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File: 1733713349458.png (966.98 KB, 720x978, 1705573979139.png)

No. 439289

Post weird, gross and stupid fetish art here so we don't clog the bad art thread.
SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.

Previous: >>>/m/166120

No. 439299

File: 1733716349060.jpg (638.2 KB, 2000x2000, bafkreibzyiis2fuwf5twywnocn2ef…)

Was searching for The Wild Robot Fanart on BlueSky until I found this repulsive trash.

No. 439300

Autistic men always ruin children's media

No. 439344

File: 1733727449782.jpg (118.51 KB, 636x1257, QzKqiIY.jpg)

No. 439346

The fact that this artist felt the need to make a variation for each flag KEK

No. 439433

>sexually transformed into the asexual pride flag

No. 439626

File: 1733807925057.png (Spoiler Image,5.02 MB, 3000x2000, f2d022a279c3e62426a4ce11a47f63…)

What the fuck,I hate male footfags so much.this is beyond nasty I just can't believe how repugnant this is.I don't recommend to unspoiler this if you have a weak stomach.I hope however drew this loses his hands.I feel even more bad for Jaiden now.

No. 439629

Im flabbergasted

No. 439637

This is why men belong in the mines.

No. 439644

Remember when that chinese amputee fetish artist was sent to a labour camp for being a degenerate? Yeah do the same with this guy

No. 439654

genuinely nearly made me cry with sadness and fear

No. 439657


No. 439728

jesus fucking christ the fact this is well drawn and not chris chan tier makes it more horrible

No. 439733

What a way to start this thread off kek

No. 439861

File: 1733929444935.jpeg (53.12 KB, 750x483, IMG_4840.jpeg)

Sage because it hardly counts but kek

No. 439863

>How it feels to get called a faggot on lolcor.farm

No. 439887

>Did you know that 1 in 3 people have Down syndrome?
>I don't have it.
>I don't have it either!

No. 439918

File: 1733950447424.png (Spoiler Image,215.67 KB, 1014x679, an elephant that got stung by …)

i just…

No. 439919

You know, considering the artist is obviously a porn addict, you'd think they would be able to visualise what asses look like.

No. 439921

what the hell is this supposed to be, an ass with some animals head under it?

No. 439923

it's supposed to be an above view of a woman on all fours

No. 439928

File: 1733952302073.jpeg (36.42 KB, 740x555, IMG_2045.jpeg)

Looks like a red bell pepper

No. 439939

I have no idea what direction I'm in.

No. 440363

I wish polite society would send these freaks to labor camps so they can make up for the psychic damage they have caused to the society.

No. 440455

File: 1734117983852.png (Spoiler Image,185.24 KB, 413x604, oh nah.png)

No. 440457

looks like AI

No. 440512

fucking kek this took me out nonna

No. 440635

File: 1734209914050.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.08 KB, 1280x720, (m=eaSaaTbaAaaaa)(mh=Ui9C2dfAm…)

This is fucking cursed and terrifying holy shit.

No. 440667

File: 1734224750591.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.55 KB, 909x601, minions.jpg)

wow this guy's account is a goldmine

No. 440668

File: 1734224817389.jpg (100.89 KB, 1080x598, min8on.jpg)

they both look like they don't want to be here

No. 440670

File: 1734226133284.webm (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 720x416, when the imposter is sus.webm)

there's also this and i know we're not supposed to post porn but a static screencap wouldn't do it justice. i wanted to capture the sound effects so anons can enjoy this masterpiece in its full glory. my phone is forever tainted with the recording now

No. 440671

this is hilarious tbh

No. 440672

To think there are probably 10 year old boys who had their first wank to this

No. 440683

File: 1734231648425.jpeg (885.9 KB, 1290x1062, IMG_9292.jpeg)

Yt recommended me this for some reason

No. 440686

This reminds me of when I would make my toys have "sex" as a kid

No. 440697

File: 1734243914039.mp4 (3.61 MB, 1920x1080, T1x27c.mp4)

Bizarrely one of my favorite 00s cartoons had a weird scene (in the finale episode) where one of the girls had one of her friends smelly feet on her face…

Do you think it was some footfag producer/writer's fault or just a sad coincidence?

Cartoon name: Trollz (2005) episode 27.

No. 440698

True beautiful art.

No. 440702

I'm going to lean into just weird kids humor, but I will say that there's some extremely suspicious shit in kids cartoons

No. 440703

There's so much weird porn of children's media like Among Us, Minecraft, Minions, ponies, Scps, FNAF, everything… and I know moidlets look that shit up. But I just can't imagine essentially making porn for children… there has to be some pedo tendency going on.

No. 440706

>there has to be some pedo tendency going on.
Probably an epi fetish

No. 440708

File: 1734252698347.png (500.56 KB, 1014x1289, Screenshot_20241215-005042~2.p…)

No. 440709

i hope this bitch dies

No. 440710

what the fuck

No. 440723

Is this the anon with the shota goat oc?

No. 440724

>Bloated belly
Kek she's trying to be slick with her mpreg fetish

No. 440725

>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy

No. 440743

>feet in face POV shot
this is the work of a fetishist.

No. 440746

File: 1734269160992.jpg (61.4 KB, 800x582, GRc0gxkXIAE6dl7.jpg)

No. 440755

File: 1734271759458.jpg (118.43 KB, 1078x1078, 1000028472.jpg)


No. 440757

anons are actually retarded if they believe this isnt satire

No. 440760

it's still gross

No. 440762

satire is supposed to make fun of subject matter youre parodying, this is just fetish shit

No. 440764

no wonder some of you always fall for bait like that one artist that makes ragebait art if you cant discern a male elsie with a swastika is meant to be bait

No. 440770

this is hilarious, whoever drew this needs to be studied

No. 441101

File: 1734383173506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,859.39 KB, 4096x3250, GZtVYvZXwA8JA78.jpeg)

Never thought I'll ever see foot fetish shit of Anya but here we are.absolutely disgusting.im pretty sure a troon drew this,he has a female fursona & has they/them pronouns.what a gross retard he is drawing something like this.

No. 441168

File: 1734412372821.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.31 KB, 413x735, staci_001_by_authorialnoice_df…)

No. 441401

File: 1734479108146.jpg (146.31 KB, 1536x1733, GD6xFa9asAAjcL6.jpg_large.jpg)


No. 441403

For a second I thought that was a giant nutsack

No. 441404

I'm sorry, I laughed

No. 441629

File: 1734557737283.png (Spoiler Image,113.21 KB, 649x860, b72721f36cae1b7cf4ff.png)

What the fuck did they do to Astarion??I'm going to vomit right now

No. 441630

did they sew up his pussy. Wow

No. 441632

this must have been drawn by own of fanny's orbiters

No. 441633

This is so fucking retarded on so many different levels

No. 441787

Nullification fetish

No. 441790

File: 1734640467926.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.46 KB, 850x1222, wtf.jpg)

imagine playing mouthwashing and all you take away from it is this

No. 441826

whats so wtf about this its just run of the mill gay porn. Turning the rapists into fags is pretty funny.

No. 441834

idk anon that smegma and hair under the foreskin are pretty wtf to me

No. 441835

Ew I regret zooming in on that kek

No. 441849

What's with the smegma and hair? Is the character like physically repulsive or something?

No. 441865

>Average unmutilated cock enjoyer

No. 441866

I know they would have had to tweak the story but ngl, I think the game would have been better if Jimmy's victim was a male instead and I'm genuinely not even saying that to be a fujo

No. 441886

You know I spent this entire time thinking that he was raping the blonde guy too but apparently he just raped Anya. Now I think the game is retarded, the idea I had felt scarier. Now the rape aspect feels so pointless and contrived in a way.

No. 442062

File: 1734734384783.jpeg (88.32 KB, 877x445, IMG_2203.jpeg)

sherlockgrim aka janelle wilkins is into pokémon beastiality as well as? stinking? leaking goo? rotting out teeth? or maybe she’s finally being honest about her missing teeth idk. anyways she dates and defends a rapist so she honestly deserves to be mercilessly torn into.

No. 442064

File: 1734734742967.png (4.07 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_1929.png)

and just because she is a fucking creep who calls my rape a “bad hookup” - here is the real her and how she actually looks in the outfit she’s drawn herself in.(vendetta)

No. 442104

File: 1734747917564.jpg (139.04 KB, 1200x1200, GfA8DmPW8AAAhSY.jpg)


No. 442145

yeah his victim should have been a trap

No. 442320

File: 1734868403124.png (55.12 KB, 636x419, Untitled4_20241222172055.png)

punishment for all child predators in the year 3000

No. 442502

File: 1734933459818.png (20.95 KB, 858x357, elastigirl-inflation-my-life-a…)

No. 442504

File: 1734933798098.jpg (Spoiler Image,263.2 KB, 1199x882, 16c6d1_6318341.jpg)

No. 442505

File: 1734934135251.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.73 KB, 957x1174, EcC95P3U4AMALfF.jpg)

No. 442506

File: 1734934479074.jpeg (Spoiler Image,199.06 KB, 1049x1225, cd21ff17c4537db5e24a8cdfcb8a57…)

No. 442507

File: 1734934806898.jpg (63.19 KB, 640x640, 39662807a85173a967f0_small.jpg)

No. 442508

File: 1734934899691.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.55 KB, 908x881, crowded_by_voraciouspanda_ddae…)

No. 442509

File: 1734934977574.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.59 KB, 735x704, aa8a7e94da40b3117e6fdf041e2bfb…)

No. 442510

File: 1734935003134.png (Spoiler Image,528.51 KB, 1400x1381, porcoro-1059255-Xarael.png)

No. 442511

File: 1734935057845.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.02 KB, 838x953, celeste_s_free_sample___3_by_c…)

No. 442512

File: 1734935079204.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.56 KB, 499x604, d0fe9b6s-960.jpg)

No. 442513

File: 1734935103053.jpg (Spoiler Image,379.18 KB, 2048x1353, FBK8NEPWUAE-z-V.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 442514

File: 1734935177203.jpg (119.56 KB, 900x1200, EbBcwL1UMAATxNT.jpg)

No. 442516

File: 1734935274570.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.08 KB, 850x850, sample_0d1e3934b0a3a21314e83f9…)

No. 442518

File: 1734935435930.jpg (80.33 KB, 730x1095, _comm__serena_carbonite_by_lex…)

No. 442519

File: 1734935497738.jpg (Spoiler Image,258.18 KB, 850x1417, sample_5db80817400dd8ddf52929b…)

No. 442520

File: 1734935523102.jpg (70.13 KB, 441x600, qxrDBhyvpsg.jpg)

No. 442521

File: 1734935582030.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.85 KB, 1024x1448, 36fddbe9ec946da02ea654bd6ebdde…)

No. 442522

File: 1734935612316.gif (Spoiler Image,93.85 KB, 512x512, c958fad584a3f02a3bf969ed942ffc…)

No. 442523

File: 1734935670374.png (Spoiler Image,159.38 KB, 920x920, png-transparent-cartoon-nose-p…)

No. 442524

File: 1734935752125.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.83 KB, 1700x1058, 1510036475.half-dude_lamboshit…)

No. 442525

File: 1734935789005.png (Spoiler Image,338.25 KB, 1229x1024, large.png)

No. 442526

File: 1734935846857.jpg (112.33 KB, 751x1063, thanksgiving_tales___the_thank…)

No. 442527

File: 1734935897585.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.69 KB, 850x1150, sample_21eb1d949b048ce2f1d5331…)

No. 442528

File: 1734935983759.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.81 KB, 850x948, sample_f179c8cfa187993c08f2786…)

No. 442530

File: 1734936062008.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.15 KB, 850x653, sample_662a2d6604aa490a90846a3…)

No. 442532

File: 1734936292738.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.63 KB, 871x917, untitled_by_sissyadryana_dgs8u…)

No. 442643

File: 1735002420277.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1079x2447, Screenshot_20241224_030219_Chr…)

this person is 16

No. 442655

No. 442658

maybe we should ban minors from all social media

No. 442662

This is what happened to children on the internet after Club Penguin was shut down

No. 442663

How the fuck does someone even end up with a fetish for anthropomorphic-car-coprophagia? This isn't a "toaster fucker" situation, because that requires that there be a community of other toaster fuckers. There is only one human being on Earth who likes the idea of a car with boobs and anime eyes pooping in a dog's mouth, and it's this person. We really, really need to bring back insane asylums.

