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No. 1599421
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>>1599417I don't know… are we?
No. 1600750
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Argued just a bit, but have no feelings about it. It's obvious those anons were not older than 18-20 y.o., and I was just the same at that age. Judgemental (especially to other young people), emotional, thinking in absolutes. They'll grow out of it.
Although there are sometimes anons that clearly don't even know what they're talking about and yet dare to argue overconfidently. Those anons need to shut it.
No. 1600754
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Sometimes I get in fights just because I want to vent and be angry at someone/something. Alternatively, sometimes I slink into fights already happening to try to make one of the sides angrier by pretending to be one of people involved.
No. 1600788
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No. 1602500
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Sometimes, I remember old infights where the other person was obviously being a psycho, some of them I wasn't even part of. There was really some vile shit said here once upon a time, probably a lot of it by literal failmales or trannies, but no way of knowing, and I guess it doesn't matter all that much. I can't help feeling bad that I was still reading and hanging out here because the rest of the internet was just as bad or worse (because scrotes). In quite a few ways, it makes me very thankful for the current Lolcow. At least we actually have mods now.
From time to time, I even have spiteful thoughts, but I know there's no point in that. I guess they had to have been miserable to say a lot of those things in the first place. I hope all those anons changed for the better, or got their just desserts if they're still so shitty. I hope I've changed, too, I know I've been pretty heated. I still get angry sometimes, but not in the same way.
No. 1602520
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>>1602517He's taken though
No. 1608756
>>1607952The fuck. No
Stupid ass schizo bitch.
No. 1608762
>>1608754I Agree with this, I also noticed a lot of anons bashing women for being "old" when they're just in their mid twenties or thirties. I can't tell you how many times I rolled my eyes at " she's doing this and she's pushing thirty" when in reality that person is like twenty four.
men shit on women for aging and other women doing it isn't helping.
No. 1608781
>>1608762Sometimes they'll reach so hard with the age thing and call a 23 year old 'almost in her thirties' or mock a 'grown woman pushing [age they don't like]' for having an insecurity.
I just turned 30 and it stopped bothering me years ago, but the same people using my age as an insult will go and cry in the 30+ thread because they're scared of 'hitting the wall' and they deserve it.
No. 1608786
>>1608781Nta but I think you're right.
I'm 24 and I used to be at my most insecure at 20 (fresh out of my teenage years, I was still trying to get used to being an adult) but since then I started to care a little less (gradually). I hope that in the future I will reach a point where I don't care at all.
No. 1608793
>>1608781I'm 25 and my age never mattered to me until people started calling me out for aging and saying I'm "old enough to be someone's mother"
If you're interested in a hobby, media or past time You cant mention your age because it's seen as childish that you're still interested in said thing.
But, men are allowed to age and are praised for it.
A man fathering a child at 60+? Brave, inspiring and a good father. A woman birthing in her late 30s? Sad, selfish and no good.
No. 1608819
I got into infight in some threads about anons basically calling women who had sex with their long term bfs idiots who deserve any abuse that happens to them because they didn't save themselves for marriage or whatever and are giving moids sex for free. I still think that they feministed so hard they went back to misogyny because women sleeping with their long term partners aren't doing anything wrong, and I say that as a volcel. Got called a libfem supporting sex empowerment or whatever. Made me realise that the horseshoe theory is kinda true.
>>1608781I really feel the shift in lolcow userbase being suddenly much younger, there's a lot of teens now, wonder where they came from.
No. 1608832
>>1608819They're only shooting themselves in the foot by insulting older women, but I'm long past caring. If I tried to warn them of it I'd probably get called a bitter hag who's jealous of their youth and beauty lol, they deserve whatever issues they'll get in just a few years.
I'm very happy that I was never that delusional as a kid and looked forward to getting older and being an adult with a job.
No. 1608921
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>>1599375A nona was mean to me in /g/ once and I often think about her. I’m too sensitive for this website.
No. 1608965
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>>1608928>>1608930>>1608956thank you nonnies, I will think about you all instead when the /g/ post pops into my brain to randomly ruin my day again.
No. 1609248
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I have become a militant anti-sunscreenist
And it's your fault lolcor
Your fault
No. 1609493
>>1608754i witnessed this too kek, apparently big nipples are considered ugly now?
ive seen shit like this in other female only feminist spaces, women criticizing males/their misogyny and then turning around and using the most degrading misogynistic insults towards women they dont like
No. 1609548
>>1609248>>1609543How is this even an argument, surely anons understand that different areas of the world have different UV levels and different skin types have different needs for sun protection
As a white australian living directly under a hole in the ozone layer, I need that shit
No. 1609761
>>1609548Exactly, but it also goes the other way around - I saw girls slathering it on when I lived in
Alaska because
>UV rays don't care if it's cloudy uwu!I'll let you figure out how much sunlight a person gets there on average per year. I would understand wearing it in appropriate conditions like a really sunny day (and the sun there shines at a really sharp angle, when it does, which can be quite harsh) but these people will later wonder why their hair is thinning and their immune system failing.
No. 1609791
>>1609761It was overcast, darkish and 17 degrees celsius where I was but the UV was rated 6. If it's spring-summer the UV will be moderate. Alaska can be UV 5. Perhaps they looked it up that day? Too many people seem to think you can 'know' by how sunny it looks or how hot it is. You can't. And UVA is constant which is why some people wear SPF all year round, I don't, but more recent studies have found Vit D3 synthesis still occurs with SPF on and considering the average white person needs as little as 9 minutes on 1/3 of their body during hours surrounding solar noon (11am-2pm) to receive adequate D3, I doubt they're doing much harm.
