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No. 391273
Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).
Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?>what’s your local lesbian scene like?>cute stories about your gf>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?>coming out stories>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?>bitch about being lonely>tips for coping with being lonely>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?>what's your type?>when did you know you were gay?>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian? >get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc>best date/match? worst?>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or oldschool homophobia?>dating app horror stories>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate>lesbian history, literature, and politicsprevious threads:
>>>/g/377964 No. 391300
>>390785I’m the person who posted this.
This girl who keeps causing problems, since I noticed that it’s hard to distinguish when I’m talking about her or the ftm girl I like, so let’s call her S. I’m going to try the gray rocking method from now on, but my therapist said to tell her directly that I dont like her behaviour. (She does a bunch of other stuff too, like act like I’m stupid, said that no one takes me seriously because of my voice and in general putting her nose in my business for no reason). But idk, I’m a zoomer, and I just hate this kinda fakebian hasbian crap idk, the fact she was so obsessed with being a lesbian and even bought a flag just to continue to act likes she “soooo gay” after having the ugliest fucking boyfriend and FUCKING HIM. Idk I just hate this kinda stuff because it puts this idea in people head that one that I’ll date a dude and fuck him because all these other girls said they’re lesbian only to date dudes. Also met another girl who was literally “lesbian until graduation” she said she was a lesbian throughout highschool and RIGHT AFTER she starts dating one of her male friends. I’m super paranoid so sometimes I wonder if these people actually know they’re faking or if they 100% believe their lies? Like I know I’m a lesbian, but I should kill myself now if I’ll grow up to fuck a moid. Idk I just hate this kinda crap.
No. 391325
>>391300skimmed your prev posts, I think you should distance yourself from that friend without making your dislike of her and the whole situation obvious. I'm not your therapist and again, I only skimmed, but drama-mongering tards like that only feed off of genuine feedback to start more shit and paint themselves as
victims. Let her go and let her drown in the mess she made lol. Sooner or later insecure fauxbians like that pick the bottom of the barrel moids to shack up with, she'll get her dues.
Meanwhile, I don't see why you can't get friendlier and have more 1-on-1 time with your crush. Sucks about the gender koolaid though, I don't have advice that isn't "keep her at arms length."
No. 391472
>>391448Go to the club girl, surround yourself with other dykes. Getting over a straight crush can be hard but it will be near impossible if you continue to hang out w/ her and never meet with anyone new.
If your fear of approaching is what's stopping you then more reason to go to a gay space, a lot of lesbians feel comfortable taking the first step.
No. 391503
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>>391484I cant take this no more I should’ve done the whole grey rock thing day 1 I’m fucked it’s over for me.
No. 391517
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Does anyone else despise the pink sunset flag? It just seems shallow to me as the colors carry no real meaning and, in conjunction with the "gay" toothpaste flag, feels regressive as in "pink is for girls and blue is for boys".
The Labrys is much cooler, carries a lot of meaning in each of the elements and is a lot more original yet I literally NEVER see it used, why?
No. 391520
>>391517i think the lesbo flag is pretty minus the white in the middle. but the labrys is def cooler. as for why it's not used, lefties are afraid of it because it's been used to, gasp, exlude men (aka trans women) and is seen as a
terf dogwhistle
No. 391547
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>>391517I’m butch but I liked the pretty pink andpurple lipstick flag the best (for some reason this doesn’t have the lipstick in the corner because whoever made it is a faggot)
No. 391573
>>391517I like the lesbian flag minus the white stripe as well, but I think the labrys flag is way cooler. It feels like lesbians are warriors.
>>391547Middle looks the best.
No. 391608
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>>391547Too fucking based that's why undesirables had to replace it huh. They also seethe so fucking hard whenever it comes up in anything.
No. 391681
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Come on nonnas, this masterpiece is obviously the best lesbian flag ever
No. 391771
I wish we had an app that was truly FOR lesbians… even a hookup app. Her and Lex both suck. I would develop Triblr, but I’m not familiar with Java/Kotlin or Swift. My last fling, which ended terribly in March, has left me horny and neurotic and honestly suicidal! before I ended my dry spell with this girl who I met through my roommate, I honestly thought I had a pretty low sex drive. But now I feel like a FUCKING FREAK. I haven’t seen her irl in over a month since we broke things off, but it’s like she awakened some dormant libidinous demon in me that won’t go back to sleep!! It is intolerable. She basically relegated me to the fuckzone, and I told her I wasn’t interested in being Concubine #3 because she meant more than a hookup and I had caught feelings and to save my dignity I just I couldn’t see her anymore. But I lowkey regret my decision. What good is dignity when you are alone?! And horny and miserable all the time. She took what I said very literally. Not only is she avoiding me, she’s avoiding our entire friend group. I think maybe she will continue ignoring all of us, and I will probably graduate and move out in June and never see her again. I just can’t believe it! I still think about her everyday. I wouldn’t call it love, but maybe a fixation. I wish I’d move the fuck on. But I don’t think I will unless I can redirect these obsessive feelings onto another girl I am seeing. I simply cannot go back to how I was before. I smoke like a chimney, and I masturbate like 4 times a day to my memories of the fling, or fantasies based off those memories. It’s just so sickening. It’s like, now I know. Now I know what I don’t have. What I might never have again, because of how I was born and what I was born into…
No. 391996
>>391951Idk it’s not even a fetish I just tend to feel more sexually attracted to women on the chubbier side.
>>391987I feel like that too, but I guess it’s in general combined misogyny (growing up online LOL) + homophobia. But I still pretend to be a guy online because I’m ashamed of being a woman.
No. 392664
>>392512There are very few since they get shut down or swamped immediately by trannies who cry that they're not included or feel "unwelcome/unsafe"
The somewhat sane ones seem to be lesbiangang and justlesbians, but both are a bit dead
No. 392674
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>>392663Thank you Nonette your answer GMH.
No. 392723
>>392707Through a mutual friend on Tumblr.
>>392715Funnily enough the ones I've seen aren't dating women that are also into lolita. Maybe there are comms where that's more commonplace, I'm sure many women would be overjoyed to have a partner that shares such a relatively niche interest.
No. 392728
>>392716I am very curious, how did you manage to do that on an anonymous image board? Was it through the friend finder thread? Did one of you leave an email address while talking in a milk thread? What do you tell people when they ask how you met? I need a farmer gf, lesbians in my are very libfem and I dream to have a
terf farmer love
No. 392821
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Why is it so hard meeting women on dating apps. Everytime I match with someone we have a short convo that goes no where. I've been on a total off 2 dates off hinge and they never went anyway. I'm on bumble too but that went nowhere I don't feel like giving tinder a try.
Mostly because the queer scene in my city is small and I see the same people across apps anyway.
I have some mutuals on ig who are on hinge and they are pretty but it feels weird liking their profile on a dating app. If they were interested in me wouldn't they just dm me? They're all in the same friend groups/social circles too so I don't want to come off as a creep/thirsty.
I tried following someone who I matched with on hinge but the convo went nowhere but she never followed back, it's crazy cause I run into her on our college campus all the time and she always stares. It's like why do you keep staring at me, you ghosted me twice I don't get it.
No. 392822
>>392821Samefagging but I was supposed to go to this event on lesbian day of visibility to meet some people but my bank account is fucked. So I can't transit to the address and asked for a refund.
If they don't refund i guess i'll go there anyway.
No. 392854
>>392836Figures someone actually told me this before during "an apology"(I bumped into them irl and said cause we're mutuals. They still stalk all my stories).
Gonna stop liking profiles on hinge kek
No. 393490
>>393477i'm not attracted to my fake self or my body though, and simply thinking about being a guy doesn't arouse me at all. i'm attracted specifically to the woman i'm having sex with.
if it changes anything, i loathe myself for being a lesbian, and am ashamed of my attraction.
No. 393502
>>393477like seriously this
>>393432 post applies to you too, can't post shit around here or hysteric bivestigators lose their minds
like if i am serious for a moment, for me the thought is all about how freeing it would be some ugly gremlin, what is my life and sexuality if not constantly being clouded by harassment and fetishization both as a woman and a lesbian? because of how fetishized lesbian sexuality is, it feels like there is always some invisible third party watching me, even during my private fantasies about women that robs me of my own sexuality in a sense, as if i can never truly exist just for myself but someone perving on me. the constant living under the male gaze is tiring and annoying so to me it is interesting to imagine myself as complete opposite of that, someone who is out of being fetishized and preyed upon. so yes i sometimes like to think what it would be like if i was an ugly fat loser man no one is attracted to instead of a woman and a lesbian.
No. 393511
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>>393503Same, I'm a person who likes being alone and needs time to recharge from other people, but I also remember this occasion a couple of years ago when I was talking to a friend and he mentioned the same thing.
>"I don't see the point of constantly being with someone(a romantic partner), seems annoying and like a waste of time" But at the time I was down BAD for a girl, like constantly thinking about her and smiling at the sight of her down bad, so I responded with something along the lines of:
>"When you actually like someone any time you spend with them is not a waste but a joy, you look up to the time you see them and actively want to spend time together" And that's the truth, when you fall in love your entire personality and way of thinking just changes like that. Currently the idea of living with someone and constantly spending time with them seems unclmfortable and annoying to me because there's no one I'd want to do that with.
You'll find love some day
nonnie ♥︎
No. 393518
>>393502>>393432Don't mind the anons obsessed with spotting out the bisexuals occupying their head around the clock, it's pretty clear they're compensating for whatever. But to tell my personal story, my brain is completely broken by the internalized homophobia instilled upon me since my childhood spent in a small town in a conservative family, I've always been butch and wanted to troon out specifically because I couldn't even imagine being sexual with a woman being the way I am since lesbians are disgusting predators even if she enjoys it at the moment she'll probably turn on you tomorrow and tell everyone you raped her or bodyshame you. Just look at all the posts on places like Lchat where they won't settle for anything less than superstar level actresses with a house's worth of plastic surgery done and a personal trainer and stylist making sure they always look unnaturally perfect.
A lot of butch lesbians and lesbian FTMs I've met have the same feelings, they absolutely hate their bodies and being judged on the standards women are given. You have to be thin, beautiful, hairless, shapely, but if you are, people will think you're after men. I don't know how to put it, I guess sometimes it feels like admitting your female parts is the same as admitting men an access to your body either visually or physically so trying to erase them is like denying them access. I'm rambling here but maybe someone understands what I'm trying to say.
No. 393544
>>393537>For me I felt really guilty about wanting to receive pleasure or orgasm during sex because it feels like the majority of 'wlw' are terrified of pussy so I felt like a gross predator for wanting anyone to touch me. But even the ugliest man in the world gets to orgasm during sex and it's just normal, it's a totally normal expectation.Nonna, are you me? Damn.
>I touch grass and try to meet women irl but for my location/age my options are depressing and it just reinforces my insecurities.I’m sorry this has been your experience, nonna. I’ve had several gfs and flings, but I still struggle to receive in all of those encounters. Some of the women I’ve been with self-described as “bottoms” which fueled my own insecurity, like you said. But even when women have wanted to reciprocate, I stop them after a couple of minutes because I get into my own head too much and worry they’re not really enjoying themselves and they don’t honestly enjoy eating pussy in the way that I do or whatever. I’ve never orgasmed with another person ever. I’m so jealous of women who don’t worry about these things, especially straight women who know they’re desired
No. 393546
>>393544NTA but
>especially straight women who know they’re desiredGoddamn this hit hard lmao. I sometimes feel like posting workout selfies showing off my gains for all the SSAs out there but then I remember that I'm disgusting and predatory for wanting to feel genuinely desired and attractive by other women.
No. 393566
>>393539Unfortunately it's not just confused Twitter zoomettes. The breakdown for dating apps in my area is:
>40% bi women who openly call themselves 'bottom', 'pillow princess' or 'experimenting'. (I don't hate all bi women but these ones are obviously red flags).>20% unicorn hunters.>15% AGP.>15% asexual kinky nonbinary poly AuDHD spoonie settler #fuckJKRowling she/they.>5% normie he/him men who never get banned for some reason?>3% blue collar butches who are really cool but get deeply offended when a non-hyperfemme woman hits on them.>2% regular homo/bisexual women with no pronouns and no 'teehee I'm a clueless widdle bottom pls be gentle uwu' crap in their profile.I'm actually not a zoomer so that's probably part of the problem, most of the actual dykes are already married.
No. 393741
>>393714>>393729>>393714>>393729shut the fuck up. this shit's always so infuriating, as a lesbian you're never allowed to have any flaws or whatever not in the het world, not among other lesbians even on a freak central website like this. and
>>393729 in particular, you have no comments on this
>>393502 post of mine or is it too depressing so you just focus on my first tongue on the cheek post because you just gotta have your fix on shitting on other women because we're not perfect with dealing with the trauma of sexism, sexual abuse/harassment and heterosexism? you have no actual insight to put out there
No. 393957
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>match with girl on tinder
>cute, no pronouns, we work in the same field, ignore that bi women aren't my preference
>talk for 3 weeks
>btw im poly and in a long term relationship
No. 393961
>>393571I don't get why straight people are allowed to thirst for some anime character or supermodel of the same sex and still be straight but lesbians can't. Anime isn't real, being attracted to one anime boy isn't the same as wanting to date and marry men.
>>393565I've been fantasizing about something similar lately. I think I'd put out for literally any woman right now.
To chime in on viewing yourself during sex, rather, don't. Don't think about yourself during sex. Men definitely don't. It'll kill your arousal for sure. I try to focus on the other woman and the pleasure and eroticism of the situation. Don't use sex to be voyeur to yourself. Give your all to your partner. That's how I feel.
