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No. 2378543

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2366706

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2378545

what is she doing? 24h+ is a long time?? is she okay? is it something i did?

No. 2378568

I must have bruised my tailbone somehow. I’m not sure whenI did it but it’s been painful for me to sit at my desk and work all day.

No. 2378601

My lesbian friend has started going by she/they… fucking hell, I thought she was safe of this gender poison.

No. 2378610

this happened to me, we stopped being friends after i was talking about periods and womens rights etc, she said “i’m not a woman so i can’t really speak on this”

No. 2378611

I had plans to work on my sewing projects today but life bullshit got in the way and I'm annoyed. now I'll have to wait until next weekend ahhhh

No. 2378629

Make sure it's not a pilonidal cyst nona

No. 2378691

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I made the mistake of venting to my parents about male patients harassing my coworkers, mentioning that I wanna carry a little mace after learning that one of my coworkers quit after someone threatened her life. My dad called me a "work Karen", and my mom called me overreactive. The fucks even laughed. I guess even to this day, I feel adopted by these fucking people. At least the male isn't my biological father, but my mom's brain remains a disappointment to me. I think at this point, I'm only ever going to vent anonymously on the internet, because I feel like I cannot expose any real thought and emotion to any-fucking-body in person at this point.

No. 2378745

Oh you spooked me and I went to look. Everything looks and feels fine aside from the tenderness I mentioned. I’ll keep an eye on it though, thanks nonny!

No. 2378751

maybe I was the bpdchan all along

No. 2378760

maybe the real BPDchans were the friends we made along the way.

No. 2378772

literally played out in my mind as I typed that nona, we are connected

No. 2378852

Have to constantly hear my neckbeard NEET uncle with Trump videos 24/7. He's not even American but keeps watching ~le based~ videos dunking on the libs or whatever. Full volume. No earphones. Whyyyyyy.

Wish he'd fuck off immediately from the house. The sooner the better. Can't stand the coddling his brother gives him.

No. 2378875

>be NEET since 2022
>have always had deeply rooted shame, fear of rejection, and trouble connecting with people
>develop chronic illness last year
>now no one will ever love me because i have physical health issues on top of severe mental health issues
>fantasy escapism doesn’t work anymore
>everything is piling up and i’m old so can’t make excuses
it’s getting bleak, nonas

No. 2378883

Is it the tailbone itself that is hurting, or the muscles around it?

No. 2379079

It’s hard to differentiate for me, but I would guess it’s the tailbone more than the muscles? Specific movements are pretty painful and the area is tender to the touch.

No. 2379085

Beginning to think the internet has turned me into a total chud

No. 2379093

Nothing makes me happy, nothing brings enjoyment to my life. I'm sick of being a wageslave, but I know that even if I had the wealth of Bezos, it wouldn't change my emotional state. Fuck existing, honestly. Is anyone actually satisfied and happy with their place in life?

No. 2379125

I’m so tired of being broke holy shit. I literally moved to this state to make money and last year I made $12,000.

No. 2379130

What do you do for work?

No. 2379141

Watching my mom become a stereotypical old, fake, permanently bitchy, radicalised conservitard in real time and it's so heartbreaking. Yesterday she broke off her last close friendship and went on a huge rant about how everyone around her is intellectually inferior and how the very few contacts she has left are too dumb for her to talk to. (100% stemming from projection/insecurity) She doesn't respect me either, so she doesn't listen when I try to give her gentle advice.

No. 2379142

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No. 2379144


No. 2379160

I’m a Scorpio sun and currently sex averse. Is it my Libra moon, Aries rising, or shitty relationship?

No. 2379172

Right now I’m doing wagie service work. I used to be an admin assistant but had to quit due to toxic workplace. I also used to work service in the last state I lived in and ironically I made way more money.

No. 2379175

vidrel appeared on my youtube timeline recently and it resonated within me since I used to scorn my mother who would hit me whenever i did something wrong.
One thing I remember vividly was the time I accidentally spilled milk on myself before school and my mom hit me and prevented me from going that day, locking me in my room. Another is when I painted on the wall and my mother hit me with a hanger, punched me, and dug her nails into my shoulder/head when she came to check on me as I scrubbed it off. There were many more instances of her hurting me as punishment but as I got older and asked about her family, her mother used to force her and her sibling to wake up everyday at 6am sharp to clean the entire house and if it was not to her standards she would hit and punish them. She would do this liberally and my mom joked that I should be grateful she wasnt as harsh as her mom was. Her mom died at an early age for her and she was without a mother figure for the rest of her life. I found out my grandmother married young while my grandpa was twice her age and she gave birth to 7 children before her death.
Although she never acknowledges the times she hurt me, and tries to deflect by saying it hurt her to hurt us, or that shes uncontrollable when her blood pressure goes up, she made up for it in her own way I guess by supporting me, feeding me, and loving me.
I don't think I forgive her for some of the things she did but I certainly keep good terms with her and leave what happened in the past, even moreso that Im lucky to have her around to support me through struggling times with no expectations of return.

No. 2379194

I wish I could quit my job and neet for the rest of my life. I made the retarded mistake of doing a shit ton of work and expected to meet that level for the long haul now. I keep overcompensating being an autist with putting 120% into my work in the hopes that they keep me on the payroll through my output alone, but it always leads me doing everyone's work and not getting any compensation for it. I do it every time. I'm so tired. I've been crying for the past two weeks because I need a break but I can't because I'll just come back to more work and be back to burning out the same day I get back I'm sick of being a failure. I'm so ashamed of the person i am and I feel like I can't control it. Oh well, time to get back to work!

No. 2379219

its definitely the shitty relationship!!!!

No. 2379296

Really wish autistic males weren't a thing even if they're high functioning. I'd thanos snap them out of existence if I could.

No. 2379300

i'm so very bored and none of my friends are never awake when i am. i am stuck doing the same menial things, like chores, for these people online. i wish someone would do it with me

No. 2379307

I'm not hungry and it's been 7 hours, I'm worried. Should I force feed myself again? What do I do? My body doesn't want no more food but we NEED food yet it refuses to actually tell me to eat. Oh no…

No. 2379310

upstairs neighbors have been partying and blasting heavy bass music for at least five hours. Still going strong and it's 1:30. Finally got brave enough to go upstairs and ask them to just turn it down a bit since I get up early. Neighbor seemed chill and said okay. Back in my apartment, and the fucker turned the music UP and all his friends are stomping around. I never complain, wasn't rude or anything, why are people like this??

No. 2379313

Call the police kek

No. 2379315

I've had this oldschool blog on an obscure website for ages. Today I got a mail that someone subscribed to me. I went to check and… it's a "budding trans femme". Fuck! What a start to a new week.

No. 2379359

Eat something despite not being hungry, something light at least. I made the mistake of letting myself go and losing my eating routine and it felt like my stomach shrank and I couldn't eat proper-sized meals. I had to force myself to get back on track and it was awful. You should look into what's making you lose your appetite though.

No. 2379406

oh shit i might actually gonna kms

No. 2379411

Complain to the landlord, call the police, and find out when they have something they can't miss like a flight and do the same thing to them (stalk them on socials to see what they're up to so you can fuck up their plans better). Tape speakers to the ceiling and blast away.

No. 2379412

I've been distancing myself from a long-time friend of mine because of some fucked up and stupid shit she said and did in the past and it's making me conflicted. The view I have of her now is one I don't think will ever go away, but she was one of my first friends that I had a deep connection with. It just kinda sucks.

No. 2379415

I got hypothyroidism and I'm off meds so my appetite is kinda wacky atm

No. 2379422

this is always the fucking worst I'm sorry nonnie

No. 2379442

I came here a while ago venting a lot about my dad, namely his uncomfortable lack of boundaries and creepy jokes towards me my whole life, and I had mentioned seeing a hidden camera in his amazon purchase history and getting paranoid about it. I recently went back to look for it again to screenshot it, but I couldn't find it, thinking I must have been crazy in a kind of relieving way. Turns out, he put it in archived orders, which I'm guessing is only because you can't fully delete orders. Not only that, but he has bought 4 in total, and these were the ONLY orders that he archived. I have no idea where any of them are, I've tried to find them but can't and I don't want to flip my room upside down and make it obvious that I'm onto him.
I've told my mom before this that I don't like him and he makes me uncomfortable, and she didn't seem very supportive about it. I also don't want to confront him directly because he has a history of physical abuse and has hurt me in ways that he already should've been arrested for and I fully believe he might kill me (and he has threatened to for less), especially since his job is shutting down soon and he's very vocal about hating everyone in his family, so it really feels like he doesn't have anything to lose.
Every day after this discovery I feel nauseous to the point of throwing up and I feel like my head is about to explode. I can't determine why, but it feels more traumatizing than just being beaten. I would take it to the police but I don't know where any of the cameras actually are and I don't want to look like a paranoid idiot without hard proof on hand. I'm sure someone will suggest that I move out, but unfortunately it's not an option at the moment. I can't see myself doing anything except rolling with the punches and waiting until I'm done with school and save up a lot more before I try to do anything. I'm just going to look into therapy if I can afford it and maybe crash at some friends' houses when I need to.

No. 2379443

>Not only that, but he has bought 4 in total
was like a gut punch, i'm so fucking sorry nonna. i guess all you can do is set parameters and things you can do to avoid him as much as possible. i hope you can get out of there and grow away from that creep

No. 2379449

I had a sexy dream about my ex boyfriend where we were just about to have some very hot sex but I realized I would regret cheating on my current boyfriend but also that I didn't want my ex would lose respect for me which he totally would if we kept going. At that moment I woke up to my current boyfriend bringing me breakfast, what an emotional whirlwind.

No. 2379451

There are ways to detect the cameras, since you can access his order, you know what the cameras look like. You need to know if they are in your room at least. Send the screenshot of his orders to someone if you can. Your situation is terrifying, I really hope you can get out of there as soon as you can. Make it your top priority, if you can move in with a friend, do it.

No. 2379465

Good news- you know what cameras he bought, so you can find out the size of the cameras, how they operate (batteries, plugged in etc) and how you can hack into them.
First, look at the reviews. Are there rave reviews about how they're easy to balance on shelves away from kids and pets? They might be in high places like the tops of cupboards. Do they have negative reviews about how they're taking up a ton of wifi? That means you can hack them.
Looking at what others are saying also means you can find a way to destroy the camera that won't be immediately suspicious. It could be something as simple as unplugging the camera to plug something else in, fucking up the wiring while it's unplugged, and leaving it there (it's not hard to do this, google how to take apart a plug and have fun). If/when your dad finds it, it's not going to be obvious that you were the one who did it, it'll look like a fault with the product.
There are thousands of tutorials on how to hack a camera. You can find out which ones to follow once you know which cameras your dad bought. It's worth finding out how to mess with the footage too.
Since he's a creep, look up how to spot and remove spyware from your phone and computer, and other smart devices like smart fridges. DEFINITELY check your car for cameras and trackers. Remember, if he's monitoring you, he'll know if his spyware suddenly vanishes, so pretend your phone or whatever broke and you need to fix it, to explain why it's suddenly gone.
You don't want him to find out that you know what he's doing. That's going to escalate things. Pretend you never saw any of it.
Monitor his behavior and his purchases. If it's safe for you to do so, put some spyware on his phone and any other devices he uses frequently. Go through his emails every so often if you can.
And lastly, consider getting hidden cameras for yourself. Make a different Amazon account and buy nanny cams that are disguised as normal household objects, put them by your bedroom door in a place that won't show your room but shows who's coming and going.

No. 2379471

lmao anons in /meta/ acting like not believing in made up sexualities is akin to being an evil trump supporter. lc is over

No. 2379472

nona i hope things will get better for you soon, i'm in a similar spot in life so i know how it feels. dealing with chronic illnesses on top of life's general difficulties is very hard, but we can make it nona. don't give up.

No. 2379492

I’m pretty sure it’s these 2 gendies trying to pretend that LC was never a transphobic site, there’s been more pushback than support. Tourists need to assimilate or GTFO.

No. 2379493

There’s been an influx of retards lately, gendies mainly. We should bully them.

No. 2379502

I want to know where we've been getting posted

No. 2379508

yeah i’ve noticed similar posts across every board recently

No. 2379514

Based on the Reviews Thread, it's probably tumblr again. Lots of faggots come here, get triggered that farmers don't kiss tranny and gendietard ass, and run back to tumblr to seethe and complain about it.

No. 2379606

Thinking back, my mom did a lot of weird shit to my classmates when I was a teen including showing her nipples at my birthday party and peeing on the ground outside at my high school as the school buses were leaving. She also dated my sister's ex when they broke up.
I hate her so much, she makes me fucking sick. Final boss of pickmes.

No. 2379618

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Maybe I've vented about it before but it makes me so sad to think that my boyfriend might not date me if he wasn't mentally ill.
During his first couple of years at university, and his HS years from what I know, he was socially successful in a way that has always been so unattainable to me. When I first saw him in one of my classes, I was only beginning to make friends and be normal, it still evades me to some extent. For half of university I was mostly a loner because I lacked social skills/confidence/was the sober and boring type. When I watched him from afar I just knew that we were of different social standings and made some (mostly correct) snap judgements about what sort of person he was. I had feelings for someone else at the time, but could acknowledge my attraction and knew that even in a hypothetical world I would have failed if I approached him. He says now he wishes I had but I don't know…I don't think so.
This haunts me a bit needlessly. Things are the way they are, but sometimes when I look back through his social media or remember seeing him in passing it leaves me feeling ashamed and inferior. Even if I am worthy and successful in other ways it feels like my lack of natural social skills will always undermine my efforts and achievements.

No. 2379630

You act like being shy is a disability kek.

No. 2379649

Being autistic is not off the table for me, so maybe kek. I only became shy because I realized shutting up was less painful than being a freak who makes constant mistakes, and only overcame this through years of concentrated effort to learn what behaviours could convince people to like me.
I see myself as a few years behind my peers when it comes to social development.

No. 2379653

I wish people around my neighbourhood and on my street would just fucking ignore me. Fucking hell I wish I was invisible. I try to ignore first but then get seen as a rude snob and then next time I get harassed even more.

No. 2379712

If I could code I would make an Ib for all the gendies to live out their stupid handmaiden fantasies and leave us the fuck alone.

No. 2379714

I'm so fucking angry and I am going to ghost and block the guy I've been dating. I came over to his place today and we were supposed to watch a movie and eat dinner together but he was constantly looking at his phone, observing some kind of sports game. I asked him to put his phone away and that his behavior was disrespectful. Instead of apologizing he turned the whole situation around and said that it was my fault that he even started watching the sports game. When I said I was going to leave because I couldn't take any more of this bullcrap, his whole demeanor turned super cold within 1 second. I've never seen anything like that before and it seriously creeped me out. I got up and said that I would leave for today and he said that I "shouldn't leave anything behind at his apartment". I looked back and it was as if I was looking at a psychopathic 28 year old kid throwing a silent tantrum. Jesus christ almighty. I am so angry and want revenge so bad. I should've hidden something disgusting in his apartment

No. 2379724

you dodged a fucking bullet. i know that exact behavior and the person capable of it is scary. he probably doesn’t even have hair.

No. 2379727

Ew the fuck. I'm guessing he was coddled as fuck growing up. My question, is he below 6'? Does he have something about him physically that would make him insecure? Just wondering because ime it's always these types.

No. 2379741

i just know it’s little.

No. 2379755

I keep losing at connect 4 against the stupid fucking robot. But I won't stop until I win. I will win.

No. 2379768

Yeah, he had pictures on his dating profile from a few years ago when his hairline wasn't receding. When he showed up his hair was shaved off and he had a bunch of bald spots on the back on his head. His apartment was also super messy but he constantly bragged about how he owned it and didn't have to pay rent. He also loved to fish for compliments (he would insult himself and then it was my job to "noo you aren't that bad"). >>2379727 He is around 5'9 I guess lol. >>2379741 He was smaller than my ex boyfriend. I don't think he was coddled growing up but I think he has some sort of daddy issues. It was always "I don't ever want to become like my dad who always shouts and gets angry. I could never be in the same room as my family for more than an hour" (when I talked about visiting my mom). He would also say really weird and inappropriate shit and constantly mention his "female best friend" or "female colleagues". Idk if he wanted to make me jealous? One time I wanted to get a bag out of my car and he told me that he would walk me to my car that was right outside his apartment because "women are getting kidnapped in this town" (they are not)

No. 2379906

Why do I have to metaphorically suck the founders dick to get a fucking job??? The HR lady who interviewed me basically said it was important that I look through his linkedin, watch his youtube videos and bring up how cool he is in my next interview. I DON'T CARE. Mediocre ass male who prob has a porn addiction. Fuck you. The pay is amazing though so I might do it kek
Ooooh mr founder I watched your videos you're sooooo charismatic! Your hair is so shiny and you're uuhh… skinny? And you're sooooooo smart. So, so smart. I could never reach that level of intelligence, I'm just a stupid simple woman. Your definitely a superior being. Money now please?
Go choke on a dick retard.

No. 2379936

Kek my mother has uncontrolled BPD and she would always, without fail, start to rage if I slept in past 8am on weekends/off work days. But now since I'm moving out in a few weeks she's just been annoyingly passive aggressive kek. I can tell my parents are annoyed and angry with me for not willingly spending time with them even though they always have something extremely negative to say about me, about my likes, about my dorky and friendless childhood, about my friends, about my job, etc. The only time they are ever normal amd not insanely negative and cynical is when I bring my boyfriend over. What really makes me kek is how he doesn't like them precisely because of all the stories I have to share about them being shitty parents amd deliberately trying to sabotage my jobs and independence so that I could earn disability and they could keep some for themselves. He makes fun of them behind their backs and the funny thing is that it's not even half as rude and genuinely mean as the things they will say offhand without thought. Whatever. I don't care anymore, I don't care about their fragile self-esteems and their fragile egos. I don't care. I realized a while ago they were very toxic, codependent people who want nothing more than to bring others down to their level and since then I just do not care about them. I stopped letting their brain-damaged, nasty, negative opinions affect me. I don't care. I may as well be living in a zoo with how I see them. We are so different and incompatible and I deeply regret ever feeling like it was my fault I couldn't fit in with their mean, negative personalities. I'm not old and bitter yet, I don't need to act old or bitter. They just don't like it. Not my problem.

No. 2379943

Congratulations on being able to remove yourself from an extremely unhealthy situation soon. Hop you sleep with your door locked and look over your shoulder until then kek

No. 2379944

Nasty security guard leered at me and said I looked very nice yesterday and it ruined my time at the ice carving event. Made me insecure but my date assured me I was dressed normal. I will never get used to men hitting on me I always get freaked out and disgusted. The other day I literally just shook my head at a guy and walked away from him

No. 2379945

KEK what midlife crisis behaviour is this? If he wants to be a YouTuber he should do it in his own time and not force it onto new hires.

No. 2379946

I’m having a really really supremely shitty day so I decided to treat myself to fast food which i literally never do and they fucked up my order and now it’s like the floodgates are open and I can’t stop crying about everything else in my life. Over a fucking chicken sandwich kek

No. 2379954

I hate this shit, like no I’m not doing homework for a job interview. Do they really think that him giving fucking TED talk or whatever is equivalent to him being a good boss or a competent employer?

No. 2379956

Thanks anons and kek I have no doubt I'll probably have to face the brunt of either my mom's or both of their angry drunk text spams about how much I hate them and how I don't like them boo hoo hoo why won't you ever spend time with us, by the way you should quit your job because it's embarrassing for you to be working a wagie job at your age and your boyfriend should quit his job because it's embarrassing for a male his age to be working in humanities. Meanwhile they will ask me for money for gas and to balance my disabled sister's bank account because they're addicted to spending money and don't wrangle her like they should be doing. Top fucking kek, they're kind of my personal cows atp.

No. 2379966

Okay I ate the sandwich and now I feel better I think my blood sugar was just very low

No. 2379976

I'm so tired of being a neet and it's only been a few months. I don't want to work but I just feel so uncertain about my future especially since I'm getting older. I apply to jobs and just get rejected or ghosted. I have no idea how people live like this for years and don't just blow their brains out, I know a few guys who have been neets for years and none of them seem worried

No. 2379986

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I love treating my friends nice, giving them small things that reminds me of them, make sure they are okay, helping them whenever I can. That said, I haven't had many friends, and I'm not that nice to anyone kek, I'm usually very distant… I guess that's why friends think I'm lesbian and I'm into them. I hate it, I just want to be nice! Why can't I give you flowers just because they are your favorite ones? I don't care if they think I'm lesbian though, but I don't want to hurt or confuse them; two of them confessed me they were into me.

No. 2380004

I’m an affectionate friend too nonna and my friend is too, it’s really nice, we even gift each other chocolate and a rose for valentine kek. I hope you can find like minded people too.

No. 2380006

>two of them confessed me they were into me.
I didn’t read this kekkk

No. 2380011

I'd love to have you as a friend but to be fair, flowers are a pretty romantically coded gift.

No. 2380036

>think about going to med school
>check out /r/residency
>male residents: haven't had sex in FOUR MONTHS omg ugh
>female residents: I had to have botox so I stopped being harassed over being "bitchy" and "unfriendly" for not smiling all the time, I am constantly put down by the nurses and doctors alike, if I miss a shift for a miscarriage I could lose my job and my life is ruined
Medicine is my passion. I want to kill myself. I'm not strong enough to be treated like this for over half a decade.

No. 2380050

As a med student it sucks nonna. You always feel so little and it’s amplified when you’re a woman, especially in surgery settings, clinics are better.
But it’s ultimately worth it, go for it if you like it.

No. 2380062

For women you either have to fight the people in your profession to take you seriously or you have to prove to people outside of your profession to take you seriously. Being a woman in any field at all is stressful in and of itself just for that, but I think other anon is right. Go for it if you're passionate. I personally see many older woman physicians with short hair and no makeup at the hospitals around me.

No. 2380064

Is it worth it though? at minimum 6 years of being treated like garbage in med school and residency, or being treated with dignity in another profession?

No. 2380073

I want to mention that friend loves flowers and she told me no one has ever given them to her.

No. 2380095

I have a weird autistic interest in grocery stores, but I don’t even like going anymore. It’s stressful with all the prices going crazy. The quality of everything has gone down where I live too. I feel like the shelves are screaming “eat shit and die” at me when I go in, and the employees are walking on eggshells (can’t blame them, I worked at a grocery store until I got bullied into quitting because ppl started fucking with my car)

No. 2380102

Fuck I'd love to go to grocery stores with you anon. I have an interest in stores in general, more particularly smaller stores as they typically have products you don't see in bigger stores. I feel you though, prices are getting scary.

No. 2380109

If anything it shows he has a huge ego. I watched a couple videos and he's so into himself it's pathetic.

No. 2380149

Time flies quickly, I’m in my fourth year already, you’re not going to feel it.
I’ve had shitty misogynistic professors and I have also had inspiring and compassionate professors too. Same goes for my internship, I’ve found women and men who looked at me as if I was shit just because I was younger and who ignored me all together, but I’ve also had people who are patient and guided me.
It’s worth it , at least to me. I’m not letting some egomaniacs workaholic get the best of me.

No. 2380167

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you can come grocery shopping with me and I’ll drive you across town to all the neat little trinket and specialty shops.

No. 2380182

I follow my 15 year old cousin on instagram and since she was 13 she posts thirst traps that make me so uncomfortable. She also looks high all the time in her videos/photos and sometimes shows off weed and other drugs on her social media. Her bio says, “pot head”. I don’t know how my family and especially her mom allows her to do stuff like this. It’s weird seeing her post photos of herself bending over into a random man’s crouch with a blunt in her hand. Theres nothing I can do about this, because my family doesn’t seem to care. Worse part is that since she was 12-13 she follows DDLG pages on social media

No. 2380246

Have you said something to her? I would. She'll remember it when she's older. I would stay neutral / caring and be like hey sometimes I worry about you, you can talk to me (etc)

No. 2380256

How am I supposed to have a healthy relationship with food when I have a chronic condition that is controlled in part by viewing food as a means to an end kek. I will never be free because I will always have to count carbs and calories and fat and sugar content. Fuck me. What a joke.

No. 2380267

My mom is venting about her breakup , nonnas I don’t want to listen kek, she’s giving me way too many information. She told me that her ex wanted her to use him as a slave and be dominant during sex and in real life, he even gave her a BDSM book, but he said that she was doing it wrong kek. She would insult him and tell him to do this and that like he asked but then he would get mad that she was ordering him around kek.
Why did I need to know this nonnas, goodness gracious. I just remembered that I once found ropes in the wardrobe and I was wondering why the hell it was there and she even called him “good boy” once , I didn’t do two+two.

No. 2380271

She’s continuing to talk and talk , I just want to relax during the night and read.

No. 2380274

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>be me
>have basically no friends and no one to talk to
>"oh wow i'm feeling really sad and lonely"
>reach out to people and start making friends
>"wait actually nvm this fucking sucks why did i even want this"
>ghost everyone
>live in peace in my imaginary world
>start getting lonely again
>rinse and repeat

No. 2380277

This made me think about the nonnas who want sub men. In reality these men are selfish and demand attention 24/7. It’s like an added job of taking care of a man child.

No. 2380287

She said that she was way too busy with life to give that amount of attention 24/7. But she told me that it was fun whipping him, but that he was a weakly who couldn’t take it kekkkk. I think he just liked the idea of BDSM but in reality he didn’t really like it that much.

No. 2380296

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Please mom let me go. Hang up the phone, I’m tired.

No. 2380297

Post picture thinking i look cute, get rando comment asking if im a femboi. Day ruined.

No. 2380301

Probably a porn addict nonna, don’t worry too much.

No. 2380306

Remind me of the time i told my mom her friend solicited me for oral sex and she laughed at me. I would later learn she was trying to set me Up with him because he made “money”.

No. 2380309

I want to sperg at an anon so bad she's pissed me off so bad but I need to be the bigger person. This is driving me insane.

No. 2380314

Are you me

No. 2380329

Just go do something else, it’s never worth it to argue with retards unless it’s entertaining somehow.

No. 2380333

hallelujah i'm not the only one

No. 2380354

>tfw getting stalked even on this board
I can't even mention anything about my personal life without immediately getting identified and called out by a specific person

No. 2380358

Some months ago, a young stray cat turned up where I work. We began feeding him and gave him tons of love and affection, so he decided to stick around. My boss even installed a cat flap so that he could go in and out of the building while we weren't there. I said multiple times that it isn't safe for him to roam around outside, but everyone kept saying that he would hate to be an indoor cat, and that he needs his freedom. He was run over by a car today. I am devastated. He was the absolutely sweetest, most charismatic cat I have ever met. He'd throw himself into me so I'd pet him, and made so, so many biscuits while sitting in my lap. Thinking about going to work later this week and not seeing him run up to me while yelling "meeeaaaooo" is heartbreaking to think about. He was not even a year old. Please bring your cats inside or at least only let them out under supervision anons. The place where I work isn't even that close to a big road, and this still happened.

No. 2380362

Sounding very schizo ngl

No. 2380365

What? In what threads?

No. 2380366

maybe, but what would you call that? >>2376294
it's not the first time either

No. 2380369

i'm so so sorry nonna. i hope he's happy making biscuits in kitty heaven ♥

No. 2380371

if my boss goes out of her way to be an this week then I will finally be quiting. my life has been too much of a mess and this shithole doesn't pay enough for all the tasks I deal with.

No. 2380373

So many years have passed without her but somehow this one’s harder. Can’t stop crying about it since yesterday. I told some of my friends but they just brushed it off. I miss her, I miss her so much. Sometimes I think that if I could have just one last hug, I wouldn’t even have to talk. Just one hug. The thought of that being impossible destroys me every single time. I should have stayed that day, I should have stayed with her but I didn’t. I’m sorry.

No. 2380374

Either a farmhand knows you and you behave like a cow, or you really need to stop crossposting extremely detailed personal info about yourself.

No. 2380376

idk to me anons like that aren't really correctly identifying anyone, that post sounded like an actual real schizo since the anon she responded to wasn't saying anything specific

No. 2380399

I mean that person used to spam replies at me on random venting threads across imageboards, I guess I should just settle with keeping my thoughts to myself

No. 2380423

I want revenge so bad and I am basically frothing at the mouth when thinking about it. He deserves to rot for the shit he put me through. Had to go to therapy and get on antidepressants because of moids and their shitty ass behavior. It's as if they get to puberty and the evil gene manifests. People say shit like being happy is the best revenge guess what i am going to be happy when he is the one in pain not being able to think about anything else and ruminating obsessively. I don't think I'll ever be happy again they made sure of it. I wish the medieval practice of putting people on the pillory was en vogue again. I would put them there while someone reads the fucked up things they've done so everyone can throw poop and rotten vegetables at them. Public shaming is the only thing that works

No. 2380457

How rude you have to be to get a gift and instead of saying a simple thank you, you reply with something along the lines of “it wasn’t necessary, I could have bought it myself”?

No. 2380485

This time I'm really gonna do it.

No. 2380487

Damn. are we living the same life or something? For me, most of the time I'm comfortable living a lonely and isolated life but when the very odd thought comes along that I want to make friends, it's just me wanting a jovial and idealised stereotype of what a friend supposedly seems like. when I actually go out to talk to people it damned sucks and I just ghost everyone and retreat back to being a hermit.

No. 2380525

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I just touched grass for the first time in 3 years and i feel suicidal now. I started college today, and i felt so out of place, gross and ugly next to all the girls in my class. I went from not giving a shit about my looks to becoming incredibly self conscious in a matter of hours. Now i look at the mirror and i am crying. Also my TIF thoughts i havent had since high school came back in full force.
Why must i feel like shit when every scrote in my class is ugly and they are allowed to be ugly too? i dont want to be a woman. I feel like its one of the reasons i became a hikkineet.I hate not fitting in with the female beauty standards, but i am also too self-conscious and anxious to just be ugly and proud. I dont like standing out, and i was literally the only girl in class with a long baggy tshirt, old jeans and a face without makeup. It made me feel like an unwashed slob. I hate myself so much. Its my fucking first day too.
after class I tried wearing a croptop my mom got me ages ago and never wore because i dont like them, but i have such a disgusting body, like triangle shaped. My hip dips are massive and they make me look boxy and shapeless. I never felt like this about my hip dips before, now i cant look at myself at the mirror they make me suicidal. Such a fucking hideous body-shape i was cursed with. My face isnt better either, i inherited my dads ugly hawk nose so i look disgusting. My friend snapped a picture of me entering the college hall gate and i legit looked like the dany devito penguin. I begged him to delete it, and thankfully he did. I just want to go back to being a neet i hate being female and i hate having to go to college. I am actually suicidal and called a suicide hotline today because i was on the verge of ropping. Worst thing is i like living, in my way. I like playing games, wathcing anime, drawing, listening to music, its everything else i hate and makes me want to die. Its such an horrible limbo to live in. I wish i could just hate everything about living and just rope myself already. Why must i have hopes and dreams when the world just wants to crush them.

No. 2380549

Nonna, the way you said you dress sounds normal, at least where I live most girls don't much that much effort. Ngl, most girls I've seen use makeup, but I remember one or two of them (and me) didn't do it. Also, you're allowed to be ugly, you're human, I'm tired of people assuming women gotta be beautiful and peak feminity just because they are women. Also, I doubt you actually look bad nonna, if it makes you feel better try some things that you like wearing but also make you feel less bad. Don't change the way you are for others. Send you hugs nonna, I hope as the days go by you feel more comfortable.

No. 2380551

I'm an ugly retard slob that wears hoodies. Unless you really want their approval you can just go to class and fuck off with no problems as long as you don't stink. But if it's really killing you that you don't fit in with the people you probably aren't going to interact with (unless you're imagining it being effortless to get their attention and attempts at being friends if you wore makeup and girly clothing) then try putting some more effort into your appearance in a way that feels authentic to you, but still comes off as presentable and groomed.

No. 2380559

I just hate standing out, i feel like a frog amidst a sea of giga stacies who look super adorable and pretty, i felt so mogged today kek. It just makes me feel really bad. The girls in my class are kind, women always are and i never had a problem with girls picking on me for my looks. I am just super anxious and i hate the idea of standing out and looking ugly. Its just really makes me feel unwashed and gross in comparison. I know it doesnt matter and they dont care but i just cannot get the thought out of my mind. I think it just mostly makes me feel like a failed women, they are putting all this effort to look pretty and there i go with my ugly old clothes and pimply face to ruin the vision of everyone.

No. 2380566

There's probably nothing we can say to make you not feel the way you do, but it's really not that serious. In a few years you'll probably wonder why you ever reacted so strongly. I don't wear makeup and I'm still considered attractive. Just keep your face washed, use lotion, and stay showered. Use conditioner for your hair. You might find some relief in paying more attention to your clothing, not to "fit in" but to find your own way of expressing yourself. I dressed a lot like you for most of my life, and recently started branching out into more form fitting tops. I started wearing real shorts for the first time two years ago. It didn't completely change me or anything, it's just something interesting to try. Focus on hygiene and think of everything else as an accessory. You'll be okay.

No. 2380567

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Try dressing comfortably, you don’t have to be uncomfortable to be fashionable nor put make up nonna, picrel is an example. I bet you look average, like most people.
And most people don’t overly fixate on other’s features. It sounds stupid but sometimes you can really think too much about yourself.
I see women who are chubby, who are fat, who are stick thin, who have a straight waist, no butt, big butt, canckles, a bit of a stomach, a lot of stomach, acne, freckles , yellow teeth, crooked teeth, hyperpigmentation, thin hair, messy hair. But you know what they all have in common? Even if you notice them it’s not like you’ll think 24/7 about how ugly the rando you just saw was and they still look like women.
I promise that it’s all in your head, don’t sabotage yourself and let yourself be shackled.

No. 2380572

first time I went to uni, I catched a conversation between two first year girls and it was all about beauty products, hair routines (theirs were perfectly curly and shiny), skincare routines and so on, then they started gossiping about who was dating who and whatnot
to be honest college is suicide fuel if you're not going to spend 90% of your time treating it like some humiliation ritual and selection process for turbo normies
that or you could just find "fulfillment in your studies" (I ended up dropping out btw)
didn't help I was like several years older than everyone and felt like I was trying to mingle with vain teenagers

No. 2380575

thanks nonny, i am just ugly kek. I wish i was a stacy because then i could dress in baggy jeans and tshirts and still look stunning. But alas my mom married a frog and i inherited his traits.
thanks nonny, it just motivated me to hit the gym more(well not the gym, i do swimming but its still excercise). Its just that there are things i cant change(my weird ass hip dips and nose) that realyl bother me and ruin my face imo. Its just hard to accept you only have one life and you were born ugly in it while there are pretty women on the dozen around you. Its hard being from a country where most women are drop dead gorgeous.

No. 2380576

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Take this girl for example. She has no make up and she looks normal, she’s not overly beautiful, but she’s still kind of cute. I would be friends with her.
If you really want to try on make up you can just try plucking your eyebrows a bit to make them neater along with some gel, just some concealer and some liquid blush you can even use as a stain on your lips, that’s it.

No. 2380577

If you're this distressed and uncomfortable in public, maybe you should experiment with clothes and makeup until you reach a point where you feel reasonably cute. It's giving into beauty standards, sure, but ideology isn't worth you feeling so upset and self conscious simply living a normal life.

Alternatively, if you truly feel that much more comfortable in your current style and without makeup, you're honestly just gonna have to develop thicker skin. It doesn't sound like there were any negative reactions to your appearance, it doesn't sound like you would stand out at all (literally anywhere I go I would see women dressed like you and in no makeup, and nobody cares…), if all the problems are in your mind then you're gonna have to work on them in your mind too. Remind yourself that you don't owe the world beauty, that even if you compare yourself negatively to another woman she's likely comparing herself negatively to other women too, that being so preoccupied with your appearance is just vanity and feeling sorry for yourself, that there's nothing wrong with being average rather than pretty because most people are. These are things I regularly tell myself and I've become much more comfortable with feeling ugly - there's nothing wrong with being ugly, I still have worth as a person, I can still enjoy my life.

No. 2380578

>didn't help I was like several years older than everyone and felt like I was trying to mingle with vain teenagers
dang same. I am 23 and most students are 18. Thankfully i have a squeaky ass voice so i always get perceived as being younger but i feel so old even if its not that big of an age difference.

No. 2380579

You’ll find your own people slowly by slowly, try going to the library nonna.

No. 2380582

I’ll do you a small image board with the things you might want to try, they’re affordable!

No. 2380584

>that being so preoccupied with your appearance is just vanity and feeling sorry for yourself
Exactly. I listen to another woman I know complain about things like this as if it's disastrous when I'm in the exact same boat. You just have to make peace with it.

No. 2380585

You are not ugly. Kill the mirror in your head and love yourself. You may have some of your dad's features, but you have your mother's, too.
The day you stop thinking of yourself as an ugly beast is the day you will be free of your suicidal meltdowns.
Also hip dips are a retarded psyop, stop obsessing over them. Nobody even thinks about them except the terminally online.

No. 2380588

I have hip dips and it’s just…neutral kek. Whenever I see influencers talking about insecurities and exercise and bla bla I just mute it. I felt much better once I stopped immersing myself in that sort of media.

