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No. 1892546
>>1892312Have you ever thought about taking an art class as an adult? That could help you develop better skills/drawing habits that you could apply to whatever style you’re aiming for.
Or if that’s not an option, find other artists that have the style you want to have and study their work. Really analyze every aspect of what makes their artwork the way it is (color, shape, line quality, etc.) and practice those skills individually instead of trying to make all of them happen at the same time. Always use a reference, either from real life or a photo. It’s just way easier to figure out propositions when you’re looking at something irl. My final piece of advice is tracing. Tracing can help your hands get a feel for what they should be doing and develop muscle memory. Obviously never ever post traced art claiming it as your own. Any tracing of someone else’s work should be just for practice/your eyes only
No. 1892667
i don't really have anywhere else to post this but, my mom might have cancer. we don't know yet, but this has been the most devastating news i've received in my life in a long time. she has a large fibroid on her uterus that needs to be removed and everything i am reading points to it likely being benign, but of course the retarded gyno she went to see is claiming that her bloodwork is coming as that she has something going on but he "doesn't know where". he also doesn't want to remove the gigantic mass that's pressing up against her bladder and her veins, which caused her blood clot. yes, she's going to go see another doctor. she's going to city of hope, which is an oncology center for those who don't know. i have faith everything will work out because my grandmother went there when she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and they did a great job keeping her alive for 10+ years even though she did, eventually, succumb to it.
it just hurts nonas. i've been crying off and on for days. i love my mother. i don't want her to die. i want her to grow old and see me finally graduate from university, see me finally get my life back together after my difficult childhood. we haven't always had the best relationship, and it's only just started getting better. i feel like we've begun healing from our past and now i feel like when my life has finally started to begin, there's the terrible possibility my mother won't be here to see it through. she's only 57 years old. she's too young in my eyes to die. i know she hasn't been told, definitively, that she has cancer, but you know how someone plants those seeds in your brain and then they start to grow and fester in your mind? it's like i can't get over it. i've been thinking about all the wonderful memories i have of her, and how if she's gone that's all i'll be left with. i'm not ready to say goodbye, i don't want to see my mom suffering through chemo and radiation and all the bullshit that comes with fighting cancer. i don't want to watch her suffer. i don't want my last memories of her to be her in a bed riddled with tumors. that's not how i imagined life, that's now how i imagined her going.
i've been praying and praying. i have visions of my mother as an old woman, happy, walking with a cane, and that's the life i want to see her live. my mother is a beautiful and kind and sweet person, and she doesn't deserve this. i know no one does, but this is my life, and this is my mom, and i want to watch her grow old and die a peaceful die, not one of torment and pain and suffering. i just want to be happy. i just want to find peace. i don't want anything but that. i wish i had a magic potion to save her, or that there was something i could do to help her. but the only thing i can do is pray and tell her how much i love her every single minute of the day. i don't understand why my life has been so hard and painful. i feel so alone.
No. 1892680
My husband is starting to annoy the shit out of me. Literally all he does is complain. He complains about work, about my family. My family called while back as a group a while back and asked me how I was. After the call my husband asked "did they ask about me?" I said no, and he said "of course. I fucking hate my in laws." Like SORRY? But he only complains about work constantly, is in the worst mood all the time, he was making pancakes (passive aggressively commenting on having to clean dishes before them) and then said "oh look now there's RUST in the pan fucking great". I looked, he just burnt the butter. I'm so fucking done, I'm not in a bad mood that much, but he is CONSTANTLY mean, passive aggressive, complains, either about work or politics, and it's FUCKING ANNOYING. I asked to see the fish store today and he turns it into such a fucking monumental inconvenience that I don't want to go. He didn't used to be like this, but he's just been getting worse and worse. I can't even complain, i know it's work that's stressing him out, but if he gets stressed about one thing he extends it onto everything else and starts hallucinating issues out of thin air, like rust in the cast iron as he's making pancakes. I complain and he turns it on ME. Just fuck it
No. 1892692
I'm angry at everyone and nothing makes me happy anymore. It's not even the people around me I just feel like shit and I have no idea what the root cause is, it's been like this since the new year.
>>1892680I wouldn't take anyone talking shit about my family nonna, I hope things get better for you.
No. 1892727
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>>1892680He must first recognize the exact reason, why he's acting like a little bitch, only then he'll be able to unfuck himself. This video might help.
No. 1892781
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I set myself the goal of reading one book every ten days and it went well until a bit more than two weeks ago, then I got sick and haven't touched anything with pages except for manga, because those are easy to read for easy entertainment. And now I'm about two books behind.
Inb4 don't set yourself goals and deadlines, just read when you feel like it–no, if I do that I don't read at all, and I mean At All.
No. 1892812
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>have a close friend who started spiralling after a breakup
>she suspects she has bpd
>spend a ton of energy to help her out by researching health care options, telling her what to do, like go see a doctor, go to the emergency room if you feel like you're going to hurt yourself etc.
>friend keeps acting self destructive and claims she's manic even though she doesn't have any delusions or typical "mania behaviour"
>she gets a therapist appointment in may so i tell her to regularly see her doctor in the meantime
>friend does not do that for some reason and destroys her other friendships
>have to repeatedly tell her that she really needs to see her doctor because she's like "what if my doctor doesn't want to see me :(:("
she keeps saying she thinks she's manic and i'm like ok then you need to get help asap? and the fact that she keeps claiming that she's manic irks me because it feels like she's just using it as an excuse for her behaviour and not taking responsibility. like, she's not having any delusions or genuinely manic in any way.
i'm losing my mind here. i have bipolar 2, but am completely stable because i've been on meds and seen a therapist for like 10 years now. so i totally get what kind of situation she is in when it comes to navigating the health care system. i don't have much of empathy for her though because at age 19 i managed to take responsibility and get help for my mental illness all by myself. we are in our late 20s so i don't get how she is unable to do anything by herself. and the mental health system in our country is free! i don't know what to do nonnas like how do you deal with bpd fags?
No. 1892832
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I'm so burnt out all the time. Feel little joy in anything anymore. I wish I could end it but I'm too much a coward and don't want to hurt my loved ones.
I feel like my life has stolen by mental illness from a awful childhood. I want to go to therapy but at the same time feel too exhausted to even try.
I love my husband but the past few years have really ruined my ability to fully trust men and I already struggled to trust anyone in the first place but now I'm kinda a blackpilled doomer and have a constant fear and paranoia about my husband even though he's never given me a reason to, to this extent.
I constantly feel overwhelmed. I wish I could just die in my sleep.
No. 1892936
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Miraculously managed to get to sleep last night with the throat and chest pain and breathing strain. My lungs ache today. I'm gonna try and book an appointment with a GP sometime next week to figure out the issue and get an exam. Ran out of money again. Called my dad crying. I hate my life.
Please my mental problems are bad enough please do not give me a physical illness on top of it. I need a job first. I'm tired of encircling back to the woe is me pity cycles but it's real hard to stay positive when you literally feel like you're being squeezed drop by drop. I was very lucky to spend most of my life with minimal health issues and then I spend two and a half years neglecting myself mentally and physically and I'm afraid it will kill me. I've had a few bad episodes and horrendous mental health all my life, but luckily stayed alive. Could be the onset of adult asthma, could be GERD, could be nerve damage from self harm, could be heart issues, could be cancer. I'm just mad at it cropping up out of nowhere and of course it has to be in a painful, traumatic area. Every time I've gotten severely sick before the onset of this, it's been respiratory, I have a sensitive chest and neck, and I have abuse trauma related to choking. God hates me. Why does God hate me? I did nothing wrong. Feels like someone is plucking at my heartstrings and my esophagus, pounding on the top of my lungs just to watch me writhe and groan. It went away, I thought it was over, it came back. Fuck me.
No. 1892997
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I’m going to sound awful but I can’t fucking stand boomers and their boomerisms. Today was my mom’s birthday and my parents spent the entire day sitting in the living room on their cellphones or watching the news and listening to the police/EMT scanner. I left when they were both napping to go sit at a coffee shop and do work and another 60-something couple were the only other customers inside, sitting at a table with speakerphone at FULL VOLUME. I do have older coworkers who are amazing people but god it’s like boomers have all the worst traits of every generation
No. 1893004
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I've given up on dating or finding love nonas. I feel like I was being punished by love, growing up being bullied by them and making me feel like shit because of my name and how I look.
Just when I felt confident enough to put myself out there in the dating world, they just got up and left me again even though I was nothing but nice to them and they always made excuses like "I'm good but it's not the right time"
I'm almost 24 and feel like such a loser just because I want a bf. It feels like god dangles love right in front of me, and takes it away when I tries to grab it. Maybe I do deserve the punishment…
No. 1893073
>>1893060Hello fellow TMJ sufferer. It's been over half a year of nonstop pain and things are finally improving but I'm still having trouble eating. I don't even have insurance but I heard most insurance doesn't cover treatment at all which is ridiculous because this condition affects eating and talking and your quality of life suffers so much. Don't lose hope anon. Do you know what
triggered it and how long you've been suffering? Stretching and exercise has helped me. Caffeine was making me clench my jaw so I quit it until my muscles are healed. Heard heat is essential and will be trying that as well. Good luck anon, and I'm wishing for pain-free days for the both of us.
No. 1893083
>>1893073It mostly started a few years ago when I was under intense stress with my mom being hospitalized. Things have calmed down since and my stress levels are pretty down, and I've been avoiding caffeine other than a cup of green tea in the afternoon. Do you have any stretches you could share? I've tried some, but not sure what's most effective. I've only iced it and never actually used heat, but I'll definitely try. Thanks for the tips, it's definitely rough to deal with, hope things get better for you
>>1893076I don't think I've ever even seen fly agaric where I live, haven't really looked much I guess though
No. 1893118
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>>1893083Look up TMJ stretches and massages on Youtube. I'm a couch potato so getting up and simply being more active was what I did, I walk and dance and make sure to stretch my upper body because it's all connected. I heard from one person that hot yoga solved all of their problems, probably due to a mixture of heat and stretching the muscles. Also make sure your posture is good, both spinal and oral posture. If your tongue is in the wrong position it can cause pain (it's supposed to be flat at the roof of your mouth, not touching your teeth). When you finally have your jaw in a resting position, it can heal. If you can afford it, get some massage work done as well.
Thank you anon and best wishes to you. I wouldn't wish this hell condition on my worst enemy, and the worst part is it happened seemingly overnight. My facial muscles are so fucked I'm not sure if they'll ever recover when it's already been 7 months of this, it's unbelievable how some people can live like this for a decade or more. My muscles are not as tight as a few months prior but I keep getting random tingling in my face and scalp that it makes me think I'm about to have a stroke kek, but it's just my TMJ. I know exactly what you're talking about when you say the pressure is so intense you feel like your head is going to explode. Hang in there anon.
No. 1893214
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God I can't wait to get over my ex. I did some snooping after we broke up and I am disgusted by the things that I found out. I hate to think that I wasted my time on someone like him. I was so in love with him though. He deserved none of my patience and affection.
No. 1893316
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I'm trying new workout videos on YouTube and Caroline Givens workouts are fine but her facial expressions are so stupid. She looks like a monkey. I hate her stupid smirks and looks of exasperation. Who puts on makeup to work out at home? No other workout coach makes me feel like this except her. Why does she make herself look like this? Give me MadFit any day of the week.
No. 1893469
her ex is probably on his way to becoming an AGP, his twitter feed is just chaser memes, Femboy only fans accounts and TRA accounts. Since being a gymbro isn't stopping his incel tendancies there's only one stage left in this pipeline. Either way he will always be an ugly loser scrote who has to resort to larping as a feminist and "queer" to get dates. The ugliest man I have ever had the misfortune of seeing.
No. 1893501
Meanwhile she just happened to look their direction and smiled
No. 1893503
>>1893469Why is it always like this with women like that? My feminist “friend” ended up dating the guy who abused me and “fixed him” and now they’re both acab feminists and im pretty sure my ex is going to transition at some point because he thought women lived in easy mode because they can get laid (???) and have only fans. I’m pretty sure he will murder someone in the future too.
Anyway sorry, fuck people and fuck that girl and her shitty ex and their rapist friend, you didn’t deserve any of that.
No. 1893518
>>1893503> he thought women lived in easy mode because they can get laid and have only fansWhy do moids act like there aren't thousands of faggots out there willing to pay for male content? You wanna be a manwhore? Go ahead. They wanna play the
victim so bad.
No. 1893529
I wish this obsession with being super young would stop but I know it never will because of Hollywood, the beauty industry and the media that acts like you're dead after 25. Make people feel old so they consoom more.
I'm in my early 30s and a lot of people in my group talk about our age as if we were disintegrating mummies. Scroll through millennial content long enough and you'll see so many baby millennials who have no children, no wrinkles and still have really good health acting like they are 75 and have a hip replacement surgery scheduled for tomorrow. You're in the adult category now, you're not a young adult but you're not elderly. You're not even middle age yet. The worst part is that all of this has had me questioning my sanity and if I should be feeling the same way, but I feel just as good as i did 5 years ago
>>1893518They'd only be interested in doing that if straight women bought their shitty videos. Same logic of the idiotic men who post their cheesy dicks online and make sure to say "only DM if you're a woman". It's about validation from women and women only
No. 1893926
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>what IG and YT will allow anyone to see with no restriction
Influencers with their tits and entire asses out, advertising dodgy supplements and doing promo for their plastic surgeons
>what IG and YT will censor so that nothing shows up in search results and/or only "mature audiences" can see
People trying to raise awareness and fight against animal abuse
I hate the current internet in so many ways
No. 1893950
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>sick for days
>start feeling so terrible that i can no longer ignore it
>go to doctor
>told i have either bronchitis or pneumonia
>get a shot on my ass cheek
>in addition to feeling like death warmed over my ass now hurts
No. 1893988
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>>1893987I just went back on and this was the first post. Wtf is this?? Why would I want this? What man painted this? Why is the dad looking at her like that? Fuck the world
No. 1893992
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>>1893988meds anon there is nothing weird about that, that's just a shoe advertisement. The 'dad' is also not the dad, he's just a worker.
No. 1894007
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i tried ZYN for the first time a few days ago, it felt energizing for about less than 10 mins then i got a stomachache for 6 hours
No. 1894014
i have a new job and it's great so far but my new coworker is driving me insane. she's 60 and knows nothing about computers. she can barely type a text in word, but as soon as she has to do anything in outlook she's entirely lost. one time she wanted to open an image file and the prompt appeared that asks if you want to open it in the windows photo gallery once or always and she called me over to help her because an "error" appeared. it was not an error, it was the prompt for opening the image file. stuff like this happens like 20 times a day. she also doesn't understand how computers or the internet work. for example, she thought if she took her laptop home, she wouldn't be able to access her files (that are saved on her hard driver). she also thinks our printer is stupid because instead of reading properly where to select the page she wants to print, she just inserts the number 3 in whatever text box appears. which usually ends with her printing a 20 page document three times. she just never reads what's on the screen. when she sits down next to me, she goes "woaaahhh, how do you do this, you're so fast, what is thisss" and is baffled by programs such as the text editor. last week she sent me emails to add to a list of invites to send out and when i just copied them as is into the BCC field (because i was too lazy to create a contact group) she was shook and asked if i could print her the emails as written in the BCC field so she could combine them into a contact group on her computer. it took like five minutes for her to understand that the email addresses were already on her computer, in her sent emails, because she sent them to me that way. she just wanted them to be printed so she could type them letter for letter… this stuff keeps happening over and over. everything is always an error and oh so complicated and computers are so stupid and never understand what she wants. mind that she's a newspaper journalist…
she also has a tendency to discuss things forever, like constantly wanting to "optimize" our work processes but only making them more unnecessarily confusing and useless. i don't hate her but she's sooo annoying and exhausting on some days.
No. 1894072
>>1894071I'm not even the anon you were discussing with. Keep the meds you were throwing at the other
nonnie because you need em.
No. 1894098
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>>1894095amos sewell was honestly pretty bad at drawing faces kek but you have to be pornsick to think that drawing is creepy. Like I already said, he rarely drew little girls. He mostly drew mothers and soldiers. Anons just dont know anything about art but talk out of their ass anyways, pedo art was a filthy frenchoid thing, not an american thing.
No. 1894169
>>1894153Ikr. I don't know how people can look in the faces of their own sweet kids and decide to instill
toxic mentalities and behavior into them. Maybe he'll break free from it when he's older, idk.
No. 1894348
I wish I had more girl friends. I can hardly relate to women in my age group (mid to late 20s) because they have either a career or family meanwhile I was stunted due to depression, like I have no idea what happened from years 17 to 25, but now I feel stunted mentally and now I wish I had female friends I could throw old fashioned pj parties, watching movies/anime, eating snacks, falling asleep on the floor etc.
>"But nona, you can do it even if you're a grown up!!"
Nah, it doesn't feel the same. I miss women's affection.
I have a nigel, he's a nice nigel, I don't miss physical love and I get plenty so it's not a romantic thing but I wish that when I feel sad, some girl friend would hug me and support me. Maybe do my hair if I feel extra shitty…sigh…I would do all of it in return for them
No. 1894430
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idk where to put this but i only just found out that molly moon does onlyfans porn and it made me incredibly sad
i felt so inspired by her doing weird unique horror stuff that isn't usually created by women online, so seeing that she has an onlyfans felt like some kind of karmic slap in the face
like how dare you get excited about this incredibly cool female creator, of course she does porn, all noteworthy artistic women do porn, right? that's all that's really marketable about them in the end, right???
No. 1894441