Also, would you be put off by a woman calling you "shawty"? She's hot and my type but it's so off-putting.
>is my type of woman someone who says "shawty"??????? No. 393989
>>393984If you find a character sexually attractive you either
>get turned on by them>have enjoyable sexual thoughts of them>masturbate to their body and/or you doing sexual things to them and/or them doing sexual things to youPlease tell me which one of this is gay to do with a male character if you're a lesbian.
No. 394016
>>394002this thread is made up of
>husbandofags>fujos>aapswho ironically accuse everyone who doesn't want to see their retarded shit in the lesbian thread of all places of being a polilez or the lolisperg
No. 394033
>>393980ayrt, it's honestly impossible to say because it's so difficult to comprehend someone having so little experience with liking real life human people that you can let cartoons that are drawn cutely confuse you. again said with love
>>393993you get it kek
No. 394102
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I don’t go to gay bars anymore because 9/10 times, I end up being approached by a couple who looks like this. It’s always something along the lines of “I think you’re hot and I want to spend the night with you, my husband will be there but we have a cuck chair so don’t mind him.” Why does this happen so much?
No. 394120
KILL bisexual women and their gross scrotes
(alogging) No. 394217
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I’m really tired of seeing all these memes about how lesbians just love fictional men. I’m so damn tired of people trying to shove men into our attraction. The women who I’ve dated like this would say they’re “hardcore lesbians” and then when a man would come they’d drop everything. I know there’s a difference between liking a character and fancying them. And I’ve liked many male characters and related to them, but I’m so so tired of it being “oh ya lesbians LOVE men they want to FUCK them” because it tells men they have a chance and weird hetero women give that to them.
No. 394243
>>394218I find it more complicated. The dating pool is already small and I feel that at my age (29+) you are already an established person so making comprises can be more difficult.
I stopped dating a few years ago because like you said, the apps seem to be mostly young adults and I don't like bars (not that any lgb even exist here)
No. 394282
>>394281It’s just in: having sex with an object is now STRAIGHT!
this thread is something, it really is.
No. 394294
>>394281By this logic, fucking ftms makes you straight. Some of you are so fucking paranoid about what is and isn't lesbianism, you sound like straight moids who won't wash their ass because it's gay.
Anyway, what's your favorite position for using the strap? It might sound dumb but I really like missionary, I like being able to look her in the eyes while we fuck.
No. 394315
>>394305mtf pussy is designed to be "flesh like" as well, by this logic they are true and honest women. Penetration feels good regardless of orientation. If you can't tell the difference between a woman with a toy and a man, then that's on you.
>>394185That's so sweet nona! I'm glad there are still spaces like that. There's a lot of places in my area with those hideous new pride flags in the windows, but I guess it's better than nothing.
No. 394475
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God this really chaps my ass. If I match with one more scrote I swear to God. Was worth it to get a premium trial at least I'm actually getting matches
No. 394590
>>394543Thanks nona, I hope so too. This gave me some hope.
>>394577Kek unfortunately, I'm actually pretty short, but I am kinda boyish.
No. 394592
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I think the “old couples that hate each other” must be a straight thing. What do you mean you hate the woman you married 40 years ago? I’m in a lesbian support group with these two old ladies who have been dating since the 80s, and they are so happy together, it’s super cute. I hope I find love like that one day.
No. 394646
>>394644>Are you dating or trying to date right now? I’m not dating and not trying, but I’m still sorta talking to the last woman I dated, which may be the issue. We broke up 4 months ago.
>How's that going for you? Lonely, but peaceful. I’m also a bit sexually frustrated, ngl. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in a ONS because I don’t really experience sexual desire for another person until we get to know each other well, and I’m hesitant to actively look for a relationship because I feel way more unhinged when I’m actively dating. I probably have a disorganized attachment style.
>What was your last date like?It was really nice. Had me feeling hopeful about love kek. But in the end, it just led to more disappointment
No. 395578
>>395539Our mutual friend introduced us to each other. My girlfriend had a crush on this friend who introduced us, and I had a crush on another girl from our group. We started talking more, venting about our unrequited love, turned out we have the same dumb sense of humor and quite a lot in common. Over a few months we talked, hanged out, we both started catching feelings, but she was still holding on to the crush for a bit, before one day, when they had a talk and our mutual friend made her realize that it's a dead end, and she doesn't like her that way. We then, after a month, started officially dating. It was such a stupid period of our lives, although I'm glad we met. And, honestly, our love grows stronger the more we are dating. At the start she might have still been a bit on the fence with the crush and everything, but I've been able to take over her heart, I've been more open and serious than her previous relationships, that never really went anywhere, just online with bi girls, that tried to make her their bf due to her being more comfortable with masculinity. It's been almost ten years at this point, we grow and make each other better people, i'm glad that she is my girlfriend and soon to be wife ♥
No. 395794
>>395777I wish I had any useful advice to give you nona, but as a late-20s lesbian who since 16, somehow, always, a-l-w-a-y-s, manages to fall madly in love with bisexual fujos and then get into messy relationships with them just to suffer again and again with them becoming trasmen, changing pronouns to he/him, worshipping 2D dicks, and wanting to roleplay gay male sex (and getting mad at me when I obviously refuse), I'm afraid I'm not in the place to give anyone any piece of advice. But I wish you strength nona!
>always seems like the female dating pool is either semi-conservative turbonormies or genuine nutcasesthis, and barely any lesbians at all. Gosh, I wish lesbians weren't so hard to find, I just wanted a nerdy lesbian gf to enjoy nerd hobbies with, but every SSA woman I meet on nerdy spaces is either a woke lesbian who calls herself pansexual or a bisexual fujo, and dating apps are all normie women, BPD-chans (almost always bi) as you said, and trannies. It's complicated.
No. 395815
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Has anyone else created their ideal gf to cope with being terminally single. I write stories about us going on dates, inserting us into anything I read or watch, I make us in picrews. I'm so lonely and there is no 'lesbian scene' near me. I feel like I'm doomed to be alone. The only girls who have ever shown interest in me run away when my stupid ass starts to sperg about my interests. I'm not even too weird I'm just a weeb and kind of intense and retarded. The only women I've met with my same interests are gendies or coomers it sucks. I'm not roleplaying yaoi or playing a stupid scrote porn game with a woman for scraps of affection.
No. 395836
>>395832Weebs are one of the many reasons I stopped checking this thread regularly. They're beyond help.
>>395835>blowing her entire assIt was a glib remark, calm down.
(infighting) No. 395838
>>395835Right? The speds are always looking to infight here over the dumbest shit imaginable. Imagine having so little going for you in life that you’re that easily
triggered kek
No. 395843
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Nonnies, this could be us…
No. 395853
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So sorry for posting a picrew of me and my imaginary girlfriend it won't happen again I didn't know it would offend the anime haters so much. Should I use nonoffensive justgirlythings images to appease the normies instead?
No. 395891
>>395859AYRT, thanks for replying, your thoughts resonated with my feelings pretty well. I've always been like this, ever since childhood, my type of woman has always been the same to the point it's like an obsession. I hate the mind games and the splits so much and my last BPD girlfriend made me genuinely suicidal from her destroying my self-esteem so bad but I can't help being attracted to the type and I don't know why. I'm not really a passive person myself and the energy of those women match my passion, it's like adding oil to the fire. I feel inspired being around them. But I'm also extremely self-conscious, so if I were to theorize, the extreme love I receive from them makes me feel needed but I also get some kind of a power trip out of being "the more stable one" in the relationship. Maybe I also draw a bit of comfort from "being the
victim"? I don't know. Like you, I'm also trying to recover and relearning what healthy relationships are which is why I'm desperately trying not to make the same mistake even though the carnal desire is driving me mad.
>>395871I don't judge you,
nonnie, I know how bad a relationship with a BPD woman can fuck up your personality and how you perceive love, it's truly a poison that sticks until, as you said, your brain resets. I was lucky enough to have stable best friends who helped in reminding me that it's NOT normal to have someone split and ghost you over no reason at all, but I still have a lot of pieces to pick up. I've decided to stay single until I can work my personal issues out and not constantly fall to the same traps I should've seen coming.
>it turns out BPD women who derive satisfaction from keeping you on your toes never give you what you really wantThis is true in many ways. I wanted to feel needed and appreciated, but it takes just one bad day for her to completely demolish my self-esteem and feel hated and discarded.
No. 395896
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Nonnas I’ve been tormenting myself over this girl because I can’t figure out if she’s actually gay or spicy straight. Part of me thinks she’s a lesbian but there’s a lot of conflicting evidence and and I’m afraid she’s just like picrel.
>Pink split dye hair
>Nose ring + septum combo
>Wears lots of rings
>Wears a lot of jewelry and stacks necklaces, mixes metals
>Lots of tattoos
>Relatively short nails
>Most of the men she interacts with are gay
>Super close body language with women (head on shoulder, faces pressed together, hugging, almost kissing/touching tongues)
>Only explicitly gay thing she has on her page is following a local ‘Dyke Event’ account but it’s a painfully libfem one where pretty much anyone can go.
The thing that throws me off is that she was extremely religious at one point and may still be now?
>Went to multiple religious colleges where gay relationships weren’t allowed.
>Did an internship at a church but is now working in bars.
>Used to do a fuckton with her religious friends but hangs out with the non religious gays now.
>Still interacts with a lot of people she went to college with on socials
>Main posts aren’t explicitly religious anymore but hasn’t scrubbed her old photos either
>Seemed to be really close with other alternative Christians, one girl in particular who is still openly religious. She looks super butch but is apparently dating a man.
>Still wears a lot of merch from her old schools.
This has really gotten under my skin. I can’t ask directly because I feel like the religious element could really be fucking with her head. Is she closeted? Is she bihet and just fake flirting? Maybe she’s just awkward around moids? She’s very endearing but isn’t the type I think most moids usually go for. She seems to be really getting close with one girl in particular and I don’t want to fuck anything up by being nosy.
No. 396057
>>396036Yeah I don't understand the point of a dental dam, if there was an STD concern I would just skip oral. Same with women who use gloves. I get that some women are paranoid about it (and I get it since HPV is transmissible between women, that's the only one I actually worry about) but I would just either not have sex or use toys/dry hump clothed/whatever. Gloves and dams remind me of a gyno appointment, not sexy.
>The worst I've heard of lesbians getting has been a UTI from dirty fingers anyway.My biggest safe lesbian sex tip would be to wash hands WITH SOAP and rinse mouth immediately beforehand. If we've been eating I don't want your food tongue all over my pussy.
No. 396067
>>396057>Same with women who use gloves.Ayrt, I can’t even imagine what I would do if a potential hook-up pulled out GLOVES kek. That’s just… so unsexy. Like you and that other anon said, you just need to wash your hands first
>>396046>You can get gonorrhea and hpv in the throat from eating pussyTrue, but somehow I’ve never gotten a single STI from having unprotected sex with women. We need to normalize getting tested regularly, of course. But using dental dams just defeats the whole point of having sex, I’d simply rather not. Like sorry to be crude but if I don’t even get to taste pussy or feel her tongue there, what’s the point? I love fingering pussy too, so gloves would take away the amazing feeling of the heat and wetness inside her. I’d never pressure a woman into having unprotected sex like a moid, but I would also lose interest, though I’d be more than willing to get tested first
No. 396175
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how do you feel about the topic of gold star lesbianism? is there some truth to the mindset that only women who have never had sex with men before can be actual lesbians? could there actually be lesbians out there in the world who have had sex with men because maybe they refused to believe themselves to be lesbians, or are they just some other orientation instead?
No. 396189
>>396175Not everyone has sex with men by choice
No. 396196
>>396189Nta but rape and sex are different things. Someone realising they were a lesbian after a consensual relationship with men that they didn't like isn't the same as someone being literally assaulted by men, and those hyper militant gold star accounts on tumblr and Instagram do go out of their way to include rape
victims in their definition of lesbian because certain non gold stars do distastefully like bringing up rape
victims as arguing points whenever a gold star thinks someone who had a string of boyfriends before coming out as a lesbian is a fake.
No. 396250
>>396185>>396208>>396214i have never met an actual lesbian or anyone in the real world beyond a computer screen who cares about gold star lesbos.
it only comes from self-hating bi women and straight girls who larp as lesbos online.
No. 396491
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I've all of a sudden become fascinated and obsessed with lesbian culture, history, and art and I can't stop reading lesbian books and magazines. I always viewed being lesbian as this kind of mundane feature of my life, just my innate sexuality and nothing more, but man, the picture these women paint in these books of lesbian life and the lesbian canon is so colorful and rich that I regret having never been curious about this before. I've spoken to an older dyke on the phone who participates in these magazines and she was absolutely darling, and I'm thinking of reaching out to more. I will say though that a lot of the older magazines are rife with polilez shit unfortunately, but I try not to focus on them. Overall it's all really inspiring, and makes me want to write some stuff of my own. I'm so lucky to be a part of a group with such a diverse and amazing, talented, bespoke pool of women.
No. 396548
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Why is it that butch characters are always depicted as men or trannie bait? All I want is a good lesbian comic that isn't misogynistic, but it seems that doesn't exist.
Does anyone have recommendations?
No. 397120
>>397118Good point, I grew up thinking that moving in was the final step after getting married.
>lesbians interviewed said they liked that their partners had their own separate livesI’m intrigued. What’s the title of this book?
No. 397599
>>397596nta, but I'd say that's true. I'm a
POC butch and live in a diverse city, but white women pursue me waaay more aggressively than other POCs. I didn't expect this at all when I first came out.