POC live in cold climates and it takes longer (hours) to receive D3, which means some populations especially religious women are deficient, but it's not lead to horrendous health issues.
No. 1612661
>>1609548>As a white australianWel you're just in the wrong place.
I live where all my ancestors lived and if I needed more sun protection I'd have more melanin. But my ancestors skin lightened because they need the sun, it would be counter-evolutionary for me to put on sunscreen.
No. 1612684
>>1612678Then market sunscreen only to expat Anglos.
But Big Sunscreen wants everyone to consoome it and they're marketing it as an essential part of skincare for everyone
And idiots are buying it.
No. 1612761
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>>1612755UV exposure literally causes accelerated facial fat loss
No. 1612843
>>1612761It literally says
excessive UV exposure in your screenshot. Moderate UV exposure is fine and necessary for the organism to function.
>>1612795I only post on lolcow when I'm on the toilet, glad I'm on your mind 24/7 though x
No. 1612884
>>1608757this is basically my went.
I get hating moids and people who are deranged but I dont get the superficial omg u fugly that is thrown to anons or cows lmao.
How sad and superficial you must be to just use that as a gotcha.Imagine being this deteriorated inside.
No. 1612893
>>1612888Nona please, if I tell you that I'm wearing sunscreen right now will you stop talking about sunscreen? I'm covered in sunscreen, I'm 8% water 92% titanium dioxide, ok? Also you're right I'm a CIA agent, but I learned the error of my ways, now I'm switching careers to Botox injector so I can protect all women from aging. If I see a woman out on the street with skin showing, well who knows if she's protected herself?? I grab the nearest garbage bag and throw it over her head, for her own safety. When the sun goes in I head to the nearest oncology department to berate all the lazy women there, how dare they let themselves get cancer? Then before bed I re-fill my hazmat suit with suncream, ready for tomorrow. You got your message across and I am saved, good job.
No. 1612929
>>1612927Thank you
nonnie, I will
No. 1612999
>>1612933not any of the anti-sunscreen anons but i don't put it on either
because of autism sensory reasons and idgaf about wrinkles or beauty and i'm african, never been sunburnt no matter the amount of time i spend in the sun i just tan really dark kek
No. 1613155
>>1613121I get you, the sheer difference between nonas who turn out to be bi or lesbian and nonas who are just porn-sick hets is so funny.
"The thought of partnering with a man feels me with dread but recently I've been getting these feelings about women and life seems so much more liveable that way, growing old together with another woman. I don't want to infringe on lesbians tho if I'm not one, should I keep wondering?" vs "I think Victoria Secret models are… kinda pretty and I could imagine them in porn scenarios. Am I lesbian? I like boys tho lol"
No. 1613157
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i usually have people on my ass whenever i post a trap/infer that i enjoy feminine ukes in my BL and all it's done is make me more hard-headed. i'll never change
No. 1614097
L8 but
>>1612693It's most likely because Indigenous peoples of the Arctic traditionally consumed meaty diets high in vitamin D, thus reducing the necessity to develop light skin such as in northern Europe.
>>1612750People of east Asian descent have thicker dermis than those of European descent, which limits the effect of UV rays on the skin—and simultaneously reducing the physical signs of aging.
All of this is to say I still recommend nonnies to wear sunscreen, regardless of your skin complexion, and apply it regularly for as long as you are outside. Make sure to use biodegradable sunscreen to protect our marine friends!
No. 1627862
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>>1627848Kek I remember that, it was in the twitter hate thread
>>1597754 I was also weirded out by it because despite being an ESL, either and neither is actually something I've never mixed up or gotten confused with before. It's quite easy to tell the difference between them imo. But the anon saying otherwise still made me double-check on the Internet.
No. 1628809
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>>1628319>I got in a small in fight with someone who kept putting words in my mouth. They were triggered about something else, so they kept trying to inject that and accuse me of some shit.I've been there before, where I said something about my experiance with a certain thing and some anon blew a fuse and started a fight because I didn't say anything about a homemade thing despite me trying my hardest to explain in a calming matter that I didn't have any experiance with it and that I only foucsed on what I knew. After that I learned to just let go and ignore them.
Recent infight I was in, just showed me how willfully ignorant some anons are, how easily rallied up/ thin skinned they are and how you have to spell things out for them, yet they still don't get it and fume about like a child.
I'm tired of coddling them and hearing their inane complaints but at the same time they are so stubborn that I think nothing will get through to them.
No. 1657884
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>>1655003was it this fight?
>>>/ot/1327759picrel was a different thread though
>>>/ot/1328887 No. 1665571
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>>1665436You just don't get it
No. 1674359
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>>1674357Are you ok nona?
No. 1680144
>>1680121I say Nta when defending another
nonnie because there's safety in numbers
No. 1680830
>>1680785please use your brain, people have tons of old devices, access to libraries, work tablets, etc. Any of them can use a vpn or switch to a dynamic IP to post. It's not hard at all unless the poster is lazy and dumb.
I tinfoil that some mods are the worst samefaggers though. Just a private tinfoil.
No. 1680849
>>1680830I'm pretty sure jannies can still see if someone is the same person, even if they use a different device. Iirc this was (somewhat) explained on a post history reveal in the past.