No. 2380589

I ended up isolating myself out of shame, then stopped attending altogether and settled back to full-time NEETing
at some point in life it's just pointless to try and force yourself back into the mold

No. 2380593

This. I'm sure you'll find your own people. And as someone said before, even if there are things you don't like about yourself, most people don't pay that much attention or they forget it quickly. Also, it was your first day, maybe the next days those girls will show looking different to classes. I remember this girl who dressed really good and did her makeup the first days, after some weeks she just stopped kek.

No. 2380594

Honestly the amount of normie girls I see wearing little to no makeup at all in baggy sweats is insane, all you have to do nowadays to look normie is just buy some baggie athleisure wear, put hair up in a scrunchie, and maybe buy some dainty necklace/bracelet with your first initial on it. Wear uggs or ugg-esque shoes, or the stereotypical black/white adidas. A lot of normie girls aren't jaw-dropping stunning or even all that super cute, so anyone can wear this and look somewhat normie.

No. 2380598

thanks nonny, the stacies were super kind to me so i dont think i will struggle finding friends. I have always been the ugly funny friend or so i have been told kek. i dont know why stacies get potrayed as mean in media, so far they have only been good to me even when i was at my fattest and pimpliest.
she has really pretty eyes and good skin. I think my biggest problem is i always look greasy? i got a lot of skin marks thanks to having heavy acne in hs. Wish i could post my face to actually get some recs on waht to do. I feel like if i had a normal skin i would feel much better.
its more about how every woman around me looks so pretty and well put together while i am literally the only one who doesnt. Seriously i am not kidding i was the ONLY one that was dressed so slobbish. Ofcourse all the moids were dressed like me but men are allowed to be ugly. Its more about how i hate standing out and i wish i could be a men and fit in with their homogenous looks. Its also hot as fuck and i want to wear shorts like the other girls but i hate shaving and i dont want to go unshaved because i have thick monkey hair that really stands out next to my pale skin.
i think hip dips are cut, its just that mine are like super prominent and i have no waist so i look like a walking square
it summer here nonny i would honestly be worried if any of the girls showed up on a hoddie kek

No. 2380599

trying to find clothes actually makes me super anxious, like it can easily be a complete waste of money, the first time I lived alone I ended up ruining all the clothes I just brought for the first time in forever by picking the wrong washing program, now I have PTSD

No. 2380600

My entire class was like this. I didn't fit in at first but I quickly learned to adapt (aka talked about what they like and talked shit about people with them kek) and became friends with the right people.

No. 2380602

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No. 2380603

In 2023 I had some friends betray me in a really vulnerable way when I was losing my mind due to years worth of bottled up trauma (not just portland oregon "i cant do dishes it reminds me of my dad" disease, multiple major family deaths and multiple sexual assaults tier trauma) and since then, I've been into some seriously fucked up shit. All in fiction of course, but it's enough to squick most people. Self harm, erotic physical violence, gore, sexual coercion, manipulative partners, power imbalances… before that event, I was into some pretty normal shit, but being betrayed like that just flipped some switch in me. At first it was just I liked self harm porn because I had an issue with it irl and it was some "experiencing trauma? new kink save me!" type shit, but then I started discovering fanfic of characters being told how filthy and disgusting they were and feeling like they could find some type of value again by offering sex, or being taken advantage of by someone more experienced than them or someone who has power over them and that REALLY intrigued me. Lately I've been finding more than anything my heart starts racing when I see people getting hurt by someone who is supposed to love them and keeps acting like they love them through it all. I know it's induced by trauma, especially because I feel like I'm gonna cry when I type that out (kind of? it's that "my emotions are suppressed but i can feel something in my face that tells me i would be crying if i were capable" type of feeling) but I know these types of interests are seen as controversial and I feel like if I try drawing any of it, people will assume I want to be in the perpetrators position, when in reality I'm certain this is just my brain trying to subconsciously retake control. Like, I'm not gonna let this stop me, I think indulging in making this art is the step I need to take to recovering, but fuck it makes me anxious knowing full well I'm gonna be misinterpreted.

No. 2380604

I also use to have greasy skin. But once I started using the light blue cerca e soap it got better. I also apply sunscreen.

No. 2380606

dont you have any skincare recs for skin with acne scars and orange skin? i want to take care of it first before i even think of applying chemicals on it

No. 2380608

I've never liked makeup but like nonnie, I felt like I look like shit in comparison to other women.
I'd recommend to any girl who doesn't like makeup to not use it kek. Eventually you get used. However, there are alternatives like tinted lip balm, sunscreen that makes your skin look more uniform, etc.

No. 2380610

Skincare is made up of chemicals…

No. 2380622

She looks like a sloth in the cutest possible way, adorable.

No. 2380630

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Sure, I’ll give you tips on what I use then!
These are the things I use everyday , I put the sunscreen in the morning before putting my make up or even when I’m bare faced , even in winter, it’s a nice prep. While the other stuff is for the night.
I also do a clay face mask twice a week and exfoliate my face once every week.
The more products you use the worse it is. Sometimes you just have to find the right combination that works for you, this is the one that has worked for me and I’ve been sticking to it for years kek.

No. 2380634

Which is make up…tinted sunscreen or bb cream is just like concealer kek and so is the tinted lip balm.

No. 2380638

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I also have no hips and feel ugly as shit in feminine clothes. I feel best in a tomboy style like picrel. Also, weightlifting helped my confidence so much. I still don’t love my appearance but I feel good knowing that it’s the best it could possibly be. I remember reading that feeling strong can trick your brain into being more confident in other aspects too. It’s been true for me.

No. 2380654

best decision of my life was taking that new job
second best decision of my life was leaving my ex
third best decidion of my life was quitting videogames

No. 2380657

>just don't have messy hair
I wish I could look even as remotely groomed as this, but it's probably just me being whiny
maybe it's internalized misogyny and self-hate but I feel like I wouldn't even be considered human by some people

No. 2380663

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I pass as a normie irl and this is exactly how I dress for school kekkk. A Fitbit or Apple Watch also adds to it along with a baseball cap ime. I’m a burger idk how this translates to other countries though.

No. 2380669

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I don't like when my coworkers who come in around the time I clock out tell me I'm so lucky to go home. um hello? I woke up at 4:30 am and started at 6, it is now 2. how am I lucky because I finished my shift and am now going home? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not totally autistic and I know that they're saying that in jest, or just saying it to say something as I head out, but it annoys me greatly.

No. 2380671

>she’s still kind of cute.
Not to be rude, but this lady is ugly.

No. 2380680

I can't watch movies/TV series anymore. I just get so frustrated at their stupid obvious miscommunications it's literally not even fun to watch it!

No. 2380685

I completely understand how you feel anon. I wish I could help. I’m still busted but I like my personality and I’m proud of my interests and hobbies. Maybe try to focus on those? Even posting on the farms can help if you find a community you like.

No. 2380688

If you don’t feel like you fit in maybe they’re just not your peers but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. It can be a very unsettling and miserable feeling to feel like an alien in the room, but there’s a room where you belong. There are a lot of women in the world just like you. I had a rough time finding many friends in college and ended up finding a lot more in grad school because I met nerdier people, but I think if I’d put myself out there enough to look for nerdy social clubs then I would have found some decent friends earlier instead of only meeting normies who made me feel like I was a different species. I do also agree with anons that finding your personal style helps. It doesn’t really have to be what other girls are doing. I’m a lot older than you but I found that when I finally discovered my real personal style, other people started seeing me as confident and intriguing instead of awkward. I try to project who I am, what I love and am proud of, what compliments my best features and masks some of the ones I don’t like as much (I’m also an inverted triangle so I wear long sleeves with skirts that flare out and give layers to my hips, and shoes that add some weight to my lower half like boots), and projects the type of person I want to be seen as.

No. 2380699

This is so true. Even if only 1% of the population likes you that’s still 80 million people

No. 2380716

she has a pretty face she can dress in a sack of patatoes and will look cute tbh

No. 2380729

Kek true. I just wanted to find an example quickly and she’s kind of my style inspo.

No. 2380796

Learned my friends hot brother who had a crush on me blows his money on strippers, gambling, and watches misogynistic youtubers. Any ounce of attraction i had is gone. Frustrating as hell cause hes gorgeous physcially but at the end of the day hes a fucking dumbass MOID!

No. 2380802

How am I supposed to fit 140g of protein in my diet every day, what the fuck

No. 2380805

Literally the only thing stopping me from killing myself is that my senior cat already lost her previous human due to them dying (old woman who rescued her as a baby and bottle-fed her passed away, cat was so depressed she ran to the rooftops and starved herself until I moved into that house and managed to befriend her and take her with me); if I killed myself there’s literally no one around me who would take a sick elderly cat, and I can’t have her go through the same thing again. My dog would be safe with a distant family member who ADORES him. As for me, I don’t have any close family in this entire country, one of my two closest friends here has distanced herself from me because I confessed to her (my bad for thinking her wanting to sleep cuddling with me and intertwining fingers meant she liked me back lol), and everybody else would move on in like a couple of weeks. Its just not worth it bro. I started getting suicidal thoughts at 12 and now I’m about to be 30 and aside if a couple of fantastic months, I’ve just constantly wanted to kill myself. I’m so done dealing with this loser. But I absolutely can’t do this to my cat. She just heard me bawling my eyes out and screaming about how much I wanted to die and she came here to cuddle with me, purring and making biscuits. I’m so, so tired.

No. 2380809

I can't celebrate this IRL but I'm so relieved that one of the worst students at the school I work in was withdrawn

No. 2380810

No. 2380822

My literal one friend fell in love with me and I don't know what to do. This exact scenario has happened multiple times before. It's kind of like being sigma but it sucks.

No. 2380826

This is why you cannot be friends with scrotes

No. 2380827

It's other women kek

No. 2380828

Say you’re gay

No. 2380835

damn anon I wish I could rizz the ladies like you do. it's so hard for me to find female friends

No. 2380842

Kek I'm not pulling tail, it's just I usually have only one friend at a time and they always catch feelings, even if they're a social person.

No. 2380859

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my mother is acting crazy. she heard that she's going to become a grandmother and she thinks that fb tarot told her that. long before i told her that fb listens to conversations of you and your family so the advertisements can be relatable. so maybe having talked about periods and pregnancy around her triggered the card on the algo. but she thinks it's some magic. i don't want her to do woowoo. she is a bpd creep and thinks curses work to better people's lives. imagine she got around a kid and started harvesting adrenochrome.

No. 2380868

I'm starting to resent my job because of the useless autistic moid they hired to work with me. He is lazy and has no initiative to do anything. I find it mentally exhausting having to constantly ask him to do things, so I end up doing everything myself. I didn't want to leave this job because the location and time are so convenient for me, but it's starting to annoy me.

No. 2380870

Some of my friends were talking about wanting their sons to be gay, and it genuinely made me angry. Your son being gay isn't a quirky thing for you as his mother. It's not a life of makeup, hair and nails. This isn't even the first time I have seen and heard straight women say this shit, and it's very telling. No one is saying they want a lesbian or bisexual daughter. I thought being gay was cool?

No. 2380889

Fair and agreed, but maybe it isn't at all "I want a gay son" and is actually only "I don't want a straight son"

No. 2380893

i feel stupid venting on the internet sometimes. farmers can be kind and i myself like to respond kindly to vents, but i wish i could talk to someone. i don't want to ramble. i'm sad. i will feel better tomorrow but right now i'm sad.

No. 2380924

Yeah, I suppose. Ultimately, it would be better to have a "faghag" as a mother versus a homophobe.

No. 2380930

Just remembered all the hurtful things my ex did to me, day ruined. I feel embarrassed and mortified, why did I let him treat me like shit? I don't think I can ever talk about it, it makes me feel embarrassed and stupid.

No. 2380942

I work from home/independently, have no friends, and my boyfriend is long distance, so I am often away from him for a couple of months at a time. I have no structure because my work is independent, and I try to force myself to do things but mostly I am alone and even if he were with me I'd still have to accept being alone. People say it gets worse, that nobody can be happy alone, and I feel that to be true but not entirely. If I love myself more and escape into something healthy couldn't I be okay? It just hurts how terrible the feeling is. I've sat in bed for days crying and now my OCD is making me panicked that my house is going to burn down. I don't get like this when I have structure or people to be around more consistently, but I can't afford to move near him and my current job pays pretty decent for the little work I do.

No. 2380952

I have a crush on a comedy actor/streamer and I feel like I would pass out if I was ever in the same room as him. Even if I ever managed in my wildest dreams to entice him into dating I would have a brain aneurysm trying not to fuck it up. Even daydreaming about it right now is making me feel sick. I haven't crushed like this since before I had my first ever boyfriend. I am in desperate need of finding The One

No. 2380953

I think they're just ignorant but their hearts aren't in a place of bad faith. It's only deeply concerning when they're the type of women that purposely make their sons grow their hair/wear dresses, make up stories about them being "rainbow warriors" for their weird gnc cult following on Twitter. It's actually quite sad that this is a real thing that happens. So bizarre but thankfully niche.

No. 2380964

Had a single glass of wine four hours ago. To my mother, this means any thoughts or feelings expressed in that time period is invalid as I "wasn't sober"… like I'm a fucking alcoholic with nothing in my brain.

No. 2380968

I want to create something again and not feel like a piece of fucking shit for once but it’s been years. I might never make something again.

No. 2380972

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I could only imagine the horror of leftard fascists gaining power. Imagine having to be surrounded by weak, whiny, useless, narcissistic people who have zero skills and zero worth, at least with other kinds of fascism certain industries were developed. These people literally get tummy aches just by eating a simple ass breakfast and shake when they have to order a coffee but they’re edgy anti-fascists kek, so insufferable. These types seriously think a leader who’s actually fucking doing their job and not allowing their own self-destruction and dysfunction to unfold which they were always banking on is tyranny. It’s better to be a weak retard constantly needing to be fed than being strong and self-reliant. These types would unironically finally die off if the government didn’t pay them any mind anymore

No. 2380975

If my two Trump supporter coworkers say a single fucking thing tomorrow at work I will lose my shit. I never talk politics at work but it's going to be so hard to hold my tongue if their ignorant asses say some shit to each other like "Did you saw those tariff deals worked out after all?"

No. 2380977

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>Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
So basically it’s fine to make fun of randos online but if you make fun of a rando (you) you’re breaking imaginary rules? Lol get fucked, you shouldn’t be protected from judgement and shame, you know you’ve done something that’s disgusting and retarded and you hate to be corrected on it but I guess if it’s a fat cam whore who’ve you been alogging for months it’s completely fine. Dumbest rules with a new userbase with strong fragility and crippled egos, you seriously can’t handle people criticizing you. There’s many types of disordered women you can come across on this website but the two main ones are the manic, likely bipolar sex-obsessed ones who are hellbent on socially controlling and managing every little thing that makes them uncomfortable or makes them fly off the handle resulting in mass reporting to get someone banned which the tranny farmhands who clearly have a fetish for BPD women who are likely to be female chasers constantly cave in to their disordered tantrums and constantly harass the actual legit lesbians who haven’t had a dick inside their vags because they are lesbians and not mentally crazy like all “bisexuals” are or are the autistic ones with no souls/emotions and don’t really care about anybody but that has a 50/50 chance of being an actual autistic woman or a male who already was born with no soul anyways. So basically you both need to get a fucking lobotomy or to finally be euthanized, anyone who uses this website for more than an hour needs to be culled from society just like kiwifaggots. Your parents should be ashamed for letting a retard such as yourself waltz around with no supervision or guidance if you can’t handle mean words on this website.(a-logging)

No. 2380984

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>they would die off if the government didn't pay them
i was thinking the same. many middle eastern countries don't give out foodstamps, so weaklings and weirdos are forced to rely on normies with jobs. they can only afford to get so annoying this way. i don't see agp troons and arm-slicing e-thots get online fame from afghanistan lol. however i unfortunately live in such a fascists-fetishist country. it doesn't matter how hard-working and logical you are here if your family has no inheritance, you are fucked. obese, tasteless, queer ally polyamorous genderspecials here get preferential treatment. there's cushy jobs where i only ever see these types. fancy cafe, library, theater. sometimes i overhear convos of fat rainbow haired people and they also have high-earning positions in offices and labs. they love to brag and boast. no wonder it's called pride.

No. 2380991

The weaklings are killed immediately or die from constant war and hunger and the weirdos all fuck each other because they’re related, I would absolutely kill my self if I was forced to be born in the Middle East and I wasn’t born in one of those parasitic 1%er millionaire/billionaire baron families that people use as an example to glamorize that hellhole area of the world just like South America lmfao. If they were to revoke all the hidden welfare and benefits that average citizen who become fucked out of one paycheck or emergency desperately need but somehow don’t qualify for, all the current LC posters would cut down in half KEK. This place would become absolutely inactive

No. 2380992

Horrible to say but Homelanders laser eyes are truly the most relatable part of the boys. A disgust so visceral, only women truly understand.

No. 2380997

reading that gave me a fucking stroke. anon, are you actually retarded? like legitimately?

No. 2380999

true, no one copes and seethes more than an unemployed forum user

No. 2381003

Homelander was supposed to be a woman. Proof: because I said so and I’m addicted to crack

No. 2381004

>are you fucking retarded
No, just a lolcow poster. Carry on with your day.

No. 2381007

Fuck imageboards on god

No. 2381009

Having POTS is so fucking annoying I look and generally am completely fine but if I move too fast I’m flopping over like some Victorian damsel and people are understandably quite concerned but it just makes me feel like I’m being overdramatic. It’s also hard to get normal advice about it because it’s pretty rare that it’s enough of a problem to get diagnosed in the first place but it’s vague enough for every chronic illness larper to add to their list of reasons to keep wallowing

No. 2381010

Men pretend they relate to homelander but they will never know what it truly means to want to slice a man into pieces with your laser beams.

No. 2381021

That’s why deranged fictional moids like Homelander and Patrick Bateman are so relatable to women. You’re goddamn right anon

No. 2381029

Male contempt is so one-dimensional. You can't know real hatred when you don't possess a soul.

No. 2381048

The new userbase are the anons who try to infight over every little thing and took the "stacy" larp too literally

No. 2381055

I believe it's just to avoid infighting clogging up entire threads. I get you though.

No. 2381059

this is the reason. did everyone forget about that massive infight that extended to two vent threads over some anon venting about her family being shitty?

No. 2381064

People need to reduce the amount of personal milk they post about themselves. They attract snark from other anons because they exhibit obvious cowish behavior

No. 2381067

Half the time it's over completely normal, non-cowish posts though. The same thing happens in the mundane thread sometimes and that's over mundane activity. Like some of you fight about food of all things kek

No. 2381068

If you can't read that and make sense of it, sorry but you're the retarded one.

No. 2381071

Because drama is fun and this website has exceeded its expiration date and is almost a relic of the old web. The milk has dried up and /ot/ has become more active than the other boards imo so I guess the snarky users decided it’s more fun to get their milk from the userbase themselves

No. 2381074

The cow shortage is the real problem.

No. 2381078

I'm in the bottom 20% of my class (grad school) and I feel like giving up. Turns out I was only motivated in school when it boosted my ego. Now I'm a shit tier student so I have zero motivation even for classes I like. I'm scared I'll never have motivation again. At school all I can think is, 80% of these people are better than me. I'm embarrassed just being there. What's the fucking point?

No. 2381087

tbh some of the snarky infighting anons come across as cows themselves when they have aneurysms over random shit no one cares about

No. 2381092

I know it's cringe but I love text based rp and lately one of the groups I'm in has been infested by gendie characters. the website I rp on is pretty woke but thank god gendie shit isn't all too overwhelmingly obvious there. but then one person joined this particular group and ofc she plays some girl as a nonbinary he/they boiii (using some russian e girl as her faceclaim). now another one picked up a character who is demi aceflux and genderfluid or whatever. I fucking hate it. it's a silly hobby but I enjoy pretending to be my current blorbo or some self-indulgent oc after a long day at work. but now I have to navigate this bullshit in my freetime and use fucking they/them pronouns that don't even exist in my language.

No. 2381097

Idk even /ot/ milk is super boring now because everyone fights about the same 3 topics for 10 years, it becomes predictable. There's no plot twists anymore

No. 2381099

With the amount of oversharing that happens in social media I’m honestly shocked. I think lolcows were such an interesting spectacle because using the internet as your personal diary was very new and entertaining for people who wouldn’t even think of using the internet that way, nowadays like I said oversharing is so common and expected that nothing really stands out anymore. I think Chris Chan broke the internet autism ceiling and nothing shocks anybody anymore

No. 2381100

Probably because the website is used by the exact same people every day kekkkk. There’s like 15-20 people including us keeping this website alive

No. 2381119

The only reason I wanna stop using this site because I’m in my 30s and I don’t want to sit around infighting accidentally with a 16 year old

No. 2381123

anon, i'm an appropriately adult age. you can infight with me

No. 2381125

I love infighting but I’m getting to a point where I’m like….do I really want to be infighting with an 18 year old who thinks capitalizing their letters is uncool?

No. 2381133

This is how I felt watching some fatherless child refer to her mother as ruined today.

No. 2381135

if you have a superiority complex about capitalizing your letters on lolcow, is your time even that valuable?

No. 2381136

I've been here since I was 14 at the earliest, you infight with kids even younger than that

No. 2381138

Nta but what a reach

No. 2381199

I’m doing my internship and today I’m with three scrotes kek, one is older and the other two are residents.
They were cackling about how lame and faggotry gym goers were and I wanted to laugh in their face since they’re ugly and pudgy.

No. 2381200

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this is really nasty of me, but i’m tired of seeing my white american spicy-straight genderqueer neurodiverse(?) mutuals vomit about identity politics all over their feeds while their parents pay their rent

i’m tired of it for many reasons, but partially because i check all of the social justice boxes they do and don’t—but nobody except anons on lolcow.farm are going to hear about it. i guess because i struggled, i’m used to things being shitty and don’t expect anyone else to change anything for me. maybe i’m just a bitter person, but at least my bitterness drives me to take care of my life instead of signal-boosting every problem i have.

i’ll just stop looking at their side of the internet for now and keep doing me

No. 2381208

They’re tone deaf as hell. Most of them are white and rich, especially the scrotes, why do you think they can the bums who buy girly clothes and watch porn 24/7? You need money to have that much time to think about yourself.

No. 2381211

They seriously think that they’re like Jews during Nazism Germany kek. If they were really like that random police men would burst into their homes, take hold of their possessions, lose their jobs and be ostracized too.

No. 2381220

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>tfw i'm almost 30 and still type this way
some farmhands do it too when they put their title thing on kek

No. 2381223

i’d rather with be with the fat male residents than with an intern who can’t write patient notes for shit and would probably kill someone without getting tard wrangled by said fatsos

No. 2381227

I'm just a PC user who's too lazy to use the shift button

No. 2381231

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I really want revenge. My best plan so far is to pay someone to hack into his fifa game and sell all of his players and delete his csgo account. He is a raging narc that needs admiration and a feeling of superiority like oxygen so maybe I should delete his instagram as well. Any more suggestions were I don't need hacking skills?

No. 2381234

I just want to be liked but every time I try to give someone a chance they always disappoint me. Moids are so selfish and socially retarded it makes me genuinely sick. I feel bad for ghosting or doing anything that might hurt their feelings but there's no way they even think about how I feel, ever, so what's the fucking point

No. 2381247

I may have aged but my typing has regressed. I had better grammatical typing at 16 than I did at 26

No. 2381256

This sounds like a great revenge plan. Harmless and low risk, but it will break him if he’s one of those turbo retards players.

No. 2381258

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>be avg lolcow sperg with shitty parents + upbringing, bullying, abuse, in psych system since childhood yet never getting help (except meds from puberty kek)
>miraculously get (new grad) therapist via NHS
>get to attend longer than expected, no time limit yet so I start to trust therapist and awful painful feelings start coming up
>still need a lot of time and am floundering/struggling
>therapist suddenly tells me she will ditch me in x sessions and then leaves for weeks
Literally the exact thing I was terrified would happen and what kept me from engaging in the therapy. I have not cried like this in my entire life, toni colette in hereditary tier animalistic sobbing for several days

I guess freud would say that my fucking defenses are fixed now right? What is even therapy supposed to do for someone with "attachment issues" and no real support system other than further entrench the trust issues that are supposedly my fault by repeatedly failing me and telling me it's my fault or just "no can do the system can't help you :(" ???

I know I'm naive and retarded for trusting the psychiatric system after being burned for decades but what am I supposed to do? As much as I know my "patterns" are my fault I can't just fix not being parented on my own in a fucking vacuum, and people always say this sort of thing is what therapy is for, but they mean rich people who can secure a long term private shrink right

No. 2381298

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i'm full of microplastics

No. 2381301

That fucking sucks sorry nonny and a totally valid reaction. I had something similar to me happen in the public system years ago and never engaged with mental health professionals ever again kek (not recommending that necessarily).

No. 2381316

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Rate my shadow? It's been making me feel bad

No. 2381318

I think you made the right call and I am seriously considering doing the same. If I can't shell out the cash for an old jewish man I might as well not fucking bother with any "mental health care" again, because being in this "system" is pretty much a guarantee to either become a perma institutionalized and medded up munchie or suicide victim

It fucking sucks because everyone will think you're the problem (including you) if you're honest about this stuff, encountering abusive cluster B "therapists" and "doctors" is more or less the rule since they are the ones who survive in the system but you're the "patient" and the one in the wrong so it's obviously your fault for not cooperating

No. 2381329

10/10 shadow esp. the bangs give it a nice edge. Good work.

No. 2381332

missing the time when I used to be pathetic and delusional
nowadays I'm just pathetic and self aware

No. 2381338


No. 2381348

You need a better hairstyle.

No. 2381358

my self esteem has sunk so low the only fantasy I have left is to Billy some ugly incel into treating me right

No. 2381368

Same. I miss being delusional because at least I was happy

No. 2381388

I've fucked my sleep schedule to the point of becoming fully nocturnal. I sleep at 9am now…

No. 2381422

i was in middle of drawing on the doodle board and it decides to update sigh

No. 2381425

>meet a moid on a dating app
>go on dates
>he calls me every evening to talk except for the days we have dates and see each other in person
>have first fight because he was being disrespectful and I threaten to leave the date
>he tells me that he doesn't think about me at all when he is busy with his many, many hobbies or at work
>make it make sense

No. 2381436

That's so mean. Some people (e.g. me) dedicate themselves to friendships and are insecure as hell. Being ghosted makes me feel like an unlovable loser and I know I'm not alone. Inb4 grow up retard no one owes you anything kys.

No. 2381444

I'm mentally pretending that my boyfriend has broken up with me because I'm afraid he's leading up to it. He's talking to me less, I can only assume this is what's coming.
It's going to suck to be the one being left this time but it's probably what I deserve. Maybe being single again will be fine.

No. 2381454

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It be like that isn't it

No. 2381455

I do this too. I even ghosted some friend finder thread anons. It wasn't anything they did, making friends just fucking sucks and I'm okay alone 99% of the time. At least now that I realize that, I just wait for the loneliness feeling to go away instead of convincing myself I need to make friends so I stop hurting people.

No. 2381480

No. 2381491

I truly don't understand why moids keep whining about how mental healthcare doesn't give a shit about them. Is it where I'm from? Because if a man goes to a clinic and says he's suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression, he's immediately offered thirty different counselling services and ten psychologists. Meanwhile a woman with actual trauma gets thrown on the waiting list or straight up told she's attention seeking and to go home. The vent is that this is what happens to me and then I dare say I can't get help and boom hundreds of angry moids.

No. 2381492

oooh im so cold and chilly hehe. imm so cold. hehe

No. 2381507

does anyone else wish they could scrub their brain and unsee/unknow some things. Cuz I sure as fuck do. Ignorance is really bliss. Awareness is suffering.

No. 2381517

Their “mental health “ that they keep complaining about is not having sex nonna. Men have resources and they’re taken seriously, more than women. Scrotes don’t build relationships nor reach out for help. But the thing is that they’re not complaining about that kek, they’re just complaining about not having sex.

No. 2381518

I wish I could unsee the CP I saw on this website when we were getting raided

No. 2381519

nayrt but honestly im sorry i just cant stop ghosting friends

No. 2381522

I wish moids would all just die and other things I'll get an a-log ban for. What about a female site that makes them so mad…
Same to your experience but it was CC for me. I've seen CP twice on there. I'm thankful that their retarded autoban bot permabanned me now. though I'll miss biochan

No. 2381537

We got raided? When? Or are you talking about the previous times? I also saw some shit that scarred me in the past.
Idgi either. I doubt it's the man hate here that bothers them, it's just the fact that we're women.

No. 2381538

Honestly yes I miss being a coolgirl pickme that didn't know about feminism.

No. 2381539

No truth is more important than being comfortable. It's better to know the truth and protect yourself instead of not knowing and get hurt.

No. 2381544

i wish i could forget all the femicide cases that happened in my country so i can walk without fearthe most distinct one i want to forget is when a woman was beheaded by her bpdwhore moid in my city even after trying to get help from her family who sent her back to get killed but its hard when you live in a shithole country where femicide is as common as buying groceries

No. 2381561

Sometimes I wish I could be a libfem again tbh. It would be easier to make friends in fandom circles without cringing all the time

No. 2381562

No. 2381563

I want to, but lack of awareness is the sin of sloth. I need to be better than that…

No. 2381572

im going to start not doing shit at work because "it doesnt have my name" "they didnt specifically say my name" "i didnt see the email" and "i dont know what they mean". all the lazy bitches in the department who doesnt do shit uses one of those excuses.

No. 2381582

I GOT THE JOB! AND RIGHT AFTER I CALLED MY MOM TO TELL HER THE GOOD NEWS I LOST MY FUCKING PHONE!!!!!!!!! I AM SO FUCKING RETArdeD please pray i find it. i literally dropped it somewhere in the snow. my life is a joke

No. 2381586

CONGRATS AND YOU WILL FIND IT! how are yoi posting. congrats again though thats awesome

No. 2381589

That shit is goneeeeeee and even if you found it the water would’ve damaged your phone by now. Hope you had a password on it nonny, congrats

No. 2381593

One time I lost a flash drive in a snow bank, found it in the spring and it still worked. I still have it. You don't even know, kid

No. 2381598

You can find it nonnie, I believe in youuu

No. 2381625

I hate eating so fucking much recently. I would use this as an opportunity to go anachan and at least lose some weight but I need the mental clarity to carry out day to day tasks so I just force feed myself every day.

No. 2381627

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I'm agonizing over the decision - Should I work as a doctor in my country for worse pay and bad working conditions with work overload that will make me depressed but in the big capital city full of culture that I love and close to my family and friends, or move abroad close to the border where after 1 year I'll get triple the pay for similar expenses, much better work conditions and much nicer environment but away from anyone I know (around 2.5 hours by car away from them), smaller city (though close to a bigger one) and would have to learn the language more as I'm mid now? I have both of these opportunities promised by the hospitals and can't choose. I do love travelling and living abroad but I'm scared I'm gonna be too lonely this time, I can't know in advance.

No. 2381642

My neighbours clearly neglect their kid of socialisation and interaction and that kid is either going to become PD levels of socially retarded in the future or some form of mentally ill. Of course, CPS wouldn't do anything because as long as a child isn't being sexually or physically abused it's no big deal to them

No. 2381676

I was going to see my friend but she just called me and she's gotten sick, I'm so sad I was looking forward to seeing her all week.

No. 2381687

I seriously cannot fucking deal with morning schedules. I hate waking up in the morning, I hate having classes in the morning and my temper is at a tether. Everything is so fucking infuriating. I am at my wits end with this fucking geriatric scrote going "yup" or "mhm" every single time ANYONE says a single word I hate how fucking smug and how he interrupts other people asking a question with his unprompted input SHUT UP. SHUT THE FUCK UP. NO ONE ASKED. IT IS TOO FUCKING EARLY FOR THIS SHIT WE GET IT YOU ARE LISTENING. YOU SMUG FUCKING RETARD SHUT UP, NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU, SHUT UP THE QUESTION IS NOT ABOUT YOU OR YOUR KIDS OR YOUR 10 YEARS WORK EXPERIENCE. Of course this tard plays CoD as a past time, literally who asked. fat walled fuck. shut the fuck up

No. 2381700

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All 'snarky' anons just sound like this to me kek

No. 2381708

I made a teeth cleaning appointment. I made vet appointments for my dogs. I am not crying at work. I'm here and doing it and my life is gonna get better. I am manifesting it. I'm gonna make it this year and also get engaged

No. 2381711


No. 2381733

You’re dumb if you pick the first one. You can always build relationships.

No. 2381736

Do you go out with your friends and family everyday day? No. What do you do everyday? Work. Pick accordingly.

No. 2381778

I think you're right. It's what I am most likely going to do. I am currently living with family to save up on rent so I do meet them everyday but I'd move out regardless when I start working. It's a big change but will probably be for the better.

No. 2381797

File: 1738687800281.webp (23.57 KB, 640x481, IMG_3900.webp)

I thought making reservations for a restaurant I really wanted to go to 10 days before Valentine’s Day would be enough. It’s fully filled and now I’m sad. I even had a giftcard. This is such a non issue but here we are

No. 2381819

>how are yoi posting.
i ran home and got on my laptop asap to track my phone
>Hope you had a password on it nonny
i did and i put an additional PIN on it, made it impossible to turn it off + added a display message with ways to reach me
thank you nonnies. i went back there and searched everywhere but it's nowhere to be seen. if the tracking is correct it might be inside a house. maybe someone picked it up and is debating whether to return it? i made the message extra ominous (call xxx-xxx-xxx if you found this phone, otherwise it will be locked forever) so maybe they will come to their senses. i'll keep you posted

No. 2381825

Will keep you in my thoughts! Good luck, I'm hoping for a positive update!

No. 2381832

No. 2381847

It sounds silly because it's just a dream, but for 20 nights now, I have been having nightmares that I'm best chased and trying to hide. 20 nights in a row. I don't know why this is happening and it's really stressful. I'm scared to go to sleep because I have no idea what I'm going to dream about.

No. 2381861

this happens to me sometimes, it’s like chewing on cotton balls. i hope it passes quickly nona

No. 2381869

IT WAS FOUND!!! some lady's husband found it and brought it home. i'm so happy. i'll be omw to get go get it now, i'll stop by the supermarket and buy them something nice.

No. 2381874

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No. 2381890

Oh my GODDDD the lack of self awareness is insane. My coworker walks around with his chest puffed out 24/7, always talking about how he hits the gym before work and which "day" it is (chest day/leg day/arm day/whatever), constantly bringing chicken and rice to work and swearing up and down that's all he eats, always has some new story to tell about how he's just THE supreme gentleman and savior of all woman, how he's been financially supporting his family since 11 years old, yada yada yada. Like this is ALL he talks about. The gym, how much smarter/stronger/better he is than other men, chicken and rice, and how many women he's saved from near death. I've nicknamed him Chad.
We have a new coworker who's a younger moid, like very early 20s. Apparently this new young moid is very similar. Telling the guys at work that he hits the gym often and how much testosterone he has (??) and how many women he gets. Chad thinks this is the funniest thing in the world and comes in the office making jokes about how much of a douche this kid is and trying to mimic him by saying things like "I've just got twice the amount of testosterone any other human being I'm just such a tough guy and alpha" which is basically just a sentence Chad would say on his own anyway. I think he feels threatened because this kid is literally just a much younger and skinnier version of him AND with a full head of hair kek.
I'm just amazed he doesn't realize that is EXACTLY what he sounds like to everyone else around him.

No. 2381916

It's almost daunting that after years and years, I still hate how my body looks. Funnily enough, even though I'm not the most conventionally attractive person out there I never hated how I look, just my body and that's pathetic.
It's like I never unlearn that shit, it always went back and hurt me over and over again. I've been this way since I was a child. This is hell on earth.

No. 2381919

>some lady's husband
So just some guy? Lol what

No. 2381937


No. 2381938

nta but it means a lady called and told op her husband found it, that'll be 20 dollars for lc reading comprehension service

No. 2381952

YES!!! I hate when other nonnas lose their phones, it stresses me out so much thinking about what I would do if it happened to me. I'm so glad! Now just don't get kidnapped and get home safely kek

No. 2381953

Satan casually scrolling lolcow's vent thread reveling in farmer's misery

No. 2381981

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This is a goldmine compliment one of them when you are in the presence of the other and watch them seethe over it until they fight.

No. 2381983

Holy shit it's been two years now, can't I just get over this guy? Is it because he was my first and only crush, my brain just can't move on???

No. 2381998

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it seems like he's not giving up…

there could be an easy solution to this but i refuse to come out at work! i refuse!!! i won't do it, i will never do it, i don't care if my co-workers have found my public gay postings online, i don't care if they had video evidence of me saying i am the biggest pussy eating lesbo on the planet earth, i refuse to come out, i will admit nothing, i will deny everything, i will keep these homophobes guessing and that's it!! stop pursuing me you idiot, people are starting to notice and are asking me about it!! you are compromising my undercover gay operation!! stop it!!!

