RETARD JUST TAKES MY GRADING RULER OUT OF MY BAG AND NEVER FUCKING TELLS ME but oh no they just BARELY had the decency to leave the wrapper in my bag but not FUCKING TELL ME THEY TOOK IT, and then when we were done STILL DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME AND JUST LEFT IT IN THE MOTHERFUCKING LAB WE WERE IN and i only found out after i messaged the messaging group for our group members on the off chance someone took it bc i still didn't know and thought i left it at home and my friend has to tell me she thought i'd let it be borrowed, AND MY GRADING RULER IS STILL IN THE FUCKING LAB, luckily i had a friend in the class that usually has their classes take place in that lab so she managed to find it(and someone was already using it again bc they didn't know whose it was) BUT ITS STILL FUCKING PISSING ME OFF THAT THEY DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME AND I COULD'VE FUCKING LOST IT.
also i'm using 'they' bc nobody actually came forward about taking my ruler without permission so it could either be the males or the girls in my group that have the fucking manners of a shit eating dog.

No. 2163909

Everything here is justified but
>leave the wrapper in my bag
I would legit flip at this. So fucking rude. It might be a small thing but think for 5 seconds how it might impact someone else outside of your main character narcissist personality bubble.

No. 2164142

No. 2164176

thank you

No. 2164357

This album genuinely stresses me out. I find it unsettling.

No. 2164488

Thanks for putting me on this shit nona what the fuck. This is great music to listen to alone while high if you're a super imaginative autist KEK. All those pregnant MTV teens are so sad.

No. 2164499

File: 1726343132758.jpg (528.72 KB, 1080x1440, 264616_v9_bc.jpg)

Candidate for Eliott Smith biopic?

No. 2164756

File: 1726357248545.gif (1.84 MB, 600x338, LilMariko.gif)


No. 2165024

What would you guy do if you were a dictator with absolute power?
I would:
>execute all the retards who drive loud vehicles after i ban said vehicles.
> ban fast food in schools
> execute moids who commit crime ASAP. No prison time.
>ban shitbulls
>force all buildings in cities to be beutiful(no more ugly ass shitbox offices and gargantuan walmart parking lots
>execute the moids who drive those stupid giant pickup trucks(why do they ALWAYS fucking tailgate?)
>replace the animals in animal testing with male criminals
>Nuke Bageldesh and India out of existence
>torture and kill Kero the wolf
>force companies to treat and pay employees fairly
>execute MTF trannies
>ban pickmeism
>ban males from owning weapons.
>ban motorcycles
>ban males from using the internet

No. 2165369

File: 1726411142392.gif (3.78 MB, 300x424, 1709576981929.gif)

DUMBASSES WHERE YOU AT????!?!!?!!????????!!!!!!??? I'm so happy that everyone came back to lolcow and immediately started fighting again. Very cool. N E wayz I have to keep myself distracted 24/7 to avoid the depressing state of my reality, how are the rest of you doing on this funky fresh Sunday morning?

No. 2165371

File: 1726411218663.jpg (25.52 KB, 414x406, 1000030183.jpg)

im right here nonnie

No. 2165373

Oh, Kimmy, hold me in your big strong arms ♥

No. 2165377

Kim if she was based and a tape of her jumping rapists scrotes was leaked instead

No. 2165442

File: 1726414291492.jpg (46.14 KB, 480x480, 0015063576_20.jpg)

>how are the rest of you doing on this funky fresh Sunday morning
Sipping aperol spritzes and throwing stuff off my balcony at moids I don't like. It's small stuff like coins now but I have a broken microwave I want to nail some asshole with. If they get mad, try come at me, I live on the 7th floor and there's a code for the building.

No. 2165450

this is such a funny gif kekk

No. 2165495

File: 1726418746940.jpg (78.24 KB, 736x736, 7141ad01ec10c336b07a82e6ee46e3…)

oh wow is LilyPichu's voice insufferable, listening to her in the lastest chapter of Fears to Fathom is unbearable christ

No. 2165809

File: 1726443203424.gif (728.66 KB, 450x330, 1000011163.gif)

So basically um ah ummm erm huh um ah erm eh oh oh ey yah weh da la por que no Los dos?

No. 2166260

Daaaaammmmn nonnie, you got my vote

No. 2166495

I wonder how many farmers are unfortunate enough to have the name Shayna

No. 2166688

oncd saw a lady wearing a shirt with princess Merida wearing a shirt that said "Couture is an attitude" standing in front of a Moschino store surrounded by Moschino bags(Merida, not the lady, obvs)

No. 2168376

I don't know what her parents expected from naming their child Shayna of all things, like they were priming her for a life of being a trashy bleach blonde trailer trash drug user.

No. 2168693

File: 1726612996926.png (427.67 KB, 532x549, 1725714004911.png)

getting tired of anons who can't stay in their lane nonnies………. i gave someone genuinely thoughtful advice and some nona just came out of nowhere and spiralled and ree'd at me so hard i wondered why i even bother on this site

No. 2168914

Is this some sort of lotro creature

No. 2168918

Just came here to say that your thread is trash.

No. 2169285

I find the zenosfag annoying.

No. 2169293

Her posts give me secondhand embarrassment.

No. 2169386

Who is Zenosfag. Better yet, who is Zenos

No. 2169391

File: 1726660318765.jpg (2 MB, 4096x2302, 1000022187.jpg)

She husbandofags a villain from Final Fantasy 14 and she's very normal about it.

No. 2169398

I think things like this but I keep it to myself and I wouldn't dare attach it to my husbando and sully him. These are inside thoughts

No. 2169400

kek I know exactly which posts are yours in certain threads

No. 2169552

Same, and I've played all of ffxiv so I'm reading her posts knowing who it is which makes it worse, he's a whiny masochistic faggot with unwarranted self-importance.

No. 2169577

>whiny faggot with unwarranted self-importance
wow he sounds exactly like her. I know nothing about the character but she just popped up one day and won't stop posting "all whores must die" "he's mine" like girl I have never seen this man before, we don't want him, shut up.

No. 2170087

File: 1726704893119.jpg (18.36 KB, 735x413, 2f3314f4b9ba7af57521273953e90c…)

I hope he is hot and a good husband
Aw no, that sucks

No. 2170106

It is only natural, that poster is annoying as fuck.
Good to know she has been banned for personalityfagging.

No. 2170265


No. 2170268

oh shit

No. 2170272

Well samefag I still hate cerbmin, you ladies are too quick to forgive, watch them go MIA for months again

No. 2170512

did i miss smtg? or are you just talking about the new look of the catalog?

No. 2170529

New look?! Is that what you call it? Nobody wants to scroll thru the catalogue one image at a time. Yeah you can ctrl + F but what is the reason for this awful change

No. 2170535

one image at a time??? that's not how it looks for me, is it bc i use the girltalk theme?

No. 2170536

Hard refresh your browser

No. 2170563

File: 1726750331616.png (1.21 MB, 1080x2189, 1000045138.png)

Clear cached images and files but yeah this still sucks on mobile.
I don't wanna break out my laptop to casually check my threads a few times a day. I still don't understand the hate for mobile posters, I use my phone 99% of the time and have made threads and stuff, what's the big deal?

No. 2170614

File: 1726754761144.jpg (31.19 KB, 735x678, 1000010968.jpg)

I'm a mobilefag and I like the new catalog

No. 2170762

File: 1726763269932.jpg (192.2 KB, 613x536, Evil laugh starts playing.jpg)

sometimes when i'm irked by a user and also partially not sure if they're a woman, i call them anon, feels more stern somehow.

No. 2171154

i use anon even when i like an anon, hope they don't think i'm being mean kek

No. 2171185

File: 1726779208014.png (1.21 MB, 800x1138, 1000011223.png)

>ends the real Jojo by retarded universe rewrite because muh fate is so delicately intertwined muh evil Dio is too integrated with muh pure hearted Jojo
>starts fake Jojo out on somewhat of a strong note with part 7's campy 80's movie Cannon Ball Run parody with gay cowboys and crippled little boy Jojo who learns how to walk through the power of Christ almighty
>spends ten fucking years writing the disorganized slop that is part 8
>couldn't even tell you what the fuck that shit was about
>starts part 9 out paralleling the most boring part with the lamest Jojo, part 5
>protag's name is literally "Jo Dio" and his posse includes a fucking tranny/trap character
I genuinely think Araki is either extremely retarded, is completely done with this bullshit manga series, or both.

No. 2171214

File: 1726779766400.webp (57.41 KB, 756x500, life-is-good.webp)

No. 2171433

File: 1726787966099.jpg (197.33 KB, 825x1064, 1538936800643.jpg)

Me reading Part 8

No. 2172521

I wish I knew Portuguese, the Brazil thread seems fun and Google Translate can't parse their slang well.

No. 2173421

Yo dumbasses I bought a deck of tarot cards. who wants a reading?

No. 2173423

I think my post got deleted by a mod or janny, which is weird because I've never had that happen before. I guess my horny posting was too much that instead of just redtexting me and shaming me they just straight up deleted my post. Crazy.

No. 2173517

File: 1726928945056.gif (2.94 MB, 440x330, 1000045480.gif)

I totally forgot until tumblr reminded me aw yeahhhhh
I am curious what was scandalous enough to get deleted

No. 2173523

Ooo I'll take a reading if that's okay nona. If I need a specific topic then maybe about the future of my college course, I hope it won't conflict with my dumbass sensibilities.

No. 2173530

Kek this sounds like the way less endearing version of the punk/hot topic princesses.

No. 2174164

File: 1726950193188.jpg (59.94 KB, 250x430, thoth-swords-11-reversed.jpg)

I'm a beginner but here we go
>Princess of Swords
Determination and the good bits of passion
>6 of clubs
Success, progress, self-confidence
>The Tower
Hubris before a fall. I'm sorry but this is one of the unambitious bad cards

No. 2174183

File: 1726950641591.jpg (156.25 KB, 530x841, Thothtarotdeck.jpg)

Samefag please Don't take this as gospel! I bought the cards because I thought the images were neat.

No. 2174518

It honestly wasn't even that scandalous! I just posted on the horny asmr thread asking if anyone had links to reuploads of Shoto's r18 asmr (I couldn't even pay if I wanted to because his patreon is paused atm). I also included an image of him getting railed kek but I spoilered it!

No. 2174720

File: 1726976825610.png (83.8 KB, 400x300, image_2024-09-21_204607229.png)

i think this is from exposure to autists with foot fetishes but i wish humans didn't have retarded looking toes i think my life would be slightly better if everyone had cheap doll feet

No. 2174758

File: 1726983931309.png (619.12 KB, 1720x826, ....png)

nonnies, wake up, the indian incels are fighting

No. 2174759

the scrotoid that spends his time posting his ugly mug in response to women vs the moid that spends his time posting about muh suffering of tuh indian man, who'll win?

No. 2176750

>there is no Indian baddie
Oh no kek

No. 2179052

File: 1727268006217.jpg (47.28 KB, 600x984, 1000046385.jpg)

I stumbled onto a feederism account and I feel gross now

No. 2180685

File: 1727377005856.webp (82.3 KB, 640x1078, Jojolion-page-2.webp)

Jojolion starts out wild and never stops.
I'm hopping Jojolands reals the retardation back. It got way too weird in part 8

No. 2181980

The doodleboard admin that just quit is stupid and weak. Unpopular opinions is hands down the worst thread on /ot/ why are even in there, what did you expect?

No. 2187798

Carreychan pls stop medfagging in celebricows, that woman is a grifting liar.

No. 2188079

File: 1727722754970.jpg (252.55 KB, 848x1728, rethelnemesis.jpg)

>Nemesis was the goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. She was a personification of the resentment aroused in men by those who committed crimes with apparent impunity.
I think I've found my religion. Greeks had it right.

No. 2188324

Cerebral Palsy is like the physical disability version of autism.