Anyway, you guys can't be serious if you think so many anons are samefagging and jannies just haven't caught them or redtexted them kek. Farmhands love exposing samefaggers (see the catpiss-chan debacle). Please just have to accept that there's more than 3 anons here and sometimes more than one people will voice their disagreement with you. Pretty immature to think everyone who disagrees is the same person.
No. 1680917
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>>1680849Samefag. Ok I found the explanation that staff/admin gave for how they can tell if an anon is the same person. It's from Kiki's post reveal. As far as I understand, even if they use a VPN to switch IP, they can still see the cookies and they can also tell if an IP address is from the same VPN service. So an anon probably could ban evade by using a different device and go undetected, but are most anons doing that for most infights? I doubt it.
No. 1682011
>>1681780iirc there were a handful of instances where Kiki posted without switching to a VPN, so the IP address (associated with specific cookies) traced directly to her smallish Florida hometown. This data was also cross-checked against IP/etc. data that PULL had, as Kiki had accounts there as well. The content of Kiki's posts was always pro-Ostrenga and often rabidly anti-Taylor R (and a few other weebs she hated). Her retarded way of typing was another clue (dem instead of them, retarded spellings, rhyming nonsense, SNS for "social media networks" - no one else really uses this acronym). iirc she had some systematic filenames for all the photos she posted as well.
There were mountains of evidence against Kiki. Which is why when anyone replies to an anon who can write in coherent, eloquent sentences with some accusation about it being an Ostrenga, I have to laugh. None of them can write in a normal or educated way. Attacks on posts using paragraphs are just ridiculous, Kiki could barely keep it together for two sentences before she went off the rails. Even now in her unhinged IG captions, it reads like bad fanfiction mixed with mania.
The posts that raise red flags for Kiki are usually short, angry, insulting to farmers, and try to argue that xyz threads should all be shut down since Ostrengas dint do nuttin and there's no milk etc. etc. (All this is just my opinion from reading all the Kiki posts + I study/research in a subfield of linguistics. People can change how they write but it's extremely hard to sustain that change when writing paragraphs vs. writing a couple phrases.)
No. 1683410
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The anon who lost his mind when anons said they didn't find Indian men attractive as they have high statistics for sexual abuse posted this after he got banned for the same. Infight a few weeks ago. He also posted a photoshopped picture of an insta model he followed in hopes of getting anons upset the same way he got upset when told he's unattractive but when it backfired and he got told only self hating brown men like that type of photoshopped pictures of instagirls instead of talking to normal women, he started spamming the thread until he got banned
Even now he calls anons femcels as if hes not the one chasing after instamodels and crying because some random women online told him he's ugly.
No. 1683946
>>1682232That's redundant and doesn't really mean anything. It's more about the burden of proof than anything else. Kiki for example was revealed because she was spamming gore and posting self abuse to try to make her thread seem more concerning than it was. People like Rita and Blaine are revealed because they are genuinely horrible,
toxic, and want only to cause chaos and gain attention. Anons like kirbynon are harmless by comparison and pose no threat, stringing her posts together for example really would be a fruitless endeavor.
No. 1687292
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I made a post basically trying to say that I sometimes don't reply or even read replies when I can tell an anon is angry and possibly wanting to infight, and some anons sperged out at me (saying I just can't read, mostly). Tbh I thought my post was gonna be relatable for anons but I guess not. You never really know what is going to make some anon upset.
Also, does anyone remember how insane the Royal Drama threads were when QEII died? I didn't know there were so many royalists on LC until then. I think it was two whole threads filled with infighting and I enjoyed watching every bit of it. The best days on LC are the ones when a historical/big event happens.
No. 1719839
>>1719829why? so that they can keep acting delusional and seeing and reading stuff that isn't there? these people are a lost cause running through threads crying about enemies that don't exist trying to correct them just adds to their
victim complex
No. 1866952
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What’s with the stupid cunts moralizing everything nonas post in the vent thread or confessions threads etc? I would think those are the places to not immediately dogpile a nonny who is baring their soul anonymously. I hate the sanctimony.
No. 1866979
>>1866959You've never disagreed with someone online? You instantly close every page when someone says something that might be annoying or incorrect? Good for you if so but the internet would be a pretty dead place if everyone did that.
Personally I don't understand posting publicly if you can't handle people responding, get a diary if you just want to express yourself with no feedback
No. 1866987
>>1866972No you get a diary
>>1866976And you. Get. A. Diary.
No. 1867027
>>1867003>why foundation?Because smooth even skin is considered beautiful and applying foundation is much easier then fixing your skin. Women put on makeup to look better and anything else is a lie
>>1867008I think more then 20% of women wear makeup they just make it subtle
No. 1867617
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I’m so sad the vent thread is now locked, I wanna rip on this anon so bad.
No. 1867620
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>>1867617Like no wonder they bullied her. She’s so deeply unlikeable.
No. 1870395
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the amerifag thread is still being flooded with derailing a-loggers since the great Palestine/Israel debate. I’m still reeling a bit from the infighting. are there really nonnies here that harbor genuine pol/tard views or was it moid infiltrators stirring up shit? not accusing OP of being a moid obviously, but let’s all touch some grass
No. 1870902
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What the actual fuck is this in 2x? Have the males found us or is this just a terminal pickme? Like admonish her for cheating as much as you like but “I hope he beats you to death” is so fucking deranged it can only come from moid or tranny hands.