No. 442706

This is pretty standard for the furry community, underage teens drawing furry coom shit

No. 442788

File: 1735071317070.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.23 KB, 2048x2048, 173507091363946188832043858124…)

How do you downgrade this badly?

No. 442806

What hedonistic porn consumption does to a motherfucker.

No. 442871

the better they got at shadows and lighting the worse they got at anatomy

No. 442984

File: 1735186056207.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.02 KB, 719x1004, Screenshot_20241225_215239.jpg)

No. 442998

File: 1735200245492.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.07 KB, 1280x960, sarah_by_cockroachgirl_dfbrwnq…)

a rare female autistic fetishist, i think

No. 443027

File: 1735233877995.jpeg (838.62 KB, 2560x1440, 3gU2LAO.jpeg)

tim who draws "sonic bimbofication porn", he has different au's but all of which specifically have the fetish of a male sonic the hedgehog who gets transformed into a "bimbo" with big tits

No. 443028

File: 1735233903531.png (597.33 KB, 651x1001, sjiaRi0.png)

No. 443129

File: 1735262245564.jpeg (410.26 KB, 2048x1448, F_jRabAWUAAIf4c.jpeg)


No. 443195

File: 1735299800782.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.5 KB, 850x617, g5wn6he7.jpg)

No. 443196

File: 1735299976077.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.74 KB, 850x850, 4cbfd86y.jpg)

No. 443198

I can't comprehend being this pornsick

No. 443199

File: 1735301872331.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.26 KB, 1111x719, twilight_and_pinkie_piefeeder_…)

No. 443212

not to blogpost but i went to highschool with this artist.

No. 443216

…how do you know this artist went to high school with you? any milk? I'm intrigued now

No. 443229

I zoomed in on Twilight's face and fucking died

No. 443230

It took me a solid 20 seconds to figure out what the fuck was happening with the POV character's anatomy.

No. 443297

File: 1735337608688.jpg (60.03 KB, 828x597, preparacin_de_recepcin__by_xxx…)

An animator who worked on Hazbin and now currently works on Helluva Boss has this shit on their favs on DA eww.

No. 443298

It just looks like they have insane beer guts kek

No. 443301

this is a pretty big blogpost but i know this artist because he went to high school with me because we went to an art school and he was an art major, he would draw a lot of lesbian incest for class projects because he wanted to make everyone uncomfortable. he wore a wig around because he wanted to be a crossdresser, and would carry it around in his hand all weirdly. he knew i was a lesbian and would try to get me to watch shit like citrus with him, and he told me he made a tumblr since he knew i had one. he wouldn't tell me the name but since i knew him so well, since he loved danganronpa above everything else and that he was obsessed with futa (he really wanted to date a 'cis' woman with a penis), so i found it. it was called danganronpasmutpit (he also had another one called bloodbornewhore) and he would do the most retarded roleplays. lots of PLAPPLAPPLAP. he was creepy around girls, especially black ones, and just no one really liked him in general. i think he larps as a cis girl online now. his art hasn't changed since high school, i could recognize this garbage from anywhere.

No. 443305

How do men find this shit attractive

No. 443312

>he loved danganronpa
that series is cursed

No. 443314

File: 1735343005849.jpg (591.17 KB, 1428x2684, Venus_von_Willendorf_01.jpg)

Because the infamous "supernormal stimulos" in coomers moids… THAT'S WHY

No. 443316

This was made by a woman who was sculpting herself though

No. 443327

This is just a Zach Hadel sona

No. 443855

and who told you that?

No. 443884

File: 1735512493636.png (87.9 KB, 833x579, Screenshot 2024-12-29 224733.p…)


No. 443949

File: 1735535095396.jpg (47.7 KB, 850x922, sample_78b2993d5b5f96c6ab8db20…)

No. 444077

this one made me actually cry laughing what the fuck is happening with her neck

No. 444169

All else aside why are their bellybuttons farting?

No. 444391

File: 1735672584030.png (Spoiler Image,943.6 KB, 1080x1858, whatthefuck.png)

I was looking for horse stickers and I found this repulsive shit wtf childhood ruined.

No. 444393


No. 444397

No. 444500

I thought this was a bandit from stalker for a second

No. 444537

File: 1735734746070.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1920x1080, JM.png)

NTA and sorry for the late reply but there's no articles relating to the arrest itself AFAIK, however you can check the comments underneath the first few posts on his twitter account @TeikokuKizoku. Anyways here's a shitty collage with some insight as to what he was drawing + residual evidence that he was in fact arrested, I've spoilered it as it's not directly contributing to the thread and it also features pre-censored IRL pictures of him (not dox as I believe all of them were posted by himself/a relative).

No. 444702

File: 1735768094327.jpg (Spoiler Image,778.64 KB, 2048x1701, Tumblr_l_89486732305290.jpg)

No. 444705

I heard he got sent to a labour camp. I had no idea he had a wife and daughter, barf. Who's the pickme that married this gross scrote.

No. 444707

File: 1735769302171.jpg (129.1 KB, 1179x1118, 20240707_121408.jpg)

>cartoon about sexually abusing a baby based on his 9 own month old daughter
Just when you think you've seen it all

No. 444713

Seeing the responses that celebrate and wish for him getting raped in prison gives me a good outlook on life. When will the great firewall fall.

No. 444740

File: 1735776796364.png (462.16 KB, 640x360, oeRNbjp.png)

>I heard he got sent to a labour camp
most chinese prisoners are made to do forced labor, though there are exceptions for women, juveniles and the elderly from manual labour. however, since he's a moid under 60, he will most likely spend the rest of his days doing the worst sorts of labour under supervisors who have active contempt for him

No. 444767

File: 1735791458228.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.64 KB, 700x989, 1446b2b93100907598477292dba819…)

who the fuck comes up with this? what would this fetish even be called? the inner workings of moid minds continue to amaze me in the most depressing of ways

No. 444768

File: 1735791512835.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.52 KB, 850x912, 8fbc939135929f63b11ab993a26318…)

another example

No. 444774

…Is the tail coming out of her asshole?

No. 444778

The cart titan??!!

No. 444785

File: 1735799225022.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.54 KB, 518x700, f9febfd5c8ab3b0d50add727bca25d…)

Out of all phallus inspired creatures I've seen, I thought Rawhead was the worst, but this… there's no way anyone finds this disturbing abomination attractive.

No. 444789

>anon experiences the Dorse/Queen's Stallion fetish for the first time
I'm genuinely sorry this happened to you nonny

No. 444805

>I hope he can experience the "love" of his cellmates in prison
KEK I love Chinese netizens

No. 444847

>I wish you will be fucked like a stick in prison

No. 445225

File: 1735970242150.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.25 KB, 850x1196, why.jpg)

No. 445235

File: 1735972759247.png (Spoiler Image,4.25 MB, 2000x2792, Ohmylordgradevoir.PNG)

There has to be a cure for men so sbination like this can cease

No. 445268

electric chair

No. 445371

>Downplay the pain of comfort women

Christ, that's genuinely evil—even if it's "erm, there achshaually drawings". No wonder they were pissed.

No. 445372

I hate myself and looking at these images are my form of self-harm.

Pls spoonfeed an anonita, what exactly is that?

No. 445373

Her backstory also involves getting SAd as a child which makes it worse.

No. 445374

Based and rare W for China

No. 445381

File: 1736017243300.png (Spoiler Image,294.77 KB, 1704x594, wiki screenshot.png)

No. 445386

I remember finding these shits on accident on FA. I cant believe something so autistic caught on to other autists. Degenracy is a social contagion.

No. 445480

File: 1736035814546.jpg (831.06 KB, 3826x3983, GJ2kENUXcAE0M3G.jpg)

"genderbent leon s kennedy" commissioned by some fat girl

No. 445482

This outfit would look a million times better on the real Leon.

No. 445483

It's always the shonenfags.

No. 445622

File: 1736094104005.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.62 KB, 600x466, 1735999837829.jpg)

The super busty chicken

No. 445637

Couldn't even give her a holster for the guns? Is she going to stuff the pistols between her ass cheeks?

No. 445647

File: 1736103998911.jpg (101.03 KB, 1018x760, bafkreifgbqemerrlbbqyyz5kfworn…)

What the hell

No. 445824

Big chicken breasts

No. 446620

File: 1736335553106.png (Spoiler Image,670.45 KB, 834x775, diner_ponk_by_clownstongue_diw…)

No. 446808

File: 1736387705881.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.51 KB, 604x432, JWKGkajR_l8.jpg)

this is bananas

No. 446810

Average gay moid's fantasy.

No. 446839

File: 1736395221923.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.38 KB, 1115x820, IMG_3750.jpeg)

God I can’t stand her art,everything she draws is all so swollen and slimy.Especially when she draws this one character that I refuse to post the more graphic pics of here

No. 446841

I feel like I need my glasses when I look at this but also it looks like she left the drawing in her bag and it got rain soaked

No. 446955

File: 1736441185250.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.61 KB, 570x684, IMG_9758.jpg)

spoiler for horse eye pussy
moids really will fuck anything huh?

No. 446960

>horse eye pussy
Where do they even get the idea of such things? Like, it's like someone woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and said
>I want to fuck the pussy of a horse but it has to be on the face of the horse
Like why? How? How does a person reaches that idea and decides to create something related directly to that?
I can't even imagine someone wanting to fuck an eye dick or a stomach dick.

No. 446962

Obvious lunacy aside, it makes me irrationality mad when they make characters OOC for the sake of coom kek

No. 446985

God will pay for this, when the end comes.

No. 446986

There were drawn by a woman?!

No. 447001

File: 1736456700024.png (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1156x1118, fghjk.png)

a woman indeed and unsurprisingly a very mentally ill one at that

No. 447003

File: 1736456936462.jpg (Spoiler Image,652.62 KB, 1536x2048, GGj_RYfXwAAqSYX.jpg)

heres another pic of her bc that first pic does make her look moid-ish
also while i was looking on her twitter i saw that she had a character and said it was 17. then in the next image she drew it bent over and showing off its pussy. i would show proof but im not going to for obvious reasons

No. 447102

File: 1736475827847.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.72 KB, 914x874, leticia_uber_summer_time_by_li…)

Mental illness

No. 447120

This picture deeply saddens me.

No. 447161

File: 1736487218771.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.92 KB, 902x791, E4nt7wrXwAEOvc2.jpg)

Kinda looks like my cousin

No. 447237

she has a really pathological body type. maybe its from being on t. her abdominal fat distribution is insane and that hyperextended knee looks painful

No. 447267

File: 1736518135238.jpeg (Spoiler Image,707.79 KB, 1284x1078, IMG_1773.jpeg)

(spoiler your shit)

No. 447269

File: 1736518213028.webp (Spoiler Image,62.67 KB, 600x847, 1000009984.webp)

the nipple trying to escape made me kek

No. 447322

File: 1736533686973.png (Spoiler Image,218.28 KB, 1652x2400, GbU4ttrWUAA_rxK.png)

looked through her profile and she reposted this
>Drew Luce in her true form (she becomes more powerful after estrogen)
going to post more of this tranny in the mtf thread, he's hilarious

No. 447325

this is so fucking disturbing wtf

No. 447338

Fucking waste of space, I hope they both get sent to a labor camp someday.