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>>1894430I too was depressed to find out she had one. She had this great idea but still just had to go and be another internet whore. It's all so tiresome.
No. 1894485
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This type of shit is so repulsive. This is the kind of shit you'd expect them to pull out on epstein island while holding the women at gun point. Willingly playing this shit is lame
No. 1894501
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I left him a couple days ago but I miss him more than fucking anything. I can’t believe I fumbled this badly. He hugged me in a way no one else ever has. When I handed him the letter he looked so happy because he didn’t know what was in it. The last message he sent me said “we can try again, when we are both fully ready and willing.” I left him on delivered, I didn’t know what to say. It would be pathetic if I started begging for him back when I’m the one who left
No. 1894505
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Sometimes i get so sad when i look back at art i liked a lot and the artist changed artstyle… picrel.
No. 1894513
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>>1894505I know all about that, it's so sad…
No. 1894525
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>>1894513Anon I've been following her for a decade and these graphite pieces were always very rare from her. Here's a piece she did from the same year. I think the biggest difference is that her work is a lot more colorful now, when you do muted colors or mostly inks, it's easier to mask your mistakes, but in color they will be very easy to spot. I do think her work suffered quite a bit from commercialization and needing to take commissions and constantly put up work on Instagram to feed the algorithm, but she still makes lovely work. From the one you posted, one was a gallery piece and the other was something she did quickly for fun. That being said, I could write a whole essay on how artists needing to be drawing machines on social media have ruined things. Feels bad man.
No. 1894541
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>>1894505>>1894513I've needed to complain about this, too. I've had it happen multiple times but the most recent offender was this artist I loved when I was way younger and recently rediscovered. Spoilered because I don't want to subject venting nonnas to some uninspired anime schoolgirls drawn for the coomer demographic in a thread like this, but the top row is the old art I had been inspired by in my youth and the bottom row is the shit he's churning out on twitter these days.
There's no denying that he was always a horndog and drew the ecchi & hentai to prove it, but the difference between even the worst examples of his old art compared to his new art are still like night and day.
No. 1894555
>>1894541Omg nona i know, i used to like his art too even the actual ecchi one but now it's just so flat and lewd, it doesn't even have that seductive charm it used to have.
His soft and colorful shading was so pretty and suited his artstyle so much, can't understand why he would even choose this cold cell shading now, can barely distinguish him between all those current artists… at least the figures still have something in it.
No. 1894571
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When my ex told me he had been falsely accused of sexual assault, I believed him because he had confided in me about being molested as a kid and as an SA victim I can’t imagine doing that to someone else. I broke up with him when I found out just how many allegations he had, but I can’t help but miss him despite everything and I feel like a piece of shit for missing him. When he was sweet he was so, so sweet. I remember him laying his head in my lap and letting me run my fingers through his hair so vividly.
No. 1894606
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The Mormons aren’t going to let me ghost them, are they?
No. 1894617
My crush likes my friend (who is in a relationship) many such a case. He won't even like my instagram posts, he hates me that much. I wanna jump off a cliff.
>>1894571at least you cut him off, it's fine for you to miss him but don't engage in helping him gaslight or lie about his
victims if he ever did that. And next time take into considerations scrotes are more likely to get raped than to be falsely accused of rape.
No. 1894619
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I wouldn't want to be friends with pedo enabling virtue signallers either
No. 1894621
>>1894441just take into consideration she's doing it for money and probably couldn't get other jobs.
considering how many scrotes would kill sex workers at the drop of the hat I'm not gonna stop support her just cause she used to have an only fans page
No. 1894626
>>1894609What you need to do is
>umm, actually posts statisticsand then enjoy the mental breakdown
No. 1894639
>>1894626I really dont think it would change their opinions honestly.
I've been friends with them since the first year of highschool, which is the only reason why I've half maintained the friendship.
Not to say that I'm the pillar of living a good life, but one is a gay man who bed hops and just wants someone to love him but keeps choosing literal criminals, very medicated, has breakdowns often.
One is a neet 29 y.o whos never had sex, lives in his parents house and bitches when they use the wifi to download a movie while hes trying to play a game (not really a friend, hes just in the chat).
And the other is a girl whos divorced her husband because she found someone online who later dumped her, bed hops looking for love with a child and a mortgage with the ex husband. When she was leaving the husband I had asked what the reasoning was, which she said she just didnt love him anymore. But turns out there was someone online overseas she wanted to get with who ended up ditching her. Shes bringing men around her 4 year old daughter too which I've tried explaining the issues behind that. In one ear and out the other.
She was asking me about her "situationship" and how the dude shes fucking has said he has 0 interest in anything outside of sex and she was asking me if he will change his mind on it because shes catching feelings.. I dont think she liked my advice on that but seriously come on! Please make better choices please!
Obviously theyre more than their shitty decisions but I've always found it odd when people who are clearly miserable have opinions that shit on others, if that makes sense? Like shitting on this person whos concerned about drag shows with children being exposed (4+ age bracket btw). Its like taking financial advice from someone whos 500k in debt or dieting advice from a death fat obese person. The smugness' gets me too.
No. 1894652
>>1894643Its just frustrating seeing the childish ass patting eachother while theyre all miserable. And knowing they wouldnt listen to any sort of stats or facts I gave them around it makes me so angry. Typical left sort of leaning mentality, they never want a discussion about social topics because it makes them uncomfortable. In person I've talked about some stuff and they agreed but obviously not if they think the other person is the retard for finding issue with drag kids shows.
>>1894648We hardly talk anymore, maybe once every 2 months I will message the chat about something and get half a conversation. The activity in the chat today around the drag show was the most active its been in ages. Its a small town and you can throw a rock and hit someone that knows one of them so I dont want to rock that boat. I'll just stop replying and let myself slip away from their brain, it wont be hard.
No. 1894654
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An anon saying she laid an egg after she heard some anime man speak Russian made me laugh really hard for some reason. The husbando thread is an egg farm(not a vent)
No. 1894659
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>>1894609>>1894639I looked further into the drag show, I cant post the actual picture without doxxing my homedown but the advertisement has a hairy male in an underwear showing tutu and lowcut crop top. Like the tutu sits out at the hips so you can see his cock bulge. Shitty pink wig. I dont even think you have to be conservative to find an issue with someone looking at that with 4+ year olds..
No. 1894815
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>>1894573Jesus I thought I wrote this. I feel this on such a deep level. I wish I could say something encouraging. Life always feels like it should be more than this…
No. 1894831
>>1894573Are you taking care of yourself? Eating properly, exercising, getting quality sleep? Do you have a vitamin deficiency or some other hidden illness?
Are you just bored because you don't have friends you make meaningful connections with? Humans are social creatures. There are so many things you can check and change to see if it gets better so don't give up. The one thing you know is that it's bad NOW, so it can't get much worse from trying new things can it?
No. 1894945
>>1894933It’s because of my state. My state just has strict laws. If you’re going 15+ over and more than 55mph it’s an automatic license suspension and court appearance regardless of of it’s your first offense and fighting it won’t help since the officer has digital proof. It’s also a misdemeanor and so I will now have a criminal record. I wound up trying to walk into work but I’m in the bathroom now because I saw my reflection and I look like I’m on death’s door, my face is so drained of blood that I look green and my eyes and nose are blood red.
Thanks you though anon
No. 1894963
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I got my period, it hurts, I want to eat plain bread, or bread with butter, maybe something like bread with tomato paste, olive oil, pepper, bell pepper, parmesan cheese, mozzarella cheese and dried tomatoes.
I hate that I tend to crave carbs and sweets this hard during periods, I prefer when I just want to eat steaks, specially when they're cartoonish looking steaks. I want a steak with a very nice salad and rice or fries.
No. 1894965
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I want to play Baldur's gate right now but my nigel is being difficoult and doesnt want to play. I have a campaign on my own but I'm at the end of the game there and finishing is too emotionally taxing and I've been procrastinating.
No. 1895151
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why do i have to be so obsessive and weird i think im in love with my friend but it's so retarded. im so retarded. im too embarrassed by the state of my life to try and pursue a real relationship and am too awkward and insecure anyways. finding other gay women is apparently impossible to so. idk why im even thinking about this i think i develop impossible crushes so that there's no real threat of anything happening. but goddamn i think about her every single day. it's so nice to have a friend again. wish we were talking right now.
No. 1895173
>>1895166oh to have a ld relationship with an older woman who's good at art. is she russian
No. 1895187
Urgh my head is about to explode! There is an idiot old moid in our neighbourhood, who is taking care of his daughters dog, but he let's the dog roam free without supervision even though it's illegal in my country. That even happened twice when the (female) dog was in heat. I have told him twice, first time nicely, but quite rudely the second time. And after that it has happened twice, last time today less than an hour ago. The dog was out of eyesight and out of control, it even went to bark at a child and the moid didn't even make an effort to catch it.
That moid is a creepy as well, he was asking me when I will have kids and started to argue when I said I won't have any. God I hate him so much, the dog is innocent and that moron is breaking the law. Poor dog could be run over or attacked by an animal or stolen. Also her daughter is an idiot too, the dog is in long term care because she is building career. Fuck them all and I hope they give the dog to a good family, she doesn't deserve this.
No. 1895188
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I know this is said here like every single day but seeing a female troon next to a real XY chromosomed man is always so bewildering. They’re so effeminate not only in the way they speak and carry themselves but also they’re physically smaller and physiognomy wise they’re just so obviously female with the non existent brow ridge, weak chins, small heads, and minuscule shoulders. Why would anyone want to cosplay as a man when you could just be the beautiful woman that you’re born as? What the genuine shit could have gone so wrong in your life that you feel the need to do this?
No. 1895221
Since I was a kid I was a people pleaser and to this day I feel extremely useless and powerless. I feel weak.
My closest friend basically hates me because she’s insecure about her life and she’s always trying to degrade me in one way or another.
When we were teenagers she used to do the same old and typical shit, talking bad about me to others (specially boys, friends, people who knew me), always laughing at me and basically she bullied me during my high school years.
When years have passed I thought she would grow up and mature but then it got pretty dark because she tries to boast about how much I mean to her and basically judges every aspect of my life with her passive aggressiveness.
She comments about the way I look, the way I talk, the things I choose and even the people I spend my life with. I can’t meet with anyone without her commenting about how toxic other people is, how I’m not spending my time in the right way, how much she would like me to be stronger and different.
During the first years of our friendship I convinced myself that she was acting this way because she was worried about me and I feel like I’m trapped inside a toxic relationship because even when I can’t comprehend it, I love her and I care about her. Even when she treated me like shit (and still does it to this day), I feel like she could change any other day. Maybe I’m just hoping too much.
No. 1895242
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Accidentally got the wrong toner for my hair (wella 8g) and my hair turned out like a dark red brown shade not like its pic so now I have to shampoo bleach it today and tone it again and it costs money I don't have ugh but I look immensely uglier with this shade, my blonde is so nice ugh and I am just that vain about my looks I refuse to have it any longer
No. 1895260
>>1894887>>1894903I hope you didn't quit or kill yourself. This is not worth quitting over. If you have money saved, or can borrow it, use it to hire a traffic lawyer. It should cost a few hundred dollars. Losing your license for a month on first offense is ridiculous. You probably misunderstood or the cop lied. But if it's true, a traffic lawyer can absolutely get you out of that and get you to keep your license. Charge in on your credit card if you have to.
And if they heard you yelling, so what. They will just think you are weird for few days and then forget about it. No big deal.
No. 1895264
>>1895255To add articles have been released about things we already knew. That there was never shortages on food, housing, groceries. They just wanted to hoard the money so billionares get richer and we get more poor and desperate. For no reason other than dick measuring contests "look Ibroke records. Look at these numbers. Wha? More than half the US population can't afford to buy a home? Most people don't eat three healthly meals a day? Lol that's great"
So when it was all exposed they were just like "And we'll keep doing it. It's 'legal'. What are you going to do about it?"
No. 1895266
>>1895221>Maybe I’m just hoping too much.You are. Pick up Co-Dependent No More and any book on how to stop being a people pleaser. Reading them should give a new perspective on your friend. Also, maybe read up on emotional abuse and/or verbal abuse, cause your friendship is actually an emotionally
abusive relationship.
No. 1895294
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I wish sisterhood was real unfortunately i hate everyone
No. 1895311
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>be me
>still not over ex who broke up with me two months ago
>crying almost daily, he already has a rebound
>"maybe I should go outside and take a walk? That might make me feel a bit better"
>sees a couple slow dancing in the park
I'm almost fucking thirty and this is the first time I've ever seen something like this happen. Who the fuck slow dances in a park at 9 fucking pm? This couple apparently. I am convinced that life is just trying to make me kms at this point.
No. 1895340
>>1895303This made me kek but I hate my sisters too. One is a dumb prostitute who thinks sex work is empowering and thinks the fact that married men risk their relationships to buy her is proof that she’s attractive. My other sisters are like fat Regina Georges and I’m kind of scared of them. They all chose to side with my
abusive parents over me though, and I was abused very severely. I can’t stand any of them.
No. 1895350
>>1895311Oh I'm so sorry
nonnie, how awful. My ADS are all tinder/hinge/bumble and I swear god is torturing me too
No. 1895361
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Everyday I get on here to talk to nonnies and think “I better not be banned this morning” and yet sometimes I am. Always for a ridiculous austistic reason too. It shocks and hurts my heart every time
No. 1895391
>>1895370lol thanks
nonnie, hopefully its ok, I worked this job before so fingers crossed
No. 1895412
>>1892812I'd say give her an ultimatum. "I'm not going to talk to you until you do go see a doctor and I need proof."
>>1895303>The other is always trying to be famousKek. I know two girls I went to high school with who are like that, to this day. Both are convinced they're about to be this next Internet famous influencer. It's been a repeating cycle for both of them for years. I can't imagine having a sister like that.
No. 1895430
>>1895260I didn’t quit but I tried to go in and had to leave early because I couldn’t stop crying at my desk and my skin was green. I didn’t get the information from the cop, I got it from official state websites and guess what, not only will I lose my license for a month but it’s also a misdemeanor so I will now have a criminal record. And I found out it will raise my insurance rates 200% for 3 years. For doing 70 in a (mostly empty) 50 one time because I was late to a meeting. Which I admit was stupid but why is the punishment this severe? You’re right anon, I will need to hire a lawyer, even though that’s not even a guaranteed outcome. I just don’t know if I have the will to go through all this, and for what. I hated my life and wanted to die even before I was faced with losing my job due to losing my license, a misdemeanor on my record, $1000+ In court fees and a 3x hike on my car insurance.
>>1895399I was also thinking that drug would be the best, you always hear about people accidentally keeling over from it so it shouldn’t be too hard to die from. I have no idea how to get it though because I’ve lived a very sheltered life’s And thanks for the tip about the ID and note, I didn’t know that.
No. 1895480
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My family is filled with narcissists and addicts and I hate them all. They always called me ugly and other insults, and I can tell looking back that they were just jealous and competitive. I feel like I lost a huge portion of my youth to depression and self hatred after dealing with them, which they made fun of me for by calling me weak and stupid, claiming that I was faking my depression while simultaneously claiming I was severely mentally ill. I wish I had cut them off sooner because they’re all degenerate pickmes
No. 1895508
>>1893691I got to class early and he asked me how I did on the exam. I couldn't tell if he was just making idle conversation or he knew and was phrasing it like a question to bring it up more subtly. I just responded with "not great" and he said that apparently a lot of students struggled, and he was trying out a new testing method that ended up being more work for him anyway.
It is relieving to hear, but I'm still full of regret and I still believe the grade is mostly my own fault. Slacking on studying was only going to hurt me regardless. I could've at least gotten one more question right and had a C.
No. 1895573
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I hate modern clothes so fucking much. That and plastic. Whoever invented plastic has a special place waiting for him in hell.
I've been watching a tone of Gilded Age/Downton Abbey recently and got really into the clothes which, especially in Downton, are famously exact and accurate for the time period, when they weren't straight out of the actual time period (lots of vintage pieces on it). And watching these, I got gradually kind of mad at how poorly we are all dressed now, because basically, industrialisation/late stage capitalism/fast fashion thanks to increasingly cheap labor+ cheap material.
Cue me going to check my clothes and a LOT of them are made of polyester, viscose (the plastic of clothes) and god knows what else, barf. I even had a "wool sweater" with actually only a tiny % of actual wool in it and all the rest is poliamid and acrylic.(picrel…I guess it does technically contain wool).
I'm increasingly irritated at how everything looks basically cheap and ugly today and everything is made from plastics. My parents have furniture inherited/bought in the 80s, it's all real wood, furniture that actually look sturdy, good, and not all black and white - today it all looks as if they've just bought it. If I want to buy similar stuff, I can't, I have to buy fake wood in monochrome IKEA that all look like plastic.
I fucking hate what we've come to as a society on many levels, but especially on these at the moment.
My future flat or house will have 0 IKEA, no TV, as little plastic as feasibly possible, technology reduced down to my smartphone and cleaning/cooking stuff, and I'm starting to make my own clothes with actual fabric that doesn't contain a tone of harmful chemicals. I've even ditched my plastic pens and bought myself a vintage wood fountain pen with ink on eBay kek. My sister and I started writing letters to each other because we're just both absolutely sick of social media, WhatsApp, smartphones in general.
No. 1895675
>>1895574Me too, nona. It sucks not knowing if I will either be able to find a job in a few more months or god forbid, a few more years. I feel like I'm so close yet so far. Some recruiters sound impressed by me and like I might get a chance from one of them soon, but they could just be saying what they say to me to everybody else or I might still not hold anywhere near a candle to all the competition out there with better connections, experience, or personality…completely ruining any chance and luck I would have otherwise had.