No. 2190941

File: 1727890520566.jpg (71.92 KB, 736x725, 1000045796.jpg)

Unfortunately I'm starting to understand those who say they enjoy infighting, but I don't do it here, I've started to be more combative on tumblr and even sending anonymous messages to scrotes to kill themselves. If the chronic infighters here ARE women they are the saddest stinkiest pickmes out there, go bait on scrotechan or something, I don't know why an alleged woman would want to shit up the farm.

No. 2191206

based, thank you for your service against moids nonna

No. 2194608

File: 1728149217657.png (72.84 KB, 500x314, 1531865475354.png)

I always find it midly concerning when a post that I thought of as bait gets deleted instead of red-texted, because that might mean it got deleted by anon herself, so it might not be bait but what anon actually believes in and she just shat her pants at the chance of confrontation.

No. 2194750

It felt like my head was gonna explode trying to find this song, for whatever reason the very last "OOooooooooooooh" was stuck in my head and I COULD NOT remember where I heard it. But I found it finally, hallelujah.

No. 2194996

File: 1728167868316.jpg (22.2 KB, 428x451, GY1bpPoXkAAxrXV.jpg)

Infighting is so retarded on this site, wonder if lolcow got posted somewhere else recently

No. 2197342

Some of those fake documentary ufo sighting things are always so fake because why would they immediately just stare at it in an offended way, I feel like most people would be like WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DUDE LOL WE HAVE TO RUN and run away from the ufo. Unless that's just me and my hyper-preservation instincts talking. Would you seriously just stare at it and wait to see what happens? Hellllll nooooo!!!!!!!

No. 2197345

With bigfoot I get it because he's an ape beast and could probably outrun you and then maul you or whatever even though surprisingly no one's ever been attacked and brutally maimed by a bigfoot. But a ufo? Run bitch!!!! Take cover!!!!!!

No. 2197984

It is definitely a bunch of males and underaged retards. Maybe even underaged male retards. I wouldn't be surprised if some depressed 16 year trannies come here.

No. 2198208

I'm so annoyed with Jill's retardation I'm THIS close to creating a fake YouTube profile pretending to be an actual autist and write a long comment telling her she's wrong about autism. That's retarded so I won't do it but you know she'd ree til the cows came home if an #ActualAutism haver called her bluff.

No. 2198229

File: 1728359920602.jpg (63.54 KB, 712x686, tumblr_63507a9099d03222317fad6…)

do you ever accidentally start an infight but feel relief in the fact that youre anonymous and can post normally in the same thread like you didnt just start the ongoing shit show currently happening right above you

No. 2198240

This happens to me in unpopular opinions a lot as of late, even the mildest of topics seem to be setting some off

No. 2198246

some pushback is expected in unpopular opinions but its insane how having a.. well, unpopular opinion can cause some nonas to blow up and stir shit for hours. as you said, even the most mild topic like "i like pancakes" its enough to get some nonas to sperge "so you hate waffles?" for days straight

No. 2198634

File: 1728399624274.gif (9.85 MB, 540x500, 1000049144.gif)

I wish I was this kitten.

No. 2198722

File: 1728403747215.gif (3.12 MB, 156x240, 1000018328.gif)

work hard shit hard

No. 2198924

animal crackers in my soup

No. 2201015

I miss the bunkers…

No. 2204164

File: 1728739115952.png (28.19 KB, 243x151, 1000011485.png)


No. 2204961


No. 2206637

I love that no one on this website can fucking read. Totally misunderstanding something and then acting self righteous about it.

No. 2206795

File: 1728908495467.jpg (77.88 KB, 640x640, 1000027605.jpg)

I made a paprika omelette yesterday and it was TASTY.

No. 2206907

What does this say

No. 2207472

File: 1728952703915.png (156.77 KB, 249x275, 1613623638477.png)

No. 2207720

File: 1728976563690.mp4 (17.79 MB, 1088x1080, 1000002629.mp4)

Consume, losers

No. 2207730

Holy seizure warning

No. 2207733

You love that anons on this site are eating lead? What the fuck is wrong with you?

No. 2207782

File: 1728980236973.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.68 KB, 1079x1095, 20241012_141831.jpg)

No. 2208067

You rascals
lol what is this from
I hope you stub your toe. Scawy.

No. 2208075

File: 1729001225546.jpg (200.44 KB, 816x1456, 1000027631.jpg)

I didn't count on this
Before my very first kiss
This isn't the path we choose
But there's so much we could lose

Are you up for it?
Put your hand in mine, it's a purrfect fit!
Cos it's up to us!
But it's not easy to save the world when you've fallen in love!

No. 2208771

File: 1729028793060.jpg (87.75 KB, 640x605, hellmerican dad.jpg)

>Good morning Hell-S-A
>I got a feeling that its going to be a wonderful day

No. 2208844

I just want the nona with the crush on robert carlyle to know shes not alone, hes beautiful in a creepy way. This hread is so empty its sad i rmeem er when we were so active, once I felt daf when i was frunk a nf an anon said i should draw family guy charters for fun and it was. Lufe is so goof noonies, i live yio all.

No. 2208858

I'm bored

No. 2208898

>when i was frunk
I think you're frunk right now

No. 2208900

We're frunking

No. 2208948

File: 1729038762412.jpg (63.05 KB, 481x481, 1000003319.jpg)

My brother is really weird about the Cambodian genocide and thinks it never happened. For context, no one in our family isn't even remotely Asian, much less southeast asian. He just rambles on and on about how the photos are clearly faked and that it's a big conspiracy theory. He acts like this greentext

No. 2209004

I think I found out why the velvet underground sounds the way they do, it's sincere. I don't know how to describe it they just sound like a nice girl telling you her every thought no filter but you know she means well.
Lol anon how old is he

No. 2209029

is your brother in his late 20s? That's around the age when people with schizophrenia start showing symptoms

No. 2209030


No. 2209031

i miss when dumbass shit moved fast…

No. 2209171

Batman Beyond. There's some really good clippable moments. That one is from the episode Hooked Up.

No. 2209393

File: 1729076144629.jpg (29.64 KB, 500x514, 1699757052704.jpg)

Get frunky

No. 2209507

File: 1729089719297.png (35.12 KB, 1080x589, 1000051021.png)

Currently downloading horror movies pls let them work. I decided I wanted to watch only 2000s horror movies this October and I just watched The Mist for the first time, I love miserable endings like that honestly. Pretty funny.

No. 2210095

Why did I just see a up close pussy on the front page

No. 2210167

Nonnas were wondering if they had an innie or an outie on stupid questions. I'm not joking

No. 2214017

File: 1729369903486.jpg (239.38 KB, 750x750, cat.jpg)

I'm waking up and I'm wishing all my dumbass nonnas a blessed day. May you all find peace and serenity on your dumbass journey. Dumb-ass-te

No. 2215585

File: 1729463271815.png (1.74 MB, 1446x820, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 3.08.…)


No. 2215596

the girls are reminiscing about dumbass when she's right here. poor girl.

i did not find peace i procrastinated my homework again, unfortunately. i did have a nice morning though!

No. 2215692

File: 1729466827402.png (173.39 KB, 630x374, girugamesh_guy.png)


No. 2215725

File: 1729468907658.png (863.95 KB, 1284x724, Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 5.01.…)

>I like anime!

No. 2217192

I still think about this damn guy all the time

No. 2220852

File: 1729756562579.png (168.67 KB, 1068x635, weldkfjnem.png)

Lolcow is lost media….

No. 2220858

kek thats not schizophrenia, its autism

No. 2220859

i thought conspiracy theories were a schizo thing

No. 2223663

File: 1729888498078.png (220.11 KB, 408x644, Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 12.00…)

Oooo wee! Evil Morty! That was quite a scheme. Makes me wonder if there's an evil ME out there! But I guess sometimes I look at my life, and I may not even need him. 'Cause, well, guess I've made a pretty big mess of things myself. Oooo wee.

Never got my job at the university back, remember that? Rick made me do karate…it was kinda funny. But I guess things went downhill from there. Started isolating myself from Amy.
Used to tell her everything I was feeling. But then I guess I stopped. 'Cause I wanted her to love who she thought I was. Not who I felt myself becoming.

Ever think about how horrified the people we love would be if they found out who we truly ARE? So we just dig ourselves deeper, into our lies, every day, ultimately hurting the only people brave enough to love us.

Wish I didn't do that. Wish I was brave enough to love them back. I don't know. Maybe you should try it. We don't have as much time as we think.

Ooo wee.

No. 2224038

File: 1729906403012.png (478.49 KB, 848x770, Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 9.32.…)

i love aliexpress because i find the stupidest shit imaginable

No. 2226300

I.. am Anon. Guardian of the Pastures.

No. 2227223

File: 1730081873194.mp4 (4.71 MB, 1280x720, 1000002692.mp4)

If you ever feel bad about yourself, just remember this guy willingly shoves his balls in a small plastic torture device and is smug about it.

No. 2228843

When I was just a child
Before I would turn out the light
I kneeled beside my bed and say my prayers every night
Asked God to keep me safe
And keep everything alright
Then I'd be real still and quiet until I could hear his reply

And God said wash your hands
Or your family will die
And grandpa will get cancer
If you don't touch the stove three times
Your dog will run away
If you ever tell a lie
Nobody understands
When God says wash your hands
When God says wash your hands
God says wash your hands

Now as the years went by
God stood by me through the thin and thick
Though it seems that with his age
The good Lord's gonе a tad eccentric
Why I need to save my pee
I don't undеrstand a lick
But it's better I bet than to live with regret
So I guess I better do it

Cause God said stay inside
Or get flesh-eating disease
I'll totally make some kid retarded
If you don't throw salt when you sneeze
And you'll never get to heaven
Unless you kill Bill Bellamy
Nobody understands
When God says wash your hands
Nobody understands
When God says wash your hands
And I hope that it's all wrong
Cause God said 'Don't sing this song'
And I hope that it's all wrong
Cause God said 'Don't sing this song'

No. 2229096


No. 2229343

if men that do self-care are gay then i am Homofucker, Rapist of Faggots.

No. 2229597

File: 1730213199616.jpeg (26.8 KB, 444x281, crushhim.jpeg)

tall men that are fat piss me off so badly, like, you take up enough vertical space as is, why are you, as a man, taking up horizontal space now. the amount of pigging out they do is obnoxious too, like fine there's a certain amount of calories you need to maintain fine, but why the surplus? children in shitholes would be grateful to have even half the amount of food you should be having but MORE? appalling.

No. 2230810

File: 1730283168079.jpg (240.48 KB, 1280x1280, 1000053704.jpg)

I just remembered these 2000s dragon shirts, what a weird and awful time for fashion

No. 2231398

File: 1730309134435.jpeg (475.75 KB, 1560x2048, Sleepy-Corvine-Sebasteink-Joij…)

silently approaches with a 1 TB folder of kpop ready to be spammed in every cranny of the board

No. 2234257

God I miss Trevor Moore, I had a crush on him in the early WKUK days. Kitty History makes me laugh so hard every time. I'm still (jokingly) tinfoiling that he knew too much and that's how he met his demise

No. 2234258

File: 1730445738057.png (1.16 MB, 1362x762, Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 12.21…)

No. 2234504

File: 1730468559147.png (896.09 KB, 1024x720, 1719497853487.png)

I'd say I don't want Malenia protecting here but I don't see much difference from Caleid kek

No. 2235435

>Illinois Nazis
>I hate Illinois Nazis
I always think of Lindsay Souvannarath when I hear this line.

No. 2237136

File: 1730618494141.png (384.81 KB, 1246x777, pt stare.png)

It's been more than a month since the last PT thread hit its limit. I'm having withdrawals. I need to know what Sarah is up to. Why does our Queen not have an active thread? I don't have the strength to recap it myself, but I pray for the anon that takes one for the team and makes it for all us true and honest farmers to follow our beloved PT.