No. 447349

clownstongue has been mentioned here before, she's been publicly posting her degen porn since she was a minor so chances are she was groomed
I also heard some rumors that she drew porn of an actual child she knew but I haven't found actual proof of it yet (and that's for the best)

No. 447386

this is based

No. 447411

How so?

No. 447458

TIFs making mentally ill art is not based

No. 447475

Given the artstyle, I was genuinely expecting titchop scars on them, though I'm not sure which prospect is worse.

No. 447477

Samefag but what it is about this franchise that attracts some of the most degenerate freaks imaginable?

No. 447478

it's so hilariously weird as a subject but the little story telling what's happening really is the cherry on top

No. 447863

Who's the white one?

No. 448442

File: 1736818198813.png (Spoiler Image,313.74 KB, 640x552, 498c796879d2_LuigisMansion_sma…)

The artist is a scat/fart artist (I don't recommend searching him up)so this unfortunately checks out.

No. 448487

File: 1736826642238.png (Spoiler Image,734.52 KB, 3000x2188, 455b84377624ee240a6c544669f90a…)

No. 448491

File: 1736827079531.png (132.51 KB, 600x427, IMG_8003.png)

No. 448550

What fetish is this?

No. 448605

Humiliation maybe?

No. 448661

File: 1736906788233.png (406.26 KB, 1452x2048, Gf-lsxcWEAAH5BO.png)

>slim arms
>large head
>slim neck
Men are fucking retarded and can't get anything right.

No. 448681


No. 448682

Wait is this JelloApocalypse

No. 448730

Wtf is wrong with scrotes? This is vile

No. 448781

File: 1736942553167.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 2772x1200, alimany.png)

Warning for woman to TiM transformation fetish art

No. 449019

File: 1737008562097.png (Spoiler Image,799.04 KB, 1000x1000, 135f5e0c78e15128886abaa03a74aa…)

Scat fetish art, I read the text and it made me laugh ngl

No. 449053

Moid porn dialogue is always so fucking unsexy, autistic and actually retarded to the point of being hilarious.

No. 449054

Right, they're so fucking bad at making anything erotic that it just becomes hilarious.

No. 449056

There are so many layers to the meta here. The woman is clearly sexualised and even the TiM isn't drawn with fully accurate male repulsiveness, but at the same time there's a full-on penis and the male anatomy is pretty realistic. It radiates straight man vibes and yet the content is…that. Then the scrote self-insert is gay? Is this a fetish for a very niche demographic of bisexual men who wish they were gay?? Chasers having a sexuality crisis? Genuinely who is this for kekaroo

No. 449060

What gets me about that kind of pic where they just add shitty "context" to a pic somebody else drew, is that the dialogue often doesn't sound related to the picture at all. (Sorry for my own autism) In that pic, the girl is clearly ashamed of pooping on the artist's self-insert and being submissive, but the moid who wrote the narration is implying that she initiated it and is forcing the self-insert to eat her shit. This makes the added text sound even more cringe kek.

No. 449349

Lymphadema looking ass

No. 449416

File: 1737115654234.jpg (Spoiler Image,707.34 KB, 3628x1015, gaslight yourself on fire plea…)

This tranny is really weird, I think he gets off to the idea of not passing because in his woman to TiM transformation images he always makes sure to emphasise the masculine aspects.

No. 449632

File: 1737163858910.png (481.91 KB, 1133x840, 1572805256.furrymusclegrowthfa…)

The facts that it's a filly (young pony) makes it worse.

No. 449686

File: 1737178328947.png (Spoiler Image,875.59 KB, 1800x1800, 1736565715002.png)

Poor Hank

No. 449706

Kek it reads like she's nagging him

No. 450405

File: 1737317111696.png (618.56 KB, 1200x620, E38310C1-8565-4031-BAC1-318527…)

this is not really disgusting or anything more just weirdly funny

No. 450406

>Shocking sissy pink shorts
Those are literally just regular ass swimming trunks kek

No. 450408

It's like all those porn captions where the woman is clearly posing and smiling/making a "shocked" face and then the caption is "FUCKING EAT SHIT AND DIE YOU SISSY BASTARD" kek

No. 450452

File: 1737324831773.jpg (32.33 KB, 700x500, AppleShapeAndPearShape2.jpg)

oh hey, it's fat_man

No. 450453

File: 1737324993305.png (89.35 KB, 571x645, Screenshot 2025-01-19 141616.p…)

reminder that this guy got trolled by /sp/

No. 450456

File: 1737325724833.jpg (17.06 KB, 275x155, 1000003063.jpg)

>I cannot love that which is evil

No. 450458

jesus thats repulsive

No. 450460

File: 1737326288035.jpg (Spoiler Image,120.34 KB, 850x850, bubbline.jpg)

absolute insanity

No. 450461

File: 1737326359659.jpeg (Spoiler Image,132.36 KB, 832x1216, roku.jpeg)

kek at trying to make the ghost look kawaii

No. 450462

File: 1737326458520.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.29 KB, 850x996, finger.jpg)

why does the moid also have an ass, the artist is a next level coomer

No. 450463

File: 1737326549474.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.75 KB, 850x771, mii.jpg)

the art style is making my skin crawl, spoiler for smut and ugly art style

No. 450464

File: 1737326558540.jpg (260.42 KB, 1062x588, Untitled.jpg)

he's one of my favorite old trolling victims

No. 450465

File: 1737326663417.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.51 KB, 850x601, butt.jpg)

what is it with nsfw artists and pussy or ass musk as a kink

No. 450467

i think they're just fetishizing their own lack of hygiene

No. 450468

This is extra retarded because how would Frisk even be able to reach with Noelle's lipidemic ass?

No. 450470

File: 1737326821910.png (Spoiler Image,970.41 KB, 850x765, da01ab46fa6ce31e82e80e5627cea5…)

ai art is crazy

No. 450474

My pussy feels sore just looking at those ungodly panties.

No. 450487

This is too rendered and high quality to be AI but I'm not sure

No. 450514

>no hair on the labia

No. 450536

Maybe she shaves everything below.

No. 450546

kek this is always how it is, pornsick moids dont know what a pussy looks like outside of drawings and porn so they think that counts as "not shaving"

No. 450573

File: 1737341974828.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.01 KB, 850x850, sample_ada1998b82e862b23bfc818…)

No. 450574

File: 1737342055945.jpeg (Spoiler Image,111.12 KB, 968x1291, c5dd576c30867ade1ae750350cd914…)

guess the mystery fluid

No. 450575

File: 1737342153454.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.99 KB, 850x638, sample_9982bd3ed80c6a58fa986ff…)

moids and smells…again

No. 450576

File: 1737342242192.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.37 KB, 850x653, sample_4d480a4fa65504598c578d8…)

AI art should be quarantined from the rest of the world

No. 450577

File: 1737342321707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,368.04 KB, 1000x958, bf25ca6c220e8b919244407c02ac01…)

insert rick and morty scene about puffy vaginas

No. 450578

Mami didn't die for this.

No. 450613

It's AI. There are some fuckups on the hooves that give it away.

No. 450615

The deer's smug expression is sending me for some reason

No. 450622

File: 1737350683524.png (Spoiler Image,6 MB, 2048x2048, 87d75cdb-c27d-47a8-80a0-999e45…)

It looks ai to me. There's a lot of these really detailed zoo art pieces, and they don't tend to be as "blurry" as that image

No. 450624

im glad moids are helping cook the planet by using ai to create child porn and bestiality

No. 450694

i feel like ive seen an exponential increase in smegma fetishism over the past couple of years, why is this?

No. 450807

File: 1737390681046.jpg (92.72 KB, 430x1856, 1000021615.jpg)

No. 450812

Why use your art skills for this? I don't get it.

No. 450815

this is very obvious aishit you retards are blind

No. 450819

Your picrel is also AI. Look at how the number of joints vary between each leg.

No. 450820

Moids are disgusting and would probably eat poop if you meme'd them into it with pictures of anime girls

No. 450821

She looks so unhappy with this entire situation kek

No. 450894

File: 1737404524447.png (1.36 MB, 1856x642, Screenshot 2025-01-20 122102.p…)

jesus fucking christ i was trying to find a pic of charmander in the rain in the anime and this was one of the first google image results, i found some autist who apparently gets off on charmander being killed, the y chromosome is so defective

No. 450910

File: 1737405523055.webp (Spoiler Image,120.04 KB, 640x960, 29j7q5yo1ts81.webp)

jesus christ that reminds me of those weird people who are really into abusing these characters called fluffies which i think is an mlp thing. they make whole comics about them fucking, shitting, dying, and being tortured all the time and they even develop lore around them it's so bizarre. i don't know if it's like a fetish thing or if they just think that it's fun and edgy or something but it's really fucking strange. some people even make comic dubs that they put up on youtube

No. 450916

when i was younger i used to love fluffy pony abuse solely because it made me laugh at how fucking stupid it was, like these dumb fluffy cartoon things being killed in ridiculous ways, but now i'm pretty sure it's actually just a fetish for harming small things and super fucking creepy.

No. 450919

How could you laugh, they're getting raped to death half the time
Nooooooo Charmie

No. 450930

File: 1737407721627.jpg (17.67 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

the very first fluffy stuff i saw wasn't any of the weird rape or pregnancy or scat shit, it was like them just being killed and i thought it was funny in a stupid way like any violent cartoon. it started out pretty innocuous

No. 450938

File: 1737408808368.jpg (28.03 KB, 349x349, 20250104_204155.jpg)

Maybe I'm being dramatic but this feels like future serial killer behavior

No. 450939

this shit has always disturbed me. more than most gore or snuff shit they always focus on the emotional disress the animals are in, rather than just focusing on the physical pain or violence. idc how ridiculous /hyperbolic it is, i have too much empathy for animals to stomach these

No. 450943

Is that its pussy too

No. 450962

Yeah that's why I used it

No. 450964

As disturbing as this is, the exhibit with super soakers is so stupidly and cartoonishly evil that it makes me laugh

No. 451143

This is why you never carry a propane bottle by the valve.

No. 451444

File: 1737531823330.png (Spoiler Image,875.42 KB, 2048x741, why.png)

accidentally posted this in the old thread kek. anyways

No. 451445

what fetish is this

No. 451448

fat fetish. she's admitted to it a few times i think

No. 451450

can't even tell what these stupid things are supposed to be

No. 451590

File: 1737573714965.png (569.63 KB, 720x579, titty_monster.png)

Just switched to a Japanese VPN and it truly is an experience.

No. 451592

Her tiny little hands and arms are making me kek, I don't understand this fetish when it just makes the character look insanely fat

No. 451593

It's even worse in motion.

No. 451683

What the hell are these creatures

No. 451714

File: 1737593246362.jpeg (Spoiler Image,96.02 KB, 850x956, IMG_3487.jpeg)

If you’re unironically into this shit you need to go to church, why do so many Zoomers have fetishes for trans porn (Pic is incest cuntboy porn, unspoiler at your own risk)

No. 451715

isn't it the same person who drew William afton x Elizabeth porn?

No. 452052

File: 1737668029930.png (Spoiler Image,100.28 KB, 414x310, erik_cintron_the_mite_inflatin…)

No. 452285

File: 1737717004038.jpg (312.75 KB, 1650x2340, 1737705413589173.jpg)

No. 452286

File: 1737717123415.jpg (26.85 KB, 525x553, 1000031327.jpg)

Jfc, that's not even cuntboy anymore, that's straight up just a geriatric moid's head transplanted onto a woman

No. 452287

Wow, those panty ads weren't lying when they talked about stretch.