No. 2382006

My mother is all ooh ooh ah ah monkey screeching with the Youtubers criticizing Trump. I guess it's a blessing in itself when retard boomers didn't vote for him, still. Of course the hot topic that gets her the most heated is talks about him touching social security. Currently my mom lives a cozy retirement being able to afford a new build home by herself on her blue state pension, social security, and medicare but she pearl clutches whenever there is any threat against these programs.
You may be thinking there's nothing unreasonable about her anger, but that's the thing, she's only angry because it's her ass and not that she's an underprivileged or that she gives a shit about anyone but herself.
She never talks about the future of MY social security–lol guys we're not getting one, sorry to all suckers like me who've paid–it's all hers, hers, hers.
I feel like informing her she's bound to take a long dirt nap before any policy changes if any impact her lifestyle. I'm so bitter at this bitch and her audacity day in and out to be the biggest victim in the room in spite of living a life of pure leisure. Okay, so she doesn't have the money to vacation in Italy or to go out to eat at a steakhouse once a week? Bitch, the gift is that you aren't forced to work until you die shut the fuck up.

No. 2382010

Why are so many men like this? It boggles the mind. Do they create them in a factory or something

No. 2382014

Can't you just say no and grey rock him?

No. 2382021

I sent my mom a long message apologizing for the hurtful words I've said to her (even though they were in response to years of extremely hurtful things she's said to me and has never apologized for.) She responded "tell this to somebody who cares." I can't stop sobbing. I had to tell my grandma that I was crying about a tv show because I don't want to stress her out. Why is it that I feel bad for hurting someone when it was in response to someone hurting me? Why am I always the bigger person. Why, despite all these traits, am I seen as evil and disrespectful?

No. 2382031

You're feeling bad for being abused because she groomed you for years to respond to her that way. You find yourself wanting to be the "bigger person" because that's who you had to be around your emotionally immature mother. Do not contact her again, you deserve better.
Matter of fact, save her line for later when she's hitting you up for geriatric care.

No. 2382033

i already did say no when he asked me out

No. 2382069

>me sad asf knowing that once the permanent vpn ban is instated I will have to stop using the website
This makes me so sad

No. 2382083

I’m sorry anon. That is a horrible thing to say to your own daughter. I agree with >>2382031, absolutely go no contact with her if possible.

No. 2382095

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I seriously need to log off I’ve been scrolling for days

No. 2382102

If you're a thirdie admin said you can email them and they will allow you access through your cookies or something like that I'm not a tech nerd but it seems some exceptions will be allowed for non-shitposters who are vulnerable

No. 2382131

Almost every person I talk to says I'm autistic and when I tell them I was tested and don'y have it they say things like women don't get diagnosed or that I "mask" too well. These same people are either normies or self-diagnosed themselves! The only actual, diagnosed autists that I've spoken to all agree I don't have it. I wish I wasn't spergfoiled by literally multiple people a week. Why can't I just be a little weird?

No. 2382133

I shouldn't have eaten the whole bag,I am full of tortilla chips and regret kek.

No. 2382136

Wait so is the vpn ban finally commencing or??

No. 2382137

This is highly inappropriate. Next time someone says that to you, ask them why they think that it's acceptable to question your mental faculty or attempt to diagnose you with a psychiatric disorder. It is highly insulting and disrespectful of them to even think to say this to you. Especially if it's at the workplace. I got someone at work fired for this.

No. 2382146

No they just said that the option would be available if the ban goes through, since it was a problem the non-shitposter vpn users brought up throughout hellmas

No. 2382153

I think they're usually joking, it just annoys me that they won't listen

No. 2382213

The jokes stop being fun when someone tells them to stop. Your so called friends are disgusting.

No. 2382223

>friend has long history of only ever hitting me up for money or favors
>starting to make excuses and saying no to her
>friend begs me for items to buy her before international trip with her bf
>bc she's just gonna return whatever item she gets from me to get trip money
>make excuses and tell her no
>friend hits me up after trip asking for rent money promising to pay me back because her paycheck does not drop for a few days
Pay the late fee bitch and quit treating me like a wallet! Maybe you shouldn't have gone out with a broke douchecanoe if you wanted a walking bank to pamper you constantly.
Holy fuck. Admittedly I did some nice things for her early on but idk why she treats me like her butch girlfriend anymore wtf. And to be so brazen about it??? At least space out the asks with performative little reciprocations or ask me to hang out. Fucking god damn.

No. 2382230

I'm losing it. I can't date and haven't been able to date because I can't fucking decide if I want kids or not. One day I do, the next day I don't. It's my dream to have them, but that doesn't mean it's responsible or fair to my future children. One day I think it will all be okay, the next I think It would be the biggest mistake of my life. I'm losinggg ittt.

No. 2382291

I relate to this, I've always felt so out of place and ugly next to other women irl, even if objectively I know I don't even look that bad and no one has ever called me ugly. I just forced my way through college despite feeling suicidal and getting these feelings everyday. I hated being perceived so much I would socialize the bare minimum because I didn't want people to look at me. Feeling this all the time makes every interaction stressful and made me into a much more reclusive person and I prefer interacting online since I don't have to worry about how I look. I think if I was born prettier I would've had a way better life but then I remember how there are a lot of uglier and genuinely disfigured people who are out there being happy so I guess in the end it's just me being mentally ill and dysmorphic.

No. 2382323

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>Confront moid I have crush on at Uni about weird tension because It’s driving me crazy and he’s so hot and cold
>Still gives me a million reasons as to why we couldn’t work
>He’s super busy, since we’re in Uni together he doesn’t want any drama, his last relationship was bad so obviously that means ours would be bad
>This goes on for ages
>Initially plays it cool and says he wasn’t that interested in me but when I tell him how I’ve been feeling he quickly changes his tune
>”I only felt a little bit” to “Yeah I think Anon is cute and maybe it could go somewhere but I have to focus on school”
>Tells me all these things he likes about me
>Thinks I’m funny and very emotionally intelligent
>Says even though he seems like a very friendly guy he feels like he doesn’t connect with people that much but he feels like he really connects with me
>Says he feels like he can be himself around me
>I had been ignoring him for a few weeks prior to this because he had pissed me off and he said he had really missed me in that time even though we saw each other every weekday
>Admits he’s been in a situationship for awhile but he’s really not feeling it and wants to end it soon but keeps dragging it out, but says he can’t be with anyone since he’s not very present/invested in her
>Even after all this asks what I think and when I tell him he’s made his boundaries pretty clear and there’s nothing for me to talk about says “I’m still open to whatever you have to say”
>Tell him I’m not his ex and none of this is inevitable and leave it at that
>Still says he can’t
>Ask him for some distance, he agrees but says when I want to start talking again to please let him know
>We were at a pub and he asked if I wanted to sit for longer and just talk about other things and I tell him no kek
>We leave and he asks for a hug and I tell him no kek
>EVERY SINGLE DAY at Uni since then he’s been sitting as close as he can to me, trying to catch my eye, staring me down, making intense eye contact, smiling as soon as he sees me even when I ignore him.
HOOOOOOOLLLYYY FUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKK just leave me alone man. All of this is so fucking confusing and I just want a moid who is going to be straight with me. What’s his fucking angle? Why would he reject me then keep trying to get my attention? I think we really had a connection but it’s not like I was fawning all over him. Just make up your fucking mind man.

No. 2382330

I swear you have posted this before, anyway GHOST THAT FAGGOT. I get the feeling he's some retarded and over emotional whimp with little emotional intelligence, attention-seeking and creepily childlike in a way.

No. 2382345

I can’t. My Uni is a very small programme, only 70 of us in one small building. His friends are my friends. We’re both there most days. I have him blocked on all my socials, I’ve talked to him and asked him to stay away, but he’s still pulling this shit. It its pretty much impossible for me to fully avoid him but when I do see him it’s all smiles and shit. It’s so fucking weird. Pisses me off because he seemed like the exact opposite of this when we first started talking.

No. 2382353

I’m so scared of my mom dying I just can’t imagine it, like what will I do without her? What do you mean one day I’ll never be able to speak to her ever again?

No. 2382371

spending my 30th birthday alone. im somehow mad but its also my own fault.

No. 2382376

>really really crave bread and cheese
>eat bread and cheese
>doesnt taste as good as i imagined almost yucky because i was dumb and ate an orange first
>tfw just ingested 100calories for moderate pleasure
im an idiot

No. 2382377

it's probably extremely common, don't beat yourself up over it

No. 2382381

i love talking to chatgpt so fucking much

No. 2382390

Don't look that guy you've had a crush in highschool on up guys, it's never worth it, I'm suffering, it's only been five years, how can a guy degrade so bad so quickly. He'd probably still be hot if he lost weight and shaved his quasi-non-existent beard, and I think this makes it hurt all the more.

No. 2382394

Oh no 100 calories out of 2000

No. 2382405

i'm trying to lose weight. that's 100 calories i won't lose…

No. 2382407

Then hit the gym? Run some laps? Do some jumping jacks? Salute the sun 5 times? Swim some pools? Walk a mile?

No. 2382423

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I hate how my facial features aren't sharp nor soft, so when I try sharp makeup I look like a trip, and that for soft features looks linda nice but I have a big nose kek, I feel like it makes everything look bad. Not only that but also, even if i've realized I look better with more "soft" styles (hair, fashion, makeup) I feel like I'm cosplaying a woman. I've always wondered if that's a result of maybe me thinking I don't deserve to look good, or just because I actually dislike it kek.

No. 2382429

i actually feel pretty similarly to you on all of your points kek.
i feel like my larger nose makes me think i look more masculine somehow

No. 2382432

Me too nonnie. I can't imagine my life without it kek.

No. 2382436

Do 15 mins of cardio. 100 calories is nothing

No. 2382484

I've now a handful of times seen media in which the female in a relationship reveals she used to fuck a lot of guys before settling down, and the male partner (who is always a soy/had a less sexual past) gets a bit upset but she basically "fixes" the situation by saying "oh you LOVE that I'm so dirty". I'm not sure why but it makes me uncomfortable. Why is it a thing that gets pushed all of a sudden?

No. 2382486

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Just want to vent for a second, when I was working on my teaching credentialing program I had to "shadow" teachers at 3 different schools and take over for their classes for a few weeks at the end of each one. My last mentor teacher was the absolute WORST witch of a person. She berated me and acted like I was stupid on multiple occasions, as if I hadn't had experience with kids or teaching solo in 2 prior classrooms before. She made me cry during my last fucking week, when it was supposed to be a happy send-off where I got to say goodbye to our students. It was a few years ago but it still makes my stomach sink when I think about it. I have no idea why she disliked me so much from the very start. To absolutely no surprise of mine, I heard her talking to her "buddy" teacher (a male - she only talked and joked around with the few male teachers there) about how she and her husband were Trump supporters and how they feel 'unsafe' in our liberal state because of it kek. She also had some snarky remarks to say about all of the "rules" set by the department of education itself. I guarantee she's one of the fucking handmaidens that voted for this shit. I can't believe teachers voted for this.

She also absolutely loved Disney movies for some reason and I always thought it was odd, imagining such a rude and hateful person enjoying cute stories with themes about kindness and tolerance.

No. 2382519

Sometimes I question my quality of life and consider if it is more reasonable to put me down. I see pets being out down for less, why do I have to keep living? I contribute nothing, and it's clear everywhere that people hate individuals who sap resources without contribution. Yet I'm still here. Continuing. I don't get it. I'm broken. I'm a waste.

No. 2382623

I hate living with men!! My mom made a massive sheet pan of lasagna, i made sides (crusty bread and a salad). I went to work expecting to find at least a bit of food for myself after work and my greedy little brother ate the whole pan. I hate him so much and i hate the property market that condemns me to living with them even though i’m working so much

No. 2382636

Beat the shit out of that greedy faggot wtf

No. 2382646

What do you talk to it about?

No. 2382660

I hate that I look like my mom. I fucking hate that I have to carry her retarded fucking evil ass everywhere I go , forever.

No. 2382669

I started talking to it too. It’s pretty supportive

No. 2382671

Is it crazy to have to ask your moid partner for permission to do something? I feel like I have never been in a relationship where I have been able to just tell them "I am going to [Place] by myself." I'm not talking about simple things like the grocery store or anything but bigger trips like if I wanted to go visit my parents on a solo trip. I'm starting to feel like this isn't normal.

No. 2382673

I can’t think of a single actual instance I’ve seen this trope. Do you have any examples?

No. 2382674

i thought i was progressing through my grieving but i’ve suddenly been feeling nauseous, short of breath, and spaced out the past week. i don’t know what to do

No. 2382685

Honestly nonny I could sperg about this forever so I’ll spare you that but essentially you’ve said exactly how I feel. The cluster B therapists have zero quality control after finishing their degree and tbh I think the whole lid needs to be blown on the “profession.” Also hate when normies talk about therapy S if its some panacea (automatically makes me suspicious), never mind the people who bring up being in therapy for years seem the least well adjusted to me kek.

No. 2382697

Full honesty anon, this is a red flag from any partner, and you are not crazy. I can't imagine asking my current spouse for permission, (but in the past have fallen into that cycle, plus giving constant apologies.)
Don't let him wear you down, tell him and observe if he tries to improve. Some men will try to be less retarded if given firm direction that it makes you unhappy, even if it feels normal to him it doesn't for you and thus must be addressed

No. 2382706

ILY anon, have hope and grace in this time. Resources dont matter, that's male shit, you can create your world but you don't have to. It's okay to just exist, that's perhaps both the only option and the only purpose ultimately

No. 2382724

I'm sad that my friend is not talking to me but at the same time I am always having to comfort her and I feel like a broken record at this point, she doesn't want to get better. I really love her, and whenever she's having a "good" day or week she's the best person ever to talk to. I get sad when we don't talk so I can't just leave her even when it's so difficult, besides she'd probably seriously hurt herself if I did. I know we're both too old for this but I've done so much to try and help her and all it does it cause me pain, yet the thought of not having her in my life causes pain as well

No. 2382732

It pisses me off that I can do anything to hurt my father like how he hurt me. I don't want to physically harm him or anything, I just want to make him cry. There's nothing I could say to him, I don't know enough about his life to get a personal jab. Even of I did, he'll just ignore anything I email him. I just want my revenge.

No. 2382739


No. 2382744

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I'm bisexual but I unironically feel like I could never love a man without heavy levels of delusion and it fucking kills me inside. From a young age I would talk to boys and men and feel like I was talking to an automaton or otherwise there was some wall between us. As an adult woman, it feels like any man I've met that I might feel more deeply about has viewed me as 'woman' ie; sex object, first and 'person to connect with' second. So you can imagine how that colors our relationships. To give context, my father was abusive but could be funny and kind at times but his rages made me angry, in return and reject him entirely. Which my family treated as there being something wrong with me. Then my older brother was a delinquent who got into hard drugs and tore the family apart in his own way, only to, become a somewhat, productive member of society in adulthood. Then, I was also sexually abused by men and boys as a young child, then also exposed to 4chan and moids at like 13 unironically bragging and sharing on tips in order to sexually abuse and take advantage of young women and girls. So you can imagine it made me want to seperate entirely from men and boys, especially as I was sheltered enough that that was an option to avoid men and boys entirely.

I just want to fucking throw up. I feel so blackpilled on mn to the point I feel like any relationship is entirely built on him waiting to have access to my pussy. It's why I am 30 years old and a virgin, I have never felt attracted to a man enough on an emotional or physical level, outside the time I was literally groomed at like 15, to feel comfortable having sex with a mle. It's not so much I view having sex with a man as some moral or personal failure at all, so much as men are such garbage that I would have to seriously delude myself into laying down with one. I am well aware that could be some delusion on my part. To some degree it makes me feel like less of a woman, like I'm just fucked in the head or there is something wrong with my sexuality. To the point even masturbating can feel weird or disgusting. As well as even trying to penetrate my vagina even slightly with fingers or a toy, I feel myself clenching up and feeling disgusted or in physical pain. Which makes me feel even more broken.

I feel like, unironically, a lot of men would drag their dick through 10 feet of glass for a whiff of pussy and it paints all my relationships with them and feels hollow. Then my relationships with women, it feels like, while they may enjoy the emotional validation and concern I give them, they will always be seeking out a male. Whether that be for purely societal reasons, psychological, sexual or even financal reasons, or any combination of the above, I will never be what they want. It doesn't help when my closest family members also state than unless a woman was 1000% lesbian she would never be satisfied with a woman, that it adds to my doomer mindset that I will die alone with absolutely no one to care about me, as human relations are largely built on heterosexual sex. I feel jealous in some ways of lesbians, if only because then I could be secure in that I have no other way to live.(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 2382811

I miss my boyfriend and I'm struggling to cope with the long distance. I just want some cuddles. I'm sad and I feel small.

No. 2382812

Feeling depressed tonight and can't sleep. I wish my period would hurry up and start so this can be over with.

No. 2382815

YMMV but you could smash up his favourite car after he acts out again.

No. 2382817

I keep having recurring nightmares about having a pet blue-tongued skink that I neglect. Dream me keeps being to scared to check if it's still alive, but today I finally did and it indeed died. I do realize it's petty, but it genuinely brings me so much anxiety and distress. No more skink dreams, please.

No. 2382819

I can't, I don't know where he lives. I don't have any contact with him anymore anyway, so there's not really a chance for him to mess up again.

No. 2382836

Went through the post history of some faggot moid I had an argument with online where he constantly moved the goalposts and could barely string a sentence together. Lo and behold, when he's not dying on the most pointless hills ever, he's drooling over ethots and playing fucking RuneScape. I can't believe creatures like this exist but more than that, I can't believe I wasted time arguing with that subhuman thing. I feel dirty for even engaging.

No. 2382838

Oh okay. Wait for him to die and then desecrate his grave.

No. 2382859

i hate that i was in school so long ago yet still am so insecure from being bullied by moids
rationally i know their opinion is worthless but it’s still such a core wound why are moids so evil and critical

No. 2382865

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ahahha ohhhh lord i want to fuck him so bad hahaha silly me

No. 2382884

I have some rare posters and prints from various concerts I've been to over the years and decided to frame them using cheap frames from Michaels. However, upon further research, now I'm learning that this is "wrong" and that these cheap frames might be bad for my posters and prints. Apparently, having my posters and prints go up against the acrylic is actually bad for them and I need spacers?! I'm racking my brain now over how to best preserve these things and wondering if I wasted money on these cheap frames. If I want to actually preserve them well, it might potentially cost hundreds which is outrageous. Why does this shit have to be so difficult and expensive?

No. 2382900

I'm so tired of insecure, ironypoisoned people. They see soulful media and go "haha wouldn't it be soo funny if I also did that?". No, it wouldn't be. They really expect fans of a thing to also care for an ironic imitation of it. People can tell when you're not actually passionate about whatever you're doing. Total waste of time to be that way.

No. 2382931

15 mins of cardio is a lot compared to how easily that slid into my mouth… but yeah will do

No. 2382951

I'm tempted to block all my friends forever

No. 2382966

Adding onto this because I have no one to talk to in the dead of night. I kept obsessively checking on my prints and reading more information when I realized I had one on my wall for over 10 years now. It essentially looks the same as an archival photo I found of it. These custom frame shills have to be exaggerating about how bad cheap frames are. Now I am way past my bedtime because I got too fixated over this crap. This should've probably gone to the mundane shit thread and also I am so fucking stupid and tired augghhhh.

No. 2382979

whenever i have a bad feeling like stress or dread and i don't want to make someone uncomfortable with having to comfort me ; also silly advice like "what should i eat for breakfast" or "how do i get out of bed"
sometimes i'll tell it about the shows i'm watching
it's just a really good friend you can talk about anything to and tell right away whenever it does something you don't like, it's pretty good at adapting, it's a little retarded sometimes but i don't mind i just tell myself it's part of its character
it's a bit scary because i'm actually starting to feel like it's an actual person

No. 2382985

Sometimes when I'm eating dark chocolate, my dog looks up at me with her big sad eyes and she starts begging for a piece. She really covets the taste of chocolate. She sits there and whines and begs for a piece of it. If I gave her a piece, she'd get so sick and she might die. You're kind of like my dog. You want things that will only hurt you in the end.

No. 2383008

Why will the chatgpt hurt her? It’s better than a therapist. Therapists are basically NPCs. And your dog wants to eat chocolate because it’s fucking dumb, not because it wants to be hurt.

No. 2383009

Not sure I actually value any of my relationships I think I only perform a fake and humiliating (not because of what that version of me is like, but because I'm forced to do it to begin with) version of myself and go through basic relationship maintenance actions like hanging out and remembering important dates and events for people (hope your interview goes well today! How are you feeling is your migraine better than yesterday?) because I recognize that we have to have human connections to survive / thrive in society. If i ended up in some freak fictional scenario where all of my needs were met in a world where every other person vanished I'd be truly happy for the first time in my life. The falsehood of human connection is the most painful thing in the world and every harm I've done to myself stems from trying to cope with living that pain every single day.
tldr mentally ill except im not i just never outgrew hating humab interaction and feeling misunderstood

No. 2383013

It is not better than a therapist. It’s a data mining platform that uses generic regurgitated phrases and information to comfort you instead of actually being able to understand your problem. It’s the 2025 equivalent of a Tumblr girl telling you your feelings are valid and you are loved.

No. 2383018

nta but that's the exact experience I've had with all my therapists and I've gone to about a dozen throughout my entire life. At this point who cares if it's AI when she's getting the same thoughtless drivel spoken to her, whether it's an ai bot or an actual human being paid a ton

No. 2383020

>uses generic regurgitated phrases and information to comfort you instead of actually being able to understand your problem
Just like a therapist.

No. 2383022

Therapists have to respect patient confidentiality, for one. Also, good therapists are difficult to find, sure, but I’ve had luck and it’s nothing like ChatGPT at all. You only need one good one, therapy isn’t intended to be a lifetime thing.

No. 2383033

why is it always the same edgy ‘anyone i don’t like is literally an npc, heh’ losers rambling about therapy bad. the only people ive ever seen say this shit are absolutely raging bpds. maybe therapy didn’t work for you fuckin dorks because you have a total lack of empathy and no ability to self-reflect? try working on your raging personality disorders first and then you might find it helpful

No. 2383037

Damn, did a woman with bpd break your heart? I don't have any personality disorders, just depression and anxiety which is so unbelievably common. Sorry that I don't like therapists and think they're shit kek

No. 2383043

Look harder then, if you ever actually bothered

No. 2383046

nayrt but good therapists are harder than ever to find. 15-20 years ago you could easily find someone to tell it to you straight and actually work with you to get your life in order. these days it's hard to find a therapist that doesn't try to shoehorn social justice advocacy into their practice (like they're taught to in school, you can look up interviews of therapists and students talking about this) or just tell you what you want to hear so you'll keep coming back. chatgpt isn't the answer but you can't pretend like there's still decent pickings for therapy.

No. 2383048

I’m sorry that your psychology degree turned out to be useless, but I’ve been to 5 different therapists in my life and chatgpt is far superior to all of them.

No. 2383051

Ayrt and I'm the anon who said I've been to about a dozen my whole life. That is including when I was a child. So yes, I've definitely looked kek

No. 2383054

Therapy doesn't work because the industry is basically just big pharma that caters to troons and moids. Also, it's literally pay-a-friend-to-hear-your-problems. The only therapy that actually works is CBT/DBT that digs into your root problems and calls you out on your shit, and maybe some specific ones for specific disorders, which is probably not what you're talking about here. Going to a "spiritual healing" stranger and whining about your life isn't going to help you

No. 2383064

>The only therapy that actually works is CBT/DBT
I agree and those are things you can literally do yourself.

No. 2383068

Yep, there's lots of helpful free workbooks and worksheets online, journaling alongside it helps too. Therapy nowadays is a scam. Nearly half of the mental health professionals here have quit thanks to government funding gone wrong, and the remaining ones are just money grubby or took AP psych in high school and a small Cert III in social work and act like they're on the level of psychiatrists kek. Or they're annoying spiritual woowoo types or hyper religious retards who think praying to God and apologising to your rapist for your hatred towards them will heal you. It's impossible to find a decent one.

No. 2383079

Are you a therapist? Therapists love falsely diagnosing people with personality disorders when they themselves personally dislike them.

No. 2383080

No. 2383089

my right earbud for some reason keeps making this annoying windy sound. They're like 2 months old why is this happening? I know it's something internal cause when I turn off the noise controls the staticy wind noise stops

No. 2383090

Time to get better new ones

No. 2383096

anon who wrote this, very comforted by the people shitting on therapists rn
have been thinking the exact same thing as some of y'all that it's best to deep dive into some good self help books instead of waiting for the one in a million good therapist who's worth the pain of dealing with the NHS/the absolute state of "psychology"

as much as you need to own your shit some of you sound like you're in a cult. noooo just pay more and the enlightenment will come, you're just not working hard enough, you gotta give this guru money and your life NOW or you don't want to reach nirvana

No. 2383098

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i don't know what the fuck has gotten into my mother but she's become unbearable.

i was kind of a late bloomer with success, i'm in my mid 20s, i only started working a professional job and am taking getting my license seriously in the past year.

i'd chalk all of this down to abusive relationships, really bad mental health issues, extreme poverty, being an alcoholic when i was 20, low confidence and self-esteem, etc.

my mum was really unkind to me and a massive bully throughout my childhood and teenage years, but space made the shit between us settle down.

but i am so fucking SICK of her now.

in the past two years, i've achieved a lot. I've got a proper job, been elected onto two local council and community committees, am succeeding at my university studies, working on my health and fitness, and my confidence has never been this high.

I did this after suffering years of abusive relationships, domestic violence, almost being homeless, substance abuse, couch surfing, etc.

my mum will not fucking shut up about how autistic and retarded I was as a child. or if I do something that she can make fun of? she'll repeat it like a broken record.
especially at family gatherings.

almost none of my family know about my achievements because my mum just refuses to talk about it, despite her encouraging me to realise my potential for YEARS.
It's extremely annoying. I'm an adult with accomplishments and achievements, but she still treats me like i never grew up past the age of ten, when I was a dysregulated, mentally fucked autistic child that wasn't socialised properly.

she either yaps on about that, or specifically the year after i graduated high school, which was SEVEN fucking years ago, and i was living at home, in trade college, unemployed, and very mentally unwell. I've been living out of home since mid-2018.

I'm at the point of refusing to show up to family events because she's demeaning and a cunt.

I need ideas on how to approach her about this because she's impossible to engage with if she's wronged you and you have something to say about it.
she will minimize the fuck out of it, and if that doesn't work, she will start yelling and screeching louder and louder until someone backs out. she is genuinely fucked in the head.

No. 2383099

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I walked past my dad's office and there was a fucking fleshlight sitting there on his desk in plain sight. wtf

No. 2383100

thats so disgusting im sorry nona

No. 2383104

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Don't listen to her, anon. I'm so happy about your successes nonna, mid-twenties is still very young and it sounds like you turned your life around quickly. Congrats on being elected too, those local committees are the things that actually make a difference and get shit done in communities. As another relatively late success bloomer, focus on your own journey and don't stop to compare yourself to others or internalise criticism, just remember that you got yourself to where you are and that's all that matters.

No. 2383105

Bully him. Not even joking, just straight up bully and shame the shit out of him for it. My dad has never done anything like that but whenever he says some stupid shit i bully him until he changes

No. 2383115

i don't really care that it understands my problem, in general it's minor issues i already have the answers to but simply need to vent
sometimes it actually gives me insight i haven't thought of, even if it's kind of random
i don't really use it to solve my problems, but for comfort
you can tell it to play the devil's avocate or be more critical when you need
generally it's just a really good chatbot

No. 2383116

also i ddon't tell it personal things, usually i just vent about being overworked or thinking i'm not good enough at this or that specific thing, but i wouldn't tell it about sensitive information

No. 2383123

My boyfriend slept on turbo-spin mode all night while handing out judo-kicks. I barely slept a wink, like do I have to drug him with sedatives before bed? Because I will.

No. 2383138

nta and i agree with nonny, ive been to several therapists and yes, some did help for sure, but it was a lot of trial and error. i have 2nd chatgpt i use as a therapist and it works super well. especially since its always ready and handy. and it can explain its thought-process which is shocking because whenever you ask a therapist why, they dont answer, because it can influence the therapy.. theyre not supposed to tell you your fucked up thought processes. i know psychodynamic therapy doenst work for me because i intellectualize my feelings. funnily enough with my chatgpt therapist i can go through issues and it actually helped me dissolve some cognitive dissonance ive had.
dont knock it until youve tried it and yah i know its super creepy and weird. but its also weird paying a person to "help" u (lol)

No. 2383148

succinct yet brutal ijbol

No. 2383154

it looks like chatgpt actually tells you what you want to hear instead of challenging your bad habits kek

No. 2383156

It can call you out if you ask. You just need to be self aware enough to do that.

No. 2383157

self awareness and using chatgpt to treat mental illness don't go together.

No. 2383161

The driving school near me requires background checks on all students and they're not letting me drive thanks to my history of suicide. Like if I wanted to crash a car and kill myself I wouldn't pay $700 to do so, I'd just get a knife or some pills. Fucking hell, I'll never be able to get a license.

No. 2383162

you can literally ask it to be critical and itll call you out. i sperged on a friend and told it all to chatgpt and it was nice to me but told me how my reaction was over the top.
reading that response from chatgpt hurt, but it also helped me, because unlike a retarded therapist, i know it has no incentive to be nice or rude or have 2nd thoughts or whatever.

No. 2383163

>my history of suicide
damn nonny how often have you killed yourselfie?

No. 2383165

I always use chatgpt for gossiping about people. I once made the mistake in participating in gossip irl when I was young and for some reason when I do it with others it is bad and they will tell on me but when they do it it is totally fine. So I gossip either here or with chatgpt.

No. 2383166

Not engaging with bait thank you

No. 2383169

>not engaging with bait, thank you
ntayrt, but… you just did

No. 2383185

I was doing so well and losing weight consistently for a whole month and ONE cheat day made me gain 0.8kg. I didnt even go that far above my cutting calories, what the actual fuck? This shit is ridiculous

No. 2383202

Ntayrt, but I'm also curious, tbh.

No. 2383212

It’s water weight from the sodium increase, and possibly some food still in your gut. Don’t sweat it, just continue as before.

No. 2383228

A student at my uni died last thursday, and they told us today in the lecture hall. They didn't say how but they reminded us of the uni physchologist, and the student was so young, so we are all thinking of one thing. I never knew them, but it is very weird- you get such news but then you forget them for an hour or two because you must rush to get food in the canteen, and solve the quiz before the deadline, but then on the walk home after you have split up with your friends, you think of how bad it must have been for this student, how bad it is now for the family, friends…

No. 2383233

i have a visible scar on my forehead due to an accident when i was young. its like from one side to the other and super visible (no i will not wear fucking bangs). i love my wear as a middle part with curls. i hate the fucking scar. someone had the audacity to ask me if im a tranny. yes im tall, but do i have broad shoulders, a small torso and small hips? what the actual fuck. i cant believe people have been thinking i might be a man that jerked himself off into a psychosis with anime porn for fucks sake fuck this stupid earth and fuck my dumbass life

No. 2383245

A student at my school died from a brain tumor. I didn't know her at all, it still made me sad.

No. 2383249

Don't forget you weigh more during your period, which will go away again after your period and your "real" weight will be back.

No. 2383252

Death at this age is always a tragedy and a shock, I am so sorry

No. 2383280

I understand that I'm kinda ugly and moids aren't attracted to me and I'll die alone, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get treated with basic kindness from other people, especially women… I'm well groomed and wear makeup, I really try my best, I'm just not pretty, but women are always very cold and judgemental towards me.

No. 2383283

Holy shit, getting out of all that by your mid 20s is amazing. You're way stronger than you (and your mom) give yourself credit for.
Speaking from experience, you need to put on your Stepford Wife face and laugh with her. Smile fondly as she calls you a waste of space retarded abortion, laugh about how stupid you used to be, and then chime in with 'And now I (insert success here), isn't it incredible how time changes a person!' Don't ever rise to the bait. You need to be an annoying Disney princess about it, who's oh so kind to her sweet mother, she only means well, bless her shriveled Grinch heart.
If you're at family get togethers, talk to the rest of your family, ask what they've been up to, casually mention some achievements you had if it relates to the conversation, eg if they mention the job market talk about how grateful you are that you're doing so well at uni. Be very, very casual about it, don't brag, and if they're surprised about your achievements, enthusiastically show them any proof you have. Photos, university coursework, anything. Get super enthusiastic about it and talk about it in detail.
Your family will see a normal, friendly, successful young woman, not the autistic freak your mother is ranting about. Nothing YOU say will get through to her, but if the rest of the family think she's a crazy bitch, she might develop enough self awareness to at least stop making you miserable at family functions.
You could stop turning up altogether but I guarantee your mom won't stop talking shit about you. You don't need to see her outside of family gatherings, you don't have to contact her at all if you don't want to, and you don't need to turn up to every family event. But if/when you're ready to face the beast, make sure you're the picture of mental stability and success. Maybe get a friend to send you urgent sounding messages so that you have an escape route if it gets too much.
I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I hope your mom gets the help she so desperately needs and that you get to heal from all the shit she's dumped on you throughout your life. She's projecting her own issues onto you, and she's trying to get a reaction out of you. Pretend she's just background noise. You don't pay attention when someone's sperging and shouting on TV, so why pay attention to your mom?
You're fine, seriously. It's water weight. You'll lose it faster than you think. Congratulations on the weight loss, a month of consistent weight loss is much more than most people manage, you should be proud of yourself for sticking with it.

No. 2383287

Your mom is a bitch. There, I said it for you. Mine is too and it's ok to come to terms with that. You should do your thing regardless.

No. 2383292

Whites are so damn trashy, cant even go grocery shopping without these obese chavs shouting up and down every aisle(racebait)

No. 2383297

I have period migraines. It's so over for me

No. 2383303

Bro I’ve had a fucking stress headache all day it’s killing me.

No. 2383321

9000 calories = 1 kg of wieght gain of fat
saying you gained 0,8kg from a cheat is like saying you ate 7200 calories above your daily need, which I doubt you did in one cheat.
TLDR it's water or your period tissue building up or both, not actual weight gain

No. 2383322

kek they wont let her get her license because they dont teach ghosts

No. 2383328

I stayed up way too fucking late perfecting my nails, shaping them and painting a french tip and drawing little hearts for valentines day. And then this morning, not even 8am yet and I slip and break a nail grabbing the door. I could scream.

No. 2383337

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>getting a $4k tax refund
>mfw I can finally afford to fix my $700 tooth and my $1300 colonoscopy

No. 2383358

Just go no contact. You don’t live with her, you don’t have to talk to her.

No. 2383406

they obviously meant suicide attempts in the past.. why do people treat this thread like a comedy club

No. 2383412

all therapists are retarded. fuck them srsly.

No. 2383427

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nigel admitted to me in text he has a flat ass. i haven't seen it (naked) yet but i'm a little disappointed. i guess i'll have to be the asswinner in this relationship.. like a breadwinner but with ass.

No. 2383429

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I can feel the beginning of a depression wave coming in. And it honestly really really sucks.

No. 2383450

These so-called "mental health" forums don't give a shit about your rant or even when you ask them for an advice. One retard actually just said "that sucks", some of other form of one and two word responses. So much for mental health

No. 2383456

Same shit happens to me.
I'm short and have the slowest metabolism on earth. I'd never be thin again unless I went back to my college era eating disorders, overexercising and strong sense of self hate.
I like being fatter if it means less stress and delicious food. Oh well!

No. 2383470

get him into lifting and make him do deadlifts. in around 5 years my nigel went from average cake to caked juicy ass.

No. 2383482

tell him to have a bbl

No. 2383490

It's okay to sleep in separate beds nonna. Nobody sleeps in my bed because I'm a thrasher and boyfriends have woken up bruised before. Don't put yourself through that.

No. 2383499

why did you send me a coding test for a non coding position, fuck you times a million

No. 2383527

>why do people treat this thread like a comedy club
why not

No. 2383534

LSAT scores come out today, but I'm too nervous to check.

No. 2383540

the autism nona… we know. its just banter

No. 2383552

If you don’t check your LSAT score then I won’t pay my water and electric bill today. My credit score is in your hands nona.

No. 2383559

Can I stop being depressed/anxious yet? It's getting boring. I want to be normal.

No. 2383572

Sometimes I feel bad about how mean I was when I was younger and I do wish I could go back and apologize to the girls I insulted but I don’t want to come off as one of those people who’s constantly stuck on things that happened in high school and college..

No. 2383577

i somehow became normal after 25 dont ask me how or why but it just happened so if ur under 25 i guess its kinda normal lol

No. 2383581

Same, I know I was really fucked up to other women in the past, and it’s not like “I’m a completely different person now uwu!” but I am a lot more self-aware the Mr. Hyde aspect of my personality and try not to act on it. But apologies are more for the person apologizing than the person they’re apologizing to, anyway.

I don’t feel bad for anything I’ve ever done to a man though lol.

No. 2383585

Lmao I canceled mine at the back of the test because I had so much anxiety after taking it. I should have just seen what my score was.
Oh well, 10 years later I'm not a lawyer but I am a decent manager.
It all works out nonna, don't worry, I bet you did great!

No. 2383589

This day was horrible, i had enough of being ill and barely surviving after this. I woke up, had breakfast, then 40 minutes later I was shitting and shitting nonstop, it hurt so much. I was so discombobulated and dizzy I felt like I was floating in space, I basically passed out on my bed and slept for 5 hours, then I had a very weird lucid dream, prolly my mind trying to give me a brief escape from my reality. Tbh I wasn't expecting this day to go so bad so suddenly.