It's suffering and I just want to sleep all day because of how depressed I am over it. And kms soon, if I even had the courage.
No. 1895824
>>1895820Even if that’s true, this
>I feel like I am going to cheat on him again. He is forcing me to.proves that you’re a fucking dumbass. No one is forcing you to do anything. Just break up if he doesn’t satisfy you. Who would even want to text you anyway? Why would anyone be happy to text a clingy cheater? Especially after being seriously ill.
No. 1895844
>>1895825Anon find a better man, mine and >>1895798's bfs would definitely text us after ICU visit, even with limbs hanging off
No. 1895857
>>1895850yeah, like, you're acting a bit spazzy now but I guarantee that you'll probably rebalance yourself when you step away from him/block him and find other outlets for your pleasure. also, depending on a male for validation is self-flagellation. don't do it.
>>1895853um, it's kind of sad that not being fat is your defining quality. I'm not fat and it really isn't that interesting.
No. 1895980
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seriously? I was looking for archival swimwear and this was in the recommended. I hate moids so much its unreal
No. 1895984
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I don't feel good. My life is a mess and I have nothing that makes things feel alright. I wish I had just one thing, one small piece of hope to cling onto. How am I supposed to go on like this for so many more years. I don't want to be here. I can't relate to very many people. Besides my parents, Im not attached to many people and find it difficult to be. I don't feel like Ill ever find the right person to end up with and will most likely spend my life alone. Im too picky. I've been through so much trauma. I don't want to settle for what I have before. Why does society make me feel like such a freak? I'm tired and my chest hurts. I want to be young again, when none of this stuff mattered. Existing hurts. If I chose to quit going on, id ruin my mother's life. So I have to keep going somehow. But I dont know how.
No. 1895992
>>1895980holy shit
>>1895981guilty as charged
>>1895781dump him, ghost him, leave him. It will never get better. I've been there.
No. 1896013
>>1895997This is going to sound harsh, but people are probably being horrible to you because you come across as weak to them. It's a bit of a Catch-22 when it comes to being depressed/having low self esteem while at the same time being earnest and wanting nothing more than to form positive connection with others. The normal people wanting to connect with you won't be able to reach you because you're stuck inside yourself in a hole of low self esteem, and because of the latter, you also can't perceive their efforts to become close to you and feel alienated and alone. That leaves the abnormal people, who see your depression and need for connection as a weakness that they can exploit, to hurt you to feel better about themselves. And they're attracted to your scent like dogs.
I relate a lot to what you're saying and even though we did not have the same experience, I've spoken and thought exactly like you for the majority of my life. It was only with therapy, a safe environment, and a few extremely traumatic experiences regarding loss of friendship and being alone, that I can look back on who I was at my lowest and understand why it seemed people did nothing else but mistreat me.
No. 1896105
My best friend is starting to get on my nerves, I like hanging out with her because we've known each other since forever and can talk about crazy shit together and she's the only person I know who doesn't support trannies. But I swear to god, she is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. And I can't fucking stand it. Back in 2020 she lied about having Tourettes (when everyone and their mothers also claimed to have Tourettes). I knew right off the bat that she was lying and I found it so pathetic. I've known her since she was born and she never fucking had Tourettes. It's been 4 years and she's never mentioned it again after that day too. I also just ignored it. Nowadays she's saying she has autism. Yeah fucking right. I feel like she lies to make herself seem more interesting, because she's a normie. When Deftones was trending all over tiktok she started saying that her dad introduced her to Deftones as a kid. KEK. As if your 30 year old Muslim dad would put on Deftones in the car. Get real. She also claimed to like Nirvana since her childhood, but I've always been a Nirvana fan and my Instagram was basically a Nirvana fan account for a while years back, and she never once said "Hey, I love Nirvana too!". But now that it's popular to like them, she jumps onto it. She also says she can't remember her entire childhood due to trauma but can suddenly remember these little details when it's convenient for her. She also tries to skinwalk me so bad, to the point I don't even talk about myself to her anymore because I just know she's going to use it to help her skinwalk me better.
I was talking about Final Fantasy one day and how I was introduced to it by my dad, and she told me her dad loves it too. Yeah fucking right. I feel a little bad, because she's probably trying to be relatable so I don't leave her like her other friends did but it's just making me lose respect for her because WHY ARE YOU LYING. Just be yourself. I used to ignore her blatant lies when we were teens because I thought she'd grow out of it, but now we're fully grown adults and she still pulls this shit.
No. 1896112
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I usually get normal ads - insurance/bank stuff, temu, festivals, clothes, crypto scams etc. Now I've started getting the occasional ad for Turkish hair and beard transplants and some very random stuff in Hindi.
What is going on? Google and Insta with all their data probably know more about me than myself. I wish I could see why I'm being shown these ads. I'm crazy paranoid. Best case scenario someone is using my accounts, worst case I'm in the demographic for English women in their late 20s that move to India and go trans.
No. 1896133
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>get recommended vidya game videos
>one has a cute nerdy moid
>watch a few and check the links on his yt
>immediately see his twitter
>mfw pin tweet has stretch/inflation commissions open
Why can’t moids have good opsec? Do they just lack shame or don’t realize that posting your fetish art with your real name and instagram linked is retarded as fuck?
No. 1896158
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It has been two years and I still hate the memories of my old job so much. I had short hair and I was questioned so much about my "gender" by everyone. I was the only one who was asked about pronouns.
I find myself searching articles and advice on "how to be more femenine/cute" and it's depressing when I look back into it. I feel better knowking I'm not alone, but this shouldn't be happening anywhere.
No. 1896162
>>1896099I do the same ngl. I know I'm going to regret it later, but being away from people makes me feel energized later.
Try to do fewer days so you don't miss so many classes. You can do it, anon.
No. 1896164
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Very deserved
No. 1896166
>>1896164Indian men are the most sex-obsessed
abusive fucks on earth ; indians killed their female daughters and would make them sleep outside when they had their periods causing thousands to die of cold…
and then they want us to feel bad for the men LMAO?
No. 1896178
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>Took today off work to do get some bureaucratic stuff out off the way
>Finish all that before lunch
>End up clicking around Youtube
>Watching videos of music festivals I went to a couple years ago
>Realise I haven't done anything wild since before Covid
Have I slipped into the boring and lame part of my life without knowing? It's dawning on me that no one goes for crazy drinks or plans holidays anymore unless it's with their BFs. Some of them even got married. Before Covid we'd be planning trips by now. We never went skiing, backpacked Asia or went to Tomorrowland. Fuck I can't believe this is over.
No. 1896204
>>1896202I mean there's a wall between the toilet dans the shower…. it's two different rooms
the wall is just a bit thin
No. 1896239
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>haven't been a doc since 2019
>want to have a breast reduction
>have to schedule an appointment and complain to the doctor
>sounds easy
>get to appointment
>"ok anon, any questions?"
>walk out
>realize i didn't ask for a reduction
why am i so retard? now i have to wait another month to talk to her again
No. 1896333
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Idk where to post this but anons obviously trying to bait Jill aka pixielocks into doing stupid made up fake "autistic" things is funny and I wish stupid anons would stop trying to disprove it, yes it's fucking fake but don't point it out!! That's the entire point!
No. 1896344
>>1892039It's calmed down.
He doesn't leave voice messages, and I no longer live in the same state as him. I have met him in person, but honestly, I have more screenshots of his just as insane ex, whom I have never met in person, harrassing me from back from when I did live in state. They're both straight up horrorcow status.
No. 1896361
My dad was very mentally ill for a long time, he just hid it when he met my mother and then started showing it over time after they got married. He would threaten suicide to control her, and when she didn't immediately back down to him then he would start downing pills by the handful until she did. There was one incident when I was really young where he essentially threatened to kill himself and take us with him, saying how much better everything would be if we could all just be together as a family in heaven. She sent him back to his mom after this, intending to start getting some serious help when she felt like her and I were both safe. He ended up committing suicide afterwards, and she's blamed herself ever since. My mother is nothing but a victim of this man, she holds no responsibility for the way that he was, but convincing her of that has been an impossible task my entire life.
Now she's with a deplorable moid who is abusive to her. Similar situation, former highschool sweetheart, reconnected a few years after the death of my dad just by chance. He used to be really sweet and good to her in the beginning but then turned abusive. She helped get him sober, he doesn't work, doesn't even do things around the house. She works, cooks, cleans, and he still verbally abuses her and makes her cry almost every day.
She just takes it though because in her mind she has decided this is her karma for causing my dad's death. She also knows her current boyfriend would get back on drugs if she kicked him out, and then he would probably die too so to her that would be the death of two people she caused.
She won't go to therapy, she won't listen to reason, she just suffers every single day. She really is the best person I know, and it really eats away at me seeing her do this to herself. She's never known peace even once in her life. That's why all I can do is buy her things, make sure she has nice stuff, take her on vacations, fly out to see her when I can. It's the only good I can contribute to the rest of her entire shitty life. I hate men so much.
No. 1896363
>>1896359I meant that tour fairy aesthetic is cute and I like it from a nonsexual point of view
(learn2embed) No. 1896379
>>1896363Ok that is pretty neat. It'd been interesting to see what would happen if she didn't have to pander to coomers.
I still think her accent is very fake though.
No. 1896424
>>1896361Your mother did the right thing in making sure that you would be safe. It's not her fault that a selfish moid decided to do a permanent temper tantrum to try and fuck things up and make everyone else feel bad.
It's shitty when you can't help your mom, but she's an adult and what she chooses, is what she's gonna do. It's not your job to make choices for her, even if she's making the wrong call. I'm sorry. She's probably just comfortable like that.
No. 1896463
>>1896361MRAs and everyone else loves to bring up how high male suicide rates are but suicidal scrotes and still scrotes and abusers who do kill themselves to punish their
victims. it's hard for DV
victims to free themselves. if her current boyfriend died it would be better than for her to be the slave of a miserable leech who takes out his mental health problems on a poor woman.
No. 1896495
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I want to be a neet again. Going to class reminds me of how isolated I am and going to work reminds me of how poorly I am at interacting with people. I don't wanna sit in classrooms anymore, I don't want to deal with creepy drunk men and poorly behaved children and their retarded parents anymore. I want to sit in my bed and play pirated video games and waste away. I know I'll hate it and my self loathing will take over, but the idea feels so much better than what I'm doing now.
No. 1896654
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I'm a scandifag with lots of (mostly white + woke) american friends online and they just love to tell me that "reverse racism isn't real", that I must be SO shocked if I ever see a black person since we don't have them here (we do, I see them on the daily), that I simply do not know or understand black culture AT ALL unlike they do from living in a culturally mixed country. Yet somehow when I bring up any african singer who sings in a native language they think that's SO super exotic and strange and I must have found it in some obscure corner of the internet… when I literally heard it on the local mainstream radio where they regularly play it. My classmates taught me words in swahili, which was their native language. The americans talk about "black names" and say it's names like "Denzel", "LeBron" and get shocked when I tell them I've known like 10 black men named variations of "Abdullah" because "umm no that's like a muslim name" yeah and they were muslims, as many african countries are muslim, what's your point??? The "black culture" here is from africa, but somehow that isn't "black enough" for these americans.
No. 1896690
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>>1896672>special cousins not sure if you’re a canadafag or a britbong but just know that your time is up before we invade your country and force you to eat processed foods until you become obese and die of cardiac arrest
No. 1896737
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I wish all zoosadists a very nice kys. May the law fuck you in the ass, may the doxxing continue and may more countries legislate against your worthless, abhorrent existences.
No. 1896792
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What stupid autist has been a janny for the past few months? Idc to sensor the ip since it's a popular VPN but this is actually my ban (they rarely are) that I'm coincidentally only seeing now, I remember this response being lighthearted parody at an anon who dumped a guy and found out be was a furry or something. I have never been more sarcastic on the farms in my life–so we just aren't allowed to joke anymore? There was nothing remotely serious or even aggressive in this interaction and it got a permanent ban. What in the hell
No. 1896822
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No fucking way the Mentally Ill trannies are transing Cybersix.
No. 1896823
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My boobs keep getting smaller…my life is in shambles. I was a DD and now I'm a B cup and if "they" get their way, I will be an A cup. I can't keep buying new bras.
No. 1896826
I hate when fat people with average to pretty faces mope about how ugly and hideous they are when they could literally fix it in 6 months of diet and exercise and be normal. Similarly, I hate those cringe ass Reddit subs about being forever alone due to ugliness and then everyone posts their pics and they’re all completely average looking. People need to realize average is AVERAGE, not ugly.
Being ugly means you are talked about as being the ugly girl, people asking you out as jokes, being mistaken as a mentally retarded adult with her carers when you go out for walks with your parents, being told by your ugliest friend in high school that she thinks she could “glo up, everyone of us (in the friend group) could glo up!……even anon!”, it’s posting your best pictures to photofeeler and getting rated 3 out of 10 on every photo, it’s being almost 30 and never having been on a date, it’s having people suggest plastic surgeries to you without you asking, it’s your entire family never asking you about when you’ll find a partner because even they know you are too ugly to find love.
Average people have no idea how insulting it is when they pretend that they’re ugly.
No. 1896829
>>1896788yeah, just be weary of overidealizing him. some women that are used to horrible male behavior find a relatively decent man, but then are so desperate to cling onto him that they ignore red flags or don't have an escape plan just in case he isn't as kind as he first seemed.
>>1896822I don't say this often but that's genuinely
triggering. ugh.
No. 1896833
>>1896825Purely genetic, I think. When I lose weight my boobs are the first to go.
>>1896827Please please please please please please please please I can't take it anymore nona…
No. 1896879
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I'm never going to be part of society
No. 1896913
>>1896792KEK nona, I'd like to imagine you
triggered some jannie with a very imaginative mind who became flustered when your post appeared in her head. She had to ban you.
No. 1896914
>>1896826Everyone values beauty, even I value beauty, beauty is nature's way of indicating good health and fitness. There's a reason we instinctively recoil from ugliness and find it hard to look at. What's hard for me to accept is the randomness of it. I didn't do anything to deserve being born looking like this, I just was, it's just random luck that I wound up like this. It's just luck that I was handed this poor genetic combination. If I had anything else going for me, anything else others appreciated or valued, I could justify continuing to live most likely. But I have a very bad personality, I don't have a single friend, and I have mental illness that makes living difficult every single day, and on top of that I offend people just by passing by them. We've reached a point of intelligence as a species where we are able to recognize when we are living an existence that is not valuable in any way. I am draining the world of resources, offering nothing, inspiring pity at best and cruelty at worst, and hating every minute I'm alive. it's so empty to realize you are a genetic failure in every way. I would like to die but I want to do it in a way where I wind up in the ground naturally, obviously no one is gonna help me by burying me after I kill myself, so my current Idea is I will dig the hole myself in the forest, take a lethal dose of some illegal drug, get in the hole and scoop the dirt onto myself leaving a long cardboard tube like from a wrapping paper roll, to breathe out of until I die, and eventually it will rain enough that the cardboard will soften and decompose and I will be closed inside the ground. This seems like the best plan except that I don't think the timing would work correctly, I'd have to be mostly buried already maybe and then take the dose and then quickly bury my head. I would hate to lose consciousness before I could do that though because then animals would eat my exposed head which is just nasty, and then probably people would find the grave. I'm also thinking about what I would like to take with me into the hole, I think in the end to make it simple i'll just wear a comforting item of clothing, I'm thinking the fleece hoodie my mom gave me that she wore when she was pregnant with me, because it will bring me comfort. And since I don't intend to be found, I will have to set up a scheduled email with the explanation note that will send out automatically to my parents a few days after my death. It'll just basically say if you're reading this I am already gone, very sorry, please do not look for me I'm in the earth exactly where I wanted to be. It's definitely an asshole thing to do to my poor parents who have always been good to me but I can't keep going anymore without any reason. I also feel bad because my brother is also a mental case and will either be a leech on them forever or also kill himself one day, which is so unfair to my parents and I used to say "I need to live so that my parents have one living child at least" but again, why was I born just to suffer and sacrifice for others? I do feel really horrible about it but I can't do anything about it. That's just how it goes. My poor mom. Sorry mom.
No. 1896965
>>1896936What were the chances that he joined the same server you were in? Unless you two have similar tastes and hobby it seems kind suspicious…
Consider if you have anything in your username, bio, or mutual friend list that would make him think it's you. Stay safe out there anon.
No. 1896975
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Randomly remembering that when I was 5 I had a crush on the vampire from the little vampire like…? What the fuck being a child is so humiliating
No. 1896984
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Just found out I have early onset arthritis in my hands. Good thing I didn't pick a degree that needs me to use a keyboard all day or that society needs fingers to do literally everything. Haha wouldn't that be funny?
No. 1896986
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>>1896975I had the biggest crush on John conner from Terminator 2.
No. 1896994
>>1896980Everyone did to be fair.
>>1896982Oh I had a crush on him in SEVERAL movies. I am actually so embarassed by how boy crazy I was at that age because I was simping for fucking anybody. I'm surprised I never liked Stuart little or something equally as stupid.
No. 1896996
>>1896972You don't understand. He is stalking me, he's threatened to behead me, he's threatened to kill my pets, the police won't do anything because he hasn't shown up in person. It's not me caring what he thinks of me, it's me not wanting him to have any possible interaction with me, he doesn't know I'm pregnant and since I had talked about pregnancy cravings (didnt want to bring up pregnantcy here sorry but its relevant) and my crafting baby related stuff I don't want him to find out I'm pregnant from people talking about me when I leave. He knows the suburb I live in, before I knew he was stalking me and had previously posted a picture of a sunset out of my window so if he really wanted to, which I wouldn't put past him now as he's got a huge folder worth of random shit I've said that doesn't matter, he could figure out where I live. He's developing schizophrenia and the stalking is so thorough I wouldn't put it past him to snap and come find me when he find when he finds out about the baby.