No. 452289


No. 452290

this is just straight relationships with extra steps (sorry, accidentally clicked new reply)

No. 452340

Bc they are tiffanies who cant get off without self inserting

No. 452382

File: 1737732238041.jpg (423.47 KB, 1330x1222, Tumblr_l_4288566853330.jpg)

No. 452937

File: 1737806566759.jpg (89.06 KB, 512x512, 301.jpg)

Fluffy ponies, Touhou yukkuris and Jissouseki are the three I know about. They're all exactly the same. Coincidentally, they all have large casts of non-sexualized female characters. Moids are deranged.

No. 452945

File: 1737807452401.jpeg (Spoiler Image,619.16 KB, 1448x2048, GhzgkdDbgAE6q3q.jpeg)

there's also abuse of the characters from chiikawa, with accounts dedicated to it aswell all under the hashtag "ちい虐" picrel

No. 452947

File: 1737807869191.gif (332.61 KB, 598x284, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_m…)

I meant
>they all come from sources that have large casts of non-sexualized female characters
Also, if you browse the tag "yukkuri abuse" on Danbooru, there are whole pages that are entirely hidden by default because most of it is so explicit.

It seems that sick fucks always do this with any piece of media that fits the criteria above. I think I remember once seeing a "community" like this but for Steven Universe characters, but I just went "oh, it's the same shit again" and moved on.

No. 452958

File: 1737813642448.png (Spoiler Image,652.88 KB, 1058x1121, GiEwsJ_WAAAdron.png)

Probably one of the worst looking NSFW art I've seen, not because of what's depicted (Power from Chainsaw Man naked is like whatever), but because the anatomy and art style are just ugly.

No. 452959

her pussy looks like it got stung by a bee

No. 452975

File: 1737818089825.jpeg (Spoiler Image,179.15 KB, 966x1303, EjM8CB0U8AAnLKP.jpeg)

reminds me of this

No. 453111

File: 1737831767494.png (Spoiler Image,630.47 KB, 1000x696, 6f7841f474f5ba5e6e393f8fe3ffd6…)

Wtf is this, e-thot Vanilla the rabbit??? Men need to be euthanized.

No. 453112

Something something milf something something e-girl

No. 453121

This made me feel weirdly nauseous and I'm usually desensitized to coom art and internet porn

No. 453126

You have got to be mentally ill if you like shit like this. This feels worse than fujo ryonafags for reasons I can't explain

No. 453127

People who like and create this stuff should be hung from the neck until dead

No. 453449

File: 1737883520117.gif (886.03 KB, 490x370, 1687182294360.gif)

Weird fetish animation from Tezuka.

No. 453450

>worse than fujo ryonafags
well of course, because who gives a shit about moid pain? male abuse is hot. moids choosing to cause psychological distress and torture small female animals is scary and insane though.

No. 453454

File: 1737883975442.jpg (203.13 KB, 991x1200, 1706317848265.jpg)

>because who gives a shit about moid pain?

No. 453457

Never skip leg day

No. 453464

Moids are so braindead.

Yep, and he also had an autistic transformation fetish.
I rewatched the DTRH furry documentary recently, and this time I realized that sexual furfaggotry has always been there and closely related to anime since the early years. The mascot for that C/FO furry and anime club in the SFF community (I believe her name was "Fanta") was an obviously sexy female animal thing and looked very Tezuka-inspired. Gay/bi furry orgies were already a thing before even the first furry convention was held. Some early "funny animal" zines had sexual themes which, to any non-retard, was a blatant excuse to draw fap material. Furry has always been sexual and Tezuka might've been one of the first autistic coomer furfags.

No. 453597

File: 1737913412871.jpg (Spoiler Image,415.36 KB, 1999x1936, bafkreibuaytql2suzdchbp24y44g5…)

When furries insert their fetishes on their political opinions, no matter if I agree or not, it sure makes me wanna take them even less seriously

No. 453759

>Gay/bi furry orgies were already a thing before even the first furry convention was held

No. 453824

I love how he's not even disgusted, he's just like "man, not this again"

No. 453907

File: 1737973012352.png (Spoiler Image,304.19 KB, 295x637, 1ccb9f66fd876bcf1a6d1a256afddb…)

imagine the amount of time and effort the author must have put to design every cock.

No. 453927

This would fit in the autism thread because wtf. Who thinks about plant dick? Plus plants don't have dicks and vaginas anyways. They have the stylus and I forgot the female equivalent but it's something deep inside the flower that catches pollen from the stylus.

No. 454002

This is insane and funny

No. 454005

My favourite part is that some of the plants are circumcised.

No. 454157

File: 1738020589681.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.06 KB, 850x850, __duo_duolingo_drawn_by_amaniw…)

No. 454158

File: 1738020613398.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.83 KB, 735x668, pear_love_by_yaoi_world_db45g1…)

No. 454159

File: 1738020639696.jpeg (Spoiler Image,300.5 KB, 1900x1900, Geo4mE_XcAAB8n-.jpeg)

No. 454161

File: 1738020732093.jpg (Spoiler Image,349.22 KB, 700x900, db3q8jz-12fbaf5d-efa5-4cd4-9b9…)

No. 454162

File: 1738020851421.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.4 KB, 700x900, mpreg_kermit__censored__by_cha…)

I need to free my gallery from demons

No. 454164

I almost choked to death imagining his voice saying the dialogue, kekkk

No. 454166

I've seen people do this pokemon, just to a lesser extent(Do not post pornography or NSFW imagery here. Guro/gore included.)

No. 454167

this is so vile, I've have never been so disgusted over a "fetish" art

No. 454168

All of these are very obvious shitposts

No. 454169

>feline creature
>human vulva

No. 454170

why would you post this

No. 454173

Well, that's enough lolcow for today

No. 454273

File: 1738037572069.jpg (356.27 KB, 1266x1050, bafkreifcmlfxr7k2awqt4mg5qptv3…)

I've never seen an uglier character design.

No. 454279

File: 1738037802439.jpg (667.04 KB, 1688x2000, bafkreigkfzjo4sgk6kr4hfddxw7eb…)

This one's hideous as well

No. 454431

File: 1738072488389.jpg (16.89 KB, 235x324, 45b073ab573471055c9e9c69b8b0c9…)

the artstyle looks familiar

No. 454626

File: 1738110011007.png (Spoiler Image,548.38 KB, 901x677, jackpotsequential-sm.png)

This is borderline pedophilic and repugnant ew.the artist sells at several furry cons and charges $900 for a TF sequence art of someone's fursona.

No. 454633

I recognize this person.. She wrote freaky loli x William Afton fanfictions on AO3, too. The reader/William Afton tag is great if you want to witness some mental illness.

No. 454810

File: 1738166334527.jpg (Spoiler Image,418.43 KB, 2194x2700, f64011c00929ef3e.jpg)

do not open the spoiler if you're eating, I'm serious

No. 454811

this was drawn by a tif wasn't it

No. 454813

File: 1738167231830.jpg (277.64 KB, 1200x827, Screenshot_20250124-145929_Chr…)

of course

No. 454820

Insect fetishists are the worst. I despise them with all of my heart.

No. 454837

I just know this is the brand of TIF who thinks she's so edgy because she read the meme hentai doujins once kek

No. 454892

she will never be blowfly girl

No. 454898

File: 1738180713629.jpeg (475.79 KB, 1560x2080, GiRjX9eacAAXdkX.jpeg)

This shit

No. 455079

>seal pfp
why do so many mentally women like seals. First seal-chan, then Null, now this schizo.

No. 455087

that's like asking why mentally ill people like cats or dogs. seals are cute.

No. 455321

File: 1738280466672.png (1.92 MB, 1240x1754, dirvua5-cb4e0132-353e-4c37-91c…)

this artist has a thing for shaving female character's heads and abdl kek

No. 455327

File: 1738281731930.jpeg (Spoiler Image,57.5 KB, 850x1133, IMG_3621.jpeg)

It’s always the hooters fetishists (pic is Class Of ‘09 Nicole because weird fetish artists can’t make characters look like themselves beyond the most basic shit)
Nah it’s a copy cat that traces Hadink but makes William X Michael art, found her twitter and apparently she has an armpit sniffing fetish too kek

No. 455356

>armpit sniffing fetish
Very common among lolicons for some reason

No. 455371

You also see it a lot in bara. Armpit licking, too. Barf, there's something wrong with moids

No. 455438

File: 1738310881549.jpg (Spoiler Image,554.22 KB, 2048x1212, 285cea3abd5d464c3c0531acf4417c…)

They still look like girls but with short hair and dicks slapped on. Disgusting. Traps and femboys need to die and so do moid coomers and gooners too.

No. 455446

why are men so gay

No. 455466

File: 1738325402414.png (Spoiler Image,41.51 KB, 890x512, gratis-png-emoji-arte-emoticon…)

>tfw someone's grandparents are sexting using these sexy emojis unironically

No. 455556

File: 1738351496994.png (17.02 MB, 2427x3080, 1732128384762.png)

No. 455558

File: 1738351686426.webp (Spoiler Image,23.01 KB, 900x520, 2732007a995146281dc3f0c1d9de4d…)

No. 455563

File: 1738352994220.webp (Spoiler Image,13.46 KB, 390x480, y3kb161ob5q41_480x480.webp)

this is the best emoji tbh

No. 455568

looks like a serial killer's (and probably rapist too) bedroom

No. 455572

Is this what cock and ball torture means?

No. 455660

File: 1738365257795.jpg (181.77 KB, 1920x1530, vore_dance_pg_3_by_ethantavita…)

I don't know what fetish is this nor do I even want to know…

No. 455663

File: 1738365362917.png (650.29 KB, 1080x2000, nasty.png)

Revolting,I hate this so much.

No. 455683

Unironically yes that is a form of cbt

No. 455684

No. 455685

The wall of your average 4chan user

No. 455720

File: 1738380237632.jpg (507.55 KB, 1080x1053, Screenshot_20250201_050845_Chr…)

No. 455722

File: 1738380272548.jpg (Spoiler Image,344.75 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20250201_051843_Chr…)

No. 455728

Thanks now I want to kill myself

No. 455743

Why do they always give them huge womanly asses and thighs???

No. 455744

I feel like a boomer but do zoomers know the lolwut Pear?

No. 455752

File: 1738385139923.png (Spoiler Image,465.44 KB, 1988x1999, 1000014175.png)

After I become legally insane, I will write a 200 page dissertation on the highly specific type of sadism that occurs in internet communities where the violence focuses on extreme depravity towards cute and helpless stand-ins for vulnerable populations

Anyway, thread tax I guess so I'm not just sperging.

No. 455756

>where the violence focuses on extreme depravity towards cute and helpless stand-ins for vulnerable populations
Well it's not extreme violence, but there's kids games like kick the buddy, talking Tom and that weird steak game where the entire thing is "annoying small thing gets beaten/cut" up. Maybe it's cute aggression

No. 455845

at least he's self-aware
Is that a pfp of that asianfishing alien-looking tiktok girl?

No. 455993

File: 1738450732840.png (750.16 KB, 1600x2000, dhasipg-c0ece880-e498-4b5c-885…)

This was bound to happen unfortunately

No. 456017

>tfw one of my husbandos is constantly used for a niche fetish

No. 456025

Use a fucking spoiler for those of us just scrolling through this board, for the love of God.

No. 456098

This is tame fro MLP.

No. 456099

lmfao the pfp
reminds me of those people who watch baby monkeys being abused on youtube, I wonder if it's the same reasoning

No. 456106

>cute aggression
that dumb steak isn't cute at all, it's ugly and annoying and you're supposed to want to hurt it. i actually have cute aggression and i hate the "cute thing torture" shit.