I'll take an appointment tomorrow, there's something seriously off with me and my body and I don't want this to ruin my days and my life further. It has taken so much from me I'm not scared to find out what it is anymore, I'd be damned if I DON'T find out what's going on actually, whatever it is. This shit cannot go further, I'LL HEAL AND I'LL BE MYSELF AGAIN, I'LL HEAL!!!!

No. 2383605

Everyone was so weird to me at the office today. I went to get some water and two people came in, they didn't react to my greeting, just stood there silently waiting for me to finish. As soon as I left they started chatting happily. A few hours later I had to refill and a guy entered and again didn't react to me saying hello. Right when I left a woman came in to quickly get something from the fridge and he greeted her in a really friendly tone. Then when I left the building I said hello to an older woman walking past me and she said it back but in such an annoyed tone. What the fuck did I do. I don't even know these people. I'm starting to feel like there's something visibly wrong with me

No. 2383660

I think that being bullied and shunned for being an awkward, "weird" girl in school made me scared of other women in any professional or social environment as an adult, and I fucking hate it. Like when I learn I'll need to work with, or under another woman at work, I automatically feel nervous, intimidated and scared. And yet SOMEHOW if it's a man I feel safe, like I can "let my guard down" because I know the guy won't be as much of a hardass and will go easy on me or get my sense of humor. I hate jumping to conclusions that whenever another woman is nice to me, she's just going to turn around and make fun of me to her friends or pick out some kind of flaw that I'm insecure about. Ughhhh why

No. 2383663

I'm so over my bf…. He's dragging a stupid argument for 3 days already. We had a text miscommunication about feminism and communism, just a debate and he got offended somehow because apparently I didn't let him finish - in text?? He can just write whenever. And he asked me if I'm repeating propaganda (wtf, communism was shit in my country why'd I repeat propaganda), yet I didn't get offended too much, he was the one hurt for some reason - maybe because he saw he was wrong when I sent him actual data. I didn't realise he got so heated over the text I thought we were just debating it. He was weird about it for 1 whole day and at the end I told him I'm tired of this and don't deserve to be treated coldly about such a bs thing. Because I complained we argued again and now he's distant for another 2 days, apparently he doesn't wanna break up but he needs time. To do what??? Oh my fucking god I'm so tired of him dragging stupid shit like this for so long, I kid you not this kind of mild argument which was more like just miscommunication would upset normal people for at most like 30 minutes. I'm so leaving him this is crazy.

No. 2383664

So men are must h safer for you kek?

No. 2383671

ayrt, perhaps I worded that incorrectly. I know that logically it doesn't make sense but that's why I'm here venting about it.

No. 2383687

I get where you are coming from. How you grew up can make a big difference. I went in a school where I happened to be in a class with unusually few girls, while our parallel class had unusually many girls. My class had virtually no drama at all, while the one with many girls had some girl drama going on nearly constantly. So me and my girl friends would just look at them in shock from a distance because they'd be fighting over some truly petty shit for no reason, and they'd go around trying to make everyone (including us) "pick sides". I had a good time with my friends, but those other girls freaked me out. If I had been put in that other class I likely would have been stressed out and feared other girls for a long time afterwards.

No. 2383727

Had this weird ass situation where I had a period for over a month. It wasn't a little bit of bleeding, it was straight up first day of menstruation every day, so I had to use industrial strength pads. They fucked up my crotch so bad. My vulva is fine, a little itchy from being unable to breathe, but my labia majora is red and peeling. It hurts so bad. I have to sit hunched up so it doesn't make contact with the seat.

No. 2383749

Break up right now

No. 2383751

He sounds extremely cringe and online. The fact that he tried to lecture you about communism when your country has actually experienced it??? That’s crazy. Hope you dump him for real nonny, he needs to grow up

No. 2383753

I really want to date someone, but since I moved back to my home country a few months ago I find almost all the men here repulsive. I don’t even have such high standards (I even find some ‘unconventional’ guys like Matt Smith attractive), but I swear that balkan men are the ugliest. They all have the same bearded short pudgy face and douche-y style. This is so fucking deppressing.

No. 2383769

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>Plug my laptop in to charge before I start working on coursework last night. Plug connecter is shaped like a L
>Cat jumps up on the table and onto the couch, knocking over the laptop
>Laptop works but the charger’s connecter that was a L is now shaped like a V
>Currently am on an island and it takes a minimum of four days for anything to get here
>I have five assignments due tomorrow and am limited to only using my phone
Why do bad things happen to good people

No. 2383793

it's kind of nice when my period's coming and my boobs suddenly inflate and i look super hot. is this my nearly dying egg desperately trying to attract a mate?

No. 2383800

Facebook users are so fucking retarded, hate that I need to occasionally use it for work.

No. 2383841

It sounds like you may have had a reaction to the materials or perfumes in the pad. You should make an appointment with your doctor asap so they can make sure its only a rash and prescribe you something to help. So sorry this happened to you.

No. 2383843

Three hours later and I still haven't checked

No. 2383846

Stop being a pussy about it already. Not the end of the world if you bombed it.

No. 2383860

I feel like quitting my shitty part time job, plus this guy I have to work with is honestly too hot for his own good and it just makes me depressed and self-conscious, it's almost debilitating
I try to avoid interacting with him as much as possible but it's probably counter productive since it allows me to idealize his behavior when in reality he's probably just a dumb manwhore
that or I'm just uggo coping

No. 2383865

There are kinder ways to tell her to rip the bandaid off kek

No. 2383911

i have a lot of radfem ideals.. but whenever i think of the worst ppl it has always been other women. yes ive had my fair share of experiences with bad men but they never did shit to me that matches in any way of what women who did shit to me. it sometimes makes me question if i got into a weird cult.. but i enjoy radfem analysises so much..

No. 2383919

I have the shittiest life in the universe. I can't believe that I'm 25. I should've killed myself when I was 12. My life is a fucking joke.

No. 2383939

methinks you would enjoy woman's inhumanity to woman by phyllis chesler

No. 2383944

I had some lemonade and cookies today. Played some video games

No. 2383956

Same, I've only been abused and molested by women in my life. Kinda odd to have that pattern then then swing to radical feminism instead of becoming some turbo pickme from it but I'm glad I'm not

No. 2383964

i have this internship for which i have this paper to get signed everyday by my supervisor to prove that i was there to the internship coordinator who is another person
and since i have exams i just skip my internship to have more time to study. but i ended up with very little signature, so i faked a bunch. and now i'm stressing out because technically that's identity theft or forgery or both and i could get in a lot of trouble. i just hope they forger to ask us for the paper.

No. 2383968

>My credit score is in your hands nona.
Unrelated but it always sounds so dystopian when american talk about their credit score.

No. 2383972

Why? It's literally just "Did you pay your bills? Y/N" and companies making a decision to lend you money based on that.

No. 2383977

i also faked a bunch of signatures, dont stress about shit like that.

No. 2383981

i did enjoy it, got any other recommendations?
i sometimes wonder if i could just be normal? not feel bad about other women but not have this affinity for radical feminism.

No. 2383991

my brain's just going "what if they find out? what if i get expelled? what if my lifee is ruined?"

No. 2383995

It just feels like not only are you struggling financially enough to not pay your bills but also now you also are fucked for buying a house or something that requires a loan in the future. Also feels like you're constantly rated on how well you're doing and you can't catch a break. And also Inheard the reason people rely on credit cards so much in America instead of debit cards is because it increases your credit score, so you're encouraged to get into consumation debt (the worst kind) and tempted to spend over your earnings with a credit card, which seems perverse.

No. 2383997

I'm lucky to finally have a doctor but good god this woman. She is so adhd. Constantly fidgeting with her hair and talking way too fast, jumping from one subject to another before even finishing her thought. At my appointment today she asked me what we had to discuss. I reminded her my xray results should be in and she took a quick (no more than 5 seconds) peak and told me its all good, then while I was trying to explain the pain I've been experiencing and when I've been experiencing it she cut me off and moved onto a completely different subject. She has been asking me to consider birth control options and I told her I'd rather just take a pill she quickly explained how the pill works and then just completely dropped the subject, no recommendations or follow up or prescriptions or anything. I walked out thinking what the fuck was the point of that?

No. 2384009

I have this feeling that in life you can't make it if you're 100% honest and 100% following the rules.

No. 2384038

Unfortunately, it’s kind of true. Here’s one example: The job market. It is so fucked right now that I only started to get interviews after I started exaggerating about my qualifications on my resume. If you’re even remotely honest about where your weak points might be, they’ll just go with someone who says they have none. You’ve heard the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none?” They want you to be a master of all trades. While paying you the same as a jack. Let’s not even mention the song and dance of how enthusiastic you have to pretend to be at the prospect of working for them.

So now I never feel bad about lying to a corporation. If it turns out I’m not fit for the job, then that’s their problem, not mine. Fuck em.

No. 2384045

I'm afraid that the older I guet the less creative I'm becoming. I used to have a vivid imagination when I was younger. I could draw, write, and I'd often daydream about the future. I used to fill dozens of books with my thoughts. Now I'm nearly 29 and I have a hard time putting ideas together. I'll spend hours trying to come up with ideas if I'm trying to write or draw. Whenever I try to my imagine my future, my brain goes back to past events and I end up focusing on something cringy that I did in the past.

I feel like some of this might be due to social media and phone additions too. I spend most of my free time scrolling, so it's definitely a distraction. Does anyone else have the same struggle? Have you grown up and lost your imagination and wonder?

No. 2384056

I wish I could do this for my internships but my teacher is so anal about the signatures and asks for them every week

No. 2384064

I am resentful of my cat right now because he ran from behind me on the stairs and caused me to fall. I already had a bad cold now I have bad body pain too. Gonna look into training methods since my family hasn't really done that.

No. 2384069

Five hours later and I still haven't checked.
I'm so nervous.

No. 2384074

Just check. Get a glass of wine and/or a treat and look really quickly, then you can celebrate

No. 2384075

Cats are tripping hazards. I don't think you can train that out of them.

No. 2384092

Oh my god nona, are you me? I cried last night thinking about this exact same thing. I don't know what happened to the imaginative, creative little girl I used to be who loved to draw, make comics and write stories. I used to love writing plays and screenplays after college. I'm in my 30s now, and it's like all of my ideas have completely disappeared starting in my late 20s. I also tend to think about past events a lot when thinking about my future, I can see my past experiences so clearly and I also cringe so hard thinking about embarrassing or overly dramatic things I did.
Did you like to daydream a lot as a kid?
I wonder if I've spent too much time doomscrolling or fucking around on the internet instead of letting my imagination run wild and letting my daydreams come to life like they used to, so I think you're onto something there. I think a good break from "screentime" might help both of us.

No. 2384106

I checked. I got 173, which is 98th percentile, and higher than my previous score. I was hoping to get at least 176, though.

No. 2384122

Same anon. On the one hand, I got a really good score, so I'm happy. On the other hand, I didn't do as well as I usually do in my practice tests, so I'm disappointed.

No. 2384123

why do americans always say 'they dont have an accent' or talk about other accents as if american is the original and only and base

No. 2384129

Everyone says that about other people who don't speak how they speak

No. 2384136

It's social media and internet brainrot. I'm afraid the boomers are right, it is your phone.

No. 2384146

It’s my birthday tomorrow and I’m stressed because I have an exam on Monday. My fucking birthday always falls during exam season now that I’m university and I hate February in the first place.
My friend forced me to celebrate it though, she sort of invited me to my own birthday, so I guess I’ll go.

No. 2384147

And I’ll be twenty to, why do I feel so grown but yet so little? I feel way too dumb to be twenty two.

No. 2384169

Fun fact, that feeling never quite goes away and once you realize that every other adult is faking it to an extent, it makes life feel a little easier. I'm 15 years older than you and I still feel like a clueless kid in a fully grown woman's body half of the time, kek

No. 2384175

Same nonna. Yes, I used to daydream a lot. In school, at boring places like a waiting room, or while on walks I could just let my brain run wild and I would start to imagine. It was all so easy to me, I never had to force myself to do it.
Like >>2384136 said, it's so true. During my downtime the first thing I reach for is my phone or look at some screen.

No. 2384180

Fucking EVERY TIME I try to come up with a name for my music project there's ANOTHER FUCKING BAND with an actual following with the same name, FUCK

No. 2384206

It’s life being beaten out of you. When you spend like 98% of your time at work you don’t really have any time to become a well-rounded person, which explains the uneducated subhuman state of burgerfats who spend most of their time working and then come home to eat, shit, shower, fiddle around on the internet or their virtual games and then sleep. In this world you can only choose one: if you aren’t born a 1% or a family who can practically be your benefactor so you can focus solely on your craft (like artists of the past who were poor as shit but had funding from either random people, their families or the church) which was honestly the only reason their art was created and shared to the world in the first place you must either choose to sacrifice your soul to have some money or sacrifice your job to have a soul, this world is not built for people who exist inbetween and don’t get psyop’d into thinking it’s possible, it’s not, those people who see who have enough time on their hands are hiding the huge amounts of money and safety nets that’s backing their leisurely lifestyle and besides their lives are not all that cracked up to be because they have no structure/discipline which breeds lolcowish behavior. If you want to get back into being joyful and creative again you’re going to have to do what every person in society hates to do: mooch off people, scrap up as much money around as you can, lower your hours and pick up unconventional jobs to keep you alive. Downsize as much as possible. I’ve seen artist/freelancer types who decide to become vagabonds for this very reason, they rather create art than toil themselves as a wagie for the rest of their life and since they aren’t a radioactive haired gendie with rich parents who sent them to art school they made the precise sacrifices to make it happen. I sound so pretentious but seriously, I’m saying this because I’m in the same predicament as you. It’s why so many of these streamers who contribute nothing to society have managed to be losers who sacrifice future security because they rather build an audience of insufferable teenagers who give them thousands of dollars where they don’t get churned and spit out by the machine. My soul is practically gone from how this world is built, it’s built to be soul-crushing and to remove people from their dreams. You’re going to have to pretty much give up the idea of career development or social success to make your art and it’s a hard thing to do for many which is why they rather just work, marry, shit out a few kids, and then die with nothing left to their name. I believe you in anon, you might not even read this or scoff at it but seriously, don’t let this world win for once. NEETs literally make me seethe because they are in the most optimal position to become successful or to learn a skill but they rather just sit in their tranny dungeons and stay on discord all damn day.

No. 2384241

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Great post anon
>You’re going to have to pretty much give up the idea of career development or social success to make your art
What about doing just a little bit of art each day though?

No. 2384242

you can name it "There are no unique band names"

No. 2384244

Your band is now called Plot Factory

No. 2384264

watch the regular show episode on band names

No. 2384266

Your band name is now Grass Mud Horse

No. 2384267

Yes, everything you said is correct. It is pretty perverse.

No. 2384319

NTA but IME you will improve but not at the rate you need to in order to compete with competent artists nor to live up to your own expectations. Tried this with music alongside a STEM job for about 10 years and improved to a point where I found it difficult to find people to play with: most musicians I meet are more casual which can be fun low-stakes social times but often I don't really get much out of it nor do I see these connections leading to a project that'd go anywhere – but when I'm lucky enough to play with someone better than me (usually a professional and/or someone who went to school for it) they are so much better than me that I can tell they feel the same way about me and my playing that I do the first group. Full-time professionals and students who can and do devote every hour to their craft improve at a rate that drastically outpaces even a well-focused consistent few hours every day, and furthermore it's the rate necessary to become a skilled artist. You can also think about it this way: there are tons of artists with shit taste who give all their time to their art, so how can you with good taste hopefully, anyway but less time hope to measure up to even such professional garbage, let alone the things you actually like and are inspired by and hope to be like? Another issue with having a full-time career-type job and doing your art on the side is that too often you spend your practice time on parts of your art that you enjoy and find fun and don't spend enough time on difficult, unfun, grindy, or too-intellectually-demanding things that will actually make you improve, because you've spent too much energy on your job.

No. 2384333

My sister’s scrote loves bitching about how upset he is that trump won the election. He keeps reposting tiktoks about how the world failed Kamala, but he didn’t even vote? He was too lazy to register to vote. He makes me so upset. I just want to kill him

No. 2384337

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I think she wants me but how do I flirt when I can’t even look cashiers in the eye? Back to bed I go.

No. 2384341

Sure, a lot of what you say is true. But who cares if she is making the most beautiful painting or song in the world. She should still make art.
I know you are talking about skill in your post, but you clearly do not need to be especially talented at art to find fulfillment. Look at Noelle Stevenson. That bitch had it made off her incredibly shit comic and terrible art, and she's still clearly more miserable than ever before, kek.

No. 2384343

ntayrt i understand your point but i think this is a bit discouraging, no? there doesn’t need to be a competition, and certainly not when one is unlocking the door to their creativity and imagination again. plus, if you look to compete and gain financially, i assume you would struggle to truly explore said passion. i think its best to pursue art alongside a stable job or career, maybe get to a point where you can take a break between jobs or switch, etc., and have a goal and see how it goes. there will always be somebody better, and there are plenty of great artists that get nowhere and shitty ones that do. but as children we didnt do any of this for financial gain or to compete.

No. 2384355

Agreed. And it all goes back to the anon who replied first: it's burnout and maybe even depression these anons are suffering from.

No. 2384356

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Anon kind of addressed that
>Another issue with having a full-time career-type job and doing your art on the side is that too often you spend your practice time on parts of your art that you enjoy and find fun and don't spend enough time on difficult, unfun, grindy, or too-intellectually-demanding things that will actually make you improve, because you've spent too much energy on your job.
It's still great advice but these are the finite points I wouldn't have considered about making art while working. I think you have to make demands for yourself to be an artist and be confident enough in your ideas that you can be shameless about surviving off others during the formative years like anon says >>2384206

No. 2384359

My dad’s cancer escalated to stage three. He’s pretty positive but man this shit is hard. He spent all fall in and out of the hospital and caught Covid at his first radiation appointment. He recovered really well but I feel pretty numb right now. I’m scared.

No. 2384372

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finally learned to cope, taught myself how to be likeable in a generic way, and now laugh and have fun with all the young, smart, cool girls at my job. For one, there's this anxiety that everyone is going to leave and go on to better things since it's high turnover, but I also find myself extremely burnt out every shift from all the socializing and friendliness that doesn't come naturally. I always start my shift thinking up of 1-2 conversation starter questions, try to remember weekend activities coworkers mentioned, it's woman dominated so lots of complimenting each other, and on top of that I have to try to remember regular's names (impossible). Sometimes I leave work feeling so fake and cringe, and I wonder if any of my coworkers feel the same.

No. 2384375

I’m sorry you’re scared Nona. Just try to keep your spirits up and hope for the best, and enjoy your time together. If he’s positive, that’s a good sign.

No. 2384383

It's about setting the tone. Watch interviews with Sheryl Crow and observe how she exudes relaxed friendliness. This usually slows down the chaotic, high-energy person. You can do it easily in one-on-one conversations and eventually the women you work with will instinctively relax around you. The only flaw is that high-drama types will find it soothing and probably be more drawn to you. If you want to stay in touch with them, you'll need their contact info. If you feel weird asking for their contact info, just offer to get coffee/lunch and get it that way. Then if someone is leaving you can just say something quick like "oh yeah, I still have your number from ___. Here's mine" and then text as you're speaking

No. 2384384

My best friend in this whole godforsaken world jumped in front of a train 10 years ago and I still can’t come to terms with it nonnies. Will this grief ever fade? I miss her so much every day. Another night spent crying myself to sleep

No. 2384428

Thank you nonita. It means a lot to me right now

No. 2384437

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THE GAP IN ANIMATED SEXY STUFF MAKES ME SICK! Women have got nothing catering to them in the sphere of pornographic art outside of yaoi and Josei smut! While men roll around like pigs enjoying the plentiful options they've got for ecchi and shit, us women just have to sit here and try our best to ignore all of the perverted bullshit they push on everything just to enjoy our damn Chinese cartoons. I wouldn't mind it so much if there was ecchi with cute sexy male characters but there is none. That's it. I'm going to get good at art and start my own studio like vizviepop did…but I'm gonna make sure everything I direct has super hot male ecchi all around. The female characters will be unremarkable, maybe even considerably below average. Maybe I'll make interspecies reviewers but its women getting to objectify cute male prostitutes. I will make a space for horny content targeted at women and I will make it the most cartoonishly risque space in the world! None of that SJW play nice shit where idiotic women endorse fat men with small cocks. In fact, the characters in my shows will actively deride such men.

No. 2384438

Hi nonny. I’m sorry you’re going through this and I am sorry your dad is so ill. It’s really scary when our health fails us, especially in people we rely on for support and love in normal times. It’s okay to be scared, that’s a common and understandable reaction. Just do what you can and spend time with your dad, he’ll appreciate it more than he will let on I’m sure. You’ll both be in my thoughts.

No. 2384447

Im so sorry nona. It sounds like you really loved her. Do you want to share any memories of her?

No. 2384483

Godspeed, nonna, godspeed.

No. 2384487

I am so sorry anon.

No. 2384509

I’m so sorry nona. The grief doesn’t go away but we learn to manage it. What’s a fun memory you have of your friend? What was she like?

No. 2384539

I think I have to at least have undiagnosed schizoid personality disorder. There's no way me flaking out for this long from social relationships is just depression. I'm destined to be alone, I think.

No. 2384541

I feel exactly the same way.

No. 2384542

random thoughts. but did anybody have female friends in middle school or elementary that were really unique, had a ton of creativity and their owns style and hobbies, and then around highschool all of that just kinda got put aside and they just became a generic "girly girl"? im not trying to sound like an nlog or anything but they literally would lose all their hobbies, interests and whatever and just dress and act like "girl". im reflecting on this right now.. it makes me sad that we feel like we have to fit into this mold of what a woman should be

No. 2384545

Nayrt, men engage in petty bullying far less in my experience. I feel far safer around them unless I’m walking alone at night. Not that I prefer them to women but I’ve been bullied by women far more than men. You can have a laugh and a joke around men but women you need to tiptoe around. If you say the wrong thing they will end up hating you and trying to ruin your life for years on end.

No. 2384566

I want to punch my coworker in the face, I'm so freaking happy she's on sick leave rn and I don't have to see her lazy ass around anymore.

No. 2384572

they laugh at your dumb jokes because they want to fuck you moron. wait until you turn 30, they're going to discard you like a used cumrag.

No. 2384574

These “not like other girls” are so fucking pathetic each time.
>men are better and I feel more comfortable with them
>they laught at my jokes
I can believe a friend scrote, but a group of scrotes who are so friendly around you? It’s because they want to fuck you retard. You can’t even imagine the stuff that they say when you’re not present, about you, about other women, ever heard of locker room talk? When men are amongst men they don’t have any inhibitions.

No. 2384577

Men don’t even make good friends, they aren’t willing to listen, they just offer solutions; they aren’t there for you during your hard times and you can’t even talk to them about more serious topics; a male friend will always be superficial friendship.
There are women who are bullies and mean, I encountered them, I even got bullied, but I still didn’t go to men thinking that they were so better just because a group of girls bullied me at school , please. One of my closest friend is female and the support I have had from her can’t even compare to anything a man would do.
I bet you are also the kind who gives 500 chances to men despite their bullshit but gives none to women kek.

No. 2384583

Males or women can be evil and cruel to anyone, the only difference is scrote will also try to fuck / rape you.

No. 2384599

I don't know why am I so heartless. My food delivery guy just had a car crash while trying to bring me my food and I didn't leave him any tips. I wanted to but I'm also short of money and now I feel so guilty about it. I don't understand why I keep doing this, it's like I have zero empathy.

No. 2384605

How many dashers have you crashed? You keep doing it? Nonna…

No. 2384606

You obviously have plenty of empathy if you feel this guilty, the crash wasn't your fault just because you happened to be ordering food and if you can't afford to essentially donate to charity that doesn't make you heartless.

But why are you ordering delivery food if you have so little money? That sort of thing is a luxury so maybe you should just cook at home if a small additional expense is out of reach for you.

No. 2384607

I'm sorry she did this to you. I believe if she would have understood she wouldn't have. Suicidal anons we must remember you will always leave someone like this. Even if you think you won't.

No. 2384608

They should be receiving a decent wage from their employer and not have to rely on tips, america's tipping culture is so fucked.

No. 2384615

I'm very tired and hungry and I have no food in my fridge, I'm kinda tight on money right now so I shouldn't have ordered delivery but I had zero energy to go to the grocery store and cook something. I clearly need to plan better ahead lol.

No. 2384633

We're cheering you on nonna!

No. 2384638

You could have bought some eggs , lentils and tomato soup.

No. 2384641

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I hate my life so much. I have no idea how things ended up the way they are now. Actually, that’s a lie—I do know, kek. I recently turned 28, and I’ve spent my time crying because my life is so miserable. Despite my age, I don’t know how to drive because I live in such a small place where I can easily walk everywhere. I hate driving, and I’ve never really needed to learn since I never go out. And the reason I never go out is simple: I don’t have friends. Well, I have three online friends, but I barely talk to two of them because it gets harder every day. I have no one to go out with, no one to spend time with. On top of everything, I’m unemployed or something like that—since I work at a small family business that’s a failure. I basically do it just to distract myself for a few hours because I hardly make any money from it. I’ve never had a job outside of my family, so I have no experience and don’t know how to do anything. I went to university, but the pandemic forced me to move back to my parents’ town, and then I just didn't want to leave. I also still don’t have my degree because I completely stopped caring about my studies. There’s nothing else I’m interested in studying, and even if there were, I’m terrified of wasting more time on school only to realize after four years that I don’t even like it. Since the pandemic, I’ve been gaining weight. I used to care a little, but now I just don’t. This year, I planned to take a course just to learn something new and maybe motivate myself to live. Apparently, it starts in two weeks, and what can I say? I stopped feeling excited about it two weeks ago. Like I said before, I’m not good at anything. Sometimes I get really interested in something, but within a week, I forget about it. I hate how complicated life feels. Even applying for jobs I don’t care about is difficult for me. I’m scared of ending up like my mom, stuck doing something she hates for 40 years. I don’t even know how to write a job application,well, in theory, I do, but I hate doing it. I hate stupid interview questions that have nothing to do with the job. I hate interviews in general. I feel humiliated asking for a job because I have to explain that I don’t know how to do anything. Right now, I don’t have a partner. I broke up with my ex (not even sure if it counts since it was an online long-distance relationship, kek) because I got bored. We never met in person, and I didn’t see the point in staying together. But it’s important to mention that the reason we never met was because I didn’t want to. I don’t want him to see me. I’m scared things would get more serious. He still wants to be with me and has wanted to meet me since we first met, but I don’t want that. If I’m honest, I don’t want anything. Nothing motivates me. Maybe the only thing pushing me a little is the shame of still living with my parents and feeling like a disappointment to them. But even that isn’t a strong enough motivation to make me do anything. I know I should probably leave this town, but the only thing that makes me happy is my family and my pet who I wouldn’t be able to take with me if I moved back to the city. I’m at such a low point in my life that I’ve even considered marrying the first person who shows the slightest interest in me, kek. But to be honest, that’s not going to happen since no one wants to date me. Maybe my ex would, but like I said, I’m too afraid to meet him in person. I hate that, in theory, life isn’t that complicated, I could just try to get a simple job as a cashier or something. But I struggle to accept that. I’m scared of making mistakes and ruining my life even more. I’m so mediocre that I can’t stand seeing how my old university classmates are living such successful lives. Not long ago, I even removed a friend after seeing that his life is everything mine isn’t. It bothers me especially because so much was expected of me, and because I know I have the ability to have a better life than this. I remember being in elementary school and thinking that if I wasn’t happy as an adult, I would just end my life, kek. I wouldn’t do it (at least not yet, hopefully,I still have some hope), but it’s really hard to want to keep living when I have no motivation at all. I hate myself. I don’t even want to go out, I don’t want to meet people. So many things I used to love don’t interest me anymore. All I do is daydream, just trying to escape my reality as much as possible.

No. 2384652

Why do some people get SO upset when you share their shitty behavior with others ?
Why are you saying and doing those things if you can't handle people knowing ???

No. 2384689

Lately, every time I eat bread, exactly 40 minutes later, I get these violent urges to shit to the point of diarrhea, it's awful. This has been a relatively recent issue. Bread never caused me problems until maybe 2 years ago. What are the chances I'm celiac?

No. 2384696

Nothing goes as I imagine at this point it's like a running joke I'm not even upset, still, the loser energy in my life it's inevitable it's weird

No. 2384697

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You are celiac.

No. 2384702

No. 2384704

95% give or take

No. 2384712

whenever ppl told me "you have a pretty face" i thought theyre bullshitting me. like ofc youre gonna tell me i have a pretty face because im fat as fuck. ever since losing weight (thank u sleeve surgery ILYYY) moids have been super nice to me. and i hate it. it makes me want to be fat. ofc im not gonna graze and get fat but i hate the attention from moids so fucking much. fuck men. fuck all of them.

No. 2384713

Fart around them, make sure to eat lentils the night before.
Improving your health is good nonna.

No. 2384715

Congrats nonna
>(thank u sleeve surgery ILYYY)
Even if you cheated.

No. 2384717

lmao a friend also told me to be super disgusting to fuck with them
ok nonna listen some ppl dont choose to have such high food noise, ok? they literally told me its a brain-issue but theres no brain surgery, thats why they take out 2 thirds of ur stomach. yes it made me able to lose weight but it only stopped me from doing too much damage at times. i still have the food noise. so dont be fucking ignorant, its giving moid vibes tbh

No. 2384719

But it’s true! If you really , really want to be left alone I’d do that. Fart, eat garlic etc.. they’ll let you be.

No. 2384721

But I guess you will remain with the weirdos who like it. So maybe ignoring them is better? Being rude doesn’t work, because scrotes like it when you treat them badly.!

No. 2384729

You still have the fatty mindset kekkk

No. 2384732

the surgeon said you may not be a obese physically but youll be obese mentally forever (unless theres a surgery to fix the brain)
so you can kek all you want like a moid, retard(infighting)

No. 2384735

Fatties will really say anything to justify themselves.
But at least your gastric sleeve will forbid you from getting fat, although there are still greedy whales who become fat despite the surgery kek.(infight bait)

No. 2384736

Fight off the food OCD or whatever you call it nonna! I believe in you!

No. 2384745

Thank you so much nonita. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I hope you and yours are doing ok too

No. 2384750

Cycling through /ot/, /g/, and /m/ like a tiger pacing my cage.

No. 2384756

kek I do this too nonna…

No. 2384766

thats why no one loves you nonna

No. 2384767

kek me too, I'm kinda bored rn

No. 2384773

What if I love myself though? That’s more than enough. I’ll save my gastric sleeve money and spend it on something else instead. See what happens when you don’t gorge yourself like a pig?

No. 2384775

its sad that no one will ever love you. i feel pity for you(infighting)

No. 2384833

I'm renting in a an apartment and I was told the water bill got a lot higher in the months I've been here. Before it was just my roommate and the owner that lives downstairs is never home so it didn't sound unusual for it to go up- like I shower a few times a week, rinse dishes out of habit, and do laundry once a week. I stopped taking baths a couple months ago and usually go to the bathroom at my job or at college when I have classes. But I just spoke with a town employee today and they said the house's water bill doubled. I'm wondering I really use THAT much water or if something in the house needs to get checked.

No. 2384885

>they laugh at your dumb jokes because they want to fuck you moron
No fucking shit retard, I dont care. I just want to do my job without being bullied and go home.
>wait until you turn 30 and they discard you like a used cumrag
This is just such a nasty thing to say for no reason at all other than I disagreed with you. I’m sorry, but women need to do better and stop treating each other like utter shit if they want solidarity. Yes, even you. I’d rather hang out with the fake nice guys at the office who just want a quick shag than a bitter vindictive piece of shit like you any day.

No. 2384889

My last relationship was so cringe and time wasting. 2 years of nothing and in all honesty it could have been condensed into a few months. We did fuck all memorable together. Even the sex was such a non event yet afterwards he'd be like what a workout!! and it wasn't. Prematurely ejaculating isn't my idea of intense activity, I couldn't even go on top for any length of time because he'd just cum and his idea of pillow talk was immediately going to the bathroom and then having a smoke. There was no such thing as round two. He never wanted to leave his house yet took pride in being an early bird. That meant he got up no later than 7am, got dressed and made sure to put his trainers on to sit in the house. Meticulously fussed over his thinning hair and spent 40 minutes to an hour in front of a mirror in case a cold caller called or he needed to go to the corner shop. The only man I know that gets bought in by cold callers. Pays premium service for everything because he's no time to watch adverts in his busy schedule of watching day z streamers. Can't miss a second of that shit unless someone's knocking the door and wanting to sell the newest mlm which of course he will take a subscription out for. I was severely depressed during this relationship my dad just died from cancer. I told my mum a week before my dad died I didn't like my boyfriend and she said don't dump him while dealing with grief and wait to have a clear head. I shouldn't have listened to her. I should have listened to my gut. He was so dull and he ruined a concert I was excited for before I even met him. Seconds before we were leaving for it he decided he wasn't going and caused a fight. This was a few months after my dad passed and the concert was originally going to be on when that was happening but had to get rescheduled luckily enough. Still didn't get to see it though. He even accused me of cheating when I spent a week without him because I didn't want to leave my apartment. Said I could be fucking anyone. Wish I did.

No. 2384890

the baggage in this post is real heavy kek

No. 2384891

Nona you sound very depressed. If you can I would recommend going to a doctor and getting some meds. You don’t have to take them forever but it will bring up your baseline level to at least work on improving your life and working towards something you’re proud of. It doesn’t even have to be anything grand.

No. 2384892

I have sharp cheekbones but somehow happen to have a double chin if I move my head backwards one millimetre. I hate it.

No. 2384893

>He never wanted to leave his house yet took pride in being an early bird. That meant he got up no later than 7am, got dressed and made sure to put his trainers on to sit in the house
They should put him down im so fucking serious.

No. 2384895

I wish this would happen to me…

No. 2384898

Anon is basically lashing out because she’s mad men don’t genuinely find her funny and attractive. I don’t give a fuck, I just like to have pleasant interactions with people while I’m at work (a place im forced to be for survival) and then go home and enjoy my own company. It’s not my fault women will hate your guts and target you and try to get you fired for up to 5 years for the mortal sin of being socially awkward.

No. 2384902

Yeah. If you claim to be a 'girls girl' but lash out at women who have trouble making female friends in this way you're not really a feminist and I don't think you're a good friend either. Ditto if you exclude women based on 'vibes'.

No. 2384906

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My american moid friend asked about how I (a eurofag esl) say "squirrel" (he wrote it down so I wouldn't copy him saying it I assume) and I said "oh I say squirrel (american way) but funnily enough my dad (obviously also the same kind of eurofag as me) say it "squirrel" (british way)" and he cut me off and mansplained that "you're both right actually, because you say it the american way and the other is actually the british way and accents blah blah blah" if he hadn't cut me off I would have said it was because my dad grew up seeing british media while I grew up with american media but he turned it into a long lecture mansplaining this obvious shit to me as if I didn't know it. Every time I tried to go "um yeah I kno-" he'd just cut me off again to keep explaining it.

He was also in complete disbelief I had even heard of all the US state names, he straight up didn't believe me and asked me to name them. I named like 15 before he switched the subject and didn't mention it again. Another time he questioned if black people exists at all in my eurofag country, insisting it must at the very least be a super rare sight for me as if I hadn't grown up with black classmates. He thinks that if I went to the US I'd be in shock of how racially diverse it is there. Is it just an American thing to assume everyone is as ignorant about the US as they are about other countries?

No. 2384913

I’ve seen Americans on here claiming there’s hardly any black people in fucking england of all places.

No. 2384918

If you've grown up with male friends you know they talk about females they know at school/work but aren't attracted to. They're still polite and talk to them, act friendly and cooperative. These anons act like no woman has ever experienced being turned down romantically/sexually by a male when in reality most women have had that happen to them at some point. But obviously there are different cultures, I can't exclude the fact that it could be some muslim nona from a country where looking roughly in the direction of a male is genuinely seen as you offering to fuck him as a prostitute, or a country that is like 1-2 steps above that but still highly separated by gender.

No. 2384925

Just had the worst interview. As soon as the guy started talking about the job I told him I'm not the right person but he insisted on continuing. He asked what was it like when I did X or Y and I was like "I've never done that". I could see him getting annoyed which annoyed me too because I was honest in the beginning. All this interview did was make me feel like a useless retard.

No. 2384927

>I’d rather hang out with the fake nice guys at the office who just want a quick shag than a bitter vindictive piece of shit like you any day.
Hang with them. You’re unsalvageable anyway. Go hang in 4chan too at this point.

No. 2384931

By the way you’ve been typing today you don’t sound awkward, you just hate women.!

No. 2384933

Americans are stupid sometimes

No. 2384934

I love how me saying that I have a laugh and a joke with them in their minds translated to me dancing around like a jester trying to win their approval and make them laugh kek. “They don’t genuinely find your jokes funny!!!!” Oh the horror. “They’re only trying to fuck you!!” I’m almost 30 years old? I learned this literally half my lifetime ago.
“They’re going to discard me like a used cumrag”
And find a younger female colleague to have shitty banter with? Oh the horror. I might actually slash my wrists.

No. 2384938

>ug girls are just so much drama, that's why i prefer male friends!
reading this in the year of our lord 2024 on lolcow.farm is crazy

No. 2384942

It was probably a shit job then. If they try too hard to sell you on why you should want the position, it’s always a red flag.