No. 397763
Is anyone watching the new wlw dating show? It includes bisexuals but I'm still gonna watch it. I love trashy dating shows but they never have proper lesbian relationships so this is a nice change of pace.
>>397596>>397599nta but I did not have much luck on dating apps as a
POC femme but it was more of a style thing. I did get some dates but it never went anywhere, it always felt like people didn't think I was taking dating serious because I didn't look "queer" enough. My city leans hard towards indie/alt women in general with both butches and femmes. I've started getting hit on by women as soon as my style got more quirky KEK. Only women exclusively too, so I guess I'm started to get read as lesbian now even though I'm still femme.
So they are inclusive to
POC but very picky about aesthetics.
No. 397775
>>397765Cosmoknights by Hannah Templer
You can read the first two volumes free on her website
>the black character is qtShe is, but her character only exists to cheer on the white guy "butch" she's married to and fly the spaceship. The story is a complete mess IMHO. I wish there were more lesbian comics written by lesbians to choose from, but I can't find any.
No. 398513
>>395090No, I don't feel guilty over shit like that. Straight anons do it all the time, it's only "shameful" because they have false ideas of what a woman is. Part of adult sexuality is being horny about people you find attractive kek
>>398338I know many people are not confrontational, but sometimes in life you need to be confrontational. Just tell her to leave you alone.
No. 398522
>>398513I normally would but I can't be as outright here because she's my landlord and I don't want the situation to get more complicated than it is. The gall to act like this in her position is insane to me.
My lease ends soon so I'm just going to hard ghost her once her only excuse for contacting me is gone.
No. 398525
>>398522>she's my landlordWell that changes the conversation completely. If your lease is ending soon, I would still recommend at least
talking to her about it if it's making you so uncomfortable.
No. 398596
>>398544Yeah I honestly think I'll find this whole situation funny once I'm properly out of it too kek
>>398570Interesting proposals nonnas… I'm gonna keep minimizing contact but the suggestions are entertaining. Your ex had no taste though SMH
No. 398744
>>398738What country are you based in? If you genuinely worry about your future or safety if you come out, make sure you have a strong backup plan first in terms of your living situation, education, employment etc.. Do you know how your family feels about lesbians?
If you live in any big English-speaking country you'll be able to find other lesbian Africans from Christian backgrounds, Muslim backgrounds, anything.
No. 398745
>>398738I can’t help much because I’m a 1.5th? generation immigrant and not particularly tied to my cultures. But my family is extremely homophobic
funny and kinda sad since one side is Ugandan which were apparently a pretty lesbian crew before the British came along so I plan on coming out once I’m ready, financially and mentally stable and if they don’t like it then I’m cutting them off for good. I’m not sure if my feelings would be different if I was more connected to the culture or was religious too. What are you concerned about - by ties to your culture do you mean family or cultural practices?
No. 398746
>>398744I live by myself in a western country. My mother and my stepfather are very homophobic despite the latter having a PhD from a reputable German university.
>>398745>What are you concerned about - by ties to your culture do you mean family or cultural practices?Not very religious but I will miss the being around people I can speak a foreign language with, attending cultural events in the community. I don’t even find non black women that attractive physically so I’m worried about setting myself up for struggle by coming out.
No. 398749
>>398616Sensitive butches unite! If I see anything about animals, cats in particular, then I'm blubbering and there's no stopping me. My problem was dating a bisexual who deep down wanted a man but also wanted to keep her kweer street cred.
>>398665Little bit of both and also just seeing butch women as pseudo men.
>>398618I will not get myself banned for a-logging. I will not get myself banned for a-logging. I will not get myself banned for a-logging…
No. 398876
>>398679Aww, this described me perfectly. Marry me
No. 398907
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Average lesbian couple(bait)
No. 398993
>>398906lupita nyong'o is that you? j/k.
You’ll have to become more prominent and well known in whatever profession or social scene you’re in, so everyone knows about you and your real age and comments on how young you look instead of actually thinking you’re in college.
No. 399192
>>399188this is extremely disrespectful. Me, my girlfriend, my SSA friends have good families and wasn't sexually assaulted ever. Even those that had no father had a happy childhood, and it didn't affect them in the slightest. There are lots of straight people who still remain straight after sexual assaults and coming from
abusive family situations. This post is retarded, and you should be ashamed of yourself. If anything, there is definitely something wrong with straight women being attracted to moids, only 10% of them look human, the rest is just not salvageable.
No. 399202
>>399188Yes. Me and my girlfriend both have good relations with our families and haven't experienced abuse. I'm grateful for my parents supporting me the way they can. Maybe you should check on the heterosexual people you know in life how many have experienced
abusive childhood/past, I know couple myself and that hasn't affected their sexuality. There's nothing wrong lesbians being lesbians.
No. 399273
>>399263A lot of women conflate fear/hatred of men or lack of interest in men with lesbianism. So they assume they must be lesbians if they don't want to date moids. Then they heal from the trauma or mature sexually (judging from conversations with straight women I think a LOT of women don't fully grow into their sexuality until mid 20s-early 30s), suddenly want to fuck men, and instead of having the self-awareness to understand that they were never lesbians to begin with start identifying as ex-lesbians.
Also I think a lot of straight women desire extremely close but 100% nonsexual relationships with other women (see also: romantic friendships, cottagecore, polilez) and interpret that as lesbianism for whatever reason. Probably because in the west friendship isn't really prioritized and your romantic partner is supposed to be your only relationship priority.
If you've always like pussy you probably won't wake up one day and suddenly not want pussy anymore. Most of these ex-lesbians never actually craved pussy, but identified as lesbian because they wanted close friendship, platonic affection, a way to avoid men, etc.
No. 399274
>>399271i've been attracted to women my whole life. i love my girlfriend and even if we break up one day, i don't see myself with a moid like ever. even if i'd see one that will be attractive to me one day, im just not interested in having those creatures in my life. i've seen enough of what they post online about women, how they behave towards women and children, i don't like how they smell (seriously, how het women live with this moid stench, even clean ones smell), i don't like dicks. If you have those thoughts that you might get with a man one day, then there's something wrong with you. (or like you might just have an overly anxious personality idk and idc) I'm confident in myself in that regard, and as confident about my gf.
Like, being lesbian has been so politicised, romanticized and other -ised that it turned from just being women who love women to either anyone can be lesbian or literally no one can be lesbian and everyone is a het/moid attracted bi in disguise. Frankly, this is getting ridiculous, i don't want to be forced to always be on the edge thinking if im actually a lesbian if i do x and z and don't do. Constantly proving myself to someone just because there are people that proclaimed themselves to be lesbian due to some fad, and now they're jumping ship because they found a moid ("but im attracted to all women and like 3 guys in the world eks dee"). Like gays barely get this kind of treatment, they can even fuck women and still be gay without questions asked ("cus they are poor babies who had to fuck women and impregnate them cus u know homophobia"). But people keep on taking lesbian label off women who were assaulted by moids.
Fuck this shit, i'm still a lesbian and don't have to prove anyone anything esp if im actively dating a woman.
No. 399528
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>>399426I dunno any dating sims but the VN "A Summer's End: Hong Kong 1986" is pretty great. I highly recommend it
No. 400098
>>400047People are going to hate me for saying this but you need to wave through
TERF territory. You don’t have to be one but most actual homosexual women use those spaces as a a protective barrier
No. 400157
>>400083I'm not "restricting" myself to those spaces, what? I was just curious, and I already know about the lesbian scene in my area irl. People will make the most baseless conclusions out of literally nothing on this website.
>>400098I know, I've been doing this, but I hate people who call themselves radfems online. They're absolutely insufferable and all the bis/hets there are moid reformist lesbophobes. Guess it's not different from anywhere else on the internet but their attitude towards lesbians vexes me in particular.
No. 400564
>>400534>I got deep into online radfem spaces during the pandemic and it fucked up my brain. Like I regressed to pre coming out levels of shame about my sexuality because I started feeling like being attracted to women at all and having a sex drive at all was evil male-brained objectification.AYRT, I relate hardcore even though I were in them years before COVID happened. I don't fully align with radfem theory but even if a lot of concepts resonated with me, the community and its "sexual policing" made me paranoid when I was struggling with my high libido. Like yeah, porn is bad and a lot of kinks are iffy but it made me feel bad for having sexual fantasizes that weren't typical romantic handholding, and even alleged lesbians in this circle reinforced this alongside the het/bi women who scrutinized every difference of opinion. It makes me bitter because a het-partnered woman actually encouraged me to use radfem spaces, but she dropped me and threw other lesbians under the bus when it was convenient.
>The internet is just fucked now, I miss 2000s nonpolitical online socialization but that's never coming back.Me too. I miss when I could join a gaming or roleplay forum and be able to chat with people without worrying if they would crucify me for opinions regarding gender.
>And it's hard to meet IRL lesbian friends because I'm rural and also old so I feel creepy about traveling to events in the city because it's all college aged kids.How old are you? I'm 32 (which isn't old IMO, I knew a lot of 40+ women IRL) and find online spaces skewing too young even if I'm open to being friends with anyone age 20-40+.
>I just wanna go on Livejournal and sperg about fantasy novels with some cool 30 year old lesbian from the other side of the world.I wish I could've used Livejournal in it's prime. It seemed like such a comfy platform, I don't know how the spinoff websites are like though.
No. 400596
>>400564>I don't fully align with radfem theory but even if a lot of concepts resonated with me, the community and its "sexual policing" made me paranoid when I was struggling with my high libido.I hate that the porny bullshit of the 10s poisoned the terms sex positive/sex negative because some feminists are legitimately sex negative in a bad way. Which is understandable because I think a lot of them came to radical feminism from being traumatized by hookup culture but maybe deal with your shit instead of projecting it onto everyone else. Like I'm just never going to agree that idk strap-ons are inherently pornbrained or that nonviolent erotica written by women for women is misogynistic objectification. I know it sounds like I'm fighting a strawman but I've seriously had these conversations before, even the most normie vanilla lesbian romance novel or mildly spicy sexual fantasy is VILE PORNOGRAPHY VIOLENT BDSM.
>How old are you?Also early 30s. I don't mind socializing with younger women but a lot of zoomers seem really uncomfortable with intergenerational friendship so I try to avoid anyone more than a few years younger than me. I feel like I'm at an age where it's really hard to make friends because most women my age are married and focused on that. It seems like there's a social scene for younger lesbians and a social scene for like elder lesbians but everyone 30-40 is busy with her wife and kids (which is understandable but sucks for me kek).
Online spaces do skew young and it's weird, I don't know when that happened. I got online pretty young and in the 00s it seemed like there was a huge variety of ages. I would see everyone from tweens to 50s but now every online community is teenagers and even "mature" communities are full of like 25 year olds who think everyone over 30 is ancient and unrelatable. I guess I took it for granted that there would always be people to talk to online but that isn't the case anymore.
No. 400609
>I hate that the porny bullshit of the 10s poisoned the terms sex positive/sex negative because some feminists are legitimately sex negative in a bad way. Which is understandable because I think a lot of them came to radical feminism from being traumatized by hookup culture but maybe deal with your shit instead of projecting it onto everyone else. They always assume that hookup culture for straight/bi women is the same as casual sex between lesbians. Personally I've never met a lesbian locally who was into that, but I felt really ashamed and "like a man" for wanting something more casual. I ironically became really gender dysmorphic and wished I could just get surgery and LARP as a man more than I did in my genderqueer TIF phase when I hung out with OSA radfems/conservative GCs (since radfems can't even gatekeep their community, I've notice more right wingers in these spaces before I left).
>I know it sounds like I'm fighting a strawman but I've seriously had these conversations beforeSame. There's no nuance even when it comes to fictional "porn"/erotica or things that are technically kinky but not physically violent or fetishizing
abusive dynamics. I'm not even into most of that kind of stuff, but I've been lectured and told to "go to therapy" when it came to normie spicy fantasises I had before I even knew what porn was. Even though all therapists I've seen have drank the libfem koolaid, so even if I did have sexual problems with kinks they would enable it anyway.
>Also early 30s. I don't mind socializing with younger women but a lot of zoomers seem really uncomfortable with intergenerational friendship so I try to avoid anyone more than a few years younger than me. I feel like I'm at an age where it's really hard to make friends because most women my age are married and focused on that. It seems like there's a social scene for younger lesbians and a social scene for like elder lesbians but everyone 30-40 is busy with her wife and kids (which is understandable but sucks for me kek).I relate, I'm dating someone who is younger but still in the same generation and it really feels like it's only us sometimes because we don't want to have kids or settle down yet. I'm lucky to have someone, but I notice a lot of 25+ lesbians are either "done" with their lives and aren't looking for friends, or they're just… Lame Tumblr rejects.
>I guess I took it for granted that there would always be people to talk to online but that isn't the case anymore.So did I, I'm kicking myself for having social anxiety when it came to using AIM and Skype with my friends in 2009. You just have to dig for the interesting people, make friends and have them introduce you to their friends and beyond. One time on an old forum I was online friends with someone who lived in the same city as me, we didn't meet but it was really cool and kind of gave me hope.
No. 400634
>>400609>since radfems can't even gatekeep their communityOh they're definitely capable of gatekeeping when they want to. If there's anything even remotely "libfem" about your opinions they'll form a fucking mob and chase you out. They're perfectly happy to gatekeep lesbians who aren't chaste and nonsexual or butches for being TIF-lite or detrans women who don't agree with the "actually all TIFs are ugly mutilated fetishists who deserved to be medically abused" party line. They just won't turn that energy on the mormons and trads shitting up every GC space. Honestly glows in the dark a bit, women are peaking on trannies and woke patriarchy so let's take that revolutionary energy and shift it back into trad patriarchy.