No. 2237148

File: 1730620316215.jpeg (1.52 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_4227.jpeg)

I honestly just added her myself to get the milk straight from the source. She’s so crazy now none of this is even post worthy. I made a little collage just for you tho nonnie

No. 2239662

File: 1730763216116.jpg (232.53 KB, 1920x1080, Femdom.jpg)


No. 2248321

File: 1730987399749.jpg (72.38 KB, 1024x817, 1730249194242612.jpg)

I'm glad dumbass got autosaged. It's a nice refuge from the insanity that's hitting the rest of /ot/

No. 2250490

File: 1731079250606.png (640.81 KB, 592x500, 1000056203.png)

Japanese flying squirrels literally look like Serendipity book illustrations

No. 2250496

File: 1731079448524.jpg (27.35 KB, 360x360, 1000028798.jpg)

Driving lesson today (pic related)

No. 2250813

Good luck nonnie

No. 2251121

I love imageboards so much anons, I can triple post in the vent thread and it's not oversharing because no one knows it's all me except for nosy jannies I guess.

No. 2251213

really? every time i've seen other anons double or triple post they're immediately banned and caught within seconds kek

No. 2251689

Same. Why does she get special treatment?

No. 2252778

I don't know, maybe it's because it's actual vents? Like vent one will be about work, vent two will be about something in my friend group and vent three will be about someone at home having eaten my pizza (again) or something like that. It's not that I bait for infights or anything, it's just that I post one thing, come back half an hour later, nobody has posted anything else yet but then I realize that this one thing has pissed me off, too, actually, so I post that, and then when I walk up to our freezer and see that someone ate my food again and I come back to complain because anons you wouldn't believe… Maybe I just get drowned out in the infighting and jannies have more important stuff to do lol.

No. 2253799

i need to learn how to stop feeling embarrassed on an anonymous imageboard kek. i wanted to post a new pic of someone in /g/ but some other anon posted a random pic of him in the middle of an infight even though he had nothing to do with the topic and now i don't want to post him anymore in case i get lumped in with her. maybe preventing me from posting was her plan all along lol

No. 2253881

What's the problem? If anything, that anon was in the right to divert from the infight.

No. 2253913

Was it on the same thread? Just post him. It's so annoying when people think every anon is the same person, you may get be accused of being the infighter, but it's stupid. How common is this husbando?

No. 2255193

well the anon who posted him was involved in the fight, idk if she was trying to divert i think she was manic or something
different thread. he's sort of mildly common? he used to get posted more years ago but now it's mostly just me and one other anon. i don't know if the infighter even likes him at all kek. i'll just wait a week so the timing isn't close.

No. 2257221

File: 1731412539066.webp (191.83 KB, 790x900, will you still love me when i'…)

No. 2258097

What are these

No. 2258870

File: 1731511346331.jpg (19.15 KB, 311x517, 1481923949938.jpg)

Was going through an old thread and found this self post that looks a lot like empathchan

No. 2259614

File: 1731542407203.jpg (197.06 KB, 1920x1080, 2018-09-25_09-03-43.jpg)

Hm, how old? Empath has thicker eyebrows, and I am looking at the pics of her in her thread and she doesn't appear to have a freckle next to her eye. I think picrel is a common phenotype among blue-eyed female autists.
Also, now that Im thinking about it, that 'freckle' might be acne. It could be her…

No. 2261193

It's 7 years old so obviously not her lol. I just thought they looked kinda similar

No. 2261200

Common schizo autism phenotype, then

No. 2261750

Men over 25

No. 2261784

File: 1731679182123.gif (892.16 KB, 300x225, 1000057929.gif)

There's a character called Nona on the show Pete and Pete and for some reason Iggy Pop played her dad. What the fuck

No. 2263287

File: 1731780769168.jpg (35.04 KB, 640x480, 1000058154.jpg)

Send me to the friggin moon

No. 2263525

What ever happened to the stoney baloney threads? Dead, or suppressed by the same evil that suppresses us dumbasses?

No. 2264261

File: 1731832361106.jpeg (608.52 KB, 1170x1104, IMG_6664.jpeg)

>be me

>bottomless pit supervisor

>in charge of making sure the bottomless pit is, in fact, bottomless

>occasionally have to go down there and check if the bottomless pit is still bottomless

>one day I go down there and the bottomless pit is no longer bottomless

>the bottom of the bottomless pit is now just a regular pit


>ask my boss what to do

>he says "just make it bottomless again"

> I say "how"

>he says "I don't know, you're the supervisor"


>quit my job

>become a regular pit supervisor

>first day on the job, go to the new hole

>its bottomless

No. 2264364

All the leaves are brown
And my snot is green
I've been for a walk
In my fever dreammmmmm

No. 2264552

? They're still around

No. 2264590

Fucking hate when this shit happens

No. 2264675

File: 1731867337958.png (564.4 KB, 1080x812, 1000058349.png)

i wish i could clone myself so i could at least have one friend. but even the clone would probably leave me too.

No. 2264679

File: 1731867623134.jpg (745.57 KB, 2505x2456, 1000028497.jpg)

They're a bit out of season but I found some decorations for the lolcow hotel

No. 2265396

if you believe that and hate yourself that much she definitely would unfortunately

No. 2265501

I left for a few months bc irl horseshit and it feels like the site was set on fire while I was gone. More than once
Why are we autosaged I missed my dumbass shit nonnas. I wouldn't mind so much if the thread wasn't so dead. Come back.

No. 2266078

File: 1731957834602.webp (25.41 KB, 750x677, 1000027392.jpg)


No. 2269018

File: 1732128665561.png (100.44 KB, 1080x670, 1000058953.png)


No. 2269495

I think my favorite food is yeast. I love wine and beer and when I was making cinnamon rolls today the yeast smell filled me with such bliss.

No. 2271860

File: 1732268207796.png (1.37 MB, 854x1048, Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 1.35.…)

How it feels to be an Aspie girl around normie women

No. 2273230

File: 1732368849552.webp (1.99 MB, 2348x3059, 5850813hm.webp)

>Current mood be like

No. 2273249

What mental illness is this

No. 2274036

kek who is this about

No. 2279638

this website is getting worse and worse i wish there was a secret signal to get all the cool anons in here and let all the dipshits stay out there slinging their shit

No. 2279658

File: 1732759160163.jpg (1.3 MB, 1242x1060, 1000029348.jpg)

This is wine red
This is the death of beauty

No. 2279890

File: 1732770010671.jpg (184.77 KB, 1920x1736, timon_by_the_card_player_deucl…)

My mom just sent me this

No. 2280195

something about his body proportions reminds me of a drawing of a cute moid i drew into the margins of my English textbook like a retard that i folded over, and because i liked English and i was a pet for my English teacher, i lent her my textbook and when i got it back the margin was unfolded…

No. 2280274

File: 1732803738531.gif (Spoiler Image,3.57 MB, 500x323, 1000059791.gif)

Recently there's someone that has sucked all the fun out of a major interest of mine plus drawing and I'm so fucking depressed. How do I stop caring and become a happier person? This is the lowest I have felt in years.

No. 2280874

I love the color blue I love the color blue! I got a pair of bright blue hippie pants for my birthday a few years ago and ever since I've been collecting turqoise jewelry, blue scarves, anything blue I'll throw my money at

No. 2282290


No. 2282293

Same happened to me. I'm plan to gatekeep everything else from them, join a new hobby and become a god

No. 2283199

No. 2283813

Ah, 2016… the last year for good memes.

No. 2284256

File: 1732996194055.jpg (24.39 KB, 545x362, B7f2_OECEAAyijj.jpg)

The Pokemon Go summer. Take me back

No. 2284973

File: 1733037070767.jpg (25.99 KB, 275x249, 1714905947771.jpg)

I wish I could delete everything I've posted in the unconventional male attractions threads, what the fuck was my problem.

No. 2285131

File: 1733054818446.jpg (733.59 KB, 2560x2560, 91XwY3Vce8L.jpg)

When I die, I want to be reborn as a cactus. Hanging out all day, catching some sun, chilling with the other cacti, being all prickly tickily.
Cactus is the best existence

No. 2286965

File: 1733168534797.jpg (248.2 KB, 1125x1371, 1000026010.jpg)

Sorry for being a fujo but sometimes when im yaoi fantasizing in bed before sleeping i get distracted by logistic issues of the sex scene that im writing in my head like in picrel

No. 2288530

Vampires don't shit, they're dead and eat blood.

No. 2288623

File: 1733263773387.jpg (1.12 MB, 1495x2048, 00000000000.jpg)

I'm kind of at the end of my rope. I so badly want someone to talk to but I have nothing to say, considering just dropping my discord in here since the friend finder thread is too public and only cool nonnies stay using the dumbass shit thread. Was trying to be okay on my own but damn, am I lonely. I know this often fizzles out quickly but I want to at least try, what the hell have I got to lose, I'm no great conversationalist but I'll try and will listen to you sperg about anything, if anyone is interested I'll drop my username, please be over 23 though.

No. 2288627

Satekoso? I thought i would never find another nonna who liked chakra

No. 2288631

drop your username btw

No. 2288916

I kinda have a crush on my coworker so I looked him up to try and see if social media could break the spell. I found his dad’s twitter and his dad follows a ton of porn accounts including a midget porn star.
The ironic part is that this guy himself turned out to have no social media tied to his name. I honestly just felt bad seeing that; imagine your boomer ass dad openly wanking to midget porn online under his government name. And the sad part is that this guy is a junior (or named after his dad) so I actually thought it was his account at first before I figured out it’s his boomer ass father.

No. 2288917


No. 2289335


No. 2291618

File: 1733440485132.jpg (190.09 KB, 735x911, 1726411476138954.jpg)

lost in the sauce trying to post on this got damn website

No. 2291620

doublepost but nona you like home movies i want to be your friend but i don't have discord

No. 2294919

>lowlife permanent sleep

No. 2296448

File: 1733674319037.jpg (66.5 KB, 564x423, b3de07a2f1eb6920141509977038aa…)

hello dumbass nonas

No. 2296458

No. 2297105

No. 2299060

File: 1733761450520.jpg (2.28 MB, 1535x2303, 7d3dc286824827.5dbd2cb331078.j…)

its been 5 hours and nobody has responded to my bait, picrel unrelated, i just thought it was gorgis

No. 2302323

File: 1733859482700.jpg (64.87 KB, 720x876, 627f1bdfab84467e4d29cf4187aac8…)

All I want for christmas is dumbass shit thread off autosage

No. 2303632

File: 1733913132321.png (9.21 KB, 174x179, Screenshot 2024-12-02 111502.p…)

look at this hottie goddamn

No. 2307965

Weirdo who will block you if you dont reply within an hour?

No. 2307967


No. 2309755

File: 1734349135478.jpg (23.87 KB, 464x505, 1000063781.jpg)

Damn dude I got nervous, chill

No. 2313022

File: 1734552254406.gif (1.5 MB, 640x636, there-is-nothing-in-the-filena…)


No. 2313031

File: 1734552575374.jpg (66.66 KB, 680x870, 1000030328.jpg)


No. 2313032

Same, the hornypost clarity and shame is hitting me hard today.

No. 2313104

I miss when it was called men you're ashamed to admit you'd fuck, it feels like a completely different concept, the shame was the point

No. 2313294

The is really dumb but the thumbnail looks like wolf-man is peeing in wolf rage kek

No. 2314151

File: 1734614837582.jpg (74.54 KB, 1200x1085, b046dea6c2e104496d78fe55f148ff…)

>seeing a fine ass male troon out before i could give him a reason to keep his dick

No. 2314160

File: 1734615826395.webp (196.67 KB, 1100x1100, DiveIntoTheVoidPatch.webp)

This thread is still a thing??

No. 2314421

We are the true believers.

No. 2314790

Looking at Carrey-chan's posts up in the thread like woah

No. 2314799

File: 1734643892098.jpg (8.41 KB, 393x297, 1000064448.jpg)

I wanted to eat these fuckers so bad as a kid, what was the fictional food you always wanted to eat? I also always wanted to try Scooby Snacks, I know technically those exist but they're just like graham cracker things, since they're dog treats I expected them to be savory. But then I realize that wait, they ARE dog treats and I probably wouldn't eat them if they did exist.