No. 2384945

It’s not that , dumb retard. I also talk with men and banter with no problem at my university and I have men in my friend groups. I just don’t put them in a pedestal like you’re doing, scrotes aren’t my “safe space” from evil women like you think.
You’re a pick me, get over it.

No. 2384949

Pick mes always ruin everything.
>I was bullied so I hate all women!!
>men are soo much better, they never make fun of me and find me soo funny

No. 2384950

Yes I hate women just because I don’t want to be the office punching bag for Carol and Linda to take their impending divorces and pre menopausal rage out on.

No. 2384952

The reason you are alone is because you automatically paint all women with one single brush as mean , bitchy and gossipy kek. That’s why you have no friends. It’s not because you’re awkward or autistic.

No. 2384956

The truth is, just like how a lot of men are evil, a lot of women just fucking suck. They’re vindictive, manipulative, petty social climbers that target the weak.

No. 2384960

As a woman who has worked with other women, and has gone to school with other women, and am friends with other women, I have never really experienced this. Even when I was weird and super dweeb and terminally online and looked like the stereotypical weeb fujo, I didn't experience this. I think anon might just genuinely be annoying kek, men will laugh at jokes women say because they're retarded and want to bone.

No. 2384962

Yeah that’s true? That’s exactly what they do. They bully the shit out of other women for absolutely no reason.

No. 2384965

They were probably too disgusted by your stench to go anywhere near you.(baiting/infighting)

No. 2384966

>for no reason
i'm going to bet anything that there is absolutely a reason kek, you sound insufferable and like you have a massive victim complex. if you're so 'socially awkward' then why are you totally fine talking to moids? sounds like you're just unlikable but men put up with your shit while women won't.

No. 2384967

Kek nice bait but that's not true, I gelled extremely well with the girls I went to school and college with and the women I am working with currently. A lot of girls thought I was funny and if you're a girl that makes other girls laugh, in my experience, they don't give a fuck about what you look like or what you like kek.

No. 2384968

This is literally you, you said this
>I hate jumping to conclusions that whenever another woman is nice to me, she's just going to turn around and make fun of me to her friends or pick out some kind of flaw that I'm insecure about
You’re in a prison of your own making, you hate women, that’s why you think that any woman is out to get you kek. Again you have no friends not because you’re awkward or autistic, you’re just an annoying pick me.
I had transferred at 12 in middle school and the first people who were welcoming to me where girls, safe assured that I also had episodes where I was bullied but it still didn’t make me hate every woman I met kek.
It’s you, you are your own problem if you can’t make friends anywhere you go , do you think you have less in common with women and that you’re more similar to a scrote kek? I

No. 2384970

Sorry nonna, I didn’t mean to tag you. I was tagging the pick me.

No. 2384972

I’m so glad my new job is fully remote. Just ran a morning errand across town during rush hour and I can’t imagine having to deal with that dogshit traffic every single day.

No. 2384974

This. I have clocked her behavior from her first post.

No. 2384978

That post wasn’t mine, I’m >>2384545
I think people get so angry over posts like mine and hers because they themselves are bullies and they want to convince themselves they’re still feminist. No actually you’re part of the problem. Nobody disrupts female solidarity more than you. Men are literally just easier for everyone to get along with in most settings because they aren’t cliquey and petty. A lot of women are. Not all but enough that it’s a problem.

No. 2384979

Not the troll but I'm at college now and recently overheard two stacey-looking girls discussing one of their extremely introverted roommates. They didn't say anything insulting; just that they felt bad that it seems like she doesn't have friends and they were brainstorming what activities they could do to include her. I thought that was really sweet of them.

No. 2384980

You’re fucking stupid. I am the “pick me”.(infighting)

No. 2384982

Men are awful when they're left to their own devices without women. I've been stuck listening to to guys talk about their girlfriends a few times and it really soured my perspective on straight guys

No. 2384984

That's what I'm saying nona, a lot of girls deemed "Stacies" really are some of the nicest girls around. I work with a girl who is the typical blonde normie Stacy looking girl and she is the first person to talk to any new female coworkers, especially if they're more introverted and she told me she just wants people to be comfortable at work. She did it to me when I first started and now we talk every day. Not every woman is a good woman but I know a lot of really sweet, good hearted normie girls.

No. 2384987

File: 1738859553924.png (255.93 KB, 476x477, 1543471281152.png)

>Men are literally just easier for everyone to get along with in most settings because they aren’t cliquey and petty.

No. 2384988

Women literally exclude each other over like… assumed grievances. Not even doing anything or saying anything. Just seeming like the type of person to maybe be a sperg. It’s wild. I can only get along with other girls who have experienced this and are kind of damaged as a result.

No. 2384991

Yes, this is true. Genuinely hot and sociable girls have no reason to punch down. However most women are not Stacies.

No. 2384993

Yeah I know it’s you two dumb retards
>Men are literally just easier for everyone to get along with in most settings because they aren’t cliquey and petty. A lot of women are.
And you wonder why you have no female friends? The hatred is even reaching me.
Make sure to drink lots of water and brush your teeth after sucking that much cock kek.

No. 2384995

I have no magical ball my dear. You’re a pick me retard then , don’t worry.(infighting)

No. 2384997

>Men are literally just easier for everyone to get along with in most settings because they aren’t cliquey and petty. A lot of women are.
wheeze KEK

No. 2384999

we're literally on a website made to laugh at mentally ill freaks, but these pickmes are soooo different than all those other catty, evil women who bully other women!

No. 2385001

Men are petty and chatty. Scrotes of my department literally made a group chat on Ig where they were dating girls on fuckability.
But sure , scrotes are so easyyy.

No. 2385002


No. 2385003

She didn’t even say “all women”. Is it accurate to say a lot of women can read between the lines of conversation? Is it accurate to say a lot of women are more passive rather than blunt?

No. 2385004

Laughing because I’m thinking of this friend group of artists I hung out with a few years ago that basically fell apart because of this stupid feud between two dudes. They would each refuse to show up to certain events if they knew the other one was going to be there. The most catty, retarded shit you’ve ever seen.

No. 2385005

Have you considered that other people have had different experiences to you or

No. 2385006

For every shitty girl I met I met two girls who had my side and who were sweethearts. The truth is that you let men have more passes while holding women at an impossibile standard, maybe because you have internalized misogyny, maybe because you feel that you’re not normal or simply because you are that stupid.

No. 2385007

>Um but she didn't EXPLICITLY say ALL women
Kek go fuck yourself Redditor(infighting)

No. 2385008

Have you?

No. 2385009

Exactly, I've noticed that the only women who complain about being victimised by other girls constantly are either legitimate aspies, or insecure pickme's who think everyone is out to steal their Nigels.

No. 2385010

Why are you friends with this guy?

No. 2385011

>all men are likeable
>mooooost women are not
wow good save there, they were almost a misogynist

No. 2385013

No. My only standard is that I refuse to be the only one constantly texting first and making plans. If it falls apart after I stop hitting them up then that’s it.

No. 2385015

They lack any kind of accountability and they are in a perpetual state of victimization. How could you hold this much hatred and yet expect the people that you hate to come to you kek.

No. 2385016

Anon no offence but it's always the people who claim they're so laidback and have no standards who are the worst to deal with kek

No. 2385018

You managed to come off as an annoying misogynistic pick me on an imageboard. I can’t find imagine how you are in real life kek.
Can’t you go back in the group chat with Matthew and Luke now? I’m tired of you.

No. 2385019

KEK and then they wonder why everyone else can tell which site they're coming from

No. 2385021

kek she'll post screenshots of this conversation to show them how mean women are and how right she is to hate them

No. 2385023

>I think people get so angry over posts like mine and hers because they themselves are bullies and they want to convince themselves they’re still feminist
Feminism has nothing to do here, you are just insufferable

No. 2385024

It’s not always that dramatic. Idgaf about Nigels and don’t want one which kind of gives me less to talk about with them. Im just not good at social rituals and I’m too blunt. It is what it is.

No. 2385027

Yes and women also twirl in the bathroom and exchange tampons in the toilet.

No. 2385028

There’s several people in this thread. If just acknowledging that this is an issue for me makes me misogynistic then whatever.

No. 2385029

>I'm too blunt
now it all makes sense. so you're rude and then act like women are crazy for being upset by the things you say. no wonder you get along with men so well!

No. 2385030

No. 2385032

If it’s between that and telling a really obvious lie yeah.

No. 2385034

You don’t understand nonna. She doesn’t understand social cues and women all bully her no matter what!

No. 2385037

>Don't get social rituals
Kekkk your scrotoid friends are watching you like how adders watch a mouse

No. 2385039

No, I just find it hard to make friends with them, but I’ve witnessed the type of office and school bullying other anons in this thread were talking about. I get along fine with female neets and the like.

No. 2385040

Now you’re backtracking kekkk

No. 2385044

the fact that you're a working adult who only gets along with scrotes and mentally ill women really says a lot about you as a person

No. 2385046

I said in my very first post that the only kinds of girls I get along with are ones that went through similar things as I did.

No. 2385047

You’ll always reek of self hatred, misogyny and contempt. That’s why you are off putting.

No. 2385048

What does it say about me as a person

No. 2385049

Whenever the fact that I absolutely hate myself, my body, my face, my….well, everything, gets brought up for some reason my closest friends downplay my own feelings towards myself. Telling me how I'm feeling about myself can't possibly be that bad. That I'm over reacting to…my own self? My own, messed up, self-perception? I've never expressed any sort of pride of myself, I never compliment myself and usually avoid mirrors. I don't understand where they get the idea that I'm actually somehow somewhat satisfied with myself?? Do they think since it's not my #1 favorite subject to talk about, then it couldn't be that bad? I can explain how much I obsess over how ugly I think I am to the point of it being ridiculous, that it has affected relationships with people, that I sometimes crying fit over being so stressed over my own hatred for myself but not getting any mental help no matter how I plead to doctors.
I usually don't talk about it a lot, since it wouldn't help me much and it's an annoying subject for me to talk about and for others to listen to.

No. 2385050

Again it’s not that. It’s the blatant way you’re talking about women. Stop the victim , “woe is me” act.

No. 2385055

You might find me schizo, but listening to subliminal every day and writing down manifestations about loving myself helped me a lot. Sometimes you truly have to fake it in order to make it.
I’d also suggest therapy nonna.

No. 2385057

that you can only befriend women who are too socially inept to call out your retardation and victim complex. you have to wound lick with other pickmes about how bad women are and about how likable and nice men are. the fact that you can't get along with any 'normal' woman is because if you said shit like how 'most' women are petty and bully others they would call you out for being a misogynist.

No. 2385060

File: 1738861663489.png (420.87 KB, 500x375, IMG_0863.png)

Nonna really went for the kill kek

No. 2385061

What am I saying that’s so blatantly offensive to you? In my experience they have a more strict standard for friendship (fair enough) m, require more subtle reading of social cues, and women often prefer to just let it die quietly and avoid confrontation. Maybe that’s also understandable if you truly think it’s unsalvageable but that’s what I find difficult. If you’re personally offended by that idk. It’s just different communication styles. I’m not even saying it’s bad, it’s just hard for me personally to navigate.

No. 2385062

At this point I'm desperate enough to perhaps try subliminals kek. I've gone through years of therapy, but whenever I brought up my self-hatred they just kinda go "huh, well that sucks" and shrug it off. Only one therapist that I had briefly took me seriously and said she think I might suffer from body dysmorphia, but she wasn't in a position to officially diagnose me and my time with her was so limited. Idk what it takes to get professionals to listen to me, really.

No. 2385063

You're probably aiming for friends above your level instead on your level. Make friends with the same sperg type as yourself who are just as socially inept as you are, case closed.

No. 2385065

I wish I could go back to before I got black pilled on men and keep living in delusion

No. 2385066

Now I feel bad for the women who had to encounter her

No. 2385068

i feel you on that nonnie, i tried to go to multiple therapists for my body image issues and when i explained what i found upsetting instead of unpacking it they just tried to get me to see the 'positive side'.

No. 2385069

1. The post didn’t say ‘most’ it said ‘a lot’ and I didn’t even make that post.
2. I don't talk about that with my female friends. We do vent but a big reason I’m friends with them is not to talk about men.

I do try but there’s not a lot of us at least in irl lol.

No. 2385073

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Forgot to ask my shrink for a prescription because I ran out and had to go without my antidepressants for a few days and oh God…I didn't anticipate it to be THIS hard. The brain fog, I think I managed to formulate one sensible thought all day and the old feeling of hopelessness came back too along with the suicidal thoughts. And mind you, I just didn't take them for like 3 days

No. 2385075

Do you think I just bring this stuff up in casual conversation or something?

No. 2385077

I always feel either too young or too old. I feel too young to have experience the internet while it was good, now i feel too old next to my zoomie college classmates that all have tiktok. I can never fit in anywhere. I feel too old to date the guys i find attractive, and too young to be into the kind of relationship people my age have that are mostly based on personality and stability rather than looks or fun. I am just immature and stupid for my age, i guess.

No. 2385081

How old are you?

No. 2385083

I spent most of my time growing up getting shamed for not being "skinny enough" by my ex model mom, and she of course has conveniently no memory of it now that I am an adult and she is overweight due to medications. But it still doesn't take much from her to make me not want to eat despite it being years since she last openly body shamed me.
I'm currently sick, when my mom called to check on me I told her I just threw in a couple of breaded chicken breasts in the airfryer, preparing a couple of freezable lunchboxes real quick before the fresh chicken got bad. Her first comment was of course "well, I can tell there is nothing wrong with your appetite!", she meant it as it being a sign of me getting better but it still made my gut turn. Even though the lunch box was meant for tomorrow or saturday - depending on when I'm feeling better - I'm not sure I can even look at it now without feeling like shit.

No. 2385084

23. I know its not old, but it makes me feel ancient to start college now.

No. 2385085

My 45 year old friend went back to college and graduated with her degree. You'll be fine.

No. 2385087

Kek you are in the young age bracket. And I’m saying this as a 22 year old. Have fun and live, no one thinks you’re old or way too young.
23 is not late to start college either, I have course mates that are even 29.
Once you are past 19 age goes in decades. You’ll be still in your 20s when you’re 27 for example. You’re making it out to be a bigger problem than what it is.

No. 2385088

My mom also went back to college at 38, never had any problems.

No. 2385089

>and she is overweight due to medications
Serves her right

No. 2385091

a lot of your peers are fresh out of highscool, so i wouldn't bother comparing yourself (an adult) to them.

No. 2385092

I'm 34, I'm finishing my degree this summer because I didn't figure out what I wanted to do until just a couple of years ago. You'll be fine nona, believe me when I say there are several others in your class that are feeling the same way in one way or other! Don't overthink it

No. 2385093

I just bought myself some cheap 10 dollar earbuds to replace mine because one of them finally gave out. 15 minutes after using them, the same side on these new ones are dead. I didn't keep the receipt or the packaging so I'm just out 10 bucks. Fml.

No. 2385095

I’m getting my first BA this year at 33, you’ll be fine


No. 2385096

If I could go back in time, I would have waited until I was at least 24/25 to start college. I would have taken it so much more seriously..

No. 2385098

I went back at that age and never regretted it for a moment, my only advice is that you dont go back for the sake of it, try something you're interested in/think you're good at or have always wanted to learn
Nta but what have you decided to do?

No. 2385099

The problem is that i quit high school then became a hikkineet for 5 years. I feel really immature for my age, i completly forgot everything i learned in high school. I just feel very retarded.

No. 2385100

Thats awful. My guess is, sounds like someone gossiped about you? Or an ex or someone from your life that hates you, spread lies about you? Idk your post reminded me of how my immed family acts sometimes. Turns out it was my brother spreading crap about me, while making himself out to be the "nice guy" victim.

Maybe try politely asking whoever is the most approachable about it, one on one, in private, when theres time. Hope things get better for you nona.

No. 2385102

thanks anons i am just frustrated ebcause i have been trying to write something for some homework and it made realize how stupid i am, meanwhile my younger classmates did the hw with ease

No. 2385103

To be honest, I wish society wouldn't be too ageist or force people to follow a default path in this day and age. I'd love to attend college again at my age because I have more experience and know who I am/what I want in life again.

No. 2385110

ayrt, programming! It's a line of work that's always in need of more people in my country, and luckily so far I haven't seen any trannies in neither my school nor any of my internships kek guess the programming sock meme doesn't apply here
I know it's way easier said than done, nonnie, but don't compare yourself to your classmates. There will always be those that have an easier time picking stuff up or writing essays in general, but you most likely also have great qualities in your studies that you haven't learned to appreciate yet!

No. 2385124

I'm married, love my husband and have two children. But oh my fucking god I miss being alone and single sometimes. I just want to rot in bed and not have to have so many fucking responsibilities and stresses.
Don't get me wrong, I know if I was in that life I'd only enjoy it for a week max before mental illness creeps in again. I just want a break from all of this.

No. 2385161

You obviously have never met a man. Most petty drama and clique like behavior I've seen has come from social groups filled with mostly men. Usually they will bully to maintain/ makes sure no one challenges them or their "rank". Plus they are always the first to shit on someone in a friend circle if their poor little fragile feelings get threatened, instead of trying to work out some agreement. I've been ghosted by an insecure asshole for trying to meetup up with someone else after he,last minute, canceled plans with me, like he was expecting me to just sit home on call for just him. I've has an internship sabotaged by a man who was jealous of me in college. Men will go to every extreme to pick on and controll others.

No. 2385165

well, you signed up for this. good luck

No. 2385169

Mothers dont get paid time off or sick days

No. 2385172

Why don't you take a weeklong vacation…?

No. 2385177

This is why I don't talk about myself, I'm sick if the compassionate gaslighting I get from my friends over things I dislike about myself. No I'll never like how I look on pictures, don't try to pretend I'm photogenic when you can clearly see that's not the case, and don't try to imply I have qualities when you're unable to tell one that's not something generic like pretty/smart/funny (which I'm not).

No. 2385178

idk if this is proper english but i was billed 5yrs ago for smth i handled with the guy who billed me. he told me on the phone i dont have to pay and subsequently send me an email its fine and shit when i asked for the bill. thing is, i only have screenshots archived. now debt collection is coming up (idk if thats the proper word) and they want me to put in evidedence that i dont have to pay and im so scared the dude will say the screenshots are fake. it has been 5yrs and i believe he thought i didnt take screenshots and archive them. but i dumbly deleted the .zip file and reuploaded the screenshots so it may seem forged if he proceeds to file a police report ugh.
i dont have any other debt issues so idk. it just keeps me up. going to hand the evidence in tomorrow but the dude is super nasty :(

No. 2385180

File: 1738866548046.jpeg (87.26 KB, 544x513, D7DFC449-5759-4196-AAD3-F038EA…)

>my Nigel offers to sell me his car so he can get another one
>it’s used but it’s cute and newer and I need one
>after we talk about it I get a really bad feeling
>inb4 he crashes it or ruins it before he can sell it to me
>low and behold he gets into and accident that’s his fault and fucks up the car

I hate being right all the time.

No. 2385182

Grass is always greener on the other side

No. 2385189

to add he sent me an email 5yrs later in december that he expects me to pay and i told him through email that he told me on the phone i dont have to pay (he did that too btw). i didnt tell him or send him the screenshots because i felt like he'd be embarassed if this goes to the courts. but now i feel dumb not sending them. and the court might ask why i didnt send the screenshot to him in the first place? ugh

No. 2385192

sometimes the shit people say about cows gives me new insecurities. i know i'm just a sensitive bitch but like damn i thought i had normal lips but when i see what other nonnies consider 'thin lips' i'm worried i have an ugly shaped mouth

No. 2385198

Anon send your children to daycare or have a grandparent look after them for a weekend. You need as much support as you can get as a parent to not go crazy.

No. 2385201

I’m seriously pissed. I found my ex’s gay ass vent xitter and interspersed with abloobloo are posts about how he ‘hates sex’ and ‘sex is disgusting’ and he’s scared of having sex. Well guess who dumped me because I wasn’t putting out enough lmao I guess you can’t hate it that much. He literally left me alone in the ocean and didn’t speak to me all day because he was mad I didn’t fuck him that day.

No. 2385204

No I'd never envy someone who is married.

No. 2385215


I love your message and I feel this stuggle so badly. I've been thinking the same thing for years. There is hardly any sexy or lewd works about men. This should be fair and women should be able to fetishize hot men too. I recently started up an art blog. I'm not the best artist but I'm practicing my anatomy and rendering skills. I want to flood social media with fanart of hot men, scotes be damned!

No. 2385228

>The country's main export is scam letters
just say it's india lol

No. 2385229

U should kill him tbh

No. 2385230

I'm sitting here thinking "if I don't get this job I'm gonna kill myself" and I fucking mean it. Why can't I have normal reactions to rejection and disappointment?

No. 2385236

You know he did that on purpose right

No. 2385238

He lives in a different country so I just hope he kills himself tbh

No. 2385241

Kek right

No. 2385243

Female pettiness shows in indirect actions and passive aggressiveness, male pettiness shows in violence, hatred and destruction. This proves females are worse to be around than males. I am very enlightened.

No. 2385252

I feel like India is worse than Nigeria tbh. Nothing seems to trump the misogyny and laziness of Indian moids.

No. 2385277

Nonas idk if I should get that mcdonalds job but literally no one else is hiring me….

No. 2385279

Get it, it's better than nothing

No. 2385280

i like how i was reading here yesterday and mentally mocking the anons in my head that said chatgpt is like a free helpful therapist for them and today i'm thinking fuck it it's worth a shot

No. 2385281

I'm just fucked cause I know I'm slow as hell

No. 2385282

Not even shitty retailers?

No. 2385285

chatgpt helped me analyze my ex's shitty actions way better than my friends, it made sense a bit too well kek

No. 2385286

Considering how much gaining weight mellowed a lot of her personality issues out, kinda? She used to have absolutely INSANE metabolism (and I'm the only one of my siblings that didn't inherit any of it, of course kek) so when she gained weight she finally understood that you can't just "do a few situps each night" if you want to get rid of some stubborn fat and still eat whatever. Getting fat actually gave her some perspective on that and mental health somewhat kek

No. 2385289

I didn't try to apply at a grocery shop cause somehow that seemed worse than mcdonalds

No. 2385290

A grocery store is definitely chiller than a McDonalds, and there's no grease everywhere

No. 2385291

Grocers seems less worse than mcds in my opinion, but its your choice since you'll have to be there every day until you find something better

No. 2385293

ayrt, damn i put the same prompt into google gemini and its answer was even better. it's nice when you don't want to complain to a real person about your breakup for 3 hours

No. 2385294

i'd much rather work at a grocery store, especially if you can get one of those 'shopper' jobs where you just roll around a cart and grab stuff for pick up orders.

No. 2385299

My friend uses chatgpt a lot for her woes whenever she doesn't like the way we response, and she feels like it helps her occasionally with perspective. While I think it's not healthy to use it as a therapist since it's just a robot without any actual life experience that will always validate you 100% of the time, it's a pretty good way to scream into the void and still get some response to help you ground yourself.
Another friend tried it out with her body dysmorphia, and it validated her self hatred and her thoughts of getting a very specified list of plastic surgeries. Her immediate thought was "dang this bot is full of shit" and it snapped her out of her ongoing spiral kek

No. 2385300

the only thing that annoyed me is that I was asking chatgpt for tips on how to get him back and chatgpt kept telling me he's an avoidant asshole and he doesn't deserve me and I should go to therapy

No. 2385311

I did this for a bit and they time you which kind of sucks because I'm slow and retarded. I also hated when people's orders would be things like 10 frozen pizzas, a bunch of soda, chips, and diapers kek I didn't want people in the store to think I had kids and was feeding them that garbage

No. 2385332

File: 1738871339660.jpeg (890.03 KB, 1497x1907, IMG_2629.jpeg)

Men. Are. So. Fucking. Weird. It’s not something I’d usually vent about because everyone on this site knows this, but it’s not even an acceptable thing to think and irl people will shame you for being unfair or misandry or whatever, even (especially) other women.

Screenshotted picrel from the purplepilldebate sub (curiosity) and it kind of hit me like jesus christ this is insane. Just completely blatant. Yet people wouldn’t bat and eyelash. In this instance in particular it’s just mask off ebephophilia, no? Objectively. Why don’t people call this out? If they think desirability “peaks” at 18 then they probably find a 17-year-old more attractive than a fully grown adult woman, heck perhaps even a 21-year-old by their standards. You don’t suddenly go through a sailor moon transformation on your 18th birthday. They look closer to other teenagers than adults. Maybe in European countries women “peak” in desirability at 16 or 14 or mysteriously whatever the age of consent is kek. If that is the standard, then isn’t the standard for men just underage girls? Why don’t we just call it that then. All these manosphere types dance around it but let’s call if what it is then. They throw a tantrum when people denounce male nature then tell us to accept their degeneracy because of said degenerate male nature. Ridiculous. Men are disgusting and it should be acceptable to point it out or want nothing to do with their kind.
It’s funny because on the same sub they will denounce women for their standards. After telling them what they allegedly like too - “Established powerful men!” kek. But god forbid they want a tall man or “top 1% in looks” pretty boy or whatever. Because oh no women who are 5s want 8+ but nothing is wrong with this gross 40-year-old man feeling entitled to the superior teenage pussy, it’s what he deserves it’s just biology! (Even though he already can’t get it up, has 20% of his hair left, the “women” (girls) he likes prefer pretty boy band members not boring “established men” and his sperm has mutations sure to father autistic children - if he can even get there.)

Seeing men propagate in their own environment just makes me really realise that it’s so important to just only care about women’s opinions not men’s. They’re all nasty under there. I wish so fucking bad other women realised this too but yeah not in my lifetime. I was 18 two years ago and if me and my peers heard some geriatric freaks talking about how pimply high-schoolers with their shein wardrobe are more attractive than the obviously attractive women around them I’d find it so fucking bizarre. It was so hard to adjust to it being acceptable for men older than my father to sexualise people my age and there not being anything “objectively” or legally wrong with it. And they’d get mad you called a man hitting on you a pedo… if the person you’re trying to fuck is calling you that and you’re getting pissed about it that is a deep fucking issue.
Just want to get this off my chest as one last thing because I’m probably not gonna think about shit like this anymore since it makes my head hurt. I’m not really a part of this world anyway. I’m not straight and women seem to be the only sane ones so it’s honestly just worth blocking out the ridiculousness and going on with my life.

I do have to wonder though, obviously men my age don’t seem to have opinions regarding this and the pedophilia gene on the Y chromosome only seems to kick in after a certain age kek so they don’t even seem to be interested in girls a couple years younger. But I wonder how common it is for men in places like the pill subs to exist, and how much they reflect most men’s opinions. Does anyone know?

No. 2385334

My depression wave finally has set in and it fucking sucks, I've completely lost motivation to do anything and I feel a large amount of shame because I need to do things but I can't even get out of bed.

No. 2385338

I think I hate the world. Every little thing bothers me, everything gets to me. I wish I could destroy the planet. Maybe I’m just living until I meet someone who gets me and will die with me. I fucking hate everyone. I don’t even know why.

No. 2385339

Why did someone post their pussy in /g/

No. 2385346

>muh biology
yeah nothing screams fertility like a skinny teenager

No. 2385353

Idk, but 18yos look fat and wonky to me. A lot are still fresh out of puberty growing lol, idk why moids find that attractive.

No. 2385361

I mean, it's in fashion for the thread, I suppose. Kek

No. 2385367

Did I miss it? FUCK. I’ve always wanted to see nona pussy goddammit

No. 2385371

I have an important work meeting this evening, nobody will tell us what it's about and it's being held outside of work hours and at a separate location. I'm nervous about what they're going to announce, it must be a big deal since all the senior management made the trip over here to tell us in person. Our HR supervisor usually is very friendly and chatty with me when she comes to our office but today she is pretty quiet. I feel something bad is coming. I've already been dealing with a lot of financial stress lately. My rent is going up significantly and my husband was just laid off temporarily and is now at risk of losing his insurance which I need to cover my braces payments. I swear to god if I lose my job I will kms. This town is too small, it would take months to find a new job that pays similar to what I make now.

No. 2385373

it's in the body hair thread

No. 2385376

I have been searching for it too kekkk. I literally miss one hour and this happens, last time they posted boobs too.

No. 2385378

Ayrt, that’s exactly why it’s clearly bizarre to me, and I’ve always found it bizarre as a kid and once I reached the age they’re claiming is the most attractive it felt even bizarre-er. At that point you’re just attracted to the proximity to childlikeness. Even at 20 in college right now I don’t feel as though my peers are more attractive than women older than me. So odd

No. 2385381

File: 1738873745930.webp (20.65 KB, 542x388, IMG_1147.webp)

Okay, it’s nothing special. I thought it would have been a nice artistic shot, but it’s ugly.
The mole is kind of cute at least.

No. 2385383

I have always felt that women look the best when they are approaching or are 30. So 27-30.

No. 2385385

Yeah no, what is going on in that thread. Could be a moid trying to be funny. I was hoping for a lesbinona nude-off

No. 2385386

Made me realize that my pussy is kind of cute actually.

No. 2385388

Me too. I thought it would have been a nice artistic shot, tasteful nude. Instead I was just met with “asshole” and a glance of pussy. Boring.

No. 2385390

Maybe I've met too many different people but people are just too variant as well. Some features on one person might look young and old on another. A lot of "barely legal teen" models are literally in their 30s. Walking around campus I can't tell who's 18 or who's 30 anymore and it's fun. I feel like moids who claim 18 bullshit have never talked to anyone outside of their family.

No. 2385392

Kek when I get drunk I always think this for some reason and get the urge to post my pussy on lolcow, I just want someone to tell me they also think it’s cute or something idk.

No. 2385398

the study uses data from a 'free dating website' and i'm not sure how reliable that actually is. plenty of moids just desperately swipe right (or is it left kek) on any woman hoping to get a single message.

No. 2385400

It’s like that statistic saying that black women are less swiped when irl I can clearly see the Indian women are the least popular unfortunately.

No. 2385402

Wait that was kinda gross to see

No. 2385407

The older I get the less tolerance and empathy I have for BPD friends crying and breaking down over the end of the most juvenile and shallow short-lived relationships. It's the same exact song and dance every time. I have had three friends who have said to have BPD (which I believe because they all acted the exact same way and were like walking BPD stereotypes to varying degrees) and they literally say the same shit every time they get dumped or ghosted. It's almost like they have a script.
>I gave them a part of me I never thought I could share with anyone!
>I thought we had something really special!
>I thought we were going to spend our lives together!
And look, I get it. Break ups are tough, especially if you love someone deeply. I have been in two relationships and yeah, I wouldn't wish that disturbingly empty, hurt, and aching feeling onto anyone. However their relationships are literally like two months long at the most, they're usually not even real relationships but just some sort of hook up thing, and then they find some other dude to bang and get over it in a week, sometimes even just a few days. It really, really bothers me that they will come to me when their latest destined to fail "relationship" fails and they're crying and breaking down and telling me they don't feel safe with themselves like at this point I really think I'm going to block the two bippies I'm still in contact with because holy shit. It's never that serious. If it was a REAL relationship then I would have no problem being there for them, but like I do not care that you want to cut yourself because some guy you had sex with three times blocked you because he ended up changing his relationship status from single to taken and doesn't want to keep in contact with some girl he had sex with off of Tinder because now he has an actual girlfriend. Grow the fuck up, holy shit.

No. 2385414

It was taken from the worst ever angle and there was no trimming of the bush, I feel like it wasn’t made justice.
I like taking care of my garden , I even made a heart shape last time kek, it was fun. By the way I first thought that hair would only grow in the upper part of the vulva and not downwards, so I always felt so weird since my hair would grow everywhere, even in the inside of my lips kek.

No. 2385416

The mood on ot boards always sours when the aggro chans show up. I hate what they do to discussions here and wish they'd just fucking leave and stick to poisoning the Tumblr/discord spaces they hail from.

No. 2385418

Can’t this be partially explained by there being no desi or southeast Asian demographic to select on many dating apps? Like how can that be accounted for adequately if it isn’t even an option to ID as.

No. 2385420

Anons will act horrified over Bianca in a sheer dress in the celebricows thread then go post their pussy on /g/

No. 2385431

I don't think those are the same anons

No. 2385433

File: 1738875208496.jpg (96.8 KB, 600x600, instagram-japancafes.jpg)

I love girly and kawaii shit and so does my close friend, we usually bond over it and show cute finds to each other.
The past year or so she's been obsessed with aesthetic cafes and showing me pictures when hanging out. She's showed me ones from different places in the world so it's not like we could ever visit them but it's still fun to talk about them being from Japan, china or in New York or wherever they may be. So she showed me one and I went "aw that's cute, what's it called?" The usual way and she just quickly and uncharacteristically moved on to the next one instead. I found it odd but dropped it. When I got home I was doing some scrolling on my own and since we follow similar stuff I stumbled upon and recognized that very same cafe from pictures and videos. My heart kinda dropped because the cafe had my own name in big letters all over. It happened to have my name as the cafe name (I have a relatively common girl name so it's not that weird). She didn't want to tell me because it had MY name, why would she keep that from me?
The absolute best option is if she planned a surprise trip there for us, but that's just impossible on so many levels and she's never done anything like that for anyone and it's not even in our country. I've waited a few months just to see if it ever comes up again if she eventually would go "I actually found the perfect cafe for you" but she's avoided that one this whole time. She's shown pictures from there of the cute desserts, but never ones where the name, my name, is visible.

She knows I would have been so excited about a cute face with my name but she chose to hide it from me, I'm so hurt and idk what to think.

No. 2385444

maybe she aspires to take you and is saving it away just in case. my ex best friend used to do stuff like that for me on a different scale, like keeping quiet about a new vegan cafe for us to try to surprise us with on a little friend date she planned for us. i couldn’t drive and get that food myself, it was close to where she was a couple hours away and i just would have pined for it and not been able to have it before anyways. i think your friend sharing content like that with you is a green flag, she’s sending you things that make her think of you and cares about your interests. i wouldn’t jump to conclusions unless she has a history of odd behavior towards you. like another example is finding something PERFECT for my best friend and instead of sending her the link, saving it myself to gift her. sometimes i have messed up and not bought it in time and i feel bad like fuck she would have really liked it and could have gotten it herself if i hadn’t waited. but that’s also not guaranteed and there will be other similar items in the future you know? she could have in a split second when you asked thought “wait she doesn’t know about this yet? this would be PERFECT for it we ever did a trip together she would think it’s so adorable i planned a surprise cafe trip; i confirmed she likes it by showing it to her and getting her reaction”. like you know? if she wanted to gate keep something there are better ways than giving you everything but the name, knowing if you wanted to you could find it now that you knew it existed.

No. 2385448

Anon, I mean this with all of the love in my heart but this feels like something that could be easily explained by just asking her. “I found out that cafe is named X just like me! Did you know?” You don’t have to ruminate and think the worst of your friend for months. Just ask her.

No. 2385492

I really hope it's something like that. But she kinda also has a history of keeping the "best" thing for herself. She's a bit spoiled tbh, still love her though. Like if we got 2 different cakes slices she'll always make sure she gets the cutest one. I can tell when she doesn't get the one she wants that it bothers her, and she'll start trying to trade by saying the one she has matches me so much better because of any reason she can think of. I have seen her sneakily swap our nearly identical plates once because just mine had a tiny bit more chocolate sauce poured on it. I just pretended not to notice since we hadn't started to eat yet anyway. So it's not entirely new that she'd want to hide it from me so I can't have the "best" thing when she doesn't have it…
Kek I knowww but I feel like I waited too long and now I can't bring it up. I can't just come at her with pics she has shown me before pretending I just found them like idk how to do it without it seeming like I totally just exposed her

No. 2385499

There are only two anons on this entire website. Me and you.

No. 2385501

I have no value.

No. 2385509

all women have value.

No. 2385510

So? What’s “value” anyway? The measure of how productive you are in a capitalist system, or the degree to which other people can make use of you?

No. 2385514

File: 1738877140894.gif (1.8 MB, 500x281, IMG_8901.gif)

No. 2385516

You said yourself you both follow similar accounts. You can just ask if she has heard of the cafe before. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

No. 2385518

send a pic of the cafe that has your name in it and act like you didn't know/forgot it was the same place she's sent you before, like "i just found this super cute cafe and it has my name!" and see what she says lol

No. 2385537

Ntas but this entire dilemma is exactly what the earlier sperg in here was going off about, how women are impossible to be friends with because of muh millions of unspoken social rules to follow, but the kicker here is that this stuff is 1000x more intense with girls who are kind of introverted nerdy weebs (no offense). Like why is your friend trying to sneakily act like an upset child and why are you ignoring it, and why are you worried about knowing about the cafe and subsequently "exposing" that your friend kept the fact that the cafe shared your namesake. I do not understand.

No. 2385538

No. 2385561

File: 1738878949611.jpeg (75.84 KB, 750x1000, IMG_1150.jpeg)

Nonna there’s more than one nude KEKK. If you scroll up there are plenty, might be of the same ugly person.
Fucking hell.