Hate that it's so politically isolating to be a lesbian. Hate that it's been this way for literally the entire history of feminism. Hate that I'm sitting here shitting on radical feminism because I do actually agree with so much of it in theory but the current "movement" is a bit of a mess. I wish I could invent a laser beam that turns women gay so we'd be a big enough demographic to matter politically.
No. 400843
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>>400634>Hate that it's so politically isolating to be a lesbian. Hate that it's been this way for literally the entire history of feminism. I've been saying for soooo long that the needs of lesbians versus bi/het feminists are at odds with each other. Lesbians are largely content with living a female-focused life, bihets will wither if they're away from men for too long. Lesbians want to escape the patriarchy, bihets hope to reform it. They want their men to be better, we want to be safe from men. Our wants are not even in the same realm as theirs, and I've not trusted "radical feminists" ever since I listened to what they were really saying.
>"actually all TIFs are ugly mutilated fetishists who deserved to be medically abused" As someone who desisted, this constant talk made me wake up fast to what radfems' true motives were. They don't give a fuck about women, let alone lesbians, and I genuinely pity the lesbians who are naive enough to believe they do. It's disgusting the way they talk about women they don't agree with, women who are hurting and just looking for an out from the patriarchy. It's with pure contempt and malice. How dare those TIFs want to escape misogyny, they should have sucked it up and bore the impact like we did, those morons totally deserve to be lifelong medical patients and to have their vaginas atrophy! Silly TIFs, they should have been smart and unaffected by the patriarchy like ME! They act the same towards lesbians who transition because of external/internal homophobia. There's no sympathy there, they just point and laugh.
>>400596>I'm just never going to agree that idk strap-ons are inherently pornbrained or that nonviolent erotica written by women for women is misogynistic objectificationThey view it as the same because they don't trust the erotic content their nigels get off to and believe attraction to women is a male behavior, meaning lesbians are no better than men (or are, in some way, not women) and therefore experience our attraction to women the same way men do. A woman consensually giving another woman the strap is just as dangerous and invasive as PIV because we're nothing more than men to them. Lesbians are pornbrained when we lust after women because men are pornbrained and express as much in their attraction to women. Actually, we're whatever bihets want us to be at any given time; political shields like
>>400569 said, paragons of feminist action, men/men-lite/worse than men, etc. We exist as whatever's the most convenient fodder for bihets at any given time. It's funny though because there's an accepted level of degeneracy that their scrotes are granted, but god forbid a lesbian enjoys shit that isn't even half as bad as what men look at. Then we're setting back women's rights 100000 years. Nevermind the fact that most separatist spaces and womyn's lands are built by landykes.
Feminists are not our allies or friends, never have been, and they will, and already do, throw us under the bus whenever it's convenient for them. We are so much better off in our own spaces, genuinely.
No. 400870
>>400849>I had one straight up tell me that she's scared to approach GNC women because "they might be TIFs" which stung as a butch because I feel tokenized or just a theoretical argument they use.This is so depressing what the fuck. I keep my hair long partially because I like it (I think the metalhead viking look is cool) but primarily because it breaks my heart when women are afraid of me and the hair makes a big difference in how they perceive me. I also pitch my voice a bit higher and turn on the customer service persona around most women until I know them well enough to know if my natural self is gonna make things awkward. Which feels anti-feminist and gross because I shouldn't have to feminize myself to make others more comfortable, that's literally gender critical feminism 101, but a lot of women really do get uncomfortable with GNC women so wtf am I supposed to do?
Like I'm pretty sure that for a lot of GC feminists when they say they support GNC women they're imagining Hilary Clinton in a pantsuit lol. They're still very uncomfortable with women that look or behave too dykey.
No. 400873
>>400849>Do you really care about young lesbians and butches or not? They absolutely don't. I feel pretty protective of butch & GNC lesbians in general, so it really turns me off how frequently radfems simultaneously treat them like a rhetorical tool to prove they're more progressive than their political opponents ("look, we support butches and still recognize them as female!"), but also like evil TIF-lite threat vector alien invaders ("they're trying to recreate heteronormative relationship structures!"). Lesbians are subjected to way more scrutiny and skepticism because our homosexuality is political to them, and anything we do that is perceived as politically inconvenient (like lesbians into bondage, butch/femme dynamics, strap-ons, etc.) is therefore unacceptable. We are allowed to exist as an abstract symbol or a talking point, but we can't actually be people. But then again, the broader radical feminist movement also still can't make up its minds about whether TIFs are hapless
victims of patriarchy who deserve compassion or if they're disgusting mutilated yaoi larping traitors, so maybe I'm expecting too much. When you have these wildly dissonate ideas coexisting under one ideological umbrella, I just think it's probably time to admit that there is a broader issue within the movement.
No. 400879
>>400876NTA but man, this conversation is bringing back so many memories of my time in radfem circles. I went there seeking solace as a butch who was at her limit with society's bullshit, and I came out feeling even
more ashamed, dirty and dysphoric. That was probably the closest I came to trooning out, and it genuinely scares me to think that other GNC lesbians might actually go through with it. There was another woman I met in those circles, same boat as me. We would have private conversations about how shitty we were made to feel about our sexuality and gender non-conformity but coped with "b-b-but they have some good points though!". By the end of my time there we were using male names for each other in private and talking about how awesome it would be to troon out, run away and start a new life somewhere else as a "normal straight guy". Completely fucked in the head by these so-called feminists. I have plenty of other issues with radfems: the cliques, the lesbophobia, the denial of second wave's shitty history (ie: political lesbians), the fact that most consider "praxis" to be posting on tumblr, faghaggery, etc. But when it comes to butches they are genuine a threat. I don't care how hyperbolic that sounds, it's true. They don't mean to do it, I get that. But the fact is they lure in vulnerable young women with a veneer of warmth and acceptance and then slow poison you with more or less the same homophobic and anti-GNC rhetoric you were getting from normies. It leaves you feeling like you have nowhere else to turn, that the grass really is greener on the other side. I think I understand how MRA TIFs are born. When other women spurn you like this, women who claim to be standing up for
all kinds of women, I guess it becomes easier to lie to yourself; pretend that it's because you're actually in the wrong body, that you have a man's spirit, personality, heart, whatever. Rather than accepting the bitter truth that there's so much bigotry in this world and you're probably gonna be on your own for most of it. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Tricky topic for me.
No. 400893
>>400889Third wavers can be just as nasty IME, if not worse. They're racist as fuck too, they just wrap it up in newspeak. I mostly just stick to "normies" now. I volunteer with local grassroots women's charities and I've met so many amazing women from all walks of life this way. I've made friends with women in their 60s who've never even spoke to a lesbian before. They've asked me questions, curiosity is natural after all, but it's all very respectable and is ultimately about understanding each other better. The one thing that unites volunteers is a will to do better, to leave this earth just a
tiny bit better than how we found it, and naturally that attracts (mostly) good, sound people. The best advice I can give to anyone seeking community is to get out there and start helping; even if you just put in just an hour a week. Forget labels, don't fall for that tribalistic, self-limiting bullshit. Feminism is meant to help women, right? So go help other women!
No. 400894
I wish the lesbian thread on 2X was more active. I feel a little bad for venting so much of this in the normal lesbian thread kek but I could talk about this all day and it's refreshing to see other women talking about it too. I want more lesbian-first feminism in my life.
>>400843Source on your screencap?
No. 400896
>>400876>I get "the personal is political" or whatever and fetishes don't come from nowhere but wearing blindfolds during sex and light spanking isn't remotely on par with what male doms do in BDSM communities.NTA but this. I could genuinely give a fuck less what lesbians get off to in private since they're never going to do even a sliver of a speck of a percent of what scrotes do to their female partners. Radhets will cry incessantly about how X Y Z is bad but then go home to their nigels and let him do exactly that and god knows whatever else to them. Then they'll whine about what hypothetical lesbians do in bed when kek, it clearly isn't so bad in lesbian spaces because they're not the ones complaining about their partners 24/7. Also I fucking HATE that lesbians are
expected to have progressive, woke sex because we got the inherently political sexual orientation. Like no lol, I will strap my girlfriend and spank her if she wants, I'll be damned if I let someone control our pleasure for some fucking internet brownie points. Bihets make any excuse to treat our sexuality like a flaw regardless of what political camp they're in, and I'm done caring.
No. 400899
>>400896This is something my OSA radfems friends would crucify me for but when I see those old zines from the 80s-90s where lesbians were into leather culture, casual sex in bars, and BDSM I almost feel like I'd rather have that than how lesbians are expected to be chaste and sexless. I don't even
like BDSM and think it's unhealthy, but it feels like all sides make us too scared to have a libido and express it. If the libfems aren't begging us to sleep with AGPs and destroying our communities for that, the radfems call us men for daring to be sexually attracted to women.
No. 400901
>>400895No, you're right kek. This is how I feel whenever I see that godawful "progress flag," like why would I have ever assumed I wasn't included in the rainbow simply because I'm not white?
>>400896This is exactly how I feel. I don't get why they spend so much time and effort trying to litigate lesbian sexuality when even the kinkiest lesbian sex hasn't been linked to any real-world violence, I just can't give a fuck. I get so bitter sometimes because no one cares or questions how sexual gay men are but we are constantly hounded for wanting to do more than stare into another woman's eyes.
>>400900First of all, 1st wave feminism was extremely successful in accomplishing material gains for women despite its numerous flaws. Secondly, 1st wave wasn't even when there were any serious discussions about lesbian separatism; that was 2nd wave. And finally, lesbians
do have our own unique issues and we
do need our own spaces. It is possible to support the broader mission of feminism while acknowledging that different women will have different needs and concerns.
No. 400912
>>400905I didn't even know we had a vent thread on there, kek. I say make the new thread. The hets have one billion moid threads on every board that only vary infinitesimally, so we should be fine. Something like "Lesbian-first Feminism" would be good imo.
>>400902>I'm genuinely starting to think that there's too many virgins and inexperienced women talking about sex in radfem spaces.NTA, but I think they aren't virgins or inexperienced so much as they're simply used to the dynamics of their straight relationships, to be honest. You say
>There are many different ways to make love, and you can be as animalistic and dominant as you like without it taking away from the bond and love you have with your partner. But an OSA woman would never know that or even be able to fathom that, because the only thing she can reference irt sexual attraction to women is based off of what men display, which is absent of love and comes from a place of conquest and ownership.
No. 401165
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Same anon from
>>388695 it turns out she was cheating on me for an entire year and I had to find out through a friend. I'm going to kill myself now nonnies bye bye!
No. 401368
>>401039No, I get it. I still defend radfems myself tbh. I'll go on a ten-minute rant about how they're all lazy hypocrites who will never do any work to actually better the world and dunk on them for being dorks with husbandos, and then I'll switch up to valorising them. I'm not a radfem, but they're the closest I have to any sort of political grouping.
>Being a lesbian is a form of political homelessness in a way.It is, and I hate it.
No. 401452
>>401442>why do you have itReligious family brainrot
>>401447>Come out when you find a gf, otherwise it's pointlessWouldn’t being n the closet come across as a red flag during the dating phase of a relationship?
No. 401573
>>401452ntayrt but yeah, I have no idea why someone is always posting "don't come out until you find a gf" kek it will absolutely be a red flag. if you want to ease your way out, you can start going to some local lgbt club or events or stuff first, get to know people, maybe make new friends in a context where it's assumed you're gay. and then only later do you have to "come out officially" to your friends/family/workplace.
>>401552I just wanna say: I totally did this, I've lived this way for over a decade, and just now in my 30s I am 100% regretting this choice. there's a reason people tell everyone explicitly and don't leave it ambiguous. it makes it easier to live an open life, it makes it easier to be proud of who you are, and it makes it easier to find the people you want to be around.
No. 401580
>>401578Did you read the post I was reply to?
She literally said
>I have no idea why someone is always posting "don't come out until you find a gf" kek it will absolutely be a red flag.Meaning not being out is a red flag.
No. 402028
>>402025My hobbies are loner hobbies
Like video games, outdoors stuff, in general I don't really know what to do because those are just the things I enjoy and usually prefer to do them alone because I'm bad socially
No. 402033
>>402024Find hobbies that involve going outdoors? Unfortunately the generic advice to "put yourself out there" is true. Going to social events and figuring out how to interact with others is how you learn social skills. Getting employed or going to community college is a good way to do that faster if you can't find anything good on Alternatively if you want a fellow NEET girlfriend you can find online communities for games and see who is there. I met my first girlfriend online that way (and no she wasn't a gendie either, we met in a radfem server).
>But going to a gay bar is also cringeEvery time I see a nona post this I grit my teeth because I'd kill to have nearby gay bars just to at least check them out.
No. 402235
>>402056Not really, I've seen girls like that
nonnie on apps and they looked awful and had nothing going for them. Most women on dating apps in my area are seeking something serious, not dysfunctional NEETs.
No. 402684
>>402237Nonnie I'm the same, I'm turning 34 and was traumatized after being molested by an older ex-gf 10 years ago who had no respect for my physical and mental boundaries and pressured me into intimacy via suicide baiting. I don't know what genuine, two-sided love and affection is like, and I can't ever imagine learning it. I've pretty much given up and if some poor soul ever shows genuine interest in me I'll take up the offer if we click, but otherwise I just don't care about finding a significant other anymore. I have to admit that the low empathy people ITT talking about how much they "hate repressed lesbians" and have zero sympathy for those with sexuality related trauma they haven't been able to work through for one reason or another really cause me to internalize all the self hatred I already had because it checks out with the general vibe in the lesbian community where people who grew up with a strong LGBT scene and healthy LGBT friends don't understand their own privilege. Like
>>402270 said I've just found other avenues to express myself in outside of relationships, work being one of them.