No. 1871502
>>1870902Haha, that was me. You can always count on female infidelity to
trigger their cuck anxiety/abandonment issues.
No. 1871873
>>1871798did you get the redtext?
I agree with you btw, it's insane that of all the various places online, an anon imageboard meant to let women express themselves free of male interference is the place where your opinion and way of expression is policed the most. It's changed a lot in the past couple years.
No. 1872208
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>>1871900Yeah it is retard
No. 1872309
>>1871873Oh my gosh I've gotten the red texts several times, but what do you expect when the admin is a moid and most of the report-obsessed users are friendless creeps with no social skills? I've never actually clicked the report button because I just don't care that much.
>>1872209I don't think writing styles are the "gotcha!" that some anons think they are. You can change your writing style pretty easily every post or even copy someone else's diction.
>>1871900Whenever anons type this stuff I just think like "woah this dotard must be so fun at parties," like did you expect lolcow to stay the same for a decade? If you don't like /ot then don't browse it, that simple.
No. 1872334
>>1872309wow you’re so cool
nonnie I wish I was unbothered like you instead of a friendless creep who loves reporting dumbass shit!
No. 1872343
>>1872334You don't have to wish - you just have to change. The first step is changing the way you think about yourself and others. You shouldn't be afraid to hope and have faith in yourself and others around you. I know you responded to my comment in bad faith; but I just laugh at
you because I feel bad for you.
No. 1872361
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>>1872352This could be us if we weren't both anon… the tension I have with the nonnies I fight with on here is insane I admit it you clocked me
No. 1872416
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I didn't participate in this infight, I don't know or care who is right or wrong, I just hate the last poster in picrel from the bottom of my heart.
No. 1872504
>>1872450I got banned for 'blog/derail' for asking a question about something trannies do in a tranny thread. I don't really get what was blogging about it, since I didn't give any anecdotes or talk about myself at all. Derail is also wrong, it was about trannies being disgusting.
Basically I have learned that any post more than 3-4 sentences bothers mods and they are more likely to pick some random reason to ban you if you aren't posting Tweet-length posts. Which is sad, this was always an imageboard but the mods never used to shit on loquacious on-topic posts
No. 1872541
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>>1872471( is a parenthesis
() is a pair of parentheses
I suppose (( is too a pair of parentheses, but a retarded useless one. People just suppress the word pair cause it is obvious we're talking about pairs because it's obvious they need to be in pairs
No. 1872685
>>1872675I use lolcow while me and my ______ talk. She'd constantly ask what i'm doing but in a rude voice I finally told her what the sites about.
She told me that she googled it and said it's "Female 4chan"and started ranting about what she knew from the internet, about how it's a bully site, racist etc.
I told her that while some of that can be true, read the rules. She refused saying, "I didn't know you were like that nona, didn't know you were like that".
it's like she likes to piss me off in that way, i know she was trolling but i was so fucking annoyed because other issues. She told me later she tried to post but she didn't know how to do it.
I told her she's a dumb ass and probably would get banned in a fucking mintue. she teases me about it, saying that she doesn't use "4chan boards" and because sometimes I can be retarded about my special interest, I curse her out about it.
I love her all the same but it's just something that is so annoying to me.
Sometimes I wonder if she uses this site and she's shiting it up, but i doubt it because she's a huge twitter user and is all about modern popular sites.
I sent her the black girl problems thread (i'm black) and whats funny is she read through it agruing with a lot of it, but still talks shit about lolcow and tries to be a weirdo to me about it.
It's playful but annoying trolling but hey thats life.
No. 1872731
>>1871798Tangentially related but the autists who had a tard rage moment over "zoomerspeaking newfags" because someone used the term "Not the x" were hilarious in their spergery.
Reading comprehension has gotten really bad for the past 2 years here though. People take obvious jokes seriously or completely misread/misinterpret a post because they only read the first sentence and don't pay any attention to the rest of it so they start an infight over practically nothing. When they realize they're full of shit they start moving the goalposts and doing ridiculous damage control just to avoid admitting to being wrong or just walking away from an anonymous internet slapfight.
No. 1873039
>>1872991Exactly my issue with that thread. People take everything as a personal attack. They're almost exposing themselves every time they jump to defend anything in that thread
>>1873001I don't think it's paki-chan.
Also, that's another one of my issues with that thread is the fact that everyone throws around the paki-chan claim. I've even gotten called it once kek No. 1873566
>>1873470don’t tell me you were in the amerifag thread too
>>1873559fucking kek
No. 1873577
>>1873489Kek Mormons don’t really believe in the traditional Christian hell? AFAIK even atheists that aren’t like abhorrent mfers just end up in the lowest level of heaven
>>1873566No I actually took a few weeks off so I was absent for those shenanigans
No. 1873596
>>1873590I'm going to repeat this again:
>>1873091heed this warning nona
No. 1873632
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>>1872827Tee hee hee no.
>>1872824The actually retard-rays that are shooting out of this image are dangerous
nonnie… The fact that you actually spent real time making this… That blows my mind I can't believe you would do something so futile and retarded like that. If you didn't make this image, I'll eat crow, but even if you didn't make it and just have it saved I think you should delete it from your computer. Having an image like this is like chewing 20 or 30 grams of tobacco. Also I'm sorry but if you haven't seen people refer to this site as the farms are you even really using this site? Also nowhere did I claim to be an "oldfag," you wouldn't catch me ever using those retarded terms, because again, I'm not a mental defective like you.