No. 2314833

File: 1734645268845.jpg (93.19 KB, 445x556, jawbreakers-ed-edd-and-eddy-74…)

Shit nona, I was searching pictures to post the jawbreakers from Ed Edd and Eddy and I got recommended a short scene from one episode where you see Sarah (Ed's sister) who has eaten a ton of them and is visibly choking while looking lumpy as fuck like in a feeders porn fantasy. I fucking hate men so much, they put all that shit into cartoons and mess up with children's brains. Anyway, don't bother looking it's gross as fuck. I picture the jawbreakers as tasting like effervescent sour lemon candy mmmmmm

No. 2314864

File: 1734646497203.mp4 (2.41 MB, 668x496, 1000030354.mp4)

Weird answer but the way Spike eats this grass always made me hungry as a kid kek

No. 2315533

Seconding this, holy shit

No. 2315657

Oh my god YES 100% I totally get you nonna

No. 2316073

I wish letterboxd would stop assaulting me with Lily Depp's moonface.

No. 2317127

At least your hornypost didn't get screencapped and posted onto Tumblr and you later found it while going through the subject of the hornypost's Tumblr tag

No. 2317421

File: 1734868186061.jpg (36.46 KB, 600x450, mochi0025.jpg)

I forgot this thread is on autosage.

No. 2318095

File: 1734911923774.webp (19.32 KB, 568x804, 16b7af_5df039137a694d07a728d81…)

Since this is unmoderated, screw it, lets do a lolcow wordle

No. 2318502

No. 2319886

No. 2320234

File: 1735129338084.png (47.82 KB, 568x804, world2.png)

No. 2320242

I would've killed myself tbh

No. 2320271

File: 1735134701657.jpg (156.67 KB, 400x400, drunk mom happy baby.jpg)

Merry Christmas, ladies

No. 2320377

File: 1735142955163.png (565.86 KB, 735x770, 1000029647.png)

Merry Christmas!! I just sliced and diced a SHITLOAD of vegetables in a sweltering kitchen and now I feel like picrel (but in a happy way)

No. 2320382

merry xmas test post if i'm banned

No. 2320386

i couldn't reply to a post somewhere else, weird

No. 2320799

File: 1735169995102.png (49.3 KB, 568x804, wordle3.png)

its a lolcow

No. 2320909

No. 2321119

File: 1735211551031.png (49.39 KB, 568x804, wordle4.png)

No. 2323480

File: 1735362502929.gif (5.21 MB, 275x275, 1565611867736.gif)

I failed a class…it's not too bad since this semester was free for me. I hope you're doing well anon. Other than that this semester was successful!

No. 2323878

This is hard

No. 2323948


No. 2323996

You idiot, she said it's a lolcow! Now we only have one more chance!

No. 2324000

File: 1735415995260.png (49.49 KB, 568x804, wordle5.png)

No. 2324043

Nevermind, you're a legend

No. 2324296


No. 2324306

File: 1735434439904.png (49.56 KB, 568x804, world6.png)

You got it!

No. 2325017

If it's Venus, why did you indicate it had two Es though?

No. 2325727

Do you mean for needs? One is green and the other yellow. If you put in AAAAA for apple it would show green in the first box and the rest yellow.

No. 2326026

It’s ok nonnie, sometimes you just don’t read

No. 2326571

File: 1735610976235.jpg (291 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2024-12-30-23-08-34…)

No, anon. The correct A would be green and the rest would be red/black. Example of today's wordle, I thought the word had double Ts, but it didn't

No. 2326600

Ah I have egg on my face. Sorry nonna, I haven't done a worlde in while.

No. 2326611

It's okay nona, you did something fun for us! Just a heads up for the next one (in case there's a next one)

No. 2326642

Thanks nona! There might be. I might try some easier like Tic-tac-toe first kek

No. 2327291

File: 1735668880992.jpg (146.15 KB, 736x956, 1d4025f6fb85893a8a5044b835151d…)

Happy New Year Dumbass Thread

No. 2327308

File: 1735669503900.gif (8 MB, 640x640, tenor.gif)

happy new year nonnie, it'll be 6 min before i can join you in the new year kek

No. 2327319

finally, happy new year nonnies

No. 2327335


No. 2327525

You also didn't mark the letters we got right/wrong, total amateur hour.

No. 2327880

Why did they make fanart of that faggot kissing Elsie, she would never, I hate them.

No. 2328289

What faggot??

No. 2328448

File: 1735765268499.png (88.94 KB, 371x387, 1677370194021.png)

No. 2328609

Oh fuck no

No. 2329240

Not what I was talking about but yeah this also sucks unwashed ass. Why would Elsie be into a fatass with eyes in two different area codes

No. 2335948

File: 1736195318299.jpeg (355.03 KB, 507x731, IMG_7595.jpeg)

what am I looking at, I am scared what is it

No. 2336120

File: 1736202722135.jpg (26.5 KB, 500x540, 1000068650.jpg)

oh lolcow, i wish i could quit you.

No. 2336154

File: 1736204217274.png (2.59 MB, 1839x1257, mckenzie.png)

Going to the US for the first time in 2 weeks

No. 2336768

I wonder if there's any anons that mainly use /meta/. Some of them have a particular typing style I don't see outside of /meta/.

No. 2337150

I'm high off energy drinks ask me anything.

No. 2337167

File: 1736264722810.webp (56.1 KB, 800x760, lang.webp)

what does this language look like to you?

No. 2337173

Hindu? Some kind of language from the middle east or India.

No. 2337176

close, Hindi kek, i asked thinking you'd say it looks like spagetti or smtg, nonnie you are still too smart, drink more

No. 2338062

Are Hindi and Hindu different

No. 2338266

I'm so fucking bored I'm gonna go read a fanfic for the first time in like 5 years.

No. 2338604

nonnie, Hindu means someone thats into Hinduism, Hindi is the language, do Americans speak Christian kek

No. 2338640

No. 2338644

Jesus apple Eve snake feet Mary Mary Jesus bible priest abbey Joseph?

No. 2338698

what’s the best energy drinks in your opinion. Personally I hate them but now I’m curious.

No. 2338936

Hahaha Sodom

No. 2338941

File: 1736363294766.jpg (46.46 KB, 526x516, 1000031000.jpg)

Public transport was a terrible temperature today…the darkness inside me ever grows.

No. 2340229

File: 1736446494697.jpg (115.97 KB, 1160x862, 1000069581.jpg)

If I was admin I would permaban everyone. Fuck you.

No. 2340259

If I was admin, I would:
>do VPN bans at random without telling anyone
>Choose a different theme to make mandatory each week
>Add an epilepsy inducing banner so browsing got a little more exciting
>Get a 3D minigame linked to the site where permabanned anons would appear as 3D avatars and everyone else could throw tomatoes at them
>Instigate infights with anons so I could throw tomatoes at them
>Every once in a while change the spoiler image to ProJared's nudes
>Lock every thread except the moovie room during showings
>Merge the hidden board with /g/ (but slowly)
>Occasionally drop implications that I was Lorena
>LARP as a newfag
>Delete the front page
>Preemptively send lolsuits to the cows so I could beat them at speedrunning the saga
And of course I would restore this thread, mwah

No. 2340277

I like the way you think
>Lock every thread except the moovie room during showings
In theory they seem fun but every time I go it feels like I've wandered into a party I wasn't invited to, which I know is just a me problem.

No. 2340592

I'd do what 4chan did ages ago with furrys and create a /tran/ board. Announce that we welcome all kinds here, lolcow is a board of peace, blah blah. Let it run for a while then permaban all of them
I've popped in and it's pretty friendly. The "hi username" when you join is pretty nerve wracking though. I mostly do emotes until I'm comfortable and even when I post dumb stuff they're cool.

No. 2340624

File: 1736465986124.jpg (361.05 KB, 1080x1080, 1000031102.jpg)

I'm admittedly one of those guests who talks a lot but don't worry, I highly doubt that anyone who spergs in the chat actually cares about being "interrupted" or would even see it that way in the first place kek

No. 2340627

Oh also
>Make thread about myself
>Ban any post that isn't whiteknighting

No. 2341601

my cat is literally a living teddy bear

No. 2345092

File: 1736777815057.jpg (46.06 KB, 500x685, 1000031295.jpg)

Look at this thing and its dumbass little face. I love velvet worms.

No. 2345368

where are my GOT DAMN edibles, i can't watch my yewchube if i'm not zoinked
cute as fuck, i love bugs. except for the mealybugs decimating my plants, fuck those things.

No. 2345772

File: 1736803188313.jpg (36.19 KB, 400x547, 1000012149.jpg)

It's so hard for me to accept that she's not like 1/3rd Chinese or something. I'm staring at pictures of her high as hell trying to convince my brain to see her as the average white American and I cannot. She looks part Asian/pale mestizo to me.

No. 2345780

File: 1736803316139.webp (67.35 KB, 613x767, j62iv94f9tce1.webp)

My spirit animal ♥

No. 2345781

File: 1736803322005.jpg (104.59 KB, 1200x834, 1000012151.jpg)

Like what the fuck? She's Asian or some kind of amerindian.

No. 2346264

I want to eat it.
Well how do you know she isn't a little Asian

No. 2347801

File: 1736967868335.png (47.26 KB, 850x247, Screenshot 2025-01-15 120354.p…)

I look very similar to her and I'm Mestizo. I was convinced she was too but no

No. 2347802

If I was admin I would allow all 'hate speech' on the site.

No. 2347804

File: 1736968033542.jpg (47.28 KB, 500x500, 1000031261.jpg)

>I want to eat it

No. 2347853

this was how i felt learning that ezra miller is somehow not asian

No. 2347922

Wtf, I could've sworn she had said she was hispanic, and sometimes mexicans can look kind of asian so that would've explained that.

No. 2347950

File: 1736977449735.png (498.49 KB, 1200x1200, 1000012174.png)

>mexicans can look kind of asian
It's because Mexicans are Asians separated by approx. tens of thousands of years and a land bridge that no longer exists!

No. 2348267

I love this pic
She needs to take an ancestry test

No. 2349002

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood a woodchuck would chuck many many woods if a woodchuck could chuck wood

No. 2349134

File: 1737054833945.gif (720.29 KB, 200x242, 1000071697.gif)

David Lynch is dead!! I hate your movies and your 3deep5you fans! Huzzah!

No. 2349170

File: 1737056579632.png (1.93 MB, 1920x5677, Hollywood-Celebrities-who-sign…)

kek it's taking all my strength to not laugh at the anons mourning his death and acting melodramatic over it

No. 2349196

I actually started to feel embarrassed for him when I watched blue velvet, it was so fucking cringy I can't believe people eat that shit up. At least I got to see Kyle McLachlan naked. God it was so shit.

No. 2349561

What do you mean you didn't like the part where the old guy tries to crawl up the woman's pussy trying to unbirth himself? So deep.

No. 2350805

It's sad seeing this one girl I know go from skinny to skeletor.

No. 2350939

File: 1737146974116.webp (52.76 KB, 700x700, IMG_0560.webp)

Many, many years ago a nonna posted about bread cheese and I’ve thought about it ever since. Today I finally bought some to try lol

No. 2359977

im so dumb i came pre-lobotomized, no need for the tomy

No. 2359981

File: 1737567044731.jpg (31.08 KB, 720x720, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

To the naughty corner /ot/ users go

No. 2360001

File: 1737567515641.jpg (41.83 KB, 564x768, 2e958851a26374f2cad20f51753f73…)

i fucking hate when fake chocoshounen lovers try to draw chocoshounens but bc clearly they don't care about real tanned cuties, they just look boring or ugly while the clear subjects of their lust look more striking. now picrel is a real chocoshounen lover

No. 2360959

No. 2361087

there was never a time dumbass shit was needed more. tragic.

cutie patootie

No. 2361693

File: 1737634099864.jpeg (226.66 KB, 700x990, smexy.jpeg)

full illustration of the Angel boy in WHB, no need to play the game kek, just enjoy this. also, no way are the bg characters not AI-generated

No. 2361694

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another one, also peep Elsie hiding behind a fan in the crowd.