No. 402695
>>400879Holy shit, are you me? This is the biggest reason why I stopped associating with radfems, you see this narrative on Lolcow all the time too. I'm a butch and like a lot of olden day butches did I like to bind my breasts every now and then for a more masculine fashion because I just like how it looks on me, but according to their rhetoric I'm a woman-hating half-cracked troon egg who should just let someone "teach me to love my breasts", just overall gross conversion therapy-esque mumbo jumbo. I actually started having thoughts of just transitioning since I was made to feel so shitty, predatory and ashamed of wanting to present in a masculine way not approved by the radfem court because at times even having a short boycut as a lesbian was a red flag of troonery. Or hating having a period is a sign of internalized misogyny because pregnancy is a sacred art of "being able to create life" and not a huge disadvantage that gets exploited by men thorough history.
>They don't mean to do it, I get that. But the fact is they lure in vulnerable young women with a veneer of warmth and acceptance and then slow poison you with more or less the same homophobic and anti-GNC rhetoric you were getting from normies. It leaves you feeling like you have nowhere else to turn, that the grass really is greener on the other side. I think I understand how MRA TIFs are born. When other women spurn you like this, women who claim to be standing up for all kinds of women, I guess it becomes easier to lie to yourself; pretend that it's because you're actually in the wrong body, that you have a man's spirit, personality, heart, whatever. Rather than accepting the bitter truth that there's so much bigotry in this world and you're probably gonna be on your own for most of it.Fully agree about this. I don't know what it is about butch lesbians that bothers people from all spectrums of the political sphere so hard, I honestly don't. It's like a switch goes off in their head and all their "acceptance" and support of "all kinds of women" goes out the window the moment they meet a butch lesbian, and even worse, an actual cis butch lesbian they can't even straight out demonize for being a tranny so they need to draw out the latent transgenderism garbage I mentioned above. If you want to be a butch, you still need to be able to be "read as female" because suddenly their gender essentialism they claim to be so proud of is all about superficial features instead of gametes. It's the same shit as libfems but with an aggressive undercurrent of homophobia and conservatism in place of the scrote bootlicking associated with liberal feminism so us butch lesbians have to decide which flaw they can tolerate slightly better - either being seen as a potential rapist and a degenerate to be fixed, or have men constantly allowed to speak over us regarding female-specific issues.
No. 402698
Samefag to continue from
>>402695>>400849>it's driven me insane how many OSA radfems and GCs will lovebomb lesbians and talk about how sad it is that butches are disappearing, but turn around and act like our reasons for transition are the same as bi/het women who want to escape heterosexuality and become gay yaoi boys or pooner memes.Another one is the complete erasure of butch/butch relationships that only exist as a joke in the early 00's about bulldykes with penis envy, even boomer lesbians think it's "faggotry" to be a masculine woman attracted to other masculine women. People having absolutely no deeper understanding or comprehension of the reasons why lesbians troon out but still trying to apply this retarded armchairing based on hyperbolics is like eating broken glass.
>Or only talk about supporting lesbians in the context of how sad it is when we transition even though if they listened to us they can figure out why.Oh yes. I actually agreed with the TIFs who were posting about how patronizing and embarrassing it is for these "gendercrits" to constantly post saccharine rambles about how poor butches who were mislead into transitioning by misogyny and how they should just learn that being woman is okay. None of them are dumb enough not to realize the reasoning for their transitioning, to be fair. For many, it's just the best choice under current circumstances. Either you're a social recluse for being a butch hated by everyone across the field, or you become a trans man and above all
become at peace with yourself. As much as I disagree with gender theory, I've met a lot of SSA butches who transitioned who genuinely feel better about their life now because despite still being traumatized and depressed, they're more comfortable being read as a "straight man" than a gross nasty dyke even their own community actively rejects and ridicules. I think the butch thread here on /g/ is the first time I've actually gotten to talk to other butches
in my entire life, not just settling for bihets and femmes who only accept me when they need someone to fulfill the role of male lite in their lives.
No. 402746
>>402698AYRT, rational women like you make me feel less crazy, I swear.
>Oh yes. I actually agreed with the TIFs who were posting about how patronizing and embarrassing it is for these "gendercrits" to constantly post saccharine rambles about how poor butches who were mislead into transitioning by misogyny and how they should just learn that being woman is okay. None of them are dumb enough not to realize the reasoning for their transitioning, to be fair. For many, it's just the best choice under current circumstances. Either you're a social recluse for being a butch hated by everyone across the field, or you become a trans man and above all become at peace with yourself. As much as I disagree with gender theory, I've met a lot of SSA butches who transitioned who genuinely feel better about their life now because despite still being traumatized and depressed, they're more comfortable being read as a "straight man" than a gross nasty dyke even their own community actively rejects and ridicules.Despite all the cries from TRAs over "trans genocide" and conservative backlash that affect the rest of LGB in red states, we're at a point where it's easier to be trans than it is gay. I've known both liberals and certain brands of conservatives who find it easier to swallow than being "just" gay. My mother is a liberal and she was more open of the concept that I "have gender issues" than being gay. I used to be friends with detrans butches and GNC women who talked about how when they were "cis" lesbians people treated them badly, but when coming out as trans people listened to them more because they're an oppressed minority now (even though they already were before?). I also think lesbians troon out because theres more of an open trans community than a lesbian one. The trans community sucks and is swimming with MRA TIMs, but it looks glamorous on the outside. Before I peaked, most of my friends were FTM and I felt crazy and wondered if I was actually "a man inside" because puberty was trauma for me and I related to them more than the bi women who exclusively partner with men in real life. I wish I could talk about this to gendercrits without being shut down and called self-hating or stupid. Radfems have rarely even given better alternatives to butches who want to transition or lesbians with dysphoria besides "go to therapy" (my last therapist was pro-transition).
No. 403094
>>402785Ky Schevers you mean? I remember following her when I first detransitioned and being sad when she initially deactivated her blog.
>>402695NAYRT but I've spoken with friends at length about how online radfems love to act like they're ever so accepting of GNC women and then turn around and act exactly as you've described. I know a few other detransitioners and butches who feel the same way. I think a lot of people share the same sentiment, they're just a lot more likely to swear off interacting with social media in that way entirely than to be vocal about their opposition to it, so it can feel lonely.
No. 403107
>>403094Yeah, I found out that she went full TRA and doxxed some older detrans bloggers and it made me seethe. At this point I don't even believe the allegations she made about her ex when she's lied about so many other women in these circles. It was disappointing because I loved her detrans-related posts and thought she was very moderate and nuanced.
>I think a lot of people share the same sentiment, they're just a lot more likely to swear off interacting with social media in that way entirely than to be vocal about their opposition to it, so it can feel lonely.I don't blame them, but it feels lonely how the only criticisms against radfems are from TRAs and occasionally conservatives. I don't trust radfems but I also don't trust
anti-radfems either.
No. 403252
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>>403247please gift
nonnie the most beautiful gift of all. the ability to live with her gf and buy her nice things. awomen.
No. 403323
>>402787An anon upthread said that she keeps her hair long to keep women less threatened by her and I realized that it's the reason why I also grew my hair long. I dress in men's clothes and remain as masculine as can be with my manners and behavior, but the long hair makes a huge difference in how women perceive me. If I cut it short I would immediately make them uncomfortable with my presence.
But like many others, I also used to present as feminine when I was younger solely because I was too afraid of how people would regard me if I looked too masculine. I wonder if it was more socially acceptable to be GNC how common it would be, I've been told by multiple feminine women (SSA and OSA) in my life that they would love to be more masculine but the way the world would treat them outright scares them. They see how people like me are demonized and take note, never stepping outside of the comfort of their current societal presentation. Just look at the numerous examples in the ftm thread for example, people act like it's a personal offense when a conventionally feminine girl cuts her hair short and stops wearing makeup.
No. 403364
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>>403323Hair is so funny because for some straight people it's the only thing they evaluate when deciding if you're a scary dyke or not. You can make out with a woman and for a certain percentage of straight people it's fine as long as you have long hair while doing it, they'll view you as a harmless straight girl having fun. Works the other way around too. I remember when Emma Watson got a pixie cut way back in the early 10s and a lot of people lost their minds and called her a lesbian and "butch" even though she was still very conventionally feminine.
No. 403521
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>chatting with hot woman
>attraction exits the building
No. 403533
>>403522ntayrt but I assume the "invested in feminism" category also has a sliding range of variations anon would be okay with. She doesn't have to be the next Storme DeLarverie but anything from and above 'sane normie' would be good, personally.
>>403526Hm, you might be dumb. Try asking Chatgpt to check if your questions are worth asking to humans.
No. 403590
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(spoiler this)
No. 403628
>>403526Women can be porn brained but are actually lesbophobic, so they get emotionally invested then extremely disgusted and label their ex girl partners as rapists. Then it's always playing the "mean aggro lesbian" trope when she could have been bisexual or talked about past male partners
t. had a sex obsessed bi "lesbian" I just had to push her hands away
I only ever read about "rape" from girls that hates women and men but only have sex with men (aka traumatised hets)
Or polilez aka traumatised bi at best, who didn't find their one palatable lesbian experience right away
It all comes from their skewed perceptions that lesbian=even meaner than moids. They would never classify love bombing as sexual assault with males.
(bait) No. 403633
>>403628What the fuck are you talking about kek.
>I just pushed her hands away lol!!!Unironically making me a-log, actual polilez brainrot to think that women can't rape other women and embarrassing incel rhetoric to sperg about wronged bitter exes coming up with false rape allegations. Shut the fuck up before I start writing ban worthy stuff at you
No. 403645
>>403641This. Rape is rape. Coerced sex done against someone's consent. Women are capable of doing it to each other. Trying to downplay it and calling
victims just sensitive bihet sluts is actual mental illness.
No. 403674
>>403521i’ll take the insane one for sure
>>403522yes? you don’t have to read all the books or whatever but I couldn’t imagine not dating someone who didn’t at least consider themselves radfem. If the alternatives are libfem or “neutral” (misogyny)
No. 403713
>>403641I haven't seen nor mentioned any rape stories in this thread, what are you talking about?
>>403645Women can rape other women in porn settings when there's already a bigger coercive force. It's hard not to second jugde that in regular relationships with a chronically online user, and when there's more "she lesbian raped" fear mongering than actual lesbians.
No. 403737
>>403650I’m not that troll. I’m just dumb. I see what the normal anons are saying. I’m not trying to
victim blame. I think it’s because media has put it into my head the idea that rape is about power. However, power imbalances aren’t always physical. Coercion isn’t spoken about enough either. There is an anon who accuses every lesbian of being a bihet. They actively try to push osa onto any women questioning theirs sexuality in the other thread. I personally believe it’s a psyop
No. 403756
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Does anyone else here struggle with talking to people (especially women duh) outside of the internet? for context i am autistic. but right now im in a ldr with this girl and i am thinking about just how hard a it must've been for socially inept lesbians to find girlfriends before the internet.. there were never any lesbians (or bisexual girls without boyfriends) in public spaces, let alone lesbians who were into me or were single. the internet, in a way, is truly a blessing lol
No. 403862
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I'm not lesbian but I thought I'd like to tell you guys a story. I used to work at a game studio full of woke, retarded moids (and a few troons). The kinds who claim to be feminist allies (but still hired trannies, go figure). One time, one of the "writers" was gushing to me about plans for introducing a new faction in the game we were working on. Now this guy was the kind of person who had to be right about everything, aka an abrasive dickhead. He told me about the leader of this faction, was raving about how she's the leader of this industrial group. He summed up this leader as "strong-willed, hardened lesbian". If it weren't for him, I never would have known that one's sexuality is a defining personality trait.
Men are fucking retarded.
No. 403863
>>403828>>403830I wouldn't say taking my shot is what's making me feel moidlike just the fact that I lurk her page and like all her posts. I just can't help but feel like a simp and I worry that because of that I'll just end up blocked when we were kinda friendly before.
I mean imagine some rando comes into your DMs and starts rambling about how they have a crush on you when you don't even know them irl.
No. 403867
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As "unrealistic" as this show was, watching it makes me feel nostalgic but also incredibly sad about the death of lesbian-only spaces. I miss lesbian meetup groups, lesbian only nights at bars and clubs, and the pre-2015 OkCupid where (if you live in a major city) you could date a different woman every week if you wanted to. No pronoun bullshit, nobody had a million identities, or gave a flying fuck about kweers and tranny feelings.
The world has really gone to shit.
No. 403870
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>>403869If you're talking about Lisa that was clearly a joke character and really funny, especially in hindsight. If you're talking about Max that was clearly a PSA against trooning out, Kit has an awesome speech about it (although it sucks they sacrificed the one butch character for that storyline). OG L Word was delicious trash and I will die on that hill.
No. 403902
>>403867I fucking
hated this show growing up in my teens because my straight friends gushed about it and thought Shane was the "hottest thing ever" for being """butch""" by 2003 standards (i.e. short hair and sloppy smoky eyes makeup) but at the same time were openly disgusted at me for being a lesbian. Didn't help that the rest of the cast were just normie femmes made palatable for mainstream audiences. I know it was actually created by gay women but boomer lesbians are as insufferable just as the rest of their generation. But yeah, it's a shame that no lesbian-centric programs have been created since and nowadays having a SSA woman in a show means she's dating a troon.