No. 1873636
>>1873632nta but
>gets into drunk infights >not a mental defectivecome on now
No. 1873741
File: 1706778610021.png (394.71 KB, 1174x773, idc enough to edit it.png)

>>1873732Yeah I said "farms" again because it doesn't really matter. You're coming off super autistic by being this obsessed with other anon's choice of "farm" or "farms." You can go through any old thread and cmd+f (or ctrl+f if you're poor) and search for "farms" and you can see a million examples of honest & true nonnies not giving a single flying fuck about calling lolcow the "farms." I've gone ahead and done it and screenshotted 3 examples of anons saying "farms" in reference to lolcow I found in <2 minutes, the oldest comment being from 4+ years ago. Even though you're a mental defective though I still respect you for not denying my accusations and if you want we can still kiss to settle our arguement like me and the other
nonnie did earlier itt.
No. 1873780
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>>1873732Nta but I've seen anons say the farms for years wtfym
No. 1873825
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>>1873750>>1873773>>1873780>>1873806>>1873813>>1873821Thank you to all the beautiful-souled lovely nonnies that defended me from that retarded walrus-like creature.
No. 1873938
>>1873705That used to be the case but I believe it was clarified in like 2013 that specifically only coffee and tea (from the regular tea plant - so white/black/green/oolong teas etc) are no goes. Caffeine wasn’t allowed before then. So now, no cold brews and no fraps or lattes but super sugary energy drinks and soda mixed with even more sugar syrups? Totally fine! Also Yerba maté is fine too which when it’s roasted before brewing is basically like super caffeinated black tea. They believe in continuing revelations and have a current prophet and all that.
>>1873861KEK I don’t see why it wouldn’t be allowed?! There’s even a subReddit for lds people they are allowed online, even on sites where there is technically porn available, they just aren’t allowed to watch/view the porn. I already don’t watch/view porn.
No. 1874043
>>1873831someone infought with me over the single time I wrote "farms" when I had a legit question in meta. I only wrote it because I'd seen it here a few times, including cerbmin posting it. Interesting theory kek.
I guess I like the idea of the different boards of lc being different pastures, like a farm complex. But I didn't ever write "farms" again after I was gaslit (yes) about it.
No. 1879266
>>1878979That thread became such a dumpster fire in the later half, this is why I can't gel with the "uwu I love my nonnies" view because too many times I see anons
victim blaming women who were abused, raped, assaulted, groomed, etc. Some anons are okay but many are heartless.
No. 1880529
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Seeing an anon in the fandom discussion thread get dogpiled by anons with 0 reading comprehension on an opinion i agree on
No. 1891180
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>>1891178KEK narcs be getting offended
(selfpostception pt.2 electric boogaloo) No. 1891187
>>1891178You are such a fucking baby. I'm not a narc and I'm not offended, I called you out because it's a bizarre thing to do and it's regularly done by schizos who camp the gioyc thread. It was an oddly specific one liner, now you're whining
and brought it here in hopes someone will validate you.
(infighting) No. 1891264
>>1891260NTAYRT. Miasma is like a funky odour. In olden times they thought sickness came from foul odours so "miasma" was the term they used to mean a group of bad germs or particulates that infect the air. In the first post that used the term. The retard that self-posted these two replies (the ones screencapped in
>>1891180) got the word wrong and called it "miasmo" for some obtuse reason. They also seem to have self-posted it in the funny screencaps thread.
No. 1900839
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getting accused of being nlog on this website is like getting a dog to howl at a siren (btw I am not a coward but the thread was full)
No. 1900848
>>1900846You don't have to post other anons pwning you. You can just realize what they're saying is true and move on with your day.
>NLOG doesn't mean anything anymore reallyNope, it still means exactly what you think it means. You were behaving like an NLOG by critiquing normal mainstream athletic fashion and acting like you were better than the woman that chose to wear it. It'd be different if you had complained about how fashion companies pump out low-quality clothes for women, or how most fashion companies are led by scrotes that may influence the look of their clothing and how that can affect women, but instead you chose to outright attack a normal chick for wearing something 90% of women that workout wear. You wanted to be seen as correct in your opinion, which was: women shouldn't wear tight-fitting clothes because it makes us look "slutty," so much so that you decided to drag this topic onto a different thread to try and see if other anons would give you more asspats. The term NLOG is still apt for describing this type of behaviour.
No. 1901046
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I think I get what they mean. Women's athletic wear is owned and made by men, it's tight, humiliating and uncomfortable. I wish women would only wear clothes made and owned by women.
No. 1901077
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>>1901073calm the fuck down this isn't the infight thread. it's the post-infight thread.
No. 1904638
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Nonas how do you deal with an unresolved infight? I was really mean to someone earlier on a thread, all because I misunderstood something. I acted really out of character and like I got really upset because I thought they were trying to make me seem crazy but really they weren't trying to make me seem crazy at all and it was all in my head. I apologized twice but they didn't say it's okay or anything, even though they replied. Now I feel so guilty and ashamed of my behaviour and I wish I could make it up to them but I don't know how to do it. Does anyone else struggle with being mean to other well-meaning anons by accident because sometimes we all make mistakes and if so how do you deal with it?
No. 1911995
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is the anon who's deadly serious about the moral standards of bad horror movies still with us i wonder. why was she so angry? why did she feel she had to infight about it over the course of multiple days? there's no way some baiter incited a bunch of farmers into shitflinging about homosexual propaganda and the feminist merits of retarded b-movies or whatever the hell she was on about, right? had to have been one of the weirdest anon responses to a shitpost, i still think about her every now and again.