No. 2361695

File: 1737634199864.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.41 KB, 700x990, smexy 3.jpeg)

and yet another one, spoiler for foot faggotry

No. 2361700

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my husband

No. 2361702

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retard, hate this fucker, need to see his ass prolapsed and used like a party blower.

No. 2361705

File: 1737634770557.jpeg (180.87 KB, 700x990, smexy 6.jpeg)

this one makes me kek everytime, "flesh" spooooky, "sex" oooh scary, "DRUG" ah! my word!

No. 2361707

File: 1737634825158.jpeg (172.84 KB, 700x990, smexy 7.jpeg)

hate this fuck too, why do you, as a fictional man, have a fucking buzzcut?

No. 2361897

i need a male bimbo with huge pecs and a skinny waist like i need oxygen to breathe nonnies, but they don't exist.

No. 2361913

File: 1737651664462.gif (1.15 MB, 245x200, 94f40fec8b4058d691852cc9421fe1…)

What happened to this thread

No. 2362277

File: 1737670048421.gif (2.56 MB, 540x405, smoking2.gif)

Same old story. Dumbass nonnas being dumbass nonnas. Now get out of here. I need to ask which version of Shadow the Hedgehog is the best husbando

No. 2362414

File: 1737675474033.png (778.33 KB, 656x821, Screenshot@albinwonderland.png)

I remembered albinwonderland today, I wonder if she's still married to that ugly troid

No. 2362517

Oh this one is good, who is he

No. 2362644

File: 1737682608603.jpg (33.57 KB, 627x440, 1b34acd1deff2aa01c598eaa317d31…)

Make me

No. 2362710

i have no idea, i dropped the game before this guy was introduced.

No. 2362713

luv this one, smtg about uppity holy types getting violated.

No. 2363325

It looks like you quit right before the good part

No. 2363664

File: 1737742285478.jpg (79.42 KB, 726x1000, 99a1189061731d7e0cbcefe66ab7be…)

I'm gonna get a lot of heat with this but give the Middle East to the furrys . Hear me out. It's been a shit show since the Crusades. Every time someones in charge you got two or three other groups trying to kill the top dog. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Zoroastrianism, those weird space Christians they're all fucking useless moid led regions.
Weird may they be furrys are a gender agnostic organized society. They do not infighit, they respect their disgusting habits. They may vote the best yif but they don't discriminate on sexiest terms. A female pervert is as good as a moid pervert in their weird square pupil eyes.
Let those freaks take the middle east and we won't have to deal with them or any boom boom boys.
My application for World President is attached

No. 2364400

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No. 2364412

File: 1737758797096.jpg (58.08 KB, 520x450, 1000030198.jpg)

Is…is that pee?

No. 2364419

File: 1737758942223.png (4.01 KB, 332x286, 1000031602.png)

>I thought there was 1 more slice of lemon cake in the house
>There is not
Why live.

No. 2364879

first of all, fuck you picrel is literally you, second of all, you're completely wrong, the game is unbearable to begin with, this >>2361694 part is only in the "Secret Club" section, which can only happen if you get that L-rank card, which are all pay-walled to fuck.

No. 2364880

nah, i think it's honey, or some other gooey fantasy substance.

No. 2365095

File: 1737790431040.png (108.75 KB, 458x461, digging-meme.png)

now i realize i dropped pic, but fuck you still

No. 2365170

File: 1737797088139.webp (14.35 KB, 800x800, cat-kitten-singing-microphone-…)

Bringing back an old one:
Tonight in Lolcow's Comedy Club, what do you call a European man that sucks his own dick? A Eurobros!

No. 2365326

File: 1737817884386.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 4096x3072, 1000073462.jpg)

I wasn't sure about the tinfoiling but I believe it now, farmhands are absolutely bitter ugly men because why do beautiful men with nice dicks get deleted IMMEDIATELY but this nasty shit gets to stay up with a redtext? Also the anons that report stuff like left pic are massive faggot losers, if everyone played it cool farmhands wouldn't have to know.

No. 2365343

….isnt the one the left a troon, what's up with the moobs? plus the sports bra

No. 2365355

This took me way too long to get kekkkk

No. 2365423

You're retarded dude.

No. 2365456

What's the explanation then?

No. 2365500

kek, im so smart, was it actually funny tho?

No. 2365503

File: 1737825796627.jpg (40.57 KB, 480x360, 360_F_102749015_bFPnaqL0Ic9WXn…)

i got another one,
What do you call a French male that has 0 for a body count? An infant!

No. 2368849

Idk if you’ll see this but you’re not accepting friends right now.

No. 2369685

Seeing all the 16-22 year old zoomers in the Amerifags thread having meltdowns because Donald Trump got elected is so fucking funny. I remember back in 2016 when he got elected, everyone did the exact same song and dance back then as they are now. A bunch of sheltered losers with no life experience acting like democracy in action is the end of the world. OFC Americans are so braindead and ignorant that they end up saying the stupidest shit imaginable. Seeing zoomerfags saying shit like "will the UN invade the USA to topple the Trump regime?" or "Trump is the new Hitler" makes me cringe so hard. IMO being a doomer like that is a dead giveaway to if an anon is a zoomer or not.

No. 2369796

Since we're laughing at Americans I want to take this opportunity to lol at the amount of seething gringos in celebricows

No. 2370456

File: 1738115801137.png (106.48 KB, 1043x279, burger discovers other countri…)

Americans are so crazy. I lurk the Amerifag thread just to laugh and cringe. This post had me lose a few brain cells. Are Americans really unable to conceive of life in other countries? I don't know why this post amazed me because it's like anon is shocked that other countries are just regular and mundane like America is.

No. 2370472

I'm brazilian and have lived for many years in the US and in Europe and I can see why the anon from your screenshot was surprised. Even though there are all kinds of people of all ethnicities in LA/NY/Berlin/London, they're still segregated. It was a trip for me to see how separated everyone was. Your white friends have maybe one black friend, your black friends have maybe one asian friend, etc. We have a lot of issues and racism def exists here but we're multiracial in a way I haven't seen anywhere else.

No. 2372594

I'm sorry I didn't get it and I feel like looking up the answer would put me on a list

No. 2372641

File: 1738253705775.jpg (251.57 KB, 1600x1200, melanchu.jpg)

I'm jealous of the other country threads. The South American ones and Eastern European look fun. Hellweek stats has us in the lower bracket of posters so that makes sense. I think there's maybe five of us and one is legitimately schizo.

No. 2372885

Any nonnies want to be a real one and share the nautical themed ib so I can save the artposts there

No. 2374970

File: 1738343316205.mp4 (5.7 MB, 960x540, vibing.mp4)

No. 2376535

Aw she wants those other cows to play with her so bad but they don't wanna

No. 2376666

i don't check this thread that often so i'm late to the conversation but coincidentally just the other day i looked her up purely because she seems like one of the few child-stars that are well-adjusted and aren't bogged with plastic surgeries and drug-addicted. i was dissappointed to see that she seems to have gotten a lot of plastic surgery in very recent years. she always maintained a pretty natural look until recently. the funny thing to me about your posts is that my first thought when i saw her new face was "I never thought she looked hispanic, but all of those plastic surgery procedures make her look like she is… is she hispanic…?" kek. i never thought anything of the way she looked, but her surgeries definitely made me wonder if she was hispanic/latina simply because of how they made her look kek.

after reading her wikipedia page i was shocked to find out she had stalker incidents including some type of bjorklike stalker incident a handful of years back, like someone died. i'm wondering if that's why she started getting more plastic surgeries. she always seemed so chill and drama/plastic surgery/drug-free compared to other child stars which is surprising since she was on drake and josh as a really young girl. but man i feel sorry for her.

No. 2377872

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No. 2377883

File: 1738512421545.jpeg (509.42 KB, 951x1200, 1723171034687.jpeg)

the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

No. 2377896

Few quips galvanized the mock jury box

No. 2377928

File: 1738514416759.png (397.29 KB, 1080x1108, 1738432082654.png)

Yarr it be invite only

No. 2377935

I love that the machine is literally called Happy Cow.

No. 2379271

so whats everyone doing

No. 2379294

just saw my japanese friend who has been workin on a farm for her visa for the last 4 months. she seems like she had fun!

No. 2379453

File: 1738585905950.jpg (305.13 KB, 1440x1080, 1000074951.jpg)

I think I just need to accept that there are only like 4 meals I like and stop trying new things because it's a waste of money.

No. 2379542

File: 1738591674951.gif (719.3 KB, 220x148, going-home-off-work.gif)

>me rushing to report a baity ass post that's going to derail discussion for threads to come

No. 2379583

Sorting medical receipts so I can get tax back

No. 2382002

man i hate coming on this site while high for some reason expecting a good time and then immediately getting jumpscared an endless funnel of vitriol and bad vibes among many other things that are not a good time
wasting time

No. 2382197


No. 2382200

File: 1738701924102.jpg (13.89 KB, 270x175, FSDH4328789238795R72897RT9FI.j…)

his papa is hotter and hes fucking dead

No. 2382316

pee pee poo poo

No. 2382444

its fascinating how dead dumbass shit had become after the autosage, youd think it would be purely sustained from shit posting/having a chatroom-like atmosphere but it seems people would rather get attention from their posts as per many users using mundane shit as a mouth piece for what they would post on dumbass shit had it not been autosaged.

No. 2384050

it's unfortunate.
>but it seems people would rather get attention from their posts as per many users using mundane shit as a mouth piece for what they would post on dumbass shit had it not been autosaged.
it's true. people really do love to flock to the same few threads. if it's not on page 1, i guess they don't care. maybe it's just because the internet is so fast now that people don't have the patience. or the way people seek validation online nowdays, people fishing for replies or whatever. it sucks because dumbass shit was often a thread that made me laugh but now /ot/ is baiting/seething general where i have probably more than 50% of the threads hidden

also sidenote where are the jannies, this site threw up on itself. where's the vpn poll. what the fuck is going on with this site

No. 2384061

I tinfoil theyre experiencing burn out. nonas theorized theres an inexperienced farmhand that was recently recruited on the loose so having to deal with that on top of the aug-sept incident mustve taken a toll on the volunteers working for this site. Not to mention admin is paying out of pocket to ensure the incident doesnt happen again.
I agree with the frustration of radio silence from the mod team but after tinkering with IB software myself I have a little slack for having to deal with the spaghetti code on top with having to wrangle your jannies into doing their job correctly.

No. 2384256

File: 1738809001940.png (438.35 KB, 809x509, 1662389647564.png)

I completely lose interest in admittedly, only had celebrity ones so far crushes once I find out there's a chance he has a girlfriend. I guess that's good in itself, but I'm kinda sad because I had so much fun in the past three weeks just being an obsessive fangirl for a bit again, but then I read something mentioning his girlfriend and, while I think to myself that yeah, I can see why he has one, my interest immediately subsides lmao. First time this happened was an artist back in highschool but I thought it was just a coincidence, but with this happening for a third time now, I guess it's a pattern. I think I fully understand the mob-characters in shoujo mangas who're like No, lastnamewiththreekanji-kun belongs to everyone, no way he's having a girlfriend. Even his songs don't hit the same way they did just two days ago lmfao and I think this is the hardest part.