No. 403909
>>403867I guess it was good representation for its time. But you can see all the main characters are made very femme to not scare the straights. Shane who is supposed to be more masculine still wears ton of make up and skimpy clothes. All bi characters also identify as lesbians in the end I think, because they end up with women. Which sucks because in the beginning they represent both groups and end up to lesbianism is a choice.
>>403870At least they handled the lesbian man as should, a perverted man invading lesbian spaces. Would make tims and tifs who still want to use the lesbian label so mad these days.
No. 403957
>>403891>when I get hit up to go to the lesbian bar, is it weird to drive there?I mean, no? How else are you going to go there, especially if you're not going to drink?
>>403934Why not? You should utilize any space available to you. You'll just have to see what happens, but if you sulk in a corner predictably nothing will happen.
No. 404007
>>403961>Would it be really embarrassing if my mother took me there and picked me up? I am kind of sheltered and dependent on her.Okay, that is really embarassing ngl. Are you even old enough to go to a bar?
>>404006… Maybe you should try meetups or book clubs instead of going to a bar.
No. 404040
>>403923Yo I'm
>>403945, I was able to hang with my gf sooner than expected thought she'd be at the village these days but she's going to go in two days actually.
We tried it. It was awkward to get into a comfortable position. But it was very pleasurable.
I went back home now. Give me more ideas on what to do with her tomorrow.
No. 404061
>>404055>NGL you sound really immature and unpleasant from what I've seen of your posts,You think I don't know that?
>so I'd say no.That was all you needed to say. No need to be so bitter and put me down.
No. 404073
>>404053realistically, absolutely not
If you hate people so much, why do you even want friends?
No. 404102
>>403977I'm pretty overweight (BMI 31) and she's skinny. We both enjoyed it equally but got annoyed trying to maintain the very specific contact points for it to feel good. Depends on how overweight you are and if your weight or fat restricts your movement. It won't hurt to try. I feel like it depends on your actual vulva more than your weight unless you're very fat. If either have you have longer outer labia, it'll probably be even better.
>>404040Congrats nona, glad you got to try it.
No. 404181
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So was bone marrow fertilization just a hoax? We never heard of it again and I just want to hope that one day I'll be able to make a kid with my wife.
No. 404193
>>404181That technology is at least 50 years away. Testicles are complicated organs and sperm cells are quite fragile, and you would need sperm cells since the coating of the ovum is so thick that it takes enzymes from multiple sperm cells to dissolve the coating and allow one sperm cell to fertilise the ovum.
It would be easier for you and your wife to adopt orphans and treat them well such as by not mutilating their genitals.
No. 404924
>>404919I think men can’t conceptualise a person who is not male centred at all. Some weirdos see it as a challenge to try to turn a woman straight.
As a gold star I am not attracted to men at all. Even if a billionaire gigachad with a personality that perfectly complements mine perfectly was into me I would not be interested because I am lesbian.
No. 405050
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That's it, fujolesbians are officially turboretards to me now. Every time I read GL these days it reminds me of my gf and the stuff we did together and what we could do in the future. Their retarded headcanon that even yuri made by women for women is actually for men makes even less sense now. I love reading about two women being together and female characters, it's of utmost interest to me. Now more than ever I can't imagine being invested in fictional scrotes and buttfucking. Absolutely disgusting. Fujos are unironically out of their minds.(baiting)
No. 405303
>>405255Is she "t4t"? if yes, might as well try
>>405285 , if she's into actual moids honestly don't even bother. Either way
>>405278 is right.
No. 405335
>>405331I had a crush on a woman for over a year who turned out to be pro-life and conservative leaning when I checked her social media. It went away when she was out of my life, so I believe you'll move past it one day.
No. 405638
>>405285>>405303Isn't a gay tif just a fujo hettie with extra steps?
I find it interesting how some itt are willing to go so far and be deceptive to hook up with women who are into "men" only, but hooking up with bihets who would do it consensually without deception is a no-no.
Is it because it's a turn off for you to feel like you might get taken advantage of? Is it a turn on for you to be the one taking advantage? Is it because with the tif you're stealing her from men and with the bihet men are stealing her from you? I'm not judging, I just want to know.
No. 405834
>>405810Is that the only body part on a woman you notice? This is kind of a scrote tier question. I'll expand your list:
>big or small ass?>long legs or big thighs?>long fingers or strong arms?>visible abs or noticeable collarbone/long neck?>undress her from top to bottom or bottom to top?>short or tall?>dimples of venus or violin hips?>thigh gap or the little pouch of fat over her uterus?>long face or short face?>short hair or long hair?>butch or femme?>lingerie or sport wear? >big areolae or small areolae?>long labia or short labia?>strap-on or vibrator?bonus:
>favorite position to finger her/get fingered in?To answer your question, I have no breast size preference, but I'm not attracted to very overweight women, so maybe "small."
No. 406028
>>405834I’m bored.
>small ass (but round)>long legs>long fingers>collarbones>top to bottom for slow and sensual, bottom to top when we’re desperate>both short and tall are great, but my height would be my preference>dimples of venus>thigh gap (i’m sorry, i’m a heathen…)>long faces are beautiful, short faces are cute>short hair>either in presentation but “butchy” personalities are great>mm… this is really difficult actually. i think lingerie>both are hot>BOTH ARE HOT>vibrator>bottom up with her legs spread apart, while I leave kisses on her backThank you anon
No. 406114
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No. 406172
tfw your friend indirectly comes out to you as a polilez
>>406114kinsey 4 bisexual at most and will probably end up with a dude once she's 30. 99% chance she had a shitty breakup with her last boyfriend so now she thinks she's a lesbian. her entire fanbase gives off the same vibes as well kek i don't understand how people buy the lesbian shtick she reeks future hasbian. her music is pretty catchy though
No. 406229
>>406195Call me crazy but I don't care as long as you make good music.
>>406224I'm not bi-vestigating, but her album had at least a few allusions to how she was interested in men (after midnight is the only one that comes to mind right now) and both femininomenon and super graphic ultra modern girl are both more about how men disappoint her than how she likes women. lesbian sex completely blew my mind the first time I had it so I get wanting to come out and make it the whole center of your world when you fall in love or sleep with a woman for the first time, but she was publicly out as bisexual as recently as a few weeks ago so I don't think it's weird that people would still think that.
No. 406306
>>406224So many lesbians are feminine and I doubt many of them are mistaking for bi, it’s all about how you act and she acts like an annoying bpd bi women. So many articles where she talks about how she won’t date men anymore or how she hates them or whatever just sounds every other bisexual who has just recently broken up with some shit guy only for them to go right back into their arms
I cannot find it but there’s a video where she cries to the audience about how stressful her sudden fame is and her 13 year old tik toker fanbase is eating that shit up and coddling her, it just screams attention whore to me
She’s a good singer but the music is shit and I’m tired of shit artists being the face of “lesbianism”
No. 406750
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Does anyone here actively avoid or aren't attracted to normie pretty girls? Girls with the "angel skulls" and faces in the looksmaxxing /ot/ thread pic kind of repulse me. It's the middle school bully face. Maybe it's just that every traditionally pretty girl I've met with a face like that has been a passive aggressive bully, but all the nice pretty girls all had something that seemed different about them. I couldn't tell the difference at the time as a nerdy turbo autist in school, but they were low ranking in their own pretty girl circles. I just genuinely find the girl here unattractive. She has TikTok face. idk
No. 406766
>>406754Nowhere does it say it's applicable to women who aren't white.
Not that it isn't a shitty meme.
No. 406930
>>406925If it bothers you that much, stop stressing yourself out and wasting her time.
>>406908You're not interested in her personality at all? Maybe you'll fall in love by the time you finally get to do it. kek. Or convince yourself the sex would be awful.
No. 407070
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How true is this?
No. 407076
>>406750Which one are you, nonnas? Jewish or model with a nose job? Also, find it funny how every 4chan and Reddit trend or meme that exists eventually becomes mainstream on Twitter, TikTok or other social medias until normie teenagers hear about it. Someone on an image board has a shitty (or good, but not that likely) idea and it starts spreading like the plague. Remember reality shifting and mewing or whatever?
No. 407186
>>407070>>407179Doesn't she only date (actual biological) women IRL?
>>407176>Just seems like a mix of autism and confusing being comfortable with women but not men irl as lesbianismI wish the word febfem or some kind of equivalent for it was more normalized in the mainstream.
No. 407196
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>>407172I relate, but this isn't about admiration or stanning someone who happens to be a man, though…
No. 407284
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>>407262She owns a body pillow of him with a visible bulge and a titty mousepad of his hairy ass,
No. 407301
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Nonnies, would you sleep with a woman who says she’s sexually attracted to both men and women but romantically only interested in men? I thought the split attraction theory was bs, so I don’t really get it. Is she just bi-curious? I don’t want to just be a novel experience…
No. 407335
>>407301Fuck no, don't waste your time on her. Even if you think she's hot, the sex will be terrible.
>>407285I feel you. I might go on a date with a genderspecial this weekend. Hopefully they all grow out of it.
No. 407611
>>406925 and I broke things off with her. Ty for the little push nonita. Thankfully she wasn’t upset or anything and it went fine.
No. 407638
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Does anyone know if Maxine Harlow is active again? Or if she's doing ok? I miss her everyday
No. 407834
>>407638The last I've heard of her she was getting
TERF accusations over her Twitter likes. I'm not sure if her inactivity is entirely related to that but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a small reason.
No. 408167
>>396175sorry for the late reply, but this has to be said. a lot of homosexuals repress their urges and try to be normal. this isnt subconscious comphet, but an active choice to "be straight". they lie to themselves and get into heterosexual relationships, because they want to have a family one day and be "good citizens". this is common in countries and cultures where tradition is important. not uncommon for something to snap in them one day.
there are many cases of men leaving their families to go and be gay whores, or wives randomly leaving their husbands for the same reason.
No. 408170
>>408129turn off and retarded looking.
>>408128cringe. kill yourself.
(infighting) No. 408175
>>408129barely even tried but I love it
>>408128sexy. I want this life but ideally with a woman
No. 408257
>>408129I love receiving and giving. I like feeling so full and vulnerable because of it. It just feels good, it strikes all the right sensitive areas. I haven't gotten to use one to give yet, but I hope it stimulates the clitoris when you use it. I want to have a "hands free" orgasm by fucking a woman, holding her down and watching her body move and jiggle as she takes it. The orgasm from internal stimulation plus clitoris touching is mind breaking.
I want to use one on a lesbian who's never experienced penetration before, so she can learn how good it feels because of me. Watch her eyes widen and mentally destroyed by pleasure. I like it. They are very ugly, unfortunately. They are purely functional.
No. 408333
>>408328Hard agree, I love that so many girls are on the more submissive side but I also don't get it all.
Having someone touch me is nice and all but having a girl squirm underneath me and uncontrollably moan like a bitch in heat is on a whole other league.
No. 408438
>>408333dont listen to her
>>408395, I liked it
No. 408621
>>406114Chappell Roan is def a bisexual. She was in a relationship with a scrote for like 5 years plus theres a bunch of comments found before she got super famous of her thirsting over moids. It all just feels fake, it feels like whoever she's signed too wants to profit off of us. She'd be cute if she wasn't a leslarper. I'm tired of it, reminds me of Renee Rapp.
>>408129To each their own, but its a no from me.
>>407284Fake lesbians are so gross, i dont understand why we're so nice to these people. come into our communities talking about moids. tired of the
>>407169This, I just don't like it. when it comes to fiction i've always admired the girls. It's more than them just being drawn, like they're drawn
as female and voiced by females.
>>407285ugh i had a crush on a tif once she was really cute and i almost convinced her to not troon out, she did stop for a while, but i was dropped a few weeks later. sad how some of the cutest girls fall into gendie shit
No. 408663
>>406754>>406771i like cool noses. i hate how this nose is the modern rhinoplasty standard.
it's true about it being an eurocentric beauty standard, but you lost me at anglo. i'm 100% pure baltid phenotype (if you open an anthropology textbook at the baltid page, there is a photo of me uwu) and this is a common nose here. plus lots of nordics have this nose. anglos with this nose tend to have rounder bulbous tips on their nose resembling something porcine. i dont care if i get a ban for replying to this old post to nosesperg, but it tickled my autism in the wrong way to say this is an "anglo nose". like, i take personal offence.
>>408139she gives me "theater kid" vibes, in the worst possible way. her voice is beautiful and she is a good singer, but her songs are of a disney channel quality if you know what i mean. it feels forced? commercial? some songs are catchy and i like it when she's more expressive with her voice. i like the "when you wake up next to him" part of good luck babe, but the rest of the song gets boring quick. maybe its just not my thing.
the vibe i got of her "being too commercial" isnt helped by the fact that shes pushed hard by the algorithms. i thought shes campy and a cute new thing, when i found out about her by pure chance (from a youtube short of some small creator making a doll based on her lol). now i see that her campiness is aimed at the rupaul fangirls. she feels artificially planted. i dont know. and now i read on here that shes bi. shes leaning into a niche, very commercially.
>>408129the thought of it is a turn off. it might feel nice in practice, but its too ridiculous for me to get over it being so ridiculous. it would feel humiliating to wear one, and i couldnt look my hypothetical partner in the eye if she was doing it to me with that whole thing on her.
No. 408719
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Unpopular opinion: straps aren’t that great. Whenever I see a lesbian discussion on the internet (especially on reddit) asking for advice there is always the mandatory “Get a strap!”. I always sort of hope the women I date aren’t the strap obsessed ones because although it can be fun sometimes fingering is so much better.