No. 1915673
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There's been so much discussion of bi cyclying in the /g/ bisexual thread recently I'm convinced it's either some kind of troll attempt or the people posting it are either virgins or have no experience of one sex.
No. 1916318
>>1915673I love how using the correct thread to vent about a very painful experience in my life makes you want to picrel me. Thanks. Other than being a fucking pedophile it seems like having a sexuality like mine is the only thing that gets you instantly despised by the rest of the LGB. I don’t understand why you have to be so cruel about it. I’m already suffering enough on a daily basis and now I can’t ever post about it anonymously on the correct thread without people talking about how much they hate me or what a liar I am. Like to give you some perspective here that I’m sure you don’t give a single fuck about, I already want to kill myself on a daily basis because of my sexuality, and then I come here and see that multiple people are vagueposting about how much they hate me for using the only outlet I have (I tried professional help, I was compared to a TIM by my therapist for no fucking reason). You would think I’m a fucking puppy killer or something the way people react to me.
I’ll stop posting about it. I understand there is nowhere for me to go in this world. I have to either find a way to accept it or die.
No. 1916643
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>>1916318I'm not even interested in this topic but I'm rooting for you anyway because I hate it when anons drag harmless posts to other threads (like the time an anon posted someone's suicidal vent in the funny caps thread)
No. 1916693
>>1916389I appreciate it anon. I’ll probably stop talking about it for a while though since they’re right, it gets brought up too much there lately (but for the record, I’m not the only one posting about it)
>>1916643ayrt… thanks nona. I like your cute cat pic.
I must give off a bully-able aura because
that was me too(the post that got capped), FML No. 1917413
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Oh the irony..
No. 1924277
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Fell for an anon's bait and I just know I'm gonna catch a ban for chewing them out, even though they were the one shitting up the thread.
No. 1927346
>>1927339No youre insane
>>1927336She's on vacation. She doesn't even show herself eating it, just a couple bites and she likely shared the food. You crossposted this for no reason you still sound like a hateful immature bitch
No. 1927347
>>1927336It would be if she actually ate it. You're too gullible.
Don't bring active discussions to this thread, this is the
post-infight thread. We were not even fighting. I was literally contributing in the appropriate thread for hating tiktoks/shorts (in my case I hate how they're staged like this one is). Please. I just want to shoot the shit a little, not come back from work today with a ban for infighting. Don't take everything so personally.
No. 1927667
>>1927347Lmfao you immediately called me an anachan and now you’re claiming I’m ugly just because I rightfully called out some binge eating mukbanger with an annoying fucking voice so
>we weren’t even fighting!Is false. You decided to start an infight with me. You had to take it sooo personally just because you gorge your pie hole day in and day out
>I’ve never been fat!!!Burgers never think they’re fat, because being a fat cunt in your country is so normal that only people who drive around on their rascal scooters are called fat. Come to Europe or even better, Asia and see what they think of you there.
>>1927353If you’d ever had to struggle in your fucking life, and I don’t just mean struggling to get off the couch, you’d be rightfully disgusted by mukbangers and the way they gluttonously stuff their faces and waste food. You assume just because I hate it that I must be an anachan? I’m a normal person who isn’t a greedy gluttonous cunt and knows what it’s like to not know when my next meal is coming. Pull your head out of your ass because the whole fucking world is not America and we don’t binge eat for fun in the rest of the world.
(infighting) No. 1927689
>>1927336I see this person occasionally, I don't typically like this sort of content but I like her and will stick around to watch her vids. That being said, this isn't the thread for this. Don't continue your ongoing infights in this thread.
>>1927676She doesn't have an only fans, where'd you get that?
No. 1927723
>>1927711I've been craving that specific taste for ages
>>1927720Yum a crunch wrap would be great right now too
>>1927721I love aburi sushi but can't eat it which sucks. Is fried sushi just the stuff on top or do they fry the whole lot?
No. 1936202
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kek made me laugh
No. 1939877
>>1939668I'm going through some shit irl and was vague about it to someone (I don't trust/know her well enough to tell her about this but it involves a few things including assault). Anyway, she is kind of a fake performative feminist and recommended that I watch Poor Things to cheer me up. "My friend thought it was misogynistic and male-gazey, but I thought it was empowering and amazing!"
All I could think about was the countless posts on lc about this weird as shit movie and I just thanked her for the suggestion. Don't think I need to see this movie anytime in my life, esp not now.
No. 2019325
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>>2019315Yes, I was the anon who was so sleepy that I mixed up the Hardy Boys and Boxcar Children. And it's okay nonna, anger is a thrilling emotion even when it's not healthy. It's hard to resist the allure. At least that's what I'm telling myself so I don't feel silly.
>>2019319Nonna no, I kept my own dumb ass up. You're good! So gonna go catch all the zzz's now though because I'm becoming picrel
No. 2020045
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>>2020031damn nta but
No. 2020048
>>2020042>I thought it was just a place to discuss womanhood? Who the hell ever said anything about tradthottery?I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t actually read the thread
>These overly agressive and assumptive responses to my extremely neutral post is far more infighty than my first comment. Go clean out your shower drain.Lol
No. 2020101
>>2020090Kek, sorry fixing a typo
triggered you so!