>>1896979Disboard is up and running what do you mean?
No. 1897000
>>1896966idk maybe the bare minimum of ignoring my post if you find it so ~cringe~. I guess that's too much to ask.
>hm looks like anon has no friends and nowhere to go so is posting her suicide plans on>2 separate anons: well, better insult her and tell her she should be beatenin true lolcow fashion i guess.
No. 1897030
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>so I can suck mad dick
No. 1897069
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Picrel is just moids in general. They have no empathy for anyone but themselves and their penis everything is solely for their benefit. Just the shit they fling at us in general, generative ai, things that somehow invade even more on our nonexistent privacy, shit that’s poisoning children’s brains. Someone will always say that this would happen anyways. It wouldn’t if moids weren’t all driven by greed and lust. They’re the ones all in power but they’re all irrational and impulsive. Women aren’t the ones fucking raw chickens. Idk if i’m making sense i’m very tired right now. My point is males are evil.
No. 1897081
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>Riddled with bad sleep and nightmares since October. No trauma just came out randomly
>Trying to sleep now (5AM) but every time I slightly nod off sleep paralysis demon is just standing in the corner
>Not even afraid of him I just wish he would spook me or fuck off
Come on you useless fuck do something. If you're gonna keep me up stop being such a prick and do something spooky.
Useless arsehole. I'm actually mad at myself for having such shitty ghost fucks.
No. 1897089
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how have I never realized the confessions thread is always nun themed? im dumb, glad I did'nt get a ban. anyways picrel is cute.
No. 1897101
I don’t know where to put this, don’t wanna dirty the confessions thread with gross TMI/debate stuff. But I guess this is also a confession, a vent and a genuine question. So. Im heavily radfem leaning and I know I’d get burned at the stake, but I can’t for the life of me agree with some of their views on kink, ex. “They’re all product of porn sickness/if women have kinks it’s all to please men” because I don’t fuck or date men, don’t watch porn, but I have a very specific interest on a non-sexual bodily function I’ve fixated on ever since I remember existing, si like 4-5. I’d compulsively draw it, I’d organize play activities with my cousins around it, I’d sew plushies with my mom except I’d make them themed around /that/, pause any cartoon that showed that theme so I could observe it with detail, and so on. When I went through puberty the interest remained the same but now with sexual feelings. As an older teenager I learned it’s a relatively common fetish and ideally I’d reenact it with a woman; men absolutely repulse me. I also can’t see what’s immoral of less radfemmy about it. I guess it’s both a confession and a request for clarification.
No. 1897105
>>1897085>they don't pay rent I'd never thought of this and now I'm more mad. Useless freeloader.
I've seen other ghosts in the past, like the Banshee, and they had the politeness to leave when they were done. This is just annoying.
No. 1897127
Nonnie that was you??? I was the one that commented the nun thing and I was so confused when I couldn't find the thread again. I said it jokingly because in the thread before the last one there was this one autistic anon that was having a melt down about the nun pictures.
No. 1897132
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I'm mad at myself for not buying three containers of blueberries. I got my period and those bad boys taste wonderful right now. Problem is I don't want to be a pig and eat them all when I said I would share. Why did I screw myself when the blueberries were a good price?
No. 1897148
>>1897147samefagging i know it's shitty to just view other women as competition and my mindset in this post is pretty
toxic but i needed to vent. I never cared about my looks but when people don't care about my safety just because I'm not cool or popular enough that makes me wanna break down crying
No. 1897164
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My posts keep getting ignored it’s not as fun
No. 1897352
>>1897347Males have that effect on everyone,
nonny. Don't beat yourself up about it. My cousin doesn't say it but she obviously hates her kid and palms him off to her parents any chance she can. After meeting him once, I understand why because that kid does not shut up or stop being loud and annoying.
No. 1897356
>>1897352I don't think it's a gender thing. Husband is way batter than me with kids. Kids just suck in general. Annoying arseholes who have half the intelligence of a dog and a quarter of the usefulness.
>palms him off to her parentsI wouldn't nock them too much. My one day a week when he stays with my mom is the only peace I get.
No. 1897371
>>1897367There's an anon that's got some weird vendetta against the moderating here. They've been shitting up meta since hellweek complaining about moderation.
They've been samefagging in threads responding to their own bait to instigate infighting and sometimes just to clock a ban to post the screenshot and complain about the moderation. Take a look at meta and get your bullshit radar tuned.
No. 1897469
>>1896963In the case of a bombing no one is checking your licence when running away kek. And watch some youtube videos on how to steal a car so you will feel less anxious about this disaster scenario
No. 1897473
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my boyfriend keeps staying up until like 4 am and then won't text me back because he's so tired. it's not so annoying to the point where i would want to end things but jesus christ, how difficult is it to go to bed at a normal time and actually go to your classes?
No. 1897479
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>>1896992Kek same here! Why did you know we all loved double D? I never heard this but it's so true and makes sense in the lolcow userbase at least. Is it the same for normies? Reply wise anon! I need your wisdom
No. 1897555
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I’m repulsive to look at and repulsive to be around if I’m not putting on a fake personality. I don’t have a single friend, the last one I thought I had used and betrayed me. I can’t be myself because the real me is unpleasant and not understandable to others. I am so lonely that I even wind up crying in the restroom at work. I will be alone forever and not just regarding friendship, I will never have a woman to hold who loves and is attracted to me. I can’t even fantasize anymore because I know that the women I like would be repulsed by touching me even if they were gay because I was born with the face of a gargoyle. The loneliness builds on you, I didn’t mind so much when I was younger but with every passing year it becomes more and more painful. I will be 25 in a month with not a single connection with another person outside of my parents. I don’t enjoy doing any hobbies. I have nothing to live for and yet I’m supposed to keep living despite yearly compounding misery just because my parents happened to create me and now I’m obligated to exist for them.
If my parents died in some freak accident, I would quit my job and blow all of my savings on trips to other countries just to have a look around this world. Then when I ran out of money I would kill myself. I wish I could do this so badly. I’m getting angry that I can’t. I’m getting angry at everyone else in the world who has friends or the potential to find a partner or even one hobby they enjoy. I have nothing.
No. 1897593
>>1897564yeah i mean incels shoot up schools and murder women and shit but the real crime is
femcels posting cringe
No. 1897594
>>1897564Incels literally rape and kill people because women won’t fuck them.
>>1897566I don’t know why this vent pisses me off so much kek. It’s a little bit of a retarded way of looking at things. But yeah, society and living sucks objectively but it’s only because people have made it that way. Just don’t buy into it. There is a sort of bird’s-eye view way of looking at things that allows you to just kind of marvel at the ridiculousness at it all.
That being said, I’m younger than you by about a decade and find the neuroticism older gen z and millennial women have over turning 30 to be so ridiculous. It’s not the end of the world, it’s not even a bad thing in the first place, stop having a crisis and get over it. The more you spend wallowing about life when you’re most likely a person in a somewhat privileged position compared to most of the world and still in the first half of your life the, the less time you have to actually enjoy the parts of it that are ok. We are all going to die and it won’t matter then anyway.
No. 1897595
>>1897566Seconding this
>>1897578 spacing every new sentence is retarded and makes it harder to read. And judging by this post you don't stay on topic, you jump around and ramble too much in a "im 14 and this is deep" way, your post has no substance: Water is blue. Ants crawl. I had a cup of juice. Reading a post like that is boring as all hell. If it ever had a point you lost it when you changed topic just one sentence later. If you had posted just 1 part of your weirdly spaced out message you'd have a much higher chance of someone replying to it.
No. 1897599
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Glad that people are moving on from hyperfixating on Genshin to hyperfixate on Hazbin Hotel. I'd take a tumblr-based media with edgy sexymen demons anytime over a soulless overdesigned chinese gacha game. Hope this makes people realize how much they wasted on that shit. Any money spent on gacha is wasted, no buts. I'm not even a fan of Hazbin Hotel, just a hater of Genshin, everything about it it's so fake and constructed that it's insulting
No. 1897616
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I got this ad while browsing IG. This is disgusting.
No. 1897621
>>1897606>nucaninot into bl
>mystic messengerugly as fuck guys
No. 1897622
>>1897613homestuck at least had some sort of consistent writing and didn't have microtransation embellished by generic anime twinks. Look at the concept, not the opera per se.
>>1897614Keep filling the pockets of that shitty company then, every media is better than a generic looking gacha game, nona. Go back coping when your hard earned money doesn't make you pull your husbando.png
No. 1897627
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>>1897623She's right though.
No. 1897628
>not into blBold of you to assume that Genshin isn't just a massive fujobait.
>>1897624Never spent a cent on a gacha game in my life. I don't even spend money on shit like Netflix. When you spend money on the access of something and not something per se and can be swiped anytime from under your feet, it's all wasted. I found disgusting that it's basically gambling, I'm from Europe and there was a debate wether or not ban gachas and loot boxes due to their gambling nature and god I wish it would go on and let us be free from this plague
No. 1897631
>>1897566>>1897611>people ignore my posts>no one reponds to meno offence but social media has messed up your expectations about engagement. an anon website isn't going to give you that kind of attention
>>1897599i get your point about gacha games, i really do, but hazbin and whateve that other cartoon is are so visually ugly i get a visceral reaction whenever i see a pic.
No. 1897644
I am haunted by one singular interaction from high school. If I think about it for too long I feel like I’m going to throw up. I was bullied throughout my schooling for being ugly and weird. Even my friend group of similarly ugly girls would admit to me that I was definitely the ugliest. That’s all run of the mill for me though. What really dealt me the fatal blow was one day in speech class in senior year, I had entered a phase where I was trying to look out together at least and had started to feel less bad ability myself because even though I was still ugly, at least I looked mentally competent. Anyway, this day during a lull in class, two FRESHMAN cheerleaders came up to me out of nowhere, I had never talked to them and said, and this is burned into my brain to this day, “Hey, we just wanted to say you’re really pretty.” I could not believe they really fucking had the nerve or cluelessness to really fucking do that to me. I just stared at them with the best poker face I could muster. Even the other kids at my table just looked down at their desks in silence. Their one comment single-handedly ruined every ounce of self confidence I had gained and I have never gotten it back even 10 years later. Because what it told me is that even when I try my hardest to give off a good, neat-looking impression, the first thing people think of internally is “oh dear. She’s so ugly, but look how hard she’s trying. That’s so depressing,” and those two 14 year old cheerleaders didn’t have the life experience yet to realize that trying to “help” via obvious unnatural pity compliment is only telling the person “not only are you ugly, but you’re SO ugly that you inspire pity in those around you.”
Fuck my life. This plays in my head every day as I get ready in the morning, trying to look professional. I’ve contemplated faking an accident that causes facial damage so that I can get obvious reconstruction surgery and then the pity will be because of my injury and not because of the face I was born with.
No. 1897669
>>1897664>It's like they can be socially successful despite being nerfed by the autism.yeah unlike you they're probably either rich, hot, or both. probably had better parents too. if they were an ugly poorfag with autism +
abusive shitty parents they wouldn't have all that
No. 1897680
>>1897602>The moids in genshin at least are cute Get better tastes, they're the most generic anime boys, get a load of NitroChiral.
Anyway, since when are we defending gacha games? Homestuck fans were annoying, but Genshin has some Steven Universe-tier rabid fans, all for some anime boys and money pulls, y'all okay? You are acting like sweaty love live fans nonna, get a fucking grip.
No. 1897681
>>1894573No joke, exercise daily.
I could have written this exact post 2 years ago and working out kinda changed my life
No. 1897688
>>1897680>NitroChiral>not genericare you blind
nonny? at least genshit doesnt have an ugly old man, gross.
No. 1897692
>>1897665>anons on here can be harsh but imo they’re still giving advice, just not sugarcoating it.oh like this helpful post?
>>1896966or how bout this one?
>>1896969or the time anons jumped on an anon who was sexually assaulted at her university a few years ago? or when they attacked an anon trying to pay for her sister's medical care?
No. 1897701
>>1897692what are you going on about now? is this turning into a debate on whether anonymous users on lolcow are all nice? because I never argued that point. and why would I be talking about a redtexted post kek
I’m curious, how would you respond to that anon’s post?
No. 1897702
>>1897691>>1897691Why cant you just accept everyone has different tastes? i find DMM guys downright disgusting, specially mink for being old and ugly. They also all have different aesthetics, which make them look like they belong on different games. Or they have downright retarded dorky design choices, like aoba's retarded hair that's tied to his retarded lore or noiz stupic over designed outfit.
>>1897698thats completly subjective, anon. I find it 3deep5u cringe with ugly designs. Everyone has different opinions and neither my opinion or yours has more worth over the other.
No. 1897795
>>1897779Lol what retarded logic is this? So people who get breast reductions due to pain and discomfort are "hollow" and lying to themselves? If a dog mauled your face, it would be how you look at the moment, so yes it will be you. Same goes for plastic surgery, pregnancy, or any physical changes you go through. Human beings don't have one true face and body uwu, it changes through life. On you if you don't want to get plastic surgery, but don't act like it's some noble cause.
>The ugly genes I was born with is nature’s way of filtering me out of the gene pool and to me it feels sad and pathetic to try to fight against that (and probably still fail).I somehow don't think it's the ugly gene you have to worry about.
No. 1897824
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>>1897738ayrt, sakamoto stuff goes hard and you're wrong, period.
No. 1897910
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i feel like i’m in perfect blue. my severe sleep deprivation is causing me to not know whether i hallucinated a moment or not. i need to take my sleeping pills in time because it happens whenever i sleep for 3-4 hours a night for several days in a row. i’m starting to wonder if depriving myself of sleep is some kind of form of self harm.
No. 1897916
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i posted in the last thread about my struggles with burn out and panic attacks and starting to fail college. i had two better days but knew they wouldnt last so i sought out medicine and i am a mess on day 3. not worse, but still unable to do anything, really. my brain is foggy. i am crying so much. i am having mood swings and making my boyfriend depressed with how negative and stressful i have been. i feel ashamed. i wonder if this will get better or im wasting my time? its hard to workout these past 3 days. even harder to sit and focus on my homework so that hasnt improved. i want to do the things i love and do my homework again with ease. i dont even wish to go to ballet tonight because i feel so foggy and sad and im worried about drivign or messing up. i know i should go but why do that when i have homework i must be doing? i miss being empathetic and not a whiny fuck up. i miss being productive. i wish i could be normal again. im very much debating suicide and not in a struggling and need help way but as a legitimate option because i feel like i am far too broken. yeah i have many good things in life to be grateful for and i could dedicate my life to animal activism and helping others but how the fuck do i do any of that if i cant even do my online assignments or basic tasks or be stable? i am LOST. i have goals and a person i wish to be but working out therapy meditation etc. has no resolved this spiral. i want to be okay. ive sat in bed crying and scrolling my phone because i cannot sit for more than 2 hours and do assignments from this medicine. i wasnt any better before. i have become so much worse.
No. 1897920
Out of all the shitty places I've worked, Target is the fucking worst solely due to the work environment and culture which breeds catty, two-faced, back-handed bitches (MEN AND WOMEN, ESPECIALLY THE COCKSUCKING FAGGOTS) like no other place I have ever worked at. You get the people who think they're hot shit and you're a loser bitch because they've worked at Target for seven years and you've only been there a year, you have the faggots who are rude as fuck because they're untouchable thanks to muh inclusivity, you have the trannies who are rude as fuck because they're untouchable due to muh inclusivity, you have to walk around and stare at the trannoid indoctrination toddler books that they sell because of muh inclusivity, if you ask any of the higher ups a question their faces fall and they stare at you like a retard who just ate shit in front of them. I fucking hate the Target life, I hate the Target culture. I have a friend who has worked there for nearing seven years and all he ever has to talk about his job is just how rude and hostile people are for no good reason. If you're not a catty bitch, they'll sniff it out immediately and they will passively ostracize you in the cattiest, bitchiest way. One of my HR managers told me that I don't have an excuse to drink a bottle of juice on the floor (I'm type 1 diabetic) and when told of my federally recognized disability he said "a lot of Target employees have diabetes and manage it just fine so what's your problem" and this "woke" and "inclusive" company didn't do shit about it because he's a cocksucking faggot, so he's untouchable.
No. 1897970
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>>1897962>>1897963like i said, ban deserved kek. what great discussion this post holds
No. 1897972
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>>1897970how about you post the post we are discussing? the one were anon was criticizing pedo loli characters from a videogame, in the thread to talk about sexism in videogames?
No. 1897996
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>>1897942Can you really blame us when shit like this happens? Recently there was also a 14 year old girl who had this happen to her so much she tried to kill herself over it.
No. 1898050
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I really am getting fucking tired of uggos commenting on women's looks and making it into a career. Fix your own fucking face, people like this need to be bred out of the gene pool.
No. 1898063
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>>1898050Not only are they uggos but they're also homosexuals. Stick to men and leave women alone.
No. 1898135
>>1898122You know that's a bad idea because the majority of times, those who try to kill themselves fail and then they have to be an even bigger burden than before.
I just want to know, are you disabled? Are you 90 years old? Do you need to take daily some ridiculously expensive medications to stay alive?
No. 1898175
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I was just blamed for being harassed by a moid from 4chan and a friend I frenzoned. They accused me of seducing men and leading them on when I done neither. They hated my cat/ cow posting. I only stayed on because I made a few friend on it. It hurts so much Nonnies. I want to cry.
No. 1898186
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I look EXACTLY like dwight from The Office as a 25 y/o woman and I only just realized it. Only I have a stronger jawline and am about 1 point uglier on the 1-10 scale. My glasses are better though.
No. 1898190
>>1898177Killing time. Also the friends I made were anti- liberal and hated troons, so that's why I stayed on. I can't talk to anyone else IRL about these things because I'm Canadian and everything is super progressive.
>>1898178Oh definitely. I didn't hook up at all and only talked to them. Then both men wouldn't leave me alone. I talked to my friends on 4chan about it and I guess thses scotes saw.
No. 1898230
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>>1898128Totally, just when I thought she couldnt stoop any lower this happens.
She pretty much degraded women as far as she could shes gonna start on girls and children next with this BS.
No. 1898231
File: 1708653678038.png (22.31 KB, 448x568, me.png)