It also makes me feel kind of inadequate if it’s a bi women obsessed with being strapped.>>408712Eh, I disagree to an extent. When I read Chainsaw Man I was trying to think of why all the female characters are really attractive to me when usually I just genderbend the pretty boy male characters to be my waifus, and I realised most anime women are written / look weird. Anime has some weird sexual dimorphism where women are childish-looking moe blobs and the males look more analogous to actual human adults. Real women aren’t cutesy babies and have other appeal. Pair that with the fact that even well-written female characters tend to have that undercurrent in their personality - I can’t quite place my finger on it but it feels like this general Japanese view of women - I can understand why people would be turned off those characters. That being said, I agree that only polilezs have 0 female characters they like, even if they’re shit characters they’re still women and I’ll always be drawn to femalenes. Same with yaoi-obsessed “lesbians”, if it’s a “cuntboy” then whatever but if you’re getting off to penises drawn or otherwise, well….
No. 408767
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>>408719she was my first waifu. i wanted to lay my head on her lap in submission. i admired how untouchable and stoic she was. sometimes i wanted to
be like her.
No. 408785
>>408719>Anime has some weird sexual dimorphism where women are childish-looking moe blobs and the males look more analogous to actual human adults. To be fair, the post you're replying to says
>Maybe it's because I don't watch animeWhich I relate to. I haven't watched a new anime since 2018 (and that was only once, the last time I kept up with new seasons was longer). The way female characters are written in a lot of anime/manga is awful, I tend to stick to either older stuff that's recommended to me or some video games that have a decent female fanbase for good characters. I don't watch live action, but I probably should.
>Same with yaoi-obsessed “lesbians”, if it’s a “cuntboy” then whatever but if you’re getting off to penises drawn or otherwise, well….I used to know someone who I can confirm is an actual lesbian (hates dick, dislikes TIMs, has no attraction to males IRL, etc.) but is obsessed with yaoi, and she's… Very, very pornsick and has been celibate after one relationship she had in her early 20s. So I don't really trust a lot "yaoi lesbians" because they're either polilez or virginal and porn-obsessed if they are actual lesbians. Which is why I feel so alienated from a lot of fandom as someone who is barely interested in male characters.
No. 408898
>>408876Yeah. Even the stankiest women are still tolerable to me
sometimes the stank is even kind of nice if I'm attracted to her. But male BO smells like cheesy sewage and repulses me on a visceral level.
No. 408900
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>>408876I know about this!! This is just an article by nbcnews summarizing the study, but this was recorded in 2006. Apparently Lesbians and straight males react positively to female scent while reacting neutrally/negatively to male scent. (scent/putative pheromones). Interesting results, because I as a lesbian hate how moids smell lololololl
No. 408903
>>408883I wonder if men don't smell like shit to bisexual women? There was this boysmell meme going around recently and it was the most unrelatable thing I had ever seen. IMO syaing you like the stench of men is like saying you have a taste for rotten fish.
>>408898You get me exactly. The notion of having sex with a woman straight from the gym, unshowered is attractive to me. Men? They should go into a septic bath.
>>408900Cool to know that it's scientifically backed and not just bias in my head!
No. 409085
What’s consensus on weight? Like, would you date a woman who was too fat, too skinny, and what’s your reference for this metrics? Do you prefer curvy or chubby women, do you prefer slim women, etc? Mostly just curious but also because when it comes to body goals most straight women at least consider what’s attractive men kek, I’m happy with my body but I wouldn’t mind having an idea of any goals I could have (gaining or losing weight or going to the gym). Also random piece of information, I read that on average lesbian women are much fatter and gay men are much slimmer than the average woman and man respectively, anecdotally this seems true too, I wonder why that is
>>409076Any? I, and a lot of others, think sexuality is something that takes time to develop an understanding of, especially for women, so being a late-bloomer lesbian is considered acceptable. Maybe after 50 feels late. That being said - I suppose I can’t understand how some women ended up dating men for years before realising. I started dating girls in middle school, but maybe that’s luck.
No. 409090
>>409076I don't see why it matters how old you are. Maybe people will see you as an asshole if you're married to a man for twenty years and had kids with him and then come out, but otherwise, I think people should do whatever makes them comfortable. As someone who lost a lot of family when I was forcibly outed I'm not going to judge someone for being closeted even at an older age.
>>409085I'm ugly and don't get to be picky with the weight of women I date. I dated a woman who was obese and while it's definitely not my preference and I tried to encourage her to adopt a healthier lifestyle, honestly I find it pretty easy to find attractive qualities in people as long as they somewhat take care of their presentation, dress well, etc. But to be honest my preference is somewhat of a medium size, I'm not that attracted to women who are severely underweight. Someone who isn't fat but with a bit of softness to their body is my ideal.
No. 409091
>>409085I honestly dislike how accepted obesity seems to be among gay women because I refuse to date fat people, sorry. In the past, I found curvy women to be quite attractive, even when they were technically overweight, until my ex gf made me realize it just wasn’t worth it. She was so insecure about her own weight, always compared herself to me, and led an unhealthy lifestyle (binge eating junk food, sedentary) but would still shame me for any vices I had. I used to smoke and then quit because she didn’t like it, but it was frustrating knowing I could never criticize her food/sugar addiction like she could criticize my nicotine addiction because her weight was too sensitive an issue. I usually don’t like really skinny women either, as a matter of preference, but I prefer to date women who are physically active and try to eat healthy like me
No. 409110
>>409076Whenever. Can't think of an age when it's not a cause for celebration. I'm being 100% serious.
>>409085Don't care in either direction as long as she's healthy.
No. 409145
>>409085I prefer chubby women. I guess anywhere from upper end of healthy BMI to overweight BMI, maybe slightly obese BMI depending on how she carries the weight and her activity level.
I'm picky about the type of chubby though lol. I guess I really love women who are stocky, or strongfat. Like I love cooking and baking so I wouldn't be able to date a woman who is neurotic about calorie counting and clean eating but I do think it's important to have a reasonably decent diet and exercise at least a few times a week. It's a turn off if she can't walk up a flight of stairs or is constantly binge eating processed crap, especially if she's a picky eater that will turn down my homemade food for McDonald's. Also a massive turn off if she's super insecure about her body.
No. 409161
>>408980Yeah same, I can imagine the sweat after a workout being a nice welcome but I have a classmate with shit hygiene who regularly skips showers and her smell is fucking putrid. I try to avoid sitting to close to her because it can actually be unbearable, I have to breathe using my mouth to not die.
Though there is something I should add to this smell conversation. Women's deodorant is terrible at sticking to hairy armpits, it causes irritation and itchiness since it's designed for shaved armpits, so I started using men's deodorant. Here's the thing, the vast majority of them smell like SHIT, everytime I used them I smelled putrid for the day, luckily I found one that smells good but HOLY SHIT most are disgusting. Men's natural scent always grossed me out but I honestly believe it wouldn't be as bad if deodorants weren't made to smell like beaver musk and mustard gas.
No. 409162
>>409076Any age is ok
nonnie>>409085I like softness so thin-average girls are my favorite, skinny girls are nice to but I like it when there's something to hold on to. I've never been with a chubby/fat girl and I don't really have a general opinion on them, the difference between good and bad fat distribution is usually what matters most.
No. 409186
>>409085>>409090>>409096>>409110Nta but as a
nonnie who came out at thirty, these responses warmed my heart a little bit. I was never married to a man or anything, just have autism and grew up in a really strict religious environment. Had to move away and unwork a lot of stuff.
No. 409204
Please GO AWAY
I can’t explain how annoying it is to deal with this shit in every single lesbian space. Is it bpd? How do you not have self awareness? Jesus Christ, the lack of respect is astounding. Every time.
No. 409272
>>409265>I’m sorry but I just don’t buy that to be a morally upstanding “wlw” you have to prefer overweight women?NTA. I can personally find women who are slim to curvy (but still healthy) attractive, and of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder (I know chubby chasers exist), but I think female socialization has psyop-ed gay women and straight women alike into sacrificing physical attraction and sexual satisfaction by dating uggos for the sake of valuing ~personality~ and body positivity. I’m not saying we should be as shallow and superficial as gay moids, but why must women specifically pretend morbid obesity is an acceptable trait in a partner? I know this probably sounds pretty harsh, but it’s rare for me to meet another lesbian irl who isn’t obese
>>409085>I read that on average lesbian women are much fatter and gay men are much slimmer than the average woman and man respectively, anecdotally this seems true too, I wonder why that isI honestly think it’s because women will overlook obesity but moids will not
No. 409290
>>409287AYRT, but I’m not the anon who said that. However, the discussion was clearly about what body types anons find attractive. I understand weight is a sensitive subject, but not everyone is going to find all body types attractive. No need to get
triggered because anon doesn’t share your taste or words things ~wrong~
No. 409298
>>409186Hope you're doing well,
No. 409303
>>409300You deleted and reposted to change your wording, but I was responding to your original post where you called anons “moidlike” for simply stating their preferences.
>a-anachanAre you just throwing around empty insults because I said something you didn’t like?
>>409296East coast
No. 409315
>>409308Non-sequiturs are your only strategy
>Bertha!>anachan!>moid!>LSA user!I don’t think you realize how how retarded this makes you seem
No. 409370
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>>409253ayrt, I found these in a compilation, and I think they're all hot or cute.
If you look like this please come here No. 409409
>>409169Nonnie no… she doesn't brush her teeth either but is still the type that wears a full face of makeup to class everyday, one day she went in with CLOWN makeup after she got really into digital circus
Sorry for ranting, I fucking hate her, even tried to make some passes at me
No. 409486
I preface this by saying I recognise how retarded this is. But here goes. My lack of understanding for straight and bi women’s attraction to men distresses me. This isn’t the case when she’s a kinsey 4-5, but most bi women are like a kinsey 2 anyway. It’s not my own preferences that bother me, it’s theirs, especially when they express attraction to men who are objectively revolting. It used to just mildly miff me (I just thought they needed more self respect) but after falling for a bi Aiden it started to sicken me, these are the creatures you love so much, you get off to, you’d choose over me. She made a stupid post about “why are old men so hot” KEK it blackpilled me and I feel doomed. I love myself and I have it good, I’m an attractive masc woman who seems to attract women well, I have literally no reason to resent my circumstances but I can’t help but feel so isolated and secondary. I don’t even know any real lesbians anyway, all of them have “exceptions” too. Also don’t come for me for it being an Aiden because it’d be the same if it was any woman too, it’s just worse because not only does she like men, she likes them so much she wants to BE one. I feel like this is a whole other pill for me, except even blackpilled women don’t get it since they’re het or polilez too kek. Sorry for the rant I just didn’t feel like it really belonged in /ot/.
No. 409739
Do you guys really wear flannels or is that out of fashion kek
No. 409886
>>409833I think it would be easier if you gave an example, but if you are feeling this devastated you need to at least have a serious, sit down conversation with her, DON'T include the friend. You shouldn't be accusatory, but be straightfoward and rational, try not to get too angry or upset while you're explaining. I'm also a lesbian with a lot of straight/bi female friends and I have a kind of jealousy prone girlfriend so i get it. If she loves you, she will calmly and carefully listen to you, don't accept any gaslighting or outbursts
Good luck
nonnie No. 410310
>>410212Okay, I am writing from her side, because I just went through this exact thing but opposite lol. I thought I was ready to date again, but after trying I realized that wasn’t the case. Anyway, I don’t think you should necessarily give up, maybe give her more space than before, but still make offers to hang out platonically sometimes. In my situation, I really have needed more time to become emotionally available, but I did genuinely like her and still wanted to spend time together as friends to get to know her better. Will we try again eventually? Maybe. She said she’s open to it, but I also won’t be offended if she moves on. I think, nonna, just don’t be too pushy with this girl. Let her have space when she needs it but still invite her to do things if you want. If she’s consistently declining to join you, maybe consider actually moving on and trying other people. But if she does feel responsive and everything, enjoy the friendship and see where it might go. Don’t get your hopes up WAY too much, but just try and keep all your thoughts and feelings realistic for how things go and how she responds. It helps that the girl I was seeing was incredibly open and understanding and didn’t try to push me in any way.
No. 410553
I need your advice, anons. I think my sexuality is broken and I want to fix it. For clarity, I'm a lesbian in a longterm relationship with another woman. I'm a goldstar who's only dated and slept with other women, and I'm not questioning bisexual or asexual, but the problem is that I'm not really attracted to women in the face and it's starting to bother me.
I'm easily turned on by women's bodies, their vulvas, breasts, hips, etc., I feel ravenously lustful for women, but I feel like for the most part I only experience sexual attraction, never romantic attraction. I don't feel butterflies, I don't get hot in the face when I see a woman no matter how gorgeous or cool she is. I can acknowledge I like the way a woman looks but that's about it. I don't think I've ever looked at a woman and thought she was cute and wanted to pursue her, and I've never really had a "type". I only really feel attracted to women based on their personalities, and looks play almost no part in it. I attribute this to a lot of internalized homophobia, constantly worrying that if I'm attracted to a woman who is most likely straight then I'm being a pervert who's disrespecting her sexuality and objectifying her, but I don't know what to do with that. I'm somewhat cold and distant to almost every woman I come across because I feel like if I'm revealed as a gay woman, middle school and highschool will happen all over again and women will be disgusted by me and think that I'll act like a moid who's going to hit on them. And that's not a problem in and of itself I guess, wanting to protect myself, but like I said I literally don't find (clothed) women attractive at all, kek. They're all defaultly beautiful and interesting to look at, but if I don't know they're also gay, I feel nothing. This has reached a deep subconscious level, because I can't get over it even while putting real effort into being normal and trying to allow myself to feel attraction, even to the hypothetical most stunningly hot gay woman in my head. Normally I wouldn't care about being this way because it's my burden to bear, but my gf was understandably upset when I expressed in passing convo that it's basically impossible to make me swoon or feel butterflies, because she feels I'm exactly her type and she acts that way around me and wants me to feel that way for her. The only exception to this rule has been fictional characters for me, where I was genuinely a blushing stuttering tard for my waifus, but I think it's their flexibility and the fact that they aren't real that makes it "safe" to feel attraction to them, if that makes any sense. I do think another part of my lack of attraction to women is that I dated and fucked exclusively bisexuals in the past, and they always made me the Man in the relationship and now I think I see myself that way too. I've grown so accustomed to being the uncaring giving/dominant female boyfriend they wanted that I don't know how to just be a lesbian woman. My current longterm gf is a femme lesbian, and she treats me like a woman and even acts a little masc herself too at times, but because of her largely princessly nature and obsession with pink and cute things, I can't help but feel like I'm still playing that role. It has nothing to do with how she is in bed, our sex is fantastic, but sex has never been the problem. I love her a lot and want to feel more physically romantic towards her, I want to look at her (and other women) clothed and feel something. It feels so fucking bad to say it like this, I feel like scum because I love her to death and think she's super cute, I just couldn't necessarily say I'm attracted. And the worst part is that I couldn't think of anything she or anyone could do to make me feel that attraction.