No. 2020102
>>2020097But that’s what this whole conversation is about, anons sperging out because they saw the feminine energy thread and assumed that meant tradthot. I’m not saying
you yourself said it, it’s a general ‘you’
No. 2020103
>>2020102Keep trying,
No. 2020109
>>2020105And samefag, I didn’t even use the word you in the post you replied to? I said
>How is saying “feminine energy doesn’t = trad thot christcuck slave” in any way slapfighting? We both know it isn’t, because it is just the truth. Which for some reason is hurting the feelings of LC resident gendiesI’m not sure if you responded to the wrong comment or what happened but now you sound a little confused
No. 2020127
>>2020060>if you seriously see the words “feminine energy” and immediately think to yourself “slavery to men” then you might need to change your view of womanhoodHave you looked at other websites that discuss "feminine energy"? It's all very stereotypical backwards stuff and "bimbocore" shit. Interesting how anyone who doesn't buy into that is automatically getting accused of enby shit, as if woman can't be anything else.
>>2020093Not wanting to be a stereotype isn't "hating being a woman".
No. 2020141
>>2020135But, I do understand the context…I watched the thread get uploaded in real time…nobody ever had any acceptance for ‘bimbocore’ propaganda. They were literally just talking about female power and
energy kek. If you read those words and think yourself ‘bimbocore’ then I hope I never come across your search history.
No. 2020142
>>2020138NTA did
you read the thread? Genuinely? Did you not see the misogynistic homophobes flocking to it to dunk on unfeminine women?
No. 2020162
I have "masculine energy", guess I should start going by he/they now according to farmers kek.
>>2020142and that other post telling celibate women to fuck off, calling others "failwomen", etc
>>2020151>>>/g/400763>>>/g/400781>>>/g/400808 No. 2068946
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I nearly a-logged an anon in the news stories thread who I know probably meant well. I assume she misinterpreted my post asking another anon to verify their claim, but to accuse me of not caring about a 12 year old girl getting gangraped… I legit saw red. Sorry for infighting with you, nonna. I know you just cared about the victim. But damn that pissed me off lol
No. 2070148
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I love that nonas have gotten banned for infighting in the infighting thread.
No. 2093696
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Made me kek
No. 2093948
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I don't really get in infights because I stop replying if it's like talking to a wall, but it grates me when anons try to moralize and guilt trip you over their own neuroses. A few months ago a nonna sperged out and went on a tangent about bihets because I mentioned in 1 sentence that I was bi (and I don't have/want a Nigel so it was a totally innocuous post kek) and someone else jumped in to defend her with a literal Tumblr-tier post like "but this might be her coping mechanism after having a bad experience or a bad day, please stop being so ~negative~ and try to understand uwu." I wasn't even giving 1/10th of their energy back to them btw. I think it's funny now because of the SJW logic but at the time I was admittedly quite peeved. Why are moralfags such sensitive narcs.
No. 2093972
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I cannot believe the wet egg infight in the Pokémon thread is STILL GOING ON KEK
No. 2117122
>>2117111>They look for buzzwords and react automaticallyZoomie tiktok brainrot in nutshell. I say this as an older zoomer. I genuinely fear for the future of humanity given this generation’s (lack of) reading comprehension. I also think younger anons are more likely to sperg out and hold extremist/black-and-white views, but such is youth. However, there’s also a subset of oldfag friendless NEET anons will be hostile for no reason other than “muh ib culture” and “we’re not your friends!!1” (see the “I ♥ my
nonny” thread). Both types of anons are cancerous imo.
No. 2117320
>>2117122i can't find the “I ♥ my
nonny” thread. link?
No. 2118234
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I have been infighting free for a month.
No. 2118878
>>2118865yeah it's been pretty bad especially the past few days
you say one thing someone disagrees with and she/it spergs out, literally fucking loses its mind assuming you're the same person it talked to somewhere else. it's crazy.
No. 2118886
>>2118875you're right nona. i'm pretty good at ignoring most of the stupidity and rolling my eyes at it, but in this specific case a nerve has been struck.
i told them i've dismissed their opinion because they clearly didn't understand my post, but if they reply to me again i don't know if i'll be able to hold myself back and i'm afraid i might give them an insult, maybe two. but you're 100% right. whatever they say next i'm gonna ignore it
>>2118878it really is nuts. i have never understood how people can automatically assume everybody who disagrees with them is the same person, it's ridiculous. i agree with you that it's been worse lately too
No. 2118891
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>>2118875Tfw the post infight clarity hits.
No. 2133741
>>2129947Yeah. Or you go back and fourth with them and they start claiming they’re a different anon to either make you feel guilty for arguing back or make you feel like you’re being outnumbered.
Personally if I enter into any discussion on here, good or bad, I’ll say “nta” to make it clear.
People do this IRL as well. Start shit and then can’t handle the heat so start being manipulative or sympathy seeking.