>>1898216>>1898222I can't because things are forever on the internet, but here is what I assure you is a shockingly accurate drawing of what i look like irl
No. 1898245
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>>1898231so do you just look like a female nerdy dwight or are you a nerd irl? you should dwightmaxx if you are.
if it makes you feel better, a lovely nonna introduced me to a cursed cartoon called froutopia and i shit you not i look EXACTLY like this orange dude, no celebrity resembles me more than this thing. nonna, if youre reading this, it haunts me, it really does.
No. 1898251
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>visited my mom at her job and she wanted to introduce me to her coworkers
>one of them immediately said “wow your daughter looks so much like your husband”
No. 1898253
>>1898245ayrt KEKKKKKKK my sides. I love that thing so much now wtf. And I guess I'm a nerd irl I don't really have any hobbies except watching medical/surgical lectures on youtube
>>1898247of course i am anon, i look like if dwight schrute was born into the Hapsburg family
No. 1898270
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>>1898260You may not believe me, but the pixie is actually the best haircut on me according to everyone I know (and also myself). Of course I still look bad, but I look bad regardless of hairstyle since I am ugly. I had a variety of longer hair cuts my whole life and I always looked very bad in them, I think because they weigh my face down even more and accentuate my egg head, allow me to illustrate. Having volume at the top with the pixie is the best i will get.
No. 1898290
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>>1898270This is as rough draft but maybe try a hairstyle like this nona.
No. 1898306
>>1898296I'm sorry
Nonnie, but I'm too upset and tired from crying to answer all your questions.
No. 1898338
File: 1708659596062.jpg (388.48 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Pop Team Epic -…)