No. 456204

File: 1738524582754.jpg (254.25 KB, 2000x1487, bafkreigyyoehgoc6p3mvugzdjecdm…)


No. 456319

File: 1738538276618.jpg (756.13 KB, 1600x1200, __link_princess_zelda_cloud_st…)

I'm so glad Super Crown "meme" is dead. So many ugly coomshit genderswaps and gijinkas. Bowshitte was a mistake.

No. 456324

Well that's why I also said small annoying thing lol

No. 456381

File: 1738548994864.png (Spoiler Image,135.29 KB, 212x300, the_miracle_of_life.png)

[Mutual Yearning], [Coffee Shop AU], [Fluff] fujos around the world would commit mass suicide if they knew the type shit Japanese MLMs produce and coom to.

For those who don't want to stomach it, it's a guy giving birth to a boy through his asshole. I WARNED YOU.

No. 456382

How do you even get this fetish? There's so much shit going on

No. 456383

I'm flabbergasted. Why is the kid so big? Did he ass vore him? Or are babies born out of men's asses supposed to just be that large?

No. 456425

File: 1738552368252.png (Spoiler Image,7.93 MB, 2300x2357, 1654878818.st3ph3n_2022_pridea…)

footfags make me feel so sick

No. 456428

File: 1738552765828.jpg (193.32 KB, 900x1265, 001.jpg)

kek fujos are already turned off by the disgusting faces that gay japmoids give their guys anyway and i don't blame them. disgusting caveman blockheads.

No. 456431

I noticed that barafags love making their men to be really tanned—to the point it looks (Trump) orange. What's up with that? The Nihonjin are pretty pale.

No. 456433

i think it's because being tanned/darker is seen as a masculine trait while being pale is seen as a feminine trait over there.

No. 456442

This is the coom artist who was outed for pretending to be a girl right?

No. 456512

Why do bara artists have the exact same artstyle?
It's Tina fate?

No. 456517

File: 1738586232023.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.12 KB, 828x1197, bikini_and_shorts_layce_by_cud…)

Apparently this is called "microwaist".
This is from the guy that made Harem Protagonist. Anyone remember that trainwreck?

Kek, the man's fat belly looked like someone else's ass. I was so confused.
>Japanese MLMs
You can just say Japanese gay moids.

>being tanned/darker is seen as a masculine trait while being pale is seen as a feminine trait over there.
This is a thing in most places, but moreso in East Asia.
The reason bara characters are so tanned is also because it's associated with manual labor and physical exercise, which are seen as manly.

No. 456520

>Japanese MLMs

I was being sarcastic, lol

No. 456521

File: 1738587099523.gif (Spoiler Image,2.6 MB, 380x500, 1458176970305__1__by_cuddle_be…)

kek, sorry

No. 456545

At least they look happy about it kek

No. 456548

With lolicons, paraphiliacs like to groom each other into reading/watching/doing weird shit, so combined with their preexisting brain damage they're more likely to get memed into fetishes. 99% of barafags are gay men who like exaggerated masculinity and ~musk~ is part of the appeal (it's even mentioned a lot in hetero romance novels but obviously not in the same way)

No. 456672

moids really need to be exterminated and i cannot stress this enough

No. 456724

File: 1738628259976.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.21 KB, 780x780, Screenshot_20250203-214608_Chr…)

Spoilered for ABDL

No. 456731

What's with the bloody knee and the character crying? Is this supposed to be some sadistic thing?

No. 456755

File: 1738636146728.jpg (368.1 KB, 1399x2000, bafkreidgsd2oozavjhqkxzfuzbdik…)

One of my followers liked this low quality gooner shit on BlueSky.

No. 456759

File: 1738636937263.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 2736x2999, 1000018604.jpg)

I don't know if photo manipulation qualifies as "art" but I just remembered this Pinterest account with these creepy fucking edits of stolen pictures.

No. 456761

what's the @?

No. 456763


No. 456776

Holy shit could you imagine if some weirdo made a bara manga about Trump?

No. 456777

The horror I experienced when I realized that's his fucking ceiling.

No. 456782

File: 1738640011986.png (Spoiler Image,508.76 KB, 1024x1536, 1823749 - Donald_Trump pluvatt…)

im honestly shocked that nothing like that has been written yet. when i looked up trump porn out of curiosity there was a lot more photo edits of him fucking mexican girls rather than anything even bara adjacent. kinda sad tbh bc i would prefer some nasty faggot's drawn bara shit over disgusting scrotes wasting hours making uncanny edits of real life women drooling over some geriatric cock while overlaying it with some grossly racist and embarrassing dialogue. at least the bara shit doesn't actually degrade any real women.

No. 456784

Doesn't even look like him.the artist didn't even try.

No. 456791

File: 1738644058975.jpg (993.76 KB, 4096x2858, this was before he died btw.jp…)

Speaking of gay trump art I've been looking for an excuse to post this image for a while

No. 456793

When I search Trump porn I just get that pornstar scandal lol

No. 456801

why do barafags like fat guys?

No. 456809

this convo reminds me of that one guy who drew pearl from steven universe/donald trump soft core porn and had some creepy homophobic dialogue, I think it was fresherluke who drew it? idk i dont wanna look through that moid's shit

No. 456861

File: 1738670380905.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.3 KB, 850x850, __donald_trump_real_life_drawn…)


No. 456864

I love freedom of of speech.

No. 456874

Putin looks more like Pence in this, to be honest

They probably think it's manly because it makes them bigger, and you know how men are more likely to get off to things they deem "wrong" or disgusting, so yeah. They grosser, the better, it looks like.

There probably are some Japanese gay men who find Trump fuckable.

No. 456876

this makes them look prettier than they actually are

No. 457003

File: 1738696948907.jpeg (380.24 KB, 2048x1843, GUOcbWFWYAAGaEZ.jpeg)

No. 457004

Jumpscare, but I laughed

No. 457007

File: 1738697384411.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.27 KB, 960x540, GcxU-nmXEAA7HLg.jpg)

Was it this?

No. 457019

File: 1738698522333.jpg (74.77 KB, 680x680, 2fa119a0fb75e8ea30e1404d7187e6…)

yeah that's the one

No. 457060

File: 1738707962191.jpg (10.05 KB, 555x345, 1737958465645.jpg)

No. 457063

they miss women

No. 457104

File: 1738725090360.png (2.66 MB, 2328x1418, dmhsdbfh.png)

there's this very old youtube channel called stealth pornucopia that has a bunch of clips mostly from random kids cartoons, to quote the about me section:
>"What is stealth porn? It's stuff that's not meant to be porn, but is. Clips from mainstream pop culture that set off someone's kink buttons, even though there's nothing technically pornographic about them. Whether you're into vore, feet, transformation, inflation, diapers, hypnosis, bondage or whatever, there's probably something here that will make you 'feel funny'"
it's pretty creepy to think about the fact that so many people's weird fetishes developed when they were children from what was initially innocuous cartoon gags. granted some of these scenes were probably made by some grossly horny scrotes who can't help but inject everything they touch with their perverted thoughts, but i feel like a good amount of what's featured on this channel was never meant to be fap material of any sort, hell the idea likely never crossed anyone's minds at the time of making it. i think it's pretty telling of men's brains how no matter how sexually suppressed they may be they'll always be able to find something to sexualize and jerk off to. it's really weird and very disgusting.

No. 457106

>Penny's Panties
I see that the channel owner is also a disgusting pedo.no surprise here.

No. 457169

>The reason bara characters are so tanned is also because it's associated with manual labor and physical exercise, which are seen as manly.
i know also in japanese media it can indicate a male character is "tough" or a delinquent of some kind too

No. 457188

>Maybe the real stealth porn was the fat jokes we made along the way

No. 457189

File: 1738753593850.png (73.29 KB, 330x268, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

>pearl from steven universe/donald trump soft core porn and had some creepy homophobic dialogue

No. 457272

i have one of these autistic fetishes from a cartoon movie i watched as a kid and it's so weird to watch as an adult because i keep wondering if it was supposed to do that.

No. 457291

File: 1738786650815.webp (1.18 MB, 859x1073, 6306529_1536778_fliphrrr_squir…)

This is tame but this shit looks like AI.didn't Newgrounds ban Ai art a while ago?

No. 457297

Why the fuck is there lotion?

No. 457299

File: 1738788257262.jpg (518.25 KB, 4320x1368, Screenshot_20250205_133955_Fir…)

Why are moids like this

No. 457301

File: 1738788878993.png (Spoiler Image,680.73 KB, 1323x604, naomi_summer_burning_growth___…)

YWN turn into a crispy chicken wing with buffalo sauce

No. 457355

File: 1738802449403.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1728374580272.jpg)

thats lube and theres anal beads in the bg so its definitely a kink and not just "muh age regression coping mechanism" ew

No. 457370

File: 1738807366865.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.88 KB, 680x329, EdZKJLMUEAIfVPR.jpg_small.jpg)

This nasty and ugly garbage,he literally has a fursuit like this minus the nipples(it's worse than you think)

No. 457373

I remember seeing an episode of Chowder years ago that in retrospect was absolutely written by a storyboarder with a fetish. Chowder's stomach inflates to the size of a building because he has to pee and can't. Putting that shit in kid's shows is straight up grooming.

No. 457374

Nona that is pure fucking nightmare fuel holy shit. A lot of the stuff on this thread doesn't bother me all that much but somehow this is especially disturbing.

No. 457376

NTA but that entire channel is why I hate the animation industry. It was always sick fetish insertion shit.

No. 457378

deeply disturbing, thanks for sharing

No. 457838

File: 1738948130354.png (Spoiler Image,2.64 MB, 1536x2048, 1600490192585.png)


No. 458415

File: 1739073396632.jpg (720.65 KB, 2000x1555, bafkreih5wpgcpuxgusztxx46h4ygd…)


No. 458598

File: 1739133280829.jpg (62.69 KB, 716x1116, forced_to_twerk_by_jaymac1337_…)

No. 458612

this is so fucking scary jesus

No. 458968

Tbh the bottom left one looks like something Grimes would post

No. 458973

Barafags get away with a ridiculous amount of shit.

No. 459358

File: 1739329386934.jpg (157.51 KB, 850x1063, 1718318574024.jpg)

No. 459407

This is the Special Olympics team. Poor Bigmeat was born without a nose or eyes, but he still finds a way to play the sport he loves.

No. 459514

nonna, that's based

No. 459863

File: 1739424042388.jpg (Spoiler Image,134.35 KB, 933x1280, 1615895430.justaweirdogirl_inf…)

drawn by that weird worms autist who's definetly a farmer. Jesus fucking christ.

No. 459864

File: 1739424173042.png (Spoiler Image,137.17 KB, 1000x586, 1608805930.justaweirdogirl_ast…)

Its so weird to see female autism of lusting after the ugliest male characters known to mankind mixed with moid diaper degen autism. And they say god doesnt punish twice.

No. 459865

File: 1739424451296.jpeg (26.67 KB, 736x552, sad johnny.jpeg)

You footfags disgust me. Nonnie, please get your eyes checked.

No. 459868

File: 1739425554330.png (956.93 KB, 1359x1719, tpnu2lzu6ck91.png)

No. 459958

File: 1739445648521.jpg (Spoiler Image,359.58 KB, 1280x1736, owo__what_s_this__by_madamesam…)

No. 460259

File: 1739513080729.jpg (195.09 KB, 1080x1380, 20250214_080323.jpg)

No. 460269

File: 1739519757247.jpeg (123.95 KB, 827x1210, IMG_8812.jpeg)

No. 460289

File: 1739533484424.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.78 KB, 850x792, IMG_6004.jpeg)

No. 460350

File: 1739547462142.jpg (Spoiler Image,446.37 KB, 1200x1630, repulsive.jpg)

this is just fucking gross, this retard can't see anything without kink lenses. Apparently saying truth makes you a fash. Should i post full images here?