No. 2133800
This happened awhile ago so I feel it's okay to talk about it. Idk if this is just a more recent site demographic shift this year, or maybe this has always been a thing but I somehow got lucky and never encountered it until this year. Anons acting unhinged and schizo over infights. I had one start infighting with me, thinking I was a different anon, when I tried to explain I'm not that anon and to stop trying to accuse me of shit I did not do, they then went unhinged and kept dragging it to an entirely different thread to direct anons to join in on the infight on the original thread. At that moment I completely stopped replying because I honestly couldn't tell if they were just actually mentally retarded or if it was a troll trying to infight for fun, either way I didn't want to get banned for something so fucking stupid. In the whole other thread she took the infight to, anons were telling her she's retarded and she kept claiming they were me. In the original thread, anons there were also telling her she's wrong and she kept claiming they were me. Kept going off and calling me a bitch and stuff kek, little did she know that I hadn't replied for hours at that point. This went on for literally 2 days until she finally stopped. It was the strangest thing to witness, like she thought I was some boogeyman out to get her, over her own weird misunderstanding of thinking I was someone else. I've never encountered someone like that on here til this year. Any other infights I've been in, it ends and that's that, we both know that we are probably replying to each other in a whole different thread not knowing we were infighting on another thread. Or we get banned and move on. This anon though, dios mio… Made me realize how glad I am that this place is anonymous, because someone that unhinged over her own mistake was definitely not someone I would ever want knowing any info about me
No. 2143155
>>2141826Did I say it’s the greatest problem? Stop putting words in peoples mouths. You wouldn’t like it if people said things like this about your country either. It isn’t banter to laugh about people being killed and stabbed is it? Banter is stuff like “lol their teeth are fucked!”
Or is your reading comprehension so poor you think I’m complaining about this stuff
>people say stuff like our food sucks, our teeth suck or we are uglyWhen I literally said I don’t care?
Learn to fucking read and stop putting words in peoples mouths.
(infighting) No. 2163829
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its okay me too nona
No. 2165636
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>>2165132yes lmao i was complimenting a certain style and saying how i wish i could pull it off and she called me a weak pussy
No. 2165659
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>>2133800Grow a pair, oh my god they called me a bitch in the internet!!! It’s schizos!!! It’s this, it’s that, close the fucking computer bitch. Barely anything has changed except for getting on a couple of newfags like you who can’t handle infights. It’s not that serious
No. 2165701
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>>2165640butch alpha chad style like pic rel
No. 2225243
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>>>/ot/2224972I'm only just now seeing this. Yeah, go cry about it to your papa or something. This isn't your little fairytale fantasy where women can and should only feel compassion, love, heartbreak, and the state of being a complete doormat. If you were actually understanding of the female gender, you would know that we feel many emotions as well as the
lack thereof. Log off and touch the real world, faggot. I will have low empathy whenever the fuck I want while holding two X chromosomes until the day I die.
No. 2225915
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>>2225353Her blonde era was lethal
No. 2236226
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It's very shocking how delusional a couple anons I've interacted with recently seem. First I fucked around with the tarot readings and some anon straight up said she was "naturally good ngl" at tarot readings and could read me "to filth". Which.. is hilarious and also concerning. Then I pop over to the Bechdel thread today and I see anons fighting over it again, and one anon was saying essentially, it's manipulative to call yourself a tarot card reader, and then the same sort of thing happened again. Only this time, the anon did do a "reading" and basically called the anon an attention seeker with mommy issues. Like, how is that not just showing how retarded you are? Unless the anon responds with "damn, you're right, I suddenly believe in tarot readings", all I'm getting from that response is confirmation that people who call themselves tarot card readers or psychics are spiteful, unhinged, manipulative liars. Lmao.
>I bet I can read you to filth
I bet you get all of your lingo from Drag Race stars and have a personality disorder. Am I a psychic now? Do I believe… in the heart of the cards?
No. 2237039
>>2237028I know,
nonnie. I need to grow up.
No. 2237946
>>2237630It's fine if people do it for fun, but when people charge you money to do it and use that as their way to profit off of people they're scumbags.
>>2237779Not on a high horse, I'm actually right lol. Free readings are fine, it reminds me of the sonic totem, but when miss "I can read you to filth" showed up I knew I was dealing with someone who likes to con people for a living.
No. 2239570
>>2237946>It's fine if people do it for fun, but when people charge you money to do it and use that as their way to profit off of people they're scumbags.Cool story but no one in the tarot thread is doing that.
>uhhh I just knowBut I thought you were supposed to be the rational one? The more you keep this up, the more autistic you seem.
No. 2240120
>>2239861You're just not making any sense. You have a suspicion that the anons are evil con artists, but the purpose of the thread is to give away free readings. If you want to criticize the evil con artists, why not do it someplace where they are actually charging people, instead of in a thread where it's free? It's pointless and only targets the free thread itself. I really don't care about your critiques because it is pointless like you just said
because everyone has already heard them before, but I'm going to call it cringe when you act like a Reddit user owning the libs, because that's truly just how I see it.
No. 2266062
File: 1731957286003.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.89 KB, 700x440, IMG_3137.jpeg)

I’m so iconic because I generate mass-reply posts that catches people’s attention. Oldfags are capable of doing this multiple times because you begin to crack the code on how this website works. If only I applied this to my real life I would be making hundreds of not thousands generating rage on my truthful tweets, videos or some shit. Candace Owens destiny swapped with me(spoiler)
No. 2266415
>>2266073Must have been MySpace
>>2266094I love getting replies, they’re fun.
>>2266301>>2266387>trying to start an infight in the infight thread I see that you’re a connoisseur at this
No. 2275643
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>>>/ot/2275603>post opinion about interracial coupling and attraction>"coping yellow taxi"anon, I think it's interesting that me being some kind of asian pickme is the first thing you assumed about me. You even used a slur for that. I'm not even asian, so whatever bitch you imagined you would be talking to? I'm not the one.
No. 2303622
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I made some nonnie so mad she deleted her post and hexxed me KEK