>>1898268Samefag. The lead talked to him when I was on the toilet writing this and the guy said "if it was me two years ago I would've slapped the shit out of her" and the lead called him a pussy.
Awesome. Now I can worry about violence from not only the drunk moids but also my own co-worker!
No. 1898417
File: 1708667943114.png (179.76 KB, 444x417, Screenshot_25.png)

i wonder if i'll get that retail job i applied for. even if i do, could i work it properly? it seems so hyper normie. and i haven't had a full conversation with anyone online or off in years, interviews aside.
i'm tired kek but my bank account's basically empty. need to sell some plasma…
No. 1898531
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This is everything wrong with Rate Your Music in a nutshell, holy crap it's like I've hit the motherload. It's like the ultimate amalgamation of all the embarrassing people that have polluted the site in the last five years or so. Trannies and weeaboos literally everywhere, shitting up the charts with their crap music.
No. 1898546
File: 1708681418054.png (49.65 KB, 169x203, Screenshot 2024-02-23 10.36.14…)

I thought I finally managed to make friends with a normie girl,
but she takes days to text back, and finally admitted that she does it when she's drunk, because with some people she's only able to interact that way, and I'm one of them.
No. 1898663
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>>1898658This made me kek and honestly the other anon proposing exercise scares me.
No. 1898710
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>watch YouTube video about American Girl doll Christian knockoffs because I'm genuinely interested in them
>youtuber is confused on why people considered American Girl a conservative thing
>her reasons for why it isn't is Addy was an ex-slave and Smantha fought for women's rights and against child labor
I'm flabbergasted that she honestly doesn't know what a conservative in 2024 is and that both conservative and liberal stances have changed dramatically over the years.
It's just a dumb statement, women have had the right to vote for 104 years. Slavery has been abolished for 159 years! Conservativism is all about nostalgia. Point to me a Conservative Rally that's about bringing back child labor, slavery, or revoking women's right to own land and vote! If you do find one that's a far right one maybe but I don't think I've heard them fight for it either.
Of course all the girls at least Molly and back would be considered Conservative (cept Kaya) by today's standards since they were religious in the context of their time and not a damn one of them would be at a pride parade, none of them were even socialist or communist so you can't argue those bits either.
Kirsten, Josaphina, and Rebecca assimilated in their own ways
Addy and Kit by today's standards would be considered if not conservative then centrist
Samantha likewise and she would be a TERF so might as well be right-wing as far as some care
Felicity, Molly, and Caroline definitely support the troops
Julie and the historic characters introduced after her, maybe but that's not the era of the company people call conservative.
Minor spelling mistakes, sorry
No. 1898761
>>1898753I think the earliest one I saw was a Ranking Video be Darling Dollz but that was uploaded 2 years ago. I only saw it appear after grabbing like 10 books for free from a 2nd & Charles free book bin.
I also saw the Kirsten Epic by Babbit Kate recently too.
No. 1898793
>>1898346Retarded humans never want to take responsibility for their own allowance of backyard breeding/
abusive training practices making violent dogs lmao
No. 1898796
>>1898776I'm also an autist, it does you no good to blame the people around you, it will only make you bitter and resentful. Also getting a diagnosis earlier does not mean your life would have been easier or better. Awareness has come a LONG way just in 10-15 years (getting worse again from tiktok/social media now though). Being labelled a retard can just make the adults give up on you instead of getting you the help you need. Any flaw to be worked on - nope, just permanent autism, can't be fixed so let's give up on that kid. And having school kids scream "autist retard" at you and bully you wouldn't exactly have made you more confident either.
Also it's possible the adults around you did actually notice something was "off" about you, but in the world they grew up in labelling someone as mentally ill and disordered in any way was a life-ruining sentence 90% of the time. So not pathologizing something you may very well have grown out of in just a few years probably wasn't a bad call. Getting an autism diagnosis as an adult is in my opinion the ideal time to get it, because you're finally old enough to actually process what it all means! And without risking making it into an "identity" the way kids do (because you're hopefully more mature). Your life isn't over, it has only just begun. It will be fine nona!
No. 1899040
>>1898890Girl DO NOT let her or your memory of her gaslight you into thinking she wasn't the fuckup here.
She's a grown woman and has to learn that there are consequences to her choices, including choosing a red flag cheating moid over her sister.
No. 1899098
>>1898904For fuck's sake, Nonni. That's pretty serious.
I don't know what to say.
No. 1899106
>>1899098Other than channel your hate for your shit mom to overcome it. She doesn't deserve the social brownie points of a dead child, and you know she'd spin things in a way that would make it seem like she cared when she didn't.
Let that fuel you and live!
No. 1899109
>>1899070You can't win with men who have kids from a previous relationship. Either they spend as little time with their own kids as they can get away with (or are allowed to) and that makes them a shitty father and person or they do spend a lot of time with them and that's all bagage you don't need or deserve. And your trashbag only spends two weekends a month with his own blood and still manages to make it your bagage!
Men with kids are expired goods.
I repeat
Men with kids are expired goods.
Men with kids are expired goods.
No. 1899181
File: 1708724591943.jpg (23.18 KB, 640x632, hhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg)