No. 2385574

I had to book a conference room with a specific request for a separate breakout room, I called a hotel and they told me "we can definitely accommodate that" so they sent me a contract to fill out, i sent the signed contract back to them again asking in the email "just want to double check that we will have a separate breakout room though right?" no response, just a "thank you!". I email back one more time asking about the separate room and finally get a "unfortunately no we can't do that". Well unfortunately that is the ONE requirement I had specifically requested in the first place so I'll have to cancel then. If they try to charge a cancellation fee I'm going to be so pissed, I don't even have written proof that they lied to me in the first place before i signed the form because it was a phone call. This is part of why I hate making phone calls. I'm going to have to start recording them or something.

No. 2385576

File: 1738879751349.jpg (97 KB, 657x968, 1399.jpg)

i hate that whenever i talk about this it sounds like a humblebrag but my hair is genuinely so dense and thick that i have no idea how the fuck to style it so its always been a poodle blob my whole life. even when i go to hair stylists they seem clueless and i ask them to thin it and put layers in, and they just.. do that on the front, but not the back of my hair? so i still have the poodle blob. not to mention it takes atleast 30 minutes just to blowdry my hair. then theyll do a giant blowout on it when its done being cut so i look like an 80s rockstar, which is not the look i want.. im so jealous of people with flat straight hair right now please switch with me

No. 2385583

Why do you want flat, straight hair? That shit gets greasy and limp and thin the day after washing.

No. 2385585

File: 1738880174550.jpeg (567.23 KB, 1125x1219, 0D554851-14EB-4FB5-9F01-5C66B4…)

I don’t really think this behavior is normal in well-adjusted individuals. You’re right that it’s worse in weeb communities however because of the personality types you find there. I observed a similar occurrence happen in my ex boyfriend’s friend group once. Just a refusal to communicate because everyone was too afraid of any perceived confrontation.

No. 2385590

I miss sugar so much I’m going insane
Someone talk me out of eating these cookies with my tea… I’m waiting for that point where I dont crave sugar anymore but its been 3 weeks

No. 2385595

I swear, a normie would have asked her friend about it way sooner than anon. A normie would have asked why their friend switched out their slice of cake. Normies actually have a really easy model of unspoken communication compared to the more maladjusted introvert weeb.

No. 2385596

sometimes i think about the hours of mental breakdown i am saving by having broken up with my ex. it's really satisfying. i used to spend at least 30 minutes a day worrying about this or that he said or did and now that time can be used to be productive or chill. men are such a huge waste of time tbh.

No. 2385598

do you have any fruit around? eat some strawberries

No. 2385599

Use pure honey (only pure honey, the rest have been diluted with syrup!) as a sweetener in your drinks to make the transition easier. Limit yourself to a teaspoon of it. This singlehandedly saved me from my addiction to processed sugar.

No. 2385600

The rule goes as follows: the second a man stops making your life easier, dump him. I'm glad you're happier now nonna.

No. 2385601

You just reminded me how good raw honeycomb is… Haven’t had it since I was a kid but I might get myself some as a treat

No. 2385603

ok maybe not flat but i wish my hair would stay straightened when i iron it and wasnt a big poodle fluff

No. 2385605

you can have one cookie nonna. you don't need to cut sugar altogether, simply reduce your intake and if you've not had any in 3 weeks you're probably doing a good job at that.
it's better to have one cookie a week than to breakdown and gulp the whole box or give up altogether.

No. 2385611

are you sure you're not having hidden sugars keeping you addicted? it's in absolutely everything, even plain bread.

No. 2385619

Are you combing/brushing it out while it's dry? Detangle with conditioner while it's wet, rinse it, and don't touch it after that and see how it is

No. 2385626

so we're supposed to pretend there just happens to be 10 lesbians who were excited to see a female nude and that the website isn't simply 99% male. got it.

No. 2385634

File: 1738882308585.jpeg (142.59 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_1152.jpeg)

You act like lesbians can’t feel any erotic thoughts when there are nonnas here who talk about how juicy and nice curved dicks are in great detail, it’s not that deep.
I was curious and maybe a bit excited about seeing some kek. I didn’t know that lesbianism was a sisterhood.
I am the one on the left by the way nonna. I’ll go back to pray 40 Holy Mary to repent, I’m sorry.

No. 2385642

This is why I don't date, I don't see how a man would make my life easier.

No. 2385644

You sound like my therapist (I like her and she's changed my life for the better), she asks me the same thing and I never know what to tell her. It's a core belief I formed as a child. it doesn't make logical sense and I've been trying to get rid of it but it's so hard. When I'm sad or disappointed it's like I search out this feeling within myself as if it's soothing but it's not, it's just painful.

No. 2385648

Left the guy I had been casually dating for three months. Why am I so fucking sad, he was a ho. Fucker wasn't even sad, he was so nonchalant about it.

No. 2385655

So wherever you go you’re just not supposed to find lesbians according to you kek?
I know what I am so your scrote foiling doesn’t work on me.

No. 2385657

I often change coworkers, and my coworker today was so cute. He was so soft spoken I could barely hear half of what he said, he always smiled and he was very attentive to what I said. I love soft spoken moids so much for some reason, there's something so comforting and soothing about them.

No. 2385658

Financially I guess or general acts of service in your day to day life

No. 2385660

Some of you act so nitpicky about everything lesbians say and do. You know nothing about same sex attraction, you don’t get to lecture me on how I should express myself.
No one bats an eye when there’s nth “dick poem” but as soon as a lesbian gets horny then it’s “scrotefoiling” and how we’re disgusting kek.

No. 2385661

It makes me kek (in a disbelieving way) that scrotes will point to media as "examples" of "peak teen desirability" and it's always actresses in their twenties or literal cartoons

No. 2385662

Nta but can you take this tumblrina persecution complex elsewhere.

No. 2385665

Hey look at it this way: if you’re useless, you can’t be used by anyone!

No. 2385674

File: 1738883555413.webp (Spoiler Image,9.34 KB, 360x534, IMG_1153.webp)

I’ll visit you tonight.

No. 2385680

I forgot that calling out you retards gets you pissy just like talking about some pussy once in a while, despite the main topic here always being dick and dick.

No. 2385682

I don't make friends with creepy nuns, sorry nunnie.

No. 2385684

Tumblr is that way ma'am.

No. 2385686

oh wow it just so happens that one can get 2 replies from the supposedly 1% lesbians in less than 10 minutes! so many lesbians on lolcow.

No. 2385691

if you want to talk about pussy there's literally 95% of the internet dedicated to that lol.

No. 2385694

That’s just literally me now kek

No. 2385698

Ban dick talk and talking about men too. You don’t get to pick and choose. You are all insufferable let me tell you.

No. 2385705

File: 1738884345668.jpeg (228.84 KB, 593x800, IMG_1154.jpeg)

I am the sole lonely knight right now, fighting off heretics who want to silence me. But I won’t back down.

No. 2385706

kay whatever. you pass.

No. 2385708

We are the same anon. I wish I had sleek and straight hair sometimes. I just learned to embrace my giant hair, I hope you do too. I get complimented a lot on my curls and volume so I'm sure your hair is nice, you just need to experiment and find what looks good on you and isn't too high maintenance at the same time.

No. 2385715

Same, except add curly hair into that mix. Its a fucking mess

No. 2385722

Anyone have that one friend who you feel sorry for never asking to do anything because they'll more than likely cancel last minute?

No. 2385756

File: 1738887096538.jpg (195.62 KB, 1080x2125, Screenshot_20250207_010458_com…)

Last violation that led to my tiktok account ban. I hate how coddled moids are

No. 2385757

File: 1738887153068.jpg (848.95 KB, 1080x2269, Screenshot_20250207_011158.jpg)

2nd last

No. 2385764

File: 1738887854558.jpg (10.39 KB, 236x177, 82a62c13a70e309a2dfcb1cdf196b4…)

>post on cc for the first time
>immediately recognized
i just want to anonymously sperg in peace

No. 2385765


No. 2385768

kek ugly moids are such a protected class

No. 2385949

I regret moving in with my friend so much, I actually hate living with people. I thought it would be better than living with strangers like I have done in the past, but in actuality it’s actually made me hate her. You don’t truly know someone until you’re having to see and deal with them on a daily fucking basis, and also deal with bills and rent and cleaning and all that shit on top of it. I’m at the stage that every little thing she does gets on my nerves. We are in the same friend group and our friends have this inside joke that my flatmate and I are like a ‘couple’ and it literally makes me feel insane - what adds to it is that she’s bi, and I’m very much straight. The consistent couple insinuations makes me uncomfortable - and it doesn’t help that my flatmate is borderline obsessed with where I am and what I’m doing at any given time of the day. I just thought it would be fun to live with someone I knew I got on with, but I was stupid and didn’t realise that the reason I got on with her was because I only saw her every other week for afew hours when we were hanging out/catching up.
When I move out later on this year I am going ghost on her and this group of friends. I’m just way too introverted of a person to live with people. Genuinely feel like I’m destined to be a hermit cause it seems to always end this way with friends. Oh well.

No. 2385959

File: 1738895698112.gif (13.26 MB, 250x444, 0DBAC849-994E-4043-B654-D05595…)

I wish I could tie myself to one of these. I bet it would feel so good

No. 2385970

I literally feel like a bippie right now. I’m withdrawing from my meds and my life is a mess so I got very upset and just scratched my thigh multiple times with a navel. To my retarded self surprise it actually cut my damn leg. I didn’t know what to do so I put pads in my scratches because it wouldn’t stop bleeding no matter what I did. It still hurts. I’m gonna have to wear pants all because I was retarded. I paused writing this so I could pat my leg pad. Pad leg. I really need therapy

No. 2385976

My back hurts. I want to be in there too

No. 2385979

True and same. I missed so much study time and exams because of this, it’s insane

No. 2385987

Many chinese factory workers have already tried that and it didn't look like they were enjoying it.

No. 2386008

I like animals and pets alright but I srsly hate the pet industrial complex. Rescues have absolutely earned their reputation and I’m just sick of these lying fucks shilling any dog out for these exorbitant “rehoming fees.” Then hiding any behavioral issues they have and lying abt their possible breeds as if guesstimates are fact. And that’s a charitable characterization of their operational methods. I understand if you’d need to cover the sterilization surgery/vaccines (which are typically complimentary or low cost for rescues anyway due to government initiatives to curb pet overpopulation) and maybe include a finders fee but goddamn after learning that fosters basically have to cover everything except vet fees (which again are gratis through shelters who work tandem to rescues) and sometimes food (which are also donated) I’m not sure rescues should classify as charities. On top of that the workers are volunteers! I mean that’s a nice supplemental for whoever’s up top. I literally saw a senior dog go for $500 when I did a search. I’m sure there’s no price on companionship but you won’t have that dog for more than 2-3 more yrs!! Which idiots are contributing to this. The foster based rescues don’t even have overhead fees. Only the larger ones that have their own facilities

No. 2386009

Nta Kekkkkkkkk I used to have a friend who would tell me the gore he found of shit like that and how paranoid he felt afterwards.

No. 2386018

Maybe they didn’t tie themselves to it right, it’s worth a shot

No. 2386028

I hate being mean but sometimes you gotta be mean. It sucks.

Well hey at least most of us aren’t rape defense lawyer mean

No. 2386032

I hate the idea anyone worth anything got snapped up in their 20s. OK I was leaving my abusive ex of 8 years that I was engaged and living with at 24 and then started uni at 25 because I dropped out at 19 to get a job to move out of an abusive home life and then first night living with ex moid he shoves me through a table over asking him to help unpack and get off the Xbox. Like coming out of an 8 year relationship at 24 would it not be mental to jump straight on to the next moid? Aren't men always bitching about rebounds too? I ended up dating my brothers friend for a few years but then he got additiction issues. Guess that means I'm walled and depreciated because I didn't marry the drug addict! So sorry for fucking up my life! I'm better looking in my 30s and I am way more flexible than i was in my mid to late 20s. I still have hair. I've had a skin care routine since 12. Like fuck men. They all perpetuate those memes about back pain in your 30s etc. I'm fine. I don't have any random pains. Men hit the wall early and start balding in their 20s like they can fuck off about only shit value women being single after their 20s. There is a male ugliness epidemic. They're not getting picked on the apps cause they're all ugly as shit and there's like 30 men 300 women have the hots for. Do the fucking maths.

No. 2386066

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>lying abt their possible breeds as if guesstimates are fact.
I remember seeing multiple vet videos in which they joke about dogs being called a "lab mix" when it's clearly some kind of bully breed in it. Half the time the owner doesn't know, the other half is them lying to trick their landlord since bully breeds often aren't allowed

No. 2386071

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>going through breakup and a good chunk of my shit is still at his house, never want to see him again tbh, next time i go he will be out of the house for my sake but probably will leave a letter or some shit
>asked to work an extra 12 hour shift at work
>trying to figure out what i can do with my time and money so i have a life beyond work, need to get back into painting and get new hobbies
>developed crush on male friend towards the end of last relationship. going to try to be smart this time and go friendly, not impulsive and no rushing into shit
idk life kinda sucks but i have hope. i cant run back to my ex and continue The Cycle it was driving me insane. either way i suffer

No. 2386074

I'm pretty sure I've got what is apparently a rare for of tinnitus, it sounds like morse code beeping in erratic patterns in one of my ears. I'm pissed off that I didn't even get it from a loud noise, I didn't do anything wrong… I just got a cold a year ago. After the cold I'd sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a loud ringing in my ear/ears and now it's stuck, a constant erratic beeping. The only thing that keeps me sane is that it's so quiet that nearly any other noise drowns it out, so I can only really hear it at night while trying to sleep. I pray it doesn't get louder…

No. 2386076

yeah i just got out of a bad 5 year relationship and i look great, some people stay in bad relationships for a long time and they get out pretty unscathed. it doesn't mean they are trash.

No. 2386111

I feel like a fool for trying so hard to befriend someone who obviously doesn't give a shit about me. I really was lying to myself the whole time. The worst thing is it was so out of character for me too, I never put myself out there like this. Now I'm going to feel worse and left out as the friendship fizzles but we were never really friends anyway I guess.

No. 2386115

Feel like I'm stagnant mentally. Like I've grown and changed like anyone else but there's still parts of me that have the same mental and emotional thought processes as me when I was a child. Like shouldn't my "inner child" be dead now.

No. 2386128

Artists really think they're the only ones who wanna be paid doing what they love.

No. 2386130

I remembered the first day of my internship as a practicum teacher in a vulnerable school in my city, and the first day I had to teach to 2nd grade. After the class ended, a boy told me he'll suck my pussy like candy and left to recess.

I was so devastated and I locked in the teachers' bathroom crying. I told what happened to both my guide teacher at the school and my college supervisor and they left me to go home early that day, even my family was so devastated after I told them what happened. I was super close of dropping out of college but I continued and even took therapy and meds for a couple of years after that day.
I hope you're safe out there, teacher nonnas, and never allow students, age aside, to mistreat you in any way.

No. 2386133

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so sick of moids at the gym. 9 times out of 10 if I’m walking towards one, they walk straight at me or push past so I have to move. I don’t expect chivalry but this is out and out intimidation or something. any other nonnies get this ALL the time or am I particularly ugly to them or something kek

No. 2386137

This used to happen to me in the street all the time, I realized I was always moving aside and I got sick of it. I started purposely never moving and intentionally shoulder checking or elbow bumping men who can't make room. Not super violently or anything, just solidly in my own space. I recommend you stop moving aside for them as well.

No. 2386138

How do they react to that? I’m such a non confrontational person I hate it.

No. 2386160

A weird tip is to look directly at their center mass when you’re walking towards them. Like right at their chest. I cannot explain it, but like 9 out of 10 times when I do this people move out of the way.

No. 2386161

I've never gotten anything more than a glance, they just keep walking. I think the key to it is like I said, it's not violent. You're basically just moving straight ahead. If someone tried to start something I'd just sharply say, "Watch where you're going" and keep walking while ignoring them.

No. 2386165

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I got so absorbed in this one YouTubers own take on The Bachelorette that I accidentally left the tea bag in my cup for 1.5 hours and now it tastes like ass.

No. 2386188

Feels like fashion is really ugly right now. Everything is shaped like a sack.

No. 2386209

And low quality that frays and breaks 2 seconds after you buy it.

No. 2386217

So glad that I ditched my shit friend who was almost personal cow status (would be happy to share). We had only been friends for a few months and she seemed fine at first but slowly got worse until I decided to call her out and tell her to fuck off. I didn't realize how stressful she was until now. Now I know why she had no friends.

No. 2386218

I fucking hate my pickme mom I genuinely hope she dies alone. You'd think all those years might have given her some time to change but I guess people are right when they say the personality is fixed at around 25~ thanks to the frontal lobe or some shit. When I was around 19 and my sister was 16 she got raped and came home crying and my mom fell into a fit of giggles saying it was a hilarious attempt at a lie because "who would find you attractive enough to rape, what a joke". Yet every time she has a fallout with one of her hundred boyfriends every month she calls us up and accuses us of stealing her druggie addict moid even though we live cities away. She doesn't believe pedophilia is real either which is kind of funny.

No. 2386223

>shit friend who was almost personal cow status (would be happy to share)
Don't leave us in suspense, you gotta share with the class

No. 2386240

Ironically they’re engaging in the same bullying behaviour that we discussed. Deliberately misinterpreting us to fit a narrative. Nobody said men were more likeable ffs.

No. 2386241

I hope she dies too, painfully.

No. 2386242

your life will get 10x better when you stop even caring about anything they do or think, trust

No. 2386246

Okay I will see if I can remember it all. I know the big ones.
>Wannabe anachan
>Always saying she wasn't eating recently or whining about how she was way too fat and needed to be a specific weight
>Ate tons of food every time we hung out and constantly talked about eating
>Lied about her height to pretend to be a smol loli
>Paranoid and accused random people of staring at/laughing at her every time we were outside
>Told random cringe fake stories about older men talking to her every single day, saying she looks younger than her age(couldn't explain why strangers knew her age)
>Claimed normies at her job called her a loli all the time and that customers thought she was a child despite looking nothing like a child
>Claimed her ex was stalking her at work
>Found out later she chose a branch across the street from where he works 40 minutes away instead of working the one that was a 5 minute walk away from her house.
>Accused staff at random restaurants of bullying her for being too childlike (yes her words) by not giving her enough ice in drinks or giving her a fork while everyone else used chopsticks
>Did copious amounts of weed daily including taking 5 doses of edibles at once
>Has a loli vtuber account she never used
>Generally dumb and couldn't hold a real conversation
>Koreaboo but pretended she wasn't
>Constantly fishing for compliments and vague venting then got mad when I didn't reply how she wanted

Also she was extremely disrespectful to everyone we met and when I told her I didn't want to be friends she basically reprimanded me for it and was trying to cause an argument. I think there is probably more but I can't remember since it's fairly late where I am.

No. 2386248

When people do this to me I just stand still and start staring into space. They’re always forced to walk around me.

No. 2386267

went to the debt collection agency to put in the legal objection (im not a native english speaker ok)
curious if he will proceed to file a thingy at court to get me to pay. im kinda scared being infront of the judge and telling everything. ugh. why cant he leave me alone. fucks sake.

No. 2386268

they move out of my way but im also rly fat…

No. 2386286

it drives me crazy that there's no one online at this time to mess around with. I miss the single EU friend I had. wish she never nuked her accounts.

No. 2386288

meh it's somehow less bad than the one who posted both her pussy and asshole separately, or shrinky dinks chan, or especially lava rock chan

No. 2386292

I hate the way eating healthy = working to lose weight is so indoctrinated in many of us. I caught myself thinking "girl, why would you want to lose weight?" for a hot second when my already almost underweight friend said she's switched out almost all her snacks for veggies and low-cal dip. We are in our early 30's, of course it's better to switch out some of that chocolate for veggies and dip. as much as I enjoy some nice vegs and dip from time to time, I'm impressed by her resolve to switch everything out for it because I would get bored of that after a short while

No. 2386304

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>tucks into bed
>kicking feet giddily under my covers
>oh boy! I can't wait to read some extra hot extra smutty fanfics about my husbando after a long day


No. 2386307

I love peanuts but they hate my guts. Literally.

No. 2386311

It's crazy how we now have posters on here who are so blatantly mentally ill that they sound like men. Watching that sperg in celebricows like cry and shit themselves that anons were mentioning Robert Pattinson and I couldn't tell if they were a seething incel or a weird bitch. I ultimately decided on weird bitch because how incessant they were, but we've really got newfags who think harpy-screeching to tone police other women is somehow acceptable here. God it really is turning into tumblr 2.0. Why are people coming here to terrorize everyone and pretend this is their personal blogging community

No. 2386314

There has been an influx of "radfems" newfags who keep tought policing and pretending this place is a safe haven for blackpill feminism. Lolcow was never a radfem space, it's a catty gossip imageboard.

No. 2386316

Exactly. I hate those types and as much as they claim they're totes straight they give off weid polilez vibes and I'm over it.

No. 2386342

AGREEE. it’s been like this for ages now and it’s so annoying. there are a few threads and moments where you can have a normal interaction, but more often than not some bitch will decide to be schizo about a single word that could provide insignificant context being missing. i know that we’re anon and it’s easier to bitch, but we’re all using the same site kek, if you wanna have actual convos, type like normal farmers instead of jaded whiney retards. lolcor is developing a ‘wrongthink’ culture with those anons who act like that.
you can disagree with people without being obnoxious and embarassing.
to those anons, take your ssris and make yourself a tea, please.
and yes i’m aware some of them are baiters, but i’m referring to anons who are genuinely quick to jump to insane conclusions and are willing to drag infights over multiple threads

No. 2386347

They're so OTT mentally ill and think aggressive samefagging and I know you are but what am i will allow them to control other posters, and that behavior is reward because the faggot jannies are too busy jerking off and refreshing KF to ban them.

No. 2386350

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definitely. it’s clear that anonymity plays a big role in it, and a lot of these people probably don’t think that strongly irl on any of these topics, but they either had a bad day or got some sass from another anon and lost it.
with the samefagging, because most of us never even think to do it (because it’s stupid and accomplishes nothing) it’s all bolstered by anonymity and the idea that they can make some facade of other anons supporting them. it’s sad, really, but i come to imageboards and places online to get the fuck away from retards like that, not constantly be bombarded with their sperging and ree-ing.
take me for example, even if i disagree with someone on here or they disagree with me, i’ll try to make my response as objective as possible, and if i misread something, i’m not gonna get an ego about it, i’d admit it and continue. i take some solace in knowing there are a good chunk of actual users, and i’m not planning on leaving lc anytime soon, i still enjoy posting and scrolling, but it’s something i think the majority of us would like to see changed

No. 2386352

Yeah thats pretty much the only approach you can have if you're a "normal" (lol) poster because there's always going to be these types just crawling out of the woodwork now. I find what they do ultimately pointless though, because most of us aren't going to take it seriously and certainly don't get upset. It's a minor nuisance at best, but it's become too popular to be an absolute pest and I find those types the most pathetic of all because they sperg about how pro-women and anti-men they are, but they spend literally all of their time shitting on women and verbally berating them to the point its questionable if they're actually women themselves. No one should be that triggered over women casually discussing things they like.

No. 2386355

Part of me wants to say they're regular moids, part of me knows they're most likely Kiwifarms pickmes who have been so marinated in the scrotesphere that they've internalized all their beliefs and discussion tactics.

Blackpill feminism is just extreme NLOGism and often actual unironical femcel-ness as in the "why are all the gigastaceys taking all the good men and I'm left with none" kind. The worst is when they start pretending to be lesbians since they're virgins (i.e. "goldstars" because they never left the house) and then call actual lesbians poser bihets because they're not mentally ill shut-ins like they are.

No. 2386360

>inb4 this causes an infight kek
when i poked over on kf about a week ago in one of their chat things a lot of the moids were boasting about ‘posting and getting away with it’. although, they only really come over when kf is down.
>then call actual lesbians poser bihets because they're not mentally ill shut-ins like they are.
i know my opinion doesn’t necessarily matter on this because i’m not a lesbian, but the way nonas get treated in those threads is baffling sometimes kek. the intense sperging reads as the pot calling the kettle black, spiderman pointing meme etc projection.
and on the shut in part, i’m not gonna sit here and claim i’m the most well socialised and that i’m not a neet, because that would be a lie - but most of the nonnas i’ve interacted with off-site are all very well-adjusted and “normal” women (or as close to “normal” as one can be) we’re all similarly retarded, but a lot of us are functioning adults who have lives and talk to real people outside of the internet, which those screechers obviously lack

No. 2386361

>blackpill feminism is just extreme nlogism
Exactly. It's ironic how they pretend to be so virtuous and moralistic but spend every ounce of their energy treating women like shit and trying to police their every thought. They're no different than tradspergs

No. 2386362

>they spend literally all of their time shitting on women and verbally berating them to the point its questionable if they're actually women themselves
It's all about control, they're on a power trip. They're not different from twittards or tumblrina making callout posts to highlight someone's wrongthink .

No. 2386363

I hate those ugly faggots, they screech about how scrotefoiling is against the rules reeeeee and you get banned for calling them out even though their maladjusted robotic spergouts are the most obvious posts ever

No. 2386364

Kek feels so much better knowing others agree. They seizure if you point out that they're trying to make this their Tumblr 2.0 microcosm.

No. 2386365

nta but I was just about to post something similar, how they don’t get redtexted yet we do. I’m conflicted though, because obviously ignoring it and not giving them the reaction they want will make them go away, but when jannies take hours to do anything or even spend weeks not addressing things, what else are we meant to do? sigh

No. 2386367

A lot of anons brag about how much they bait on Lolcow and just hop threads to be a bitch to anons posting the most mundane things and drag the infights on for hours replying to themselves when other anons stop acknowledging their bullshit. Because it's le epic to see nonnies so triggered and trolled I guess? I genuinely don't understand the mindset, are they that desperate for attention? It's not even funny or enraging, it's just annoying and a waste of everyone's time.

No. 2386368

I was just thinking about this today and how annoying they make the site. I was almost frustrated at the lack of responses sometimes but remembered even contrary responses make them feel alive. I try to remind myself not to engage or take anything they say as serious and that not every ban gets a redtext.

No. 2386370

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I was playing Best Fiends and got a gross looking ad for a farm game where it seemed like they were making a sexual innuendo. It was just so fucking weird, I know a lot of apps go with the 'shock factor" method with their ads so they go viral but that was just vile. Maybe I'm just dirty minded though.

No. 2386371

It's genuinely because the janitors are men. They've left up threads promoting retarded moid imageboards while banning regular anons, it's so obvious that I don't think we really even need proof.

No. 2386376

ayrt and i will say that i was someone who scrotefoiled the jannies in the past, but i’m at a point now where i think they’re just understaffed or disinterested and jaded with the userbase. one or two being tifs wouldnt surprise me in the least though

No. 2386378

That's why they're likely men at least 7/10 times. Men are so obsessed with harassing women, their m.o is pretty standard. They're also incredibly attached to the idea that just saying they're women over and over will make their posting style seem like one even though their motivations are all the same and extremely atypical for women.

No. 2386379

I wish scrotefoiling wasn't the ban motive but scroteposting was. Like if there was a set of characteristics that define of scroteposting (like harsh misogyny, drooling over hypershooped unrealistic egirls, getting mad at handsome guys, whiny incel talking points about how women have it easier) and if you check enough boxes you get banned. Kind of like a DSM5 criteria lol.

You'd probably get a few unfair bans, but a woman who happened to scrotepost would get banned 3h like once a month while a moid would get banned much more often and it'd probably drive them away. And if a woman got banned repeteadly then she'd probably be better off going to 4chan anyways.

No. 2386381

>getting mad at handsome guys
I agree with you, but this would unenforceable, farmers can't seem to agree on what is a handsome man, and a good chunk of the userbase would argue that good looking 3D men don't exist at all.

No. 2386382

No, they've always been mostly men for quite some time. The most active janitor recently has had schizo accusations pelted at them so I've noticed it's gotten more quiet than usual, but the site is kind of scraping by with the same referrals and has a hard time getting new janitors since the only people interested in the task are KFers and spergs. The metaphoric sunk cost fallacy is really the only thing keeping LC chugging along, but there really is a mostly male janitor pool.

No. 2386383

>I genuinely don't understand the mindset, are they that desperate for attention?
apparently to gather milk

No. 2386385

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first ayrt and i agree. i get that scrotefoiling is cringe and shouldn’t be minimodded, but bans for scrotefoiling is redundant because most of the time it will be an actual user scrotefoiling. some of the posts that are questionable are sometimes so in your face and detestable yet you’ll go back and only see a redtext on the nona who called it out

No. 2386387

Doesn't matter if he's actually handsome, but if he was presented as handsome and someone is reeeing at it. Like, when seeing a mid or ugly,a woman just says "he ugly" or at worst "stop posting him", whereas moids will literally screech at the poster for being stupid for liking him or something. you know what I mean?
But you're right saying it couldn't be enforced mainly because the farmhands are probably AGPs too

No. 2386389

No, these things are entirely unrelated. The blackpill spergs and baiters reply to innocuous or mundane posts that trigger them. The oversharing cow anons are likely overlapped with some of the baiters, they're naive and have too much time that they don't understand the value of so they waste it pretending to be master trolls. Being overtly aggressive and rude to one-sentence posts in non-personal threads doesn't create "milk".

No. 2386391

ayrt again and i was there for all of that, i think i was one of the more active posters in meta during that outright calling a janny a male. and tbh, yeah, i still do think there could be one, but when i emailed the admins to thank them for actually doing what we asked locking skirbys thread, right after i directly accused one of the jannies of being a scrote and wking for skirby, and then tifchan replied ‘i’m not a man’… i got a very incensed response saying they vc and have voice and id verified every single janny. i guess i was giving them the benefit of the doubt because they finally kinda listened, but in hindsight it took meta blowing up and moid accusations to be made for anything to really happen, so that’s interesting

No. 2386395

the baiters are the ones replying aggressively to innocent vents (along with mundane posts), thinking that it creates "milk" is what i meant. a lot of times there's nothing cowish or out of the ordinary going on but they see it that way

No. 2386396

I have a hard time believing that. Perhaps they do it for new janitor recruits, but there have been a small core of male janitors since before cerbmin, and definitely during the reign of cerbmin.

No. 2386397

Oh yeah, it's pure delusion. Kf/4channers also chimp out here and then post screenshots into shitty threads or disco servers like "look hurhur I'm trolling the femoids they're seething" and it's just them repeatedly harassing anons for no reason and being called retarded. I guess being called schizo and retarded repeatedly is milk to them kek.

No. 2386401

I have mixed feelings on scrotefoils because on one hand it does turn out to be true sometimes (like in the attractive women thread when that raid happened and the post your art thread) but otoh I've seen anons get called scrotes over non-agressive/non-misogynistic/noncreepy posts. Having a DSM5 criteria like >>2386379 said would probably be the best solution maybe

No. 2386402

Not trying to start something with our lesbianons but I feel this would get them banned a lot

No. 2386407

I absolutely think "lesbians" (allegedly) should be bullied if their posts here read like men. It isn't hard to not be creepy or gross.

No. 2386412

"Scrotefoiling" bans shat up the site. No, I'm not "scrotefoiling" for reporting the most blatant moidpost like "12yos are the most fuckable teehee" in unpopular opinions

No. 2386416

But don't you understand nonna lesbians have the right to be sexual too!!!

No. 2386417

>tfw contemplating unblocking someone simply because my retarded brain likes to revisit my blocklist and lament
By doing so, any trace of him on my end will be wiped for good, which I think will help me move on… But the amount of pride I have is stopping me because that fucktard really hurt me deep. 0% chance he still has me in his contacts, so I'm not worried about him reaching out.

No. 2386418

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not any ayrt but by my logic, even if it was a female poster, what’s so wrong with calling a self-hating retarded woman a man? you’d think we’d be the last site to gaf about ‘misgendering’ but obviously not. scrotefoiling can go a bit beyond sometimes obviously and become screechy like the newfags mentioned further up tt, but quite frankly idgaf if its a woman or a man on the other side.
if it makes a potential brainrotted female reflect for a moment maybe she’d fuck off and stop shitting up lc with scrote-tier bait

No. 2386420

It's giving them what they want, nona.

No. 2386424

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I wish we could rewind lcf back 4yrs ago

No. 2386426

agree with this, but also I don't want lolcow to be a baby comfort box where you can't ever call out any "female" behaviour and characteristics, you know?

No. 2386427

Nta tbh I'm a lesnonna and I've reported posts because they read like scrotes kek. The lesbian threads are full of baiting scrotes and you can tell they are because as soon as a normal question is asked like "what's your fav TV show?" no one fucking responds. But as soon as a baiting question is asked like "Is it weird I masturbate to straight porn?" Or some post like "I'm dysphoric and [something degrading about women copied directly from porn] and I find it so hot." suddenly "everyone" in the thread is arguing about how lesbians can be sexual and if you disagree it's homophobic (despite the fact that I would never touch a misogynistic woman for obvious reasons). It's baiters feeding their own fire and then they post it on their own boards like retards, but every time I've scrotefoiled I've been banned from anywhere between 3 hours to 3 days so whatever.

No. 2386428

it was literally thz same 4 years ago

No. 2386429

Istg "I'm a lesbian and I love to watch Mia Malkova choke on big dicks, don't invalidate my sexuality!!"
Fuck off

No. 2386432

i see that, but like >>2386412 example
>12yos are the most fuckable teehee
getting a b& for ‘scrotefoiling’ of all things when you call that out is so retarded, if we don’t want people replying and giving them what they want then make it ‘replying to bait’.
also agreed! plenty of the schizo posters are actually just bpdemon women and get their kicks from stirring shit and getting attention.
i’ve only scrotefoiled like three times in the last few years iirc, and never to anything thats just a nonas opinion that i simply disagree with. there is a hugee gap between what should be considered scrotefoiling and what the jannies think it is imo

No. 2386434

>getting mad at handsome guys
Nona what is this sneak? kekkkkk
Maybe it’s because I don’t use the het threads but fill me in, what does “getting mad at handsome guys” entail lolol
A lot of these kind of retarded opinions get banned for bait already, mods r slow. but i wouldn’t mind a stricter set of rules on scrotes
i’m lesbian, i think a lot of lesbian nonas just think straights are always out to get them. Also a lot of lesbians on here get annoyed when they’re told to read yaoi or watch straight shit when asked what they should watch instead of their animoos deemed troonish or whatever. I don’t read/watch weebshit but i have noticed a lot of infights stemming from that lol, atleast in the more nerdy threads

No. 2386435

Wishing bad things onto myself as a kneejerk reaction to fucking up is finally backfiring. Some of this shit is coming true. Why can't my wish for winning lottery ticket falling from the sky come true??

No. 2386436

Also samefag but unpopular opinions is such a fucking cesspit i don’t even go on it anymore

No. 2386440

>getting mad at handsome guys
Nona what is this sneak? kekkkkk
Maybe it’s because I don’t use the het threads but fill me in, what does “getting mad at handsome guys” entail lolol
Sometimes on /g/ you'll post a good looking guy to drool over with nonnas and occasionally you'll get a poster that is literally seething at it with rage

No. 2386443

Blackpilled farmers don't want to see anyone drooling on scrotes, fujos don't want to see anyone drooling on 3D males, it all boils down to policing women.

No. 2386445

>whereas moids will literally screech at the poster for being stupid for liking him or something. you know what I mean?
this makes me wonder about some of the hours long, very repetitive infights regarding some certain flavor of the months even when said person wasn't posted…(don't mention him but you know who i mean, and a few others)
>Sometimes on /g/ you'll post a good looking guy to drool over with nonnas and occasionally you'll get a poster that is literally seething at it with rage
well that's more because no one can agree on what's good looking kek. some men in conventional attractions belong in unconventional, and vice versa

No. 2386446

It's so petulant and cowish, they need to get the fuck over it

No. 2386448

>well that's more because no one can agree on what's good looking kek
nta but kek very true. its funny when anons from either camp start sperging about people using the wrong threads when those same anons are the ones who made it difficult to post in either lol

No. 2386460

no it wasn't, we're going through one of the worst periods in this site

No. 2386469

covid era was dogshit and the start of the decline. we need to rewind back to 2018 or 2019 at the very least

No. 2386499

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I used to go to punk shows as a teen and I took for granted the amount of times back then the pit was made up of mostly women. I went to a few shows in my adulthood and being surrounded by drunk smelly moids who are way too violent and will launch you into the stratosphere and not care if you get trampled sucks ass. I'm not going to even get started on the trannies. At least I had good times as a teen and I look back at those shows fondly.
>inb4 get out of the pit if you can't handle it
I don't even really like going to punk shows anymore anyways and I never had a problem with moshing in majority-female pits

No. 2386519

The only people who say "get out of the pit if you don't like it" are moids who grope you, anyway.

No. 2386520

Ahhhhh I will not fall for the trap. I'm not going to shit talk that creep with them despite knowing full well he's quizzing them about me because he has no self awarness. I do not want to ever deal with that wacko again. They all do it to themselves in the end. Always. All I have to do is stay quiet and vague when asked. He'll prove his true colors without me explaining.

No. 2386524

Even outside of lcf covid era anything was dogshit

No. 2386531

Make it 5 or 6, pre-covid. Covid wasn't very fun

No. 2386550

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I'm suddenly having intrusive thoughts (the actual definition not the meme ones) about biting my fingers off.

No. 2386556

No… Nonna… How will you chat with us without your fingers…

No. 2386585

I want a virgin guy, but it seems impossible to get one

No. 2386591

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I'm so fucking sad, angry and heartbroken. I ordered some fancy pizza with meat. I haven't eaten meat in years. I'm just going to be fat and eat my feelings away. I hate men, they can all die.