No. 460354

>I, a trans MAN, hate fascist America
>so I'll make fascist fetish porn where my tranny self-insert is turned into a tradwife

No. 460358

File: 1739548194501.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 3408x2778, f396849ab6e7bdd0.jpg)

No. 460360

We need to ban the internet

No. 460362

File: 1739548666920.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 3408x2778, ac48ca865e8abb4b.jpg)

No. 460364

>Sometimes when you are full of fear about the fucked up world you just gotta express yourself by drawing fucked up porn
now those drawings zoomies made of their favorite characters killing nazis seem truly revolutionary by comparison

No. 460366

File: 1739548983641.jpg (928.15 KB, 3408x2779, 277081f2bccec348.jpg)

troons troon out and get even more depressed, then they 41% themselves but of course being trad is worse and is brainwashing.
at first it was funny to laught at her terrible fetish art, but this one just made me mad

No. 460368

NSFW / NSFL Warning
There's a lot of TIFs on that subreddit.

No. 460369

File: 1739549259265.jpg (Spoiler Image,891.77 KB, 3408x2778, f8842718adfef671.jpg)

Nobody does that, this is pure cope

No. 460370

File: 1739549526403.jpg (360.21 KB, 3408x2779, 493b6f0946db6088.jpg)

no kid is trans, you're just a groomer looking for victims

No. 460371

This is literally just yet another group of women and underage girls with no self-esteem who lust after moid abusers. But they still pretend they're NLOG.

No. 460373

Tif detrans fetish art is uniquely upsetting. Men making misogynistic porn is to be expected but women who pretend to be men still fetishizing misogyny and being "put in their place"? Depressing.

No. 460375

is there any hope for these kinds of women in particular? like if we ship them off to the psych ward will they truly get better? or are they just as bad as their moid counterparts?

No. 460376

God, this shit is hialriously depressing. There's truly no hope for this chick, is there?

No. 460377

i was reading this as i was printing out photos of hot men to use as reference and god bless that i'm me and not whoever the fuck this is.
>Sometimes when you are full of fear about the fucked up world you just gotta express yourself by drawing fucked up porn
Tom of Finland lived through WW2 and when it came to his art he still fetishized the Nazis and not their victims, interesting how when it comes to "vent art" about the terrible state of your country, you chose to brutalize and sexualize your self-insert instead of the actual fascists, even tho when scrotes whine about a "cruel awful world" where women reject them and they're the REAL victims, they still brutalize the women and not themselves.
You're no eclectic esoteric tragic artist that looks to outrageous erotic art to make a statement about politics, you're just a retard that lives life viewing herself than being herself and developed morbid misogynistic fetishes and rather than going to therapy and working on yourself, you just "changed into" a man because then your misogynistic fetishes couldn't POSSIBLY effect you right? this isn't art "that comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comforted", this is a mask off moment.

No. 460378

File: 1739550604184.jpg (1.4 MB, 3263x5510, 73386d041476e2e3.jpg)

she also made this disgusting shit

No. 460379

I think you're missing the point. We all know both male and female trannies think that not supporting their delusions is fascism, but that's not what's interesting about this comic. TIFs make this art out of self-hatred and because they can't help turning themselves into sex objects due to being female, despite claiming to be men. It's deeply rooted internalized misogyny, self-objectification, and definitely a severe porn addiction. That's what is depressing.

On the other hand, moids make porn of themselves being turned into sissies or of themselves being trannies and raping "TERFs" as revenge (what >>460377 said). Unless it's an HSTS fetishizing homophobia and making porn of himself being punished for being a "faggot" pretending to be a woman, male trannies don't make porn where they're degraded for being male.

No. 460387

ofcourse shes also a shotashit no wonder, troons and pedophilia are synonymous with each other

No. 460396

File: 1739553343521.jpg (249.8 KB, 1200x1105, wtf.jpg)

oh god this woman is worse and very milky than Fanny Perret

No. 460404

Kek maybe some of these types think this fetish is masculine in some way, they're male brained for getting off to misogyny and wanting to see women raped and impregnated, even if they are the woman in question. This especially reads like she thinks she's owning the transphobe by being a sexually aggressive pervert, like how tims are to radfems.

No. 460412

File: 1739556871106.png (410.97 KB, 1656x799, selkiejuice.png)

so close yet so far

No. 460413

File: 1739556875708.jpg (157.48 KB, 884x606, KEKKKKKKK.jpg)

This bitch is hilarious
>yeah im so edgy and cool yeah i like LITTLE BOYS AND MOIDS like a gay fag heh terfs suck!
>i feel so depressed pls say something nice about me i want to end it all
>but im totally edgy and contrarian guyz!! look at my self insert being raped by NAZIS!

No. 460415

Moid tranny hater IRL: immediately takes her up on her offer, fucks her so violently she has to go to hospital, doxes her, gets forever immortalized on 4chan as their new chad god.
She fucking wishes men were like how she portrays them.

No. 460417

Lacryboy and its consequences

No. 460418

File: 1739557684035.jpg (324.83 KB, 884x606, saysthetroon.jpg)

>you dont understand my pedo shit isnt pedoshit!
the more i look into this cow the more im convinced troons should be legally euthanized

No. 460423

File: 1739558466447.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.05 KB, 1200x697, gross.jpg)

No. 460424

>Wahh wahh everybody is so mean to me for being a nonce
Lolisho faggots could easily avoid this dilemma by just keeping their business to themselves. Saying "I don't get it, WHY does it upset people when I sperg out over how much I want to fuck anime children??" doesn't make them look innocent, it makes them look demented.

No. 460429

You just know she's a NEET

No. 460440

File: 1739563244974.jpeg (476.74 KB, 748x820, IMG_7795.jpeg)

>half her output is gigantic roidpig males raping and beating petite sumbissive females
it's all so tiresome

No. 460459

File: 1739565542381.jpg (93.25 KB, 1200x731, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 460461

Her art style is really ugly. The dimensions and proportions on the faces are all wrong and the poses are stiff. No wonder she has to be annoying for attention.

No. 460481

What a retard… If no one (males) was a fucked up pedo rapist, if no one equated sex with power and violence, then pornography and fucked up fetishes wouldn't exist in the first place. There would be no need to ban it because it wouldn't be a thing. And if she believes the answer is to educate moids so they don't grow up to be misogynists, why isn't she in favor of banning the media that literally educates moids (and girls too) to be misogynistic as soon as they start to interact with the world? What a dumbass.
>kinks didn't make men that way, they were already like that
She's right. KAM

God I fucking hate lolishota fags and pedo apologists. Most annoying fuckers on the internet next to furries.
She needs to be banned from the internet ASAP.

>just make it not female
She really thinks calling a female a male magically works, huh?

No. 460489

I don't know if i want to kill myself or laugh hysterically, this girl is fucked in the head kek

No. 460765

File: 1739667466854.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.5 KB, 828x1138, commission__sneezing_gwen_and_…)

one thing that i truly hate about the internet is that i've learned that everything can be a fetish. even sneezing turns some people on

No. 460773

File: 1739668722322.png (Spoiler Image,492.84 KB, 804x946, bbaf142cb60d4466.png)

I've seen a lot of mentally ill TIFs like puppychan, Fanny Perret, homunculus_1000 or whatever her username was but this woman is just different sort of mental illness

No. 460776

File: 1739668821462.png (Spoiler Image,252.63 KB, 802x941, dedb5bba9caafd99.png)

No. 460777

I wonder if this is indicative of a secret, eeevil desire to detransition.

No. 460779

File: 1739669182596.jpg (209.03 KB, 1200x1100, mental illness.jpg)

>bigotry kink

No. 460781

>Bigotry kink
Kekkkk, I'm sorry but this is so unserious, it's impossible to take her LatAm soap opera-tier scenarios seriously. I feel like she really means she just gets "gender euphoria" from being called a faggot and in her autistic TIF brain she's misconstrued that as "reclaiming her identity through kink"

No. 460783

i know of an artist who is a TIF and is obsessed with gender dysphoria as a fetish and forcing people to transition while also "invalidating" TIFs by making them pregnant and killing the baby and all kinds of other fucked up shit, i don't even want to post it here it's so gross

No. 460784

>POV: you said "woman" instead of "pregnant person" during biology class and the frog you've been dissecting suddenly starts to speak

No. 460796

I know an unwashed fatty drew these

No. 460887

it probably is, but because she's got these demented fetishes and has this gross view of women she probably won't, it's likely these fetishes that made her troon out to begin with because she couldn't stop associating moid fetishes and view of women with her own view of herself and the only way to escape this type of self-perception was to "change" her sex. but trooning out obviously isn't working out for her but detransitioning is evil and bad and only nasty conservatives-in-the-making do it. and then with her fetishes, like any other type of degen addict, she needs a bigger high, so she developed a fascism fetish, but then she's made it tie in with detransitioning, so she likely will never detransition because she inherently associates rise of fascism and misogyny with detransing and she's only got enough sanity to not want that to happen irl but not enough intelligence to understand that ruining her body is exactly what scrotes want(as evident by how she thinks these changes are completely reversible and that she could actually revert to the "little girl" she was, but that could be just fetishworld logic)

No. 460888

>detrans fashes using her childhood photo as reference in her fantasy
actually appalling

No. 460889

really random, but why did she draw the left boob hanging lower both times kek, def a self insert

No. 460894

File: 1739710269902.jpg (252.2 KB, 1200x1007, selkie persona.jpg)

nonnas are right about self-insert, she didn't even tried to hide it properly kek. Also, what's that filth on her skin? She doesn't shower? Not surprised

No. 460896

File: 1739710615550.gif (1.1 MB, 220x165, heh.gif)

>what's that filth on her skin?
She's drawing herself as an anthropomorphic seal and those are the spots. She needs to leave Ponsuke the seal alone and stop ruining his image like this

No. 460898

TIF ideology is born out of misogyny so is it really all that surprising?

No. 460899

this woman is 22, fresh out of college, and this is what she chooses to do with her free time? she wasn't posting shit like this in 2020-21, when she would've been 18-19, so did college break her permanently? or did being in a place with people with similar talents in whatever field give her an inferiority complex so severe she's fetishizing the jobless tradwife lifestyle? kek
nonnie add friendless and socially retarded onto that list

No. 460904

why do such schizoids always gravitate to seals? sea dogs dont deserve this

No. 460905

File: 1739713079955.jpg (81.56 KB, 1200x870, Screenshot_20250215.jpg)

>implying she went to college in the first place

No. 460971

Shitty art aside wtf is with the weird hair tendrils kek? It looks so stupid

No. 461069

File: 1739748034384.jpeg (Spoiler Image,313.79 KB, 1920x1428, IMG_1089.jpeg)

troon fandom about plant alien women forcibly feminizing moids and turning them into pets using drugs

No. 461071

Why does the nazi have breasts threatening to burst out of his shirt. Is it a woman?
Oh my god it was a TIM this whole time?

No. 461072

is this fanart of a porpentine novel

No. 461180

File: 1739782833290.png (Spoiler Image,3.64 MB, 2949x3250, 95919465_5Pdx5VtmkaEwUd2.png)

No. 461182

kek i was petting my cat and talking to him and then i moused over this on accident and went "whoOOA"

No. 461186

File: 1739784807659.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.55 KB, 1280x1316, ellies_super_market_milk_16_by…)


No. 461191

Very naisu. Also, balls don't look like that.

No. 461247

i like male guro as much as other nonna but this sucks, for reasons beyond the hideous walled scrote, the cutting off of the penis looks so stiff and awkward and the blood gushes out at odd angles, the anatomy is terrible too like >>461191 nonnie said, his balls look like if a woman allergic to bees got stung by a bee on the pussy lips

No. 461320

File: 1739823184064.jpeg (Spoiler Image,255.49 KB, 1557x893, IMG_1119.jpeg)

>into bug infestation?
sorry if posting this girl is getting old but my god.