Sorry for typing a bunch, I'd really appreciate any advice. Also obligatory "I have autism" mention, since that likely plays a role in my insane behavior too.
No. 410578
nonnie, that would probably be the autism. I think maybe you’re trapped in a loop of overthinking it.
No. 410611
Chill out
No. 410730
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What do ya'll think of bi women like these? (posted in the Confessions thread)
No. 410836
>>410829Things like lolita fashion seem way more lesbian oriented than crop tops and short shorts. Revealing clothes attract a lot of male attention, whereas covering up with nice clothes gets compliments from women.
Also, does everyone have a favorite lesbian media? Like a book or TV show? I'm looking for recommendations.
No. 410906
>>410824That's been my experience too, but I still want to show off for other women. Was hoping there were more worldly lesbians than me on here who might know anything about it.
>>410836>>410829I'll look into experimenting with (layered) silhouettes than just skin then. Thanks!
>>410877Septum ring??? Tattoos??? Sorry man I'm not taking advice from you
No. 410908
Nonas I need help. You've always been good to me when I come here for advice, maybe you have some words of wisdom.
Have any of you dealt with a dead bedroom in a ltr?
I knew it was a known thing for both gay and het relationships but I didn't take it seriously because we're both young and why should that happen to us? Only it did happen and I don't understand why. It started pretty early too, maybe it's my fault for not doing something sooner but we really are in love and we got married anyway. It's the only part of my relationship that I'm unhappy with. We have sex maybe 2-4x a month max but this year it's been particularly bad, more like once a month and there were two months this year where we haven't had sex at all. I'm not tallying it up to rub it in her face btw, I just have one of those apps where you track your moods and activities.
It's so depressing, anons. We've talked about it before. It made me doubt her attraction to me several times in the past but the way she acts when we do have sex makes me think she just has an incredibly low libido. Some other factors would be a high stress job (we both work but half the time I work from home and neither of us work during the summer), plus she gets migraines that sometimes derail things but honestly we don't make plans to have sex often enough for me to consider it a point of data.
Idk what to do. It seems like this will just be my life but I don't want it to be. I'm fit, clean, reasonably attractive, in my early 20s, my performance always gets great reviews. It just feels like it shouldn't be this way. Asking for sex and getting rejected all the time makes me feel like a loser and there are times I just stop trying. Those are probably the months where we didn't have sex. And so many times we'll have sex, we'll both go on and on all next day about how great it was, I'll say we should do it again soon, she says something like "yes let's do it tonight/tomorrow!" and then it just… doesn't happen. Even with foreplay, even with flirting. Sometimes she'll make out with me really passionately and then pull back, smile, and give one small kiss to indicate that it's over and we're not doing anything else. I just don't know how to feel. I'll probably regret posting this but I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this with.
No. 410923
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>>410755I've actually experienced the same thing as you, but despite overcoming my gender dysphoria I'm still butch and I don't really like wearing femme clothes so my fashion style reflects that. When I'm going out and I was to flirt with other women I wear slim and nicely fitted suits with an open shirt to show a lot of neck and chest, not necessarily boob, I put most of my attention on my face and hair and that works well, I tend to have a lot of girls approach me.
Picrel is an example of something I might wear
No. 410933
>>410836no offense man but I can't imagine anything on earth less accurate than this for anyone outside of MAYBE the demographic of this particular imageboard. people were mad at the anon that said septum rings but that's definitely closer to the truth than lolita fashion
>>410906if you go to clubs or gay bars or pride events, you will 100% see normie lesbians wearing skimpy clothing to look attractive for other women in clothing that ranges from stereotypical gay stuff that people here would probably find cringe (septum rings and tattoos, men's white t shirts, butch looks) to the sort of stuff men like too (crop tops and cleavage and short skirts). I think the truth is that you can wear whatever makes you feel like you look sexy, but the only reliable ways to look sexy for women and not men are to wear this stuff only at gay events and to go butch.
No. 410934
>>410933>if you go to clubs or gay bars or pride events, you will 100% see normie lesbians wearing skimpy clothing to look attractive for other women and it 100% works, I find it super hot, the other day at my local gay club I fooled around with a girl who was wearing a super mini skirt that would ride up exposing her thong, it was fun playing with her ass while we danced and made out.
If you wear that type of skimpy clothes outside then of course men will approach you, but if you're going to some sort of gay club or lesbian party then it's THE moment to go all out and dress as a complete slut, just take a coat so you don't get harassed on the way home.
No. 410998
>>410908hate to be cruel, but if your sexual needs weren't being met early on you shouldn't have married her. think about it: if your sex life starts out below average with someone, the likelihood of it improving is next to none. i ended a 6 year relationship with my ex for this very reason. i loved her (still do) but i have a high libido, am willing to fuck almost anywhere, and she couldn't keep up. it got to the point where she literally began scheduling sex with me, which is a complete mood killer and it hit me that this would be it for the rest of our lives if we got married.
it's up to you if you wanna leave your wife, but if sexual satisfaction is important to you, consider it.
No. 411109
>>411069you should go and check yourself.
honestly lot of people miss out meeting new people and fun stuff because they just listen to people online and already have negative attitude towards gay bars, parties and so on. yes you might run into annoying bihets and straights there and troons, but you could also run into cool people. if actual gay people stop going then obviously the spicy hets are going to take over.
No. 411176
>>411171Clit, personally. Penetration does nothing for me, nor do I fantasize about it. However, most women I've slept with like some kind of penetration, dildos or fingers.
You should always ask your partner what she likes.
No. 411185
>>411171I have vaginismus so penetration is really difficult and painful for me, I like any sort of external stimulation tho
Most girls I've been with like both but end up cumming when I use the clit
No. 411186
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has anyone ever tried using picrel? I've seen pictures of girls wearing them and they look extremely hot, I also love the idea of receiving pleasure myself every time I penetrate a girl
No. 411196
>>411171I prefer receiving penetration, I can orgasm from clitoral alone but the ones I get from penetration are mindblowing.
>>411186I would be interested in hearing about experiences with these too, I always imagine they'd slip out all the time or would feel uncomfortable but they would be really convenient if they really work.
No. 411222
>>411205Sad, you'll be here when the local butch night is having its trans event. La Camionera is a recently opened new bar/cafe/whatever the fuck that looks cool, though they're reservation only on nights at the minute so see if you can book and go have a fun time. SHE Bar is cramped and tiny but generally a fun night.
Gal Pals and Dykes on Mics have nothing for that weekend, and the pop-up lesbian bar is the day before you arrive. It's a shame, I think because Pride was this past weekend everyone's taking it relatively easy in July.
No. 411633
>>411587FUCK I MISSED IT I’M SO MAD. Did anyone save it
>>411612Me too. Mine is really really tiny. If I wasn’t already barely holding off pattern baldness I would legit try the microdosing technique to grow it.
No. 411634
>>411454I hope so. Dykey looking butch women are the cutest on bottom.
>>411587>too early to explore space>too late to to see fat engorged yummy clit getting suckefwhy live
No. 411730
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>>411729There were only two or three of them tbh. But it’s still shocking to me that the person on that looks like this photo calls herself butch. This is a sfw pic but there were others she posted where we can see that her tits are long gone.
No. 411748
>>411721Some women have facial hair, doesn't even have to be a T side effect some women are just naturally hairy as shit or have PCOS or something. As for the mastectomies they could be detrans or something. Even if they're not detrans and still have pronouns, butch women with pronouns are still butch women. They're just dumb butch women. It's cool if you're not attracted to it but the real "gendie bullshit" is acting like there's a line where women become too masculine or too stupid to be real lesbians.
>are there lesbians who are legit attracted to this?I'm not really into beards because female beards usually look like neck pubes but I appreciate a little stache. I think JD Samson is hot. Kinda wish more women would go for it because imo it's cool.
No. 411749
>>411730literal fuckboi aesthetics
No. 411762
>>411730omg whaaat, my twitter must be tweaking because I didn't see her pics at all.
Yeah she mimics male secondary sex characteristics enough to the point where I personally wouldn't be attracted to her. Maybe she'll find another ftm gendie to be happy with.
For your original question, I think a few ftm gendies separate 'lesbian' from 'woman' entirely and have a mindset that 'lesbian' means not-woman, in the sense that so much of artificial womanhood is tied up in heterosexuality and male-caping that alienates them and their same-sex attraction. I guess IDing as a lesbian man could be from dysphoria and 'labels don't mean anything which subconsciously means if I speak enough nonsense, I can say the truth that I'm a lesbian'. Who knows how gendies'minds work, especially when they have enough ideological schisms to rival Christianity?
No. 411793
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No. 411816
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Does anyone else hate the question “how did you know you were a lesbian” because your answer isn’t some sappy or cute speech about always knowing or having a young crush? I found out I was a lesbian through watching some Rapunzel x Mavis ship video when I was 9 years old. That’s embarrassing to admit.
No. 411922
>>411748>JD SamsonI looked her up and god fucking damnit, I'm so mad that women like this aren't more prominent. Like yeah she's a gendie and has a stache but she's still a woman and she looks so cool even without the mustache. The "b-but she looks like a man, you can't be a lesbian if you're attracted to her!!" bullshit is literal tranny rhetoric. I get that it's not everyone's thing to be attracted to such extreme masculinity but I swear if it was socially acceptable for women to present fully masculine we wouldn't have an ongoing Aiden epidemic, all of the butches I used to know have trooned out because they were made to feel like "non-women" for wanting to be masculine. My homosexuality isn't about "secondary sex characteristics", it's about attraction to one
sex. Otherwise the AGP transbians complaining about muh cotton ceiling and not being accepted as potential lesbian love interests are right in their unhinged narcissistic complaints. You can't have your cake and eat it too, either gender is about biology in all cases or none of the cases.
No. 411931
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>>411922There's a difference between a woman expressing masculinity and a woman looking like an iranian moid
Sure you could date someone like her and still carry your lesbian card, but why would you want to? She has no feminine physical attributes. Everyone will think you're straight when in public and family/friend will whisper behind your back that you're "confused". The mindfuck of dating someone like her would turn any lesbian into a gendie.
No. 411935
>>411934>every time???
A woman can be masculine without looking like a troon. You know that, right?
No. 411943
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>>411931>She has no feminine physical attributes. kek get your eyes checked. I think the mustache must be throwing you off or something.
No. 411945
>>411943Okay, fine, I get it. You like troons. You can stop evangelizing now.
I wish you all the best and hope you find your "masculine woman".
(bait) No. 411948
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>>411816People never ask me that kek, but I wouldn't have a cute wholesome story if they did. I was 10 years old and got turned on thinking about Tenten from Naruto (picturing her naked). I vividly remember trying to quickly think about Sasuke instead because he was more popular with girls, but I just couldn't stop thinking about Tenten. I thought I was just weird until it all clicked a few years later when I kissed my female friend (who looked a bit like Tenten). Well, at least she kissed me back.
No. 411971
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does anyone else really enjoy buying their girlfriends a bunch of material things? I'm sure others would consider it a drain but I just really enjoy bombarding her with gifts all the time. She gets super cute and grateful. It's not gold digging as she pretty much never requests anything, I just enjoy buying her stuff that relates to what she enjoys. I could literally spend a fortune on one of the fashion brands she likes and I wouldn't regret it at all. I just really really enjoy it
No. 411973
>>411965i always played "the boy" with my female child friends and would kiss them too. i even
pretended to have sex with my own female cousin and we barely see each other now and have never discussed it. eek
No. 411992
>>411922>>411955>You can't have your cake and eat it too, either gender is about biology in all cases or none of the cases.We'll be long dead before JD Samson's appearance ever becomes an established norm for women because she's not a normal looking woman. This has nothing to do with the patriarchy, male gaze, etc. From birth, humans take in the appearances of other people around them and our minds subconsciously create averages around our observations. Unless born blind, every person has a mental image of what a woman and man look like. This is how literal infants can tell mommy from daddy. Show
>>411931 to a random person on the street, ask them to guess her sex, and they'll likely assume it's a trick question.
Ugly and overly strange-looking people, regardless of their sex, are less appealing and
trigger negative emotions in the people who encounter them because nature doesn't give a fuck about fairness. This is why trannies are so upset when they don't pass and cope by saying they don't need to physically transition to be trans. Biological sex and corresponding physical characteristics that signal one's sex are equally important to daily life and sexual attraction. It's delusional to pretend otherwise.