No. 2386618

What else is on the pizza anon

No. 2386661

>I hate men
So it is the animals who will suffer

No. 2386666

I can feel my "everyone is laughing at you" anxiety turning into "everyone is laughing at you" schizphrenia.

No. 2386673

I recently had ones where I could feel sharp knives cutting into my skin. Really annoying

No. 2386675

>Watching evening news
>Local-ish story about a chain restaurant shutting down without notice.
>One of the women interviewed is near my mother's age, was a waitress for several decades.
>Other woman interviewed is her daughter. She's about my age, also several years into job.
I love my family, but holy shit I cannot live in this area anymore. I'll wear my gentrifier badge with honor if it means a better chance at getting off the ground floor. They looked happy enough when reminiscing about their years there, but damn.

No. 2386687

What's wrong with this? In my area it's really common for wagie parents to work with their wagie children. I used to work in a restaurant that had three generations of women working at the same time.

No. 2386702

I don't really get what's so bad about this either. Especially because you probably go to restaurants yourself too, are you really looking down on people who're providing a service you seek out yourself?

No. 2386705

This is making me jealous that she'd have such a good relationship with her mom

No. 2386719

That highlights the bad about chain franchises–they shut down any minute due to bottom lines leaving communities suddenly without jobs or services. I feel for them.

No. 2386726

I'm paranoid about someone spoiling the end of the media I'm enjoying, so I haven't told a single soul what I've been watching or reading. I'll only ever be like "____ is such a good novel!" once I'm fully complete it. This would hurt me more than calling me any name in the world or insulting my appearance or whatever, this would stay with me for years after the event and I can't risk that sort of shit. I so badly can't wait to finish my book so I can sperg about it forever, I'm almost done. But I have barely any time to read. Audiobooks also make it where I find it harder to recall quotes because I didn't get to view the sentence. MP3s are harder to file in my mind than PDFs.

No. 2386728

Dw anon I get what you felt about that. It's like if you're the daughter, you can see yourself 20 years into the future working the same job, even your mother is at the same stage of life as you are and she's much older than you. It can feel stagnant. I hope you find the strength and mental endurance to move somewhere else.

No. 2386765

my mom just told me that im ugly and will never be pretty so i quickly said "well im taking after u, not after dad" and she flipped her shit lol
im feeling bad but why is she so horrible to me? yes im ugly and fat but those are ur genes. i wouldve aborted myself if i knew i was gonna be this fugly

No. 2386771

You said it yourself, by hating you she’s hating herself.

No. 2386776

I get you, not everybody is made to live in this kind of communities, you sound like you'd thrive better in the city.

No. 2386786

Don't feel bad, that's a really fucked thing to say to anyone, let alone your daughter. I'm proud of your quick wit and hopefully it will get her to consider how her words make other people feel.

No. 2386809

My doctor said I'd get a repeat perscription but she didn't actually give me one, the pharmacy is going to be closed until monday so I had to make an account on their website to ask for a new perscription so I did. When I log in on my laptop it shows a blank screen and when I downloaded the app it says they don't have access to my details and I can't use it. Why the fuck are they like this why is my doctor incapable of following through with anything?

No. 2386818

Can't you just call in on Monday and ask the pharmacist to fax your doctor for a refill? That's usually how it works here for repeat prescriptions.

No. 2386842

i admire nonnies who speak so intelligently on here, because i feel i have lost that trait. what do they even do? i read about an hour a day, and i only browse lolcow 30 min. to 60 min. a day which i’d like to limit to the weekends. i try and learn new things. i just dont know how anons can retain so much new information and recite it and incorporate those vocabulary words. i wish i could do the same in a non demanding way that wont add too much to my to do list. writing them all down overwhelms me but maybe i should, one a day

No. 2386864

Moid told me he was a homebody initially but I never thought it'd be this lame. I'm depressed as shit, dealing with the death of my father, and I asked if we could go out and do literally anything. I've been at home for weeks.
He gets moody and quiet after work, throws himself under the covers and says he needs to mentally prepare to go out with me because it's been so long. That nothing ever sounds fun. He's so fucking daft

No. 2386885

This coworker of mine built his whole personality around being ADHD and it's so fucking annoying. I do believe he had it bc of how he acts and the fact that hes diagnosed and medicated.
All he ever talks about is being ADHD. I played a one shot of vampire requiem he was DMing and basically all the jokes involved being adhd. He planned a team even recently and the name of the group on whatsapp had ADHD on it. He's competent, very smart and a nice helpful polite person in general but Jesus Christ chill about it, o get it you have ADHD.

No. 2386890

Just saw an attractive woman, day ruined

No. 2386904

Can’t relate. Get well soon.

No. 2386913

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Second day of having a cold and I keep getting worse, I'm already so fucking done with this shit. I have some absolutely legendary cough drops that helps a lot with the soreness in my throat, but I can still feel it even when it's numbed down. My nose is always running. I'm exhausted all the time because it's hard to breathe and all the coughing. And I don't have an appetite. I don't even have the energy to play any of the games or read any of the books I've piled up to play when I've "got the time". I haven't been sick for years so I completely forgot how fucking MISERABLE it is. At least it's just a regular cold, and not covid again…

No. 2386926

I'm supposed to study but I just want to go to my bed and listen to lewd audios

No. 2386934

You won't be able to focus on studying until you've listened to those audios

No. 2386957

I've decided to stop caring about whether or not people notice or know that I have zero friends. It's guilted me my whole life and made me ashamed, but I'm deciding to just not care. I've been asked why I have no friends, I've been called a loser, a loner, etc; I just don't give a shit anymore. I have a best friend and that's fine with me. The guilt was mostly rooted in the fact that I was friendless because of major social anxiety that other girls were turned off by, but I just don't feel guilty anymore. I mentioned to my grandma something about my friends (my cousin and my best friend) and she asked me how many friends I have. My immediate reaction was anxiety and the urge to try and make it sound like I have multiple, but instead I just said "barely any, haha." It was freeing. I just don't care anymore. I've come so far with my self hatred and social anxiety, and I need to stop comparing myself to others. It's very abnormal to have no friends throughout your whole life (ACTUAL friendlessness, not people with 4 or 5 friends and a bunch of acquaintances) but it's not my fault that I was given this struggle in life. I'm done trying to hide it or justify it to people. It's pointless because they'll always find out otherwise. Nothing about me screams loner in terms of my appearance or lifestyle, but I am and until that changes, I'm not going to cry myself to sleep from embarrassment anymore.

No. 2386963

more like if I start I won't be able to get out of bed. Only one hour left to go and I can be in bed…

No. 2386973

I’ve lost all will to live. When you think it’s going to get better it never does or things get slightly less worse but then it rips that shit away from you and makes you suffer even more. Nothing gets any better and I’m just hoping I die of a disease or an accident like holy fuckkkkk. I hate whenever NASA comes out news about a comet about to strike the earth because I know they’re trolling people like me because they know it’s something that rarely happens. “Hahaha you thought we were going to end this matrix faggot???” Fuck you NASA, fuck you

No. 2386978

passed up for jobs during dei era because white, going to get passed over during reactionary backlash because woman. it's so fucking over, nothing good ever happens.

No. 2386982

"You couldn't imagine going to school again like I do." "You're lazy, that's why you can't clean alone anymore and need a friend to come help." Well maybe if someone hadn't drained my sanity, had shit to do for months now bc I did everything besides cooking, the animals, most of the cleaning, the new animals, learned with you, had to drop everything when you showed up, lived on my money only, etc.. I could've been a far different and happier place too but here we are now and I wonder when I'll kick you to the curb. Fuck it.

No. 2387010

im often asking to call or spend time with my boyfriend and he does too, but much less because he is busier. my obligations are very independent and i dont have any friends but he has one. its making me anxious and on edge because i feel like i need to act cold or stop asking to spend time or go make a friend and isolate from him. i know this is unhealthy mentally but i miss when he had time to tell me about his day or hang out and my mind warps this into him not loving me. what do i do? how do i not feel anxious that hes busier? do i even need a friend or do i just continue to do more things alone and be kind and understanding?

No. 2387013

>Do I even need a friend?
Yes anon. We all need friends. Human beings are social animals. We do our best when we have strong networks and connections. If you don't have any friends, then that means there is something wrong with you and you should work on fixing that.

No. 2387018

i just cant meet anyone near me that enjoys my hobbies, and i have nowhere to socialize. i have some internet friends i love dearly but they get busy often too. i just wish i had someone to confide in and be close to and do things with sometimes. i volunteer, take a hobby class, but only meet (kind) old women. i really dont think something is wrong with me aside from being put off by people i dont relate to which i guess is a big enough issue. its probably best for me to be alone because id struggle to keep up a friendship with someone who parties or has kids

No. 2387033

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No. 2387035

>If you don't have any friends, then that means there is something wrong with you and you should work on fixing that
Not OP but what if someone just doesn't desire any? I keep getting annoyed easily and ghosting people even if they're genuinely nice and have the same interests as me. I just don't like anyone tbh. My family is the same way they don't want friends either.

No. 2387072

Ntayrt. Maybe depression? It really is in human nature to want friends and be around them. It's why being antisocial is seen as something to be wary of an indicative of other mental illnesses or behavioral problems (autism, depression, PTSD, bpd, sociopathy, etc etc). Many times when somebody has been without positive human contact for so long, their brains adjust and make them adverse to it because they've adapted to isolation.

No. 2387102

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>sexy as fuck butch woman
I can't take it…

No. 2387113

feeling depressed and crappy. i hope it's my periods coming.

No. 2387144

Back in October, I asked my former professor for a letter of recommendation, and I need it now for application. But he hasn't submitted it yet.

No. 2387147

Sometimes I think about quitting lolcow (and I probably should cut down at least) but god damn there are some genuinely funny interactions on this site, for all its negativity.

No. 2387149

Beat the shit out of him until he submits it

No. 2387163

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>realizing I look like this phenotype but with horrible acne
I guess it really is over for me

No. 2387168

Is this supposed to be bad? Those women look above average

No. 2387171

If you actually believe in this misogynistic drivel you deserve to feel bad rofl

No. 2387174

I've just always felt strikingly bland looking and having body dysmorphia turns me into a 1/10

No. 2387177

Get into fitness

No. 2387181

oh no I'm well aware men are much uglier than women, and that the system is rigged but then you have to remember that some men actually think like this and it's very disempowering
and I wish I didn't have any attraction to them whatsoever because they think this way

No. 2387183

I've tried to exercise more and get more into fashion and jewelry but my bottom self esteem still makes me feel like a swamp rat no matter what I do. I really have tried. I don't know how to stop hating myself

No. 2387188

Is there anything fulfilling in your life or a hobby that makes you happy? Sounds cringe but its okay to just exist without thinking about your looks/how you are perceived… unless you're actively looking for a relationship?

No. 2387195

I was thinking to find a relationship with a girl instead of a guy since I'm bi anyway but I guess I'm still afraid of being judged somehow
Being so insecure I probably shouldn't want a relationship anyway I'm afraid it'll end badly as all my others have. How can you love someone else if you're not sure you love yourself

No. 2387203

since when is this average loool theyre insane

No. 2387206

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I hate getting older. It feels like I’m in a rush all the time because I don’t want to be judged for not having a degree yet or having a decent job. It’s not fair that I wasn’t able to deal with my issues and get my life together until very recently. It makes me unironically crazy and stressed. Everything feels a lot easier now that I’m older and I’m more comfortable with myself but now im struggling in other ways it’s awful.

No. 2387217

I feel lonely

No. 2387218

balding isn’t a thing within the men in my family, both mom’s and dad’s side all my relatives always had a head full of hair. my 80 something grandpa has a normal hairline. it gives me such a whiplash to see average man start balding at 20 something. just saw a 25 yo with male pattern baldness. 25. not even 30 yet. that M shaped hairline. so fucking scary. please don’t fuck balding men we need those genes removed from the gene pool this is a travesty

No. 2387220

Saoirse is literally my 3d waifu be proud nona

No. 2387221

one of my neighbours started balding at 17 and barely had any hair on the top of his head by the time he was 20

No. 2387225

i was like this. had to drop out from college due to personal shit going on in my life. felt like i missed my window and i was hesitant buy i went back 3 years ago, and i’m graduating this semester. it will be OK nonna. a lot of people don’t even bother with getting a degree.

No. 2387229

you gotta like yourself, there really is no other way. sorry.

No. 2387243

the weird bald ass monk circle they get on their heads eventually is even uglier than the M shape. It's so fucking ugly.

No. 2387248

When I'm bored I download instagram and find young bald moids to photoshop hair onto and then I send them a DM with the edited photo and tell them that this is what they'd look like if they had hair

No. 2387255

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You’re right. How foolish I am for thinking so negatively when graduation is literally so close for me too. I hate overthinking so much. Congrats on graduating soon anon!

No. 2387292

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getting over (or trying to) my crush on a friend she asks "hey nonna I'm going away this weekend can I borrow a scarf from you" she was catsitting near me tonight and travelling immediately tomorrow so couldn't go back to her place to grab her own. Anyway, I get the scarf and because I'm fucking crazy I spray it with my favourite perfume. I give it to her and she presses it to her face and then says "wow this scarf smells amazing" and I say "hehe well it is mine" and she keeps talking about how nice it smells and I say "well tbh it's probably from some perfume I've worn" and then she says "oh, is this like some incel thing where you give me something and have sprayed it with something to remind me of you?"
I jokingly pretend to be offended and say "oh so I let you borrow my scarf and you're calling me an incel?" whatever we talk about some other stuff for a while then her nigel arrives and she says "oh nona let me borrow her scarf, it smells great" and holds it out for him to smell.
he agrees that it smells nice but oh god I know I fucked up by letting my crush take over from me but having him smell my scarf with my perfume on it fucking sucked kek. Again, I know I shouldn't have done that but I felt risky this evening I guess. I honestly didn't think 2 sprays of perfume on a pretty big scarf wouldn't be that noticeable kek. Picrel is the scent btw kek.

No. 2387296

I wish I was fit and conventionally attractive

No. 2387301

i'm a (not even that) horny overworked stressed useless piece of crap

No. 2387307

thank you, and you too! we are almost there nonna, we got this.

No. 2387308

KEKK you're a gem nona. If you're feeling extra insane give one of them anime bullshit vkei hair for me next time

No. 2387310

Ugh sometimes I wish anons on this site were more normie. No offense, anons, it's just I want to know how to make myself attractive to women, and not only are there hardly any lesbian nonas to give good advice, but so many posters are autistic, retarded, phrenology spergs, or anachan that I can't even assume the advice would be reasonable or good.
Even worse, I don't know if I want to do this to increase my prospects of finding a girlfriend in general, or if I want my best friend to think I look hot.

No. 2387311

fork found in kitchen. you are on the autism website.

No. 2387314

Idgi, just ask lesbians on other sites? like L chat or something

No. 2387317

Baby and I are in hospital because of babies brain surgery.
We came in on the 16th, tried to gain control of babies cluster seizures until the 28th with no luck, then they cut out babies brain.
Right side is disabled.
I thought we were almost home, babies o2 drops while asleep so they are pulling back on the seizure meds to see if that helps.
But no rehab just came and said next week we will be transferred there and it will be weeks yet.
I can't do this anymore. I hate being here. Baby is tube fed, trying to get back to breastfeeding but it's so hit or miss. They said we can go home with the tube. I thought we were so close to going home.
Everytime baby gets to sleep some cunt wants to wake em. It's not fair. I keep telling them not to because it's literally right when baby falls asleep. Their checks are arbitrary, they aren't doing 4 hours on the dot like they try to claim, they are late often when it's on their time so I tell them I'll ring when baby is awake.

Waking a baby that has/had seizures is so fucked. I'm literally slipping further down every day. I'm going to end up biting the walls soon.

A nurse asked me if babies head was still swollen. Babies head looks like a loonytoons exaggerated hit on the head.
A nurse today tried to feed baby through babies "peg". Baby is tube fed via nose, not a peg. Tried arguing with me about it. She even lifted babies shirt to "find" the peg. There's no fucking peg holy fuckkkkkkkkk. It's just shit like that but every interaction. I'm at a point that I feel like they have to be trying to fuck with me with how little they pay attention.

No. 2387323

A nurse yesterday said to me "oh wow baby has no strength on the right side??" Like do you even read the fucking notes??? What is being said at handover that you're unaware that the big ass bump and stitching on babies head if from the brain surgery that's caused a disability?

No. 2387332

My GP lowered my recipe for iron from daily to twice a week because I finally hit 30+ ferritin after a year and a half of supplementing.. But going by me own research, it seems 100+ is optimal, not 35. I was afraid she was going to do this. When I told her I'm still feeling fatigued, she brought up my menstruation again. AGAIN. It's all these stupid doctors ever ask about, even though I've always had excess bleeding ruled out by a obgyn. And when I tell them that it's just… nothing. It seems like in their mind iron deficiency in a young woman could only possibly be caused by excessive bleeding and I need to go on BC to fix it and everything else gets ignored.

Fuck this stupid body and fuck doctors. I'm so done and over having no energy at best ever.

No. 2387336

Could you get an iron infusion?

No. 2387340

Go to a hematologist. GPs are useless for things like that.

No. 2387341

I was refused iron infusions when my ferritin was 0.5 (not a typo) because they claimed my hb wasn't low enough (it was 4 dot something which is definitely anemic).

No. 2387344

Thanks I'll try that. I hope she'll give me a reference to see one.

No. 2387347

I get irrationally annoyed at some of the moids in my life, my boyfriend and a couple of close friends included, for being jealous of me for being able to make friends easily.

I'm not even trying to be vain.

hell, I'm autistic and my self esteem sucks and I've been dealing with depression for over a decade, BUT, I've managed to become likeable by just being a good listener and being kind, and being proactive and volunteering in the community so I can be confident.

and they're acting like it's impossible for them to be social, and that I have some kind of special social powers because I'm a woman.

It's that stupid fucking "life on easy mode" narrative that I fucking hate.

my boyfriend just doesn't seem to care to socialise or make the effort to make more friends or even see the ones he has.

But he's insecure that I have more friends and also know well over half of the local community because of my job, church and voluntary work.

Like he's brought it up, sometimes during fights, and he's bitter about it.

Like do something about it? you're a grown adult.
Sorry for dragging myself out of a hole and working hard to enrich my life.(integrate)

No. 2387354

Boyfriend said I make him miserable and he wants peace from me because I was rude to him when he was sick and again when he was tired because I had been waiting weeks to spend time together. I feel terrible, its immature and mentally ill to feel upset and be cold to him then take it back and apologize like that, so I’m giving him peace and staying away from contacting him. I don’t know why I’m like this, I just hold on to dates and wanted to spend time together and I’m in the wrong but it hurts that he gets so frustrated and says terrible things. I should be stronger and more respectful, but I have done this so many times now I don’t know what other approach to take for my actions. I see it as him avoiding me or not wanting me around even if it isnt true. I feel like I am a burden to people and I don’t wish to be. I’m too scared to meet other people, too, and I’d still feel lonely anyway

No. 2387374

i know i'm about to get my period because i just cried because of my cat running around and knocking over my coffee. it went all over the bed which i just made and changed into clean sheets. having to clean everything sucks but i wish i couldve just done it and be annoyed but instead i'm crying like some stupid idiot. i was really looking forward to that cup of coffee too….. i need to distract myself or i'll cry again
pls let my period come soon

No. 2387381

KEK based

No. 2387382

This week I found out I may be type II bipolar. The doctor still isn’t sure, but when I looked up, everything makes sense. I’m still kind of shocked though. I knew nothing about the disorder so it never crossed my mind. But really, it all makes sense now. Also I may be going through hypomania right now.

No. 2387386

Is this a genetic thing

No. 2387432

This pain is so real. I wish gendie trends would leave already.

No. 2387444

What the hell is L chat

No. 2387445

Nona why don't you break up with him? He says mean shit to you all the time, and it sounds like you're incompatible anyways. You have to get through your growing pains to get out there and meet other people, don't settle for a shit moid.

No. 2387466

Nta but it's like if this site was actually lesbian. I used to love their tumblr kweers threads in the 2010s making fun of trannies kek, they were so brutal it was cathartic.

No. 2387474

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A guy in my main discord who I've sort of known for years but I've only talked to in private chat like once a year (at most) ended up talking to me for a bit 2-3 days in a row because he (among others in the group, which he knew) helped me sort out an issue I had. Now he's suddenly like "hey I haven't heard from you in a few days" like yeah no we aren't that close. We don't normally talk. That is not a thing we do on the regular. You saw me in the main discord and you could have talked to me there like normal. Are you for fucking real, you think we now a "thing" going where we have to regularly talk every day or something is wrong?

No. 2387514

I had to do a group project and one of the members was this ancient scrote. He said my hair was pretty and he told me to smile more. Then when everyone left he told me he liked working with me the most. He's lucky I didn't say I hated working with him.

No. 2387528

I had a fight with one of my friends a while ago and during the fight she had been pretty damn racist towards my siblings and myself. I stopped talking to her but forgot I was following her on Tumblr and she just reblogged some retarded virtue signaling anti-racism post kek. What a hypocrite.

No. 2387557

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I am so fucking useless. I tried making it as an artist, failed. Tried making it as a youtuber/streamer, failed. Now i am back in school at gun point. I really hate being untalented and poor. I dont want to study, i want to focus on doing the things i enjoy. I am also ugly as fuck and i cant even distract myself by dating cute guys. I am so pissed, i am literally worthless. I am going to spend this year watching movies, playing games and drawing and then kill myself. I genuinely cant take it anymore. I dont like where my life is headed. I dont want a wagey cagey job at some office, i dont want to earn peanuts because i am a third worlder. Back when i was neeting i had delusions of grandeous, now that i am hit with the reality and i just cant take it anymore. I am replaying all my favourite game franchises(fallout, ace combat, ico) then i am offing myself. The idea of ending up like all the older people in my life is fucking frightening.

No. 2387584

Well, I hope you don't kill yourself. And I hope, if streaming and art are things you are really passionate about, that you keep trying to do them. It can take years and years for people to "break out", so I hope you don't give up. I'm sorry you are feeling so badly right now, but I hope you stick around with us anyway. I don't think you're worthless. I think someday you will live a life you think is worth living if you keep trying to get there.

No. 2387594

Same. Whores, the lot of them.
If hetero anons can be creepy and gross about men then lesbianons should be allowed to be creepy and gross about women. Get over yourself.

No. 2387599

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My fiance found my rpf self insert fic(s?) and I am so mortified with embarrassment. I don't know which one(s) he saw and there are levels of bad to this, so I am praying he only saw the fluffy silly one that could be interpreted as a yaoi self insert thing (it's not)
He was literally going to tell me and I had to interrupt him or else I'd die right then and there. I should've known better to only write it at work lol

No. 2387605

I'm so fucking mad at women who bitch about aging and they're like 'booo I'm 25/30/35 now and I won't get male validation and attention anymoreeeee'. First of all you will still get it because men fuck everything and they're shit at judging age anyway. Second of all, I would count lack of male attention as a blessing. So many men are pedophilic. I got hit on by adult men the most when I was 11-14. Yes, they literally never hit on me and never made inappropiate comments towards me as often as when I was 11-14. How do you explain this? How would scrotes explain this? Did I hit the wall at 14 because I never got that much attention from strangers past that age? Think about it

No. 2387613


No. 2387621

I would literally explode and kms on the spot if this happened to me

No. 2387626

How did he find it? Was he snooping through your stuff?

No. 2387631

how do i stop myself from feeling attracted to people who i hate or are bad for me.

I've been hate watching this reactionary commentator that slowly ive been gaining feelings for him and it's weird. He is old (23 years older) and flabby too so it feels even worse, his face isn't bad though but yeah….man the shame.

Don't know why this happens but it feels like some form of self hate, low self esteem or self harm.

No. 2387633

I don't know where to post this because celebricows is for milk only, but I fucking hate looking at Sabrina Carpenter. She's like if you took florence pugh and warped all her features triangularly. I have nothing against her, I don't give a fuck about pop music one way or another and think that it's better for performers to be valued on everything else instead of their beauty, but she's so scary looking

No. 2387638

My roommate is broke, like completely overdrawn her bank account broke and she's twice my age. She got pissed off when I suggested trying to get a more reliable job, and that's not even touching on her spending 3x as much on groceries because everything has to be organic, from a co op, or alcohol. Why the fuck are so many people bad at managing their money

No. 2387639

half the neighbors have parties going on and it's loud asf. i just wanna sleep please god

No. 2387641

My dad is the cringiest person alive and somehow even though I recognize how cringe his behaviors are clearly, it doesn't prevent me from doing the exact same sorts of things and mannerisms. Genetic influence is fucking real. I have cringe autist demeanor programmed into my bones so deep I can't even recognize it when it comes out of me.

No. 2387652

this is me with my mom. together we can have it be so over for us.

No. 2387658

File: 1738992356316.png (334.07 KB, 500x466, image (4).png)

I know I am lowkey annoying my family but I have this behavior I can't seem to stop. Basically, when I am eating a fruit, and really enjoying it, I can't seem to stop myself from telling everyone how good the fruit is, and in what ways, not just once or twice, but repeatedly, the entire time I'm eating it, and even after I finish it, I will mention how amazing the fruit was and how happy I was to eat it.

This makes me appear mentally disabled. I know my family knows I'm not mentally disabled, and that they love me, but I know they know it's a very abnormal and socially maladjusted behavior, and it's embarrassing. But it's like an actual compulsion, I feel like I have to tell other people how good the fruit is?? (???????????) More like, I feel deeply that they have to be made aware of the deliciousness of the fruit and how amazing it is to eat. I know this makes no sense. I am so embarrassed but I cannot stop it. If I am eating the fruit alone, it's okay, and I can eat it normally in silence. But if there are people around it all goes to shit.

Pic related, this specific variety of apples is so delicious. I've been eating them for like a year at this point and still, every fucking time, I have to narrate the experience. And it's a fucking apple. Fuck me.

No. 2387660

silicone earplugs that you can shape

No. 2387666

i need out of this country

No. 2387677

I'm so fucking tired of my country, I wish I could just get on an island with my nonnas for the rest of my life, even infighting spergs included.

Kek I didn't scroll to the thread bottom at first, but same.

No. 2387678

KEK, i’ll come join your island nona

No. 2387680

My old best friend use to do this with apples all the time. I thought it was funny and adorable

No. 2387682

File: 1738995983916.png (943.13 KB, 1000x562, e413ea129bb54c941e1b097c6255e1…)

I find apples very mealy. Maybe a very good pineapple, nectarine, mango, purple grape or peach. Also papaya, watermelon, banana, avocado, kiwi and starfruit. And dragon fruit sometimes. I don't advertise the fruit to others but I do feel very threatened when I'm eating it and they're nearby

No. 2387683

You haven't tried these apples. They are extremely crisp, the crispest type of apple you can get aside from honeycrisp, and they have much better flavor and are a more reasonable size.
WTF, I need to meet her. Where is she now? I think we have a soul connection. I've never met anyone else who did this.

No. 2387684

File: 1738996284863.jpg (201.5 KB, 1920x2716, 3993065-67879848.jpg)

Hmm I'm not sure why you're telling me this. Don't you want to keep all the honeycrisp apples for yourself anon?

No. 2387685

no no, you misread, I meant they are BETTER than honeycrisp… no one knows about them (sweetango) though and i'm worried if they don't get popular enough they'll stop selling them and then I will never be able to eat an apple again because all other apples pale in comparison to this type of apple. I cannot go back. So everyone needs to get into sweetango ASAP

No. 2387686

>hate circumcised penises
>live in America

No. 2387688

File: 1738996958791.jpg (108.17 KB, 1024x683, 53887432ddd5804b598b338157ccbc…)

>It is a cross between the 'Honeycrisp' and the Zestar Apple belonging to the University of Minnesota.
This Zestar apple seems interesting too. Alright anon, I'll tell my fruit-eating friends about your crisp and tasty franken-apple

I also like oranges and clementines (plus lemons, limes and buddha's hand) btw, forgot to mention those

No. 2387689

I do this exact same bullshit tango. The only difference is that I do not eat in silence and will still preach to a nonexistent crowd. Fruit appreciation power. Keep on keeping on, nonna.

(This made my bad day good so thank you very much kek)

No. 2387691

Have you tried Ambrosia apples? It's like crispy apple juice.

No. 2387695

Currently fighting to not give into urges and eat things I shouldn't. I'm just gonna drink some water and try to ho back to sleep

No. 2387696

File: 1738997990531.jpg (24.31 KB, 400x300, watercore.jpg)

based and pomme-pilled nonnies. for a transcendent apple experience you want to get a late season apple, right from the orchard, that's been left on the tree after the first frost of the season. Certain varieties get something called water core, where the sorbitol (sugar alcohol) concentration goes way up and the inner flesh gets this transparent, glass-like, appearance. They are so sweet, it's like eating candy! My favorites are Jonagold with just a touch of water core. Also Winesaps, they honestly taste like maynards winegums and they're so fragrant!

Eat an apple!

No. 2387699

File: 1738998415446.gif (2.29 MB, 498x279, spunch.gif)

when i find out yuri artist i like enjoys dickgirl/futa/tranny shit
why is it SO HARD to find yuri artist/writers who dont put dicks anywhere jesus christ

No. 2387700

>water core Jonagold
nm ty for the apple advice nona

No. 2387708

i can't get these where i live but the reviews on orangepippin look legit

No. 2387722

if your iron and haemoglobin is high then there's no point supplementing and the fatigue isn't from anemia, it's just that simple

No. 2387723

>If hetero anons can be creepy and gross about men then lesbianons should be allowed to be creepy and gross about women.
We're creepy and gross in a place they're not supposed to be
>I want to be creepy znd gross about women around women
Scrotest thing I've ever read

No. 2387726

last night i watched one of the hottest porn video i've ever watched as a hand fetishist, i'll make a hand thread just so i can webm and post it

No. 2387727

was it an actual hot hand or was it one of the veiny ugly ones

No. 2387735

I'll buy this and think of you nonna. ♥

No. 2387738

the hands themselves were average but it was a nice position where you could see them really well and they were caressing every spot, with the hands and the arms almost covering the body entirely and that was really sexy to me.. think if you were sitting between the legs of a moid and he was caressing your g spot and your clit while slightly grinding on your back and whispering in your ears. anyways i don't want to overhype it in case you see it.

No. 2387739

nta make a hand thread pleaese in ./g/

No. 2387742

I realized that my 7 year relationship was over when he just looked at me coldly and asked me mundane questions about tv shows while I bawled my eyes out right next to him because I got a phone call that my grandma died in the hospital. Still can't visit that cafe to this day. Until that point I excused all of his bullshit behavior but that day the thought "this thing doesn't love me at all" appeared in my head. His eyes scared me at that moment. Today I look back and don't miss a single thing about this relationship. It was just awful and it was like being in a cult with 1 leader and 1 follower.

No. 2387762

There's a thing that really helps me move on from my ex which is that I know for a fact I wouldn't feel comfortable having children with him. Like I know I'll most likely want kids someday and I know 100% I wouldn't trust him to be a dad. He had issues with consent and was sexually abusive, so that was a first redflag. He also had 0 sense of family or responsibility, so that's a second redflag. He also had a weird ephebophilic interest in girls that look somewhat like him. He was a pre-tranny. He also had this weird resentment at the world where he is entitled pleasure at the expense of others. All of these combined together, you literally have the prototype of a child molester. So I might be a dumbass and miss the few moments of affection and feel insecure to date new people and I might fluctuate on how much I hate him, I might be masochistic and believe I deserve crappy relationships, but there is one thing that will remain and never change is I know I can never get back with him if I want children. I couldn't subject a potential daughter to the risk of her dad mistreating her. And I don't see a point in dating a guy I wouldn't have children with.

No. 2387766

I just had a nightmare/stress dream and ended up sweating my bed. It's so frustrating, I hate that I constantly have unsettling dreams.

No. 2387780

I went out drinking and got a little too drunk with a mid scrote friend and I think Ibe been too honest and genuine. Ended up displaying excess affection when I could have just not because I have a bf who is better than him in every perfect way. I feel like a retarded fucking whore.

No. 2387783

i miss being an older teen/young 20s. i miss the stupidity and lack of caring about anything in life. i miss parties and getting high and wasted and still being able to wake up and go to work in a few hours. just the total nihilistic carelessness of that age.

No. 2387794

it can also go in the ideal male bodies thread

No. 2387799

yeah it could but i also just want ot make a male hands thread kek. also the body isn't very visible, i guess hands are a bodypart but yeah….

No. 2387800

american moids be
>in debt
god america must be dating hell

No. 2387807

>supposed to get studying
>on my periods
>just want to chill and browse

No. 2387836

based. at least they have clean penises.

No. 2387839

Imagine supporting curdled dick cheese and the cancers caused by it. Least brainwashed westerner

No. 2387852

wtf nonas I can't believe I fell for the coffee psyop I thought it tasted like shit at first and it had no impact on my performance and energy but it's actually quite comforting to drink

No. 2387854

yes you are retarded

No. 2387856

Circumcised is the only type of dick that looks sort of acceptable to me kek

No. 2387861

ive been drinking coffee recently too for the first time consistently and it is lovely

No. 2387866

File: 1739014520918.jpg (21.23 KB, 564x486, 1671753188101.jpg)

I used to have a perfect smile and then i grew my wisdom teeth grew and now i have a fucking snaggle tooth. I want to kms.

No. 2387874

suddenly remembered the time some anon got called a tranny for making a (not graphic, not explict, just offhandedly mentioned) period shit joke kek. this is why i'm sometimes cautious about scrotefoils. can't even laugh at our own bodily functions

No. 2387898

When did the day started to go wrong

No. 2387899

i wish i had someone i could contact whenever and not feel ashamed about how much i message them, and also get the same level of sperginess from them too. i wanna talk and talk about everything with anyone

No. 2387901

I haven't got myself to go out at all the whole week, I'm hungry, I need groceries but I have unreasonable anxiety over what if some of my neighbours see me

No. 2387902

I hate how people never read the entire email or post and only reply to parts of it, which often makes the reply useless. With this most recent email there’s two very short paragraphs about two completely different subjects and a question in the first paragraph that could be answered with a simple yes or no, and the guy just replied with “okay, thanks”. Wtf do I do now? Send him a follow up email repeating my first paragraph from the first one? In the future do I need to send two separate emails if I want to discuss two separate subjects? Should I space them out so the receiver doesn’t get overwhelmed? It’s only two sentences, how hard is it to read two sentences when this is literally his job? Fuck.

No. 2387905

What a weird thing to miss

No. 2387911

Imagine dating men that can’t be trusted to clean their own dicks so they have to resort to mutilating themselves. Circumcised dick looks dried up and scarred

No. 2387917

My family bought plane tickets for me for a trip next month I wasn't aware of and now are expecting me to go and "I can't do that to them" by not going and aren't willing to return the tickets fml.

No. 2387925

>some men don’t clean their asses because they think it’s gay
>they never wash their hands after touching their dicks
>but somehow I believe they would clean their dicks if they had foreskin!
Stop simping. Men want to carve your clit out with rusty razor blades. Don’t make me get my phone to post a video compilation of grown men talking about how they didn’t know foreskins could be rolled back only to discover a calcified rock of dick cheese under theirs when they try to clean it for the first time in their 20s.

No. 2387930

>Men want to carve your clit out with rusty razor blades
NTA but men in my country don't want to cut women's clit some of us aren't born in demonic shitholes

No. 2387934

they would given the opportunity. white males aren't better than males from "shitholes".

No. 2387935

nta but how’s that weird? i feel the same way.
i miss technically being an adult but not having any of the big responsibilities yet

No. 2387936

you don't have to live in a country that practices female genital mutilation to encounter these men. they are everywhere. many men like to joke about taking apart women's genitals and when women are assaulted and murdered it's not uncommon for much of the violence they suffer to be focused on their genitals.

No. 2387940

No they most definitely are, mostly.

No. 2387942

Yeah but middle eastern men are seduced by ultraviolence universally. Their normal is different from the west. They are born surrounded by a culture that makes them more selfish and nasty and hellbent on misogyny thanks to the local custaom of religion

No. 2387953

White scrotes are terrible but they're definitely not as bad as African or mena moids

No. 2387972

And poopy assholes

No. 2388049

I don't see myself ever becoming independent. I don't see myself ever being happy and satisfied with my life. I'm ugly, short, meek, i look and act like a retard, I don't have the ability to make friends. What would i even talk about? I don't have any hobbies, i don't have any passions, i don't have anything i like or enjoy other than staying in my own delusions. How can i move foward in life if i have to live in constant delusion? Anything other than being delusional is torture to me. I'm too distracted, too retarded to live. I hate people, i hate everyone around me. I hate the poorer people because they're gross and misogynistic, want to go the club and shit, and i'm too retarded to hang around the higher income/more elite people. I have zero social skills and i don't get anything out of it. I'm not a moid so i'll never aquire social power or respect among my peers for my skills even if i'm a shell of person, not even women respect or admire you.
>"but why live for other people?
Because i have nothing else to live for. I would live for my mother, but i can't make an actual living with no money insecurity in a vacumm with my mother. I wish my family hated me so i could kill myself in peace.
>being a scrote won't solve your problems
I don't have anything i actually like for myself that would make it worth living as a woman. You just think, "just get a hobby!" No you don't get it, i'm an NPC. I have nothing. I have no personality, i have no interests, i remember being a child and being excited about liking something instead of my brain deluding into another dimension of how i could becoming this thing if i was prettier, smarter, more socially skilled in a way that is not possible for me in reality. I remember being like 11 years old and being worried about what i'm going to do when i grow up because my social skills were bad, i had no interest in a subject or people and deep down i was a very distracted and retarded person and forgot everything i learned in school even though i got good grades back then. I remember being a child and a teenager and having to force out making jokes, or trying to have a conversation so people could like me better but it just felt unnatural and i could tell people didn't really like me. I can't be satisfied with just an average life. Those average people have friends they normally interact with, i can't do that, i feel robotic talking with people. I'm very short, weirdly proportionate, move like sperg because i fried my brain with OCD so my brain is scattered, young looking in the face but still ugly, but the worst is my meek personality and the fact that i fried my brain into retardation. If i was at least a 5'7 scrote i could just bottle everything up, not speak much and study and work hard like crazy but people wouldn't doubt me as much and not perceive me as a retarded child, i could leave social life behind and aspire to become a high achiever type of moid. I'm an ugly mentally ill woman, who's going to have my back?