No. 461335

Please don't be sorry, I'm genuinely fascinated by this weirdo. Also could you post a link to her social media? I tried searching up her username and couldn't find anything, and I want to look into her autism further. Sorry for asking to be spoonfed.

No. 461336

I'm not sure if she has other socials because those mastodon weirdos are good at keeping private info about themselves

No. 461337

Nta but shes on aethy which is on mastodon, be warned you may see some heinous shit, especially on aethy

No. 461339

I have never heard of that website before, so thank you for pointing me in the right direction nonnas.

No. 461367

File: 1739830011096.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1308x1536, 3e80d09d224b7baf.png)


No. 461376

>woaw so edgy!
This handmaidenwhich probably is her fetishisn't even original in her edgy shit totally cant tell shes addicted to moid hentai.

No. 461392

I wish I didn't click this link, because it's blocked in my country. I bet the government has me flagged as a creep now… KEK

No. 461398

try to use VPN

No. 461476

kek really? can you tell us where you're from or at least what region you're from? cause aethy is also meant to be a leftist site (I saw the admins are planning on shutting it down because of trump winning) but it could also be banned because of the loli shit on it

No. 461505

File: 1739875258026.jpeg (193.47 KB, 2048x2048, GZ9P5DPWcAAwTFj.jpeg)

No. 461506

File: 1739875296319.jpeg (294.67 KB, 2048x2048, GTQL1qXXkAABG3f.jpeg)

there's more

No. 461517

I'm from Ireland and yeah, it's banned because of lolishit

No. 461525

File: 1739885908047.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.17 KB, 850x868, __shinomiya_kaguya_kaguya_sama…)

No. 461635

File: 1739914656779.webp (Spoiler Image,444.47 KB, 1018x905, 5823720_938921_sk8poison_untit…)

Newgrounds never fails to deliver incomprehensible slop.

No. 461674

saw this just as i was about to write in the confessions thread that I like to flop my boobs up on a table when im bored kek

No. 461675

I'm ashamed of myself but I laughed

No. 461879

File: 1740001904488.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 845x1093, IMG_1402.jpeg)

Kekkk if you reach this point you’d rather kill yourself

No. 461885

Why is it just….open? Nevermind, I don't think that artist knows how vaginas work

No. 461890

I'm laughing at the idea of cleaning a vagina from within using a cloth.

No. 461936

File: 1740025583628.jpg (497.57 KB, 1300x1950, bafkreiedilrmtmxwgh4nhhwolwrjy…)

Retarded proportions

No. 461940

There was one similar like this but it's Lola Bunny and Gadget Hackwrench. Moids need to pump poisonous fluids into their dickholes.

No. 461953

>everyone's character in Second Life and IMVU

No. 462016

File: 1740050976445.jpg (Spoiler Image,401.63 KB, 1447x2048, tumblr_8d4e76d87799566fc5f8a5a…)

No. 462159

>gets tiny scrote animal to "clean" her vagina
>scrote animal cleans it for real and now she's got a yeast infection

No. 462161

>(due to how compundingly terrible of a time it was for a woman irl… sign)
look at this wannabe faggot trying to act like she actually feels bad.

No. 462170

>Forcemasc tradhubbification is so hot to me, and it has so much potential for secondary kinks (due to how compoundingly good of a time it was for men irl, so the difference in treatment given versus treatment expected makes the breaking in more satisfying)
>Into drugging? Moids couldn't get enough of coke.
>Impact play? Spank "her" for not bringing in the money!
>Medical play? Treat "her" erectile dysfunction through electrocution at the urologist's office! or simply put a lock on that cock for masturbating "her" dick dry.
>Into preg and birtherism? Great news! That's the husband's whole purpose! To make sure that legacy goes on!
about the female hysteria, that concept died in 1952, the tradwife era she tries to emulate in her fetslop is 1970s-1980s isn't it?

No. 462214

File: 1740094431873.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.8 KB, 828x1229, layla_kiss_old_man_comic_redra…)

This is fucking sickening, I don't know if this was drawn by some putrid troon or a pickme. The girl in the drawing is named Layla and seems to be a self-insert or something.

No. 462215

File: 1740094467992.jpg (117.25 KB, 700x1798, layla_snotty_boy_future_marria…)

No. 462216

close enough, welcome back Fanny Perret

No. 462219

File: 1740095084356.jpg (118.25 KB, 1200x431, screenshot.jpg)

what the hell is she talking about? i thought i was having a stroke

No. 462224

File: 1740097052780.jpg (31.61 KB, 400x300, 1683524799575.jpg)

Looks like pickme art imo. It would have been my puke going down his throat if that were me.

No. 462244

Why do I love this

No. 462248

No. 462249

KEKKK it really does remind me of lynn and cartman now that you say that

No. 462250

She's right tho

No. 462262

File: 1740105656829.jpeg (468.08 KB, 2079x2854, IMG_8914.jpeg)

Moids and their super normal stimuli kek. She needs reduction surgery

No. 462321

she was so close to the based land, this || close, so damn close and then took a sharp 180 into troondom, hate to see it

No. 462451

File: 1740171316103.jpg (Spoiler Image,136.6 KB, 1280x1699, nana_kisses_reginald_beady_by_…)

Christ, this is definitely a pickme. It amazes me that some women would lower their standards and pick the ugliest characters in existence lmao

No. 462452

This makes me want to kill myself

No. 462453

KEKKKK why is that traumatised looking 3D scrotes there??

No. 462455

I never thought a kissing fetish would disgust me after everything I've seen, but here we are

No. 462462

The lazily drawn tux is pissing me off. Look at that flat ass bowtie. You will never be Nemu

No. 462478

Why does sped fetish art always look like… That? Like, weird muddy pillow shading with muddy colors? It looks cohesive enough to represent an art movement, 21st century DeviantArt Autism. Will art history scholars study it a 100 years from now? Will papers be written on this?

No. 462479

Are we sure this artist is a woman?

No. 462480

i was about to say that, im looking through "her" deviantart profile and something seems off

No. 462812

File: 1740250156915.jpg (369.22 KB, 1080x1908, Picsart_25-02-22_13-44-16-524.…)

I don't think so. The artist renders the self-insert with way more effort and detail than the so-called object of attraction (the ugly moids). Picrel, the artist also uses weird pretty girl gifs as reaction images like some moid would.
Imo if the artist were female, the self-insert and ugly moids would have the same level of detail/rendering and there would be more pieces focusing on the moids by themselves. I know self inserters sometimes over-sexualize their OCs but those people usually treat their self inserts with more care and respect and still focus on the attractiveness of their husbandos. I think the artist is a moid getting off to the idea of being an attractive woman who likes ugly men. The key here is the female self-insert is the most important part of the drawing for this artist, not the ugly moids. The moids are just a vessel to complete the AGP fetish of becoming an attractive woman and being degraded.

No. 462854

Is this lymphedema kek?

No. 462855

He’s even more ugly than Fanny’s Cartman

No. 462956

File: 1740281634185.jpg (80.88 KB, 974x820, how_miana_flirts_by_laylapinay…)

Aside from literally everything else with this artist, who kisses by smashing their faces together like that? Somehow this still bugs me even though it's overshadowed by the whole ugly bastard thing

Yeah, even Fanny Perret puts in effort rendering her ugly ass Cartman and his fat tits so he's around the same level of detail as his female victims. I agree that this is definitely some AGP artist

No. 463012

File: 1740301862340.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1880x2048, 1000033117.png)


No. 463013

The art style here screams moid. I wonder if he's an autist who simultaneously thinks kissing is gross and fetishizes it? Kek

No. 463023

File: 1740304272211.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.17 KB, 788x1014, eufhd 82o3921cwqa.jpg)

I never thought any footfag would find this anime…

No. 463158

File: 1740343944500.png (Spoiler Image,224.86 KB, 655x613, why.png)


No. 463180

I seriously want to kill myself

No. 463332

File: 1740362844714.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.17 KB, 686x582, bafkreie2ffs2zstd54ddhgqr7msll…)

I'm not surprised some greasy ugly man actually came up with something as repulsive as sexualizing a candy mascot but here we are.

No. 463346

File: 1740365690142.png (278.5 KB, 652x486, 166fdfbcaf40b2473c26_small.png)


No. 463347

File: 1740365720442.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.01 KB, 1280x1907, Marias-Mansion0002.jpg)

This one's worse

No. 463372

File: 1740373862265.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.22 KB, 850x1133, __ramlethal_valentine_guilty_g…)

what's going on with this anatomy

No. 463373

File: 1740374057146.png (Spoiler Image,173.63 KB, 515x532, nerds.png)

Finally I have an excuse to post this nightmare

No. 463395

File: 1740386887376.png (24.52 KB, 733x885, dfj6skq.png)

No. 463397

>Covid never ends
I'm more confused than anything else, honestly.

No. 463411

I read this to the tune of "High school never ends" by Bowling for Soup

No. 463457

KEK is his harness/cuffs/collar made from nerd ropes???

No. 463471

File: 1740410997672.png (24.17 KB, 225x225, F0n9Nuh.png)

…is that the human version of the Invisible Man from Hotel Transylvania?

No. 463473

I wonder if the nerdfucker nona from /g/ has seen this

No. 463474

>when the surgeon misunderstands what you meant by "lip filler"

No. 463499

File: 1740419160705.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.59 KB, 990x807, harem_scarem_by_kiff57krocker_…)

No. 463501

File: 1740421669648.png (1.68 MB, 828x1792, 1663532894813.png)

That's Ty, the purple guy.

No. 463502

File: 1740421821772.png (Spoiler Image,370.46 KB, 791x531, nerd2.png)

No. 463503

This is gonna be autistic but I can kind of understand it because that ass would taste so good

No. 463504

Nonna please.

No. 463757

File: 1740491027348.jpg (37.67 KB, 1200x257, img.jpg)

>people who say a guy is a "porn addict" the word you're looking for is actually "porn addict"
those people

No. 463848

File: 1740507806500.jpeg (Spoiler Image,889.18 KB, 1179x2073, IMG_5423.jpeg)

Why are the boobs like that? Is it supposed to be nipple hair?

No. 463896

No. 463998

File: 1740539249841.jpg (Spoiler Image,228.34 KB, 1280x1579, e_boy_ripping_morning___hazy_b…)

Almost 200 likes for this on Devianart, unbelievably horrendous.

No. 464004

Breast cancer boobs

No. 464019

File: 1740544995533.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.07 KB, 200x227, the claw.jpg)

That picture you shared is like a hidden object game in which you're trying to spot mind-meltingly horrific details and anatomical abominations.
My favorite is the tiny deformed lobster claw of a right hand.

No. 464088

This character is so fugly, I hate the hair tendril things so much they distract from the nipple hair

No. 464141

I was so distracted by the ugly broken body and terrible facial expression I didn't see the fart cloud explosion or whatever the fuck is happening with that

No. 464214

File: 1740593682492.jpeg (110.62 KB, 1020x1200, GZk98sDWAAAmCaz.jpeg)

This artist deserves to have his rights taken away.

No. 464278

What the fuck am I even looking at

No. 464381

File: 1740644104497.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.1 MB, 2159x2048, peeping_tom_by_selakah_dhd2sha…)

No. 464388

hmmm based

No. 464438

he should be crying and in pain though not just blushing demurely

No. 464525

File: 1740677856974.png (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1394x2075, Felicia_SF_site.png)

No. 464565

File: 1740681779739.jpg (399.28 KB, 2000x2000, bafkreihdgpafowixkkzixgdbhakte…)


No. 464569

the retarded hair is giving me a certain ex-Yandere Sim-phase vibe

No. 464572

it's stuff like this that i can't feel bad about Jimmy and Curly being used for fujoshit, clearly they're maintaining a sense of balance(true balance would be fanfic/art of Anya taking that gun and shoving it up Jimmy's ass but we'll take what we can get)

No. 464591

File: 1740684080155.jpg (Spoiler Image,209.38 KB, 1000x873, 1000020348.jpg)

No. 464642

File: 1740690308979.png (780.83 KB, 921x1000, puke.png)

Cursed old man mpreg. Or maybe it's a TiF. Idk, gross either way.