No. 2384258

the feeling sucks but hey thats good and its better than growing malice for the spouse and projecting hatred onto her. Its quite nice you can lose interest and detach before the obsession becomes too unhealthy

No. 2384419

File: 1738820040340.webp (7.04 KB, 250x250, 1728013870466.webp)

i've been called a newfag twice on this site over having an opinion. i never respond because i know they're an obvious newfag trying to argue with someone who's been using imageboards for almost two decades. it's always the newfags who scream newfag isn't it

No. 2384431

yeah its always the regina george wannabes that cry newfag kek

No. 2384907


No. 2384909

its making me kek, it really is Elsie in the back omg

No. 2384944

File: 1738858461565.gif (1.22 MB, 341x300, me-looking.gif)

that pic reminds me of this dumbass meme kek

No. 2387646

File: 1738991079045.png (22.18 KB, 777x295, Screenshot.png)

missing when venus was here and she posted this in fucking jillian's thread about stevie and i was so happy i caught it before it got deleted

No. 2387649

Still can't believe she herself was the one to take her own threads down

No. 2387651

Im so sad the farmhands didnt archive it and post it for safe keeping. I still think about nona's comment thats along the lines of venus being the circus chimpanzee throwing their shit at us

No. 2387661

agreed kek i remember that nona saying that and i couldn't help but laugh for way too long

No. 2389195

File: 1739075375901.jpeg (22.71 KB, 550x501, Efh03GuWkAA8ZUY.jpeg)

My initials are S.A. and i made a steam account with "essay" in the name and now i see this reel about SA and stuff with censorship leetspeak using "essay'ed" for SA'd. omg no.

No. 2389250

Is the pirate board real or a hoax por what?

No. 2389386

im holding my brother's perfume hostage and everytime he farts in my room i spray it

No. 2389601

File: 1739085450358.jpg (468.38 KB, 1083x1920, tumblr_ac077441899c25d5fd66d1c…)

There's a character in WHB that has autopedophilia, i am not fucking kidding, what the fuck, in their attempt to create the edgiest kinkiest game, this is what they come up with?

No. 2390246

could be worse, at least they didnt make him an actual shota

No. 2391906

File: 1739197233253.gif (2.97 MB, 480x480, giphy (1).gif)

>moid that at least tries to look young
well shittttt

No. 2392138

File: 1739210900062.jpg (218.58 KB, 1258x1600, 1000012390.jpg)

DAE have an interest in Audrey Hepburn a bit deeper than the typical "human angel sent to help children" angle that is usually spun by people who (admittedly, and I'm not insisting they're at any fault here) obviously love her? There are two details of her life that really intrigue me and I seemingly cannot find much about them. It is.
1. Her relationship with William Holden.
If you don't know, Audrey and William entered a relationship during the filming of the iconic Sabrina, this was during his (alleged "unhappy") marriage to, I believe, Brenda Marshall. He allegedly wanted to leave her for Audrey but Audrey dumped him once she found out that he had a vasectomy and she wanted children, and thus a seemingly tense one-sided relationship appeared and William Holden spent the rest of his life diving further into alcoholism and still pining for Audrey. They were in one more film together and he was a full blown alkie by then and IIRC somehow broke into her dressing room to talk with her. Some crazy shit like that. There is a book on their affair but from reviews it's clearly two separate ideas (life and career of Hepburn and life and career of Holden) mused together and their relationship only lasts for a fraction of the book's run.

2. Her relationship with her second son.
Most of the time the one son who makes modest headlines in relation to Audrey is her first son, Sean, who was conceived during her relationship to Mel Ferrer. I bought one of his books on his mother's life, Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit. What really surprised me was just how little Luca, Audrey's second son and youngest child, was mentioned. What really stuck out to me was the part about her passing. IIRC, Sean had written about the last conversation he had with her, which IIRC was claimed to be her final words more or less. He didn't write about Luca visiting her to my memory. It feels like the more you dive into her life, the larger the absence of her second son starts to feel. By all accounts, Sean seems to be the closest with his mother. I just wonder why that is? It always seemed strange to me.

No. 2393048

File: 1739251971757.jpg (51.25 KB, 799x511, 104354756858.jpg)

the unconventional thread has been feeling sort of off today, as of monday. i don't mean the subjects posted (my taste isn't any better kek) but the sudden surge of activity and random mass deleted posts. i don't know what it means, probably means nothing at all just thought it was unusual since the thread isn't normally this fast within several hours and with multiple deleted posts at once

No. 2393052

its always fun to find the scorched remains of whats left from a particularly nasty infight. touching the ground and pondering. something happened here

No. 2393065

in this case it didn't seem to be from an infight which makes it more confusing, unless the anon who posted there was infighting in another thread resulting in the entire post history wiped. two of the posts were of some fat, kind of retarded looking man in glasses, another was an actual normal looking man who became an AGP? or some other kind of degen from what the poster said, and the third was a gif of a man shooting someone. i theorize that maybe they were baiting by posting the retard which led to their less weird posts getting wiped too

No. 2393066

File: 1739254296887.jpg (45.24 KB, 640x422, 1665082464233.jpg)

one of my favourite teachers just put she/them in her (secret) instagram's bio

No. 2393427

I remember once my BPD history teacher was pondering in front of the class about being neither male nor female and feeling nonbinary (she was very much feminine) and then the next day she was like 'I am a woman I am not anything else I don't know why you'd think that' she would let male students follow her on Instagram and she would always bother them when they spoke in a group. One time she literally ran up to a group of boys and went 'What ya talking about!'
Also on her public YouTube she posts videos on for students over the summer to notate, she has a playlist on ass slimming exercises.

No. 2393518

ok my teacher isn't THAT bad, she's just mildly annoying about the Pal-Isreal conflict and McDonalds

No. 2393525

History teachers are either the best or the worst, no in-between. One of ours tripped over a moidlet's bag (it was a legit accident tbf), went flying, faceplanted the floor and then never ever taught our class again kek

No. 2393732

File: 1739295804805.png (615.86 KB, 1422x910, Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 11.43…)

yea, i cruise sometimes

No. 2394171

File: 1739311116880.jpg (448.97 KB, 1080x1214, 1000012406.jpg)

Found on /pt/

No. 2394190

How old are you that your brother is in your room farting unrelenting…? Lmfao also does he wear perfum actually? Or do you mean cologne? No judgement, serious question.

No. 2394258

File: 1739315296493.jpg (145.17 KB, 1280x720, orsonwelles.jpg)

Speaking of the unconventional thread, would Orson Welles belong there or in conventional? I think he was hot as fuck when he was young but I don't know what other nonnas would think kek

No. 2394283

his face looks a bit blubbery, so unconventional

No. 2394292

Thank you nonna!

No. 2394446

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No. 2394477

This is so random KEK is that a sped helmet? Why is he a cow if she doesn't know anything about him and he is empathetic towards women? Now I am intrigued.

No. 2394649

>How old are you that your brother is in your room farting unrelenting…?
moids gonna moid regardless of where and at what age.
>Lmfao also does he wear perfum actually? Or do you mean cologne?
idk, what is it that scrotes wear to smell nice? what separates perfume from cologne? other than just gendered marketing
>No judgement, serious question.
i don't believe you, i can tell you're thinking that i'm underaged, can a nonny stay at her parent's home in peace?

No. 2395476

Clearly it's not in peace

No. 2395616

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No. 2395633

shiver me timbers privateer…

No. 2396291

I wish I was a pirate autist and had folders of pirate memes… sad yar

No. 2397234


No. 2397832

No. 2398313

accidentally scrolled up the thread earlier and came back to it with my hopes up thinking nonnies are posting again. damn…

No. 2398922

I was on my way to college in the morning and i had to turn a corner to head into this road that would lead me directly to the metro and i couldn't even turn the corner bc there was some retarded dog cripple barking and being aggressive, that dog is usually on the end part of that road but for some reason was all the way at the corner in front of my apartment(i'm guessing bc of our female dog that hangs around our building? and was getting aggressive bc he was in heat or smtg idk) and that dog was retarded i just walked behind some parked cars and got on the road, stupid dog

No. 2399553

File: 1739566835794.png (1.27 MB, 1552x811, lasagnecat.png)

Happy Valentine's Day dumbasses

No. 2400582

happy valentine's day

No. 2400754

Happy valentines

No. 2400928

I was going to open a bottle of wine to have by myself in my empty house but I couldn't rip off the plastic over the cork and I thought I don't even like wine anymore anyway and just went and browsed LC instead

No. 2401303

I wanna smoke one with bennyboy I wonder how he'd be while stoned. I feel like he'd start giggling maniacally or have a panic attack.

No. 2402105

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flood detected flood detected

No. 2402216

everytime i see this fag's face i'm just reminded of that one hypnosis himbo femdom erotica called "Facts and Logic" kekkkk, seeing him getting stoned and then becoming a compliant fucktoy would be incredible tho, now if only we could himbofy him

No. 2402509

File: 1739702182140.webp (125.66 KB, 896x900, stare.webp)

>mfw when i get with a frenchman and he says to name our first child "Jacques"(his father, his brother, his paternal and maternal grandfather, his paternal and maternal greatgrandfather, his cousin, his uncle, his mother's paramour, his dog, his neighbour, his boss, his coworker, his best friend, his boyfriend, his dick, his name are all Jacques)