>>1899177Look at the bright side: he's a drummer so at least he can keep a rythm while fucking.
No. 1899188
>>1898954Thank you
nonnie I'm just so mad at myself, I had convinced myself this time she would be different and of course I was just being naive and retarded ugh. For my disease: the 2B part describes how much it has spread. I have a 26mm adenocarcinoma which has spread to some of the lymph nodes nearby. I actually caught it pretty early so its possible it is curable but a bit unlikely, I'm waiting for follow up MRI so my doctors can decide if its possible to cut the fucker out or not. If they can its like a 10-20% chance I can be cured, if not I could live a few more years depending on how treatment goes. Scary part is I don't have any symptoms at all as far as I can tell, my doctor found it by accident when I was getting a scan for something else
No. 1899197
>>1899186same. even at 90 pounds my face looks like a saggier version of selena gomez's face. idk what i'm doing wrong cause i don't even drink alcohol kek
>>1899182also this
No. 1899221
File: 1708728835990.jpg (37.45 KB, 843x800, 1000018852.jpg)

"life didn't begin until I met him" I AM NOT CRYING OVER A FUCKING CUT VIDEO OH MY GOD. I've accepted my fate, I'm too insecure for a relationship but holy fuck gadamn. I guess being a khv isn't too uncommon these days but it does feel kinda odd to just miss out on all that stuff.
No. 1899227
>>1899221you're not missing out on much
i was a khv not too long ago and Lost my v card and to be honest it didn't change anything. My life is still as bland.
I think sometimes when you're not meant for love it just doesn't matter what you physically do
No. 1899261
>>1898796>Being labelled a retard can just make the adults give up on you instead of getting you the help you need. NTA but yeah as someone in a similar situation I grew up in the early to mid 90's and with an assburger diagnosis I would've been put into special ed with severely cognitively challenged barely intelligible medical cases. I would've been singled out even worse and the diagnosis would've been a stigma growing up.
What I do think though is that being aware that it isn't just me being an idiot and constantly crying and kicking myself for failing to "fix" myself when my brain just wasn't wired that way and it was a neurological condition would've saved me a lot of self esteem issues and helped me to cope and deal with things like sensory overload. But on the other hand, I still would've probably been treated as a retard child and wouldn't have been taught those skills. Anons clown on "everyone having autism now!!!11" and all the clout chasing "this is how I stim" people on Tiktok are extremely cringe but I'm so glad that the awareness is being spread and especially female autism is being recognized more in kids and they receive appropriate counseling for it.
No. 1899362
File: 1708739815723.jpg (108.29 KB, 1170x1155, 1000002789.jpg)

People who have to tweet dozens upon dozens of times a day are incapable of living with themselves omg just shut up. Never saying anything just talking in circles desperate for engagement. They always talk about how much they hate Twitter no you don't you're a slave to it. Lord fucking have mercy read a book go for a brisk walk stop terrorizing people with your shit half baked opinions because you're lonely
No. 1899416
>>1899188You seem to be taking this pretty well, it's impressive. I hope you beat the odds
nonny. And I think you should cut off your horrible narc mother now if you can, don't let her use your story for her narc games.
No. 1899569
>>1899561I used to make jokes at anons all the time and they'd just riff back. Now it's just autists taking things extremely literally. Back in my day, autists used to be able to shitpost.
>>1899563You said you wanted to hire a male prostitute and make him roleplay anime with you like special needs Pretty Woman please thicken your skin the world is too dark for you
No. 1899586
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>>1899581Gayest thing I've ever seen.
No. 1899589
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>>1899587What you get irl
No. 1899592
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My surveillance camera caught a man trespassing on my property in broad daylight today. I want to get out of this hellhole.
No. 1899604
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>>1899602Her husbando is four years old fr?
No. 1899607
File: 1708755946438.gif (1.05 MB, 250x180, 1000002884.gif)

>mfw i will never have schizophrenic megalomaniacal rich egotistical manipulative seething boyfriend
I always want what I can't have…I've gotten into relationships with male BPDlets and I hate to say it but it's always fun. Sometimes I wonder if I'll get bored of a typical relationship. I know it's not good for me but the rush is like nothing else.
No. 1899612
>>1899602He's just a cute guy that isnt super tall or has muscle.Ensemble Stars is good because it gives bishies variety. I don't like assholes that want to put me into cages so 99% of shojo/otomes/joseimukes filters me like the plague, I like having the option of a cute boy that isn't mean for once.
>>1899604he's canonically 17
No. 1899618
>>1899581I used to be hardcore into enstars so I'll defend you
nonnie (my husbando was Tsumugi)
No. 1899648
I feel so absolutely unloved and worthless. I cant deal with how fucking socially awkward I am. can’t deal with seeing my family succumb to fucked up illnesses. I can’t deal with having literally no talents, I’m absolutely mediocre and I’d hardly be mourned if I died. But I can’t leave my family alone… I’m the sole provider. I sleep 5 hours a day so I can afford it all and it’s so exhausting, I want free time desperately, I want to hangout with others, I want to feel missed. I want to hit on the girl I like but I look like a fucking thumb. Not even my family can muster up compliments kek they say I look “peculiar”. It’s so over. I have no problem attracting men but I’m not into them, and they will fuck roadkill so like. Worthless. Idk what to do, if could fix any of that, thought it’d just make my chronically ill family members get better and just chalk up my life as a huge loss and jump in the ocean.
Oh, and unrelated, but because I’m an obnoxious enstarrie and I’m also petty: Sakuma is my dear husbando, followed with Isara whom I occasionally cheat with.
No. 1899659
File: 1708759793290.png (818.69 KB, 1000x462, tomochin.png)

>>1899639I don't like to vent about my husbando here because i know people will think i am mocking anons with serious issues, but it seriously hurts to know he's the second least popular character. You don't know how hard it is to live yearning for love, but knowing 3D men are incapable of loving. I am like a sim that can't met it's basic needs, constantly crying in the floor next to it's burnt smelly mac a cheese. You think i like brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, going out, working? I don't, i want to curl up in my bed and collect dust, but that would make him sad wouldn't it? I want to end it all, i am clearly not made for this world, but if i do i won't be able to see him anymore. My husbando is the only thing that cheers me up, that keeps me going. It makes me happy to know that, although 2D, there is a world where men aren't porn addicted freaks, where they dress for you, are nice to you, love you unconditionaly and are capable of being pure and bring happiness into the world. Knowing that despite my husbando trying really hard he's still the least popular character hurts, it burns. And knowing i am not influential enough to change that hurts. I am not good enough at anything. I cant make him pretty fanart, i cant spend lots of money to show the company people are interested in him, i am just a lone person enjoying my husbando by myself, alone.
No. 1899662
>>1899656It's my post. I figured the
>"Hi Friends!">"perchance">clear humorous dichotomy of anons posting about seriously grave life issues next to underage husbando sperging>sign off with "Thanks!" like a work emailmade it exceedingly obvious. Like I'm actually not sure what more I could have done without including an emoji. Even our new farmhands can't recognize jokes anymore, I think you're right that the autist to normie ratio is getting so skewed that the lolcow joke economy is failing.
No. 1899674
nonnie, he motivates me enough to the point i went from neeting to working on a game just to be able to afford his in-game outfits. All for him. Life still overall sucks and is lonely, but having him now has improved my life a lot. I cannot remember almost anything from when i was 14-21 because i was on a lot of meds, but now thanks to him i have nice memories and i want to get better.
No. 1899754
File: 1708772132459.jpeg (38.77 KB, 549x542, IMG_3667.jpeg)