No. 464643

I don't like the fetish, but the art style is really cute.

No. 464732

File: 1740697336903.jpg (146.79 KB, 1280x731, cm_homely_to_hottie_by_supersp…)

Fucking disgusting

No. 464748

File: 1740698931429.png (12.62 MB, 2268x4032, 1740610461224.png)

No. 464750

why is it always furry degenerates who say this shit?

No. 464798

One thing that makes me laugh about this artist is when some troon on twitter made a faux analysis about how the sink drawing was "nonsexual" and therefore a commentary on queerness and autism

No. 465048

File: 1740779402421.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.93 KB, 850x1232, 1000020387.jpg)

I genuinely can't tell what the girl is doing with that pose

No. 465049

big fat ballsack boobs drawn by a closet homo. many such cases

No. 465050

File: 1740779929097.jpg (143.82 KB, 1200x1840, watermelon.jpg)

No. 465051

Some theories:
>She locked herself in the shower, escaped by climbing over the top and got stuck
>The weight of her boobs dragged her over the railing but she's not worried because they'll cushion her call
>She's doing experimental yoga
>She's trying to make the blood rush to her head because it all usually goes to her titties and booty
>She's actually a snakewoman from the hips down, she's slithering around the house
>She's dodging bullets in the Matrix

No. 465113

File: 1740798570181.png (Spoiler Image,658.69 KB, 720x714, IMG_2335.png)

kek ballsack boobs reminds me of this image

No. 465141

File: 1740813700632.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.04 KB, 850x950, sample_e1707a50cfb5afbf5ffe727…)

the faces made me laugh

No. 465142

File: 1740813990716.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 846x1022, sped with money.png)

Also this guy commissioned the exact same picture 3 times. Fucking why?! where do these retards get so much spending money for shit like this.

No. 465264

File: 1740853346255.jpg (1.25 MB, 4032x3024, 8lofqu7ltug71.jpg)

By living like this

No. 465372

File: 1740871274220.jpg (Spoiler Image,176.31 KB, 1350x1650, 480550827_1173225057698563_776…)

We need to start lining moids up and shooting them

No. 465375

I knew a latina and white man couple who looked like this

No. 465379

File: 1740873547729.jpeg (Spoiler Image,216.46 KB, 1412x2048, GhyknPbWQAABk-j.jpeg)

Childhood ruined, I wish I didn't have eyes right now. I hope whoever drew this kills themselves, seriously what the fuck.

No. 465409

File: 1740879975878.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.84 KB, 828x715, big_party_by_gamera1985_dinn5z…)

Wait, what's wrong with that?

No. 465411

File: 1740880188641.webp (Spoiler Image,163.67 KB, 1280x1790, 00000001.webp)

chinese artists with autistic fetishes and insane rendering skills are my favourite flavour of mentally ill talented moid

No. 465427

File: 1740883886840.jpg (Spoiler Image,359.85 KB, 968x1500, Milk_42_00.jpg)

No. 465428

i would bet real money that this is in Seattle

No. 465447

my first thought was the interurban building but tbh a lot of buildings look similar lol

No. 465861

File: 1740963545665.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.12 KB, 763x1000, bafkreigmzymwonfj3rmfjrmycfj3o…)

This is nasty, the detailed nipples and the veins, gross I hate Senshi even more now. He's so ugly

No. 465871

Lmfao it’s like the artist was too scared to look at a real pussy and ass for reference and kinda just made it up. Or maybe they looked at a doll or a pixelated image or something. It’s so weird.

No. 465923

File: 1740970514873.jpeg (58.06 KB, 600x600, IMG_8955.jpeg)

No. 465925

she's a footfag? KEK

No. 466108

File: 1741005149709.jpg (Spoiler Image,596.14 KB, 1079x1522, 1000070596.jpg)

I found something incredible

No. 466110

Kek, I wonder if there are any women with this fetish, because I'm thinking this can only be the product of male autism.

No. 466114

the skeletal structure of this "thing" would make great for dbd horror creature

No. 466115

I know males are naturally depraved and develop strange fetishes like collecting pokemon cards but I still have a feeling this kind of repulsion with genitalia is a result of some kind of sexual trauma.
And no, I'm not sympathizing with a scrote right now, I still think he's a disgusting 4chan pervert.

No. 466116

Yeah, I also thought it could be related to that. Maybe a combination of sexual trauma and autism.

No. 466119

File: 1741007132211.jpg (Spoiler Image,718.65 KB, 1071x1450, 1000070598.jpg)


From the same thread, 4chan moids are the gift that keeps on giving.

No. 466120

>reposting shit grom /d/ and /trash/ to quickly fill up the thread with pure tism gold
Fuck, why didn't we think of this sooner?

No. 466122

Most of the posts on /d/ are just gross typical moid coomery but sometimes you can really strike true bizarre fetish gold.

No. 466124

File: 1741008051215.png (Spoiler Image,1.56 MB, 1770x2082, 1000070602.png)

Exemple 1

No. 466126

This would actually be based if it was real and all of them were thrown in a meat grinder.

No. 466127

is this from niche fetishes thread?

No. 466129

Its just called the "fetish thread", those are usually a mixed bag of the usual coomerslop and funny bizarre stuff.

No. 466161

Where does the pizza go when she eats it? His stomach?

No. 466179

Why is she gouging out the eye of her left boob face

No. 466347

File: 1741057142206.jpg (383.98 KB, 1700x1900, bafkreibwma3oqjegasnjmyyk3luva…)

Awful and cringe

No. 466348

File: 1741057215343.jpg (129.28 KB, 848x851, bafkreib45oqfuvpjljhhwqi2l5i2v…)

This makes me hate Hex Maniac even more, I can't even browse Bluesky without being bombarded with Gooner shit like this.

No. 466357

File: 1741062447047.png (92.35 KB, 1234x777, 1723145112.iamthenightpotato_a…)

Just why

No. 466440

File: 1741091466415.jpg (Spoiler Image,316 KB, 1200x882, Screenshot.jpg)

I'm not sure if it belongs in bad design thread or bad art thread but it makes me mad. Very terrible Lucifer design. When you goon so much that you forget how to create good characters

No. 466458

File: 1741097917687.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.36 KB, 827x1200, eartha_the_muscle_skunk_page_0…)

No. 466468

File: 1741101311316.jpg (142.36 KB, 1024x707, gentlemen_prefer_bodybuilders_…)

This guy is one of my all time favourite DA cows. He's super nice for a sperg, too. His waifu is she-hulk(obviously) and i was expecting a mega sperg rant over the tvshow, but surprisingly he acted normal about it and said he enjoyed it.

No. 466499

File: 1741104720607.jpg (464.85 KB, 1280x1832, epic_muscle_skunk_boxing_battl…)

Kek, very wholesome in an utterly horrid and autistic way. I wish him well.

No. 466591

cartoon autists like autistic fetishes what do you expect

No. 466593

Most fetishes develop in childhood, I think, so it could be. Since it's a 4chan moid it could also be a really fucked up autism induced side-effect of repressed sexual orientation kek

No. 466658

File: 1741139237931.jpg (Spoiler Image,262.62 KB, 1500x2000, Gkw7IECXgAEALYt.jpg)

No. 466686

Honestly prefer this over Anya rape sexualization

No. 466871

File: 1741201694558.png (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 1422x1782, 1737129080.belise7_rambobrosre…)

The retarded anatomy here, so ugly and ridiculous, Her butt looks like 2 hard boiled eggs.

No. 468099

File: 1741459690402.png (Spoiler Image,409.5 KB, 587x678, 1741458669426.png)

Stonetoss porn? Really?

No. 468104

KEK it's what he deserves

No. 468137

This would be great if it was Stonetoss porn featuring a conservative chud getting fucked by commies or those gay turdheads he draws kek

No. 468165

File: 1741470230801.png (Spoiler Image,4.22 MB, 2027x1818, 1741228998.snoozey_fatingamele…)

I'm sorry to all the Animal Crossing nonas.

No. 468177

File: 1741471268881.jpg (483.9 KB, 2000x1500, fat daria for doug walker.jpg)

there is a rumor doug walker is a fatfag and commissioned this

No. 468220

Ashamed to admit I laughed, at a certain point it all gets so ridiculously deranged that you have to find the comedy in it
A good amount of FTMs have some kind of “being on the receiving end of abuse” fetish. A good amount of the people who repost shit like gore, lolicon/shotacon, DDLG fetish art, sibling incest (especially brother/sister or brother/brother where the submissive/raped one is actually trans), noncon, etc. are FTM. Even when they don’t they usually have some sort of thing where they enjoy being made to feel lesser like a bunch of FTM “sex workers” will gladly post their vaginas or draw themselves with a pussy instead of a dick. Many have fetishes for being referred to as women or “good girl” when they’re being fucked. Lots of people really undersell how depraved a lot of FTMs are in the wake of all the MTF insanity (which I don’t blame them for but seriously FTM derangement goes so much deeper and disturbing than people give it credit for)

No. 468250

File: 1741479963282.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.23 KB, 1346x594, link_great_fairy_mask_tgtf_by_…)

This is fucking depraved, poor link though.

No. 468252

wow WTF that's actually horrifying kek

No. 468254

this has no right to be this sensual kek

No. 468347

What's with the bolt-on tits lmfao. I swear anyone who makes fetish content of media aimed at children is a pedophile. Zelda has a ton of this particular brand of fetish content in general.

No. 468384

File: 1741517412479.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.27 KB, 900x734, IMG_0341.JPG)

No. 468427

i take a small comfort in the fact at least his self insert is also an elephant kekk at tia's lower back tattoo??

No. 468434

File: 1741533141868.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 2416x3465, GljUodUWQAEMIcX.jpg)

I think it's a bit too explicit for the bad art thread but it's not horrible fetish art per say. The messed up perspective is what bothers me the most but the anatomy overall is terrible.

No. 468441

Is this a drawing of an actual person

No. 468522

Someone paid money for this

No. 468609

Nah it's an anthro dinosaur that this artist is obsessed with

No. 468744

File: 1741580560324.jpeg (Spoiler Image,240.82 KB, 1280x1375, i.jpeg)

Peak physique.

No. 469164

File: 1741659399763.jpeg (146.64 KB, 828x1071, IMG_9011.jpeg)

No. 469363

File: 1741714417565.webp (Spoiler Image,94.54 KB, 544x680, media_GlVSooCXwAAfoN9.jpg_name…)

No. 469365

File: 1741714973299.webp (Spoiler Image,42.83 KB, 526x680, media_GfyMwKDW8AEwRq-.jpg_name…)

No. 469608

Looks like Fanny's Cartman. I approve.

No. 469652

File: 1741810373350.jpg (Spoiler Image,317.15 KB, 2048x1213, Ggk6yYFWkAAacDu.jpg)

Dicklet enjoyers are the lowest common denominator, pure pickmeism. And it's only insecure women and TIF's posturing like that, you never see gay dudes talk about how much they like micropenis lol

No. 469656

Damn fanny's art has taken a nosedive more so than before

No. 469657

File: 1741811890483.jpg (620.32 KB, 1080x2020, 1741700810575.jpg)

she defended Fanny so it's not that surprising

No. 469659

Why the fuck does she type like Shayna.

No. 469667

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