No. 2402552

Kill moids. Behead moids. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a baby moid into the trashcan. Crucify filthy moids. Defecate in a moid’s food. Launch moids into the sun. Stir fry moids in a wok. Toss moids into active volcanoes. Urinate into a moid’s gas tank. Judo throw moids into a wood chipper. Twist moids’ heads off. Report moids to the IRS. Karate chop moids in half. Curb stomp pot-bellied moids. Trap moids in quicksand. Crush moids in the trash compactor. Liquefy moids in a vat of acid. Eat moids. Dissect moids. Exterminate moids in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate moids in the oven. Lobotomize moids. Mandatory vascetomies for moids. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown moids in fried chicken grease. Vaporize moids with a ray gun. Kick old moids down the stairs. Feed moids to alligators. Slice moids with a katana. Put a bomb in a moid's mouth. Throw knives at moids. Inflate moids until they pop. Send moids into a blackhole. Castrate moids. Feed moids poisoned food. Force moids to walk the plank. Push moids into a pit. Kneel on a moid's neck. Curse moids with a spell. Stuff moid babies into the washing machine and turn it on. Flatten moids with a tank. Pop a moid's car tire. Strike moid children with a ruler. Make moids swim in the Mariana Trench. Cut off a moid's limbs. Airdrop moids into Antarctica. Throw moids off the boat. Pressurize moids into fine crystals. Light fireworks in a moid's ass. Falcon-punch a moid in the face. Make moids into fiction. Blow moids heads off with grenade launchers. Blow moids brains open with a sniper rifle. Lock moids in a cage and drown them underwater. Nail moids to a cross and stab them. Run over moids with a tank feet-first. Crush moids with a press. Attack moids with acid. Boil moids in a pan. Lock moids inside a brazen bull. Burn moids alive. Drag moids across a wall of spikes. Pour molten lava on moids. Quarter moids. Impale moids on a pike. Tenderize moids with a mallet. Ionise moids in a mass spectrometer. Irradiate moids in a nuclear reactor. Spaghettify moids in a black hole. Curse moids with the necronomicon. Trap moids in purgatory. Bang a moid’s testicles with a spiked bat. Throw moids off a twelve story building. Freeze dry moids in the vacuum of space. Fry moids with power lines. Feed moids ricin. Kneecap a moid with a twelve gauge. Enslave all moids. Sell moids organs on the black market. Run moids over with an eighteen wheeler. Throw moids into the grand canyon. Burn moids with jet engine exhaust. Beat moids to death with a tire iron. Cauterise a moid’s asshole and urethral meatus with a blowtorch. Sacrifice moids to the sun god. Drop moids out of a plane at fourty thousand feet. Feed moids to sharks. Load a moid into a cannon and shoot the moid at a concrete wall. Keel haul moids under a galleon. Disembowel moids with a bayonet. Strap a moid to a cruise missile and launch it at a majority-moid neighbourhood. Drop moids into chernobyl reactor building number 4. Hang, draw, and quarter moids. Lure moids in with child porn and trap them with bear traps. Force a moid to learn calculus, then kill the moid anyway. Atomize moids with a powerfist. Throw moids into vats full of FEV virus. Choke moids with barbed wire. Throw pianos at moids from 40-story buildings. Throw moids at pianos from 40-story buildings. Deep-freeze moids in liquid nitrogen then shatter them with a hammer. Tie moids to ICBMs then fire them at the Middle East. Shoot moids with syringe guns. Defecate on moid food stamps. Make moids pay child support in blood. Build a newton cannon and fire moids into the orbit. Put advertisement posters on moids then nail them to their bodies with a hammer. Irradiate moids with depleted uranium. Launch a moid with a trebuchet. Send a moid exploring titanic in a cheap submarine. Use a moid as a crash test dummy. Tie moids onto growing bamboo shoots. Film an entire chick flick movie on a moid. Trample moids. Bury moids alive. Play bowling with moids heads as pins. Grate moids with a cheese grater. Get moids stuck in an elevator. Spray a moid’s toilet paper with poison ivy. Shoot a moid directly with the Gustav gun. Sabotage a moid’s parachute. Sabotage a moid’s bungee. Trap a moid under ice. Force a moid to work and support a family of 5. Force moids into gladiatorial combat. Hide a snake in a moid’s room. Put moids on a hot air balloon with low gas. Harvest a moid’s organs. Waterboard moids with gasoline, then set them on fire. Flay moids. Tie moids to train tracks. Put laxatives in their koolaid. Recreate mortal kombat fatalities on moids. Gibbet moids. Tie a lightning rod to a moid’s head during a storm. Lure moids into suicide pods. Bury moids neck deep and surround them with scorpions. Clear a mine field by sending moids to it. Stir moids into cement. Squeeze moids through a chain link fence. Hack moids’ socials and make them say they have irrefutable evidence that would lead to Hillary's arrest. Perform adorcism on a moid. Microwave a moid’s head. Suck a moid into pool drainage ass first. Pour nitroglycerin inside a moid’s cocksleeve. Inject ebola in its food. Put a chubby moid in a tribe of cannibals. Pressure wash moids’ ball skin. Play games with moids jigsaw style. Trim a moid’s nose hairs with a lawn mower. Strap a moid to a wind turbine blade. Flatten a moid in an industrial rolling machine. Turn a moid’s bones into furniture. Make minced meat out of a moid and serve scrote patties to other moids. Feed a moid viagra and put an activated sawblade in front of its dick. Disguise a thermally activated lightsaber as a moid’s dildo. Stone moids. Tranquilize moids and put them in lion pits. Make a subhuman centipede from moids. Throw a moid down a well. Prescribe incorrect medication to moids. Pimp-slap moids into airplane turbines. Displace moids in a predicted meteoroid contact area. Gift a moid a lethal dose of fentanyl. Put dog collars on moids at maximum voltage. Give moids sentient brain parasites. Give moids over to aliens in area 51 to be probed. Leave moids out for vultures. Drive a moid into a tornado with a remote controlled vehicle. Do freaky voodoo on a moid. Strap moids on a roller-coaster and use them as target practice. Strap moids to a judas cradle. Blast moids with Civil War cannons. Whip moids into obedience. Slingshot a moid into orbit. Bite a moid and drink their blood. Bake moids into moid-pizza. Arrest moids for no reason. Electrocute moids. Beat a moid up. Slice a moid up and wear their skin. Set moids on fire. Spin moids around until they puke. Tie moids to a train track. Karate kick a moid in the testicles. Broil moids into a broth. Deep fry moids. Fourth-trimester abortions for moid babies. Blend moids in a blender. Snap a moid's neck. Throw moids off buildings. Send aliens to abduct moids. Force moids to ride the euthanasia coaster. Crush moids with anvils. Throw moids off of rooftops. Incinerate moids. Starve moids. Blow moids up with dynamite. Gulp moids. Feast on moid eyeballs. Cave in a moid's skull. Kiss a moid to death. Peel a moid like a banana. Wipe out moid clubs. Deny moids into Heaven. Hard boil a moid. Lock on to moids with a harpoon. Cryodesiccate a moid. Ferment moids into stew. Ensnare moids. Nark on moids to the army. Cause a total moid purge. Jam a moid into a geyser. Axe murder a moid. Unleash Akasha upon moids. Put moids on ships going to Tristan da Cunha and blow up the ships after they set sail. Total moid death.

No. 2402555

what she said

No. 2402591

Picture this: a car crash, the guy driving had his spine broken in such a particular way his dick is resting limply next to his head. They’re touching each other so the creature resembles a curled up pillbug. A dick has never been so close to having a brain.
We’re in a magical universe where the doctors manage to fix him into a relatively normal looking guy, but he turns into a freak that has to drag a colonoscopy (?) bag along with him at all times. His intestines curve out of his tight butthole like a snake, the plastic it’s lair. We’re in a fantasy world so the entirety of his organs are sitting happily outside his voluptuous body and you can see his prostate squirm when he’s too happy about something. He’s a high-end office worker at some large corporation and whenever he screams at his underlings they can all see his shit aggressively moving inside his wormlike structures. Like a bulge passing through his tunnels faster and faster the madder he gets.
I don’t know what my endgame is, but I suppose I just want to see a man’s most private parts made public, as brutally as possible. Plus, prostates and gut-stuff are man things so I don’t see why a straight woman wouldn’t be fascinated with it.

No. 2402602

the key to dealing with crazy moids is to just do as they do because their fun hinges upon normal women(that most women are) reacting to their retarded behaviour so the key to dealing with them is to simply become a woman that does not react because she outdoes them with ease, and the thing with scrotes is similar to how it is with parents and their children that as soon as parents partake in something, their children don't want to do it anymore no matter how fucking cool they thought it was moments ago, so just go ahead and be fucking insane, reflect the worst of moids behaviour and they will behave, being a degen loses its fun as soon as a woman does it and when she does it in a way men DONT LIKE, i don't care to be racebaity as fuck bc RACEBAIT IS A WHITE BOY SVENSKI THING it's not fun with a lame brown woman doing it! SO THEY STOP DOING IT! and there you're done

No. 2403204

Not this again kek

No. 2403359

I thought it sounded familiar but wasn't sure if maybe I was just going crazy.

No. 2403367

This is the best copypasta ever invented.

No. 2403370

File: 1739744781986.png (134.55 KB, 1090x736, 1685250845776.png)

I have the beans one it's under the first post which is just the car crash post again

No. 2403448

File: 1739747515182.jpg (83.54 KB, 720x730, 1000029994.jpg)

Posting in a country thread that is not my own, hoping I will not get noticed

No. 2403922

kumbayaaa my lord

No. 2404536

oh my lordddd kumbayaa

No. 2405196

No. 2405780

File: 1739872913861.gif (729.51 KB, 640x352, joe-gatto-my-favorite-color.gi…)

kekekekekekek real nonnie, posting where you're not supposed to feels like this kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke

No. 2405804

i love it to become one, especially if it spread to other sites to torment moids, but then it'll likely be traced back to here

No. 2405807

Your excessive kekking brings me joy

No. 2407243

Hallo there

No. 2407245

hi here

No. 2407250

File: 1739971924775.jpg (34.88 KB, 736x552, 1000012454.jpg)


No. 2407258

No. 2407260

Wow…ghost posting doesn't work anymore. Lame.

No. 2407300

File: 1739974399492.jpg (42.21 KB, 622x503, 131891955_215867290030282_3162…)

No wonder the Netherlands has a prospering prostitute industry bc Dutch wursties will argue over the price of everything and can't prostitute themselves because nothing about them is usable, their faces are mid, their bodies are mid, their dicks are mid, their hands are hideous and being tall still does them no favours, ffs their mouths are useless too, and even if none of this was reality they'd still be unruly ingrate whores, arguing that "you used my mouth, that's €10 more, you asked me to make use of my fingers that's €8 more, you use my shower i ask landlord how much water was used, it's €40 for the 7 liters you washed with." ffs man

No. 2409689

You owe me a tikkie for reading this post

No. 2410046

File: 1740093665526.jpg (48.67 KB, 500x750, 663222ce6ba51040e82bcaf0167dbc…)

I'm putting a team together for a heist. What can you do and are you in?

No. 2410505

File: 1740122206054.png (897.21 KB, 799x720, 1620251372595.png)

Who’s up dumbassing their shit?
I can be a spy penguin

No. 2410710

File: 1740139094147.jpeg (231.83 KB, 1500x1000, F6CC5237-F1A5-4AA0-AFF9-92AE83…)


No. 2410725

The first one is so unrealistic it goes full circle and it becomes funny again, the second one just makes my stomach churn, it's so unhinged. And I know there's some basement dweller that thinks the exact same about women and girls, it makes me feel unsafe that people even have these fantasies

No. 2411874

the second one is literally a scene in The Boys but with a woman(a likeable one at that, tragic)

No. 2411877

you owe me a carpet munching for wasting my time, WHORE

No. 2412165

File: 1740221515154.gif (1017.79 KB, 355x258, RDT_20210701_21203560222124145…)

No. 2412359

Nooooo this makes me sad, jannies delete pls.

No. 2416163

in life, you get a moid that's either a fugly slut or a pretty prude, the choice is yours.

No. 2416314

i regret being on the degen american side of the internet for so long, i saw this dutch "twink"'s uncut dick on a subreddit and i nearly threw up, the front of his dick looked like an outie pussy(idk tbh, i am NOT having a second look)

No. 2416317

File: 1740415164682.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 412x704, g9mrkx9463le1.mp4)

vidrel is the most retarded attempt at being sexy a moid has ever done omg(warning: it's a scrote in his undies awkwardly doing something with his hips keke)

No. 2416655

Pretty prude
He is actually, genuinely fat.

No. 2418830

i need luigi to be proven innocent so all the fags in that thread look like idiots for thirsting over some mid Italian-American dude

No. 2419790

File: 1740576206407.jpg (158.69 KB, 650x650, 1X6oq9EaJr.jpg)

No. 2420553

beep boop beep boop requesting farmer to farmer communication in these deserted lands

No. 2420566

permission granted

No. 2421540

Do you ever get so sad you feel like you're gonna throw up? When will it end.

No. 2422343

It's the first time of the month I've had noodles. I've changed my diet and lived off from mostly rice and different ways of cooking vegetables. I want to cry this is amazing. tasty af I'm considering making more but I don't want to ruin it.

No. 2424502

i was having fun in the unpopular opinions thread watching retards bitchfight about feminine and masculine clothing while me and me /g/irls were waiting for them to post more eroi stuff but farmhands had to come along and ruin our fun damn it

No. 2425413

ass fat

No. 2425772

File: 1740913107347.jpg (245.67 KB, 720x762, 97-5.jpg)

great googily moogily that thang is juicy (x5)

No. 2425861

My boyfriend has cut out all his friends because he's hasn't been interested in them anymore since he met me. I find it extremely hot, I can tell he respects me and wants to impress me more than his moid friends, when usually it's the opposite and men respect their moids more than their partners. It's not about sex either, I have endometriosis so we don't fuck and he knows we will never. Anyway, if things don't work out between us somehow, I'm going to measure a moid's love in how much he values me over his pet moids.

No. 2427241

Okay I kind of understand why that one doodlemin went schizo and dipped. The most benign posts immediately get unwarranted baity responses, where the fuck did these losers come from? I would feel bad to leave this place being one of the last sane-ish old fags but jeez.

No. 2428064

I'm glad someone else said it anon I've been thinking that for a while. Tinfoil but I feel like some of the bait in that thread is sinister, like all of the anons bitching about magma and having to make a throwaway email, and instead wanting to use drawpile which you have to connect to directly as P2P connection (at least as far as I can tell). It feels like they want anons to expose their systems.

No. 2428129

nta but i don't see any baity or aggressive posts there recently unless they got deleted? i thought the other anon was referring to /ot/ in general

No. 2428196

Yeah I was just referring to the general state of /ot/. But speaking of the doodleboard, I don't understand why art anons can't make a throwaway for magma, some people are just super cagey about making accounts for anything and refuse to do it, I don't know why. The only thing I can think of is to protect their data but if you have a smart phone you're already fucked.

No. 2428766

AI shouldn't fucking use emojis.