I have hated my grandma my whole life because she was verbally abusive to me my whole childhood. She looked after me until my mom got home at night and she was so fucking cruel to me. Tore down my appearance, my personality, everything and it still fucking effects me as an adult
She’s in the icu and it’s not looking like she’s going to make it and I always thought I’d be happy and secretly celebrate but I just feel so sad. I saw her tonight and she’s just this frail, confused old woman. She fucking tormented me and is absolutely a narcissist but I still feel guilty.
What if I didn’t forgive easily enough? What if something happened to her when she was young and that’s why she is the way she is? Why didn’t she just fucking look internally and accept that something is wrong with the way she thinks and acts and get help?
Why is this bothering me so bad. Why do I care so much about how her feelings when she never cared about mine.
I feel so horrible and guilty and I can’t stop crying. I just need a fucking hug
No. 1899776
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>>1899754Anon, you're a normal human being with a heart, it's natural that the whole situation makes you feel sad. I think that's just what being reminded of our mortality feels like. Realizing how frail human life is invokes a sense of compassion. You can be compassionate even to your enemy, and she's not some stranger to you. However, you don't have to forgive her if it means justifying or rationalizing her behavior and diminishing your feelings about it. She was a grown-up person with a free will, and she chose to be like that. It's understandable that you hated her and could've wished something bad happening to her in especially bad moments, but it's just thoughts. You're not really guilty of anything. Sending you a virtual hug, nonita
No. 1899811
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>>1899754Im so sorry
nonnie, narc abuse cuts deep. You can mourn and feel empathy for her, you're only being human. But you do not have to forgive her for what she did to you. Having a bad childhood does not mean what she did to you was ok.
No. 1899814
Nona deleted before I could properly reply. I'm that idiot
>>1899778That went straight to my heart, thank you. Guess I really am lonely already.. always shitty to realise how lonely you can be even if surrounded by people. Rather hard to see too sometimes. Thank you for taking your time.
No. 1899857
>>1899823god i hate it too
"oh my god i hate it i never know if people like me for me or for my appearance!"
yeah well im not liked at all so ?
No. 1899904
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>>1899557Imagine being so out of place here that you don't understand what the other anon meant with gay. Go back to reddit for real.
No. 1899971
>>1899907>>1899911I swear to fucking God, agreed. If they wanna keep "Facebook" safe (guess Meta failed so much that they call all the byproduct Zuckerberg bought "Facebook" now) then they should go after people who actually threaten influencers just because they've said the wrong thing online/on TV, not me talking about how I wanna rip the eyeballs out of anyone calling me at work a minute before I get to fuck off back home.
If there were stats that people who work service jobs are more prone to actually kill their coworkers or customers, that'd be fair. But until I see that statistic, they can seriously go lick a frozen telephone pole and die of thirst and starvation with their bullshit.
No. 1900009
File: 1708795494864.gif (3.56 MB, 400x224, 8f3t00.gif)

crying and seething because i'll never get to fuck my celebrity crush. i'm unironically angry about this. i wasn't before but now i am and i don't know why. i'm not his type either so there's absolutely zero chance. there was a point where i almost got over him but it actually made me feel worse, i felt empty and more depressed than usual so i went crawling back. so it's a lose-lose either way. not even the ugliest angles, candid photos, weird behavior and bad rumors were enough to stop me. it's actually kind of fun archiving every little detail in case he tries to backpedal.
No. 1900024
>>1899981Agreed with
>>1900018I'm an apartment owner, have a full time job that's not the worst thing in the world, had sex maybe less than all the fingers on my hands, but even then I wouldn't give anything to have a bf and live together, I like my peace and quiet and the tidied up messes in the house. The other person in my close circle with a boyfriend with whom they have a house still kept her separate apartment in case shit goes south. You gotta be smart in this day and age, being a homeless woman in this world is nothing I wish upon anyone, not even my enemies.
No. 1900030
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>>1899981cry about it normalfag, you're posting on the
femcel website and honestly I'm not too sure this wasn't just an elaborate ruse to make yourself feel better in comparison by having actual
femcel NEETs reply to yyou
No. 1900039
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>>1900009This is how I feel about this old annoying retard
No. 1900112
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I want to be more active in the snow threads but I don't have milk and some of the lol cows situation are just so sad. They're in so deep, their mental illness or bad choices ruined their lives. I can make snide remarks about the fashion choices though.
No. 1900197
>>1900141Oh good Lord they all lack self -awareness. I will, thank you.I
>>1900161If you're scared then you want to survive. I know how you feel. Hang on there.
No. 1900288
File: 1708813832005.png (1.49 MB, 1290x847, black necked stilt.png)

it hurts. its been so long. i feel so alone. i dont know what step to take anymore when ive been in therapy, ive started medicine, and kept doing everything i needed for my health and mental state and it wasnt enough. now i just hate myself. i hate that i cant just do something fun. i hate that i dont allow myself to just go back to things i love. i cant do things withouta to do list but then having one gives me panic attacks. ive lost myself. everything i loved to do, i struggle to do now. what do i fear? instead im just spiraling again in my own head. nonnies, i feel so alone. i feel too scared to play a game, even if it would make me feel ok. or to watch a movie, or do homework. im so tired of complaining buti dont know the fcking solution anymore. nobody does. i want to kill myself but i had hoped it would get better. it doesnt. i feel so lost. i vent here because i have nobody and my boyfriend doesnt deserve to hear me whine. i used to get so lost in the things i loved. the assignments i do are rewarding. why? i wish i could die. it is hard to live a life i am not living.
No. 1900293
File: 1708813899702.jpeg (45.39 KB, 720x720, IMG_1745.jpeg)

>saw a bunch of sandwiches on a table at my college, left for an hour to do my taxes and they were still there when I got back
>asked staff if I could eat one and they said go ahead
>realized after eating it that I had no fucking idea how long they were actually sitting out for (besides and hour) and now my stomach is being extremely loud
I am so dumb with free food
No. 1900353
>>1900303Yes, they were really good looking and someone else that overheard me asking came over to get one too
>>1900328Deli turkey, tomato and lettuce with provolone cheese on ciabatta bread
No. 1900447
I’m so anxious about going to this birthday party tonight. the like +15 attendants are all gendies and I’m a woman with a buzzcut so I’m gonna be bombarded with pronoun questions and the souvenirs always have flags kek. It’s so obvious I don’t fit there, I’ve been way too busy during my teenage years working my ass off to feed myself and was either ignored or treated like shit during my childhood, now that I’m an independent adult and able to express a personality/involve myself in things other than working/hidding… it finally seems like I’m making all of the mistakes I wasn’t allowed to make before (I just didn’t have the opportunity to do anything else). I never had the friend making experienced that everyone did and you can tell. I keep making dumb mistakes a tween would make and I know it’s because I never got to polish any experience way back, it’s so embarrassing and awkward. I’m genuinely scared people are inviting me over just to be nice to the idiot child, since we hardly ever chat… we often run out of things to talk about and there’s just awkward silence. Yet they keep inviting me. And they’re genuinely nice people! Even if the pronoun shit gets on my nerves. I like them as my friends and I’m grateful to have met them. But again, I just don’t fit at all, I’m dreading seeing the birthday girl’s “gf” who is a huge moid in a wig and they have a huge trans flag as a rug. I hate it and it’s two and a half fucking hours away. I dread the awkward silences. Im scared of how off putting I am, of forgetting to plan properly or bring shit like i always do, as if I wad a kid on my first sleepover. I kinda am tho. but I’m madly crushing on my friend who is very sweet and kind to me, and the other two normie girls who invited me seemed excited, asking several times/making sure I could make it. And so, I’ll go.
No. 1900704
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>>1900592it goes both ways; you're going through a very hard time and a good friend would understand that. seriously, trauma, ex-alcoholism, etc, you have a lot of stuff to heal from. does your friend know? she has a right to feel upset but your behavior isn't due to being a "shitty friend" either.
I am biased though. I've had one friend since I was a baby and I had a years long depressive spiral in adulthood. she was still there for me afterwards. in fact we had gotten one another b-day gifts every year even if we weren't able to give them to one another in person.
No. 1900843
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Posted some artwork online of a character from a show with a shit fanbase. I got a comment saying I "whitewashed" the character bc I didn't color their skin dark enough. But the character isnt dark skinned. Should I care? I'm just irritated it even matters. I work hours on something just to be told I dont get one detail right. Wish I could have the attitude of Japanese twitter artists that just draw and dont give a fuck about western art discourse.
No. 1900898
File: 1708850306656.jpg (10.5 KB, 324x100, NOFUNALLOWED.jpg)

The moderation has become so fucking autistic now. If you don't type with perfect punctuation and grammar like some autistic redditor carefully crafting his post, then you're apparently a newfag. Picrel.
>inb4 complain about it in meta
What's the fucking use. Not like the autistic mods will listen anyways. Just gonna be using this website even less now. Thanks for killing this site, I guess.
No. 1900906
File: 1708851768999.gif (10.67 MB, 498x498, angry-kitten-angry-cat.gif)

It's ironic how moids can insult and call women whatever tf they want online but god forbid a woman calls a dude a balding faggot cuz it's homophobic!!1!! Like, the mentality that women are suppose to be above calling moids derogatory insults is absurd. No, males aren't going to "learn" from you eDucAting them civilly, cause most of them will never listen or understand others besides themselves. In fact, most of them simply enjoy hurting and triggering others. It boggles me that some women don't acknowledge this fact. The best we can do to at least bruise their ego is to insult them with something worse, even if it means calling them a slur for the sole purpose of putting them in their place and humiliating them.
No. 1900988
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>minor negative thought enters my brain
>mood starts spiraling down and feeling super fucking low
>day ruined
is this what they call intrusive thoughts?
No. 1901154
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Today is the day: we moving out to my now deceased brother's house. I've been waiting for this day like I were waiting for a terminal diagnosis: with dread. Everyone is excited about our family moving out but me, they say "oh good for you guys, it's a new start!!" NEW? It's the former crackhouse were I used to live and were my brother OD'd 7 years ago. I had to fight drug dealers and thugs there, rats everywhere, almost got raped, found a body, etc. That house ain't nothing new, I wish we were actually moving to a new place but my life sucks ass. I always wanted to move out with my family, but NO of course it gotta be that damn house. They "renovated" it, and even brought a priest and shit but that place will forever be cursed with demonic energy I'm actually scared I'm going to get haunted by my brother's ghost or whatever imp that caused his demise. Why couldn't we move to a new home? LC is literally keeping me sane atm, nothing feels real and it's the only thing that keeps me grounded to reality
No. 1901178
>>1901164>The aspie hallmonitor zoomers can’t take a day off can youThis. It's so infuriating
>>1901167The quality and quantity of what a vent is or how much it affects you personally is up for debate
That said yeah that creampie post is retarded as fuck lmao
No. 1901189
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one week into wellbutrin, period is coming, been only able to sleep 4-5 hours a night trying melatonin too and today i had an autistic emotional outburst after a fight with my mother. ive been so agitated and mood swingy and i told her im feeling suicidal and she said she doesnt care anymore what i do. i took a shower to calm down and i wanted to call my boyfriend to say goodbye but i think that might be too traumatizing. i think im just mentally fucked up forever nonnies i tried to do everything right i even worked out this morning but i dont know if its the lack of sleep or medication or period coming but it isnt normal. anyway this has been building up but im going to go do it with the end goal in mind. im so sorry if anyone has ever had to feel this way. i know im very selfish for this.
No. 1901224
>>1901214don't be dumb and do that, you don't sound juvenile or anything you just sound overslept and like your mom is probably a twat to live with. I lived with an argumentative mom and that shit gets to your soul, you just need to get away from your mom and not live with someone you're arguing with who says horrible things about how you should die, ofcourse you can't sleep well around that. Think of if you lived with a bf like that, you'd feel suicidal too.
Do you like videogames? I watch 100 day series of video games I like and lay in bed and load myself up on nytol and kalms and sleep. everything you're feeling right now is from a hostile loved one LIVING with you and a lack of sleep, it's not permanent and it can be fixed, i've been in the same spot as you and I promise this is just a low swing, it's not as permanent as it seems