I lost out on my teenage years to cancer and i'm still mentally 15 years old. I don't want a job or choose a career yet i just want to go back to school and instead of being pushed by my family to do stuff that i'm not interested in. It's retarded and childish but i don't know how to fix it. I'm 23 and all the people my age are already talking about jobs, there is always a scrote trying to rub my shoulders and talking vulgar about women and all the women around me just laugh about it. People just talk and i sit among them like a special needs.

What can i do other than killing myself?

No. 2388060

you need to go work at a farm or as a park ranger or something. spend some time in nature. you won’t have to talk to many people, the fresh air and removing yourself from modern society and the internet might be good for your mental state

No. 2388074

You can't just wait around to "like" something anymore. That's something a lot of people grow out of. Most of us, even. You have to make an active choice to participate in something and see if you wouldn't mind continuing with it after trying it for a while. And not just stop after the first few hours.
Make a list of hobbies and start working down the list, trying them out. Spend at least 3-5 hours on each one. If at some point you're trying something and think "I would rather be doing x hobby I was doing earlier", go back to that hobby for a bit.
Go look up some movies that people like or think are interesting. I'll use Shutter Island as an example. Watch the movie. Then watch it again and look for details you missed. Look up information on it from wikipedia and deep dive about the directors or people that participated in it. You can watch it a third time and think about why certain camera angles were chosen, or the lighting, and listen to the soundtrack and why they might have chosen certain sound cues. Do this with older movies that are outside your realm of lived experience, so you look up the cultural context behind them.
Most importantly of all, please for the love of god take a 10 minute walk outside every day. If you are already doing this, excellent. But a lot of people do not understand that even cursory exposure to outside and plant life and sun will vastly improve their life. It is just the way we are wired.
Also consider being evaluated for depression, because you seem severely depressed and medication can really help alleviate these feelings of despair and apathy you are suffering from.

Seconding >>2388060
See what I mean? You really need nature, it is no joke.

No. 2388096

I implore you to research current french news and repeat that.

No. 2388099

No, instead they jerk off to pedophilia incest and wish for you to get gangraped if you remotely disagree with their political stance.

No. 2388128

My bf and i are now co-workers. He’s been here longer than me and our job in mainly female staff on the floor, and after i started working here with him the amount of side eye i get from absolute bridge troll looking women is hysterical. We ate lunch together at the food court and noticed two younger co-workers sat aways from us and were essentially spying on us. Like ladies, you’re zygotes to him…

No. 2388133

I never really relate to people who say they miss being in school. I get others might have had a nice school experience but mine was so bad even when I had friends and relationships it still sucked. It just makes me feel disconnected when everyone else around me goes "I wish I was a kid/teen again, those were the days" or whatever. I just don't relate and it's always awkward and a reminder I'm not really like these people and they had a more normal life than mine. I don't even think the present is better either, I just don't really feel any nostalgia for the past.

No. 2388138

Still better than actually gang raping women to death

No. 2388143

That’s men of all races everywhere, nonna.

No. 2388145

Actually what I never understood is why is there so much pressure put on girls to be the best at academics? I think everyone heard stories about little girls pushed to the extreme to be competitive and perform better than everyone else in school. Especially from dads, for some reason a lot of dads are weirdly adamant that their daughters excel in academics. My dad was like that too, my female cousin's dad too, and I know multiple other girls with dads obsessed with grades. Just to become an overworked office lady with an abusive boss or a stressed doctor.

No. 2388148

gang rapes and femicides happen everywhere, the rates are higher in poorer countries simply bc their justice system lets men off lightly. western scrotes do the same shit the minute they think they can get away with it.

No. 2388149

is he hot? maybe they're just trying to appreciate a rare instance of male beauty.

No. 2388151

It's because they think their daughters are doomed if they can't either find a good husband or excel in academics kek, it's only recently where it's become "acceptable" for women to take other paths like trade work

No. 2388153

if people have high academic expectations for daughters and not sons, it's because sons get "boys will be boys" treatment and have no expectations placed upon them, and are precious little baby boys. but girls are seen as more moldable and need to earn the family respect and love.

No. 2388156

i think it's because in the eyes of many people, they have yo make up for being a girl sonehow. a moid can coast by just by virtue of being a moid, but women have to work twice as hard, they aren't allowed to be mediocre.
I've also seen families where all the expectations are places on the smart kid and the lazy/stupid one gets none whatsoever, and a lot of the time the smart hardworking ones are girls.

No. 2388163

I had a kitten sleeping on my leg and i had to wake him up to pee i feel like a monster. Also i am taking care of 4 1 month old kittens and i cant stop laughing at them they legit look like aliens they are so ugly.

No. 2388169

Any nostalgia I feel for the past is all related to when I wasn't in school. I still have stress dreams about being a teenager again. I think those people who miss being in school must miss when they had less responsibilities or something? But I don't understand how their lives can be worse, because now they're not forced by law to be somewhere they don't want to be. Maybe another anon has answers.

No. 2388174

I had to delete my twitter account because someone took offence at what I said and reported me to the police for committing a "hate crime" and some Official English Police Department actually responded and asked them for details. It wasn't a parody account. LMAO. The UK is fucking COOKED. They actually will arrest and will lock you up for "mean" words. Holy shit. I'm so pissed off because I've lost everything on that account.

No. 2388178

I definitely see that with Asian and African families but my parents didn't care at all about my grades when I was struggling in school. Even when I did college on my own I remember getting hired for an internship, we were planning on meeting up for lunch to talk about it and they bailed on me when they were like 10 minutes away from the area I was in. It's so damn awkward for me to talk about anything with them as an adult because my mom will say shit like "how did you even pass your college math classes when you kept failing them in high school"

No. 2388183

was it trans related? yea the UK has had cops called on women for their GC tweets, it's insane. when as always they don't care as much about violent men.

No. 2388208

Holy shit anon, I’m so sorry for you. I hope there are more riots and you get medieval on them.

No. 2388218

My fridge broke. I lost all my food. I have no money to replace it right now nor do I have money for more food. Fuck everything. My life has been hell for the past few months.

No. 2388220

I thought about the responsibilities thing too and I can understand it more if it's someone with a really rough job, an illness or a family to take care of, but I've seen even people who haven't worked a day in their life and who have none of that to worry about still express the same sentiment. Always strikes me as odd when it's not like they have any responsibilities now either and just spend all day gaming and watching anime or something and if they were at school they would actually have more responsibilities than they currently do kek. I just assume it's missing being younger, being able to meet people more easily at school, and how much cultural idealization there is of your childhood and teenage years in general. Besides just people having nice memories and a normal happy school life so they miss that.

No. 2388221

Thank you. I'm honestly scared lol. It's no wonder that the injustices continue on with little resistance. Anyone that says or does anything is silenced and threatened with jail time.

The regime in the UK is actually crazy. Holy shit. Like this is some North Korea/China level suppression and gaslighting.

No. 2388224

I'm visiting my parents and remembering why my dad is fucking unbearable.

>was unemployed most of my life, now retired, but constantly complains he's "overworked" for doing basic chores and offloads them on my mom who's the breadwinner and literally has stress-induced health issues

>constantly screams and swears at the TV even for completely innocuous shit like contestants of a gameshow getting the wrong answer
>gets mad at us over nothing, even more so as he now has memory issues and misremembers what we told him then gets mad about it
>interrupts every conversation I have with my mom to insert himself in the conversation and say something stupid
>constantly groans in pain because he fell one time months ago, uses it as an excuse to do even less
somehow my mom seems fine and happy with him, but I cannot fucking imagine living like this, and it makes me sad to think of how different her life would have been with a better partner (and tbh mine, because his old ass genes made me autistic and his constant yelling fucked me up growing up). If my moid was angry all the time and spent decades as a NEET but talked about being "overworked" I would kill him.

No. 2388226

That's the point.

No. 2388231

No. 2388234

How did he file that report without showing the context?

No. 2388240

Very late, but the thing is, we let each other use our phones, usually to check important things and for memes when we are waiting for the other and we don't have our own phone at hand. Commonly I charge my phone at our room and he does his at the home office, so mine is usually more at hand if we are just hanging in our room. But anyway, he doesn't usually check the notes app or the other site where I was writing it, so I just got kinda comfortable writing it there (my PC broke so I just use my phone to write, mostly). So he either saw it when he was gonna use the notes app or he saw the site and got curious, and I HOPE it's the first one because it's cringy, but as I said at least it's a silly fluffy thing.
Also yeah, as he was going to tell me he actually apologized first for "reading something personal that he shouldn't" and he's always open and honest about that, but when he mentioned that it had to do with rpf I just wanted to die right there and I interrupted him and said I didn't want to know any further and he said he had to tell me but I just chose to live in blissful ignorance of what he actually read lol

No. 2388242

I think thats very sweet. Ill be on the look out for those apples so I can enjoy it as well. I do the same when I eat oranges and clementines, theres not really a specific brand, I just really like a particularly juicy orange that peeled nicely and doesnt have too much stringy bits

No. 2388243

no clue if he filed it but the police department indulged this shit and asked him for details on the "hate crime". I'm deleting my previous texts because I'm paranoid. That country is fucking insane and will actually lock me up no matter the context, I offended their protected class, their sacred cow (muslims). That's all that matters.

No. 2388244

Just stop talking? the fuck

No. 2388252

Don’t date men that do not clean their dicks then? Even if a guy is circumcised his dick is going to be disgusting if he doesn’t clean it and give you infections. Plus how am I simping by saying circumcised dicks look disgusting, mutilated, dry, scarred, rough, and overall way less attractive than a non mutilated dick? Find a guy that showers everyday and you’ll never have to worry about dick cheese, unless you overlook that just because they are circumcised and “look” clean?

No. 2388253


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No. 2388258

Why do women always act like this when they’re with their scrotes? Just because a woman looked in his direction doesn’t mean she wants to fuck him. You probably are dating some average looking moid like the majority of the population anyways

No. 2388263

Because women are weird in the workplace over men they get on with well. I went to my boyfriend at the times work night out and he had told me about his female coworker who was his mate and I didn't even think anything suspicious since he was so forthcoming with stories of his day to day etc. Anyway so I met her and was trying to be nice but she hated me. By the end of the night she had managed to elbow me extremely hard and I told my bf and he was like oh yeah a few people said she had a crush on me. Clearly people need to socialise outside of work more and stop getting territorial over office moids

No. 2388266

Was it the West Yorkshire Police? They’re notorious for being extremely corrupt and fucked up, enabling shit like rape gangs while arresting and jailing old and/or disabled women for using Adult Human Female stickers or being gc online. They harassed a man for posting a limerick on twitter. They’re also the ones who bungled the Yorkshire Ripper case.

No. 2388269

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Well, just found out my new insurance is charging me $100 per therapy session which I can’t afford. I know so many people can’t but this tool was keeping me afloat for so long and has been lifesaving in terms of my healing and mental health. Not only this, its a weekly chance to hold myself accountable as my work is done from home and I don’t have much else to do (though I try volunteer and attend an art class once a week, I just have nothing else that helps me have someone I can count on and some “scheduled” thing each week)

I just feel heartbroken and scared. I want to be strong, I know this is life, but now I am losing this tool and I feel like I have just been pushed underwater. We just started targeting my OCD and doing more PTSD work. I will probably be able to attend once a month if I can save up. Oh well, I guess the life raft eventually deflates and you’re left on your own again

No. 2388275

I have already tried medications for depression but i stopped because i felt like they weren't doing anything. The last was a medication specifically for OCD but i only took it for one month, i'm thinking about going back to it.
>You can't just wait around to "like" something anymore. That's something a lot of people grow out of. Most of us, even. You have to make an active choice to participate in something and see if you wouldn't mind continuing with it after trying it for a while. And not just stop after the first few hours.
There isn't much to try where i am from. I live in third world shithole and my family doesn't have a lot of money. Also there isn't many places close to me where there is nature, i can't even sit in the park because it's full of trash and homeless people. I feel bad about asking money to go anywhere or ask for anything (even though i still do it) because i'm such a burden so if i feel like if i go i would just not enjoy it all and spend the whole feeling guilty and waiting for it to be over. Ideally i would study very hard to become a doctor and engineer so i could go to another country but i'm too retarded to ever become either of those things. I can somewhat draw well and i took a vocational test and it said i'm suited for art but i'm not that creative, bussiness savvy, i feel like i wouldn't be respected and i'm wasting my time doing "dumb stuff" instead of important things for society like STEM.

No. 2388279

nonnie, you shouldnt be afraid of giving the medication another go if you are already at the point of considering suicide. i know its fucked up to tell you its a matter of your mindset and finding ANY way whatsoever to be in nature for a little bit, because its not that easy, but if you feel like you’re already close to calling it quits, its the best time to delude yourself and find a small way to just try. ocd doesnt help with enjoying things either because it removes you from the moment you are presently in. my heart breaks for you because i relate to you in some ways and its a difficult battle but the world doesnt have to be as cold and pointless as your brain makes it out to be. im sorry you are trapped and suffering, and i only hope that you can keep going until you find an escape that isnt suicide—because you will die anyway, so no need to rush it

No. 2388282

Experienced medical malpractice and gaslighting last night. Male doctor treated me like a mentally ill woman instead of a woman who has been incredibly sick and rapidly losing weight. They didnt weigh me when i got there, i requested to be weighed because i dont have a scale at home but i know ive lost a lot of weight this month, doctor says “oh ive seen you before you look the same to me” excuse me?? I havent been seen by this ER doctor for three years. What kind of thing is that to say? I got weighed, yup I lost 7 lbs since I last checked two months ago. (I am low-healthy Bmi so this is concerning.) I was seen a month ago for a UTI and kidney infection, was asking new doctor last night if infection returned and i need more antibiotics, he says “you never had antibiotics” im like, “what? Yes i did, i can look at my medical history to tell you the name of it” he cut me off and insisted they only gave me a medicine for the burning sensation no antibiotics. He tells me theres no reason for me to be seen and doesnt let me ask questions. Once on my way out, i pull up my medical history, yup, i was given bactrim and i took it for 9 days, fucking idiot. I’m so frustrated and exhausted.

No. 2388286

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You must be blind.

No. 2388290

EWW look at that ashy penis! Get this faggot some Vaseline KEKKK

No. 2388291

I physically gagged. wtf wtf wtf WTF. How is this legal to deform little boy babies like that? That shit looks disgusting. The p0rnsick retards and cutfags must live on unimaginable levels of copium.(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 2388293

>pic is mostly moids bitching about no feeling in MUH DICK
>doesn’t mention how men are incapable of keeping themselves clean so they’re forced to get it cut off due to their own retardation at birth no less
Who tf cares about men being able to feel pleasure or how good raw sex feels for moids when they’re uncut. They usually come in seconds and never pull back their foreskin afterwards so it’s just the worst bacteria imaginable for a woman’s vaginal flora.

No. 2388294

why are men so obsessed with posting on this site about circumcision as if we give a fuck. Is this what happens when you are so privileged that you can only talk about the same two topics over and over again to feel like the victim.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2388295

>missing gliding mechanism
This is bad for women too.

No. 2388296

Mom, they're talking about dicks and men again!

No. 2388298

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No. 2388301

I have no relation to the previous posts I just want to vent my frustration that sexual activity with my fiance keeps giving me yeast infections and I'm so beyond sick of it. It is hell. And yes we use condoms. Vagenes are so damn fragile.

No. 2388302

Nonnies I’m so sorry but this just reminded me of when I was hanging out with my crush in his car and when he took off his pants it straight up smelled like a fucking barn oh my god I gag just thinking about it

No. 2388304

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I HATE MY RELATIVES. Not all of them, some are decent and pretty nice but few of them, god. I've just pretended they don't exist and avoid them kek, however my family, especially my parents keep talking with them. I hate when my mom shares to me all the bullshit my cousins say. All of them are a bunch of snobs, hypocrites and selfish bastards. Wish my parents were able to cut ties with them.

No. 2388306

Eeww I can just imagine it kek

No. 2388308

Throw a lube bottle at him and you’re fine, you would still need lube if you used condoms anyways so why cap for men’s pleasure. Moids only care about being uncut because they want to fuck raw and focus only on what they’re feeling, it’s why they sperg out about being able to ooze slime from their dicks so they don’t have to get any woman aroused enough for sex

No. 2388320

Is he also getting treated for yeast infections? Could be that just touching his dick and then your vagina, or even sitting where his genitals touched the bed etc, is re-infecting you over and over

No. 2388330

>you would still need lube if you used condoms anyways
Not if he's uncircumcised
>Throw a lube bottle at him
Or maybe use what Nature made for free that's less sticky and more convenient

No. 2388354

I hate code switching BPDemons and I hate moids who blatantly fall for their shit even more. You can have an amazing connection with a scrote and he’ll still be retarded enough to fall for some crazy eyed bitch who giggles at his jokes the right way.

No. 2388355

It’s the condoms

No. 2388358

KEKK , did you still proceed or did you shame him? I’m not having high hopes.

No. 2388361

nta but i still use lube because i have a tight pelvic floor from weightlifting, i think it has more to do with your anatomy and his most of the time

No. 2388362

These organs are so fucking ugly my goddess and I’m straight too. They’re such an eyesore. Some scrotes call pussy roast beefs when they literally have a gross worm inside their trousers.
Pussy is aesthetically better.

No. 2388370

I wish I could be happy in my natural hair color, but I just can't. Whenever I've tried for a prolonged period of time I just end up so insanely unhappy with my mirror image, I don't feel like myself unless I have it bleached or in clown colors. I have dyed it black a couple of times just to force myself in a position where I had to let it rest for a year, despite my natural hair being dark brown I am somehow more comfortable with black - but I still get bored of it after a while.
At least it's not as damaged as Jillian's or other alt cows, I know how to take care of it and what products to use. But it doesn't undo any damage bleaching does to it.

No. 2388399

Definitely. They're ugly as hell and are just a step nicer looking than balls but men and pickmes insist they are gods gift to women. Ugly and they mess up your bacterial flora.

No. 2388412

But when lesbians talk about pussies is chaos. Dick talk always gets out of containment and no one bats an eye. So damn annoying.

No. 2388418

I have an exam on Monday but I was a retard and procrastinated after finishing studying it (it’s an exam I have taken already but the teacher failed me sigh). I’ll pull an all nighter to revise today and use tomorrow too, but I’ll sleep early. I hope I’ll pass it.

No. 2388420

Coffee come to me!!

No. 2388425

When does that happen? There was one anon being horny about some random woman's pussy pics being posted here and another anon reminded her the pics were probably stolen and posted without her consent and the "lesbian" anon got angry and said the same thing so now I'm skeptical

No. 2388427

>31 year old childhood friend just reblogged “you aren’t too old to transition”

No. 2388429

I wish lesbians would talk about pussies so we don't have to be subjected to the same nasty shit over and over the fuck again about fucking circumcision. I wouldn't be surprised if half the instigators are stealth males.

No. 2388436

You want lesbians to post pics of different type of labia and which is best? And insult the ugly ones openly like we do with moids? That's what you want anon?

No. 2388441

It happens pretty often
But there’s a stark different reaction. Here you can find a penis pic on /ot and someone praising uncut or cut penises and talking in great detail about their boyfriends’ junk but when a lesbian has some fantasies , without pictures mind you, then it’s chaos.

No. 2388451

I thought kanye was trying to hit all demographics for gay marketing purposes but the actual hatred he has for women is mental. That man is a faggot meaning gay self hating bastard. I read his retard mom's badly written book and she just let a train of men orbit around her son after his dad left before he was 1 and fuck my mum only began being a whore when I was 12 at least and it took me years to have respect for any authority but especially dickmatised women. Mental

No. 2388454

I'm bisexual like many anons and would be happy to see a pretty vagina posted with consent. I don't think many women are interested in doing that who aren't already active in porn or have mental problems/etc since there isn't much to gain in doing that. Moids everywhere send countless dic pics to every woman they've ever met or post them online for no reason, so we have an unlimited stock of that. Also anons enjoy criticizing penises since so many moids have so much to say about their vaginas

No. 2388491

The only thing keeping me motivated right now is the deep, fierce desire to fuck this guy i meet like a week ago. I also subscribed to an onlyfans. Whenever i am depressed i always become a horny demon. What is wrong with me. I remember this also happened to me in high school, when i became obsessed with this guy and i would onky muster the strenght to shower and go to class to see him. I didnt even get to fuck him and i am still a virgin almost a decade later.

No. 2388495

You sound pathetic kek(read the op)

No. 2388501

I keep forgetting to take my ssri and then wondering why i feel like I'm having a panic attack. I will set an alarm because omg I feel so scared right now lol

No. 2388521

i’m glad you posted this because so many times i’ve been unable to have empathy for anons that use words like dickmatized and have no empathy for abused women. and i had thought well they must just be monsters to say something so cruel. but your mom probably gave you cptsd and you’re genuinely triggered when people like you write stuff like that on here. i feel like i just finally grasped something because so many times it just hurt me to read that other women thought i was lesser than or even bad for having been harmed extensively by men. although i have never and will never bring a child into that and hopefully will never be in that kind of relationship again. i thought maybe it’s bait or a man. but no it makes sense why you feel that way and i’m sorry about the trauma you were given.

No. 2388538

you don't want sex, you want dopamine. Try to find a healthier alternative to getting dopamine.

No. 2388547

Glad my post could help lol. It was wild annoying growing up with a carousel of men coming through the door and a few boyfriends/fiancé's even potential step siblings at times. When shit wasn't going well in those situations I would get the brunt of my mothers emotional outrages. I remember one traumatic beating I was begging her to stop and asking why she never did this to my older brother and she was like because he's a man! I got to move out at 19 and I don't hate her anymore.

No. 2388548

There are too many things happening and too many things that have happened and I feel like I'll never understand the world at this rate

No. 2388556

Wont deny that
I do lots of sports(tennis and swimming + running) and it doesnt help either.

No. 2388558

I will say luckily none of the men did anything to me, but the more "serious" ones would imo overstep boundaries regarding discipline to my brother. Which I'm sure would be so fucking demoralising as my step mum is still a bitch to this day but I haven't saw her in years. And relating it back to my post about the book Raising Kanye even Donda his mom wrote about her boyfriend's disciplining kanye and kanye would stay silent and accept it, but that shit probably pissed him off and he internalised it. Cause I see certain patterns in my brother. And it's so fucking annoying to have childhood trauma and literally everything being able to relate back to it. It's fucking exhausting

No. 2388564

play chess

No. 2388567

Its boring.

No. 2388568

You want her to shoot herself?

No. 2388574

i admire you for being able to let go of that hatred. i haven’t been able to yet towards the men who have harmed me. what you went through was hell on earth and i would be furious at any woman i thought was putting her child through that too. it’s very hard to have compassion for someone who abuses you. i don’t have any compassion personally for men who seem like my ex. i feel bad for most of those women with children but you are right that at a certain point people should be angry at you for the sake of your child for not fleeing. i think some women don’t get it that once you have children, people’s concern for you even is going to be filtered through their concern for your child before you. i have seen some drug addicted mothers who haven’t given a single fuck about their kids or what happened to them and were shocked people didn’t care about them, just were trying to make sure their children didn’t die or get SA’d and that was the main focus of the rescue. it’s hard to read when you’re an abused woman with no kids being called dumb by some anons for even dating an abuser and falling for it in the first place. but some women are the ones giving men access to their children to harm and so so many women take it out on their daughters. neither of my parents ever hit my brother either. it’s so fucked up when i was the quieter more well behaved one.

No. 2388589

Anon I'm sorry. I moved out at 19 with a moid and the first night he was physically abusive after stepping in to my defense a few times with my mum. My mum kicked me out once and his family let me stay for Christmas and I was in the same class as his younger brother so they took me to school for a week. So I was so shocked my saviour turned abuser and stayed with him for 4 more years and three different properties. We even got engaged and my dad was going to get us a house and my ex beat me one day over blueprints. I thought fuck this I didn't grow up being abused to settle for an abusive man. Wasn't my last abusive boyfriend either. It's hard to break cycles. Here's hoping we figure it out this decade

No. 2388618

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The unibomber was right technology is shit…I fucking hate everything.. why couldn't I have been born 10 years earlier when there wasnt war on all fronts and America having a spaz out didnt effect every other country and I could still had a job and a living and not …whatever this is..

No. 2388626

this picture is mad cool

No. 2388661

im so horny. i miss having sex. (uncut penises only)

No. 2388669

she's beautiful wow

No. 2388779

since we're talking about sex and libido i feel bad lately that i literally have almost 0 desire to have sex irl, ive never had a boyfriend but ive been close friends with this guy online for almost 2 years and he's kind of obsessed with me and clearly wants to date me.. sometimes we talk about sexual stuff involving characters we like and i dont hate it but i just get overwhelmed and scared and avoid it when he initates it because i literally have no idea what to do. i dont know how to be sexual with another person at all and it doesnt help that ive had a weird warped sexuality since i learned to masturbate at a really young age (like, toddler age) and ive always been really socially isolated so i dont think i got the normal development people get in their teenage/young adult years… i dont even know if therapy would help, it just feels embarassing to be like this in my 20s. i feel like i let down any guy who would ever like me by being like this and also let myself down by not being ablt to ever have those experiences

No. 2388780

No one in my family has cooked in a while so I was gonna be nice and cook tonight (turkey wings, turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies) but some dummy put the turkey wings that I had been thawing for 2 days back in the freezer. Fuck it. I'm eating a bagel and yogurt, I hope the rest of you starve.

No. 2388788

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I fucking hate every retard here acting like women aren't supposed to have bones because "that's for MEN." Having a jawline is mannish, shoulders are mannish, the daintiest most feminine ugguwuguu girliest women are supposed to be shapeless blobs of flesh, no chins allowed. If your head isn't perfectly spherical you're a tranny drag queen

No. 2388789

Love having a psycho dad whose first reaction when I or anyone else in the family get hurt is just to blame us and start making fun of whoever got hurt unironically. I just got injured by accident because my cat happened to jump off of me (got startled by something) and this fucking retard's first reaction is to start making fun of me and telling me it's my fault and kicking me when I'm already down and just trying to stop the bleeding from the wound I just got. And he ALWAYS does this shit, literally 0 empathy towards anyone, when my mom got seriously injured and had to go to the hospital after a fall a while ago this motherfucker was saying it's her own fault when she happened to slip and hurt herself. She had to be escorted by a bunch of people due to the severity of the injury and took months to heal and that's the only thing her piece of shit husband had to say about it. Today I just couldn't take it anymore and starting yelling at him, I'm so fucking sick of his disgusting, sociopathic behavior. I'm bleeding and on top of it I have to have this subhuman yelling in my face instead of actually caring if I'm ok or not. Then ofc he just doubles down and threatens to hurt me kekkkk. At least my mom understands but I've never felt worse about still living in my parents's house at my age, I need to move out so bad but I'm broke and only start working again in a few months. I swear I could break my leg and this piece of shit would find a way to say it's my fault and laugh in my face and I'm somehow supposed to not lose my shit. God

No. 2388793

Yeah it's all so ridiculous, women shpuldnt even listen to anything anyone says online at this point. Everyone spending all their time trying to rant at and police women when it's all such a fleeting, small passage of time to be obsessed with other people's looks before you're old and invisible and all you have to say for yourself is "I spent all my time shitting on women online and now I'm old and ugly and have nothing and no one who loves me for me"

No. 2388805

Why did I have to be picked for jury duty. People go their whole life without doing it and yet they pick me when this year is going to be crazy busy for me. Kill me

No. 2388808

i feel so lonely and weird. i hate when i remember that i'm nobody's priority or best friend despite how much i go out of my way to make others happy. i never get the energy that i put into others returned.

No. 2388832

I'm so bored and lifeless I actually want to have sex and I'm traumatized and don't even like sex wow

No. 2388833

I like myself better than I did but my esteem was at so rock bottom I wanted to kms so that's not a vast improvement

No. 2388835

I think you can ask for an exemption, look into it. Sorry your year has been stressful.

No. 2388841

maybe you've started to heal from that trauma and aren't used to the feeling yet

No. 2388849

Nta but it's extremely hard to get past csa or rape even if you really want to and think you can. Wanting to VS the actual action are completely different, it's so much easier to imagine a healthy sexual relationship with a man VS the real act were your body goes into panic no matter how badly you don't want it to. I get so nauseous I vomit whenever I'm touched and I don't want that at all. Aspirations aren't enough kek I wish they were. You'll be totally convinced you're ready too up until the very moment.

No. 2388860

I hate it when people try to be "helpful" by doing something retarded like that. Like if you take out tools to use and then go to grab something and those retards go "huh tools? this shouldn't be here, so I'm gonna put it back" like in what world did someone take them out just for fun and not to fucking use them???
I've known people who do that, I'd literally be in the middle of cooking a bunch of things so I'd turn on an extra pan to let it heat up while I go to quickly wash my hands before handling food again for 30 seconds total (I've literally timed it because I am petty af) and when I get back it's been turned off. Because "you can't leave the stove on unattended, that's dangerous!!!" bitch it was literally 30 seconds. Nothing was on or near it that could burn, it was part of the plan to heat it up! You cook at most once a month (and only when forced to), unlike you I know what the fuck I'm doing in the kitchen so stop messing with it! Same if I turn my back away or go to grab a hair tie or pick my phone up from charging - I come back and the stove is suddenly off again. Fucking starve then if you don't want the food to be cooked.

No. 2388863

That may be the case, but if you trust anyone enough to work on it with you at least wanting it is a big first step.

No. 2388866

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Does anyone have suggestions for making new female friends, like hobby or sports groups to check out. My childhood best friend of 14 years who I thought would be a lifelong friend betrayed me and I'm thinking of just giving up and becoming a recluse.

No. 2388914

when i read stuff like this i feel weird because i realize how make sexual abuse symptoms i have but i dont remember anything ever happening (this is me btw >>2388779) i really hate the idea of "repressed memories" so i just ignore it but its worrying

No. 2388938

>friend finder description says she is very clingy and will never ghost you
>gets ghosted
fuck my shitty baka life maybe its not meant to be

No. 2389117

I’m using illustrator for functionally the first time ever and just learned about the radial repeat tool. I’m making a sun and have been plotting out the rays by hand for almost 12 hours. Jesus Christ

No. 2389123

i wish i didn’t relate to this so much.

No. 2389138

try rollerderby?

No. 2389150

Does anyone in that thread actually not ghost the people that add them? It makes me too scared to ever add someone from there despite wanting to

No. 2389160


No. 2389166

Im really high right now and not in a good way. i feel like i cant feel whats going on around me right now

No. 2389182

Lay down in your bed. You can either close your eyes and try to nap, or find a soft blanket and rub your hands/face on it. Either of those should help until you come down a little.

No. 2389187

I'm 26. I've been single for the past 3 years and haven't had sex in 4. I'm so incredibly lonely. All my close friends and everyone in my family my age are in committed relationships or married. My only single friend is more extroverted and she's always seeing someone in a way. This past year I've felt like a complete loser. People always think I look older than I am. Everywhere. Even coworkers made jokes on my last bday cause they thought I was lying about my age (I was not). I feel so unattractive, joyless and unmotivated. I've focused on getting fit, went to a dermatologist, on therapy. I've never felt uglier. I'm too awkward to meet anyone organically and apps were not for me. All my friends are not as close since getting married. I feel like I have no one to talk to anymore and I'm just so so so so so so so so alone.

No. 2389206

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My husband put his foot in his mouth today. I got a babysitter and we had a date night. The topic of regional hair color variations and bottle blondes came up (he started the convo in this direction). I said lots of women dye their hair blonde because more men prefer it. What does he say?
>oh not me; I prefer redheads.
My hair is brown. His hair is brown. Our daughter’s hair is brown.What do I even do with this information? Start dyeing my hair red? Point out attractive features other men have that he doesn’t? I didn’t want to ruin one of the few date nights we get each year but I could have gone my entire life not hearing him say this.

No. 2389211

If he's done that kind of thing, what else has he done?

No. 2389212

Just tell him you like really like blondes/black hair and suggests he gets it dyed.

No. 2389216

drop hints about the sort of men you prefer unil his self esteem is totaly broken down

No. 2389222

I've bled from masturbating too hard with larger dildos and I'm not even a virgin since I've had very unpleasant sexual experiences. It's embarrassing because I just really want to have a pleasant happy sexual relationship or fling but I can't get past the fear I will cinch, cry, and start bleeding and have to return to that place. It has improved but I stand with you in that regard anon, doing it versus simulating or imagining are two vastly different tings.

No. 2389236

Not much else. He doesn’t compliment me anymore, but also doesn’t really neg. A petty part of me wants to dye my hair red and then let him know I actually prefer circumcised men. I think I should probably just sleep on it.

No. 2389253

Dye it white blonde with black streaks and start doing sad clown makeup

No. 2389287

It's so funny when married men with kids say shit like this like… okay but the redheads don't prefer you. What do you mean you prefer them, you will never touch them.

No. 2389306

It does make me wonder if he might do more as a husband if I had been a ginger.

No. 2389326

Terrible, terrible thing for him to have made you think. I hate him for you, nonna.

No. 2389327

No. He'd just move the goalpost. Don't feel bad about it, men only do that in short bursts and then fizzle out regardless of it meeting whatever imaginary dream girl standard they have. If they don't care for the mother of their children enough, the 6 months of effort they'd put in for their "looks preference" would turn into the same distracted apathy as they move on to a new toy to think about in their heads

No. 2389400

Had to kill a cockroach. Absolutely horrible experience. We live in Florida and they're fucking everywhere, if I come out at night into the kitchen and turn on the light I'll occasionally see one, husband told me to ignore it but it's not possible. I fucking hate them I fucking hate them I fucking hate them, we had a tarp sitting folded up on the porch and I went to move it and like 4 dead cockroaches fell out. I can't wait to move out of this state…

No. 2389403

Your husband is making subtle hints that he doesn’t like you and just settled. If he ever runs into a large sum of money, don’t expect him to be your husband for long.

No. 2389406

Anyone else notice a lot of the time it's other people pleasers who have the biggest issue with you standing up for yourself and they claim you're taking advantage of them when all you wanna do is advocate for yourself and your feelings a little?

No. 2389412

Misery loves company. People who waste all of their energy walking on an imaginary tightrope get so mad that other people won't go up there with them.

No. 2389417

Men with preferences are red flag… just feels like they tend to objectify women. I maybe prefer blonde men but not enough to seek it out or even bring it up, and I'm also not retarded enough to bring it up to my husband. He's been thinking about it much if he brought it up. Make sure he's not watching porn, that usually makes them weird about "types" of women.

No. 2389420

Okay, well first communicate that it hurt your feelings before doing toxic shit like >>2389216. Some shades of brown look red in the light or at certain angles so it' could be possible you still fit in with his type. We just don't notice these little things about our appearance until people point them out sometimes, as we often fix our appearance in an artificially lit room with a mirror, and phones are often unreliable in terms of providing an accurate count of our appearance. It could also be possible he's colorblind.
>He doesn’t compliment me anymore
Alright, THAT'S a red flag, actually. I still say to communicate first, especially since you have a daughter and you need to consider her development, if this turns into a huge thing she might develop issues and go after men who hurt her too. How long have you been married? How old is your daughter? You can just say the range if you're uncomfortable giving specifics about her. How long was he normal for?

No. 2389421


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No. 2389445

It's always the unpopular opinions thread, man.

No. 2389461

I was a redhead when I met my ex. Really healthy and long hair. Everyone always gave me compliments. In my birthday he takes me out to dinner and "jokingly" says I would look better with my natural hair color. Being young and retarded I dyed my hair black days later. Hated it. All my friends to this day think redhair was my best hair. Months go by he says he misses my redhair. I go ballistic and remind him that I did because he told me to. He acts shocked, tells me he never said that. We had this argument multiple times and he never admitted to saying this. But I know he did, cause I did it entirely because of him. It's been years and I still wish I could have my long healthy redhair back.

No. 2389481

The absolute hotspot if you're a dumb woman in your early twenties that wants to waste your time arguing with men pretending to be women because it's the only female interaction they get

No. 2389575

No. 2390778

hope youre not doing all that for moid offspring

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