No. 2431487

Wtf, youtube even filters comments about 4b now.

No. 2431668

the German stare only became a thing because German scrotes hope that staring and making foreign women feel awkward and scared will make them unable to notice how butt-ugly they are

No. 2431681

File: 1741277604451.jpg (13.17 KB, 295x300, terf.jpg)

i have this teddybear keychain that i accessorize in light blue(it's got pink fur) and it makes me sick that the baby pink and baby blue colours is associated with troons. fuck you, my teddybear Henry represents my dream of a world with normal men and normal men that happen to be GNC

No. 2432234

The troon gendie mind cannot comprehend your pic

No. 2433945

Be the change you want to see in the world nonna. If everyone uses those colors, it will no longer be associated with troons even though a real dream world wouldn't have men

No. 2435132

File: 1741442271593.png (515.42 KB, 560x596, longlongman.png)

Long Furby

No. 2435347

I hate grammarly ads so much, so tired of them popping up after every damn vid. And why does one of the actors look and sound like a TIF

No. 2435578

People asking the sanic totem anything that isn't a yes or no question is so funny, don't piss him off

No. 2435671

File: 1741470938682.jpg (1.25 MB, 2059x3000, 1000078547.jpg)


No. 2435690

I imprinted onto vidrel like a newborn chick imprints on the first living being it sees–it's been four years and whenever I hear a song with a great beat I start spastically flapping about like those party parrots are.

No. 2435822

File: 1741478851016.jpg (43.1 KB, 511x855, 1000078580.jpg)

Wouldn't he be lolcow's true husbando? He literally a cow.

No. 2435823

I don't know him but I'd like to

No. 2435828

File: 1741479378911.gif (4.83 MB, 600x600, 1000078593.gif)

>doesn't know fruits basket

No. 2435832

File: 1741479660577.jpg (49.81 KB, 735x392, -2.jpg)

nature is math…… math is nature…. looj. to imagein the goldren rule… triangle. FUCK YES! fishy fishy ya ya za za

No. 2435834

Poopity scoopity

No. 2436381

Sorry I was never into romance anime

No. 2436614

I forgot that Luigi is actually currently in the news and not just another random guy farmers have fixated on for no reason so I keep doing double takes every time I see him on a magazine. He jumpscared me.

No. 2436616

File: 1741541618369.jpg (82.96 KB, 275x275, 1000031133.jpg)

I tried something different with my eyebrows and now they look like this

No. 2437370

Try frowning to even them out maybe

No. 2438097

File: 1741606467707.gif (1.29 MB, 498x270, 1000077869.gif)

I wish I had been more active in the husbando threads and drawboards when they were really popping off, lolcow is so boring now, I just wanna go crazy go stupid with my ladies.

No. 2438350

File: 1741624514821.jpg (5.3 MB, 4624x3468, 20241129_114746.jpg)


No. 2440068

why are the fun moovie nights always at the worst time/day for me? i wanna watch saw sad face

No. 2442578

File: 1741873961418.jpg (543.03 KB, 1080x1252, Gl6ej71W0AAbmQQ.jpg)

Tag yourself

No. 2442839

i was hoping this thread being linked in the mundane shit thread would get more dumbass nonnies here, sad

No. 2442925

They're fake ass losers

No. 2443847

>~soopa seekwet~ imageboard is full of grandpafuckers
Imagine my shock

No. 2444705

are you spreading misinformation on the internet nona, I've seen nothing of the sort there

No. 2444785

Check the latest posts in their lc hate thread. Arthur is hideous by the way

No. 2444817

Fuck it, whoever Tammy is

No. 2444894

File: 1742004560530.jpg (21.3 KB, 720x533, Tumblr_l_14734212084993.jpg)

meowwww meow

No. 2445239

To be fair, so is lolcow. I was more grossed out by them sucking up to the admin, asking to make fan art of him and calling him cute. I'm sure they'll just say "zomg i was joking!!!" why is that how you "joke" with an Indian scrote that runs a porn board? It's embarrassing.
>Arthur was the grandpa you're mad about
Anon, are you fr? That's it? Anyway I only went there a couple times to see if the discord messages got shared and of course, there was nothing.

No. 2447995

File: 1742178189157.png (168.73 KB, 1880x418, 1077.png)

i see you. put me in the screencap next. your man is ugly and i'm glad you can't post him anymore. UMP is the best thread

No. 2448061

>50% of their posts are malding, balding, and seething over anons calling ugly men ugly

No. 2448830

File: 1742237736104.jpg (369.82 KB, 2500x1667, cat-truck.jpg)

big cat

No. 2449091

Can the retard who loves to chimp out at anons using the mundane shit thread wrong stop using the mundane shit thread wrong herself.

No. 2451692

File: 1742397139724.gif (1.19 MB, 500x326, schizophrenia.gif)

are you the are you the are you the muuhhhhhh xchan ychan Lchan abc-chan are you samefag the the samefag the blinki winki finki fag? areare are you same the the the samefag only one person in the solar system has ever disagreed with me so i know it's you chanchan! i smelled your commas from here CLOKKED! gotcha! seeya! are you the anon i replied to yesterday are you the anon i replied to last week are you the anon i replied to 7 years ago are you the anon in my mirror are you the anon under my bed are you the anon who anoned my anon anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? anon? areyou are you

No. 2451792

Idk where else to post this so it goes here. Movie concept: A group of women kidnap a prominent pedophile and stream his torture to his pedo friends via the same channel he used to stream himself abusing children. It's as gory as possible. Flaying, burning, amputations, etc. They hunt down the watchers and add them one by one to their stream.
I'm tired of torture porn films that focus on destroying innocent women (99.99999% of them), it's time to destroy men and call it kino.

No. 2452778

No. 2453458

Yeah you got me I'm the blinki winki finki fag

No. 2453733

here's my idea since Frenchmen think they can put the most deplorable shit in a movie and call it cinema because its uh "satire" and "part of the french extremity movement" and "meant to explore the worst parts of humanity" and nobody can say anything about it because some libfem at Buzzfeed managed to shit out an article about how it's acksually feminist. first thing i'm doing if i ever got a boatload of money is producing a movie set in WW2 and it's just 90 minutes of Frenchmen getting raped by Nazis and then finding help just to get ratted out and then killed with a dildo marinated in hydrochloric acid because my fetish is seeing Frenchman ass get prolapsed by huge German cocks but nobody can say anything about it because i paid retards to critique it as being an allegory or whatever about how the government treats its soldiers as cannon fodder and is meant to convey the horrors of fascism or something and some poor french male film student's dreams of becoming a film maker gets crushed because he couldn't shit out an essay shilling my high budget hardcore AV avant garde satire arthouse ~cinematic experience~ hard enough.

No. 2454377

Does anyone else notice how many notable cows are water/air signs? Shayna, Venus Angelic, Jill, PT, Onision, Grimes, Dylan Mulvaney, Elon Musk, Chris Chan, and I can't recall anymore birthdays. Can anyone add anymore cows to this list? They're all really milky in the same kind of way if you think about it.

No. 2456124

็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็Reaching up and slapping your post for being too dumb

No. 2456143

go back, zlopchan. I know it's you.

No. 2456160

>t. gleepglorpfag

No. 2456171

The milkiest signs are Geminis and Pisces, emphasis on Pisces.

No. 2456292

gfys frenchfag

No. 2456487

i miss the chadification threads so much its unreal

No. 2456534

It's still around but no one uses it anymore

No. 2457327

File: 1742674435166.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.05 KB, 1733x686, adam_dr#ver.jpeg)

No. 2457610

How the hell did you do that? Wt

No. 2458066

It's ancient Thai magic. Modern website design fears it.

No. 2458272


No. 2459888

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this >>2361707 fucking fag's whole gimmick is being tan and shit and his father still does it better

No. 2459892

File: 1742831821713.jpg (132.15 KB, 850x992, __kanae_nijisanji_drawn_by_wan…)

the joke is as simple as Frenchmen are such whores that to be virgins they'd have to be children to be virgins, they rack up 50+ by the time they're 20, ugh, enjoy 2D instead.

No. 2460005

No. 2460054

File: 1742838927571.gif (26.19 KB, 220x123, runninrunnin.gif)

>me omw to take a govt job exam(it's name is CGL)

No. 2460415

watching a jap post about suicide rn, theyve got self harm stuff in their twit too, it sounds retarded but i didn't think menheras were real, too bad it seems like a woman

No. 2460417

damn some people really cut together?

No. 2460873

File: 1742885143484.jpg (77.12 KB, 1130x1200, 177771.jpg)

the vagueposts in GIOYC are killing me with curiosity. i need to know what sn shippers are, which topic bought out which retard, who got scared away by which schizoposts, and what did the home movies anon discuss that she can't discuss here

No. 2461109

Those are all my alters posting at different times.

No. 2462417

thinking about that one cutfag kaito art, i don't even care that it's cutfaggy or kaito, just that why was it specifically the kaito from Leo Need in Project Sekai kek

No. 2462419

Tell your alters to stop being so vague and fight like adults!

No. 2462458

I’m sure someone who’s been on the site longer than me has more info, but I’d love an LC iceberg. So far I have
>corpse face doxx
>hall is the blond one

No. 2462586

that bitch is fucking nuts and needs to chill. I bet she's a pisces

No. 2462589

You also need to put the yuripedo doxx

No. 2462593

>Shoe0nhead's history with the site
>Lorena's discord antics and real face/cosplay videos leak
>The crazy FBI-tier investigations in Corpse Husband's thread

No. 2462609

Absolute pisces behavior.

No. 2462612

I’m not really into astrology but I like reading it. What’s your take on Aries? How would you say they use LOLCOR?

No. 2462614

I only know astrology stereotypes and the stereotype for Ares is that they’re hotheads. Probably the type to fall for ragebait and get into infights.

No. 2462617

File: 1743007334581.gif (931.59 KB, 245x271, 1000034149.gif)

Random drive-by but Librans are the ones who do picrel every single time an anon is mean kek

No. 2462623


No. 2462628

if you're just wanting some notorious users:
mystery, necessaryspeed4, analrectalviolence-kun, bjchan, burritomin and her infamous hand post, manifesto-chan, erin painter

No. 2462710

i'm an aries and much more closer to this than the hothead stereotype

No. 2462712

What is your ascendant sign?

No. 2462728


No. 2463169

File: 1743033195121.jpg (11.67 KB, 256x256, 1651105015196.jpg)

Kaitlyn Tiffany. I know it didn't happen that long ago but it was so fun

No. 2463176

Homemade dildo chan is the bottom of the iceberg I think

No. 2463183

That's a good one. Here are some others
>romanianon and her twitch streams
>that british girl who was accused of rape by the white guy living in japan she went to fuck aka "clay"
>kpop dog panting guy
>hamas x israel fanart
>paul dano bf
>the girl who used dish soap instead of bath soap and maybe died

No. 2463187


No. 2463221

>The anon who made her own husbando figurine with her own hair
>Borzoi and adam driver
>Men's faces being smashed onto cake
>Vagina posting
>"Where did you get this picture of me"
>cp and gore raids during the burritomin era
>sharty raids
>chubby chasers on /pt/ threads
>When you see da big areolas
>fluffy pony abuse comics
>lj and her mom spamming her thread
>kiki spamming her thread
>The anon who stole the jewelry of the dead wife of a man she slept with
>nasolabial folds
>catboykami and the anons who thirsted after him

No. 2463719

Curse on you and your entire bloodline

No. 2463785

napoleonfagging and egyptian anon
seal anon

No. 2463855

File: 1743084947409.jpg (68.4 KB, 800x450, GQtO3_6bsAAE-gH.jpg)

>fag fashion designers if female models refused to wear clothing that show their tits

No. 2464147

beautiful post nona. they all sound exactly like that and i hate them all

No. 2464160

>Venus schizoposting all over the site

No. 2464168

>Heather's ex vendettaposting in her earlier threads
>The boardtans
>The Shaynatorium
>The anon who has a framed photo of Null on her work desk

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